class label
2 classes
Keep looking! Really...Keep looking. You don't want this...not even as an alarm clock. It's terribly hard to set the time or the alarm and the sound quality is horrendous! Spend a few extra bucks and get something better.
Old product, tested in 2004 but bought in 2011 I'm a little concerned about this product. When it arrived, it was apparent that the box was old, which was confirmed when I opened the package and a document stated that the surge protector was tested in 2004. When I looked on the box, it also indicated a product from 2004.I haven't used it because it was suppose to be a gift for a college student. I hope it lasts, despite the fact that it's already 7 years old!
Nice fit and finish This is a pretty typical Manfrotto product. The finish is good and it fits the tripod head as advertised. I especially like the fact that the screw head is recessed in the mounting plate. It does not protrude like others do. You will need a coin or screwdriver to mate it to your camera.
Problems with SHP2500/37 The right side head phone did not work since I opened the package.Another piece of junk from China produced for Philips! Now I am stuck with a product which I can't use and now I am figuring out how to get a replacement from Amazon as I was gone out of the country for 30 days. With this product I bought a Sennheiser ( again Made in China) and it works good. German quality better than Dutch. Avoid Philips product at all costs
Challenge The NEW High Technology....If you dare! I like high technology and new things. For the first time I saw the new logitech V400 laser mouse, I thought "What a great mouse is!", All-Terrain Laser, good look , and five buttons. It's perfect! For personal reason, I had waited a long time for the orange available on Amazon.com, but it took so long that I finally decided to buy the grey one. Then, bad things happened.pros: comfortable design, good look, the right size for me.cons: This thing couldn't track anything accurately!It's always shaking when I made a little moving and is very hard to point a object accurately. I test many materials of surface, flat wood table, marble table, mouse pad, and computer table. The results are all the same. Always SHAKING! Just like some ghost has controlled it. I used another Dell laser mouse on the same surface, and nothing is wrong.I found the same results on Amazon.com's review. Two guys' V400 mouses(one grey, one orange) had the same problems as mine. I writed a e-mail to Logitech and tell them about the problems. Logitech C.S. did nothing besides telling me to replace it. What if I get a useless mouse again? No! Finally, I returned this thing instead of replacement. I still saw somebody who was happy about their new mouse. Maybe it's just my bad luck, but I won't try again. If you like to challenge the NEW high technology and always are a lucky guy, this mouse might be a good choice.
The 'Not Ready For Prime Time' Radio I bought the Sony HD radio with high hopes. What a disappointment.I thought HD radio meant you either had a signal or you didn't - isn't that digital sound ? Certainly that's what happens with the satellite XM receiver in my car. No so here, marginal signals sound a little like someone is unwrapping thick plastic wrap and the HD fades in and out.Even the conventional signal produces lousy audio.I compared the Sony sound quality with with my least expensive 'high end' radio, a one hundred dollar Tivoil Audio single speaker system. I connected a Terk powered FM antenna to both devices and the Tivoli completely outshone the Sony. The Sony's 'surround sound' feature hardly improves a miserable level of fidelity.Save your money until Sony gets it right or buy one of their boom boxes. You will be much happier. I returned mine yesterday.
Unreadable Display I bought this radio as a bedside clock radio with weather alerts. The display is a large blue screen with tiny characters which are only visible at certain angles. It is unreadable at any angle at night. The method of controls, for alarm setting, receiving weather broadcasts, etc. is very confusing. It is unsatisfactory in every way. I have procrastinated too long to return it, and have wasted $50 on it. Don't buy a gadget like this on the internet - see it in the store and pay a little more (or considerably less, for a clock radio) to have some idea what you're buying.
This is the best adapter that I have ever owned or even seen! I travel internationally to somewhere between 15 to 20 countries per year. I love this adapter. It is compact and rugged. It has worked in every country that I have visited. It is easy to use the levers to move from one configuration of the adapter to another. My favorite feature is that this adapter is one piece. It is also light enough that it does not pull out of outlets. I was even pleased with the price. The ONLY negative is that occasionally the levers will stick and I will have to pull a lever in and then out to get it to change configurations. This is a very minor issue, but I thought I should mention it. I will buy this product again if my current one ever breaks.
Great concept, poor execution I have both an older 4th gen iPod Photo (60gb) and a 5th gen iPod Video (60gb) for which it works fine except for the Next track button. Of course, other than turning it on and off or play/pause is a pretty crucial feature. Their India help desk didn't offer me any suggestion other than to return it to the vendor as it's discontinued. Should be a great product. Seems like quality control sucks. Steer clear.[...]
Nice equipment Bought this for college classes and love the quality of the meter. Customer service was good.
Do not buy this, it is a piece of garbage manufactured in China It ran well as a VCR but we only recorded 6 disks and watched a few DVDs and it ceased to function.I popped the case open and all the vents for cooling are blocked by pieces of plastic or metal braces.The one inadequate cooling fan is isn't enough to suck the heat out of the device so it simply cooks itself to death after a few uses.I'm going to save up and buy a Sony Combo.
not in the condition it said it was the calculator was in poor condition when i got it. even though the reviewer said that it in good condition. however you get what you pay for, so the price is fair for what i got it for.
