It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Beau remain outside while Jester and Fjord deceive their way into the house disguised as Prucine and a crownsguard. Caleb, Nott, and Ulog sneak in the back door. DM: Yes. Make a stealth check? You, as you begin to set up busking, one of the other guards wandering by comes by, kicks your cards a bit, and goes, "Hey, hey! Move along. No street busking, too late. Gala's on." Player: Oh, no, I'm on break. One on the house? DM: "I said piss off. Keep moving." Player: I'm going to very slowly put my stuff together and fold it all up. DM: He sits there and watches you do it. Player: Move around, yeah, but as long as I have an eye on the main thoroughfare. DM: Okay. What did you roll for stealth?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up. DM: Bisaft. There's a lot of ships. Probably about 20 or so. They're mainly Concord military vessels, similar to the one you saw and avoided on the outskirts of Nicodranas. Glancing over, there are a few groups of soldiers on the docks stretching. Looks like they're loading supplies into the ships. They're making a stop and the ships are waiting for others to fill up because it's a small dock. It's mainly meant to maintain, at most, six or seven ships at a time, so they're having to go in waves to take supplies and they're probably cleaning out some of what Bisaft Port has. Player: As we make our way by, can I identify a low-ranking member of one of the crewmen of one of those ships as they're, perhaps, reaching for a bundle or something? DM: Sure, yeah. There's a number you can go ahead and stop. There's one of them nearby that is sitting there stretching legs and gathering their supplies in a small sack. They probably bought a few things to take on the path. Player: You there! By gods, you guys are stocking up something fierce! DM: "Yes, we are making our way through the waters. This is just a quick stop." Player: Amazing. Do you mind if I ask where all this traffic is going? DM: "Well, with the recent attacks, the war at the Empire, it's getting a little hairy, so the Marquis Olesya Lapidus is calling many of the warships to the southern coast to be a precaution near the border." Player: Oh, I understand. I'm sorry to hear it's moving so aggressively. Are you concerned, or do you feel strength in your numbers? DM: (noncommittal consideration) "This is a conflict between them, but it is still important to be careful. We have an alliance from a trade standpoint with the Empire, but they are not entirely the most pleasant people, so they can deal with their problems and if comes to us, we'll keep it to the shore. The good news is, as far as I know, Xhorhas isn't a naval-oriented people. What I have heard," and he leans in a bit, "is the underelves apparently snuck past the mountain range and attacked further inland. Felderwin was assaulted and the fields were set ablaze."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down. DM: No, unfortunately, the fog cloud is just high enough where it covers this area for you guys. However, you could jump off if you wanted to, make an acrobatics roll and then maybe do your attack afterwards. If you wanted to try that, your call. Player: Wouldn't I still be in the fog cloud if I was on the ground? DM: No, the fog cloud is elevated up here. It starts here and then goes upward. Keyleth created it in the air. You guys are at the base of it right now. Player: So I can use my movement to jump down? DM: Yes, if you want to. Player: All right, I'm going to fucking Hunter's Mark him. DM: You can't see him right now, unfortunately. Player: I'm going to jump fucking down on the ground. DM: So you jump. Go ahead and make an acrobatics check. As you leap off the highest part of the wall of your Keep, all of a sudden the fog dissipates and you see the ground rushing up towards you. Player: 14. DM: 14. You manage to catch yourself. You aren't knocked prone, but you do suffer five points of damage from the fall. But you catch yourself (grunts), get up, and now you can see at the very, very base of the fog cloud, the head peeking though and the wings occasionally (wingbeats) from out underneath, and you have visual on the dragon. Player: Okay, I'm going to Hunter's Mark him. And I'm going to shoot him through the Sky Sentinel. DM: You already used the Sky Sentinel if I recall against the green dragon, didn't you? Player: On the worm. DM: Was it the worm? Okay. Player: And I multiclassed today, so I'm a rogue, so I get Sneak Attack on this. DM: It currently does not have-- Player: Does it know that-- does it see me? DM: You haven't tried to stealth, so technically yes. As soon as you jumped off and land, and hurt yourself and your ankle, you look up and it sees you. Player: Never fucking mind. Balls, all kind of balls around here right now. The first attack is 25. DM: 25 hits. Player: The second attack is 24. DM: Both hit. Player: The third attack is 16. DM: 16 misses.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three crossbow bolts come flying out of nowhere—two hitting Grog. They notice three duergar, with a strange, unfamiliar beast accompanying them:  a large brain with a set of claws. DM: Well you can dash as your action, but dash is your, basically a double move. So you move and use your action to move as well. Player: And that's it. DM: That's all you'll be able to do. Player: Um, I'm gonna-- no. I'll you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go-- hey, god. I'm gonna move over here, stealthily. And go for ready. DM: Okay. Player: That's what it's called, right? And wait? DM: Just wait. Player: And the trigger is when this asshole duergar moves forward, I'm gonna stick him in the back of the neck. DM: Okay. All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Smoke also emerges from the guard, who looks confused as the smoke begins curling around him, marking him with a Hex. Percy fires three times. DM: Okay, so you swing around the corner and look up at the one guard. As you concentrate for a second, bringing your gun up, your eyes begin to go black again, the smoke pouring out from the corner of it. Smoke begins to pour out of the midsection of the guard, who looks confused for a second, and it swirls around him as part of the Hex that has him marked, as you release your next three blasts. Player: Okay. This is with sharpshooter. DM: Okay. Player: That sucks. Ten? DM: Ten misses. First shot just (ricochet noise) goes wide, blasting a chunk out of the upstairs hallway. Player: 11. DM: 11 also goes wide. This time (ricochet noise) blasting part of the banister in front. The guard dodges out of the way as the wood splinters past him.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, No time to worry: Roll Initiative! you and Fjord step out to see the zombie guards, who look to be about ready to rush toward the big tent where they are standing. DM: Nine points of cold damage to it. You watch as it's trying to bite with no effect towards Beau's arm as she's pulling away. The sphere slams into the side of its shoulder, it would be this side, and it pulls back. You watch as the arm breaks a bit and the ice shards coalesce around the outside of the armor and linger with this frost and mist that sprays off the impact. It looks fairly damaged. Player: Question, am I supposed to roll initiative for Frumpkin as well? DM: Technically by the rules, yes. But it might be easier to have you guys go at the same time. Player: Okay, if that's what you want to do. DM: Sure, for now. Player: I'm sending Frumpkin to zip under that tent. He has 40 feet of movement. DM: This one here? Player: Yeah. DM: Easy enough. Frumpkin is underneath there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel. DM: Nine points of damage. You manage to jam underneath and hit it in the chest. It shrieks with pain and pushes the blade out of its body with a sheer flexing of its muscle. It begins to try and get up off the ground. It's hurt, but it's still standing or about to be standing in a moment. You can move if you'd like to. Player: Yeah, that's right. I can break combat with it. It doesn't matter, right? At this point? Or does it get an attack of opportunity? DM: It does get an attack of opportunity, but it has disadvantage on him. Player: There's no way I can circle up onto the wall, is there? DM: Onto the wall? Player: Yeah. Get a little vantage on him. DM: You could. Player: I want to be able to hop on because I want to head that direction afterwards. All right. DM: You get up onto the wall. Player: And that way, if he tries to run or do anything, I can futz with him. DM: Cool, that's fine. Molly, your turn is over. Jester, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Nott rode on the back of a horse with you, she flipped through Jester's sketchbook. There are caricatures of each member of the Mighty Nein and several people they have encountered through their journey. DM: So you carry on at a pretty good pace, and you're traveling rather swiftly. Though traveling at this speed, it's harder to perceive things at a distance. Thankfully, this renewed vigor from the tea that you had for the evening may help you in that endeavor as well. So, who is keeping watch on the roads ahead of you? Player: I am. DM: All right. Go ahead and make a perception check with advantage, and minus five to whatever you-- Player: So advantage minus five on both? DM: Correct. Player: Okay that's not good; that's a one. Okay, that means I got a seven. DM: Okay then.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you casts Invisibility on himself and starts digging through his pockets, looking for anything he could use to create fire. He finds a Potion of Fire Breath. DM: You're checking your pockets. You find the potion. You look down and you notice, even through the storm, you can see in the distance, there's the dark shape of a giant lumbering zombie guard making its way down to this part of the town. What are you doing? Player: So I'm on a roof that's all soaking wet, right? DM: Yeah. Player: There's no crawl space access? No attic I can get to? DM: Make a perception check. Player: Okay. Whoa, nothing. Two. DM: Two? This is a pretty solid roof with apparently no entry point at any points. The craftsmanship is flawless. Player: Okay. You know what? I'll just try it. I will Fire Breath Potion myself. DM: Okay, you pull up (boink), pull the cork off, (glug glug). Player: I don't know what this thing does. I've just got this. DM: As you feel the fluid find its way down your esophagus, it warms it like a fine whiskey would, but the warmth just grows and grows to the point where it's almost too hot, but it never quite reaches a point where it's painful, but you feel as if this need to belch is burbling within your stomach, and at any given point in time, you could let that belch fly forward.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place. DM: So Minor Illusion, as a limitation, it wouldn't be a full-body illusion, but you can take elements of your features. Player: I'm in smoke. I'm just taking-- DM: Yeah. Where once Percy's face existed, it twists into this shimmering apparition of Sylas Briarwood looking down at her as his face contorts into horrible, screaming pain. The head rises up and almost soundlessly, he screams out as the flesh begins to melt from the bone. As it does, Percy's voice rings out in this cacophonous roar that shakes the cavern around you. Player: That pain you're feeling, I've felt for years. Don't think I've imagined every way to hurt you! I could spend years hurting you before you die, in ways you cannot imagine. Now, how do we stop it? DM: "I don't know. I don't even know if it worked. We've been preparing for this ritual for... five godforsaken years. All to repay a debt. And that's all. You forced us. It was too soon." Player: Why? Why was it too soon? What were you waiting for? DM: "We were waiting for a particular date. There is a time each year in which the barriers between realms grow and grow very weak. You recall Erevan's attempt generations ago to blur between the realm of ice and this one, which you call the Winter's Crest. Well, this is too early, and you saw our failure. He will not be happy, I imagine. And I still owe him for what he gave me. For what he gave us."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog football tackles the held Riskel to the ground. Vax pummels riskel with the blunt end of his daggers. DM: He's not tied up. The vine grabbed around, but doesn't appear to be really changing his physicality. Player: Okay. Can I make, with my Spiritual Weapon, a sort of-- holding like a-- DM: It's a weapon. Spiritual Weapon. Weapon's in the name. What kind of weapon would you want to summon? Player: I want to make a lasso again. A lariat. Maybe with a little stinger on the end. Just to listen. DM: All right, a little lasso there. Player: So his arms-- DM: Well, we'll have to see. Player: If it works. DM: So go ahead and roll and add your spell attack. It has advantage, because he's prone still. Player: That would be a natural 20. (cheering) DM: He's also now grappled. Player: He's also now grappled. Okay. Can the stinger go right here to his neck? DM: Sure. It's right there. The spiritual energy wraps around the body. He's held there, with the vine both holding him there. The stinger (swish) up over the throat.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They learn that the corpse was killed by a woman who was not supposed to be there, some 14 weeks ago. The corpse has since seen others pass by, particularly a dwarf. DM: 17, all right. So the guy walks into the room, looks back and forth. The one behind him steps forward into the room a bit. The other one steps behind him. Looks about. Looks from one side of the room, looks over to your room. There's almost a glimmer of recognition in his eye, and continues walking past. They just start walking back the direction you guys came from. Player: Uh. DM: The other one-- Player: I throw up a Wall of Stone. DM: Where? Player: Right there. DM: Right there?