class label
5 classes
one of the best This gadget is one of the best I've tried so far. It's a little cheaper than the Dean-Markely-Strings-ProMag-Grand but it's sound quality is comparable. Also, to my surprise it's made in California, USA and comes with a cute drawstring pouch. I got used to buy China made product here in the US. Let's support US made products!!!!
45 stars
Shure N97XE Replacement Stylus My hobby is to take the old country music vinyl from the 1960's through 1980's and transfer the music to my MacBook Pro. I Then clean the clicks and crackles and platter noise from the recording, and produce a pristine CD of the classic country albums which are not available on CD. In order to start out with a true representation of the music that is being recorded off of the vinyl albums, I chose the Shure M97xE Cartridge for my turntable. I ordered a replacement cartridge just in case my original wears out. The Shure M97xE cartridge and stylus are undoubtedly the best on the market for producing the clearest, cleanest possible sound from priceless vinyl albums.
45 stars
Good product, good price I bought this for my grandson - 7th grade band student and it is a really good music stand and a very good price.
34 stars
More info please This tuner could use more instructions. It just doesn't seem to work well and following the directions included does not work.
23 stars
Really good reeds!!! These reeds are the best reeds I've ever bought. Rico would always have bad reeds and would break and ruin really quick. Plus they tended to make me squeak alot when the reed got 2 weeks old. The vandoren reeds are a better quality and are just a better brand to me. Also all the reeds in the box are really good and I haven't yet had a bad reed which I'm glad of. I highly recommend these reeds to anyone. :)
45 stars
very good throne i like this throne more than the rest because it has heavy and quality mettle and to get it up and down it is screw style so any heith is achivable plus the pading is real good too
45 stars
Music to my ears a must have for all parents whose children are learning to play the violin... cheap and affordable pricing... fast delivery... very happy with the product...
45 stars
Great We got the violin as a Christmas gift. We have only been to one lesson, but it was well worth the money versus renting for nearly the same cost.
45 stars
just what he wanted i got theOnStage GS7252B Heavy Duty Double Guitar Stand, Blackas a gift for my brother's birthday. He has recently started playing and is getting serious very fast. He said that the stand was sturdy and held his electric and acoustic guitars well. The stand is sturdy and doesn't tip over when there is only one guitar on the stand at a time. He told me he was very happy with the stand.
45 stars
Flimsy construction... Pack-a-Stand trumpet standI've been playing trumpet since 1962 and have used or seen virtually every trumpet stand there is.Several years ago, I bought a Pack-A-Stand, sight unseen. After using it for short while, I threw it out. It was very light weight, which was nice, but it was also flimsy and weak. All plastic with a few metal parts to latch the legs open. Made me nervous to leave a trumpet on it. I play in four bands and know dozens of trumpet/cornet players. None of them use this stand.The customer reviewer that prefers this stand over the K&M; must be referring to the THREE legged K&M;, which can easily tip over with your trumpet on it.The five leg K&M; trumpet stand is, in my opinion, the only "store-in-the-bell" stand worth buying. It is stable and strong, and even though it weighs more, it's well worth the few extra dollars over this inferior stand. Search Amazon on K&M; trumpet stand.
12 stars
Not enough durability After having played around with EXP/composites/LPs, these regular strings feel to wear out just terribly quickly :( After 10 hours of playing I feel like I want to replace them already, tried 2 sets in a row. Probably to get a proper (pleasure/price)*time I need to switch back to more durable strings.
23 stars
Looks Cool, But Definitely Some Problems I purchased this item for my 10 yr old, 4-year playing violin nephew. The 'cool' factor is definitely HIGH, but one of the strings broke as soon as he tried to tighten a peg. I did follow all the recommendations to purchase peg drops and a new bridge for this unit, so hopefully once his parents have this all installed / replaced properly, it will be a fun, neat looking, AND genuinely functional violin for him to play. Unfortunately, things aren't off to a good start with the broken string 2 minutes after unwrapping ...
23 stars
perfect replacement I ordered the Evans Drumhead to replace a damaged one and it was a perfect fit. Sometimes I have problems getting the correct replacement size it fit when I order online but not in this case. The drumhead was even of better quality than the one I was replacing.
45 stars
Stick with the right parts for your C03U microphone I purchased this for use with both my Samson C03U microphone and the Samson shock mount. I was toying with mix and matching parts, i.e. an Audio Technica AT 2020 mic, a Samson shock mount and some third party mic boom, but there really is no cost advantage and the possibility for all of your components fitting together properly certainly are not worth any 2 or 3 dollar savings. This mount is very sturdy, supports the weight of both my microphone and shock mount and keeps it all in the family. I'm using my setup for future podcast and screencasting for my business at [...].
