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お二人は大好きな仕事に いそしんでいました
あなたは 議員として 大事にしていた 有権者との集会に 参加していました そして マークは 期待に胸を膨らませ スペースシャトルの次の飛行に 備えていました
でも 突然 二人が計画し― 思い描いていた 未来がすべて 跡形もなく 崩れ去ります
マーク・ケリー: 見事なまでに マーク・ケリー: 見事なまでに 一瞬にして 物事は変わってしまうのです
そんなこと 夢にも思わないでしょう
私も そうでした
ギャビー・ギフォーズ: そうです
あの土曜日の朝 私はギャビーの 首席補佐官から 恐ろしい電話を 受けました
とにかく情報が なかったようで
「ギャビーが銃撃された」 とだけ告げられました
数分後 私は電話をします 一瞬でも 思ってしまったのです あの電話は 夢だったのではないかと
首席補佐官に 電話をかけ直すと 「ギャビーは頭を撃たれた」 と言われました
その瞬間から 私たちの人生は 大きく変わるんだ と理解しました
あなたが病院に 到着されたとき 病院からは どのような診断を 伝えられたのですか? ギャビーの容体や どれくらい回復の見込みがあるのか 聞かれたのでしょうか?
頭部の銃撃による 外傷性脳損傷の場合 医者も 何とも言えないことが 多いのです
傷にもよるので 予想がつかないのです 同じ外傷性脳損傷でも 予測がつきやすい脳卒中のようには 行かないのです 病院側でも ギャビーの昏睡状態が いつまで続くのか
いつになれば 昏睡状態から抜け出し どんな後遺症が残るのか 分かりませんでした
ギャビー この回復は あなたにとって 新しいギャビー・ギフォーズに なることでしたか? それとも 昔のギャビー・ギフォーズを 復活させることでしたか?
新しい私です 前より良く 強く タフな
(拍手) そうですね 前の写真を ご覧いただければ こうしたケガを 乗り越え 立ち直り 以前よりも強くなることが どれほど大変か お分かりいただけるでしょう
この最愛の妻ほど 強い人なんて 他にいないでしょう
(拍手) 最初の兆し― 体の傷が 癒えるだけでなく ギャビーと二人で 思い描いていた人生を 少しでも取り戻せると 感じたのは どんなときでしたか?
私が最初に そう感じたのは ほぼ意識がなかった ギャビーが ICUのベッドで いつもの仕草を しているのを見たときです レストランで 食事をしているときに 彼女がよくしていた癖 なのですが 指輪を はずして 指から指へと 指輪を転がすのです あれを見たとき ギャビーは そこにいるんだ と確信しました
ある言葉も 口にされたそうですが
最初に聞かれたときは 驚かれましたか?
最初は つらかったですね ―何、何? チキン、チキン、チキンって
ああ そうだったね
最初の1ヶ月 ギャビーが話せるのは それが精一杯でした
どういうわけか 彼女は失語症になったのです 意思疎通が困難になる 病気です
なぜか「チキン」という 単語は使えました 最高ではないですが 最悪でもないですよね
私たちは 実際 これよりも もっと悪い事態もある と思っていましたから
ギャビー ここまで回復する上で 一番つらかったことは 何でしょうか?
話すこと とても難しい とても
失語症のギャビーは 言いたいことはあるのに それをうまく 伝えられない状態です
すべて理解しているのに 意思疎通をするのが ただ難しいんです 写真をご覧いただければ 分かる通り 脳で意思疎通を つかさどる部分が 左側頭部にあるのですが そこを銃弾が 通過しています
だから 大きな危険を 冒さないといけないんですね 妻の代わりに 話すなんて
ギャビー 今後の回復について 楽観的に お考えですか? もっと 歩いたり 話したり 腕や足を動かしたり できるようになると?
楽観的です 長く つらい道のりでしょう でも 楽観的です
これぞ ギャビー・ギフォーズですね そうでしょう?(拍手) ギャビーはずっと 楽観的です
毎日 本当に 頑張っています
ルームランナー ルームランナーで歩いた スペイン語のレッスン フレンチ・ホルン
私の妻だからこそ― 銃撃前のギャビーを ご存知の方なら ご理解いただける と思いますが ケガを負って 意思疎通も ままならず 言語療法士の 治療を受けている― そんな彼女が 1ヶ月くらい前 「スペイン語を学び直したいわ」 と言うんですよ
この奥さんについて もう少し詳しく ご紹介しましょう こちらは― あなたが出会う前の ギャビーです
スクーターに 乗っていますが 本当の ギャビー・ギフォーズより ずっと控えめな姿ではないか と思います ギャビーは オートバイ・レースもしていましたからね
あれはスクーターですが 持っていたのは― ギャビーは今でも BMWのオートバイを持っていますよ
乗るんですか? ―それは難しいですね 右腕を動かすことが できないですから でも 面ファスナーの ようなものがあれば また乗れるように なるかもしれません 面ファスナーで 右手をハンドルに固定するんです
今度 そんな写真を 見るような気がしますね ギャビー
さて お二人が 出会ったとき あなたは 軍隊に 人生を捧げると決められていて
陸軍に入って そして 宇宙飛行士になりました
お二人が 出会ったとき
ギャビーのどこに 惹かれましたか?
初めて会ったのはバンクーバーで 不思議なことに― バンクーバーに来たのは それ以来です― 10年ほど前に バンクーバーの 空港で会いました 二人とも 中国に行くところでした 仕事柄 私に言わせれば 「公費の無駄遣い」ですが
ギャビーは― ―「実態調査」です
彼女に言わせれば 重要な実態調査なわけです
当時 彼女は 州の上院議員でした ここ 空港で 私たちは会い 中国に向かいました
すぐに恋に 落ちたのでしょうか?
いえ いえ
長いこと お友だちのままでした
その通りよ 1年くらい経ってから ギャビーから誘いを受けました デートに 誘ってくれたんです
そう 初デートは アリゾナ州の フローレンス刑務所の 死刑囚監房でした ギャビーの州議員管轄区の すぐ外ですが
アリゾナ州では 当時 犯罪と刑罰 それと 死刑制度に関する 議論がされていました
ギャビーは 単に同行者を 探していただけですが 私は 「もちろん 死刑囚監房行きたい!」 という感じでした
それが 初デートでした
以来ずっと一緒です ―その通りね
もしかすると このことも ギャビーが結婚を決めた 理由かもしれませんね
あなたも死刑囚監房に 行きたかったわけですし
ギャビー マークとの結婚を決めた理由は?
良いお友だち 親友 親友
やっぱり 私たちはずっと 特別な つながりが あったんだと思います
大変なことも 一緒に乗り越え 結びつきは強まるばかりでした ―より強く
ですが 結婚後も それぞれの生活を 続けられたようですね
いわゆる 通い婚でした
私たちの場合 ワシントンD.C、ヒューストン ツーソンを行き来しました
時には 時計回りで 時には 反時計回りで それらの場所を まわっていました 一緒に住むことに なったのは あの土曜日の朝が 初めてでした
ギャビーが銃撃されて 1時間も経たないうちに ツーソン行きの 飛行機に乗り そのときに すべてが 変わったのです
ギャビー あなたは州議員を務めたあと 連邦議会議員に 立候補し そこで 6年働かれました
連邦議会で 一番良かったことは 何でしょう?
速いペース 速いペース
そんな風に仕事をしたんですね ―そう 速いペース
その表現は 議論のあるところでしょうけど
確かに 法律制定の過程は 途方もなく ゆっくりしたペースですね でも妻と― そして正直に言えば 知っている多くの 連邦議員の方も 必死に 仕事をされています
ギャビーは 狂ったかのように走りまわり 1日たりとも 休みませんでした 休んでも せいぜい 1ヶ月に半日です 起きている間はずっと 仕事ばかりです ギャビーは それが生き甲斐でしたし 今でもそうです ―そう、そう
ご自宅にも ソーラーパネルを 設置されているんですね
悲惨な事件のあと マーク あなたは 宇宙飛行士を 辞めることを 決心されました 次の宇宙飛行を 間近に 控えていたにも かかわらずです
ギャビーを始め 皆が― 戻るように 説得にかかり 結局 続けることに なりました
そうですね ギャビーが撃たれた翌日 私は上司に電話しました 主席宇宙飛行士の ペギー・ウィットソン博士に こう言いました 「ペギー 宇宙に飛び立つまで あと3ヶ月だと 分かっているのですが
ギャビーが昏睡状態で 僕はツーソンにいます
僕の代わりを 見つけてください」
宇宙飛行士を 辞めたのではなく 予定していた仕事をあきらめ NASAは代理を見つけたんです
数ヶ月後 2ヶ月後だったでしょうか 私は 元の仕事に 戻ることにしました 主な介護者に なったときには それも重要なこと なんです ここにいる 皆さんの中にも 経験された方も いらっしゃることでしょう 大変な役割ですが いつかは 自分の人生を 取り戻さないといけないんです 当時 ギャビーには 聞けませんでした 私にもう一度 宇宙に行ってほしいかと
でも わかっていました ―イエス、イエス、イエス
私のキャリアを 一番応援してくれたのは 彼女でしたから 何をすべきか分かっていたんです
でも マーク 想像もつかないのですが どのようなお気持ちで 宇宙に行かれたのでしょう? 安全とは言っても 保証はできませんよね 何と言っても ギャビーは― あのミッションの 3日目は 妻は入院していただけでは ありませんでした 文字通り 私は 宇宙ステーションと共に 時速2万8千キロで航行しながら ランデブーする最中で 運転をして 窓の外を眺め コンピュータを 見ていたとき
ギャビーは 脳の手術を受けていました それが 最後の手術でした 銃撃の日に 頭蓋骨の一部を 取り出して いたのですが 代わりの人工骨を入れる手術でした 頭の片側すべてに入っています
ツーソンの 我が家に 初めて いらした方には ギャビーは 冷蔵庫の上から タッパーを 引っ張り出して 中にある本物の頭蓋骨を 見せるのがお決まりになっています 本物の頭蓋骨よ ―時々怖がらせてしまいます
マーク それは 前菜 それともデザートかしら?
話のネタには なりますからね マークの搭乗後 ギャビーがしたことについて いろいろなお話が ありましたね
あなた自身も 勇気を出さないといけませんでした また議会が こう着状態に陥り あなたは リハビリ施設を出て ワシントンまで 行くことになりました 下院本会議に出席し 議場を歩き― この話をすると とても感情的になってしまいます― 採決に票を投じました 決定票とも言えるものです
法案採決で 投票をしました あの事件から たった5ヶ月で 大胆にも こうして仕事に戻ったのです
議論を呼ぶ 投票でしたが 彼女は その場所に行き もう一度 自分の声を上げたかったんです
そして その後 辞職をされ とても緩やかで 大変な回復への道を 進み始めた というわけですね
日々 どんな風に 過ごされていますか?
こちらはギャビーの介護犬 ネルソンです
新しい家族です ―そう、そう
ネルソンがいた場所は― 刑務所 殺人犯 ―どうも私たちは 刑務所が 好きみたいで 刑務所から 引き取りました マサチューセッツの 殺人犯が飼っていた犬です
でも 彼女が 立派な犬にしてくれて
今や 素晴らしい 介護犬です
ギャビー この数年の経験から どんなことを 学びましたか?
本当 何を学んだの? ―深く 深く
二人の関係は 深められたのですね
それもそのはず お二人はいつも一緒ですからね
ありがたくも あるね?
家族やお友だちが 集まったときの写真ですね これらの写真が 好きなのは ギャビーとマークの関係が よく表れているからです
ギャビーが 何度も話した通り あらゆる意味で 二人の関係は深まったのですね
家族に 何か悲惨なことが起こると その出来事で 皆が団結するんだと思います
これは皆で スペースシャトルが ツーソン上空を飛ぶのを 見ているところです これは エンデバー号で 最終ミッションで 私が船長として搭乗したのですが 任務を終えた機体は ボーイング747に搭載され ロサンゼルスに 運ばれました NASAが好意で ツーソン上空を飛ばしてくれたのです
もちろん お二人は こうした 困難を乗り越え 緩やかで難しい 回復を遂げました でも ギャビー どうやって 楽観的に前向きで い続けられたのですか?
世界を より良くしたいんです
(拍手) まさに そうなさっていますね 回復することが 今のお二人にとって 目下 大切なことでしょうが
お二人とも 国のために 尽力されてきて 今も続けられています それも新しいイニシアチブ 目的を持ってです
ギャビー 今取り組んでいることは 何ですか?
「責任ある対策を 推進するアメリカ人」
私たちの 政治活動委員会で 連邦議会の議員たちに 米国における 銃による暴力の問題を もっと考えるよう働きかけています そして 適切な法律を通すべく 努力しています
イエス、イエス(拍手) 銃による暴力は 私たちに大きな影響を与えましたが ギャビーの事件が理由で 取組みを始めたのではありません
コネチカット州ニュータウンで 小学校一年生や 私たちが見た 世間の反応は― 何が起こったかと 言いますと
これまで 国民はほとんど 何もしていないんです
私たちは それを変えようとしています
ニュータウン以降 銃乱射事件は 11件起きています 昨年の1月、2月は 毎週1校です
他にも 銃所有の権利と責任の バランスを取ろうとする 取り組みはありますが 何が違う のでしょうか?
私たちは銃所有者で 銃を持つ権利は支持します
ただ同時に できるだけのことをして 犯罪者や 危険な精神疾患を抱える人の
手に渡らないようにすべき と考えます それほど 難しいことではありません
この問題は ほかの問題と同様 両極化して 政治的なものになっていますが ワシントンでの議論では バランスの取れた― 解決策を 見つけたいのです お二人の尽力には 感謝します
こちらの女性は 勇気も冒険心もありますから
驚くことでは ありませんが ずっと チャレンジを続けていて できないことは ないようです
こちらのビデオを ご紹介しましょう 最近で一番の 冒険ですね
ギャビーを ご覧ください
これは 2ヶ月前のことです
大丈夫? いいよ ―素晴らしいわ ありがとう
すごい 素晴らしい ありがとう
山 素晴らしい山々
(拍手) 補足させていただくと ギャビーと一緒に 飛んだ人たちの中に 海軍特殊部隊員の人が 一人いました ギャビーが アフガニスタンで出会った人で 戦闘で ケガをして 非常に つらかったときに
ギャビーは 見舞いに行きました メリーランド州ベセスダで つらい時期を過ごしている彼を 訪ねました
彼は次第に よくなりました
数ヶ月後 ギャビーが頭を撃たれ 今度は彼が彼女を 支えました ヒューストンで 入院をしていたときです
二人には とても良い つながりがあるんです
さて ここは TEDのステージです ギャビー 皆さんへのメッセージを 練って来られたと思います 最後に 皆さんに どうぞ
皆さん こんにちは
今日はお招きいただき ありがとうございました
長く つらい 道のりでしたが 私は良く なってきています
一生懸命 頑張っています いろんな治療を受けています 言語療法 理学療法 ヨガもです
私の心は 以前にも増して強いです
今でも 世界を良くするため 闘っています 皆さんにも できます
地域社会と もっと関わってください
リーダーになって 手本を示してください
情熱を捧げ 勇気を持ってください
ベストを尽くしてください ありがとうございました
(拍手) ありがとうございました ―ありがとうございました
(拍手) 皆さん ありがとう ―バイバイ!(拍手) | You were both doing the work that you love.
You were meeting with constituents, which is something that you loved doing as a congresswoman, and Mark, you were happily preparing for your next space shuttle.
And suddenly, everything that you had planned or expected in your lives was irrevocably changed forever.
Mark Kelly: Yeah, it's amazing, it's amazing how everything can change for any of us in an instant.
People don't realize that.
I certainly didn't.
Gabby Giffords: Yes.
MK: And on that Saturday morning, I got this horrible phone call from Gabby's chief of staff.
She didn't have much other information.
She just said, "Gabby was shot."
A few minutes later, I called her back and I actually thought for a second, well, maybe I just imagined getting this phone call.
I called her back, and that's when she told me that Gabby had been shot in the head.
And from that point on, I knew that our lives were going to be a lot different.
PM: And when you arrived at the hospital, what was the prognosis that they gave you about Gabby's condition and what recovery, if any, you could expect?
MK: Well, for a gunshot wound to the head and a traumatic brain injury, they typically can't tell you much.
Every injury is different. It's not predictable like often a stroke might be predictable, which is another TBI kind of injury.
So they didn't know how long Gabby would be in a coma, didn't know when that would change and what the prognosis would be.
PM: Gabby, has your recovery been an effort to create a new Gabby Giffords or reclaim the old Gabby Giffords?
GG: The new one -- better, stronger, tougher.
MK: That to say, when you look at the picture behind us, to come back from that kind of injury and come back strong and stronger than ever is a really tough thing to do.
I don't know anybody that's as tough as my wonderful wife right here.
PM: And what were the first signs that recovery was not only going to be possible but you were going to have some semblance of the life that you and Gabby had planned?
MK: Well, the first thing, for me, was Gabby was still kind of almost unconscious, but she did something when she was in the ICU hospital bed that she used to do when we might be out to dinner at a restaurant, in that she pulled my ring off and she flipped it from one finger to the next, and at that point I knew that she was still in there.
PM: And there were certain words, too.
Didn't she surprise you with words in the beginning?
MK: Well, it was tough in the beginning. GG: What? What? Chicken. Chicken. Chicken.
MK: Yeah, that was it.
For the first month, that was the extent of Gabby's vocabulary.
For some reason, she has aphasia, which is difficulty with communication.
She latched on to the word "chicken," which isn't the best but certainly is not the worst.
And we were actually worried it could have been a lot worse than that.
PM: Gabby, what's been the toughest challenge for you during this recovery?
GG: Talking. Really hard. Really.
MK: Yeah, with aphasia, Gabby knows what she wants to say, she just can't get it out.
She understands everything, but the communication is just very difficult because when you look at the picture, the part of your brain where those communication centers are are on the left side of your head, which is where the bullet passed through.
PM: So you have to do a very dangerous thing: speak for your wife.
MK: I do.
It might be some of the most dangerous things I've ever done.
PM: Gabby, are you optimistic about your continuing recovery -- walking, talking, being able to move your arm and leg?
GG: I'm optimistic. It will be a long, hard haul, but I'm optimistic.
PM: That seems to be the number one characteristic of Gabby Giffords, wouldn't you say? MK: Gabby's always been really optimistic.
She works incredibly hard every day.
GG: On the treadmill, walked on my treadmill, Spanish lessons, French horn.
MK: It's only my wife who could be -- and if you knew her before she was injured, you would kind of understand this -- somebody who could be injured and have such a hard time communicating and meets with a speech therapist, and then about a month ago, she says, "I want to learn Spanish again."
PM: Well, let's take a little closer look at the wife, and this was even before you met Gabby Giffords.
And she's on a motor scooter there, but it's my understanding that's a very tame image MK: Yeah, Gabby, she used to race motorcycles.
So that's a scooter, but she had -- well, she still has a BMW motorcycle.
PM: Does she ride it? MK: Well, that's a challenge with not being able to move her right arm, but I think with something I know about, Velcro, we might be able to get her back on the bike, Velcro her right hand up onto the handlebar.
PM: I have a feeling we might see that picture next, Gabby.
But you meet, you're already decided that you're going to dedicate your life to service.
You're going into the military and eventually to become an astronaut.
So you meet.
What attracts you to Gabby?
MK: Well, when we met, oddly enough, it was the last time we were in Vancouver, about 10 years ago. We met in Vancouver, at the airport, on a trip that we were both taking to China, that I would actually, from my background, I would call it a boondoggle.
Gabby would — GG: Fact-finding mission.
MK: She would call it an important fact-finding mission.
She was a state senator at the time, and we met here, at the airport, before a trip to China.
PM: Would you describe it as a whirlwind romance?
GG: No, no, no.
A good friend.
MK: Yeah, we were friends for a long time.
GG: Yes. MK: And then she invited me on, about a year or so later, she invited me on a date.
Where'd we go, Gabby?
GG: Death row.
MK: Yes. Our first date was to death row at the Florence state prison in Arizona, which was just outside Gabby's state senate district.
They were working on some legislation that had to do with crime and punishment and capital punishment in the state of Arizona.
So she couldn't get anybody else to go with her, and I'm like, "Of course I want to go to death row."
So that was our first date.
We've been together ever since. GG: Yes.
PM: Well, that might have contributed to the reason that Gabby decided to marry you.
You were willing to go to death row, after all.
MK: I guess.
PM: Gabby, what did make you want to marry Mark?
GG: Um, good friends. Best friends. Best friends.
MK: I thought we always had a very special relationship.
We've gone through some tough times and it's only made it stronger. GG: Stronger.
PM: After you got married, however, you continued very independent lives.
Actually, you didn't even live together.
MK: We had one of those commuter marriages.
In our case, it was Washington, D.C., Houston, Tucson.
Sometimes we'd go clockwise, sometimes counterclockwise, to all those different places, and we didn't really live together until that Saturday morning.
Within an hour of Gabby being shot, I was on an airplane to Tucson, and that was the moment where that had changed things.
PM: And also, Gabby, you had run for Congress after being a state senator and served in Congress for six years.
What did you like best about being in Congress?
GG: Fast pace. Fast pace.
PM: Well it was the way you did it. GG: Yes, yes. Fast pace.
PM: I'm not sure people would describe it entirely that way.
MK: Yeah, you know, legislation is often at a colossally slow pace, but my wife, and I have to admit, a lot of other members of Congress that I know, work incredibly hard.
I mean, Gabby would run around like a crazy person, never take a day off, maybe a half a day off a month, and whenever she was awake she was working, and she really, really thrived on that, and still does today. GG: Yes. Yes.
PM: Installing solar panels on the top of her house, I have to say.
So after the tragic incident, Mark, you decided to resign your position as an astronaut, even though you were supposed to take the next space mission.
Everybody, including Gabby, talked you into going back, and you did end up taking.
MK: Kind of. The day after Gabby was injured, I called my boss, the chief astronaut, Dr. Peggy Whitson, and I said, "Peggy, I know I'm launching in space in three months from now.
Gabby's in a coma. I'm in Tucson.
You've got to find a replacement for me."
So I didn't actually resign from being an astronaut, but I gave up my job and they found a replacement.
Months later, maybe about two months later, I started about getting my job back, which is something, when you become this primary caregiver person, which some people in the audience here have certainly been in that position, it's a challenging role but at some point you've got to figure out when you're going to get your life back, and at the time, I couldn't ask Gabby if she wanted me to go fly in the space shuttle again.
But I knew she was— GG: Yes. Yes. Yes.
MK: She was the biggest supporter of my career, and I knew it was the right thing to do.
PM: And yet I'm trying to imagine, Mark, what that was like, going off onto a mission, one presumes safely, but it's never a guarantee, and knowing that Gabby is — MK: Well not only was she still in the hospital, literally while I was rendezvousing with the space station, and you've got two vehicles moving at 17,500 miles an hour, I'm actually flying it, looking out the window, a bunch of computers,
Gabby was in brain surgery, literally at that time having the final surgery to replace the piece of skull that they took out on the day she was injured with a prosthetic, yeah, which is the whole side of her head.
Now if any of you guys would ever come to our house in Tucson for the first time, Gabby would usually go up to the freezer and pull out the piece of Tupperware that has the real skull. GG: The real skull. MK: Which freaks people out, sometimes.
PM: Is that for appetizer or dessert, Mark? MK: Well, it just gets the conversation going.
PM: But there was a lot of conversation about something you did, Gabby, after Mark's flight.
You had to make another step of courage too, because here was Congress deadlocked again, and you got out of the rehabilitation center, got yourself to Washington so that you could walk on the floor of the House -- I can barely talk about this without getting emotional — and cast a vote which could have been the deciding vote.
GG: The debt ceiling. The debt ceiling.
MK: Yeah, we had that vote, I guess about five months after Gabby was injured, and she made this bold decision to go back.
A very controversial vote, but she wanted to be there to have her voice heard one more time.
PM: And after that, resigned and began what has been a very slow and challenging recovery.
What's life like, day to day?
MK: Well, that's Gabby's service dog Nelson.
GG: Nelson.
MK: New member of our family. GG: Yes, yes.
MK: And we got him from a— GG: Prison. Murder. MK: We have a lot of connections with prisons, apparently. Nelson came from a prison, raised by a murderer in Massachusetts.
But she did a great job with this dog.
He's a fabulous service dog.
PM: So Gabby, what have you learned from your experiences the past few years?
MK: Yeah, what have you learned? GG: Deeper. Deeper.
PM: Your relationship is deeper.
It has to be. You're together all the time now.
MK: I imagine being grateful, too, right?
GG: Grateful.
PM: This is a picture of family and friends gathering, but I love these pictures because they show the Gabby and Mark relationship now.
And you describe it, Gabby, over and over, as deeper on so many levels. Yes?
MK: I think when something tragic happens in a family, it can pull people together.
Here's us watching the space shuttle fly over Tucson, the Space Shuttle Endeavour, the one that I was the commander on its last flight, on its final flight on top of an airplane on a 747 on its way to L.A., NASA was kind enough to have it fly over Tucson.
PM: And of course, the two of you go through these challenges of a slow and difficult recovery, and yet, Gabby, how do you maintain your optimism and positive outlook?
GG: I want to make the world a better place.
PM: And you're doing that even though your recovery has to remain front and center for both of you.
You are people who have done service to your country and you are continuing to do that with a new initiative, a new purpose.
And Gabby, what's on the agenda now?
GG: Americans for Responsible Solutions.
MK: That's our political action committee, where we are trying to get members of Congress to take a more serious look at gun violence in this country, and to try to pass some reasonable legislation.
GG: Yes. Yes. MK: You know, this affected us very personally, but it wasn't what happened to Gabby that got us involved.
It was really the 20 murdered first graders and kindergartners in Newtown, Connecticut, and the response that we saw afterwards where -- well, look what's happened so far.
So far the national response has been pretty much to do nothing.
We're trying to change that.
PM: There have been 11 mass shootings since Newtown, a school a week in the first two months of last year.
What are you doing that's different than other efforts to balance rights for gun ownership and responsibilities?
MK: We're gun owners, we support gun rights.
At the same time, we've got to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.
It's not too difficult to do that.
This issue, like many others, has become very polarizing and political, and we're trying to bring some balance to the debate in Washington.
PM: Thank you both for that effort.
And not surprisingly for this woman of courage and of a sense of adventure, you just keep challenging yourself, and the sky seems to be the limit.
I have to share this video of your most recent adventure.
Take a look at Gabby.
MK: This is a couple months ago.
MK: You okay? You did great. GG: Yes, it's gorgeous. Thank you.
Good stuff. Gorgeous. Oh, thank you.
Mountains. Gorgeous mountains.
MK: Let me just say one of the guys that Gabby jumped with that day was a Navy SEAL who she met in Afghanistan who was injured in combat, had a really rough time.
Gabby visited him when he was at Bethesda and went through a really tough period.
He started doing better.
Months later, Gabby was shot in the head, and then he supported her while she was in the hospital in Houston.
So they have a very, very nice connection.
GG: Yes.
PM: What a wonderful moment.
Because this is the TED stage, Gabby, I know you worked very hard to think of the ideas that you wanted to leave with this audience.
GG: Thank you.
Hello, everyone.
Thank you for inviting us here today.
It's been a long, hard haul, but I'm getting better.
I'm working hard, lots of therapy -- speech therapy, physical therapy, and yoga too.
But my spirit is strong as ever.
I'm still fighting to make the world a better place, and you can too.
Get involved with your community.
Be a leader. Set an example.
Be passionate. Be courageous.
Be your best. Thank you very much.
MK: Thank you. GG: Thank you.
MK: Thank you everybody. GG: Bye bye. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
はぁ~よく考えればオル家ってどこまで無用心なのか! 馬鹿なのだろうか! あんな財宝を置いといて金庫番も錠前もないんだよ。どうかしている!
それとも、隠し別荘みたいな感じであえて無防備にしているとか? 護衛も金庫もなければ、こんなところに財宝があるとは思わないだろうから......。
う~ん、でも下手したらというか、ほぼ間違いなくあいつらより俺のほうが強い。あいつら警護の役に立つのか? ならないだろうな。強盗が来た時に助けを呼ぶまでの時間稼ぎ、足止め程度はできるぐらいになってもらいたいが......。
「お姉様、我はこの時を今か今かと待ち望んでおりました! ぜひぜひご指導をお願いします!」
「オル、あなた何を言っているの? 他に腕立て伏せがあるわけ?」
「いえ、そういうわけではないですが......もちろん、普通にするわけではないですよね? やり方といいますか......」
「当然だ、オルティッシオ! 我らが普通に行えば何億回やったとしても終わりがないわ」
よし、あれだ! 中二病といえば重力負荷でのトレーニング。
ただ俺の初期魔法で実現可能なのだろうか? 難易度高い気がする。なんたって重力を操る魔法だからね。上級、少なくとも中級魔法に匹敵するのでは?
「皆、どう? 部屋全体の重力を変えてみたんだけど......」
「さすがニール、正解よ。それじゃあ、この重力百倍の中で腕立て伏せやるから。どう? 燃えてくるでしょ」
「さすがはティレア様! こんなトレーニング方法があるとはお見逸れしました」
ティムね、さすが俺の妹! 多少腕が震えているが、なんとか様になっている。俺が目標回数として挙げているに到達しそうだ。
腕立て如きで骨折ってんじゃねぇええよ! いくらなんでも貧弱すぎだろぉお!
「『じゅうどう』ですか! 興味深いです。ぜひ教えていただきたいです」
「こ、この重力下で十五回ですか! む、無理です。私はこうして立っているだけでやっとです」
「さ、さすがはお姉様! この重力下で余裕の動きです」
うむうむ、案外やれるもんだ。小さい頃から鍋をふるって鍛えていたからな。腕力はそうとうついていたんだね。これは俺の実力、空ぐらいあるかも? 少なくとも空手の都大会で優勝するぐらいの実力はありそうだ。 | Thanks to the vampire attack, the security in Arcudas has rapidly worsened. After all, the guards are the ones responsible for dealing with crime, and the majority of them were killed by demons. It can’t be helped that crime is on the rise.
Today as well, I heard about some scary things like some wealthy merchant house being robbed by burglars, or how somebody was stabbed to death by a knife. It really makes a chill run down your spine. Not only that, but apparently pickpockets and purse snatchers have been on the rise too. The public safety is on par with the slums in my old life.
The state is desperately working out countermeasures, but there just hasn’t been enough time or helpers. Thanks to that, the citizens can’t help but rely on themselves instead.
Milay, from the textiles store on West Road, is one of them. Apparently she sent out an emergency request to the Adventurers Guild to guard her store. There’s more than enough possibility of our restaurant being threatened too. After all, just looking at our furnishings is enough to tell you that they’re high class, and more importantly there’s treasure lying all about downstairs.
Hahhh~ Thinking about it, isn’t Orty being too careless! Is he an idiot or something! How can you just leave all that treasure lying about without even using a safe or a lock! What’s wrong with that guy!
Or could it be that it only looks unguarded because it’s a hidden holiday villa? Without guards or safes around, you wouldn’t expect there to be treasure after all...
Nono, even so, there’s a limit to these things. The way it is now is like screaming ‘please rob me’. I’ll never get it. I’ll never get how the rich think.
Anyway, thankfully our shop is at least known as “the favorite shop of the Guild’s rising star, Mühen”. I guess the effect is a bit like how in my old life you’d get those stickers that said “police may be patrolling in casual clothing”.
It does seem to be working because we haven’t had a burglar once yet. I guess they’re on guard because they know that an expert swordsman hangs around here.
But that doesn’t mean I can relax. It’s true that Myuu comes here a lot, but it’s not like he’s here every day. He’s got work at the Guild, after all. To put it frankly, when Myuu isn’t here, our shop is as good as defenseless. If it’s just numbers then we have a huge number of self-proclaimed “guards”, but apart from me they’re a bunch of quacks. If a burglar really invades, they’re all as good as dead.
I mean, we do still have our secret weapon, Edim, but Edim has school, and more importantly than anything, she can’t guard in the open. If people realized she was a vampire, she’d end up on a wanted list after all.
Hmph. This won’t do.
Thinking about it carefully, our security is on a tightrope. It would be great if we could hire some adventurers just like Milay, but...
We don’t have the money for that. I can’t borrow any more of Orty’s money after all. I’ll think about that after I actually make some profit. Until then, I guess I have no choice except to rely on those weaklings (the “leaders” of the Evil God Army)...
Hmm, but it’s possible, or rather, extremely likely, that I’m actually stronger than all of them. Would they even be any use at all as guards? No, right? At best, they’d run off for help, or buy some time for us...
Huu~ Can’t be helped. Maybe they’d get a little stronger if I trained them.
The next day...
I’m in one of the rooms in the Evil God Army’s Underground Empire. Yesterday I went around looking for a room that was suitable for training. This one has enough room for dozens of people to move about, there’s no expensive furnishings, and nothing else to worry about. That’s why I called Timu and the others here.
““We have arrived at your summon, Lady Tilea!””
“You’re all here, guys?”
“No, Mühen is presently undercover in the Guild so he is absent. Shall I call him here?”
“No, there’s no need.”
Unlike you lot, Myuu is actually working, okay. You’d better not get in his way. Also, Myuu doesn’t need to be here this time.
“So, the reason I called you guys out here. It’s been pretty crazy lately, hasn’t it? That’s why I’m going to teach you how to defend yourselves.”
“G-, Goodness, Lady Tilea herself is going to instruct us!?”
“Elder sister! How long I have waited for this moment! Please, please do guide me!”
Timu, Pervert (Nielsen), just everybody was brimming with excitement. You guys really do love this stuff, don’t you.
“Just so you know, we’re not playing around, okay? I’m serious here!”
““Of course! We will risk our lives to learn!””
“Then, what kind of technique will you be instructing us in?”
“Elder sister, I hope it will be some kind of magic. Some ultimate magic of destruction and chaos.”
“I would very much like to learn a pugilistic skill.”
“I humbly ask you that you demonstrate your Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven Techniques of the Evil God.”
You guys always get so excited for chuuni stuff.
“Ah~ Before all of that, I’d like to have a look at your physical abilities, so we’re going to do an endurance test.”
“An endurance test?”
“U-, Umm, Lady Tilea, by pushups, do you mean those pushups?”
“Orty, what on earth are you saying? What other kinds of pushups are there?”
“No, um... Of course, you couldn’t mean normal pushups, could you? That is, regarding the way we do them and...”
“Of course she doesn’t, Ortissio! If we did normal pushups, we’d go on for hundreds of millions of them. It would never end.”
“M-, My sincere apologies. It is a test given by Lady Tilea. Magic will probably be used to change things somehow.”
“Obviously. Considering it is Lady Tilea, there’s no doubt that it must be some unfathomable training method that none of us have ever thought of.”
Even though I just had normal pushups in mind, everyone started arguing about how it wasn’t this, or wasn’t that.
I see. How on earth could this lot ever want to do normal pushups. Well, they’re a bunch that hate actual work after all. Should I mix some chuuni into it? If I do, at least they’d be happy about it, and they’d probably try harder too.
“Huhu, well guessed. Normal pushups wouldn’t be interesting at all.”
“Oohh, I knew it!”
Everyone started looking at me expectantly. What should I do now...
Mn! It has to be that! If you’re a chuunibyou, then it has to be training under heavy gravity.
But I’ve only used elementary magic. Can I do it? It sounds like something that would be pretty tough. I mean, it’s gravity magic, right? Wouldn’t something like that be more like advanced, or at least intermediate magic?
Hm~mm, thinking about it won’t help. I’ll just wing it!
And then...
The moment I released my magic, the whole room seemed to thud with the weight.
Ooh, a success. I did it!
Well, as you’d expect, making it ten times gravity or something amazing was out of my league. All that happened was... Um, it feels like an extra kilo on me?
Haha, magic is really so fun.
Because I don’t have much mana, my spells are never really great, but it’s still really enjoyable seeing all the effects.
Now then, I wonder if everyone else is having fun too.
I looked at Timu and the others. From their expressions, they all seemed to be enduring something, just like they were in some x gravity room. As expected of chuunibyou. Guess they’re really loving it.
“How is it, everyone? I tried changing the gravity of the room, but...”
“I-, I am shocked. A magic to change gravity? I know the theory as well, but as expected of you, elder sister. To think that you could really actualise it.”
“Magnificent, Lady Tilea. I can sense that the whole room has had its gravity magnified a hundredfold.”
Pervert (Nielsen) immediately got on board. I know how you feel. Isn’t there just something exciting about ‘a hundred times gravity’? Well, it barely feels like a kilo extra for me, but I’ll play along with you.
“As expected of you, Niel. That’s exactly right. Now then, we’re going to do pushups under a hundred times gravity. Well? Aren’t you all excited?”
“As expected of Lady Tilea! I never would have thought that there could be such a training method.”
“Huhu, looks like you’re plenty excited. That’s a good thing. Well then, get ready.”
“Well then. Begin!”
“Onee... Twoo...”
At my signal, everyone began doing pushups in sync.
With this, I can see how your endurance is.
I began looking around. The most excellent one was...
Timu! As expected of my little sister! Her arms were trembling a little, but she still managed proper pushups. I think she’ll reach the fifteen mark that I set for everyone.
Next is...
Dryas I guess. A bit behind him was Pervert (Nielsen). I’d be happy if these two reach or . After all, just a few pushups was enough to make their arms tremble, and their sweat was really wetting the floor.
I can’t say I didn’t expect it, but Dryas was a real life example of “Beautiful guys have no money or strength.” Since Dryas is an elf, I think I should train him up a little more. As for Pervert (Nielsen), well, he was just as expected. All enthusiasm and no power. I think he’ll be done after four or five, really.
The real problem was...
Orty and Muram. They haven’t done even one the whole time. But well, Muram is kind of fat, so I guess it can’t really be helped. It’s tough just supporting that body, isn’t it.
But Orty, you...
“Orty, try your best to at least do one, okay?”
“Hahh, hahh... L-, Lady... hahh, hahh, Tile— under... stoo... d...”
It’s not good. Orty was at his limit. I could even see his muscles creaking. Just as I was feeling shocked by him,
“...Fifteen, hahh, hahh, sixtee.... c-, can’t.”
At sixteen pushups, Timu fell to the ground. Incidentally, Dryas made it to seven, and Pervert (Nielsen) made it to five before falling to the ground.
“You really gave it your all, Timu.”
“Hahh, hahh, hahh, hahh, e-, elder sister, tha―”
“Ahh, don’t force yourself to talk, okay? Just lay there and catch your breath,” I said as I passed a towel to her.
Dryas and Pervert (Nielsen) were wheezing as well. Should I give you guys some towels too? When I gave them their towels,
I suddenly heard a piercing scream. It was Orty.
“Orty, w-what’s wrong?”
Yeah, you have to be careful― I mean!
How one earth can you break your arm just doing pushupssss!? Is it even possible to be that weakkk!?
When I had a look, Orty’s arm was completely snapped.
Your typical rich kid. Lacking in training, and lacking in calcium. I bet he just eats whatever he likes, and never does any exercise either. Looks like I’ll have to change his eating habits as well. What a long journey we have ahead of us.
But well, I’ll think up a regime for him later. First, we need to treat him.
I asked Timu to come over and heal Orty’s arm. Thanks to that, his arm quickly recovered. Magic really is so convenient.
Huu, but even though we’ve only just done pushups, the only one who passed was Timu. Just how weak are these guys?
To think they’d even lose to a magician-type like Timu...
“You guys just listen to me as you rest.”
“You know, to be honest I wanted to teach you a little ‘Judo’ after our endurance test. It’s a technique from my old life, you see.”
is it! How very fascinating. Please do teach us.”
“Don’t be hasty. Before I can teach you anything, you need to train your bodies first. It’s the fundamentals. All of you are too weak. Right now the only one who passed was Timu.”
“Lady Tilea, does that mean that if we wish to learn the technique, we must reach Lady Camilla’s record of fifteen pushups?”
“Yeah, if you can’t even do that much, Judo is out of the question.”
“F-, Fifteen under this gravity!? I-, Impossible. Just standing here is taking everything I have,” muttered the pale Orty.
Yeah. He couldn’t even do one, so of course he’d think like that. But it’s a matter of diet for him too.
“Orty, the way you are now, I’m sure it will be. But leave it to me. I’ll come up with a training regime just for you.”
“Lady Tilea, t-, to guide the likes of me, you would actually go so far...?”
Orty was so moved he began to tear up. Yeah. First we’ll get you some milk, huh.
“Also, Muram, you need to slim up. With your current weight, the rest of the training is impossible.”
“I understand.”
“Also, I was thinking this as I watched you, but you can’t just focus on the number. Each one of your pushups has to be in correct form. Form is more important than quantity.”
“Yeah, form. I’ll show you what I mean.”
I got down and began doing perfect pushups.
“A-, As expected of elder sister! To move so effortlessly under such gravity.”
“Huhu, that’s natural. A mere hundred times gravity? I can’t feel a thing.”
Huhu, to be honest with you, in my old life I used to do correspondence karate, and from manga and novels I’ve read all there is to know about pushups. Since my physical abilities were too low in my old life I couldn’t do it, but right now I feel like I could go on forever.
Getting carried away, I started doing one-handed pushups too. After that, I switched to finger pushups.
They kept getting more and more shocked.
Yupyup, this is going surprisingly well. I’ve been training with my wok since I was a kid, after all. I’ve got quite a bit of strength. Actually, would I actually be like a rd Dan in karate or something? At the very least, I’m sure I could win at the Greater Tokyo Karate Tournament. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 8,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「え? え?」
其方、実際の所何者なのだ? 200年前からいたのは余の記憶にもかろうじてあるから分かるが、少なくとも人間族ではないだろう。
レベル 300
アコライト 100
プリースト 100
メイジ 100
HP 11000
SP 9800
STR(攻撃力) 650
DEX(器用度) 1000
VIT(生命力) 683
INT(知力) 3850
AGI(素早さ) 900
MND(精神力) 2967
LUK(幸運) 643
「む? 余は無理でリーブラは可なのか」
その報告が来ると同時に、メラクはいよいよ内戦が止められない段階に進んだ事を知ってしまった。 | Time was the night.
At the end of what seemed like a long but short day, I was lying and turning on the bed whilst lost in thought.
Aries had already gone to bed and Libra, as usual, was standing in the corner of the room.
...There was not even a single movement so I might have really end up thinking of her as a furniture but, if something were to have happened she would have quickly responded.
To solve the problem this city was facing, the best scenario would have been to make Merak take action.
However, to begin with, as Merak sat in this country’s position of King, getting into contact with him was difficult.
I can easily infiltrate to meet him without being detected but I can’t really call that very amicable.
It feels like I’m repeating this again and again but fundamentally, I want to stay unrelated to the actual turmoil.
And... as for how to get into contact with him.... Really... What should I do?
Libra had more or less detected Merak’s life force, however, it did not look like it would move out of the castle any time soon.
Move, Sky King. Or do you intend to abandon the title of Sky King and become Unmoving King?
“.... I’m bac—..... did everyone go to sleep already?”
While I was somewhat turning into a useless furniture who couldn’t come up with any good solution, a capable adviser opened the door and had came in nonchalantly.
Even though it was in a very faint voice, she politely said the returning greetings, maybe it’s what they call uprightness.
There was a lot of things I wanted to ask Dina, and Libra also slightly moved her line of sight to check with me with her eyes whether she should pursue them now.
However, I stayed silent and shook my head a little, telling her not to do so.
It is because Aries was asleep right now. I believed there was no reason to wake him up.
If we wanted to question her, it would have to be done tomorrow.
“—and, as such, we will begin the interrogation of the accused.”
“Everything you say will be recorded in my memory, so please don’t hold back and reveal everything.”
“Eh? Eh?”
Next morning.
Libra and I captured Dina, who was still half asleep as she got up from the bed. We took her to the table and surrounded her so that she could not escape.
In actuality, I also thought it was about time we put a scalpel on the mystery behind Dina. (TLN: doctor reference. For the younger audience, it means to dissect, or in the simpler term to get to know their mystery)
For a character that was originally a background NPC, she was too competent, and furthermore, she was able to use teleportation magic, it was as if she was just asking people to suspect her.
One explanation was that her presence was too thin that we simply didn’t notice her in the past, however, I didn’t think that was the case here.
Honestly speaking her presence is not thin. It’s thick.
Perhaps she just changed compared to the past, however, looking at her ‘current’ her, it was hard to imagine that she was that stealthy in the past.
If it was a game, it was understandable. Yes, if it was a game.
However, this was a reality, other than me, Aries and Libra also existed.
Apparently, Libra’s data had fried, however, it was strange that even Aries had forgotten about her.
“Firstly, Dina. The teleportation magic that you use, that is [X-Gate], correct?”
“I have been informed of the condition, ‘Unusable without Consent’ from Ruphas-sama. That requirement matches to be one of the activation condition of [X-Gate].”
“Ah, yes. That’s right.”
Oi, she just casually admitted it.
Or rather, if I think about it properly it’s not really something she needs to hide nor did she actually try to hide about it.
It’s a rare skill but it seems like I’ve been brought to this world using that skill, and if I consider the fact that even the young low-level elf could use it.... Well... Un, the fact that I am even thinking too deeply about it makes me feel dumb.
“Aannnd, next point. You, what are you really?
I know because of the faintly memory of my past, but you were alive years ago, which means that at the very least you should not be of a human race.
Having said that, you don’t seem to possess the characteristic features of an Elf, Flugel nor a Vampire race......”
“I’m just a half-elf.”
......... Ahhh, un...... Now that she said it, there were such things as “half”.
If she was a mix racial child born between an Elf and a Human, both the appearance of a Human and the lifespan of an Elf can be explained.
In the game, the characters could not be made into half.... So this is also completely my mistake and misunderstanding.
“How about all the diverse skills.....”
“I trained myself to the best of my ability in the past years.
So that this time I don’t become a background – so that I don’t become a background!”
Because it is an important thing you had to say it twice, I totally understand and sympathise.
What should I do, there is nothing more to ask anymore.
She had easily and completely overcome our questioning just like that and Dina somewhat seemed elated by that.
I looked at Libra to gain help, however, she just casually made an X mark with both her arms.
It seemed in this interrogation, it was my loss and the final verdict was ‘not guilty’.
Uuuuuummm, maybe I just thought about it too much?
The headache I experienced at that time might just be a normal headache and a mere coincidence, it did not seem like there was any special meaning behind it.
Not good, this is quite embarrassing for me.
Or more like, I should just use the [Observing Eye].
I did know why I didn’t think of and didn’t feel like using that against her until now.... Even thought it was a bit strange.
Level 300
Species: Half-Elf
Class Level:
Acolyte: 100
Priest: 100
Mage: 100
HP: 11 000
SP: 9800
STR (Strength/Attack Power): 650
DEX (Dexterity): 1000
VIT (Vitality): 683
INT (Intelligence): 3850
AGI (Ability/Speed): 900
MND (Mindpower): 2967
LUK (Luck): 643
What the hell, she’s actually quite strong isn’t she, this Dina.
Not as much as me or the 12 Heavenly Stars but, this is something at the level where she would be able to fight against the 7 Luminaries on the equal footing.
......though I feel like there’s something, something determinative that I’ve overlooked but.
Whilst I was thinking that Dina’s line of sight moved past me and glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall, as if something just popped into her head, she suddenly raised her voice a little and said,
“Ah, that’s right. I’ve just thought about it, but if it is Libra-sama, I can take her anywhere using my teleportation magic.”
“Mm? It’s impossible if it’s me but it’s fine with Libra?”
“Yes, inorganic objects and items are not included in the [X-Gate]’s usage condition. Otherwise, clothing would come off when I use it.
And Libra-sama is a Golem, therefore she can be carried through using X-Gate.”
This meant that the reason I was unable to pass the requirement for X-Gate was due to the fact that somewhere deep down, I did not fully trust Dina or was subconsciously rejecting her.
And the fact that I was doubting her at that moment meant that I did not fully trust her.
Perhaps this was seen as rejecting her and thus I was unable to meet the prerequisite.
Damn, it means if I didn’t doubt her for no reason I can also teleport with her.
“If you want, do you want to test it out now?
Rather than using it for the first time when we really need it, it is probably better to experience it in person a few times first so that when we need it, the skill can be used immediately and efficiently.”
“Fuum, Libra, what do you think? I personally think there is a value to testing it out.”
“..... I have determined that there is no problem with it.
Jupiter also has not closed in on the surroundings.
As long as he does not possess a way to conveniently and precisely determine my movement, I believe the probability of him using this gap to his advantage is around 5% only.”
I was previously informed by Libra herself that her maximum detection range was as wide as 150km.
Which meant we could ascertain from her statement that at the very least Jupiter was not within the surrounding 150km.
Therefore Libra’s statement that he would not be able to make use of the gap and appear unless he moved at the same time as the teleportation magic was reasonable.
It should be fine then, there should be no problem. Probably.
Thinking that, I allowed for the teleportation magic to be tested.
“Ah, that’s right.
While we are at it, why don’t we try and order Ruphas-sama’s equipment together that we had recently gotten our hands on again?
I’m just not sure which of the weapons are useful or not... I’m don’t know much about weapons, you see.”
“Understood. Master, may I have about 10 minutes?”
“Aaah, you may.”
The scenario where Jupiter was able to show up within a mere 10 minutes time frame would have to be very exceptional therefore it should not come to fruition.
As such, with a peace of mind, I sent the two of them off. After looking at them actually teleport away, I returned to my room to waste some time.
I’ll suppose we can start moving after the two of them return.
And then... I guess we’ll talk about how to get into contact with Merak.
After I was thinking like that, after a mere 7 minutes, there was a sign of someone attacking the white side of the town as there was a lot of ruckuses.
Da, what th, for real.....!?
Throughout his life, the Sky King Merak had lived side by side with glory.
Being well featured was a given for him, he possessed a very powerful innate Divine Magic potential, and most important of all, he was born with pure white wings that shone even brighter than light itself.
His father was the King of the Flugel race, and his mother was the righteous Queen.
He was blessed with everything he might need the moment he was born, a pinnacle of an existence from the very beginning of his life.
A God’s Child of Light born into the Royalty – that was what people had called him, and he himself did not doubt that he had to stand above others.
He had believed that he was special, he was a child born from the King, and possessed superior innate potential, thus it was normal for him to lead the way and guide other people.
He had believed and was sure that he was to save others when they struggled and got lost.
However, it was the route that was predetermined for him, and was never something that he had ever gotten a say in.
The fact was, ever since he was born, he never had to make a choice by himself.
But she was Different.
Ruphas Mafahl was different.
For a girl with forbidden jet black wings, there was no such thing as glory. She had stood in the position polar opposite to him.
A sinister and ominous child, devil’s child, abominable and disgusting child. She was given those names, rocks were thrown at her, and she was constantly exposed to, looked at and held with contempt, and with scorn.
Even her name Ruphas Mafahl was created and given to degrade and deprive her, a name created by combining the names of two evil devils; Halphas and Malphas.
In truth, she most likely had a family name, her real name, but she was never permitted to name herself that.
Yet, she did not let herself become rotten, instead, she took that as a nourishment to proceed forward. (TLN: Play on a word in the raw, used nourishment but means a source of encouragement)
She turned the whole world into her enemy, then crushed them, mocking the entire Flugel race who were crying in the tiny settlement by calling them small and insignificant.
She waged war indiscriminately against various countries around the world, and ironically the way she conquered them was just like her devilish nicknames, causing everyone to fear and think of her as if she truly was a devil’s child.
But to Merak, she shone ever so brightly.
The throne that Merak sat on was given to him. It was not something he had won with his power like her.
Merak’s subjects were people that were there since the beginning. They were not like her loyal retainers who had followed her out of their own free wills.
Merak’s life was predetermined from the very beginning. It was not like the way of life that she had chosen for herself.
*The one who possess and the one who don’t. White and Black. Light and Darkness.
Without a doubt, Merak had stood in the environment that was more favoured.
However, when you truly opened the lid**, she sat in the one true throne, and had already climbed to a position to become an existence where not even the demon race could touch, and before he noticed, he was looking up to her.
Could he achieve what she did?
To be born with black wings, to be exposed to a coarse environment, and yet flip everything around and climb to that point, could he do something like that?
...... Impossible, there was not a chance that he could do it.
The definition of ‘The Ruler’ was her.
Whatever the circumstance, however harsh the condition, she would be the one to grab onto the supremacy and reign supreme. That was what it meant to be a real Ruler, a true King.
As a consequence, even now Merak was pondering.
From the day he struck down Ruphas, he had been questioning himself every day.
And without the slightest bit of doubt, he always reached the same answer.
—I am, not qualified to be a King....
“That’s why, King, you should show the power of the Heroes to the despicable mixed wings, and make them quiet down!”
“No, more than that, we should just exile them.”
“The citizens’ stress is also heightening. This is happening because you are strangely lenient to them!”
Merak was thinking whilst people looked and chirped around him.
These people had stressed the importance of the whiteness of their wings, however, that was the old way of thinking.
To begin with, the absolute number of Flugel race was low, and the number of children born with a mixed colour was quite high.
In a place where there was an abundance of mana, the occurrence rate was very high, perhaps the amount of mana in the air turned the wings black.
Which means the colour of the wings are determined before a Flugel is born based on the abundance and quality of the mana, hence perhaps it indicates – maybe having the black wings is superior in terms of quality?
Perhaps even the fact that Flugel’s base wings colour being white is due to the fundamental reason that Flugel had lived in the mountaintop where there was only a little mana in the surrounding environment?
This was the way Merak had been thinking things recently.
And if this line of thought was correct, it would mean that not only was the Flugel race holding themselves back, they had been trying to reverse the beneficial evolution they were gifted with.
To start with, although these guys had been chirping like they were great, the original inhabitants of the country were the mixed-winged Flugels.
Originally the country of Gjallarhorn was established by Merak for the mixed-winged Flugels who had lost their home due to the persecution they had suffered. It was a way to atone for the sin he had committed towards Ruphas after he had betrayed her.
Ironically, however, these guys were, in turn, chased out by one of Ruphas’ subordinate, one of the 12 Heavenly Stars, Parthenos the [Maiden]. (TLN: i.e. Virgo)
As a result, Merak had accepted them as there were no alternatives, but soon afterwards these guys started asserting their power, and started throwing rocks at the Flugels with the mixed coloured wings.
There is not a single difference as compared to before.
If anything, the ones growing arrogant and impudent were these guys, and the mixed-winged Flugels were the victims.
Hence, Merak should have told them off. To tell them to be reasonable and to shut up.
However, Merak had also happened to be able to sympathise with the white-winged Flugels.
A tradition that had been passed down for many years, a common sense. To be told to suddenly change that was impossible, to think that he should at least respect their point was also reasonable.
The current situation was the result of him continually being indecisive.
Black and the White, both side’s dissatisfaction had just been building up. The respect towards Merak was lost, and it had reached a point where it wasn’t strange for the build-up to explode any time.
I am, incompetent.......
This was always the end result, the answer that he reached whenever he asked himself the question.
It always ended in him self-deprecating.
Today alone, however, merely reaching that answer was not the end.
The price of delaying action on this issue. The time to pay the price of that debt had arrived.
One corner of the White town had exploded.
The moment that he had received that report, he knew and learnt that it had finally reached the stage where the civil war could no longer be stopped. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
ちょっとヤバイと思ったその時、旦那の足が止まる。どうやら「市」についたらしい。 | We finally reached the capital.
The capital is protected by the high rampart wall, so we will enter from one of the checkpoints situated in the north, east, south and west side of the city. It seems we will enter the capital from the「West Gate」, the Beard is talking with an armored gatekeeper about something.
「I’m a slave merchant! Here is the proof!」
「Umu, I see. Let me check the cargo.......Oh, only kids? All right, you can pass」
The soldier was wearing a western style armor, he also was handsome and had a blonde hair. For some reason, I felt a little irritated.
Our rattling carriage proceeded through the streets of the capital. Looking outside, I can see the variety of different people and attires. This look like a cosplay site. Soldiers in armor, ladies in dresses, priests in robes.....and so on and so forth. And I’m currently wearing a shirt and half pants made out of hard fabric, quite shabby if I say so myself. I’m really a slave isn’t it.
Apparently, this world is of the western style, there are plenty of people with blond and silver hair. By the way, my hair is black. This is the only thing that resembles my previous self.
After some time the carriage stopped and we were taken out. I can see a big building with businesslike atmosphere. It’s probably the slave store. A neat middle-aged man came from the inside of the store. He seemed to be the owner of this place.
「So it’s Gaim, you have returned. Good work. The female slaves are to do the washing. Take them to a well. The guy is......I will sell him on the market」
「All right then, I will transfer you the ownership rights right away 」
Gaim (the Beard) gripped my hand and muttered something.
「With this, this kid is in your possession. I will take the rest away. Oi! Don’t dawdle! Follow me!!」
The girls started moving. The girl who took my portion of that terrible meal didn’t look back and quietly followed after Gaim.
「Well then, come with me」
The owner started walking away and I followed after him.
Is this my chance to escape? There are plenty of people around. The owner doesn’t look like he has a lot of fighting power too. All right, let’s do it.
The owner doesn’t look back at all. This will work. I slowly increased the distance between us. This much distance should do. But the moment I thought I had a chance, an electric current assaulted my body, bringing the intense pain with it.
「Ah, the slave magic can shock you, so be careful. If will bring you pain if you are far away from me. If you think of killing me or running away, you will suffer tremendously and won’t be able to move for a while. If you don’t believe me, you can try」
I shook my head vigorously. I can’t possibly tolerate even more than this. It was already too strong.
I desperately tried to keep up with the owner. He seemed to be walking relatively slowly, but I was a child. As our strides are totally different, I had to walk quite fast. It was really hard.
While I was about to fall into a dangerous situation, the owner’s feet stopped. Apparently, we arrived at the「Market」. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
我々は、過去4年の間に コンセプトの実証を、 げっ歯類の脳の小片で行いました。 この実証によって、目下このプロジェクトを ヒトの脳にまでスケールアップしようとしています。
第一に、人間の脳を理解することは、 社会でうまくやっていくのに不可欠です。 また、進化の重要なステップだと思います。
第二の理由としては、 動物実験をいつまでも続けるわけにはいきません。 全てのデータや知識を作業モデルに 統合する必要があります。
第三の理由は、地球上には二十億もの人々が 精神疾患を患っています。 今日使われている薬の大部分は、 経験的なものですが、
疾病の手当についてとても具体的な答えを 見つけ出せると思います。
今、この段階でも、 脳のモデルを使用して、 脳の働きについての基本的な問題を 探究することができます。
ここTEDで、はじめて 我々の取り組みを共有したいと思います、 一つの理論--多くの理論がありますが-- 脳の働きについての一つの理論について。
その理論によれば、脳が 宇宙の1つのバージョンを創造し、構築するのです。 そして、この宇宙のバージョンを、 泡のように、周囲すべてに映し出すのです。
しかし、はじめて、実際にこの問題に、 脳のシミュレーションにより取り組み、 非常に体系的で厳密な問いを投げかけることができます、 この理論がほんとうに真実であり得るのかを。
月が地平線上では巨大になる理由は、 単に私たちの知覚の泡が 38 万キロメートルも広がらないからです。
そこで、私たちは建物と比較するのです、 知覚の泡の範囲内で、 そして、判断します。
私たちはその大きさであると判断します、 その大きさではないにもかかわらず。
これが示すことは、 判断が重要なものであるということです。 判断が私たちの知覚の泡を支え、生かし続けています。
判断なしには、見ることも、考えることも、 感じることもできません。
麻酔薬の働きは、痛みを感じないように、 深い睡眠にいざなったり 受容器官をブロックしたりすると考えているかもしれません。 しかし実はほとんどの麻酔薬はこのようには働きません。
その働きはノイズを脳に導入し、 ニューロンが互いを理解できないようにするのです。
ニューロンは混乱します。 すると、判断できなくなります。
そのため、あなたが決めかねているうちに 外科医の先生は、体を切り裂き、 とっくにいなくなっています。
さて、ドアに歩いていって開けると、 知覚するためには、たちどころに 判断しなければなりません。 数千もの判断を、部屋の大きさや、 壁、高さ、室内にある物体についてすることなのです。
見るものの99パーセントは、 目から入ってきたものではないのです。
そこで、ある程度の確信をもって、こう言えます、 「われ思う、故にわれ在り」と。
しかし、「あなたが思う、故にあなたが在る」とは言えません。 なぜなら、「あなた」は私の知覚の泡の中にいるからです。
ここで、思いを巡らし、哲学することもできますが、 これからの百年は、実際にその必要はありません。
本能を得られるように、前頭部に加えなければなりませんでした。 というのは、陸上で対応するためです。
哺乳類に必要でした。 その理由は、親の役割をこなしたり、 社会的なやりとりや、 複雑な認知機能のためです。
そこで、新皮質は、実際のところ 私たちの知るこの宇宙の今日の究極的な答えと 考えることができます。 この宇宙が生成した
頂点であり、最終生成物です。 進化に成功したので、 マウスからヒトまで ニューロンの数をおよそ千倍に増やし、 このほとんど驚くべき組織、構造を 生成したのです。
実際、人間の脳の新皮質は、 ものすごいスピードで進化しています。
新皮質の表面にズームインすると、 小さなモジュールで構成されていることを発見します。 コンピュータの中のG5プロセッサのようですが、
進化に成功したので、 それをいくつもいくつも複製して どんどん脳に付け加えて行ったので、 頭蓋の中は一杯になりました。
そして、脳は自ら折りたたみ始めました。 これが、新皮質が高度に畳み込まれている理由です。
柱構造に詰め込んでいき、 新皮質カラムの数を増やすことで、 より複雑に機能できるようになります。
そこで、新皮質のたとえとして、 巨大なグランドピアノ、 鍵盤が百万もあるグランドピアノと考えてください。
これら新皮質カラムの各々は、 ある音を生み出すでしょう。
もちろん、何年もかかります 百万もの鍵盤のあるグランドピアノをマスターするには。
そのため、子供を良い学校に行かせなければなりません。 願わくば、最終的にはオックスフォードに。
幸運な星の下に生まれ、 つまり、新皮質カラムの扱いに熟達しており、 素晴らしいシンフォニーを演奏できるのかもしれません。
実際、自閉症についての新たな学説があります。 「強烈な世界」の理論と呼ばれ、 新皮質カラムが特別なものであることを示唆しています。
これらは非常に反応性があり、超可塑性があり、 そのため、自閉症者は思いもよらないような シンフォニーを構築したり、習得したり できるのでしょう。
しかし、理解できるでしょう、 もしこれらのカラムのどれかに 疾患があれば、 音が外れることを。
創造されるシンフォニー、知覚は 乱されることになり、 疾患の症状がでることでしょう。
そのため、神経科学の聖杯は、 本当に新皮質カラムのデザインを理解することなのです-- 神経科学に限ったことではありません。 たぶん知覚を理解すること、リアリティを理解すること、 ことによると物理的リアリティさえも理解することなのです。
そこで過去15年間にわたり我々は 体系的に、新皮質をばらばらにすることでした。
各種類の樹木がどれだけあるのか? どこに位置しているのか?
単にカタログ化するだけではなく、実際には、 情報伝達のルールすべてを記述し、発見しなければなりません。 接続性のルールです。 ニューロンはどのニューロンとも接続したがるわけではないのです。
また、カタログ化するだけではありません。 というのは、実際には、これらの三次元のデジタルモデルを 構築しなければならないからです。
我々は、これを数万ものニューロンについて行いました。 出くわしたニューロンのあらゆるタイプの デジタルモデルを構築しました。
一旦それが得られると、実際に 新皮質カラムを構築し始めることができます。
しかしその際に、分かることは、 枝が、実際には、 数百万もの箇所で交差し、 これら交点の各々で、 シナプスを形成し得るということです。
シナプスという場所では化学的に、 ニューロンが互いに情報伝達しています。
これらのシナプスが集まって ネットワークを形成し、 すなわち、脳の回路を形成します。
この回路は、脳の織物とも 考えることができるでしょう。
脳の織物について考えるとき、 その構造はどのように構築され、カーペットのパターンはどんなものでしょう?
これは、脳のどんな理論に対しても 根本的な挑戦を突き付けることになるとお気づきでしょう。 特に、次のような理論に対して、 すなわち、何らかのリアリティが このカーペット、特定のパターンを有するこの特定のカーペットから、 出現するという理論に対して。
その理由は、脳の最も重要なデザイン上の秘密が 多様性にあるからです。
種類の異なる木もたくさんあるかもしれもしれませんが、 松の木も全部異なっています。脳でも同じです。
私の脳には、他のニューロンと同じニューロンはありません。 また、私の脳には、あなたのと同じニューロンはありません。
あなたのニューロンは、方向や位置が まったく同じものはありません。
そのため、ほとんどありえないのです、 同じ織物、同じ回路を持っている人など。
それでは、私たちが互いに理解し合える リアリティをどのようにして創造し得るのでしょうか?
ニューロンを異なる場所に配置したり、 異なる場所で向きを変えたりできます。
そのようにした場合、我々は、 回路が変化することを発見しました。
そのため、脳の織物は、 脳が小さかろうが、大きかろうが、 種類の異なるニューロンや、 形態の異なるニューロンがあっても、 私たちは実際には同じ 織物を共有しているのです。
我々はこれが種に固有であると考えています。 これは、種を超えてコミュニケートできない理由を 説明できるのではないかということを意味します。
では、スイッチを入れましょう。しかし、そのためには、 活性化しなければなりません。
活性化するには、 数式を使います。たくさんの計算です。
実際のところ、ニューロンを電気ジェネレータにする数式は、 ケンブリッジの二人のノーベル賞受賞者によって発見されました。
我々は、さらに数学を手に入れました。 ニューロンがどのように情報を集め、 ニューロンがどのように小さな稲妻を生み出して 互いに情報伝達するかを記述する数学です。
そして、シナプスに達すると、 事実上、行われるのは、 文字通り、シナプスにショックを与えるのです。
感電のようなものであり、 これらのシナプスから化学物質が放出されます。
文字通りほんの一握りの数式だけです、 新皮質の活動を シミュレートするのに必要なのは。 しかし、とても大きなコンピュータが必要になります。
実際、一つのラップトップが たった一つのニューロンの計算すべてのために必要になります。
どこに行きますか? IBMに行きますね。 スーパーコンピュータのために。IBMは、知っています、 1万台のラップトップを冷蔵庫の大きさに押し込む方法を。
すべてのニューロンをロードし、 各々をそのプロセッサに割り当て、 発火させて、何が起こるかを見ます。
アクティブ化すると、はじめてご覧のように、 刺激があるときに、脳の中では こんなことが起きています。
はじめてこれを見ると、思うかもしれません 「すごい、どうしてこの中からリアリティが出てくるの?」と。
しかし、実際のところ、 この新皮質カラムをトレーニングしていなくても、 固有のリアリティを創造しはじめることができます。
「写真で刺激すると、この中のどこにあるの?」 と尋ねることができます。
そのため、我々が調べる方法は、 ニューロンを無視し、シナプスを無視し、 ただそのままの電気的活動を調べるのです。
そこで、そのようにすると、 実に、はじめて、 ゴーストのような構造が見えました。 電気的オブジェクトが、 新皮質カラムの内部に現れたのです。
これらの電気的オブジェクトは、 すべての情報を保持しています、 刺激したものがなんであれ。
そして、ズームインすると、 紛れもなく宇宙のようです。
そこで、次のステップは、 これらの脳の座標を取って、 知覚空間に投影することです。
これを行うと、 踏み込むことができます 創造されたリアリティの内部に このマシンによって この1つの脳によって創造された内部に。
まとめましょう。 思うに、この宇宙は、もしかしたら、 あり得ることですが- 脳を進化させて、宇宙自体を見ようとしたのではないでしょうか。 これは自己に気付く、最初のステップかもしれません。
すべきことがまだたくさんあります、 これらの理論をテストするにも、他のどんな理論をテストするにも。
しかし、多少は納得されたのではないでしょうか、 脳を構築することが不可能ではないことを。
10年以内にはできるでしょう。 そして、もし成功すれば、 10年以内に、TEDに ホログラムを送ってお話しすることでしょう。 | And we've done, in the past four years, a proof of concept on a small part of the rodent brain, and with this proof of concept we are now scaling the project up to reach the human brain.
Why are we doing this?
There are three important reasons.
The first is, it's essential for us to understand the human brain if we do want to get along in society, and I think that it is a key step in evolution.
The second reason is, we cannot keep doing animal experimentation forever, and we have to embody all our data and all our knowledge into a working model.
It's like a Noah's Ark. It's like an archive.
And the third reason is that there are two billion people on the planet that are affected by mental disorder, and the drugs that are used today are largely empirical.
I think that we can come up with very concrete solutions on how to treat disorders.
Now, even at this stage, we can use the brain model to explore some fundamental questions about how the brain works.
And here, at TED, for the first time, I'd like to share with you how we're addressing one theory -- there are many theories -- one theory of how the brain works.
So, this theory is that the brain creates, builds, a version of the universe, and projects this version of the universe, like a bubble, all around us.
Now, this is of course a topic of philosophical debate for centuries.
But, for the first time, we can actually address this, with brain simulation, and ask very systematic and rigorous questions, whether this theory could possibly be true.
The reason why the moon is huge on the horizon is simply because our perceptual bubble does not stretch out 380,000 kilometers.
It runs out of space.
And so what we do is we compare the buildings within our perceptual bubble, and we make a decision.
We make a decision it's that big, even though it's not that big.
And what that illustrates is that decisions are the key things that support our perceptual bubble. It keeps it alive.
Without decisions you cannot see, you cannot think, you cannot feel.
And you may think that anesthetics work by sending you into some deep sleep, or by blocking your receptors so that you don't feel pain, but in fact most anesthetics don't work that way.
What they do is they introduce a noise into the brain so that the neurons cannot understand each other.
They are confused, and you cannot make a decision.
So, while you're trying to make up your mind what the doctor, the surgeon, is doing while he's hacking away at your body, he's long gone.
He's at home having tea.
So, when you walk up to a door and you open it, what you compulsively have to do to perceive is to make decisions, thousands of decisions about the size of the room, the walls, the height, the objects in this room.
99 percent of what you see is not what comes in through the eyes.
It is what you infer about that room.
So I can say, with some certainty, "I think, therefore I am."
But I cannot say, "You think, therefore you are," because "you" are within my perceptual bubble.
Now, we can speculate and philosophize this, but we don't actually have to for the next hundred years.
We can ask a very concrete question.
"Can the brain build such a perception?"
Is it capable of doing it?
Does it have the substance to do it?
And that's what I'm going to describe to you today.
So, it took the universe 11 billion years to build the brain.
It had to improve it a little bit.
It had to add to the frontal part, so that you would have instincts, because they had to cope on land.
But the real big step was the neocortex.
It's a new brain. You needed it.
The mammals needed it because they had to cope with parenthood, social interactions, complex cognitive functions.
So, you can think of the neocortex actually as the ultimate solution today, of the universe as we know it.
It's the pinnacle, it's the final product It was so successful in evolution that from mouse to man it expanded about a thousandfold in terms of the numbers of neurons, to produce this almost frightening organ, structure.
And it has not stopped its evolutionary path.
In fact, the neocortex in the human brain is evolving at an enormous speed.
If you zoom into the surface of the neocortex, you discover that it's made up of little modules, G5 processors, like in a computer.
But there are about a million of them.
They were so successful in evolution that what we did was to duplicate them over and over and add more and more of them to the brain until we ran out of space in the skull.
And the brain started to fold in on itself, and that's why the neocortex is so highly convoluted.
We're just packing in columns, so that we'd have more neocortical columns to perform more complex functions.
So you can think of the neocortex actually as a massive grand piano, a million-key grand piano.
Each of these neocortical columns would produce a note.
You stimulate it; it produces a symphony.
But it's not just a symphony of perception.
It's a symphony of your universe, your reality.
Now, of course it takes years to learn how to master a grand piano with a million keys.
That's why you have to send your kids to good schools, hopefully eventually to Oxford.
But it's not only education.
It's also genetics.
You may be born lucky, where you know how to master your neocortical column, and you can play a fantastic symphony.
In fact, there is a new theory of autism called the "intense world" theory, which suggests that the neocortical columns are super-columns.
They are highly reactive, and they are super-plastic, and so the autists are probably capable of building and learning a symphony which is unthinkable for us.
But you can also understand that if you have a disease within one of these columns, the note is going to be off.
The perception, the symphony that you create is going to be corrupted, and you will have symptoms of disease.
So, the Holy Grail for neuroscience is really to understand the design of the neocoritical column -- and it's not just for neuroscience; it's perhaps to understand perception, to understand reality, and perhaps to even also understand physical reality.
So, what we did was, for the past 15 years, was to dissect out the neocortex, systematically.
It's a bit like going and cataloging a piece of the rainforest.
How many trees does it have?
What shapes are the trees?
How many of each type of tree do you have? Where are they positioned?
But it's a bit more than cataloging because you actually have to describe and discover all the rules of communication, the rules of connectivity, because the neurons don't just like to connect with any neuron.
They choose very carefully who they connect with.
It's also more than cataloging because you actually have to build three-dimensional digital models of them.
And we did that for tens of thousands of neurons, built digital models of all the different types of neurons we came across.
And once you have that, you can actually begin to build the neocortical column.
And here we're coiling them up.
But as you do this, what you see is that the branches intersect actually in millions of locations, and at each of these intersections they can form a synapse.
And a synapse is a chemical location where they communicate with each other.
And these synapses together form the network or the circuit of the brain.
Now, the circuit, you could also think of as the fabric of the brain.
And when you think of the fabric of the brain, the structure, how is it built? What is the pattern of the carpet?
You realize that this poses a fundamental challenge to any theory of the brain, and especially to a theory that says that there is some reality that emerges out of this carpet, out of this particular carpet with a particular pattern.
The reason is because the most important design secret of the brain is diversity.
Every neuron is different.
It's the same in the forest. Every pine tree is different.
You may have many different types of trees, but every pine tree is different. And in the brain it's the same.
So there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as another, and there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as in yours.
And your neurons are not going to be oriented and positioned in exactly the same way.
And you may have more or less neurons.
So it's very unlikely that you got the same fabric, the same circuitry.
So, how could we possibly create a reality that we can even understand each other?
Well, we don't have to speculate.
We can look at all 10 million synapses now.
We can look at the fabric. And we can change neurons.
We can use different neurons with different variations.
We can position them in different places, orient them in different places.
We can use less or more of them.
And when we do that what we discovered is that the circuitry does change.
But the pattern of how the circuitry is designed does not.
So, the fabric of the brain, even though your brain may be smaller, bigger, it may have different types of neurons, different morphologies of neurons, we actually do share the same fabric.
And we think this is species-specific, which means that that could explain why we can't communicate across species.
So, let's switch it on. But to do it, what you have to do is you have to make this come alive.
We make it come alive with equations, a lot of mathematics.
And, in fact, the equations that make neurons into electrical generators were discovered by two Cambridge Nobel Laureates.
So, we have the mathematics to make neurons come alive.
We also have the mathematics to describe how neurons collect information, and how they create a little lightning bolt to communicate with each other.
And when they get to the synapse, what they do is they effectively, literally, shock the synapse.
It's like electrical shock that releases the chemicals from these synapses.
And we've got the mathematics to describe this process.
So we can describe the communication between the neurons.
There literally are only a handful of equations that you need to simulate the activity of the neocortex. But what you do need is a very big computer.
And in fact you need one laptop to do all the calculations just for one neuron.
So you need 10,000 laptops.
So where do you go? You go to IBM, and you get a supercomputer, because they know how to take 10,000 laptops and put it into the size of a refrigerator.
So now we have this Blue Gene supercomputer.
We can load up all the neurons, each one on to its processor, and fire it up, and see what happens.
Take the magic carpet for a ride.
Here we activate it. And this gives the first glimpse of what is happening in your brain when there is a stimulation.
It's the first view.
Now, when you look at that the first time, you think, "My god. How is reality coming out of that?"
But, in fact, you can start, even though we haven't trained this neocortical column to create a specific reality.
But we can ask, "Where is the rose?"
We can ask, "Where is it inside, if we stimulate it with a picture?"
Where is it inside the neocortex?
Ultimately it's got to be there if we stimulated it with it.
So, the way that we can look at that is to ignore the neurons, ignore the synapses, and look just at the raw electrical activity.
Because that is what it's creating.
It's creating electrical patterns.
So when we did this, we indeed, for the first time, saw these ghost-like structures: electrical objects appearing within the neocortical column.
And it's these electrical objects that are holding all the information about whatever stimulated it.
And then when we zoomed into this, it's like a veritable universe.
So the next step is just to take these brain coordinates and to project them into perceptual space.
And if you do that, you will be able to step inside the reality that is created by this machine, by this piece of the brain.
So, in summary, I think that the universe may have -- it's possible -- evolved a brain to see itself, which may be a first step in becoming aware of itself.
There is a lot more to do to test these theories, and to test any other theories.
But I hope that you are at least partly convinced that it is not impossible to build a brain.
We can do it within 10 years, and if we do succeed, we will send to TED, in 10 years, a hologram to talk to you. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
どちらにせよ、今回の選挙結果、そしてファタハが政府にいない状態にもかかわらず、アッバスが引き続きイスラエルとの交渉を担当する。イスラエルはアメリカ同様にハマスとの交渉を拒否したものの、アッバスは迅速に和平会談の復活を呼びかけている。 | In any case, despite the election results, and even without Fatah in government, Abbas remains in charge of negotiations with Israel. He has quickly called for a revival of peace talks, although Israel, like the US, has refused to deal with Hamas. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「浩太起きろよ! 飛行機が出立した直後に爆睡かよ」
「おいおい、大丈夫か? 今日から修学旅行なんだから、しっかりしてくれよ」
「自由行動は何する? 観光先は色々あるから悩むなぁ」
「俺はどこでもいいよ。折角だから彼女に告白したらどうだ? 福原さんのことは好きだったんだろ?」
「ちょっ......何で浩太が知ってるんだよ! 誰にも話してないのに、お前はエスパーか!」
あれ? どうして康弘の彼女を自分は知っていたのだろうか。
「デジャヴってやつか? まあダメ元で口説いてみろよ」
「何言ってるんだ! お前も一緒じゃないと」
そこにはキシャナやルトルスの姿が目に映り、シェーナは死の淵から生還したのだと初めて実感した。 | “Kouta! Wake up, man! You’ve been passed out since the plane took off!”
Someone shook me, trying to get me to wake up.
My head felt heavy like lead, as I opened my eyes, who did I see but my best friend Yasuhiro’s face.
, mornin’. Did you... call me Kouta?”
“Hey man, you feeling alright? It’s the start of our school trip today, get yourself together.”
“Our... school trip?”
As I glanced around me I noticed my classmates in their seats having friendly discussions while an in-flight announcement played.
Yasuhiro started opening the brochure for our school trip and asked where we should explore.
“What should we do during our free time? There’s so many sightseeing spots it’s kinda troubling”
“It’s all the same to me. Why don’t you take the chance to confess to her? Tell Fukuhara you like her you know?”
“Wai... How do you know about that! I haven’t told anyone! Are you some sorta psychic!?”
Huh? I wonder, how did I know Yasuhiro liked her.
I don’t have any recollection of Yasuhiro telling me directly, I feel like I’m forgetting something important here.
I frantically tried to remember, at the point that I got a sharp headache I felt a deep haze come over me.
“Hey Kouta, hasn’t that older foreign chick across the aisle been checking you out for a while now?”
In the seat where Yasuhiro was pointing, sure enough, there was a foreign girl with her gaze fixed on me.
Long silver-colored hair, with her body clad in knightly armor, surely she’s some sorta cosplayer huh.
“When I grow up I’d like to get to know that lady over some alcohol. Are you involved with her, Kouta?”
“Naw, I have no idea who she is. But... I feel like I’ve met her somewhere before”
“That deja vu thing huh? Try putting the moves on her eh, whatcha got to lose.”
Yasuhiro gave my back a shove. As I looked across at the foreign girl I saw her bashfully stiffen up.
“...I’ve finally found you, let’s go back together.”
“I’m Schenna Urablatt. I’ve been waiting to bring you back.”
This girl calling herself Schenna pulled me by the hand into her chest.
All of a sudden a bunch of turbulence hit the plane and I started seeing smoke and flames pour up from under my feet.
The path of the flames cut me off from Yasuhiro who was still on the other side of the aisle.
“You shouldn’t die here. We’ll be going back to the other world with that guy.”
“What are you even saying! We’re not together.”
As I called out to my best friend in intense grief, the flames picked up even more, wrapping themselves around the entire plane.
“I’ll be waiting for you on the other side. You... are Schenna.” As Yasuhiro kept speaking, his voice transformed into the gentle voice of a woman. As his voice cut off, everything came back to me.
Kouta was wrapped up in light and absorbed into Schenna’s body as his consciousness cleared up and returned to normal.
Reflected in my eyes were the figures of Kishana and Luthors. It was at this point I first realized that Schenna had managed to survive from the throes of death. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
右目は7ヶ月のときに 摘出されました
13ヶ月のときには 左目が摘出されました
この手術から目を覚ますとすぐに 私はベビーベッドから降りて 小児用集中治療室を 歩き回り始めたといいます こんな仕打ちをした張本人を 探していたのでしょう
明らかに 両目がなくても 集中治療室を歩き回るのに 問題はなかったようです
目が見えないことそのものよりも 「盲目」の与える印象の方がずっと― 目が不自由な人々にとっては 恐ろしいものです
「盲目」に対する印象について 考えてみて下さい
私が舞台に上がってきたときの あなたの反応について― 自分やあなたの愛する人の目が 見えなくなることについて 考えてみて下さい
その恐怖とは 私たち多くの者にとって 理解出来ないことです なぜなら 盲目であることは 無知や無自覚の縮図であり 未知の暗闇という荒廃に 憐れにも晒されることだからです
幸いなことに 私の両親は詩的ではなく
両親は無知や恐れは 考え方の問題に過ぎず 考え方は変えられると 理解していました
両親は私が皆と同じような 自由と責任を享受して育つべきだと 考えていました
両親に言わせれば いつか私は実家を出ていき― 実際18歳で私は家を出ました 税金も払うのだと ええ 確かに― 両親は愛情と恐れの区別を 知っていたのです
私たちは恐れによって 困難を前にすると動けなくなります
両親は盲目であるが故に 大きな困難に直面するとわかっていました
両親が私の自由こそを 最優先にしたのは それが愛情のなすべきことだからです
さて 先に進みますが 私は今どうやって生活しているでしょう?
世界は小児用集中治療室よりも ずっと大きいものです
幸い 私には信頼できる長い杖があります 多くの盲目の人が使うものよりも 長いものです
これのおかげで 例えば 舞台からみっともなく 退場しなくてすむのです ここに舞台の端が見えます
舞台上でスピーカーに起こった あらゆる失敗を 教えてもらいましたが
しかし それ以上に― 私が舞台に上がってくるときに 舌を鳴らしている音が― 聞こえたでしょう
これらの一瞬の音は 発せられると 周囲の面にはねかえって コウモリの反響定位(ソナー)のように パターンをなして 情報となって返ってきます あなた方にとっての光のようなものです
私の脳は 両親のおかげで 視覚野でイメージを形成するように 活性化されています これは結像系と呼ばれるものですが あなた方の脳と同様に 情報から像を結ぶのです
このプロセスを私は フラッシュソナーと呼んでいます
これは私が盲目であることを通じて 学んだ「見る方法」なのです 困難と言う名の 未知の暗闇の中を 歩んでいくために これによって ついたあだ名は 「すごいバットマン」です
ですが 私は自分を「すごい」と 考えるようには育てられませんでした
私は常に自分のことを 他の誰もと同じように 困難と言う名の未知の暗闇を 歩む者だと考えてきました
これが そんなに「すごい」ことでしょうか?
私は目を使わずに 脳を使うまでのことです
誰かが どこかで 「それはすごい」とか 「自分はそこには上がれない」と 考えているでしょうが そのことについて考えてみましょう
何かの困難に 直面したことがある人は 手を挙げてください
おお いいでしょう
たくさん手が挙がっていますね 数えてみましょう
少し時間がかかります たくさん挙がっていますね
挙げておいてください 良い考えがあります
困難を切り抜けるのに 脳を使った人は 手を下ろしてください
さて まだ手を挙げているあなたは 非常に独特の困難をお持ちの方です 私たちは皆 困難に直面し 未知の暗闇に直面します これは多くの困難にはびこっており 私たちの多くが恐れるものです
しかし 私たちには脳があります こうした困難を切り抜けていくために 私たちを活性化し 導いてくれるものです いいですね?
これが良い例です 私はここに上がってきましたが― 誰も演壇の場所を 教えてくれませんでした
「自分で見つけてください」 と言われました
ですから― 音響装置に関するフィードバックは 「全く役に立たなかった」ですね
少しの間 目を閉じていただけますか?
私はこのパネルを掲げますが 動かすことはしません
よし あまり面白くはありませんよ
では同じ音を鳴らして パネルを動かすと どうなるでしょうか
しーっ お前はダークサイドの力を 知らないのだ
さて 目を閉じたままで 違いがわかりましたか?
それでは 確かめてみましょう
あなた方への挑戦です パネルを動かし始めたと思ったら 「今」と言ってください
いいですね? リラックスしてください
観客:今 ダニエル・キッシュ:すばらしい
いいでしょう ほんの数センチですが 違いがわかるものですね
目が見えなくなっても 大丈夫ですよ それでは この活性化のプロセスに 時間と注意を傾けると
どうなるか見てみましょう フアン・ルイス: みんなは目で見るけど― 僕たちは耳で見るんだ
ブライアン・ブッシュウェイ: もっと楽しめるとかいう問題ではなくて 違う楽しみ方ができるんだ
ショーン・マーソレ:ここを横切って― キッシュ:そうだね
マーソレ:それから だんだんと下っていくわ
キッシュ:そう! マーソレ:すごいわ
本当に車が見えるみたい びっくり!
J. ルシャール:目が見えないのが好きなんだ
機会があったとしても 視力を手に入れたいとは思わないよ
ルイス:目標が高ければ高いほど もっと多くの障害が待っている その目標を乗り越えたときこそ― 勝利なんだ
[イタリア語] キッシュ:さて 彼らは怖がっていましたか?
私たちは活性化トレーニングを 何万人もの様々なバックグラウンドの 目が不自由な人や 目が見える人たちに およそ40か国で 行いました
目が不自由な人が見えるようになると 目が見える人たちは 彼らの見え方を 恐れずに もっとはっきりと 知りたいと思うようになります なぜなら これが私たち皆に備わっている すごい可能性を表しているからです いかなる暗闇の中でも どんな困難をも乗り越えて― 想像だにしないものを 見つけ出す能力が 活性化すれば得られるのです
皆さんが生き生きとした人生を 歩まれますように
クリス・アンダーソン: ダニエル ありがとう
見てお分かりのように TEDの観衆が沸いています
あなたが内部に構築している あなたの世界について1つ質問です
目が不自由な人の持っていない物が 世界にはあると考えられていますが あなたの世界はどんな感じですか?
私たちになくて あなたにあるものは 何でしょうか?
キッシュ:360度のパノラマの視界です 私のソナーは前も後ろも 把握できます
少しぼやけた三次元構造 といったところでしょうか
今はインストラクターになっている 私の生徒の1人は 視力を失ってから 数ヶ月後に 3階建ての自宅に座っていると 家の中の音がすべて聞こえることに 気づいたといいます 会話や台所の物音 バスルームの物音― ずっと階下の音や 何部屋も向こうの音もです
アンダーソン:今いるこの場所は どのように描いているのでしょう?
キッシュ:大音量のスピーカーが たくさんありますね
面白いことに 誰かが物音を立てると― 笑ったり 身動きしたり 飲み物を飲んだり 鼻をかんだり 何であっても 私には聞こえるのです
1人ひとりが行う ほんのわずかな動きでも聞こえます
私の注意力が必ず捉えます ソナーという点から言うと 部屋の大きさや 舞台を取り囲む観客が描く曲線 天井の高さなど
申し上げたように 三次元構造が 私を取り囲んでいるのです
アンダーソン:ダニエル あなたは私たち全員に 世界の違う見方を教えてくれました
本当にありがとう キッシュ:ありがとう | I was 13 months when they removed my left eye.
The first thing I did upon awakening from that last surgery was to climb out of my crib and begin wandering around the intensive care nursery, probably looking for the one who did this to me.
Evidently, wandering around the nursery was not a problem for me without eyes.
The problem was getting caught.
It's impressions about blindness that are far more threatening to blind people than the blindness itself.
Think for a moment about your own impressions of blindness.
Think about your reactions when I first came onto the stage, or the prospect of your own blindness, or a loved one going blind.
The terror is incomprehensible to most of us, because blindness is thought to epitomize ignorance and unawareness, hapless exposure to the ravages of the dark unknown.
How poetic.
Fortunately for me, my parents were not poetic.
They were pragmatic.
They understood that ignorance and fear were but matters of the mind, and the mind is adaptable.
They believed that I should grow up to enjoy the same freedoms and responsibilities as everyone else.
In their own words, I would move out -- which I did when I was 18 -- I will pay taxes -- thanks -- -- and they knew the difference between love and fear.
Fear immobilizes us in the face of challenge.
They knew that blindness would pose a significant challenge.
I was not raised with fear.
They put my freedom first before all else, because that is what love does.
Now, moving forward, how do I manage today?
The world is a much larger nursery.
Fortunately, I have my trusty long cane, longer than the canes used by most blind people.
I call it my freedom staff.
It will keep me, for example, from making an undignified departure from the stage. I do see that cliff edge.
They warned us earlier that every imaginable mishap has occurred to speakers up here on the stage.
I don't care to set a new precedent.
But beyond that, many of you may have heard me clicking as I came onto the stage -- -- with my tongue.
Those are flashes of sound that go out and reflect from surfaces all around me, just like a bat's sonar, and return to me with patterns, with pieces of information, much as light does for you.
And my brain, thanks to my parents, has been activated to form images in my visual cortex, which we now call the imaging system, from those patterns of information, much as your brain does.
I call this process flash sonar.
It is how I have learned to see through my blindness, to navigate my journey through the dark unknowns of my own challenges, which has earned me the moniker "the remarkable Batman."
Now, Batman I will accept.
Bats are cool. Batman is cool.
But I was not raised to think of myself as in any way remarkable.
I have always regarded myself much like anyone else who navigates the dark unknowns of their own challenges.
Is that so remarkable?
I do not use my eyes, I use my brain.
Now, someone, somewhere, must think that's remarkable, or I wouldn't be up here, but let's consider this for a moment.
Everyone out there who faces or who has ever faced a challenge, raise your hands.
Whoosh. Okay.
Lots of hands going up, a moment, let me do a head count.
This will take a while. Okay, lots of hands in the air.
Keep them up. I have an idea.
Those of you who use your brains to navigate these challenges, put your hands down.
Okay, anyone with your hands still up has challenges of your own. So we all face challenges, and we all face the dark unknown, which is endemic to most challenges, which is what most of us fear, okay?
But we all have brains that allow us, that activate to allow us to navigate the journey through these challenges. Okay?
Case in point: I came up here and -- -- they wouldn't tell me where the lectern was.
So you can't trust those TED folks.
"Find it yourself," they said.
So -- And the feedback for the P.A. system is no help at all.
So now I present to you a challenge.
So if you'd all close your eyes for just a moment, okay?
And you're going to learn a bit of flash sonar.
I'm going to make a sound.
I'm going to hold this panel in front of me, but I'm not going to move it.
Just listen to the sound for a moment.
Okay, nothing very interesting.
Now, listen to what happens to that same exact sound when I move the panel.
Shhhhhhhhhhh. You do not know the power of the dark side.
I couldn't resist.
Okay, now keep your eyes closed because, did you hear the difference?
Okay. Now, let's be sure.
For your challenge, you tell me, just say "now" when you hear the panel start to move.
Okay? We'll relax into this.
Audience: Now. Daniel Kish: Good. Excellent.
Open your eyes.
All right. So just a few centimeters, you would notice the difference.
You've experienced sonar.
You'd all make great blind people. when this activation process is given some time and attention.
Juan Ruiz: It's like you guys can see with your eyes and we can see with our ears.
Brian Bushway: It's not a matter of enjoying it more or less, it's about enjoying it differently.
Shawn Marsolais: It goes across. DK: Yeah.
SM: And then it's gradually coming back down again.
DK: Yes! SM: That's amazing.
I can, like, see the car. Holy mother!
J. Louchart: I love being blind.
If I had the opportunity, honestly, I wouldn't go back to being sighted.
JR: The bigger the goal, the more obstacles you'll face, and on the other side of that goal is victory.
[In Italian] DK: Now, do these people look terrified?
Not so much.
We have delivered activation training to tens of thousands of blind and sighted people from all backgrounds in nearly 40 countries.
When blind people learn to see, sighted people seem inspired to want to learn to see their way better, more clearly, with less fear, because this exemplifies the immense capacity within us all to navigate any type of challenge, through any form of darkness, to discoveries unimagined when we are activated.
I wish you all a most activating journey.
Thank you very much.
Chris Anderson: Daniel, my friend.
As I know you can see, it's a spectacular standing ovation at TED.
Thank you for an extraordinary talk.
Just one more question about your world, your inner world that you construct.
We think that we have things in our world that you as a blind person don't have, but what's your world like?
What do you have that we don't have?
DK: Three hundred and sixty-degree view, so my sonar works about as well behind me as it does in front of me.
It works around corners.
It works through surfaces.
Generally, it's kind of a fuzzy three-dimensional geometry.
One of my students, who has now become an instructor, when he lost his vision, after a few months he was sitting in his three story house and he realized that he could hear everything going on throughout the house: conversations, people in the kitchen, people in the bathroom, several floors away, several walls away.
He said it was something like having x-ray vision.
CA: What do you picture that you're in right now?
How do you picture this theater?
DK: Lots of loudspeakers, quite frankly.
It's interesting. When people make a sound, when they laugh, when they fidget, when they take a drink or blow their nose or whatever, I hear everything.
I hear every little movement that every single person makes.
None of it really escapes my attention, and then, from a sonar perspective, the size of the room, the curvature of the audience around the stage, it's the height of the room.
Like I say, it's all that kind of three-dimensional surface geometry all around me.
CA: Well, Daniel, you have done a spectacular job of helping us all see the world in a different way.
Thanks so much for that, truly. DK: Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
自分の右手を見ながらセイヤはそんなことを言うのであった。 | The dead red-brown ground spreads all over the area, dried land where plants and trees are nowhere to be found. The only things in sight are big red rocks and mountains.
There is no sign of people around. In this desolate land, Seiya was standing with a single girl.
A girl standing next to Seiya has beautiful white hair, beautiful red eyes and a beautiful face that can fascinate people.
Her height is a bit low, but the girl can be expressed in one sentence, absolutely beautiful.
The appearance of such a girl was a true opposite to Seiya with blond hair and blue eyes.
White haired red eyed beauty calls on Seiya while pointing forward. Seiya looks at the direction pointed to by Yua, a girl with scarlet red eyes, and finds something there.
In this direction was a large horde of animals like cattle. And the horde was approaching at the high speed towards them. Their number was about .
「Magical beasts again」
「It seems so......」
Said Seiya looking at the large horde of cow-like magical beasts.
Magical beast is an animal-like living being in a dark territory, a place where no man lives, they’re powerful enough to easily deal with ordinary people.
It depends on the species but basically, the weakest ones need a team of average magicians to defeat it. However, the monsters that come closer to the Seiya are not the weakest however you look at it
Three thousand beasts were approaching Seiya and Yua.
「Seiya...what shall we do?」
「I’ll deal with them」
Seiya starts manipulating magical powers inside his body while lifting the right hand towards the horde of beasts. Yua does not do anything and is just watching Seiya with a relieved face.
「 『Dark Wave 』」
Immediately after Seiya said the name of the spell, horde of close to beasts that was approaching at a high speed toward the two of them disappeared in a flash.
Only the dust was left from the gigantic running horde.
Seeing this Yua said.
「After all, darkness attribute sure is convenient ......」
「Sure enough. That what you should expect from the power of heretics」
Said Seiya while looking at his right hand. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
戦って、勝てる相手か? 逃げられるのか?
––––身体がないのに形取っている存在。ならばおそらくは魔法という原理で成り立っている。あれは”魔法使い”に分類されるはずだ。雷を象った魔法を使う魔物だ。身体がダメなら、あの頭骨はどうだ? 見るからに狙いやすいぞ––––
立ち向かうしかない。この短剣で? 武器があるだけまだマシだ。
できるのか? と自分が訊ねる。
「ミトロフさんこそ、ご無事ですね? お怪我は?」
「掠ったくらいだ。アレは、何なんだ? 魔物か? 守護者?」
「魔力場? 知らないが、ここに来たのは何か嫌な気配を感じたからだ。で、アレは?」
「......あの、信用なさるのですか? ”魔族”ですよ?」
「宗教学で習ったな。地獄に住まうとされる住人たちだろう? 人間を堕落させる悪の顕在、神の敵......迷宮にはよくいるのか?」
と、幼子に言い聞かせるように言った。 | “An old woman,” Mitrof thinks. But there was no proof.
Mitrof involuntarily took a step back because the figure in front of him was too abnormal.
Her back was bent at a right angle. In her right hand, she held a sheathed sword, and in her left hand, she held a lantern with a blue flame. Her white and dirty black hair was tangled, and on the ground, it coiled like a snake.
Instead of a face, there was a goat’s skull where it should have been. It was not a mask, but the face itself was a goat’s skull, with the eye sockets painted black.
She was wrapped in a black shroud, adorned with gold and silver ornaments. Not only did she look unusual, but she exuded an eerie sense of oppression, as if a bottomless toxic gas was emanating from her.
Mitrof was speechless.
It was too abnormal to call it a “person.”
However, it was too “human” to call it a monster.
“Are you from the people of the labyrinth?”
Mitrof’s voice was hoarse.
The goat-skullhead-old-woman didn’t answer anything. She slightly tilted her head from side to side, observing Mitrof with her dark eyes.
Mitrof felt a sense of horror at the unusual and eerie experience he had never encountered before.
Click, click, click.
The old woman’s nails bounced off the scabbard. The fleshless fingers, covered only with a thin layer of skin on the bone, lacked the color of the living. Her long, yellowed nails tapped against the scabbard before coming to a stop.
——A singing voice
The sound was like metal rubbing against metal, like rain and air breaking through in a stormy night, like the twisting of a beast’s muscle strings being plucked. an exceedingly eerie sound that Mitrof had never heard before.
The mouth of the goat-skullhead-old-woman was open. The vibrations that emanated from it were undeniably making sounds.
When faced with an incomprehensible phenomenon, people react in various ways. Most often, they initially reject it. Facing a strange creature’s presence in the monster’s lair inside the labyrinth, Mitrof was unable to make a judgment.
Is this the enemy? Should he fight, or should he run away?
The goat’s skull rattled, and music that shook the depths of the earth echoed from its mouth. Mitrof drew his thrusting sword. By taking up a weapon to protect himself, he regained some composure.
At the same time, the next question arose.
‘Could I win against this opponent? Could I escape?’
She wasn’t massive, and her weapon was unsheathed. Her physique was not reassuring, and she looked like she might fall with a single strike from a steel sword.
However, the ominousness of the goat-skullhead-old-woman was enough to make Mitrof pause.
The goat-skull tilted, already level with the ground, as it leaned to one side, then the other, before slowly returning to its original position. Then she swung the sword sheath of her right hand like she was waving off the wind.
Dodging it was due to a split-second change in consciousness. It was strengthened by sublimation, and sometimes it moved the body faster than reflexes. It had a keen sense of danger, like that of a wild beast.
Mitrof squatted as if to kneel on his right knee. The impact and gust of wind dissipated. There was a sound of something being slammed against the wall behind him.
There was a crackling sound. Mitrof looked at his shoulder. His clothes were burned. A sharp, thorn-like light flickered and disappeared.
“——Was that lightning?”
He muttered in amazement. His shoulder was numb. He looked at the old woman, who was still holding her sword and tilting her head left and right.
It could be magic, the sorcery of a monster, or the power of that sword. The old woman had just reproduced a lightning flash in the stormy sky.
Mitrof’s thoughts were spinning calmly. He stood up and prepared himself, suppressing his anxiety. One thing was certain. That thing was undoubtedly the enemy. Therefore, he had no choice but to fight.
His left shoulder suddenly twitched. Mitrof wondered if it was a curse that moved involuntarily, regardless of one’s will.
He timidly put some force into his fists and arms a few times, and the twitch stopped. If just a graze could cause an effect, he could die if he were hit directly. Mitrof was a bit surprised at himself for calmly thinking about his own death.
‘That’s right. I am now facing death.’
Before he could tremble in fear, the goat-skullhead-old-woman raised her sword sheath again. She did not swing it, only lifted it above her head.
Mitrof frowned and immediately sensed it—a lightning strike.
He rolled away horizontally as the ground shattered with a flash of light. The impact, the light, and the sound were overwhelming. He was unable to protect himself and could only roll awkwardly. However, thanks to the fat stored in his body, he could absorb the shock.
Trying to get up immediately, he found that his right leg had no strength. There was a glimmer of light flashing from his knee down.
“Damn it!” he swore, slapping his right leg. His hand felt numb and painful, so he instinctively pulled it back. His spasmodic leg had no strength, and it was the only part of his body that was limp like a dead body.
He stood up with only his left leg, but his own body felt too heavy.
While holding an out-of-place thought that he should have lost weight, Mitrof maintained his stance with his thrusting sword as a cane.
The goat-skullhead-old-woman was not pursuing him. She tilted her skull from side to side and gazed at the sword in her hand. It was like a baby exploring the outside world for the first time, but Mitrof felt a sense of horror at the innocent behavior that was harbored in her abnormal appearance.
A creaking sound echoed from behind her yellowed teeth. Was it a voice or a song? The scabbard shook, and a spark flashed in the air. The thorns of light were visible.
‘How to avoid it?’
Mitrof stepped forward with a left step. The thorns, with irregular nodes, headed towards Mitrof but suddenly turned just before contact. Mitrof managed to dodge the attack while the sharp, thrusting sword in his hand bit into the air with a delayed explosion like heat.
One’s mind should grip the sword, for to let go of one’s weapon is to die.
However, his body disobeyed the firm command of his mind and released the sword. The unprecedented shock and heat made him realize that holding onto the sword at that moment would have led to imminent danger.
While stepping on the ground that trembled from the shock wave that occurred at his fingertips, Mitrof looked at his hand. The briars were entangled in the thrusting sword floating in the air. The burns on his palm spread like branches—’did lightning have heat?’
Mitrof’s eyes widened, as if he had discovered something new, like a scholar, in a completely inappropriate situation.
In the fleeting moment when his thoughts were interrupted, Mitrof adjusted his posture.
The goat-skullhead-old-woman was right there, but he had let go of his weapon—no, he had a short sword that he received from the Silver Knight.
Mitrof drew the short sword from his waist.
He leaned his weight onto the sword, thrusting it as if he were tackling. But the tip of the blade was sucked into the black tatters of her cloak and pierced through, even cutting through her arm.
He gasped in surprise and confusion. His momentum did not stop, and Mitrof passed through the cold membrane that made his spine freeze, rolling to the ground.
He hurriedly got up, taking a defensive stance. As he looked back, he saw the cloak fluttering, but there was nothing where the body should have been.
Shaking a pale blue light, the goat-skullhead-old-woman turned around. With her skull tilting to the right, she stared fixedly at Mitrof.
“This is...interesting—no, this is not a time to be amused.”
Since enhancing his mental strength through sublimation, there were times when Mitrof felt like his thoughts were splitting apart. There was a part of him that was deeply agitated and another part that calmly analyzed reality. Both were aspects of himself, but he wondered which one was the true Mitrof.
This was a completely different kind of entity from the monsters he had encountered in the labyrinth. His attacks were ineffective against it. There was a part of Mitrof that was scared, crying out, and wanting to escape immediately.
It was an existence that took form without a body, likely based on the principle of magic. It should be classified as a “magician.” It used magic that resembled lightning. If her body was useless, what about that skull? It seemed easy to aim for.
The part of himself that restrained his emotions, separated his feelings, and analyzed the entity between his eyes—was that the “strong Mitrof” obtained through sublimation?
He didn’t know. But that kind of thinking was necessary to survive.
Mitrof slowly took deep breaths and pushed down the screaming part of himself deep within his heart. For a moment, he glanced at the door. It was on his left. Even if he ran straight for it, the lightning from the goat-skullhead-old-woman entity would be faster.
There was no choice but to face it, with this short sword? It was better to have a weapon, at least.
Mitrof took up the unreliable short sword. First, he had to avoid the lightning strikes. It had to be perfect. Even a graze would cause numbness in his limbs.
‘Can I do it?’ He asked himself.
‘If I couldn’t, I would just die,’ he answered himself.
The goat-skullhead-oldwoman trembled, and her song echoed louder than ever. She raised her sword, clutching it with withered fingers like a staff.
The moment Mitrof braced himself, a blade of flame attacked the goat-skullhead-oldwoman from the side. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman countered it with lightning generated by holding up her scabbard and shaking her head back and forth.
The figure ran through the darkness. Straight toward Mitrof, she ran, grabbing his hand and pulling him without paying any attention to Mitrof’s calls. Caught off guard by the sudden strength, Mitrof stuck his leg out to avoid falling, then ran along.
Behind them, there was the sound of air rupturing.
“Here comes the lightning!”
“Don’t worry.”
At Mitrof’s scream, Blanc Manje turned around and pulled Mitrof’s arm, running towards the door. Mitrof stumbled and they switched positions. Mitrof pushed through the door and stumbled out.
Blanc Manje fell backward and looked up at the sky. She swung her sword as lightning spread across the sky.
The flames of her innate magical power intertwined with the lightning.
The lightning that pierced through the wall of flames wrapped around Blanc Manje’s sword. She let out a scream, but held on. Just before she collapsed, she spun around and followed Mitrof out the door.
“Close the door!”
At Blanc Manje’s command, Mitrof, who had stood up, placed his hand on the door and closed it with all his strength.
“...But does it really matter if we close it?”
“The ‘guardian’s room’ is like a prison—once it’s closed, no one can come out.”
After Blanc Manje’s reply, Mitrof let out a breath. He leaned against the door and sat down, sliding down the door.
In front of him was Blanc Manje, wrapped in a pale green robe. A slender sword could be seen protruding from the long hem, as the woman’s hands were concealed. The edge of the robe was blackened and smoking.
“Thank you. I’m saved—are your arms okay?”
“Yes, perfectly fine.”
Blanc Manje sheathed the sword into a scabbard in the shadow of the robe, then crouched down to meet Mitrof’s eye level.
“Mitrof-san—are you alright? Do you have any injuries?”
“Just a graze—what was that thing? A monster? The guardian?”
“I cast a magic barrier to repel humans, but how did you make it through?”
“Magic barrier? I don’t know, but I felt a strange presence and came here—so, what was that?”
Blanc Manje groaned with concern, then shook his head resignedly.
“That was not a ‘guardian.’ It’s a being called a ‘demon,’ who embodies ancient calamities, grief, and suffering.”
“I see, a demon.”
Mitrof nodded vigorously. It was Blanc Manje who was confused.
“... Uh, do you not believe me? They’re called “demons,” you know?”
“I learned about them in religious studies—aren’t they the inhabitants of hell? The embodiment of evil that corrupts humans, enemies of the gods... They’re common in labyrinths, aren’t they?”
“Well, they’re not that common, but...”
Blanc Manje stumbled over her words.
Normally, someone with more common sense would sneer or shout for them to say something more reasonable. However, Mitrof’s ignorance of the world worked in their favor. While he had knowledge, there were certain things that were far removed from the common sense of labyrinth society and everyday life.
Therefore, even if he was told that “demons” were in the labyrinth, Mitrof’s flexibility allowed him to accept it as just something that existed.
“Whatever you call them, they are terrifying.”
Mitrof recalled his fear through the door he was leaning against. Their abnormal presence, their terrifying form, their thin existence.
“They are said to be existences beyond the logic of this world—Ah, no, but more importantly...”
Mitrof stood up and looked back and forth between the tightly closed “guardian’s room” and Blanc Manje’s face.
“... My sword is still inside.”
Blanc Manje looked surprised and sighed in exasperation. Shaking her head left and right, she said,
“Just give up.”
as if she were talking to a little child. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
ロシア人は西側の民主主義世界にいる私達とそれほどまでに違うのか、それとも民主主義は、歴史ある、安定し、繁栄した、満ち足りた社会のみが手に入れ得る贅沢なのか?ソビエト崩壊後の安定を探る試みのなかで、ロシア人はプーチンへの核心を新たにしたように思われる。彼は体格的にはピョートル大帝に匹敵しないが、ロシアの人々の気持ちをつかみ、それからコントロールすることができる、才ある政治家だということを証明した。 | In their quest for post-Soviet stability, Russians seem to have found reassurance in Putin. He does not match Peter the Great in physical stature, but he has proven to be a gifted politician, capable of grasping, then controlling, the mood of the Russian people. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
以前はここから、無詠唱魔法について説明する途中で、ティルラちゃんが乱入してきたために中断したんだった。 | “I was thinking, Mr. Takumi, that I should teach you to use magic, just in case.” “Magic...”
Now that I thought about it, Sebastian had explained magic to me when I first came to this mansion.
Though, he hadn’t been able to finish, as Tilura interrupted him.
When looking into my Gift in Ractos, it was revealed that I had an aptitude for magic as well, so I should be able to use it if I wanted to.
“Currently, you are training to use the sword, with His Grace as your tutor. However, there will be times when a sword alone is not enough to deal with a situation.”
As I had not been training for that long yet, I could hardly be considered a full-fledged swordsman.
While I had been able to deal with Nick, that was not enough to make me feel confident at all.
What if I were to meet someone who could easily outclass my meager sword skills... I could rely on Leo, but it was good to have options.
“Indeed... As Leo is always with me, I doubt such a thing will happen any time soon... But you never know what could happen. Perhaps it is necessary.” “Yes. After all, you might encounter monsters on the way. Of course, I can only teach you simple magic... But I think it would be good if you learned a few spells before your departure.
“Very well. It’s to protect myself, after all. Thank you.”
I had seen a few different spells up until now.
None of them seemed like they could help me fight monsters, but they would still be useful.
So, what kind of magic would Sebastian teach me...
And so it was with a feeling of excitement that I returned to the garden where Tilura was.
“I wasn’t able to concentrate much today.”
After doing my swings with Tilura, I returned to my room with a feeling of regret.
My excitement for learning magic had distracted me.
Tilura had no such problem with concentration... I had to do better.
“Yes. I have to concentrate when the time calls for it.”
I agreed as Leo looked at me admonishingly.
But from tomorrow, there will be magic and training, growing herbs and studying medicine... That was a lot to do...
The next day, Mr. Hannes and his granddaughter ate breakfast and departed for their village.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Claire.” “Thank you!”
I stepped outside with Ms. Claire in order to see them off.
Ms. Claire smiled at their words and nodded.
“Wuff. Wuff.”
“Good Leo. We’ll be waiting for you in the village!”
Leo went up to Rosalie in order to say goodbye.
Rosalie smiled and petted Leo.
They were good friends now. That was nice to see.
“Keep them safe, Phillip.” “Yes, my lady.”
Phillip nodded at Ms. Claire and got on his horse.
While Mr. Hannes and Rosalie had come here by themselves, Phillip would escort them back.
This was to protect them and ensure that they made it back to the village.
“Well, I’ll see you there, Mr. Hannes.”
“Yes. I’ll be waiting for you.”
I said to him as he and Rosalie got onto their horses. And then they trotted off into the distance.
Still, Mr. Hannes rode well for a man of his age.
...I suppose I should also learn how to ride a horse? Well, there was so much to do now, so that could wait.
Besides, I can just ride Leo.
“Well, I’m going to go train and make some herbs.”
“Thank you, Mr. Takumi.” “Not at all.”
And then I went to the garden with Leo.
There, I joined up with Tilura and Sherry, who were waiting, and we trained together.
After that, I had Milina help me as I grew more Ramogi and other herbs.
“Phew... That’s enough for today.”
“Good work, master.”
Thanks to Milina’s help, I was able to prepare quite a lot of Ramogi.
Mr. Hannes had told me how much they needed, and this still wasn’t enough. But at this rate, I would be able to prepare eighty percent by the time I had to leave.
And then the rest could be grown when we arrived or during breaks on the way.
Though, it was sometimes hard to have to keep reminding myself to be careful and not push myself too much.
“This portion is to take to Ractos tomorrow. Also, as I’ll be away from the mansion for a while, there is a little extra for that as well.”
It was even harder, since I had to consider the amount to send to Ractos as well.
I wouldn’t be able to make any for them while I was away, so I had to make extra now.
That was why I barely had enough to take to Range village.
“Master, what about this part...?” “Ah, that...”
After giving the herbs to Nick, we ate lunch and then I started studying with Milina.
While we usually studied until evening, as I now had to take magic lessons with Sebastian, it was cut short to just a few hours.
“Mr. Takumi. It’s time.”
“I understand. Milina, sorry that we have to cut it short today.”
“It’s fine. I still have things to learn as a servant of this house. So I’ll concentrate on that.”
As Ms. Lyra had come to tell me that it was time, we finished studying.
I felt quite bad for Milina about this, and apologized.
However, as she was also learning to be a servant, there was a lot that she had to learn, and so she was fine prioritizing that for now.
I was grateful for this as I went out to the garden where Sebastian waited.
“Now, let us begin, Mr. Takumi.” “Yes, thank you.”
I arrived in the garden and Sebastian’s magic lesson began.
As it could be dangerous to use magic indoors, we decided to do it in the garden.
Thankfully, Tilura wasn’t out here today.
Ms. Claire had taken her away to study.
“Now, magic is... Well, do you remember what I explained to you previously...?”
“Yes, I do.”
Something about requiring magic energy and using chants to convert it...I think.
By vocalizing it, you decide the attribute, like fire or water. And then you decided how to activate it.
He had been in the middle of talking about using magic without chanting, but then Tilura had interrupted us. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
世界各地を訪れて 地球の美しさを 知り そこに生きる 人や生き物に 出会うことができました
興味が芽生えたのは7歳の時です 初めて両親とモロッコへ行きました サハラ砂漠の隅にある国です
想像して下さい イギリス人の少女がー 寒くもなければ 雨も降らない場所に行ったんです
世界をもっと知りたいという 興味が沸きました
その後 映像製作に関わるようになりー 世界の端から端まで行きました 完璧な映像を撮るためです 誰も見たことがない 動物の行動を撮るためです
そして さらにラッキーなことにー 私は世界中の人々に それをお見せすることができます
地球の知られざる一面を発見すること そして そのメッセージを発信できること それこそが 私の日々の原動力です
大変な仕事に聞こえると思います 常に新しいストーリーや 撮影の対象を探すのですから でも テクノロジーの進歩のおかげで 様々な撮影が可能になりました
見たこともないような映像を撮影し 聞いたこともないような 物語を伝えることができます
デイビッド・アッテンボローと制作した ー BBCの「グレートネイチャー」というシリーズは ー まさに それを追求したものです
グリズリーの 映像は良くあります
でも その生態には 私たちが全く知らない 一面があるのです 撮影に成功した人はいませんでした
だから 私たちはアラスカへ行きました グリズリーが冬眠するのは ー 人が行けないような 高い山の斜面です そこに寝床を作ります
(デイビッド・アッテンボロー) アラスカからブリティッシュコロンビアの地域ではー 何千ものクマの家族が冬眠から目を覚まします
ここに食料はありません でも冬眠には理想的な環境です
食物を見つけるために 母グマは子グマを連れて山を下ります 川辺では雪解けが始まっています
しかし 子グマたちにとって 山を下りるのは 冒険です
山には危険がたくさんあります しかし このようなクマの家族や ー 北太平洋地域のクマたちは ー サケで命を繋いでいるのです
これはヘリコプターで撮影しました ジャイロスタビライザー付きカメラを使いました
素晴らしい機材です 三脚、クレーン、ドーリーが 一緒になったようなものですから
決定的瞬間を捉えるには ー その瞬間にその場に いなければなりません
翌年 また同じ場所に行きました アラスカの僻地まで戻りました
2週間 ヘリで飛び続けました
雲が消え 風が静まり ー クマが姿を見せたのです
その奇跡の瞬間を 捉えることができました
映像製作に関わる者にとって ー 新技術は驚異的なツールです でも もっと興奮することがあります 新種の生物が発見された時です
ある動物の話を聞いて ー 絶対に撮影して 次のシリーズに使おうと思いました ナショナルジオグラフィックの 「アンテイムド・アメリカ」です
2005年に新種のコウモリが発見されました 場所はエクアドルの雲霧林です
その大変な発見と同時に ー ある謎が解明されました ある花の受粉方法が分からなかったのですが
このシリーズはまだ放映されていません ここで初めて公開します
(ナレーション) チューブリップト・ネクター・バットです
甘い花の蜜は ー 細長い花の底に溜まっています
体長6センチほどの このコウモリは ー 9センチ近い舌を持っています 体長と比較した舌の長さは ー 世界の哺乳類の中でも最長です
人間だったら 3メートル近い舌です
(拍手) すごい舌ですね
花の底に小さな穴を開けて撮影しました 40倍のスローモーションが 可能なカメラを使いました
“地球でどこが一番好き?” と良く聞かれますけど
でも 何度も引き戻される場所はあります
ある僻地なんですが ー 初めて行った時はバックパッカーでした その後 撮影のために何度も訪れ アンテイムド・アメリカの 撮影も行いました 南米のアンデス高地にあるアルティプラノです この世とは思えない場所です
でも標高4,500メートルですから 大変なんです
震えるほど寒いです 空気が薄いので具合が悪くなります
息をするのも大変です 重い撮影機材を背負っていますからね
常に二日酔いみたいに 頭がガンガンします
でも 空気が薄いからこそ ー きれいに星が見えるのです 驚くほどはっきり見えます
(ナレーション) 熱帯地域から250キロほど南下した チリとボリビアの間で アンデスは別の姿を見せます
ここはアルティプラノと呼ばれる場所です 信じがたい場所です 対極を成す自然
砂漠が凍り 熱い温泉が噴き出す
地球というより火星のような場所です 生物にとっては過酷な環境です
ここから見上げる星空です 乾燥した 空気の薄い 標高3,600メートルのこの場所は ー 星空を眺めるには絶好の条件です
世界の天文学者が この近くに望遠鏡を設置しています
でも 裸眼でも十分です 望遠鏡は必要ありません
(拍手) ありがとうございます 映像をお見せできて うれしいです これが 私たちの 素晴らしい地球の姿です
皆さんと分かち合えたことに 感謝します | I've been privileged to see so much of our beautiful Earth and the people and creatures that live on it.
And my passion was inspired at the age of seven, when my parents first took me to Morocco, at the edge of the Sahara Desert.
Now imagine a little Brit somewhere that wasn't cold and damp like home.
What an amazing experience.
And it made me want to explore more.
So as a filmmaker, I've been from one end of the Earth to the other trying to get the perfect shot and to capture animal behavior never seen before.
And what's more, I'm really lucky, because I get to share that with millions of people worldwide.
Now the idea of having new perspectives of our planet and actually being able to get that message out gets me out of bed every day with a spring in my step.
You might think that it's quite hard to find new stories and new subjects, but new technology is changing the way we can film.
It's enabling us to get fresh, new images and tell brand new stories.
In Nature's Great Events, a series for the BBC that I did with David Attenborough, we wanted to do just that.
Images of grizzly bears are pretty familiar.
You see them all the time, you think.
But there's a whole side to their lives that we hardly ever see and had never been filmed.
So what we did, we went to Alaska, which is where the grizzlies rely on really high, almost inaccessible, mountain slopes for their denning.
And the only way to film that is a shoot from the air.
David Attenborough: Throughout Alaska and British Columbia, thousands of bear families are emerging from their winter sleep.
There is nothing to eat up here, but the conditions were ideal for hibernation.
Lots of snow in which to dig a den.
To find food, mothers must lead their cubs down to the coast, where the snow will already be melting.
But getting down can be a challenge for small cubs.
These mountains are dangerous places, but ultimately the fate of these bear families, and indeed that of all bears around the North Pacific, depends on the salmon.
KB: I love that shot.
I always get goosebumps every time I see it.
That was filmed from a helicopter using a gyro-stabilized camera.
And it's a wonderful bit of gear, because it's like having a flying tripod, crane and dolly all rolled into one.
But technology alone isn't enough.
To really get the money shots, it's down to being in the right place at the right time.
And that sequence was especially difficult.
The first year we got nothing.
We had to go back the following year, all the way back to the remote parts of Alaska.
And we hung around with a helicopter for two whole weeks.
And eventually we got lucky.
The cloud lifted, the wind was still, and even the bear showed up.
And we managed to get that magic moment.
For a filmmaker, new technology is an amazing tool, but the other thing that really, really excites me is when new species are discovered.
Now, when I heard about one animal, I knew we had to get it for my next series, Untamed Americas, for National Geographic.
In 2005, a new species of bat was discovered in the cloud forests of Ecuador.
And what was amazing about that discovery is that it also solved the mystery of what pollinated a unique flower.
It depends solely on the bat.
Now, the series hasn't even aired yet, so you're the very first to see this.
See what you think.
Narrator: The tube-lipped nectar bat.
A pool of delicious nectar lies at the bottom of each flower's long flute.
But how to reach it?
Necessity is the mother of evolution.
This two-and-a-half-inch bat has a three-and-a-half-inch tongue, the longest relative to body length of any mammal in the world.
If human, he'd have a nine-foot tongue.
KB: What a tongue.
We filmed it by cutting a tiny little hole in the base of the flower and using a camera that could slow the action by 40 times.
So imagine how quick that thing is in real life.
Now people often ask me, "Where's your favorite place on the planet?"
And the truth is I just don't have one.
There are so many wonderful places.
But some locations draw you back time and time again.
And one remote location -- I first went there as a backpacker; I've been back several times for filming, most recently for Untamed Americas -- it's the Altiplano in the high Andes of South America, and it's the most otherworldly place I know.
But at 15,000 feet, it's tough.
It's freezing cold, and that thin air really gets you.
Sometimes it's hard to breathe, especially carrying all the heavy filming equipment.
And that pounding head just feels like a constant hangover.
But the advantage of that wonderful thin atmosphere is that it enables you to see the stars in the heavens with amazing clarity.
Have a look.
Narrator: Some 1,500 miles south of the tropics, between Chile and Bolivia, the Andes completely change.
It's called the Altiplano, or "high plains" -- a place of extremes and extreme contrasts.
Where deserts freeze and waters boil.
More like Mars than Earth, it seems just as hostile to life.
