class label
5 classes
EXCELLENT BUY This movie was such an excellent buy I got it at a good price and my loves it! Seller delivered on time and I couldn't be happier
45 stars
What does religion mean? This book has successfully answered one of the most important questions in our life; namely, what does religion mean? The authors, Masters Ali,Aliaa and Aisha Rafae explain in a simple way how religion, in old beliefs such as that of the Ancient Egyptians, as well as in all major revelations such as Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, means a "refuge", a "way of life", and a "path" that every human being can seek in order to achieve the main purpose of his existence on earth.This book is a valuable document on how religion is meant to be a way to "discover" the relationship between man and the Creator, a way to open a channel within man's heart to receive Divine guidance.Although major revelations appear under different names and express various rituals,they were all rooted in the Primordial Religion. They all aim at helping man in his search for his soul.The manifestations of the Supreme Power vary, but they all emphasize that God is One.It is amazing how the book shows numerous similiarities among all religions at a time when people fight and clash to show differences and to prove that each religion is superior to the others.The spiritual knowledge in this book sheds light on the "Truth" that is hidden in all religions. Does religion mean performing mere rituals? Can these rituals help man to contact his soul? Can religion help man to understand the meaning of being human ? Can religion help man to receive Divine guidance? Can religion help man to start a dialouge with all his fellow men regardless of their races, colors or the "names" of their religions? Can religion participate in creating a peaceful world? Can religion help someone who is searching for the meaning of life? Can religion be a "refuge" for the soul that is looking for the continuity of life after death? Can religion reveal how our daily experiences are a way of winning spiritual gains? In every chapter, the authors provide answers to these questions in such a way that makes this book a great guide that can be used to narrow the gap among all religions.It can, definitely, help to start a dialouge on religion based on understanding, tolerance and love.
45 stars
A good intro on Christian liberty and worldview This was an enjoyable book and was right-on in its explanation of the need for a Christian worldview. It did a decent job of explaining Christian liberty and how it applies to social change and the Christian. A more in-depth and clear treatment of biblical passages would have been helpful, though.In my reading the book, though, I found myself following Rogers as he talked about social change and its relation to Christian liberty, but then losing him a bit as the book took a turn and began talking at great length about developing a Christian worldview. And then it mainly focused on what NOT to do in developing that worldview, rather than prescribing a plan or describing what a Christian worldview would look like. You may say this is a strength or a weakness depending on how much you think the reader needs to be lead or just solve things by themselves.I, for one, felt like there was not enough of an emphasis on what Scripture says our worldview should be. Maybe Rogers is the kind of person that thinks most people should figure this out on their own. But I think, in some ways, people bought a book so they could have someone teach them. Role modeling a Christian worldview may do far more than just very general discussion on the topic. Maybe his purpose was to make an adjunct textbook for Cornerstone University-one more open-ended for college students? Either way, more actual Bible content would have been helpful in prescribing a Christian worldview.Overall I think the book suffered from its sprawl. It covers a lot of topics very quickly and sometimes superficially. I would have appreciated a book more focused on fewer topics-say, how Christian liberty relates to social change. Rogers started talking about that but, I think, got somewhat off-track. If a Christian worldview is foundational to thinking correctly about social change (it is), then assume it and continue the book in-depth. But-even if we need to have a Christian worldview on every topic-there shouldn't be a need to explain the necessity of a Christian worldview in each book on every topic.I don't want to make my review sound negative-it's not. I'm giving the book 4 of 5 stars. But I wanted to explain why I couldn't give it 5.
34 stars
My favorite Chistmas Album this year. My sweetheart loves Christmas, so every year I am on the lookout for a new CD that might be nice to listen to on the rare chance we get to drive together. This CD ended up being played at home quite a bit this last Christmas, and here's why.While you might find any number of old familiar Albums, I get kind of tired of the stuff that my folks might have played in the 60's when I was small (well besides the Chipmunks... I mean that's classic). That leaves mostly three choices, Motown/ Rock and roll versions, Country versions (some of which are actually quite good) Or the Modern "Pop Diva" versions, and for me that is the worst, because they are more about showing how many times they can make vocal runs go up and down the scales, and I am just so sick of that.Well here is a pleasant alternative.The arrangements are simple and you can sing along, which is kind of the point with a Christmas CD, and the vocals are filled with such warmth and if I can say it right, a reserved (adult) enthusiasm. Again, Ms. Krall simply makes me believe her performance, and that is why I love this CD.
45 stars
Very Basic I was disappointed with this one. Everyone else liked it. I just thought it was very plain, and became bored with it quickly. If you suffer from anxiety check out "Embracing the Fear"...
12 stars
favorite cd this cd is amazing i don't know one bad song on this cd and anxiety is good some other people are wrong
45 stars
The best movie ever This movie is a brilliant movie, bjork is great, she makes you trust her, as if she is not acting, i suggest this movie to bjork fans..
45 stars
Not what I expected. This book was full of off-the-wall recipes. Being a Betty Crocker cookbook and advertised as the Complete Thanksgiving Cookbook, I figured the recipes would be more traditional. I was disappointed.
12 stars
only fuel for this movie is the cast cast are great in this movie..Michael Madsen plays a bartender whos sister played by Virginia Madsen is getting married...Madsen's old boyfriend who left her at the alter played by Tom Sizemore(in one of his best performances) comes back for forgiveness..meanwhile theres this cocky scheme man played by Jim Belushi who becomes friends with Luke Perry..Perry takes Madsen's money for the wedding and Belushi ends up taken it and then when Belushi thinks hes gone Sizemore pops out of the back and takes it back....Jeremy Davies is a woman lover..Chris Penn plays a booky guy whos marrige to Mary Stuart Masterantonio is crumbling and Hal Halbrook plays a man at the bar with some old stories for Madsen...great performances all around. sort of dry in some spots though but you wont notice
23 stars
Juxtaposition reveals contrast "The Martian Chronicles," by Ray Bradbury, goes through a chronological progression of man colonizing Mars. Starting from the first expedition in 1999 and coming to an end when the colonists return to Earth in 2005. The colonists travel to Mars to escape the worsening situation on earth. However, the colonists discover that humans cannot stand to live away from their home, the place they have known all of their lives. They choose to return to earth, even if it means dying.Bradbury uses juxtaposition to compare the humans with the Martians. By doing this, the book provides a view on humanity and human nature. He even makes the Martians very human like. This makes the comparison easier. Bradbury gives the Martians the ability to manifest themselves as appearing as human beings. When the Martians appear as humans the real humans don't realize that they are Martians. This is a tool that ends up symbolizing human nature in the way that the Martians are protecting themselves and their land, just like humans. Another example is when a lone man travels a road at night and cross paths with a Martian. Their two worlds or times merge at that instant and both realize the similarities and differences they hold.
45 stars
What a voice Another great cd from the wonderful voice of Josh Groban. I love his voice and I applaud his decision not to conform to what everyone else sings. He knows what he likes and he sticks with it. His voice is just terrific and I look forward to his next cd.
45 stars
I've been wanting these! I'm slowly collecting the entire series and after a professor exclaimed why work reminded her of Wuthering Heights I knew this was the next buy. The book was in good condition and arrived quickly. Thank you.
