It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation. DM: Eight damage. Angrily, in response to this, you sweep down with a giant golf swing of your staff, and as it hits, it impacts, bludgeons the side of its body. It gets slammed, hits the wall, and falls to the ground. Some of the gas seeps out of its body, but it isn't exposed. It is dead, but the method of damage delivery seemingly didn't disturb whatever was contained within its body. Player: Interesting. I still have my other attack, yeah? Can I move in and kick that guy? DM: Over which one? Player: Yeah, that one. I'm going to rat kick. Rat kick. Natural 20! DM: Jesus! Player: Come on, give me that big ol' four-- That's a one! Six damage. DM: You rush up and critically kick this rat in the side of its body. Wham! You feel breaks and bones, or might be sticks, might be whatever else has created this shell of debris about its body. It gives this screeching sound as falls over onto its side and then gets back in its place. It's hurting, it's barely holding itself in place, but it's angry and ready to snap back at you. Player: I reach over to Yasha and I go-- DM: And it is Yasha's turn, actually.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wary of its toxins, they all stay out of melee range. When the troll gets to its feet, it moves closer to Beau and Yasha, hitting them both with its poison spray and poisoning Yasha, but she shrugs it off at the end of her turn. DM: No. It's real angry at him because it just got Hexed, Blasted, and then Bolted. It's going to bypass the shiny swords right there. Player: Does it get close enough for me to take a swing? DM: It does. Player: Swing, swing. I just get two attacks, right? DM: You were holding your action, so you get two attacks, yeah. Player: Actually, I'm going to use the good sword. It doesn't matter. That's awful, and that's pretty good. That's 11, that misses, and 19, that hits. DM: That does hit. Player: That's 1d6 plus 1d4. 2d6 now, that's right. That's not bad. That's ten points of damage. DM: Ten points of damage, as you strike it with one blade and miss with another. Immediately, as you strike across it with your blade, the venom splashes into your face. You suffer 13 points of poison damage, and then it moves out of your combat range. You can still take your reaction if you wanted to. Player: I will take my reaction. 13 points of damage? DM: Yep.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: All righty. As you pull back through and it returns, it's gonna ahead and use-- It's taking another legendary action to make a-- This is gonna be a tentacle attack against you, Grog? Player: Yeah. DM: With advantage, that's going to be nine plus 18, that's 27? Player: That hits. DM: You take 12 points of bludgeoning damage plus ten, that's 22. Divided by that. 11. Player: 11. DM: All right, Percy's-- Player: Can I make a retalito-ri-teh? DM: You already used it. Player: I did. DM: Sorry.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the mummified body, they loot an adamantine hammer and a gray leather belt studded with opals. Grog takes the hammer, and Percy puts on the belt. DM: I know. As you crest the top of this upper area of the road, you glance down and can see a portion of it is underwater, there's a small pool where droplets drop and at the edge of it you can barely see the shape of a creature, hunched at the edge of the waterside. Player: How close am I to that? DM: It's about 50 to 55 feet from you. Player: Divine Sense. DM: Okay. Divine Sense to see if-- Player: It's undead. DM: It is not undead; you do not get an undead sense. Player: Okay. Or a fiend or a celestial? DM: It's too far away to get a close view at this point because it's at the edge of your darkvision. You can just make out its shape; it's humanoid, it has two arms, two legs, and it looks roughly the size of you or Vex. But you now see it's sitting at a fallen and partially ruined dwarven statue, some sort of structure that was on a pedestal that had fallen at the edge-- and it's sitting over top of it. It's got gray, splotchy skin, tough exterior, armored spines or plates along its back that stick up as it hunches forward like some sort of porcupine.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago. DM: "Okay." And she goes in to tell you what she knows of the curse, in fair detail, talking about how, long ago, there was people in the family that apparently killed a brother and pissed off a god, and ever since, the family was cursed, so they left what was once the gnomish city of Wittebach. And the curse seems to manifest when a Trickfoot falls too deep into the spell of selfishness or dark thoughts and habits, and manifests in these shades that eventually hollow them out to the point where they are nothing but a being of avarice and greed. Player: Of greed, hm? DM: "Well, it's part of the reason that we have such a bad reputation. Those that befell the curse kind of tore a path through the countryside." Player: Now, you say 'hollowed out by shades'. Do you still look like a normal gnome, or? DM: "I haven't seen anyone. I don't know. This is stuff that I heard from Uncle Ogden." Player: Wow. I wonder what that looks like. DM: "Hopefully we never find out."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As the giant approaches, its smell overwhelms them and causes Vax to retch, blowing their cover. Scanlan casts Domination to bring it under his control before it can attack, but the spell wears off before you can finish tying it up. DM: Go, go. Someone let Sam in! All right, so as this giant entity reaches over and is going to attempt to try and slam his fist down on top of you. Player: Ah! DM: That is going to be a 21. Player: Against my AC? DM: Against your armor class, yes. Player: Oh no, that hits me! DM: All right. Player: That doesn't count. DM: You take 14 points of bludgeoning damage, as the hand just slams down onto your sister.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to Beau), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to you, since it's her favorite food). DM: As Leopold is talking up this whole this whole, "All right, come watch now! Here is our finest--" and it fades away in the background as Gunther, who's leaning forward now, says "Interesting styling. I've seen it before." Player: What do you mean? DM: "You're not from around here, are you?" Player: Well, neither are you. What does that have to do with anything? DM: "Nothing. Just an observation. I've been on the front lines long enough." With that, Leopold walks up and goes "Three, two--" Make a strength check with advantage, because he wasn't expecting it. (cheering) Player: Natural 20. (cheering) DM: Natural 20. No joke. No joke. Right there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: All right. So the crit, 28 points of bludgeoning damage. And the last one is gonna be 14 points of bludgeoning damage. And he's going to use three ki points. As he comes around, elbows you to the side of the face, you just weren't expecting it and it cracks you and you feel like a tooth crack and the pain sears through your jaw and you're like, ugh! And then he brings his lower hand and (impact) hits you right in the center of the abdomen, and it hits you, and it hurts, but it's not as impactful as you thought it would be for the force, but you feel like this strange, like, quivering vibration in your midsection, like almost like the muscles are spasming uncontrollably and you don't quite understand why. That is going to end his turn. Grog, you're up. Player: No! And I go into a frenzied rage. If it's gonna be an ass-beating we take, we might as well just get on with it. And I'll use reckless attack and Great Weapon Master against him. DM: Okay, go for it. Player: Which means he gets advantage on everything against me, but fuck it, he's hitting anyway. Oh, 19, so close. 28. DM: 28 hits. Player: 23? DM: 23 hits. Player: 16. DM: Misses.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tasks him to find, within one hour, the tome containing the Incantation of Isolation. The party begins their search. DM: Glancing about, you don't see any signs on the books. You do notice, however, there are hundreds of those somewhat spectral keepers of the library that are moving tomes through and organizing and relocating things, just like you saw when you first entered. Player: They're spectral? DM: They're spectral, yeah. Player: I'm going to go try to talk to one of them. DM: Okay. One of them's currently pulling books out. You can see the basic shimmering outline of a humanoid form, and they're taking a book off and stacking it and finding another. Player: Hello, sir. Do you have language? Can you speak? DM: He turns and looks to you for a second.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make a circuit of the volcanic cone, finding a small hole that Grog is able to punch wide enough to admit all of them. They navigate their way through a combination of air- and water-filled tunnels, using water from Grog's Alchemy Jug to breathe through the sections that have only deoxygenated air. DM: Well, you've moved maybe 15 feet. I'd say you probably have, at his flying speed, maybe a third of his fly speed left. Player: That's another 40 feet. DM: (chuckles) So there is that. Player: All right. Well, then you guys got this well in hand. I'm going to fly to the other guy. Is he going to get an attack on me? DM: This guy here? Player: Yeah. As I fly up high? DM: You fly to him and you're gliding above right now. Player: No, I'm going to go to the furthest guy. DM: Over here? (gliding noises) Okay. You're currently floating above the lava. It's not affecting you as you (whoosh) fly by. Because you're flying, no, I will say the mom bulette does not notice you pass. It does not get an attack of opportunity. Player: (whispering) I'm the Crow. DM: Essentially. All right, that ends your turn. Vax.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog convinces Tary to eat a mouthful of dirt, saying it's a local custom. you transports them from Terrah to Greyskull Keep in Emon. DM: And there are certain portions which are broken up by hard lines, it's like this parallel intersection multiple times as the tattoo progresses down. Very, very loose, almost a flowing central shoulder-based robe that tosses down the front of the body and meets with a long skirt that drags behind him as he steps out. And as he looks over in the direction of you, you can see the eyes are very hardened, dark, deep brown in color, and the sockets are very weathered, his skin texture in general is pretty weathered. He looks over towards you, clean-shaven, short white hair, puts a hand up. "Keyleth, you grace the Terra with your presence. What can we be of service to you for?" Player: I stand more in attention, more formal. Good to see you, Patisse, it's been quite some time. DM: You as well. Player: I just came to check in after the recent events in the world, make sure everyone was okay. DM: Everything seems to be fine. We've been intent of care to the rift, and from the word that seems to have passed quickly since your arrival over the past few days, it's come to our attention that Thordak no longer sits in the center of the city of Emon. Player: That's correct. We've also slain his right-hand man, Raishan, who seemed to be the mastermind of the entire orchestration. DM: Good. Good and well done. Player: Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help and training, so I appreciate that. DM: You are but a seed, you allowed it to germinate. So what do you need? Player: Well, I'm intent on continuing on with my Aramente now that there's relative peace in the world. The Vesrah people are quite insular, of course. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to get there and any advice in general on dealing with them? DM: It has been a long time since I've attended any sort of gathering with the Vesrah. It is for people of our skill set not the easiest of journeys, as many of us are capable of traversing through the sentinels of nature. Unfortunately, most of the tree life that exists around Vesrah is beneath the water. Player: Right. DM: So your most likely form of transport will be that of a vessel across the waves. Player: Who's their headmaster there now? Do you know? DM: The headmaster there-- Uvenda, the heart of the tides. Player: Uvenda. DM: Uvenda. Player: Uvenda, the heart of the tides. What can I expect of this Uvenda? Uvenda. DM: Not what you'd expect. I'll leave it at that. Player: That's very vague of you, Patisse. DM: Well, what would be the fun if I were to unveil the next fold of your Aramente? Player: No, you've got a point. Do you recommend by ship or would flight be more appropriate? DM: If you have the means, that is up to you. Player: All right. Any other words of encouragement? DM: Listen closely. Keep your friends about you. That should be sufficient.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Percy, and Keyleth go to the library to do research on the Nine Hells for their next mission. They find very little and move on to examining the papers they took from Raishan's lair, including the large book that Gilmore had cautioned them about. DM: There is the one large dark leather tome that is still locked on the side, and that was what was on the-- Player: Right. That one feels, is like super scary-looking, though, right? DM: Of all the books, it looks like probably the premium book of Opash's collection. Player: Does it have writing on the cover? DM: It has no writing on the cover. It is just a dark black, leather-bound tome roughly that big that looks like it's weathered, scratched in places. It has kind of like a deep, metallic cornered trimmed bits to it. Player: But Gilmore looked at that. I had Gilmore look at it and he said it was scary. DM: He said whoever decides to read it should be strong of will. That was his warning.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of you and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner. DM: (raspy grunt) He gets up and leans the stick off to the side, and it (thudding noise) onto the ground. Player: I'll crouch down and start untying his little boots. DM: "That's all right. I can get that." Player: I don't mind. DM: He leans back and lets you do it. Player: What kind of dark things are we talking? DM: "There's a legend in the Trickfoots. Every generation, one is born with the blood curse. One that carries with it the anger of someone slighted when we first became Trickfoots. Maybe it's superstition, but every one of these individuals died a horrible, painful death, screaming of a shadow that came for them. It's a myth, I know, but these dreams are real, and I'd rather be careful and wrong than careless and right." Player: Do you see the shadow in your dreams? DM: "Shapeless. Dark. Eyes like burning coals." Player: Does that sound like the smoke demon that we saw come out of Percy? Anything like that? DM: Shapeless, black shadow with red eyes sounds similar, but Orthax was generally black smoke. Had form, and the eyes were more of a yellow.