The stars themselves -- at 12,000 feet, the dry, thin air makes for perfect stargazing.
Some of the world's astronomers have telescopes nearby.
But just looking up with the naked eye, you really don't need one.
KB: Thank you so much for letting me share some images of our magnificent, wonderful Earth.
Thank you for letting me share that with you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
誰もが グラマーを 理解していると思っています
グラマーな映画スター 例えば マレーネ・ディートリッヒ
男性の場合もあります とてもグラマーですね
銃と車と酒だけではなく ワインも飲みます 着るのは 当然タキシード
ただ グラマーにはもっと 広い意味があると思います 映画スターや 架空のキャラクター以外にも グラマーなものがあります
雑誌でも グラマーから かけ離れた下ネタ専門です
ドリュー・バリモアは魅力的でも グラマーとは言えません
一方 工場はグラマーです
マーガレット・バークホワイトが 撮影した写真です
工場の写真は すごくグラマーです ガレージで起業した人には
神話に似たグラマーを感じます これはヒューレット・ パッカードのガレージ
ガレージで起業すれば 誰でもHP社が 設立できると 思ってしまうのです
宇宙を理解するための 大統一理論は 極めてグラマーですし ブライアン・グリーン博士は 別の意味でもグラマーです
外宇宙はとてもグラマーです エイリアン的な グラマーではなく 清潔感のある 60年代初頭のグラマーです
「グラマー」には どんな意味があるのでしょう
意味を知る方法のひとつは 辞書で調べることです
しかも 古い辞書が役立ちます これは1913年 出版です
「グラマー」は 数百年間 特別な意味で使われてきました 私達のイメージとは違う 使い方があったのです
性質を表すというよりは 相手に「かける」ものでした
グラマーとは魔法の 呪文だったのです
比喩ではなく 文字通りの魔法で 魔女やジプシーや ケルトの魔術と つながりがありました
その後 20世紀になる頃― グラマーは別の定義を 持つようになりました 「モノに対する 人為的な関心や連想で ― それを通すと非現実的なほど誇張や 美化されること」という定義です
危険な部分があります 魔女は相手のために 魔法をかけるのではなく 利益に反する行動を とらせるためです
そして20世紀 ― グラマーは ハリウッドを 連想するような意味を持つに至ります
「グラマーに見られたいなら 馬鹿みたいに振舞えばいい」 ただ彼女の名誉のために言うと それが全てではありません 詳しくは後ほど
ハリウッド的なグラマーを 作りだす技術は
確実に進歩してきました 画像修正や 照明や メーキャップの専門家がいます
ハリウッド・ミュージアムに行けば マックス・ファクターが 化粧するスターたちの 顔色に合わせて壁の色を変えた 特別な部屋が見られます
その結果 この世のものと思えない位 ― スタイリッシュな スターの肖像ができました
グラマーさを増した 星の写真も よく見ます これは「フォルスカラー」画像と言います
グラマーとは 「偽り」のひとつですが 効果を狙った偽りです
これがスターを輝かせ 映画が売れるようにします
朝 起きた瞬間から グラマーな人はいません 誰だってそうです
ニコール・キッドマンでさえ 起きた時はグラマーではない
理想化や美化や脚色の プロセスが必要です これは人だけに
建築写真も そう 変容の技術を語っていた ジュリアス・シュルマンには カウフマン邸を撮った 有名な作品があります
建築写真は非常に グラマーです
特別な世界に 入り込んだ気になります
アレックス・ロスの コミック・アートは とてもリアルです 現実味のあるコミック・アートを 描くのが 彼のスタイルです
ただ 実際の光の 当たり方とは違います
人を何列かに並べると 前列より後列の人が 小さくなりますが グラマーの世界では そんなことは関係ない
グラマーの復活を特集した ニューヨーク・マガジンの 目次にあった 言葉を引用すると グラマーとは まさに 日常からの超越なのです
グラマーにも いろいろありますが これが本質に近づく 手がかりだと思います
フィリッピーノ・リッピの作品 聖アポロニアの肖像です
私はこの女性を よく知りませんが 16世紀のスーパーモデルと いったところでしょう
まず この女性が美しいからです でも美しいだけでは グラマーとは言えません
彼女は 優雅で神秘的で 浮世離れしています これがグラマーの本質です
眼は見えません 下を向いています
目をそらしているのではなく 彼女の世界を 想像させるためです
彼女がいる より高次の 平穏な世界について 思いを巡らすよう 促しているのです 手には彼女を死に至らしめた 拷問の道具を持っています
メル・ギブソンの『パッション』は グラマーではない
これがグラマーです ミケランジェロの『ピエタ』では 同じ年齢のマリアとイエスが 幸せそうに恍惚としています
グラマーを通して 私達は 別の世界を生きます
グラマーは神秘的で 少しよそよそしいものです だからグラマーな写真では 人物が視線を向けません サングラスが グラマーなのも このためです ただ 私達と同じとは思えない ほどは かけ離れていません
だから宗教絵画であれば 神はグラマーとは言えない
神は全知全能で 私達を遥かに超えるからです
一方 宗教画では 聖人や聖母マリアを しばしば グラマーに描くことがあります
先程 グラマーなのは 人間だけではないと言いましたが 超越した部分は必要です
アレックス・ロスの グラマーな描写を割引いても スーパーマンには 飛べると 信じさせる何かがあります
グラマーとは この世を超越して 理想的で 完璧な場所に 至ることを意味します
そのせいです 乗った経験が少ない程 ― グラマーに見えます
だから車の写真は グラマーにできるけれど 車が行き交う場面はムリです
航空機の写真はグラマーでも 機内の写真は違います
人を運ぶイメージが大事で 機内で うるさい子供を 連れていたり ― 大きな咳をしている 男性とは結び付かない
目的地のことを 語ったり 考えたりすることなのです
移動の感覚は フォルムがグラマーに 見える理由の一つです
流線形のフォルムは その時代の映画を 連想させるから グラマーなのではなく 私達を 日常から 連れ出してくれるからです
ステンドグラスがあれば さらにグラマーです
目の前でカーブする 階段はグラマーです
この写真の階段は 特にそう 学問の探究に満ちた ― 人生を予感させます 私がプリンストン大に 行ったのはそのせいかも
摩天楼はすごくグラマーです ストリートは そうじゃない
実際に この街に行けば 現実が待っています
地平線や広々とした道路は とてもグラマーです
地平線はグラマーです これを超えるのは 二重の地平線ぐらいでしょう
この場所では 寒さや熱は感じません 可能性を想像するだけです
グラマーを手にするにはルネサンスの特質 「スプレッツァトゥーラ」すなわち 「故意の不注意」が必要です カスティリオーネが 著書 ― 『宮廷人』で使った言葉です
数百年たった現在 似たような本はあっても グラマーではありません
故意の不注意とは 技巧を隠す技術です
ニコール・キッドマンの ドレスさばきは気になりません 全く自然に見えます
アンジェリーナ・ジョリーは 映画『トゥームレイダー』の 撮影でアザだらけだった という記事を読みました
当然 アザはメークで隠します 主人公ララ・クロフトは スプレッツァトゥーラのおかげで アザができないのです
「技巧を完全に隠し 言動すべてを 易々としているように見せること」 これがグラマーには不可欠です
いかに 超越の感覚を生み 完全な世界を想像させるか
いかに 人生が向上する感覚 完璧な世界に住む ― 完璧な自分という感覚を生むか
ごちゃごちゃした 細部は隠します
これはジェフ・ベゾスに 借りた写真です
コンピュータや電灯や 電気機器の世界の
本当の姿です でもカタログでは 特に家庭向けの 現代的で美しいオブジェは こんな感じです
このようなカタログを見たら コードを どう隠しているか 大体分かるはずですが
このランプを買えば コードのない世界で ― 暮らせるという 夢を見られます ノートパソコンや コンピュータを買えば いくらワイヤレス時代といっても コードのない世界は遠のきます
そこで彼女 グレース・ケリーです
映画『裏窓』では 彼女がグラマーすぎて 主人公の世界で暮らせないのでは という疑念が生じます
でも 答えはノーです まあ映画の話ですから
再び ヘディ・ラマーです
頭の覆いは とてもグラマーです サングラスと同じで 隠しつつ見せるからです
半透明のものはグラマー だから皆 パールを身につけます
パーで使うものも 半透明で グラマー 透明でも 不透明でもない
グラマーは 私達を世界へ導きますが 明らかにはしないのです
最高にグラマーな人が グレース・ケリーなら ガラス壁の螺旋階段が 最もグラマーな内装です 螺旋階段自体がグラマーで
上昇する感覚を表しています つまずいて落ちることなど 考えもしません
ガラス・ブロックの壁は 半透明の感覚を与えます
いま私は 純粋な喜びの 話をしていますが グラマーは「意味」にも関係します
誰にでも どの文化にも 実現し難い 理想像があります
理想の間には矛盾があり 相互に基準の異なる 原理をもっています 一方 理想像は 文化的 個人的な生活に 意味や目的を与えてくれます
だから私達は 理想像を 黄金郷や想像の世界や ― 英雄の時代や未来世界に 投影するのです
生活においては モノに結びつけます
例えば白い柵や完璧な家 ―
完璧なキッチンです カウンターに請求書などありません
VIKING社のガスレンジがあるのが 理想のキッチンです
完璧な恋愛なら 完璧なネックレスや 完璧なダイヤの指輪に象徴されます
完璧な車で 完璧な休暇
その名も「ユートピア」という 内装デザイン会社です
完璧なオフィス ― ここにもコードは 見当たりません
私のオフィスとは 似ても似つきません
皆 理想郷を求めています
お金持ちになって ― 家庭の理想像があれば 完璧な世界を実現するでしょう
ディーン・クーンツが 作ったのは素晴らしい ― アールデコ様式のホーム・シアターです たまたまそうしたとは思えません
アールデコが安心やくつろぎの 象徴だからです
ただ これが常によいとは限りません だって あなたにとって
何が完璧な世界で 何が理想で 何を隠すでしょうか?
『マトリックス』は まさに グラマーに関する映画です
この映画の話だけで 時間が足りなくなります
暴力を魅力的に 表現して 批判されました サングラスにロングコート 壁を歩き ― 現実では不可能な あらゆる事をします
ソ連で撮影されました 魅力的です
皆 幸せそうな上に 美男美女ぞろいです
私はPETAが好きな訳ではありませんが 広告はすごいと思います
この広告が訴えるのは 毛皮はグラマーではなく 隠されたものが重要だということ
ただ 隠れたものを思い出すより 理想の善し悪しを 考える方が重要です
グラマーは 全体主義的になり 人を欺くことがあるからです
「床掃除を魅力的に」といった 事ばかりではないのです
『意志の勝利』の場面ですが 素晴らしい編集です
ドイツも西側社会も世界も クリーンにしようとします グラマーでないものは排除します
つまり グラマーには 危険な面があるのです
グラマーには純粋な 魅力と価値があります
私はグラマー自体には 反対しません
ただ 隠されたものにも 素晴らしさがあります
グラマーの危うさを避け そういったものへの 理解を深める方法があります
アイザック・ミズラヒの アドバイスに従って 操作されていることを直視し 私たちが操作自体と その仕組みを楽しんでいることを 認めればいいのです
スペクトラム拡散の 技術を開発しました
彼女が馬鹿じゃないと知ると ますますグラマーに思えます たとえ馬鹿なふりをしてもです
デビッド・ホックニーは この絵について言っています 一瞬の水しぶきを描くのに 2週間かかったという 事実を知る事で この絵の理解が深まります
書店へ行くと この本 ― 『鋼鉄の交響曲』が並んでいます ディズニー・センターの 内部にあるものを写しています
グラマーの源を探るという 魅力があります
『クラウンズ』という 素晴らしい本があります 黒人女性が教会へ行くときに かぶる帽子のグラマーな写真集です
ある女性の話が載っています 「小さい頃 美しい帽子を かぶった女性に憧れました
皆 お人形のようにきれいで 雑誌から抜け出したみたい
でも皆 一週間 働きづめでした
帽子の中に喜びも 悲しみもあったのです」
グラマーを生むために 費やされたものに気づくことで より深く理解できるのです
ありがとうございます | So, we all think we know what glamour is. Here it is.
It's glamorous movie stars, like Marlene Dietrich.
And it comes in a male form, too -- very glamorous.
Not only can he shoot, drive, drink -- you know, he drinks wine, there actually is a little wine in there -- and of course, always wears a tuxedo.
But I think that glamour actually has a much broader meaning -- one that is true for the movie stars and the fictional characters, but also comes in other forms.
A magazine?
Well, it's certainly not this one.
This is the least glamorous magazine on the newsstand -- it's all about sex tips.
Sex tips are not glamorous.
And Drew Barrymore, for all her wonderful charm, is not glamorous either.
But there is a glamour of industry.
This is Margaret Bourke-White's -- one of her pictures she did.
of steel mills and paper mills and all kinds of glamorous industrial places.
And there's the mythic glamour of the garage entrepreneur.
This is the Hewlett-Packard garage.
We know everyone who starts a business in a garage ends up founding Hewlett-Packard.
There's the glamour of physics.
What could be more glamorous than understanding the entire universe, grand unification? And, by the way, it helps if you're Brian Greene -- he has other kinds of glamour.
And there is, of course, this glamour.
This is very, very glamorous: the glamour of outer space -- and not the alien-style glamour, but the nice, clean, early '60s version.
So what do we mean by glamour?
Well, one thing you can do if you want to know what glamour means is you can look in the dictionary.
And it actually helps a lot more if you look in a very old dictionary, in this case the 1913 dictionary.
Because for centuries, glamour had a very particular meaning, and the word was actually used differently from the way we think of it.
You had "a" glamour.
It wasn't glamour as a quality -- you "cast a glamour."
Glamour was a literal magic spell.
Not a metaphorical one, the way we use it today, but a literal magic spell associated with witches and gypsies and to some extent, Celtic magic.
And over the years, around the turn of the 20th century, it started to take on this other kind of deception -- this definition for any artificial interest in, or association with, an object through which it appears delusively magnified or glorified.
But still, glamour is an illusion.
Glamour is a magic spell.
And there's something dangerous about glamour throughout most of history. When the witches cast a magic spell on you, it was not in your self-interest -- it was to get you to act against your interest.
Well of course, in the 20th century, glamour came to have this different meaning associated with Hollywood.
And this is Hedy Lamarr.
Hedy Lamarr said, "Anyone can look glamorous, all you have to do is sit there and look stupid." But in fact, with all due respect to Hedy -- about whom we'll hear more later -- there's a lot more to it.
There was a tremendous amount of technical achievement associated with creating this Hollywood glamour.
There were scores of retouchers and lighting experts and make-up experts.
You can go to the museum of Hollywood history in Hollywood and see Max Factor's special rooms that he painted different colors depending on the complexion of the star he was going to make up.
So you've got this highly stylized portrait of something that was not entirely of this earth -- it was a portrait of a star.
And actually, we see glamorized photos of stars all the time -- they call them false color.
Glamour is a form of falsification, but falsification to achieve a particular purpose.
It may be to illuminate the star; it may be to sell a film.
And it involves a great deal of technique.
It's not -- glamour is not something -- you don't wake up in the morning glamorous. I don't care who you are.
Even Nicole Kidman doesn't wake up in the morning glamorous.
There is a process of "idealization, glorification and dramatization," and it's not just the case for people.
Glamour doesn't have to be people.
Architectural photography -- Julius Schulman, who has talked about transfiguration, took this fabulous, famous picture of the Kauffman House.
Architectural photography is extremely glamorous.
It puts you into this special, special world.
This is Alex Ross's comic book art, which appears to be extremely realistic, as part of his style is he gives you a kind of realism in his comic art.
Except that light doesn't work this way in the real world.
When you stack people in rows, the ones in the background look smaller than the ones in the foreground -- but not in the world of glamour.
What glamour is all about -- I took this from a blurb in the table of contents of New York magazine, which was telling us that glamour is back -- glamour is all about transcending the everyday.
And I think that that's starting to get at what the core that combines all sorts of glamour is.
This is Filippino Lippi's 1543 portrait of Saint Apollonia.
And I don't know who she is either, but this is the [16th] century equivalent of a supermodel.
It's a very glamorous portrait.
Why is it glamorous?
It's glamorous, first, because she is beautiful -- but that does not make you glamorous, that only makes you beautiful.
She is graceful, she is mysterious and she is transcendent, and those are the central qualities of glamour.
You don't see her eyes; they're looking downward.
She's not looking away from you exactly, but you have to mentally imagine her world.
She's encouraging you to contemplate this higher world to which she belongs, where she can be completely tranquil while holding the iron instruments of her death by torture.
Mel Gibson's "Passion Of The Christ" -- not glamorous.
That's glamour: that's Michelangelo's "Pieta," where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they're both awfully happy and pleasant.
Glamour invites us to live in a different world.
It has to simultaneously be mysterious, a little bit distant -- that's why, often in these glamour shots, the person is not looking at the audience, it's why sunglasses are glamorous -- but also not so far above us that we can't identify with the person.
In some sense, there has to be something like us.
So as I say, in religious art, you know, God is not glamorous.
God cannot be glamorous because God is omnipotent, omniscient -- too far above us.
And yet you will see in religious art, saints or the Virgin Mary will often be portrayed -- not always -- in glamorous forms.
As I said earlier, glamour does not have to be about people, but it has to have this transcendent quality.
What is it about Superman?
Aside from Alex Ross's style, which is very glamorous, one thing about Superman is he makes you believe that a man can fly.
Glamour is all about transcending this world and getting to an idealized, perfect place.
tend to be extremely glamorous.
The less experience we have with them, the more glamorous they are.
So you can do a glamorized picture of a car, but you can't do a glamorized picture of traffic.
You can do a glamorized picture of an airplane, but not the inside.
The notion is that it's going to transport you, and the story is not about, you know, the guy in front of you in the airplane, who has this nasty little kid, or the big cough.
The story is about where you're arriving, or thinking about where you're arriving.
And this sense of being transported is one reason that we have glamour styling.
This sort of streamlining styling is not just glamorous because we associate it with movies of that period, but because, in it's streamlining, it transports us from the everyday.
The same thing -- arches are very glamorous.
Arches with stained glass -- even more glamorous.
Staircases that curve away from you are glamorous.
I happen to find that particular staircase picture very glamorous because, to me, it captures the whole promise of the academic contemplative life -- but maybe that's because I went to Princeton.
Anyway, skylines are super glamorous, city streets -- not so glamorous.
You know, when you get, actually to this town it has reality.
The horizon, the open road, is very, very glamorous.
There are few things more glamorous than the horizon -- except, possibly, multiple horizons.
Of course, here you don't feel the cold, or the heat -- you just see the possibilities.
In order to pull glamour off, you need this Renaissance quality of sprezzatura, which is a term coined by Castiglione in his book, "The Book Of The Courtier."
There's the not-glamorous version of what it looks like today, after a few centuries.
And sprezzatura is the art that conceals art.
It makes things look effortless.
You don't think about how Nicole Kidman is maneuvering that dress -- she just looks completely natural.
And I remember reading, after the Lara Croft movies, how Angelina Jolie would go home completely black and blue.
Of course, they covered that with make-up, because Lara Croft did all those same stunts -- but she doesn't get black and blue, because she has sprezzatura.
"To conceal all art and make whatever is done or said appear to be without effort": And this is one of the critical aspects of glamour.
Glamour is about editing.
How do you create the sense of transcendence, the sense of evoking a perfect world?
The sense of, you know, life could be better, I could join this -- I could be a perfect person, I could join this perfect world.
We don't tell you all the grubby details.
Now, this was kindly lent to me by Jeff Bezos, from last year.
This is underneath Jeff's desk.
This is what the real world of computers, lamps, electrical appliances of all kinds, looks like.
But if you look in a catalog -- particularly a catalog of modern, beautiful objects for your home -- it looks like this.
There are no cords.
Look next time you get these catalogs in your mail -- you can usually figure out where they hid the cord.
But there's always this illusion that if you buy this lamp, you will live in a world without cords. And the same thing is true of, if you buy this laptop or you buy this computer -- and even in these wireless eras, you don't get to live in the world without cords.
You have to have mystery and you have to have grace.
And there she is -- Grace.
This is the most glamorous picture, I think, ever.
Part of the thing is that, in "Rear Window," the question is, is she too glamorous to live in his world?
And the answer is no, but of course it's really just a movie.
Here's Hedy Lamarr again.
And, you know, this kind of head covering is extremely glamorous because, like sunglasses, it conceals and reveals at the same time.
Translucence is glamorous -- that's why all these people wear pearls.
It's why barware is glamorous. Glamour is translucent -- not transparent, not opaque.
It invites us into the world but it doesn't give us a completely clear picture.
And I think if Grace Kelly is the most glamorous person, maybe a spiral staircase with glass block may be the most glamorous interior shot, because a spiral staircase is incredibly glamorous.
It has that sense of going up and away, and yet you never think about how you would really trip if you were -- particularly going down.
And of course glass block has that sense of translucence.
So, this session's supposed to be about pure pleasure but glamour's really partly about meaning.
All individuals and all cultures have ideals that cannot possibly be realized in reality.
They have contradictions, they uphold principles that are incommensurable with each other -- whatever it is -- and yet these ideals give meaning and purpose to our lives as cultures and as individuals.
And the way we deal with that is we displace them -- we put them into a golden world, an imagined world, an age of heroes, the world to come.
And in the life of an individual, we often associate that with some object.
The white picket fence, the perfect house.
The perfect kitchen -- no bills on the counter in the perfect kitchen.
You know, you buy that Viking range, this is what your kitchen will look like.
The perfect love life -- symbolized by the perfect necklace, the perfect diamond ring.
The perfect getaway in your perfect car.
This is an interior design firm that is literally called Utopia.
The perfect office -- again, no cords, as far as I can tell.
And certainly, no, it doesn't look a thing like my office.
I mean, there's no paper on the desk.
We want this golden world.
And some people get rich enough, and if they have their ideals -- in a sort of domestic sense, they get to acquire their perfect world.
Dean Koontz built this fabulous home theater, which is -- I don't think accidentally -- in Art Deco style.
That symbolizes this sense of being safe and at home.
This is not always good, because what is your perfect world?
What is your ideal, and also, what has been edited out?
Is it something important?
"The Matrix" is a movie that is all about glamour.
I could do a whole talk on "The Matrix" and glamour.
It was criticized for glamorizing violence, because, look -- sunglasses and those long coats, and, of course, that are impossible in the real world.
This is another Margaret Bourke-White photo.
This is from Soviet Union. Attractive.
I mean, look how happy the people are, and good-looking too.
You know, we're marching toward Utopia.
I'm not a fan of PETA, but I think this is a great ad.
Because what they're doing is they're saying, your coat's not so glamorous, what's been edited out is something important.
But actually, what's even more important than remembering what's been edited out is thinking, are the ideals good?
Because glamour can be very totalitarian and deceptive.
And it's not just a matter of glamorizing cleaning your floor.
This is from "Triumph Of The Will" -- brilliant editing to cut together things.
There's a glamour shot.
National Socialism is all about glamour.
It was a very aesthetic ideology.
It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world, and ridding it of anything unglamorous.
So glamour can be dangerous.
I think glamour has a genuine appeal, has a genuine value.
I'm not against glamour.
But there's a kind of wonder in the stuff that gets edited away in the cords of life.
And there is both a way to avoid the dangers of glamour and a way to broaden your appreciation of it.
And that's to take Isaac Mizrahi's advice and confront the manipulation of it all, and sort of admit that manipulation is something that we enjoy, but also enjoy how it happens.
And here's Hedy Lamarr.
She's very glamorous but, you know, she invented spread-spectrum technology.
So she's even more glamorous if you know that she really wasn't stupid, even though she thought she could look stupid.
David Hockney talks about how the appreciation of this very glamorous painting is heightened if you think about the fact that it takes two weeks to paint this splash, which only took a fraction of a second to happen.
There is a book out in the bookstore -- it's called "Symphony In Steel," and it's about the stuff that's hidden under the skin of the Disney Center.
And that has a fascination.
It's not necessarily glamorous, but unveiling the glamour has an appeal.
There's a wonderful book called "Crowns" that's all these glamour pictures of black women in their church hats.
And there's a quote from one of these women, and she talks about, "As a little girl, I'd admire women at church with beautiful hats.
They looked like beautiful dolls, like they'd just stepped out of a magazine.
But I also knew how hard they worked all week.
Sometimes under those hats there's a lot of joy and a lot of sorrow."
And, actually, you get more appreciation for glamour when you realize what went into creating it.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「......あ! もしかして、野生の狼のことですか? それなら解決しました。やっぱりあれはデュルキス国の聖女のことを」
「違う! もしそうなら、また話は変わってくるけど!」
ラヴァール国に行かせたくない理由が、ただ妹を心配して? それだけ?
入国して早々、闘技場でライオンと戦うことになるような場所がはたして安全なのかどうかはよく分からないけれど......。 | “Because...”
Big Brother Henry looked surprised.
Oh, no. Did I ask something strange? It was just a normal question.
“...Oh! Are you talking about the wild wolves? Well, that solves it. I knew it was about the Saints of Duelkis Kingdom.”
Big Brother Henry denied, as if to cover my words.
“So you think I sold my heart to the Ravaal Kingdom?”
“No... did you?”
“Of course not.”
I looked at Big Brother Henry.
I was born and raised in Duelkis Kingdom, but there was no way I would sell my heart to a country where I had just spent some time on a whim. I might look like this, but I did possess patriotic feelings.
It was just a short study abroad program.
“Are you suggesting that I am plotting to gain power in the Ravaal Kingdom and rule this country?”
When I asked Big Brother Henry, he said in a strong tone of voice and with some dismay.
I thought I had good intuition, but I guess not.
Why did he not want me to go to Ravaal Kingdom so badly? It would be different if I were the heir to the Williams family....
I was just a young lady.
Besides, I hardly told anyone about Ravaal Kingdom since I returned to Duelkis Kingdom.
I hadn’t mentioned the Princes, Rai, or even Kii or Kushana.
“...Big Brother Henry.”
I narrowed my eyes and turned my gaze toward Big Brother Henry.
“Are you thinking that I have lost my heart to the prince of Ravaal Kingdom?”
“No! If you were, that would be a different story!”
“Alicia, don’t go any further, I’m starting to feel sorry for Henry.”
Big Brother Albert interrupted the conversation.
Finn-sama and Curtis-sama looked at Big Brother Henry with some amusement.
I did not know what was so pitiful about it. I mean, why couldn’t they tell me why they were feeling sorry for me...?
How could Big Brother Albert know why Big Brother Henry didn’t want me to go to Ravaal Kingdom?
Since when did he acquire such superpowers?
“Because I’m worried about my little sister.”
Big Brother Albert’s voice was gentle, and Big Brother Henry had a disapproving look on his face.
You didn’t want me to go to Ravaal Kingdom just because you’re worried about your sister? Is that all?
I was taken aback by his answer.
“It’s very Alicia-like that you didn’t have that option.”
Finn-sama said with a pleasant smile.
“It’s embarrassing to be that far off.”
Curtis-sama laughed.
“Well, that’s the kind of girl Ali is, right?”
Big Brother Henry sighed, and Big Brother Albert nodded in agreement.
That’s not a compliment, right?
Well, it was Villainess, and I guess you get more Villainess points if you don’t get complimented, but I have mixed feelings about this.
“Ravaal Kingdom was a surprisingly safe country.”
I was not sure if a place where you had to fight a Lion in the arena as soon as you enter the country was really safe or not... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
私の体よ、動いて!! 今しかないのよ!
「ウィル、おじさん......! まだまだ、教えてもらいたいこと......が沢山ありました」
その美しい鳥は勢いよく空へと羽ばたき、消えて行った。 | “This is my brother’s last wish. be cremated.”
Eh, Cremation?
I was surprised at the unexpected word. He continued.
“He wants to leave this world without a trace.”
...It certainly seemed like what Uncle Will would do.
I had never imagined that he would disappear from this world. I still didn’t have a single memento of him.
The King murmured in a small voice, “Derek, please.”
Eric-sama’s father’s name Derek-sama, the Fire Lord of the Hudson family, nodded his face and looked straight at the King and answered, “Yes”.
Wait... Wait, my heart was not ready yet.
I remained frozen, staring at the coffin.
My body, you have to move! It was now or never!
Derek-sama stepped toward what he thought was the foot of Uncle Will. He then slowly touched the coffin.
“Please, may you rest in peace.”
Derek-sama said, then quickly closed his eyes and slowly began to burn the coffin.
At that moment, I was running forward. Ignoring Duke-sama’s voice saying “Alicia!”, I passed by Gilles and headed for Uncle Will.
I stared into Uncle Will’s face as he stood in front of the coffin. I instantly crumpled to the spot.
I couldn’t help but hug Uncle Will, even though I knew it was unbecoming and uncommon. I was probably the only one acting like a child in all of this.
The coffin was getting hotter and hotter.
“Damn, Alicia’s magic is too strong that the spell will be broken.”
Duke-sama said something, but I didn’t grasp exactly what he said. All I knew was that everyone was aware of my presence.
Since the King saw me like this, I was surely committing a felony. Still, I wanted to hold Uncle Will in my arms one last time, because I didn’t care.
Uncle Will had become surprisingly thin and cold.
Duke-sama rushed to me and tried to pull me off the body.
“Alicia, look out!”
I didn’t listen to Duke-sama’s words and didn’t move away from the heated coffin.
I found myself sobbing like a child. My brain and heart did not properly work together. I had never thought that the death of a loved one could be so disorienting.
I thought I had made up my mind in that field of flowers that I would never cry again...
I first met Uncle Will when I was eight years old, and he was a huge part of changing my life.
“Please, don’t go.”
It was like I wasn’t the usual me. When I saw the body, my grief came flooding in. I didn’t know how to deal with the bitterness in front of me, and I would say the words as I thought them.
In front of Uncle Will, I was still an immature little girl.
I knew that the fire magic to cremate the body could not be interrupted once it was cast.
The moment Duke-sama clicked his tongue lightly, I suddenly felt no heat.
It must be the water magic. I felt that Duke-sama had saved me again, and I was pulled from Uncle Will’s body by Duke-sama’s power.
I cried like a little child. I felt no shame, I just screamed at Uncle Will, who had stopped moving.
“Uncle.... Will...! There were still so many many things I wanted to be taught.”
I had not said a proper goodbye to him before his death.
I only met him in a flower garden, in a fantasy. ...The real Uncle Will was emaciated and weak.
Even in his death makeup, you could tell how desperately he lived through this world and battled his illness until the moment his life disappeared.
It was a stark reminder that reality could be so cruel.
“Don’t disappear.”
My words were not answered, and he was set ablaze by Derek-sama’s magic. The fire magic enveloped him and he gently disappeared, emitting light.
At that moment, a small, bright red light turned into a single bird and flew through the air.
I heard Gilles’ weak voice. I was probably too tired from crying to speak clearly.
The beautiful bird flapped its wings vigorously into the sky and disappeared. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「......! うむ、わかったのである」
「王太女殿下! 我と殿下の仲である。それにエリック陛下も友達だしな! それにラックも友達なのだ」
「ドルゴよ! リーア王太女殿下もこうおっしゃっておるのだ!」
「ありがとうです! ラック!」
「平凡な魔法でもすごいです! さすがラックです。この目でラックの魔法を見れるとは」
「であろー? ラックはすごいのであるぞー」
忘れないうちに、この場にいる者を鍵に登録して開けられるようにしておいた。 | “Leea. It was I who brefriended Ruck and then asked him to help defend the water dragons!”
“Your Majesty. Please refer to her as Princess Leea.”
Dorgo said, not being able to bear it.
But judging from the way Kathe talked, maybe they were rather close.
Kathe bowed her head.
But Leea didn’t seem to understand. She smiled and tilted her head to the side.
Kathe was a Wind Dragon Ruler, but Leea was also a princess.
If they were humans, it would be like members of two different royal families.
So it was likely that a certain amount of ceremony was expected when in front of guests like us.
Especially since Eric, the king of Mendilibar was present.
Manners were an important part of diplomacy.
Still, it was all very time-consuming, and I would have preferred everyone to be able to talk frankly.
However, I was just a lowly subject and it was not my position to say such a thing.
I glanced over to Eric.
However, Eric did not detect the motive in my glance.
Eric was very useless.
I glanced over to Kathe. But Kathe was still being rebuked by her father.
But then Kathe noticed my glance and nodded reassuringly.
“...! Yes, I understand.”
“Your Majesty?”
Leea said in surprise as Kathe suddenly began to nod.
“Your Highness! You and I are both rulers. And so is King Eric. And Ruck is a friend.”
Leea said with hesitation.
“Let’s do away with the formalities!”
Kathe’s words were surprising.
I did not think she would understand my intention so clearly.
“...Your Majesty.”
Dorgo tried to admonish her again, but Leea spoke first.
“Yes, Sister Kathe. I would be delighted!”
Kathe said. Then she looked at her father with a smug expression.
“Dorgo! Even Princess Leea agrees with me!”
“And you agree too, don’t you, Eric?”
“Yes. I do.”
Eric said with his usual smile.
And with that, Kathe looked even more smug.
“Do as you please, Your Majesty...”
Kathe was able to defeat Dorgo and his fixation on manners and diplomacy.
Leea watched this exchange and sighed with relief.
She was still a child and seemed to not enjoy these formalities.
“Mister Ruck. Mister Ruck.”
“What is it?”
“Please call me Leea!”
But she then looked very sad.
Princess or not, it was hard to deny a child after being asked like that.
“Very well. Leea. And please call me Ruck. Or even Locke.”
“Thank you! Ruck!”
Of course, I would not do it in front of other subjects.
I didn’t know much about dragon culture, but that was how it was with humans.
“Ruck. Please come this way. I want to show you the settlement and the palace.
Leea said as she took my hand.
“Everyone, please follow me!”
She said as she started to walk.
And like that, we moved out of the large room with the teleportation circle.
In front of us, there was a wide and long hallway made of stone.
“It’s very big.”
“It is because water dragons live here.”
Dragons were big. And so they needed a big place to live in.
“This is amazing.”
“There’s so much space.”
Shia and Serulis were also surprised.
Grulf was sniffing everything in sight.
I was worried. I had to stop him before it was too late.
“...Grulf. Don’t go around marking things, alright?”
I didn’t know if he understood me or not, but his tail was wagging vigorously.
“This is an unused building that is close to the water dragon palace!”
I looked around with much interest.
It wasn’t just big, but there were lots of small details. Each pillar and each wall was made with great skill.
As I looked around with awe, Kathe said,
“Ruck. Don’t you have to cast your spells on the magic circle room?”
“Oh, right. I should do it quickly. Leea. Would it be alright if I cast protection magic on the magic circle room?”
“Yes. Thank you!”
I had Leea’s permission, and so I started to cast the protection magic.
“It’s just ordinary magic.”
“It’s still amazing! I am so happy to be able to witness magic from the famous Ruck!”
“Right? Ruck really is amazing.”
Kathe said, very proud for some reason.
I cast magic on the walls, floor and ceiling.
Now no one would be able to break in.
Even a rain of comets would not be enough.
“I should also have everyone registered to the lock.”
I had accidentally locked Dorgo out of the Wind Dragon Palace.
And so I had everyone registered before I forgot about it. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 8,
"inserted_lines_src": 5,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
今後2年間かけて 総括的な計画をまとめ 10年かけて実行に移します もちろん沢山の方と協力していきます
まず私自身の話をさせてください 皆さんが今日いらっしゃる この国の話です
ここにいるほとんどの方が 今日3度 食事を取ったでしょうし このイベント以降も 同様に 食事を取り続けるでしょう
本題に入ります 1940年代のカタールの様子です
水はなく エネルギー 石油 車も 一切ありませんでした
住民のほとんどが 沿岸の漁村で暮らすか それか水を求めて移動する 遊牧民でした
近年見られるような 魅力は皆無でした
現在のドーハ, ドバイ, アブダビ等の様な 都市はありませんでした
ご覧の通り 平均寿命も短く 大抵の方は
次の話題に移ります 石油時代の到来です
残念ながら 第二次世界大戦が終わるまでは 商業的な開拓まで至りませんでした
その後 石油は何をもたらしたのか
皆さんご存知のように この国を変えてしまったんです
家畜を養うため 水や食物を探して 放浪していた 砂漠の遊牧民の 家畜を養うため 水や食物を探して 放浪していた 砂漠の遊牧民の 生活の「都市化」です
不思議に思うかもしれませんが 私の家族はそれぞれが 異なる訛りを持っています
私の母の訛りは 父とはだいぶ異なります およそ30万人 皆 同じ国の住民なのに
この国には 5,6種類の方言があります
それは 散り散りに暮らしてきたからです
資源がなく 一ヶ所にまとまって暮らせなかったのです
そして資源...石油が出て来たとき 素晴らしい 先端技術施設を 作りだすようになり 組織を作る必要性から 一同が集まるようになりました
そこで 人々は互いの事を知るようになり
これが皆さんご存知であろう ドーハのスカイラインです
60年弱で この増加です
過去5年間の経済成長率は 年間平均15%ほどです
世界的に見ても 最大消費国となりました
水がほぼ全くない時代から 今では 他のどの国よりも 水を消費しているのです
ここまでの話で 興味深い点は何でしょう?
それは我々が 発展し続けているという点です 水もないのに5年にわたって 毎年平均15%もですよ
これは前例のない 歴史的なことです
水不足により 多くの街が消滅してきましたが
この地域では 歴史的な出来事です
私たちが作っているのは 単なる街ではなく 科学者や医者になりたいと願う 人々の夢が詰まった街です
いい家庭を持ち 素敵なマイホームを建てた街です
これらの人々は まだ何もない時代から ここが住処だと信じた人です
もちろん技術を駆使して です
ブラジルの年間降水量は 1,782ミリです
カタールは74ミリにも関わらず この経済成長率です
単に 海水から塩分を除去する 巨大な装置のおかげです
エネルギー資源が鍵となります これが全てを変えました
地面から吸い上げ 毎日何トンも燃焼し続けるもの 皆さんがドーハに来る時も使ったはずです
これが この国の湖 そして―
皆さんが水を使用するために このような状況になっています
この地域が持つ最高の技術が この脱塩装置なのです
世界的な現状を見れば 憂うべき問題だと 言わざるを得ません
人口が増加するに従って 需要も増えます
数か月前 世界の人口は 70億人になりました
当然 食糧の需要も増えます
2050年には 90億人に達するとか
つまり水のない国では 国境の向こうで何が起こるのか 考える必要があります
社会経済レベルが向上することで 趣向が変わってきます
一方で 気候変動やその他の要因によって 食物の生産量は減少傾向にあります
誰かが危機を予見して 警鐘を鳴らす必要があるのです
知らない方に申し上げますと これがカタールの現状です
我々は たった2日分しか貯水できず
90%の食物を輸入しており 耕地は国土の1%にも満たないのです
この国の限られた農業者は 独自の農法からは遠ざけられた上に 公開市場政策などの結果 厳しい競争に迫られています
つまり リスクにも直面しているのです
これらのリスクは国家の存続にも 直接に影響してきます
これは過去2年間以上かけて作った 何千ページもの技術文書を要約したものです これは過去2年間以上かけて作った 何千ページもの技術文書を要約したものです
もうご存知ですね 先ほど話した通り エネルギーが必要です
では必要なのは どんな種類のエネルギーでしょうか
限りあるエネルギー? 化石燃料か―
それとも 何か別のエネルギーでしょうか?
他のエネルギーを使うことに 利点はあるのでしょうか?
もうお分かりですね ここでは 年間晴れ日が300日あります
この再生可能エネルギーを使って 必要な水を供給します
1,800メガワットの太陽光発電を使えば 35億リットルの水を 生み出せるでしょう
この水が農業者へ行き渡ることで 農業者が作物に水をやれるようになり 食物を社会に 供給できるようになるでしょう
しかし この一連の横の流れを保つためには 我々が提供するシステム全体を支える為の 縦の流れをつくる必要もあります システムの維持 高度な教育 研究開発 産業 技術 その技術の応用 そして 最終的に市場を確保することです
そしてこれらを可能にするのが 法律や政策や規則の制定であり
2年以内にこの計画をまとめ 実行に移すことが出来るかと思います
私達の目標は すでに各地に存在するような 大都市になることです 例えば イスタンブール ローマ ロンドン パリ ダマスカス カイロなどのように
私たちの街には わずか60年の歴史しかありませんが 平和の中での 恒久的な繁栄を願っています
ありがとうございました | But first, I need to talk to you about a story, which is my story, about the story of this country that you're all here in today.
And of course, most of you have had three meals today, and probably will continue to have after this event.
So going in, what was Qatar in the 1940s?
We were about 11,000 people living here.
There was no water. There was no energy, no oil, no cars, none of that.
Most of the people who lived here either lived in coastal villages, fishing, or were nomads who roamed around with the environment trying to find water.
None of the glamour that you see today existed.
No cities like you see today in Doha or Dubai or Abu Dhabi or Kuwait or Riyadh.
It wasn't that they couldn't develop cities.
Resources weren't there to develop them.
And you can see that life expectancy was also short.
Most people died around the age of 50.
So let's move to chapter two: the oil era.
1939, that's when they discovered oil.
But unfortunately, it wasn't really fully exploited commercially until after the Second World War.
What did it do?
It changed the face of this country, as you can see today and witness.
It also made all those people who roamed around the desert -- looking for water, looking for food, trying to take care of their livestock -- urbanize.
You might find this strange, but in my family we have different accents.
My mother has an accent that is so different to my father, and we're all a population of about 300,000 people in the same country.
There are about five or six accents in this country as I speak.
Someone says, "How so? How could this happen?"
Because we lived scattered.
We couldn't live in a concentrated way simply because there was no resources.
And when the resources came, be it oil, we started building these fancy technologies and bringing people together because we needed the concentration.
People started to get to know each other.
And we realized that there are some differences in accents.
So that is the chapter two: the oil era.
Let's look at today.
This is probably the skyline that most of you know about Doha.
So what's the population today?
It's 1.7 million people.
That is in less than 60 years.
The average growth of our economy is about 15 percent for the past five years.
Lifespan has increased to 78.
Water consumption has increased to 430 liters.
And this is amongst the highest worldwide.
From having no water whatsoever to consuming water to the highest degree, higher than any other nation.
I don't know if this was a reaction to lack of water.
But what is interesting about the story that I've just said?
The interesting part is that we continue to grow 15 percent every year for the past five years without water.
Now that is historic. It's never happened before in history.
Cities were totally wiped out because of the lack of water.
This is history being made in this region.
Not only cities that we're building, but cities with dreams and people who are wishing to be scientists, doctors.
Build a nice home, bring the architect, design my house.
These people are adamant that this is a livable space when it wasn't.
But of course, with the use of technology.
So Brazil has 1,782 millimeters per year of precipitation of rain.
Qatar has 74, and we have that growth rate.
The question is how.
How could we survive that?
We have no water whatsoever.
Simply because of this gigantic, mammoth machine called desalination.
Energy is the key factor here. It changed everything.
It is that thing that we pump out of the ground, we burn tons of, probably most of you used it coming to Doha.
So that is our lake, if you can see it.
That is our river.
That is how you all happen to use and enjoy water.
This is the best technology that this region could ever have: desalination.
So what are the risks?
Do you worry much?
I would say, perhaps if you look at the global facts, you will realize, of course I have to worry.
There is growing demand, growing population.
We've turned seven billion only a few months ago.
And so that number also demands food.
And there's predictions that we'll be nine billion by 2050.
So a country that has no water has to worry about what happens beyond its borders.
There's also changing diets.
By elevating to a higher socio-economic level, they also change their diet.
They start eating more meat and so on and so forth.
On the other hand, there is declining yields because of climate change and because of other factors.
And so someone has to really realize when the crisis is going to happen.
This is the situation in Qatar, for those who don't know.
We only have two days of water reserve.
We import 90 percent of our food, and we only cultivate less than one percent of our land.
The limited number of farmers that we have have been pushed out of their farming practices as a result of open market policy and bringing the big competitions, etc., etc.
So we also face risks.
These risks directly affect the sustainability of this nation and its continuity.
The question is, is there a solution?
Is there a sustainable solution?
Indeed there is.
This slide sums up thousands of pages of technical documents that we've been working on over the past two years.
Let's start with the water.
So we know very well -- I showed you earlier -- that we need this energy.
So if we're going to need energy, what sort of energy?
A depletable energy? Fossil fuel?
Or should we use something else?
Do we have the comparative advantage to use another sort of energy?
I guess most of you by now realize that we do: 300 days of sun.
And so we will use that renewable energy to produce the water that we need.
And we will probably put 1,800 megawatts of solar systems to produce 3.5 million cubic meters of water.
And that is a lot of water.
That water will go then to the farmers, and the farmers will be able to water their plants, and they will be able then to supply society with food.
But in order to sustain the horizontal line -- because these are the projects, these are the systems that we will deliver -- we need to also develop the vertical line: system sustenance, high-level education, research and development, industries, technologies, to produce these technologies for application, and finally markets.
But what gels all of it, what enables it, is legislation, policies, regulations.
Without it we can't do anything.
So that's what we are planning to do.
Within two years we should hopefully be done with this plan and taking it to implementation.
Our objective is to be a millennium city, just like many millennium cities around: Istanbul, Rome, London, Paris, Damascus, Cairo.
We are only 60 years old, but we want to live forever as a city, to live in peace.
Thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
LV1 人殺し(1人以上の殺人)
LV2 殺人鬼(10人以上の殺人)
LV3 悪魔(100人以上の殺人)
LV4 魔王(500人以上の殺人)
LV5 大魔王(10000人以上の殺人)
そんな先まで、俺が生きてるわけねぇだろ。 | I approached the little fox once again.
「Are you fine? You sure bring disasters」
「I’m saved」
The little fox spoke, what is this little thing?
「Are you able to talk?」
「Even though I’m looking like this, I lived for years already. When a fox reaches years, it is able to become a demon fox and speak. The one who didn’t commit any sins will transform into a white fox, and the one who did, into the demon fox. That Paoran is a famous demon fox, she was chasing our kind」
「Hee~. And why the white fox who didn’t sin is in this forest? 」
「Yes. I was dispatched in the Juka Kingdom as a messenger of a god in the first place. Our job is to gather the fate in our respective countries and become the idols for people. When I tried to gather the fate in a variety of ways, the Great Demon King appeared and I had evacuated into the forest」
「Is it okay for you to leave the country?」
「......There is no way it is. Still, I was so scared. I ran quite far, but I never expected the Great Demon King to come here」
「Well, I apologize」
「I thought I will be killed once discovered. I completely restrained my aura and observed from a tree. But you suddenly got up and screamed, so I was surprised and fell from the tree」
About the puppet? I want you to forget it.
「I was prepared to die, but I never expected for a Great Demon King to present me such a delicious offering. I was fortunate that Paoran found me at that moment. I took away most of her abilities, she won’t be a threat to me」
「Was Paoran that bad of a fox?」
「She is a demon fox that was called a seductress. Deceiving people, bringing calamities. She did things that could ruin a country many times」
.....Seems pretty selfish.
「You gave me an offering and I punished Paoran. You also successfully lowered the power of your curse. If you are willing, I can erase the curse from your status. What are your thoughts? 」
「I’m happy if this is true, but tell me the details about the curse first」
「The curse appears after killing the beings of the same kind as you. Humans, in your case. It depends from the circumstances and the viciousness during the act. It is said that those who didn’t feel any guilt and even had fun in the process gain levels faster. In the first place.....」
LV Murderer (more than killed)
LV2 Slaughterer (more than 10 killed)
LV3 Demon (more than 100 killed)
LV4 Demon King (more than 500 killed)
LV5 Great Demon King (more than 10000 killed)
「A priest can lower the level or completely remove the curse. After the war, you can often see the priest blessing soldier, like that, they are cleansing them from the curses. Also, if you are baptized by the church, the level of the curse will be harder to raise in the future. However, human power could only influence the curse under LV3. The highest priests could only remove up to LV3. Most of them have they hands full with LV2」
「Right now my curse skill is...... LV4. Are you able to erase it? 」
「We, the white foxes, have a divine protection. If it is a LV4, it is possible to erase it」
「Then, I want to ask you. Please do it」
「However, I want to trace your memory once. I never heard of someone becoming a Great Demon King at your age. I can’t remove your curse if you are a wicked person」
「Understood. I’m fine with that」
「Without further ado, let’s do it.......Please dispel the barrier」
Oh, I forgot.
「Hoo~ a slave. Eh? It can’t be! Eh? Ho-ho, this is! Arara, ufufu. Heee~. Uwaaa~. Yes, yes, this is.....What? Eh? Eh? Wait, 80000?? This, eh? Wait....ueeee」
The fox slowly breathed out.
「No wonder the Great Demon King was attached. With your skills, the titles too make sense. I understood everything. And lastly, what are you going to do from now on? What do you want to do from now on? 」
「I want to have some peace. Ideally, surrounded by beauties」
「.....Such an honest person. All right. Let’s commence the removal of the curse」
The removal was concluded in a moment. I couldn’t perceive what exactly changed, but the little fox said that I felt as a completely different person.
「Come to think of it, I didn’t hear your name yet. I’m Rinos」
「Eh, I traced your memory, so I know your name. We, the white foxes, usually do not have a name」
「Then how should I call you? “You” is kind of」
「Usually we are called according to our shrines. Like country’s god or Fox-sama. If it is okay with you, I want to ask you to name me. If I have a name, my position amongst the divine beings will rise ever so slightly」
Name.....A fox, if she is a fox.....
「.......Won’t you change your mind? 」
「Choose any on those」
「.....Gon is fine」
Don’t make such a resigned face, Gon. I will make another offering sometime later. Come to think of it, if Paoran can turn into a human, does that mean that Gon can too?
「I can. No problem」
She turned into a human, but, well, how should I say it.
「You face is still that of a fox! Rejected! 」
It seems that Gon wasn’t that proficient in the art of human transformation. When she just became a white fox in the past, she found the children’s games very interesting and wanted to join them, only to end up in a bag. The reason is simple, she just forgot to transform, she dashed out as a fox. Since this was her dark history, it was a secret from Rinos.
「By the way, you said that you are a messenger of a god. Which god is it? 」
「Our god is the「Nine-tailed fox」」
Thought so! Is it a demon fox who lived for a million years? Does that mean that Gon could someday arrive at this stage too?
「Well, I’m a failure after all. It will take me at least 10000 years even with a shrine」
There is no way I will live long enough to witness that | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
おや、いつも私に居たがるのに......、って、徹夜か! 徹夜で何度も確認してくれてたのか。
......って、正しくは『テレポーテーション』、もしくは『テレポート』だってことくらい知っとるわ! 仁丹の射出機を作るのは面倒だから、こっちのネタにしたんだよ!
うるさい! 何も言うな!!
でも、いくら怪しい侵入者を見つけたとはいえ、非武装なのが丸分かりの、未成年に見える女の子だよ? いきなり斬り掛かる?
するよね、『何者だ!』とか、『動くな! 怪しい奴め!』とか......。
そして、捕らえて正体と目的を吐かそうとするのが定番だよね? なのに、問答無用でいきなり斬り掛かってくるとか......。
自業自得かよ、コンチキショーめ!! | [This one too!!] Colette
, the day after I gave Sabine-chan and Colette-chan three recording devices each.
The contents of the remaining four that I had were all a miss, but the two seemed to have a hit.
[Here’s a note on the potential part.] Sabine
[This one too!] Colette
I received notes from both of them on the possible hits.
It is not a note of the content of the recorded conversation, but rather a note of the recording details, indicating which recorder and at what time the potential part is.
[Good work. Here’s what I promised you.] Mitsuha
I took the recorders and the memos, and in return, I handed them both a reward, <a ticket that I would allow one selfishness once> and <a ticket that would give them one useful tool from Mitsuha’s home country that the ticket holder specified>.
Don’t use it in a weird way....... No, really!
[I’m sleepy, so I’m going home.] Sabine
[Me too......] Colette
, I know you always want to be useful to me... but the whole night! Did you repeatedly check the recordings the whole night?
Sabine-chan and Colette-chan are still unfamiliar with the language of the new continent, so it would have been difficult for them to understand since they spoke too fast, so they must have listened over and over again to make sure there were no omissions. It’s a built-in omnidirectional microphone, so the sound quality is poor......
I’m sorry about that......
But I didn’t want to check all of them by myself, either...... Even though the recording will automatically stop if the silence continues for a long time......
Anyway, I’ll send Sabine-chan and Colette-chan to my territorial mansion via continuous transfer, but Sabine-chan will have to go home by herself after that, I’m sorry.
No, I’d like to avoid appearing in the royal palace in transition as much as possible, and there are also people who are escorting her......
So, after they left, I went over the notes and checked the contents of each recorder.
......Oh yeah, there it is!
It’s the effect of the rumors spread by Larushia and her crew, and the words of what seems to be the owner of the business association who complains to a person who appears to be the head clerk...... his subordinate...... or his henchman...... in a bitter tone.
There were a number of words that clearly said <we are the culprits>.
Now I can do the next step without any reservations.
Oh, and there it is again, the statement about collusion with government officials!
Also, some merchant families seem to be connected behind the scenes.
No, it’s okay if it’s a business agreement or a mutual benefit. In this world, we don’t have the Anti-Monopoly Law or the Subcontract Law yet, so it’s not really an illegal act.
......but criminal activity, you can’t do that!
So I set up the recorder again to get a full picture of the guys.
This time, I set it up at a store next to where I got the information from the previous recording and at the guardsman’s office.
That’s why I bought a lot of recorders. They were cheap, less than , yen each, anyway.
I also bought some small external microphones and attached them to the recorders, because the sound quality was quite poor, although the specifications were as described in the manual. I hope I can get a good quality sound recording......
That’s why, once again...... Mitsuha teleportation!
I at least know that it’s just <teleportation> or <teleport>! I couldn’t be bothered to make a Jintan injection machine, so I chose this one!
I’ve set up five recording devices at the Enova Trading Company..... to improve efficiency, and narrow down the locations where I can set them up...... and I’ve set up a few at each of the other merchant houses. And now, I’m going to the headquarters of the guards.
It seems these people, who steal all the time, go into the guard station. There are not many people who would go into a guard station that often, so I think the guards are having monkey business. But then, I’m not too worried about it.
Still, maybe not everyone can sneak into the police stations in Japan. There are places where they keep pistols, rifles, and automatic weapons seized from gangsters, drugs, and gold bars.
But we don’t have any of that here at the guardsman’s headquarters. So no one would be stupid enough to sneak into a place like this.
In the middle of the night, I made a series of transitions to a location I had checked with binoculars from a short distance away during the day.
Of course, I’m wearing the leotard and I’m equipped with a head-mounted night vision scope.
I didn’t have to go out of my way to buy another leotard, I had a similar one at home.
......The school swimsuit that I used in middle school and junior high school.
Even when I was in junior high school, I wore it just fine, yeah.
......Shut up! Don’t say a word!
So, the difference between a leotard and a school swimsuit is...... Well, not much.
The materials, the design, and the emphasis on ease of movement are similar.
......Well, swimsuits are supposed to get wet, so they are sometimes crotched and lined to prevent them from becoming transparent, so it’s not exactly the same......
Anyway, even if they look the same, there’s no way a -year-old me can go out in a school swimsuit!
Well, a leotard doesn’t make much difference, but when you compare <a 19-year-old woman in a leotard> and <a 19-year-old woman in a school swimsuit>, you can see that the two are very different. Oh, the pain of a newspaper article. Well, it’s not like there are newspapers in this world yet, and I’m supposed to be sneaking, so it doesn’t matter!
In terms of defense, school swimsuits are probably better, but that’s, you know, an image problem......
Anyway, after I scouted the place during the day, I transitioned to the area, I quietly went to the back of the room.
Even if a patrol were to come, they would be carrying lights, so I should be able to see them first and hide quickly.
It’s a good thing we don’t have security cameras or infrared alarms or anything like that...... And those who are optimistic that there should be no intruder breaking in.......
Since there is no way to talk about secrets in a large room or in the open, I set up a recorder in a room for visitors or in what I think is the office of an important person.
When I came out of the room thinking that I had about two more left, I saw.......
[A, a monster !!]
Suddenly, a man pulled out a sword and slashed at me.
Telepo~~to! !!
... What the hell was that...] Mitsuha
At any rate, I teleported to my home in Japan.
No, I can’t go to the Viscount’s residence or the general store Mitsuha by transfer. Colette-chan and the servants may be in the Viscount’s residence, and the general store Mitsuha may have Sabine-chan, the second princess, and Ruhen-kun, so it can’t appear just like that.
......I was unlucky.
Well, I guess that’s all I have to say about what just happened.
It just so happened that someone was walking down the corridor without light, either on patrol, in the bathroom, or just thirsty and wanted to drink some water. And there I was, coming out of the room where I had finished setting up the recorder. I didn’t check carefully before opening the door. It was too sudden.......
But no matter how suspicious the intruder is, I’m still a girl who looks like a minor and is clearly unarmed. Why would you suddenly slash me?
Normally, you would say, <Who are you?> or, <Stop! Don’t move!> or something like that.......
And it’s a standard practice to capture the intruder and try to get them to tell you who they are and what they want, right? And yet, I was suddenly slashed without hesitation.......
I wore leotard-like clothes, of course, because it made it easier to move around and my clothes wouldn’t get caught on the furniture and make scraping noises, but the main reason was to prevent the worst-case scenario, which was to get slashed the moment I was discovered. In just a few seconds, I could easily and safely transfer and escape.
And yet why?...
Anyway, I was drenched with cold sweat in an instant, so I guess I’ll take a shower......
With that in mind, I headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.......
[Oh, I definitely look like a <monster>....... That’s why he slashed me out of nowhere without hesitation......] Mitsuha
I guess it’s no wonder I look like a monster to people on the otherworld since I’m wearing a leotard and a head-mounted night vision scope, yeah.
I reap what I sow, what a blunder!!! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
郵便物を送付したり 調査したり 電話をかけたりして 被写体に到達できるように 準備活動をしています 被写体は ガザにいるハマスのリーダーから ウェストバージニアの洞窟で冬眠する ブラックベアにまで及びます
奇妙なことに 今までに受け取った中で いちばん目を引いた断りの手紙は ウォルトディズニーワールドからのものでした 問題など起きそうもない企業からです
ポイントになる部分をご紹介してみます 「とりわけ暴力が蔓延するこの時代 私の個人的な気持ちではありますが テーマパークを訪れる皆様にかけられた魔法の呪文を守ることはとても大切で この呪文は 心奪われる素敵なファンタジーの世界に みなさまをご案内するためにも とても大切だと考えております」
カメラを招き入れたくなかったのです 写真はつくられたものや 虚像や 盲信に対峙し 真実が何なのかを 明らかにするからです
どのイメージにも 複数の真実が隠されています 写真家の意図や それを観る人や 公開される状況によって違うのです
9.11テロ事件から5年にわたって 米国メディアや政府が 国境を越えて 隠された 知られざる場所を探したり 特に 大量破壊兵器を探していた頃に 私は国内で アメリカ建国や 神話や 日々の営みに欠かせないものに 目を向けてみました
市民の自ら課した限界と 実在する限界に 向き合い 特権階級の知る権利と 一般市民の知る権利とを 分け隔てるものに向き合いたかったのです
アメリカの歴史を振り返っても 世界史的に見ても 市民が正確な情報を 知ることができないと感じる危機的な時代でした
私はその中心をこの目で見たかったのです しかし 私が武器にしたのは写真でした
写真を通せば見方が変わるのです そこから分かったことは 完全に精通した内部者はいないということです
そして 部外者は決して核心にたどりつけないのです
タイトルは「アメリカン インデックス -- 隠された 未知なる場所 --」です およそ70枚の画像からなるものです
これは核廃棄物の貯蔵管理施設です ワシントン州のハンフォードにあります 1900以上もの ステンレス容器にくるまれた核廃棄物が 純水に沈められています
その中から私は アメリカ合衆国の国土の形に そっくりな一画を見つけました
これがその写真です 今日は紹介しませんが 私は文章制作に多くの時間を割いています
どの写真にも とても詳細な文章で事実を付記します
そして私がもっとも興味を持っているのが 文章と写真との間の 見えない空間なのです 文章が写真を 写真が文章を どのように変形させるのか 興味があるのです
写真はそもそも 抽象概念や 複数の真実や 想像の世界を漂うだけのものですが
これをしっかりと現実世界につなぎ止める役割を テキストが果たしているのです
今日は その文章を要約したものを 読み上げるだけにします
これは 冷凍保存ユニットです 人体冷凍技術を開拓したロバート エッチンガーの 妻と母の体を保存しています いつか科学とテクノロジーが進歩したときに 健康な姿で再び息を吹き返すことを期待したのです 永遠の命のためのコストは 35000ドルでした
こちらは 21歳のパレスチナ人女性が 処女膜再生手術を受けているところです
処女膜を処女の状態に戻す外科手術です これを受ければ 処女のまま結婚するという慣習を 守ることができるのです
基本的には 破れた処女膜を張り直して 性交渉をした時に出血するようにして 処女を失ったように見せかけるのです
これは 陪審員が模擬審議をする部屋です マジックミラーの向こう側に 陪審裁判のアドバイザーたちが控えていて
模擬裁判をした後の より適切な裁判戦略を依頼主にアドバイスすることで 期待どおりの判決が得られるようにするのです
これには 6万ドルの費用がかかります
ここは 米税関国境取締局の一室で ジョン F ケネディ国際空港の禁制品保管室です
テーブルには 米国に入国してきた人々から 48時間かけて没収した品々が積まれています
豚の頭もあれば アフリカタケネズミもいます
撮影にあたっては 何がそこにあるのかをただ記録するだけではなく
このときは 初期の静物画を まねてみようと思って においや没収品と向き合ってしばし時を過ごしました
これは CIAの壁に掛けられている展示作品です バージニア州ラングレーの旧本館内にあります
CIAには秘密裏にも表向きにも 文化外交に取り組んできた長い歴史があります
彼らが芸術に求めていたことには ソビエト共産主義に反対することや 親米的な思考や美学を普及させることが 含まれていたと推測できます
CIAの関心を引いたことが疑問にも思える芸術形式があり それは 抽象的表現主義です
これは 法医学人類研究施設です 6エーカーの土地に 常時 およそ75の死体があり 法医学人類学者や 死体の腐敗状態の観察に関心をもつ研究者が 調査に使っています
そして この写真にある少年の死体は 殺人現場を再現しています
ここは 連邦政府の資金だけで運営される 合法的に大麻を栽培する施設です 米国内での科学的調査が目的です
この作品には みなさんが混乱するような無秩序さを加味していますので 作品の並びに法則を見いだすことはできません 政治から科学 宗教 安全保障へと 不自然なまでに場面が変化し 情報がどのように分散しているのかを 把握できないようになっています
これは 海底通信ケーブルです 大西洋の海底を横切って 北米とヨーロッパをつないでいます
6000万もの会話を同時につないでいます 多くの政府機関や技術系企業は このような明白な脆弱性を抱えています
まったく滑稽ですね すべての会話を簡単にちょん切ってしまえるのですから
まるで30年前か40年前に撮影されたようにも見えます 冷戦時代のままだと考えれば 進歩していないのは当然だとも感じられます
これは 点字版『プレイボーイ』です
そしてここは 米国議会図書館の分館で 国立図書館のサービスを無料で 視覚障害者のために提供しています どの書籍を点字版として出版するかは 読者数が基準になるのですが
驚くことに写真は無く テキストしかありません
これは 鳥の検疫隔離施設です 米国本土に輸入されるすべての鳥が 30日 検疫隔離されて 病気ではないか検査を受けます 外来性ニューキャスル病や 鳥インフルエンザではないか検査します
この映像は 弾頭に入れる新型爆薬のテストの様子です
フロリダのエグリン空軍基地にある 航空兵装センターは 米国で製造された空中投下式兵器の 配備および検証に 責任を負っています
中央の赤い点は 政府が支給したフィルムの印です
北米に住むホワイトタイガーはすべて 選択的に近親交配した結果の産物です 母と息子 父と娘 姉妹と兄弟など 売れるホワイトタイガーに育つ遺伝子ができるように 交配するのです
白い体毛 青い瞳 ピンクの鼻があれば売れるのですが
生まれたホワイトタイガーの多くは 売り物になる特徴をもたないので 生まれると同時に殺されます
ほとんど知られていない とても凶暴な行為です
もちろん ホワイトタイガーはいろいろな形で人々を楽しませています
後に亡くなったのですが 精神的な遅れがあり 深刻な骨の異常に苦しんでいました
さて 軽いテーマに移りましょう これは ジョージ ルーカスが個人所蔵している
「スターウォーズ ジェダイの復讐」では 逆向きに映っていましたが
それは ネガを反転させたからです
真鍮をフォトエッチングして作った細部や 模様を描いたアクリルの表層も見えますね
映画のストーリーでは 「デススター」は惑星や文明を消滅させる力のある 銀河帝国の深宇宙戦闘基地ですが 実際に測ると 60センチ×120センチのサイズでした
ここは ケンタッキー州のフォート キャンベルに設けられた
市街戦の訓練をするために 都市構造が再現されています これは その都市にある建物のひとつで
私がこの写真を撮影した後 軍は教会の周りを壁で覆って アフガニスタンやイラクのモスクを再現しました
そこで メータ ビハールという 軍の戦術訓練用にシミュレーターを制作している人物と 共同作業をして
教会の周りに壁を置いたり 軍のビデオゲーム用に作られた人や 乗り物や 爆発現場を 配置したりして
これは 生きているHIVウィルスです ハーバード大医学部が米国政府と共同して 殺菌免疫の研究に利用しています
アルフラは 米国政府の支援を受けている アラビア語のテレビ放送局で アラブ世界の22か国以上にニュースや情報を放送しています
24時間 CMなしで放送しています
ただし 米国内に放送すると違法になります
2004年にはアルフラ イラクというチャンネルを立ち上げて 主にイラク国内で起きた事件を イラクに向けて放送しています
さて 別のプロジェクトを紹介しましょう
この写真の男性たちにとって 写真は虚構の世界を作り上げるものでした
写真が真実の証として機能せず これらの事例では でっち上げを助長しているのです
私は 米国中を旅して ほんとうは凶悪犯罪に関与していないのに 誤って有罪判決を受けた男女を撮ってまわりました
私は 真実と虚構をあいまいにする写真の力や 記憶に与える影響を調べました これらが深刻な ひいては致命的な結果をもたらすのです
写真に写った男性たちが えん罪を受けた第一の原因は 人相を見誤ったからでした
被害者や目撃者は 警察の提示するイメージを通じて 容疑者を特定していきます
しかし スケッチやポラロイド写真 顔写真などを見たり 面通しをしたりすると 目撃者の証言は変わりうるのです
レイプ被害者の女性に何枚かの写真を見せて 暴漢がいるか確認させたところ
彼女は 一枚の写真を見て 似ていると思いましたが 断定はできませんでした
数日後 別の写真を何枚か見せられました 新しい写真ばかりでしたが 前に気になっていた写真だけは 混ぜてあります すると彼女は確信をもって犯人を特定します
実際の記憶があったとしても 写真が記憶を塗り替えるからです 写真は 刑事司法制度において 無実の市民を犯罪者に変える道具になるのです しかし刑事司法制度は 写真で人を見分けることの限界を 認識できなかったのです
「アリバイがあった場所」でフレデリック デイを撮影しました 犯行と同時刻に13人に目撃されていた場所です
彼は全員白人の陪審員によって有罪判決を受けました レイプ 誘拐 自動車窃盗の罪です
DNA鑑定でフレデリックは無罪とわかり 服役していた別の男が 関与していたことがわかりました
ところが被害女性は 警察が示したフレデリックの写真で 記憶が永久的に変わったので 告発はしないと言いました
チャールズ ファインは 通学中の少女を誘拐してレイプし 殺したとして有罪となり
犯行現場だったアイダホ州のスネーク川で 彼を撮影しました
間違って有罪となる過程で 特に重要となった場所で えん罪をこうむった人たちを撮影しました
逮捕された場所 他人と間違われた場所 アリバイのあった場所などです
そして ここは犯行現場です 一度も訪れたことがないのに 完全に人生を変えた場所です
こういった場所で撮影することで 彼の人生と写真の両方にみられるような 真実と虚構のぼんやりとした関係に焦点をあてたいのです
カルヴィン ワシントンは 極刑に値する殺人を犯したとして
終身刑の宣告後 テキサス州のウェーコで13年服役しました
ラリー メイズの撮影場所は 逮捕現場にしました インディアナ州ゲーリーのこの部屋で 2枚のマットレスの間に入って警察から隠れていたのです
レイプと強盗の罪で 80年の懲役を宣告されて18年服役しました
被害者は 二人の容疑者の面通しでは ラリーが犯人だとは思いませんでしたが 数日後に写真を並べて見せたときには 犯人だと断定したのです
ラリー ヤングブラッドは カーニバルで10歳の男の子を 誘拐して何度も同性愛行為に及んだとして 懲役10年半と宣告され アリゾナ州で8年服役しました
ロン ウィリアムソンは クラブの女性バーテンダーをレイプし 殺したとして有罪になり 死刑宣告を受けてから11年服役しました
有罪判決を受ける直前には オークランド アスレチックスにプロ選手として 入団が決まっていましたので 球場で彼を撮影しました
ロンの裁判で 検察側に立って証言した人物が 実は犯人でした
ロナルド ジョーンズは 28歳の女性をレイプして殺したとして 死刑を宣告されて8年服役しました
撮影場所は 逮捕現場だったシカゴの地にしました
ウィリアム グレゴリーは レイプと住居不法侵入に問われ
懲役70年を宣告されて ケンタッキー州で7年服役しました
ティモシー ダーラムの撮影場所は アリバイのあった場所です 犯行時刻に11人の目撃者がいた場所です 彼は レイプと強盗を重ねたとして 懲役3220年を宣告されて 3年半服役しました
トロイ ウェブの撮影場所は バージニアの犯行現場にしました
彼は レイプ 誘拐 強盗を犯したとして 懲役47年を宣告されて 7年服役しました
トニーの写真が混じった束から 被害者は いちおう犯人らしき写真を選びましたが 年寄りすぎるといいました
警察は4歳ほど若いころのトロイ ウェブの写真を 見つけ出して 数日後 写真の束に混ぜておいたところ 犯人だと断定されたのです
最後に 私の顔写真をお見せします
歪曲はどこにでもあり 私たちの目はいとも簡単に騙される ということが 改めてわかります
以上です ありがとうございました | It involves a campaign of letter writing, research and phone calls to access my subjects, which can range from Hamas leaders in Gaza to a hibernating black bear in its cave in West Virginia.
And oddly, the most notable letter of rejection I ever received came from Walt Disney World, a seemingly innocuous site.
And it read -- I'm just going to read a key sentence: "Especially during these violent times, I personally believe that the magical spell cast upon guests who visit our theme parks is particularly important to protect and helps to provide them with an important fantasy they can escape to."
Photography threatens fantasy.
They didn't want to let my camera in because it confronts constructed realities, myths and beliefs, and provides what appears to be evidence of a truth.
But there are multiple truths attached to every image, depending on the creator's intention, the viewer and the context in which it is presented.
Over a five year period following September 11th, when the American media and government were seeking hidden and unknown sites beyond its borders, most notably weapons of mass destruction, I chose to look inward at that which was integral to America's foundation, mythology and daily functioning.
I wanted to confront the boundaries of the citizen, self-imposed and real, and confront the divide between privileged and public access to knowledge.
It was a critical moment in American history and global history where one felt they didn't have access to accurate information.
And I wanted to see the center with my own eyes, but what I came away with is a photograph.
And it's just another place from which to observe, and the understanding that there are no absolute, all-knowing insiders.
And the outsider can never really reach the core.
I'm going to run through some of the photographs in this series.
It's titled, "An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar," and it's comprised of nearly 70 images.
In this context I'll just show you a few.
This is a nuclear waste storage and encapsulation facility at Hanford site in Washington State, where there are over 1,900 stainless steel capsules containing nuclear waste submerged in water.
A human standing in front of an unprotected capsule would die instantly.
And I found one section amongst all of these of the United States of America, which you can see here.
And a big part of the work that is sort of absent in this context is text.
So I create these two poles.
Every image is accompanied with a very detailed factual text.
And what I'm most interested in is the invisible space between a text and its accompanying image, and how the image is transformed by the text and the text by the image.
So, at best, the image is meant to float away into abstraction and multiple truths and fantasy.
And then the text functions as this cruel anchor that kind of nails it to the ground.
But in this context I'm just going to read an abridged version of those texts.
This is a cryopreservation unit, and it holds the bodies of the wife and mother of cryonics pioneer Robert Ettinger, who hoped to be awoken one day to extended life in good health, with advancements in science and technology, all for the cost of 35 thousand dollars, for forever.
This is a 21-year-old Palestinian woman undergoing hymenoplasty.
Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure which restores the virginal state, allowing her to adhere to certain cultural expectations regarding virginity and marriage.
So it essentially reconstructs a ruptured hymen, allowing her to bleed upon having sexual intercourse, to simulate the loss of virginity.
This is a jury simulation deliberation room, and you can see beyond that two-way mirror jury advisers standing in a room behind the mirror.
And they observe deliberations after mock trial proceedings so that they can better advise their clients how to adjust their trial strategy to have the outcome that they're hoping for.
This process costs 60,000 dollars.
This is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection room, a contraband room, at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
On that table you can see 48 hours' worth of seized goods from passengers entering in to the United States.
There is a pig's head and African cane rats.
And part of my photographic work is I'm not just documenting what's there.
I do take certain liberties and intervene.
And in this I really wanted it to resemble an early still-life painting, so I spent some time with the smells and items.
This is the exhibited art on the walls of the CIA in Langley, Virginia, their original headquarters building.
And the CIA has had a long history with both covert and public cultural diplomacy efforts.
And it's speculated that some of their interest in the arts was designed to counter Soviet communism and promote what it considered to be pro-American thoughts and aesthetics.
And one of the art forms that elicited the interest of the agency, and had thus come under question, is abstract expressionism.
This is the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility, and on a six acre plot there are approximately 75 cadavers at any given time that are being studied by forensic anthropologists and researchers who are interested in monitoring a rate of corpse decomposition.
And in this particular photograph the body of a young boy has been used to reenact a crime scene.
This is the only federally funded site where it is legal to cultivate cannabis for scientific research in the United States.
It's a research crop marijuana grow room.
And part of the work that I hope for is that there is a sort of disorienting entropy where you can't find any discernible formula in how these things -- they sort of awkwardly jump from government to science to religion to security -- and you can't completely understand how information is being distributed.
These are transatlantic submarine communication cables that travel across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, connecting North America to Europe.
They carry over 60 million simultaneous voice conversations, and in a lot of the government and technology sites there was just this very apparent vulnerability.
This one is almost humorous because it feels like I could just snip all of that conversation in one easy cut.
But stuff did feel like it could have been taken 30 or 40 years ago, like it was locked in the Cold War era and hadn't necessarily progressed.
This is a Braille edition of Playboy magazine.
And this is ... a division of the Library of Congress produces a free national library service for the blind and visually impaired, and the publications they choose to publish are based on reader popularity.
And Playboy is always in the top few.
But you'd be surprised, they don't do the photographs. It's just the text.
This is an avian quarantine facility where all imported birds coming into America are required to undergo a 30-day quarantine, where they are tested for diseases including Exotic Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza.
This film shows the testing of a new explosive fill on a warhead.
at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida is responsible for the deployment and testing of all air-delivered weaponry coming from the United States.
And the film was shot on 72 millimeter, government-issue film.
And that red dot is a marking on the government-issue film.
All living white tigers in North America are the result of selective inbreeding -- that would be mother to son, father to daughter, sister to brother -- to allow for the genetic conditions that create a salable white tiger.
Meaning white fur, ice blue eyes, a pink nose.
And the majority of these white tigers are not born in a salable state and are killed at birth.
It's a very violent process that is little known.
And the white tiger is obviously celebrated in several forms of entertainment.
Kenny was born. He actually made it to adulthood.
He has since passed away, but was mentally retarded and suffers from severe bone abnormalities.
This, on a lighter note, is at George Lucas' personal archive.
This is the Death Star.
And it's shown here in its true orientation.
In the context of "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi," its mirror image is presented.
They flip the negative.
And you can see the photoetched brass detailing, and the painted acrylic facade.
In the context of the film, this is a deep-space battle station of the Galactic Empire, capable of annihilating planets and civilizations, and in reality it measures about four feet by two feet.
This is at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.
It's a Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain site.
Essentially they've simulated a city for urban combat, and this is one of the structures that exists in that city.
It's called the World Church of God.
It's supposed to be a generic site of worship.
And after I took this photograph, they constructed a wall around the World Church of God to mimic the set-up of mosques in Afghanistan or Iraq.
And I worked with Mehta Vihar who creates virtual simulations for the army for tactical practice.
And we put that wall around the World Church of God, and also used the characters and vehicles and explosions that are offered in the video games for the army.
And I put them into my photograph.
This is live HIV virus at Harvard Medical School, who is working with the U.S. Government to develop sterilizing immunity.
And Alhurra is a U.S. Government- sponsored Arabic language television network that distributes news and information to over 22 countries in the Arab world.
It runs 24 hours a day, commercial free.
However, it's illegal to broadcast Alhurra within the United States.
And in 2004, they developed a channel called Alhurra Iraq, which specifically deals with events occurring in Iraq and is broadcast to Iraq.
Now I'm going to move on to another project I did.
It's titled "The Innocents."
And for the men in these photographs, photography had been used to create a fantasy.
Contradicting its function as evidence of a truth, in these instances it furthered the fabrication of a lie.
I traveled across the United States photographing men and women who had been wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit, violent crimes.
I investigate photography's ability to blur truth and fiction, and its influence on memory, which can lead to severe, even lethal consequences.
For the men in these photographs, the primary cause of their wrongful conviction was mistaken identification.
A victim or eyewitness identifies through law enforcement's use of images.
But through exposure to composite sketches, Polaroids, mug shots and line-ups, eyewitness testimony can change.
I'll give you an example from a case.
A woman was raped and presented with a series of photographs from which to identify her attacker.
She saw some similarities in one of the photographs, but couldn't quite make a positive identification.
Days later, she is presented with another photo array of all new photographs, except that one photograph that she had some draw to from the earlier array is repeated in the second array.
And a positive identification is made because the photograph replaced the memory, Photography offered the criminal justice system a tool that transformed innocent citizens into criminals, and the criminal justice system failed to recognize the limitations of relying on photographic identifications.
Frederick Daye, who is photographed at his alibi location, where 13 witnesses placed him at the time of the crime.
He was convicted by an all-white jury of rape, kidnapping and vehicle theft.
And he served 10 years of a life sentence.
Now DNA exonerated Frederick and it also implicated another man who was serving time in prison.
But the victim refused to press charges because she claimed that law enforcement had permanently altered her memory through the use of Frederick's photograph.
Charles Fain was convicted of kidnapping, rape and murder of a young girl walking to school.
He served 18 years of a death sentence.
I photographed him at the scene of the crime at the Snake River in Idaho.
And I photographed all of the wrongfully convicted at sites that came to particular significance in the history of their wrongful conviction.
The scene of arrest, the scene of misidentification, the alibi location.
And here, the scene of the crime, it's this place to which he's never been, but changed his life forever.
So photographing there, I was hoping to highlight the tenuous relationship between truth and fiction, in both his life and in photography.
Calvin Washington was convicted of capital murder.
He served 13 years of a life sentence in Waco, Texas.
Larry Mayes, I photographed at the scene of arrest, where he hid between two mattresses in Gary, Indiana, in this very room to hide from the police.
He ended up serving 18 and a half years of an 80 year sentence for rape and robbery.
The victim failed to identify Larry in two live lineups and then made a positive identification, days later, from a photo array.
Larry Youngblood served eight years of a 10 and half year sentence in Arizona for the abduction and repeated sodomizing of a 10 year old boy at a carnival.
He is photographed at his alibi location.
Ron Williamson. Ron was convicted of the rape and murder of a barmaid at a club, and served 11 years of a death sentence.
I photographed Ron at a baseball field because he had been drafted to the Oakland A's to play professional baseball just before his conviction.
And the state's key witness in Ron's case was, in the end, the actual perpetrator.
Ronald Jones served eight years of a death sentence for rape and murder of a 28-year-old woman.
I photographed him at the scene of arrest in Chicago.
William Gregory was convicted of rape and burglary.
He served seven years of a 70 year sentence in Kentucky.
Timothy Durham, who I photographed at his alibi location where 11 witnesses placed him at the time of the crime, was convicted of 3.5 years of a 3220 year sentence, for several charges of rape and robbery.
He had been misidentified by an 11-year-old victim.
Troy Webb is photographed here at the scene of the crime in Virginia.
He was convicted of rape, kidnapping and robbery, and served seven years of a 47 year sentence.
Troy's picture was in a photo array that the victim tentatively had some draw toward, but said he looked too old.
The police went and found a photograph of Troy Webb from four years earlier, which they entered into a photo array days later, and he was positively identified.
Now I'm going to leave you with a self portrait.
And it reiterates that distortion is a constant, and our eyes are easily deceived.
That's it. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
『了解! マスター!』
しかしここは砂しかない、こんな柔らかい所だと兆弾は不可能。戦法を封じされた奴なんぞ敵ではない! チョッハハハ!!
「はあぁ!! せいっ!」
貴様の相手をしているのはベルトラだけではないぞ! この我輩の事も忘れるなよ!
「もらいました! ――っな! うそでしょ!?」
そうか、液体の体なのだから自由に体も曲げられるのは当たり前だ......馬鹿か我輩は! 物理攻撃が効かないという事しか頭になかったせいでこんな単純な事を抜けていた!
本気だと? チョッハハハ!! 何を言っておるのだ貴様の兆弾戦法はこんな所で使え......えっ?
アディアが砂の中に潜った? いや吸い込まれたようにも見えたが。
「くそ、ベルトラ! アディアの動きを止められるか!?」
「ぐっ! 防ぐので! 精一杯! です!」
「ウフフフ!! いいわねぇいいわねぇ! この動きについて来るなんてぇあなたいいわぁ!」
くそ! あの動きは何だ、今まで見たことがないぞ!?
そんな戦い方がアディアにあるなんて我輩は何も聞いてないぞ!? アルフレドの奴めぇええ!!
とっとにかく今のこの状態が先決だ! どうする、何か良い方法は......そうだ!
「ベルトラ! 真上に飛ぶんだ!!」
「え? それはどういう――」
「今だ!! アイスウェーブ!!」
冷気で地面を一気に凍らせる! 昼間は無理でも、砂漠の夜は冷えるからな、これならばアディアが地表近くにおれば巻き込まれ凍るだろうし、離れていたとしても地面から出る場合どうしても凍ったところを出てくるしかない、そうなれば嫌でもひび割れがおき場所がわかる。さすが我輩、素晴らしい作戦だ。
ちっ外していたか。飛び上がれの言葉で食いつくようでは悪王の座にはおらぬか、となれば奴が出てくる所を叩く! さぁどこからでも来い!
「っ!? デール殿!! 後!!」
しまった! ベルトラの周りは凍らせたが我輩のとこはそのままだ、なんという間の抜けたことを......。
「おりゃ!! ――くっやはりわしの拳では無理か!」
何だ? アディアの腕に何か刺さっている......あれは砂の......剣? そうか、エヴンラルの刃は魔力! アディアにダメージを与えられる!
アディアが兆弾しながらベルトラの方に向かって行っただと!? 何故だ、砂の上で兆弾なんて......っ! 凍った地面を利用されてしまったのか!
まずい、今のベルトラには斬硬刀しかもっておらん! あれではアディアの攻撃を防げないぞ!
「ファイアボール! アイスショット! ――くそ、やっぱ当たらん! こうなったら爺さん、エヴンラルを......」
氷で滑っていった!? 器用だな......いやいやそうではじゃなくてだな!
「爺さん! ベルトラにエヴンラルを投げ返すだけでよかったのだ! 何故自ら持っていく必要がある!」
まずい! ベルトラの足元に回りこまれた!
「ベルトラから離れんかい! この! この!」
......ん? なんだ? 何か飛んできた......丸い物? ......球?
球が爆発して物凄い光を放った!? 目っ目が!!
《デール様、こっちです! ダリル様はベルトラ様を抱えて付いてきてくださいです!》
光の中誰かに引っ張られている、この声は......まさかフェリシア......? | “Well then, let’s go!!”
[Got it! Master!]”
“I shall go!!”
“Ufufufu~ do entertain me, okay?”
“Haah......Good luck~”
Old man, I get it that you are shocked that you turned out to be useless, but could please not look so blatantly depressed next to me, because from this point on the battle starts......
I’m sorry old man, but even if that wasn’t the case the outcome would have already been decided. Adia hides in small spaces in the hard ground, making full use of her water constitution, and uses her poisoned knife to cut down her opponents. Because of that violence she is called violent water.
However, you can find nothing but sand here, she can’t use her hiding technique on soft grounds such as this. With that tactic sealed she isn’t an opponent to us at all! Chohahaha!!
“Haaah!! Sei!”
“Wups, That’s a magic sword, is it not?...... If that sand sword hit, my skin would have been damaged, you know?”
You’re opponent isn’t only Bertra, you *******! Don’t forget about me!
“Ice Shot!!”
“Oh my, attacks like that won’t hit me, you know~”
Dodged it, huh? It seems like my magic doesn’t really hit much recently.......
Well, it was enough to break her posture.
“Got you! –Wha! That can’t be?!”
“Wah~, how dangerous”
She bent her body degrees from that unstable posture and avoided that?!
I see, it’s obvious that she can bent her body however she wants as it is made out of liquid...... Am I an idiot?! I overlooked such a simple thing, because I was preoccupied thinking about physical attacks not working on her!
“My, oh, my, hm~ that magic sword and that rear guard’s magic are quite troublesome~...... Well then, time for me to get serious as well!!”
Getting serious? Chohahaha!! What are you saying, when your hiding tactic is completely useless in this pla...... Eh?
Adia sank into the sand! No, it looks more like she got sucked in.
What on earth did Adia do?!
“Ufu, I’m over here, you know?!”」
“- -!?”
She jumped out of the sand without any signs!?
“You did well, blocking that just now, then how about this?!”
Kuh, she got sucked back in by the sand again. If she keeps moving like that I can’t aim my magic
“****, Bertra! Can you stop Adia’s movements?!”
“Guh! Blocking them! Is already! Hard enough!”
Right, we can’t know where she will come out again after all......
However, she can react well to Adia’s movements, while I can’t follow them at all.
“Ufufufu! Good, good! You did good being able to follow these movements!”
****! What’s with this move? I haven’t seen it up until now!?
“............I see, I got it!”
“What’s the matter? Raising your voice like this”
That surprised me......What, it was just the old man? I completely forgot that he was next to me during this battle.
“N-no, it’s nothing....... So, what did you get, old man?”
“It’s about Adia. Sand immediately absorbs water. Taking advantage of her liquid body she is able to freely move around the sand.”
“I see, so it was like this, huh?...... Hm?”
I haven’t heard anything about Adia having such a fighting tactic!? That Alfreeeeeeeeed!!
A, anyway, let’s first do something about this current situation! What should I do? Is there any way...... That’s it!
“Bertra! Jump up!!”
“Eh? What do you mean with—-”
“It’s fine, just do it, hurry up!!”
“U, understood!”
Adia will go grab after Bertra when she jumps up, without a doubt. I’m aiming for the moment she stretches out her arm to Bertra—-
“Now!! Ice Wave!!”
It immediately froze the ground! Though this might have been impossible at noon, but desert nights are pretty cold. With this, Adia will freeze as well if she is close to the ground’s surface and even if she is not she doesn’t have a choice but to break out of the frozen ground, cracks that will occur will tell us where she is. As expected of me, a splendid strategy.
“Ooh, you let the ground freeze over, huh? Did Adia freeze along with it?”
“It would be great if it were like this. How is it Bertra? Did Adia freeze as well?”
“Please wait...... No, there is no ice that looks like Adia.”
Tch, did she evade it? She didn’t hold the position of one of the Demonic Heavenly Kings for nothing. Looks like she grasped my intention behind shouting jump up, huh? If it’s like that I’ll just attack the place she will come out of! Now, come out from where ever you are!
“!? Dale-dono!! Behind you!!”
****! I froze the area around Bertra but my surroundings stayed as is. For me to miss something like that......
“Oryaa!! —-Kuh, as I thought it’s impossible for my fist to reach her, huh?!”
The old man’s attacks won’t work. It’s over...... in this place I shall.......
What? Something cut through Adia’s arm...... that’s a sand...... Sword? Evenral?!
“Are you uninjured?!”
Bertra threw Evenral, huh? I was saved thanks to that.
Did Adia head towards Bertra while bouncing off the floor?! How? To bounce on top of sand, that’s......! Did she use the frozen ground?!
Crap, Bertra doesn’t have Zankoutou right now! She can’t block Adia’s attack like that!
“Fire Ball! Ice Shot! —-****, as I thought, it won’t hit! If it’s like this then, old man, take Evenral and......”
He’s sliding on the ice?! How skilful...... No, no, that’s not it!
“Old man! It’s fine if you just throw Evenral back to Bertra! It’s not necessary to take it to her directly!”
“Ah, is that so?...... —- Bertra!”
Crap! She went around Bertra’s feet!
“That hurt just nooow~ So I’ll return the favooour!!”
Bertra was stabbed with a poisoned knife!
[Bell has been stabbed!]
“Get away from Bertra! You! You!”
“Grandpa, even if you attack me like this, it’s useless, you knooow~”
This situation is very bad. Bertra was stabbed by that poisoned knife, the old man’s attacks won’t hit and I can’t use magic with them crowded together like this...... What should I do?....... What would be the best course of action?!
......Hm? What is that? Something flew over......Something round?......A ball?
“What is this, what is this?!”
The ball exploded and released a terribly bright light!? Eyes, my eyes!!
《Dale-sama, over here! Darryl-sama, please take Bertra-sama and come with me!》
I got pulled by someone in that light, this voice...... Could it be, Felicia......? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 9,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
遠慮なしに言うと、ロシアはもはや中国と同じカテゴリーにいない。「中華帝国」が何世紀もの衰微のときを経て、再び以前のような世界的地位を取り戻しつつある一方で、ロシアは傲慢に旧帝国を復活させようと試みているが、失敗は免れないように思われる。 | To put it bluntly, Russia is no longer in the same category as China. Whereas the “Middle Kingdom” is proudly regaining its former global status after centuries of decline, Russia is defiantly trying to resurrect its former imperial status, but in a manner that appears doomed to fail. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「確認はなされましたか? 会話をしたとか、ちゃんと容貌をご覧になったとか」
「せっかくだから何か飲んでいったらァ? お酒とお水しかないけど。うちのお酒は特別に仕入れてるから、あなたみたいな可愛い子にもおすすめなのよォ」
「そんなはずは......再会のお約束もなされたのでしょう? 耳飾りもありますし」
「ぼくはもう一度行く! このままでは夜も眠れない!」
「いて、いててて! 足! 足首が!」
「だ、大丈夫? ほら、立って!」
「コウ! あ、あの、ごめんなさい、ぼくたちぶつかりそうになってしまって」
「ああああ! ごめんなさい! コウがごめんなさい! こいつ、あの、本当にバカで!」
「バカじゃねえよ! おれ、見たんだぞ! 後ろの黒いやつ! 顔が骨だった!」
「なにが仲間だよ! 金持ちのくせに魔物と仲間なわけないだろ!」
「嘘つけ! 貧乏人がそんな短剣を持ち歩くかよ!」
「ごめんなさい! コウの失礼な言い方を代わりに謝りますので!」
「おい、勝手なことすんなよカイ! おれは謝らねえからな! 魔物だっていうのも事実じゃんか!」
「ああもう! コウは黙っててくんないかな!? いつもいつも事態をややこしくするんだから!」
「やーい! この無能っちょ!」
「うるせえな! 眠れねえだろうが!」
仕方ない、と鼻息をひとつこぼして、ミトロフは少年たちに歩み寄った。 | “Was that really Grace-sama?”
Canule calmly asked the question after listening to Mitrof’s story.
The location was the dimly lit dining hall of the inn where Grace had stayed.
After losing sight of Grace, Mitrof immediately visited Canule’s place. They both came back to this inn with the possibility that if it really was Grace, she would be staying here again. However, there was no sign of Grace anywhere.
Mitrof moistened his lips with the fragrant, stale red wine before speaking.
“I think it probably was her—I felt like she recognized me too.”
“Has it been confirmed?—Did you have a conversation with her or get a good look at her face?”
“...No, I didn’t hear her voice—it was dark and a bit far away, and she had a hood on.”
“So it could be a case of mistaken identity.”
“Still, I think it was Grace.”
Despite his confident assertion, Mitrof’s tone grew weaker. At that moment, he was certain that there was no mistake about Grace’s face. Their gazes mixed together, and for a moment, it seemed like they recognized each other.
However, as Canule said, there is also the possibility of a mistaken identity. The street was dark, and the person was wearing a hood. Above all, it’s strange for Grace to run away.
“Have you verified what is inside the door where they came out? There’s a chance that someone involved in a troubling situation saw Mitrof-sama at an inconvenient time and fled on the spot.”
“Yes, I have.”
Losing sight of Grace’s figure, Mitrof returned along the same path. He sought clues at the door where she appeared, only to find a small tavern.
It was dimly lit like night despite being daytime, and the lantern hanging on the wall was not adequately lit. The smell of cigarette smoke and dust bothered his nose, and damp sawdust was scattered on the floor.
There were two men at the counter seats, and on the two tables, rough-looking men were gathered, holding bottles of liquor.
Mitrof furrowed his brow, thinking that he couldn’t relax and drink in such a place.
The shopkeeper was a demi-human, with smooth, lizard-like scales that were significantly cracked below the eyes. With a tongue poking out from a wide-open, vertical pupil, the shopkeeper observed Mitrof from head to toe as if assessing a new customer.
“Well, what a lovely customer we have—welcome, young man—what can I help you with?”
The cloying tone of the shopkeeper’s voice was indistinct at the end. Although her way of speaking was feminine, her voice was deep and manly.
“...I want to ask about a customer who just left your store—I want to confirm if I know them.”
“If I could help you, dear sir, I would, but I cannot disclose information about other customers.”
The lizard-like shopkeeper tilted her head, moving smoothly in a way that was different from a human. Her fingers, which stroked her neck, had sharp claws. Her bright red nail polish looked nearly black in the darkness.
“I understand your creed—however, could you at least confirm the name?I think she was an elf named Grace.”
“Why don’t you have something to drink since you’re here? We have only alcohol and water, but our alcohol is specially sourced, and it’s recommended even for a cute boy like you.”
Ignoring Mitrof’s question, the lizard shopkeeper took a nearby bottle of liquor and checked the label.
Kachichichi, kachichichi.
The sound of the hard bottle bounced off the walls. The sharp claws of the lizard tapped each bottle, starting from the pinky finger.
Kachichichi, kachichichi.
One of the drunk customers at the counter shook his shoulder and laughed.
“Hey kid, the liquor here is the best... especially the special one—I’ll treat you to a glass.”
Almost touching his forehead to the counter, the man turned to face Mitrof.
Mitrof was hesitant in this strange atmosphere.
Despite being accustomed to the labyrinth and fighting monsters without hesitation, Mitrof had not yet acquired the courage to step into an unfamiliar tavern. It was a place operating outside of the established rules of Mitrof’s constructed worldview, which was too unfamiliar. It was not even a matter of feeling safe since he was carrying a sword.
Again, the shopkeeper did not seem to intend to answer Mitrof’s question.
Mitrof left the shop hesitantly after leaving a word of thanks.
“...It doesn’t seem to be of any use as a clue.”
“I see,” Canule nodded.
“My guess is that it’s a neighborhood where the boundary between inside and outside is clearly defined—if Mitrof-sama, who is not a member of the community, were to enter suddenly, he would not be able to receive any answers.
“That’s probably it—I understand the exclusive atmosphere well.”
Although that place is the only clue, Mitrof does not seem to be able to obtain the information he wants by simply going there.
“If it was a case of mistaken identity, that’s fine—I just misjudged her—but if it really was Grace, why did she run away?”
Mitrof slouched his back, dropped his shoulders, and stared at his glass, lost in thought.
Watching his appearance, Canule struggled for words.
“Even if it was Grace-sama, there must be some circumstances behind it.”
“Is that so...there’s also the possibility that she didn’t want to see my face.”
“That can’t be... She even gave you her earring, and made a promise to meet again, didn’t you?”
It was Canule who taught him that it was a tradition among elf women to give an earring to the person with whom they wished to be reunited.
“So she gave me the earring, but now she has no desire to see me again, hence, is it not awkward for us to meet face to face?”
Canule’s kindness prevented her from answering conclusively whether it was possible.
However, Mitrof’s sharp intuition for understanding the true meaning behind the words of the nobles made Canule’s kindness futile.
Mitrof snorted and sniffled, then downed the red wine in anger.
“I’ll go there again! I can’t sleep at night like this!”
Canule proposed to go along with him and not leave Mitrof alone. Together, they entered the back alleys again.
Mitrof believed that he could recognize Grace if he saw her again, but the city was vast, and many people lived there. The possibility of encountering someone you did not have a planned meeting with was incredibly low. Mitrof was well aware of that.
Nevertheless, he could not spend his time idly lying down in his room and finding meaning in the wood grain on the ceiling. Walking around the streets was a good distraction.
The main street connecting the city blocks was wide, and people and carriages were constantly passing by. Apartment buildings lined both sides of the avenue, and the places where the shadows fell changed as the sun set, but there was always somewhere bright and sunny.
The voices of the bustling crowd were constant, and entering the flow of people walking by would create a dense crowd where you had to be careful not to bump into someone’s shoulder.
However, as they deviated from the main streets and wandered deeper into the city through one or two back alleys, the hustle and bustle faded away. The atmosphere became dim, like entering a deep forest, with air that sank and a narrower path. People passing by fell silent, bowed their heads, and covered their faces. Everyone was saying with their whole body that they didn’t want to be bothered.
Occasionally, there are men and women chatting when they cross paths, whether they be humans, beastmen, or demi-humans. When Mitrof and Canule happen to come across them, they stop chatting and watch the out-of-place pair from the corner of their eyes.
In such situations, Mitrof does not have the courage to ask around about Grace.
In the end, they wander aimlessly down the streets. The narrow and winding paths lead them in different directions, making their sense of direction become disoriented—It’s more labyrinthian than a labyrinth,’ Mitrof thought.
As they pondered, stuck in the middle of a crossroads without any leads, they heard light footsteps approaching. Two children ran towards them, their faces hidden under hoods.
‘Are there also children in the backstreets? No, it’s obvious that people live here...’
Without hesitation, Mitrof took a step back and made way for them. Shortly after, as they passed each other, the child in the lead pointed forward and exclaimed, “Look!”
Mitrof’s shoulder twitched, and he reflexively turned his face.
The second child tried to lean on Mitrof’s shoulder. His hand moved swiftly, aiming for Mitrof’s pocket.
However, a black leather glove was in the way of those hands. Canule, who had been focusing only on Mitrof’s caution since entering the back alley, had closed the distance without fail.
“Ahh!” a weak voice cried out.
Canule’s quick movement and her power as a monster seemed to have caused the child’s body to lose balance. He stumbled and hit the wall, then turned over and fell.
The child who had been leading the way stopped in his tracks and quickly ran over.
He was wary of Mitrof and Canule, and hurriedly lent a shoulder.
“Ouch, ouch! My foot! My ankle!”
“Are you okay? Come on, stand up!”
Finally, Mitrof realized that the two of them had narrowly avoided being pickpocketed. He couldn’t help but pat his pocket, impressed with the two brave children.
“Canule, thank you.”
Although she had resigned her position as a knight, Canule still displayed the occasional behavior of a true knight. Since the day she swore to protect Mitrof, Canule has been loyal to him.
“Hey, are you guys okay?”
When Mitrof spoke up, the children raised their heads.
The one who retorted seemed to have sprained his foot. His voice was courageous, but it still had the high-pitched tone of pre-adolescence.
“Kou! Uh, sorry, we almost crashed into you.”
Mitrof pinched his chin thoughtfully.
If he had been a victim, he might have felt inclined to interrogate them, but since Canule prevented it from happening, Mitrof had no reason to be angry.
While there was an option to advise them to correct their wrong behavior according to social ethics, Mitrof nodded, thinking that it would be better to mind his own business.
“I see—you better watch where you’re going from now on.”
Mitrof was about to leave, leaving the children behind.
“——Hey, what’s up with bringing a monster?”
Mitrof stopped abruptly. He turned around and kneeled before the boy known as Kou.
“You have given me a reason to be angry—I can’t tolerate that statement—can you take it back?”
“Ah! I’m sorry! Kou’s sorry! This guy, um, is really stupid!”
The child who had stepped forward to defend herself looked like a girl. She waved her hands frantically, trying to negate his previous statement herself.
“I’m not stupid! I saw it! The black guy in the back! Its face was just bones!”
“True, it was just bones—but she’s not a monster. Your statement was incorrect.”
Mitrof calmly acknowledged and demanded a correction.
“Um, Mitrof-sama, I don’t mind...”
Canule hesitantly interjected.
“No, I mind—I’ll get angry if my important comrade is put down—it’s only natural.”
“What comrade?! There’s no way a rich guy like you is a comrade of a monster!”
“We’re comrades, and I am not necessarily rich.”
“Liar! How can a poor person carry such a short sword around!”
Mitrof exclaimed in amazement.
In addition to the thrusting sword on his waist, Mitrof also carried a short sword that the Silver Armor Knight, Canule’s brother, had given him. It is a fine piece of jewelry, though it is not ornately decorated.
This boy seemed to have a keen eye to recognize it.
“Sorry! Let me apologize for Kou’s rude words!”
“Hey, don’t do whatever you want, Kai! I won’t apologize! It’s a fact that she’s a monster!”
“Ugh! Why can’t Kou just keep quiet?! You always make things complicated!”
“You’re just a coward all the time!”
Suddenly, they started arguing. Mitrof and Canule were ignored.
Canule stood silently, yet prepared to shield Mitrof no matter what happened.
Mitrof observed the two children and guessed that it seemed like they were acting. Even though the two of them were arguing well, they seemed to be looking out for Mitrof.
‘It’s quite impressive,’ Mitrof couldn’t help but admire.
He didn’t receive an apology, but his criticism had weakened, and Mitrof decided to go along with the children’s plan.
With a sigh, he deliberately averted his gaze and turned his face towards Canule.
At the same time, the two children stood up and ran out.
“Ha ha! Useless fattie!”
Mitrof was amazed at the unique insult and glanced back in disbelief. Despite being dragged, Kou ran with his face toward them. Mitrof didn’t like accepting his leaving remarks, but he watched him go without any concern. However, it seemed that luck played a role.
“Hey, shut up! I can’t sleep!”
The noise irritated a resident, who opened the door. Kou, who wasn’t looking forward, was slow to react, and his face hit the door, causing him to flip and get thrown back.
Kai, who had been leading the way, returned and shook Kou’s body, but he didn’t wake up no matter how much he shook him. He seemed to have hit his head.
Mitrof looked at Canule. Canule shook his head from side to side.
With a sigh, Mitrof approached the children. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「断る! 二人は私の大切な仲間だ。それにハシェルの騎士と戻るつもりもない。二人の身元はリィーシャさんが保証しているし、あなたが彼女達を裁く権利はない!」
「いいのか? この話を断れば、街の治安を乱した罪でお前をハシェルに強制送還することもできる。国外逃亡を謀ってガフェーナの連中とつるんでいたことを知られれば、お前はハシェルで断罪されるだろうし、その責任としてウラバルト家も同罪だ」
「お前は馬鹿か? そんな方法はねえんだよ! 私の言う通りに首を縦に振ればいいんだ」
「あるよ。私はお前のようなクズに屈するつもりはない! あまり私をなめるなよ?」
その場に倒れ込むシェーナは最善を尽くしたと誇りに思い、目を閉じて意識を失った。 | Schenna’s ropes were cut loose once she’d been taken to an interrogation room. After Karyu sent out the guards he initiated the interrogation of Schenna.
“If you give those two from Gafenna some of this poison I’ll put in a good word, get you your position among Hashel’s knights back, how about it.”
“I refuse! Those two are important to me. In the first place, I don’t wanna go back to being a knight of Hashel. What’s more, those two are guaranteed by Reesha, between the two of you, you’ve no right to judge them!”
Rather than a proper investigation, Karyu tried offering Schenna a Devil’s bargain. Whether Karyu suspected the Gafennan’s of seeking retribution against Rinsr or out of his own personal sense of justice, Schenna didn’t know, so she held her complaints.
“If that’s all you wanted to talk about I’m going home.”
“You sure? If you refuse this I’ll have you extradited to Hashel with the charge of disturbing the town’s peace. If you’re convicted, everyone outside the country will know you were mingling with that Gafennan bunch and the whole Urablatt family will be responsible by proxy.”
Seeing as Karyu was in charge of the town’s public order, Schenna took his threat seriously. Seeing Karyu trying to force his way on her made Schenna’s rage well up from the bottom of her heart. She felt resentment that such a guy was asked to join the Hero’s party.
To protect Kishana and Luthors, to protect the Urablatt family name, Schenna decided on the option that was most likely to succeed.
“If you accept, I can secure your future, if you want you can even stay as one of my subordinates.”
“I won’t sell out my friends, and I won’t trouble my parents with my own problems.”
“Are you an idiot? As if there’s such an option! Just agree to what I’m offering here.”
“There is a way. I’ve no intention of giving in to a piece of shit like you! Don’t you think you’re underestimating me?”
Without hesitation, Schenna popped the poison Karyu had shown her into her mouth. Summarily, she began to feel numb, her stomach started turning, and finally, she felt chills. Karyu seemed to be saying something but his words didn’t reach Schenna who was at her limit just staying conscious.
Having collapsed on the spot, Schenna took pride in her decision as she closed her eyes and lost consciousness. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ですから まずは みなさんの助けをかりて 実験で確認したいと思います ところで みなさんが先ほど拍手したとき アメリカ流に リズムを取らずに ガヤガヤと拍手していましたね
そもそもリズムを取ること自体 考えていなかったのでしょう
ではみなさんは リズムを揃えて拍手できるでしょうか 練習したことはありませんよね シンクロした拍手ができるでしょうか?
これは予想外でした シンクロできるのは予想していましたが
これから何がわかるでしょうか? ここにいるみなさんは賢いです
そこで少し真面目な質問をしましょう みなさんが今やったような 自発的な同調をするのに 最低限必要なのは何でしょう?
生物である必要は? ただの物体が勝手にシンクロするというのは
でも今日は 実際そのようなシンクロが 自然界ではとてもありふれた現象だということを 説明したいと思います 素粒子の世界から宇宙全体までの あらゆるスケールで
秩序へと向う傾向があります エントロピーの法則は間違いではありません
しかし自然界にはこの法則に対抗して 自生的秩序を生み出す力があります
しかし自然界にはこの法則に対抗して 自生的秩序を生み出す力があります
これが今日のテーマです 自然界でのシンクロを語るときに みなさんが最初に思い浮べるのは 鳥や魚などが群になって 行動することではないでしょうか
鳥や魚は特別に賢い生物ではありませんが すばらしいバレエを披露してくれます
これはBBCの『捕食者』からの映像で 見ているのは防衛のための同調現象です これはBBCの『捕食者』からの映像で 見ているのは防衛のための同調現象です
小鳥や魚のように小さく無防備なものは 捕食者を避けたり困惑させるため 群になります
しばらく この素晴しい映像に集中しましょう
生物学者は以前から 群れ行動のメカニズムについて悩んでいました 生物学者は以前から 群れ行動のメカニズムについて悩んでいました
普通 シンクロするには統率者が必要です
最近になってやっと 科学的メカニズムが分かってきました
オクスフォードの研究者イアン・クザンによる コンピュータモデルを ご覧いただきましょう
まず それぞれの個体は 一番近い仲間だけに注意しています
次に 全部の個体は隊列を組む傾向にあります
最後に 互いに近付こうとしますが 最低限の間隔を保とうとします
この3つのルールを組み込むと 自動的に まるで魚や鳥のような 群の動作が発生するのです
なお 魚は 体長と同じくらいの距離を互いに保とうとします
距離の違いを除けば ルールはまったく同じです
ここで捕食者が現われると 動きが全く変わります
実は「捕食者が来たら逃げろ」という 4番目のルールがあります
このモデルでは 捕食者が攻撃をしています
そしてたら 獲物はランダムな方向に逃げ そして お互いに近付くというルールのために また集まります 別れては集まることが 繰り返されます 自然界で観察されていることですよね
別れては集まることが 繰り返されます 自然界で観察されていることですよね
互いに協調して行動してるように見えますが 実はダーウィン的な 自己中心的の行動です
それぞれが自分自身を守るために ランダムに逃げています
この 自分自身を守りたいという願望から それぞれがルールを守っており この 自分自身を守りたいという願望から それぞれがルールを守っており それが結果的に群全体の安全に繋がっています
群全体として考えているように見えますが 実際は違うのです
群れで行動することの利点はなんでしょうか? いくつかあります
たとえば 大きな群の中のほうが小さな集団よりも 天敵に食べられる可能性は少ないでしょう
危険を察知する目も 沢山あります
また 小鳥の例でお見せするように ハヤブサが小鳥の群に攻撃を仕掛けると パニックの波が危険信号として 非常に遠くまで伝わります
ごらんください このすぐ後に見れるはずなんですが...
とりあえず このメカニズムにより 非常に短時間で 500mもの距離を情報が伝わります
あ ここで見れましたね
コンピュータのおかげで 小鳥の群については 少しは分かってきました
この単純な3つのルールと 捕食者に注意するということだけです
しかし 実は 数学レベルでの解明は できていません
私は数学者です もっと詳しく理解したい
お見せしたコンピュータモデルは 現象を
理解せずに 実験を行ってるだけなのです
この現象がどうやって発生しているのか どうやって秩序が生れているのか もっと深く知りたい
3つのルールから どうやって秩序が生れるのでしょうか?
実は 蛍についてはもう少し詳しく 解明されてきています
北米における蛍の発光は 他の北米の流儀に従って 互いのことは無視してバラバラに行動します
近くの仲間のことは無視して それぞれが光を点滅させます
しかし東南アジアでは 雄の蛍が 美しい協調的な行動をするのです
マングローブの木々が 光で交信しあう蛍であふれるのです
特に 雄の蛍は完璧なタイミングでシンクロして 雌に強いメッセージを送るのです
「ここだよ オレと交尾してくれ」 というメッセージです
これから 蛍一匹のスローモーションをお見せしましょう これが動画1フレームです
光って 消えて これで1/30秒です
では川縁全体の映像で シンクロの正確さをご覧下さい
光って さらに光って そして消えます
小さな虫たちの光も 集まると非常に明るく 海に出た漁師たちが自分の家に戻るために 灯台として使うくらいです すごいですよね
フランシス・ドレイクのような 初期の探検家達がタイで見た この驚くべき光景のことを
長いこと 誰も信じませんでした
正式に記録された後でも長いこと 錯覚の一種だと考えられていました
瞼の痙攣だ という論文が出版されたり 何もないところにパターンを見い出そうとする 人間の認識能力が 原因だと説明されました
でも この夜景のビデオを見れば 本当にシンクロしてると みなさんも納得されたでしょう
このような自生的秩序を生み出すのは 何も生きているものばかりではない ということを先程 ほのめかしました そう 完全な生命体ではなくても
たとえば あなたの心臓を鼓動させている
心臓のペースメーカ細胞のように 独立した細胞でも十分なのです
心臓のペースメーカ細胞のように 独立した細胞でも十分なのです
心臓の鼓動は 洞房結節により生み出されています この一万個の独立した細胞群は 電気的なリズム つまり電圧の上下によって信号を心室へと伝えています つまり電圧の上下によって信号を心室へと伝えています
このペースメーカーは ひとつの細胞ではありません
1万の細胞が協調して放電することによって はじめて正しく動くのです
しかし シンクロするのは常に良いことではありません
癲癇の発作では 10億もの細胞が 病的に協調して同時に放電します
ですから 同調するということは 良いこととは限らないのです
レーザ光線は 生物でも細胞でもない シンクロ現象で 原子レベルでの
レーザ光線は 生物でも細胞でもない シンクロ現象で 原子レベルでの 調和によって発生します
この天井の照明とレーザとの決定的な違いは 干渉性にあります 天井の照明は みなさんの最初の拍手のように さまざまな色 周波数が混じっています しかしレーザ光は リズムの揃った拍手です
すべての原子が同じように振動して ひとつの色 周波数を発しているのです
さて ここからが私のプレゼンの 一番むずかしいところです 非生命体がシンクロする例をお見せしたいと思います
それから これは世界最小のメトロノームです ... おっと 宣伝はダメでしたね
とにかく 最小のメトロノームです
これを一番早い設定にしてみます もうひとつも同じにします
まずはテーブルに置いて試してみましょう この2つがシンクロする理由はありませんし 多分しないでしょう (メトロノームの音)
(さっきより少し大きくなったメトロノームの音) 周期が完全に同じではないので
(徐々にずれるメトロノームの音) ほら ズレました
でも 実は 機械的な作用で出来るのです
この2つを 動く台に乗せます 「コーネル大学院ガイド」という台です
さて どうなるでしょうか
嫁さんには 全体がひっくり返ってしまわないように 同時に載せろと言われたのですが...
できましたね さてと... さらにズルをしないため ズレた状態から始めたいのですが それもまた難しいんです (メトロノームの音 ずれていたのが徐々に同じリズムになる)
よし ではまたズレてしまう前に下ろしましょう
ちょっと奇妙に思えるでしょうが このように ありふれている 自生的秩序の発生が 思いもしない結果につながることがあります 良い例として 2000年のロンドンで起きた事件があります
良い例として 2000年のロンドンで起きた事件があります テムズ川の美しい ミレニアム・ブリッジは 100年にわたるロンドンの歴史の中で テムズ川を渡す
最初の歩行者橋になる 誇るべき事業でした 橋のデザインは 大きなコンテストで選ばれ 勝利したのは 卓越したチームでした メンバーのノーマン・フォスター卿はおそらく TED精神を体現した イギリスの最も偉大な建築家でしょう 共に働くのは彫刻家のアンソニー・カロ
そして設計事務所オヴ・アラップ フォスター卿が子供の時に読んだ 漫画をもとにしたデザインで優勝しました その漫画では 主人公のフラッシュ・ゴードンが 断崖でライトセイバーのようなものを投げます
投げられたライトセイバーは断崖をまたぐ 一筋の光となり その光の上を駆け抜けるのです
そうしてできあがった一筋の光が うすい鋼鉄のリボンでできた ケーブルが橋の側面に設置された 世界で最も薄く平らな吊り橋でした
普通 吊り橋は上からケーブルで吊っていますが
この橋のケーブルは橋の横にあって まるで輪ゴムをテムズ側にピンと張ったように 橋を支えているのです
みんなが橋を渡りたいと思っていたので 開通日は 何千もの人が駆けつけました
みんなが橋を渡りたいと思っていたので 開通日は 何千もの人が駆けつけました そこで事件が起きました
そして 開通後二日で橋は閉鎖されたのです
開通の日に橋の上にいた人々の インタビューを聞いてみましょう
男性: 横揺れがおきて 上下にはあまり揺れませんでした ボートに乗ったみたいでした
女性: 不安定な感じでした 風も強かったです 旗が上下にはためいていたのを覚えてます 横向きに 何か起きてたようです
取材者: 上下には? 少年: 動いてなかったよ
取材者: 前後にも? 少年: うん
取材者: 横揺れだけだね どれくらい動いていたと思う?
少年: ええと 取材者: これくらい? それともこれくらい?
少年: 二番目のほう
取材者: これくらいだね?
男性: だいたい15cm から 20cm くらいだったと思います
取材者: つまり 最低でもこれくらい? 男性: そうです
女性: 橋を降りなきゃ と思いました
取材者: そんなに? 女性: はい 取材者: そんな怖かったですか?
女性: はい 自分だけかと思いましたが
取材者: なんでそんな歩き方を?
少年: こうしないとバランスを崩しそうだったの バランスを取らないと 左右に45度くらい傾いてしまいそうだったから
取材者: 普通に歩いてみて下さい
すると 意識して足を左右に押し出すように 短い歩幅で?
男性: その通りです たくさんの人がそうやっていました
取材者: みんな わざわざそうやって歩いたんですか?
男性: いや 橋の動きで自然にそうなってしまうんです
スティーブン: 何が起きていたのか 十分なヒントがありましたね
ミレニアム・ブリッジを この台だと考えれば
わたしたちが歩く動作をすると 実際 メトロノームのように揺れ動くわけです
橋の上の人々のような歩き方なら なおさらです
橋が動き始めるとみんな スケートするような歩き方になってしまいました
開通の日の橋の映像のあとには 橋が揺れる原因を解明した ケンブリッジの橋梁技術者 アラン・マクロビィの研究に関する 興味深い映像をご覧頂きます 彼は 説明のために橋のシミュレータを作りました
そして 原因は 技術者が知らなかった 橋の揺れかたと人々の歩き方によって引き起された 意図しない正のフィードバックでした
確か この映像に最初に登場する人物は このプロジェクトを担当した若い技術者です
取材者: 怪我人は? 技術者: いません
取材者: 揺れは小さかった? 技術者: ええ
技術者: そうです 取材者: どう思いましたか?
技術者: がっかりしました
長い時間をかけて設計し 分析して 設計より重い荷重にも耐えられるか確認して そして まったく知らなかったことが起きたんです
取材者: 予想してなかったんですね
ナレータ: この衝撃的な映像を見ると 何百人もの群集が一体となり 橋と一緒に 左右にリズムを合せて シンクロして動いています
ミレニアム・ブリッジ特有の何かが この現象を引き起したのでしょうか?
取材者: ついにシミュレータが完成しました こいつは揺らすことが出来ます
アランさん あなたが責任者ですね アラン:はい
取材者: あなたが 作ったこのシミュレータで 実際の橋の動きを再現できるんですね?
アラン: はい 実際の挙動を良く再現しています
取材者: それでは乗って 橋が揺れるか見てみましょう
ケンブリッジの橋梁技術者 アラン・マクロビィから 正しい長さの振り子にシミュレータを吊せば 実際の橋と同じように揺らすことが出来るという 正しい長さの振り子にシミュレータを吊せば 実際の橋と同じように揺らすことが出来るという 手紙を受け取りました
アラン: これは たった数トンなので 歩けば簡単に揺れます
取材者: 揺れ始めましたね
アラン: わざと揺らさなくても ただ歩くだけで揺れます
取材者: とても歩くのが難しいですね
次にどうを踏みだすか注意しないと ひっくり返ってしまいそうです
アラン: 足をとられて普通に歩くことができません
取材者: 足を前に踏みだしたくても正面からそれますね アラン: その通りです 取材者: 足を前に踏みだしたくても正面からそれますね アラン: その通りです
取材者: 足を横に出すことになってしまいます
このシミュレータの上で歩くと 実際の橋にいた人の証言と同じようになります
アラン: アイススケートのような歩き方です
取材者: さらに実験で確認するために 橋の群集を再現して確認しました
興味深ことに 誰もわざと揺らそうとしてないのです
自然と このような歩き方になってしまい
結局 みんなで橋を揺らすことになってしまいます
橋の揺れで仕方なく この歩き方をしてるのですが それが橋を余計に揺らしてしまうのです
スティーブン: このおかしな歩き方事件で 私の話は終わりです
あなたの身の回りの驚異的なシンクロ現象に 興味を持って頂ければ嬉しいです | And so, if you'll put up with this, I would like to enlist your help with a first experiment today. The experiment is -- and I notice, by the way, that when you applauded, that you did it in a typical North American way, that is, you were raucous and incoherent.
You were not organized. It didn't even occur to you to clap in unison.
Do you think you could do it? I would like to see if this audience would -- no, you haven't practiced, as far as I know -- can you get it together to clap in sync?
Whoa! Now, that's what we call emergent behavior.
So I didn't expect that, but -- I mean, I expected you could synchronize.
It didn't occur to me you'd increase your frequency.
It's interesting.
So what do we make of that? First of all, we know that you're all brilliant.
This is a room full of intelligent people, highly sensitive.
Some trained musicians out there.
Is that what enabled you to synchronize?
So to put the question a little more seriously, let's ask ourselves what are the minimum requirements for what you just did, for spontaneous synchronization.
Do you need, for instance, to be as smart as you are?
Do you even need a brain at all just to synchronize?
Do you need to be alive? I mean, that's a spooky thought, right?
Inanimate objects that might spontaneously synchronize themselves.
It's real. In fact, I'll try to explain today that sync is maybe one of, if not one of the most, perhaps the most pervasive drive in all of nature.
It extends from the subatomic scale to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.
It's a deep tendency toward order in nature that opposes what we've all been taught about entropy.
I mean, I'm not saying the law of entropy is wrong -- it's not.
But there is a countervailing force in the universe -- the tendency towards spontaneous order. And so that's our theme.
Now, to get into that, let me begin with what might have occurred to you immediately when you hear that we're talking about synchrony in nature, which is the glorious example of birds that flock together, or fish swimming in organized schools.
So these are not particularly intelligent creatures, and yet, as we'll see, they exhibit beautiful ballets.
This is from a BBC show called "Predators," and what we're looking at here are examples of synchrony that have to do with defense.
When you're small and vulnerable, like these starlings, or like the fish, it helps to swarm to avoid predators, to confuse predators.
Let me be quiet for a second because this is so gorgeous.
For a long time, biologists were puzzled by this behavior, wondering how it could be possible.
We're so used to choreography giving rise to synchrony.
These creatures are not choreographed.
They're choreographing themselves.
And only today is science starting to figure out how it works.
I'll show you a computer model made by Iain Couzin, a researcher at Oxford, that shows how swarms work.
There are just three simple rules.
First, all the individuals are only aware of their nearest neighbors.
Second, all the individuals have a tendency to line up.
And third, they're all attracted to each other, but they try to keep a small distance apart.
And when you build those three rules in, automatically you start to see swarms that look very much like fish schools or bird flocks.
Now, fish like to stay close together, about a body length apart.
Birds try to stay about three or four body lengths apart.
But except for that difference, the rules are the same for both.
Now, all this changes when a predator enters the scene.
There's a fourth rule: when a predator's coming, get out of the way.
Here on the model you see the predator attacking.
The prey move out in random directions, and then the rule of attraction brings them back together again, so there's this constant splitting and reforming.
And you see that in nature.
Keep in mind that, although it looks as if each individual is acting to cooperate, what's really going on is a kind of selfish Darwinian behavior.