45 stars
"You gagged her with a jawbreaker?" Jawbreaker is a great dark comedy starring Rose McGowan(Phantoms, Scream) as Courtney "Satin-in-heals" Shane who convines her grouppies Marcie Fox, known to herself Foxy played by Julie Bentz (As Good As It Gets) and Julie played by Rebecca Gayheart(Scream 2, Urban Legand) to lie and say that their friend, Elizibeth Purr(Lizz) was not accidentilly killed by them in an innocent birthday kidnapping prank, but instead was raped and that they had no part in her death. The movie has some great plot twists and some great lines. Go and see it on DVD or VHS. P.S. To the person who wrote the line of Foxy as "You're shoe-in for prom queen?": Did you even see the movie, or just the trailer? The line is "You're issuing for prom queen?"
45 stars
The lovely bones THE LOVELY BONESBY: PETER JACKSON'SIt was someday in December when Susie Salmon was murdered. Only fourteen-years-old she unsuspectingly falls victim to a vicious serial killer. But that is where the story begins. She presents her story as the narrator and observer of how life changes in her family where a murder takes place. When she finds herself in a place that is magical and mysterious to her somewhere between heaven and earth she begins to reach out to the family she left behind. She has a difficult time accepting her own death and moving on to her Heaven As for her father continues searching to find the MONSTER that took his 1st daughter away. Their neighbor Mr. Harvey is a serial killer with deep emotional problems. He is a danger to any young girl or woman. And when a neighbor begins acting suspicious the father and sister move closer to finding an answer.After watching the movie lovely bones I have both dislikes and likes about the film. Am give you both like and dislikes about the movie. After watching the movie so many thoughts came rushing threw my head. Like one of my few first thoughts was that it was an actually reasonable film it was good but not that wonderful but good just somewhat right. But I can't lie I had a strong reaction towards the movie just because watching the weirdly somewhat disturbing serial killer share with Susie. Her last minutes of life even though it doesn't go into details like in the book. I felt there was too much details missing from the book yet I can't front it still moved me. Like if you really get into the movie you can actually feel what the characters are feeling but I believe it would have been nice to see the family be represented a bit better it was an okay movie just wasn't what I suppose it would have been like take you on a emotional ride like the novel did.The reason why I also disliked the movie was because all the visual in Susie's fantasy world served no purpose to the story and really threw off the whole focus of the film which is the family drama which came back on being Susie's death. Just when the story starts of what a family is trying to stay together after the death of a loved one and the story of the serial killer trying to stay neutral gets good the film cuts off to show Susie running around in her fantasy world and it would have been nice if the plot of the fantasy world and the real world connected with each other but it didn't in no point at all. You would think Susie might try to reach out from the afterlife to try and contact her family like in any other similar movie but it never did. Which this is when we question why are we even seeing the whole fantasy world at all? Yea its good parts but it served no purpose whatsoever. As well I didn't like fact the mother disappears through mostly half of the movie and almost with no reason at all.But one of my favorite characters was MR.Havery the reason why was because as the creepy rapist/serial killer neighbor. This antagonist plays the very dam well definition of a psychotic serial killer. What made me like his acting and gave away his personality of a rapist and sick person was his eyes to me. But most people saw him as the silent and calm neighbor but when you actually look into his eyes you can read him off it just sends a chill down your spine. I can't really describe what I saw in them but it was just a reading about him. If you saw his character in real life you'd really would feel unsafe around that person that's how great his acting was for me.
34 stars
Tammy is the BEST I am Lucky enough to get to call Tammy a friend of mine, She is one of the Sweetest people you will ever meet. A wonderful performer, singer and I've been lucky enough to get to hear some of her songwriting (none appear on this Cd, but hopefully in the future). If you ever make it out to Las Vegas, see if she's appearing at any of the clubs here. You'll get to see a Great show, and probably get to meet a Wonderful Lady.
45 stars
EXcellent I thought this book was cool. but the most interesting books are maggie's and sunny's. cause they have the most interesting adventures.
34 stars
cheaper and as effective to get regular under pads at pharmacy People...please don't get ripped off. I went to Walgreens and got a large 50 count of underlayment pads that fit perfectly on our changing table for 3.99 Please don't fall victim to the cute designs and baby marketing gimmicks. These work...but you can get the exact same thing at your pharmacy for much much less.
01 star
Nice product Since I'm a college student living in a dorm, this helps cut down the expense of buying bottled water, and helps out the environment. Win-win. Water tastes pretty good too :)The included sticker filter reminder is pretty nifty as well!
45 stars
Fantastic Book! Excellent book, absolutely fantastic read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you haven't read it, then DO IT!!! You will not be disappointed!
45 stars
Good book, but a double of another one This is a good book. However, there is another book, titled Make it with Paper Flowers by the same person, different front cover, exactly the same inside as this one. Be warned! I ended up buying them both!!!
34 stars
Excellent training tool to prepare toddlers to fly We showed this DVD to our 2 year old before our most recent flight and it made a huge difference. We had flown with him frequently while he was a baby, but once he was a toddler, the experience was completely different. My son loves the video and reminds us that "the little girl says no kicking" (the seat in front of him) and that he needs to drink water during take-off/landing to help his "ears popping." Although we had tried to prepare him with these same instructions, it was only when he witnessed Shae's good behavior that he really listened!
45 stars
It grows on you I've been a Kim fan since the start, from the first time I heard "Those words". I loved her first two country-tinged albums (although I am NOT a country music fan). This CD is a complete departure, there isn't a trace of country. I didn't like it at first, but I put it in my CD changer anyway and starting finding those wonderful Kim melodies and powerful words beneath the new production.Kim's music doesn't fit into one neat category. Her style is somewhat reminiscent of the folk-rock-country singer-songwriters of the 70's like Joni Mitchell, Janice Ian, James Taylor, etc.She has a powerful voice, with a touch of longing and sorrow and a hint of whimsy. Her words are powerful and she creates haunting melodies and harmony, you cry and laugh at the same time. Don't miss any chance you may have to see her in person, her voice sounds better live, and she has a charming stage presence.
45 stars
Stick with "Left Behind" This book begins with a description of the four humors theory applied to temperament instead of medicine (since the body fluids this theory was originally based on are nonexistent). It's not the first time I've seen this idea, but I am wondering why it is better than the many, many other attempts to categorize people out there. It's not based on the Bible at all, which makes me wonder about Tim Lahaye's claim that this book started out as a set of sermon outlines. If I went to a church and the sermon was on something besides the Bible, I wouldn't go back to that church! As far as I know, there isn't a lot of research behind it either, though it is old.Eventually we finally get back to the Bible with a study on the fruit of the spirit. No problems there. Then Tim Lahaye attempts to explain and cure some of the common ailments of believers. I nearly choked when he stated that selfishness is the root cause of depression. Seeing as he apparently knows so much as to write a whole book on depression, I thought somewhere he would have noticed that introspection and self-centeredness are common symptoms of depression. He continues with a story about confronting a depressed friend about her selfishness. Unfortunately, she wouldn't believe him, and is still depressed. With all due respect, saying selfishness is the cause of depression is like saying sneezing is the cause of colds, and telling a depressed person to stop being selfish will be about as effective as telling a person with a cold to stop sneezing!Forgive my insistence on this particular point, but I have seen and experienced firsthand so many Christians rejecting their fellow believers because of their depression, anxiety, mental problems, or whatever. They think that this would never, ever happen to a true Christian, and have books like this one as their proof. Because of this belief, which conveniently overlooks David, Elijah, and Jesus, many people have been hurt.Tim Lahaye's theories do not come from the Bible, as much as they claim to be Biblical. I suggest that Tim Lahaye, as a pastor and Bible scholar, not a psychologist, stick to those areas he is qualified in rather than constructing elaborate theories in areas where he apparently knows very little.
