class label
5 classes
Premier Lenin is angry "The proletarian revolution and the renegade Kautsky" (the usual English title) is a work by V.I. Lenin, originally published in late 1918.The renegade pounced and trounced by Lenin was the leading German Social Democrat Karl Kautsky, once assumed to be a fairly orthodox Marxist. During World War I, he left the pro-war Social Democratic Party and helped to found the more radical USPD. However, he strongly objected to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, wrote several books against it, and eventually re-joined the Social Democrats. This got Lenin reeling, so in 1918 the Soviet Russian premier penned his famous pamphlet in which he accused Kautsky of having finally abandoned Marxism in favour of bourgeois liberalism. Of course, Kautsky had it coming - this was not the first time the Bolshevik leader had attacked him in writing. For instance, Lenin believed that Kautsky's opposition to the war was too soft.As most other polemical works by N. Lenin, "The proletarian revolution and the renegade Kautsky" is filled with all the usual invectives and insults. The worst is probably the accusation that Kautsky is more idiotic than Eduard Bernstein (the arch-renegade from Marxism). On the more theoretical side, Lenin has little problem proving that his German opponent have indeed strayed from revolutionary Marxism and hence become a "renegade".The main problem with Lenin's book is, of course, that he's lying through his teeth when describing the "proletarian democracy" in Soviet Russia, the "broad popular support" enjoyed by the Bolsheviks, etc. With a straight face, Lenin points out that 97% of the delegates at the sixth All-Russian Congress of Soviets in November 1918 were Bolsheviks. Well, of course, since most non-Bolshevik parties had been banned from the soviets by that time!The book must have been written in a haste (the Soviet premier had other things to do, I imagine) and ends rather abruptly, since the author believed that the revolutionary risings in Germany were more than enough to disprove the Menshevik-liberal chatter of his opponent. For some reason, the work was nevertheless published and translated into many foreign languages, and remains one of Lenin's more well-known works, at least among Communists.Not recommended.
12 stars
Not for people who can't keep their shirts on This DVD has several hours of footage both old and new. The two play all buttons for "Who then now" and "Deuce" are found by clicking on the tricycle or the bag on the table. You just use the arrow buttons on your remote to get there.Once you venture into the Asylum YOU ARE ENTERING AT YOU OWN RISK!!! The Asylum is something of a game.. with patience you will be rewarded with extra bits of footage, music and bio info. The added value material is awesome considering that you allready get several hours of documentary footage and music videos that are conviently displayed in chapters or whole playall runs.Truly a disk to own and play with, not for couch potatos or the faint of heart.
45 stars
An Unexpected Pleasant Surprise! When Amazon sent me an e-mail recommending this CD, I was at first very skeptical. I've never been a Peter Frampton fan. I always thought he was a competent guitarist, but his music never grabbed me enough to buy his stuff.As I scanned over the list of guest musicians who featured on "Fingerprints", I became even less interested - until I saw Warren Haynes' name and I thought,'Well, maybe I'll at least listen to the clips'. I was so impressed, I immediately ordered the CD - and haven't stopped playing it since!!Peter Frampton has really excelled himself here. His playing is superb and the variety of music just about spans the gamut of genres imaginable. For most of the part, Peter collaborated with his guests in writing the tunes and the whole concept works very well, considering the diverse background of players (Hank Marvin, Warren Haynes, Courtney Pine, Mike McCready, John Jorgenson ....etc.).The tunes are tight, melodic and well arranged. No meaningless noodling or shredding, every note makes sense. For me, this was the Best Buy Of The Year. I recommended this record to several guitar-player friends and most of them went out and bought it. Like me, they were impressed. If you like good guitar music with loads of variety, you'll love this one!!
45 stars
A masterpiece This novel by James Cooper turned out surprisingly well. There are only two downfalls to this novel. The first is that I watched the movie. I kept expecting what happened in the movie to happen in the novel. I have to tell you, the book is much different from the movie, and the book is better. The only other negative is that I was raised and taught English in the 1990's and had some difficulty reading Cooper's style of writing. However, the imagery and detail Cooper uses far out weigh the difficulties in understanding his style. Being written in English, I could understand everything he wrote, it just took me longer to read.As I alluded to, Cooper did a tremendous job of painting a picture in mind. I want to visit the Northeastern United States after reading about its beauty. I immediately noticed the attention he paid to detail compared to more modern authors I have read. Additionally, I feel Cooper portrayed Native Americans in positive light uncommon to his era. Rather than berating Native Americans in ignorance, he explained there ways of thinking and ceremonies. More importantly, he showed that every race has common values. Foremost of these is love. The love shared by the chief for his son, the white scout with his Indian friend, the Indian for Cora, all demonstrate that love can touch everyone. The last pages of this novel had more emotion than any I can recall.I enjoyed reading this novel, and encourage all those who liked the movie or are looking for a good novel to read The Last of the Mohicans.
34 stars
War on the Middle Class This book is excellent and a must read for anyone who is going to vote in the 2008 elections. Lou Dobbs provides the reader with ample information on the current state of our nation. His views on the status of the middle class give us a lot to ponder as we look towards our nation's future.Nick Simzak
45 stars
I still prefer the book This is indeed a beautiful film, with scenic locations and a brilliant cast. I actually did like the movie a lot (though I was often surprised by their choice of actors). However, I'm left with a small dilemma. Having read the book, I find the ending and character deleting disappointing--I believe that an important commentary on love is over looked because Blanca was chosen to be the narrator and story ender, not Alba (those who have read the book should refer to Alba's lover, his sister, and her relation to Alba's uncles). However, I don't believe this would be an easy film to watch without already knowing the storyline and characters.As mostly happens with movies made from books, I believe the book is better. However, given how difficult it is to make a movie from a magic realist text, this movie is wonderful. All the seemingly mismatched pieces fall together in a breathless poignant portrait of a family--a country--dealing with a changing world, violence, and finally, forgiveness.On a side note: the military coup shown in this movie/book began a terrifyingly violent time period in which the bloody dictator Pinochet came into power. The resources needed for the coup were provided by the United States.
34 stars
Re-read it..... What can you say about a 50-year-old classic such as this, nothing but FANTASTIC and lots of lessons learned about integrity and respect.I remember reading it in high school, but appreciate it more as an adult...the relationships between the characters, their thoughts and morals, and the life style of that 1930's era is so charming and sweet as well as sad.I loved Scout...she was just adorable....you wanted to be with Scout, Dill, and Jem during their summer fun and antics, during their agony at the trial's outcome, and when events occurred in town after the trial.Don't miss reading it for the first time or reading it again. 5/5
45 stars
Ranks with "Appetite For Destruction" as... the most overrated album of all time. Cobain spoke to many, but not me. I'd heard all before, and done by better, with real heart and a sense of humor, in the form of Paul Westerberg. Let's face it, Nirvana was the lucky band at the right time. College radio and alternative music was bubbling under the surface throughout the '80's. Yeah, the grunge movement helped to kick the 80's pop-metal trash off MTV. But, after the succeess of the Seattle scene, we were subject to the horrors of the likes of Bush and Creed. UGHHHH!!! Cobain was right to have his insecurities about his success. Many before him set the table, and he was greeted as king. Imagine the horror to Killing Joke fans when the killer riff of "Eighties" ends up being blatantly ripped off for "Come As You Are". (Heck, he basically ripped off the Beatles "Things We Said Today" for "About A Girl", so such overt plagiarism should come as no surprise.) And, the contempt Cobain showed for his audience on "In Bloom" was rather disgusting. If anything, "Nevermind" was nail in the coffin of alternative/college radio. Even REM made a medicore album, "Monster", in response to "Nevermind". I'd just assume go listen to any of Grohl's work in the Foo Fighters before putting this CD in my discman.
