class label
5 classes
Its Ok the dvd wasnt what i was expecting. Though I do think it was ok. Pearl is a true fan.
23 stars
Another wrong turn All the usual ingredients are here but the recipe lacks piquancy. Aja delivers nothing that we haven't seen before and his treatment of these familiar themes isn't particularly memorable either. Having said that, there's nothing badly wrong with this movie: it delivers plenty of gore and reasonable, but not memorable, levels of tension; we have the usual two-dimensional characters who are by turns incredibly stupid and quite inventive; and we have the insanely psychopathic bad guys. The problem is that I've seen it done more effectively elsewhere.
23 stars
45 stars
Love this series. Especially love the ability to make the close captioning larger.Very easy to access...I give it 5 stars.Recommend to lovers of sci-fi.
45 stars
Freaking Brutal - Totally Awesome This is what the new breed and standard of horror should be like. ISoYG was executed brilliantly through out and kept its respect for the first film but took it to the lengths of what hardcore horror fans want.The acting was good, the pacing was great, very difficult to watch in places and the gore was brutal and realistic.Just like the original it will have its controversy, but for horror fans it is a must see.
45 stars
Don't let the ugly cover fool you.. Fans of vampire legends will enjoy Mr. Vampire. Mr. Vampire is exorcist/vampire hunter (played by Lam Ching Ying), whose life takes a turn for the worse when a client refuses to stay dead! Add to the mix one bumbling apprentice and a beautiful ghost and you get an hour and a half of amusing comedy.I found the relationship between Mr. Vampire (as the long-suffering teacher) and his two apprentices to be quite funny. Also the necromancer/priest with the "hopping bell-controlled" vampires with the prayers attached to their foreheads was very funny.This video is a must for fans of horror comedy, or vampire fans who want a change from Lestat angst. If you like this one there are two more in the series: Mr. Vampire 2 and Mr. Vampire 3.
45 stars
A charming love story. Although far from being an original, this supernatural love story is very well made. Story is predictable yet charming. Characters are simple but likeable. Overall, a charming package.
34 stars
Dumb movie. This is one of the dumbest movies ever made. I don't mean that as a compliment. This movie is moronic. That said, for some reason, I love it. I don't like dumb movies. I like this movie. It makes no sense.I saw this in when it was it theaters when I was 15. There were 10 people in the theater. 8 of them laughed maybe once. My best friend and I were crying from laughter from about the 5 minute mark until the movie ended. I'm not 15 anymore, and I recognize this is a horrible movie, but that changes nothing. I'm embarrassed to love it, but I still laugh nonstop every time. Except the beginning. That CG baby is just dumb. And the cow scene... nothing funny about the cow scene. Everyone loves it. I can't stand it.I can't recommend this movie, because I've shown it to a lot of people, and they all hated it. I can only say that I love it. It loses a star for not entertaining anyone else. Otherwise it'd be 5.
34 stars
Very Fun! I saw this movie and I ended up really liking it. At first the movie is a little confusing but as it progresses the characters grow as well as their relationships with the other characters. In my opinion, this movie was a touching and hilarious film that I will watch again and again for many years to come. I highly reccomend it.
45 stars
Following This moving was very slow, you had to watch very closely or you would miss the story line. No surprises for me. Granted, I did not know about the movie, if I had, I would not have rented it. The description of the movie before renting was not efficient to describe the movie.
12 stars
campbell is of course awesome but the compilation here is not so great As a huge Campbell fan, I found the visuals of things like waterfalls and constant new age music very distracting and unnecessary. The fluidity of Campbell's thoughts loose context and poignancy when dissected and dispersed between rather cheesy "New Age" sounds and visuals.
12 stars
A True Time Machine - Harrowing and Realistic How our ancestors suffered, even a bare hundred years ago, whether they were the patients or the staff of the biggest charity hospital for the poor in turn of the century London. Medicine was advancing in 1906, just not fast enough to stem the tide of suffering brought on by injury and disease aided and abetted by poverty. Asepsis (sterile and clean conditions) had been discovered and developed as had chloroform and ether as surgical anesthetics, primitive (and dangerous) x-ray technology, but antibiotics, intravenous solutions, imaging technology that didn't kill the patient on its own and a simple sugar and water solution to keep people from dying from dehydration were decades in the future, along with many, many other things.The body had been well anatomized and diseases were documented and described. The problem was the paucity of treatments that worked. The brave men and women who tried to turn the tide are everyday heroes and should remind us of the nurses who still take care of us.People suffered from birth defects, malnutrition, infectious diseases, diseases of aging and poverty, industrial accidents and gang warfare all of it grimed in a coat of dirt and vermin that the nurses struggled to stem. Every, every, everything was dirty at a time when cleaning required ten times the work it does today. Nurses were also expected to be married to the hospital, not allowed to marry or see a man romantically and this went on to the forties.The stories in London Hospital are all taken from life be it newspaper articles, hospital records or personal memoirs. The producers have also gone to some trouble to make the procedures and illnesses real in a stomach churning, toe curling manner. Other reviewers have criticized this as an attempt to shock. I agree it is shocking, but it is necessary to have even a prayer of taking the viewer back to the genuine suffering of this era. Drama with the staff is interspersed with the cases but London Hospital is a piece of medical history that is profound in its depiction and its implications. Very highly recommended but not for the faint of heart. Many of the medical scenes are truly grisly and watching the dead die all over again is affecting. I loved Call the Midwife, but I have never seen anything like London Hospital. An original.
45 stars
Good Christmas Fun. This is a great way to make the connection between Santa Claus and the real meaning of Christmas -- the ever giving love of God in our Savior Jesus. Bob tells the serious story of St. Nicholas while Larry adds the humor and keeps things looking festive.
45 stars
"The Glass House" Full of Action and Suspense A+ "The Glass House" is an excellent movie that is portrayed by Lee-lee Sobieski whose parents are killed in a car-accident and she goes and lives with her parents closest friends, at least she thinks so. The movie progresses as she finds out that the "Glasses" who she lives with are not who they appear to be. This is an excellent movie, one of the best I have seen in a while. Not very scary but suspensful, you never know what will happen next. The Glass house will keep you on the edge of your seat.
45 stars
A remarkable low budget film! This is not a typical horror film--great performances and truly creepy! Run, don't walk to rent/buy it!
45 stars
Where's Jack Overall, this is a great film. A lot of footage never seen before. The biggest criticism of this documentary is the absence of Ramblin' Jack Elliott, who played a huge role in making Dylan who he was in the early days. Elliott was the original Woody Guthrie protege, and Dylan's early persona was probably more a copy of Elliott than Guthrie, who was already too sick to play. Maybe Elliott didn't want to participate in this film? Who knows? He's still alive, unlike Dave van Ronk, who's in it quite a bit. Nevertheless, his absence is a big hole.....
34 stars
B5 -- 1st Season DVDs Packaging was weak and had some plastic broken that holds the disks, otherwise DVD's worked fine, no issues. Show is great!
34 stars
Fantastic Movie The movie was fantastic. Both my 4 year old and 2 year old were absolutely transfixed. They have never sat so still for a movie in their lives.
45 stars
and they said sequels aren't better than the original The boys from Jackass totally out do themselves this time (well , everytime) around for the very extreme and sometimes very over the top Jackass number 2. Doing stunts ranging from fighting huge pythons to branding certain parts of the male anatomy on one's buttocks , I found myself both cringing and eager for the next scene. This dvd is well worth it and the extras are even extra special. Quoting Bam Margera saying " I hope there isn't going to be a Jackass 3! " . To be honest with you , I don't see how they can top this other than killing themselves next time and we defintely don't want to see that. Great soundtrack in the film as well and special guests to boot. Jackass number 2 outshines the original and is worth the price of admission.