12 stars
Excellent Surprised by this purchase. I bought it because I liked "All Summer Long " , and the rest of the album is great , I also love "Rollercoaster".
45 stars
01 star
12 stars
Forget Easy Street, I'd Live on "Green Street" For those of you who missed the opportunity to get this fantastic album when it was available domestically in Blue Note's limited edition Connoisseur series, here's another chance thanks to the RVG series. I'm always fascinated by the concept of a guitar jazz trio. I mean it's the same instrumentation as say Nirvana or The Police, and yet the sound is so incredibly different. This power trio of Green, Ben Tucker on bass and Dave Bailey on drums glides through the album's five tunes (and two alternate takes) with smooth licks and excellent musical communication. The three Grant originals and the two standards, Monk's "'Round Midnight" and "Alone Together" are all so good I can't single one out as the best. Since Green's material on Blue Note ranges from everything to hard bop to soul jazz to latin-tinged jazz to funk, it should be metioned that this album is of the solid straight ahead variety. Don't blow the chance again to move in on "Green Street."
45 stars
Wonderful I just returned from the show in Las Vegas. The show itself is simply magic, and the soundtrack was hypnotic. This is one of the best produced audio/visual performances ever created.
45 stars
Classic Soul Feast I loved John Legend's first cd, but this one is over the top. If you love classic soul and R&B, then you will love this cd. John brings a contemporary twist to old school R&B. This cd is proof that John's first cd was not a fluke or one hit wonder. He has sealed his place among the most talented artists of our time with this cd. I've fallen in love with this young man's vocal talent. John Legend is a musical genius. My favorite songs are Again and We Don't Care.
45 stars
awesome movie this was probably one of the best movies i've ever seen. this movie had everything- action, romance, randomly funny scenes, and a good plot that most superhero movies don't have. tobey maguire was perfect for the role of geeky Peter Parker. he wasn't afraid to show how dorky Pete actually was (like in the "raindrops" scene and the geeky freeze-frame that soon followed). and, he did all the action sequences well, too. also, on the dvd, the special features were great. the commentary with the cast was very informative. the soundtrack for this movie was good, too. everyone should watch this movie. there's something in it for everyone. :-D
45 stars
An awesome and thought provoking book I have been a Stephen King fan for quite a while, and I must say that this book really takes the cake. At first glance it can be a bit intimidating because it is so long, so I put off reading it for years...But finally I just dug right in and...'wow' is all I can say. This is definately Stephen King at his finest, probably better than the whole Dark Tower series put together, and that is really saying something. And it's not just the story, which could stand all by itself even with crappy writing. His choice of words continue to amaze and delight me. I have a new favorite line in literature now: "...he had thought her conversation seemed like a careless spray of diamonds on the green felt of a billiard table." (chapter 35) How beautiful is that line?!! And so poignant.This story is about a U.S. government-bred disease that breaks out into the unsuspecting public, and within weeks kills off 99.9% of the world's population. The remaining survivors in the U.S. flock either to Mother Abigail (the epitome of goodness), or Randall Flagg (evil incarnate). What results is the ulimate battle between good and evil. Although the climax of the book is a bit dissapointing at first("I read 1,000+ pages for THAT!!??"), it doesn't matter because the preceding 1,000 pages tell such a marvalous story that you can't help but not mind too much about the climax.The characters are so real you really think you know them and feel what they are feeling. You find yourself feeling sorry for sorry characters (Harold), and disgusted with yourself for having originally liked a character that you shouldn't have (Nadine), and crying tears over simple, good old fashioned heroism (Tom Cullen).This is a book that everyone needs to read in their lifetime, whether they are a Stephen King fan or not. It is not horror, per se, but more science fiction/philosophical. Five stars!
45 stars
excelente calidad excelente calidad, producto recomendado, recibido a tiempo y sin ningun problema ni contratiempo, ya lo poseo en mis manos en vzla
45 stars
Awesome This album is great! I bought this 2yrs ago and im still into it! Honestly, this is tha best Gospel CD i have heard!01. Fall Down 2000 - 9/10 [This iz a great start 2 tha CD]02. The Greatest - 9/10 [This is my 2nd fave on the CD... very refreshing]03. In The Myx - 8/10 [A bit slow but its great]04. Older - 8/10 [Great message]05. Over & Over - 9/10 [Good beat]06. Bustin' Loose - 9/10 [This is a real good track, tha beat is kinda old school]07. Crazy For You - 8/1008. Remyx Me - 10/10 [My personal favourate!!! #1]09. Temple - 10/10 [xlnt remake]10. Bionic - 9/10 [Good ending track]This album is totally awsome!!! Its sad that she has left her singing career, but its great that the Lord is using her in other ways!
45 stars
Caballe in bad form Unfortunately, this joint concert by two great operatic divas is not as spectacular as it could have been.By 1990, both were past their primes, but in the case of Caballe, a little research explains why she is in such sub-par form. In late 1989, she was suffering from chronic bronchitis, which severely impacted her singing. She tried to cancel a series of perfomances of Respighi's La Fiamma, at the Teatro Liceu. Unfortunately, they artistically blackmailed her, claiming that no substitute singer was available, and it would result in the opera house being closed for five nights, a sharp loss in ticket sales. Montserrat fulfilled her engagement, although the singing left her horse. The sheer effort to sing despite her ailing condition resulted in pneumonia.This gala performance from Munich was one of her first singing endeavors following the worse spell of illness in her career. Unfortunately for Caballe, this televised concert exposes how shaky her voice was as she tried to recover from the bout of pneumonia and exhaustion. From the very beginning, it's evident that Caballe is nowhere near peak form. The Bajazet aria, taken at a laboriously slow pace, is sung with broken legato and unsteadiness of pitch. Also distressing is that Caballe seems so tired and worn out. She sings with her eyes closed during much of the performance.In her solo arias, there are some baubles that one would think La Caballe simply incapable of. At the end of the Mercadante aria, there is a weak, lamentable trill, for example. At several points, the famous pianissimi seem a challenge for her. On a normal night, she could have floated those until the cows came home. Her high notes, always a might sharp, are glassy and brittle sometimes.Please, don't think of me as a negative reviewer. I adore Caballe, but this performance was probably best left in the vaults. Souveniers of bad performances like this, due to illess, have the potential to tarnish a singer's reputition.This DVD isn't a total loss. Horne is in good form- maybe not as good as in her glory days, but still a formidable artists. Of her solo arias, the Meyerbeer ranks as the highlight. Of her duos with Caballe, Giorno D'Orrore and Belle Nuit recreate some of the magic that they were known for.
23 stars
A must see...again and again and again... This movie goes beyond words among other things. I walked out of the theater speechless. The performances were great. The costumes and sets were magical...and the MUSIC! It is a beautiful movie in many ways. Haynes is brilliant! You really need to watch this movie and watch it again and again. It started a whole new obsession for me...
