class label
5 classes
Fun sheet music This is very enjoyable to play. The key signatures are never above three sharps or flats (A major or E flat major), but the rhythms can be challenging to get right which makes this fun for an intermediate to advanced intermediate pianist to play without a lot of practice. The music is beautiful and relaxing.
45 stars
AudioSource Amp 100 2-Channel Power Amplifier I like this product. It's low profile and a great value. I connected a radio and cd player to it. The radio should kick out automatically once the CD player starts. My only minor complaint is the radio doesn't kick out until the sound output from the CD is high enough. I once played a CD that has a very quiet passage at the beginning, it didn't switch over until it got louder. If you are just looking for a great amp that you technically declined spouse or significant other can't comprehend, this is the amp for you. The auto power feature on is great. The sound is very clean and faithful. I do wish it had a subwoofer out. That would make it perfect for me.
34 stars
save a few buck! some times you can find the replacement reeds on sale, and if you buy the comb and plates separately, you can build your own harp saving a few bucks compared to buying an already assembled one.Assembling it is rather easy if you use the Lee Oskar repair kit.
45 stars
Good value for money! I ordered this product more than a year ago and only got down to reviewing it today. When it first arrived it came with all the required components and I couldn't wait to use it. Although it has a slight "plasticky" feeling to it and might not seem to last, I am happy to report that it has lasted me a year so far with constant use. Although I'm not a professional club DJ, I have been using this product almost every week for hours at a time mixing music and it hasn't failed me yet. I highly recommend this for people who want something to bring to parties for more fun because it's easier to carry than a full set of turntables + mixer + records combo.
45 stars
This thing is a beast! For some reason Amazon had this stand for a steal. It is now priced just under $100 so it is no longer a steal, but still worth the money.This stand is very nice, and very heavy duty. I currently have a vintage Tama stand and also a PDP stand that is likely a 700 series. Both the TAMA and the 700 series both work great but this 900 series stand is better in every way. Larger tubing, thicker bracing, and excellent chrome make this a great looking heavy duty stand that'll likely last a lifetime.The clutch clamps around the hi hat rod instead of pushing a screw against it to lock the clutch to the rod. A very nice system that insures the rod isn't nicked up over time. In addition it holds the clutch to the rod very securely. There is also a system for quickly adjusting the spring tension with no tools.A very nice stand well worth the money.
45 stars
Still has some bugs While you can get it to do what you want most of the time it still has some bugs (GPO playback) that will irritate you. For example after scoring a piano piece and playing it back two of the notes played for an oddly short duration as though staccato. Another time in a six measure repeat the first two violin notes played back about half volume during the repeat. If I adjusted the volume up using accents or note articulations then the two notes played loudly the first time through. While these types of bugs happen relatively infrequently, when they do happen, I find the only solution is to rescore from scratch and hope they don't show up again, or to score once for print and a second time for playback.I have 2 Gigs of RAM, twice the requirement, and a 3GHz proc so hardware is not the issue.
23 stars
i'd give it a no star if available This pick creates a tinny sound, scraping against the strings. It didn't enhance the sound of the strings but actually detracted from the clear tones that i desire when fingerpicking. Not only detracted but distracted. this design was a very bad idea.
01 star
works does just what you expect it to... heavy and solid... strong clamp seems to work well as a pop filter. This is my first on so who really knows. I would buy again.
45 stars
Tambourine is good, mount is ok The quick-draw mount performs well, for the most part. The tambourine has a tendency to stick in the mount if you don't get the removal motion just right.This is a steel tambourine, which means that it has a bright sound. This particular tambourine strikes a good balance of being bright without being overwhelming. It cuts through the mix nicely, but can be a bit tricky to mic correctly.
23 stars
This is the best I have bought others with a digital display and wasted my money, This is the one to get.
45 stars
Great for my son! Holds all the sticks and mallets my son needs for school band. Seems to be made well, of sturdy material.
45 stars
my nephew the rock star This guitar was for my nephew and he loved it. My brother gave me the info for this specific guitar and he does his homework and is VERY picky. He and my nephew love the guitar and my nephew rocks out very often.
45 stars
Best Acoustic Pickup Awesome. One of the best pickups you can find on the market and at a great price. If I had to do it over again, I would still purchase the Fishman Rare Earth.
45 stars
backup problems I bought nero 6.0 version and updated to the 6.0.19 version. Trying to backup files on the 6.0version, it wouldn't recognize a dvd disk(large file backups). After I updated to the 19 version, it would recognize a dvd, but only a dvd (r). It would burn the entire disk. I'm using a nec dvd+rw nd-1100a writer and nero claimed it would work with the +rw disks. It consistently gives me two errors: the current recorder/disk is not correct, please change your target recorder/disc and the currently inserted disc is a dvd, which can only be written in one session. Would you like to erase all existing data before writing? It also overburns even though I downloaded their patch. It claims disk type is unknown even though under the info section the cd drive is identified and the read/write formats are checked and correct. Very displeased with this software as it has plenty of bugs. Blew 99.00 dollors on this.
01 star
Great Mute The other reviews have already said it all. It is cheap, durable, fits perfectly well, doesn't damage the bridge, and reduces the volume to the point a beginner can practice without the risk of having his/her life threatened by angry neighboors!If you are looking for a mute that you can use at home, at night, at a hotel room... This is it.
45 stars
use this as a slave to Digital Performer and you can do anything!! If you think the synth sound is cheesy, buy Digital Performer, a motu 828, and an SM57. Record you own sounds, and then use those with Reason instead of the cheesy syth stuff! You can also sample audio off of CDs in Digital Performer, and use those audio files in Reason! If you have the money, you might as well go all out...