Each is scattering away at random to try to save its scales or feathers.
That is, out of the desire to save itself, each creature is following these rules, and that leads to something that's safe for all of them.
Even though it looks like they're thinking as a group, they're not.
You might wonder what exactly is the advantage to being in a swarm, so you can think of several.
As I say, if you're in a swarm, your odds of being the unlucky one are reduced as compared to a small group.
There are many eyes to spot danger.
And you'll see in the example with the starlings, with the birds, when this peregrine hawk is about to attack them, that actually waves of panic can propagate, sending messages over great distances.
You'll see -- let's see, it's coming up possibly at the very end -- maybe not.
in a very short time through this mechanism.
Yes, it's happening here.
See if you can see those waves propagating through the swarm.
It's beautiful. The birds are, we sort of understand, we think, from that computer model, what's going on.
As I say, it's just those three simple rules, plus the one about watch out for predators.
There doesn't seem to be anything mystical about this.
We don't, however, really understand at a mathematical level.
I'm a mathematician. We would like to be able to understand better.
I mean, I showed you a computer model, but a computer is not understanding.
A computer is, in a way, just another experiment.
We would really like to have a deeper insight into how this works and to understand, you know, exactly where this organization comes from.
How do the rules give rise to the patterns?
There is one case that we have begun to understand better, and it's the case of fireflies.
If you see fireflies in North America, like so many North American sorts of things, they tend to be independent operators. They ignore each other.
They each do their own thing, flashing on and off, paying no attention to their neighbors.
But in Southeast Asia -- places like Thailand or Malaysia or Borneo -- there's a beautiful cooperative behavior that occurs among male fireflies.
You can see it every night along the river banks.
The trees, mangrove trees, are filled with fireflies communicating with light.
Specifically, it's male fireflies who are all flashing in perfect time together, in perfect synchrony, to reinforce a message to the females.
And the message, as you can imagine, is "Come hither. Mate with me."
In a second I'm going to show you a slow motion of a single firefly so that you can get a sense. This is a single frame.
Then on, and then off -- a 30th of a second, there.
And then watch this whole river bank, and watch how precise the synchrony is.
On, more on and then off.
The combined light from these beetles -- these are actually tiny beetles -- is so bright that fishermen out at sea can use them as navigating beacons to find their way back to their home rivers. It's stunning.
For a long time it was not believed when the first Western travelers, like Sir Francis Drake, went to Thailand and came back with tales of this unbelievable spectacle.
No one believed them.
We don't see anything like this in Europe or in the West.
And for a long time, even after it was documented, it was thought to be some kind of optical illusion.
Scientific papers were published saying it was twitching eyelids that explained it, or, you know, a human being's tendency to see patterns where there are none.
But I hope you've convinced yourself now, with this nighttime video, that they really were very well synchronized.
Okay, well, the issue then is, do we need to be alive to see this kind of spontaneous order, and I've already hinted that the answer is no.
Well, you don't have to be a whole creature.
You can even be just a single cell.
Like, take, for instance, your pacemaker cells in your heart right now.
They're keeping you alive. Every beat of your heart depends on this crucial region, the sinoatrial node, which has about 10,000 independent cells that would each beep, have an electrical rhythm -- a voltage up and down -- to send a signal to the ventricles to pump.
Now, your pacemaker is not a single cell.
It's this democracy of 10,000 cells that all have to fire in unison for the pacemaker to work correctly.
I don't want to give you the idea that synchrony is always a good idea.
If you have epilepsy, there is an instance of billions of brain cells, or at least millions, discharging in pathological concert.
So this tendency towards order is not always a good thing.
You don't have to be alive. You don't have to be even a single cell.
If you look, for instance, at how lasers work, that would be a case of atomic synchrony.
In a laser, what makes laser light so different from the light above my head here is that this light is incoherent -- many different colors and different frequencies, sort of like the way you clapped initially -- but if you were a laser, it would be rhythmic applause.
It would be all atoms pulsating in unison, emitting light of one color, one frequency.
Now comes the very risky part of my talk, which is to demonstrate that inanimate things can synchronize.
Hold your breath for me.
What I have here are two empty water bottles.
This is not Keith Barry doing a magic trick.
This is a klutz just playing with some water bottles.
I have some metronomes here.
Can you hear that?
All right, so, I've got a metronome, and it's the world's smallest metronome, the -- well, I shouldn't advertise.
Anyway, so this is the world's smallest metronome.
I've set it on the fastest setting, and I'm going to now take another one set to the same setting.
We can try this first. If I just put them on the table together, there's no reason for them to synchronize, and they probably won't.
Maybe you'd better listen to them. I'll stand here.
What I'm hoping is that they might just drift apart because their frequencies aren't perfectly the same.
Right? They did.
They were in sync for a while, but then they drifted apart.
And the reason is that they're not able to communicate.
Now, you might think that's a bizarre idea.
How can metronomes communicate?
Well, they can communicate through mechanical forces.
So I'm going to give them a chance to do that.
I'm going to put them on a movable platform, which is the "Guide to Graduate Study at Cornell." Okay? So here it is.
Let's see if we can get this to work.
My wife pointed out to me that it will work better if I put both on at the same time because otherwise the whole thing will tip over.
All right. So there we go. Let's see. OK, I'm not trying to cheat -- let me start them out of sync. No, hard to even do that.
All right. So before any one goes out of sync, I'll just put those right there.
Now, that might seem a bit whimsical, but this pervasiveness of this tendency towards spontaneous order sometimes has unexpected consequences. And a clear case of that, was something that happened in London in the year 2000.
The Millennium Bridge was supposed to be the pride of London -- a beautiful new footbridge erected across the Thames, first river crossing in over 100 years in London.
There was a big competition for the design of this bridge, and the winning proposal was submitted by an unusual team -- in the TED spirit, actually -- of an architect -- perhaps the greatest architect in the United Kingdom, Lord Norman Foster -- working with an artist, a sculptor, Sir Anthony Caro, and an engineering firm, Ove Arup.
And together they submitted a design based on Lord Foster's vision, which was -- he remembered as a kid reading Flash Gordon comic books, and he said that when Flash Gordon would come to an abyss, he would shoot what today would be a kind of a light saber.
He would shoot his light saber across the abyss, making a blade of light, and then scamper across on this blade of light.
He said, "That's the vision I want to give to London.
I want a blade of light across the Thames."
So they built the blade of light, and it's a very thin ribbon of steel, the world's -- probably the flattest and thinnest suspension bridge there is, with cables that are out on the side.
You're used to suspension bridges with big droopy cables on the top.
These cables were on the side of the bridge, like if you took a rubber band and stretched it taut across the Thames -- that's what's holding up this bridge.
Now, everyone was very excited to try it out.
On opening day, thousands of Londoners came out, and something happened.
And within two days the bridge was closed to the public.
So I want to first show you some interviews with people who were on the bridge on opening day, who will describe what happened.
Man: It really started moving sideways and slightly up and down, rather like being on the boat.
Woman: Yeah, it felt unstable, and it was very windy, and I remember it had lots of flags up and down the sides, so you could definitely -- there was something going on sideways, it felt, maybe.
Interviewer: Not up and down? Boy: No.
Interviewer: And not forwards and backwards? Boy: No.
Interviewer: Just sideways. About how much was it moving, do you think?
Boy: It was about -- Interviewer: I mean, that much, or this much?
Boy: About the second one.
Interviewer: This much? Boy: Yeah.
Man: It was at least six, six to eight inches, I would have thought.
Interviewer: Right, so, at least this much? Man: Oh, yes.
Woman: I remember wanting to get off.
Interviewer: Oh, did you? Woman: Yeah. It felt odd.
Interviewer: So it was enough to be scary? Woman: Yeah, but I thought that was just me.
Interviewer: Ah! Now, tell me why you had to do this?
Boy: We had to do this because, to keep in balance because if you didn't keep your balance, then you would just fall over about, like, to the left or right, about 45 degrees.
Interviewer: So just show me how you walk normally. Right.
And then show me what it was like when the bridge started to go. Right.
So you had to deliberately push your feet out sideways and -- oh, and short steps?
Man: That's right. And it seemed obvious to me that it was probably the number of people on it.
Interviewer: Were they deliberately walking in step, or anything like that?
Man: No, they just had to conform to the movement of the bridge.
Steven Strogatz: All right, so that already gives you a hint of what happened.
Think of the bridge as being like this platform.
Think of the people as being like metronomes.
Now, you might not be used to thinking of yourself as a metronome, but after all, we do walk like -- I mean, we oscillate back and forth as we walk.
And especially if we start to walk like those people did, right?
They all showed this strange sort of skating gait that they adopted once the bridge started to move.
And so let me show you now the footage of the bridge.
But also, after you see the bridge on opening day, you'll see an interesting clip of work done by a bridge engineer at Cambridge named Allan McRobie, who figured out what happened on the bridge, and who built a bridge simulator to explain exactly what the problem was.
It was a kind of unintended positive feedback loop between the way the people walked and the way the bridge began to move, that engineers knew nothing about.
Actually, I think the first person you'll see is the young engineer who was put in charge of this project. Okay.
Interviewer: Did anyone get hurt? Engineer: No.
Interviewer: Right. So it was quite small -- Engineer: Yes. Interviewer: -- but real?
Engineer: Absolutely. Interviewer: You thought, "Oh, bother."
Engineer: I felt I was disappointed about it.
We'd spent a lot of time designing this bridge, and we'd analyzed it, we'd checked it to codes -- to heavier loads than the codes -- and here it was doing something that we didn't know about.
Interviewer: You didn't expect. Engineer: Exactly.
Narrator: The most dramatic and shocking footage shows whole sections of the crowd -- hundreds of people -- apparently rocking from side to side in unison, not only with each other, but with the bridge.
This synchronized movement seemed to be driving the bridge.
But how could the crowd become synchronized?
Was there something special about the Millennium Bridge that caused this effect?
This was to be the focus of the investigation.
Interviewer: Well, at last the simulated bridge is finished, and I can make it wobble.
Now, Allan, this is all your fault, isn't it? Allan McRobie: Yes.
Interviewer: You designed this, yes, this simulated bridge, and this, you reckon, mimics the action of the real bridge?
AM: It captures a lot of the physics, yes.
Interviewer: Right. So if we get on it, we should be able to wobble it, yes?
Allan McRobie is a bridge engineer from Cambridge who wrote to me, suggesting that a bridge simulator ought to wobble in the same way as the real bridge -- provided we hung it on pendulums of exactly the right length.
AM: This one's only a couple of tons, so it's fairly easy to get going.
Just by walking. Interviewer: Well, it's certainly going now.
AM: It doesn't have to be a real dangle. Just walk. It starts to go.
Interviewer: It's actually quite difficult to walk.
You have to be careful where you put your feet down, don't you, because if you get it wrong, it just throws you off your feet.
AM: It certainly affects the way you walk, yes. You can't walk normally on it.
Interviewer: No. If you try and put one foot in front of another, it's moving your feet away from under you. AM: Yes.
Interviewer: So you've got to put your feet out sideways.
So already, the simulator is making me walk in exactly the same way as our witnesses walked on the real bridge.
AM: ... ice-skating gait. There isn't all this sort of snake way of walking.
Interviewer: For a more convincing experiment, I wanted my own opening-day crowd, the sound check team.
Their instructions: just walk normally.
It's really intriguing because none of these people is trying to drive it.
They're all having some difficulty walking.
And the only way you can walk comfortably is by getting in step.
But then, of course, everyone is driving the bridge.
You can't help it. You're actually forced by the movement of the bridge to get into step, and therefore to drive it to move further.
SS: All right, well, with that from the Ministry of Silly Walks, maybe I'd better end. I see I've gone over.
But I hope that you'll go outside and see the world in a new way, to see all the amazing synchrony around us. Thank you. | {
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「アンナさん、それでこれからどうするんですか? 街にでも持っていって焼いてもらうとか?」
「おおっ! すごいぞバルベラ! これがレッドドラゴンのブレスか!」
「いやいやいや! 『レッドドラゴンのブレスか!』じゃなくて! いまバルベラは人化モードじゃん! 人間形態じゃん!」
「どうしたナオヤ? 何かおかしかったか?」
「おおおおお! 見た目10歳の女の子が炎を吐く! アイヲンモール異世界店の従業員の特技はドラゴンブレスですって! 異世界ヤバい!」
「突っ込まない。俺は突っ込まない。だいたい陶器は炎で焼けばいいってもんじゃない......え? はい?」
「ウッソだろなんだこれ。あれで焼けてる?も割れてない? 乾かしたりゴミ取ったり一回焼いたりって焼物の行程は」
「さすがバルベラ! 要するにブレスで燃やしたんだな! さすがレッドドラゴン!」
「どうですナオヤさん? 使えそうですか?」
「......あれ? これ、お惣菜でもお弁当でもなくて、この皿をそのまま売ればいいんじゃない?」
「これで中食を売り出せるな、ナオヤ! カツもハンバーグもビーフシチューも、みんなきっと喜ぶぞ!」
「まあ売るんだけどな! よし、準備するぞ! 明日からカツとハンバーグとビーフシチューを売り出して、ついでにこの皿も売り出すぞ!」
明日から、やっと商品が増えそうです。 | “For now, this should be enough.”
With the help of the skeletons, they quickly made a decent amount of pottery from kneaded clay.
When the skeletons gave up on kneading the clay with their bone hands and started stretching it out with their detached bones, it looked gross like udon noodles. But I didn’t say anything. Barbera and Chloe were playing and not contributing to the effort, but I didn’t comment on that either.
“Anna-san, what are we going to do with these now? Take them to town and have them baked?”
“No, that’s not it, Naoya-san. Barbera-chan, please take care of it.”
Barbera put down the strange object she had been making and stood up. Following Anna-san’s instructions, the skeletons moved away, and Chloe and I stepped back as well.
In the parking lot filled with clay, there were rows of clay dishes that had been shaped from the clay Barbera brought. I couldn’t imagine them becoming proper dishes even if they were baked.
But then, Barbera took a deep breath.
With a voice that sounded like it was losing energy, Barbera breathed out flames like a flamethrower. The flames stretched out in lines, like Red Dragon’s Breath.
“Wow, Barbera, that’s amazing! That’s the Red Dragon’s Breath!” I exclaimed.
“Barbera-chan, be careful not to hit the pile of clay with your breath,” Anna-san warned.
The clay dishes were engulfed in flames. Valvella shook her head slightly, and the flames spread, covering all of the dishes.
“No, no, no! It’s not the Red Dragon’s Breath! Barbera is in human form now! She’s a little girl who looks years old, breathing fire!” I protested.
“What’s wrong, Naoya? Did something seem strange?”
“Naoya-san, Barbera-chan is a dragon. Even in human form, her essential nature as a dragon doesn’t change. She’s still just as strong, you know?”
“Ohhh! A -year-old girl breathes fire! The special skill of an employee at the Aion Mall in another world is Dragon Breath! This other world is nuts!”
“...And, done.”
While I was scratching my head, it seemed that Barbera’s dragon breath had already ended.
Placing her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest seems like something a child would do and it’s cute, but her breath was turning into smoke, perhaps due to residual heat.
“Are you kidding me? No offense. Besides, firing ceramics in flames isn’t something that can be done easily... Huh? What?”
There were clay plates lined up in the exposed dirt parking lot, which were supposed to have been there.
After Barbera’s dragon breath, all that was left were ceramic plates.
“What the heck? There is no way this happened. They were fired with that? Not a single one was broken? The process of firing ceramics includes drying, removing debris, and firing once. “
“Hehe, Naoya-san. The dragon’s breath causes the ‘burned result’ desired by the dragon who cast the spell. Until Barbera got used to it, the image of burning was too strong, and she ended up burning the target to ashes and the ground was in a terrible state.”
“Come to think of it, even though the breath hit the dirt parking lot, it’s still just dirt... What the heck is this? It’s scary because I don’t understand the meaning of it and it’s too different from my world.”
“As expected of Barbera! In short, she burned them with her breath! Red Dragon are amazinf!”
“Chloe, you don’t seem to understand. Your eyes are wandering.”
I was dumbfounded, and Chloe was caught red-handed trying to match the conversation randomly. Barbera pressed her head against me, wanting to be praised, so I petted her head without thinking.
Anna-san handed me a browned, simple plate that had been baked, which had a lid that I had made.
“How is it, Naoya-san? Can we use it?”
“Huh? Ah, yes, probably.”
When lightly tapped, it makes a loud sound like “kan”.
I can’t say for sure until I try it, but it seems like it can be used without any problems.
If we put cutlets, hamburgers, and beef stew in this dish and sell it...
We’ll need to test how durable this plate is, even if we make a system to give a discount or refund if it breaks without being dropped.
By the way, there is still some leftover soil that Barbera brought.
That means we can make pottery dishes without spending time or effort, and maybe even without needing materials cost...
“Huh? What if we just sell this dish as it is, not as a side dish or bento box?”
“You can sell a midday meal with this, Naoya! Everyone will surely love cutlets, hamburgers, and beef stew!”
“I’m looking forward to it, Chloe-san. Everyone who tasted it asked me, ‘When are you going to sell it?'”
“...Delicious. Everyone, happy.”
Glancing at the three people who were delighted that they could sell cutlets, hamburgers, and beef stew with the newly-made dishes.
I can’t say it now.
I can’t just say, “Hey, why don’t we just sell these dishes?”
“Well, we’ll sell them anyway! Alright, let’s prepare! We’ll start selling cutlets, hamburgers, and beef stew tomorrow, and we’ll also sell these dishes!”
The three of them supported my half-hearted shout.
It’s the seventh day since I became the manager of the Aion Mall Otherworld Store.
Finally, it seems like we’re going to have more products to sell starting tomorrow. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 12,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
絶望的に貧しいわけでも無力でもない人々が結集したこのグループが、暴力的な抗議活動、そして最終的に全面変革を求める強大な勢力となっている。 | This group, not the desperately poor and helpless, forms the great mobilizing force of violent protest, and ultimately of major change. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
その後、この少女がどうなったのかは不明である。 | ————–
“Chirito. Do you have any information on the intruder?”
“Yes. On the second level, there are intruders with an average level of . A tanker, physical attacker, scout, healer, auxiliary, and magic attacker make up their composition, with the magic user specializing in wind. In terms of competence, they have defeated a squad of eight Mud Soldiers. Their present location is right on the border of the first and second levels.”
Following Chirito’s report, I pondered how I should deal with them.
“I get it. Then I’ll personally step into battle. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a combat role.”
“I understand.”
And I moved to the first level.
“So you’re the intruders.”
While showing myself knee-deep in the swamp on the first level, I addressed the intruders.
“Who... are you?” the invading party’s leader, a heavy warrior with a mace, shield, and full plate armor, posed a question.
However, I wondered how he can move through the swamp in that gear. Ah, perhaps he was assisted by a rearguard or a magical user.
Forget it, I should answer his question.
“Me? I am the ‘King of the Devouring Black Mist’. The ruler of the ‘White Mist and the Black Swamp Forest’.”
As I said this, I exhibited the appearance of a Demon King.
The tension level of the intruder party was heightened drastically by my words.
“You are the Demon King... I see, then here’s where I’ll defeat you!”
“≪Agility Enhancement≫, ≪Strength Enhancement≫!”
“≪Swing Down≫!!”
One of the invaders, a man with a massive sword, received an auxiliary’s enhancement skill and lunged at me aggressively, severing me in half from the head.
“Wait!? That guy isn’t the real one!”
However, as the scout mentioned, the severed me wasn’t the actual one. It was a phony created by ≪Bewitching Mist≫.
Now, I’ll return the favor for surging at me with insouciance.
“≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫.”
“This is bad! ≪Pull In≫!”
When I cast ≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫, it thrust up from under the man’s feet vigorously in an attempt to split the man with the giant sword in half. However, the magical user in the rear guard utilized his skill to draw the man with the giant sword to their side right before it struck him, thereby escaping a direct hit. In spite of this, his right arm had been completely torn off.
“I’ll heal you! ≪Heal≫!”
“Wow. What resilience you have.”
The member in charge of recovery applied ≪Heal≫ to the man with the giant sword’s dismembered right arm, causing the bleeding to instantaneously cease. Even his lost vitality seemed to have been restored somewhat.
“Where is the main body of the enemy!”
“I don’t know! I’ve been trying to detect it since a while ago, but it’s being obstructed by some strange force!”
The heavy warrior inquired about my whereabouts with the scout, to which the latter replied that they have no clue. That was not unexpected at all. After all, I was in the state of mist right now, and the party of intruders was enclosed from all directions.
“Tsk, then, ‘get over here’!”
The heavy warrior man employed a skill against me that was probably a provocative technique. But that was naive. Before my spirit status, provocation by a human being was worthless.
Now, shall I assault you with all my gusto?
“Your skill won’t have any effect. Here it comes.≪Mist Plosion≫.”
I discharged ≪Mist Plosion≫ to the center of the party. While simultaneously invoking ≪Bewitching Mist≫ without chanting, I called certain people to me.
“What is this!?” “Ah... ugh...” “Are you okay!?”
“Damn! He got us!” “What the hell is this!?”
“Hold still, all of you! The number of those with magical powers has practically doubled!!”
By utilizing ≪Bewitching Mist≫, I randomly superimposed the figures of Mud Puppets, Mud Soldiers, and Mud Magicians on the invading party. At the same time, I brought in the real Mud Puppet Unit to make it uncertain as to who was who.
Under this circumstance, the infiltrator’s party was unable to advance even a single step.
Well, the worst that can happen is a friendly fire.
“Hahaha. Are you sure it is okay to not move? ≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫.”
From under the cowering man with the giant sword, I initiated ≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫ to stop him.
“Damn youuuuuuuuu!!”
The heavy warrior started running towards the direction where he heard my voice. Well, since the voice was coming from that direction, he obviously assumed that I was there. In fact, I can actually be found over there.
“Ma... gufu...” “Ah...?”
My head was crushed by the heavy warrior’s mace.
After a brief delay, my figure vanished into the void, only to be replaced by the corpse of a dead magician with a mace impaled in his skull. And it was at this stage that the heavy warrior registered what he has done.
A shriek was sent forth by the heavy warrior. One of the Mud Soldiers seized the opportunity and drove a dagger through a gap in the heavy warrior’s armor thus exterminating him.
With this, there were only three people remaining: the scout, the recovery, and the auxiliary.
Two of them were already cowering and immobilized. The scout was frantically trying to locate me as if seeking a reversal of fortune.
Now, why did I leave these three behind? Well, the reason was simple. These three were girls. That means they were for ○○ purposes. But since I was not planning on converting them into Kirijin, I will put them to good use.
“Well, it appears that the outcome has been determined.”
Although I commanded the Mud Soldiers to restrain the three of them, the auxiliary and recovery members were so terror-struck that they cannot budge their bodies and were captured, while the scout exerted a strenuous antagonism and endeavored to flee.
“Hmm. Good luck to you.”
“Of course! I have no desire to die here!”
You have no desire to die huh. Then let’s play a little more.
Incidentally, the two people I had apprehended were utterly constrained with The Iron Shackles of the Sealing Art I throughout this period. They had been carried to the punishment cell. Since they were more or less out of control, I had also gagged them to prevent them from committing suicide.
“Then, I will let you out if you can escape from now on.”
I materialized only my hand behind the scout.
“‘From the land of illusion arises the black water of death. That freezes and revolves, and revolves and freezes’.”
The scout’s body was overcome by the vast amount of magical power released by me, rendering her incapable of articulation and causing her to tremble.
“‘The form to serve is the sword. What is severed is reality. Behold, hear, and feel. The moment when the illusion is replaced by reality. Outer Skill ・ Kurokirinodachi.”
In my palm, I conjured an ice sword that was far wider than the scout’s body. Unlike the Kurokirinoko, the blade was not uneven, and the blade was comprised of black ice, with black water circulating within it at high speed. Therefore, the sword’s outward look can be defined as appealing in general.
Nonetheless, this sword contained the power to freeze and shatter everything it came into contact with, and its power will only be perceived as despair by human beings. In fact, the scout’s body had even quit shivering.
“Let’s go, then.”
I swung down my Kurokirinodachi.
The girl scout, perhaps seeking to escape the impending death, leaped forward into the swamp with the utmost effort, and the Kurokirinodachi slightly damaged the tip of her right thumb.
Yet in the face of Kurokirinodachi’s force, even that small fraction was lethal, as parts of the girl’s right and left foot froze and shattered in the blink of an eye.
The girl’s body was wincing from the pain and cold radiating from the spot where her right foot used to be. Should things be neglected as they were, she won’t be able to sustain it for long, nor will it be possible for her to get out in the first place with this wound.
“Hmm. Excuse me. I was convinced I could kill you in one blow, but as one would expect of a high-ranking adventurer these days.”
I grasped the girl by the neck and lifted her up. Her overall body was coated in mud, and her face was contorted with trepidation, as was fitting. To tell the truth, it seemed to me that she would be better off living peacefully in the countryside somewhere, instead of venturing into a dungeon.
“Now, according to my promise, I would release you outside if you could escape from my current attack, but in fact, you couldn’t escape completely. Even if I let you leave, I doubt you’ll last long with those wounds.”
“If so, it would be proper to treat you to the extent that your life can be spared here, and let you out after you have paid for the treatment with your own body.”
I spoke to her with a sickening smile plastered on my face. And whether the girl haf an inkling of what it meant to pay with her body, she was conspicuously more appalled than she was a moment earlier.
“Don’t worry. I’ll spare your
life only
With that, I departed, dragging the girl with me who could no longer scream.
A couple of weeks after a certain party ventured into the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”.
One of the party members had been discovered near the old entrance (the former entrance of the first level).
When she was found, the girl had suffered the loss of all of her right leg and a portion of her left leg, yet her life turned out to be in stable condition. However, it was unclear what transpired inside the dungeon, for the girl could not articulate coherently and displayed an abnormally acute dread of the clouds and mist.
It was unknown what became of the girl after that. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 9,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 7
} |
どうでもいいがマゼルも兄貴扱いか。あれゲームでもこんな風に呼んでたっけ? と思ったがそんなとこまで覚えてないな。いやそれはともかく。
だが結局この日は飛行靴をいくつかマゼルたちに分けただけで何となくうやむやになってしまった。飛行靴はあくまでも町の入り口に移動するアイテムなんで、王都の入り口から館に戻ったらちょっとした騒ぎになっていたのも原因だ。はい、俺が全部悪いです。 | “My first request is about Feli.”
Feli looked surprised and so was I. But then Mazell’s next line strikes me as very typical of him.
“I heard that Feli is from an orphanage. So, while he is traveling with us, can you take care of the orphanage, Welner?”
“Got it.”
I said without hesitation. I’ve also been thinking about doing that. Come to think about it, I wonder what happened in the game. I’m curious since the orphanage didn’t appear in the game.
It looks like Frenssen also wants to say something to me but for now, I choose to ignore him.
“My next request is about Luguentz-san and Elrich-san. They were cooperating with us out of their free will, but...”
“Got it. I will employ them. I will also compensate them for their help so far.”
Well, I don’t know if it is fine for me to decide to employ them, but I’m prepared to even fight my father to do this. In the game, they cooperate with Mazell free of charge, but they will be going on a life-threatening journey. To let them do it for free is absurd. It’s only right that they are compensated.
Considering it this way, the game’s setting was pretty unreasonable. Aside from the diligent Mazell, only the royalty, Laura, has a reason to cooperate with Mazell for free. No, maybe Uwe, that old man too?
“And... well... I have another request, but it’s fine if it’s not possible...”
“If it’s about the academy, their side will, of course, take care of the problem for you, you know?”
“No. Well, I’m concerned about that too, but that’s not what I meant.”
Come to think of it, In the game, people seem to ignore the fact that a mere student is going on a journey to save the world, but will that be the case in reality? I don’t know.
The fact that the teachers in the academy didn’t say anything was also strange. I wonder if in the game, the kingdom secretly made a move so the academy can’t do anything. I mean, in the game, it was not clear if the kingdom valued Mazell, or was simply using him. After all, it is also true that a human that might win against the Demon King is a threat to the country.
Not to mention, in the game, all people that might complain about the fact that the kingdom let a mere student try to save the world had died, not in reality though. That means now, some people might be wary of Mazell.
If that kind of person exists, I need to be careful. I would never have dreamed of being bothered by court maneuvering at this age. Where should I begin to take a measure?
While I was brooding over such a thing, Mazell made an unexpected request.
“Could you please contact my family?”
I was abruptly pulled back to reality, but what did he mean? Well, I know he has a family, but... why did Mazell ask
“You can contact them yourself, you know.”
”Big bro Mazell, How about using this shoe to go to your hometown?”
Feli’s suggestion caught me by surprise. I hadn’t thought about that. The Skywalk can only be used to go to the place you’ve been before and Alea village is Mazell’s hometown. There’s no way he hasn’t been to his hometown.
Still, to think that Feli calls Mazell a big bro. Did he call him that in the game? I don’t remember. Well, anyway...
“He’s right. Do you want to give it a try?”
“Ah, um, yeah...”
“What? Are you in the middle of a quarrel with your parents or something?”
I listened to the indecisive Mazell with genuine wonder. I don’t remember there was that kind of setup in the game.
“That’s not it. I just wondered if they are worried about me...”
Oh, I guess parents will be worried if their son who was just a normal villager a few years ago ended up fighting with demons. So Mazell is saying that his parents haven’t come to terms with that.
I guess human drama wasn’t included in the game story. That makes sense since the players won’t want human drama in an RPG game.
Especially since the protagonist was the players themselves. Even if the protagonist had his own story before the players played as him, it was going to be a hassle for the developer to explain that. It was also going to take a lot of memory, so the developer needed to cut off that part of the story.
“Then, how about you go now? I still have more Skywalks.”
Skywalk is really expensive, but being stingy here would be a mistake as a human being.
“...Right, I will go.”
When I was about to hand a Skywalk to Mazell, Frenssen interrupted me. I don’t think it was because he’s worried about the money... While I was thinking like that, he ended up saying a pretty important thing with a calm tone.
“If a person were to vanish suddenly in a bar, people would panic.”
He’s right. In the game, nobody cared about that, but that won’t be the case in reality. I had been careless. I forgot this is reality.
“I believe the mansion also falls into chaos when people notice we vanished.”
I also didn’t think about that. Since I doubted that just an explanation would convince Mazell’s party, I planned to make them experience the effect of Skywalk. Though I have to confess that I was also planning to play a little prank on them.
“You’re right. Let’s go outside first and return to the capital. Sorry, Mazell.”
It seems like Mazell is relieved. Yup. Mazell’s response is strange. I don’t think he was telling the truth. It’s rare for this guy to hide something. I should be careful.
But ultimately on that day, after sharing some Skywalks with Mazell’s party, the matter was somehow swept under the rug. The Skywalk can only take you to the entrance of a town so I need to go to the mansion on my own. When I arrived at the mansion, there was a slight uproar. Yeah, yeah, I was wrong. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「そんな事より、雫。さっきのは何だ? 何か割れたような音だったけど......」
「うん、鈴もエリリンに賛成かな。さっすが鈴のエリリンだよ! 眼鏡は伊達じゃないね!」
ホセは、そう言って光輝達を整列する兵士達の中央へ案内した。居残り組のクラスメイトが、「えっ? 俺達も?」といった風に戸惑った様子を見せたが、無言の兵達がひしめく場所で何か言い出せるはずもなく流されるままに光輝達について行った。
ホセが 懐から取り出した何かを頭上に掲げた。彼の言葉に従い、兵士達だけでなく光輝達も思わず注目する。
「あらら、流石というべきかな? ......ねぇ、雫?」
「え? えっ......何をっ!?」
「雫様! 助けて......」
「あぐっ!? ニ、ニア? ど、どうして......」
「アハハハ、流石の雫でも、まさかその子に刺されるとは思わなかった? うんうん、そうだろうね? だから、わざわざ用意したんだし?」
「うーん、わからないかなぁ? 僕はね、ずっと光輝くんが欲しかったんだ。だから、そのために必要な事をした。それだけの事だよ?」
そんな事もわからないの? と小馬鹿にするようにやれやれと肩を竦める恵里。ゴミ呼ばわりされても、余りの豹変ぶりに驚きすぎて怒りも湧いてこない。一人称まで変わっており、正直、雫には目の前にいる少女が初対面にしか見えなかった。
「アハハ、気がついた? そう、僕だよ。彼等を使って大結界のアーティファクトを壊してもらったんだ」
「【オルクス大迷宮】で襲ってきた魔人族の女の人。帰り際にちょちょいと、降霊術でね? 予想通り、魔人族が回収に来て、そこで使わせてもらったんだ。あの事件は、流石に肝が冷えたね。何とか殺されないように迎合しようとしたら却下されちゃうし......思わず、降霊術も使っちゃったし......怪しまれたくないから降霊術は使えないっていう印象を持たせておきたかったんだけどねぇ......まぁ、結果オーライって感じだったけど......」
「そこはホラ、僕の実力? 降霊術に、生前の記憶と思考パターンを付加してある程度だけど受け答えが出来るようにしたんだよ。僕流オリジナル降霊術〝縛魂〟ってところかな? ああ、それでも違和感はありありだよね~。一日でやりきれる事じゃなかったし、そこは僕もどうしたものかと悩んでいたんだけどぉ......ある日、協力を申し出てくれた人がいてね。銀髪の綺麗な人。計画がバレているのは驚いたし、一瞬、色々覚悟も決めたんだけど......その時点で告発してないのは確かだったし、信用はできないけど取り敢えず利用はできるかなぁ~って」
「実際、国王まで側近の異変をスルーしてくれたんだから凄いよね? 代わりに危ない薬でもキメてる人みたいになってたけど。まぁ、そのおかげで一気に計画を早める事ができたんだ。くふふ、大丈夫! 皆の死は無駄にしないから。ちゃ~んと、再利用して魔人族の人達に使ってもらえるようにするからね!」
「ぐぅ...止めるんだ...恵里! そんな事をすれば......俺は......」
「僕を許さない? アハハ、そう言うと思ったよ。光輝くんは優しいからね。それに、ゴミは掃除してもいくらでも出てくるし......だから、光輝くんもちゃんと〝縛魂〟して、僕だけの光輝くんにしてあげるからね? 他の誰も見ない、僕だけを見つめて、僕の望んだ通りの言葉をくれる! 僕だけの光輝くん! あぁ、あぁ! 想像するだけでイってしまいそうだよ!」
「嘘だ......嘘だよ! ぅ...エリリンが、恵里が...っ...こんなことするわけない! ......きっと...何か...そう...操られているだけなんだよ! っ...目を覚まして恵里!」
「や、やめっ!? がぁ、あ、あぐぁ...」
「ねぇ、鈴? ありがとね? 日本でもこっちでも、光輝くんの傍にいるのに君はとっても便利だったよ?」
「参るよね? 光輝くんの傍にいるのは雫と香織って空気が蔓延しちゃってさ。不用意に近づくと、他の女共に目付けられちゃうし......向こうじゃ何の力もなかったから、嵌めたり自滅させたりするのは時間かかるんだよ。その点、鈴の存在はありがたかったよ。馬鹿丸出しで何しても微笑ましく思ってもらえるもんね? 光輝くん達の輪に入っても誰も咎めないもの。だから、〝谷村鈴の親友〟っていうポジションは、ホントに便利だったよ。おかげで、向こうでも自然と光輝くんの傍に居られたし、異世界に来ても同じパーティーにも入れたし......うん、ほ~んと鈴って便利だった! だから、ありがと!」
「恵里っ! あなたはっ!」
「ふふ。怒ってるね? 雫のその表情、すごくいいよ。僕ね、君のこと大っ嫌いだったんだ。光輝くんの傍にいるのが当然みたいな顔も、自分が苦労してやっているっていう上から目線も、全部気に食わなかった。だからね、君には特別に、とっても素敵な役目をあげる」
「くふっ、ねぇ? 久しぶりに再会した親友に、殺されるってどんな気持ちになるのかな?」
よく出来ました! とでも言うように、恵里はパチパチと手を鳴らし、口元にニヤついた笑みを貼り付けた。恵里は傀儡にした雫を使って、香織を殺害しようとしているのだ。
「南雲が持っていくなら放置でも良かったんだけど......あの子をお人形にして好きにしたい! って人がいてね~。色々手伝ってもらったし、報酬にあげようかなって。僕、約束は守る性質だからね! いい女でしょ?」
「ふ、ふざけっ! ごふっ...あぐぅあ!?」
「アハ、苦しい? 痛い? 僕は優しいからね。今すぐ、楽にして上げる......」
「じゃあね? 雫。君との友達ごっこは反吐が出そうだったよ?」
「雫ちゃん!」 | Going back in time a little. Precisely when Ririana and them arrived in the Royal Palace.
Towards the unpleasant sound of glass being broken, Shizuku Yaegashi who was sleeping in her room quickly jumped into alert mode and got out of her bedsheets while grabbing onto her black katana which was beside her pillow. It was clearly the movements of a person who continues being cautious of their surroundings even while resting.
For a while, Shizuku hid her breathing with a stern expression and was ready to draw her katana at any moment, however there were no abnormalities within her room so she leaked out a sigh of relief.
The reason why Shizuku was releasing this kind of alertness was because over the past several days, there were absolutely no signs or sightings of Ririana or Aiko.
Even for some time before that, she noticed a sense of incongruity within the Royal Palace. On that day, the day when Aiko returned, she disappeared after announcing that she had something important to tell them at dinner time, due to this Shizuku suspected that something bad had happened to Aiko in order to silence her.
Naturally, she searched for the two missing peoples whereabouts, though they were told that Aiko and them were just being questioned by the head of the church, Ishtar, at the main temple, she wasn’t allowed to meet them directly. In addition, they even forcefully avoided her by declaring to Shizuku that they would be released in a few days, moreover, Ririana’s father, King Erihido also said to not worry about them, she could do nothing but withdraw reluctantly for the time being.
However, even then her vague anxiety didn’t disappear, just like now, when going to bed she was vigilant and cautious like a spy.
When Shizuku soundlessly got off her bed, she quickly straightened up her equipment in a few seconds and carefully left the room. Since Kaori decided to travel with Hajime, Shizuku was the only person in the room now. When she confirmed that there were no abnormalities within the corridor, she immediately knocked on Kouki and Ryutaro’s door which was opposite to hers.
The door opened immediately and Kouki’s appearance was seen. Ryutaro was in the back of the room and seemed to be fully awake. It appears that they’ve also woken up like Shizuku due to the loud sound a while ago.
“Kouki, please have more caution. To suddenly open the door.....wouldn’t it be troublesome if it was an assailant?”
Shizuku’s eyebrows drop a little when Kouki opened the door without any caution and warned him. On the other hand, Kouki had an astonished expression. Even though he heard the breaking sound, he didn’t think that there would be any immediate dangers in the corridors of the Royal Palace. It appears that he wasn’t fully awake yet.
These past several days, Shizuku had a sense of incongruity within the Royal Palace and about Aiko and them, “Something is wrong, keep your guard up”, is what she continually said but, Kouki and Ryutaro thought she was thinking too much about it and didn’t take it seriously.
“More importantly, Shizuku. What was that a while ago? It sounded like something was breaking......”
“......I don’t know. Anyways, let’s wake everyone up and gather information. Whatever it is, I’ve got a bad feeling from it....”
Shizuku only said that and turned around to knock on her classmates’ doors one after another. Most of the students were gathered for an immediate meeting due to the sudden crashing sound from a while ago. Uneasily, Kouki began to raise his voice as the students began to gather in the corridor looking annoyed that their slumber was disturbed.
Then, at that time, one of the maids that were friends with Shizuku rushed in. She comes from a house which enjoys fencing and had the lineage of knights, due to this connection she became intimate with Shizuku.
The maid called Nia ran up besides Shizuku while looking like she was in low spirits. It was a shadow of her usual dignified atmosphere, Shizuku remembered the sense of incongruity and raised her eyebrows, but it was overtaken by surprise at the information that Nia brought, her sense of incongruity was completely blown away.
“The first large barrier was broken”
“......What was that?”
Nia plainly tells the truth as Shizuku instinctively asked back.
“The Majinzokuare invading. A huge army was developed on the outskirts of the Kingdom’s capital and their attack broke the large barrier”
The information was far too unbelievable, even Shizuku lost her calm and became stunned.
The other classmates were also the same, they began to mutter noisily. The Majinzoku’s army, it was impossible for them to be able to invade the King’s capital without arousing anyone’s attention, with the large barrier broken it became even harder to take in. It’s unavoidable that they wouldn’t be able to keep calm.
“.....Is only the first barrier of the large barrier broken?”
Within that, with a stern expression, Kouki asked Nia. The large barrier that protects the Kingdom was composed of pieces, the first barrier on the outside, second, then the third. The third barrier was the strongest as it covered the smallest scale of land out of the others.
“Yes. For now.....however, the first barrier was broken in a single blow. It’s only a matter of time before they topple through everything......”
Towards Nia’s answer, Kouki suggested to everyone that they should help out in repulsing the army.
“Even if just a little we should help buy time. In the meantime, the Kingdom’s residents should take shelter, if the army corps and knights are prepared....”
There were few that showed a resolute expression towards Kouki’s words. Shizuku and Ryutaro, Suzu, it was only the front groups such as Nagayama’s party.
The other classmates only had a gloomy look while turning their eyes away. They are the people who have lost their will to stand on the front lines. To suddenly challenge a huge army was only further increasing their hesitation.
Then even if by ourselves, Kouki began to resolute his heart, surprisingly, Eri Nakamura answered.
“Wait, Kouki-kun. Rather than fighting on your own, I think we should quickly join with Meld and them”
“Nia-san, the much do we know about them?”
“......they’re roughly ,0 in strength”
The students all held their breaths when they heard the number.
“Kouki-kun. We can’t suppress them if it’s only us. .....We have to oppose numbers with numbers. Even if we’re stronger than an ordinary person, I think that you should go to the place where you’re most needed. That is, shouldn’t we cooperate side by side with Meld’s group.....”
Although it was from the modest and docile glasses girl Eri, the strength in her eyes wasn’t below that of Kouki and the others. And her opinion was justifiable.
“Un, Suzu is also in favor with Eririn. As expected of Suzu’s Eririn! Those glasses aren’t just for show!”
“Suzu~u......The glasses are unrelated~”
“Fufu, I also agree with Eri. I lost my calm a little there. What about you Kouki?”
Towards the 3 girls opinions, Kouki was hesitating. However, after carefully thinking over Eri’s judgment, Kouki also trusted her quite a bit, in the end, he decided to join up with Meld’s knights and army corps just as Eri said.
Kouki and them began to run towards where the knights and soldiers were mobilizing. No one noticed the smile in the shape of a crescent by their side.......
When Kouki and them reached the point which was designated as the emergency meeting place, a lot of soldiers and knights have already lined up in an orderly manner, the deputy leader of the knights, José
Then, José who noticed that Kouki and them just entered the plaza stopped talking and beckons Kouki.
“......Good job coming here. Do you understand the situation?”
“Yes, We’ve heard from Nia already. Ehtto, where’s Meld-san?”
Kouki nodded towards the welcoming words and question of José, and he didn’t see Meld’s appearance as he looked around so he asked about his whereabouts.
“The head is dealing with a few things. More importantly, sa~a, come into the center. The Hero is our leader after all....”
As José said, Kouki and them were guided into the center where the soldiers were lined up. The classmates who stayed behind, “Eh? Us as well?”, showed a puzzled expression, while being crowded by silent soldiers they could do nothing but follow Kouki and them.
Passing through the silence, the surrounding soldier’s expressions hardly changed at all too, along with the knight’s appearances, the feeling of incongruity began to swell up within Shizuku. It was the bad feelings that she felt ever since the beginning when she woke up, Shizuku’s heart was conflicted. Unconsciously, she put power into her hand that was gripping her black katana.
And when Kouki and them were completely surrounded by the soldiers and knights, José restarted his speech.
“Everyone, the situation draws near. However, there’s nothing to fear. There is no enemies who can stand against us. We do not know defeat. Death shall not strike us. Sa~a, everyone, welcome our Hero. Right now, we exist specifically for this day. Sa~a, take up your swords”
The soldiers and the knights draw out their swords altogether.
“It’s the beginning of the slaughter. Watch closely”
José took something out of his bosom and held it over his head. As instructed, not only the soldiers but also kouki and them payed attention.
Light burst out.
The thing José was holding shot out bright light which was comparable to Hajime’s flashbang. Kouki and them who were paying attention to it were completely defenseless, they immediately avert their eyes and cover them while releasing a short scream, their sights have been temporarily blocked out by looking straight at the light.
And, in the next instant......
countless vivid sounds ring out.
Following that, muffled screams were heard from many places.
The screams were different from the ones caused by the light a while ago. It was the voice that leaked out when in agony and pain. Then immediately afterward, there was the sound of countless people falling onto the ground ~Dosa Dosa~.
Inside that, only Shizuku understood the cause. After entering the open space, her caution was raised to the maximum. She felt a sense of incongruity within José’s speech. That’s why, immediately when the flash of light exploded, she took up a defensive stance without being shaken and immediately after that she was able to block the assassin’s blade with her black katana. It was likely the gift of training that allowed her to only rely on the presence she felt while her eyes were blinded.
And, after the light settled down, Shizuku began to look around her surroundings as her sight began to recover, every single one of her classmates was pierced in the back by the knights and soldiers swords and being held down onto the ground.
“Wha, this.....”
They raised their groaning voices as they were knocked down and suppressed from above, furthermore, looking at her classmates’ appearances that had swords in their backs, Shizuku’s voice was stuck in her throat. It can’t be, she began to imagine the worst outcome that they were all dead but, it appears that everyone was just barely alive as they all raised their voices in agony.
Although she was slightly relieved when knowing that, Shizuku turned a stern glance towards the surrounding soldiers in the unpredictable situation, a strange scene was reflected within the mesh of the crowd and she unintentionally stiffened up.
“Ara-ra, should I say that it was as expected? .......Ne~e, Shizuku?”
“Eh? Eh.....what are you-!?”
Right, while all other classmates were in critical condition on the ground, there was only 1 other student that was calmly standing. That student was completely different from their usual self, with a glutinous voice they talked to Shizuku. Since their atmosphere changed too much, Shizuku’s questions and doubts were stuck in her throat.
In that moment, once again, a knight thrust out their sword towards Shizuku’s back.
While being shaken up by the other person’s sudden change, Shizuku was barely able to dodge and turned towards the student with an amazed glance.
“You also dodged this huh.....really, Shizuku is troublesome huh?”
Further increasing in intensity, the soldiers and knights join in and thrust their swords out. Shizuku surpassed them all then suddenly turned her gaze as her name was called out.
“Shizuku-sama! Help......”
There the appearance of Nia was thrown on the ground with a knight on top of her and a sword about to stab into her. Shizuku immediately arrived nearby Nia’s location in an instant with her high-speed movement skill “No Rhythm”, she swung her sheath at the knight who was on top of Nia and blew him away.
“Nia, are you alright?”
While supporting up Nia who was on the ground, Shizuku looked around her surroundings in caution.
Towards that Shizuku, Nia murmurs and clings both hands around her.
......A dagger was stabbed into Shizuku’s back.
“Agu~!? Ni, Nia? Wh, why.......”
With an expression like she couldn’t believe what happened and grimacing over the acute pain running through her back, Shizuku looked down at Nia who was clinging to her.
Her expression no longer had the cheerful look nor the familiarity it once held, she only returned Shizuku’s glance expressionlessly back at her.
Shizuku finally noticed it at last. At first, she thought Nia’s state was due to the Kingdom being invaded, however that wasn’t it, her atmosphere was almost identical to the expressionless knights and soldiers which surrounded her, there was definitely a different reason for this.
Nia held onto Shizuku’s arm and twisted it as she pinned her down onto the ground, she then attached shackles which sealed her magic just like all the other students had.
“Ahahaha, as expected even for Shizuku, surely you didn’t think that that child would turn against you? Un un, that’s probably right? That’s why I purposely took time to prepare it?”
With scorching pain running through her back and gritting her teeth on the cold ground, Shizuku realized that something was done to the soldiers and Nia. And although she didn’t want to admit it, the disastrous scene that unfolded before her, right now, she called out to her close friend who had an unusually unpleasant smirk on her face.
“What does this...mean.....Eri”
Right, that person who was modest and quiet, attentive and kind-hearted, Shizuku and their trusted companion which they shared their joys and sorrow with, it was that person, Eri Nakamura.
Even while sustaining severe injuries, the students who were targeted and still alive could do nothing but have an expression filled with agony, they watched Eri’s expression as she walked calmly and steadily through the soldiers in a grand manner.
Rather than answering Shizuku’s question, Eri began to laugh oddly in amusement as she moves towards Kouki. And after taking off her glasses, she pulls on the magic sealing collar which was placed on Kouki’s neck with an attractive smile.
Although not to the extent of Shizuku and them who were his childhood friends, Eri who was one of his companions and close friend had a far too different atmosphere around her, Kouki desperately questions her while enduring the pain of the sword which ran through his body. However, Eri had a delirious expression which contained heat within it and disregarded Kouki’s question.
“Aha, Kouki-kun, I~caught~you~”
while saying so, she placed her lips on top of Kouki’s. Within the strange silence which surrounded the area, a vivid sound of water lapping could be heard. Eri was crazily releasing her emotions as if she had been saving it up for years towards Kouki.
Although Kouki couldn’t understand what was going on, he was desperately trying to shake free but, he was suppressed by several people, along with the magic sealing collar, like all the other students he also had his hands and feet bound as well, moreover his power was sapped from him as there was a sword thrust through his body.
Was she finally satisfied, Eri separated her lips while creating a silver thread. Then, with an ecstatic expression in her eyes she licked her lips and started to stand up slowly, she then glared at the students who were being held down and bleeding. Absentminded expressions, as well as agonized expressions, were lined up. When she saw such a spectacle she nodded in satisfaction, her eyes stopped towards Shizuku and she smiled.
“Ma~a, these kinds of things. Shizuku”
With an expression which showed she didn’t understand, Shizuku vomited blood as she glared at Eri, Eri shook her head with an expression that said, my bad, and began to talk about the reason as if she was talking to a baby.
“U~n, you don’t know huh? You see, I’ve always wanted Kouki-kun. That’s why, I did what was necessary to obtain him. It’s as simple as that”
“......If you liked Kouki then...if you’d confessed then...this kind of thing...”
Towards Shizuku’s rebuttal, for a moment Eri’s becomes expressionless. However, she began to talk and returned a smirk immediately again.
“It’s useless, useless, use~less. Confessing is useless. Kouki-kun’s kind-hearted so there’s no way he’d see someone else as special. Even if there’s only garbage with no value around his surroundings, he wouldn’t leave them alone because he’s too kind-hearted. That’s why, in order to make Kouki-kun mine only, I have to work hard and get rid of all the garbage in the surroundings”
You can’t even understand that? as Eri shrugs her shoulders like it was a foolish thing. Although they were Being called garbage, they didn’t have much anger as they were too surprised at the sudden change. For the person in front of her to have changed this much, honestly, Shizuku looked at the girl as if this was the first time they’ve met.
“Fufu, it was good that we were sent to a different world. In Japan, it would have been truly difficult to clean up the garbage, it was harsh living there. Of course, I won’t allow us to be sent back after this war is over. Along with Kouki-kun, the both of us will continue living here for ever~and~ever~”
While looking at the laughing and giggling Eri, a sudden impossible guess came into Shizuku’s mind and she unintentionally voiced it out.
“...It can’t be...the reason the large barrier...broke so easily was because.....”
“Ahaha, so you’ve noticed? Right, It was me. I told them to break the artifact maintaining the large barrier”
It appears that Shizuku’s worst-case scenario was spot on. The reason why the Majinzoku was able to arrive at the outskirts of the Kingdom without being spotted and easily breaking through the large barrier, everything was due to Eri. Eri’s line of sight was interestingly looking at the soulless soldiers and knights that were standing by her side, she would probably let them do it.
“If I killed you guys, I wouldn’t be able to stay in the Kingdom any longer.....That’s why you see, I contacted the Majinzoku, guiding the Kingdom to destruction through the people from another world
“ contact the Majinzoku...”
Kouki somehow recovered from the shock of the kiss, he muttered with an expression which that showed he couldn’t believe it. Eri had been training together with them in the Kingdom for a long time. Inside of the large barrier the Majinzoku wouldn’t be able to get in, it shouldn’t be possible to contact them, he began rebutting out poor arguments while trying to believe in Eri.
However, Eri easily shatters his hopes.
“The Majinzoku woman who attacked us at [Orcus Great Labyrinth]. While leaving I quickly did it, Necromancy that is? As I expected, the Majinzoku came to recover her body, so I used it. From that situation, I definitely got cold feet. If what I proposed was rejected and I was murdered instead.....unintentionally, I had used Necromancy.....I didn’t want to be doubted so I showed my necromancy to increase their, in the end everything was alright....”
According to Eri’s words, she performed Necromancy on the Majinzoku woman, and left a message for the Majinzoku who would come and look for her since she didn’t return. Due to this, Mikhail had known how Cattleya had died. In addition, she communicated with the Majinzoku through a suitable “human’s” dead body.
When Eri’s story was heard, Shizuku remembered about Eri’s Necromancy and her face which was already pale from blood loss became even paler.
Necromancy was magic which acts on residual thoughts(. . . .)of the corpse. She concealed the fact that she could actually use it perfectly. If that’s so, all the knights and soldiers who looked soulless that were surrounding Shizuku and them, the worst possible situation came to her mind when she thought about Nia who was holding her down.
“The reason...for these guys...appearances is.....”
“Of course it’s because of Necromancy~. Everyone is already dead~. Ahahahahahaha!”
Shizuku grit her teeth as she was told the cruel answer and a desperate rebuttal was voiced.
“...That’s a lie...the undead...cannot talk back.......They shouldn’ able to!”
“Look, that’s because of my ability? Through some memory and thought patterns during their lifetime being added in they became able to talk. It was my original through Necromancy “Bind Soul” I guess? Ah, even then the sense of incongruity remains huh. I wasn’t able to carry through with everything within a day, there I began to worry about what to day, a person offered their cooperation. A beautifully silver-haired person. I was surprised that my plan was found out, in that instant, I prepared my resolution for various things.....It wasn’t certain that I was being accused at the time, although I couldn’t trust them I could at least take advantage of them instead~”
Really, in such a hurry~, Eri pretended to be wiping away her sweat. Most likely, there might have been various processes which had to take place, but she didn’t show any signs of explaining them out.
“Actually, I accidentally got my hands on the King’s close aid so I’m great right? In return he became like a dangerous drugged person though. Ma~a, thanks to that I was able to quickly push forward my plans. Kufufu, it’s alright! I won’t waste everyone’s deaths. I’ll properly~, recycle them and allow the Majinzoku to use them!”
Originally, they only act on residual thoughts through necromancy, but if you take in the consideration of the dead person’s intent while still alive, the residual thought’s would be coated in magic as they’re brought back to life, they’ll move exactly as the magician wants, alternatively in a way where techniques are used to possess a corpse and make it do the magicians bidding.
Their performance is normal, it’s incomparable to while they’re alive, they won’t move unless directed since they have no thinking ability of their own. Of course, if you give an order like “Keep attacking” they’ll continue, they’re able to keep moving even without detailed instructions.
In other words, when Nia and José talked with Shizuku and them, they had no ability to think, it should be impossible through necromancy. That’s why there was a sense of incongruity, the technique which Eri called “Bind Soul”, it’s a technique which adds memory and thought patterns of thinking into the corpse through extracting the remains of the spirit.
This was basically an ability to interfere with the soul. That is, Eri managed to work hard and step into the realm of the Age of God’s magic on her own. Definitely a cheat, she often said that she was unsuited for Necromancy, that amount of studying and genius-class talent is definitely something that deserves astonishment. Alternatively, it may be due to her immense drive towards her obsession.
By the way, the reason why Eri didn’t immediately kill her classmates was because “Bind Soul” could only be used once at a time immediately after death.
“Gu~u...stop it...Eri! If you do those things.....I.....”
“Won’t forgive me? Ahaha, I thought you’d say so. Kouki-kun is kind-hearted right. Besides, no matter how much garbage I clean up....that’s why, I’ll also properly use “Bind Soul” on Kouki-kun, I’ll be able to turn you into mine? No one else, only looking at me, carrying out my every wish! Only my Kouki-kun! A~a, a~a! Just imagining it makes me feel like *******!”
Eri began to embrace herself and writhe her body with a nympholeptic expression. There was no longer the appearance of the calm girl who was in the book committee. All the classmate’s thought. She’s gone insane. “Bind Soul” was a skill specifically made to ease and further increase the Necromancer’s convenience in giving out instructions, however there is no change that a puppet is only a puppet. Once you understood that, still, she didn’t seem to mind that kind of Kouki.
“Lies....that’s a lie! Uu, Eririn is, th....there’s no way Eri would do this! ...surely....something... right....she’s only being manipulated! Come to your senses Eri!”
Suzu who was Eri’s best friend shouted out with a distorted expression while panting in pain. She was scratching at the grounds with her hands as if she was trying to crawl towards Eri. Eri turned towards Suzu and looked her straight in the eye with a smile. And she slowly walked towards the closest person who was laying on the ground, Kondo Reiichi.
Kondo possibly felt a bad premonition, “Hi~”, he let out a scream while trying to get even a little bit further away from Eri who was approaching. Naturally, he was perfectly held down, the only thing he could do was scream as his magic was sealed as well.
Eri who came besides Kondo which caused him to once again tremble with fear, and gave him a smile. Kouki and them were raising their voices, “Stop!” “Stop it!”.
“St, stop!? Ga~a, ah, agua...”
Kondo’s muffled screams began to break out. The sword was once again stabbed into Kondo’s back but this time, where his heart was. For a little while, though Kondo struggled and showed tenacity because of his strong status, his movements quickly became feeble, and.....he stopped moving altogether.
Eri placed her hands on Kondo and began to mutter a chant. After she completed the chant and muttered the magic name “Bind Soul”, a semitransparent Kondo overlapped with his own corpse.
Just after that, the knight who was holding down Kondo got up and moved back one step. Kouki and them were waiting anxiously, Kondo whose heart should have been destroyed, slowly lifted his body up, he stood up with a soulless expression just like the surrounding soldiers and knights.
“Yes~. One puppet’s been completed~”
Eri’s bright voice resounded as the other students looked at Kondo with surprise as he stood still silently and expressionlessly. Just now, one person was finally killed, towards the scene of death they couldn’t even voice out their thoughts.
“E, Eri....why.....”
Towards Suzu who voiced out a question with a shocked expression, Eri voiced out the worst possible conclusion.
“Ne~e, Suzu? Thank you? Japan and even here, you were very convenient to use to stay nearby Kouki-kun?”
“I give up? The atmosphere between Kouki-kun as he was around Shizuku and Kaori was too much. If you approached carelessly, other women would drill holes into you.....because we had no powers on that side, it was a matter of time before you’d self-destruct for getting close. In that respect, I was thankful for Suzu’s existence. You seemed to be bright no matter how foolishly used and exposed you were? Even if I approached Kouki and them no one would complain about it. That’s why, the position of [Suzu Tanimura’s best friend] was truly convenient. Thanks to you, I was able to stay close to Kouki-kun over on the other side and even when in a different world we got to be in the same party..... un, Suzu was really~ convenient! That’s why, thank you!”
“......Ah, uu, ah.....”
From the shock of Eri’s confession, the sounds of something breaking within Suzu ranged out. Suzu learned that her best friend which she had been together with and believed in all the time, was nothing more than a fantasy. Even the light of the escapism within her eye disappeared.
“Eri~! You’re-!”
Towards the overboarding words, Shizuku yelled out in anger. Nia who was turned into a puppet pulled up Shizuku’s head by her hair and pounded it onto the ground. However, as if she was stating, what about it, Shizuku’s eyes flared up in anger.
“Fufu, you’re angry huh? That expression that you’ve got is very good. I extremely hated you. Your face fit in so naturally besides Kouki-kun and even your eyes carried a sense of condescending attitude, I hated everything about you. That’s why, for you in particular, I’ll be giving you a special role”
“....a say?”
“Kufu, ne~e? What kind of feelings would you have for killing your best friend after finally meeting together after a long time?”
From those words, Shizuku’s eyes opened widely as she guessed what Eri was planning to do.
“...It can’t be, Kaori!?”
As if saying, You did well!, Eri began clapping her hands together with a smirk on her lips. While using Shizuku as a puppet, Eri was going to try and murder Kaori.
“It was alright to just leave her with Nagumo but.....there’s a person who said, I would love to have that person as a puppet! I had been helped in various ways, so I decided to give them their reward. I’m someone who goes through with their promises after all! I’m such a good woman right?”
“Quit joking around! Gofu~...aguu~a!?”
While enraged, Shizuku who tried to move only managed to voluntarily enlarge the wound which was inflicted on her, Nia’s blade sunk further in.
“Aha, is it painful? hurts? I’m kind-hearted so. Right now, I’ll relieve you of your pain.....”
This time it appears to be Shizuku’s turn, with a smirking smile she compromised. Kouki and them desperately tried to resist as an illusion of Shizuku becoming a puppet-like Kondo came into their minds.
Kouki’s resistance, in particular, was much more intense, while desperately raising his voice, cracks began to appear on the 5 magic sealing shackles which were on him. Did he use [Limit Breakthrough] and [Supremacy Dispersal
However, the knights whose brain limiters were removed showed extreme strength uncomparable towards their lifetime and perfectly held down his joints, it wasn’t possible to immediately shake them off. Kouki’s expression became crossed with despair.
Shizuku was desperately focused her conscious which was fainting because of the amount of blood she was losing, she decided that until the final moment, she would continue staring directly into Eri’s eyes with fierce anger until she averted her eyes.
At that, Eri looked down on her with a smirk on her lips, did she want to perform the last rites herself in the end, she received a sword from a nearby knight.
“See you later then? Shizuku. Pretending to be your friend seemed to make me want to puke?”
Though Shizuku was staring at Eri, inside of her heart she was looking towards her best friend. Although she knows it’ll likely not reach her, still, thinking about the tragedy that was to come in the future, she gave her prayers to her best friend who was on a trip somewhere in the world.
(I’m sorry, Kaori. The next time we meet, please do not trust me.....stay alive.....obtain happiness.....)
The knight’s sword which was invertedly held in her hand reflected the moonlight and shined. And, as if driving a wooden stake into a vampire, the sharp tip of the sword was brought down quickly towards Shizuku’s heart.
While watching the approaching danger, Shizuku prayed. Please allow my best friend to survive, please allow her to obtain happiness. Although I’ll be going on ahead, the dead me would end up hurting you, but because he is near you I’m sure you’ll be alright. Live strongly, gain happiness with your beloved person....please.....
Fadingly, the world began to pass by slowly within Shizuku’s mind within that moment. Ah, this is my life flashing before my eyes....finally, Shizuku began to think that the sword would now pierce through, her life
..........was not taken.
Eri’s voice sounded out along with Shizuku’s.
The knight’s sword which Eri brought down was stopped by a barrier which was the size of a palm. The two who were completely stunned at what had happen, heard the voice of someone which should not have been there. Being driven into a corner, the voice was full of impatience. It was the person who Shizuku was wishing happiness for, her best friend’s voice.
“Shizuku-chan!” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 9
} |
「で、ではお元気になって下さいませ――! 民も国も、まだまだ陛下のお力を必要としてございます!」
「いいえとんでもない。あなたの多大なる功績に、何か報いたいと思うのです――何か願いはありませんか? わたくしにできることならば、何でも叶えて差し上げましょう」
「左様です。根の部分では、王よりも一介の武人であると思っております。それに未来に生まれ変わりますれば、この国の顛末も知る事が叶いましょう? これから皆がこの国をどう受け継いで行ってくれたのか――それも知りとうございます」
「はっはっはっ! よーしイングリス、高い高い~~♪」
「おおそうか済まない。しかしでかしたぞセレーナ! お前に似て可愛い女の子だ!」
(何ィ!? 女の子だと!?)
その驚きは、単にオギャーという泣き声に変わっていた。 | The Capital of Sylveria, Sylvair Kingdom—
Within the royal palace atop the hill that towered the town beneath it, the Hero King Inglis, the man who founded a great kingdom across the continent, was counting his final breaths.
Beside the grandiose bed was a row of the King’s vassals, each one of them had anxiety plastered all over their face, much like children who lost their parents.
It was hardly a surprise — the existence of the old king meant that much of an absolute being to them.
During his youth, the young Inglis who received the blessing of the Goddess Alistair, had awakened a godly power transcending any human, 『Divine Knight』.
Wielding such power in his hand, young Inglis annihilated demon beasts and Evil Gods off the continent and built the Sylvair Kingdom after.
He established an excelling governing body, enriched the country and brought smiles amongst the people.
The Sylvair Kingdom, which was then said to have lasted for millenia, was built within a single generation.
Between the various achievements he left behind and the noble spirit he held for his people to give selflessly, the scholars were convinced that the King Inglis was the single greatest King in known history.
There would be hundreds, if not thousands of songs the minstrels and troubadours sang, praising the King.
There was a Hero with such a big name, and this country was about to lose him.
No matter how reputable a Hero one might be, no one could escape the death by old age.
Nobody can even begin to imagine the Sylvair Kingdom without Inglis as its King.
It would be impossible for one not to be saddened.
「Men. Don’t make such a face. I can’t pass away if you keep tugging my robe.」
Even with the peaceful tone, the joke King Inglis spewed was anything but.
For his body that had been weakened by old age, even getting up from his bed was a huge struggle.
「If-, if so, please, restore your health once again! Both this country and its people still need your guidance, Your Majesty!」
So said one of the ministers, drowning in tears.
「Don’t ask the impossible. This is what the heaven wills — I sure have fought hard, if I do say so myself. I had been saved a lot by all of you too... you have my gratitude, my men. I leave the rest to you——」
Having received their King’s words, the vassals began to sob.
The King was happy they were thinking of him but he had long since made his resolution, along with his senile body. He would have preferred a cheerful departure and who could blame him for that wish?
That was when a clear, beautiful voice of a female rang in his ear, that voice flooded King Inglis with nostalgia.
As far as he was aware, this individual was the only person who would ever call him by his given name since he had become someone of this position, regardless of his own wish.
Life is a mystery. He never even thought he would become a King in his younger days.
He planned to live only off his sword, relying only on his own strength but after he met this individual, everything changed.
「Ou... Long time no see.」
King Inglis casted his mask aside.
A beautiful woman clad in a white dress stood by his bedside, she had shown up so suddenly, without any warning.
「Your Majesty, what’s wrong?」
His vassals seemed to be incapable of witnessing her appearance.
That would be obvious. No human could perceive the sight of a God, unless the God themselves wished to.
The reason King Inglis could see her was because, as a Divine Knight, he was half-man half-god himself.
「It’s nothing. Everyone, leave me for a moment. I want to be alone.」
With those words, King Inglis made his vassals leave the room.
No one seemed to notice the existence of Goddess Alistair.
After he was alone with the goddess, King Inglis smiled delightfully.
「How nostalgic. When was the last time we met? You’re as beautiful as the last time I saw you. I really wanted to see you for one last time.」
「Me too. Inglis——」
The Goddess Alistair gently swept King Inglis’ wrinkled cheeks.
「I’m really grateful for your hard work. You fought really well for this world and the people in it.」
「If you’re the one saying so, it makes the little strength I exhausted feel worth the struggle. You’re making this old man blush.」
Goddess Alistair showed a smile so brilliant that nothing in the world could even compare.
「Inglis. The reason I showed up before you today——」
「I understand. You’re here to care after this sickly elderly on his deathbed, right?」
「No, far from it. I’m here to reward you for all the achievements you have done——Have you any wish? I can fulfill anything you want, as long as it’s within my power.」
「Anything, you say?」
「I did. Considering of the work you have done, this much should be obvious.」
With a smile still decorating her face, the Goddess nodded.
Upon such, King Inglis fell into thought.
He held no shame in the life he lived.
Emotions and life weren’t such simple things, after all.
The only regret of King Inglis — that was to say, was that he wasn’t able to master his own martial arts.
Certainly, he did obtain the power that transcended any other as the Divine Knight, but he was swamped with his obligation as a King, especially after the foundation of the Sylvair Kingdom, that he had no time to train at all.
It was a regret he held as a warrior.
For that was King Inglis’ wish, he responded.
「Let me see... If I may hope, I wish to be reborn.」
「For what reason, Inglis?」
「I’m interested in living a different life. My whole life was devoted to my country and my people. There is no regret for what I did. They are my prized treasure.」
「However, what if I dedicated my life, not as a King, but as a warrior — I cannot say that I am not curious about the limit of my strength. If you were to allow me, I want to live such a life.」
「...I see. Now I remember, you were a soldier when I first met you.」
「That’s right. I believe I’m more of a warrior and less of a king at my root. In addition, wouldn’t it be interesting to know where this country heads to if I were to be born in the future? Just how would everyone lead this country from here on out — I want to know all of it.」
「...I understand, Inglis. I shall grant your wish.」
So said the goddess with a smile.
「I look forward to seeing you again, reborn anew, far in the future」
She then softly embraced King Inglis’ thin, withered body.
Inglis closed his eyes, letting his body fall into said pleasantness.
As he did so, the goddess disappeared, unnoticed by any.
That evening, King Inglis departed.
At the end of his life, he was on his room’s balcony, watching the breathtaking sight of the Kingdom and the people he poured his everything into.
Many of his loyal subjects witnessed the fall of the great hero.
His face was calm, kind and full of affection for his people.
The Kingdom of Sylvair had just lost their father.
They would have to walk on their own feet from now on——
And time passed—
In the haziness of his vision, he could see the silhouettes of two people.
A woman with black hair and a man with silver hair.
The man hugged his body.
His body was small and hard to operate.
This was how it felt to have the body of a baby.
So I really reincarnated, as expected of a Goddess
「Ha ha ha ha! Here Inglis, go high~♪」
This man would be his father. The silver-haired man lifted him up in elation.
Apparently, the name given to him was the same name he always had, Inglis.
Personally, it was very welcoming.
After all, it was a name he had been living with for such a long time, he was attached to it.
「Dear. Inglis might get scared if you swing her so much.」
「Aah, I see, sorry. But really, you did well Selena! What a pretty girl she is, much like you are!」
What!? A girl!?
Her shock then simply turned into a cry of a baby. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 18,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
『......難しいけど。......あれ? でもこうすれば......。よし』
ルッチラが何か言いかけたところで、魔道具が爆発した。 | Kathe looked at Serulis and Nia and said,
‘While we can do it, Serulis, Nia and Grulf are unable to talk through Telepathy.’
Grulf also sniffed and snorted. But Grulf couldn’t talk in the first place, so it was of no importance.
‘Indeed. What should we do?’
Luchila asked with a troubled expression.
Everyone was able to listen to Telepathy. But only Shia, Kathe, and Luchila could talk with it.
Serulis and Nia could not.
‘I should have taught you. I told you that I would do it soon. We’ll do it as soon as we get back.’
‘Yes, that would be for the best. But what do we do now?’
‘If you have something that you must say, raise your hand. Then perhaps you can write it down.’
Serulis, Nia, and Grulf nodded.
‘Oh, wait a minute. I need to tell the chiefs about the suspicious magic tool.’
I moved away from the magic tool so I could talk without being overheard, if it did happen to be a listening device.
“Danton. Can you hear me?”
‘I can hear you. What is it? You’re whispering.’
Danton was also talking quietly.
“I’ll give you the details later. But if you see anything suspicious over there, don’t go near it.”
‘Very well. Do you want me to tell the others?’
“Yes. It might be some kind of magic device. If you kill any vampires, I would advise that you leave their bodies alone for now.”
I could leave the rest to Danton.
And so I returned to the magic tool.
There were two objects that the enemy had left.
One was the fist-sized device that was on the ground. It was the one that was disguised.
The other thing had been hidden inside of a corpse.
‘In any case, we should inspect the thing that’s buried in the corpse.’
‘Yes, I agree.’
‘Shia, Serulis, Nia. You continue to deal with the other corpses.’
‘Okay. Well, we’re practically finished already.’
There were only lesser vampires. In other words, only didn’t have a magic tool inside of them. And since they were experienced Adventurers, removing the magic stones was easy work.
They just had to burn them now.
And so I approached the remaining corpse and activated Magic Exploration.
‘I think I’ll try taking it out.’
Kathe and Shia watched from behind. They both seemed to be very curious.
‘And it makes me nervous to have people watch so closely.’
‘But we want to see a first-rate Adventurer cut open a body!’
Hearing that made things even worse.
Still, I took the device out from under the diaphragm.
‘This one is a little bigger than the one on the ground.’
‘That’s true...’
It was a sphere that was perhaps the size of two fists. It also appeared to be made of the Fool’s Stone.
‘While it was harder to find, due to being in a corpse...this one isn’t disguising the fact that it’s a magic tool.’
‘But it looks hard to deactivate.’
‘Shia. Do you think you would have discovered this without Sorcerers like us around?’
‘Let me see... Well, we would have noticed it while we burned the bodies.’
Even though they burned the bodies, magic tools made of metal would not burn.
So, unless the enemy was stupid, then it was likely that they wanted this to be discovered as well.
I continued to search. And then I discovered that there was a magic circle inside of it.
I wouldn’t know what kind of magic circle unless I activated it. And that would be incredibly difficult.
‘It has very strong Magic Protection cast on it. I’ll have to remove that first.’
‘Hmm. So you want to trigger it?’
‘Well, it’s possible that that is what the enemy wants us to do. So I’m not quite sure yet.’
‘But you won’t be able to study it unless you do it?’
‘Besides, why would they make it so difficult if they wanted you to do it...’
Kathe and Luchila were right. Luchila’s observation was especially sharp.
They would have made it easier if they wanted me to do it.
‘Yes. In fact, this is so difficult that it would take a palace sorcerer several years to activate.’
‘In that case, we should assume that they do not want us to do it.’
‘Since this one is likely to take some time, why don’t you check the other device first?’
‘But it wouldn’t take that long for Locke.’
Kathe said smugly.
It was true that it wouldn’t take me that long. But it was best to check both of them a little first.
‘Yes. I think I will inspect them both before really doing anything major.’
And so I decided to give the other device a look.
‘This one is also protected quite a bit. But not as much as the other one.’
‘I feel as if even I could find out what it is.’
‘While it would be a little hard, I think I could do it too.’
‘Oh? Then why don’t you give it a try, Luchila?’
‘Do you mean it?’
Luchila’s eyes shone. Like many Sorcerers, she had curiosity and the will to improve.
And that was an important personality trait if you wanted to grow as a Sorcerer.
‘Yeah, I’m leaving it to you. But I’ll help if you need it.’
Kathe said as she wagged her tail happily.
‘Thank you.’
Luchila bowed before she moved to analyze the magic tool that was on the ground.
‘...It’s difficult. ...But, huh? If you do this... Yes.’
Luchila muttered as she studied it with great concentration.
It was very difficult to analyze.
If I were to compare it to something, it would be like making numerous calculations.
It was quite different than the one inside of the corpse.
Luchila was doing it faster than I had expected.
Not only was she doing it quickly, but she seemed to have found an efficient way of doing it.
As I watched on with surprise, she continued to work.
‘Oh, and then...’
Luchila was just about to say something when the magic tool exploded. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
クウェートにおける政治のルールは、この小さな地域が、自己充足の政治的組織体として現れてから、300年以上もの間、うまくいっていた。王家は国を統治する権限を持つが、それは、部族リーダーや商人グループなど、他のセクターとの協議を経た上でのものである。 | The rules of political life in Kuwait have been worked out over 300 years – since this small area emerged as a self-contained polity. The royal family is empowered to administer the country, but through consultation with different sectors, like tribal leaders or merchant groups. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「どっちが偉いかっていう以前に......ミュリエルはアイリスがいないと実体化することもできないのよね? 勝負にならないんじゃないの?」
「た、大変です! 息をしていません! しかも少しずつ透明になっていきます!」
「そんな恐れずともよいぞ! 妾はそう簡単に死なないのじゃ。今のはちょっと、現実と向き合うのが怖かっただけじゃ」
「いや、待つのじゃ。確かに妾はアイリスの魔力がなければ実体化もできぬが......勝負は別じゃ! 村への貢献度で勝負じゃ!」
「私ですか? そうですね......まずアイリス様は凄いです。荒野だったこの土地に緑を取り戻し、地下水脈を復活させて湖まで作ってくれました! おかげで一年目から美味しいジャガイモが沢山取れちゃいましたよ! それに何より、アイリス様は可愛らしいです!」
「え、ミュリエル様ですか......? えっと、その......」
「何かあるじゃろ! かつてはもの凄く頑張っていたんじゃぞ!」
「えっと、待ってください。今いいところを探しますから......あ、ほら! とっても美少女です! その点に関しては、アイリス様と勝負できます!」
「そうか! 確かに妾は美少女じゃな! 他には!?」
「え? そんな難しいこと、私に聞かないでよ」
「では魔族であるイクリプスはどうじゃ......? 妾のことをちょっとでいいから褒めてくれ......」
「え? あなたの勝ちでいいってば」
「おお、やったのじゃぁ! 妾の勝ちじゃ! これで妾は自他共に認める、この土地一番の守護神なのじゃー!」
いや、もしかしたら彼女も知らないのかも。 | 「Haha, so you’ve materialized relying on Iris’s magical power. And you are arguing over who is a greater Guardian Deity」
「Indeed. I’m glad you are this perceptive」
Muriel nodded in satisfaction.
Then Marion put her hand on her chin as she flexed her brains a little.
Soon enough she opened her mouth to bring everyone’s attention to a fundamental point.
「Before deciding who is greater........isn’t Muriel incapable of materializing without Iris present? Doesn’t this make the whole argument pointless?」
Something white came out of Muriel’s mouth.
In the next moment, she powerlessly collapsed on Punigami.
「I-It’s bad! She doesn’t breathe! Furthermore, she gradually turns transparent!」
Sheryl raised a flustered scream.
「W-Will returning that thing do!?」
Iris grabbed the white stuff and forcefully stuffed Muriel’s mouth with it.
Her breathing came back as she immediately revived.
Apparently, that white blob was Iris’s magical power she shared let out a while ago.
「I’ve witnessed a flower garden there for a moment.....」
「 this my fault.....?」
Marion cautiously asked.
「It’s not really your fault...Muriel just seems to be physically and mentally weak, please be careful in the future」
「What kind of animal is she.......」
「Discard your fears! This Mistress won’t die so easily. Just now was a feeble attempt to face reality, nothing more!」
「No, face it properly. Is this how the Guardian Deity should conduct herself?」
「I-It’s bad!」
This time it was Marion who shoved that white thing down her throat.
「I’ve seen the garden once again」
「Please postpone your departure to the flowery obstructs the flow of the conversation」
「I apologize. I’ll try to hold back next time」
Muriel nodded full of self-confidence.
Radiating so much confidence after everything that happened requires some serious mental fortitude.
The true Guardian Deity is indeed impressive, Iris thought to herself.
「Well then, Muriel. Is it okay to count myself as a winner?」
「No, wait. This Mistress might be incapable of materializing without your magical power.....but a match is different! Let’s compare our contributions to the village!」
「Even if you say does one measure contribution?」
「Let’s ask the villagers who they see as a better Guardian Deity」
「Haa.....then let’s try asking the Lord, Sheryl, first」
「Me? Let’s see......first thing first Iris-sama is amazing. She turned this wilderness green, revived the underground river and even made a lake! Thanks to that we had a great harvest of potatoes this year! Above all else, she is cuter than anything!」
Said Sheryl with pride as if she did everything herself.
Iris, who listened by the side, slightly blushed.
「What about this Mistress?」
「Eh, about Muriel-sama......? Well, you know.....」
「There should be something! I’ve worked incredibly hard, you know!? 」
「My apologies......My Silverlight family gave up on this land almost two hundred years ago.......there are almost to record left about those times, I know absolutely nothing about Muriel-sama」
「Horrible....... then what about current Mistress?」
「The current Muriel-sama....emm, weak at arm-wrestling, faints at every little thing, and has overflowing self-confidence despite the previous points..............」
Muriel furiously swung her hands.
「Emm, wait for a bit. I’ll try to come up with something positive........ah, yes! You are stunningly beautiful! From this perspective, you can absolutely compete with Iris-sama!」
「I see! This Mistress is indeed a beauty! What else!?」
「More.......emm, my powers are inadequate to come up with something else.......」
Powerlessly muttered Sheryl.
「Impossible......then let’s hear This Mistress’ good points from a perspective of a dragon. Different species would definitely discover something」
「Eh? Don’t ask me such difficult questions please」
Hearing Marion’s merciless reply, she was about to spat out the white blob again.
「Fuu........barely avoided a lethal strike」
「Maybe you should give up already?」said Punigami, who became Muriel’s chair since a while ago.
Unfortunately, only Iris could understand his words. so Muriel remained ignorant.
「Then how about a demon, Eclipse.......? Praise This Mistress ever so slightly please.......」
The original goal of comparing merits vanished into thin air replaced with a desire to ease her own mental wounds.
「Let’s see. I won’t get bored watching Muriel. It’s fun. Stay here forever」
As expected of Eclipse.
She praised Muriel with a smile.
She transmitted her true feelings without resorting to flattery.
Although unrelated, Iris had a hard time forgetting that smile of hers.
「Ooh......Eclipse is a good other words it’s This Mistress’ victory?」
「Emm.....I think Big Sister Iris would make a better Guardian Deity though.....?」
Knowing there was no trace of insincerity, Muriel received an overwhelming amount of damage.
The white blob accelerated to unseen before speed as it pierced through stained glass and flew into the sky.
Iris grew black wings, soared into the sky, grabbed the thing mid-flight, returned to the church, and stuffed it back in Muriel’s mouth.
「The most gigantic flower garden I’ve ever seen.......」
「It would be better not to push yourself. Let’s say you’ve won, so give me Punigami back」
Feeling tired, Iris decided to hand the victory to Muriel.
Of course, she didn’t plan to give up on Punigami, on this point alone Iris will not yield.
「This Mistress understands. Have Punigami back」
Muriel said in a contented voice as she got down from Punigami.
Punigami came to Iris’ side.
Since that’s the case, might as well sit.
「Having Iris on top calms me down after all」Punigami pleasantly said.
Iris patted his surface in gratitude.
「Well then. Since this matter is settled, let’s have another match!」
「Eh? It’s okay if you win, though」
「No, This Mistress won’t be convinced by a given victory. This is the last one, This Mistress promises」
「I see......well, if it’s the last one then it’s okay」
「Alright. Let’s do it together......rock paper scissors!」
Muriel brought out scissors.
Iris saw through her body movements and made paper to lose on purpose.
「Oh, I did it! This Mistress has won! With this, This Mistress became the undisputed number one Guardian Deity of this land, with everyone present as a witness!」
「Wai, congratulations」
Eclipse was the only one to congratulate rejoicing Muriel.
The rest only silently clapped.
Can you really proclaim yourself number one Guardian Deity by winning a game of rock paper scissors?
Is there any meaning in becoming one anyway?
Only Muriel knows the answers.
No, perhaps she doesn’t too. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 8,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「追い立て射撃、終了! 荷馬車と荷車の破壊と焼却に移行せよ!」
「状況終了! 策源地へ帰投する。迫撃砲陣地脇へ着陸せよ!」
「ん? 何?」
私のお風呂? 私は迫撃砲からは少し離れていたから、別に火薬の燃焼ガスを浴びたりしていないし、出発前にシャワーを浴びてから、そんなに時間は経っていない。
「じゃ、みんな準備はいい? 帰還するよ!」
「転移!」 | Let’s call it a day, shall we?
[Mortars, cease fire!] Mitsuha
Then, I clicked the radio’s transmission switch...
[Stop the chase! Move to destruction and burning of wagons and carts!] Mitsuha
Okay, we’re moving to clean-up operations now.
Furthermore, if we shoot it at a low enough altitude, it may burn with tracer ammunition. We also have a load of handy and cheap Molotov cocktails that could burn up a lot of the enemy supplies.
Of course, there would be a lot of supplies that will be left, but with the wagons and carts are burning and being destroyed, even losing the horses on top of that, there’s no way they could carry them all.
An army that lost many of its commanders and senior officers, lost its equipment and supplies and fell into a state of confusion with its chain of command in shambles, even got defeated in the dark.
At dawn, they may assemble and regroup to some extent.
However, some of the peasant soldiers who were called up would disperse as they fled, and some would break away and head for their own villages.
Furthermore, the commanders and senior officers would never show up.
The soldiers will become famished, having lost their supplies.
Some will try to return here and collect the supplies, but many of the supplies were burned, moreover, the wagons and carts were useless, they can’t carry the remaining supplies by themselves.
......Yeah, the odds of resuming the invasion after regrouping are pretty low.
Well, of course, we’ll keep scouting them, and if the invasion continues, we’ll just do it all over again.
I clicked on the radio...
[Break engagement! Fall back! Land beside the mortar positions!] Mitsuha
All that was left was for everyone to return together to Wolf Fang’s home base.
Well, I have to go to Princess Gegege’s place afterwards......
Princess Gegege, you’re probably expecting a spectacular triumphant return of the helicopters, but it’s dangerous if the people get too close to those things, and it’s troublesome if the crew wants to celebrate the victory with the locals.
I don’t want to translate their conversations the whole time, I don’t want the crew to talk about anything crazy, and I most certainly don’t want to...... guard the helicopter or the weapons.
It’s not like I can just transfer the helicopter first either.
Anyway, the lesser the hassle, the better.
Oh right, let’s get rid of the remaining mines as well.......
Actually, I’d like to have all the Wolf Fang members who laid them do it, but it’s too dangerous to do it in the middle of the night, and also we don’t have time for it. So this time, I’ll just give them a verbal reminder that they can’t use the mines unless I give them permission.
Well, everyone in Wolf Fang knows that much already.
The helicopters have landed.
They didn’t turn off the engine, so I’ll be a little farther away from the noise and the wind pressure of the rotors.
I have to check for any anomalies before we transfer back to Earth. I have to stick to the basics.
So, the captains of both aircraft came down as we had discussed in advance.
[What’s the status?] Mitsuha
[Unit , all personnel and equipment intact!]
I followed the procedure and made it look cool. All that’s left was to get a <Copy> from them.......
, I have a little request... ] Unit Captain
[Hmm? What is it? ] Mitsuha
Even though there was an overwhelming difference in power, it did not mean that there was no danger at all. When they lowered their altitude to destroy the wagons, a surprise attack with bows or spears could have killed them, and if they were not careful, the helicopter might have crashed.
So, for taking on the life-threatening work...... or rather, for <paying the participation fee>, they can ask me for a few things. And originally, I was going to do something to make it up to them anyways.
[Since we’ve come to another world, I’d like to take some dirt and grass home with us...... Also, I’d like to take some photos.......] Unit Captain
[Well, I don’t mind. Oh, but to prevent any epidemics, I’ll cut off bugs and bacteria from the transfer.] Mitsuha
[Of course, naturally. Then please give us a minute. ] Unit 1 Captain
The captain of the first unit waved his hand to signal, several crew members of both units came down . And in their hands were a bucket and an iron plant seedling transplant tool....... Apparently, they already had a meeting beforehand.
I’m sure all of them won’t get off and leave the helicopter unmanned with the rotors still spinning. The co-pilot is still there, isn’t he? He should be! Because the captain got off......
[Can I show the others what I took?] Unit 1 Crew 1
[Ah, as long as you didn’t include above our neck. Also, you can’t show it on TV or upload it to the internet. It’s only proof when you brag to your peers or mercenaries or sell soil or grass. Then I’ll allow it.
In other words, it’s okay to show it to the people who originally knew about this world, but it’s not okay to spread it to the people who don’t.] Mitsuha
Yeah, they would be in the red this time for ammunition and such. Even though they wanted to participate in the battle in the other world, it would be difficult to manage such a large deficit in the budget of the mercenary group.
Originally, I was going to pay a commission to hire them. Pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions if I’m not careful.
So I don’t mind that much.
The soil is normal soil, not containing any rare metals, and the grass is normal grass, not a plant that I have identified in a plant encyclopedia as not being from Earth. It’s not something that I would use in my dealings with other countries. So I’m perfectly fine with that. If they asked me for an animal or a dead enemy soldier, I’ll think twice.
After a while, the helicopter crew finished collecting soil and grass.
The collection was being filmed by a crew member. I guess they were trying to prove that what they were collecting was real. I had given permission for the filming earlier, so there was no problem.
Really, I don’t think it’s worth the trouble, since those were just regular soil and weeds, and at most, flowers and grass.
It’s like during the Koshien tournament, where the participating teams take home a piece of soil as a souvenir.
Sure, it would make a nice souvenir, the soil, and grass of another world. Best of all, it doesn’t cost any money.
Now then, let’s head back.
The transition back home doesn’t mean that the entire crew has to be on the helicopter.
And although they don’t shut down the engines here, they’ll have to shut them off when we get back to Wolf Fang’s home base, and after everyone takes a bath, we’ll have an after-action debriefing, followed by a social gathering.
I’ll show up at Princess Remia’s place while everyone else is taking a bath, and I’ll be back in time for the post-event debriefing.
My bath? I was some distance away from the mortars, so I wasn’t exposed to the burning fumes of gunpowder, furthermore, it hadn’t been that long since I took a shower before we left.
......It’s fine, it’s not a big deal!
Girls don’t get stinky!
Besides, I’ve recently learned a new trick.
When I teleport, I’ll <Leave the sweat and waste behind!> That’s what I’m saying.
Of course, I won’t make the poop leave my body when using teleport.
......Except when I’m severely constipated.
Of course, when I do, I’ll transition it properly to the toilet bowl......
The mines were disposed of with transition before the helicopters landed.
All that was left was to transfer the helicopters, personnel, mortars, remaining ammunition, and various equipment to Wolf Fang’s base.
[Okay, is everybody ready? We’re heading back!] Mitsuha
OK, let’s go!
[Transfer! ] Mitsuha | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 14,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
しかしながら、各世代の50%かそれ以上の人が、大学の学位を取ろうと骨を折るような教育システムが、21世紀の差し迫った必要性に最適であるとは、到底確かではない。実際に、多くの職が「ハイテク」ではなく、英国のアデール・ターナーの言葉を借りれば、「ハイタッチ」-大学教育を必要としない、サービス部門の職、なのである。さらに多くの職は、この二要素の間を取っている。したがって、各二人のうち一人に学位を取らせるようなシステムより、多様な教育機関の柔軟なシステムの方が、望ましいと言えるかもしれないのである。 | Yet it is by no means certain that education systems in which 50% or more of each generation strive to attain a university degree are best suited to cope with the exigencies of the twenty-first century. Many jobs are, in fact, not “high tech,” but, in the words of Britain’s Adair Turner, “high touch” – service-sector jobs that do not require a university education. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
デジタル革命は起こりましたが そこにとどまる必要はありません
その先に目を向けて その後に何が来るのか考てみたいのです
これらは MITで私が今取り組んでいるプロジェクトで コンピュータの次に 何が来るかを探るものです
一つ目は この「インターネット・ゼロ」という ウェブ・サーバーです RFID タグ同様の価格と複雑さで 約1ドルで あらゆる電球やドアノブに入れられるもので 非常に速く商品化が進んでいます
興味深いのはコストではなく 通信の仕方です 興味深いのはコストではなく 通信の仕方です
インターネット用のモールス信号に似たもので 光や音で通信したり 送電線や ラジオ波長で通信できるのです コンピュータを相互に繋げる
インターネット本来の考えのように デバイスを相互に繋げるわけです
インターネット誕生に至った考えを 「インターネット・ゼロ」では物質的な世界である デバイス同士の接続に取り入れています
これは全く新しい世界への 次のステップであり 商品化も進んでいます
その先にあるのが 「代替可能なコンピューター」のプロジェクトです
代替可能な商品は 分割して供与や取引ができます
半量の穀物は 半分の価値がありますが 赤ちゃんやコンピューターは半分にしてしまうと 全体のようには機能しません そこで「代替可能なコンピューター」の作成を試みています
後ろに見えるのが プロトタイプです
現在インテルのビル・ビュトウは博士論文で チップをどんどん大きくする代わりに小さくして 粘性媒質に入れ コンピューターを重量や面積の単位で 注ぎ出せないかと考えました
左は従来のコンピュータで生成されたポストスクリプトで 右が我々の最初のプロトタイプから生成されたものです フレームバッファや 入出力プロセッサといったものは 一切ない 単なる物質的な素材です
画面上に並べられたドットと違い 原料ですから 画面上に並べられたドットと違い 原料ですから
量を2倍にすれば 広さ2倍のディスプレイになります
真ん中を撃ち抜いても 問題はありません
コンピュータのリソースが もっと必用なら 注ぎ足せばいいだけです
これが次に来る 「原料としてのコンピューター」のステップです
ここまでは まだ従来のビットです その先は_ これは初期のプロトタイプの映像を スロー再生していますが
ビットを泡として 計算に化学を組み込む というものです
これはビットを作る様子です スロー再生で ビット同士作用しあって ロジック、マルチプレクス、 デマルチプレックス している様子です
つまり「情報処理」と同様に「素材処理」ができるのです そして 最終的にはコンピューティングは この研究初期のスライドにある様に ビットが 量子力学的に 原子核に保存される 演算処理になり プログラムが分子構造を変えるようになるのです
このような研究はどんどん進化して 研究室の名前通り ビットと原子を統合し 次の考えを導きます
シャノンは40年代に この変化をもたらしました 距離に比例して音質が落ちる スビーカー線の様な電話から インターネットにです 最初の限界定理で 信号に情報を加えてそれを除去すると 不完全な装置からでも 完全な結果が得られる事を証明しました
フォン・ノイマンは50年代に コンピューティングのために同じことをしました 信頼性のないコンピューターでも 完璧な状態に復元できることを示しました これは MITの最後の大きなアナログコンピュータでした この微分解析機は 動かせば動かすほど 答えの精度は悪くなりました
フォン・ノイマンの後 今はPentiumがあります Pentium上の10億もあるトランジスターは どれも信頼できます
しかし 現代の製造は全て左下端にあります
最新技術の飛行機工場では 固定金属で 金属ワックスを回転させたり 多少のプラスチックを溶かすぐらいです 100億ドルのチップ製造工場では 村の職人でも知っている手法が 使われています 材料を広げて焼くだけです
頭脳はシステムの外にあり 素材は情報を持っていません
昨日 分子生物学についての話がありました これは基本的に演算して構築する
デジタル革命は通信と演算の分野で起こりましたが シャノンとフォン・ノイマンのアイデアや数学は 物質界にまだ起きていません MITの Center for Bits and Atoms は そこに目を向けました 同僚は 私のような人ばかりで 自然科学とコンピューターサイエンスの 境界を無視します 実は コンピューターサイエンスほど
コンピュータにとっても科学にとっても 良くないものはありません コンピューターサイエンスの原理は 良いものも多いのですが 1950年の技術をベースに 未熟に コンピュテーションのモデルを固めてしまいました そんなモデルに比べ 自然というのは ずっとパワフルなコンピューターです
明日 サウル・グリフィスのトークがありますが 彼は このプログラムの第一期生でした
我々は 演算による ものづくりの方法を考え始めました
彼はタイルを使ってこの可能性を証明しました コードを書いた箇所が磁気的に相互作用し タンパク質を折りたたむように 構造が決まります
計測技術で評価することなく 素材そのものが構造を決めるのは たんぱく質の製造と同様です 他にもいろいろ出来ます
右上の映像は 時間の都合でお見せできませんが 何かを作る道具を作る...というのを テンプレート化して 自己複製しています 現在おそらく10億倍以上やっていますが こうしたアイデアは DNAが生物を作る過程を より正確に見せるために使われてきました 組み立てコードのペプチドテイルのついたナノクラスターを 機能させる様子は まるで先程の磁石のようです 違いはナノスケールだということです
レーザー精密加工機、機能的システムを デジタルにつくる3Dプリンターの様なものから 部品に建物の構造をコードを組み込み 設計図なしで 建物を建てることまでやっています 設計図なしで 建物を建てることまでやっています
これはラボの初期の事例で ファブリケーションをデジタル化する未来技術です ツールを制御するコンピューターではなく 道具自身であるコンピューターが プログラムの出力として ビット同様に原子を動かすわけです
このために 皆さんの税金で_ありがとうございます_ これらの機械を買いました NSFにお願いしたのは どんなスケールでも 何でも作れるような場所です なぜなら デジタル・ファブリケーションは 専門領域やスケールで 分けることができないからです
我々は ナノビーム・ライター、ウォータジェット・カッターと エキシマー精密加工機からなる システムを作りました
これらの機械の使い方を 学生に教えるのに 時間がかかり 問題だったので 授業を始める事にしました
派手にするつもりはなく 「ほぼあらゆる物を作る方法」という控えめな名前で 数人の研究生の為のものでした
しかし授業の初日に 何百人もの
学生に頼み込まれました 「こんな授業を待っていました 受講するためには何でもします」
「MITで教えてくれませんか? とても役に立ちそうです」と
「MITで教えてくれませんか? とても役に立ちそうです」と 驚くべきことは 彼らの 受講目的は研究でなく もの作りだった ということです
受講目的は研究でなく もの作りだった ということです
彼らには 実技的な経験はありませんでしたが 学期の終わりには
古いビデオをひとつお見せします ケリーは彫刻家で これは彼女が 授業の課題で制作したものです
ケリー:私はケリーです これは私の「スクリーム・ボディ」です
みなさんは こんな経験がありませんか? 心の底から叫びたいけど 仕事中だったり 授業中だったり 子供の面倒を見ていたり 叫ぶことができない 色々な状況に遭遇したことはありませんか?
スクリーム・ボディは 叫ぶための持ち運び可能なスペースです
ユーザーがスクリーム・ボディの中に叫ぶと その叫び声は消されます
声は録音されるので ユーザーは後で場所、時間、方法を選んで 自由に発散させることができます
自由に発散させることができます アインシュタインも気に入ったことでしょう
この学生はオウム用ブラウザを作り ネット閲覧やオウム同士の会話ができるようにしました この学生はオウム用ブラウザを作り ネット閲覧やオウム同士の会話ができるようにしました
この学生は目覚まし時計をつくりました 止めるには戦わなければなりません これはパーソナル空間を守るドレス
コミュニケーションのためではなく それを避けるためのテクノロジーです
これは「機械を作る機械」 コンピューティングをするレゴブロックで作られています
年が経つにつれ わかったことは パーソナル・ファブリケーションの魅力は 1人の市場のための製品だということです
ウォルマートで買える物を作る為でなく 自己表現の手段なのです ウォルマートで買える物を作る為でなく 自己表現の手段なのです
「個人が自宅にコンピュータを持つ理由はない」は ケン・オルセンの有名な迷言ですが
在庫管理や給料支払いが用途ではありません DECは2回も破産していますね 店で買える物を家庭で 自分で作る必要はありません
パーソナライズするように ユニークなものにするための手段です
今日の2千万ドルでこれが出来ます 20年後なら何でも作れる スタートレックのリブリケーターをつくります
購入した機械は全て生徒たちの パーソナル・ファブリケーション用に乗っ取られました
税金をこの様に沢山使う場合 社会奉仕として地元の学校やウェブサイトで
プログラムを紹介する様 政府から要請されます ただ話をするだけではつまらないので NSFと交渉し 人々に道具を与えることにしました
大したものでないはずでしたが いくつかのファブラボを整えました 2万ドルの機材で 2千万ドルのものと似たような 機能性や方向性を持つものです
2Dから3Dへプレスフィット組立を するためのレーザーカッター 電気回路用に銅板を加工するサインカッター 1μmスケールで正確な構造をつくるための 数値制御によるミリングマシン 1μmスケールで正確な構造をつくるための 数値制御によるミリングマシン 1ドル未満のプログラミングツール 100ナノ秒のマイクロコントローラー ミクロンやナノ秒で 物が作れるラボは あっという間に世界中へ広がりました
当初のボストン市内の低所得地区から インドのポバル、 ガーナの海岸沿いの セコンディ・タコラディ 南アフリカの黒人居住区のソーシャングーベ そしてノルウェーのずっと北の方まで デジタル・ディバイドを顕にしながら広がっていきました どの場所でも 使われていないコンピューターを見かけます
地方の農村では 子供たちは画面で情報を得るだけでなく 世界を判断して変えていかなくてはいけません
生産技術と所有機器の格差は デジタル・ディバイドよりずっと大きいものです
その溝を埋めるのはITの普及でなく IT開発の普及です
いろいろな所で 同じようなことが起きました 予定外の様々な地域に ファブラボを立ち上げていきました 本当に思いもよらなかったのですが
そのような所に引き込まれラボをオープンしたのです 始めの仕事は エンパワーメントです
この少女はボストン低所得地区の コミュニティセンターで ハイテクな注文制作のクラフトセールをしました
そこから 学校外での非公式な 本格的な実践的技術教育へと続いていきます ガーナでもラボを立ち上げました ネットワークセンサーを作っていたのですが
来る子供たちが なかなか帰ってくれません 来る子供たちが なかなか帰ってくれません
夜遅くまでいると言って聞かない女の子がいました 子供:ファブラボが大好きです
彼女はセンサーをつくろうと 初めて夜までラボに残っていました
彼女は基板をつくると言って譲らず 組立てやプログラムの仕方を学びました 彼女は過程や目的を完全には 理解していなかったけれど 緊張と興奮で 途中でやめられない状態でした
これは夜中の11時でした そして 彼女が造ったものが初めて動いたとき 驚いたのは私だけだったと思います
大企業のエンジニアにみせると 皆 脱帽です 過程の一つ一つなら上手くできますが 全体となると 分散分業に慣れていて ガーナの田舎のこの少女の様に 全体となると 分散分業に慣れていて ガーナの田舎のこの少女の様に
ちょっと作って見ようと思っても 難しいのです 女の子:私の名前はバレンティナ・コフィ、8才です
これも ただ楽しいからやっただけのことでした
そして次第に 本格的な問題に取り組み始めました インドでは農業のための計測器 ガーナではエネルギー転換蒸気タービン シンクライアントコンピュータ用のハイゲインアンテナ そしてこうしたものを
製造するビジネスも生まれました 製造するビジネスも生まれました
遂に ラボは発明を始めたのです
彼らは段ボール箱の組み立てキットを発明し ご覧の通り それはビジネスになっています 彼らのデザインは MITのサウルのデザインよりよかったので 現在MITで3人の学生が 8歳の子供たちの仕事を評価する 論文を書いています 子供の方が良いデザインをしたのです 論文を書いています 子供の方が良いデザインをしたのです
ファブラボで 本当の発明が生まれています
ここ一年 現在のラボに興味のある 政府や軍、部族の長に会って話す度に まだ先がある事、20年もすれば
最近になって ようやく何が起こっているかがわかりました これは PDPで UNIX を開発中の カーニハンとリッチーです
中間のPDPは 当時 高価で使用も難しいものでしたが コンピューターを職場に普及させました 今やっている事は 皆そこで生まれたのです
現在のファブラボは PDPのように高価で複雑なものです
デジタルファブリケーションを見ても 将来の予測は出来ません PDPの時代と同じです
非常に混沌として 何が起こっているのか不明瞭でした
同様に 現在はデジタルファブリケーションにおける ミニコンピュータの時代なのです
その唯一の問題は それは皆の境界を壊すということです
ワシントンでは 話を聴いてくれる あらゆる機関へ行って話し ベイエリアでは 思いつく所へどこでも行きます 皆 話はしたいのですが ラボは 組織の規範に合わないのです テクノロジーを消費させるのではなく 何かを作れる様に道具を与えることは 規則違反になってしまうのです
何かを作れる様に道具を与えることは 規則違反になってしまうのです この問題は非常に重大であるがゆえに このコミュニティの 発明には驚かされました これは「社会工学」です これはノルウェーの極北にあるラボで 緯度が高すぎ 衛星アンテナが空でなく 衛星のある方向 つまり地面に向いています 山の家畜を探すために小さな納屋に作ったラボは 手狭になったので
山の家畜を探すために小さな納屋に作ったラボは 手狭になったので ラボのためにこの素晴らしい村を作りました
これは大学でも会社でもありません それはまさに発明のための村であり 変わった人たちの集落です こうした集落は世界中の ファブラボの周辺で成長していました こうした集落は世界中の ファブラボの周辺で成長していました
このプログラムは 現在分割して運営されています NGOのファブ・ファウンデーションは普及ををサポートし 小口金融とVCミックスの マイクロVCファンドはファンアウトを助けます
小口金融とVCミックスの マイクロVCファンドはファンアウトを助けます 「機械をつくる機械には ビジネスを産むビジネスが必要だ」と 運営者は上手いことを言っています そして 本拠 MITは研究協力のパートナーです 2つの考えをお話して終わりにします
近年 援助の仕方が大きく変わってきました トップダウンの大規模プロジェクトより 草の根のマイクロファイナンスで ボトムアップに支援する方が 効果的だと解ってきたからです しかしテクノロジーに関しては
いまだに トップダウンの形で考えられています
コンピューティング、通信、 地球全体のエネルギーなどが この種の トップダウンの大規模プロジェクトです
この部屋一杯のヒーローが賢ければ 問題を解決できるかもしれません
ファブラボの進展から解る事は 地球上の残りの50億人は 単なる技術の浪費者ではなく 源だということです
本当のチャンスは 地域の問題解決に世界の発明力を活用し 現地でデザイン、製造して解決策を産み出すことにあります
これは20年先になると予想していたのですが 既に現在起こっています
それは あらゆる組織の境界線を壊します
最も難しいのは社会工学と組織工学の壁ですが 「地域での問題解決」は着実に進んでいます
最後に コンピューティングの未来を語る上では ムーアの法則について触れない訳にはいきません これは私の好きな ゴードン・ムーアの原文の論文のバージョンですが 起こったことは 年々どんどん伸びていったということです そして その先には ムーアの法則の最後に 予測されている究極のバグが迫っています しかし 2次元から3次元へ移行し ビットからアトムのプログラミングに移行することで
ムーアの法則の縮小限界が究極のバグではなく 特質となり得ると評価し始められました 特質となり得ると評価し始められました
我々はちょうどファブリケーションにおける デジタル革命の先端におり 演算のアウトプットが物質的な世界をプログラムします
同時に この二つのプロジェクトからわかることがあります MITの授業の例が示すように 先進国において パーソナル・ファブリケーションが普及する要因は 一人のためのものづくりを可能にする技術です 技術による自己表現は これまでテクノロジーの世界では見たこともないくらい 人々を夢中にさせます
そして 世界の他の場所では 機器や生産技術の格差が普及の要因になります 地域の問題を現地で解決可能にするという魅力です ありがとうございました | We've had a digital revolution but we don't need to keep having it.
And I'd like to look after that, to look what comes after the digital revolution.
So, let me start projecting forward.
These are some projects I'm involved in today at MIT, looking what comes after computers.
This first one, Internet Zero, up here -- this is a web server that has the cost and complexity of an RFID tag -- about a dollar -- that can go in every light bulb and doorknob, and this is getting commercialized very quickly.
And what's interesting about it isn't the cost; it's the way it encodes the Internet.
It uses a kind of a Morse code for the Internet so you could send it optically; you can communicate acoustically through a power line, through RF.
It takes the original principle of the Internet, and now lets devices inter-network.
That we can take the whole idea that gave birth to the Internet and bring it down to the physical world in this Internet Zero, this internet of devices.
So this is the next step from there to here, and this is getting commercialized today.
A step after that is a project on fungible computers.
Fungible goods in economics can be extended and traded.
So, half as much grain is half as much useful, but half a baby or half a computer is less useful than a whole baby or a whole computer, and we've been trying to make computers that work that way.
So, what you see in the background is a prototype.
This was from a thesis of a student, Bill Butow, now at Intel, who wondered why, instead of making bigger and bigger chips, you don't make small chips, put them in a viscous medium, and pour out computing by the pound or by the square inch.
And that's what you see here.
On the left was postscript being rendered by a conventional computer; on the right is postscript being rendered from the first prototype we made, but there's no frame buffer, IO processor, any of that stuff -- it's just this material.
Unlike this screen where the dots are placed carefully, this is a raw material.
If you add twice as much of it, you have twice as much display.
If you shoot a gun through the middle, nothing happens.
If you need more resource, you just apply more computer.
So, that's the step after this -- of computing as a raw material.
That's still conventional bits, the step after that is -- this is an earlier prototype in the lab; this is high-speed video slowed down.
Now, integrating chemistry in computation, where the bits are bubbles.
This is showing making bits, this is showing -- once again, slowed down so you can see it, bits interacting to do logic and multiplexing and de-multiplexing.
So, now we can compute that the output arranges material as well as information. And, ultimately, these are some slides from an early project I did, computing where the bits are stored quantum-mechanically in the nuclei of atoms, so programs rearrange the nuclear structure of molecules.
All of these are in the lab pushing further and further and further, not as metaphor but literally integrating bits and atoms, and they lead to the following recognition.
We all know we've had a digital revolution, but what is that?
Well, Shannon took us, in the '40s, from here to here: from a telephone being a speaker wire that degraded with distance to the Internet. And he proved the first threshold theorem, that shows if you add information and remove it to a signal, you can compute perfectly with an imperfect device.
And that's when we got the Internet.
Von Neumann, in the '50s, did the same thing for computing; he showed you can have an unreliable computer but restore its state to make it perfect. This was the last great analog computer at MIT: a differential analyzer, and the more you ran it, the worse the answer got.
After Von Neumann, we have the Pentium, where the billionth transistor is as reliable as the first one.
But all our fabrication is down in this lower left corner.
A state-of-the-art airplane factory rotating metal wax at fixed metal, or you maybe melt some plastic. A 10-billion-dollar chip fab uses a process a village artisan would recognize -- you spread stuff around and bake it.
All the intelligence is external to the system; the materials don't have information.
Yesterday you heard about molecular biology, which fundamentally computes to build.
It's an information processing system.
We've had digital revolutions in communication and computation, but precisely the same idea, precisely the same math Shannon and Von Neuman did, hasn't yet come out to the physical world. So, inspired by that, colleagues in this program -- the Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT -- which is a group of people, like me, who never understood the boundary between physical science and computer science. I would even go further and say
computer science is one of the worst things that ever happened to either computers or to science -- -- because the canon -- computer science -- many of them are great but the canon of computer science prematurely froze a model of computation based on technology that was available in 1950, and nature's a much more powerful computer than that.
So, you'll hear, tomorrow, from Saul Griffith. He was one of the first students to emerge from this program.
We started to figure out how you can compute to fabricate.
This was just a proof of principle he did of tiles that interact magnetically, where you write a code, much like protein folding, that specifies their structure.
So, there's no feedback to a tool metrology; the material itself codes for its structure in just the same ways that protein are fabricated. So, you can, for example, do that.
You can do other things. That's in 2D. It works in 3D.
The video on the upper right -- I won't show for time -- shows self-replication, templating so something can make something that can make something, and we're doing that now over, maybe, nine orders of magnitude. Those ideas have been used to show the best fidelity and direct rate DNA to make an organism, that code for their assembly -- so, much like the magnets, but now on nanometer scales.
Laser micro-machining: essentially 3D printers that digitally fabricate functional systems, all the way up to building buildings, not by having blueprints, but having the parts code for the structure of the building.
So, these are early examples in the lab of emerging technologies to digitize fabrication. Computers that don't control tools but computers that are tools, where the output of a program rearranges atoms as well as bits.
Now, to do that -- with your tax dollars, thank you -- I bought all these machines. We made a modest proposal to the NSF. We wanted to be able to make anything on any length scale, all in one place, because you can't segregate digital fabrication by a discipline or a length scale.
So we put together focused nano beam writers and supersonic water jet cutters and excimer micro-machining systems.
But I had a problem. Once I had all these machines, I was spending too much time teaching students to use them.
So I started teaching a class, modestly called, "How To Make Almost Anything." And that wasn't meant to be provocative; it was just for a few research students.
But the first day of class looked like this.
You know, hundreds of people came in begging, all my life I've been waiting for this class; I'll do anything to do it.
Then they'd ask, can you teach it at MIT? It seems too useful?
And then the next -- -- surprising thing was they weren't there to do research.
They were there because they wanted to make stuff.
They had no conventional technical background.
At the end of a semester they integrated their skills.
I'll show an old video. Kelly was a sculptor, and this is what she did with her semester project.
: Kelly: Hi, I'm Kelly and this is my scream buddy.
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you really have to scream, but you can't because you're at work, or you're in a classroom, or you're watching your children, or you're in any number of situations where it's just not permitted?
Well, scream buddy is a portable space for screaming.
When a user screams into scream buddy, their scream is silenced.
It is also recorded for later release where, when and how the user chooses.
So, Einstein would like this.
This student made a web browser for parrots -- lets parrots surf the Net and talk to other parrots.
This student's made an alarm clock you wrestle to prove you're awake; this is one that defends -- a dress that defends your personal space.
This isn't technology for communication; it's technology to prevent it.
This is a device that lets you see your music.
This is a student who made a machine that makes machines, and he made it by making Lego bricks that do the computing.
Just year after year -- and I finally realized the students were showing the killer app of personal fabrication is products for a market of one person.
You don't need this for what you can get in Wal-Mart; you need this for what makes you unique.
Ken Olsen famously said, nobody needs a computer in the home.
But you don't use it for inventory and payroll; DEC is now twice bankrupt. You don't need personal fabrication in the home to buy what you can buy because you can buy it.
You need it for what makes you unique, just like personalization.
So, with that, in turn, 20 million dollars today does this; 20 years from now we'll make Star Trek replicators that make anything.
The students hijacked all the machines I bought to do personal fabrication.
Today, when you spend that much of your money, classes at a local school, a website -- stuff that's just not that exciting.
So, I made a deal with my NSF program managers that instead of talking about it, I'd give people the tools.
This wasn't meant to be provocative or important, but we put together these Fab Labs. It's about 20,000 dollars in equipment that approximate both what the 20 million dollars does and where it's going.
A laser cutter to do press-fit assembly with 3D from 2D, a sign cutter to plot in copper to do electromagnetics, a micron scale, numerically-controlled milling machine for precise structures, programming tools for less than a dollar, 100-nanosecond microcontrollers. It lets you work from microns and microseconds on up, and they exploded around the world.
This wasn't scheduled, but they went from inner-city Boston to Pobal in India, to Secondi-Takoradi on Ghana's coast to Soshanguve in a township in South Africa, to the far north of Norway, uncovering, or helping uncover, for all the attention to the digital divide, we would find unused computers in all these places.
A farmer in a rural village -- a kid needs to measure and modify the world, not just get information about it on a screen.
That there's really a fabrication and an instrumentation divide bigger than the digital divide.
And the way you close it is not IT for the masses but IT development for the masses.
So, in place after place we saw this same progression: that we'd open one of these Fab Labs, where we didn't -- this is too crazy to think of.
We didn't think this up, that we would get pulled to these places; we'd open it. The first step was just empowerment.
You can see it in their face, just this joy of, I can do it.
This is a girl in inner-city Boston who had just done a high-tech on-demand craft sale in the inner city community center.
It goes on from there to serious hands-on technical education informally, out of schools. In Ghana we had set up one of these labs.
We designed a network sensor, and kids would show up and refuse to leave the lab.
There was a girl who insisted we stay late at night -- : Kids: I love the Fab Lab.
-- her first night in the lab because she was going to make the sensor.
So she insisted on fabbing the board, learning how to stuff it, learning how to program it. She didn't really know what she was doing or why she was doing it, but she knew she just had to do it. There was something electric about it.
This is late at, you know, 11 o'clock at night and I think I was the only person surprised when what she built worked the first time.
And I've shown this to engineers at big companies, and they say they can't do this. Any one thing she's doing, they can do better, but it's distributed over many people and many sites and they can't do in an afternoon what this little girl in rural Ghana is doing.
: Girl: My name is Valentina Kofi; I am eight years old.
I made a stacking board.
And, again, that was just for the joy of it.
Then these labs started doing serious problem solving -- instrumentation for agriculture in India, steam turbines for energy conversion in Ghana, high-gain antennas in thin client computers.
And then, in turn, businesses started to grow, like making these antennas.
And finally, the lab started doing invention.
We're learning more from them than we're giving them.
I was showing my kids in a Fab Lab how to use it.
They invented a way to do a construction kit out of a cardboard box -- which, as you see up there, that's becoming a business -- but their design was better than Saul's design at MIT, so there's now three students at MIT doing their theses on scaling the work of eight-year-old children because they had better designs.
Real invention is happening in these labs.
And I still kept -- so, in the last year I've been spending time with heads of state and generals and tribal chiefs who all want this, and I keep saying, but this isn't the real thing.
Wait, like, 20 years and then we'll be done.
And I finally got what's been going on. This is Kernigan and Ritchie inventing UNIX on a PDP.
PDPs came between mainframes and minicomputers.
They were tens of thousands of dollars, hard to use, but they brought computing down to work groups, and everything we do today happened there.
These Fab Labs are the cost and complexity of a PDP.
The projection of digital fabrication isn't a projection for the future; we are now in the PDP era.
We talked in hushed tones about the great discoveries then.
It was very chaotic, it wasn't, sort of, clear what was going on.
In the same sense we are now, today, in the minicomputer era of digital fabrication.
The only problem with that is it breaks everybody's boundaries.
In DC, I go to every agency that wants to talk, you know; in the Bay Area, I go to every organization you can think of -- they all want to talk about it, but it breaks their organizational boundaries. In fact, it's illegal for them, in many cases, to equip ordinary people to create rather than consume technology.
And that problem is so severe that the ultimate invention coming from this community surprised me: it's the social engineering. That the lab in far north of Norway -- this is so far north its satellite dishes look at the ground rather than the sky because that's where the satellites are -- the lab outgrew the little barn that it was in.
It was there because they wanted to find animals in the mountains but it outgrew it, so they built this extraordinary village for the lab.
This isn't a university; it's not a company. It's essentially a village for invention; it's a village for the outliers in society, and those have been growing up around these Fab Labs all around the world.
So this program has split into an NGO foundation, a Fab Foundation to support the scaling, a micro VC fund.
The person who runs it nicely describes it as "machines that make machines need businesses that make businesses:" it's a cross between micro-finance and VC to do fan-out, and then the research partnerships back at MIT for what's So I'd like to leave you with two thoughts.
There's been a sea change in aid, from top-down mega-projects to bottom-up, grassroots, micro-finance investing in the roots, so that everybody's got that that's what works.
But we still look at technology as top-down mega-projects.
Computing, communication, energy for the rest of the planet are these top-down mega-projects.
If this room full of heroes is just clever enough, you can solve the problems.
The message coming from the Fab Labs is that the other five billion people on the planet aren't just technical sinks; they're sources.
The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems.
I thought that's the projection 20 years hence into the future, but it's where we are today.
It breaks every organizational boundary we can think of.
The hardest thing at this point is the social engineering and the organizational engineering, but it's here today.
And, finally, any talk like this on the future of computing is required to show Moore's law, but my favorite version -- this is Gordon Moore's original one from his original paper -- and what's happened is, year after year after year, and we've scaled and we've scaled, and there's this looming bug of what's going to happen But we're coming to appreciate, is the transition from 2D to 3D, from programming bits to programming atoms,
turns the ends of Moore's law scaling from the ultimate bug to the ultimate feature.
So, we're just at the edge of this digital revolution in fabrication, where the output of computation programs the physical world.
So, together, these two projects answer questions I hadn't asked carefully. The class at MIT shows the killer app for personal fabrication in the developed world is technology for a market of one: personal expression in technology that touches a passion unlike anything I've seen in technology for a very long time.
And the killer app for the rest of the planet is the instrumentation and the fabrication divide: people locally developing solutions to local problems. Thank you. | {
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私が生まれ育ったのは 北朝鮮の敵 韓国です
私が暮らすのは もう一つの敵 アメリカです
2002年から数回 北朝鮮を訪れていました
それで わかってきたのは この国について意味あるものを書き 政府のプロパガンダを超えた部分を 理解するには そこに入り込むしかないということです
そこで私は平壌にある男子校の大学に 教師 兼 宣教師を装って潜入しました
平壌科学技術大学は キリスト教福音派が 政府と共同で設立した大学で その目的は北朝鮮の エリートの子息を教育することでした ただし布教活動はしません 死刑に値する重罪ですから
学生は270人 将来は この世で最も孤立した ― 非人道的な独裁国家の 指導者になることを期待されています
そんな彼らが 着いてすぐ 私の生徒になりました
2011年は特別な年でした 北朝鮮の最初の「偉大なる指導者」 金日成の生誕100周年を 祝う年だったのです
これを祝うために 政府は大学をすべて閉鎖し 学生を田畑に送り 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国が 高々と掲げた理想 ― 「世界で最も強力で豊かな国」を 築こうとしていました
私の生徒だけは 義務を免除されていました
北朝鮮は国家の体をした 強制収容所です
「偉大なる指導者」が すべての中心です
本も 新聞記事も 歌も テレビ番組も ― テーマは ただ一つです
花々は彼に ちなんで名付けられ 山々には彼による スローガンが彫られています
市民は皆 偉大なる指導者の バッジを常に身につけています
暦までが金日成の 誕生した年から始まります
学校はキャンパスを装った 警備厳重な刑務所でした
教師の遠出は 当局の監視がついた 集団でなければ許されませんでした
それでも 旅行できるのは 許可が出た 偉大なる指導者を讃える ― 国家記念碑に限られました
学生たちは キャンパスを離れることも 両親に連絡することも 許されていませんでした
彼らの日常は細かくスケジュールが組まれ 自由時間はすべて 偉大なる指導者を 讃えることに捧げられました
指導案は北朝鮮側の職員の 承認が必要で 授業はすべて記録 報告され 教室はすべて盗聴器が仕掛けられ 会話はすべて聞かれていました
北朝鮮では どこでもそうでしたが 空いている場所は金日成と金正日の 肖像画で埋め尽くされていました
外の世界について話すことは 絶対に許されませんでした
科技大の学生ですから コンピュータ専攻も多かったのですが 彼らはインターネットの存在を知らず
ザッカーバーグやジョブズの名前すら 聞いたことがありませんでした
Facebookも Twitterも まったく意味がわからなかったでしょう
ところが 国家のイデオロギーも 生徒の日々の現実も 大学での私の立場でさえもが 嘘の上に成り立っているというのに いったい どこから 手をつければいいのか?