45 stars
A Compendium of Lost History A big, jolly, good friend purchased my book about the Civil Rights Movement from Amazon.After too many questions, and after his mention of the "Little Rock seeeeven", I used an invective: and, told him he and everyone needed to go back to Amazon and read, read, read.Consequently, he bought so many books I was embarrassed, and bought several books for myself.The Du Bois book is a magnificient eye-opener. It consolidated a big gape in my knowledge, and explained why "we"struggled in the 1950s and the 1960s, in Alabama and elsrwhere.The speeches of Pres. A. Lincoln and the other great orators of his era put modern rhetoric to shame. All and everyone should read this book just for the great language.Eric Foner's book, FOREVER FREE, contains great pictures and drawings. Each picture can be worth thousands of words!P.S. The people at Du Bois' school, Fisk Univ., still pronounce his name "du boy."
45 stars
wealth of information I've been pleased with the book and find it an excellent companion for bible reading and study. It does fall short in one regard, to-wit: it does not include many words found only in the inter-covenantal books, or so called Apocrypha, which are included in the original Authorized Version. Denominationalism aside, I would love to see the author address this issue with the same degree of thoroughness, perhaps in a follow-up volume.
34 stars
some drawbacks This is a very convenient product that puts out a lot of light in small spaces. Unlike an incandescent light though the fluorescent light works until the voltage drops below a certain level and then it shuts off completely. An incandescent light will simply go dim as the battery discharges. While this may not seem like a big deal, wait until you find yourself in a dark attic or crawlspace and suddenly it is pitch black.
23 stars
Great acting by The Duke! Although the film makes significant changes to the true story behind it, it is a good movie for it's time and something different for John Wayne.
34 stars
THE BEST WESTERN EVER MADE...QUITE POSSIBLY!!! First off, the movie is in 2.35:1. There has been some discussion as to this point, with several people wondering about the initial disclosure that the movie would be released in 1.77:1. 2.35:1 is the original aspect ratio that was seen during the movie's initial theatrical release. All of the italian actors are dubbed, after all, Sergio Leone is italian and the movie was shot in Italy except for the scenes on the road leading to a local "watering hole". These scenes were shot in Arizona's Monument Valley. I have seen every John Ford movie made and recognize every one of the rock formations that Ford so beautifully shot in his western trilogy: Fort Apache, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, and The Searchers. I won't go into too much depth as to the plot other than to say the movie is certainly an allegory on good vs. evil, revenge, and certainly the ending of the western "horse culture" giving way to "the Iron Horse". I have already mentioned three of John Ford's masterpieces that also happen to be on numerous people's greatest Westerns of all time, as they are certainly on mine. Before I bought the OUATITW dvd, I would have said that for me, Ford's and John Wayne's "The Searchers" was the greatest western of all time (it was John Wayne's favorite), and it still may be. But after seeing "Once Upon a Time..." on dvd with its brilliant remastering of sight and sound and seeing it in its full aspect ratio, I could be persuaded that "Once Upon a Time..." could have usurpted the title from "The Searchers". But whether "Once Upon a Time..." is number one, two, or seven on the greatest list, it is most assuredly on the list. "Once Upon a Time..." did not even receive a nomination for Best Picture when it came out, much less receive the award, but that travesty was due to Hollywood politics at the time and had nothing to do with the greatness of "Once Upon a Time...". The musical score by Ennio Morricone has got to be THE GREATEST score for any movie ever made. Better than "The Magnificent Seven", better than "Dances With Wolves", and better than another Leone/Morricone collaberation, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". The music is haunting, truly. And if that weren't enough, all of the major characters have their own musical riffs that introduce them and follow them throughout the movie whenever they are the focal point of a scene. Very clever and rarely seen. I know that I said at the outset that I was not going to talk much about the movie, and here I've gone and done exactly that. This review was to concentrate on the absolute perfection of the dvd itself, and I do mean perfection. Besides the aspect ratio and musical score, the remastering of the images defies belief. It's like looking through air in real life. You can see the pores in the faces. I have never seen a more pristine dvd ever, and I've got at least 1,000 of them. Utterly flawless! (P.S. Alot of movie goers have seen at least one or more of Sergio Leone's movies, but few have ever seen the man. He did keep a low profile. But if you would like to see him, get his also brilliant "Once Upon a Time in America". He is the ticket seller who sells Robert DeNiro a bus ticket out of town. This man is truly one of the greatest directors of all time.)
45 stars
d c cab We loved the movie when it was on tv. I did not realize there was nudity in it though. I wish it was not there because I do not want my granddaughter watching it now.
23 stars
Music for crying and music for driving Kevn Kinney first made it with Southern punk/folk/metal/country band Drivin' n' Cryin' on college radio in the late '80s, finally going semi-big in 1991 with the MTV and rock radio success of Fly Me Courageous, the band's most polished (and most metal) album. But DnC had built a following on its first three records with a balance of distorted guitar rave-ups and gentle acoustic tunes. While the band floundered in the '90s, moving from label to label while trying to settle on an identity, Kinney found peace making records like 1990's folky MacDougal Blues, recorded with pal Peter Buck, and the bleak Down Out Law in 1994.Two years after Kinney returned to the solo stage on the haunting The Flower And The Knife (with Govt. Mule's Warren Haynes playing the Pete Buck role, producing and providing guitar sounds Kinney could only dream of creating) he's released Broken Hearts and Auto Parts. Less dark than his last effort, the new record nonetheless opens with the melancholy title song - a bleak look back at a tough year that any American could relate to - that's reprised at the end with a touching story of paternal advice that helps explain the origin of the title.The best song is the driving "Back Roads And Rainy Days," with a catchy chorus refrain any lonesome motorist can relate to: "Dialing down the radio/trying to find a song about you." The song's churning beat would make it perfect for any road jaunt, long or short.Kinney's old band is rumored to be attempting a comeback, but in the meantime fans of his wistful tales of heartbreak and the beauty of simple living need look no further than his latest album. There may be no place for Kinney's music on MTV or rock radio these days, but in this reviewer's opinion, there's no greater endorsement than that.
45 stars
Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is a thrilling as well as exciting adventure that keeps you on your toes. Before there was Harry Potter, There was Frodo Baggins and his 8 companions going on an adventure of a lifetime. This exciting book has just been made into a most facinating movie and will keep your eyes peeled and you can't wait for more. When your done watching the movie for the first time, you ask yourself, "How soon untill I come back?" You will find that when J.R.R. Tolkien closes a door, he always opens a window in this fantacy. He makes you feel as if there was accually a time when there were such things as hobbits, elves, dwarves and trolls along with orcs and goblins... and well, Middle-Earth. Tolkien put a backround to this tale, which makes this classic's scenarios tencer, or sometimes even more relaxed. I rate this wonderful, thrilling, breath-taking adventure 5 stars, and when you read his books, you'll know why.
