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Toshiba 52 inch TV bulbs I have had my TV since 2006. I have replaced the bulb 5 times. The time between bulbs has been getting shorter and shorter (last time 6 months). This is a major inconvenience and is an added yearly expense. I would not recommend this TV or any Toshiba TV because of this issue.
impressive Great value. Highly adjustable for those whose eyes are practically on the side of their head to those whose eyes are right next to each other.10x zoom is sufficient, better than 8x, and 12x+ would be nice, of course.25mm lens is a little small for nighttime use as it doesn't capture enough light, but then, they aren't nite vision goggles, either. :) At the same time, anything larger would change the sleek design.Just get 'em. If they aren't good enough, buy another pair and keep these around as backup. If they're better than you expected... oh well...
Keep in mind that Sony is Proprietary! I purchased my Sony HDR-HC7 in January of 2007. I loved it! Both the video and pictures turn out great.Unfortunately, I accidentally dropped my camera in October of 2010. At this point the automatic lens shutters refused to open and I while the camera would turn on, I was unable to take pictures or video. I called the local camera repair shop hoping that they could fix it only to learn that Sony is proprietary. Meaning nobody but Sony and their authorized repair shops can fix it. I called Sony and was told it would cost about $400 and take 2 weeks to get it fixed. Since I was so happy with the camera I decided to put out the money. I sent it in the beginning of November so I would be sure to have it back by Christmas. After 2 weeks had gone by since they had received it and I hadn't heard anything, I called Sony. They said that they hadn't gotten to my camera yet, but they would make it a priority. A week later I finally got a call to authorize the repair, which would only cost $300. I ended up getting my camera back on December 17th. Although I'd been stressing that I wouldn't have my camera for the holidays, I had it now and I was once again happy with my camera.Fast forward to April 30, 2011. I turned the camera, on took a few pictures, turned it off, and the lens shutters refused to close. I figured there could be dust in the shutter mechanism and pulled the battery so I could clean it when I got home. Unfortunately, even with canned air, the problem persists. I am able to take pictures and video but every time I try to turn the camera off, the shutter mechanism grinds. I don't know how long I'll be able to continue using me camera. I am very disappointed with Sony customer service and the quality of their repair and I won't be purchasing Sony again.
Universally Speaking....Finally!!! I have finally completed my Home Theater with this wonderful little device that seems to have been created by some supreme being. Fantastic, absolutely fantastic. Who would have thought it could have been done.I was skeptical at first but, I every time I hold it in my hand it reminds me that it is the greatest electronic device I have purchased in the last 5 years (except for my iPod).The interface is easy and setup is a breeze. This remote is completely software based and (don't worry) it is easy cheesy. You enter your device model numbers in select activities and boom you're done. You may need to do some button tweaking to find exactly what buttons you use and what you don't, but its all done on the computer as well. Don't be a skeptic, it has nearly 50,000 devices, you'll be surprised. I found all of mine no problem.My wife couldn't believe that I would spend this much on a remote and now she can't put it down because one button can get her watching/controlling everything on our Dish DVR, Antenna DVR, our HD DVD player, and our Xbox 360. Why didn't I get this sooner?
Garmin Fishfinder 140 I purchased the Garmin Fishfinder 140 about a month ago and have used it on 3 different fishing trips. It has performed up to my high expectations! The set up was relatively quick and simple with some DIY experience. The menu and programming options are very simple and breezed through them without even consulting the owner's manual. Overall, I'm impressed with the unit and the options it comes with. I was looking at a few different Humminbird fishfinders, but since this one was consistently rated higher, and many people reviewed it so well, even though it was cheaper priced than Humminbird, I took a calculated risk. It paid off in spades. Garmin has made a good name for themselves (I have 2 other Garmin products that I've had for several years and have never had a problem with them) and this product is and should be no exception. Now, I'm goin' fishin'! lol
This is NOT a portable CD player I purchased this CD player because of the anti-skipping claim and that others had recommended it for running. I can not use this player unless it is placed on a table and not moved. It skips at the slightest movement. Certainly can't recomment it to anyone. It was a waste of my money.
Magellan Maestro 4040 This device is out of date and can not be updated through the Magellan Website. They no longer support nor update the maps for this item. I found out this the hard way. After buying one of them I tried to update the maps only to be told it could NOT be updated. Please before you buy one of these make sure you check the company and see that it can be updated first or that it has a lifetime update for the maps. This device could not even find my home address let alone many of the addresses I put in. Just make sure you check it out before buying one.
Excellent! Worth the Investment! I added 2 of these units to my wireless network. One for my Access point and one for my neighbor behind me. He is acting as a repeater off of my network and he's approx 400 feet away! We are getting pings back and forth anywhere between 2ms to 5ms and the connection has been solid for a few weeks! I don't even have either of these in a window. Mine is behind my TV on the outside wall facing him, and his is at the opposite side of the house from me! So it's traveling through his entire structure. We were able to get connections without the WSB24 but both units were in the window and his unit was in the window on the wall closet to my house. Any movement from this and it lost signal. If you are doing anything like this buy it!!
better than scotche worth paying extra for this dash kit. well made and the quality is deffinetly better that the scotche dash kit i bought.
Doesn't do what it says.... This product claims to be a charger and does not deliver. In fact, it drains my Ipod battery at a higher rate than normal. The reception isn't bad though. You just have to crank it up to hear over the static.
Horrible As others have mentioned, there really isn't a volume setting for this device--it's either on REALLY LOUD or off. This product produces a hideous, loud buzz when hooked up to a Y cable or my Xenyx 502 mixer. I wasn't expecting much in audio fidelity from this device, but this is simply unusable. DO NOT BUY.
Why are they selling this thing? I too purchased this carrying case without checking the reviews in advance. Received my CD walkman (which works perfectly) today. Then came the case. I would destroy the walkman if I ever tried to insert it into the case. And the access areas on the case to the walkman display panels bear no relevancy to reality, even if the case were big enough.Someone with a real sense of humor is in charge of the factory making this little jewel!
