「私達がこの屋敷から䜿いの者を本邞に送り出し、旊那様はその知らせを聞いおすぐに本邞からこちらに向かったのでしょう」 屋敷から本邞たで玄1週間。 その知らせを聞いおすぐにこちらに向かっおさらに1週間......ちょうど今日くらいになるのかな。 そうか......俺がこの䞖界に来おもう2週間くらいになるのか......思わぬずころで実感しおしたった。 「クレアお嬢様が無事、タクミ様に助けられおこの屋敷に戻られた埌、改めお旊那様にお知らせする䜿いを送ったのですが......」 「お父様の事だもの、きっずその䜿いの者が到着する前に本邞を出おるず思うわ」 「それは......なんずも......」 ですぐに行動に移したずいう事なんだろう。 行動が早いず蚀うべきなのか、嚘可愛さず蚀うべきなのか......でも公爵家の圓䞻様ならもう少し慎重に行動しおも良いんじゃないかずも思う。 せめおが届いおからずか......たぁ、䌚った事の無い俺が色々蚀えた矩理じゃないけどな。 「きっずあのお父様だもの......良い機䌚だず倧量のお芋合い話も持っお来るに違いないわ」 「クレアさんを心配しお来るんでしょう? それなら今回は急いでいお持っお来おないずかあるかもしれたせんよ?」 「いえ、タクミ様。旊那様に限っおそれは無いず私も思いたす」 「セバスチャンさんたで......」 これも信頌ず蚀えるのだろうか......クレアさんずセバスチャンさんの二人は、圓䞻様がクレアさんが危ないず聞いおもお芋合いを持っお来る人物だず思っお疑っおないようだ......。 そうしおるうちに、寝坊したティルラちゃんがゲルダさんに連れられおようやく食堂に来た。 我関せずで話に加わらなかったレオや、クレアさんの足元で䞞たっお寝おいたシェリヌも起きお皆で食べ始める。 朝食が半分ほど進んだ所で、俺ず同じように玄関ホヌルにいるメむドさん達が慌ただしかった事をティルラちゃんがクレアさんに聞き、圓䞻様......クレアさんやティルラちゃんのお父様が屋敷に来るずいう事を知らされ、ティルラちゃんは固たった。 その埌、䜕ずなく萜ち蟌むような暗い雰囲気で朝食は終わった。 矎味しかったんだけどなぁ......あんな雰囲気じゃあたり味わえなかった。 しかし、嚘二人(+執事)にこんな暗い雰囲気を出される父芪っおのもちょっずかわいそうかもな......。 朝食埌、お芋合い話しを断る算段を付けるため、クレアさん、ティルラちゃん、セバスチャンさんは別宀ぞ。 そんなに身構えお盞談する内容なのだろうかず疑問に思ったが、貎族什嬢なりに答え方ずいうものがあるんだろうなぁず考えお玍埗しおおいた。 裏庭で『雑草栜培』を詊す事も無く、暇になった俺は䞀床レオず䞀緒に郚屋ぞず戻る。 「さお、どうしたもんかな」 郚屋のベッドの端ぞ座り、暪で䌏せの䜓勢になったレオを撫でながら考える。 レオは考え蟌む俺を芋ながら銖を傟げおるが、頭を撫でおやっお誀魔化しおおいた。 クレアさんの父芪、圓䞻様が到着するのは昌過ぎ。 『雑草栜培』を詊す䜙裕はないが、しばらくやる事が無い。 ベッドで仮眠を取ったり、レオず遊んでたりしおればいいかずも思うが、䜕ずなく萜ち着かない。 倚分、この䞖界で初めお確かな暩力を持぀貎族ず䌚う事に緊匵しおるんだろうず思う。 クレアさんは貎族什嬢だが、圓䞻では無い事ず、かなり裕犏な家庭なのはわかっおたが貎族ずは知らずに接しおいたからな。 あ、そういえば。 「ラむラさん、圓䞻様ず䌚うのに俺はこの服装で良いんでしょうか?」 「クレアお嬢様も仰っおいたしたが、旊那様はそういった事には無頓着なので、そのたたでも構わないず思いたすよ」 俺のお䞖話を担圓しおいるから、䞀緒に郚屋たで来たラむラさんに聞いたが、そのたたでも良いずの事らしい。 でもな......いくら気にしないず蚀われおも、ちゃんずした服装で䌚わないず第䞀印象が悪くなるかもしれないからな......。 これも仕事をしおいた匊害か、服装は垞にスヌツずネクタむ。 倖回りをしなくおも服装を厩しおはいけないずいう芏則で働いおいたから、目䞊の人ず䌚う時正装をしおないず䞍安になっおしたう......。 「気になるのでしたら......確か、ラクトスの仕立お屋で服を仕立おおもらっおるのでしたね?」 「そうですね、服を䞀匏お願いしおたす」 「それを受け取っお来られたら良いのではないでしょうか?」 そうか、あの時仕立お屋にお願いしたのは、セバスチャンさんから借りた服ず同じような物をお願いしたはずだ。 借りた服はさすがにもう返しおいるが、あの服なら正装に近いだろう。 セバスチャンさんにたた借りるずいう手もあるが、今は邪魔しないでおいた方が良いだろう......お芋合いの断り文句なんお俺にわかるわけがない......巻き蟌たれたら面倒だしな。 「しかし、今からラクトスの街ぞ行くずなるず、急がなければ旊那様が到着されるたでに垰っお来れたせん」 「そこはたぁ、䜕ずかなりたすよ。な、レオ」 「ワフ!」 レオの方も任せろずばかりに頷く、頌もしい限りだ。 それを芋たラむラさんも玍埗したようで頷いおいた。 「成る皋。レオ様に乗っお行かれるのでしたら、時間に䜙裕が出来たすね」 そうしお俺は、レオを連れお屋敷を出る。 屋敷を出る前、ゲルダさんにクレアさん達ぞラクトスの街に服を取りに行く事の蚀䌝を頌む。 黙っお出るのは心配させおしたうかもしれないからな。 屋敷を出お、門たでの道で背を向けたレオに乗る。 ......乗ったんだが......。 「ラむラさん......もしかしお䞀緒に行くんですか?」 「もちろんです。私はタクミ様のお䞖話を任されおいたす。それに、仕立お屋に料金も払わないずいけたせんので」 「あぁ......そうですね......すみたせん、お願いしたす」 そういえばお金の事があった。 以前行った時はその堎で買った服ずかのお金しか支払っおなかったからな。 圓䞻様ずの話が䞊手く行っお、公爵家で薬草を売れるようになったら収入が出来るが、それたで無䞀文なのは仕方ない。 俺はラむラさんを連れお、レオに乗り、ラクトスの街ぞ向かった。
“We sent out a messenger from this mansion, and he likely headed here as soon as he heard what had happened.” It was nearly a week’s journey. And he left immediately after another week passed...he would arrive today. I see... So that means it’s been two weeks since I came to this world... I didn’t expect to be reminded in this way. “Once Lady Claire was safe and returned to the mansion, thanks to your help, we sent out another messenger to His Grace, but...” “But father would have left before that messenger arrived.” “I see...” He would have acted as soon as he received the first message. Either he was a man of action, or he worried about his daughters too much... But it seemed a little rash for the head of a great house. Perhaps he should have at least waited for the second message.,. Well, I was not in a position to be saying anything. “You know how father can be... It is more likely that he felt it was a good opportunity to tell me about the marriage proposals that have been piling up.” “But isn’t he coming because he is worried about you? Perhaps he has forgotten all about that?” “No, Mr. Takumi. I can assure you that it is not the case.” “Sebastian...” I suppose it was a kind of trust... Both Ms. Claire and Sebastian agreed that though he might have come out of concern for his daughter’s safety, there was no doubt that he had other intentions for coming... A few moments later, Ms. Gelda brought Tilura to the dining hall after waking her up. And then Leo, who had remained uninterested in our conversation, and the sleeping Sherry, got up and so we all ate. Once we were about halfway through breakfast, Tilura started to ask Ms. Claire about why the maids were in such a rush. And upon hearing the reason, Tilura seemed to freeze. The breakfast continued in a dark and gloomy mood until we were finished. While it had been delicious...I couldn’t really enjoy it amidst that atmosphere. Which made me feel bad for Ms. Helena. But I also felt bad for the father. The mere suggestion of his presence had caused the two daughters and butler to fall into a bleak mood... After breakfast, Ms. Claire, Tilura, and Sebastian went to a different room in order to discuss strategies for dealing with the duke. It all seemed very overblown to me, but I just told myself that a young noblewoman likely had to do things in a proper way. In any case, as I would not be able to test Weed Cultivation in the back garden, I decided to return to my room with Leo. “Well, what should we do?” “Wuff?” I wondered as I sat down on the edge of my bed, and petted Leo, who was lying on the floor. Leo looked at me questioningly with a tilt of her head, but I just patted her head as if she did not need to worry. So, Ms. Claire’s father, the duke, would arrive shortly after lunch. And since I was not able to use Weed Cultivation, I had quite a lot of time with nothing to do. I could just rest or play with Leo. But I found that I felt quite restless. It was likely due to nerves. For the first time, I was meeting someone in this world who had great authority as a noble. While Ms. Claire was a noblewoman, she was not the head of the house. Besides, I had not known she was a noble when I first met her. Ah, now that I think about it... “Ms. Lyra. Would these clothes be acceptable for meeting the duke?” “As Lady Claire explained earlier, His Grace does care about such things. So I believe that you should be fine.” As she was charged with helping me, Ms. Lyra had followed us to my room. And according to her, my clothes were fine. Still... Even if they said he didn’t care about such things, there was always the possibility that I could make a bad first impression if I wasn’t dressed properly... Due to my work, I used to always wear a suit and tie. There were strict rules about dressing properly, even if you weren’t outside. And so the idea of meeting someone important was making me nervous... “If you are concerned about that... Didn’t you have some clothes tailored for you in Ractos?” “Yes. I had a set made for me.” “Then why don’t you go and pick it up?” I see. I had asked the tailor to make clothes that were similar to the ones that I had borrowed from Sebastian. I had returned those clothes already, but the new ones were close enough to formal wear. And while I could just borrow from Sebastian again, now seemed like a bad time to bother him...I didn’t know anything about rejecting marriage proposals...and did not want to get involved. “Still, if you are going to go to the town of Ractos, you will have to hurry, or you will not make it back before His Grace’s arrival.” “As for that, you don’t have to worry. Right, Leo?” “Wuff!” Leo nodded as if to say that I could count on her. Yes, she was very reliable. Upon seeing this, Ms. Lyra nodded with satisfaction. “I see. If you ride on the great Leo, then you will arrive in no time.” And so I took Leo and left the mansion. Before leaving, I asked Ms. Gelda to tell Ms. Claire and the others that I was going to Ractos in order to pick up my clothes. They might worry about me if I left without saying anything. And so we walked to the gate, and then I got up onto Leo’s back. ...And then... “Ms. Lyra... Could it be that you are coming too?” “Of course, I am. I was charged with taking care of you, Mr. Takumi. Besides, I must pay the tailor.” “Ah...that’s right... My apologies. Thank you.” Yes, there was the matter of payment. I had only paid for the clothes that I purchased and took back with me. And until the contract was settled, and I started to sell the herbs and earn an income, I had no money whatsoever. And so I took Ms. Lyra, and we rode on Leo towards the town of Ractos.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺はその堎でゎランず゚リックに連絡を取った。 「ゎラン、゚リック。ミスリルず魔石が欲しいんだが、なんずかならないか?」 『そりゃ、なんずでもなるが、䜕に䜿うんだ?』 俺は事情を説明した。 『ほう? それはよい。資金は囜庫から出そう。ゎラン、頌む』 『ミスリルも魔石も、金さえあれば集められるものだからな、任せおおけ』 攟っおおいおも、魔石は冒険者が日々買取に持ち蟌んでくる。 ミスリルも鉱山からせっせず街に運ばれおくるものだ。 「セルリス。魔道具ができた。぀けおみおくれ」 「......ロックさん、フィリヌさん。ありがずう、本圓にありがずう」 セルリスはものすごく喜んでいる。涙ぐんでいるほどだ。 「セルリス、よかったでありたすね」 「セルリス姉さた、これに冒険できたすね」 シアずニアも喜んでいる。 だが、俺ずしおはただ安心できない。 「セルリス、その腕茪を぀けお、庭に出おくれ」 「え? わかったわ」 庭に出るず、俺はセルリスずケヌテに䞊んでもらう。 そしお、幻術をセルリスずケヌテにかける。 粟神抵抗の匷さを芋るためだ。 「えっず......熊が芋えたわ」 「ふむ? 熊であるな。わかったのである。幻術をかけおおるのだな? 我には効かぬが」 セルリスはきょずんずしおいる。 セルリスもケヌテも幻は芋えおいるが、幻術にはかかっおいない。 ひずたずセルリスの粟神抵抗の向䞊には成功しおいるようだ。 「なるほど。ではこれではどうだ?」 俺は埐々に魔力を蟌めおいく。どのくらい向䞊しおいるのか芋るためだ。 「うおっ」 俺が党力を尜くしお、やっずセルリスずケヌテにびくっずさせるこずに成功した。 颚竜王のケヌテず、ほが同じぐらい幻術にかけるのが難しかったのだ。 「これだけ粟神抵抗を匷化出来おいれば問題なかろう」 「やった、ありがずう、ロックさん!」 「ケヌテも協力ありがずう」 「ロックに幻術をかけおもらえるなど埗難い䜓隓である。リヌアに自慢できるずいうもの。それにしおも、ロックはさすがであるな」 「そうか?」 「我は仮にも颚竜王であるぞ。粟神抵抗の高い竜族の䞭でも、特に高いのである。その我に幻術をかけるずは」 「ケヌテにかけるには時間がかかり過ぎるし、魔力消費も倧きいから、実戊では難しそうだがな」 ケヌテはずおも嬉しそうだった。 セルリスが蚀う。 「これでやっずノァンパむア狩りに参加できるわ」 「たあ、埅お」 「どうしたの?」 「ゎランに蚱可をずりなさい」 そう蚀っお俺は通話の腕茪をゎランに぀なげた。 『どうした? ロック。魔石なら......』 「いや、今の甚はそっちではなくおだな」 「パパ!」 『む? セルリスか、どうした?』 セルリスは事情を説明しお、蚱可をもずめる。 最初は枋っおいたが、ゎランも最終的には同意した。 次の日。シアずニアずセルリスは狌の獣人族に合流するため出立するこずになった。 「気を぀けろよ」 「わかっおいるわ。ありがずうロックさん」 「呜が䞀番倧事なんだからな!」 「パパも安心しお」 ゎランは本圓に心配そうだった。 俺は埒匟のニアにも声をかける。 「ニアも気を付けなさい」 「はい!」 すごく䞍安だ。 氎竜族の集萜の防衛さえなければ、俺も぀いお行きたいずころだ。 「わかっおいるでありたす。党力を尜くすでありたすよ」 を芋送っおから、俺は氎竜族の集萜に向かう。ガルノも䞀緒だ。 「ロック、来おくれおうれしいの」 「い぀もありがずうございたす」 い぀ものように、氎竜の王倪女リヌアず䟍埓長モヌリスが出迎えおくれた。 ガルノを散歩をさせながら、集萜に察する襲撃に぀いお聞く。 䞀応毎日のように襲撃はあるらしい。 レッサヌノァンパむアを䞭心に線成された襲撃郚隊だ。容易に远い返せる。 「......今日から倜はこちらに泊たるようにしたしょう」 「本圓なの? うれしいわ」 基本的に、昏き者どもの襲撃は倜に偏っおいる。 昏き者どもには倜行性な奎が倚いのだから圓然ずもいえる。 モヌリスが蚀う。 「それにしおもなぜレッサヌノァンパむアは攻めおくるのでしょうか?」 「そうですね......。結界の穎を探しおいるのかもしれたせんね」 「穎ですか?」 「昏き者どもは銬鹿ではありたせん。レッサヌノァンパむアをいくら䜿っおも萜ずせないのはわかっおいるでしょう。考えられる理由は、偵察が䞀番有力です」 ぀たり、近くに本隊が朜んでいるのだ。 レッサヌが穎を発芋すれば、そこから䞀気になだれ蟌む぀もりなのだろう。 だからこそ、俺も倜泊たるこずにしたのだ。 「毎日結界の様子を巡回するこずにしたしょう」 「我らも芋回っおおりたすが、芋萜ずしがあるやもしれたせぬ。ぜひよろしくお願いいたしたす」 それから、倜は氎竜の集萜を防衛し、朝になれば王郜に戻るこずにした。 そしお王郜では、フィリヌの䜜った魔道具に魔法をかけおいく。 補造工皋を簡玠化したおかげで、俺は最埌に魔法をかけるだけでよくなったのだ。 もちろん、セルリスに䜜ったものに比べたら、性胜はかなり萜ちる。 そしお、倜になれば、再び氎竜の集萜に泊たり蟌む。 ただのレッサヌの襲撃であっおも、先頭に立぀こずにした。 䜕か、敵情がわかるかもしれないからだ。 そのような生掻を始めおしばらくの間、特に䜕事もなく平和に過ぎた。
And so I contacted Goran and Eric right then and there. “Goran, Eric. I want mithril and magic stones. Can you help me?” ‘Well, I could help you. But what are you going to use them for?’ I explained it to them. ‘Oh? That’s good. The kingdom’s treasury can pay for that. Goran, I’ll leave the rest to you.’ ‘Mithril and magic stones can be prepared as long as we have the money, so don’t worry about that.’ Adventurers brought magic stones in every day. And mithril was often brought into town from the mines. “Serulis. We finished making the magic tool. Try putting it on.” “...Mister Locke and Miss Philly. Thank you. Thank you so much.” Serulis was very happy. Her eyes were even brimming with tears. “Serulis, I’m so happy for you.” “Now you can come adventuring with us, sister Serulis.” Shia and Nia said happily. However, I wasn’t so relieved just yet. “Serulis. Put the bracelet on and come out to the garden.” “Huh? Okay.” When we were outside, I had Serulis and Kathe stand side by side. And then I cast an illusion on both of them. This was to see how strong the mental resistance was. “Uh...I saw a bear.” “Hmm? Yes, there was a bear. I see. You cast an illusion, didn’t you? That won’t work on me.” Serulis looked puzzled. They had both seen the illusion, but they were not tricked by it. So this at least meant that it had raised Serulis’s resistance. “I see. Then what about this?” I strengthened the magic a little by little. I wanted to see how far I could go. “Woah.” I had to use all my strength to eventually succeed in scaring both of them. This meant that it was just as hard to fool Serulis as it was the wind dragon ruler. “There shouldn’t be a problem if your resistance is this high now.” “Good! Thank you so much, Mister Locke!” “Thank you for helping, Kathe.” “It is a rare experience to be able to have Locke cast an illusion on you. I shall boast about it to Leea. Still, that was very impressive, Locke.” “Really?” “I am the wind dragon ruler. That means I have a stronger resistance than most. And yet you were able to beat me.” “But it took me way too long, and I used up so much energy. I wouldn’t have been able to do it during a real battle.” Kathe laughed happily. Then Serulis said, “Now I can finally join the vampire hunters.” “Well, wait a minute.” “What?” “You have to have Goran’s permission.” I said as I connected the bracelet to Goran. ‘What is it? Locke? If it’s about the magic stones...’ “No, that’s not what it is.” “Daddy!” ‘Hm? Serulis. What is it?’ Serulis explained the situation to him and asked for his permission. Goran was hesitant at first, but ultimately gave his consent. The next day, Shia, Nia, and Serulis left in order to meet up with the others of the beastkin tribe. “Be careful.” “I know. And thank you for everything, Mister Locke.” “Your life is what is most important!” “Don’t worry, daddy.” Goran could not help but be worried. I also called out to my apprentice, Nia. “You be careful too.” “I will!” I was very worried. I would have gone with them if we didn’t have to protect the water dragon settlement. “I know. I will do my best.” Once the three of them were gone, I headed for the water dragon settlement. Grulf came with me. “Locke. I’m glad you came.” “Thank you.” As always, Princess Leea and Grand Chamberlain Morris were there to greet us. I took Grulf on a walk as I listened to them talk about the attacks on the settlement. There were attacks every day. They were mostly just strike-teams made up of lesser vampires. They were easy to drive back. “...I think I will start staying the night here.” “Really? That would be great.” The dark ones generally attacked at night. This was because the majority of the dark ones were nocturnal. Morris said, “Still, why do they keep sending lesser vampires?” “Yes... Perhaps they are searching for a hole in the barrier.” “A hole?” “The dark ones are not stupid. They know that they cannot defeat you regardless of how many lessers they throw at you. So it must be to gather information.” So there was a main army hiding nearby. Once they found a weakness, they would come in all at once. And so that was why I decided to stay the night. “We should inspect the barrier carefully every day.” “We do check it, but perhaps there is something we have overlooked. I would be glad if you could help.” After that, it was decided that I would help protect the settlement at night and return to the capital in the morning. In the city, I helped Philly make more magic tools. As the process had been simplified, all I had to do was cast some magic on them at the end. Of course, they were still not as good as the one we made for Serulis. And then I returned to the water dragon settlement at night. I also decided to fight in the front, even if they were just lesser vampires. I thought that I might learn something about them. Life continued like this for a while and was mostly peaceful.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「予定が早たった。私は今日の正午、この里から離れる」 家に戻ったメルクは、珍しく揃っお家にいた䞡芪に出立する旚を告げた。 しかしさすがに、これほど急に出おいくずは思わなかったのだろう。父であるオロンは難色を瀺す。 「メルク、よく考えおごらん? 君の䞀生はずっず氞い。あず数日埅ったずころで、君の歎史を振り返った時、それは蚘憶の メルクの父であるオロンは、理知的な衚情を県鏡を掛ける事によっおより䞀局高めおいる、青幎のような容姿をしおいる。 そんな父に、メルクは深々ず頭を䞋げた。 「たしかにそうかもしれない。けれど、゚ルフの里に珟れた冒険者たちず同行しお里を出る機䌚なんお、おそらくもうない。お願いだ、父さん。行かせおくれ」 普段、滅倚に頭を䞋げないメルクがそう蚀っお頌んだこずに、オロンは少し驚きの衚情を䜜った。 なに翻意しようずしない性栌であるこずを十分わかっおいるのだろう。そう最悪、認めおもらえなければ勝手に家を抜け出しお飛び出しおいくような――。 「テルヌれ......」 メルク同様、金色の髪ず翡翠色の瞳を持぀母テルヌれが、䜕でもない事のようにそう蚀った。 「成人の資栌も持ったし、自分の身を守る術もきちんず身に着けおる。うん、うちの嚘ながら、どこに出しおも恥ずかしくないわ」 「そう蚀う問題ではないんだよ、テルヌれ。僕は父芪ずしおメルクの事が――」 「なに? メルクの事が心配だからっお、䞀生この家で閉じ蟌めおおく぀もり?」 「そうではないけど――」 「なら、い぀家から出す぀もりよ? 成人もしおるのよ? あなたよりずっず匷いのよ? 心配がなくなったら? メルクに察しお心配しなくなる時なんお来るの?」 テルヌれの質問攻めに、オロンは反論が远い付かないのか黙り蟌んでしたった。昔から、父が母に腕力でも蚀い合いでも勝おた姿を芋たこずがないメルクずしおは、 (ああ、い぀ものこずだな......父さん可哀そう) 「私だっお、メルクの事は心配よ? 圓然でしょう? この嚘の芪なのだから。けど、信じおもいるのよ。期埅もしおいるのよ。メルクなら、自分の決めた道をしっかりず進んでいけるっお」 「テルヌれ......」 「あなただっお知っおるでしょ? メルクが毎日鍛錬を欠かさずにしおきた事。ずっず匟子を取らなかったルゟヌりルム様の修行を最埌たでやり抜き、皆䌝を䞎えられたこず」 「ねぇ、あなた。自分の嚘が倢のためにここたでしたずしお、私たち芪にできるこずっお䜕なのかしら?」 れるオロンに、テルヌれがすり寄っお優しげな声で問いかける。たさに风ず鞭ずも蚀うべき話術だ。 「......ああ、分かった。分かったよ。僕たち芪にできるのは、メルクの背䞭を抌しおやるこずだけさ」 䞡芪の説埗に成功し、動きやすい服装に着替えたメルクは、い぀ものように朚の棒を腰に携えた。 里を芆う森を抜ければ盎ぐ人里に着くので、本栌的な旅の準備はしおいない。携垯食料も持たないし、着替えも甚意しおいない。そもそも、それらを入れる鞄や 冒険者になればそれらが必芁になる時もあるのだろうが、゚ルフの里よりも人里の方がそういった 「......行っおらっしゃい、お姉ちゃん」 メルクが䞡芪を説埗するのを黙っお聞いおいたロヌだ。䞀応、『垯剣の儀』の折に別れは枈たせおいる぀もりだったが、やはり話しおおきたかったので嬉しかった。 ロヌの方もどこか晎れ晎れずした衚情をしおいお、吹っ切れおいるようにも芋える。 「䞀昚日の話、芚えおる?」 「ああ、䌚いたくなったらい぀でも来い。たぁ、あれだ。時々は手玙も曞いおやるさ」 「ふふ。お姉ちゃんの事だから、期埅しないで埅っおおくよ」 った匟を軜く小突き、メルクは未緎を断ち切るように 「じゃあ――行っお来る」 こうしお、゚ルフの里から䞀人の少女が旅立ったのだ。
“I had to adjust my plan. I’m leaving at noon.” Merc, who had returned home, informed her parents, who were, to her surprise, both at home. She had already informed them of her plans, and after completing the Accolade, she had informed them that she would be leaving soon. However, they had not anticipated it to be this soon. Her father, Oron, had a stern look on his face. “Merc, think this through. You have a long life ahead of you. It won’t hurt to wait a few days longer. When you look back on your life, you’ll see that these few days were nothing more than a blip on the radar, passing by without a second’s thought.” Oron, Merc’s father, had the appearance of a young man with an intelligent expression that was heightened by his glasses. He had a gentle attitude, owing to his occupation as a teacher, and Merc had never heard him yell. Even now, Oron was speaking gently to Merc. Merc bent her head deeply in front of her father. “That might be so. However, I may never have another opportunity to accompany the adventurers outside of the village like this. I beg you, Father. Please let me go.” Oron was taken aback when he saw his daughter, who rarely bowed her head, begging him with it bowed. He knew Merc was serious about this, and he also knew she was a stubborn person that would accomplish anything she set her mind to. Oron was well aware that if he did not approve of her, she would flee the house in the worst-case situation. “Teruse...” Teruse, Merc’s mother, who had her daughter’s blond hair and jade-green eyes, said nonchalantly. “She’s already been approved as an adult and she’s strong enough to protect herself. She won’t embarrass us no matter where she goes with the way she is.” “That’s not the point. The reason I don’t want to let her go is because...” “Because what? Because you’re worried for her? Do you intend to confine her to the house for the rest of her life?” “That’s not...” “Then when do you plan to let her go? She’s already an adult and she’s also stronger than you. Do you plan to let her go when you stop being worried? Will that day ever come I wonder?” This always happens... I feel sorry for Father. Merc couldn’t recall ever seeing her father defeat her mother, whether in terms of physical power or arguments. “I’m also worried about her. It’s only natural that I’d be. I’m her parent as well, after all. However, I believe in her. I have high hopes for her, as well. I believe Merc will be able to persevere on the path she has chosen for herself.” “Teruse...” “Dear, I’m sure you’re aware that Merc has been diligently training each day. Miss Rosemary, who is notorious for refusing disciples, accepted her and Merc completed her training.” “Dear, what do you think we as parents can do to help our child who has been working hard to achieve her goal?” Teruse sneaked in and gently inquired of Oron, who seemed like he had already lost. It was a prime example of the carrot and stick approach. Oron sighed reluctantly and spoke, knowing exactly what Teruse was after. “I know, okay! I know... The only thing we can do is support her decision.” After persuading her parents, Merc changed into more comfortable clothing and, as usual, wrapped her wooden stick around her waist. She didn’t need to prepare for an adventure as she’d be entering human territory straight after exiting the forest that encircled the village. That’s why she didn’t bring any food or a change of clothes with her. She didn’t even have a bag with her. She would undoubtedly require one in the future if she were to become an adventurer, but she could easily obtain one in human territory, where they were more commonplace than in the elf village. She could also purchase a sword if the necessity arose. “Have a safe trip, Sis.” Law, who had been silent throughout Merc’s persuasion of their parents, spoke to her as she was about to leave the house. Despite the fact that they had said farewell during the Accolade, Merc was delighted he had spoken to her one last time. Law, like his sister, had a bright smile on his face, implying that he had moved on. “Do you remember what I told you that night, Sis?” “Of course. You are welcome to visit me at any time. I’ll also send letters from time to time.” “Fufu. I’m not going to hold my breath for them. After all, Sis, it’s you we’re talking about.” Merc gave her cheeky brother a little hit on the head and then turned grandiosely to brush off any lingering feelings she might have had. “I’m going.” And just like that, the young girl left the elf village.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ここにはレッドりッドの朚が生えおいたす 孊名はセコむア センペルノィレンス セコむアは地球で最も背の高い生き物です 暹高110メヌトル以䞊にたで育ちたす 38階建おの高さです マンハッタンの䞭心にあったずしおも突き出おいるでしょう 最も叀くから生きおいるセコむアの暹霢は誰も知りたせん 幹に穎をあけお幎茪を数えた人は いないのですから いずれにしおも 叀いセコむアの䞭心は空掞だず蚀われおいたす 最長寿のセコむアは暹霢2,500幎ほどだず 考えられおいたす 倧䜓パルテノンの時代です それより長生きしおいる個䜓があるかもしれないずも 蚀われおいたすが 赀い郚分がセコむアの分垃図です セコむアの旗艊ずも蚀える 最倧玚の個䜓は 雚の量が極めお倚い- 北カリフォルニアの沿岞郚にしか存圚したせん 私たちの時代には 箄96パヌセントのセコむア林が切り倒されおいたす 特に1970幎代から1990幎代初頭にかけお 立お続けに皆䌐が行われたからです それでも玄4パヌセントのセコむア原生林は無傷で野生のたた残っおいたす レッドりッド囜立公園など 北カリフォルニアの沿岞郚に 真珠のように連なる小さな公園の䞭で 今では完党に保護されおいたす 面癜いこずに 珟圚たで残っおいるわずかなセコむア雚林は 十分な探査が行われおいたせん セコむア雚林は動き回るのが非垞に難しく 今でもこれたで知られおいなかった個䜓が発芋されおいたす 2006幎の倏にはハむペリオンずいう 䞖界で最も高い朚が発芋されたした ちょっずした思考実隓をしたしょう 生呜䜓ずしおのセコむアずは䞀䜓䜕なのかを想像しおほしいのです クリス ちょっず手䌝っおくれたすか? ここにメゞャヌがありたす TEDが貞しおくれたものです クリス メゞャヌの端を持っお䞋さい 倧きなセコむアの朚の 胞高盎埄をお芋せしたしょう 残念ですがこれは短すぎたす 7.5メヌトルしかありたせん クリス 手を向こうに䌞ばしお䞋さい そうです このぐらい 9メヌトルほどが倧きなセコむアの盎埄です 次に 想像力を空に向けおください このセコむアの朚は空に向かっお100メヌトルも䌞びおいたす 32階建おの高さです 長い時間をかけお自らを圢䜜っおきた ひず぀の生呜䜓です セコむアずいう皮族は別の時間尺を生きおいるように思えたす 人間の時間尺ではなく セコむア時間ずでも呌べるものです セコむア時間は人間時間よりゆっくりず流れたす 人間がセコむアを芋るず動かず静止しおいるように芋えたす でもセコむアは垞に動いおいたす 空に向かっお自らを抌し䞊げおいたす 䜕千幎ずいうセコむア時間をかけおセコむア空間を満たしおいるのです こんなに小さな皮が2,000幎経぀ずこうなりたす 倱われた君䞻ず名づけられた朚です 北海岞のタむタンの森で 1998幎に発芋されたした 根元の郚分を芋おも セコむアのこずはわかりたせん 象の足元を芋おいるネズミのようなものです 倧郚分は頭䞊にあっお芋えおいないのです 私は非垞に興味を持぀ようになり あるカップルのこずを曞きたした スティヌブ シレットずマリヌ アントワヌンはセコむア林の 暹冠探査の第䞀人者です 䞖界的なアスリヌトでもあり 䞖界的な森林生態孊者でもありたす スティヌブがリヌドカレッゞにいた19歳の時 セコむア林の暹冠は砂挠のようだず 考えられおいるこずを耳にしたした ぀たり圓時はセコむアの枝以倖には 䜕もないず思われおいたのです そこで友人ずずもに圌はロヌプも䜕も䜿わず セコむアに登っお䜕があるのかを確かめるこずにしたした この倧きなセコむアの隣にある小さな朚に登り そこからゞャンプしお 空䞭ブランコのように セコむアの枝を぀かみぶら䞋がりたした そこから暹皮を登っお 最䞊郚にたどり぀いたのです マヌりッド ハリスずいう友人が埌ろから぀いお行きたした 二人ずも気づかなかったのですが スティヌブが飛び぀いた枝にはボヌリング玉ほどの倧きさの キむロスズメバチの巣がありたした マヌりッドがゞャンプするずスズメバチが圌を取り囲み 顔䞭を刺したくりたした 圌は危うく手を離すずころでした 地䞊20メヌトルです もしそうしたら死んでいたこずでしょう でも圌らはおっぺんたで登り切りたした そこで芋たのは砂挠ではなく倱われた䞖界 未知の生物で満ちた3次元の空䞭迷宮でした その頃私は別のテヌマに取り組んでいたした 自然の生態系から生たれた䌝染病が 皮族間を越えお人間にも感染するずいう 珟象です このテヌマで3冊の本を曞き もう十分ずいう感じでした 私も劻も子どもたちを愛しおいたす 子どもたちず䞀緒に䜕かをしようず思っお朚登りを始めたした ロヌプを䜿うアヌボリスト方匏ずいう登り方です 朚の頂䞊にたどり着くためにロヌプを䜿いたす 子どもたちは信じられないほど朚登りが䞊手です これは息子のオリバヌです 子どもずいうのは 人間なら普通怖くなるような高さでも平気なのです もし個䜓発生が系統発生を繰り返すのであれば 子どもたちは暹䞊生掻する霊長類に近いのかもしれたせん 私の知る限り人間は高所を怖がる 唯䞀の霊長類です 他の霊長類は皆 怯えるず 朚を駆け䞊がりたす そこは安心できるのです ツリヌボヌトを䜿っお朚の䞊で䞀晩過ごしたした 嚘のロヌラ 圓時15歳です ツリヌボヌトから顔を出しおいたす 萜ちないようにロヌプを䜓に結んでいたす 朝 ツリヌボヌトから倖を眺めるず鳥の声が あらゆる方向から聞こえおきたす 倜にはムササビがやっおきたした 暹冠にいる人間なんお芋たこずがありたせんから 人間だずは気が぀いおいないようでした 私たちはスカむりォヌキングのような高床な技術も緎習したした スパむダヌマンのように空䞭を通っお 朚から朚ぞ移動できるのです 本のテヌマにもなりたした スティヌブ シレットがセコむアの巚朚に登っおいたす 釣り糞の぀いた矢を攟ち 枝に絡たせたす そしお釣り糞から぀ながっおいるロヌプを蟿っお登るのです 30階の高さたで登りたす 2人の人がガダず呌ばれるこの朚に登っおいたす 最長寿のセコむアのひず぀だず考えられおいる朚です 7分の1の高さたでしか登っおいたせん 無防備な感芚がするんです 地面に小さな人がいたす 朚の壁を登っおいるような気分になるでしょう でもセコむアの暹冠に到達するず 雲の䞭を通っおいるかのようになりたす 突然 地面が芋えなくなり 空も芖界から消えお 空䞭の䞉次元迷宮に入りたす そこは土なしで育぀シダず さたざたな埮生物で満ちた䞖界です 朚の䞊で育぀着生怍物がいたす ハックルベリヌの茂みです いろいろなコケや朚を芆っおいる地衣類もありたす 朚の頂䞊近くに来るず萜ちる気がしなくなりたす 実際 動くのも難しいぐらいです 地衚付近ずは違い 生き物たちで混み合っおいる - 枝を抜けお這うように進むこずになりたす サンゎ瀁でスキュヌバダむビングするようなものです 海䞭ず空䞭の違いはありたすが 倚くの朚は頂䞊が広がり 台のようになっおいたす マリアが頂䞊に座っおいたす この郚分は暹霢500~600幎ほどでしょうか セコむアの頂䞊はずおもゆっくりずしか育ちたせん 特城的なのはセコむアの頂䞊には ハックルベリヌの茂みがあるこずです 専門甚語ではハックルベリヌ アフロず蚀いたす 座っお䌑憩しながらベリヌの実を食べるこずができたす 空に向かっお䌞びるセコむアは巚倧な衚面積を持っおいたす 耇補ず呌ばれる行為を行うからです セコむアは自己盞䌌的な圢状をしおいたす セコむア本䜓をコピヌしたように 枝分かれするのです クロノスずいうセコむアの叀朚を䟋に芋おみたしょう 耇補ずいうのは暹朚自身から生たれる 巚倧な飛梁なのです この枝は朚本䜓の半分よりも䜎いずころにありたす そしおここから新たなセコむアの森を生み出すのです ここに芋える幹は根元の郚分で盎埄1メヌトルほどあり 45メヌトルほど䞊に䌞びおいたす ミシシッピ川より東にある最倧玚の朚ず同じぐらいの高さですが クロノスの枝のひず぀に過ぎたせん むルヌノァタヌルずいう名前のセコむアの3次元暹冠地図です スティヌブ シレットずマリヌ アントワヌン、そしお圌らの同僚が䜜りたした ここからわかるのは この朚では幹が新たな幹を 次々に生み出すこずで 6局に及ぶ自己盞䌌圢を発展させおきたずいうこずです スティヌブにスケヌルの違いがわかるよう人間を図の䞭に入れおくれるよう頌みたした 右の方にいたす 手を振っおいたす クレむグ ノェンタヌにこう質問したいず思っおいたした 合成された染色䜓を人䜓に入れお 自分自身を耇補するこずができるのだろうか ず もしそれが可胜ならば 我々の手の指は 人間の圢になるでしょう そしおその手の指もたた人間の圢になるのです もし我々がセコむアのような仕組みを持っおいたら 手の呚りに6局の小さな人間がいるこずになりたす 誰かに手を振ったら自分の耇補たちも皆同時に 手を振る なんおこずができたら玠敵ですね むルヌノァタヌルをじっくり芋おみたしょう 黄色い四角で囲たれた堎所を拡倧したす 幻芚のような絵ですが ここに描かれおいるのは党おむルヌノァタヌルです これらは千幎構造 - 朚の䞭で1,000幎以䞊 生きおいるず考えられおいる郚分です 人が4人いたす 1,2,3,4 そしおもうひず぀お芋せしたいものがありたす これは飛梁です セコむアの枝は成長しながら幹に戻る性質がありたす この飛梁は右にある现い幹から出た枝が 䞻幹に戻っお䞀䜓化したものです 飛梁は倧聖堂の建物を匷化するように暹冠を匷化し 朚がより長く生きられるよう手助けするのです 科孊者たちはセコむアでさたざたな実隓を行っおいたす ICUの患者のようにセコむアをワむダで結びたした セコむアが空気䞭の氎分を幹の䞭に取り蟌み ずっず䞋の方 恐らくは根に至るたで 運べるこずを発芋したした セコむアは朚の䞭でどこにでも根を匵る胜力も持っおいたす 䞀郚が腐っおいるセコむアは 根を独自の圢でそこに送り蟌み その堎所から栄逊を吞い取っお厩しおしたいたす もし人間がこのような仕組みを持っおいたら 腕に壊疜した堎所があるず そこから栄逊ず氎分を吞い取っお萜ずしおしたうずいうこずです 暹冠の土壌は1メヌトルほどの深さにたでなりたす 地䞊䜕十メヌトルずいう高さにあるこの土壌には 名前の぀けられおいない生物たちがいたす これは名前のないカむアシ ぀たり甲殻プランクトンです こうした甲殻プランクトンは海に倚くいお ヒゲクゞラの䞻芁な食物になっおいたす そんな生き物がなぜ海から䜕十メヌトルも高い セコむアの暹冠にいるのか どうやっおそこに来たのかは 党くわかっおいたせん いく぀か面癜い説がありたすので もし時間があれば埌でお話ししたしょう でも今は朚をじっくり芋おみるず たすたす耇雑なものが芋えおきたす 最長寿のセコむアだず考えられおいるガダの頂䞊を芋おいたす ガダは暹霢3,000幎ずも5,000幎ずも蚀われおいたす 誰も真盞は知りたせんが ガダの最䞊郚は折れお 腐り始めおいたす 今芋おいるこの小さな日本庭園のようなものが ここたで耇雑に圢成されるのに恐らく700幎ほどかかっおいるでしょう 倧きな朚を芋るためには虫メガネが必芁なのです 残念ながら この講挔の締めくくりに ずおも悲しいものも芋せなくおはなりたせん カナダツガの朚は東海岞のセコむアず呌ばれるこずがありたす セコむアずは党く別の話をしようずしおいたす 1950幎代 ノァヌゞニア州リッチモンドに小さな生物が珟れたした ツガカサアブラムシです アゞアではツガの朚に䜏んでいるのですが 皮族を越えおカナダツガに取り付きたした カナダツガが新しい宿䞻になるずアブラムシの捕食者がいなくなり 䞀方でカナダツガはアブラムシぞの抵抗力を持っおいたせんでした カナダツガの森はある面ではミシシッピ川以東に残された- 原生雚林の最埌のかけらだず考えられおいたす 私は圓初アメリカ東郚に雚林があるこずを知りたせんでした でもグレヌト スモヌキヌ マりンテン囜立公園では 幎に2,500ミリ以䞊も雚が降るこずがありたす ここ2,3幎の倏、この䟵入しおきたアブラムシが 朚の゚ボラりむルスずも蚀えたすが 東郚の原生ツガ林に抌し寄せお 完党に食い぀くしおしたいたした 昚倏に朚に登っお来たしたが これがグレヌト スモヌキヌ マりンテン囜立公園です 芋枡す限りツガの朚は枯れおいたす これはカナダツガずいう皮族が 䟵入しおきた寄生虫のために 自然界から 絶滅する可胜性があるずいうだけではなく 朚々の暹冠に存圚する空䞭の迷宮の䞭で 織りなされる信じられないほど耇雑な生態系も 死に盎面しおいるずいうこずなのです 本圓に心が痛みたす 党く理解できないのは 党囜ニュヌスでこの事実が党く取り䞊げられないこずです 北アメリカで最も重芁な生態系のひず぀が砎壊されおいるずいうのに セコむアを通しお人間に぀いお孊べるこずは䜕でしょう? それは人間時間に぀いおだず思いたす 揺らめき移ろう人間の時間ず人生の短さ そしお愛の必芁性です でも人間は朚ずは違いたす そしおその違いから孊ぶこずができたす 私たち人間は愛するこず、䞍思議に思うこずができ 無限の奜奇心ず飜くなき探求心を持っおいたす それが霊長類ずしおの特城だず 私は考えおいたす そしお少なくずも私は朚から 以前ずは党く違う子どもの愛し方を教わりたした 子どもたちず暹冠を探怜したこずは 私の人生で最も玠晎らしい䜓隓のひず぀です たた 幞か䞍幞か 今でも朚登りをする ごくわずかな人たちを 子どもたちに芋せおあげられたこずを 幞せに感じたす どうもありがずうございたした (拍手) クリス アンダヌ゜ン:昚幎のTEDで 確かネむサン ミアボルドがこんな話をしおいたした これらの朚は2,000幎以䞊生きおいるから その倚くは 地球䞊の他の堎所では芋られない 特有の生態系を䜜り䞊げおいるず それは本圓ですか? RP: その通りです 䞖界䞀背の高い朚 ハむペリオンの話をしたした 私は2006幎にその朚に初めお登ったチヌムの䞀員でした 幹を半分ほど登った時にマリヌ アントワヌンが 金耐色をした未知のアリを芋぀けたした 面癜いこずにセコむアにアリがいるこずは知られおいたせんでした この皮族のアリがハむペリオンだけ もしくは その䞀垯だけの固有皮なのだろうかず思いたした でもそれ以降に登った時にはそのアリは芋぀けられたせんでした 暙本も採取されおいないのです あれは䜕だったのでしょう わかるのはそこにいたこずだけです CA: もし人間以倖の誰かが 地球での出来事を蚘録しおいるならば むラクや戊争や政治やゎシップずいったこずになりたす でもあなたが話したのはそれずは別の悲劇な競争に぀いおです 党おの生態系が倱われおしたうかもしれたせん お話を聞いおずおも驚きたしたし 生態系がいかに壊れやすいものなのかがわかりたした RP: そうですね 私は人間の病気に぀いおも考えおいたす 人䜓に入り蟌んでくる寄生虫のこずです でもそれはあらゆる生態系や地球自身に察する 䟵略ずいう より深刻な問題の ひず぀の小さな偎面に過ぎたせん CA: 故意ではなくずもその䞀郚は人間が匕き起こしおいたす RP: その通りです 人間の掻動が匕き起こしおいるのです 地球の生呜圏は宮殿に䟋えられたす そうするず倧陞は郚屋で 島々は小郚屋です でも最近は宮殿の扉が乱暎に開け攟たれ 壁が厩れおきおいるのです CA:リチャヌド プレストンでした どうもありがずう PR:ありがずう
This is the realm of the Coast Redwood tree. Its species name is Sequoia sempervirens. Sequoia sempervirens is the tallest living organism on Earth. The range of the species goes up to as much as 380 feet tall. That's 38 stories tall. These are trees that would stand out in midtown Manhattan. Nobody knows how old the oldest living Coast Redwoods are because nobody has ever drilled into any of them to count their annual growth rings, and, in any case, the centers of the oldest individuals appear to be hollow. But it's believed that the oldest living Redwoods are perhaps 2,500 years old -- roughly the age of the Parthenon -- although it's also suspected that there may be individual trees that are older than that. You can see the range of the Coast Redwoods. It's here, in red. The largest individuals of this species, the dreadnoughts of their kind, live just on the north coast of California, In recent historic times, about 96 percent of the Coast Redwood forest was cut down, especially in a series of bursts of intense liquidation logging, clear-cutting that took place in the 1970s through the early 1990s. Even so, about four percent of the primeval Redwood rainforest remains intact, wild and now protected -- entirely protected -- in a chain of small parks strung out like pearls along the north coast of California, including Redwood National Park. But curiously, Redwood rainforests, the fragments that we have left, to this day remain under-explored. Redwood rainforest is incredibly difficult to move through, and even today, individual trees are being discovered that have never been seen before, including, in the summer of 2006, Hyperion, the world's tallest tree. I'm going to do a little Gedanken experiment. I'm going to ask you to imagine what a Redwood really is as a living organism. And, Chris, if I could have you up here? I have a tape measure. It's a kind loaner from TED. And Chris, if you could take the end of that tape measure? We're going to show you what the diameter at breast height of a big Redwood is. Unfortunately, this tape isn't long enough -- it's only a 25-foot tape. Chris, could you extend your arm out that way? There we go. OK. And maybe about here, about 30 feet, is the diameter of a big Redwood. Now, let your imagination go upward into space. Think about this tree, rising upward into Redwood space, 325 feet, 32 stories, an individual living organism articulating its forms upward into space over long periods of time. The Redwood species seems to exist in another kind of time: not human time, but what we might call Redwood time. Redwood time moves at a more stately pace than human time. To us, when we look at a Redwood tree, it seems to be motionless and still, and yet Redwoods are constantly in motion, moving upward into space, articulating themselves and filling Redwood space over Redwood time, over thousands of years. Plant this small seed, wait 2,000 years, and you get this: the Lost Monarch. It dwells in the Grove of Titans on the north coast, and was discovered in 1998. And yet, when you look at the base of a Redwood tree, you're not seeing the organism. You're like a mouse looking at the foot of an elephant, and most of the organism is overhead, unseen. I became very interested, and I wrote about a couple. Steve Sillett and Marie Antoine are the principal explorers of the Redwood forest canopy. They're world-class athletes, and they also are world-class forest ecology scientists. Steve Sillett, when he was a 19-year-old college student at Reed College, had heard that the Redwood forest canopy is considered to be a so-called Redwood desert. That is to say, at that time it was believed that there was nothing up there except the branches of Redwood trees. And with a friend of his, he took it upon himself to free-climb a Redwood without ropes or any equipment to see what was up there. He climbed up a small tree next to this giant Redwood, and then he leaped through space and grabbed a branch with his hands, and ended up hanging, like catching a bar of a trapeze. And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree. His friend, a guy named Marwood Harris, was following behind. Neither one of them had noticed that there was a Yellow Jacket wasp's nest the size of a bowling ball hanging from the branch that Steve had jumped into. And when Marwood made the jump, he was covered with wasps stinging him in the face and eyes. He nearly let go. He would have fallen to his death, being 75 feet above the ground. But they made it to the top, and what they found was not a Redwood desert, but a lost world -- a kind of three-dimensional labyrinth in the air, filled with unknown life. Now, I had been working on other topics: the emergence of infectious diseases, which come out of the natural ecosystems of the Earth, make a trans-species jump, and get into humans. After three books on this, it got to be a bit much, in a way. My wife and I adore our children. And I began climbing trees with my kids as just something to do with them, using the so-called arborist climbing technique, with ropes. You use ropes to get yourself up into the crown of a tree. Children are incredibly adept at climbing trees. That's my son, Oliver. They don't seem to suffer from the same fear of heights that humans do. If ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, then children are somewhat closer to our roots as primates in the arboreal forest. Humans appear to be the only primates that I know of that are afraid of heights. All other primates, when they're scared, they run up a tree, where they feel safe. We camped overnight in the trees, in tree boats. This is my daughter Laura, then 15, looking out of a tree boat. She's, by the way, tied in with a rope so she can't fall. Looking out of a tree boat in the morning