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane. DM: It's ridiculous. So you guys all eventually dive into the water, and as you do, you look down and there is essentially a 40-foot-wide gap in the beach here, just barely submerged beach, that coasts down and drops off directly down into this cylindrical section that is just open. And as you drift down, your goggles visible, you can see around you, dry, pale reef that slowly gives way to colorful, life-teeming reef. You see hundreds of fish of different sizes and colors, all darting in and out of the various gaps and openings in the side, you see vibrant plant life beginning to massively jut out from the side of this reef. Further down, you see eels twisting through, and bits of kelp and other long, underwater plant life tickle your body as you push past and drift, keeping track of where you're slowly sinking down, desperately trying to follow this dwarf that is no longer in view, he just dove straight down and is far more comfortable under the water than most of you. Eventually, the reef begins to cluster in tighter and tighter, and you start getting a little nervous as to if you're going to hit a bottom or hit a pinch point. And then suddenly it stops, the reef just ends, and you now are floating down into what appears to be endless dark ocean. And just below, you see just a faint bit of light, and you start noticing the dark color is because you're about to hit an extremely dense forest of underwater plant life. You watch as all of these long, thin tendrils of almost vines covered in elongated leaves begin to curl up around you, and you start pushing through, following this light, and as you get across to the edge, Keyleth, you're the closest ahead and you guys have just enough light to watch the bead of where Keyleth is. Keyleth, you can still see Durent and keep that pace. He leads you down over this bank of where the top of this underwater forest ends, and you see, attached to the reef above by a single pillar of stonework that seems to be built or carved out of the reef, emerges a spiraling tower that eventually ends on the floor of the ocean here. It's made of a yellowish-white sandstone-like color, there are pillars carved out of it, naturalistic, but also have almost a series of bevelled edges to them. Within the inside, there is a dull green glow that is pulsating, and as Durent makes his way down toward one of the many openings in the floors, you can see there is a very, very faint sparkling energy that seems to just drift up out of the center of this tower. As you make it further down towards the base, you now begin to see through some of the openings, the center of this tower is hollow. It is an exterior, like a very thin Colosseum-like structure that goes up for multiple floors, slowly pincering as it gets to the top, and it is just an open interior inside. As eventually you touch down onto the soft bottom of the ocean here and begin making your way, slowly swimming towards the interior, you can see a number of other similarly dressed Waveriders as well as armored guardians that stand, all with various trident or spear-like weapons. A number of them appear to be of varying races, human, half-elf, elf, it appears that Durent is the only dwarf you see in this vicinity, and a couple of them appear to be merfolk, like straight-up half-human, half-fish, tails, fins, gills, the whole circumstance. Player: What does their hair look like? DM: You see two of them, one of which is male. No visible hair on him, actually, just the frill that goes down his head. The other is female. Long, deep, dark blue hair that drifts past, and as she shifts and looks in your direction, you watch it hold in place and slowly shift as the water currents push through. Player: I just stare at her. DM: As you're entranced by this, your attention slowly glides over to the very center, the base of this temple, where you can see there are these three large, smooth, gray-ish rocks that are embedded in the ground, about five feet wide, and in the center of these three rocks, you see what appears to be-- it's almost like an oval shape, about ten feet tall, about five feet wide, that is crackling blue energy. This opening, here. And you can watch as occasionally clouds of black, murky soot or sand, deep, deep ocean sand, push through. You can see, as you get closer and peer in, this is a doorway into the plane, this is the rift. Unlike the one that you saw at Pyrah, which seemed to flicker and have a barely contained energy when you've seen it at its torn-open stages, this appears to be fairly contained. It's demure, there's not a lot of movement, it's just stationary, and the guards that surround it in the center of this temple all look inward, keeping vigilant watch. As you follow Durent, making his way towards the doorway, you can see within each of these three large, half-buried stones, there is a smaller, deep emerald green, almost jade-looking stone that is about that large that is embedded in each of these. Durent points over to one of them, and you hear him, through the water, the throat bead carrying the sound of his voice through, "This is what you're looking for. This is a lodestone. Take your time, as much as you need, to study it. Find what you need. Let me know when you're ready to pass through." Player: Are they all the same color? Every lodestone looks the same? DM: Yeah, you glance through, they're all the same color. Slight variations, and the shapes change a little bit, some are perfectly spherical, some are a little oblong, just whatever shape it eventually hardened into.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Arkhan together smash the wall to pieces, dislodging the crystal and opening up one-sixth of the barrier dome above them. DM: He runs up the side. (impacts) He glances down, looking towards where you are. All right, that's going to bring us to Vax's turn. Player: Yeah, okay, so if I get to the very edge there, am I in range of Delilah on the ground with Sharpshooter? Cover doesn't do much, except full cover. DM: Yeah, she would have cover in this circumstance, but you avoid it with Sharpshooter, so you can. Player: And am I within 60 feet over there, about? DM: Yes. Player: Okay, I'm going to throw Whisper at her, and she's down, so I have advantage. That is a 27 to hit. DM: 27 to hit hits. Player: And I'm going to bamf there. DM: She's prone, so yeah. You have disadvantage on the attack against her. Player: What, because she's prone? DM: It's a ranged attack. You don't have advantage against her because there's nothing giving you advantage. Player: Her being prone doesn't give me advantage? DM: No, her being prone, against ranged attacks, it's with disadvantage. Roll a second time.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is going to try to find all the bowls, if she can, and destroy them. They find a giant banyan tree surrounded by water in the approximate location indicated by the corpse, with six more bodies tied to it. DM: Well no, you haven't submerged in the water yet. But it looks about waist high as you lower the water level. Player: It's all right. 14. DM: You do glance up and see a band of teal fabric tied around one of the branches or the edges of the roots at the top part about ten feet up that has been weathered and dirtied from just being there for a long time. A lot of the color has faded. But you just barely pick out its location. Player: It's just one little ribbon? DM: It looks like it might have been a bandana that was wrapped and tied around a root above. Player: I'm going to see if I can climb the tree and get to it. DM: Okay. So you wade through the water.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is an awkward moment as Pike and Keyleth realize why she is late. DM: "A title that has been unfulfilled for quite some time, and I, for one, being the figurehead of the city, I wish to welcome you as a member of our chamber, as the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt. Do you understand the responsibilities?" Player: I have no idea of the responsibilities. In fact, I have no idea what being a lady really means, except for saying I'm a lady every once in a while. DM: "To be perfectly honest, it means very little." Player: Oh! DM: "I can say that from experience. It means people look at you and expect you to have the answer, and you--" Player: Have all the answers. DM: She leans in and goes, "And you're really just making it up best you can, but you do your best. But as the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt, upon the completion of the Grey Hunt, you are responsible for overseeing local diplomacy and rooting out mundane and supernatural dangers throughout the surrounding Parchwood." Player: All right. DM: "To protect the citizens of Whitestone."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, you, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb. DM: She takes another eight damage, but it's reduced to four. That finishes Yasha's go. Caduceus, you're up. Player: Okay. I just saw that we are running, apparently. DM: You see Yasha run past you. You look over and you watch as Beau and Jester (blink). They're gone. Player: Well, okay. Let's see. I'm going to follow Yasha, because that's apparently the way-- how much distance can I cover? How close to her can I get? DM: We'll find out. Movement 30 if you're rushing past her. Player: Is there an easier way off or is that the easiest way off the boat? DM: There are three ways off the boat. There's either this gangplank, which is closer to you, this gangplank, which is further from you but generally will meet the same distance, or jumping in the water.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though the armor was originally Vax's, Vex claims it before he can take it back. DM: There are pockets here and there that are interconnected, but there are multiple veins of it going through the entire. Player: What kind of liquid is this lake made of? DM: So, as you approach, the hard stone surface you guys have been walking on in the tunnel begins to give way to like a coarse sand, almost like a gravelly shore. And it appears to be fresh water. It's clear. The smell is a little musty, but not too bad. And you approach, and you can see there's just these very gentle, very soft waves that occasionally lap up on the shore, but only a few inches. There's not a whole lot of motion to the water within this cavern. Player: Can we see to the bottom? Is it that clear? DM: Yeah. Player: I've got an idea. I'm going to find a small rock-- Oh, go ahead. DM: I'll finish my description. (chuckles) So there's this lake circling this large island across the way. You also see on this side of the shore, central, there is a large stone bridge that arches over the lake and makes landfall about roughly 200 feet on the other side, at the very, very tip closest to you of this island. It's about 15 feet wide this bridge, maybe 20 feet, and is an immediate walkway onto this island across. You can see just faintly on the edge of this island a glowing bioluminescent fungal forest that covers a large portion of this island's top side. The edges of it, you can see, rise up into cliffs that have eroded over time and are rather stark in places.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells them about his night with her, saying that he has now experienced the pleasures of the flesh. After a moment of talking, he pukes and confesses that women are not for him. DM: "Good! As the sophist of native ingenuity, you have much responsibility in this time of recovery, and I'm growing a bit weary of the burden." Player: I will happily take some layers of both that paperwork and that cake off your hands. And I grab a slice. DM: She hands it over to you. Player: I do ask tomorrow that we handle this little interesting tidbit. I hand her the documents I put together earlier with the titling that needs to be dealt with. DM: She takes it and goes, "Huh. Grand Poobah, that's-- we'll certainly discuss that." Player: I expect somebody will come up with something delightful for that one. DM: "We can take our time with that one. I'm not going to lie, it's been so long, I've forgotten we have not had any purveyor of the Grey Hunt." Player: Quite a while. A long while. DM: "So, Vex'ahlia." Player: It seemed appropriate. Even before things became what they are, yes. DM: "Before we can officiate that she has to undergo the Hunt itself." Player: Yes. DM: "I don't know how that works." Player: I-- DM: "Keeper Yennen might." Player: He does, if I recall. DM: "Keeper Yennen should know. I'm a bit out of my depth at this point. I've done--" You see she sighs deeply and looks over at her garden-- For the first time in a while, you see Cassandra break from the stoic leader to Cassandra, your sister, and she leans forward and takes your hand and goes, "I'm so very tired. I've missed you. I need your help. Please." Player: We're going to make this right. We're going to-- the machine will run again. All of this will work again. DM: "I know. They're good people, many good people here, and you've all saw to that. I've saw to it. I need rest." Player: I will help. DM: "Thank you. There's more cake in it for you." Player: I could use more cake. DM: She wipes a little tear from her face. "I'm glad you're safe." Player: How goes the training of the company of shot? DM: "It's functional as it can be. We're having to ration ammunition as we have to rely on you for that and you've been gone." Player: Well, we're going to fix that as well. DM: "Perhaps you should helm most of that training since the majority effort has been at the hip and making things up as they go." Player: The guards? The captain of the guards has been taking care of everything? DM: "Yes, yes. We lost a few in the last altercations but we have a good long standing number of individuals who have stepped up and what was his name? The one that you brought in?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog's axe, however, takes a chunk out of it. The party continue to fight as the Trickfoots scatter and hide. DM: There are multiple faces. They're all different creature faces. They all look to be humanoid. They're all shouting and screaming and shifting and roiling inside. Player: Can I do a perception check to see if I recognize either Pike's face in there or Ogden's face or any of the gnomes' face? Do I recognize any faces? DM: Sure. This would be your action to do that, but yeah. Player: My whole action? DM: Yeah. Player: Okay. DM: Make a perception check. Player: Great, 17. DM: Okay. Glancing at it, all the faces seem relatively blank and it's mostly the same face over and over and over again. So there's no real variation to them. Player: Okay. And that's my whole action? DM: That's your whole action, yeah. Player: Okay. That's my action. DM: Okay. So at this point, the gnomes over here are just staying where they are. You watch as Ogden takes another hobbled step back past Taryon and goes, "Protect me!" and puts his hand up to you and kind of hides partially behind you, Taryon. JB stays there. She seems relatively safe and watches as Vex approaches and is like (heavy breathing) and moves along the side of the rock. Pike, your turn.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective. DM: You haven't asked him yet, no. There are a few barhands that walk around, but the one you've been going with, you can go ahead and catch his eye as you go through the area. "Hey, do you need something?" Player: Of course, darling. I didn't catch your name. DM: "Oh! Wence." Player: Wence, thank you so much. Could I grab another of those fabulous five-gold drinks there, that you brought to our friend? DM: "Oh, you want Schlond's Embrace. Okay. If you're sure about that." Player: I don't know, what is it? DM: "It's an acquired taste. It's made from a very long-distilled, 40-year processing of a heavy mint leaf, and that, when it's been very thickly fermented, is mixed in with this very sour port base that's been repeatedly funneled and sifted until it's become almost thick in its own right. That's mixed together with a few other sugars and a bit of a special fruit. Honestly, I think it tastes pretty shitty, but it's what he likes." Player: I'm going to give it a go. DM: "All right then! Five gold." He goes and makes the drink for you again.