45 stars
23 stars
not able to use Was a great idea for a birthday gift. It worked great at first, but then kept blowing fuses.Needed to return it after replacing fuse several times.
34 stars
Alto Sax reeds. Arrived as expected on time. All reeds look good and have ordered more. They seam to not last very long before they chip but I think that is more me than the reeds,
45 stars
good price, hosa is good quality simple product, simple review. no shorts, wires have continuity. no idea on longevity but can't imagine it will be an issue.
45 stars
Bought as a gift My husband's grandmother wanted to take up the drums, and found this one online and asked us to check it out. She received it several months ago and so far, so good! She loves it.
45 stars
APC, the only real name in battery backup I've used APC for years and I couldn't tell you how many brown-outs they've saved my computer from rebooting through. So when it came time for a power conditioner and battery solution for the widescreen LCD TV and home entertainment system, APC was my only choice. Unfortunately, at the time, they had nothing available. This unit was worth the wait.This thing is a monster. Weighing in at about 50 pounds it is the size of a PC (before they shrank). It was a bit challenging figuring out how to place it but with a 10' power cable I could've strung it across the apartment. It was easy to setup and the menu system is intuitive, and their manual goes through every screen as well (for those that like to RTFM).What I like most is the load meter, watts being used, and time remaining displays (you can change the default display to any of the possible ones they have easily). There's even a calibrate feature where you can have your normal load on it, run the calibration, and it will switch to battery until there are 3 min remaining. This allows the unit to update itself to give more accurate information and they recommend doing that every 6 months. I'll be trying that later today.UPDATE: The calibrate feature actually runs off the battery for only a few minutes to see how much load is used. It uses this information to give a more accurate display.When working in the I.T. field I had the opportunity to try several different UPS brands and none compare to APC. Their support, quality, and reliability have made me a permanent customer of theirs. This unit is well worth the price. There's even a statement in the documentation about NOT needing to turn it off during a lightning storm. I have yet to test that and found it odd to see a company state that. It sure tells you of their confidence in their product, and they guarantee it up to $750,000.
45 stars
The mouth piece was dent at the end I have to try my way to fix it, it was dropped before the shipping or during the shipping(I can't image it, since the package was good).
12 stars
Awesome item I purchased this for my husband. I wasn't too sure because I am not drum savy. It was a major hit with him and our sons. The sound is fantastic and resonates a few seconds. He LOVES accent pieces and this has become his favorite. Everyone who comes into our music room immediately is drawn to the look of it and then the sound. Very happy!
45 stars
Outstanding sound i had to go into my mac midi settings to configure the wire, but after that it worked perfectly. The sound quality is outstanding for such a cheap cable. I would recommend this to anyone looking to home record.
45 stars
Can't go wrong 6 of these for $10? A no-brainer to me. Even if you get a dud in the pack it's still a bargain. Mine seem to all be fine.
45 stars
JUNK The cork is a low grade that cracks easily and doesn't fit an alto. I had to bore out the hole with some sand paper I had at home. Then I had to spend 2 hours doing more sanding so my mouth piece could fit. Also the glue had a hole poked in it and was all over the other pieces..... spend a little more money and save yourself a lot of time and headache!
01 star
Clapton Continues To "Phone It In" I'm so disappointed! Could these songs be any slower or boring? Clapton has been phoning it in since Cream broke up, and I thought I would finally get to hear him jam again, but no. Just more of "I Shot The Sheriff" easy and slow guitar solos, no energy, no imagination. Clapton's reputation is overrated and not deserved. He can't touch guitar players like Alvin Lee or Jimmy Page. Don't waste your money on this highly overhyped and underplayed reunion.
01 star
Completely ineffective I have tried 5 different Wolf Tone eliminators. This is the poorest one I have bought. I cannot recommend this to anyone.Problems: the hole is too big; the screw is so short that the body of the the eliminator stays loose on the string.It did nothing.Save your money - don't buy this one.
01 star
My favorite thumb pick, but what's with the price? My favorite flatpicks for many years have been Snarling Dogs "brain picks", which have a raspy surface where you grip them, which makes them easy to hold on to.On occasion I'll "palm" the pick between my index & middle fingers and play with my fingers, so I decided to give a thumb pick a try. I couldn't find the couple of thumb picks that have been hanging around in my guitar pick cigar box for about 20 years, so I picked up a few of these from a local store in light, medium & heavy.As others have mentioned, with thumb picks the main issue seems to be that the fit can either be too loose or way too tight. With these Hercos the heavy is too tight, the medium is ok and the light is a bit too loose. They need to standardize the thickness of the loop so that they all fit the same.Otherwise, I like these a lot, and much more than "standard" thumb picks. I tried out several thicknesses and shapes of thumbpicks before buying these, and a standard shape of thumbpick is too long for me. These Hercos feel just about right...maybe a touch shorter would be perfect. I could cut or file them down a bit, but I'm trying to see if I can get used to them "as is".These can be held like a standard pick, and so you can get a standard pick feel, except that it's very secure. I'm able to do a little bit of VERY (very) rudimentary Travis picking with these. My favorites are the medium and light.So my only beef is the price. Almost $5 for 3 picks? That's kind of whack, as far as I'm concerned, and for that alone this loses a star because I'm much less likely to "stock up" on them at that price, and I'm not sure that I can see the price as justified.Oh, and one more weird thing - they don't have a standard color for each gauge, so if you're looking through a bin (like I had to at the store) you have to hunt for the gauge you're looking for because the color doesn't mean anything.