45 stars
A great product for a reasonable price. The product is great, though I had to take the song files I wanted and create a desktop icon for them in order to use them for a ringtone. I don't mind because it does somewhat make it easier to see which song I am working on without the hasstle of having to sift through all of my files to find it if I accidently close the application. I have even created ringtones for family and friends with this program and they love it too!
34 stars
Broke before use Had the pink guitar shipped to my five year old granddaughter for Christmas. The morning she opened it, her Mother began to tune it by tightening the strings per instructions. The guitar cracked down the middle and broke half in to. My granddaughter was very upset and cried for awhile. This product will not be recommended by me.
01 star
handy quick release guitar system I ordered this for my guitar to be used with my new Levy Strap because my guitar only had a button on the bottom of it. It was very easy to install and works very well. I did get a button installed so that I didn't need to use the quick release system, but ended up not using it because I like having the quick release system instead. I have no qualms about recommending this product, it was very reasonably priced and the shipping was free with purchase of the guitar strap.
45 stars
Breaks too quick and too easy This is the worst midi controller i've ever used, production wise, because i've gone through 2 of these things in one year, and that is not right considering that these things can cost up to $150 a controller for these. The keys and hardware are made of cheap plastic, and easily break. My two that i had stopped working randomly and now have to send the second in for repair. But you know what, forget it. They are not worth my time. I'm just going to buy a Oxygen controller instead.
01 star
Good instrument, considering the fact that violins are seldom this cheap. It sounds really odd when plugged in, you're probably better off getting one to attach to the bridge. The headphones are incredibly low-quality, mine buzzes on the right side and I've only used it a few times. After several alterations, I really like this instrument. I'd recommend it to anyone trying violin for the first time, but probably not to a more seasoned player.
34 stars
love it got this guitar during the week! i was so happy when it arrived! no dents it was in perfect shape when i received it. it plays nice. this is my first guitar buying and i love the acoustic/electric. i cant wait to connect it to my computer to start recording some music!
45 stars
lil slim be hangin Lil' Slim be hangin' on me wall thanks to this architechural wonderkind of a piece o wood lordy lordy I gets to lookie at my geetar all the live long day now.
45 stars
Buy It At Your Own Risk I bought an entire set (28)of these xylophones from a music store 3 years ago to use with my music classes. Two of them came in a red frame and the rest of them had a black frame. The red framed instruments were constructed very well. I had no problems with keys coming off. HOWEVER<<<< The xylos with the black based frame were not made very well at all. The keys popped off very easily and in many cases,the rubber pegs that hold the keys on broke off.Three years later and both of the red framed xylos are still in good shape. Only 2 of the 24 black framed xylophones are still in tact.Ten years ago I bought a similar product by the same company when I was teaching in a different school. The frames were blue and all the keys were white. These xylophones had the rubber pegs as well but they lasted the full 10 years with no keys popping off or pegs breaking.In my opinion- the color xylophones with the black frame were not constructed very well and were a waste of money. Stick with buying the xylos with all white keys and the blue frame. Of course, I'm ASSUMING they are being made today with the same kind of quality they were 10 years ago. Better yet- buy one as a sample and see how long it lasts before buying a large number of them.
01 star
Solid Pose Technique Product This item is great- I bought this for A CrossFit Endurance Cert and it works just fine.The only problem I have with it is it TURNS ON EASILY. Even when it's in my bag and I'm walking around, it will just turn on.
23 stars
Priced well, made well, comfortable, and Made in the USA You can pay less (though not much less) for a guitar strap, but why? This strap is nice and wide, which makes it comfortable. It also looks very good, but that's a point of taste.The build quality is what I would call 9/10, or "above reproach at this price point", and I would expect it to last decades with a bit of conditioner once in a while. The fact that it's American-made (presumably by someone making a living wage, not a slave wage) is what put me over the top to buy it, but now that I have it, I am made happier with my purchase because it really is worth every penny of the price.
45 stars
speaker adapter for tripods This was a great purchase for the quality and the price. I would definately recommend this item to anyone to buy.
45 stars
Not agree with this As you show in the picture I recived a completely different product, not like a picture I don't why.I ordered according to the picture but you sent me another product, for example without antennas external only internals.So I pay like a PGX14, but you sent me a PG14.I'm not agree with this purchase
12 stars
solid package, awful customer service, compatibility issues I never got to use this package, but it looks pretty solid. PLEASE check this page before you buy Digidesign's Mbox package:http://digidesign.com/compato/xp/mbox/I tried installing on a brand-new Dell desktop with 512MB RAM, twin SATA 160GB hard drives, and a 2.8 Ghz processor. It didn't work. The above-referenced page (which I wish someone had told me about before the purchase) informed me of a chipset compatibility issue which effectively makes the entire package useless on my computer. Digidesign's customer service is WORSE than you've heard; I sent them numerous e-mails asking if there was an update coming that would fix the problem, and I NEVER heard back from them. So I have no idea when or if there's a fix in the works.For what it's worth, I sold the Mbox and bought Cubase SE and a PreSonus Firebox, and am very happy with my setup (but it was more expensive than the Mbox package). So, go ahead and purchase this one, just make sure your equipment will work with it first!Oh yes, one other thing: someone somewhere complained about ProTools needing 2 hard drives to function properly... don't blame ProTools; any decent recording package is going to want a separate drive for data.