Driver Disaster If you are planning on using this to add an additional monitor to your computer and your primary graphics card is a newer Nvidia card: BEWARE!Nvidia's current drivers no longer support this card! attempts to install it's drivers will over-write the drivers for your better card! While the drivers for your newer card will not detect this one.It is imposable to have multiple versions of the same drivers installed at once.However, if your primary card is from ATI this card should work fine for a second screen as the different company's drivers don't overlap.So if you think you are being smart and guarantying compatibility by keeping with the same company: You will get screwed. (or: "pwn'd" as the kids would say.)...Another solution would be to use semi-outdated warranty-obliterating "hacked" drivers, have fun with THAT! oy.
not all it's said to be.. I bought this camcorder and I took it home and tested it before I wrapped it. ... ..Why I was unhappy:1st.. The night alive feature is a total scam.. There is such a strobe effect due to the slow shutter speed.. Your targets have to be totally still or it is so distored.. And it does not work in total darkness.. (like said)2nd.. the video interface S-Video had pixel distortion when veiwed throw TV..3rd.. Don't be fooled by the still picture.. The resolution is down right crummy.. And will not capture movement well..finally.. Digital zoom is nothing more than a sales pitch..Optical zoom is were it is at for quality..With Digital.. All it is doing is blowing up the pixels..Very much like viewing a pdf file (Adobe) What happens when you magnify a picture?? It looks [bad].. So, stick to a quality optical zoom and don't be fooled by a hugh digital zoom..I forgot the digital EIS is [bad] too.. Optical EIS is much more stable..On the good side.. very nice design.. And great optical close ups.. ...
Very disappointed! I purchased this item because of the chain that is shown attached to it but when it was delivered, there was no chain attached to mine. I am very disappointed because the chain was my main attraction to it. I feel like the picture is very deceptive, if the item you receive does not match the picture you've been shown. I'd like to return it but for the cost of shipping it back.
Nice headphones for the price These headphones are pretty nice. They cancel out alot of the noise, I had some f16's flying over last night and it canceled out the roar of the engines. I think they will do the trick for what I bought them for which is beeing able to hear what I'm watching on an airplane. I'm sure this is better out there but for the price these can't be beat. They are comfortable (i wore them for 4 hours last night and barely knew they were on). They are portable with a good pouch to store them in. I'm happy with the purchase.
Does not successfully transfer music! Sorry. But I have to disagree with the majority of comments about this player. It would not successfully transfer music from subscription-based websites. (It would, however, transfer music that we already had on our hardrive.) We kept getting a "device certificate" error when we tried to transfer songs from both Rhapsody and Yahoo. (And yes, we purchased the highest subscription possible so that we had unlimited dowloads.) I think the problem is that there are too many possible vendors contributing to the error. We couldn't figure out if this was a problem with Microsoft (Internet Explorer 6 and 7 would not work), Microsft's Media Player, the software associated with subscription based websites like Rhapsody or Yahoo, or with the Sandisk itself. All combined, I would estimate that we spent up to 16 hours (unsuccessfully) trying to transfer music. This included searching bulletin boards for the error, 2 separate online chats with Rhapsody, dowloading the appropriate firmware for the m240, and speaking with a customer service representative from SanDisk. Fortunately, despite my hard-headedness, I've come to the conclusion that it's NOT worth my time to try and figure out what or who is at fault here. Goodluck!
Great Multi-Regional player! So far so great!Player DOES play all regions; UK dvds are crystal clear and so is any other DVD that pops in. The player even stabilizes the letterbox and makes it centered and even, no matter what is put on.Great buy for a fair price!
Very Happy with this Player I bought this about 3 weeks ago after my 30gig rio crashed and burned after being dropped on a cement floor. All I can say is I totally love this thing. I bought the apple ipod shuffle 1st, and it sucked. All it did was shuffle, and it did a bad job of that. Worse than listening to am radio. The same songs about every 4th play. And no way to get to one you want. And about $30-40 more! And you must use the i-tunes program, which is a horrible monster, quickly deleated from my computer after returning the ipod. The ONLY good thing about it was its sound quality and volume. I bought the creative after reading many reviews. It is so cool. You can browse for folders or mp3's of your choice. A biggie for me is no software needed. Shows as a external drive, and its just drag and drop. Has shuffle if you wish. I have never used that, so dont know how well it works. You can always create your own shuffle folder by putting a bunch of mp3's in a folder, right click, and then arrange them by size. This will mix them all up, and is easyer that renaming with #'s. The player has worked perfect for me with no poping sound are incompete playing of tracks. Just make sure theres nothing else in the folders but mp3s. No .jpg, mu file etc. One compaint i've read is it doesent have enough volume. The 1st time I used mine in a noisy enviroment, I was unhappy cause it wasn't loud enough. Turns out it was the headphones i was using. They werent sensitive enough. I went and bought a pair rated at 103db sensitivity, and the player is plenty loud in noisy enviroments. The player doesent really seem fragile to me, like I've read in some posts. The toggle and buttons feel fine. There is a tiny flang on the batt cover, but just take care and dont leave it laying around. I use recharge, and they give fair playing time--about 8hr. I put in a non-recharge energizer, and only 1 bar was used after about 6-7 hrs. The rubber case with the clip seems pretty good. Gives a nice tight clip to your pants pocket, and looks like it offers good protection. The FM gives a good sound inside, but as you walk stereo will come and go. Not a biggy to me. Lots of presets. Ipod dosent even have a radio.This is a $60 unit, not $200. This player is a winner!!
Nice but not perfect for audiobooks My RioVolt SP100 is nice, but the startup is slow, the display limited and the accommodation for presentation of spoken content limited.SonicBlue claims to support WMA files, but no note is made of the fact that it does not support the 6.5 Kbps WMA encoding rate. This encoding is excellent for audio books and it can achieve incredible file compression while maintaining useful reproduction. Other encoding rates are supported, but the one I want to use is not supported.The headphones supplied are worthless, the volume is not always adequate for use at the gym, the case supplied with the unit is a throw-away and the placement of the headphone cord jack is very curious.The unit does not support page marks. The unit is obviously targeted to music folks with no thought given to those of us who like spoken content.It has all these shortcomings, but I am back to buy another for my girlfriend. What's better?
Works but looks used The cord I purchased was from Boho Tronics. At first glance it looks used and somewhat dirty. One part of the cord is slightly scraped. I didn't actually expect it to work but it did, although I'm not sure how great of a charge it gave.For $1.20 it does the job but don't expect a new product. I've purchased generic Apple cords/chargers on Amazon before and this is the first time I've gotten something that looks used. It also takes forever to ship to you so don't expect it to come soon. Apple uses the same cord for ipods, iphones and ipads.