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Checking their stomachs, they find a lot of bones, meat, and black feathers. They surmise at least part of her family didn't survive, and decide they can't leave her there, bringing her with them to Berleben, a miserable-looking but functional village in the depths of the swamp. DM: There's one older woman going by, who's hunched, has her own hood up, and a long gray cloak. She's wearing a stained linen blouse and says, "What do you want?" Player: Lovely weather we're having, huh? DM: "Weather's shit." Player: Okay! I was wondering if you could point us towards an inn, or the Keystone Pub maybe? DM: "Keystone Pub's in the Puddles, that way." Player: Thank you. DM: "Look for the crooked tower thing." Player: Can you sleep there? DM: "I mean, you can. I wouldn't be caught dead there."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel. DM: You are visible to a number of gnolls in this courtyard. You don't have any movement to back away from that edge, unfortunately. Player: I was hoping to just be-- Because I can't see that far-- to be right here to hit the only guy that could see me on the ground there. DM: Right, but you're right on the corner, that's how you were able to see him and send him this way. Player: The guy on the roof can see me as well? DM: Yeah, they can both see you. Just so you know. The rest of them probably can't, but you transform yourself into a gnoll-like appearance. All right. Does that end your turn? Player: That is it. DM: All righty. In the back of the alleyway, one of the gnolls stands thicker, more angry, and more ornate than the rest of the pack. You see heavy scale mail armor across the torso, and a large helmet across its head. You look as thick spines about a foot and a half to two feet long are woven into the scales themselves off the shoulders, the back of the helmet, and the sides of the armor. They look natural, as opposed to metal, like long, bony spines that are put onto it, both as an ornate adornment, or possibly just a means of defense and to look scary. It begins barking and steps forward, giving motions to some of the other gnolls, and the ones that are on the cart continue pushing it, as it steps forward--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: Okay. You can just barely make out the position of where Umbrasyl is. You can go ahead and make the attack, but it's going to get cover bonus to the range. Player: Can I peek out? Can I move out? DM: You can move here if you want to, and it'll help a little bit. It'll only give it a minor bonus. Go ahead and make your attack. Player: What's that? DM: Go ahead and make your spell attack. Is this basic level Guiding Bolt? Player: Basic level Guiding Bolt. DM: Okay. Player: Nope. Doesn't hit. DM: You try and reach around and as it's moving its wings about, you manage to strike the stone just blocking half of its form. It splashes with energy and dissipates with no effect, unfortunately. Player: All right. Can I tuck back in? DM: Yeah. Player: And I'm going to move the Spiritual Weapon with my bonus attack, or can I not do that? DM: You can do that, yeah. 20 feet? To there. Player: Okay. That's it. That's what I can do. DM: Is that as far as you can move it? Spiritual Weapon can move, I believe it's 20 feet. Yeah, that's as far as you can get it. Player: No, 60 feet! DM: The range of the spell is 60 feet, but as a bonus action, you can move it 20 feet and repeat the attack. Player: Oh. DM: Keyleth, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She also knows of Sabian, who works with Cadmus Leeland, pirate captain of the Widow's Embrace. At that moment, Yasha walks into the bar. DM: The somewhat portly half-elf greets you as you approach again. "All right, would you like another drink?" Player: You know, I'm still working on the first one, but I love your establishment-- DM: "Oh, why wait, it's good to have a backup, right?" Player: Ja. I will take a backup, you are correct. DM: "All right, very well." Player: While you're pouring, I had a question for you. My friends and I, we have just rolled into town, and while we were walking through, we noticed this very strange tower here. It's so bizarre, what is that place? DM: "I'm sorry, what? The big blue tower over in the Quay?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Utugash takes flight and lands on top of Tova and you, crushing and pinning them to the ground. The pit fiend takes some damage due to Tova's Curse of Mutual Suffering. DM: It's either ten or half of the damage, so you're fine. With you both pinned-- you, at immediate visual perspective, look the most vulnerable to Utugash, as you are a tiny half-elf girl, as far as he's concerned. He's going to use his next two attacks, the axe and the tail, with advantage against you because you are currently knocked prone. Player: Aw, desu desu. DM: The axe is going to be a 32 to hit? Player: What? 32? DM: 32 to hit. Player: I mean, yeah. DM: 25 points of slashing damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so. DM: There you are. A gracious warrior of the woods. While on the ground, he reaches forward and attempts to sweep your legs out from under you. Go ahead and make-- this would be an acrobatics-- no, we'll make this a dexterity saving throw. Why not? Player: Ten. DM: Ten. (whoosh) Pulls your legs out from under you, slams you onto your back. As he leaps up on top of you immediately and with both of his fists in the air slams them down towards your face. That's going to be a 22. Player: What? DM: 22 to hit. You take six points of damage. Player: Oh, good. I was thinking 22 points of damage! DM: And a 23 to hit, it's going to be an additional eight points of damage. Just once down on your face, and again with a second slam, right down onto the front of the face again. You can taste all the irony blood and liquid pouring through your sinuses down into the back of your throat as you're currently on the ground with him on top of you. You're both looking pretty rough. Where are you at, hit point-wise? Player: I say, tastes like home. And I spit in his face and reach up and thunderclap both of his ears. DM: All right, go ahead and roll for attack. Player: 24. DM: Hits. Player: 17. DM: 17 does not hit. Player: 22. DM: 22 does hit. So you reach up. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: Oh yeah, right. DM: (whack) Thunderclap to the side of both his ears. Player: Six. DM: Six points of damage. As he rears back and instinctively his hands go up and try and grab at your wrists, you pull the wrists back, and he's holding you from that point. You attempt to go for another strike, but he just redirects it with his own arms. You manage to pull out of the grip with a third strike. What are you doing for that one? Player: He pulled away from my wrists, and I'll give him a little of the same. Put my fists together and just swing straight down into his solar plexus since he's sitting on top of me. DM: Roll damage. Player: That's a five. DM: Five. (wham) You hit and you hear the wind out of him from the impact, (wheezes) and he's trying to get the wind back. Player: I can't hear you. What? DM: He pushes off of your chest to stand up for a second and (gasps) gets one big inhale of air, and as he does, he reaches up his leg and then tries to curb-stomp kick you right in the stomach while you're still on the ground. That will be 18. Player: Misses! DM: All right. A 19. Player: Misses! DM: And that will be a 24.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A bit later, Howaardt comes out to speak to them. He apologizes for the scene they saw inside and thanks them for their friendship to Tary. DM: She's inside right now. As you walk inside, she's sitting at the table where everyone had breakfast, she's eating what was on her plate, alone. She turns around. Player: Mama, I'm sorry to spring all of this on you and I must go back to Whitestone with my friends, to tie up some loose ends, but I'll be back soon. Days, maybe a week. DM: "Be back, please." Player: In the meantime, though, can you think about something for me? DM: "Of course, what do you need?" Player: The charity. Papa and Sister can run it, they have smarter business acumen than I do, but the brigade, I was wondering if you wanted to do it with me. You have a taste for adventure, you could help be our manager! Tend to us when we're injured... DM: "Taryon, I'm far too old for adventure." Player: I don't think that's true! DM: "As an organizer?" Player: Yes, yes! Remember in Escape from Brave Mountain? Remember the kindly old wizard who stayed back and tended to the injured and fed them when they were sick with that mystical plague that they got? You could be that old-- Yes. Think about it. Read the book again. And when I come back, we'll talk. DM: "All right. But if you're going out and you're coming back, and I'm to help, bring back a better outfit." Player: Okay! Do you have a color in mind? DM: "Royal blue." Player: On it. I give her a big hug. DM: She gives you a big hug. As she hugs you, her mouth gets near your ear and she goes, "I'm glad you listened." Player: Me too. Mama, this is going to be fun, fun, fun! DM: She sniffles a bit and pushes you away. "Now go, go! Hurry back! Be safe!"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau immediately kills one after her Stunning Strike succeeds. The other one runs for it, meeting Keg at the bottom of the stairs as she comes down. DM: That's a natural five on his wisdom saving throw. Dexterity or wisdom, I don't remember, but it doesn't matter. Player: It's a dex 16 save. DM: Yeah, that's not happening. Player: I didn't think so. DM: Go ahead and roll your damage on that. Player: That's 14 points of damage. DM: Keg, you watch the person run around the corner and look at you and go "Uh. (pained grunting)," get shot with two bolts from behind, tense up, and then burst into radiant flame and then collapse to the ground, slow smoldering on the stone. [cheering]
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says she thinks its 50-50 Fjord is going evil and suggests Caleb be ready to restrain him. Fjord casts Underwater Breathing on the group and they descend. DM: It's clear water, so the light does carry further, and you guys aren't going as deep. You do manage to make out, as you get further and further down, the general shape of the tower within sight. It is comparatively murky because of the lack of light, but you can see the shape. You can also, based on the warning that Caleb had given, see some of the figures. You see about five of them, all tangled or wrapped in threads of this seaweed. Regular seaweed, not the strange crimson type that you came across in the Diver's Grave. Player: I'm going to do a little ping of Eyes of the Grave, just to make sure there's no more of them in this other than the ones we can see. DM: What's the range on that? Player: 60 feet. DM: All right. You're going to have to get pretty close to try it. Player: I know that we're heading-- once I feel like, or maybe I should hit it again-- DM: Okay, as you swim down to get within range to use your Eyes of the Grave, thankfully, the nearest creature doesn't seem to notice your approach. It is not undead. Make a perception check. Player: Come on. Ah, better. 20. DM: Actually, roll at disadvantage because you don't have darkvision, unfortunately, and you're low enough now where the light is limited. Player: 16. DM: 16's still okay. Now that you have a better look at it, at a closer perspective, the humanoid creature-- no clothing. It is thin. The limbs are a little stretched, but there are tiny fins at the edge of the arms. Along the sides of the head, there are gills. It has a strange glance, looking around like a sentry, almost. It's not undead. It appears to be more of a fish person.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan uses lightning bolt and inspires Grog. Vax flies down, practically slamming into the whirlwind, stabbing it, and landing next to Trinket. DM: You're ground into the sand right now, dug a few inches into it from the impact of your shoulder and left a groove on the beach. Player: Ow! DM: There's glass sticking into your shoulder and you're like "Ugh!" Player: Ugh! I stand up for my movement. DM: Half your movement. Player: Okay. DM: So you still have 15 more feet you can move. Player: Hunter's Mark that motherfucker! DM: Big one? Player: Yeah, the big one! And then I'm going to shoot him! Twice! With Fenthras, which is the first time I've actually shot a real arrow for this one. DM: Do it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire. DM: Practically. As far as the Cindergrove's concerned, they're pretty sad-looking. A lot of them have been destroyed and torn and pushed down around. Player: All right. I'm going to try to use one as protection. I'm going to hop behind the one over this way. DM: This way, here? Player: And I'm going to Hunter's Mark the efreeti. DM: All righty. Mark the efreeti. Player: And then I'm going to use my Longbow of the Sky Sentinel. And I'm going to shoot him three times! DM: Go for it. Player: That first one probably does not succeed. It is a 16. DM: That does not hit, nope. Player: What about 23? DM: That does hit. Player: All right. How about... mega miss. So one of those hits, because I'm a loser. DM: Streaking past, and the third one hits as he's holding the flame balls in his hands. Seeing the small impact, he just glares at you though the impact.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides. DM: Especially while drinking. You find your way back to your forge, which is still functional. It was not one of the buildings that fell on the initial attack. You heat it up late into the evening. It doesn't require a lot because it's smaller work. Go ahead and make a blacksmithing check with your proficiency bonus. Plus, with this, it would be dexterity. Because it's very, very minute work. Player: Could I have inspired him? DM: You could. Yes! You can very much do that. Player: I will give him a limerick to inspire him with. DM: Drunken Scanlan limerick, here we go! Player: Have you heard the legend of Shale? One eye, elderly, frail? To a black dragon, she told, "You may be ancient, but I'm old!" And somehow lived to tell the tale. (cheering) DM: Go and take your d10 inspiration dice, if you want to add that to the roll.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you. DM: Okay, so turning around, upper left corner. Okay. That one is the Dwarven rune that represents the number three. Player: Three. All right. Now, to the upper right-hand corner. DM: That is the number one. Player: Okay. I put her on the ground and I say, okay, look at the lower right-hand corner. DM: So lower right-hand corner would be a two. Player: And now the lower left-hand corner. DM: A four.