Number must be used again.
Inventory Number Assignment: Only one Inventory Number may be assigned to a
crossing even if the individual tracks belong to more than one Railroad Company or
track owner.
Crossing on Multi-lane Roads: A crossing on a multi-lane roadway shall be reported
as a single crossing and there shall only be one Inventory Number assigned even if a
railroad track moves diagonally across a highway-highway intersection.
Crossings on Private Company or Railroad Property: Where there is more than one
crossing in a railroad yard or an area belonging to a private company, a port, or a dock,
one Inventory Number may be assigned to include all crossings within the private
property limits. In addition, one Inventory Number may be used for multiple pathway
crossings contained within a railway station. When one Inventory Number has been
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
assigned to multiple crossings, the primary operating railroad may determine the best
method for selecting latitude and longitude coordinates for the purpose of submitting
data to the Crossing Inventory. However, when more than one railroad owns track that
leads into a private company, port, or dock area, each railroad will be considered to be
a primary operating railroad and must assign its own Inventory Number to the
crossing(s) within the private company.
If the railroad would like to extract one or more crossings that have been grouped
together under the same Inventory Number, the railroad may request a new Inventory
Number for each extracted crossing. However, the original Inventory Number must
continue to be assigned to at least one of the crossings that were previously grouped
together. In order to maintain a link between the new Inventory Number and the original
Inventory Number, the primary operating railroad must also include a note in the
“Narrative (Railroad Use)” data field in Part I of the Inventory Form that references the
original Inventory Number for each crossing that has been assigned a new Inventory
Diagonal Crossing through a Highway-Highway Intersection: When the railroad
tracks run diagonally through a highway-highway intersection, thus bisecting the two
roadways, only one Crossing Inventory Number is to be assigned and the names of
both roadways are to be identified in the Street/Road Name data field.
Highway Bridge Grade-Separated Crossings: When roadways have highway bridge
structures that are grade-separated crossings (usually two separate bridges each used
for highway traffic in opposite directions), assign one number to each structure if the
bridge structures are separated by 100 feet or more. If the bridge structures are less
than 100 feet apart, one or two numbers may be assigned in accordance with State
policy. Assign only one Crossing Inventory Number for bridge structures that are
connected or considered to be one structure for both directions of highway traffic.
Conversion of an At-Grade Crossing to a Grade-Separated Crossing: When an atgrade crossing is replaced with a grade separation, the at-grade crossing shall be
closed and a new crossing inventory number assigned to the grade separation. In the
Narrative, it is advisable to indicate something like “replaces at-grade crossing with DOT
Number ######X.”
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
2. Part I – Location and Classification Information
Figure 2-6: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part I, Location and Classification Information
1. Primary Operating Railroad
Figure 2-7: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part I, Item 1
Enter the valid, railroad code (up to four letters) for the “Primary Operating Railroad”
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
The primary operating railroad may or may not own and maintain the roadbed, tracks,
and signal system controlling the crossing. If the primary operating railroad company is
not the owner of the track, enter the owner's name in Item 16, “Crossing Owner.”
However, an operating railroad that contracts out its train operations, such as some
commuter railroads, should identify itself as the primary operating railroad, if the
operating railroad qualifies for primary operating railroad status. The contract railroad
operator should not be identified as the primary operating railroad.
Entities who are not subject to the reporting and updating requirements contained in
Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 234, Subpart F, such as plant railroads
and urban rapid transit operators who do not operate through highway-rail or pathway
crossings located on track shared with general system railroads or crossings located
within a common right-of-way or corridor with a general system railroad, are invited to
submit crossing data to the Crossing Inventory on a voluntary basis. For this limited
purpose, any railroad-related entity that submits crossing data to the Crossing Inventory
should identify itself as the primary operating railroad when submitting crossing data to
the Crossing Inventory.
Where multiple railroads or urban rapid transit operators operate trains on separate
tracks through the same crossing, each railroad or urban rapid transit operator must
submit crossing data to the Crossing Inventory (see Part I, Item 7 below), and each
must place its name in the field titled “Primary Operating Railroad” (this links each
railroad to the data it has submitted).
Note: FRA assigns valid railroad codes. If the valid railroad or company code is not
known, the initiator should contact FRA to obtain the correct code, or to have a new
code assigned for a new railroad or company. In the latter case, the complete railroad
company name, address, telephone number, and a contact person are required. To
contact FRA about railroad or company codes, send an email to:
2. State
Figure 2-8: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part I, Item 2
Enter the two-character U.S. Postal Service (USPS) abbreviation for the State where
the crossing is located.
If the crossing is on a State boundary so that parts of the crossing lie in two or more
States, the agreement must be made between the two States as to which will claim the
crossing for inventory record purposes and that State’s abbreviation must be shown.
When a crossing is located on a State line, it is suggested that the crossing be
inventoried by, and shown as in, the State that is geographically south or east of the
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
crossing. FRA suggests that when a crossing lies on the border of a State that this be
noted in the appropriate comment boxes at the end of Part I, giving the name of the