Great idea, bad design I really wanted to like this product, however it failed miserably for its intended use because the main screw slides freely through the top, making it unable to mount onto anything. I must have just gotten a faulty one since I didn't see others report that issue. However, the whole design is also not really appropriate either, it has a very heavy thick metal yet its supposed to clamp onto a delicate telescope eyepiece. Also its not really designed with modern cameras in mind because I would have had to adjust the elevation to the very maximum to be able to center my Nikon coolpix on it. Its kind of clunky too, not a precision instrument. If I could redesign it I'd make the entire frame a lighter yet sturdy plastic and have it more precise in its adjustments. I might have to fabricate my own since this one is going back to Amazon and I don't see any other options.
Forget it As the owner of several HP Deskjets, I figured this would be the perfect model for my laptop. Not so. I have tried numerous times to load the software to connect the printer. After several sessions with customer support, the printer still does not work. And I've wasted many hours. Do yourself a favor and get a 920 or a 940 or a 960 and forget this model.
Don't bother... You get what you pay for. When I first got the unit...it had minor digtal blips where the picture would freeze for a second then continue...I thought it was the DVR but it also did this when the video games were being played throught the front av imputs. I decided to keep it any way. I had the same problem as everyone else as far as recording dics goes...it would only play the most expensive disc. 3 months later I got up one morning and turned it on...DOA. Took it back to Target...good ridance.Don't bother with the sister product True-Tech either.
Has its limitations Highlights---------Pros:1. Combines the advantages of wireless cameras (no messy, expensive wires) and hard-wired cameras (dependable picture transmission, free of interference).2. Price is much lower than traditional surveillance systems. No need to buy a video recorder. Your PC is the recorder.3. Recording can be either motion-activated or continuous.4. Retrieval of video is easy if you know exactly what time you want to replay.5. Camera lens swivels for easily changing the viewing angle, even after mounting the camera.6. Mounting hardware includes a desktop stand, a wall/ceiling mount, and a window-pane mount.7. Any video frame, live or playback, can be saved to a JPEG file.8. Free internet account provides remote access to the cameras (live only, no playback).Cons:1. Retrieval of video is cumbersome and slow if you want to review a long period of time to see if anything of interest happened.2. In the viewing windows, motion (both live and playback) is jerky.3. My computer sometimes (about once a week, on average) loses contact with one or all cameras, requiring unplugging and replugging either the camera or the USB connection.4. The new "Homeplug" technology that this system uses has some quirks that haven't been ironed out yet. Some wiring systems seem to have more problems with it than others.Detailed Review---------------There is much to like about this product. I love the convenience of looking out windows through my computer monitor. And setting up an internet account to get the same views while traveling was as easy as checking a checkbox and deciding on a password.At first, it was difficult to keep the cameras working. The worst problem was that the power supplies tended to overheat, where their lights are, and cut out. After unplugging and cooling off, they would usually return to duty, but eventually they died completely. This happened twice; each time, WiLife promptly replaced the dead power supply. Then I hit on the idea of setting up little fans to blow on the right side (again, where the lights are) of each power supply. I have submitted a customer image that shows the setup. (See the customer images link near the product photo.) Ever since I started that practice, the WiLife system has performed much better.When working, the cameras perform reasonably well. Picture clarity is slightly better than that of my older surveillance cameras, and the field of view is wider. I can watch a car go further down the street, but I still cannot read the license plate. One little complaint: The video, both playback and real-time, is jerky, even though I have set the frame and bit rates to the maximums.Regarding the motion detection, I like how WiLife designed the setup. You can draw motion-detection boxes in the viewing area. Outside these boxes, motion will not initiate recording. You can also adjust the sensitivity, i.e., how BIG a moving object will start a recording. You can make it so sensitive that it will record a cat walking through the picture, or so insensitive that it won't even react to a truck. It is true, as one reviewer complained, that there is no middle ground between too sensitive and too insensitive. If you make it sensitive enough to be useful, then a bird flying by, the sun going behind a cloud, a branch moving in the wind, etc., will start a recording. It is still better than not having motion detection. Take advantage of LükWerks motion zones to avoid objects that frequently move in the wind.LükWerks shows a bar graph of when it detected motions and therefore recorded video clips. You can click on a mark to replay the video clip for that time. Or you can step through the clips. I have a complaint about this interface. It is slow. There are no thumbnails. You're just looking at a bunch of marks, and you have to replay each clip to see what happened. To be fair, as you step through the marks, you are shown the first picture of each clip, one at a time, and this could be thought of as a crude thumbnail interface. But these pictures are not very helpful because the recordings start three or four seconds before motion was detected. This has the small advantage that the video clip shows the context of the motion -- nothing happening, then motion, then nothing happening -- and the large disadvantage that the thumbnail is useless because it is a snapshot of the first, nothing-happening part. In another system that I use, an array of thumbnails shows WHAT WAS MOVING. If the thumbnail shows nothing of interest, it's because something innocuous, like a tree branch, was moving. Looking at a screen full of thumbnails, I can immediately spot the clip(s) with interesting objects. I have to scroll through several screens of thumbnails, but each screen takes only a few seconds, and I can review a day in five minutes. I would love to see LükWerks provide this type of interface to the video clips.11/28/06 update: I just realized that a true thumbnail interface is available by using Windows Explorer to look at the LükWerks video folders. However, as I mention above, most of the thumbnails miss the moving thing that was the whole point of recording the video clip. LükWerks should provide an option to NOT retrieve the pre-motion video. Even better, LükWerks should provide thumbnails that look forward half a second or a second into the motion, thus allowing the moving object to get all the way into the thumbnail. This would miss the occasional bird flying across a corner of the picture, but that is a small loss compared to capturing the vast majority of moving objects in the thumbnails.
