 AFO – Audio Frequency Overlay
 PTC – Positive Train Control (please refer to 49 CFR § 236.1005 for a
description of Positive Train Control systems)
 Other – for example when signals are activated manually by a watchman, or by
means of other technologies
 None
6. Is Track Signaled?
Figure 2-49: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part II, Item 6
Enter a check in the appropriate box to indicate whether or not the track is equipped
with a block signal, cab signal, or train control system to govern train operations.
7. Monitoring Devices
Figure 2-50: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part II, Items 7.A – 7.B
Enter a check in the appropriate box to indicate whether an event recorder and/or a
remote health monitoring system is installed at the crossing.
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
These fields are required when the warning devices at the crossing include any of the
following: four-quadrant gates, three-quadrant gates, or two-quadrant gates; or
flashing lights.
Event Recorder means a device designed to resist tampering that monitors and
records data on information at the grade crossing location such as (but not limited to)
train speed, direction of motion, time, and distance over the most recent timeframe (e.g.
last 24 or 48 hours) of the grade crossing warning system operation.
Remote Health Monitoring means an electronic system designed to remotely notify
the railroad (typically the railroad signal maintainer or a trouble desk) that components
of the automatic warning system are not functioning as intended.
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
4. Part III – Highway or Pathway Traffic Control Device Information
Figure 2-51: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Highway or Pathway Traffic Control Sign and
Device Information
1. Are there Signs or Signals?
Figure 2-52: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Item 1
Enter a check in the appropriate box to indicate whether signs or signals are installed at
the crossing.
2. Type of Passive Traffic Control Devices Associated With the Crossing
Figure 2-53: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Items 2.A. – 2.D.
2.A. Crossbuck Assemblies
Enter a count of the number of masts or posts with mounted crossbucks, not a count of
the number of crossbuck signs. Two or more crossbucks mounted on a single post are
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
counted as one unit. Include all masts with crossbucks without distinction as to the
reflectivity type.
If the crossing has a train-activated warning device (flashing lights [cantilevered or mast
mounted] and/or gates), do not count the individual number of crossbucks mounted on
these devices.
As a matter of information, FHWA (via the MUTCD) requires that crossbuck assemblies
be installed by December 31, 2019, or when adjustments are made to the individual
highway-rail grade crossing and/or corridor, whichever comes first.
Note: A crossbuck assembly consists
of a crossbuck sign and a “YIELD”
sign, unless study indicates a “STOP”
sign is necessary.
Figure 2-54: Example of a Crossbuck Assembly
2.B. STOP Signs (R1-1)
Enter the count of posts or masts with stop signs, regardless of any other type of
warning devices. If there are two posts securing one sign, count them as one post.
Note: Do not include “STOP” signs from adjacent streets or roadways.
2.C. YIELD Signs (R1-2)
Enter the count of posts or masts with yield signs (MUTCD R1-2) at this crossing
regardless of any other type of warning devices. If there are two posts securing one
sign, count them as one post.
Note: Do not include “YIELD” signs from adjacent streets or roadways.
2.D. Advance Warning Signs (Check all that apply; include count)
Enter a check in the box for each type of advance warning sign at the crossing and
enter a count for each type of sign. For each sign that is checked, it must correspond
with a count value of “1” or greater. If there are no advance warning signs, check
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
Figure 2-55: Sample Advance Warning Sign
2.E. Low Ground Clearance Sign (W10-5)
Figure 2-56: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Item 2.E.
Check the “Yes” box to indicate that low ground clearance signs are present at the
crossing. Then, enter the number of signs present. The standard warning sign for low
ground clearance crossings is identified in the MUTCD as W10-5. Check “No” box if
there are none.
Figure 2-57: Sample Low Ground Clearance Warning Sign
2.F. Pavement Markings
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
Figure 2-58: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Item 2.F.
Enter a check in the appropriate box for each type of pavement marking present that
conforms to the MUTCD. If there are no stop lines, railroad crossing symbols, or
dynamic envelope marking present, check “None.”
2.G. Channelization Devices/Medians
Figure 2-59: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Part III, Item 2.G.
Check the appropriate box(s) to reflect the location of a channelization or median
structure present at the crossing, or check “None” if there are no such devices. If
channelization devices are present at the crossing select either “All Approaches” or
“One Approach” and leave “Median” blank. If a median is present at the crossing, also
select either “All approaches” or “One approach” and select the “Median” box.
“Channelization Devices” mean a traffic separation system made up of a raised