23 stars
Jane Fonda boycott Jane Fonda was a traitor in Vietnam and with one press release and no public apology wants everyone to forget about the past. I do think people can change and I defend the right for people to protest in the US but doing moral and welfare for people trying to kill US troops is inexcusable. Spend your money on a different bad movie that did not have to star someone who would rather encourage the death of US troops than protest the war in Vietnam.Disclaimer: I have not conducted a fact checked of the above personal comments, if she publicly apologized to 2 people in front of the press I still do not think she is sorry.
01 star
Didnt fit! I have 2! daisy rock guitars, and niether fits in this case. It is a realy cute one though.
01 star
'**itty these tuner were as bad as the one coming with my guitar. cant bend a note without having to tunu ur guitar right after
12 stars
Very good item This item is very useful for my every day drumming needs. It has all the necessary features that a good metronome should have at a fraction of the cost. Great item. I love it!
45 stars
berimbau This instrument arrived as a perfectly straight piece of wood. The berimbau is supposed to be curved so that there is room for the string to vibrate. Although the explanation included in the box was that the instrument should not be bent for shipping, I assure you this piece of wood is much too strong to be worried about breaking. The manufacturer should put the bend in before shipping.
12 stars
It works and is a great value. I use it to connect my Sirus/XM receiver, a microphone and my iPod Classic to a set of Genius speakers. It sounds good. The equalizer feature is a plus as compared to other mixers in its class. It priced right.
34 stars
Perfect for the job! The pedal is perfect for what it's for! Provides a seamless transition from listening to recording. The punch-ins can be virtually unnoticable if you do it right. Just start playing along with the music before punching in, then hit the pedal at your spot. PERFECT. Bonus: works as a kick pedal for my drum machine as well!
45 stars
Treble Kalimba, "high notes," with great sound.-hard on thumbs lacking nails. This is a great kalimba if you have thumb nails, but buyer beware the kalimba WILL NOT have colored tines (as shown in the picture).-The "wah wah" works (vibrato)-the intonation is nice not to much reverberation which is good because that is the problems with my hugh tracey (each tines sound lasts to long)- this kalimbas' sounds last just the right amount of time.-Grow out your thumb nails these tines hurt-in order to tune this kalimba gather these materials>Plyers, anything to hold the tines>a chromatic tuner>some rubbe to soften and grab the tines (place inside of the plyers or grab tool of choice)
34 stars
Cool factor over rides mediocre design Very nice looking, and my daughter loves to show it off. The case does not lay flat when opened, which causes no end of problems trying to assemble the flute in your lap. Protection is good, and the rip-stop cover is durable. I also like the outside pockets.
23 stars
Sweeeeet Came quickly and is exactly what I was looking for! Helps hold my guitar just like it should instead of lying it on the wall where it would get knocked over all the time.
45 stars
Extraordinary This is an amazing instrument for the price. I bought it for my husband who is a musician and he loves it. Its well made and the tone is pure...and beautiful to look at. Can't wait for him to learn the song from Dr Zhivago...
45 stars
Great Strings Although I no longer play in a band and I'm down to one guitar from five I still enjoy strumming and singing. I have a Sigma DM-18 made by Martin. With the economy the way it is I was looking for a less expensive alternative to the Martin SP and save the gas cost in getting them with Amazon Prime. Theses strings are the real McCoy, shipped fast and sound as good if not a little better than the Martin SP. Also, D'Addario has taken work back from China and they just hired more American's to its Long Island, NY plant.
45 stars
Cleaned first then used Before we gave this to our grandson, my husband opened it (the ability to do this a miracle in these times-kudos to Hohner for being able to do this) and found tiny metal particles on the reeds which he cleaned away. This is an instrument that is not only exhaled into but also inhaled. My husband cleans his harmonicas regularly so this was no problem for him. He likes the outer surface of this harmonica for kids because it had no sharp edges.
23 stars
I've had more luck with the Korg than any other unit. My friends and I all like Korg. We come back to this maker time and again. I've tried a lot of fancy tuners. I come back to the basics.
45 stars
Hohner Special 20 Harmonica This is a great harp. It has wonderful sound and the quality is exceptional. I highly recommend it for all levels of experience.
