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this cd sucks hey guys it's cozzy, yet again. Metallica better do better on the new album they're going to make with rick ruben cause if they don't they lost themselves a fan.
"Love" is all you need This is truly an awesome DVD-Audio/CD disc. The sonic quality of the DVD_Audio is superb, and anytime you can get a sonically improved version of Beatles tunes is worthwhile. Much has been said about how some of the tunes are remixed to include snippets of other Beatles tunes - I thought these remixes were masterful, and reveals how interchangeable some of the Beatles music is. They literally had their music down to a science. Even though I am young to have gone through the peak of the Beatles at the perfect teenage age (I am 50), I'm grateful to be able to appreciate such expert musicianship. There will never be a group whose vocalists come together as seamlessly as the Beatles, in perfect harmony. Their melodic compositions and lyrics are superb as well. I was fortunate to see the "Love" show in Vegas and if you have that chance, do so - it is an unforgettable evening of entertainment.If I have any gripes about "Love," it's that not all of my favorite Beatles tunes are included,though the disc has 26 cuts. More of the songs are from the Sgt. Pepper/White Album/Yellow Submarine era. I missed "If I Fell" and "Penny Lane." These are small gripes, since it is impossible to put all their hits on one disc, and the "Love" show on which the DVD is based can only last so long in one evening.If you are a Beatles fan or just a fan of well-crafted and re-imagined music, you must get this disc. The price is right too.Thanks,Analyst7
Yikes, this is sad... The first track starts off with "Gunna Hunny Gum Bay" (or whatever it is that they're saying)... and I kept waiting for it to change; but it never did. Sure, he added some drums in later--but is this MUSIC? NO. "Gunna Hunny Gum Bay" repeated somewhere around 124 times in 3:30 is just... it's a waste of time both to listen to and to have produced.My main problem is with Moby--the guy has the biggest ego on earth, but he makes such BAD MUSIC... how can anyone who churns out tracks like Run On even believe for a second that he has any talent whatsoever? Even if his music was good, he thinks far too highly of himself. It's sad what fame does to people...Moving on, we come to tracks such as Find My Baby.. in which the same thing happens. Take a dead person's music, loop it without any changes, add in a drum, and repeat the same boring sound over and over again for as long as you can stand. And in this case, Moby's tolerance for the utterly mindless repetition of the same sounds and drums over and over and over again is far higher than most people's.I can't imagine the kind of people who really enjoy music like this. You have a single sample, played at the very beginning of the song, that just continuously loops over and over again; with slight drums and orchestrated "sweeps", but it's not... this isn't MUSIC.Porcelain is a much better track, but again it goes nowhere. However, it sounds good, so I'm not so concerned.Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? does the same pattern--completely mindless, nonchanging rhythms and single sample.Southside is totally different, and I don't happen to particularly like it, but at least it's something you can LISTEN to.In the interest of time, I'll highlight some extra tracks--Machete is actually not so bad, but again it's INCREDIBLY repetitive and got boring after the second listen...The rest of the album is mostly ambient pieces that go nowhere. I thought it was great how I could skip around all I wanted with my CD player and not notice a single actual change in any of these pieces no matter how hard I tried to find it. A string sweep for 4 minutes is NOT exactly my definition of a good song...And then we come to Everloving. And no matter what prejudice you have against the guy, and his ego, and his music... Everloving is an astounding track. Truly, life-changingly astounding. The fact that it's made by this guy makes me even more frustrated. But the fact remains--that song is amazing. Standing out amidst all this other hideous repetition, it seems like someone else's song--knowing Moby, it probably is.Download Everloving, and if you love it, don't get the album. No other track is anything like it.In short... don't buy this album. Spend your money on something more meaningful than a loop and a drum sample repeated over and over again for an hour and six minutes.
Not worth a title.... in his thank you's he said it's his best work... i'll admit some of the songs are good.... but the "ridin" song went a little bit too far, who does he think buys his stuff? 80% of rap sold is to "crackers" he's refering to wanting to punch them in the face etc and talking about how he doens't like "crackers" keeping his kind down etc. Play is good, just a copy of Wait (the whisper song) and "on everything" is good. I was gonna buy his other cds, but after that one song i won't, i'll never support him again.... of course that is what he said he wants LOL... so he will get it.
I don't believe in stars. Read the review. Ok, here's the deal: every major artist and most of the minor ones since 1965 have been the progeny of 4 artists, or more specifically, four albums: Beach Boys' Pet which really isn't Beach Boys but Brian Wilson and Friends, Beatles' White Album (which isn't their best record, but we're not talking about great music here, we're talking about influential music. There's a difference. Do yourself a favor and learn it.Too many music critics forget to and it spoils good things.) Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, and James Brown's Live at the Apollo. These four albums are the Earth, Wind, Fire and Water of modern music. Everything that comes after them is some combination, some mix of two or three or most likely all four. These albums define modern music. (You ask, how can I leave out Elvis, but what is Elvis? He is large parts James Brown, tempered by Pet Sounds and seasoned by Dylan. Timeline doesn't matter. Music doesn't exist in time. That's what it is.)Pet Sounds is Platonic Pop. It is sweet, it is seamless, it is innocent even in its complexity. It's musically challenging but utterly accessible. It's so darn friendly. It's letterman jacket teenagers who respect their parents and marry their girlfriends. That's not dated or fifties; those kids still exist in the 21st century and their music is directly descended from this album. What Paul McCartney heard when he heard this record was the sound of Pop, which never before had crystallized in such a way. And if it was up to Paul, the Beatles would have been Pop, and would've gone pop. Thank God it wasn't, and rock was invented.Ok, so we've established it's influential. That's a given. What that does not mean, dear reader is that it's actually any good. In the end, it's still pop, and pop is still the most soulless element of music. I have to wonder what state music would be in without this fourth element. Would Michael Bolton be singing in Holiday Inns instead of Carnegie Hall? Or would pop have been born anyway, later, with less force and art? This album bores me after the first time through: it's just TOO accessible to be worth much time or effort. Can it be art if it's all surface? Maybe. If it ever can, it is here -- I'll give it that. But like an stripper who tries to convince me she's a dancer, I'm afraid the entire endeavour may be doomed from the beginning.I'm skeptical of any album on which the best songs are the ones I heard on the radio -- though, 'tis true, radio is the mistress of pop -- because for good artists, making songs "radio-friendly" means compromise (hence great artists, who won't compromise, are never on the radio.) Here, I come back to Sloop John B and God Only Knows and Wouldn't it be nice, and I'm a little afraid it's because they were on the oldies station when I was a kid, riding in the backseat of a station wagon in cutoffs on the way to the swimming hole. More nostalgia than appreciation. The Beach Boys make a pretty penny off nostalgia -- look them up in a department store and you'll find this album and then nothing but collections - greatest hits, summer sounds, typical commercial repackaging for people who don't care about music, just want to sing or hear something pretty and/or nostalgic. Not art.Head on My Shoulder may be the best romantic song ever written, simply for the purity of it -- who else but the inventor of pop could write such romance without a hint, not even a hint of sex in it? True pop doesn't know sex exists. Much of the album -- I Just Wasn't Made for These Times, That's Not Me, You Still Believe in Me, I Know There's an Answer -- is either touchingly or cloyingly moral, depending on your level of jade.Ultimately, it's like discovering any real source of anything -- not so impressive unless you're really aware of what came after and why. I could do without this album, but I don't think the world could.
Great cd!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Now this is my kinda gospel music (music for the spirit, body, and soul). Tony Rich really out did himself in producing this project. I love the funky cords, the acoustics, and the overall spirit of the music.
What Happened to "Charlie"? If I were to rate the album "Charlie" by Tompall, I would definitely give it a five star rating--or even a six if there was such a thing--as it seems to reflect more of who the artist really is. As for "Rouge", I would like to reserve judgment at this time; I am sorry, I cannot give it an equivalent rating. I would hope Tompall would produce more records of the calibre of "Charlie" some time in the future. As one who has spent many years researching, from a sociological point of view, the (mis)adventures of America's unsung "heros", "outlaws", "renegades" "rogues", and such from the political, legal and journalistic arenas, I know there are a lot of them "out there" who could use some "Charlie" music.
mary, the queen of challenge it's refreshing when an artists challenges themselves especially if they are mary j. blige. in her forth lp, mary throws away the " ghetto fab" approach and recycles the essence of rhythm and blues. her voice might have a couple of cracks on tracks but compared to previous albums, mary's overall vocals are better. they're stronger. her lyrics have the "wow" appeal that take you to the mood she's in and paints a picture. with this album, it's obvious she's a woman with adult issues not asking "why" instead stating "this is how its going to be". mary j. blige has opened up her mind which has lead to her evolution in her music. all hail the queen has done it again!
Excellent mix of new and old material!!! The two gospel songs that close out this CD are worth the price of the whole thing. Great rerecorded versions of several of Eddy's hits, too.
garbbled weirdness This is basiclly an album that sounds like a acid tripEven weirder then Zappa. and thats saying something
Incredile This album really kicks. A great album and to who think this and "Diabolus.." is nu-metal, well you are definately not a die hard slayer fan obviously. I consider this a mix of the speed of Reign in Blood, some lyrics Hell Awaits era, and some songwriting reminds me of Divine..(probaly cus King wrote most of this album) I really strongly believe Payback is the best song on here and could easily have fit on Reign in Blood.
BORING ! This is dull ,uninteresting music.Its only revered because most of the population like boring radio music to fit into a dull boring life.
This cd will be one that you play for years to come. Her voice is like warm water washing over you.
Gorgeous sound and musicianship The extreme disparity of the reviews here is probably indication enough that this is a recording worth buying and studying. Serkin is consistently one of the most subtle and insightful musicians active today, and Bach is the perfect showcase for his talents. Listeners seeking a cheap thrill will be disappointed with this disc; the more thoughtful will discover a bottomless well of seamless phrasing, singing tone in the cello register, and voicing of a subtlety that is nearly impossible to achieve.There is a pervasive calm in Serkin's playing that can be mistaken for apathy; however, it is passionate in the sense that a Palestrina motet, for example, is passionate. Gould's more zippy reading actually feels more emotionally detached. As for Schiff, well, sorry, he's the definition of bland.To the reviewer who would bash Peter with the spectre of his famous father -- shame on you! Just call him, say, Peter Johnson, and give it another listen. They are very different artists and personalities, but both brilliant.Kudos to the engineering team on this disc. The recorded sound is mindblowingly gorgeous. This Manhattan studio sounds more like St.John the Divine.
Sparks on top? Wow. The Maels come up trumps again. This is like a stripped-down version of the previous album 'No One In Heaven'. Less experimental & more commercial. Very catchy, very sing-a-long -with great production by Giorgio Moroder. If you like electronic music you are well advised to give this great album a try!
Tweet Tweet I'm going to center this review around a lyric off of R.A. the Rugged Man's "Die Rugged Man Die". The song is called "Lessons"."I knew this chick named Norah, a lounge singer, a year later, she a 6 Grammy award winner."I've already written a review on Norah's latest musical Ambien. Read that for a better idea on what I'm saying.As for this CD, it meets all my standards for a one star CD.Unoriginal/unoffensive subject matter? Check.Talent being flushed down the drain? Check.Uninspiring? Check.Would you be embarrased to buy it? Check.Cannot relate to CD at all? Check.Would my mom listen to it? No. She'd think it's boring.Would you most likely find this in a Ford Windstar with Celine Dion and Whitney Houston? Yes.Is it bland and tepid enough to play in a grocery store? Check.Now, Norah Jones may or may not have talent. She can sing quite a pretty tune. However, I can find you 5,000,000 lounge singers who can do just as good of a job if NOT better. And, they also aren't Ravi Shankars daughter.Nepotism does not a good artist make.
Heaven's Door Is Wide Open For Warren Zevon Warren Zevon has always been a bit of a paradox. On the one hand, you had the wry, witty master of the sardonic lyric and/or viewpoint. On the other, you had a real softie (I mean, c'mon, only a true romantic could record a better version of his own "Reconsider Me" than either the Pretenders or Stevie Nicks!). That's why THE WIND is such an amazing piece of work...it's the perfect amalgamation of these two sides. The result? Zevon's most completely realized, thoroughly pleasing release since his 1976 debut. I just wish I had reviewed this disc before Zevon left us....some might think a large part of all this praise is due to his passing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Opening THE WIND is the gently rocking "Dirty Life And Times." As with much of the rest of the disc, one could just take this song at face value, as a clever little Zevon ditty, but repeated listens prove it to be much, much more. Lyrics such as "Some days I feel like my shadow's casting me/Some days the sun don't shine/Sometimes I wonder what tomorrow's gonna bring/When I think about my dirty life and times" hint at a darker truth. The same could be said about "Disorder In The House." Zevon could be talking about his own situation in this rave-up rocker, or he could be talking about the US....or the world. Whatever the case, it's heartfelt and raw, and the fact that it's evident on the lead vocal that Zevon's lung capacity was greatly reduced only helps to make it even more so. Special note of merit to Bruce Springsteen for his killer guitar licks and giddy harmony vocals! Next we have one of the disc's two centerpieces, a cover of Dylan's "Knockin' On Heaven's Door." Often, when a song is frequently covered, we forget just how good it is. It takes a version like this, or Randy Crawford's jazzier take with Clapton and Sanborn in the late 80's, to remind us. With Zevon's weary vocal laid over Tommy Shaw's delicate acoustic guitar, Randy Mitchell's stinging slide and Brad Davis' tasteful lead, there's an aching quality to the song that is at the same time both breath-taking and gut-wrenching. By the time we get to the end of the song and Zevon is singing "Open up/Open up/Open up/Open up/Open up for me" the chills (and maybe even a tear or two) have set in....and it may be a long time before they leave. "Numb As A Statue" is a mystery song...is it about a man cut off from his emotions? A man in shock over the death sentence he's just been handed? Someone adled by painkillers long after such a sentence? No matter the root of the song, Zevon delivers it in a classic, full-bodied vocal, pounding his piano like there's no tomorrow. "She's Too Good For Me" is a sparse, sweet ballad, graced with the angelic backing vocals of Don Henley and Timothy B. Schmit. With lyrics such as "I could hold my head up high and say that I left first/Or I can hang my head and cry/Tell me which is worse" and "I want her to be happy/I want her to be free/I want her to be everything she couldn't be with me" it is clear, once and for all, that Zevon was much more than the goofball who sang about werewolves, cages made of bones and lawyers, guns and money! "Prison Grove" features the heavenly chorus of Springsteen, Jackson Browne, Billy Bob Thornton, T-Bone Burnett and Jordan Zevon, while "El Amor De Mi Vida" is a touching "Lost true love" song. "The Rest Of The Night" could be written off as a Frat Boy kegger song, but that would be greatly short-changing a deeper piece of work. It's Zevon's statement about how bad he wanted to finish this disc, no matter how awful he felt ("Me tired? Well boohoo!"), set to a gutsy rock beat. I made the mistake earlier of saying there were two key songs on THE WIND...oops! There's three! "Please Stay" is simply mesmerizing. Picture this....Zevon's sparse keyboard backing his tender vocal....now toss in Gil Bernal's mournful sax and Emmylou Harris' gorgeous backing vocals....the result? Sheer pop perfection! It's been a long time since a song has haunted me the way this one does. "Rub Me Raw" is gloriously goofy, a totally classic Zevon composition! With it's growling lead vocal and Joe Walsh's snarling slide guitar, the track provides a shot of humor and sass just when it's needed. Closing out the disc is the touching "Keep Me In Your Heart." This acoustic ballad was recorded at home, months after the rest of the disc was in the can and Zevon was too sick to go back into the studio. With it's minimal instrumentation, tired-but-strong vocal and wistful lyrics ("Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath/Keep me in your heart for awhile/If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less"), this is a man at peace with his fate, yet at the same time hoping he made a lasting impression, one that will be fondly looked upon from time to time and thought kindly of ("Sometimes when you're doing simple things around the house/Maybe you'll think of me and smile/You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse/Keep me in your heart for awhile"). Such actions go without saying....with THE WIND Warren Zevon has crafted the most complete, heartfelt album of his career, securing and strengthening a legacy he, his children and grandchildren can be proud of for years to come.
STP's forgotten classic Don't go by Days Of The Week. In fact, it's the worst song on the album (in my opinion). This album is amazing. It has the harder rock (Long Way Home, Coma), poppy stuff (Days Of The Week, Hollywood Bitch), ballads (Wonderful, Hello It's Late, A Song For Sleeping), psychedelia (Bi-Polar Bear, Black Again), and classic STP (Dumb Love, Regeneration). It even makes fun of Courtney Love (Too Cool Queenie)! All this adds up to a classic.The singles: Days Of The Week, Hollywood BitchMy favourite song (not a single): Wonderful
His Best Travese City is an unknown gem. A flawless album with great lyrics and music. I'm amazed this never got anywhere. It's a masterpiece. This is his 'Armed Forces.'
This made me VERY ANGRY Okay, I know every other reveiw is a one star saying how bad this CD is... Well there's a reason for that, it sucks more than a vaccuum cleaner. I was exited to buy this CD when it came out, because I had heard great stories of how metallica had gone back to their roots and were kickin ass again. I will never listen to a critic again. When I popped in in my player at home I was disgusted within the first minute. Even though it hurt, and I was compeled to kill myself I listened to the whole 75 minutes. The next day I tried listening again just to see if I had a different opinion after awhile, but it didn't change, and now I'm sitting here out fifteen bucks that I could have bought an in flames CD with and crying because I know metallica has hit rock bottom.Reasons for suckinga) riffs are more repetitive than a hatebreed CDb) bad productionc) songs that should have been four minutes are seven minutesd) to much hypee) DVD REALLY sucksf) no solosg) drums sound horribleh) I expect more from metallicaThe one good thing about this crap is the cover and the booklet are pretty cool, but that is it. Understand to that I LOVE metallica. I am not someone who has never listened to any of their other CDs (which were masterpeices) My favorite CDs from them are 'Master', the balck album, and 'S&M'. I even enjoyed a couple songs off load and reload. But now I have lost alot of respect for them, and I really want to go and download this CD just to piss them off. Let us hope that this is metallica's last CD so that they can keep some of their fans.
Awesome, awesome! Ok.. I'm going with what another user said about this CD- I can't stop playing it. That CD seriously never leaves my CD player (except this week when my brother thieved it from me =) ) I absolutely LOVE this CD. I think it's an incredible CD. I'm a fan of rock music, and it's kinda hard to find bands out there who are Christian rock bands. It's the best of both worlds! =) The lyrics are inspiring, and the music itself is upbeat. I would recommend this to EVERYONE! It's awesome!! (Have I said that already... =) ) Just a side note, if you're a TD fan, get some tickets to the Come Together Tour- this tour is gonna ROCK!
Best of the best I purchased the CD for only 1 song... Goodnight My Love..It took me back to the Friday night church dances -- it was the last song of the night. Last close dance.. I listened to the rest of the CD.. Belvin was great.. Sorry that he had to die at such a young age. If you were a 50s to 60s teen I suggest you pick up a copy.
My Ashlee CD just lost it's Magic... On SNL I witnessed "The Rise and Fall" of Ashlee Simpson". I really enjoyed her music. Especially for a girl who was given a MTV Show to launch her start. I really believed that she practiced and practiced to perform live. I too thought the first song was too well done, sounded like a studio mix to me.It was not such a big deal that she was caught lip syncing the song, it was the lie's and cover-up that bothered me. Any band that would have started the wrong song would simply start the correct song with no problem. Buy since the band was both playing a music track for the guitars and a track for Ashlee there was no way they could have played the song Live. The equipment was just not set up for Live play.Again, It's not the Lie, it's the Cover-up. And then all the Lie's to Cover the other Lie's. I despise, loathe people who Lie.And then the song at the RMA's, her voice was just like it was when we all watched her on MTV, bad. Like the other person said, "I would like to see Ashlee compete on American Idol".I must say her dancing skills are incredible. She is a Trend Setter for sure. Last night in a dance club everyone was doing the "Hoez-Down". That's what it's called. The gents do a "Pimpz-Down" and the ladies do a "Hoez-Down". The video of SNL Hoe Down was playing on the big screen of the Club and the dance was repeated in a Loop. That is some classic footage. The best part of the dance is when Ashlee tilts her head down real hard, like when you try to take the water out of your ear after swimming, then the slap on the Leg right after. Everyone did this like it was a Line Dance or Something. Then when everyone walks off the dancefloor they lower their shoulders and slink-pout off the floor.I bet the next SNL they do a skit about Ashlee's Faux-Gig. There is gossip on the net that Rachael is going to be Ashlee.And the other person wrote about the Sound Engineer. Every band shold have a Sound Man. It's not the drummer's job to click a button to start a track. And the fact that there was no Sound man proves that they did not intend to play Live anyway. A band that size would need at least a 24-32 Channel Board Minimum. And if there was a mistake the Sound Man could correct it right away.It's not the mistake, it's the Lies and Cover-Up. I don't know who would ever go to one of her concerts now. It's only going to be a backing track or the store bought CD in the PA system. Not like the super show I was able to see Madona do. Madona has real talent.Two Stars for the Hoez-Down Dance, the new Club Rage Dance.
You have to be kidding me..!!!!!!! Oh my God, thank God I listened before buying this in a compulsively stupid way. This is totally NOT a Wheel of Time soundtrack, at least if you try to focus yourself in a time of legends, magic, myths, Aes Sedai etc..it looks more like a bady country music CD. What is with Moraine's song!!??? an insult.This is proof that Jordan is just profiting with us, his loyal fans. BAD BAD BAD!
Kid Rock is back? Well this cd doesn't move me like the Kid Rock of the past. There are two great tunes here, serving as bookends to an otherwise gratitious monologue of "I'm back (...)" and "I ain't sold out, (...)" and "I'm realy realy rich, (...)" and stuff like that. WCRS is vintage Kid Rock. There's actually a line bleeped out in this song. Huh? How could there possibly be anything that needed bleeping worse than the stuff they left unbleeped?! Maybe it's just a gimmick. Despite all this self proclaimed greatness and realness where's the tour? (...) Guess he's just going for some Christmas cash. He's got a lot of gifts to buy (...). Mr. Rock also tries to show his sensitive side with songs that sound like James Taylor. I guess the chicks dig it. Whatever...
disapointed I was disapointed "Get Rich or Die Tryin" was better "Guess Whos Back?" (2002) was better it just sounds all the same with a few good songs.a baltimore love thing is good and gat man and robbin is good the rest of it blends together it dose not sound like anything on games ems or any other g unit album or the 2050 before the massacre mixtape.
Like Mustard and Peanut Butter: Some Combos Just Don't Work Everything about this album is better than the music itself. The layout sparkles with a quirky 60's feel; the production reflects another world-class feat by the Elefante brothers; the photography captures the band's spirit, even though it has a penchant for the admittedly cute lead singer. Even the arrangements are tasteful in the scope of what the band is doing; nothing's overdone or out-of-place. The musicians themselves obviously have talent, from the guitars to the horn section to the lead vocals. But it just doesn't ever gel, except in "Wonderful Wonder" and then, only barely, as if the band were locked in a small room and held at contract-point until they recorded a quality single.The attempts to break out of traditional structures by inserting chords that don't work or by not completing a phrase and letting it fall off into outer space simply do not work. They sabotage the songs and prevent them from building up any emotional momentum. When the songs ends, you feel like nothing has happened -- you haven't journeyed into other atmospheric worlds; you don't feel any particular emotion; you're not effervescing with adrenaline. You won't cry. You won't think much. You won't be driven to your knees, but you might tap your foot for a few bars or giggle here and there."Scrub" just isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's probably best enjoyed while you're studying, working, cleaning house or doing anything but actively listening. That way you probably won't notice the structural problems or attempts at innovation. It honestly seems like it was intended as background music, and as that, it does the job.
this is the lamest stuff ever if i had a nickel for i ever heard the crappy "more than a feeling" i'd be living in a mansion with 5 cars. avoid this garbage. more like "more than a piece of crap". oh yeah. we will, we will, rock you.
Deeper sound I just ran out and bought this CD on my lunch hour and have listened to it twice through already. it has more depth to it, a larger sound selection and style and different tempos and emotions than room for squares. the cd jacket itself is so interesting. john is able to see colors and has labeled his songs so we can see what he sees. i can say that in only two listenings, this cd will be right up there with room for squares. buy it!
Oh please, put your pants back on and calm down This is one of those albums that everyone in high school listened to. Now that we're all grown up, it should be something we leave behind. Overblown to the max, this bloated creation only pretends to tell us a story. What about? Nothing is focussed. Emotions are wheeled around like so many parked cars. "Run Like Hell"? From what, and why? "Comfortably Numb"? Well, what brought on this sensation? Perhaps it was the mind-numbingly dull "tunes" tucked inside Roger Waters' consciousness. The movie was just as overwrought and, ultimately, pointless. Is it about someone unable to deal with rock 'n' roll fame, current politics, or just the memory of his lurching, ugly mother? Was it Roger Water's deliberate intention to mix and match 1984 with Oliver Twist? It's nice that so many people can relate to such abstract notions, but that hardly makes this record "universal." Adding hilarity to this record's weightless content, Pink Floyd insulted future historians everywhere by performing the entire album in Berlin, by the old "Wall,"--get it? Funny, but I can't recall this record ever hinting at Berlin, much less the Cold War or, hell, even Germany. But then, fans of this pablum could probably draw metaphorical connections between such disparate objects as peanut butter and sewing needles. Oh yes, no doubt about it. Believe me, life is just too short.
This CD Is Hot Me being a DJ myself this is probably one of the most impressive cds i have heard in a while. With flex you can always count on him beacsue hes got the beats and the top rap stars to make this cd a hit. it has like 45 tracks mosstietly freestyle but thats aight still got a t least 82 minutes of audio. so get this cd or any other funkmaster flex cd. Mix tape volume 4 is the best.
Callas is the better Tosca! Although I think Montserrat Caballé is the perfect singer for Puccini's operas, the exception is Tosca, which was undoubtely written for Callas. Her recordings with Gobbi are supreme - they're the best soprano and the best baritone of the 20th century! - and we have the impression they are singing in front of us.I'm 19 years old, and I realize that young people generally don't understand the greatness of Callas's voice: they say "she didn't have technique.". I don't and I can't agree with them! Owner of a big voice - the modern sopranos can have an excellent technique, but thin voices (some beautiful, but thin) - Callas could sing a variety of roles that no soprano can anymore.
Pure blandness - the beginning of the end It's a myth that this is a great album.Metallica's 2 towering masterpieces are "Master of Puppets" and "And Justice for All."At the time that "the Black Album" came out, Metallica was so massively huge that everyone rushed out and bought this piece of junk. That's why it sold so well. And it did have that Metallica sound, yet to those who knew Metallica best, the "the Black Album" lacked any sincere fire in the soul. It was empty. It was bland. It was Metallica only going through the motions. And creatively, it was the end of the real Metallica.If you want to buy a Metallica album, buy "Master of Puppets" for it's muscle and purity. Or, buy "And Justice for All," which is complex and takes a while to get use to, but if you're patient, you'll come to understand that "And Justice for All" is one of the greatest albums in rock history.If you have a brain the size of a pea, please don't buy "And Justice for All," because you will hate it.
RCA ENCAPSULATES THE THIRTIES To celebrate the first 80 years of jazz recording, RCA Victor released a series of CDs in 1997, of which this covered the period 1930-1939. That is, from the onset of the Great Depression until the outbreak of World War Two. It would be impossible to do justice to that period with just one CD, but given the restriction of 25 numbers, and RCA's ease of access to its own masters, I'd like to have seen the net cast wider to include some more obscure outfits, including the so-called territory bands. As it is, none of the recordings presented here is obscure, and most have been the subject of multiple reissues on both LP and CD. That said, presentation is excellent, with the CD contained in a faux brown paper wrapper, a facsimile of the label for Livery Stable Blues (from 1919!), and a very detailed tracklist and liner note.
Save your $ and buy a Sisters of Mercy CD instead This music was okay. It was listen-able. I didn't hate it. But I didn't love it, either. It would be fine background at any goth gathering, but that's about it. The recording quality left a bit to be desired. CD and Digital recordings have kind of spoiled me a bit, I am not used to hearing fuzz or hiss in the background of my music these days. The lyrics, when they could be understood, were rather interesting, but the music is pure Sisters of Mercy knockoff. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, SOM should be very flattered, indeed. Save your bux and buy Floodland or a collection of SOM's greatest hits.
Don't be tricked because this is no treat There would seem to be a little potential to Trick or Treat. Forget Gene Simmons and Ozzy; no matter how prominently they may be featured on the box, they have very small roles to play in this heavy metal monstrosity of a movie. What we have is Sammi Curr, heavy metal warrior and idol to one Eddie Weinbauer, coming back from the dead to sow vengeance among just about everybody. Unfortunately, this movie goes downhill in a hurry and becomes, by its midpoint, nothing short of ludicrous. Family Ties' Skippy (Marc Price) seems to be taking the whole Nick and Malarie thing pretty hard, as this movie finds him playing a freak who depends on heavy metal music to keep him from ending his miserable life. He idolizes Sammi Curr in particular because Sammi went to his high school and somehow made it to the top of a heap from which he could spit on the likes of Tim and the other cool kids who make Eddie's life so miserable. When Curr dies in a fire, Eddie takes it pretty hard, but then Nuke the local DJ (Gene Simmons) gives him the only copy of Curr's newest record. When Eddie plays the album backwards, Curr begins talking to him personally and starts the poor loser on a course of satisfying revenge against people who do things like grab the towel from around his waist and push him naked into a gym filled with teenaged girls. Curr soon begins to take over, though, appearing whenever his special last album is played, and delights in killing people by shooting blue incineration flames out of his guitar. One of the later scenes is one of the silliest things I have ever seen in my life, and unfortunately the movie does not try to rise above this level of inanity at the very end. The only interesting thing about Trick or Treat is the brief appearance of a clean-cut, actually intelligible Ozzy Osbourne as a preacher decrying the evil of rock and roll music. Trick or Treat is certainly no treat.
Perfect for doctor's offices; elevators Man, what a yawner! If you consider oatmeal "too spicy", then this is your kind of music! One song blends right into another, with utterly nothing that stands out. Sure as hell ain't "The Globe Sessions" (my favorite Sheryl Crow), or even the commercial, but catchy, "C'mon, C'mon". Great album to use as background music, 'cause you'll have it tuned out in the first couple of minutes.
weak huge lou fan. these are some of his best songs ruined by antony. im not sure who this freak is, but he has an incredibly annoying voice, and is clueless to rock. maybe its what i needed to get off lou.eddieturtle73@hotmail.com
dont waste your time this cd is a waste of time. i think that almost anything is a better choice. shallow songs and a weak voice - - really, there is nothing there!
O'' I this buy album hoping it was gonin'to be good cd but i shortly disappoint with buying this cd all the song sound the same there was one song like and that the single "O". this cd is horrendously please don't waste your money this. Mario is the best buy not this Omarion BS trust me don't waste your time and money u by sorry.
get it..for italian rain I have heard this album a few times and all the songs are at the very least pleasing. But the one gem is 'italian rain', one of the best songs I have ever heard, period. Featuring an amazing vocal delivery, beautiful instrumentation with the help of the brilliantly talented Andrew Gold and some beautiful lyrics, without appearing preachy. Get the album for this outstanding track alone.
Pinhead Hits the Streets Pinhead gets released from his imprisonment in a rotating statue in a gothical night club. Once released he runs amok in the city killing everyone he comes across. Hopeless acting, hopeless plot, still lots of gore, still not satisfying to a fan of the series.
Great cd! This is such a great cd...But aren't all of Adam Ants! Great songs and great bonus tracks! Highly recommended to fans and those new to His music!
A MASTERPIECE!! Green Day's 4th major album, "Warning:", is one of the best CD's I have in my collection. The trio is back to the standards that were set with their first major album, "Dookie", back in the beginning of 1994. The tracks are simple, yet interesting and catchy. Some tracks show they are experimenting with new types of music.Number 6 on the album, "Misery", is a very unique Green Day song that combines Russian, Mexican and French sounds. Yet the different instruments fit together perfectly and create a nifty song."Macy's Day Parade" is another unique track on the album. Sweet violin sounds accompany simple guitar strumming and lyrics with deep meaning. This may remind us of Green Day's earlier "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" from their earlier album, "Nimrod", however it's a completely new direction the boys are taking which shows they are maturing as artists.Probably the most popular hit on the album, "Minority", hops along with folk-like sounds that combine with genuine Green Day lyrics: "I want to be the minority; I don't need your authority, down with the moral majority, 'cause I want to be the minority." It is a perfect party song, and the album would not be complete without it."Castaway", number 5 on the album, is my favorite track. "I'm on a mission into destination unknown, an expedition onto desolation road where I'm a castaway - going at it alone, castaway - now I'm on my own..." Those are the highlight lyrics of the track. The song is simple, yet just right. B, G#, E, B, are the notes in the main riff. The fast moving song also includes a short guitar solo that leads into a cool bass riff with shakers in the background. You just have to move to the beat, the song is that good. It is 3:52 minutes long yet it feels like 3.52 seconds. You could play it 10 times over and over again and never get bored of it, which makes it another perfect Green Day song.All songs on the album are good. The other ones I listen to often are "Warning:", "Church on Sunday", and "Waiting". It is amazing what a band made up of just 3 people can do. Billy Joe Armstrong, the guitarist, wrote all the songs with the exception of "Misery". He has a true musician's mind, a brilliant musician's mind. The bassist Mike Dirnt and the drummer Tre Cool are also fabulous musicians and all three should be proud of themselves and their accomplishments.
LOCK IT UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY ......FOR GOOD !! One look at the packaging of this latest "Cars Unlocked" release and fans will think it contains outstanding quality. Well if you're a "Cars" fan like me, you'll be completely disappointed with this DVD/CD release once you open it. The outside packaging looks fantastic but it's the absolute worst idea I have ever seen. The DVD and CD sit inside a 28 page photo booklet and each disc slides into a paper sleeve built into the front & back booklet cover.The packaging for this release is so cheap,that the disc's were already scratched before I even had a chance to play them. The twenty so called never-before seen live performances are just a collection from various US tours from 1978-1987 and the quality of the sound & video range from average to poor. The Dolby 5.1 sound is inconsistent throughout the DVD and the video transfer isn't much better than a bootleg video. The video transfer is grainy and riddled with all sorts of imperfections and the poor editing and camera work make this DVD even more frustrating to watch.As for the audio CD included in this set, the sound quality isn't anything to really get excited about. The studio has also included a disclaimer regarding the sound and video quality for this release. Unfortunately you don't see it until you put the disc into your player and by then it's too late. Let's be honest if they put the disclaimer on the outside of the package, nobody would buy it. This review is strictly my opinion of what I've seen and heard in this "Cars" release and it's definitely not worthy of a five star rating. Fortunately for me I was able to return it due to the severe scratches from the poor package design and I didn't bother with a replacement copy. My advice to "Cars" fans is to steer clear of this release.DVD Features:20 songs plus 5 bonus performances28 page photo lyric bookDolby 5.1 Surround SoundTrailerIncludes a brand-new full length CD: The Cars Unlocked - The Live PerformancesSongs:1. Intro2. My Best Friend's Girl3. I'm in Touch With Your World (Interview)4. Let's Go5. The Hotel6. Gimme Some Slack7. Tokyo Sound Check8. Up and Down9. Just What I Needed10. Dr. G11. Don't Cha Stop12. Moving in Stereo13. Through to You (Interview)14. Candy O15. You Might Think16. Drive17. Nightspots18. Sound Check19. Tonight She Comes20. Magic21. Shake It Up22. Good Times Roll
Sorry Motorhead fans, the band can do wayy better than this. I know I'm in the minority on this album, but do you Motorhead fans honestly feel that the songs on Inferno measure up to songs such as "Orgasmatron", "Overkill", "Shine", "Ain't My Crime", "We Are Motorhead", "One More Time", "Dr. Rock", "Iron Fist", or "I Got Mine"? Now before any body doubts my loyalty or honesty as a Motorhead fan, there are plenty of obscure MH songs I can't live without such as Jack the Ripper, Name In Vain, Don't Need Religion, Too Good to be True, Down the Line, Slow Dance, to name a few. I just didn't want anybody thinking the only two songs I listen to are "The Game" and "Ace of Spades". So yeah, I do have alot to compare "Inferno" to. On Inferno: Terminal Show and In the Name of Trajedy are two thrash songs. Well, I'm not really a thrash fan, so to be fair, maybe if I was, I might have given this CD a better rating. I DO recommend these two thrash songs to MH's thrash crowd. Here's where the real problem begins for me: The songs "Killers", "Suicide", "Life's A Bitch", "Down On Me", "Fight", "In the Year of the Wolf" and "Smiling Like a Killer" seem to have dull, drab singing, and the guitar in the songs is average. Yes, these songs are fast, and they're loud, but just being fast and loud doesn't make every Motorhead song good. Lemmy's singing on these songs is very dull, it doesn't seem to ever change form high to low, or from solo to(very few) harmonies. If you want to know what I mean by what Lemmy is capable of in singing to fast, hard, loud songs, take a listen to cuts such as "Ain't My Crime", "Iron Fist", "We Are Motorhead", "Dr. Rock", "No Voices In The Sky", "Dr. Love" and even the THRASHER "Red Raw". Two songs that start to show a little more interest to me are "In the Black" and "Keys to the Kingdom". "In the Black" is a mid-tempo one finally starts to show Motorhead getting dirty and gritty again, as you can even hear Lemmy's anger in the song, along with some dirtier guitar. "Keys to the Kingdom" is a slower one, and does have Lemmy doing some harmony, but even this song seems to drag at parts, and Lemmy sounds at times like he's only half awake when he's singing this. The last song is "Whorehouse Blues". It's an acoustic, bluesy song. It's OK, but if you want to hear GOOD Motorhead blues, listen to "You Better Run" or "I Ain't No Nice Guy". My advice, pick this CD up and support the band. But I'm just letting you know that Motorhead can do MUCH beter than this. It's all documented.
Kill the Casino Not having heard 'Dead Elvis' before I can't really compare the two but good music isn't determined by relativeness to other works. Madness on top of drums and the drums never stop. I like the way 'dirge' builds up. The morse code and weird whistling in 'death threat' is cool too. 'flying' is just great (more climatic building)! 'aisha' has spooky lyrics and nice guitar noise. And the rest of the tracks are well worth it!
Sellout Success has gone to Fred Durst's head. Gone are the good ol' days of Three Dollar Bill, Y'All [EXPLICIT LYRICS]. Poser mainstream pop disguised as nu-metal, hidden behind a wall of foul lyrics and distorted guitars.What caused me to write this review is due to the dissing of a great band, Taproot, which has been heavily criticized by mainstream "poser metal" listeners who claim them to be clones of Limp Bizkit.This stuff is not unlistenable, however. Fred Durst's high pitched whine is rather amusing, and it's great at trashy parties full of "badasses" who think they're cool listening to Limp Bizkit.Disappointing for a band which used to write decent songs like "Counterfeit".
Definitive Loverboy collection I was glad when this CD was released. It has every Loverboy hit, even Queen Of The Broken Hearts which was criminally overlooked on previous Loverboy collections. I only wish that The Lucky Ones and Take Me To The Top had been included on this collection.
wack album in this album i just like 3 or 4 songs so i just saying that this album don't worth anything
I was waiting for you Once again,the Album seemed a bit short.Made an impact on my brain, :)RAW & Edgy, good release.You gotta but this if your a Zombie fan.
Where has this band been all my life? My roommate discovered this band for us by watching fan videos online. We instantly fell in love with Angels and that one song was the basis for me purchasing this whole CD for her for Christmas. We listened through it together for the first time and we are hooked. The beautiful lilting voice of the main singer is haunting and the instrumentation is quite amazing. I was utterly impressed and have recommended this to most of my friends, several of whom are as addicted as I am to Within Temptation.
#1 worst album of the year. This has got to be the worst set of songs on a single CD. It's the kind of stuff the police would use to drive people out of buildings and such.
WoW! This single is so great! i love the song, " you don't love me" ! it is the bomb! pick one up now!
You're not so beautiful.. Sorry James, but this CD stinks! I really loved the song "You're beautiful" on the radio and I wanted to buy the CD. So I did and I wish I hadn't taken the shrink wrap off so I could return it. The only song I like is You're Beautiful, the others well... the words dont make any sense at all.
sounds approaching coherence The stars maybe in your eyes, but not in mine. "Blood" is like trying to listen for a glimmer of recognition from the "B" songs on a favorite album. As a whole, it bears strong affinities with the single "No.9" track on the so-called Beatle's "White Album." If you truly enjoyed that endeavor by John Lenon And Yoko Ono, I would guess you'd like buying "Blood" too. (If you have never heard "No.9" check that out first!)"Blood" is neither as satisfying as the famous surnamed phrase "This Mortal Coil" (Shakespeare?) would suggest, nor as celestial as so many five-star reviews could guarantee. Drats!
A movie that tried to become scary, but failed A movie that tried to become scary, but failed. Yep, that's what the Ghost Next Door did. It is a rather odd movie. The thing with Goosebumps movies... They never follow the book. Never. It is about a twisted child named Hannah Fairchild. She see's this black ghastly ( to her. But not to me) image. She dials September 11 ( 911). The phone doesn't work. She stupidly runs outside. A kid says boo. She screams. That's the movie. Sorry, but this movie didn't go excellent in my mind. See Chillogy if you want a goosebumps movie!
Basically a ripoff for non-starting Floyd fans I can't see giving this wonderfully packaged boxset more than 2 stars because no matter what the hype and hoopla, the simple point of contention is CONTENT. Much like the later, elaborately-packaged and hyped 2CD Pulse set, this box is not necessary at all. 8 CDs of stuff you can buy at any decent CD store and ONE CD of old singles you can't buy. A very nice book, but folks, the reason you buy a boxset is MUSIC. Pink Floyd was around for over 25 years when this thing was released. How about a boxset of, um, unreleased material? Maybe not 9 CDs, but maybe a nice 4 CD set. Alternate versions, unused songs, live material, demos. Anything Floyd fans can't get everywhere else. Soon after this was released the now-defunct Great Dane bootleg label from Italy released a fantastic 4CD Floyd boxset that is or was worth every penny, and it was cheaper than this one. It had live material, unreleased stuff, and basically all the kind of stuff Floyd should give its longtime fans. But the Floyd today is more like a corporate machine than a band. In the last 11 years they have adapted the formula of releasing a so-so studio album, followed by a costly but fun gigantic tour and then not one but TWO double live CD sets. God and Dave Gilmour's accountant only know if we will ever see another new Pink Floyd album in our lifetimes. What we don't need is any more repackaging of what's been around (and it's all good) for so long. Give the fans what they want! Give us stuff we have not heard!
Bland, dry, and uninspired This review will undoubtedly offend the period-instrument crowd. After hearing Robert Shaw's recording, I thought surely it was impossible to have less inspired recording of this piece, unless, of course, your inspiration is to make music that is "correct" instead of music that is good.Yes, the playing and singing is always accurate and precise, but is that what makes a performance great? Listen to Karajan's recording and you will hear mistakes all over, but you don't care because you are so caught up in the energy and beauty of the performance that you do not care.The Credo is perhaps the worst movement. Gardiner chooses a ridiculously fast tempo that makes it sound like a drinking song, not a proclamation of faith.Gardiner being the ultimate literalist chooses not to bring in the chorus at "Pleni sunt coeli." The only other recording I know of is an old LP of Klemperer which I do not think has been released on CD. Though that is what the score says, it does not make musical sense at all, which is why most conductors opt to introduce the chorus there.By the way, if JEG was so concerned about recreating the "authentic" (whatever that means) sound that Beethoven would have heard, why did he choose to have the singers use ecclesiastical Latin. Would Viennese Latin not be much more appropriate? Just a thought.If like dull, uninspired recordings of masterpieces, then this is the disc for you. If like me you prefer not to have the life sucked out of music, then stay away from this CD.
Some of the worst you can get..... Stay away from all the crap zeze e luciano done...It's all the same nulity, some of the worst you can get from the music industry! It's so lame and ridiculous...JUST LOOK AT THE ALBUM FRONT COVER!!!!UNBELIAVABLE, but sad but true!
Listen to this, Hitler There is as yet, for me, no perfect recording of the 9th. But there are three that are indispensable, this being the first of those; the other two led by Reiner and Herreweghe. As many others have noted, this one takes upevery one of the score's opportunities for fire and intensity, in the closing Ode above all. Forget all of one's preconceptions about Furtwangler: the speed (!) and power of the opening and close are overwhelming (and literally correct). The coordination of the conductor and his timpanist, among many others, are unmatched (why does almost every other performance distort and diminish Bee-thoven's ff timpani roll in the Ode's opening?) Every time it appears Furtwangler brings out Beethoven's emphasis of the Ode's motivic phrase: "Alle Menschen werden Brueder" (All humans will be brothers)-- a message especially appropriate for the on-scene Hitler, and still for all of us. This 1942 performance and recording is the best of all of Furtwangler's, even better than the later Salzburg Festival performance, and in every respect truly amazing.
Not What You Would Expect Now don't get me wrong, I think that Creed is a very talented band. They are extremely capable of putting out high quality music that can touch the innermost parts of your soul...but it comes in two very different forms. The 2-star rating that I gave to this album doesn't come from a lack of quality, but more from a position of shock and disappointment. After hearing the first album "My Own Prison" I was instantly hooked. Scott Stapp has one of the most powerful and melodic voices in music history, and Mark Tremonti puts down some pulsing, mesmorizing guitar riffs to create an awe-inspiring masterpiece. "My Own Prison" is a very heavy album, with almost all of the songs being very emotionally intense. So when I went out to buy "Human Clay", I was expecting more of the same. But when I popped it into my CD player, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Scott's voice was coming out of the speakers, but the music was nothing like their first album at all. It had, at most, 1/10 of the intensity and nowhere near the same raw emotion that the first CD established. "Human Clay" was nowhere near what I had expected, except for the song "What If", which had a few similarities to the music from "My Own Prison", but the rest is much softer and toned down. The transition from "My Own Prison" to "Human Clay" is like going from hard rock to pop rock. Once again, let me emphasize that my 2-star rating does not represent the quality of the music, but more of the confusion I felt after realizing that Creed was going in a very different direction with their music. Consider this review more of a warning to those of you out there who think that "Human Clay" (and their newest CD for that matter) is going to be just as hard hitting as the first...you're in for a rude awakening.
My goodness...I can barely believe my ears! I was really excited about this cd. I liked the one song I heard on the radio, and really expected an awesome cd out of Lopez. The first song was great...then I listened to the rest of the cd and was apalled! All the other songs are really terrible. Now, they do have their good points, but that's about it. Lopez's lack of vocal talent really show in a lot of those songs. The songs were poorly picked...the cd does not flow...and the songs literally made my stomach churn. Really, Lopez could've done a lot better. Now...on the bright side...I guess I can pretend it was a really expensive single and pretend those other songs don't exist.
Definitively worse and the final Creedence album! I'd thought this cd was any good but i was wrong it's not. I think that CCR should be a shamed of their record company industry for putting them in charge of lots a hard work like Stu Cook, bassist and drummer Doug Clifford don't even sound great except John Fogerty performing only four song tracks are OK included which are "Lookin' For A Reason", "Sweet Hitch-Hiker", "Hello Mary Lou" and "Someday Never Comes" are classics here. But those were the days when guitarist Tom Fogerty left and the pressure, tension & strain got to them alreadyit was time for Creedence Clearwater Revival to break-up. And also going into a different direction for three memebers from the band years together. So anyway in my opinion TWO THUMBS WAY DOWN!
All Hype .... Where is our Britney I have waited for this CD and all I can say is I am glad I bought it on sale because I dont feel so bad about throwing away $$. "In the Zone" is one of the better songs on this CD and there is a track you can down load called "I've just began having fun". Other wise all the other tracks are her story telling of how she is now a woman etc-blah -blah - we know you had sex tell us something else. If I were you listen to it on-line before you buy - you will save yourself the time and money- sorry Britney - please try again- we dont like your "Zone"!
Brutal Not as bad as Steve Vai's latest... but close. At least the total playing time of this comes in under 54 minutes... unlike Vai's almost 70 minute Ultra Zone debacle. I should be the last one to criticize, but if they are THAT bored with guitar playing... DON'T RELEASE GARBAGE LIKE THIS.
Madonna's offers up her best material since Ray of Light When I got wind that Madonna was finally releasing some new material, initial reports were that it was going to be her "Rock album" a la Franz Ferdinand and Killers. So wasn't I surprised to hear later reports that not only was she not going Rock, but that her new release was actually going to be a straight-up Dance album!I was a little nervous about the whole thing after the somewhat disappointing Music and the tepid reaction to American Life. Although I loved that album, despite it's #1 debut, it was clear the rest of the world was not in agreement (despite, again, the fact it includes seven, yes seven, Top 10 dance singles).Maybe this is why she decided to get back to her roots, as they say, and give the people what they want. An album to pop on to dance around the room and forget the world exists.I certainly had no need to be worried.Madonna has returned to the dance floor, and she has come back with a vengeance.The album kicks starts in overdrive with the blistering ABBA-sampled lead-off single, "Hung Up," her best single in years, and doesn't let up for the first nine songs of the album! The album includes two of the best songs she has ever recorded, "Sorry" (rumoured to be the second single and the best mainstream dance track she has recorded since "Vogue") and "Forbidden Love" (not to be confused with the song of the same name from her Bedtime Stories album). It also includes a song which is a wink at her very own "Holiday," as "Get Together" is seemingly loosely based on the groove that threw Madonna onto the edge of superstardom twenty-two years ago.Honestly, there are nine seriously strong tracks on this album of twelve. Each one has it's own feel, it's own vibe, but each one with a killer beat.I feel she lost her footing a little by putting the "spiritual" track "Isaac" on here. It seems very ill-placed on the album and is definitely, by far, the weakest track on the album, but not nearly as big a blemish as "I'm So Stupid" was to American Life. "Let it Will be" and "Like it or Not" (produced by Bloodshy & Avant, best known for producing Britney Spears' worst single, "Toxic"), although two sufficiently good songs, are forgettable in the long run in comparison to the other nine slammin' tracks. The fact that nine of twelve are strong, however, is far more than most albums can say these days.The album is made up of high-BPM, high-concept dance tracks, slowing only ever-so-slightly near the end for the RnB-tinged "Push" which will hopefully get a release or a remix somewhere down the road.The album showcases some of the best production she has ever done and some very clever lyrics. Stuart Price, musical director of her Re-Invention Tour, but best known for producing and remixing this years dance sensation Juliet, along with his numerous dance remixes of artists like No Doubt, Killers, FischerSpooner and his very own remix of Madonna's "Hollywood," co-produced eleven of the tracks on this album with Madonna. The man is absolutely brilliant and truly brought out the best material Madonna has recorded in ages.The most notable downfall of this album is that it is continuous. Each song mixes into each other, and that really is a downside for those, like me, who prefer to listen to albums on shuffle. Here's hoping there is an eventual release with all the songs separated. And take note that the limited edition, featuring one extra song entitled "Fighting Spirit," will be in stores on December 13th, just in time for Christmas.Believe me, just for that one song, I will be first in line.
Sade Shines Lovers Rock is one of her best albums. As a fan of her work, this CD has it all - soft lyrics with excellent background vocals and instruments. A nice jazz with beats mix. Clearly, Sade Rocks!
An amazing live album from my favorite fusion band(s) As previous reviewers have noted, the 1975 unit provides the standout selections; "Freezing Fire" alone is worth the cost of the set. None of the other bands herein are as steady, powerful, or grooving. However, all the lineups were capable of generating great music, and I'd love to see a live CD dedicated to each. (Considering how long it took for Columbia to release this music, I won't hold my breath.)Ten stars for the 1975 band, four-and-a-half stars for everything else. Check it out!
Great Album This CD is much better than They're Only Chasing Saftey, which is a masterpiece in itself. it wraps up the hxc from the first two into a cleaner (but not better) sounding experience. And i know that everyone's favorite song is When the Sun Sleeps. if that is your favorite than get the new Cd instead because the best song on the cd is SHort of DaybreakThank you
Horrible This Cd is so dumb!!! The little kids and adults ruin the songs.If somebody likes this Cd it's because they have not heard the original songs!!! Most of the songs they do are not little kid appropriate. All together it is a waste of money.
Wait is worth it! All is there except for OCEANS! Besides that, the collection of the hits from one of the best bands from the past 20 years... Enough said a must have for any PJ fans!
Savouring a Classic I recently saw Arlo Guthrie in concert and when he did Alice's Restaurant, I came away slightly disappointed and determined to find the original. This one is it! Arlo himself even rushes through the song he's been stuck singing all these years. My ears remember the pauses and things that made this such a delight to begin with! The ONLY ONE to own!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Byob 5/5Revenga 5/5Cigaro 5/5Radio/Video 5/5Cocaine 3/5Pornagraphy 5/5Questions 5/5 best song on the albumSad statue 5/5 Real good song. A MEZMERIZING chorusold school hollywood 5/5Lost in Hollywood 5/5 BETTER ENDIN THEN ARIALsAs good as the past three albums,but some how i still dont have a favorite album of System of a Down. That shows how much of a great band they are
this guy's the worst......... Can anyone get this bozo to shut up? He's so goddamn annoying, and he seems to be getting worse with every new album.Stop supporting this moron, people and listen to some real music for a change.
In the early 70's,a country-folk-rock sounding thing occurred when ex-Springfield Messina melded with Loggins,and it was LARGE!C.S.N.&Y. strove to be this good every time they released a tune. This compilation not only displays the music-crafting abilities of these two in conjunction,but also showcases their power to deliver dynamic LIVE performances. dedicated to Todd j3
You Ain't Hardcore. LOL Please. I bet these guys listened to H2O nonstop and made a band just totally ripping 'em. If you want to hear a good non-sellout band that does music like Simple Plan, that started before there ever was a Simple Plan and everyone copied them, find yourself an H2O album.
Adaptation is fine, but taste is still required. People sure are funny. Lots of irate postings about this album.I've listened to all the little snippets here--I can't claim more than that.All I can say is: I have no trouble with adaptations of Bach. I really adore Stokowski's big crazy Romantic versions, even though they're historically all "wrong."These particular adaptations just seem to me rather dull, bland and tasteless.There are fun electronic, disco and even country versions of Bach. I seem to remember enjoying the Swingle Singers quite a bit.I suppose it's good that St. John et al. tried to do something new. They just didn't get wonderful results. Sometimes when you mix Indian music, electronica, country and Bach, what you get is: not much.And BTW: whether the violinist is talented or not might just be a separate issue from whether or not she wears a bra, which is a very small-minded thing to complain about. What if she were a musical genius and dressed like a pop star? Would you mind then?People are funny....
Best music for toddlers ever! I bought this as a cassette when my first son was born 17 years ago! I now have 4 children (ages 17-9) and have used this cd with all of them. We still love the songs! We have many fond memories attached to this music, hearing any of the songs brings them flooding back. I am now going to be a "great aunt" and have purchased this cd for my niece and plan to play it for my new niece when she arrives. It is full of fun and playful songs that are catchy yet short. My kids LOVED this music!
Very Good! This is a must have for all the pink floyd fans. This is the best CD i have ever heard, my fav one is , have a cigar. Best song ever. Buy this CD!!!!
EST Fresh, intelligent, listenable. There are tracks on the CD that make me smile with joy, others that I just can't hear enough of, and a few that are still a bit of a challenge to me. I love this group. What a tragedy that ES is gone so soon.
Awards beyond my understanding If you like a violin concerto where the violinist is located somewhere behind the orchestra, buy this disk. Otherwise stay away. Or look elsewhere. Mullova/ Ozawa (BSO), Kyung Wha Chung/Previn (LSO) and Khachatryan/ Krivine (Sinfonia Varsovia) are fine choices. Heifetz/Hendl (CSO)is amazing, if a certain level of hiss doesn't bother you.
An Exceptional Album - He is definitely back !!! It is very nice to hear Brian get back to the basics of singing from the heart. With the execption of a couple of uptempo songs, this is a fabulous album. Put it in the CD player, press play and you can listen from beginning to end. This reminds me of the very first Brian McKnight CD. He is singing from his heart and you can feel the message. I loved it and I think you will love it also. It is unfortunate that radio does not play the songs that really make the album great. Let's give Brian some serious air time. He is such a talent.You cannot go wrong with this one.
great cd I look every were for this cd and i finally found it. If you like fast death metal with good lyrics get this.
bush bashers need to get a life for real,i used to love otep until she fell into the same stupid trap of bashing a wonderful and intelligent and listen up you stupid liberals: HARD WORKING president like president bush.the music isn't as strong as i would have liked and her singing (well if you call it that) just doesn't do it for me.two stars for hanging around.all you bands need to get over it and face the facts: bush will win in november and otep's words will be lost in the shuffle.
Classic Book I bought this book for my 6 year old daughter. She LOVED it! Its was a great chapter starter book for her. This was a good way to make sure she was truly understanding what she was reading. It engaged her she really enjoyed the story. Afterwards we watched the movie =) GREAT BOOK!
A laughably overrated group I remember hearing this album back when it debuted in the mid-70s. My first reaction was no reaction. After experiencing truly remarkable groups like The Who, Cream, Hendrix and of course, The Beatles, I found Bad Company to be, at best, a decent-sounding garage band. A group lacking originality, depth of lyrical content, personality, and ear-catching musicianship, I found listening to them to be a dull, enduring experience. And, by the way, the first "supergroup" was indeed Cream and certainly not this one. And Simon Kirke a great drummer? Come on-Keith Moon was the greatest rock drummer of all time, in my opinion. Paul Rodgers a great rock singer in his time? I think the Who's Roger Daltrey had him beat easily. Bad Company should have called themselves "Sominex" instead. Why? Well...you know the answer why.
An Epic Doom Metal classic Solstice is a very underrated band and it is one of the best Doom Metal bands ever. Doom Metal wouldn't be the same without this album, a sure influence for bands like Katatonia, Amorphis and much others. If you are a Black Sabbath fan, you HAVE to hear this album. A classic that will forever be remembered by myself. Excellent.
DISAPPOINTING joan's beautiful voice is too frequently buried in the arrangements, and the songwriting is disappointing. dylan's ability to write beautiful lyrics as evidenced on the final track of the cd reveals how pedestrian the previous songs' lyrics are. somehow i kept thinking joan was trying too hard to be the rebirth of janis joplin and not giving us the original artist she can be.
Stay Away From This CD Is there a member of Bon Jovi that doesn't look like a chick? Lawrence doesn't even like him. Why does Bon Jovi cough all the time?
good, but not the best... this album is somewhat overrated. Admittedly, this was the first Beck album I bought, and initially, I was amazed with the production and sudden shifts in sound within one song. it is a great dancable, catchy and accessible party album with just enough dynamics and quirk to keep it interesting for listens at home by yourself. However, I then went out and bought Mutations and then backtracked to Mellow Gold and One Foot In The Grave and eventually began comparing the three. Compared to the other two albums, lyrically it lacks depth. On the last major album Mellow Gold, the lyrics did have some sort of genreral coherent story to them, they just would usually have odd ways of saying them and unique forms of imagery. Most of the lyrics on this album are more of word collages, seeming randomly put together ( a good example: "heads are hanging from the garbage man trees/ mouthwash jukebox gasoline"). Although these collages are interesting and amusing, they make no sense at all, and are by no means intended to have any sort of depth to them whatsoever. I read somewhere that beck and the dust brothers would put together interesting sonic collages, and then beck would listen to them, sit there for about 15 minutes writing stuff in a notebook and then be ready to lay down his vocals. Beck has shown he is cabable of more surreal yet engaging imagery (see "soul suckin' jerk", "pay no mind", or "truck driving neighbors downstairs" to name a few), and is certainly capable of more brilliantly introspective and emotional content ("nobody's fault but my own", "girl dreams", etc.). For these reasons, although the record is fun, enjoyable, and sonically interesting, it seems kind of disposable compared to earlier stuff. Although Beck's technical singing ability sounds better on this album, his performance on earlier work had more emotion to it. Another thing is that I think that Beck's music was much more original and creative before he had all these cool modern electronic gadgets to play with. Beck has done much more with much less. I mean Mellow Gold was recorded for less than $500, and even featured parts that were transferred directly from demo tape to cd, and in my opinion it was much more groundbreakingly creative musically. Nevertheless, this is a good, fun, enjoyable album with some really great fun songs, and it still warrants an occasional replay when I'm in the mood, it's just not my favorite.
The Queen of Hip Hop Soul - No More! When I first heard that Mary and P. Diddy were getting back together, I thought this album would go down as a CLASSIC! I am glad that I am one who can admit to a mistake. This album is far from a classic, it is at the bottom of the list of all of Mary's studio albums. The sad part about it, is that Puffy tries to use the same formula that made What's the 411? and My Life such works of art. This album lacks the passion that a Mary joint needs to be successful. It appears that every song on the album is a testimony to Mary's current happiness and inner peace, a message that you don't need 15 songs and 3 interludes to get across.
Dis Cd Sukzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dis album Sukz cause there is only one good song on it. Tha only good song on dis BAd album is 93 till infinity. The Rest of the songs suk.
One of the BEST Generic rock cds ever The 1st time you listen to this cd you may think it sounds some what generic, but after about 2 or 3 listening you really start to love this cd. Many of the songs are very catchy and get stuck in your head. The lyrics are very cheesy romance, but I still like them and quote them every once in a while. "I want to Kiss you on the mouth and tell you I am your biggest fan." I would highly recommend them for people who like Acceptance, The Academy Is.., ect. Its definately worth a listen for any emo fan.Best Songs: My Name Is Trouble, Why Am I Always Right, I Want To Be Buried In Your Backyard
After the Storm - what a mess Monica's long awaited and much delayed release is a combination of heard 'em all before ballads and over worked, tuneless r&b tracks. The only track worth a listen (but not worth the price of the album) is the Darkchild produced, Brandy-esque 'Ain't Gonna Cry No More'. Possibly my worst purchase of 2003.
Nothing new I am not impressed with this album at all but then again I don't think Thalia has any real substance. Her music has never been well-defined. I think Thalia's biggest problem is that she has always tried to go with the latest trends in everything from music to clothing. In one album she's into ballads, in another she's a "rockera", in another she is into banda, and now she's trying this whole "crossover" thing. The truth is that we don't need this kind of artist in the American music world...she's just a copy of Shakira, Britney Spears, J. Lo, etc. My advice to her: stick to ONE style and work on it. She's got a long way to go. If she really wants to cross over, she'll have to come up with something we haven't already seen. 'Til then don't buy her CDs!
This Album was saved by the beats... Since 50 didn't get shot 9 times between the time he began writing lyrics for this album... 50 had to resort to talking about being in the clubs once again... and how girls should pleasure him... and several songs about how he's gonna put holes in people... and another diss record... the bright spot on this album is the tracks that back up 50's meaningless lyrics... "Just A Lil' Bit", "Candy Shop", "Get In my Car", are probably the standout tracks on this album... personally... i actually like this album... for the beats... but there is absolutely nothing insightful for those of you who like people like Nas, Mos Def, and etc...
Her best since 'Shepherd Moons' Finally, after ten years (skipping past 'A Day Without Rain' and 'Memory of Trees'), another beautifully crafted recording from Irish chantreuss Enya.There's not a bad track on this CD and well worth the wait,certainly better IMO then her previous-'A Day Without Rain', which had a samey-sound to most of the tracks due to overusage of synth-electronic plucking strings, and better than 'Memory of Trees' five years prior to that. Both of these recordings had several good tracks on them, however Amarantine is near perfect in it's song selection. This recording completes the trilogy of her finest works- 'Watermark', 'Shepherd Moons' and now 'Amarantine'.