Completely unacceptable performance I bought a pair of HDXB101 boxes in the hope that they might offer a reliable replacement for the 802.11g boxes I'm currently using. Boy was I disappointed.I live in a recently refurbished apartment, with all new electrical wiring. In principle, this should offer an optimal environment for powerline networking.While setup was as easy as the box claimed - it was literally a matter of plugging the two boxes into the wall, and everything worked immediately - it quickly became clear that the performance was not going to work out.A quick word of caution before I continue: please read most of the positive reviews of this device, and notice that they are doing very unchallenging things, like streaming music. Music streaming is extremely tolerant of both poor bandwidth (bytes per second) and high latency (time it takes data to get from A to B). If all you want to do is stream MP3s and browse the web, this hardware is perfectly decent.However, for even the most slightly challenging application, the performance is horrifying. I measured the latency between my two HDXB101 boxes, and it was consistently atrocious, even when the two were plugged into two sockets of a paired wallmount.To give you an idea of "atrocious", my 802.11g network consistently gives a latency of 1.2 milliseconds. My gigabit ethernet network is more like 0.1 milliseconds. The *best* number I got out of the Netgear hardware was 3.5 milliseconds, and the *average* was 55 milliseconds. Holy cow! That means my bedroom and living room are as far apart, in terms of latency, as California and Germany! This is an amazingly bad number.But what's much worse is that the number is extremely jittery. There were constant stalls of up to one second in duration, with delays of 150 milliseconds or more happening several times a second. This is the sort of thing you won't notice at all if you're playing music or viewing web pages, but it makes gaming incredibly frustrating.The unpredictable latency has a strong negative effect on bandwidth, too. The box advertises 200 megabits per second. At no time have I measured more than 3.3 megabits per second, slightly over 1.5% of the advertised peak performance. This isn't even enough to saturate my DSL line, and is perhaps 50% slower than my wireless network. Needless to say, there's no way you're going to stream anything more than Youtube-quality video (i.e. really cheesy low bitrate) over a link like this.In case you're interested in tinkering with configuration options to improve performance, forget about it: there are no tunable options to tweak.In summary, the bandwidth and latency on this hardware are just shockingly bad. Unless you live in a house with lead-lined rooms and have literally no other option for getting a network signal from one place to another, you should avoid this hardware like the plague.
Satisfied with Terk VR1 Purchased this item and installed on our Direct TV system. It immediately regulated the offensive commercial break volume bursts that mar Direct TV service. No problems!
Thike as Thieves... they take your money & send broke products order a Polaroid JoyCam it came broke (without the inside parts were the Film intant).1st they said they would send me the missing part... They never did.Then they said they will send out another they never did & kept my Money.I'm mad as Hell.They sould not be selling anything on Amazon!They are bad news and thieves.M.G.From Palm Springs, CA
The Fast SD Ultra II also available with USB port built in Wow! I needed an SD card for my new digital camera. Speed of the disk is an issue these days. When you take a photo the disk has to store it then get ready for the next photo. Regular SD cards take some time to do that. So, if you are shooting rapidly, or doing video, you can quickly hit the limits of your regular SD cards speed. The Ultra II is in the next speed class up. It's plenty fast for all but the most extreme user. It's not as fast as the Extreme III, but that costs half again as much.So, I was already sure the Ultra II 1GB was what I needed for size and speed. Then I saw it... the "Sandisk 1 GB Ultra II plus USB" (do a search) where the case of the SD card folds in half revealing a USB Hub Port. Which means you can plug your tiny 1 GB SC card straight into your laptop or computer through the USB port. No need for a card reader.This card works in Treo 650s, digital cameras, and anything else that takes a type I SD card. With the USB version they even give you a free key chain that holds the SD card.The USB version is big (memory), fast (memory access), and innovative (USB build in). For me it was worth a few extra dollars more than the regular Ultra II.
Outstanding earphones I've been curious about in-ear phones for a while and finally decided to take the plunge. I chose the UE 3 based on reading reviews from numerous sites. I'm not sorry I did.The audio quality really is outstanding. They really do bring you so close to a studio experience with a soundstage inside your head. It's an experience that I really enjoy. The clarity is also excellent. The only thing I can complain about, as others have mentioned, is that the bass is a little on the weak side.Also, I wear glasses and haven't experienced any cable noise when I move my head as I've seen others report.In-ears take some getting used to so spend some time trying them before you give up. Also note that your ear canal will expand a bit with use. I started with the small tips and am now on medium.Now that I'm used to them I find them very comfortable. The sound isolation is outstanding. I used them today while running the snow thrower and it was great! Ear protection plus entertainment!Ultimately, although they are a bit pricey, I think they're worth it and provide good value.
The first one was defective, the second was horrible I bought this a few months ago. the first one did not work. It had to be returned, at my expense. The turnaround time for replacement was ok. The main complaint I have is that it refuses to connect to any of the Macs I own. I have tried 2 different Macbook Pros. They will not connect. It connects with an XP PC a Windows 7 PC and XBOX 360, although the connection is erratic at times. I have called tech support at DLink and Apple and each says it is the others fault. The Ironic part is that I have used bootcamp on my old 2008 Macbook Pro and am able to connect. Yet, not with OSX on the same damned machine. .It even connects to my iPhone. I am lost. In the end. I have had no issues with my Airport Extreme with any devices.
Not a good product I bought this product for my husband for christmas because he talks on the phone a lot with work. The instructions say 8 hours of talk time. However, it only has 3 hours of talk time before it needs to be recharged. So, its a good product if you don't need more than 3 hours of talk time. But, bad if you need it all day.
I SEE OTHER PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME TROUBLE! We bought our's and the battery lasted maybe 1 day!!! It has been sitting in our storage shed for a year now... I was going to buy another battery, but half scared to. I didn't know there was a recall....I would rather buy a different brand!
Minolta Dimage Xi digital camera I took some pictures with this camera and tried to transfer them to my computer by carefully following the steps in the manual. The photos would not transfer. I called the Minolta support line and tried for six hours to get this thing to work. The computer was looking for a driver that did not exist on the Windows 2000 software. Minolta support sent me to the Microsoft site to look for the driver. Then back again to get the latest service pack. However none of these things worked and I had to return the camera...I cannot understand...why Minolta does not include the required drivers on the installation C/D.So be warned, if you are running Windows 2000 it may be prudent to purchase your digital camera from another manufacturer.
Think twice before you buy this printer. I hated the Epson Stylus 80. It was noisy and misfed every type of media, including bright white paper. I expected a more user friendly product based on the reviews and didn't find it. After struggling with this printer for six hours, I exchanged it for an HP.
Great Ape Case The case, although large for many, holds two SLR Cameras several lenses, flash and my wife and I both have digital cameras that fit too. Along with this is film, media and power cords and still room for my Sony Handycam. Really a well built case and a lot of adjustable dividers.