45 stars
Enjoyable Great story. Lovable characters and villiains. The story really comes alive with each episode, and leaves the viewer wanting to know more. Really fun, and because it is set in the olden times there is less sex or violence when compared to modern television.
45 stars
Awful! I am being quite generous giving this awful movie a one star rating! This movie is unbelievably bad! I cannot believe that Slater and Gooding Jr. did not read the script and laugh out loud at the ridiculous plot and cheezy one-liners! The entire film, the acting, the music, the sound effects, the script, had the effect of an adult movie, and lets be clear, the aformentioned categories are not what people watch adult movies for! My wife and I watched the entire movie, and I really now scratch my head and wonder why! I watch a lot of movies, and I can honestly say, I cannot remember when I last saw a movie that was this bad. Even if this was made for TV, there are many, many good made-for-TV movies. This one clearly doesn't make the cut. The acting is atroscious, and the worst offenders are Slater and Gooding Jr.!! It is hard to believe that these two have actually been in good movies! The sound effects, gun shots for example, are laughable!I cannot believe this movie is $19.99!! Do not waste your money, or your time.
01 star
It is one of the great teen movies! Teenage movies are my favorite genre, probably because I am a teenager. "Can't Hardly Wait" is one of my favorite movies because it continues in the footsteps of John Hughes and his "Sixteen Candles" and "The Breakfast Club" fame. I love this movie. The acting (especially Ethan Embry and Seth Green) is excellent, the jokes are funny, and it has a great soundtrack. SEE THIS MOVIE!
45 stars
ready......action. i like this movie verymuch ,the story was very well produced,there is non stop action in this movie,i also want to say that out of all the movies that transformer made so far this one is my favorites,lots of action and wonderful 3d effect well worth it.
45 stars
Amazing! Ok, everybody who left those bad reviews were Hilton haters. This movie is a lot of fun and I would suggest it to anybody who DOES like Paris Hilton. The movie is the best I have seen her in and I really hope she will be in more like this one. I thought it was really funny!
45 stars
My favorite concert ever! He calls it "Whomp" music. Whatever it is, I can't get enough of it! Taylor Hicks has put together an unbelievably talented band, and the total effect of his vocals with their instruments is phenomenal. I was especially impressed to see that he was the executive producer of this DVD. It has a great selection of songs and the performances are flawless. The beat just pulls you in and I guarantee you can't sit still while you watch it! Taylor is very animated, and I actually enjoyed his moves, even remembering how Simon Cowell told him on the American Idol show that his dancing around was silly. (I do think he could use some dance lessons!) Seriously, Whomp at the Warfield is my favorite DVD...I can't imagine anyone not loving it!
45 stars
Even if u dont like justin, you gotta see this movie! NEVER SAY NEVER!!! im what u call a "belieber". i went to the vip premiere show on feb 9th. i was speechless. it shows another side of justin nobody's seen before. its a really cool movie too, especially if someone hasnt been to one of his concerts. its almost like being at one. ive seen the movie a total of 5 times before it wasnt showing in theatres anymore. i took two friends two different times and they both wouldn't call themselves "beliebers" but after we left the show they both had the same reaction... they respected justin, not just as the amazing singer and role model he is, but as a person. basically this movie is a must see and of corse must own. :) I LOVE YOU JUSTIN DREW BIEBER <3 NEVER SAY NEVER
45 stars
A Matter of Opinion I really enjoyed this movie which stars two of my favorite actors: Gary Busey and Michael Madsen. I only recently became a fan of Arnold Vosloo and want to see this movie again all the more. I definitely recommend it. The movie held my attention all the way through, and I really liked the ending, which I won't give away. Look elsewhere if you're looking for a Best Picture nominee, but if you're looking for a movie that's entertaining, I recommend renting or buying this video.
34 stars
I love this series. This is an outstanding series. I am a closet zombie movie addict and this series is great. Great plots, great effects, overall a 5 star series.
45 stars
Touched by Genius The film is a strange animal, all right, a work sans genre, and at times Gordon seems to have overreached himself, grasping for effects he isn't quite able to achieve. The various styles, moods, and genres give the film a slightly garish, amateurish feel, yet in the end (perhaps consciously on Gordon's part) this very awkwardness works in the film's favor. The Singing Detective is a remarkably ingenuous work, fresh and daring, almost childlike in its lack of pretension, and easily one of the most original American movies of the last twenty years. Above all, it showcases Robert Downey Jr.'s raging, embittered psoriasis-afflicted pulp writer, inside whose head the whole movie (more or less) takes place, and Downey gives an inventive, powerful performance, what may be the apotheosis of his enormous talent. Praise for Downey notwithstanding, on its release Gordon's film met with a wall of critical resistance, a veritable consensus of contempt. This may have been due in part (in the UK at least) to a fondness for Potter's original TV series; but it was perhaps due even more to the basic incompatibility of Potter's idiosyncratic, scathing vision with mainstream (critical) tastes. Whatever the case, the movie once again tragically failed to find its audience.As with his previous adaptations, Gordon respected the source material without revering it, and as a director, he has a rare gift: the ability to fuse his own sensibility and talents with his subject at a fundamental level. In the case of The Singing Detective, it was a somewhat less seamless fusion; Potter's vision (his bizarre blend of musical fantasy with bleak psychological realism) was so startlingly original it required another sensibility at least as strong and eccentric to fuse with. Gordon doesn't quite possess (yet) the surrealist gifts to make Potter's vision his own, or to take it to the next level (David Lynch might be the only director capable of that). He's a proficient director in every way, and seems to be blessed with a natural rapport with actors (perhaps why so many good ones want to work with him). Yet Gordon isn't a visionary director, and this was a visionary script. Fortunately, he had a visionary actor at a career peak to take up the slack, and Downey carries the day.The Singing Detective isn't a masterpiece; it's flawed and fractured and at times thin, even facile and occasionally redundant (most especially in the pseudo-noir sequences). But it's an imaginative and fearless piece of cinema, an admirably eccentric work that manages to do something like justice to a brilliant piece of writing. Full of inventive delights and heartfelt touches, it leaves most other recent American films in the dust. Yet it flopped badly, both in the UK and the US, being so poorly reviewed that many people (myself included) gave it a miss, wary of the stench of failure. As it happened, the bad smells came not from the film but from critics too corrupt and jaded to recognize a work of art when they saw it.(Excerpt from "True to the Muse: Keith Gordon's Life on the Fringe," from DOGVILLE VS. HOLLYWOOD, by Jake Horsley)
34 stars
Lost Boys II The second part to the movie that started it all. The Lost Boys originated the vampire/werewolf craze still seen today(Underworld,Twilight,etc.) and the second part carries it on. Corey Feldman stars and also comes with a brief appearance by Corey Haim in this part. CULT CLASSIC. Highly recommended!
45 stars
Veronica Mars Third Season review I found this final season of the Veronica Mars series to be highly entertaining. The package and DVDs arrived in excellent condition and the shows both touched and amused me. It was awesome to watch the special features disk and see the 4th season that never came to pass, as well as a gag reel and interviews from the actors and crew. This series should have been able to stay on the air - fortunately, thanks to DVDs, we can watch them whenever we like.
34 stars
Spongebob Squarepants - The Complete 2nd Season This 2nd Season of Spongebob Squarepants - the Complete 2nd Season is equally enjoyable as the first season. I highly recommend this, you or your kid or kids will be hooked on it.