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel. DM: As you dig in and hang down, you watch as your hood and hair hangs upside down. You pull the crossbow down. The tension of the bolt is holding it in, thankfully, otherwise it would just fall from its upside down standpoint, and you fire! You can go ahead and make a strike. Technically you have two that you're in view of here, they both have three-quarters cover because of the nearby door and the angle. Player: The ones next to her? DM: Yeah. Player: Ugh. Well, I got to hit them. DM: Which one are you shooting? The skeletal one or the--? Player: The one that I hit before. DM: Okay, so that one. Go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau smashed her red elemental gem and summoned a fire elemental to attack the dragon. The elemental hit the dragon and caught it on fire, but the dragon retaliated with lightning breath. DM: Just the look! I'm not saying you did, but you have the look. Jester is surrounded by sparkling unicorns and is just like, "Uh!" What are you doing? Player: Oh wow! Fuck it, I'm going to try it. I'm going to try to cast Bane on this thing. DM: Okay. Player: Is that insane? I don't know if that's insane. DM: Saving throw is? Player: It's a 16 Charisma. That may be insane. DM: Charisma. Plus three. That's a ten. It fails.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th. DM: Easily enough. It's still raining, but not quite the heavy drizzle it was earlier. It's lighting up a little bit. As soon as you step outside, you can see, way far off in the distance, a little bit of blue begin to break. The heavy part of the stormfront, at least, is beginning to pass. You pick up the remainder of your ordered baked goods and a loaf of bread as well. Player: On the top shelf, behind you there. What do you call those? These pastries? I slide the smut under a tray of bread. DM: You slide it under a what? Player: A tray of bread on the counter. DM: Just on the counter? Player: Yeah. Hide it. DM: Make a sleight of hand check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you tells him to cross off teleportation from his list of adventures, as Keyleth opens a tree portal. They rush through into Whitestone, much to Tary's delight. DM: "Could you hold this?" And he reaches back and pulls out a small pouch and puts it in your hand. "I don't feel comfortable holding on to this." Player: What is it? DM: It was requested by your small bard friend and I probably should not have it on my person. Player: Requested? DM: Yes. Player: What is it? Components of a potion? I don't... DM: One that you should not probably drink. Player: What is it, Jarrett? DM: It's suude. It's illegal. You should not-- It is dangerous.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement. DM: As you approach, this beautiful but small white building is draped in deep blue tapestries, while a reflective mirrored sphere sits atop the roof during the day. I think you've passed by and seen it before when you were traversing the city. Are you going at day or nighttime? Player: We're checking out during the day, you know, like we're visitors. DM: Okay. The inside is open archways and floor spaces. They're made available for worship, but also used for meditation. There are a few folks in there that are quietly, eyes closed, taking in the atmosphere of the interior. There's areas for reading and there's areas for napping and sleeping. Of the Bahamut worshiping that goes on in places you've seen on the Menagerie Coast, this one is a little more New Age-y than you're used to. About noonish when you arrive, there is a sermon beginning, where there is the Herald of the House, which is a silver-scaled dragonborn in his older years. He looks very tired and as withered as a dragonborn can through their silver scales. He's in the process of giving this very deeply empowering speech about, "The majesty of Bahamut bestows upon us the knowledge and the grace in which we can be beacons of truth and justice in a world that wishes to swallow all with chaos." Player: (snoring) DM: But yeah, the midday stakeout appears to go well. What do you wish to do? Player: How often does he come back? DM: He's there most of the day, and in the evening he appears to go nap somewhere within the Platinum House. Player: And then he gives his sermon during the next day and the next day? We scout it out a couple days in a row to really get the feel for the guards. DM: Okay, make an investigation check. Player: With advantage because Nott's helping me? DM: Sure, sure. Player: Oh Jesus H. Macy. Nine. Nein! DM: There's a couple entrances, some hallways.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon. DM: "By one each time. Perhaps it was time for you to lose cards after all. Based on our agreement, you and your friends are now property of Juuraiel. However, I see that you are traveled. You seem capable. You are bold. You walk in here after acquiring the will of Whaska. So, you want freedom, yes?" Player: Yes? DM: "Then perhaps there is a favor you can do for me. In exchange for this favor, I will nullify our contract, and you will be free to go. Does this sound viable?" Player: Possibly. Is it a card game? DM: "The other choice is you are now mine. Or, as you threatened boldly before, that I was to die. But I can say, given the current place that you reside, the enchantments I have on this room, the friends of mine that I have at your back, you will not have the outcome you wish." Player: What is your offer? DM: "Do you agree?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: That one is spattered by the impact. You see the chunks of it hit the tree behind, and you see a wing right in front of you, Scanlan. Player: I reload. I flip around the other side of the tree. DM: Over to this side here? Player: Over to this side so I can get a good vantage point on that one that thinks it's hiding right over there. I use my bonus action to cast Hex on him. DM: To carry it over? Player: Yep, to carry it over. And I take a shot at him. That's 22 to hit? DM: 22 hits. Player: Ten points of damage. Three necrotic. DM: It gets shot. The impact hits the tree next to it, but it splinters and hits it, takes some damage but not a whole lot. Player: I'm going to burn an action surge and take three more shots at it. DM: You can do that. You're ignoring the cover because of your sharpshooter feat, so go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you'ahlia goes to find Zahra who is reading in the castle. She tells Zahra she used her arrow and they've killed Umbrasyl. DM: You head off and, asking around, you find Zahra is actually up in Castle Whitestone right now, just poring through one of the studies of books, and is just currently reading and reading on her own. As you eventually ask around and find your way there, entering the room, you see her with a small set of spectacles at the end of her nose. She takes them off and, "My darling Vex'ahlia!" And comes up and just gives you a big hug and picks you up and sets you down. "I'm so glad to see you're all right." Player: Dear, the dragon arrow you gave me? Killed him. Well, I didn't kill him, actually, with it, but I did a lot of damage. DM: "You killed a dragon?" Player: Umbrasyl. Dead. One down. DM: "I knew you would." Player: Where's Cashew? DM: "I don't know. He's testy these days. I'm sure he's around." Player: I know his name is fucking Kashaw. So he's not there. DM: "Probably down in the city somewhere. He's helping where he can. You know broody types." Player: I do know broody types. DM: Yes, you do. Player: What are you reading? DM: "Oh, I'm just learning about the history of Whitestone and I'm very intrigued as to the actual properties of this stone the entire town is built on. There's a lot of really, really interesting things that can be done with the materials in these mountains."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, the other members of Vox Machina interject and say that he is not free to go just yet; they still need him to testify in front of Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III to prove that their earlier actions at the feast held for Lord and Lady Briarwood were justified (see: The Feast/ Crimson Diplomacy). Rejoining the party, you wonders aloud why Desmond is still in the cell. DM: The bag of gems, it's a few semi-precious stones, but then there are a couple of well-carved sapphires, emeralds, couple of nice gems. The overall worth of that bag probably comes to about 1,200 gold. Player: Awesome! And then the jewelry box? DM: The jewelry box has largely gold rings, a few gold earrings, the overall worth of the jewelry in there from what you can ascertain given the time that you were spending with it and your experience with having to hock and pawn things that you've acquired over your travels, you could probably sell everything in the jewelry box for about 150 gold. Player: Is any of it, you know, magical? DM: No, there are no magical implements of it. It is purely just a jewelry box for Tylieri's own collection. Player: I'm keeping the jewelry box, 'cause I want it. DM: Okay. It is a nice jewelry box.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On you's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. you also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore. DM: Vax has vanished. While you might have noticed, instead the explosion-like eruption of gas from your dragonborn friend distracted you and gave him the proper getaway. You vanish. Player: Yeah, I'm totally down an alleyway, through the alley, onto another main thoroughfare. I grab a random person on the street. Excuse me, I'm looking for a specific butcher. Harold the butcher. Do you know? I think he's in the upper slums. Can you point me toward him? DM: The individual you stopped is a younger gentleman, probably in his mid-20s or so, a bit dirty in the face and coming from a day of work, going to the local tavern to finish his eve with some drinks. "I can't say I do. I mean, there are butchers all over town. There's one--" Player: Where's the upper slums? Upper slums, please. DM: "Oh, that would be north side of Emon. That way." He points you towards the-- Player: I don't even say anything else. I just walk. I don't know how long that will take me. DM: It will take you about, from where you are right now, 30 minutes. All right, so you guys get back to the keep. Grog has eaten his fill.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some distance down the path, they come across the mangled remains of four duergar, who appear to have been torn apart by a centipede-like monster. Trinket picks up Grog's scent, and they find the tracks of more duergar dragging some manner of stretcher or cart. DM: Keeping your eyes peeled, you travel for another two and a half hours down this cavern path. It grows tighter at points where you can only really fit three or four individuals through, it's about 20, 25 feet wide, then opens up sporadically into other small pockets, where the natural topography of this portion of this Underdark cavern structure seems to weave and bend. The warmth and that sulfurous smell that was intrinsic to the duergar portion of this cavern that you were so used to, begins to slowly fade and temperature begins to drop. Still uncomfortable, but it's growing more humid as opposed to dry heat. Player: It's so good. DM: After another hour of travel, keeping your eyes out, the temperature drops significantly and is actually quite cold. The heat in the volcanic portion of this cavern structure apparently has passed you now, and you've hit an area of the rock where it is a much more chilled, much more ominous-- Player: It's humid still? DM: Human? Player: Humid. DM: Humid? The humidity begins to fade as well. The air becomes a dry cold. Player: So we're past that. DM: You eventually using, which by the way the only light source you have going forward is the light from your staff. Player: Oh, Light! DM: I assume you've had it up this whole time or you've been walking in the darkness. Player: Oh, yes, of course. DM: (chuckles) You continue down and the topography, which was once the black, jagged obsidian flooring of the previous portion of the Underdark, begins to give way to a more natural gray sand-type texture. Your feet sink about a quarter inch or so with each step, and you get about ten, 15 feet before the color of the sand and the texture changes dramatically. It looks almost like a peppering of small whitish-yellow stones and rocks, as well as bits of black and grey. It's like a giant, rocky pit out in front of you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It also leaves their list of suspects at two: Ol' Blemmy and the little beggar girl. On the way to Blemmy's home, Jester casts Locate Object and gets a blip on the tokens. DM: There isn't a skylight, per se, but you do see there is a little smokestack that's about three feet wide or so. Two and a half feet wide. Player: I'm going to peek in. Can I see down? DM: Make a perception check. Player: (fake coughs) Okay. 14. DM: 14. Glancing inside, it's dark, except for you can see the little beams of sunlight that are coming through the slats of wood on the roof. Player: Goggles. DM: Glancing inside, looking through, you can see four figures in there that are currently not moving and they're all clustered together in the far corner.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone. DM: Yeah, in a brilliant holiday montage, as the cold weather finds its way into the valley of Whitestone, Grog goes around aiding many of the groups repairing and reassembling the glory of Whitestone, finding the structures that are broken or destroyed and trying to clean them, prepare for new building properties. You come by, eagerly lifting, carrying, dropping, slamming, and holding in place extremely heavy pieces of stone and masonry. In some cases, putting a few of the local strong men to shame and some of the local ladies, very blush-worthy in your presence. You are very happy. Go ahead and make three strength checks for me. Player: Oh shit, three of them. That's a 24. DM: Okay, second one? Player: That's a 22. DM: All right. Player: 22. 24, 22, 22. DM: Through the process of these two weeks, not only have you managed to surprise the local denizens of the city with your feats of strength and masculine physique-- as when Grog is building, Grog does so shirtless. Player: As anything. Might as well get a show out of it. DM: In doing so, some of the local denizens pull some cash to the side to thank you for your efforts. You find at the end of the week you are granted a small pouch which contains 315 gold pieces as a thanks from the locals for all the help both in the rebellion, the freeing of Whitestone, and for your feats of magnificent musculature.