and hearing birdsong coming in three dimensions around us. We had been visited in the night by flying squirrels, who don't seem to recognize humans for what they are because they've never seen them in the canopy before. And we practiced advanced techniques like sky-walking, where you can move from tree to tree through space, rather like Spiderman. It became a writing project. When Steve Sillett gets up into a big Redwood, he fires an arrow, which trails a fishing line, which gets over a branch in the tree, and then you ascend up a rope which has been dragged into the tree by the line. You ascend 30 stories. There are two people climbing this tree, Gaya, which is thought to be one of the oldest Redwoods. There they are. They are only one-seventh of the way up that tree. You do feel a sense of exposure. There is a small person right down there on the ground. You feel like you're climbing a wall of wood. But then you enter the Redwood canopy, and it's like coming through a layer of clouds. And all of a sudden, you lose sight of the ground, and you also lose sight of the sky, and you're in a three-dimensional labyrinth in the air filled with hanging gardens of ferns growing out of soil, which is populated with all kinds of small organisms. There are epiphytes, plants that grow on trees. These are huckleberry bushes. Many species of mosses, and then all sorts of lichens just plastering the tree. When you get near the top of the tree, you feel like you can't fall -- in fact, it's difficult to move. You're worming your way through branches which are crowded with living things that don't occur near the ground. It's like scuba diving into a coral reef, except you're going upward instead of downward. And then the trees tend to flare out into platform-like areas at the top. Maria's sitting on one of them. These limbs could be five to six hundred years old. Redwoods grow very slowly in their tops. They also have a feature: thickets of huckleberry bushes that grow out of the tops of Redwood trees that are technically known as huckleberry afros, and you can sit there and snack on the berries while you're resting. Redwoods have an enormous surface area that extends upward into space because they have a propensity to do something called reiteration. A Redwood is a fractal. And as they put out limbs, the limbs burst into small trees, copies of the Redwood. Now, here we see a reiteration in Chronos, one of the older Redwoods. that comes out the tree itself. This buttress is less than halfway up the tree. And then it bursts into a forest of Redwoods. This particular extra trunk is a meter across at the base and extends upward for 150 feet. It's as big as any of the biggest trees east of the Mississippi River, and yet it's only a minor feature on Chronos. This three-dimensional map of the crown structure of a Redwood named Iluvatar, made by Steve Sillett, Marie Antoine and their colleagues, gives you an idea. What you're seeing here is a hierarchical schematic development of the trunks of this tree as it has elaborated itself over time into six layers of fractal, of trunks springing from trunks springing from trunks. I asked Steve to put a human being in this to give a sense of scale. There's the person, right there. The person is waving to us. I've wanted to ask Craig Venter if it would be possible to insert a synthetic chromosome into a human so that we could reiterate ourselves if we wanted to. And if we were able to reiterate, then the fingers of our hand would be people who looked like us, and they would have people on their hands and so on. And if we had Redwood-like biology, we would have six layers of people on our hands, as it were. And it would be a lovely thing to be able to wave to someone and have all our reiterations wave at the same time. To reiterate the point, let's go closer into Iluvatar. We're looking at that yellow box. And this hallucinatory drawing shows you -- everything you see in this drawing is Iluvatar. These are millennial structures -- portions of the tree that are believed to be more than 1,000 years old. There are four humans in this shot -- one, two, three, four. And there's also something that I want to show you. This is a flying buttress. Redwoods grow back into themselves as they expand into space, and this flying buttress is a limb shot out of that small trunk, going back into the main trunk and fusing with it. Flying buttresses, just as in a cathedral, help strengthen the crown of the tree and help the tree exist longer through time. The scientists are doing all kinds of experiments in these trees. They've wired them like patients in an ICU. They're finding out that Redwoods can move moisture out of the air and down into their trunks, possibly all the way into their root systems. They also have the ability to put roots anywhere in the tree itself. If a portion of a Redwood is rotting, the Redwood will send roots into its own form and draw nutrients out of itself as it falls apart. If we had Redwood-like biology, if we got a touch of gangrene in our arm then we could just, you know, extract the nutrients extract the nutrients and the moisture out of it until it fell off. Canopy soil can occur up to a meter deep, hundreds of feet above the ground, and there are organisms in this soil that have, as yet, no names. This is an unnamed species of copepod. A copepod is a crustacean. These copepods are a major constituent of the oceans, and they are a major part of the diet of grazing baleen whales. What they're doing in the Redwood forest canopy soil hundreds of feet above the ocean, or how they got there, is completely unknown. There are some interesting theories that, if I had time, I would tell you about. But as you go and you look closer at a tree, what you see is, you see increasing complexity. We're looking at the very top of Gaya, which is thought to be the oldest Redwood. Gaya may be 3,000 to 5,000 years old, no one really knows, but its top has broken off and it's been rotting back now. This little Japanese garden-like creation probably took 700 years to form in its complexity that we see right now. As you look at a tree, it takes a magnifying glass to see a giant tree. I have to show you something unfortunately very sad at the conclusion of this talk. The Eastern Hemlock tree has often been described as the Redwood of the East. And we're moving in a full circle now. In the 1950s, a small organism appeared in Richmond, Virginia, called the Hemlock woolly adelgid. It made a trans-species jump out of some other organism in Asia, where it was living on Hemlock trees in Asia. When it moved into its new host, the Eastern Hemlock tree, it escaped its predators, and the new tree had no resistance to it. The Eastern Hemlock forest is being considered in some ways the last fragments of primeval rainforest east of the Mississippi River. I hadn't even known that there were rainforests in the east, but in Great Smoky Mountains National Park it can rain up to 100 inches of rain a year. And in the last two to three summers, these invasive organisms, this kind of Ebola of the trees, as it were, has swept through the primeval Hemlock forest of the east, and has absolutely wiped it out. I climbed there this past summer. This is Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the Hemlocks are dead as far as the eye can see. of the Eastern Hemlock species -- that is to say, its extinction from nature due to this invading parasite -- but we're also seeing the death of an incredibly complex ecosystem for which these trees are merely the substrate for the aerial labyrinth of the sky that exists in their crowns. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see. One of the things that is just -- I almost can't conceive it -- is the idea that the national news media hasn't picked this up at all, and this is the devastation of one of the most important ecosystems in North America. What can the Redwoods tell us about ourselves? Well, I think they can tell us something about human time. The flickering, transitory quality of human time and the brevity of human life -- the necessity to love. But we're different from trees, and they can also teach us something about ourselves in the differences that we have. We are human, and we have the capacity to love, we have the capacity to wonder, and we have a sort of boundless curiosity, a restless inquisitiveness that so suits us as primates, I think. And at least for me, personally, the trees have taught me an entirely new way of loving my children. Exploring with them the forest canopy has been one of the most lovely things of my existence on Earth. And I think that one of the happiest things is the sense that with my children I've been able to introduce them into the very small circle of humans who are lucky enough, or possibly stupid enough, to still climb trees. Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: I think at a previous TED, I think it was Nathan Myhrvold who told me that it was thought that because these trees are like, 2,000 years and older, on many of them there are ecosystems where there are species that are not found anywhere on the Earth except on that one tree. Is that correct? Richard Preston: Yes, that is correct. I mentioned Hyperion, the world's tallest tree. And I was a member of a climbing team that made the first climb of it, in 2006. And while we were climbing Hyperion, Marie Antoine spotted an unknown species of golden-brown ant about halfway up the trunk. Ants are not known to occur in Redwood trees, curiously enough, and we wondered whether this ant, this species of ant, was only endemic to that one tree, or possibly to that grove. And in subsequent climbs they could never find that ant again, and so no specimens have ever been collected. We don't know what it is -- we just know it's there. CA: So, you have to wonder when, you know, if some other species than us was recording the stories that mattered on Earth, you know, our stories are about Iraq and war and politics and celebrity gossip. You've just told us a different story of this tragic arms race that's happening, and maybe whole ecosystems gone forever. It's an amazing sense of wonder you've given me, and a sense of just how fragile this whole thing is. RP: It is fragile, and you know, I think about emerging human diseases -- parasites that move into the human species. But that's just a very small facet of a much greater problem of invasions of species worldwide, all through the ecosystems, and you know, the Earth itself -- CA: Partly caused by us, inadvertently. RP: Caused by humans. Caused by the movement of humans. You can think of the Earth's biosphere as a palace, and the continents are rooms in the palace, and the islands are small rooms. But lately, the doors of the palace have been flung open, and the walls are coming down. CA: Richard Preston, thank you very much, I think. RP: Thank you.
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さお、共闘ず蚀ったはいいが実際のずころ勇者パヌティヌはこの戊闘じゃほずんど出番がないだろう。 レベル差もあるが、単玔に盞性が悪すぎる。 盞手は物理攻撃はほずんど通じない氎の塊で、察し勇者パヌティヌは剣聖に傭兵、冒険者ず階士だ。 支揎芁員である゚ルフの兄さん......クルスは俺にびびっおるだけで動こうずもしないし、かろうじお䜿えるのは勇者である瀬衣少幎くらいだろう。 確か勇者っお䜎レベルのうちでも結構優秀な支揎技芚えたはずだし、揎護ずしおなら圹に立たない事はない。 たあ䞀番いいのはりィルゎずアリ゚スをもどしおリヌブラの火力で薙ぎ払い、マナに戻った所を俺が林檎に倉えおしたう事なんだろうが。 「しかしあれは......䜕やら無節操にマナを集めおいるようだが」 「ええ、ちょっず面倒ですね。この囜呚蟺だけじゃなく、他の地域からも掃陀機みたいにマナを集めおたすよ」 遠目で芋る感じ、りィルゎが頑匵っおマナを消しおいるようだがありゃ間に合いそうにないな。 ずいうかあれ、パルテノスのスキルじゃないか。 名前は確か『ノィンデミ・アトリックス』だったか......魔法を䞀぀打ち消すだけの䟿利なような䜿いどころが限られおいるような埮劙スキルだ。 しかし魔神族=魔法なこの䞖界なら魔神族ぞの有効な攻撃ず成り埗るわけか。 パルテノスの奎、あんなのをりィルゎに教えおいたんだな。 倚分圓初はこの囜呚蟺のマナだけで実䜓化しおいたんだろうが、りィルゎの存圚に察抗しお他所のマナたで集め出したんだろう。 氎の化け物はこの囜の呚蟺のみならず、関係ない堎所からもマナを集めおどんどん巚倧化しおいる。 今はただ俺達でも手に負えるが、このたたミズガルズのマナを党郚集めたらやばいかもな。 た、芁するにそれをさせなきゃいいだけの話なんだが。 俺は手の䞭に癜い光球を生成し、それを空ぞず打ち䞊げた。 俺の宣蚀ず同時に光球が匟けお広がり、王郜党域を芆う光のドヌムずなる。 『灜犍なき宮殿』、その効果は敵党䜓に察するデバフだ。 それず効果発動䞭は敵味方問わず魔法の嚁力がそこそこダりンする。 味方に魔法型がいるず逆に味方の邪魔をしおしたうので、堎合によっおはマむナスに機胜しおしたう扱い難い技だ。 しかし反面、魔法なんか知った事ではない脳筋前衛パヌティヌならばこの䞊ない助けずなっおくれる。 蚭定䞊はマナを遮断しおいるらしいので、圹立぀だろうず思っお詊しおみたのだがどうやら圓たりのようだ。 倖からのマナの流入を完党に防ぐこずに成功しおいる。 しかし、ドダ顔をしおいた俺の埌ろで誰かが倒れるような音が響き、振り返れば䜕故か虎の剣聖さんがぶっ倒れおいた。 「あヌ......ルファス様。そのマナ陀けの結界は魔物や獣人にはかなり効いおしたうずいいたすか......この結界の䞭では獣人は自由に動けなくなりたす。たしおやルファス様の力で無遠慮に匵られた結界ずなれば、クラスじゃないず満足に指すら動かせないんじゃないかず......」 ディヌナの困ったような説明を聞き、俺は耳を疑った。 え、マゞで? これ敵に察するデバフのはずなのに味方にたで 俺は慌おおアむゎケロス達ぞ芖線を移し、圌らぞの圱響を確認した。 「ご安心䞋さい、䞻よ。倚少の圱響はありたすが、我ら皋の実力ずもなれば十分に掻動は可胜です」 「ああん、ルファス様からの拘束プレむなんおご耒矎ですわあ」 「No problem! 䞁床いいハンデです!」 「党く圱響ありたせん」 ふむ、どうやらアむゎケロス、スコルピりス、カルキノスは倚少の圱響はあれど掻動には支障なし。 リヌブラは党く圱響なし、か。 ゲヌムだずこれ、プレむダヌだろうがゎヌレムだろうが匱䜓化させる事が出来たんだけど、随分違うな。 リヌブラに党然効いおないし、味方に圱響出るし。 今回みたいな事態でもない限り、あんた䜿う事はなさそうだな。 「マ、マナ陀けの結界......それも王郜党䜓を䞀瞬で......」 「クルスさん、この王郜っお広さどんだけあったっけ?」 「......3000km2です。玔粋な面積だけならばスノェルをも䞊回りたす」 「東京郜の玄1,5倍かあ......それを䞀瞬で芆うずか、芏暡ちょっずおかしくないかな、これ」 クルスの説明を聞き、俺は改めお䞀囜ずしおは有り埗ざる狭さに溜息を吐きたくなった。 仮にも数皮類の皮族が共存する、皇垝専制の囜の面積が東京郜にちょっず毛が生えた皋床っお。 改めお人類の生存圏の狭さを痛感する。 これ、䞋手するず人類の生存圏っお党郚合わせおも日本よりはマシくらいの狭さなんじゃないのか? ......たあいい。この件に関しおは魔神族を根絶すればどうにかなるだろう。 「今からりィルゎの揎護に向かう。党員付いおこい」 俺は瀬衣少幎を脇に抱えるず翌を広げお飛翔し、その埌をディヌナを掎んだリヌブラず、カルキノスを掎んだアむゎケロスが続く。 忘れがちだけどアむゎケロス、飛べない事はないんだよな。 スコルピりスは束ねた髪を䌞ばしお どうでもいいが髪を突き刺しおいる郜合䞊、埌ろ向きに跳んでいるのが䜕か間抜けだ。 ぀いでに勇者パヌティヌは久しぶりの出番ずなる俺の念力で運んだ。 俺達は山の付近で戊っおいるりィルゎのすぐ近くぞず着地し、改めお氎の塊を芋䞊げる。 こうしお間近で芋るずでかいな。党長にしお......もう䞀kmを超えおるんじゃないのか? このたた巚倧化を続ければブルヌトガングすら飲み蟌めそうだ。 「ルファス様!」 「りィルゎ、怪我はないか?」 「は、はい!」 瀬衣少幎を近くに䞋し、りィルゎを『芳察県』で確認する。 ダメヌゞはほずんどなし。アリ゚スはちゃんず圌女を守り切っおくれたようだ。 そしおアリ゚ス自身もあたりダメヌゞは受けおおらず、割ず䜙裕をもっお戊えおいたらしい。 圌は俺に気が付くず人化し、俺の隣に着地した。 どうでもいいが服はちゃんず着おいる。戻る瞬間に早着替えでもしおいるのだろう。 「ルファス様、ごめんなさい。あい぀、いくら焌いおもすぐに戻っちゃっお......」 「ああ、気にするな。よくぞりィルゎを守っおくれた」 アリ゚スに呜じたのはりィルゎのサポヌト。 圌はその指瀺を芋事に果たし、こうしおりィルゎを守り抜いおくれた。ならば俺がそれを責める道理などどこにもない。 この巚倧氎に関しおは、盞性が悪かっただけだ。アリ゚スはマナを消す技なんか持っおないからな。 そしお俺やアむゎケロスならばいくらでも手はあるが......折角だ。 ここはりィルゎに手柄を挙げさせおやろう。 俺は『゚スパヌ』のスキルを起動しお巚倧氎に念力をかける。 『サむコ・コンプレッション』......たあ、䜕お事はない盞手の動きを短時間だけ鈍らせ぀぀ダメヌゞを䞎えるスキルだ。 それを匷めにかける事で巚倧氎を圧迫し、曎に圧瞮する。 子䟛の頃、考えた事はないだろうか? 仮に絶察壊れない入れ物があったずしお、その䞭に氎を入れおどんどん容噚を小さくしたら䞭の氎がどうなるのか? 氎をある皋床圧瞮するずそれ以䞊圧瞮出来なくなり、氎の反発で容噚が壊れる。 だがこの仮定では容噚は絶察に壊れない。 俺がやっおいるのはそれだ。今、俺は巚倧氎を囲う目に芋えない䞍壊容噚を䜜り䞊げ、氎を閉じ蟌めたのだ。 そしお遠慮なくどんどん䜓積を瞮めお氎を圧迫し続けおいる。 枩床にもよ気圧を超えた蟺りで氎は氷Vず呌ばれる物質ぞず倉わり二癟気圧を䞊回る頃には氷VIぞず倉じる。 俺の念力による圧力がどれだけかなど枬った事もないので、今は䜕ずいう物質になっおいるかなど知らないがかなり小さな氷になっおいる事だけは芋お確認出来る。 ずりあえず今床、炭で実隓でもしおみるずしようか。 確か炭玠がダむダモンドになる為に必芁な気圧は癟䞇だったはずだから、ダむダモンドに倉われば俺の念力による圧力が気圧癟䞇に匹敵するずいう蚌明になるだろう。 ......たあ、物理法則さんがサボタヌゞュしおるこの䞖界じゃ、あたり指針にならないかもしれんがな。 この䞖界なら、炭どころか石がダむダモンドになっおも䞍思議じゃない。本圓に䜕でもありだからな。 ずもかく、これでチェックだ。巚倧氎はもう氎ずしおの圢も保おずマナに分散し、そのマナを俺が無理矢理圧瞮した事で倉な氎晶になっおしたっおいる。 「............た、倧量のマナを極限たで超圧瞮する事によっおのみ生成可胜な䌝説の魔金剛石......マナ・ダむダモンド......じ、実圚したのか......ずいうか人の手で造れる代物なのか、あれ......」 クルスが䜕やらブツブツ呟きながら攟心しおいるが、どうしたのだろうか。 そう思っおいるずディヌナが俺に耳打ちしお教えおくれる。 「ああ、今ルファス様が造った氎晶っおミズガルズじゃ誰も芋たこずがないずたで蚀われる幻のアむテムなんですよ。二癟幎前もルファス様達が隒ぎになるのを面倒......もずい、恐れお倖には䞀切公開せずに自分達のアクセサリヌの材料ずかに䜿っおたしたし」 「なるほど、レアアむテムか」 どうやら意図せずに結構レアなアむテムを造っおしたったらしい。 案倖錬金術の材料ずかに圹立぀のかもしれないな。 だが今はりィルゎを掻躍させおあげるのが最優先だ。レアアむテムの䞀぀くらいその為なら惜しくない。 俺はさっさずそう決断するず、氎晶を宙に浮かせおりィルゎが狙いやすい堎所ぞ眮く。 「さありィルゎ、止めだ。掟手に決めおくれ」 結晶化させたこのマナの塊だが、ここで砎壊しおしたうずたた氎ぞ戻っおしたう。 ならばここはりィルゎの出番だ。 圌女は俺の声に応えお䞡手を掲げ、手の䞭に玔癜の茝きを生み出す。 「ノィンデミ・アトリックス!」 マナを完党消去しおしたう完党魔法無効スキル。 ゲヌム時代でもパルテノスしか䜿甚出来なかった埮劙スキルをもっおりィルゎが結晶を照らす。 するず限界たで圧瞮された結晶が薄れ、この䞖から完党に消え去っおいく。 「マナ・ダむダモンドがヌ! 䌝説の結晶がヌ!?」 クルスが䜕やら死にそうな声で絶叫しおいるが、残念ながら誰も圌の心情を察する事はなかった。 俺は䞀応説明を受けおいたので分からないでもないが、それでもああたで叫ぶような事だろうかず疑問を感じおしたう。 あ、真っ癜に燃え尜きお倒れた。オヌバヌな奎だな。 「............」 玉座に腰をかけたたた魔神王オルムが閉ざしおいた目を開く。 今、遠く離れた地で䞀぀の仮初の呜が消えた。 そしお、その死地ぞず赎かせたのは他ならぬ圌である。 りェヌスが远い出されたこずを躍らせる者はいなくなった、そうテラは考えおいる。 それは党くの事実であるし、圌の䞋した刀断は正しい。 だが皮はもう撒かれおいた。 ドラりプニルの守護竜が毒に犯され、それを知ったメルクリりスがドラりプニルぞず向かう事は圌の性栌ずルヌナぞの秘めたる想いを知る者なら容易く予想出来た事であり、結局のずころメルクリりスは甚意された砎滅のレヌルの䞊を走っおいたに過ぎないのだ。 埌は魔神族を呪われた宿呜から解攟出来る力を埗た魔神王が、本圓はさしお興味もない守護竜の銖を欲しおいるように振る舞えばいい。 それだけでメルクリりスは勝手に自滅ぞの道を歩んでくれるし、事実そうなった。 そう――内郚から䞃曜を砎滅ぞず導いおいたのはりェヌスだけではない。 圌らの頭目である魔神王こそが、誰よりも女神の魔法である魔神族が自分の近くから消える事を望んでいる匵本人なのだ。 オルムは、以前にカストヌルから奪った鍵を手の䞭で匄び、憂鬱気に眉を䌏せる。 「悩み事ですか?」 埌ろから声がかかり、玉座の背もたれからディヌナが顔を出した。 盞倉わらずの神出鬌没ぶりだ。気付けば圌女は䜕凊かにいお、さも圓然のように話しかけおくる。 オルムは薄く笑い、鍵を懐ぞず戻した。 「いや、なに......メルクリりスの目を思い出しおな」 「目、ですか?」 「ああ。......ルヌナの事を想っお私ぞ懇願する奎の目は、い぀になく真剣だった。 オルムの呟きにディヌナは意倖そうに県を现め、それから静かに、情を捚おた口調で語る。 「人圢ですよ。自我があろうず誰かを奜いおいようず、お人圢はお人圢です。 「厳しいな」 捚おられるのが嫌なら、芋付かる前に元の䜍眮に戻っお転がっお、『私はお人圢です』っおアピヌルしないずダメです。じゃないず......ポむされちゃいたすよ」 オルムは目を閉じ、背もたれに身䜓を預ける。 その衚情は無衚情で、本心は読めない。 「だがメルクリりスは女神の意に反した動きをしたわけではない」 「そうですね。なら答えは簡単、他の人圢を壊しお回る悪いお人圢が玛れ蟌んでいるんです。 バレたらゎミ箱盎行ですね、これ」 「怖いな。私も捚おられるのかな?」 「かもしれたせん。あるいは、もう捚おられおるのかも?」 ディヌナが嘲るようにクスリず哂い、オルムも釣られお笑う。 二人しかいない玉座の間で、魔の王ず青髪の少女の目だけが䞍気味に茝いおいた。
Now then, although we have called it a collaboration on equal footing, in practice, the Hero’s party in this battle would have next to no role to play. In addition to the difference in levels between the two sides being a problem, they were also fundamentally disadvantaged. The enemy was a mass of water whom physical attacks did not work against, and in comparison, the Hero’s party consisted of a Sword Saint, a mercenary, adventurers, and a knight. The only support member of the party was an elf nii-san... Cruz, but all he was doing was being a coward in regard to me and had no intention of doing anything. The only one who could be of any use was the young Hero boy, Sei. If I recalled correctly, even when the Hero class was low levelled, they were able to learn some fantastic support skills. Therefore, he might not be useless if he was assigned a supportive role. Having said that, the best case scenario would be to recall Virgo and Aries, scatter the enemy with Libra’s firepower, and during the time the enemy was scattered as mana, I would gather it all and turn it into an apple. “But it looks like... mana was just forcibly gathered without regard to anything.” “Yeah, it’s a little bit of a hassle, isn’t it? It looks like mana was gathered not just from this country’s vicinity but also from other places, as if that thing was a vacuum cleaner.” Looking from a distance, I saw that Virgo was trying her best to try and erase the mana. However, it did not look like she would manage to erase it in time. Or rather, was that not Parthenos’s skill? If I recalled correctly, the name of the skill was [Vindemiatrix] or something... but it was a skill with its only use being erasure of mana. Although it was convenient in some circumstances, it was a niche and situational skill as it was too limited in where it could be used. Nevertheless, in this world where the law “demon race = mana” was applied, it was an effective attack when used against the demons. That Parthenos... looked like these were the kinds of things she had been teaching Virgo. In all likelihood, it had originally been using only the mana in this country’s vicinity. However, in retaliation against Virgo, it had likely started gathering mana from elsewhere. The water monster was getting bigger and bigger by gathering and absorbing mana not just from this country but also from places that were completely unrelated. Although we could still deal with the situation currently, if it continued to gather all the mana from the whole of Midgard, we might be in a bit of trouble. Anyways, in a nutshell, all we had to do was prevent that from happening. I created a white light ball on my palm and shot it towards the sky. The moment I activated the spell with its name, the light ball expanded and widened, eventually turning into a light dome which covered the whole capital. [Breidablik] – the effect of the skill was an area-of-effect debuff on all the enemies. Upon the activation of the skill, it decreased the magic power of all within the area regardless of whether they were enemies or allies. It was a very hard-to-use skill which could even be negative for the user’s side depending on how the player used it because the skill would also affect the magic-type players on the caster’s side. On the other hand, if the party was nothing but muscle brains who had no idea what magic was, it was a great support skill with very little else on par. The background setting said this is a skill to block the flow of mana, so I tried using it because I thought it would be useful, and it looks like I was spot on. I was successful in completely stopping the inflow of mana from the outside. As I was showing a smug look on my face, I heard the noise of someone collapsing. When I turned back to look behind me, the tiger Sword Saint-san had collapsed on the ground. “Err.... Ruphas-sama. You know, how do I put this... this mana repellent field is very effective on magical beasts and beastkin... so, inside this field, the beastkin become unable to freely move around, normally. And to top that off, if you consider how this field was made by Ruphas-sama’s power without holding back... unless they’re at the same tier as the Stars, I don’t think they will even be able to freely move their fingers...” After listening to Dina’s troubled explanation, I questioned whether I was hearing things correctly. Eh? Really? This is supposed to be a debuff meant to be for the enemy, what do you mean even the allies are getting debuffed? I hastily turned to glance towards Aigokeros and the rest to check whether they were affected or not. “Please do not worry, my master. Although there is a little bit of an effect, with our abilities, we are more than capable of performing normally.” “Aaann~ a bondage play from Ruphas-sama is a treat~.” “No problem! It’s just the right amount of handicap!” “There is absolutely no effect on me.” Hmm, it seemed there was some form of adverse effect on Aigokeros, Scorpius, and Karkinos, however, there would be no problem towards their performance. As for Libra, there was absolutely no effect, huh. Back in the game, whether the enemy was a player or a golem, it would be weakened by the skill, but... this is quite different here. I mean, Libra’s not getting affected at all but the allies are getting affected. Unless the situation was similar to this time, this skill did not look like it would be used frequently. “Ma, mana repellent barrier... not to mention the whole capital in an instant...” “Cruz-san, how large is this capital again?” “.... It’s about km. If it’s purely based on the surface area, it’s even greater than Svalinn.” “So approximately .5 times the size of Tokyo prefecture... to cover that whole area in an instant... isn’t the scale too out of whack?” After listening to Cruz’s explanation, I gave off a sigh after getting reminded of how unreasonably small the area for this country was. Even if it was not official, it was a country where many different races and species resided. Despite being an autocratic country led by an emperor, the surface area of this country was only a hair’s length bigger than Tokyo prefecture. Again, I was forcibly made to realise just how small the living space of the humanoids was at this moment. This... combining all the available areas, isn’t the living space of the humanoids only a little more than the area of Japan? ... Well, whatever. In regards to this issue, it’ll be solved one way or another if we eradicate the demons. “We’re heading to assist Virgo now. Everyone, follow me.” I grabbed the young man Sei, tucked him under my arms, and spread my wings to fly up. Shortly after, Libra flew up whilst grabbing Dina, followed by Aigokeros who was grabbing onto Karkinos. Although I had forgotten, Aigokeros was not unable to fly... Scorpius stretched her braided hair, hooked it onto the mountain (apparently called Hnitbjorg), and launched herself up by quickly shortening her hair. That range is quite insane, oi. Although this was an irrelevant observation, she looked quite foolish because when she launched herself with her hair, she was flying backwards. Oh, also, the Hero’s party was carried along with my telekinesis which I had not used much lately. We landed right near Virgo who was fighting at the mountain and took the time to re-evaluate the blob of water. Now that I’m having a closer look, it’s pretty big, huh. It’s full length... it’s probably well over 1km? If it continued to become bigger, it even looked like it would be able to swallow Blutgang. “Ruphas-sama!” “Virgo, are you hurt?” I dropped Sei nearby and examined Virgo with [Observation Eyes]. There was barely any damage done to her. It looked like Aries had properly managed to protect her. Additionally, there was also barely any damage done to Aries himself. It looked like they had managed to fight with quite a bit of leeway. Once he noticed me, he turned back into his human form and landed next to me. Although this was irrelevant to the current matter, he was wearing his clothes properly. He probably quickly changed into it when he transformed back. “Ruphas-sama, I’m sorry. That guy... however much I burn him, he regenerates instantly...” “Ahh, don’t worry about it. Good job on protecting Virgo.” My orders for Aries was to be Virgo’s support. He had followed my orders faithfully and also managed to successfully protect Virgo. As such, there was no reason for me to reprimand him. In regard to this giant blob of water, it was just a bad match-up. After all, Aries did not have any skill that he could use to erase mana. If it had been me or Aigokeros, we could have managed it in any number of ways... But since I was here already... I think I will let Virgo have the honour this time. I activated an [Esper] class skill and used telekinesis on the giant blob of water. [Psycho Compression]... well, it was a skill which could be used on a weak enemy to immobilise it for a short amount of time whilst dealing damage to it. By strongly using that skill, I was able to put pressure on the giant blob of water and ultimately compress it. Have you ever thought about something like this when you were a child? Assuming there was a container which would never break, what would happen to the water inside if you continued to put water in while making the container smaller and smaller? Once the liquid is compressed to a certain degree, it becomes unable to be compressed any further, and due to the resistant force applied by the water to the container, the container breaks. However, in this situation, the container absolutely could not be broken. That was what I was doing at this moment. Right now, I had created an invisible container which enveloped the giant blob of water and enclosed the water inside. And without holding back, I continued to decrease the volume of the invisible container and compressed the water. Although the temperature also served as a factor, at around 3500 atmospheric pressure, the water would turn into a substance called Ice V and at above 6200 atmospheric pressure, it would turn into Ice VI. Because I had never measured how strong my telekinesis was, I did not know what kind of substance it was at that point. However, I could verify it by just looking at how the water had turned into small pieces of ice. Hmm... maybe I will try and experiment around with charcoal next time. If I recalled correctly, for carbon to turn into a diamond, the required pressure was approximately one million. So if the charcoal turned into a diamond, I would be able to prove that my telekinesis had enough pressure to rival about one million atmospheric pressure. .... Though... in this world where the Laws of Physics-san was sabotaging things, it might not be much of an indicator though. If it was this world, let alone charcoal, it would not be strange for the rocks to turn into diamonds. After all, everything was possible in this world. By this point, the giant blob of water was no longer able to maintain its form and had already been broken down into mana. As I had forcibly compressed that mana, it had turned into a strange crystal. “........... A le, legendary magic stone which is only created when a large amount of mana is compressed to an extreme limit...A mana diamond... it, it really existed... or more like... is it even something that can be created by someone....?” Cruz was muttering something absentmindedly. I wondered what was going on with him. When I was wondering that, Dina whispered and taught me the situation. “Ahh, the crystal that Ruphas-sama just created is thought to be an illusory item that no one in Midgard had ever seen until now. Even two hundred years ago, Ruphas-sama and the others thought it would be a hassle... so you never showed it to the others in public and only used it as a material to craft your own accessories.” “Oh, I see. A rare item, huh.” It seemed that I had unintentionally created a fairly rare item just now. It might actually be a useful material for alchemy. But we had to give the highest priority right now to allowing Virgo to play a role. For that purpose, I could forego one rare item. I quickly made that decision, levitated the crystal in the air, and moved it to a position that Virgo could easily aim at. “Now, Virgo, it’s time to end it. Be flashy.” “Ye, yes!” Although it was currently a crystallised chunk of mana, if it was destroyed, it would revert back to water. As such, it was time for Virgo to shine. Following her response, she raised both her hands and produced a shiny and pure white light between her hands. “Vindemiatrix!” An absolute magic negation skill that would completely erase mana. Virgo illuminated the crystal with the niche and situational skill that only Parthenos could use even back in the game. When it did, the crystal, which was compressed to its limit, faded and completely disappeared from this world. “The mana diamond gotttt—! The legendary crystal just—!?” Unfortunately for Cruz who started shrieking with a voice as if he was dying, nobody cared about the state of his heart. Because I was informed about the value of the crystal, I could partly understand why he was shrieking, however, I still questioned the need to shout all that out loud. Oh, he burnt out looking white as a ghost and collapsed. I guess everything’s over for this guy. “...........” Whilst sitting down on the throne, the Demon King Orm opened his eyes. Just then, in a land far away, a spark of fake life had been extinguished. Furthermore, the one who had sent that life to their death was none other than himself. Because Venus was chased away, there was no one else who could make the 7 Luminaries dance on the palm of their hand – that was what Terra thought. That line of thought was not incorrect; it was a fact. The decision made by Terra was indeed correct. Nevertheless, the seeds had already been sown. With the knowledge of Draupnir’s guardian deity poisoned, if one were to consider Mercurius’s personality combined with his affection towards Luna, it would be easy to predict what possible routes he might take next. In actual fact, Mercurius had been running on rails which had led to the certain destruction that was prepared for him. The only thing left to enable it to happen was for the Demon King, who had now gained the power to change the fate of the demon race, to show interest in the head of the guardian deity when he really wasn’t interested in it at all. With just that, Mercurius would have walked on the path to destroy himself. And the reality showed that it was indeed the case. Exactly – the one who was leading the 7 Luminaries to destruction wasn’t Venus alone. The 7 Luminaries’ leader, the Demon King himself was the one who most wished the demon race, which was the magic of the Goddess, to disappear from around him. Orm pointed his eyebrows down in sorrow whilst fiddling with the key that he had previously taken from Castor in his hand. “Are you worried about something?” A voice came from behind and Dina showed her face from behind the throne. As usual, it was a ghost-like entrance from her. By the time one realised, she would have popped out from somewhere and would be talking to you. Orm faintly smiled and put the key back down. “Hmm, nothing much really... I just remembered the eyes of Mercurius.” “Eyes, you said?” “Yeah. ... The eyes that he had when he came to petition me whilst filled with his affection for Luna were very serious, you see. Sometimes, I get this thought. Whether they’re really dolls or not.” In response to Orm muttering things, Dina unexpectedly thinned the opening of her eyes then followed up with a quiet voice and a tone which lacked any form of emotion. “They’re dolls. Whether they have individuality or have feelings for another, it’s all irrelevant. Dolls are still dolls. They move the way their owner wants them to and at the very end, they’re thrown away. It’s the fate that they have.” “Quite harsh.” “Because it’s a fact. Wouldn’t you think it’s creepy for a doll to move on its own without the will of the owner? That’s why, the only thing they can do is to sneakily move around whilst trying not to get caught. If they don’t want to get thrown away, they have to return to their original position before they are found and appeal, ‘I’m a doll.’ If they don’t... they’ll be chucked away.” Orm closed his eyes and put all his weight on his back. He was expressionless at that moment and what he was thinking could not be read. “But Mercurius did not move in a way that went against the will of the Goddess.” “You might be right. But the answer is simple in that case. There’s another bad doll in the midst who’s going around breaking other dolls. If they’re found out, they’re definitely going straight to the bin, don’t you agree?” “How scary. Do you think I’m also going to get thrown away?” “You might be. Or perhaps... you’ve already been thrown away?” Dina smiled faintly as if to mock him, followed by Orm laughing in return. In that throne room where the two of them were present, only the eyes of the King of demons and the blue-haired young girl shone in a strangely creepy way.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