12 stars
Moving, Empathetic Memoir Webber's portrait of New York in the 1950s and 60s is full of vivid description. He captures the sounds and smells of his neighborhood and, more importantly, draws his characters with an empathetic brush. Yet the book is not just an elegy to a time past. Dr Webber deals deftly and incisevely with class, race and prejudice, while never preaching or teaching. Every page is full of delights. It is a deeply touching book that will rank as one of the great New York City memoirs.
45 stars
ok One of the movies didn't work of the four was defective, the others were fine. Of course it was the one I really wanted that didn't work. "The Shop Around the Corner"
23 stars
This book was such a drag What a waste of time. I seriously cannot figure out how this book was an Oprah book club pick. The characters where unlikeable to me. I didn't relate or sympathize with one of them. I didn't feel that there was a true story with a conclusion or point of any kind. It was down right strange. I forced myself to read it because it was a selection for my book club. I would not recommend it to anyone. If you want a good book w/ likeable characters and a moral message, read to Kill A Mockingbird. Now that's a classic.
01 star
Great historical review Excellent book. It was enjoyable and takes you back to Colonial times. Once you get used to the older English, it is an easy read
34 stars
Just as I expected. This study gives you many interesting questions to share in a small group study, which I what I needed it for.
45 stars
Fun toy Bought several of these for some of my nephews and neices, and they loved them. We ended up playing a game of seeing who could shoot their animal into a hula-hoop on the ground 20 feet away. When some neighborhood kids saw this, they wanted to play too.
45 stars
Man's Search For Meaning Man's Search for Meaning is considered among the most influential works of psychiatric literature since Freud.It begins with a moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps and the resulting belief that man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. The profound lessons for me from this book are key messages in my workshops and in my book and audio book,Managing Thought: How Do Your Thoughts Rule Your World?-- that what we think is a matter of choice, that no one else and nothing else is responsible or to blame for what we choose to think; and that thoughts of purpose and possibility are powerful thoughts that bring us peace and inspire us and connect us with our highest awareness.
45 stars
One of the universally acclaimed albums that deserves it Others who are far more eloquent than me have given excellent reviews of this album. Quite simply, this album is an acclaimed piece that actually deserved it. Even today, DM remain relevant. Dave and Martin sound superb and Martin's songwriting is and always has been inciteful and finely crafted. If you don't yet have this (Really you are either 13 or live somewhere in the middle of the desert) do yourself a favor and buy it. Next time you listen to some of the current bands, you'll hear some Depeche Mode in their music and realize just how pivotal they were
45 stars
Lee Jeans I agree that these were a lighter weight than I expected but I also find them very comfortable. If you are expecting a heavy jean then you will be dissapointed. They are actually great for a warm weather climate (Florida and GA) where you want the look of jeans but don't want the bulk.
34 stars
so so I used both this wax and the quick spray wax by Meguiar and I'd say the spray wax works just as good and is a whole lot easier. But this type of wax, you get many more uses than a spray liquid wax. So if you don't mind the effort, this will last longer.
23 stars
You CAN change the default settings Too many rumors about not being able to reset default settings of the Olympus D-595 Digital Cameras. Here's how you do it. Click: OK>Setup>All Reset>OFF. Now anything you change won't reset itself when you turn it off. I hope this helps.
45 stars
Stinky Bread I am not happy with this bread....it tastes horrible & the smell is weird....it smells like sour milk..i called the phone number listed on the back of the packaging and the woman that answered the phone i spoke with said that the bread was not suppose to have an odor....said to return the bread where i purchased it from...i explained to her that i had also purchased the brown rice loaf and it did not have a smell to it....she said it was probably sour despite the expiration date was on July2013....i do believe that i will invest in a bread maker and make my own bread...i will not pay people money for horrible products...by the way i was force to rate the product i give it zero stars but it wasn't an option for that so i had to give the product one star but they are not deserving of that
01 star
Spiritual/Visual smorgasbord! Baraka is an incredible feast for the eyes and soul! I can't wait for its companion film, Samsura, to become available! It'll render you speechless!
45 stars
Yet Another Good Book from Akunin Turkish Gambit is my second Boris Akunin novel having read "Murder on the Leviathan". This is nearly altogether a different style of story from "Murder" but a good one on it's own merit. "Murder" is more a fictional story ala Agatha Christe murder mystery while "Turkish Gambit" is more spy novel wrapped around a historical context. It is definitely a historical fiction novel rooted in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The facts of the war are fairly true to life from the Russian General Skobelev to the siege of Plevna and Akunin nicely weaves in his fictional characters into this setting. Surprisingly, Akunin's familiar Erast Fandorin character is not a major player but has a lead supporting role (the book jacket is a bit misleading in this respect since Fandorin is the most prominent figure on the cover). The book starts out good but get's a bit bogged down early in some "historical" background of Pasha's and Turkish politics and such. This part was a bit confusing and not very engaging but thankfully once you press thru it the story picks back up. Akunin seems to have most of his historical facts straight and has good character development(though the premise of this young Russian feminist seems to me to be a bit of a stretch but Akunin pulls it off well). The dialog is very good and engaging. Some of the Russian surnames are a bit hard to follow (now who was that again??) Personally, as a history buff I would've liked more detail on the war, why it occurred and details of the battle but the book does well without this. The mystery is there without being in your face and Akunin does a good job of "hiding" it until the end. Overall, another nice read from Boris Akunin. With this effort he has now made it on my "must read" list.
34 stars
Amazing! My sister had started developing this ugly looking itchy rash on her arms and legs, and nothing the doctors recommended did any good. While working at Knotts Berry Farm I often frequented the Employee Shop where they sold incredibly discounted damaged items (like torn $7.49 flower halos for 25 cents) and was attracted to a little cream bottle that had a cute flower glued to the top. I let everyone in my family try it, and we soon discovered it was making my sister's rash go away!After buying all 3 bottles the store had and being told they wouldn't be getting anymore, and after hopelessly searching for it in department stores I finally decided to buy it online. At first I wasn't sure if it would work since it's a different... "flavor," I think might be the word, than the one we originally bought (the Knotts ones were lavender) but it works just the same! With the added advantage of smelling so nice instead of the unpleasant medicine smell of the useless stuff the doctors recommended.I'll definitely be a repeat customer!
45 stars
the first mainstream chilean movie This movie spread interest for chilean movies in Chile, the movie bussines was at a low but this movie helped resurrect chilean cinema which from 4-5 movies a year in the mid 90's has leaped to over 20 in 2000.The movie is based on a real hostage situation.