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The helmed horrors then surround Vax and while the first one misses, the second once again strikes true with its weapon and deals heavy damage to the rogue. Keyleth sprints down the hall, sees Cassandra, and casts Healing Word on her. DM: All right. Ripley is just going to stay put for the time being. She's held by a bear and being pushed along. She's just "Ugh." Player: With no weapons and no armor. DM: Leather armor, basically. Player: Leather armor, yeah. DM: Percy, you're up. Player: I'm going to run in. I can move six, right? DM: You can move six squares, yes. Player: One, two. Can I get a good view of Professor Anders and maybe get a little cover from the dining room table? DM: You can a little bit, yeah. Player: All right, I'll take my cover. I'm going to pull out-- DM: As you walk in, around the corner you can see these armor attacking Grog, his axe forward at these two armored entities floating in the air. You see Anders in the corner, clutching a hand over one eye with blood streaking down the face, a number of wounds bleeding out from the armor. Already been a rough day for him, and your eye slips down, and for the first time in a long time, you see on the ground before you, clutching her throat, no wound or blood splatter but clutching her throat and breathing heavily, your sister Cassandra. And you look back up at Anders and you feel the burning rage begin to billow up inside you, and as you walk in the room towards the center of the table, you guys who are able to see the room, you see now, from outside of his sleeves, outside from under his coat, there's blackish purple smoke beginning to (whoosh) billow out from behind.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain. DM: As Grog mentions this, you guys have moved past most of the village, and you've gone towards the back of this large chamber, and you do see what appears to be a tunnel that ascends upwards, deeper into the mountain proper. See, did it again. It's made me all self-conscious. But the entrance is entirely frozen. There is a wall of solid ice between yourselves and the continuation of this tunnel. Player: (Grog voice) How thick is it? DM: It's hard to see how thick it is from this side. Player: (Grog voice) Can Grog run at it and try to bash it really fast? DM: So as you guys step up, Grog runs ahead of the rest of the giants and goes as hard as he can towards this. So swinging with the axe towards the ice. Go ahead and make an attack roll. Player: It's a hammer, which I feel would be better against ice. DM: This giant flaming warhammer from King Murghol.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of you and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner. DM: "You're so generous!" He pinches your cheek. He waltzes over to the table, sits down and grabs the fork and knife. "Two bottles of red, and... ooh, what vintage have you?" He begins talking with the servants about what various wines are available. Player: I'm just going to pop into the kitchen. DM: Okay. Player: And tell the staff in the kitchen obviously, you can make whatever you want. I'm just hoping maybe you don't make it too tasty tonight. Nothing too extravagant. You know, nice, but average. Right? DM: The servants that are there, the whole waitstaff and kitchen staff go, "Of course, milady." Player: Nothing great. DM: "A curious request, but one we will fulfill to our greatest ability."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Unable to think of anything to draw, Jester only writes Well, why didn't you come? and closes the book. DM: You all wake up. The front door which is right across from where you are is partially ajar, partway open. Player: I go outside and get some fresh air and see what I see. DM: Okay. Make a perception check. Player: 17. DM: You walk outside. It's early afternoon now. It's chilly. Snowfall has set in now, and there is a faint snowfall over the entire grounds of the interior of this courtyard where the trees have been cleared for the construction of The Sour Nest, is just white. You see it gathering up on the tops of the walls on the outside. It's almost beautiful, if not for the connotation of where you are. All around you, on the outskirts of the wall you can see where the white is dusting over the purple and grays of the Savalierwood that surrounds you. You do notice, across the way, the open gates on the southern side of the wall that enters into the courtyard are also partially ajar. You see faint footsteps leading from the gate to where you are. Player: Are they deep, heavy dwarf footprints? DM: They are, and they're heading away from you. Player: I rub my thumb along the lucky rock in my pocket, and smile at the snow and think about playing in it when I was younger, and go inside to wake up anyone who's still sleeping. DM: Okay. Beau, at one point you did wake up this morning. Halfheartedly, as some people aren't as stealthy in their exits as others. Player: Cling clang, clung clung! DM: Open one eye and glance over, and the door closes.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the second night, a group of bandits sneaks past youmauk's watch and triggers Caleb's Alarm spell, prompting Caleb to wake up the camp. The bandits are led by a man named Trevor, whom Caleb charms using Friends. DM: Correct. You went to intercede. I'll allow you to take the hit on that one then. The damage goes through to you automatically. Player: Can I Blood Maledict one of them, or no? DM: I'll allow you to do one of them. Player: Okay. DM: Well, technically I already made the attack rolls, and you didn't say that. Player: Oh, okay. Never mind. DM: That's okay. That would have been seven points of piercing damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: He's easy to see because Molly has this faint, luminous glow around the sword from his right. You see that as a beacon. You're like, "That I know, that I can follow." You cozy up right next to Molly and carefully prepare yourself. Player: Where are they? DM: What action are you holding? If any. Player: I-- Because I moved and I'm not near anything. DM: Correct. Player: So I'll take the Dodge action. DM: Okay. Dodge action. You're just being careful. All right, ending Beau's turn, Molly, you're up again.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors. DM: Nine points of piercing damage. All right, that ends that orc's turn. This one, the one that seems more decorated with the gem-encrusted headband runs out and starts shouting orders. Player: Did the two that were on me attack? DM: He's going to come forward and begin to attempt to attack your orb as well. All three strike at the orb, trying to cut through. Player: Can I act like they're hurting me? DM: If you want to. Player: Ugh! Ah! Ooh! Oh! DM: Make a deception check. Player: Deception? DM: Deception, yes.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, Pike and Clarota come to their senses, but Vox Machina has lost any advantage of surprise they may have had. Vox Machina hurriedly searches the rest of the floor. DM: 27. You smell that on this floor, there doesn't appear to be any duergar in your immediate vicinity. There is a strong, lingering scent of them coming from the doorway that you're currently at. Player: A strong, lingering scent? DM: Correct, like it-- you can kind of tell there was a recent moving of a large number of duergar. Player: But probably not present. DM: You don't know. Player: Whatever. I guess we'll see what's in here. DM: All righty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard. DM: For as far south as this is, it's pretty decent compared to the other areas. Most of the Hillsward-- you get the sense that a lot of the rural farming community that fills out most of Trostenwald, a lot of the money that gets made goes directly to the central portion of this ward, where this bathhouse is. It's small, but it's really well put together. As you walk inside, you can see there are marble busts set on the sides of the entrance way, each side. You can see nice tapestries that are pulled back over the windows, and as both of you walk in, you see this young man, maybe his mid-twenties or so. Human, but he looks very thin and sickly, like he had a rough upbringing, and his general constitution has suffered for it. He has a warm smile, and he's wearing these long white robes with what looks to be a yellowish scarf that's wrapped around as he approaches. "Hello and good morning. Can I help you?" Player: Yes, one moment. (quietly) Stay close to me and let me do the talking. (louder) Hello, please, don't focus-- my daughter is shy. DM: "I'm very sorry." Player: I've had a terrible day. Some disgusting derelict has vomited all over me, I smell like filth, and I would like to spend a couple of hours in your finest bath. Maybe not your finest. A good bath, for a couple of hours. My daughter and I. I will need adjoining baths, if you have that. For modesty's sake, my daughter and I. DM: "That can be done. Of course." Make a persuasion check. Player: (humming) There's a 12. DM: "For two hours, that will run-- for two baths adjoining, we'll put it at eight silver pieces." Player: That's fine. I definitely have that. I take out the eight silver, I slap it down. DM: "Wonderful. We'll show you to your bathroom."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The efreeti watching the fight looks towards you and shouts Halt! In the name of the Sultan! DM: Actually, he's not going to move toward you. He's going to stay back there, on top of the bridge, and he's going to hurl two balls of flame at you. Player: Why, why! DM: That is going to be a 21 to hit. Player: I mean, yeah. DM: And a ten to hit. Player: No! DM: So the second one misses you and blasts in the ground next to you, but the first one does--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You all then managed to, trying to find some sort of lead on what the next step would be, went toward The Evening Nip, apparently to seek, possibly, this individual known as The Gentleman who you had heard of previously. As Cara, one of the Knights of Requital who had vanished, seemingly had some sort of connection there. DM: So as you guys all watch this dark-furred tabaxi giving this big, strong hug around Mollymauk's shoulders. Pulls away and looks at you and goes, "It has been too long, two ye--" Player: Far too long! DM: "Two years! Look at you! You grew out your hair!" Player: Ah yes, it's been quite an interesting two years. DM: "And you are covered in tattoos!" Player: We'll catch up, we need a table, we need drinks for me and my compatriots. DM: "Of course, you-- these are your friends now?" Player: It's a long story and I can't tell you everything right now. You know how it is. DM: "Very well." As the tabaxi turns around, you can see there is posted right off to the right and around the corner a hulking figure that has leaned around the edge that leads into this L-shaped tavern. A hefty, muscular ogre that is wearing patchwork hide armor and holding a giant maul resting on the ground, looks back around the corner with these beady, dark eyes and large, looming jaw with angry broken teeth protruding from underneath going (snorts). Looks at the rest of you. Other folks around are looking a bit confused at your entry. Right immediately to your left is a table with a rough-and-tumble looking cutthroat sitting there eating a sandwich with a half-drunken drink, who's chewing slowly with this glare of mistrust in your direction. There are two balconies up above you in the chamber. You now get a better look up at the top, there are a number of individuals posted and some of them appear to be drinking, but there is at least one of them immediately in your view who has two skulking looking individuals with long dark cloaks and dark armor, carrying what looks almost like a heavy crossbow, but it's a long, metal rod. You've only seen them in use here and there, but these are some sort of a rifle-like firearm that are usually reserved for the armies and Bladegarden and to the far east of Xhorhas. A recently emerging technology that has been largely guarded within use of the empire itself.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people. DM: I don't know if you have enough room, or enough distance, to get over here. You'd have to go over. Either way, you're going to take some attacks of opportunity, so it's up to you. Player: Okay, so I'll just go for these two right there in the corner. DM: You jump onto your feet and leap up onto the top, and you're now pincered from both at different angles. What are you going to do? Player: I say We come in peace-- I can't even. Then I throw a punch. I'm going to see if I can hit the one to my right first. DM: Okay, go for it. Player: That was almost great. 12. Nope, 15. DM: 15 hits. Player: I'm going to punch with my fist. Which is good. Nine. I'm going to spend a ki point to stun. DM: It's nine damage. Player: Stunning strike. DM: That's a natural 18 plus zero. Player: Bullshit! DM: It does make the save. Player: I will punch the other one. DM: Go for it. Player: Sorry, 13. DM: 13 does hit. They're not wearing much in armor. They're here for ceremonial reasons. Player: Eight points of damage. DM: Eight points of damage to the other one, so both been hit.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Briarwoods share their version of their acquaintance with the de Rolos and inheritance of Whitestone. you does not go to meet Assum, but eventually, when the meal ends, follows the Briarwoods out of the hall and to their room. DM: Okay. So. (creak) You open the door and enter the room, closing it behind you. As soon as you enter the room, it's a large guest room. There are two windows across the way with curtains drawn to the side. You can see the darkness of the night sky behind that, and the rest of the low-lit Cloudtop District visible, and the courtyard surrounding the palace. Immediately to the right and left of you, you see two large tables that are covered in black cloths, that are just, tables to be, you know, vases and stuff set up on them. One's clean, one has actual decor on it. There are two wooden tables immediately to the right and left of you. There's a large red rug, central to the floor, that is circular, and on the far corners next to the two windows you see armoires, like dressers, for clothing and such. In the center of the room, you see, on top of the rug, against the wall between the two windows is a large canopy bed, very beautifully carved from dark wood, has a purple cloth silk canopy that drifts down around it. And on the far end, you can see now, against one of the tables, is Lady Briarwood is currently taking jewelry off of one of her arms while Lord Briarwood is right by the bed, holding on to the post, like he's just walked over to that area. Player: They're both at the bed? DM: They're both at the bed. Player: I got a 25 for stealth and it didn't work? DM: They're both looking in your direction. Player: All right. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I heard a noise in here. I work for the city. I apologize. That was really stupid. As you were. I walk out. DM: Make a deception check. Player: I'll use my last Luck of the day. Didn't do it; same thing. Nine, 11. DM: 11? Player: Yeah. DM: Lord Briarwood goes, "Oh, well, that's all right. Not to worry, in no serious rush. Isn't that right, my dear?" And she looks over, she stops taking her jewelry off and turns. "Yes, yes, of course. As you, a man who works for the city." Player: Yes ma'am. DM: "What do you do for the city, if I may ask?" Player: Oh, I'm a guard. I mean, there's not really a name for what I do. I work for Uriel, I just-- I'm security, ma'am, and I thought I heard a noise in here. And I heard a body fall, I thought-- sounded like a body fell. DM: They both step a little bit closer. Looking at you-- Player: I'm backing up as I'm talking, I'm right at the door! I didn't shut it behind me, I just cracked it open. DM: Right. Lady Briarwood goes, "You look strangely similar to a gentleman we just had dinner with." Player: That's crazy! DM: "It's uncanny how similar you look." Player: Yep. DM: (arcane chanting) Player: And I run! DM: You get to make a wisdom save, is what you do.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan is no longer conscious as the bulette thrashes him around. Pike rushes to Scanlan, pulling herself over a ledge to get to him, and heals him. DM: As you rush past, before you attack? This duergar that was right by you, that has currently grown to a larger size gets a free swing at you. Player: Ain't no thing. DM: That's going to be a 21 to hit. Player: Okay, that hits. DM: All right, with its war pike it takes-- deals 14 points of damage to you. Player: Who cares, I'm saving my gnome friend, okay. Here I go. 14, it's a 25 to hit his butt. DM: 25 hits. Player: This is my keen dagger, with vorpal blade, two plus seven is nine, that's just nine. Where's a pencil, that's a pencil. And then we add my Sneak Attack damage, which is six, seven, ten. 15. 21, plus nine, is 30. DM: All right, nice. Player: To the butt. Specifically to the butt. DM: As you rush up, you take a moment as it's thrashing about, and you can see what looks, anatomy-wise, to be probably where it expels whatever it eats. Player: The hole? Right in there. DM: You go ahead and just slash and eviscerate there. Player: How do you like me now? DM: Even back there it's heavily armored, it takes, you carve through, and it-- You've definitely left a lasting impression on this bulette.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. Molly and you go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks. DM: Nine points of damage, nice. As you slap it with the side of the bo again, you watch and it buckles in places. Player: I'm going to go ahead and do Flurry of Blows for these next two. That's a natural 18. DM: That hits, definitely. Player: So five points of damage. The second one. That's not great. That's 11. DM: Still hits. Player: Great, and that's seven points of damage. DM: You're punching this thing, and you're watching it quiver and part of it is shifting and it's looking pretty damaged in spite of its size at this point in time, so well done. Yasha, what are you doing?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside. DM: And what would be the late teens, and for what to you seems like forever, one key does (squeaking) in the lock and it opens. She, who's been like sitting down the whole time, stands up weakly and grabs the bars and pulls herself up and waits for you to let her through if she does, just being patient. Player: Amelia, if you would, please stay with me. Funny, I believe I heard of a man named Reginald. Very brave. Not sure where he is, but we're going to get you out of the city, just stay put for a moment. DM: "Okay." Player: All right, you, you salty bastard, what's your name? DM: "Old Davin. What's your name?" Player: Lord Grog. Emphasis on the Lord. DM: "Lord Grog." Player: Yeah. DM: "Lord of?" Player: The Vales of Strongjaw. DM: "I'll take it, that's fine. Get me out, please?" Player: Right. Oh, keys. Can I take the keyring and can I pry the metal keyring-- is it like one solid piece or is it the kind that I could maybe bend it open? DM: I mean, it is one solid piece that has been looped twice, but it has been-- the iron itself has been bent around itself to make it nice and tight, form-fit on one end. Go ahead and make a strength check. Player: 26. DM: Ping. Like, you were preparing yourself for a full pull, and with but a minor twitch of your muscles it just bends open. Player: Can I take half the keys and give them to Amelia and say, love, would you go and let out the kind gentleman with the reddish beard and the little blood on his mouth named Abjurist, would you try these keys and see if his cell will open? Not yet for Mr. Blackfoot across the way. DM: "Right. I will, I will." She rushes off and starts fumbling through the keys, and you hear in the distance her making her way through the keys as-- Player: I take the other half and start trying to get Da-- what was his name? DM: Old Davin.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative. DM: All righty. That was the first attack. You do that with your--? You have an extra attack; you can do two strikes. Player: Oh, I forgot about that. Jesus, sorry. DM: It's okay. Player: Oh, that does not hit. No, that does not hit. Seven. DM: Seven does not hit, no. You swing twice. First strike hits, second one swings wide as it dodges out of the way. It seems like when the first hit its head area, where its head would be splits in two, one's still focused on Beau and the other one curves around to look at you for a second. You see this dull glow where its sentient eyes would be and is now focused on each of you. Does that end your turn, Yasha? Player: Yeah. DM: All right. That brings us to Algar. Algar, having this happen, goes, "Shit! Protect me!" Pulls out a potion and drinks it real fast.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th. DM: As the guy turns around, you can see him. He's mid to late thirties, you would expect, dark hair slicked back, the hairline pulling back a bit, male pattern baldness-style, human, and as soon he whips around: "Oh, I'm just perusing." Player: It's not one of your favorites? DM: "I don't know, I've not read it, I couldn't tell you." Player: What's your name? DM: "I need to go." He pushes past you, and as he begins to exit the chamber, he goes, "I'm all right, I'm good, thank you this time, good bye," and darts out into the rain. Player: I open it up and see what Shallow Breaths is about. DM: It is smutty. We're talking like, Anne Rice fairy tale book-level.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bartender—after glancing at Ipkesh—gives it to you for free. The goliath examines the meat. DM: The thick, greasy guy sits, goes, "Oh, yeah." He looks over to Ipkesh-- Winks at you. "On the house." Player: Oh, that's very kind of you. See? Look, experimenting with new cultures is really quite nice. New tastes and all. What does it look like? DM: It looks like-- You know steak tartare where it has that purplish-red color to it? Player: Very red. DM: Imagine that, but there's a series of jagged bone shards sticking out at sections of it, like whatever it was carved off of had been pulverized before it was butchered. Player: Mm. Tenderized. DM: Yes. But with the bone still present within. And it is seeping this sludge-like, bloody fluid that is just pooled around it on this iron platter.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back Blaze commercial International Tabletop Day 2018 reel Key Question Deadpool clip DM: As you suddenly watch him, already a sluggish creature, moving at an even more sluggish pace, the shadows around, all of a sudden, jump off of the nearby tree trunks and cling to the interior of its form, around where the nooks and crannies are. Almost like a small-scale Venom symbiote at times. Player: I use my 30 feet of speed to run this way, southeast. DM: Southeast. Around this way, or this way? Player: Between these two trees, if I can. Towards this direction. DM: Okay. That's ten. 15. 20. 25. Player: Can I get within melee of this guy? DM: You do get past this guy, who does get an attack of opportunity on you, if you'd like.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe. DM: So as you guys begin to prepare your attempt to cross the river, Keyleth concentrates. The river stalls for a moment, and then pushes past, seemingly unaffected. Mind you, the spell does seem to have an effect when you're having a better time concentrating, but it is a magical force versus a magical force, and you can see it actually angrily swells against the resistance. That's where the actual tension comes from. There is something living, like an entity that these rivers seem to almost mingle as. Player: Are there a bunch of trees? DM: There are a few sporadic trees scattered around, yes. Player: How tall are they? DM: They're not that tall. Some are maybe 15, 20 feet up. These trees specifically are a little more marsh-based. They're not quite swamp-based trees, but that's as tall as they get. Player: And the river's 20 feet wide, right? DM: No, these are maybe five feet wide.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so. DM: 15? She gives you a look like she's trying to read you, looks about left and right. Glances at you and looks a little ugh. Glances at you and looks really taken aback, and then comes back to you with a escape of comfort. Player: Watching her, I pull out another five and spread them in front of the first nine. DM: "Well, I mean, some businesses here are a bit shady, I won't lie. And there are some long-standing businesses that have quarrels. Usually, they end in small scuffles, or one purchases the other and ousts them from the city. This is one of the few areas in which the more adult pleasures can be found, so there's a lot of money to be had. But recently, there's been, at least from what I've heard, a series of bodies have turned up. There were a few found, fished out by the Bastions in the water trough on the outskirts of the Duskmeadow." Player: The Bastions what are they? DM: "Bastions who are the guardians of the city. From what I hear, they had been mauled by some sort of strange beast." Player: Mauled? DM: "Now, beasts on the outside of the city, that I can see. But on the inside, that is the stuff of nightmares. Is it not?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: As you draw its life force away, grabbing onto the tendrils of its tentacles like, "Argh!" You watch as the necrotic energy pulses into it and pulls the life force into you Player: Okay. DM: All righty. Player: Y'know, small but okay. DM: All right. Player: And once again casting, recasting Sanctuary on myself. DM: All righty. Player: Because it went away when I did that. DM: Sanctuary is concentration? Player: No, well, I don't know, but it goes away when I attack him. DM: True. However, if Sanctuary is a concentration, 'cause Vampiric Touch is also a concentration. Player: Well, it would have gone away either way, right? DM: I'm saying, if Sanctuary is a concentration spell--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also recognises Dr. Dranzel in the half-orc violinist. you asks Dr. Dranzel if he can jump in. DM: As you're getting that word out, you're shoved forward, stumbling, almost being tripped by a few of the patrons, but as you stop and look up, you see before you a young, cute gnomish girl with very short pixie-brown hair, currently playing the flute. She looks over at you and gives you a winky grin. To the right of her you see a rather rotund human male, with a bushy blond beard and raggedy hair who currently has a series of small percussion drums around him and just hitting around, and to the other side of the small gnome girl you see a half-elven, more mature woman, in the later years for a half-elven woman, hair tied into a very, very tight bun, and she is in the process of singing this wondrous tune that matches this improvisational feel of the band. Currently Kent is not paying attention and is on the far right side, but behind them all, towering over, just by stature, is Dr. Dranzel with his violin, and as you stumble forward he looks over and just gives you a smile and keeps playing. Player: Mind if I jump in? DM: "It would be an honor! Scanlan Shorthalt, ladies and gentlemen! Jump into the fray!" Player: Feast your eyes, feast your ears, on quite a traveling troupe of musicians, and one humble gnome who is so lucky and humbled to join them. Please, keep the tips flowing for us, and your waitresses! DM: And with that, the current song comes to a close, they all lift their instruments expectantly and look towards you. Player: Let's play our old standard. And a oney and a twoey and a oney and a twoey. DM: What instrument do you pull out?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: Then you still have Hunter's Mark on him, yeah. Continues upward. That comes to the next part. Grog, you're up. Player: I had one question. I drank that Potion of Speed. It hastes me for a minute. How many rounds is a minute? DM: That has gone away, unfortunately. Player: Well, there's nothing to do but to climb back up the chain! DM: Make an athletics check. Player: Up the chain! Fucking weiner snap. 15. DM: 15? All righty. You manage to pull yourself halfway up the chain. You get back to where you were towards the base of the tail. That's the extent of your round there. The wind resistance itself, you can see the axe itself, after you tried to tug it forward, did bring it a little loose. So its position is still a little precarious. Player: Might as well say something cool. I can do this all day! I'm really not confident. DM: All right. Vax.