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Did not charm the snake... I'm a big fan of Liebert's music, so I bought this dvd expecting to listen to it peacefully at home trying to relax myself, only to be INTERRUPTED by a comentary in the middle of my favorite song "snake charmer" what a shame... With this dvd you just have to skip and skip in order to find the music...Also, I find it just too short, just about six songs...very dissapointed.
Oh Please... Two stars at best from me. I have listened to this over and over (I was told I'd have to in order to like it), and still do not consider this the brilliant work of art it's been made out to be. While this album has it's moments, I would definitely not consider it worthy of all the praise it has recieved. If Radiohead are considered so hard to like and get into, then why is it that they are as insanely popular as they are? I'm thinking that just because all the critics love them, the wannabe hipsters will naturally follow. Buy this incredibly overrated album only if you know what you're getting into.
The Kingz of QB did it again. Mobb Deep is my favorite group. If you thought the Infamous was a good ablum you'll love Hell on Earth. Whoevers sleeping on them because of the TuPac incident listen to the album. Believe me if you like real thug rap you'll love Mobb Deep. Songs such as Apostle's Warning, GOD Pt 3, and Drop a Gem on em are definate hitz on this album. Once Murda Muzik drops its all over. Make sure you cop all four albums because there all classics. BiG L
Some inspired moments As a U2 psycho, I have the tendency to anticipate the second coming of Jesus whenever U2 releases an album. When I heard that the band were going back to their older form of songwriting (though I appreciated their attempts to break into newer territory), expectations were magnified. I was looking for some of the ambient sounds of Unforgettable Fire or The Joshua Tree. For the most part, though, that effect is missing. There is no "Where the Streets Have No Name" intro, no "With or Without You" bassline, no "Bad" guitar, no "Elvis Presley and America" murkiness. Granted, when I heard "Beautiful Day" I was instantly reminded of the War/Unforgettable Fire era.Still, the end result is a NEW album. One which at once sounds familiar and different. So here's the breakdown:"Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" has an annoyingly long title. It's a gospel-style song that is intended as encouragement to it's listener to break out of his/her funk. While it might not grab you upfront, after a few listens you may find yourself belting out the last lines along with Bono in your car, ending in the uplifting "It's just a moment/this time will pass". "Kite" was written as a rock anthem, and when I first heard Bono shouting "Who's to say where the wind will take you" I thought, "Okay, Bono, easy with the melodrama." But in spite of that, you can't help but to like the song...it's too catchy. "In a Little While" is remeniscent of "Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World", but not as good. "Wild Honey" is U2 doing Oasis doing the Beatles. It's pretty catchy. "Peace On Earth" is a prayer. Bono is exhasperated with ongoing violence in the world and is wondering when it's going to end. A similar theme to "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" except instead of chastising man for his own inhumanity to man he asks for divine intervention ("Jesus can you take the time/to throw a drowning man a line"). Being a Chicagoan, it is reflexive for me to reject anything New York. However, after "New York" and "Miami" I'm wondering if the band will develop an obsession for Chicago. "Grace" is another closing prayer, similar to "40" "MLK" "Mothers of the Disappeared" "Love Is Blindness" "The Wanderer" and "Wake Up, Dead Man". Each of those songs effectively wrap up the album they finish, as does "Grace".Those were songs I like. Then there are the songs I LOVE. "Beautiful Day" maintains an upbeat tune even while addressing some hardships. I DEFY you not to start bouncing around in your car when you hear "Elevation", particularly when the music slows down and Edge comes in with a couple quick guitar licks before Bono shouts, "A MOLE/digging in a HOLE..." If the guitar in "Walk On" isn't catchy enough for you, and if Bono's voice doesn't do the trick, read the liner notes and lyrics. Soon enough you will be shouting, "YES, YES, WALK ON!!!" And you won't even feel silly doing it. Honest."When I Look at the World" is what makes U2 great. Their whole existance has been an ongoing quest for discovery, and in this song it continues. Bono, addressing what I assume to be a person of great faith, asks "When you look at the world/What is it that you see?/People find all kinds of things/That bring them to their knees" and later says "So I try/to be like you/Try to see things/Like you do". Ultimately, though, "I can't see what you see/When I look at the world". God bless him...he's trying, as he was 14 years ago when he wrote the lyrics for "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". That honesty and earnestness is what helps us relate to this band. A band searching for truth and affirmation, after 1) moving it into the background (Achtung Baby) 2) embracing the uncertainty (Zooropa) 3) focusing on something else (Pop) has come full circle with this album and brings that search back to the front of its music. It is All That You Can't Leave Behind.