DMC-LC5S has the feel of a 35mm camera I am impressed with the optical quality and features of this camera. The feel is like a 35mm range finder camera. It may not be as small as some but it fits just right. The controls are well placed. I like the Leica lens and it is fast enough for me. No surprises with this camera, works as expected.
Fast ship, easy access I wanted a stand to get my CPU off the floor as I have an intake on the bottom. I wanted an adjustable stand so it would be easier to see my card reader. This stand served both purposes. It arrived very fast. I only gave it 4 stars because the front legs are too high and they are on their lowest setting. It measures 23 1/2" high. I bearly got it under my desk, so check your measurements.
Bye bye Palm After using a Palm for over two years, I was given a IPAQ to use. I never really like Windows CE much, but after using it for a few days, I LOVE IT! I can't wait till I can upgrade the OS to 2002 next month.
Magellan Meridian Vehicle Mounting Bracket I like what I got. It is useful and it was inexpensive. The suction cups grip firmly. The rotation mechanism functions well.
Not what I expected Did not keep it because its sound volume is too low. Not impressed about it accuracy and sensitivity. this is not what I expected. It does not work in Europe because different radio frequencies are in use. The vendor had difficulties tracing the receipt of my returned package. Luckely I had all the evidence from the UPS.
cost to high works like ink what can you say about computer ink. i need eight more words to send this. done now.
Good for everything but color. I bought this printer under the impression it was good for printing pictures. Boy was I wrong!! B&W quality is fine, but color comes out horrible!!!
decent quality audio i am pretty happy with this purchase. The cable provides decent quality audio when i hook up my iPod to my home stereo. This is all you need if you are trying to play songs from your iPod. i didn't like the dock type products that constantly charge my iPod when i hook up to the stereo.
the four included Sony 2700mAh batteries lose their charge in two days The one-star rating is for the included Sony batteries.(they actaully deserve no star at all, but it's not possible to vote for zero star) On the other hand, the charger itself deserves 5 stars...I bought this Sony charger/batteris from Amazon in 09/2006. I'm a Sony fan. Unfortunately, the four included 2700mAh batteries are really, really, really awful. After a full recharge, they will lose the charge in just two short days. On day 2, the charge goes down to 1.4v, and after 1 week, the charge goes below 1.1v, as measured by a professional voltmeter. This is totally unacceptable.The charger isn't the problem. I charged other rechargeable batteris using this Sony charger and they work just fine. The charge will last for quite a while.(AA NiMh rechargeable batteries from Engergizer, Olympus, and Panasonic)Does anybody know if I can send these Sony batteries back to Sony for a warranty replacement? I've only had them for 3 months... :(
a bargain kit Just got this kit - small and good leather case - the battery is dull but useful - I don't think I'll ever use the neck srap but it is nice if you like that sort of thing. Best of all Amazon's sale meant I got a case and a battery for a smidgen less than a normal battery price.If I have to be negative it is that there's no place in the case to store the battery.
happy with purchase Our public library requires windows operated MP3 Player. So there was only a few different choices. I have been extremely happy with my purchase for the purpose I bought it for. I put a book on it. The "keys" are flat and covered with the case, so there is no concern of getting gummed up keys. It is easy to bump a key and have it do something not wanted. So once I start listening to the book, I lock the keys, so I don't bump them. I'm happy with my purchase.
Didn't work out... I live about 26 miles from Chicago, IL. So, I thought I would try this HD antenna out. Alas, it was not strong enough to get through the trees. The reception was horrible so I decided to send it back and get a roof-top instead.
Very good I got this for a gift, and I think Sirius is superior to XM in many ways, notably in variety of focused stations.
Beware, Logitech's SetPoint Software is a Major Problem I have no problems with the mouse hardware. But if you are a gamer playing CPU intensive games you should know that the Logitech SetPoint software is a disaster. I had serious mouse stutter, skipping and lag problems when playing World of Warcraft. After troubleshooting video graphic card, memory and cpu issues I finally turned to the mouse....and Poof! The net is full of complaints about these Logitech mice (mainly the wireless versions). After uninstalling the SetPoint software my FPS went from 4 to over 30. Who would have thought "simple" mouse configuration software would cause so much CPU activity? Apparently Logitech is aware, but unwilling or unable to fix the problems, and others seem to be completely unsatisfied with their customer service. So, you can use the mouse, but you may have to give up any meaningful configuration, which makes it a terrible choice for gamers. I'll never buy Logitech again, well maybe a $10 travel mouse....Updated 11/2011. Mouse is still going strong, never went back to the SW...bumped it up a star.
Sound Quality is Amazing These speakers are a really great buy. They are the first 2.1 system that I've owned to use on my computer, and they sound great. They are perfect for college students. It is a little disappointing that you can't connect an MP3 player to them while they are connected to your computer, but they more than make up for it. I think one of my favorite features of this system is just how easy it is for me to plug them into my TV if I want to. Like I said before, they are great for college students because it really helps make the sound while watching movies and sporting events from the TV sound much better. At first I thought I wouldn't like the wired remote for this system, but after using it, I really like the dial system it uses. THX Certification is definitely the way to go when it comes to speakers. Actually, after getting these speakers, I realize how much of a difference it makes to have good quality music to play on them. Some songs, you can actually hear the distortion on if they are not good quality songs. I'm not sure why I waited so long to buy a pair of speakers, but I'm really happy I got these ones.
Excellent product for home business owners! I find this an excellent product! It is easy to use. The only problem I have with it, is that once you load the microsoft office software to use word, excel, access, etc you use up almost the entire space on it. You also need to have an sd card in order to have those programs installed on the palm, or it won't work.It works very nicely, with excel, word, access, etc and works with the items you save on your computer under your own excel, etc and can transfer and edit just fine.
SimpleTech 250G USB drive This probably works well if it's what you have in mind. It wasn't what I wanted, though. I wanted a USB drive that would automatically back up individual files from my hard drive. This does a system restore type backup so you can restore your operating system. I ended up buying a Maxtor USB drive that automatically copies the individual files I select.
Garmin Street Pilot 7200 We purchased this GPS for use in our Class A motor home. We have now used it for over 1400 miles and it has worked flawlessly even in the trees of at our camp grounds with out an external antenna.We love the display size and the ease of use. My wife loves the fact she can stand behind my and use the remote to put in a new address with the remote while going down the road.