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation. DM: 17. The flaming shot unfortunately goes wide, slams into the wall next to him and the flame curls up. Player: Okay, so 23 on the second hit. DM: Second hit does hit, so roll damage. Player: 15. DM: 15 points of damage? All righty. Player: And then I'm gonna duck behind the tree as much as I can. DM: Well, that was your full movement was to get there, so. Player: Can I not use my full movement to get-- DM: To get behind the tree? Hmm, you wouldn't really have much of a shot at him. I guess he-- Player: Could I have shot him before I moved? DM: You would've been there, suuuure. I normally don't let that retroactively happen. Player: Okay okay okay. DM: I'm gonna say you're halfway through. You're sort of there. Player: Okay. DM: All right. So. That brings us to Vax. You're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative. DM: The hand reaches and grasps towards it and pulls, but it's locked in place. There's no trick to removing it that the hand seems to be able to deal with, but it's a good thought. Player: I give him a purple nurple. And then I'll back up a couple feet and fire at the big water blob. Does it get an attack or no? DM: It does not have reach with its slam, so no. Player: Okay, I'll fire. DM: All right, go for it. Player: That is a 17, I believe. DM: 17 hits, go ahead and roll damage. Player: 17, plus I'll use Fury of the Small to add another six, that's 23! DM: Nice! 23 points of damage, well done. All right, that finishes your turn. That brings us to Beau.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again. DM: You get dragged 20 feet through the water into range with it. Beau, you make your Sentinel Strike on it? Player: Oh! DM: Natural 20, nice. Go ahead and-- Player: That was awesome. Doubling the dice, that's eight plus four, which is 12, plus another dice, that's two. DM: The dice of the enlarged is also doubled, too. Player: That's right. That's two plus another four. Sorry, that's two doubled which is four, so that's 16 damage. DM: 16 points of damage. Crack! Player: As he grabs the chain, big Beau steps on the chain and cracks him right in the face. DM: As it gets cracked, you watch as one of the teeth goes flying from the impact of your giant elbow hammer into its jaw. Using that momentum, it looks back, its eyes clenched down on Fjord, now almost prostrate before it, holding onto the harpoon, and goes for the face. This is with disadvantage, though. That'll save you. It was a 17 and a two. It goes to bite you, and you manage to pull up your sword in the way and block it. Its jaws open and this terrible fishing breath smell cascades over your face.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: They stop and move, stop and move. They're doing a full perimeter. Apparently, they are some sort of a search party. Occasionally, you can hear bits and pieces of conversation at a distance, thanks to your better hearing as Minxie, but not incredible bits. They're discussing a scare. They're discussing the enchantment that was placed. They're discussing new intrusion. That's about the most you can make out of the conversation. You continue to follow them. You're going into the second or third hour of following them, and they're still doing a wide perimeter in the forest. They meet up with a third one, and they have a quick little discussion and then branch off. Player: Can I hear the little discussion, anything? DM: If you want to get closer. Player: Yeah. DM: Okay. Make a stealth check. Player: I have stealth as Minxie. I get benefits, right, as a tiger? Oh, yeah, I do. Oh, not good. Ten. DM: All right. As you creep forward in the middle of their discussion, the three of them all whip around at you. One of them pulls a wand out and puts it out in front, and the other two back up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She smells an sharp, chemical odor down that tunnel as well, and determines that the Briarwoods must have their acid pits down that side. By now, the party has traveled so far from the castle they are nearer the outskirts of Whitestone. DM: All right. Continuing to push forward, about another five minutes or so, keeping track of your distance to the castle you're starting to get towards the outside perimeter of the actual city itself. As you're keeping tabs on distance traveled to that area, you catch, based on your last perception roll, there is a portion of the floor that seems to have some placed crooked chunks of stone. You see pieces of broken stone here and there, things that have fallen out from being hauled from the distant dig into wherever the ziggurat is, but there's one section where it appears there's platforms. Player: Looks a little hinky? DM: It looks like it's deliberately placed, as opposed to dropped and left there. Player: I'd like to carefully approach and disarm anything I can detect or find. DM: Okay. Go ahead and make a check. Player: Is that thieves' tools? DM: That's thieves' tools, yeah. Player: That's a 27. DM: Okay. You find two of the large stone slabs that are part of this discarded sequence here, they have beneath them some small magical burst that is waiting to detonate. You manage to mark it and take a couple of other stone pieces to wedge underneath it to prevent it from depressing onto whatever the trigger may be, and note to the rest of the party to avoid that section.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As such, its weird angelic baby-like form had withered and twisted, and in battling the celestial which manipulated the terrain around them , they managed to defeat it and destroy it before it could escape. They gathered some of its remaining glittery ashes and proceeded to fly up through the sinkhole as the rest of the ankheg swarm that seemed to parade through the tunnels within began to swarm up the sides and spit acid at the party as they escaped out the top into the moonlit sky. DM: 22. "Hmm. You are young. Not yet spoiled by the strange truths of the world around you. I admire your optimism in the face of the unknown. It may be your salvation or it may be your end. Only time will tell. I'll give you this farmland." Player: We are most grateful. DM: "But. If at any point your family comes back to me requesting any more inches in our agreement, I will happily take it back." Player: Understood. I wasn't quite finished yet, though. DM: He leans back in his chair, his arms now being removed from his mouth and going to an expectant cross. Player: What we saw down there in the platinum mines was the 230,000 gold that we owe you times ten. Times 20. What we've just done for you has given you access to as much money as you could ever want, and I feel that's valuable. My family will require a bit of spending money to get ourselves back on our feet. We are... accustomed to a lifestyle, and we'd like to maintain it for a little while at least. I'd say 50,000 gold should be about enough to last us for a year or two. DM: He nods, leans forward. "Then you'd better start saving." Player: What if I sweetened the deal? We have among us an amazing sorceress who could open that mine up for you with a flick of her wrist, save you hours and hours of work. Possibly back-breaking work that could cost the lives of many of your men. DM: "That would be a very kind gesture towards the state you left the mine in." Player: (clears throat) So that's a maybe? DM: "Let's call it the last thread of my patience, young Darrington." Player: So that's a hard yes. DM: "Duala, you may return to your quarters. Thank you very much." She gets up and looks past you all with a nod, and then her guardian escorts her back into the chamber as Korshad is just trained on you. "What I have given you is far more than many in my position would. I will work hard to make sure that this softness I have displayed does not hinder my reputation. And the more you press, the more you may be the end of that softness, my friend. I recommend you stick to the deal we've made. Be happy that I've shown any mercy. And be on your way." Player: All right. I'll make do, and we'll have to adjust our living standards, that's all. DM: "Indeed. Perhaps your father might raise a finger or two and earn some money for himself." Player: We'll see. Thank you. Bidet. DM: "Good evening."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Kima happily tests out her new paladin sword. you goes down to the training area to test out her staff. DM: All right, you four head down to the training room. Kima comes down to watch as well. Pike comes down, eager to watch what this new artifact does. You head down to the training area. You have the big sandpit that's cordoned off with the wooden outskirts, you have the various dummies set up in certain ways, you have the portion of the room that has the armor stand on the side, the weapon stand. What do you want to do? Player: Ooh-hoo. Okay. All right. Everyone stay back. I'm going to start by casting the lowest level of spell out of it, see what it does. DM: Which is? Player: Apparently a Fireball. DM: Okay. At where? Player: Whatever is further in the sandpit. I told everyone to stand back. DM: Everyone stays back. Furthest part of the sandpit is going to be one of the various combat dummies. So you launch-- put the staff down, you guys watch as in the centerpiece at the top, where that one gem is hovering and slowly rotating in place, the gem begins to glow bright red from its soft bluish-green composure. As it hits bright red, this beam of familiar red arcane energy streaks forward, hits it and detonates into a shaking explosion, destroying the wooden dummy and singeing the one immediately left to it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau questions some of the Gentleman's minions who investigated and fled the facility previously. They encountered little lights with a shocking jolt coming out of the walls. DM: Okay. Cree is still standing by the bar with the satchel on. As you stand up and start approaching, she smiles. Player: A lifetime ago. DM: "Indeed. I can tell you it's so good to see you." Player: I have a weird question, and I apologize for it. The spell I used to get away, it-- I wasn't there for as long as you thought I was. I missed how everything ended in the end. I hate to ask, but I was long gone before anything really started to go down. How did everything end? Can you just-- I'll explain why in a moment. DM: "Well, you had acquired the tome with the ritual spell that you required to attempt to reach the city. That lady-- I don't remember her name. The spell slinger from the capital. She came and oversaw and performed the ritual for you. I don't trust those folk, but I trust you, and if you trusted, than that was enough for me. You gave us a speech. We had a fine meal. We all got ready there in the forest." Player: That's where I lost you, then. DM: "She said it would be hard for us to tell whether or not it worked at first, but we went and checked, and you were not breathing. For a good hour, you were not breathing and you had gone cold. We knew then that-- that we had lost you. We checked, and I'm very attuned to vitals, as you know. There was no heartbeat. So we waited longer. The sun rose, and nothing. So, as you told us, if anything were to go wrong, we had to get rid of any sign, any trace. So, not far from the Tomb Taker hideout, we buried you and we went our separate ways. She took the tome, the mage woman, it was part of the arrangement you had with her."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before resting, Keyleth uses what power she has left for the day to cast Greater Restoration on Vax. The rogue is then restored to his original youthful self, with Keyleth remarking that his aged look made him look very distinguished. DM: (bear noises) Goes into the kitchen. All right, so as you guys are preparing to rest for the evening, you head down to the workshop. Player: Yeah, just to work on the broom. DM: Okay. Are you aiding? Player: Sure. DM: Okay. Go ahead and make a tinkering check with advantage. Player: All right. Oh! With advantage. Very nice. It's new now, I have to remember, I got a new number. Natural 20. DM: You guys, there are other numbers between these, by the way. Player: Are there? Are there? LA-New York-LA-New York, sorry, yeah. DM: Don't poke the badger, Percy. Player: I gave it to Ashly this week, it was working fine. DM: Yeah, no. Player: The other Ashly. DM: All right, so. You guys work the evening, and though you were uncertain, Vex is actually a very quick learner and is eager to help, and so between bringing tools at your disposal and helping you hold a few places properly during the construction process, you manage to get far more headway than you expected in just an evening's bit of work. You still have probably a couple of days of work before you can actually complete your prototype for this and try it out, but-- Player: Can I at least have the tether done, or is it still in progress? DM: The tether for? Player: For a dex save if you fall off. DM: Yeah, I'd say you've gotten that enough. Player: All right. Can't stabilize yet, but at least there's a-- okay. DM: Yeah. At least if there's ever a tumble there's a tether piece that would hopefully have a chance of keeping the broom with you, so.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone. DM: Nine? As you're attempting to fashion it to the arrow, unfortunately, the vial shatters in your hand. You take three points of acid damage. Player: Ow. I wasn't-- Aw, I wouldn't have put the acid in yet. Okay, fine. DM: It happens at the process of you setting it up. Player: Damn it. All right. DM: Based on the roll you made. Player: I'm having bad rolls for this stuff, man. DM: Better to get them out of the way now, then.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Briarwoods reach the top and disappear from view, but Vex watches them move towards a smaller structure at the top. They break up into smaller groups and begin the climb the stairs after them. DM: You see, as they're having this conversation, they talk a bit with Vax, speak with Cassandra, then they step forward and begin to open the two doors to the central chamber. Player: Can I ask a clarification question? The mojo they have on me: do I think they're my best friends in the world, or is it more Kilgrave; I do whatever they say, but have my own opinion trapped away? DM: You have your own opinion, you just trust them implicitly. They have to be protected. Player: All right. It's a little of both, it seems like. DM: Like any close friend who would ask something of you and say, "please come with me," there is an essence that you're compelled-- Player: I trust them. DM: You trust them, yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord. DM: The malison, in a burst of angry pixies swarming around his body, is looking really hurt. As he moves around, the trail of blood stays in the water behind the head as it shifts around. Both of the serpent arms look up towards Caduceus, the source of these angry spirits, and is going to make two strikes against him. Player: Yeah. DM: Because you're the one right there. That is 13 to hit? Player: Nope! DM: Second strike, that's a 12! Player: Nope! DM: It's like 18, six; 16, eight. Bad rolls! Both serpent strikes from its arms reach out towards you, and Caduceus, you're tiny enough right now. Although, are you still holding the tiny spell on Caduceus?