34 stars
Thor (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy) Thor (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)Disc 1: Blu-Ray Feature Film + Special Features (REGION fREE)Disc 2: DVD Feature Film + Digital Copy (REGION 1)2011, 115 min.Video: 1080p High Definition Widescreen 2.35:1Audio: English 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1Dolby Digital, Portuguese 5.1 Dolby DigitalSubtitles: English, English SDH, French, Spanish, PortugueseExtras:Audio Commentary by Director Kenneth BranaghMarvel One-Shot: The Consultant (4 min.)From Asgard to Earth (20 min.)Our Fearless Leader (3 min.)Assembling the Troupe (5 min.)Hammer Time (6 min.)Creating Laufey (6 min)Music of the Gods (2 min.)A Conversation (2 min.)Road to the Avengers (3 min.)Deleted Scenes (25 min) (Available with optional director commentary)TrailersDigital CopyDVD Copy
45 stars
Comes off more as a spoof This movie was pretty...dumb. But I mean that in a good way. I literally laughed really hard at alot of scenes in this movie. Luckly nothing in this movie is really all that serious. There was some good jokes and some very witty little visual gags. Plus it shows that the "perfect" people aren't that perfect.What really helped is that all the acting was pulled off. This was like a messed up Sixteen Candles. Although I am still not sure how this movie got a PG-13 (the giant six foot penis says it all). If you want a dumb yet entertaning movie then see this.
34 stars
Dreadful and pointless I'm a fan of Lara St. John. Actually, I used to be a fan. I can't continue to call myself a fan, after listening to this dreadful album. To start, the name: re: Bach. Is it really ABOUT Bach? Not in a million years. Many of the tracks on this album are very difficult or impossible to recognize, even if you know the original. (Anyone who says he recognized all the tracks is probably making it up, btw). In fact, I found an interview with St. John, where she mentions selecting some obscure pieces quite intentionally. Why, she would not say. What is the point of taking Bach's melody and giving it a celtic or Indian or disco arrangement? If 1) You can't recognize that it's Bach in the first place 2) It all sounds overly produced in a rigid recording studio environment 3) All of Bach treatment of themes, like his variations, counterpoint and polyphony are totally missing. 4) The violin part is quite minor on many of the tracks and never interesting, imaginative or inventive. Well, do the arrangements sound cutting edge, at least? To my surprise, not at all. It mostly sounds like mushy, sickly-sweet film music of B films from the the sixties, seventies, and eighties. It's all pointless indeed.
01 star
The Scarlet Letter BrittleeMs. Self's English HonorsKickapoo High SchoolJunior11/21/05Warning: The book has a very high level of vocabulary!The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a book about sinning and dealing with the internal and external consequences of natural sin in a society of Puritans. The book is about a woman named, Hester, who commits the sin of adultery. Adultery is not acceptable in the Puritan society. They view it as a sin. To punish Hester for her wrongful acts, they place a scarlet A on her chest to let everyone know that she is an adulterer. Hester has a baby girl and names her Pearl. Pearl soon starts to grow up and realize why her mother has the A on her chest. Pearl starts questioning her mother about the A. Hester then realizes that the A on her chest is not a symbol of shame but of identity. Identity in a world where everyone is the same, they act the same, believe in the same virtues. The scarlet letter only made Hester stronger.
34 stars
Excellent quality- but I still prefer the "Moroder" version. The print quality of this DVD truly is astonishing for a film made in 1927. However, I still prefer the Giorgio Moroder version which I saw for the first time in a NY movie theater in the 1980's. The soundtrack touched me on a emotional level, and since it was the first time I'd seen the film in any form, I'll never be able to shake that first-time feeling I got from that version. To this day, I can't see another version of this film without remembering the "here's my heart" song played during that first touching scene with Maria and Freder. Also, the Moroder version used still photos AND sub-titles to fill in for missing scenes, which is preferable to just using title cards. Why does the KINO version not integrate the still photos into the movie?? I also prefer the tinting in the Moroder version. It helped define the "feel" for each of the different envirionments/scenes in the film. Also, this version didn't seem to contain any scenes that weren't in the Moroder version (which contains many scenes not found in other releases), if it did, they were very brief. However, this is still an excellent version of the film to own.
45 stars
Taiwanese version not as good as Hong Kong one The actor list which includes Takeshi was what prompted me to buy this, but he wasn't in the movie at all! The other thing is that although containing some special effects, it pails in comparison to the earlier movie version made in Hong Kong starring Ekin Cheng and Arron Kwok because the storyline ran a little wide. It is supposed to be the sequel to the story, but seemed more like a poorly made drama serial - any avid drama serial watcher usually is able to tell the diff between the hong kong made ones from the inferior ones made else where simply because the hong kong made ones have better execution, direction and script because of their experience.
23 stars
King Creole Loved this movie. I especially loved the opening scene and number. All around good acting & great musical numbers performed by Elvis. You won't be disappointed.
45 stars
Simple how-to instructions This book is a simple how-to book for the home do-it-your-self novice brewer. The types of wine you can make was of most interest to me. Great ideas. And, of course, if you want to make ILLEGAL whisky, he gives you enought ideas to take off. Great, simple methods book.
12 stars
To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee truly enthralls the mind of his reader in To Kill A Mockingbird by examining emotions, experiences, and the ignorance of people living in a small town called Maycomb. One could say that Maycomb was a town comprised of thickheaded individuals that were very closed minded and set in their ways. Also, in this era whites were dominant to blacks, and segregation was the law that by which all blacks had to abide.Atticus Finch was a lawyer, and also a single father of two children growing up in the town of Maycomb. His son Jeremy (Jem) and his daughter, the narrator Jean-Louis (Scout), were at the age of questioning everything, and also at the age where certain experiences would etch and mold the way both would think, feel, act, and behave in the future. Atticus being a wise, humble, caring man knew this so he did his best to not shelter but to welcome questions and concerns that each of his children may have.Scout tells her experiences with Atticus, Jem, their friend Dill, her talks with Miss Maudie, altercations with Mrs. Dubose and her Aunt Alexandra, her views on school, and her childhood obsession with Boo Radley. Everything seems to be well for the Finches, until Atticus agrees to defend a black man by the name of Tom Robinson that is accused of raping a white man�s daughter. The story erupts with emotion, drama, and at this point is virtually impossible to put down.This book is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone.
45 stars
Fantasy of Heaven & Hell C.S. Lewis takes us on a profound journey through both Heaven and Hell in this engaging, allegorical tale. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis introduces us to supernatural beings who will change the way we think about good and evil. Although he doesn't mean to give his readers "even a guess or a speculation" of what Heaven or Hell is actually like as to factual details, there is still much food for thought for anyone concerned about eternal life, both here and hereafter. In incredibly creative, imaginative vision! Highly recommended!
45 stars
good This an interesting, intelligent film. You can tell it was adapted from a play as you watch it. It has long stretches of dialogue, so you do have to be patient, but it's worth the effort. I quite enjoyed it. And I had read the ANDY WARHOL DIARIES before seeing this film, so was familiar with the true story of the hustler Will Smith plays claiming to be Sidney Poitier's son. He tried to maneuver his way into the Warhol crowd, but Halston was too smart, and saw through him. So, anyway, it was interesting to see a fictionalized story of this real life hustler. And I think I would have enjoyed it even had I not known it was based on a true story. See this film and witness the glib charm of a parasitic psychopath in high gear.
34 stars
quick assembly and sturdy construction My three-year old received this table as a birthday gift and it has been a favorite with all the children. The table was quite simple to put together and we like the storage bins that were included. This table seems sturdy enough to withstand all that our kids will put it through.