Excellent After about 15 minutes of the History of Genesis and talking with the current band members; the 140 minutes of non-stop "The Way We Walk" Concert begins. The music, camera angles, and special effects are very well done. Made me feel as if I was actually there at the concert in London.
Just the beginning... While Pretty Hate Machine is a great album, it didn't really present us with anything new and amazing, electronic music was what the 1980's was all about. But it did mark the beginning of Trent Reznor's rise to stardom. While I don't feel Sin is one of the stronger tracks on Pretty Hate Machine it wasn't an altogether bad single either. My only complain is the alternative mixes on here are poor and not that much different (were they mixes he did after the fact or were they mixes that were in contention for making it on Pretty Hate Machine?) However the cover of Get Down Make Love is great and the sole reason I bought the single. However I cannot give it more than 2 stars, especially looking ahead at Fixed and Further Down The Spiral (yes the two remix albums) and The Downward Spiral for that matter.
Poor Metallica.... I still call myself a Metallica fan, not a fairweather fan. I bought all their albums, didn't download them from napster. But, I have to say, this album flat out sucks. It makes Re-Load sound good, and that's saying something. When I first heard it, I hoped that stupid drum of Lars' that sounds like he's banging on a pot would only be for one song... nope. The whole album. They are so surrounded by money-hungry yes-men that just wanted them to get SOMETHING on the market so they can start raking in the cash. It makes me mad because I know they are still capable of so much better. It also makes me mad because their next album could be a spoken-word album titled "Political discussion with Lars, comic book discussion with Kirk, and a recorded drunken slurring from James" and I'm such a Metallica fan that I'd still go buy it. Hopefully Rick Rubin will help get them back on track. It's only been 16 years since their last good original studio album!
A fine CD at a friendly price I've heard several recordings of "The Planets," and I like this one very much. The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (with Zubin Mehta conducting) and the Los Angeles Master Chorale (Women's voices) do a fine job of capturing the drama of the work. And I think it was a good idea to couple it with a little of the outer-space-related music of John Williams.Holst wrote selections about all eight planets, except for the Earth. But what about Pluto? Oh, wait, it got demoted last week! It's only a dwarf planet. Or maybe just a big rock. In any case, we hear some imaginative musical descriptions of the remaining planets.I recommend this excellent performance.
island All of the British bands that American Anglophiles worship (New Order, the Smiths, Happy Mondays) hailed from Manchester, the dreariest, working-classiest major city in England. Accordingly, the Killers--the U.S.'s best stab yet at slickly alluring Anglo electropop--are a bunch of white-bread boys from Las Vegas, who, on sure-shot party starters "Mr Brightside" and "Somebody Told Me," make hedonism sound almost holy. Full of sweaty, ambisexual snogs and sweeping John Hughes-worthy ballads, Hot Fuss is like doing a semester abroad without ever having to leave your suburb.
My Favorite Album Of All Time I am a Pharrell and Chad (The Neptunes) collector. And When I Heard The Tracks, They Blew Me Away. Am I High, Things Are Getting Better, and Run To The Sun are the songs to hear. Though They Are All Amazing, Those Are My Personal Favorites. Some Of The Critics Are Really Stupid Thinking This Album Isn't Great. Maybe You Don't Know Music. In Search Of... Is Definitely The Best.