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard. DM: You head inside. It looks as chaotic as you left it. You see what looks to be a small bowl of heated porridge that's gathered on the counter, and cross-legged on top is the fantastic gnomish purveyor of the interior, Oglen. "Hello?" Player: Good day to you, sir! DM: "Good day to you as well." Player: I give Nott a little shove over towards the shelves and walk up to him, right up to the counter. What are you eating there? That looks good. DM: "Breakfast." Player: All right, yeah. That's what that is. You know, I wanted to thank you for the book. I don't know if you read it yourself, but I read it cover to cover quickly. It was fascinating and very useful. [aside, quietly] I hope you're doing stuff over there. DM: "All sales are final!" Player: Well, here's the thing. I have read this book and loved it, and if you would like to purchase it for the low, low price of one gold, you can sell it again. You sold it to me for three. You have it back for one. You can turn a profit. DM: Make a persuasion check. Player: Natural 20. DM: You watch as some of the porridge is spilling out the side of his mouth, and he rubs it off. "All right." And he pulls a gold coin out of his pouch. Player: That is a good decision, and it was a good book. I am grateful for the knowledge you have imparted upon me. DM: "Might I have the book?" Player: Oh, of course! It's right here on the table. Sorry, grandfather. DM: "All sales are final." Player: Right. You will not sell that back to me, for sure. DM: "Do you want it? I can sell it to you for three gold."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest. DM: For those questioning, even though it is blinded, it lowers its attack, because some people are like, "Attacking things with blindness have advantage!". Because it is nothing but a spinning, whirring of blades, and technically it has multiple forms of sight, it is not granting advantage on the attacks against it. Player: I’m going to try and hop up that hill really quickly. DM: All righty. You try and move this way? Player: Yep. DM: All right, you’re hopping up this edge. Player: As high as I can get to get out of its range. DM: Okay, so that will be probably over here, best you can for this. Player: Yeah. Right over there is good. DM: You manage to scoot yourself up to that side and climb away. It does swing out towards you. It does have disadvantage on the attack because of the blindness. That will bring it to a 13 to hit. Player: That does not hit. DM: You manage to duck out of the way.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott tries to soothe the creature by singing like Toya did earlier to the devil-toad, with comically bad results. Beauregard is slow to react, still momentarily convinced that the zombie attack is a part of the act, but finally attacks the creature with a flurry of blows that knocks the zombie around. DM: Ten, oh, shit. That's right, you're with Nott, that's what happened. So Molly, you go ahead and go for your turn as well. My apologies. Player: I'm going to yell to the back, open the tent wide! And I'm going to pull-- how far away am I? DM: You're right there. You're in the middle of the crowd as it's swarming around you and Yasha. Player: (sighs) I'm going to run around and see if I can flank that creature, if I can move towards flanking that creature with the other two. DM: You can't really flank it, but you can get next to it. Player: All right. Can I get close enough to take a shot? DM: You can, yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also found that a number of gold coins, a bit of his horde that had been buried, were now exposed by these strange smooth tunnels that were carved into the rock. Upon Vex , Scanlan, and Trinket inquiring there, the rest of the party scattered: Pike and Keyleth went to find what seemed to be the owner of the house, now frozen in fright in a far alcove; and the rest of the group traveling towards the mouth of the cavern itself. DM: 18 total? 18 just hits. So, go ahead and roll damage for the javelin. As you rear back, aim it with your eyes, and the frustration is palpable from Craven Edge as you put it aside to throw the javelin instead as it arcs into a bolt of energy that streaks forth, slams into the hide of the giant purple worm. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: 19. DM: 19. All righty. Great. It rears in place, shakes itself for a second. It has no eyes, so it's not looking in any different direction, it just seems to be flailing in its current location. Player: Can I go into a rage? DM: Yes you may. Player: I would like to rage. DM: All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: A barkeep comes by, a human gentleman you recognize from before as Once-Lucky Ned, who had originally given you some information. Comes by, puts the drinks down. "I thought it was you!" Player: Yep. DM: "Heh, heh. Phillip! Phillip! It's good to see you." Player: No, no, it was-- it was Philip before, and now it's Grog. DM: "Oh, he beat the name out of you. That's harsh." Player: No, no, no. That was the first time, and then I came back and won my vengeance. Right? DM: "Right, right." Player: Yeah. DM: "You want to be known as... I see (clicks tongue). I got you." Player: Grog, Grog. DM: "Grog the Phillip is in town! Should anyone wish to take the title of the Crucible, this would be the one to talk to. Heh-heh."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice. DM: We had this discussion before, because in the ability, it has Slimy Doom, which whenever it takes damage, it becomes stunned, which is the most broken-- Player: I almost did that. DM: I know, but I think the DND ruling, technically, they have to fail three saves before it affects them. Player: But it's a 5th-level fucking spell. That's a lot! DM: I know. Player: That's lame. Three rounds for a 5th-level spell? DM: Look. I'll say this. I'll let Mind Fire work on her for now. Player: Oh, he doesn't look happy. I feel like I just pissed off the DM. DM: No, you didn't piss off the DM. This spell has a lot of contention in the community, but the official DND ruling was it doesn't affect until they fail all three rolls, but as it's written, it doesn't say that. It says they're afflicted on being hit, so I'm letting it go through because you didn't choose the cheesy-ass stun-lock broken spell. Player: It does say that after succeeding on three of these, the creature recovers from the disease, so they were already affected. DM: Which is what I'm saying. This is between what's written in the spell and the arguments that people have made with DND on Twitter, and they clarified that's not how it works. It's a mis-type. It wasn't clear. I'm letting it work. Be happy with the book.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them. DM: Prismatic Spray I'm pretty sure is a 60-foot cone. So it is this big old fun guy. What are you doing? Player: Will it hit the protective thing, as well as the people on the ceiling? DM: You can try and spray them, as it is a cone. You can aim it up probably to catch the edge of it. Player: I'm mainly aiming at the two dudes above. DM: All right, so you can hit those guys and the blackguard, if you want to. All righty, so roll a d8. Player: A d8? Just 1d8? DM: For that guy there. Player: Oh, that's right, to pick the color. Four. DM: All righty, that's green, so poison for him. For the sphere? Player: Seven. DM: Seven for the sphere. That is violet. No effect. Okay, that guy there? Player: Two. DM: Two. Orange. Acid. And the guard. Player: Five. DM: Five. Cold. All right, so roll 10d6. Failure for him. Failure for the blackguard, who rolled a four. All three of them fail. Player: Okay. (counting) 39. DM: 39. All righty... This war priest over here, the one on the far end, as you strike. That was with the acid ray. The green ray strikes him and he goes (death rattle) and slowly dissolves into a pile of purplish-red mush that begins to smear across the roof. The other two are impacted by it, and they're reeling from the pain. They're starting to show some real wear and tear now. That's going to end yours? Player: Yeah, pretty much. Oh, and I'll fly closer to the sphere. I said that already. DM: Yeah. Vax.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan throws out a fireball, hitting two of the lackeys. The mage uses Misty Step and Scanlan tries to counterspell his attack, inspiring himself with fusaka. DM: Yes. And has pulled out a pistol. So the gunner here, using a pistol, is going to take three shots at you, Vax. Player: With disadvantage. DM: With disadvantage on them, correct. Well, two shots. One, and then a reload, and then one. So the first shot with disadvantage, that's a 27 and 24. Player: That hits. DM: All right, so the disadvantage has faded. Player: Loses it for the rest of the round. DM: But still. You take from the first hit 12 points of piercing damage, and the second strike without disadvantage is terrible. That is a 13. Player: I'm fine. DM: Rolled a three, but it did not roll enough to misfire. So reload, last shot fire misses. It's going to run this way. Player: Oh, can I uncanny dodge? Or is it too late? DM: Yeah, you can do that. So half damage. All righty, the other one who's in front of you, Grog, and is scared out of his mind is going to attempt to step back.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: Going to ask. Sherri kinda greets you as you enter and goes, "Hello, Scanlan. Gilmore is back in Westruun, weeks away from opening his new establishment, but can I help you?" Player: Two things. One, when he returns, he made me a potion, a while back. I'm running a bit low. It was a scrying sort of thing. When he gets back, maybe he can whip me up another batch for next time I come pay a visit, but also-- oh, yes? DM: She puts up her hand for a second and walks off through the beaded curtains in the back, and comes back with Gilmore. Player: Oh! DM: Gilmore steps forth. "Terribly sorry, Scanlan, trying to keep business right now kind of on the DL. There's a special event tonight." And you see how dressed up he is. "I imagine, being part of the council, you're probably invited too." Player: Yes, I was just going there now. DM: "Oh, well, I'll accompany you!" Player: All right, we'll save business for another day. DM: "Well, what business did you have?" Player: I just wondered-- I may want to try to find someone at some point tonight. I don't know how. DM: "Hmm, scrying. We've had this conversation before." Player: Yes, but a different sort, a less fecal sort. DM: "Not going to lie, I'm very glad to hear that."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth heads down to the archers she attacked before, but this time, they are more prepared and resist the Whirlwind. She continues to encompass their space, hoping to disrupt their shots. DM: What're you doing? Ashley, what're you doing? So your Sprinter's Boots activate, which gives you double movement. Right? So you can move 50 feet. But you moved up, it took you 25 to stand up because it's half your speed to get up from prone, so you still have 25 feet you can move. Player: Okay, so I'm going to go around to the side. DM: This side? All right, so you move. Here? Right? Player: Yeah, as far as it'll-- DM: Okay, so you rush over there. That one guy takes a swing at you as you rush by, gah!, or girl I should say, the female half-elf swings with the giant blade. That's going to be a 23? Player: Fuck. Yeah. DM: Okay. As the blade smacks you from behind as you rush past, you suffer 14 points of slashing damage. In your back. But you keep running around the edge. All right, what are you doing? Player: All right, I'm going to heal myself. DM: All righty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Just then, a buzzing small dark shape appears and stops for a second. It is a jet black hummingbird with something long and metallic in its beak. DM: You hear as Ruzza looks over to Protto and goes, "Are they coming or not? I'm getting impatient." Protto goes, "Yeah, maybe we should poke one of them." He pulls out a blade and jams it into the cage to the left. You hear a voice against the gag. A muffled yell. Player: I am going to move into the room and sit down on the floor between the cage and the door, pressed against the wall. DM: Right here? Player: Ja and just wait. DM: Make a perception check. Player: 19. DM: You move up against the side. What faint bit of light is coming from the almost entirely extinguished torch on the wall. You see a bit of shifting movement and you hear the movement of chains inside the cage where the blade had just been stabbed inside. You see a large, shifting gray-white shape in the shadow. You hear a muffled voice cursing against the constraints of the binding. Out of the corner of your eye, a hand slips out of a chain, carrying the same metal object that the small bird was carrying in its beak. [cheering]