45 stars
Apogee Ensemble Nothing new to say about the Apogee Ensemble that's not already been said in many audio mags. It's sounds brilliant and interfaces with flawlessly with my setup.I already have the Duet for when I'm on the road. The Ensemble is for my home setup.I love it.Leo Lyons (TYA)
45 stars
Stick it up n stick it out! Cralpy, slappy, flackers. Gray spellar can tell you there's no difference in clabbles here. All you gotta do is flap it forth and forth. And forth.
45 stars
Saxophone Reeds I ordered these reeds for my daughter and they came within two days. We are very satisfied with them, good reeds for beginner sax players at a reasonable price. We recommend this product for kids in primary or middle school bands.
34 stars
I watched this thing being made V - The Complete SeriesI watched this thing being filmed in California. The Big Satellite Dish you see is the one that I helped build. I wathced my boss nearly have a heartache when one of the actors ran through the station with a gun in his hand. Poor old Bill. Really enjoyed this series. Of course, that was the kiss of death for it. If I like it, it dies.Buy it for old times sake.
45 stars
Over packaging Good sound, good design(I love the stabilizer brush), but seriously over-packaged. The case is made out a 1/8 in. matte finish aluminum box, with aluminum hinged cover with "SHURE" stamped on it. I mean, really? a $15 box for a $60 product?
34 stars
Great strings. Much better than what came on my guitar from the factory. The tonal range is much better with these and bending sounds really great as well. Recommended..
45 stars
Do not use as helicopter blades, it will not work Neither My guitar, nor any members of my family d fit well on top of this either, but the Keyboard, which is a YPG-235, fits perfectly on it.If I had to recommend any product for just being 6 poles firmly staying in the same position forever I would definitely recommend this product.
34 stars
Great price - well laid out - a couple of issues I just received this unit and so have not actually Used it yet (ive used Mackie 1202vlz alot in the past). Couple of notes i think people should know. I think the best things about it are the price (Great deal for $60) and it seems pretty rugged and well laid out. Its between 1/2-2/3 the size of the Mackie 1202vlz.I have two main complaints - A) its made in China, and B) it has a Mongo sized wall wart (power supply) with a proprietory power connection. I was spoiled the Mackie 1202 having a universal power connection and i dont think it had a wall wart.Anyhow - one reason i got this unit was i wanted something rugged yet small. Its a little bigger than i wanted, but i could be fine with that - its the big heavy wall wart and the odd power connection that annoys me. Seems like in the modern age they should be able to make these smaller and with universal connections. Anyhow - just wanted to share this. Another pro is it has phantom power - which is great in a mixer that costs $60.
34 stars
EZ Drummer = unbeatable value This software exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend this as a "must have" for creative music production. Since drum tracks are the foundation of of any contemporary music production, this software will ensure that you can move through the production process with ease and confidence that your track starts out the right elements. Amazing quality and more (way) affordable than anything in its class.
45 stars
Good For the price This is a good deal for the price. Took them to festivals and there are still holding strong. Thanks for taking care of me.
34 stars
Played reasonably well, but ... ... but one day the body of the cartridge (shown in dark gray in the pic) decided that it would fall off the aluminum mountain bracket (silvery-gray). I tried gluing it back, but could align accurately enough.This happened maybe 100 hours into its life. The cartridge was never dropped or handled improperly. I have had a dozen different types of cartridges, but nothing like this had happened before or has happened since.
12 stars
I love my Ovation CC28 Over the years I have had several guitars that I liked, from a 50 year old Aria classical on which I played folk music in the early days, to a koa wood Takamine which I used in a worship band, to an Epiphone Les Paul, that I bought a few years ago to begin to explore doing some new kinds of things. Two years ago I traded my Les Paul in on this Ovation and I have to say I love this guitar! It came out of the box ready to play, needing no set up. The action was good even with the strings that came on it, however, when I switched them out and slapped on a set of Elixer Custom lights, everything improved exponentially. It also holds it's tune better than any guitar I have ever had. This has to be one of the sweetest sounding guitars I have ever heard - amped or unplugged. I use it in worship and have just began practicing with some old friends to do a local Beatles Tribute concert. They are using very expensive Taylors and I like the sound of my Ovation much better. I know that I am an old guy at 61 years old, but after two years, I really will probably never buy another guitar, because I doubt if I will find one that I like as much as I like this one.
45 stars
booyah Great reeds, theres really nothing bad I can say they deliver a good sound and the 2's are good when you're being lazy but I step up to the 2.5's when I really want to play
45 stars
Grand piano toy My nephew he loves his grand piano toys..is espicial toys for him,,and also his a espicial baby .im so happy he love it..