Firin In Fouta/Baaba Maal This is a wonderful cd, and I have played it 24/7 since I received it.Truely beautiful melodies from Baaba Maal. Not one bad track on the cd!Takes you to Africa for sure.....
bad ambient music after all the great mixes over the years, this is a horrible disapointment. i am already selling this back used.
This DVD Ruined The Eagles for Me Ok. I loveD the Eagles. There was a better than 50/50 chance that I had one of their albums in my car. When people hated on them (there are A LOT of Eagles haters out there) I defended them wholeheartedly. NO MORE. The only Eagle I did not despise by the end of the DVD was Joe Walsh, who may be the sweetest old man ever. The only reason this DVD did not get 1 star is that the Eagles are still awesome musicians.The Eagles should be heard (NOT THEIR INTERVIEWS) and not seen.P.S. Timothy B. Schmidt is the worst. I miss Randy Meisner.
"SAVAGE" If it is the same "Savage" that i,m looking for, then it,s very good, but i would appreciate if they put the listing of the songs, because it may be mistake, i do not know what they sell, if it,s the Savage that i,m looking for or just some other group with the same name. I would buy this CD right now if i knew that this is what i was looking for a long time.
Vocals suck I did listen to some of this but I just can't get by thelead singers HORRIBLE voice. I can't even tell if the restof the band is any good because the vocals turned me offso bad. Vocals isn't always the high on my list as I canSOMETIMES look past lack luster vocals IF the rest is good,but it just shows how bad "Amy Lee" really is at singing.She really needs another job. Well, she makes money offof misguided teens so I guess she is doing fine moneywise.Honestly, I've never been so turned off by a singers voiceto the point to that I can't even tell if the rest of theband is any good. Unbelieveable. Maybe it's just that I'mnot into the goth stuff... But whatever... Just don't likeit.
Aswawesome! Probably one of the best and most underrated Reggae albums of all time! This could pass for a Marley album to the casual listener. It's that good!
Hilary Cannot--repeat--CANNOT Sing! This girl--this blonde bimbo girl, CANNOT sing. Why does she waste her time singing when she must (not) know that she has fans? Who would waste good money on a CD that is pointless, and a must-not-listen-to? Spend your money on something else. This music sux! I don't know why Hilary can't see that. I mean, her album is "number one" in the country. Yeah, right! I soo believe that. NOT! Hilary's album shouldn't even be in the top 100 list. I have to be honest. This CD should recieve negative 2,395,957,489 stars. Well, this album is soooooo bad, it shouldn't even deserve ANY stars. Do us all a favor Hilary, and stop singing!! I'm deaf--but not completely. I choose to be completely deaf over listening to your CD. Oh, and by the way, did you get implants? Because they aren't very big--you bee-atch!
"You Tell A Thousand Lies, Been Told A Thousand Times..." Lyrics. One major thing I look for in good metal are lyrics. One of the things that drew me here, but I'll address that later... Many have called this album a masterpiece. I don't QUITE agree. I don't personally think it's a masterpiece. However, Machine Head's Burn My Eyes IS extremely great. It's a hair or two shy of being a mastepiece in my eyes. That is no small thing. Why do I say so? Let's take a track from the CD and analyze it, shall we? Let's take "Davidian". The song begins with an explosive drum intro, then fills in with a nice, heavy riff. No, the riffs are not the heaviest EVER, like some say. But... when I first that beginning, I was hooked! The song continues on for some time, then speeds up and Rob Flynn starts singing. Yes, singing! I call that singing. Using his voice. And, he does have one set of pipes on him. Only when the music paused and the famous line delivered, did I feel the lyrical power at work here."LET FREEDOM RING WITH A SHOTGUN BLAST!!!"That line is great! Simple and well delivered, it made me listen to the whole album through just in hopes of finding more good tidbits of soul-touching words. I found many such excerpts. Not only that, but the music is still pretty heavy nonetheless, and thrashes and crunches in the proper spots. The double bass drums thunder along, and the solos are nice and sludgy-sounding. Burn My Eyes might not be a masterpiece to me, but I clearly understood why many people thought so. Every song deserves a listen. Find your own favorites. Enjoy the CD. I'm surprised at how recent this is. 1994? Wow...Good lyrics, nice solos, evenly heavy guitar and bass. Fast speed. Burn My Eyes is great. An ALMOST masterpiece. Get it!