45 stars
Brilliant and Original, But Too Cryptic for Many One of Woolf's masterpieces (although To the Lighthouse is far more accessible) this book introduces us to Clarissa Dalloway: dutiful wife, proud mother, hostess extraordinaire, cream of London society, and perhaps ultimately, failure. Using a stream-of-consciousness technique that was pretty radical for its time, Woolf bounces us from the mind of one character to another in sometimes erratic fashion, presenting a multi-faceted view of a single day in post-WWI London.The focus is on Clarissa and the grand party she is throwing that particular evening, but as her thoughts frequently hearken back to the past, we gradually learn her life's story, even as participants in that story make appearances in "real time". Peter, just back from India, still has strong feelings about her, despite the many years since she broke off their love affair. Sally, the brazen, independent woman who Clarissa so much admired, also puts in an unexpected appearance, and some may wonder if a romantic attachment might have also played a role in their relationship. Clarissa's husband Richard is something of disappointment, neither as successful as his contemporaries or as passionate as the now-unattached Peter. Will this confluence of faces from her past be enough to shake Clarissa out of her despondency?A major sub-plot revolves around a young WWI veteran named Septimus who is also obsessed by the past. Seeing visions of his late comrade-in-arms, Septimus finds it difficult to deal with the realities of everyday life. His wife, tormented by his inexplicable behavior, wants to get him medical help, but her husband fears these threats to his freedom even more than death. Will her love be enough to save him?The intersection of these two plots is not overly dramatic, but in light of the facts of Woolf's own demise, the effect of one upon the other should not be overlooked. The novel bears more than a hint of social criticism, blaming the patriarchal culture for Clarissa's lack of choices, but even more than that it is a cry for help from an author who was plagued by her own fears and doubts.As characters, the women are better realized than the men, and apart from the over-critical Peter and the intellectual light-weight Richard, most of the men are pretty unpleasant. As such, women will probably enjoy this book more than men. Casual readers be forewarned: the stream-of-consciousness technique makes for a very difficult read, particularly in the early pages, before we know who's who. There's not a lot of plot; this book is primarily a character study of some fairly unhappy people. For devotees of great literature, this novel is essential to understanding the author and the untold numbers of lost souls like her. For everyone else, this is a very challenging novel about how we perceive others and ourselves, and not exactly a light entertainment.
34 stars
Marvin Gaye takes the concept album to another plateau. Don't fret about the 4 star rating I'm giving this album. In comparisson to his other concept albums, Lets get it on is slightly below his masterpeice concept albums what's gong on and the later I want you. I still love this album but it simply isn't as pleasing as the other two. Marvin's studio version of distant lover simply doesn't capture the magic of the live version on his greatest hits album. Still, Lets get it on is a marvelous album. Which uses the concept of concentual sex to push himself musically where most artist dream of going. The songs Let's get it on and Keep gettin it on are examples of pure Marvin Gaye at his best. If i should die tonight, Come get to this and you're sure to ball are arrogant sexual sleepers that only marvin fans will love. But without a doubt the finest song on this album is the sweet ballad Just to keep you satisfied. A song that was co-written by his ex- wife Anna Gordy. The words are so honest it feels as though he was going through a break up while he is singing this song. Listen to the tracks final words. "We tried, God knows we tried. Now it's too late." A must for any music lover.
34 stars
A White-Knuckled Crime Drama. Michael Douglas(Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)is at his best in Black Rain, a 1989 action-thriller directed by Ridley Scott(Robin Hood). Co-starring Andy Garcia(The Untouchables), this film tells the story of a hard-as-nails NYPD detective(Douglas) and his partner(Garcia)as they track down a ruthless Japanese crime lord that will take them all the way from New York City to Tokyo. There, they are embroiled in the deadly world of the Yakuza and must work with the Tokyo Police to bring justice in both Japan and The U.S. The special features on this special collector's edition includes a behind the scenes look of the movie, interviews with Douglas, Scott and Garcia and a theatrical trailer of the film. Black Rain has always hold a certain standard in action films in the tradition of Serpico, The French Connection and Ronin, and once you see this, you will concur. :)
45 stars
Another Dark And Stormy Night... In BLIND FEAR, Shelley Hack plays a blind woman named Erica Green, trapped in a deserted lodge w/ three desperate criminals. The good news is that they don't know she's there (at first). The bad news is that one of the crooks is a murderous psychopath! As the story unfolds, Erica must stay out of sight, while trying to outsmart the increasingly paranoid bad guys. The real fun begins when the maniac of the group finds Erica's hiding place. If you enjoy similar films like WAIT UNTIL DARK or SEE NO EVIL, then you should add this one to your collection!... P.S.- The finale is one for the ages!...
45 stars
Nora Roberts book made into a movie. If you love her books, you'll love the movies too. Be aware the books are always better. They have more details and are much more in depth. The movies tell a good story too.
45 stars
I Love this shoes! This shoes came in and i feel in love with them, they are in great condition. Just what i wanted and expected! the color is great. They came in the box and they looked stunning. I totally recommend them!
45 stars
Classic Of all classic female authors (Jane Austin, Mary Shelly, for instance), and of all classic novels with a female protagonist, I find Charlotte Bronte as the most brilliant, and Jane Eyre to be the most memorable. I first read this book when i was a freshman in highschool, and loved it. Now I'm reading it as an upcoming college freshman. I not only still love it as I did then, but I'm deeply moved. I'm touched by how I personally connect with Jane Eyre, who not only has the wit, intelligence, honesty, and flourishing independence that constitutes the spirit of many female characters, like that from Jane Austin, but who stands the test of time as more than just a witty, intelligent female. Jane Eyre is a woman, a woman that all can relate to. Also, I love how the novel itself was written. Charlotte Bronte weaves in all the elements of a good story--suspense, passion, mystery, gothicism-- while entwining emotions like love, hate, death, regret, sadness, rebirth, and forgiveness. This is more than just a gothic novel, more than just a novel with a statement about Victorian society. It's a novel with heart, courage, and a journey that never ends in the heart, mind, and spirit. This is what real literature is all about.
45 stars
ANOTHER WANNABE ROCKER! The difference with Clarkson and Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan & Hilary Duff, is that she can sing, but after that, this pretty lovely girls are tryin' to fool AMERICA by saying they're rockers!....hate that. Kelly Clarkson stick to the ballads, gosh I know you're a charismaless person and one of those girls we all love to hate....no wonder you won AI....
01 star
VERY POOR PRODUCT Worked well for the first day....since then, we've tried everything, and this thing simply does not work. Poor piece of Chinese made junk. DONT BUY!
01 star
Good Guidance Book I strongly recommend this book to Vespa hobbyists. This book give clear guidance for maintaining, dismantling, and reassambling part by part of Vespa. And the book would support you to preserve the uniqueness and classiness of your Vespa. It's better ride Vespa! Fatur -- Vespa Lover from Jakarta, Indonesia
45 stars
Dracula is exceptional !p This is a Book that i have heard so much about but never read because it isn't really my type of book. I found it on Kindle for free with audio so it could read to me. I was surprised that I truly liked it. Plus now I will not feel so left out when a joke or comment is made regarding this book!
34 stars
Great, but why bother? This is a nice collection of songs for someone that knows Rush only from hearing them on the radio. For fans that buy their albums, and most Rush fans by ALL their albums, they have all these songs anyway. With today's technology, we can create our own greatest hits CD by ourselves. So, why bother with this?The only reasons to buy this would be for casual listeners that like what is played on the radio or for diehard fans that have to boast that they have bought every Rush release regardless of what it is.
45 stars
first hd tv i am a gamer and for a while i was using the standard tv set. i recently bought a x box 360 and i know that i needed to upgrade. this tv is perfect for what i need with a decent price. the picture quality is excellent all of the games look sharp and crisp. only draw back is that i have standard cable programming and the picture is slightly warped on the edges. this is not a big problem it is hardly noticable.
45 stars
Favorite movie Excellent WWII story about a father trying to save his family in the Nazi camps with a sense of humor.