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After having some time to catch up with her, exchange information about your travels, youd had discovered that there have been some issues with one client of hers within the town, and managed to gather a little bit of information, but began to seek more about this Algar, this figure who had grown jealous of other clientele, and seemed to be becoming a point of concern for Marion, and you took it upon yourselves to look into this individual, and possibly find a way to resolve this while you're in town. You also began to run into some other curious mysteries, you went to the lighthouse, and spoke with the lighthouse keeper there for a bit, you had found a strange tower in the open quay, and then eventually discovered along the wharf, a tavern of familiar name, based on some of the previous things you were looking out for, the Wayfarer's Cove. DM: "(sighs)" He raises one of his fingers up towards the bar and the bartender glances up. "Oh another round, okay." He turns around and begins preparing what looks to be another drink. Lowers his hand and claw which scrapes across the wood and leaves this little curl of-- little shaving that is put to the side as his hand comes to rest, looking back at you with his one eye. "How about this then? Let's trade a story, huh?" Player: Okay. DM: "Y-you tell me where you're from and why it brought you in to my table, then m-maybe I'll tell you how I lost this, yeah?" Player: Okay. Well I'm from up the street kind of. I'm the daughter of the Ruby of the Sea. Do you work for any government officials? DM: " No." Player: I'm the daughter of the Ruby of the Sea. And you know these are my friends and we've gotten into a lot of hijinks and um... what all did you want to know? DM: Drink gets brought down to the table. "Don't worry, she's going to take care of it."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Since this is a recruiting tool, Wastiker approaches them about joining the Righteous Brand for a gold a day pay, but is turned down. you is approached by Darrow, the leader of the mercenary band called the Stubborn Stock out of the Menagerie Coast. DM: "Well, not yet. Not yet. Just the ones that come too close in. There've been a few excursions into the Empire itself and that's why we're hired. They're basically bringing everyone they can on hand to help keep the home fort defended." Player: What are you fighting, if I may ask? DM: "What am I fighting? Right now?" Player: Well, in Xhorhas. If you go out there. DM: "Oh, we haven't been to Xhorhas yet." Player: You haven't been to Xhorhas. DM: "They've kept us in the Empire so far." Player: They've kept you in the Empire. DM: "Yeah. They keep the army on the eastern side, but we're meant to find things that the army cannot be bothered to do."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog, Vax, and Percy move to tackle the three planars in the air. Two fall, but the third manages to grab on to you's dragon form as she flies up. DM: And a 12. So two of them. You shoot two of the wings out of the way and they plummet down, and you manage to coast past two of them in your dragon form. One of them does manage to grab onto you and get its hands, big strong hands on the back of your head and try and steer you to the side. Player: Can I cast Frightful Presence? DM: We'll get to that in just a moment. It's going to attempt to-- no. It tries to pull against you, but even with its extremely strong planar strength it cannot guide you away from the path, and you push past. You are now outside of the chamber in the base of the tower, just flying upward. You can go ahead and use your Frightful Presence. All right, so that's your action. Player: All of the creatures-- no, of my choosing, so all the bad-- not bad guys, but you know, people we're fighting. DM: As you roar loudly and it echoes, filling the entirety of the chamber, the music of the surroundings now merging and shifting with this horrible dragon roar. None of these angelic entities seem even remotely affected by it. Player: Oh, really? They don't even have to make a wisdom saving throw? DM: They are immune to fear. Or being frightened, sorry. Player: That makes sense. DM: But do you continue flying upward? Okay! So you finish your spell, you take your shots, Keyleth, Pike, anything?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He uses a healing potion and then starts slashing with his sword at the creature, from the inside. He manages to kill it and gets back up. DM: Okay, so that's as far as you could get. Because on land it's considered rough terrain. Or, you can go full speed but you'll take damage for every five feet you move full speed. Glass, it sucks. All right, that ends Percy's turn, Grog you're up. Player: All right, since he killed the big one can I fly down to the one that's right next to Vax with Scanlan on my booty? DM: Yes you can. (caws) Right next to him. Player: Yeah. Now, if hopefully I wanted him to lift the form, would I hold my action? DM: Yes. Player: Yes! I want to do that. DM: So holding your attacks until the form is lifted.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone. DM: Okay, so you pull your arrow, your hands shaking slightly as you see this creature now focusing its attention on Grog below. You pull out the arrow, you focus your magical energy. The shaft of the arrow, you know, juts out all these different thorns and you release it below. Go ahead and roll your attack. Player: Oh. Okay, that's 29. DM: 29 hits. Player: Okay. DM: Are you doing a secondary attack? Player: Yes, I am. DM: Go ahead and roll your secondary attack now, just to get it out of the way. Player: Okay. The secondary attack I wanted to shoot through my Bloodseeking Bow, though. DM: All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe. DM: He pulls up a small pan flute from his side and (whistling). There's an awkward pause, and he goes, "Shit!" He then tries to scoot away as far as he can, but is once again caught between the very taut sides of the rope, unable to shift. That brings us to Pike. Player: Okay! How far are we from the disgusting thing? DM: You guys are over here, so I'd say, from what you can gauge here, you're approximately 40 feet from it. Player: 40 feet? Great. So I'm going to get a little bit closer. DM: You go right up to the edge of the water, toes dipping in. Player: I'm going to use my trusty old friend Guiding Bolt. I'm going to Guiding Bolt his face. DM: Of course you are.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is searching for not only her five-year-old son, but also her partner. Shadycreek Run is still two days travel away, and the Sour Nest, Lorenzo's encampment, is another two hours north into the forest from there. DM: As you guys gather up onto your horses, Keg takes the lead and you all begin your trek northward once more. Both memory of Mollymauk behind you on one shoulder, and the image of the face of your vengeance before you. You continue on your journey for the next hour or so before you catch a glance, Keg, at the road above. You see three shapes in the road. Player: Can I perception check it? DM: Perception check. Player: That's a 13. DM: 13? You get a little closer and you look and it looks to be three figures that are left in the road. People left in the road. Player: Dead? DM: Not moving.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a pile of linens in the corner, and inside, the real Hilda, bound, struggling and gagged amongst a pile of clothes. She tells them how the drow woman came to her home a few days ago, tied her up, and asked questions about her life. DM: 22. The skies here grow gray with clouds as the mountain spire-peppered landscape is broken up by far-reaching forests and river-traced glades. The air appears cold, as the winter here seems to cling to the countryside for a majority of the year, a mixture of gloom and beauty as unique as it is impressive. That's about as much as you can glean from this standpoint. It's very blurred on the outskirts. It seems similar to a harsher Whitestone landscape. This is definitely further east. Looking at placement of the sun in the sky, it's further to the west. Player: They've gone east. They're still on the northern end of the continent, if they're on the continent at all. DM: No, any further north from here and they'd be in the water. For the time they've traveled, they're east on Wildmount somewhere, you can gather. Player: East on Wildmount. Is there any other sign? Can I see a tree? DM: Unfortunately, the scrying location, the actual orb that you see from is very limited in scope. The fact that you're able to even make out the details that I told you are because you're seeing color and images and shapes in the distance. You get a vague idea of landscape, but it's all very blurred. Player: Is it giving me any sense of anywhere I've been before? DM: You have not really traveled length and breadth of anywhere outside of Tal'Dorei, so no. What you do see, though, is on the front of the horse, you see the same cloaked figure riding the horse. Glances back over the shoulder and you can see what appears to be a pale-skinned human woman, looks in her twenties or so, but same outfit. And looks back and checks on him. He's stirring a little bit, and she glances back and goes, "Be patient. We're almost there." (hoofbeats)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He informs them that Kashaw is back and they will be having a meeting in a little bit. Assum tells them food is probably ready and leaves. DM: Kima takes a couple steps and says, "Wow, I'm more tired than I expected after that fight. Then again, we did kill a dragon! And that is fantastic!" Player: We did. Yeah. And you got a brilliant new sword. DM: Which she pulls out and (swish). You can see the arc of light streak across the blade as she flings it in the air with incredible strength for a halfling of her size. She's still marveled by it. "You know what? I'm not going to sleep. I'm going to go practice!" And she goes and runs off down one of the hallways towards one of the castle's training rooms. Player: Wait, Kima, Kima! You don't hear anything when you use that, do you? Like voices or someone talking to you or-- DM: She holds the blade up to her ear. "No." Player: No, good! Good. It's a beginner problem, but you're quite advanced. Not worried about it. Enjoy! DM: "Thanks, Grog!" Slaps you on the shoulder with an awkward glance and continues the excited steps forward into vanishing somewhere into the castle.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone. DM: Scanlan, you're up. You're currently face-down on the ground. Or no, sorry, you're on, like, your hurt knee. You're not prone, you manage to catch yourself up. Player: I stand, I look at the creature. No, I don't look at the creature. I just sort of look near the creature, and I will punch it in its face with Bigby's Hand. DM: All righty, let's go ahead and pull this up real fast. How does the-- What's the effect on that one? Player: Hand is an object that has an AC of 20. Strength of 26. Blah blah blah. DM: This is the Forceful Hand? Player: It's the Clenched Fist. DM: Clenched Fist. Player: It's a melee attack, it's like-- DM: All right, so go ahead and make a melee attack with your game statistics. So go ahead and roll d20. Player: d20. DM: Add your strength modifier and your proficiency modifier. Player: Ten. DM: Ten. Player: Right? DM: Total of ten? Player: Yeah. DM: All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After they leave, you asks about Zanror's preparations. The plan is to get to its cave so it can't fly. DM: "Well, the creature sleeps at the top of Gatshadow. We've acquired an ally in this city that seems to know a secret byway to get to the side of that cavern. I figure that way we can go ahead and take the fight to it where it sleeps, when it's not ready." Player: Interesting. DM: "Can't fly if it's stuck in a cave." Player: Very true. Have you seen this cave? DM: "Only from afar, but we have some scouts that are making their way there right now." Player: Might report back with how-- the size of the cave. DM: "Should know soon."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. you and Jester waited by the well for Fjord. DM: That you know of. There are holes above, which is where the sacrificial blood would drip through into the fountain. So, what are you doing, guys? Are you running first? Player: Uh huh. DM: You're swimming? Player: I'm swimming up. DM: (counting) Player: I'm going to spend a ki point to do Step of the Wind. DM: Beau is also--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak. DM: Right now, you're not a huge threat to them at the moment and they're both going to focus actually on you, Scanlan. When it gets around to their turn, though. This guy's going to go ahead and pull both of these innocent folk in front of them as a shield. This guy's going to get freaked out, rush around the building and try to escape there. Okay. So! Bringing us into the combat portion of the round, Grog, you have two more attacking you. This is the bladestorms. Player: Bladestorms? DM: With advantage, that's going to be a 14. Player: That'll miss. I haven't said that much tonight. DM: 18? Player: That misses. DM: So first one, both attacks swinging across you, you're feeling it on your back, but it's catching most of your armor and part of your flesh that is nice and calloused and does not really do any damage. The second one rolls a 20. Second one, and second attack on the second one is a 21. Player: That hits, yeah. DM: Yeah. Okay. So you get a critical and hit on this one. So this is the bladestorm. Critical is going to be 16, eight points of slashing damage on that one. And the next one's going to be four points of slashing damage. This is already halved. Just so you know. So that's that round there. Against Pike, only one of them could get to you and still attack this round, so Pike, that's 19?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog brings down the hammer onto the knee of his unbroken leg, severing the lower half of it entirely. you fires a Lightning Arrow into the group of guards escaping. DM: Okay. The guy that Trinket swiped just screams (pained scream) as you can see the electricity charging through him, and the wet rain that hit him has caused it to even give more-- Player: I thought Trinket swiped the Hunter's Marked guy, though. DM: Did he? Player: He did. DM: Okay. Player: I remember you saying that. DM: Then I'll give you that. So the guy who is Hunter's Marked ends up destroyed, the electricity bouncing through his armor. He goes, (moan) and falls to the ground and crumples over. The other two guys get jolted and almost knocked off their feet. They're both looking really, really rough, and they both look at each other (panting) and just keep running with what little strength they have left. You still have a second attack, don't you? Player: I do. DM: Go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He, Grog, you, and Scanlan go through it to Kraghammer. They emerge inside the Thunderbrand estate and are met by a grumpy Lord Thunderbrand, who had stayed up all night waiting for them. DM: It's not going to matter. You keep talking, and as you're explaining this, he's not even paying attention to you. The dwarf is staring at the amulet, looking at the back of it where the inscription is. And you swear for a minute, you see what looks like a tear, gathering in the corner of the eye of the dwarf, who then reaches up and wipes it from the corner and takes the amulet and puts it in the pocket and says, "My apologies. Thank you for returning this. You were talking about the carpet, right?" Player: Yes. DM: "You want it to be enchanted?" Player: Well, we've heard very wonderful things about your abilities and not many people can do such a feat. DM: "We have done a carpet before. Only one. It's very possible." Player: Did it look anything like this one? DM: "Not this pattern, no, that one was more of a blue. I mean this can be enchanted, but the materials and the time put into it-- It's a very pricey endeavor. A carpet of this size, especially."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They have been watching him, trying to figure him out. Herd members are out getting ready for battle as Vox Machina walks through. DM: He says, "We have company." They both sit back as he goes upright as you approach. "Glad to see you had the sense to take my summons. So. Now's the day where we prepare." Player: Aye, wouldn't miss it for the world. DM: (sighs) "First and foremost, Grog, take that shit off. It's really freaking out most of our people." Player: It is pretty sweet, though, isn't it? DM: "It's confusing, to say the least, aye?" Player: We all have our preparations to make before battle. Don't worry about mine. DM: "To each their own, I suppose. Heh. You've fallen in some strange paths since we last met." Player: You have no idea. DM: "Rest of you, can we expect your attendance in this glorious fight?