Dream Theater & Levin This is basically a Dream Theater album without vocals in my mind. The song "914" is obviously a Tony Levin song in which he shines brightly. The rest of the disc sounds like the band I know from New York without the Dream Theater vocalist. Amen. I prefer Dream Theater when they not encombered by vocals although I do enjoy some of their lyrics and their older albums. This is great stuff here though and I must give credit where it is due. John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess, Mike Portnoy and Tony Levin rock and prove themselves as masters of their individual instruments. Well worth the price. - Ciao
Finch reinvents their sound Finch's new release "Say Hello To Sunshine" is a challenging CD filled with complicated passages, hammering highs and gut-wrenching screams. I have to admit, I really respect bands that reinvent themselves and take chances. Finch really shakes things up this time, as this CD is not a whole lot like their previous effort "What It Is To Burn". This CD requires repeat listens which soon rewards the listener with a real hyper-sonic treat. Throughout this CD, you can hear the influences of bands like Faith No More, Shiner, Failure and King's X.
AVOID! It's so funny. Black people hate being called anything like the title by white people, yet they call each other the very same. This is nothing but racist noise. If you are black, stay away because it puts your proud heritage into the trash. If you are white, stay away because of the hate in the air.
Mariah please come up with something original this song sounds exactly like "Fantasy" which isn't that bad because Fantasy was a great song but it would be nice if Mariah tried something different and grow in her music like other artists. Also I'm tired that all of the songs she has come out with since Honey have raps in them. I like hiphop mostly but not when rappers like Jay-Z rap in the middle of a song that totally doesn't go with the tone or the tempo of the song. Mariah use to be cool when she sang love songs now she just seems to recycle those songs and make them seem new by adding raps to her new songs. Also she tries to seem provacative like Madonna and Janet Jackson by wearing skimpy clothes; they just make her look like a silly ho. The difference between her and Madonna and Janet is that they have grown and changed as artists; their music now is nothing like when they started and all of their music through the years have been original and thought provoking. I really use to like Mariah but now her music is the same old thing, I really hope for her sake and her fans that she really tries something new.
Excellent Excellent collaboration of the songs I enjoyed through my High School years, and still do today 20+ years later.
Jerry b-boring Bonham in his defense, jerry was awesome opening for PVD last year in los angeles. thus, i picked up this cd set to enhance my liking of his talents. rather than enjoying his trance music, i was succumbed into a damn trance on my couch! there is basically no energy on these cds and they were a huge disappointment. the music doesn't even begin to kick in until the 8th track on the 2nd cd. boooring. jerry, please release something that reflects your talent or otherwise your audience will be too asleep to even notice you're playing or buy your material.
The curse is upon US Blondie's last good album was "Eat to the Beat." This is a pale imitation of how fresh and original they used to be. It sounds like they've been reduced to imitating themselves. In other words, this album sucks.
One of the Best Rap CDs of Our Time! This disc is siccmade muzik to the fullest! The beatz hit, and the flowz are tight! The disc starts out with no weak intro, just strait flowz and bumpin' beatz! The lyrics on this disc were so controversial that he was jailed because of them. You will not be disappointed upon purchasing this album! Two of the songs feature lyrics from X-Raided that C-Bo flows. Also Lunasicc and the Outlawz are few of the many artists featured on this album. Buy it!