45 stars
Fantastic customer service! When the trumper arrived, it had a strange defect - one of the valves was completely frozen. Problem was that my daughter's music classes started the following week. We called them, told them the situation and their response was amazing. They took care of everything - they even shipped us a new trumpet (so we would have one in time) before they had received the one we returned! Zero cost to us. And this was the first week of school, which I'm sure must be their peak season!I wish everyone had customer service like these folks do. Love the trumpet too - top quality, beautiful tone (I played for 8 years myself).Great job!
45 stars
Inaccurate- Be Careful... I like Ernie Ball strings, but what you are buying here is only 1 string, not a 6 pack. I let Music123 know and they said that I only bought 1 string. No kidding?... My question to them is what does "6 pack" mean. They say they are not responsible for typographical errors in pricing or product specification inaccuracies in their catalog or web site. I guess it's just buyer beware.
01 star
Quality Musical Instrument My 4-year-old nephew requested a drum set for Christmas and I didn't want to buy him something that "just made noise" but a musical instrument that could grow with him. I hesitated before spending this amount of money on an instrument that he might not want to learn, but when I passed up the opportunity to get it for Christmas and he seemed disappointed I decided to purchase it for his birthday. When we unpacked the instrument we truly began to realize what a terrific value this drum set is for the amount of money that we paid for it. We received 5 drums, 2 cymbals, a stool, and drumsticks - the set was beautiful and clearly good quality. The birthday guests were all very impressed by the professional look - a family member with professional experience in music "confirmed" that this is indeed a quality musical instrument rather than just a good looking toy. It was good that we had this family member around - the drums needed to be tuned and positioned correctly and we, as non-drummers, were fairly off in our set-up. However, the seller had provided us with clear instructions and offers of assistance that made us right enough that our nephew never would have known our errors in any case. Most importantly, our nephew was clearly thrilled with the gift - he played the rest of the afternoon only stopping long enough to let his younger brother take a very brief nap. When he heard his brother wake up, he RAN back to the drums to play again. He says that he is a rock star now and I'm not sure if he sounds like one, but he sure does look like one with his awesome drum set!
45 stars
cheap price and awesome set The mics are really good but the reciever is excellent.I can't beleive the kit was so cheap. I'v had it 4 weeks without any problems and the batterys are still charged and working great.For 50 bucks it's better than i expected.
45 stars
Levy Classical Guitar strap The strap is comfortable and sturdy, much easier to use than the one I bought from a Classical Guitar store in NY!
45 stars
Does what it is supposed to do. Uses the tape outputs of your mixer. (Also known as Stereo outs, or RCA outs) I've used it for a while, and I just does what it says it will. It transfers the natural sound of your music without any hasle. Is there anything else to say?
45 stars
Perfect These heads are perfect out of the box. No muffling needed. They stay in tune. They have a great feel/rebound, and they sound absolutely incredible. I have been a drummer for 28 years, and using these for about 10 of those and will NEVER use anything else on my bass drum. Get one, you will not be disappointed! Your band and your ears will thank you for it!
45 stars
does the job Holds my Strat and my bass just fine,They look a little flimsy but they work for the purpose for which they were intended.
34 stars
A very nice mouthpiece for beginners and more advanced players alike I have tried out various mouthpieces and paid a pretty penny for fancy 'professional' mouthpieces and I have to tell you this is a fantastic mouthpiece. I have a Selmer Alto Sax and did not want to spend a lot of money on a Tenor Sax to play in a local Community Band so I bought a horn from one of those online auction sellers - very nice horn for the money but the mouthpiece was total junk. I paired this mouthpiece with a Rovner Tenor Sax Ligature and I could not believe the sound I was getting. I loved this so much I actually bought one for my Selmer and use it as my primary mouthpiece when I play with the 15 Piece Big Band I am in. I was using another brand name 'jazz' mouthpiece but I always found that sound to be too bright. This mouthpiece allows me to play out and cut through in solos but also delivers a mellow tone when the piece calls for it. Best $20 I spent on this horn and my Alto. Highly recommend - you will not be sorry you spent the money
45 stars
Two STRAIGHT plugs It is not exactly like the picture. It is a regular one with 2 straight heads, not like one of them with angle. So, 4 stars. This is my first cable and i am a guitar beginner. it works well for my Taylor 210e and a qualified mini amp. Good cable if you are not critical about 2 plugs without angle.
34 stars
Feels cheap, but does the job. The product feels a little on the "cheap" side, but definitely does the job the way it should- so that's all I care about. It was cheap, and came fast. I recommend it.