45 stars
Bring Lobster Boy into your home today! Lobster Boy! The story may shock you and leave you forever changed. This book rocked! I bought it because the cover was so freaking hilarious. He is a sight to behold. I sat out in the sun reading this two summers ago and couldn't put it down, I looked a bit Lobsterish by the time I was done. Find out all you need to know about The Fat Man, The Migdet Man, and of course, Lobster boy, in this wonderful book. It is a true story, which only makes it that much greater!
45 stars
Amazing I first read the Ring triology over 30 years ago and have revisited it many times since. I was almost reluctant to see this film because of all the hype - I was afraid it would mar the mental images and visualizations of Tolkein's word I've cherished all this time. It was, therefore, truly amazing and delightful to me to see how beautifully and faithly made this movie is. It's as if Peter Jackson read my mind (and the minds of everyone else I know who has both read the books and seen the film). Everything is exactly as I'd pictured it. Not only that, but my husband (who has never read any Tolkein) became equally entranced by the movie and looks forward to the releaese of "The Two Towers" almost as eagerly as I do! Excellent, excellent movie.
45 stars
Gettin Better OK I know a lot of people think that Britney Spears is fake, but what most people don't understand is that she really works hard to make music that all groups of people enjoy, it's not her fault that she is really beautiful, and a lot of people only like her for that. She has really worked hard to get here. I really like her new Album especially Lucky. And I think she earned the fame she is getting!
34 stars
Mainline SciFi "Resident Evil" has gotten a bit of a "schlock" reputation; I find trailers for the latest theatrical release intriguing; when I mentioned this to my son, he recommended this first in the series. It doesn't have the timbre of supernatural or horror film that I've been told sequels do. In fact the story is more plausible than say, "Total Recall" or "Sixth Sense", which are accepted as scifi. If you're looking for horror/zombie, this isn't the flick for you. But I recommend it to SciFi fans who may have passed it over.
34 stars
Now I understand... Before I read this book I couldn't understand how this couldpossibly be a Clancy novel. After all, it was a "mere" 480 pages!None of Clancy's books are less than 700 pages! But Clancy'yform is to use 400-500 pages to set up the characters and situationand use that last 200 pages (or so) to tell the fast paced actualstory. True to form Clancy sticks to the tried and true. Thefirst 400-500 pages set up the situation and character and thelast 200 pages... Wait a second! The last 200 pages are missing!This book is so clearly an incomplete story as to leave nodoubt that soon another book (with another fee) will be publishedto finish (or perhaps only continue) the story that was lefthanging in "The Teeth of the Tiger".
23 stars
Wow! The book and this movie are complimentary. Anthony Hopkins nailed the part, as did Emma Thompson. However, it is Hopkins character that is the lead and from whose vantage point the story in told.Check my review of the book by the same name to find out more details as to the story line.Get both the book and the movie. Watch the movie first and then read the book. The book is narrative and having Hopkins voice in your mind while you read enhances the enjoyment.
45 stars
coleman filler cap I purchased a coleman filler cap for my old fifty year old coleman camp stove and it works just like new.
45 stars
Better in the French edition. A Frenchman explaining Zen and Japanese gardens, translated into English, makes for an international headache. Some good insights, yes. A lot of pseudo-Zen philosophical nonsense, yes. Best read with a glass of wine (French) in hand.
12 stars
Classic read Have read this book many times and it always delights me one of her greatest works .Jane Austin will never go out of style
45 stars
good I ordered the used book. But, it looks like almost a brand new one. So, it was great for me to purchase it from you. Thank you.
45 stars
Best Parenting Book on the Market This is the best parenting book I have ever read. The methods are effective and kindly administered. I had to order this book again because I have given the last two copies away to new parents. Everyone should read and use this book. The methods also work in your relationships with other people--not just children.
45 stars
Disgusting. In today's society with what kids go through, the fact that anyone would think that using a kindergarten level "recess" song which encourages children to pull down someone's pants is acceptable material for public school disgusts me. How does the author treat his children, because I would never do that to my kids, nor would I encourage it. Gross! This was part of my child's music curriculum. The teacher read it, then taught them the song. I am completely blown away. There are so many wonderful books out there, why would you ever dabble in hurtful garbage. No more froggy books for us.
01 star
One for the People Yellowcard's major label debut, is definitely not what i expected. As soon as word got out the YC signed with Capitol and the Underdog EP hit the stores, everyone said YC was headed downhill and turning mello, into your average hit-radio band. Well the guys have totally proved everyone wrong with there brand new release Ocean Avenue. The cd starts off with the solid rocking hit single "Way Away" This song in a way, pretty much shows off all the elements of the entire album. Unique guitar effects, followed by an emotional Ryan Key belting out some melodic yet meaningful lyrics, backed by Sean Mackin playing the most amazing violin playing to date. The violin is used on the cd almost as a third guitar, as at sounds like Sean and Ben fight back and forth from violin to guitar. Then all off these great elements are all kept in time, by the amazing drumming of LP. This cd just can't get any better, take One for the Kids, and the Underdg EP, mix them together, and multiply by about 100! This cd is filled with so much emotion and meaning, and yellowcard still finds a way to make it all get stuck in your head. Ocean Avenue, sends a little poppy vibe, but don't let it fool you, listen to the whole track, the ending solidifies the song. Life of a Salesman is just fast punk rock, reminds me of a NUFAN song for some reason, Only One, the band's allegid second single off the cd is an emotional song that will rock your socks off. Then on TwentyThree, the guys change it up a little, as Sean sings lead vocals. View from Heaven is my favorite song on the whole cd, it's dedicated to Scott Shad, the late drummer for Inspection 12 and extremely close friend of YC. The lyrics on that song are just amazing, and so well written. Believe, is a track about the tragedy of September 11th, and Key somehow again finds a way to perfect the song writting where its soo emotional, yet infectious with melody. The cd is extremely solid from start to finish, oh and don't forget the enhanced portion of the cd as well, it features some awesome footage of the making of the cd, and the video for "Powder" off of the Underdog EP. If you like music, buy this cd. Don't label it punk, or pop-punk, and please don't label it "emo". This cd's genre should be labeled "heart" it's for anyone who lives, has lost, and loves. This cd is truly One for the People.
45 stars
Greatest Find is a Great CD This CD is great. For those that know Colleen's music it is clearly different from Step Outside (her first album). This has got a bit more rock a bit more country sound to it. Very diverse throughout. For those of you that are Janis Ian fans -- she does a duet with Janis on this CD and it is an awesome song. For those of you that are a Martin Sexton fan - there is a duet with him also. Very nice song. Go out and buy this CD--it will be well worth it!