Bottom line: Two excellent songs. The rest are awful There are two awesome songs on this album: "Bound For the Floor" and "Fritz's Corner". The rest of the songs are so awful they aren't even worth listening to. They're not mediocre or middle-of-the-road; they're crap. They're sludgy and they've got no hook or melody. Go ahead: Say that Grunge isn't about melody, but any WORTHWHILE music is. If you take away the elitist label, then you have to judge it on its own merits. And that's what I'm judging As Good as Dead by. It's a shame Local H couldn't have cranked out another ten songs like those for this album... even if the band does try its hardest at ripping off Nirvana. Not that I care though: the two excellent songs on here are better than anything Cobain did.
no thanks "greatest album of all-time." "most soulful band of all time." blah blah blah. all i can say in response to the idiotic hype around this band is a simple:no. they WISH they could have been the clash. Bono's a joke. sure, they HAD a message, what happened to it now? lost it on the way to the bank i suppose.
An Absurd Attempt A video only a mother could love.I've heard the original D'Oyly Carte records of most G&S operettas and seen the D'Oyly Carte videotape of "The Mikado". I was hoping to get a better look at the stagings of these operettas by looking in the "Opera World" series.Bad idea. The staging for this is just absurd and the captain is overplayed while Sir Joseph Porter doesn't even sing. Everybody's dancing around the stage like a fool and destroying what little is left of G&S these days.Sullivan would be pleased because his music is performed beautifully. With the exception of Sir Joseph, the vocal aspect of the video is great. If only it came on CD...Gilbert would be astonished, ashamed, and confounded at how horrible his clever production became in the hands of these hacks. If you're a true G&S fan, you'll wince at this ridiculous staging.
unhappy AARRG says it all------ it might be fine if you were a 1st grader or lacking any knowledge of the subject
great if you like bmx vids. and you have seen the salvation vid. youve heard the first song on this cd.(kimbroughs part)great stuff!
Truly, without any doubt, Sleepy's Theme is the best of 1998 Sleepy's Theme is the undisputed champion of soul for the next millenium. There is no way around it, and the large majority of "R&B" singers and producers can gracefully bow out of the race, Organized Noize and their multi-talented camp are poised for musical greatness. Every single track will captivate you in the same manner your fondest memories do, you will want to relive the moment, and revel in the sentimentality stirring within. 90's soul has a new creator and keeper, the 70's had The Isleys, the Gap Band, Commodores, Barry and Issac, Willie Hutch, and Earth, Wind and Fire. In 2000 and beyond, you betta believe, Sleepy's Theme can carry the torch where other acts would rather spark a L with it.
Paul Simon's finest hour: a victim of the loudness war This Grammy Award-winning album from 1986 is usually considered to be Paul Simon's crowning achievement in a stellar career with many high-points. His peerless songwriting and poignant lyrics are fused with intelligent use of folk and brass instruments: Zulu Mbaqanga rhythms, the Ladysmith Black Mambazo choir showcasing their a capella style, plus the Zydeco creole music of Louisiana; the Everly Brothers, Linda Ronstadt and Los Lobos also feature in cameo performances. It's absolutely gorgeous and hasn't aged a day in 26 years.The album works best when listened to as a whole experience, rather than sampled track by downloaded track - like having a full meal rather than just eating the beans one day, and the sauce on another occasion. Only when the whole is savoured and digested can the extraordinary blend of complimentary musical styles be appreciated, and the grand creation be enjoyed and fully understood.Now the 1986 CD release was in every way superb, containing a dynamic range allowing for the subtleties of the unusual instrumentation and vocal combinations to shine, with plenty of light and shade. The 2004 `re-mastered' CD was overall `louder' than the earlier mix, lacked the depth and contrast of the original and was definitely not an improvement. Unfortunately this `25th anniversary remaster' (actually the 26th anniversary, not the 25th) CD is, if possible, even worse. It's another victim of the `loudness war' destroying the subtleties of thoughtful and complex music by compressing the dynamic range, resulting in little difference between loud and quiet sections, diminishing its emotional power and - compared to the 1986 original - making it a tiring experience for the listener. The dynamic range is so reduced by compression and clipping that the result is just loud: as with dance music, it's like being shouted at all the time. Greg Calbi, the engineer, has short-changed genuine music fans and diminished Paul Simon's masterpiece to a result that's just, well - DULL in comparison to what it should be.Best advice is to stick to the 1986 CD release, if you can get a good copy. It's the real deal.