手をあげた学生が 黒板に文を書き その文が本当か嘘かを みんなで当てるのです
ある時一人の学生が 「去年 休みに中国へ行った」と書きました すると全員が「ウソ!」と叫んだのです
北朝鮮の国民は事実上 国外に出ることを許されていません
国内を旅行する時でさえ 旅券が必要です
このゲームで彼らの真実が 少しでも明らかになればと思ったのです というのも彼らは あまりにも簡単に よく嘘をつくからです 偉大なる指導者の想像上の偉業とか 5年生でウサギのクローンを作ったという 奇妙な主張とか・・・
真実と嘘との境界線は 彼らにも わかっていないことがありました
嘘にもいろいろな種類があると気づくまで 時間がかかりました 彼らは 世界から自国の体制を かばうために嘘をつきます 嘘を教えられて それをただ繰り返す場合もあります
でも もし彼らが学んできたことが 全部嘘なら 嘘をつかないはずがないでしょう
次に私は小論文を書くことを 教えようとしました
でも それはまず不可能だとわかりました
小論文では自分なりの仮説を立て それを証明するために 証拠に基づいた議論を展開します
ところが学生たちは 単に押し付けられた考え方に 従うだけだったのです
彼らの世界では 批判的思考など許されていませんでした
それから私は毎週 個人的な手紙を書く宿題を出しました 宛先は誰でも構いません
かなり時間がかかりましたが そのうち母親や友人やガールフレンド宛に 手紙を書き始める学生が出てきました
これは単なる宿題で 相手に届くことなどないのに 生徒たちは少しずつ 内に秘めた 本当の気持ちを表すようになりました
何も変わらないことへの うんざりした気持ち ―
手紙には 偉大なる指導者は ほとんど登場しませんでした
一緒に食事をし 一緒にバスケットボールをしました
「紳士諸君」と呼びかけると 彼らはクスクスと笑いました
女の子の話をすると 赤くなりました
たとえほんの少しでも 心を開いてくれると とても感動しました
ただ 何かがおかしいとも感じました
彼らの世界で暮らした数か月間 ― 真実が 彼らの人生にとって 実際にプラスになるのか悩みました
私は彼らの国や外の世界の真実を 彼らに伝えたくて 仕方がありませんでした アラブの若者がSNSの力を借りて 腐敗した体制を ひっくり返していること 彼ら以外のあらゆる人々が 全世界に広がるウェブでつながっていること ただ それも結局 「全世界」ではなかったのですが
しかし一方で 学生たちにとって 真実とは危険なものでした
真実を追求するように促すことで 私は彼らにリスクを負わせていました 告発されるリスク そして 失望するリスクです
公の場での表現が許されなければ 言葉にできないことを 読み取るのが上手になります
ある学生は私に宛てた手紙に こう書きました なぜ私が自分たちを「紳士諸君」と 呼ぶかわかった ―
それは 紳士的に生きてほしいからだ と
2011年12月 私にとって 北朝鮮での最後の日 ― 金正日の死が公表された日に 彼らの世界は崩壊しました
お別れもできないまま 出国しなければなりませんでした
でも 私がどれほど寂しかったか 彼らは わかってくれたと思います
滞在期間が終わりに近づいた頃 ひとりの学生が私に言いました 「先生 あなたが僕たちと違うなんて 思ったことは一度もありません
環境は違っていても あなたと僕たちは同じです
同じだと信じていることを 知っていてほしいのです」
もしも今 私が手紙で 生徒たちに応えられるなら ― もちろん そんなことは無理ですが ― 彼らに こう伝えたいです 「親愛なる紳士諸君 最後に会ってから 3年ちょっとになりますね
今 皆さんは22才 23才になった人もいるでしょう
最後の授業で 私は皆さんに 何か願いがあるか 尋ねましたね
共に過ごした数か月で 皆さんが口にした たった一つの望み ― 私に対する唯一の願いとは 私が朝鮮語で話しかけることでした
私の仕事は英語を教えることでしたから それは許されないと知っていたはずです
でもその時 私は 母語という絆を 共有したいという気持ちを理解しました
皆さんのことを「紳士諸君」と 呼びましたが 金正恩の冷徹な北朝鮮で 紳士的であることが いいことなのか 私にはわかりません
私は 皆さんに 革命を率いてほしくもないし 他の若者に それをさせたくもありません
世界は気軽に 「北朝鮮の春」のようなものを勧め 期待すらあるかもしれないけれど 皆さんには危険を 冒してほしくありません そちらでは いつでも誰かが 監視しているからです
皆さんの身に何かあるなんて 想像したくないのです
私が皆さんに近づくことで 新しいことを吹き込んでしまったのなら 私のことを忘れてくれた方がいい
偉大なる指導者の兵士として 安全に長生きしてくれた方がいい
皆さんは以前私に 平壌は美しいと思うか 尋ねましたね その時は本心を言えませんでした
ただ 尋ねた理由はわかります
教師であり 皆さんには禁じられた 世界を見てきた私が この街を一番美しいと言い切ることが 皆さんにとって 重要なのは わかっています
その答えで 皆さんが生活に 少しだけ耐えられるようになるのだから それでも 私は皆さんの首都を 美しいとは思いません
それは単調で コンクリートだらけだからではなく それが象徴するもの すなわち 市民が兵士であり 奴隷である この国を 食いものにしている怪物のせいです
そこに見えるのは 暗闇だけです
それでも皆さんの故郷ですから 憎む気にはなれません
可愛い若き紳士諸君 その代わりに いつか皆さんの手で この街を美しくしてください
ありがとう | I was born and raised in South Korea, their enemy.
I live in America, their other enemy.
Since 2002, I had visited North Korea a few times.
And I had come to realize that to write about it with any meaning, or to understand the place beyond the regime's propaganda, the only option was total immersion.
So I posed as a teacher and a missionary at an all-male university in Pyongyang.
The Pyongyang University of Science and Technology was founded by Evangelical Christians who cooperate with the regime to educate the sons of the North Korean elite, without proselytizing, which is a capital crime there.
The students were 270 young men, expected to be the future leaders of the most isolated and brutal dictatorship in existence.
When I arrived, they became my students.
2011 was a special year, marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of North Korea's original Great Leader, Kim Il-Sung.
To celebrate the occasion, the regime shut down all universities, and sent students off to the fields to build the DPRK's much-heralded ideal as the world's most powerful and prosperous nation.
My students were the only ones spared from that fate.
North Korea is a gulag posing as a nation.
Everything there is about the Great Leader.
Every book, every newspaper article, every song, every TV program -- there is just one subject.
The flowers are named after him, the mountains are carved with his slogans.
Every citizen wears the badge of the Great Leader at all times.
Even their calendar system begins with the birth of Kim Il-Sung.
The school was a heavily guarded prison, posing as a campus.
Teachers could only leave on group outings accompanied by an official minder.
Even then, our trips were limited to sanctioned national monuments celebrating the Great Leader.
The students were not allowed to leave the campus, or communicate with their parents.
Their days were meticulously mapped out, and any free time they had was devoted to honoring their Great Leader.
Lesson plans had to meet the approval of North Korean staff, every class was recorded and reported on, every room was bugged, and every conversation, overheard.
Every blank space was covered with the portraits of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il, like everywhere else in North Korea.
We were never allowed to discuss the outside world.
As students of science and technology, many of them were computer majors but they did not know the existence of the Internet.
They had never heard of Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs.
Facebook, Twitter -- none of those things would have meant a thing.
And I could not tell them.
I went there looking for truth.
But where do you even start when an entire nation's ideology, my students' day-to-day realities, and even my own position at the universities, were all built on lies?
I started with a game.
We played "Truth and Lie."
A volunteer would write a sentence on the chalkboard, and the other students had to guess whether it was a truth or a lie.
Once a student wrote, "I visited China last year on vacation," and everyone shouted, "Lie!"
They all knew this wasn't possible.
Virtually no North Korean is allowed to leave the country.
Even traveling within their own country requires a travel pass.
I had hoped that this game would reveal some truth about my students, because they lie so often and so easily, whether about the mythical accomplishments of their Great Leader, or the strange claim that they cloned a rabbit as fifth graders.
The difference between truth and lies seemed at times hazy to them.
It took me a while to understand the different types of lies; they lie to shield their system from the world, or they were taught lies, and were just regurgitating them.
Or, at moments, they lied out of habit.
But if all they have ever known were lies, how could we expect them to be otherwise?
Next, I tried to teach them essay writing.
But that turned out to be nearly impossible.
Essays are about coming up with one's own thesis, and making an evidence-based argument to prove it.
These students, however, were simply told what to think, and they obeyed.
In their world, critical thinking was not allowed.
I also gave them the weekly assignment of writing a personal letter, to anybody.
It took a long time, but eventually some of them began to write to their mothers, their friends, their girlfriends.
Although those were just homework, and would never reach their intended recipients, my students slowly began to reveal their true feelings in them.
They wrote that they were fed up with the sameness of everything.
They were worried about their future.
In those letters, they rarely ever mentioned their Great Leader.
I was spending all of my time with these young men.
We all ate meals together, played basketball together.
I often called them gentlemen, which made them giggle.
They blushed at the mention of girls.
And I came to adore them.
And watching them open up even in the tiniest of ways, was deeply moving.
But something also felt wrong.
During those months of living in their world, I often wondered if the truth would, in fact, improve their lives.
I wanted so much to tell them the truth, of their country and of the outside world, where Arab youth were turning their rotten regime inside out, using the power of social media, where everyone except them was connected through the world wide web, which wasn't worldwide after all.
But for them, the truth was dangerous.
By encouraging them to run after it, I was putting them at risk -- of persecution, of heartbreak.
When you're not allowed to express anything in the open, you become good at reading what is unspoken.
In one of their personal letters to me, a student wrote that he understood why I always called them gentlemen.
It was because I was wishing them to be gentle in life, he said.
On my last day in December of 2011, the day Kim Jong-Il's death was announced, their world shattered.
I had to leave without a proper goodbye.
But I think they knew how sad I was for them.
Once, toward the end of my stay, a student said to me, "Professor, we never think of you as being different from us.
Our circumstances are different, but you're the same as us.
We want you to know that we truly think of you as being the same."
Today, if I could respond to my students with a letter of my own, which is of course impossible, I would tell them this: "My dear gentlemen, It's been a bit over three years since I last saw you.
And now, you must be 22 -- maybe even as old as 23.
At our final class, I asked you if there was anything you wanted.
The only wish you expressed, the only thing you ever asked of me in all those months we spent together, was for me to speak to you in Korean.
Just once.
I was there to teach you English; you knew it wasn't allowed.
But I understood then, you wanted to share that bond of our mother tongue.
I called you my gentlemen, but I don't know if being gentle in Kim Jong-Un's merciless North Korea is a good thing.
I don't want you to lead a revolution -- let some other young person do it.
The rest of the world might casually encourage or even expect some sort of North Korean Spring, but I don't want you to do anything risky, because I know in your world, someone is always watching.
I don't want to imagine what might happen to you.
If my attempts to reach you have inspired something new in you, I would rather you forget me.
Become soldiers of your Great Leader, and live long, safe lives.
You once asked me if I thought your city of Pyongyang was beautiful, and I could not answer truthfully then.
But I know why you asked.
I know that it was important for you to hear that I, your teacher, the one who has seen the world that you are forbidden from, declare your city as the most beautiful.
I know hearing that would make your lives there a bit more bearable, but no, I don't find your capital beautiful.
Not because it's monotone and concrete, but because of what it symbolizes: a monster that feeds off the rest of the country, where citizens are soldiers and slaves.
All I see there is darkness.
But it's your home, so I cannot hate it.
And I hope instead that you, my lovely young gentlemen, will one day help make it beautiful.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
私はウィルおじいさんの家を出て、駆け足でお屋敷に向かった。 | And because it was nighttime, I had no problems getting safely to Grandpa Will’s house this time.
“Good evening,” I say, walking into his home, but then I notice that besides Grandpa Will, there is one other person inside as well.
Laying in the bed is the boy from this morning.
So he was safe.......
Or, mostly. There is a tattered cloth wrapped around his head that is already dyed red with blood.
It seems that not only is water difficult to come by, there are also no proper bandages here either. And now that I see him up close, I notice that the boy, aside from the wound on his head, is covered in bruises as well......
They look so dark and painful......
“He also has a fever,” Grandpa Will tells me.
I go over to the bed and place my hand on the boy’s forehead..... That’s not just a little fever, he’s completely burning up!
I rip strips of cloth from the hem of clothes.
And quickly removing the blood-soaked cloths that are currently wrapped around the boys head, I carefully re-wrap his wounds with the strips I had just made.
While it’s good that he’s stopped bleeding, at this rate his wound will fester and likely become infected.
But there’s nothing more that I can do for him.
“Alicia, come sit over here,” Grandpa Will calls to me with a kind tone of voice.
I walk over to take my usual seat right across from him.
“Did you save that boy, Grandpa Will?”
A lonely look crosses his face as he gives a small shake of his head.
“I just carried him here after that hulking degenerate had left.”
“So nobody tried to help him?”
“People in this village live their lives day-to-day. When you are so hell-bent on surviving today that you don’t have the luxury of thinking about tomorrow at all, there is no room in your head to even consider worrying about someone else.”
So hell-bent on surviving today that you can’t even think about tomorrow.....
“We’re all merely clinging onto our surest path to survival,” Grandpa Will says, smiling sadly.
“I... have never thought about doing anything for the betterment of society nor to save anyone, but I’d at least like you to live to see tomorrow, Grandpa Will,” I say, trying to console him in the only way I can think of.
With a large, kind hand, Grandpa Will gently pats my head.
His hand has an oddly calming effect on me.
“Alicia, I’m going to say this one more time just to be sure: don’t visit here unless it’s nighttime ever again.”
“What happened today.... is that sort of scene normal here?”
Grandpa Will nods.
“Aren’t there any people here who are able to use magic?”
“At one time, there had been a ruined noble living here, but he’s since died.”
“I..... I see.....”
“That young man is extremely clever. A genius,” Grandpa Will says, looking over at him as well.
If Grandpa Will is telling me this, then he must be quite smart.
I wish I could be able to talk with him.....
This isn’t some whimsical act of mercy or anything. I’m just helping him out because I want to be able to talk to him, plain and simple. Completely for my own benefit.
It’s not like I’m some saint or anything. I’m a villainess through and through!
I leave Grandpa Will’s house and run back towards my own. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「ずっと手伝ってくれたおかげで、考えてたよりも早く作業が進みました。俺だけじゃなく、ライラさんにも疲れがあるでしょう? ほら、遠慮せずに」
そうして、しばらくの間ライラさんと休憩して談笑した。 | “Mr. Takumi. What will you do after lunch?”
“I’ll focus on growing herbs again. I still don’t have as much as I want.”
“...Please be careful.”
Ms. Claire sounded worried as we ate lunch.
“I’m pretty sure that I’m fine. I mean, it’s not completely clear to me, but... I used Weed Cultivation early in the morning, and then switched to magic training. So I haven’t been doing it for long stretches.”
It wasn’t quite known what power the Gift actually used, but if it recovered naturally over time, then those breaks should have helped a little.
With tea breaks and magic training, as well as lunch, it should be safe for me to start using it again.
...Unless it turned out that I actually had to sleep in order for it to recover. My theory could be completely off.
Well, I still doubted that I was near the limit. It was probably fine... At least, that was what I hoped.
“As for that, it is something that will have to be studied further.”
Sebastian was standing by as we ate lunch. I hadn’t seen him here for a while.
He was usually so busy with regards to that store. But I suppose he had more time now... Though, that probably meant there was little progress.
Regardless, that was his reaction when I told him what I was thinking.
Basically, he had no reason to doubt me, but he had no reason to agree either.
“Don’t worry about me. I won’t be fainting anymore.” “Yes... I do not need to see something like that again. And so you must continue to be careful.”
After eating, I chuckled and assured her that I was fine, and then I went out into the garden.
Milina was busy with her servant training now... I hope she learned how to brew tea well, just as she wanted.
“I’ll have to gather the herbs myself now.” “Oh, I can help you.” “Are you sure, Ms. Lyra?”
When I reached the garden, I realized that since Milina wasn’t there, I would have to gather and wrap up the herbs myself.
However, Ms. Lyra then followed after me and offered to help.
I did feel bad, since she was also keeping an eye on Tilura and would prepare tea for us...
I suppose it was that I wasn’t used to living with butlers and maids surrounding me. And so I preferred to do things on my own.
But if she insisted, maybe I would rely on them a little more in the future.
I suppose she would feel better to be of service, as long as it wasn’t anything ridiculous.
“In that case, I’ll gladly accept your help.”
And so I left the gathering and separating of the different types of herbs to Ms. Lyra, and I used Weed Cultivation.
As Tilura had to study after lunch, she was not here.
But I could see Sherry and Leo sleeping under the sun.
And so the garden was quiet, with only the sounds of Ms. Lyra and I moving around.
“Mr. Takumi... Surely this is enough?” “...I want a little more... For Ractos... And more Ramogi for Range village as well...”
As the sun was starting to set, Ms. Lyra became concerned again.
In fact, I had actually made more than I had initially planned.
As I would be gone for a few days, I wanted to make extra herbs to send to Ractos...
“ look tired. I think you better rest at the very least.” “I’m sorry to worry you... Very well, I’ll rest.”
I could not argue with Ms. Lyra as she peered into my face, and so I decided to rest.
However, she seemed pleased as she started to pour the tea.
But as she had been helping since lunch...she was probably tired as well... I then noticed that my back hurt a little.
While using the Gift didn’t make me tired, crouching with my hands on the ground while growing herbs, as well as picking them, was quite like working in the fields.
“Here. I hope it helps you to relax a little.”
“Mmm... Thank you. You rest too, Ms. Lyra.”
“No, I don’t...” “I was able to do a lot more than I expected, thanks to your help. And you must be tired as well? Here, don’t hesitate.”
“...Very well... Phew...”
I stretched my sore limbs and then thanked Ms. Lyra for the tea as I sat down.
As she had been helping me the whole time, I knew that she was tired as well.
And so I had to get up once and steer Ms. Lyra over to the chair so she would sit down.
She did so reluctantly, but then let out a pleased sigh as she tasted the tea that she had poured.
So she really was tired... I felt bad all over again for allowing her to help me.
“Now that I think about it...this is the first time we’ve sat together at a table, isn’t it?”
“Yes. I am a maid of this house, after all... It is not proper for me to sit with Lady Claire and the others.”
I suppose that was the typical way to think if you were a servant.
I wasn’t used to such things, and so I was always worried about Ms. Lyra and the others when they stood in the same place for so long.
That being said, it might be uncomfortable for them to be forced to sit at the table as well...
“Well, from now on, I hope that you’ll drink tea with me like this, when you have time.”
“...I suppose that as a maid, I should refuse... But if you truly mean it, Mr. Takumi...”
Ms. Claire and the others weren’t around, and it was only a short rest.
Besides, I was a guest here, and not a nobleman.
I was a commoner, and so I was sure that Ms. Lyra would get used to it quickly.
And so after that, the two of us enjoyed our tea and talked as we rested. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 11,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「これだけでそこまで理解するとは、たいしたものだ。――どうだお嬢さん、この試合が終わったら正式に儂の弟子にならんか? いや、儂の方から頭を下げてお願いする立場か」
「んじゃ、クレス王国の件が片付いたら、私の個人的な師匠ではなくてインペリアル・クリムゾンの武術指南役ってことでどうかな? 何人か他に教えて欲しい相手もいるし」
「わずか一当てでそこまで見抜いたか! たいした才能だ!」
「いや、どうかなぁ・・・? らぽっくさんみたいな本当の生まれつきの天才と違って、私の場合は努力してもこの程度なんだし」
とは言え、相手は弱肉強食の獣人族。どう考えても話し合いとか難しいんだろうなぁ、と思って肩をすくめた。 | The Amitia Republic Capital, Alra. At a plateau on the foot of the White Dragon Mountain Range, which stands on the back of this city, two shadows repeatedly engaged each other as if they were dancing.
On one side was a lionkin tribe member who had a magnificent body like a rock, stood over meters tall, and was wearing a dark blue robe. His hair and beard had become white like snow. His solemn face carved with numerous wrinkles told of his aging, but the decline that was said to accompany old age was nowhere to be seen. It instead further accented his dignity.
On the other side was a girl who looked to be about - years old and was wearing a black dress arranged with a red rose corsage. Her jet black hair, scarlet eyes, and white skin were like an object d’art. Just by standing, she cast a brilliant brightness and would attract the gazes of those around her. A girl whose beauty could even be considered dreadful.
That girl held a thin, long sword, which was decorated with rose flowers, in one of her hands as she faced the old lion.
Looking at it as an outsider, it would seem to be nothing but a reckless confrontation. A girl with a cm difference in height and a weight of less than one-third of the lionkin was facing him down, and in addition, he appeared to be a veteran.
―She will be instantly broken―Yes, everyone would probably think so.
However, contrary to that prediction, they were fighting on equal ground―No, it actually looked one-sided with the girl pushing him back.
‘Come to think of it, I didn’t see it since I was unconscious, but by what means did you use to corner Animaru that far?’
‘Even if you ask me how, I just fought him normally. If you like, how about we try having a match, little lady?’
‘Oh, that’s excellent. Then let’s try it.’
I shouldn’t have started this duel in such a carefree mood. (Thus, we ended up fighting in a place without public notice, where we could fight each other without holding back.)
Even though I was attacking him from all angles while using hit and run tactics, it was as if he had eyes all over his body. Every attack was dodged, and he repelled my double edged sword ‘Gilles de Rais’ by accurately changing the vector of the fuller. Furthermore, he even responded with counter attacks.
With just the slightest opportunity, my leg or arm would be caught, and then I would be thrown away.
It’s the Beast King’s battle style where not even a moment of negligence was allowed.
Since this match started, I have no idea how many times I have been thrown away, fixed my posture in the air, made some distance between us by putting strength in my steps as soon as my feet touched the ground. I addressed him with a tone that threw even myself off.
“That is my line. It’s like fighting against a crossbow coming from four directions. Furthermore, little lady’s body is so light, even my throw had no power at all. To make matters worse, you nearly never lose your concentration, there are no gaps at all. Compared to the likes of that idiot, you are significantly more difficult.”
The Beast King shrugged his shoulders giving an ‘Oh dear’ impression.
“Well, from those circumstances it was probably his affinity. Animaru was mainly used to close combat, so we crashed against each other, also the difference of experience and pride, insufficient application, and being unable to interact against his unknown skills, those were my reasons for defeat, I guess?”
I tried to guess the main reason I was defeated by Animaru from the course of the battle with the Beast King up until now.
Toward that, the Beast King made a smile like a teacher who heard an answer from a student with good judgment.
“Understanding so much from just this little is quite considerable―How about it, little lady, would you formally be my pupil after this match? Well, I’m the one who has to lower my head and make the request though.”
“Hm~mm~, honestly, things like wanting to be stronger are not very interesting to me...”
Power and the like are all relative anyway. Looking at them, the summit of each one is endless. Presently, my abilities are far more than enough to continue living on in this world.
Perhaps my thoughts showed on my face because the Beast King nodded with a satisfied expression reserved for good students.
“That’s right. Desperately wanting power is for those without it. For the genuinely powerful, that desire is something irrelevant. Little lady’s choice is correct... Even so, before my eyes there is an unrefined gem, there’s no way I can be patient.”
I see―Well, it looks like Lubbock really became the enemy. More or less, I might need to put up a great amount of effort so I can oppose him.
At the same time, the faces of Maroudo, Joey, and the still unseen Beast King successor, who still had a lot of room for growth (Well, perhaps Joey was not), floated in my mind.
“Then, after I tidy up the Cres Kingdom matter, how about you become, not my individual coach, but the Imperial Crimson martial arts instructor? There are some people who want someone else to teach them.”
“Very well, I accept those terms. Ah, about the Cres Kingdom matter, whether it succeeds or fails, it’s already out of my control. Either way, I accept that role. At least, will I receive payment?”
“Whether it be a palace, a harem, or gold and silver coins, I will give you whatever you like.”
“Those things will be just a hindrance for me at this age. Well, at least three delicious meals a day and good sake are enough for me.”
Hearing his words reminded me of the sleeping lion that was kept inside a cage at the zoo.
“... Won’t your fangs and nails start to rust from that?”
“I am not tempered to be such a weakling.”
“Then, whether or not that will become the reality, isn’t it now time to reveal your trump card as well...?”
The Beast King, with a ferocious smile, accepted my provocation and made the first move for the first time. Leaping into a mid level punch.
If I had to say something of the speed, it was fast, but it was not something that couldn’t be dealt with―Or perhaps, in the eyes of a vampire princess (mine), it was seen in slow motion.
I maintained my composure and dodged it―suddenly I swayed. His fist changed trajectory like it was missing a frame. His punch that awaited me where I dodged to hit me in my side.
Furthermore, an unknown shock pierced my body, and a single blow drove my body away a number of meters.
I was falling over a bush. Somehow I managed to stand up, but―the damage isn’t gone―my feet are trembling.
I checked my status window in a hurry. Even now my HP is slowly decreasing. There is no status ailment, so he didn’t use poison... in that case, it’s the piercing damage over time effect?
The condition to receive this status effect is when bullets or arrows remain in the body, but there was no sign of such things. So that means, including the last attack, that’s the so-called Beast King’s trump card?
“―How is it? Your impression of receiving an attack using [internal force].”
“Interesting. As expected, accumulated skill can’t be looked down on.”
Yeah, there is probably value just by studying it.
“There are also a number of other practical uses. I wonder if you would receive it a bit more for future knowledge.”
“Eeeh, I don’t want to, it hurts. Besides―”
“... Receiving it just once, I already know the main principle and how to deal with it.”
Perhaps it was hard to judge the authenticity of my words since the Beast King partly closed his eyes.
“Hou, how will you deal with it?”
“Ummm, first of all... Rose’s Thorn.”
After reciting the keywords, rose ivy crawled along the surface of my left hand’s equipment, the ‘Steel Rose’, and separated. It spread in a circle with me at the center.
It detects the Beast King’s toe which is a step forward inside the circle. It sprang up like a living thing.
“Aah, there is poison in that thorn so you better be careful.”
The Beast King frowned upon hearing my warning.
“Don’t tell me that you think everything will be alright if you put some distance between us?”
I am not answering―No, perhaps I can’t answer him now.
The Beast King lightly shrugged his shoulders with a disappointed face―fake movements. He simultaneously threw five iron-like claw weapons with scattered trajectories.
Detecting them, the ivy wall quickly sprang up and repelled them.
However, the Beast King took advantage of the gap when the field of vision closed for a moment and jumped from the front where the density had thinned.
Assaulting him, countless ivy vines became a storm of whips rushing at him, but they couldn’t deal with the Beast King’s movements mixed with his feints. Everything struck air.
“It’s the end.”
The Beast King’s right fist was about to pierce the pit of my stomach―except, the exact moment he touched a layer of my skin,
The Beast King caught his breath. My body, that should have been hit by his fist, vanished in an instant, and he saw that I stood on the top of his extended arm.
Simultaneously, in that very position, my toes struck at the Beast King’s chin.
However, just slightly before that attack reached him, the Beast King brushed me off as he retreated. Then, together with his yell, he released a thrust.
“!?” Taking advantage of that moment of surprise, from the posture of spreading my legs out horizontally that almost reached the ground, I used nothing but both of my ankles’ spring power to mow him down with a blow from below like I was scooping upwards.
The Beast King, who barely had his stomach robe ripped straight up, put some distance between us and gave a sigh of admiration.
“I thought it was a bluff, but surely that was coping with my technique. How did you do it?”
“Nn... well, it’s splendidly heavy work.”
I disclosed my secret while knitting my eyebrows from the pain in my head.
parallel thought
“Hou, the thing used by the nine blade user knight who was little lady’s comrade?”
“It’s just an imitation. I was taught the trick by Lubbock before, but it takes several seconds of preparation to use it, and even if I use it, I can do it just barely for several minutes.”
Therefore, it’s not really intended for real combat, and right now, I know that I can’t deal with him if I don’t use it.
“―Also, the ‘[internal force] attack’ just then. That was no trick in moments of impact, but a technique of driving a ‘heavy’ attack in super close intervals.”
The Beast King was grinning with his face saying ‘Exposed huh?’
“Therefore, there was a slight lag, so I countered using that lag. And then that brilliant move seems to foresee my movements and copes with it using minimum movement by eliminating futile ones, so it moves in a different direction from what was originally intended.”
After I said so, the Beast King now definitely possessed a broad smile.
“With merely a hit you could see through it to that extent! What great talent!”
“Well, I wonder about that...? I am different from someone like Lubbock, who is a natural genius. In my situation, even giving it all my effort only gave me this degree of success.”
I feel that I’m just the jack of all trades and master of none.
“Heh, the likes of a genius won’t be interesting nor have any teaching effect... Apart from that, what will you do? Still want to continue?”
“No, let’s end it. More than this, my head is going to burst, you see. The sequel is going to happen after I return from Cres Kingdom.”
And then suddenly something came to my mind, so I tried to ask the Beast King about it.
“Does that ‘successor’ have about the same strength too?”
With that question, “Hrmm,” responds the Beast King as he deepens the wrinkles around the forehead of his grim face.
“There are future prospects. But well, at his current stage, even if fighting normally... with the little lady as the opponent... mmn, he might be able to keep up for about minutes. I guess I can sum him up like that.”
“Hmm~mm. Then, if you are unsure, I’d be happy to help. Like if he could hold up against me for 3 minutes, it should be more or less enough to recognize him.”
The Beast King seriously nodded toward the words I jokingly said.
“Yes, surely even I won’t recognize that kind of weakling as a successor. You can hurt him as much as you like.”
My, a lion pushing its own child off into a bottomless valley really does happen.
“Well, I prefer to settle it with peaceful discussion as much as possible though.”
That said, my target is from the beast tribe that follows the law of the jungle. Even if I think about it, a discussion would probably be hard. I shrugged my shoulders imagining it. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 21,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
そして俺は『彼岸の世界』の何処かに居る魔神に向かって歩き出した。 | “Everything’s set.”
I came to the “Teleportation Room,” which had been upgraded over the past few years, and adjusted the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation” so that it can travel all the way to the bottom of where the God of Calamity was.
The name of the domain was “The World on the Other Shore”. That was where the God of Calamity dwelled.
Other shore... I believe that this world is called “This Shore” while the other world is called the “Other Shore”.
Whether was hell or paradise was unknown to me, but the name sounded foreboding. After all, it was said that no living human being can reach there.
“Speaking of which, Izumi said she had been there once.”
It reminded me of a story Izumi had told me more than ten years ago, which I had never disclosed to anyone.
If what Izumi revealed was true, it was doubtful that I would be able to come back once I visited there.
Also, if Izumi’s account was true, she might be the only one who can come to my aid. Well, regardless of whether she came or not, it would not change what I will be doing.
“Forget it. I should get going.”
I stood in the center of the “Teleportation Room,” and began chanting.
“‘I am the King of the Devouring Black Mist. I establish a labyrinth of mist and swamps filled with demons in the land of the rising sun. What I desire to enter is the world of true demons and death, the creation of the God of Calamity. To divide the two is the endless Sanzu River and the hordes of the departed and the dead who seek the living. Bridging the two is the black ship that surges through the mist and the cloak of white mist that obscures the eyes of demons. Now, let’s go. Irrespective of whether my destination is hell or paradise, what I aim to achieve will never change. I will commit the deadly sin of slaying God!’”
The fruits of my study of sorceries over the past ten or so years were evident here, and unlike before, I was able to naturally transition to more potent phrases.
Along with the progress of my chanting, the various mechanisms set up in the “Teleportation Room” began to serve their purpose.
Part of them augmented the images in my chanting, while others intercepted obstructions from the God of Calamity’s side and prevented the curse from reaching me.
And what was created was a square structure that was far too vulnerable to be called a gate. For a brief moment, it had no discernible shape and seemed to be a mirage.
However, there was another space within the gate that was distinct from this one.
I slowly walked towards the place that extended inside the gate.
There, flowers of the four seasons were blooming abundantly simultaneously, and the mystical landscape that can only be described in fantasy was coexistent with the sight of beasts roaming around with their own faces.
“How amazing... I never expected the other shore to be like this...”
That was my first impression when I entered the “World of the Other Shore”.
It was a spectacle that was unworldly. No, it was literally an unworldly scenery.
But there was no time to be dazed.
“Well, first of all, you guys are going to give me a welcome?”
By the time I noticed it, the gate through which I entered had vanished, as had the ordinary monsters in my immediate vicinity, leaving five beasts encircling me.
In front of me was a giant tortoise demon with a serpent’s tail. On my right was a dragon with blue scales. To my left was a massive tiger with white fur. Although I cannot see it now, there was probably a vermilion bird with flames behind me. And above my head was a beast that directed its wrathful face at me.
“Genbu, Seiryu, Byakko, Suzaku, and Qilin. From the very beginning, she’s been trying to kill me. I knew it.”
For each of these characteristics, I can visualize the mythical beings that fit the description. The monsters in “The World on the Other Shore ” were probably all these unorthodox creatures.
“Whatever. If I can’t defeat you guys, vanquishing the God of Calamity is only a pipe dream. Come and get me. I’ll play with you as much as possible.”
But strangely enough, my heart remained calm despite the fact that I was confronted with mythical beings. Perhaps it was because the beings before me now were not the real thing, but merely a replica of a mythical being.
Right. The God of Calamity mentioned it before that this world has been abandoned by God. In other words, even if someone bore the name of God, he or she was not the real one. Even the beasts and angels that served God had probably departed with God, and even if they remained, their power was probably greatly diminished.
Therefore, there was neither a need to fear nor to be in awe.
The five beasts attacked in unison.
I was the first to fly forward, seized the tail of the Genbu, and hurled it towards the Qilin above my head. At the same time, I spotted the Suzaku in attack position and proceeded to intercept the Qilin, which had come to a halt after colliding with the Genbu.
Meanwhile, the white tiger was swiping its claws and the blue dragon was thundering down, revising its course to pounce on me after witnessing my movement. From my right hand, I discharged hellfire to scorch the white tiger until it was reduced to ashes, and from my left hand, I unleashed dozens of metal javelins to impale the blue dragon from the tip of its head to the end of its tail.
Concurrently, the flames of the Suzaku struck the Qilin and the others, triggering rumbling and fiery winds throughout the area. However, it was certain that the Genbu and Kirin were not damaged much due to their attributes, which was why I released three sorceries at the same time with different chants.
One was a thunderbolt so mighty that it ripped through the heavens. It was shot out at the speed of light, obliterating the Qilin without giving it time to flee.
The other was a rain of diamond-encrusted spears. They descended without making any openings, seaming through the small gaps in Genbu’s solid defense, piercing one after another, and ultimately killing him.
The final one was a hand of frost that emerged from the depths of the earth and dyed everything in its place white. Extending from the depths of the earth, it caught Suzaku as it sought to flee into the sky and dropped it to the ground, extinguishing the light of life that Suzaku possesses.
“Well, that’s about it for now.”
After confirming that the five beasts had been completely dead, I used an additional sorcery to smash the wreckage into pieces.
I did not know where the God of Calamity was in this world. She was, nevertheless, guaranteed to be present here.
“Now, God of Calamity. I’ve come this far. So just wait for me.”
And then I set off for the God of Calamity, who was somewhere in the “The World on the Other Shore”. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
「眷属にドラゴンがいるんですよ。可愛い子ですよ? 見ます? 見る? 見たいでしょ」
「いいから! じゃあ、そのカーバンクルの保護が目的なんだな?」
今の俺にその神の血が流れているという事は、マリアかライエルにも流れているという事か? それとも生前の俺に流れていたという事だろうか?
「そんなに低くないですよ。あれから何年経ったと思ってるんです? 私の血は世界各地に潜んでるのです」
「もっと讃えてもいいのですよ? よ?」
結局、反動の効果が切れるまでおよそ十分間、俺は床を転がり回ったのだった。 | The Carbuncles—I also knew of that monster. It was a Mythical Beast the size of a cat and looked like a hamster. It was still counted among Dragon species, for some reason, and had a gem on its forehead.
It was a kind of a Dragon Ball which was used as a material in various magic items. This gem was highly valuable unlike how weak it was. For that reason, people mercilessly hunted them on sight, and the kingdoms often safeguarded them.
Naturally, they were targets of protection in Raum, too.
“So you’re aiming for it?”
“Of course not. I came to protect it instead. I actually have some connections to the Dragons, you see.”
“There’s a Dragon among my dependents. It’s a real cutie too, you know? You wanna see? You wanna? You want, don’t you?”
I pushed aside the obstinate goddess and went to buy milk too. After getting ignored by me, she crouched down and started writing characters on the floor with her finger.
“You don’t have to be so harsh. Even I have a family member or two that I wanna boast about.”
“Enough about that! So you were saying you wanted to protect that Carbuncle?”
“Oh no, that’s just an additional goal. The main goal was the bath. This body is quite prone to breaking. It doesn’t break, though.”
“Which one is it?”
“I mean I can die fast but come back to life just as fast.”
So she’s an immortal? As expected of a goddess, treating such an ability as nothing.
“In a way, you also have inherited my constitution.”
“Am I an immortal too?”
“Not that... I mean that your recovery speed is higher than normal. Also, your magic accumulates fast, you are weak and powerless. Just like me.”
I even inherited her bad parts.
“Wait, I inherited them?”
“Yes. Oh, have I not mentioned it before? You are part of my lineage.”
“You could say you are quite a distant descendant. So I’ve been looking after you in various ways.”
I was a descendant of a god? Is that why she lent me a hand during the reincarnation? Even lending a weapon to my comrade and teaching her how to use her Gift?
“Then maybe you could’ve lent a hand during the Evil Dragon extermination too...”
“I had other things to take care of then. And if I dispatched my dependents, the entire northern area might have turned into scorched lands.”
“Then what about the time with the Evil God?”
“Back then they had been hidden very well. Even I would have trouble noticing them.”
“If you call yourself a god, at least notice that much.”
“Just because I am a god doesn’t mean I can do everything. My specialty lies in Item Making and subversive activities. Intelligence gathering isn’t one of them.”
“Is that so?”
As she said, the titles differed from god to god. The areas they governed differed, like the War God Alec and Wind God Hastarl.
“Speaking of which, what kind of God are you?”
“I’m the God of Destruction Yuuri.”
“How rude!”
God of Destruction Yuuri. Just as her title implied,she was a god who had once destroyed and broken the Commandments—In other worlds, the World Tree that was the source of the World Tree Religion.
The legends say that she did that to stop the Demon Lord that sought immortality, but that conduct still turned her into an enemy of the world’s largest religion. For that reason, The World Tree believers recognize her as the Evil God. Even Maria loathed and called her a detestable God.
But since her blood now flowed in my veins, didn’t that mean that it was the same for either Maria or Lyell? Or did she mean me from my previous life? Either way, it was quite an ironic story.
“By your descendant, did you mean the current or the previous me?”
“Both. Though the blood has weakened quite a bit already.”
“Well damn, here comes another secret I can’t reveal.”
“People wouldn’t be happy, eh? Ahaha.”
“That’s no laughing matter.”
Maria had good manners, but if she ever found out that I had the Evil God’s blood in me... Well, she probably wouldn’t give me a death penalty, but I can’t imagine what face she would make.
“No, wait. What are the chances that both me of the previous life and the current me have your blood?”
“It’s not that low, you know? How many years do you think has passed since? My blood has spread in all corners of the world.”
“What are you, an epidemic?”
According to the legends, it’s been around a millennium since the God of Destruction has been active on the land. Since then, the civilization had progressed, regressed, and came to a standstill. It wasn’t weird that the bloodline of that time had spread everywhere now.
Either way, I more or less understood why she was attached to me. Someone of her lineage had been rounded up for the Evil Dragon extermination and actually accomplished the feat, so she was giving him some preferential treatment.
“Well, I am grateful that you reincarnated me.”
“You can praise me more, okay? Okay?”
“Maybe if you didn’t act like that!”
I threw the empty bottle inside my exclusive recycling box and headed back to the hot spring. I was able to find out that her presence here wasn’t related to me, so there was a point in our conversation. If I leave her alone these next two days of our stay here, I can probably avoid getting into something troublesome.
“Ah, right. Hold on for a minute.”
Being called, I turned back towards the goddess. She stood there with several arrows in her hand. While naked. Just get dressed already.
“Give these to that girl. They are steel arrows. Those with twists have higher piercing power, so use them carefully.”
“I mean, she can’t even pull it yet.”
I still couldn’t cast strong enough support magic on her to draw that bow, so it was nothing but a burden now. She seemed to have realized it and pulled out a small bracelet from somewhere. It was a bangle type one with delicate carvings on it.
“Okay. That’s where this comes to play. It has a strengthening spell on it. The effect is about three minutes. The keyword is, “Megingjord”.”
“Megingjord... What does that mean?”
“It’s a word from another language, it is the name of a belt that bestowed the user with terrific power.”
“Sounds quite on point.”
As a test, I put it on my arm and called the keyword.
With my call, the power overflowed and filled my upper half. My strengthening couldn’t even compare to its power. This overflowing power... Wasn’t this also a Divine Item?
“This is amazing... How much does it amplify?”
I could even lift the locker room bench with one hand. With my frail body.
“It can easily amplify tenfold. But the recoil is quite big... So you should probably cancel it soon, you know?”
I immediately canceled it just as she told me. Next moment my entire body started convulsing like it had cramps all over. Of course, pain was there to accompany it too.
“You can’t create something from nothing. Same goes for power. In other words—you are technically taking the power as a loan. The pain you are feeling is the recoil from that.”
“Say that... Earlieeeeeer!”
I screamed while writhing in pain on the floor.
“Well, if your body improves, so will the recoil, and the duration will also shorten. Until then, please use it as an emergency tool.”
Ultimately, I continued rolling on the floor for the next ten minutes until the recoil wore off. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 19,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「うわっ!? 突然、何をするんですか!」
と認めているようなものだよ。君のような美しい女性なら桃色の悲鳴を上げないとね? 浩太君」
シェーナを翻弄するようにリィーシャはいつの間にか自室の玄関扉を開けて、笑顔で部屋に入っていった。 | The Elf handed a bag filled with coins to the landlord, which he checked thoroughly to see if the right amount was there.
“I’ll leave for today but make sure you warn Kishana that I want the payment every single month from now on”
The landlord held the bag filled with gold coins tightly and left.
Schenna proceeds to hand over the armor to the Elf as she thanked her for the help in that tight situation.
“Uhm... Thanks for saving me there!”
“It’s okay, I owe it to my neighboranyways. Moreover, I’m more interested in you two. Could it be that both of you are reincarnated?”
Schenna’s head was filled with panic as her identity was abruptly seen through so easily by the Elf.
Which reminds me, she seems to be the Elf that has opened an ornament stall right next to Kishana’s. I was so excited about being reunited with my best friend that I missed a lot of things around me.
“Right after you declined my neighbor’s fortune-telling, things became a bit weird. All of a sudden both of you began talking in a very manly way. I was only able to confirm it last night though. I’m sorry but I made use of my sharp hearing to listen to the conversation.”
The elf returned the armor to Schenna who still couldn’t hide her surprised face.
“You can have this back. I heard it’s worth way more than just a hundred gold coins”
“Ugh... Do you really believe us when we say we’re from another world and reborn here?”
The elf let out a burst of bold laughter, went behind Schenna and grabbed her breasts.
“Wha- ! Why are you grabbing my breasts all of a sudden!?”
“This is just my way of acknowledging you as a reincarnated individual. You’re such a cutie, would be a shame if I didn’t get to hear your adorable scream as I fondle your boobs, right? Kouta-kun.”
When she called Schenna by her previous life’s name, she remembered she had not introduced herself yet.
“Sorry, my bad. I got to rub your breasts before even introducing myself. My name is Reesha Karyu, a pleasure to meet you.”
“Reesha...... wait it can’t be!”
That name was not unfamiliar to Schenna. Reesha Karyu was one of the heroes who had taken part in the foundation of the neutral nation.
Meanwhile, Reesha was already at the front door of her house without Schenna even noticing. She opened the door and entered while giving Schenna a smile that gave the impression that she was making fun of her.As for Schenna, after getting her breasts fondled she felt like she had run out of strength and just sat there on the floor. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 9,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
イスラム教信者と、彼ら自身の宗教用語でのみ対話することは、特に無実な市民の保護といった必要な人的価値を保護する、幅広い道徳的枠組みから彼らを疎外することにもつながる。これらの価値は、すべての宗教および文化の伝統がよりどころとする基盤である。 | Speaking to Muslims exclusively in their own religious terms also excludes them from broad ethical frameworks that defend essential human values, most notably the protection of innocent civilians. These values are the foundation upon which all religious and cultural traditions rest. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
アフリカの珍しい成功 (ボツワナとモーリシャス) の理由を、彼らの輸出 (特にダイヤモンドや装身具) への海外需要に帰することは簡単だが、それも今後については不明である。明らかに、海外市場へのアクセスがなければ、両国は現状と比較して大幅に貧しかったことであろう。しかし、その他の成功した開発の場合において特徴的な点は、保有する対外的利点ではなく、これらの利点を有効利用する能力にある。 | It is tempting to ascribe the rare African successes – Botswana and Mauritius – to foreign demand for their exports (diamonds and garments, respectively), but that story goes only so far. Obviously, both countries would be considerably poorer without access to foreign markets. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
格差が対立を引き起こし社会を腐食させるという感覚は フランス革命以前から存在していました
当時と違うのは 形跡を調べ 格差の大きな社会と小さな社会を比較して その影響を見ることができることです
皆さんにそのデータをお見せして 後に紹介する関連性が 存在する理由を説明しますが
ですが最初に ある矛盾について話したいと思います これは国民総所得に対する 平均余命を表しています
富裕国の平均値を比べています 右の方のノルウェーや 米国は 左の方のイスラエルやギリシャやポルトガルより2倍豊かだと分かります
しかし社会の中で見ると 健康レベルの驚くような段階的な変化が 社会階級の間に見られます
イングランドとウェールズの 小さな地域のデータで 左端が最富裕層で右端が最貧困層です
最富裕層から 一段下がっただけでも 健康レベルが下がります つまり所得は社会の中では
とても重要な意味をもちますが 他の社会と比べると意味がないのです
この矛盾を説明します 人は社会生活において 相対的所得や社会的地位 社会的身分などに目を向けます 他人と比べて自分がどの辺りか どのくらい差があるかを気にします
この概念に気づいたら 次の疑問はこれでしょう 格差を広げたら あるいは狭めたら つまり所得格差を変動させたら どうなるだろうか?
データは国際連合のもので 世界銀行のものと同じです 豊かな先進民主主義国の
所得格差の大きさを表しています 理解しやすく簡単に入手できるため 比較基準として 各国の上位20%が下位20%に比べ どのくらい富裕かというデータを使いました
左側に格差の小さい国があります 日本や北欧諸国です これらの国の上位20%は 下位20%より3.5~4倍ほど裕福です
しかし格差が激しい英国や ポルトガル 米国 シンガポールでは 差がその2倍となります
この基準によると 英国の格差は 他の繁栄している経済民主主義国家の2倍となります
では 格差が社会に何をもたらすかをお見せします
社会的境遇に関する問題のデータを集めました よく見られる類の問題です 国際間の比較が可能なデータで 「平均余命」「児童の算数や読み書き能力」 「幼児死亡率」「殺人発生率」 「囚人の割合」「13~19歳の出産率」 「信用率」「肥満率」 一般的診断分類で 薬物中毒やアルコール依存症を含む 「精神病率」 そして 「社会的流動性」から成っています
この図で先ほどお見せした 格差レベルとの関係が分かります データをお見せする中でこの図は何度も使います
格差が大きい国々は これらの社会問題のほとんどに 上手く対応できていません
しかし健康面・社会面の問題を まとめた同じ指標を 1人当たりの国民総生産や 国民総所得と比べても 何も見られません 相関関係は見られなくなります
私たちが少し懸念していたのは 論拠に見合う問題を選んで 証拠を作り上げたと 思われるかもしれないということでした そこで英国医学誌で ユニセフによる児童福祉の指標についての研究を発表しました
他の人々が40個の要素を まとめて作成した指標で
「子供が両親に相談できるか」 「家庭に本があるか」 「予防接種率はどうか」「学校でイジメがあるか」など
でも再び同様に 国民1人当たりの所得と関連させて 児童福祉を見てみると 関連性は見られません 関連性を示唆するものさえありません
今までにお見せしたデータが意味するのは すべて同じことです
社会の平均的な幸福度は もはや国内生産高や経済成長には
依存していないのです 貧困国にとっては非常に重要ですが 裕福な先進国世界では重要でありません
しかし社会の中での格差や お互いの相対的な身分は とても重要になってきます
「大抵の人を信用できる」に 賛同した人の割合です
格差が一番大きいところでは 人口の約15%が 他人を信用できると感じています
しかし格差が小さい社会では これが60%や65%まで増加します
さらに地域社会参加や社会資本の比較基準に 目を向けると 格差レベルとの とても密接な関連性が見られます
実を言うと この作業は二度行っています
初めに裕福な先進国を調査した後 次に別の検定対象として アメリカの全50州で同じ分析をしました 全く同じ質問です 「格差の大きい州だと これらの比較基準は下がるか?」
これは連邦政府による格差に関する社会調査からの 信用率データです
似たような信用率の幅上の 非常によく似た散布パターンです
基本的に 各国の信用率に関係するものはほとんど全て 別に検定した米50州の信用率とも 関連性があると分かりました
世界保健機関が 国ごとの無作為標本に 同様の問診を行い収集したデータです これによって各社会の精神病率を 比較することができます
この図は前年に 精神病と診断された人口の割合です
約8%から最高その3倍までの 幅となっています いくつかの国では 精神病率が他国の3倍なのです
赤い点がアメリカの州 青い三角がカナダの州を表しています
人口百万人に対しての殺人件数が 15件から最大で150件に及びます
だいたい10倍もの違いが 対数目盛り上に広がっています
囚人の割合は百万人に対し 約40人から400人です
ここにある関係は 犯罪数に影響されていません
しかしほとんどの場合の原因は 懲罰的な厳しい裁判判決によるものです また格差の大きい社会では 多くの場合依然として死刑制度があります
人口単位の能力活用性を考えると 非常に大きな悪影響です
実際には所得を基に 流動性を測定したものです
基本的に何を見ているかと言うと 裕福な父親の息子は裕福で 貧しい父親の息子は貧しいか それとも父子の富に関連性はないのかです
格差が大きいところでは 父親の所得は非常に重要になってきます イギリスやアメリカがその例です
北欧諸国での父親の所得は そこまで重要ではありません
これはよく言っていることですが― 会場にはアメリカの方がたくさんいますが アメリカン・ドリームを叶えたいなら デンマークに行くべきです
よく見られる問題です しかし格差が大きい国だと悪化する問題は 数え切れません 少し悪化するだけでなく 2~10倍に増加します
この代償となる 人的損失の大きさを考えて下さい
前にお見せしたこの図に戻りましょう 2つのことを強調するため 全ての要素をまとめた図です
1つは どの図を見ても どの問題の状況であれ 良くない結果になっている国は 格差の大きい国々で 逆に上手くいっている国は 北欧諸国と日本だということです
つまりここにあるのは 格差に関連した全体的な社会的機能不全です
1つや2つのことが問題なのではなく ほとんどのことが問題になります
この図で強調したい2つ目の重要点は 左下の方に目を向けると スウェーデンと日本がありますが この2国はあらゆる面で異なるということです
女性の立場や どれほど核家族単位であるかは 裕福な先進国の中では まさに正反対に位置します
もう1つの重要な違いは 格差を小さくするやり方です
スウェーデンは所得格差が大きいので 課税や社会保障制度 そして寛大な福祉などで 格差を小さくしています
米国各州の分析からも ほぼ同じ対比が見られました
所得の再分配によって上手くやっている州や 税込み所得の格差が小さいため 上手くやっている州もあります
ですから結論としては 格差を小さくできるのであれば 手段は問わないということです
完全に格差をなくせと言うのでなく 格差の小さい豊かな先進民主主義国で既に見られるレベルにということです
この状況において もう1つ非常に驚くのは 格差によって影響を受けるのが 貧困層だけではないことです 「人は一人では生きていけない」
ジョン・ダンの格言に何らかの真実があるようです 多くの研究から人々が格差の大きい国・小さい国の それぞれの社会階級の中でどのような生活をしているか 比較することができます
何人かのスウェーデン人学者が親切にも 幼児の死亡率を英国統計局の社会経済的分類に基づいて分類してくれました
時代錯誤な 父親の職業による分類なので 「ひとり親」は別項目となります
左から2番目の「Low」は 訓練を要しない肉体労働職を示します
真ん中辺りは訓練を要する肉体労働者 そしてホワイト・カラーへと続き 右端の上流階級 つまり医者・弁護士・ 大企業の取締役などの 専門職となります
ご覧の通り スウェーデンの幼児死亡率は どの社会階級を見てもイギリスより低くなっています
しかし上流階級であっても 格差の少ない社会に住む利点が 少なからずあるようです
このことは5つほどの別々のデータで証明しました 教育成果や健康に関する アメリカと世界のデータです
どうもこれは一般的な現象のようです 格差縮小は労働者階級に最大の影響を与えますが 上流階級にもある程度の恩恵があるということです
私は 格差の心理社会的な影響があるのだと思います 優越感や劣等感 評価の高低 尊敬・軽蔑などに
もっと関係していると思います そして当然ながらこのような 地位争いから生まれる感情が 世の中の消費者主義を駆り立てるのです
どう評価され どう見られているか 感じが良く気の利いた人と思われているかなど そういったことをもっと気にするようになります
社会的評価に対する恐れが 増加するのです
興味深いことに 社会心理学で同じ類の研究が進められています 208件の別々の研究が検討されたのですが それらの研究では 心理学研究室に集まってもらった ボランティアたちの ストレスホルモンを測定し ストレスがたまる作業への反応を調べました
データ検証で 彼らが見たいと思っていたのは どのようなストレスが 主要ストレスホルモンであるコルチゾールの値を 最も確実に上げるかでした
結果的にそれは 社会的評価を脅かすような作業でした 他人にマイナス評価される可能性がある 自尊心や社会的地位を脅かすものでした
このような種類のストレスは ストレスの生理機能に 非常に独特な影響を及ぼします
さて 私たちは批評を受けてきています
もちろんこの手の研究を嫌う人や たいそう心外だと思う人もいます
しかし言っておきます データを選別していると批判されますが 決して選別などしていません
無条件のルールがあり データ源に調査対象国のデータがある場合 そのデータは分析されます
私たちではなく データ収集者が データの信頼性を決めます
論文審査のある学術誌には 所得格差の観点から見た健康の研究が 200件もあります
この現象は対象国に限られておらず 普通の状況を 隠しているわけではないのです
同じ国を対象にして 同じ格差測定基準を 様々な問題に使っているが
1人当たりの国民総生産は 関係ないとお見せしました
そしてもちろん もっと高度な手法を用いている他の学者たちは 貧困や教育などの因子を 制御した研究を出しています
実際 結論のいくつかにおいては 人々は因果関係をよく理解しています
豊かな先進国における 健康の要因についての理解で 大きく変わったのは 免疫系・心臓血管系に影響を与える 社会的な慢性ストレスが いかに問題であるか分かったことです
また別の例として 格差の大きい社会で暴力が増加するのは 人々が見下されることに反応するのが原因だということです
これを解決するには 税引き前後の所得格差是正に 取り組む必要があると言えるでしょう 上層部の給与やボーナス慣例などの所得を
制限しなければなりません 幹部が自社の従業員に対する責任を 何らかの形で持つようにするべきだと思います
しかし覚えておいてほしいのは 根本的な人の暮らしの質は 人々の所得格差を下げることによって
向上できるということです 社会全体の心理社会的幸福度への 理解を私たちは突如得たわけです うれしいことです
ありがとうございました | I think the intuition that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive has been around since before the French Revolution.
What's changed is we now can look at the evidence, we can compare societies, more and less equal societies, and see what inequality does.
I'm going to take you through that data and then explain why the links I'm going to be showing you exist.
But first, see what a miserable lot we are.
I want to start though with a paradox. This shows you life expectancy against gross national income -- how rich countries are on average.
And you see the countries on the right, like Norway and the USA, are twice as rich as Israel, Greece, Portugal on the left.
And it makes no difference to their life expectancy at all.
There's no suggestion of a relationship there.
But if we look within our societies, there are extraordinary social gradients in health running right across society.
This, again, is life expectancy.
These are small areas of England and Wales -- the poorest on the right, the richest on the left.
A lot of difference between the poor and the rest of us.
Even the people just below the top have less good health than the people at the top.
So income means something very important within our societies, and nothing between them.
The explanation of that paradox is that, within our societies, we're looking at relative income or social position, social status -- where we are in relation to each other and the size of the gaps between us.
And as soon as you've got that idea, you should immediately wonder: what happens if we widen the differences, make the income differences bigger or smaller?
And that's what I'm going to show you.
I'm not using any hypothetical data.
I'm taking data from the U.N. -- it's the same as the World Bank has -- in these rich developed market democracies.
The measure we've used, because it's easy to understand and you can download it, is how much richer the top 20 percent than the bottom 20 percent in each country.
And you see in the more equal countries on the left -- Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden -- the top 20 percent are about three and a half, four times as rich as the bottom 20 percent.
But on the more unequal end -- U.K., Portugal, USA, Singapore -- the differences are twice as big.
On that measure, we are twice as unequal as some of the other successful market democracies.
Now I'm going to show you what that does to our societies.
We collected data on problems with social gradients, the kind of problems that are more common Internationally comparable data on life expectancy, on kids' maths and literacy scores, on infant mortality rates, homicide rates, proportion of the population in prison, teenage birthrates, levels of trust, obesity, mental illness -- which in standard diagnostic classification includes drug and alcohol addiction -- and social mobility.
We put them all in one index.
They're all weighted equally.
Where a country is is a sort of average score on these things.
And there, you see it in relation to the measure of inequality I've just shown you, which I shall use over and over again in the data.
The more unequal countries on all these kinds of social problems.
It's an extraordinarily close correlation.
of health and social problems in relation to GNP per capita, gross national income, there's nothing there, no correlation anymore.
We were a little bit worried that people might think we'd been choosing problems to suit our argument and just manufactured this evidence, so we also did a paper in the British Medical Journal on the UNICEF index of child well-being.
It has 40 different components put together by other people.
It contains whether kids can talk to their parents, whether they have books at home, what immunization rates are like, whether there's bullying at school.
Everything goes into it.
Here it is in relation to that same measure of inequality.
Kids do worse in the more unequal societies.
Highly significant relationship.
But once again, if you look at that measure of child well-being, in relation to national income per person, there's no relationship, no suggestion of a relationship.
What all the data I've shown you so far says is the same thing.
The average well-being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth.
That's very important in poorer countries, but not in the rich developed world.
But the differences between us and where we are in relation to each other now matter very much.
I'm going to show you some of the separate bits of our index.
Here, for instance, is trust.
It's simply the proportion of the population who agree most people can be trusted.
It comes from the World Values Survey.
You see, at the more unequal end, it's about 15 percent of the population who feel they can trust others.
But in the more equal societies, it rises to 60 or 65 percent.
And if you look at measures of involvement in community life or social capital, very similar relationships closely related to inequality.
I may say, we did all this work twice.
We did it first on these rich, developed countries, and then as a separate test bed, we repeated it all on the 50 American states -- asking just the same question: do the more unequal states do worse on all these kinds of measures?
So here is trust from a general social survey of the federal government related to inequality.
Very similar scatter over a similar range of levels of trust.
Same thing is going on.
Basically we found that almost anything that's related to trust internationally is related to trust amongst the 50 states in that separate test bed.
We're not just talking about a fluke.
This is mental illness.
WHO put together figures using the same diagnostic interviews on random samples of the population to allow us to compare rates of mental illness in each society.
This is the percent of the population with any mental illness in the preceding year.
And it goes from about eight percent up to three times that -- whole societies with three times the level of mental illness of others.
And again, closely related to inequality.
This is violence.
These red dots are American states, and the blue triangles are Canadian provinces.
But look at the scale of the differences.
It goes from 15 homicides per million up to 150.
This is the proportion of the population in prison.
There's a about a tenfold difference there, log scale up the side.
But it goes from about 40 to 400 people in prison.
That relationship is not mainly driven by more crime.
In some places, that's part of it.
But most of it is about more punitive sentencing, harsher sentencing. And the more unequal societies are more likely also to retain the death penalty.
Here we have children dropping out of high school.
Again, quite big differences.
if you're talking about using the talents of the population.
This is social mobility.
It's actually a measure of mobility based on income.
Basically, it's asking: do rich fathers have rich sons and poor fathers have poor sons, or is there no relationship between the two?
And at the more unequal end, fathers' income is much more important -- in the U.K., USA.
And in Scandinavian countries, fathers' income is much less important.
There's more social mobility.
And as we like to say -- and I know there are a lot of Americans in the audience here -- if Americans want to live the American dream, they should go to Denmark.
I've shown you just a few things in italics here.
I could have shown a number of other problems.
They're all problems that tend to be more common at the bottom of the social gradient.
But there are endless problems with social gradients that are worse in more unequal countries -- not just a little bit worse, but anything from twice as common to 10 times as common.
Think of the expense, the human cost of that.
I want to go back though to this graph that I showed you earlier where we put it all together to make two points.
One is that, in graph after graph, we find the countries that do worse, whatever the outcome, seem to be the more unequal ones, and the ones that do well seem to be the Nordic countries and Japan.
So what we're looking at is general social disfunction related to inequality.
It's not just one or two things that go wrong, it's most things.
The other really important point I want to make on this graph is that, if you look at the bottom, Sweden and Japan, they're very different countries in all sorts of ways.
The position of women, how closely they keep to the nuclear family, are on opposite ends of the poles in terms of the rich developed world.
But another really important difference is how they get their greater equality.
Sweden has huge differences in earnings, and it narrows the gap through taxation, general welfare state, generous benefits and so on.
Japan is rather different though.
It starts off with much smaller differences in earnings before tax.
It has lower taxes.
It has a smaller welfare state.
And in our analysis of the American states, we find rather the same contrast.
There are some states that do well through redistribution, because they have smaller income differences before tax.
So we conclude that it doesn't much matter how you get your greater equality, as long as you get there somehow.
I am not talking about perfect equality, I'm talking about what exists in rich developed market democracies.
Another really surprising part of this picture is that it's not just the poor who are affected by inequality.
There seems to be some truth in John Donne's And in a number of studies, it's possible to compare how people do in more and less equal countries at each level in the social hierarchy.
This is just one example.
It's infant mortality.
Some Swedes very kindly classified a lot of their infant deaths according to the British register of general socioeconomic classification.
And so it's anachronistically a classification by fathers' occupations, so single parents go on their own.
But then where it says "low social class," that's unskilled manual occupations.
It goes through towards the skilled manual occupations in the middle, then the junior non-manual, going up high to the professional occupations -- doctors, lawyers, directors of larger companies.
You see there that Sweden does better than Britain all the way across the social hierarchy.
The biggest differences are at the bottom of society.
But even at the top, there seems to be a small benefit to being in a more equal society.
We show that on about five different sets of data covering educational outcomes and health in the United States and internationally.
And that seems to be the general picture -- that greater equality makes most difference at the bottom, but has some benefits even at the top.
But I should say a few words about what's going on.
I think I'm looking and talking about the psychosocial effects of inequality. More to do with feelings of superiority and inferiority, of being valued and devalued, respected and disrespected.
And of course, those feelings of the status competition that comes out of that drives the consumerism in our society.
It also leads to status insecurity.
We worry more about how we're judged and seen by others, whether we're regarded as attractive, clever, all that kind of thing.
The social-evaluative judgments increase, the fear of those social-evaluative judgments.
Interestingly, some parallel work going on in social psychology: some people reviewed 208 different studies in which volunteers had been invited into a psychological laboratory and had their stress hormones, their responses to doing stressful tasks, measured.
And in the review, what they were interested in seeing is what kind of stresses most reliably raise levels of cortisol, the central stress hormone.
And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social-evaluative threat -- threats to self-esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance.
Those kind of stresses have a very particular effect on the physiology of stress.
Now we have been criticized.
Of course, there are people who dislike this stuff and people who find it very surprising.
I should tell you though that when people criticize us for picking and choosing data, we never pick and choose data.
We have an absolute rule that if our data source has data for one of the countries we're looking at, it goes into the analysis.
Our data source decides whether it's reliable data, we don't.
Otherwise that would introduce bias.
What about other countries?
There are 200 studies of health in relation to income and equality in the academic peer-reviewed journals.
This isn't confined to these countries here, hiding a very simple demonstration.
The same countries, the same measure of inequality, one problem after another.
Why don't we control for other factors?
Well we've shown you that GNP per capita doesn't make any difference.
And of course, others using more sophisticated methods in the literature have controlled for poverty and education and so on.
What about causality?
Correlation in itself doesn't prove causality.
We spend a good bit of time.
And indeed, people know the causal links quite well in some of these outcomes.
The big change in our understanding of drivers of chronic health in the rich developed world is how important chronic stress from social sources is affecting the immune system, the cardiovascular system.
Or for instance, the reason why violence becomes more common in more unequal societies is because people are sensitive to being looked down on.
I should say that to deal with this, we've got to deal with the post-tax things and the pre-tax things. We've got to constrain income, the bonus culture incomes at the top.
I think we must make our bosses accountable to their employees in any way we can.
I think the take-home message though is that we can improve the real quality of human life by reducing the differences in incomes between us.
Suddenly we have a handle on the psychosocial well-being of whole societies, and that's exciting.
Thank you. | {
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◇ ◆ ◇
「......あの日が、初めてではありません。僕は元々、あなたが女性であることを、知っていました」 | The appointed day with Wilfrecht finally arrived.
Since work at the pharmacy started in the afternoon, Sheila spent her free time in the morning working out. Inspired by Cody and the others, she felt restless if her body wasn’t exercising.
After some light flexibility exercises, she started swinging. The sound of her wooden sword ripping through the air was pleasing.
There’s no need to rush. But it’s been a while since I’ve walked with Cody and the others.
It was reassuring to have friends who could work hard together. It was fortunate for Sheila that they had established a relationship in which they could improve each other. Thanks to that, training wasn’t so hard for her.
Sheila finally stopped swinging when she was sweating enough from the heat and exercise. As she was wiping the sweat off with her sleeve, something fell on her head.
A soft, soapy scent tickled her nose. It was a soft towel.
There was no one in the training hall when Sheila came in. She must have been so concentrated that she didn’t notice other people’s presence.
When she removed the towel from her head, Regress stood a little further away with an exasperated face.
“Seriously, how long are you going to keep swinging? If you don’t take a good break, you’ll get injured again.”
Sheila frowned as she alternated between Regress, who was walking towards her with his pink-blonde curly hair swaying, and the towel.
“.... Um, is there some sort of aristocratic significance to throwing a towel? Like a duel, for example.”
As they both tilted their heads, they suddenly heard a chuckle. Sheila turned toward the voice and saw Seiryuu walking into the training hall.
“Huh? Seiryuu.”
He had an imitation sword in his hand, so he must have come to train his body a little. Chuckling, Seiryuu looked at Regress.
“The towel is just for wiping sweat off your face like normal. Regress must be worried about you. You just collapsed yesterday, are you sure you’re okay to move around so much?”
Sheila’s head was stroked, and she was flustered. Her hair was damp with sweat, and she was somewhat embarrassed.
Regress, who was looking at him, had a similar reaction to his words.
“S-shut up, Seiryuu Mifune!”
“I apologize. However, I thought it would be a waste if your sincerity was not conveyed properly.”
Sheila looked down at the towel and then at Regress again. He was exasperated, but there was a faint reddish tinge around his cheekbones.
Perhaps he’s embarrassed?
Did that mean Seiryuu’s words were right? Was he really worried about her condition?
Perhaps because Sheila was staring at him so hard, but Regress started making excuses even though she didn’t say anything.
“Don’t get me wrong! I would never go out of my way to worry about some commoner!”
“I know, right? I’m sorry, I was expecting a little bit more.”
“E-expecting something....?!”
Regress’ grim face turned bright red. Ah, she had said something gibberish again.
Sheila looked down at the towel in her hand.
Even if his worries were a misunderstanding, this towel was the genuine kindness of Regress. Seiryuu had also confirmed it, so there was no doubt about it.
“Even so, I’m glad that you lent me the towel. It’s so fluffy, it’s almost too good to use.”
Sheila laughed and gently wiped her cheek. It was very comfortable to the touch.
“Thank you very much. I will wash it properly and return it to you.”
Regress turned away again.
I’m pretty sure he hates me, but he went out of his way to visit. Maybe we’re getting to know each other a little better?
If Sheila could get close to Regress, who was so cute that she could admire him all day long, her days would surely be full of bliss. It would be a welcome relief in an academy full of muscular men.
Sheila was unconsciously smiling at him as she thought of this wonderful idea. Regress frowned suspiciously.
“.... Sheila Danau, are you sure you’re all right? I think you hit your head and are getting weirder and weirder. You seem to be easy to understand, but your facial expressions are surprisingly hard to read, so I’m worried that I can’t guess if something’s wrong.”
“You say “weirder,” as if I’m weird from the start. It makes me wonder if you’re worried about me or you’re swearing at me.”
“That’s why I told you I’m not worried about you!”
“Right? .....Wait, then, aren’t you just openly bad-mouthing me?”
Sheila thought he was definitely worried, but her intuition was wrong.
But she never thought she would be called hard to understand, even though she lived her life without hiding her true feelings. If her childhood friends in Denan Village heard that, they would surely burst out laughing.
Sheila smiled bitterly, and then she saw Seiryuu watching the exchange with amusement.
“.... Seiryuu could tell that I was in a hurry at that time.”
When Sheila heard Regress’ words, she was surprised that he saw through her impatience to become stronger. Even though, they didn’t see each other every day.
Seiryuu calmly looked down at Sheila. His warm jet-black eyes narrowed gently.
“I like you when you’re fighting. I think it’s captivating to see you focused only on defeating the enemy in front of you. But at that time, you were fighting as if you were suffocating. That’s why I noticed it.”
Both Sheila and Regress widened their eyes. It was as direct an expression as a confession of love could be.
“.... Seiryuu is surprisingly passionate. Even I, as a man, was touched by it.”
Sheila nodded admiringly, but for some reason, Seiryuu was choking as if he was flustered.
◇ ◆ ◇
In the afternoon, Sheila was busy helping Amy at the pharmacy.
When the customers were gone, and Sheila was getting comfortable, at the exact same time as before, the person she was waiting for finally arrived.
“――Welcome, Sheena-sama.”
Luxurious blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and dressed in simple town girl-like clothes, she was the most beautiful girl―or rather, the most beautiful boy of all time. The Second Prince of the Kingdom of Steitz, Wilfrecht von Steitz, who was currently a senior at the academy.
Sheila had told Amy in advance that she wanted to have a private conversation with him. She asked for an inspection of the medicinal herbs brought in and walked with him to the back. The guards outside the door didn’t look good, but Wilfrecht signaled them not to intervene.
If you went to the back of the store, there was a storage area for medicinal materials. It was cramped, but there was a sofa and a table, so Sheila chose this place for the secret meeting. She thought that if she went outside, the knights would follow them.
She brewed a cup of herbal tea and placed it in front of Wilfrecht and herself. The baked goods had been placed on the table from the beginning, so the refreshments were complete.
Sheila, being careful to use the right words, held out a package to him.
“Your Highness Wilfrecht, I am very pleased to see that you are in excellent health today. It is a great honor for me to see you here as promised. First of all, please allow me to return this to you.”
When Sheila started talking, Wilfrecht made a strange face. It was as if he had swallowed vinegar. Maybe she said something wrong.
“I am deeply honored by your concern for someone like me. I offer my deepest gratitude to Your Highness, the Prince, for your generosity and compassion.”
Sheila respectfully held out a light blue jacket. It was the Steitz Academy uniform.
Wilfrecht accepted it and quietly opened his mouth.
“... I saw you sleeping unprotected at that time, and I thought it would be a bad idea to leave you like that. I wanted to carry you, but if I moved you, it would be that much more conspicuous. I knew that wasn’t your intention, so I could only offer you my jacket.”
He was referring to the time when Sheila had just entered the special course and there was a lot of hostility. At that time, she was in trouble after getting water poured over her head by Dilliam, with whom she now had a good relationship.
Sheila was mentally exhausted and dozed off in a deserted courtyard, but someone quietly put their jacket on her.
It was Wilfrecht.
“Still, I am deeply grateful to Your Highness for your thoughtfulness.”
Sheila thanked him without looking up.
It was only when she passed by him that she realized the identity of the person who put their jacket over her.
A clean yet somehow elegant, forest-like scent. Sheila noticed it because the perfume he was wearing was exactly the same as the scent that remained on his jacket.
“... But why are you keeping quiet about this matter? I just don’t understand.”
There was no doubt in her mind that he had lent it to her out of the goodness of his heart. But there was one thing that Sheila just couldn’t understand.
Sheila was soaking wet, and her figure was exposed that day. Whoever had put the jacket on her would have surely discovered her true identity. And yet, even at this moment, Sheila was still enrolled at the academy without any problems.
Wilfrecht hadn’t told anyone that Sheila was a woman.
“―― Your Highness, you know my secret, don’t you?”
He turned his golden lashes down in response to the question. A small sigh escaped his lips, and he slowly looked up.
Then, he told her a shocking truth.
“.... That day was not the first time. I knew you were a woman from the beginning.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
これはあれか? いきなり脈絡なく登場した強キャラがクールに敵を倒してくれる展開だろうか?
狙いは空中のウィルゴ! だが彼女は一気に距離を詰めて尾を避けながらディノギガントの足元へと潜り込む。
そして一閃! 片足を斬り付けて再び空へと舞い上がり、射程外へと逃れた。
「援護させてもらうぜ! 『光剣』!」
「やったじゃないか! この怪物を倒したぞ!」
「あ。これ、やっつけたの? 恐竜は怖いってお婆ちゃんから聞いてたからまだ立ち上がったり変身したりするのかと......」
「ミナミジュージ・セイ? 変わった名前だね」
「......? 何だったの?」
「さあ? 起き上がったはいいけどやっぱ力尽きたとかじゃないか? 驚かせてくれるな」
これは幸運なのか不運なのか......何とも、騒動って奴は中々に俺を好いてくれているらしい。 | In this world, outside of the humanoids, living existences with flesh could largely be divided into [Animals] and [Magical Beasts].
Animals were those who were not influenced by mana and maintained their appearances, whereas magical beasts were those who had been transformed after being influenced.
And ordinarily speaking, in terms of strength, magical beasts outclassed animals.
For example, if a domestic cat and a tiger were to fight, one would not need to think too hard to figure out that the tiger would come out victorious.
However, if that cat was transformed under the influence of mana, it might very well turn out to be the winner.
A transformation with mana had the capacity to bring out powers within animals which would otherwise have never been able to awaken such powers.
Nevertheless, in the world of Midgard, there were monsters among animals which blatantly ignored such a fundamental concept.
And those were the dinosaurs. These ancient monsters had long existed in this world far before the humanoids came to being.
With complete disregard to the phenomenon called mana, they were fearful monsters which screamed that the strong were called strong because they were strong, and saw all those around themselves as nothing more than prey.
Humanoids were its prey, magical beasts were its prey, others of its own kind were its prey and even the demons were its prey.
It was a naturally strong existence which saw everything else as its target for predation. That was the carnivorous dinosaurs.
As a consequence, in the world of Midgard, they were feared more than the demons and, in some ways, hated more than the demons.
Although their numbers were dramatically reduced by Ruphas Mafahl years ago, they still existed up to this date and spread fear around the world.
And even amongst those carnivorous dinosaurs, there were those that were particularly feared above the rest.
The one who inhabited the North, Dinorex.
The one who inhabited the West, Dinoacrocanth.
The one who inhabited the East, Dinotarbo.
And lastly, the one who inhabited the South, Dinogiganto.
Although there were numerous dinosaurs who were considered dangerous, the ones which were a head above the others on the danger scale were these four.
And at this moment, one of those four was blocking the path while standing in front of Sei.
Its length was approximately metres and its weight was approximately tonnes. Without a doubt, it was a monster.
In comparison, our side consisted of two individuals: an inexperienced newbie hero and a young flugel girl.
Looking at them from the sidelines, however one thought about it, it was not a situation where even a fight could be established. Even calling it reckless was too much of a leeway.
However, the participants of the festival were not limited to these two individuals.
After finding out about the existence of the dinosaur, several adventurers and travellers quickly came to aid Sei and Virgo.
“Fu... dinosaur, huh. I’ll take care of it in five seconds!”
The full-body black-cloaked cool warrior stood at the front and drew his sword.
Even the blade was jet black in colour and showed off his bad taste.
He continued to give off an atmosphere of a strong individual as his mantle fluttered around and brazenly approached Dinogiganto.
Was this it? The scenario where an unknown and strong character suddenly and coolly entered and struck the enemy down?
Under such expectations, Sei wished all the best to the pitch black warrior.
“Under my justice – you shall wither. Secret Sword Technique –Black Shadow Flowing Blade!”
Pitch Black-san shouted out some questionably cool sounding technique in a low voice and swung at Dinogiganto.
Subsequently, he was blown away somewhere by the tail whilst screaming, “Ooufff!?”
What’s the point of you getting taken care of in five seconds?!
“Looks like it has some strength.”
Following pitch black, the bearded rabbit-eared wrestler-like muscular man went out in front whilst cracking his knuckles.
Even after seeing the Dinogiganto’s body and the instant K.O. which had just happened, he still did not falter.
It was an atmosphere of a complete veteran who had absolute confidence in himself.
And so he ran to the foot of the Dinogiganto and grabbed the thick foot with both of his arms.
However, it did not move or even budge.
Well duh, there are things that are simply impossible. Think about the size first.
As Sei was getting exasperated by such a dumb event, the foolish man was kicked away by the dinosaur and rolled away on the ground. His eyes rolled back, showing only whites.
“You weaklings. I’ll show you how the fight should be done!”
And lastly, the bikini armour macho uncle stepped forward.
Then he ran to the foot of the Dinogiganto and grabbed onto its thick foot.
As I said, it’s impossible. What were you even looking at!? I’m begging you to think about the size first, you idiot.
The stupid man, who did not learn from the previous guy, was kicked away by the Dinogiganto and merrily got knocked out together with the rabbit-eared man as if they were best friends.
“..... What did they even come here for, these guys...?”
In the end, all Sei got to see was the strength of the dinosaur which took the three of them out in a flash. As Sei felt astonished beyond words due to the pointlessness displayed by the three, he gripped his katana again and got ready for combat.
Virgo also readjusted how she held her sword and prepared for battle against the Dinogiganto with a face full of nervousness.
The dog-type magical beast tried to trot in front of the dinosaur without a care in the world. However, the flustered Sei quickly grabbed the dog and put it behind him before returning back into a battle stance.
What was surprising at this moment was the Dinogiganto. Sei thought it would already have attacked him, however, for some reason, it was still in its position whilst surveying Sei... no, surveying Virgo intently to see what action she might take.
Due to it living in the wild, perhaps it was sensitive to those that were strong.
It had likely assessed Virgo, who looked weak, to be strong, and instinctively judged that it was not in its best interest to recklessly charge in.
“ G U U U U U U .... G Y A O O O O O O O O O O ! ! “
The Dinogiganto’s roar resounded throughout the entire area. At the same time, it spun on the spot and struck strongly with its tail.
Its aim was Virgo who was in the air! However, she quickly closed the distance at once whilst avoiding the tail slam and ducked towards the Dinogiganto’s feet.
A straight line! She sliced at one of its feet and flew back up into the sky, outside of its range.
The Dinogiganto, which had one of its feet sliced, was unable to maintain its balance and fell down. Nevertheless, the slice did not amount to complete amputation.
It got back up on its feet in a flash and looked up at the sky to glare at Virgo.
“Ama, amazing....”
Sei could not help but be dazed, his jaw dropping in response to her fast movement, and he became fascinated by her charm.
Gorgeous. Such sharp and quick movements.
It was clear to Sei that she was incomparably leagues above the previously blown away Pitch Black-san.
In practice, Virgo was a full support type. What she just displayed was nothing more than a result of the difference in her level and status. Yet, Sei was lacking in level so much that he was unable to even notice such a thing.
During the time Sei was being stupefied by her abilities due to his low level, Virgo and the Dinogiganto’s fight continued. Virgo repeatedly sliced at the Dinogiganto using hit-and-run tactics.
He wanted to assist her if he could and as a man he felt shameful to just be looking at her fight from the side.
Nevertheless, he was not stupid enough to not be able to figure out how he’ll be nothing more than a burden if he helped her poorly.
As a consequence, he gave up the idea of joining the fight using his sword.
Instead, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped nearby sand and gravel in it. He then threw it at the Dinogiganto’s eyes the moment Virgo backed away from it.
“It’s a diversion. It should have some effect, right!?”
Haa, I’m really not acting anything like a Hero. – Although he was thinking such a thing, he told himself mentally that it was the best course of action he could take.
Notwithstanding that his level was low, as a level 0, his physical ability was far above that of what he should normally have had. He had more than enough throwing strength to be able to throw a handkerchief ball filled with sand and gravel at the Dinogiganto.
During the moment the Dinogiganto faltered, Virgo released a blade of light from the tip of her sword and dealt a deep wound on its body.
When this happened, the Dinogiganto’s rage flared and it persistently chased Virgo only.
It seemed it had judged Sei to not be of any threat and had completely ignored him.
It was a pitiful story. He had wanted to mock himself by asking, “Are you even a hero?”
.... Works well for me. You lizard *******.
I am weak. And I’m aware of that.
But just because I’m weak doesn’t mean I can’t do anything.
Sei activated the Hero skill [Light Sword] which he had recently acquired.
For the subsequent attack, the weapon’s attack power was doubled. Although Sei thought the skill in itself was quite lame, combined with the katana from the Royal Tomb of the Black Wing, he was able to change the lame skill into a magnificent skill which dealt significant damage.
(And the timing is... now!)
The moment the Dinogiganto took a large step to attack Virgo, Sei attacked at the ground where its foot was going to land!
The attack that he made could not be any more shameful.
It was by no means a way that a man called the Hero should be fighting.
Nevertheless, although its effect on the overall scheme of things was minimal, in this battle, his action was not without its value.
The Dinogiganto’s feet sank and it lost its balance, giving Virgo the opportunity to release an attack with all of her might.
First, she flew up high and grabbed her sword with both of her hands, preparing to swing down widely.
And then she descended rapidly!
Trying to imitate the battle she previously saw between Ruphas and Scorpius, she rapidly accelerated and slammed her sword with all of her might towards the head of the Dinogiganto.
Furthermore, she activated La Pucelle’s effect at this moment and bestowed the power of a light slash into the attack towards the head.
“Let me support you! [Light Sword]!”
At that moment, Sei activated his skill and doubled the attack power of La Pucelle that Virgo held. Just as the name of the skill suggested, La Pucelle which had turned into a sword of light carved into the head of the Dinogiganto, causing it to gush out blood.
And when the sword was swung down, the Dinogiganto’s head down to the tip of its nose was cleanly sliced off.
“GA...... A ........”
The Dinogiganto’s giant body slanted to the side and collapsed downwards, creating a loud sound.
It did not simply fall down this time.
It had no sign of getting back up nor did it show any signs of movement. Even when the dog-type magical beast whimsically got close and peed on it, it did not move at all.
After seeing such a thing, Sei was able to truly feel that it had been defeated, causing Sei to tightly clench his own fist.
I’ve won – he was not going to say such a presumptuous thing. The one who had won was the young girl, not him.
Nevertheless, he was still able to feel happy that they had managed to overcome such a hurdle.
Perhaps things had not yet registered into her brain, but the young girl was looking dumbfounded at the turnout. Sei ran to where she was and gave praise for her brave effort.
“You did it! You defeated this monster!”
“A. This thing, it was defeated? Because grandma said the dinosaurs are scary, I thought it is going to get back up and mutate or something....”
Although this sounded like a broken record, Virgo was a frog which resided in the well.
However, all of the friends it lived with were true monsters.
A sheep which could turn into a giant, a full-body weaponised golem, a scorpion which could turn into a giant and a devil which could also turn into a giant.
Although Crab-san had not turned giant up until now, it could probably also turn into one.
As a consequence, she did not think that dinosaurs, which were said to be strong, could be finished with such a degree of attacks.
However, she had misunderstood things.
Sei shook his arm around whilst thinking, “That’s impossible,” and rejected what she was saying.
“Umm, thanks. Your support really helped out.”
“Well, I’m really happy you put it that way, but... Yeah, I’m sorry I could only provide such a lame form of support.”
As he knew himself that he lacked strength, he did not believe he made a wrong decision.
He could not determine, in what other world there would be a hero that entrusted the battle to a young girl whilst he himself threw sand around and dug holes in the ground.
Even the fodder heroes, who served only as stepping stones in light novels, fought in a more dignified manner.
“Umm. Oh yeah, I still haven’t told you my name yet. I’m Sei. Minami-Jyuji Sei.”
“Minamijyuji Sei? Oh, you have a strange name.”
“Aah, Sei is my name. In my country, the first name and the family name are placed the other way around.”
“Is that so? Ah, I’m Virgo. I don’t have a family name.”
After mutually completing their self-introductions, they started having a conversation.
Notwithstanding that they were competitors within the same festival, they were still comrades who fought against the same ferocious enemy.
Due to the two’s personalities, they were not wary of one another and felt a pleasant feeling for each other.
However, this action might have been a display of how inexperienced the two of them were.
It was wrong of them to let their guard down simply because the enemy had stopped moving.
The Dinogiganto, which had been lying down on the ground until this moment, opened its eyes and got right up as if it was jumping.
Precisely. It was still not yet dead.
Astonishingly, even with its head cracked open, its vitality allowed it to continue functioning.
Although Virgo and Sei quickly turned their heads around to look towards it, the Dinogiganto’s large mouth was already right in front of them.
However, before its jaws could reach and close around them, a gust of wind blew past them.
As soon as it happened, the Dinogiganto stopped moving on the spot. Its eyes rolled into its head and turned white. This time, for certain, it had died. It collapsed straight onto the floor.
For Virgo and Sei, it simply looked as if the dinosaur suddenly got up then immediately died.
They wondered what it was, but had no way of figuring out what had happened.
“.........? What just happened?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it got up but finally ran out of power? Damn, it really scared me.”
For now, they assumed that it had used up the last of its strength.
After assuming this, the two decided to leave the location before anything else happened.
“Looks like you managed it, Libra.”
At this moment, I was flying in the sky some distance above the audience seats whilst crossing my arms and acknowledging Libra.
Next to me, Libra, who was holding a sniper rifle, was looking through its scope silently.
Once I had found out that a dinosaur had come out, the action I decided on was to take Libra out and give the order to snipe it down.
Although I did not think that Virgo would fall behind the dinosaur due to her level, I also knew that she barely had any actual combat experience. We could not afford a one-in-a-million chance situation.
Therefore, as precaution against any possible mishaps, we had been on standby in the air in order to be able to provide support instantly.
And as expected, Libra had sniped the dinosaur down as I was hoping she would.
“........ It was not me.”
Libra answered without showing any expression as she rejected my assumption... Though it was the same expression as always.
According to Libra, it was not her that had finished off the dinosaur. However, in this day and age, there were not many individuals who could achieve such a feat at that moment.
I looked towards her and waited for what she was going to say.
“Before my bullet could reach the enemy, some other individual released an arrow and pierced it through the head. The bullet I fired merely pierced through the corpse.”
“Who was it?”
“I do not know. However, in this day and age, there are a very limited number of individuals who could achieve such a feat.”
Libra stored the rifle away and answered as she looked into the distance.
“With above 50% certainty, I believe[Archer] is in the vicinity.”
“....Sagittarius, is it?”
A disturbance might have been inbound even in a country I had visited to take a breather.
Whether this constituted as good luck or bad luck.... I did not know. However, it seemed that turmoil really favoured me. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
リンポポの冬は日が 照ってとても暑いです
日向ぼっこをしていると 隣にいた親友が言いました 「やれやれ 誰か発明してくれないかな 入浴する代わりに 肌に塗るようなものを」
私は思わず口にしました 「おいおい それ俺も欲しいな」
私は家に帰って 少し調べてみました そして 衝撃的な統計を見つけたんです
今日 上下水道を利用できていない人の数は 世界全体で25億人を越えています
4億5000万人がアフリカにいて その内 500万人は南アフリカにいます
このような環境では 様々な病気が蔓延します 最も被害の大きい病気はトラコーマです トラコーマとは 目にばい菌が入ることで
発症する目の感染症で 多重感染してしまうと 永久失明する可能性もあります 毎年毎年 この病気によって
800万人が永久失明になっています 恐ろしい事にこのトラコーマの予防策は 洗顔以外になにもないのです 飲み薬もワクチンもありません
この衝撃的な統計を見て 考えました 「これは自分のためにやるんじゃない 入浴が嫌いなのは事実だけど 世界を救うためにやらなきゃ」 そして僕の名馬 Nokia 6234 携帯を使って調べました パソコンもなく インターネットもろくに使えません 1時間20ランドのネットカフェを除いてね
ウィキペディアやグーグルで ローションやクリーム 組成物や溶融点 有毒性などについて調べました そして高校の化学にならって 1枚の紙に化学式を書きました まるでKFCの 秘伝スパイスのレシピみたいでした
次は 実践する必要がありました
その後の4年間で 40ページに渡るビジネスプランや 特許明細を全て 携帯電話で書き上げ 国内最年少の特許権者となりました そして・・ (入浴も必要なし!) これ以上は言えませんね 私は「ドライバス」を発明しました 入浴の代替となる 世界初のローションです
文字通り 皮膚に塗れば もう入浴しなくてもいいのです
高校での限られた資源で実践した後 大学へ行き 何人かの人と出会い 実用化に向けて 十分に機能する完成品ができました 実はもう市場に出回っています
ドライバスを宣伝し 広める中で いくつかの教訓を得ました
まず お金のない人たちは 大口購入はしません
その時の需要に合わせて購入します タバコも箱買いはせず 毎日1本ずつ買います たとえ割高になるとしてもです
だからドライバスを この革新的な小袋に入れました
半分にパキっと折って ギュッと押せば出てきます
たったの5ランドの1袋で 1回の入浴分になります これがドライバスの売りです
このビジネスモデルを作った後 製品化についても色々学びました
実は 郊外に住む裕福な子供にも 需要があることに 気づいたのです 少なくとも1週間に1回はね
その他にも 1回入浴をしないことで 80リットルの水が節約できるだけでなく 田舎に住む子供たちにとって 1日2時間の節約ができます それは学校の時間にもなり 宿題をする時間にもなり 子供として過ごせる時間にもなり得ます
世界規模の影響を目の当たりにして この活動を 重要な命題に掘り下げました ずばり「清潔」と「利便性」です
ドライバスは 裕福な人の便利グッズであり 貧しい人の救命具なのです
製品の実用化を終え 今まさに 多国籍企業に販売交渉をしています その後 世界中の店頭に 並ぶことになります 今この話を聞いている皆さんに 1つ質問があります 週に50ランドの小遣いしかなかった私が リンポポ州の砂利道で 世界のために入浴しなくて済む 方法を編み出しました
あなたを止めるものは何でしょうか 私の話はまだ終わりじゃありませんよ
もう1つ 今回の過程全体から学んだ 大事なことがあります 昨年 私はグーグルから世界一聡明な 若者の一人に選ばれました
さらに 私はアフリカ人としては初めて 世界学生起業家 最優秀賞も受賞しました ただ 私も困惑しています こんな事を成し遂げられたのが 入浴が面倒だったという理由だからです ありがとうございました | The Limpopo sun gets really hot in winter.
So as we were sunbathing, my best friend next to me says, "Man, why doesn't somebody invent something that you can just put on your skin and then you don't have to bathe?"
And I sat, and I was like, "Man, I would buy that, eh?"
So I went home, and I did a little research, and I found some very shocking statistics.
Over 2.5 billion people in the world today do not have proper access to water and sanitation.
Four hundred and fifty million of them are in Africa, and five million of them are in South Africa.
Various diseases thrive in this environment, the most drastic of which is called trachoma.
Trachoma is an infection of the eye due to dirt getting into your eye. Multiple infections of trachoma can leave you permanently blind.
The disease leaves eight million people permanently blind each and every year. The shocking part about it is that to avoid being infected with trachoma, no medicine, no pills, no injections.
So after seeing these shocking statistics, I thought to myself, "Okay, even if I'm not just doing it for myself and the fact that I don't want to bathe, I at least need to do it to try to save the world." So with my trusty little steed, my Nokia 6234 cell phone -- I didn't have a laptop, I didn't have Internet much, except for the 20-rand-an-hour Internet cafe —
I did research on Wikipedia, on Google, about lotions, creams, the compositions, the melting points, the toxicities -- I did high school science -- and I wrote down a little formula on a piece of paper, and it looked like the KFC special spice, you know?
So I was like, okay, so we've got the formula ready.
Now we need to get this thing into practice.
Fast forward four years later, after having written a 40-page business plan on the cell phone, having written my patent on the cell phone, I'm the youngest patent-holder in the country, and — — I can't say any more than that. I had invented DryBath, the world's first bath-substituting lotion.
You literally put it on your skin, and you don't have to bathe.
So after having tried to make it work in high school with the limited resources I had, I went to university, met a few people, got it into practice, and we have a fully functioning product that's ready to go to the market. It's actually available on the market.
So we learned a few lessons in commercializing and making DryBath available.
One of the things we learned was that poor communities don't buy products in bulk.
They buy products on demand. A person in Alex doesn't buy a box of cigarettes. They buy one cigarette each day, even though it's more expensive.
So we packaged DryBath in these innovative little sachets.
You just snap them in half, and you squeeze it out.
And the cool part is, one sachet substitutes one bath for five rand.
After creating that model, we also learned a lot in terms of implementing the product.
We realized that even rich kids from the suburbs really want DryBath. At least once a week.
Anyway, we realized that we could save 80 million liters of water on average each time they skipped a bath, and also we would save two hours a day for kids who are in rural areas, two hours more for school, two hours more for homework, two hours more to just be a kid.
After seeing that global impact, we narrowed it down to our key value proposition, which was cleanliness and convenience.
DryBath is a rich man's convenience and a poor man's lifesaver.
Having put the product into practice, we are actually now on the verge of selling the product onto a multinational to take it to the retail market, and one question I have for the audience today is, with an allowance of 50 rand a week, I came up with a way for the world not to bathe.
What's stopping you? I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet.
And another key thing that I learned a lot throughout this whole process, last year Google named me as one of the brightest young minds in the world.
I'm also currently the best student entrepreneur in the world, the first African to get that accolade, and one thing that really puzzles me is, I did all of this just because I didn't want to bathe. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
少し早いと言っても、それは日本で徹夜が日常のハジメにしてはということで、トータスにおいては十分深夜にあたる時間。怪しげな深夜の訪問者に、すわっ、檜山達かっ! と、ハジメは、緊張を表情に浮かべる。
「南雲くん、起きてる? 白崎です。ちょっと、いいかな?」
なんですと? と、一瞬硬直するも、ハジメは慌てて扉に向かう。そして、鍵を外して扉を開けると、そこには純白のネグリジェにカーディガンを羽織っただけの香織が立っていた。
「あ~いや、なんでもないよ。えっと、どうしたのかな? 何か連絡事項でも?」
最も有り得そうな用件を予想して尋ねるが、香織は、あっさり否定して弾丸を撃ち込んでくる。しかも上目遣いという炸薬付き。効果は抜群だ! 気がつけば扉を開け部屋の中に招き入れていた。
「明日の迷宮だけど......南雲くんには町で待っていて欲しいの。教官達やクラスの皆は私が必ず説得する。だから! お願い!」
話している内に興奮したのか身を乗り出して懇願する香織。ハジメは困惑する。ただハジメが足手まといだからというには少々必死過ぎないかな? と。
「違うの! 足手まといだとかそういうことじゃないの!」
「白崎さんは〝治癒師〟だよね? 治癒系魔法に天性の才を示す天職。何があってもさ......たとえ、僕が大怪我することがあっても、白崎さんなら治せるよね。その力で守ってもらえるかな? それなら、絶対僕は大丈夫だよ」
「南雲くんは、私と会ったのは高校に入ってからだと思ってるよね? でもね、私は、中学二年の時から知ってたよ」
ハジメは、なんて格好悪い所を見られていたんだ! と今度は違う意味で身悶えしそうになる。そして、人目につくところで土下座っていつ、どこでだ!? と必死に記憶を探る。一人、百面相するハジメに香織が話を続ける。
ハジメは耳を疑った。そんなシーンを見て抱く感想ではない。もしや、白崎には特殊な性癖が!? と途轍もなく失礼なことを想像するハジメ。
深夜、香織がハジメの部屋を出て自室に戻っていくその背中を無言で見つめる者がいたことを誰も知らない。その者の表情が醜く歪んでいたことも知る者はいない。 | 【Orcus Great Dungeon】
This was a huge labyrinth that consisted of hundred floors. As one of the Seven Great Dungeons, the lower you go, the stronger the Magic Beasts become. Even so, this dungeon was a very popular place for mercenaries and adventurers. It was also a great training ground for new recruits; That was because it was easy to judge the strength of the Magic Beasts in accordance to the dungeon floor. Moreover, the Magic Beasts in the dungeons also possessed higher quality Magic Stone in their body compared to the Magic Beasts in the wilderness.
The Magic Stone is the core that provides power to the Magic Beast. The stronger the Magic Beast, the higher quality the core is. These Magic Stones are used as raw materials to make the magic circles. The magic circle could be activated as long as it was completed, but the effect was only one-third when comparing the magic circle drawn by oneself to the magic circle drawn by using Magic Stone Powder.
In brief, using Magic Stones could effectively improve the efficiency of magic. In addition, the magic tools used in everyday life were also powered by Magic Stones. There was a very high demand for these Magic Stones; It was essential for both the armies and everyday life.
By the way, powerful Magic Beasts with high quality Magic Stone can use inherent magic. Inherent Magic does not require incantation and magic circles. It is the only spell the Magic Beast can use, the same species of Magic Beast will not be able to use all sort of spells even if they possesses magic power. But in place of that, the Magic Beast doesn’t require incantation and magic circles to perform the spell. This is the biggest reason one cannot be negligent when confronting the Magic Beast.
Commander Meld led a group of knights, and brought the students to their temporary lodging at small town of 【Holward】. The adventurers who wished to challenge 【Orcus Great Dungeon】 would stay here. Tonight, they were going to stay at an inn managed by the Kingdom, which was exclusive for the new recruits.
Hajime, who had not seen a normal room in a long time, lie down on the bed and let out a breath, “Whew~”. All the rooms were designed for two people, but only Hajime got a room to himself. “Well, at least I can relax this way.” Hajime did not let that bother him and muttered as such. He wasn’t lonely and what not, not at all......
Tomorrow is the day they will challenge the dungeon. It seems like they will only challenge up to the twentieth floors. This way, even someone as weak as Hajime will be useful. This is what the commander said with his own mouth.
As for Hajime, other than feeling sorry for being a burden, he really had nothing else to say. Rather, it was definitely the better choice to just leave him at the capital city...... The timid Hajime also did not say anything after reading the atmosphere around him.
Hajime took a moment to read the Magic Beasts illustrated handbook he borrowed. However, in order to let his tired body rest for a while, he decided to sleep earlier. The sleeping skill he perfected in his school life displayed its full potential in another world.
However, when Hajime was about to doze off, he heard someone knock on his door. For Hajime who frequently pulled all nighters in Japan, it was still early, but it was already very late for Tortus. The dubious person that would pay visit at this time of the night, could it be Hiyama?! Hajime was a little worried when he thought about it.
However, he eased up after hearing the voice.
“Nagumo-kun, are you still awake? It’s me, Shirasaki. Can I bother you for a moment?”
Seriously? Hajime froze for a moment and hastily proceeded towards the door. After fetching the key and opening the door, Kaori stood there with a snow-white negligee on. She was wearing an unbuttoned sweater over the negligee.
“......Why is this happening?”
When presented with such a scene, Hajime unexpectedly switched to Kansai dialect and performed a
. Kaori was puzzled since she couldn’t understand. Hajime quickly pulled himself together, he tried not to stare at Kaori too much, and only hear what she had to say. Although he didn’t have too much interest in the D world, he was still an adolescent boy. The current appearance of Kaori was slightly too stimulating.
“Ah~ No, it’s nothing. En, what’s the matter? Did you have something to tell me?”
“No. I just...... wanted to talk with Hajime-kun. Am I bothering you after all?”
“............Come in.”
He anticipated the most probable question, but it was quickly shot down by Kaori’s provocative nature. Moreover, Kaori’s upturned eyes was so explosive. It’s super effective! By the time he noticed, he already opened the door and invited her into the room.
Kaori entered the room happily without any precaution.
She sat on the chair near the window. Hajime unconsciously prepared the tea while still being slightly confused. Though it was really just putting something like a tea bag into the cup. Something similar to black tea was made using this kind of stuff. He prepared enough for both of them and handed a cup to Kaori. After that, Hajime sat on the chair directly in front of her.
“Thank you.”
Kaori happily accepted the black tea imitation and took a sip. The moonlight that shone through the window illuminated her. It seemed like there was a halo around her glossy black hair, she looked like an angel. Without any lustful desires, Hajime was fascinated by Kaori’s purity. He recovered himself when he heard Kaori place down her cup. Hajime drank the black tea imitation in one breath. He choked a little as he drank too fast. How embarrassing...
Seeing Hajime like that, Kaori giggled. Hajime quickly struck a conversation to hide his embarrassment.
“So, are you here to discuss about the plan for tomorrow?”
To Hajime’s question, Kaori nodded her head. Her smile earlier was like a lie as it changed into a heavy expression.
“About the trip to the dungeon tomorrow...... I wish Nagumo-kun can stay in the town. I will persuade the instructors and classmates. So, please!”
She leaned over as she pleaded Hajime. Hajime was perplexed. Even if Hajime was a burden, wasn’t this a little too much?
“En...... You are right, I know I am a burden...... I should really stay here. Even if you don’t say it, I......”
“You’re wrong! It’s not because you’re a burden!”
Kaori tried to clear up the misunderstanding. Maybe she was being too hasty. She put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath. After she calmed down, “It was too sudden, I’m sorry” she apologized like this.
“I just had a very bad feeling. When I fell asleep earlier...... I had a dream...... it was about Nagumo-kun...... When I called out to you, you didn’t even notice...... Even when I run, I couldn’t catch up...... In the end......”
She seemed afraid to speak the rest. Wanting to hear the rest, Hajime urged her to continue.
“What happened in the end?”
Kaori bit her lips, she had a teary expression on her face.
They sat in silence for a while. Hajime looked at Kaori, who was still hanging her head. It was a really ominous dream, but it was just a dream. With just that, they wouldn’t permit him to stay. If such a thing was allowed, the criticism he received from the classmates will surely intensify. If such a thing happened, he really would not be welcomed anymore. He had no choice but to go.
To reassure Kaori, Hajime started to speak as gently as possible.
“A dream is just a dream, Shirasaki-san. This time, we have Commander Meld and his veteran knights accompanying us. There are also a lot of strong people like Kouki coming with us. Rather, our whole class is amazing. I actually feel sorry for our enemies. I am very weak, in more ways than one, isn’t that why you have such a dream?”
While listening to Hajime, Kaori looked at him with an anxious expression.
“I-if you’re still worried, then......”
Hajime was a little embarrassed, but he still stood perfectly straight and looked into Kaori’s eyes.
“Will you protect me?”
As a man, saying something as embarrassing as this still affected his pride. His face already became red due to shame. The room was illuminated by the moonlight, he could see Kaori’s appearance very clearly.
“Shirasaki-san is a healer right? Healer was a class that had an innate talent for healing magic. No matter what happened...... As long as Shirasaki-san is around, you can heal me even if I get heavily wounded. Will you protect me with this power? If so, I believe I’ll be fine.”
The biggest cause of a person’s insecurity was the unknown, Hajime had heard of these kind of thing before. Kaori was probably worried about what could possibly attack Hajime. In that case, perhaps he could ease her mind by convincing her that they could handle all the unknown dangers that were thrown at them.
“You never change, Najumo-kun.”
Hajime made a doubtful expression as Kaori said that. Kaori giggled after seeing that expression.
“Nagumo-kun, you probably thought we first met in high school right? But, I knew you since the second year of middle school.”
This revelation caused Hajime to widen his eyes in shock. He quickly searched through his memories, but he couldn’t recall the meeting. Hajime groaned as he thought of this, and it caused Kaori to giggle again.
“It was a one-sided meeting. The first time I saw you, you were prostrating. I didn’t dare believe what I saw.”
To be seen in such an embarrassing state! His body writhed again but for a different reason this time. Where and when did she see him in such a position? Just where? He frantically searched his memories. Facing Hajime who was making all kind of expressions, Kaori continued to speak.
“En, you were surrounded by shady-looking people. Even when they spit at you, poured their drinks on you, or stepped on you... you did not stop kneeling. Before long, they left appalled.”
“T-that is, I showed such an unsightly sight......”
Hajime felt like dying a little. She saw a scene that was just as bad as his dark history of
However, Kaori just gave him a gentle look. One that was free from contempt and ridicule.
“No, it wasn’t unsightly. Rather, when I saw you like that, I thought you were a very strong and kind person.”
(That’s not the kind of impression someone would get. Could it be, Shirasaki had a special fetish for that?!)
“I mean, Nagumo-kun, you did it for the sake of a granny and her grandson.”
When she said that, Hajime finally remembered something. Indeed, there was such an incident during his middle school years.
. The little boy started to cry while the delinquents angrily shouted at the granny. The granny cowered in fear. They were in a very difficult situation.
Originally, Hajime who was just passing through by chance wanted to ignore it. He saw the granny took out a few notes —— perhaps it was the price to quell the quarrel. After receiving those, the delinquent demanded for more in a threatening manner. In the end, Hajime’s body moved on its own after they took the purse by force.
He had never fought in his life before. The Chuunibyou’s certain kill techniques could only be used at home. It couldn’t be helped, his only choice was to use the eye-catching prostration technique. Prostrating in the public, it was very embarrassing for both parties involved. It would be better to say just staying around them would be unbearable. It went just as planned, the delinquents had left.
“Strong people would have solved it easily with violence. If Kouki was involved, he would surely knock down the opponent...... But I don’t think there are many people who would help others even when they were not strong; Especially someone that would prostrate themselves for the sake of others...... In fact, I was really scared at that time...... I just used the excuse that I was not as strong as Shizuku. I didn’t do anything and hoped someone would stand up for them.”
“Therefore, Hajime-kun is the strongest person in my heart. After entering high school, I was really so happy to see you...... I wanted to become like you, and get to know many things about you. But Hajime-kun was always sleeping......”
“Ahaha, Sorry about that.”
He finally figured out the reason why Kaori cared about him so much, Hajime was a little embarrassed to be evaluated so highly by Kaori. He just bashfully forced a somewhat awkward smile.
“Therefore, to ease my worries, I’ll make sure Hajime-kun don’t do anything crazy in the dungeon like when you faced the delinquents......But, en”
Kaori looked at Hajime with determination.
“I will protect you, Nagumo-kun.”
Hajime accepted her determination. He looked straight at her, and nodded.
“Thank you.”
Immediately after, Hajime smiled wryly. The role of the man and woman was totally reversed. Without a doubt, Kaori was playing the hero while Hajime was playing the damsel in distress. As a man, he found it hard to accept, but he could only force a smile.
They chatted for a while, then Kaori returned to her room. While Hajime was laying on the bed, he thought over many things. No matter what, he must find a way to clear his bad reputation. It did not sit so well with him to be protected by the female lead. Hajime fell asleep with renewed determination.
Very late at night, when Kaori left Hajime’s room and headed back to her room, nobody noticed someone was silently staring at Kaori’s back. That person had a really twisted expression, nobody knew of this matter either. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 10
} |
「そう言えば、お前あのライオンはどうなったんだ? まだ生きているのか?」
「だって、お前、ライだぞ? じゃあ、次にライオンが手に入ったらオンって名前にするのかよ仲良くライオンですってか」
ああ、もう本当に、この人苦手だわ! | ...I can definitely see more with this cloth than with the previous one. It’s also cleaner and better quality. Rather, this one also smells good.
“You’ll be trained like a regular soldier. You will also continue your studies. ...Also, in the event of any expeditions, you’ll be my escort.”
I froze at his proposal.
It was too good to be true, and I should be thanking him for it. To be able to train physically, study, and even go on an expedition where I could learn more about this country....
Oh, Thank you so much, God, for giving me this chance. I couldn’t thank you enough.
What wonderful conditions.
“The soldiers aren’t bad people either, but little boys like you might be bullied at first because they think you are not willing to do anything, so be prepared.”
This would be the first time I would be on the receiving end of bullying. Villainess is always on the side of the bullies.
Victor glared at me with an annoyed look on his face.
“Are you even listening to me, kid?”
“Yeah. I understand that you’re worried about me.”
“It’s annoying that you can be so relaxed.”
There was no way I could afford it. I have been in a rather dire situation since I arrived in the Ravaal Kingdom.
I don’t know anyone, I don’t know anything about the terrain here, and I don’t even know if the customs are correct since I only read about them in books...
“Speaking of which, what happened to that lion? Is he still alive?”
“Yeah, he’s doing much better.”
I couldn’t say that I’ve healed him completely with magic and made him even more powerful.
“Have you decided on a name yet?”
Victor burst out laughing at what I said.
In the conversation we just had, I would love to know what the funny part was. Was it just that he had an odd sense of humour about me?
Looking at him smile for the first time gave me mixed feelings.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because, you know, Rai is part of Lion? So when you get your next lion, are you going to name him On? Are you gonna say the two of them together would be LION?”
Victor stated while laughing at me.
You... are you making fun of me?
I think it was a cute name, Rai. I think Salinger would agree with the name I gave him.
“Don’t be so sullen. You made me laugh, so you should be pleased.”
I got taken advantage of by this guy, didn’t I? I felt shocked. I had a lot of self-doubt at this point.
...I was really annoyed that the princes were better. I would definitely overtake Victor and Duke-sama someday.
“Oh, and stay away from the tallest tower in the royal palace.”
“That sounds like you’re asking me to get closer.”
About halfway through, I realized Victor’s intentions with a gasp.
“I’m definitely not going there!”
“Well, we will see about that.”
He raised the corner of his mouth as he said that.
He knew that if he told me to never go near the tower, I would certainly go near it.
I would certainly want to go if he said that. I want to go so badly.
...But it would be exactly what Victor wanted if I went there so easily.
Ah, I really hate this guy! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ワウ! ワウワウ!」
「レオ様がお風呂に入るんですか? 私に入ります!」
ライラさんとゲルダさんにタオルを用意してもらい、レオと俺は風呂に向かった。 | “Lunch looks delicious today as well.”
“Yes. Helena does her best.”
“I’m hungry!”
Everyone seemed to have worked up an appetite after seeing the pasta that was placed on the table.
A great plate had been prepared for Leo. And while it contained the same flat noodles, they were wrapped up in separate clumps so it would be easier to eat.
Thank you for being so considerate, Ms. Helena.
“Now, let’s eat.”
“Let’s eat.”
“Wuff! Wuff!”
There was a red tomato sauce on top and the minced meat that was in the sauce combined nicely with the flat noodles.
Meat sauce...I think it was actually called bolognese.
While it was very delicious, I also had to be careful so that the sauce didn’t get on my clothes.
“Lady Tilura. Please excuse me.”
While Ms. Claire had no problem doing it, Tilura wasn’t used to eating like this, and so she had got some of the sauce on her clothes.
Ms. Lyra was now wiping it carefully with a cloth.
Still, while the sauce was on the mild side, I wasn’t sure if Leo would...
But when I turned to Leo, the whole area around her mouth was stained a bright red. It looked like blood.
“Leo... You’re going to have to take a bath after this.”
Leo seemed so alarmed by these words, that she barked and moved away from her plate.
While she was usually so absorbed in her food to the point where she wouldn’t react to anything else, it was a different matter when it came to bathing...
“Your mouth is too dirty. It won’t come off by just wiping it.”
“Wou! Wou-wou!”
It sounded like she was protesting strongly, but I ignored her and continued to eat my pasta.
“Is Leo going to take a bath? I want to take one together!”
“No...I don’t think you should...”
Besides, as a man, I couldn’t be there with them.
I had only been in this world for a few days, and did not want any trouble.
“No, Tilura. You do realize that Mr. Takumi is a man? You cannot go with them.”
“But, sister!”
While she was still young, it would not do for her to share a bath with a grown man.
“Of course, you cannot. The mere thought of male and females bathing together...”
“...Oh, it’s nothing. In any case, it is out of the question, Tilura. Men and women must never bathe together. It is not permitted.”
“...Is that true?”
...Tilura. Why was she asking me now?
She should ask Sebastian or the maids if she needed confirmation...
“...Tilura. It is indeed true that men and women are not to bathe together. And so you cannot come with us.”
She seemed to give up and continued to eat her pasta with a dejected look.
Ms. Claire breathed a sigh of relief. But then she glanced towards me and blushed.
Ms. Claire. Did you just imagine something?
As for Leo, whose fate had been sealed, she had fallen into a depression and though she continued to eat, she no longer showed any enthusiasm in doing so.
Once lunch was finished, we took a short break to help with digestion, and then Leo and I decided to go to the bathing room in the mansion.
It was nice that the tub was large enough for even someone like Leo to fit inside.
At her current size, Leo would not have fit in my old bathtub in Japan.
Well, she wouldn’t have even fit in the apartment.
And so I carried the towels that Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda had handed us, and we made our way to the bathing room. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
確かに、彼らの穏やかな忍耐強さは正真正銘のもので、ロシア人リーダーたちの不安げな無口とは著しく違う。ロシアは未だ残るソビエト連邦崩壊の屈辱を克服しなければならない。ロシアは包括的な「回復」期の最中にあると言えるが、帝国への尊敬の念もあいまって、その回復は政治的、経済的に間違った方向へ向かっている。 | Indeed, their serene patience stands in stark contrast to the anxious reticence of Russian leaders, who have yet to surmount the humiliation that Russia suffered as a result of the Soviet Union’s disintegration at the end of the Cold War. Russia may be experiencing a global “restoration” phase, but in politics and economics, and also with respect to its empire, restoration is headed in the wrong direction. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
セイヤの中で、出場してみるか、という思いが生れるのだった。 | After the holidays, a new day started in Arsenia Magic Academy.
Between the first and the second class, Seiya noticed that the classmates were strangely agitated around him, so he asked the orange-haired girl next to him.
「Everyone is weird today, did something happen?」
When he asked his neighbor, Aruna, she laughed and immediately told him the reason.
Although a lot of things happened on his first day, he felt rather good-willed towards Aruna, Glenn, and Connie.
Besides, he is able to properly converse with the rest of the classmates.
The members of the fan club avoid him and the members of the royal guard only stare daggers when he tries to approach Yua. They only stare and do not complain or attack.
He also became considerably friendlier with the other students.
「What do you mean what? It’s about the time for the Leiria Magic Tournament. Haven’t you done it in your previous academy? 」
「Come to think of it, it is those times」[]
While staring at the ceiling, Seiya remembered the time he was in Senabia Magic Academy.
Leiria Magic Tournament is a kingdom-wide tournament aimed to decide the strongest student across the whole Leiria Kingdom.
In the Leiria Kingdom, there is one academy in the Central Kingdom, and Aquaristan, Windistan and Freestan have three each.
The only magic academy of the Central Kingdom, St. Lucifer Magic Academy, is located in the capital city of Reinz. After graduation, most of the students assume a position in the Holy Church or at the top of local churches. You can say that instead of battling, they are more proficient in strategizing.
That being said, sometimes the strategy is more important than combat capabilities. In this academy, students are cultivated to become future leaders.
In the city of Cald, in the northwestern part of Freestan, there is the Sarahditius Magic Academy. Being where it is, it’s rather close to the dark territory. There are even classes where students have to subjugate the monsters nearby. []
The Sarahditius Magic Academy is the only one that does the suppression of the magical beasts as a part of the classes across the whole Leiria Kingdom. Taking advantage of their own experience in the dark territory, they often assume command over the subjugation squads after the graduation.
Located in the center of Freestan, in the city of Wokka, there is the Kamarina Magic Academy. With the strong people from the church nearby, the atmosphere of competitiveness is strong there.
For that reason, there are often duels in the Kamarina Magic Academy, it is said that it is the most battle-focused academy out there.
That’s why they had a loose security, if someone wants to kidnap then he will be easily able to enter, but won’t be able to leave, or so people say.
In the southeast of Freestan, in the city of Redeca, there is the Crenias Magic Academy. With the academy being close to the one in the Central Kingdom, they divert a lot of their attention from the combat power to technique.
That includes swordsmanship, spearmanship, and archery. A lot of martial arts fanatics gather there.
There are many dojos in Redeca city, martial arts practitioners like to gather there from around the kingdom.
In the north of Windistan, in the city of Orna, there is the Senabia Magic Academy. This academy is particularly famous in Windistan, many members of the intermediate and advanced magician clans attend it.
After the brilliant performance in the last Leiria Magic Tournament, it became even more famous. []
In the center of Windistan, in the city of Kurokure, there is the Elenspia Magic Academy. There is a church in this city and the students are deeply entangled in its affairs.
In the south of Windistan, in the city of Erununita, there is the Fujirong Magic Academy. In the south, Windistan is connected to Aquaristan through a small sea.
In this sea, situated between Windistan and Aquaristan, there is not only the fish but also the sea monsters.
Being near the sea, a sea breeze often hits the academy, as such, people consider this academy as one with a harsh environment.
However, as if to compensate for that, there are plenty of tough students out there. []
In the north of Windistan, in Wonder city, there is the Holkinaru Magic Academy. Because this academy is situated in the north, there are a lot of joint lessons with the Sarahditius Magic Academy.
The reason is the proximity of the Great Dalis Canyon.
There are strong monsters in the Great Dalis Canyon, in the case of an invasion, the two academies will stand united to repel the threat.
While they engage the magical beasts, the reinforcements from the church, or sometimes the Holy Church, will come to their aid.
In the center of Aquaristan, in the city of Moru, there is the Arsenia Magic Academy, which Seiya currently attends. There is a church in Moru city, but it is separated by a great distance from the academy.
The reason is, Moru city is a famous tourist spot.
As a result, a lot of people visit Moru city. Of course, there are some who come here for other purposes.
With the church and the academy being on different sides of the city, it helps to identify the suspicious people in the crowds. []
Besides, even if one institution receives an attack, it will be difficult for the perpetrator to simultaneously launch an attack against the other.
Thanks to all these reasons, the tourists can freely enjoy their stay.
In the south of Aquaristan, in the city of Mognadiara, there is the Kristenius Magic Academy. Same as the city of Erununita, Mognadiara city is close to the sea. However, in contrast, it is a calm port city with nice weather.
With that at their disposal, the Kristenius Magic Academy secured a part of the sea to create something like a pool to train.
That’s why the students of the Kristenius Magic Academy are specialized in the underwater battles.
From the ten of above, the representatives will clash in the tournament and decide the strongest student of the Leiria Kingdom of this year.
According to the rules, the fights will happen between teams of six. That’s why, if you gather a team from strong people, disregarding the compatibility, you might lose.
For that reason, the academies will pay attention to the teamwork during their final decision.
The ten teams of six people will be transferred into a special dimension to decide the winner.
Although it is called a special dimension, it’s just an island surrounded by the strong barrier maintained by the big number of experts.
That’s why the insides are pretty safe, the representatives can fight to their heart’s content.
A lot of students aspire to be selected, but Seiya never even participated in the qualifiers, forget about being a representative.
The reason is simple, no one wanted to form a team with Seiya. Usually, no matter the grades or status, everyone can participate in the tournament.
The same applied to the trainees, and each team that was short on members was picking from the trainees, completely ignoring Seiya.
The representatives from the Senabia Magic Academy were the winners of one of the previous tournaments. The six trainees, who just enrolled into the academy, completely steamrolled through their opponents.
The members of that team were Kair Denas, Chris Haniat, Jin Heint, Lanya Arun, Ryuka Tinamo and the leader Real Christopher. []
Despite the age of sixteen, they obtained the title of the strongest.
Seiya vividly remembered that time. His classmates became the kingdom’s strongest, and the academy, as if being stimulated, increased the training regime.
By the way, the winner of the recent tournament wasn’t the Senabia Magic Academy. Real left the Senabia Magic Academy, and the representatives became pathetically weak.
Real’s performance during that tournament was so outstanding, that he managed to instill awe and fear upon the audience.
He was proclaimed the strongest magician of his generation. Just as Seiya, he was of a completely different class.
While Seiya was reminiscing, Aruna asked him.
「By the way, Seiya-kun. Are you going to participate with Yua-san? 」
Aruna asked Seiya about that, but he didn’t feel like participating.
There is a fact that he never participated before, but the biggest reason is the lack of people. To participate in the qualifiers, you, of course, need to gather a team of six.
However, with Seiya, Yua, and Lily, the trainee, they only have half the number.
There is an option to accept some other people, but it’s not that easy to find a magician that can match their ability.
With the situation as it is, there was no choice but to abandon the thoughts of participation.
「No, I won’t. I’m not able to gather a team」
「Eh? 」
Seiya intended to say an obvious thing, but Aruna made an「What is this guy saying? 」face.
Seiya wondered where things have gone wrong, and Connie explained to the two.
「Our academy is a special one, Aruna」
「Aah, I see」
Hearing Connie saying that she seemed convinced of something.
「Sorry, Seiya-kun. Different from the other academies, our academy’s qualifiers are in the teams of three」 「Three? 」
「Yes. The academy will pick the rest to suit the winning team, thus creating the strongest team」
As Aruna said, the qualifiers in the Arsenia Magic Academy were different from other academies.
The teams are divided into the 8 blocks. Then, the teams fight each other and the teams with the highest win rate will enter the final round.
Then, from the rest, the academy picks three students to supplement the weaknesses of the winning team, creating a total of six.
「So it was like that. Then I might as well participate」
Seiya thought that if it is Yua and Lily, then it will work out.
The thought of participating was born inside of his head at this moment. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
元々、本当に撒くつもりはなかったけどね。 | “This is stupid....... Jeralis is, Jeralis is......, dead.......” (Emperor)
Jeralis, my own childhood friend and heir to the Marquis family, my own right-hand man, with superior wisdom and judgment.
Was, dead.
......No, I killed him. I did it myself.......
Impatience, frustration, and careless words that would normally never flow out.
And the weight of the words I spoke as emperor.
A āāā ā ā ā ā ā......
The emperor went down on his knees, disappointedly.
The dignity of the ambitious emperor of the Alder Empire, who was seeking to expand his territory, was not there anymore. Just the back of a shriveled middle-aged man......
“I surrender. -Emperor of the Alder Empire, Schultrak III ” -Notice Board
Ah, he’s backing out~...