45 stars
Surprisingly sensitive; feel-good DVD! Okay, I sheepishly confess that I watched this DVD expecting to see some patented Farrelly brothers humor: crude, insensitive, and in-your-face. WOW, was I surprised.This movie is definitely humorous (we laughed out loud at times) but when it's over, you come away with a heightened sense of sensitivity for those people society categorizes as "ugly", "fat" or "undesirable." And if you're not careful, you may just approach life a bit differently once you've watched this excellent movie.Hal (portrayed wonderfully by Jack Black), and his best friend Mauricio (Jason Alexander) are a couple of obnoxious, shallow guys who make no apologies for their fixation on dating ONLY young, beautiful women. This is tough for both of them, as neither one is particularly good-looking. But, they drive on doggedly in their pursuit of women who are consistently "out of their league."Everything changes when Hal is stuck in an elevator with a self-motivational guru, who gives Hal a "gift". In fact, Hal is hypnotized; now, he sees a person's inner beauty, not their outward physical appearance. Unattractive or obese women look like supermodels to Hal; and when he approaches them, genuinely attracted to their true beauty, they respond. After years of being unable to connect with beautiful women, suddenly Hal has an unprecedented run of success...only, the women are really not physically attractive, and this is evident to Mauricio, and everyone else...except Hal. In short order, Hal hooks up with Rosemary (Gwyneth Paltrow), who is smart, funny, caring, and to Hal, stunningly beautiful. One problem: to the rest of the world, Rosemary is a 350-pound behemoth who breaks restaurant furniture simply by sitting on it.Rosemary and Hal fall madly in love, and it turns out that Rosemary's father is the CEO of Hal's investment company. Taken by Hal's sincerity, and his insightful ideas for improvements to the firm, Rosemary's father promotes Hal to his right-hand man. Everything is going wonderfully for Hal and Rosemary...that is, until Mauricio decides to "rescue" Hal by breaking the hypnosis. What will happen now that Hal can see the REAL Rosemary?This is a great movie, and can even be watched and appreciated by preteen children. The sexual situations are mild, and there is little or no foul language or nudity. Gwyneth Paltrow, and especially Jack Black, give excellent acting performances. Make it a point to watch and enjoy this DVD. It just might change your life, and make you wish we could ALL see only the "inner beauty" of others. Our world today is much too preoccupied with physical appearance, and other shallow concepts that don't truly matter in the grand scheme of things.
34 stars
Great DVD I really enjoyed this DVD. It is a big eye opener. I highly recommend it to anyone who might be interested in finding out the bigger picture of life.
45 stars
Poor quality I should clarify that yo-zuri lures in my opinion are the best, but this time I got 3 good lures that meet the characteristics of the brand and 4 lures that look like a bad copy, are thinner, the tongue is smaller, the lure is painted has a sticker and the hooks are small and thin.I have the doubt if the seller did it deliberately or is a manufacturer's quality problem. I do not recommend this seller lures.
01 star
"I found it fascinating. " Loves Last Dreaming"takes us on an adventure into the dream within the dream, and awakens us to a new reality where love is the essential ingredient. It's a book about remembering and living in the realm of infinite possibilities.John Randolph Price
45 stars
Eye Candy. I had the pleasure of seeing " The Lord of the Rings" today, and it was absolutely marvelous! Everything absolutely resembled everything from the books, scenery, costumes and all. Also, the way nearly every detail was exactly as I, or anyone else, could imagine. One thing, it was awfully long for anyone under the age of 14-15, unless they are a huge fan!
34 stars
Good Beginners Intro to Medieval Thought This book presents a basic introduction to medieval thought for someone who wants to know the basics of the most important philosophers and time periods. It is not meant for someone who wants a more in-depth discussion or who already has an introduction to the field. The book is well-written and gives the reader a basic idea of each philosopher's system.
34 stars
Cool CD This CD is really cool. It has a lot of great songs. My favorties are Turn to You, What A Girl Wants, Come on Over, and Reflection. Some of the songs are kinda slow, like I Turn to You, but some are faster, like Come On Over. It's good for people who like a mixture of slow and fast songs
34 stars
Good. Possibly one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time. Bradbury is easily the greatest living writer. This is not just a work of science fiction, but stories full of symbolism and metaphors. Stories that we not only can enjoy, but should grow from.
45 stars
It's round and rubbery Dunno what to say about an o-ring, but they appear to be well-made, come nicely packaged, etc.
45 stars
THESE are the shoes we wanted UPDATE!! Though I didn't get what I originally purchased, Extreme Footwear was wonderful in that they rushed the correct pair to me. Since they were an outside vendor Amazon couldn't ship me the correct pair they could only do the return. Extreme Footwear took the iniciative do to that for me and I am a happy customer. The shoes are exactly what we hoped for. More importantly, My son is happy!
34 stars
GREAT START This bag is a great start for your "bug bag". I have added seperatly some items that I also purchased on Amazon. I do think that this is a great starter bag to have on hand and give you some idea of what you will need to add.
45 stars
Wise analysis of Biblical Wisdom This leader in the conservative world of OT studies, exceptional stuff on proverbs and psalms, here gives us a book which means and fulfills its goals of introducing the subject matter to us and instilling the desire for further ventures into this virtile section of the OT.I was especially enlightened by his comments on Job, e.g. "the book shows . . . how small a part of any situation is the fragment that we see; how much of what we do see we ignore or distort through preconceptions; and how unwise it is to extrapolate from our elementary grasp of truth."He summarizes the wisdom section for us by offering that none of the wisdom books gives all the answers, but the total sum of their individual contributions combined with the rest of Scriture resolves some of our difficulties yet urging us on forward to the NT; while still others leave us in travail, which is "an expectant word."Playing greatly on the Biblical theme of fear of the Lord being the beginning of wisdom, however as a Lutheran I must humbly protest that Kidner falls short on Christology, e.g. "To me it is clear that while some of the language was destined to prepare the way for the NT's Christology, the portrait in its own context is personifying a concept, not describing a personality" or likewise, he does not find Christ in Ecclesiastes. I find Jesus' exegesis to be mine, He is in all OT Wisdom including Ecclesiastes, Luke 24:27.Kidner is always worth reading carefully, and keeping it on one's bookshelf for reference.
34 stars
uncommon experience I don't write reviews often but this is a great product and a really good level of customer service. I knew about the earphones being awesome and much less intrusive than the other noise blocking stuff out there. I had some complication with my order due to my error. Eventually the CEO of the company actually called me and addressed how he could fix my order and how I could avoid difficulties in the future. You don't see support like that anymore. Awesome product and customer experience.
45 stars
Gospel of John I ordered this movie for my Dad for his birthday. It is one of the most scripturally based movies I have ever seen. It was sent in a timely fashion and my Dad loved it.It is my favorite also. I definately recommend anyone to purchase it.
45 stars
Pioneer sub Have not found a better speaker for the money.And prefer them over Rockford Fosgate.MTX, Sony, kicker, Alpine cannot compare to Pioneer
45 stars
Thoroughly deserves its status as a classic Although there are doubtless classics that don't deserve that status, this book is not one of them. This book is an absolute must-read that has stood the test of time very well and is still thoroughly relevant today. There are a few books I think every Christian should read; this one is near the top.Whether you're a new Christian trying to learn more about your faith, or you've been a Christian for awhile and want to learn how to defend your faith, or aren't a Christian at all and would like to know why Christians believe what they do, then this is the book for you. I wouldn't even think about going into apologetics without having read it, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to non-Christians and "seekers" who want to learn more about Christianity. This is also a great book for Christians of any maturity level; in fact, it's one you'll probably want to read multiple times.In our postmodernist, relativistic age where people are becoming increasingly skeptical of Christianity, it is becoming more important than ever to be able to articulate and defend the truth clearly, and this book will help you do that as a Christian. Christianity is facing challenges on every side, from the rise of Islam to the popularity of the "New Atheists" to the dominance of secular humanism in the public school system, and Christians MUST be able to respond to these challenges; if we can't, then I fear for the future of Christianity in this culture.Not that the benefits of this book are exclusively for Christians. Even if you're a non-Christian, I think you will find this book informative and thought-provoking; it will show you that being a Christian does not require you to exercise blind faith, check reason at the door, or ignore the facts. I once heard someone define faith as believing something you know isn't true; C. S. Lewis shows that, at least in terms of Christianity, nothing could be further from the truth. Who knows - you may even be persuaded by this book, as many other people have, and become a Christian yourself. But even if you don't, I think you will still find this book challenging.I honestly can't recommend this book enough. I can't think of anyone who I wouldn't recommend this book to, and I would recommend it without reservation or qualification. If you've never read this book, I suggest you do so as soon as you can.