A pleasant surprise I stumbled upon Miyavi while browsing around the web the other day and got a copy of this CD straight from Japan before it was released here. I must say, it is excellent. While Miyavi is known for rock primarilly, this CD is pretty much entirely accoustic guitar. Miyavi plays the accoustic guitar extremely well all the while adding in his own percussion through the occasional slapping of the guitar face. In some cases he is even a one-man band entirely. This CD really showcases his talents as a musician and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Miyavi or a fan of great music in general. You can't go wrong.
Didn't like it. The art work is brilliant but unfortunately each track sounds very similar. The producers really need to bring more variety to the choice of music and the instruments used.
Un discazo!! Pero le falta personalidad de conjunto. Tiene 10 cantantes, uno por cancion y aunque cancion por cancion son exelentes individualmente, le falta ese concepto de conjunto. Lo mismo que Guitar Zeus, Bruce Cameron y otros CDs de multimusicos. Por lo demas, el disco es bien fuerte, tan fuerte como los de BLS o GZR pero un poco mas accesible y con un sonido mas alternativo por partes. Entra alto en el ranking pero no entre los 3 primeros, quizas 4to en el rock pesado luego de Dio, Maiden y Gov't Mule. La parte instrumental es super pesada digno de Tony Iommi, 100% Sabatera e incluso canta Ozzy en una cancion. "ESO SI, VALE LA PENA Y ES DE COLECCION" Si hubiera sido un conjunto permamente y constante, seria de peso completo para disco del año en categoria hard rock.
Retro-Chic Vibe with R & B Flavor Being a HUGE vintage enthusiast, I love this CD, I wished it had gotten more exposure, but the album was released around 9/11 so it got swallowed up in all that madness. My favorite cut is "Waiting" love it, very retro sexy. I hope she does another album like it. Her second releas was nice, but this one is her best!!!
LET EM BURN!!! This disk is off the chain!! If u a Cashmoney fan or u just like Juvie, Turk, B.G., or Lil Wayne u need to get this album its a classic. Just think if it would have came out on time(three years ago) and the group was still together..... Well in closing just get the disk already!!!
What a joke Ted Nugent is not a musician, he's a fast guitar player. His lyrics are rotten and he should not be taken seriously.
Misrepresented condition Description of album was in "very good shape with some wear to the cover. Album was dirty, had a scratch through song 1 side 1 and was so worn it was unplayable due to scratching sound overpowering the music ( note I am not that picky I own 100's of vinyl albums) I did get a full refund, so thank you for standing behind the item.