34 stars
Good movie This was a good science fiction movie and I don't know why it got such a bad wrap. In the beginning it seemed very stupid and it started slow but it became very interesting and I became completely engrossed in it. By the end of the film I was dying to see the sequel. My only complaint is that the special effects of virtual reality looked incredibly cheesy and unadvanced. I guess that makes sense since it is seven years old. If they updated the movie with the computer graphics of today it would truly be stunning and exhilarating.
45 stars
worthy and entertaining homage THE GOOD GERMAN isn't bad. C'mom, comparing it to the classics it is inspired by and ripping off isn't fair. Enjoy it for what's it's worth, which isn't a whole, whole lot, but is still better than most junk coming out of Hollywoodland. The acting is good as is, in my opinion, the script. I found the story involving American efforts to snatch up Nazi rocket scientists, a quintessential American jack ***, a murderous lying prostitute, the cool well intended George Clooney trapped in a film noir plot, the score, the black and white picture, and war ravaged setting add up to a something worth the price of a rental fee. Guess I like the films THE GOOD GERMAN copies and don't mind that Steven Soderbergh didn't make a new classic on their level. Kind of a tall order there folks. I give him props for his efforts. Film snobs, just stick to your library of Criterion Collection films and your expensive wine and cheeses.
23 stars
Good Movie (only for the Laughs, Horrible Kungfu) Bad DVD This is without any doubt, one of the best comedies in the history of movies, but at the same time, it is the worst martial art Film of all time. The DVD's infinifilm special is STUPID, with the exeption of the extra deleted scenes. Half of the special infinifilm features are about Jackie chan's stardom in America. If u are looking for a good action flik this isn't what you're lookin for.
12 stars
terrible movie I don't know excactly what to say about this movie. I watched it with a girl who is really into weird and abnormal movies. By the end of the movie I could hardly get her to say anything. She was so freaked out that I thought she was in shock. I don't usally let things affect me like that. But the way i felt about the movie was that it was of the Devil himself. It left me with such a bad feeling that I wasn't sure what to believe. I am not a real religious person but I know with out a doubt that what I saw on that movie was pure blasphemy. I have never used that word before but that is the only word I could think of after I watched this movie. I would not recommend this movie to anyone for any reason, It is the worst movie I have ever seen.......I would love to discuss why I feel this way with any one who wishes, e-mail me at wop2@hotmail.com....
01 star
a very original and pivotal look at Shakespeare This movie is perhaps the best version of Hamlet put to film. Less melodramatic than either Kenneth Branagh's or Lawrence Olivier's traditional versions of the play, Almereyda has created a film that uses Shakespeares text extremely effectively but at the same time this does not take away from the movie's visual quality. Cinematography and editing are perhaps the most important part in a film and the problem with bringing Shakespeare to film is that Shakespeare is about language not image. In terms of performances, Ethan Hawke offers a new interpretation of Shakespeare's most complex character. He portrays Hamlet as a confused adolescent and young filmaker, who is almost driven mad by what he sees in the world. He sees the world through the lens of his video cameras and Almereyda demonstrates this by adding a very dark and bleached look to the colors of the film.This review is really just a brief outline of what could really be a long essay about this film's art. In short, the film is a masterpiece and bridges the gap between literal imagery and visual imagery.
45 stars
Not what I expected From the previews I expected this movie to be much more of a science fiction rendition of a Salvador Daliesque fantasy world than another Silence of the Lambs with fantasy overtones. I did enjoy it somewhat, and the fantasy scenes were colorful and well-executed, but at the heart of this movie is a schizophrenic detective movie and I found it to be a let-down; not what I was expecting.
23 stars
Hilarious and smart romantic comedy I loved it - a wacky, fun, clever movie. It is heartfelt like a John Hughes film, absurd like an Almodovar film, and very, very funny. Definitely see it !
45 stars
Shottas I love this movie. I saw it on netflix at one time. Which seems not to be there no longer. I found it on amazon. Com. It kept stopping but overall it was okay
45 stars
HORRID.... The title says it all I really wanted to like this movie but when the previews for other movies started on the dvd, I knew Horrid was going to suck. And it did! Now Horrid was not the worst zombie movie I have seen... Darklands, the Rising wins that award hands down, but it was really close.So this guy is going to get married and his friends are giving him a bachelor party... it is just too bad that the guy's friends happen to be the biggest TOOLS on the face of the Earth! So they take him to some strip club that looks like it was a set built in someone's basement that had been converted into a den in the 1970s. And then from there they go to some po-dunk town that has nothing but a bar, woods, and possibility some military medical facility (how else would the infected patient made it to that town?). Sounds like the ultimate of great bachelor parties. But that isn't what makes Horrid HORRID.... It's the fact that the make-up looked like crap, the acting from most of the cast was stiff and the script /dialog was totally lame, emotionless, monotone, mindless babble. I have seen better make-up on your average wanna-be "fan boys" at zombie walks and better acting in grade school plays. And, I am sure porn from the 1970s has better scripts. The makers of Horrid needed to spend less time watching Cinamax After Dark soft core porn and Girls Gone Wild and more on character development, writing believable dialog for the script and working with all the actors so they ended up knowing their character and delivering convincing dialog.And so what have I FINALLY learned.... Low budget zombie movies, unless distributed by a big name studio, are a complete waste of your money and time and they SUCK! No, you don't have to be a total Hollywood tool with a mega bucks budget to make a good movie... you need to take your time and write dialog that real people would say at the appropriate settings and times and find people who can pretend that what is going on in the script / movie is real taking place around them. And make-up... sometimes less is more and no, black lines on the body do not look like realistic veins; colored, rolled up dried liquid latex applied with wet latex on the body looks like veins.
01 star
Nanook- - the man from terra incognita I always thought "Nanook of the North" was just a metaphor for an overly bundled-up person -- until I came across his eponymous movie! I was dumbfounded and mesmerized by this <remarkable> 1-hour documentary. It was filmed in frozen northern Canada in the early 1900's, silent and in black-and-white, of course.Nanook is patriarch of a native Hudson Bay family (think "Eskimos") who live on the pitiless edge of survival. Yet these are sweet, sweet people. The camera follows mainly Nanook through days of daunting challenges centered on food and shelter from the cold. In one astonishing scene after another, Nanook:1.) sneaks up on and harpooons a huge walrus, 2.) has a titanic struggle with a seal through an ice hole, and 3.) carves and assembles in less than one hour a large igloo, which includes an a-m-a-z-i-n-g feature that will have you talking to yourself.What comes out of his kayak will have you gasping.This is great film-making, notable all the more due to severity of conditions, remoteness of location and unsophisticated technology of the period. I don't expect to ever see anything quite like this again.Nanook irrestibly earns your respect and affection. The movie brought him international attention. News of his death two years later elicited condolences from around the world.Unforgettable. A singular experience.