I thought I would have to stick around a little longer......
I wonder what’s going on, whether a trusted subordinate has made a desperate appeal, or whether the nobles were on the verge of rebellion......
Well, the word ‘surrender’ does not mean that the other country was the one that was surrendering.
They will not cede territory nor pay reparations to the victors, nor have their people be taken away as slaves. They will simply apologize and lose face.
...I wonder, I may just be thinking about it, maybe...
That’s why it’s much easier for them to surrender.
If it were against another country, it would not be so easy to surrender unconditionally.
Since it was just the divine messenger, they wouldn’t expect anything but be demanded an apology. I guess they thought it was much easier to surrender......
......But the world isn’t that sweet.
And so do I...
Okay now, back to Japan, and print!
......Printing at convenience stores would be a hassle, and if someone saw me printing a large number of suspicious documents that were neither in Japanese nor English, I would be reluctant to go there again, so I’ll just use my home printer/scanner/copier to make copies.
Epson’s reliable multifunction device, which was a tank type and had a low ink cost, which was awesome!
And two hours later, it was all over the Imperial City.
I threw out the leaflets.
It was at a pretty low altitude and the winds were weak, so more than % of it would fall within the Imperial City.
Since it was only letters, it did not consume much ink, unlike pictures.
Also, I copied it in grayscale, not colored.
After scattering the flyers, I immediately withdraw in transition.
There’s no need to confirm the landing of the leaflets.
Besides, this time it’s at a low altitude, so if I don’t hurry, I’ll soon hit the ground.
If the flyers were scattered at too high an altitude, they would fly too far from the Imperial City.
Anyway, if I scatter this much, even the emperor will get it, also the residents of the imperial city, and those from other countries staying in the imperial city will get the message sufficiently.
What has the emperor done to the divine messenger?
What did the angry divine messenger demand of the emperor?
And how did the emperor respond to that?
Yes, meaning, the whole continent will know what the emperor promised the divine messenger.
If the emperor was the only one who knows what he was promised to the divine messenger, he may later choose to fail to keep his word, alter a part of it, or even change it entirely.
However, if all the people and all the neighboring countries knew the contents of the treaty, if the empire broke the promise, they would say, “The empire breaks even the promises made to the divine messenger without any hesitation. If so, they would break treaties and agreements with other countries with impunity”, “It’s meaningless to make any promises to the empire”, and “It would be foolish to make a treaty that the other side honestly has no intention of keeping and only we can keep it”.
No matter how bullish the empire was, it would not want to be completely discredited by all of its neighbors.
Even if international relations were not so good, they should still be conducting commercial transactions, which were importing and exporting.
It would indeed be bad for them to be interrupted.
And the empire has suffered heavy damage on two occasions, when they invaded our country and when they invaded Princess Gegege’s country. It must have been quite a blow, both financially and in human resources.
...Especially in terms of losing a large number of skilled soldiers...
Yes, because I purposely aimed at the important human resources who support the army, such as commanders, officers, and non-commissioned officers.
Instead of the forcefully conscripted temporary soldiers such as farmers and peasants, I took out officers and skilled soldiers that took years and loads of budget to train......
So now the empire should be considerably weaker.
The military power, the financial power, the centripetal force of the people...... Also, the unity of the aristocracy and the military.
The reckless dispatches resulted in two heavy defeats.
A close fight would have been fine, but it was too miserable since both defeats were one-sided thrashing.
Death in vain. A dog’s death. No territory gained, no slaves, no goods.
Moreover, the people lost their precious family members.
An aristocrat loses his precious heir.
Soldiers lost their men, and some lost their limbs.
Whether they liked it or not, they had to remain unchanged in their allegiance to the emperor......
But now, for the third time, the empire has been completely defeated, and the conditions thrust upon them by the flyers were.......
‘ gold coins for medical expenses, fees, reparations, etc., for a 9-year-old girl who was the victim of an assassination attempt.’
‘A consolation fee for the divine messenger, Hime Miko (including the fees for using divine power), 2000 gold coins.’
‘Abdication of the current emperor, as a punishment for the great crime of the attempted assassination of the divine messenger. His successor shall not be a direct descendant of the current emperor, but a collateral descendant, or one chosen from another noble family.’
Yeah, it’s sweet.
I could have told them to turn in the heads of everyone involved, but, well, there was no need to waste blood.
At one point, I’ve said, “I’m going to kill the whole family!” but I didn’t really mean it......, no, at that moment, my blood was rushing to my head and I was just talking without thinking, but when I cooled down, I didn’t really intend to go that far, though.
......Of course, it would be a different story if Colette-chan were to suffer permanent injuries or worse.
In that case, I think I would’ve erased the empire’s existence off the map...... maybe.
And the reason I didn’t make too big a demand was that the burden of meeting that demand goes to the empire’s general populace.
Aside from the first invasion of our country, the second invasion of Princess Gegege’s country was “because the situation in the country had deteriorated”.
The war against our country caused the empire many deaths and cost a huge sum of money.
A lot of money, food, and other supplies...
And so, the dissatisfaction from the aristocracy, the military, and the people bubbled up.
In an attempt to deal with their plight, they took a reckless, desperate action, which was the second invasion.
Let the military fight. The nobles will be satisfied if they get territory, slaves, and reparations as spoils of war. And the general populace will be satisfied if they see how “strong the motherland” was.
And yet, the empire lost another huge gamble, making the situation even worse.
If I make excessive demands on the empire in such a state, people will starve to death if I’m not careful.
......So, I only requested a total of 2300 gold coins as ‘something tangible’.
That’s a lot of money for a commoner, but from the perspective of the nobility and royalty, ‘twas nothing but a small change.
In this world’s monetary sense, it would be equivalent to about 230 million yen.
However, converting the gold coins into Japanese yen via dollars would only amount to just under 60 million yen, though......
If I don’t get this much, I’ll be in the red.
There’s the cost of shells and bombs and of course, Colette-chan’s hospital bills.
It’s common to hear that if a Japanese traveler gets an appendectomy in a foreign country or has an unscheduled overseas birth due to premature delivery, the bill would be around 5 or 10 million yen.
It’s much different from Japan, where health insurance was fully provided. Therefore, when traveling abroad, it’s a must to have some kind of insurance.
......If so, Colette-chan’s hospital bills could easily range from a few million to over 10 million.
She won’t be able to leave the hospital right away, and in some cases, she may need to have another surgery or something. If it’s possible to have surgery to reduce the size of the scars or something like that, of course, I would have her undergo it......
Anyway, 2,300 gold coins were only the actual cost with no profit, which means that I may be in the red, or even go broke, if not handled properly.
Whether or not Wolf Fang was ripped off because they were in a hurry to purchase from another mercenary group. Whether the arms dealer gave them a discount for clearing out his bad stock, or they got duped instead...
......Yeah, I didn’t provide a budget in advance, my bad.
Anyway, 2300 gold coins, a negligible amount of money for the empire, would not be a problem.
Now, whether or not the emperor would cling to his position, regardless of his will, the nobles and collateral royalty will drag him down.
Then the battle for succession will erupt and the upper management will be torn apart.
That’s why I went to the trouble of writing “shall not be a direct descendant of the current emperor, but a collateral descendant, or one chosen from another noble family”.
To exclude the default route of “The Emperor’s son” and to expand the range of target people.
The nephews and nieces of the current emperor, his children, and the senior nobility.
Furthermore, the children of the current emperor, although they will not be his successors, would attempt to somehow seize power.
...No, it’s also possible that he would insist on a thorough war with the divine messenger. For the direct descendants, otherwise, there’s no other way for the direct descendants to make themselves the emperor...
Anyway, for the time being, they will not be able to invade other countries.
Well, now let’s wait for a response to the flyers. I’m looking forward to it.......
Ah, of course, I canceled the raining seawater.
I originally didn’t really intend to do it anyway. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
といっても ピンとこないでしょう
レバノンは 長く悲惨な内戦によって 荒廃しました
正直 なぜこれを内戦というのかわかりません 原因は国外から持ち込まれたのですから
北にシリア 南にイスラエルとパレスチナがあり 私たちの政府は今この瞬間でさえ バラバラで不安定です
長い間 レバノンでは政治や宗教によって 分断されてきました
しかし 一年に一日だけ 一つになるときがあります マラソンがあるときです
長い距離を走ることによって 健康になるだけでなく 心を落ち着けて 大きな夢を描くことができました
走る距離が長ければ長いほど 私の夢は大きくなりました
ある日の朝までは その日 私はトレーニング中に バスに轢かれました
昏睡状態になり 病院に2年間入院し 36もの手術を受けてやっと 歩けるようになりました
意識が戻ってすぐ 私は昔のように走れないと気づきました だから私はこう決めました 自分で走れないなら ほかの皆が走れるようにしようと
病院のベッドから 夫に協力を頼みました そして数ヶ月後 ベイルート・マラソン大会が生まれました
事故を受けて マラソン大会を企画するのは 変に聞こえるかもしれませんが 最も苦しい状態のときですら 私は大きな夢を持つ必要がありました
何か痛みを忘れさせてくれるもの 前向きになれる目標が必要だったのです 何か痛みを忘れさせてくれるもの 前向きになれる目標が必要だったのです
私は自分を哀れみたくなかったし 哀れんで欲しくもありませんでした そして マラソン大会を企画することで 社会に恩返しができる 外の世界との架け橋を作れる ランナーたちをレバノンに呼び 平和のもとで走らせることができる と思いました
レバノンでマラソン大会を企画するのは ニューヨークで企画するのとはわけが違います
走ることの意味を いつも戦争と隣り合わせの国に どうやって紹介するのか
一度は互いに戦い 殺し合っていた人々を どのように一緒に走らせるのか どのように一緒に走らせるのか
さらに 「マラソン」という言葉すら 知らない人々に さらに 「マラソン」という言葉すら 知らない人々に どうやって42.195キロ走らせるよう 説得するのか
2年ほど 私たちは国中を周り 田舎の村でさえも訪ねました
私は あらゆる人々― 例えば市長 NGOの人々 学生 政治家 軍人 イスラム教徒 キリスト教徒 主婦から大統領まで話をしました
そして あることを学びました 有言実行していれば 信用を得ることができるということです
正直な気持ちを打ち明けることで 多くの人が私の話に感動し それぞれの話をしてくれました
私たちは 互いに心を通わせて話をしました
私たちは 互いに心を通わせて話をしました
信頼が一度築かれると みんな マラソン大会に関わり レバノンとレバノン人の本当の個性と 平和と調和への望みを見せたいと言いました 平和と調和への望みを見せたいと言いました
2003年10月 49カ国から 6000人以上の人々が 決意と共にスタートラインに立ち そして銃声が鳴りました このときの銃声は みんなが一緒になり変化に向かって走り出す合図でした このときの銃声は みんなが一緒になり変化に向かって走り出す合図でした
しかし どんな困難な状況でも マラソンは人々を集めました
2005年 首相が暗殺されました 国は完全に行き詰まりました 私たちは5キロのピースランを企画し
6万人以上が 政治的な主張の書かれていない― 白いTシャツを着てスタートラインに立ちました
それがマラソン大会のターニングポイントでした 人々が大会を平和と団結のための機会だと 思い始めたのです 人々が大会を平和と団結のための機会だと 思い始めたのです
2006年から2009年まで レバノンは 不安定な情勢でした 侵略や暗殺があり 内戦が起こる瀬戸際でした
国はまた分裂し その結果 国民議会は解散し 1年間 大統領も首相もいませんでした
でも マラソンはありました
(拍手) マラソンを通して 政治問題は乗り越えられるとわかりました
野党が市の中心を閉鎖すると決めた時 野党が市の中心を閉鎖すると決めた時 私たちは代わりのルートを交渉し
政府へ反抗する人たちは 沿道で応援をするようになりました 政府へ反抗する人たちは 沿道で応援をするようになりました
さらには補給所まで用意してくれました マラソンは本当に かけがえのないものになりました
マラソンは本当に かけがえのないものになりました
レバノン人と国際社会の両方から信頼を得ました レバノン人と国際社会の両方から信頼を得ました
2012年11月 85カ国から 3万3千人以上の走者が スタートラインに立ちました 3万3千人以上の走者が スタートラインに立ちました しかしこのとき 通りは水浸しでしたが 人々はこんな国民的な1日を 逃すまいと思っていました
人々はこんな国民的な1日を 逃すまいと思っていました ベイルート・マラソン協会は拡大し 若い人からお年寄りまで 様々な会員がいます
ベイルート・マラソン協会は拡大し 若い人からお年寄りまで 様々な会員がいます 身体 精神障害者も 盲目の人 エリート アマチュアランナー 赤ちゃんとそのお母さんでさえもです
大会のテーマは様々です 環境や乳がん レバノンへの愛 平和 そしてただ走るため
地域で唯一の 女性の権利のための定期レースは 数週間前に初めて行われました 数週間前に初めて行われました ファーストレディを含む 4,512人の女性が参加しました まだ始まったばかりです
(拍手) BMAは皆を元気づけ レバノンを立て直そうとしている 慈善団体やボランティアを支援しています 慈善団体やボランティアを支援しています 良いことをするという習慣は
変革者や未来のリーダーが生まれました 変革者や未来のリーダーが生まれました
こうしたことが積み重なって 未来の平和が作られていくと信じています BMAは地域の中でも評判が良く イラクやエジプト シリアなどの 政府の役人が 同じようなスポーツイベントを企画するのを 手伝ってくれと頼みにきます 同じようなスポーツイベントを企画するのを 手伝ってくれと頼みにきます
今では 中東で最も大きなマラソン大会の一つですが 重要なのは この大会が 世界の中でも不安定な地域において 希望と協力の基盤となっているということです
ボストンからベイルートまで 私たちは一つです
(拍手) 10年間レバノンでマラソンを開催してきて 国民的なマラソンかイベントから 小さな地域のレースまで 人々がより良い未来のために 走るのを見てきました
結局 平和を構築することは 短距離走のようなものではなく
ありがとうございました | You know, Lebanon as a country has been once destroyed by a long and bloody civil war.
Honestly, I don't know why they call it civil war when there is nothing civil about it.
With Syria to the north, Israel and Palestine to the south, and our government even up till this moment is still fragmented and unstable.
For years, the country has been divided between politics and religion.
However, for one day a year, we truly stand united, and that's when the marathon takes place.
I used to be a marathon runner.
Long distance running was not only good for my well-being but it helped me meditate and dream big.
So the longer distances I ran, the bigger my dreams became.
Until one fateful morning, and while training, I was hit by a bus.
I nearly died, was in a coma, stayed at the hospital for two years, and underwent 36 surgeries to be able to walk again.
As soon as I came out of my coma, I realized that I was no longer the same runner I used to be, so I decided, if I couldn't run myself, I wanted to make sure that others could.
So out of my hospital bed, I asked my husband to start taking notes, and a few months later, the marathon was born.
Organizing a marathon as a reaction to an accident may sound strange, but at that time, even during my most vulnerable condition, I needed to dream big.
I needed something to take me out of my pain, an objective to look forward to.
I didn't want to pity myself, nor to be pitied, and I thought by organizing such a marathon, I'll be able to pay back to my community, build bridges with the outside world, and invite runners to come to Lebanon and run under the umbrella of peace.
Organizing a marathon in Lebanon is definitely not like organizing one in New York.
How do you introduce the concept of running to a nation that is constantly at the brink of war?
How do you ask those who were once fighting and killing each other to come together and run next to each other?
More than that, how do you convince people to run a distance of 26.2 miles at a time they were not even familiar with the word "marathon"?
So we had to start from scratch.
For almost two years, we went all over the country and even visited remote villages.
I personally met with people from all walks of life -- mayors, NGOs, schoolchildren, politicians, militiamen, people from mosques, churches, the president of the country, even housewives.
I learned one thing: When you walk the talk, people believe you.
Many were touched by my personal story, and they shared their stories in return.
It was honesty and transparency that brought us together.
We spoke one common language to each other, and that was from one human to another.
Once that trust was built, everybody wanted to be part of the marathon to show the world the true colors of Lebanon and the Lebanese and their desire to live in peace and harmony.
In October 2003, over 6,000 runners from 49 different nationalities came to the start line, all determined, and when the gunfire went off, this time it was a signal to run in harmony, for a change.
The marathon grew.
So did our political problems.
But for every disaster we had, the marathon found ways to bring people together.
In 2005, our prime minister was assassinated, and the country came to a complete standstill, so we organized a five-kilometer United We Run campaign.
Over 60,000 people came to the start line, all wearing white T-shirts with no political slogans.
That was a turning point for the marathon, where people started looking at it as a platform for peace and unity.
Between 2006 up to 2009, our country, Lebanon, went through unstable years, invasions, and more assassinations that brought us close to a civil war.
The country was divided again, so much that our parliament resigned, we had no president for a year, and no prime minister.
But we did have a marathon.
So through the marathon, we learned that political problems can be overcome.
When the opposition party decided to shut down part of the city center, we negotiated alternative routes.
Government protesters became sideline cheerleaders.
They even hosted juice stations.
You know, the marathon has really become one of its kind.
It gained credibility from both the Lebanese and the international community.
Last November 2012, over 33,000 runners from 85 different nationalities came to the start line, but this time, they challenged a very stormy and rainy weather.
The streets were flooded, but people didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of being part of such a national day.
BMA has expanded. We include everyone: the young, the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, the blind, the elite, the amateur runners, even moms with their babies.
Themes have included runs for the environment, breast cancer, for the love of Lebanon, for peace, or just simply to run.
The first annual all-women-and-girls race for empowerment, which is one of its kind in the region, has just taken place only a few weeks ago, with 4,512 women, including the first lady, and this is only the beginning.
Thank you.
BMA has supported charities and volunteers who have helped reshape Lebanon, raising funds for their causes and encouraging others to give.
The culture of giving and doing good has become contagious.
Stereotypes have been broken.
Change-makers and future leaders have been created.
I believe these are the building blocks for future peace. BMA has become such a respected event in the region that government officials in the region, like Iraq, Egypt and Syria, have asked the organization to help them structure a similar sporting event.
We are now one of the largest running events in the Middle East, but most importantly, it is a platform for hope and cooperation in an ever-fragile and unstable part of the world.
From Boston to Beirut, we stand as one.
After 10 years in Lebanon, from national marathons or from national events to smaller regional races, we've seen that people want to run for a better future.
After all, peacemaking is not a sprint.
It is more of a marathon.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
私には誰が我々の所に来て どれくらい居るのか 決めることはできません
我々が受け入れるのは 誰からも見放され 他の全ての 社会的セーフティーネットから
落っこちてしまった人たちです 社会が受け皿になれないなら 我々がせねばなりません
それが我々の仕事です 彼らを収容し統制することです
何年にもわたって 刑務所のシステムや 国や社会は それが非常に上手になりました しかしそれは喜ばしいことではありません
今日 人口あたりの投獄者数は 世界の他の国より多いのです
今日 刑務所にいる黒人の数は 奴隷法のあった1850年を超えています 我々は コミュニティの
300万人の子どもの親を収容しており また我々は新たな精神病院と化しています つまりこの国の精神医療の 最大の提供場所になっています
人を閉じ込めるのは 些細なことではありません
こんな有様なのに 我々は「矯正省」と呼ばれています
今日私は我々が考えている 矯正の在り方の転換について お話しします
私の信念と経験から言うと 我々が考え方を変えれば 新しい可能性や未来を 生み出すことができます そして刑務所は違う未来を 必要としています
私は30年のキャリア全てを 矯正の分野で過ごしてきました
父を追い この世界に入ったのです
彼はベトナム帰還兵でした 矯正は彼にぴったりの仕事でした
彼は強く 真面目で 規律正しい人でした
私はそういうタイプではなく きっと彼はそんな私を 案じていたことでしょう
最終的に私は決めました 自分が刑務所で人生を終えるならば 私は牢の外側にいたいなと それで私は父の働いていた マクニール島刑務所について調べて 見学したいと考えたのです
これは80年代初めのことで 刑務所は 現在テレビや映画館で 目にするのとかなり違っていました
多くの点で 悪い方向にです
その住居ユニットには 550人の男性がいました
疑問に思われた方のために言っておくと 彼らはこの小さな空間で 1つのトイレを共用していました
職員が監房の鍵を開けると 何百人もの男性が房の外に ぞろぞろ出ていきました
何百人もの男性が房の外に ぞろぞろ出ていきました
最終的に私はそこに戻り 職員として働き始めました
私の仕事は1区画の監房を運営し そこの何百人もの男性を 統制することでした
受付センターで仕事をしている時でも 受刑者たちが駐車場から 騒々しくやって来る物音や 監房のドアを揺さぶったり 叫んだり 監房を壊そうとする音が 聞こえました
何百もの激しやすい人々を 鍵をかけて閉じ込めると 混沌に陥ります
これをより効果的にするために 我々が学んだのは 新しい住居ユニットでした それは集中管理ユニット IMUと呼ばれました 現代版の「穴蔵」です
我々は差入れ口の付いた 硬い鋼鉄製ドアの監房に 受刑者を入れ 外から手錠をかけたり 食事を与えたりできるようにしました 受刑者を入れ 外から手錠をかけたり 食事を与えたりできるようにしました
そこはより安全になりました なぜなら最も暴力的 あるいは破壊的な受刑者は 隔離できるようになったからです
人から社会的接触をはく奪し その人の状態を悪くします
彼らをIMUから出すのは困難でした それは彼らにとっても我々にとってもです
刑務所の中であっても 人を閉じ込めるということは 些細なことではありません
私の次の配置先は 難しい州立刑務所でした そこにはもっと暴力的で破壊的な受刑者が 収容されていました
その頃には この業界は進歩していて 我々は破壊的行動を管理する為に さまざまな道具やテクニックを使いました 我々はビーンバッグ・ガン(非致死性の散弾銃)や 催涙スプレー それからプレキシガラスの盾 閃光弾 緊急対応チームも備えていました
我々は暴力には力で対峙し 混沌には混沌で対峙しました
我々は争いを鎮静化するのが かなり得意でした
私がそこにいた頃 2人の経験豊かな 矯正スタッフに出会いました 彼らは研究者でもありました 文化人類学者と社会学者です
ある日彼らの1人が言いました 「君は争いを鎮静させるのが 上手だよね
どうやれば争いを防げるかを 考えてみたことはあるかい?」と
力ずくのアプローチは刑務所を 安全にするのだと説明しながら 私は彼らに寛容になろうとしていました
この会話が 新しいアイデアにつながり 我々は小さな実験をいくつか始めました
第1に 我々は職員の訓練を 州の研修所に1、2人ずつ送ってではなく チームの中で行うことにしました
4週間ではなく 10週間訓練を受けさせました
そして我々は徒弟制モデルを試みました そこでは 新人がベテランスタッフと ペアで仕事をしました
第2に 我々は 言語による静穏化スキルを 訓練に取り入れました そして力の行使が続くなかに それを加えました
それは力の行使に対する 非暴力の行使でした
受刑者たちに同じスキルを 訓練したのです
我々はスキルの組み合わせを変えて 暴力にただ応酬するのでなく 暴力自体を減らそうとしたのです
第3に 施設拡張の際 我々は新しい内装を試みました
このデザインの面で 最大かつ最も論議を生んだのは もちろんトイレでした
これは今の皆さんには 意義が分からないかもしれません しかし当時は重大事でした
トイレのない監房など誰も 聞いたことがなく
皆 危険で正気の沙汰ではないと 考えていました
1つの監房に8人いるような環境でも トイレがありました
受刑者と職員のオープンな交流が増え ラポール(信頼関係)が発展しました
葛藤を エスカレートする前に 発見し 介入するのが簡単になりました
ユニットはより清潔に 静かに そして安全で人間的になりました
これは当時の私が見たことのある どの威嚇的なテクニックよりも 平和を保つのに有用でした
相互交流は人の行動を変えます 職員も受刑者もそうです
我々は環境を変えることで 行動を変えたのです
この教訓を万一学び損ねていては いけないと思われたのか 私は次に本庁に配置されました そこで私はシステムの変化に まさに直面したのです
現状では多くの事柄が システムの変化に抵抗します 政治と政治家 法案と法律 裁判所と訴訟 内部での駆け引き
システムの変化は困難かつゆっくりで しばしば思うようにはいきません しばしば思うようにはいきません
刑務所のシステムを変えるのは 些細なことではありません
それで私は自分の経験を振り返り 我々が受刑者と交流を持つと 彼らが落ち着いたことを思い出しました
我々が環境を変えたら 行動も変わりました
小さな変化でしたが これらの変化が 新しい可能性を開いたのです
次に私は小さな刑務所に 所長として配属されました
そして同時に 私は エバーグリーン州立大学で 学位に向けて勉強をしていました
自分と違うタイプの人と たくさん交流しました さまざまな考えや バックグラウンドを持つ人たちです
その1人は熱帯雨林の 生態学者でした
彼女は私の小さな刑務所を見て そこを実験室にすることを思いつきました
刑務所や受刑者たちだけでは やり遂げられない企画を 我々が手助けすることによって 科学の進歩に貢献できるかについて 我々は話し合い その方法を発見しました 例えば絶滅寸前の種を増やすことです カエル チョウ 絶滅しかけている プレーリーの植物などです 同時に我々は 太陽光や 雨水の資源化 有機栽培や リサイクルを通じた より効果的な運営方法を見出しました
この改善策は多くの企画につながり システム全体へ影響を与えました 我々のシステムだけでなく 他の州のシステムにもです 小さな実験が科学やコミュニティを
大きく変えました 自分たちの仕事について考えたことが 我々の仕事を変えました
この企画は私の仕事をより面白く わくわくするものにしてくれました
私もスタッフも わくわくしていました
職員も 受刑者もです
彼らは意味や重要性を感じられる 貢献をし変化を生み出しました
ここで 状況を明確にさせてください
しばしば彼らは運営側よりも 我々のシステムについて よく知っています
私は自分の仕事は彼らを罰したり 許したりすることではなく 彼らは刑務所の中にいても きちんとした有意義な生活を 送れると考えています
ですから問題はここです 受刑者はきちんとした 有意義な生活を送れるのか もしそうなら これはどんな変化を生むのか?
それで私はこの質問を より難しい場所へ持って帰りました そこでは最も暴力的な受刑者が 収容されていました
そこで得られるものはないと 我々は考えていました
しかし分かってきたのは 受刑者のなかでも特に 彼らにこそ処遇プログラムが 必要だということです
実際 彼らは集中的なプログラムを 必要としていました
ですから我々は考え方を180度変えて 新しい可能性を探し始めました
罰のために椅子を使うのではなく 我々は教室にそれを置いたのです
大丈夫 我々は統制する責任を 忘れてはいません ですが今や受刑者は 他の受刑者やスタッフと 対面で安全に交流できるのです そしてもはや統制は問題でないので 全員が他のこと 例えば学習に集中できます 行動は変わりました
考え方を変えるとできることも変わります このことは希望をくれました
現時点ではこれが 全てうまくいくとは言えませんが
我々の刑務所はスタッフと受刑者 双方にとってより安全になってきています そして刑務所が安全であれば 我々はエネルギーを統制以上のものに 費やすことができます
再犯を減らすことは 我々の最終目標ですが それが唯一の目標ではありません
正直に言うと 犯罪を防ぐには もっと多くの人々や 機関が必要です
もし犯罪の減少を 刑務所だけに頼ると それは決して 叶わないと思いますが
刑務所では できるとは思えなかったことを することだってできるのです
刑務所は絶滅危惧種を復活させ 環境を回復する 革新と持続可能性の 源にもなれます
受刑者たちは科学者にも 養蜂家にも 犬を保護するスタッフにもなれます
受刑者は有意義な仕事と機会を そこで暮らすスタッフと 受刑者にくれる源にもなれます
我々は収容と統制とともに 人間的な環境を提供することもできます
我々はこの価値を確認するのに 10年 20年も待ってはいられません 我々のやり方は大規模な システム変化ではありません
我々のやり方は年単位ではなく 数日や数か月単位での小さな変化を 何百も起こすことです
我々はもっと小さな試行をしながら 学ぶことが必要です 試行は可能性の幅を広げます
我々は働くことや交流 環境の安全性に及ぼす 影響を測定するための 新しい そしてよりよい方法が必要です
我々や皆さんのコミュニティに 参加したり 貢献したりする機会を もっと必要としています
刑務所は安全である必要があります そのとおりです
刑務所は人間的環境であることが 必要です そこでは人々は有意義な生活に参加し 貢献し 学ぶことができるのです
刑務所に関する古い観念に とらわれる必要はありません
我々がそれを決め 作り出せるのです
それを徹底的に 人間的なやり方で行った時 刑務所は失敗した社会政策のための バケツ以上のものになるのです
おそらくついに 我々は「矯正省」という 名前に見合うものになるのです
ありがとうございました | I can't define who comes to us or how long they stay.
We get the people for whom nothing else has worked, people who have fallen through all of the other social safety nets.
They can't contain them, so we must.
That's our job: contain them, control them.
Over the years, as a prison system, as a nation, and as a society, we've become very good at that, but that shouldn't make you happy.
Today we incarcerate more people per capita than any other country in the world.
We have more black men in prison today than were under slavery in 1850.
We house the parents of almost three million and we've become the new asylum, the largest mental health provider in this nation.
When we lock someone up, that is no small thing.
And yet, we are called the Department of Corrections.
Today I want to talk about changing the way we think about corrections.
I believe, and my experience tells me, that when we change the way we think, we create new possibilities, or futures, and prisons need a different future.
I've spent my entire career in corrections, over 30 years.
I followed my dad into this field.
He was a Vietnam veteran. Corrections suited him.
He was strong, steady, disciplined.
I was not so much any of those things, and I'm sure that worried him about me.
Eventually I decided, if I was going to end up in prison, I'd better end up on the right side of the bars, so I thought I'd check it out, take a tour of the place my dad worked, the McNeil Island Penitentiary.
Now this was the early '80s, and prisons weren't quite what you see on TV or in the movies.
In many ways, it was worse.
I walked into a cell house that was five tiers high.
There were eight men to a cell.
there were 550 men in that living unit.
And just in case you wondered, they shared one toilet in those small confines.
An officer put a key in a lockbox, and hundreds of men streamed out of their cells.
Hundreds of men streamed out of their cells.
I walked away as fast as I could.
Eventually I went back and I started as an officer there.
My job was to run one of those cell blocks and to control those hundreds of men.
When I went to work at our receptions center, I could actually hear the inmates roiling from the parking lot, shaking cell doors, yelling, tearing up their cells.
Take hundreds of volatile people and lock them up, and what you get is chaos.
Contain and control — that was our job.
One way we learned to do this more effectively was a new type of housing unit called the Intensive Management Unit, IMU, a modern version of a "hole."
We put inmates in cells behind solid steel doors with cuff ports so we could restrain them and feed them.
Guess what?
It got quieter.
Disturbances died down in the general population.
Places became safer because those inmates who were most violent or disruptive could now be isolated.
But isolation isn't good.
Deprive people of social contact and they deteriorate.
It was hard getting them out of IMU, for them and for us.
Even in prison, it's no small thing to lock someone up.
My next assignment was to one of the state's deep-end prisons where some of our more violent or disruptive inmates are housed.
By then, the industry had advanced a lot, and we had different tools and techniques to manage disruptive behavior. We had beanbag guns and pepper spray and plexiglass shields, flash bangs, emergency response teams.
We met violence with force and chaos with chaos.
We were pretty good at putting out fires.
While I was there, I met two experienced correctional workers who were also researchers, an anthropologist and a sociologist.
One day, one of them commented to me and said, "You know, you're pretty good at putting out fires.
Have you ever thought about how to prevent them?"
I was patient with them, explaining our brute force approach to making prisons safer.
They were patient with me.
Out of those conversations grew some new ideas and we started some small experiments.
First, we started training our officers in teams rather than sending them one or two at a time to the state training academy.
Instead of four weeks of training, we gave them 10.
Then we experimented with an apprenticeship model where we paired new staff with veteran staff.
They both got better at the work.
Second, we added verbal de-escalation skills into the training continuum and made it part of the use of force continuum.
It was the non-force use of force.
And then we did something even more radical.
We trained the inmates on those same skills.
We changed the skill set, reducing violence, not just responding to it.
Third, when we expanded our facility, we tried a new type of design.
Now the biggest and most controversial component of this design, of course, was the toilet.
There were no toilets.
Now that might not sound significant to you here today, but at the time, it was huge.
No one had ever heard of a cell without a toilet.
We all thought it was dangerous and crazy.
Even eight men to a cell had a toilet.
That small detail changed the way we worked.
Inmates and staff started interacting more often and openly and developing a rapport.
It was easier to detect conflict and intervene before it escalated.
The unit was cleaner, quieter, safer and more humane.
This was more effective at keeping the peace than any intimidation technique I'd seen to that point.
Interacting changes the way you behave, both for the officer and the inmate.
We changed the environment and we changed the behavior.
Now, just in case I hadn't learned this lesson, they assigned me to headquarters next, and that's where I ran straight up against system change.
Now, many things work against system change: politics and politicians, bills and laws, courts and lawsuits, internal politics.
System change is difficult and slow, and oftentimes it doesn't take you where you want to go.
It's no small thing to change a prison system.
So what I did do is I reflected on my earlier experiences and I remembered that when we interacted with offenders, the heat went down.
When we changed the environment, the behavior changed.
And these were not huge system changes.
These were small changes, and these changes created new possibilities.
So next, I got reassigned as superintendent of a small prison.
And at the same time, I was working on my degree at the Evergreen State College.
I interacted with a lot of people who were not like me, people who had different ideas and came from different backgrounds.
One of them was a rainforest ecologist.
She looked at my small prison and what she saw was a laboratory.
We talked and discovered how prisons and inmates could actually help advance science by helping them complete projects they couldn't complete on their own, like repopulating endangered species: frogs, butterflies, endangered prairie plants. At the same time, we found ways to make our operation more efficient through the addition of solar power, rainwater catchment, organic gardening, recycling.
This initiative has led to many projects that have had huge system-wide impact, not just in our system, but in other state systems as well, small experiments making a big difference to science, to the community.
The way we think about our work changes our work.
The project just made my job more interesting and exciting.
I was excited. Staff were excited.
Officers were excited. Inmates were excited.
They were inspired.
Everybody wanted to be part of this.
They were making a contribution, a difference, one they thought was meaningful and important.
Let me be clear on what's going on here, though.
Inmates are highly adaptive.
They have to be.
Oftentimes, they know more about our own systems than the people who run them.
And they're here for a reason.
I don't see my job as to punish them or forgive them, but I do think they can have decent and meaningful lives even in prison.
So that was the question: Could inmates live decent and meaningful lives, and if so, what difference would that make?
So I took that question back to the deep end, where some of our most violent offenders are housed.
Remember, IMUs are for punishment.
You don't get perks there, like programming.
That was how we thought.
But then we started to realize that if any inmates needed programming, it was these particular inmates.
In fact, they needed intensive programming.
So we changed our thinking 180 degrees, and we started looking for new possibilities.
What we found was a new kind of chair.
Instead of using the chair for punishment, we put it in classrooms.
Okay, we didn't forget our responsibility to control, but now inmates could interact safely, face-to-face with other inmates and staff, and because control was no longer an issue, everybody could focus on other things, like learning. Behavior changed.
We changed our thinking, and we changed what was possible, and this gives me hope.
Now, I can't tell you that any of this stuff will work.
What I can tell you, though, it is working.
Our prisons are getting safer for both staff and inmates, and when our prisons are safe, we can put our energies into a lot more than just controlling.
Reducing recidivism may be our ultimate goal, but it's not our only goal.
To be honest with you, preventing crime takes so much more from so many more people and institutions.
If we rely on just prisons to reduce crime, I'm afraid we'll never get there.
But prisons can do some things we never thought they could do.
Prisons can be the source of innovation and sustainability, repopulating endangered species and environmental restoration.
Inmates can be scientists and beekeepers, dog rescuers.
Prisons can be the source of meaningful work and opportunity for staff and the inmates who live there.
We can contain and control and provide humane environments.
These are not opposing qualities.
We can't wait 10 to 20 years to find out if this is worth doing. Our strategy is not massive system change.
Our strategy is hundreds of small changes that take place in days or months, not years.
We need more small pilots where we learn as we go, pilots that change the range of possibility.
We need new and better ways to measure impacts on engagement, on interaction, on safe environments.
We need more opportunities to participate in and contribute to our communities, your communities.
Prisons need to be secure, yes, safe, yes.
We can do that.
Prisons need to provide humane environments where people can participate, contribute, and learn meaningful lives.
We're learning how to do that.
That's why I'm hopeful.
We don't have to stay stuck in old ideas about prison.
We can define that. We can create that.
And when we do that thoughtfully and with humanity, prisons can be more than the bucket for failed social policy.
Maybe finally, we will earn our title: a department of corrections.
Thank you. | {
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検査のためにクリニックに着くと 質問票を手渡されました
始めのほうに人種について 記入する質問がありました 白人、黒人、アジア人、ネイティブアメリカン
この質問にはどう答えるべきか よくわかりませんでした
これは治験参加者の 社会的背景について 判断するためのもの?
その場合は 自分の社会的な アイデンティティである 「黒人」の欄にチェックします
ですが もし 研究者が 血統と特定遺伝形質での リスクの関連性について 研究するつもりだとしたら?
その場合に知りたいのは 私の祖先に関することでしょうが 私の場合 ヨーロッパ人でもアフリカ人でもあります もし 私が社会的なアイデンティティとして 黒人女性と記入したら
私の遺伝子に関して どうやって 科学的な発見をし得るのでしょう? やはり 私は社会的な理由で 自分自身を
黒人の母をもつ 白人女性というよりは― 白人の父をもつ黒人女性と考えます
人種的アイデンティティは 私の遺伝子には全く関係がありません
そして この質問が 研究の科学的妥当性のために 明らかに重要であるにも関わらず 「あまり気にしないで 自分が思うところに 記入すればいいだけだから」 と言われただけでした
なので 「黒人」 にチェックしました ですが 研究を左右しうる情報を このように非科学的に扱う 研究結果を信用することなど 出来ませんでした
この遺伝子検査での 人種の扱いについての経験が 考えるきっかけとなりました 他に医学のどの分野で人種が 不適切に使われているでしょう?
私は人種がすべての医療行為の 根底にあることを見つけました
医師の診断 検査 治療 処方 疾患の定義についてまでが 人種を基としているのです
さらに調べていくと もっと困惑するばかりでした
私のような社会学者は人種とは 社会的構成概念だとしてきました
黒人、白人、アジア人、ネィティブアメリカン ラテンアメリカ人と人々を識別するとき 私たちは 社会的分類で語っています 時間とともに変化し 世界中で様々に作られた 境界線による分類です
私は 法学者として 生物学者でもない 「法律を作る人達」が どのように人種の 法律的定義をしてきたか ということを学んできました
それは社会科学者だけの 見方だけではないのです
皆さんは2000年6月に ホワイトハウスの式典で ヒトゲノムマップが発表された時のことを 覚えているでしょうか?
ビル・クリントン大統領は よく知られているとおり宣言しました 「この勝利を収めたヒトゲノムへの 探索の旅から明らかになった 偉大な真実の一つは― 遺伝学的には 人間は人種に関わらず 99.9% 同じである ということだと確信している」
そして多分 大統領は― 1%未満の遺伝学上の違いは 人種のチェックボックスには 分類されないと付け加えるでしょう
ヒトゲノムプロジェクトを率いた 現アメリカ国立衛生研究所代表 フランシス・コリンズ氏は クリントン大統領に 賛成の意を示し
「今日 我々がいうところの人種とは 人類のみであることを嬉しく思う」 と述べました
医師は根拠に基づく医療を行うべきで これまで以上に ゲノム革命に 加わるよう求められていますが
医師の人種別に患者を扱うやり方は すでに時代遅れなのです
それでは 糸球体濾過率 推算値を例に見てみましょうか
医師は通常 GFR という重要な 腎臓機能の指標を 人種により判断します
この臨床検査からおわかりのとおり 患者の血清中のクレアチニン濃度が まったく同じにも関わらず 患者がアフリカ系アメリカ人かどうかで 異なったGFR推算値が 自動的に算出されます
それは アフリカ系アメリカ人は 他の人種よりも 筋肉量が多いという 思い込みに基づいたものだと 教えられてきました
でも 医師が機械的に 私の筋肉量がボディビルダーの女性よりも
多いと見なすことに 何か意味はあるでしょうか 患者の筋肉量をきちんと調べれば より正確に 根拠に基づいた測定を できないのでしょうか?
医師たちは人種をショートカットとして 使っているだけだと言います
大雑把なものだとしても 医師には見る時間がない 筋肉量、酵素量、遺伝形のような より重要な要素の 便利な代理指標なのです
しかし 人種は代理指標としては不適切です
多くのケースで 人種は 適切な情報を全く与えてはくれません
しかも 臨床的評価は 人種で左右されることも多く
人種は医師の眼から見えなくします― 患者の症状を 遺伝性の病気を 既往歴や現疾患の可能性などを これらすべては 患者の人種よりも 根拠がありますが
患者の健康を犠牲にする事なしには 人種をこれらの重要な診断情報の 代わりには出来ないのです
医師たちは人種は診断をするための 様々な要素のうちの 一つに過ぎないと言いますが しかし 例えば GFRのような 多数の臨床検査で 人種をカテゴリー的に用いて 黒人、白人、アジア人患者に 異なる取り扱いをします 人種だけを理由にです
人種医学は 有害な先入観とステレオタイプによって 特に有色人種の患者に影響します
黒人とラテンアメリカ人は 長い骨の骨折に 白人と比べると鎮痛剤を 処方されない傾向が倍もあり それは黒人とラテンアメリカ人は 痛みを感じにくく 痛みを大げさに主張し 薬に依存しやすい性質があるという ステレオタイプのせいなのです
アメリカ食品医薬品局(FDA)は 特定の人種用の医薬品を承認までしました
BiDilという薬で アフリカ系アメリカ人と自認する人の 心不全を治療するための薬です
循環器専門医は人種や遺伝学に 留意することなくこの医薬品を開発しましたが 商業的理由で黒人患者に向けて 売り出すことが 都合が良くなったのです
FDAはそれから製薬会社に対し アフリカ系アメリカ人のみを 被験者にした 治験を行うことを承認したのです
人種が 心臓病や薬への反応に関わる まだ解明されていない遺伝的要素の 代用になり得ると 根拠もなく推測したのです
ですが そこからくるメッセージの 危険性について考えてみてください 黒人の身体は著しく規格外で 彼らを対象に治験が行われた薬は 他の人種での効果が 保証されていないということです
結局 その製薬会社の マーケティング計画は失敗に終わりました
一つの理由として 黒人患者たちは 黒人のためだけの医薬品を使うことに 当然のごとく警戒したからです
ある年配の黒人女性は地域の集まりで 立ち上がり こう叫びました 「白人が飲んでるものを私にもよこしな!」
特定の人種向けの医薬品に 驚かれたかもしれませんが こういう話も聞いて下さい アメリカでは大勢の医師たちが 未だに奴隷制度時代の ある医者によって開発された 診断ツールの改良版を 使用しているのです 奴隷制度を正当化することと 密接に関連している診断ツールです
サミュエル・カートライト医師は ペンシルバニア大学医学部を卒業した後
南北戦争以前にアメリカ最南部地方で 開業しており 当時 「ニグロ医学」と呼ばれていたものの 専門家としてよく知られていました
彼は病気における人種的概念― 異なる人種の人間は異なる病気にかかり 一般的な病気の症状も違う という概念を推奨していました
カートライト氏が 1850年代に論じていたのは 奴隷制度は黒人にとって 医学的理由で 有益であるということでした
彼は黒人は白人に比べ肺気量が低く 強制労働は彼らにとって 良いものであると主張しました
彼が医学雑誌で書いたのは― 「白人男性の支配下にある時に 充分に酸素を含み赤くなった血液が 脳に送られ精神が解放される 自由がある時には 酸素を含んだ血が欠乏し 彼らの精神は無知で野蛮なままなのである」 ということでした
この理論をサポートするために カートライトは呼吸を測定する スパイロメーターと呼ばれる医療機器を 完成させる手伝いをしました 彼が仮定した黒人の肺での 機能不全を証明するためです
今日でも 医師たちは 未だに 人種として 黒人は白人よりも 肺気量が低いという カートライトの主張を支持しています
一部の医師は 今でも 現代のスパイロメーターですが 実際に 「人種」 とラベルが 貼られたボタンがあり 機械が患者の人種によって 測定値を調整できるものを使用しています
これはよく知られた機能で 「人種別補正」 といいます
この人種医療の問題は 患者を誤診することよりも大きな問題です
病気において生まれつきの 人種的違いに注目することは 人種における ひどい健康格差の原因となる 社会的決定要因から 注意をそらしてしまうのです 質の高い医療が得られないこと 貧困地域での食の砂漠問題 環境的有害物質への曝露 収監率の高さ そして人種差別からのストレスなどです
いいですか 人種は これらの健康的差異を 自然に生ずるような 遺伝子の違いによる 生物学的分類ではないのです
人種とは社会的分類であり それが生物学的な面で膨大な結果を生じるのは 社会的不平等が健康に影響するからなのです
人種医学は人種間における 健康格差という課題を 特定人種用医薬品で 解決できるかのように見せかけます
これらを生じる 構造的不平等に取り組むよりも 健康格差を補う技術的な解決策を 市場に出すほうが より簡単で儲かるからです
私が人種医学を終わらせることに 一生懸命な理由は 悪い医学だからというだけではないのです
私がこの使命を帯びてるのは― 医師が診療を行うやり方により 人間の間違った 有害な見方を 推進し続けることになるからです
私たちが学んできた 偉大な先人たちによる 多くの医学進歩にも関わらず 人種のこととなると 想像力が不足してしまうのです
少しの間だけ 一緒に想像していただけませんか 医師たちが もし患者を人種で 診ることを止めたらどうなるでしょう?
18世紀の分類システムを拒否し 代わりに もっとも進歩した 人間の遺伝子の 多様性と統合性を認識を取り入れたら? 人間は生物学的に人種として 分類することができないのです
もし 人種を他のもっと重要な要素の 大まかな代用として使う代わりに 医師が実際にもっと重要な要素を 研究したり取り組んだとしたら?
もし 医師たちが遺伝的差異ではなく 人種差別による構造的不平等を 終わらせるための 運動の先頭に加わったとしたら?
人種医学は悪しき医学です 科学的根拠に乏しく 人の属性の間違った解釈です
この過去の遺産と決別することが これまで以上に急務です 互いを深く隔てる社会的不平等を終わらせ 私たちは同じ人間であるということを はっきりと示しましょう
(拍手) ありがとう
ありがとうございました | When I arrived at the clinic to be tested, I was handed a questionnaire.
One of the very first questions asked me to check a box for my race: White, black, Asian, or Native American.
I wasn't quite sure how to answer the question.
Was it aimed at measuring the diversity of research participants' social backgrounds?
In that case, I would answer with my social identity, and check the box for "black."
But what if the researchers were interested in investigating some association between ancestry and the risk for certain genetic traits?
In that case, wouldn't they want to know something about my ancestry, which is just as much European as African?
And how could they make scientific findings about my genes if I put down my social identity as a black woman?
After all, I consider myself a black woman with a white father rather than a white woman with a black mother entirely for social reasons.
Which racial identity I check has nothing to do with my genes.
Well, despite the obvious importance of this question to the study's scientific validity, I was told, "Don't worry about it, just put down however you identify yourself."
So I check "black," but I had no confidence in the results of a study that treated a critical variable so unscientifically.
That personal experience with the use of race in genetic testing got me thinking: Where else in medicine is race used to make false biological predictions?
Well, I found out that race runs deeply throughout all of medical practice.
It shapes physicians' diagnoses, measurements, treatments, prescriptions, even the very definition of diseases.
And the more I found out, the more disturbed I became.
Sociologists like me have long explained that race is a social construction.
When we identify people as black, white, Asian, Native American, Latina, we're referring to social groupings with made up demarcations that have changed over time and vary around the world.
As a legal scholar, I've also studied how lawmakers, not biologists, have invented the legal definitions of races.
And it's not just the view of social scientists.
You remember when the map of the human genome was unveiled at a White House ceremony in June 2000?
President Bill Clinton famously declared, "I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same."
And he might have added that that less than one percent of genetic difference doesn't fall into racial boxes.
Francis Collins, who led the Human Genome Project and now heads NIH, echoed President Clinton.
"I am happy that today, the only race we're talking about is the human race."
Doctors are supposed to practice evidence-based medicine, and they're increasingly called to join the genomic revolution.
But their habit of treating patients by race lags far behind.
Take the estimate of glomerular filtration rate, or GFR.
Doctors routinely interpret GFR, this important indicator of kidney function, by race.
As you can see in this lab test, the exact same creatinine level, the concentration in the blood of the patient, automatically produces a different GFR estimate depending on whether or not the patient is African-American.
I've been told it's based on an assumption that African-Americans have more muscle mass than people of other races.
for a doctor to automatically assume I have more muscle mass than that female bodybuilder?
Wouldn't it be far more accurate and evidence-based to determine the muscle mass of individual patients just by looking at them?
Well, doctors tell me they're using race as a shortcut.
It's a crude but convenient proxy for more important factors, like muscle mass, enzyme level, genetic traits they just don't have time to look for.
But race is a bad proxy.
In many cases, race adds no relevant information at all.
It's just a distraction.
But race also tends to overwhelm the clinical measures.
It blinds doctors to patients' symptoms, family illnesses, their history, their own illnesses they might have -- all more evidence-based than the patient's race.
Race can't substitute for these important clinical measures without sacrificing patient well-being.
Doctors also tell me race is just one of many factors they take into account, but there are numerous medical tests, like the GFR, that use race categorically to treat black, white, Asian patients differently just because of their race.
Race medicine also leaves patients of color especially vulnerable to harmful biases and stereotypes.
Black and Latino patients are twice as likely to receive no pain medication as whites for the same painful long bone fractures because of stereotypes that black and brown people feel less pain, exaggerate their pain, and are predisposed to drug addiction.
The Food and Drug Administration has even approved a race-specific medicine.
It's a pill called BiDil to treat heart failure in self-identified African-American patients.
A cardiologist developed this drug without regard to race or genetics, but it became convenient for commercial reasons to market the drug to black patients.
The FDA then allowed the company, the drug company, to test the efficacy in a clinical trial that only included African-American subjects.
It speculated that race stood in as a proxy for some unknown genetic factor that affects heart disease or response to drugs.
But think about the dangerous message it sent, that black people's bodies are so substandard, a drug tested in them is not guaranteed to work in other patients.
In the end, the drug company's marketing scheme failed.
For one thing, black patients were understandably wary of using a drug just for black people.
One elderly black woman stood up in a community meeting and shouted, "Give me what the white people are taking!"
And if you find race-specific medicine surprising, wait until you learn that many doctors in the United States still use an updated version of a diagnostic tool that was developed by a physician during the slavery era, a diagnostic tool that is tightly linked to justifications for slavery.
Dr. Samuel Cartwright graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School.
He practiced in the Deep South before the Civil War, and he was a well-known expert on what was then called "Negro medicine."
He promoted the racial concept of disease, that people of different races suffer from different diseases and experience common diseases differently.
Cartwright argued in the 1850s that slavery was beneficial for black people for medical reasons.
He claimed that because black people have lower lung capacity than whites, forced labor was good for them.
He wrote in a medical journal, "It is the red vital blood sent to the brain that liberates their minds when under the white man's control, and it is the want of sufficiency of red vital blood that chains their minds to ignorance and barbarism when in freedom."
To support this theory, Cartwright helped to perfect a medical device for measuring breathing called the spirometer to show the presumed deficiency in black people's lungs.
Today, doctors still uphold Cartwright's claim the black people as a race have lower lung capacity than white people.
Some even use a modern day spirometer that actually has a button labeled "race" so the machine adjusts the measurement for each patient according to his or her race.
It's a well-known function called "correcting for race."
The problem with race medicine extends far beyond misdiagnosing patients.
Its focus on innate racial differences in disease diverts attention and resources from the social determinants that cause appalling racial gaps in health: lack of access to high-quality medical care; food deserts in poor neighborhoods; exposure to environmental toxins; high rates of incarceration; and experiencing the stress of racial discrimination.
You see, race is not a biological category that naturally produces these health disparities because of genetic difference.
Race is a social category that has staggering biological consequences, but because of the impact of social inequality on people's health.
Yet race medicine pretends the answer to these gaps in health can be found in a race-specific pill.
It's much easier and more lucrative to market a technological fix for these gaps in health than to deal with the structural inequities that produce them.
The reason I'm so passionate about ending race medicine isn't just because it's bad medicine.
I'm also on this mission because the way doctors practice medicine continues to promote a false and toxic view of humanity.
Despite the many visionary breakthroughs in medicine we've been learning about, there's a failure of imagination when it comes to race.
Would you imagine with me, just a moment: What would happen if doctors stopped treating patients by race?
Suppose they rejected an 18th-century classification system and incorporated instead the most advanced knowledge of human genetic diversity and unity, that human beings cannot be categorized into biological races?
What if, instead of using race as a crude proxy for some more important factor, doctors actually investigated and addressed that more important factor?
What if doctors joined the forefront of a movement to end the structural inequities caused by racism, not by genetic difference?
Race medicine is bad medicine, it's poor science and it's a false interpretation of humanity.
It is more urgent than ever to finally abandon this backward legacy and to affirm our common humanity by ending the social inequalities that truly divide us.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thanks.
Thank you. | {
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ありますよね そんな人のお話です
イギリスの とある都市で 荒廃した団地に暮らしています
商店は潰れ パブも閉店 子供の遊び場は ほぼ空っぽ そして エラの家の空気は 目に見えてピリピリしています 耳が遠くなるような騒音レベル
もう1人の息子ライアンは 台所から怒鳴り散らし 寝室に閉じ込められた犬たちは ドアの向こうでもがいています
40年間も 崖っぷちの家庭で生きてきて
そんな人生しか知らないし 抜け出す方法もわかりません
男性運は悪く いつも暴力的な相手ばかり 悲しいことに 子供の1人は 児童施設に保護されてしまい
残る3人の子供たちも たくさんの問題を抱え 学校に行っている子は1人もいません
エラが言うには 母親の世代からの悪循環を 繰り返してしまっているそうです
しかし 初めて会ったとき エラとその家族は 市の24部署が運営する 73種類の福祉サービスの対象で 職員のほとんどが エラと エラのパートナーや 子供たちのことを 知っているくらいでした
口げんかなどが起こると 気軽に福祉サービスを呼んで 調停を頼んでいたのです
エラの家には ソーシャル・ワーカーや 青少年相談員、健康相談員 住宅相談員、家庭教師 地元の警察官が定期訪問しています
政府発表によると イギリスでは 10万の家庭が 同じような状況で 経済的、社会的、環境的な貧困の 悪循環を破れずに苦闘しています
こういった問題への対策が 1家族につき 毎年25万ポンドもかかるといいます しかし 何も変わりません
善意での訪問がことごとく 徒労に終わっているのです
この図表は 同じ市に住む エラと似た状況にある家族の
30年間に及ぶ福祉サービス介入歴を 図解したものです
どれも1つの全体計画に基づいた 介入ではないのは エラと同じです
どれもが抑制策 つまり 個々の問題への対症療法です
警察官が来て 「伝言しに来ただけで もう帰りますから」などと言います
そこで私は 世界を回り エラの一家のような家庭に 住み込んできました 福祉制度が機能していない地域から 学べることはないか 知りたかったのです
エラのような家庭環境で暮らすのは どんな感覚なのか
実際に何が起こっているのか? 何を変えればいいのか?
まず 「費用」とは 大変捉えづらい概念だとわかりました
政府は エラのような家庭の支援に 年間25万ポンドかかると言いますが 本当のところ 25万ポンドかかるのは 制度のほうなのです
エラの家庭に直接使われ 成果を出しているお金は 一銭もありません
むしろ エラと家族の周りを 高コストの制度が空回りして その真ん中で家族は 身動きがとれないままなのです
現場の職員にも 話を聞きましたが どうしようもない状況だと判明しました
トムの場合― エラの息子 14歳のライアン担当です― 86%の時間が 制度関連業務に費やされます 同僚と会議したり 用紙に記入したり その用紙について また会議したり 更にひどいのが ライアンと過ごす 残り14%の時間でさえ システムに入力する データや情報収集に終始
だから ライアンとの会話は 「喫煙の頻度は?飲酒は? 学校にはいつ行った?」
このような関わり方では 普通の会話の余地が なくなってしまいます
これでは トムとライアンの間に 必要なはずの人間関係は生まれません
この図ができたとき 現場で働く福祉員たちは 目を丸くして 釘付けになっていました
この図はまた 事務所中の壁に貼られました
善意で費やしてきた莫大な時間が 最終的には 全く無益だったのです
一時は 絶望的に思えましたが どうすべきかが見えてきました やり方を変えるべきだと 気づいたのです
ここで エラの住む市の上層部が 非常に思い切ったことをしました ライアンに使う時間比率を 逆転させると決めたのです
つまり エラや 同様の家族と 関わることになった職員は 80%の時間を 担当の家族と過ごし 制度側の業務は20%に留める というわけです
更に思い切ったことに 誰に担当してもらうかは 対象家庭が主体となって 決めることになったのです
エラともう1人の母親も 面接に出席し 資格を持つ候補者の中から 自分たちの担当を 選ぶことになりました
本当にたくさんの応募がありました ソーシャルワークを志す人々は 元々 制度運営よりも 人のためになりたい という動機があるからです
面接に来た全員に 母親2人が質問しました 「息子が暴力をふるい始めたら どうしますか?」
1人目の人が答えます 「直近の出口を探して ゆっくりとその場を離れます まだ音がするようだったら 上司に電話します」
母親たちは 「あんたは制度そのものだ 出て行きな!」
次の候補者は警察官でした 「息子さんに跳びかかって組み敷きます その後何をするかは わかりません」
すると母親たちは 「ありがとう」
正解かどうかはわからないけど と 正直に答えた人々が選ばれました 専門用語でごまかしたりはせず 人間的な面が見えたので
母親たちは この人たちなら 荒っぽいかもしれないが 何があっても 付き合い続けてくれるだろうと 納得したのです
この新しいチームと 家族たちに 以前の予算に比べ ほんの僅かでしたが 好きなように使える資金が 割り当てられました
ある家族は 外食することにして
マクドナルドで座って話し お互いの話を聞きました この家族には 長い間なかったことでした
他の家族から出た依頼に 家の修理改装をして欲しい というものもありました
この資金を使って 社会事業を始める母親もいました
すると ほんの短い間に 新しく芽生えてきたものがありました チームと 職員たちの間の絆です
そして 奇跡的な変化が起こりました
エラが この過程で何度か 前進と後退とを繰り返したことは ご想像に難くないですが
でも 彼女はIT研修コースを修了し 生まれて初めての仕事を始め 子供たちは学校に戻りました 近所の人も 以前は エラの一家がどこか他所へ 引っ越せばいいと 願うばかりでしたが 今では関係良好
この過程に関わったのは 以前と同じ家族と 以前と同じサービス職員です
人間関係の変化を促す 仕組みに変わったというだけです
エラの話をしたのには訳があります 難解な社会問題の解決に 欠かせない資源とは 人間関係だからです
しかし現代では 政治、社会政策、福祉制度が 災いとなり 人間関係は ほぼ壊滅してしまっています
この現状は 根本から 変えなければなりません
では 人間関係とは何でしょうか?
私は単純に 人と人との絆のことだと思います 繋がっているという感覚や 帰属意識 エラのように思い切って 新しいことに挑戦するとき 支えとなったり 幸せに思える絆などです
そして エラの一家を 支援する役目を担うはずの社会制度を 運営管理する側にとって 人間関係がどうでもいいのは 偶然ではありません イギリスでデザインされ 世界中に広まった社会保障のモデルから 人間関係が 意図的に 除外されているからです
世界初の社会保障制度の設計に貢献し 『ベヴァリッジ報告書』を発表した― ウィリアム・ベヴァリッジの時代の人々は いわゆる 「世俗的な人間」は 信頼できないからと
代わりに 人格や感情を持たない「制度」や その中で機械的に働く役人などを 重んじました
現代の制度の社会問題の捉え方に ベヴァリッジが与えた影響は 計り知れないものがあります
ベヴァリッジ報告書は 発行から1週間で 10万冊を売り上げました
11月の雨の中 夜通し並んで買う人がいたそうです 国中や あちこちの植民地 ヨーロッパ中の人々や アメリカ中の人々に読まれ 世界中で福祉国家の制度設計において 多大な影響を与えました 福祉国家の 文化・官僚制・制度が 世界中に広まり
あって当然のものになりました 我々の中にあまりに深く浸透し
もう誰も 意識さえしなくなりました こういった制度が 20世紀中に
著しい成果を上げたことは 紛れもない事実です お陰で 平均寿命が伸び 疫病は駆逐され
集合住宅が生まれ ほぼ万人への教育が可能になりました
しかし同時に 現代にはびこる課題の種を 蒔いたのだともいえます
今の時代 一生喫煙を続けるよりも 命にかかわるものは何でしょう?
政府の統計によれば 60歳以上の人の3人に1人が 1週間ずっと誰にも会わないか 誰とも話をしません
10人に1人 つまり85万人が 1ヶ月 誰とも話をしないそうです
イギリスだけではなく 西洋世界全体に起こっている問題です
中国のような国ではもっと深刻で 急速な都市化 そして 人口の大量移動の結果 老人が農村部に 置き去りになっています
ベヴァリッジが設計し 世界に広めた社会保障制度では こういう部類の問題には対応できません
「孤独」は 人間関係の全体的課題であって お役所的な 従来の対応では 対処不可能なのです
数年前 この問題を理解するため 私の地元 南ロンドンで
約60人の老人と接する機会を持ちました 買い物したり ビンゴで遊んだり でも 話を聴いて 観察するのが主でした
何か変えられるものはないか 探っていました
彼らに尋ねると 希望は2つ
はしごを登って 電球を換えてくれる人か 病院から帰るとき 迎えに来てくれる人
必要に応じた 実用的な支援を望んでいます
また 楽しみも求めています
外出したり 趣味の合う人と楽しみたいし 私たち誰もが人生ずっとそうしてきたように 友達作りもしたいのです
というわけで 電話回線と 何でも屋を何人か用意して 「サークル」というサービスを 始めました
地域のメンバーが フリーダイヤルの番号に 必要なとき電話をかけて 支援を求める仕組みです
ペットの体調が悪いとか DVDが壊れたとか 携帯の使い方を忘れたとか 実際に 病院帰りで 迎えに来て欲しいとかです
「サークル」では イベントも充実しています 編み物、ダーツ、美術館ツアー 熱気球など 何でもありです
しかし 面白いことに ある重大な変化が起こりました 時と共に「サークル」内で生まれた 人間関係が 日々のサービスに とって代わったのです
ベリンダは「サークル」のメンバーで 股関節の手術で入院するため 地元の「サークル」に電話して しばらく顔を出さないと言いました
地域の担当者デイモンが折り返して 何かできることはないかと訊くと
ベリンダは 「あら 大丈夫よ ジョセリンが買い物 トニーが庭を見てくれて メリッサとジョーが 料理とお見舞いに来てくれるの」
この時既に メンバーの5人が 入院中の身の回りを 世話することになっていたのです
ベリンダは80歳で 今でも心は25歳だそうですが 入会する前は 人生が行き詰まったように思えて かなり鬱になっていたそうです
でもそこで 1つ目のイベントに誘うという シンプルな行為が 後に 自然な友情が生まれる きっかけを作りました 今日 高価な社会サービスを不要にする 友情関係です
人間関係こそが 変化を生み出しているのです
今日 社会問題の解決策の中心に 人間関係を据えて 取り組めるようになった要因は 次の3点に集約されます
1つ目は 問題の本質です 昔とは問題の質や 必要な解決策が変わりました
2つ目は 費用です 人件費や 運営管理費のことです
3つ目は テクノロジーです
このような取り組みの規模を拡大し 今や何千人もの支援が可能になったのは 技術の力です
私たちが使った技術は本当に単純で データベースや携帯電話など ありふれたものでした
「サークル」では この超単純な基盤を利用し 地域の小規模なチームで1,000人までの メンバーをサポートできるのです
70年代と比べると 当時あったような 地域支援組織では 到底無理な規模ですよね 技術の要がなく 組織の質も長期維持も不可能でした
テクノロジーの力を使えば 人間関係で以って ベヴァリッジのモデルを ひっくり返せるわけです
ベヴァリッジ・モデルは 組織の限られた運営資源の利用を 誰でも 同じように管理できる制度です
第一線で働いていると 最大80%の運営資源が 人々の利用を妨げるのに使われているのだと 非常によくわかります
働く人々は 年々複雑化する 事務作業に追われます 要は サービスの利用を滞らせるか 待っている人を管理するだけの システムなのです
私たちの「サークル」など 人の繋がりが中心のサービスは これとは逆です
つまり 人が増えるほど 人間関係も増え 効果も上がるという原理です
最後に 3つ目のお話をします 失業問題についてです
イギリスでは 世界どこでもそうですが 我々の福祉国家の主なねらいは 人々に職を与え 就業に必要な教育を施し 国民の健康を保つことです
しかし この制度も うまくいっていません
制度側は対策として 現制度を更に 仕組み化、効率化して 処理時間を短縮し 利用者を限りなく細分化します 言い換えればサービスの対象を 効率良く絞ろうとしています 別の言い方をすれば 人間関係は全くの無視です
でも 今の時代 仕事を見つけるきっかけは
実は 今日のイギリスでは 新着求人情報の大半が宣伝されません
友達に聞いて応募したり 友達の推薦を受けたり 多様で 豊かな人の繋がりから 仕事が見つかるかるのです
「私は広告で見つけたけど」 そう思われる方も いるかもしれませんが 思い返してみると 広告を見せて応募を薦めてくれた 友達のお陰だったのかもしれません
ところが 当然こういった― 多様で豊かな人の繋がりを 最も必要とする人々こそ そこから最も縁遠い人なのです
こういった事実や 現存の制度にかかる費用や不具合を 念頭において 人間関係を中心に据えた 新しいシステムを設計しました
職場内外の人との集まりを推進したり 体系的に協力しあって 新しい試みに取り組もうと 応援するサービスです
従来のシステムと この新システムの 結果を比べるのは 非常に難しいのですが 最初の登録者1,000人だけ見ても 従来の福祉サービスの 3倍の成果です 費用は従来に比べて ほんの僅かです
ここでも 技術の力を借りましたが ソーシャル・ネットワークサイト的な 人と人の繋げ方はしません
人と人が顔を合わせて繋がり 真の人間関係を築くため そして仕事探しを支援するために 技術を利用しています
1948年 晩年のベヴァリッジは 第3の報告書を発表しました
そこに 大変な失敗を犯してしまったと 記しています
人と コミュニティを 取り残す結果になってしまった
そして その結果として 制度も 人々自身も 制度や手続の範疇でしか 人を見ないようになってしまったと 書いています
当時 血の通った人間関係は 既に希薄化していました
残念なことに この第3報告書は 彼の前の報告書に比べて ほとんど読まれませんでした
しかし 今の時代 新しい制度やサービスを作る際に 人やコミュニティを 再び中心に据える必要があります 私は「人間中心の福祉」と 呼んでいます
従来の古く、手続ばかりで 不適切な 時代遅れのモデルをやめるべきです エラの一家のような家族を サポートできるモデル 「孤独」のような問題に 対応できるモデル 現代の労働市場で 人々が職に就いて スキルを磨けるような モデルに切り替えるべきです 更に 教育問題、医療制度の問題 その他 現代社会が直面する たくさんの問題に対応できるモデルが 必要です
その答えこそが 人間関係です
人間関係こそが 最も重要な資源なのです
ありがとうございました | So I want to tell you about someone like this that I know.
I'm going to call her Ella.
Ella lives in a British city on a run down estate.
The shops are closed, the pub's gone, the playground's pretty desolate and never used, and inside Ella's house, the tension is palpable and the noise levels are deafening.
The TV's on at full volume.
One of her sons is fighting with one of her daughters.
Another son, Ryan, is keeping up this constant stream of abuse from the kitchen, and the dogs are locked behind the bedroom door and straining.
Ella is stuck.
She has lived with crisis for 40 years.
She knows nothing else, and she knows no way out.
She's had a whole series of abusive partners, and, tragically, one of her children has been taken into care by social services.
The three children that still live with her suffer from a whole range of problems, and none of them are in education.
And Ella says to me that she is repeating the cycle of her own mother's life before her.
But when I met Ella, there were 73 different services on offer for her and her family in the city where she lives, 73 different services run out of 24 departments in one city, and Ella and her partners and her children were known to most of them.
They think nothing of calling social services to try and mediate one of the many arguments that broke out.
And the family home was visited on a regular basis by social workers, youth workers, a health officer, a housing officer, a home tutor and the local policemen.
And the governments say that there are 100,000 families in Britain today like Ella's, struggling to break the cycle of economic, social and environmental deprivation.
And they also say that managing this problem costs a quarter of a million pounds per family per year and yet nothing changes.
None of these well-meaning visitors are making a difference.
This is a chart we made in the same city with another family like Ella's.
This shows 30 years of intervention in that family's life.
And just as with Ella, not one of these interventions is part of an overall plan.
There's no end goal in sight.
None of the interventions are dealing with the underlying issues.
These are just containment measures, ways of managing a problem.
One of the policemen says to me, "Look, I just deliver the message and then I leave."
So, I've spent time living with families like Ella's in different parts of the world, because I want to know: what can we learn from places where our social institutions just aren't working?
I want to know what it feels like to live in Ella's family.
I want to know what's going on and what we can do differently.
Well, the first thing I learned is that cost is a really slippery concept.
Because when the government says that a family like Ella's costs a quarter of a million pounds a year to manage, what it really means is that this system costs a quarter of a million pounds a year.
Because not one penny of this money actually touches Ella's family in a way that makes a difference.
Instead, the system is just like this costly gyroscope that spins around the families, keeping them stuck at its heart, exactly where they are.
And I also spent time with the frontline workers, and I learned that it is an impossible situation.
So Tom, who is the social worker for Ella's 14-year-old son Ryan, has to spend 86 percent of his time servicing the system: meetings with colleagues, filling out forms, more meetings with colleagues to discuss the forms, and maybe most shockingly, the 14 percent of the time he has to be with Ryan is spent getting data and information for the system.
So he says to Ryan, "How often have you been smoking? Have you been drinking?
When did you go to school?"
And this kind of interaction rules out the possibility of a normal conversation.
It rules out the possibility of what's needed to build a relationship between Tom and Ryan.
When we made this chart, the frontline workers, the professionals -- they stared at it absolutely amazed.
It snaked around the walls of their offices.
So many hours, so well meant, but ultimately so futile.
And there was this moment of absolute breakdown, and then of clarity: we had to work in a different way.
So in a really brave step, the leaders of the city where Ella lives agreed that we could start by reversing Ryan's ratio.
So everyone who came into contact with Ella or a family like Ella's would spend 80 percent of their time working with the families and only 20 percent servicing the system.
And even more radically, the families would lead and they would decide who was in a best position to help them.
So Ella and another mother were asked to be part of an interview panel, to choose from amongst the existing professionals who would work with them.
And many, many people wanted to join us, because you don't go into this kind of work to manage a system, you go in because you can and you want to make a difference.
So Ella and the mother asked everybody who came through the door, "What will you do when my son starts kicking me?"
And so the first person who comes in says, "Well, I'll look around for the nearest exit and I will back out very slowly, and if the noise is still going on, I'll call my supervisor."
And the mothers go, "You're the system. Get out of here!"
And then the next person who comes is a policeman, and he says, "Well, I'll tackle your son to the ground and then I'm not sure what I'll do."
And the mothers say, "Thank you."
So, they chose professionals who confessed they didn't necessarily have the answers, who said -- well, they weren't going to talk in jargon.
They showed their human qualities and convinced the mothers that they would stick with them through thick and thin, even though they wouldn't be soft with them.
So these new teams and the families were then given a sliver of the former budget, but they could spend the money in any way they chose.
And so one of the families went out for supper.
They went to McDonald's and they sat down and they talked and they listened for the first time in a long time.
Another family asked the team if they would help them do up their home.
And one mother took the money and she used it as a float to start a social enterprise.
And in a really short space of time, something new started to grow: a relationship between the team and the workers.
And then some remarkable changes took place.
Maybe it's not surprising that the journey for Ella has had some big steps backwards as well as forwards.
But today, she's completed an IT training course, she has her first paid job, her children are back in school, and the neighbors, who previously just hoped this family would be moved anywhere except next door to them, are fine.
They've made some new friendships.
And all the same people have been involved in this transformation -- same families, same workers.
But the relationship between them has been supported to change.
So I'm telling you about Ella because I think that relationships are the critical resource we have in solving some of these intractable problems.
But today, our relationships are all but written off by our politics, our social policies, our welfare institutions.
And I've learned that this really has to change.
So what do I mean by relationships?
I'm talking about the simple human bonds between us, a kind of authentic sense of connection, of belonging, the bonds that make us happy, that support us to change, to be brave like Ella and try something new.
And, you know, it's no accident that those who run and work in the institutions that are supposed to support Ella and her family don't talk about relationships, because relationships are expressly designed out of a welfare model that was drawn up in Britain and exported around the world.
who was the architect of the first welfare state and the author of the Beveridge Report, had little faith in what they called the average sensual or emotional man.
Instead, they trusted this idea of the impersonal system and the bureaucrat who would be detached and work in this system.
on the way the modern state sees social issues just can't be underestimated.
The Beveridge Report sold over 100,000 copies in the first weeks of publication alone.
People queued in the rain on a November night to get hold of a copy, and it was read across the country, across the colonies, across Europe, across the United States of America, and it had this huge impact on the way that welfare states were designed around the globe.
The cultures, the bureaucracies, the institutions -- they are global, and they've come to seem like common sense.
They've become so ingrained in us, that actually we don't even see them anymore.
And I think it's really important to say that in the 20th century, they were remarkably successful, these institutions.
They led to longer lifespans, the eradication of mass disease, mass housing, almost universal education.
But at the same time, Beveridge sowed the seeds of today's challenges.
So let me tell you a second story.
What do you think today is a bigger killer than a lifetime of smoking?
It's loneliness.
According to government statistics, one person over 60 -- one in three -- doesn't speak to or see another person in a week.
One person in 10, that's 850,000 people, doesn't speak to anyone else in a month.
And we're not the only people with this problem; this problem touches the whole of the Western world.
And it's even more acute in countries like China, where a process of rapid urbanization, mass migration, has left older people alone in the villages.
And so the services that Beveridge designed and exported -- they can't address this kind of problem.
Loneliness is like a collective relational challenge, and it can't be addressed by a traditional bureaucratic response.
So some years ago, wanting to understand this problem, in South London, where I live.
I went shopping, I played bingo, but mainly I was just observing and listening.
I wanted to know what we could do differently.
And if you ask them, people tell you they want two things.
They want somebody to go up a ladder and change a light bulb, or to be there when they come out of hospital.
They want on-demand, practical support.
And they want to have fun.
They want to go out, do interesting things with like-minded people, and make friends like we've all made friends at every stage of our lives.
So we rented a phone line, hired a couple of handymen, and started a service we called "Circle."
And Circle offers its local membership a toll-free 0 800 number that they can call on demand for any support.
And people have called us for so many reasons.
They've called because their pets are unwell, their DVD is broken, they've forgotten how to use their mobile phone, or maybe they are coming out of hospital and they want someone to be there.
And Circle also offers a rich social calendar -- knitting, darts, museum tours, hot air ballooning -- you name it.
But here's the interesting thing, the really deep change: over time, the friendships that have formed have begun to replace the practical offer.
So let me tell you about Belinda.
Belinda's a Circle member, and she was going into hospital for a hip operation, so she called her local Circle to say they wouldn't see her for a bit.
And Damon, who runs the local Circle, calls her back and says, "How can I help?"
And Belinda says, "Oh no, I'm fine -- Jocelyn is doing the shopping, Tony's doing the gardening, Melissa and Joe are going to come in and cook and chat."
So five Circle members had organized themselves to take care of Belinda.
And Belinda's 80, although she says that she feels 25 inside, but she also says that she felt stuck and pretty down when she joined Circle.
But the simple act of encouraging her to come along to that first event led to a process where natural friendships formed, friendships that today are replacing the need for expensive services.
It's relationships that are making the difference.
So I think that three factors have converged that enable us to put relationships at the heart and center of how we solve social problems today.
Firstly, the nature of the problems -- they've changed, and they require different solutions.
Secondly, the cost, human as much as financial, of doing business as usual.
And thirdly, technology.
I've talked about the first two factors.
It's technology that enables these approaches to scale and potentially now support thousands of people.
So the technology we've used is really simple, it's made up of available things like databases, mobile phones.
Circle has got this very simple system that underpins it, enables a small local team to support a membership of up to a thousand.
And you can contrast this with a neighborhood organization of the 1970s, when this kind of scale just wasn't possible, neither was the quality or the longevity that the spine of technology can provide.
So it's relationships underpinned by technology that can turn the Beveridge models on their heads.
The Beveridge models are all about institutions with finite resources, anonymously managing access.
In my work at the front line, I've seen again and again how up to 80 percent of resource is spent keeping people out.
So professionals have to administer these increasingly complex forms of administration that are basically about stopping people accessing the service or managing the queue.
And Circle, like the relational services that we and others have designed, inverts this logic.
What it says is, the more people, the more relationships, the stronger the solution.
So I want to tell you my third and final story, which is about unemployment.
In Britain, as in most places in the world, our welfare states were primarily designed to get people into work, to educate them for this, and to keep them healthy.
But here, too, the systems are failing.
And so the response has been to try and make these old systems even more efficient and transactional -- to speed up processing times, divide people into ever-smaller categories, try and target services at them more efficiently -- in other words, the very opposite of relational.
But guess how most people find work today?
Through word of mouth.
It turns out that in Britain today, most new jobs are not advertised.
So it's friends that tell you about a job, it's friends that recommend you for a job, and it's a rich and diverse social network that helps you find work.
Maybe some of you here this evening are thinking, "But I found my job through an advert," but if you think back, it was probably a friend that showed you the ad and then encouraged you to apply.
But not surprisingly, people who perhaps most need this rich and diverse network are those who are most isolated from it.
So knowing this, and also knowing about the costs and failure of current systems, we designed something new with relationships at its heart.
We designed a service that encourages people to meet up, people in and out of work, to work together in structured ways and try new opportunities.
And, well, it's very hard to compare the results of these new systems with the old transactional models, but it looks like, with our first 1,000 members, we outperformed existing services by a factor of three, at a fraction of the cost.
And here, too, we've used technology, but not to network people in the way that a social platform would do.
We've used it to bring people face to face and connect them with each other, building real relationships and supporting people to find work.
At the end of his life, in 1948, Beveridge wrote a third report.
And in it he said he had made a dreadful mistake.
He had left people and their communities out.
And this omission, he said, led to seeing people, and people starting to see themselves, within the categories of the bureaucracies and the institutions.
And human relationships were already withering.
But unfortunately, this third report was much less read than Beveridge's earlier work.
But today, we need to bring people and their communities back into the heart of the way we design new systems and new services, in an approach that I call "Relational Welfare."
We need to leave behind these old, transactional, unsuitable, outdated models, and we need to adopt instead the shared collective relational responses that can support a family like Ella's, that can address an issue like loneliness, that can support people into work and up the skills curve in a modern labor market, that can also address challenges of education, of health care systems, and so many more of those problems that are pressing on our societies.
It is all about relationships.
Relationships are the critical resource we have.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
実は、ユニコーンペガサスの成長は遅い。これは個体数が少なすぎて、正確な情報が把握されていないために起こった誤解である。本来、普通の馬であれば4歳は、人間でいえば20歳程度である。しかし、ユニコーンペガサスの場合は、人間でいえばまだ12歳である。まだまだこれから、リノスもイリモも成長するのであるが、それはまた、別のお話。 | 「Hin! Hin! Hin! 」
A sudden cry interrupted our pleasant conversation. It was a pegasus that I slashed with「Onigiri」.
Its eyes were closed and it was trembling all over. Its breathing was rough. It was gradually unable to withstand the suffering and collapsed.
It was shaking with tears in its eyes. It will die if I let it be.
「So it is a unicorn pegasus. A rare article you have here」 []
Gon raised her voice. Eh? What is that? Is it really rare?
「Pegasus is a rare creature, but there are plenty of unicorns in this world. However, the unicorn pegasus, who has the traits of both of them, is even rarer. I saw it last time about years ago. Although, it died soon after its birth」
「If it’s that rare, shouldn’t some gods use them?」
「I doubt that it works like that. It is just a unicorn and a pegasus. A seed, that shouldn’t have appeared under normal circumstances. The one who rode this horse was, if I remember correctly, a royal from the Hideta Empire. It might have been an imperial treasure」
Oi oi, does that mean that if this horse dies it will be bad? For now, let’s cast some recovery magic....was it its spirit that was cut? Then how should I treat it?
「If it’s an empire’s belonging, it won’t be a bad idea to return it. It will be bothersome in a lot of ways if it dies. However, what kind of magic is able to heal it? 」[]
「The confusion can be dispelled by using LV recover spell Extra Heal. But with your katana, it won’t be of any use. I think that it is impossible unless you use LV Ultimate Heal. Ultimate Heal can even revive a person during hour after its death unless some important organs are missing. It wasn’t cut that long ago, you should be able to mend the damage to its spirit」
I see, 「Onigiri」kills the spirit. I must say, I made a terrible weapon. Let’s try it then, 「Ultimate Heal! 」.
The unicorn pegasus was wrapped in the blue light.
「Are you okay?」
Or so I asked. The horse’s eyes opened and it neighed in a small voice.
「It wants some water, so it said」
So you are able to understand this horse, Gon! As expected of the white fox. While admiring, I created plenty of water with water magic. The horse drunk with great vigor.
It said something again. Oi, Gon, what did it say?
「It says: Thank you for saving me. I was about to die」
「You are a unicorn pegasus, right? Do you belong to the Hideta Empire? I can return you to the Empire if you want...」
The horse froze for a moment. Then again, it weakly buruburu’ed something.
「It says it doesn’t want to return. It will die if it goes back」
I asked some things, this horse seems to be 4 years old. For some reason, it grows too slow and its body is smaller than it should be. Because it is pony-sized, it can’t be used on the battlefield or displayed in public. So the royal guy from before forced it to be his mount.
This royal’s treatment was very rough, and it failed a lot. Sometimes it was whipped, and in severe cases, slashed at with a sword. Come to think of it, that royal kept calling「Daba, Daba」, but it was just another name for a「horse」. Well, I knew already, but that guy was pretty messed up.
At that time, because of the event in the Juka Kingdom and the appearance of the Great Demon King, all of their contacts were severed. The horse didn’t want to enter the Juka Kingdom, even for the reconnaissance. But the idiotic duo decided to depart on a subjugation mission. They even used a road through the Juka Mountain Range, which is a dragon’s den. This road should have been a certain death for them, but those idiots were able to arrive safely. They were attacked by a dragon once, but Paoran deceived it with her illusions.
The horse continued to run all this time without any food or water until it bumped into me. The three people were eating while riding. Did they want to kill me this much? You need to bring something stronger than just your killing intent to defeat me though. Idiocy that can’t be explained by their youth. Well, Paoran most likely devised this plan.
If I return this horse to the empire, its future would definitely be bleak, I can imagine that. Well then, what should I do.....
「For now, you didn’t eat all this time, right? I have plenty of carrots, you can eat as much as you want. Water can be created at any time too」
I pulled a lot of carrots out of the「Infinite storage」. The horse was hesitating at first but started eating little by little. It wanted to properly taste it. After a while, it stopped eating and slightly trembled. Let’s confirm with Gon.
「It says that it was the first time it ate such delicious thing. It says: This incompetent one is happy to receive your grace」
That is an exaggeration. For it to be that happy only from water and carrots, just how horrible was its life before this?
「There is no way you are incompetent. My barrier shouldn’t be damaged by the normal attacks. However, you scratched it with your horn. You can be proud」
「I was incredibly afraid, but I thought that I will die if I do nothing, so I slammed with all my power...or so it says」
「When you instantly defeated the demon fox, I thought that my death was near, so I bit you. I apologize, so he apologized」
Even while fighting me, the idiot treated the horse quite roughly, while it was suffering the pain I can’t imagine.
「I see. I unknowingly caused you to suffer. I did some horrible attack」
「....I truly thought I was going to die, I saw the hell while still alive, it says」
「But it was more painful when the master abandoned me, it says」
Even though he was an idiot, it accepted him as its master. Isn’t it a nice fellow.
「Isn’t it fine, being abandoned? That idiot just couldn’t see your splendor. In fact, you combat power is strong. Stronger than your master’s. Even more, your hair is beautiful, your eyes are pretty, I think you look really great」
「.....It says it’s happy, it’s crying」
The horse puts its face in my hand with buruburu. Well then, what should I do with this horse.
「The slave magic wasn’t cast on it, so technically it doesn’t belong to the empire. Its master had abandoned it too, there is no problem with picking it up. If you don’t want it, you can sell it. It will fetch a considerable price」
Selling it will be a pity.
「The horse says that it doesn’t mind you riding on its back」
All right, might as well accept its feelings. This horse’s height is just right for me. Well then, how should I call it? Unicorn pegasus is somewhat long. Let’s ask its name through Gon.
「.....Daba, it seems」
There is no way it is a good name. All right, let me bestow you with a new name. It is a unicorn pegasus, so...
「Your name is「Bright」. It is worthy of the one who inherited the noble blood of a pegasus and a unicorn, what do you think? 」
「.....But this unicorn pegasus is a female」
Say this sooner. I retract what I said, etto.....
「I decided, you name is「Irimo」. I will call you「Irimo」」
Buruburu, Irimo said. It seems she liked it. Anyway, was that fine, Gon? You are properly translating, right?
The unicorn pegasus’ growth is slow. This is a misunderstanding caused by the lack of information. Originally, for a normal horse, 4 years old is like 20 years old for humans. However, in a case of a unicorn pegasus, it is closer to 12. Rinos and Irimo are going to grow from now on, but it is a story for another time. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
(憎いか? 少年?)
(すべてを消滅させる力? そんな力、僕は持ってないよ)
十二年前 レイリア王国ウィンディスタン地方南部 エルネルニタの街
「うん! 約束」
目を覚ましたセイヤのことを見て、白衣の男が「なに? 起きただと!? 麻酔が効かなかったのか!?」などと言っているが、セイヤには関係ない。
「貴様ぁぁぁぁぁ一体何をした? なんだ、これは? こんなの聞いたことないぞ。貴様は一体何者だ?」
そんな時、セイヤは十メートルほど先で、うつ伏せで倒れている少女を見つけた。 | Seiya never heard the voice resounding in his head. From that voice, hatred and killing intent flowed densely, it was very dark.
The darkness seemed to envelop Seiya without any resistance.
However, the deep darkness strangely gave Seiya incredibly nostalgic feeling.
Seiya asks the deep darkness in front of him.
(Do you hate, boy?)
The voice coming from the deep darkness. For some reason, Seiya couldn’t ignore this voice and started a conversation.
(Hate who?)
(The ones who abandoned you, unjust treatment, this world)
Seiya felt that a mysterious voice came from inside of his heart. It felt like the voice asked his inner self, and Seiya answers as if it is natural.
He felt like he was stepping somewhere he shouldn’t enter and was about to pass a point of no return.
But he couldn’t lie.
(I hate. The ones who abandoned me. Unjust treatment. This terrible world)
Seiya ended up saying as such. He couldn’t turn back anymore.
(Will you give me the power?)
Seiya reacts to the word power. That was something he could not possibly ever have, and Seiya wanted the power the bottom of his heart.
(Wrong. The boy already has power. Power to destroy everything)
(The power to destroy everything? I do not have such power)
Seiya doesn’t have the power to destroy everything. If he had such power, no one would have called him Unknown.
(You have. You just forgot. Remember it, boy. Your true power)
(Can I really remember my power?)
When Seiya said so, the voice in the deep darkness approaches him.
If it is usual Seiya he will run away or defend, but at this time somehow he had no choice but to accept.
He didn’t know himself, why he didn’t run, but he did not feel like rejecting the deep darkness.
The deep darkness envelops Seiya more and more. Being swallowed by the darkness he experienced a peculiar feeling.
Twelve years ago, Leiria Kingdom, Windistan, south of Erenerita city.
There were two figures in a deep forest far from the city.
「What is it, Seiya?」
「Look her, look here, it is a purple magic circle」
The identity of two people is a pair of father and son. Father was taller than an average human, with red eyes shining like rubies and white hair.
Furthermore, there is a characteristic big scar on his face, and anyone who saw it for the first time will become afraid of him. However, the face of the man was that of a gentle father.
The child was about years old boy. A boy with beautiful blue eyes and golden hair, although he didn’t resemble his father, they had a strange affinity.
A characteristic purple magic circle was deployed on the boy’s hand.
Because the boy was able to deploy a magic circle, you can understand that they are both magicians.
If a magician while being a child can create a magic circle, it should make his parents extremely delighted, but his father’s face does not seem to be very happy, his face looked rather sad.
After all the magic circle created by the golden-haired boy belongs to a magic treated as a heresy in the Leiria Kingdom.
In the Leiria Kingdom, the colors are: yellow for the light attribute, red for the fire attribute, blue for the water attribute, green for the wind attribute, the complex circles can have different colors, but they won’t become purple.
This was a common sense among magicians, it was an unchanging fact. However, this is the common sense of the Leiria kingdom, not the common sense of the rest of the world.
The dark territory is spread around the Kingdom of Leiria, lots of monsters live in the dark territory and almost no humans.
That is also a common sense of the Leiria Kingdom.
But the reality is different.
There is a country in the dark territory. And the dark territory separates the two countries.
That country’s name is the Dakuria Empire, and just like the Leiria Kingdom, it has a lot of people living in it.
The size of the Dakuria Empire is about the same as that of the Leiria Kingdom’s central region. Instead, there are seven similarly sized cities under the wing of the Dakuria Empire.
These cities have no names; they are called simply Dakuria First District all the way to Dakuria Seventh District.
The seven cities are not adjacent to the Dakuria Empire but are spread across the dark territory. The country which combined this Dakuria Empire and the Seven Districts under one flag is called Great Dakuria Empire.
The Great Dakuria Empire is traditionally led by the demon emperor Lucifer. In each district, there was a demon king ruling the populace.
The common sense of the Great Dakuria Empire is different from the Leiria Kingdom.
The magic circle of the dark attribute is purple, the magic circle of the fire attribute is red, the magic circle of the water attribute is blue, the magic circle of the wind attribute is green, the concept light attribute does not exist in the empire.
There are almost no interactions between two countries.
However, it is not like they are not aware of each other existence, some people in the Leiria Kingdom also know of the existence of the Great Dakuria Empire.
It could be attributed to the gag order given by the church. They concealed the existence of the Great Dakuria Empire and the dark attribute magic from the people.
Let’s return to the parent and child.
「So Seiya also has a dark attribute ......」
Seeing this magic circle the father-like person makes a “the time has finally come” face. The child was looking at his father with shining eyes.
「Seiya. Do not use this purple magic circle except in front of daddy」
「Because those who use the purple magic circle do not have any friends. You don’t want Rona-chan to disappear right?」
「I don’t want to~」
「Then promise me not to use it, Seiya」
「Yup! I promise」
The boy responds in good spirits and embraces the father, and his father also embraces the boy with a gentle smile.
「We should go home. Mom is waiting for us」
The father placed him on his shoulders and left the forest to go home.
As they enter the residential area, there are small but stylish houses here, and the two people enter one of them.
When the parent and child arrived home, a beautiful blonde woman came out from inside the house.
「Welcome back Seiya, dear」
「I’m home, Mom!」
The child smiles and runs to his mother.
「Aye, I’m home ...」
A woman called mom had beautiful blond hair stretching to her hips, bright blue eyes and was incredibly pretty.
When a child approaches, the mother holds him gently in an embrace and shows a smile to her husband.
The child was smiling while being held by his mother.
But the mother, who realized that her husband’s face is not that bright, asked him gently.
「What’s wrong, dear?」
「Seiya has materialized the magic circle of dark attribute」
「I see....the time has come」
Mother’s expression gets cloudy in a blink of an eye. But this was not the end of my father’s words.
「Yeah, I think he will soon be able to create a light magic circle too」
「I agree......end eventually he......」
「Everything is fine, Seiya」
Father faced his wife with a resolved face and his wife nodded to his husband in response.
「Just five more years......」
「Yes, darling. After that Seiya will have to work hard......」
The next moment his mother started crying.
All children are worry warts.
「I’m sorry, Seiya. I’m sorry」
「Seiya. From tomorrow onwards you will study magic under your father. You need to make sure to master your purple magic」
The mother embraced her child carefully, and his father also embraced them.
Here, Seiya’s consciousness is released from the deep darkness.
(I......remember....... they are parents)
(So you remembered. That is your power)
(And who the hell are you?)
Seiya asked the owner of the voice. But he didn’t get the answer.
(I’m your memory, I’m you. So use my power to your heart’s content)
Saying this the darkness recedes. In the end, Seiya didn’t uncover the voice’s identity, but it wasn’t the enemy.
(I see. Thank you ...... for returning memory)
Seiya thanks the mysterious voice that returned his memory.
He slowly wakes up.
Watching Seiya waking up, the man in the white coat says「What happened!? My anesthesia didn’t work? 」but Seiya didn’t care.
「『Dark Wave』」
The moment Seiya muttered that, a purple wave was emitted from him and erased the restraints binding him.
The man in white seeing this incomprehensible scenery screamed on top of his lungs.
「*******, what did you do? What is this? I have never heard of such a thing. Who the hell are you? 」
The white coat lost his previous composure, his pathetic figure completely exposed.
But it was impossible. A white-robed man was a researcher and had a considerable confidence in his knowledge, but the magic used by Seiya was a first for him.
The man was proud of his magical knowledge but faced with an unknown spell he lost his cool.
The spell used by Seiya originally does not exist in the Leiria Kingdom and even its name is concealed by the church, so it is natural that he does not know.
Seiya disregards the white robe and continues.
There was no killing intent for a white robe or a grudge against this unreasonable world. There was only the power.
At that time, Seiya had already lost interest in the white robe and the world.
「『Dark Tremor』」
Immediately after the words of Seiya, one big wave started spreading out in all directions with him as the center.
Everything that touches that wave if getting extinguished, like it never existed.
The humans disappeared, and the man in the white coat did not even leave the body behind, it vanished in an instant without a trace.
There is a flat ground all around Seiya, if someone said that there were facilities here no one would believe him.
It is a dark territory around, he didn’t know what happened to Zach’s trio, but Seiya didn’t care anymore. []
Looking around Seiya muttered in a small voice.
「So this is a magic of dark attribute ......」
Dark attribute. It is magic that exists in the Great Dakuria Empire, its special effect is 『annihilation』. It is magic that can make everything disappear, a magic contrasting to the light attribute.
While looking up at the sky, he notices the change in his thinking pattern.
Until I awakened, I avoided every conflict, I wanted to find a peaceful solution, but now it is different.
If something stands in my way, I can just destroy it. I someone doesn’t bother me then I won’t bother them either.
He felt as if he quit being a human. Seiya did not know whether he was still considered as such.
Seiya’s heart was almost dead at this time.
He didn’t know what to do from now on. He couldn’t think of anything he should or wanted to do.
At such time, Seiya noticed a fainted girl lying face down on the ground. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ほら、ニコルちゃんは前に女王華の蜜を摂取してたでしょ? それから、魔力吸引のために私たちとキスもしてたし」
「家を? どんなやつ?」
「そうかい? でも、気を付けるんだよ。ニコル様は最近、すごくお綺麗になられているから」
「ここじゃなんですから、人気のない場所に行きませんか? ぐへへ」
「あなた、そういう知識は疎かったでしょう? それより、そこでゴブリンロードが発生しちゃったようでして」
その日、公園で信じられないほど美しい姉妹が、無邪気に戯れる光景が見られたという噂が、街に広がったそうだ。 | It had been three days since we discovered the poison. Since then, the citizens had started recovering in the blink of an eye and the city was on its way to regaining its usual bustle.
Michelle and Letina’s fevers also went down, and the auntie had also regained her spirit. Having said that, they were still waiting and watching their conditions, so they weren’t stepping outside just yet.
“Still, it’s strange that I didn’t catch it.”
During breakfast, I asked Cortina something that has been bothering me a bit. Finia was also attending, but it wasn’t something I couldn’t ask in her presence.
“I mean, look, it’s not something to boast about, but my body’s pretty frail, right?”
“Yeah, you really can’t boast about that.”
“Don’t poke fun at me now, Cortina. Anyway, despite that, it’s strange that I didn’t get ill.”
It has been several days since I returned to the capital. During that time, I drank the water over and over.
Despite that, neither Finia and Cortina, nor I have gotten sick. I found this strange. But Cortina responded as if she found it in no way strange.
“You took the Queen Blossom nectar, don’t you remember? And then you kissed us to extract magic power out of you.”
“Uh...T-That happened, huh?”
“That nectar is apparently good for fending off the viruses. According to Maxwell.”
“Oh huh.”
“And so, since we used to kiss you, we also gained your immunity. That’s why only our family didn’t contract it.”
“Then, what about Cloud?”
We had that immunity from the start, but it wasn’t the same with Cloud. Moreover, that guy didn’t leave this city, so the virus should have affected him far more.
“There are quite a lot of people who didn’t get sick. We can assume that those people have resistance to it for whatever reason.”
“It would’ve made things easier if we could do that.”
Cortina sighed with her hands spread. She was, in the end, a strategist and not a doctor or a healer. It was natural that she wouldn’t know.
But if we learn why Cloud was fine, we could use it as a strategy for a similar incident in the future.
“...I’ll go check in on Michelle and Cloud for a bit.”
“Fine, but be careful, okay?”
While the illness had passed, that didn’t mean that it had gotten eradicated. The one who made this scheme hasn’t shown his face either.
As I headed to convalescent Michelle, Cortina warmed me of the danger of contagion. And the possibility that the culprit may target me.
However, if what she said was true, the virus of the Disease Slime would have no effect on me. It should be fine to check on her.
And maybe I’ll also ask Cloud if he has any idea.
Michelle was sleeping powerlessly in her bed. Her illness was already gone, but her lost stamina hasn’t returned yet. It was similar to how Cloud couldn’t move after detoxification.
“Thank you for always bothering to drop by.”
“Not at all. We’re neighbors, after all.”
Auntie from Michelle’s house offered me a drink with those words. I sat next to Michelle as I sipped on the tea and watched her sleeping face. I was wholeheartedly glad that she was okay.
The auntie pulled a chair and sat next to me. She would normally quickly leave the room, so this was unusual.
“Do you need anything from me?”
“No, well... Lady Nicole, have you been involved with strange people?”
“Strange people?”
Mateus and Maxwell were the first ones to flash into my mind from that question. However, Maxwell was a given, but Mateus was also known to be serving under him. If it were those two, Auntie wouldn’t call them strange.
“I mean, a strange man had been visiting Lady Cortina’s house.”
“House? What kind of a guy?”
“Well, they weren’t someone with any conspicuous features be it height or face, and they didn’t leave an impression on me.”
There was one more man that frequented Cortina’s house. The other me. However, Reid’s appearance was characteristic in a way. Ruffled hair and black coat to blend easily into darkness. And also the sturdy gauntlets on hands.
He just had to leave an impression.
“Is that so? Still, please be careful. You have been growing very beautiful lately.”
“I wonder if I should be happy or sad about it...”
Even if I grow pretty as a woman, that wouldn’t lead to my actual goal.
I got the gist of that man from the aunty and took my leave from their house. There was no danger to her life, so staying any longer would just burden Michelle.
I will consult Maxwell and Cortina later about the man.
While I was on my way to Cloud’s home, a small figure blocked my way. It was a familiar—or well, maybe not that familiar, but still—figure.
“It has been a while. Glad to see you in good health.”
“Can’t be more barefaced. Didn’t we just meet during the Goblin battle?”
The White God who tended to help me out for whatever reason stood before my eyes. However, that was convenient for me now. I had things to ask of her.
“We can’t talk here, so how about we go somewhere where we can be alone? Guhehe.”
“I don’t mind. But what’s that laugh?”
“I think this is how you should laugh when inviting young kids.”
“That’s definitely wrong so stop it. Also, I’m already not a young kid.”
“That seems to be the case. You’re already ripening quite well.”
“Where are you looking?!”
I reflectively covered my chest and turned away. This is what you’d call getting chills.
Seeing me like that, the God of Destruction nodded in satisfaction.
“No, I was just glad that you were growing well as a woman.”
“That’s not something good!”
The two of us strolled towards the park. The fact that the passersby’s gazes were focusing on us was a natural outcome.
I was apparently a famed beauty in this city, and this White God was also... Despite looking younger than me now, the mysterious aura she was letting out was not losing out to me. It was a mystery why she was always wearing a collar though.
“So, there was something you wanted to ask me, right?”
“Yeah, a few things... First, about the boulder in the north. You’re the one who destroyed and sealed it, right?”
“That’s right. You knew that there was a Ley Line there right?”
When I nodded, she voiced her admiration.
“What is it?”
“That old man is quite knowledgeable.”
“Why did you realize that I learned it from Maxwell?”
“I mean, you aren’t very familiar with that type of knowledge, right? More importantly, that place seemed to have spawned the Goblin Lord.”
“So that thing was born there...!”
So just like Den mutated due to the Ley Line power, the Goblin also received its power? Now that I think of it, that Goblin Lord... Lord or not, it was unbelievably strong.
No, becoming a Goblin Lord was already considered a mutation, so it was hard to imagine that it mutated even further.
“That Goblin Lord had become a lord, but it had mutated even further.”
“That is because of their ecology. The Goblin Lord that had mutated due to the Ley Line power started eating the other Goblins that had also received the Ley Line influence, so it caused an excess mutation.”
The Goblin Lord ate its group members that had multiplied too much and kept it in check. And by eating them, it mutated a second time... And that strength was the result.
“I see. Then the last question. What’s the reason behind Cloud not becoming sick?”
“You are talking about the Slime virus, yes? It flowed into the city in a considerably diluted state, so it had little effect on people with comparatively strong lifeforce.”
“Given that Cloud is a shielder, he has his stamina. So that was the reason?”
“As for Michelle, despite everything, she’s still a child, after all. And Letina is racially weak towards illnesses.”
“Then one more.”
“Didn’t you say it was last?”
“It just increased. Not that I had an exact number in mind.”
“Well, alright then.”
“There’s been a lot of secret maneuvers recently, but who was the one behind laying that poison?”
“I haven’t found that out just yet. Even Gods aren’t omnipotent and omniscient.”
“You’re useless when it counts the most.”
Hearing my jeer, she got pissed and threw punches my way. I lightly dodged them and ran from place to place.
That day, a rumor was spread in the city that unbelievably pretty sisters were witnessed having innocent fun at the park. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 21,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
こんな話をしてもいいものか グロリア・スタイネムの 言葉です グロリア・スタイネムの 言葉です 「真実は貴方を解放する しかし その前に まず貴方を怒らせるだろう」 ということで それを念頭において お話しするのは それを念頭において お話しするのは 21世紀の死です
腹の立つ真実の一つ目は 私達はみんな21世紀中に
死ぬこと 例外はありません
調査によると8人に一人は 不死身だと思っていますが 残念ながら そういう訳には行きません
今から10分間 私が話す間にも 1億もの細胞が死んでいき 今日中に2千の脳細胞が 死んでしまうので 死の過程は早くから 始まると言えます 死の過程は早くから 始まると言えます 21世紀の死について 2つ目は
死は不可避である上に やや悲惨な様相を 呈していることです やや悲惨な様相を 呈していることです
容赦ない軌道に乗っている 死の過程を
改善しなければならない それが真実です 頭には来ますが 自由にはなれるでしょうか
集中治療が私の仕事です 集中治療の全盛期を経験しました 色々なことがあって
すごい技術のおかげで 私が働き始めてから オーストラリア男性の死亡率が 半減しました 集中治療の成果です
さまざまな技術を駆使した おかげでもあります
大変な成功を収めて すっかり浮かれてしまい 「救命」などという言葉を 使い始めてしまいました
誤解を招いたことを お詫びします 私達がするのは延命で 死を先延ばしにし 遠回りさせる事は出来ても 永続的な救命は できないのです
集中治療で働いていて 目の当たりにしていることですが 70年代から90年代にかけて 私達が命を救った人達は 21世紀になって 当時とは違う 解決策のない病気で 死んでいこうとしています
人の死に方に 大きな変化が 起きているのです 現在の死因の多くは 80年代や90年代のように
治療が可能なものではありません この対応に追われていて いま何が起こっているのか きちんと説明していませんでした
90年代後半にこの人に出会って 目が覚めました
彼の名前は ジム・スミスといいます
彼の様子を見るよう 呼吸科医に
「肺炎に罹った患者がいる 「肺炎に罹った患者がいる 集中治療が必要だ
娘さんは あらゆる手を 尽くしてくれと言っている」
病室に様子を見に行くと 皮膚が透けて
やせ細って 重度の肺炎に罹っていました 話は無理なので 娘のキャスリーンに向かって こう聞きました 「こういう状況になった時 どうしたいのか 話し合ったことは?」
彼女は私を見て 「ある訳ないでしょう!」
しばらくして 彼女はこう言いました 「まだ先のことだと思ってた」
ジムは94歳でした それで気づきました 何かが欠けている
あるはずの 対話が持たれていない そこで調査を始めて
ニューカッスル周辺の 養護施設に住む 4,500人に当たりました 心停止の際のプランがあるのは 100人のうち1人だけでした 100人中1人ですよ
重体になった際 どうするか考えている人は 500人中たったの1人だけ
この対話は社会全般では 全くなされていない と気がつきました
同僚のリサ・ショウと一緒に 何百もの診療記録を 調べました 受けている治療が効かず 死ぬ可能性がある場合 患者の希望を話し合ったような 会話の記録を探しましたが
医師や患者が始めた記録の どこにも 目標や治療や成果についての 希望は一つも 書いてありませんでした
これは問題だと やっと気づきました 問題は更に深刻です というのも
誰でも死ぬ事は知っていますが 死に方も大切だからです 本人だけでなく 先立たれた人達の 人生にも影響するからです
残された人達の心に 死に様が生き続けるのです 死による 家族のストレスは甚大で 集中治療室で死ぬ場合のストレスは 他で死ぬ場合の7倍です 選べるなら 集中治療室では 死なない方がいい
ところが残念ながら 集中治療室で死ぬ人は 急速に増えていて 10人に一人は集中治療室で 死ぬことになりそうです
5人に一人 マイアミは5人に3人
そういう勢いです これが現状です
その理由はこれです 説明しましょう
よくご存知なのは その重要性が 過去のものとなりつつある 突然死でしょう
ここにいる位の人数だと 突然死する人はいません
悲劇のヒロインのような死は もう起きません
この末期疾患の 死に方は 若い人に多く
80歳以上で癌で死ぬのは 10人に一人だけ
大幅に増加している 死因はこちらです
臓器不全で死ぬ人が増えています 呼吸器 心臓 腎臓など 臓器の機能が止まったら 救急病院に入院です そして もう十分だと言われるまで 治療を続けます
そして これが最大の成長分野 今日お集まりの10人中6人は これが理由で死にます 衰弱がひどくなることに伴う 身体能力の衰えです 衰えは老化において 避けられませんが だんだん衰弱することが 現代人の主な死因です 残念ながら晩年は かなりの障害をもって 過ごすことになります
楽しんでます? 悲劇の預言者みたいな気分だ
明るい話をしましょう 衰弱するほど高齢まで
長生きすれば こういう死に方になるのです 延びるのは老年期だけで 若年期は増えません
残念な事ですが 私たち病院などの関係者は 死についての問題を 見過ごしませんでした 不測の事態の備えに
もっと関わってもらおうと 一連のプロジェクトを 始めました もちろん 文化上の問題も承知でした クリムトの絵です よく見ると 本質的なことが 描かれています つまり― 生と死は はっきり分かれるということ そして恐怖 目を開けた 女性がいます
死神は彼女を 狙っています 見えますか?
人は死の話を聞きたがらない そう予想しました
そこで政府と公共医療機関から 予算をもらい 我々の病院で 事前ケア計画を導入しました 研修を受けた数百人が
病棟を訪ね 患者たちに死の話をして 終末期の希望を聞きました
98%がこれを 普通の診療として あるべき形と 思ってくれました
伝えられた希望は 全て叶いました
しかし予算が底をつき 半年後に確認したら 打ち切りになっていました 誰もこの対話をしなくなり
とても残念なことでした うまくいくと思ったのに
死を嫌う文化の問題は 根強かったんです
本題です ICU行きの高速に 乗ってもいいのか 真剣に考えることが とても大切です 老い衰えるほど ICUで出来る事は少ないのです
その道を望まない 人達のための 横道がないといけません
将来に関して 私には 小さいアイデアと 大きなアイデアがあります
ジェイソンの提案のように ローテクな方法で 参加しましょう
こういう会話を お年寄りや 死が近い人と持ちましょう
1つ目はシンプルで 誰でもできる 失敗のない問いかけです
「重体で意思伝達が できなくなったら 誰に代弁してほしいですか?」
大事な質問です 誰に代弁を頼むかという決定権を 本人が持つことで 結果が違ってきますからね
2つ目は 「何が大切か 私達にも伝わるよう 代弁者の方に 言い残してありますか?」
死体安置所で座り込みね」 そうは行きませんでしたが ピンと来ました
実は 私はヒッピーです
この歳ではそう見えないでしょうが うちの子達は 80年代に 当時話題だった 自宅出産で生まれました ベビーブーマー世代なので 何でも自分主導でやりたくて あの頃の「誕生」を 「死」に置き換えるわけです 「平和 愛 自然死」 なんていいと思います
現行の医療重視の モデルからプロセスを 取り戻すべきです
はっきり言います 安楽死は大嫌いです
思っています 医師のほう助による 自殺ができる オレゴン州でも 毒を摂取するのは 0.5%の人だけです
99.5%は それを望まなかった 私はそちらに興味があります
人は死にたくないが 自分の死の過程は 自分でコントロールしたい 安楽死には反対です 本人に決定権を戻すべきです
そうすることで 安楽死を廃止するのです
安楽死が必要だという考えを 安楽死が必要だという考えを なくすべきです 違法か合法かは問題ではありません
学生の時に出会った シシリー・ソンダース博士の 言葉です
「貴方は貴方ゆえ大切なのです 貴方の人生の 最後の瞬間まで大切です」
このメッセージを 推進すべきと 固く信じています
ありがとう(拍手) | Then I remembered the quote from Gloria Steinem, which goes, "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." So -- So with that in mind, I'm going to set about trying to do those things here, and talk about dying in the 21st century.
Now the first thing that will piss you off, undoubtedly, in the 21st century.
There will be no exceptions to that.
There are, apparently, about one in eight of you who think you're immortal, on surveys, but -- Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen.
While I give this talk, in the next 10 minutes, a hundred million of my cells will die, and over the course of today, 2,000 of my brain cells will die and never come back, so you could argue that the dying process starts pretty early in the piece. Anyway, the second thing I want to say about dying in the 21st century, apart from it's going to happen to everybody,
for most of us, unless we do something to try and reclaim this process from the rather inexorable trajectory that it's currently on.
So there you go. That's the truth.
No doubt that will piss you off, and now let's see whether we can set you free. I don't promise anything.
Now, as you heard in the intro, I work in intensive care, and I think I've kind of lived through the heyday of intensive care. It's been a ride, man.
This has been fantastic.
We have machines that go ping.
There's many of them up there.
And we have some wizard technology which I think has worked really well, and over the course of the time I've worked in intensive care, the death rate for males in Australia has halved, and intensive care has had something to do with that.
Certainly, a lot of the technologies that we use have got something to do with that.
So we have had tremendous success, and we kind of got caught up in our own success quite a bit, and we started using expressions like "lifesaving."
I really apologize to everybody for doing that, What we do is prolong people's lives, and delay death, and redirect death, but we can't, strictly speaking, save lives on any sort of permanent basis.
And what's really happened over the period of time that I've been working in intensive care is that the people whose lives we started saving back in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, are now coming to die in the 21st century of diseases that we no longer have the answers to in quite the way we did then.
So what's happening now is there's been a big shift in the way that people die, and most of what they're dying of now isn't as amenable when I was doing this in the '80s and '90s.
So we kind of got a bit caught up with this, and we haven't really squared with you guys about what's really happening now, and it's about time we did.
I kind of woke up to this bit in the late '90s when I met this guy.
This guy is called Jim, Jim Smith, and he looked like this.
His is the little hand.
I was called down to the ward to see him by a respiratory physician.
He said, "Look, there's a guy down here.
He's got pneumonia, and he looks like he needs intensive care.
His daughter's here and she wants everything possible to be done."
Which is a familiar phrase to us.
So I go down to the ward and see Jim, and his skin his translucent like this.
You can see his bones through the skin.
He's very, very thin, and he is, indeed, very sick with pneumonia, and he's too sick to talk to me, so I talk to his daughter Kathleen, and I say to her, "Did you and Jim ever talk about what you would want done if he ended up in this kind of situation?"
And she looked at me and said, "No, of course not!"
I thought, "Okay. Take this steady."
And I got talking to her, and after a while, she said to me, "You know, we always thought there'd be time."
Jim was 94. And I realized that something wasn't happening here.
There wasn't this dialogue going on that I imagined was happening.
So a group of us started doing survey work, and we looked at four and a half thousand nursing home residents in Newcastle, in the Newcastle area, and discovered that only one in a hundred of them One in a hundred.
And only one in 500 of them had plan about what to do if they became seriously ill.
And I realized, of course, this dialogue is definitely not occurring in the public at large.
Now, I work in acute care.
This is John Hunter Hospital.
And I thought, surely, we do better than that.
So a colleague of mine from nursing called Lisa Shaw and I went through hundreds and hundreds of sets of notes in the medical records department looking at whether there was any sign at all that anybody had had any conversation about what might happen to them if the treatment they were receiving was unsuccessful to the point that they would die.
And we didn't find a single record of any preference about goals, treatments or outcomes from any of the sets of notes initiated by a doctor or by a patient.
So we started to realize that we had a problem, and the problem is more serious because of this.
What we know is that obviously we are all going to die, but how we die is actually really important, obviously not just to us, but also to how that features in the lives of all the people who live on afterwards.
How we die lives on in the minds of everybody who survives us, and the stress created in families by dying is enormous, and in fact you get seven times as much stress by dying in intensive care as by dying just about anywhere else, so dying in intensive care is not your top option if you've got a choice.
And, if that wasn't bad enough, of course, all of this is rapidly progressing towards the fact that many of you, in fact, about one in 10 of you at this point, will die in intensive care.
In the U.S., it's one in five.
In Miami, it's three out of five people die in intensive care.
So this is the sort of momentum that we've got at the moment.
The reason why this is all happening is due to this, and I do have to take you through what this is about.
These are the four ways to go.
So one of these will happen to all of us.
The ones you may know most about are the ones that are becoming increasingly of historical interest: sudden death.
It's quite likely in an audience this size this won't happen to anybody here.
Sudden death has become very rare.
The death of Little Nell and Cordelia and all that sort of stuff just doesn't happen anymore.
The dying process of those with terminal illness that we've just seen occurs to younger people.
By the time you've reached 80, this is unlikely to happen to you.
Only one in 10 people who are over 80 will die of cancer.
The big growth industry are these.
What you die of is increasing organ failure, with your respiratory, cardiac, renal, whatever organs packing up. Each of these would be an admission to an acute care hospital, somebody says, enough is enough, and we stop.
And this one's the biggest growth industry of all, and at least six out of 10 of the people in this room will die in this form, which is the dwindling of capacity and frailty's an inevitable part of aging, and increasing frailty is in fact the main thing that people die of now, and the last few years, or the last year of your life is spent with a great deal of disability, unfortunately.
Enjoying it so far? Sorry, I just feel such a, I feel such a Cassandra here.
What can I say that's positive? What's positive is that this is happening at very great age, now.
We are all, most of us, living to reach this point.
You know, historically, we didn't do that.
This is what happens to you when you live to be a great age, and unfortunately, increasing longevity does mean more old age, not more youth.
I'm sorry to say that. What we did, anyway, look, what we did, we didn't just take this lying down at John Hunter Hospital and elsewhere.
We've started a whole series of projects But we realized, of course, that we are dealing with cultural issues, and this is, I love this Klimt painting, because the more you look at it, the more you kind of get the whole issue that's going on here, which is clearly the separation of death from the living, and the fear — Like, if you actually look, there's one woman there who has her eyes open.
She's the one he's looking at, and [she's] the one he's coming for. Can you see that?
She looks terrified.
It's an amazing picture.
Anyway, we had a major cultural issue.
Clearly, people didn't want us to talk about death, or, we thought that.
So with loads of funding from the Federal Government and the local Health Service, we introduced a thing at John Hunter called Respecting Patient Choices.
We trained hundreds of people to go to the wards and what would they prefer under those circumstances.
They loved it. The families and the patients, they loved it.
Ninety-eight percent of people really thought this just should have been normal practice, and that this is how things should work.
And when they expressed wishes, all of those wishes came true, as it were.
We were able to make that happen for them.
But then, when the funding ran out, we went back to look six months later, and everybody had stopped again, and nobody was having these conversations anymore.
So that was really kind of heartbreaking for us, because we thought this was going to really take off.
The cultural issue had reasserted itself.
So here's the pitch: I think it's important that we don't just get on this freeway to ICU without thinking hard about whether or not that's where we all want to end up, particularly as we become older and increasingly frail and ICU has less and less and less to offer us.
There has to be a little side road off there for people who don't want to go on that track.
And I have one small idea, and one big idea about what could happen.
And this is the small idea.
The small idea is, let's all of us engage more with this in the way that Jason has illustrated.
Why can't we have these kinds of conversations with our own elders and people who might be approaching this?
There are a couple of things you can do.
One of them is, you can, just ask this simple question. This question never fails.
"In the event that you became too sick to speak for yourself, who would you like to speak for you?"
That's a really important question to ask people, because giving people the control over who that is produces an amazing outcome.
The second thing you can say is, "Have you spoken to that person about the things that are important to you so that we've got a better idea of what it is we can do?"
So that's the little idea.
The big idea, I think, is more political.
I think we have to get onto this.
I suggested we should have Occupy Death.
My wife said, "Yeah, right, sit-ins in the mortuary.
Yeah, yeah. Sure." So that one didn't really run, but I was very struck by this.
Now, I'm an aging hippie.
I don't know, I don't think I look like that anymore, but I had, two of my kids were born at home in the '80s when home birth was a big thing, and we baby boomers are used to taking charge of the situation, so if you just replace all these words of birth, I like "Peace, Love, Natural Death" as an option.
I do think we have to get political and start to reclaim this process from the medicalized model in which it's going.
Now, listen, that sounds like a pitch for euthanasia.
I want to make it absolutely crystal clear to you all, I hate euthanasia. I think it's a sideshow.
I don't think euthanasia matters.
I actually think that, in places like Oregon, where you can have physician-assisted suicide, you take a poisonous dose of stuff, only half a percent of people ever do that.
I'm more interested in what happens to the 99.5 percent of people who don't want to do that.
I think most people don't want to be dead, but I do think most people want to have some control over how their dying process proceeds. So I'm an opponent of euthanasia, but I do think we have to give people back some control.
It deprives euthanasia of its oxygen supply.
I think we should be looking at stopping the want for euthanasia, not for making it illegal or legal or worrying about it at all.
This is a quote from Dame Cicely Saunders, whom I met when I was a medical student.
She founded the hospice movement.
And she said, "You matter because you are, and you matter to the last moment of your life."
