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Brilliant Branagh combines the best with the best. Shakespeare's brilliant writing is combined with Branagh's brilliant directing, and cinematography; and Doyle's superb music is combined with the superb acting of Derek Jacobi, Kenneth Branagh, Brian Blessed, Paul Scofield, and Christoher Ravenscroft to make this history come alive on the screen.If you don't know the play, this production will introduce you to one of the most inspiring of Shakespeare's histories, Henry V. It is a story of a warrior king, who initially appears to be manipulated by 2 clergy (Canterbury and Ely) into asserting England's claim on France. As the story unfolds, it becomes uncertain as to who has manipulated whom. Perhaps, Henry, the pious king, needs the blessing of the church; perhaps, Henry, the clever king needs the financial backing of the church; perhaps Henry, the politician, needs a scapegoat if things don't go well.He hardly seems weak, manipulated, and reluctant as he delivers the Stint Crispin's day speech.before the battle of Agincourt. His 12,000 men are outnumbered 5 to one; they are tired, and face fresh French troops on the morrow and Shakespeare has King Hal say."We few, we happy few, we band of brothers For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile This day shall gentle his condition And gentlemen in England, now abed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here And hold their manhoods cheap while any speaksThat fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."The battle that ensues is as bloody and confusing as D-Day. No one is sure who has won the day until the herald, Montjoy, approaches King Henry to request a truce so that the French claim their 10,000 dead. The English have lost only 500.I think that Shakespeare is always about character. This is what can make us care about a long dead king whose triumphs did not extend beyond his reign. It can make us tune in a 20th century ear to a beautiful speech pattern that is long gone. And, when Shakespeare is brought together with the considerable talents of the film makers involved in this Henry V, it is genius in motion.
My Dog Skip This was a used video and it was said to be in good shape, but when I was watching it, it started to skip over the words right before the end of the movie the best part. I was disappointed.
Ehhhh... The DVD Plays and then skips...and freezes. Very disappointed. Wishing for a refund. This is a great movie though. I haven't tried the second DVD yet but I'm sure if skips too.
Stop making the popcorn movies, Will Smith!! Will Smith stated in a recent 60 Minutes interview that when he and his agent were mapping out his career strategy, they noted that most of the top ten films of all time were those with lots of special effects. Films like Independence Day, Men in Black and Wild, Wild West followed. After seeing I Am Legend, I have to say that it's time for Mr. Smith to drop the popcorn movies and put his talent to much better use.I've seen both of the previous film versions of Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend. I saw the Vincent Price version -- Last Man on Earth -- when I was young and don't remember it that well. But I have seen The Omega Man several times and, in fact, own a copy of it on DVD. The Omega Man is dated, to be sure -- 70's hipster language and Charlton Heston do not mix. However, the opening sequences of the film, showing a deserted Los Angeles, are eerily effective. In one shot, we can see nothing moving for miles -- no people, no cars, no traffic helicopters ... nothing at all. Anyone who has been in Los Angeles can tell you what an accomplishment an effect like that really is. With good supporting performances by Rosiland Cash and, especially, Anthony Zerbe as the ringleader of the vampires/mutants, The Omega Man is flawed, but in the end, very, very effective.I Am Legend, similarly, has some fairly effective opening shots of a deserted New York City. However, on closer inspection, the viewer can see that a lot of the effect is due to CGI. The weeds growing out of the streets don't look quite right and the delapidated look on the buildings is very unconvincing. This flaw is hammered home when Smith chases a herd of deer in his Mustang. When a lion attacks one of the deer, the effect is so artificial looking, I was wondering if Yogi Bear was going to appear next.Nowhere, however, do the CGI effects fail more completely than with the vampire mutants. In contrast with The Omega Man where the mutants are played by live actors, all of the creatures in I Am Legend are CGI. The effect is ridiculously cartoonish and wholly unconvincing. And what kind of killer virus actually makes its victims more agile? These creatures were once human beings and now they're able to climb up walls of Manhattan brownstones like mountain goats? Instead of being frightened by the creatures, I found myself rolling my eyes and wondering when Hollywood was going to realize just how bad some CGI effects really look.However, the film's shortcoming aren't just technical. The Omega Man had an extended flashback sequence showing how the virus overtook civilization. Many people drop dead right before our eyes and the horror of the situation is hammered home very effectively. I Am Legend, in contrast, gives up dribs and drabs of flashbacks -- mostly as Smith's dream sequences. The most impressive shot in the film shows fighter jets blowing up the bridges leading into Manhattan -- one of the times where the special effects are really up to the task. However, we never get the same sense of horror watching civilization collapse that we do in The Omega Man. We see a couple of infected people fail a screening and that's about the extent of it. We don't see anyone mutate into one of the creatures. We don't see dozens drop dead from the virus. The fall of civilization doesn't deliver the dramatic punch to the stomach it should.Smith is alone for most of the film. Towards the end, a mother and her son rescue him and briefly move in with him. In The Omega Man, we learn about Rosiland Cash's character and her infected nephew. In I Am Legend, however, the two characters are merely a plot device. They're basically there to move the plot to its conclusion and nothing more. The parts are so badly written, I wondered why they were necessary at all. Instead of caring about these new characters, I spent the final part of the film thinking about what a weak job the screenwriter did on that portion of the script.The only really good thing about I Am Legend is Will Smith's performance. He is excellent at portraying a man who is slowly going mad from lonliness. His heart is in the project even with the numerous flaws and his acting is the only really convincing thing about the entire film. Throughout the film I kept thinking that Smith's performance deserved a better film to showcase it. I felt bad for him, but that sympathy has to be tempered by the knowledge that it was his career goal to seek out projects like this.I'll grant Smith that some of his "prestige projects" like Ali and The Legend of Bagger Vance didn't do that well at the box office. Hollywood, for all the talk about creative expression, is driven by ticket sales and money. However, The Pursuit of Happyness did do well at the box office and showed that Will Smith, given a good script and a good director to work with, can combine artistic excellence with financial success without having to resort to loads of stunts and special effects. Leonardo DiCaprio chooses to work with name directors on films with good scripts in lieu of the summer blockbuster films and he still has as much influence and industry muscle as anyone in Hollywood. There is no reason why Will Smith can't do the same thing. He is supremely talented and intelligent (I'm positive he could be a terrific writer, director and producer as well as actor), should minimize his participation in films like I Am Legend and should choose projects that take more risks and aspire to more than just box office receipts. I Am Legend and other films like it are just a waste of his talent.
White Men Can't Jump Billy and Sydney think they're the best basketball hustlers in town, so when they join forces, nothing can stop them, except each other. To add to their problems, Billy owes money and is being chased by a pair of gangster types.Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson team up on the playgrounds of L.A. to hustle all comers. The direction is sharp and the cinematography is surprisingly impressive as the mean streets of Los Angeles are caught with striking camera shots. The movie is intelligent, focused, and clever. If you like Wesley Snipes or Woody Harrelson you will for sure love this movie.
it aint a bird This film is remarkable for the way the strength of it's narrative manages to steamroll over the heavy handedness of the director Andrew Stevens. Based on the novel by Michael Blodgett this tale of the search for what is said to be the second biggest diamond in the world, taken from the Rothchilds by the SS in WW2, is written as a thriller, unveiling a piece of the puzzle at a time, and presented as an action adventure with Ron Silver as a journalist as the key to the truth. Although thankfully presented as fallible and reactive, Stevens and Silver's idea of an action hero is still locked into the stereotypical unshaven chain-smoking humourless man, his charm in direct ratio to the number of assassins pursuing him. Things aren't helped by making Ron Silver's stunt double obvious or Steven's attempt to portray the media as predatory by having a pack chase Silver through the street, with microphones and cameras in tow. Steven's lack of subtlety actually works in favour of Jan Rubes turn as a jailed SS war criminal, since it's the only one of the group of cameos that is entertaining, with Elizabeth Sheppard as the Rothschild owner of the diamond stumbling badly over a stream of consciousness speech. Otherwise Steven's direction draws attention to plot holes and faults in logic.These include an assassination attempt on Silver BEFORE he has the information from Rubes about the diamond everybody wants, a prison guard asking Silver for identification when he is attended at the gate by a mob and his visit has international media coverage, a laughable succession of assassins at Silver's hotel room post Rubes as if there is a turnstile at his door, and the idea that a car wanting to enter an embassy is not searched since someone may be hiding in it. The latter actually provides a nice red herring since the car is a volkswagen which seemingly makes the driver suspect, and because all that approach Silver seem to possess a hidden agenda. Stevens gives us a horrible pre-credit torture of a woman sequence, a gross demonstration of brain surgery with a kitchen utensil, and a badly staged nightclub scene with exploitive use of female dancers and a fistfight. As the editor of the Chicago Christian Science Monitor for whom Silver had worked for and won the Pulitzer Prize, Roy Scheider isn't around much and not integral to the plot, but his presence is welcome, and Joanna Pacula pops up now and again as Silver's romantic interest and she isn't as awful as she has been elsewhere. The Christian Science connection struck me as interesting, and I was kinda disappointed that they too weren't after the diamond, since we all know how dubious those people are.
Cellar Door "Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?""Why do you wear that stupid man suit?"When I first heard about this movie, a friend was babbling about "an overly-medicated guy that has this bunny that tells him about the future and time travel."Of course, that had me interested.When I finally saw the movie, I was amazed..I have NEVER seen anything like it. In my eyes, it is a beautiful work of art that never lets your mind rest. If you watch it, you will understand what I mean.This film stimulates the mind and the soul, not to mention the tear ducts.Watching it was an emotional experience; if you've ever loved and lost someone...yeahEvery part of this movie is beautiful, whether it be the score, filming style, cast, or storyline. It is perfect for anybody.I'm not going to spoil it for you....sooIf you have not seen it, gather some friends and GO WATCH IT!
stupid movie I found this movie to be quite stupid. The usual quality found with Sandra Bullock was sadly missing. I wouldn't give it room on my shelf.
one of the best of all time this is one of the best movies ever. althouh when it first came out i rented it and watched half of it and thought that it was really stupid. But for the next few days i thought about it, so I ran all over town looking for a copy of the dvd and finilly find it at a grocery store. I watchedit five or six times since and can't wait to buy the new limited edtion that is choked full of goodies inbcluding a commentery by nolan and rumored altrenate version that unfolds chornilogiclly. If you don't like thinking movies your wasting your time you need atleast 110 to understand this, movie so everyone else go watch bubble boy again. The best and most underrated movie of last year. I have to love it am buying it twice and not even mad about it like i was with Almost Famous which is another great movie with a crummy and great version.
Pretty funny overall One caution; one segment by Michael Jr. is definitely not family-friendly. The rest are safe for everyone. One of the comedians is a ventriloquist, another does some magic as part of his act. A good variety and lots of laughs. One routine about how men have two colors of shoes and women have dozens, which he recites quickly, is hilarious.
I tried my best to enjoy this despite the terrible plot and script I usually enjoy zombie flicks. This one made me do all the mental work, and I ended up feeling robbed.The special effects were good, but how many times do I need to see a crowd of shamblers feasting on entrails while the victim writhes and screams? Too much emphasis on gore and too little attention to making the plot work.That was really where the movie failed. Zombies are supposed to be retarded. That is what makes zombie flicks worth watching. If zombies are intelligent, it means I have to care about them, and I don't want to do that.Watching the "intelligent" leader zombie in Land of the Dead "figure out" how to fire his weapon was absolutely painful, as were all the scenes where he "taught" other zombies to do things zombies aren't supposed to be able to figure out how to do.It totally ruined the movie for me that these groups of shuffling, rotting creatures could walk upright properly but somehow managed to randomly figure out how to fire weapons. At the beginning of the movie, the zombies can all be mesmerized by fireworks, but at the end of the movie they have somehow collectively figured out how to ignore fireworks, but they still haven't mastered how to walk without jerking around and flailing like idiots.Boo. Campy. This is the worst of the Romero films due to a terrible script and unbelievability.One additional note or irritation about the flat, campy characters in this film - why are Hollywood prostitutes always so unrealistic? I'm sure there are high class call girls out there, but none of them are streetwalkers. If you want to write a streetwalker into your script, she needs to be ugly, used up and pretty dumb. The smart call girls put ads on the Internet and you call them on the phone to set up an appointment. Suspension of disbelief doesn't mean you get to write characters that irritate your audience.
Great Film I have been trying to find this film for a long time . I remembered it when I saw the dog that came in and layed down under his masters casket. I am 73 years old and first saw this movie when i was a teen ager.
OMG, When will it end! It's long, about an hour longer than it ever should have been. And it filled with CGI, not all of it good by the way. John Cusak's character must have done something really bad in another life, because in the one that he plays in this film he's followed by a never ending earthquake from one side of the planet to the next, and it never lets up! It doesn't matter if he's in a car or a plane, the earthquake stalks him...where are the police to arrest that nasty menace of a quake?!Seriously though, if it had been an hour shorter it would have at least been tolerable. As it was I just kept watching and praying that it would end soon, since I have an inability to not at least see the ending of a film once I've paid my money to watch it. And the worst part is that as an actor I like John Cusak in other films that he's done.
A Classic! I don't know who's better in this movie,Rodney,Ted Knight,Bill Murray or Chevy.This movie has so many funny moments that I almost want to call it perfect!
my new addiction this is my new favorite show. however i will always love buffy but i need to get my girl power fix somehow and alias delivers like no other sydney bristow does it all so if youre looking for a show that will have you on the edge of youre couch this is the show for you
The movie is unforgetable! This has got to be one of my all-time favorites! Roger Moore is terrific through-out the entire movie. The action and drama are great, but the love-story with the perfect music make it an original sure to become a classic. Way to go 007! Keep them coming.
Great movie on bad DVD I have always loved this movie. No discussion possible.But... this DVD is about as bad as it gets: it is a FAKE wide-screen reproduction, meaning that on a wide-screen TV you get black bars all around the image. Yes, you can zoom in, using your TV's zoom function bad that means that are blowing up the pixels even further (already pixels are expanded to show regular DVDs on high-res screens, zooming makes it even worse.Anamorphic wide-screen has been available in the DVD definition from the get go. This technique gives best wide-screen reproduction on full-screen AND wide-screen TV sets.
Love it!! I was unsure that it would be possible to top the second season with the whole Lila and Doaks thing, but boy the writers of this show are amazing. I enjoyed the characters evolving and growing and seeing what they are going to do next. The new adventures and chapters that these folks go through was fresh and new. Ahh, Jimmy Smits, what a great,deceitful and complex monster, even though you hate him you love him and at least for me I wanted him to be turned loose on the world. Too bad he didn't know how to play nice with Dexter. Ohh, and Rita, really are they having a baby?! The Third season is just fantastic and it didnt let me down one bit. Waiting for the fourth season.
What a waste! I can only quote Tolkein... I have not seen this in the movies so I have no idea what is or isn't missing on the DVD. Whatever it is, it wouldn't help. First off, the technology and the use of the Avatars was breath taking and that is the only interesting thing about this movie. And it was interesting for about 10 minutes. Oh, and Signourey Weaver, who improves any movie but couldn't save this mess.I can only quote J.R.R. Tolkein here: "I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence."Avatar harbors not just the presence of allegory, but hits you over the head with it, over and over again until you just want to fast forward and get it over with. I guess I have just read and watched too much great science fiction over the last 50 years to be impressed with this shallow derivative script and characters. Happily "borrowing" from Dune, Deathworld Trilogy, Star Wars (think elongated Ewoks) and so on ad nauseum Cameron has churned out another bowl of paplum for the young that ranks right up there with "Titanic" for its banality. Why not tell the REAL story of the Titanic instead of making up a boring story about a necklace? Why not give us some depth and surprise in this utterly predictable plot?Don't buy this buy DVD unless you wish to encourage Cameron and his ilk. Go and read some good sci fi and nourish your brain. This kind of thing will only give you cerebral cavities.
Please Hang Up There's about 15 minutes worth of script here. At best this film could have been stretched into a taught half-hour TV show in the hands of a director like Alfred Hitchcock. However, those days are long gone. This is another example of a potentially good story premise poorly executed. The trailer says it all.
MY FAVORITE! I am totally in love with this movie!! It is my favorite Muppet movie, and one of my just general favorite movies! A fun, energetic and clever movie from start to finish! Fun songs, the incomparable fun characters created by Jim Henson and his team of geniuses! Fans of Broadway and musical theater, take note of this one too! :o) Tons of cameos make this film one you will have to watch over and over and contiunally enjoy! I've never grown tired of watching this one, I love it!
The Last Unicorn Wonderful, I loved it as a kid. My only complaint is one brief scene with a huge tree, the wizard says "Oh my g--, I'm engaged to a douglas fir!". Otherwise, it is one of the best fantasy children's films ever made.
De Niro lives in a mean, mean world. Gil (Robert De Niro) appears to inhabit the same parallel universe as the characters in "Glengarry Glen Ross," where all conversation consists of yelled obscenities. It's all a little exaggerated, and De Niro doesn't really seem crazy/dangerous until at least an hour into the film. His leap off the deep end also stretches credibility. Then there's the "crazy collage" of newspaper clippings about the target of his obsession, Giants outfielder Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes). Its only purpose was to remind me of a similar device in "The Bodyguard" which surprisingly, was more suspenseful. De Niro's character seems to be acting on impulse, as if he's confused about what his next move will be, which makes him seem a lot less scary.
Good movie Solo hasta hoy, pude ver la película, muchos recuerdos, la recomiendo, hicieron un buen trabajo en la técnica del HD,todos los amantes del cine deben de tenerla.
wtf this has less extras than the boomstick edition, which has the director's cut in it
Yo Adrien! I will start off by saying I think Christian Bale and Marc Walberg are crap actors. I also don't like the fact it appeared as though Christian Bale was on crystal meth in this movie, hence all the weight loss and cracked out looking face. The other factor why I didn't like this film is that the premise of the movie has already been done, 5 times. Rocky 1,2,3,4,5. This was an overated piece of crap.
Classic great movie. ive probably watched it a thousand times and it never gets old. and its at a great price.
Revisting Shrek This new instalment too the Shrek movie(picks up directly after 1) revists the old gang of fairy tale charecters and new ones that become victems of slap stick jokes and gags.It also introduces Fiona's parents and there kingdom of far far away.Who are not too pleased with there daughters new husband.Her mother tries to accept Shrek from the start.Her father well he'll just have nothing too do with it.And Shrek well he is willing too be just as rude back(talk about bad table manners).Untile he relize how much he is hurting Fiona.He gets a idea too vist the fairy god mother:Who's son is prearrange too marrie Fiona.There he gets a potion he thinks will help her father accept him and most of all make her happy.What he doesn't know is how much her father realy wants too get rid of him-thanks too a old promise.Dragon doesn't make a return in this - instead she is replaced by new freind Puss-in-Boots:Who Donkey is not too fond of from the start.He doesn't want too be replaced,but by the end of the movie he accepts the cat.From the story book introduction too the final closing song This movie is a good family day out.People who liked the first should like this one too . Igive this a 3.5
Enchanting This is definitely, so far, the best film of 2004. It is unpretentious and unashamedly sentimental, yet it works much better at tugging the heartstrings than many much more bloated and so-called "creative" Oscar contenders (Cold Mountain). Bottom line: everything about this movie was right.See The Notebook if you want to see great acting. A highlight is Joan Allen in a supporting role as Allie's mother who, given a very unsympathetic role, manages to convey the most subtle traces of regret. I would like to see her win an Oscar for this performance.The cinematography, the score, and the two leads are all mesmerizing in this very bittersweet love story that proves cliches are only cliches if the talents involved think of them so. When one looks at love in an innocent and heartfelt light, great movies are born. The Notebook is a great film.
Richard Burton should have been shot for this one This film is so bad it makes the Exorcist II look like a masterpiece. The only thing that saves this horrible film are the many beautiful women it has. I cannot express how utterly repulsive this film is and how sad it was for me- a big fan of Mr. Burton to watch it. Now I understand why many critics have called Mr. Burton a sad waste of talent. Not only is this an example of wasted talent but rather an example is pure creed and stupidity. How could he follow Virginia Wolf? Becket and the spy who came from the cold with this garbage. One word money.
More doumentary and little substance Not bad for a 'history of elvis' type program. Not much at all in the way of any performing. It moves slow and tends to lose you in the first 15 minutes or so. If you want to learn about how elvis got to be "Elvis" then this would be a good disc. If you are looking for simply his shows & songs, this is the wrong DVD.
Perhaps the most horrible movie I've ever seen This movie is awful - so awful that you can't turn it off because you are amazed at how awful it is. Not even one single likable character in the entire movie. This movie is pure garbage. Maybe someday MST-3000 will have fun with it, if they ever sink that low. One star is much too good for this movie. Makes a great gag gift though.
Tom Cruise did it again - - - bombed, that is. Oh, as a kid fighter-pilot, semi-terrific. As a lawyer in a uniform, putrid. As a "doctor"? He was unbelievably bad, totally miscast. A fish out of water? No, worse. Much. Like some of those terrible movies we love to hate, I actually watched it again -- or, perhaps 17 minutes of it, until I wanted to watch Lassie re-runs or 'most anything..... so I did, "Inside the NFL" - - - fini.
Thank you X-Men Origins: Wolverine! Had it not been for that inferior movie, I would not have watched this one. There are as many brilliant scenes and moments as there are cliches and cheesy ones. I ended up liking it much more than I thought I would. I stumbled upon this gem purely by chance. I had just watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine and was quite intrigued by the female lead, Lynn Collins and IMDBed her. I found out that she happened to be in this movie which got some decent reviews on Amazon so I took the plunge. I'm glad I did it. Way better than expected. I'm pretty sure watching it sober would be just as good but don't take any chances! There's some really funny stuff in there. Take the bad parts in stride, you'll still come out ahead and probably glad you did it too.
Meh. This movie was just very....meh. There was nothing really funny and it kind of dragged on. The whole brother/sister incest thing was weird too.
one of the first "screwball" comedies This review is for the Criterion Collection DVD edition of the film."My Man Godfrey" remains one of the most famous and most popular "screwball" comedy. In this film, a woman on a scavenger hunt meets a homeless man in the city dump. She recruits him to be the "forgotten man" the scavenger hunt calls for and subsequently hires him as a butler. The newly hired butler, Godfrey Smith brings help for the family and later falls in love with one of the daughters. The film has some risque moments and I am surprised that the censors of the time let them pass.The film is very dated as well since it was both made and takes place during recovery from the Great Depression. The acting is also very good too.The Criterion DVD has many bonus features including the theatrical trailer, production stills, a blooper reel, and audio commentary by film historian, Bob Gilpin, who also has taught courses on this very film.There is also the Lux Radio Theater adaptation of the film is also a special feature.This DVD is one that fans of 1930's comedies will love!
Kind hearts and coronets Black humour in this cynical comedy about the vengeance of a big store's salesman over an aristocratic family. Alec Guiness plays the eight members of the D'Ayscogn family, killed one by one by our gentle murder, in this biting macabre satire about good manners and serial killers directed with good pulse and scathing irony by Robert Hamer for Ealing Studios. A delightful dark satire from the golden age of british comedy with an unforgettable and ironic twist at its ending. Excellent print for this DVD edition.
The idea was good, but it could have been better. I initially rented this movie because Kiefer Sutherland is in it, and I am a big Kiefer Sutherland fan. I was pleasantly surprised by the appearances of Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper.While, the acting, I thought, was good, it was the screenplay/storyline that wasn't. I can feel this build up, but the movie never climaxed for me. It just built me up and then didn't really go anywhere with it.I don't blame the actors for this, as I think everyone really was good, it was just wasn't done as well as it could have been.
A COOL AND SEXY POST-MODERN COMEDY! Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson have teamed up create the scariest and funniest film in over a decade. This satirical piece of post-modern comedy is more original than anything this side of the millenium and can do very little wrong, depite being too clever for it's own good at times but who cares, this is simply Craven's most inspired and mature work to date. With seemingly an old premise the movie is set in a peaceful American suburbia around a teenager called Sidney Prescott(Neve Campbell), who is haunted by the memory of her murdered mother,exactly one year prior, where a psychopathic lunatic describes his apparently irrational vendetta against a group of teenagers. 'What's your favourite scary movie?' the killer croaks down the phone line, and here he's surely speaking for Craven and Williamson as they knock off the cli'ches with panache, and the doomed characters with irony. Despite being a comedy this is scary stuff! Intelligent and frightening - at last a horror\comedy to shout about! Craven has matured from his exploitation days of 'Lat House on the Left', and created something which resembles the originality and flare of Carpenter's 'Halloween'. A film that everyone must see!
Enough cheese to cause heart disease Yes, this film deserves credit for the technical work on the flying scenes. I won't repeat all the reasons for not having much respect for the film (they're all here) but for those of you with sharp eyes: Watch over Cruise's left shoulder when he's flying. That brass wheel is a tool used to separate the main beam from the catapult when disassembling the ejection seat. (Strike 1!) Also - the "MiG-28" (AKA an American-built Northrop F-5 Tiger) has two guns, yes, but they're in the nose. (Strike 2!) Finally, anyone that reckless wouldn't be trusted with a government vehicle, never mind a fighter aircraft. (Strike 3!) So... its a fun movie in a comic-book sort of way, but don't take it seriously, it will only make one's head hurt.
I love old classic westerns. This movie has good gun slinger parts but also brings out the terribleness of war particularly the civil war. This is a must see classic!
Not so magical !!!! I had nothing but high hopes for this movie. I love a wide variety of movies from Hollywood blockbusters to independant and foreign films. This film, unfortunately, was about as entertaining as an afternoon movie on the Lifetime channel. I'm sorry but all the other reviewers that exclaim how "wonderful", "magical", "spectacular" this movie is are either retarded or brain-dead! Consider yourself warned. The movie is just ... OK. Nothing more.
Brains are beautiful, as long as they are intact. This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. I can't believe it was nominated for ANY award. They people who made it should be ashamed of themselves. I feel this movie is only applauded for its shock value. Someone's brains are blown out, a man lusts for his teenaged daughters classmate, two grown men kissing, a strange father/son relationship involving drugs. I felt the movie was flat and boring. Who wants to watch this dribble the movie equivalent of C-SPAN? What a waste of my time. I love intense movies. Too bad this isn't one of them.
Classic SciFi/Noir Movie One of the Best Movies ever! A must see for any SciFi or Noir fan! This is considered to be the best version of the film according to the director (Ridley Scott). This is one of those movies with deep underlying themes and is one of those movies that you can watch over and over again and still find new details or meanings behind certain aspects or scenes. Highly recommended for anyone who wants a deep and interesting movie! The Blu-Ray version adds higher definition models and has a couple special features thrown in! Its a decent blu-ray copy!
Good film! This is kind of a low-budget Indy film, but you'd never know it because the production quality is excellent and it's a beautiful film. It's good to see Michael Biehn in a good lead role. If you're a Biehn fan, check this out.
A boring movie not worthy of being in the Top 100 List The Graduate is the type of movie you only see once; it has nothing of charm or interest, I can't seem to understand why it's #7 in the top 100 movies of all times. The only thing good about it was the great score(soundtrack), but besides that you should be safe choosing something else. Sonia
Saving Private Sniper A beautiful sniper movie, I'm not into giving out any part of a movie, but I'd just like to say that this movie was incredibly done, because it is quite hard to do a sniper movie, and be sucessful. Good casting, but a bad intertwined plot, love doesn't go in a movie except to create character depth which it didn't do. "I am 15 but my judgments should not questioned because of my age but because of my thoughts."
A very poular series, but less then perfect ... If you are looking for charming characters, but love a lack of storytelling, drawing ability, animation skill, or central planning...then THIS series is for YOU! Lina, the ultra sorceress of an alternate universe, slums around and attracts more fellow travellers then troubles. This first series is a single story in some ways, but gets confused and lost in minutia. Lina and company are great to watch, but the action sequnces and designs are less then thrilling, however the humor is quite good (the kissing fish episode was really memorable). The side kicks pile on as the creator decides he doesn't know what he wants to write about, or how to make decent character interaction with a minimal cast. I purchased these videos as they came out and thought of them as cheap comic books- view once and put in a closet for eternity. Entertaining, yes, but not engaging or skillful. This series is probably best appreciated by the pre-pubescent anime fan.
From a Time When Movies Were Original This is a classic not only for its genre but for its stars, Van Johnson and Elizabeth Taylor. A wonderful romantic drama with exquisitely detailed characters. True to the F. Scott Fitzgerald story with haunting performances and musical score. Van Johnson's best performance, unlike anything he's done before or since. Stays with you...Classic story, brilliant acting and something most contemporary movies lack today...originality and the ablility to keep audiences riveted without special effects, violence and other distasteful additions. Take a trip back to Hollywood's Golden Era...
Botched transfer The blu ray is underwhelming to say the least. It is no improvement over DVD played with upscaling.Grain...lots of it as if you are looking through constant haze.Poorly placed subtitles ruin the picture.Pass on this blu ray.
a static bore full of cliches The pace of this movie is so slow it would, at times, seem to be a series of slides, with the sounds of the Venezuelan countryside as the most prominent feature in a lackluster soundtrack. The photography is beautiful, as are the lush and exotic locations. This is a story of a mature woman remembering her first love, as her niece is visiting with her. It is told in flashbacks. I really don't know if the story is confusing because of the script, or because silent scenes are so long you fall asleep in between them.
actually thought it was disney!**** I thought this was a great movie,except for two things: 1).It isn't historically accurate,and 2). it would've been alot more dramatic and moving if it had been portrayed in real life.The music,however,was a big plus! I thought the singing was awesome,especially "Once Upon a December."I didn't like the scene where Rasputin is singing. It creeped me out when I was younger. I think the movie would've been great without him.One thing I did like,however,was that for an animated film,this movie is actually quite serious. But Bartok adds comic relief! He's probably my favorite character out of the whole video!All in all,a good movie. But I think Fox should definately consider remaking this into a real-life film.
great film, my copy jumpy This is a technically well made film. very tight plot. every word and character count. The real value is historical. Should e used in film schools to show how to plan out and execute a film project. I disagree on the acting with many reviewers - it still has stage elements, but you cn look at it as one of the transition films that then went into pure cinema away from the stage. My copy was jumpy. Whould not play on one vhs, but played on another with a few tracking bumps during the film. Take a look at this one and then compare Astor in Maltese Falcon. Compare Powell's humor in The Thin Man. Film evolution happens fast. Then compare to the fun of North by Northwest. You csn see the evolution. Thus five stars for this one as a collector's film for historical value. I found it by chance. Best regards to all.
Simply amazing! The orchestra does not sound like a youth orchestra. If they only released this performance on CD, one would never have guessed it was an ensemble of young people. They sound like a professional orchestra. Personally, I think the principal violist is the best, her solos in the Landler are superb. The best part is however at the end when members of the audience go up to Claudio Abbado, shaking his hand and congratulating him. We cannot hear what they are saying, of course, but we don't need to: "Maestro, it is incredible that you could make these young people play like this!"
Don't be fooled This picture has way to many characters in it. I really didn't find the fighting scenes very good to be honest. A ton of punches with very little kicks or other moves. A lot of fights,but most were very short and were over before you could really enjoy them. The weapon based battles were good,but not enough to carry the film. One of the weaker shaw brother film which is hard to understand with so many cool stars in it. The only person I really though did some cool moves was sun chien. I can't suggest buying this one to anybody. Buy five deadly venoms,crippled avengers,heaven and hell gate or two champions of shaolin over this.
Great movie, Deceiving cover This is a great movie, with a wild and wacky performance by Nicholas Cage. But's it's almost as if they were embarrassed by how Cage looks in the movie, because this cover is totally wrong. In the film he has shaggy Black hair, a mustache, and he always wears sunglasses. The picture on the DVD seems to be from a completely different movie.
I knew it would be bad, but this... if you're like me, you rarely like a film with that "written in committee"-feel. more scenes with certain actors are thrown in because they want to market the film more on that particular person. 'troy' takes that mentality to the extreme. forget suspension of disbelief: this film suffers from a lack of suspension of boredom of a load of studio executives sitting in around a table saying things like, "ok, we've got brad pitt in this, so let's put lots of scenes with him in." "why not have him shirtless? appeal to a teenage-girl sort of market?" "perfect! and we'll cast orlando bloom!" "oh, the one who had about 10 lines in lord of the rings." "yeah, the teenage girls love him."at this point I'm dying to interject: no, hollywood executives, it's not because he's "orlando bloom", it was because he was "legolas", and peter jackson is a skilled enough - not to mention visionary, which I wouldn't even bother trying to explain to these people - director and can actually make you lose sight of the fact that those are actors up there. 'troy' is mired in that fact.and while we're on the subject of unfavourable comparisons to lord of the rings, let's see what our committee is up to: "oh, yeah, people love big battle scenes. have you seen the numbers for those ring-y movies?" "yeah, so we'll need lots of extras." "don't forget the horses!"wait a second here, executives. that sounds like you're making a 1940's western. wasn't that the very thing that killed 'old hollywood' the first time around? an emphasis on big stars and the "see how many horses you can fit in the shot" mentality? the battles in jackson's LOTR films succeed in that they actually FEEL huge, using a deft combination of emphasis on the gritty details of just one soldier and the 10,000 others all moving as one huge mass, telescoping back and forth seemingly effortlessly so that you are absorbed by the hugeness of everything while not losing sight of the characters. that takes creativity: peter jackson didn't just throw money at the problem to make it go away.'troy' doesn't understand that at all. boredom sets in after the first few seconds of any particular battle scene, and the drag only gets worse, pulling down everything with it, including acting and mere consistency with previous scenes. in the anti-climactic climax of one such battle, as we are forced to take in dialogue between an over-earnest eric bana with a regrettable choice of accent and a bored-looking brad pitt sacking the temple of apollo, one might think: hang about, have they conveniently forgotten the huge raging battle supposedly still taking place outside? because all we get is dead silence. the dialogue is so awful that any clanking of swords and shields outside might completely overshadow it.there's a lot of that kind of nit-picking to be done with many of the choices made in this film. to be fair, they were plagued by waterworld-esque weather and location problems, and at $200 million, you really just need to get the picture finished, because hey, no one's really happy that it cost that much in the first place. but if there's one thing I'd say is the most glaring error in this film, it's that it really has no audience. is it directed towards men? surely they'll be turned off by the parade of shirtless beaus strutting about like they're on the cover of a romance novel without any real female equivalent to counterbalance that (helen, the most beautiful woman in the world according to the story, is actually fairly dull in 'troy'. does that sum up the entire film?) is it directed towards teenage girls? they might be turned off by the stupid hollywood violence, the dialogue ("you are a great king because you love your country!" ad nauseum), and... well, perhaps anything about this film, especially its generally chauvinist demeanor. families? no... students of the classics? no, the committee decided not to pander to them whatsoever fairly early on, it seems. ok, who's left... people who like bad films for a cheap laugh? well, at 2h 42m, it's really just too much of an investment. it's sure to bore the pants off of basically anyone.and they wonder why the hollywood studio system is doomed. anyone who helped put up the money for this film should feel very bad about what they've done, above and beyond the sorrow at having parted with that money for good. they've trusted a group of people and an entire system that doesn't really have a clue what it's doing. we've passed the age of 'bankable' stars and audiences who don't know that the studios think they're stupid. people are starting to get the message.
Disappointing production quality There are moments of mirth, but not enough to offset the terrible production value of these tapes. I bought the whole set, so it's not just one bad tape. This is a waste of money regardless of the historical value, in my opinion.
The Blair Witch Project DON'T BUY IT! Complete waste of time and money. It took me three days to complete watching this video because I kept falling asleep. A one star rating is definitely too high. Why did they bother making this movie? This is the same producer who made PI another equally BAD film.
weak This movie was a weak effort by Capra, who directed it, and the star, Gary Cooper. It's a good story, just poorly directed (Capra can't hit a home run every time). I found the acting very wooden and the movie seemed to just drag on and on. And no extra features on the dvd, at least none to speak of.
different case The 1 star is for the movie. The case that Amazon shows is not the case that you receive! The case is the old version not the new one as seen in the pic. Come on Amazon! If you are selling something, the show the right item!
What a mess! 108 minutes of my life have been wasted. It only gets one star because I can't give it less.This is THE worst vampire movie of all time. I've had bowel movements that are more entertaining.Do yourself a favor, don't rent or buy this garbage, life is to short.
super cool Got this dvd for my nephew. He loves it and I love all the cool special features. Plus, it came really fast!
Too Contrived to be Believable Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw and Robert Ryan are the only redeeming values of this loosely fact based story of the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. While the overall story line is somewhat related to the real facts, the plot in this one is difficult to digest when compared to what really happened. What makes this hard to accept is the filming done at what had to be Fort Hood in Texas with all of its wide open spaces totally unlike the forests and mountains where the real battle was fought.The three actors mentioned did their best to salvage this thing with their legendary acting skills, but it was all wasted on the blown apart turret on a Sherman tank where the crew was intact and rushing to save the day.I find it much more believable to watch accounts of warfare replicated on film such as "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific". If you want to see the real Battle of the Bulge, Brothers does it in spades.
Rambo III If you like thrillers, You will enjoy this IF you are not too squeamish about the RAMBO GENRE
Run Away The best that may be said about this movie is that it is only 84 minutes long. I'll give the creature creator his due, the beastie is pretty cool but other than that this film is every bad Youtube video combined with every lousy Japanese monster movie. Don't rent it, don't buy it!
The Weight of Wind No director I can think of ever used film to explore the moods and philosophical quandaries Tarkovsky does. For me though, "Solaris" and "Stalker" remain the best expressions of his metaphysical vision. "The Sacrifice" lends some of the most powerful visual effects from these earlier efforts to a gaggle of half-developed characters that never quite convinced me they deserved them. With the wonderful exception of the mysterious postman, Otto, the characters inhabit a muffled, haute-bourgeois world of spiritual angst and existential dread, with servants to clear the tea-things between musings. Maybe Tarkovsky means to critique their privileged lives, but his sympathy for the main character, Alexander, is so clear as to make him seem like a stand-in for Tarkovsky himself. Alexander's laments about our civilization's destructiveness, its violence against nature in search of a bland material comfort may very well be true, but as expressed in Alexander's monologues aren't they just a little . . . banal?What stands out for me most about the movie is the pregnant sense of possibility that Tarkovsky infuses into even the most ordinary scenes. The glacial, almost imperceptible movements of the camera, the wind riffling through grass or shawls or curtains, the haunting vibration of glasses--all insinuate the presence, or maybe just the barest possibility, of something like God. Part of the movie's point seems to be to make you feel the sterility of life without that presence; an 'eternal recurrence' like Otto mentions at the beginning, in which the sense that our routine lives are a waiting for something higher never lifts. Tarkovsky's gift as a director is to communicate visually that this waiting might have a purpose after all. He has an extraordinary ability to turn everyday objects--chairs, eggs, a glass of water, a bare tree--into potential symbols, teetering on the edge of a meaning that never quite resolves into view or, if it does, threatens to pass you by in your impatience for something louder and more conclusive. The hand-washing ritual and 'levitating love scene' with Maria didn't carry the redemptive power for me that Tarkovsky seemed to intend. Instead, what I'll remember most vividly is the long, dreamy black-and-white 'strip' with the crashed car that recurs in Alexander's memory as an image of the concentrated destruction and panic of the whole troubled century. Tarkovsky's Russian sense of salvation is turned up to full wattage here in his last movie: one must be as a child to enter the kingdom, the intellect must learn to bow down to the infant and simple serving-woman, etc.--themes announced clearly in the opening shot of Leonardo's painting. But finally it was the bleakness and monochrome despair that hit me most forcefully. The hope this time felt a little tacked on.Still, this movie is indispensable for an understanding of Tarkovsky. It amplifies the images and ideas in his other movies and reveals them as parts of a haunting, brilliant whole.
Watercolor 2 A very good guide for learning watercolor painting as a hobby. Would suggest viewing the Simply Painting Introduction to Watercolors. The two DVDs provide an excellent introduction to hobby painting.
Well worth it! Crystal clear! Always loved this movie but the blu ray just made it even better. The price was awesome! My kids love it!
The best sci fi show ever I love this series's, well written characters, great script and great acting. What's not to like? Outstanding! The TV show is even better!
Disappointed I looked forward to seeing this film. I was disappointed because it did not depict the real history of the Tuskegee airmen in World War II. Instead it is a fictionalized account that is about as accurate to the Tuskegee airmen as MASH was to army field hospitals in the Korean war.It is rife with technical inaccuracies including unbelievably advanced radios on their planes, high explosive machine gun ammunition, cameras on their planes to record their kills and cavalier, free style military tactics that would have resulted in court martials in real life.
Entertaining. Although it was certainly not Oscar-class, it was Clint Eastwood as we expected to see him as a bad-ass cop. Hundreds of cops shooting thousands of rounds into a bus inching its way to the cop shop?It arrived on time and in advertized condition.
caramelk The 4th season is the best, I own, 1,2&3, but this is my favorite. I highly reccomend this one.
10% comedy,100% action,10,000% awesome! Hello,true beliver!This is the best comic -to-movie production ever!It is kid-friendly,execpt for the violent ending,which consists of minor blood.You want to know how much?Okay.(By the way,this review has details on the violence,so I wouldn't recommend little 6 year olds to be reading this.)Right after he saves Mary Jane Watson and a cable car full of kids,Spider man is jerked away to a dark and abandoned area.The green goblin drops S.m. towards sharp rocks.Luckily,S.m. swings away from them.He crashes through a window and drops to the ground,only to be hit by one of the goblin's grenades.Spidey,exausted, can't jump away fast enough.The explosion blows apart his mask,injures him and blows him through a wall.Then the goblin starts beating the crud out of spidey.Finally,s.m. has the strength to overcome.He punches Gobbie backwards.The Goblin slams into a wall.Spidey brings the wall down on him.The goblin climbs out,dusty and shaky.Then Spidey begins beating the crud out of Goblin.Then finally the goblin removes his mask and begins jabbering to Peter.Then the Goblin is killed by his glider.Cool movie,huh?
Perfectly mediocre. This is just O.K. The story is old and there are no new twists to make it unique. Bullock hits some pretty clunky notes, but has some nice moments, too. The real acting here is done by Gena Rowlands. I recommend renting "Gloria," for which she was nominated for an Academy Award several years ago. Connick is easy on the eyes, and the soundtrack is pretty good, but this is just a "there" movie. Not too good, not too bad, just "there."
One of the Best Sci-Fi Movies If you're a Firefly fan, you have to see Serenity. If you're not a Firefly fan, you have to see Serenity.Serenity wraps up many of the mysteries left in Firefly, specifically dealing with River. While it doesn't answer all of the questions, and certainly brings up quite a few more, Serenity is the concluding story of Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his crew, and depicts each member's growth as an individual.For those who have never seen Firefly, Serenity offers an action-filled sci-fi movie with an interesting concept. It's fast tempo easily draws watchers in, and will make them instant fans. Many of my friends saw Serenity before Firefly, and are now die-hard Firefly fans. I personally saw the TV show first, but either way I believe Serenity is an open movie for all to enjoy.Serenity is one of the many great works by Joss Whedon. It was the only movie directed by Joss before he was chosen to direct the Avengers, so clearly it impressed people. It is ranked one of the 10 best Sci-Fi films of all time by SFX. Orson Scott Card is reported to have said that he would not make an "Ender's Game" movie unless it was as good as Serenity. Considering that movie has yet to be made, I'm going to assume that means the bar was set a little too high.
Great! The best in the series? Hmm... I grew up watching horror films. I saw them too young and too many - and Michael Myers still scares the crap out me even when the film has nothing but crap left in itself. Writer Kevin Williamson clearly shares the same nervous fondness for the genre as myself (and clearly, many others) do - he has managed to make a movie that is both genuine scary movie and arch parody of scary movies. It's the film's very self-awareness that makes it different from all the rest. Instead of following the time-honored horror rules that it so carefully details, it leads them - the virgin is immune from death, we are told, but what if she gives it up! oh heavens that wasn't supposed to happen!The movie begins with Drew Barrymore and goes somewhere totally different - and by the end you are so amazed that they took you there so adroitly, so smoothly, and yet with so many geniune yuks, you want to see it again! At least, that's how it was for me. The characters mock the very archetypes they end up playing - and they weave in and out of Red-Herringville with smooth abandon. A groovy cameo by the Fonz himself (as the high school principal) is a nice nod to we who have grown up freaking out that Freddy will come in our sleep. Watch for funny horror cameos and winks here and there.My favorite moment involves parallel action between the characters' viewing habits and the reality all around them. I don't want to give anything away but it involves a van, Jamie Kennedy, and Jamie Lee Curtis. It sums up what I love about Scream. It's smart, but it's not too smart - it hands you some information and hides other information - it dances around, pointing you in the direction it wants, but upon repeat viewing it doesn't suffer like movies like The Game do.Grab some friends, a big bowl of popcorn, check all the locks in your house...and obey all the rules! This movie makes 'em and breaks 'em! Woo hoo!
All Time Favorite Movie What Can I Say? I'm just a little girl at heart and although I bought this movie for my daughter it is by far (even over Gone w/the Wind, The Sound of Music & The Wizard of Oz) my all time, absolute favorite story and performance. It doesn't matter how many times I watch this story I cry at the same part over and over again. I guess the message just rings true no matter how old you get...and oh yeah, my daughters like it too!Amazon is great at finding what you want for a great price.
No, No, No No way is this the "Best of." Don't bother with these public domain episodes of "Bonanza." You're throwing away your money. The audio and video quality is not very good. The original theme song is missing. The disks sometimes stop and will not play. Buy instead the official season releases of "Bonanza." BuyBonanza: The Official First Season, Vol 1 & 2andBonanza: The Official Second Season, Volume One. Released a few years ago,The Best of Bonanza, Vol. 1is also excellent. (It doesn't have bonus features, but it does have the greatest "Bonanza" episodes from several seasons, including my favorite, "The Crucible"). You won't believe the difference between the shabby quality of the public domain episodes and the unbelievable quality of the official releases. It's like they were filmed three months ago! Plus the season sets have great bonus features (like tons of rare photos, promos, and interviews). So stop buying the same 30 episodes. I was fooled twice and decided to wait for the real deal. I was so glad I did. You will be glad, too, and you don't have to wait!
I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! I have watched this movie each time I could find it being aired on tv. So much, that I decided to buy it for my collection. It has such a wonderful writing and actor combination. I NEVER tire watching it!!!
Kung Fu Panda With a 3-year-old who has destroyed every Disney movie with scratches...it has been so great to buy replacements at such a reasonable cost. Fast delivery.
Journey is Steve Perry and Steve Perry is Journey I love this album. It brings back memories of when Steve Perry was in the band and how special his voice was. The videos in this DVD are so great and I thought they were amazing to see again. Steve is and was the heart of this band and they have ruined it by bringing someone in with the voice that is not comparable to THE VOICE as Steve was called. This video is special.
Awesome, simply AWESOME. Love the movie. I don't know if it gets better then predator. Ever hear of the game Aliens vs. Predator? Well, predator rules. I mean aliens rocks, but the predator is crazy. Basically Arnold is the man. He is the guy to take down the Predator. There isn't that much talking later in the movie, mostly because there is a vicious killer running around, but there is defintely a sence of... fever. Jungle fever to be exact.Arnold is great in this role. He plays the bad boy gunner perfectly well. He doesn't try to act toooo bad, but he does a great job of taking down the baddies. Anyways, the predator is basically a stealth, nuclear bomb, killer, hunting type creature. It looks like an alien got squashed and swollen or something. Actually it isn't as scary as the aliens, but it is creepy.Compared to Predator 2? Its not even a comparison, this movie rocks compared to Predator 2. DTS really adds to it. The Predator could wipe out a city block, and its really cool to see Arnold take him on. 5 o 5 stars.
Great start, but... A great start to the movie - interesting characters as a group of fishermen battle the elements to survive The Perfect Storm. Or so I thought.(spoiler alert)They all die. Having chatted at work around the water cooler, it seems I'm the only person who didn't know this. However, that dramatically affected my view of the film - after investing my emotional energy into 'how are they going survive this?', they don't. They die. And I felt like I'd wasted 2 hours of my life watching it.Incidentially, how can this be based on a 'true life' novel if no one survived to tell the story?
Fun, classic "worst ever" movie plus Mike Nelson humor make a great DVD. Plan 9 From Outer Space is often called the worst movie ever made, but its entertainment value elevates it above many other films, even some of better quality. The plot moves along nicely and has little to no padding in it and the dialog and special effects are hilarious even if that was not the intent of the director, Ed Wood. Everyone who loves cinema should see this movie! The wobbly flying saucers on single strings, Swedish wrestler turned actor Tor Johnson, Bela Lugosi in his last role, Vampira and more make this an unforgettable film. It's so bad it's great. Sadly, the great Bela Lugosi died during filming, so look for Bela Lugosi's replacement in some scenes. He's not hard to spot as he is taller and looks nothing like Mr. Lugosi, hence he holds a cape in front of his face in every scene in which he appears!The original black and white (b&w;) version of the film is nicely restored on this DVD and the colorized version is of good quality and interesting as well. The colorization looks better on this disc than most and appears both rich and fairly natural. Mike Nelson, former head writer and host of the HILARIOUS Mystery Science Theater 3000 (aka MST3K, also available on DVD) provides a humorous commentary track that can be heard on either the original b&w; or the color version of the film. Other extras include Mike Nelson's amusing "lost alien plans 1 through 8," some brief home movies of the famous cross-dressing director, Ed Wood, commercials produced by Ed Wood, faux comedic deleted scenes, and a color version of the movie trailer.Fans of Plan 9 will appreciate the nicely restored picture and sound and the Mike Nelson commentary is highly amusing as expected. This DVD is a movie buff's dream. Don't miss it.
It's a Classic To one of Italian heritage, this movie is a classic. It's one of those few films where all the pieces fall into place to produce a great effect. It combines the commonness of a typical italian family with their unquenchable love of family through thick and thin and and their uncommon love of beautiful music.Moonstruck (Award Series) [Blu-ray]
They're Here Not even Speilberg and Tobe Hooper (of Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame) can bring this above the level of mediority. Billed as one of the szcariest fright films of the 80s, it hasn't stood the test of time in out and out fear factor. I wouldn't recommend it to anyione but casual horror film fans.
Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda is definitely in the top bracket of movies based on animals practicing martial arts. It would probably be the best, but the Ninja Turtles are tough competition.
Leon the Professional This movie is definitely a classic. It touches on the sadistic in a naive way and quite acceptable in Luc Besson's native French culture (according to his girlfriend anyway). The only gripe I have is that like The Big Blue, I much prefer the edited version. It's amazing how editors can get it so right. A fabulous film - Gary Oldman is a master at his craft and I love Jean Reno as the emotionally immature 'cleaner'. Natalie Portman in her first big role and its a tough role to follow. Haven't seen her in a movie after this one where her talent is able to come to the fore as much as in this one. One of the most noticeable exclusions in the bonus material is Luc Besson himself. I also would have loved to see an interview with Gary Oldman and a feature on Eric Serra the composer. The bonus material has made me want to check out La Femme Nikita where it all began.
Newman's Greatest One evening about 1982, six of us theater types were sitting around drinking and jawing when I asked, "What's your favorite movie of all time, and don't give me any of the big musicals or overdone studio movies?" Three of us immediately said, without looking at each other, "Cool Hand Luke." I've had others join the list, "LA Confidential" among them, but it's still an impressive, thoughtful, subtle movie that I enjoy watching and rewatching.
one of the best seasons ! from first kick to last kiss this season of buffy rocks ! in this season the big bad would be the mayor and faith. faith being the the young girl who was chosen to step up for the fallen slayer Kendra. this season also chronicles the love story of soulmates buffy and angel , after angel returns from hundreds of years in hell . if you are a lover of buffy and angels relationship , than this is the dvd for you , this season shows a deeper side to thier love , their love is greater and stronger after surviving angels trip to hell .but in the end their love could survive angel "dying" but couldn't survive him living . moving on this dvd also keeps us up to date on cordelia and xanders relationship aswell as willow and ozs . it also chronicles xander and willows romantic feelings for each other . last but not least it shows faith and buffys friendship along with the end of it , aswell as the transition into the return of angel in which not everyone is so sure that he is fully back to his old self . and of chorse it shows the every day horrors of a student in highschool . bottom line is that this season has all the good elements of a hit show : love , action ,and drama which makes it in my opinion ,one of the better buffy seasons .
Truly Unforgettable I watched this documentary in middle school and 10 years later, I still have not forgotten it. This is an absolute must see!
Where's Creepy Jack? Jack Nicholson as a werewolf. Now THAT should be some serious entertainment. Imagine the irascible actor in his typical "rip you a new one" form--only this time he's got the physical traits to literally make it happen. So it was with gleeful anticipation that I recently pulled up a chair to watch WOLF, a film originally released in the Nineties. And I was so. . .. . .underwhelmed. Jack, playing an editor at a publishing house where corporate takeover is, well, taking over, goes through his role with all the intensity and grit of a plow horse going to the barn. Bitten by a wolf, he begins to experience other-worldly powers, yet for all his energy the filmmakers might as well have given him a sedative. Love interest Michelle Pfeifer looks good and disinterested at the same time, while "villain" James Spader is, I suppose, comic relief. The "showdown" between Jack and James as this film draws to its yawning conclusion is just. . .silly.Another reviewer has dubbed WOLF a "thinking man's" werewolf movie, and while I agree the film elicits thought, for me it pertained to second-guessing thought. Like why-did-I-just-lose-90-minutes-of-my-life second-guessing? And, come on: The jumps and leaps by the assorted werewolves were so lame they reminded me of the lousy special effects fromThe Six Million Dollar Man. Which pretty much sums up my feelings for this movie. Lousy. Snarl.--D. Mikels, Author, The Reckoning
Ray On My Mind Making a biography on anyone can sometimes be a tricky thing. But something even trickier is casting the right person in the role to really capture the subject they are documenting. Jamie Foxx, as Ray Charles, may just go down in the history books as one of the all time finest portrayals of a real person. I've seem good ones before, but I haven't seen a job thid good before in a loooong time. After watching him in the movie, you can't see him as being Jamie Foxx. You see Ray Charles. And when the movie is over, you can't see anybody as Ray Charles than Jamie Foxx. When I first saw the trailer in a "sneak peek exlucisve" on one of those entertianment shows, I knew right then and there that Jamie would win an Oscar. The film chronicles the life of the legend from 1948 until the mid 60's. There are flashbacks tho to his childhood strewn all thru the film, and a brief moment at the end taken place in 1979, but the majority of the sprawling film is from 1948 to about 1965. So no, it does not take on the last two decades or so of his life, or his saddening death. The film showcases the amazing and sometimes out of control life of this music pioneer. When he first went blind as a young child, to leaving home to Seattle to start his career. Ray worked in clubs, and was the piano man in bands, but always wanted to go slowly. Ray Robinson, as he was born, quickly took his middle name of Charles as his stage name, and went on the road that eventually led to super stardom. The film highlights his highs and lows, and puts together his genius as a performer/singer/musician alongside his problem areas as a philandering husband, and a man with a serious heroin addiction. Foxx is so good in his role it's scary. He has the Ray Charles mannerisms down to perfection. Ray has a distinct walk and a way he holds himself, and Jamie did it as if it were Ray himself. In fact, everything he does is as if it was Ray himself. Becuse that's who you see. Ray Charles. Not Jamie Foxx. And I think that is as big a compliment as you can give. He is utterly stunning. The good news is that the good stuff doesn't end with Foxx. He is surrounded by a strong cast who all put in noteworthy performances. Kerry Washington as his first wife, who he affectionatley called B, is wonderful. As is former "227" star Regina King as Margie, one of the Ray-lettes who he had an affair with and later bore one of his children. Clifton Powell is strong and steady as Jeff, Ray's good friend and partner thru many years. Larenz Tate has a small role as a very young Quincy Jones. Richard Schiff from "The West Wing" also appears as a producer from Atlantic records. His partner at Atlantic records is none other than "Revenge Of The Nerds" star Curtis Armstrong(who played Booger), who appears to have shaved his head for the role. He is not really bald. Director Taylor Hackford directs the proceedings with a firm hand. He re-creates the years and decades with impeccable accuracy. He really gets the right look, clothes, cars, mood, and music. He brings Ray and his surroundings to life. Some say there was a lot more to be told that wasn't included. The movie is two and ahalf hours long as it is. Any more stuff and the film would of been 5 hours long. Then there is the music itself. Most of Ray's most famous recordings are heard and seen when he first did them and they were first heard. Ray's music was one of a kind, and the music you hear in the picture is the real deal. Some people might not of known of Ray's real life, so the film may of come to a sort of a shock to them. But it is so painfully brave and truthful to get Ray and his story out there, that you have to stand up and salute Ray for telling it like it is. Warts and all. And for Jamie Foxx, for bringing to life an extraordinary performance of an extraordinary man. This was a good year for bio pic movies, and "Ray" is one of the best in a long time. May Mr. Charles and his music live on in our minds, hearts, and souls, for eternity.
I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!! GREAT movie! It's about a part wolf part husky and when a puppy he is living with the indians and when he grows up he ends up living with a man named Jack. White Fang is a great tale about a dog. Do buy this movie!
garfield garfield was a great movie and what i say is that it has adult humour and i loved it all my friends were saying apartently it was really crap but they were all going by what my friend were saying but i watched it and it was funny .i gave it 4 stars cause it was really funny and a movie can always get better .by rachel
False advertising, The story DOES END !!! SO I'm watching it and thinking, 'It must be looped or something, How else could it be Never Ending'. Next thing I know BAM, it over. What a rip off.
The music was good... But I did not like this movie.Boris was totally unbelievable as a singer and I felt he and Clifton Powell never connected as father/son. They were unbelievable as relatives.Now the young kid who played David as a teen. He was GOOD. His acting as a singer was believable and he was pretty cute.Yolanda Adams rocked the house!!! As usual.I didn't like the message because I never GOT IT.First it was Boris/David coming home...then it was loyalty to his father...then it was the arrogant preacher...then it was the wife that wouldn't give him none...then it was her mad at David about????...then it was the contracts...The characters were all over the place. I still don't know if the wife was a good guy or bad guy or if she liked David or hated him.I wish they'd have let Donnie McClurkin sing. His acting was stiff and uninspiring. He should stick to singing.And Rev PIMP DADDY. (Never paid attention to his name just know he was the pastor of the mega church)No words.... *shaking my head*I wish I'd just bought the Sound track instead of wasting my money on the movie.
Blame the director for this mess, not Keanu. This is the fault of the person in charge, not Keanu Reeves. The movie from day one was plague with problems concerning the people behind the scenes, who wanted to make kids film and the director, who really did not know what he was doing. Keanu tried is best with a script that was being change almost every day and I think he did well. I will admit that this is not his best performance and I would also agree with the majority of the reviews written that Rachel Weisz gave the best performance in the entire movie (she is that good). If you want to put fault somewhere, put it on the producers and the director, they were the ones who messed up the movie for their own gain. Keanu did his best with what he had and he really did not have much thanks to the people in charge.