45 stars
Simon Says.... This movie had potentiol, but missed it's mark. For many years it used to be the image of Jason Voorhees when you think about a maniac killer roaming the woods and slaying campers, but after seeing this movie... well.... you still will.Crispon Glover plays the worst role I have ever seen him do. The guy must be kicking himself that he screwed up by demanding more money to be in the Back To The Future sequels and is now remembered for his stupid idea he had to play a weirdo on the Letterman Show many years ago.This role must have taken real desperation to play. Now this movie could have been something, something decent that is, but two actors in this movie ruined it for everyone else. The first is an annoying stoner character who does nothing but smoke joints throughout the movie and saying stupid things. He is the type you want to see killed off as soon as possible, but they dragged him out and gave him some lame attempt at trying to make out the stoner is a kick-244 hero in waiting, who is going to save the day and seek out the woman he has a crush on, and it just ends in you rolling your eyes at the pathetic attempt they make for the audience to see there is more to him then a stoner with no future.Then there is Crispon Glover playing Simon. First off, the story behind this character doesn't pay off, there is supposed ghosts or just weirdos who wont stay in that town that give the back story of Simon and his brother, in which the scene was not needed as there is no pay off later as to what the hell it was put in for other then some stupid way to tell the backstory, but done in such a lame way that it leaves plot holes open.Then there is the accent of this character. Plain and simple, it is either the most annoying and worst accent you will ever hear because it's just that bad, or you just know Crispons voice too well that you do not accept it is his voice.The kills in the movie are not that bad, and the story itself was decent, but it is those two actors that killed the movie with there performance, that and keeping the stoner in 45 minutes too long.As I said before, it seems like Crispon is kicking himself for not doing Back To The Future 2 & 3, as he trys to recreate a little scene in this movie like that of in BTTF when he lays out Biff. The same shot of the clenching fist is recreated in this film, but I did not see it as a calling card, or tribute, or homage to that scene, as more a desperate attempt at trying to add something to gain more attention to himself.All this movie needed was the stoner cut down early, and either Crispon replaced or have him play it in a way you can stand instead of laugh at how bad it is. And it would not suprise me if Crispon thought he was being artistic or innovative to play a character that is a friggen joke and badly acted while mostly everyone else put all there effort into there roles.
12 stars
Great Got this as a present for someone and the adored it. Great value and the movie itslef is difficult to find.
45 stars
THREE CHEERS FOR COMING OF AGE AT ANY AGE I will make this short. This is a beautiful and touching film for dysfunctionals of any age. Actors renowned and superb. A simple story and lesson of being alone and unkowst to you, your entire family was there and you didn't realize it until the end of the movie or better said the awakening of your life at any age. 5 tears out of 5. How about you, how about you and how about all of us?
45 stars
One of the best!! One of the best movies I have seen in a very long time.It shows the mundaneness that so many marriages expereince and the isolation that can occur when a relationship is not what you had expected.The picture captures a glimpse into the interaction of two people alone and how they wished things could be different and exciting, but life just isn't that way.The movie isn't for eveyone. If you don't want to think.. rent, then buy.
45 stars
What happened to Freddy??? This isn't him!!! Badly directed (expected way more from Wes Craven), bad acting, stupid plot that doesn't really follow through, the guy playing the killer is just weird and doesn't even remind me of Krueger, and not scary at all. Oh, but it has great special effects. I guess that's how they spent the profits from the original and cut back on good writers or actors. Either come back with Englund, or don't come back at all.
01 star
45 stars
Beautiful animation/far- fetched and boring storyline I have to say I was disappointed with this movie. This "storyline" if you want to call it that was almost identical to that in Fairytopia. There were way too many characters for a young girl to keep track of and the story just goes on and on with some ridiculous "plot" of good fairy vs. evil fairy. The evil fairy who.... guess what?? put the Queen fairy to sleep with a magic flower.. isn't that what happened in Fairytopia???? Anyway in a word I rate this: BORING and really not appropriate for young children as it is scary and confusing to follow. Obviously just trying to sell more dolls.
12 stars
Very unique tale of a lonely girl that builds a best friend A lonely girl named May leads an isolated existence with no companionship other than her encased doll, until one day she meets the perfect guy. Slowly she comes out of her shell as her doll's case cracks more and more. After getting rebuffed by her man and a woman and even a cat (!), she begins her mental descent into madness culminating in the final scene where she finally gets what she always wanted.May is an updated version of Frankenstein with the girl mistaken for a pirate (monster) for wearing a corrective eye patch. There are themes of isolation, loneliness, and insanity. May speaks of liking people, most of them anyway, and disliking certain parts. May is the perfect embodiment of the awkward girl struggling for attention. I believe only Bettis could have pulled off this difficult role. She is both vulnerable, yet powerful at the same time.The supporting cast is great particularly Anna Faris (Scary Movie 1-5) who plays the mighty flirtatious lesbian co-worker Polly. And while that description sounds cheesy, her character is anything but. She steals almost every scene she is in and I am completely smitten with her. She holds her cat and sulks across the screen purring like a pussy herself. Jeremy Sisto plays the cute, but aloof Adam whose room is covered in Dario Argento's Opera posters. He shows his character drawn to May's quirkiness, yet repulsed by her natural desires.I think in different hands with different actors, the film would have failed miserably. But each actor made his or her character someone unique. This film also works as a shining example of McKee's great storytelling skills. Haunting moments include dead cat play, bloodied eyeballs, blind kids crawling over glass, scissor stabbings, and a very creepy doll.Released in 2002 by Lions Gate, the movie clocks in at 93 minutes. There is apparently missing footage from the movie such as multiple scenes of young May featuring the "Bird Wing Chopping" scene where May tries to make her doll fly. Hopefully, this will get re-released at a later time with the extra scenes.DVD Extras: Hidden Trailers and some interesting Commentary. The German release has production notes and Biographies, while Australia provided a 14 still Photo Gallery.Favorite Quote: Polly, "The Doctor needs you to do a Fee-Ko Zam on the Miss Ka-Tay. Does that make any sense?" May, "Fecal exam on Miss Kitty."Bottom Line: Very unique tale of a lonely girl that builds her best friend.Rating: 8/10by Molly Celaschi
34 stars
Great film, but it never came in the mail. Yes, I had seen this film prior to purchasing it, it's actually a marvelous film as I'm sure other reviews on here can tell you. However, I'm making this brief and only giving it three stars out of the five I would've given it, except that my DVD never arrived. At all. I don't know if the seller had anything to do with this or if something happened along the way, but I'm not pleased. And I ordered this months ago, I think somewhere between October and December would've been a nice time for arrival.
23 stars
Not thought provoking, but does has you asking questions. Like the title says.This movie is definitely nothing amazing or something you can consider in a top ten list of greatest movies of all time.Kill List was highly suggested by friend of mine who has almost the same film taste as I, so I took it in to consideration to watch it.Not bad for an independent budget. The story just leaves a few questions you have to answer yourself. Yep, it is one of those movies. The ending is your own interpretation of what you think. Although the director has discuessed what he believes the ending represents, it still has you thinking "but why?" I mean, the director said "what he believes" the ending could mean....not what it means. So, yeah....you're own interpretation pretty much.I also asked myself why I watched this movie. I felt irritated at times, but I wanted to finish the movie. You feel it is a dark, gritty hitman movie, but then you start wondering where the film is going.For those who know a lot about movies and can predict a films outcome, you'll be irritated. Those who hate short films that feel too long, you're gonna be irritated.It's not awful or the worst movie ever made. You're just gonna have that feeling of being incomplete and keep asking why the hell did this happen and why did it end this way.Rent it.....at a video store cause $9.99 here is way too much. or just "1channel" search it.
34 stars
A classic, cannot be duplicated I have seen this movie so many times, but can't resist seeing it even more. What other movie combines seat grabbing action, comedy, some of the best musical talent around, and suspense? The Blues Brothers, of course! The chemistry between Belushi and Akroyd had in this film is still unmatched, IMO, to this day. While there was the Blues Brothers 2000, I can't even bear to look at that re-make without Belushi in it.