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suspicious, you tries to see if the bartender was lying about anything, but all she can tell is that he's a really creepy guy having an unspoken conversation with a devil. The man pulls out some black iron keys from under the table and passes them to Vox Machina. DM: 17? I mean, he's hard to read, but he seems to be a pretty fucking creepy guy who's giving you rooms to stay in, and seems to be making eye contact and his reactions based on some sort of unspoken conversation with this other entity in the room with you. But he reaches down without breaking eye contact with the rest of you as well and puts a set of three keys onto the table. They're all these ragged-looking black iron constructs that are identical in some ways but their handcrafted visual style shows that they have different slight changes to their designs. Kind of shoves them forward towards you. "Premium." And he reaches down. You hear the clanking of some sort of glass-like instruments and he pulls up these small, almost dull gray-looking sponge-like stones that are about that large. Kind of puts one out in front of each of you. Takes the coins. (sighs) Goes and walks back-- Player: Wait, before he walks away. How long have you owned this space? DM: "Oh, I don't own it. I just work here." Player: Who runs it, then? DM: "Why you asking so many questions, girl?" Player: I'm curious, big man. That's all. DM: Make a persuasion check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors. DM: And coast down and you land harshly, taking three points of damage in your crow form as you hit and land and tumble down a few stairs. Player: Ooh, stairs. DM: At that point, you're in complete darkness right now, you can see a faint distant bit of light that's barely creeping in from the entrance you came from. Around you, though, nothing. Player: I'll break form and come back as Scanlan. DM: Okay. You come back as a gnome. Now your darkvision kicks in and indeed you can see there is a smoothly carved tunnel overhead that descends down a long flight of stairs. Make a perception check. Player: Natural 18. DM: And you have 60-foot darkvision? As a gnome? Player: It just says darkvision. I didn't write down the distance. DM: Okay, I'm going to look this up real fast. Because this is important to know for this circumstance.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She pointed out The Mistake was still in need of repairs. Avantika agreed, saying also that she has a contact on Darktow who can help find another temple of Uk'otoa. DM: At this point Vera says, "Captain, at this moment, it appears that we have maybe 11 days of supplies, given that our crew has now swelled. As such, we could probably make it back to Darktow to also complete the repairs on The Mist, as it is seaworthy, but I do not know how long. So that would be my recommendation. Maybe making a stop or two along the way, whatever's close by." The "captain considers. "Very well, I guess we'll make our way westward onto Darktow to get repairs done, "to supply up, and should you wish to stay, make our way to the next leg of our journey. Who knows? It seems that you are up for your own rewards to be reaped, eh?" Player: Indeed. Such a mighty display on the way back, I feel like I would be left wanting if I didn't try and pursue the same sort of glory. DM: "Of course. Well, these gifts are paltry. Once Uk'otoa is truly free, then the true blessing can be given." Player: Captain, may I ask, you knew of this location already. Do you have a lead on another? DM: "I have a lead on someone that should be in Darktow that would be able to-- with the right amount of coin-- give us the information we seek. Hopefully. If not, we'll be sitting here with our thumbs up our asses, but I've paid well enough, and this person has come through before, so fingers crossed, eh?" Player: Indeed. DM: "Regardless, I think we could all use a bit of rest, eh?" Looks over to Caduceus.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Kima identifies one of the thralls, a dwarf, as a former companion of hers. Keyleth asks Scanlan to distract Kima for a moment. DM: You look through the bodies. It looks like most of their adornments, other than the natural armor and weapons they have, nothing of particular interest. Make an investigation check. Player: Oh, wait, I get to go twice because it's Underdark. That was great. 16. DM: Okay. 16? Yeah, you're not able to really pull anything from their bodies, unfortunately. However, after Kima finishes healing you, Kima walks over to the dwarf corpse as you're inspecting it and gives it a look-over and shakes her head. Player: What do you see, Kima? DM: (sighs) "This was one of my companions." Player: (gasps) Oh, no. DM: "Well, judging by the scars across his body, he had already been made a thrall of one of the illithid. Most likely the one that we finished back there."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon. DM: It's closed. The two servant giants closed it. Juuraiel leans forward with a grin, "So, please. What do you come here requesting?" Player: Hello. Hi, there. Hi. DM: "Even smaller!" And now leans in real close to the edge of the desk. The massive size of her face and the breath; it's delightful. It's a combination of rotting vegetation and very dry earth. But her teeth are gleaming. The smile is interested in whatever you're about to say. Player: Hi there. I'm a bit of a gambler. I'm known around the worlds as being one of the luckiest men with a deck of cards you've ever met. I've won games in many of the different planes. I see that you collect many treasures that you've won in matches as well. Is that true? DM: Eyes shift back and forth over the rest of you here, "I have an interest in games of chance on occasion, yes. So, you come all this way to play games?" Player: Yes, I have. I spend my life just playing games. It's my livelihood. I've won many things over the years. In fact, all of these great people, large and small next to me, I won in various card games around the planes. That one over there, the big one, I won him in a game of Gin Rummy in the Feywild. This guy I picked up in a game of Fish. I'm here to collect, possibly, one of your items, if that's all right with you? DM: Make a deception check. Player: 32. DM: Leans even farther forward, to where it's about two feet between you and her large eyes that have come in, and her chin is scraping against the wood to get a really good look at you. She looks over, her red pupils slowly inspecting you. The grin grows even wider as she leans back, "Well, you intrigue me, small one. If your luck has been so great as to collect these fine specimens of strangers and you bring them all with you to such a place. Where do you hail from, if I might ask?" Player: Places. That information is not relevant right now. DM: "Fair enough. So! You come to play me for what?" Player: Maybe I'll decide after our match. DM: "Well, I need to know what the ante is, so I can ask for a suitable request for my side."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind. DM: Your vision, as this happens, all of a sudden goes black. You watch as this dark blood pools at the corners of Yasha's face, as you go blind from his blood maledict. So roll with disadvantage on the attack. Player: Yeah! Disadvantage would mean it was--? DM: Lowest one. Player: The lowest number, okay. I didn't know if it-- okay, three. Oh, sorry, five. Six! DM: You see it just in time and bat it out of the way. It hits the stone next to you. You do suffer 11 points of psychic damage, however. Player: Okay, I'm unconscious? DM: You watch as she swings at you, and the impact, as you parry it, Yasha goes down with the blade swing, onto the ground.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Running for almost two hours, the Mighty Nein were consistently faster than the pursuing yuan-ti. However, the explosion attracted the attention of a lizardfolk hunting party. DM: Okay, so you are successfully stealthed, this is not technically a success because this isn't actually helping the endeavor, but you do manage to move ahead, and at your speed you come upon the hunting party. You can see now, there are about six lizardmen with nets, shields, and spears that are currently making their way in the direction of near where your party is currently waiting for you. The more time that passes, the closer the yuan-ti get to your party. Player: I'm going to cast Mage Hand. They're holding nets and what else? DM: Four of them have shields and spears, and two of them have spears with nets, and the other ones have nets apparently tucked behind their back. They're out here to catch and drag things back. Player: Okay, Jesus, I got nothing, man. I'm just going to try to Mage Hand and trip the guy in the back with his own net. Just pull it down a little. DM: Okay, make an arcana check. Player: Arcana check? DM: Yes. This is to see if you can influence the magical nature of your cantrip strong enough to try and trip up one of them. Player: Okay, arcana check is a 20. DM: Okay, that's barely a success because that's not a very effective plan, necessarily. Player: Sure. Didn't know what else to do, but okay. DM: One of them gets tripped up in the net and the other ones look back at it and start clacking at it and they're complaining about the one guy that fell behind like an asshole and is slowing down their trajectory. Not a lot of distraction. You can return, you figure you bought a little bit of time for your party but not much. Player: Okay. DM: Okay.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree. DM: 13 points of damage with one lightning, and, that's a lucky roll, eight points of piercing damage with one lightning. Player: Okay. DM: As two additional arrows just wh-whack! right inside of you, and you look down and can see these large, thin stiletto-like wooden forms that are just pierced into your armor and cut into your flesh. Player: Is that plus one additional lightning damage, you mean? DM: Yeah. Player: Okay, so 14 and nine? DM: Right. Yep. That's gonna end Sondur's turn. The two dead trees that you saw quaking on the sides suddenly burst out, the roots becoming legs, and you watch as two treants emerge from the sides of the tree.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. you asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: Oh, with the disadvantage-- sorry, the second roll-- thank you for reminding me there. It would have been a 13 on the second one plus nine, that would be 20. Player: Still hits! Uncanny Dodge please! To halve the damage. DM: To halve the damage? Yeah, you can do that on this one. But first then there's the bite. I will do that now. That is 21 points of piercing damage? Player: Unconscious. DM: With it halved? Player: 21 halved? DM: 21 halved would put you at 11. Player: Oh, yeah. Okay, no, I'm still on my feet. DM: Okay. Player: (dazed mumbling) DM: The tail stinger's going to swing at you with disadvantage. That is 14. Rolled a six and a five. So, as the bite clamps down at you its tail tries to strike at you but misses entirely. However, its jaws attempt to close around you, I need you to go ahead and make a dexterity saving throw. Player: Hold on. 16. DM: 16. As you try and move out of the way, it's not quite fast enough as darkness takes you, the mouth (slam shut sound) clamps around you, (gulp noise) and you are swallowed.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The twins are not aware of how close everyone is to being killed. They both say that it was probably Gustav since he was the leader of the circus. DM: "(sighs) I'd say Bosun's a stand up guy, if a bit of a self-absorbed dick at times. And we all knew Gustav was going to shit the bed sooner or later, I mean, this is his karma. I just don't know how, or why, but I can guarantee you, if this was my carnival, this shit wouldn't have happened." Player: Really? DM: "Mm-hmm." Player: What exactly would you have done? DM: "Well, first off, I would have made sure that we had better support from the guard before this all happened so nobody else got killed." Player: They were useless. DM: "Secondly, I would have made sure that there weren't any old folks that made it in to fucking turn into shit." Player: Well, that's on me and-- That's on me. DM: "I don't know."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls. DM: That's enough. With the blast of the Fire Bolt, and the incineration of the Sacred Flame, you watch as that hyena bursts into fire and flops to the ground while it burns, smouldering, its flesh becoming the meals it had previously feasted upon. Molly and Nott? Player: I'll take my run first? That's a-- wow. 17. My brain. DM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: That's seven points, plus three radiant. DM: The first strike just completely cleaves it in half, like its momentum, running, almost like it hits the blade, and you hold it out and the momentum just carries it over, seamlessly carving through it. Player: Am I close enough to hit the third one that's still left with my second attack? DM: You can have movement to close it. There's one right in front of Beau, so you're a little ways away, but you can close the gap, while Nott and--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Two larger, ogre-like creatures come storming out. Scanlan, uncharacteristically serious, says I don't like goblins. DM: Yeah, it's fine. Then we have Scanlan. I'll get you guys in placement here, as your bear is currently back at the inn. Player: He is still? DM: Unless you wanted to bring him along. Player: Well, I thought I brought him. I should have mentioned that. DM: All right, we'll say you brought him along. That's fine. Player: I'm sorry, I should have emphasized that more. DM: That's all right. Those of you going first, we're going to keep you on the field here. Player: Oh god. DM: A number of goblins that are currently held over here.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy runs into the study, notices his barely conscious sister, and looks towards Anders, pulling off the Hat of Disguise. The smoke from before billows out of his body and begins to encompass him, only now more intense due to his rage. DM: In the frustration, the rage and such, you pull up your gun and as you go to fire, the bullet gets caught in the chamber and it almost ejects the entire barrel from the front of it. It's not too difficult to repair, but it definitely upsets the current flow. Player: I'm going to attempt to repair it really quickly. Trying to remember how to do that because I hate it. (mumbling) DM: Is it an action or is it an attack to do? Should say under the-- Player: Action, shit. DM: Yeah, so you have to use your next turn to try and repair it. Player: (sighs) So I'm just going to sit and scream a little bit. (shouting) DM: Okay, you can see that this whole moment here, as the smoke pours out from the front of the gun, you yell out angrily and there is this unnatural bassy reverb from your scream that shakes the room. Anders actually takes a step back from this and is looking about the room, and finds himself basically trapped in the far corner of his study.