34 stars
GOOD THRILLER FROM HAMMER!!! Judy Geeson ("TO SIR, WITH LOVE") is a newly married young woman who keeps getting attacked by a one-armed man and nobody believes her, probably because she just had a nervous breakdown. She and her hubby (RALPH BATES) move into a cottage at the country school where he is a teacher and more attacks occur. This is a well cast, well writen thriller and one of Hammer's better film's of the 70's. Geeson is very good as the jumpy heroine as is Peter Cushing as the odd headmaster of the school. Joan Collins (pregnant at the time) is also good as Cushing's wife in a small role. I liked the creepy atmosphere of the empty "school" and found the story and it's surprise ending very satisfying. The DVD is the usual fine disc I've come to expect from ANCHOR BAY. The anamorphic widescreen picture is crystal clear and the sound is very pleasing. A trailer, audio commentary with writer/producer/director Jimmy Sangster and liner notes are the extra's. If your looking for a fine, old-fashioned thriller, this is it. Highly recommended! Enjoy! -George Bauch.
34 stars
Not Athletica - decent quality The label on the back says "City Lights" [...]Not really sure if it's Athletica unless they don't put that label on them. The pants are nice. But not what I was expecting. I've used them for yoga and biking. They are comfortable and durable.
12 stars
Best wireless Headphone Hi,I have been using this headphone for last 3-4 months. Sound quality is really good. Charging is very easy and battery works for more time. No disturbance by phone call or any other sound. Only problem is the range, doesn't work properly beyond 20 m.Overall good headphone for such low price.- Kiran Kamley
45 stars
The Cat in the Hat is one of the all-time favorite books ever! I think that "The Cat in the Hat" is a very good book and I recomend this book to every child that has a passion for reading books. Dr. Seuss is an incredible author that is wonderfull at rhyming in his liturature. Wishing to be able to write books like "the Cat in the Hat" will be spectacular because Dr. Seuss is so talented. If I had a chance to read this book many times, i'd take my chances.
45 stars
Protec Works I purchased this "Protec" product along with "Fountec Algaecide Clarifier" after reading numerous other reviews. I had always had issues with my courtyard fountain turning green and dirty. These products do the trick. They are simple to use and my fountain looks great.
45 stars
great for all ages 0 & up My 7 month old baby absolutely loves Holpa, and all of the Hopla dvd's. He's been watching the same 3 since he was born. Ive never seen a cartoon like this before. My son constantly watches it several times a day everyday and everytime i glance at the tv i see something different. Hopla is filled with such a diverse range of activities that you dont know what is coming next, and having this on my tv all day, somehow it doesnt seem repeative or like im watching the same parts over and over again. the music is calming, and the pictures are bright and interactive. A must-have for your child. (Hopla also comes free through the netflix and Xbox 360 alliance, thats how i watch it!)
45 stars
A easy, quick read!!! Love Story by Erich Segal is very far away from everything I usually read. It has a romantic aspect & is just mainstream. Usually I would be so exasperated by this sort of book but I really enjoyed it.I read it really quickly & easily. I thought the whole plot was just soooooooo cute. The way the 2 main characters had a "love to hate" relationship & started out arguing & realized they loved each other. I couldn't give this novel a 5 by far because it was so obviously written by a man. There was no depth into the characters feelings or thoughts for it including such a tragic time. That is why it is 4 stars. :)
34 stars
Good for the Hobbit The Hobbit is a fairly good book. It has an interesting storyline and grabs the reader throughout the whole novel. I for one read it when I was in the 5th grade at school. I found it interesting and usually was a chapter or two ahead of the class. The Hobbit is a beginning book. What I mean by this is that it takes a lot of time explaining the story. This takes up a couple of chapters and I think it would have been a better book if it had built some more suspense in the end scene and extrapolated it a bit more. But otherwise, this book has few shortcomings. Other than the fact that they spent a lot of time in Mirkwood forest, I liked the book. Beorn was portrayed well. The plot line is nice, although there is a kill stealing at the end. All-in-all, I recommend this book.
34 stars
life isn't happy for everyone I found this book to be so sad, but so well written that I could not put it down. The tradegy that befell this family in a period of three days was more than most familys can withstand in an entire lifetime. Which isn't to say they made it through unscathed. They were bruised and beaten, but still standing.I truly enjoyed this book. It's a nice departure from fluffy reading like Bridget Jones and the woe-is-me-the-single-girl books I've read.Read it knowing you've never experienced a book like this before. Read it knowing it's not going to make you feel warm and fuzzy. But please, please... read it.
45 stars
Brilliant Sensitive Boy Survives a Nincompoop Stepfather Tobias Wolff's classic memoir has all the elements of a fairy tale: a brilliant boy has the great misfortune of having an evil, simian, philistine stepfather impose his hate and ignorance on poor, almost helpless Tobias who, living with his mother and new family, endures a torture that resembles a noble character being oppressed in an evil castle. Tobias' stepfather Dwight is so frustrated and enraged by his own incompetence that he needs a scapegoat. And who should it be? His stepson Toby of course. This memoir pits the bright young Toby against his evil stepfather in a collision that has more drama than most novels. Tobias Wolff is so sharp that he is able to put his memoir in the context of The Great Gatsby and show a young man and his mother searching for identity and the American Dream of Eternal Self-Reinvention. We see Tobias grow up and become someone of great strength and humanity in spite of his malice- and rancor-filled stepfather in what is a highly compelling story of survival, wit, and struggling into young adulthood.
45 stars
Best book I've ever read. I'm not being melodramatic. This really is the best book I've ever read, in terms of personal enhancement. It was a gift to me. I looked at the title and thought "What a load of junk." Probably some silly book on how to get rich right? No!This book is so darn simple that it's truly a crime against humanity that the elementary lessons in it are not ever learned by most of us. Yeah, we've all heard that if you put away such-and-such for so many years you'll end up with a big bunch of money, but most people hear that and forget it right away. I know that I always did. This book basically takes that lesson and actually encourages the learning of it.The premise of this book is that you don't need to make that much money to become very wealthy. It's a practical approach to accumulating a great net worth. When I read it I knew little about such things. Like most other adults, who have no real plan for their financial future, I had some credit card debt. After reading this book I began to shun it, and 4.5 years later I still do. I'm so much better off than almost all of my friends (and it's not because I make more money). I have actual savings (truly how many people in their 20's do? Surprisingly a small minority have real savings. Most are blowing their money on junk), a retirement fund, and no credit card debt. I also, because I don't habitually borrow money I don't have for crap I don't need, have ended up with more in the way of "toys" than my friends, so yes you can have your cake and eat it too.But enough of that. If you're interested in a no-nonsense, basic but very useful approach to dealing with money, give this book a try. I'm not saying it's the best book ever written, and it doesn't tell you all you need to know, but having spoken with others, I know that for many people this book is an "eye opener".