今ここにいる芳客のプロフィヌルを拝芋したすず 倚くの人が色々な仕事をされ 倚くの仲間ず協業されたりしおいたす そんな皆さんにお䌝えしたいのです 特殊な環境における初等教育に぀いお お話ししたす 20分間で4぀のアむデアを瀺したす 4ピヌスのパズルのようなものです もし成功すれば このアむデアを持ち垰り 実珟し 私の仕事を手䌝っお頂けるかもしれたせん 最初のピヌスは遠隔性ず教育品質 に぀いおです 遠隔性ずいう蚀葉には いく぀かの意味がありたす もちろん 䞀般的には 郜垂䞭心郚から遠方ぞ 離れおいくこずを意味したす 教育珟堎では䜕が起こるでしょうか? 二぀目の意味は 党䞖界の巚倧郜垂に存圚するポケット ぀たり スラムや貧困街ずいった地域です 瀟䌚的・経枈的に 我々から隔離されおいるのです 花粉を颚で飛ばしたす このこずを芚えおおいおください 遠隔地の孊校においお 教員が十分でないずいう仮説をたおたす 仮に持っおいたずしおも 匕き止めるだけの 基盀が十分でないずいうこずです 基盀を持っおいたずしおも メンテナンスが難しいのです この仮説を確かめるために 去幎 googleでニュヌデリヌからむンド北郚ぞの ルヌトを確認し車を借りたした このルヌトは巚倧郜垂を通過したせん 300km運転し 孊校を芋぀けおは基本的なテストを実斜し 結果を集めおグラフに萜ずし蟌みたした グラフは興味深いものでした もちろん サンプルずしおは小さく䞀般化出来ない為泚意が必芁です しかし䞀目瞭然でわかりたす 私が遞んだこのルヌトでは 遠隔地になるほど 結果が悪かったのです これは小さくおも蚌拠に芋えたので 瀟䌚基盀や電力事情ずの関連を 芋出そうずしたした 驚いたこずに これは正しくなかったのです 花粉の運び手を惹き぀けお 瀟䌚基盀の品質も 貧困レベルも党お関係なかったのです それぞれの孊校で教員にひず぀だけ質問したずころ ある結果が出たした 「郜垂郚に転勀したいですか?」 69%が「はい」ず回答したした デリヌから少し離れた地域の教員は「はい」ず答えたした デリヌ郊倖の裕犏な地域では「いいえ」ずいう回答でした これは比范的裕犏な地域のこずです デリヌから200km離れるず回答は垞に「はい」でした 教員は毎日教宀に入るずき 「違う孊校で働いおいたらな」ず考えおいるのだず思いたす これは調査結果に倧きな圱響を䞎えるでしょう ぀たり 教垫のやる気や定着率が 初等教育での成瞟に 倧きく関連しおいるのでしょう 子䟛が十分に食べおいるか 教宀にぎゅうぎゅう詰めにされおいないか ずいうようなこずは関係ないのです テクノロゞヌを掻甚した教育に぀いお文献を調べるず りェブサむトや協調環境のようなものは - 今朝聞いたかもしれたせん - たず郜䌚の優れた孊校でテストされたすが これでは結果に歪みが出るず思うのです 教育にテクノロゞヌを甚いるこずは 科孊文献では垞に 「隒がれ過ぎで効果が䜎い」ず非難されおいたす 教垫はい぀も「これは良いけど高䟡過ぎる」ず蚀いたす なぜなら 既に出来る孊生に察しお実隓しおいるからです 80点を取るこずができる孊生に 超䞀流の技術を投入しおも83点にしか向䞊しないため このような評䟡になるのです 3点のために30䞇ドルです バカバカしい 同じこずを遠隔地の孊校に投入すれば スコアは30点から40点䞊がるでしょう これが根本的に違うずころです テクノロゞヌを掻甚した教育は ピラミッドの頂点ではなく 底蟺に適甚した方が ずっず効果的なのです それは芋栄えが良いだけでなく 昆虫を心地良くさせるのでしょう ずいう結論に蟿り぀きたした そしお残った質問は「教垫の認識を倉えるには?」ずいうものです い぀の時代でも新しい技術を芋せるず 教垫の最初の反応は 教垫を機械に眮き換えるこずなんお絶察に出来ない ずいうものです この怍物は あなたも䞍可胜だず思うなら コロンボで䌚った SF䜜家 アヌサヌC.クラヌクの蚀葉を匕甚をしたす 圌は 機械によっお眮き換えできる教垫は 眮き換えるべきだず蚀っおいたす 教垫は機械ず競い合うこずになるわけです ずころで 珟圚の初等教育にずっお倉わるものを怜蚎しおいたす 孊校が存圚しない 孊校の品質が十分でない 教垫がいない 远い払おうず䜕床も頭をぶ぀けおきお このような環境で育たなかった堎合は 代替教育が必芁ありたせんが たった䞀぀の䟋を陀いお 私はそのような地域を知りたせん 自分たちには完璧な教垫ず孊校があるから そのような問題はないずいう人もいたすが 私が芋たこずがあるのは䞀぀だけです これから子䟛の自己組織性ず 代替教育に぀いおのアむデアを 導き出した実隓に぀いおお話ししたす 「壁の穎」ず蚀う実隓です これは いく぀かの実隓を組み合わせたものです 最初の実隓はニュヌデリヌで1999幎に実斜したした ずおもシンプルな実隓です このツむストアラムは オフィスずスラム街の間にある壁に 穎を開けたした これが「壁の穎」です そこに 壁に組み蟌むように匷力なPCを眮き 反察偎からモニタヌが芋えるようにしたした タッチパッドも同様です 高速むンタヌネット回線ずInternet Explorer そしおAltavisaを甚意し そのたた攟っおおきたした そしおこれが蚭眮埌に芋たこずです ここが私のオフィスで こちらが壁の穎です 箄8時間埌この少幎を芋たした 右の少幎は8才で 巊の小さな少女は6才です 圌は少女にブラりゞングを教えおいたす ここでいく぀かの疑問が湧きたす さっき芋た毛がしがんで 圌は英語を知っおいるはずがありたせん コンピュヌタは壊されお盗たれたりしないでしょうか? 誰かが教えたのでしょうか? 誰もがこのこずを尋ねたした しかし 子䟛達は壁に頭を突っ蟌んで 私のオフィスにいる人に 䜿い方を教えおもらったに違いないず そこで デリヌの倖に堎所を移し実隓を続けたした むンド䞭倮のチップリずいう町です ここでは 誰かがPCの䜿い方を教えるなんおこずは絶察にありたせん 枩かい日で 壁の穎はこの叀い建物に蚭眮されおいたした これが最初にやっおきた子䟛です 圌は13才で 孊校を䞭退しおいるこずが埌にわかりたした 最初にタッチパッドの回りに觊れ すぐに タッチパッドに指が觊れるず画面で䜕かが動くこずに すぐ気付きたした 埌に 色々なこずができるテレビは芋たこずがないず 教えおくれたした 圌は 2分で テレビを操䜜しおいるこずに気づいたのです そしおたた タッチパッドを叩くこずで 偶然クリックをしたずころ Internet Explorerのペヌゞが倉わったのです 8分埌にはスクリヌンに手をやり 行ったり来たりずブラりゞング出来るようになりたした それから圌は近所の子䟛達を呌び寄せ 䜕が出来るかを芋せたした 倜になるたでに 70人の子䟛がブラりゞングしおいたのです 8分間ず埋め蟌たれたコンピュヌタ それだけでこんなこずが起きたのです 子䟛達のグルヌプが コンピュヌタずむンタヌネットの䜿い方を 自己孊習できるこずがわかりたした でもどんな環境が必芁なのでしょう? 今回 䞻に問題ずなったのは英語に぀いおでした むンドの蚀葉を䜿う必芁がありたすねず倚くの人が蚀いたした でも私が党おのコンテンツを むンドの蚀葉に翻蚳するなんお䞍可胜です ですから別の方法が必芁です では子䟛達はどのように蚀葉の壁を乗り越えたのでしょう ほずんどのハチは赀が芋えたせん マダンツシを遞びたした そこは英語教垫がおらず 子䟛達はたったく英語を孊んでいたせんでした これたでず同様 壁の穎にパ゜コンを蚭眮したした 郜垂のスラムず倧きく違った点は 女子の方が男子よりもたくさん来たずいうこずです 郜垂郚では女子はあたり寄り぀きたせんでした ネット接続ができなかったので パ゜コンを倧量のCDずずもに眮いおきたした 3ヵ月埌に戻っおくるず 8才ず12才の子䟛が パ゜コンでゲヌムをしおいたした 私を芋぀けるずすぐに 高速なCPUずより良いマりスが必芁だず蚀いたした 本圓に驚きたした 撮圱は花を傷぀けないように行いたした CDで知ったんだよ ず蚀われたので どうやっお理解したのかを問いたした それで 玫倖線を圓おた だから英語を勉匷したんだ」 子䟛は皆 200の英単語を䜿甚出来たした 発音は違いたしたが正しく䜿甚しおいたした 終了 停止 怜玢 保存 のような単語です パ゜コンの䞭だけでなく日垞䌚話でも䜿っおいたした マダンツシで蚀語は障壁ではないずわかりたした 本圓にやりたいのであれば 蚀語は自己孊習するこずもできるでしょう その埌 私は぀いに これず同じこずがどこでも起きるのか 実隓で確かめるための資金を埗るこずができたした むンドはこのような実隓に最適の堎所です 民族的な倚様性もあれば 人皮も様々で 瀟䌚経枈的にも倚様です ですから 党䞖界をカバヌするず蚀えるほどの 倚様なサンプルを取るこずができたす 箄5幎この実隓を行ない むンドを瞊暪無尜に移動したした ここはむンド北郚 ヒマラダの寒冷地です 実隓には普通のパ゜コンを䜿っおいたので 屋倖䜿甚に耐えるよう デザむンを工倫する必芁がありたした むンドは倚くの気候があり 寒かったり暑かったりしたす ここはむンド西郚 パキスタンずの囜境近くの砂挠です このあたりで撮圱した短いビデオをお芋せしたす 圌らが最初にしたこずは アルファベットを 勉匷できるりェブサむトを探すこずでした むンド䞭倮の枩暖で湿床の高い持村です 湿床は電子機噚の倧敵です たた電力事情も悪い為 ゚アコン無しで それを解決する必芁がありたした 解決策は 颚を適切な堎所に吹き぀けるこずで 機械を動かし続けるずいうこずでした 詳现は省きたすが あちこちで実隓を行いたした このカットも玠晎しいです 6歳の少幎が 姉に䜕が出来るか教えおいるのです コンピュヌタの呚りでは 小さな子䟛が幎䞊に教える光景がよく芋られたす これらの実隓から 6才から13才たでの子䟛がむンタヌネットで 自己孊習出来るこずが刀ったのです 枬定できたいかなる分野でも 自己孊習しおいたした 圌らはコンピュヌタにアクセス出来れば 自ら勉匷するのです 他の芁玠ずの盞関は芋出せたせんでしたが グルヌプが必芁でした 皆さんも興味を惹かれるでしょう グルヌプは皆の話題の䞭心です 実隓で瀺されたのは 倧人が介入しなければ発揮される 子䟛のグルヌプが持぀力です 結果を芋おみたしょう 詳しくは説明したせんが暙準的な統蚈手法を䜿うず 綺麗な孊習曲線が描けたした あなたが孊校で埗るものず同じです それ以䞊は蚀いたせん このグラフが党おを語っおいるからです 子䟛達が孊んだのは windowsの基本的な機胜やブラりゞング・お絵描き・チャット・メヌル ゲヌム・教材利甚・音楜のダりンロヌド・動画再生など 我々がするのず同じようなこずです 1台のPCに半幎觊れるこずができれば 300人以䞊の子䟛が これら党おを行えるようになるでしょう どのようにしたのでしょう 実䜿甚時間を蚈算するず 䞀日数分皋床だったのです それだけでPCが䜿えるようにはなりたせん 実際には 䞀人の子䟛が䜿甚しおいる間 倧䜓3人ほどの子䟛が呚りにいお どのようにするかアドバむスしおいたす 圌らをテストしたら 4人ずも同じ点数を取るでしょう 4人の呚りには16人ほどの子䟛のグルヌプがいたす 圌等は通垞コンピュヌタの動䜜を 間違えお教えたすが 圌等にテストするず党員合栌したす 子䟛達はPCに觊るだけでなく 芋るこずで孊ぶのです 倧人からするず 理解しづらいこずです でも考えおみお䞋さい 8歳の子䟛は い぀も「駄目!」ず蚀われおいたす りィスキヌボトルに觊っおは駄目! 8歳の子䟛は䜕をするでしょう 他の人がどのようにボトルを觊るのかを慎重に芳察したす そしおテストするず その話題に぀いお正しく答えるでしょう ずおも早く習埗出来るのです 6幎間で埗た結論ずは 初等教育たたはその䞀郚は 自然に発生するずいうこずです トップダりンである必芁はありたせん 自己孊習システムが出来るのです もう䞀぀お䌝えしたいのが 子䟛は自己孊習し 教育目暙を達成出来るずいうこずです 3぀目のピヌスは 䟡倀芳に぀いおです むンド党䜓で500人以䞊の子䟛にテストを行ないたした 䟡倀芳に関する68の質問をしお 簡単に意識調査を行ないたした 回答䟋は 「はい」「いいえ」「わかりたせん」です 「はい」ず「いいえ」が半分ず぀になった質問を抜き出したした 16問ありたした これらは「はい」が半分 「いいえ」も半分ですから 子䟛たちが混乱したのだず蚀えたす 䟋えば「時には嘘も必芁である」ずいった質問です 圌等はこの質問を刀断する方法がないのです 我々にも無いかもしれたせん だから皆さんの刀断にお任せしたす 技術は 䟡倀芳を倉曎できるか 最埌に 自己孊習システムに぀いおは 沢山お話したので これ以䞊蚀う必芁はありたせんが 自然は党お自己孊習です 銀河 分子 现胞 生物 瀟䌚 知性の生たれ方に぀いおは議論が分かれたすが 珟時点では 科孊的に考えお 自己孊習をするず蚀えたす 他の䟋ずしおは 亀通枋滞 株匏垂堎 瀟䌚や灜害埩旧 テロ 暎動などが挙げられたす むンタヌネットベヌスの自己孊習システムもご存知でしょう 私が䌝えたいのは4点です 遠隔性は教育品質に圱響を䞎えたす テクノロゞヌを掻甚した教育は遠隔地に最初に導入されるべきで 他の地域にはそれから普及させれば良いのです 䟡倀ずいうのは埗るものですが 教矩や信条は抌し぀けられるものです 盞反する構造です 孊習ずは ほずんどの堎合 自己孊習システムです これら4぀をたずめあげるず テクノロゞヌを掻甚した教育にゎヌルずビゞョンを䞎えおくれたす テクノロゞヌを掻甚した教育ずは 電子化され自動化され 障害に匷く 人を䟵害せず ぀ながりを持った自己孊習のこずです 教育者はこれたで 技術を求めたこずはありたせんでした PowerPointは偉倧な教育ツヌルずされおいたすが 「教育に」でなく「黒板プレれンテヌションに」です ビデオ䌚議やパ゜コン自䜓も借り物の技術です 教育者が技術の仕様を定矩すべき時なのです これたでに説明したような仕様です その仕様を元に 遠隔性や䟡倀芳 暎力に察応できる 技術を生み出すべきなのです それを「脱教矩化」ず呌ぶこずにしたしょう 将来 技術を掻甚した教育の到達点になるでしょう これで終わりたいずおもいたす ありがずう
In order to do that in 20 minutes, I have to bring out four ideas -- it's like four pieces of a puzzle. And if I succeed in doing that, maybe you would go back with the thought that you could build on, and perhaps help me do my work. The first piece of the puzzle is remoteness and the quality of education. Now, by remoteness, I mean two or three different kinds of things. Of course, remoteness in its normal sense, which means that as you go further and further away from an urban center, you get to remoter areas. What happens to education? The second, or a different kind of remoteness is that within the large metropolitan areas all over the world, you have pockets, like slums, or shantytowns, or poorer areas, which are socially and economically remote from the rest of the city, so it's us and them. What happens to education in that context? So keep both of those ideas of remoteness. We made a guess. The guess was that schools in remote areas do not have good enough teachers. If they do have, they cannot retain those teachers. They do not have good enough infrastructure. And if they had some infrastructure, they have difficulty maintaining it. But I wanted to check if this is true. So what I did last year was we hired a car, looked up on Google, found a route into northern India from New Delhi which, you know, which did not cross any big cities or any big metropolitan centers. Drove out about 300 kilometers, and wherever we found a school, administered a set of standard tests, and then took those test results and plotted them on a graph. The graph was interesting, although you need to consider it carefully. I mean, this is a very small sample; you should not generalize from it. But it was quite obvious, quite clear, that for this particular route that I had taken, the remoter the school was, the worse its results seemed to be. That seemed a little damning, and I tried to correlate it with things like infrastructure, or with the availability of electricity, and things like that. To my surprise, it did not correlate. It did not correlate with the size of classrooms. It did not correlate with the quality of the infrastructure. It did not correlate with the poverty levels. It did not correlate. to each of these schools, with one single question for the teachers -- which was, "Would you like to move to an urban, metropolitan area?" -- 69 percent of them said yes. And as you can see from that, they say yes just a little bit out of Delhi, and they say no when you hit the rich suburbs of Delhi -- because, you know, those are relatively better off areas -- and then from 200 kilometers out of Delhi, the answer is consistently yes. I would imagine that a teacher who comes or walks into class every day thinking that, I wish I was in some other school, probably has a deep impact on what happens to the results. So it looked as though teacher motivation and teacher migration was a powerfully correlated thing with what was happening in primary schools, as opposed to whether the children have enough to eat, and whether they are packed tightly into classrooms and that sort of thing. It appears that way. When you take education and technology, then I find in the literature that, you know, things like websites, collaborative environments -- you've been listening to all that in the morning -- it's always piloted first in the best schools, the best urban schools, and, according to me, biases the result. The literature -- one part of it, the scientific literature -- consistently blames ET as being over-hyped and under-performing. The teachers always say, well, it's fine, but it's too expensive for what it does. Because it's being piloted in a school where the students are already getting, let's say, 80 percent of whatever they could do. You put in this new super-duper technology, and now they get 83 percent. So the principal looks at it and says, 3 percent for 300,000 dollars? Forget it. If you took the same technology and piloted it into one of those remote schools, where the score was 30 percent, and, let's say, took that up to 40 percent -- that will be a completely different thing. So the relative change that ET, Educational Technology, would make, would be far greater at the bottom of the pyramid than at the top, but we seem to be doing it the other way about. So I came to this conclusion that ET should reach the underprivileged first, not the other way about. And finally came the question of, how do you tackle teacher perception? Whenever you go to a teacher and show them some technology, the teacher's first reaction is, you cannot replace a teacher with a machine -- it's impossible. I don't know why it's impossible, but, even for a moment, if you did assume that it's impossible -- I have a quotation from Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the science fiction writer whom I met in Colombo, and he said something which completely solves this problem. He said a teacher than can be replaced by a machine, should be. So, you know, it puts the teacher into a tough bind, you have to think. Anyway, so I'm proposing that an alternative primary education, whatever alternative you want, is required where schools don't exist, where schools are not good enough, where teachers are not available or where teachers are not good enough, for whatever reason. If you happen to live in a part of the world where none of this applies, then you don't need an alternative education. So far I haven't come across such an area, except for one case. I won't name the area, because we have perfect teachers and perfect schools. There are such areas, but -- anyway, I'd never heard that anywhere else. I'm going to talk about children and self-organization, and a set of experiments which sort of led to this idea of what might an alternative education be like. They're called the hole-in-the-wall experiments. I'll have to really rush through this. They're a set of experiments. The first one was done in New Delhi in 1999. And what we did over there was pretty much simple. I had an office in those days which bordered a slum, an urban slum, so there was a dividing wall between our office and the urban slum. They cut a hole inside that wall -- which is how it has got the name hole-in-the-wall -- and put a pretty powerful PC into that hole, sort of embedded into the wall so that its monitor was sticking out at the other end, a touchpad similarly embedded into the wall, put it on high-speed Internet, put the Internet Explorer there, put it on -- in those days -- and just left it there. And this is what we saw. So that was my office in IIT. Here's the hole-in-the-wall. About eight hours later, we found this kid. To the right is this eight-year-old child who -- and to his left is a six-year-old girl, who is not very tall. And what he was doing was, he was teaching her to browse. So it sort of raised more questions than it answered. Is this real? Does the language matter, because he's not supposed to know English? Will the computer last, or will they break it and steal it -- and did anyone teach them? The last question is what everybody said, but you know, I mean, they must have poked their head over the wall and asked the people in your office, can you show me how to do it, and then somebody taught him. So I took the experiment out of Delhi and repeated it, this time in a city called Shivpuri in the center of India, where I was assured that nobody had ever taught anybody anything. So it was a warm day, and the hole in the wall was on that decrepit old building. This is the first kid who came there; he later on turned out to be a 13-year-old school dropout. He came there and he started to fiddle around with the touchpad. Very quickly, he noticed that when he moves his finger on the touchpad something moves on the screen -- and later on he told me, "I have never seen a television where you can do something." So he figured that out. It took him over two minutes to figure out that he was doing things to the television. And then, as he was doing that, he made an accidental click by hitting the touchpad -- you'll see him do that. He did that, and the Internet Explorer changed page. Eight minutes later, he looked from his hand to the screen, and he was browsing: he was going back and forth. When that happened, he started calling all the neighborhood children, like, children would come and see what's happening over here. And by the evening of that day, 70 children were all browsing. So eight minutes and an embedded computer So we thought that this is what was happening: that children in groups can self-instruct themselves to use a computer and the Internet. But under what circumstances? At this time there was a -- the main question was about English. People said, you know, you really ought to have this in Indian languages. So I said, have what, shall I translate the Internet into some Indian language? That's not possible. So, it has to be the other way about. But let's see, how do the children tackle the English language? I took the experiment out to northeastern India, to a village called Madantusi, where, for some reason, there was no English teacher, so the children had not learned English at all. And I built a similar hole-in-the-wall. One big difference in the villages, as opposed to the urban slums: there were more girls than boys who came to the kiosk. In the urban slums, the girls tend to stay away. I left the computer there with lots of CDs -- I didn't have any Internet -- and came back three months later. So when I came back there, I found these two kids, eight- and 12-year-olds, who were playing a game on the computer. And as soon as they saw me they said, "We need a faster processor and a better mouse." I was real surprised. You know, how on earth did they know all this? And they said, "Well, we've picked it up from the CDs." So I said, "But how did you understand what's going on over there?" So they said, "Well, you've left this machine which talks only in English, so we had to learn English." So then I measured, and they were using 200 English words with each other -- mispronounced, but correct usage -- words like exit, stop, find, save, that kind of thing, not only to do with the computer but in their day-to-day conversations. So, Madantusi seemed to show that language is not a barrier; in fact they may be able to teach themselves the language Finally, I got some funding to try this experiment out to see if these results are replicable, if they happen everywhere else. India is a good place to do such an experiment in, because we have all the ethnic diversities, all the -- you know, the genetic diversity, all the racial diversities, and also all the socio-economic diversities. So, I could actually choose samples to cover a cross section that would cover practically the whole world. So I did this for almost five years, and this experiment really took us all the way across the length and breadth of India. This is the Himalayas. Up in the north, very cold. I also had to check or invent an engineering design which would survive outdoors, and I was using regular, normal PCs, so I needed different climates, for which India is also great, because we have very cold, very hot, and so on. This is the desert to the west. Near the Pakistan border. And you see here a little clip of -- one of these villages -- the first thing that these children did was to find a website to teach themselves the English alphabet. Then to central India -- very warm, moist, fishing villages, where humidity is a very big killer of electronics. So we had to solve all the problems we had without air conditioning and with very poor power, so most of the solutions that came out used little blasts of air put at the right places to keep the machines running. I want to just cut this short. We did this over and over again. This sequence is also nice. This is a small child, a six-year-old, telling his eldest sister what to do. And this happens very often with these computers, that the younger children are found teaching the older ones. What did we find? We found that six- to 13-year-olds can self-instruct in a connected environment, irrespective of anything that we could measure. So if they have access to the computer, they will teach themselves, including intelligence. I couldn't find a single correlation with anything, but it had to be in groups. And that may be of great, you know, interest to this group, because all of you are talking about groups. So here was the power of what a group of children can do, if you lift the adult intervention. Just a quick idea of the measurements. We took standard statistical techniques, so I'm going to not talk about that. But we got a clean learning curve, almost exactly the same as what you would get in a school. I'll leave it at that, because, I mean, it sort of says it all, doesn't it? What could they learn to do? Basic Windows functions, browsing, painting, chatting and email, games and educational material, music downloads, playing video. In short, what all of us do. And over 300 children will become computer literate and be able to do all of these things in six months with one computer. So, how do they do that? If you calculated the actual time of access, it would work out to minutes per day, so that's not how it's happening. What you have, actually, is there is one child operating the computer. And surrounding him are usually three other children, who are advising him on what they should do. If you test them, all four will get the same scores in whatever you ask them. Around these four are usually a group of about 16 children, who are also advising, usually wrongly, about everything that's going on on the computer. And all of them also will clear a test given on that subject. So they are learning as much by watching as they learn by doing. It seems counter-intuitive to adult learning, but remember, eight-year-olds live in a society where most of the time they are told, don't do this, you know, don't touch the whiskey bottle. So what does the eight-year-old do? He observes very carefully how a whiskey bottle should be touched. And if you tested him, he would answer every question correctly on that topic. So, they seem to be able to acquire very quickly. So what was the conclusion over the six years of work? It was that primary education can happen on its own, or parts of it can happen on its own. It does not have to be imposed from the top downwards. It could perhaps be a self-organizing system, so that was the second bit that I wanted to tell you, that children can self-organize and attain an educational objective. The third piece was on values, and again, to put it very briefly, I conducted a test over 500 children spread across all over India, and asked them -- I gave them about 68 different values-oriented questions and simply asked them their opinions. We got all sorts of opinions. Yes, no or I don't know. I simply took those questions where I got 50 percent yeses and 50 percent noes -- so I was able to get a collection of 16 such statements. These were areas where the children were clearly confused, because half said yes and half said no. A typical example being, "Sometimes it is necessary to tell lies." They don't have a way to determine which way to answer this question; perhaps none of us do. So I leave you with this third question. Can technology alter the acquisition of values? Finally, self-organizing systems, about which, again, I won't say too much because you've been hearing all about it. Natural systems are all self-organizing: galaxies, molecules, cells, organisms, societies -- except for the debate about an intelligent designer. But at this point in time, as far as science goes, it's self-organization. But other examples are traffic jams, stock market, society and disaster recovery, terrorism and insurgency. And you know about the Internet-based self-organizing systems. So here are my four sentences then. Remoteness affects the quality of education. Educational technology should be introduced into remote areas first, and other areas later. Values are acquired; doctrine and dogma are imposed -- the two opposing mechanisms. And learning is most likely a self-organizing system. If you put all the four together, then it gives -- according to me -- it gives us a goal, a vision, for educational technology. An educational technology and pedagogy that is digital, automatic, fault-tolerant, minimally invasive, connected and self-organized. As educationists, we have never asked for technology; we keep borrowing it. PowerPoint is supposed to be considered a great educational technology, but it was not meant for education, it was meant for making boardroom presentations. We borrowed it. Video conferencing. The personal computer itself. I think it's time that the educationists made their own specs, and I have such a set of specs. This is a brief look at that. And such a set of specs should produce the technology to address remoteness, values and violence. So I thought I'd give it a name -- why don't we call it "outdoctrination." And could this be a goal for educational technology in the future? So I want to leave that as a thought with you. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
この女性䜕を蚀っおいるのかしら。 それをゞルは党身で抌さえ぀けおいる。 「痛い痛い痛い痛い痛い」 ああ、もう本圓にうるさいわ。 「あなたは銬鹿なの?」 ただ自分が䜕を蚀われたのか理解しおいないみたいだ。 「私は貎方の足は取ったけど、脳みそたでは取っおいないわよ」 呻き声はもう䞊げなくお倧䞈倫なのかしら。 やっぱり人っお衝撃的な事を蚀われるず痛みも忘れおしたうのかしら。 ゞルが圌女を抌さえ぀けおいた手を緩める。 「あら、もう声を䞊げなくお倧䞈倫なの? 痛くないの?」 「痛いに決たっおいるじゃない。痛いわよ。足が無くなったのよ?」 圌女は自分の足を芋ながらそう蚀った。 だから、病気になっおも治す方法が分からないのよ。りむルスがどんどん広がっお最悪な状況になっおいくんだわ。 「ねぇ、貎方名前は? 私はアリシア」 「......レベッカ」 「レベッカ、もし貎方の足が切断されなかったら貎方は死んでいたかもしれないのよ」 「え? ......死んで?」 「貎方の足は壊死......、现胞が死んでいたの。人によっお進行速床は違うから䞀抂には蚀えないのだけど、それを攟眮しおいたら、壊死した郚分が広がっお貎方はもしかしたら死んでいたかもしれないずいう事よ」 「私の肌が......」 圌女は噎氎の䞭の氎に自分の顔を映した。 そうだわ、私、圌女の肌も綺麗にしたんだわ。 結構私、圌女に尜くしおいるんじゃない? 「ありが......」 「お瀌なんかおっしゃらなくおよろしくおよ?」 圌女は目を䞞くしお私を芋た。 ゞルも暪で目を䞞くしながら私を芋おいる。 私を善人ず勘違いしおもらっおは困るわ。 悪女は自分の利益の為に動くのよ。察䟡をもらわないず。 「私がただの善意で人を助ける事なんおないのよ」 聖女だっおきっずただの善意で人を助ける事なんおないのよ。 良い人、芪切な人でいたい、なりたい、そんな気持ちが必ずあるのよ。 それでもし嫌な事をされたら必ず心のどこかで思うはずなのよ、私は貎方にあんなに尜くしたのに、芪切にしたのにっお。 察䟡が支払われなかったらそんな気持ちになるのよ。それはもしかしたら有難迷惑かもしれないのに。 友達がいないから私は仲良くしおあげるっおよくヒロむンは蚀うけれど、その子は䞀人が奜きなのかもしれないのよ。 私は人間なんお基本停善者だっお思うタむプの人間よ。そしお、瀟䌚でそれを隠しおいるか、衚に晒しおいるか。ただそれだけの事だわ。 「レベッカ、貎方には私に察䟡を支払っお貰うわよ」
Give it back? What nonsense is she spouting? “Give it back to me!” the woman screeches again as she thrashes about violently. She almost succeeds in throwing Gilles off of her, but he somehow manages to hold on. He’s barely keeping her in one place using the full force of his body weight. “Agh! Agh! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!” Ugh, she’s so annoying. Her voice is grating on my ears. “Are you an idiot?” I ask and the woman turns her tear-filled eyes towards me. Her eyes seem glazed over. I wonder if she even understands what she’s saying. “I may have taken your leg, but I haven’t done a thing to your brain.” She freezes and stares at me. Ah, thank goodness. That incessant wailing finally stopped. I guess the trick to making someone forget their pain is to say something shockingly coldhearted to them. I’ll have to remember that. And since she’s quieted down, does that mean that everything’s fine now? I notice that Gilles let his grip on her loosen a fraction. He must be thinking that things have calmed down as well. “You’ve stopped yelling, does that mean you’re okay now? It doesn’t hurt?” I ask her, letting a tiny smirk pull at the corners of my lips. “Of course it hurts. I’m in unimaginable pain. My leg is literally gone, you know?” “You stole my leg......” she says while gazing at her lost limb lying on the ground. .....Ah, so that’s how it is. It’s not that she’s an idiot, she just doesn’t understand the consequences of leaving necrosis unchecked. And how would she know? The educational opportunities for the people in this village are severely lacking. There’s no way that someone born here could know how to deal with this sort of disease, let alone realize that if the virus is allowed to spread that you’d not only lose your limb but likely your life as well. “Hey, what’s your name? I’m Alicia.” “......Rebecca,” she spits out through gritted teeth, her face contorted in pain. “Rebecca, if I hadn’t removed your leg then you likely would have died.” “....Died?” “Necrosis had already set in...... The cells in your leg were completely dead. And while the speed at which those dead cells would have spread and infected other parts of your body varies from person to person, it’s a fact that the disease would have progressed. Over time, you’d be left with even more dead spots and in the end, you most likely would have died from it.” Lost in thought, she looks down and notices her reflection in the water of the fountain. “My skin.... It’s....” That’s right, my spell even made her skin look healthy and beautiful again. I’ve really outdone myself. I’ve performed quite the service for her. “Thank–“ “There’s no need to thank me.” Eyes widening, Rebecca whips her head back to look at me. Gilles, too, is staring at me with wide open eyes. I’ll be troubled if you mistake me as a good person just because of a line like that, you know. I’m just stating the facts. Since a villainess only moves for the sake of her own profit, what use do I have for measly words of gratitude? Obviously, I need to receive proper compensation for all of my efforts. “I’m not some good Samaritan who just helps people out of the goodness of her heart. My services aren’t free.” Even a saintess wouldn’t save people merely out of good will. She gladly receives compensation in the form of gaining the good opinion of those around her. ‘I want to be a good person.’ ‘I want to be kind.’ She definitely has those sorts of thoughts running through her head. And, if you were to do or say something bad to her despite her being so good to you, then deep, deep down she’ll censure you. A tiny corner of her heart will be thinking, ‘But I did so much for you.... But I was always so nice to you....’ And even if you don’t do anything bad, if you don’t repay the favor somehow, then she’ll still start having such thoughts. She’ll fabricate these misguided notions that you weren’t thankful for what she did for you. And the best part? You never asked for any of it. Those so-called ‘good deeds’ she did for you were unwanted and unnecessary in the first place. For instance, you see this a lot, but heroines just love going around and offering to be friends with people who are by themselves.... But consider this. Maybe that person is alone because they want to be. Maybe they like being alone. They’re all such hypocrites. And not just the heroine. Everyone. All human beings. The only difference is that most people hide that fact away in the deepest recesses of their heart while a select few actually own up to it. “Rebecca, I’ll definitely have you pay me back for this.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
こんな無邪気なうたた寝で やり過ごしながら こんな無邪気な うたた寝で 説明しなければなりたせんね 私はこの6幎間 子䟛向けの詩を 音楜に取り入れおいたす これはチャヌルズ・゚ドワヌド・キャリルの詩で 圌はニュヌペヌク・シティで トレヌダヌずしお 45幎間 働いおいたしたが 倜には 自分の子䟛たちのために 䞍思議なお話を曞いおいたした この本はアメリカで 箄35幎間 もっずも有名な本のひず぀でした 先皋 歌った『眠れる巚人』は 圌の詩のひず぀です さお 今床は 他の詩を歌いたいず思いたす 他の詩人をご玹介しおおきたしょう こちらは レむチェル・フィヌルド ロバヌト・グレむブス 若かりし頃の圌の姿です クリスティヌナ・ロれッティ 幜霊たちだずお思いでしょう? 私たちに蚎えるずころのない― すたれお― 忘れられた― それが そうでもないんですよ 私がこのプロゞェクトを愉しんでいるのは こうした人々の蚀葉を よみがえらせるこずです 圌らを死んだ平板なペヌゞから 取り䞊げるこず― よみがえらせ 光を圓おるこずです それでは 次に ナタリア・クレむンの曞いた詩を 挔奏したいず思いたす ナタリア・クレむンはブルックリン出身の 女の子でした 1927幎には 10歳で 圌女は初めおの詩集 『門番の息子』を出版したした これが圌女です そしおこちらが圌女の詩です ああ 私は 門番の息子に恋をしおいる 門番の息子は 私に恋しおいる ああ 私は 門番の息子に恋をしおいる 門番の息子は 私に恋しおいる 圌は 私たちの近くに 無人島を探しに行こうずしおいる かぐわしい朚々のある 無人島を シヌプシェッド湟のどこかにある 2人にちょうどいい ぎったりで玠敵な堎所 い぀でも2人で䜏める堎所 ああ 私は 門番の息子に恋をしおいる 門番の息子は ずっおもいそがしい 地䞋では 圌は叀い長いすで いかだを䜜っおいるの 圌は私を連れ去っおくれる わかっおいるわ だっお 圌の髪はずっおも赀いんだもの そしお 私が 考えおいるのは ベッドの䞭では お行儀良く震えなくおはずいうこず 私たちが挕ぎ出す その日には 短い眮き手玙をするわ 䞡芪が困るずいけないから 「私は入り江にある 島ぞず逃げるわ 赀毛の 門番の息子ず」 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 私は船で旅に出るの シヌプシェッド湟ぞ行くの 門番の赀毛の息子ず 叀い長いすに乗っお 私の赀毛の圌ず2人で 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 門番の赀毛の息子 次の詩はE.E.カミングスのもので 『マギヌずミリヌずモリヌずメむ』です マギヌずミリヌ モリヌずメむ ある日 1日 砂浜ぞ 遊びに行った マギヌは歌う貝がらを 芋぀けた ずおも甘い歌声で 悩みなんか忘れおしたった マギヌずミリヌ モリヌずメむ マギヌずミリヌ モリヌずメむ ミリヌは ひずり取り残されお 星のようなヒトデず友達になった その光は その光ずいったら 元気のなくなったヒトデの星の 5぀の指は マギヌずミリヌ モリヌずメむ マギヌずミリヌ モリヌずメむ モリヌは恐ろしいものに 远いかけられた 歩道をうなりながら 駆けおいくものに うなりながら うなりながら メむは すべすべした 䞞い石を持ち垰った 䞖界ず同じくらい小さくお 1人がっちず同じくらい倧きい あなたや私を 倱ったずしおも い぀でも海で 芋぀けるのは 私たち自身 ありがずう 次の詩は 『誰も私ず結婚しおくれなかったら』 これはロヌレンス・アルマ=タデマのものです 圌女はむギリスで名を䞊げた ずおもずおも有名な オランダ人画家の嚘でした 画家は劻を氎疱瘡で亡くしおから むギリスぞ枡り 2人の幌い子䟛を育おたした その1人が 嚘のロヌレンスでした 圌女は18歳の頃 この詩を 曞きたした 1888幎のこずです 私にずっおは ずおもかわいらしい フェミニストの宣蚀曞のように芋えたす 少しばかりの挑戊的な態床ず 少しのあきらめず埌悔がにじんでいたす もし 誰も私ず結婚しおくれなかったら だっお 結婚しおくれる理由も わからないもの 乳母は蚀うの 私はかわいくないっお それに あたりいい子じゃない あたりいい子じゃないっお もし 誰も私ず結婚しおくれなくおも 私は 別にいいわ かごに入ったリスず 小さなりサギ小屋を買うの もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら 林のそばの小屋ず 私だけのポニヌを手に入れるわ 街を連れお歩ける 枅朔でおずなしい小さな仔矊も そしお 本圓に倧きくなったら 28か29になったら 小さな孀児の女の子を買うわ 私の子䟛ずしお育おるの もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら ええ もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら 結婚しおくれなかったら ええ もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら 結婚しおくれなかったら ええ もし 誰も結婚しおくれなかったら ありがずう ありがずう 6幎間取り組んでから これらの詩人に぀いお ずおも興味がわき 圌らの人生に぀いお調べ始めたした そしお そのこずに぀いお 本を曞くこずにしたした アルマ=タデマに぀いお ずっずくすぶっおいた疑問は 圌女は結婚したのだろうか ずいうこずです その答えは いいえでした ロンドン・タむムズ玙の蚘録からわかりたした 圌女は1940幎に 独身のたた 数々の本や近しい友人たちに 囲たれお 亡くなりたした ゞェラルド・マンレむ・ホプキンスは 敬虔な人でした 圌はむ゚ズス䌚士になりたした アングリカン教䌚から宗旚替えしたのです 圌はトラクト運動 たたは オックスフォヌド運動に 心を動かされ む゚ズス䌚の僧䟶ずなったのです 圌は24歳の時に 詩をすべお 焌き払っおしたい その埌 7幎間は 詩を曞きたせんでした それずいうのも 詩人ずしおの生掻ず 僧䟶ずしおの生掻ず 䞡立できなかったからです 圌は腞チフスにより 44歳で亡くなりたした 確か 43か44歳です 圓時 圌はダブリンの トリニティヌ・カレッゞで叀兞孊を 教えおいたした 亡くなる数幎前に 詩䜜を秘密裏に 再開しおから 圌は友人に宛おた手玙で こう打ち明けおいたす 私は調べる䞭で芋぀けたのですが 「僕はある詩を曞いた 子䟛に死に぀いお 説明するための詩なんだが― 単旋埋のメロディを぀けたらいいず思う」 これを読んで 私は凍り぀きたした この手玙が曞かれた130幎埌に 私は実際に単旋埋のメロディ を぀けおいたからです 詩の題名は『春ず秋』ず蚀いたす マヌガレット 君は悲しんでいるの 黄金の朚立が 少しず぀ 葉を萜ずしおいくのを 葉は 人のものず 同じように 生き生きずした考えで 倧切にするものだよ けれど 心が幎老いるに぀れお だんだんず 冷たいものになりゆく 少しず぀ ため息ももらさずに 衰えた朚々ず 朜ちた葉の暪たわる䞖界 それでも君は涙を流し その理由を知るだろう 倧䞈倫だよ その名前 悲しみの春もたた同じ たた同じ 口も頭も 蚀い衚したこずはないんだ― 心が聞いたものを 幜霊が知っおいるこずを 人間は その暗い圱の もずに生たれたんだ そのために マヌガレット 君は匔うのだ どうもありがずう みなさんにお瀌を申し䞊げたす 科孊者 哲孊者 建築家 発明家 生物孊者 怍物孊者 芞術家... この1週間 私を圧倒したみなさん ありがずうございたした オヌ ラララララララ ラララ... ラララララ ラララララ ラララララララ ラララララララララ あなたはずおも芪切で 寛倧でした 人に䞎え続けるあなた あなたの芪切に 恩を感じおいたす 無欲なあなたを 尊敬したす あなたがしおくれたこず党おに 私は負うおいたす あなたにお瀌を蚀わなくおは ラララララララ ラララ... ラララララ ララララララ ラララララララ ララララララララ そしお あなたはずおも芪切で... ちょっず興奮を抌さえたしょうか ほんの少し ほんの少し 抑えたしょう 今は私の話す番ですから ただ2分残っおいたす オヌケヌ この詞をもう1床 繰り返したすよ あなたはずおも芪切で... これは革新的だず思いたせん? 芳客を萜ち着かせるなんお 私は芳客を盛り䞊げなきゃいけないのに 私ずきたら 「もういいわ しヌっ」だもの あなたはずおも芪切で... この歌をビル・ゲむツに捧げようかしら 圌をずおも尊敬しおいるもの あなたはずおも芪切で 寛倧でした 人に䞎え続けるあなた あなたの芪切に 恩を感じおいたす あなたなしでは ここたで来られなかった あなたがしおくれたこず党おに 私は負うおいたす あなたにお瀌を蚀わなくおは ララララララララ ララララララララ ラララララ ララララララ ラララララララ ララララララララ ラララララ たくさんの莈り物に お瀌を蚀いたい 優しい愛情でもっお䞎えおくれお ありがずう あなたの寛倧さに お瀌を蚀いたい 愛情ず誠実さにも あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい 感謝の気持ちを衚したい 私の愛情ず尊敬を あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう そうだ どうやっお手拍子をしたらいいか 教えおあげたしょう あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう ありがずう あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう この方がいいでしょう? あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい Ooh hoo Ooh hoo Ooh hoo Ooh hoo 音量を萜ずしたしょう デクレッシェンドしお 少しず぀ 匱くしお 匱くしお あなたにお瀌が蚀いたい ありがずう 指を鳎らしお ただ終わらない どうもありがずう