34 stars
WOW! It came on the date it said to be here and it is amazing! This is just beautiful! The nice little box it comes with and the look is just amazing! I could easily mistake this for something around 80. I played each note with the piano keys and it is tuned perfectly! I'm a lead in the school musical and not only does this help me have my note for the start of songs but also to help my clients in my studio if I don't know the note myself. It's embarrassing having to pull out my piano app on my iPhone. This pitch pipe makes it seem all more professional when I try to find a pitch. I am deff going to buy more if this one ever breaks or I lose it. The color is amazing and it looks so classy. Love it! Really recommend it! There was never a doubt and this is one of the best investments ever!!!!! Must buy!
45 stars
Pedaltrain Pro I bought the first one with a Hard Case, but was really disappointed. 5 Rivets broken on it, so you could tell the long journey from Asia took its toll. But I really like the board itself, and simply re-ordered one with a soft case. I only gig about 4 times a month, so I make sure I'm a little more careful with the board when schlepping it around. Velcro is another issue, in that, depending on the size of you pedal, you might have pedals that come loose during transport. This is because of the spacing between rows.They need to invent a device that fits the underside of the smaller pedals, that attaches from the back side, and adheres to the board and pedal.All in all, this is a solid piece of gear, and well worth the investment. I have lots of gear heads drooling at the finished product.
45 stars
A nice whistle for the price This is my first tin whistle, and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's lightweight and responsive. I would have liked a fingering chart, but these are readily available for free download elsewhere on the web. The song book is quite helpful in learning the fingerings. I will write a concerto for it in the future. :)
45 stars
Signature Music Trombone This is a fine, inexpensive instument for a beginer student. The slide action is smooth, and the mouthpiece is perfect for a student player. The walls are thin on this instrument making it quite lightweght and easy to carry in the provided case (which has backpack style shoulder straps). Overall, a good instrument for the price.
34 stars
Best deal for the price You can't ask for a better sounding guitar than this one at that price. The guitar made it to Southwest Asia without a scratch and everyone at our site plays it at least once per day.
45 stars
good for the money Great stands for me and my son. Set up was a snap and we were playing in mins. Can not extend boom Arm all the way out or it will tip over, other than that I love them.
34 stars
My favorite tuner If you're in need of a slick tuner, oh buy, this is the one for you! It's perfect, it's small and it works extremely well in loud environments I wish I could buy it again
45 stars
All the right details This is a fantastic product. I already had the model for my acoustic guitar and knew I had to have one for my electric. The material and construction are very durable with great padding. The backpack straps and tote handle make it easy to carry. If I had three guitars I'd have three of these gig bags.
45 stars
Hum killer This device provided a solution to an electrical problem at our church. It is not an inexpensive fix, but it does do the job and the Amazon.com price was better than the retailer we were going to use, and was substantially less than rewiring our church!
34 stars
good litle stand! I've never owned a guitar stand, so I have nothing to compare this to, but it's a good little stand for the money! I'm happy with my purchase.
45 stars
Poor condition This product arrived with a broken e string and infact the whole set of strings was in poor condition. The neck was out of adjustment and all strings buzzed when playing the first three frets. I was very disappointed with this purchase.
01 star
Not actually terrible. I bought the Olympus ME-51S microphone to use with a GoPro HD2.The HD2's mic input is on the side of the casing, so when you attach the Olympus you get a front/rear image, rather than a left/right image. This is not a deal-breaker, as the proximity and polar pattern of the capsules to each other doesn't give you a particularly wide image.The noise floor of this microphone is frankly apalling...but I may be slightly biased as I am a sound engineer by trade and I'm used to working with the good stuff. Certainly if you are looking for pristine recordings of quiet atmospheres, you'll be wanting to look for something else as this microphone is not up to that task. If you are looking to get some semblance of actuality in a normal real-world environment, then this is probably adequate.Compared to the in-built microphone on the GoPro, it's a vast improvement...but really that isn't saying much given just how terrible the GoPro's mic actually is.This is not a mic to use if you want to record critical dialogue further than about 2 feet away. That's not a criticism, it's just not what the mic was designed to do.On the upside, it's compact.And it costs about three fifths of bugger-all.For non-critical sound aquisition, what more do you want?
23 stars
Your acoustic guitar will love you for using this... Humidification is essential to your acoustic's health when it gets dry. I've been using Dampits during heating season here in NYC for years. I've never had any issues from dry conditions. Just ring the Dampit out good and dry the outside before placing inside and that's it.
45 stars
D'addario ECB81S Chromes XL Short Scale Strings I picked up a set of these strings from JustStrings for $28.91 so I could restring my wife's Fender Mustang. I sure felt like an idiot when they came up WAY too short. The Mustang is a 30" SHORT SCALE bass guitar. Am I missing something here? The only thing I can come up with is this: the string routing on a Mustang is through-the-body so D'addario might want to check this out and realize that their strings don't fit all short scale bass guitars. What a waste of time and money. I hope my review keeps you from making the same mistake I did. I hardly ever post a review but I thought ya'll had to know.UPDATE: (2/20/10)... I emailed D'addario explaining the problem and they quickly responded with the following: (pasted verbatim)(quote) "You can't always tell which strings you need just by the scale length ofyour bass. Some basses are strung through the body, and the distancesfrom the bridge to where the ball-end locks in, and the distance fromthe nut to the tuning pegs are not always exact. The best way to figureout the scale length would be to perform the following test:1) Mark the lowest pitched string (while on your bass) at the nutwith a marker.2) Remove the string3) Measure the distance from the inner edge of the ball end themark you just made.4) Record this length and refer to the following chart.Length String Set ScaleUp to 32' D'Addario Short32" - 34" D'Addario Medium34" - 36" D'Addario Long36" - 38" D'Addario Super Long (unquote)
01 star
Perfect drumsticks for a toddler My son is in love with drums! His dad is a drummer and he's always wanting to use daddy's set, but the sticks are just too big for his 2 1/2 year old hands. I found these and they are big and light enough for him to handle successfully. I wish that they looked more like an adult stick,(not blue, but natural wood)...overall they have served its purpose.