45 stars
Good Time /Great Soundtrack ! This DVD has tons of extra features including rated and unrated alternative scenes . There is female frontal nudity mid flick so if you have kids be warned. If you have teenagers or younger kids you may want to talk to them about valuing woman as people, not as objects because this movie might lead them to think otherwise and also about driving recklessly down dirt roads blind folded because that usually doesn't turn out so well in the real world. If you like Classic Southern Rock as I do you really can't beat this soundtrack; 'One Way Out' Allman Bros, 'Flirten With Disaster' Molly Hatchet, 'Call Me The Breeze' Lynnyrd Skynnyrd, 'Funk 49' Joe Walsh, 'La Grange' ZZ Top and more. Without getting too long winded, the plot is plausible, the portrayal of known characters acceptable; in fact William Scott brings a new dimension to John Schneider's Bo Duke by making him inept around woman yet a savant behind the wheel.I've found this to be true of many people with unique gifts or obsessions. The movie is a big budget hoot and it doesn't take itself seriously in the least. Jessica Simpson tears it up as Daisy Duke. She's drop dead sexy manipulative, takes no crap and is 100% loyal to her family. We all wish we had sisters like that ! Her music video nicely updates the Nancy Sinatra original pop hit, 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin'.Jessica even re-writes many of the lines to fit her own style. If I were to criticize the movie I would call it an over the top commercial farce but I can't because I like over the top commercial farces when they're done right and this one is !
45 stars
Good show! Well done TV series. Fun and entertaining. Perhaps my only criticism is that they tend to include tiresome attempts at political commentary guised as a character's view.
34 stars
A GOOD WATCH I am very critical when it comes to judging movies but I must say that this is a very good movie. The plot and the charisma between the actors were really great. The experience of the main character in the movie was very realistic as we have all had our hearts broken a time or two and have learned that with time all wounds can heal and happiness can be found again, especially when you least expect it.
45 stars
Outstanding for all ages! This is a wonderful series that is good for all. It is based on historic facts with stories through the eyes of the youth. Giving many voices to the history (English, Slave, Immigrant, American). Great for fun and supplement school lessons.
45 stars
Not Bad For A Junior High School Project! From the artificial dialogue, to the amateurish acting, to the clumsy editing, illogical plot line, and missing scenes, this movie (starring one of my favorite actors of all time, Chazz P.) contains almost nothing worth watching . Character development is non-existent, machoism rules supreme, and little makes real-world sense in this rather silly film. (Dang, but I hate to say that about a Chazz P. movie!)Very, very avoidable is "Body Armour."
12 stars
Drew Barrymore is a Peach I can't think of very many big stars who would have been as cool to meet as Drew Barrymore. She always seems so approachable and it appears that she really is. She's somebody you'd like to hang out with, who you could be real with, so Bryan picked the right girl to try to get a date with in the first place. And by the end of the film I found myself thinking he might actually have a chance with Drew. She likes quirky guys, right? But ones with charm, originality, and something going on. And for taking the step to make this film, Bryan qualified. Well done.
45 stars
Almost a classic... time will tell These episodes kept a bunch of elementary school girls quite entertained during a Halloween-themed slumber party. The adults were equally if not more amused. Even as old as some of these episodes are they're still quite funny and not too dated. If my younger niece and nephew get the same kick out of this ten years from now, then it'll have earned its 5th star for becoming a "classic."
34 stars
Kevin Smith's Romantic Comedy This is what a romantic comedy should be! Kevin Smith (director) kills it with his brand of wit and sarcasm, to the point that even things you know are horrible to say make you laugh your ass off! Combined with Elizabeth Banks and Seth Rogen being awesomely funny and at the same time believable as a pair of friends that truly love one another makes this movie amazing!
45 stars
Haunting Nightmare TRACK OF THE CAT is an obscure yet brilliant allegorical tale of a snowbound family whose distorted views on patrimony and perceived lascivious behavior, all shaped by the conniving matriarchal Beulah Bondi, come to a resounding climax after being set into motion by the perceived appearance of a mountain lion. Directed by William "Wild Bill" Wellman the word "perceived" literally describes the haunting images and ambiguous and double-edged dialogue that unfolds. Brothers Robert Mitchum and William Hopper pursue the unseen cat across treacherous snow covered mountainous terrain. Wellman filmed these scenes on location on Mount Rainier. Waiting in the cabin for their return are Tab Hunter (their younger brother), Teresa Wright (their sister), Diana Lynn (in pursuit of Hunter's love) and their parents (Philip Tonge and Bondi).Filmed in WarnerColor director Wellman had cinematographer William H. Clothier essentially film the images in a bleached out and colorless "black & white" effect where everything is shot against a white background. The exteriors of blinding white snow are counterbalanced by the interiors of the cabin whose walls and ceiling are painted bleach white. In contrast, the trees, horses, furniture and actors (all dressed in dark and/or white attire) all appear black against Clothier's white cinematic canvas. The effect is unsettling, unnerving and unforgettable if you have ever seen this film. The result is that of a nightmarish and haunting tale that eludes the viewer's sense of morality in a superficial and dreamlike world of black and white where black and white are constantly being juxtaposed redefining what is apparent just for the moment.
45 stars
Doolittle does it again! We loved the first movie, so when the 2nd came out, it had a lot to live up to. It was as hysterical as the first... very well done! A "must" have!!
45 stars
In Defense Of "Star Trek V"........ Roger Ebert was wrong when he said that this is the worst "Star Trek" film-"The Motion Picture" wins for that category-"V" is right above it on my best to worst scale. I've watched this film each year ever since it's theatrical release and have enjoyed it each time, albeit not as much as II-IV, or VI-IX.Sure, the special effects were the worst of any "ST" film and the ending was a copout to something original, but throughout the film there is a great deal of fine acting and interesting chemistry between the characters. I particulary enjoyed the scene in which Sybok confronts Kirk, Spock, and McCoy and debates the merits of what he is doing. If you don't buy this movie for any other reason, you should buy it for that scene alone. Other positive aspects of the film-Jerry Goldsmith performs a beautiful film score which you'll want to hear over and over again. The DVD was of a good quality and I enjoyed seeing theatrical trailers which I haven't see in over 10 years.....still, I only wish that the disc included the 16x9 amamorphic format for the new widescreen TV's. I think that Paramount has gotten the message though. "IV" will be released on DVD next month and is supposed to have this feature.
12 stars
Great Episode kind of stupid ending Great episode great acting and was pretty intence. What i do not like it is the ending. It kinda puts elliot in kind of a bad light in that. Dani the poor women was just traumatized by this messed up girl and instead of trying to really confert her he just lets her walk away. I get what he says about she needs to do it for HER not him. but he still could have consoled her or you know held her for a while or something but maybe seeing his wife/ex wife or what and his daugther he realized he needed to distance himself from her? I dont know. I just felt he was a little cold in the end like just to let her walk away obviously kind of a wreck. I would have at least gone to make sure she was ok and to hang in there.and he should have totally got it on with her when he had the chance shes hot :-) Oh well.
34 stars
Thor Lives On! 2 words: SEE IT! It's the best movie yet! If you are a horse lover of any kind, this movie is for you! It's plot, breath taking detail into a horses life, special quality, wonderful actors/actresses make this a MUST see movie. The ending leaves you with a smile even when you could be in tears...
45 stars
Very Original & Scary! I liked this second entry into the Halloween saga moreso than I liked the original but not as much as I enjoyed the fourth movie, which will ALWAYS be my favorite chapter of the ongoing Halloween storyline.What I liked most about this movie is how fresh it feels. The locale and the new characters that it provides keeps this sequel from looking just like any ol' horror movie. Of course, the usual suspects are here as well. Jamie Lee Curtis reprises her role as Laurie Strode and Donald Pleasance is back as Dr. Sam Loomis.One warning, though... this movie picks up right where the first Halloween leaves off (immediately following the final scene, to be exact!) so it kinda helps if you see that movie first.