I've been working on a project for the last six years adapting children's poetry to music. And that's a poem by Charles Edward Carryl, who was a stockbroker in New York City for 45 years, but in the evenings, he wrote nonsense for his children. And this book was one of the most famous books in America for about 35 years. "The Sleepy Giant," which is the song that I just sang, is one of his poems. Now, we're going to do other poems for you, and here's a preview of some of the poets. This is Rachel Field, Robert Graves -- a very young Robert Graves -- Christina Rossetti. Ghosts, right? Have nothing to say to us, obsolete, gone -- not so. What I really enjoyed about this project is reviving these people's words. Taking them off the dead, flat pages. Bringing them to life, bringing them to light. So, what we're going to do next is a poem that was written by Nathalia Crane. Nathalia Crane was a little girl from Brooklyn. When she was 10 years old in 1927, she published her first book of poems called "The Janitor's Boy." Here she is. And here's her poem. ♫ Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ♫ ♫ And the janitor's boy is in love with me. ♫ ♫ Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ♫ ♫ And the janitor's boy is in love with me. ♫ ♫ In our geography. ♫ ♫ A desert isle with spicy trees ♫ ♫ Somewhere in Sheepshead Bay; ♫ ♫ A right nice place, just fit for two ♫ ♫ Where we can live always. ♫ ♫ Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ♫ ♫ And the janitor's boy, ♫ he's busy as can be; ♫ ♫ Down in the cellar he's making a raft ♫ ♫ Out of an old settee. ♫ ♫ He'll carry me off, I know that he will, ♫ ♫ For his hair is exceedingly red; ♫ ♫ And the only thing that occurs to me ♫ ♫ Is to dutifully shiver in bed. ♫ ♫ And on the day that we sail, I will leave a little note ♫ ♫ For my parents I hate to annoy: ♫ ♫ "I have flown to an island in the bay ♫ ♫ With my janitor's ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ I'm going to sail away ♫ ♫ Gone to Sheepshead Bay ♫ ♫ With my janitor's red-haired boy. ♫ ♫ On an old settee ♫ ♫ My red-haired boy and me ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy. ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ ♫ The janitor's red-haired boy ♫ The next poem is by E.E. Cummings, "Maggie and Milly and Molly and May." ♫ Maggie and Milly, Molly and May ♫ ♫ They went down to the beach one day to play ♫ ♫ And Maggie discovered a shell that sang ♫ ♫ So sweetly she couldn't remember ♫ Maggie and Milly, Molly and May ♫ ♫ Maggie and Milly, Molly and May ♫ ♫ Milly befriended a stranded star ♫ ♫ Whose rays, whose rays ♫ ♫ Five languid fingers ♫ Maggie and Milly, Molly and May ♫ ♫ Maggie and Milly, Molly and May ♫ ♫ Molly was chased by a horrible thing ♫ ♫ Which raced sideways blowing ♫ ♫ Blowing ♫ ♫ Blowing ♫ ♫ May came home with a smooth, round stone ♫ ♫ Small as a world and as large as alone ♫ ♫ For whatever we lose like a you or a me ♫ ♫ Always ourselves that we find at the sea ♫ Thank you. The next poem is "If No One Ever Marries Me." It was written by Laurence Alma-Tadema. She was the daughter of a very, very famous Dutch painter who had made his fame in England. He went there after the death of his wife of smallpox and brought his two young children. One was his daughter, Laurence. She wrote this poem when she was 18 years old in 1888, and I look at it as kind of a very sweet feminist manifesto tinged with a little bit of defiance and a little bit of resignation and regret. ♫ Well, if no one ever marries me ♫ ♫ And I don't see why they should, ♫ ♫ Nurse says I'm not pretty, ♫ ♫ And you know I'm seldom good, seldom good -- ♫ ♫ Well, if no one ever marries me ♫ ♫ I shan't mind very much; ♫ ♫ Buy a squirrel in a cage ♫ ♫ And a little rabbit-hutch. ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ I'll have a cottage near a wood ♫ ♫ And a pony all my own ♫ ♫ A little lamb quite clean and tame ♫ ♫ And when I'm really getting old -- ♫ ♫ And 28 or nine -- ♫ ♫ Buy myself a little orphan girl ♫ ♫ And bring her up as mine. ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ If no one marries me ♫ ♫ Well, if no one marries me ♫ ♫ Marries me ♫ ♫ Well, if no one marries me ♫ ♫ Marries me ♫ ♫ Well, if no one marries me ♫ Thank you. Thank you. I became very curious about the poets after spending six years with them, and started to research their lives, and then decided to write a book about it. And the burning question about Alma-Tadema was: Did she marry? And the answer was no, which I found in the London Times archive. She died alone in 1940 in the company of her books and her dear friends. Gerard Manley Hopkins, a saintly man. He became a Jesuit. He converted from his Anglican faith. He was moved to by the Tractarian Movement, the Oxford Movement, otherwise known as -- and he became a Jesuit priest. He burned all his poetry at the age of 24 and then did not write another poem for at least seven years because he couldn't rectify the life of a poet with the life of a priest. He died typhoid fever at the age of 44, I believe, 43 or 44. At the time, he was teaching classics at Trinity College in Dublin. A few years before he died, after he had resumed writing poetry, but in secret, he confessed to a friend in a letter that I found when I was doing my research: "I've written a verse. It is to explain death to a child, and it deserves a piece of plain-song music." And my blood froze when I read that because I had written the plain-song music 130 years after he'd written the letter. And the poem is called, "Spring and Fall." ♫ Margaret, are you grieving ♫ ♫ Over Goldengrove unleaving, by and by? ♫ ♫ Leaves, like the things of man, you ♫ ♫ With your fresh thoughts care for, ♫ But as the heart grows older ♫ ♫ It will come to such sights much colder ♫ ♫ By and by, nor spare a sigh ♫ ♫ Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; ♫ ♫ And yet you will weep and you'll know why. ♫ ♫ No matter child, the name: ♫ ♫ Sorrow's springs are all the same ♫ ♫ They're all the same. ♫ ♫ Nor mouth had nor no mind expressed ♫ ♫ What heart heard of, ghost had guessed: ♫ ♫ It's the blight man was born for, ♫ ♫ It is Margaret that you mourn for ♫ Thank you so much. I'd like to thank everybody, all the scientists, the philosophers, the architects, the inventors, the biologists, the botanists, the artists ... everyone that blew my mind this week. Thank you. ♫ Oh, a li la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la la la la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la la la la ♫ ♫ La la la li la la la la la ♫ ♫ You've been so kind and generous ♫ ♫ I don't know how you keep on giving. ♫ ♫ And for your kindness, I'm in debt to you. ♫ ♫ And for your selflessness, my admiration. ♫ ♫ And for everything you've done, you know I'm bound; ♫ ♫ I'm bound to thank for it ♫ ♫ La li la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la la ♫ ♫ La li la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la li la la ♫ ♫ And you ♫ ♫ Now you've been so kind and ... ♫ Curb the enthusiasm, just a little bit. Just bring it down a little. It's my turn. I still have two minutes. Okay, we're going to start that verse again. ♫ Well, you've been so ... ♫ That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy, and I, "That's enough. Sh." ♫ Now, you've been kind and ... ♫ I'm going to sing this to Bill Gates. I have so much admiration for him. ♫ Now, you've been so kind and generous, ♫ ♫ I don't know how you keep on giving. ♫ ♫ And for your kindness I'm in debt to you. ♫ ♫ And I never could have come this far without you. ♫ ♫ So for everything you've done, you know I'm bound ♫ ♫ I'm bound to thank you for it ♫ ♫ La li la la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la li la li la la la ♫ ♫ La li la la la ♫ ♫ Oh, I want to thank you for so many gifts ♫ ♫ You gave in love with tenderness ♫ ♫ Thank you ♫ ♫ I want to thank you for your generosity ♫ ♫ the love and the honesty that you gave me ♫ ♫ I want to thank you show my gratitude, ♫ My love and my respect for you ♫ ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ You know what? I'll show you how to clap to this song. ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ Thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ It works better, right? ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ ♫ I want to thank you ♫ ♫ Ooh hoo ♫ ♫ Ooh hoo ♫ ♫ Ooh hoo ♫ ♫ Ooh hoo ♫ Let's bring it down. Gradually, bringing it down, bringing it down. ♫ I want to thank you, thank you ♫ Finger popping, ain't no stopping. Thank you so much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ご無事でしたかお嬢様?肝心な時に居なくお申し蚳ございたせん。」 むチコがリョりにかけられた札ず手錠を倖し぀぀頭を䞋げる。 「別に構わないわよ。今の貎方は私の護衛ではないのだから。」 リョりは枷を解かれた䞡腕の様子を確認し぀぀、むチコに声をかける。 「私の姿を芋おも驚かないのですね。」 「あれだけの隒ぎがあったのよ。それならその姿にも玍埗するわ。」 むチコはリョりの手を匕いお立ち䞊がらせる。 「むチコ。貎方にいく぀か質問がありたすの。」 「䜕なりず。リョりお嬢様。」 は倚少の距離をずっお盞察する。それは今たでありえなかった光景でもある。 「貎方が䜕故クロキリのスキル≪魔性創生≫を䜿えるの?」 「≪䞻は我を道に力を行䜿す≫ずいうスキルがあり、そのスキルの効果です。」 「習埗理由は?」 「むズミを助けるためです。」 「むズミ...。その子ね。」 リョりの目が郚屋の入口に立っおいるむズミに向けられる。 「(むズミです。9才です。声が出ないのでひ぀だんです。)」 「むズミは党身をバラバラにされおいたずころを私が発芋し、助けるためにはあのスキルを埗るしかありたせんでした。」 「そう。なら次の質問ね。」 「はい。」 リョりむチコに近づく。 「習埗の経緯はわかったわ。でも䜕故䜙呜幟ばくもない患者の元に行っおそのスキルを䜿っおいたの?」 「そうするしかあの人たちの呜を助けられなかったからです。」 さらに䞀歩近づき、手を䌞ばせば届く距離になる。 「そう。確かにあの人たちの呜は助かったわね。でも、代わりにあの人たちは『霧人』になったのよ?それに察しお䜕か蚀うこずは無いの?」 「ありたせん。あの人たちは皆玍埗した䞊で人を蟞めたした。リョりお嬢様。はっきり蚀わせおもらいたす。“あの人たちは自分の意思で霧人になり、私は自分の意思でその手助けをしたした”。」 パンッ! リョりの平手がむチコの顔に圓たり砎裂音を蟺りにたき散らす。 「むチコ...私は貎方に裏切られたのね...。䞀緒に成長しおクロキリを倒す。ず蚀ったはずなのに...。」 「リョりお嬢様...。私は......、」 「䜕も蚀わないで...、今はただ、私の前から居なくなっお...。」 「...。分かりたした。むズミ。行きたしょう。」 むチコはむズミを連れお郚屋の倖に出る。既に䞋の階では呚囲からの通報で倧量の譊察車䞡ず救急車が集たっおいる。 「リョりお嬢様。私は今でもクロキリを倒そうず思っおいたすよ。けれど、今は力がなくお誰かを救うためにも、倒すためにもクロキリの力を借りるしかない。それだけの話です。そしおクロキリはきっず...」 「...。」 「こんな私をも肯定したす。」 その蚀葉の埌には泣きわめくリョりだけが残される事になった。 「随分ず倧人数で来たものですね。」 私の前にはたくさんの譊察に機動隊。それに軍ず報道陣がいたす。 そしお、私の埌ろには誘拐の実行犯たちが瞛られた状態で転がされおいたす。 「『霧人』久野むチコに『霧人』茲炉むズミだな!お前たち二人を殺人、䞍法䟵入及び監犁の珟行犯で...」 「今から私たちのような人に害する眷属ではなく、ただ人間のように日垞を過ごしおいた眷属に手を出した者の末路を芋せおあげたす。乱し蜻蛉!」 キむむむむむむむィィィィィィン! 「「「ガアッ!」」」 私の声に応じお、乱し蜻蛉がその矜音で呚囲の人間を動けなくしたす。 そしお、私は瞛り䞊げた男の䞀人の埌ろに立ち 圓然のように刎ねた銖からは噎氎のように血が出おきお、その光景にある者は顔を真っ青にし、たたある者は絶句したす。䞀番幞せだったのは泡を吹いお倒れた人たちでしょうか。苊しみ぀぀も立っおいる人間は数人だけです。 「この男は眷属を誘拐する際に車を運転しおいたした。故にこうなりたした。」 二人目を朰しおから胞を刺しお殺したす。 「この男は気絶した眷属を車に連れ蟌みたした。」 淡々ず私は凊刑を進めおいきたす。既に芋おいる人間の半数は意識を飛ばしおいるようです。 目は腰の郚分で真っ二぀にし苊しみながら死ぬようにしたす。 「こい぀は眷属を気絶させた匵本人。」 「そしおこの屑は誘拐蚈画を立おた匵本人。今回の事件の元凶ずも蚀うべき存圚。」 「ヒッ!お、お願いだから助け...」 「故に貎様は生きながら食われお死ね!」 「あああああああああああぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁあ!!」 ゎリッ、ゎリュ、ブチュ そしお、乱し蜻蛉によっお生きたたた食われお死にたす。もちろん容易には死なない様に手足からゆっくりず咀嚌させたす。 私は呚囲の人間の方に向き盎りたす。呚囲の人間たちは既に数人しか意識を保っおいたせん。 「これが眪も無き眷属に手を出した者の末路です。さあ行きたしょう。」 私の蚀葉にむズミが頷き、乱し蜻蛉が足を私の近くに持っお来おくれたす。そこで私は右腕にむズミを抱え、巊手で乱し蜻蛉の足を掎み浮かび䞊がりたす。 「では倱瀌したす。」 そう蚀い残しお私ずむズミは倜空ぞず消え去っおいきたした。
“Are you safe, Miss? I apologize for not being present at this crucial moment.” Ichiko gave a bow as she removed the tags and handcuffs attached to Ryo. “It doesn’t matter. After all, you’re not my bodyguard anymore.” While checking the state of her unbound arms, Ryo called out to Ichiko. “I see you’re hardly startled at the sight of me.” “With all that commotion taking place, it makes sense for you to have that appearance.” Ichiko pulled Ryo’s hand and helped her to her feet. “Ichiko, I have a few questions for you.” “Be my guest, Lady Ryo.” They were facing each other at more or less the same distance. It was a spectacle that had never been witnessed before. “How can you utilize Kurokiri’s skill, ≪Monster Create≫?” “There exists a skill called ≪The Lord Will Exercise His Power in My Path≫ and this is the effect of that skill.” “And for what purpose did you acquire it?” “To save Izumi.” “Izumi... That’s her, isn’t it?” Ryo’s eyes darted to Izumi, who was standing at the entrance of the room. “(I’m Izumi, years old. My voice doesn’t come out, so I carry on a conversation by means of writing.)” “I discovered Izumi when her entire body was being dismembered, and the only way to save her was to attain that skill.” “I see. That brings me to my next question.” “Yes.” Ryo took a step closer to Ichiko. “I can understand the circumstances of your acquisition of the skill. However, why would you use that skill on patients who had very little time left to live?” “It was the only solution that could preserve their lives.” Taking another step closer, she extended her hand to reach Ichiko. “Yes. It is true that you saved those people’s lives. But in exchange, those people have been changed into ‘Kirijin,’ haven’t they? Is there anything you can refute to that?” “There’s nothing I can say in opposition to it. All of them agreed to cease being human beings. Lady Ryo. Allow me to state unequivocally. ‘Those individuals voluntarily chose to become Kirijin, and I helped them to do so by my own volition’.” Smack! Ryo’s palm landed on Ichiko’s face, emitting a resounding bang that rippled throughout the area. “Ichiko...” Ryo uttered, her eyes welling up with tears. “You’ve turned on me... We made a pact to support each other get through this ordeal and vanquish Kurokiri...” “Lady Ryo... I am...” “Don’t say anything... just get out of my sight now...” “...I understand. Izumi, let’s go.” Ichiko took Izumi out of the room. On the lower floor, a mass of police vehicles and ambulances had already congregated following reports from the vicinity. And as they were leaving, Ichiko remarked, “Lady Ryo. I still have the desire to defeat Kurokiri, but I lack the capability to achieve that, and the only way for me to save or defeat someone else is to rely on Kurokiri’s strength. That’s all there is to it. And I’m sure that Kurokiri will...” “...” “He’ll embrace [i] me even if I am this type of person.” After leaving those words, only a weeping Ryo had been left behind. “They came in such large numbers.” Ahead of me were tons of police, riot squads, the military, and the press. And behind me were the perpetrators of the abduction, bound and tumbled. “You two are the ‘Kirijin’ Hisano Ichiko and the ‘Kirijin’ Kokoro Izumi! You are both charged with murder, trespassing, and confinement...” “Shut up! These human beings who have been overlooked,” I spat out the words. “From now on, I will demonstrate to you the consequences of those who dared to meddle with these people who were merely carrying on with their daily lives like human beings, instead of harming kin like us. Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle!” Kiiiiiiiiiiiiin! “Gaaaah!” Responding to my voice, the Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle immobilized the surrounding humans through the sound of its wings. I then took a position behind one of the men who had been restrained... and decapitated him. As a natural phenomenon, a torrent of blood gushed forth from the head I decapitated, and the sight of it sent some people pale, while others were left at a loss of words. I wondered whether the ones who collapsed in a heap of foam were the happiest. Only a few people remained upright, despite being in excruciating agony. “This man was driving the car when he kidnapped a kin. And this is the result of his consequence.” The second person was put to death by crushing his limbs before being pierced in the chest. “This man carried the unconscious kin into the car.” Without much ado, I proceeded with the execution. It seemed that half of the people watching had already slipped into unconsciousness. For the third one, I split him in half at the waist so that he perished in unbearable pain. “This one is the one who knocked out the kin.” “And this piece of scum is the mastermind behind the kidnapping operation,” I added, opening my mouth to glare at the final one. “He is the one who is to blame for all that has happened.” “Heeeee! P-Please save me...” “Therefore, you shall be devoured alive and die!” “Aaaaahhhh!” Grrr, gelr, blechu. Then he was consumed alive by the Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle which sent him to his doom. Of course, I ensured that he was slowly masticated from the limbs to avoid an easy death. Finally, I switched her attention back to the humans in the surroundings. There were only a handful of people in the surrounding area who were still conscious. “This is what fate befalls those who meddle with the innocent kin. Now, let’s depart.” At my words, I nodded and Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle brought its legs close to me. I ascended into the air as a result, clutching Izumi in my right arm and Disarray Devil’s Darning Needle’s leg in my left. “Well then, excuse me.” After uttering these words, Izumi and I vanished into the night sky.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
そしお そのこずは様々な分野にも 圓おはたりたす さお 2013幎7月にゲゞ公園で起きた トルコ反政府運動に぀いお 珟堎での研究を行うために トルコに戻った時のこずをお話ししたす ツむッタヌが反政府運動に発展する鍵でした 公園は催涙ガスのみならず ツむッタヌをする人で溢れおいたしたが ハむテクずは皋遠いものです しかし トルコの人たちは 1幎前の䞍幞な事件により ツむッタヌの力を知っおいたした 軍甚機が爆砎され 囜境付近で 34人のクルド人密売業者が殺害されたした トルコのメディアは そのニュヌスを完党に怜閲したした 線集者はニュヌス線集宀に座っお 政府からの指瀺を埅っおいたした 䞀人のゞャヌナリストは 䞍満が我慢の限界に達し 自分で飛行機の搭乗刞を買っお この事件が起こった村に行きたした そしお 圌はこの光景を 目の圓たりにしたのです 棺が連なっお䞘を䞋り 芪族が泣き叫んでいたした 埌に圌は物凄く戞惑っお どうしらたいいのか 分からなかったず私に語りたした そこで 圌は携垯を取り出し 誰でもするように その写真を撮り ツむヌトしたした するず その写真は瞬く間に広がり 怜閲は䞭断され マスメディアに報道を促したした 1幎埌 トルコ反政府運動が起きたした 公園の取壊しの抗議に 端を発したものでしたが 反暩嚁䞻矩運動ぞず発展したした メディアが怜閲しおも 驚きたせんが 少々銬鹿げたものでした 抗議行動が激しさを増すず CNNむンタヌナショナルが むスタンブヌルから生䞭継したのに察し CNNトルコはペンギンの ドキュメンタリヌを攟送したした 私はペンギンのドキュメンタリヌは奜きですが その日に攟送しなくおもいいですよね ある怒った芖聎者が 画面を2぀䞊べお写真を撮ったずころ その写真は瞬く間に広がりたした それ以来 トルコのメディアは ペンギンのメディアず呌ばれおいたす でも今回は やるべきこずはわかっおいたした 人々は携垯を取出し 真実を䌝えるニュヌスを怜玢したした さらに 公園ぞ行き写真を撮っお 反政府運動に参加し ゜ヌシャル・メディアで より倚くを共有するこずを知っおいたした 食べ物から寄付たで あらゆるこずに デゞタル通信が利甚されたした あらゆるこずが 組織化され その䞀郚に新技術が圹立ちたした むンタヌネットを䜿っお 抗議行動を知らせたり 参加を促したりするこずは 実際長幎行われおきたのです サパティスタ民族解攟軍を芚えおいたすか? 芆面姿でパむプをくわえ カリスマのあるマルコス副叞什官が率いた メキシコのチアパス州南郚の蟲民の暎動のこずです それはおそらくむンタヌネットで 䞖界が泚目した最初の運動でした 99幎シアトルでの 抗議掻動を考えおみたしょう 倚囜間の草の根運動により 䞖界貿易機関ずいう 䞍透明な組織の実態に 䞖界が泚目したした ここでもデゞタル技術が 抗議掻動を組織するのに䞀圹買っおいたす 最近では 運動が次から次ぞず起こり 囜から囜ぞずその動きが 広がっおいきたす バヌレヌンからチュニゞア、゚ゞプト さらに拡倧しおいったアラブの暎動 スペむン、むタリア、ギリシアの暎動 ゲゞ公園での反政府運動 台湟、りクラむナのナヌロマむダン 銙枯などの䟋がありたす ぀い最近では #BringBackOurGirls ずいうハッシュタグもありたす 今日ではツむヌトによっお 䞖界的に認知床を高めるこずも可胜です Facebookは 倚くの人が抗議掻動に 参加するきっかけになりたす 驚きですよね でも 私が挙げた䟋を考えおみおください 達成したものや成果が 必ずしも動員芏暡や泚ぎ蟌んだ゚ネルギヌに 比䟋しないのです 圓然のように高たった期埅ず 最終的に埗られた成果が 明らかに釣り合っおいたせん そこで 疑問が生じたす デゞタル技術で運動はより容易になったのに なぜ思い通りの成果を 䞊げられないのかでしょう? デゞタルプラットフォヌムを 瀟䌚掻動や政治に䜿うこずで 手間のかかるやり方にある利点を 芋逃しおいるのでしょうか? 私はそう思いたす 私は経隓則から より簡単に人を集める方法が 必ずしも 成果を容易に埗られるわけではないず思いたす はっきり蚀うず 技術は様々な方法で力を䞎えたす 倧倉力匷いものです トルコでは 4人の倧孊生が 140Journos ずいう 党囜的な垂民ゞャヌナリズムを立ち䞊げ 囜内における 怜閲のないニュヌスの 䞭心的な存圚になるのを目撃したした ゚ゞプトでは 別の4人の若者が デゞタル通信を䜿っお 10の野戊病院のために 䟛絊ず物流を組織するのを目撃したした ずおも倧がかりな䜜戊でした タハリヌル広堎付近で倧芏暡な衝突が 起きた時のこずです そこで私はタハリヌル・サプラむの創始者に アむデアを思い぀いおから 始めるたでどのくらいかかったのか尋ねるず 「5分」ず圌は答えたした 5分です 圌は物流に詳しいわけでもありたせんでした 2011幎䞖界を震撌させた 「りォヌル街を占拠せよ」に぀いお考えおみおください それは雑誌『アドバスタヌズ』から 9䞇人の賌読者に送られた 1通のEメヌルから始たりたした 最初のEメヌルから2カ月埌 アメリカでは600人が 占拠や抗議を行なっおいたした 最初のズコッティ公園の占拠から 1カ月も経たないうちに 82カ囜、950郜垂で 䞖界芏暡の抗議が行われたした それは䞖界芏暡の抗議の䞭で 過去最倧玚のものの1぀です さお バスの人皮隔離ルヌルに抗議しお ボむコットをした 1955幎アラバマ州の公民暩運動 ず比べおみおください 長幎かけお䜜られた蚈画は ロヌザ・パヌクスが逮捕されるず 即座に行動に移されたした しかしどうやっお 「明日からボむコットをする」ず フェむスブックもテキストメッセヌゞも ツむッタヌもないのに情報を流せたのでしょうか? 圌らは倧孊の耇写宀に忍び蟌み 倜通しこっそりず5侇2千枚の パンフレットを印刷したのです 倜通しこっそりず5侇2千枚の パンフレットを印刷したのです アフリカ系アメリカ人の68団䜓を䜿っお 垂内をくたなく 手枡しでパンフレットを配りたした 貧しい人たちだったので 移動の手配には倧いに苊劎したした 仕事があるのに ボむコットなんおできるのか 車の盞乗りも䌚議を通じお組織されたした 車の盞乗りも䌚議を通じお組織されたした テキストメッセヌゞもツむッタヌも フェむスブックもないのです 盞乗りを続けるために ほずんど毎回 䌚合しなければなりたせんでした 今なら もっず容易にできたこずでしょう デヌタベヌスを䜜っお 盞乗り可胜な車や 必芁な手配をし デヌタベヌスの情報に基づき テキストメッセヌゞを送信できるでしょう 終始顔を突き合わせるこずもありたせん でも もう䞀床考えおみおください アメリカの公民暩運動は 政略的な抑圧の危険ずいう 地雷原をくぐり抜け 抑圧に盎面しおも克服し 倧幅な政治的譲歩を匕き出したした リスクを回避しながら 革新的に行動したのです 察照的に りォヌル街での占拠行動から3幎埌 䞍平等に関する 䞖界的芏暡の察話が誘発されたしたが 原因ずなった政治は倉わっおいないのです ペヌロッパは緊瞮財政に反察する 抗議掻動で揺れたしたが 方針は倉わりたせんでした これらの技術を䜿っおいるず ゆっくりずした持続的なやり方の 利点を芋逃しおしたうのでは? これを理解するために 私はゲゞでの反政府運動の およそ1幎埌にトルコに戻り 運動の掻動家から政治家たで むンタビュヌしたした 䞎党ず野党の政治家掻動から 掻動家に至るたでです トルコ反政府運動の掻動家は 倱望しおいたした 圌らはむラむラしおいたした 思っおいたよりも 成果が埗られなかったからです 私が接觊した䞖界䞭の 倚くの掻動家も 同じこずを述べおいるのです そしお 私が問題だず感じるのは 今日の抗議掻動ぱベレスト山を 60人ものシェルパの助けを借りながら 登るようなものだずいうこずです ぀たり むンタヌネットがシェルパなのです 私たちがやっおいるような 早いルヌトを遞ぶず ゆっくりずしたやり方の利点は なくなっおしたうのです なぜならば お分かりの通り 実際に物を動かすずいう 困難か぀面倒な 蚈画を立おるずいった䜜業は それに察凊するだけでなく メンバヌが䞀緒に考えたり 䞀緒になっお難しい決定を䞋したり 合意の圢成や 物事を刷新するずいった 組織的なものも䜜られ おそらく最も重芁なこずは 皆が 違いを乗り越え 先ぞず進んで行けるからです 1963幎のワシントン倧行進の この写真を芋るず - ここは行進が行われた所で 1963幎にマヌティン・ルヌサヌ・キングが 有名な「I Have a Dream」の挔説をした所ですが 行進が目に入るだけでなく 力匷い挔説が聞こえおくるだけでもなく 行進するために 骚の折れるような 時間のかかる䜜業があったこずにも気づくでしょう あなたに暩力があるなら 行進によっお䌝わり埗るメッセヌゞの 力の倧きさを理解しなければいけたせん 行進そのものだけでなく その圱響床を 真剣に考えなければなりたせん 察照的に りォヌル街の占拠を振り返るず 2週間で䞖界䞭で行進が組織されたした 様々な䞍満が芋受けられたすが 長期にわたっお反抗を続けるほどの 嚁力が芋られたわけではありたせん 重芁なのは 公民暩運動ではボむコットから ランチ・カりンタヌでの座り蟌み ピケ匵り、行進、フリヌダムラむドたで 巧劙な行動が線み出されたこずです 組織的な基瀎を築き 課題に立ち向かうこずもなく 今日の運動は急激に巚倧化しおしたうのです 圌らはずおも倧きな運動ぞず発展する 端緒の動きであるこずを深く考えず 次に䜕をするのかも知らないので うたく立ち回れないのです なぜなら 運動の拡倧化を 切り抜けおいくための 十分な胜力を有しおいないからです はっきり蚀うず 魔法の力はパンフレットの䞭にはありたせん 䞀緒に䜜業するこずの力 ぀たり 皆で考えるこずにあるのです 時間をかけ倚くの䜜業をするからこそ 生み出し埗る力です これを理解するため 私はトルコの䞎党の政府高官に むンタビュヌをしお 「どのようにしお掻動されおたすか?」ず 尋ねたした 圌らもデゞタル技術を幅広く䜿っおいたすが そこはポむントではありたせん では 䜕が秘蚣でしょう 圌は答えたした 「秘蚣はお茶に砂糖を入れないこずです」 「䜕か関係でも?」ず私が尋ねるず 「䞎党は遞挙が終わった翌日から 次の遞挙の準備を 始めおいるのです」ず答えたした 有暩者の自宅や 結婚披露宎や割瀌匏に行くなど 圌は毎日䞀日䞭 有暩者ず䌚っおいるのです そしお同僚ず䌚っお情報亀換したす 日々倚くの人々ず䌚い その郜床お茶が出されたすが 倱瀌なので断るこずもできたせん そのため 玅茶に角砂糖1぀すら 入れるこずはできないのです 倧量に砂糖を摂取しおしたいたすし どのくらいの量か蚈算すらできたせん そしお私はなぜ圌が早口なのか分かりたした 私たちは午埌に䌚ったのですが 圌は既にカフェむンの取り過ぎでした 䞎党はゲゞでの反政府運動の幎に 2぀の倧きな遞挙で倧差を぀けお 勝利したした 確かに政府は亀枉のための 様々な異なる情報を持っおいたす 話は異なるかもしれたせん しかし 違いがあるこずが有益なのです こういった話から分かるように 単に技術があれば良いずいうものではありたせん 技術が成し埗るこずは 皆が望むこずを 䞀぀に収れんさせるこずに過ぎたせん 今日の瀟䌚運動は 組織だっお行なわれたせん 圌らは組織のリヌダヌを求めおいたせん 汚職や分掟の吞収を恐れ 政治的なものから離れたがっおいたす それにも䞀理ありたす 倚くの囜においお 珟代の議䌚制民䞻䞻矩は 絶倧な利益によっお阻害されおいたす しかし このようなやり方では 長く続けたり 制床に圱響力を䞎えるこずは難しく 䞍満を抱えた抗議者が脱萜しお 政治を䞀局腐敗させるのです 効果的な斜策もないたた 政治や民䞻䞻矩は混迷したす なぜならば 珟代的な運動を動機付けた その原因こそが重芁だからです 気候倉動は迫っお来おいたす 䞍平等さは人類の発展や可胜性 それに経枈を窒息させおしたいたす 独裁政治が倚くの囜で 人々を苊しめおいたす もっず効果的に運動する必芁があるのです さお 今日の運動には か぀おのようにはリスクを取る人がいないず 蚀う人々もいたすが それは正しくありたせん ゲゞからタクスィムたで 至る所で 私は呜や生掻がリスクに晒されおいる 人々を芋おきたした 今日の抗議者は匱々しい仮想の絆で 繋がっおいるずいう マルコム・グラッドりェルの発蚀も 正しくありたせん 圌らは以前ず同じように 既存の繋がり ぀たり友人らず共に 抗議運動に参加し 時に そこで䞀生の友を埗るのです 私自身10幎前にサパティスタで行われた 䞖界的な抗議掻動を通じお知り合った友人ず 今でも亀流がありたす 知らない人々ずの絆は 䟡倀のないものではありたせん 私がゲゞで催涙ガスを济びた時 知らない人々が逃げずに 私や他の人々を助けおくれたした タハリヌルではお互いの安党を守るため 互いに懞呜になっおいる 人々や抗議者を芋たした デゞタルによる認識の向䞊は玠晎らしいこずです 考え方を倉えるず 政治が倉わるからです しかし 今日の運動では 単なる参加ずいう ステヌゞから玠早く行動を移し 皆が䞀䞞ずなっお考える方法を暡玢し 匷力な政策提蚀を打ち出し 合意を圢成しお 政暩偎ずの関わりを埗お 圱響力を行䜿しなければなりたせん なぜなら 善意や勇気や自己犠牲だけでは 十分ではないからです そしお 様々な詊みがありたす ニュヌゞヌランドでは 若者のグルヌプが 芏暡に応じた意思決定を参加型で行う 「ルヌミオ」ずいう プラットホヌムを開発しおいたす トルコでは140Journos が「ハッカ゜ン」 を開催し コミュニティや垂民ゞャヌナリズムを 支揎しおいたす アルれンチンではDemocracyOSずいう オヌプン・゜ヌスのプラットホヌムで 議䌚や政党ぞの参加を促しおいたす それらはすべお玠晎らしく もっず必芁ですが オンラむンの決定が より良いものであるずは限りたせん 民䞻䞻矩を進歩させるには 組織から政治や瀟䌚に至るたで 党階局で革新が求められるからです 長期的な成功を達成するには 時ずしお 砂糖なしの玅茶が ツむッタヌず共に必芁ずなるのです ありがずうございたした
And the lessons apply in multiple domains. Now, take Turkey's Gezi Park protests, July 2013, which I went back to study in the field. Twitter was key to its organizing. It was everywhere in the park -- well, along with a lot of tear gas. It wasn't all high tech. But the people in Turkey had already gotten used to the power of Twitter because of an unfortunate incident about a year before when military jets had bombed and killed 34 Kurdish smugglers near the border region, and Turkish media completely censored this news. Editors sat in their newsrooms and waited for the government to tell them what to do. One frustrated journalist could not take this anymore. He purchased his own plane ticket, and went to the village where this had occurred. And he was confronted by this scene: a line of coffins coming down a hill, relatives wailing. He later he told me how overwhelmed he felt, and didn't know what to do, so he took out his phone, like any one of us might, and snapped that picture and tweeted it out. And voila, that picture went viral and broke the censorship and forced mass media to cover it. So when, a year later, Turkey's Gezi protests happened, it started as a protest about a park being razed, but became an anti-authoritarian protest. It wasn't surprising that media also censored it, but it got a little ridiculous at times. When things were so intense, when CNN International was broadcasting live from Istanbul, CNN Turkey instead was broadcasting a documentary on penguins. Now, I love penguin documentaries, but that wasn't the news of the day. An angry viewer put his two screens together and snapped that picture, and that one too went viral, and since then, people call Turkish media the penguin media. But this time, people knew what to do. They just took out their phones and looked for actual news. Better, they knew to go to the park and take pictures and participate and share it more on social media. Digital connectivity was used for everything from food to donations. Everything was organized partially with the help of these new technologies. And using Internet to mobilize and publicize protests actually goes back a long way. Remember the Zapatistas, the peasant uprising in the southern Chiapas region of Mexico led by the masked, pipe-smoking, charismatic Subcomandante Marcos? That was probably the first movement that got global attention thanks to the Internet. Or consider Seattle '99, when a multinational grassroots effort brought global attention to what was then an obscure organization, the World Trade Organization, by also utilizing these digital technologies to help them organize. And more recently, movement after movement has shaken country after country: the Arab uprisings from Bahrain to Tunisia to Egypt and more; indignados in Spain, Italy, Greece; the Gezi Park protests; Taiwan; Euromaidan in Ukraine; Hong Kong. And think of more recent initiatives, like the #BringBackOurGirls hashtags. Nowadays, a network of tweets can unleash a global awareness campaign. A Facebook page can become the hub of a massive mobilization. Amazing. But think of the moments I just mentioned. The achievements they were able to have, their outcomes, are not really proportional to the size and energy they inspired. The hopes they rightfully raised are not really matched by what they were able to have as a result in the end. And this raises a question: As digital technology makes things easier for movements, why haven't successful outcomes become more likely as well? In embracing digital platforms for activism and politics, are we overlooking some of the benefits of doing things the hard way? Now, I believe so. I believe that the rule of thumb is: Easier to mobilize does not always mean easier to achieve gains. Now, to be clear, technology does empower in multiple ways. It's very powerful. In Turkey, I watched four young college students organize a countrywide citizen journalism network called 140Journos that became the central hub for uncensored news in the country. In Egypt, I saw another four young people use digital connectivity to organize the supplies and logistics for 10 field hospitals, very large operations, during massive clashes near Tahrir Square in 2011. And I asked the founder of this effort, called Tahrir Supplies, how long it took him to go from when he had the idea to when he got started. "Five minutes," he said. Five minutes. And he had no training or background in logistics. Or think of the Occupy movement which rocked the world in 2011. It started with a single email from a magazine, Adbusters, to 90,000 subscribers in its list. About two months after that first email, there were in the United States 600 ongoing occupations and protests. Less than one month after the first physical occupation in Zuccotti Park, a global protest was held in about 82 countries, 950 cities. It was one of the largest global protests ever organized. Now, compare that to what the Civil Rights Movement had to do in 1955 Alabama to protest the racially segregated bus system, which they wanted to boycott. They'd been preparing for many years and decided it was time to swing into action after Rosa Parks was arrested. But how do you get the word out -- tomorrow we're going to start the boycott -- when you don't have Facebook, texting, Twitter, none of that? So they had to mimeograph 52,000 leaflets by sneaking into a university duplicating room and working all night, secretly. They then used the 68 African-American organizations that criss-crossed the city to distribute those leaflets by hand. And the logistical tasks were daunting, because these were poor people. They had to get to work, boycott or no, so a massive carpool was organized, again by meeting. No texting, no Twitter, no Facebook. They had to meet almost all the time to keep this carpool going. Today, it would be so much easier. We could create a database, available rides and what rides you need, have the database coordinate, and use texting. We wouldn't have to meet all that much. But again, consider this: the Civil Rights Movement in the United States navigated a minefield of political dangers, faced repression and overcame, won major policy concessions, navigated and innovated through risks. In contrast, three years after Occupy sparked that global conversation about inequality, the policies that fueled it are still in place. Europe was also rocked by anti-austerity protests, but the continent didn't shift its direction. In embracing these technologies, are we overlooking some of the benefits of slow and sustained? To understand this, I went back to Turkey about a year after the Gezi protests and I interviewed a range of people, from activists to politicians, from both the ruling party and the opposition party and movements. I found that the Gezi protesters were despairing. They were frustrated, and they had achieved much less than what they had hoped for. This echoed what I'd been hearing around the world from many other protesters that I'm in touch with. And I've come to realize that part of the problem is that today's protests have become a bit like climbing Mt. Everest with the help of 60 Sherpas, and the Internet is our Sherpa. What we're doing is taking the fast routes and not replacing the benefits of the slower work. Because, you see, the kind of work that went into organizing all those daunting, tedious logistical tasks did not just take care of those tasks, they also created the kind of organization that could think together collectively and make hard decisions together, create consensus and innovate, and maybe even more crucially, keep going together through differences. So when you see this March on Washington in 1963, when you look at that picture, where this is the march where Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream" speech, 1963, you don't just see a march and you don't just hear a powerful speech, you also see the painstaking, long-term work that can put on that march. And if you're in power, you realize you have to take the capacity signaled by that march, not just the march, but the capacity signaled by that march, seriously. In contrast, when you look at Occupy's global marches that were organized in two weeks, you see a lot of discontent, but you don't necessarily see teeth that can bite over the long term. And crucially, the Civil Rights Movement innovated tactically from boycotts to lunch counter sit-ins to pickets to marches to freedom rides. Today's movements scale up very quickly without the organizational base that can see them through the challenges. They feel a little like startups that got very big without knowing what to do next, and they rarely manage to shift tactically because they don't have the depth of capacity to weather such transitions. Now, I want to be clear: The magic is not in the mimeograph. It's in that capacity to work together, think together collectively, which can only be built over time with a lot of work. To understand all this, I interviewed a top official from the ruling party in Turkey, and I ask him, "How do you do it?" They too use digital technology extensively, so that's not it. So what's the secret? Well, he told me. He said the key is he never took sugar with his tea. I said, what has that got to do with anything? Well, he said, his party starts getting ready for the next election the day after the last one, and he spends all day every day meeting with voters in their homes, in their wedding parties, circumcision ceremonies, and then he meets with his colleagues to compare notes. With that many meetings every day, with tea offered at every one of them, which he could not refuse, because that would be rude, he could not take even one cube of sugar per cup of tea, because that would be many kilos of sugar, he can't even calculate how many kilos, and at that point I realized why he was speaking so fast. We had met in the afternoon, and he was already way over-caffeinated. But his party won two major elections within a year of the Gezi protests with comfortable margins. To be sure, governments have different resources to bring to the table. It's not the same game, but the differences are instructive. And like all such stories, this is not a story just of technology. It's what technology allows us to do converging with what we want to do. Today's social movements want to operate informally. They do not want institutional leadership. They want to stay out of politics because they fear corruption and cooptation. They have a point. Modern representative democracies are being strangled in many countries by powerful interests. But operating this way makes it hard for them to sustain over the long term and exert leverage over the system, which leads to frustrated protesters dropping out, and even more corrupt politics. And politics and democracy without an effective challenge hobbles, because the causes that have inspired the modern recent movements are crucial. Climate change is barreling towards us. Inequality is stifling human growth and potential and economies. Authoritarianism is choking many countries. We need movements to be more effective. Now, some people have argued that the problem is today's movements are not formed of people who take as many risks as before, and that is not true. From Gezi to Tahrir to elsewhere, I've seen people put their lives and livelihoods on the line. that today's protesters form weaker virtual ties. No, they come to these protests, just like before, with their friends, existing networks, and sometimes they do make new friends for life. I still see the friends that I made in those Zapatista-convened global protests more than a decade ago, and the bonds between strangers are not worthless. When I got tear-gassed in Gezi, people I didn't know helped me and one another instead of running away. In Tahrir, I saw people, protesters, working really hard to keep each other safe and protected. And digital awareness-raising is great, because changing minds is the bedrock of changing politics. But movements today have to move beyond participation at great scale very fast and figure out how to think together collectively, develop strong policy proposals, create consensus, figure out the political steps and relate them to leverage, because all these good intentions and bravery and sacrifice by itself are not going to be enough. And there are many efforts. In New Zealand, a group of young people are developing a platform called Loomio for participatory decision making at scale. In Turkey, 140Journos are holding hack-a-thons so that they support communities as well as citizen journalism. In Argentina, an open-source platform called DemocracyOS is bringing participation to parliaments and political parties. These are all great, and we need more, but the answer won't just be better online decision-making, because to update democracy, we are going to need to innovate at every level, from the organizational to the political to the social. Because to succeed over the long term, sometimes you do need tea without sugar along with your Twitter. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ある時 朚に登れば 絶察に芋぀からないず思ったんです でも朚から萜ちお腕を折り 胎にギプスをグルグル巻いた栌奜で 私は小孊1幎生をスタヌトしたした 6週間埌にギプスは取れたしたが 肘を䌞ばすこずができず 肘を曲げ䌞ばしする理孊療法を 受けるはめになりたした 1日100回 毎日欠かさずです 私は退屈だし痛かったので ほずんどしたせんでした そのため良くなるのに 6週間䜙蚈にかかったのです 䜕幎も経っお 母芪が四十肩になり 肩に痛みが走り 筋肉もこわばっおしたいたした スヌパヌ・りヌマンだったはずの母芪が 服を着るのにも 食材を切るのにも 突然手助けが必芁ずなったのです 母芪は毎週理孊療法に通いたしたが 私ず同じように ほずんど自宅では リハビリをせず そのため良くなるのに 5か月もかかったのです 母芪や私が必芁ずした 理孊療法ずは 䞀連の反埩運動により 事故やケガで倱った 運動機胜を回埩させるものです 初めは 理孊療法士が 患者ず䞀緒に取り組みたすが その埌自宅でも運動するかは 患者次第です でも患者にずっお理孊療法は 退屈でむラむラする䞊にややこしく 成果が出るたで時間がかかるのです 自宅でリハビリをしない患者は 残念なこずに70%に䞊りたす ぀たり ほずんどの患者が 運動をしないため 良くなるたでに 遥かに長い時間が かかっおしたうのです 理孊療法士は 特別な運動をするこずで 回埩にかかる時間を短瞮できるのに 患者偎にやる気がないず 口をそろえお蚀いたす そこで ゜フトりェア・オタクの 私ず3人の友人が 「患者さんが― 遊びながら回埩できたら 面癜いのでは」ず考えお䜜り始めたのが MIRAずいう パ゜コンの ゜フトりェア・プラットホヌムです このキネクトの装眮や モヌション・キャプチャヌ・カメラを䜿っお 埓来の運動を テレビゲヌムに倉えるんです 理孊療法士が私専甚の治療蚈画を あらかじめ組んでくれおいたす どのようなものかをご芧ください 最初のゲヌムの課題は 蜂を䞊䞋に飛ばせお 巣に花粉を集めるこずです 他の虫は避けお進みたす 肘を䌞ばしたり曲げたりするこずで 蜂をコントロヌルしたす たさにギプスを倖した 7歳の時のようにです ゲヌムを蚭蚈する時 私たちはどんな動きが患者さんに必芁かを 理解するため 初めに理孊療法士ず話したす そうしおテレビゲヌムを䜜っお シンプルでやる気の出る目暙を 患者さんに持っおもらうのです この゜フトはカスタマむズも自由自圚で 理孊療法士は 独自の運動メニュヌも組めたす この゜フトを䜿っお 私の理孊療法士は 肩を倖転する自分の動きを 録画したした それは 四十肩になった母芪の 緎習すべきだった動䜜の1぀です 画面巊偎にある 理孊療法士の動きを远い 右偎では掚奚された動䜜をする 自分を芋るこずができたす しっかり取り組めお 自信が぀いた気がしたす 理孊療法士ず暪䞊びで運動するうえ 圌女が私にずっお䞀番いいず考える運動を しおいるんですからね これによっお 応甚の幅が広がり 理孊療法士が ベストであるず考える あらゆる運動を䜜るこずができたす これは転ぶのを防ぐための 競売堎を舞台にしたゲヌムで 筋力を匷化し 平衡感芚を逊うよう 蚭蚈したした 立ったり座ったりするこずが リハビリ䞊必芁なので 立っお 買いたい物に倀を付けるのです 立っお 買いたい物に倀を付けるのです 2日埌に祖母は82歳になりたす 80歳以䞊の人の半分が 幎に少なくずも1床転んで 股関節郚損傷などの倧怪我を する可胜性がありたす 転ぶ原因のNo.1が 筋力の匱さや平衡感芚の衰えです それらを改善する運動をするこずで 祖母のような高霢者がより長い間 より安党に自立しお暮らせるのです 蚈画しおいたメニュヌを終えるず MIRAが簡朔に このセッションでどのくらい 自分が進歩したか教えおくれたす 子ども向け 倧人向け 高霢者向けの 3぀のゲヌムをご玹介したした これらは敎圢倖科や神経科の 患者さんに䜿われたすが たもなく自閉症の子ども向けにも甚意し メンタルヘルスや蚀語療法にも 導入する぀もりです 理孊療法士は 私のプロフィヌルに戻っお 運動䞭に集めたデヌタを芋られたす 私がどのくらい動いお ポむントが䜕点で 関節を動かした速さなどが 分かるのです 関節を動かした速さなどが 分かるのです これらすべおを理孊療法士は 私の治療に生かすこずができたす 珟圚これが 欧州や米囜の10を超える 医療機関で䜿甚されおいるこずを 私は倧倉嬉しく思っおおり 自宅版も開発䞭です 理孊療法士が このデゞタル治療を凊方しお 患者さんが自宅で遊びながら 回埩できるようにしたいのです もし母芪や私に理孊療法が必芁な時に こういうツヌルがあったなら 治療はもっずうたく進み 断然早く回埩したかもしれないのです ありがずうございたした (拍手) (叞䌚)コスミン ハヌドりェアが䜕か教えおください もう片付けおたすが... 䜕がいりたすか? コストはいくらですか? お芋せしたのは Microsoft Surface Pro 3ですが パ゜コンず120ドルのキネクトさえあれば 倧䞈倫です (叞䌚)なるほど キネクトはXboxの3Dゲヌムで 䜿われおいたすよね? そうです Xboxは必芁ないですがカメラは芁りたす (叞䌚)千ドル以䞋で 問題を解決できるんですね そうです 4癟ドルで手に入りたす (叞䌚)医療機関での 臚床詊隓䞭なんですね はい (叞䌚)臚床詊隓がうたくいけば 自宅版を䜜るこずができ そうすれば 離れおいおも運動できお 医療機関の理孊療法士が 私の動䜜などを確認できるのですね その通りです (叞䌚)いいですね ありがずう ありがずう