34 stars
This was really great. I bought this awhile ago. I thought it was a really great pickup. The under the saddle pickup sounds really clean and good, perfect for editing with a good DAW. Easy to install. I am guessing the customer who wrote the bad review didn't understand that the pickup is in stereo. The sound hole pickup is on the channel that would still work if you plugged in a normal mono guitar cable, to get the saddle pickup to work you must use a stereo cable, then you get two versions of the same track at once. This sounds really great when you put one pickup for the left ear and another for the right ear. It's an easy way to mic a guitar.
45 stars
CUSTOM! great strings, but remember ('cus I was not paying attention when I bought them) they say CUSTOM, the third string is very thin and takes getting used to... other than that clean and crisp!
34 stars
Nice sound at a bargain price I needed to replace the phono cartridge on my turntable that had been in storage for twenty years. I didn't want to spend a lot since my plan was to simply digitize my vinyl LP collection and then permanently retire the turntable and vinyl LPs. The installation of the M97xE was straightforward but the instructions made no reference to the alignment protractor thats folded up and hidden under the foam carrier inside the case. Place the protractor on top of a LP on the turntable platter with the spindle inserted into the hole in protractor. Check the cartridge alignment at the two locations printed on the protractor and your overhang and alignment are set. I had forgotten how great LPs sound ... I may have to reconsider retiring the turntable!
34 stars
Not at all Pink My 6 year old had been asking for her first guitar for a year, and it just HAD to be pink. You'd think "Pink Burst" would be pink, but it was absolutely NOT. The guitar was practically red around the edges, fading to salmony orange through the center of the body. Yuck! It was nothing at all like the online picture, nor any other online photos of "pink burst" guitars I could find. Luckily Sam Ash was happy to take it back and replace it in time for my daughter's birthday, and we got a true "bright pink" guitar. So, I give Sam Ash 5 stars, but this "pink burst" colored guitar is a zero - pink is everything to a six year old girl!
01 star
This is the one to Purchase I've tried 2 other recording softwares before finding this one.The others had a wicked steep learning curves.I doubt that anyone makes better recording software @ any price!I am running windows vista.
45 stars
Very appropriate artist for this terrible stick. These sticks are far too short. Not much can be done with them in the way of power and velocity. What anyone was thinking at Promark when they decided this would go into production is beyond me.
01 star
Took a Risk on a Cheap Guitar, Got Rewarded! After being on the fence with this guitar for over a year, I went ahead and took the plunge. I was worried that I was going to blow $170 on a child’s toy that didn’t look, play, or sound right, but I was so wrong. This guitar is great! Do not worry about the price because this is a quality Epiphone guitar. If you have been wanting a 12-string, get this one now.Looks: This is the best surprise. It’s a great looking guitar. The fit and finish are on par with much more expensive guitars. The color of the top on my guitar is very light, and I like that. The back and sides are a nice, dark finish that really pops.Tuning: Tuning a 12-string is always rough, so considering the challenge, I am pleased so far. When I got it out of the box, the strings were very low and had very little tension. Not sure if this is a function of the cold weather or if it was shipped that way to protect the guitar from breaking. I actually used a string winder to help tighten them up while tuning it for the first time. I tuned it the first day I had it, then left it alone for about a day and had to really tune it again, but after that it has just needed fine adjustments.Playability: The action is nice. Even for a 12-string, it doesn’t require much more pressure than my 6-string. I played for a while, and my fingers did not feel any more fatigued than normal. The guitar body is big which is fine for me because I’m a big guy, but smaller framed players might struggle. The neck, however, is about as flat as any 12-string I’ve ever played. Players with small hands or short fingers will be pleasantly surprised.Sound: This is really all that matters, after all. I really like the sound. It’s a little brassy, but it does have some deep rich tones in there. It’s also nice and loud (probably due to the large body mentioned above). I haven’t replaced the factory strings yet (and one of them broke, so I guess I have an 11-string guitar right now!), so I will hold off on a final judgment until I get some quality strings.
45 stars
Sturdy - Can't beat the price! I needed a stand to throw in my office for my Yamaha 88 key weighted keyboard and honestly I was surprised at the quality of this stand. It is very sturdy and the locking mechanism is tight and heavy. I very highly recommend this stand to anyone who just needs a cheap stand of substantial quality ... which is probably everybody who needs a stand to begin with!
45 stars
not as shown The echo tremolo received is not like the picture which shows smooth rounded ends. The harmonica received has two screws..one on each end which actually stick out and they make it more difficult to hold. l Recommend this for little children and not serious harpists.