45 stars
And I Miss You... When it comes to emotional Music, I focus my attention on artists like Everything But The Girl, Annie Lennox, Massive Attack, Sting and some of Madonna's soothing soft songs. I do not know how to begin to explain how much I liked this album, Tracy Thorns vocals are so haunting that I get goose flesh when I listen to her music sometimes.It is a absolutely beautiful Album, I own both Walking Wounded & Tempermental Albums. But this one ''Amplified Heart'' seems to be more inspiring, It's hard to say. But I feel this album has allot to do with Ben Watt's illness, it's actually scary and makes you think.This album is really a significant masterpiece, And I'm so sick and tired of artists like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Kylie Minogue...etc who sing to any garbage chorus they come across.It's not just any normal kind of CD, It makes a real good contribution to the music history and it's a very intelligent, well written collection of songs with worthy meanings.This is truly a HIGH quality album, I like all music genres....Soul, Pop, Dance being one of my most favorites. But this is the kind of CD you listen to when you're down, when you're alone and feel you need emotional discharge.You must be out of your mind to not buy This and I mean that, this is a quality CD.Try and get hold of Portishead too...Good Stuff Here!
45 stars
Disappointing! The latest in her Ten Stupid Things series, this one about couples is a clunker!I ususally love Dr. Laura's writings. They tend to be down-to-earth guides on having a happier, less complicated life. But not this one.As I turned every page, I hoped for some of the great examples and wise teachings that I learned to expect from her other books. It is full of examples from her listeners, but it lacks the wisdom that should bring the examples into a meaningful thesis. The examples don't alway exemplify her points, and there are so many quotations from listeners that they lose their impact. Some even seem to contradict the very point she is trying to apply! About halfway through the book I wondered if Dr. Laura hadn't written the book just to clear out her "clever quotation" file.None of the good, simple advice on relationships, or passages about how good morals make good neighbors. Really, just a scrapbook of incohesive thoughts. Sigh.
12 stars
Good read + some reservations on the general approach To me, it is of great interest in itself to read about the lives of these seven remarkable individuals. Gardner gives us an account of their lives looking through the window of his theories on creativity. While not 100% convincing in all that he proposes, sometimes resorting to seeing what he wants to see (rather than reporting what he sees), Creating Minds is a valuable attempt at identifying the nature of creativity. I think the book fails to provide a case for the argument that creativity is characterized by "a special amalgam of the childlike and the adultlike." As long as the following question goes unanswered it's only too tempting to rush to conclusions: Do creative individuals retain childlike qualities more than other people, and how exactly do they benefit from doing so? This question epitomizes my general unease with Gardner's study of creativity. If we only look at creative people, how can we understand in which ways and how they stand apart from 'normal people'? Finally, I am not so sure about the significance of that modern era talk.
34 stars
Great Resource For Grade School Children I checked out this book from the public library to help me research Cherokee Indians. I plan on including a Cherokee Indian in my current novel. The Cherokee Indians by Bill Lund was a great resource for quick and basic information about the history and customs of the Cherokee Indians. I believe children can learn a lot about this amazing group by reading this book; it is twenty-four pages of great pictures and important information.See ya next review
34 stars
Can't go wrong, ever. Good collection of Bill Withers music. You will like these if you are a fan of great music for a good price.
34 stars
The Monsters have Arrived This Movie is great! Is fun for all ages! No one could have asked for a better movie! It's Halarios! On the DVD there are all these spiecel features wich you have to find including the knew mini movie Mikes new car. Tis movie is one of the besst!!!!
45 stars
Damon Damon Damon...what a boy This is a beautiful record. Hands down. The musical textures and rhythmic layers are soothing and gorgeous. Listen to it with an open ear, it grows on you after 1 listen. From there on out, its musical bliss! Damon and Co. rule!
45 stars
Masterpiece of Creativity and imaginiation I have read and re-read this work of the master of authors more than 30 times over the years and it is a work that never fails to amaze or impress me, I cant recomend any other book more highly than this one.
45 stars
A legend type thing... I guess I cheated a little with this one. My edition, you see, had a foreword, a passage from a book called "Portable Faulkner" or something like that, which pretty much explained the whole plotline with all the background. In fact, it contained information about the Compson family which is never mentioned in the actual novel.I read that foreword first, and after that it was pretty easy to follow the story. Good enough, since the novel was an obligatory read for me and I didn't have much time to spend on it. So perhaps I don't have the right to make any criticism... either way, here's a few remarks.Faulkner had a brilliant story to tell, but he must have been a brave man to tell it this way. The Sound And The Fury could well have been an excellent family saga, told in the traditional way. Many readers would have fallen in love with it, the pure emotion and strength of the tale would have ensured that. As a friend of "straight" literature, I might have enjoyed it more as such. But then again, without the stylistic reformism, perhaps the book wouldn't be a classic today - perhaps I wouldn't ever have heard of it.As it is, this novel is impressive, but not exactly enjoyable. Still the feeling is strong enough. This book has an atmosphere. And the last part, at least, is clear and easy writing, suitable for anyone... if that's any comfort after 200+ pages of inner monologue.I liked it. But compromise isn't always a bad thing, you know.
34 stars
Cottages by the Sea The book was purchased for my wife, Emalie, for Mother's Day, so she is writing the reveiw.The book, at first glance, was exciting for the photos of the homes in the Carmel area. Since our daughter and son-in-law live on Carmel Heights with a view of Point Lobos, we have become familiar with the Carmel setting. Reading the histories of homes we had seen on our jaunts through Carmel was educational and entertaining. Some of the homes have been redone, but the building and remodeling codes in Carmel are very strict, so we were interested in seeing what could be done and how remodeling changed the setting. I will value the book for the sentiment with which it was given, the content, and our connection with the area.
34 stars
A War to Define Ourselves This documentary emphasizes why America's Civil War was also its most significant: it was a war of national self-definition. We were fighting to define who we were and who we would be.The devastation of the war, with 600,000 Americans dead, the use of repeating guns and ironclad boats, and the Holocaust-like conditions at the Confederacy's "Andersonville" POW camp were some of the precursors to the horror of modern warfare. It was total warfare, extending to civilians as Sherman's brutal march to the sea made clear.One weakness of this production is that it does not make the causes of the war explicit enough, and make clear that slavery on its own did not cause the war. Abraham Lincoln himself had said at the beginning that if he could preserve the Union and free no slaves, he would do it. Robert E. Lee did not support the institution of slavery, though he believed that whites were a superior race. At the beginning, slavery was more a touchstone to conflict, an issue where deep-seated differences between north and south came to a head. It was probably inevitable that northern society with its industrial base and "classless" society would clash with the agrarian South, which was built on a hierarchy of privilege, with white plantation owners at the top and black slaves and poor whites and the bottom. With the North's economic progress came southern anxieties about the growth in the federal government's power and what that meant. Could the federal government override the ability of new states to decide if they were to be free or slave states? The states that would make up the Confederacy said no.The profiles of the major players in the war, Lincoln, Lee, Grant, McClellan, Sherman, Stonewall Jackson and others, as well as the correspondence of rank and file soldiers, brings out the humanity of the conflict.Its wounds remain. I once knew a descendent of Robert E. Lee, who carried himself with a sense of honor and grace that seems to have almost completely disappeared from our national life. He'd get choked up talking about the "War between the States." It is hard to understand how Robert E. Lee, someone of such outstanding character, could allow himself to be so blind to racial injustice. But that famous Mathew Brady photograph of him standing outside Appomatox Courthouse after the surrender, depicted in this documentary, shows his noble bearing. In his own way, Lee depicted those qualities so lacking in our political and social life these days: duty and honor.This documentary brought home the Civil War's devastation. It helped me understand more about who we are as Americans.