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: Okay, so as a Prismatic Spray, in this direction-- out this way, it'll just crest past the front of the kraken and the tentacles-- let's see here. Prismatic Spray, that's a dexterity saving throw on that. Player: I'm sure it makes it. DM: That is a 23. Player: Yeah, of course it makes it. DM: All right, so roll for your first beam, which is against the kraken itself. Player: Do I roll a d8? Or wait, to choose what kind of beam? DM: Are you focusing on the kraken or one of its tentacles? Player: I mean, no tentacles are holding anything right now, right? DM: Currently, no. Player: All right, so-- DM: So it'd be just the kraken. Player: Just the kraken. DM: All right, so roll a d8 to see which beam hits it. Player: Five? DM: Five, that is 10d6 cold damage. Player: Oh, cold! That's good. DM: So go ahead and roll that.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth tries to decide how to help and eventually casts Sunbeam at Yenk and Vorugal. She then goes into Air Elemental form and flies by Vorugal. DM: 46 points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to 23, plus ten points of ice damage as the hooves slam into you, leaving these frozen cracks where the blood should be emanating from. It seals the wound, almost. Player: 14, so I reduce that by 14. DM: Correct, reduce that by 14, and then make your retaliatory strike. Player: Great weapon master, reckless. DM: Go for it. Player: 26? DM: That hits.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Barely able to see Ghurrix, she fires two arrows at him. The first arrow misses completely but the second hits. DM: Trinket's full movement, he can get there and start trying to climb. Go ahead and roll an athletics check for Trinket. Player: He rolled really low. What is that, just strength? DM: Yeah, for him. Player: So he rolled five. DM: Trinket is leaving these giant claw marks on the outside of the building. Not quite getting there. Starting to break the side of the stand that's next to him. Player: Wow, I've got to get some more 20s out here. DM: Actually, at this point, too, a number of the individuals on the street that are watching, as you're starting to move around, people are starting to back away and leave the space. These two guys disappear and start heading out of the street to get away from everything. These guys all begin to move this direction to get away from it all, pulling their various chained servants with them.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, “ Kerplash! ” – you 14 !h Percy takes two shots at the little oozes. DM: Okay. So I'll go ahead and say it's thunder damage. All right, so they're pushed how long? Ten feet? Player: Ten feet. Directly away from me. DM: Yeah. So they're pushed right there. Got it. Player: I was hoping they would go into the lava. DM: Unfortunately, it's not far enough. Is that your turn? Player: Yep! DM: All right. Pike!
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott responds that she is only going for grumpy people today! Caleb asks if that was Nott's idea, and she says it was from a wise weirdo. DM: Okay. He's moved onto-- it looks like he's cycling through different pieces of news, and as you approach, he's shouting, "Families missing in Nogvurot! Crick kidnappers steal them away in the night! Lock and seal your windows and doors while you slumber! The attack on Alfield has ended! Terrible--" and you approach him at that point. Player: Excuse me, town crier man? DM: "Yeah?" Player: Where does your news come from? DM: "From my boss." Player: Where is your boss located? DM: "It's the King's Hall."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The two guards spot him and throw their mugs at him, wounding him slightly before Caleb bamfs him out. Nott stealths in further to see if she can get the trapdoor open so Frumpkin can scout the basement but is unsuccessful at opening the intervening door, and while exploring knocks over a pile of pots, alerting the guards to her presence. DM: Hearing this noise, you are on the wall at this point keeping an eye. You guys would probably be at angles here if you maintained patrol and tried to case both sides. Player: I want to look at the window. Do I see that figure I just saw? Does it seem like the pots and pans got that figure's attention and they're hastily moving? DM: You saw them move casually past one window and then move quicker past the other. Player: Okay, where am I? DM: You're over here, on the wall. Player: I'm over there. DM: You guys have been on the wall this whole time, so you're right over here. Essentially about that high.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary throws acid onto the devil, but he manages to resist it entirely. Tary just stabs Utugash with his lance and calls for Doty to come back him up. DM: Well because he hurt himself going through the metal outside. So Doty comes rushing in and goes (impact sound) and just collapses on the ground next to you, superheated. (sizzling noise) Player: Oh no! Is he going to melt? DM: You don't think so. Player: He's in the fire, right? DM: He's in the fire, yeah. Player: Oh god. Is he making some sort of window that someone else could walk over? DM: No, the flames curl around, sorry. All right, so that ends Taryon's turn.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon. DM: 18 points of damage, gotcha. That's your first strike (hitting sound). You feel the weapon behind you make contact with a form, and (cracking noise), you see a little bit of sand out of your peripheral this side go (scattering sound) as his form gets pushed about a foot, kind of setting some of it off. Player: So it goes (low hitting sound). I close my eyes again. I swing around the other way, and I try to connect. DM: Okay, roll again with disadvantage. Player: That's not bad. 14 and 20, uh... 29. DM: That hits, yes. Player: Yes, okay. Damn, same thing, so 18 points of damage. DM: 18 points of damage. All righty. As he takes both impacts, kind of parrying them with his forearms with each impact. They're still hitting him, and he's still taking the brunt of the attack and the pain, but with each hit you can feel the force of his forearm is almost stopping still the hammer blow as you're throwing it behind you, and you can see him gritting teeth with each impact, but he's just staring right at you again as you kind of spin around, open your eye again to see what you did. He kind of gives you a bit of a narrowed glare-- Player: Stink eye? DM: Little bit of a stink eye. Player: Fuck. DM: But like an intentional kind of connecting point and just says-- Player: Pink eye? DM: No, that's a whole different-- that's a different monk path. (all laugh)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then head off to look for Jarett. The party heads back to the castle and finds the Marquetian mercenary doing his job, crossbow at the ready. DM: It doesn't take you long. He is still stationed as one of the central figures guarding the actual castle of Whitestone itself. Similar to the place you saw him last time you guys had a conversation walking up to the castle. He stands there with his crossbow at the ready, giving a long view over the surrounding valley before he watches you approach. "Friends, you have returned. I hope all is well on your end. Can I be of service?" Player: You can tell us all about where you're from, actually. Did you leave Marquet a long time ago? DM: "It was maybe ten, nine years ago, and it was not under the best terms. Probably would be in jail had I not got away." Player: Oh, really? DM: "They are not very forgiving of broken laws there, and based on certain judgments... let's just say a slap on the wrist usually takes the wrist with it." Player: What did you do? DM: (sighs) "Whatever was needed for survival."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan disguises himself as Viskorad, one of the cultists they killed, and goes ahead of the group with Simon 3. While the others stealth along behind him, he approaches the figures in the archways ahead. DM: The shambling skeletons to the left of you, you can hear the scraping and clacking sound as their bones rattle and shift across the stone floor, pieces of rock being pushed as their feet drag across the stone dwarven walkways. The two torch-bearing, cloaked figures you can see approaching, and they're talking amongst themselves. One of them is currently holding some sort of a holy symbol in their hand, and they're starting to glow a bit. They're glaring forward. The armored figure with the arms crossed puts a hand out like this. They both look over and stop and hold in place. The armored figure steps forward. You can hear the armored footfalls across the stone. The rot behemoth, which you now see emerging behind. Rot behemoth, the entities you saw patrolling Thar Amphala and two of them stormed into Sprigg's house, begins to follow behind him. Player: So far it's going great, guys. DM: Every minute or two, you have the vibrating footfall of the titan, and a few of the rocks fall and tumble from the ceiling, and a bit of dust begins to get knocked free from the high-up ceiling of the cavern. The armored figure approaches, gets within about 15 feet of you and stops. You see no face. This is Magneto-style; there's space for the eyes and the mouth, but it's too shadowed for you to make any features out. It's this dark void. You can see the hooked, spiked shoulders and the horns built to come out of the sides of the helmet. Arms still crossed before. "What did you say?" Player: We were tunneling with the orb, and we found something. An ancient, dwarven artifact. It bends reality. It changed things. It changed my voice! It changed my whole world for a moment. It's still down there. Odell needs help! DM: There's a pregnant pause, a stillness that causes the back of your neck to grow warm. The nerves begin to creep up the back of your spine. Instinctually, your eyes begin to glance at the two other archways as you see shapes shifting. The armored figure gives a subtle chuckle, "Very well. Lead us to this find." Player: I have been injured. Take the orb, go down to where we were, down that way. I will go get help for myself. Odell needs you to help him contain the power. DM: The head retracts slightly, confused and a bit worried. He takes one step onto the back foot, almost like it's not sure if it should be close to you or not. It raises its hand back towards the two other torch-bearing, cloaked figures and goes, "Vislal, take the orb." One of the hooded figures steps forward and takes a moment and concentrates. The orb jolts towards him immediately and he yelps. He's going to try again. Okay. With a second try, you can see the sweat on his brow as he begins to step backward, like, "I'm not really good with this." Are you relinquishing your control over it? Player: Yes. DM: So then he focuses for a moment, and the orb-- you can feel the slight bit of will that you had imposed over it has pulled back. The orb begins to push forward slowly in his direction of choice. You can see a smile come across his hairless, older face. He nudges the other figure, which you can see is a female half-orc who looks heavily scarred across the chin and the side of the neck, and they're both missing the corresponding eye. They both begin to move forward and slowly push the orb past you. The vibration you hear getting louder in your guys' direction as the armored figure begins to follow suit behind. The rot behemoth begins to follow, and the armored knight goes, "Keep watch." The skeletons begin to move backward with the rot behemoth. Now you have the heavy footfalls of the large, looming rot behemoth in the center walkway and a handful of skeletons for that approach, blockading that, as the knight, with the two other hooded figures, begin to make their way towards the entrance where you guys rose up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find five sea spawn guarding the tower, which appears to be a temple, and Caleb, Caduceus, and Fjord all surprise attack the first one simultaneously, killing it. The sea spawn are fairly easy to kill, even though the party has terrible attack rolls and takes some damage, and eventually Nott crossbows two of them, you takes out another, and Caleb and Jester finish off the last. DM: 12 points of damage. Its jaw snaps out of place. It looks like it's trying to bite towards you, but its jaw is limply unable to close. Player: It's still going? DM: It's still going. Player: Flurry of Blows. DM: Ki point. Two more hits. Player: Ki point. Two more hits. First one hits, barely, but hits with a 13. DM: All right, roll your-- Player: Mm-hmm! 11 damage. DM: 11 damage? You crack again. The jaw actually tears off, and blood's filling. Its eyes are going wide. It's barely holding on. Player: No, sorry, six plus four. Ten. DM: Okay, so ten damage, gotcha. All right, that's all right. And your final attack? Player: I was looking at my wrong thing. Hits, and one more time. Please, die. Six. DM: Okay. With the last hit as its jaw snapped apart, you grab its head and ram it into your knee, and as you pull the leg back, the face is collapsed inward and it goes limp.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They catch the attention of some Carvers and pretend to be sightseeing. The guards become scared of Trinket so you sends him mopishly back to the tavern. DM: "Oh, they have friends everywhere, but I personally don't like them. They run business pretty dark. They work most of their employees to the ground. To the bone." Player: Oh no! DM: "I don't think that's how you run a business. Well, that's how you run a business for profit, but not for--" Player: Wow. It sounds like they would run the mithral mine which we've heard is so hard on its employees. DM: "Aye, that's the one." Player: Oh, really? DM: "Yeah. I don't know, I don't go that far south, doesn't interest me."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then casts Sanctuary on Keyleth. Percy heads back to the group and fires at the bone devil, pushing it back and away from the prone druid. DM: Echoing through the hall. Everyone who is ever searching for anything knows exactly where to go now. Player: Yeah, fuck it. It's worth it, though. 