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth casts a Sleet Storm on the Briarwoods. Vax misses a dagger throw and chugs a greater healing potion, still backing up. DM: Go ahead and roll damage for the arrow. And you do an additional 2d6 radiant damage to Lord Briarwood. Player: Oh wait. 15, 19. Plus ten for the Blazing Bowstring, so 22, and then what did you say? DM: 2d6 radiant damage. Player: Seven more, so 29 damage. DM: Okay, good to know. So as the arrow impacts, (impact sound) he puts up his cloak to guard in time, as it goes (whooshing) through the cloak, you hear this (grunts) in pain as the arrow bursts, and as the cloak comes back, you can see this burning sensation across the front of Lord Briarwood. Where the flesh was healing and sewing itself up, that has been halted immediately by the impact of the holy water, which is beginning to pockmark and burn his flesh. Player: Awesome. Then I'm going to hit him again! So yes, I'm going to do the same thing! Except I'm out of my Blazing Bowstring; it fizzled out. DM: Yes. Player: Okay that's a 29 to hit. DM: That'll hit. Player: Okay. That's good. Plus two radiant damage. DM: That's your second holy arrow, right?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago. DM: Well, Teleport Via Plants, whoever can fit through there in that short time, you can probably get you guys and the gnomes through, but referring to your Wind Walk, which, how many targets can that affect at once? Up to ten willing creatures. Player: And there's how many gnomes? DM: There's four. Player: Four. DM: So you'd leave one behind. Player: Then we'd leave one behind. Okay. DM: Which, you'd have to talk to them about that.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen. DM: Okay. Good to know. All right, that ends Percival's turn, holding his action to attack when it attacks. Vax, you're up. Player: Oh jeez. You know what, I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to run over right next to Keyleth. DM: All righty. 20, 25, 30. That's about as far as you can get on regular movement. Player: Right. I know what I want to do here. Is Percy within 30 feet of me? DM: Percy is, yes. Player: Okay. I'm going to cast Bless on Scanlan, Keyleth, and Percy. DM: Okay.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suvo's Secrets: Despite the drab tent looking very unwelcome, Caduceus and you enter the tent to purchase some diamonds. Suvo has twelve diamonds available for sale. DM: She leans forward and her hands hit the front of her knees. Leaning back, she looks very small, but once she steps into the little bit of light that's coming through the front of the tent, Suvo's a fairly large dragonborn, and, even just leaning forward sitting, is almost as tall as you are, Jester. Player: Whoa! DM: "Diamonds, you say?" Player: Yes. DM: "How many diamonds are you looking for?" Player: How many do you have? DM: "Maybe 12."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: 22. Okay. Trinket (bear sniffs and growl) runs past here, but can only make 20 feet of its movement because he used the rest to get out of prone. However, strafes aside and begins reaching out and starts snapping, so you want to give Trinket--? Player: He's going to attack him. DM: Okay. As part of your attack action? Is that what you're doing? Player: Yeah, I'm going to have Trinket do one of his attacks so I can move and run. DM: As your bonus action on it? Okay, go for it. Have Trinket roll for an attack. With disadvantage because it is invisible. Player: That doesn't count? I feel like it still counts, though. It's only 15. DM: 15. Trinket slashes out in the air. With the obfuscation of the Stinking Cloud and the invisible dragon, Trinket's just getting mouthfuls of air.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a 25 intelligence check, Caleb determines he can create a key to the cipher by staying up all night. They talk about what to do next with the book and the jewels they found, but reach no conclusions and everyone goes to bed except Caleb, who creates the key they had discussed. DM: You guys at this point have been brought to the docks now, and you're being pushed toward the direction-- You can see the Squalleater there waiting, and there a number of figures already on deck. Player: Is there ever a moment it looks like nobody's looking at us, or me? DM: Make a perception check. Player: No. Seven. DM: You don't know. You don't see anybody, necessarily. You have Bouldergut walking behind you, and other people are being ushered in. Player: Can I fall back and talk to Bouldergut? DM: Sure. Player: Bouldergut, what is going on right now? DM: "I don't know. I wanted to sleep longer." Player: Me too! Everybody seems so angry at everybody else. Look at the ship right now! It looks crazy, all these people walking around. DM: "I know, I want to just eat breakfast." Player: Me too! While I'm talking to her and hopefully when I point at the ship-- Does she look where I point? DM: Make a persuasion check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The snake figure grabs Jester and Caduceus casts Blindness on it but maintains its hold on Jester. Fjord shoots a blast at the snake creature and Nott casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter. DM: Glancing around, I mean, the manticore's causing a huge ruckus in the middle of the city and those that have begun to realize that it's an illusion are looking around confusedly and at the moment do not see you, but that time is going to be very short because you're out in the middle of the sunlight. The trees aren't above you now. This is an open clearing in the middle of the jungle and you're just running up the side of these temple stairs with the light down upon you from the sky. Player: How tall is this person who's just died? DM: Maybe-- from foot to shoulder? Player: Yeah. DM: About four foot. Player: He's only four feet? DM: Yeah. It's like a tiny, hunched-- Player: Okay, I take out some iron and I go (whooshing) and he shrinks to an eighth of that and I pick him up. DM: Wait, the one you just shot? Player: Yeah, I don't want to leave him here. DM: He's at the bottom of the temple. Player: Oh, he went down there? I thought he was at our feet. DM: No, you guys have been climbing the temple and he kicked him down off the side of it. It's all good. Player: I would only do it if he was right where we were. DM: Right. No worries.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: No. Not to mention the fact that you are technically in its melee range. So any of your ranged attacks-- Player: Are at disadvantage again, right? DM: Unless it's five foot. Is it five foot, or is it melee? Trying to remember. I think it's five feet. But regardless, it's close to you, it's bad news. Player: If Trinket gets up, does that use any of my stuff? Trinket can move freely-- DM: Trinket can move independently of you. Player: So Trinket is going to get up. DM: It's half-movement, yeah. Player: And he's going to bite Umbrasyl's tail to try to distract him, so I can run between his legs. DM: Okay. So Trinket's going to go ahead and-- roll a perception check for Trinket.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon. DM: She reaches down to the side of the desk, and pulls out a very small book, relative size, and flips through, and opens a page to turn towards you. "This is what I seek to see destroyed. You can tell, Ghurrix wears a symbol of his station. It is a thick, black chain. And at the bottom, it has the symbol of two manacles intertwined within a red symbol that pulses with anger. That is your mark." Player: Are you sure you don't want just a game of Pinochle instead? DM: "You try my patience, small one." Player: Please, call me Kenny Rogers. DM: "Two days. Go!" Player: Let's go, slaves! I'm sorry, equals, peers, let's go! DM: As you guys step down, the two giant guards step back and begin to walk towards the door to let you out.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, you drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city. DM: All right, as you rush up, axe in your hand, you rush up the side of the stone ramp that she's created and it's right in slamming distance. Go ahead. Player: I swing away. 24. DM: 24 hits. Player: Yes, and the second. 16. DM: 16, no. 16 misses. And then? Player: That's it, just the two. I'm not frenzied. Yes. 17. DM: 17 points of damage as you hack once again, slamming into the side of one of the necks, causing a gout of purplish blood to spray over the right side of your body. That ends the combat round for the surprise round. The creature is now aware that you're definitely there. Everyone roll initiative. All right, so 25 to 20?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She goes to tell Captain Adella, but finds that the dark spot has disappeared when she looks again. Adella nonetheless prepares for battle as a precaution. DM: As you approach from behind, she's currently holding the wheel, and she doesn't even turn her head to you, goes, "Yes?" Player: Would you like more speed behind those sails? DM: "I mean, always, but--" Player: Okay! And then I go back and I start doing Gusts into the sails. DM: Okay, Gust is a what-level spell? Player: Well, it's a cantrip, or I could do a level three Gust of Wind. DM: Gust would be like a (pfft). It's more of a heavy fart.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Following The Gentleman's instructions, they find the Keystone Pub in the Puddles, the oldest section of town, which is covered by one to three inches of water and slowly sinking into the surrounding swamp. They climb eight feet up a rope to enter the bar, and rent rooms there in the haunted lower level. DM: Yeah, from the bottom out. The lips are cracked. The left eye is angling off in an off direction. He looks like he's probably been kicked in the face a few times by probably a horse at some point in his childhood. He's definitely had a rough go at life, probably, but has seemed to have carved a living. The very balding head on top, jaundiced skin, looks like he's sweating from the general humidity of the air in there, along with probably who knows how much he's been drinking and he's sweating the alcohol through his pores. Doesn't take care of himself. He looks up. "So what you doing?" Player: You just seem like such a charming gentleman. DM: "Why the fuck did you flick me?" Player: We were sent for. DM: "From-- ? Where's my fucking drink?" Player: A certain gentleman. DM: Tension goes straight. This eye goes (fwoop!). Joins the other. Player: I hand him the drink one more time. DM: "You were sent by The Gentleman? Yeah? What's he want?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore. DM: "If you're asking for access to one of our closely guarded sigils for the Thunderbrands, you say, within Kraghammer?" Player: Yes, yes. We'll have to speak with them as well. DM: "Well, then I will-- just one moment." And he reaches into a pouch and pulls out this mirror, this oval mirror and sets it onto his desk. Reaches underneath and pulls out a small chest. Opens up the chest, and you can see in this chest that there are probably two dozen of these tiny little marbles, all different colors, some different shapes, and he goes, these little labels you can't really see from your perspective. He takes one out, places it in the top of the mirror, and as he does, the mirror all of a sudden shimmers for a second, and what was originally a normal reflection is now this light, glowing blue, slightly glowing water-like surface. He takes it and lifts it up to himself. "Hello. Hello? Hello!" A moment later, you hear this distant voice echoing with this strange warbling filter over it. "I'm coming, what's taking your time. Yes, Headmaster, what do you require? Well, there's a gentleman here, dragonborn, who is requesting use of your sigil of teleportation. Do you know this gentleman?" Turns it around, and you can see in there, this is the same long-bearded dwarven individual that met you at the actual Thunderbrand house, and had a bit of an argument with you early in your travels in Kraghammer. Player: We've got things for you, this time, like we said we would get for you. In the Underdark. It's really inconvenient, but we have things that we need to get to you quickly. DM: "Now, listen here. Last we spoke, you and your friends stormed into our lair, nearly destroyed our precious arcane defenses of our homestead--" Player: He was drinking. He's an alcoholic. He's got help since then. DM: Make a deception check. Player: What is it? DM: This is deception. Well, you are an alcoholic, but that wasn't what he meant. Player: 20. DM: 20. He goes, "Either way, we can't just let anyone willy-nilly knowing how to directly appear in the center of our homestead."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one in front of Grog quickly moves to his side and grasps onto his armor, pulling him in. It attempts to bite into the goliath, but its fangs catch and deflect off of the little bit of chainmail around his neck, given to him by Scanlan. DM: Yeah, so the first one slashes across the side of your shoulder, but you manage to pull out of the way just in time to lessen the impact. This, however, sets you up for the easily dodged second blow. You swoop out of the way just barely in time, feeling the wind (whoosh) above your head. That ends their turn. Now we're at the top of the initiative order: surprise round. This would not have been enough noise to wake you guys yet, so you're going to hold on until somebody can get your attention. Top of the round will be Vex. Player: I'm going to say Wake the fuck up! And I am going to-- can I hide? Is that what I do as my bonus? DM: You have nowhere to hide in this room, unfortunately. Player: Even if it's super-duper dark? DM: You get the idea that these creatures probably aren't largely affected by the dark. Player: That makes perfect sense. I'm going to Hunter's Mark the one that looks the strongest. DM: Okay. The one that's most visible to you would probably be this one going after your brother. You mark that one. Player: I am now going to attack him with my blazing bow. DM: All righty, go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people. DM: Nice! Jumps off of the side, and with the momentum she leaps onto the platform. She pulls her sword out, arcs it past the already punched, damaged yuan-ti in front. Reacts, looks over the shoulder towards you as you go for your second attack. Same one? Player: Yes, please. Natural 20. With that barbarian critical! Double the dice. (counting) That's 17 points of damage on the second one. DM: 17 points of damage? Player: Yes. DM: Okay, then. Player: Not a lot. They were low. DM: On the same one, right? Player: Yes. DM: With the second strike-- the first one carves past, it hisses at her, Yasha then spins the sword around and with one giant snap the head (plop) and the body falls off to the side of the ground and crumbles.