Absolute Garbage with a Capital "G"-Wish I could give Zero stars. I was already mad at myself for buying this speaker system because my previous speakers were toast and I just wanted new ones asap. I bought these speakers at an electronics shop on Canal Street in NYC. I know better because all the tourists get taken on this street with the "genuine" Rolex watches and Louis Vuitton bags. I know better; I just have poor impulse control.I got back to my job with my absolutely non-refundable purchase and went immediately to check these speakers out on Amazon. I let out a straggled cry when I saw the true retail price. These thieves got me for 20 bucks. I kicked myself in the butt for a while but in the end had to write it off as a life lesson. Patience is a virtue. I must remember that.But, hey, that's my personal problem.I got them home and saw that the quality is absolute crap once I took them out of the box. Cheaply made (yes, you do get what you pay for). I hooked them up. That was easy. I fired the system up and I started listening to one of my favorite songs. Ugh! The speakers are absolutely tinny sounding. I'm not an audio expert and do not have the proper words to describe the sound of the bass coming from the woofer. I can only say it sounded muffled and fuzzy. All I could do was shake my head in disgust. I'm stuck with this pile of plastic crap. (Note to self: ALWAYS buy from Amazon! ONLY Amazon))To add insult to injury, the speakers were not in use for more than a few minutes when I began to smell burning wires. New speaker smell? Hell, I don't know. So, I pulled the plug and dumped the whole set in the garbage.I don't need my computer set up to burst into flames.All that being said, DO NOT BUY THESE SPEAKERS!!!!!!!!! Cheap is cheap. Please don't waste your money.
works great My users go thru these about once a month, price is reasonable & the quality is very good. would reccomend
works for most people but not me the bottom of the adapter uses the bottom of the battery, and is some devices what use a spring on the bottom of the adapter do not work because the spring slips into the area between the battery and battery adapter.
Promises a lot, delivers little Quite difficult to use, and video quality is among the worst I've seen. (Many pro reviews online agree.) Go with a Japanese model; I like Sony the best.
Quit Working for No Reason When I woke up this morning, I found no indicator lights for power to this unit. I thought it got unplugged. It is plugged in and it is DEAD. I have many other items plugged into the same outlet including a tv and everything else is working. Maybe it has a blown fuse inside or something??? If anyone else has had this problem, please let me know how it was corrected!! ThanksMike Jones,,,,mikiej2@cox.net
Too expensive, bad sound and uncomfortable! I bought 5 pairs of headphones thru Amazon.com. $ 24 Koss brand headphones,$ 40 Sony NC-6 headphones, $ 80 Sony V600 headphones, $ 150 Sony NC-50 headphones and the $ 300 Bose headphones and I wound up keeping the $ 80 pair.I was looking for the noise-cancelling feature mainly but I didn't want to give up any sound quality. The Bose headphones were clearly the best at noise cancelling...no complaints there. However, there's a suctioning feeling on your ears that made my ears hurt (like they were clogged up) for nearly 45 minutes after taking the headphones off (and I only wore the headphones for approx. 20 minutes). The sound quality on the Bose headphones was not nearly as good as any of the Sony headphones (even the cheapest ones). I found that I had to turn the volume up really high to get a good quality sound but I really only wanted the music on low so I could concentrate on my work.The $ 150 Sony headphones were really awesome except for the periodic screeching sound from the left side of the headphones that literally made my eardrums hurt at times. I wouldn't hear any screeching until I pushed the button on the headphones that cancels the noise-cancelling feature...when I pushed it that's when the screeching would start and it would continue even after I let the button go. This was really a shame because these headphones had great noise cancelling and great sound....just couldn't handle the ear-piercing sound every couple of minutes.
Very good product! It is very good product, especially for portraits and also in bad lights conditions! I will strongly recommend it to everyone!
Qualityand function of the product Quality of manufacture very poor.Quality of reception VERY poor.Automatic Frequency control has no affect.No segreation of band reception- walk over all frequencies such as FM intruding on Shortwave.Unable to receive any of advertised bands such as Air Traffic, Emergency or Weather.Am returning this product because it is useless. NO STARS
Very satisfactory especially the features relative to the cost The receiver was easy to set up. The controls are easy to understand and it has multiple inputs.It has more than enough power for a room speaker system.
Good Value It's a flash memory card... it works... it was a good price... nuff said
Durability comment After having my Palm IIIx only 2 days, I accidently dropped it from a height of approx 3 feet and watched in horror as it bounced around on the concrete driveway, the stylus and cover richocheting in different directions. No cracks, scratches or other identifiable damage!
Can't beat the Sansa c140 for the price I bought two of the Sansa c140 1GB mp3 players for my young children. I was able to put all their children's music and more on the player. At just a fraction of the cost of my 1st 1GB iPod Nano, my kids could have easy access to just as much music (and even little picture...which they love). The c14o players are very easy to load and update (just drag and drop), small yet well built, battery changes are a snap, and well designed navigational features. I did a lot of comparison shopping, and these Sansa c140's are a great deal as long as they last for a few years or more, when the kids are likely to upgrade to another model. I have purchased, and will purchase more Sansa products...good value.
Worthless for HDMI Do not buy if you plan to use any HDMI sources with this product. It does not decode audio that comes through HDMI cables, completely negating one of the big selling points of HDMI (one cable that does everything). Otherwise I have been generally happy with this product but I will not buy another Harman Kardon product in the future because of this design.
Great Photo Quality, amazing low light images. I did a bunch of reseach before buying this camera. I wanted something that was more then a point and shoot but less then a dSLR which costs a bit more then I can afford these days. I knew going into it that the AF wasn't the best for the camera, but the Antishake and the ease of adjusting the ISO, Apeture, and Shutter Speed made it a worthwile purchase.This thing shoots really really sharp low noise shots in even the darkest corners of rooms. Write times aren't that bad, only a bit long if your shooting RAW.This Camera also has a really cool mode called Ultra-High Speed that shoots like 40 frames a second. Its great for capture really high speed moments in time.I also really like the manual zoom. It really gives you the feeling of control over the camera.The only drawback is the AF, but you can overcome that with the Direct Manual Focus feature, which lets you override the AF by turning the focus ring.If you can afford it, buy it, it won't let you down.
Cable that is good for anyone This cable is good for anyone who needs a new cat 5 cable. If you are a online gamer is cat 5 cable is great for you and anyone.
