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Wonderful I am always skeptical buying online but the product was as described and on time for the holiday. The kids love it, thanks!
Music you don't have to listen to I just don't get it. After avoiding John Adams for years, I decided I'd give him a listen. My first instinct was the right one. There are two pieces on this double-disc, with little to distinguish one from another, The "Ives" piece begins with a movement that basically attempts to duplicate Ives' style of orchestral composition. There's no enhancement, no commentary--just a slavish attempt to do what Ives did. The remainder threatens to go somewhere, but never makes good on the threat. Once in a while, it gets up a head of steam by getting louder or having the endless repeating patterns go faster. There's no logical development of materials. The piece just comes along, stays a while, then goes away. Like a cold.The second piece is to be played while burning scented candles or something equally lame. There's a lot of electric violin, playing in the style a duduk player might use. It would be perfectly fine for a film score, but as standalone music it holds little interest.If you want music with no drama, no substance; music that opens no doors, then this is the music for you.
3... ...half-decent tracks don't make an album: "Pure Gold", "Show Me The Way" & "To You". The rest sounds like OutKast or Black Eyed Peas (of s**t). Some clowns from aforementioned groups are even on the album!(?).Well, the album probably could get 4-5 stars...if your under 14!!!Oh well, EW&F;'s collaborations has NEVER been successful through the years, not this time either.If you by any chance are interested in the REAL EW&F;, check out "I Am" or "Raise!" etc., these albums get my 5 stars...
To the stars I remember buying this album on vinyl years ago and being amazed at the skill of this group. It became one of my favourite albums to play when I felt even slightly down and I am pleased to say that since buying it on CD it has once again become one of my favourite albums. This is truly uplifting music from an amazing group.
1188 reviews of this album? At the time I am writing this, a whopping 1188 people have already posted reviews on Amazon for this album. My review is not of the album itself but of the reviewers. YOU ARE ALL CRAZY! If you like the album you are definitely crazy. If you are so bent out of shape about the album that you had to write a review, then you are even more crazy. Luckily I am only reviewing the reviewers and not the album itself, therefore I am totally sane. What a relief. Cheers.
Techno Music World in Teen Movieland?! I haven't exactly listened to this recording of the soundtrack. But I've seen the film, GET OVER IT. This soundtrack is a little different from most teen flicks soundtracks. I mean, the music in this movie are more Techno than anything else. Usually, most teen flick soundtracks have more Pop and Rock music. I'm not usually into Techno music that much, so this soundtrack really didn't appeal to me after seeing the movie. Good movie, though. I just didn't really like most of the music they played in this film. But one of the biggest surprises in both the film and the soundtrack is that Kristen Dunst sings a song. She's actually a pretty good singer, too. (She's also a great actress.) Wonder why she hasn't made a record deal, yet! Good movie, but poor soundtrack. My adivce? Skip the soundtrack and go see the movie. Well, maybe you like Techno music. But Techno is just not for me...so I wouldn't recommend this soundtrack to people who don't like Techno music. If you like Techno music, then this soundtrack is probably well-worth your money. Otherwise, don't even bother.
Not Tull's best This CD ranks near the bottom of JT's material, but I'd like to use this forum to comment on the heavymetal grammy.It's true that JT are much more than a metal band, with their instrumental intricacy, taste and originality, but in the field of ROCKING OUT , any of the several incarnations of tull could wipe the floor with metalica pantera ,slayer or any of that crowd.Lars Ulrich vs Barlowe?Oh my God.I hit Lars level in my first year of playing drums.Hetfield vs Barre? heh heh heh!
Emperors New Clothes! I am a big Jazz and Blues fan and Nina is up there with the greats but who was she kidding with this dreadful album. Her singing is way off key, she sounds drunk and uninterested.Saying that she wanted to be remembered for this album was Ninas little joke!, which no one on this page seems to get!Buy 'Nuff Said' instead its fantastic!
Not Worth it! I know all the people who wrote their reviews said this cd was good. But i gurantee the haven't owned it for more than a week. This CD was my favorite for about a month. After a month i couldn't stand listening to it. It is so terrible! This music isn't worthy of being labled as ska, punk, or rock. I don't know what it is. If you whant to buy a cd you will like for maybe a month like SMASHMOUTH, than this is for you.
Their Best Days Behind Them The disappointing "Live at Carnige Hall" seems to be the beginning of the end of Renaissance. The band's unwillingness (or inability) to show a little spontaneity in their note for note reworking of some of their songs suggested that the band was either beginning to run out of ideas, a notion that was sadly confirmed by its follow-up studio effort "Novella." The fatal flaw here is that the band seemed to be putting more effort on expanding the orchestral sound that worked so well on their two best albums, "Turn of the Cards, and "Scheherazade" at the expense of writing actual songs. Sadly, "Novella" seems almost devoid of melodies that one remembers 20 seconds after the song is over (although "The Captive Heart" comes tantalizingly close). This is all pleasant, competent stuff, and from a music theory standpoint it can even be impressive at times. But it is that over studied fell that, ultimately makes it an album that fails to excite.
The 'Best' of Alice Cooper I have read many, many reviews of this album, and dozens of reviews of the original group. I have been an Alice Cooper fan since 'Easy Action', which at the time was my favorite AC record. After the next four records it was obvious the band had found a formula that worked. Their song writing progressed from a more 60's psychedelic sound, to great rock. And they did this by their third record, 'Love it to Death'. Many critics and later fans that did not watch Alice progress, jumped on the 'School's Out' or 'Billion Dollar Babies' bandwagon, and proclaim them the greatest AC record ever! Not true. Their third lp is the only record they ever made that every song is worth listening to again and again. I cannot honestly say that for any other album. Nor, does the songwriting skill reach such a level on almost every song. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they needed 'Love it to Death' or die. They quickly repeated the momentum into 'Killer', which could easily have turned 'Love it to Death' into a double album. Also look at the the division of songwriting credits on 'Love it to Death'; another clue to the greatness of this record. The entire band wrote most of the material, with the brilliance of Michael Bruce's song-writing skill taking center stage on several songs. I am a fan of every record, up to 'Muscle of Love', the lp that signaled the end of one of the greatest, most under-rated rock bands in US history.
Not for everyone Surf music, like punk and ska, is a very limited genre and most will end up getting annoyed and thinking that the music sounds too much the same. These are the same people who inexplicably hate Creed because 'all the songs sound the same', not because its bad. But if you like old Sci-Fi movies and or Mystery Science Theater 3000 (which Man or Astroman wrote the theme music for) then you will at listen enjoy a listen or two of any of Man or Astroman's stuff. Almost every track opens with some music or phrase from an old sci-fi movie. It's good stuff but can, admittedly, get a bit old after too many repeated listenings.
The Art of Balance Shadows Fall's The Art of Balance is a masterwork. It is truly artistic, meaningful, expressive, real, incredible, and exemplary of possible depth and meaning in a field that has consumed itself in insincerity and commercialism.The music of Shadows Fall exists within itself as a conceptual essence that surpasses restraints and chains of earthly ignorance. In a more physical sense, it, simply put, is incredible. The guitarwork of Jon and Matt found on this album exhibits masterful skill, technique, execution, and a pervasive sense of great feeling. The bass playing shows similiar aspects and creates an omnipresent foundation, and does very well with harmonics and key changes. The vocals show great range and solidity, and uses itself as another instrumental addition to the music, not only a vehicle for lyrics, something scarcely found in contemporary metal. The lyrics are very meaningful, deep, intellectual, artisistic, and I believe one of the greatest elements of Shadows Fall's music. Never before had I read or heard lyrics that truly expressed and addressed what I can only hope for in metal.The Art of Balance is a true exemplary essence. I cannot stress its meaning and validity enough.
It's Rapheal...what more to say! The beat is excellent and Raphael voice sets it off...another song that I would play over and over again. Never get tired of hearing this song. I really like his song writing skills too.
Worthless cash-in This has been thrown together to try and capture any new Stooges fans entering the mix but has missed the mark by so far that it is ridiculous.Of course the actual music here is good but that's not the point. All of this stuff has been released and re-released a million times and anyone who is into the band deep enough won't fall for this.This was clearly compiled by someone who knew nothing about The Stooges or Iggy Pop and wants a cash-in.Basically they have taken Iggy's solo album Kill City (made in-between Stooges and his proper solo debut), jumbled up the order and thrown that in (and taken out a track or two).Then they took 3 of the Raw Power demos and put them in. They could have put in Scene of The Crime and Tight Pants and it at least would have been the first cd to have all 5 on the one disc but they haven't. Then some rough rehearsals we've heard before and that's it.Lastly there is the cover which is a mockery. Iggy Pop and The Stooges are seperate things!If you want a true "best of" covering the rehearsal material et al., then "Year of the Iguana" by the Bomp! label is far better although I must say there is still room for another one to come along and definitively cover the lot though. For now it's up to you to work your way through the good and the bad, and I'm telling you this is one of the bad ones.
This album stinks the album is not good AT ALL. At least on his first album wehad the infamous, notorious, wicked rapper, Biggie Smalls. On the newone all we get from the BIG is an old mixtape freestyle mixed with weak raps from Puffy and Lil Kim. This album is even worse than his first CD "No Way Out" which was in only good for the Biggie cuts. I can't name one song off of this album that I actually enjoyed. Don't buy this... it is the worst of 1999. Puffy, please do us and yourself a favor and retire ASAP.
not very appropriate for young kids The music is okay,but I wasn't moved. I took my seven year old to the play which was put on by teenagers. It was laden with sexual references and dancing, ending with a finale promoting suicide, and just confusing and scary for young ones.
Not done by the actual college band of each school. This CD loses the excitement of having the actual college band do their own fight song. This is like having a high school choir sing Sinatra.
PUFF DADDY'S ALBUM WAS PHONY, THAT'S WHY WE DON'T LIKE IT It's not that we think "No Way Out" was a bad album, it's just that it was phony. Puff Daddy doesn't write his own lyrics, He samples all His beats, and he took credit for "I'll Be Missing You" when he didn't even write any of it. Puff Daddy didn't write any of "I'll Be Missing You", and that was the song that made him big. So his album was phony and all the other songs he had like 7 or 8 people writing it when it was only featuring 1 or 2 people. And sampling is okay but when ALL of your songs are samples that just proves you have NO talent.
It's been done before!! I have been a fan of underground and hardcore rap for many years and I have pretty much heard it all. D12 adds nothing new to this genre. Esham, Brotha Lynch Hung, Insane Poetry, Ganksta Nip, the Geto Boys they have all taken shocking lyrics to the limit and there is nobody who is going to out do them. I am amazed that people actually gave this a good review. The beats are horrible and as for the lyrics they just sound like old school Bushwick Bill. If you know who he is remember that song Mind of a lunatic well just listen to that and mix in some Esham, Kool Kieth, and ICP and you got M&M. I think he and his group need to come up with something original and I think his fans need to stop listening to what Mtv tells them to and find their own music.
Laughs Allowed: What can one say dude? It's Cheech & Chong adult humor at it's best. A note worthy addition to an disfunctional individuals arsonal of crack pot low browfunny. Not for the the kids adult only. And remember you can't spell disfunctional without "FUN"
More Crap i didn't think i would ever see this day. two artist(at least that's what they think they are). get into the studio and take their best songs and make it one song. this i call crap. instead of buying the album just write a check or send a money order to the jay-z/ LP Beach House Fund. hahaha.
Deserves negative stars. 50, I have some incredible advise for you: Shut the hell up. Seriously, this is getting old. By now we understand you're a gangsta pimp with big-bootied ladies and I'm getting tired of turning around and see him shooting at the Beatles' records. Rap is a disgrace, I wouldn't touch it. It used to mean something, I'll admit Run-DMC is okay. But now, it's just pointless.
Why not listen to Disney Songs? The Songs from Disney movie collections are much more appropriate and entertaining for Kids. And my Mom and Dad even enjoy listening and singing Disney songs.
"What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?" "Although I am an instrumentalist, I have always had a strong affinity for song. There is no more meaningful form of self-expression for me than to play a ballad with the poetry of the lyric reverberating through me and guiding me. I hope that my love of the lyric communicates itself sufficiently to justify the choice of album title." ~ Jim Tomlinson ~"The Lyric" is one of the few but superb albums of Jim Tomlinson, a fine tenor saxophonist whose style of playing is absolutely ear-catching. He shares the spotlight with his wife and musical partner, Stacey Kent, who graciously adds classiness and freshness to the melodies with her ever-sweet and sun-kissed voice, flawless diction and beautiful-as-pink-roses-interpretations. In my book of jazz, they belong to the top list of fine singers and musicians of all-time.Mr. Tomlinson considers this album as "their baby since it is the first album produced under his own label, and the one that they are most proud of as it is the recording that comes closest to their live collaborations." That is especially true -- this album is one of the finest ever recorded, with no frills and embellishments of a full orchestra and yet it is superbly done. It is my current enthrallment -- I've been listening non-stop for days now and it has become one of my top favorites from my collection.The choicest cuts that will leave the listeners breathless for their raving beauties are Lerner and Loewe's "I've Grown Accustomed To His Face," Parish and Carmichael's "Stardust," and to top it all - Alan and Marilyn Bergman's "What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?" done in the most dramatic fashion highlighting Tomlinson's sweepingly striking sax solo and Newton's beautifully sounding piano. Kent singing this verse is an exquisite musical moment..."Through all of my lifeSummer, winter, spring and fall of my lifeAll I ever will recall of my lifeIs all of my life with you"Lees and Jobim's "Corcovado" (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars) is one of the most charming Bossa Nova staples that Tomlimson and his bandmates David Newton (piano), Dave Chamberlain (double bass) and Matt Skelton (drums) deliver with a winning interplay that artfully blends with Kent's unique vocal prowess.Cole Porter's "My Heart Belongs To Daddy" is such a joyous listen that would leave a smile on your face. An added allure is "Jardin D'Hiver," a melodious French song with a cozy Bossa Nova rhythm. Having lived and studied in Paris, Kent shows utmost confidence in her effortless rendition and the result is simply splendid.Luis Bonfa's "Manha de Carnival" (Black Orpheus) is a very popular Brazilian jazz tune. On this attractive track, Tomlinson is on the center stage -- his playing is as enchanting as the ones recorded by jazz greats such as Stan Getz, Wes Montgomery, Cannonball Adderly, Ray Brown and Paul Desmond, to name a few.Tomlinson and Kent truly bring out the best in each other. And like two of the most celebrated pairs in jazz history - Ella and Louis, and Lady Day and Pres, their partnership is defined as a magical collaboration.Need I say more?* * * * * TEN STARS * * * * *
clearly emotion this album, although their earliest, it was to me the most attractive. trent shows sorrow and empty instead of so much anger. i think the fact of the record company had an impact, because they had no approval of the profanity, and such. this was most likely a set back-- but it also appealed to me.
No music collection . . . should be without this one or "Introducing Gordon Chambers." My faves are The Next Time, Get To Know You, Unfair, If You Love Me - Say it, Do It, If It Wasn't For Your Love (yes the one Heather Headley sings) and Still Blessing Me. This is smooth set.
the Trane is on a roll This is one of those albums that makes a jazz collection complete. The title track is very good with a nice blend in the opening and the end. The solos are just unmatched. Locomotion is my favorite favorite track becuase of the switch between the short solos and the actual melody. No one solos like Coltrane. Lazy Bird is a nice relaxing tune. GET THIS ALBUM. You will NOT be disappointed.
Only half as good............... After a long awaiting for this album, I finally got it in my hands and this is what I think. First of all I think its only half as good as the Night In Playboy mansion, the tracks on the uplifting selection have no logical sequence and there has been no effort to cover this up with some editing, remixing etc. When you listen to it you can feel at once the lack of structure in the mix. It has some nice tracks that are hard to find outside this collection but thats all. On the laidback mix things are not so tragic as on the uplifting mix but once again I found it nothing special.I am very suprised that Dimitri went ahead with this album, especially after releases such as A Night In The Playboy Mansion and the "Japanese" Salsoul Mix. This is way below his average and all of you who think that this is going to be as the first part, do listen to the tracks before you buy.Disapointed? Yes, definetely.
So Awesome! This whole album is full of awesome beats and some of the greatest songs ever! I love Clutch. They are such a great rock band! here is a review of the songs:1. The Incomparable Mr. Flannery (5/5) - Such an awesome rock song! it has an interesting beat and a great chorus that will make you want to turn the volume up!2. Burning Beard (5/5) - this song's a little harder to get into than Mr. Flannery, but after a while of listening to it, it becomes such an original song with two different beats and two different, amazing riffs.3. Gullah (6/5) - Probably the best song on the album, at least in my opinion! It's awesome and bluesy and the organ in the background is great! The guitar and organ go together so perfectly on this song! I love it!4. Mice and Gods (4/5) - A really good song, but not as good as the three before it. It has a great chorus and great riffs. It's more boring than the others and less original, but I still like it.5. Pulaski skyway (5/5) - I rated it that because of its originality (on top of its awesome chorus). It has the weirdest beat and riff I have ever heard. It's kinda hard to follow sometimes, but it's still an awesome song.6. Never Be Moved (5/5) - Another strange beat, but less so than Pulaski Skyway. It has more awesome organ/guitar mixes that go together really well! The second half of the song is the best; yet another original piece.7. 10001110101 (5/5) - This song has the longest title I've ever seen! But anyways, It has a really cool chorus-like thing at the beginning and end; the verses are awesome and kinda bluesy. The actual chorus has sweet guitar! another great song by Clutch.8. Small Upsetters (6/5) - The best instrumental song I've ever heard! Really, when they added the organist to their band, they made the most amazing stuff! All of the instruments blend so well in this song!9. Circus Maximus (4/5) - A really weird riff, but still pretty good. The organ is really cool in this song!10. Tripping the Alarm (4/5) - Another instrumental piece; not as good as the first one. It's a lot more boring, with some good but repetative riffs.11. 10,000 Witnesses (5/5) - this song starts off with some kind of chant or something, and then the organ busts in and so does the guitar, and it turns into a bluesy, awesome song! I love this song too!12. Land of Pleasant Living (5/5) - A quieter song than the others, slower too, but the harmonies are nice and the chorus is awesome and rockin!13. Gravel Road (5/5) - Kind of a stomp-like song. It has cool slide guitar and cool vocals. Pretty much everything about this song is great!14. Who's been Talking? (5/5) - A true blues song! Awesome blues guitar and organ. Probably the song that sounds least like normal Clutch. but it's great! Clutch is trying new things!this is one of the most original albums I have ever heard! Clutch is such an awesome band! If you like this album, you also might like their album Blast Tyrant.
a deluxe edition done right Disc One is the reissued definitive recording of the 1980's.Disc Two is chocked full of noisey Daydream Nation goodness performed live.So often reissues are a ripoff. This set delivers the goods and then some.
lets clear this up. fantastic album! however, you folks need to get your facts straight. this album is number one in america, not world wide. mjs thriller has sold 45 million copies world wide pink floyds dark side of the moon is second at 30 million copies. the eagles greatest hits is third world wide. dont beleave me. check out the top ten of everything. by russell ash. dorling kindersley pubishing co.
Very good, lyrics are relevent to the times This was the third Bad Religion album I have heard. The album overall was very good, they kept the tempo varied which is necessary to keep people listening. The lyrical content was, and still is relevent to the times. Generator won't be remembered as their best album but it is by far not their worst(No Substance is their worst).
April Wine's Second Masterpiece Remastered FIRST GLANCE was April Wine's second masterpiece, coming three years after STAND BACK, and the remastered version is even better than the import I used to own. Granted, there are no bonus tracks, but the warm, crisp remastering makes you feel like you're actually in the room with the band. There isn't a single bad song to be found here, which is refreshing in the Top-40-oriented pop/rock world of 2008. This album, along with STAND BACK, HARDER FASTER, and THE NATURE OF THE BEAST, helps comprise the essential April Wine library.
Not born to sing atleast Will Smith is back and it's the same boring factory music as always. In each movie he makes it seems he just has to make the soundtrack. Men in black 2 was ok, but the "Black Suits Comin" is just as annoying as always, And now finally when we got rid it he releases "1000 kisses" which is cover/sample of Luther Vandross 80's hit "Never too much", am i surprised? Will Smith is stealing another 80's song for his rap? Come on get real. He's a wonderful comedian and a good actor, why can't he just stick to that. The music is just pointless and commercial and anyone can make a hit when they steal old skool stuff. No im defenitely not feeling this.
Solid nationwide mixtape from Kay Slay I have about 40-50 mixtapes, and every one I have form Kay Slay/Streetsweepers is 4-5 stars, he definitley puts out the best mixtapes, so why all the low reviews for this album I don't know. Not as good as Vol. 2 (4.5 stars), it is still one of the better mixtapes out for the public to buy. With 20 songs, you get a lot of material from a lot of different people, and all coasts are represented. Of the 20 songs, 1 is a classic, 1 is almost a classic, 2 I skip, 7 are ok, the other 9 are goog or real good songs. Production is nice and handled by 17 different people. Paper Chase Inc. does 3 songs, Vinny Idol & Supa Mario, Havoc, D DOt, Heatmakerz, Eminem, Dame Grease, EZ Elpee, E A Ski, Nottz, Dr Dre, Wyclef, Jazze Pha, Buckwild and a few others all do 1 song.#1 - 7 (Kay Slay & Aaron Hall)#2 - 9 (Scarface, Raekwon, Fat JOe -- tight beat)#3 - 8.5 (LOX)#4 - 10 (CLASSIC freestyle from 50 Cent)#5 - 8 (Mobb Deep & Big Noyd)#6 - 8 (Black Rob, G-Dep, Craig Mack -- nice beat)#7 - 8.5 (Nas, Baby, Foxy Brown, amerie -- tight beat)#8 - 7.5 (Cam'ron -- nice beat)#9 - 8 (eminem freestyle)#10 - 7 (Doo Wop, Kay Slay, Kid Capri, S&S;, Tony Touch)#11 - 5 (Vita, Angie MArtinez, Duchess, Lady May, Amil, Sonja Blade, Remy Martin)#12 - 8.5 (Posta Boy, Shells, Cassidy, Jae Hood, Grafh)#13 - 7 (MC Ren, E-A Ski, Kam)#14 - 7 (Noreaga)#15 - 7 (Busta Rhymes, Spliff Star, Rampage)#16 - 8 (Mr. Bristal & Styles)#17 - 7.5 (Fat Joe, A Bless, Remy Martin)#18 - 9 (Sauce Money, Joe Budden, WC, Bun B, Hak Dirty, Killer Mike -- tight beat)#19 - 3 (Wyclef & Hollyhood)#20 - 9.5 (Eightball & MJG f/ Jagged Edge -- great beat)Check all my reviews
Modern day Minstrel show What person of color would listen to some kats named lil SAM and big BO? SAMBO? They are insulting themselves as well as any other person of color in the world. These guys rhymes suck so bad they make my ears want to retract into my head so they won't have to suffer anymore. To add insult to injury these clowns probably don't know what sambo means and chose the names cause they thought it was "cool". Do us all a favor and find the nearest/strongest southern oak tree and string yourselves up on it plantation style.
The Birth of Bland in the 90's and Beyond... This album still amazes me even after 6 years. When I first heard "Hold My Hand," on the radio, my first thought was that this is an average song from and average band. Little did I know that this bland average song and bland average band would open up the flood-gates and usher in a new era in rock, the hootie band. You know what I am talking about. No hooks, no melody, just blah. "Let Her Cry," was this monster hit and the song was as bland as they come. Yet the much more superior Matthew Sweet song "Sick of Myself," could not even buy a vowel...the "Let Her Cry," it would kind of make it look like what it truly was, average. Or, if anybody knows anything about payola, well then you know what I am getting at, lets leave it at that. So in case anyone was wondering why we the public were pummeled by Hootie back in that time period, this might have something to do with it. Because there were at the time so many vastly superior bands out there getting over looked for this safe bland music that eventually gave way to other bland bands like Match Box 20, Sister Hazel, Dave Matthews, The Y Store, and the list goes on and on. Thank god, really that their time has come and gone. But we are still feeling the effects of their legacy today. The blander a rock band is today, the more successful they will be. Forget about hooks, and being clever and witty, nah just be boring, and you will fill stadiums. Hootie bland's or is it bands.
Happy Gilmore soundtrack? The first I heard of this group was, naturally, on the radio. The song "Soul City" (which none of the other "reviewers" mentioned)was occasionally being played on the radio, I believe, around the time Happy Gilmore came out. Coincidence? Not too many songs I hear on the radio DRIVE me to go ASAP to the store to get. I can't describe it's noise, but it affected me the same way Home Fries did. The movie? I was surprised of no soundtrack. I had to rent the movie to find Reverend Horton Heat's name. Then I had the unexpected ephiphany that maybe I was addicted to this strange, but not new genre, Rockabilly.
GREAT artist from Europe! I've been so big fan of DJ BoBo since the summer of 1999. His songs are all great, and this album is SPECIAL among his CDs. It contains so many good songs, which has been played in the MYSTSIA tour now. Even if they are numbers you haven't listened to, you'll like them as soon as you know! Highly recommend.
The most listenable albumn I own! First impressions of this albumn certainly do not do justice to incredible beauty, depth & sheer imaginative genius of the songs contained here. I have to agree that every single track is an absolute gem - a fact which will only beging to make it'self apparent after repeated listenings. This is the one albumn I can play over & over - back to back and simply NEVER get tired of hearing. Worth considerably more than it's weight in gold!
Pop Punk.. This is just another pop punk band.. But I like how the CD sounds.. Their lyrics are good and they have good voices w/ catchy songs. My favorite song on the album is "Perfect".. It's a great song w/ great lyrics.. But again, they sound similar to a lot of other bands.. But still I recommend buying the CD.. It's really good :)
POOR!! meth need to stay to tv shows Meth's needs to leave rap albums alone, this album had me so pissed. its weak, the intro has the beest beat, with rza saying how wu is together and praising meth i guess the intro was recorded b4 the album. Meth needs to listen to Masta Killa's No Said Date, and pretty tony, cuz he has no clue whats he doing.
Pathetic half-attempt at their old stuff The Offspring have lost their claim to fame as top-rank punkers. After the awful 'Americana' (in which they sold their soul for success) they supposedly make an attempt at a comeback to please their fans but still rake in the dough. But this is no 'Smash'-retread -- the alarmingly poppy (and badly written) singles 'Original Prankster' and 'Million Miles Away' are boring and offensively un-Offpsring sounding; the only good songs (there are 3) each sound like they could have come off the band's past successful albums. 'Come Out Swinging' is classic Offspring; apart from its expensive production it could have been on 'Smash'; 'Want You Bad' has a great chord progression but is spoiled somewhat by stupid lyrics (it sounds like 'Ixnay...' songs); and 'Vultures' is also good, although it sounds *exactly* like 'Dirty Magic' from 'Ignition' (not a bad thing),...the rest of this is either embarrassing pop and a couple of half-hearted and lame attempts at their old style. If you like their classic older albums you will hate this.
Hardcore at its Best!!! I bought this album back in the seventh grade when I was just getting in to hardcore punk. Over the years I have moved away from hardcore punk and got in to other types of music. Now being a 22 year old I had just started listening to the Bad Brains music again and I Against I stands as one of the best rock albums of all time. So if you listen to hardcore punk, metal, hardcore, or just like aggresive rock n roll music I stronglly suggest this album.
Misguided soundbites mar overall impact of music... Desperate Teenage Lovedolls is perhaps one of my all-time favorite films. I remember picking this up at Tower Records in the Summer of 1997 (a pleasant surprise indeed as I had no idea this had been released on CD). Good liner-notes and photos but the cover art is altered for some misguided reason as the original was pretty ace. I have to say this soundtrack is nearly an aural photograph of the last gasp of the early 80's LA punk scene. It's perhaps even more effective than many purposeful compilations could be as it's seemingly unaware of what it is capturing. Half of this soundtrack are purely Redd Kross tracks. Some of which have only seen release here ("Out Of Focus", "Legend" and the original version of "Ballad Of A Lovedoll"). Lone tracks by Black Flag, DTLD director Dave Markey's band Sin 34, and a wonderful acoustic track by Bad Religion frontman Greg Graffin and ex-Redd Kross guitarist Greg Hetson (billed on the original LP as Greg/Greg) called "Running Fast".Here's the rub (someone had to screw this up I suppose), every single track is prefaced with dialog from the film (or faux applause)...on the actual track itself!! The ending of "Ballad" also overlaps entirely onto "Legend" (but not without an asinine soundbite from the film - lest we forget about the film for two minutes). Talk about a shortsighted idea. This is the sort of thing that may have been funny to the makers of the film...once. But any sort of momentum or cohesiveness is virtually ruined for anyone who wants to listen to this soundtrack more than once. Which is a real shame because the songs work so well together and probably flow better than they have any business to. Other mid 90's soundtracks did this too (Mallrats, Friends, etc). The popularity of this heinously stupid act was thankfully short-lived.One wonders what the compiler of this soundtrack was even trying to archive with such a seemingly crass, if not self-indulgent, act. Their only real intention was that of selling the film to a buyer of the soundtrack - if that person didn't already own the VHS already (doubtful) or know anything about the film (again, doubtful). Sell, sell, sell I guess.
"O" MY GOD NO!! Before you dismiss me as a stupid hater, hear me out. I personally think Omarion is a reasonably good singer & one helluva great dancer, but I swear to God that this is one of the worst albums I've ever heard.This album is entirely deprived of emotional depth & there's not a shred of originality in sight or -more importantly- in sound. You've got love, sex & below-average club bangers, but nothing beyond that! If there's anything that annoys me more than the fact that I bothered taking the time to listen to this near-worthless junk, it's knowing that Omarion's fans & groupies were insane enough to blow their hard-earned cash & propel this album into the #1 spot on the Billboard Album Top 200! That says alot about musical standards nowadays.However, there are some bright spots on the album that show hints of true potential in Omarion. "I Wish" is a beautiful slow jam about wishing he never fell in love with his certain girl, while Omarion's hit single, titled "O", will have any girl melting slowly as they listen to his smooth vocals, regardless of unoriginal subject matter. "Touch" is also another highlight, combining catchy, simplistic, danceable beats with smooth vocals & unoriginal subject matter (in this case, lust & sex). Then again, most club bangers don't need much substance, so it's no big deal in this case. I personally think this track deserved more success. Oh yeah, better not forget "Growing Pains", a touching song that explains Omarion's break-up with former hit R&B;/Pop group B2K!However, 3 great tracks & 1 above-avergae track (Touch) are not enough to save this album from falling apart. The rest of of this album is utter garbage (to put it lightly), and anyone with at least 1/2 a brain will realize how tragic this album really is. Omarion needs to put more thought & substance into his music before anybody truly begins to take him seriously! I hope Omarion improves if he decides to make a 2nd solo album, but until then, definitely skip this!!NB: In case anybody's wondering why I bothered to review an album I consider to be so bad, it's because I feel that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should be wasting their hard-earned cash on such ridicious, mentally corruptive Bubblegum cr*p like this. Not only that, but Omarion doesn't deserve the success his album got. There's obviously many more artists out there who are more deserving of success than Omarion in terms of a solo career.
Creed's Greatist Hits was a pleasant surprise. My friend intruduced me to Creed a few months ago when he played his Creed Greatist Hits on his X-Box. At first, I just thought it was just "sissy rock" as I put it, but as I listened to it more and more, I found that it was actually pretty good. Now I view Creed as a pretty good band. I burned his Greatist Hits to my iTunes so I could listen to it more. After listening to it, I decided I liked it, but not enough to buy all their previous cds. Anyway, if you've heard a couple of Creed songs but don't know where to go, this is a good place to start. If you like it, you can decide for yourself whether to actually buy the rest of their cds.Best Tracks (in my opinion)-One, With Arms Wide Open, and Bullets.
Jenny rox it Jennifer's second album is in my opinion not as good as her first. The ballads are not so good but the latin songs are better. But don't wait for a second "Waiting for tonight".Love don't cost a thing: A nice R n'B-song. She can make better ones but the video is really great.I'm real: This is the pop-version without Ja Rule.Play :I love this song. It's so catchy.Walking on sunshine: This song has a dance influence. but "Waiting for tonight" was better.Ain't it funny: I love this Latin-song. Great video.Carino: Sounds a bit like "AIF" but not as good.Come over: I guess this should sound erotic but it's rather boring.We gotta talk: I don't like this Latin song so much.That's not me: This song shows Hip hop influences.Dance with me: Great Party-song. I like it.Secretly: This ballad is boring.I'm gonna be alright: This version is without Nas. It's just as good but it's more pop.That's the way: A pop-Hip hop-song. So-so.Dame: Sexy Latin-song.Si ya se acabo: Again a latin song. I like it.I'm real: The remix version with Ja Rule. It's a lot better than the first one.
Wonderfully different and familiar at the same time. My system was in shock at first but it didnot take long for me to embrace it totally! My teenagers want to take the CD to a school dance and play Tuva Groove and Kargyraa Rap. I almost cried listening to Where Has My Country Gone done by Ondar and Willie Nelson. This is not your traditional Tuvan music! There is also a hidden 12 th track on this disc. Its wonderfully insightful and funny. I Love this disc! I understand this is the way the shamans sang in Siberia. ENJOY
amazing, as usual Holger Czukay is an artist. There are many composers who are close, but Holger is the definition of artist. This is a FUN cd. Invisible Man reminds one of Ken Nordine...the title cut is like a party set to music...and the 22 minute Mirage is a great ambient piece. Buy this CD and either drive around, or crawl onto the couch, or dance, or drink milk, or dig a small hole, or drive a locomotive, or hold your arms out to either side and roll your head around....but listen to this.
A Star Is Born I was blown away by her live performance at the release of "Testimony" in San Diego. When you hear this record you will have the peculiar sensation that you are in the presence of true virtuosity. I would highly recommend this album to anyone. For those who haven't heard her, I would simply say that her sound is unique, while calling to mind artists like Tori Amos and Amy Grant.
Very disappointing Very disappointing, it is not a film of a concert, but a film about a concert tour. A few concert highlights in the middle of a poorly done documentary. It is more like a film student class project rather than a commercial product. The audience shots were of the people who ruin the experience for all around them. This further ruined the film of Paul's great performance. I saw the concert in Philadelphia and it was unforgettable. Why they could not show that concert unedited I will never understand. That would be a 5 star DVD. This is a lost opportunity.
song title for the preview for rosie and mark d. kim.. The title for the song played in the preview is Tonight and the Rest of My Life by Nina Gordon. Hopefully this will help you guys
See what all the Hot Fuss is about! I'ld just like to say that this is not a bad little rock album, you can hear influences from The Pixies,The Cure, Bowie, Placebo, Suede, even U2 on occasion, with numerous other influences all through it. They wear these influences on their sleeves, that is for sure, but this album is a good little production all the same. The songs are quite good, and it should be noted that there is not many 'fillers' on the album at all, so you get your money's worth with this one.The second or third playing really gets this album in its groove, and this album became a mainstay in my car stereo for several months after I first purchased it.The Killers have made an excellent debut, and this album has turned out to be one of the best rock releases during the past year. I hope they can keep it up with subsequent works, and if this album is anything to go by the next one will be great as well.Check it out for yourself to see what all the fuss is about!
Midnite Blues w/ Dinah This CD is a collection of Dinah Washington's interpretation of well-known ballads and show her incomparable artistry in singing ballads. Most of the public know Dinah for her blues-tinged, mama-beltin' style, but this CD really shows her quiet side---she certainly can tone it down when she wants. The songs are well chosen and some are previously associated w/ other jazz artists. For instance, Dinah takes Billie Holiday's "Don't Explain" and Nancy Wilson's "Don't Go to Strangers" into her own territory and remakes them into her own. You almost forget these songs are associated w/ other great jazz artists; Dinah has that ability. The songs are mostly the heart-broken, unrequited love kind, but Dinah takes all the sap out of these songs, yet still conveys the ache and pain thru her bluesy voice. The orchestration and arrangements are sympathetic and understated, even w/ a large orchestra. Well recommended.
Just a Pure Mess! I bought this cd from the used cd rack at a record store in town cause i was thinking that I should not take a chance and pay full price for the Dragon.... Well I was right.... Quality is better than Quanity.... Sisqo was so pressed to come out with a second cd that is was rushed, and sounds terrible... Save your money... Since then I have heard Sisqo brag about his performances and his skills saying that there is no one better than him... Never brag. Sisqo cause your name will not be called at the grammy's You will be lucky if the Dragon even has a seat reserved at the grammys. Even some of the songs on the cd sound like the last cd Like Dance for me.... AKA Thong Song!. Over all I will say this Sisqo has a talented voice... but the material you vowed to use this round... is not the answer.... ...
life for rent better than any cd out there now i just heard the cd ''life for rent'' by dido in it rocks come all the songs are great i love this cd more than the first one ''no angel'' her new singel also rocks '' white flag '' people u need to go out there right now in BUY THIS CD NOW thiscd is worth the money
Thank God I Didn't Buy This! I got this burnt and thought it was HORRIBLE...Still haven't changed my mind. I love 'Some Kind Of Monster' but the rest is HOPELESS. NO-ONE BUY THIS. I HATE METALLICA NOW.
It May Be Time to Say It: Gordon Lightfoot is THE best There is a theme developing in these reviews: of all the great folk/pop singer/songwriters, including Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Dan Fogelberg, Jackson Browne, and go ahead and add to this list, there is one man who stands out from the pack: Gordon Lightfoot. This album, along with all the others, contain songs not well-known to the public, and yet they serve to demonstrate the extraordinary range and depth of Lightfoot's songwriting, playing, and arrangements. You listen to something like "The List," just one of a number of terrific songs on "Sundown," and you hear an arrangement that is as fresh and modern and up to date as anything you'll hear - and it's even better than that. I'll go ahead and say "Cold on the Shoulder," song for song may be his best, but ANYTHING by Gordon is worth listening to - and his lyrics - and that terrific voice are timeless. Bob Dylan was recently quoted as saying when he listens to a Gordon Lightfoot song he wishes it would never end.Doesn't that say it all? There isn't anything this man couldn't write. And the DVD, "Live from Reno," is worth getting just to watch and hear among the greatest songs EVER written. He's beyond a living legend. He's one of the greatest songwriters in the history of music. Even that isn't saying enough.
Troubling Reviews Above "The lighter side of deportation?"...I guess the only thing more insensitive than the above-mentioned quote is the fact that a band of this stature and success had to pick on people in desperate circumstances. There are a few things to like about this album but with women of color depicted as prostitutes in the Mama video and accusations that an illegal alien would sell his own sister for work blots it all out for me. Listen to the Lamb or "Supper's Ready" from the Seconds Out live album - that's greatness. This is not.
a classic every single track is on point. simply amazing from lyrics to beats and production.
I Can't Even Describe It I was introduced to Stephen Kellogg by a friend who gave me the Flower In Rain single. I loooooved it. So, as soon as I could I bought this CD. I've been listening to it non-stop since then. At home while online, during my drive to work, in the office, and so on. I adore every song on this CD. They're all similar, so none are going to slap you in the face leaving you wondering how that track got on here.. Yet, there's enough variety that you won't be bored with the monotany of it. Cause let's face it, we've all experienced those two problems with many CDs. I definitely have my favorite tracks one here (Flower In Rain, Such A Way, You Changed), but I always let the whole CD play through, and I've yet to be disappointed by it ;-)
A Mature Affect The Jam's fourth album, "Sound Affects", marked yet another change for the band's sound. Gone was the slicker production of "Setting Sons", as well as the story-song narrative form Weller had been championing since "All Mod Cons"."Sound Affects" saw the band taking a turn towards Beatles(Revolver era) pseodu-psychedelia. Revolver is often cited by Weller as his main influence on writing this album, particularly on the blatant "Taxman" copycat entitled "Start". The album also marked another first for the band, their first album ever to not include a cover song. The album as a whole is extremly well put together and makes for a good listen for any fan of the Beatles, The Jam,or Brittish rock in general.This Japanese import also features a "paper jacket" which briliantly duplicates all the original LP art, as well as additional liner notes and song lyrics.
God Must have Spent A Little More Time On Lance Bass Even though I am a huge Backstreet Boys fan, *NSYNC's album was great. They never talk about violence. They talk about love. I think more artists should use this concept instead of promoting violence. It is a great album. Keep up the great work *NSYNC. I love you guys. If you have a few extra tickets to your concerts I am available to go whenever. Ya BSB!
Barenboim pushes and pulls, but where's Schumann? If you heed the Amazon reviewer and the two spotlight reviews, you'd think this was a set of Schumann symphonies not only full of insight but a remedy to bad ideas from other conductors. Far from it. The four Schumann symphonies have been gloriously interpreted by Bernstein, Karajan, Klemperer, Levine, and Kubelik, to mention just a handful of musicians who far surpass Daniel Barenboim.Besides his usual taffy-pull with the tempo, he actually has only one idea here, to make Schumann sound as heavy and 'important' as he possibly can. The result is ponderous and perverse to boot, since Schumann's music is always spontaneous. Or it's supposed to be. Here, Barenboim heads down a fixed track marked by no surprises along the way. Where Kubelik evokes th joy of spring in Sym. #1, Barenboim plods. Where Bernstein finds a whirlwind in Sym. #2, Barenboim is four-square. And so it goes, turning fresh expressions of exuberance into museum pieces.The Berlin Staatskapelle plays very well, and the sonics are first-rate. To what avail?
I have no idea what's goin' on here, I kinda liked Jet when I heard their Cold Hard .... song. But personally, I don't like the fact that these guys are so banal ALL the TIME. I read an interview of them, and they sure seem to be lovin' the rock star style, with all their women and drugs. Well, good for you guys. But here's a tip. Next time, at least create music that deserves that lifestyle, and not the same song on every track. I seriously thought my player was skipping like mad, everything sounded regurgitated. All I'll give them is that they can play good (and that's mostly because the licks were borrowed from old masters.) But then again, I know 10 year olds that can play Stairway to Heaven. So try a little harder, guys, and maybe I'll have a listen, but for now, I think I'll stick to something a little more authentic.
MUSHROOMHEAD DOES IT AGAIN!!!! I had high expectations for this album since it was thier first album of new material in four years. The first time i put this cd in my cd player i was blown away. This album is as heavy as ever while not sounding just like their other cds. If you are a fan of MuSHRooMHEaD or a fan of heavy metal you will definitley not be dissapointed with this cd.
Emre Osmanlar's Review for Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina Fascinating soundtrack for a fascinating story!One can travel through the Imperial Russia and the experience the best of Russian music by well known composers such as Tchaikovsky. This soundtrack of Anna Karenina is as good as the dramatic story of Tolstoy's, including works of the Might Five conducted by reknown Sir Georg Solti. High quality music for the funs of the romatic era.
Superfantastic is just that This is a 3 song cd that contains the new Mr. Big single Superfantastic. That song is GREAT, but the real gem is Burn a Blackmore/Coverdale song that cooks. Six plus minutes of Eric's great voice, Richie's screaming guitar, Pat's pounding groove and, of course, Billy's thumping bass. I must admit that when I first heard the band without Paul Gilbert, I was a little ticked off. Richie's no Paul, but Richie is Richie. Give him a chance and he'll grow on you quick. I'd say about 3 minutes into Burn.
Good rockin! Dinosaur Jr.'s sound falls between REM's classic Murmur and Nirvana (the band). Almost all the noise of Sonic Youth but not as abstract. This album is certainly one of their best. I own just about every one of their efforts, and they consistently reveal good artistry. True about the singing being far from perfect, but listen to the music. I think you will find that it rocks.
Old school Gospel/R&B music of the early 90`s I loved this album when it first out and still love it today. I remember when it first came out and my mom continuing to play it over and over again we had the casette tape(i was nine when it first came out in 1991).My favorite songs on this album is "suppose to be" and "Searching for love" to me this was one of bebe and cece`s greatess albums. you will enjoy it. this album takes me back to when the Cosby Show,A Different World was still on air etc. those were the fun time, and yes MC Hammer and Whitney Houston was still and the Top of the Billbord charts(smile)Kid `n Play and Will Smith`s music was still popular etc.so when u hear this album the beats will take u back.
Yo Yo My Homies Yo Yo. 50 cent sux, rap sux, this album, whateva it is called, SUX. Want some real music? Go listen to some solidstate. Yo Yo. 50 cent has no talent, what so ever. Peace Out
What a talent! This recording has some wonderful cuts, and Enriquez' style and versatility (he switches easily from swingin' to moody) made me want to see him in person! Love "Could It Be Magic." Looking for a successor to Art Tatum? He may be it!
Mitch McVicker Hits A Grand Slam Homer w/Rhythm House Debut Truly one of the best recordings that I have ever heard. Mitch's gifted voice, sincere lyrics and moving melodies make this a truly inspiring album of songs focused on Jesus and our Christian walk through this life. If you listen closely, you can hear Rich Mullins' supporting vocals perfectly bonded with Mitch's. Truly a GREAT album! Get it today and give it away to others.
A Great Movie That Plays With Your Head This movie is excellent. Norton became one of my favorite actors in this movie, which is actually similar to his role in Fight Club (another excellent movie). If you think you have this one figured out, you'll be in for a surprise....MUST SEE!
A good song. Arguably Korn's best cut, A.D.I.D.A.S. (All Day I Dream About Sex) is a catchy, rather disturbing song with lyrics reflecting a hormone-controlled (sorry; can't use the other word :-D) kid who fantasizes of being a pimp. It's a kind of song focused on the subject matter of what you want to be that you'll never be. Understand? Good...The lyrics are well written for the most part. The chorus is just the same words of the title being repeated over and over again, only upgrading the last word in it to obscenity. The only problem I have with that is the edited version of the song. The editing was done in the right places, but they added some really annoying noises in the place of the edited word making it unlistenable. I strongly advice you to stay away from anything by Korn that is edited.The music sounded excellent to me at first. I remember it being rather short (only 2 minutes and 34 seconds or something), and it had a way of embedding itself deep inside your head after listening. That is because Jon Davis's vocals were quite superb in the repeated chorus. It's amazingly well sung there, with each word sung carefully and overwhelmingly. The verses were mumbled in the same annoying fashion he did with everything else at the time, but enough about the vocals. The thing that penetrates this song a good deal is the atrocious guitar-work. No chords, no riffs, just bass. The vocals really do make up, but imagine the song with grinding guitar-riffs. You more-than-likely won't mind at all at first however.Now I don't think I have to mention that you shouldn't get this single disc. Buy "Life Is Peachy" (Korn's crowning masterpiece even though I don't like them too much) instead. This is the song that really boosted them into the mainstream and it began the downfall from there (although they have redeemed themselves somewhat with "Untouchables"). BTW, the remixes Korn did here are beyond awful and need to be gone. That's it. Peace...
Not just for rock n`roll-fans Most of the tracks are very good but the title track (Sabath Bloody Sabath) is beyond that. You don`t have to be a rock`n roll-fan to dig this song. (Check out "the Cardigans" cover version as well.)In addition to beeing a supreme album, the cover-art it self is reason enough to buy this record.
Rap is rap; rock is rock -- Rap/rock is a disgrace to both! Oh God; I am so f*cking sick of hybrids like rap/rock that bring a disgrace to both genres of music! Like so many of the rap/rock (and yes, some losers still will replace the word "rock" with "metal" creating the oxymoron "rap/metal" -- metal is a pure form; period!) groups out there today that suck (Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit), Linkin Park focuses on the same lame angst and of course, no specific reason for their hatred is ever explored. "Hey, I'm a whinny teen! Maybe I'll just scream and rap about being grounded by my mommy, and maybe I'll go platinum!!!" Maybe if such groups actually focused on that thing called MUSIC, this formula wouldn't suck so bad! And by music, I mean more than pounding on drums (maybe a solo would be nice), screeching out power chords on guitars (again, a solo would be nice), and, for the love of God, get rid of that stupid DJ and fake wanna-be rapper! Finally, for those of you ignorant fools who will just as easily label me a "jealous hatER (NOT spelled with an "a" at the end) should realize how much I'd want to die if I made money off of being in a sh***y band like this. Rap can only ruin good rock.....end of story!
Very Bad Audio/Vidoe Quality Urrrrggg. I decided not to trust Amazon review as far as music is concerned.This is music DVD and audio quality is so bad that it is almost noise.This DVD is a crime against Mozart, and the producers should be sued.I can't judge how good the performance is because the audio quality is so bad.Can't just enjoy this marvelous opera since the audio quality so annoyingly bad.Listening to this DVD is like a torture. I had to stop in the middle.One of the major problems, I found, is that the recording level is so high.Most of DVDs do not hit the high ceiling of the equalizer in my system.This DVD hits the ceiling of the equalizer most of the time. When sound is recordedlike that, it is most likely that the signal is distorted (over-saturation), which isin this DVD's case.Video quality is not any better than its audio quality. I have a bunch of DVD transfer frommy old VHS tapes. None of them is worse than this DVD.I endured to skip over to Cherubino's "Voi che sapete", and it is not as worse as its audio/video quality,but still worse than many other wonderful performances. Orchestra performanceis the same low quality. Clarinet, bassoon, and first violin could have been muchbetter - I heard even amateur orchestra playing better than this for accompayning"Voi che sapete".The duet, Sull'aria is wonderfully performed by Kiri Te Kanawa (the other singer was just OK).Sadly, the bad audio quality completely dumb'ed down her beautiful voice.This happens not only in Sull'aria. In many other her arias also.This DVD is for rent. Not for keep. If you want to keep one (or two) copy ofLe Nozze di Figaro, please keep looking. You will probably enjoy much more withCDs than this DVD. I have so many Le Nozze di Figaro's in various media - LP,cassette, CD, iTunes. And this DVD is the worst.I have absolutely no clue about how other reviews gave this DVD five stars.Besides the audio/video quality, the performance lacks enthusiams, imagination,and creativity - which are the most important factors in art.Please watch James Levine's Magic Flute. You will probably give it five stars.And this DVD is not in the same/similar league as Jame Levine's Magic Flute DVD.What we need is Le Nozze di Figaro of James Levine's Magic Flute qaulity - sound/video/performance.Sadly, James Levine left for Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Great music! This cd is great! I love rock music, and Phantom Planet delivers the goods! If you are into good rock music, this is the album for you! If anyone gives this album a bad rating, don't listen to them... They are obviously nuts!
watch out! If you have an Ipod or mini disc, don't get it!It is duplication protected!I only listen to music on my mini-disc player,and I'm sitting here with a useless cd.I've bought and paid for all three Sahara Hotnights cds.The people who PAY for stuff are being punished now!I had no warning...
AWESOME Out of all the Maiden Albums out there this is my all time favorite. Somewhere in Time is action packed and it rocks. If you like premium Metal this is a must get. If you havent gotten this Album yet get it and I promise that you will not be disappointed.
Maybe the actual movie will be better. I'm not a big hard rock...and probably never will be; and to be honest I bought this soundtrack only for the Tori Amos recording "Carnival"--a satisfying, agressively breathtaking rehash. Unfortunately, not even Tori can save this album from being an overload of mostly mediocre bombastic tracks. Metallica, Foo Fighters, and Chris Cornell (among others) do what they can with what seems to be a restricted approach to heavy music. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect about this soundtrack is the sheer lack of developmental style as disappointingly heard on Limp Bizkit's very poor "Take a Look Around" and Rob Zombie's flat "Scum of the Earth". Powderfinger, however, is a nice discovery with "My Kinda Scene" which drifts softly into a wonderful, if stereotypically, mellow manner. If only there was a mission to replace some of these noisily fizzled-out tracks with whiskey hardened tunes, then maybe we'd have something; but I fear that would be impossible.
Metalliview ...I've only heardone song(St.Anger), but the song I heard was enough to make mewant to hurl. It sounds nothing like the Metallica I know. According to heresay, they were supposed to be getting back to their "roots" of old with this album. If anything, they've actually taken a step backwards instead of forward. I'd listen to Load or Reload anyday before I'd give this new "music" the time of day. The only reason I'll buy it is to see how the other songs sound(hopefully better that St. Anger). I guess the four horsemen have finally put their saddles up for good. Ah, well.
What a great band! I first heard this CD on the way to an MxPx and Blink 182 concert. Even though they weren't headlining, this band had the greatest live energy of all the bands at the concert, and of any iver EVER seen. The songs on the CD reflect that energy wonderfully. Not kidding, these songs make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Linkin Park Falls Short, As Always Linkin Park simply put: SUCKS. Although an immature choice of words, it's true. Power chords, uncreative lyrics-it's the same mediocre "music" over and over again. I wouldn't suggest this to anyone with the ability to hear. But If you're a Linkin Park fan, go ahead, indulge yourself in this horrible slop of crap again.
Sad to see him go - even sadder to hear him sing OK - let me preface my comments by justifying the 2-star rating...It's Rodney Dangerfield - he was a class act. As for the CD: If you're looking for a few songs by a comedian accompanied by someone's cheesy clavinova, then this CD is for you. I bought this because of the last track, "Rappin' Rodney", and boy was I disappointed. It sounds like it was recorded from an old worn out cassette. Do yourself a favor - get all of Rodney's DVD's with his standup material and remember him for what he was - a comedy legend.
What's Left of Him? Nothing of Quality Anyone with cable could watch Nick Lachey and then wife Jessica Simpson as they started their life together on the MTV reality show Newlyweds. Then anyone with a US Magazine or an internet connection could read about it falling apart. And then could see the couple participate in a "who can hook up the most people" contest. Nick definitely won if you are counting in terms quantity (quality can be debated though). But if his album, What's Left of Me was any indication, he still wasn't quite over his reality show co-star. I did give it a listen when it was released and marveled at how sad the dude was. Every song was about how he couldn't go on and they all just sounded the same blending into one uber-long excruciatingly long song.
And the Oscar goes to . . . . "Tsotsi" is the 2006 Oscar Award winning feature for Best Foreign Film. I got an opportunity to see the film after its re-release at a local independent film venue. The film is an intense depiction of a South African street criminal whose hardened exterior is softened by the power of love. After Tsotsi jacks a car he discovers a baby securely strapped in back. Unsure what to do with the child, Tsotsi takes on the role of provider and in doing so begins to reconcile the trauma of his own childhood. An excellent film and story. Commendable performances by Terry Pheto and Presley Chweneyagae. The soundtrack rocks as well. Highly Recommended!
the 90s took notes when s.o.d. brought punk metal to school. I have to take issue with what one other reviewer noted: "Dont let the name fool you, "Speak English of [sic] Die" is not an any way antagonizing non-americans, its just pointing out the flaws in the American immigration system." Did the ditty "F**k the Middle East" escape your critical scope ("we'll kill 'em all / and have a ball / and end the f**kin' crisis")? Reviewer jabs aside, this is one of the essential building blocks of your speed metal/skate punk collection. milano is in top 80s form on this disc. S.O.D. display wit, not just speed chops. "Anti-Procrastination Song" and "Diamonds and Rust" could teach a few singer-songwriters a thing or two about getting to the point. Almost every track on this album burns like wd-40 sprayed through a tall BiC lighter flame.
Derivative corporate sludge Originality. Innovation. Creativity. Three things utterly lacking from this album. Linkin Park sounds like Staind which sounds like Kid Rock which sounds like Distubed which sounds like Limp Bizkit which sounds like ... well, you get the idea. And yes, I HAVE listened to Hybrid Theory. Rap-Metal is corporate mass-produced noise, a very pale and childish imitation of the inventors of the genre over a decade ago: Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers. If you want some quality rap-metal, check those two out. To be blunt, if you like Linkin Park, it is only because you haven't heard good hard rock music. And that's a shame, because there is so much great music out there that once you heard it, you would never waste your time with Linkin Park or the other corporate clones ever again.
Pathetic excuse for music There is not much to say about St. Anger so I'll quickly sum it up...There are no solos... One cant tell what Robert Trijulio is playing on his bass (why did they recruit him??!!!)... Lars bangs on some trash cans and is not so accomplished on his double bass drumming and James... James' vocals sound like my burglar alarm.The songs are boring, especially frantic, there is no melody... the riffs aren't memorable and no solos.....Its ridiculous Metallica has one the world's leading guitar virtuisos and they don't let him solo!!?? Lars can't afford a proper drumkit??!Ah yes... I know whats going on... the contemporary Metallica (which was supposed to return to its roots) is once more trying to rob you of your money. Don't buy this album!!!! Instead download the songs.. Show Metallica that tricking people into buying sh*t is not going to get them anywhere (Yes, Lars I am especially referring to you!)Until Metallica makes albums like Master of Puppets and Kill Em' All do not buy any of their albums. And Bob Rock should stop killing decent music!If you like the old (decent) Metallica, buy any album before 91'.If you like fast, angry, agressive (thrash metal) music then listen to Slayer, or Anthrax.I would rate this album, if possible, 0!!! IT SUCKS!!!!
Pure Genius Combine the talents of Frank Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim and what do you get? Absolute magic. The relaxed vibe of Jobim's bossa nova is translated with brilliant clarity by Sinatra. All you have to do is hit play and from the first note of this album you will be transported to a sprawling beach with the wind in your hair, your feet up, and a giant Pina Colada in your hand. And that is a place that I like to be.
Excellent album Cans brings out the voice of Joacim Cans, lead singer of Hammerfall.Excellent album.
A supernova of rock Still impressive in its diversity, this influential album appeared like a supernova and endures as a classic because of the quality of the songs. With the exception of the discordant Black Angel's Death Song and to a lesser extent European Son, a lovely melody line underpins every song.This is especially evident on the melancholic Sunday Morning, the resigned Femme Fatale and the wistful All Tomorrow's Parties, but by no means lacking on more confrontational tracks like Venus In Furs or Heroin. I'll Be Your Mirror has the same folkie feel as Sunday Morning, while the roughness of Black Angel and European Son (the latter dedicated to poet Delmore Schwarts, one of Reed's heroes) has become more digestible as the mainstream has caught up with this pioneering work.The voice of Nico, the archetypical Teutonic Blonde, adds a strange and eerie dimension to the album as a whole. These songs have often been covered; to name just a few of my favorite interpretations: Sunday Morning by OMD, Waiting For The Man by John Cale and Nico on various of their solo albums, Femme Fatale by Propaganda, All Tomorrow's Parties by June Tabor, There She Goes Again by REM.The legacy of the VU, and of this album in particular, may be observed in the beautiful sonic sojourns of bands like inter alia Mercury Rev, My Bloody Valentine, Jesus and Mary Chain, Sonic Youth, Suicide and Swans. The Banana album remains a monument to the fierce spirit of rock 'n roll.
Freedom of expression RATM have a right to express their views with their music... I have a right to call their music ignorant, disrespectful trash
Losing their Edge? No Way! It took me about 3 full weeks of playing the first CD before I even realized there was a second CD. The first CD's tracks "Tribulations", "Daft Punk is Playing in My House" are fantastic, sing at the top of your lungs while driving, dance songs, while "Too much Love", and "Never as when I'm waking up" are pretty and clever chill out songs.When I finally played the second disc, I was entranced. I know-the super cool have had these songs on .mp3 for a year, but not me. "Losing my Edge" has got to be my favorite track of the year so far. Experimental and fresh, it laughs at itself even as it demonstrates it virtuosity in evoking, and reinvigorating the exact experimental rhythms he uses to poke fun at himself.And the lyrics are funny, not pretentious. I couldn't help myself from laughing out loud when I heard the line"I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody. Every great song by the Beach Boys. All the underground hits. All the Modern Lovers tracks. I heard you have a vinyl of every Niagra record on German import. I heard that you have a white label of every seminal Detroit techno hit - 1985, '86, '87. I heard that you have a CD compilation of every good '60s cut and another box set from the '70s."It's only funny if you've ever found yourself really coveting that weird import box-set from 1982 that's bidding rediculously high on ebay. This is an album for all those bidders.
I Didn't Know They Were A Real Group (...)I didn't think Klymaxx was a real group. I thought it was a made up 80's group that Halle Berry did on SNL. But then I found out that they were a real group I just laughed!
King's College Choir O Come All Ye Faithful For traditional Christmas Carols, this choir is really weak and the selections could be better. I prefer stronger choirs such as the Robert Shaw Chorale.