34 stars
GREAT Inexpensive Midi Keyboard I have used this product for years. It's size makes it very portable.The keyboard action feels extremely nice. It feels as good as if not better than it's higher priced competitors (ie Axiom 25). The keys feel like they are made from high quality material. When you press down on them the action is not springy but feels good like a standard keyboard. There is no weighted action here, but some of us prefer it that way.There are plenty of high quality silicon knobs that can be useful when assigning controls in Rerason, FL Studio, or Ableton Live.Customer service is great. I had to send one of the older models back because the USB port stopped working. They sent me back a newer model with the free sampler software no questions asked. I could tell it was newer because certain models have the blue LED light and some the red.On top of being a great musical instrument it includes free sample kits which are quite decent.This keyboard is a bargain and I would choose this over it's higher priced competitors. You definitely get more than what you paid for.
45 stars
Good Guitar for the Price You can definitely hear a difference, but for beginners like me, this guitar is good enough for a fantastic price. I would recommend restringing it once you get it, but you don't have to.
34 stars
Fantastic sticks! These Zildjian drum sticks are fantastic. They're light weight and the dipped grip feels just right. I no longer need to wear gloves to hold onto my sticks - these are great.
45 stars
works This hook is for hanging your acoustic or electric guitar on the wall. Installation was easy and it holds the guitar just fine.
45 stars
Tuner Bought this for tuning a banjo and fiddle. Works perfectly and is really easy on batteries. Display is easy to read and tells you exactly what to do. Customizing the tune is a nice feature. Microphone is quite sensitive.Only con would be size. It's kind of big for what it does. Maybe bigger is better?
34 stars
Not bad This is a neat little guitar. It sounds pretty good for reduced size. The scale turns out to be 24.75(my favorite) instead of the 23.625 in the specs. It sounds great plugged into a PA or Stereo. Much easier to carry around or travel with than a standard acoustic. Quality is pretty good. My first one was cracked, but they sent me a new one. The second one had some loose hardware I had to tighten. Other than that, no major issues. I think their quality control could be a bit better, but this is the budget line. If you want a little better quality and hardware, spend about 60%(min.) more to step up to the Ovation line.
34 stars
Awesome I've only had this for a few hours now but so far its everything I wanted! it has clear audio and I like the windscreen and the ability to turn on/off the lowcut filter. AWESOME.
45 stars
nice wood feel great little guiro with a REAL wood sound. No plastic, flat, superficial sound, but a nice -small- warm sound, ideal for acoustic projects.
45 stars
Sound Great Installed these on a Club PA, the difference was instantly noticeable. Lot smoother and more powerful than the original drivers, better mid range definition. Can really handle the power as well. Thanks
45 stars
Pleased I don't know much about amplifiers but am very happy with the product. When I got it I thought it would have been bigger but my son seems satisfied. It's small enough to carry around easily and it gives a great sound.
34 stars
Scale not correct I purchased this for my grandchild and ended up returning it. Yes, it is durable. Yes, it is colorful. But, no, it does not play the notes correctly. The scale is out of tune. It plays high notes "lower" than the low notes. If you want your child to play songs or to hear the actual scale, this is not the toy to buy. For not much additional cost I purchased a xylophone listed under Musical Instruments.
01 star
Not user friendly (to me) I followed the directions - or at least TRIED to. Directions did not seem clear. The device looks like it SHOULD work well, but I had no real success with it.
12 stars
Good enough My case seemed to be in perfect condition EXCEPT, well, I had one of these exact cases already, the new one is about a half inch shorter. A paul that fits in the old case with strap lock strap left on will not fit in the new case unless it is taken off. Not a big deal since I generally take the strap off anyways. But I guess with these it is hit or miss, if you are lucky you get a good case for the money.
34 stars
Where is the CD? I received this set with the book and recorder, but no CD as advertised! I was surprised, since Amazon is usually trustworthy about sending you things as advertised. The book is fun, and I'm finding it easy to learn to read and play notes on my recorder. But I'm surprisingly disappointed to not have the CD. Fooey!
23 stars
Nice quality and size I bought this for my 4.5 year old daughter and she absolutely loves it. It's 1/2 size scale is just perfect for her. It's a real electric guitar with a single humbucker and volume knob. Comes with D'Addario installed strings and just needed to be tuned upon arrival. It also comes with a very cute custom Daisy Rock light purple/lavender guitar gig bag with a front zipper pocket for accessories. The only thing it didn't come with was a cable, so be prepared to order one. The color is gorgeous (shimmery purple) and the quality is outstanding for the price. I can't believe Amazon is able to sell it so cheaply, and seriously people, if you're considering buying one, you should get it while the price is low. I couldn't find one for under $120 anywhere else. It's not a $249 dollar guitar by any means and if I had paid the retail price for it, I would've been irritated, however, for this price, it's well worth the money. And it's a Daisy Rock, so you really can't go wrong.
34 stars
Great Product This foam is very nice. I did not use it for it's intended purpose, I used it for a display case for all the pocket knives I've accumulated and it works great! The description does not say that it comes with an adhesive covered by paper on the back of it, but it did not matter. Easy to cut through, as well as creating wells for items to sit in!
