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Sorry - Not Impressed I ordered this DVD set as a gift for my husband. We both looked forward to viewing these old "classic" cartoons. Despite our appreciation for vintage movies, books and TV, this series proved to be a disappointment. While keeping in mind the time they were produced (1930s), they are still unfunny, unentertaining and extremely violent. They story is always the same, only placed in a different setting each time. It gets a bit old when viewing all of them in a block of time. I wouldn't waste my money unless you find this sort of viewing entertaining and don't get bored by repetition.
sllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwww........... The problem with this film is that they expand an episode's worth of material into an entire film--and a LONG film at that. The previous reviewer is wrong--it's not a matter of being too action-oriented to accept a more cerebral plot; it's simply the film's appalling sense of pace. The endless panoramic views (the opening, panning around the ship, takes, I kid you not FIFTEEN MINUTES), while somewhat interesting in their own right, do not exactly make for riveting viewing. With some decisive editing, this could have been a decent hour-long feature, but as it is it just meanders interminably. Worth seeing for die-hards, but not for ordinary civilians.
"I want to fight ten" - Ip Man In "Ip Man", director Yip Wai Shun has constructed a 1930's biopic that combines epic martial arts footage with a moving storyline encompassing family, friendship and betrayal. A master of Wing Chun, a Chinese martial arts discipline passed down orally since the Qing dynasty, Ip Man (played by Donny Yen, who until this film had never practised Wing Chun) is a respected teacher who is seen as the ultimate sparring opponent in the Guandong town of Fo Shan. Known for it's multitude of martial arts "schools", Fo Shan streets are lined up with storefronts of teachers hoping to acquire potential students. Early scenes show how competitors knocked on the door of Ip Man's home to test their skills against his in an effort to supercede his legendary prowess in an attempt bring in more business. Sammo Hung, the action director for the film, interpolates the various fighting styles used against Ip Man with amazing success. When a northern fighter Jin Shanzhao (played by Fan Sui Wong) in the hope of setting up his own school in Fo Shan knocks on Ip Man's door for a fight, he spars with a variation of Shao Bei Fist, a loose, almost dance-like style. This juxtaposes awesomely with Man's Wing Chun - which is tight and disciplined, using a centerline defensive stance traditionally fought in close combat style. Ultimately, Ip Man defeats the northerner with a feather duster pulled from a vase in his ornately decorated home.With the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, Fo Shan is turned into a ghetto. Ip Man, married with a young son, is relegated to shovelling coal amongst his former students in order to make ends meet. The Japanese General Miura (Hiroyuki Ikeuchi) in charge of the local occupying force, tasks Li Zhao (Ka Tung Lam), a former cop-turned-translator, to find willing martial-artists to face-off against an assembled troop of Japanese karate fighters in return for a bag of rice if the Chinese fighter wins their bout. After the disappearance of one of his friends after one of these matches, Ip Man steps into the ring and challenges 10 of the generals' Japanese fighters at once. The fight is stunning - and Ip Man emerges victorious. This leaves General Miura with a longing to fight the elusive and highly skilled Chinese opponent. He nudges his uninhibited and violent lieutenant to find Ip Man amongst the streets of Fo Shan in the guise that the general wants to enlist the astounding Chinese martial artist to teach the Japanese fighters the Wing Chun technique. Ip Man, having already been given this option after his victory over the 10 Japanese opponents, refuses and goes into hiding, feeling that the Japanese do not have the proper philisophical underpinning in order to absorb the teachings of his martial artistry.Meanwhile, Ip Man's industrious friend, Zhou Qing Quan (Simon Lam), having maintained his cotton mill after the occupation, has been threatened by the northern fighter, Jin Shanzhao, who has ammassed a crew of renegades to try to extract protection money or product from business owners in Fo Shan. Man comes to Quan's aid, and trains his friend's employees to defend themselves for the next visit. When the northerners return, Quan's people are ready - and are backed by Ip Man, who uses a long pole with exceptional skill to ensure that their invaders will never return. This showdown, however, leads to the Japanese learning of Ip Man's wherabouts. With Quan being threatened if he doesn't give up the location of his friend, Ip Man comes forward, surrenduring to the Japanese.The finale is epic - a fight between Ip Man, using Wing Chun, and General Miura, using karate. Fought upon a square stage in the town center, with an audience of Chinese held back at gunpoint by the Japanese occupying army, the anticipation pays off. The chance for Ip Man to give a glimmer of hope to his fellow countrymen has arrived, but it is also a deadly reckoning, as Miura's lieutenant expresses a threat of death to Ip Man should he defeat the general. An amazing instance of fight choreography is displayed. Hiroyuki Ikeuchi had never been trained in any martial artistry before this film, you would never know it...This, combined with Yen's utter mastery of Wing Chun lines this up as one of the most memorable fight scenes ever filmed.Of particular note is the amazing cast and direction. Fluid camerawork, dramatic musical score and an inspired lighting perspective are evident throughout. If you are a fan of Johnny To's Election, Mission, and Triad Election you will see that a number of actors from these excellent films are featured here in Ip Man.This film delivers on many levels:- a biopic historical interpretation of the rise of Wing Chun, one of the world's most popular martial arts disciplines (Bruce Lee's mentor was Ip Man)- a fantastic action film with action sequences directed by the legenday Sammo Hung- an alternative, micro-perspective of the historical drama of the 1930's Japanese occupation of ChinaIf you enoyed Hero, Fearless, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon then you'll like this.
Segal has gone downhill quickly in this one It starts out with one of the worst russian accents ever, mix that with the fact it's hard to understand the audio, the acting is sub-par at best. I mean I love Steven Segal movies, Glimmer man was fantastic, Under Siege 2 was cool. But this movie....... Just don't watch it and save yourself the disappointment. I don't know how it ends, I could only get about 45 minutes through it and I had to turn it off.
Missed Opportunity I saw The Who three times during last years tour. This DVD comes close to capturing their show but has some serious limitations. Picture quality is great, but why must we suffer a jump cut every one to two seconds? Does the director feel this is necessary to maintain our interest? Just when you start to enjoy a scene, you're off to see a super close up of someone or whole hall shot. They should of left the spinning camera zooms back in the sixties. Very distracting. The sound is fair with a somewhat muddy drum and bass mix. And the guests? I can see Eddie Vedder, but Bryan Adams???? Why butcher Who classics just to drag in more guests? Ugh! The band is 5 stars. The DVD missed, it's a 2. A band of this quality deserves more. Hang the director, editor and sound engineer.
There is no excuse for any Nora Ephron movie Anything involving an Ephron siter and Meg Ryan needs to be avoided at all costs by any film fan sporting an IQ over 16. Aside from the classic "climax" scene (which was improvised by Ryan and not part of the original script) this is predictable Hollywood hogwash. Throw this DVD in the trash next to Hanging Up, You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. They are all the same movie - the same BAD movie.
Five Stars for Michael Caine -The Tragedy of Good Intentions This is a wonderful adaptation of Graham Greene's prescient and insightful novel concerning America's likely involvement in Vietnam after the French withdrew from IndoChina during the 1950's. The movie opens with Alden Pyle (Brendan Fraser perfectly cast as the quiet American) floating dead in the river flowing through Saigon. The story then reverts to a chronological order to recount the events leading to his death. The narrator and central character is Thomas Fowler (Michael Caine), a London Times correspondent who has remained emotionally detached from the events of the war but has developed a strong emotional attachment to his mistress Phoung (Do Thi Hai Yen). Pyle meets Fowler and introduces himself as an American interested in helping the Vietnamese with medical aid. When Pyle meets Phoung he is instantly capitivated by her; once he learns that Fowler cannot obtain a divorce from his Catholic wife who has remained in England, he decides to propose to her and offers to marry her in America.As the story progresses, the intricacies of the love triangle are interwoven with the revelation that Pyle is a clandestine US operative supporting a renegade general attempting to move into the power vacuum that the exit of the French and partition of the country will create. There is considerable violence and terrorism portrayed, true to the actual events of the times. As Pyle's role in this violence is revealed, Fowler eventually has to take sides when his assistant Hinh (Tzi Ma) requests his help. Fowler's deceit regarding Phoung and his worldly cynicism offer a stark contrast to the (perhaps misguided) idealism of Pyle near the conclusion of the film. Of course, Fowler's relationship with Pyle and his apparent motive (Phoung) lead to him becoming a suspect of Inspector Vigot (Rade Serbedzija), but Vigot admits that the evidence is all circumstantial and never proceeds further. Meanwhile, the conclusion provides an addendum of the history of the next decade and reveals the powerful accuracy of the novel's insights when viewed with the benefit of historical hindsight.This is a wonderful movie with superb directing and editing, beautiful cinematography (filmed on site in Saigon) and excellent performances by the cast. Micheal Caine shows his versatility; his performance was certainly as good as the other Academy award nominees. (I have not see Adrien Brody in THE PIANIST.)This is a story about the arrogance of power and the tragedy of good intentions that was scheduled to be released shortly after the 9/11 WTC terrorist attack but was kept in the can by the studio given the circumstances and its implicit message regarding American foreign policy. It was only released in late 2002 due to the the strenuous efforts of Micheal Caine and his belief in both the film and his performance. And while it may well be viewed as a commentary on current events, the situations are very different in all respects. This is a wonderful movie and I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys a well told, thought provoking story that raises significant issues about human action and motivations. While I enjoyed it immensely, I rated it only four stars because it is basically a meaningful yet simple story extremely very well told; I believe one more viewing would be sufficient for me. It lacks the action, complexity, emotional impact, or humor that I require to want to purchase a DVD in order to enjoy viewing a film repeatedly and which is my usual criteria for a five star rating.
Disappointment After seeing Casino Royale, I decided the new Bond was okay. I liked the more serious Bond and Daniel Craig did an admirable job. But The Quantum Solace was a big disappointment. Nothing hung together. You didn't know what was going on half of the time and the acting was below average as was the directing. It was like most action films today, just a lot flash and nothing more. Was this a Bond Film? This is a good time for Bond to die and be gone forever.
Sexual decadence before the time of the guillotine I liked this better than Dangerous Liaisons which came out at about the same time. Of course Dangerous Liaisons was very good, and John Malkovich, who played Vicomte de Valmont, is an actor of power, and Glenn Close, who played the Marquise de Merteuil, is highly accomplished, but I preferred the charm of Colin Firth in this film to the brutality of Malkovich, and I thought Annette Bening was just delightful. She played Merteuil with exquisite timing and an ironic witchery and warmth that I shall not soon forget. I preferred her playful, sly wit to Close's cool cynicism.The story comes from a novel by Choderlos de Laclos set in 18th century France that was made into a stage play by Christopher Hampton. It is a cynical satire on human sexuality as well as a very subtle examination of sexual hypocrisy and desire, a kind of oh so sophisticated laugh at bourgeois morality that would have delighted Voltaire and Moliere and greatly amused Shakespeare. It is a tale of elaborate lechery and revenge that backfires because it seems that anybody, even the most jagged rake can fall in love, and thereby become the victim. The central assumption here is the same as that of the Cavalier poets, namely that marriage kills love. As Merteuil says, "You don't marry your lover."Meg Tilly played Madame de Tourvel with subtlety and a riveting passion. One of the great sequences in the movie occurs after she has fallen madly in love with Valmont against her will. She stands outside his doorway in the rain for hours looking adoringly and forlornly up at his window. And then she is allowed to enter and receive a cool reception. Valmont says, "Do you want me to lie to you?" and she replies desperately, "Yes," and then it is her passion that overwhelms him, leading to a beautifully ironic twist. Shortly afterward he sees Merteuil, who has become more like a sister than an ex-lover, and says, "I feel awful." She replies, "Are you surprised? [Pause] You are an awful man." Hanging his head he continues, "Do you think a man can change?" "Yes. [Pause] For the worse."This theme, that it is the beloved who has the power and that once you fall in love you lose all power, is repeated several times in the movie. Valmont pursues women, the harder to get the better, with a relentless and maniacal passion, but once he has them, he immediately loses interest. His making love absentmindedly to Cecile de Volanges (played with wide-eyed innocence and girlish charm by Fairuza Balk) was an incredible irony when we consider what she would cost Gercourt, played with his rather substantial nose in the air by Jeffrey Jones, whom you may recall as the pratfalling principal in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986).There is some insidious philosophy here, some sardonic observations on human nature worth mentioning. One is that the man beloved of women gets most of the reproductive tries, and regardless of his rakishness, is still beloved. Another is that duplicity is the accepted, even required, standard of behavior in society, and that when it comes to sex, one must, perforce, always lie.Milos Forman's direction was invisible and therefore a work of art. The incidental scenes and backdrops depicting the color, squalor and decadence of pre-revolutionary France added just the right amount of atmosphere. The costumes were stunning and much cleaner than they would have been in reality. The elegance and beauty of all the titled people merrily contrasted with the crude ugliness of the common people, rightly reflecting the effete snobbery of the aristocracy before the time of the guillotine.
TERRIBLE MOVIE I loved the first ones stupid humor...it was so stupid it was funny. This one is so stupid its emberrasing...I mean come on a toilett joke in the first 5 minutes? I thought it might be good though even then cuss that sequence was very funny, but the rest of the movie went to the pot...the jokes and the spoofs were just bland...I hated it...a waste of time and money.
Another great Cate Blanchett performance! Cate Blanchett is one of our best actors in the field, and once again, she brings forth an amazing performance in this movie. It is as good as the prequel, Elizabeth. I highly recommend this for the writing, acting and staging.
never liked it I am very much against this movie, for many reasons. Why it has gone down in history as a children's classic, I will never understand. I mean, come on--a jealous witch-stepmother trying to have her stepdaughter killed by a hunter? Telling the hunter to bring Snow White's heart back in a box? Turning yourself into a pathetic old beggar and poisoning an innocent girl with an apple? Not very wholesome in my eyes; it's almost kind of sad that something like this was made for a child's viewing and enjoyment. In reality, this is anything but child material.I will not deny the DVD. It is good--very good. But I hate this movie, and I'm sure that some of you may dislike me for saying that, but it surprises me that people don't see what a horrible film this really is. If you're going to make a horror movie, that's fine, but don't coat it with animation, stick in some "good guys" (in this case, the dwarfs) and call it a children's movie. There are some action films that are more kid-friendly than this. To me, "Snow White" is just too much. It's vulgar, crude, and just altogether violent. Not the kind of Disney movie you need a big, lengthy DVD for. Pick a better quality Disney movie for that.You might completely disagree with me--and please know that I respect your opinion--but I will never be a fan of this movie. Sure, I saw it quite a few times in my day, but the more I realize what it's all made of, the more I resent it. I am sorry, but this is just not a children's movie. It simply isn't. I would regard it as a film for anyone over 10 years old, and that's not the age level that Disney wants for its movies. Again, I respect your opinion if you love the story of Snow White, but I am one of those few who will avoid it at all costs.
The movie that started it all... Because of this particular film, I have been extremely interested in the Renaissance era of Europe. This movie was very finely acted and the footage was gorgeous. Cate Blanchett was superb. Sticks to general facts quite well.
Hours of entertainment I really like these period stories, so I laughed and cried in Wives and Daughters and North and South....definite classics. I didn't get into Cranford as much, but still a great collection for anyone who is into Jane Austin type stories.
Great Movie Bad DVD This DVD didn't play in my home player at all and barely played in my computer. Apparently Anchor Bay has had some issues with DVD quality. I'd suggest renting it first to make sure it plays in your machine.
Serious Contender "Worse film of all times" Forget about Battlefield EarthThis is the real mccoy. It is so bad that hurts.I think that all involved should be arrested and made to watch it again and again
Everyone's a Bigot - Except Paul Haggis As another reviewer noted, the dialogue in this film is, at times, so bad that it is unintentionally funny. The film is an attempt to make us all, especially us White people, feel guilty about how racist and bigoted we are.One example of such bigotry shown in the film is the making fun of how Chinese speak English. My wife is Chinese and I sometimes poke fun at her inability to pronounce words like "brocoli." I thought I loved my wife but thank you Hollywood for letting me know that I actually am bigoted and racist against her. GO BACK TO CHINA, HONEY!I wish the makers of this film could see how my wife, her Chinese friends and Chinese relatives laugh out loud when I try to speak Mandarin. It isn't because they are hate-mongering bigots. It is for the same reason we sometimes laugh at their English: Mispronounciations can be funny.The maker of this film, Paul Haggis, seems to think that he is quite high and mighty as to be an arbiter of the bigoted "little people," lower than himself. He has contrived characters who act as his puppets in a polemic on the racism that he thinks infects all those of us who have not reached his supreme level of consciousness. Haggis, who hails from my native Canada, is the kind of dour, doctrinaire, left-wing automaton that dominate Hollywood and Academia. They claim to promote "tolerance" despite being fanatically intolerant towards anyone who acts, speaks or thinks in a manner they disapprove of.Mr. Haggis would have made a great Red Guard during China's Cultural Revolution.This film is an example of how sick the powers that be in Hollywood have become, both for producing such garbage and then honoring it with an academy award for "Best Picture".
Deep Impact In Deep Trouble Or, why can't these dopey sci-fi writers do the research first? Warning! If you've not seen the movie DO NOT READ THIS as it will blow the story for you.Criticisms and logic-flaws of Deep Impact.1. From the very first scene we know that the writer has already lost the plot; how this got past the producer, I'll never know; the boy-next-door type kid hero peers through his ten cent telescope and sees - a comet! Wow! I wonder why none of the thousands of other amateur astronomers with powerful instruments missed it, not to mention the hundreds of observatories. Oh well I guess they just weren't looking in the right spot. So now we are supposed to believe that the ONE LONE astronomer who calculated the comet's trajectory is the ONLY ONE who worked out that it was on a collision course - duh!2. Here we are one year later (if they are close enough to be seen by a backyard telescope, most comets take only a few weeks to pass by the earth and circle the sun, however this one takes a year ...) and apparently NO-ONE ELSE has twigged that there is a 2 kilometre chunk of ice heading for us ... so the President decides to keep it a secret. But then after he does announce it to the world, not much happens. In reality, people would immediately start panic-buying. Within a few days ALL the shops would be out of stock. People would stop going to work to protect their families as the survivalist "it's us or them" mentality sets in. Society collapses very quickly under these conditions, the utilities collapse, marshal law is established for a while until the military chain of command also caves in. Religious revival, rioting, looting, anarchy on a global scale ... money would mean nothing, the stock markets crash within days ... but in the movie this did not happen until just before the comet hit ... strange ...3. The Russians (bless their little hearts) come to the rescue by SECRETLY (oh yeah? How do you hide a spaceship the size of a battleship in orbit?) constructing a shiny big new spaceship with a TOTALLY NEW AND UNTESTED NUCLEAR FUSION DRIVE IN ONE YEAR! A kind of turbo spaceship, probably made out of bits of the scrapped Mir. If the Russians can't even build a measly new trailer-home-sized module for the new international spacestation in several years, let alone a completely new propulsion system (where the hell did they test this thing?) ... well you be the judge. I'd rather believe that it was powered by Yeltsin's vodka stock.4. The gung-ho Yank crew with token Cool Russian behind the wheel (piloting the ship like he was driving his Lada through Moscow traffic) race off to blow up the comet (didn't anyone bother to tell them that even if they did blow it up, all the pieces are still gonna be travelling at the same speed and in the same direction? Look guys, listen up, I'll say this just once, what you gotta do is ALTER ITS DAMN COURSE - NOT BLOW IT INTO A MILLION LITTLE PIECES, ALL TRAVELLING AT THE SPEED OF A BULLET, THAT WILL COME RAINING DOWN ON OUR CITIES LIKE A COSMIC SHOTGUN BLAST!) but instead of flying PARALLEL to the swirling ball of ice, the stupid twits fly RIGHT UP ITS TAIL! Well I suppose if Yuri or whatever the driver's name was, is used to dodging all those potholes in Moscow, then a few meteors spewing out from the comet's tail is a piece of piss! Pity that this damaged the ship though.5. So after they finally detonate the cool nuclear explosives and split the comet into 2 big bits instead of millions of small ones, they retreat and lick their wounds wondering what to do now that they have failed. They argue about not having enough fuel to return to the comet and have another go. Excuse me? Did I miss something? Aren't they travelling at the same speed and direction as the comet? Only further away to avoid the shockwave of the blast - even though in space there is nothing to propagate ashockwave ... it would only take a minor course correction to return them to the comet. Ah but we need all that unnecessary drama don't we? Or do we?6. So finally the small bit impacts in the Atlantic with the predictable VERY BIG SPLASH. It would've been nice to see this from the crew's perspective - the panic in their eyes as a second later as they ploughed into the pillar of lava that would be spewing up from the miles-wide fissure that has opened up in the continental shelf (which the computer animators completely forgot about) - right behind the REALLY BIG BIT as it dug itself into the crater left by the first bit. Research please! Who consulted the astronomers? Fire them!7. And what was all that tosh the Prez was spouting about survivors being able to come out of their nice warm cavern to the surface in TWO years? Try 10,000 years mate. There's a very good reason the dinosaurs are only in the museums and computers. The dust cloud would cover the earth for at least that long, the temperatures at the equator would be minus 20 within a month, and you can forget about finding any food. All plants and animals (and people, except those living near volcanic hot springs) would have died from the volcanoes and earthquakes and choking fumes and volcanic dust and ... oh you get the picture ... that would shake the planet for hundreds of years after ... But that wouldn't have been much fun would it? It would have been more believable to have Superman leap out of his wheelchair and push the comet into the sun. But he's just never around when you need him is he?Peter Enright Moscow Aug. 1998
Poor transfer I was extremely disappointed by the blu-ray edition of The Third Man. The digital transfer is exceedingly poor and the image looks very grainy. The movie is as thrilling as always but the image leaves a lot to be desired.
Lesson well Done When Roots aired 25 years ago, I was in my first year of graduate school. But those few nights of Roots did something that elementary, junior high, high school and college (and I graduated from a historically all Black university)never did. It gave me an identity! It told me who I am, where I came from and the trials and tribulations I had to go through to get where I am. It also inspired me to trace my family roots. I was able to trace one side of my family back to South Carolina, 1823! To those of you under the age of 25 and to those with children under the age of 25, Black, White, Hispanic, etc, glue them to their seats for this is TRULY AN AMERICAN STORY!
Ben Affleck Saves The Free World! Putting an historical event of huge proportion like Pearl Harbor into the hands of producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Michael Bay is kind of like asking the folks who created Looney Tunes to produce a documentary on the Nuremberg trials."Pearl Harbor" emerges as a big, noisy, special effects laden cartoon with its centerpeice not really being December 7, 1941, but a cliche ridden love triangle between the movie's three stars(but then how else do you get the 12-17 year olds into a theater these days?).The producers and writers of "Pearl Harbor" have taken the event that launched America into the second World War, added an "Armageddon"-like plot formula, some cardboard characters and have come up with a video-game simulation that falls just this short of trivializing history--Heaven help us if in sometime in the hopefully very distant future, this team gets its hands on 9.11.01"Pearl Harbor" has its moments, though.The recreation of the attack itself is nothing short of magnificent and Jon Voight's FDR is a pleasaure to watch.**************************************"Pearl Harbor" comes in a two disc package that incudes a "making of" documentary and a featurette about the real heroes of December 7, 1941.Video and sound quality are excellent.
Loved The Movie Ghost in blue-ray was perfect.The item arrived as stated new and in excellent condition as seller said.
Cool! As a 13 year old kid, I luv this movie. It is hilarious and Jim Varney does an excellent job. I highly recommend this movie and other Ernest movies for a night full of laughs!
Borat - Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Total disappointment. Wish we would have turned it off rather than endure whole film.
Do you speak French? If not then stay away from this thing. It does not translate at all. Jeez, you would think we'd at least get an accent or two considering that the setting is obviously somewhere in Europe for crying out loud?Anne Parillaud plays the killer in desperate need of a [...] enhancement. The French guy from The Patriot plays her opposite, very convincingly too if you turn off the sound. Incredibly, this movie is much better in French without the subtitles. Better than a sleeping pill. [...]
Still Amazing! Love the Tim Burton's Batman. It looks a bit better on Blu-ray but what it really has is amazing sound. Great buy!
Three oranges from Amsterdam Prokofiev opera The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33 is generally regarded as a masterpiece of the twentieth century opera. This new and brilliant DVD version of the opera is from a 2005 performance at the De Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam. Until now, the only DVD for this opera was an Arthaus DVD of an opera film that uses as soundtrack the very good Nagano recording, with singers performing lip synchronization. Let me say, that for my taste, the new Opus Arte DVD is vastly superior as a whole theatrical experience and it is currently first choice for this opera on DVD.The stage director and designer of the Dutch production is the young French director Laurent Pelly. There are other four opera productions of his on DVD. All are really knockouts: Rameau's Platee, and Offenbach's Orphee aux enfers, La belle Helene and La Grande-Duchesse de Gerolstein (all conducted by Marc Minkowski). The high level of inspiration of this very talented director is evident here too: this is a fascinating show with some spectacular set pieces.One of the major figures in the opera is the King of Clubs. In the second scene of act one there is a card game between the wizard Chelio (Sir Wilard White, impressive as ever) and the evil magician Fata Morgana (the very funny Anna Shafajinskaja). So almost all the scenery is made of huge cards that are moving on stage and are forming all kinds of shapes and labyrinths. Parts of the costumes are made of cards too, like the funny skirts a few dancers are wearing while they try to amuse the depressed prince. This is a mercurial and colorful production. There is never a dull moment. It is very hard to describe it. It really should be seen!The musical side of the production is no less successful. Stéphane Denève (a name new to me) conducts the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. In an interview that is added to the show, the conductor discusses the difficulties in the conducting of a piece like this, where everything happens so quickly, so one has to be very accurate and efficient in the coordination between the orchestra and the vast cast. Denève is doing a great job. There is all the raw energy, prickliness and acidulous satire that you expect from an early Prokofiev work.The playing of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra is truly amazing. The orchestra played a lot with Valery Gergiev, so they definitely know how this kind of music should sound. I was especially impressed with the brilliant brass playing. The second time I watched the DVD, I listened with my earphones. It is a constant joy to listen to Prokofiev's brilliant use of the lower brass. I think that tuba players have to thank him...The Love for Three Oranges is an opera with a relatively huge cast. It does not needs great voices like the ones needed in Verdi, Puccini or Wagner. But it needs great actors. All the singers in this production are really excellent in this aspect. The opera is sung in the original French. The existence of a few native speakers here ensures perfect pronunciation: Martial Defontaine is the Prince; Alain Vernhes is his father, the King. The wonderful Sandrine Piau is the Princess Ninette. Francois Le Roux is the Prime Minister Leandre. From the other singers, Serghei Khomov especially impressed me as an outstanding Truffaldino and Richard Angas as the hilarious gigantic cook (Wow, what an outfit...)Technical quality is first class. I warmly recommend it to everyone who loves modern opera, and in particular to any Prokofiev fans.
With no question, the absolute greatest piece of animation!! First and foremost, Bah weep grahnah weep nini bong! Where do I start? I won't lie, I cried like a red-headed step child, my hero, the personification of all that is good and true gett'n slagged by that treacherios swine (and then Prime died a few dozen more times in the series and I got over it). Just about all the characters are there (even though half of them loose there sparks). Anyway I'm rambling, this movie is an absolute must for transfans and for animation lovers of all ages (but only if you were born in the 80's). In summery, great animation, solid plot, and good if sometimes a bit cheesy soundtrack. I command you; BUY THIS MOVIE. Autobots, transform and roll out!
BRIC-BRAC STREET This is iron-on melodrama with a great turn by Vera Miles as a vindicative priveliged wife. John Gavin could have been replaced by a fire hydrant, and delivered the same performance.
Colorized Version Stinks!!!!!! The colorized version of this timeless holoday classic is a complete desecration of the original black and white presentation. The garish washed out colors (done in 1988 by Colorization Inc.), destroys the shadow and picture contrasts and kills the entire mood and tone of the film.Go with the original black and white version. You will enjoy the pathos of George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart), who attempts to commit suicide after a financial breakdown but is stopped by his guardian angel who shows him the importance of his life...This is a true holiday classic that is strictly meant to be seen in B&W;!!!!!!!
Laugh your .....and find a sickening adoration for vermin. I watched first the Ah! My Goddess ovas, then the movie when it came out. I was touched by the romantic story and character design, all which make the sensitive side in me get beaten up by the sports jock side of me. The straight truth, however, concerning the Mini-Goddesses and Ganchan is that it throws out everything story wise from the movie and series,(except the goddesses and their presence), for the sake of comedy. So if you dislike seeing the beautiful goddesses shrunk down to the size of cell phones, the near complete absence of K1,(inside joke for japanese language students, Keichi), the overwhelming presence of a rat, and a main focus on just Urd and Skald,. .....then skip Mini-Goddess.If you said no to the above, super.Now to the grits of the Mini-Goddesses. First off, as mentioned above, you can get a taste of the series on the dvd of the Ah! My Goddess movie.(great movie). If the hook sets in properly, then continue on to the Mini-Goddesses dvd. Each episode is approximately five minutes long,(not counting credits), and is basically stand alone story lines involving Urd, Skald, and the rat, Ganchan. The stories are as grounded in truth as much as Ronald McDonald is acclaimed as a serious dramatic actor. To give a point of reference, the Mini-Goddesses emerged from a panel cartoon consisting of perhaps three to four panels; hence their shortness, lack of continuity, and hardly any grounding in reality.The complaint that it has an educational slant is entirely out of base. One of the running gags of the show is that Belldandy pops up and gives real short lectures,(it happens maybe twice?). Utterly, Mini-Goddesses is a straight up comedy that while often time using a poor rodent as a punching bag, its still repeatedly entertaining.At
The FUNNIEST Movie This movie was hilarious, from beginning to end. Some of my friends laughed until they almost choked, which makes me wonder if they had paramedics standing by at the theatres when it first came out. Funny play on Olde Worlde England was my favorite feature, and utter stupidness of some of the people even more funny. If you are in for a (rather gross) comedy, this is the one to get
My eyes! Oh God my eyes! This is, without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen. Bad acting, sick jokes that aren't funny in the least, and enough sex to almost be porn. Sickening, and disgusting, and I honestly don't see how anyone could enjoy it in the least. I have seen some of the most grotesque movies ever, without flinching, but half the time I couldn't watch this utter ****.
The good old days ruined by modern thought and actions The location was scouted. The stage was set. The players were interviewed and chosen. The show looked promising at first.When will PBS ever learn? You can not place modern people who are brainwashed with modern principles and expect them to follow the rules without bickering, whining, complaining and crying.The females are too bossy and pushy to be ladies of the house. The males are too wimpy and henpecked to be the masters of the house. PBS must interview these people better and ask them questions about the household structure and how they feel about it. That's the only way that they will ever find a suitable family for these shows.All that the mom did was whine and complain. Nothing ever made her happy. First she complained that there was too much housework. So, she hired a maid. She did not supervise her maid very well. She said that she did not know how to reprimand her for being late on more than one occasion. Rather than doing the right thing and handling it properly and directly , she wrote her a letter firing her. Then she went back to complaining that she had too much housework to do and that she was bored with it.The husband/dad did not even have enough guts to stand up to his wife and daughter and tell them that they could not perform that silly feminist song at the theater. Any real man would have stood up to them, so as to not ruin the reputation of the family. In those days theater people were considered lowest of the low. No self respecting man would put up with such nonsense from his wife and daughter.What's the point of PBS going to all of the trouble and expense of doing a historical recreation if they do not even bother to enforce their own rules? It demeans the show and therefore the whole project, as well.
Stinker movie with a great cast I thought this would be a great action movie, but it put me to sleep. The plot was too convoluted and boring.
For All Those Who Are Fans Of The 1959 Otto Preminger Movie! This two-tape version actually was superb but it doesn't compare with Samuel Goldwyn's 1959 Otto Preminger-directed version with Sidney Poitier, Dorothy Dandridge, Sammy Davis, Jr., Pearl Bailey, Diahann Carroll and Brock Peters. For all those who are major fans of and are interested in the 1959 version, feel free to E-Mail me!
This Midnight Madness version stinks & is defective. I bought this because I have the Starz/AnchorBay blu ray box set in the plastic cube box. While the quality of that disc is great and there are a lot of extras, including interviews with the main cast etc, the discs (Hellraiser Blu Ray, Hellraiser SD, and Hellraiser 2 SD), are stuck in the hard plastic cube case and are a bit scratched. So far, they play, but I am worried the scratches may affect play later on.While this new Image/Lakeshore Entertainment blu ray version is not scratched, the quality seems to be a bit inferior to the Starz/Anchor Bay one.In the opening scene right after Frank takes the box from the merchant, you see a few very large blue flashes (scratches) in the print, that are not present in the Starz/Anchor Bay disc. The S/AB print is a bit cleaner as well.I hope the rest of the print is not inferior. I also ordered Hellraiser 2 on Blu Ray and am looking at it now for defects.
Essence of the Dominican Republic This video really is the essence of the Dominican Republic. It shows from a Dominican viewpoint life in New York. Balbuena (the main character)is hilarious. A very heartwarming story of the struggle immigrants face in the United States. Also see the 1st movie Nueba Yol 1. It is excellent as well.
Feedback Ordered Eraser on DVD 10/17 and received on October 24 (fast delivery). This is a very action packed movie from beginning to end with great casting; very good story line. We watched this twice on TV, but it is not shown very much, so we ordered a copy. Thanks!
Smoked me I've always been a fan of Jillian Michaels and this dvd was all that I was expecting. I love circuit type workouts and this one kicked my butt! I ended up using a 15lb dumbbell and that made the workout better for my level, but it was easy enough for beginners and hard enough for more advance types to really get a good sweat out of it. I also like how she isn't annoying like so many other workout programs. This is definitely a workout dvd I'm sticking with.
Tinker,Tailor.Soldier,Spy, DVD The drama and acting are superb and worth the watch. And pay attention- as whispers become plot turners.The DVD is poor quality and has many and frequent hiccups, stops, freezes, sound and picture freeze- ups which are damned annoying and make you work for the experience. It could be the transfer of medium from the BBC video to American video protocol.Well, it was not a success.Beware the poor DVD recording quality and interrupted playback and freeze frame glitches.I would get it somewhere else which will allow returns for poor quality DVD transfer.Summary:The Drama =successThe medium of sale and delivery= failed, tolerable at best, to get to the drama.I would not take another chance with these BBC transferred videos.I would send this DVD back if I could.This DVD should not have been sold.http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005DXCO94/ref=cm_cr_rev_prod_img
TERRIBLE! This is by far the worst entry in the series. The problem lies with the movie itself. The film is just so boring. The chases are pointless. The two very small high points are the scene where Bond and Scarmanga are back to back with their guns and Moore as Bond. Otherwise absolutlely terrible!
The Rules Of The Road "Joy Ride" directed by John Dahl has a nice visual style to it. There are some scenes that really work well. They were able to combine comedy, and suspense at once. Which might sound easier said than done. There were decent, fun performances by the cast which was heading by Paul Walker, Leelee Sobieski, and the person many say has a scene-stealing role Steven Zahn. I'm not going to lie, there were some parts in the very beginning and the end of the film that I liked. The ending is definitely what you would call a "nail biter". I think a good number of teens will probably enjoy the film to some extent. And I usually I'm ALWAYS defending "teen" movies. Just check my reviews if you don't believe me! But, the main and most important problem I had with this movie was the fact that it's too predictable! I saw this movie with some friends of mine, and I was literally calling the next scene. I knew when the film was "playing" or "teasing" us with certain scenes making of believe certain people could be the maniac that was after them.Back in 1971 Steven Spielberg made his directing debut in a tv movie called "Duel" starring Dennis Weaver. That movie, while not a masterpiece, had more excitment to it than "Joy Ride" did. The most importmant thing when dealing with a movies like this is that the viewer must identify with the characters. The viewer has to find the characters likeable, we have to WANT to watch them for 90 minutes or 2 hours or whatever. "Joy Ride" does reach this goal, sorta. Most teens will like this movie for what it is. But, if you've ever seen a lot of movies, and I'm not talking about movies made in the last 2 or 3 years. I mean if your a serious filmbuff, you'll find "Joy Ride" to be predictable. If your looking for a good scare go and watch "The Others" or the just released "From Hell". Both films are much better than this. Just to give everyone an example of how stupid some scenes were I'll explain one to you. There is a scene were Sobieski, Walker, and Zahn are running away from the truck driver, who happens to be in his truck. Now, for the sake of arguement, lets just say this guy is driving 5-10 mph. How on Earth can these 3 people out run a truck!? And, just so you know, the truck was not going anywhere near 5-10 mph. I would guess at least 30. It's unbelieveable scenes like this and the predictablity rate that ruined this film for me. So, despite the fact I wanted to like it, I just couldn't. It was a nice try though. ** 1\2 out of *****
Logic Out The Window This movie has great effects and thats about it. The layers of logic that were established in the first 2 movies are pretty much gone. The rules seem to change constantly to keep the story going. If all the rules of the Matrix would have remained intact the humans would have totally lost. But being Hollywood there always has to be some type of "happy" ending.
HP This is the third year for Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry. So far the books and the movies just keep on getting better! I don't think that this is a good books for little kids but for teenagers or adults it is the best! And do not forget to check out the other Harry Potter books and movies! They are really worth it!
Don't waste your time with this movie I wish I could give this movie a Zero star rating, not a thing was tolerable, script, acting, accuracy in filming, both camera use and geographically. On top of all of this, the movie has nothing to do with the Jersey Devil legend that is well known in New Jersey. If any one has heard anything about the legend being linked to a Native-American tribe, please let me know. I was born and raised in South Jersey. I grew up on Jersey Devil lore, and that has never been mentioned in any of the stories or books.If you want to see something about the Jersey Devil, I suggest, but not highly, you watch season 1 of the X-Files, one of first episodes covered the Jersey Devil or the movie The Last Broadcast. Neither of these cover the full story of the Jersey Devil, but do a better job then this movie.One question I would love to ask the filmmakers of the 13th child, is whatever happened to the story at the heart of the Jersey Devil? The story of the Leed child? This is a more interesting story.
Just Bought This On DVD? ... the DVD was released by Elite Entertainment. The features on the DVD include: widescreen, two commentaries, trailers, and best of all, 20 extra minutes of the film. This is the unrated edition, and it's well worth looking for.
Not brilliant, but enjoyable nonetheless This movie--and it's a movie, not a film--features contrived plot twists, an improbable romance, and predictable writing. It's light in every way--just a little scary, just a little romantic, just a little funny. This is not sophisticated movie-making.However, I have moments when I want a little brain candy to keep my interest without stretching my intellect. And in those moments, I confess, this is what I drag out. Here's the plot: two rival newspaper reporters investigate a suspicious train crash, despise each other, are endangered, fall in love, solve the case. I hope I didn't give too much away. Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte don't have the snappy reparte that the screenwriters were so obviously going for, but close. They're both great-looking and winsome enough to root for. Predictably, Robert's character is smart and sassy, while Nolte plays a womanizing rogue. The glowering but still incompetent bad guys threaten the daring duo without disturbing your dreams. It's not the screwball comedy to which it's paying homage, but it's a grade-B imitation of an enjoyable genre, and sometimes that's enough. Watch it with butter on your fingers.
The horror, the horror.... GOOD GOD! This is butchery! The added scenes were terrible! The music was absolutley asstacular! Why? Whyyyyyy? The only reason that I gave this movie a two was because it still contains some of the classic film. I'm suprised that the genius who thought up the idea to add those horrible scenes didn't just ditch the whole movie and just remake it starring that damn preacher.
Horrid... This is going to sound like an exaggeration...but this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.I will admit that I didn't have high hopes for this film. I mean, it didn't come out in theaters (at least in the U.S.), which is never a good sign, no movie store seems to have it in stock, and I read some pretty crippling reviews right here on good ol' Amazon. But hey, I gave it a shot. Boy, was that a mistake...First of all, here's a quick synopsis: Years ago, King Hrothgar (Stellan Skarsgard) killed a troll, but took pity on the troll's son, Grendel (Ingvar Eggert Sigurosson), and left him alone. Grendel, now full-grown, is seeking revenge on Hrothgar's kingdom. Hearing of Hrothgar's plight, the fierce warrior Beowulf (Gerard Butler) comes to help the king kill Grendel. Along the way Beowulf meets a witch/prostitute named Selma (Sarah Polley) and discovers that trolls have feelings too.Now, we all know that Stellan Skarsgard and Gerard Butler are great actors, but in this movie they fumble with a halting and painfully corny script. The script affects the acting, and the acting affects the film.Secondly, though Sarah Polley is a lovely actress, she seems very misplaced in this film. She's the ONLY character with an American accent and, in an age-old Anglo-Saxon myth, this is very, very out of place. In addition, the small amount of weight that Gerard Butler has put on around the stomach area draws a little from his role as an unstoppable, highly-trained warrior.The battle scenes are unnecessarily gory, with fake-looking and very blood-soaked limbs flying left and right. They seem primitive compared to the battle scenes of other films. The scene in which Beowulf fights Grendel's mother is especially bad - there's lots of shrieking and strobe-light-esque movements that seem almost comical in this day and age.The only things that can be said in this movie's defense are that the sweeping Iceland landscapes are breathtaking and the Celtic monk (Eddie Marsan) is mildly-amusing in his efforts to convert everyone.1-star...please don't waste 103 minutes of your life on this film.
False, Hateful, Shameful! I can no more watch this film as a masterpiece of cinema than I can read Hitler's Mein Kampf as a mere classic of German prose. The art of movie making would have made its inevitable progress with this blatantly racist and propagandistic farce. It's said that Griffith was merely naive and didn't intend to stir up a fuss, but in fact this movie was a major stimulant to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan, which by the way was as aggressive toward Catholics in its second reincarnation as against African-Americans. The portrayal of Reconstruction in Birth of a Nation is either nonsense or else deliberate falsehood; read any solid historical study of the events and you'll soon see that The Birth of a Nation is hardly a simple depiction of any reality. The myth of the Lost Cause and the invaded South! Smug hypocricy and self-serving self-delusion! And to argue that Birth of a Nation is merely a product of its era, not to be judged by later standards of civilization, is a degrading insult to America and its heritage of justice for all! There WERE people of compassion and fairness in the USA in the second decade of the 20th Century, but you'd never know it from watching The BIRTH of a Nation. I despise this film. The only reason I'm reviewing it now is that my daughter was compelled to watch it in a college class.
Great seller to buy from Good price, mint condition and fast shipping. The sell was great the price was perfect for a dvd you can not get in stores any more due to it being locked in the vault. Thank you
Old Bonanza Episodes Are 10 Time Funnier I started watching this movie, got about 15 minutes into it, shut it off. What an extreme waste of talent for to of the funniest men in the world. No wonder this DVD doesnt sell and isnt available, and there's no reviews, i'm wasting my typing right now. Later on.
Thanks, Nick If you're in doubt about whether there's any value to Star Trek films for those outside their fanbase, I have two words for you: Nicholas Meyer. No one who directed original cast or Next Generation Star Trek movies (not even Nimoy and certainly not Shatner) ever had a feel for what the whole series was about to equal Nick Meyer's. ST II: The Wrath of Khan is arguably the best Star Trek episode ever (on film or TV, old generation or next), and Meyers' second effort is even better in some ways. Chris Eidelmann's score is also the equal of James Horner's, appropriate to this darker tale. Even if there had been no Star Trek universe for this story to play in, it would stand by itself as a very good film about friendship and the hopefulness for humanity that originally inspired Gene Roddenberry. Absolutely worth your time, even if Star Trek's not your usual cup of tea. "It's about the future!"
Worst video ever I was so frustrated with this video, I had to write a review. His directions are endless and meaningless. He will go on and on about nothing, and then curtly cue for the next move. I have only been able to get through the first 20 minutes, and I get so frustrated, I have to quit. I'll be hanging out in a pose, and then I hear him say something that can't be done from where I am and realize he has changed poses. Somewhere along the way, I missed his cue. I go back to see how I missed it. It's because he will only say "down" or "float", and that basically is the cue to change to something else. I found myself trying to be ultra vigilant so as not to miss any cues. This is no way to "lose" yourself into the poses.I would not be surprised to learn the five star reviews are from paid reviewers. Quite a few of the five star reviews are not "verified purchasers".
more than just a simple story. in terms of speaking, candyman is more than just the usual gory horror film typical of most clive barker screen adaptations. candyman in a sense pulls ahead of the rest of the pack because of the rather subliminal psychological implications that the occurences of the story seem to indicate. although it may seem simple enough to dismiss the chaos experienced by the character helen lyle and her obsession with the legend of the candyman, it also seems more and more likely that the story incorporates the idea that perhaps the candyman doesn't exist and that the strange occurences are all perpetrated by helen herself as she sinks into madness driven by her obsession with the legend of the candyman. not only does this seem likely if the movie is observed with the idea of the candyman as a figment of everyone's imagination, only helen seems to believe that he is real and is incapable of understanding let alone explaining her madness created by her obsession. now this is only a mere speculation but it seems like a viable option for explaining the nature of the chaos in the film. i see it as not only a well-made original horror film but a psychological thriller as well, outlining helen's downward spiral into violent psychosis. well. up until the last scene. that part is what makes me doubt the validity of my claim.
The Best Batman Movie I bought the one-disc version of Batman Begins before. I wanted to know everything about Batman Begins & this is why I wanted the two-disc version of the movie. I saw all of behind the scenes & the graphic novel version of Batman. For all of the Batman fans out there, I recommend you to buy the 2-disc version of Batman Begins!
Most boring Disney movie ever! I thought that the Horned King was creepier than Judge Claude Frollo himself and even Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent! What makes it even more boring though is that there is barely any plot in the movie! No wonder it failed in the box office!
One Of My Favorite Seasons! Amazing Season But I Wish The Japanese Audio Was Up To Par With The English, The Japanese Episodes Are So Much Better Anyways =/. But For The Cost And How Good The Season Is Theres Not Much You Can Complain About, The Remastered Video Is Nice.
Looks amazing. if you are a dark knight fan you will love the quality. You can see every detail i love this movie.
Great movie that ranks along with 'Beauty and the Beast' "Aladdin" is another delightful Disney classic, with a simple plot, which is easier to follow on than 'Beauty and the Beast.' A "street rat" homeless young man, Aladdin, is targeted for opening a magical cave by a sinister adviser, Jafar. Inside the cave lies piles of treasure. But the most precious item in the cave that Jafar wants-a magic lamp with a genie (voiced by the scene-stealing Robin Williams).A movie that ranks along with 'Beauty and the Beast' with its delightful animation, genuine suspense, wonderful score by Alan Menken and Tim Rice, hilarious one-liners by Gilbert Gottifried (Jafar's wise-cracking pet parrot) and the Genie, sweet romantic songs, and a plot that will please adults as well as the kiddies.A movie that doesn't exactly exceed the original plot that the wonderful 'Beauty and the Beast' had, "Aladdin" succeeds by wit and charm, and is in a way, great.
Melodramatic soap opera with politically correct overtones. I've heard many fine things about "Gone with the Wind" and criteria is usually the mark of quality so I was suprised to see a well-done but strangely shallow film. The acting is first-rate--who could be more tempremental as Scarlett O'Hara than Vivien Leigh, more dashing as Rhett Butler than Clark Gable or more angelically good as Melanie than Olivia di Havilland?--and the cienematography, art direction and costume design is undeniably gorgeous but from here on I part company with the film's devotees.The first problem I had was the direction of the writing material. The dialogue is shallow, the characterizations cardboard and the political overtones appalling. Scarlett O'Hara is a royal shrew who whines and connives her way through life while her family and friends struggle to put up with her antics. You sit scratching your head wondering if she'll let all the trials and tribulations throughout the plot slowly transform her into a mature, sensible and charming woman. She never does even when it looks like it might happen. Secondly, the screenplay writer's bias to the "Good Ol' South" made my stomach hurt (and I'm a Florida cracker, so don't dismiss me as an ignorant Yankee.) Apparently, slaves are DYING to be with their masters and fight the 'evil' Yankees. I'm not saying a slave wouldn't feel moral obligations towards his master if his master treated him well (such as in Mammy's case) but it stretched credulity to have a whole group of slaves march off to fight for the South. And that one scene, where it's implied but never shown that the Ku Klux Klan goes out at night to clean out a nest of highwaymen for the safety of the community--JEEPERS--you must be joking. I really had a hard time swallowing THAT one. Why not tell the truth about how slave-traders ran brothels to make more slaves to sell, beat their field workers to death and subjected them to other unspeakable crueties?No, I'm not an insensitive young whippersnapper who hates old movies. I like On the Waterfront, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ben-Hur, etc.) What's so special about On the Waterfront is Terry's character development. How he grew from a charming, rude punkish scoundrel and D and D sheep to a fearless warrior for the cause of truth and justice on the docks. What's so special about To Kill a Mockingbird is how Atticus Finch stood up in court for what he sincerely believed was the truth even though nearly everyone ridiculed him simply because the man he defended was black. But where was that in Gone With the Wind? I didn't see it?The only reason I can think of as to why the media continues to praise "Gone With the Wind" as a landmark in the history of filmmaking is because they are afraid to contradict what has garnered heaps and heaps of praise throughout the decades. I say, wake up, forget the technical aspects (acting, film-working, direction, etc.) and judge a film for what it really is.Two Stars.
Perfectly Cast Movie! Contrary to some of the reviewers, I believe Melanie was the perfect choice for lead in this movie. The most unforgettable scene in this movie is her sitting on the bar stool at the business party where she's overdressed but stunning and after drinking too much tequila, delivers her most memorable line to Harrision Ford, "I've got a head for business and a bod for sin, Is there anything wrong with that?" This movie has stunning NYC scenery, Hilarious supporting cast and great music. One of my all-time favorites.
007 BOND !!!!!!!!!!!! sean connery adds a certain style to all his bond movies. great movie and i would go on a date with barbara carreraany day of the week.
I don't know if I want to live in a world where so many people like "Keith" This film can only be compared to giving yourself paper cuts in all of the tender parts of your body while sitting in a bathtub full of lemon juice and broken glass and reading Nicholas Sparks. One of the many places where the film fails utterly is in the development of the female protagonist. Although the film introduces her as someone with a decent future and a fairly normal teenage psyche (despite the fact that the actress playing her is actually about 30- look it up people), our lovely leading lady is immediately infected with the insidious destructiveness that is Keith. Not only does Keith lead her to give up on her athletic career and her academic prowess, he also apparently decimates her self-esteem and robs her of her virginity. In short, Keith, like a gut-sucking intestinal parasite, takes everything from this poor girl, leaving her with an inconceivable sense of loss for the person who, for lack of better phrasing, ruined her life and gave her very little in return except for an appreciation for thrift store bowling balls and giving up on life.
HORRIBLE MOVIE Please don't waste your time with this film unless you're a historian looking for a good laugh. This movie is just a bunch of overweight "historical" reactors running around in the woods playing army. There was no bloodshed depicted in the movie, just a "bang" and the people fall down dead. I guess they didn't want to risk staining their genuine imitation uniforms.My high school film project looked better than this...No attention whatsoever was paid to historical accuracy - according to the film, only two landing craft are all it took to invade France in 1944. Apparently, the gestapo wore more leather than the village people! A T-28 Trojan which first flew in 1949, was used for close air support for the allied troops near the end of the film, along with a T-6 Texan which was never used in US military combat.I honestly can't explain why I wasted two hours of my life watching this film in entirety, but don't waste yours.
So much more could've been done with Angelina I had heard that Angelina Jolie had outshown Winona Ryder in this movie. I dissagree. I was a bit disappointed in that they chose to have Angelina's character so over the top. She is a good actress, and could have handled more depth to her character. You never really saw what drove her. I recognize that this was to illustrate her dominating character and maybe to keep focus on Winona's character. However, Angelina's character was a counterpoint to Winona's and could have been used to show how the balance of power was changing. Winona Ryder played a girl institutionalized by her own hand. Ironically, this was because her parents told her to do so and could not have done so without her cooperation. She is pulled by many people and it shows she is recovering when she says "No" to a boyfriend when he asks her to run away with him. This young woman's illness was giving too many people control over her life and her only control (or so she thought) was to end that life. Her acting was spectacular and very subtle. Her big brown eyes conveyed all the levels of emotion she was feeling. It was a good movie and illustrates that some "mental illnesses" are in many ways environmentally triggered, which is all more the pity. Seeing this before American Beauty was an interesting comparison. In American Beauty, the inmates are in control.
Skeletal Fitness review If you've gotten a diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia from your doctor, this video is just the prescription for beginning to rebuild your bone mass. Mirabai Holland begins with a clear explanation of what weight bearing, bone loading exercise can do for you and then leads you through a step-by-step workout that you can easily do at home.After doing the workout for a while you really feel good about taking charge of your body and doing something positive just for yourself. I found myself smiling back at the TV screen as Mirabai assures you that these exercises will make you stronger and more fit for life.This would be a great gift for your women friends and relatives!
y tu mama ......tambien This movie,is good movie because the movie shows how important is enjoy your life,because you never know when you will died,so lets see this incredible history of love.
Good action scenes, most everything else is dull and bland No Escape isn't exactly meant to be a fascinating look at our future. It wants to be a turbo-charged action/adventure, and even at those levels it doesn't quite succeed. Granted, the movie has 2 very exciting action sequences, particularly the opening chase sequence and the big battle between the two rival colonies on the island. However, just about everything else is dull, bland, and lifeless. Everything is done in a routine manner that it just gets boring after a while. This isn't worth watching, and not fast-paced enough as an enjoyable action film.
Bubbles, bubbles, BUBBLES!!! I loved this movie. I laughed so hard I cried. Ellen Degeneres is hilarious provding the voice of Dory. I was hysterical through the whole talking to the whales scene. Brilliant for children and adults alike.
Too many shallow people in one DVD Regrets that I spent time watching Laurel Canyon which fails to capture the excitement and free spirit of independent musicians and producers. Laurel Canyon attempts to explore the relationships of upper middle class young adults and their parents. The script is unworthy of the quality actors. Finally the possibility of being a mature adult who is capable of enjoying life is explored in the most superficial ways....
charlie brown christmas on DVD great brings back childhood memories and ensures that future grandchildren will be able to enjoy. The moral and outlook for the future make this classic one of my favorites.
Ug, just read the review Now first of all I like Freddie but the only problem is all the movies that he's in are romantic comedies. I find him to be a very talented actor and I would really like to see him branch out into other movies that don't scream "teen flick!" Now about the movie. The acting was good, and some of the jokes where funny but there's just ONE problem. There was no plot. It just tells about a guy and girl that like eachother and is trying to stay together. Nothing intresting actually happens during it. I almost feel asleep in my chair at the theater! If you feel some strange need to see this movie rent it, but don't say I didn't warn you about it.
Difficult to describe, but a must-see Wow. How can a person describe all of the elements this film provides? You just have to see it. The characters (Begbie in particular) were painful to watch, but I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I found myself rooting for the protagonist, Mark Renton, even through all of the horrible choices he made. I have never experienced a wider array of emotions during a movie. It was funny, disgusting, sad, dark, exciting, bizzare and just plain awesome.I've seen reviews that say Trainspotting glorifies drug use. That is definitely not accurate. Perhaps a twelve year-old would watch this and think, "Drugs and cussing are cool!" (BTW most 12-year-olds should not be watching this film), but to an adult viewer, the destructive consequences of drug use are quite apparent.The music was exceptional and fit the ever-changing mood of the movie. The scenery from Scotland is beautiful and provides a nice contrast to the depressing state of the characters. In short, one of my favorite movies ever. See it. Whether you love or hate it, Trainspotting is an experience you won't forget.
witty, stylish, and fun I don't know what all the fuss is about. This is a fun and stylish homage to the great TV series of the 60's.I can't imagine any harder task than to try to compete with Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg, and face the inevitable comparisons. No mean task, to be sure, and a brave one. But Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman are wonderful. Of course, there are many parallels in their characterizations, but they still manage to create their own style and chemistry. With the back-up of great supporting actors and a witty, caustic script, they make the characters and story their own.Jim Broadbent is brilliant as Mother. The sets are superb. The CGI is well done, and not phony-looking. Sean Connery is devilish. The story is clever.I am only sorry to that hear the producers, in response to so much negativity, cut the film a great deal. It is edited beautifully, but I would love to see it as originally designed.
Forever Young This old DVD movie is one of the more entertaining of Mel Gibson's films. Generally I don't care for him. But this was before he became so arrogant. The plot is entertaining. and there is no violence or obsessive sex in it, which is something the more modern movies seem to think is necessary. .It's well worth the money.
Fontaine was terrific! I have watched this movie a few days ago. Throughout I was wondering how I never purchased this movie earlier and made it part of my collection. The scenary was great; the exotic Capri locations made every moment sheer delight. Joan Fontaine is perfect for the role she portrayed. Francoise Rosay, who plays Fontaine's friend and mentor, happens to be a very famous and talented French actress. The antique furniture shown in her villa was absolutely tasteful and beautiful. I highly recommend this movie to all of those who collect classics.
A Perfect Movie This was one of the best movies I've seen this year. I'd recommend everyone who haven't seen it to either rent it or go out and buy to have in your collection, as you won't be disappointed.
The Ring hasn't come full circle yet. Vainglorious attempt to make a movie from J. R. R. Tolkien's popular fantasy novel. Let's be clear about one thing: it's a NINE-HOUR movie, not separate three-hour movies. *The Lord of the Rings* MUST be critiqued as a whole unit. *Fellowship* just abruptly stops -- it does not stand on its own. Director Peter Jackson forces you to sit through the other 6 hours if you want to see how the story ends. Who does he think he is -- Erich von Stroheim? Adding to the aggravation is that the ending will not be a surprise to anyone, even those who've never read Tolkien's books (if you think the Dark Lord Sauron wins in the end, I got a bridge to sell you). Speaking of the book, I read it once when I was 12 and loved it, naturally. Then I tried reading it again at 32 and soon grew disillusioned: I suffered through that interminable birthday party; I waited with growing impatience for Gandalf to hurry up and finish the plot exposition for Frodo's (and our) benefit; I slogged through the Shire and the Old Forest . . . at some point during Tom Bombadil's 5th rendition of that "Hey a ring-ding-dillio!" song, my eyes glazed over and I closed the book. Far be it from me to make an authoritative pronouncement on the novel's literary value, but it seems to me that Tolkien simply dressed up children's fairy tales with faux-Celtic language and deliberately archaic prose. Perhaps English majors can write papers that dissect the novel's religious (specifically, Catholic) symbolism and allegorical references to World War II . . . but so what? One can write similar papers on any number of novels by better writers than Tolkien (his near-contemporary, Grahame Greene, would be a good place to start). The obvious judgment is that the novel, whatever one's taste for it, is probably better left unfilmed. I can only recommend *Fellowship* to those with a personal interest.
Recommend watching!! It was good quality, only had one issue with it freezing but when I rewinded it back a little it worked fine through the rest of the movie...
Extremely Dissapointing Extras!!! I love the movie, I think it is wonderful. However I was EXTREMELY dissapointed with the bonus features. With two discs you would think that they could have put the deleted scenes in there somewhere. My main purpose in buying it was for the now infamous cut scene with the twin towers. I would have returned it but my husband wouldn't let me.
Great Movie!! This is a pretty awesome movie!! A great movie about the human spirit and overcoming life challenges!!
Call it not costume drama, but high art Ever seen Cruel Intentions? Then you must watch this, the finest retelling of the 18th c. Choderlos de Laclos novel, to see how it's done. This film is in many ways more modern than its teen-spun counterpart, thanks to the director's sensitivity to the era and to period filmmaking. The characters behave like natural participants in their environment, which was after all a greedy and prestige-driven society much like that of the 1980s. The dialogue is often hilariously wicked and catty, the sets and costumes are obsessively accurate, and the sexual tension is kept at a fever pitch. This film is an "owner" for any intelligent fan of cinema.
GHOST IN THE SHELL GHOST IN THE SHELL is a tour de force as well as an impressive artistic achievement.Like AKIRA, another extraordinary manga title, it is set in a near so-distant future.I really admired it for its evocative soundtrack, its visuals, and its daring originality.Ranking with AKIRA, they both move closer to hard-edge sci-fi cult classics.
Unless you are a fan of Stephen King's work, you can ignore this one I love watching movie adaptations of Stephen King's work. When I came across "Sleepwalkers", I thought it would be interesting. However, I was a little skeptic because I hadn't ever heard of it, but then realized that King directly made this into a movie without making it a book first. After watching the entire movie, I can clearly say that unless you are a die-hard King fan, you can avoid this movie at all costs.The story is about the Brady family consisting of Charles (acted by Brian Krause, who nowadays is famous for his role as 'Leo' in the hit TV show "Charmed") and his mother Mary (played by Alice Krige), who move to Travis, Indiana. However, we know from the beginning that they are not who they say they are; in fact, they aren't even human beings. They are the Sleepwalkers - shape shifting creatures who feast on female virgins to keep themselves alive. Their only flaw is that they are vulnerable to cats. Anyway, Charles has his eyes on his next victim, who happens to be a high school cheerleader called Tanya (played by Mädchen Amick) and enrolls in the same class as her to seduce her. Will the Sleepwalkers be stopped in time or is it the end for Tanya?I really wanted to enjoy this movie, but there are SO many holes in the storyline, which makes me confused to enjoy it, such as:1) In the first scene of the movie, we see a bunch of dead cats hanging around the house, which proves that the Sleepwalkers can fight it and kill it. If that's the case, why were Charles and his mother afraid to even go outside their house to fight the cats off, instead of putting lame traps around them? We know they are not like vampires, and can walk during daylight.2) When Tanya comes over to see Charles in his home, Charles realizes that the mirror reflects their true appearance, and pushes them to another room. So he knows he should avoid mirrors and other things, but yet in the graveyard, he lets Tanya take pictures of him? What's that all about? Okay, once or twice is fine, but he doesn't even stop her!3) Thirdly, as Michael R Gates mentioned in his review, what is the point of the incest scenes between Charles and his mother? It doesn't progress the story in any way at all. It's not like they are mating to reproduce another of their kind (which would have made more sense).There are many more questions, but I don't want to bore you with the details. The point is this movie was too confusing and silly to even enjoy it. The plus point is, the cast acted well, and we get to see King himself make an appearance, along with other horror creators Clive Barker and Tobe Hooper. Unfortunately, even with the cast, the story doesn't get any better. In fact, I felt sorry for the Sleepwalkers, because they are alone and they just need to keep themselves alive.All in all, you can watch this movie if you have a lot of free time on your hands, but don't rent it in hopes of getting scared, or seeing something interesting, unless you are a fan of one of the cast members.
A Terrible Adaptation This is a good movie. I mean, not badly cast. Lovingly done. The acting is great. Yeah, you should enjoy it. Assuming you know absolutely nothing about Victor Hugo's original story. The truth is, if I didn't know better, I'd say whoever wrote the script never read Hugo's masterpiece and based it completely on the 1935 version. Come to think of it, I don't know better. That's probably exactly what happened.I never thought I'd say this, but I am so glad Hugo didn't have to live to see this movie.If you've read the book, you will hate this film. TRUST me. The plot, especially toward the end, is mercilessly butchered and rewritten. At some points it becomes utterly unrecognizable. Many of the revisions completely miss or even destroy the essence of characters, and some do not even make sense, the movie ending with Jean Valjean jubilant over the death of Javet, whose life he has made an enormous sacrifice to save.Likewise, Javert would never attack Cosette; he was obsessively professional, not cruel. Nor would end his life (with minimal explanation, no less) in front of Valjean. Marius would NEVER act like Enjolras (oh, I forgot, there IS no Enjolras). Neither Marius NOR Enjolras would smile at remarks about making love to Cosette, so I find it hard to believe that some mutant hybrid Marjolras would. Cosette would never consider leaving Marius, her soulmate, to stay with Valjean, her adoptive father. And above all, Jean Valjean would NEVER, EVER fall in love with Fantine. The mere suggestion of this limits the portrayal of his charity to people he takes a special interest in.Small variations are to be expected in any film adaptation of a book, but these all completely distort characters. The people who made this movie may have gotten the message (love, charity, etc.), but they missed the point.If you've never read the book, see this movie. It is touching and carries a good message.But it is not Les Misérables.
What a rush! I can't get over the fact that I am unable to buy this amazing musical! I have played the music from this on many occasions, including in the pit orchestra for a stage performance of Guys & Dolls, and also as a marching band show. If you are a performer, you know the feeling that I am talking about here, that 'tingle' you feel when everything goes right, and you can just feel the emotion and power behind what you are playing/performing. This is one of the few musical scores that has both the power to do this to you, yet isn't as 'in your face' as something like Malaguena. It's light and humorous at times, yet in the same song, there are moments when you feel like you are just palying your heart out. This video is absolutely amazing, and the fact that Brando *SINGS* is even better. By far, however, Nicely Nicely Johnson's "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat" is the best song in the entire show. It would make a great closer for any performance of this musical, and also a good curtain call!
Absolutely wonderful in every way For some reason, I never saw most of the Disney classic movies when I was growing up - but I'm certainly having a good time watching them all these years later. Dumbo, of course, may be the most beloved Disney film of them all - despite the fact that it is relatively short (64 minutes), sports a pretty simplistic style of animation, and features a main character that never speaks a single word. The film's popularity is due in large part to the story itself, as there is a little bit of Dumbo in all of us. At some time, we've all been embarrassed by our appearance, laughed at and snubbed by those around us, and been made to feel like a complete loser.Everyone knows the story already. Poor little Dumbo, with his big ears, is ridiculed and called a freak by the other elephants, harassed by kids going in to see the circus, separated from his mother, and eventually made into a clown, the very embodiment of his unhappy life. Only little Timothy Mouse befriends him, and his spirit of optimism and commitment to help Dumbo prove himself are needed more than ever when things go from bad to worse. In the end, the very thing that makes Dumbo different turns out to be the source of his greatest strength. The message of the film is pretty simple: believe in yourself, even when others put you down and, for heaven's sake, don't make fun of someone just because he looks different. Dumbo is also a story about love, particularly the love between a mother and child, and the importance of friendship.Classic Disney films such as this are both wonderful and remarkable - yet so many of them are also sad. I imagine that children, while they will certainly understand the themes of this story, don't connect to the film on the same emotional level as I do as an adult. I really got emotional watching this - right from the start, with the sadness exuded by Mrs. Jumbo as she watches children being delivered to seemingly every one but her. It's tough watching Dumbo suffer ridicule and embarrass himself further by tripping over his big ears, suffer a cruel separation from his mother, and mope around with those tears spilling out of his big blue eyes, but I made it through all of that OK. Then came the scene where he visits his mother in her solitary confinement. If Leonard Maltin can admit that this film makes him cry every time he watches it, so can I. I don't know how anyone can get through that visitation scene without shedding at least one tear.I said the animation was relatively simplistic, but that does not mean it isn't spellbinding, nor does it mean you won't encounter any scenes that are rather stunning in detail. Some of the professionals interviewed in a 15-minute featurette included on the DVD do a great job of pointing out the most remarkable scenes (and everyone has something to say about the Pink Elephant sequence, which is just bizarre and certainly memorable). Other special features include an audio commentary by film historian John Canemaker, a short, one-minute introduction to the film by Walt Disney himself, a photo gallery of conception art and storyboards, a video of the song "Baby Mine" performed by Jim Brickman with Kassie DePalva, and two short cartoons, Elmer Elephant and The Flying Mouse. Additional bonus materials aimed more specifically at young viewers are Sing Along Songs for Look Out for Mr. Stork and Casey Junior, a DVD storybook which children can read along with, and a "My First Circus" game that teaches children about the different kinds of animals normally found in a circus.In a perfect world, Disney would just send a free copy of Dumbo to every set of parents in the country. Since that isn't economically feasible, I hope that as many parents as possible do make Dumbo a part of their children's young lives. This classic animated film is everything you would expect from Walt Disney - and more.
Great Price! Price was right for this movie. It arrived a little after Christmas but it was OK. Love Amazon!
Clive at his best another truly great horror flick inspired by the greatest Clive Barkertired of all these lame teenage slasher flicks that dont scarethen get this moviefor that matter get all Clive's moviesthey will change your view of horror
FINALLY!! This is the BEST sit-com shows EVER!! If you like John R, u must get this DVD and I been waiting for sooooo long for this. I wish they could just release the entire sets...John R, RIP......
Adaptions do not get much better than this! What to say about a masterpiece such as this? All have said it so much better than I.Everything...literally....about this movie is over the top 5 stars. I fell in love with it when I saw it in the theater and love it 11 years later! I have watched I am sure at least 10 times or more. I own a copy and I can watch it 10 times more!
Love it Can't wait to get the whole set. Did not realize I had missed so many. Love the ones seen so far.
Blue Crush- A great chick flick I must say that this was an awesome film. My friend Mathew, a 14 year-old kid, loved it from DK. I loved Blue Crush, and it was great. My God, Kate Bosworth is gorgeous and so is Michelle Rodriguez. The great surfing scenes truly helped out the movie, and I must say John Stockwell does a great job of directing this film featuring spectacular surfing stunts. The film is beautiful, and just simply amazing. Blue Crush, was the best!I love Kate Bosworth, and I love the movie. She is so pretty! I would definetly see Blue Crush, in theatres August 16th! My friend Mathew loved this movie, he would recommend this movie as well. I must say you should see this film! Blue Crush is rated PG-13 for Sexual Content, Teen Partying, Language and A Fight. So not a terrible choice for the kids. So see Blue Crush if you know what's good for you! See BLUE CRUSH! You'll love it!`
worst vampire movie since dracula: dead or alive this movie was laughable at best. no one paid attention to any of the rules of vampires, except that they drink blood. none of the vampires were superhuman (the main character passed out after losing a little blood). the special effects were terrible. the only ability that the vampires had was jumping in slow motion. in one scene, a vampire actually looked at herself in the mirror, in the mirror! last i heard, vampires don't have reflections. like i said, laughable. i agree that the guns added to this horror-of-a-movie. the "lycans" were ok, but that was only because the vampires were so weak. don't waste your time or your money. people should be ashamed that a movie like this was actually made.
Very brief review The acting was A.BOM.IN.A.BLE. By everyone but especially Iain Glen and Patsy Kensit. I felt as though I was watching a high school production. Both are good looking but that's as far as it goes. When Hetty was found guilty of the murder of her newborn child, Kensit let out the most ridiculous cry I've ever heard. No pain, no sorrow, no regret, no fear, just a screech. And Adam was beyond weak; he was downright wimpy as played by Glen. These two need to take some serious acting classes. Now. The accents were awful; everything was awful. AW.FUL. Avoid it.
Love the Freddy Was bought as a gift and it came within 3 days so I was very impressed would recommend to buy from here.
this movies suckkks this movie is the worst movie i ever seen . the storyline sucks . the acting is bad and if by some chance you like this movie i would rather rent it then buy it because this movie is not even worth buying . no wonder it fail at the box office