45 stars
Alright, but not as good as her other books... I bought this book because I love Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series. Naturally it's not much like the paranormal series because its set in the 1800's and is a historical romance, however the book was entertaining. I didn't find it to be page turner like her others, but it was good enough for me to want to read the other two.Run Down of the Story:Court is a Scottish missionary from the highlands, he is in France doing what he does best - making war - when the evil Spanish warlord, "Pascal", who hired him betrays him. Court nearly dies and is washed ashore on the banks of a river where he is discovered by Anna, a French hooty-tooty, whose brother is running the defensive against Pascal.Anna lives alone on her and her brothers estate, seeing how her brother is off fighting the Spanish. She decides to take mercy on the Scottish brute and bring him to her home so that she may nurse him back to health. This wouldn't be a historical romance novel if Anna was not clueless to the male physic and stuck up as all get out, of which she is both.When Court comes around he is taken aback by Anna's beauty and not so much by her personality which borders on prejudice and cruel. Anna meanwhile thinks Court is an uneducated barbarian and once he is feeling better she attempts to get him out of her home. Court is not ready to leave; he has sent word to his mates and waits their arrival so that he can take his revenge on Pascal. Since Anna lives alone he takes advantage of her weakness and flat out tells her that he isn't going anywhere.While Court becomes more intrigued with the moody Anna it comes to light that Anna's brother has been captured by Pascal and in order to secure his release Anna must marry the evil Spanish Warlord. Anna goes to Court to ask to hire him and his mercenary's so that they may rescue her brother and prevent her from marrying her enemy. Confusion ensues where she attempts to ask and Court doesn't fully understand her situation seeing how she never fully explains it and what do you know he finds out just in time to kidnap her from Pascal's home before the wedding. She's none too pleased because she believes that she has committed herself to the marriage and that this is the only way to save her brother.Court decides to hold her against her will and take her to London where she will be safe. Her brother escapes after some help from Pascal's daughter (side line romance) and is to meet up with Anna in England. On the road Anna and Court become involved, but don't go too far (her virtue - blah blah) once in England though they confess their love to one another and seal the deal.Okay that's it in a nut shell. Pretty cut in dry, no real twist, not that much action, mostly just a lot of dialogue between Court and Anna (she likes him, she hates him). Tons of sexual tension.
23 stars
Hidden Tracks Make this an awesome CD Little do some people know, there are 2 hidden tracks on this CD. The first one is on track 1, "Somebody Like You" All you have to do is let it play out, and you will hear a part of the song that is rarely played on CMT or any video channel. The OTHER track is if you allow the last track, "You're Not My God" to play out, instead of just turning it off, you will hear his acoustic song, "One Chord Song" He only performs this one LIVE, and now we have it on CD!In otherwords, buy the CD. Please.
45 stars
A scarred classic. Although I love black metal and have tried to enjoy this album, I cannot get past one irritating fact: the quality is crapola. It sounds like it was recorded on a $20 budget! The vocals are overpowered by the drums, the drums are overpowered by the guitar, and the bass is nowhere to be heard. The whole thing is just mishmashed together. What's especially annoying is how good the songs really are, in spite of the poor production. Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is much better.
23 stars
Best diaper I have used huggies brand prior to pampers and I have to say pampers is the best diaper a mom can ask for. Huggies diaper material feels cheap and it does not advertise and do what it says. Pampers diaper holds and does not leak. For all moms who want a great investment...buy pampers. Worth every penny.
45 stars
Great service. This was the place to purchase these shoes.The price was the most inexpensive and theservice was top notch.A continous patron,Douglas
45 stars
Hard to Find Narrow Sizes 6 N is a hard to find shoe size. This white sandal was perfect in every way. It's exactly what I was looking for !!
45 stars
Publisher Ruined This Book There were at least 100 typos, misspellings, punctuation and grammatical errors. It wasn't an easily read book for me anyhow, but these mistakes on nearly every page made it grueling. I've ordered the same book from a different publisher, as I really want to read it again without all the printing errors.
01 star
Back to her roots Vanessa Carlton's sophomore offering has brought her full circle back to where she began. She has never sounded better, "Harmonium" shows that she has matured not only in her lyrics, but also in her music as well. Vanessa Carlton has returned to her classical piano roots, to make this CD more expressive, mature, and all around more enjoyable than the other things that are out there right now. The production is outstanding, and the orchestral arrangements fit very well with the mood that she appears to be trying to portray. If Vanessa Carlton can continue with the honesty in her music and lyrics, she will continue to rise as an artist.
45 stars
A must read, now more than ever! In my concern over today's economy, I purchased this book to glean some money saving ideas. What an eye opener! As I read through the stories, I saw why my father, born in 1922, was always so frugal and insisted on going through life debt-free. To the day he died, he could never accept or understand waste or buying on credit. I believe that most people living in America today would not be able to comprehend the conditions of the Great Depression, nor would they be able to survive a repeat of those conditions today. Our uncertain future will not be the same as the 1930's but I fear will be just as dire. Everyone should read this book and get their children and grandchildren to read it too.
45 stars
Mr. Blandings Is a Miss I'm an "old movie buff" and I find this to be a pretty awful movie. It's really full of the most simple-minded dialogue. See these great actors in something that's a little less polemical. The writers' social conservatism just jumps off the screen. You could use this for a Media Studies film to contrast with an "old film" from the same time that shows people living with much more self-awareness. Two stars only for the bright young daughters - great actresses!
12 stars
Great Learning Game This is one of the best learning games I've purchased. My 7 year old has been using it for over 4 hours, and he doesn't even realize it's a learning game. That's the best kind!
45 stars
Excellent Product! We've owned this product for five years. It's crushed thousands of aluminum cans. We attached the crusher securely to wall studs.The product is well made and does what it says it will do.
45 stars
Another uninspired Nicolas Cage movie I can't remember the last half-decent movie this guy has made. I think i'll just skip anything with him in it from now on.
01 star
Excellcent movie This movie is excellcent and very worthwhile having in my collection, being the orginal it is far better than the remake. The pictire quality was very good for such an old movie, It holds up really well for how old it even though I enjoy watching the remake of haslight and Ihgrid Bergman's preformance is fantastic I enjoy both verisions of the movie.
45 stars
what are their names, the men who REALLY run this land? "I wonder who they areThe men who REALLY run this land?And I wonder why they run itWith such a thoughtless hand.What are their namesAnd on what streets do they live?I'd like to RUN right over.and give them a piece of my mind..."Crosby combines the services of parts of The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Neil Young ( see above), Joni Mitchell and others. Everybody sings and plays. Hippies who loved harmony. Great harmonies that float around the room like organ chords flying in Grace Cathedral. Very San Francisco Haight-Ashbury. People report getting a contact-high just from listening.Particularly wonderful I have always thought, is "Orleans", the laid-back "Mt Tamalpais High", the Title track and Neil Young's song quoted above, is just as true today as in 1969. I like all but the edgy "Cowboy Movie' but don't let that keep you from buying this masterpiece.Crosby is at the heights of his powers before drugs and coke would ruin his life. The sound, is not nearly as good as the vinyl, but worth keeping either way.