Deserves to be better known I will beg your indulgence while I tell a short story, but you will be rewarded with a bit of Roy Harper trivia that is evidently not well-known.I have loved this album since I bought it in 1975. Since it's on vinyl and I don't spend much time in the room where the turntable lives, I don't listen to it very often, but every once in a while I get a craving for "The Game" or "The Spirit Lives".I've been trying to find the CD for years, and have been unable to -- for the simple reason that I've been searching based on the name of the LP, which was *not* "HQ" -- it was "WHEN AN OLD CRICKETER LEAVES THE CREASE" (in caps on the jacket, in an "antique" typeface) The front of the album jacket is mostly occupied by an antiqued photo of someone I assume is Roy himself in cricket gear from the waist down, barechested, leaving what I assume must be the crease (I'm not a cricketer); on the back of the jacket are pictures of a ball, a bat, a wicket, and a panoramic shot of what I assume is a famous cricket stadium, as well as a list of 47 "Laws of Cricket". The label on the record itself identifies it as EMI/Chysalis CHR 1105, 1975.The name "HQ" had popped up before when I searched, but I never paid any attention to it. Today, the light bulb came on.Now -- why Roy Harper is not better known is a mystery to me. On the strength of this one album, he should have become a household word. Well, perhaps not a household word, but this is intelligent, articulate rock that is musically inventive -- and, dammit, he writes some catchy tunes that should've gotten people bopping whether or not they paid attention to the poetry, the vocal gymnastics, and the instrumental virtuosity.If you have never heard this album, try to find a copy -- or I think I've seen MP3s advertised, download one and listen to it. Getting the album itself might be tricky: I ended up ordering a copy from England (I'm in the US) for 16 pounds, including shipping; the used copies on Amazon are around $50 US.The best thing that could happen for this record, and for Roy Harper, is to have one of his songs used in a TV commercial; anyone out there who works for an ad agency, consider "Grownups Are Just Silly Children"...
Bleeding Through their panties First of all I would like to express to the rest of the metal world how seriously disappointed I was when I purchased this cd. When I saw the video for "On Wings of lead" I thought, "Wow this song kicks ass, maybe I should go get the album because it might kick ass too!" Wrong, this album is a terrible mix of redundant double bass drumming that goes nowhere, Uninventive riffs that sludge all the way through the entire album, And constant screaming and whining that make you want to change the cd halfway through the album.These guys really suck and you would think that maybe they would be salvaged by their hot-chick keyboardist, but although she is sexy, has absolutley no talent rather than to play the same note the guitarist is playing on keyboard. And by the way this is to the guy who says that metal fans are whiney and what do we like. I enjoy Unearth,Trivium.Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage,Pantera, Damageplan, and Avenged Sevenfold. Bands that all have something better to write about besides their girlfriends breaking up with them. Bleeding through sucks and I'm sorry that honesty hurts so much.
live is better! I saw Bruce perform most of this album live in a 300 seat theater. The sound and mix were excellent and his performance top notch. I was 4 rows from the front and off to the right of the stage. He was solo using a dobro, a dreadnought and an f-hole guitar. I am not a Bruce fanatic but the first time I heard "last night" 3 days before the show,I liked it and it sounded even better live.Let the bad air out , mango and "what friends are for" were also on the set list and sounded great. I liked what I heard and went out and tried to buy the cd but couldn't find it until now.In my opinion, Bruce is one of the few rare artists' whose recordings are enjoyable all the way through.
Perfection Soundtracks usually are not great, especially for any movie that does not use much of an original score. Lost in Translation is an exception to this and I would be hard pressed to find a better soundtrack that has worked its way into my collection and subconcious.The songs flow in the psyche of the characters, almost like a mixtape of their souls...or at least the film's. It is a great companion to fans of the movie or anyone looking for a nice moody set of songs to ponder life by.
Some fine soulful jazz from one of the great r&b players 4.5 starsI'm surprised how few people have reviewed this classic. It swings, it grooves, it pops and jives, it relaxes. Combining two of King Curtis' best early albums, this cd is a fine collection of the jazzier side of the legendary r&b;/soul man behind so many of the best solos on the best sides by 'Retha and other Atlantic (etc) stars. This is a whole 'nother world from his legendary Yakety Yak solo.Wyn Kelly has some sweet moments here, but it's Curtis Ousley his own self who is the real highlight. His tone is so fine. Sooo fine. I can think of few musicians who moved so effortlessly from one genre to another, and made each one sound like his forte. And man, at his best he made that sax sound like liquid gold. His version of Willow Weep is one of the very best to my ears. Masterful, understated, heartfelt music.His playing is mostly "inside", always melodic and never boring, and that's how I like to hear it. All kudos to Ornette and the free jazz folks, but I'd rather listen to this any day. It ain't "hardcore" jazz, but it's gorgeous music.If you dig real soul---the sound of a spirit expressing itself freely and with much grace and verve---it's here in spades.