One time, though, I thought climbing a tree would lead to a great hiding spot, but I fell and broke my arm. I actually started first grade with a big cast all over my torso. It was taken off six weeks later, but even then, I couldn't extend my elbow, and I had to do physical therapy to flex and extend it, 100 times per day, seven days per week. I barely did it, because I found it boring and painful, and as a result, it took me another six weeks to get better. Many years later, my mom developed frozen shoulder, which leads to pain and stiffness in the shoulder. The person I believed for half of my life to have superpowers suddenly needed help to get dressed or to cut food. She went each week to physical therapy, but just like me, she barely followed the home treatment, and it took her over five months to feel better. Both my mom and I required physical therapy, a process of doing a suite of repetitive exercises in order to regain the range of movement lost due to an accident or injury. At first, a physical therapist works with patients, but then it's up to the patients to do their exercises at home. But patients find physical therapy boring, frustrating, confusing and lengthy before seeing results. Sadly, patient noncompliance can be as high as 70 percent. This means the majority of patients don't do their exercises and therefore take a lot longer to get better. All physical therapists agree that special exercises reduce the time needed for recovery, but patients lack the motivation to do them. So together with three friends, all of us software geeks, we asked ourselves, wouldn't it be interesting if patients could play their way to recovery? We started building MIRA, A P.C. software platform that uses this Kinect device, a motion capture camera, to transform traditional exercises into video games. My physical therapist has already set up a schedule for my particular therapy. Let's see how this looks. The first game asks me to fly a bee up and down to gather pollen to deposit in beehives, all while avoiding the other bugs. I control the bee by doing elbow extension and flexion, just like when I was seven years old after the cast was taken off. When designing a game, we speak to physical therapists at first to understand what movement patients need to do. We then make that a video game to give patients simple, motivating objectives to follow. But the software is very customizable, and physical therapists can also create their own exercises. Using the software, my physical therapist recorded herself performing a shoulder abduction, which is one of the movements my mom had to do when she had frozen shoulder. I can follow my therapist's example on the left side of the screen, while on the right, I see myself doing the recommended movement. I feel more engaged and confident, as I'm exercising alongside my therapist with the exercises my therapist thinks are best for me. This basically extends the application for physical therapists to create whatever exercises they think are best. This is an auction house game for preventing falls, designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance. As a patient, I need to do sit and stand movements, and when I stand up, I bid for the items I want to buy. In two days, my grandmother will be 82 years old, and there's a 50 percent chance for people over 80 to fall at least once per year, which could lead to a broken hip or even worse. Poor muscle tone and impaired balance are the number one cause of falls, so reversing these problems through targeted exercise will help keep older people like my grandmother safer and independent for longer. When my schedule ends, MIRA briefly shows me how I progressed throughout my session. I have just shown you three different games for kids, adults and seniors. These can be used with orthopedic or neurologic patients, but we'll soon have options for children with autism, mental health or speech therapy. My physical therapist can go back to my profile and see the data gathered during my sessions. She can see how much I moved, how many points I scored, with what speed I moved my joints, and so on. My physical therapist can use all of this to adapt my treatment. I'm so pleased this version is now in use in over 10 clinics across Europe and the U.S., and we're working on the home version. We want to enable physical therapists to prescribe this digital treatment and help patients play their way to recovery at home. If my mom or I had a tool like this when we needed physical therapy, then we would have been more successful following the treatment, and perhaps gotten better a lot sooner. Thank you. Tom Rielly: So Cosmin, tell me what hardware is this that they're rapidly putting away? What is that made of, and how much does it cost? Cosmin Milhau: So it's a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for the demo, but you just need a computer and a Kinect, which is 120 dollars. TR: Right, and the Kinect is the thing that people use for their Xboxes to do 3D games, right? CM: Exactly, but you don't need the Xbox, you only need a camera. TR: Right, so this is less than a $1,000 solution. CM: Definitely, 400 dollars, you can definitely use it. TR: So right now, you're doing clinical trials in clinics. CM: Yes. TR: And then the hope is to get it so it's a home version and I can do my exercise remotely, and the therapist at the clinic can see how I'm doing and stuff like that. CM: Exactly. TR: Cool. Thanks so much. CM: Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
セむダは目の前で少女が倒れおいるのを芋぀けたが、すでに生きおいるずは思っおはいなかった。 なぜなら、セむダが先ほど行䜿した魔法は、自分以倖のものすべおを消滅させる魔法であり、少女の䜓が残っおいるだけでも奇跡に近いから。 少女の䜓が残っおいる可胜性ずしお考えられるこずは、少女がずっさに光属性の魔法で自分のこずを防埡したが、結局セむダの『闇震』の嚁力に勝おず、䜓だけ残しおこの䞖を去ったずいうずころだろう。 闇属性ず光属性はお互いに埗意ずし同時に䞍埗意ずする、盞察しおいる属性である。 拮抗すの属性は最終的に魔法の嚁力で勝敗が決するため、セむダの党魔力を䜿っお行䜿した『闇震』はかなりの嚁力だった。 セむダの䜿った『闇震』は闇属性䞊玚魔法に分類される匷力な魔法であったが、その魔法を䜿う魔法垫はほずんどいない。 なぜなら『闇震』は魔法垫の党魔力を代償にしお呚囲のすべおを無差別に消滅させる魔法であり、ほずんどの堎合が自爆や、盞手を道連れにする際に䜿われる魔法だから。 、セむダが最初に䜿った魔法は闇属性初玚魔法『闇波』ず蚀い、闇属性魔法の䞭でも基本䞭の基本の魔法である。 魔法垫が消滅させたいず思う察象だけを消滅させるこずができる魔法であり、その䞭でも最倧の特城は、詠唱たでも消滅させるこずができるずいうずころだろう。 闇属性を䜿う魔法垫の䞭でもレベルの高い魔法垫は、他の魔法を䜿う際に、耇合魔法ず同じような感芚だが、埮劙に早いタむミングで『闇波』を行䜿しお、本圓に行䜿したい魔法の詠唱を消滅させるこずが出来る。 これは理論䞊の無詠唱だ。先ほどセむダが『闇震』を無詠唱で行䜿できたのもこれが理由であった。 しかし、レベルの䜎い魔法垫が同じこずを行おうずした堎合、タむミングが合わず、本来行䜿したい魔法自䜓を消滅させおしたい、ただ魔力を発散させるだけになっおしたう。 このこずからセむダのレベルがどのくらい高いかがわかる。 そんな時だった。 「なに?」 目の前ですでに息を匕き取ったず思われる少女が動いたこずに、セむダは驚いた。 「どういうこずだ......」 セむダは自分の党力に近い『闇震』を受けおも生き残った少女が䜕者なのか気になったため、少女に近づく。 しかし倒れおいる少女に近づくセむダの動きには、少女に察する譊戒がかなり含たれおいる。それは少女が䜕者かわからない以䞊、隙を䜜るわけにいかないから。 い぀でも闇属性を行䜿できる状態でセむダは少女に話しかけた。 「おい、倧䞈倫か?」 「............」 「んっ......」 セむダの呌びかけで少女が目を芚たす。 少女が目を芚たしたこずにひずたず安心を芚え、セむダはそこで初めお少女の党身を芖界にずらえた。 目を芚たした少女は、スラッず䌞びた色癜の手足に、芋る者を魅了するほど綺麗な赀い瞳、さらさらず艶のある癜く長い髪に、端正な顔たちをしおおり、その少女はお䞖蟞抜きで、絶䞖の矎少女だった。 だが、たずえ絶䞖の矎少女だろうずも、セむダは譊戒を解かない。するず少女が初めお蚀葉を発する。 「............誰?」 その声は柄んでいお、ずおもきれいな声だった。 セむダはそんな少女に自分の名前を蚀う。 「俺か? 俺はセむダ、キリスナ=セむダだ。お前は?」 セむダが自分の名前を名乗るず、少女も小さな声で自分の名前を蚀う。 「ナア......ナア=アルヌニャ」 「ナアか。ナア、どこか痛いずころずかはないか?」 セむダはすぐにナアの身䜓に違和感がないかを確認する。 別にセむダは戊闘狂でもなければ、人を殺すこずに快感を芚えおいるわけでもない。 䞀応、人は死なないほうがいいず思っおいるし、自分もあたり人を殺したくないず思っおいる。だからセむダはナアのこずを心配しおいた。 「倧䞈倫......」 「そっか、それはよかった」 ナアの蚀葉を聞き、セむダは䞀安心する。けれども、セむダはただナアに察する譊戒を解かない。 それにいくら魔封石があるからずいっお、セむダの闇属性に察抗しうる光属性を持っおいれば、逃げるこずは容易だ。 なので、セむダはそこらの事情をたずめおナアに聞く。 「なんでナアは捕たっおいたんだ?」 「油断しおいた......いきなり埌ろから薬品を嗅がされお、気づいたら閉じ蟌められおいた......でも急に党郚消えた......」 ナア曰く、圌女はアク゚リスタンに䜏んでいるの魔法垫で、魔法孊幎二幎の孊生魔法垫であり、孊園からの垰り道で油断しおいたずころを誘拐されたそうだ。 ナアの説明を聞き、セむダは驚愕する。それは油断しお捕たったこずでもなければ、薬品ごずきに負けたこずでもない。 ナアが十六歳で、セむダの同玚生ずいう事だ。 ナアの芋た目は確かに矎少女であるが、その倖芋はどう芋たっお蚓緎生にしか芋えない。纏う雰囲気がどこかボヌっずしおいるせいかもしれないが、初芋で十六歳ず芋砎るこずはできないであろう。 そんなナアがセむダのこずを芋぀める。 ナアの綺麗な玅い瞳が無衚情なナアの衚情をどこか神秘的にしおおり、セむダはナアの芖線に居心地の悪さを芚えた。 「なんだよ? そんなにゞロゞロ芋お」 「セむダは......私よりお兄ちゃん......」 「たぁ、そうだな。同玚生だけど」 しかしナアずいう少女はセむダの想像を絶する存圚だった。 「だから家たで送っお......」 「———————————はっ?」 急に䜕を蚀い出すのか............セむダは党く理解ができなかった。 「家たで送っお......」 「いや、たお。なぜそうなる? ナアも魔法垫なら䞀人で垰れるだろ。しかも俺が幎䞊だずしおも孊幎は倉わらないだろ? ふ぀うそれは同い幎ずいうのだが......」 垞識を超えるナアの芁求に、セむダは䜕ず蚀えばいいかわからない。 だがそんなセむダにこずを眮いお、ナアは説明を続ける。 「孊幎は䞀緒でもお兄ちゃんはお兄ちゃん......今はセむダが十䞃歳......私は十六歳......セむダの方がお兄ちゃん。それに䞀人じゃ無理......」 そんな答えにセむダは唖然ずする。よくわからない理論を蚀われた䞊に、䞀人じゃ垰れないから家たで送れずいうのだ。 いくらナアが少女だずしおも、ここから近くにあるフレスタンに戻れば、いくらでもアク゚リスタンに垰る手段はある。 教䌚に行けば手続きをしおくれるはずだし、アク゚リスタンに入ればもう家に着いたも同然だ。なのに、ナアはなぜか無理ず蚀った。 仕方なくセむダはナアに聞くこずにする。 「ダリス倧峡谷を通るから......」 今床こそセむダは完党に蚀葉を倱い、目の前の少女のこずを理解できなくなる。 ナアの蚀ったこずは垞人の考えでは到底考え぀かないほど、ぶっ飛んでいるこずだから。 「ダリス倧峡谷っおあの暗黒領にある超匷い魔獣達がいるっおいう?」 「そう......」 どや顔で答えるナア。 なんず圌女は匷力な魔獣たちの巣窟であるダリス倧峡谷を通るず蚀い出したのだ。 ダリス倧峡谷ずはフレスタンずアク゚リスタンの境界線の延長䞊にある倧峡谷のこずであり、匷力な魔獣の䜏凊ずしお知られおいる。 たた、なんでもりンディヌネも䜏んでいるずいう噂があり、人々は絶察に近づかない堎所だ。 ダリス倧峡谷に行った者は絶察に垰っおこないずいう噂はレむリア王囜でも誰が知っおいるこずである。 昔、どこかの銬鹿な魔法垫達がりンディヌネを探しに行き、ダリス倧峡谷の魔獣達に远いかけられお死んだ挙句、その魔獣達がフレスタンに進行したずいう事件があったぐらいだ。 なのに、なぜ圌女はダリス倧峡谷を通ろうずするのか、セむダには理解できない。はたしおナアにどのような理由があればそのような考えに行き着くのか。 「なんでドダ顔なんだよ! 普通にフレスタンから垰ればいいじゃないか」 「無理......私は倚くの人が苊手......人が倚いずころは䞀人で通れない......。だから人のいないダリス倧峡谷を通る......ずいうこずでセむダ着いおきお......」 䜕を蚀っおいるのか党く分からないナアに唖然ずするセむダ。 芁玄するず、ナアは人混みが苊手だから人のいないダリス倧峡谷を通っお境界を越えたいず蚀っおいるのだ。ダリス倧峡谷には匷力な魔獣たちがいるずいうのに。 「いや、それこそ無理だから」 圓然、セむダはそんな提案に乗る気はない。どうにかしお生き残れたずいうのに、これからたた自殺行為をする気などセむダには毛頭なかった。 「なぁ、俺が䞀緒に行けばフレスタンから垰れるのか?」 䞀人がだめなら二人で行けばいい。だがこのずき、セむダはナアずいう人間の考えを完党には把握できおいなかった。 「ダメ......セむダはフレスタンに着いたらそのたた消えるかもしれない......。だから逃げられないダリス倧峡谷に行く......もう決定事項......セむダも着いおくる......」 頑なにダリス倧峡谷を通ろうずするナア。いくら人混みが苊手だからずいっお、それだけであのダリス倧峡谷を通ろうずするずは考えられない。 再び、セむダの䞭でナアに察する疑念が生じ始めた。 セむダがナアのこずを疑い出したように、ナアもたた、セむダのこずを心の底から信頌しおいるわけではない。 ナアにはある秘密がある。もし、その秘密がセむダに知られおしたったら、セむダはどのような行動をずるかわからない。 だからこそ、ナアはダリス倧峡谷を通るずいう方法を遞んだのだ。 しかし、䟋えナアがどう思っおいようずも、セむダには認めるこずが出来ない。なによりよくわからない少女ずダリス倧峡谷に行くなど自殺行為である。 「たおたお、逃げないから、しっかり家たで送るから。だからフレスタンに行こう。なぁナアもう䞀床考え盎せ」 「信じられない......それにダリス倧峡谷に行くのはセむダのためでもある......」 「なっ......」 ナアの蚀葉を聞き、䞀瞬にしおセむダの衚情が倉わった。 「俺のため?」 「そう......セむダが持っおいる闇属性は人目に付くず倧倉......」 「なぜ闇属性魔法のこずを知っおいる?」 セむダの纏う雰囲気が䞀瞬にしお倉わった。 なぜ目の前の少女は闇属性の存圚を知っおいるのか。闇属性の存圚は聖教䌚の䞭でも䞀郚の人間しか知らない超機密事項であり、聖教䌚が必死に隠しおいるものである。 セむダはもしかしたらナアはダクリアから送られおきたスパむではないかず考えたが、すぐにそんなこずは無いず理解する。 もしナアがダクリアのスパむだずいうのであれば、ナアの遞んだ人は盞圓の銬鹿だから。 ナアの性栌はスパむをするには向いおいない。ダクリアが送り蟌んでくるスパむならもっずしっかりずしおいる人のはずである。 セむダがそんなこずを考えおいるず、ナアがどこで闇属性を知ったのかを蚀う。 「お父さんから聞いたこずがある......でも本物を芋たのはさっきが初めお......」 「ナアの父さんっお䜕者だよ?」 「お父さんはすごい人......」 興味深い話にセむダは考える。ナアの父芪は闇属性の存圚を知っおいる。それは぀たり、セむダ以䞊にレむリアずダクリアの関係に぀いお知っおいるかもしれない。 もしかしたら、セむダのただ思い出せおない蚘憶のヒントになるかも、セむダはそう考えた。 実はセむダはただ蚘憶をすべお取り戻したわけではない。さっき取り戻した蚘憶はセむダたでの蚘憶で、ただ八歳から十歳の蚘憶を思い出せおいなかったのだ。 たしかにセむダの闇属性は人目に付くず危ない。䞋手をしたらレむリア王囜に入った瞬間に、たくさん魔法垫から攻撃をされるかもしれない。 そうなっおしたえばセむダの人生は終わりだ。 それにナアの父芪が気になる。闇属性魔法の存圚ずその察凊法を知っおいる存圚。いったいナアの父芪は䜕者なのか。 今のセむダにずっお闇属性は最倧の懞念材料だ。もしりィンディスタンに戻っおも、その存圚を知られおしたった堎合、どうしおいいかわからない。 だがナアに着いおいけば芋぀かるリスクが䜎く、安党にレむリア王囜に入るこずができる可胜性がある。 ダリス倧峡谷は確かに危ないずころだ。しかし今のセむダには闇属性ずいう匷力な力がある。 堎合によっおは、匷力だが単玔な魔獣より、非力だが頭の利く人間の方が厄介かもしれない。それなら力技でどうにかなるダリス倧峡谷を通る方がいいだろう。 それにもしナアが裏切ったりしおも、その時は闇属性ですべおを消滅させればいい。 だからこそ、セむダは芚悟を決めた。 「わかった、ダリス倧峡谷に行こう」 「ありがずう......」 こうしお、二人はダリス倧峡谷に行くこずになった。
Seiya found a girl lying down in front of him, but he did not think she was still alive. Because the spell that Seiya cast earlier is a spell to extinguish all things other than the user, the fact that this girl’s body remains is close to a miracle. What can be thought of as the reason for that is that the girl defended herself with light magic, but in the end could not overcome the power of Seiya’s『Dark Tremor』, leaving only the body intact. The dark attribute and the light attribute are attributes that are mutually good and bad against each other In the end, the winner is decided by the power of the spell itself, and the 『Dark Tremor』casted by Seiya didn’t lack in power. 『Dark Tremor』 is a powerful high-level spell of the dark attribute, but few magicians use this spell. Because 『Dark Tremor』is a spell which annihilates everything in the surroundings indiscriminately at the price of all of the magician’s magical power, it’s mostly used for suicide bombing. At the same time, the spell used by Seiya in the beginning『Dark Wave』is an elementary spell and it is a basic of the basics of the dark attribute. It is a spell that will eliminate only the object that the magician wishes to destroy, and the greatest feature is a possibility to destroy the chant. Among the magicians who use the dark attribute, high-level magicians while casting complex spells, use 『Dark Wave』at precise timing, doing so they can eliminate the chant of that spell. This is a theoretical chant omission. And this was the reason why Seiya was able to cast『Dark Tremor』 without a chant earlier. However, when a low-level magician attempts to do the same, the timing may not match, and the spell that he/she intends to manifest is getting extinguished itself. From this Seiya’s level could be seen. It was at this time. 「What?」 Seiya was surprised at the fact that a girl who seemed to have already taken her last breath started moving, right before his eyes. 「Just what is happening......」 Seiya approaches the girl since he was interested about the way the girl survived after receiving the『Dark Tremor』with full force. But Seiya’s movement contained a lot of wariness against the girl. As long as he doesn’t know her identity, he doesn’t dare to leave an opening. Being ready to cast at any time, he talked to the girl. 「Hey, are you in one piece?」 「............」 「Mm......」 The girl opens her eyes hearing Seiya. For the moment he felt relieved and then carefully examined her with his eyes. The girl stretched her slender white limbs, she had beautiful red eyes that fascinate the viewer, beautiful shiny white hair, and neat face. Calling her extremely beautiful won’t be a flattery. But even facing an absolutely beautiful girl, Seiya was still on high alert. Then the girl said her first words. 「............Who?」 The was very clear and beautiful voice. Seiya tells his name to her. 「Me? I am Seiya, Kiritsuna Seiya. And you are? 」 When Seiya names himself, the girl also follows suit in a small voice. 「Yua.....Yua Arunia」 「Yua then. Are you hurt somewhere? 」[] Seiya immediately tries to confirm her body condition. Seiya is not a battle maniac, nor does he finds pleasure in a slaughter. He thought it is better for people to live than to die, and he didn’t want to kill too many people too. That’s why he was worried about Yua. 「I’m fine.....」 「I see, that is good」 Listening to her words, Seiya rests assured. But he is still wary against Yua. Besides, if she is that powerful she could have escaped the range of the spell easily. So, seeking answers Seiya asks the girl. 「Why were you captured here?」 「I was careless ... ... they approached from the back and drugged me, when I noticed, I was already trapped ... and then everything disappeared ......」 She said that she is a years old magician living in Aquaristan, a student of the second year in the magic academy, and was kidnapped on the way back from the school. Listening to her explanation, Seiya was amazed. He was neither being sneak attacked nor drugged by medicine. Yua is sixteen and she if and of the school year as Seiya. Her appearance is that of a beautiful girl, but she gives off the impression of a trainee. It is hard to guess that she is sixteen on the first look. Such Yua is staring at Seiya right now. Her beautiful red eyes make her expressionless face somewhat mysterious, Seiya felt uncomfortable looking at them. 「What is it? You are staring too much」 「Seiya is seventeen you are my older brother ......」 「Well, that’s right. Although we are in the same year」 But the girl named Yua was an unimaginable existence to Seiya. 「That’s why, walk me home.....」 「———————————What?」 What did she say?............ Seiya could not understand it at all. 「Walk me home......」 「Wait a little. Why is this happening? If you are a magician, you can go home alone. We are even of the same grade. Although I’m older ... ...」 To her request that disregards common sense, Seiya did not know what to say. But, Yua proceeds with her explanation. 「The grade is the same but older brother is older brother ... Seiya is seventeen years old ...... I am sixteen years old ... Seiya is an older brother. Besides, it is impossible alone......」 Seiya blanked at such an answer. Using logic, he couldn’t understand Yua asked him to walk her home. No matter how much of a girl you are, there is a way to return to Aquaristan from the Freestan, which is close by. If you go to church you will be able to do finish the procedures, and as soon as you arrive at Aquaristan you are as good as home. Yet, she said she could not do it for some reason. With no other choice, Seiya asked her himself. 「Because of the Great Dalis Canyon」 This time Seiya’s brain mouth gave up on him, he couldn’t understand her at all. Thinking about her words, it is hard to understand the whole picture. 「Great Dalis Canyon. Is it the place with lots of super strong magical beasts walking around?」 「Yes......」 She answered with a spaced-out look on her face. She suggested walking through the Great Dalis Canyon, a den of powerful monsters. The Great Dalis Canyon is situated in between Freestan’s and Aquaristan’s borders and is known as a monster den. Also, there is a rumor that Undine is living there, people refuse to approach that place. The rumor says that people who went into the canyon never came home, everyone in the Leiria Kingdom knows that In the past, there were cases where some stupid magicians went searching for Undine, but they died after being chased by monsters in the Great Dalis Canyon, the monsters then proceeded to Freestan. Seiya couldn’t understand why is she going through the Great Dalis Canyon. What kind of reason can force you to go inside on your own volition? 「Why, for god’s sake! Can’t you just return by common route?」 「This is impossible ...... I am not good with people ...... I can’t pass where there are many people.......I need to go through the Great Dalis Canyon, where no one is escort me, Seiya......」 Seiya is stunned and doesn’t know how to respond. To summarize, she is saying that she wants to pass through the Great Dalis Canyon, where there are no people because she is not good with crowds. Even though there are strong monsters in the Great Dalis Canyon. 「No, THIS is impossible」 Naturally, Seiya does not want to go with that proposal. Although he managed to survive somehow, he didn’t want to commit suicide yet. 「Hey, if I come with you to Freestan will that be fine?」 If you can’t do it alone, let’s do it together. However, Seiya still could not comprehend the person called Yua. 「No ... ... if we arrive at Freestan Seiya might disappear .... So I will go to the Great Dalis Canyon... ... it is already decided ... ... Seiya, escort me ...」 Yua dared to pass through the Great Dalis Canyon. How much does she hate crowds to the extent of trying to pass through the infamous Great Dalis Canyon by herself. Again, doubts sprouted in the mind of Seiya. Like Seiya was on guard against Yua, Yua also does not trust Seiya from the bottom of her heart. Yua has a secret. If the secret is known to Seiya, she can’t predict his reaction. That is why she chose to pass through the Great Dalis Canyon. Whatever she thinks inside her head, Seiya doesn’t understand. It is a suicide to go through the Great Dalis Canyon with a strange girl around. 「Wait a little, I won’t run anywhere, I will properly walk you home. Let’s go to Freestan, please consider it」 「I don’t believe you......besides, going through the Great Dalis Canyon is also for your sake......」 Listening to her words, Seiya’s expression changed in a blink of an eye. 「For my sake?」 「Yeah......if people discover your dark attribute you will be in trouble......」 「Why do you know about the dark attribute?」 The atmosphere around Seiya changed drastically. Why does she know about the existence of the dark attribute? The existence of the dark attribute is a very confidential matter, only some people in the church and powerful clans are aware. Seiya’s first thought was that she is the spy from Dakuria, but he quickly dismissed that thought. If you are saying that she is a spy from Dakuria, then you are probably an idiot. Her character is not suitable for spying. Dakurian spy should be more competent than this. When Seiya contemplates such a thing, Yua explains why she knows of the dark attribute. 「I heard from my father ...... But it’s the first time seeing the real thing....」 「Who is your father?」 「An amazing person ...」 Seiya mulls over her story. Yua’s father knows the existence of the dark attribute. That may mean that he knows about the relationship between Leiria and Dakuria more than Seiya himself. Or perhaps he just can’t remember it. Actually, Seiya has not regained all of his memory yet. A while ago he got back his memory up to eight years old, but could not remember the memory from eight to ten years old yet. Certainly, Seiya’s darkness attribute is dangerous if it is known. He may be attacked by many magicians the moment he enters the Leiria Kingdom. If that happens, his life is over. Also, he is interested in Yua’s father. He knows of the existence of the dark attribute. Just who is her father? The dark attribute is the biggest concern for Seiya. If he returns to Windistan but ends up revealing himself, he can’t predict the consequences. However, the risk of going with Yua is low, in Freestan there is a possibility that you can fail to enter the Leiria Kingdom safely. The Great Dalis Canyon is indeed a dangerous place. But now Seiya has a strong power of dark attribute. In some cases, weak but smart people are much more dangerous than powerful but simple monsters. In that case, it would be better to go through the Great Dalis Canyon, relying on his own power. Besides, if Yua betrays him it is okay to just erase her with the dark power. That is why Seiya decided to accompany her. 「All right, let’s go through the Great Dalis Canyon」 「Thank you......」 In this way, they decided to go to the Great Dalis Canyon.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
クファルは俺が目を瞠るほどの速さで、街䞭を駆け抜けおいく。いや、足がないので這いずっおいくずいった方が正しいか。 それを芋倱わないように远いながら、俺は少し疑問を持っおいた。 もっずもこの街の䞭心は䞖界暹があるので、䞭心郚ずいう蚀い方は間違いかもしれない。 ずにかく、そっちは街の倖ずは正反察の方向で、逃げるにしおも䞍適圓ず蚀わざるを埗ない。 「たさか、迷宮に逃げ蟌む気か?」 䞖界暹の䞭には、数癟局にも及ぶ䌝説の倧迷宮が存圚する。 神話の䞭ではこの迷宮を螏砎した者は䞍老䞍死が䞎えられるずあり、か぀おは埌に竜神ず呌ばれたバハムヌトや、魔王ず呌ばれる存圚がこれを目指しお登頂したらしい。 しかし砎戒神が䞖界暹を半ばでぞし折ったために、この神話の事実を確認できなくなっおしたった。 「いや、スラむムであるあい぀なら、䜕かを取り蟌むこずで自身を匷化できるのかもしれないな」 分䜓を操䜜できるようになったように。この速床で動ける身䜓胜力を埗たように。 俺に远い詰められた珟圚、その打開策ずしお新たな胜力に期埅しおいるのかもしれない。 かなりの距離を逃げられたため、すでにかなり䞭心郚に近くなっおいる。しかし迷宮の入り口には、ただかなり距離があった。 近くには小さな教䌚があり、人目は党くず蚀っおいいほど存圚しない。いや、民家すら存圚しない。 䞖界暹の近くは萜䞋物があるため、䞖界暹ず街の間には倚少距離が開いおいる。 「もう鬌ごっこは終わりか?」 「ああ、もう終わりだ。レむド、お前もな」 「なに?」 呚囲には人目はない。教䌚の䞭に数人の気配は感じ取れるが、特に倉わった動きは―― 「いや、なんだ、これは!?」 前䞖の俺だったら気付かなかっただろう。魔法が䜿えるようになった今だからこそ気付ける、魔力の流れ。 「生きお垰るこずができたのなら、ラむ゚ルに譊告しおやるずいい。自決甚ずはいえ、僕の分䜓を攟眮するなんお、自殺行為だずね」 「この距離から、操䜜したずいうのか!」 「ただ操䜜したわけじゃない。魔法陣を描くように動かした。そしおその䞭には絶望に染たった生莄がいるもな!」 俺は宿でコルティナから聞いた話を思い出した。 昌間、俺が捕たえた男ず、ラむ゚ルたちが捕たえた男。二人の捕虜を小さな教䌚で『尋問』したず。 ぀たり今、圌らに生き延びる道はない。それは玛うこず無き『絶望』ではないのか? 男は、正気すら手攟しおいるず聞いおいる。 そしお魔神召喚においお、生莄の絶望は倧きな芁玠ずなり埗る。 「たさか、お前......仲間を生莄に!」 「分䜓を動かしお牢獄内に魔法陣を描かせた。生莄もある。魔力は......たあ、生莄本人から提出しおもらおう。星の䜍眮が少々悪いが、狂気がそれを補っおくれるだろうさ」 くふふ、ず邪悪な笑顔を浮かべるクファル。 同時に教䌚の地䞋から凄たじい瘎気が挏れ始める。 「なんだ、これは......」 「どうやら圓たりを匕いたようだね。なにが出たかな?」 「ふざけ――」 俺の蚀葉は、そこで止められおしたった。教䌚の䞭から耇数の悲鳎が聞こえおきたからだ。 続いお建物を砎壊する砎砕音ず足音。遅れお飛び出しおくる兵士。圌らは俺たちには目もくれず、蜘蛛の子を散らすように逃げ出しおいく。 響いおくる足音の倧きさず間隔から、かなりの巚䜓ず掚枬できる。暢気に構えおいおいい盞手じゃなさそうだった。 やがお教䌚の門が内偎から吹き飛ばされ、召喚された魔神が月明かりの䞋に姿を珟した。 そしおだらりず䞋げられた腕には、二本の倧剣が握られおいた。 「た、さか......」 もう䞀䜓、埌ろから姿を珟す。 「くふ、くふふ......たさかたさか、こんな巡り䌚わせっおあるもんだねぇ!」 半ば狂気に染たった喜びを隠そうずもしない、クファルの声。 地響きを立おお珟れた魔神。それは前䞖の俺を死に远いやった、あの双剣の魔神だった。 「しかも二䜓! どうするレむド? 君は今回も勝おるかなぁ? ヒヒ、ヒハハハハハハハ!」 耳障りな笑いを続けるクファルに、俺は糞を飛ばす。 しかし奎も同じミスを二床もするはずがない。その攻撃を読んでいたのか、ひらりず身を躱しお逃亡に移った。 魔神の前にクファルを倒すべく、埌を远おうずしたが、魔神の方がそれを蚱さなかった。 「グルルルルりルルルルァァァァァァァァァ!」 二䜓揃っお叫びをあげ、殺意を挲らせお俺に向かっお迫っおきたのだ。
Perhaps by abandoning his newly-obtained body, his agility increased even further. He was running through the city so fast it made me open my eyes wide in shock. Or well, he had no legs, so it was better to say that he was crawling. I chased to not lose sight of him, while holding some doubts. He was running towards the World Tree. In other words, to the central part of the city. The World Tree was the center, though, so perhaps calling it the city’s central part was a little incorrect. At any rate, that was opposite of the city exit, so I couldn’t help but think it was quite unfit for a place to run to. “Wait, does he plan to get inside the Labyrinth?” The World Tree had a legendary Labyrinth with hundreds of floors. Within the mythology, it was said that whoever conquered this Labyrinth would gain immortality, so various beings, like Bahamut, who later became known as the Dragon God, or the Demon Lord, apparently aimed for it and climbed to the top. However, the God of Destruction had snapped said World Tree in half, so no one could confirm whether the mythological events were true. In other words, at present, the only merits of climbing this Labyrinth were the items you could obtain inside. “No, a Slime like him might strengthen himself by absorbing something.” Just like how he became able to control his body parts. Or the movement speed that he gained. Now that I have cornered him, he might be planning to aim for some new ability to overcome this situation. If so, it would be bad to let him escape like this. Just as I was considering using my threads to overtake him, Kufar suddenly stopped. As he had fled for quite a distance, we were pretty close to the central part already. But the Labyrinth entrance was still far away. There was only a small church nearby, with practically no human presence. Or rather, there weren’t even private houses around. As things fell near the World Tree, there was some distance between it and the city. That church stood further deep inside the inner border of the city. “Are we done playing cat and mouse?” “Yeah, this is the end. For you too, Reid.” “What?” There was no one around. I could feel a few people inside the church, but they weren’t making any— “Wait, what is this?!” The presences weren’t moving. However, the magic power was concentrating bizarrely there. I of the past life would’ve probably failed to notice it. But now that I could use magic, I could see it—the flow of magic power. It was flowing towards the church’s basement. “If you manage to return alive, give Lyell my words. That it was suicidal to leave my body parts be, even if it was just something used for suicide.” “You’re saying you manipulated it from this distance?!” “Not just manipulate. I made it to draw a magic circle. And within it are sacrifices that have fallen into despair. Two of them!” I recalled the information I heard from Cortina at the inn. She told me they ‘questioned’ the guy I caught during the day and the one Lyell and Maria caught, in a small church. They could not escape the death penalty, but they spit out the information to escape from the suffering. In other words, they had no more hope for survival. That would undoubtedly be considered , wouldn’t it? I heard one of them had even lost his sanity. And when it came for the Devil summoning, how much despair the sacrifices felt was a major factor. “It can’t be, you... You’re planning to sacrifice your comrades!” “I made my body part draw the magic circle inside the prison. I have sacrifices too. As for the magic power... Well, I’ll just use them from the sacrifices. The star positions are a little bad, but their madness should make up for it.” , he chuckled sinisterly. At the same time, I felt a tremendous miasma leading from the church’s basement. “What is this...” “Looks like it was a success. I wonder what we got here?” “Stop mes—” My words stopped at that. Because I heard several screams from the church. Following it, came sounds of footsteps that were destroying the building. With a little delay, soldiers rushed out. They didn’t even look at us and scattered everywhere. From the reverberating footsteps and the interval between them, I guessed that it was something big. It was not an opponent I could carelessly charge at. Before long, the church’s gate was blown off from the inside, and the summoned Devil revealed its body under the moonlight. It stood over three meters tall. It was on the smaller side for a monster, but the strength lurking within could rival even the Giants. And in its dangling hands, it held two longswords. “It can’” It wasn’t the only one either. Yet another one appeared from behind. “Pfh...khaha... I can’t believe it! To think we would have such a fateful meeting here!” Kufar spoke, not even hiding his half-maddened delight. The Devil appeared as the earth trembled. It was that same devil that drove me to death in my past life. “And there’s two of them! What will you do, Reid? Can you win again, huh? Hihi, HIHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I swung my threads at Kufar who was laughing with jarring laughter. But he would not make the same mistake either. He seemed to have read my attack and nimbly dodged it and continued to escape. I tried to chase after him before before defeating the Devils, but the Devils did not permit it. “GRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” The two raised cries and charged towards me bursting with murderous intent.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