34 stars
"He got the money . . . and now he hoppin' away!" My husband and I loved Kangaroo Jack! My husband did not think he would enjoy the movie, but he laughed from beginning to end. This is a great comedy. Christopher Walken as mob boss Sal, Anthony Anderson as Louis, as well as the Australian actor who plays the old bush pilot, and of course the kangaroo provide lots of laughs. The script is so funny. Among the best lines are when Sal is trying to expand his vocabulary.This comedy is very much like one of the "Road To" pictures, with the two main characters playing Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. The soundtrack is bouncy and fun, too.The film has quite a bit of violence and sensual/crude humor to be a family or children's film. "I Come From the Land Down Under . . ."
34 stars
THIS MOVIE RULES! This movie is one of the best I've ever seen. Air Force One is one of the greatest Harrison Ford films in the world! I saw it once in the theater, and twice on video. I plan to buy the DVD version when I've got time. Air Force One is about the terrorists who take over the plane under disguise of newspaper reporters. They get help from a "Presidential" tratoir. This movie is a must-see!
34 stars
Barney Night Before Christmas My daughter is 2 yrs old and loves this movie. I still have to watch it and christmas is over. If your child loves Barney they will love this movie.
34 stars
thought this was the real movie thought this was the real movie. my daughter and I were very disappointed. bummer. i guess i'll have to go buy the actual movie.
01 star
A fantastic, touching and beautiful film. Truly epic, I really enjoyed this film a lot! Fantastic! I was deeply touched by "MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA" and its fictional story by James McBride and directed by Spike Lee. But moreso for using the Blu-ray as a way to educate people of the African Americans who fought in World War II and many before that time.VIDEO & AUDIO:The film is presented in 1080p high definition (2:35:1). Overall, the picture quality is very good. Most of the scenes are all outdoor shots and the sunlight and the rain showers and the different weather patterns were featured well on video. Shot in a beautiful Italian village with the mountains in the backdrop, lush surroundings. Really good location in terms of where they shot this film.And of course, the film is full of action. Similar to "Saving Private Ryan", the film has its share of violent moments and dismemberment. Some scenes such as one part with the Nazi's talking on top of a mountain, displayed quite a bit of noise in the background, but that scene is fairly short, so nothing to worry about. But all in all, very good picture quality.The sound is featured in English 5.1 DTS-HD (48khz/24-bit) audio. The sound is incredible. From the battle scenes of hearing the multiple gun shots, missiles starting up from the rear channels of your speakers and then flying towards the sides and then front speaker channels and hearing the blast. And then the subtle moments of hearing the rain all around you. Those were well done and similar to the video, you definitely get very good audio quality as well!SPECIAL FEATURES:"MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA" comes with three features and personally, I felt that the two major features are important because they interview African American Veterans who fought in World War II but also showcased the history of the "Buffalo Soldier". Included in the special features:* Deeds Not Words - Director Spike Lee, Writer/Screenwriter James McBride and several veterans who served in World War II in Italy in a live roundtable discussion (about 18 min. long) in regards to their experiences in World War II and being in Italy, how they were treated and then how they were treated back home. But to see how far African Americans have come and also talking about Obama being the next President (obviously, shot before he won the election). Very good special feature!* The Buffalo Soldier Experiences - Learning the history of the Buffalo soldier. A very informative documentary that is about 18 minutes long and went as far back from the Civil War to the present. Also, a woman who talked about how she bonded with one of the men and has always wondered what has happened to the two guys that stayed in her village, not knowing if they lived or died. But will always be grateful for their heroism.* Deleted Scenes - There were several deleted scenes and extended scenes. Some that were rather important and wish they kept in the film but then again, with the film at 160 minutes already, it's going a bit long.JUDGMENT CALL:"MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA" is an epic film which I enjoyed it a lot. In fact, after the film, I really felt it was fantastic.But there are a few things that prevent it from being excellent.Granted, compared to other war films and fictional and a bit far-fetched at times. The death of the Italian man in the beginning of the film by an older Corporal Hector Negron is surprising that he's had a gun in his possession near the bank check out area where he works and waiting for revenge 40+ years after World World War II is a bit far-fetched.As for timing, at 160 minutes, it is long and for some, the love triangle focusing on Renata, Stamps and Bishop may have tacked on some additional minutes which some may seem uncalled for. But I actually felt the film needed it. Because the truth is the Italians didn't have the racial intolerance towards Blacks like how things were in the U.S. This village was the home of poor Italians, they didn't have TV. They looked at the 92nd Infantry Division as heroes. And thus, the men were treated as equals and some had relationships with the Italian women in the village.If anything, I think that the storyline of the Italian Fascists who capture the Nazi was difficult because they are thrown into the movie with not much character development. Were we supposed to care about these men? Obviously one is a traitor but would one really go as far to have his countryman killed for revenge?And then the use of characters such as reporter Tim Boyle (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Enrico (John Leguizamo) or Colonel Driscoll (D.B. Sweeney). Men that would seem to have an important part in the film but they don't. If anything, they were used as transitional phases for other points in the film.But I'm sure I can nitpick and find what could be edited or not be edited but personally, I was satisfied with the film. It is a tearjerker. These four characters that have different personalities, you do care for them but the adventure from beginning to end, I was left speechless. Omar Benson Miller as Private First Class Sam Train was indeed the gentle giant and he had a wonderful performance. As did the other three men, Michael Ealy, Laz Alonso and Derek Luke. Great performances by these four men!"MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA" was really a fantastic film. It had a good balance from action, heartwarming moments and scenes that captured your attention. And the fact that you have a Blu-ray that does go into the Buffalo Soldiers and interviewing those who fought in the war and also those who were villagers in Italy in contact with the soldiers validating certain parts of the film and their experiences, it was great to have all that included in conjunction with the very good picture and audio quality in the Blu-ray.Overall, "MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA" is a fantastic Blu-ray release that I recommend wholeheartedly!
34 stars
Good but not a great movie Hellboy II: The Golden Army was a good but not a great story to purchase in retrospect I would not have bought it had I known how poor it was. I watched it but was not that impressed by the movie itself.
23 stars
BOUGHT BOTH 1 AND 2 TOGETHER AND BOTH WERE DEFECTIVE! I bought season 1 and 2 together and sent them to my husband in Iraq and BOTH were defective. Seems as if they had been magnitized or just rip offs/bootlegged... not exactly sure but I'm out my money for them...Buy em at the store.
01 star
One small step for Godzilla... Godzilla vs. Monster Zero is brilliant. It is a thouhrly enjoyable mix of monster action and human drama, a combination, which in the Godzilla movies, can be sometimes terrible. Although the monsters are in very little of it, Godzilla, Rodan and Ghidrah(Monster Zero) further enhance an excellent movie. The plot begins when a mysterious planet is discovered near Jupiter. The planets inhabitants are being terrorised by Ghidrah. If Earth sends them Godzilla and Rodan, to battle Ghidrah, they will trade them the cure for all diseases. But are these aliens as good as they seem? This would really appeal to someone who enjoys monster movies and Science Fiction. An excellent film, probably the last good Godzilla movie in a while.
34 stars
These Girls DVD Well, this is the first purchase I have made from Amazon... I was unsure to be honest if this DVD would even work as I'm in Australia, and I did received a notification from Amazon that it possibly would not work, but I went ahead with the purchase as I couldnt find this DVD anywhere in Australia.Delivery was super quick... my shipping details advised that it would take up to 6 weeks to arrive... I got it in 2 weeks....The product was packaged well... sealed correctly and works like a dream!!Thanks Amazon... I will definitely be making other purchases in the future.
45 stars
Perfect Collection This (along with volume 2) is an outstanding collection. These movies are truly classics. The quality of the prints and the packaging couldn't be better. I bought this collection because I wanted to expose my seven-year-old daughter to the best of this great comedian and she loves each of these films! Even kids, with their limited attention spans, can with the right encouragement appreciate the best of classic comedy. Even the fact that they're in black and white need not be a deterrent.Every film in this collection is a gem.