45 stars
Excellent Work As a whole the authors do an excellent job of covering AJAX. Their stance of treating AJAX as a fully fledged application framework on it own and that structured, patterned development techniques are required for successful projects is realistic and welcomed. The examples are "real-world" and relevant, such as "live search" and "web portals". As is expected, each successive part of the book builds on the previous content. Often examples in the book are presented as a first edition that functions well, but then the examples are refactored to make them more scalable and re-useable. This "get something that works and then make it better" style is refreshing to see as it is how most of us actually code in the real life.If you are looking for a "cookbook" style text with example after example hurled at you, this book may not be for you but for those of you looking for a new approach to web application design, you've come to the right place. As many of the "In Action" books in the past, I feel Ajax In Action is destined to be added to the standard reading list for anyone interested in serious AJAX development.
45 stars
This is exactly what I needed! This workout DVD is awesome! I ordered it awhile ago but lost the first disc....Now I am getting in shape again and I actually used the DVD the day I got it, like a little kid with a new shirt! Even the 20 minute workout makes me sweat and lose weight! I love this product!
45 stars
IggyPop+nearly nude photos of an old dude= Why? Im not too thrilled with the idea of sitting down and looking through a book of almost nude photos of a dude who is one of my personal heroes. Don't get me wrong, the Stooges are, in my opinion, the greastest rock band of all time. However, I don't know who they were trying to appeal to when they published this book and maybe it doesnt matter, but I guess i'll continue speculating. A star for Iggy
01 star
Holds your attention This is a good book for younger (teen) readers. Salinger does a good job keeping the attention of the reader which I believe to be an essential quality of a book suited for young readers. However, I only give this book three stars due to it's anticlimactic nature and extremely weak ending.
23 stars
One of the worst Emanuelle themed movies ever!!! Look people I would have given it less if it werent for the gobs of nudity. There was no story at all, no plot at all no nothing except nudity. How dare these people put this as an Emanuelle moveie!!! they should be ashamed! there was no Laura Gemser no Sylvia Kristal not even the chicks in the other ones. It [stupid] really except for the nudity I hated it.
12 stars
Avalon Under Siege Steel Magic (1965) -- AKA Gray Magic -- is the first fantasy novel in the Magic series for older children. It is based loosely on the legends of King Arthur and Roland. It involves a magic gate to Avalon and quests to find three lost tokens of power.The Lowery children -- Greg, Eric, and Sara -- are staying at Tern Manor with their Uncle Mac while their father and mother are in Japan. Sara wins a picnic basket at the Firemen's Strawberry Festival and the children decide to put it to use. The next day they pack a picnic lunch and search for a lost lake. After winding and crawling through the underbrush, they find the lake and, on as island in the middle of it, they also discover a miniature castle.Although the doorway has been blocked with masonry, they are able to gain entrance by chipping away the mortar. Once within the castle, they are surrounded by a gray mist and, eventually, they find themselves somewhere else. After a brief exploration, they determine that they could not be on the island and are far from any place familiar. Opening the picnic backet, they start to eat while discussing the strange events, whereupon an unexpected guest shows up for lunch.The young man introduces himself as Huon of the Horn, the Warden of the West. He also tells them of the Warden of the East, Arthur. He informs them that they are in Avalon and tells them of the three lost objects: Excalibur, his Horn, and the ring of Merlin Ambrosius. Since they have been admitted through the Gate of the Fox, he explains, they must be in Avalon for a purpose. When questioned about his knife, he states that it is dwarf silver because the natives of Avalon cannot handle iron without harm.Huon takes them to Caer Siddi, where they meet Merlin. There they discover that evil has moved deep within Avalon and that the situation is very bad. Moreover, they are told that events in Avalon are mirrored in their own world. Merlin asks them to use their power of iron to retrieve the lost tokens and, when they agree, conducts them to a magic mirror, where they each take a stainless steel implement from the picnic basket and pass through to separate locales.This novel is a story of courage and perseverence, with each child facing and overcoming their special fears. It has brave people and magical animals, both good and evil, including a very wise fox.Recommended for all Norton fans and any child who loves animals, magic, and brave heros and heroines.-Arthur W. Jordin
45 stars
Over rated crap To all you die hard Zepplin Fans out there I have to tell you guys that your wrong about them bein the greatest Rock N Roll Band. I was 9 when I started listining to them and it took me a month and a half to not like these guys. I'm 14 now and I don't listen to the crap made today (I listen to The Velvet Underground The Doors and Dylan.) All the kids in my school think Zepplin is god well they aren't there a bunch of drunken satanic buffons. Oh and the Foggy notion that they were the first band to involve Medieval Literature you are wrong. The Velvets and The Doors did in fact Sterling Morrison of The Velvets had a P.H.D in Medieval Literature IN '70 a year before this crap came out. All you Zep fans are wrong about music get a Velvet Underground album thats hard rock.
01 star
The trial run for Saddam Dick Reavis' account shows us the security state's fundamental intolerance for dissent. Not content basking in cold war triumph, the US national security state in the 90s seemed hellbent on finding new enemies at home and abroad, from Milosevic to David Koresh and his pathetic outlaw commune in the Texas blacklands. However demented Koresh's theology he at least did not justify his actions in the interests of "public safety." Even the canard of "killing his own people" was hauled out for duty. Though Koresh was made a martyr by the Right as a rebuke to the Clinton administration, there is a non-partisan warning to everyone just how short is the Bill of Rights' leash in the hands of pot-gutted, badged and mustached gunmen. Koresh's real crime, in the words of one deputy, was that "he thumbed his nose at law enforcement." The trails of smoke gushing over the Koresh compound into the Texas sky were but a preface, to be read in full bloom on the Iraqi horizon over Baghdad.
34 stars
Loved this book! Hope the movie is close. I was totally not ready for the ending! I am now hooked on Dennis Lehane. I'll read another one by him.
45 stars
Cozy and comfortable It's cozy and comfortable. The texture is also soft. If it were only heavier, it would have been perfect though.
34 stars
Perfect for SHTF scenarios I purchased this set at Walmart for about five dollars. Since that first purchase I have brought four more. This is not for the hardcore camper/hiker. It is perfect for the average SHTF prepper. It's light weight does what it is suspose to do (cook food). It's perfect for an alchol stove or a wood gas stove. I have used on an open jet stove (no pot stand) and cook a package of raman noodles. Like I said before, perfect for SHTF scenarios.
34 stars
Steam Even though I liked this movie, it is not what I expected from the cover. I thought it was going to be a gay romance with the two guys shown. So in a way I feel it was misrepresented. Foreign films aren't usually conservative when nudity is concerned. I'm not saying I was watching it to see nudity, but it was about a steam bath after all. The idea of an uptight businessman learning how to live a more emotionally fulfilling life is not exactly new but still well executed.
34 stars
Thoughts become things Mike has a way of making you feel your life is possible to go from nothing to something. He comes off real,his own life experiences interjected into his story telling makes you not feel like he is a guru off to take your money,he wants you to launch your life with joy. Thanks Mike Dooley for this gift.