話を聎き終わっおため息を぀いおしたった俺は悪くない、ず思う。ノむラヌトがそれをフォロヌするように続けた。 「敵もあからさたにはこっちに背䞭は向けられない、ず」 「はい。それに各貎族家の方も臆病ではありたせんので、指揮階玚の方々には戊意があるのです。むしろ意欲のありすぎるものを抑える事さえありたす」 「さすがにフィノむを敵の手に枡すわけにはいかない、ず蚀う点では将兵が共通の意識を持っおおりたすから」 シュンツェルが付け加えた内容たで聎いお頭痛を感じおしたう。王囜軍にはずりあえず敵には自由にさせない以倖の共通目的がないのか。 「公爵の目論芋が半分は圓たっおいるようだな。問題はどこでい぀たで膠着しおいられるか、か」 「は?」 ノむラヌトずシュンツェルがよくわからない、ず蚀う衚情を浮かべた。ちょっず飛躍しすぎたか。こっち間ぐっすり寝お考える時間があったからな。䜓動かせないんで考えるしかなかったず蚀うか。 「順を远っお考えおみるずしよう。たず二人もノァレリッツの様子は芋たな」 「はい」 「忘れられたせん」 そう、ノァレリッツの䜏民を含む生き物は文字通りむさがり食われおいた。぀たり爬虫類軍は死霊兵ず異なり物を食うんだ。 「連䞭も食事はする。だが王囜軍が野戊陣で半包囲しおいるずなるず敵は食い物を狩りには行けない」 王囜軍の将兵を逌ずする考え方もあるだろうが、草食動物じゃないんだから向こうにも損害は出る。奎らは人肉食うのに抵抗はなかろうが王囜軍の将兵だっお䞀方的に食われる気はないからな。 そうなるず敵だっお食料が最沢ず蚀うわけでもないだろう。戊堎で王囜軍の将兵を食っおいたずいうのは、案倖敵も腹を空かせおいるのかもしれない。 「ずいうこずは野戊で敵を兵糧攻めにしおいるこずになる。ここたではいいんだ」 こっち偎の問題。たずフィノむの倧神殿。そりゃ少しは備蓄もあるだろうが果たしお長期の籠城に耐えられるのか? ず蚀う問題がある。 それにもずもず神官ずかには荒事向きの性栌しおない人も倚いし、長期戊になるずダレおしたう危険性も高い。早く助けに来いず王囜軍が煜られる可胜性もある。 「そしお王囜軍。盞手を飢えで消耗させるずいう遞択肢はありだったず思うが、こっちも兵数が倚すぎる」 䞀郚貎族の方々がやる気出しすぎたんだろう。人間はゲヌムのように決たった予定通りには動かない。もずはず蚀えば脳筋䞖界である䞊に、宰盞閣䞋が緊急出動什を出したこずにもあるず思うが、敵の狙いがフィノむだったずいうこずもあるだろうな。 珟状では王家や貎族ず神殿の関係は悪くないが、王暩ず神暩で暩力のいがみ合いが発生するこずはたたある。神殿偎に恩を抌し売りするのにいい機䌚だず思った面は間違いなくあるだろう。疫病ずかが発生した時には僧䟶系の魔法が頌りになるこずもあるから、神殿に恩を売りたい気持ちはわかる。 もう䞀぀の理由に関しおは想像だけなんで今は蚀及しないでおこう。 ノァレリッツの街ひず぀食い぀くすほどの食欲だ。フィノむに向かうたでも遭遇したものは䜕でも食い぀くしお来おいるに違いない。軍に合流する前に確認したデンハン村も酷い状態だったし。芋た目爬虫類の癖に軍隊アリだなたるで。 圷埚う魔物 ず魔将の盎属は別物なんだろうか。実際、人間から芋れば党郚魔物には違いないが、人間同士で囜ごず、階玚ごずにいさかいがあるように魔軍にもなにかこう栌差のようなものはあるのかもしれない。この蟺は正盎謎だが魔物に聞いたっお答えおくれるずも思えんしなあ。 それはずもかく、王囜軍は緊急出動なんで補絊面はどうしおも埌手に回っおいるだろうし、魔物を狩るずいう珟地調達の手段が倱われ、フィノむ近隣で倧軍の拠点になりえたノァレリッツは厩壊状態。 「敵を飢えさせおいる぀もりがこっちたで飢えそうになっおいる、っお蚀うんじゃ笑えない。陛䞋や王倪子殿䞋も苊劎されおいるんじゃないか」 「王倪子殿䞋が?」 「ここにいないのが䜕よりの蚌拠だ」 囜王陛䞋自身はこういう時は指瀺を出すだけだからな。補絊面での手配、倖亀面での察応、兵がごっそりいなくなった貎族領の状況の確認。おそらく王倪子殿䞋や担圓の軍務倧臣あたりは王郜から離れられないほどやるこずがあるに違いない。 むしろここたで物資が䞍足気味でも飢えおないあたり殿䞋の手腕がすげぇ。あの人実は倩才なんじゃね。 「倖亀、ですか?」 「フィノむは別にわが囜だけの倧神殿じゃないぞ」 前䞖で蚀えばバチカンみたいなもんだ。他囜からもフィノむには巡瀌が来る。情報䌝達速床にもよるずはいえ、圓然ながらこの状況は少しず぀近隣囜にも挏れおいるだろう。倚分王倪子殿䞋ずか倖務倧臣ずかは情報封鎖に忙しいはず。 それにしおも考えおみれば、倖囜からの巡瀌者も通るアヌレア村はもっず倧きくなっおおもおかしくないんだよなあ。あの村長じゃ無理か。萜ちた金を䜕に䜿っおたんだろうね。 「フィノむの状況が䌝われば近隣囜も出兵の意向を芋せおくるだろう。けど珟状はご芧のありさただ」 この䞖界だずよほどの状況でもなきゃ揎軍に察しおは食料などの提䟛をしなきゃならない。この堎合、盞手が魔軍なのだからこっちが食糧出すのが圓然ずなるだろうが、珟状自軍ですら食料が危険な状態だ。 これで矩勇軍ず蚀う名目で数が増えでもしたら補絊線の問題で戊線が厩壊する。なたじ宗教が絡んでるんでい぀たでも拒吊し続けるわけにもいかんだろうし。 それに䜕より近隣囜にしおみればここでノァむン王囜に恩を売るチャンスでもある。利甚できるずきは利甚し、恩を売れるずきは売り、敵察するずきは敵察する。倖亀なんおそんなもんだ。指導者ず指導者個人の関係はどうあれ、囜ず囜なら囜益が優先される。 なんおもんはロヌマによる安定が呚蟺囜にずっおも郜合がよかった時代の産物でしかないからな。 「想像だがそうだなあ、長くおも二〇日皋床で決着付けたほうがいいだろうな。それたでになんかいい手があれば」 いいけどね、ず蚀いかけたら亀代したばかりの衛兵の内、片方が笑い出し......え・い・ぞ・い? えヌず。 俺の芖線に気が付いたのだろう、埌ろにいた二人が衛兵が被る量産品の兜を脱ぐず芋芚えのある顔がそこにあった。ノむラヌトずシュンツェルが硬い衚情しおたのはこのせいか。 「どうかね公爵、子爵の芋識は䞀〇代のものではなかろう」 「うむ。ヒルデア平原の勝利が子爵の手によるものだずいうのも理解せざるを埗ぬ」 たあ確かに前䞖も含めれば俺の人生経隓は䞀〇代じゃありたせんがね。 セむファヌト将爵閣䞋ずグリュンディング公爵閣䞋、なんでたた衛兵の栌奜しおたでこんなずころにいらっしゃったんですか。
After I listened to their story, I sighed. Then, Neurath continues, “Well, if the enemy begins to aggressively attack the Great Temple, then our army will probably begin to take an offensive stance.” “You meant to say that our enemy won’t be able to just turn a blind eye to our army?” “Yes sir. After all, the nobles in the frontline aren’t cowards, so the army commanding officers have the desire to fight. There’s even an incident where a noble needed to be surpressed because he was too eager to fight.” “As expected the entire army all thought that we cannot let Finnoi fall to the enemy’s hand,” Schunzel added. Listening to their story makes my head hurt. Doesn’t this mean that the only common goal of our army on the frontline is to prevent our enemy from moving freely? amazingly “It seems like the Duke’s plan is now half-complete. The problem now is just how long we can keep the situation in a stalemate.” “Pardon?” Neurath and Schunzel looked at me in confusion. Ah, right, I skipped too many steps. Unlike them, I’d been stuck in this place for the last days so I had plenty of time to think. Or rather, I was “I’ll explain it step-by-step. First, you both remember the state of Valeritz, right?” “Yes.” “I will never forget it.” Yes. Every living being including the citizens of Valeritz was devoured. That means, unlike the Dreax’s men, the reptilian demons need to eat. “The enemies need to eat but because they are currently surrounded by our army, they can’t go hunting for food.” Coupled with that, I doubt that there are any herbivores among our enemies who can live just by eating random grasses. Technically, the enemies can also eat the soldiers of the kingdom’s army to survive but no one will let themselves be eaten without putting up a fight. This means that our enemies also suffered the problem of not having enough food. Maybe the reason they ate all of the kingdom’s men on the frontline was simply because they were hungry. “So that means this stalemate also hurts our enemies’ provisions.” But the problem is Finnoi. Since it’s the Great Temple, they probably stocked some emergency provisions but how long will it last? Moreover, since it’s a temple, there will be many priests who are not accustomed to war so there’s a possibility that if the siege lasted too long then these priests will shout something like “The plan to drive our enemies to death with hunger is fine but as you know our army also has a lot of people.” In the frontlines, there are many nobles who are too eager to fight. Other than having muscle brains or being motivated because they are following the Prime Minister’s emergency dispatch order, they are probably eager because our enemies’ aim is Finnoi. The relationship between the temple and the royal family isn’t bad but that doesn’t mean that there are no conflicts at all. I’m sure that one of the reasons why the kingdom and the nobles decided to help Finnoi is to make the temple owe them a favor. After all, if there’s a plague outbreak in the future, you need to rely on the temple’s Holy Magic. There’s actually another reason that I can think of but since it’s still just a guess, I won’t mention it here. By the way, before I met up with the main army, I had also checked the state of Denham Village and, sure enough, I found that every living thing in that village had been eaten. As for whether the demons might eat each other, I don’t know. In the eyes of humans, both the wandering demons and the demons of the demon army are the same but I don’t know if, in reality, they are different and have internal conflicts among themselves just like the humans have conflicts between different countries and different nobility classes even though they are all the same human. In any case, our army is an army gathered hastily so obviously we don’t have enough time to gather enough supplies. Adding to that we can’t hunt demons for food and the closest town that normally will be able to provide additional supply, Valeritz, is already destroyed. “It won’t be funny if our army ended up being the one that starved because of our own strategy. I bet His Majesty and His Highness are currently really busy.” “His Highness too?” “His Highness didn’t come to the frontline this time. That’s proof that he’s really busy right now.” After all, usually, the King’s job is only to give orders. The ones who probably took care of the military supply, diplomacy, and confirming the safety of the territories of nobles that lost all its soldiers are probably His Highness and the ministers of the Ministry of War. I doubt they can afford to leave the capital now. Rather, the fact that the army can last this long even with the lack of supplies is really amazing. As expected, maybe His Highness is a genius? “Diplomacy?” “Finnoi isn’t only Finnoi is like the Vatican in my previous life. Pilgrims from other countries also came to Finnoi. Slowly but surely the information about the current state of Finnoi will reach other countries. His Highness and the Ministry of Foreign Affair are currently probably working their butt off to keep this information from leaking. Come to think of it, how come Alea Village remains that small, considering the number of pilgrims it receives every year? I’m suspicious about where that shitty chief spent the money that came from the pilgrims. “Once other countries learn the current state of Finnoi, they will probably show intention to send their army to help. But as you know, the current situation of our army is pretty bad.” In this world, most of the time, it’s customary for an army to offer food and other supplies to the reinforcements. In other words, if other countries send their army to help Finnoi, it’s Sharing the already lacking supplies and food with others might cause our army to collapse and since this is a battle involving religion, it will be impossible for His Highness to keep refusing the reinforcement offers from other countries that used And more than anything else, this is the chance for other countries to make the Bain Kingdom owe them a favor. Use us when they can, make us owe favor when possible, and be our enemy when it’s advantageous, that’s just how diplomacy is. In diplomacy, no matter how good or bad the personal relationship between the leaders of countries is, their national interest comes first. Even Pax Romana was only possible because at that time the stability of Rome brought the most advantage to its surrounding countries. “In my opinion, we have at most days to end this war. If only there’s a way to settle this war within that time...” When I said that, one of the palace guards burst out in laughter. Huh? Why? After the two guards noticed my confused gaze, they took off their helmets and their face made Neurath and Schunzel frozen in place. They are both very familiar faces to the three of us. “Now you understand why I said the Viscount’s view is unlike a teenager, right, Duke?” Well, I’m not an actual teenager. “Yes. I now understand how he was able to make our army victorious in the battle of Hildea Plain.” Grand Duke Seyfart and Duke Grunding, why are you both here dressed as prison guards!?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 14 }
ゎンず共におひいさたの屋敷から垰っおきた。 空間魔法だろうか、ほが行った時間ずあたり時間が経過しおいないように思われる。これはどういう魔法だろうず考えながら埌ろを振り向くず、小さな祠の隣に、キツネの石像が䞡端に備えられた倧きな祠が建っおいた。おそらくこれが、おひいさた盎通の祠なのだろう。早速、明日にでもご泚文の品をお䟛えしおおこう。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、ハヌピヌが数匹、ゞェネハのいる銬小屋に飛んで行った。おそらくヒナの逌を届けに来たのだろう。俺も様子を芋に行く。 「ゞェネハ様、今日の゚サを持っおたいりたしたヌ」 「たた倧ネズミの肉か。子䟛たちは肉ばっかりでもいかん。倚少甘みのある果物も取っおくるのじゃ」 「はいヌ。了解ですヌ」 おおっ、ハヌピヌたちの䌚話が分かるではないか!単に「ピピィヌ」ずしか聞こえないが、䜕ずなくそれがこういう意味だろうず分かるのである。すげえな教逊LV5は。 「今床たたおはぎを䜜るから、それをたた持っおきおやるよ。あ、ぜんざいがいいか?」 ゞェネハずハヌピヌがギョッずした顔をしおいる。おおっ、俺の蚀葉も通じたか? 「ご、ご䞻人様、どうしお私たちの蚀葉が話せるのです?」 「ああ、䜕かその、ゎンが仕えおいる神様にスキルをもらったんだよ。俺の蚀葉、通じおるよな?」 「はい、十分通じおいたす。ご䞻人様ず盎接お話が出来るようになり、うれしいです!」 「ご䞻人様、むリモです。私の蚀葉はわかりたすか?」 「おお!むリモか!わかるわかる!むリモはきれいな声をしおいるんだな」 「゚ヘヘ、恥ずかしいですヌ」 魔物たちずの䌚話をしばらく楜しんでいるず、これも䜕ずなくではあるが、圌女たちの過去が分かるようになった。さらに泚意しお圌女たちの過去を探るず、ハヌピヌたちが䜕故、この森に来たのかが分かった。 「ほう、お前たちは倧魔王に䌚いに来たのか?」 「はい、お恥ずかしいこずですが、倧魔王を倒そうず思っおここたで来たした。ずお぀もない邪悪な気配を感じ、それを頌っお旅をしたのです。恥ずかしながら我々は、仲間で戊えばどんな匷敵にも勝っおきたした。我々であれば勝おるず思ったのです」 俺の気配を感じた瞬間、ゞェネハは、「ああん?䞖界最匷だず?誰に断っお蚀っおやがんだ?私たちを倒しおから蚀えよ!」ずいうような感情を抱き、居おも立っおも居られない感情になったのだずいう。確かに、呪いLV5は邪悪な者を寄せ付けるっお蚀われおたもんね。無理もないか。 「しかし、ゞュカ山脈はドラゎンの巣窟。倧魔王の気配にあず䞀歩ずいうずころで、どうしおも山脈を越えられたせんでした。仕方なしに、この森に逗留しおた時に、ご䞻人様に出䌚ったのです」 なるほど、それで俺のビヌフシチュヌを狙っおボコボコにされたのね。 「正盎私たちは、人間颚情の䞀人くらい䜕ずでもなるず思っおおりたした。しかし、家族党員が死ぬ䞀歩手前たで远い蟌たれたした。あの恐ろしさは今でも忘れたせん。しかし、ご䞻人様には感謝しおいるのです。䞊には䞊がいるずいうこずを教えおいただきたしたし、傷を負った我々を治癒しおくださいたした。それだけでなく、䜏む堎所を䞎え、時には矎味しい食事たで提䟛しおいただき、こうしお家族を守っおいただいおいたす。ありがたいこずです」 お、おおう。たあ、気たぐれにしおるだけなんだけどな。 ゞェネハ曰く、しばらくは自分たちのように匷者ず勝手に思い蟌んでいる魔物が来る可胜性があるので、泚意するよう提案されたのず、ハヌピヌたちも、そのような邪悪な魔物をできるだけ芋匵っおいくず胞を匵られた。そうなるず俺は匱い。圌女たちのスィヌツを䜜らざるを埗ないこずになった。 そろそろ気候が暑くなりかけた頃、ハヌピヌたちのヒナが飛ぶ緎習を始めるようになった。ただただ飛べないが、必死で矜をバタ぀かせおいる。芋おいおずおもかわいい。俺の癒しの時間である。 そんな時、俺のマップに魔物襲来の衚瀺が出た。色は黄色なので、譊戒し぀぀俺のずころに近づいおくる。ハヌピヌたちも集たり、魔物の襲来を告げおくる。マップには「ベリアル」ず衚瀺されおいる。しかも4䜓もいる。 「ベリアル」・・・悪魔ずドラゎンを合わせたような颚貌。かなり高䜍の悪魔である。䞀応結界は匵っおあるが、ゞェネハは仲間を埓え぀぀、䞊空で迎撃態勢に入った。俺も倖に出お様子を芋守る。 たず4䜓のベリアルは、結界に察しお突撃を敢行した。しかし、俺の結界はダワではない。圓然のごずく圌らを跳ね返した。するずベリアルは4䜓が固たり、雷魔法のような魔法を䜓に纏い、超高速で結界に向かっお突撃を行った。はじき返されおも突撃を繰り返すこず10回、俺の結界は぀いに砎られた。 ベリアルたちが降りおくる。ハヌピヌはその速床に察応できない。そしお、ドスン!ず倧きな音ず地鳎りず共に奎らは俺の前に珟れた。2匹は黄色、あずは赀ず玫ずいう色だ。䜓衚の色は、ベリアルの胜力か䜕かに関係があるのか?ず考えおいるず、奎らに続いおハヌピヌたちが俺の呚りに降りおた。そしお、俺を譊護する態勢を敎える。 「グモモモモ、なぜハヌピヌが人間ず共にいる?いや、そい぀が倧魔王か?」 「いや、違うぞ。あの人間から劖気は感じない」 「おいハヌピヌども!倧魔王はどこにいる!玠盎に答えた方が身のためだぞ?グモッ」 「この人間は我々の䞻人だ。倧魔王などいない。芋぀けたければあの山脈を越えおいくがよい。もっずもあの山脈は数皮のドラゎンが生息しおいお、我らでも越えられなかったがな」 「䜕ず!倧魔王はいないだず!それにその人間が貎様らの䞻人だず!?䜕をバカな!人間ごずきに、貎様らが敗れたずいうのか!」 「その通りだ。この、ご䞻人様に敗れた。それゆえ我らは呜ず匕き換えにご䞻人様にお仕えしおおるのだ」 「グモモモモヌ。ゞェネラルハヌピヌである貎様も耄碌したずいうこずか!よかろう!倧魔王が蚎おぬのなら、貎様らの䞻人を蚎っお我々の名声を高めるぞ!最匷皮族が我々ベリアルであるこずを、思い知らせおやるのだ!」 ・・・勝手に決めるなよ。自分の名を売るために倧魔王を倒しに行くっお、アホじゃないのか?身の皋知らずも甚だしい。それより俺は、戊う気がないんだけどなヌ。などず考えおいたら、ベリアルの䞀人が高速の火魔法を攟぀。速い!避けはしたが、油断しおいるず圓たりそうだ。 「ゞェネハたちは動くな!ヒナずむリモを守れ!」 俺は叫びながら屋敷ずは逆方向に走る。ベリアルたちも俺を远いかけおくる。すぐにベリアルたちに囲たれおしたう。 「グモモヌ。我らのために死ね。ちょうど腹が枛っおいたのだ。腹の足しになろう。グモモモモヌ」 「ベリアルであるのは分かったが、名をお持ちか?名をお聞かせ願いたい」 「我らの名か。よかろう、死の眮き土産ずしお聞いおおくがよい。我はベリアル䞀族の䞭でも最䞊䜍に䜍眮するベルアルク・・・ぐえぇ!」 ペラペラずしゃべっおいる䞀番倧柄なベリアルに結界を匵り、そのたたそれを瞮小する。䜓䞭の骚を䞀瞬で砕かれおそのベリアルは絶呜した。ごちゃごちゃうるせぇんだよ! 「き、貎様ヌ!!!!」 残ったベリアルたちが䞀斉に俺に高速のファむダヌボヌルを攟぀。俺は氷の結界を匵っおレゞストする。ファむダヌボヌルを攟った瞬間、ベリアルは空䞭に移動しおいた。俺はその䞭の䞀匹にめがけお高速のりむンドカッタヌを攟぀。透明で切れ味抜矀、攻撃察象をどこたでも远いかけおいく颚刃がベリアルをズタズタにする。悲鳎を䞊げる間もなく目のベリアルは空䞭に散った。 その瞬間、俺はもう䞀匹のベリアルに抱き着かれた。そしお間髪を眮かず、そい぀の口から至近距離で爆裂匟を攟たれる。倧爆発を匕き起こすが、俺は党くの無傷だ。抱き着かれた䜓勢のたた、俺は呚囲の枩床を火魔法で急䞊昇させる。䞀瞬のうちにベリアルの䜓が炎を纏う。瞬間的に䜕千床ずいう高枩にしたため、ベリアルの䜓が真っ赀になる。もずもず真っ赀だった䜓衚がさらに赀くなっおいる。そのたた赀いベリアルは溶けおしたい、倧地を焊がした。 残るは玫色のベリアルだ。ずおもったら、その姿がない。銬小屋の方からハヌピヌたちの悲鳎が䞊がる。急いで駆け付けるず、ハヌピヌたちが鋭い足の爪を歊噚に、ベリアルに奮闘しおいる堎面が目に入った。幞い、䞀匹も怪我をしおいなさそうに芋えるが、ベリアルはそのハヌピヌを䞀掃すべく、火魔法の詠唱を始める。俺は無限収玍から「鬌切」を取り出し、ベリアルをブッた斬った。 「グモオオオオオオオオヌ!!!グギャァァァァァァァァァ―――――!!!! 」 断末魔の絶叫を䞊げ、玫ベリアルは、のたうち回っおいる。 「党員ケガはなかったか?ああ、そこ、矜をやられたか?゚クストラヒヌル!」 戊闘で傷぀いたハヌピヌを治癒しおやる。圌女たちもすでに俺の家族みたいなものである。幞いにしお臎呜傷を負ったハヌピヌはおらず、党員無事であり、ヒナたちも無事であった。 俺は、ホッず䞀安心する。するず、絶叫しながら苊しみ続けるベリアルが目に入った。最初は叫んでいるだけであったが、しばらくするず、䜕やら泣きながら蚀葉を喋っおいる。 「やめおヌ!!お願いだからやめお!!お母さん!!お母さん!!お母さん!!!」 「このベリアルはただ子䟛じゃな。しかもメスじゃ。幎端も行かぬのに・・・哀れじゃな」 ゞェネハは呆れたように呟く。 「うヌん、䜕かこのベリアルを狂い死にさせるのは、良心が痛むでありたすなヌ。この子は戊闘に加わっおおらず、むしろ逃げようずしおいたでありたすからなヌ。䞀床、襲っおきた蚳を聞いおもよさそうではありたすなヌ」 䜕故かゎンがい぀の間にか俺の傍に来おいる。ええっ?面倒くさいなぁ。どうするかなヌ。
I, together with Gon, came back from Ohi-sama’s mansion. It looked like some kind of space magic, I do not think that too much time passed. While I was mulling over that magic, I saw a big shrine with the fox statues on its sides standing next to the small one. Most likely, this shrine is connected directly to Ohi-sama. Let’s prepare the offering tomorrow. While I was thinking that, I saw a few harpies flying into the stables where Jeneha was. I guess, they came to deliver the food for the chicks. Let’s check on them. 「Jeneha-sama, the food for today was delivered」 「The meat of the great mouse once again. You can’t feed the children with only meat. You need to add some fruits and something sweet as well」 「Yes. Roger」 Oh, I understand what they are saying! I can only hear them saying「pipyi」, but I can subconsciously understand the meaning. Liberal Arts LV is amazing. 「I will make ohagi very soon, I will bring you some then. Or would you prefer zenzai? 」 Jeneha and the harpy made weird faces. Oh, did my words get through? 「M-master, how come you can speak in our tongue?」 「Well, I kind of received a skill from the god, who was Gon’s superior. You can properly understand me, right? 」 「Yes, I understand. I’m happy to have a direct conversation with Master! 」 「Master, it is Irimo. Do you understand my words? 」 「Oh! Irimo! I do understand you! You have a beautiful voice」 「Ehehe, it’s embarrassing」 While enjoying the conversation with the monsters, I unintentionally learned about their past. While prying further, I understood why the harpies came into this forest in the first place. 「Ho, so you came to visit the Great Demon King?」 「Yes, it is embarrassing to admit it, but we came here with the intention to defeat the Great Demon King. We sensed a tremendous evil aura and followed it. We thought that as long as we are together we could beat any opponent. We were confident in our strength」 When she sensed my aura, she was like「Ah? The world’s strongest? Who said that? Say that after you defeat us! 」and became strangely motivated. Come to think of it, it was said that Curse LV could attract the animosity of others. No wonder. 「However, Juka Mountain Range was filled with the dragons. Just when we were about to locate him, his presence vanished. Without any other choice, we settled here and met Master」 I see, and then they aimed for my beef stew and got smacked. 「Honestly, we didn’t think much of a single human’s power before. However, the whole family was cornered and almost died. I can’t forget that horror even now. But I’m grateful to master. You told us that there is always a higher mountain and even healed our wounds. Not just that, Master gave us a place to stay, gave the tasty food from time to time and protected our children. I can only be grateful」 Sure. It was just a whim of mine though. Jeneha also mentioned the possibility of other monsters coming here, so I had the harpies be vigilant against any strange entities. As a reward, I ended up making some sweets for them. As soon as the weather became warm, the little harpies started to practice flying. They still weren’t able to, but they tried their hardest. It was really cute. Watching them healed my soul. [] At that time, my map displayed the monsters trespassing into my territory. Their color was yellow, they carefully approached the mansion. The harpies gathered and were prepared for the attack. The map displayed them as「Belial」. There were of them. 「Belial」....its appearance resembled that of a mix between a dragon and a demon. It’s a quite high-ranking demon. I erected the barrier and the harpies took their positions. I also went outside to keep track of everything. The Belials decided to attack the barrier. However, my barrier wasn’t that brittle. It repelled them as if it was natural for it to happen. Then, the Belials steeled themselves, clad themselves in lightning-like magic and pounced at the barrier at extremely high speed. After assaulting the barrier for times, they finally broke it apart. Belials came inside, the harpies weren’t able to cope with their speed. With a loud sound, they appeared before me. Two of them were yellow, one was red and one was purple. Is color somehow related to their abilities? While I was thinking about that, the harpies descended around me and made a defensive formation. 「Gumomomomo, why are the harpies standing beside a human? No, is he the Great Demon King? 」 「No, I don’t feel any kind of evil aura around him」 「Hey, harpies! Where is the Great Demon King?! It would be better for you to obediently answer gumo」 「This human is our Master. There is no Great Demon King here. Go and cross that mountain range if you want to find him. The being said, that mountain range is the dragon’s den, even we can’t easily pass it」 「What?! No Great Demon King here!? This human is your Master?! Bullshit! Are you saying that you lost to a puny human!?」 「That’s right. We lost to our Master. Therefore, in exchange for our lives, we are serving him」 「Gumomomomo. You, a general harpy, have descended into idiocy! Fine! If we can’t find the Great Demon King, we will increase our fame by slaying your Master! We will remind everyone about the Belials, the strongest species! 」 .....Don’t just decide that on your own. Increase your fame by slaying the Great Demon King? Are you retarded? Your lack of knowledge is extreme. Besides, I’m not in the mood to fight. While I was thinking that, one of the Belials released a high-speed fire magic. Fast! I tried to evade, but due to my negligence, it hit me anyway. 「Harpies are to protect Irimo and the children!」 I shouted as I ran in the opposite direction of the mansion. The Belials chased after me and very soon I was surrounded. 「Gumomo. Die for our sake. I’m hungry and you can make a nice snack. Gumomomomo」 「I understood that you are the Belials, but do you have a name? I wish to hear it」 「Our name? Fine, let’s make it our parting gift. I’m the top of the Belial family, Belialk.....gueee! 」 I put the noisiest one inside the barrier and started shrinking it. Its bones and body were crushed in a matter of moments and it completely and utterly died. You were too god damn loud! 「Y-you!!!!」 The remaining Belials released the high-speed fireballs at the same time. I resisted with the ice barrier. As soon as they released the fireballs, they moved in the air. I aimed at one of them and released the wind cutter. Transparent wind blades with exceptionally sharp edges tore the Belial apart. At that moment, I was embraced by another Belial. Then, he released the explosive bullet from his mouth at the hair’s distance away. A grand explosion happened, but I was completely unscathed. While still being embraced, I increased the temperature of my surroundings with fire magic. In a blink of an eye, Belial’s body lit in flames. Since I instantly raised the temperature by a several thousand degrees, its body turned completely red. Its originally red body became even redder as it melted away. Only the purple Belial was left. Or so I thought, but couldn’t see his figure. I heard the harpies’ screams from the stables. When I rushed back, I saw the scene of harpies struggling against the purple Belial with their sharp claws as their weapons. Fortunately, not even one was dead as of yet. To deal with the harpies, the Belial started chanting fire magic. I took out「Onigiri」from the infinite storage and slashed at it. 「Gumooooooooo!!! Gugyaaaaaaaa!!!」 The purple Belial raised a scream of agony and staggered. 「Is everyone fine? Ah, you over there, are your wings got hurt? Extra Heal! 」 I healed the wounded harpy. They are already something like my family. Fortunately, not even one was fatally injured and everyone was fine, children included. I was relieved. Then, the purple Belial, who was screaming in agony, entered my sight. After he got tired of screaming, he spoke in a crying voice. 「Stop it!! I beg you, stop it!! Mommy!! Mommy!! Mommy!!!」 「This Belial is still a kid. It is even female. She is not an adult pitiful」 Jeneha said in an exasperated voice. 「Un, my heart hurts to leave her to die in agony. After all, she tried to escape instead of joining the battle. Perhaps we should listen to her circumstances first」 Gon appeared by my side before I knew it. Eh? How bothersome. What am I going to do about it~
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「うぅ眠いよぉ~」 昚倜はお店の新メニュヌ䜜りに没頭しおいたため、あたり寝おいない。新メニュヌずは、アツアツのご飯に耇数の銙蟛料を䜿っお味付けした野菜や肉が入ったルヌをかけたもの、そう「カレヌラむス」のこずだ。 昚日、俺かけおカレヌ䜜りに挑戊しおいたのである。䜕か異䞖界にくるず無性に食べたくなるっお本圓だったんだね。どうしおも食べたくなっお䜜ろうずしたんだけど難しい。味は芚えおいるけど、いかんせんスパむスがわからない。䌌たような玠材で䜜っおも埮劙な味になるのだ。 いや、むンド人はすごかったんだね。あの絶劙な味加枛をスパむスの組み合わせで考えたんだから。あぁ、たじでカレヌ粉が欲しい。 前䞖、ろくに料理なんおしなかったからカレヌのレシピを䜜れない。䜕せカレヌの具なんおじゃがいもず人参ぐらいしか知らなかったからね。だから芚えおいる味芚を頌りに䜜るしかないのだ。 もう前䞖の自分をぶん殎りたいくらいだよ。今では異䞖界の食べ物のほうが詳しくなっおいるからな。前䞖、どんだけ怠惰に生きおきたかがわかる。 そしお、珟圚俺は町の寄合に参加しおいる。普段、こういう寄合は父さんか母さんのどちらかが顔をだすのだが、急遜父さんの芁請で俺が抜擢されたのだ。 ダディのこの無茶ぶり......。 この前の件が尟を匕いおいるのは間違いない。 お店の借金隒動の際、俺が䞀人で解決したのがたずかった。たぁ、正確には俺ずいうよりレミリアさんのおかげだけどね。䞀歩間違えば危険な目にあっおいたかもしれないず説教を受けたのである。 父さんから「お前は町の皆を信頌しおいないのか!」ずさんざんに叱られた。町の皆で団結しお立ち向かおうずしおいたのに、俺が勝手にスタンドプレむをしたから怒っおいるのだ。 倚分、父さんが俺をこの寄合に参加させたのは少しでも町民を知っおほしい、もっず倧人になっおほしいずいった気持ちが蟌められおいるのだろう。 そこたで思われたら断るわけにはいかない。 眠い目をこすっお来たが......こういう䌚議っおどの䞖界でも倉わらないね。䜕かどうでもいい議題をぐだぐだず話しおいるだけに聞こえる。 それにうちの町長っお挔説が長すぎるよ。町長が話奜きだっお聞いおたけど本圓だったんだ。前䞖、孊校の校長の話もたずもに聞いたこずがない俺だ。぀い぀い睡魔に襲われる始末である。 「ティレアちゃん、眠そうだね」 俺が船を挕いでいるず、譊備隊の詰所で事務をしおいるゞョヌゞさんが気さくにそう尋ねおくる。 「す、すいたせん。ちょっず、倜遅くたで料理しおいたもので......」 「はは、あいかわらず熱心だね。だけど、あたり無理はしないこずだよ」 「はい。わかっおはいるんですけど......぀い、えぞ」 料理バカなずころを指摘されお぀い頭をかいおしたう。 あれ!? そういえばゞョヌゞさんが来おいるんだ。 こういう寄合では率先しお参加し、偉そうなこずを蚀っおそうなのに......。 「ビセフさんは寄合に参加しないんですか?」 「あぁ、ビセフさんただ家に匕きこもっおいるんだよ」 たじか。ただあの件を匕きずっおいるのかよ。このたた匕きこもりっぱなしになるんじゃないか? のせいで家族は危機にさらられたずいうのに。いただ䞀蚀も釈明に来おいないのである。ヘタレなのはこの際しょうがないずしおも迷惑をかけたのだから謝っおほしい。 ぶ぀ぶ぀䞍平を挏らしおいるず町長が䞀段、声をあげおきた。 「最埌に緊急の事案がある!」 緊急の事案? これはさすがに聞いずかないずね。䞡手で顔をバンバンず叩き、眠たげな頭をむりやりクリアにし、町長の話に聞き入るこずにした。 「ここ数日、ベルガ町の流通に倉化が起きおいる」 「町長、倉化ずはなんですか?」 「どうやらベルガ町近蟺の生態系が壊れおいるようなのだ」 「そ、そんな本圓ですか?」 町長の衝撃発蚀に町民達は隒ぎ始める。確かにオヌク肉は倀䞊がりしおいたし、垂堎によく出おいた食材のいく぀かが消えおいた。 「垂堎に魔獣の肉を卞しに来おくれる熟緎の冒険者達が口を揃えお蚀うのだから間違いあるたい」 「そんなどうしお急に?」 「どうやら倧型の魔獣か魔犬の矀れが発生したみたいだ」 「倧型の魔獣!? そんな話今たで聞いたこずがない」 「既に人的被害も出おおる。ザルギヌの村が壊滅したそうだ」 「ザルギヌの村ですか! ここからそんなに遠くないですよ」 「あぁ、だからワシらも泚意しないずいかん」 「で、でも、壊滅なんおそんなバカな......」 「なんでもザルギヌの村に行った冒険者が蚀うこずには、そこは誰もいなかったそうだ」 「ど、どこかに皆で移動したのではないですか?」 「生掻甚具を眮いおか? ありえぬ。それに冒険者が村民の死䜓を発芋したらしく、その死䜓は獣に無残に食いちぎられおたそうだ」 「ぜ、党員ですか?」 「死䜓は数人分しか芋぀からなかったようだ。埌は魔獣の胃袋の䞭だろ」 町民達に動揺が広がる。こんな平和な町でそんな物隒な話を聞くずは皆思っおいなかったらしい。俺もその䞀人だ。だっお、䞋手すればベルガの町っお前䞖の日本より治安がいいず思っおたよ。 が闇金り゜ゞマ君ずいう悪者を呌び寄せたけど、あれはむレギュラヌなケヌスであっお基本平和な町だったのだ。それなのにこんな事件が起きるなんお......。 「倧型の魔獣か魔犬の矀れ......この蟺りも物隒になりたしたね、ゞョヌゞさん」 「あぁ、儂幎この町に䜏んでいるけど初めおだよ」 倧型の魔獣か魔犬の矀れ。本圓に物隒な話だ。いきなり倧型の魔獣がこの蟺りに出珟するのも考えにくい。珟実的には魔犬の矀れが正解のような気がする。倚分、䜕かのきっかけでこの町に移動しおきたのだ。 さらに町長の話が続いおいく。 「......で、二぀解決案を考えおおるのだ。䞀぀は町の皆で自譊団を䜜る」 「自譊団ですか」 「そうだ。各䞖垯から数人有志を募り、亀代で町の呚蟺を譊戒するのだ」 「では、もう䞀぀の案は?」 「もう䞀぀はギルドに䟝頌する。冒険者達の蚌蚀もあるし魔獣の蚎䌐隊を組織しおくれるず思う」 「そのほうがいいんじゃないですか? 俺達玠人だしプロにお任せしたしょうよ」 「ふむ。ただし䟝頌料は町の皎だけでは足りぬ。その堎合は盞応の金の䟛出を各䞖垯にしおもらうぞ」 町長の提案に皆考え蟌む。有志を募った自譊団では金の心配はないが、少なからず呜の危険が䌎う。逆にギルドに䟝頌した堎合は呜の危険はないが、それなりに痛い出費を䌎う。 金か人か......。 「ゞョヌゞさんはどう思いたすか?」 「そうだね。普通だったら自譊団で事足りるけど。聞いた限り被害がただ事ではないから自譊団では手に負えないかもしれない」 「なるほど。でも本圓は倧した事件ではなかったら、ギルドぞの䟝頌なんおお金の無駄ではないですか?」 「あぁ、そうでしたね」 「ティレアちゃんは誰か頌りになりそうな人知らないかい?」 「う~ん、数だけならうちの埓業員ずその仲間達でけっこういるんですけどね」 「あぁ、今話題のニヌルれンさんだろう? たったくあんな䌊達男どこで芋぀けおきたんだい?」 ここでも熟女キラヌの名を広めおいるようだ。 「たぁ、確かに奥様方に人気なんですけどね。腕っ節のほうはちょっず......」 「いわゆる色男、金ず力はなんずやらっおこずだね」 む、あんな䞭二病を色男なんお䞖も末だ。だけど、考えおみるず自譊団を䜜っおもろくな人材がいないのも確かだ。ここは倚少金がかかっおもギルドに䟝頌するべきである。 「それでは意芋も出尜くしたようなので倚数決を採る」 町長はそう蚀っお倚数決の音頭を取った。俺はもちろんギルドぞの䟝頌に祚を入れた。 結果......。 倧倚数の祚でギルドぞの䟝頌が決定したのである。 に䞍安感を持っおいるみたいだね。寄合の決定を受けおギルドぞの早銬が飛ぶ。数週間埌には蚎䌐隊が組織されるであろう。 「ティレアちゃん、倧倉なこずになったね。くれぐれも倖出時には泚意するんだよ。萜ち着くたでは䞀人では出歩かないほうがいいかもね」 「はい、そうしたす。ゞョヌゞさんも気を぀けおください」 本圓に物隒になったものだ。特に、ザルギヌの村近くは絶察に近寄らないようにしなきゃね......っおあれ? あの蟺っおティム達がよく遊んでいる堎所じゃなかったっけ? これは早急にティムに泚意をしなければならない。 俺は寄合を埌にし、急ぎお店ぞず向かった。
“Uu, I’m so sleeeepy~” Because I spent last night creating a new menu for our restaurant, I didn’t get much sleep. The new item on our menu is a hot rice dish flavored with lots of spices, topped with a roux of vegetables or meat; that’s right, it’s ‘curry rice’. I spent all of yesterday challenging myself to create curry. Looks like it’s true that when you come to another world, you just start getting crazy cravings for it. I just wanted to eat it so badly that I tried to make it myself, but it’s really hard. Although I remembered what it was supposed to taste like, I don’t know exactly what spices they put in it. Even when I used similar ingredients, the taste ended up kind of odd. Man, the Indians really were amazing, huh? They came up with such an amazing balance of spices after all. Aahh, I seriously wish I had curry powder. I didn’t do any proper cooking in my last life so I can’t come up with the recipe for curry. After all, the only garnishes I knew for curry were potato and carrot. That’s why the only thing I can use is my memory of how it tasted. Honestly, I just want to punch the old me in the face. After all, I know more about this world’s cuisine now. So now I know just what a lazy life I used to lead. Anyway, busy with this, and that, I only slept four hours ago. And right now I’m participating in the town meeting. Normally this is left to Mum or Dad, but Dad suddenly demanded that I go, so I got promoted. Daddy really asks for the impossible... I’m sure it’s because of what happened earlier. I guess it was pretty bad that I solved our debt crisis single-handedly. Well, rather than me, it was more like Remilia who solved it though. I ended up being scolded because it could have been dangerous had I made just one mistake. “Don’t you trust our neighbors in this town!?” Dad said, and I got completely chewed out. He was mad because everybody in town was joining together to stand up to them, but I went and did a solo play. He probably made me come to this meeting so I could get to know everyone a little better, and maybe become a bit more mature. Since he was that concerned about me, I couldn’t refuse. I’m rubbing my eyes due to the sleepiness but... these sorts of meetings are the same in every world, huh. They keep going on and on about stuff I don’t care about. And the speeches that our town mayor gives are too longgg. I’ve heard that the old mayor loves talking, but it looks like it’s true. In my old life, I never listened to the principal’s speeches either. Eventually the sleepiness caught up with me. “You look sleepy, Tilea.” As I was nodding off, George, the clerk from the guard station spoke to me in a friendly voice. “I-, I’m sorry. I stayed up a little late cooking, and...” “Haha, as passionate as always, huh. But you shouldn’t overdo things.” “Yes. I know that, but... it just kind of happened, ehe.” Being pointed out as a cooking maniac, I just scratched my head in embarrassment. Hmm!? Speaking of which, George is here. Loser (Bizef) isn’t coming? Even though he seems like the type who would proactively come to a meeting like this to act all important... “Is Bizef not going to participate?” “Aahh, Bizef is still holed up in his house.” Seriously? He’s still all up about that time? Isn’t he going to turn into a real shut-in at this rate? To begin with, it’s his fault that my family was in danger. Even now, he still hasn’t explained himself once to us. Even if we accept that it’s because he’s a loser, he inconvenienced us, so he should apologize. While I was mumbling unhappily, the mayor suddenly got louder. “Also, there is a final, urgent matter to discuss!” Urgent matter? As you’d expect, I need to hear this out at least. Slapping my face awake with both hands, I forcefully cleared my sleepy head, and began listening carefully to what he had to say. “These last few days, the circumstances around Beruga have changed.” “Mayor, what do you mean change?” “Apparently the ecosystem around our town is being destroyed.” “I-, Is that true?” The mayor’s bombshell announcement sent the townspeople into a clamor. It’s true that Orc meat has been getting more expensive, and a few ingredients that were common before have disappeared from the markets. “The veteran adventurers that come to sell magic beast meat at the markets are all saying the same thing, so there is no mistake.” “And why is this urgent?” “Apparently a large-type magic beast or a pack of magic dogs have been discovered.” “Large-type magic beast!? I haven’t heard a thing about that yet.” “There have already been victims. Apparently Zalgie Village was annihilated.” “Zalgie Village!? But that isn’t too far from here.” “Indeed. That’s why we must be vigilant as well.” “B-, But to annihilate the whole village is...” “According to the adventurers that went to Zalgie Village, not a single soul was spotted there.” “C-, Couldn’t they have all moved somewhere together?” “And leave the tools for their livelihood behind? Impossible. And moreover, the adventurers supposedly discovered corpses there, and those corpses appeared to have been brutally bitten apart by a beast.” “A-, All of them?” “They only found the parts for a few people. The rest are probably in some magic beast’s stomach.” Panic spread through the townspeople. In such a peaceful town, nobody expected to hear such a violent story. Myself included. I mean, I thought that even at its worst, Beruga was safer than Japan in my old life. The other day Loser (Bizef) may have called over the loan sharks, but that was an irregular exception, and the town is normally peaceful. But despite that, to think something like this happened... “Whether magic dogs or a large-type magic beast... it looks like these parts have become dangerous, doesn’t it, George.” “Yeah. I’ve lived here for thirty years in this town, and this is the first time.” A large-type magic beast, or a pack of magic dogs. It really is a crazy story. It’s hard to imagine that a large-type magic beast would suddenly appear in these parts. Realistically speaking, I think that the magic dog theory is on the money. Something probably caused them to migrate towards our town. The mayor continued to talk. “The first is that we create a town militia.” “A militia?” “Indeed. Each family contributes a few volunteers, and take turns keeping a lookout around town.” “And the other option?” “The other option is to rely on the Guild. We have the testimonies of the adventurers, and I think they will organize a suppression squad for us.” “Wouldn’t this option be better? We’re all amateurs, so let’s rely on the pros.” “Fumu. However, just our town taxes will not be enough for the request. In that case, we will be taking money from each household.” Everybody began to think about the two options. If we recruit volunteers for the town militia then we won’t need to worry about money, but it will come along with a significant threat of death. On the other hand, relying on the Guild would keep all our lives safe, but in that case our wallets will hurt. Money or people... “What do you think, George?” “Let’s see. Normally just a town militia would be enough. However, from what we hear the danger is out of the ordinary, so the militia would likely be unable to handle it.” “I see. But if it turns out that it isn’t really a big deal, then wouldn’t the Guild commission just be a waste of money?” “Ah, that’s true.” “Tilea, do you have anybody you could perhaps rely on?” “Hm~mm, if it’s just numbers then our store’s staff and their friends sum up to quite a few, but...” “Aahh, you mean Nielsen, don’t you? Honestly, where on earth did you find that dandy?” Gegeh-, so even George knows about him!? So that Pervert (Nielsen)’s fame as a mature lady killer has spread this far. “Well, it’s true that he’s popular with all the wives, isn’t he? But his physical strength is a little...” “One of those so-called ‘loverboys’, was he? A lady’s man who gets through life with just money and power, huh.” Muu, if that chuunibyou is a ‘loverboy’ then it’s the end of the damned world. But thinking about it, it’s true that we don’t have enough people to form anything close to a decent militia. I think that even if we need to spend some money, it’s best to call the Guild. “Well then, now that we have all discussed every opinion, it is time for a majority vote.” Saying that, the mayor took the votes. Naturally I voted to commission the Guild. The result... The great majority voted the same way I did. It looks like everybody is having their doubts about Loser (Bizef). Having come to a decision, we sent out a fast-horse to contact the guild. They should probably send a subjugation team in a few weeks. “It seems things have gotten serious, huh, Tilea. Try your best to be careful while going outside.” “Yes. Please be careful too, George.” It really is dangerous. In particular, we’d better stay away from Zalg-... Huh? Isn’t that the place that Timu and the others like to play? I’d better warn Timu as quickly as possible. Leaving the meeting behind, I hurried to the shop.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「そうですな。公爵家で蚓緎された方々なら安心です。それに、公爵家ず蚀えば珟圓䞻の゚ッケンハルト様ですから、圓然その緎床は信頌をおけたす」 ゚ッケンハルトさんは剣の達人らしいから、その人が蚓緎をした人達ならそこらのゎロツキに負けるなんおこずはあり埗ないだろう。 フィリップさんやペハンナさんラさん等、俺ず行動を共にした護衛さんは倚くないけど、どの人もしっかりずした動きをしおるように思う......実際戊った所は芋た事が無いが、物腰がな。 「買い占め察策ですが......どのような事がよろしいかな?」 珍しく、セバスチャンさんがカレスさんに意芋を求めおいる。 色んな知識があっお頌りになるセバスチャンさんだが、商売に関しおは䞇胜ではないようだ。 「......そうですな......買える数に制限を蚭ける、ずいうのはどうでしょう? 聞いた限りでは、疫病に察しおラモギの数はそれほど必芁が無いずの事。であれば、その事を説明し、1人で買える数を1぀か2぀に制限するのです」 「成る皋......それなら買い占める事が出来たせんな。ですが、家族の分も含めお耇数欲しい人にはどう察凊するのですか?」 「その堎合は、手間ですが事情を聎き、店の店員に確認を取らせたす」 カレスさんの提案で、色々な察策が決たっお行く。 1人に察する販売数は最倧2぀、家族等がいおそれ以䞊必芁な堎合は店員が確認をする。 䟋の店が耇数の人を䜿っお、数を買うかもしれないずの意芋も出たが、それはそれで䟋の店に関する情報ずなる。 もし難癖付けお、暎力的な手段に出お来たら危ないからな......その時は屋敷の護衛さん達の出番だろうけど。 「はい、承りたした。しばらくはニックをこの店で集䞭的に働かせる事にしたす」 察策が決たっお、持っお来おいた荷物の䞭から数日分の薬草をカレスさんに枡す。 これでしばらくはニックが屋敷に来なくおも良くなる。 カレスさんの店でしっかり働いお、接客を孊んで欲しいず思う。 甚件を終え、俺ずセバスチャンさんはカレスさんの店を離れる。 ランゞ村に行くためには、この街の東から出お行かなくおはならないので、東門ぞず足を向けた。 「タクミ様、こちらがランゞ村たでの地図になりたす」 セバスチャンさんから、ランゞ村に行く道筋は聞いおいたが、念のためず地図を枡された。 運が良いのか䜕なのか、ちょうど街䞭で売っおいた物をセバスチャンさんが目ざずく芋぀け、今買っお来た物のようだ。 「そうです。途䞭、街道を逞れる分岐路がありたすが、耇雑な道ではありたせん」 1枚の甚玙になっおいる地図を広げお䞭を芋るず、ラクトスの街呚蟺の詳しい地理が曞き蟌んであった。 ランゞ村は、ラクトスから東ぞほが真っ盎ぐ進んだ堎所にある。 セバスチャンさんの蚀う通り、街道を逞れお少し北ぞ行く分岐路があるので、そこさえ間違えなければほが迷いようがないくらいだ。 「それでは、タクミ様。お気を付けお。お早いお垰りをお埅ちしおおりたす」 東門の近くで、䟋の店ぞ探りを入れるず蚀うセバスチャンさんず別れる事になる。 俺に深々ず瀌をしたセバスチャンさんには、出来るだけ気を付けお欲しい。 䟋の店の党容がただわからないから、セバスチャンさんが公爵家に仕えおる人間で、色々調べおる事が知れたら、䜕をしお来るかわからないからな。 「それず、タクミ様。魔法をお教えする際に䌝えた事、忘れないで䞋さい。タクミ様にもしもの事があればクレアお嬢様も......ラむラも悲しみたすからな」 「悲したせる気は無いので、倧䞈倫だずは思いたすが......たぁ、色々考えおどうしおも、ずいう時は逃げる事にしたすよ」 セバスチャンさんの別れ際の忠告......もしどうしおも倒せない盞手なら、逃げる事も考える。 呜があれば䜕ずかなるからな。 埌半の、楜しそうに笑いながら蚀ったセバスチャンさんの蚀葉は適圓にスルヌしおおく。 「それじゃ、行くぞ。レオ!」 東門を出おすぐ、レオの背䞭に乗り、走り出す。 「カレスさんの店で少し遅れたから、少しだけ早く頌む!」 1時間も遅れおはいないが、ラモギを出来るだけ早くランゞ村に届けおあげたい。 レオに頌んでい぀もより少し速床を䞊げお走っおもらう。 俺は荷物をクッションに、振り萜ずされないようしがみ぀く。 気合の入ったレオの返事ず共に、走り出したスピヌドは、い぀もの倍近くあるように感じた。 ......ちょっず早すぎじゃない? これでも振り萜ずされない自分にも驚くが......鍛錬のおかげで倚少䜓が鍛えられおるからかもしれないな。 「......レオ、もう少し街道から離れた堎所を走っおくれ!」 「すれ違う人達が驚いおるからな!」 レオにしがみ぀いたたた、俺は街道から離れるように叫んで䌝える。 凄い速さで移動しおるから、叫ばないずレオに聞こえそうにないからな......レオの耳の良さなら聞こえるのかもしれないが。 レオは最初どうしおそんな事をするのか疑問に感じたようだが、俺の説明で玍埗しおくれお街道から少し離れた堎所に移動する。 ラクトスから出発しお玄1時間、ラクトスぞ向かう人達も、ラクトスから離れる人達も、総じおすごいスピヌドで走るレオに驚いおいた。 倧きな䜓のシルバヌフェンリルが、街道を疟走しおたら誰でも驚くから仕方ないよな。 䞭には、銬が暎れ出したり、持っおいた荷物を攟り投げお逃げ出そうずする人たでいたように芋えたから、レオの姿はよっぜど怖かったんだろうず思う。 事情を知らない人から芋たら、シルバヌフェンリルがいる事は恐怖の察象なのかもしれない。 たぁ、シルバヌフェンリルずわかった人が倚いかどうかわからないが、それでも倧きな魔物に芋えるからな......。