Garbage I read some of the other reviews but figured that whatever I received would at least function correctly. When the cord arrived it was generic, which was slightly annoying, but if it worked, whatever. I tried to sync my ipod with my laptop and it took several tries before it would work. The second time I tried to sync there was absolutely no way to make the cord work. I used the original apple cord with no problems immediately after.Bottom line, it is not an Apple product. Worse yet, it doesn't even work properly. This item should be removed from Amazon, and the companies that sell it should be banned. I did not follow up with the company, as it would waste too much of my time for a $2.88 refund. I will take the time to report Amazon and the vendor to the FTC, because no one should have to deal with getting scammed... even for just a couple of dollars.
Not very good... I wish I would had read the review before I spent the $40 on this software...it doesn't load correctly on XP (een though the box says it's XP compatible) and my son found the contant boring...it;s going back today...
Samsung DVD-AR650 is very wierd I bought the Samsung DVD-AR650 at a local computer-electronics-appliance superstore three weeks ago and I regretted it. It was the only readily-seen DVD recorder I could find with an ATSC tuner. This was a brand-new unit - not a reconditioned or repackaged box. The analog tuner works well though the picture is fuzzy. The picture on the digital tuner often freezes. It has to be the recorder's tuner because the reception is consistent on my HDTV set - never freezes. I cycled through the input selector to see if it clears up the problem. No change. I tried re-scanning the digital channels and it didn't solve the problem. The only solution is to unplug this unit, plug it back in and reset everything - the time, the scanned channels, etc. The clock is also the pits. It's wonderful that it can automatically set the time, but a day later, the time is way off - between four hours behind to 6 hours ahead. This isn't very reliable, especially if you're planning to record a show to watch later.The DVD recorder and the closed caption decoder sections are the only pluses I find in this model. The video that is recorded looks just as good as any high-definition broadcast. The LightScribe DVD-R discs worked on this recorder with no problem. The closed caption decoder is a must for people with a hearing disability. The closed captioned decoder decodes all of the closed captioning in the high definition broadcasts - something which my HDTV set fails to do on networks other than NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, and PBS. It has more choices for closed caption service than my HDTV set.Updated on January 1, 2008:I don't know what to say now about the Samsung DVD-AR650 ATSC DVD recorder. I originally stated that the HD tuner and the clock was not working very well. Last week, my unit suddenly started working like it should. The clock has been keeping consistent time (1 minute ahead of my Atomic clock receiver) and so far the digital tuner has not locked up - a very wierd blessing if you ask me. My absolute bottom line is to carefully look over the reviews of other Samsung products because other reviewers have reported problems on other Samsung products too. Let the buyer beware!
Got it-- sent it back I ordered this player less than a month ago and sent it back the next day. The picture quality was nice. The features and accessories were very nice too for the reasonable price point. However, when attaching the rechargeable battery pack I discovered the latching mechanism is POORLY designed and doesn't keep the battery attached. I checked to see if the latch was broken but that wasn't the case. It is just cheaply made of a low quality plastic composite and not designed to hold the battery securely. The battery moved from side to side and just fall off at will.I too like so many others appreciate the customer service Amazon offers and the return service in particular. There was a UPS driver at my door the very next day to pick it up and I was notified the day my credit card was credited on the return. This item was a loser but Amazon still sets the pace for efficiency and solid customer service.
frequent disc errors I've had this recorder for about a year and have had mixed results from the beginning. The dvd's it produced would often not play on various dvd players. Originally thought the problem was that some of the players were older and couldn't handle the formatting done by the magnavox, but over time I've found that sometimes the magnavox output DOES play on the older dvd players and sometimes it doesn't. Most recently I've found the same is true for playback on new dvd players and even pc's. It's a crapshoot if these dvd's are going to playback on anything except the magnavox. Most recently I've started getting alot of errors in it's loading up a blank dvd or finalizing a recorded dvd. Very annoying after you've spent hours recording a program to only have to start over again. Although this machine was OK while it lasted it's life is way too short and the time wasted on do-overs outweighs the good dvd's it managed to produce.
Very Reliable disks I found these disk by recommendation from CD test web sites. I've never had a problem with them. They are economical without being iffy. The printable coating is one additional layer to protect the "metal" layer.
Fix your iPod yourself My HD went bad on my iPod photo, and I replaced it with this unit. It is the same exact HD that is supplied with iPods. Works well, and is MUCH cheaper than Apple's replacement service. I've replaced a generation 2 iPod HD as well with the 4006, which actually made it run better. The generation 2 iPods used 4004 models so these save power and seem to access faster.
Perfect The StreetPilot 7200 was everything I expected and more. It seems to have the latest maps installed and worked perfectly from the instant it was turned on. I would buy another one in a heartbeat
Bose - Feel the sound I am so excited to own the Bose Acoustimass 6 speakers. I combined it with an Onkyo 308 receiver. The sound output is excellent. I am not one of those music buffs but I can definitely say the sound quality is music to my ears. You can actually feel the sound. I had requested a demo in the Bose retail store for the AM6 and AM10. AM10 was better, but expensive that the AM6, but finally decided on the AM6. I will definitely recommend Bose AM
great price for a ink cartridge This ink cartridge is working well for me so far and it was easy to install. I can't tell you how long it lasted me yet, as the ink hasn't run out. This is a great price for this cartridge.
Perfect - just what I was looking for I like the quality of this CD holder more than I thought I would as some reviews stated it was flimsy. I like that it is not a solid case as I plan to put this in my carry on for a trans-atlantic flight and I am always short of room in my carry on. The fact this is a softer shell makes it easy for me to fit it in my carry-on bag.The navy color with some sheen is nice (but not a major reason for my purchase). I would have been fine with black if it had been available in the 72 CD count.The handle in the photo should be removed by this product owner - you are falsely marketing a product that doesn't look like this (it has no handle). The handle was not important to me, but perhaps is to others.I like that I can fit 2 CDs in each case. As a result, I am able to fit 144 CDs into this holder, versus the 72 CDs it is marketed as. Great bonus for me! My daughter has a LOT of DVDs and being able to keep them in one container is important --- especially when travelling!
Required accessory I love my Koss Porta Pro headphones so much that I have worn out several sets of the foam pads.