And I firmly believe that that's the message that we have to carry forward.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
世界なんて救えない だれにも出来ない
独裁者が世界を支配 人口は100万単位で増える 魚は海に全然いない 北極は溶けている 前回のTED Prize受賞者は だれもが肥満だと言う
電話をかけ直して 彼女に伝えました 「TEDの人には 行かないって伝えといて
彼女は「ねえ JR 救う気はなくても 変える気はあるでしょ」
「ああ そうだね」
技術や政治やビジネスは 実際に世界を変えます いつも正しいわけじゃないけど
落書きするだけでした 自分の名前を書きまくり 街中をキャンバスにしました
パリのトンネルに入ったり 友人と屋上に登ったり
どれも遠足の様で まさにアドベンチャーでした
社会に足跡を残して 「俺はここにいた」とビルの上から伝える旅です
地下鉄で安物のカメラを見つけてからは 友人と このアドベンチャーを写真に収めて 写真のコピーを残していくようになりました このくらいの 本当に小さな写真です
そんな経緯で 17歳から 写真を貼り始めて
初めて "expo de rue" を開きました 「歩道のギャラリー」です
写真の周りを 額のように色付けして 広告に間違われないようにしました
私にとって 街は最高のギャラリーです
作品集を用意してギャラリーに持ち込む必要などなく 人様に見せられる作品か 判断を仰ぐ必要もありません
道で会う人々と 直接向き合います
場所によって 展示のタイトルは 変わります
まだ18歳で シャンゼリゼ通りに展示できたからです
写真がなくなっても 額は残っていました
2005年11月 道が燃えていました
大きな暴動のうねりが パリの郊外の公団へ突入しました
皆がテレビに釘付けで 街の隅から撮られた 心をかき乱す 恐ろしい映像を見ていました
子供たちが 野放図に 火炎ビンを投げたり 警官や消防隊を攻撃して 商品を奪い尽くしていました
彼らは犯罪者で 悪党で 危険で 自分の置かれた状況に乗るやつらです
その時 見た光景に まさかと思いました 私が壁に貼った写真が 車の炎で浮かび上がったのです 一年前に貼った写真です 違法な作品ですが 残っていました
天使じゃないけど モンスターでもないんだ」
写真に写った目が テレビから見つめ返しているのは 何とも奇妙でした
私は 28mmレンズを持って その場所に向かいました
そのレンズだと 被写体に25cmまで近づかないといけません
怖い顔を作って 自分を風刺しています
巨大なポスターにして パリの富裕層地域で 至る所に貼りました 彼らの名前 年齢 住所まで書いてあります
一年後 パリ市庁舎の前に展示されました
かつて 彼らのイメージといえば メディアがかすめ取って歪めたものでしたが ここでは誇りを持って自らイメージを掲げています
そこで気がつきました 紙と糊の力です
一年後 中東紛争の話題に 耳を傾けていました
当時耳にしたのは イスラエルとパレスチナの紛争ばかりでした
そこで友人のマルコと 現地に行って 真のパレスチナ人と真のイスラエル人に会うことにしました
現地に着くと 通りに出て あちこちで いろんな人に話しかけました そうするうちに気付きました メディアの伝える情報とは違っているのです
そこで 同じ仕事をしている パレスチナ人とイスラエル人の ポートレイトを撮ることにしました タクシー運転手 弁護士 料理人などです
笑顔では 人柄や気持ちが 伝わらないので駄目です
だれもが同意してくれました イスラエルとパレスチナの 8つの街に貼ることにしました 壁の両側です
「Face 2 Face」と名付けました
私たちの気持ちは「OK やれるとこまでやろう」
こんな質問は大好きです 「どのくらい大きくなるの?」
はしごを持って行ったら 高さが足りませんでした
するとパレスチナの人が 「大丈夫 すぐ解決できるよ」と言って
降誕教会に行って 古いはしごを持ってきました そのはしごはキリスト誕生を見たかもしれません
「Face 2 Face」をやるのは たった6人の友人と 2つのはしご 2つのブラシ 1台のレンタカーと 1台のカメラ そして約2,000平方メートルの紙です
あらゆる人々から いろんな支援を受けました
にぎわう市場の通りに 両国民の写真を貼るのです
人が集まって 尋ねてきます 「ここで何をしてるの?」
「アートプロジェクトだよ 同じ職業のイスラエル人とパレスチナ人を貼るんだ
すると いつも沈黙があってから
「つまり イスラエル人の顔を -- そこに 貼ってるわけ?」
「そうそう それがこのプロジェクトの一環だから」
そして 少し間を置いてから 必ずこう聞くことにしています 「どちらの国民か見分けられる?」
(拍手) イスラエルの監視棟にも貼りましたが 何もされませんでした
使うのは 紙と糊だけです
やぶけるし 落書きできるし おしっこもかけられます とどかない所もありますが でもストリートにいる人たちが 学芸員なのです
でも ちょうど4年たった今でも ほとんどの写真が残っています
「Face 2 Face」が実証したのは 不可能に思えたことが 実は可能だったことです むしろ簡単でした
境界を広げたわけではなく 想像より遠くへ行けることを証明しただけです
中東では 美術館のない場所で制作しました
道に作品を展示するという方向性が 面白いと感じたので
更に突き進めようと思って 美術館が一つもない地域へ行くことにしました
このような発展途上の社会へ行くと 女性がそのコミュニティーの中心的な存在ですが それでもストリートを仕切っているのは男性です
そこに私たちは触発されて 女性たちの写真を貼ることで 男性から女性に 感謝の気持ちを表すプロジェクトを始めました
プロジェクト名は「Women Are Heroes」です
さまざまな大陸に行って いろいろな話を聞いても 彼らの複雑な葛藤を いつも理解できるわけではありませんでした
言葉も出ず 意見も言えず 涙を流すしかないこともありました
彼らの写真を撮って 貼るだけです
「Women Are Heroes」は世界中を巡りました
行き先のほとんどは メディアで聞いたことがある という理由で選びました
例えば 2008年6月に パリでテレビを見ている時 リオ・デ・ジャネイロで起きていた ひどい状況を知りました プロヴィデンシアというブラジル初のファヴェーラで
三人の学生が 軍に拘束されました 身分証明を持っていなかったからです
学生たちは 警察署ではなく 敵のファヴェーラへ連行されて 切り刻まれてしまいました
一番暴力的なファヴェーラといわれ 最大の麻薬組織が牛耳っていました
到着しても NGOに接触することはありませんでした
観光客も NGOも だれもいないのです 目撃者がいないのです
歩き回るうちに 一人の女性に会ったので 私の本を見せると
子供たちの写真を何枚か撮って 次の日 ポスターにして貼りました
その次の日には 傷がありましたが
その次の日に 広場でミーティングを開くと 何人かの女性が来ました
母親や 祖母や 親友もいて 事件のことを声高に訴えていました
その日から ファーベラに受け入れられて
撮影も進み プロジェクトが動き出しました
麻薬密売組織のボスは そこでの撮影を危惧していたので こう言いました
この数日間 目の当たりにしてきたんだ」
これはとてもシンボリックな作品です 初めて中心街から見えない作品を作ったのです
三人の学生が拘束された場所です 写真は 一人の学生の祖母です
この階段には いつも売人が立っていて よく銃撃が交わされています
(拍手) 面白いことにメディアは入れません
つまり ヘリコプターで遠くから 望遠レンズを使って撮影しなければならなかったのです 私たちはテレビで 自分たちの貼る作業を見たものです
テロップには「何をしているか ご存じの方は お電話を」
プロジェクトを終えると 私たちは立ち去ったので メディアは知る由もありませんでした
現地で女性たちを見つけて 説明を求めるしかありません
このプロジェクトが メディアと 名も知れぬ女性たちとの架け橋になったのです
アフリカ スーダン シエラレオネ リベリア ケニア
戦争で荒れたモンロビアもです 人々はまっすぐにやってきて
「どうして こんなプロジェクトをやっているの?
NGOなの? メディアなの?」
「アートだよ アートをやってるだけ」
プロジェクトを理解した人は ほかの人に教えていました
ある人は 理解できない男に こう説明していました 「なあ 君はここで数時間もこうして 理解しようと 話し合ってるだろう
その間 君はきっと 明日の食事なんて考えてない
プロジェクトに人を引き込む -- モチベーションになっているのは 人々の好奇心だと思います
さらに それが大きくなって
欲望になり 必要なものとなるのです
モンロビアの橋で 元反乱軍兵士が手伝ってくれました 戦争中にレイプされたとされる女性の写真です
女性はいつでも 紛争の最初の犠牲者となります
ここはケニアにあるキベラです アフリカで一番大きなスラムの一つです
選挙後の暴動を見たことがあるかと思います 2008年に ここで起こった事件です
屋根の上に貼りました でも紙は使いませんでした 家の中まで雨漏りするのを 紙では防げないからです でもビニールなら防げます
面白い事があって 一番大きな目が見えますね 中に家がたくさんあるのですが
数ヶ月前に また訪ねてみると 写真はあるのですが 一部が欠けていました
「ああ 彼なら引っ越したよ」
屋根を覆うと ある女性がジョークを言いました 「神様が見つけてくれるわ」
キベラを見ると キベラも見つめ返します
では インドです
言っておきますが どこへ行くにも ガイドは付けずに 現地を訪れた仲間で 部隊のようなものを作って 壁に写真を貼っています
文化的にも法律的にもいけないようで 貼ったらすぐに逮捕されるので
白い紙を貼ることにしました 白だけです
白人の男が 白い紙を貼っていると
こう尋ねてきます 「ねえ そこで何してるの?」
「ああ アートをやってるだけだよ」「アート?」
インドの道には 砂がつもっているので たくさんの砂ぼこりが 舞い上がります うっすら見えていますが 白い紙には ステッカーの裏のように 接着剤が塗ってあるので
砂ぼこりが舞うごとに 写真が浮かび上がってきます
貼った後 何日か歩き回るだけで 写真が自然と現れるのです
(拍手) ありがとう
だから 逮捕されずにすみました
この映像は 「Women Are Heroes」を撮影したものです
プロジェクトのたびに 映像を作ります
これは「Women Are Heroes」の紹介ビデオの一部です ご覧いただいているものは ほとんどが 時の流れに沿って撮影した写真です
私たちがいなくても 写真は旅を続けています
(拍手) ぜひ この映像を見て プロジェクトの意図をつかんで 現地の感情をくみ取ってください
どの写真にも 多くのストーリーが隠されています
「Women Are Heroes」がコミュニティーに 新たな潮流をもたらして 私たちが去った後も 女性たちが受け継いでいます
例えば 私たちは非売品の本を作りました どのコミュニティーも入手できますが
例えば プロビデンシアのファヴェーラには 管理事務所を設置しました
キベラでは年々 貼る屋根が増えます
私たちが立ち去る時に 近くに住む人たちが 尋ねるのです「ねえ 私の屋根は?」
だから 翌年も行くことになっていて プロジェクトが続いているのです
重要なのは ブランドや企業スポンサーに頼らないことです
だから責任がありません 責任があるのは 自分と 被写体に対してだけです
(拍手) それが 作品作りにおいて 一番大事なことの一つです
どうやるかが 結果と同じくらい重要です
それが いつも作品作りの中核になっています
面白いことに 単なる画像と 広告との境界はあいまいです
先週 ある別のプロジェクトで ロサンゼルスで写真を貼りました
でも昨日 市から電話が来ました 「広告と誤認されるので
はがさないといけなくなります 法律で決まっていますから やめてください」
いったい 何の広告だっていうのでしょう?
被写体の皆さんは 参加することも コミュニティーの中に貼られることも
誇りに思っていますが お願いされたことがあります
だからそうしています これはパリです
どこでもストーリーを交えて展示するので ストーリーも広まって
今日は ここロングビーチに参加しています
最近 あるパブリックアートを始めました 私の作品は使っていません
マン・レイ ヘレン・レヴィット ジャコメリなどの作品を使います
今日では 自分の写真かどうかは関係ありません
その写真を使って 何をするかが大事なのです 貼る場所が 主張を伝えます
例えば ミナレットの写真を スイスで貼りました 建設禁止を支持する国民投票があった数週間後です
(拍手) ガスマスクをした三人の男の写真は チェルノブイリで撮影されたものですが 貼った場所は 南イタリアです マフィアがときどきゴミを埋める場所です
アートは直接的に物事を 変えるわけではありませんが ものの見方を変えます
アートが変えるのは 世界の見方です
アートは物事を変えられないからこそ 意見を交換して議論する -- 中立な場を提供してくれるのです その結果として 世界を変えることができます
作品を作っていると 二種類の反応があります
皆さんは きっと後者でしょう その方がいい このプロジェクトとしては 写真を撮って貼ることを お願いしたいからです
私の願いは -- (ドラムロールの真似) 何か思うところがあるなら 解決のために立ち上がってください グローバル・アート・プロジェクトに参加してください そうすれば 一緒に世界をひっくり返すことができます
まさに今ここから 始めて欲しいのです
情熱を持っているテーマや 伝えたい人のこと 自分の写真でも結構です 主張を聞かせてください
ポートレイトを撮って アップロードしてください -- やり方は説明します -- そうすれば ポスターを返送します グループに分かれて 世界に発信しましょう
データはすべてウェブサイト上にあります 「」 今日から始動します
目にするものが 人を変えます
共に行動すれば 全体は 単なる足し算より大きくなります
世界の歴史に残るものを 一緒に作り上げたいのです
ここがスタートです そして 皆さんに懸かっているのです
(拍手) ありがとう | You have to make a wish to save the world."
I was lost.
I mean, I can't save the world. Nobody can.
The world is fucked up.
Come on, you have dictators ruling the world, population is growing by millions, there's no more fish in the sea, the North Pole is melting and as the last TED Prize winner said, we're all becoming fat.
Except maybe French people.
So I called back and I told her, "Look, Amy, tell the TED guys I just won't show up.
I can't do anything to save the world."
She said, "Hey, JR, your wish is not to save the world, but to change the world."
"Oh, all right."
"That's cool."
I mean, technology, politics, business do change the world -- not always in a good way, but they do.
What about art?
Could art change the world?
I started when I was 15 years old.
And at that time, I was not thinking about changing the world.
I was doing graffiti -- writing my name everywhere, using the city as a canvas.
I was going in the tunnels of Paris, on the rooftops with my friends.
Each trip was an excursion, was an adventure.
It was like leaving our mark on society, to say, "I was here," on the top of a building.
So when I found a cheap camera on the subway, I started documenting those adventures with my friends and gave them back as photocopies -- really small photos just that size.
That's how, at 17 years old, I started pasting them.
And I did my first "expo de rue," which means sidewalk gallery.
And I framed it with color so you would not confuse it with advertising.
I mean, the city's the best gallery I could imagine.
I would never have to make a book and then present it to a gallery and let them decide if my work was nice enough to show it to people.
I would control it directly with the public in the streets.
So that's Paris.
depending on the places I would go -- the title of the exhibition.
That's on the Champs-Elysees.
I was quite proud of that one.
Because I was just 18 and I was just up there on the top of the Champs-Elysees.
Then when the photo left, the frame was still there.
November 2005: the streets are burning.
A large wave of riots had broken into the first projects of Paris.
Everyone was glued to the TV, watching disturbing, frightening images taken from the edge of the neighborhood.
I mean, these kids, without control, throwing Molotov cocktails, attacking the cops and the firemen, looting everything they could in the shops.
These were criminals, thugs, dangerous, destroying their own environment.
And then I saw it -- could it be possible? -- my photo on a wall revealed by a burning car -- a pasting I'd done a year earlier -- an illegal one -- still there.
I mean, these were the faces of my friends.
I know those guys.
All of them are not angels, but they're not monsters either.
So it was kind of weird to see those images and those eyes stare back at me through a television.
So I went back there with a 28 mm lens.
It was the only one I had at that time.
But with that lens, you have to be as close as 10 inches from the person.
So you can do it only with their trust.
So I took full portraits of people from Le Bosquet.
They were making scary faces to play the caricature of themselves.
And then I pasted huge posters everywhere in the bourgeois area of Paris with the name, age, even building number of these guys.
A year later, the exhibition was displayed in front of the city hall of Paris.
And we go from thug images, who've been stolen and distorted by the media, who's now proudly taking over his own image.
That's where I realized the power of paper and glue.
So could art change the world?
A year later, I was listening to all the noise about the Middle East conflict.
I mean, at that time, trust me, they were only referring to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.
So with my friend Marco, we decided to go there and see who are the real Palestinians and who are the real Israelis.
Are they so different?
When we got there, we just went in the street, started talking with people everywhere, and we realized that things were a bit different from the rhetoric we heard in the media.
So we decided to take portraits of Palestinians and Israelis doing the same jobs -- taxi-driver, lawyer, cooks.
Asked them to make a face as a sign of commitment.
Not a smile -- that really doesn't tell about who you are and what you feel.
They all accepted to be pasted next to the other.
I decided to paste in eight Israeli and Palestinian cities and on both sides of the wall.
We launched the biggest illegal art exhibition ever.
We called the project Face 2 Face.
The experts said, "No way.
The people will not accept.
The army will shoot you, and Hamas will kidnap you."
We said, "Okay, let's try and push as far as we can."
I love the way that people will ask me, "How big will my photo be?"
"It will be as big as your house."
When we did the wall, we did the Palestinian side.
So we arrived with just our ladders and we realized that they were not high enough.
And so Palestinians guys say, "Calm down. No wait. I'm going to find you a solution."
So he went to the Church of Nativity and brought back an old ladder that was so old that it could have seen Jesus being born.
We did Face 2 Face with only six friends, two ladders, two brushes, a rented car, a camera and 20,000 square feet of paper.
We had all sorts of help from all walks of life.
Okay, for example, that's Palestine.
We're in Ramallah right now.
We're pasting portraits -- so both portraits in the streets in a crowded market.
People come around us and start asking, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, we're actually doing an art project and we are pasting an Israeli and a Palestinian doing the same job.
And those ones are actually two taxi-drivers."
And then there was always a silence.
"You mean you're pasting an Israeli face -- doing a face -- right here?"
"Well, yeah, yeah, that's part of the project."
And I would always leave that moment, and we would ask them, "So can you tell me who is who?"
And most of them couldn't say.
We even pasted on Israeli military towers, and nothing happened.
When you paste an image, it's just paper and glue.
People can tear it, tag on it, or even pee on it -- some are a bit high for that, I agree -- but the people in the street, they are the curator.
The rain and the wind will take them off anyway.
They are not meant to stay.
But exactly four years after, the photos, most of them are still there.
Face 2 Face demonstrated that what we thought impossible was possible -- and, you know what, even easy.
We didn't push the limit; we just showed that they were further than anyone thought.
In the Middle East, I experienced my work in places without [many] museums.
So the reactions in the street were kind of interesting.
So I decided to go further in this direction and go in places where there were zero museums.
When you go in these developing societies, women are the pillars of their community, but the men are still the ones holding the streets.
So we were inspired to create a project where men will pay tribute to women by posting their photos.
I called that project Women Are Heroes.
When I listened to all the stories everywhere I went on the continents, I couldn't always understand the complicated circumstances of their conflict.
I just observed.
Sometimes there was no words, no sentence, just tears.
I just took their pictures and pasted them.
Women Are Heroes took me around the world.
Most of the places I went to, because I've heard about it through the media.
So for example, in June 2008, I was watching TV in Paris, that happened in Rio de Janeiro -- the first favela of Brazil named Providencia.
Three kids -- that was three students -- were [detained] by the army because they were not carrying their papers.
And the army took them, and instead of bringing them to the police station, they brought them to an enemy favela where they get chopped into pieces.
I was shocked.
All Brazil was shocked.
I heard it was one of the most violent favelas, because the largest drug cartel controls it.
So I decided to go there.
When I arrived -- I mean, I didn't have any contact with any NGO.
There was none in place -- no association, no NGOs, nothing -- no eyewitnesses.
So we just walked around, and we met a woman, and I showed her my book.
And she said, "You know what?
We're hungry for culture.
We need culture out there."
So I went out and I started with the kids.
I just took a few photos of the kids, and the next day I came with the posters and we pasted them.
The day after, I came back and they were already scratched.
But that's okay.
I wanted them to feel that this art belongs to them.
Then the next day, I held a meeting on the main square and some women came.
They were all linked to the three kids that got killed.
There was the mother, the grandmother, the best friend -- they all wanted to shout the story.
After that day, everyone in the favela gave me the green light.
I took more photos, and we started the project.
The drug lords were kind of worried about us filming in the place, so I told them, "You know what?
I'm not interested in filming the violence and the weapons.
You see that enough in the media.
What I want to show is the incredible life and energy.
I've been seeing it around me the last few days."
So that's a really symbolic pasting, because that's the first one we did that you couldn't see from the city.
And that's where the three kids got arrested, and that's the grandmother of one of them.
And on that stairs, that's where the traffickers always stand and there's a lot of exchange of fire.
Everyone there understood the project.
And then we pasted everywhere -- the whole hill.
What was interesting is that the media couldn't get in.
They would have to film us from a really long distance by helicopter and then have a really long lens, and we would see ourselves, on TV, pasting.
And they would put a number: "Please call this number if you know what's going on in Providencia."
We just did a project and then left so the media wouldn't know.
So how can we know about the project?
So they had to go and find the women and get an explanation from them.
So you create a bridge between the media and the anonymous women.
We kept traveling.
We went to Africa, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Kenya.
In war-torn places like Monrovia, people come straight to you.
I mean, they want to know what you're up to.
They kept asking me, "What is the purpose of your project?
Are you an NGO? Are you the media?"
Art. Just doing art.
Some people question, "Why is it in black and white?
Don't you have color in France?"
Or they tell you, "Are these people all dead?"
Some who understood the project would explain it to others.
And to a man who did not understand, I heard someone say, "You know, you've been here for a few hours trying to understand, discussing with your fellows.
During that time, you haven't thought about what you're going to eat tomorrow.
This is art."
I think it's people's curiosity that motivates them to come into the projects.
And then it becomes more.
It becomes a desire, a need, an armor.
On this bridge that's in Monrovia, ex-rebel soldiers helped us pasting a portrait of a woman that might have been raped during the war.
Women are always the first ones targeted during conflict.
This is Kibera, Kenya, one of the largest slums of Africa.
You might have seen images about the post-election violence that happened there in 2008.
This time we covered the roofs of the houses, but we didn't use paper, because paper doesn't prevent the rain from leaking inside the house -- vinyl does.
Then art becomes useful.
So the people kept it.
You know what I love is, for example, when you see the biggest eye there, there are so [many] houses inside.
And I went there a few months ago -- photos are still there -- and it was missing a piece of the eye.
So I asked the people what happened.
"Oh, that guy just moved."
When the roofs were covered, a woman said as a joke, "Now God can see me."
When you look at Kibera now, they look back.
Okay, India.
Before I start that, just so you know, each time we go to a place, we don't have authorization, so we set up like commandos -- we're a group of friends who arrive there, and we try to paste on the walls.
But there are places where you just can't paste on a wall.
In India it was just impossible to paste.
I heard culturally and because of the law, they would just arrest us at the first pasting.
So we decided to paste white, white on the walls.
So imagine white guys pasting white papers.
So people would come to us and ask us, "Hey, what are you up to?"
"Oh, you know, we're just doing art." "Art?"
Of course, they were confused.
But you know how India has a lot of dust in the streets, and the more dust you would have going up in the air, on the white paper you can almost see, but there is this sticky part like when you reverse a sticker.
So the more dust you have, the more it will reveal the photo.
So we could just walk in the street during the next days and the photos would get revealed by themselves.
Thank you.
So we didn't get caught this time.
Each project -- that's a film from Women Are Heroes.
For each project we do a film.
And most of what you see -- that's a trailer from "Women Are Heroes" -- its images, photography, taken one after the other.
And the photos kept traveling even without us.
Hopefully, you'll see the film, and you'll understand the scope of the project and what the people felt when they saw those photos.
Because that's a big part of it. There's layers behind each photo.
Behind each image is a story.
Women Are Heroes created a new dynamic in each of the communities, and the women kept that dynamic after we left.
For example, we did books -- not for sale -- that all the community would get.
But to get it, they would have to [get] it signed by one of the women.
We did that in most of the places.
We go back regularly.
And so in Providencia, for example, in the favela, we have a cultural center running there.
In Kibera, each year we cover more roofs.
Because of course, when we left, the people who were just at the edge of the project said, "Hey, what about my roof?"
So we decided to come the year after and keep doing the project.
A really important point for me is that I don't use any brand or corporate sponsors.
So I have no responsibility to anyone but myself and the subjects.
And that is for me one of the more important things in the work.
I think, today, as important as the result is the way you do things.
And that has always been a central part of the work.
And what's interesting is that fine line that I have with images and advertising.
We just did some pasting in Los Angeles on another project in the last weeks.
And I was even invited to cover the MOCA museum.
But yesterday the city called them and said, "Look, you're going to have to tear it down.
Because this can be taken for advertising, and because of the law, it has to be taken down."
But tell me, advertising for what?
The people I photograph were proud to participate in the project and to have their photo in the community.
But they asked me for a promise basically.
They asked me, "Please, make our story travel with you."
So I did. That's Paris.
That's Rio.
In each place, we built exhibitions with a story, and the story traveled.
You understand the full scope of the project.
That's London.
New York.
And today, they are with you in Long Beach.
All right, recently I started a public art project where I don't use my artwork anymore.
I use Man Ray, Helen Levitt, Giacomelli, other people's artwork.
It doesn't matter today if it's your photo or not.
The importance is what you do with the images, the statement it makes where it's pasted.
So for example, I pasted the photo of the minaret in Switzerland a few weeks after they voted the law forbidding minarets in the country.
This image of three men wearing gas masks was taken in Chernobyl originally, and I pasted it in Southern Italy, where the mafia sometimes bury the garbage under the ground.
In some ways, art can change the world.
Art is not supposed to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions.
Art can change the way we see the world.
Art can create an analogy.
Actually the fact that art cannot change things makes it a neutral place for exchanges and discussions, and then enables you to change the world.
When I do my work, I have two kinds of reactions.
People say, "Oh, why don't you go in Iraq or Afghanistan.
They would be really useful."
Or, "How can we help?"
I presume that you belong to the second category, and that's good, because for that project, I'm going to ask you to take the photos and paste them.
So now my wish is: I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together we'll turn the world inside out.
And this starts right now.
Yes, everyone in the room.
Everyone watching.
I wanted that wish to actually start now.
So a subject you're passionate about, a person who you want to tell their story or even your own photos -- tell me what you stand for.
Take the photos, the portraits, upload it -- I'll give you all the details -- and I'll send you back your poster. Join by groups and reveal things to the world.
The full data is on the website -- -- that is launching today.
What we see changes who we are.
When we act together, the whole thing is much more than the sum of the parts.
So I hope that, together, we'll create something that the world will remember.
And this starts right now and depends on you.
Thank you.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
薬草の種類を覚える? 薬草を混ぜて調合する方法を調べる? 病の症状を調べてどんな薬が効くかを学ぶ?
これをミリナちゃんに見せれば良いだろう。 | “All right, that’s enough training for now.”
“You’re finished already, Mr. Takumi?”
As promised, I focused on training for one hour, and was able to do quite a lot.
It was less than usual, but I still had my sword swinging to do at night.
Besides, I will start training with Leo again tomorrow... We didn’t do it today because we had gone to Ractos.
“I have to study now. What about you, Tilura?”
“I’ll continue with my training!”
Tilura had looked puzzled as to why I was finishing early. But when I suggested she could join us, she returned to her training because she did not want to study.
I chuckled at this and left the garden and entered the dining hall... Oh, I better wipe off this sweat first.
Leo was following me, but Sherry stayed with Tilura.
Perhaps she knew that it would be boring if she tagged along?
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Milina.” “There you are, master.”
Milina and Ms. Lyra were chatting in the dining hall.
They were both raised in the orphanage, and seemed to get along very well.
“So, studying medicine... Where should we start?” “Master. You haven’t thought about that yet?”
When it came to actually studying it, I didn’t know what to do first.
Learn the different types of herbs? Look up ways to mix and prepare medicine? Study about the symptoms of diseases and what medicine is most effective?
What should we do...
Just then, Milina and Leo looked at me with exasperated expressions.
My authority as a master...! Well, I never had any to begin with.
“If only Sebastian were here... I think he would have a lot to teach.” “Mr. Takumi, I have something for you.” “Huh?”
Ms. Lyra offered me a single volume.
I looked at the cover, and it read, ‘Medicine for Beginners. Basic Knowledge. ‘
“Is this from...Sebastian?”
“Yes. He said that I should give it to you if you looked troubled.” “I see... Thank you.”
So Sebastian had predicted that we would not know where to start with our studies.
It was impressive, but also a little intimidating that he was so perceptive.
Still, I was thankful that he had gone through the trouble in spite of being so busy. And so I would use this book to study the basics with Milina.
“Milina. Today, we will study with this book.” “Yes!”
“Mr. Takumi. Milina only just arrived today. So please keep it brief.”
“I’m fine. I want to study as much as possible!”
Milina answered Ms. Lyra energetically, but it was true that she had only just arrived here today.
And while she had friends here, she had left everyone at the orphanage.
She still needed to unpack her things, and she must be a little tired after traveling. So like Ms. Lyra said, we would keep it short for now.
“As for where we can study... Ms. Lyra, could we use the drawing room?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
“All right, let’s go to the drawing room, Milina.”
“Yes, master!”
As we were allowed to use the drawing room, we decided to study there.
While we could have used my room, there was only one desk and chair.
For some reason, Leo’s reply was just as enthusiastic as Milina’s as we headed towards the drawing room.
...Could it be that Leo wanted to acquire knowledge of medicine as well?
“Please use these.”
“Thank you.” “Thank you!”
Ms. Lyra prepared some paper for taking notes, as well as quill pens. We would use those to study.
And so we both sat down at the table and opened the book that Sebastian had given to us.
Leo loomed over me from behind so that she could look at the book too.
So you really do want to study...
“Hmm...hmm... I see.” “Mmm... It’s so complicated...”
We read the book and then wrote down the important points onto the sheets of paper.
Apparently, Milina was finding it a little difficult to understand.
“...Master... Excuse me. But what does this mean?”
“ means...”
Occasionally, she would ask me questions about the contents, and I would explain it to her as we read the book.
Leo was nodding in the back... Did she really understand?
“Hmm... This makes me want to conduct some tests with the herbs...” “Are you going to use your ability, master?”
“Well, there is a lot that I would like to do... But...see here...”
When I considered using Weed Cultivation to test something I had read in the book, Milina showed deep interest.
She wanted to see my ability... However, I had to disappoint her by pointing to a section in the book.
“Uhh... It is dangerous for beginners to mix medicine out of curiosity. One must restrain the desire to demonstrate and acquire knowledge first.” “That’s what it says.” “...Too bad. I wanted to see you use the Gift.”
I had been thinking about combining the herbs... By doing this, you could make medicine with different kinds of effects.
However, the book warned against doing such things.
And I had to agree... I might accidentally make something toxic or with no effect at all.
“You want to see it that bad?” “Yes. It’s not every day that you get to see such miracles!”
Milina answered with sparkling eyes.
Was it really something to be so excited over...? Well, I suppose it was similar to a miracle...
“Then I can show it to you tomorrow.” “Really!? But, the book said...” “I’m not going to be concocting anything. I’m just going to grow some herbs, since I have to do that anyway. That requires Weed Cultivation, so you can come and watch.” “Is that so! Thank you!”
I made herbs nearly every day in order to send them to Mr. Kalis.
As I was only growing them, there was no danger.
So that was something that I could show Milina. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 17,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
それが私であり 私の幸せでした
オーストラリアチームの クロスカントリースキーヤーとして 冬季オリンピックを目指し 私はチームメイトと共に 自転車訓練をしていました
向かう先にはシドニーの西の 雄大なブルーマウンテンズが 見えていました 快晴の秋空でした 太陽が輝き ユーカリが香り 夢で溢れていました
訓練を開始してから5時間半 自転車で私が大好きな 坂道にさしかかりました 私は坂道が大好きです
私は立ちこぎを始めました 両足に力を入れ 吸いこんだ山の冷気が 肺一杯に広がるのを感じ 太陽の光を浴びようと顔をあげました
ここはどこ? 何が起きたの?
あと10分という時 猛スピードの小型トラックが 私にぶつかったのです
事故現場からヘリコプターで シドニーの脊髄病棟に 運ばれました
私は生命に関わる 重傷を全身に負っていました
体の右半分がぱっくりと開き 中は砂利だらけでした
額を横切る傷口からは 頭蓋骨が見えました
5リットルの大出血でした それは私サイズの体の 全血液量に相当します
プリンスヘンリー病院に到着した時には 私の血圧は40しかありませんでした
全くついていない日でした 10日間 私は2つの世界を行き来しました
体の中の自分とは別に どこか他の場所から 他人事のように見ている自分がいました
でも別の声が言います 「頑張って 死なないで」
「だめ 無理」
「大丈夫 これはチャンスよ」
「だめ あの体はボロボロ もう役に立たないわ」
「大丈夫 頑張って 一緒に力を合わせればできる」
自分の体に戻らなければ 二度とこの世に帰れない
10日後 自分の体に戻る決心をすると 内出血が止まりました
次の問題は歩行でした 腰から下が麻痺していたのです
医者は両親に言いました 首は安定骨折だが 背中が完全に潰れていて
L1脊椎は落としたピーナツを 踏んで粉々にしたようだ と
手術が始まり ビーンバッグに乗せられ 文字通り半分に切られ その証拠に 体を一周する傷がまだあります
脊髄に引っかかっていた骨を できる限り除去しました
折れた2本のろっ骨を取りだし L1の復元に使い もう1本折れたろっ骨を使って T12 L1 L2を繋ぎ合わせました
その後 体の縫合に1時間かかりました
私が集中治療室で眼を覚ますと 手術の成功に沸く医者がいました 足の親指が少しだけ動き 「やった オリンピックに行ける!」 と私は思いました
私は確信していたのです 私にこんなことが起きる筈がないと
ところが医者は言ったのです 「ジャニーン 手術は成功しました 脊髄に刺さっていた骨は 出来る限り取り除きましたが 障害は一生残るでしょう
いわゆる部分対マヒです それに伴う様々な傷もあります
腰から下の感覚は失われ 戻ったとしても10~20%でしょう
仮に歩けても矯正器具と 歩行器なしには無理でしょう」
更に言いました 「ジャニーン 今後 何をするか改めて考えて 今までやってきたことは 二度とできないから」
私は競技選手で それしかしたことがありません
それができないなら 何ができるでしょう?
自問しました それができないのなら 私は何者?
足を動かすことは不可能で 血栓を防ぐ圧縮タイツを履いていました
片方の腕にギプス もう片方に点滴の針
首もネックサポートと 両側の砂袋で固定されていました 頭上の鏡に映るものだけが 私の世界でした
病室には他に5人の患者がいましたが 全員が動けず横になっていたので お互いの姿は見えませんでした
何と素晴らしいことでしょう? 外見に拘らず友情を育む機会など 人生ではそう多くないでしょう?
うわべだけの会話でなく 心のうち 恐怖心 そして退院後の人生への期待を 語り合いました
ある晩 看護師のジョナサンが 大量のストローを病室に持ってきました
私達それぞれにストローの束を渡し 「さあ これをつなげて」 と言いました
他にやることもないので 私達はつなげ始めました
全部つなぎ終えると 彼は静かに病室を回り 全てのストローをつなげ 病室をストローの輪で囲みました 「さあ皆 自分のストローを握って」
私達が握ると彼は言いました 「これで皆繋がった」
ストローを手に皆と 一つになって呼吸をしたとき この道のりでは皆 仲間だとわかったのです
動けない身で病室にいながら これまで経験したことのない 深くて豊かで純粋な絆を 感じられたのです
そして退院後は皆 違った生き方になるだろうと 理解しました
半年後 退院の時となり
父の押す車椅子に乗って 外に出ました 全身ギプスに覆われ 手術後初めて顔に太陽を顔に浴び
私は思いました なぜこれを当たり前と 思っていたのだろう?
ところが病院を出る前 看護師長がそばに来て こう言いました 「ジャニーン 心の準備をしてね 家に着くとあることが起きるから」
「何それ?」と私が聞くと 彼女は言いました 「きっと落ち込むわ」
「私はならないわ ジャニーン・マシンよ」 私のあだ名です
彼女は言いました 「いいえなるわ 皆なるから
脊髄病棟では それが普通
でも家に着くと気が付くの 様変わりした人生に」
車椅子に座り 腰から下は感覚がなく カテーテルの瓶をぶら下げ 歩けませんでした
入院中にげっそりと痩せ 体重は36キロしかありませんでした
ランニングシューズを履いて 外へ逃げ出したかった
元の人生 元の体を返して欲しかった
母がベッドに腰をかけ つぶやきました 「この先 人生は好転するのかしら」
私は思いました 「あり得ない 大事なもの 努力した全てを失ったのよ
そしてこればかり考えました 「なぜ私? なぜ私が?」
それから脊髄病棟にいる 友人達を思い出しました 特にマリアです
マリアは交通事故に遭い 16歳の誕生日に 完全四肢麻痺であると告げられました 首から下は全く動かず 声帯も損傷し 話せなかったのです
私は言われました 「彼女の横に移しますね 彼女の為になるでしょうから」 私は不安でした 彼女の横になって
自分がどう反応をするか 分からなかったのです 大変だと思ったのですが 実際は彼女の笑顔に救われました 彼女は笑顔を絶やさなかった
彼女はいつも幸せそうでした 話せるようになった時も 理解は困難でしたが 彼女は不満を言わなかった 一度も
彼女がなぜあんな風に状況を 受け入れられたのか不思議でした
そしてわかったのです 私だけが問題を抱えている訳じゃない と
人生には問題がつき物で 痛みは私だけでなく
誰にでもあるものなのです 以前のように 選択は自分次第で このまま戦い続けるか 諦めて この体とこの人生を受け入れるのも 自分次第なのです
そこで「なぜ私?」と 自問するのを止めました
「だったら私が」と 考えるようになりました
どん底はスタート地点として 最高なのかもしれないと 思い始めました
自分を創造性のある人間だと 考えたことはありません
私はアスリートでした 体は機械でした
ところがこれ以上ない創造的なプロジェクトに 取り掛かることになるのです 人生の建て直しです
何をすればいいか 全く見当もつかない中 その不確かさの中で 自由を感じ取ったのです
それに気付き 人生は起点を迎えようとしていました
ギブスをはめた体で 自宅で車椅子に座っていると 上空を飛行機が飛ぶのが見え 思いついたのです 「これだ!
私は歩けない なら飛ぼうじゃないか」
「ママ 私 飛行機の操縦の勉強をする」 と私が言うと
母は言いました 「あら素敵ね」 (笑) 私は続けました 「タウンページかして」
電話帳を受け取り 飛行訓練学校へ電話しました 飛行コースの予約をしたいと伝えると
学校側は言いました 「いつ来られますか?」
私はこう答えました 「友達の都合を聞かないと 私は運転できる体じゃないし 歩くのもやっとですから
予約を済ませ数週間後 友人のクリスと母が 空港へ連れて行ってくれました 36キロの私の体は 体幹ギブスで固定され 更にだぶだぶのオーバーオールが 被さっていました (笑) パイロットの免許を取るのに ふさわしい風体とはいえませんでした (笑) カウンターに掴り体を支えながら 言いました
私を見たスタッフ達は 奥で貧乏くじを押し付け合いました
「君が担当しろよ」 「いい いい 君が受け持てよ」
やっと一人が出てきて言いました 「やあ 僕はアンドリュー 実飛行に行きましょう」
「最高」と言った私を 彼らは駐機場へ連れて行ってくれました そこに赤白青の飛行機がありました
綺麗でした 私は翼まで持ち上げられ
座ってみると至るところに ボタンやダイヤルがありました
「どうやってこれ全部覚えるの?」 と思っていると
インストラクターのアンドリューが前に座り 飛行機をスタートさせ
「地上滑走試してみますか?」と 私に訊きました
地上で飛行機を操縦するとき 足元のペダルでコントロールします
私は言いました 「いいえ 足は動かせません」
「でも手は使えます」と言うと 「了解」と彼は答えました
そして彼は操縦を始め滑走路に入り 離陸準備にかかりました
スピードを上げ滑走路を進み 駐機場から車輪が離れ 空中に飛び立ったとき 私はこの上ない自由を感じました
訓練区域に入ったとき アンドリューは言いました 「あそこの山が見えますか?」
私が「ええ」と答えると 彼は続けました
「今度はあなたが操縦機を握り あの山の方に飛んでみてください」
見上げると 彼が指していたのは この旅路の始まりとなった あのブルーマウンテンズでした
脊髄病棟から遠く離れた場所にいて その瞬間 自分はパイロットになると確信しました
帰宅後 トレーニング日誌に計画を書きました
歩行訓練を目一杯こなし 二人の人に支えられ立つところから 一人が支えてくれるだけで 立てるようになり 家具と家具が離れていなければ 家具づたいに 伝い歩きできるまでになりました
そしてやっと家に中で 壁沿いに歩けるまでになりました こんな風にです 母は私の後ろを付いて回り 指紋を拭き取っていました 少なくとも彼女には私の居場所が わかっていました
医師が私の体が元に戻るよう 手術を継続していた一方で 私は航空理論の勉強を続け やがて驚いたことに パイロットの身体検査にも受かり 飛行許可が下りました
寸暇を惜しんで飛行訓練学校に行き ちょっと勇気がいりましたが カンタス航空のパイロットを 夢見る若者にまぎれて 年長の私がいました ギブス 金属のブレース だぶだぶのオーバーオールに 薬の袋とカテーテルを持って びっこを引いている私です 彼等は私を見てこう考えたでしょう 「何かの冗談か? 彼女にやれっこないよ」
でもかまわなかった 私の中で何かが燃え始め 私の傷を消し去ってくれたのです
小さなゴールに達成しては前進し ついには自家用機パイロット免許を 取得したのです 自由飛行することを覚え 友達とオーストラリア中を飛行しました
双発機の操縦も学び 資格を得ました
良天候でも悪天候でも 飛行できる訓練をし 計器飛行資格を取得しました
その後 商業用パイロットの免許も取り
そして気が付けば 初めて飛行した訓練学校に戻り 生徒に飛ぶ事を教えていました ちょうど脊髄病棟から退院して 18ヵ月後でした
(拍手) そして思いました 「どうせなら
その言葉を実行し アクロバット飛行の インストラクターになりました
父と母は? 私と飛んだことはありません
身体的な制約も 私の気力を留められなかったのです
老子の言葉にもあります 「今の自分に固執するのをやめた時 なり得る自分になれる」
自分で決めつけていた自分を捨てて 初めて新しい人生を 作れるのだとわかりました
自分の人生と信じてきた人生を 手放して初めて 待ち受けている新しい人生を 発見できたのです
私の本当の強さは 体から来るものではない 身体能力が劇的に変わっても 私であることに変わりはなかった
私の中のともし火は消えていず 誰の中にでもある筈です
私の体だけが「私」でないように 皆さんの体だけが 皆さん自身ではないのです
外見や出身地 仕事など もう意味はない
大切なのは真の自分を 究極の創造性で表現し 人間性の炎を絶やさないことです なぜなら私達は皆 無数のストローで繋がっているのです 今それを皆でつなげて 握り締める時なのです
全体の幸福を掴もうとするなら 物理的なことに目を向けず 心の声を受け入れてください
さあ皆さん 私と一緒に ストローを掲げようではありませんか
ありがとうございました (拍手) ありがとう | That's what defined me. That was my bliss.
As a cross-country skier and member of the Australian ski team, headed towards the Winter Olympics, I was on a training bike ride with my fellow teammates.
As we made our way up towards the spectacular Blue Mountains west of Sydney, it was the perfect autumn day: sunshine, the smell of eucalypt and a dream.
Life was good.
We'd been on our bikes for around five and half hours when we got to the part of the ride that I loved, and that was the hills, because I loved the hills.
And I got up off the seat of my bike, and I started pumping my legs, and as I sucked in the cold mountain air, I could feel it burning my lungs, and I looked up to see the sun shining in my face.
And then everything went black.
Where was I? What was happening?
My body was consumed by pain.
I'd been hit by a speeding utility truck with only 10 minutes to go on the bike ride.
I was airlifted from the scene of the accident by a rescue helicopter to a large spinal unit in Sydney.
I had extensive and life-threatening injuries.
I'd broken my neck and my back in six places.
I broke five ribs on my left side.
I broke my right arm. I broke my collarbone.
I broke some bones in my feet.
My whole right side was ripped open, filled with gravel.
My head was cut open across the front, lifted back, exposing the skull underneath.
I had head injures. I had internal injuries.
I had massive blood loss. In fact, I lost about five liters of blood, which is all someone my size would actually hold.
By the time the helicopter arrived at Prince Henry Hospital in Sydney, my blood pressure was 40 over nothing.
I was having a really bad day. For over 10 days, I drifted between two dimensions.
I had an awareness of being in my body, but also being out of my body, somewhere else, watching from above as if it was happening to someone else.
Why would I want to go back to a body that was so broken?
But this voice kept calling me: "Come on, stay with me."
"No. It's too hard."
"Come on. This is our opportunity."
"No. That body is broken. It can no longer serve me."
"Come on. Stay with me. We can do it. We can do it together."
I was at a crossroads.
I knew if I didn't return to my body, I'd have to leave this world forever.
It was the fight of my life.
After 10 days, I made the decision to return to my body, and the internal bleeding stopped.
The next concern was whether I would walk again, because I was paralyzed from the waist down.
They said to my parents, the neck break was a stable fracture, but the back was completely crushed.
The vertebra at L1 was like you'd dropped a peanut, stepped on it, smashed it into thousands of pieces.
They'd have to operate.
They went in. They put me on a beanbag. They cut me, literally cut me in half, I have a scar that wraps around my entire body.
They picked as much broken bone as they could that had lodged in my spinal cord.
They took out two of my broken ribs, and they rebuilt my back, L1, they rebuilt it, they took out another broken rib, they fused T12, L1 and L2 together.
Then they stitched me up. They took an entire hour to stitch me up.
I woke up in intensive care, and the doctors were really excited that the operation had been a success because at that stage I had a little bit of movement in one of my big toes, and I thought, "Great, because I'm going to the Olympics!"
I had no idea. That's the sort of thing that happens to someone else, not me, surely.
But then the doctor came over to me, and she said, "Janine, the operation was a success, and we've picked as much bone out of your spinal cord as we could, but the damage is permanent.
The central nervous system nerves, there is no cure.
You're what we call a partial paraplegic, and you'll have all of the injuries that go along with that.
You have no feeling from the waist down, and at most, you might get 10- or 20-percent return.
You'll have internal injuries for the rest of your life.
You'll have to use a catheter for the rest of your life.
And if you walk again, it will be with calipers and a walking frame."
And then she said, "Janine, you'll have to rethink everything you do in your life, because you're never going to be able to do the things you did before."
I tried to grasp what she was saying.
I was an athlete. That's all I knew. That's all I'd done.
If I couldn't do that, then what could I do?
And the question I asked myself is, if I couldn't do that, then who was I?
They moved me from intensive care to acute spinal.
I was lying on a thin, hard spinal bed.
I had no movement in my legs. I had tight stockings on to protect from blood clots.
I had one arm in plaster, one arm tied down by drips.
I had a neck brace and sandbags on either side of my head and I saw my world through a mirror that was suspended above my head.
I shared the ward with five other people, and the amazing thing is that because we were all lying paralyzed in a spinal ward, we didn't know what each other looked like.
How amazing is that? How often in life do you get to make friendships, judgment-free, purely based on spirit?
And there were no superficial conversations as we shared our innermost thoughts, our fears, and our hopes for life after the spinal ward.
I remember one night, one of the nurses came in, Jonathan, with a whole lot of plastic straws.
He put a pile on top of each of us, and he said, "Start threading them together."
Well, there wasn't much else to do in the spinal ward, so we did.
And when we'd finished, he went around silently and he joined all of the straws up till it looped around the whole ward, and then he said, "Okay, everybody, hold on to your straws."
And we did. And he said, "Right. Now we're all connected."
And as we held on, and we breathed as one, we knew we weren't on this journey alone.
And even lying paralyzed in the spinal ward, there were moments of incredible depth and richness, of authenticity and connection that I had never experienced before.
And each of us knew that when we left the spinal ward we would never be the same.
After six months, it was time to go home.
I remember Dad pushing me outside in my wheelchair, wrapped in a plaster body cast, and feeling the sun on my face for the first time.
I soaked it up and I thought, how could I ever have taken this for granted?
I felt so incredibly grateful for my life.
But before I left the hospital, the head nurse had said to me, "Janine, I want you to be ready, because when you get home, something's going to happen."
And I said, "What?" And she said, "You're going to get depressed."
And I said, "Not me, not Janine the Machine," which was my nickname.
She said, "You are, because, see, it happens to everyone.
In the spinal ward, that's normal.
You're in a wheelchair. That's normal.
But you're going to get home and realize how different life is."
And I got home and something happened.
I realized Sister Sam was right.
I did get depressed.
I was in my wheelchair. I had no feeling from the waist down, attached to a catheter bottle. I couldn't walk.
I'd lost so much weight in the hospital I now weighed about 80 pounds.
And I wanted to give up.
All I wanted to do was put my running shoes on and run out the door.
I wanted my old life back. I wanted my body back.
And I can remember Mom sitting on the end of my bed, and saying, "I wonder if life will ever be good again."
And I thought, "How could it? Because I've lost everything that I valued, everything that I'd worked towards.
And the question I asked was, "Why me? Why me?"
And then I remembered my friends that were still in the spinal ward, particularly Maria.
Maria was in a car accident, and she woke up on her 16th birthday to the news that she was a complete quadriplegic, had no movement from the neck down, had damage to her vocal chords, and she couldn't talk.
They told me, "We're going to move you next to her because we think it will be good for her."
I was worried. I didn't know how I'd react I knew it would be challenging, but it was actually a blessing, because Maria always smiled.
She was always happy, and even when she began to talk again, albeit difficult to understand, she never complained, not once.
And I wondered how had she ever found that level of acceptance.
And I realized that this wasn't just my life.
It was life itself. I realized that this wasn't just my pain.
It was everybody's pain. And then I knew, just like before, that I had a choice. I could keep fighting this or I could let go and accept not only my body but the circumstances of my life.
And then I stopped asking, "Why me?"
And I started to ask, "Why not me?"
And then I thought to myself, maybe being at rock bottom is actually the perfect place to start.
I had never before thought of myself as a creative person.
I was an athlete. My body was a machine.
But now I was about to embark on the most creative project that any of us could ever do: that of rebuilding a life.
And even though I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do, in that uncertainty came a sense of freedom.
I was no longer tied to a set path.
I was free to explore life's infinite possibilities.
And that realization was about to change my life.
Sitting at home in my wheelchair and my plaster body cast, an airplane flew overhead, and I looked up, and I thought to myself, "That's it!
If I can't walk, then I might as well fly."
I said, "Mom, I'm going to learn how to fly."
She said, "That's nice, dear." I said, "Pass me the yellow pages."
She passed me the phone book, I rang up the flying school, I made a booking, said I'd like to make a booking to come out for a flight.
They said, "You know, when do you want to come out?"
I said, "Well, I have to get a friend to drive me out because I can't drive. Sort of can't walk either.
Is that a problem?"
I made a booking, and weeks later my friend Chris and my mom drove me out to the airport, all 80 pounds of me covered in a plaster body cast in a baggy pair of overalls. I can tell you, I did not look like the ideal candidate to get a pilot's license. I'm holding on to the counter because I can't stand.
I said, "Hi, I'm here for a flying lesson."
And they took one look and ran out the back to draw short straws.
"You get her.""No, no, you take her."
Finally this guy comes out. He goes, "Hi, I'm Andrew, and I'm going to take you flying."
I go, "Great." And so they drive me down, they get me out on the tarmac, and there was this red, white and blue airplane.
It was beautiful. They lifted me into the cockpit.
They had to slide me up on the wing, put me in the cockpit.
They sat me down. There are buttons and dials everywhere.
I'm going, "Wow, how do you ever know what all these buttons and dials do?"
Andrew the instructor got in the front, started the airplane up.
He said, "Would you like to have a go at taxiing?"
That's when you use your feet to control the rudder pedals to control the airplane on the ground.
I said, "No, I can't use my legs."
He went, "Oh."
I said, "But I can use my hands," and he said, "Okay."
So he got over to the runway, and he applied the power.
And as we took off down the runway, and the wheels lifted up off the tarmac, and we became airborne, I had the most incredible sense of freedom.
And Andrew said to me, as we got over the training area, "You see that mountain over there?"
And I said, "Yeah."
And he said, "Well, you take the controls, and you fly towards that mountain."
And as I looked up, I realized that he was pointing towards the Blue Mountains where the journey had begun.
And I took the controls, and I was flying.
And I was a long, long way from that spinal ward, and I knew right then that I was going to be a pilot.
Didn't know how on Earth I'd ever pass a medical.
But I'd worry about that later, because right now I had a dream.
So I went home, I got a training diary out, and I had a plan.
And I practiced my walking as much as I could, and I went from the point of two people holding me up to one person holding me up to the point where I could walk around the furniture as long as it wasn't too far apart.
And then I made great progression to the point where I could walk around the house, holding onto the walls, like this, and Mom said she was forever following me, wiping off my fingerprints. But at least she always knew where I was.
So while the doctors continued to operate and put my body back together again, I went on with my theory study, and then eventually, and amazingly, I passed my pilot's medical, and that was my green light to fly.
And I spent every moment I could out at that flying school, way out of my comfort zone, all these young guys that wanted to be Qantas pilots, you know, and little old hop-along me in first my plaster cast, and then my steel brace, my baggy overalls, my bag of medication and catheters and my limp, and they used to look at me and think, "Oh, who is she kidding? She's never going to be able to do this."
And sometimes I thought that too.
But that didn't matter, because now there was something inside that burned that far outweighed my injuries.
And little goals kept me going along the way, and eventually I got my private pilot's license, and then I learned to navigate, and I flew my friends around Australia.
And then I learned to fly an airplane with two engines and I got my twin engine rating.
And then I learned to fly in bad weather as well as fine weather and got my instrument rating.
And then I got my commercial pilot's license.
And then I got my instructor rating.
And then I found myself back at that same school where I'd gone for that very first flight, teaching other people how to fly, just under 18 months after I'd left the spinal ward.
And then I thought, "Why stop there?
Why not learn to fly upside down?"
And I did, and I learned to fly upside down and became an aerobatics flying instructor.
And Mom and Dad? Never been up.
But then I knew for certain that although my body might be limited, it was my spirit that was unstoppable.
The philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be."
I now know that it wasn't until I let go of who I thought I was that I was able to create a completely new life.
It wasn't until I let go of the life I thought I should have that I was able to embrace the life that was waiting for me.
I now know that my real strength never came from my body, and although my physical capabilities have changed dramatically, who I am is unchanged.
The pilot light inside of me was still a light, just as it is in each and every one of us.
I know that I'm not my body, and I also know that you're not yours.
And then it no longer matters what you look like, where you come from, or what you do for a living.
All that matters is that we continue to fan the flame of humanity by living our lives as the ultimate creative expression of who we really are, because we are all connected by millions and millions of straws, and it's time to join those up and to hang on.
And if we are to move towards our collective bliss, it's time we shed our focus on the physical and instead embrace the virtues of the heart.
So raise your straws if you'll join me.
Thank you. Thank you. | {
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「Scratch」というソフトを 使ってです このソフトは 誰でも インタラクティブな絵本や ゲームやアニメーションを簡単に作れ それをみんなで—
共有できるようにすることを 目標として開発しました だから母の日のカード作りが
Scratchを役立てる いい機会になると思いました 自分のカードを作る前に ちょっとScratchの ウェブサイトを
見てみようと思いました 数年に渡り 下は8歳からという 世界中の子供達が 自分のプロジェクトを ウェブで公開していました 300万件のプロジェクトの中には 母の日のカードも あるかもしれないと思ったのです
検索欄に 「母の日」と打ち込んでみました うれしい驚きとともに 何十件もの 母の日のカードプロジェクトが 検索結果に現れました その多くは 私と同じような 先延ばし屋によって 24時間以内に 作られたものでした そこで作品を 見てみる事にしました これは子猫と母猫が 出てきて 母の日を祝う という作品です
その作者は思慮深く お母さんのために「リプレイ」ボタンを 用意していました
もう1つの作品は インタラクティブなもので 「母の日おめでとう」の文字を マウスでなぞると 母の日にふさわしい言葉が現れる 仕掛けになっていました
この作品では 作者がグーグル検索で 母の日が近づいていることを どのように見つけたかが 語られていました
そして母の日が 近いことがわかったとき 作者は特別な母の日の メッセージで どんなにお母さんのことが好きか 伝えていました
これらの作品は本当に 素敵なものでした 見ているうちに これらの作品が
本当に気に入ったので 自分の作品を作る代わりに 母には これらの作品へのリンクを 10個ばかり 送ることにしました 母は実際 私の期待していた反応を 返してくれました
母の返事は こうです 「子供達が母の日のカードを お母さんに送れる ソフトを作った息子を持って 誇りに思います」
母が喜んでくれて 私はうれしくなりました でも 私にとって さらに うれしい理由がありました
子供達が 私達の 望んでいた使い方で Scratchを使ってくれたのが うれしかったんです
例えば母の日のカードを 作ったように 子供達は 新しい技術を 上手に使いこなしています
その技術で 自分を表現でき 自分のアイディアを 表現できることだと思います
ある言語が上手になる ということは その言語で日記をつけたり 誰かに冗談を言ったり 友達に手紙を書いたり できるようになる ということです
それは 新しい技術でも 同じことです
インタラクティブな 母の日のカードを作ることで その新しい技術を 上手に使いこなせることを 子供達は 示していました
この話を聞いて 皆さんは そんなに驚かないかも知れません なぜなら 若い人たちは 技術を使いこなして いろいろなことができると 感じているからです
我々はみんな 若い人が「デジタル世代」 と呼ばれていることを知っています
私はこれに疑問を 感じています
若い人たちを「デジタル世代」と 考えていいのかどうか
若い人たちの 新しい技術の使い方に 注意を払うなら
よく見かけるのは このような光景や このような場面です 若い人たちが ウェブを見たり チャットや メールや ゲームをすることに
抵抗がないのは 疑いようがありません しかし それは技術を 上手に扱えることとは違います
若い人たちは 新しい技術に対して 豊富な経験があり それらを操作することに 慣れています しかし新しい技術で 何かを作ったり 自分を表現するとなると それほどでもありません
それはまるで新しい技術で 読むことはできても 書くことはできない ようなものです
若い人たちが新しい技術を上手に使って 書けるようになることを
どう助けられるかに 私は興味を持っています それには 彼ら自身が コンピュータの
プログラムを書けるようになる 必要があります プログラムの書き方を 学ぶ重要性に 気づく人たちが 増えてきています
ここ数年 若い人が プログラミングを学ぶのを サポートする新しい組織や ウェブサイトが 数多く出来ました
ネット上には Codecademy のようなサイトや CoderDojo のようなイベントや 女の子向けのサイトの Girls Who Code や Black Girls Code などがあります
多くの人が行動を 始めたように見えます
今年の始め 新しい年が始まったときに ニューヨーク市長の マイケル・ブルームバーグが 2012年の新年の抱負として プログラミングを覚えると 述べていました
数ヶ月後 エストニアでは 小学一年生にプログラミングを 教えることに決めました
このことがきっかけとなり イギリスでも—
子供達みんなにプログラミングを教えるべきか という議論が起こりました
このような話を聞くと すべての人が— プログラミングを習うことに 違和感を覚える方もいるかも知れません
多くの人は プログラミングというものを 非常に限られた世界の人だけが 必要とすることと考え こんなプログラムを書くことを 想像しています
プログラミングが このようなものなら それができるのは 特別な数学の知恵をもち 技術的な素養のある 限られた世界の人だけ— ということに なるかもしれません
しかし このようなものばかり ではないんです
Scratchでどのように プログラミングできるかお見せしましょう
Scratchでのプログラミングは ブロックをはめ込むだけです
この例では 青いブロックを動かして こちらの塊に はめ込むだけです これらの塊は ゲームや物語の中の いろいろなキャラクターの動きを コントロールしています この例では大きな魚を コントロールしています
プログラムが完成したら 「共有」と書かれたボタンを 押すことで プロジェクトを 他の人たちと共有して みんながそのプロジェクトを 利用したり 参加できるようになります
もちろん 魚のゲームだけが Scratchでできること— ではありません
何百万というプロジェクトの中には アニメーションから 学校の科学プロジェクト ホームドラマのアニメ 仮想的な組み立てキット 古いテレビゲームの再現 政治的な意見の投票 三角法のチュートリアル インタラクティブな芸術作品 そして母の日のカードがあります
ここには人々が 自分自身を表現する 本当に多くの 方法があり アイディアを実現し 世界中の人と共有することができます
画面の中だけとは 限りません
周りの実際の世界と 連携することもできます
これは香港からの例です 子供達が 作ったゲームで 自分たちで 光センサを利用した インターフェース装置を 作りました この装置は 板の穴を検知し 板のノコギリを 操作することで 光センサが 板の穴を検知し 画面の中の ノコギリを動かし 木を切り倒す というものです
これからも物理的な 実際の世界と 仮想的な世界を 一緒にして 結びつける新しい方法を 探っていくことになるでしょう
これは数ヶ月後に リリースを予定している 新しいバージョンの Scratchを使った例です ここでまた皆さんに 新しい可能性を 示しています
手で風船を 割ることができます 虫を動かすこともできます
マイクロソフトの 「キネクト」に似ていて ジェスチャーで 世界を操作します
しかし 出来合いの ゲームで遊ぶ代わりに 自分のゲームを 作ることができます そして他の人が 作ったゲームの 中身を見ることで どうやってこれを実現しているか 知ることができます
どのくらいの動きがあったかが判る 新しいブロックを使って 動きが大きい場合に 風船が割れるように 指示しています
ここでカメラを使って 情報をScratchに 取り込んだのと 同じような方法で マイクを使うこともできます
これはマイクを使用した プロジェクトの例です
皆さん全員が声を使って ゲームに参加できます
(拍手) 子供達はこのようなプロジェクトを 作りながら プログラミングを 覚えていきますが さらに重要なのは プログラムを書くことで学ぶということです
プログラミングを学ぶことで 他のいろいろなことを 学ぶことができるのです いろいろな新しい学習への 道が開けます
読み書きとの類似性で また説明したいと思います
読み書きを学ぶことで 他の多くのことを 学ぶ可能性が開けます
読む事ができるようになると 読むことで学べるようになります
同様に プログラミングが できるようになると
プログラミングすることで 学べるようになります
学ぶことの中には 当然のこともあります
コンピューターが どのように動くかとか—
しかしそれは 始まりに過ぎません
プログラミングを学ぶことで 他のいろいろなことを 学ぶ機会が開けます
これは別のプロジェクトです コンピューター教室を 訪れたときに このプロジェクトを 見かけました
私達が立ち上げに協力した 放課後のラーニングセンターで 低所得層の若者に 新しい技術を使って 自分をクリエイティブに 表現する方法を教えています
数年前に そのコンピューター教室に 行ったとき これと似たゲームを Scratchで作っている 13才の少年がいました 自分の作ったゲームが気に入っていて 誇りに思っていました しかし したいことが もう少しありました
得点が表示される ようにしたかったのです
これは大きな魚が 小さな魚を食べるゲームで 彼は得点をつけて 大きな魚が 小さな魚を食べる度に 得点が上がるようにしたいと 思っていました でも どのようにすればいいのか 分かりませんでした
そこで彼に Scratchでは
変数というものが 使えることを教えました
ここでは変数の名前を 「得点」としましょう
すると新しいブロックが できます また得点を表示する 小さな表示板もできます 「得点の更新」をクリックする度に 得点が加算されます
これを コンピューター教室の その子に見せました 彼をビクターとしておきましょう ビクターは— このブロックで 得点が加算できることが判ると どうすればいいかを 理解しました
彼はブロックを選んで それをプログラムの中の— 大きな魚が小さな魚を食べる 部分に置きました
すると 大きな魚が 小さな魚を食べる度に 得点が加算され 得点が1点づつ増えていきます
それは実際 正しく動いていました
彼は興奮して 私の手を握ると 「ありがとう ありがとう」 と言いました
その時 思ったのは 先生が変数を教えて 生徒に感謝されることなんて どのくらいあるのだろうか ということでした 授業では ほとんど そのようなことは起きません それは授業で生徒達が 変数を習うときに なぜ変数を習うのかを 知らないからです
それは彼らが自分で使う ものではないのです
Scratchでこのような アイディアを習うときは 意味やモチベーションのある方法で 学ぶことができます なぜ変数を学ぶ必要があるかを 理解することができます 子供達は より深く より良く 理解します
ビクターは学校で既に変数を 習っていたと思いますが 彼は変数に注意を 払っていませんでした
今や彼には 変数を学ぶ理由がありました
プログラミングを通して学び 学ぶためにプログラミングすることで 意味のある文脈で学ぶことができます それは物事を学ぶ最上の方法です
ビクターのような子供達が このようなプロジェクトを作ることで 彼らは変数といった 重要な概念を学んでいます しかしそれは 始まりに過ぎません
ビクターがこのプロジェクトに取り組み スクリプトを作っていたとき 彼はデザインのプロセスも 学んでいました ぼんやりした アイディアのから始めて ご覧いただいたように それを本格的な 実際に機能する プロジェクトにする方法です
彼はデザインの核となる いろいろな概念を学んでいたのです 新しいアイディアを どうやって試すかとか 複雑なアイディアを 単純な部分へと分割する方法や 他の人と どう協力していくかとか 期待したように動かないときに どうバグを見つけて直すかとか 物事がうまくいかない状況で いかに粘り強く方向性をもって 前に進んでいくかなど
重要なスキルです いろいろな活動において 重要なものです
ビクターは 大人になったときに プログラマーやコンピューター科学者に なるのでしょうか?
ならない可能性の方が 高いと思います しかし彼が何をすることに なろうとも ここで学んだデザインのスキルは 利用することができます
販売責任者になろうとも 機械工や コミュニティーの まとめ役になろうとも このようなアイディアは 誰にでも役に立つものです
言語との比較で 考えてみましょう
自由に読み書きが できるようになることは プロの物書きに なるためにだけに 必要なことではありません
プロの物書きになる人は 非常に少ないと思います
けれども読み書きのスキルは 全ての人の役に立つものです
多くの人は大人になって コンピュータ科学者やプログラマーに なるわけではありません しかし創造的に考えるスキル 系統的な推論 協力して働くこと Scratchでプログラムを書くことで学ぶ このようスキルは どのような仕事に就こうとも 役立てることができるのです
これは仕事に限ったもの でもありません
プログラミングは生活の中で 自分のアイディアや感情を 表現するときにも使えます
最後に もう1つ 例を挙げさせてください
この作品は 私が 母の日のカードを 母に送った後に 作られたものです 母はScratchを 学んでみたいと思ったのです
それで私の誕生日のための プロジェクトを作り 私にScratchのバースデーカードを 送ってくれました
この作品はデザイン賞を 取るようなものではありません 83才の母が プログラマーや コンピュータ科学者になろうと 学んでいるわけではないのも明らかでしょう
しかしこの作品を通じて 母は気にかける人との つながりを深め 新しいことを学び続けることが できました 創造性を発揮し 自分を表現する新しい方法を 見つけることができました
見渡してみると マイケル・ブルームバーグは プログラミングを学び始め エストニアの子供達も プログラミングを学んでおり 私の母でさえ プログラミングを覚えました みなさんも そろそろ プログラミングを— 覚えていい時期だと 思いませんか?
興味をもたれたら Scratchのウェブサイトを 覗いてみてくださいです そしてプログラミングを 試してみてください
ありがとうございました(拍手) | We developed it so that people could easily create their own interactive stories and games and animations, and then share their creations with one another.
So I thought, this would be an opportunity to use Scratch to make an interactive card for my mom.
Before making my own Mother's Day card, I thought I would take a look at the Scratch website.
So over the last several years, kids around the world ages 8 and up, have shared their projects, and I thought, I wonder if, of those three million projects, whether anyone else has thought to put up Mother's Day cards.
So in the search box I typed in "Mother's Day," and I was surprised and delighted to see a list of dozens and dozens of Mother's Day cards that showed up on the Scratch website, many of them just in the past 24 hours So I started taking a look at them. I saw one of them that featured a kitten and her mom and wishing her mom a happy Mother's Day.
And the creator very considerately offered a replay for her mom.
Another one was an interactive project where, when you moved the mouse over the letters of "Happy Mom Day," it reveals a special happy Mother's Day slogan.
In this one, the creator told a narrative about how she had Googled to find out when Mother's Day was happening.
And then once she found out when Mother's Day was happening, she delivered a special Mother's Day greeting of how much she loved her mom.
So I really enjoyed looking at these projects and interacting with these projects.
In fact, I liked it so much that, instead of making my own project, I sent my mom links to about a dozen of these projects. And actually, she reacted exactly the way that I hoped that she would.
She wrote back to me and she said, "I'm so proud to have a son that created the software that allowed these kids to make Mother's Day cards for their mothers."
So my mom was happy, and that made me happy, but actually I was even happier for another reason.
I was happy because these kids were using Scratch just in the way that we had hoped that they would.
As they created their interactive Mother's Day cards, you could see that they were really becoming fluent with new technologies.
What do I mean by fluent?
I mean that they were able to start expressing themselves and to start expressing their ideas.
When you become fluent with language, it means you can write an entry in your journal or tell a joke to someone or write a letter to a friend.
And it's similar with new technologies.
By writing, be creating these interactive Mother's Day cards, these kids were showing that they were really fluent with new technologies.
Now maybe you won't be so surprised by this, because a lot of times people feel that young people today can do all sorts of things with technology.
I mean, all of us have heard young people referred to as "digital natives."
But actually I'm sort of skeptical about this term.
I'm not so sure we should be thinking of young people as digital natives.
spend most of their time using new technologies?
You often see them in situations like this, or like this, and there's no doubt that young people are very comfortable and familiar browsing and chatting and texting and gaming.
But that doesn't really make you fluent.
So young people today have lots of experience and lots of familiarity with interacting with new technologies, but a lot less so of creating with new technologies and expressing themselves with new technologies.
It's almost as if they can read but not write with new technologies.
And I'm really interested in seeing, how can we help young people become fluent so they can write with new technologies?
And that really means that they need to be able to write their own computer programs, or code.
So, increasingly, people are starting to recognize the importance of learning to code.
You know, in recent years, there have been hundreds of new organizations and websites that are helping young people learn to code.
You look online, you'll see places like Codecademy and events like CoderDojo and sites like Girls Who Code, or Black Girls Code.
It seems that everybody is getting into the act.
You know, just at the beginning of this year, at the turn of the new year, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a New Year's resolution that he was going to learn to code in 2012.
A few months later, the country of Estonia decided that all of its first graders should learn to code.
And that triggered a debate in the U.K.
about whether all the children there should learn to code.
Now, for some of you, when you hear about this, it might seem sort of strange about everybody learning to code.
When many people think of coding, they think of it as something that only a very narrow sub-community of people are going to be doing, and they think of coding looking like this.
And in fact, if this is what coding is like, it will only be a narrow sub-community of people with special mathematical skills and technological background that can code.
But coding doesn't have to be like this.
Let me show you about what it's like to code in Scratch.
So in Scratch, to code, you just snap blocks together.
In this case, you take a move block, snap it into a stack, and the stacks of blocks control the behaviors of the different characters in your game or your story, in this case controlling the big fish.
After you've created your program, you can click on "share," and then share your project with other people, so that they can use the project and start working on the project as well.
So, of course, making a fish game isn't the only thing you can do with Scratch.
Of the millions of projects on the Scratch website, there's everything from animated stories to school science projects to anime soap operas to virtual construction kits to recreations of classic video games to political opinion polls to trigonometry tutorials to interactive artwork, and, yes, interactive Mother's Day cards.
that people can express themselves using this, to be able to take their ideas and share their ideas with the world.
And it doesn't just stay on the screen.
You can also code to interact with the physical world around you.
Here's an example from Hong Kong, where some kids made a game and then built their own physical interface device and had a light sensor, so the light sensor detects the hole in the board, so as they move the physical saw, the light sensor detects the hole and controls the virtual saw on the screen and saws down the tree.
We're going to continue to look at new ways of bringing together the physical world and the virtual world and connecting to the world around us.
This is an example from a new version of Scratch that we'll be releasing in the next few months, and we're looking again to be able to push you in new directions.
Here's an example.
It uses the webcam.
And as I move my hand, I can pop the balloons or I can move the bug.
So it's a little bit like Microsoft Kinect, where you interact with gestures in the world.
But instead of just playing someone else's game, you get to create the games, and if you see someone else's game, you can just say "see inside," and you can look at the stacks of blocks that control it.
So there's a new block that says how much video motion there is, and then, if there's so much video motion, it will then tell the balloon to pop.
The same way that this uses the camera to get information into Scratch, you can also use the microphone.
Here's an example of a project using the microphone.
So I'm going to let all of you control this game using your voices.
As kids are creating projects like this, they're learning to code, but even more importantly, they're coding to learn.
Because as they learn to code, it enables them to learn many other things, opens up many new opportunities for learning.
Again, it's useful to make an analogy to reading and writing.
When you learn to read and write, it opens up opportunities for you to learn so many other things.
When you learn to read, you can then read to learn.
And it's the same thing with coding.
If you learn to code, you can code to learn.
Now some of the things you can learn are sort of obvious.
You learn more about how computers work.
But that's just where it starts.
When you learn to code, it opens up for you to learn many other things.
Let me show you an example.
Here's another project, and I saw this when I was visiting one of the computer clubhouses.
These are after-school learning centers that we helped start that help young people from low-income communities learn to express themselves creatively with new technologies.
And when I went to one of the clubhouses a couple years ago, I saw a 13-year-old boy who was using our Scratch software to create a game somewhat like this one, and he was very happy with his game and proud of his game, but also he wanted to do more.
He wanted to keep score.
So this was a game where the big fish eats the little fish, but he wanted to keep score, so that each time the big fish eats the little fish, the score would go up and it would keep track, and he didn't know how to do that.
So I showed him.
In Scratch, you can create something called a variable.
I'll call it score.
And that creates some new blocks for you, and also creates a little scoreboard that keeps track of the score, so each time I click on "change score," it increments the score.
So I showed this to the clubhouse member -- let's call him Victor -- and Victor, when he saw that this block would let him increment the score, he knew exactly what to do.
He took the block and he put it into the program exactly where the big fish eats the little fish.
So then, each time the big fish eats the little fish, he will increment the score, and the score will go up by one.
And it's in fact working.
And he saw this, and he was so excited, he reached his hand out to me, and he said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
And what went through my mind was, how often is it that teachers are thanked by their students for teaching them variables? It doesn't happen in most classrooms, but that's because in most classrooms, when kids learn about variables, they don't know why they're learning it.
It's nothing that, really, they can make use of.
When you learn ideas like this in Scratch, you can learn it in a way that's really meaningful and motivating for you, that you can understand the reason for learning variables, and we see that kids learn it more deeply and learn it better.
Victor had, I'm sure, been taught about variables in schools, but he really didn't -- he wasn't paying attention.
Now he had a reason for learning variables.
So when you learn through coding, and coding to learn, you're learning it in a meaningful context, and that's the best way of learning things.
So as kids like Victor are creating projects like this, they're learning important concepts like variables, but that's just the start.
As Victor worked on this project and created the scripts, he was also learning about the process of design, how to start with the glimmer of an idea and turn it into a fully-fledged, functioning project like you see here.
So he was learning many different core principles of design, about how to experiment with new ideas, how to take complex ideas and break them down into simpler parts, how to collaborate with other people on your projects, about how to find and fix bugs when things go wrong, how to keep persistent and to persevere in the face of frustrations when things aren't working well.
that aren't just relevant for coding.
They're relevant for all sorts of different activities.
Now, who knows if Victor is going to grow up and become a programmer or a professional computer scientist?
It's probably not so likely, but regardless of what he does, he'll be able to make use of these design skills that he learned.
Regardless of whether he grows up to be a marketing manager or a mechanic or a community organizer, that these ideas are useful for everybody.
Again, it's useful to think about this analogy with language.
When you become fluent with reading and writing, just to become a professional writer.
Very few people become professional writers.
But it's useful for everybody to learn how to read and write.
Again, the same thing with coding.
Most people won't grow up to become professional computer scientists or programmers, but those skills of thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, working collaboratively -- skills you develop when you code in Scratch -- are things that people can use no matter what they're doing in their work lives.
And it's not just about your work life.
Coding can also enable you to express your ideas and feelings in your personal life.
Let me end with just one more example.
So this is an example that came from after I had sent the Mother's Day cards to my mom, she decided that she wanted to learn Scratch.
So she made this project for my birthday and sent me a happy birthday Scratch card.
Now this project is not going to win any prizes for design, and you can rest assured that my 83-year-old mom is not training to become a professional programmer or computer scientist.
But working on this project enabled her to make a connection to someone that she cares about and enabled her to keep on learning new things and continuing to practice her creativity and developing new ways of expressing herself.
So as we take a look and we see that Michael Bloomberg is learning to code, all of the children of Estonia learn to code, even my mom has learned to code, don't you think it's about time that you might be thinking about learning to code?
If you're interested in giving it a try, I'd encourage you to go to the Scratch website.
It's, and give a try at coding.
Thanks very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
そんな調子じゃすぐに潰れんぞ、こんなとこ! そしたら掃除係としててめえを雇ってやらあ!!」
だと言うのにイヴァーの記憶からは、呼んだこともある筈の『彼』の名前がすっぽり抜け落ちていた。 | The cold wintry wind blew through the city of Kugutfulm, carrying with it a lonely sound.
On a street that was at quite a distance from the Adventurer’s Guild’s branch was a new and artistic building of the McGregor Adventurer Support Office.
Gemel was currently in that office.
“...This is too much.”
A young man in a suit was being glared at by the giant Gamel from across a big desk. The man with smoothly combed hair leaned back into the leather-covered chair and folded his arms.
“Too much, you say?”
The suited man remained arrogant and dissatisfied even under Gemel’s overbearing glare.
Gamel spoke and slapped the desk.
This McGregor Adventurer Support Office that opened up recently here aided the adventurers in office work and intelligence gathering... In other words, they were a management company.
Given how rare it was, they seem to have gone through rough times until they were understood, but the Adventurer’s Guild acknowledged their cooperation, and work started sporadically coming to them as of late.
It was hard to say that they had established themselves solidly just yet.
They built a flashy building on the main street, and this man who was their representative had quite a high-handed attitude too, and the remuneration he asked from Gemel who came to request work was also absurd.
All of that pissed Gemel off. He’d been constantly annoyed as of late. He was unable to work as he wished lately, and their party assets only continued to decrease. There were still no designated quests for them, so they were subsisting on the subjugation quests alone. But that was far off from the glorious activities they wanted.
As of late, the guild had warned that his attitude toward clients was bad, so sometimes he was even denied some quests, which only served to irritate him further. Gemel thought there was no need to lower his head to a client who didn’t pay well, but the guild’s opinion turned out to differ.
The party Seventh Dice was gradually falling from “a party with bad behavior but good at work” to “a party with just bad behavior”.
It wasn’t that he decided a manager was necessary to break out of that situation.
It was just that the cumbersome routine tasks and duties were adding to his irritation and he was the one who could no longer endure it. Even the house they were renting as their base (which they may need to vacate and find something cheaper) was in a mess and he wanted something done about it.
And thus, he came to search for a manager, but the other party was extremely arrogant.
“So you want someone to
get designated quests for you
. In other words, you want a first-class manager.”
The representative of this office, Ivar McGregor waved his finger at Gemel in a condescending manner while remaining seated.
“So I’m demanding the appropriate price for what you’re lookin’ for. Looks like the adventurer manager’s work still has a ways to go in this country. But still, or rather, exactly because of that, I’m not budgin’ on this. If you wanna drive a bargain, go somewhere else. We don’t do cheap work. And you even want ‘em to clean your room for you? Take your sleep-talking somewhere else and never come back!”
If Gemel had a sword he might’ve drawn it. It was a miracle that he held back on punching Ivar.
“Don’t f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g get carried away! You’re just handymen with no other skills but parasitizing us adventurers...! This damn place will fail soon enough! When that happens, I’ll hire you as a cleaner!!”
Gamel slammed the door shut as loudly as possible and left the office behind.
When the uninvited guest left, Ivar heaved a sigh.
“That must’ve been tiring, representative.”
“I can’t allow myself to get tired by that much. Those types are everywhere. Ruffians who have more pride in strength than actual heroes. Among adventurers, I mean.”
A young employee who held her breath in the office’s corner showed appreciation towards Ivar while still looking frightened.
“I did talk to him a few times, and he seemed to be doing authentic training... Good grief, why was he selling his work short like that? That even lowered our value down now, dammit.”
Ivar remembered the man who was said to have worked for Gemel.
He estimated that the reason Gemel valued managers so lowly was that he only knew that man.
Universally, managers for adventurers were mostly used in minor regions, and it was the same in this kingdom too. Ivar had brought the manager concept in.
who worked as a manager in this city before he came.
“I wonder if he was from Maltgartz.”
“He had to be. I heard he got the adventurer qualifications there so he could work as a manager. In Maltgartz, the adventurer work is mainly done by the officials, so the kingdom is big but the Adventurer’s Guild there is weak. So manager work was created to take over the work that the guild should normally do...”
Ivar, who was also doing authentic training, poured his complex feelings into his knife and cut off the tip of his cigar.
“People who don’t know their value and undersell themselves are, at the end of the day, incompetent. But well, I guess he just picked the wrong time. If he started when the adventurer managers were already widely accepted, then perhaps...”
He lit the cigar with the ‘lighting pot’ (a small, pot-like magic item that simply put fire on the things you put inside) and puffed off smoke.
It then fleetingly melted and disappeared into the air.
“Agh, dammit! Why do only valuable people die so prematurely? What was his name again?”
“Well, I don’t know.”
“It feels weird... the way I forgot about it...”
He couldn’t really mess up his hair so he just settled with doing the grabbing gesture emptily.
He was supposed to be good at remembering faces and names because of his work. However,
name that Ivar even remembered saying before had completely disappeared from his memory. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 19,
"inserted_lines_trg": 7
} |
『何かしら? エインの頼みなら、何でも聞くのよ』
無事依頼を受けることができたので、明日の昼の分までの食事を買って門を出ることにした。 | Our bath ended peacefully without any incident. To dry her wet hair, I asked Ciel to switch with me so I can use my hairdryer sorcery. As I exposed her hair to warm air while combing my hand through it, Ciel’s hair turned satisfyingly straight and smooth. I’m sure that burying my face in it would feel really good. Though I won’t, since Ciel will probably be taken aback if I do that.
After drying her hair and returning the body to Ciel, dinner was delivered in. And after finishing dinner —there wasn’t anything in it— Ciel asked me a question.
『We either go to the guild or gather information, I suppose. Otherwise, should we tour around the capital again?』
「Will the information gathering be about the forest wolves that came from the north?」
『Yes. There seems to be something fishy about it after all.』
「True, it’ll be better to investigate it in advance. Still, that’s not really something we can finish immediately. How about we go to the guild tomorrow to check the requests?」
『Right, there might be some that can help us rank up too.』
By level of priority, reaching B-rank is far higher up than seeing the ocean. That’s why prioritizing the request checking instead of information gathering isn’t particularly strange. And since we’re hunters, it’s probably just the standard practice to go to the guild for the time being when arriving in a new town.
The problem here will be our timing in entering the guild. If we do it during the morning and evening peak times, it’s practically certain that we’d be picked on by somebody, and that would be nothing but a waste of time. We should go when there wouldn’t be any people around, complete an easy to finish C-rank request, and return before the peak times. If somebody still picks on us even after doing that, we’ll handle it when it happens. Otherwise, it might be good to just camp out for a night instead and return at some time when there’s not many people.
The sword will be finished in five days. Even if we camp out tomorrow, we’ll still have three days remaining, so we should have plenty of extra time to gather information after this.
「It’ll be great if there’s a perfect request.」
『This is the royal capital after all. I’d like to be hopeful in this regard but, at the same time, we probably shouldn’t expect too much.』
『Since there are a lot of people, we know that there is a higher chance for the Hunter Guild here to have more requests. However, as this is the royal capital, they must have put a large effort in maintaining order and safety in the surrounding area.』
「Then in that case, the monsters in the vicinity might have been already hunted to exhaustion.」
『Exactly. There might be an abundance of escort requests, but we can’t really accept any of these now.』
「So, just hope for the best of tomorrow then. I can take my time walking, right?」
『We don’t want to get pestered after all.』
「Understood. Well then, Ain. Goodnight.」
『Right. Goodnight.』
Ciel turned off the lights and crawled into the bed. Since I don’t go to sleep, I decided to sing a lullaby to at least help Ciel get a comfortable rest. Although it might not be a lullaby to be exact, I sang a relaxing tune that wouldn’t disturb her sleep. If I apply a sleeping effect with Song Princess, the people hearing this would probably fall asleep in an instant. In the meantime, until Ciel falls asleep, I continue to sing.
Now then, speaking of Ciel as she sleeps, she’s as pretty as a doll. She does breath and turn around occasionally though, so she definitely looks alive in any angle. For the remaining time today, I guess I’ll work on my sorcery research while lightly staying on the lookout.
Though, rather than just sorcery, it’s more about magic, or rather my Job. What I’m doing is testing how to apply the buffs from Song Princess to my sorcery... or is it magic? The Song Princess can equally apply buffs, or debuffs, to every being that hears her song. I’ll include abnormal status in debuffs here. While this probably won’t apply to everything, since I can also attract monsters, there’s likely more to it than just that.
An easy way to explain abnormal status is with my lullaby— including the lullaby-like songs. When singing a lullaby with the Song Princess’ power, I can put people to sleep if I wanted to. What’s needed to resist it is unknown. Because of that, I think that if I sing a head-spitting or a crazed and deranged song, it should be possible for me to induce chaos and confusion. I won’t though.
So, the issue is the fact that every being that hears the song is unilaterally affected.
About this, no matter how I look at it, I’m absolutely exempted from it. Rather than me, it’s probably the Song Princess that’s immune, or maybe singing it makes me resist the effects but in the end of it all, I, myself, don’t receive the benefits of the buffs.
It is likely that this is the case, as it would create problems if it were not. For instance, if I were attempting to put someone to sleep and this was not the case, the following sequence of events would occur: I start singing, the listener and I fall asleep, the singing stops, we wake up, I start singing again, and the cycle continues.
In short, what I want to say is that I really want to strengthen my barrier with the Song Princess’ power, but I’m not getting anywhere as of now. The Song Princess’ buffing power is absurd, to the point that Ciel was able to intercept several ice spears with just regular sorcery.
At present, I’m more proficient with my barrier —and detection— than Ciel is with any of her sorcery, so if I can apply a buff to my barrier, we should be able to completely shut down Carol’s ice spears with only the barrier. It’s exactly for this reason that I instigated Carol to study about the relationship between sorcery and Jobs.
With that said, I once again continue my nightly research alone, but I just can’t find a breakthrough. Is a Song Princess completely immune to their own powers? Is there some song resistance? Do I just lack proficiency with the Song Princess? Is it ineffective to other people with the Song Princess Job? Are there other factors involved?
It’ll be great if I can just figure which one it is, but the only one that I can immediately test is the resistance via singing theory. I continued contemplating about it for hours, and when I was tired and was about to give up, sunshine beamed through the window.
Ciel woke up some time after the morning sun started to shine in. While diligent or financially pressed hunters head to the Hunter Guild first thing in the morning, since we’re neither diligent nor financially pressed, it’s not our problem. After eating breakfast and leaving the inn, I tried talking to Ciel about the song resistance.
『Ciel, there’s one thing I want you to try, but will that be fine?』
『What is it? If it’s a request from you Ain, I’m ready for anything.』
『I want you to try singing together with me while I use my Song Princess power.』
『Why is that?』
As Ciel tilted her head in confusion, I told her about last night and she then nodded convinced.
『In that case, there’s no need to do it then. The Song Princess’ effects properly apply after all.』
『After all, when Ain sings, I occasionally sing along too.』
Now that she mentioned it, I do remember something like that in the past.
『In this case, then I either don’t receive the Song Princess’ effects or don’t have enough proficiency over my Job...』
『It might have been better if there were two of you, Ain.』
『Two of me...』
『If that happens, can I have both?』
『Not just one?』
『I mean, I want both after all.』
I’m not a thing, you know?
Is something I won’t say. It’s not as if Ciel’s being serious after all and even now, I’m practically just an accessory to Ciel. Most of all, Ciel is in a good mood right now and that’s enough for me.
More importantly, I shouldn’t disregard the idea of there being two of me. If there is another one of me and the Song Princess’ power would work on that me, then I’ll be capable of producing a much stronger barrier. Still, there’s no changing the fact that it’s just absurd nonsense. Even if it’s possible, it’ll be within the realm of magic. I might as well just ask Duke Rispelgia to have another one haunt us at that point.
As my mind was going astray, Ciel arrived at the Hunter Guild. Among the ones that we’ve seen so far, it’s the largest guild building, having two entrances. Looking closely, it seems that one is for hunter use while the other is for requesters, or rather for general use. Come to think of it, people other than hunters also come to the Hunter Guild to make requests, so having separate entrances makes it easier to avoid trouble.
『How should I say this, the people that messed with us in the past were considerably reckless,
『What makes you think so, Ain?』
『The guilds we’ve been to so far only had one entrance, right? So that means, the people that would bring in requests would also enter through those doors.』
『And being years old, people rarely see you as a hunter, right Ciel?』
『I can’t really help it, you know?』
『In other words, although they should be seeing you as a requester, they still went to mess with us. If you were a noble, they would’ve lost their life there.』
『Well, I do have some noble blood in me. If it’s only by looks, it wouldn’t be strange if I was seen as a noble.』
Ciel’s outfit might have prevented them from seeing her as one though. Otherwise, maybe a noble’s daughter would have never gone to the Hunter Guild by herself in the first place. Nonetheless, I do think that a merchant’s daughter going to make an escort request is a possible situation at least. We’re not really requesters, so they didn’t actually misjudge us in this regard but... I guess there’s no use thinking about it.
『For now, let’s go inside.』
『Right, I’m sorry for taking so much time.』
『You don’t have to apologize Ain. Talking with you is fun after all.』
After saying so, Ciel opens the door. Although this is the royal capital’s guild, other than the two separate entrances, it doesn’t seem too different from the other guilds. Simply from a quick look, I already understand how this guild works. Other than the receptionist, there are barely any people here. Just one party in front of the request board, I think. Noticing Ciel, the receptionist stares at us with a confused look on her face but Ciel ignores it and heads straight to the request board.
We started checking in order, from F-rank first, but many of the requests are herb gathering for salve and potion-use. From the fact that these continue until E-rank, it seems like they need herbs even from places that have high chances of monster encounters.
Looking closely, there are even D-rank herb gathering requests. I suppose the reason for there being practically no subjugation requests here is that these requests actually pay well and can build one’s reputation.
『If we accept a request, we should choose the ones asking for medical herbs in places that are hard to harvest from.』 While I was discussing with Ciel on our way to the C-rank corner, 「This place is for C-rank hunters.」 someone called to us.
It’s probably the party I saw earlier. The party consisted of a swordsman-ish man, a sorcerer-ish lady, a slightly stern shield-bearing man, and a slightly high-exposure spear-wielding lady. The one that talked to us was the swordsman.
「Thanks, it’s fine.」
Replying with only that, Ciel shifts her gaze back to the request board while the party looks at each other and flashed a strained smile. He didn’t say anything else beyond that. While he might have said that out of good will, Ciel really had nothing else to say other than she’s fine.
It would be nice if they just think that Ciel is some low-ranked Hunter peeking for reference. That was what I hoped for, but it seems like the swordsman thought of something as he showed a convinced look.
「Let me guess, you’re C-rank, aren’t you?」
「So you’re the rumored one. Sorry for disturbing you. Take your time choosing.」
Hearing that, the swordsman’s other party members seemed to be convinced about something as well, as they took some distance to avoid disturbing Ciel. I wonder, what do they mean by rumor? While it would be nice if I can play dumb like that, there are already several things that comes to my mind, so I wonder which one he’s referring to.
I do think that it isn’t likely to be a bad one, but I honestly can’t say for sure. If the fact that we got several hunters demoted in rank got spread, we might even get called a low-rank destroyer, who knows?
In our defense, we only accepted the fights that they started. Rumors are often transmitted in amusing ways.
Getting back into what we were doing, I looked at the request board and saw a request asking for the culling of a forest wolf pack that appeared on the northern side of the capital. As I thought, it might be best to do some proper info gathering before we leave the capital.
It has a high reward for a wolf subjugation request with no acceptance limit, so most people must have already accepted it. For that reason, we won’t accept it.
『How about this one?』
Saying so, Ciel pointed to a certain request form. It’s a herb gathering request for herbs used for mid-rank potions and above that also has the herb’s approximate habitat mapped out together with the form. With our regular walking speed, if we go there now, we’ll definitely have to camp out overnight. If we leave at sunrise, we should be able to return barely before sunset even considering the time needed to gather the herbs, but it’s also written down that preparing for camping is recommended.
The request form is awfully detailed, with the herb’s characteristics and the information on the possible monster encounters written down, so it’s a mystery how this is still left here. The answer is clearly apparent from its small sum of a reward though. Considering how time consuming it is, it has the lowest reward among C-rank.
『I believe we’ll have to camp overnight, but would that be alright?』
『Ain will protect me right?』
『Well of course.』
『Then it’s fine.』
Since Ciel flashed me an absolutely doubtless smile, I agreed to the acceptance of that request. As Ciel peels off the request form and takes it to the reception desk, the receptionist stares at Ciel with displeasure.
「Look now, this is a C-rank request, you know?」
, that kid is all good. Would you mind showing your card?」
Before Ciel could reply to the receptionist, the swordsman from earlier answered. Ciel took out her Hunter Card as instructed and handed it to the receptionist. Receiving it, the receptionist takes a good look at the card before saying 「We’ll have it processed immediately!」 and moving in a panic.
「Well, you likely would’ve managed even without me.」
「Yup. Used to it.」
「That’s why, this is just me being nosy. It should’ve shortened the time you would have took, so I hope you can accept this as my apology for earlier.」
The man only left those words and waved goodbye as he returned to his party. Are they not accepting any requests? Maybe they’re here on standby, to make sure that the situation where there are absolutely no hunters in the Hunter Guild is prevented. After all, while there should be some people in the pub, just a bunch of drunkards might not be of any use during emergencies.
After successfully accepting the request, we bought enough food to last until tomorrow morning and left the capital’s gates. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 43,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
俺:イチコ=1:1 → 俺:イチコ:リョウ=2:1:1 にするのだが、折角なので
俺:イチコ=1:1 → 俺:イチコ:リョウ:乱し水蠆=5:2:2:1 にしておく。
通信を切ったところで突如流れ始めたBGMに俺は急いで≪魔性創生≫の画面を開く。そこには... | “You did it, Kurokiri-chan! It’s your cue!”
[You idiot, stop it!] [That’s not acceptable!] [Gah!]
After a skit that even I myself couldn’t understand, the operation had been initiated.
The first step was to let Ryo and Ichiko out. At that point, I made it look as if Ryo had escaped from the front door, thus I smeared her body with mud and gave her the tools Ichiko used as a memento of her escape. Ichiko then slipped away at night because she was assumed to be dead.
The distribution of Ichiko’s experience was reset at this time.
Me: Ichiko = : → Me: Ichiko: Ryo = ::, but since this was a convenient opportunity, I changed it to the following,
Me: Ichiko = : → Me: Ichiko: Ryo: Disarray Dragonfly = :2:2:1.
Hmm? You are wondering about our promise? Let me ask you in reverse. Since when did you guys erroneously assume that I would honor my word? I am a Demon King, you know. Breaking a promise is something I am perfectly willing to violate. Furthermore, they will be utterly unaware of it at this degree.
The next step was to connect Ryo’s basement to his labyrinth, which Ryo had requested me to do shortly before departing. After expanding the area that can be deemed a dungeon by expending DP, I created a link from the duct that I set up above the labyrinth, which was the center of the second level. The reason for connecting through the duct instead of the labyrinth was to avoid being discovered by those who enter the labyrinth since the relationship between Ryo and me was basically a confidential subject.
However, I have left a small room in the part that connected to Ryo’s house with a set of Iron Shackles of the Sealing Art I. For what reason? Hahaha. Even without me stating it, you get it, right? Hahaha.
Apparently, intruders had shown up. Up to this stage, it had been about five hours since Ryo went outside, and their conduct of entering my labyrinth was attributed to Ryo’s successful return from my dungeon as she managed to acquire some information about it. Although it was also conceivable that they were anticipating someone else that have been abducted, or that it was a mixture of arrogance and vanity that they had grown proficient in their skills and dared to venture into my labyrinth.
At any rate, I had instructed all the demons in the dungeon not to show up for an hour after their entry and to exert pressure on them by patrolling the perimeter if they came close. I would then order them to be ruthless after an hour had passed. With this, if they were proceeding in the swamp, they will be on a guaranteed death path. And if they were moving through the trees... I would simply let my demons do their thing in the usual way. As an additional precaution, some Mist Mosquitoes from the second level will be relocated to the first level.
This insect-like mosquito demon is about 50 cm long.
Its wings emit a shrill buzzing sound as it flies around its surroundings. When its prey leaves an opening, it will approach and jab them with its needle-like mouth while passing by, causing the mosquito to absorb their blood (HP). Following the absorption of blood, it separates only the water from the blood and sprays it around the prey, deterring it from counterattacking.
Summoning cost: 100 HP and 100 SP each per unit.
However, the noise of their wings is so irritating... those guys.
Yeah, I figured it was a no-go. Those guys went through the swamp.
Did they obtain the proper information from Ryo? If they had intelligence, they would at least know that advancing through the swamp was definitely out of the question, and in the end, they lost another 3 groups of 18 people. Well, it was a scrumptious meal for my side, though.
Anyway, it was the usual cleanup.
It had been five days since Ichiko had left the labyrinth, and I had finally contacted her. During this period, no new invaders had emerged, so I was continuing abducting people to gain experience.
“Hmm. Is that the situation on your side? I mean, the Demon King of ‘Ogre’s Fortress’ is even worse than I expected.”
That was the first thought that sprang to my mind after hearing the report.
[I have no doubt that a Demon King should possess minimum stats of over 30, so that’s a vivid reminder that intellect does not equal wisdom.]
“Well, intellect is a measure of how efficiently you can put your magic skills to use, and it doesn’t play that much of a role in decision-making and strategy planning, so I suppose you could say it’s not so strange. After all, 30 stats for a Demon King originally corresponds to 6.”
Ichiko’s words involuntarily drew a peal of faint laughter from me. To be honest, I would like to see for myself what this Ogre King of Dominating Herculean Strength was like after being told to this extent.
[I know such things. That’s how much of a hot-blooded idiot he turned out to be.]
“Oh well. I’m working on a series of things over here. You’ll have to stick to your part for a while longer. Oh, and don’t forget the promise we made at the beginning, okay? It would be a folly for the Kirijin to be exposed now,” he replied, pondering the growth of the Dragonfly and the current situation of Ryo.
[(Tch) I understand.]
Hey, I can hear your tongue clicking.
“Well, Ichiko. In two or three weeks, if they don’t take the Demon King’s last breath, you can expect nothing will matter regardless of what you do.”
“By that time, both the Demon King and the dungeon there will be of no use to us. Since we don’t have a clue what will become of the dungeon after the Demon King loses his life, I intend to confirm that. Oh, and once the dungeon has been destroyed, come back. We’ll have a briefing session with Ryo. So, don’t do anything rash.”
And with that conclusion in mind, I disconnected the communication after making an estimate in my brain of the increase in force and experience garnered.
Two more days had passed afterwards. To be frank, I had a lot of spare time on my hands. By the way, it appeared that a curfew had been imposed on the residents in the neighborhood. I supposed there was no need for me to break it to you why. It was my fault.
It was at this moment that I realized that I haven’t communicated with Ryo yet, so I made an effort to do so now.
[Huh? Why is there no Demon King who would consider joining hands with humans...?]
So that’s your opening statement? Oh, I suppose you haven’t noticed that the communication is on. Then, let’s address it immediately.
“That’s because the Demon King’s compensation ensures that they cannot beg for their lives. If they thoughtlessly show up at the negotiating table, they’ll end up in a full-fledged mess.’”
Ah, you were astounded. Speaking of which, the story about the Demon King’s correction was true.
“I’m free, so I’ve been running some tests on the communication. The signal sensitivity seems to be fine. I’m hanging up now.”
Thus, I cut off the communication as I could tell that she was startled.
Tattara↑ Tattara↓ Tattara↑
“Hmm? It’s like the evolutionary BGM of a Pokemon... could this be!”
After disconnecting the communication, the background music suddenly began to play, and I hastily opened the screen of ≪Monster Create≫. There I found... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
「香織! よく帰った! 待ちわびたぞ!」
「ああ、本当に久しぶりだな。お前が迷宮に行ってる間は生きた心地がしなかったぞ。怪我はしてないか? 余がもっと強ければお前にこんなことさせないのに......」
「お気づかい下さりありがとうございます。ですが、私なら大丈夫ですよ? 自分で望んでやっていることですから」
「う、うむ。例えば、侍女とかどうだ? その、今なら余の専属にしてやってもいいぞ」
「侍女ですか? いえ、すみません。私は治癒師ですから......」
〝俺の女に手ぇ出してんじゃねぇよ。俺がいる限り香織は誰にも渡さねぇ! 絶対にな!〟
「香織を危険な場所に行かせることに何とも思っていないお前が何を言う! 絶対に負けぬぞ! 香織は余といる方がいいに決まっているのだからな!」
「ランデル。いい加減にしなさい。香織が困っているでしょう? 光輝さんにもご迷惑ですよ」
「あ、姉上!? ......し、しかし」
「よ、用事を思い出しました! 失礼します!」
「えっ、そ、そうですか? え、えっと」
香織は内心、迷宮攻略に戻りたくてそわそわしていたが。 | If we go back in time a little...
Around the time when Hajime defeated the Hydra in their mortal battle, the party of heroes had temporarily aborted their dungeon clearing and returned to the Kingdom of Hairihi.
The clearing speed had fallen due to a lack of the comprehensive intelligence they had on the floors up till now, and also due to the strength and trickiness of the monsters. As such, intense member fatigue had resulted – the conclusion was to take a break and rest.
But though the rest town of Horuado would have been good for recuperation, someone was sent to meet them: they had to return to the palace. An envoy of the Hoelscher Empire had come wanting to meet with the heroes.
Why was an empire meeting with them so late?
By nature, almost no time had passed between the arrival of the God Ehit’s oracle and the summoning of Kouki and company. For this reason, the empire –which was an ally, and did not itself conduct the hero summoning– would not be able to meet the heroes right after they were summoned.
However, it had been thought that the empire had not moved even after knowing of the heroes’ summoning. This was because the empire had been founded years ago by famous mercenaries, becoming a ‘holy land’ for adventures and sell-swords with its meritocratic system.
For them, talk of a group of heroes suddenly appearing and leading humanity was unconvincing. The Church was also in Hoelscher, and as such it was not an exception to having believers, but they were less devout than those in Hairihi. Most of its people were either mercenaries or were involved in the business, and as such there were more who valued profits over faith. If anything, this was just a story; it would hardly make earnest believers out of them.
Based on that, it was possible that they had made light of meeting up with Kouki and the rest just after their summoning. Of course, they were not against openly showing an obeisant attitude towards God in front of the church. While Haihiri would have been happy to patronize such a meeting, the empire –particularly His Imperial Majesty– had not been interested, and as such had not been involved.
However, the fact that this raid on the [Orcus Dungeon] had succeeded in breaking through the th floor, beating out the previous record, piqued the interest of the empire. So they sent word that they would like to meet, and both the church and Hairihi were quick to agree.
After this news was meticulously relayed to Kouki and company on the carriage, they arrived at the palace.
The carriage entered the palace, and upon their descent from it they saw a figure of a boy coming towards them. He was around ten, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The atmosphere around him was similar to Kouki’s, but with much more mischief in it. This was Randell S. B. Hairihi, Prince of the Kingdom. His air could be likened to that of a dog with flapping ears and wagging tail as he rushed up to them calling in a loud voice:
“Kaori! You made it back! I’ve been waiting!”
Of course, Kaori was not the only one there, for the returning expedition was present in full force. To them, it was easy to imagine what Randell’s feelings were just by looking at his attitude – apart from Kaori he saw no one else.
In fact, Prince Randell had been making aggressive approaches towards Kaori since the day after they had been summoned. That said, he was only ten. In her view, he could only be recognized as an emotionally attached child, and there was no sign of her feelings ripening beyond that. For a person as innately kind as her, he would be like a cute younger brother.
“It’s been a while, Your Highness.”The imaginary tail wagged furiously up and down at her small smile, as Randell instantly turned red. Despite that, he managed to make a masculine expression before making another ‘approach’ toward Kaori.
“Ah, it’s been a long time indeed. When you said you were going to the dungeon, I felt as though I had died. Were you hurt? If I were stronger, I would never let you do such a thing...”
Randell bit his lip in annoyance. Even though Kaori refused to only be protected, the heartwarming feelings of the boy still caused her cheeks to soften.
“Thank you for your concern. But I’m alright, you know? I wish to do this.”
“No, Kaori isn’t suited for fighting. Th-, there should, you know, be safer things you can do.”
“Safer things?”
Kaori inclined her head at his words, and at this he turned an even deeper shade of red. Observing this amusing exchange from the side, Shizuku could only smile wryly as she considered the young man’s valiant ‘approach’.
“Mmhmm. For example, how about being a maid? You can work exclusively for me, starting today.”
“As a maid? I’m sorry, but I’m a healer...”
“T-then, going to the Medical Institute is fine too. There’s no need to go to dangerous places like the dungeons or the frontlines right?”
The Institute was a state-run hospital, situated right beside the royal palace. In short, Randell hated being apart from Kaori. However, the feelings of the young boy would not move Kaori’s obstinacy.
“No, I won’t be able to heal them immediately if I’m not on the frontlines. Thank you for worrying about me.”
“Your Highness, Kaori is my precious childhood friend. As long as I am around, I will definitely continue to protect her!”
From Kouki’s viewpoint, he was being one-hundred-percent-beneficent in comforting a younger boy, but those were not the right words for that moment. In the eyes of the lovestruck Randell, this was translated as such:
“I won’t let my woman leave me. I definitely won’t hand Kaori over to anybody!”The hero and the healer snuggling up intimately – that was a likely picture in his mind. His expression twisted in annoyance, Randell levelled a ‘you are my mortal enemy’ glare at Kouki. To him, they looked like lovers.
“What are you saying? You think nothing of sending Kaori into dangerous places. I won’t lose to you! Kaori being with me is the better decision.”“Umm, well.”
At the hostile words that Randell spoke, Kaori was at a loss and just smiled weakly, while Kouki was speechless. Shizuku, seeing Kouki like this, could only sigh.
Before Kouki could say anything more to aggravate the already growling, angered prince, a cool but authoritative voice rang out.
“Randell. Behave yourself. Can’t you see Kaori is troubled?”
“B, big sister! ...B, But!”
“No buts. Even though everyone is tired – to detain them in this place...who is it who isn’t thinking about others?”
“Ugh...B, but!”
“E..errand! I remember, I had an errand to run! Excuse me!”
Refusing to admit his error, Randell turned on his heel and fled. Seeing his back fade from view, Princess Liliana spoke with a sigh.
“Kaori, Kouki-san, I’m sorry about my brother. My apologies on his behalf.”
Liliana lowered her head as she said that, causing her beautiful, straight blonde hair to flow downward.
“Mm, don’t worry about it, Lili. Prince Randell was just concerned.”
“I agree. Still, I don’t understand why he got angry...I didn’t say anything rude that I had to apologize for.”
Kaori and Kouki said this as Liliana smiled thinly. Understanding well the sibling love between an older sister and her younger brother, Kaori sympathized with Liliana to some extent for having a brother completely ignorant of her feelings. Above all, it was important that the ‘mortal enemy’ knew that she was separate from this matter.
By the way, the meetings between Randell and his ‘mortal enemy’ would cause a big stir...but that’s another story.
Liliana was a talented lady of fourteen years. Golden haired and blue eyed, she was both beautiful and popular amongst the people. Earnest, but not too obstinate, and good at reading the mood, she was even able to interact openly with the servants.
She, as a princess and as a person, had been quite anxious as to the state of Kouki and the other summoned students. This was due to a sense of guilt about dragging them into problems of her world, which should have been their concern.
For that reason, she took the initiative to get to know the students, and it had not been long before they became well acquainted. She got along especially well with Shizuku and Kaori who were around the same age as her, by this point they had dropped all honorifics, electing to speak casually with one other and even giving each other nicknames.
“No, Kouki-san. There is no need to worry about Randell. He just tends to be a bit reckless. More importantly...Once again, welcome back, everyone. I am heartily glad that you all returned safely.”
Saying this, Liliana smiled gently. Even those classmates who were standing close to beauties like Kaori and Shizuku all blushed when they saw her smile. There was a refined elegance of royalty in her that the two of them did not have, something that most young women could not compete with using beauty alone.
In fact, Nagayama’s group and the delinquent group were also crimson from having their hearts stolen; even female members were slightly dyed in the cheek. For ordinary modern day students, the aura of a bona fide Otherworldly Princess was too much. Those who could bear it, like Kaori and those already close to the princess, were abnormal in this regard.
“Thank you, Lili. Your smile has blown my fatigue away. I too am glad to see you,” Kouki said such affected lines with a refreshing smile. Though it has been repeated often, Kouki did not have any ulterior motive in saying this. He was truly glad to be alive, and to meet a friend once again – he was just pathologically unaware of the effects his words and actions had.
“R, re, really? U, um...”
As a princess, Liliana was used to the compliments and flattery paid by the gentry, imperial envoys and the people of the cities and towns. As such, she had trained herself to become adept at looking past these masks and discerning their true intentions. Thus she could see that there was no such thing in Kouki’s words. Unused to such experiences outside of her family, Liliana’s cheeks too went red, and she became flustered and unable to respond.
Kouki, as usual, just continued laughing and smiling, not realizing at all the effects his behavior had. And as expected, this caused Shizuku to sigh deeply. Someone worrisome had taken the stage, and yet the person himself would resolutely fail to notice it.
“Um, anyway, thank you all for your hard work. Preparations for the meal and baths have already been completed, so please make yourselves at home. The imperial envoys will take a few more days to arrive, so you needn’t worry about that.”
Having recovered her balance, Liliana urged them thus.
While Kouki and the others were unwinding the fatigue accumulated in the dungeon, the groups who had stayed behind heard of Behemoth’s defeat, and jubilant shouts went out amongst them. After this, the number of people who returned to the frontline increased. Aiko-sensei’s title of “Goddess of Fertility” also became a topic at this point, which caused her to writhe
But inwardly Kaori was restless; she desired to return to the dungeon. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
......ただ単に枝を集めて並べればいいだけじゃないんだな...... | I somehow managed to persuade Ms. Claire, and then we started walking towards the river again, with Sebastian in the lead.
It wasn’t that I had to hide what I was researching with Weed Cultivation, but that we were in the middle of the forest and dragging orc cracasses. It wasn’t the right time to talk about it.
We would have plenty of time once we reached the river.
The sounds of rushing water were getting quite loud now.
Another ten minutes later, and we could see the river through the trees.
“Ms. Claire. It’s the river.”
“Ha...ha... Then we can finally rest.”
So walking in the forest for so long really had been difficult for Ms. Claire.
She was panting, but her expression brightened up when she saw the river.
Leo, who was still carrying the orc in her mouth, rushed ahead of us towards the river.
As soon as she arrived, she left the orc on the ground and jumped into the water.
She had jumped right in the last time we found a river as well. Leo really liked to play in the water.
She splashed around loudly as she swam and occasionally drank.
“...Even though Leo is a Silver Fenrir now, she still swims like a dog.”
I watched her swimming as we reached the river.
Ms. Claire then sat down on a large rock and rested.
Sebastian looked for an area to camp, and Ms. Lyra began to gather branches in order to make a fire.
As for the three guards, they put down the orcs where Leo had, and then they began to drain the blood from the bodies.
“Huh. So that’s how you do it...”
They lifted the arms and legs upside down so that the blood flowed out.
Occasionally, they would make cuts where the blood seemed to be trapped.
As there were three orcs and five pieces, it would take quite a while for them to finish.
They also made the blood flow directly into the river.
Allowing the blood to pool close by would be a little too much...both in terms of smell and just ruining the scenery...
“Well, I’m not as tired as Ms. Claire, so I should do something too.”
And so I helped Ms. Lyra with gathering branches.
I couldn’t help Sebastian find a place to camp, as I knew nothing of camping, and it was the same with processing the meat.
And I would feel awkward joining Leo in her play now, so it would be best to make myself useful.
These kinds of preparations should be finished quickly.
“Ms. Lyra. Will these branches do?”
“Yes. Thanks to you, we have quite a lot now. Thank you, Mr. Takumi.”
“Not at all. The fire will benefit all of us. I have to do my part.”
“...But you could have rested like Lady Claire if you wanted?”
“Well, I still have some energy. So it was no trouble at all.”
We then separated the branches for what would be used for the fire now and what would be saved for later.
As we worked, Sebastian returned.
“Lyra, Mr. Takumi. I found a place to set up camp.”
“I understand. Will we go there now?”
“Yes, if you are able. Lyra and I will tell the others.”
“Then I’ll tell Ms. Claire. I’m sure she has recovered a little by now.”
“Thank you.”
I then separated from Sebastian, who went towards the guards who were just finishing up with the meat. And I walked over to Ms. Claire, who was sitting by the river.
“Ms. Claire. Sabastian has found a place for us to set up camp. Should we go now?”
“I see.”
“...Are you all right?”
“I did get some rest. And I can walk just fine.”
Ms. Claire smiled at my obvious concern, but it seemed forced.
There was still a tiredness in her expression and her movements were slow.
...It would be best if she did not do much for the rest of the day and rest.
Sebastian and Lyra were now walking towards us with the three guards.
I would have to go and call Leo soon.
“Leo. Come out of the river! We’re going!”
Upon hearing my voice, Leo swam towards me and then jumped right out of the water!
She landed on the dry ground and then shook the water from her fur.
Even though we were quite far away, the water sprayed so far that I thought it might hit us... I had been hit by that force at point blank in the bathing room... And become completely drenched.
While she was much farther than Sebastian and the others had been, she dashed quickly after drying herself and reached us first.
And so I patted Leo and waited for the others to arrive.
“Lady Claire, Mr. Takumi. Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, I will take you to the spot.”
We answered, and then Sebastian led the way once again.
It was not too far off, and we reached it in about ten minutes.
Ms. Lyra and I carried the tree branches we had gathered for the bonfire, and Leo and the guards carried the orc meat, which was now a little lighter.
As we were walking alongside the river, there were no trees in our way, and Ms. Claire seemed to have an easier time walking.
Here, the space between the river and the forest was wider, and there were fewer rocks which meant there was a lot of plain dirt.
“We will camp here tonight.”
“Very well.”
“Then we will start preparing the tents.”
The guards spread out their burden and began to pitch the tents.
And so I helped Ms. Lyra start the bonfire.
Ms. Claire and Leo watched us lay out the branches with deep interest.
“Ms. Lyra. Is this fine?”
“Hmm... No, this should be like this... It will burn better if the air can move through.”
And so Ms. Lyra lectured me on making bonfires.
...So it wasn’t as easy as laying down some tree branches... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
やりたいこと? それは、もちろん冒険だ。迷宮を探索するのだ––––本当に?
その生き方は、自分の生き死にすら時の運に任せるような冒険者とは対極にあるようにミトロフには思われた。 | “I don’t understand why, but the food tastes good.”
Mitrof was devouring the food laid out on the table. Although it was all purchased from street vendors, the taste was better than what one would get from the ground-level stalls or the guild cafeteria. Mitrof felt it was because the meat was fresh and the spices were generously used.
Certainly, the prices were higher, but adventurers would not hesitate to pay for a warm meal, especially while exploring the labyrinth.
The two of them settled down on a table and bench that were lined up on a corner of the street.
Many adventurers were spreading out their meals bought from the street vendors, drinking alcohol, and laughing out loud. It was no different from the scenes on the ground above.
The vivid colors of the perpetual sunset made one forget that they were inside the labyrinth.
Despite feeling surprised by the evening streetscape, the aroma of the grilled meat from the vendors overpowered everything else. After fighting monsters, hunger was especially strong. Mitrof’s body was craving for nutrients.
As Mitrof and Canule went from one food stall to another, the four-seater table was quickly filled with various dishes. Canule watched as Mitrof devoured everything in sight.
“It’s amazing...”
Canule marveled and let out a sigh. Mitrof nodded as he wiped his mouth with the napkin hanging from his collar.
“I didn’t know there was a place like this in the labyrinth—the buildings are new; they must have been built in the last few years.”
“No, I’m talking about Mitrof-sama’s appetite,”.
“Is that so?”
Looking back, Mitrof and Canule had not had many opportunities to eat together. Canule, who was cursed, did not need to eat or drink. Knowing this, Mitrof never suggested going to the dining hall for a celebration.
During their exploration, Canule sometimes prepared light snacks, but for Mitrof, they were literally just light snacks.
“Last night’s dinner was the same, wasn’t it, Mitrof-sama?—You are quite a hearty eater—wasn’t our usual light snack not enough for you?”
“Indeed, Canule’s food is so delicious that I have always wanted to eat more.”
Mitrof said it sincerely.
In Mitrof’s perception, Canule was an excellent cook.
The main dishes were initially prepared meals that the guild sold, but as time went on, she started to choose dried goods and produce from the market.
Inside the labyrinth, during mini-breaks from exploration, she used a portable stove and small pans and frying pans with limited seasonings to make simple but appetizing dishes.
“...T-Thank you very much.”
Canule replied with a choked voice. In contrast to her usual calm demeanor, she was oozing with a childlike innocence.
Mitrof did not know Canule’s exact age. When they first met, she seemed like a young girl, flustered and in a panic. But lately, Canule has had the composure of a lady.
“You’re from a family of knights, yet you can cook.”
Cooking is an admirable skill. Most people do not cook at home. Gathering seasoning, fuel for daily cooking, preparation, and clean-up—all required money, time, and effort. It is cheaper and tastes better to eat at food stalls or restaurants.
Canule shrank her body, slightly embarrassed, and lowered her head under her hood.
“...I love cooking more than swordplay. When I was young, I was a picky child and hardly ate anything. Our family cook prepared meals with strong seasoning for my father and brothers, who engaged in strenuous physical activity. The food did not suit my taste—my nanny felt sorry for me and made a variety of dishes, hoping I would eat somehow.”
‘A nanny, huh,’ Mitrof nodded.
In noble households, it is not common for a mother to care for her child around the clock. They may not even see each other for an hour a day. The nanny takes on the role of the mother, and Mitrof has some fond memories of his own nanny.
“When the knight training began, I often cried—my family was strict, and the servants only kept their distance...Only my nanny was kind to me—whenever I ate her prepared meals, my heart became warm.”
Canule’s tone reminisced about the past, gentle and somehow lonely.
“When I asked, she always taught me how to cook secretly—when I held a knife, it was more fun than holding a sword.”
Mitrof narrowed his eyes. He knew the name of the emotion that surfaced within him. Envy.
“You know what you want to do.”
“Do you, Mitrof-sama?”
To Canule’s question, Mitrof could not answer.
What does Mitrof want to do? Of course, it’s adventuring. ‘To explore the labyrinth––really?’
There was no answer to his self-questioning. He didn’t know.
The reason Mitrof is crawling through the labyrinth is that he was kicked out of his father’s house.
When his father offered him to come back, he refused because he wanted to help Grace.
Still, Mitrof is in the labyrinth to earn money. It’s necessary to live.
But earning money is not necessarily what he wants to do.
Canule’s question is simple.
But Mitrof could not find a simple answer within himself.
Since childhood, Mitrof has been forced to do everything. He was instructed by private tutors, ordered by his father, and worked hard to meet expectations and gain recognition. All of it, however, did not lead to any results.
“... I don’t know.”
Mitrof answered.
“It’s embarrassing, but I don’t know what I want to do.”
Canule shook her head.
“It’s not something to be ashamed of—I think someday you’ll find the words you’re looking for—simple words.”
With a poet-like tone, Canule blinked, and Mitrof relaxed with a smile.
“Yes, I’m happy if that’s the case.”
“Yes, there’s no doubt about it.”
Canule also smiled. Even in the absence of proof, Mitrof was aware that receiving confirmation from someone could make one feel calm.
And he felt only loneliness for Canule, who loved cooking but was expected to fulfill her duty as a knightess. Even now, after running away due to a curse, and being brought back due to family circumstances.
Nobles sacrifice themselves for the sake of nurturing their big family. It might be their duty, their obligation, or even their fate.
To Mitrof, this way of life was the opposite of the adventurers, who left their survival up to fate. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「動機には問題大ありだけどね......! 本人は戦いたいだけだなんだから......」
「お願いします、国王陛下......! わたしはユミルの出身です、ビルフォード侯爵も国のために手を挙げられている今、わたしも出来る事をしたいと思うのです......!」
「は、はい......! この事態ですから、騎士アカデミーも出来るだけの協力をさせて頂きます――!」
「......! ひゃ、ひゃい......!」
「あ、ありがとうございます......! 娘が無事に戻る事を信じます――」
「ありがとうございます......! きっとラティも喜びます! まだ寝てますけどね......」
既にイアンは、ユアによってどこかに連れ去られていたのだった―― | From Inglis’ back, she could hear Rafinha and the other girls start whispering to each other.
「Glis is unbelievable! She’s bringing us to the north to fight a Prisma just because her enemy exploded before she could fight him!」
「......And even if we didn’t find the Prisma, causing a political upheaval means we will most likely have to fight Alucardian Knights!」
「And worst comes to worst, we will be directed to jump at Alucardian army from behind!」
「Bottom line is we’re going to see a battle anyway!」
「B-, but... Having all of you with us when we return is reassuring. I don’t think just Lahti and I can do anything even if we get back home...」
「......That’s correct too. Not to mention, if Ymir’s Chivalric Order is going north, that means I will indirectly help my Father too......Glis really is good at falsifying good ideas!」
「No, rather than false, she really does make up a sound idea, you know?」
「Indeed. If this mission goes well, both us and the Alucard Kingdom will suffer minimal damage from this whole ordeal.」
「Her underlying motive is the biggest problem here, though! She herself just wants to have some fights, you know......」
Inglis cleared her throat loudly, silencing Rafinha and her whispering accomplices behind her. She then knelt before King Charleas and directed a straight and sincere gaze at his eyes.
「I beg you, Your Majesty! As someone who comes from Ymir, seeing that my lord, Marquis Wilford, has raised his flag for the country, let me do what I can to help too!」
「However, regardless of whether this mission succeeds or fails, all credits will fall to the hand of Alucard’s rebellion force. Your achievements will never come to light. Will you still do it?」
「Yes, that is all I ever ask for.」
As far as Inglis was concerned, being able to fight strong enemies whilst the credit for that was forever hidden from the public’s eye was something she could have ever asked. Therefore, she expressed her honest feelings. How anyone took it was not her problem.
「You’re not just beautiful outside, but you’re beautiful inside too!」
King Charleas and Redas seemed to be deeply impressed. They misunderstood her, but if that made them look at her in a good light, she didn’t mind. There was one more thing she would like to ask of the King, so being favored like this would make it easier to pass.
「I accept your request. We will be on the defensive and wait for the news of your success, so make it through without fail. I entrust this mission to you, Inglis!」
「By your order. In which case, I would like to implore a Special Assignment Permit to go through with the Knight Academy. We will not be able to attend classes during our mission, and I would hate it to interfere with our grades.」
「Also, I was hoping you could provide us with the funds to carry out the mission, securing provision for the troops is important, after all.」
This was the important part. If she left the Academy, she naturally would lose the all-you-can-eat deal in the cafeteria too. She wanted to go to Alucard, but she didn’t want to be on a hunger strike all the while.
That was why it was so important to secure war funds for her food expenses. To be honest, if all she wanted to do was lend a hand to Lahti and fly to Alucard, she could have just gone there without saying a single word. But she went to the trouble to ask for a permit from King Charleas, and that was for a reason stated above.
「Right! That’s very important, Your Highness!」
Rafinha spoke up soon after. It seems that she caught what Inglis meant. Inglis could almost hear her sparkling eyes saying, 「What kind of delicious treats are waiting for me in Alucard?」
「But of course. I will send a messenger to the Knight Academy later. Principal Miliera, please give them your full support.」
King Charleas then turned the focus to Principal Miliera.
「Y-, yes! Following this unfortunate situation, the Knight Academy will do everything we can to help!」
「I entrust it to you. Now, I’ve made you wait long enough. Let us go, Redas, Sir Wilford.」
Redas and Marquis Wilford followed after King Charleas, but the Marquis stopped once and looked back at Inglis and Rafinha.
「Rafinha, Inglis!」
「Yes, Father.」
「Yes, Marquis.」
「I was surprised you could hold your ground speaking directly to His Majesty, but......Even more than that, things have escalated into a national crisis, and I can’t possibly oppose such a dangerous mission just because of my love for my daughter......Still, I won’t ask for the impossible, just make sure you come back alive!!」
Inglis and Rafinha nodded their heads at the same time.