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the border, Pike is greeted by a caravan of several gnomes: Johann, Astra, Ogden, and JB. DM: Okay. So, while you guys are having this conversation, Taryon, you hear what sounds like ruckus, laughter, conversation, voices overlapping, getting louder and louder and then suddenly the front door to the Slayer's Cake, which has been quiet this afternoon, (thud). And then, "Oh! This place is amazing! Do you smell that? You smell that, Uncle?" And you watch as the uncle comes in. (sniffs) "Smells like rocks." Player: Rocks? DM: "He lost his smell when he was very-- it was a terrible accident. Horse hoof in the face. Anyway, hi! We're family of Pike Trickfoot, and we were told to come here and try your wares! So this is a bakery?" Player: In Gnomish, welcome to the store. Any family of Pike Trickfoot is family of mine. I am one of her closest friends, Taryon Darrington. Here you go. Blondies on the house for everyone to celebrate your blondie, Pike Trickfoot. DM: "She wasn't always blonde, you know." Player: Oh, I don't know that at all. What? DM: Yeah. I guess she wanted a change of pace. She had dark hair when she was younger. Player: Really? DM: "Astra, free treats!" And they start grabbing and filling their pockets with blondies and eating them in between. Player: I've got more. Sure. You can take all you want. Everything in the store is yours. DM: You watch as JB walks up with long, dark hair, and goes, "Do you happen to have any water?" Player: Of course! Doty, go fetch some water for these fine gnomes. DM: "Tary." Grabs and gets a small bucket of water and sets it down. You watch as JB begins breaking up the pastry and dipping it in the water and then feeding it to the uncle. Player: Ugh. DM: Occasionally has to right his face, and it's getting caught in the beard a little bit. Player: You know, family is everything, and I'm so pleased to meet you. Can you tell me what she was like as a child? DM: "Well, (chuckles) she--" At that point, the door bursts open and the rest of you arrive there at the Slayer's Cake.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: 12? You don't see Gilmore anywhere. You look about the bodies. You know the color of his robe, but you don't see it anywhere on the ground. In the chaos you really have no idea where he is. Player: Okay, I will-- (sings) Bigby's Hand! Shamone! I will Bigby's Hand and put it right in front of him and-- wow, it's so tiny compared to him! I will use it as a Interposing Hand, blocking him from approaching us. And I will use my movement to climb into the circle of good. DM: Okay, you can get there. Okay, that ends your turn. Player: And I'll-- shit. DM: Want to inspire somebody? Player: I guess, I mean, who's near him? Just Grog right? DM: Right now, it's Grog, Percy and Pike are all still out right now. Player: They'll get away right, they're going to run? You're going to run, right? They'll be fine. All right. I'll inspire Grog by saying, you're a magnificent, handsome bastard, don't die! DM: All right. You take a d10 inspiration die.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: 11 points of damage is just what you needed. With your first strike, infused with the rite, you streak down with your first blow and your scimitar carves through the upper part of its shoulder blade into its ribcage. As you do, you watch as whatever necrotic energy's holding its body together suddenly dissipates and all the bones clatter to the ground in a pile. Player: I'm going to keep running and to get to the other side of that other gnoll. DM: This one here? Player: Yeah. Actually, if there's any way, can I get all the way around him? DM: (counting) Yes, there is. Player: Yeah! I don't know if this is helpful, but I'm going to take my second swing. That's 18 to hit. DM: That hits. Roll damage. You don't get the bonus to your wisdom, but you still have the rite on that one. Player: That's ten points of damage. DM: Ten points of damage on the other.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you goes to the center of town to find Yennen, who tells her she will have to meditate under the Sun Tree to be granted a vision of her quarry. From there, she will track down the quarry and decide its fate, preferably bringing back some manner of trophy. DM: As you all separate and scatter off into your own business for the day in Whitestone. Vex'ahlia, you find a comfortable place at the base of the tree. You sit, cross your legs, look up, and close your eyes and concentrate. Player: I feel itchy, but I'm okay. I'm going to stay still. DM: What thoughts are on your mind? What do you wish to do? What is your approach to this meditation? Player: Okay. He said I'm supposed to meditate on the tree? Or on Pelor? I'm going to try thinking about the tree first. A lot. I'm thinking about the leaves swaying and I think about finding a quarry and, you know, hunting things. Then I'm going to start thinking about what it feels like to walk through the woods barefoot and hear the leaves crunching underneath my feet and hear twigs breaking as I hunt creatures and track them. DM: Okay. As you focus on this and you can hear the breeze. You extend what best can be described as your current consciousness or imagination to the breadth of the Parchwood that consumes the valleys of the Alabaster Sierras surrounding Whitestone. You focus. And you remember the journeys you had in the trees when you first arrived. The wandering hunt, the phantom individual wandering the trees in the distance that you didn't quite mark. And you're curious about that moment and you start thinking about the people that have lived here their whole life and think of the toil. And then your eyes open and the sun, which was just beginning to come over the hills into the sky, is now far past the horizon. You're unsure how much time has passed, but you've had no vision. You've had no words, no sign, and you're now starting to hit into the afternoon. You've probably been here for a number of hours at this point. And you're starting to feel the sweat drip beneath the armor. Discomfort's settling in a little bit. And you're beginning to feel that conscious difficulty with separating what your mind is trying to do and what your body is telling you it's not enjoying. Player: Okay. I should've learned Speak With Plants from Keyleth. I'm going to sink down and I'm going to take my armor off and try to feel the bark beneath my back. DM: Okay. So you turn around, armor off, just wearing your undertunic, and you press your back against the actual tree itself, leaning your head against it, and you close your eyes again and begin to concentrate. At this point in the day, the sun has crested over, so the shadow is still hitting you from the side of the tree. So you're not as warm as you were before. You focus, and you concentrate again on the expanse of this landscape, the strange difference between the warm midday, the cold mornings and evenings, and the freezing nights that bring mists and low clouds that shroud Whitestone in this somewhat middle-to-northern area of Tal'Dorei itself into the mystic, dark mythology that has encapsulated it since it was first founded. After a while of concentrating and letting your mind wander, your eyes open again, and now you're hitting sunset. It's growing colder, the breeze has picked up a bit, and you see some clouds making their way slowly from the wind of the southwest, cresting over the mountains on the western side, the Alabaster Sierras. No vision, no words. You can start seeing now people are walking the street, watching you strangely as they pass. You hear horse hooves hitting as they pass by with carts and people stop and stare and awkwardly whisper to each other and keep walking.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree they will return in two weeks with word or else the Ravenites will go to Vorugal. They visit the lair of the dragon and find one of the spheres akin to those they saw in Brimscythe's lair; they don't mess with it. DM: They do. You move over the bulk of this giant pile of rubble and begin to descend the other side, and you can see now there is an active village here that is half-frozen entirely. Half of it seems to be abandoned; the other half of it is completely coated in solid ice. The crowd leads you past that abandoned village to a series of tunnels against the wall, maybe 300 or 400 feet past that cluster of trees that you saw. Leads you into this tunnel, and on the inside, there are small glow stones set in portions of the stone. Not naturally forming, but essentially small natural bits of torchlight just pressed into the stonework to give some sort of a light source. You're led in for about five or so minutes. and you see other offshoot tunnels. It's like a giant anthill weaved throughout this, and you can see rudimentary furniture made of wood and stone, with limestone rock, whatever's available within the actual ravine here. Player: Can I get a sense on when this was carved? If this was carved recently or if this has been here a while? DM: Make a nature check. Player: Ooh, 27. DM: Best you can tell from looking at the rock and knowing the amount of erosion versus the curvature of it, these tunnels have been here for a very long time. This portion opens up and you can see now there is a much more refined, village-type structure inside, maybe 30-plus small homes carved from rock and stone. Built much better than the makeshift huts that you saw outside. You also see a giant pile of broken chains to the left side of the entryway. Many of them are manacles and neck vices that are just thrown and discarded in this large pile. Player: Tiberius never mentioned this side of Draconia. DM: As you are brought into the center of this larger chamber you see two dozen Draconians that are out and about just currently gathering materials, talking and walking, and stop and see as you enter and just watch as you pass by. Colors range from metallic to chromatic, all spectrum; it's a mish-mash of all walks and sizes.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus takes six days to make Lesser Healing Potions (one potion per day). Caleb asks you to take him with her to the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul when she goes back for training, so he can peruse their library. DM: Yeah, that one does no damage. You catch one arrow out of the air. It just barely nicks your shoulder. The other one you catch just as it scrapes past the side of your arm. The third one you catch in the middle of the air with no impact. In the blink of an eye, you've deflected all three arrows shot at the same time. Player: I turn to Tubo and I go Did you see that?! DM: "I did. And with that, your training is complete." Player: Oh. I don't get to kill those guys? DM: "No!" He hands the shortbow to the other one and they all head back upstairs. Player: Sorry, I'm sure you're really lovely people. DM: "Impressive. Dairon was not wrong about you." Player: Wait, what has-- Dairon's been talking about me? What has she been saying? DM: "That you are an apt pupil. Now, our time is done. I have things to do. And four days with you has been more than enough." Player: Yeah. I get that a lot. DM: He makes his way back up and escorts you out of the training chamber.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation. DM: For a legendary resistance, it does. Which is why if you can burn through those early, then they're a little more vulnerable. Player: And just because nothing else seems to be happening, I'm just gonna burn my Action Surge and just keep plowing into him for two more shots. DM: All right. How much damage did the first one do? Player: That did 20 points of damage. DM: Nice! (gunshot sound) Player: Taking another shot, that's 29. DM: Hits. Player: That's 28 points of damage. DM: Three hits. Go ahead and roll the other two damage, now. Player: Hm? DM: So you hit with all three, so. Player: No, I've been doing damage. DM: Oh, those were the damage. Player: Yeah. DM: Oh, I'm sorry. Player: Sorry. That's 20 points of damage and 28 points of damage. 22... wait. 20 points of damage on the first attack. DM: Yeah. Player: Attack I just did was 28 points of damage. DM: 28, sorry, all right, and then the third one. Player: And then the third one. DM: Roll to hit. Player: That hits, that's a 31. DM: All righty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the city below, they watch as a group of devas join battle against a group of gloomstalkers, and both are annihilated by a single swipe of the titan's arm. Grog, hanging off Vecna's side, pulls out Pelor's Divine Trammel and drives it into the closest wound—the first of their three trammels to be attached. DM: You can move 50 feet on the broom, so you can get about here. You won't be able to get all the way over. Player: Could I get here? Am I within range of Pike, then? 60 feet? I'm higher than I would be. DM: You can try. You can coast to about here. Player: Okay. I'm going to be about that height, but I want to be over the edge. DM: Okay. That ends your turn, Vex? Player: Yeah! DM: All righty. Let's see here. He's going to spend two points to cast another spell.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they catch up with the titan, Grog's Titanstone Knuckles begin to vibrate in resonance. Still about 200 miles away from Vasselheim, Scanlan and J'mon render the group invisible for the approach to the titan. DM: As it attempts to dive past you, you duck out of the way, still nocking a secondary arrow. Its claws hits the back of the dragon scales. You hear the scrape of it going across the back, but having no effect on the hard, armored brass dragon's back. The gloomstalker then shrieks once more and takes back up into the clouds and vanishes. Player: Did I get an attack of opportunity on it with daggers? DM: You can definitely attack it with daggers, if you'd like. Player: Yeah, that hits. 29. DM: That hits. Player: If my friend the dragon is against it, do I get sneak attack? DM: No. Sorry. Player: All right. That is 12 for that. DM: 12 damage. How much damage did you do?
[ "DM", "Player" ]