45 stars
Excellent Service I ordered 5 pairs of sticks. The postage was expensive (to Australia) but they arrived on time and as ordered.
45 stars
Price?? The Best I bought this for my husband. HE LOVES IT!! We shopped around and this was by far the best box at the best price. We found the lowest price on amazon. If you're looking for a box with lots of features & for an awesome price...this is the one to get.
45 stars
A Solid Choice I had a Digitech Grunge pedal for a while when I first started playing, and swore anything Digitech off my effects loop afterwards. 3 years of playing later, I was looking for a nice warm sounding overdrive and ended up reading some reviews of this pedal. Not wanting to spend much money on a boutique pedal, I decided to give this baby a try. I was very surprised.This pedal is pure analog, and gives you a nice warm tone. I like to play it with the neck pickup to get a very Stevie-Ray Vaughn sound. When I play on amps with no overdrive channel, I run this with a mxr distortion pedal (light distortion) to get a good distorted overdrive tone, good for hard rock or metal riffs and solos.The Bad Monkey won't give you rock and roll gain, rather it boosts your tone quite a bit. If you're running clean and hit it, you will get a good tube amp sound, driving those tubes nicely. If you're playing with some decent gain and hit this, you'll get a boosted tone with a rise in gain, but your sound won't break up.As always, this pedal sounds better according to how nice your amp is. It WILL work fine with a solid state amp too though. In fact, that's what I'm running mine into at home. Let me say though, if you play this thing into a nice tube amp with the volume cranked, your guitar will sing.The bass response is pretty damn fine on the Bad Monkey. There is always a nice low-end presence even while playing on the high frets.If you're looking for a pedal to start out with though, this probably isn't a good choice, unless you know you want this sound. This pedal isn't extremely versatile, but does what it does very well. It handles a nice Texas blues/SRV type of sound to some pop rock like blink-182, green day, ect. Make sure this is what you're looking for before you buy it though. As long as you aren't expecting a pedal capable of creating high gain or distortion, you will more than likely be very pleased with your choice.
45 stars
Quality Headphones for a Great Price I was looking for a pair of headphones with a decent balanced EQ for doing some home recording. Nothing professional just amateur stuff, mostly in regards to making some beats using a MIDI controller. These things sound fantastic. As some of you might know, studio headphones can easily cost $300 up to $3,000. Now I'm sure the pros out there will definitely notice a difference between these kinds of things. But these are perfect for those who are recording at home and who are on a budget. The detachable cable is great. If you ever need to buy a new one, they run about $15 or so. Beats buying a new pair of headphones if the cable ever shorts out. Nice and long cable too. The bass sound on these is perfect. Some headphones have overwhelming bass which makes it nearly impossible to mix down a song, but these are perfect. You shouldn't really be mixing music on headphones as everyone says, but if you have no choice because you don't want to wake up your neighbors, this is the way to go. I could definitely see these being useful for musicians to play along with a click track in a more pro environment as well. Enjoy these puppies. Best in their class I'd say.
45 stars
Frustrating waste of money I have now been through 2 of these. The first didn't work consistently, so they sent me another. Same issues. Look around the internet and you'll find plenty of bad reviews on this thing. Wish I had before buying it.The iKey is just a poorly engineered piece of garbage. It is very frustrating to spend time recording to this thing, only to discover that you got NOTHING while following instructions to a T. It works, sometimes, but mostly not. The company is shameless about it too. No 800 number; you have to pay to send back for repair or replacement, which will only dig you into a deeper hole, as you will only get yet another non-functional piece of junk.
01 star
Great Guitar for the money I bought this guitar for the great price that Amazon had at the time. I thought that I would get a very low budget product. I was very surprised how well this guitar played. The neck was very comfortable to play and the sound was OK, with that said there are a few things that I knew I would have to replace or tweak. The frets need to be filed down on the edges. The pickups are ok, but I will replace them as I'm going professional. The guitar has great sound being it has warmth and great harmonics so when I replace the bridge pickup with a Seymour Duncan or "Gibson Dirtyfinger" Pickup this guitar will sound like a expensive guitar. It is light, built very well, and great sound so if you are just starting to play get this you cannot go wrong and if you want a guitar to buy cheap and want to improve latter on, then buy this you will increase the value and have a guitar that sounds great like a 1,000 dollar guitar fooling them. Buy this you won't be disappointed. Dean makes a great Guitar.
34 stars
Plenty of better options out there These are going cheap these days and the main reason is that many computers now ship with built-in digital sound ports. If you have an older computer you can update the sound card to provide digital output pretty easily. The benefit of these other options is that *all* audio output is then digital, not just mp3's that you play through a USB port. (Note that this device doesn't support audio formats other than mp3). Now that I have built-in digital ouput, this thing just sits in a box.