「Good. Then, Irina, Selena. The rest is yours.」
Her mother Selena and her aunt Irina looked pretty worried. They couldn’t conceal their concern about their daughters going on such a dangerous mission, after all. Some pangs of guilt attacked Inglis’ heart.
She had proposed the plan right here, riding on the conversation’s momentum, but perhaps it would have been better if she had done it in a place where her mother didn’t see. Thinking so, Inglis gently held Selena’s hand.
「There’s nothing to worry about, Mother. We will definitely come back.」
「O-, of course you little Inglis.」
Perhaps he saw such an exchange happening, King Charleas stopped in his tracks and turned.
「I see, so you are Inglis’ Mother... How young.」
「......! Y-, yesh!」
She seemed to be very surprised to be spoken to, her voice slurred. That was understandable. For someone in Selena’s position, she would’ve thought she wouldn’t have the chance to speak directly to the King himself.
「Mother, don’t be nervous. His Majesty is a kind personage.」
「Y-, you are right......Forgive me, your mom is embarrassing you!」
「That’s not true at all.」
The King gently put his hand on her back.
「You have raised a good daughter, and now I’m asking her, whom you’ve brought up endearingly, to the service of our Kingdom.」
「Th-, thank you very much! I believe my daughter will return safely.」
「Umu. Farewell, then.」
This time, King Charleas finally returned to the Royal Castle. After seeing him off, Inglis asked her mother Selena with a smile.
「Mother, I will get you a souvenir from Alucard. What would you like?」
「Glis, come on, we’re not going there for a trip, you know?」
Interjected Rafinha.
「But we are going to return here safely anyway. This is just a promise that we’ll be back in one piece.」
That was the best way to express that they would return safe and in good health.
「Well, you have a point... then, then, Mother. What do you want for a souvenir?」
Rafinha also asked her own Mother.
「Fufu, let me see......just having you return safely is enough of a gift.」
「「Anything edible, as long as there’s a lot of it.」」
The two mothers spoke up together and the two daughters nodded in affirmation.
「Ahaha... What a good bond they share......Like mothers like daughters, they say...」
Principal Miliera’s lips cracked into a strained smile. Not so far from there, Leone muttered.
「But having such caring mothers really is enviable...」
「Indeed. And look how beautiful they are... Makes me think of my own mother.......」
「Yeah......You’re right. Anyway, we will definitely return in one piece. We don’t want to sadden these mothers too!」
「Dear me. You are already in the mood, Leone.」
「I am. Are you not going too, Liselotte?」
「Of course I am. It is for the sake of my Kingdom as well as my dear friends. Right, Miss Pullum?」
「Thank you so much! I’m sure Lahti will be glad too! He’s still asleep, though......」
「K-, kind of pitiable to see now, isn’t he...」
「Y-, you’re right... Perhaps it’s about time to wake him up.」
The three decided to wake Lahti up.
「Come to think of it, where is Senior Yua?」
Before anyone noticed it, Ian had already been taken away somewhere by Yua. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 18,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「いいですね! 汗も掻いているので、さっぱりしたいです」
「私は別に気にしませんよ? むしろ見せろと言われても文句は言えない立場ですので......」
「偉い! その飽くなき探究心は俺も見習いたいよ。普段からグラナの魔法には世話になっているし、遠慮しなくていいよ」
かつて魔王と呼ばれた男は、寂しげな背中で魔法書と同人誌を元の棚に戻していった。 | Reesha then left to talk with the ones in charge of the tournament to see how to settle matters.
During that time, Schenna and those with her headed to the east side, where they saw both adventurers and elves heading to the hot springs together.
“Hot springs huh. The ones in Shalteux aren’t bad, but I wonder how the ones here are.”
Schenna took a look at the ailments the hot springs helped with, which were listed on a sign: Fractures, burns, joint pain, and fatigue. Basically everything adventurers needed.
“Should we come back here once we’re together with the rest?”
“That sounds good! I’m already getting all sweaty, so it’ll be just perfect.”
Luthors suggested they do that and Petra agreed to it, but Schenna just looked at the two and stayed silent in embarrassment.
The two of them instantly knew what she was thinking about.
“I don’t really mind though? Or rather, even if you told me to undress in front of you I wouldn’t mind...”
Schenna was slightly glad Petra was so open-minded, but Schenna would never make such an unreasonable demand from her.
“You don’t have to worry about little things like that. I always go to the hot springs in Shalteux together with Kishana, so you should come together every once in a while as well.”
Many of her troubles would be gone if she could do that.
Schenna would always think of the times when no one else would be in the hot springs when she went.
There had also been times when a group of adventurers tried to peep on her, but it had not happened that often now that she was more careful and tried to distance herself from the hot springs.
“...Okay, I get it. We’ll all go to the hot springs together, and we’ll have lunch after that.”
Schenna finally gave in and the two of them seemed happy with her decision.
Apart from the hot springs, there was also a book store some of Sareenea’s employees had opened there. And while it was nowhere as large as Sareenea’s underground collection, apart from the obvious manga, they also sold spell books and maps there.
“Do you think they have the continuation to the manga we read the other day?”
“We found that one in Sareenea’s basement so I don’t know if it would be for sale.”
Schenna decided to ask the clerk elf, but apparently, they did not sell that one.
It was one that only existed in the basement.
“Nothing we can do then. We can only go buy it from Sareenea next time we visit her.”
“It’s a shame but we have no choice. Should we see if there’s anything else in the store though?”
“Sure. And Petra, if you find anything you like, I can buy it for you.”
“Ah... Thank you very much!”
Petra expressed her gratitude and the three began searching for a manga they liked.
Schenna headed to the shelves with fantasy ones and looked for the recommendations that could be read there. She tried reading different ones and liked all of them, so in the end, she bought one volume of every series she tried.
Afterward, they met up in the cashier line, where they all combined the books they wanted to buy and Schenna got ready to pay for them.
When it was almost her turn to pay, Grana showed up with multiple books for himself.
“Oh, Grana. I’m about to pay for Luthors and Petra, give me your books and I’ll pay for you as well.”
“Better not... these magic books are pretty expensive, I don’t want you to have to pay for them.”
Grana just muttered as he insisted on paying for them himself.
Schenna admired Grana’s attitude, even though he was already a master at healing and supportive magic.
“That’s really admirable! I wish I could study as hard and tirelessly as you. We’re always relying on your magic already, so this is the least I can do for you.”
“It’s really okay... The sentiment is plenty enough for me.”
Schenna tried to take his books by force, but Grana evaded her in a panic.
By then Schenna began feeling suspicious about his behavior, but Luthors butted in and effortlessly took the books away from him.
“‘The Truth of Healing Magic’, ‘The Forbidden Love Story of Two Female Knights’, ‘The Equilibrium Between Ancestral and Modern Magic’, huh. I also wish I could learn from your search for knowledge.”
Luthors read out loud the titles of the books Grana was holding, and there was one title that clearly did not belong with the others.
Grana had tried to slip one volume of doujinshi between two magic tomes.
“...I...I think my magic is enough for now I guess ahahah... I’ll return the books to their shelves.”
He who was once called a Demon King, was now hunching down in embarrassment as he returned the magic tomes and the doujinshi he had tried to slip by to their respective shelves. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
......後は、髪の毛だ! 他が汚いとこの艶やかな黒髪に違和感を感じる。
最高よ! その反応! 人の驚いた反応っ楽しめるわよね。
衛兵は驚きながらも、私に手錠をし、国境線にある大きな建物の方に足を進めた。 | I can’t believe how quickly he got them after the carriage was stopped... and the clothes are in splendid tatters and filth! These are exactly the clothes I had in mind.
Duke-sama’s subjects were excellent. To be honest, I still wonder what Duke-sama was trying to do....
His actions make it seem like he wants to destroy his own country.
“Alicia-sama, is it safe to proceed with the carriage?”
“It’s alright.”
I replied immediately to the guard’s words.
Changing clothes in a moving carriage would be a piece of cake. I had a strong core, so I wouldn’t be defeated by the movement of the carriage in the slightest.
Well, if the carriage suddenly stopped when it was moving, I might fall forward.
As I was thinking about this, I finished changing in a flash.
I don’t have a mirror, so I can’t see myself, but I think I look pretty terrible. No one would think I was a noble.
On top of that, I smeared more mud and charcoal from the bottle. I also smeared a lot of charcoal on the cloth wrapped around my eyes. And, of course, on my face and arms. My beautiful white arms were getting rougher and rougher.
I spilt some of the charcoal on the seat, but it’s okay, I guess. The king is rich, so he’ll probably replace it easily.
When I saw my reflection in the window of the carriage, I couldn’t help but squeal, “Oh!”.
I felt like I had done a great job of portraying a poor orphan.
...And then there’s the hair! If everything else was dirty, I would feel uncomfortable with this shiny black hair.
I hurriedly applied charcoal to my head and scratched my head roughly. It was getting crumpled up beautifully.
The effect of charcoal is amazing. I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to get their hair shaggy.
“We’re here.”
I felt the carriage stop at the same time as the voice.
Several hours after leaving the castle, we finally arrived at the border. The thought of having to travel within the Ravaal Kingdom from now on made me feel overwhelmed.
I’m not sure if the distance is too far or too close. I really appreciate the convenience of planes and trains.
Now that I think about it, the transportation I had in my previous life was great. It’s only when you lose them that you realize their value. Inventors are so great, aren’t they?
As I opened the door of the carriage, I thanked the great inventors of my previous life.
“Eh, Alicia-sama...?”
The guards froze, their eyes wide at my outfit. Even though they knew I was going to be wearing a raggedy robe, I guess they never imagined that I would transform so drastically.
The guards stared at me in utter amazement.
I love it! That reaction! It’s always fun to see people’s surprised reactions.
“You’re Alicia-sama, aren’t you?”
“You’d be in big trouble if it wasn’t me.”
Well, I could always send someone else to the Ravaal Kingdom to take my place. ...That’s what a villainess would probably do.
But in my case, I wanted to be exiled. I would never need a substitute.
The guards were surprised, but they handcuffed me and walked towards a large building at the border. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「まったく、何が『今は会えない』よ! 気取ってるんじゃないわよ」
「うっ、これは宴会だからよ、宴会! 私は空気が読める女だもの」
「なにおぅ、さてはマクスウェル、貴様ニコルを狙っているな? だがやらん、やらんぞ!」
そしてそれは、俺にとっても喜ばしい事だったのだった。 | That day, it wasn’t just Lyell and Maria like usual, but even Gadius visited Cortina’s house. Perhaps she was going to report about my sightings to them.
Gadius was also one of the people that felt responsible for my death. For that reason, he was just as pleased to hear about my reincarnation. He was apparently busy looking for me all this time, gathering information in the northern kingdom.
Cortina who was the one reporting did so with a bright expression, given the pleasant contents of the report. Since the conversation was proceeding calmly, even Finia who was in charge of cooking was feeling at ease today.
“Still, who’d think he’d reincarnate in the elven village.”
Gadius said as he raised his mug and downed the alcohol with a rarely-seen flushed expression. The news about my safety seemed to have him in high spirits. Lyell followed up by downing his own cup.
Even Maria, who was helping Finia with dishes, couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.
“Good grief, what does he mean by ‘I can’t meet you now!’ Acting all secretive with me!”
“Khh, that’s because we are partying, you hear, partying! I know how to read the mood.”
Maria looked at Cortina like she was her adorable little sister as she tried to play it off. Maria, who cast the Reincarnation on me was glad to see the proof of its success.
Due to such a harmonious mood going, I had let my guard down.
“Nicoleeee! Daddy missed you sooo muuuuch!”
I observed the smiling faces of Maria and Cortina as I sipped on my fruit juice, failing to notice Lyell creeping on me from behind until it was too late. As a result, I was squeezed by his tight embrace and had his unshaved chin rubbed on my head.
Due to the influence of alcohol, his show of love lost all restraints. Now that he had become like this, I had no way to escape his grasp so I abandoned all hope and accepted my fate.
This was a normal Lyell. But seeing him like that brought a different reaction out of a certain someone.
A certain old b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ spewed out his drink and collapsed on the table, barely containing his laughter. Well, now that he knew that I was Reid, I could imagine how funny it was to see me in this state.
The rest of them just had the usual “there he goes again” written on their faces, but he alone found this situation unbearable.
“Lyell, Re—I mean, Nicole seems to hate it so leave it at that.”
“And what are you spewing alcohol around for?”
“Oh, I just choked on it a bit. Old age is getting to me.”
Maxwell answered Gadius’ question while breaking into a cold sweat. It was a lame excuse, but at this rate, his gut would be receiving serious damage... From laughing too much, that is.
Even so, Lyell’s rampage accelerated further instead.
“Whaaa, Maxwell, are you by chance aiming for Nicole? I’m not handing ‘er over, ya hear! I shall not!”
“No, I am already well aware of her promising future, but you can keep her.”
“Are you implying that my daughter isn’t cute, huuuh!?”
“How do you want me to answer then!”
Just as I thought the situation was going out of hand, Cortina raised her voice. She clapped her hands to gather attention and took out a small bottle from her pocket.
“Right, I wanted to let you drink this!”
It was the (supposedly) life-prolonging potion that the White God gifted us. Looking closely, Lyell’s hair was partly white already and quite thinned out. Maria appeared young, but on closer inspection, she also had a fine wrinkle or two here and there.
It’s been seven years since my reincarnation. But there was a blank ten years before that. It was natural for them to have grown so old.
“And this is?”
“It’s a medicine that I obtained through particular connections. It can apparently extend one’s lifespan.”
Maria hesitated to speak. She could certainly feel herself growing older, so that medicine probably looked extremely attractive. But still, that would go against the World Tree religion that dictated that all life had to die a natural death and return back to the cycle of death and rebirth.
Given her beliefs, that proposal wasn’t one she could openly accept.
“Well, I understand what you want to say, but it’s not like this would overturn death or something.”
By taking a small part of a Dragon’s power, you could extend your life. It did not overturn death, so it did not go against her doctrines. Or so Cortina claimed, but Maria couldn’t help but take those words as sophistry. There, Cortina added yet another sophism.
“Besides, just think about it. Nicole is only seven years old. It’s going to take another ten years before she turns into an adult. But would you be able to remain active all the way until then?”
“We all have enough fortune to last us until we die, but would your health keep up with it is another question.”
“A child’s growth requires both of their parents to be healthy. Besides, Michelle would be troubled if she loses your backing too.”
Since she held the Gift of Marksmanship, Michelle was constantly targeted by influential people. The fact that she could enjoy her school life now was due to Lyell and Marie’s backing.
“Michelle’s existence is indispensable for protecting Nicole’s lifestyle. And for that, you need to remain in active duty.”
Not the heroes that lost their power to fight, but the heroes that could fight on the frontlines at any moment. That’s what Cortina needed them to be.
Her point was by no means mistaken. That’s why, Lyell silently reached out to the bottle.
“Should I just down this bottle?”
“Only a third seems to be enough. And I was simply told that it has that effect.”
“...Maxwell, how is it?”
“I have already used Identify magic on it. Would you really want to hear the result, though?”
If they heard the result of Maxwell’s appraisal, then they could only drink that potion with the intention of prolonging their lives. For that reason, Maxwell intentionally dodged the answer.
Right now, they could just pass it off as a medicine that simply had such rumors, and drink it as a joke under the alcohol’s influence. That was Maxwell’s point.
“No, it’s fine. Maria?”
“Yes, I shall drink it as well. I don’t hate such jokes.”
Understanding Maxwell’s intention, Maria decided to get on board with it. Seeing the two drink it, Cortina shed tears of happiness. After all, she would now be able to stay with her friends for a while more.
That fact made me just as happy. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 22,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
会場が満員なのは光栄です ハービー ハンコックと メンバーの演奏も見事でしたね 興味深かったのは 楽器を弾く手とテクノロジーとの競演と "若い人たちに耳を傾けよう" という彼の話でした
私の仕事も 聴くことが全てで 世界の人々に聴くことを教えるのが目的です
簡単に聞こえますが 実際はかなりの大仕事
なぜなら楽譜を見ると 例えば このバッグの中にある 楽譜は小さな黒い点だらけです
広げて... 楽譜を読みます
楽譜は もちろん読めます
速度や強弱など 指示に従い
それで... 時間が限られているので 仮に弾いたら...冒頭だけでも複雑な曲ではないと分かります
叩く場所も 指示されてます
スティックのどこを使うかも 書かれています
これがオンで... これがオフ
譜面通りに弾けば どんな曲か分かります こんな感じ... 5年もせずに職をなくすでしょう
しかし譜面にないことをするのが 音楽家の仕事です
先生とのレッスンや 話し合いでは得られないことを...
楽器から離れている時に 気付いたことを この小さなドラムの表面を使って
試していくんです 譜面通りに弾いたので 今度は解釈をしてみます これなら仕事として 少し長く続きそうです
ある意味 人をみる時と同じことなんです ピンクの服を着た素敵な女性が
どんな人かという基本的なことを知るんです 何をする人だろう...とか
これは第一印象を基にしたことでしかありません それを解釈するんですが 深い洞察ではない
音楽も 楽譜から基本を理解し 技術的に難しい点や 弾き方を考えます
ハービーの言っていた "聴くこと" です
もしスティックを握ったら... 力強く握りしめたら 腕から かなりの衝撃が感じられます
しかし 意外にも 楽器やスティックとの一体感がない ギュッと握っているにも関わらずです
強く握るほど 距離が感じられるんです
力を抜いと 手や腕を支えとして使うと 苦労せず もっと大きな音が出せるし
楽器を知るのに時間が必要なように 人を知るためにも時間が必要です
曲を数小節 弾いてみましょう 技術者として... つまりパーカッション プレイヤーとして... 音楽家として弾くと... 両者には 考えるに値する 若干の違いがあります
私は12歳の時 打楽器を始めましたが 先生に言われました "どうしたものかな... 音楽は聴くことだからね"
私は "そうですけど?" と聞き返しました
"どうやってこれを聞くんだい? これは?"
私は "先生は?" と尋ねました
"耳を通して聞くよ" と言うので
"私もそうですけど...それ以外に手や" "腕 頬骨 頭 おなか 胸 脚でも聞きます" と答えました
...毎回レッスンはドラムのチューニングからでした 特にティンパニのチューニングから このぐらいの狭い音程からです
それから少しずつ 少しずつ...
身体を開き 手を開いて 振動が伝わってくるようにすると ごくわずかな違いを
指の小さな部分で 感じ取ることができます
そこでレッスン室の壁に手を置いて 先生と一緒に 楽器の音を聴きました 単に耳で聴くよりも 音とより広く一体になろうとしたのです
耳は いろんなものに影響されますから
その時の部屋や音の増幅 楽器の質 スティックの種類などに...
重さは同じですが 音の"色"が違います
人間と同じです 私たちも それぞれが自分の色を持っています それが その人独自の個性や 性格や魅力を作り出します
その後私は ロンドンの王立音楽院を受験しました 学校側は "将来性が不透明だ" と拒みました いわゆる"聴覚障害ミュージシャン"の将来性が
そこで言いました "もし..." "断る理由がそれだけで" "演奏技術や音を紡ぎ出すことへの" "情熱を評価しないなら" "そもそもの合格の意味を考える必要がありますね"
その結果... ハードルを越え 試験を2回受け 合格しました しかも これをうけて 全英の音楽院での その後の方針が変わりました
どんな事情があっても 願書を受理するようになったんです 腕や脚がなくてもです 支えがあれば 楽器が吹けるかもしれない
どんな場合も 入学拒否の理由にならなくなった
受験者の演奏を聴き 実際に見て 実力に基づいて 合否を決めるようになったんです
その結果 とても興味深い学生たちが 音楽院に入るようになりました
彼らの多くは今 プロとして世界中のオーケストラで活躍しています
ここでも興味深いのは 人は誰でも 音と通じ合えるというだけでなく 音楽は 私たちを日々癒してくれる薬なのです
音楽が というより音が ですね
音楽家として貴重な経験をしてきました 15歳ぐらいの生徒たちがいました とてつもない障害を抱えていて 身体を動かすのも ままならず 目や耳が不自由だったり... 彼が 楽器のそばに座ったり マリンバの下に横たわる そこで パイプオルガンのように弾きます
ピッタリのスティックがないんですが... こんな感じです シンプルですが 彼は私とは全く異なる体験をするでしょう 私は音の真上なので
音は 上がってきます
共鳴管がなければ 音はこんなです 下なら音に包まれます 会場の最前列や 後ろの何列かでも感じられません
座っている場所に応じ まったく違う音を経験するんです
もちろん 音を出す人間としては まず どんな音を出したいか考えます 例えば この音...
その通り 触っていませんから
木の揺れるのを見て 葉擦れの音を想像するのと一緒です
何かを見る時 そこには音がある
いつもいつも 大きな 万華鏡の中にいるかのような...
私の演奏は 自分の経験が基になってます 楽譜から学ぶのでも 誰かの解釈に従うのでも 弾く曲のCDを買い集めるのでもありません
それらは素のままの根源的なものを与えず 作り上げる過程を 堪能するには不十分なのです
ホールによっては この強さでも十分でしょう 別のホールでは全然聞こえないかも... だから 条件に合わせて弾き方も 変えるんです 分かります? 現代では 音は体全体で感じるものになりました 特に聴覚障害者の間では... この音の扱いの変化は 音楽院や 養護学校に影響を与えました 治療の手段以外でも...
音楽の関係者からすると もちろん治療目的もありますが...
この変化で 音響技師はホールの音響設計を考える必要が出てきました 本当に良い音響の会場は 世界でも少ないんですよ 本当に良い会場なら何でもできます
とても小さい柔らかい音から 厚みのある 大きい音まで...素晴らしいです 普通は ここは良くても あっちはイマイチ...
あっちは良くても こっちは最悪...
こっちはヒドくても あっちは...という具合
思い通りに弾ける会場に 出合えたら最高です
何も細工のない会場に... 聴覚障害者たちや音楽家の意見を 音響技師は取り入れています
ここでは詳細に触れませんが 音響技師たちは意見を聞くんです 長年 こう言われてきた人々に "音楽がどう分かるの? 聞こえずに?"
車椅子に乗っている人は 歩けないと思いがちです
でも 数歩でも歩ければ 彼らにとっては歩けるということ
その次の年には もう3歩
だから 聴く時は どれだけ聴く力があるか試されます 身体全体に反響させて 即断はしない
私は扱う曲の99%が新曲なので 簡単に言い切れます "この曲は好き"
"これは好きじゃない" と...
でも こうした曲にも時間をかけるべきだと気付きました
曲との相性が良くなかったのかも知れない だからといって悪い作品だと言う権利はない
それに 音楽家であることの利点は とても自由なことです
ちょっと... 手を叩いてもらえますか?
音だけじゃありませんよ 自分の内で雷を聴いて下さい
それを拍手で表すんです さあどうぞ
いいですね! 今度は雪です... 雪を聞いた事は?
じゃあ叩かないで もう一度...
もう一度 雪です
ね? 意識したでしょう?
では雨を... 悪くないですね
興味深いのは... 子供たちに 最近同じ質問をしたんです
皆さんも見事でした 有難うございます
でも誰も席を立って "じゃあ どう叩こう? "と アクセサリーを使ったり
誰も違う叩き方をしなかったですね 座って両手を使う以外には?
音楽を聴く時も 全て耳を通すと思いがちです
これが音楽の感じ方だと... 違うんです
雷を感じる時は... 考えるんです
聴いて聴いて聴くんです さあどうします?
私の最初のレッスンはこうでした スティックを用意し準備万端でした
こうは言われませんでした "両足を開いて" "腕は約90度 スティックはV字で" "脇を充分開いて"
"背筋も伸ばす" とは... きっと様々なことを考えてしまい 身体が硬直し 上手く叩けなかったでしょう 代わりにドラムを一週間持ち帰るよう言われました
"どうしよう? スティックもなしで? " スティックは禁止です
そこで このドラムをじっくり眺め つまみやスネアなど 構造を調べました
裏返したり ドラムの上や周りを叩いたり
身体もアクセサリーも使いました 使えるもの全て
アザだらけになりましたが 信じ難いほど素晴らしい経験をしました どうやったら こんな経験が楽譜から得られます?
結局 教本は使いませんでした
レッスンでは たとえば 音楽家ではなくプレイヤーになるための基礎として シングルストロークを学ぶものです
こんな... 少しずつ早くしていきます
...シングルストローク 当時私にこの技術がなかったのは
成長して正規の学生になって いわゆる音大生になると レッスンも変わりました
いつも疑問でした "何と関係あるの?"
"曲を弾きたい" と言うと "そのために必要だ"と
曲と通い合うのに なぜそれが必要なのか?
私には意味づけが必要でした それが音楽で語ることに どう関わるのか?
音楽を通して語ることによって あらゆる人に あらゆることを伝えられるんです
演奏する時の私の感情も 様々なものですが 必ずしも皆さんに 同じように感じることは望みません
次回コンサートに行く時は 身体を開き 中で響かせてみて下さい
奏者は音を聴くのに最悪の場所にいます スティックがドラムに当たる音や 鍵盤に当たるマレットや 弦をこする弓や 吹く時の呼吸が聞こえるんです
とても純粋なものでもありますが 実際の音になる前の段階なんです
音の誕生から消滅までの過程を意識して その全過程を感じてみて下さい 私もそのようにTEDの全てに触れたかった でも着いたのが昨日の夜だったので...
それでも参加できて光栄でした | But anyway, it's just great to see such a full theater, and really I must thank Herbie Hancock and his colleagues for such a great presentation. One of the interesting things, of course, is the combination of that raw hand on the instrument and technology, and of course what he said about listening to our young people.
Of course, my job is all about listening, and my aim, really, is to teach the world to listen.
That's my only real aim in life.
And it sounds quite simple, but actually it's quite a big, big job.
Because you know, when you look at a piece of music -- for example, if I just open my little motorbike bag -- we have here, hopefully, a piece of music that is full of little black dots on the page.
And, you know, we open it up and I read the music.
So technically, I can actually read this.
I will follow the instructions, the tempo markings, the dynamics.
I will do exactly as I'm told.
And so therefore, because time is short, if I just play you literally the first maybe two lines or so. It's very straightforward.
There's nothing too difficult about the piece.
But here I'm being told that the piece of music is very quick.
I'm being told where to play on the drum.
I'm being told which part of the stick to use.
And I'm being told the dynamic.
And I'm also being told that the drum is without snares.
Snares on, snares off.
So therefore, if I translate this piece of music, we have this idea. And so on. My career would probably last about five years.
However, what I have to do as a musician is do everything that is not on the music.
Everything that there isn't time to learn from a teacher, or to talk about, even, from a teacher.
But it's the things that you notice when you're not actually with your instrument through this tiny, tiny surface of a drum.
So there, we experience the translation. Now we'll experience the interpretation. Now my career may last a little longer!
But in a way, you know, it's the same if I look at you and I see a nice bright young lady with a pink top on.
I see that you're clutching a teddy bear, etc., etc.
So I get a basic idea as to what you might be about, what you might like, what you might do as a profession, etc., etc.
However, that's just, you know, the initial idea I may have that we all get when we actually look, and we try to interpret, but actually it's so unbelievably shallow.
In the same way, I look at the music; I get a basic idea; I wonder what technically might be hard, or, you know, what I want to do.
Just the basic feeling.
However, that is simply not enough.
And I think what Herbie said -- please listen, listen.
We have to listen to ourselves, first of all.
If I play, for example, holding the stick -- where literally I do not let go of the stick -- you'll experience quite a lot of shock coming up through the arm.
And you feel really quite -- believe it or not -- detached from the instrument and from the stick, even though I'm actually holding the stick quite tightly.
By holding it tightly, I feel strangely more detached.
If I just simply let go and allow my hand, my arm, to be more of a support system, suddenly I have more dynamic with less effort. Much more.
And I just feel, at last, one with the stick and one with the drum.
And I'm doing far, far less.
So in the same way that I need time with this instrument, I need time with people in order to interpret them.
Not just translate them, but interpret them.
If, for example, I play just a few bars of a piece of music for which I think of myself as a technician -- that is, someone who is basically a percussion player ... And so on. If I think of myself as a musician ... And so on. There is a little bit of a difference there that is worth just -- -- thinking about.
And I remember when I was 12 years old, and I started playing tympani and percussion, and my teacher said, "Well, how are we going to do this? You know, music is about listening."
And I said, "Yes, I agree with that. So what's the problem?"
And he said, "Well, how are you going to hear this? How are you going to hear that?"
And I said, "Well, how do you hear it?"
He said, "Well, I think I hear it through here."
And I said, "Well, I think I do too -- but I also hear it through my hands, through my arms, cheekbones, my scalp, my tummy, my chest, my legs and so on."
And so we began our lessons every single time tuning drums -- in particular, the kettle drums, or tympani -- to such a narrow pitch interval, so something like ...
that of a difference. Then gradually ... and gradually ...
and it's amazing that when you do open your body up, and open your hand up to allow the vibration to come through, that in fact the tiny, tiny difference ...
can be felt with just the tiniest part of your finger, there.
And so what we would do is that I would put my hands on the wall of the music room, and together we would "listen" to the sounds of the instruments, and really try to connect with those sounds far, far more broadly than simply depending on the ear.
Because of course, the ear is, I mean, subject to all sorts of things.
The room we happen to be in, the amplification, the quality of the instrument, the type of sticks ... etc., etc.
They're all different.
Same amount of weight, but different sound colors.
And that's basically what we are. We're just human beings, but we all have our own little sound colors, as it were, that make up these extraordinary personalities and characters and interests and things.
And as I grew older, I then auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London, and they said, "Well, no, we won't accept you, because we haven't a clue, you know, of the future of a so-called 'deaf' musician."
And I just couldn't quite accept that.
And so therefore, I said to them, "Well, look, if you refuse -- if you refuse me through those reasons, as opposed to the ability to perform and to understand and love the art of creating sound -- then we have to think very, very hard about the people you do actually accept."
And as a result -- once we got over a little hurdle, and having to audition twice -- they accepted me. And not only that -- what had happened was that it changed the whole role of the music institutions throughout the United Kingdom.
Under no circumstances were they to refuse any application whatsoever on the basis of whether someone had no arms, no legs -- they could still perhaps play a wind instrument if it was supported on a stand.
No circumstances at all were used to refuse any entry.
And every single entry had to be listened to, experienced and then based on the musical ability -- then that person could either enter or not.
So therefore, this in turn meant that there was an extremely interesting bunch of students who arrived in these various music institutions.
And I have to say, many of them now in the professional orchestras throughout the world.
The interesting thing about this as well, though -- -- is quite simply that not only were people connected with sound -- which is basically all of us, and we well know that music really is our daily medicine.
I say "music," but actually I mean "sound."
Because you know, some of the extraordinary things I've experienced as a musician, when you may have a 15-year-old lad who has got the most incredible challenges, who may not be able to control his movements, who may be deaf, who may be blind, etc., etc. -- suddenly, if that young lad sits close to this instrument, and perhaps even lies underneath the marimba, and you play something that's so incredibly organ-like, almost --
I don't really have the right sticks, perhaps -- but something like this. Let me change. Something that's so unbelievably simple -- but he would be experiencing something that I wouldn't be, because I'm on top of the sound.
I have the sound coming this way.
He would have the sound coming through the resonators.
If there were no resonators on here, we would have ... So he would have a fullness of sound that those of you in the front few rows wouldn't experience, those of you in the back few rows wouldn't experience either.
Every single one of us, depending on where we're sitting, will experience this sound quite, quite differently.
And of course, being the participator of the sound, and that is starting from the idea of what type of sound I want to produce -- for example, this sound.
Can you hear anything?
Exactly. Because I'm not even touching it.
But yet, we get the sensation of something happening.
In the same way that when I see tree moves, then I imagine that tree making a rustling sound.
Do you see what I mean?
Whatever the eye sees, then there's always sound happening.
So there's always, always that huge -- I mean, just this kaleidoscope of things to draw from.
So all of my performances are based on entirely what I experience, and not by learning a piece of music, putting on someone else's interpretation of it, buying all the CDs possible of that particular piece of music, and so on and so forth.
Because that isn't giving me enough of something that is so raw and so basic, and something that I can fully experience the journey of.
It may be that in other halls, they're simply not going to experience that at all and so therefore, my level of soft, gentle playing may have to be ... Do you see what I mean? So, because of this explosion in access to sound, especially through the deaf community, this has not only affected how music institutions, how schools for the deaf treat sound -- and not just as a means of therapy --
although of course, being a participator of music, that definitely is the case as well.
But it's meant that acousticians have had to really think about the types of halls they put together. There are so few halls in this world that actually have very good acoustics, dare I say. But by that I mean where you can absolutely do anything you imagine.
The tiniest, softest, softest sound to something that is so broad, so huge, so incredible! There's always something -- it may sound good up there, may not be so good there.
May be great there, but terrible up there.
Maybe terrible over there, but not too bad there, etc., etc.
-- for which you can play exactly what you imagine, without it being cosmetically enhanced.
And so therefore, acousticians are actually in conversation with people who are hearing impaired, and who are participators of sound.
And this is quite interesting.
I cannot, you know, give you any detail as far as what is actually happening with those halls, but it's just the fact that they are going to a group of people for whom so many years we've been saying, "Well, how on Earth can they experience music? You know, they're deaf."
We just -- we go like that, and we imagine that that's what deafness is about.
Or we go like that, and we imagine that's what blindness is about.
If we see someone in a wheelchair, we assume they cannot walk.
It may be that they can walk three, four, five steps. That, to them, means they can walk.
In a year's time, it could be two extra steps.
In another year's time, three extra steps.
Those are hugely important aspects to think about.
So when we do listen to each other, it's unbelievably important for us to really test our listening skills, to really use our bodies as a resonating chamber, to stop the judgment.
For me, as a musician who deals with 99 percent of new music, it's very easy for me to say, "Oh yes, I like that piece.
Oh no, I don't like that piece." And so on.
And you know, I just find that I have to give those pieces of music real time.
It may be that the chemistry isn't quite right between myself and that particular piece of music, but that doesn't mean I have the right to say it's a bad piece of music.
And you know, it's just one of the great things about being a musician, is that it is so unbelievably fluid.
So there are no rules, no right, no wrong, this way, that way.
If I asked you to clap -- maybe I can do this.
If I can just say, "Please clap and create the sound of thunder."
I'm assuming we've all experienced thunder.
Now, I don't mean just the sound; I mean really listen to that thunder within yourselves.
And please try to create that through your clapping. Try. Just -- please try.
Very good! Snow. Snow. Have you ever heard snow?
Evelyn Glennie: Well then, stop clapping. Try again.
Try again. Snow.
See, you're awake.
Rain. Not bad. Not bad.
You know, the interesting thing here, though, is that I asked a group of kids not so long ago exactly the same question.
Now -- great imagination, thank you very much.
However, not one of you got out of your seats to think, "Right! How can I clap? OK, maybe ... Maybe I can use my jewelry to create extra sounds.
Maybe I can use the other parts of my body to create extra sounds."
Not a single one of you thought about clapping in a slightly different way other than sitting in your seats there and using two hands.
In the same way that when we listen to music, we assume that it's all being fed through here.
This is how we experience music. Of course it's not.
We experience thunder -- thunder, thunder. Think, think, think.
Listen, listen, listen. Now -- what can we do with thunder?
I remember my teacher. When I first started, my very first lesson, I was all prepared with sticks, ready to go.
And instead of him saying, "OK, Evelyn, please, feet slightly apart, arms at a more-or-less 90 degree angle, sticks in a more-or-less V shape, keep this amount of space here, etc.
Please keep your back straight, etc., etc., etc." -- where I was probably just going to end up absolutely rigid, frozen, and I would not be able to strike the drum, "Evelyn, take this drum away for seven days, and I'll see you next week."
So, heavens! What was I to do? I no longer required the sticks; I wasn't allowed to have these sticks.
I had to basically look at this particular drum, see how it was made, what these little lugs did, what the snares did.
Turned it upside down, experimented with the shell, experimented with the head.
Experimented with my body, experimented with jewelry, experimented with all sorts of things.
And of course, I returned with all sorts of bruises and things like that -- but nevertheless, it was such an unbelievable experience, because then, where on Earth are you going to experience that in a piece of music?
Where on Earth are you going to experience that in a study book?
So we never, ever dealt with actual study books.
So for example, one of the things that we learn when we are dealing with being a percussion player, as opposed to a musician, is basically straightforward single stroke rolls.
Like that. And then we get a little faster and a little faster and a little faster.
And so on and so forth. What does this piece require?
Single stroke rolls. So why can't I then do that whilst learning a piece of music?
And that's exactly what he did.
And interestingly, the older I became, and when I became a full-time student at a so called "music institution," all of that went out of the window.
We had to study from study books.
And constantly, the question, "Well, why? Why? What is this relating to?
I need to play a piece of music." "Oh, well, this will help your control!"
"Well, how? Why do I need to learn that? I need to relate it to a piece of music.
You know. I need to say something.
"Why am I practicing paradiddles?
Is it just literally for control, for hand-stick control? Why am I doing that?
I need to have the reason, and the reason has to be by saying something through the music."
And by saying something through music, which basically is sound, we then can reach all sorts of things to all sorts of people.
But I don't want to take responsibility of your emotional baggage.
That's up to you, when you walk through a hall.
Because that then determines what and how we listen to certain things.
I may feel sorrowful, or happy, or exhilarated, or angry when I play certain pieces of music, but I'm not necessarily wanting you to feel exactly the same thing.
So please, the next time you go to a concert, just allow your body to open up, allow your body to be this resonating chamber.
Be aware that you're not going to experience the same thing as the performer is.
The performer is in the worst possible position for the actual sound, because they're hearing the contact of the stick on the drum, or the mallet on the bit of wood, or the bow on the string, etc., or the breath that's creating the sound from wind and brass.
They're experiencing that rawness there.
But yet they're experiencing something so unbelievably pure, which is before the sound is actually happening.
Please take note of the life of the sound after the actual initial strike, or breath, is being pulled. Just experience the whole journey of that sound in the same way that I wished I'd experienced the whole journey of this particular conference, rather than just arriving last night.
But I hope maybe we can share one or two things as the day progresses.
But thank you very much for having me! | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「雲が......それに、なにか? あれは――!」
「邪竜、じゃない? それに蛇......? でも空を飛んで?」
「コルキスではないのですか? それにあちらのドラゴン......あの大きさ、山蛇なんて目じゃありませんね」
◇◆◇◆◇ | ◇◆◇◆◇
This was going to be Matisse’s first job.
For her, who was a woman and Horton company’s successor, experience in trading was a necessity.
Having said that, she had been kidnapped before, and moreover, suffered extreme injuries during the process that almost killed her.
Thus, her doting father would’ve never sent her on a lonesome trip. As a result, he decided to hire as skilled Adventurers as he could as her guard, which was not a normal thing to do.
“We will reach Berith soon.”
“Indeed. But still, I never expected that you would be the one to accept this commission, Lady Letina.”
In the capital Raum, she was the only person who was both as skilled as possible and also available.
Naturally, there were also several other members of both genders guarding her, not just Letina, but her skill and fame stood above the rest.
Their trip advanced smoothly without any major incident, and now the Holy Kingdom of Forneus’ characteristic scenery with the World Tree towering over the surroundings spread ahead of them.
“I was planning to retire from being an Adventurer, but I could not turn down a request from a former classmate.”
“Thanks to that, it has been a safe journey. Thank you very much.”
Aside from Letina, there were three other boys and girls guarding her.
Their ranks spanned from second to the third rank. third-ranks were the same as Letina, but the third rank was, similar to the first rank, a rank that had the most number of Adventurers, and as such, there were considerable differences in power among the same ranks.
Letina’s power was considered to be nearly fourth rank.
“Father seems to have wanted to ask sir Kayle too.”
“That person gets easily carried away, so I wonder about his power in relation to his rank...”
Letina, who had met Kayle before and knew his personality, looked dubious.
That said, the fifth rank was proof of being a first-class Adventurer. Going by that achievement alone, Matisse’s father couldn’t be blamed even if he asked him.
“Well, his sword skill seems to be the real deal.”
“Is that so?’
Letina thought back to the time Kayle trained with Cloud. She had to acknowledge his attack power that managed to break past Cloud’s solid defenses.
“Miss Matisse, get inside the carriage!”
As the two chatted about Kayle, one of the Adventurers yelled out.
It was a female Adventurer who was in charge of scouting among the six. As such, her words couldn’t be dismissed so easily.
“The ground is shaking. Something giant is...”
At that moment, the clouds covering the summit of the World Tree burst open.
Though the tree was snapped in half, it was easily over meters tall. As its summit reached beyond the clouds, it couldn’t be seen from the ground when it wasn’t clear weather.
Clouds were dense today too so the summit couldn’t be seen, but those clouds suddenly disappeared as if being repelled by the World Tree.
The resulting shockwave even reached the carriage.
“W-What happened?!”
Letina got above the carriage and took on a posture to react at a moment’s notice.
That said, she didn’t think she would be able to handle an opponent that could so easily blow away the World Tree’s dense clouds.
But even so, her mindset to protect her client still made her take on a battle stance.
“The clouds... And, what? What is that...!”
Next, the outer edges of the clouds started to spin as if swirling. That was proof that a violent wind was blowing at the World Tree’s summit.
that looked like a giant snake rose up from the ground, coiling around the World Tree as if to support it.
It managed to coil around the World Tree that was several kilometers in diameter, which made it clear just how gigantic the serpent was even from a distance.
And finally, a black Dragon clung to the top part of the World Tree, desperately flapping its wings as if to suppress it.
Letina couldn’t be blamed for wondering whether the Evil Dragon had resurrected when she saw that.
“The Evil Dragon... It might be a little too small for that.”
She had never seen it, so she couldn’t accurately compare them.
However, the Evil Dragon wouldn’t have meaninglessly clung to the World Tree and instead focused on burning down the city at its foot.
“It’s not the Evil Dragon? And that serpent...? Is it flying?”
“It’s not Colchis? And that serpent... Its size could give the Mountain Serpent a run for its money.”
Letina, who had once seen the calamity-class monster called Mountain Serpent, fully realized the threat of this serpent based on its size alone.
This serpent far surpassed even the Mountain Serpent, so she couldn’t fathom just how powerful it could be.
Matisse asked for Letina when she heard her mutter.
Naturally, Letina couldn’t answer her.
“Two Dragons, and the cloud disturbance... This is no simple matter. What shall we do?”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Just standing and watching will not achieve anything. It is time to decide whether we continue to Berith or retreat.”
Urged by Letina, Matisse pondered with a finger on her jaw.
From a safety standpoint, it would be smart to give up on the trip and withdraw. A good merchant would have chosen that option.
However, with such monsters attacking it, Berith would surely be in need of relief. If so, the food she was carrying with her would surely be useful.
The worst option would be to stay in place here indecisively only to get rolled up in it anyway.
After coming to that conclusion, Matisse made her decision.
“Let us advance. If they are facing a calamity, my cargo should prove to be useful. Returning would be safer, but that would mean this trip has been meaningless.”
“Do you not value your life?”
“I am a merchant. Berith is currently in the middle of chaos. And that means this is also a business opportunity. I decided that it was necessary to push forth here.”
“...Understood. I do advise pulling back as your guard, however.”
“In the worst case, we can call Lord Maxwell for help. I have taken that into consideration too.”
“I am shocked. Your thought process has completely turned into that of a merchant’s.”
“Even I have grown up.”
Matisse answered Letina with a smile, but that smile was unnaturally stiff.
Even she was scared of approaching that serpent. But her merchant’s soul, and her desire to help the people in need, made her come to this decision.
◇◆◇◆◇ | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
全てのもの つまり物質以外の全ての 本当に大切なものは目に見えません
物の姿は見えますが 問題の姿は見えません
最近ガーディアン新聞で こんなおかしな文章を読みました 「1965年に夫が妻に殺された時 夫婦問題が発生しました」
星や惑星は見えますが それぞれの星を隔てる力も 引きあう力も見えません
人も物質も 見えるのは肌や外側だけです
どんな物でも 近づけば近づくほど消えてしまいます
実は 非常に近くで 物質の基本的な構造を見ると そこには何もありません
電子はぼんやりと消えていき 最後に残るのはエネルギーだけです でも私達にはエネルギーは見えません
ちょっとばかばかしい 目に見えない話をしましょう
ジェファリー ディキンズというイギリスの下院議員の話です
故ディキンズ議員は 後援会のパーティにいました
しかし例えようもなく醜い女性が どのテーブルにも 笑顔でぴったりと彼についてくるのです
数日後 彼をすごく尊敬しており サイン入りの写真が欲しいという パーティーに参加した後援者から手紙をもらいました
名前の後には と書いてありました
「彼女は自分の見苦しさを知っていて 敢えてそれをアピールした
写真に美しい字で「感謝をこめて ジェフェリー ディキンズ議員より馬顔へ」と書きました
手紙の郵送後 秘書が言いました 「あの女性の手紙を見ましたか?
見えないものが面白いのは 見る事が出来なければ 理解ができないからでもあります
引力は 見えなくて 分からないものの一つです
4つの基本的な力の中で一番 理解されていなくて 弱い力です
どんなものか だれも知りません
科学者のアイザック ニュートンは キリストは引力を働かせるために地球に来たと信じていました
賢い人でしたが そこは違うかもしれません
意識― 皆さんの顔を見ても
何を考えているかは分かりません 不思議ですね
お互いに触りあい 十分に近づけば なめる事もできるのに
心を読みあうことはできない 不思議な事です
中東に 全ての宗教の源とも言われる スーフィー教という宗教があり その師はみんなテレパシー能力を持っていると彼らは言います
彼らの主な目的は テレパシーなんて存在しないという強力な信号を送る事です
テレパシーが存在しないと信じ込まされているのです 人工知能― つまり意識の研究は なかなか進みません 私達は意識の働き方を全く知りません
人工知能研究者は人工知能はおろか 人工馬鹿さえ作れません
物理学の法則は見えなくて 永遠で 偏在していて 万能です
面白いですね ご想像通り 私は 非物質主義者です
「神」がいったい何かを定義してもらえなければ 神が存在するかの議論はお断りです
これはますます不可解な事になっています 20年前 科学者がゲノムの研究をし始めたころは 人間の遺伝子は10万ぐらいだと思われていました
遺伝学者はご存知でしょうが 毎年その数字は下方修正されています
今は人類のゲノムには2万の遺伝子しかないと 考えられています
信じられないことです なぜなら コメには3万8千の遺伝子があるからです
ポテトには48の染色体があります ご存知でしたか?
人間より二つ多くて ゴリラと同じです
これらは見えません でも本当におかしいですね
時間― 誰にも時間は見えません
ご存じかはわかりませんが 現在 時間は実は存在しないと 主張する物理学者も随分います 物理学の計算に不都合だからです
そして 思い出の中以外 過去も見えません
これは過去の面白い所の一つです 数日前 私の息子がこう聞きました 「2歳のボクを覚えてる?」
不思議ですね?2、3歳前の事を 覚えていられられないのです 精神分析学者には好都合です そうでなければ 彼らは失業です
お金をもうける出来事は全て3歳前に起こります 人の自己を決める出来事ですから―
それも驚く事です ご存じでしょうが 皮膚などのように 細胞は常に再生されています
皮膚が落ちたり 髪や爪が伸びたりということです
味覚は 10日間ごとに
肝臓や他の内蔵はもうちょっと長く 髄は数年かかります
7年後には 現在そこにある細胞は 一つも残っていません
私達の正体は?心が宿るこの体は いったいどんなものなのでしょう?
さて 原子 これも光の波長より
小さいため どうやっても見えません
ガスも見えないでしょう 「ガス」は1600年に
バン ヘルモントという オランダ人の
科学者によって作られた単語だそうです 造語者が分かっている単語の中で
一番知られている単語だそうです バンメルモントは「惑星放射」の意味で
「ブラース」という単語も作りましたが 残念ながら流行りませんでした
他にもたくさんあります ―光
光は見えません 真空の暗闇で 光を目に当てても 見ることはできません ちょっと専門的で 同意しない物理学者もいますが―
おかしな事に 光は見えないのに 光が当たるものだけ見える
光と同様 闇も見えないのは 不思議なことです
皆さんはたぶん 電気をつけると 電子が光速で電線を走ると 思っているでしょう 違います
電子は蜂蜜の流れる速度で のろのろ電線を伝わるのです
千億― 肉眼で見えるのは5つです
千億の銀河の中でたった5つだけ! その上 目が良くないと 1つは見にくいです
1887年にハインリッヒ ハーツが電波を発見し 放射するから「ラジオ」と名付けました
だれかがハーツにこう尋ねました 「これで何ができるんだい?
もちろん ハーツの発見は現在のラジオになりました
とにかく 一番大事な見えないものは 私達の知らないものなのです
トマス エジソンは言いました 「私達が知っているのは 物事の1万分の1だけなのだ」
さて 結論ですが 皆さんも知りたいでしょう 最後の見えないもの
(拍手) 面白いことに 点は定義上 電子のように次元がありません
とにかく このスピーチの要点というのは 重要な質問は二つだけ ということです
「私達はなぜここにいるのか?」そして 「私達は何をするべきか?」
参考までに 20世紀の偉大な二人の哲学者の 言葉を述べましょう 数学者兼 エンジニアと もう一人は詩人です
一人目はルドビッグ ビトゲンスタヤン 「我々がなぜここにいるのか分からないが
そして最後に 私の好きな詩人の一人 WHオーデン 「私達は他人を助けるためにここにいる 他人はなぜここにいるのか
私はまったくわからない」 | There is more of it than you think, actually.
Everything, I would say. Everything that matters except every thing and except matter.
We can see matter. But we can't see what's the matter.
As in this cryptic sentence I found in The Guardian recently: "The marriage suffered a setback in 1965, when the husband was killed by the wife."
There's a world of invisibility there, isn't there?
So, we can see the stars and the planets, but we can't see what holds them apart or what draws them together.
With matter, as with people, we see only the skin of things.
We can't see into the engine room.
We can't see what makes people tick, at least not without difficulty.
And the closer we look at anything, the more it disappears.
In fact, if you look really closely at stuff, if you look at the basic substructure of matter, there isn't anything there.
Electrons disappear in a kind of fuzz, and there is only energy. And you can't see energy.
So everything that matters, that's important, is invisible.
One slightly silly thing that's invisible is this story, which is invisible to you.
And I'm now going to make it visible to you in your minds.
It's about an M.P. called Geoffrey Dickens.
The late Geoffrey Dickens, M.P. was attending a fete in his constituency.
Wherever he went, at every stall he stopped he was closely followed by a devoted smiling woman of indescribable ugliness.
Try as he might, he couldn't get away from her.
A few days later he received a letter from a constituent saying how much she admired him, had met him at a fete and asking for a signed photograph.
After her name, written in brackets was the apt description, horse face.
"I've misjudged this women," thought Mr. Dickens.
"Not only is she aware of her physical repulsiveness, she turns it to her advantage.
A photo is not enough."
So he went out and bought a plastic frame to put the photograph in.
And on the photograph, he wrote with a flourish, "To Horse Face, with love from Geoffrey Dickens, M.P."
After it had been sent off, his secretary said to him, "Did you get that letter from the woman at the fete?
I wrote Horse Face on her, so you'd remember who she was."
I bet he thought he wished he was invisible, don't you?
So, one of the interesting things about invisibility is that things that we can't see we also can't understand.
Gravity is one thing that we can't see and which we don't understand.
It's the least understood of all the four fundamental forces, and the weakest.
And nobody really knows what it is or why it's there.
For what it's worth, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist who ever lived, he thought Jesus came to Earth specifically to operate the levers of gravity.
That's what he thought he was there for.
So, bright guy, could be wrong on that one, I don't know.
Consciousness. I see all your faces.
I have no idea what any of you are thinking. Isn't that amazing?
Isn't that incredible that we can't read each other's minds?
But we can touch each other, taste each other perhaps, if we get close enough.
But we can't read each other's minds. I find that quite astonishing.
In the Sufi faith, this great Middle Eastern religion, which some claim is the route of all religions, Sufi masters are all telepaths, so they say.
But their main exercise of telepathy is to send out powerful signals to the rest of us that it doesn't exist.
the Sufi masters working on us.
In the question of consciousness and artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has really, like the study of consciousness, gotten nowhere. We have no idea how consciousness works.
With artificial intelligence, not only have they not created artificial intelligence, they haven't yet created artificial stupidity.
The laws of physics: invisible, eternal, omnipresent, all-powerful.
Remind you of anyone?
Interesting. I'm, as you can guess, not a materialist, I'm an immaterialist.
And I've found a very useful new word, ignostic. Okay?
I'm an ignostic.
I refuse to be drawn on the question of whether God exists, until somebody properly defines the terms.
Another thing we can't see is the human genome.
And this is increasingly peculiar, because about 20 years ago, when they started delving into the genome, they thought it would probably contain around 100,000 genes.
Geneticists will know this, but every year since, it's been revised downwards.
We now think there are likely to be only just over 20,000 genes in the human genome.
This is extraordinary. Because rice -- get this -- rice is known to have 38 thousand genes.
Potatoes, potatoes have 48 chromosomes. Do you know that?
Two more than people, and the same as a gorilla.
You can't see these things, but they are very strange.
The stars by day. I always think that's fascinating.
The universe disappears.
The more light there is, the less you can see.
Time, nobody can see time.
I don't know if you know this. Modern physics, there is a big movement in modern physics to decide that time doesn't really exist, because it's too inconvenient for the figures.
It's much easier if it's not really there.
You can't see the future, obviously.
And you can't see the past, except in your memory.
One of the interesting things about the past is you particularly can't see. My son asked me this the other day, he said, "Dad, can you remember what I was like when I was two?"
And I said, "Yes." And he said, "Why can't I?"
Isn't that extraordinary? You cannot remember what happened to you earlier than the age of two or three, which is great news for psychoanalysts, because otherwise they'd be out of a job.
Because that's where all the stuff happens that makes you who you are.
Another thing you can't see is the grid on which we hang.
This is fascinating. You probably know, some of you, that cells are continually renewed. You can see it in skin and this kind of stuff.
Skin flakes off, hairs grow, nails, that kind of stuff.
But every cell in your body is replaced at some point.
Taste buds, every 10 days or so.
Livers and internal organs sort of take a bit longer. A spine takes several years.
But at the end of seven years, not one cell in your body remains from what was there seven years ago.
The question is, who, then, are we?
What are we? What is this thing that we hang on, that is actually us?
Okay. Atoms, you can't see them.
Nobody ever will. They're smaller than the wavelength of light.
Gas, you can't see that.
Interesting. Somebody mentioned 1600 recently.
Gas was invented in 1600 by a Dutch chemist called Van Helmont.
It's said to be the most successful ever invention of a word by a known individual.
Quite good. He also invented a word called "blas," Didn't catch on, unfortunately.
But well done, him.
There is so many things that -- Light.
You can't see light. When it's dark, in a vacuum, if a person shines a beam of light straight across your eyes, you won't see it. Slightly technical, some physicists will disagree with this.
But it's odd that you can't see the beam of light, you can only see what it hits.
I find that extraordinary, not to be able to see light, not to be able to see darkness.
Electricity, you can't see that.
Don't let anyone tell you they understand electricity.
They don't. Nobody knows what it is.
You probably think the electrons in an electric wire move instantaneously down a wire, don't you, at the speed of light when you turn the light on. They don't.
Electrons bumble down the wire, about the speed of spreading honey, they say.
Galaxies, 100 billion of them estimated in the universe.
100 billion. How many can we see? Five.
Five out of the 100 billion galaxies, with the naked eye, and one of them is quite difficult to see unless you've got very good eyesight.
Radio waves. There's another thing.
Heinrich Hertz, when he discovered radio waves in 1887, he called them radio waves because they radiated.
And somebody said to him, "Well what's the point of these, Heinrich?
What's the point of these radio waves that you've found?"
And he said, "Well, I've no idea.
But I guess somebody will find a use for them someday."
And that's what they do, radio. That's what they discovered.
Anyway, so the biggest thing that's invisible to us is what we don't know.
It is incredible how little we know.
Thomas Edison once said, "We don't know one percent of one millionth about anything."
And I've come to the conclusion -- because you've asked this other question, "What's another thing you can't see?"
The point, most of us. What's the point?
You can't see a point. It's by definition dimensionless, like an electron, oddly enough.
But the point, what I've got it down to, is there are only two questions really worth asking.
"Why are we here?" and "What should we do about it while we are?
perhaps two of the greatest philosopher thinkers of the 20th century, one a mathematician and an engineer, and the other a poet.
The first is Ludwig Wittgenstein who said, "I don't know why we are here.
But I'm pretty sure it's not in order to enjoy ourselves."
He was a cheerful bastard wasn't he?
And secondly and lastly, W.H. Auden, one of my favorite poets, who said, "We are here on earth to help others.
What the others are here for, I've no idea." | {
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模擬人体とその体をコントロールする 模擬神経システムを持った シミュレートされた人間です
さて その技術についてお話する前に 現在のゲームの人間のキャラクターは どんなものなのかちょっと見てみましょう
しかしお気付きの通り このゲームの アニメーションは繰り返しばかりです
どれも 同じに見えます
キャラクターを壁に 何度も何度もぶつけてみましたが
その理由はキャラクターが 本物の人間ではないからです
これは人物を視覚化した グラフィックでしかありません
これらのアニメーションを作るために スタジオのアニメーターは 実際にゲーム中で何が起こるかを予測し その一連の流れを アニメーション化しなければなりません
つまり机上でアニメーションを作る時 何が起こるのか予測する事で このようなアニメーションがゲーム内の 適切なタイミングで再生されるのです
この方法では真にインタラクティブな ものにはなり得ず
得られるのは妥当なタイミングで再生される アニメーションに過ぎません
その結果 思ったように意外性のある ゲームにはなり得ないのです キャラクターに限っていえば 組み込んだものしか出てこないのですから
第三に 先述の通り アニメーション全体で 繰り返しが多いのも このためです
これを解決する唯一の方法は 実際に人間の体をシミュレーションし 体をコントロールする脳神経系の一部を シミュレートすることです
違いを説明するために ちょっと実演してみます 見ればすぐにわかりますから
クリスをこんな感じにちょっと押すと 彼はそれに反応します
別の角度から押してみるとまた違った反応をします それは彼に体が物理的に備わっていて その体をコントロールする運動機能を 持ち合わせているからです
ありがとう クリス・アンダーソン: 終わり?
トーステン・レイル: はい 終わりです
これを クリスだけに限らず人間全般で シミュレートしようとしているわけです これを クリスだけに限らず人間全般で シミュレートしようとしているわけです
この研究をオックスフォード大で 進めているわけですが まずは簡単なところから
この棒人間は物理的刺激を受けています スクリーンでご覧下さい
重力の影響を受けたり 関節があったりします
シミュレーションを行うだけだと こんな感じに転んでしまいます
ここに人工知能の 制御装置を組み込んで これを上手く動かそうというわけです
そのために我々はニューラルネットワークを用います 背骨にある神経系の一部に基づいており 人間の歩行を制御します
これもシミュレートしました ここで 厄介なのは このネットワークに歩行を教える事です
そのために我々は人工的な進化を取り入れました 遺伝的アルゴリズムです
これについては昨日 話があったので 皆さんご存知かとは思いますが
簡単に概念をご説明しますと はじめに多数の互いに異なる個体 -- この場合はニューラルネットワークを -- ランダムに生成します
そしてこれらを仮想筋肉に繋げ-- ここでは この2本足の動物のですが-- 何か面白い事が起こるのを待つわけです
ほとんどは動きすらしないでしょう しかし動き出すものもあるかもしれません
そのような個体はアルゴリズムにより選ばれ 突然変異と交叉を交えて複製し 交配もさせます
このプロセスを 歩く個体が得られるまで 何度も何度も繰り返します この場合 このように真っ直ぐ歩くまでです
研究初期のある晩 シミュレーションを立ち上げ
3~4時間程 実行しました
翌朝起きてコンピュータのところに 結果を見に行きました 一つくらいは真っ直ぐに歩いていてくれ と期待しながらです ちょうど今やってみたように すると得られたのはこれでした
試行錯誤を重ねて 最終的には 歩かせることができました
これから単純な二足動物が 人工進化を用いて 歩き方を学習していく様子をご覧頂きましょう
最初は全く歩くことはできませんが 時間とともに改善されていきます
5世代分の進化過程を適用すると 遺伝的アルゴリズムはほんの少しだけ良くなっていきます
第10世代では幾分かはマシになりますが 歩けるようになったわけではありません
しかし 第20世代を過ぎた段階では 転ばずに真っすぐ歩くようになります
学問的に極めて難しいプロジェクトでしたが この段階まで来ると他のことにも このアプローチが使えるだろうと確信できました 人体をシミュレートするのに 神経系の必要な部分を シミュレートできるはずです
ここまで来ると ゲームやネット上の世界で どう使えるか楽しみにもなります
これはキャラクターが立っていて その行く先に障害物を配置した様子です
このキャラクターが障害物に つまずく様子をご覧頂きましょう
面白いことに障害物を右にずらすと ここでやってみますが 全く異なる転び方をします
再び障害物をずらしてみると また違ったように転びます
上部に表示されているのは 神経の活性化の一部が仮想筋肉に 送られている様子です
以上ビデオでした ありがとうございました
当然のようでもこれが重要なのは インタラクティブなものや仮想世界で
まだ実用化されていないからです この段階で我々は会社を設立し さらに先へ進むことにしました ごく簡単な二足動物で始めたものを
物理学者 ソフトウェアエンジニア 生物学者を雇ってチームを結成し これに取り組みました 最初にしなければならなかったのは 基本的には人間の体を作ることです
通常のコンピューター上で使えるよう 処理スピードが重要ですが 見栄えを考えると 精度も大切です
我々は 生体工学の知識を注ぎ込み できるだけ現実に近付けようと試みました
今スクリーンでご覧頂いているのは その体をシンプルに視覚化したものです
ちなみに髪や服などを 付け足すことも容易ですが ここではシンプルなモデルを使い 動作に集中できるようにしました
では このキャラクターをちょっと押して 何が起こるのか見てみましょう
転び方も まるでぬいぐるみの人形です
このキャラクターは上半身の運動スキルを 身に付けています この段階では脚にはまだですが
もう一度押してみましょう このキャラクターは
転ぶ方に体をひねって 地面に手をつこうとします
下半身にもAIを組み込んでみると 更に面白いことが起こります
前よりも少し強く押してみます クリスを押したのよりも強く
数歩後ずさりながら バランスを取ろうとして 着地するであろう場所を見たのが お分かり頂けたでしょう
私が今やってみせたように このキャラクターを 別の方向に押してみると さらに面白くなります
現在 このような事はできません
今ゲームで使われているのは 空っぽのCG だけです
ここに実際のシミュレーションが あるのでお見せします
先ほどお見せしたのと同じキャラクター 同じ動作ですが 今度は別の方向から押してみましょう
ちなみに何が起こっているのか見れるように 全てスローモーションとなっています
では角度を少し変えてみると 違う反応をするのがお分かり頂けるでしょう
もう一度 今度は正面から押してみましょう
そうすると また違う転び方をします
では左から するとまた違う転び方
これを今回初めて皆さんにも見ていただきます ずっとステルスモードでやってきましたので
面白いものがあります このキャラクターを-- 木製バージョンですが同じAIを持っています-- 氷のようなすべりやすい表面に置いたらどうなるでしょう
先ほどのキャラクターを つるつるした所に置くと 自然とこうなるのです
映画スタジオやゲーム会社に行って この技術を見せたところ とても良い反応が得られました
彼らによると 今すぐ必要なのは 仮想スタントマンだそうです
スタントは非常に危険なので 多額の費用がかかる上 実際には行えないスタントシーンも多数あります スタントマンに大怪我をさせるわけにはいきません
ですので仮想スタントマンが 必要とされているのです ここ数ヶ月それに取り組んできました
これが初作品で 数週間のうちにリリース予定です
男がただ蹴られるだけの 単純なシーンを用意しました
依頼されたとおりに 作っただけです
まるで生きているかのように この体はこの場合力を感じ取り 頭を守ろうとします
皆さんは同情するかもしれませんが 我々は何度も繰り返して来たので 誰も気にしなくなりました
もっとひどいビデオもあるんですが ここではお見せしません
依頼された動作は 爆発により 大きな力がキャラクターにかかったときの 空中でキャラクターがどう反応するかです 必要なのは ぐにゃぐにゃのキャラクターではなく
空中ではまるで生きているかのように見え アクション映画でそのまま使えるキャラクターです このキャラクターが吹き飛ばされると
空中にいるのだと認識し 着地する方向へ 手を突き出そうとします
これだけリアルであれば 映画でも十分使えます
我々のソフトウェアを試験的に使っている ロンドンのアニメスタジオから 昨日届いたばかりです
先ほど見たものと全く同じ動きですが より高品質にレンダリングされています
キャラクターをよく見てみると 体のあちこちが動いていますが これを動画化する必要はありません
では少し違う角度から もう一度スローモーションで見てみましょう
とても高速です リアルタイムに シミュレートされています
目の前でリアルタイムでシミュレーションを走らせ 必要に応じてその場で修正することもできます
そのような作業は手作業だと 数日かかってしまうでしょう
用途は不明ですが ともかく作ってみました
このアプローチの有用性を証明する 単純な動作です
この場合 キャラクターの手は 空間中のある点に固定されていて キャラクターに命令したのは もがくことだけです
これはもっとひどいもの 昨夜届いたばかりのビデオですが__ よりリアルにレンダリングされています
これをお見せしたのは 自然さやリアルさを体感して頂くためです
全身を物理シミュレーションで再現し AIで筋肉を仮想的に動かしました
ここで1つネタとして 少し複雑なスタントシーンを作ってみました ジェームス・ボンドがスイスのダムへ飛び込み バンジージャンプをする 有名なシーンです
映画では実際のスタントマンが使われました とても危険なスタントでした
Sunday Timesだったと思いますが 最も印象的なスタントに選ばれました
我々の作ったキャラクターを見て思いました 「我々にもできるだろうか?」とね
キャラクターの物理シミュレーションと 人工知能を用いて その人工知能をキャラクターに組み込み 仮想的な筋肉を動かし ダムに飛び込む様をシミュレートして そのあとスカイダイビングをさせた上で バンジーのコードに引っかからせるのです
やってみました シミュレートするのに 全体で2時間程しか かかりませんでした
こうなりました どうぞ
まだまだ改善の余地があります これはまだ初期段階に過ぎません 単にできるかどうかを確認するために あくまでネタとして用意しただけですしね
しかしここ数ヶ月で分かったのは 我々が標準として用いているこのアプローチは 信じられないほど有用だということです
現在このソフトウェアを使って 仮想スタントマンを作っているスタジオもあり これを使ったメジャーな映画の作品が 幾つか間もなく公開される予定です
真にインタラクティブに反応するキャラクターが 初めてゲームに登場するわけです
おそらく始めはスポーツゲームで よりインタラクティブになることでしょう
しかし個人的には 例えばトム・メルヒャーがやってくれたように この技術をオンラインの世界で使うと 面白いのではないかと思います
インタラクティブ性は現在よりも 格段に向上するのではないかと思います
シミュレーション会社 数社に アプローチされましたが 中でも特に楽しみなのが 来月開始予定のプロジェクトで 我々の技術 特に歩行技術を使用して 脳性小児麻痺の術後経過を予測することで 小児外科医の補助をしようというものです
恐らく皆さんご存知でしょうが うまく歩けるように治療を施してみても 手術の結果を予測するのは大変困難です
古くからの格言にもこうあります いくら頑張っても予測は不可能 結果について皆こう考えています
我々のソフトウエアを使って 外科医のツールを作りたいのです
我々の作る 特定の子供の歩行の シミュレーションを使って 医者は実際に手術を行う前に 歩行を改善する様々な方法を 試す事ができます 歩行を改善する様々な方法を 試す事ができます
このプロジェクトはとても楽しみで 来月開始する予定です
最後に申し上げますが これは初めの一歩でしかありません
まだ 行える動作に限りがあります
人体を完全にシミュレートするには AI はまだ不十分なのです
体については問題無いのですが 全ての運動技能の再生は無理なのです
バレエのような動きができて初めて うまくいったと言えると思います
現在はまだ そこまで行っていませんが いつかはそれが可能になると確信しています
実は偶然生まれたダンサーを 最後にお見せします
AIにより生成された輪郭で 進化により — 厳密には半進化と言うべきですが — バランスをとるように 作られました
ですので キックすると逆方向にバランスを保とうとします
ちなみに 私よりダンスは上手いようです
しばらく見ていると 最後にクライマックスまで演出しています
おそらく — 始まりますよ
我々ではなくシミュレーションが ダンスを創作したのです
ですので — ありがとう
まだジョン・トラボルタとは行きませんが それにも取り組んでいます ご清聴ありがとうございました
CA: 素晴らしい 実に素晴らしい
TR: ありがとう | That technology is simulating humans.
It's simulated humans with a simulated body and a simulated nervous system to control that body.
Now, before I talk more about that technology, let's have a quick look at what human characters look like at the moment in computer games.
This is a clip from a game called "Grand Theft Auto 3."
We already saw that briefly yesterday.
And what you can see is -- it is actually a very good game.
It's one of the most successful games of all time.
But what you'll see is that all the animations in this game are very repetitive.
They pretty much look the same.
I've made him run into a wall here, over and over again.
And you can see he looks always the same.
The reason for that is that these characters are actually not real characters.
They are a graphical visualization of a character.
To produce these animations, an animator at a studio has to anticipate what's going to happen in the actual game, and then has to animate that particular sequence.
So, he or she sits down, animates it, and tries to anticipate what's going to happen, and then these particular animations are just played back at appropriate times in the computer game.
Now, the result of that is that you can't have real interactivity.
All you have is animations that are played back at more or less the appropriate times.
It also means that games aren't really going to be as surprising as they could be, because you only get out of it, at least in terms of the character, what you actually put into it.
There's no real emergence there.
And thirdly, as I said, most of the animations are very repetitive because of that.
Now, the only way to get around that is to actually simulate the human body and to simulate that bit of the nervous system of the brain that controls that body.
And maybe, if I could have you for a quick demonstration to show what the difference is -- because, I mean, it's very, very trivial.
If I push Chris a bit, like this, for example, he'll react to it.
If I push him from a different angle, he'll react to it differently, and that's because he has a physical body, and because he has the motor skills to control that body.
It's a very trivial thing.
It's not something you get in computer games at the moment, at all.
Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: That's it?
Torsten Reil: That's it, yes.
So, that's what we're trying to simulate -- not Chris specifically, I should say, but humans in general.
Now, we started working on this a while ago at Oxford University, and we tried to start very simply.
What we tried to do was teach a stick figure how to walk.
That stick figure is physically stimulated. You can see it here on the screen.
So, it's subject to gravity, has joints, etc.
If you just run the simulation, it will just collapse, like this.
The tricky bit is now to put an AI controller in it that actually makes it work.
And for that, we use the neural network, which we based on that part of the nervous system that we have in our spine that controls walking in humans.
It's called the central pattern generator.
So, we simulated that as well, and then the really tricky bit is to teach that network how to walk.
For that we used artificial evolution -- genetic algorithms.
We heard about those already yesterday, and I suppose that most of you are familiar with that already.
But, just briefly, the concept is that you create a large number of different individuals -- neural networks, in this case -- all of which are random at the beginning.
You hook these up -- in this case, to the virtual muscles of that two-legged creature here -- and hope that it does something interesting.
At the beginning, they're all going to be very boring.
Most of them won't move at all, but some of them might make a tiny step.
Those are then selected by the algorithm, reproduced with mutation and recombinations to introduce sex as well.
And you repeat that process over and over again, until you have something that walks -- in this case, in a straight line, like this.
So that was the idea behind this.
When we started this, I set up the simulation one evening.
It took about three to four hours to run the simulation.
I got up the next morning, went to the computer and looked at the results, and was hoping for something that walked in a straight line, like I've just demonstrated, and this is what I got instead.
So, it was back to the drawing board for us.
We did get it to work eventually, after tweaking a bit here and there.
And this is an example of a successful evolutionary run.
So, what you'll see in a moment is a very simple biped that's learning how to walk using artificial evolution.
At the beginning, it can't walk at all, but it will get better and better over time.
So, this is the one that can't walk at all.
Now, after five generations of applying evolutionary process, the genetic algorithm is getting a tiny bit better.
Generation 10 and it'll take a few steps more -- still not quite there.
But now, after generation 20, it actually walks in a straight line without falling over.
That was the real breakthrough for us.
It was, academically, quite a challenging project, and once we had reached that stage, we were quite confident that we could try and do other things as well with this approach -- actually simulating the body and simulating that part of the nervous system that controls it.
Now, at this stage, it also became clear that this could be very exciting for things like computer games or online worlds.
What you see here is the character standing there, and there's an obstacle that we put in its way.
And what you see is, it's going to fall over the obstacle.
Now, the interesting bit is, if I move the obstacle a tiny bit to the right, which is what I'm doing now, here, it will fall over it in a completely different way.
And again, if you move the obstacle a tiny bit, it'll again fall differently.
Now, what you see, by the way, at the top there, are some of the neural activations being fed into the virtual muscles.
Okay. That's the video. Thanks.
Now, this might look kind of trivial, but it's actually very important in any interactive or any virtual worlds.
Now, at this stage, we decided to start a company and move this further, because obviously this was just a very simple, blocky biped.
What we really wanted was a full human body.
So we started the company.
We hired a team of physicists, software engineers and biologists to work on this, and the first thing we had to work on was to create the human body, basically.
It's got to be relatively fast, so you can run it on a normal machine, but it's got to be accurate enough, so it looks good enough, basically.
So we put quite a bit of biomechanical knowledge into this thing, and tried to make it as realistic as possible.
What you see here on the screen right now is a very simple visualization of that body.
I should add that it's very simple to add things like hair, clothes, etc., but what we've done here is use a very simple visualization, so you can concentrate on the movement.
Now, what I'm going to do right now, in a moment, is just push this character a tiny bit and we'll see what happens.
Nothing really interesting, basically.
It falls over, but it falls over like a rag doll, basically.
The reason for that is that there's no intelligence in it.
It becomes interesting when you put artificial intelligence into it.
So, this character now has motor skills in the upper body -- nothing in the legs yet, in this particular one.
But what it will do -- I'm going to push it again.
It will realize autonomously that it's being pushed.
It's going to stick out its hands.
It's going to turn around into the fall, and try and catch the fall.
So that's what you see here.
if you then add the AI for the lower part of the body as well.
So here, we've got the same character.
I'm going to push it a bit harder now, harder than I just pushed Chris.
But what you'll see is -- it's going to receive a push now from the left.
What you see is it takes steps backwards, it tries to counter-balance, it tries to look at the place where it thinks it's going to land.
I'll show you this again.
And then, finally hits the floor.
Now, this becomes really exciting when you push that character in different directions, again, just as I've done.
That's something that you cannot do right now.
At the moment, you only have empty computer graphics in games.
What this is now is a real simulation. That's what I want to show you now.
So, here's the same character with the same behavior I've just shown you, but now I'm just going to push it from different directions.
First, starting with a push from the right.
This is all slow motion, by the way, so we can see what's going on.
Now, the angle will have changed a tiny bit, so you can see that the reaction is different.
Again, a push, now this time from the front.
And you see it falls differently.
And now from the left -- and it falls differently.
That was really exciting for us to see that.
That was the first time we've seen that.
This is the first time the public sees this as well, because we have been in stealth mode.
I haven't shown this to anybody yet.
Now, just a fun thing: what happens if you put that character -- this is now a wooden version of it, but it's got the same AI in it -- but if you put that character on a slippery surface, like ice.
We just did that for a laugh, just to see what happens.
And this is what happens.
It's nothing we had to do about this.
We just took this character that I just talked about, put it on a slippery surface, and this is what you get out of it.
And that's a really fascinating thing about this approach.
Now, when we went to film studios and games developers and showed them that technology, we got a very good response.
And what they said was, the first thing they need immediately is virtual stuntmen.
Because stunts are obviously very dangerous, they're very expensive, and there are a lot of stunt scenes that you cannot do, obviously, because you can't really allow the stuntman to be seriously hurt.
So, they wanted to have a digital version of a stuntman and that's what we've been working on for the past few months.
And that's our first product that we're going to release in a couple of weeks.
So, here are just a few very simple scenes of the guy just being kicked.
That's what people want. That's what we're giving them.
You can see, it's always reacting.
This is not a dead body. This is a body who basically, in this particular case, feels the force and tries to protect its head.
Only, I think it's quite a big blow again.
You feel kind of sorry for that thing, and we've seen it so many times now that we don't really care any more.
There are much worse videos than this, by the way, which I have taken out, but ...
Now, here's another one.
What people wanted as a behavior was to have an explosion, a strong force applied to the character, and have the character react to it in midair.
So that you don't have a character that looks limp, but actually a character that you can use in an action film straight away, that looks kind of alive in midair as well.
it's going to realize it's in the air, and it's going to try and, well, stick out its arm in the direction where it's landing.
That's one angle; here's another angle.
We now think that the realism we're achieving with this is good enough to be used in films.
And let's just have a look at a slightly different visualization.
This is something I just got last night from an animation studio in London, who are using our software and experimenting with it right now.
So this is exactly the same behavior that you saw, but in a slightly better rendered version.
So if you look at the character carefully, you see there are lots of body movements going on, none of which you have to animate like in the old days.
Animators had to actually animate them.
This is all happening automatically in the simulation.
This is a slightly different angle, and again a slow motion version of this.
This is incredibly quick. This is happening in real time.
You can run this simulation in real time, in front of your eyes, change it, if you want to, and you get the animation straight out of it.
At the moment, doing something like this by hand would take you probably a couple of days.
This is another behavior they requested.
I'm not quite sure why, but we've done it anyway.
It's a very simple behavior that shows you the power of this approach.
In this case, the character's hands are fixed to a particular point in space, and all we've told the character to do is to struggle.
And it looks organic. It looks realistic.
You feel kind of sorry for the guy.
It's even worse -- and that is another video I just got last night -- if you render that a bit more realistically.
Now, I'm showing this to you just to show you how organic it actually can feel, how realistic it can look.
And this is all a physical simulation of the body, using AI to drive virtual muscles in that body.
Now, one thing which we did for a laugh was to create a slightly more complex stunt scene, and one of the most famous stunts is the one where James Bond jumps off a dam in Switzerland and then is caught by a bungee.
Got a very short clip here.
Yes, you can just about see it here.
In this case, they were using a real stunt man. It was a very dangerous stunt.
It was just voted, I think in the Sunday Times, as one of the most impressive stunts.
Now, we've just tried and -- looked at our character and asked ourselves, "Can we do that ourselves as well?"
Can we use the physical simulation of the character, use artificial intelligence, put that artificial intelligence into the character, drive virtual muscles, simulate the way he jumps off the dam, and then skydive afterwards, and have him caught by a bungee afterwards?
We did that. It took about altogether just two hours, pretty much, to create the simulation.
And that's what it looks like, here.
Now, this could do with a bit more work. It's still very early stages, and we pretty much just did this for a laugh, just to see what we'd get out of it.
But what we found over the past few months is that this approach -- that we're pretty much standard upon -- is incredibly powerful.
We are ourselves surprised what you actually get out of the simulations.
There's very often very surprising behavior that you didn't predict before.
There's so many things we can do with this right now.
The first thing, as I said, is going to be virtual stuntmen.
Several studios are using this software now to produce virtual stuntmen, and they're going to hit the screen quite soon, actually, for some major productions.
The second thing is video games.
With this technology, video games will look different and they will feel very different.
For the first time, you'll have actors that really feel very interactive, that have real bodies that really react.
I think that's going to be incredibly exciting.
Probably starting with sports games, which are going to become much more interactive.
But I particularly am really excited about using this technology in online worlds, like there, for example, that Tom Melcher has shown us.
The degree of interactivity you're going to get is totally different, I think, from what you're getting right now.
A third thing we are looking at and very interested in is simulation.
We've been approached by several simulation companies, but one project we're particularly excited about, which we're starting next month, is to use our technology -- and in particular, the walking technology -- to help aid surgeons who work on children with cerebral palsy, to predict the outcome of operations on these children.
As you probably know, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome of an operation is if you try and correct the gait.
The classic quote is, I think, it's unpredictable at best, is what people think right now, is the outcome.
Now, what we want to do with our software is allow our surgeons to have a tool.
We're going to simulate the gait of a particular child and the surgeon can then work on that simulation and try out different ways to improve that gait, before he actually commits to an actual surgery.
That's one project we're particularly excited about, and that's going to start next month.
Just finally, this is only just the beginning.
We can only do several behaviors right now.
The AI isn't good enough to simulate a full human body.
The body yes, but not all the motor skills that we have.
And, I think, we're only there if we can have something like ballet dancing.
Right now, we don't have that but I'm very sure that we will be able to do that at some stage.
We do have one unintentional dancer actually, the last thing I'm going to show you.
This was an AI contour that was produced and evolved -- half-evolved, I should say -- to produce balance, basically.
So, you kick the guy and the guy's supposed to counter-balance.
That's what we thought was going to come out of this.
But this is what emerged out of it, in the end.
Bizarrely, this thing doesn't have a head. I'm not quite sure why.
So, this was not something we actually put in there.
He just started to create that dance himself.
He's actually a better dancer than I am, I have to say.
And what you see after a while -- I think he even goes into a climax right at the end.
And I think -- there you go.
So, that all happened automatically. We didn't put that in there.
That's just the simulation creating this itself, basically.
So it's just -- Thanks.
Not quite John Travolta yet, but we're working on that as well, so thanks very much for your time.
CA: Incredible. That was really incredible.
TR: Thanks. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
そしてゴーリキィの報告から話し合いは始まった。 | “Hyulololooo! It’s Samsara Egg! I am back!!”
For some reason, this made Pumpkin feel obligated to scream, so he swooped down from about meters in the air to the center of the village square, decelerated just before the ground, and landed on his feet.
My feelings are like that, you know? It’s called “High-altitude military parachuting”. Not that it’s high enough, I guess.
“Phew, sorry to keep you waiting!”
“Patriach, is there an enemy!?”
“You’re too late to return home, Patriach!?”
He was greeted by the voices of Spalpkin and those surrounding him as soon as he landed, and the adventurers staying in the village started to stir.
After three years, Pumpkin has discovered that, like their physical and magical prowess, each Spalpkin has a unique linguistic capacity. While some Spalpkin can pronounce words like regular people, others seemed to have a propensity of pronouncing words in a certain way.
Therefore, the Spalpkin outside the village centered on those whose language lacked many idiosyncrasies. But this was irrelevant now, he supposed.
“Where are the people in charge?”
“At the meeting place.”
“They’re in the middle of a discussion.”
“Okay. Oh, here’s a souvenir from the capital. Share it with everyone.”
Handing the bag of Senkonoto souvenirs he had bought with the money earned from this request to a nearby Spalpkin, Pumpkin flew slowly through the village, which had expanded over the past three years, towards the meeting place where the group of leaders was said to be located.
A shrine to an egg-shaped boulder that served as the village’s symbol was initially created on the site of the structure where he had resided; nevertheless, it was now often utilized as a gathering place for discussions.
Since it was troublesome to move it, Pumpkin’s house was attached to the meeting house. This was quite useful when anything happened.
“It’s me, Pumpkin. I’m home!”
He, therefore, knocked once on the door after arriving at the meeting place before entering.
“Oh, welcome back.”
“Bunbubu. (Welcome home.)”
“You’re back.”
“Oh, there you have returned.”
“Thanks for your hard work.”
Five people were seated in a circle inside the meeting place: Mizuki, who was wearing a hood and mask to hide the fact that she was a spirit; the leader, who was holding a dial for communication; Gorky, who was wearing armor that was more solid than the other Spalpkin; and Crave and Tax, who was attired in their usual outfits and facing Pumpkin.
“Were you in the middle of a discussion? Sorry about that. Did I interrupt you?”
“No problem. Given how long it took you to return, we were just discussing whether or not to send a dispatch to the capital.”
Saying that, Mizuki was evidently radiating an aura of indignation.
Oh yeah. I suppose I have caused you to worry after all...
“Ah, I’m sorry. For a while, I was in danger of dying. Sorry to worry you guys.”
“I heard you had a fight with the God of Destruction.”
Crave added a few more phrases at his remarks, as if recalling something he had heard before.
“Oh, even I myself wondered how I survived...”
“That’s not what this is about!”
Mizuki then unexpectedly raised her voice.
Um, what are you angry about?
“You don’t even know what I am upset about... Do you have any idea how anxious we were while you were wandering around out there with no contact? You stupid pumpkin!!”
“Owww, hey, don’t shake me so violently, Mizuki-san. I’m getting sick!?”
Mizuki became even more furious as she aggressively shook Pumpkin when a questioning comment was made to her.
No, well, I feel bad that I went to the royal capital on my own without even sending a single message, and I nearly perished... but why are people around here grinning at me? Huh? I don’t get it.
At any rate, I should get down on my knees to Mizuki and somehow ask for her forgiveness. That will do.
“Hah... this stupid pumpkin is seriously... forget it.”
“Yes. I apologize again and again.”
“Well... cough. Let’s just leave it at that and move on.”
“Ngh. First, let’s start off with a report.”
“Right. That would be good.
“Bunbubu. (That’s right.)”
The conversation proceeded with Crave acting as the moderator after Mizuki’s fury had subsided due to Pumpkin’s continuous prostration on his knees for a while.
Each of the six individuals assembled here had specific responsibility for one or more aspects of the village, yet they all had a specialized purpose.
And precisely what activities did each one oversee?
Pumpkin: Village chief, negotiations with Count Kunuki and other high-ranking officials outside of the village, resonance spell-related matters.
Mizuki: Water, hygiene-related
Leader: Hunting Bee, construction, beeswax armory-related
Gorky: Young leader of the Spalpkins, hunting, agriculture-related
Crave: Adventurer who stays in the village, related to the investigation of Lean Forest
Tax: Administration-related
The only question was who was in charge of each task, in actuality. Gorky was not the only one participating in agriculture; Mizuki and the leader also helped raise the crops, while Tax, Crave, and Pumpkin assisted with the harvest. In the end, everyone was involved in the process.
After all, this kind of thing merely served as a distinction to make it easier to figure out who to consult and so on.
“Then I want a report on what happened while I was gone.”
“Okay. Let’s start with me.”
Gorky’s report then kicked off the discussion. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「え? 見えること前提ですよ?」
「いいですか? 大人の女性がその格好をしたらどこかやらしい雰囲気になってしまいます。
「ほらあ! 親御さんにもご好評でしょう!?」
「今『うおっ』て言った! 絶対『うおっ』て言った!」
何かきっかけがあって医者を辞めたらしいんだが、それからずっと酒浸りで......一度は自殺に失敗してるらしい」 | While Tim was investigating the Reiner Clinic, the rest of them headed to Adamant Sewing. It was because they were contacted that Lucella’s equipment that they ordered was completed.
Adventurers, for better or worse, were full of misfits and heretics that didn’t fit in common sense.
Tim suggested that Lucella, who had obtained the power of dragons, could somewhat alleviate his abnormality if he dressed like an adventurer. Thus, they ordered the equipment to be made using the pelts of the Variants that he brought back, but...
Lucella raised that cramped shriek and became speechless. The pervert (Midum), on the other hand, looked self-satisfied.
After putting the finished “armor” on, Lucella was frozen from shock. If you were to describe it overall, it was a deep crimson dress, or maybe a mini-dress, that gave a similar vibe to the dress Kafal’s clone wore.
Under the exposed shoulders, the torso was tightly bound with a decorative belt, which was tied into a giant ribbon at the back akin to spread wings. The skirt with exaggerated frills had a hard texture and was quite short. It
The arm guards that looked like long, fingerless gloves had frilly flowers on the upper arms, and the leg guards that were like thigh-high stirrup leggings (tights-like garments with exposed heels and toes) were suspended like a garter belt.
And what finished the set was a headdress that gave off both fancy and countryside vibes.
Coupled with her red hair, she looked like a blooming flame flower.
It looked childish, girlish, and, despite its low exposure, a somewhat indecent masterpiece where the artisan’s skills shined in the uncalled direction.
“Right... I forgot... I forgot to tell her to make it an inconspicuous design...”
“Despite knowing that would end awfully if you left the design choice up to an eastern human or a dwarf...”
“I agree that it’s cute but you’ve overstepped into a territory that makes it impossible to defend you, you know?!”
Adventurers sometimes dressed eccentrically to make themselves known. But this getup would most likely stand out as eccentric and peculiar even among them. It was equipment you could only wear if you abandoned some of your shame.
In the mirror stood a cute girl whose getup would put something at risk.
“Oh my. I wonder who’s that cute girl with such a humiliating getup?”
“Please face the reality...!”
“Is embarrassing the first thing you need to say? This is cutting-edge equipment!”
The dwarf that looked no older than Lucella inspected the equipment state with heavy nasal breathing.
“Hear me out, ufufufufu! Adventurers tend to wear equipment with artistic designs, gehehe, to call attention to themselves, so this much falls in the normal category, uhehehehe.”
“Maybe I would’ve believed you without that shady smile and laughter.”
“But isn’t it cute?”
Lucella was stumped for the reply to that direct question.
The problem was something else entirely, so if you asked whether it was cute or not, the answer was yes, it was indeed cute.
The beauty’s face in the mirror got flushed red.
“It’s c-cu... Um, was there a need to make the skirt this short? A little jump could be enough to make it visible...”
“Huh? It’s supposed to be visible.”
“Isn’t that weird?!”
“Listen. If an adult wore that it would give off indecent vibes. But if it’s a child wearing it, people would just pass it off as ‘cute’!”
Midum said something incomprehensible so Lucella decided to change her direction of protest.
“The exposure would just lower the defensive power...”
“The material is too strong, so if you imprison your body in it, that is, if you don’t add any exposure it would negatively influence the biological magic power cycle. It wouldn’t matter if an amateur with a weak body decided to wear it, but you have power that corresponds to that armor, right? Your torso which has many vital parts and limbs that are easily injured are properly guarded. So with that, I needed a bigger exposure on the lower part, and the relatively safe area was the thighs. If it was a guy just exposing their upper arms would’ve done the job, but the biological flow of magic power is different in girls, you see.”
“...I-I see, so this armor is on that level...”
“It could be handled if I turned them into loose clothes, but those wouldn’t work for a vanguard.”
Lucella’s argument was shot down with reason even in the functionality department, so he was stunned and speechless.
Top-class female adventurers had a high degree of leg exposure. The reason for that was the functional aspect.
“No wait, even then, couldn’t you have gone for a more subdued design or some...”
“Lucella... cute.”
“C-cu-... agh.”
“See! Even your esteemed mother likes it!”
Since Kafal seemed happy, Midum found an excellent justification for herself.
—For dragons that fundamentally live naked, the threshold for shyness is something else...
Lucella didn’t object that it looked ‘cute,’ but dragons and perverts’ viewpoints were apparently irreconcilable with that of humans when it came to the problematic issues outside of that.
“I also made a few underwear using the material stock, so I’ll hand them over too. Everything will be paid with the scraps of the pelt that remained. They look fragile but are actually stronger than steel and wouldn’t be damaged be it using fire or acid.”
Incidentally, regarding the underwear issue that was temporarily settled with bloomers, they would be completely visible with clothes like these.
The underwear that Midum passed over to match the armor was naturally ‘tight’ and “lacking in coverage.” Despite that, the ornaments imitating lace and cute ribbons attached to it made them quite ominous.
“Heey, are you do-... woah!”
Then suddenly, Tim entered the workshop, and bent backward in surprise when he saw Lucella as if he was smacked with an ogre’s club.
“You said ‘woah!’ just now! You definitely said it!”
“Don’t worry, it suits you and it’s cute.”
“Look me in the eye!”
The armored man decided to make no comment about the problematic aspect of it.
“B-By the way, I found that Charles Reiner guy.”
“You did?”
“Wow, that was fast.”
“I mean, compared to the Dragonian interpreter that we aren’t even sure exists, it’s a former doctor even if he closed the clinic. It was easy to track him by tracing the rumors.”
Tim skillfully changed the topic. But as usual, his stern face turned bitter.
“But it seems he’s famous in a bad sense. He apparently quit being a doctor due to some reason, and has been constantly drinking ever since... They say he even attempted suicide once.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 17,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ロック、みえるか? あそこに洞窟っぽいのがあるであろう?」
「であろう? 我もゴブリンだと思ったのだ。だが万一、人族だったら困るのである」
「まさに! まさにその通りであるぞ」
「ぎゃっぎゃっぎゃ! ケーテは義理堅いドラゴンなのである!」
「ぎゃっぎゃっぎゃ! 我より強いロックがそれを言うのか」
「む? まだ何かあるのか?」
「ふむ? ゴブリンと手を組んだ人族ということであるか?」
「む? 気が進まないなら、ケーテと外で待っていてもいいぞ?」
「ガルヴはどうする? 外で待っていてもいいぞ」
俺はニアに向かって大きくうなずくと、遺跡の中へと足を踏み入れた。 | After flying for a while, Kathe said,
“I can see it now.”
“It’s very quick when you fly.”
“Of course it is!”
But it would have been over an hour on foot.
Dragons were very fast.
Kathe landed lightly on the ground.
And so we got off of the dragon’s back and onto the ground as well.
“It is over there.”
Kathe stood behind me but our faces were now aligned.
They were aligned, but the dragon’s head was about as tall as I was.
I suppose it was so our eyes would be level.
“Can you see it, Locke? There is a cave over there.”
“Hmm. I can see it. So that’s the ruin that is overrun by goblins?”
“That is right. These goblins are so bold!”
Kathe was breathing hoarsely.
When I inspected the entrance to the ruins, I could see that there were two goblins.
“See? I thought they were goblins as well. But I wanted to make sure that they weren’t actually humans.”
Kathe was not confident on this issue of telling us apart.
After all, Kathe had mistaken us for goblins the last time.
“So that’s why you called me?”
Kathe said smugly.
“I came here because the intruder detection spell was triggered. And then I saw these goblin-like creatures and was about to burn them away...”
“But then you remembered our promise?”
“Exactly! Exactly right.”
“Thank you for keeping it.”
“Gahahahaha! I happen to have a strong sense of duty!”
I called over Nia and Grulf.
Grulf had calmed down considerably. But he was still shaking.
“Grulf, are you alright?”
Still, there was little cheerfulness in his voice.
But he was still a pup, after all.
“Nia. Can you see it?”
“Yes. I can see. There are two goblins.”
Nia was calm now.
She wasn’t shaking or clamping her tail between her legs.
Perhaps riding the dragon had helped her become accustomed to it.
It was only a moment ago that she had been on top of the gigantic Kathe while also being up high and moving at a great speed.
So being on the ground again was nothing.
“Nia. How many goblins do you think are in that ruin?”
Nia began to think hard.
I decided to quietly wait until she was finished.
Kathe looked on as if this was most amusing.
“It’s too far to say for sure...but I can see two watchers.”
“The fact that there are watchers suggests there might be a leader, such as a hob goblin or goblin magician...”
I told her to continue.
“I think there might be ten or twenty inside.”
“Th-thank you.”
Nia’s tail wagged slowly.
“Of course, it’s possible that there are less than five in all or that the two guards are the only ones.”
“However, that is just an optimistic guess. As an Adventurer, its best to expect the worst.”
I said admiringly and patted her on the head.
Kathe watched this exchange with a curious expression.
“You humans do think about a lot of things.”
“Humans are much weaker than dragons. We have to think or we will die easily.”
“Gahahahaha! But you are stronger than me, Locke.”
Kathe was in a good mood. A sharp contrast to Grulf, who was still hiding behind me.
“Well, now that we know they are goblins, let us burn them out.”
“Wait a second.”
“Hm? Is there something else?”
“There is still a possibility of humans being inside.”
“Hm? You mean humans who are in league with the goblins?”
“No, I mean humans that were captured by the goblins.”
Goblins ate people.
And so the chance of there being living captives was quite low.
“I’ll go and explore the ruins with Nia and Grulf...”
Nia looked surprised.
“Oh? If you don’t want to, you could stay outside with Kathe?”
“No, I was just surprised. I will definitely go with you.”
“I would like to go too.”
“Hmm. You’re too big, Kathe.”
“But it is a dragon ruin, so it is big inside, you know?”
“That’s true... But I want you to wait by the entrance and kill any goblins that try to escape.”
“I see. That is an important job, yes.”
Kathe was satisfied by this.
“What about you, Grulf? Do you want to wait outside?”
Grulf growled weakly. Then he lifted both paws towards my hand.
He would rather hunt goblins then stay with Kathe.
“Alright. Let’s go then.”
And so I told Nia and Grulf what we would do.
We wouldn’t be able to talk once we got close, so we needed to prepare in advance.
After that, we approached the ruins. Nia and I would kill a goblin each.
It was important that we did not let them scream while we did it.
When that was finished, we would go inside of the ruins, and Nia and Grulf would follow after me.
This would be good stealth training for Nia.
Even for a Warrior, stealth training was important in becoming a first-rate Adventurer.
It would be completely ridiculous if you couldn’t even hide from mere goblins.
I had told her that before we began.
And so she quietly approached and jumped at the goblin at the perfect distance. And then she thrust her sword into its neck.
I killed my own goblin at the same time.
I nodded approvingly to her and then we stepped foot into the ruins. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 9,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
今日は その話をするわ
ことの始まりは 彼が4歳のとき
いつも冷蔵庫にあるものを取り出しては 色々混ぜ合わせて料理してた まあ当然食べられないんだけど マカロニチーズでも作っていたのかも
そんな子供がもらって 一番嬉しいものといえば イージー・ベイク・オーブンしかないでしょ?
でもそれから あることに気付いた
イージー・ベイク・オーブンのCMや パッケージを見ると ハズブロは明らかに女の子だけに売り込みをしてる
だってパッケージやCMには 女の子しか出てこないし オーブンも全体が花柄になっていて 色は鮮やかなピンクや紫 まさに女の子向けって感じでしょ?
だから こんな風に言われてる気分になる 「料理は女の子がするもので 男の子はしない」
シェフになるなんて考えちゃだめだと感じたの だって女の子がするものだから 女の子はするけど 男の子はしない
女の子はするけど 男の子はしない ハズブロからはそんなメッセージを感じた
そして私は考えたの 「ああ これを変える方法はないかしら ハズブロに声が届くなら 間違ったことをしてるって教えて 改善してってお願いするのに」
そして あるウェブサイトを思い出したの 数か月前に知ったばかりの チェンジ・ドット・オーグのこと
オンラインの署名プラットフォームで 嘆願書をつくれるの そしてソーシャル・メディア・ネットワークを使って共有できる たとえばフェイスブックにツイッター ユーチューブ レディット タンブラー 思いつく限りどれでも
だから嘆願書をつくったわ そしてユーチューブを使って考えを広めたの ハズブロに売り込み方を変えてほしいって CMやパッケージに男の子も起用して 性別に偏りのない色の 製品を作ってほしいって
そして この活動は軌道に乗り始めた 予想もできないくらい とてつもない速さで
国内のいろんな報道機関からインタビューを受けたわ もうびっくり
3週間 いえ 3週間と半分くらいだったかしら 4万6千もの署名が集まったの
(拍手) ありがとう
そしてついに ハズブロが自ら 私を本社に招待してくれたの そして私に 新しいイージー・ベイク・オーブンを見せてくれた 黒や シルバーや 青色の
間違いなく 人生で最高の瞬間だったわ
まるで『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』の世界 本当に素晴らしい瞬間だった
でもその時 私は気付いてなかったの 自分が活動家になったってことに 何かを変えることができた 子供なのに 子供である私の声が 大きな影響力を持った あなたの声だってそう
ただ そんな簡単にはいかないわ 私がそうだったから 困難もたくさんあった
インターネット上や 実生活でさえ 私や家族を蔑む人たちがいたの すべてが時間の無駄って言われた すごく落ち込んだわ
実はいくつか紹介したいの だって一番の仕返しは その愚かさを見世物にしてやることじゃない?
では まず
ユーザーネーム リキッドソード29さん 面白い名前だこと 「子供をゲイにするような自由主義には反吐が出る」 これ 本気で言ってんの? まあいいわ
次 ホワイトボーイ77AGSさん 「イチャモンをつけたがる奴はいつの時代にもいる」
ジェフリー・グティエレスさん 「黙れ!金と注目を集めたいだけだろう」 こういったコメントが寄せられて 変化を起こすことを 諦めそうになった だって思ったの 「誰も気にしてないんだ ただ時間の無駄って思ってる みんなが私や家族を 軽蔑したような目で見るんだわ」って
胸が痛かった そして考えたの 「変化を起こす意味なんてあるの?」
でも だんだん こう思えてきた
さあみんな 一緒に!1 2 3 言いたい奴には言わせとけ!
そう 好きに言わせとけばいいのよ! あなたも変化を起こして 絶対にできるから
こんなに大勢 400人ものひとがここに来たんだもの どうしたら変化を起こせるのかを 知りたいという理由でね あなたにもできるわ 家でこれを見ているあなたもそう できることがたくさんあるし 信じているものだってたくさんあるでしょう そして意見を交換していくの フェイスブックやツイッター ユーチューブ レディット タンブラー
自分が信じるものを掲げて それをもとに 変化を起こすの
今日 色々な話の中で出てきた「ひらめき」 あなたの中にあるその「ひらめき」を使って 変化の火を灯そう
ありがとう | So allow me to tell you about it.
So I have a brother, Gavin.
When this whole shebang happened, he was four.
He loved to cook.
He was always getting ingredients out of the fridge and mixing them into these, needless to say, uneatable concoctions, or making invisible macaroni and cheese.
He wanted to be a chef really badly.
And so what better gift for a kid who wanted to be a chef than an Easy-Bake Oven. Right?
I mean, we all had those when we were little.
And he wanted one so badly.
But then he started to realize something.
In the commercials, and on the boxes for the Easy-Bake Ovens, Hasbro marketed them specifically to girls.
And the way that they did this was they would only feature girls on the boxes or in the commercials, and there would be flowery prints all over the ovens and it would be in bright pink and purple, very gender-specific colors to females, right?
So it kind of was sending a message that only girls are supposed to cook; boys aren't.
And this discouraged my brother a lot.
He thought that he wasn't supposed to want to be a chef, because that was something that girls did.
Girls cooked; boys didn't, or so was the message that Hasbro was sending.
And this got me thinking, God, I wish there was a way that I could change this, that could I have my voice heard by Hasbro so I could ask them and tell them what they were doing wrong and ask them to change it.
And that got me thinking about a website that I had learned about a few months prior called is an online petition-sharing platform where you can create a petition and share it across all of these social media networks, through Facebook, through Twitter, through YouTube, through Reddit, through Tumblr, through whatever you can think of.
And so I created a petition along with the YouTube video that I added to the petition basically asking Hasbro to change the way that they marketed it, in featuring boys in the commercials, on the boxes, and most of all creating them in less gender-specific colors.
So this petition started to take off -- humongously fast, you have no idea.
I was getting interviewed by all these national news outlets and press outlets, and it was amazing.
In three weeks, maybe three and a half, I had 46,000 signatures on this petition.
Thank you.
So, needless to say, it was crazy.
Eventually, Hasbro themselves invited me to their headquarters so they could go and unveil their new Easy-Bake Oven product to me in black, silver and blue.
It was literally one of the best moments of my life.
It was like &quot;Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.&quot; That thing was amazing.
What I didn't realize at the time, however, was that I had become an activist, I could change something, that even as a kid, or maybe even especially as a kid, my voice mattered, and your voice matters too.
I want to let you know it's not going to be easy, and it wasn't easy for me, because I faced a lot of obstacles.
People online, and sometimes even in real life, were disrespectful to me and my family, and talked about how the whole thing was a waste of time, and it really discouraged me.
And actually, I have some examples, because what's better revenge than displaying their idiocy?
So, let's see.
From user name Liquidsore29 -- interesting user names we have here— &quot;Disgusting liberal moms making their sons gay.&quot; Liquidsore29, really? Really? Okay.
How about from Whiteboy77AGS: "People always need something to about."
From Jeffrey Gutierrez: &quot;OMG, shut up. You just want money and attention.&quot; So it was comments like these that really discouraged me from wanting to make change in the future because I thought, people don't care, people think it's a waste of time, and people are going to be disrespectful to me and my family.
It hurt me, and it made me think, what's the point of making change in the future?
But then I started to realize something.
Haters gonna hate.
Come on, say it with me. One, two, three: Haters gonna hate.
So let your haters hate, you know what, and make your change, because I know you can.
I look out into this crowd, and I see 400 people who came out because they wanted to know how they could make a change, and I know that you can, and all of you watching at home can too because you have so much that you can do and that you believe in, and you can trade it across all these social media, through Facebook, through Twitter, through YouTube, through Reddit, through Tumblr,
through whatever else you can think of.
And you can make that change.
You can take what you believe in and turn it into a cause and change it.
And that spark that you've been hearing about all day today, you can use that spark that you have within you and turn it into a fire.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「いや、あれは不可抗力! 俺は断固として不可抗力を主張する!」
「ぐぬぅ......」 | Finia worriedly greeted me as I sluggishly got out of bed. On the table, there was fish that we caught yesterday along with lightly baked bread. There was also seaweed salad and grilled bacon. It seemed that the breakfast preparations were already done.
“Morning Finia.”
“Good Morning, Lady Nicole. How are you feeling?”
“As a matter of fact, I am sluggish and feel awful.”
“Will you be able to eat breakfast?”
After a quick greeting, I headed to the washroom. This cottage drew water straight from the well behind it, so you just had to use the hand pump and the water would come out.
There were various other magic tools installed here and there which made me think it felt better here than in the capital even.
I brushed my teeth with my personal toothbrush and then washed my face to refresh myself. Michelle and Letina joined me midway and we all washed our faces side by side. As Letina and I were small, all three of us could fit there without problems.
“Ptoo... Nicole, is your body doing fine now?”
“Yeah, I can move at least. But adventures are still too much for me now. My perception seems dulled due to pain.”
“You have to take care of yourself, okay?”
I nodded without saying anything to Letina’s concern. She forcefully befriended me at first, but she was not a bad girl deep down. She was actually quite a caretaker, so it made me feel glad to be with her.
After we returned to the living room once more, Cloud and Maxwell were already seated at the table.
“Cloud, did you wash your face?”
“I generally wash my face after eating. Besides, some people at the orphanage gave me weird faces when we entered the washroom together, so I acquired a habit of postponing it.”
I personally didn’t like the sticky sensation in my mouth so I normally washed up right after waking up, but there were certainly people that did it after breakfast. Thus, I gave an absentminded acknowledgment to his explanation.
After all of us were gathered, we started digging into our respective places. I had to say I really didn’t like how they were stealing glances at my way every now and then.
I understood that they were worried about me, but given the reason behind my condition, their conduct just made things more awkward.
Thus, I decided to redirect them to a different topic.
“By the way, Finia, about this seaweed salad...”
“I managed to procure some good seaweed.”
“...Could it be the Floa-”
“...You don’t have to stress that point so much.”
“So, about removing Cloud from the team...”
“Huh, removing me!?”
“You b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, don’t tell me you forgot how you witnessed Finia’s disgraceful appearance and did something so shameful on top of it?”
“Wait, that was beyond my control! That was absolutely beyond my control!”
Since I was trying to bring up a random topic, I decided to lash out at Cloud after he came into my sight. He took my words seriously and started frantically protesting them.
I mean, I understood what he felt back then, but he was still too weak towards women. It was no wonder he would be so after being kept at arm’s length not just by girls but people generally, but he was still far too pathetic.
As such, I felt the need to warn him about it.
“Since that ‘something beyond your control’ put Finia in danger, we have to make you take responsibility.”
“N-Now now... Lady Nicole, I don’t mind it.”
“You have to mind a bit, you know?”
Finia, who was an orphanage-raised, and then worked as Maria’s maid, was actually quite a sheltered girl. Since she knew that Cloud was harmless, the shyness she felt about getting seen by him was probably on the level of getting into a bath with a familiar boy.
Still, this time it turned out fine since the opponent was a harmless monster, but it could otherwise have been fatal. For the future’s sake, I had to have him get his act together.
For that, I chose the method of pressing him with a sense of crisis. Naturally, I had no intention of casting him aside so simply.
“Nicole, I also don’t want to see him go...”
“Hmm... Alright then, due to Michelle’s generosity and Finia’s forgiveness, Cloud shall receive a suspended sentence this time.”
“So I am still guilty in the end?!”
“Listen, if you mess up again, I’m really removing you from the team, got it?”
“Ugh, okay, I’ll be more careful.”
After his meek reply, I decided to leave it at that. But his unsociability with people was a bit of a problem. Though it has improved somewhat after he started partying up with us...
“Maybe you lack some stimulus in your life?”
“If you give this lad any more stimulus, he will dry up completely, would he not?”
He was partying with beauties during the day and being trained by Lyell and co during the night. And when he brought hunted materials to the Guild, other Adventurers sometimes dragged him off to the arena below.
Given his age, his life was certainly quite full of stimulus.
“Then, how come you’re so unused to it?”
“I mean, this time it was about Finia so...”
“No, nevermind.”
I glared at him with white eyes. Even if it was Cloud, I wasn’t about to hand Finia over!
Maxwell decided to put this conversation on hold and started talking about today’s plans.
“Now then. I want you to come with me and gather threads to make swimsuits today.”
The conversation went according to what we already discussed. Finia and I would remain behind while the rest would explore the forest of this deserted island. They were searching for a monster called Marble Spider in those woods.
It was a monster of around one meter long and it tended to make its nest in inconspicuous places where it preyed on mouse-sized creatures.
This cottage was on a cleared-up part of the forest, so those spiders that loved dim places wouldn’t show up here.
Sticky and strong threads could be collected from them. The adhesive substance was quite weak to water so we could wash it off later, meaning it could be used for swimsuits. It had brilliance, was tough, and its adhesiveness made it unlikely to become sodden. It might actually be the best material for swimsuits.
If there was a fault to it, it was that dyeing it would be quite hard.
“We can extract the threads even if we do not keep it alive, so feel free to consider it an environmental improvement and hunt them down without sparing any.”
“Okay, leave it to us!”
They generally didn’t move from where they built their nests, so they were easy targets for Michelle. She could defeat them by simply shooting from afar. Given the choice of the monster, it seemed that Maxwell was quite attentive to their safety.
“I will follow you as well, but try not to rely on me as much as you can. Finia will remain to care for Nicole and do her magic homework.”
“And Nicole, don’t be a naughty girl and listen to her.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 16,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
私は “そんなはずはない”と思いました
なぜなら正直なところ 私が考えたのは 若くて売出し中の 人権を教える教授が知らないわけがない
だから あり得ないと
教職にあり 学問を崇拝する人は 学問の神をあざ笑るべからず なぜなら 学問の神は あなたに好奇心と熱望を授け その情熱を糧にあなたを 変革の道に導くからです
文献を探してみると 奴隷に関する文書が3千件見つかりました
2件が現代の奴隷についてでした たったの2件
それらの報道記事は感情的なものばかりでした 推測や逸話がほとんどで 真実に欠けていました
私は奴隷を見ました 奴隷所有者にも会いました 私は奴隷関連ビジネスを 深く研究しました 奴隷は経済的犯罪ですから
私が見たものは 世界4大陸のどこに行っても 同じ悲しい現実でした
このようにです アフリカの農園では 我々の撮影班をたよって 逃走してきた奴隷たちが 鞭で打たれ 殴られるのを 目のあたりにしました
結婚の破局話ではありません つまらない仕事の話でもありません
これは逃げることができない人々 報酬もなく労働を強制させられる人々 常時暴力の恐怖にさらされながら 無賃で働かざるを得ない人々の話です
無賃で働かざるを得ない人々の話です 現代の奴隷は 過去に存在した 奴隷と全く変わりません
この地図にある赤や黄色い部分が 奴隷の密度が最も高い地域です
この青い部分は 奴隷が全くいない国です
ご覧のとおり アイスランドとグリーンランドだけは ご覧のとおり アイスランドとグリーンランドだけは 全く奴隷がいません
また私達が 特に注目するのは 奴隷を使った深刻な 環境破壊が 起きている地域です
世界中で 奴隷を使った環境破壊が進んでいます アマゾンの熱帯林を伐採したり 西アフリカの森林地帯を破壊したり ガーナやコンゴにみられる 鉱山と水銀汚染の拡散や 南アジア沿岸地帯の環境破壊等です
起きている環境問題と 人権侵害の問題には 痛ましい相関関係があります
一体なぜ このような状況に陥ったのでしょうか? 2010年時点で2千7百万人もの人々が 奴隷扱いされています
この数字は大西洋奴隷貿易時代に アフリカから移送された人の倍です
一つは よく知られた人口の爆発です 人口は過去50年間に 20億人から70億人に増加しました
発展途上国では非常に多くの人々が 内戦 人種間の紛争 独裁政治 疫病等々で 内戦 人種間の紛争 独裁政治 疫病等々で
脆弱な立場に置かれています 知ってるとおりです 数年前の シエラ・レオネのような国では 全てが同時に起こります 世界で約10億人に上る人々が 崖っぷちで生活しています 彼らの状況では 全く機会がなく 生活は極貧です
極貧な 社会的に脆弱な人々が 奴隷になるのは 法の支配が欠如しているからです
もし 法の支配が確立していれば 貧困者や社会的弱者も守れるはずです
しかし汚職がはびこり 法の支配による社会保障が 失われてしまい 暴力が使われ始め そして暴力への刑罰がなければ 社会的弱者の奴隷化が始まるのです 社会的弱者の奴隷化が始まるのです
一方 多くの人々にとって 奴隷になる経緯は 誘拐されたり 頭を殴られるわけではありません
彼らが奴隷になったのは 誰かが次の質問をしたからです
皆 “私が家に居ると 誰かが 村にやって来て叫ぶんだ '仕事があるぞ 仕事したい人を求む' って” '仕事があるぞ 仕事したい人を求む' って” そして彼らは 同じ状況であれば 我々もそうしたであろう行動を取りました
彼らは “そいつはちょっと怪しかったし私は疑った しかし子供たちはお腹が空いていたし
選択の余地はなかった お金を稼いで私の大事な家族を養うためだ”
人知れる距離を旅した後に 彼らは汚くて危険で屈辱的な職場に着きます
仕方なく仕事を始めます そして逃げようとすると バチーンと ハンマーが振り落とされます それで奴隷になったと気づくのです
このような奴隷の成り行きは 歴史上の奴隷制度とほとんど同じなのです
しかし 現代の奴隷には一つだけ 驚くべき新しい事実があります それは人間の値段が 完全に崩壊したことです 過去は高額だったのが今は極めて安価です
経済ニュースの話題に上がる位です 経済ニュースの話題に上がる位です
いつものようにマクロ経済や 商品市況の活発な討論をお送りします
今日のゲストはマイケル・オドノヒューさん 商品市況部長を務めています
そしてブレント・ローソンさん 証券会社の方です
ブレントさん ようこそ
これまでガソリンや石油の売建玉を保有してます 少し幅を広げようと思っています
長期的な視点でチャートを見ると 史上最安値ですが 奴隷の需要は世界的に根強いです
人身売買はどうですか? 興味ありますか?
もちろんです 強制労働が魅力的なのは 供給が尽きない資産だからです
人間は尽きることがありません 他の商品ではありえないです
未公開株式が興味を示しています 今後爆発的に成長する市場と言えるでしょう
いつも通り アフリカ人 インド人 そして特に 南米人 東欧人は 買いリストに載っています
興味深いですね マイケル 結局お勧めは?
私たちは買い持ちを推奨します 私たちは買い持ちを推奨します
社会的弱者はたくさんいます 本当に楽しみです
そうですね ゲストの方々ありがとうございました
もうお分かりでしょうが これは作り話です
でも皆さんの顎が下がるのを見るのは楽しかったです でも皆さんの顎が下がるのを見るのは楽しかったです
MTVヨーロッパと協力してこの作り話を制作しました 音楽ビデオの間に何の説明もなく 挿入しました おもしろいと思います
4千年もの間 人間の値段は 現在の貨幣価値で平均約4万ドルでした
現代の人間の値段は 世界中で約90ドルです
北米などでは もう少し高いです
北米で奴隷は3千~8千ドルです しかし インドやネパールでは 人間は5~10ドルほどで所持できるのです
ここで大切なのは 人間はもはや資産購入物件ではなくなり 発泡スチレンのコップのような物です
安く買って使って くしゃくしゃにして使い終わったら 捨ててしまうのです
彼らは奴隷所有者が保有する 石切場の輸送手段です
ここには道がありません そのため 自分たちの体重ほど重い石を背中に吊り下げて ヒマラヤ山中を運ぶのです
彼らの母親のひとりは “私たちはここでは生き残れません しかし死ぬことすらできないんです”
ひとつでも明るい話題があるとすれば 依然として奴隷の この若い男の子たち以外に 解放活動をしている元奴隷がいることです
白昼夢を見たことはありますか? ハリエット・タブマンに会えたとしたら?
この仕事で最も素晴らしいことは そのような人々に 実際に出会えることです そんな一人をご紹介します
彼の名前は ジェームス・コフィ・アンナンです ガーナの漁業奴隷でした 彼は現在 奴隷から逃げ出した後 新しい生活を始め 奴隷解放を支援する 組織に協力しています
彼は櫂で頭を殴られました これを見ると 私が小さい時に ここで働いていたことを思い出します
ジェームスとガーナ責任者のエマニュエル・オトは 頻繁に死の脅迫状を受けています 彼らが人身売買の罪で3人を訴え その結果有罪が確定して収監されたからです 漁業で成人や子どもを奴隷にして 罪を問われたのは
ガーナで初めてのことです 今まで私がお話ししたのは
とても悲しいことと言わざるを得ません しかし とても明るい側面もあるのです 現在も奴隷になっている 2千7百万人は膨大な人数です しかし歴史的に 世界の総人口と比較したら 奴隷の割合は今が最も低いのです
同様に奴隷ビジネスは年間4百億ドルの 経済効果を生み出していますが 奴隷労働のもたらす経済効果も 世界規模で比較すると最小の割合です
奴隷はあらゆる国で違法であり 国際社会の隅に追いやられてきました
ある意味では私たちの気づかぬうちに 奴隷制度は絶滅の瀬戸際に立たされ 奴隷制度は絶滅の瀬戸際に立たされ 私たちが最後の一押しさえすれば
十分に可能なことです では実践すべき資源を 集中して投入した場合 奴隷解放に要する費用はいくら掛かるのでしょう?
ところで費用の話をする前に 明確にしたいことがあります
解放のために奴隷を買取るのは テレビ泥棒に金を払うようなものです これでは犯罪を助長してしまいます
解放とさらに重要なのは 解放後に必要な仕事です ひとつの出来事ではなく工程なのです
威厳 安定 経済的自律 市民権 を 取り戻す工程なのです
威厳 安定 経済的自律 市民権 を 取り戻す工程なのです 威厳 安定 経済的自律 市民権 を 取り戻す工程なのです
驚くことに インドのような国はコストが非常に低いです ご覧の三世代家族は世襲の奴隷でした ご覧の三世代家族は世襲の奴隷でした 祖父は産まれてから ずっと奴隷でした 償却原価合計を見ると すべての後工程分も含めて 家族あたり 約150ドルでした 解放した後に2年間のプログラムで 一般市民の暮らし方と教育を施します
アメリカではもっと掛かります 弁護士費用 医療費...
理解できます ここはコストが高いです 約3万ドルです
しかし 世界中の奴隷のほとんどは コストが低い地域に住んでいます コストが低い地域に住んでいます
世界的平均コストはガーナと同程度です 世界的平均コストはガーナと同程度です 平均コストを 掛け算して 2千7百万人の奴隷の人々を解放し 持続可能な自由を得るのに必要な総額を計算すると 約108億ドルになります アメリカ人がポテトチップやプレッツェルを買う総額です シアトルが新型路面電車に投資する金額です また アメリカでジーンズを購入する年間総額
ホリデー・シーズン中に ゲームボーイ iPod等の電子機器に費やす 金額が約108億ドルです
そして すばらしいのは このお金は使い捨てではありません 自由の配当があります 奴隷から解放された 人々が自由に働き始めたら とても意欲を起こすでしょう
子どもを自分の職場に連れて行き 学校を設立し 彼らは “私たちには 今までは到底無理だった 三度の食事 病気になった時の薬 寒い時の服も手に入る”
彼らは消費者でも生産者でもあり 地域の経済は急速に成長するでしょう
持続可能な自由をいかに 構築するか非常に重要です なぜなら私たちは 1865年にアメリカで 起きたことを繰り返したくないのです
4百万人の奴隷が解放されました そして捨てられたのです
公民権 適切な教育 生活に必要な機会を 与えられることなく 代わりに何世代にも渡って 暴力 偏見 人種差別を受けたのです
1865年の奴隷解放は失敗に終わり アメリカは今もその代償を払っています
私たちはひとつ誓約をしました 私たちは決して 奴隷を解放した後に 二流の市民を作らないことを
漁業奴隷から解放されたガーナの子どもたちは 両親と再会を果たし 両親と共に村に帰り 二度と奴隷に戻らないように 経済的に健全な生活を再建するのです 経済的に健全な生活を再建するのです
現在 この女性は ネパールの山村に住んでいます
少しずつ生活に明るさが見えていました 少し気持ちも開放されたのです
しかし彼女と話して この写真を撮った時 まだ奴隷主がいて 私たちを傍から威嚇していました 奴隷主たちには変化がなかったのです
彼女に言いました “怖くないですか? 動揺してませんか?”
彼女は “いいえ 今の私たちには希望があります
もはや失敗はあり得ないです” “だって地球の裏側から皆さんが来て 私たちを助けてくれるのですから” と言いました
私たちは自問しなくてはなりません 私たちは奴隷がいる世界に好んで住むつもりなのか?
もし私たちが行動を起こさないと 日々購入する製品や政府の政策に 奴隷と紐づける罠が仕掛けられるのを 見過ごすことにならないのか?
もし人類全てが賛同できる何かがあるとすれば それは奴隷の完全撤廃だと思います そして もし私たち人間の尊厳が
基本的に侵害されているのなら 誰もが それは悪であり それは奴隷だと言うでしょう
そして私たちは もし奴隷を撤廃できないのなら 私たちの結集した 知識 政治 経済的な力― 特にこの会議場にいる知識を結集した力は― いったい何の役に立つというのでしょう?
この会議場には奴隷を撤廃するのに 十分な知識力があると思います
もし私たちが奴隷を撤廃できないとしたら もし私たちの知識力を結集しても無理なのなら 最後に問うべき質問があります 私たちは本当に自由ですか?