23 stars
Excellent The sound of these strings are very impressive. This strings are used by Steve Harris (Iron Maiden bass guitar)
45 stars
Look for an old one with the neck tension rod My daughter has a $40 Rogue mandolin that I was thinking about putting a pickup on since where we usually play the guy running the PA almost never remembers to turn up the microphone on stringed instruments. Then, at a pawn shop, I saw a Fender mandolin with what looked like a single coil pickup under the strings. It showed signs of being played a lot, such as fret wear, belt-buckle scratches, pick-guard scratches, etc., but nothing that indicated abuse or would look bad from more than a foot away. The "top" panel of the tailpiece was missing - something I didn't even realize until I got the thing home. But, again, to me that's cosmetic, and hopefully I can buy a replacement for a few $$$.Reasonable wear-and-tear aside, it had very nice action up and down the neck, and it sounded great without plugging it in. (I haven't tried plugging it in yet, but how bad can it be, compared to not hearing the thing at all, which usually happens when we play "out"?)The "high" end of the bridge is all the way down, but the low end still has room to adjust, plus I know how to get the high end down if I need to. Intonation was way better than average for a low-line instrument. In fact, the more I played it, the more I was convinced that it was "set up" by someone who knew what he was doing - no low or midline mandolin plays anywere near this well "out of the box."The instrument also had a plastic triangle on the headstock, which implied that, unlike the Rogue and other low-line mandolins, it must have a tension adjustment rod in the neck. With that feature I felt confident that I could keep it playing well indefinitely.So I bought it for a fair price, with the idea of just passing the Rogue on instead of trying to add a pickup.Then I got on the Internet to learn what else I could about it. WHOA! There were lots of "avoid at any cost" warnings, even more than usual for a low-line instrument. Apparently the current model of the 52E is being made in a different factory, to different specs, than mine. People complain about NOT having a tension adjustment rod in the neck, which would have been be a deal-breaker for me. Others have complained about inexcusably bad construction, flimsy tuners and other issues. I thought, "maybe I misread the model #, because none of these issues appy to my 'new' used toy." So I dug it out to make sure. No, my mandolin is an FM 52-E. And it is well worth the cost of a new one, not to mention the amount I paid at the pawn shop. I am SO glad I didn't read the reviews before I made my decision.Now, for any low-line instrument, a certain percentage of complaints come from people who expect $200 instruments to sound and play like $600 istruments right off the boat. I always expect to restring, adjust bridges, tighten tension rods, file nuts, etc., on any instrument I get, so instruments that other people consider "unplayable" often work out fine for me and my students. But the fact that the current version seems to lack a neck tension adjustment rod, means that one important adjustment every instrument needs sooner or later will never be possible. Ooops.So, how to rate this instrument? The one I have is well worth the money. The ones coming off the boat today are probably not. I wish Fender had changed model numbers when they took the neck tension adjustment rod out of the spec. So all I can really say is: If you find one WITH the rod, take a chance. But it doesn't look you'll be buying one of those new any time soon.Best of luck, hope this helps.Paul Race - Creek Don't Rise
23 stars
good arrived timely and in good condition
45 stars
BASIC EQUIPMENT... It is recommended for those who wants to buy maybe their first pair of monitors...The bad:a) The side holders are made of plastic and they are very weak,b) The sound is muddy... it is weak on highs,c) The corners' protector are made of plastic so probably they won't be hard enough...The good:a) C'mon! These speakers are pretty cheap,b) They SEEM to be like a "PRO Monitor",c) I plugged into a 1200 watts amp. and they worked mmm let's say good on stage... (that's their mission isn't it?)I'll check the behavior of these stuffs while they work and I'll try to extend my review in few months...
23 stars
Don't be confused The guy above me is obviously confused. The TTM-56 does indeed have a magnetic, not optical, fader.I've used this mixer in various club enviroments, and trucked it all over, it really is a champ.The eq knobs have the best cut off of any other mixer I've used, when you cut the bass...There is none!The faders are like butter and really do promote better scratching technique. Not to mention that you can set them up to do the "Euro" scratch.Rane must not have messed around when choosing components, everything is built solid.You might find a mixer that is cheaper, or has more bells and whistles, but when you make a living djing, this is the mixer you'll use.www.twelvizm.com12
45 stars
Great alternative for MAC users I originally tried the iRiver iFP-190T. The biggest feature the iRiver had was that it was LOUD. However, the majority of the flash players out there seem to ignore MAC users. That's too bad, because there are a lot of us out there who think shelling out the big dough for an iPod is out of hand. Especially with the battery situation. I'll take cheap rechargeable AAA batteries that last twice as long anyday. Yes the iRiver sounded great, but was pretty much DOA when hooking up to OS X on my G4.MACWorld magazine did the honest thing and reviewed some popular flash players. The Rio Chiba, Cali, and Fuse were given the highest honors. They were true to their word, I've had the Chiba a little over 24 hours and has been working seemlessly with iTunes. In fact, if you already have iTunes, you don't need to load any software! The Chiba display has 3 lines of text - very large. The controls are solid and easy to use. The menus are also straightforward. MAC users don't seem to have the option of creating multiple playlists (Correct me if I'm wrong - please). The transfer rate was 20 minutes for around 60 songs, about the amount of time it takes me to shower in the morning. The belt clip looks deceptively cheap. It works ok (the headphone connection is the key to locking it in place). You may prefer something a little more rugged and weatherproof. So I am quite happy with the Chiba, although I have a sentimental attachment to the name since I have been to Chiba, Japan. EXCEPT for the low headphone volume.This is too bad, because it was a big compromise to find a MP3 player that really DID work well on a MAC, and was well rated. The price was $100 less than the mini iPod. I purchased an extended warranty plan, since the manufacturers warranties on these things are about 120 days, and they are still a little buggy. But I have a reliable and cheaper alternative for the iPOD, and it even has an expandable memory slot.4 out of 5 stars.