13 points of damage and five psychic. DM: Okay. Still standing, but looking rough. Player: And another shot, same thing, with advantage. That's fine. 24? DM: 24. Yep. Player: Thank god they're easy to hit. That's 16 points of damage and four psychic. DM: The third spine devil's upper torso is disintegrated by the blast. Its wings flick off to its sides, spattering part of the bone devil. Player: I'm going to spend my last Grit. Last Grit is a shot to the spine devil. DM: That was already three attacks. That was three more attacks. Player: That was one, two-- DM: Yeah, you killed the second one, and then shot twice to kill a third one. So you're out of attacks. Player: I'm done. Reload, and that's the end of my turn. DM: All righty. At this point, you guys can hear distant yelling getting louder and louder down the hallway where you came from. You hear the voices echoing and swarming, and people are starting to get closer, knowing where you are. Tova, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade Nott to join them in swimming down, and you casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. Nott, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, Nott forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by you, Caduceus, and Nugget. DM: You suffer-- oh wow. That is 12 points of bludgeoning damage. You get slammed in the lower back, the hip area, and almost spin from the blow of it, but continue to stumble forward over to the position you wanted to be. Player: So, I stumble forward, and I'm reaching into my pockets, and I pull out the iron powder, and I throw it into the air again, and I go (whoof) with my hands, and Beauregard enlarges within the grasp of this... thing. DM: All right. Still restrained. Player: Yeah, but with advantage on strength checks now. DM: Correct. Player: And I will go as far into that corner, hiding between Fjord and the corner, if I'm able to. DM: All right. So, that is about as far as you can get right there because Fjord is currently in the far corner. And I'm marking you with concentration just so I can keep tabs on that. All right, so that ends Caleb's go. Nott, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore. DM: "Oh! You're friends with that one? She was real nice. That bear was adorable. Happy to help with that one." Player: His name is Trinket. DM: "Oh, is that what it was?" Player: I'm surprised she didn't tell you. It's an adorable name. DM: "Probably had. It's just been a while." Player: This is Lockheed. DM: "Oh, you're so cute, Lockheed." You guys talk for a little bit and eventually make your way back.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The lights shift and the beautiful Ruby of the Sea descends the staircase and begins gently singing, entrancing the audience with her enchanting voice. DM: That includes the people who are standing because the tables have either been taken. Some of the tables here are set in reserve for people that are only two folks that sit there and no one else is allowed to take the table and it is enforced. They come with their own Zolezzo bodyguards. Player: Are they there? The two people? DM: Yeah, there is a couple that is currently situated on one of the central tables. Player: What do they look like? DM: The first one you see is a human woman, probably in her early twenties or so, very vibrant blonde hair that is pulled back and left into these curls that spiral down off the shoulders. Wearing a low-shoulder dress that's made of a very fine-- you can't really make out the material, but it has a sheen to it. Beautiful jewelry. Across the way, you can see a much older man. Receding hairline a bit, deep grayish turning white hair, very deep set crows feet in the sides of his face where his eyes are almost not visible. The eyelids themselves seem to be almost drooping and the wrinkles beneath are encroaching upon what little of the eyes you can see. Probably in his seventies or so, very well dressed, with a coat and tails. Both their attire seems to be more Dwendalian than Menagerie Coast. At least in the styles that they are wearing, though they do have two Zolezzo that are hired and keeping a watch at the table. Player: Jester. You recognize those stuffy pants people? DM: You do not.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb asks you if she's angry he used magic to influence her. you says she didn't mind and it was helpful, but he should warn her before if he's going to do it again. DM: Keeping an eye out, you begin to watch as multiple ships begin to cruise out from Nicodranas. At first you begin to get nervous, but watching them, you can see it's the early morning. Right as dawn hits, a lot of these fisherman ships start going out and finding sections where lots of schools tend to come to feed. Beyond that, you don't see any encroaching danger. Player: Are there any distinct flags or colors hanging from our rigging? DM: You have sails. There is a flag that sits at the top of the main mast, but it is currently tied up. Player: Okay. Can I skitter up there and see what it is if it were to unfurl? DM: It's big, so you'd have to unfurl to see it. Player: Can I pull it down? Is there a thing? DM: Yeah, you can bring it down. You bring the flag down and open it up, and it's a light gray flag that looks almost like a curled wave. It looks like a wave of water that curls away. That's the best you can ascertain as to what the design means.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Edit(( 20:16 - 33:14 not completed)) Yennen gathers the townsfolk in the center of Whitestone around the Sun Tree. A full celebration breaks out as the citizens of Whitestone are finally, for the first time in a long time, allowed to be truly happy. DM: The men look about themselves and Yennen, "Not entirely certain. However, she has been known to carry a quiver or two, and this one here wields a blade as long as his body." Player: The Briarwoods are broken and gone. You can die today, or you can take your licks and help rebuild this city. No one is here to protect you or save you. You can work hard, start again. DM: Make a persuasion check. With advantage, based on their current circumstance. Player: Intimidation, you said, or persuasion? DM: Whichever you'd prefer. Player: It's average, it's 13. DM: 13? Okay. You can see the goliath, Vedmeyer, lowers his head. "I accept. Jazna?" She looks over. "It seems you lack what has kept me alive all these years: a spine. Kill me. I'd rather not stay at your beck and call."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She comes back to consciousness. Vex releases Trinket from the necklace. DM: Yeah. You have these three little spine devils that are like flying imps covered in spines that are relatively small, and you have one big bone devil-- that was the one that just almost killed Keyleth. Player: I'll throw acid at one, I guess. DM: At which one? Player: The one who looks the meanest. DM: That's the bone devil. All right. Dex save. That is a 14. What's your DC? Player: 17. DM: So yeah. Go ahead and roll damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the way back to the castle, Vax checks in on Hilda through a window. He sees her sitting alone in her hovel, doing nothing suspicious. DM: Ha okay. You guys go ahead and make your way towards Yennen's small temple in town. It's past the evening sun, so you see Yennen's one younger boy who helps him keep the establishment. He's in the process of sweeping some of the fallen leaves and various dust that has found its way into the half-open dome place of worship. As you approach he says, "Hi." Player: Can I ask you a question, Keeper? DM: "Oh are you looking for Yennen?" Player: Oh shit, yeah, sorry. DM: This is the younger boy. Player: Keeper-in-training, is Keeper Yennen here? DM: "Let me get him." Puts the broom away. Leaves for a second. The door opens to the side, and you see Yennen come out, half awake. Looks like he's in his evening attire, sleeping attire.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you finds Jarett who is eating to talk about their drug deal. Jarett is concerned about him wanting to pick up a bad habit and suggests he tries to stick with getting laid, to get himself back in the game. DM: "Then something else that reminds you of her. Something that you can look at in that moment when you're not so sure." Player: How did you get so wise, Jarett? DM: "Drink a lot, listen to people talk. There are none wiser than barkeeps, my friend, and I have been friends with many a barkeep." Player: These are all good suggestions. But I'm a man of instinct, and my instincts said I need to supplement my body with some extra liquid courage. So if you can please continue to look for me. DM: "I will continue searching and providing what you require." Player: I've heard that it can help people in moments of panic and stress. DM: "And I've watched it ruin lives near K'Tawl Swamp!" Player: I can handle a lot of things. DM: "You are a strange gnome." Player: Takes one to know one? DM: "Does not work in this circumstance but I applaud your attempt. It was good. I'll do what I can. But don't forget you have more than one reason to stick around." Player: I know. That's what worries me. I'll think about what you said. Maybe I'll go have a toss, see if that helps, too. DM: "Here, tell you what. Come here." Player: Yes? DM: And he suckerpunches you in the face. You unexpectedly fall back. You feel the pulsing of the blood run to your cheek. Your eyesight goes white for a second. He goes, "See, now you have to live to return the favor."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus tells him they may have that delivery, and Orly offers that Marius often hangs around the docks at night. Fjord wanders over to another customer in the bar and asks about the mysterious tower, but she doesn't know anything. DM: "I think when we round up with a full crew and supplies gathered up. Probably want to take some time to relax here in town for another week or so and then we'll head off. It's probably going to be a good six, seven months' journey before we come back. But if you and your accountant friend are looking to come, we got room for two more." Player: Two only? Do you have room for-- well, it's just six right now. DM: "If you want to pay passage." Player: This is certainly possible. You are heading back to Marquet, you say? DM: "Yeah, direct. Couple stops along the coast, but--" Player: We'll keep it in mind. DM: "Very well."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He heads to the Temple of Sarenrae and gets two vials of Holy Oil, one for Vex and one for himself. He finds Father Tristan and asks him for a symbol of Sarenrae. DM: And he steps away, goes back, disappears for a minute, comes back and he's holding in a chain around his neck-- It's seen some years of use, but still clean and very well kept, an identical holy symbol of Sarenrae as the one that Pike keeps around her neck. He hands it over and puts it over your head. "May she keep you safe and bring your soul to redemption." Player: It reminds me of my friend. DM: "As it should." Pats you on the cheek. "As it should." Player: All right, so chore number two down. I would like to go to Uriel's temple and ask the guards if anyone has seen my belt, Simon. DM: You are stopped at the edge of the Cloudtop District. The guards see you as you approach and block the doorway and say, "We're sorry, but Vox Machina has been given no passage into the Cloudtop District at this time." Player: I understand. I don't mean to go in. I understand that we caused a lot of trouble, and I am very sorry, and I don't mean to be any further trouble. There is a belt that I left inside. DM: "That's certainly unfortunate, isn't it?" Player: Have you seen a snake called Simon? Or any snake? DM: Both the guards look at each other and laugh for a second. "Piss off."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Nott use WC and the horse from Alfield, which are pulling the cart. you rests in the back while Nott drives the wagon. DM: You guys you have rested for the evening. you continue back onto the path and continue forward. Who's keeping watch on this next journey? Perception check for me, please. Player: It's a 12. DM: You glance off the side of the western edge of the Amber Road and see a neglected gravesite, maybe 300 feet off the road's path. It's overgrown in the fields. At a quick glance, you can gather maybe close to 200 various stones that are grave markers in various states of disrepair and erosion over time. As you ride past and see in the distance, it looks to be an older landmark, that's been left to be reclaimed by nature. Player: At our closest, where do we get to it before passing it? DM: You'd probably get about 80 or 90 feet from it. Player: Is everybody sleeping? DM: No, everyone's up in the cart, or riding. Player: Okay. DM: You guys continue on past, up the road. Are you still keeping watch on this?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent is curious about you, who admits she is from Xhorhas and has been in the Empire only about eight months. During their conversation, she fails a wisdom save, but with no obvious consequence. DM: They both have a knowing look at each other and look back to you. Trent casts forward and says, "We have been studying for quite some time as is the nature of protecting our people here, yes, but there are still many mysteries beyond the boundaries. Why? Is there something you know that we don't?" Player: Just if you're fighting-- I just wanted to know if you were fighting the Kryn. DM: "Very much so. They have killed many of our people. The skies to the east darken, and we want to keep that darkness from spreading. We wish the sun to continue to rise on this empire, and currently it does not over the Ashkeeper Peaks." Player: I wish you the best of luck. DM: "Thank you. If you're ever near Rexxentrum, find me. I would like to continue this conversation." Player: Okay. DM: Oremid Hass speaks up and goes, "All right. Well, anyway, a wonderful night to you all. Rest well. Congratulations and well fought."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It unleashes its electricity upon Grog and Keyleth. Grog manages to dodge most of the damage and reduce it further with Stone's Endurance, but Keyleth takes the hit head on and reverts back to her normal form, slightly singed. DM: A 14 does not hit, unfortunately. The first arrow just ricochets and shatters across the part of its body. Player: Great. Good times, good times. 16. Both miss. Fucking A. What a waste. DM: Both arrows just explode across its hide. It's too thick. Player: This dice is out for the rest of the game. I'm gonna run. Is there an outcropping where we are? I can't see. DM: Right here, a little bit. If you pull fully in on this side from where it-- Player: I'm going to pull fully in on that side. DM: Okay. Don't forget your laser pointers, by the way, guys. It's good for letting me know exactly where you want to go. Player: I can't see. DM: I know. Just so you know. And Trinket's going to stay there? Player: He's gonna rest. And he's going to keep protecting Scanlan, because-- DM: All right. Trinket's gonna stay right there, guarding the giant gnome.