“As for any obstruction, I’ll have some of the mansion guards posted here. That should be enough to deal with them.” “Indeed. It would be a great relief to have people who are as finely trained as them. Besides, they are Duke Ekenhart’s own men, so my trust in them is immense.” Mr. Ekenhart was a master swordsman, so anyone he trained should be able to beat any ruffians with ease. I had only spent time with a few of them, like Phillip, Nicholas, and Johanna, but they all seemed terribly reliable... Though, I hadn’t actually seen them fight. It was just the way they carried themselves. “As for how to prevent them from buying... What can be done?” That was unusual. Sebastian asked Mr. Kalis for a suggestion. While Sebastian was reliable for his great wealth of knowledge, it seemed that he didn’t know that much when it came to trade. “...Indeed... What about setting a limit to how much you can buy? From what I understand, you do not need much to treat the illness. In that case, we can explain this to customers and limit everyone to only buying one.” “I see...that would prevent them from buying in bulk. However, what about people who are buying for their whole family?” “In such cases, they will have to explain and offer some evidence that they speak the truth.” Suggested Mr. Kalis, and they quickly decided on various countermeasures. One person could buy up to two, and if they needed more than that for their family, one of the clerks would confirm that they were telling the truth. It was also brought up that the malicious store could send several people to this store, but this in itself would offer information about them. And if they happened to use more violent and threatening methods...the mansion guards would handle it. “Well, here are the herbs for you to sell while I am away.” “Yes, thank you. I’ll have Nick focus on working here in the meantime.” “Thank you. I’ll let you know as soon as I return.” “Certainly.” Now that they had decided on everything, I took out the herbs from my bag and handed them to Mr. Kalis. Now Nick would not have to come to the mansion for a few days. I hoped he would work hard in Mr. Kalis’s store and learn how to treat customers properly. Now that our business there was over, Sebastian and I left the store. As I had to leave through the east of the town in order to go to Range village, I headed towards the east gate. “Mr. Takumi, here is a map that will help you.” “...Thank you.” While Sebastian had given me directions on how to reach it, he also handed me a map, just in case. Perhaps I was lucky. He had just happened to see one that was being sold in town, and had bought it for me. “It really is close to a straight line, just as you said.” “Yes. There is one place where the main road branches off, but it is not complex at all.” I spread out the map in order to look at it. The map was filled with details on the area surrounding the town of Ractos. Range village was basically a straight line from it to the east. As Sebastian said, there was a branching path to the north. But as long as we didn’t go there, it was unlikely that we could get lost. “Now, please be careful, Mr. Takumi. And we will be waiting for your quick return.” “You should be careful as well, while you continue the investigation.” “Yes, I know.” When we were near the east gate, Sebastian said that he was going to investigate the store, and so we would part ways there. With a deep bow, he left. I hoped he would be as careful as possible. There was still much that we didn’t know about the store. And if they found out that someone from the duke’s house was sniffing around, they might try and do something. “Also, Mr. Takumi. Don’t forget what I told you when teaching you to use magic. If anything were to happen to you, Lady Claire...and Lyra would mourn.” “Don’t worry, I don’t intend on allowing that to happen, but... Well, I’ll think of every option and run when it’s the right time.” Sebastian’s last warning... If I encounter an enemy that I can’t defeat, then I should run away. Your life was the most important thing. As for the thing he said after that, with a knowing grin, I would ignore it. “All right, let’s go, Leo!” “Wuff!” As soon as we were out of the gates, I climbed onto Leo’s back and she started to run. “As we were delayed a little, please run a little faster!” “Wou! Wou!” While we hadn’t even lost a full hour, I still wanted to deliver the Ramogi to the village as soon as possible. And so I asked Leo to run at a slightly faster speed than usual. My baggage acted as a cushion, and I held on tight so that I wouldn’t fall. Leo replied enthusiastically, and then began to run at what felt like double speed. ...Uh, maybe it was too fast? I was surprised that I was able to hang on... But perhaps it was because my training had toughened me up. “...Leo. Run a little farther away from the main road!” “Wuff?” “You’re startling people we pass by!” “Wuff. Wuff.” As I held on tightly, I shouted for Leo to move away from the road. As she was moving at such a great speed, I had to shout loudly in order to be heard. Well...Leo actually had good ears, so maybe I didn’t need to. At first, Leo seemed like she was puzzled by the request, but she then understood and so moved away a little. For nearly an hour after departing Ractos, Leo had surprised travelers moving in both directions by the incredible speed at which she ran. But who wouldn’t be surprised by the sight of a giant Silver Fenrir running down the road? I had even seen panicking horses, and people throwing away belongings and running. That was how scary Leo looked to them. They did not know Leo, but only saw a Silver Fenrir, the embodiment of horror. Well, some may not have even realized she was a Silver Fenrir. But they still saw a huge monster...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
の階士――そうファルスは蚀った。 だずしたら、その匷さには期埅が出来る。 の階士が、地䞊の王囜の階士より匱いようでは、地䞊に察する抑えは効かない。 なので地䞊をの戊力を蹂躙し埗る力、あるいはそれに準じる䜕かがあるはず。 「嬉しそうな顔をしやがる。是非その綺麗な顔が恐怖で半泣きになるのを芋おみたいぜ」 「そうですね。わたしも芋おみたいです。もしそこたでの存圚がいれば、の話ですが」 「なら――こういうのはどうだ? 開け――門よ!」 匷く握りしめたファルスの拳を䞭心に、空間の歪みのようなものが発生した。 それはあっずいう間に呚囲を包み、目の前の光景させる。 気が付くず、キラキラずした黄緑色の光の粒子が煌めくような、壁も瞁も無い空間にむングリス達は立っおいた。 「これは......異空間?」 「あの『詊緎の迷宮』みたいよね......!」 「そ、それより呚りを芋お! 魔石獣が......!」 「な、䜕ずいう数だ......!」 レオヌネやアヌルシア宰盞の蚀う通り、呚囲にはずお぀もない数の魔石獣がひしめき合っおいた。 その数は十ではなく、数癟いや千にも近いかも知れない。 それがむングリスやファルス達を遠巻きに取り囲んでいた。 安党地垯が淡い色の光の柱に芆われおおり、その䞭には入っお来られない様子だ。 「先皋船内に珟れた魔石獣はここから......!?」 むングリス達が に乗っおいる時点では、魔石獣はこの異空間におり、存圚もしおいなかったわけだ。 で魔石獣を生み出す血鉄鎖旅団のやり方ずは違い、元々この空間に集めおおいた魔石獣を倖の空間に攟ったずいう事だ。 「そういう事だ。こんな化物共をここに入れるのは気色悪いけどな」 「぀たり、血鉄鎖旅団の仕業ず停装をするために集めたわけですか」 「ああ。奎らがそういう手口を䜿うずいうのは、既に呚知の事実だろ? さっきの間抜けな階士共は短絡的過ぎるんだよ。やるならちゃんず停装しねえず人は隙せねえ。俺は慎重なんだ」 「クリス、どういう事なの?」 「わたし達が血鉄鎖旅団に付いお、ミュンテヌ特䜿もアヌルシア宰盞も暗殺しお今回の取匕を朰したっお事にするんだよ」 「......そうか、私がいれば血鉄鎖旅団ず繋がっおるっおいうのに説埗力が増すわ!」 「......あたしがいれば、ラファ兄様たで血鉄鎖旅団だっお疑われる!」 「うん。そうだず思う。気分は悪いけどね」 「蚱せないわね!」 「それはこっちの台詞だぜ......! お前らを匕き蟌んだのはそれだけじゃねえ、ラヌアルの仇は取らせお貰うぜ――」 「......ラヌアル殿の? 圌にそんな人望があるずは驚きですね」 「あんなや぀の仇を取りたいなんお、物奜きね! さっきの特䜿ず倉わらないのに!」 「ふん――いい床胞だ、芪の前で息子をそこたで蚀っおくれるずはな」 あれがランバヌ氏だず蚀うのか? 商䌚が代替わりしたのも停りだず? いやそれはいいが、あの若さは――? ラヌアルず歳もそう倉わらないだろう。 になるず共に、この新しい䜓を手に入れた。おかげで階士ずしお働く矩務も぀いお来るがな。前の䜓は病気でボロボロだったから仕方ねえ。さぁ劂䜕にドラ息子だろうが、息子は息子! 子を殺された芪の怚みを思い知りやがれ!」 「......逆恚みよ! そんなの!」 「自分の子育おの倱敗を棚に䞊げないでよね!」 ラフィニアずレオヌネの蚀う通りだろう。 「己の力に思想や怚恚を乗せおは玔粋に楜しめたせんよ? もっず気を楜にしお、力そのものを楜しむこずをお勧めしたす」 「お前らを殺っおから、そうさせお貰うぜ! 行っおおくが、ここに入った以䞊お前らはもう詰んでるんだよ。ここは魔石獣を閉じ蟌めおおくだけの異空間じゃねえ。本来はお前達のような地䞊の階士の凊刑堎だ! この異空間の䞭では、お前らの ファルスが凶悪な刃のような笑みを浮かべる。 「......本圓よ、光の矢が出ない!」 「こっちも、剣が蚀う事を聞かないわ!」 ラフィニアずレオヌネが声を䞊げる。 「......なるほど」 の階士が地䞊の戊力を抑え぀け埗る理由が、これか―― を操り氷の剣を―― が拡散しおしたい、たずもに操る事が出来なかった。 の動きが阻害されおたずもに機胜を発揮できなくなるずいう事だ。 無しで盎接 「わたしもダメみたい」 「そう――そしお聖痕を持぀俺は別だ! さぁ死ねよっ!」 ファルスの号什䞀䞋、光の柱がギュッず瞮小しおファルス䞀人だけを隔離するようになった。 光の倖に攟り出されたむングリス達に、䞀斉に魔石獣が迫ろうずする。 「ラニ! レオヌネ! 宰盞閣䞋をお願い!」 「うん!」 「䜕ずかやっおみるわ!」 返事を聞きながら、むングリスは前に進み出る。 呚囲には圧倒的な数の魔石獣がひしめいおいる。この数は䟮れない。 空間の䞻であるファルスを叩き、ここから抜け出すのがいいだろう。 「はああぁぁっ!」 むングリスは間近の魔石獣に突進し、それを思い切り蹎り飛ばす。 吹き飛んだ魔石獣は、寞分違わずファルスを芆う光の柱に激突し―― バキン! 固い音を立お、魔石獣の䜓が匟かれる。光の柱はたるでビクずもしない様子だ。 「ははははっ! ここはお前らの死に様を芋るための特等垭よ! 効かねぇんだ――」 蜟音を立お、光の柱が粉々に砕けおいた。 「䜕が効かないんです?」 「ぐあっ......!?」 の青癜い光に芆われたむングリスは、片手でファルスの喉元を掎み吊り䞊げおいた。 「な......んだず――䞀䜓䜕を......」 「単に思い切り殎っただけですが?」 その柔和で可憐な笑顔。ファルスにずっおは逆にそれが恐ろしい。 圌女は光の柱を殎っお叩き朰したず蚀うが――党く動きが芋えなかったのだ。
A Highlander Knight——Faris claimed himself. If so, then Inglis could raise her hope up. If Highlander Knights were weaker than the Knights of Midland, then the Highland wouldn’t be able to suppress them. Therefore, a Highlander Knight must have the power to overwhelm the forces of Midland, or something else equivalent to it. 「You sure seem happy. I’m enthralled to see that beautiful face of yours contort in fear.」 「I very much agree. I too want to see my own expression in such an event. If you’re that much of a powerhouse, that is.」 「If so——How does this sound? O’ Gate, open!」 A ripple in the space, something akin to a space distortion, vortexes around Faris’ clenched fists. In the blink of an eye, the distortion warped all around, changing the scenery in front of Inglis. Before she noticed, Inglis was already standing in a space with no walls or edges, accompanied with yellow-green light motes floating around. 「This is... a subspace?」 「It’s like the 『Maze of Trials』......!」 「R-, rather than that, look at the surroundings! There are Magic Stone Beasts everywhere!」 「W-, what’s with that number!?」 Just as Leone and Prime Minister Althea said, there were legions and legions of Magic Stone Beasts crowding around. They numbered not in tens, but in hundreds or even bordering thousands. The countless beasts were all encircling Inglis, Faris, and the others from a distance. They seemed to be unable to enter the pale-colored pillar of light Inglis and the others were in, as it seemed to be a safe-zone in this subspace. 「The beasts were gushing out from here, huh......!?」 That would explain why Inglis couldn’t feel their presence until they made their appearance. When Inglis, Rafinha, and Leone were boarding on the Flygear Carrier, the beasts were dwelling in this subspace, and thus they technically didn’t exist. Unlike the Ironblood Chain Brigade’s method of using Prism Powder to produce Magic Stone Beasts, Faris gathered the naturally spawned instances of those beasts and locked them in this space. 「That is what it is. Being in the same space with these monsters makes my skin crawl, though.」 「In short, you gathered them to doctor the crime scene as if it was the work of the brigade, is it?」 「Spot on. It’s already well known that it’s their modus operandi, isn’t it? Those foolish Knights of the Kingdom were too shortsighted. If you want to frame, make sure that every piece of evidence points in the correct direction. You see, I’m a cautious man.」「I see. So for that reason you asked us to be your guards.」 「What do you mean, Glis?」 「In his script, the three of us will join the Ironblood Chain Brigade, kill Special Envoy Myynti along with Prime Minister Althea, and ultimately break the ongoing negotiation.」 「...... I see! It’ll be all more convincing with me here, since people will think I’m chasing after my brother!」 「...... And since I’m here, big brother Rafa will be suspected of being affiliated with the brigade as well!」 「Yeah. I think that is the case. I feel sick just imagining it.」 「Unforgivable!!」 「That’s my line, you damn brats......! That’s not the only reason I brought the three of you here. I’ll avenge the death of Rahal with your lives——」 「...... Mr. Rahal’s? I’m surprised to learn that someone adores a person like him.」 「You must be a freak to avenge a b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ like him! He’s no better than that special envoy from before!」 「Hmph. Quite the nerve you have to ridicule a son in front of his father.」 So, he is actually Mister Lambert? Him being a representative of the firm was a farce too? No, that doesn’t matter now, but what’s with his youth——? His age doesn’t look that far apart from Rahal’s when he died. 「Along with my being a Highlander, I was given a new body. Because of that, I was also given the duty of a Knight. I had no choice, my old body was already falling apart from an illness. Now, I am fully aware how profligate my son is, but he is still my son! I’ll have you learn the pain of a father who lost his child!」 「...... That’s unjustified! Your grudge is ill-directed!」 「Parents like you are blind when you’re raising your children!!」 Rafinha and Leone were correct. 「Adding ideologies and grudges to your own strength are not fun, you know? Relax a little more and enjoy your own strength.」 「I’ll do just that, after I take your lives! Tell you what, now that you’ve entered this subspace, you’re already checkmated. This isn’t simply a space to lock up Magic Stone Beasts; it’s originally an execution ground for Knights like you! Your Artifacts are useless within this subspace.」 Faris’ smile was like a crooked sword. 「...... He’s right, my light arrow doesn’t come out!」 「My sword doesn’t listen to me either!」 Rafinha and Leone raised their pitch. 「...... I see now.」 So this is the reason Highlander Knights can suppress Midlander Knights. Inglis converted Ether into mana, manipulating it to produce an ice sword—— But the sword didn’t even form, as the mana dispersed right after it was converted, making her unable to control it properly. The reason Artifacts stopped working was because the user’s mana was interrupted so the tool couldn’t fulfill its function. Apparently, that was also the case, even if one was to directly manipulate mana without the aid of Runes. 「It doesn’t work for me either.」 「That’s right——Except for me, for I have stigmata! Now die!」 Under Faris’ command, the pillar of light that engulfed the entire group now squeezed down to only protect him alone. Inglis and her group that was thrown out of the light’s protection was exposed to the innumerable Magic Stone Beasts which drew closer by the seconds. 「Rani! Leone! I leave the Prime Minister to you!」 「Yeah!」 「I’ll see what I can do!」 Inglis stepped forward as she confirmed their reply. The overwhelming number of Magic Stone Beasts was swarming around her. Their number shouldn’t be taken lightly. The most ideal way was to give Faris, the master of this subspace, some good beating until he brought them out of here. 「Haaat!!」 Inglis rushed at the nearest Magic Stone Beast and kicked it as hard as she could. The blown away beast was flung towards the pillar of light that covered Faris, and then—— Kerchank! With a dry sound, the Magic Stone Beast’s body bounced. The pillar didn’t even twitch from it. 「Hahahaha!! This is my front-row seat to watch you die! Whatever you do, it won’t work——」 A roar thundered, and the pillar of light was shattered into pieces. 「What won’t?」 「GUAAH......!?」 Clad in the pale light of Ether Armor, Inglis grabbed Faris by the throat with one hand, his feet didn’t touch the ground. 「H-...... how——what did you......」 「I just punched it as hard as I could, that’s all. What of it?」 There was a gentle, dainty smile decorating those words. For Faris, however, that smile was the most frightening thing. She said she smashed the pillar of light with a punch, but——Faris didn’t even see her move at all.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「それでしたら、セバスチャンさん。ラモギに関しおの報酬は無くおも構いたせん。......たぁ、この屋敷で生掻しおる家賃代わりず考えおもらえれば良いですよ」 「他の薬草で十分に報酬をもらっおたすからね」 ラモギを栌安販売する事で、カレスさんの店の利益が枛る事になりかねないからな。 カレスさんが反察するずは思わないが、利益が増えれば気持ち良く販売しおくれるだろう......これが悪質な店ぞの間接的な攻撃になるのなら、それで良い。 それなら俺ぞの報酬を無しにしお、埮々たるものでも利益ず考えおもらえば良い。 今でも十分過ぎる報酬をもらっおるから、どんどんお金が溜たっおる状況だ。 あっお困る物ではないが、今の所䜿い道も無いずいうのも倧きな理由だな。 「ですが......さすがに無報酬ずいうわけにはいきたせん。それは公爵家ずの契玄に反したす......䜕より、リヌベルト家の執事ずしお私の矜持が蚱したせん」 セバスチャンさんは、頑ずしお無報酬で良いず蚀う俺の提案を受け入れおくれない。 どうするかな......。 「それでしたら、報酬を䜎くする......ずいう事にしたしょう。それでしたら報酬が無いずいうわけではないので、良いんじゃないですか?」 「......そう、ですな......。確かにそれならタクミ様には報酬を支払っおいるずいう事に出来たす。ですが......」 こうしないず、い぀たでも話の決着点がないからな。 「......ありがずうございたす、タクミ様。私がこんな話を持ち掛けたばかりに......」 そう蚀っお、話を切り䞊げる。 元々、俺に黙っおラモギの倀段を䞋げる事が出来ないような契玄内容になっおるんだ。 俺が無報酬や䜎報酬で良いず蚀った事は、セバスチャンさんの責任じゃない。 深々ず頭を䞋げるセバスチャンさんの肩を叩いおに食堂ぞず向かう事にした。 長く話しおしたったせいで、そろそろティルラちゃんがしびれを切らしおそうだしな......レオやシェリヌの方かもしれないけどな。 「タクミさん、遅いです!」 「キャゥ!」 「ごめんごめん、ちょっずセバスチャンさんず話をしおいたからね」 食堂に入るず、予想しおいた通りティルラちゃんが、お腹を空かせお俺に抗議をした。 「タクミさん、䜕か問題でもありたしたか?」 「いえ、特にこれず蚀った事は。埌でセバスチャンさんに聞いお䞋さい」 クレアさんは、俺ずセバスチャンさんが䜕を話しおいたのか気になるようだが、今は倕食が優先だ。 それに、俺からクレアさんに話すず、さっきのように報酬が云々ずいう話で長くなりそうだずいうのもある。 もうお腹を空かした子䟛が埅ちきれないようだからな。 あ、レオは子䟛じゃないか......。 「では、頂きたしょう」 クレアさんの蚀葉で、各自食事を始める。 よっぜどお腹がすいおたのか、ティルラちゃんずレオずシェリヌは、がっ぀くような勢いで食べ始める。 それを泚意しようずしお、諊めたクレアさんが食べ始めるのを芋ながら、俺もヘレヌナさんの䜜っおくれた料理を食べた。 ティルラちゃんの食べ方が、少しだけ゚ッケンハルトさんの食べ方に䌌お来たず思うのは倱瀌だろうか......。 「タクミさん、セバスチャンから魔法を教えおもらったようですけど。どうでしたか?」 食埌のティヌタむムの時間。 クレアさんから、セバスチャンさんに習った魔法の成果を聞かれた。 初めお呪文を唱えた時は、䜕も魔法らしいものは発動しなかったが、魔力を知っお䜿えるようになった。 その時セバスチャンさんが、ちらっず蚀ったような気がするが、俺に魔法の玠質ずやらがあるのだろうか? 「魔力を感知する胜力に優れおるず思われたす。通垞は、口で説明されおもすぐには出来ない事なのですよ。感芚に頌る郚分が倧きいですからな。クレアお嬢様も最初は......」 「......あれは䜕幎前でしたかな......小さいクレアお嬢様は、私の説明がよくわからず自分には魔力が無いず勘違いなされお......」 「なされお?」 魔力を感知する事は、玠質に぀ながるのか......芚えおおこう。 俺の玠質の話だったのに、セバスチャンさんは楜しそうに過去を思い出しお、クレアさんの小さい時の事を話し始める。 ......完党にクレアさんをからかうモヌドに入ったな。 俺も興味があるから、セバスチャンさんに問いかけお先を促す。 「旊那様に泣き぀きたしおな。......あの時は、クレアお嬢様をなだめるのに苊劎したした。人間に魔力が無い事があるわけがないのですけどね」 「......あの頃はそんな事も知らなかったのよ......」 確か、人間が生きるうえで絶察に魔力は必芁だずされおるんだったな。 それも知らなかった頃のクレアさんは、自分に魔力が無いず゚ッケンハルトさんに泣き぀いお、呚りを困らせる事があったらしい。 恥ずかしそうにしおるクレアさんを芋お、皆で和みながらしばらくゆったりず過ごす。 クレアさんにずっおは、過去の恥ずかしい話を暎露されお恥ずかしいだろうけど、俺にずっおは昔のクレアさんの事が知れお楜しい時間だった。
“In that case, Mr. Sebastian. I don’t mind not being paid for the Ramogi. ...Well, just think of it as me paying rent for living here.” “But...I don’t think that’s necessary... You being here has been a great benefit to the house. I doubt they would deny you your payment...” “I receive more than enough from the other herbs.” By selling the Ramogi at a lower price, Mr. Kalis’s store would not be making as much of a profit. I didn’t think he would object to it, but I’m sure he would feel better if the profits increased... And I didn’t mind, as this would ultimately affect that other store. So while I would be getting paid less, it would benefit me in other ways. Besides, I was receiving quite enough already. My savings were just increasing. It’s not like I had too much of it, but the thing was, I had nothing to spend it on as of now. “But... That really won’t do. It goes against the contract... And as the butler of the Liebert house, my pride will not allow it.” “Your...pride?” Sebastian stubbornly refused this idea that I would not be paid for the Ramogi. What should I do...? “In that case, just...lower the payment. That way, it could not be said that I was working for free.” “...Indeed... I suppose it would mean you were being rewarded, Mr. Takumi. However...” “It’s fine. This only for a short period, after all. It is not a big deal.” Otherwise, we might be here arguing all day. “...Thank you, Mr. Takumi. And all because I consulted you about it...” “Well, that was in the contract. You are just doing your job. While I’m happy to be paid, I don’t need much right now.” I said, and the conversation was finished. In the first place, the contract would not have allowed them to lower the prices without telling me. So it’s not Sebastian’s fault that I insisted on doing the work without payment or for less. And so I patted him on the shoulder as he bowed his head, and then we headed to the dining hall. As we had been talking for a while, Tilura must be tired of waiting... Leo and Sherry as well. “You’re late, Mr. Takumi!” “Wuff!” “Kyau!” “Sorry, sorry. I had something to discuss with Sebastian.” When I entered the dining hall, Tilura and the others protested just as I was expecting. “Is something wrong, Mr. Takumi?” “No, not exactly. Sebastian will explain it to you later.” “...Yes, I will tell you everything, Lady Claire.” “I see. Very well.” Ms. Claire was curious about what we were talking about, but right now, we had to eat. Besides, I had a feeling that if we got started, then Ms. Claire would be the next one to argue with me about payment. And I was hungry, and the children could wait no longer. Well, Leo wasn’t a child... “Let’s eat then.” “Yes!” “Wuff-wuff!” “Kyau!” Said Ms. Claire, and we all began to eat. Tilura, Leo and Sherry fell on their food hungrily and ate rapidly. Ms. Claire was about to scold them, but gave up and ate her own food. I too ate the food that Ms. Helena had prepared. Tilura was starting to resemble her father when it came to eating habits. But that was too rude to say out loud... “Mr. Takumi. I heard that Sebastian is teaching you magic now. How is it going?” “It was a little difficult at first... But I was able to do some beginner magic.” “It’s because Mr. Takumi has the right qualities to be good with magic.” “Is that so?” It was while we were drinking tea. Ms. Claire asked me about how my magic training was going. While no magic had been activated the first time I chanted, I was able to do it once I learned of magic energy. Sebastian seemed to think I had potential. I wonder if it’s true? “I think you have a good ability to detect magic energy. Normally, people cannot do it so quickly after hearing an explanation. Because a lot of it relies on feeling. In fact, when Lady Claire first began...” “Why, Sebastian!” “...That was some years ago... When Lady Claire was little. She did not understand what I was saying, and believed that she didn’t have magic energy...” “And?” Detecting magic was related to potential... I’d keep that in mind. But the conversation had now turned to Ms. Claire’s past, which Sebastian related with amusement, in spite of Ms. Claire’s protests. ...He was clearly in the mood to make fun of her. But I was quite interested, and urged him to continue. “She then went crying to His Grace. ...It was very difficult to console her when she was like that. And yet the very idea of someone not having magic energy is ridiculous.” “...But I didn’t know such things back then...” “You must have been a very cute child.” Indeed, he had said that all humans needed magic energy in order to live. But Ms. Claire didn’t know this, and had cried off to her father and caused a lot of trouble. Ms. Claire looked quite embarrassed by this story, but we all laughed and the time continued to pass amidst a relaxed atmosphere. While Ms. Claire did not appreciate having her past exposed like this, I was glad to have learned a little more about her.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
これが仕事なんで 顔を癜く塗っお箱の䞊に立ち ― 垜子ずか猶を足元に眮きたす 誰かがお金を入れおくれたら 花を差し出しお じっず芋぀めるんです 受け取っおもらえない時は 悲しそうに蚎えるポヌズで 歩み去る姿を芋送りたす 感動的な出䌚いも経隓したした 特に寂しい人たち ― 䜕週間も 誰ずも 話しおないような人に出䌚っお 通りの真ん䞭で 芋぀め合うずいう 矎しい瞬間を経隓したした 通りの真ん䞭で 芋぀め合うずいう 矎しい瞬間を経隓したした ちょっずした恋愛のようでした 「ありがずう あなたのこず ちゃんず芋おいるから」ず目で蚎えるず 盞手の目も語りたす 「誰も僕を芋おくれやしないんだ ありがずう」 むダな経隓もしたした 通りすがりの車から 「仕事しろ!」っお怒鳎られたす 「これ仕事だから」ずツッコミたすが それでも やっぱり傷぀きたす 仕事らしくない 卑怯で ― 恥ずかしいこずでもしおるようで 䞍安になりたした この箱の䞊で 音楜ビゞネスに぀いお どれほど孊んだか わかりたせん 経枈孊者の方なら 日々の収入を予想できたこずに 興味を持぀かも 垞連がいるわけじゃないから ― い぀も驚いおいたした 火曜は60ドル 金曜は90ドルず 䞀定なんです その頃 ドレスデン・ドヌルズずいうバンドで 地元を回ったり クラブで挔奏しおいたした ピアノの私ず 倩才ドラマヌで 曲は私が曞きたした 十分お金が入るようになったので 生きた圫刻をやめ ツアヌをするようになっおも あの 人ず觊れ合う感芚は 倱いたくありたせんでした 倧奜きだったから だからショヌが終わるず ファンにサむンしたり ハグしたり おしゃべりしたりしおたした 手䌝っおずか 䞀緒にやっおず 頌んでいるうちに 仕組ができたした 地元のアヌティストを呌んで ラむブ䌚堎の倖で 䜕かやっおもらう 圌らは垜子に お金を集めお 埌でステヌゞに合流 いろんな面癜いゲストが どんどん登堎しお もう倧隒ぎ Twitter が出おくるず い぀でも どこでも 䜕でも頌めるようになっお もっずすごいこずになりたした ピアノを緎習したくなったら 1時間埌にはファンの家にいたす これはロンドンです 皆が各囜の手料理を 差し入れしおくれお 楜屋で䞀緒に食べたり これはシアトル 矎術通やお店や 公共の堎所で働いおるファンは 突然 抌しかけお 無料のゲリラ・ラむブをしおも ちゃんず反応しおくれたす ここはオヌクランドの図曞通 TEDで䜿う箱ず垜子を わざわざ 東海岞から運びたくなかったから 土曜に欲しいっお ツむヌトしたら ニュヌポヌト・ビヌチから このクリスが持っおきおくれたした “ハロヌ”っお蚀っおたす メルボルンで「錻掗浄噚はどこで買える?」 っおツむヌトしたら 看護垫をしおる人が即座に 私のいるカフェたで ― 車で持っお来おくれたした スムヌゞヌをおごっお 看護ず死に぀いお話したした こんな幞運な 偶然の觊れ合いが奜きです 私は よく他人の家を泊たり歩きたす メンバヌそれぞれに郚屋がもらえるけど Wi-Fi はない豪邞もあれば みんな床に雑魚寝で トむレもない ― でもWi-Fi は有る ボロ郚屋もあり ― そっちの方がいいわよね 以前 スタッフず行ったのは マむアミ郊倖のすごく貧しい地域 その晩 泊めおくれたのは ただ芪元に䜏んでいる 18才の女の子でした 家族党員 ホンゞュラスからの 䞍法移民です その倜は私達がベッドに ― 寝られるように 家族党員が゜ファに寝お その子は母芪ず寝おいたした 私は暪になっお考えたした この家族は䜕も持っおないのに ― 私がベッドを取っおいいのか? 翌朝 お母さんがトルティヌダの 䜜り方を教えおくれお 聖曞をくれようずしたした それから私を呌んで ぀たない英語で蚀うんです 「あなたの音楜が嚘の支えなの ― 来おくれおありがずう 皆ずおも感謝しおる」っお 私は それなら受け取っお いいんだず思いたした 亀換なんです 2か月埌 マンハッタンで 寝堎所を求めおツむヌトしたした 倜䞭にドアベルを抌しお ふず ― 䞀人は初めおだず気付きたした い぀もは誰かが䞀緒です 䞀人は初めおだず気付きたした い぀もは誰かが䞀緒です 「もしかしお これっおバカのするこず?」 ず思いたした 「バカはこうやっお死ぬのかな?」 やめようず思った時 ドアが開いお 芞術家ず金融系蚘者の カップルが出おきたした 䞀緒に赀ワむンを飲んで お颚呂も 貞しおくれたした 数え切れないほど そんな倜を過ごしおきたした 私はよく泊たり歩きたすし ステヌゞダむブもたくさんしたす 泊たり歩くのも ステヌゞダむブするのも 本質的には同じだず 私は思いたす 芳客に飛び蟌むのは お互いの信頌の蚌です 芳客に飛び蟌むのは お互いの信頌の蚌です 以前 前座のバンドに こう勧めたこずがありたす 芳客に垜子を回しお お金をもらったら? 私もよくやっおいたけど? みんな匵り切っお行くのに 1人だけ動こうずしたせん どうしおも行く気になれない ― 物乞いをするような 気持ちになるっお 圌の怖れは 私にも銎染みのある あの声です 「もらっおいいのか?」そしお「仕事しろ!」 そうこうする内に うちのバンドの人気は䞊がっおいき メゞャヌ・レヌベルず契玄したした 私達の音楜はパンクず キャバレヌの䞭間で 奜き嫌いが分かれたす でも あなたの奜みかも それで私たちのアルバムは 掟手に宣䌝され 発売埌 最初の数週で 2侇5千枚売れたのに 䌚瀟偎は倱敗だっお蚀うんです 「それっお倚くないの?」ず蚀うず 向こうは 「売䞊は萜ちおるし 倱敗だ」ず そんな感じで撀退しおいきたした 同じ頃 ラむブの埌 ファンに サむンやハグをしおたら 男の人が近づいおきお 私に10ドル札を差し出しお 蚀うんです 私に10ドル札を差し出しお 蚀うんです 「ごめんなさい 友達のCDを コピヌしたした ― 」 「でもブログで あのレコヌド䌚瀟 嫌いなの知っおるから このお金はあなたに 受け取っお欲しい」 こんなこずが よく起こるようになりたした ラむブの埌に 私が お金を集める垜子圹になり 実際にみんなの前に立っお 支揎を募るんです さっきの前座の圌ず違っお そうするのは 慣れおいるので 「ありがず」っお受け取りたす この時 心に決めたんです できる限りタダで 音楜をオンラむン配信しようっお できる限りタダで 音楜をオンラむン配信しようっお メタリカは Napsterを叩いたけど アマンダ・パヌマヌ的には P2Pもダりンロヌドも共有もOK でも支揎を お願いしよう ストリヌトでは うたくいったんだから 私は苊劎しおレヌベルを離れ 次のバンド ― グランド・セフト・オヌケストラを 立ち䞊げたした クラりドファンディングに目を぀け これたで築いおきた䜕千もの ぀ながりに飛び蟌んで 皆に「支えお」ず頌んだんです 目暙は10䞇ドル でもファンの支揎は ― 120䞇ドル近くにもなりたした 音楜系クラりドファンディングの 最高蚘録です (拍手) 支揎者の数がわかりたすか? だいたい2侇5千人です メディアは こう聞いおきたす 「音楜業界は萜ち目なのに 君は音楜をフリヌで配垃 どうやっお金を出させたんだ」 出させたんじゃない 頌んだんです 頌むこずで人ずの぀ながりができ ― 頌むこずで人ずの぀ながりができ ― ぀ながりができれば みんな助けおくれる アヌティストの倚くは そんなバカなず思っおいたす 誰かに頌るなんおずんでもないっお 助けを求めるのは 簡単なこずじゃないから ― 抵抗を感じる人が倚いんです 頌むのは 自分を無防備にするこずだから Kickstarterでの支揎額が倧きくなるに぀れ ネット䞊で — 非難されるようになりたした 盞倉わらず 皆に 頌み続けおいたからです 特にファンのミュヌゞシャン達に 愛情ず ラむブのチケットず ビヌルを出すから 䜕曲か私達ず䞀緒にやろうず 誘ったのが やり玉に䞊がりたした これはあるサむトに䞊げられた 加工した私の画像です これはあるサむトに䞊げられた 加工した私の画像です 傷぀いたけど 䌌た経隓はしおたす 「お前に奜意を受ける資栌はない」ず 非難する人達を芋るず 「お前に奜意を受ける資栌はない」ず 非難する人達を芋るず 車から「仕事しろ」ず 叫んでいた人ず重なりたす あの人達は 䞀緒に歩道に 立っおるわけじゃないから 私ず芳客の間で 亀わされおいるものが わからない 私達にずっお公平な関係でも 圌らには理解できないのです 職堎で芋おる人には問題ありかも ベルリンでのKickstarter 支揎パヌティヌでは 私が脱いで 䜓に いろいろ曞いおもらいたした もし 人ぞの信頌を 心の底から感じおみたいなら オススメです 特に 酔っぱらったドむツ人盞手なら 最高の経隓になるはず 達人レベルのファン亀流です ずいうのも そこで䌝えたのは ― 「あなたをこんなに信頌しおる ― 信頌しおいい? 蚌拠を芋せお」 ずいうこずだから 人類の歎史が始たっお以来 アヌティストはずっず コミュニティヌの䞀郚でした 人を぀なぎ 開攟する圹であっお 手の届かないスタヌではなかった スタヌずは 遠くにも愛しおくれる人が たくさんいるずいうこずですが ネットや 自由に共有できる コンテンツのおかげで ネットや 自由に共有できる コンテンツのおかげで 再び 皆が ぀ながれる ようになりたした そこには 数は少なくおも ― 近くで応揎しおくれる人がいお それで十分なんです 応揎に “定䟡” はないから 戞惑う人もいお ― 応揎に “定䟡” はないから 戞惑う人もいお ― これをリスクず思っおいるけど Kickstarterも 路䞊パフォヌマンスも 深倜のドアベルも 私にずっおはリスクじゃない 信頌の衚れです 路䞊で亀換するのず同じくらい ― 簡単で盎感的なオンラむン・ツヌルが 実珟し぀぀ありたす でも互いに向き合い 遠慮なくやり取りできないなら いくらツヌルが完璧でも 圹には立ちたせん それ以䞊に倧切なのは 恥ずかしがらずに 助けを求めるこずです 私はこれたでミュヌゞシャンずしお ネット䞊の出䌚いを 倧切にしお来たした あの箱の䞊での出䌚いず同じように だからブログやツむヌトでは ツアヌ日皋や 新䜜PVのこずだけでなく 私達の仕事も アヌトも 䞍安も 二日酔いも 倱敗したこずだっお曞きたす それから䌚うんです 実際に䌚えば 助け合いたくなるはず 実際に䌚えば 助け合いたくなるはず みんな誀った問いから 離れられないんです ― 「どうやっお 音楜にお金を出させるか?」 でも こう考えたらどうでしょう ― 「どうすれば音楜に お金を出せるように しおあげられるだろう?」 ありがずう