34 stars
The A String Rocks I love the A String. It is twice as good as the D String and at least 10% better than the E String.What I do is I buy 4 A Strings and just have them all on my violin at the same time.I sounds like an elementary school orchestra!
45 stars
makes running easier this small little tool is a great big help in keeping your run smooth and easy. Has handy clip for waistband or shirt with a good audible sound.
45 stars
The Product is Very Flimsy Overall, it is a good product but I would not buy it a second time. It gets the job done, the one that I received was very flimsy it would not stay in place.
23 stars
very nicely made i got this stand because i have one for my other bass guitars and when i got this one i looked great and they hold your guitars locked in place...the only thing i'm not to crazy about is that the rubber that goes across the front of it there is not much there and u can't push it back any more than what it is..other than that i would give it a 5 starhow ever it does fold down nice and small for going on the road with so its a great buy and it does hold your guitar safely locked in place..
34 stars
Very nice This works even for players with tin ears! Even without using any of the other features, this removes one frustrating task for a beginner.
34 stars
Not as good as I had hoped Fine capo, except one huge flaw. The spring used in the capo is insanely strong. Presses the strings all the way to the fretboard, causing the guitar to go far too sharp for my tastes. I like the adjustable shubb better personally, wish I would have gotten that one instead.
12 stars
fantastic gig bag Amazon really came through ,what a great bag. You just can't get these in the U.K, and was worried about giving out card details to a shop in America but ordered through Amazon and delivered in about a week so well done seller and well done Amazon.
45 stars
Alto Sax reeds. Arrived as expected on time. All reeds look good and have ordered more. They seam to not last very long before they chip but I think that is more me than the reeds,
45 stars
Great for the performer I'm not a musician, I'm a MAGICIAN, so my needs are quite different from the other reviewers.I use it as a PA system. And it's GREAT!It's lightweight, projects a marvelous volume, and my voice actually sounds like my voice.I've used this speaker for groups of +200, and people in the back report no problems with hearing my voice clearly.I'd buy another in a heartbeat.
45 stars
loved it The songs are pretty simple. easy enough for someone 6 months in to pick their way through though. Good selelction. If you google the title you can look through images of the music. I think the first page of every song is available to view.
45 stars
Good First Ukulele This is my first stringed instument. This is a good value. It is fun to play with. I dont have the skill to demand a lot from the instrument. I must point out that there is an intonation problem between the open and fretted strings. Chords using open and fretted strings sound off, especially if the same note is played on a fretted string and open string. After some research, I have determined that the nut is placed too far up the fingerboard, the strings are too high off the fingerboard, and the bridge is set a little too close to the 12th fret. (These are fixable problems, by the way.) On average, I suspect that any instrument in this price range will have similar issues. This is just my instrument. I cant say how likely this will be a problem for any other OU2. The appearance is good, plain and simple, not ugly. No obvious defects. Constructed of laminated wood which is true of all instruments in this price range. Construction seems a little heavy, lots of bracing on top and back which I am sure deadens its sound. Complaints about ukuleles going quickly and wildly out of tune are issues with all ukuleles when the strings are new. Mine took a week of daily retuning to stop stretching.As a follow up on the above comments, I have happily had the uke for almost five years. I have developed a bit more skill playing and have tried and owned other ukuleles. I like the concert size as it is easier to fret than the smaller soprano size ukulele. It is not a loud instrument, so it works well as my practice uke. It is very sturdy, so I have it siting on the couch without fear of its destruction. A ukulele on the couch will see more use than one hidden in a case. I have had no problems and much fun. Aquilla strings sound nice on this uke.
23 stars
Decent Drumming Headphones I play drums and needed isolating headphones to practice with. These work okay. They don't fit over and cup the ears as I thought they would--because of the foam they sort of sit on top. The protection is not quite equal in both ears because of the fit. The audio quality of the drivers is decent, but not great, kind of treble-y. Also, the sound of my drums is not very true coming through all the muffling. Still, they work for what I need them for and the cost was fine. There aren't a lot of dedicated drummer's headphones out there or I might have had more to compare these with.
23 stars
WAX makes your guitar shine The wax is white colored, i think its like the flooring wax product, it makes ur guitar shine and of course protect it, after use - kinda shine and clean and i dont know how to say and its kinda like a dried wood feeling.it also needs a little bit power to clean off the wax, and this product is made to be use with other steps of protect from planet waves, and this wax is the step 2 of their guitar protection thing..
34 stars
Great if you aren't sure you'll like playing guitar, but... I got this guitar because it was inexpensive and I didn't want to invest a lot of money on a new hobby I wasn't sure I would keep it up, however if you are looking for quality this is NOT the guitar for you. The particular problem I am having is that when I play the second fret on the 2 high strings it actually hits the third fret which is raised too high. overall I like it for learning but when I'm good enough to want to play for other people I will be getting a new guitar. Also, the bag and strap that come with it are super lame and I just threw them away.
23 stars
Arrived defective It arrived fast and we wrapped it and let our daughter open it up for her birthday party. It was a karaoke party. Was.... the machine didn't open the CD player, making it impossible for us to continue with our plans. We spent more time trying to figure out if it was us - it's a simple machine, easy to use, easy to figure out. I read lots of reviews before I purchased this one and I'm not only disappointed, I'm furious that such a lack of quality control would be allowed on Amazon - and don't even ask about how my daughter felt when her little 7th birthday party bombed hard after the main attraction showed up defective. This is our second over $100 purchase from Amazon that has been defecive upon arrival. No more for us, we're done with Amazon. Shop local!