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so. DM: That ends his turn now, you're up, Grog. You're both now standing face-to-face again, you're reeling from the kick to the breadbasket. Player: You hit me with the knuckle you fucking licked. So I'd like to jump forward and throw my knee forward and at the last minute pull it back and throw my fist in a Superman punch. DM: All right, go ahead and roll. Player: Yes, fuck you, 19. DM: 19 just barely hits. Player: And I'll follow it over with a left-right. (boom, boom) DM: Go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, you, and Pike convince him not to eat it, though, on the chance that the fruits are actually souls. Over the next few hours, the party make their way to a clearing containing the immense citadel of the Dawnfather, lit by a giant beacon of sunlight. DM: You see one tree that looks definitely the most amiable of the ones in the field and you approach it. Player: Amiable? DM: Amicable. Pick your term. Player: Amicable, amiable. All right, I'll talk to a tree. That's what I'm going to do. DM: As you finish your spell and reach out, your finger touching the warm exterior of the tree. The light's still a little blinding, but you've adjusted to it now, where you can make out shapes and color, as opposed to the blaring white. What do you say? Player: Hey, Sun Tree bro. Are you a Sun Tree bro? Are you a Sun Tree brother? What's your name? DM: "I'm a tree of the sun. And I'm not your bro." Player: No, I didn't know if you knew the Sun Tree that grew in Whitestone on the Prime Material Plane. I didn't know if you knew him. DM: "So because I'm a tree of the sun, you assume that I know all other trees of the sun. Is that what this is? It's one of those things? We all look alike, don't we? Just all of us trees of the sun, right?" Player: Can you tell me a little about this plane? How do we talk to Pelor? How do we see him? DM: "I recommend probably going towards the giant golden fortress that is right behind you. It's probably a good place to look, where all the light's coming from." Player: Okay. Yeah. Wow. I have a friend who wants to know about the fruit. He's wondering if the fruit is souls? If he can eat the fruit. DM: "The fruit is not souls! It's fruit."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you. DM: You do not find any other traps. There's no other issues that worry you upon this climb. You do eventually come to the top of the third switchback stairway and it leads you into a slight curved cavern. The stairs stop and it leads into a continuation of the dwarf-like hallway structure that you had below, but it is curving around now, in sections. I would say, as opposed to a gradual curve, the design in the structure here has a very rigid, geometric shape, so the curvature is in sections. Player: Yeah, I appreciate it as I go, and I look for traps. DM: All right, go for it. Player: Love it. That's an 18. DM: Okay. Coming around the edge no traps, no plates. Nothing catches your attention. However, this tunnel comes to an end, and it opens up into a larger crevasse than the one that you previously saw that held a number of city buildings of the remains of Thomara. It looks to be about 100 to 120 feet tall, you assume, from the bits of the stalactites that you can see, barely reaching the edge of your visual range. Very faint bit of light here, bioluminescent fungus in a dull orangish color that dots the edges of this interior chamber. Player: And is it like where I killed that motherfucker? They were built into the cliff face, right? DM: Yes. This one is larger than the one you were in before, and you can see just beyond your visual range, a number of these buildings, partially crumbled in some places, some still standing obstinately against the ever-shifting interior of the titan's form, the chamber curling upward as the ceiling crawls higher and higher just beyond your visual range, and you can faintly see the images of dozens of thin bridges that weave over themselves across different levels, up into the higher portion. Player: I want to confirm an intuition and use my last Divine Sense and feel undead. DM: Okay, what's the range on that one? Player: 60 feet. DM: 60 feet? You do not sense any undead within the 60-foot range.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire. DM: So. As the flame begins to trickle and burn over the edge, you can see there is an intelligence to it. There are a couple of arms that writhe over the side and the head pops over and glances, and stops in place, frozen, staring over in the direction of the bounding dragonborn. Player: It's a fire elemental? DM: It's smaller than what you're used to seeing, but it is indeed a creature made of elemental flame. Player: Would he be considered a primordial? DM: It would be considered an elemental. Player: Okay. I'm going to go fire elemental. DM: Okay. So you're using your transform--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax yells, Your turn Grog, as he yanks open the door. The duergar backs up and the room's interior is revealed — a torture chamber, including a rack which is occupied. DM: You've got to move through people. The area is congested. Small spaces, man. Downside of a big party. Player: Okay. 22. DM: 22. You manage to move through, push the bear out of the way. Move, Trinket. Get out the way! Player: (muttering) Bear! DM: You manage to make your way, squeeze past Percy. Player: The bear surprisingly smells really nice. DM: All right, Tiberius, what do you want to do now? Player: I'm going to follow suit as I see what Vax is doing. I'm going to cast Hold Person on the dwarf. DM: You don't have visual on the dwarf currently, the dwarf is back-- Player: What? That's absurd! DM: As you run through the hallway - which you don't know there's a dwarf there - you rush out to the hallway after hearing all this commotion. You look in and there's an open door into a room that's currently vacant. You don't have enough movement to get close enough, unfortunately.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute. DM: That adds plus five to your AC, so it's 19 on this attack. That's still a 21 to hit though, so it still hits you. 13 plus eight, sorry. Player: Well bring it on, here we go. DM: As this chunk of the pillar goes flying across the arena towards you, it hits the top of the wall, which breaks, and a good foot and a half section of it, shatters as it slams into your chest. Player: What did it do, it did to 19? I can do a reaction, can't I? DM: You can. Player: I cast Shield. DM: All right! There you go. As you see it slam into the wall above you and go swinging, you throw up the shield and all of a sudden there's a spark of arcane energy as it gets deflected inches off of the top of Caleb's head before slamming into the side of the actual tournament arena, hitting the stone, causing it to crack, and people in the front area (gasp).
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of you and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: So close. You're on the cusp of your week end, too. You guys make your way-- hoping that the music now is fixed. We shall see. It's a cable issue, not an iPad issue, it looks like. As you guys push on, you eventually see a cluster of small glowing lights in the distance, Vex. Garmelie immediately goes, "I'm going to hide now," and he goes invisible. Player: Garmelie, won't they see you? DM: "That's possible. Should I just stay back?" Player: You should probably just hold onto Grog. If he runs in, just trail behind him. DM: "Okay," and you feel the little hand grab the back of your belt again, a similar situation. You hear (groans). You guys now see what appears to be a thicket in the center of this portion of the forest. Maybe 20 or so natural-looking homes forming a small glowing community, almost like they were grown out of the ground of the local trees. The bark itself protrudes from the side of a tree and creates a dome-like abode that has carved little windows in it and a glowing interior. It's a very pretty fairy community out there, right in there in the center. All of the fey lights in the forest are slowly drifting in towards the center of this community. At a hundred-foot distance, you can just make out the faintest details. Player: They're teeny, though? It's teeny little houses? DM: Yes.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Gilmore tells him that he needs to stay alive and keep fighting because Vox Machina needs to keep promoting him. They say their goodbyes and Shaun makes him promise he will see him next time. DM: "He better be. Don't worry about it. Go. Kill a dragon. Another. Kill two more. Kill six more, I don't care! Just know that you're coming back, because I need you and your friends to keep pimping out my name." Player: Sure. Whoever gets you will be a very lucky man. DM: "I know. I know." Player: Love you. DM: "I know. You sure you don't want any tea?" Player: I'm really nauseous right now. I almost didn't come here. DM: "I'm glad you did." He takes your cup. "Waste not, want not. (sips) Now go! Stop being uncomfortable in front of me! I need to get my morning--" Player: Yeah. Yes. DM: "--situated." Player: Goodbye. DM: He stands there. Waves his hand and the door opens on its own. Player: I leave. DM: He takes you by the shoulder real fast before you leave, and turns around and goes, "'Till next time. Say it." Player: 'Till next time. DM: "All right. Go." And you feel a little pat on your backside, on the way out. He sits there holding his tea, watching you leave. Door slams behind you. You make your way back. Player: I'm sorry I made you do that in that skullcap, Matt. DM: Look, I don't have to look at this. I'm fine! From my perspective, this is easy.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau tries to reassure him that she is a capable adult goblin woman. Beau and Caleb look for you while you follows the woman. DM: As you're walking and you're concentrating, you watch as the satchel itself lifts and tugs and just tugs. Her head spins around and looks behind her, looks back. Player: I press up against the wall. DM: Glances around confused, eyes one of the small pauper children that's off to the side, begging on the side of the road-- Player: It was that one. DM: Scoffs and holds her chin up and then continues walking with a brisker pace. Player: I follow at a brisker pace. DM: Make another stealth check, please.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them. DM: This isn't the one in the fully dark armor. This is the one that has armor under a cloak. It looks like an older man's face. Has this staff at the side and a mace hanging from the belt and is currently casting spells from the ceiling right now. Player: Goddamn it. I wanted to throw some electricity on it and I blanked because my brain is made of Swiss cheese. Is it too late? DM: I'll let you throw it on. Player: I'm going to add-- on that last shot, I'm going to add 5d6 worth of electricity damage. DM: Go for it. Player: (counting) 16 points of lightning damage. DM: 16 points of lightning damage. Player: That's five Cabal's. (blast) Five Cabal's. DM: All righty. That ends your turn, Percival? Player: Yeah. DM: Scanlan, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy admits to Vex that he may have panicked and hinted that they had eloped together. As Scanlan realizes that they are not just betrothed but, in fact, married, Percy casts a Cone of Silence to prevent him from shouting this to everyone else. DM: The Ioun stone actually is giving a faint glow similar to the glow that you see emanating from Sprigg's torso. Player: Is it glowing any more than-- DM: Make a perception check. Player: Oh, okay. That's an eight. Maybe 11, I don't know. Do I add Jack of All Trades? DM: You do, yeah. If you're not-- Player: I really want to know. I will inspire myself, and I'll add a d12. That makes it 16. DM: Okay. You start getting the sense, the further you walk, both your stone and Sprigg are beginning to emanate a slightly stronger glow, and so you guys begin to realize that this could be used as a path to something. You're not quite sure. Player: Let's keep going. DM: Okay. So everyone's going behind.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. Vax discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't. DM: Wait, no. That is a 17. Sorry, I misdid the math. So it does go through him. So as you finish the Hold Person, he (groans) locks up into place, tense, his eyes darting around with an angry fury. Anything else you want to do? Player: I will, with my bonus, can I talk to him? DM: Yeah. Player: I will say hey man! Just give up already. Come on! Come on! That's my intimidation. DM: Make an intimidation check. Player: 21. DM: 21. He seems visibly shaken by the presence of the two of you and the fact that he can't move right now. That's the best I can give you at the moment.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He requests that they kill Utugash, the devil that Ipkesh works for. If Utugash is taking out, Ipkesh and his friends could rise up in the devil hierarchy. DM: "What I'm trying to say is, it behooves you to make this contract. So. What you seek is the Mentiri. The Mentiri is the prison beneath the city. I can tell you more, I can get you there. I can probably even find out who there knows of or is involved with this rakshasa. And this favor I ask will lead you to this path." He leans forward after taking a big sip of his wine, finishing the last of it, setting it aside with a heavy (poof) on the table. "I work for Utugash, one of the prominent owners and taskmasters involved in moving souls and soul goods throughout this area of Dis. He is slovenly, he is lazy, he is powerful, and he needs to fall." Player: Is he a pit fiend? DM: "At one time, maybe. At this time, his laziness has left him a useless sack of demon shit, and I have bent under his fist and brow for far too long. I have friends now in other places, and if his business were to crumble, that void left behind could elevate me and my compatriots." Player: Of course. DM: "Now, I have friends in this prison, and the offense of travelers tearing down someone of prominence, and yourselves being still within your very mortal coils, why that's what this prison is designed for; for those that break the laws of the land but haven't yet passed. To be ripened. To be kept, until they do, once the corruption has set them for the rest of our factory. So, you slay this creature, I can see that you are safely arrested and placed with allies on the inside that could move you around and bring you fairly close to this rakshasa you seek. That is my offer." Player: This is a fair offer. I will quietly, without naming names of any kind, confer with my compatriots and we will give you a yes or no, without naming names of any kind. DM: "Very well." Player: Before we leave, and just as a personal favor. I've been touched by a demon before, by a creature. Does it show here? Can you see? DM: He gives you a strong look. Player: I'm going to pull Hex up on myself. DM: At which point, you see his expression change, and he rears back and goes, "It doesn't show, but the blood ward leaves its scar on many who exist here. Your essence is not of the Abyss, I would not worry. But do be careful in flashing such power." Player: I'm thankful. My last question this taskmaster of yours, the name you gave me, is it his true name? DM: "No. True names, now that is an expensive trade." Player: One would hope. Would have made our job much easier. DM: "And mine long ago." Player: Fair. We will meditate upon it. DM: "I will say beware the Whisperers, the golden-armored fliers, the watchers of the archdevil himself. His paranoia seeks to know everything that goes on, and should such treachery that we talk of be revealed, well, that would a very unfitting end to me, my compatriots, and every one of your friends."
[ "DM", "Player" ]