DEFECTIVE LENS I bought this lens after lengthy deliberation. I decided to go with the 2.8 lens instead of the f4 because I shoot lots of concerts in low light. I needed a lens that could give me the flexibility of a large aperture and the zoom of 70-200. Unfortunately after only 30 days or so this lens starting causing me problems. The AF would not work consistently - the motor would run and run and not focus correctly. I sent it back to Canon and they repaired it. The service details on the repair was the following: replaced 3rd lens assembly, focusing assembly, and other parts. Checked all adjusted center/tilt/focus cleaned all factory spec.Regardless of the this seeminglt thorough repair I received the lens today and went out to shoot. To my great disappointment I began to receive errors included a Err 01 and 00 on the aperture settings. This freezes my camera and I am not able to shoot. The only remedy is to take out my camera battery out, put it back in, and then shoot 3 shots after which I receive the error again and repeat the process. I checked my other lens and they work fine with my 20D. I called Canon of course not happy and asking for a replacement instead of a repair. The technicion Bruce who was trying to be as helpful as possible told me to clean the sensor with a penical eraser. I tried that and it did not work. The best they could do was offer another repair and a mailing label.I am not happy with this lens or with Canon's policy and have heard of other defective units. I think Canon should just replace the thing instead of working on the defective unit. I shoot professionally - I have a show to shoot tonight and will not be able to use this lens. This is a missed opportunity. I am also scheduled to shoot Modest Mouse on March 8 and the way things are looking I will not have this lens for that event either.I have been a Canon customer since I first started taking photos but this whole experience has made me doubt their committment to their customers. If you are a professional who counts on good reliable craftmenship I might reconsider buying this lens. I have heard that defects are fairly common with this lens.When it works like it is supposed to it takes gorgeous photos. The glass is top notch. But of course if it doesn't work than none of that mattters.
Don't waste your money like I did Sabrent clearly lies when they show the Vista compatibility tag on the cover of the box. This item is NOT compatible with windows Vista at all. It comes with software that is for windows 2000 or windows xp. Windows doesn't even have a version of windvr 3 available for upgrade to windows vista. I find it comical that Windows has a program out that is incompatible with it's own operating system, but that's how Microsoft repays customer loyalty... Additionally, I tried to install the software anyway to see if it would work, but when I got to the registration page, (Yes, you need a software key to activate the software), there was no software key provided in the box at all. I tried using the serial number that was on the tuner and on the box, but the software didn't accept that. SO even if I could get the software to work on my operating system, I can't install it, because the company (Sabrent) didn't provide the software license key. Stay away from this product and indeed, this company.
The setup couldn't be simpler! I recently set up this wireless card for a relative, and was pleasantly surprised by how quickly and smoothly the entire process went. It was probably the simplest hardware upgrade I've ever done.Upon receiving the package, I panicked for a moment when I noticed the PC was a slim form-factor Dell. Obviously the card wouldn't fit in that case because the back plate would be too big. Luckily for me, and very thoughtful of MSI, this wireless card has removable back plates and it even includes a slim one just for this case! If you're interested, it also includes an even smaller one, probably for microATX cases, for a total of 3 plates. Very handy.What followed was me getting my Philips screwdriver, replacing the back plate on the card, opening the computer case, inserting the card and closing everything up. Then I attached the included antenna, hooked everything back up and booted into Vista Home Basic SP1. At this point I have to mention I previously made sure to download the updated drivers from MSI's site and have them ready before I installed the card. Windows promptly asked me for the drivers, I pointed the installer to the right location, and off it went. IIRC, I believe the drivers were WHQL signed (someone correct me if I'm wrong), which is always a reassuring thing that at least these specific drivers should not crash your system.And that was it. The card provided the computer with full 802.11g speeds and a 100% signal to a Netgear WGR614v6 AP, through several rooms and walls apart. Needless to say, I was browsing the web in no time.In conclusion, it was a pleasure setting this up, and I haven't had any complaints whatsoever since (2+ months now).I have nothing bad to say about this product. It has plenty of features and accessories, installation is a breeze, great performer, Vista compatible, and best of all, the price is right. I wasn't a big fan of MSI before, having had so-so experiences with their motherboards, but this has certainly made me reconsider them in all my computer purchases from now on.Highly recommended.
US Robotics strikes again Two computer consultants and $300 worth of consultant charges later, the USR ethernet to usb adapter is still not installed. USR pitches this equipment as "plug and Play" when it should be sold as "Pay and Pay". This is not a universal adapter and it is downright user hostile. If I thought I had a prayer of getting my money back, I would return it.
A great buy!! I am a college student without a lot of money, but I love movies, and I have wanted a DVD player for some time now. I looked around and decided to get this one, and I love it! It is a great price and I have not had ANY problems with it so far! It is very easy to use, and has great features! I strongly reccommend buying this DVD player if you want a great player for a decent price!
Useless I bought this product only to find out it is incompatible with my DirecTV DVR with Tivo service. If this had only been clearly indicated like it was on the box, I wouldn't have bought it.
Awesome! Best MP3 I've ever bought! It's just awesome and I got it especially cheap on a good deal this seller was doing. Perfectly priced (When I bought it) and it holds lots of songs because of the 8gb it comes with and the expansion bay that also holds another 8gb card.
I Love it! I bought this adapter along with the Lynksys wireless router. Both work great!! Easy to set up and works as advertised (Be sure to do the firmware upgrade). Great Geek Toy!
Review at 3 months use I purchased the hub 3 months ago, not realizing that it would have a short life. In recent weeks devices - among others, an ink jet printer and a palm pilot cradle - served by the hub have begun to "malfunction."I discovered that the devices are ok but the hub is not doing its job.Hoping your experience is better than mine after 3 months.: (David
mpio fy200 256k Pretty little gadget that froze up and shut down my XP machine after two weeks. Subsequent download/install of latest "firmware" didn't cure terminal "please wait..." message. It was nice while it lasted. English web site written by non-English speakers. Thank goodness I saved the receipt. You think after so many disappointments I'd learn my lesson about products from this particular country...but I'm a sucker for a lowball price.
Rubbish I've made hundreds of network cables in the past. I always thought that RJ45 heads were all the same. This batch is rubbish. Every cable I've made suffers from some sort of fault or short. Wiggle the cable and you lose connection. At first I though it was my crimper (which has worked for me for years) and tried another one. Nope. So in a fit of desperation, I went down to Home Depot last night and picked up a bag of 10 which cost me as much as this bag of 50. Snipped off the heads of the first cable giving me trouble. Put the Home Depot heads on, and it works like a charm. The remainder of this bag went in the trash, and I'll be looking for another brand/vendor. Apparently, you *do* get what you pay for. At least I didn't waste a lot of money. (Although I did waste a lot of time.) Don't make the same mistake.Note: If I look closely at these heads compared to the ones I got from Home Depot, I can see the Home Depot "teeth" - which need to pierce the 8 strands - are much sharper and there are 3 teeth, compared to this set which are shallower and have only 2 teeth. I think this is part of the problem. They aren't making a good connection with the wire. I can't be bothered with trying to force a deeper connection, maybe jimmying something into my crimper to tighten them down even more. This crimper is good quality and has served me for years. It's not the problem here.
too much of a good thing I was very excited to expand my memory for my new kodak mc3 only to find out it won't accept a memory card greater than 96mb. Buyer beware.
Great Value I bought this camera about two weeks ago and I have been very happy with it. The picture quality is very good -- esp. if your using it for web purposes.My only problems are as follows:True, the viewfinder is only about 70% of the actual picture size.It eats batteries like *crazy*It doesn't handle low-light pictures very wellTwilight mode -- you have to have a very still subject and a very still hand to take a decent picture in twilight mode (although I've gotten some really cool looking blurs)All in all it's a great camera for the price. I checked out some other more expensive cameras that werent' nearly as good as this Sony.
dial too tricky The radio is functional but you have to be a really calm person to get the station you want. The dial is real tricky..
Hardly useable This "microscope" is hardly useable. With a tiny viewing area and flimsy lenses, focusing is next to impossible. The zoom capability is worthless given the size of the viewing area and as such, the unit is not worth the trouble.
Belkin lives up to expectations I have never gotten a bad product from Belkin, this as all others I have bought works as expected, It is well thought out and engineered. I hav'nt been hit by lightening yet, but if I do I know it will be there for me.
Perfect for Wedding Photos I had been looking for something to put my 8x10 wedding pics in. Wedding albums were so expensive and I have more than 50 8x10's because I had them printed locally. When I saw this portfolio, I wasn't too sure, but I had seen many other great reviews. If you want something that will sit on the table for people to look at then you will need to dress the cover up a bit, but if you want a great place to keep pics that you can look at and keep, this is a very inexpensive and very nice way to do that.The quality of the book is great and you get just what is says- sleeves to put your 8x10's in. I love mine.
Rio 800 is a pain in the butt I got this little guy for Christmas 2002 and I was so excited to have one. Well, after figuring out that you had to calibrate the battery, I thought I was good to go. You wouldn't know to calibrate the battery until you read the directions, which I think is horrible considering most (like me) just plug it in to charge w/o the directions. Well, the battery drains itself and I have never been able to keep it running for more than a few hours. I think the look, feel, sound, and even the amount of memory (mine has 128 mb) are great, but what good is any of that if you cannot keep power to it. The night before I wanted to use it I unplugged it after a full charge... by the time I went to workout the next day, the battery in it was dead. DO NOT BUY RIO -- their product stinks! I will never buy another!
Solid DSLR solution Its great, but IMO a APS-C sensor is too small for 10MP, it reveals the imperfections of the lens and is half as sensitive as the 6mp versions. If i was buying again i would a get a d40 since it has most of the features like the big screen. If you use DX glass its the perfect body and leaves money for accessories like sb-800.
Very good Works well and as expected. Only thing that could make this product better would be if antenna position could be programmed to move at desired times.
I can see clearly now These work well. I bought them for navigation. They are a bit heavy and large. I also have a small set of Nikon binoculars but didn't want to leave them on-board. Nice field of view and good zoom. Great price and I didn't experience noticeable chromatic aberrations.
Great image... but just one little detail I've purchased the portable DVD/ DivX player for my kids and it hasn't disappointed us!The only problem that I've found is that if the subtitles for the DivX movie come in a separate file, they are not played at the same time.This is not a problem if the movie is in your language or if the subtitles are incorporated to the movie file.
Very Happy! When I read previous reviews I was under the impression that this Battery charger did not look like the picture and that the prongs did not fold in, but it is perfect and works/looks just like the picture. Very great deal, my sons charger that came with the DS stopped working and now he is very happy with this product.
Buy the less expensive one. This radio worked fine till five minuites after Hurricane Wilma made landfall and then quit working.The electricity in my house was on so it was not a battery back up issiue.The less expensive one made by midland with S.A.M.E. is all you need and at the price difference you can buy two for one.This is not the unit to own. Too many useless features.It beeps every time a button is pushed.Do not waste your money !
Leather Camera Case This little case, or one like it, is a must for owners of ultra-compact cameras. It allows me to comfortably 'wear' my Canon 800IS everywhere. This means I'll get those precious grandkid shots that occur spontaneously because my camera is always just a few seconds away - on my belt. If you don't wear a belt, the included strap allows you to carry the camera in the case like a wee purse.This case is very easy to use with a strong magnetic snap. It is nicely finished.I only wish the leather was softer.Ralph
garbage This printer came free with my Dell PC. However, the printer is very low quality. I was able to use it occasionally for a few months but once I ran out of cartridge, I could not buy the refill from Office Max or any other place. The only way you can obtain it is by mailorder (cartridge actually costs as much as this printer!!)which can take up to a week. Well, I did not have a week since the paper had to be printed out and submitted the following day. After a while, this printer started screwing up, the paper would get easily jammed or it didn't print straight. I got so frustrated that I repeatedly pounded on this thing with my fist. That did it. It was no longer working and went straight to the thrash can. My advice: Get a better quality printer that's reliable.
PC Users..If you want plug n play, then this is not for you I was really excited about the concept of the Airport Express, however I found it extremely difficult to set-up. I assume its easier with a Mac computer, but my experience with my PC and existing wireless network did not make the process fun. Back to the Apple store....
Solid, Grounded Adapter I bought this for travel to India, and it worked very well.The construction is durable; it's made of very-tough plastic and the prongs are solidly mounted with no wobble.The receiving side of the plug accommodates several varieties of power plug, but I only had the occasion to use this one with a Hong Kong plug and a typical United States plug. Both my Hong Kong and US power cables mated perfectly with this adapter, and it held them with a solid grip.Last but not least, I tested the ground prong with my multimeter, and I can confirm that it conducts through to the ground plug on the other side of the adapter.Indian wiring notwithstanding, you should feel comfortable plugging your three pronged devices into this adapter.
Great new user friendly, technodufus proof- way to record! Started with my first ever, store bought Robin Trower record, recorded to my laptop, placed the track spaces where I wanted them, and mastered my first ever vinyl to CD recording.Very VERY rewarding and fascinating to listen in the car or at work or at the beach to my old vinyl collection, complete with (you can edit them out, but I am sentimentally attached to them) the pop of the needle due to years of play.As good as pure digital recording? Of course not. But you wouldn't buy a turntable if that was what you wanted, would you?Did I mention that once you have the wave file on your computer, you can load it on your ipod or mp3 player? AWESOME!!!
Good VGA Splitter It's a VGA splitter that works well. The ends are a tad bulky, and the cable is a little thicker than a standard VGA cable, but really there's not much to complain about here.
Worth the money THIS PORTABLE CD PLAYER IS GREAT!!! My friends think that it cost me $300 and i had to prove it wasnt i think if you like comfort quality and saving money this is a perfect item for you!
Way over priced! This is the most overpriced item, I own several Monster power items, and their higher end units are great but this thing is worthless, you might as well get a no name brand.I had this thing one my 3rd TV and it fried out within 2 weeks, and none of the others did.
Very Misleading!! Product claims to fit tv's up to 46", though didnt fit my 42" Panasonic Plasma. First off, I had to go to Home Depot and buy the proper (metric and allen head) bolts that fit the TV because the other 22 sets of hardware were too small (that was another $6 and wasted hour of my life). THEN I had to redrill the holes bec the the bolts were too big for the holes in the frame. Soooo, its probably less of a headache to just go to Best Buy and save yourself the time (especially if you arent inclined to do such alterations as I did). Good luck.
Only one Con Everything works great, just not all drives have room to connect properly or at all, for this out for IDE drives
Bad zipper quality It's like everybody says; The zipper is terrible quality. Other than that, it works OK.
Good value works as described works as described, easy to install, though the installation does change some windows xp professional settings for music playback which i had set up for itunes...i wish it had a separate stand it could be put on when u want to change it from being clipped on your laptop....
Keeps getting disconnected This product is easy to install and at first I thought it was great. But after a few hours of steady streaming, the 'wireless' light goes off and the connection is dropped. If you power-cycle the unit, then it works again (most of the time). But it just disconnects again after a few more hours.Very frustrating. I would buy a different product.
Wifi boost This cable worked well to connect our wireless router to an external amplifier in my Senior Design project. We got miles of range with the signal boost.
Perfect large size memory This is great. I hated changing out my 1 gig SD cards so having a 4 gig is awesome. It's hard to fill this up, with the max quality and size (approx. 2.5 Mb per picture), it takes well over 1000 pictures. Read your manual and see if it is compatible. And if you buy this and don't read it don't rate the product a 1 because of your own negligence.
Defective Cables I bought these cables - they're like standard PC power cables except 15 feet long. One did not work as it arrived. The other two quit very soon thereafter. Returns were not accepted after 30 days. Not sure these folks are still on Amazon: The Tech Basket
luckyme Fast shipping. Exactly what I needed for my electronic type writer. I would definitely recommend this product who wants to but this. Thank you very much.
Wireless USB Review Great performance and easy install. I have already recommended the product to 3 other friends who have also purchased and loved the performance as well.
TOTAL PIECE OF GARBAGE --- DO NOT BUY! I'm MS Certified and owner of a computer sales/service store. I tried for a solid YEAR to get this sorry contraption to work right on my top of the line computer. It's just an AWFUL piece of junk. It will drive you average computer users CRAZY. Ridiculously confusing install routine. Totally inadequate install and user's manual: they saved money on printed support materials and would rather you just stayed in the dark I guess. Plextor web site is no better. Drivers keep getting dropped and you have to reinstall hardware and software all the time. Software routinely hangs after "making video." Audio recording--once/IF you get it to work-- pops and cracks. Doesn't format correctly for my Memorex burner. Went through many spoiled disks trying to capture from VCR to DVD +/- Dual layer disks. More waste of my money! Authoring tools on their bundled and mandatory WinDVD Creator, like Menus, feature the absolute CHEESIEST graphics I've ever seen and very few choices that don't have a pre-selected (and stupid) "theme." Telephone and email TECH SUPPORT--and you're going to need it OFTEN before you finally give up-- IS A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. They don't know what is wrong with their LAME device and they don't really care. Your frustration is met with total meathead boredom. You might as well throw your money out the car window, folks. I can't explain the good reviews this device has received here on Amazon unless they are "planted" reviews by Plextor employees (which is known to happen). I'm in the daily business of selling folks good computer equipment and devices and I'm telling you this product is a TOTAL RIP OFF, it does NOT WORK, and YOU WILL BE SORRY if you purchase ANY Plextor product!
Great idea, poor video I bought this in July immediatly before I left the country for an extended vacation. I have been using it for paragliding and snowboarding since then. Overall I think it's a great idea, but suffers in the execution. I would not recommend buying it. Unfortunately I was away too long to be able to return it.The good- size- simplicity of helmet cam- codec plugs into Apple framework - no requirement to use imagemixer if you're a mac personThe bad- video quality- battery life (internal & external)- DivX codec conflict (I had to delete all other codec's before installing imagemixer to make it work)- can't copy files back to the camera- provided straps don't fit any of the helmets I use- weather proof case doesn't close properly if camera is oriented to mount on top of helmet- photo qualityEven at the "super fine" setting, the video quality is extremely poor. Colours are muddy, frame rate is jerky, white balance and exposure levels are terrible, and the lens distorts around the edges. My canon SD400 "still" camera does MUCH better video in it's VGA mode. I would rather that it didn't do stills, mp3, file browser, etc and just did good video. I don't think that's asking too much.Hope this helps someone.
If you require Tech Support and only speak English - Do Not Buy Earlier today I was attempting to install a Belkin Wireless Router at home. While doing the installation it came to the point where it would not connect to the internet. The set-up software instructed me to call technical support. When I called the number I got a nice lady who spoke very rough English. After many request for her to repeat herself, we finally got it to connect. However, it was moving extremely slow and the set up software did not give me an option to continue through on the set-up. My efforts to explain this to the lady were futile. She kept saying "but you are connected now, thank you." I finally gave up and played with it myself for about 15 minutes. After having no success, I called technical support again and this time got a nice man whom I also could not understand. After a few minutes of laboriously giving him all of my personal information again and then painstakingly going through the basics in my frustrating attempt to explain the problem, I finally gave up and went to the office to work. After that I tried to fax my question in writing to Belkin but the fax number on their website did not work.I am not a racist and have many multi-cultural friends; however, if you only speak English with a normal midwestern accent you will most likely have problems communicating with the technical support team which I presume is located in India.
Very Disappointing I guess a middle aged person like myself should know you almost always get what you pay for and that is certainly the case with the Coby DP-758 7-Inch Widescreen photo frame. Sure it's attractive enough with a well finished removable frame, but as soon as the power switch goes on it is apparent this is no bargain. Very grainy display, apparent even in the menu. Pixel quality is VERY poor, regardless of the original photo quality. No amount of photo editing resulted in a better quality image. Incidentally, this is a 3x5 aspect ratio frame, and even though the description touts the 16:9 ratio its a little shocking to see it on a frame this small. The stock photo married to the description is NOT what this looks like, not nearly as tall. I'm not normally a buy and return guy but I bought 2 and returned them both, opting instead for 2 Philips 6.5 inch in the clear and black frame. Received them today and the difference is unbelievable.The Philips have a very sharp display and are easy to use. Amazon handled everything A+ as usaual
too big for shirt pocket I found the case well made however it made the M100 too big to fit in my shirt pocket.
hard plastic loops that are uncomfortable and don't fit my ears :( These did not work out for me at all :(I know I have smallish ears, but I didn't think they were *that* abnormal... ;)I needed a new set of headphones for when I go out running. I like the kind that hooks over the ear, because I find that they stay put better than the little knobby ones. I got these because I really liked the color =P and because I trust Sony as a brand.Unfortunately, these didn't fit my ears at all. The plastic is pretty hard and had some rough edges, so I was afraid I was hurting my earlobe when I tried to put them on. Once they were on, I bounced up and down a few times, and that's when they just fell off. That's no good, I wanted to take these on longer (bouncier) runs!I ended up getting a pair of Phillips headphones instead.
I have to defend this printer! After reading all of the bad reviews on here about this printer, I felt it necessary to voice my opinion, although I am not one to write reviews. I have had this printer since Dec. 2000 when it was top of the line from Dell. I have loved it and wouldn't trade it for the world. It does print slower, but I can always be guaranteed a perfect print everytime. I have printed many different size envelopes, papers and labels and all have come out perfect. I have not had to change the ink cartridges very often (I change about every 6 months) and I do alot of b/w copying. This printer is very easy to setup, use, calibrate, clean, monitor ink levels, etc. I have never had a problem.
Comfortable, Inflates Beautifully Does everything I expected it to. The built in pump works perfectly (for both inflation and deflation), and it hasn't sprung a leak on me yet.
Decent bag This bag is big. My new 17inch HP fits in it nicely as do about 5 or so normal sized library books and all the gear that goes with a laptop. A little on the pricey side (i picked mine up for $64 because there are others that will do the job for cheaper, but it's durable and seems to be put together in a quality way. Doesn't look like it's going to fall apart any time soon and it seems like a very secure way to carry my laptop around.
Does its job We are using this surge protector for our TV and DVD player. Its a basic one and hopefully should protect our equipment if need arises.
quite satisfied I didn't have time to do a lot of research, but needed a larger monitor. I looked at the reviews here on amazon and chose the acer. There may be clearer pictures out there, but I'm very happy with this.
GREAT CAMERA! I love my Olympus. Easy to use out of the box. If you are trying to decide which digital camera to invest in, this is the best! Pictures are fantastic, just can't say enough good things about Olympus!
Falls Apart I've really got no complaints about the performance of this drive. It was fine for my purposes. BUT, after only a few months I went to remove it from my computer and the USB connector broke away from the case. Dead drive and lost data. From this experience I'd have to say it has pretty shoddy construction. I had a problem with another PNY flash drive and would never buy another one.
For those looking to buy the cheapest dvd-r..... Don't get Memorex dvd-r! I know people buy Memorex for its price. It well known Memorex doesn't work well with any burners. Go with Sony, Verbatim, Fuji, or TDK even though you pay a bit more.
A great little camera I have owned the Canon S500 for 7+ months now and taken over 1000 pictures. I must say that this is a highly capable camera in its class. It's neither too tiny to handle nor big enough so as not to fit in a small pocket. It has more control than a simple point & shoot camera and gives consistently high results.The LCD though small is higher in resolution and it makes it look better than the bigger but grainier LCD's on certain Sony models.Surely, small cameras like these are never comparable to professional ones but i would find it impractical to carry a big SLR everywhere! Pictures taken carefully (i.e. proper conditions and settings), are really capable of standing high among the results of much better cameras.Even though there are newer, sleeker cameras with better video capabilities, I reiterate that when it comes to still picture quality, the S500 is one of the most capable in its size and resolution category.Finally, you must always remember that a camera with (x+1) mega pixels does not necessarily offer superior quality than one with x mega pixels resolution.
HP Photosmart 3210 All-in-One Printer, Copier, and Scanner We haven't had it but a few months, but so far so good. Its very quick and the pictures we printed were excellent.
Nice picture, bad mechanical I am happy with the picture quality of this web cam. However, the mechanical leaves a lot to be desiredWith one day of using it, the camera head started flopping around. Looks like the spring this is supposed to be holding the head on to the base is very weak and after pointing the camera a few times, it became very loose and there is no way to tighten it or adjust it.I thought I just had a bad one so I exchanged it. When I got the new one home, I was as careful as I can be. But within one week, the same thing happened. It is obviously a mechanical design flaw. The worse part is that the USB cable attached to the camera head is long and thick relatively to the camera. With the camera head being loose, the cable now controls which direction the carmea points to.This makes the camera almost unusable.
Be careful If you are looking for an APC branded replacement battery, be careful which seller you buy from. At least one seller is actually selling their own brand instead of the APC brand. It may be of equal or better quality, but it has a shorter warranty period and does not provide any of the other benefits of getting the APC branded battery.
Great sound...until they break! I received these headphones and I loved them. The bass was very good, and their size made them very convenient to carry around with my ipod. The first bad sign was when one of the earbuds split around the plastic seam while I was changing the size of the rubber earpiece. I pushed it back together really tight and it only popped apart every so often. However, after a couple of months, the right earbud stopped producing sound. I didn't have much to lose at this point, so I peeled back the rubber around the bud and fiddled with the cord a bit. I was able to make the sound come back, but everything was tinny and there was practically no bass. After this had occurred, the original ipod earbuds sounded better than these things. The cords are very thin and any kind of excess stress on them could cause a short. I've read reviews with people vehemently defending these headphones saying, "Just take really good care of them, I'm only on my 3rd replacement pair and they work great!" Rather than going through that, I would suggest just going for a slightly better (and slightlier pricier) option such as the Sennheiser CX300's or the Shure E2c's. You may think you're getting a deal on these Sony's, but you'll feel quite betrayed three months later when you get headaches from listening to tinny bassless music in only your left ear. Above all, from my reasearch I can conclude that this issue is not an isolated incident. Good luck in your headphone selection!
Arrived in Pieces They would be very wonderful jewel cases except they must be very flimsy because more than half of them arrived broken.
Microsoft Keyboard Great keyboard. Very quiet compared to the last ergonomic keyboard I owned. I actually use a lot of the additional buttons/features that this one comes with. I never had in the past
Worst Battery Ever- Even worst is the suppoert from sakar This battery does not even last half the duration of the original stock battery.Called up Sakar support and was on hold for 75 min.They want me to send the battery in, and it seems that it will take them 1 week to diagonize the issue. The 5 year limited warranty covers nothing.So much so for an international company.Not buying again from them.
Casio rip-off My camera went bad from a VERY COMMONLY reported manufacturing defect "camera stabilizer is not available" error message in the model I had. Since this is a common defect from the manufacture, they should have fixed my camera at their expense, but they refused to fix it without me having to pay for their manufacturing defect plus shipping charges! Don't buy Casio products! They don't stand behind the quality of their products.
Sound Great Great speakers paid less than $50.00, replaced Front door speakers in Daughters Xterra and they sound great, I installed the same speakers in my Frontier(with modifications) no complaints at all. Amazons price was unbeatable.
It works! Allowed me to use an antique Zoom 56k external faxmodem with a minimum of installation grief on one of those newfangled motherboards without legacy ports.
no ipod after all Never got the ipod. Seller did not keep in contact. I did get a refund though.
product ok - shipping / packinging POOR Ordering and price was fine - VERY disappointed in shipping and packaging - my 2 sticks were tossed into a large UPS bag with NO like NO None Nadda zippo bubble wrap or any sort of cushioning what so ever . When left in the entry way of my apartment building all someone would have to do is just pick up the package and drop it or even step on it and instant broken chips. I was NOT impressed with the lack of packaging and for this reason I would not order from them again.
work every time I have had no problems with these (except my mistakes). I am on my second pack and they work every time.
not confortable this item was not confortable in my ears... it kept falling out all the time.
iPod nano 1st generation Item as good as described. Excellent saler. Recommend and want to do business again in the future. 5 stars grade
Great SDHC card It does what it says it does. Quick, I havn't benched it or anything but the performance is very acceptable. It works great in my HD Camcorder.
If Music Be The Food Of Love... I bought this device several months ago as an anniversary gift for my spouse. Not the iMic itself, but my partner has a large collection of old tapes sitting in several drawers, and complains about lack of space. Secretly in the early morning I would hook up our tape player to my Mac through the iMic and transfer a tape or two. Then I'd use the supplied software "Final Vinyl", available as a free download from the company which would automagically detect the pauses between tracks and divide the tape into individual songs. I then moved the songs into iTunes, gathered them back into albums, titled them and added the cover art or something similarly appropriate from the Net.The transfer was not without problems. Our good tape player is a double deck, but the software would crash roughly when the software exceeded 1 gigabyte so I could only do one tape at a time. The auto detection was fine for popular music, but failed with classical and the spoken word as it would add extra divisions. Apparently the one note that is foreign to pop music is the "rest". An option to shutdown at the end of a tape's second side would have been useful. Our deck also has a high speed dub features - it would be nice if it were supported. One should also recognize that unlike CDs tapes do not contain track or album information - as I pointed out earlier labeling had to be done manually - any mistakes made here were my own.While the iMic didn't do everything I wanted, it worked sufficiently well to meet my needs. I should also point out that even though the anniversary has passed, the tapes are still around. ;-)
Junk Don't waste your time or money on this. A coat hanger is as good or better.
Heavy duty RCA audio cables I found that this lived up to my exectations for "Monster" cabling. I purchased this item because of its reputation, and it cost little more than the flimsy stuff also available.
Exactly what I needed This product is exactly what I needed to recover data from a hard drive. I had no problems at all. It basically turns your hard drive into an external USB drive.1-you remove whatever drive you want to pull data from, 2-you plug the IDE/SATA cable to your drive, 3-you plug the other end of the IDE/SATA cable to another USB port, 4-you plug the power cord to the hard drive, 5-plug in the power cord ---- you're done! The computer will instantly recognize the other drive and within minutes you have full access to the drive. I needed this to recover some photos and other files from a hard drive that was in an old computer tower that had a damaged motherboard. I will definately keep this cable around.
A piece of low quality stuff I bought a HT700 two years ago and initially I liked it, played great. After 2 years it stoped playing all music CDs. Both mp3 and original audio CDs. Couple of months after that, it stopped playing 50% of blockbuster DVDs. I have a 5 year old $75 samsung player, that still plays great all kind of stuff. I don't think it's just the problem with this one panasonic system. It's all of Panasonic. It's just a piece of low quality stuff. They are just trying to sell to american market this piece of junk. Never buy any panasonic anymore unless you want keep buying every two years!!.- A disappointed customer
WRT54GL Router Review I have used this product in my home for about 2 months. Setup was easy and it works great. I will definitely purchase Linksys products in the future.
Seems good to me I dont understand the reviewers complaints about the screen. I find it to be perfectly acceptable. The contrast and lighting is less intense than say the IIIC or the IPAQ, but that is a GOOD THING. THe IIIC's colors for example have a terrible tendancy to 'drip', making it a very messy screen in general. The IPAQ screen is beautiful because of its higher resolution, but i found that in both cases i had a headache after about 30mins use : these screens were much too bright. At least with the 505 i could switch off the backlight and in normal lighting condition could fool around endlessly without going into furiously heavy blinking mode after 20mins use. The rest is standard Palm : synchronising is perfect, AvantGo is brilliant for those of us wanting web content on the go, and the expansion slot is a bonus. Add the fact that you can upgrade the OS, and its the smallest color PDA on the market, makes it for me the clear winner !
a full featured scannersystem for the home user We purchased this scanner to process several thousand slides from the 60s thru the 80s and have been very pleased by the quality of the digital images. While we don't get instant product, the combination of quality, speed, and price made this a terrific choice, particularly since we can also use it as a home copier and photo scanner. The included software is user friendly and versitile.
Amazing and durable I bought one of the very first of these when they came out from another retailer. I have had the card and used it everywhere. I am a student and was tired of a clunky USB drive, and this was the perfect solution. I have not had any problems at all with the card. It has been used in so many different devices ranging from my Canon PowerShot to my Nintendo WII. I have been able to use it in any SD reader as well as almost(one older front panel Dell port would not read it, but Dell has had many issues with front panel USB ports....many are only USB 1.1 not 2.0 as advertised, they only have 2.0 on the back)all computers. Great and wonderful invention for Sandisk, KUDOS!
I did a dumb thing I knew that Visioneer had a bad reputation, but when my HP scanner finally died after six years, I picked this one up primarily because I had an Office Max gift card and that's all they had in this price range. The software installation bluescreened my computer in Windows XP - twice. I tried to run the software anyway and found it confusing and hard to use. It's going back to the store. Look at HP - I've had pretty good luck there - or Canon, which is what I'm going to buy once I get my money back. Visioneer has worked hard over the years to earn its lousy reputation - save yourself the trouble of finding this out for yourself.UPDATE: I researched a bit and found that Visioneer's software will not work with Windows SP2! On their site they advise that you do a full deletion of SP2 and then install their software. Make sure they've updated their software or offered a patch if you want this scanner, but since SP2 has been around a while, it tells you something about this company, doesn't it???
Garmin c340 I went on vacation to several states: UT, Nevada, Georgia and Florida and work very good.
Great cable, and purple too! Can't think of anything they need to change - glad to see the high quality "Cables to Go" offerings in a variety of colors, makes it easier to organize my layouts... though I tend to use labels, anyway.
awesome price The price was great,And delivery was quick. Sony charges 40 bucks for this same cable. I recommend this to any Sony owner since you cant use universal cords on their equipment.
One of the best When I bought this player I was not so sure. I was really happy when I bought it. It never skips. Its little which it can fit in your pocket. that's the best thing.Easy open cover.I would say it is good.