Great sound for the price This is a great record player for the price. The sound output is of good quality and record player itself works very well. Just ensure that you purchase a pre-amp if your receiver doesn't have one built-in. The only other complaint I had was the installation of the belt. Based on the instructions the belt should have been as simple putting your finger down into the hole where the belt was visible and attaching it, that wasn't the case. I had to remove the top assembly because the belt had come loose in shipping and manually install it from there.
good value, serves the purpose It holds 224 CDs and it serves the purpose. It's not the highest quality product in the world, so don't expect too much! Overall, it not bad for the price!
Hunk of Junk - Don't waste your money. I just tried to post this review on Circuit City (that's where I purchased it). But it won't let me. Hmmm...I've been with Directv for about 2 years. My family and I had the Directv w/ Tivo unit (R10) during that time. It really is great having a DVR.So we decided to add another DVR in the kitchen and purchased this unit. We read the online reviews and thought it can't really be THAT BAD. So what if it isn't Tivo. Its a DVR and will do what we need it do.Yes, it is THAT BAD. I was shocked at how hard it is to work. Everyone is my family is a technology buff/geek/expert. But this unit is so cumbersome to get around, let alone set up a season pass. The menu functions are not user intuitive, its slow. I thought it was just this unit so we returned it for a second one. Nope, they all operate at a snails pace. This was a waste of time and money. Had I really listened to these other customer reviews we would have been spared much frustration.The moral of the story is - don't waste your time and money on this HUNK OF JUNK. Just get a Tivo. Your family will thank you for it.
dun like This thing has a mind of its own! one day it will work great and I would be very pleased with it but then the next day it will skip and just randomly turn off when the batteries are full. Also this thing uses batteries so fast! I think I'm either going to get a RioVolt or a TDK Mojo instead and chuck this piece.
Love these headphones I bought these headphones to supplement my purchase of the RS120 headphones with base.Sennheiser RS120 926 MHz Wireless RF Headphones with Charging Cradle. The base is my biggest complaint. Coming from IR line-of-site headphones with miniature base, these have a ginormous base that needs to be accessible all the time.For the price, these are great headphones.Check out all my reviews to see what I thought of the RS120 combo.
Everything is good except the sound I just unpacked my mini-system and I'll be packing it back up soon and returning it. I like the 5 disc changer, the ability to change disks while the others are playing, the aesthetics aren't the best but they are better than a lot of the ungly junk out there.However, the sound is terrible. There is a continuous fuzzy white noise during radio play and cd play too. It completely ruins what otherwise be a fine system. I have tried several cd's and then played them in another player for comparison and it is definitely the Panasonic's fault. The sound is too high on the treble on top of it and I would try fixing this but you only get four pre-programmed eq options.Save your money for a better player.
Great EQ I am really impressed by this product! I like the fact I can just roll a knob not go into four or five menus as I had to do on my player.
nice printer i got this printer 'cause my old HP was jamming, and this one works just fine... though I wish the cardstock didn't shoot out the back! Also, duplex printing on cardstock is a no-go, 'cause the duplex printing mechanism is at the top of the printer, where only regular papers can go. otherwise, it was fine to hook up (and i'm a mac person!), and i love the duplex feature when printing out regular documents. Saves paper. It's slower than I expected too, but that's 'cause I'm printing huge, super dpi images.... I guess that's as good as it gets.
Great Bag! I had been searching for a while to replace my wheeled computer bag with something for short trips. I absolutely love the look of the bag and it has plenty of room for my lap top and files. I only wish the handle were a little bit longer. Overall a great bag for the money!
buyer beware do not buy the hdmi cord mine failed already, colors faded,spend some extra bucks and get a better cord u dont have to spend alot of money for a good cord
Mediocre It usually doesn't work when someone drives in, but goes off when no one is there. I wouldn't recommend this.
Great Product! I would like to say 2 things:1. It works for Honda Invicta 150 CC (dazzler).2. it charges the battery!.Great and easy to install product!!! Battery up and running.. although i had to buy another battery (the one I originally charged it died and the liquid went dry..recommended!!!
ONLY ONE ROLL!!!! BEWARE!!!! I ordered and only received ONE roll....that does not help much when machine requires TWO! Talked to customer service and they can't give me a straight answer yet. The internet said it comes with TWO ROLLS
Good choice for Gamers This card rocks, you can't beat it for the money. It's fast, images are crisp and it will handle about whatever you can throw at it! I strongly recomend it.
This is a GREAT Jukebox This is an great jukebox! It is very easy to use and move music to and from. It is just like having an external hard drive you can drag and drop music too. The 20 GB size makes it almost hard to fill up with music! It comes in handy and the battery life is great! Would highly recommend if you like taking a lot your music with you!
Huge. The product information lists the measurements for this unit, but if you are like me measurements probably don't help you much. This MP3 player is huge. One reviewer wrote that it would easily fit in his hand or pocket, well so would my cell phone and guess what they are practically the same size. Compared to some of the Sony and Samsung units this thing is a Cadillac.The sound quality is very good, but not better than my wife's Samsung, which she can easily clip to her shirt or put in her pocket. Putting this thing in my shirt pocket makes my shirt sag and putting it in my pants pocket . . .well, you get the idea.
worst quality ever! The cases didnt came in a box as showed in the picture. it is only coverrd with a plastic and put into a plain box. i recieved half of the pack broken. i didnt return it beacuse i dont want to deal with this refund issue. i tryed to use the few i got left but they dont even lock. the case stays open. i got so mad, i ended up trashing all of them. dont ever buy this product if you looking for something with quality and that gets to you in good condition. i had bought memorex cases before and this never happended to me.
Avoid this like the plague I type this from the LAN connection of the WBR-2310 because the wireless connection has coughed up and quit. Again. This router requires constant attention. I have upgraded the firmware twice and still there are bugs. One bug has even been introduced by the latest firmware. MAC filtering no longer works after the latest update. The router requires physical rebooting at least once per session. It assigns IP addresses that are not in the allowable IP string, thus disallowing the connection. When it drops my connection, it must be physically restarted before allowing me to connect again. It's a horrible waste of time and money. I will never, ever own another D-Link product. I have owned and operated Linksys, Netgear and D-Link routers. D-Link is the worst by far. Buyer, beware.
Never worked at all I received one of these as a gift. Took it out of the box, the DVD played for like 5 seconds, then it switched over to the blue screen of death and said DVD error. So we took it back and got a new one. Same thing happened. We tried half a dozen DVDs, no luck. I have a friend who has a portable DVD player who paid about $300 less than this one and hers works great! Go figure!