45 stars
A meditation on getting bogged down in pursuit of a dream This is not an action film. It moves slowly for a reason--though I must add that there are some rather lengthy tracking shots that just take up time but don't contribute much. At any rate, this is a meditation on what can happen to someone who leaves home in pursuit of a dream that wasn't all that well thought-out to begin with. Wendy leaves the Midwest to try to get work in Alaska, but has failed to consider that things could go very wrong. She runs low on dog food, has to use money to try to fix her car, makes the stupid error of trying to shoplift, gets stuck in jail and has to pay a fine, then finds that her dog is gone, and so on. All this time, she's stuck in Oregon, frustrated and alone, washing up in a gas station bathroom. She even foolishly tries sleeping out in the open one night.Michelle Williams is appealing in a very non-glamorous role, while the dog Lucy is equally watchable. There is no tear-jerking music, thank goodness, and no propaganda. If there's a point here, it's that we should plan and invest much more carefully before setting out on such a journey. Wendy's greatest flaw is her naivete.
34 stars
Don't waste your money Spend your money on the earlier seasons, those gave non-stop laughs. After season four the humor just dried up, unfortunately.
01 star
Awesome Awesome. Best season so far... Anyone know if I will be able to watch the second half of this season when it comes out since I bought the whole "season"?
45 stars
95% as good as the X files This show is great. It explores scientific ideas in a mystery/detective type of style. It reminds me of the X-Files.
45 stars
"I was 27 the first time I died." I got this movie because the cover made it look like a horror film. It wasn't really very scary but it turned out to be an awesome movie anyways.Jack Sparks was a soldier in Desert Storm where he dies for the first time. While hitch hiking back in the US, he bums a ride from a guy who kills a cop and frames him. In court, Jack was found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to an insane asylum, where he is pumped full of drugs, put in a straight jacket, and stuffed in a drawer. And while in there he sees the future.My favorite quotes from this movie:"What are you in for?""I tried to kill my wife 30 times.""The real events that have happened to me have been f***ed up, not my mind.""Long live the organization for the organized!""Who wouldn't be nervous if they looked at their life? I mean, who's life is that good?""How much time do we have?"
45 stars
HARD AS STONE AND TWICE AS REVEALING BOX SET! The Oliver Stone Collection (Redux) is the second time out that Warner has trundled this great director's wares on DVD. The first collection was limited to titles that Warner held the rights to. This time we get a comprehensive collection of the master's work; 14 films in all, representing Stone's brilliant work from virtually every studio in Hollywood - save Paramount. The set contains Stone's most prolific masterpieces (Platoon, Natural Born Killers, Born On The Fourth of July, Any Given Sunday), his most ridiculed and underrated set pieces (JFK, Nixon, Wall Street, The Doors) and his largely forgotten precursors to greatness (Salvador, Talk Radio) which, in hindsight, are great masterworks in their own right.Synopses in brief:Talk Radio: A hard-edged journey into the spiraling out of control life of a radio shock jock who is on the verge of a crying gag.Salvador: A burned out freelance photographer's interest in journalism is rekindled amidst the civil unrest in war ravaged El Salvador.Platoon: A troupe of soldiers enter the hellish nightmare that was Vietnam and lose their souls to the inner struggle that has no heroes or winners.Wall Street: Martin and Charlie Sheen butt heads after the latter goes to work for unscrupulous corporate raider, Gordon Gecco (Michael Douglas). Heavily dated in its oh, so 80s subject matter.Born On The Fourth Of July: A no-holds-barred, bare knuckled account of the folly and shame of an ungrateful country that befell returning Vietnam vets.Natural Born Killers: A seething, scathing attack on the legal justice system and media hype that transforms the terrorizing debauchery of a couple of reprobates - Mickey and Mallory into `Robin Hood-like' vigilantes.The Doors: The calamitous highs and debilitating lows of rock legend Jim Morrison get the robust treatment in this high octane rock-u-mentory that puts "Rock Star" to shame.JFK: The stunning conspiracy theory saga that attempts to offer up alternative theories to the Warren Commission's report on President Kennedy's assassination. An eclectic, thrilling roller coaster of a movie with a slam bang finish!Nixon: A rather straight-forward retelling of Nixon's highs and lows with Sir Anthony Hopkins doing his best to hide the fact that no one is quite like Tricky Dick but the man himself. Paul Sorvino is hauntingly on point as Henry Kissenger and Joan Allen gives a most intelligent read of first lady, Pat.Any Given Sunday: A hard-edged look at the world of professional sports and how corruption, greed and the competitive spirit collide. Cameron Diaz and Al Pacino stage some rough-house politics to will a ferocious team out of its losing streak. Hot stuff!This collection gives you a solid batch of transfers; the one disappointment remaining "Born On The Fourth of July" which still has not been anamorphically enhanced for widescreen televisions. Otherwise, picture quality throughout is superb. Colors are rich and vibrant. "Wall Street" exhibits the most dated picture quality of the lot. Some pixelization is evident on both "Nixon" and "Talk Radio." "Platoon" and "JFK" exhibit a flawless and impeccably balanced transfer quality with very clean, reference quality whites and deep, rich solid blacks. The audio on most films is pristine. Again, the earlier films in the collection (from Salvador to Wall Street) have a more tinny treble and hollow sounding bass, but this is to be expected. Special features vary according to each disc. All come with at least an audio commentary provided by Stone. There's also a host of extra features on Stone himself, his life and life's work, as well as a preview of his latest project, "Alexander." For the price this box set is an absolute must for any collector!
34 stars
Good, but not the best For the most part, there is nothing terrible to pick on in Spider Man. However, this film fails to hold high interest all throughout. Most likely this is because the movie is trying to make a top-notch film from a children's comic book, which is not necessarily easy to do.Most of the acting is good. Toby Maguire as Peter Parker-Spider Man is not bad. He does well at portraying Peter's shy, picked on life at school, and then his transformation to a more confidant superhero.Kirsten Dunst is alright as M.J., but her acting does not stand out as amazing--there is nothing to complain about, however.Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborne/the somewhat overdone villain the Green Goblin, deffinitely stands out. He plays Norman well as he deteriorates from a nice businessman to a trapped man enslaved to the Goblin's intimidating mask.So far, so good. This film, coming as it did after a history of many films crammed with convincing special effects, it would be expected that Spider Man would be the same. Unfortunately, the effects here are somewhat disappointing. Especially in one scene where Peter Parker is jumping up the wall of a building, it looks like he is in a computer game--a well done, convincing computer game, but still a computer game.The character of the Green Goblin is something I have somewhat of a beef with. I would have no problem if Sam Raimi, the director of the film, had kept his mean tempermant at the same level, but his own admittance of his standing as an anti-hero and a lunatic seems to go a little over the top.With some decent action scenes and good acting, this movie is fairly good, but not the dream film.
23 stars
Good movie I enjoy this movie. It is a crack up. I love watching the lady's work with their long nails. LOL I tried to have nails like that and had a hard time doing anything. Besides their nails this was a fun movie to watch.
45 stars
AWESOME SHOW!! The quality on the computer screen isn't that good, but if you can plug it into a TV, it works great! You also get used to the quality after a couple minutes.It is a really good show for those of you who are interested in design. I am almost done watching Season 1 for the second time and will start season 2 for the second time after!