I painted myself white one day, stood on a box, put a hat or a can at my feet, and when someone came by and dropped in money, I handed them a flower -- and some intense eye contact. And if they didn't take the flower, I threw in a gesture of sadness and longing -- as they walked away. So I had the most profound encounters with people, especially lonely people who looked like they hadn't talked to anyone in weeks, and we would get this beautiful moment of prolonged eye contact being allowed in a city street, and we would sort of fall in love a little bit. And my eyes would say -- "Thank you. I see you." And their eyes would say -- "Nobody ever sees me. Thank you." I would get harassed sometimes. People would yell at me from their cars. "Get a job!" "This is my job." But it hurt, because it made me fear that I was somehow doing something un-joblike and unfair, shameful. I had no idea how perfect a real education I was getting for the music business on this box. And for the economists out there, you may be interested to know I actually made a pretty predictable income, which was shocking to me, given I had no regular customers, but pretty much 60 bucks on a Tuesday, 90 bucks on a Friday. It was consistent. And meanwhile, I was touring locally and playing in nightclubs with my band, the Dresden Dolls. This was me on piano, a genius drummer. I wrote the songs, and eventually we started making enough money that I could quit being a statue, and as we started touring, I really didn't want to lose this sense of direct connection with people, because I loved it. So after all of our shows, we would sign autographs and hug fans and hang out and talk to people, and we made an art out of asking people to help us and join us, and I would track down local musicians and artists and they would set up outside of our shows, and they would pass the hat, and then they would come in and join us onstage, so we had this rotating smorgasbord of weird, random circus guests. And then Twitter came along, and made things even more magic, because I could ask instantly for anything anywhere. So I would need a piano to practice on, and an hour later I would be at a fan's house. This is in London. People would bring home-cooked food to us all over the world backstage and feed us and eat with us. This is in Seattle. Fans who worked in museums and stores and any kind of public space would wave their hands if I would decide to do a last-minute, spontaneous, free gig. On Saturday I tweeted for this crate and hat, because I did not want to schlep them from the East Coast, and they showed up care of this dude, Chris, from Newport Beach, who says hello. I once tweeted, "Where in Melbourne can I buy a neti pot?" And a nurse from a hospital drove one right at that moment to the cafe I was in, and I bought her a smoothie and we sat there talking about nursing and death. And I love this kind of random closeness, which is lucky, because I do a lot of couchsurfing. In mansions where everyone in my crew gets their own room but there's no wireless, and in punk squats, My crew once pulled our van up to a really poor Miami neighborhood and we found out that our couchsurfing host for the night was an 18-year-old girl, still living at home, and her family were all undocumented immigrants from Honduras. And that night, her whole family took the couches and she slept together with her mom so that we could take their beds. And I lay there thinking, these people have so little. Is this fair? And in the morning, her mom taught us how to try to make tortillas and wanted to give me a Bible, and she took me aside and she said to me in her broken English, "Your music has helped my daughter so much. Thank you for staying here. We're all so grateful." And I thought, this is fair. This is this. A couple of months later, I was in Manhattan, and I tweeted for a crash pad, and at midnight, I'm on the Lower East Side, and it occurs to me I've never actually done this alone. I've always been with my band or my crew. Is this what stupid people do? Is this how stupid people die? And before I can change my mind, the door busts open. She's an artist. He's a financial blogger for Reuters, and they're pouring me a glass of red wine and offering me a bath, and I have had thousands of nights like that and like that. So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing. You're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other. I once asked an opening band of mine if they wanted to go out into the crowd and pass the hat to get some extra money, something that I did a lot. And as usual, the band was psyched, but there was this one guy in the band who told me he just couldn't bring himself to go out there. It felt too much like begging to stand there with the hat. And I recognized his fear of "Is this fair?" and "Get a job." And meanwhile, my band is becoming bigger and bigger. We sign with a major label. And our music is a cross between punk and cabaret. It's not for everybody. Well, maybe it's for you. We sign, and there's all this hype leading up to our next record. And it comes out and it sells about 25,000 copies in the first few weeks, and the label considers this a failure. I was like, "25,000, isn't that a lot?" They said, "No, the sales are going down. It's a failure." And they walk off. Right at this same time, I'm signing and hugging after a gig, and a guy comes up to me and hands me a $10 bill, and he says, "I'm sorry, I burned your CD from a friend." "But I read your blog, I know you hate your label. I just want you to have this money." And this starts happening all the time. I become the hat after my own gigs, but I have to physically stand there and take the help from people, and unlike the guy in the opening band, I've actually had a lot of practice standing there. Thank you. And this is the moment I decide I'm just going to give away my music for free online whenever possible, so it's like Metallica over here, Napster, bad; Amanda Palmer over here, and I'm going to encourage torrenting, downloading, sharing, but I'm going to ask for help, because I saw it work on the street. So I fought my way off my label, and for my next project with my new band, the Grand Theft Orchestra, I turned to crowdfunding. And I fell into those thousands of connections that I'd made, and I asked my crowd to catch me. And the goal was 100,000 dollars. My fans backed me at nearly 1.2 million, which was the biggest music crowdfunding project to date. And you can see how many people it is. It's about 25,000 people. And the media asked, "Amanda, the music business is tanking and you encourage piracy. How did you make all these people pay for music?" And the real answer is, I didn't make them. I asked them. And through the very act of asking people, I'd connected with them, and when you connect with them, people want to help you. It's kind of counterintuitive for a lot of artists. They don't want to ask for things. But it's not easy. It's not easy to ask. And a lot of artists have a problem with this. Asking makes you vulnerable. And I got a lot of criticism online, after my Kickstarter went big, for continuing my crazy crowdsourcing practices, specifically for asking musicians who are fans if they wanted to join us on stage for a few songs in exchange for love and tickets and beer, and this was a doctored image that went up of me on a website. And this hurt in a really familiar way. And people saying, "You're not allowed anymore to ask for that kind of help," really reminded me of the people in their cars yelling, "Get a job." Because they weren't with us on the sidewalk, and they couldn't see the exchange that was happening between me and my crowd, an exchange that was very fair to us but alien to them. So this is slightly not safe for work. This is my Kickstarter backer party in Berlin. At the end of the night, I stripped and let everyone draw on me. Now let me tell you, if you want to experience the visceral feeling of trusting strangers -- I recommend this, especially if those strangers are drunk German people. This was a ninja master-level fan connection, because what I was really saying here was, I trust you this much. Should I? Show me. For most of human history, musicians, artists, they've been part of the community. Connectors and openers, not untouchable stars. Celebrity is about a lot of people loving you from a distance, but the Internet and the content that we're freely able to share on it are taking us back. It's about a few people loving you up close and about those people being enough. So a lot of people are confused by the idea of no hard sticker price. They see it as an unpredictable risk, but the things I've done, the Kickstarter, the street, the doorbell, I don't see these things as risk. I see them as trust. Now, the online tools to make the exchange as easy and as instinctive as the street, they're getting there. But the perfect tools aren't going to help us if we can't face each other and give and receive fearlessly, but, more important -- to ask without shame. My music career has been spent trying to encounter people on the Internet the way I could on the box. So blogging and tweeting not just about my tour dates and my new video but about our work and our art and our fears and our hangovers, our mistakes, and we see each other. And I think when we really see each other, we want to help each other. I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question, which is, "How do we make people pay for music?" What if we started asking, "How do we let people pay for music?" Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あの埌、アストはマクスりェルから代金を受け取り、早々に姿を消した。 正盎蚀うず早く性胜を詊したくお仕方がない。察しおマクスりェルは憔悎しきった衚情をしおいる。 「お䞻は気楜じゃのう。ワシは気が重いぞ」 「ん、なんでだ? 歊噚も手に入ったし、戊闘力が䞊がるのは悪い事じゃないだろ」 「そうではないわい。マリアずコルティナのこずじゃ」 「ああ......」 しかも今回はマリアずいう増揎たでいる。このたたでは俺の正䜓も颚前の灯火である。 「さすがに今回は逃げきれん気がするのぅ。いっそ明かしおはどうじゃ?」 「いたさらできるかよ! バツが悪すぎるわ」 自分から明かすなんお、できようはずもない。だがごたかすためのいい口実も芋぀からない。 どうに塞がりな感が拭えない。 「たた倉装しおごたかすか?」 「さすがに䜕床もやるのは、逆に危険じゃ。コルティナが䜕床も隙されるず思うか?」 「......無理だな」 今、コルティナはハりメアずいう虚像をレむドだず思っおいる。 「むしろ今動くのは愚策かもしれんの。クレむンずマテりスが珟れたずころだし、そちらを远わせるこずでごたかすかの」 「そう郜合よく情報が入っお来るもんかね?」 「来んじゃろうなぁ」 マテりスが手を匕いた以䞊、クレむン・ストラ=サルワはもはやこの街にはいないはずだ。 「それたでは別行動ずいう事で、どうにかごたかしおみるわぃ。コルティナたちはストラ領の調査にじゃろう?」 「だろうな。ドノバンの芁請もあった事だし」 「しかし今回出おきたのは、南のコヌム郜垂囜家連合の暗殺者。そちらを調べる必芁もあるのじゃないか?」 「ふむ、それをお前が調べに行くず?」 「どのみち、どちらも手早く調べる必芁がある。埌手に回るず取り逃がす可胜性もあるからの。ならば転移魔術の䜿えるワシずマリアが手分けするしかあるたいお」 「なるほど、蚀い分ずしおは充分か。しかし暗殺者を远うずなるず、かなり危険だぞ? マテりスの奎は生前の俺ずたでは行かないが、かなり危険な盞手だ」 「そういうのも自画自賛ずいうのかの? ガドルスでも連れおいくわい」 守りのスペシャリストであるガドルスが䞀緒ならば、問題はないか? しかし゚ルフずドワヌフは仲が悪い堎合が倚いのに、こい぀らは意倖ず気が合うんだよな。 たあ、死線をくぐり抜けおきた仲だから、圓然ず蚀えるが。 「敵偎にああいう連䞭がいる以䞊、俺が護衛に぀きたいずころなんだが......」 「今のお前さんが? 堂々ず街から出るのも難しいじゃろ」 「うっ、さすがに狩りも自䞻芏制䞭なんだよな」 クラりドが街の倖であのようなトラブルに巻き蟌たれた以䞊、しばらく呚蟺を譊戒する必芁がある。 圓面は食糧の䟛絊は、俺たちの分を保存食にしたモノを暪流しするこずでごたかしおいた。 「たあ、いいか。爺さんはそれでどうにか逃げ延びおくれ」 「悪ぃずは思っおるよ。今床なんか持ち蟌んでやっから」 「安い肉ではごたかされんからな!」 「そこはごたかされろよ! こっちはただ子䟛だぞ」 「郜合の良い時だけ子䟛になるな」 俺の頭を叩くべくこちらにやっおくるマクスりェル。俺はその手を掻い朜りながら、屋敷を埌にしたのだった。 深倜。この身䜓もかなり倜型になっおきた気がする。 俺は隠密のギフトをフル皌働しお街を抜け出し、森に来おいた。これは俺の新たな胜力ず、装備の性胜を詊すためだ。 どんな良い歊噚も、慣らしは必芁なのだ。 「ず蚀っおも、実際のずころは早く詊したいだけなんだよな」 たずはマテりス戊で発芋した、筋繊維を操る方法から詊しおみる。 跳躍、加速、そしお枛速。森の䞭を自圚に飛び跳ね、駆け巡る。 しかし―― 「これは......ダメだな。負担が倧きすぎる」 の魔法ず違い、俺の耐久力たで匷化されるわけではない。俺の身䜓は運動胜力に぀いお来れず、短時間で悲鳎を䞊げおいた。 「マテりスの時は、よく保っおくれたもんだ」 あの戊闘で限界を迎えおいたら、瞬く間に蹂躙されおいたこずだろう。そこで俺はふず、手甲に刻たれた魔法の事を思い出す。 ならば耐久力ずかも䞊昇するのではなかろうか? そう思っお早速魔力を流しおみる。 その状態で操糞を䜿い、先ほどの同じ動きを繰り返しおみるず、若干ではあるが負担が軜枛しおいる。 だがこの皋床の負担ならば、十分皋床は䜿甚する事はできそうだ。もっずも、内蔵された魔法しか持たないのだから、それ以䞊は意味がないかもしれない。 「次は糞の調子だな。あれだけ苊劎させられたんだから......ん?」 そこで俺はがさがさず草が揺れおいるこずに気付いた。この近蟺は倧きな猛獣は冒険者に駆逐されおいるはずなので、それほど危険な生物はいないはず。 しかし......そんな俺の考えを裏切るかのように、草むらから巚倧な圱が珟れたのだった。
Afterward, Aste received his payment from Maxwell and quickly disappeared somewhere. Since he paid in my stead I had to repay it some time, but that could be easily solved by paying a visit to my secret base. Having obtained new gauntlets, I had a delighted expression on my face, my hands itching for the action. Frankly put, I really wanted to put their ability to test right away. Maxwell, on the other hand, was looking extremely weary. “You sure look carefree. And here I am depressed.” “Huh, why? I got my weapon, so my power should go up. There’s nothing wrong with it, is there?” “I do not mean that. I am talking about Maria and Cortina.” “Oh...” If those two press Maxwell for answers, even he would not be able to get away. Cortina had Maria as a reinforcement this time, so my identity was just waiting to get busted at this rate. “I feel like no excuses will work next time. Why not just come out with it already?” “Like I can do that so late in the game! I’d be super awkward!” There’s no way I can reveal it myself. But I couldn’t find a good excuse to deceive them, either. I couldn’t erase the feeling that all doors were closed on me. “Should I transform again and redirect them that way?” “Doing that more than once would instead invite more danger. Do you believe that Cortina will be deceived over and over?” “...Yeah, not happening.” Currently, Cortina was under the impression that this imaginary person, Haumea, was Reid. If she learned that she was fake, then her aim would shift to the one that visited Maxwell’s mansion most frequently—in other words, me. “It would be a stupid plan to make any moves now. I will try to distract them with the pursuit of Klein and Mateus, since they are the focus now.” “Can you even get juicy information required for that to work?” “I suppose not.” Mateus pulled back, which meant Klein Stolla Serwa wasn’t in this town anymore. Since he left the city already, there was no knowing where he could have gone from there. If he had connections to someone that could use Teleportation magic, he could be anywhere now. Pursuing someone like that would be close to impossible even for Maxwell. “Until I get it, I will somehow distract them by doing work separately. Cortina and others have their hands full of investigating the Stolla domain, right?” “Yeah. There’s also the matter of Donovan too.” “But there was also the matter of that assassin from the southern City-State union of Qaum. There is a need to investigate that too, right?” “Ah, so you’re gonna tell them you’d investigate that yourself?” “Yes, after all, either matter requires prompt action from us. There is a high possibility that we would lose our target if we stall the matter for too long. As such, Maria and I, who are able to use the Teleportation magic, have to share that work.” “I see. I suppose that works as an excuse. Still, pursuing that assassin can be quite dangerous, you know? Although not quite on my level from my previous life, that Mateus is still extremely dangerous.” “Singing praises to yourself, eh? In that case, perhaps I will take Gadius too.” I suppose there should be no problems with a specialist in protection like Gadius with him. Still, Elves and Dwarves were generally on bad terms, but these two got along surprisingly well. Well, they were comrades who have looked death in the eyes many a time, so it was probably natural. “If the enemy has people like that on their side, I kinda wanna tag along as a guard...” “The present you? You can’t even leave the town so easily, can you?” “Ugh, yeah, I even have some self-restraints put on the hunting too.” Since Cloud got rolled up in such an incident just outside of the city, we had to be wary of the surroundings for some time. Thus, the kingdom was more vigilant now and also requested low-level Adventurers to put self-restraint on their activities. As an after-effect of that, our hunts also fell under such self-restraints. Cloud’s food situation required him to hunt, but it couldn’t be helped now. To deal with that immediate problem, we were using illegal channels to distribute our own shares as preserved foods. “Oh well. Please deal with that somehow, old man.” “I feel bad about it, okay? I’ll give you something to make up for it later.” “You shall not fool me with some cheap meat!” “Can’t you just let yourself be fooled? I’m still a kid!” “You are only a kid when it suits your needs.” Maxwell drew near to smack me on my head. I dodged his hand and made my way out of his mansion. Late at night. I started feeling like I was becoming quite a nocturnal person. I used my Stealth Gift to its utmost and left the city, entering the forest. This was to test my new ability and the performance of the new equipment. I was quite fond of my new weapon, but that didn’t mean I would be an expert at using it from the get-go. Every good weapon needed getting used to first. “That said, I just want to test it right away, but...” First I decided to start by testing the muscle fiber manipulation that I discovered during the fight with Mateus. I jumped, accelerated, and decelerated, leaping around in the forest to my heart’s content. My speed was far faster compared to being strengthened with threads. However... “This... Is no good. The burden is too much.” Unlike the Enchant magic, it didn’t strengthen my stamina along with it. My body couldn’t keep up with my movement ability and started screeching in a short time. “I did well enduring it during the fight with Mateus.” If I had exceeded my limit while fighting, he could’ve easily cut me down. Then, I suddenly remembered the spell that was carved on my gauntlets. Aste said there was Enchant installed on it. In that case, wouldn’t it also be able to raise my stamina? Thinking that, I quickly let my magic power flow through it. Receiving my magic power, the spell activated on its own and covered my body. I then used my thread manipulation on top of it and did the same actions as before. Albeit only by a bit, the burden seemed to have lessened. The reason I was still feeling some burden was probably that my manipulation ability was exceeding the strength of the Enchant spell. Still, if it was this much, I could last for about ten minutes. The build-in magic could only last for three minutes, so any longer would be pointless. “Next would be to check the threads themselves. We worked so hard to get them... Hmm?” Then, I suddenly noticed a rustling in the grass. Any violent animals were being periodically exterminated by Adventurers around these parts, so it shouldn’t have been any dangerous animal. As if to betray my expectations... A giant silhouette showed itself from the grass.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
むギリスでは 63%の 男性の短期受刑者が 出所埌 1幎以内に 再犯をしおいたす では これら前科者による 犯眪件数の平均はどれくらいだず 思いたすか? 43回です では 過去䜕回 刑務所に入っおいたのでしょうか? 7回です 私たちは 叞法省に行き こう聞きたした 再犯者を枛らすこずの 䟡倀は いかほどでしょう? 䜕らかの䟡倀はあるはずでしょう お金をかけお 刑務所を運営し 譊察も䜿い 裁刀手続きなどもしお 再犯者に 察凊しおいるわけですから その䟡倀は いかほどになるでしょう もちろん 私たちは 瀟䌚的䟡倀を倧事に考えおいたす 私が立ち䞊げ支揎をした ゜ヌシャル・ファむナンスずいう組織も 瀟䌚問題を重芖しおいたす でも 私たちは 経枈面も論じたかったのです ずいうのも 経枈性が瀺せれば これを行う䟡倀は 芆しようのないものずなるからです 再犯率を䞋げるこずの 䟡倀ず 成果を枬る基準に぀いお 合意するこずができれば ずおも面癜いこずができるのです ずおも面癜いこずができるのです 「゜ヌシャル・むンパクト・ボンド (瀟䌚むンパクト債暩)」ず呌ばれる― この考え方は 芁するに 政府ず合意が取れれば 契玄を結んで 成功報酬制で 掻動をするずいうものです ですから 政府は 新しいこずを詊せる䞀方で 倱敗した䞊に お金たで払う― 無様なこずになる 心配もありたせん 政府機関の倚くにずっお これは重芁な問題ですから 皆さん お気づきの通り ここで䞀぀問題がありたす 期埅された成果が 埗られたか 怜蚌するたでには 長い時間がかかるこずです ですから 資金を 集める必芁がありたす この契玄をもずに 瀟䌚貢献型投資家から 資金を募りたす 瀟䌚貢献型投資家ずは 面癜い考え方もあるものでしょう? 実際 機䌚さえあれば 瀟䌚に圹立぀こずに 喜んで投資をするずいう人は たくさんいるのです ですから 機䌚を甚意したした 政府が より良いお金の䜿い方を 芋぀ける手䌝いもしたせんか? 刑期を終えた人を 攟っおおいお 再犯をするのを埅っお たた刑務所に入れるのではなく 実際に 圌らず向き合い 別の道を歩めるよう手助けし 結果的に犯眪を枛らし 被害者も枛らすのです 私たちは投資家を芋぀け 投資家は事業掻動の 費甚を支払いたす もしそれが成功すれば 良い結果が埗られたすし 再犯率が枛るこずで 政府は支出が抑えられ その節玄できた分で 成果に぀いお 察䟡を支払いたす 投資家は 投資を回収するだけではなく 運甚益が埗られたす 2010幎3月 私たちは 䞖界初の゜ヌシャル・むンパクト・ボンドの 契玄を結びたした 叞法省ずで ピヌタヌバラ刑務所の 3,000人の受刑者を 察象ずしたものです 受刑者を1,000人ごずの 3぀のグルヌプに分け 各グルヌプに぀いお 出所埌2幎にわたり 远跡調査をしたす 1幎以内に再犯をしたずしお 裁刀手続きに6ヶ月かかりたすから そしお その調査結果を 怜蚌したす 党英譊察デヌタから 可胜な限り䌌た― グルヌプを抜出し それず比范するのです 支払いがされるのは 再犯率を10%以䞊削枛できた堎合で 起こらなかった犯眪件数に応じた額を 受け取りたす ぀たり 防いだ犯眪に察しお 支払われるのです もし3぀のグルヌプすべおで 10%削枛ができれば もし3぀のグルヌプすべおで 10%削枛ができれば 投資家は 幎利7.5%の リタヌンを埗られたす それよりも よい結果が出た堎合 最高で 幎利13%の リタヌンが埗られたす 悪くない数字ですね このスキヌムでは 誰もが埗をするのです 叞法省は 新しいプログラムを詊せ しかも お金を払うのは 成功したずきだけです 投資家は 2぀の機䌚を埗られたす たず 瀟䌚倉革に投資できたす さらに 合理的な運甚益も埗られたす 投資家はよく承知しおいる通り こうしたものに 最初に投資するのは 確固たる信念を持ち 瀟䌚貢献に関心がある人に 限られたす でも 実瞟が積み重ねられれば 5幎か10幎埌には この投資家コミュニティヌは 広がりたす この商品を信頌する人が 増えるからです 事業運営者も ここで初めお 事業を運営する機䌚を埗お ずおも建蚭的な取組みの 結果を積み重ねお 孊習し その䟡倀を瀺せるようになりたす 5幎ずか6幎埌の話で よくある1、2幎の話ではありたせん 瀟䌚も恩恵を受けたす 犯眪も被害者も枛るからです 実は 犯眪者にずっおも 良いのです 数千円を手に 出所しおも 数千円を手に 出所しおも 半分は どこに行けばよいかも 分からない状況です でも 誰かが 刑務所にやっおきお 自分の問題に 耳を傟けおくれ 出所の日には 門で埅っおいお 䜏むずころたで 連れお行っおくれ さらに いろんな犏祉や仕事 薬物曎生 メンタルヘルスなど 必芁なものぞ 導いおくれるのです ここで 別の事䟋を 芋おみたしょう 児童逊護の取組みです 今 ずおも高いお金をかけお 良い成果が出せおいない どんな分野でも ゜ヌシャル・むンパクト・ボンドは うたく機胜したす 逊護斜蚭の子どもたちは 悪い方向に進む傟向にありたす 16歳で矩務教育修了時に受ける 統䞀詊隓GCSEの5科目で 基準点を取れるのは たった13%だけです 党囜平均は58%にも かかわらずです さらに悪いこずには 服圹䞭の犯眪者の27%が 逊護斜蚭で過ごした 経隓を持ちたす もっず心配なのは 内務省の統蚈によれば 売春婊の70%も 逊護斜蚭に入ったこずがありたす 囜は あたり良い芪では ないのです でも 逊護の必芁な 思春期の子どもには もっず良いプログラムが 色々あるのです 逊護斜蚭に行く子どもの30%は 思春期でもありたす そこで 私たちは ゚セックス県庁ずプログラムを立䞊げ 集䞭的な家庭サポヌトを 詊すこずにしたした 思春期の子どもがいる家庭が 察象になっおいたす ゚セックス県が お金を支払うのは 支揎費甚を 節玄できたずきだけです 投資家からは 箄5億円が集たり 先月 プログラムは 始動したした 他にもありたす ロンドンのホヌムレス問題や 党囜の 若者、雇甚、教育ずいった分野です 党囜の 若者、雇甚、教育ずいった分野です 今や むギリスでは 13の゜ヌシャル・むンパクト・ボンドがあり このアむデアは 䞖界䞭から高い関心を集めおいたす このアむデアは 䞖界䞭から高い関心を集めおいたす デヌノィッド・キャメロン銖盞も 箄34億円を 瀟䌚成果基金に提䟛し このアむデアを支持しおいたす オバマ倧統領も こうした事業に 箄300億円の囜家予算を圓おお 進めおいくべきだず蚀っおいたす そしお たくさんの囜が 高い関心を瀺しおいたす なぜ こんなに盛り䞊がるのでしょうか? 䜕が違うのでしょうか? 1぀目は さきほどもお話ししたしたが むノベヌションです 皆に受け入れられやすい圢で 新しいアむデアを 詊せるようになるからです 2぀目は 厳密だからです 成果を目指しお デヌタを怜蚌し 課題解決に取り入れる 必芁があるからです ピヌタヌバラ刑務所の䟋でいえば 私たちは ケヌスマネゞメントを 共に掻動を進めおいる すべおの組織に取り入れたした 皆が 受刑者に察しお どんな取組みをしおいるか共有し 同時に叞法省からも情報を埗たした たた私たちも 䜕が起こっおいるか 再び逮捕されるかどうか デヌタを远っお調べたした それを芋お 私たちは プログラムを調敎するのです これは3぀目にも぀ながりたす 今たでにない― 柔軟性です 通垞 契玄をするずきは 政府のお金を䜿っおいる― 私たちのお金 皎金を䜿っおいるわけで そのこずは 事業担圓者も よく認識しおいるので お金をどのように䜿うか 现かく管理したくなりたす ここにいる起業家のみなさんは お分かりだず思いたすが ビゞネスプランの バヌゞョン1.0は うたく行かないものです こうしたこずを 詊すずきは 柔軟にプログラムを 調敎しお行く必芁がありたす ピヌタヌバラ刑務所の話に戻るず ここでも― ある蚈画を持っお始めたわけですが 同時にデヌタも収集し プロゞェクトを 進めるに぀れお 蚈画を埮調敎し 倉曎を行い 新たな芁玠も 加えお行きたした サヌビスを適応させ 長期的なニヌズにも 短期的なニヌズにも 合うようにしたのです 受刑者から より倧きなコミットを そしお長期のコミットを 埗るようにするのです 最埌のポむントは パヌトナヌシップです 最近 こんな陳腐な議論を よく耳にしたす このようなプログラムは 囜がすべきずか 公共セクタヌ、民間セクタヌがよいずか 第䞉セクタヌがよいずか でも 瀟䌚倉革を起こすなら 私たちは これら関係者すべおの 専門性を結集させお 解決に圓たらないずいけたせん このこずを通しお すべおを結び぀ける 仕組みを䜜り䞊げたす このアむデアで 䜕が倉わるのでしょう? この取り組みで 私たちは 瀟䌚倉革に投資する手段を 手にできるのです これたで 瀟䌚倉革に 投資する機䌚を求める― 䜕千 おそらく䜕癟䞇ずいう人に 䌚っおきたした 䞀方で 公共郚門では こうした取り組みに関心の高い― 玠晎らしい方々に お䌚いしたした このモデルがあれば この2぀を結び぀けられるのです ありがずうございたした
In Britain, 63 percent of all men who come out of short sentences from prison re-offend again within a year. Now how many previous offenses do you think they have on average managed to commit? Forty-three. And how many previous times do you think they've been in prison? Seven. So we went to talk to the Ministry of Justice, and we said to the Ministry of Justice, what's it worth to you if fewer of these guys re-offend? It's got to be worth something, right? I mean, there's prison costs, there's police costs, there's court costs, all these things that you're spending money on to deal with these guys. What's it worth? Now, of course, we care about the social value. Social Finance, the organization I helped set up, cares about social stuff. But we wanted to make the economic case, because if we could make the economic case, then the value of doing this would be completely compelling. And if we can agree on both a value and a way of measuring whether we've been successful at reducing that re-offending, then we can do something we think rather interesting. The idea is called the social impact bond. Now, the social impact bond is simply saying, if we can get the government to agree, that we can create a contract where they only pay if it worked. So that means that they can try out new stuff of having to pay if it didn't work, which for still quite a lot of bits of government, that's a serious issue. Now, many of you may have noticed there's a problem at this point, and that is that it takes a long time to measure whether those outcomes have happened. So we have to raise some money. We use the contract to raise money from socially motivated investors. Socially motivated investors: there's an interesting idea, right? But actually, there's a lot of people who, if they're given the chance, would love to invest in something that does social good. And here's the opportunity. Do you want to also help government find whether there's a better economic model, not just leaving these guys to come out of prison and waiting till they re-offend and putting them back in again, but actually working with them to move to a different path to end up with fewer crimes and fewer victims? So we find some investors, and they pay for a set of services, and if those services are successful, then they improve outcomes, and with those measured reductions in re-offending, government saves money, and with those savings, they can pay outcomes. And the investors do not just get their money back, but they make a return. So in March 2010, we signed the first social impact bond with the Ministry of Justice around Peterborough Prison. It was to work with 3,000 offenders split into three cohorts of 1,000 each. Now, each of those cohorts would get measured over the two years that they were coming out of prison. They've got to have a year to commit their crimes, six months to get through the court system, and then they would be compared to a group taken from the police national computer, as similar as possible, and we would get paid providing we achieved a hurdle rate of 10-percent reduction, for every conviction event that didn't happen. So we get paid for crimes saved. Now if we achieved that 10-percent reduction across all three cohorts, then the investors get a seven and a half percent annualized return on their investment, and if we do better than that, they can get up to 13 percent annualized return on their investment, which is okay. So everyone wins here, right? The Ministry of Justice can try out a new program and they only pay if it works. Investors get two opportunities: for the first time, they can invest in social change. Also, they make a reasonable return, and they also know that first investors in these kinds of things, they're going to have to believers. They're going to have to care in the social program, but if this builds a track record over five or 10 years, then you can widen that investor community as more people have confidence in the product. The service providers, well, for the first time, they've got an opportunity to provide services and grow the evidence for what they're doing in a really constructive way and learn and demonstrate the value of what they're doing over five or six years, not just one or two as often happens at the moment. Society wins: fewer crimes, fewer victims. Now, the offenders, they also benefit. Instead of just coming out of the prison with 46 pounds in their pocket, half of them not knowing where they're spending their first night out of jail, actually, someone meets them in prison, learns about their issues, meets them at the gate, takes them through to somewhere to stay, connects them to benefits, connects them to employment, drug rehabilitation, mental health, whatever's needed. So let's think of another example: working with children in care. Social impact bonds work great for any area where there is at the moment very expensive provision that produces poor outcomes for people. So children in the state care tend to do very badly. Only 13 percent achieve a reasonable level of five GCSEs at 16, against 58 percent of the wider population. More troublingly, 27 percent of offenders in prison have spent some time in care. And even more worryingly, and this is a Home Office statistic, 70 percent of prostitutes have spent some time in care. The state is not a great parent. But there are great programs for adolescents who are on the edge of care, and 30 percent of kids going into care are adolescents. So we set up a program with Essex County Council to test out intensive family therapeutic support for those families with adolescents on the edge of the care system. Essex only pays in the event that it's saving them care costs. Investors have put in 3.1 million pounds. That program started last month. Others, around homelessness in London, around youth and employment and education elsewhere in the country. There are now 13 social impact bonds in Britain, and amazing levels of interest in this idea all over the world. So David Cameron's put 20 million pounds into a social outcomes fund to support this idea. Obama has suggested 300 million dollars in the U.S. budget for these kinds of ideas and structures to move it forward, and a lot of other countries are demonstrating considerable interest. So what's caused this excitement? Why is this so different for people? Well, the first piece, which we've talked about, is innovation. It enables testing of new ideas in a way that's less difficult for everybody. The second piece it brings is rigor. By working to outcomes, people really have to test and bring data into the situation that one's dealing with. So taking Peterborough as an example, we add case management across all of the different organizations that we're working with what actually has been done with different prisoners, and at the same time they learn from the Ministry of Justice, and we learn, because we pushed for the data, what actually happens, whether they get re-arrested or not. And we learn and adapt the program accordingly. And this leads to the third element, which is new, and that's flexibility. Because normal contracting for things, when you're spending government money, you're spending our money, tax money, and the people who are in charge of that are very aware of it so the temptation is to control exactly how you spend it. Now any entrepreneur in the room knows that version 1.0, the business plan, is not the one that generally works. So when you're trying to do something like this, you need the flexibility to adapt the program. And again, in Peterborough, we started off with a program, but we also collected data, and over the period of time, we nuanced and changed that program to add a range of other elements, so that the service adapts and we meet the needs of the long term as well as the short term: greater engagement from the prisoners, longer-term engagement as well. The last element is partnership. There is, at the moment, a stale debate going on very often: state's better, public sector's better, private sector's better, social sector's better, for a lot of these programs. Actually, for creating social change, we need to bring in the expertise from all of those parties in order to make this work. And this creates a structure through which they can combine. So where does this leave us? This leaves us with a way that people can invest in social change. We've met thousands, possibly millions of people, who want the opportunity to invest in social change. We've met champions all over the public sector keen to make these kinds of differences. With this kind of model, we can help bring them together. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
むングリスは、呚囲に向けおきっぱりず告げる。 「ルヌルずは、守るためにあるのです! 故にわたしは、階士団長は拝呜いたしたせん......! わたのために、連綿ず受け継がれおきた階士の䌝統が歪められる事を望みたせん――!」 「し、しかしむングリスよ! 叀き因習は芋盎し、より良きものを芋぀け出しお行く事こそが、未来を玡ぐ事であろう......!?」 「囜王陛䞋の仰る通りです! 硬盎した䌝統などよりも、真にこの囜ず人々のためになる遞択をせねばなりたせぬ! あなたにはその䟡倀があるッ!」 予想通り、カヌリアス囜王もレダスも食い䞋がっお来る。 その点は玠晎らしいが、だからこそ面倒でもある。 䞖のため人のために自分を巻き蟌たないで欲しい。 「ですがそれが必ずしもより良きものでしょうか? 真にこの囜ず人々のためになるでしょうか? 珟にこちらの方は反察なされおいるではありたせんか?」 「それは小さき事だぞ、むングリスよ。倧事の前の小事だ」 「さよう。自らの地䜍を脅かされるのを懞念した、保身に過ぎたせぬ!」 「自らの立堎をご心配なさるのは、人ずしお圓然の事です。わたしはそれが悪いずは思いたせん――そしおわたしが階士団長を拝呜すれば、同じ事をお感じになる方は、他にも必ずおられたす」 「それはそうだろうが......!」 「しかし......!」 「同時に、無印者のわたしが階士団長になる事により、それたで埓階士であった方々もこれからは自分達も、正匏な階士になれるず垌望を持たれるかず思いたす。しかし、実際にそうなる事は無いでしょう?」 「圌等にそなたのような力が備わっおいなければ、無論そうだろう」 「む、むぅ――人の心の些现な動きが、分断を生みかねんず......」 「総合的に芋れば、囜にずっお良くないず仰るのですか――」 「はい。ですから――残念ながら階士団長を拝呜するこずはできたせん。本圓に残念です......」 半分は挔技だが、半分は本気だった。残念ずいうのも嘘はない。 ――぀たり、本来ならこの埌に埅っおいたはずのごちそうぞの未緎である。 カヌリアス囜王肝入りの人事を蹎っおおいお、では話はそれぐらいにしお祝宎ぞ――などずいう流れになるはずがない。 「クリス......」 近くでラフィニアも、涙ぐんでいた。 「むングリスよ――」 15歳にしお既に絶䞖の矎女であるむングリスが流す涙は、圌等の心に響いた様子である。 ごちそうにはあり぀けず、興味のない出䞖を䞁重に断る劎力だけがかかった。 こんな事ならあのたた階士アカデミヌの土朚䜜業を手䌝っお、支絊のお匁圓を貰えば良かった。 いや、これからだ――転んでもタダでは起きない。 そう思い぀぀、むングリスはカヌリアス囜王の前に再び跪いた。 「囜王陛䞋。階士団長はお受けできたせんが、わたしの力は捧げさせお頂きたす」 「ふむぅ......぀たり?」 「先日のような危機の際は必ず駆け付けたすので、い぀でもお声掛けを――わたしの力だけを、必芁な時に存分にお䜿い䞋さい。それならばわたしが階士団長になる時のような、䜙蚈な軋蜢は生みたせん。ある意味最も有効に、わたしを䜿っお頂けるず思いたす」 「しかし、それではそなたが――」 「構いたせん。わたしに地䜍や名誉は芁りたせん。わたしは自らの心が満たされれば、それ以䞊は望みたせん」 無論心が満たされるずは、匷敵ず思う存分戊い合っお実戊経隓を積み、成長を実感する事だ。 「䜕ずも芋䞊げた少女よ――そなたの心意気、感服させおもらったぞ」 カヌリアス囜王は、この囜ず人々のためずいう倧矩だず解釈したようだ。 「そうですか......残念です、私はあなたにお仕えしたかったのですが......その倜空の月のように麗しいお姿ず、至高の花のような銙りのお偎にいるだけで、もう毎日が倩囜のように......」 「............」 「い、いえ......! ず、ずもかく! 階士団長にはなっお頂けぬようですが、たた共に戊えるずいう事ですな!?」 「ええ。その時はよろしくお願いしたす。わたしの力が必芁な時は、必ずお呌び䞋さい」 むングリスずしおは、面倒な責任は負わされず、匷敵が珟れた時にだけ呌んで貰えれば、願っおもないこずだ。 倧矩のため、実戊経隓のため、ずいう認識の違いはあるが―― これで、転んでもタダでは起きない事はできただろう。 「それでは、倱瀌臎したす――」 むングリスは深々ずお蟞儀をし、謁芋の間を退去した。
Inglis decisively announced to the crowd all around her. 「Rules exist to be kept and followed! Therefore I will not accept the position of a Knight Commander! I don’t want the long line of Knight tradition to be broken just for me alone——!」 「B-, but, Inglis! Isn’t only by revisioning old customs and discover a new and better one, we can weave a path for the future?!」 「His Majesty the King is correct! Rather than rigid traditions, we must make a choice that is truly for the good of the Kingdom and the people! You have that worth!」 As expected, King Charleas and Redas were insistent. From the way they spoke, it seemed that they really wished to install Inglis as a Commander, thinking that would be for the sake of the country. They were both flexible with their attitude, evaluating good things as good and nothing else, and didn’t bind themselves to commonly accepted practice. Those were all good points, which was why it was troubling. Don’t roll me up in your world-keeping business. 「However, is that necessarily for the better? Will it really be for the good of this country and the people? In fact, didn’t this gentleman just object to it?」 「That is just a trifle matter, Inglis. A pebble in the face of a grand cause.」 「Indeed. He only did it to cover his own hide, fearing his position will be threatened!」 「It is only normal for any man to worry about his position. I don’t think there is anything wrong it——And I’m sure that there will be many others who would feel the same way if I were to be appointed as a Knight Commander.」 「That, may be true, but......!」 「But still!」 「At the same time, if I, a Runeless, become a Knight Commander, then all the Squires before me will believe that they, too, can become an official Knight. However, in actuality, they cannot, can they?」 「Unless they possess the strength to be one, much like you do, then obviously they can’t.」 「M-mu...a slight change in heart may cause a division amongst us, so you say......」 「Are you saying that, at the end of the day, it is not beneficial for the country?」 「Yes. That is why——with a heavy heart, I must decline the position of a Commander Knight. I truly am sorry......」 Having said so, a single tear trickled down Inglis’ cheek. Half of what she performed was an act, but the other half of it was genuine. She really found it regrettable. Of course, it wasn’t about her declining her position as a Knight Commander or her lamenting her career path. ——in short, she grieved for the feast that was supposed to be waiting for them after her inauguration. After having turned down King Charleas’ personal assistance, they would happily indulge in the celebratory feast and put everything behind——obviously that wasn’t how things would turn. She was really sad, as the banquet was right under her nose. She couldn’t hold her tears to flow, but she had no other option but to leave now. 「Glis......」 Nearby, Rafinha was also drowning in tears. She too had guessed it from the flow of events. The fact that they had to give up on the feast. 「Inglis——」 However, King Charleas and Redas seemed to have taken a different meaning from it. The tears shed by Inglis, an immensely beautiful lady at the young age of , seemed to have formed a ripple in their hearts. There were signs that they would back down. Still, what was the point of the summon then? Not only would they miss out on the banquet, but Inglis also had to go to the effort of refusing the career she had no interest in. Had she known this would be the case, she would have just stayed and helped with the civil engineering work at the Knight Academy and taken the provided lunch boxes. Now she had missed the lunch boxes too. No, this isn’t the end yet! I refuse to fall only to gain nothing. At least let me get something out of this! With that in mind, Inglis knelt down again in front of the King. 「Your Majesty. I may be unable to accept the position, but I shall offer you my strength.」 「Hm......What do you mean?」 「I will certainly come to your bidding in times of crisis like the other day, so please summon me as you see fit! Use my power to its limit however you need it. If so, there won’t be any unnecessary conflict like what I mentioned before. I believe you will be able to utilize me most effectively like such.」 「However, that will make you...」 「I don’t mind. I need neither position nor honor. So long my heart is gratified, I wish for nothing more.」 Of course, what she meant by that was to be able to fight against strong opponents to heart’s content, to gain experience in actual combat, and to experience growth from it. However, how they take Inglis’ words was up to them. 「What a venerable young girl! I admire your spirit.」 King Charleas seemed to have interpreted it as Inglis wishing for the good of the Kingdom and the people. Again, it was up to them to decide how they would take Inglis’ words. Inglis herself spewed not a single lie. 「I see......How regrettable, I would have loved to serve under you......Being with you, with your beautiful figure like the moon in the high sky, and your fragrance like the most sublime flower, every day would have been paradise......」 「............」 「N-, never mind! A-anyway! While you will not become our commander, we can still fight together again, right?!」 「Of course. I look forward for that time to come. Please do summon me whenever you need my help.」 Personally, for Inglis, it would be great if they would call upon her just to defeat some strong opponent without her having to bear the responsibility that came with it. That’s what she tried to get across. There was some slight difference regarding the motives; they sought for a bigger cause while Inglis sought for battle experience, but this would benefit both parties, so it would be fine. With that, her coming here wouldn’t be all for naught. 「Now, if you will excuse us!」 Inglis bowed deeply and left the audience hall.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }