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Blew it completly Iam normally a fan of Vidna Obmana especially with Steve Roach. This Cd is a big disapointment. It is incoherent, and actually grating to the nerves to the point that I was skipping tracks..there are several OK tracks, but most are nothing more than processed noise.. Dont waste your money on this one.
A bit of a disappointment - but has some high points I've never been much of a Chili Peppers fan but I bought this CD because I liked Scar Tissue and the title track (even thought I think people will agree with me that "californication" was far overplayed on the radio). I was hoping that the rest of the tracks would be as mainstream oriented and well-crafted as these tracks but unfortunately, they aren't quite as catchy. The songs have most of the right elements but don't seem like much effort was put into making them sound as good as they could. Still, Otherside, Parallel Universe, and All Around the World are high points. In all honesty, I don't have much chili peppers experience to base my opinions on so I find it likely that fans would find much more in this album than I did.
easy come, hard to go Dean, next time don't sell your song to George Straight,He made it a hit, you put a heart on it. Please try to sell George a couple more.
The lyrics makes it wonderfull. The lyrics is great. Any band that namnedrops Guy Gadbois (the alias of Inspector Clousseau!),Sagrada Familia and Peter Frampton in the same song is worth checking ou.All english listerners: take a course in swedish and enjoy it even futher!
toddlers love this My grandchildren (~2 years old) love this series. My granddaughter has been mesmerized by the dance show and the music show since she was 10 months old. Awesome stuff!
A Forgotten Gem Wow, when i first heard this cd in 89 i liked a couple songs but thought it sounded too modern. Now that I'm older {lol} even though i realize it's not what fans of B.B. might be used to but this is for sure a classic. The first three songs rock out! My God, Stevie Nicks doing background on Can't Get Enough Of Your Love alone makes this cd worth the purchase. She is so prominant it's almost like a duet. With guests as Stevie, Bonnie Raitt, Mick Fleetwood and others this is a cd not to be missed, no B.B. King catalogue would be complete without this under appreciated, overlooked classic. Don not overlook this underrated B.B. king cd.
Furtado's experimentation in music continues Nelly Furtado is a hard-to-place artist. Her intriguing, though somewhat bland (save for its enthralling singles) Grammy-winning debut album Whoa, Nelly! proved a new voice and serious songwriter inhabited the industry. "I'm Like a Bird" mixed pop and folk in an interesting blend, and this hit single alone became the perfect example of why Furtado's musical musings were hard to categorize into a specific genre. Her sophomore effort, the commercially-abismal Folklore, said it all the title: it was Nelly's take on folk music, and though it was intriguing unfortuneately it did not sell nearly as well as Whoa, Nelly! did. But in 2006 Nelly Furtado's brand new single, the Hip Hop-tinged "Promiscuous" featuring Timbaland, burned up the charts to No. 1, becoming the song of the summer and a sure smash. Her third record Loose, like its predecessors, said it all in its title: here Furtado's just about having fun in Nellyland and cutting, well, loose. Loose instantly became a commercial success, hitting No. 1 (for the first time in the performer's career) in sales. Of course, casual listeners ate up Loose for its club-ready beats and Nelly's sex factor, but dedicated fans (used to Nelly's musical introspection as heard in "I'm Like a Bird") shook their heads (in disapproval), said "Whoa, Nelly!" and labeled her a sell-out. In some aspects, this is true: she did push for more commercial-attractive songs, but if you know Nelly (as other singer-songwriters have done, such as Jewel) you know she loves to experiment with new sounds and styles. Loose happens to just be a new genre explored by the talented singer, and though (sadly) no one track can live up to the magneticism that "Promiscuous" dishes ("Maneater" comes pretty close, but sounds as if it lacks instrumental backing because, as is, it's a bit empty), the album remains eclectic and engaging. Probably the most Whoa, Nelly!-sounding song here is "All Good Things" with its typical Nelly-unique instrumentation, but "In God's Hands" (a bland and sometimes off song--in parts Furtado does not sound comfortable) is also worthy, though (of course) not as likable as the aforementioned "Promiscuous." In the end, Loose is neither a masterpiece or a flop, but both. There are some great songs here, but had more songs like "Promiscuous" been included it'd be much more of an enjoyable listen.
Sellouts of the Century I cannot say enough about how Metallica has done a 180 turn for the worst. They were everything that metal meant; after all, they were metal'lica. But since they started selling records and got a taste for dead presidents they have lost their integrity. I mean this in the truest sense of the word. With their impending lawsuit against napster, this band has layed the last brick in the wall between them and their fans. Lars says that the band doesn't like their art traded like a commodity. What does that mean, Lars. We aren't talking about a group of starving artists here. Additionally, music being sold by the record companies doesn't qualify as "traded like a commodity"? Oh the days when Burton was playing with the band. They were masters of the trade. He must be turning over in his grave now...
Great remastered edition of a seminal classic 'Blonde On Blonde' is frequently regarded as Bob Dylan's finest hour, and while that is all a matter of personal taste (this reviewer is partial to 'Highway 61 Revisited' and 'Bringing It All Back Home'), it is certainly among his boldest artistry. It had only been a short time (about a year) and two albums ('Bringing...' and 'Highway 61') after his departure from folk protest to electric rock and roll and the music world was shaken up. 'Blonde On Blonde', in a way, represented the reactions of the music world with a raucous, wild rock sound, without abandoning his roots, totally. After this, Dylan would return to his more folkish sound with 'John Wesley Harding' and 'Nashville Skyline'.The mastering on this reissue is superb and crisp. Dylan's voice is very full and up front, and the stereo separation is life-like (check out the trombone on 'Rainy Day Women'). The packaging is attractive, supposedly a replica of the vinyl, with the cover art restored. The album is even divided into two discs, like the vinyl took up two albums, whereas the original cd issue had the songs put onto one disc. Whilst this is a blessing to those who liked the original vinyl format, the album can fit onto one disc, and would not be of extra charge to the consumer. With the Elvis Costello remasters, each album contains a bonus disc of tons of material free of charge to the consumer. This album is only a few dollars more than the other reissues, worthy of buying, but it was a cheap way to make money for the label to charge extra for the two-disc original format.This is a five-star album all the way, remastered perfectly, and more aesthetically attractive and picturesque than the original cd pressing. The only shameful thing I see is charging the consumer a few more unnecessary dollars.
Like A Beautiful Autumn Day... That's what listening to this CD reminds me of, there's a lingering sadness to this CD. It is written, arranged and performed movingly. Credit to Barry Manilow for taking unused Johnny Mercer lyrics and pairing them to such wonderful wistful melodies. You can feel it was a labor of love of all those involved, there's not a false note anywhere on this product. This was the very first Nancy Wilson CD I heard and was given to me from a friend. Even though I was only 25 at the time, I could appreciate the beautiful voice and arrangements coming out of my speakers. My favorite piece is "Can't Teach My Old Heart New Tricks", it reminds me of the lost love that can't be replaced. Nancy's wonderful interpretation brings tears almost every time I hear it. Of course the dramatic finale duet between her and Barry Manilow in "When October Goes" is the icing on the cake. I especially like to play this CD right around the fall when the leaves are turning yellow or red and the crisp fall chill just awakens the melancholy of autumn that this music wonderfully complements.
A Unique Sonic Tapestry It's hard to describe Mew. The closest I can get is that they're a cross between early 70's Yes, Enya and Shudder to Think, with some late 80's alt-rock thrown in on top. One of the many categories they've been put under is "new prog," (Muse, Porcupine Tree) but those references don't do this CD much justice. You just have to hear it.They do a nice job of creating sonic and dreamy landscapes while simultaneously creating some beautifully haunting melodies over shifting drum beats and edgy rhythms. There are times when I just cannot get the melodies out of my head - even the more odd ones. One day it's one song - the next day it's another. Every song has a unique fingerprint but they are all fantastic.The only negative thing about this CD is that the rest of my collection has been woefully neglected! "Kites" is like a drug, where I need to get my fix everyday. If I don't... Oh well, the songs are stuck in my head anyway!Definitely one of the most original sounding bands I've heard in the last several years. Highly recommended.
EXCELLENT SONGS_ Fantastic Voice!! Brad Cotter is an underrated, under promoted superstar!! HIS VOICE CAN GIVE YOU CHILLS IT IS SO AWESOME!!These two songs are 2 of his best!! LOVE IT!!
Zoot Sims himself NOT on this recording We were very disappointed that the record company released this album using Zoot Sims name and him not even playing on it. Not until you open the CD can you read the names of the musicians of which Zoot Sims is not one of them!
one word BORING! nothing original, nothing that stands out, nothing on here that justifies running out and buying this CD....bottom line, SAVE your MONEY! P.S if I could give it 0 stars, I would in a heartbeat!
An absolutely amazing and unexpected album I love bands that challenge themselves and constantly evolve, but I must say that I was not expecting such a brutal and dark album from Dream Theater - one of their best yet. If you are a true DT fan, you will love this album. If you are one of those people who think Images & Words is the only good album they ever did and that it will never be topped, then go buy the next Symphony X album. I'll take DT over them any day of the week.DT is one of those rare bands (like Rush) that can incorporate new styles and expand on the rock/metal genre while still sounding like themselves. This album is much different than their others, but if I turned the radio on to the middle of one of these songs, I would know it was them immediately. They are progressing as they ever have been, and taking the current trends and making them their own, using them the way they should be used. All the mainstream Nu Metal bands should pick up this CD and hear how it's really done.My favorite tracks are "This Dying Soul" (the continuance of "The Glass Prison" from 6 Degrees - they use some of the same riffs/lyrics) and "Honor Thy Father", though all the songs are awesome. The midway point of "Honor Thy Father" is so brutal (Don't cross the crooked step!) - I can't wait to see them live again.
This Is Jack's Signature Album!!! This CD lets Jack show he was a good songwriter as well as singer. He co-wrote 5 tracks and I believe that this was a great way to show his talent. It just seems a shame that he didn't have videos for this album. That was what limited his popularity in his musical career. He had just left "General Hospital" and was looking to spread his wings, but for those of us who liked him musically, it just wasn't enough. I managed to see him on tour for this album and he put on a great show!!! Stand-out tracks to me are "Weatherman Says," "It's What We Don't Say," "Easy Way Out," "Common Man," which is one of the tracks he co-wrote, "Lovers In The Night," "It's Been A Long Time," and "Back Home Again." The fact that all 3 of the albums he released on Quest Records are now out on CD, being a true Jack Wagner fan, I am in heaven. It is great to relive my youth in putting these CD's on. Hopefully more people who get interested in Jack from hearing "All I Need" will decide to purchase this title as well as "Lighting Up The Night".
IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO? This CD is not what I expected from Ricky. The quality of it is very low. Only trying to impress the Anglo, and dissapointing your true fans. Repeating Spanigh songs that made you famous in your "NEW" english CD makes me so mad. It was a waste of my money buying your new CD. Last comment: Ricky Martin nunca seras tan grande como Luis Miguel, que si es verdadero cantante. Tiene mejor voz que tu y es mucho mas guapo. Y sera simpre el Rey.
What's so great?? The first four songs alone would be worth 5stars. It's the other 5 and 6 that weigh it down. Being a music lover who isn't over the age of 40, there's not enough..mmphh on the album. You're better of getting How To Dismantle A Bomb, Achtung Baby or No Line On The Horizon.
EVEN BETTER THAN I'D EXPECTED! In my review of the group's "Greatest Hits" CD (only10 tracks), I expressed a concern over wearing it out. Fortunately,this new one, "Very Best Of The Fleetwoods," arrived before the destruction was complete. And it was worth the wait! This collection is an absolute MUST for anyone even remotely aroused by the beautiful harmony and lyrics performed by The Fleetwoods. The accompanying booklet is virtually worth the price of the CD alone...I was impressed with the "A Capella" version of Unchained Melody, but I wasn't prepared for the exquisite beauty of Come Softly To Me and Mr. Blue presented here without musical accompanyment. Most fans are not aware that many of the group's hits were recorded "A Capella" in Seattle and instrumentals were laid down over the tracks in Los Angeles at a later date. The "A Capella" track of "Come Softly..." is highlighted by the unobtrusive jingling of Gary's keys, which he jingled in his pockets during the taping in order to maintain the tempo. This is a CD that should reside in the music library of any true fan of The Fleetwoods.
Folk music at its best This CD is full of good tunes and humor and makes me smile everytime I hear it. I highly recommend it.
Best of the Post-Beatles, but not up to Beatles Standard My musical awakening came on the back of three artists - George Harrison, Bob Dylan and Jethro Tull. They were three 'sounds' I just loved at the age of 12. Of them, I've remained a JT fan to this day, and a Bob Dylan fan until his Christian era (though I still listen avidly to his music up to that point). George Harrison I never followed beyond Living in the Material World. The last thing I bought was Extra Texture and found it disappointing.However, I did rediscover George many years later and now rank him at least the best of the ex-Beatles. However, I see many reviewers wonder what it would have been like if John Lennon and Paul had only allowed George's songs more space. Well I think it would have resulted in sub-standard Beatles albums.None of the ex-Beatles lived up to their Beatles standards (except maybe Ringo, with a little help from his friends), so to shine as the best ex-Beatle is quite a different thing to shining as the best Beatle.Some of the best late-Beatles songs were written by George, but few of the songs on All Things Must Pass would have been up to prime-time Beatles standard. Most of George's songs sound like George songs rather than Beatle songs, and while I love his early career sound, it could never be better than the Beatles. The very essence of the Beatles was the group dynamic - they brought out the best in each other in a competitive way, and edited out each other's songs not up to standard. As solo artists, no editing took place so any old rubbish tended to get recorded.While I love this album as background music, I don't find it stands up to intense listening - there's too many tracks I'd rather skip, and the demos and jams simply dilute the quality of the recoding.What I most appreciate about George is what many others seem to like least - the spiritual nature of his lyrics. In my mind, George will be forever associated with spiritualism and things Eastern. I own none of his recordings (except the Dark Horse compilation) between Dark Horse and Brainwashed, and far from regarding the recordings I do own as 'preachy' I can identify with his message.Anyone who can vote a second term for a war-mongerer like George Bush simply has to be brainwashed.
Not the versions I remember I put this CD on my wish list before the preview tracks were available, so when I recieved it I was very dissapointed. The version of Cool Water and Tumbling Tumbleweeds are just not the ones I remember--they seem a little to "speeded up". In listening to some of the other preview tracks, I think I would have been happier with one of the older recordings when there were only 3 sons.The harmonies are still good, it just is not what I remember.
Quite outstanding - an entirely new dimension in sounds Certain tracks have been choreographed into a contemporary ballet that has received rave reviews wherever it has been presented. The sheer inventiveness never once lapses into the prosaic. This stands alone as a very unique facet of the music scene.
I thought Davy Jones was dead Unimaginative, uninventive, safe. The Monkees lead singer should have stuck to Tambourine.
Nothing special here, surprisingly. I was really expecting to like this CD. I keep hearing good things about the Jayhawks, and the only song I've previously heard, "Nothing Left to Borrow," was wonderfully catchy. Seemed like just my thing. "Hollywood Town Hall," though, is just an expanse of blah from start to finish. There are tiny hints at greatness ("Nevada, California"), but nothing memorable otherwise. Other Jayhawks' CDs might be better, but I can't say much good about this one.
Ferocious sonic assault on all things sacredly bourgeois Playing this record loud, out of a good pair of speakers is like Blitzkrieg bombing your whole neighborhood. "Band of Gypsies" and "Inner Mounting Flame" are the only records that come close, but they don't have the polished production of "Fair Warning." By the way, some people think this is VH's lowest selling record. That's not true. According to Dave himself (on Howard Stern's show), all of the Hagar VH albums combined haven't sold as much as any of the ones he did with the band. The Hagar VH records don't sell much in catalog while the Roth VH records sell a million a year without any promo, just on reputation alone. This one is for true rockers and much better than 1984 and Diver Down which are VH's attempt to get cute and radio friendly.
In my opinion, his best single. November Spawned a Monster is a Morrissey classic that cannot be underrated; the pathos of being handicapped is highlighted by noting something as simple as wearing clothes "one chose for oneself" is something the rest of us take for granted. If you haven't seen the video to this song try to; it's both experimental and probably his best. Moreover, the Girl Least Likely To is a welcome surprise as a B-Side. With Jack the Ripper and At Amber as close seconds for killer Morrissey B-Sides, I think this harder track is reminiscent of his harder tracks from the Smith Days, without venturing into the Rockabilly twang we find on Your Arsenal. Nonetheless, its a welcome surprise. The two longish tracks on this single, definitely make it worth the money.
let it grow on you When I first heard the album I found Watters singing anoying on the slow songs such as Don't leave me now,Vera,Nobody home.Seems to me the movie should have came first in order to put the images with the songs,thats how I started to like the other songs on the album.Now I realize that the album is a dark story telling machine and it has to lisened to as that or it won't click in.
I like it! If you do not like Sammy Hagar and think that David Lee Roth was better...then you won't like this CD. However, if you do not care who is singing the lead vocals and are just looking for some really good music then you will love this CD! I love Summer Nights, Best of Both Worlds, Why Can't This Be Love, and Dreams. In my opinion, if you buy a CD and it has at least 4 good songs on it...then it is well worth having. And this CD surpasses that requirement.
They ruined my favorite!!!!!! This used to be the best upbeat Sinatra record. It was a perfect concept album: a collection of swinging tunes about dancing that ends up with the ballad "The Last Dance". Perfect closure.Not anymore. Now the damned thing - Energizer Bunny like - just keeps on going! Four more tracks, some from a different session! Just cause some corporate jerk wanted to charge a few bucks extra.At least they didn't add those infernal "alternate takes" that plague CD reissues these days.If I were you I'd hunt down the old CD or even the LP release. They are much more satisfying records.
This album rocks? He-he-he... If this album rocks...A lot of people suppose Bud is "The King of Beer", though this drink is as similar to real beer as Kid Rock is similar to REAL rock musicians! -:)I guess his nickname is very good. "Kid Of Rock"! He reminds me of small boy that belives if he says F** before and after every word he'll seem like adult man! -:)Can you imagine this "rock star" without EXPLICIT LYRICS?Can you imagine Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, etc. ( even Black Sabbath!) didn't use EXPLICIT LYRICS and were REAL rock stars ( not kids)?One of previous reviewers said "he can sing rap...". He-he-he... Do you REALLY think you have to be musician and/or singer to "sing" rap? Do you REALLY think rap is music? If you do, well, ok, I'm sorry...
Typical This is Typical Compilation.Who Doesn't Know these Songs&Artists? it's Business as Usual.a Great Chance too really come out right in a very Diverse Decade but it's all for not.A wasted chance.
A big disapointment for a longtime fan With the scarcity of listenable music today thanks to the gawdawful state of FM radio, I look forward to new releases from my favorite artists like Ben Folds, the Jayhawks, Barenaked Ladies, Guster...Imagine my dismay at my first listen to "Keep it Together." Words like "meandering," "limp," and "unfocused" were my first reactions.The kindest thing I can say is that they did try to take things in a different direction than their previous 3 albums, a brave choice considering the modern music machine rewards people for making music just like their previous successes, or someone else's. Problem is, Guster's sound was maturing, becoming more focused, and each of their releases was better than the last, culminating with the brilliant sound of "Lost and Gone Forever," thanks in no small part to the talented producing lent by Steve Lillywhite.Their best efforts have been defined by tight musicianship, high energy, and have showcased Brian Rosenworcel's unique percussion. His talents are wasted here due to the low energy approach of this albumNext time guys, get the energy level back up, and leave the trippy, ethereal stuff to less talented bands whose fans for some unfathomable want to hear it.The really depressing thing is that, due to the state of music today, the only way a talented band like Guster can make money is by touring, so I am going to have to wait 18mos to 2 years to see if they right the ship on their next release...
How can you speak the language with your tongue in your cheek? I laughed so hard that I fell into another Universe. Why wasn't someone holding on to my belt? This is an awe inspiring testimony to the humanity inherent in Alexie's work also to his ability to poke fun at his audience's pre-conceived notions about Native Americana. This movie does move me. I am a father,son,brother and renter of pre-conceived notions. I change them like I change my jeans ( once a month ). The cast and crew must have gained altltude making this one. I may never return to the old Universe. This one has no reservations.
trash I love MM. He was great in the early 90s. But now he isn't even trying to hide what it's all about: MONEY. Sure everyone loves money, but this is ridiculous. This cd doesn't have half of his best songs. It's garbage. Go buy the actual albums. They are good. Even better is that you could get the songs in context and not be beating your heads about what they mean. Manson has gotten lazy and greedy. Don't buy this. It's just a waste of money time and space. If you only want to carry around one cd, go get all the albums, pick your favorites, and burn it off.
JUST AMAZING this album is very good, it really isn't just another greatest hits album because they did something with it. they created it into something more fun to listen to then songs that most likly you already have, i didn't know what to expect when i listened to say track 14, i thought it would be tomorow never knows but it really was within you without you, very well done, i highly reccomend it. (sorry for spelling errors)
A Very Solid Performance This is the first album I've purchased of this band, and it is impressive. Many of the compositions are compelling, and the band members are quite adept and well-rehearsed.
Tired Got to agree with those who say Elvis sounds out of it and tired and those who say the sound quality is terrible - sounds like it (and he) have been to space and back. Still, if 'You gave me a mountain' doesn't make you cry, not much will. 'On Stage' album is a much better bet for potential investors, I think.
the best soundtrack this is my favorite movie and the soundtrack is so wonderful! i also keep it in the truck, love to listen to it when it is raining and i have to drive, helps me to stay calm!! i love it !
What? she has BLACK hair? surely she must be a rockstar I don't know what annoys me more, that Ashlee Simpson is on Geffen Records or that Geffen signed her. It just does not make sense to me that the same record company that signed Weezer, Nirvana and Hole are also responsible for signing utter garbage like this chick and Puddle of Mudd. Have they evolved into money-grubbing greedy monkies? Looks like it. I guess after the success of those bands they decided to market any rock-wanabe pop act they could find. Or who's dad would presaude them.Funny how Ashlee tries so hard to be taken seriously as a rocker when she's as pop as pop can be. We all know that without her daddy's money, without her sister's fame, she would be nothing. Geffen would have slammed the door in her face. She tries so hard to not be marketed like her sister that it's about as cheesy as William Hung. Speaking of which, I'm hoping her 15 minutes will come to an end soon as well.Face it, kids, her album will have it's few minutes in the hearts and minds of teen girls everywhere who don't know real rock from fake corporate rock. Then it will fade away into obscurity. Don't buy into this, please, my review is less a review and more of a warning. There is better out there...if you want real rock music then try supporting actual artists. Buy some Le Tigre, Auf Der Maur, Sleater-Kinney....then again none of these acts get hyped to death on MTV because their daddies didn't pay their studio bill and their sisters aren't reality TV stars, so you might not know who they are. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. There are so many more bands out there that deserve a little credit for all the <u>work</u> that they do...touring, writing, composing, creating, none of which Miz Teen rawk angst queen has acomplished.That's enough of that for me, I feel dirty just being on this page. I leave you all with a quote from Hole's Awful.They know how to break all the girls like youAnd they rob the souls of the girls like you...You're lost, oh, where's your daddy - it's so awfulAnd they royalty rate all the girls like youAnd they sell it out to the girls like youTo incorporate little girlsYou're all just tools, by buying this album you're only making Geffen and Ashlee's daddy richer. Remember: real rock is not concieved for the sake of fame and fortune. Real rock rebels against it.
It doesn't get any better than this This is a timeless album ! There are several 'Greatest Hits' CDs available from 'Madness' but this, their debut CD, is the real deal. There is not a dull moment, from the very first note of the title track to the final (goofy) track 'Chipmunks are go'. Their first single 'One Step Beyond' hit the music scene like a rocket back in 1979 and is still their concert opener. 'My Girl' shows the true musical skills of the band and is followed by 'Night Boat to Cairo', which is a fantastic, fun little SKA piece. But things are still getting better: 'Believe me' and 'Land of Hope and Glory' build up to my all time favorite Madness (and even SKA) song 'The Prince'. And 'Madness' are able to keep this high level all the way to the end of the album. This is a must have CD - whether you are a SKA fan or you just enjoy great music played by a truly great band.
Not what I expected I received the product in a timely manner, however it was not what I expected. I thought I was getting video of live performances, and what I got was videos that I could have watched on cable.
hmm, high points and low points Hmmm, i bought this, and i'll take a few tracks from this for mixtapes, but the album as a whole flops. Other reviewers said his other album is better, I dont know, I havent heard it.Lights, labial, and lysine are good tracks, the other stuff aims high and misses.Lights reminds me of quasimodolabial reminds me of tipsyand lysine reminds me of they might be giantsSo its pretty wild on the influences, and the sound is full of variety, but the other tracks are let downs. They try but don't have the fun and cohesive sound of these tracks. I like the videogame sounds, but the album doesn't use them on more than 2 or 3 tracks.
Why would such an awful CD be produced? I bought this album because everyone I knew was buying it that day. There isn't a single song on it worth listening to. Skip this album for sure. I learned a good lesson by buying this: don't be a follower.
Lyrical bombast Hey all you crazy kidz. We can't sell Mr. Mathers short now can we? 2 stars for effort. I bought this CD to check out the new breakthrough in white boy rap and found all this kid was doing is trying to pull off what the brothers do better. This CD is full of shock value, i.e. my statements are ignorant and their only purpose is to slap you in the face. Well... Slim is certianly not the first person to attempt this. Secondly he seems to be trying a little to hard to push his "I don't give a..." image, so much that he comes off as a womanizer and a bigot. I would have more respect for eminem if this record was the record company's idea and he's just playing along to bank, I mean we know their is a world of twisted kids out there spending their summer job money on this and taking it to heart, and that is the truely sad part. Lastly if you want to hear the pioneers of true white boy rap, listen to the Beastie Boys, they've actually got something worth while to say.
Great Album I was a Soundgarden fan. I was a Temple of the Dog Fan. Now Im a Cornell fan. Im glad he decided to pursue his music after Soungarden's breakup, and I love the change his music has taken. This is a great album that I will be listening to and playing along with for a long time to come. Im looking forward to hearing more in the future.
Fatboy needs to slim down the running time.... In Heaven is a terrible track, period. There are some solid tracks, but the album is weighed down by too much repetition. After listening to about 2 minutes of a track like Gangster Trippin' I'm ready for the next track. Trim the fat and you might have something. Give this one a pass, or just get the decent tracks (Rockafeller Skank, Praise You).
Give in to the power of J If you are an old 2SJ fan, you'll find enough classic 2SJ appeal to quench your thirst for those driving beats and hip-hop stylings. For the uninitiated, there is enough commercial slickness to songs like "Grown Up" and "Lemon Drop" to bring you over to the darkside. Give in before it destroys you!
Not so impressed I have been a fan of Alex's since 105 degrees, and I was not too impressed with as promised. O.K. to listen to but I don't believe Alex was up to his standard on this one.
No longer just an amateur Tight lyrics, fresh beats, and intelligent content. This album demonstrates Emanon's ability to rap with the best of 'em. (BTW, just saw them last night in San Clemente. Up until the cops shut it down, it kicked ass.)
Weak! Its very weak compared to anything they have put out in the past. It just doesn't pack the punch(whose album does these days...) It doesnt have bite I expected from a Megadeth album. I am still listening to it trying to like some of the songs but like LOAD and RE-LOAD I can see I'm gonna get bored with this album quick!!!
Not for a beginner. I bought this DVD for my daughter and I who have been taking Irish Dance classes for a year from an extremely reputable touring dance group. I thought this DVD would reinforce what we have been learning. However, it didn't reinforce even one step at the beginning level. It seems like it would be great when you get to the hard-shoe level. However, we are both still working with Ghillies (soft-shoe) and I didn't see her teach one dance step that we have learned in a basic Reel.I was also a bit disappointed in the music. I was expecting traditional pipes and just couldn't seem to get into... what at times seemed like Asian music that didn't fit the dance.If you are a dancer that is more advanced than we are, then this might be great. However, if you are a novice like we are, then I would look into purchasing some of the DVDs that are offered on some of the Irish dance and piping websites.
Bubble The Sinatra of today No way. Harry Connick has more talent and feeling when we sings a ballad. Album is on my self of a 1000 cds.
awful! the lyrics are OK but the music sounds terrible! I wonder where they have been???
Sucks After having heard "Obsolete" I wanted to experience more Fear Factory albums. Since the purchase of this one, that urge has severely waned. This album is painful to listen to, and anyone with any musical taste would be sickened by the terrible uniformity of the sound of the tracks on this album. Indeed, some songs could almost be switched with one another and it wouldn't be detected by the listener!
Not so hot now, derivitive and more a Roger Waters album I saw the movie soon after high school and was duly impressed: the animation was spectacular. The movie was dark story concerning the growing emotional detachment and isolation of a rock star, Pink, who gradually descends into a fantasy world of fascist leanings. Perfect stuff for highschool I thought and a story that lent iself very well to the big screen. However, even though Pink Floyd was one of my favorite bands since Meddle, I never bought the album. I'd heard it to death from my friends and though I was impressed at first, I became less so with each subsequent listen. The Wall has a lot of problems, both in its scope and in its execution. As a larger work, the concept is derivative of the Pretty Things far superior SF Sorrow (the first rock opera): the alienation of a boy who loses his father in WWII and his emotional breakdown. Musically, most of the songs with a few exceptions (Comfortably Numb is among their best works) seem to be filler: they perhaps further the storyline but aren't that compelling. In fact many are dull. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that Roger Waters hogged the song writing and prevented Rick Wright from making any musical contribution what so ever, which led to his leaving the group during the recording. Perhaps this has something to do with the over the top production of Bob Ezrin, surely the most overrated producer on the planet.Pink Floyd for me have since the Syd Barret days been primarily about the music, which was often groundbreaking and moving. I've never given their lyrics as much weight although some were excellent, but for me they've always been secondary to the music. With the Wall the lyrics are the main focus, the music takes a backseat and the album suffers for it. There is a tremendous amount of filler music whose only purpose is to act as a backdrop to the lyrics/storyline. With some notable exceptions, the music is either weak piano noodlings or overly theatrical bombast with little subtlety. Which of course something that producer Bob Ezrin is known for. Most importantly The Wall just doesn't sound like Pink Floyd. After the wonderfully complex and even darker Animals, I expected more of the same sonic density, but instead I got what is essentially a Roger Waters solo album with help from the other Floydians and studio musicians.The plot of the Wall is unoriginal and just too long and ultimately boring. It's just so much puerile pop-psychology about building an emotional wall because school sucks, Dad died and Mom is overprotective and then tearing the wall down, who cares? The Wall doesn't move me at all, it's story pretentions are too facile, it's music too showtune grandiose to move me in any significant emotional way. Unlike previous Pink Floyd albums, the Wall sounds childish, not childlike, and less adult. It's whiny, self absorbed and worst of all maudlin. There's a silly and cinematic or theatrical drama to the whole thing that I find very unappealing and cartoonish. As a movie the Wall was more successful because of the visual element and tremendous animation, but as an album, well... The music isn't very interesting: its mostly filler and bombast, and the storyline is just so much depressing and self-absorbed navel gazing. Just get over your pathetic rock star self Rog. After the Wall the Floyd as far as I was concerned was over, they never did anything that interesting again and Roger Waters solo career has been one bomb after another. The Wall marks the death of Pink Floyd as a viable band. Download it or rip it from a friend.
A few great songs only. I have always liked The Black Eyed Peas but it seems that their best songs are only the ones released as a singles. The best songs are Pump It, Don't Phunk with my Heart, Don't Cry and My Humps.I know a lot of reviews bagged My Humps as being an awful song, but i disagree. Listen to it with a great sound system and a 15 inch Subwoofer and you will see why i like it. The bass is out of this world! The same goes for the other songs mentioned earlier.As far as the other songs go on the cd...I wouldn't cross the street to listen to them. You are better off just downloading the songs you hear that are released as singles, the rest is garbage.
This song is genuinely awful... I loathe the song to death. There is nothing valuable. It's not even musically pleasing. It's just annoying!
The best R&B solo album ever! This CD is great! I absolutely LOVE the Thong Song, Unleash The Dragon, and Got To Get It, but all the other tracks are amazing! Buy this CD as soon as you can and you will find that it is one of the best CD's yet! Unlike DMX, he doesn't growl or bark before every song, unlike Will Smith, his songs are catchy and fun to sing, and unlike Eminem, his songs don't offend you until you want to puke(I'm a big fan of Eminem, though). So buy this CD and you'll find yourself singing these songs for days! "She was wearing a dress that was so scandalous, she was shaking her butt like who's the ish, had a wink in her eye that was so devilish, 'cause she was livin' la vida loca...........
It's The Doors!!! 'Nuff said. The thought of the Doors making a bad album is hilariously ludicrous. I would rate none of their albums less than 5 stars, but L.A. Woman happens to be one of my favorites. Most of the cuts on this album are full-fledged blues, which The Doors dabbled with on Morrison Hotel, then perfected on L.A. Woman. If you are a Doors fan, you must own this album.
Van Halen's classic, not full of "Jump"s. Van Halen's classic album, filled up with plenty of risky and innovative guitar riffs (signed of course by, what else?, guitar virtuoso and experimental Eddie Van Halen) which defined the essence of hard rock sound during the 80's.The subtle blend between hard rock and keyboards worked really well, just for this record and its era, keeping in mind the New Wave movement invaded almost everything then. Much more of it would become tedious...Excellent vocals, amazing guitar riffs and a few hooking songs made this one of the decade's music exponent, still good enough to enjoy almost after thirty years. However, not all of the songs are as catchy as Jump or Panama, so listener may not expect much more beyond that, but not a bad album anyway with more than a half of good songs.Some drum sounds on a couple cuts eventually reminds Bonzo's on Led Zeppelin IV.A must in any 80's collection.
Terrible A cd full of unsatisfactory and empty music. The "hit" Mambo no. 5 is especially distasteful.
Very disappointing This CD was a huge letdown.I liked a few songs on his "Room for Squares" but was completely unaffected by everything on this album save for "Charity," a great song.He's at the forefront of the male singer/songwriter thing right now in terms of popularity, but others are producing much better CDs. Try Patrick Park's "Loneliness Knows my Name," Joseph Arthur's "Redemption's Son," or Gavin DeGraw's "Chariot" instead.
A Children's Song Please release these tracks on the next comp/rarities release!!!BarnyardOld Master Painter/You Are My SunshineCabin Essence (Backing Vocals)Wonderful (Backing Vocals)Wonderful ("Rock With Me Henry" Version)Wonderful ("Mama" Insert)Look (aka "I Ran" and "Song For Children")Child Is Father Of The Man (Early Version)Child Is Father Of The ManChild Is Father Of The Man (Piano Version)I'm In Great ShapeI Wanna Be Around/Friday Night (aka "Workshop")Vega-Tables ("Cornucopia" Version)Vega-Tables (Alternate "Mama Says")Holidays (aka "On A Holiday")Wind Chimes (Early Version "Take 5")Mrs. O'Leary's CowWater ChantAll DayI Love To Say Da Da (Version 2)He Gives SpeechesTones (aka "Tune X")Little Red Book
One of the best soundtracks of 2003! I had two favorite soundtracks in 2003 and they were the "Freddy vs. Jason" soundtrack and the "Lost in Translation" soundtrack (two completely different CDs that showcase my love for all kinds of music!). There was something about this CD that made me love it. Maybe it was "City Girl" or maybe it was the movie itself that made me love the music! Anyway, I'm gonna stop being so questionable and just flat out say it: THE MOVIE AND ITS SOUNDTRACK ARE BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART! I do wish you would pick up this CD if you are reading reviews for it. You will not be wasting your money! If you are expecting heavy metal, go elsewhere but if you are looking for mood music then pick this up, you will not regret it!
call it what ya want but... this cd is not all its cracked up to be. sure everyone loves the infectious beats thanx to dre and em but what does 50 really have to offer? his lyrical content is mediocre at best and he seems to be sweating one particular thug of the past...2pac. "i want them to love me like they love pac"...uh no. also check out the "hail mary" joint with em, busta, and 50...isnt 50's verse just a bit too reminiscent of pac??? sorry 50 but you aint the new 2pac. 2pac had much more to offer than thug appeal and tight beats. im not mad at 50 for getting his cash but stop riding the 2pac/"im a thug too" train. call it what ya want...im a hater or whatever but i smell alot of "hype-nitis" in here.
NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This latest Bad Boy album is far the best Bad Boy Family album to come out but that isn't hard is it... It still isn't good but he's making progress 'cause if I listen to his previous "No way out", damn, I just wanna poke out my eyes, it's that bad! This is slightly better though, but I think Puff has to try a little harder and hire some talented people for his crew 'cause they're all wack exept for "Black Rob"... I give this album 2 stars and not one cause I like the cover of the album, I like SOME of the beats (wich are probably ripped off), Black Rob and "Child of the ghetto" wich is the only really GOOD song on the album! Puff, why don't you try a little harder? It's actually kind of sad to sea how such a great label, back in 1995 and all has gone pop... but that's just a part of the game I guess... Well, I'll probably give you a short summary 'bout this album for those who DO want to buy the album! The best songs on the album are "Child of the ghetto", simply the only ALL round good song and....... that's it! BUT there are also some decent beats like "The saga continues", "Bad boy for life" "DIDDY", "Lonely", "If you want this money" and that's crazy isn't bad.... but the rest of the album isn't really worth its money if you ask me! But the choice is yours off course...
Half & Half, Upbeat! and Boring! Wow! if there is any way that I can describe this album to you is, the first 5 tracks are good!, the rest it's just boring!, and what about the title song! the same track from her Survivor album? without the background vocals? not a smart move!. Crazy In LOve, Baby Boy are the best tracks!, Naughty Girl it's ok!, the rest of the album is sooooooo booooooooring......but the leading single(Crazy...) makes its worth it to buy it. "Hip Hop Star" it's nice, "Be With You" it's the last song that you can handle!, "Me Myself and I", yuk!, "Yes" whassup with this?, "Signs", I'm sure Missy hates her, she produce the worst song ever, The rest it's not worth it mention it, the song are just boooooooring.
Not forgetting the day the rains came In some ways, Jane arrived on the music scene too late. Her music belonged in the pre-Elvis era but she had the talent, class and style to succeed in the rock'n'roll era despite that. Her only American top ten hit, Fascination, was a translation of the French song, Valse tzigane. Her only UK hit, The day the rains came, was a translation of another French song - it went all the way to number one in the UK but stalled just outside the top twenty in America. La jour ou la pluie viendra (to give it its original French title) was written by Gilbert Becaud, an excellent songwriter who also wrote songs that were translated into English as It must be him, Let it be me and What now my love.This compilations includes both of those fine songs plus fourteen others and extensive liner notes. Jane had three other American hits. Chart students may be disappointed to note that Happy anniversary is the only one included here. The others, together with the three already mentioned, can be found on Greatest hits.The rest of the album is filled with Jane's majestic performances of classic songs including Love makes the world go round, Wrap your troubles in dreams, Hello young lovers, It's easy to remember and Baubles bangles and beads. The most famous song here may be My favorite things, a song that originally appeared in The sound of music - it has now been adopted as a Christmas song and is sometimes included on Christmas albums.Despite the omission of two minor hits, this is the best collection of Jane's music so far released.If you enjoy the music of Margaret Whiting or Jo Stafford, you'll love Jane's music too.
Band of Thieves I took a chance on this DVD because I'm a Jimi Hendrix fan and always loved "The Band of Gypsys" album. Unfortunately, this DVD isn't worth $5 let alone $10. The mere thought of putting this slop out for sale is a crime in itself.Consider the following before purchasing:1) No production booklet (it clearly doesn't merit one).2) Concert footage is fuzzy black & white with ghost trail images. The camera work is worse than home amateur video quality. The pans are jerky, the focus is erratic, the zooms are unprofessional, and there are only two camera angles - bad and worse. All this with the obnoxious artifact of ghost trail images whereas an image moves and a blurry trail follows.3) The audio volume and quality fluctuates dramatically. At first, it sounds like a bootleg copy of the CD, then it sounds like it was recorded in a high school gymnasium by someone in the bleachers imparting a hollow, echoey quality together with a noticeable drop in volume.4) The performance is fair, but is boring to watch after the first viewing. All you think about is how you could have better spent even just $10. It could have gone towards the purchase of a truly quality DVD, for example.The people who put this out should be ashamed of themselves. This production is so bad that it would have at least benefited by colorizing it or providing that option. They didn't even bother to balance the audio levels. The net experience is that you've been suckered.Don't be a sucker. Apply your entertainment dollar towards something that merits your expense. Besides, this garbage will ruin any appreciation you may already have of the "Band of Gypsys" album.
Not a Beatles fan... For someone who is not a Beatles fan, like me, this album is a fun medley of some familiar tunes. Not being a Beatles "purist", Im not bothered at all by these renditions by Paul.Besides, the sax intro to " The Long and Winding Road" is well worth the cost of the CD! I also love Ballroom Dancing...My kids love to dance to that one!
Sex Substituted for Significance I agree with Abel "Amy" that Harnoncourt is good here, at least generally. However, the Swiss orchestra's playing can be a bit harsh and rushed at times. I like the performance of the overture best. The rest is variable. Sometimes, Harnoncourt is guilty of stretching the beat just for effect. In addition, the singing is generally fair to middling at best. Even veteran Matti Salminen is lackluster and seems bored. Probably because the producers have him managing a fencing club rather than officiating as the head of a powerful and poetic temple cult.The producers are to blame for what is wrong with this production, and whatever their rationalizations for the bare-bones set, it's all about saving money in the notoriously expensive art of opera. That set seems to be the basement of a lunatic asylum with madmen running around carrying axes. Nothing in this production makes any sense, and it's not because the libretto is ambiguous (to say the least!). It's because no one has bothered to think through their stated intention to bring fresh ideas to the staging of this popular work. Nothing fits, and nothing is fitting or logical. The beginning aria for Pamino states that there is a serpent chasing him, not that a group of people are writhing on the floor while struggling with snakes. It clearly says that the prince is alone, not in the middle of a crowd of bored party goers who then apathetically sidle off. This is important, because a bit later, after several magical things happen, the prince wonders if he's dreaming, which is usually very eerie. See Bergmann's great film version of this opera, which is the best-ever production of this work, for a wonderful example of how effective this scene can be if done properly. In the current version, however, nothing is particularly effective because, as I said, almost nothing fits or makes any sense.In addition, if anyone can convincingly explain why the Three Ladies are blind, I'll thank him. It makes about as much sense to me as a Papageno in drag. (I'm surprised they missed that idea.) I do like the idea of the Ladies kissing Papageno to freeze his mouth. That makes dramatic and psychological sense. Little else here does, though.I wonder which opera the producers were thinking about when they put this show together, but it certainly doesn't look like the same one I was thinking about. They seem to have been out to lunch, along with the bored-looking actors who all tried to excel each other in non-performances, as if they took nothing seriously. I can't blame them. I don't take this production seriously, either. It doesn't engage me. As I said, see the Bergmann. Or the Levine. Or almost anyone else.
"let me die" instead of listening to this record i'm a huge SP fan and i saw them on their resume the pose tour but i'm so embarassed for the smashing pumpkins man. this is an atrocious record and a betrayal for those who really idolized Billy. i am starting to not like billy because he thinks that HE (not even his band) can save rock and roll. the only thing this album does is put rock and roll out of its bloody misery......billy, it's time to retire......i liked gish and siamese dream, this just sucks (i don't recall songs as bad as sunshowers and that heavy metal song since freakin adore)
Some of her best work. Along with "Fly", this is my favorite of all of Sarah Brightman's albums. It is a total musical immersion experience; it's kind of like listening to Enya or Enigma, only better, because the quality of her voice far surpasses either of those others.
A True Classic Steely Dan never rocked in the same way as the other great bands from the 70s. But that's not a bad thing. This album is pure sonic perfection!
I only like one cut on this cd. Where can I get the single Walk This Way? With Run DMC And Aerosmith
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ok now don't get me wrong here i used to really like lp in hybrid theory days they were new there lyrics were amazing, The reanimation came out the only thing that kept them from fully selling out here was guest appearences by Jonathan davis (KoRn) and aaron lewis( staind) Meteora though is very stale and repetitive the guitars drums electronics and the mix of singing and rapping gets old fast and you can't even hear the bass. Its sad to see a good band go bad, now you might be thinking why didn't i just rate this 1 star? well because the 1st single "somewhere i belong" has meaning isn't stale and shows potential for this and same with breaking the habit but other then this the album sounds like they failed at making hybrid theory pt. 2
Buy this CD! This is unquestionably the best material Paul Kantner ever wrote for Grace Slick to sing. With the usual cast of San Franciscan talent to draw upon, this offering is musically excellent. If you like Blows Against the Empire or Chrome Nun, you will cherish this find.Be prepared. While most of the work is warm, feel-good, love-your newborn type stuff, there are more than some rough edges lurking. The album was released at a time LSD still reigned and apparently the band wanted to make certain you could conjure up some wierdness. If you can handle the initial cut, subtitled the Cannibal Song, you'll be fine.But if you missed this 25 years ago and you really liked this kind of rock of roll, you are missing a real treat if you pass this up. Grace is superb.
podra solo? El album de solista de vicentico es casi una obra maestra,aunquetiene un parecido a "la marcha del golazo solitario".No se puede evitar creer por un segundo que son ellos,ya que vicentico compuso muchos de los exitos de lfc.este album se denota por su percusion.Y guitarras marcadas, cosas que no se escuchaban en lfc.Dejo el ska,la rebeldia de lfc.Y se aprecia un vicentico mas bolerista, pasivo.Un vicentico como el de "basta de llamarme asi" ,"el roble" o "saco azul" aunque tiene sus mambos es un disco suave dejando ver el vicentico que no se conocio mucho en sus años con lfc.Pero con el mismo sabor y energia que estando al frente de lfc.
An absolutely amazing album. Essential listening for all electronic music fans. This was my first Flashbulb album and remains my favorite. It shows Ben Jordan's total mastery of electronic music production. His ideas flow fast and freely at speeds usually reserved for artists like Venetian Snares. The difference is, Jordan is much more melodic and there's a greater variety than typical drill 'n bass albums.There are many small tracks, each developing an idea before moving on to the next. I wouldn't necessarily call all of them "songs" - more like movements to a larger work. They blend seamlessly into the next making something that is coherent, but also wildly paced. That's not to say every track is crazed breakcore mash-up. There are some quite lovely tracks where the energy comes down and allows the listener's ears to decompress for a minute or two before the drums return. That feature is probably the most significant because where one's ears can quickly tire when exposed to a sustained assault (again, I'm thinking of some of the more aggressive vsnares albums), The Flashbulb's sense of pacing allows one to listen to the entire album effortlessly."Kirlian Selections" has a jazzy feel, thanks in part to some acoustic instruments, most of which are played by the Flashbulb himself. It's also jazzy in the way some of it feels improvisatory - even within the highly ordered/produced structure. Even though the arrangements are complex, there is always room for one or more parts to flow in a more spontaneous manner.This is a landmark album - an album that every electronic music fan should own. It's an amazing experience with something for everyone: wicked beats, strange sounds, advanced digital signal processing techniques, melody, and a great overall sense of development. You can't go wrong with "Kirlian Selections."
50 Cent spinoff Maaaaannnnnn. This dude is awful. I dont see how everybody is liking what he has to say. All he does, is sing some ole 50 cent sounding hooks all through the CD. Im glad i burned it instead of wasting my money buying it. People are beginning to get caught up into whats in the top 10 on 106 and park, instead of whats really hot. Im expecting for young bucks CD to be a lot better. 5o Cent is really not that hot either. His first CD was straight gangsta, i'll give him that, now he got songs with Joe. And was talking all that mess about Ja Rule for making R&B hits. On the real, Ja would swallow 50 lyric for lyric. anyways, G-unit is a fad cuz 50 got a body, and cuz he been shot, so everybody think he so hard. they wont last too much longer. young buck needs to get down with the youngbloods or someone who can compliment his flow, cuz Banks aint cutting it. the beats are ok, but word for word, line for line, the punch lines are lame, elementary. dont buy this, burn it.
Simple Plans new cd Rocks The Simple Plan cd "No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls" Is soo awesome.. it has different styles to it in different songs. I love this cd cause so many of the songs I can realate too.. Its all about what really goes on.. not some made ups tuff you hear in other records... They are truely awesome.. Check them out.. I promise you wont be unsatisfied!!!! :)
HOLY CRAP - BRILLIANT! This by far, was the best album they've made. I enjoyed every second of it, and i find myself wanting more. I recommend this to anyone who likes a cool beat, and a soft sound. My hats off to coldplay!
A Lost Gem: Sky High by Jigsaw Originally I was a little hesitant about getting this one. I heard of these guys via their huge top 10 single, "Sky High," other than that, I thought that they were merely a one hit wonder, with a really cool and different sound, but please don't be fooled, this album is certainly worth buying. I took a chance and now I consider it one of my all time favorites!Ahead of it's time indeed, it was originally released in 1975, which must have sounded very different for those times. A little hints of Disco, but Disco hadn't quite hit the seen hard core yet. Donna Summer had just put out "Love To Love You Baby", which really was just really 'Funk' music with a very danceable groove, so it sort of has that pre-disco sound to it. Very soulful pop is how I would (try to) describe its sound.I'll bet, besides listening to Elton John, Queen's Freddie Mercury and Stevie Wonder, Wham's George Michael might have been listening to this one for inspiration when he was recording Make It Big. I hear hints of Wham all over it.Other than that, some of the standout tracks are "Lost And Found," "In Between The Loving," "One Step Too Far," and the very infectious "Tell Me Why." Nice Bonus tracks, too, but they don't quite measure up to the original album tracks. Whatever the case, it might be a little pricey, but it will be well worth your money. This is truly a Lost Gem.
Janet need to put on some clothes. This album should get zero stars because this album is garbage. She always love to show her body. Thats why i titled it she need to put on some clothes. I`m glad i didn`t see that superbowl incident when Justin Timberlake took her bra off. Don`t buy this garbage.
There Back! The long awaited 17th album from AC/DC has arrived and it will not let any AC/DC fans down.This album is filled with hard driven rock riffs which only Angus Young himself can provide.There maybe not be a "Back in Black" or "Highway to Hell" on this CD but the boys are back better than ever.From the first track "Stiff Upper Lip" to the last "Give It Up" you can here the blues influenced AC/DC let us know what we have all forgotten. Rock 'n' Roll is the blues and AC/DC has proved it here.Great production from George Young, who produced many of AC/DC's early Albums such as "High Voltage" and "Let There Be Rock"The only problem I have after listening to the new CD is that I want, no I need more!Hopefully they will tour soon. Because than you will see the true power of this band.
A Brave Effort Ok, first of all-if you read the cd, you would have known that Bush didn't write any of the lyrics to these songs, these are remixes by various techno artists. Some people may not like that because they insist that Bush is not a techno group and that they should stick to what they're good at...well, that just makes this effort, not warmly accepted, an act of pure bravery.Of note: You will notice two different remixes of the mega-hit "Everything Zen", both good. My personal favorites on this album are the Stingray remix of "Mouth" and the Tricky Mix of "In a Lonely Place".Whoever says that Gavin's voice doesn't go well with the techno music is about right, it doesn't sound fitting. But you have to give these guys credit for the risky step that they took in releasing this album.
What is this? I was expecting blues or classic rock. I figured he was in the Yardbirds, so this must be similar to it. MAN, was I wrong. This is......BAD!
I Wish I Could Have Given It Zero Stars This album is terrible. I sort of liked them before they got full of themsleves and went and bashed everyone. The song "Celebrity" is bashing their fans. "Pop" bashes the people who don't like their music. "Gone" is so boring. "The Game Is Over", is like saying, "I lost a video game". They are copies of BSB! So what, they supposedly broke a record! Sales don't matter! Do yourself a favor and save yourself the [money] and buy a "Weird Al" or BSB or O-Town CD!
They've been better I applaud their attempt to break into a new music scene - essentially electric. But this album is to produced, to executed - not the raw sound of their previous albums. They seem to be lacking in their lyrics as well as their music.
AMAZING!!! Panic! At The Disco are true artists... they write their songs, they meet their fans, and they are revolutionary. Never have I heard such anger and love in songs before, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" is basically how my life is. I love this CD, get yourself a copy!
this is one of the woprst of 00 cash money once agin produces anothger coaster for you to put your drink on this is one of the worst albums of 2000 i can't believe people like this come on this ain't even quality shit
Magazine quotes "Fingerpickers, this has got to be your man." -- Victory Music Review". . . Miller draws from an enormous variety of styles and eras. As a Guitarist, Dale must have sharpened his fingers. They slice quickly and cleanly through the material at hand. Bass and treble parts are matched precisely without sounding like a machine." -- Guitar Player Magazine". . . just plain good listening. Picking favorites off this twenty-one track collection is ridiculously hard for me, but I can say that his versions of God Bless the Child, Birth of the Blues and Blue Prelude have stayed with me the last twenty years. -- Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine
A weak effort typical of the post-Waters Floyd On An Island is basically a continuation of the mediocrity that was A Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell. Both were de facto Gilmour solo albums and both had 1 or 2 good songs on each with just a bunch of filler for the rest. On An Island is basically the same. The title track is decent, as is the Island Jam that isn't actually part of the album but the vast majority of the rest of the stuff is boring filler. And just because a song is slow doesn't mean it's boring. Compare "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" and you'll see the difference. Basically if this wasn't David Gilmour, nobody would care and this would be quickly forgotten. The man can play music well but has trouble coming up with good music on his own that isn't written by other people, like Waters for most of the Floyd stuff, his co-collaborators on Momentary Lapse of Reason or his wife on Division Bell and this album.
sell out & shout? In the height of my own personal Nirvanamania 5 years ago I couldn't wait to get this & thrilled I was indeed when I sat down & watched it. This features live performances from 1989-1992, backstage camaraderie, interview snippets, & media nonsnese in a continuous stream of images & sounds. the 1st thing is Krist says "Kill 'em all I say", maybe relating to that Metallica lp & if you pause you can see Dave looking @ a copy of Sonic youth's EVOL [much better imho], the something else I forgot. I think the 1st song is Aneurysm w/ the [in]famous Reading '92 appearance where Kurt is wheeled in & gets up, moans the 1st line of Bette Midler's The Rose then collapses, all in a wig, then gets up & the band starts. A friend of mine said he was there & it was good even though he was still shouting "oh you lot aren't as good as Husker Du" [I think I'd disagree], also something about John Peel running the show, oh also that is not to be confused w/ the even more famous '91 Reading show as seen on the legendary 1991: THE YEAR PUNK BROKE, which L!T!SO! is only slightly less brilliant than. The footage here varies from super-professional clean imagery & sound, like for About A Girl, to supersloppy lo-fi for the 1st version of Love Buzz, which is where a lot of violence ensues w/ a redneck bar crowd. The interviews w/ him w/ Buddy Holly glasses & bleach-blonde hair are hilarious & insightful. The top of the pops appearance is highly amusing, they show the mockery of all the miming & whoever's running the shwo decides they can't finish the song [yes THE SONG] off & they go to another band during the solo. "did you see that guy? what a shot!" is someone's commentary & guitars & basses fly thru the air near the end of the video. there are many other memeorable moments in there but I'm sure you don't want all yr fun spoiled.
Spectacular; Haunting, Breath taking I was recently introduced to Sarah Brightman via a PBS special. She was enchanting. I originally purchased this CD for myself and have since purchased 5 more for others. I never tire of listening to her music. She is truly gifted and has a wonderfully pure voice. The selections in this CD take you away on a fantastic voyage.
Wrong CD This CD came up under the original soundtrack for the movie Guadalupe but it is not that. It is the soundtrack for the telenovela with the same name. I wanted the movie soundtrack. Amazon/sellers need to be more careful when listing merchandise.
Deep & exciting !!!! Let me first assure people that this "instrumental" album (yet considered by some as background music )...is by far one of the best Pet Shop Boys' albums ever produced . All the essence of the PSB sound is here and amplified dramatically by the classical orchestra ; the music captures very well the subject of the film putting the listener right in the middle of the ocean : as soon as the music starts you will REALLY get the feeling of sailing !!! even the steaming mechanical sounds of the battleship make their way into the album to make your experience "closer" to this trip .The expression "moving" is the best for describing the sound : from the ambient electronics that capture your body ...to the classical symphony that captures your brain ... or more accurately your heart !Neil Tennant was absolutely right affirming that this piece of work is more than background music .And MUCH MORE !!!...