01 star
Works ok I got these for my son who was taking clarinet for JR High band. They seem to break/split fairly easily, then i guess maybe they all do. He went through about half a box this school year so its not too expensive. It's much cheaper that paying $2.00 each(what the school charges the kids) so hopefully he will have enough for next year too.
23 stars
Nice Basic Instrument I bought these for 1st birthday goodie bags. The kids loved them and we pulled them out to shake during singalong. Considering all the stuff my kids break, that these things have endured is a testament to their sturdiness.
45 stars
FITS ALESIS MICRON PERFECTLY Very nice bag; fits an Alesis Micron like a glove.Although I wish the front pocket had slightly more give/depth.
34 stars
Who Said Good Cartridges Were Gone? Until I got the M97xE I thought the golden age of phono cartridges had passed. I had gone through the Shure ranks with the XV15MarkIII, IV and finally the V. One by one these older units would cease to work so I was left looking for a replacement. The M97xE does not have the fancy finish of the old top of the line units but the stabilizer brush is there and the sound quality is too!! So what if it's not as pretty? Works great and I'm enjoying my LPs once again!
45 stars
Great for beginner I was really looking for an affordable, low-key, semi-portable keyboard that wasn't a toy (or sounded or looked like a toy) for my 4.5-yr.-old to practice on at home after she started piano classes. Of course this keyboard doesn't sound like the $3000 dollar ones, but it's pretty close. And at this price, it's a great deal. I haven't really looked at the functions, yet, but my kids like the tempo settings and demos of course.
45 stars
In neck position Sorry if this review doesn't help much but I got a used set of pups which were SH-6B (Distortion Bridge) and this one. The guitar tech recommended putting the JB on the neck. From hearing samples I thought I might like it the other way around, but it's actually quite balanced. It doesn't do typical neck sounds (of course it's not a neck model), but I thought I would say it's not bad at all as what I usually have to do to be happy with neck pups is drastically roll off the lows. The lows are barely there, it's rather thin sounding. This is what you want actually, to have some room to EQ the way you want instead of having to EQ your way out of an overblown muddy mess. In the middle position paired with the Distortion Bridge, it was almost as if I had the perfect pickup. Thought I would at least ad some information should you have one of these and think you want to get rid of it maybe just try it in a different spot (if you have the same problem with neck pickup being mixing nightmares). There's not much of a pick attack like in a PAF so don't do it if you are expecting it to be like that but it's pretty cool.
34 stars
Mollard P12TW P-12In.Tulipwood White Baton I use these batons exclusively not only for their balance, but because of the easy grip. This particular handle fits my hand in a non invasive way, allowing for a feel that seems an actual part of my hand. It is as if I have nothing there but hand itself. It is very much worth a try if you have never used this particular baton.
45 stars
Got to have the knobs A major plus is setting the eq knobs to a certain frequency, and not having to go through a menu. You can always see where they are, and can adjust while playing back. For what i do, i just can't imagine not having those eq knobs. I'm going to buy another one. You just have to pay attention to what goes in, and you will have quality recordings. I use a microverb for a small amount of ambience, and it's all i need. I've tried many recorders, and i just have no interest in learning the ropes on another one. I guess people like different products for different reasons, and this recorder just happens to be a perfect fit for me. So what if you fill it up; grab another one for 100 bucks.
45 stars
Perfect for rock These heads are virtually indestructable and produce a great sound. Attack is superb, especially when played hard and loud, and the construction ensures minimal ring and overtone.Be aware that this head pack does not product the best tone and sound for jazz (get Remo Fiberskyns for that kind of sound), but the Pinstripe model that comprises this pack has become the De Facto standard for rock.If you still have the heads that come with your drum kit - and play rock - changing over to this pack will probably make a dramatic improvement in the way your kit sounds, regardless of whether you are playing a budget no-name brand, or Pearl, Mapex, Tama, Ludwig or similar pro quality drums.I also recommend that you get a Rhythm Tech Memo Key (ASIN B0002E2EOE) or Evans Torque tuning key (ASIN B0002D0HZI) to allow you to quickly get your heads in perfect tuning once you have them installed. Either of these will allow you to get the most out of these (or any other) heads and transform your kit into a finely tuned, professional sounding set of instruments.
45 stars
Great Guitar for the Price I bought this guitar as a gift for my son. He had sold his Yamaha a while back because he needed the money. The purpose was to get him something to hold him over until he could afford a more expensive guitar.I am glad to say he is very pleased with this one. We did replace the strings immediately (if you are a guitar player you know what I am talking about) with Elixir strings. The guitar has a good full tone and after the strings were replaced it even sounds better than the Yamaha he had before. The guitar holds its tuning well and so far seems to be built very well.While this guitar is not in the class of guitars that are much more expensive it is an outstanding value for being under $100. I've heard guitars that are 2-3 times as expensive and their tone was not any better.
45 stars
Best pop filter in amazon This pop filter is really good it gives you clarity to your voice, everyone with a mic should use one, for this you need to use a heavy mic stand a recomend a on stage one I use the desk version. If you try to use it in a light one it will fall, the clip that comes with it is good, but you need to put it all the way insid or it will fall, depending on the thickness of your stand you might have to pull it out the way out.Looks a little bit cheap, could've been better but its still good
45 stars
Worthless Don't be fooled by the word "reliable" in this amp's description. It's anything but. You would be lucky is this amp could power a telephone speaker.
01 star
Podcasting I purchased this small mixer for the purposes of podcasting and it worked like a charm. Too bad the grown men I did the podcast with acted like 4 year olds because now this is just collecting dust. *sigh*
45 stars
Excellent inexpensive sopranino recorder This recorder has a very good tone devoid of shrillness, and excellent tuning, response and evenness throughout the range. It plays easily and delivers fine musical results. Highly recommended!
45 stars
Great value! These stand lights are the bomb! They are inconspicuous while providing the light necessary to read the charts! A very good product for a small price.
45 stars
good cable Nice looking cable and it works just fine. It's not very flexible so it can be a little unwieldly, but it appears to be pretty durable.
34 stars
Nice but defective. This is for the FBQ3201 unit. I just brought this unit home and found it to be defective out of the box. If I were to put a reasonably hot signal into channel 1, after a few seconds it the signal will shut off. What is very strange is that if I touch the case body, the signal immediately returns. Does not do this with same signal on channel 2. I cross checked cables and what not. Have to return unit. I will try one more time.
12 stars
Just OK Like others said, it's not an "official" Yamaha stand. It's generic but very sturdy and the adjustment works with one limitation: you can only lower it so far as the more you lower it, the wider the space at top, which will exceed the lenght of some keyboards at the lower levels. I purchased this for a Yamaha EZ200 61 key keyboard and none of the settings on the height adjustment will make it line up with the stand indentations on the bottom of the keyboard. That's the tradeoff for having an adjustable stand. the keyboard sits on the rubber "feet" fine and I don't have a problem with it sliding off. Only other comment is about assembly. I've read that many people had a lot of problems. The instructions are poor, but I threw them away and had it assembled in about 10 min. It's pretty obvious if you look at the box cover and then the 4 pieces. Overall, it's a fair buy.
34 stars
Good Quality Strings In my search for a jazz/mellow tone, I tryed D'addario half wound 11's and flat wounds 11's.I found the half wounds to have a well balanced and clean clear tone, and to be a little more mellow than nickle wound. However in order to get close to the mellow tone I was seeking I still had to roll back the high eq knob on my guitar to almost zero, and at times, felt the 1st string 11 was too thin or weak. But in general, I liked the sound and guages in the half wound set and have used them on a regular basis for the past year! But somewhere in the back of my mind, I still was thinking I should try a heavier guage(but not 13's).The flat wound 11's were more mellow and the heavier guage gave me a little fuller sound, however the 1st string or 11 still sounded a little weak on my guitar and the other strings a little bit heavier to finger than what I was used to.I checked out the guage on Thomastik JS112. Did not like the price, but liked the idea of the first string (12)and the guages of the others were a little less heavier than the daddario flats.The Thomastik's JS112 flats sounded great! I immediately noticed a much richer sound quality in my guitar along with a fuller clear sound.Tone appears to be very well balanced and enjoy the fuller sound of 12 guage first string.They also have a great feel and appear to stay in tune very well.If your interested in a mellow tone similar to the greats like Wes,Joe Pass etc.. ,you may want to give them a try. They are pricey, but what a tone, and and you might find yourself playing around a lot less with the EQ on your guitar and amp. If your buget is really limited you might want to give the d'adarrio half wounds a try.
34 stars
Good Amp Used to connect large speakers to Samsung LN52A630 via RCA connectors. TV hooked to input one. Input two used for laptop or ipod using 3.5mm to RCA cable. Amp senses input on signal two and automatically switches to that signal. Only defect is that input two sensing allows signal dropout in quiet music passages (input one does not have this problem). Was aware of this problem prior to purchase so no big deal. (Rarely a problem with rock'n'roll or internet radio.) Amp is always left on (automatically goes into standby after a few minutes when no signal is present at either input). Have never cranked amp up to full volume as it would be much, much too loud. 50 watts to good speakers is more than sufficient. Clear, crisp sound; no distortion. Just wish Samsung could adjust audio out volume so I could use my remote for that function (Amp has no remote). Good interim sound system. Will use as zone 2 amp later. Purchased refurbished from J&R. Arrived double boxed.
34 stars
FANTASTIC! Used it to shoot two features, and the third this summer. Great product. Our film distributor wondered how we got such good sound, and he said he was surprised because most indpendent films have sound quality that sucks. Want a great mic that doesn't suck? Get this!
45 stars
Comfortable grip, works great even on old autoharps I received an old autoharp from an antique shop. All the strings needed significant re-tuning, and this tuner with its wooden handle was comfortable to use through the whole lengthy process. Though the pegs were old and a little rusted, this wrench gripped them perfectly without slipping or rounding off any pegs.If you've never tuned an autoharp before, be aware that some notes are skipped. You will need to consult a tuning guide for your particular autoharp or the chords won't sound right. Mine was printed on the harp, so it was easy. You might not be as lucky.
45 stars
nice! looks the same in the picture, my husband really liked it. soft, flexible and easy to adjust to your perfect length. Even comes with a string for those who have a different strap hook
34 stars
nice accessory This sustain pedal is a nice accessory to a Yamaha keyboard. Some music really needs the pedal so it sounds correct.Now that I have the pedal, I feel like my keyboard is very close to the capability of a real piano, except I'm missing a couple octaves of keys. Hopefully, the pedal will work with a new keyboard when I upgrade.
45 stars
Great winder It's a winder... I bought it more to keep in my case for string changes when away from home. The cutter is what sold me on it. It's a great little concept and seems to be built pretty solid. Would buy again if lost or stolen.
45 stars