45 stars
Ticked-Off This Hasn't Come Out Sooner!!! Loved, Loved, Loved the film. From the moment the credits ran I was wondering where I could get a copy. The action is non stop, the gore is gratuitous, and the comedy infectious! Everything you want in what is sure to become "the" NEW CULT CLASSIC!! Israel Luna is a cinematic wonder - creating and directing such divas that are bigger than life and live up to every word. I fell head over stilettos for Willam Belli and you will too!For those who boycotted this film at Film Festivals around the nation it quietly fought back with sold out houses. Its not a film that demeans any group, if anything quite the opposite. It sheds light on a very serious problem in a most effective way. Violence against the Transgendered population is being brought from being buried on page 6 to featured on the front page. And its about time!Issues aside this movie is a winner on all fronts. A Must Buy!
45 stars
Ocean's 13 should be called Ocean's 11.3 Well not that great. The story is entertaining and simple enough. Ocean's 13 are all about the cast of characters, their chemistry together, and their interactions with each other. Returning director Steven Soderbergh excitedly plays and toys with the camera with different angles, different kinds of shots, wide variety of lengths of shots, and even borrowing a technique that was made famous in Fight Club. While its nothing experimental, Soderbergh does a good job showcasing a story using a variety of techniques so the movie never even considers looking stale. Completing the directing is a sort of old-school vibe that accompanies the soundtrack. It begins to look so dated that you might expect even Sinatra to make an appearance.Pacing is what turn-off some moviegoers, and pretty much what destroyed Ocean's 12 (despite the unforgivable plot). Unlike recent third installments, the pacing here remains consistent, and for the most part works well. The majority of Ocean's 13 is setting up the grand scheme, which ranges from an underground bunker in Nevada to a factory in Mexico. The third act is when the plan starts getting off the ground, and the payoff is definitely great for the audience and the lucky cast of gamblers unaware of what is about to unfold.Bottom Line: Despite some missing members of before (where'd all the women go?) Ocean's 13 is good and everything that made the original a surprise smash. The chemistry among the crew remains intact, but now we have a different story to follow, and a better heist to capture on film. Capturing all the merriment is Soderbergh, who once again excels in putting his distinct methods of film-making to good use as he contributes a dosage of style, color and old-school flavor to the movie. The ending leaves the door open for more, and as long as they remain as entertaining as this, why shouldn't we continue the series? Clooney, Damon, and especially Brad Pitt seem to have a lot of fun robbing people and screwing around. Whatever happened to the good-ol' days of classic, one-track storytelling anyway? 13 had nothing surprising. So 13 is just 11 all over again which should have been called 11.3
23 stars
Blessed are the forgetful. This movie was certainly a thrillride of a surprise. Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet both took on roles completely different from what they usually do, and it turned out to be something fantastic. It's funny, it's truthful, it's heartfelt, and did I forget the thrillride part? The best thing about this movie is that you can watch it like a million times and not get bored with it. I'm a huge fan of movies that make you think about things, and this is definitly one of those.
45 stars
A TOTALLY, UTTERLY MOVING STORY. I was revited the entire three hours. Rarely do I sit in one spot for the duration of a video. Not only did I stay glued to my seat, I nearly forgot to breath at times. I was spell bound. This movie plays one's entire spectrum of emotions and it certainly isn't predictable.
45 stars
Disappointed I loved the book but I thought the TV movie was awful. The casting was way off too. I also did not mind that the DVD that I purchased broke halfway through the movie and would not play. I recommend the book but don't waste your money on the DVD.
01 star
The War in the Trenches World War I was a horrible war of attrition and when you tour the battlefields in Belgium and France and read of the years of shelling and slaughter over a short span of land, you come away with a better understanding of the hardships and sacrifice the soldiers there endured and the terrible price they paid. Beneath Hill 60 offers up a closer and gritty look at the role that some Aussie Miners played in the war of the trenches and offers up a very realistic and frightening view of a little known segment of the war.Afraid of tight spaces or the dark, are you? If not, then this movie will make you afraid. It is a well done movie that will have you wondering how these soldiers fought this underground war and manage to do what they did. It also offers up a look at a quiet man (maybe a few at that and maybe a rowdy one or two as well) who reluctantly went to the fight and returned battle scarred as genuine heroes.It is a very good movie; well acted, well directed, and with battle scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I doubt if I will ever look at an old War monument the same again without offering up a quiet, respectful nod.
45 stars
Lot of fun I enjoyed this as much as the children did I think. It's a lot of fun to watch! Normally I don't like sequels, but this one is good.
45 stars
Bella = Painfully Beautiful There are times when art moves the whole person not to the edge of his seat, but rather to the edge of his soul. Bella grows from beginning to end, even swelling to fill the viewer. But the emotion and thought is not beauty alone, it is pain. Bella uses pain to remind the viewer that he is really alive and has a soul and in the process shows the beauty of the possibility of life. Pain is real, and beauty is waiting.
45 stars
Barbie & the magic of Swan lake This is a movie that I don't mind watching every week. The music is calm; the movie is one of my grand daughters favorites. When questions come up, simple explanations of consequences & actions is all that is needed. I enjoy these movies. My grand daughters are 3 & 6 & they love this movie.
45 stars
Grimm I usually don't watch much TV but this program caught my interest and now I'm hooked watching it every week.
45 stars
Ottawa Citizen review of "Wieners" Wieners Rating 3 out of 4 starsWhile the idea of three men taking a road trip in a Wienermobile may not sound all that appealing, there's more than rubber meeting the road and mustard meeting the meat in this surprisingly funny effort featuring Fran Kranz, Kenan Thompson and Zachary Levi.After being humiliated by a Dr. Phil-styled TV shrink, Joel (Kranz) decides he's going to get even. With his buddies by his side, they venture off with a quest for justice, but find it's not easy to make people listen when there's a giant wiener in the picture. Definitely stupid, but thanks to some sweet buddy moments, this movie steers away from the typically silly genre moments and finds some original flavour.DVD features are sadly lacking on this disc, but there is a Thai dub -- in addition to Spanish, French and Portuguese ones.
34 stars
Dull This movie was not awful but it was certainly dull. What a waste of Bill Murray.
01 star
Pretty Awful This movie/play is the perfect union of fire and brimstone Christianity and escapist capitalism. The atheist gets AIDS and then gets fired, while the hard working maid becomes the new owner of the hotel where the story takes place. To celebrate, she buys fancy shoes that she can barely walk in. Then, after two hours of "trust in Jesus," Tyler Perry comes out (as himself) to give a 1-800 number so that you can buy more stuff from him. At first I thought it was a joke--a satire of advertising/infomercials that target religious people and the black community. Alas, no.If you like gospel music, there is some nice singing here but the accompanying music is pretty much all terrible synthesizers. There are a couple genuinely funny moments and several seemingly endless, very unfunny scenes where Perry makes pointless references to pop culture. Why does he impersonate Hannibal Lecter? Why? Also, Perry fails to make good on the premise of the play--going to a class reunion. There isn't really ever a reunion. It should have been called "Madea Hangs out at a Hotel for a Day."Perry has been lauded for his integrity, but this piece STUNK and was often sexist. The play represents some real issues, but offers no nuances or insights. Just cliche after cliche (don't give up, don't give in, etc.). Not recommended.
01 star
A wonderful mix of english subtlety and cinematic suspense. Shekhar Kapur has made a cinematic masterpiece in "Elizabeth." With a stellar international cast, amazing cinematography, and a richly dark atmosphere straight out of a David Fincher film, "Elizabeth" is sure to keep viewers stuck to their couches until the very last second. Cate Blanchett is wonderful and Geoffrey Rush, as her master of spies, practically steals the show. It is a must watch. Watch for Shekhar Kapur's name to go to the top of the movie-maker list very soon.
45 stars