本当にありがとうございました | And I'm going to admit to hubris.
Because I also, I'm going to admit to you, I also thought, "How can I be like a hot-shot young full professor who teaches human rights and not know this?
So it can't be true."
Well, if you teach, if you worship in the temple of learning, do not mock the gods, because they will take you, fill you with curiosity and desire, and drive you. Drive you with a passion to change things.
I went out and did a lit review, 3,000 articles on the key word "slavery."
Two turned out to be about contemporary -- only two.
All the rest were historical.
They were press pieces and they were full of outrage, they were full of speculation, they were anecdotal -- no solid information.
So, I began to do a research project of my own.
I went to five countries around the world.
I looked at slaves. I met slaveholders, and I looked very deeply into slave-based businesses because this is an economic crime.
People do not enslave people to be mean to them.
They do it to make a profit.
And I've got to tell you, what I found out in the world in four different continents, was depressingly familiar.
Like this: Agricultural workers in Africa, whipped and beaten, showing us how they were beaten in the fields before they escaped from slavery and met up with our film crew.
It was mind-blowing.
And I want to be very clear.
I'm talking about real slavery.
This is not about lousy marriages, this is not about jobs that suck.
This is about people who can not walk away, people who are forced to work without pay, people who are operating 24/7 under a threat of violence and have no pay.
It's real slavery in exactly the same way that slavery would be recognized throughout all of human history.
Now, where is it?
Well, this map in the sort of redder, yellower colors are the places with the highest densities of slavery.
But in fact that kind of bluey color are the countries where we can't find any cases of slavery.
And you might notice that it's only Iceland and Greenland where we can't find any cases of enslavement around the world.
We're also particularly interested and looking very carefully slaves are being used to perpetrate extreme environmental destruction.
Around the world, slaves are used to destroy the environment, cutting down trees in the Amazon; destroying forest areas in West Africa; mining and spreading mercury around in places like Ghana and the Congo; destroying the coastal ecosystems in South Asia.
It's a pretty harrowing linkage between what's happening to our environment and what's happening to our human rights.
Now, how on Earth did we get to a situation like this, where we have 27 million people in slavery in the year 2010?
That's double the number that came out of Africa in the entire transatlantic slave trade.
Well, it builds up with these factors.
They are not causal, they are actually supporting factors.
One we all know about, the population explosion: the world goes from two billion people to almost seven billion people in the last 50 years.
Being numerous does not make you a slave.
Add in the increased vulnerability of very large numbers of people in the developing world, caused by civil wars, ethnic conflicts, kleptocratic governments, disease ... you name it, you know it.
We understand how that works. In some countries all of those things happen at once, like Sierra Leone a few years ago, and push enormous parts ... about a billion people in the world, in fact, as we know, live on the edge, live in situations where they don't have any opportunity and are usually even destitute.
But that doesn't make you a slave either.
What it takes to turn a person who is destitute and vulnerable into a slave, is the absence of the rule of law.
If the rule of law is sound, it protects the poor and it protects the vulnerable.
But if corruption creeps in and people don't have the opportunity to have that protection of the rule of law, then if you can use violence, if you can use violence with impunity, you can reach out and harvest the vulnerable into slavery.
Well, that is precisely what has happened around the world.
Though, for a lot of people, the people who step into slavery today don't usually get kidnapped or knocked over the head.
They come into slavery because someone has asked them this question.
All around the world I've been told an almost identical story.
People say, "I was home, someone came into our village, they stood up in the back of a truck, they said, 'I've got jobs, who needs a job?'" And they did exactly what you or I would do in the same situation.
They said, "That guy looked sketchy. I was suspicious, but my children were hungry.
We needed medicine.
I knew I had to do anything I could to earn some money to support the people I care about."
They climb into the back of the truck. They go off with the person who recruits them.
Ten miles, 100 miles, 1,000 miles later, they find themselves in dirty, dangerous, demeaning work.
They take it for a little while, but when they try to leave, bang!, the hammer comes down, and they discover they're enslaved.
Now, that kind of slavery is, again, pretty much what slavery has been all through human history.
But there is one thing that is particularly remarkable and novel about slavery today, and that is a complete collapse in the price of human beings -- expensive in the past, dirt cheap now.
Even the business programs have started picking up on this.
I just want to share a little clip for you.
Daphne: OK. Llively discussion guaranteed here, as always, as we get macro and talk commodities.
Continuing here in the studio with our guest Michael O'Donohue, head of commodities at Four Continents Capital Management.
And we're also joined by Brent Lawson from Lawson Frisk Securities.
Brent Lawson: Happy to be here.
D: Good to have you with us, Brent.
Now, gentlemen ... Brent, where is your money going this year?
BL: Well Daphne, we've been going short on gas and oil recently and casting our net just a little bit wider.
We really like the human being story a lot.
If you look at a long-term chart, prices are at historical lows and yet global demand for forced labor is still real strong.
So, that's a scenario that we think we should be capitalizing on.
D: Michael, what's your take on the people story? Are you interested?
Michael O'Donoghue: Oh definitely. Non-voluntary labor's greatest advantage as an asset is the endless supply.
We're not about to run out of people. No other commodity has that.
BL: Daphne, if I may draw your attention to one thing.
That is that private equity has been sniffing around, and that tells me that this market is about to explode.
Africans and Indians, as usual, South Americans, and Eastern Europeans in particular are on our buy list.
D: Interesting. Micheal, bottom line, what do you recommend?
MO: We're recommending to our clients a buy and hold strategy.
There's no need to play the market.
There's a lot of vulnerable people out there. It's very exciting.
D: Exciting stuff indeed. Gentlemen, thank you very much.
Kevin Bales: Okay, you figured it out. That's a spoof.
Though I enjoyed watching your jaws drop, drop, drop, until you got it.
MTV Europe worked with us and made that spoof, and they've been slipping it in between music videos without any introduction, which I think is kind of fun.
Here's the reality.
The price of human beings across the last 4,000 years in today's money has averaged about 40,000 dollars.
Capital purchase items.
You can see that the lines cross when the population explodes.
The average price of a human being today, around the world, is about 90 dollars.
They are more expensive in places like North America.
Slaves cost between 3,000 to 8,000 dollars in North America, but I could take you places in India or Nepal where human beings can be acquired for five or 10 dollars.
They key here is that people have ceased to be that capital purchase item and become like Styrofoam cups.
You buy them cheaply, you use them, you crumple them up, and then when you're done with them you just throw them away.
These young boys are in Nepal.
They are basically the transport system on a quarry run by a slaveholder.
There are no roads there, so they carry loads of stone on their backs, often of their own weight, up and down the Himalaya Mountains.
One of their mothers said to us, "You know, we can't survive here, but we can't even seem to die either."
It's a horrible situation.
And if there is anything that makes me feel very positive about this, it's that there are also -- in addition to young men like this who are still enslaved -- there are ex-slaves who are now working to free others.
Or, we say, Frederick Douglass is in the house.
I don't know if you've ever had a daydream about, "Wow. What would it be like to meet Harriet Tubman?
What would it be like to meet Frederick Douglass?"
I've got to say, one of the most exciting parts about my job is that I get to, and I want to introduce you to one of those.
His name is James Kofi Annan. He was a slave child in Ghana enslaved in the fishing industry, and he now, after escape and building a new life, has formed an organization that we work closely with to go back and get people out of slavery.
This is not James, this is one of the kids that he works with.
James Kofi Annan : He was hit with a paddle in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood when I used to work here.
KB: James and our country director in Ghana, Emmanuel Otoo are now receiving regular death threats because the two of them managed to get convictions and imprisonment for three human traffickers for the very first time in Ghana for enslaving people, from the fishing industry, for enslaving children.
Now, everything I've been telling you, I admit, is pretty disheartening.
But there is actually a very positive side to this, and that is this: The 27 million people who are in slavery today, that's a lot of people, but it's also the smallest fraction of the global population to ever be in slavery.
And likewise, the 40 billion dollars that they generate is the tiniest proportion of the global economy to ever be represented by slave labor.
Slavery, illegal in every country has been pushed to the edges of our global society.
And in a way, without us even noticing, has ended up standing on the precipice of its own extinction, waiting for us to give it a big boot and knock it over. And get rid of it.
And it can be done.
Now, if we do that, if we put the resources and the focus to it, what does it actually cost to get people out of slavery?
Well, first, before I even tell you the cost I've got to be absolutely clear.
We do not buy people out of slavery.
Buying people out of slavery is like paying a burglar to get your television back; it's abetting a crime.
Liberation, however, costs some money.
Liberation, and more importantly all the work that comes after liberation.
It's not an event, it's a process.
It's about helping people to build lives of dignity, stability, economic autonomy, citizenship.
Well, amazingly, in places like India where costs are very low, that family, that three-generation family that you see there who were in hereditary slavery -- so, that granddad there, was born a baby into slavery -- but the total cost, amortized across the rest of the work, was about 150 dollars to bring that family out of slavery and then take them through a two year process to build a stable life of citizenship and education.
A boy in Ghana rescued from fishing slavery, about 400 dollars.
In the United States, North America, much more expensive. Legal costs, medical costs ...
we understand that it's expensive here: about 30,000 dollars.
But most of the people in the world in slavery live in those places where the costs are lowest.
And in fact, the global average is about what it is for Ghana. And that means, when you multiply it up, the estimated cost of not just freedom but sustainable freedom for the entire 27 million people on the planet in slavery is something like 10.8 billion dollars -- what Americans spend on potato chips and pretzels, what Seattle is going to spend on its light rail system: usually the annual expenditure in this country on blue jeans,
or in the last holiday period when we bought GameBoys and iPods and other tech gifts for people, we spent 10.8 billion dollars.
Intel's fourth quarter earnings: 10.8 billion.
It's not a lot of money at the global level.
In fact, it's peanuts.
And the great thing about it is that it's not money down a hole, there is a freedom dividend. When you let people out of slavery to work for themselves, are they motivated?
They take their kids out of the workplace, they build a school, they say, "We're going to have stuff we've never had before like three squares, medicine when we're sick, clothing when we're cold."
They become consumers and producers and local economies begin to spiral up very rapidly.
That's important, all of that about how we rebuild sustainable freedom, because we'd never want to repeat what happened in this country in 1865.
Four million people were lifted up out of slavery and then dumped.
Dumped without political participation, decent education, any kind of real opportunity in terms of economic lives, and then sentenced to generations of violence and prejudice and discrimination.
And America is still paying the price for the botched emancipation of 1865.
We have made a commitment that we will never let people come out of slavery on our watch, and end up as second class citizens.
It's just not going to happen.
This is what liberation really looks like.
Children rescued from slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana, reunited with their parents, and then taken with their parents back to their villages to rebuild their economic well-being so that they become slave-proof -- absolutely unenslaveable.
Now, this woman lived in a village in Nepal.
We'd been working there about a month.
They had just begun to come out of a hereditary kind of slavery.
They'd just begun to light up a little bit, open up a little bit.
But when we went to speak with her, when we took this photograph, the slaveholders were still menacing us from the sidelines. They hadn't been really pushed back.
I was frightened. We were frightened.
We said to her, "Are you worried? Are you upset?"
She said, "No, because we've got hope now.
How could we not succeed," she said, "when people like you from the other side of the world are coming here to stand beside us?"
Okay, we have to ask ourselves, are we willing to live in a world with slavery?
If we don't take action, we just leave ourselves open to have someone else jerk the strings that tie us to slavery in the products we buy, and in our government policies.
And yet, if there's one thing that every human being can agree on, I think it's that slavery should end.
And if there is a fundamental violation of our human dignity that we would all say is horrific, it's slavery.
And we've got to say, what good is all of our intellectual and political and economic power -- and I'm really thinking intellectual power in this room -- if we can't use it to bring slavery to an end?
I think there is enough intellectual power in this room to bring slavery to an end.
And you know what? If we can't do that, if we can't use our intellectual power to end slavery, there is one last question: Are we truly free?
Okay, thank you so much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
俺の頭の中にはあの日俺を魔王に変えた謎の声の存在が浮かんできた。俺の最終目標の一つであり、未だにその正体が一切掴めない存在。 そして人間達は知らないが、世界を今の状態にした張本人。
俺は可能な限り警戒網を広げつつもついそんな事を言ってしまった。 | : MadHatter
“There are way too many things to do...”
In front of me, along with the screens of ≪Dungeon Create≫ and ≪Monster Create≫, I had received a letter of demand from the country, or more accurately, a request letter.
The specific contents were as follows:
・Please improve the relationship with the Fox Princess in the west.
・Please do something about the Northern Snow Sage.
・Please do something for us as we are running out of food.
・Please lower the difficulty level of the labyrinth.
・Please do something about the demons arising from the ocean.
・Please transform me into a Kirijin.
Yeah. I would like to express my words out loud.
I don’t give a damn!
To begin with, my connection with the Fox Princess was optimal for a series of skirmishes like the one we were experiencing right now. It was either for leveling up or assessing our strength.
As for the Snow Sage, I should simply disregard him because Ryo should be throwing forth her valiant efforts at this time. Even if she can’t vanquish the Snow Sage, she can at least weaken his forces. Besides, if something went wrong, Aria will contact me.
As for food? You will have to come up with something on your own. Alternatively, you can consume whatever you find in the dungeon.
You wished for the difficulty level of my dungeon to be lowered? Your concern was none of my issues. I was risking my life here as well. If I lowered the difficulty level any further, the Fox Princess will end up killing me.
And the demons from the ocean? Weren’t they under the control of the “Crawling Octopus King of Chaos”? Why don’t you lure them to the land and then hunt them down? Therefore, it was out of my control.
And you hope to become a kin? I won’t entertain that kind of request. Who I choose to become a Kirijin will be entirely up to me.
Seriously, humans are all so self-centered that in the end, they will be annihilated. I’m not going to do it since problems will develop later on.
And Ichiko seemed to have discovered the dungeon of the Spice King. In that case, I’ll provide her with immediate instructions and... speaking of which, the Fox Princess told me not to lay a hand on the Sugar King. I’ll let her know about that too.
Now that I had issued instructions to Ichiko and the others, I had made some discoveries.
Apparently, there was a connection between HP, MP, SP and the three major human desires [i] , each of which can be efficiently recovered by fulfilling their respective requirements. I dare not say which one was linked to which one though.
Ah, and I should review my current strength briefly.
・ Kirijin (including Ichiko, Ryo, Houki, Chirito, and Izumi)
・ Mystics (one of them is accompanying Ryo)
・ Cuélebre
・ Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle (who had started to heed my commands before I knew it)
・A myriad of other various demons.
Yup. I suppose it’s quite a force to be reckoned with. If they are in my dungeon, there are also mist and swamp traps in addition to this. If it is an average opponent, my demons won’t be lagging behind.
So, who among these guys has the potential to take on X-J?
[How fascinating.]
All of a sudden, something triggered a response in my body.
The sensation in me was that something ominous had swept past me momentarily and cast a glance in my direction as it left. Whatever the case may be, it felt that there was something nefarious at play.
“What is that?”
When I scanned my surroundings, all I noticed was the usual “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. However, this sensation was familiar to me from somewhere, something that I had experienced at some point in my life.
When was that...?
This was the first time I have felt like this since becoming the Demon King. Along with my intellect power, my remembrance ability has enhanced since I metamorphosed into the Demon King. Therefore, if something occurred after joining the ranks of a Demon King, I should be able to recall it immediately.
However, I can barely remember my days as a human being, nor do I believe that I would have encountered such a sensation in my peaceful life as a normal university student in this country. In fact, my perception ability as a human being must have been less than that of a typical human being.
If that were the case, the situation where I would be subjected to this kind of sensation would be right before becoming the Demon King was...
After musing about it, the existence of an entity struck my mind.
“That little girl’s voice...”
My thoughts were inundated with the presence of that enigmatic voice that had converted me into the Demon King that day. She was one of my ultimate goals, a being whose true identity I still had no clue about.
Hmm. Well, after all this time, calling her by the name of “little girl’s voice” is out of bounds under the prevailing circumstances. Then, I suppose I should refer to her in another way... let’s see. If she is the embodiment of the Demon King, then it would be more befitting to address her like this.
Now, if the presence of the God of Calamity was detected even for a moment, it would be prudent to respond accordingly, or at least to be on the alert via the eyes of my kin.
“But I doubt it would produce much of an effect against a God.”
Although I spread my vigilance net to the greatest extent possible, I ended up uttering such a thing. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
『ふふ、エインはそんな風に思うのね。どうしてかしら? どうしてかしら!』
「貴女とは初めましてかしら? それとも久しぶりかしら?」
「ということは、貴女はシエルメールではない誰か? それとも貴女がシエルメールなのかしら?」
「一度そうしてくれるかしら? 隣でセリアが頭痛そうにしているから」
『違うわ! 私達の身体なのよ!
シエルよりも大事なことがあるとすれば......うん? ないんじゃなかろうか。
まあ、舞姫なのを隠す気ない戦いをしたから当然か。 | As we were heading back to the Hunter Guild, Carol asked Ciel if it was alright to disclose her rank, to which Ciel nodded in agreement. Since it would become known that we’re Fiiyanamia’s child, I think it would be safer to say we’re A-rank here in Central, hence I didn’t oppose it. Though, even if we were somewhere else, I wouldn’t oppose Ciel revealing our rank if she wanted to.
While revealing it might make things easier, it also brings trouble. What I do is shoulder her troubles with her. Though, if it’s obviously a wrong choice to make, I’d probably stop her.
Whoops, leaving our situation aside, Carol had the expression of a child about to do a prank. It’s definitely going to surprise Friere... Since she thinks we’re B-rank...
「Friere, you might not know, but she’s an A-rank hunter.」
「... Could you give me a moment?」
Friere put her hand on her head and started mulling over this, but Carol ruthlessly continued her attack.
「Also, I heard she became Mistress Fiiyanamia’s daughter.」
「Didn’t I just say... Yeah, could you please give me a moment?」
「Isn’t it great that you didn’t pick a fight with her? One wrong move, and you might have lost your place in Central.」
Hearing Carol’s words, Friere’s face went a bit pale... I think. Maybe she’s good at hiding it, it’s difficult to read her expression.
『So Carol already knows that we became Fii’s daughter, right?』
『After all, it’s the Hunter Guild who’d be troubled if a hunter caused an incident. Though, it seems like Friere was yet to be informed. Or maybe they considered the fact that Carol is acquainted with us and informed her before anyone else.』
『I see, then. Still, it’s nice that we don’t need to explain anymore.』
While watching Carol and Friere’s comedy act, I chatted with Ciel until we reached the Hunter Guild.
After returning to the Hunter Guild, for some reason, it’s been decided that we’d be taken to Carol’s house. When I asked why, 「I promised to invite you home when you reached B-rank.」 was the reply. Moreover, she added 「You’re already A-rank, but that’s a minor difference.」 but I really don’t think the difference between B and A-rank can be called minor. Nonetheless, I do understand what she meant, so I didn’t have a comment for Ciel.
We parted with Friere at the guild and met up with Celia. I was worried if it’s fine for her to leave work, but she was permitted to go since she had nothing that needs more precedence than attending to Mistress Fiiyanamia’s daughter. Well yeah. We do have that much influence, huh.
Like... How do I say this? Seeing the influence Ciel –and I– have in unexpected situations makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Ciel might not feel that way, but unfortunately, I’m originally just a lower middle class citizen.
And so we were led to Carol’s house, which looks more like a noble’s dwelling. Isn’t this a mansion? It’s hard to imagine this to be the magic geek, Carol’s home.
I imagined something more laboratory-ish, you know.
『It’s a big house, but is there anything about it bothering you, Ain?』
『No, it’s nothing important. It’s just that this was different from what I imagined.』
『How do I describe it? I expected it to be more eerie, or rather have an ominous feel.』
『Fufu, so that’s what you imagined. Why is that? Why is that!』
Ciel is strangely interested, but... I see. The specific image I have of a researcher or rather a mad scientist comes from my former world. How the researchers of this world are, I don’t really know. So naturally Ciel wouldn’t know either and I guess it’s only normal that she’s curious about it.
『In my former world, researchers or specifically people who are engrossed in research live in buildings with that sort of atmosphere. Imagine with lighting and such.』
『Have you ever gone to houses like that, Ain?』
『... Come to think of it, no. I guess it’s just scientists in stories tend to have that image.』
While I’ve never been to an actual research institution before, I feel like it should have proper safety measures and be more on the tidy side. Rather, I really don’t know much of my old world. I lived in a quite narrow world, huh.
Going inside, the entrance had a pretty extravagant appearance. The ceiling was high and there were decorative vases. The parlor, reception hall, and the dining hall had expensive-looking furniture but these really don’t feel like Carol’s taste.
『It’s really different from what I expected.』
『That I can understand. If I had to say, I didn’t think she’d like these sort of things.』
After passing through several rooms, we finally arrived at a moderately messy room that matches my imagination.
「Now that’s more relaxing.」
「There you go saying that again... Cielmer’s here today, you know.」
「Oh that’s right. Welcome to my palace.」
Saying so, she directed our sight to a room filled with books and a magic circles. It’s not to the point where there’s no floor to step on, but I can’t tell what’s what. In contrast to the proud-looking Carol, Ciel looked somewhat puzzled.
「The other rooms?」
「Just for show. The guild gave this to me when I reached A-rank, you see. Even though I told them I didn’t want it. Since I’m A-rank, they said it would be problematic if I don’t live in a house like this.」
「After all, when reaching A-rank, you’re going to have interactions with people of nobility here and there. Since there’s a chance of inviting them over, your house will have to look presentable, at the very least.」
Hearing Celia’s supplementary information, Ciel’s face warped into a slight grimace.
「That’s troublesome.」
「For you, it’s irrelevant. Your house is Mistress Fiiyanamia’s house after all, so people won’t be visiting there anytime soon.」
If I remember correctly, I think we were told that we’re the first guest in a while. I guess visiting someone not much different from the king of a nation is not easy even for a noble. Moreover, Central is practically under Fiiyanamia’s dictatorship. If she says no, it’s an unshakable no.
「Well then, the nuisance is gone and we’re in a comfortable place now. I can ask you now, right?」
Carol straightened her back and spoke to Ciel. How do I say this? It’s like she’s been itching to ask since forever, based on her reaction.
「Is it ‘nice to meet you’? Or perhaps ‘it’s been a while’?」
『This means that I don’t need to hide it, right?』
『It should be fine. Though she’s using a leading question, we already planned to tell them about it anyways.』
『That’s true.』
「Nice to meet you, Carol.」
「In other words, you’re not Cielmer? Or are you the actual Cielmer?」
「That’s right. I’m Cielmer. Nice to meet you.」
「I see, I see. So that’s how it is.」
While Carol seems to understand, Celia next to her is confused. Still, she’s not interrupting the conversation. This is likely because she decided to just listen for the time being. Though, in this situation, neither Ciel nor Carol seems interested in explaining anything.
「And so the one who we talked to at Sannois... is inside you, perhaps?」
「Should we switch?」
「Could you do that for a moment? Celia right next to me might get a headache otherwise.」
『Is it fine?』
『It’s alright.』
If we switch while Celia is about to have a headache, isn’t that just going to make it even worse? Still, this should make things easier to explain, so we switched.
I was wondering what to do about the colors, but I decided to change to black for easier discernment.
「It’s been a while. Or should I say pleased to meet you?」
「You have different colors, but you are the Cielmer we met before, right?」
「That’s right. I’ve been able to change my colors just recently. Easier to distinguish between us now, isn’t it?」
「True. Can I ask for your name?」
「My name is Ainsel. I don’t really know how to describe it well, but let’s see... Please think of me as a being coexisting with Ciel.」
As the conversation continued, Celia is trying her best to understand it. And then Carol continues without taking Celia in consideration.
「In other words, you mean to say that the body is Cielmer’s?」
「That’s right.」
『That’s wrong! It’s our body! At least it’s that way until Ain’s body is made!』
Ciel strongly objected inside my head, which made me nearly chuckle a little. I ignore my conversation with Carol for a moment and began soothing Ciel.
『I just meant that the original owner is Ciel. Since it’s difficult to explain our relationship and sensibilities.』
『Well, that’s true. Only Ain and I can understand it, after all. That’s right, only Ain and I!』
『That’s right. So please rest assured.』
It felt like I just went with the flow there, but since Ciel went silent in satisfaction, it should be fine.
「So what is it?」
「...You, you didn’t listen at all, didn’t you...」
「Yes, I had an important conversation, you see.」
「...Fine then. So you two can just casually speak to each other.」
「So what was the topic again?」
As I asked so as though nothing happened, Carol stared at me in shock. Well I can’t help it, Ciel’s more important, after all. If there’s anything more important than Ciel... Hm? There’s nothing else, is there?
While I contemplated about obvious facts, Carol started talking with a sigh.
「You two have your own distinct Jobs, correct?」
「That’s right. Actually, you even witnessed it. Incidentally, just to be sure, could you explain how you noticed the two of us?」
「Mainly for Celia’s sake.」
I feel bad about Celia not being able to enter the conversation, so it’d be nice if she gets necessary information now. I can explain it myself, but I do also want to know why Carol is so sure.
「I get it, alright. To begin with, Cielmer... No, Ainsel, wasn’t it? You, Ainsel, gave me a hint, didn’t you? That you know magic power dwells in the soul from actual experience, wasn’t it? I don’t know any being that can actually have that sort of experience to begin with. So I thought, theoretically, this could be testable as long as one can separate the soul from the body. I don’t know how exactly that can be done, though. Beyond that, you two aren’t actually hiding that you’re a Song Princess, right? Rather, it seemed as if you didn’t care even if this got widely known. However, in general, it seemed as if you were trying to keep it a secret.」
「I sort of noticed that too.」
Celia finally joined the conversation. Rather, they can get that much information from Central? Or was it because they know us, that they managed to tie in and piece together fragmentary information about us?
From how the people of Central reacted, it’s probably the latter.
「Despite having such a conspicuous Job like Song Princess, wasn’t it strange that you weren’t thorough in keeping it hidden? It’s different if you’re trying to gain attention, but you two had the threat of potentially being chased after. The Job and name, with just these, one can practically identify an individual. However, the reason you weren’t identified was because the one that’s after you two thinks that you have a different Job. It’s only my speculation and it’s full of holes, but it’s still strangely convincing to me.」
「That is actually the case, after all. I’m the Song Princess.」
「Then, Cielmer is...」
「Asking that is a breach of etiquette, you know?」
As I replied with a smile, Carol stared with a look of disbelief. Well, we just had a fight where we didn’t hide Dance Princess at all, so I guess that’s only natural.
Heya~! Finally, after long hinting and foreshadowing, Carol and Celia are finally told of our princesses’ true secret! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 43,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「来たか! 火矢!」
ま、それは後で考えればいい。今考えてもない物ねだりだし。まずはベリウレスの堪忍袋を突っつきまくることからだ。 | Early the next morning the kingdom army changed to an offensive stance.
The st division of the kingdom knights who were positioned in the leftmost flank moved first.
Riding their horses, the st division moved by taking advantage of the mountain range to slowly chip the number of the demon army while avoiding being surrounded by demons from both sides.
“Don’t go too deep! Remember our aim is just to chip away our opponent’s number!”
Vilsmaier ordered his man while carefully observing his opponent’s movement. Not long after, Vilsmaier saw the huge shadow from the distance.
. Tell the Mage Unit to send the signal. Don’t try to fight
Following Vilsmaier’s order, the Mage Unit shot a huge fireball to the sky, and with the support of the Mage Unit, the st division started their retreat.
The nd division used the momentum of their horses to attack the demon army’s frontline to thin its force. They moved in the direction of the entrance of the Great Temple as if they were planning to enter it.
“Don’t forget that we are only pretending to aim to enter the Great Temple!”
“But captain, we might actually be able to enter the Great Temple using our current momentum.”
The knight standing beside the captain of the nd Division, Hindermann, interjected but Hindermann shook his head.
“If we, the nd division, entered the Great Temple, the food supply in the Great Temple wouldn’t last.”
Because the demon army’s strongest combatants along with their commander Beliualace were currently heading to the st division, the 2nd division mowed down demons in front of them with quite an ease. Of course, demons kept resisting.
However, it was futile resistance.
“He’s here! Fire the fire arrows!”
As a response to his subordinate’s alert, Hildermann ordered to shoot fire arrows. Following his order, the knights at his side skillfully launched the fire arrows while still on horseback. Then, the 2nd division began to retreat rapidly and by the time Beliulace arrived, they had already retreated quite a distance away.
Shortly after Beliulace arrived at the place sprawled with the reptile’s demon corpses, he heard a battle cry from a distance. It was the noble army stationed next to the 1st division that started their attack far from where Beliulace was currently standing.
With a furious look on his face, Believe turned away and headed to where the noble army was.
“Welner-sama. Is this really okay?”
“Yeah. What we need to do first is to instill the confidence of
Well, that wasn’t the only purpose of this strategy though. I turned my face to Max.
“You can laugh.”
“No, it’s fine sir. I had plenty of laughs before.”
Although I said that, if I saw other men wearing a freaking white dress with sandals just like what I was wearing now, I’d also laugh. Ah, I could feel the wind on my toes.
I was wearing this outfit as part of my punishment because I left my post without authorization. Women in my previous life might get angry if I said that they were weak but that was how women in this world were perceived as. This was the era where men looked down on women. Female adventurers and knights existed though.
‘i’m weak’
Calling a man weak in this muscle-brain world was an insult so that was how wearing a women’s outfit became a punishment. I was also prohibited from riding a horse. I traveled on my feet and became the center of attention among the soldiers.
Though my actions were judged as a ‘not desertion attempt’, I still left my post without authorization hence this punishment. How to say it... the curious gazes around me were painful. To make matters worse, I still needed to dress like this tomorrow.
But at least I was still alive. If I was found guilty of a desertion attempt, I would have gotten a death penalty or at best I was going to be forced into a suicide mission.
There were many kinds of punishment in the army. There was whipping, canning (though the cane used was more like a branch than a cane), night watchmen, not being given meals, then demotion.
The demotion here meant that you would be demoted from your position as a commander of the army of your own house and become a member of other noble houses’ armies. Since this was the punishment, you would be worked to the bone by your new commander.
Even if the demotion only happened to just the commander, that commander’s entire army might receive the same treatment so this punishment was only given when someone committed a pretty heavy crime. When someone got this punishment, the after-effects were often pretty terrible. There was even a case when a demoted commander along with his entire group of knights died because they were deliberately sent on a suicide mission.
get their meal but they were only given tasteless stuff like wheat porridge and water and no meat. Because soldiers needed to move around a lot on the battlefield, being given only porridge as your meal was pretty harsh.
All of these punishments were pretty harsh in their own way but well, they
punishments. Being imprisoned or forced to pay fines were miles better than any of these punishments I thought.
“That’s whistle arrows, right?”
As I was thinking, I heard a sharp sound of wind from a distance. It was the sound of a whistle arrow, a type of arrow similar to the Kabura arrows in my past life. I liked its sound but I rarely got the chance to use it since whistle arrows were only used to create signals. What a shame.
After the sound of the whistle arrows, a battle cry could be heard coming from the direction of the 2nd division. The noble armies in that area probably started their battle. If I wasn’t wrong, that was where Count Harfolk’s army was stationed, right? I heard that the Count participated in the Hilde Plain battle so he probably understood when to retreat.
My strategy was pretty simple. This army had no sense of unity even among the commanders. Plus the battle line was too long horizontally so getting instruction from one side to the other was going to take quite a bit of time. That was why rather than forcing the army to move in unity, I chose to just let individual armies move separately.
Normally, doing something like this would be pretty dangerous since an individual army was weaker than a united army so they might get destroyed but in this war, our enemies didn’t have any commander other than Beliulace. The individual armies located farthest from Beliulace would attack the demon army, and when Beliulace comes closer, they would retreat and use long-range attacks instead. Then, the individual armies on the other side would launch an attack on demons since they were now the farthest side from Beliulace. Rinse and repeat.
If our opponent wasn’t an army but just a group, it might be possible even for non-soldiers to use this strategy. But using this strategy to fight an army was pretty hard even for soldiers.
Moreover, when Beliulace wasn’t present around them, the demons tended to just fight individually, not in a group, so it was more advantageous for us. Though the cases where many fought individually rather than in groups also applied to us.
Well, I could think of that later. For now, let’s focus on exhausting Beliulace’s patience. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 16
} |
「やめろ! そんな話は聞きたくない!」
「あれ? どこに行ったんだ?」
シェーナはその真意についてよく分からなかったが、グラナは吹っ切れた様子で残された | “...Do you regret having done that to Luthors’ sister?”
Schenna asked him quietly, Grana replied while looking straight at Luthors’ eyes.
“I regret it ever since I made the new pact with the Hero. But ever since Reesha told me Carla was killed, I can’t even redeem myself anymore. I shut myself away deep in the palace here to atone for my own sins. But then Reesha told me she’d take me to an interesting shop, and here I met, again.”
“Stop that! I don’t want to hear that from you!”
“That you were here gave me hope there I could still find a chance to redeem myself. I can’t die to apologize for it, but I will do anything to atone as if my life depended on it.”
Grana silently bowed deeply to Luthors, but she took hold of his collar and struck him against a wall.
Schenna was too late to stop her, but Luthors did not seem to mind her as she spoke.
“I was part of the group behind the Demon King that brought terror on the people of the continent. And ever since I pleaded my life to Schenna, my second life where I make people happy instead has begun. If you really feel like you made my sister Carla and all those other people unhappy, then work hard here and make even more people smile. That’s your atonement.”
“...Yes, I swear I’ll do that.”
“And also, stop using Schenna’s appearance. From now you should use Carla Raya’s appearance, so you never forget about the sins you committed.”
Luthors let go of his collar then, and Grana transformed into a girl with short blue hair who somewhat resembled Luthors.
“Is it okay like this?”
“Yeah, just never break this oath.”
After that, Luthors went upstairs to her room, and they decided to leave her there alone for a moment.
Grana only nodded silently. On the front entrance, Sareenea appeared as she came to get dinner.
“Excuse me. I know it’s already past the closing hours, but could I still get anything for dinner?”
“Ah, Sareenea. There aren’t that many ingredients left, is it okay if I just make anything with whatever’s left?”
“Sure, I don’t mind at all. I’m the one asking for too much here anyway.”
Schenna hurried to check the contents of the freezer, then informed Sereneea that there was enough to prepare a meal.
After that, she went to the kitchen and signaled Grana to come too so he could learn.
“I don’t know anything about cooking though, is that okay?”
“It’s okay. It’s really easy compared to all the magic you use.”
Grana took the ingredients they needed from the freezer, and since he was unable to use any sort of attack magic, Schenna lit up the stove. Afterward, they poured some sesame oil in a pan, then lightly fried pork ribs on it before adding carrots, onions, and cabbage. Next, she added some broth made from chicken bones and soy sauce and let it cook. After it had boiled, she added some potato starch and mixed it in, and once it had thickened she took a bowl with cold rice and placed the contents of the pan on top of it.
“And then it’s done. You did pretty well considering it was your first time.”
“It’s only that you’re good at teaching. How do you call this dish?”
“This is Chuukadon. It’s something I used to eat before I was reincarnated in this world.”
“Hehh... It looks like the world where you used to live was filled with a lot of good food.”
With admiration, Grana took a bite from the food that was left in the pan and could only say, “It’s tasty.”
Then Grana took the dish to the table Sareenea was sitting at, and the two glanced at each other for a moment.
“...Thanks for the meal.”
Sareenea held her hands together before she took a spoon and started eating.
She was strangely quiet this time, but in exchange she seemed to be all the more hungry.
And without muttering a single joke, she finished the bowl in an instant.
“It was really tasty. Here’s the payment for the meal.”
“Ah, I’ll bring the change in a...”
“Keep the change. I don’t need it.”
Leaving the gold coin on the table, she stood up and left through the front door.
Schenna felt bad keeping a whole gold coin so she went out trying to chase after Sareenea, but there was no one outside.
“Huh? Where did she go?”
There was a good view of the streets from the outside of the restaurant, so it was impossible for her to be out of view so quickly, but Schenna only could return while tilting her head to one side. Grana had only been watching from a distance, but as Schenna entered he whispered into her ear.
“This is a really interesting place. I’m really glad I got to meet you all...”
Schenna could not understand what he meant, but Grana just went to wash the bowl that had been left in a messy state. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
問題が複雑であればあるほど シンプルさが必要となります
ここで三つのケースを紹介したいと思います デザインが持つ統合力を―
生かそうとした事例です 都市化における地球規模の 課題から見ていきましょう
事実として 人々は都市へ移動しつつあります
直感的には逆に感じたとしても じつは良い事なのです
都市のほうが暮らし向きがよい それは証拠が物語っています
しかし 問題もあります 私が3つの「S」の脅威と呼んでいるものです 規模、速度、手段不足 私たちが対応を迫られている これらの現象には 歴史上 前例がありません
想像してみてください 今日 都市部に暮らす30億人の人口のうち 10億は貧困層です
2030年までには 都市部に住んでいる50億人のうち 20億人が貧困層となります これが―
何を示しているかというと 100万人規模の都市を 週にひとつの割合で 創出しなければならないことを意味します しかも 世帯あたり1万ドルでです 毎週毎週 15年にわたって
世帯あたり1万ドルで100万人都市を 一週間にひとつのペースで つくり続けなければなりません
この問題を解決しなければ 都市部に人々が来なくなるのではなく
どんなことをしてもやってくるけれども それらの人々が スラム街や貧民街 掘っ立て小屋に住むことになります
それではどうしたらいいのでしょうか 答えは貧民街やスラム街にあるかもしれません
ヒントは10年前に出会ったこの式のなかに あるかもしれないということです 10年前 私たちは
チリ北部のイキケの中心部で 5000平方メートルの土地を不法占拠していた― 100家族に住む場所を 与えてくれと依頼されました 1万ドルの助成金を使って 土地を買い インフラを整え 家屋を建てなければなりませんでした 家の広さはせいぜい 40平方メートルでした
ちなみに 土地代ですが 都市の中心地だったため 通常 公営住宅が建てられる土地の じつに3倍もの値段だったんです 問題があまりに難しかったため
何が問題を難しくしているのか 理解するため 当事者の家族たちに 協力してもらうことにしました そうして 参加型のデザインプロセスが始まりました 市場にあるもので何が使えそうか テストが始まりました
一戸建ての家にすると 収容できるのは 30家族
連続住宅なら 60家族 収容できます
100家族すべてをまかなうには 高い建物にするしかありません しかし 当事者たちからは ハンガーストライキをすると 脅されました そんなものを提案しようものなら ハンストも辞さないというのです 各家族の区画を小さくつくったら もう広げることはできないからです
そこで 結論として出されたのが ちなみに私たちが決めた結論 ではないことは重要な点ですが 当事者の家族たちが 問題があるのは明らかで
そのあと 私たちはどうしたかというと
中産階級の家庭なら そこそこ よい暮らしをしています 家の面積は およそ80平方メートル しかし お金がないと 市場では何が起きるかというと 家を小さくするのです 40平方メートルまで
私たちはこう言いました もしも 40平方メートルを 小さな家と思う代わりに こういう風に考えてみてはどうでしょう いい家の半分なのだと
問題を 小さい家ではなく いい家の半分を つくることだと捉えると 重要になってくるのが 半分は半分でも どちらの半分を補助するのか
公的資金を使って 自分たちの力ではどうにもできないほうの 半分を解決するべきだと考えました
デザインの条件を5つ 明確にしました 家を建てるときに困難なほうの半分です 家族のところに行って 二つお願いがあると伝えました 力を合わせることと 仕事を手分けすることです
私たちのデザインは ビルと家の中間に当たります
ビルとして見ると 地価が高く ロケーションも良いものです 家としてなら 拡張することができる
家を建てるあいだに どこか周辺へと 彼らが追いやられる ことさえなければ 彼らは自分たちのネットワークや仕事を 維持することができますから すぐに彼らが拡張作業に入ると わかっていました
こうして 当初の公営住宅から 中産階級の住宅へと 自分たちの手で変貌をとげました しかも2~3週間のうちにです
これが私たちの最初のプロジェクトでした 10年前のイキケでのことでした
そして この映像はチリで最新の プロジェクトの様子です
デザインは違いますが 考え方は同じです まず フレームを与えてあげます そこから先は家族が自分で建てます
ですから デザインの目的は 3つの「S」の脅威を理解し 解答を差し出すこと 規模、速度、手段不足 これを人々が自分の手で家を建てるという キャパシティへつなげること
自分の力で家を建てるという力を利用しなければ 週に100万人という式を解くことはできないでしょう
適正なデザインがあれば スラム街や貧民街は 問題ではないのかもしれません むしろ 唯一の可能性を持つ 解決方法ということになります
二つ目のケースは サステナビリティに 貢献するデザインについてです 2012年 私たちはコンペに参加しました アンジェリーニ・イノベーション・センター 建設にかかるもので その目標は 知識創造のための適切な環境づくり
知識創造がねらいだということで 人々のあいだのやり取り 対面で接することが 重要だとされており 私たちも それに同意しました
でも適正な環境とは何か 私たちにとってそれは 文字通りの質問でした
私たちはワークスペースを設けたかったのです 適正な明かりに 適正な温度 適正な空気
そう考えたとき いわゆるオフィスビルが 参考になるのだろうかと 私たちは自問しました
フロアの集まりですよね 一つ一つが重なり合っていて 真ん中にコアがあります エレベーターに階段 パイプ ワイヤー など そして表面はガラスで覆われています 直射日光が当たるので 屋内で大きな温室効果が起きます
それだけではありません 7階で働いているとしましょう 毎日 3階を通って職場に行っていますが 3階の人が何をしているのか まったく知りません
そこで 考えたのです この構造を逆にするべきだと
そこで 何をしたかというと オープンスペースのアトリウムを設けました コア部分は空洞です 同じフロアの集合ですが 壁や質量の大きい部分は周囲に配して 太陽の光が当たっても 直接ガラスに当たるのではなく 壁に当たります
内部に開放的なアトリウムを設けることで ほかの人が何をしているか 建物の内側から見えます 光の調節もしやすく 質量の大きい部分と壁を 周囲に持ってくると 直射日光を避けることができます
窓も開けられます 通風もいいです
この くりぬかれたような空間は 大きな空洞になっていて 高さを持たせた長方形をしています こうした屋外空間が 建物の高さいっぱいに広がります
これらの工夫は 決して難解ではありません
つまり テクノロジーの問題ではないんです
大昔からある じつに原始的な一般常識であり その常識をつかって 年間1平方メートルあたり 120キロワットという ガラスの塔を冷却するのに必要な 典型的なエネルギー消費量から 年間1平方メートルあたり 40キロワットまで 抑えることに成功しました
ということは 適切なデザインがあれば サステナビリティとは 誰もがすでに知っていることを 最大限に活用することに他なりません
最後のケーススタディでは デザインが包括的な正解を― 提供することができるということを 自然災害への取り組みで見てもらいましょう
ご存知のように 2010年 チリでは マグニチュード8.8 という 地震と津波の被害に遭いました そこで私たちが呼ばれました 「コンスティトゥシオン」というチリの 南部にある地域の再生を 依頼されました
与えられた時間は100日 つまり3ヶ月で すべてをデザインすることになりました 公共のビルから公共のスペース 道路網 交通 住宅 そして肝心の この都市をどうやって保護するか 将来 津波が発生したときに備えて どうするのか考えるのです
チリの都市デザインとしては新しい試みでした いくつかアイデアはありました
一つ目は 震源地には何も建てないこと
予算の3000万ドルの使い道は おもに土地の収用でした
これこそが今 日本で討議されている話題です 国民がしっかりと規律正しい 日本のような国ではうまくいくのですが チリでは 土地が不法に占拠されるのを 完全に防ぐのは難しい この案は非現実的なので 望ましい方法とは言えなかった
二つ目は大きな壁を建築すること 重厚なインフラで 防波堤にしようという考えです
都合のいいことに この案件に対しては 大きな建設企業の支持を受けました 建築費が4200万ドルにもなる 案件だったからです 政治的にも好ましかったのは 土地の収用が必要なかったからです
しかし 日本を見てもわかるように 自然の力に抗うのは無意味です
家を建てる段階で コミュニティを巻き込むことが 解決策を見つけるにあたって 必要だとわかりました 参加型のプロセスのデザインを始めました
(スピーカー音) 「どんな街がほしいですか
公開イベントに行き 意見を発言しましょう
(漁業従事者) 「私は漁業を営んでいます
彼らをどこへ連れて行くべき でしょうか?森林でしょうか?」
あなた方は もうここで暮らせない と言うためにわざわざ―
ここまで来たんですか? 家族全員がここで暮らし― 子供たちもここで大きくなりました 孫たちもここで大きくなるでしょう
孫だけでなく 他の家族もみんなそうです
それなのにどうして こんなことを 言われないといけないんですか
危険地域に建てることは 許可されていません
「いや それは違うだろう ニーヴェス・・・」
みなさん字幕は全部読めましたか いずれにせよ 少なくとも 彼らのボディランゲージから 参加型のデザインが ヒッピーたちによる ロマンあふれる 「みんなで力を合わせて 街の将来を 夢を叶えよう!」 そういう類のものでないことは お分かりいただけたと思います
というか― (拍手) 課題は 家族の人たちと一緒に 正解をみつけるというよりも むしろ―
問いかけなければならない 妥当な質問が何か見極めること それが主な課題だったんです
間違った質問にうまく答えることほど 最悪のことはありません
この段階を経た後は明確でした ここで怖気づいて 議論が緊迫しすぎている と言って逃げ出すのか あるいは さらに踏み込んで 本当に気がかりなのは何なのか さらに質問するか
これ以外にどういう悩みを抱えていますか 私たちにこの街について何をしてほしいですか 振り出しに戻って考え直す 必要があるのではないか
そして 彼らから返ってきたのは 将来の津波に備えて都市を 守ってくれるのはありがたい しかし次の津波と言っても 20年くらい先の話だろう
ところが 問題は 毎年起こっていて 雨が続いて洪水になっているのです
さらに この地域が この国の 森林地帯の真ん中にあるため 公共スペースが最低なんです
貧弱な上 足りていません
さらに この街の起源や アイデンティティが 倒壊した建物とは何の関係もない この街は川とつながってるんです ところがこの川は公共のものではなかった 河岸が私有地だったからです
そこで 三つ目のアイデアを 考えることにしました 私たちが取ったアプローチは 地理的な脅威に逆らう― 地理的な答えを伴うものでした
もしも 都市と― 海のあいだに 森林があったら どうだろう この森林は 自然のエネルギーに抗うのではなく
摩擦があることによって それを分散する 大量の水が集中して比重が高くなっている
それを薄くの延ばすように分散させ 洪水を防ぐ これにより 今までずっとなかった 公共スペースができ ついに 川への民主的な アクセスが可能となります
参加型デザインの結論として この案は政治的に そして 社会的にも支持されました しかし 今度はコストという問題が 立ちはだかっていました 4800万ドルの費用です
そこで私たちは調査をしました その結果 公共投資システムには 三つの省庁があって まったく同一の場所に対して それぞれの省庁が別々の― プロジェクトを計画している ということが判明しました お互いのプロジェクトの存在を知らずにです
プロジェクトの予算は合計すると 5200万ドルになりました
そこで デザインが持つパワー・オブ・シンセシスで 都市で最も欠乏しているリソースを 最大限に効率よく使うという試みをしました 最も欠乏しているリソースとは お金ではありません
コーディネーションなんです コーディネーションを巧く行うことで 400万ドルを節約しました そのおかげでこの森林は 現在 建設が行われています
(拍手) ですから 自己構築力にせよ 常識力にせよ 自然の力にせよ すべての力という力は 「形」へと置き換えられなければなりません そして その「形」が生み出そうとしているのは セメントやレンガや木材のことではありません
生活そのもの なのです
デザインが持つ パワー・オブ・シンセシス とは 建築の内面の最も核の部分に 生活の力を当てはめるという 試みに他ならない
そいうことなのです ご静聴ありがとうございました | The more complex the problem, the more the need for simplicity.
So allow me to share three cases where we tried to apply design's power of synthesis.
Let's start with the global challenge of urbanization.
It's a fact that people are moving towards cities.
and even if counterintuitive, it's good news.
Evidence shows that people are better off in cities.
But there's a problem that I would call the "3S" menace: The scale, speed, and scarcity of means with which we will have to respond to this phenomenon has no precedence in history.
For you to have an idea, out of the three billion people living in cities today, one billion are under the line of poverty.
By 2030, out of the five billion people that will be living in cities, two billion are going to be under the line of poverty.
That means that we will have to build a one million-person city per week with 10,000 dollars per family during the next 15 years.
A one million-person city per week with 10,000 dollars per family.
If we don't solve this equation, it is not that people will stop coming to cities.
They will come anyhow, but they will live in slums, favelas and informal settlements.
So what to do? Well, an answer may come from favelas and slums themselves.
A clue could be in this question we were asked 10 years ago.
We were asked to accommodate 100 families that had been occupying illegally half a hectare in the center of the city of Iquique in the north of Chile using a $10,000 subsidy with which we had to buy the land, provide the infrastructure, and build the houses that, in the best of the cases, would be of around 40 square meters.
the cost of the land, because it's in the center of the city, is three times more than what social housing can normally afford.
Due to the difficulty of the question, we decided to include the families in the process of understanding the constraints, and we started a participatory design process, and testing what was available there in the market.
Detached houses, 30 families could be accommodated.
Row houses, 60 families.
["100 families"] The only way to accommodate all of them was by building in height, and they threatened us to go on a hunger strike if we even dared to offer this as a solution, because they could not make the tiny apartments expand.
So the conclusion with the families — and this is important, not our conclusion — with the families, was that we had a problem.
We had to innovate.
So what did we do?
Well, a middle-class family lives reasonably well in around 80 square meters, but when there's no money, what the market does is to reduce the size of the house to 40 square meters.
What we said was, what if, instead of thinking of 40 square meters as a small house, why don't we consider it half of a good one?
When you rephrase the problem as half of a good house instead of a small one, the key question is, which half do we do?
And we thought we had to do with public money the half that families won't be able to do individually.
We identified five design conditions that belonged to the hard half of a house, and we went back to the families to do two things: join forces and split tasks.
Our design was something in between a building and a house.
As a building, it could pay for expensive, well-located land, and as a house, it could expand.
to the periphery while getting a house, families kept their network and their jobs, we knew that the expansion would begin right away.
So we went from this initial social housing to a middle-class unit achieved by families themselves within a couple of weeks.
This was our first project in Iquique 10 years ago.
This is our last project in Chile.
Different designs, same principle: You provide the frame, and from then on, families take over.
So the purpose of design, trying to understand and trying to give an answer to the "3S" menace, scale, speed, and scarcity, is to channel people's own building capacity.
We won't solve the one million people per week equation unless we use people's own power for building.
So, with the right design, slums and favelas may not be the problem but actually the only possible solution.
The second case is how design can contribute In 2012, we entered the competition for the Angelini Innovation Center, and the aim was to build the right environment for knowledge creation.
It is accepted that for such an aim, knowledge creation, interaction among people, face-to-face contact, it's important, and we agreed on that.
But for us, the question of the right environment was a very literal question.
We wanted to have a working space with the right light, with the right temperature, with the right air.
So we asked ourselves: Does the typical office building help us in that sense?
Well, how does that building look, typically?
It's a collection of floors, one on top of each other, with a core in the center with elevators, stairs, pipes, wires, everything, and then a glass skin on the outside that, due to direct sun radiation, creates a huge greenhouse effect inside.
In addition to that, let's say a guy working on the seventh floor goes every single day through the third floor, but has no idea what the guy on that floor is working on.
So we thought, well, maybe we have to turn this scheme inside out.
And what we did was, let's have an open atrium, a hollowed core, the same collection of floors, but have the walls and the mass in the perimeter, so that when the sun hits, it's not impacting directly glass, but a wall.
When you have an open atrium inside, you are able to see what others are doing from within the building, and you have a better way to control light, and when you place the mass and the walls in the perimeter, then you are preventing direct sun radiation.
You may also open those windows and get cross-ventilation.
We just made those openings of such a scale that they could work as elevated squares, outdoor spaces throughout the entire height of the building.
None of this is rocket science.
You don't require sophisticated programming.
It's not about technology.
This is just archaic, primitive common sense, and by using common sense, we went from 120 kilowatts per square meter per year, which is the typical energy consumption for cooling a glass tower, to 40 kilowatts per square meter per year.
So with the right design, sustainability is nothing but the rigorous use of common sense.
Last case I would like to share is how design can provide more comprehensive answers against natural disasters.
You may know that Chile, in 2010, was hit by an 8.8 Richter scale earthquake and tsunami, and we were called to work in the reconstruction of the Constitución, in the southern part of the country.
We were given 100 days, three months, to design almost everything, from public buildings to public space, street grid, transportation, housing, and mainly how to protect the city against future tsunamis.
This was new in Chilean urban design, and there were in the air a couple of alternatives.
First one: Forbid installation on ground zero.
Thirty million dollars spent mainly in land expropriation.
This is exactly what's being discussed in Japan nowadays, and if you have a disciplined population like the Japanese, this may work, but we know that in Chile, this land is going to be occupied illegally anyhow, so this alternative was unrealistic and undesirable.
Second alternative: build a big wall, heavy infrastructure to resist the energy of the waves.
This alternative was conveniently lobbied by big building companies, because it meant 42 million dollars in contracts, and was also politically preferred, because it required no land expropriation.
But Japan proved that trying to resist the force of nature is useless.
So this alternative was irresponsible.
As in the housing process, we had to include the community in the way of finding a solution for this, and we started a participatory design process.
[In Spanish] Loudspeaker: What kind of city do you want?
Vote for Constitución.
Go to the Open House and express your options.
Fisherman: I am a fisherman.
Twenty-five fishermen work for me.
Where should I take them? To the forest?
Man: So why can't we have a concrete defense?
Done well, of course.
Man 2: I am the history of Constitución.
And you come here to tell me that I cannot keep on living here?
My whole family has lived here, I raised my children here, and my children will also raise their children here.
and my grandchildren and everyone else will.
But why are you imposing this on me?
You! You are imposing this on me!
In danger zone I am not authorized to build.
He himself is saying that.
Man 3: No, no, no, Nieves...
to read the subtitles, but you can tell from the body language that participatory design is not a hippie, romantic, let's-all-dream-together-about- the-future-of-the-city kind of thing.
It is actually — It is actually not even with the families trying to find the right answer.
It is mainly trying to identify with precision what is the right question.
There is nothing worse than answering well the wrong question.
So it was pretty obvious after this process that, well, we chicken out here and go away because it's too tense, or we go even further in asking, what else is bothering you?
What other problems do you have and you want us to take care of now that the city will have to be rethought from scratch?
And what they said was, look, fine to protect the city against future tsunamis, we really appreciate, but the next one is going to come in, what, 20 years?
But every single year, we have problems of flooding due to rain.
In addition, we are in the middle of the forest region of the country, and our public space sucks.
It's poor and it's scarce.
And the origin of the city, our identity, is not really connected to the buildings that fell, it is connected to the river, but the river cannot be accessed publicly, because its shores are privately owned.
So we thought that we had to produce a third alternative, and our approach was against geographical threats, have geographical answers.
What if, in between the city and the sea we have a forest, a forest that doesn't try to resist the energy of nature, but dissipates it by introducing friction?
A forest that may be able to laminate the water and prevent the flooding?
That may pay the historical debt of public space, and that may provide, finally, democratic access to the river.
So as a conclusion of the participatory design, the alternative was validated politically and socially, but there was still the problem of the cost: 48 million dollars.
So what we did was a survey in the public investment system, and found out that there were three ministries with three projects in the exact same place, not knowing of the existence of the other projects.
The sum of them: 52 million dollars.
So design's power of synthesis is trying to make a more efficient use of the scarcest resource in cities, which is not money but coordination.
By doing so, we were able to save four million dollars, and that is why the forest is today under construction.
So be it the force of self construction, the force of common sense, or the force of nature, all these forces need to be translated into form, and what that form is modeling and shaping is not cement, bricks, or wood.
It is life itself.
Design's power of synthesis is just an attempt to put at the innermost core of architecture the force of life.
Thank you so much. | {
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どんなに暑くても 息苦しくても 臭くても 父はエアコンをつけてくれませんでした
エンジンがオーバーヒートするから ダメだと言うのです
覚えている方もいるでしょう 当時の車は オーバーヒートする事が よくありました
でもそれはエネルギーの浪費を 制限していたのです
状況は変わり 今の車は大陸を横断の運転で
エアコンをつけっぱなしにしても オーバーヒートすることはありません
これって良いことなのでしょうか? 建物に関しても同様のことが言えます
かつてエアコンがなかった時代 建物には厚い壁がありました
厚い壁には断熱効果があり 室内を夏季には涼しく 冬季には暖かく保ちます 小さな窓も上手くできていました 室内外の熱の移動を 制限していたのです
1930年代 板ガラスや圧延鋼板の発明 大量生産技術により 私たちは床から天井までの窓と 遮る物のない視界を手に入れました 引き換えに 太陽に温められた 室内を冷やすために 私達はすっかりエアコンに 依存するようになりました
刻々とビルは高く大きくなり 技術もさらに進化し 空調システムは巨大なものになりました それらは大量のエネルギーを必要としています
大気中に大量の熱を放出し ご存じのとおり ヒートアイランド現象を引き起こします 都市部において 都会が 近接する郊外部より 暖かくなる現象のことです しかし他にも問題があります 停電すると 窓が開けられないので 私たちはビルに居られなくなり エアコンのシステムが再起動するまで ビルは使えません
さらに悪いことに ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ビルを 目指していますが 空調の効率化だけでは不十分です
何か他の手段が必要ですが 現在 行き詰まりの状態です
そこでどんな対策を講じられるか? 私たち自ら掘った穴から どうしたら抜け出せるでしょう?
生物学的に見るとどうでしょう 実は私は建築に関わる前に 生物学を専攻していました ヒトの肌は体温を自然に調節する機能を持つ 素晴しい器官です
そのために肌の毛穴や 汗腺などは 協調して絶えず効率的に働きます ビルの表面は 皮膚に非常に似たものであるべきではないでしょうか そうすれば 壁は場所に応じて より動的に かつ敏感に変化できるのです
私が最初に提案したことは 数多くの異なる素材を調査することです
最近研究しているのは スマートマテリアルと スマート・サーモ・バイメタルです
まずこれを「スマート」と 称するのは 外部からの制御や エネルギーが一切不要で これが建築に重要な変化をもたらすのです
これは二種の異なる金属を 貼り合せたたシートで
見ると表裏で光り方が 違いますね
それぞれの面が 二種の 異なる熱膨張率を持つため 温められると一方の面が 他方の面より早く膨張し 結果的に湾曲するのです
初期の試作品ではこれらの表面が 温度に応じてどのように 湾曲し 換気に応用できるか観察しました また他の試作品では この素材の短冊状のものを 何本も使い 温まった時に 表面がより歪曲するように設計しました これはマテリアル&アプリケーション・ギャラリーに 展示されています すぐ近くのシルバーレイクで 8月まで展示しているので 是非 御覧下さい
タイトルは「Bloom」 その表面は全て サーモバイメタルで作っています それによりこの覆いは 二つの機能を持っています 一つ目は 日傘の機能 太陽が表面に当たる部分では 太陽光の透過を防ぎます また他の場所は 風通しを良くする役目を担い 内部の熱され閉じ込められた空気は 必要に応じ外部へと移動するのです
これは低速度撮影したビデオで 太陽の当たる場所と影の移動に従い それぞれの薄片が動くのがわかります
実は 現代のデジタル技術を駆使し 1万4千枚の金属片から 作られています 金属片は一つとして同じものはなく 全て異なります
素晴らしいことに それぞれの金属片は 配置される場所や 太陽の角度 湾曲率に合うよう 一枚一枚を 正確に調整できるのです
この様なコンセプト検証実験は 将来的に実際に建築へ導入する際 大きな意味を持ちます 例えば この家は 中国の宅地開発業者のもので 4階建のガラスの家なんです
視界が妨げられないよう ガラスのままですが これをサーモバイメタルで包み込みました 家全体を覆うスクリーンで 太陽の動きに合わせて開閉するのです
加えてスクリーンはプライバシー確保になります 時間によって プライベートな空間を
変化させることができます つまり将来は建物に カーテン 雨戸 ブラインドなどは不要になり この素材で建物を覆えば 同時に建物内の空調の量も コントロールできるわけです
市場に向けた建築資材の開発も 視野に入れています これはごく典型的な二重ガラス窓です この二重ガラス窓のパネルの 二枚のガラスの間に サーモバイメタルシステムを 組み込むことに挑戦しています サーモバイメタルシステムを 組み込むことに挑戦しています 太陽光が外側のガラスに当たり 内部の空洞を暖めたときに 中のバイメタルが湾曲し始めます
そして建物の ある部分だけ 太陽光を遮断するのです 必要であれば全体でも良いのです
想像してください これが実用化されれば 高層ビルの30階や40階でも このシステムを設置すれば 外壁全体が 太陽の動き方や日光の当たり方に応じて
時間によって変化させられるのです こちらは 私が最近取り組んでいる研究です 右下隅の 赤いものは 実はとても小さなサーモメタルです これを睫毛や繊毛のように 動かそうとしています
お気付きかもしれませんが これも生物学から影響を受けました バッタです
気門と呼ばれる 身体側面の孔で呼吸します 空気がその孔を通過し 身体を冷却するのです このプロジェクトでは どのようにそれを建築に応用するか どのように建物側面の穴に空気を通すか それを調べています
初期研究のブロックです それぞれの孔は貫通しており こちらがバイメタルを施したもの こちらはバイメタルを 使用していないものです すこし見え難いですが 表面に赤い矢印が見えるでしょう
左側は低温時 サーモバイメタルは平らで ブロック内の 空気の通過を遮断しています 右側の サーモバイメタルは湾曲し 空気が通過するようになっています これが私が現在取り組んでいる 二つの構成要素です また これらはとても特別な物です 全く新しい考え方です
窓を開ける代わりに 自動的に空気が壁を通するのです このスマートマテリアルは 本当に素晴らしいものなんです
毎日ブラインドの開閉に疲れたとき 休暇中や週末に 空調を制御する人が居ないとき または大規模停電で電力がなくなっても このサーモバイメタルは 疲れることなく効率的に 永遠に動き続けるのです ありがとうございました | He said that it would overheat the engine.
And you might remember, some of you, how the cars were back then, and it was a common problem of overheating.
But it was also the signal that capped the use, or overuse, of energy-consuming devices.
Things have changed now. We have cars that we take across country.
We blast the air conditioning the entire way, and we never experience overheating.
So there's no more signal for us to tell us to stop.
Great, right? Well, we have similar problems in buildings.
In the past, before air conditioning, we had thick walls.
The thick walls are great for insulation. It keeps the interior very cool during the summertime, and warm during the wintertime, and the small windows were also very good because it limited the amount of temperature transfer between the interior and exterior.
Then in about the 1930s, with the advent of plate glass, rolled steel and mass production, we were able to make floor-to-ceiling windows and unobstructed views, and with that came the irreversible reliance on mechanical air conditioning to cool our solar-heated spaces.
Over time, the buildings got taller and bigger, our engineering even better, so that the mechanical systems were massive. They require a huge amount of energy.
They give off a lot of heat into the atmosphere, and for some of you may understand the heat island effect in cities, where the urban areas are much more warm than the adjacent rural areas, but we also have problems that, when we lose power, we can't open a window here, and so the buildings are uninhabitable and have to be made vacant until that air conditioning system can start up again.
Even worse, with our intention of trying to make buildings move towards a net-zero energy state, we can't do it just by making mechanical systems more and more efficient.
We need to look for something else, and we've gotten ourselves a little bit into a rut.
So what do we do here? How do we pull ourselves and dig us out of this hole that we've dug?
If we look at biology, and many of you probably don't know, I was a biology major before I went into architecture, the human skin is the organ that naturally regulates the temperature in the body, and it's a fantastic thing.
That's the first line of defense for the body.
It has pores, it has sweat glands, it has all these things that work together very dynamically and very efficiently, and so what I propose is that our building skins should be more similar to human skin, and by doing so can be much more dynamic, responsive and differentiated, depending on where it is.
And this gets me back to my research.
What I proposed first doing is looking at a different material palette to do that.
I presently, or currently, work with smart materials, and a smart thermo-bimetal.
First of all, I guess we call it smart because it requires no controls and it requires no energy, and that's a very big deal for architecture.
What it is, it's a lamination of two different metals together.
You can see that here by the different reflection on this side.
And because it has two different coefficients of expansion, when heated, one side will expand faster than the other and result in a curling action.
So in early prototypes I built these surfaces to try to see how the curl would react to temperature and possibly allow air to ventilate through the system, and in other prototypes did surfaces where the multiplicity of having these strips together can try to make bigger movement happen when also heated, and currently have this installation at the Materials & Applications gallery in Silver Lake, close by, and it's there until August, if you want to see it.
It's called "Bloom," and the surface is made completely out of thermo-bimetal, and its intention is to make this canopy that does two things. One, it's a sun-shading device, so that when the sun hits the surface, it constricts the amount of sun passing through, and in other areas, it's a ventilating system, so that hot, trapped air underneath can actually move through and out when necessary.
You can see here in this time-lapse video that the sun, as it moves across the surface, as well as the shade, each of the tiles moves individually.
Keep in mind, with the digital technology that we have today, this thing was made out of about 14,000 pieces and there's no two pieces alike at all. Every single one is different.
And the great thing with that is the fact that we can calibrate each one to be very, very specific to its location, to the angle of the sun, and also how the thing actually curls.
So this kind of proof of concept project has a lot of implications to actual future application in architecture, and in this case, here you see a house, that's for a developer in China, and it's actually a four-story glass box.
It's still with that glass box because we still want that visual access, but now it's sheathed with this thermo-bimetal layer, it's a screen that goes around it, and that layer can actually open and close as that sun moves around on that surface.
In addition to that, it can also screen areas for privacy, in the space during different times of day.
And what it basically implies is that, in houses now, we don't need drapes or shutters or blinds anymore because we can sheath the building with these things, as well as control the amount of air conditioning you need inside that building.
I'm also looking at trying to develop some building components for the market, and so here you see a pretty typical double-glazed window panel, and in that panel, between those two pieces of glass, that double-glazing, I'm trying to work on making a thermo-bimetal pattern system so that when the sun hits that outside layer and heats that interior cavity, that thermo-bimetal will begin to curl, and what actually will happen then
is it'll start to block out the sun in certain areas of the building, and totally, if necessary.
And so you can imagine, even in this application, that in a high-rise building where the panel systems go from floor to floor up to 30, 40 floors, the entire surface depending on how that sun moves across and hits that surface.
And these are some later studies that I'm working on right now that are on the boards, where you can see, in the bottom right-hand corner, with the red, it's actually smaller pieces of thermometal, and it's actually going to, we're trying to make it move like cilia or eyelashes.
This last project is also of components.
The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my spheres of influence is biology -- is from a grasshopper.
And grasshoppers have a different kind of breathing system.
They breathe through holes in their sides called spiracles, and they bring the air through and it moves through their system to cool them down, and so in this project, I'm trying to look at how we can consider that in architecture too, how we can bring air through holes in the sides of a building.
And so you see here some early studies of blocks, where those holes are actually coming through, and this is before the thermo-bimetal is applied, and this is after the bimetal is applied. Sorry, it's a little hard to see, but on the surfaces, you can see these red arrows.
On the left, it's when it's cold and the thermo-bimetal is flat so it will constrict air from passing through the blocks, and on the right, the thermo-bimetal curls and allows that air to pass through, so those are two different components that I'm working on, and again, it's a completely different thing, because you can imagine instead of opening windows.
So I want to leave you with one last impression about the project, or this kind of work and using smart materials.
When you're tired of opening and closing those blinds day after day, when you're on vacation and there's no one there on the weekends to be turning off and on the controls, or when there's a power outage, and you have no electricity to rely on, these thermo-bimetals will still be working tirelessly, efficiently and endlessly. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
パレスチナ自治政府長官マフムード・アッバスは、パレスチナ憲法に従い、ハマスに新政府設立を求めなければならない。ファタハ派議員たちは、ハマス主導政府への参加は不本意であることが伺える。ハマス側は連立という形をとる方針を打ち出したが、ファタハは屈辱的敗北をうけ、統治パートナーとしての信頼性はほとんどなくなった。 | For their part, Fatah officials seem unwilling to join a Hamas-led government. Although Hamas has said that it would seek such a coalition, Fatah’s humiliating defeat has left it with little credibility as a governing partner. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
そういうことになった。 | I pointed the Devil King Sword at the severed head.
There was a lot that I wanted to ask.
I especially wanted to know how he had charmed people and sent them into the palace.
But I didn’t think that he was going to tell me.
I could use illusions to fake my appearance. However, this was a Vampire Lord.
Even my magic would not be enough to fool him completely.
“...Judging by how quickly you arrived, the attack must have failed.”
“Of course, it did. You shouldn’t have put so much faith in mere lessers.”
“...That’s unfortunate.”
The th Officer said with a slight smile.
I would try asking him anyway.
“So, how did you do it?”
“Hmph. Do you really think you will get an answer from me?”
And the th Officer’s head started to turn into ash.
He had used the last remaining sparks of magic to kill himself.
His last words were said in a calm voice.
“Human. Live well and good while you can.”
“Because you won’t have long until our king kills you. You should enjoy the rest of your short life.”
He chuckled and then turned into ash completely. The only thing that remained was the medal.
The medal felt incredibly ominous. There were many curses inside of it.
Even more so than the medal from the Lord that Shia and I had killed.
Unlike the th Officer who had goblin servants, this one had been able to drink from many humans.
And so I broke the medal in half with the Devil King Sword. This was so that the sword could suck in the curses and purify it.
Then I picked up the magic stone and broken medal and left the room.
I took the th Officer’s sword with me.
Not only was it light, but it had not broken when hitting against the Devil King Sword. It was a very good weapon.
On my way back, I killed every vampire that I came across.
I would not let a single one escape.
I erased my presence and activated illusions so I would not be recognized as an enemy.
There were Arch Vampires and lesser vampires.
After killing them all, I went outside of the fortress. I could now see that it had been newly constructed.
That’s why it wasn’t on any map. The 6th Officer had made it recently.
But there was also a village nearby. Yet there was not a single human. Instead, I found dozens of piles of ashes.
They must have been thralls who had turned into ash after the death of the 6th Officer.
I confirmed both the name and location of the village before returning to the fortress.
Then I used the teleportation magic circle to travel back to the palace.
Goran, Eric, Shia, and Serulis were waiting for me. As was Luchila and Gerberga.
Goran ran up to me.
“Ruck, what happened?”
“I killed all of the vampires in their base.”
So saying, I dropped over 50 magic stones and the broken medal onto a desk.
“That’s our Ruck. You were always fast.”
“The Lord over there was called the 6th Officer. But I wasn’t able to question him.”
“At that rank, they are not likely to open their mouths.”
I was worried about the princesses.
“Eric, are your daughters alright?”
“Yes, I have assigned grand knights who have experience in vampire hunting to protect my wife and daughters.”
Grand knights were among the best knights.
And if they had experience hunting vampires, then there was no need to worry.
And so I gave a detailed report to Eric and the others.
The part about the new fortress and the now empty village were especially important.
“I will have Adventurers sent to this fortress and village immediately.”
“I should send some soldiers as well.” “Thank you.”
Just then, a servant came running into the room.
Apparently, several people throughout the palace had suddenly turned into ash. 5 in all.
And about 30 people had become unconscious.
The ones who had turned into ash were likely thralls, while the ones who were unconscious were charmed.
“You can see just how far the palace has been infiltrated.”
I said, and Eric and Goran nodded.
It would be best to suspect that other Lords might have also sent their underlings into the palace.
Those who were infected could be sniffed out by the beastkin. However, there were many people in this huge palace.
I didn’t even know how long it would take.
And as for people who were charmed, even Shia and the other beastkin could not tell them apart.
The only way to know was to have an experienced Sorcerer spend an hour inspecting each person.
That would take even longer than searching for infected.
I looked at Gerberga. He was sitting in Luchila’s arms and looked restless.
“Perhaps Lord Gerberga should stay near me.”
“I understand that the palace is dangerous now, but I think that my house is still safe.”
“No, if they use the same methods that they used here, then your house will not be safe for long.”
“That may be, but...”
“I’m taking Lord Gerberga with me when I go kill the Vampire High Lord.”
The most dangerous thing was that someone might bring another teleportation magic circle into the palace.
Vampires could come here directly.
And it was difficult for anyone other than Sorcerers to find them.
There were thousands of plates in the palace. It wasn’t possible to have Sorcerers check every single one.
“It may indeed be safer to leave it to Ruck. However, I cannot allow them to take Lord Gerbera under any circumstances. And that is why I will go with you.”
“Yes. I agree with Eric. Eric and I shall go with you, Ruck. That will be the safest way.”
If it was me alone, there was always a slim chance.
However, in a party with Eric and Goran, we would be much safer. It would be easier to protect Gerberga.
“You’re right. Then it will be us three and Shia who will go and kill this Vampire High Lord.”
And so it was. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「あれ? ロックさん、どうしたでありますか? 今日はギルドには来ないとばかり」
「ロックさん、引っ越したんだって? おめでとう」
「いや、おれはいくぜ! おれの問題でもあるからな」
その扉を蹴り飛ばして、俺は建物の中に突撃した。 | We set off for the Adventurer’s Guild.
Serulis, Luchila and Milka were with me. Also Grulf and Gerberga.
Gerberga was riding on Grulf’s back.
It sounded like Gerberga was clucking out orders while riding him.
Apparently, Grulf considered Gerberga above him in rank.
We arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild after walking for some time and quickly went inside.
There was a simple hall inside of the guild for eating.
Shia was sitting in that hall and drinking tea and eating pastries.
Ario and Josh were also sitting with her. It seemed like they were having a lively conversation.
Shia’s tail wagged vigorously as soon as she caught sight of me.
“Oh? What is it, Mister Locke? I didn’t think you would come to the guild today.”
“Mister Locke, you moved houses? Congratulations.”
“Congratulations on the new house.”
Shia looked a little surprised.
Ario, the F Rank Sorcerer, laughed happily.
Josh, the F Rank Archer and Scout, lowered his head politely.
I had once hunted goblins with Ario and Josh.
“Ah, thank you. I know it’s rather sudden, but are you busy?”
“Oh, we aren’t on any quest right now, anyway. We were going to take the day off.”
“If you need more people, we would be glad to help.”
“I am also quite unoccupied!”
Luckily, Ario, Josh and even Shia had not accepted any quests.
“That’s good. I do have a request to make...”
“Do-do you need help moving?”
“That’s not it. It’s a bit of a dangerous mission. You can refuse if you want.”
“Hm. I accept.”
“Leave it to us.
“I too will accept it.”
Ario, Josh, and Shia accepted it.
“Don’t you want to hear the details first?”
“It is fine. I won’t reject a request from you, Locke.”
“I too will accept any request from you, Mister Locke!”
“You really shouldn’t say such things so lightly.”
After that, I introduced to them, my companions.
Serulis, Luchila, Milka, and Grulf and Gerberga as well.
Of course, Gereberga was only introduced as a cute chicken.
It was better to keep that part a secret for now.
And then I talked about our plans to defeat Kabino.
I wanted Ario, Josh, and Shia to block the back exits.
This was so they could arrest any who tried to escape.
“To be blunt, it will be dangerous. You can refuse if you want.”
“That’s not a problem. Leave it to us.”
“To think that such bad people are in the capital. I will not forgive them!”
Serulis and I would be part of the group charging in from the front.
“The problem is Lord Gerberga...”
“Luchila, Lord Gerberga, and Grulf should stay outside of the front entrance after we have gone in.”
Grulf seemed very excited about it.
Grulf was strong. However, as he was still young, I did not want him to fight alone.
It would be better for him to stick with Luchila.
After that, we ran over to Kabino’s house.
This was so we would arrive at the time that was discussed with the district manager.
We arrived early and so I had Shia, Ario, and Josh take up their positions.
Shortly after, it was time for the plan to begin, and the district manager and his subordinates all took their positions.
The district manager had brought half of his subordinates, which was ten men.
He was not able to bring them all, as that would impact their other daily duties.
“I will go with Serulis and Milka. Luchila, you and the others stay here.”
“I’m trembling with excitement.”
Milka looked nervous. She was shaking and perhaps a little afraid.
On the surface, I would appear to be Milka’s guardian and ask them to leave her alone.
I had decided that taking her would make it easier to talk and appear more proper.
However, if she was this afraid, it might be better that she didn’t come.
It would make things harder to explain, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t manage.
“Milka. Would you rather stay here with Luchila?”
“No, I am going too! It’s my problem as well.”
“I see. But don’t worry. I will protect you.”
“Ah, oh. Thank you.”
Then I turned to Luchila and said,
“Take anyone who tries to escape.”
“Leave it to us. And you be careful, Mister Locke.”
Everyone seemed roused for what was to come. Especially Grulf.
He probably wanted to make up for his failure to wake up the other day when there was a suspicious noise.
“Grulf. Don’t do anything dangerous.”
“And listen to Luchila.”
I patted him on the head. Grulf’s tail wagged happily.
After that, we walked up to the door of Kabino’s house in order to ring the bell.
Just as I was about to ring it, I heard a small scream.
“Ahhhhhh! Help me!”
“Don’t think you can escape!”
“Please! Forgive me!”
The screaming and shouting were coming from within the building.
It seemed like Kabino’s house was mostly soundproof.
I had come very close to the door and could only barely hear the screaming.
“It sounds like an emergency. Milka, you must wait here with Luchila.”
“Yes. Understood!”
Once I saw that Milka had returned to Luchila, I tore the door down with my sword.
Of course, it was the Devil King Sword. The door came apart like butter.
I kicked down the remains and charged into the building. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
「うん? まあいいじゃないか、ジェラルド。たまにはこういう場所を歩くのも、なかなか楽しいものだぞ」
「だろう? たまにはのんびり歩きまわってみるのも、普段の生活ではできないような発見があっていいものだ。それにこの辺りは、ダンジョンと違って魔物が出ることはめったにない。仮に出たとしても、ほとんど害を及ぼさないような最下級の魔物ぐらいだしな」
「ダンジョン? そういう場所があるの?」
「そうか? 父さんは、夢やロマンや冒険があって魅力的だと思うがなあ」
それは夜にベッドでのお話ですか? どう機嫌を取ってるんですか? | “Gerald, let’s go on an adventure!”
One morning.
During breakfast, my father suggested this.
Three months have already passed since I was able to use magic for the first time.
I remembered most of the incantations of the magic spellbook, and was able to warm the soup, or dry the laundry when it rained, and spent days helping in the house by preparing the firewood for cooking. During all of this, my father proclaimed “Let’s go on an adventure,” and the two of us went to the forest that day.
“...... rather than adventuring, it would be more accurate to call it hiking...”
While walking towards the grove between the trees, I murmured, the scene before me was much too idyllic to be considered an adventure.
“Exactly right!”
“I think I said what I meant.”
“Don’t worry about the small details. If I say it’s an adventure, then it’s an adventure.”
This father, he’s usually a steady and hard worker, but he often becomes strangely childish.
Well, I’m sometimes too serious, but I guess I’m just stubborn.
“Even so, why suddenly come here of all places?”
“Yeah? Well, I didn’t suppose you’d like it, Gerald. It’s actually kind of fun to walk around these places once in a while!”
So there doesn’t seem to be any particular reason. But I nod anyways at my father’s words. I’m ashamed to say this, but I don’t have any prior experience in hiking, not in my previous life. At best there was rock climbing at school.
That was not a fun memory, because I was floating around, alone, without any friends.
But now it’s different. When I look overhead, I can see the branches and leaves of the tree leave a shadow in the rays of the sun’s light. The light poured onto the ground and drew a mysterious shadow, like a painting directly drawn on the earth. The wind occasionally blows, not too cold nor too warm – just right. The fragrance of the forest permeates and fills my chest, and I breathe deeply. They say that magic fills the forests, and indeed, the air tasted and felt different to that which I usually breathed.
“Look, Gerald. Over there. There’s a bird over there.”
I was enjoying the scenery and looked there upon hearing my father’s words. Perched upon the branch that my father had pointed to with his finger was a small bird with blue feathers. I likely wouldn’t have noticed had I been walking by myself.
But since I was with someone who I was familiar with, I will know things I would otherwise never notice. It may be a somewhat splendid thing. It is a strange feeling that cheered me up, and so we walked the trails in this way.
“......Yeah. That’s right. How should I say... It’s good like this.”
My father nodded and eyed the unusual hue of the bird.
“Don’t you agree? I found that it’s important to try walking around leisurely, and you may make discoveries you can’t find in everyday life. And around here, it’s rare for demons to wander, unlike around a dungeon. Even if I fought a demon of the lowest grade, I could only deal a little damage to it.”
“Dungeon? Is there such a place?”
Hearing the word ‘dungeon’, I unconsciously asked this.
“Of course. That is to say... wait, no. For the time being, sit.”
We came to an opening in the road.
I put my rucksack on the ground and sat in a suitable location.
I took a water canteen and some snacks from inside the bag, and was accompanied by my father who told me about the dungeons.
“Now. Where should I start?”
Father’s story began. In different parts of the world there are things called dungeons.
There, demons who harm humans are born, and every day they attack neighboring towns and villages. In the old days there was a powerful family of witches who were known as the the “Seal Appointing Individuals.” Even if they were able to wound them, regardless of what the humans did, they could not defeat the demons, so instead they decided to seal the demons. The sites sealed by the “Seal Appointing Individuals” were the precursors to today’s dungeons. Once the seal weakened and changed due to the malice of that which was sealed within, it changed shape into a dungeon, and demons were born there. It is said that the creatures called demons were born in order to attack mankind.
By the way, the things known as “Mazoku” is generally a Seal Appointing Individual, while “Mamono” [demon] indicates the kind of monster that spawns within a dungeon.
“It was immediately obvious that with only the the knights and soldiers, the country would be unable to cope with the monsters. Therefore, the country established the adventurer system. By going on adventures to the dungeons with other adventurers, they were able to curb the threat posed by the demons.”
“In other words, the country prepared towns and attracted people out there?”
“Yes. In addition, they attracted ruffians and criminals. There seems to also be some magicians.”
In that way it is said that the people who gathered came in order to hunt demons to gain rewards for their mercenary work.
“Of the adventurers, the achievements of the magicians are overwhelming. They can kill many demons with large-scale wide range offensive magic, instantly killing those that a sword or spear couldn’t pierce. So for a magician, their true vocation would be an adventurer.”
“......But, isn’t it dangerous?”
My father nods at my words.
“Of course it’s dangerous. However, we are constantly collecting information about the demons. If you aren’t prepared and are reckless, it is easy to die.”
Information seems to be paramount, regardless of the time and place.
Seeing this, I was convinced.
“But, well, I don’t really yearn to be an adventurer.”
“Really? I thought you’d be attracted to the adventures and romance, son.”
“But father. Do you think we should try an adventure in the dungeon?”
“Of course we shouldn’t. Above all else, you are my most important treasure. And our home is the jewelry box for it to go in.”
Though I make a “Doya” face, my father has put some consideration into this... “By the way, we have been talking for a while. Let’s go home before it gets too late. When it gets too late, Cecil gets upset, and it’s hard to put her in a good mood every night.”
Is it a story in bed at night? Why do you need to put her in a good mood? .....For the time being I don’t want to imagine too much. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 12,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ん? ああ、アルフレリックか。まぁ、色々面倒だったんで、大目に見てくれ」
その瞬間、「いやいや、どこにいたんだよ!」と思わずツッコミが入りそうなくらい唐突に、ハウリア達がシュバッ! とカムの周りに現れた。そして、統率のとれた動きで整列すると一斉に〝休め〟の体勢で微動だにしなくなった。
「いいわけがないな? なら、どうすればいいか。簡単だ。今、隣にいる大切な者を守りたいと思うなら......戦え。ただ搾取され諦観と共に生きることをよしとしないなら......立ち上がれ。兎人族の境遇を変えたいと願うなら......心を怒りで充たせ! 我等ハウリア族はそうした! 兎人族は決して最弱などではないのだ! 決意さえすれば、どこまでも強くなれる種族なのだ! 我等がそれを証明しただろう!」
「帝国で受けた屈辱を思い出せ。不遇な境遇に甘んじるな。大切な者は自らの手で守り抜けっ。諦観に浸る暇があるなら武器を磨け! 戦う術なら我等が教えよう。力を求め、戦う決意をしたのなら、我等のもとに来るといい。ハウリア族は、いつでもお前達を歓迎する!!」
そう言って演説を締めくくったカムは、再びハンドシグナルを出す。すると、ハウリア達は、どこぞの忍者のようにシュバ! と散開して一瞬で姿をくらませた。
それを見て、既に幾人かの兎人族の瞳に火が宿っているのを確認し、カムはほくそ笑んだ。「これでまた戦力が増えそうだ! 一度訓練にさえ参加させれば、逃さず精神を魔改造してやるぜ!」と。
「はぁ? 思っているに決まっているだろう。まさか、本気で俺を殺せると思ってやしないだろうな。だとしたら、フェアベルゲンの頭はとんだ阿呆ということになるぞ?」
「お、おい! まさか、本当にこのまま送り帰す気かっ! ちょっと待て、折角、フェアベルゲンまで来たってのにっ、色々知りたいことがっ。それにお前のことも、って離せ! こら、てめぇ! 俺は皇帝だぞ! 引きずるんじゃねぇよ!」
確かに、皇帝自らハウリアのさせた誓約を認めることが連れてきた理由なので、既に用済みと言えばそうなのだが......「覚えてろよぉ! 南雲ハジメぇ~!!」とドップラーさせながらゲートの向こうへ消えていった皇帝陛下は、流石に哀れを誘うものだった。
「わ、我等は、同胞ではないか! 同じ亜人族に刃を向けるというのか! まるで狂人ではないか!」
言い切ったカムの表情は清々しい。後ろに控えるハウリア達もいい笑顔だ。長老に加えることで、自分達の力をいいように使えると思ったら大間違いだぞ! とその瞳が語っている。
一方、ハジメの周りに控えて事の推移を見守っていた者達は、一様に、ジト目をハジメに向けていた。「大切な者以外、知ったことか! 興味ねぇんだよ! ぺっ!」というカムの言動が、どこかの誰かさんにそっくりだったからである。
カムの不遜な物言いに気の短いゼルや長老を蔑ろにされた側近達が激しく憤る。カムは涼しい顔だが、後ろに控える部下のハウリア達は「あぁ? やんのかゴラァ!」とチンピラのようにメンチを切っていた。
「彼等は、一部族だけで事を成したのだぞ? フェアベルゲンが総力を上げても出来ないであろうことを、だ。対等と認めるには十分な理由だと思うが? それに、このままではハウリア族と縁が切れてしまう可能性があるわけだが、その損失の度合いを測れないお前達ではあるまい。同盟という形をとれば、追放してしまった彼等とも、また縁を繋げるのだ。ならば、この程度のこと、成し遂げてくれたことの大きさに比しても、過剰とは言えまいよ」
「まぁ、認められようが認められまいが、我等のやることは変わらんが、そういうことでいいだろう。ああ、ついでに、大樹近辺と南方は我等が使うから無断で入ってくるなよ? 命の保障は出来んからな」
「え? 代わってくれるの?」
「む? もちろん、してみたいのじゃ」
「......ユエ、喧嘩売ってるのかな? かな?」
「くっ、絶対に捕まえるよ! 添い寝のために!」
「ん? どうした、シア。っていうかさっきユエ達が出て行ったっぽいんだが......お前は行かなかったのか?」
「うっ。それより! みんな出ていってしまいましたし、私達も散歩がてら外出しませんか? 私、フェアベルゲンの中って知らないんですよね」
「はい! 真夜中のデートですね! ......ちょっと卑猥な響きです」
「そんなの唯の言葉じゃないですか。私は、もっと形として恩返しがしたいんです。ハジメさんは、私が何をすれば嬉しいと感じてくれますか? ......ハジメさんが望むなら何だってします。本当に何だって......」
「もうっ、何ですか、能天気って! 皇帝の前で私のことを大切だって抱き締めたくせにぃ! ここは、『ならお前の体で礼をしてもらおうか、ぐっへっへっへ!』と言って私を襲う場面じゃないですか。空気読んで下さいよぉ」
「だがなぁ、仲間だろ? いちいち、そんなこと考える必要ないと思うけどなぁ」
ユエ以上の気持ちを誰かに抱くことはないだろうが、それでも、もはやシアに対する想いを誤魔化すことはできそうになかった。自覚してしまった以上、気がつかなかったことには出来ない。ならば、一生懸命頑張って、自分達について来た眼前の少女に相応の態度をとるべきではいか? ハジメは、ふと、そんな事を考えた。
「え、えっと、何でしょう? そんなにジッと見つめられると流石に恥ずかしいのですが......」
「頼み、ですか? もちろん、いいですよ! 何でも言って下さいですぅ」
当の本人は気がつかず、それでも甘やかな時間は優しく流れる。モントファルタの月光が照らす中、ハジメとシアはしばらくの間、二人っきりの時間を楽しむのだった。 | An intense light poured down over Fair Bergen just like a barrier.
Demi-humans were running away in different directions when the plaza was lit up by the pillar of light, they were all watching from afar with nervous expressions of what’s to come.
Similarly, soldiers surrounded the plaza while having an expression cramped with fear.
Bekibeki~, Baki~, Beki~!!Immediately afterwards, a scream-like sound was emitted by the tree’s overhead as they broke. “Goodness gracious, has a new monster appeared!”, as Fair Bergen’s residents took a forward stance, it appeared.
What they saw first was a huge mass of metal. Gradually lowering it’s altitude and finally the residents of Fair Bergen noticed that it was a gondola. Afterwards, the appearance of a devilfish-like airship “Feruniru” was seen. The ground was illuminated by the two powerful searchlights which were attached to the bottom of its front and back in order to look for a safe place to land.
The surrounding people could do nothing but simply open their eyes and mouths widely in astonishment, Feruniru slowly lowered the gondola to the ground and purges it, then it landed beside the gondola.
The plaza was completely filled up with the gondola and Feruniru and the surrounding people took distance from it in a panic. At the same time, they had a, what’s going to happen now, face filled with unease as they looked.
Then, at that time, the front and back of the rectangular shaped gondola suddenly opened up. The Demi-humans were startled. The soldier’s hands which held their weapons were drenched in sweat and, ~Gokuri~, the sound of their throats could be heard. Their expressions stiffened up when they thought about what might jump out of the gondola which was wrapped in darkness.
Among the residence’s gazes, what appeared from the atmosphere timidly Usagininzoku girl. With that, the residents expressions turned into bewilderment. In that situation where the residents couldn’t process and understand yet, Demi-humans appeared one after another from the darkness.
Those who came out from the gondola in succession, all equally looked around their surroundings with a slightly unbelieveable expression. In the serene silence of the cool air, vigorously, along with the security they felt while surrounded by trees, the nostalgic lights of Fair Bergen, and the sight of their brethren who they believed they’d never see again.
Although they were still in a stunned state like vegetation absorbing water, they were gradually realising. “We’ve finally returned to our hometown” is what they said.
Fair Bergen’s residents were also the same as well.
A woman hesitatingly advanced ahead slowly. It was a middle-aged woman who had dropped down inumimis. She had tears accumulating in the corners of her eyes and gently called out the name which she thought was lost.
“.....Zack, are you Zack?”
The one who reacted to that voice was a boy who similarly had dropped down inumimis. It was that boy which Kouki had worried about at the Empire. Once the boy caught the appearance of the woman, his face crumpled up into tears and started running out.
As the woman knelt down and expanded out her arms, the boy leaped into her chest. The woman who was called, mother, was tightly embracing her son within her arms to confirm that it wasn’t a fantasy. And the parent and child had tears flowing out of delight from their miraculous reunion.
During the period of the parent and child’s reunion, the Demi-humans and residents realized that they’ve returned and shouted out in joy which shook the ground as they ran towards each other, family and friends were releasing a powerfully bright voice every time they met up with acquaintances and lovers who were safe.
Fair Bergen was wrapped up in great joy, the usual quiet tranquility suddenly disappeared and a festival-like racket began.
Inside of the clamor of Demi-humans which was filled with overflowing smiles, Alfrerick as well as the other elders came running up to Hajime and them who got off Feruniru.
“ had a completely unexpected appearance”
“N? Ahh, Alfrerick huh. Ma~a, there were various bothersome things so overlook it for me”
When Alfrerick looked overhead at the trees which folded and broke, he showed a wry smile as he talked, Hajime was scratching his cheek and had a slightly embarrassed expression.
From the skies of the Sea of Trees, the idea to descend down onto and crushing the trees without question just to enter from the outside of the Sea of Trees because using a gate to transfer everyone was too troublesome was due to careless judgement from his magical power being reduced to almost nothing.
However, because Hajime had been impressed by Fair Bergen’s beautiful scenery, as expected there’s was a slight feeling of having done something bad.
“Sorry, Yue. Can I rely on you?”
“N.....leave it to me”
When Hajime called out to Yue by his side, Yue’s lips loosened into a wry smile and she extended out her right arm overhead.
““Absolute Imitation””Reproduction magic “Absolute Imitation”. It’s a magic which restores all destruction regardless of whether it was organic or inorganic matter.
The moment Yue activated the magic, the tree’s overhead immediately regained their former appearances. The elders exposed absentminded expressions towards the irrational magic which they witnessed. Only Alfrerick was able to guess that it was due to obtaining new Age of Gods magic and he massaged his forehead wrinkles like he was tired.
“Oji-sama, although I sympathize with your feelings, it’s about time we should.......”
“Mu, that’s right., Nagumo-dono. I’ve roughly heard of the circumstances from Cam. Though it was unbelievably sudden, it appears that my brethren have really been released. we’ve likely just experienced a historical moment right now. First of all, as Fair Bergen’s representative, I thank you”
“That’s what you say but, the ones who did everything was the Hauria tribe. Please don’t make mistakes here?”
Hajime gave a warning towards Alfrerick’s words as he was indifferently putting the gondola and Feruniru back away into the “Treasure Warehouse”. Suddenly the enormous objects from the plaza disappeared and the people who were expressing their joys began blinking their eyes. Then they paid attention towards Hajime and them who were facing the Elders.
“Ahh, of course. To begin with if the Haruia tribe wasn’t here, Fair Bergen may have been completely obliterated from the previous attack. Considering that as well, there’s nothing else to believe. Fufu~, never in my long life.....did I ever expect that it would be the weakest and banished Haruia tribe that would have defeated the Empire”
The Hauria tribe challenged the Empire to a fight and came out victorious and they even rescued all the brethren—-that fact having been stated from Alfrerick’s mouth made the residents realise who the people that allowed them to reunite with their important people were.
They turned their attention to Cam who was standing next to Alfrerick with a straightened back. What dwelled in their eyes was not contempt at the weakest race but, great awe and respect of looking at a hero.
When Cam notices those glances, as if he had thought of something a mischievous smile appeared on his lips and he slowly raised his right hand. And as if saying, “Come over here!”, he bent his fingertips. It was a hand signal which they used when they invaded the castle.
In that instant, it seemed like someone would instinctively tsukkomi, “Iya, Iya, where were you guys hiding!”, the other Hauria tribesmen suddenly appeared around Cam! And they all took an “At ease” stance while lined up without moving at all as they awaited their command.
Cam had a satisfied smile as he looked at his tribesmen who stood in a line, his eyes were sharp like a blade and filled with drive which was enough to make people back away unconsciously, all of the residents——to be exact it was the Usagininzoku who he raised his voice towards.
“My brethren. People of the Sea of Trees who have suffered humiliation and resignation over the long time. Listen. Though we’ve managed to overcome the Empire this time, eternal peace is impossible. All of your futures will definitely be threatened once again, not too long from now”
The hundreds of Usagininzoku that were at the plaza trembled in fear towards those words. Will the painful days of the Empire come once again? they’re eyes clinged onto Cam who was making a speech.
“Once that happens, you guys will once again experience days like yesterday. No, not only that. This time, even comrades who have escaped being slaves will also suffer the same fate”
Although they were safe now, the dark future was pointed out, not only the Usagininzoku but also the other Demi-humans were looking down.
“Are you guys fine with that?”
There’s no way it’s fine. We never want to return to those days where our dignity was trampled on. Let alone, allowing our precious people to experience those pains as well.
But, even if you say that, what should we do......
Cam was glancing sternly at his brethren who were looking down, and as if the answer was right before their eyes, he further increased his voice.
“There’s no way that’s fine right? Then, what should we do. It’s simple. If you want to protect those who are important to you right now.....fight. If you don’t wish to live while being exploited in resignation then.....stand up for yourselves. If you wish to change the Usagininzoku’s circumstances then......fill your heart with hatred! Just like how we of the Hauria Tribe did! The Usagininzoku was never the weakest to begin with! As long as you have determination, then you can become stronger than any other race! We’ve already proven that!”
Some leaked an, “Ah.....”. They realised that those who broke through the huge enemy and rescued them were not a special existence but the same Usagininzoku that they were. One of the Usagininzoku that was looking down rose their face up once again.
“Remember the humiliation that you received at the Empire. Do not contempt yourselves that it was due to unfortunate circumstances. Continue protecting your important people with your own hands. If you have the time to indulge yourself in resignation then take up your weapons! We’ll teach you how to fight. If you seek power, if you’ve decided to fight then, you should come and join us. The Hauria tribe will always welcome you guys at any time!!”
After Cam finished ending his speech, he gave out a hand signal once again. Then, the Hauria tribesmen as if they were ninjas spread out and disappeared in an instant!
Once they saw that, Cam confirmed that the fires were lit up within the Usagininzoku’s eyes and he chuckled to himself. “It looks like our military power’s increased once again! I’ll make sure to not miss the chance to remodel their minds immediately once they first participate in the training!” he thought.
“Boss, I’m sorry to have side tracked. It was just too good a time to secure talented people”
“Ahh, I don’t particularly mind. ......So even you’ve become able to speak like that~. With that, how about uniting all the Usagininzoku with the Hauria?”
“Hahaha, if it comes to that then we’ll become quite fearsome!”
“......Recently, father’s demeanor has become more and more like Hajime-san’s. I feel that the “Gentle Usagininzoku” will become exterminated not too long from now”
Shia was looking far into the distance with a dry smile. It appears that it’s only a matter of time before all Usagininzoku’s become brainwashed.
By the way, Gaharudo was also there. Right before his eyes, the Hauria tribe which defeated him were gathering forces but he didn’t say anything in particular. Or rather, he was in a situation where he couldn’t say anything. In order to not needlessly give more information than necessary on Fair Bergen away, Hajime made him wear magic sealing shackles which were attached to his feet and arms and a mask which completely shut out light and sound (Yellow soil colored).
After this and after explaining the oath as proof of the Empire’s defeat to the elders, they planned to immediately return him through the gate. That was the only reason they brought along the Emperor—-there wasn’t anything like dignity.
“Fumu, we can’t let them stay out here any longer. Guide them inside. Arutena, I’m relying on you”
“Yes, oji-sama. Sa~a, it’s this way. Nagumo-sama”
Because of Cam’s speech, they attracted too much attention for a simple greeting, so Alfrerick urged Arutena to guide them into the hall that was prepared.
Arutena who received the task, nodded once, and then for some reason she tried to take hold of Hajime’s hand while smiling radiantly to guided them. That action wasn’t missed in Yue and their eyes. By chance, his right hand had already been held onto by Yue so she aimed towards the left side where Shia was, however Shia similarly smiled radiantly as she casually took back Hajime’s left hand.
Shia and Arutena’s line of sight intersected. For some reason you could hear an auditory hallucination of electricity being discharged ~Bachi Bachi~.
“Yes, of course, Shia-san. But, since there are lots of people, for the sake of not losing you guys, I’d like to hold onto his hand?”
So she says, Arutena tries to get back Hajime’s left hand which Shia took. It appears that she was properly listening to Cams provocation. It was an unbecoming attitude for the princess of the forest people. Rather than facing Hajime so on and so forth, Shia’s sense of rivalry seemed to have been pretty strong.
“Just according to plan!”, is what Cam seems to say as he was grinning from ear to ear, having guessed the circumstances of the surroundings Hajime smiled while releasing blood lust. In an instant, Cam broke out in cold sweat like a waterfall.
Hajime who was slightly stressed let out a sigh towards Cam and tightly gripped onto Shia’s hand.
Shia unintentionally let out a voice. Then at the next moment she smiled brightly and she tightly embraced Hajime’s arm. Although it was his artificial arm, due to its artificial nerves he was able to feel the wonderful feeling of having his left arm buried into her breasts.
While looking at such a happy Shia, Arutena unintentionally looked towards Hajime, Hajime’s eyes were coldly stating, “Quickly guide us in”, then her shoulders quickly dropped and she began to downheartedly guide them. From the start, it was imbalanced due to Shia who traveled with him and had lots of contact rather than with Arutena, the results were obvious.
Once they were guided into the hall, the elders sat towards the end, and the Hauria tribesmen including Cam was also at the meeting, and on the right was Gaharudo who sat across from Hajime.
He’s already publicly declared the defeat of the Hoelscher Empire and Gaharudo has said the contents of the oath, to which the elders and others can testify to. With this, all elders seemed to admit that the Hauria tribe was telling the truth.
“Fu~n. However, how dare you nonchalantly come here alone. You’re our sworn enemy. Surely you don’t think you can return safely?”
One of the elders—–Zell of the Toraninzoku, stared at Gaharudo with hate who entered into enemy territory alone haughtily. The atmosphere was like anything could go flying at any moment.
However, even if such a gare was turned to Gaharudo, he was indifferent.
“Ha~a? Isn’t it obvious that that’s what I thought. I honestly doubt you’d actually try to kill me. If that were to happen then it would only mean that Fair Bergen’s leaders are full of idiots”
Alfrerick was holding back Zell who was furious.
“Zell, stop it. I understand your feelings. The reason Gaharudo came here was for the sake of pledging to the oath which the Hauria tribe placed on him. Nothing more, nothing less. If he was killed now, then all meaning would be lost in the Hauria’s actions which they risked their lives for”
Zell made a mortifying face and threw his fist against the floor.
Gaharudo was laughing through his nose when he saw Zell. The atmosphere in that place was the worst. It was clear that Gaharudo had no sense of guilt for having enslaved the Demi-humans and also had no intent of apologising. However, Gaharudo enslaved the Demi-humans because they were weak, the story of the Hauria tribe being able to free the Demi-humans was simply because they were strong. The elders gazed at Gaharudo with murderous intent and the situation further increased as Gaharudo simply laughed provocatively.
The one who easily broke apart that situation without questions asked was Hajime. Quit being so irritating already.
“Oi, Gaharudo. That’s enough from you. Hurry up and leave”
As Hajime got up and ignored Gaharudo’s voice of confusion, he activated the gate while firmly holding onto the root of Gaharudo’s neck.
“O, oi! You can’t be seriously sending me back at this moment! Wait a little, I’ve finally come to Fair Bergen, there’s a lot of things I want to find out about. Also you guys too, tch let go! Kora, you! I’m the Emperor! Don’t go dragging me!”
Although Gaharudo was struggling violently, he wasn’t able to overcome the inhumane strength holding him and he was mercilessly thrown into the other side of the gate.
Certainly, the reason why they brought along the Emperor was only because he had to admit to the oath that the Hauria created and everything else he says afterwards was unnecessary but.....”I’ll remember this! Nagumo Hajime~e!!” as the Emperor shouted out it created a doppler effect as he disappeared onto the other side of the gate, that scene certainly provoked some sympathy.
Ririana who was by the side had an strangely glad face though, “Even though you’re an Emperor~, even though you’re an Emperor~, the way you’re treated~” she muttered out rhythmically. It appears that she was happy to have made a new comrade in having been treated in the same crude way that she was treated with.
Recently, Ririana had started becoming a regrettable princess, Shizuku who was by her side looked at her regrettably.
On the hand, the elders, especially Zell, were glaring at Hajime. “Why, did you dismiss the Emperor!” is what their eyes were expressing. The truth was quite ridiculous, to be honest, Hajime had no reason to be here either so if Gaharudo was returned then he could quickly leave.
“Please wait, Nagumo-dono. We still haven’t decided on an appropriate repayment. Would you please stay around for a bit longer”
“No, I don’t need anything, so. Those glances are irritating so we’re leaving”
“Don’t say that. If nothing is done with this much debt of gratitude, it’ll be extremely shameful for us Demi-humans. At the very least, allow us to give you a place to sleep and eat for tonight. That’s why, please stay around a while longer”
“....Haa~, I get it”
Although Hajime thought it was troublesome, he nodded to Alfrerick and sat down where he was before. after confirming that, Alfrerick turned around towards Cam.
“Well then, with this, the distinguishing achievements that the Hauria tribe has done has certainly been confirmed. Even though you were banished, you’ve helped us repel the invasions, moreover, going even as far as getting back all of our brethren from the Empire through an oath. We must repay you at all costs. For the time being, there is no one in opposition towards revoking your banishment. This was already decided after the last elder meeting after the invasion. From now on, you may visit Fair Bergen whenever you wish”
Revoking their banishment. That decision was already overturned at the last elder conference, having admitted to it just showed how big the achievements that the Hauria tribe contributed to were.
However, Cam only muttered, “Is that so”, while not particularly glad at all. His attitude was that anything was fine.
“And also. For your distinguished achievements on this occasion, Cam, as chief of the Hauria tribe, I’d like to propose that as a reward, he may become a new elder. How do you other elders feel about it?”
All of the aides had wide opened eyes in surprise towards Alfrerick’s words. Over the last several hundred years, there has never been an event where a different race was presented the seat of elder. It had always been the kinds of Demi-humans, the Forest people, Tiger people, Bear people, Winged people, Fox people, and the natural natives. If you add in the Usagininzoku into that formula, then from the Demi-human’s perspective, it could only be referred to as a historical feat of honor for their race.
The other elders looked at one another and nodded after hearing Alfrerick’s words, it was a unanimous agreement.
“Fumu, that’s how it is. Cam. Will you accept the seat as an elder?”
“Of course, I refuse”
” ” ” ” “.......Eh?” ” ” ” ”
Somehow or another, an atmosphere like, “Lets welcome our new companion!” appeared but, Cam easily cut apart that atmosphere. All of the elder’s eyes became dots. It seems that they never thought they’d be rejected.
“.......Can I hear why?”
Somehow Alfrerick managed to recover, he was bearing a headache, wondering what was bad about something that Demi-humans thought to have been the greatest reward.
“There’s no particular reason, to begin with you guys are fundamentally mistaken about something”
“A misunderstanding?”
“That’s right. The reason why all Demi-humans were rescued was only due to the occasion. What made us decide to take action was because we thought about the future which would be the end of the Usagininzoku. The other Demi-humans, if I were to say it, “doesn’t matter””
The elders looked at Cam unbelievably who was talking indifferently.
“Therefore, don’t get the wrong idea. We the Hauria tribe were never your ally. If, you guys who have tasted victory on this occasion decide to go off and wage war on the humans and start stocking up on weapons which cause trouble for us and boss’d best believe that the Hauria tribe’s blade will be pointed at you”
“Are, are we not your brethren! Do you plan on pointing your blades towards your own fellow Demi-humans! Isn’t that insane!”
“Fu~n, it won’t change that you guys look down on the Usagininzoku. There’s no point in trying to get all intimate. Ma~a, that kind of thing doesn’t really matter. Anyways, all of our blades are held simply for the Usagininzoku’s future. As long as you guys carve that onto your chests, then its fine”
Cam’s expression after he finished speaking was refreshed. The Hauria who were also behind him were also smiling. Becoming a new elder, if you think we’d use our power for you guys then you’re sadly mistaken!- their eyes stated.
truthfully, it would be a lie to say that they haven’t calculated that far yet, Alfrerick and their expressions were bitter.
On one side, the people who were waiting around Hajime just watched everything unfold, then they all equally turned their eyes towards Hajime. “I don’t care about anyone other than those important to me! I’m not interested! Pe~!” is what Cam’s behavior was like, it was exactly like a certain somebody.
“It’s as if you’re saying that the Usagininzoku are independent from all the other Demi-humans”
“Alfrerick, you’re always precise. It’s exactly that. From now onwards, the Usagininzoku will be living by the rules of the Usagininzoku. Being incorporated into Fair Bergen’s rules like a goody goody is something I want nothing to do with”
Aides and elders, the short-tempered Zell in particular, were extremely angry at Cam who was haughty. Although Cam had a cool face, the Hauria subordinates behind him were, “Ahh? got a problem with that!
Within that, Alfrerick was thinking about something with a difficult expression, almost like ever since Hajime has showed up he’s only been releasing tired expressions, then he talked to Cam.
“Then, Cam. How about if we recognise you guys as, “A race equal to Fair Bergen”. Of course, that also gives you a special guest pass into the elders meetings. If we do this then you’d have no obligations to go along with what the elder meetings decide nor the laws of Fair Bergen, with that in mind, you’d have enough influence as us”
“Hoho~u. Ma~a, that’s not a bad proposal”
Towards Alfrerick’s new proposal, Cam smiled from ear to ear as if stating, “I wanted to hear those words!”.
Cam had thought that in preparation for the day when the Empire eventually invades, he wanted some kind of connection with Fair Bergen. However, if he had allowed themsleves to be incorporated into Fair Bergen then he wouldn’t be able to ignore the elder meetings and he’d be restricted from moving around freely. That’s why it was best if they were an alliance only in name or as an external organization.
But, it was obvious that voices of opposition would appear when the Hauria tribe were getting too much preferential treatment. Against that, Alfrerick answered out while sighing.
“They are people who accomplished things as just a single race? Even if Fair Bergen collaborated with all its power, we’d likely not be able to do it. If you think like that, then its more than enough reason to consider them as equals? Besides, there’s also the possibility that this’ll cause the Hauria tribe to cut off all ties with us, do you guys not understand the gravity of loss that’ll be for us? If we form an alliance, they who have been banished will once again create a connection. If so then, things of this degree when compared to the size of their accomplishments isn’t excessive at all”
Although the elders were twisting their heads while grunting out, gunununu, eventually no good proposals came out so the prestige of a single race was somehow pushed through the elders meeting and they decided to go along with what Alfrerick proposed.
“That’s how it is, Cam. As a decision of the elder’s meeting, the status of, “The Alliance Race”, will be given to he Hauria tribe, would that be fine with you?”
“Ma~a, whether we’re recognized or not, what we have to do doesn’t change, but those kinds of things would be alright. Ahh, incidentally, we’re using the big tree towards the south so you guys shouldn’t wander in without permission? We can’t guarantee your lives after all”
They never expected that Cam would place an additional order.
Or rather, he selfishly declared it was his land without permission. As expected, even Alfrerick’s cheeks twitched a bit. Shia who was besides Hajime had covered her face with both her hands. It seems she was embarrassed at her fathers impudence. Her blood father was letting out a Hyaha~ though.
Afterwards, the strangely tired looking elders left and Hajime and them went towards the big tree and were guided into their rooms at Fair Bergen.
The town was still stirring up a big uproar over the Demi-humans returning. Kouki and them were wondering if there was anything they could help with and took off but, Hajime and them decided to relax in the room indifferently.
By the way, Ririana had returned to the Kingdom a short while ago. It was still necessary to negotiate with the Empire and report of the current incident as well, they needed to decide the Kingdom’s next moves.
Why, didn’t she return at once, it was a simple story......from just a few minutes ago. Until Ririana said that she wanted to return to the Kingdom, Hajime had completely forgotten about her existence. When she passed through the gate, it’s needless to say but something was shining within Ririana’s eyes.
Even now, clamor can be heard throughout the whole town. They may have been holding some kind of celebration and feast somewhere.
Within that, Hajime and them who were relaxing as they desired inside of their room. But, there was one person who was strangely restless.
It was Shia. Since a while ago, she’s been frequently glancing at Hajime and thinking about something.
To begin with, the person in question was receiving a lap pillow from Yue and was partly dozing off into the world of dreams, so he wasn’t aware of Shia’s state. As expected, his bones gave out after having to carry thousands of people. Yue was gently stroking Hajime who became dull as he relaxed his body, “Fumu”, she looked at Shia sideways as she tilt her head.
Right afterwards, she looked at Teio and Kaori who were besides Hajime and were looking at her enviously. And once again, “Fumu”, she nodded, she slowly called out to Kaori and Teio.
“.....Kaori, Teio. You want to perform the lap pillow?”
“Eh? You’ll switch with us?”
“Mu? Of course I want to”
Teio and Kaori gave her eyes filled with expectations and Yue incidentally laughed.
“.....I’m just asking”
” “........” ”
Yue had a smile on her lips as if something foolish happened. When they saw that, a blue vein appeared on Kaori and Teio’s forehead. Furthermore, Yue also said, “How is it, you’re jealous right?”, as she tightly held onto Hajime’s head.
“......Yue, are you asking for a fight? Are you?”
“Fufufu, mistress, that annoyed me quite a bit”
“.....Are we doing this?”
Towards Yue’s provocative smile, the two people, “If it’s the continuation from the daytime then I’ll take you up on it!”, they said while getting up. By the way, the winners of the matching during the daytime was the Yue and Shia pair.
“........If you catch me who’s running, I’ll allow you to be next to Hajime for this night”
” ” ! ” ”
As expected, they couldn’t hold a mock battle within the town so Yue proposed a game of tag. And the reward for victory was unprecedented. Kaori and Teio’s tension became high even though it was midnight.
When Yue confirmed the reaction of the two people, she gently placed Hajime’s head onto a pillow and stroke him once lovingly. And as if not affected by gravity, she gently jumped towards the window and just like she was dancing, she opened the window as she turned around.
On that occasion, “What?” she glanced towards shia and blinked her eye for a moment. Shia seemed to realise Yue’s intention and with a small smile she nodded in gratitude.
“......Game Start
As Yue let out those words she slipped out from of the window and in the next moment, she merged with the darkness and disappeared.
“Ku, I’ll definitely catch her! For the sake of sharing a bed!”
“Fufu, I won’t lose”
With a yell full of spirit. Kaori with her silver wings and Teio who grew dragon wings, jumped out from the window.
Shia who was the onlooker didn’t follow them though because she understood that Yue had purposely provoked Kaori and Teio, so she intended to take advantage of the chance that she was thankful for obtaining. Excitedly, she went by Hajime’s side and gently woke him up.
“Hajime-san, Hajime-san......please wake up”
“N? What’s wrong, Shia. Or rather, just a while ago Yue and them left didn’t go with them?”
Even while he was still half asleep, Hajime had felt from the flow of magical power that Yue and them had left through the window, why are you still here? he tilted his neck.
“Eh~tto, it seems that I missed it somehow or another, that kind of feeling”
“.....Somehow or another, huh”
“Uu~. Rather than that! Everyone else has left, should we also go out for a stroll? I don’t know anything about Fair Bergen’s interior”
Because of Shia’s hair color, she wasn’t allowed out in public, so the first time she’s been to Fair Bergen was with Hajime and them. At that time as well, since they suddenly left immediately she didn’t have time to explore the whole town.
“.....Ma~a, I guess that’s fine”
“Yes! It’s a midnight date! .......It sounds a little obscene”
“I don’t know about that
Somehow or another, he felt that Shia wanted to talk, truthfully he wanted to continue sleeping but, Hajime decided that he had no other choice but to follow along. Shia joyfully clung onto Hajime’s arm tightly. Then the two with their arms entwined walked out into the midnight of Fair Bergen.
After about 10 minutes, as the two people who were on a stroll were having an innocent talk, they came to notice that they’ve walked far enough to not hear the town’s clamor anymore. And they also noticed that something at the top of the trees were shining out in pale blue light.
“Ah~, those are Montofaruta, Hajime-san”
“Yes, its a butterfly which emits a pale blue light just like the moonlight. They crowd onto tall trees because of the wind, in the night they look just like cheerful stars in the sky. Except, it’s not known when they’ll actually emit their light so this is quite a rare sight. You either see it only once a year or see nothing at all”
“He~e, they’re certainly beautiful things”
The two who were looking upwards, decided that since it was such a rare sight they should get a closer look so they quickly climbed up higher on a tree, they found a thick branch and sat down beside each other. For a while, they enjoyed the light that the Montofaruta emitted just like a planetarium.
How many of them were there? slowly Shia began to open her mouth.
“Ano, Hajime-san”
“Thank you very much. For a lot of things that I can’t put in words....really, thank you very much”
“......Ahh. If you want to fully show your gratitude. Then I’m expecting things from you when we take on the great labyrinth”
“Fufu. Isn’t this when you usually say “Don’t mind it”?”
Shia laughed giggly towards the Hajime-like answer. However it quickly changed into a difficult expression and she turned her gaze onto Hajime.
“What should I do to repay Hajime-san?”
“If it’s repaying then didn’t I just receive it?”
“That was just words wasn’t it. I want to repay your kindness in some kind of form. Can you think of what I can do which’ll make you happy? ......If Hajime-san desires it then, I’ll do anything. Really, anything”
Shia’s Usamimi’s moved around ~Piko Piko~ and she edged her but into contact with Hajime. Her eyes that were looking at Hajime were already moistening and contained heat, and her sighs contained enough heat that it seems like it’ll burn on contact. The implied meaning, Hajime had certainly understood what Shia was saying but, he was daringly pretending to have not noticed.
“.....It’ll be fine as long as you’re still the same happy-go-lucky woman and laughing. You’re our mood-maker after all?”
“Mo~u, what’s with that, happy-go-lucky you say! Even though you hugged me in front of the Emperor and said I was important! This is the scene where say, “Then I’ll have you repay with your body then, guhhehhehhe!”, and attack me isn’t it. Please read the atmosphere”
“It seems that we need to have a thorough talk about the image that you see me in”
“Being single-minded there is usually a good thing though”
Shia puffed out her cheeks to show that she was dissatisfied. However, she quickly hung her head down disappointedly. Her Usamimi’s also hung down as if they suddenly lost their power.
. Although Hajime-san and Yue-san says that its fine if I just laugh but, just being with you 2 will naturally make me feel happy, it’s definitely nothing like showing gratitude”
“But still, you’re our companion right? I don’t think you have to continuously think about such things”
“It’s courtesy in intimate relationships. I want to properly thank Hajime-san and Yue-san as well. .....I’ve thought about it variously but, I just can’t seem to think of anything. Hajime-san says that he doesn’t need my body after all.....even though he tightly embraced me and said I was important, to tell me that I’m not needed.....”
“Don’t sulk now.....”
Hajime was showing a troubled expression now that Shia was being timid. Even though he was being told that she wanted to express her gratitude, helping someone related to you was the natural course of action, really, just one word, “Thanks” would have been enough.
But, for Shia, those feelings didn’t seem to sit well with her.
“If Hajime-san has fallen for me then I wouldn’t be going through all these hardships. I’d fully service (thank) you.....ha~a, there’s no helping it then. I’ll try harder to be much more useful than before as we travel in order to relay my thanks”
When Shia shrugged her shoulders, once again, she looked up towards the Montofaruta up above.
While looking at her stature, Hajime was suddenly beginning to remember when he embraced Yue and Shia in front of Gaharudo.
Being truthful, that was pretty much done unconsciously. Once he came to, he had already embraced both of them.
As of now, the huge feelings of declaring someone as “Special” could only be said to Yue. That’s something that can be firmly declared. However, even if it was unconsciously, the reason why he held Shia within his arms was.......
Thinking up to that point, Hajime had a smile filled with self-mockery.
How could this be, ma~a, it was because he was selfish. While saying that no one was able to be on par with Yue, to have the desires to possess Shia, it was truly selfish. Once he realised it, Shia’s existence somehow became much larger than before. At the very least, as much as Yue where he unconsciously embraced her so that he wouldn’t lose her.
Although he’ll likely still hold more feelings for Yue than any other person, even still, he doesn’t seem to be able to deceive himself about his desire for Shia anymore. Once he became aware of it, he wasn’t able to pretend that it wasn’t there. If so then, do your best so work hard, how about taking on the attitude of the girl who came with them? Hajime suddenly thought.
“Eh, Ehtto, what is it? It’s extremely embarrassing to be quietly stared at....”
Once he came to, Shia’s cheeks were dyed red blushing shyly and squirming nervously. Her Usamimi as well as if saying, “U~u, why are you looking~”, it suddenly dropped down, occasionally, she’d squirm around and look towards Hajime.
Hajime’s eyes soften up when he sees Shia like this and he reached out with his hand. And her shy Usamimis were gently stroked.
“Ha, Hajime-san?”
“......Na~a, Shia. I’ve got a favor I want to ask.....”
“A favor? Of course, it’s fine! Feel free to ask for anything”
For a moment, she was surprised by Hajime’s words, since she could show her gratitude even a little bit, Shia consented willingly while smiling.
“No, lets see, I kinda want to lie down for a bit. If you’re up for it, can I ask for a lap pillow?”
“Fu~e, even if you didn’t ask, please use it anytime. Sa~a, please step right up”
Although Shia showed a slightly disappointed expression from Hajime’s request, she was happy that she was giving him a lap pillow and she patted her thighs with a bright smile. Hajime expressed his thanks with a smile and laid down without hesitation.
Because Shia wore a miniskirt, he was able to fully feel the feelings of her thighs. A soft and warm puffy feeling supported Hajime’s head. It faintly resembled Yue’s, as a sweet scent tickled his nose.
“Fufu, it’s unfortunate for Kaori-san and Teio-san. Around this time, they’re fighting against Yue-san in order to give Hajime-san a lap pillow, but I’ve already taken it ahead of them”
“Ma~a, Yue’ll win anyways so there’s no reason to worry about it?”
“You shouldn’t say such things. Since they’re want to make Hajime-san fall for them they’re working hard. Really, I wonder when will Hajime-san finally fall for me~”
“.....Will you give up?”
“No way~”
“I see~”
Shia was gently stroking Hajime’s hair. Hajime narrowed his eyes as he became comfortable. And as payback, he played with Shia’s hair that hung down before him. The pale blue white hair was really mysterious when it was combined with the light being emitted by the Montofaruta that were above them.
If someone had seen Shia and Hajime right now, they would have surely had an face which vomited due to the sugar. That was how sweet those two’s atmosphere was. Right, it was exactly like the separate world that Hajime and Yue created.
However, unfortunately, although it was the atmosphere which was created with Yue that Shia longed for, she didn’t notice at all. On that part, perhaps Shia could truly be called a regrettable rabbit.
Even with the actual person not realising, the sweet time continued to flow gently. Within the moonlight where the Montofaruta illuminated, Hajime and Shia were enjoying their time alone with each other. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
Subsets and Splits