45 stars
WATCH OUT-THIS AIN'T DOROTHY FROM KANSAS Phillip Marlowe, Raymond Chandler's classic noir hard-boiled private detective forever literarily associated with Los Angeles and its means streets is right at home here in his search for the inevitable 'missing person'-this time-a missing brother being looked for by his sister from Kansas. But she ain't no Dorothy and the plot thickens from there. There is plenty of sparse but functional dialogue, physical action and a couple of plot twists, particularly as we get a glance at the seedy side of those above-mentioned mean streets of Los Angeles. More so than earlier Marlowe adventures Chandler here gives his take on the changes in his former quiet little town of L.A. as a result of the double infusion of Hollywood hyp and war production during World War II. The gangsters naturally followed the money and the fame. Oh, and maybe they just came for the sun.Marlowe is older and 'wiser' here but he still has that funny habit of tilting after windmills. He is at the beginning of a 'mid-life' crisis in this story. But what is a guy to do when there is a Hollywood movie star damsel in distress to rescue and the frame is on. And little Ms. Kansas is there to gum up the works. Besides he has cut a couple of corners in his pursuit of justice and the cops are mad. Damn, you know he has got to square things up. How does this this work compare with the other Marlowe volumes? Give me those background oil derricks churning out the Stearnwood wealth while looking for Rusty Regan in Big Sleep or the run down stucco flats in pursue of Moose's Velma in Farewell, My Lovely any day. Nevertheless here, as always with Chandler, you get high literature in a plebian package. Read on.
34 stars
DLO Action Jacket for Zen Vision M I bought my action jacket about two weeks ago for my Zen. I have other DLO jackets for other products and was always really happy with them. The performance of the jacket is fine...but I was unhappy when I took the jacket off my player and found deep and irreparable scratches and grooves on the front of my shiny new player. For some reason, the laminate protecting the screen is extended down to the button area and is stitched in a thick line that is now permanently etched into the front of all the buttons on my player. Not really good testing or thinking on the part of DLO.
01 star
Love It Everytime Who doesn't love this movie? Probably one of the best of all time. Brillant acting and directing. Love It
45 stars
Early Asimov Still Beats Par It is really an enormous tragedy that so many of Isaac Asimov's great Science Fiction works remain out of print. The three `Empire' novels by Asimov are a great example. All three books are wonderfully written and fill the gap between The Robot novels and the Foundation series beautifully. These novels also give us a glimpse at the state of science in the fifties. If you are an Asimov fan and see any of the Empire novels available for loan or purchase please do so. You will not be sorry. To clear up some confusion on the part of some, the reason these novels are called `Empire' novels is because they take place just before the Empire referenced in the Foundation series began, during its infancy and during its peak. Very much fun indeed.If you want to read them in order read The Stars Like Dust First, which takes place before the birth of the Foundation referenced Empire. Then read The Currents of Space which takes place during the infancy of the Foundation referenced Empire. Lastly read Pebble in the Sky which takes place during the peak of the Foundation referenced Empire.
34 stars
Not suitable for 5 year olds I was very disappointed with this book. I bought it to read to my 5 year old twins. It is not a picture book which disappointed them but I knew that going in. For me, it was the awful old style wording that was so far off anything a 5 year old would appreciate. They lost interest very fast. I had to keep reading ahead and change the wording to try and make it understandable for them. I wish I hadn't wasted my money on this book and certainly would never recommend it.
01 star
Average book I was hoping to get inspiration from Magic Johnson on how he overcome the stigma of AIDS and still lead a successful life. I did not get much information on that aspect. It is an average book.
23 stars
all you need is love! Another hit for Mr. Sparks, actually it was his first since it was his debut novel. I must confess I was bit unsure about reading the book because I saw the movie first and I felt in love with it and I didn't want to be a I like the movie better than the book but it was not case.As usual, you know when you read a Sparks book be prepare with your Kleenex box and of course prepare yourself for Mr. Sparks take you to a ride where he tells you the story of Noah and Allie, despite all the differences and everything that kept them apart their love was stronger, so strong that it kept them together even after an a devastating illness.You know why I like about Nicholas Sparks books even though they love story even a bit sappy at times he never goes too far and he convinces you that love like this can exist and does exist.Is emotional, sometimes funny and very heart wrenching but in the end is about love and how it conquers it all.I still haven't read a book of this man that I haven't like and I know eventually it would happen but at least I got the bliss I've read one like this. So don't wait anymore and order this book I guarantee you would love it.
34 stars
Excellent book! If you have read "Killer Angels" you will love this book. What more can I say
45 stars
If you are only going to get one Children's Minstry Game book, get this one. I have several Children's Ministry Game books that have biblical based games. This is the one I find the best and most pertinent games for children's ministry. Like another reviewer stated, the games are handily indexed, making it easy to find just the right game to suit your lesson. Excellent resource for children's ministry!
45 stars
Mega Cooler WRONG COLOR! Fairly durable.Ordered Clear received a blue one.. semi disappointed about color but for the rest is a decent cooler for home pools as long as you keep the ice flowing ;-)
23 stars
The Japanese Theater Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this book is the way that Norman Mailer handles the narration. Instead of having a first person perspective, or a third person perspective with one main character, Mailer focuses on a sort of group consciousness. That is, he switches back a forth between different characters within the US combat force throughout the invasion. Thus, you might be following the I and R platoon on a patrol at one moment, and then be whisked back to the general at headquarters. The reader is given a panoramic view of the invasion of Anopopei. Given the wrong writer, this method could have been a complete mess. However, Mailer handled it brilliantly, giving all of the characters personality, and depth. The book unfolds very slowly, as a the reader is introduced to all the members of an invading platoon (the Intellegence and recon platoon). At the end of many of the chapters are little subsections titled "Time Machine." These sections serve as a sort of flashback to each individual soldier's personal history (each person only gets one time machine section). These subsections help to humanize these characters, as well as to show the forces that have shaped them (economics, class, education, etc.). The scenes also let the reader view the negative and possitve sides of each person: racism, sexism, cowardice, bravery, empathy, and compassion. The members of the platoon become rounded (flawed) people. This initial process of introducing the reader to these characters is extraordinarily important at the end of the novel.Another interesting aspect of this book is the way that it shows the internal structures that hold these people together. It examines the idea of hiearchy that the military survives on. That is, it looks at the relationship of men of different ranks to each other (officers to enlisted men, general to lieutenant, etc.). How does having control over a man's destiny effect you? How does it effect the man you control? In all, it seems that these internal struggles are among the most important of battle. In order to keep an army together, you must be able to control it. In fact, for me, one of the most interesting interactions/conflicts in the novel is between Lieutenant Hearn and General Cummings.In all, the story is very interesting. I would recomend it to anybody who has an interest in World War Two, or simply war stories in general. However, I would caution that this is not a shoot 'em up, action adventure fest. It's a sort of study on how war effects those who have to fight it.
34 stars
Teen Years Nam Flashback Brought up so many awkward high school memories, but reminded me that teenage love can survive the hell-coaster of high school. If you want a great Ecchi (soft-core innuendo sex) Start here. Yamada may seem one-dimensional, but a hot body and a smoking attitude made it worth the awkward, and clumsy teen sexual advances.
45 stars
Terrific panty! A friend recommended these to me -- and she was right! These are great little panties, especially for those of us who like a string bikini, which is getting harder and harder to find. I'm very short (5') with a short rise, so these are great for my body. They seem to be holding up well to washing machine & dryer, too!
45 stars
Do not buy - will BLOWOUT your camera. I purchased this and the first time I used it it blewout my $500+ Olympus camera and of course, it stopped working.
01 star