12 stars
not charging and no sound Haven't been able to get it to charge or work so far. Don't know if it nees something we don't have or not. We may have to send it back if we don't get it figured out.
12 stars
Misleading promotion I bought the AudioSource Amp 100 to replace a 30-year-old Harmam-Kardon that had died - I used it to make cassette copies of old phonograph records. The Amp100 does accept the signal from my turntable and pre-amp and puts the sound on the speakers, proving that there was nothing wrong with my system but the dead stereo amplifier. However, although the Amp 100 clearly has stereo output jacks, the signal there will not provide anything useful to the cassette deck. Way down in the fine print of the instructions I discovered that this "output" is referred to as a "pass-through", which apparently means it is unamplified. Phooey!
01 star
Great Whistle! It has a very nice sound. My children are learning to play this, ages 8 and 10. It has a nice sound to it and they are enjoying it. It's a great instrument for the novice on instruments and they do play this in the orchestra.
45 stars
Delightfully Surprised by Sound and Weight I bought this Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus recently and was really surprised by its sound and weight. Comparing it to my Les Paul Supreme and my Les Paul Florentine, I found it to weigh about the same as the Supreme, which is cored. The finish is very good, the figuring doesn't quite look like the picture (I bought a "honey burst" that showed about the same figuring. I'd give the figuring an "A" but not an "AA," but the figuring matched. The back is a finished mahogany and very nice, not a solid dark stain like an Les Paul Classic I once had, which weighed probably 8 lbs more.The sound was very good, not as "lively" as the Supreme or Florentine, but for $2,600.00 less, it shouldn't be. However, when cranked up, it was hardly distinguishable. The action was indistinguishable to me, but I'm a novice of sorts.If you are looking for a good LP sound at a very affordable price, I wouldn't hesitate getting this. Parents could even afford to give this to see if it brings out the "talent" in their teenager.I bought mine through Musician's Friend because I know they have a no questions asked return policy. I would suggest you get the hardcase ($59.95) and some better strings (10mm Gibson's is standard for Gibson's LP).
34 stars
String loops don't fit over pegs on my mountain dulcimer I purchased the Martin & Co. M640 Standard .012-.022 nickel alloy dulcimer strings from Amazon in September 2009. The package arrived promptly in a nicely printed box with the strings segregated by the two gauges in interior sleeves. Unfortunately, the loops at the end of each string were not nearly large enough to fit over the instrument's hitching posts (which were, I believe, not particularly large).Using pliers, I unwound the end of two strings a bit to make the loops large enough to slip over the posts, but no sooner was that done than both strings snapped and broke at the top of the loops. Martin & Co. seems to make reasonably good strings at thrifty prices, but the dulcimer string loops are too small for standard posts. Perhaps they are really for banjos.
01 star
OK for the price. Not professional. I bought this soprano sax on ebay ($120 incl S+H) as a scratch and dent instrument from Simba products. They shipped it quickly. It looked great and felt heavier than I expected. As a retired music teacher and long time sax player I was initially impressed. It is my first experience with a soprano saxophone. I bought some decent reeds (F. Hemke #2)and tried it. I tried the curved neck first. It would not fit into the sax body as it was too big. so much for quality control. I tried the straight neck next and it did fit into the body. However, I was disappointed that I had to struggle so much to get a consistent sound on every note in a two octave scale. I found that if I faced down and pushed the instrument away from my body it sounded better. I suppose this creates a straighter air column. If you are a clarinet player this will feel weird at first. I tried two other mouthpieces but went back to the one supplied as it sounded the best. Yesterday I purchased a Yamaha 4C mouthpiece that improved dramatically the ease of playing, consistency, sound quality and intonation. The sound quality so far is a little thin but the more I play it the better it sounds. The key action of this sax is a little noisy and uneven but if you are not a professional it should not be an issue. Intonation is acceptable with most (90%) notes in tune while a few are a few cents sharp or flat. I would recommend this instrument for an experienced player who does not expect to play it in a professional situation. It is not for the beginner as I feel a beginner would be frustrated with the issues I mentioned.
23 stars
Great Stand Why pack your sax away in its case when you can display it on this stand. No more putting my sax on the couch or the chair when I need to answer the phone. This has worked great for me! I don't use the 1 peg that came with so I can't comment about that.
45 stars
Great strings! I love these guitar strings. They sound great and last soooo much longer. I highly recommend. I won't use any other kind of strings but these.
45 stars
Does the job Spring mechanism works fine and holds a decent number of picks (sorry was gifted to a friend so don't recall exact no). Rounded ergonomic corners are a nice touch. Can't complain for the price
34 stars
I love it I'm hooked. I love it. Beats dealing with guitar center, which has treated me poorly. And, the price is right.
45 stars