45 stars
One of the Better Ones I bought this book at Costco not really knowing a lot about cooking Indian food, or whether or not this book was even any good. I got it prior to doing any research on all the available Indian cookbooks out there. Just to compare this cookbook with others, I decided to check out some other Indian cookbooks from the library. I checked out 2 Madhur Jaffrey cookbooks, one by Madhu Gadia (New Indian Home Cooking), and Lord Krishna's "The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking." Believe it or not, despite the good reviews with all those other cookbooks, I have found "Food of India" to be the most enjoyable, and the food being the most flavorful. I even did research on the people who provided the recipes in this book and found them to be well known Indian chefs. You will not be disappointed with this cookbook. The recipes are definitely authentic.
45 stars
Mel Before HE LOST IT... One of the best movies ever...instant classic. Mel when he still had all his mental faculties intact...FREEDOM!!! Who can ever forget it?!?
45 stars
awesome 70's meet great 80's would recommended this to any ac/dc fan. if you like the brian johnson stuff you will definately love the bon scott stuff. bon scott ruled was just tragic couldn't have some of his interviews in it. both singers actually made this band great and would play it over and over again while listening to the cd's i dug out of the stuff that wasn't on the dvd.
45 stars
"Beautiful but bollix"-Philip Larlin The British poet Philip Larkin accurately summed up the bible in 3 words. Certainly well written, it's a nice collection of primitive myths and vaguely-historical stories. Unfortunately many uneducated people believe it is literally true. Thankfully in western Europe god has been officially dead for well over 100 years now, but even today large sectons of the great uneducated Amerikkkan public are intellectually living in the dark ages. When will American society be mature enough to follow Europe into the 20 century (let alone the 21st)?
01 star
Good book One of the best classics I have ever read. Wonderful story with an amazing storyline and great characters as well as heartwarming.
45 stars
The only sander you need. Superb sander! Normally I wear padded gloves to reduce numbness while using my other sanders. I just sanded for about an hour before I noticed that I had not put them on - NOT Needed. This sander is very efficient. It feels like it is not doing anything until you notice the large amount of dust pouring off your work. The heavier weight means less input from you. I wish I would have bought this sander a long time ago before the others I own. You could easily get by with just this sander and hand sand details as needed. I love buying the sandpaper on a roll and cutting to size (also found at local Lowe's). All in all, the best sander you can buy - no equal. Ignore the price - worth every penny!
45 stars
What you need Great for practice or checking the operation after cleaning. These metal caps are the only way to go, the plastic caps will distort and jam continually.
45 stars
Fantastic performance and value I have owned the Peltor H10A Optime 105 Earmuff for 2 years and just bought a second pair for guests in my woodshop. They are easy to adjust to fit and are extremely comfortable; so comfortable that I frequently keep them on when the machines are turned off. They do an excellent job of noise reduction and hearing protection in my woodshop. These earmuffs beat the ones I bought at a local home center that had less noise reduction and only lasted 6 months before the headband snapped in half. The Peltor H10A Optime 105's are also a great value.
45 stars
Great perspectives of a troubled genius Most readers of Moby Dick seem to praise it for the wrong reasons and some miss the boat completely.Criticize all you want of Melville's scientific inaccuracy, wandering themes, or even his improper punctuation. The guy wrote this thing in a year - not enough time to refine it, and it was a book he knew would not sell.Underneath a mess of useless whaling information and Ishmael's rambling are ideas and questions that most people don't dare think about. Unlike Charles Darwin, Galileo or the fearless Ahab, Melville hid safely behind his metaphors and guided the careful readers to draw their own conclusions without completely leading the way.Let me explain.While to Ishmael, Moby Dick is nature's wonder and to Starbuck is just a whale, to Ahab Moby Dick is God, with his infinite power.There are some disturbing things in the universe begging for an explaination, such as why one person is rewarded with happyness while another punished in suffering. There are feel-good answers, like the idea that the score will be evened in the afterlife and there are humble answers, like the book of Job, which suggests that man has no right to complain or question God. Melville's Ahab takes this to another level when he asks why man needs to be God's puppets. Ahab is insulted by God's creation of man, letting man live in suffering, "with half a heart and half a lung".The bewildered God-fearing masses will not comprehend the depth Melville trys to take them. This most important theme was written for the pursuit of truth, not happyness. This book is not for everyone, and a lot of chapters are better off skipped, but those with enough empathy for Melville will find an emotional and intellectual adventure.
45 stars
If I had all the space and money they want me to have, I wouldn't need a book to tell me how to arrange it all Seriously, I don't know who is leaving these great reviews of this book. It seems like every photo shows a giant, spacious home with lots of open space, and each suggestion involves buying something new to either arrange or accent what I have.Hey, authors? If I had an 8 x 12 entryway I wouldn't need tips on how to organize my going-out things! If I had a huge, spacious hallway, I could figure out on my own how to put bookshelves in there or display collections. And if I had a guest bedroom AND bathroom, then maybe taking tips on how I ought to tuck the shower curtain inside the shower for guests would be helpful - but from where I am at now? NOT what I bought the book for, thank you.And I can tell you that when I think about how to organize collections and clutter, the last thing I think about is buying more stuff to display it on or with. Why in the world is a book on design solutions to clutter advising we buy umbrella stands for our (they imagine) giant entryways, and antique ladders to display our antique books on. Do they think I have not only that kind of space to waste but extra cash lying around waiting to be wasted on dumb stuff like that?This book actively made me mad. I got it from the library thinking I'd get some tips for my 1200 sq ft home and for living with my clutterbug partner harmoniously. Every single picture and tip I got was a serious joke. This book should be labeled: The Organized Home - Design Solutions for the Wealthy and Large-of-Home.Don't waste your money. The Not So Big House has pics of big homes, too, but that book at least showed some real design solutions for making the most of one's space, and it isn't even geared towards people with too much stuff.
01 star
A True Love Story Captivating, endearing, and tender, the Stargazer soars above industry standards with its gripping plot, gorgeous character development, historical accuracy, and elegant writing. This is no fraud. Jaffe's book delivers on all accounts. It entices you and draws you in...leaving you absorbed and eventually satisfied. A sure thing. Very impressive!
45 stars
The Stupidest book ever Words cannot express how unbelievably horrible this book is. I had to read this for school and it was so rediculously immature. I do not reccomaend this to any christian who does not want to put evil discust before their eyes, nor to any non-christian just because it was so horrid. This book is absolutely sick and obviously Huxley had never read theBible. Dont read this book. Its a waste of time.
01 star
Good remastering Very good remastering!Great sound.1994 year remastering.All replicas from the LP edition
45 stars