A Delirious Distaster .... for me unfortunately The sad thing is, I really tried to like this cd, honestly. I liked KARMA alot - so maybe it did have a few weak spots and wasn't the most original piece of work. However,it's stunning vocal performances and strong melodies really made up for the whole Enigma rip-off/wannabe thing they're accused of doing so much. That wasn't exactly my issue with POEM though. Yes I'll admit, Delerium's recycling of samples from other bands have become tiring and are a bit of an annoyance to me, and on POEM that element seemed about 100 times more annoying for some reason. I assume it's because this time around the attempt to land commercial success seems overly forced on this album. There are simply too many vocals on this cd that make me think names were drawn at random out of a hat when deciding who to feature on this album. Sarah Mclachlan on KARMA was one thing, but Leigh Nash?? Matthew Sweet??? That just seems ridiculous and so obvious as trying to garn mainstream attention. Whatever happend to the quality instrumental tracks Delerium so skillfully does? What about the angelic layered vocals of Kristy Thirsk who's mysteriously vanished from the Delerium line-up? And most of all, what happened to Rhys Fulber - the true inspiration behind the project? I simply can't get into the strumming guitars, the dull melodies, or the stale samples on POEM. The only track I really liked was "Inner Sanctum" from the bonus cd. The rest is ... I'm sorry ... but pure commercial garbage. Maybe someone else can get into it and that's great, but thankfully I've discovered other great artists like La Floa Maldita and My Scarlet Life to help me get over the dissapointment with this album.
one word: WOW! The celebrities of *NSYNC take a giant step for pop music on this CD. Their R&B and dance influences shine through on these songs and the end result is magical. The whole CD is all killer no filler. "Two of Us" is a cute, upbeat song...incredibly catchy. "Selfish" is a great ballad, with heartfelt lyrics. "Something Like You" is also a good ballad, with Stevie Wonder making a cameo playing the harmonica. "Gone" is a ballad co-written by Justin, with him singing all the leads in the song, which I'm kind of disappointed at. But he carries the song well. "Girlfriend" has a carnival-type feel. *NSYNC wants you! "Up Against the Wall" is a surprising song. It talks about getting it on 'up against the wall' of a club. HAHA! Real cute, boys! *NSYNC shows their human sides on "Celebrity", where they explain the hardships of being celebrities in a relationship. You realize that these guys want to be normal too. The medium-paced "Do Your Thing" has unique lyrics and a fun ending to this CD. This CD is definitely one of the best POP albums i've ever heard. You forget that this is a 'boy band' just listening to the great tracks. BTW, if you think this CD is great...they're even better live! I saw them live yesterday at the Rose Bowl and it was an awesome show! :)
What's the fuss about? God almighty, I thought music had moved on from this Whitesnake induced bile.It's rubbish, total, complete and utter rubbish. If this is your type of thing, go and buy a CD by trash groups like Europe or the aforementioned Whitesnake. The lead singer puts on a jumpsuit and grows his hair long and look, he's a rocker! Not!!Garbage lyrics, when you can make them out among the swearing (God, what a rebel!). Junk, trash, bile. If you're looking for something better from GB then Morrissey, Franz Ferdinand, Radiohead, the list is endless of good quality music and lyrics with a lack of ego.Can we please have a no star rating?
Didn't live up to expectations I found this to be a pedestrian effort at Christmas Music, not original or upbeat. The quality of the CD was below average, and it came with no liner notes.If you want classic country Christmas music look to Hank Thompson, Eddy Arnold, Randy Travis or Buck Owens.Most Christmas music reviews are of the 'I listened to this when I was a kid and was thrilled to find it on CD here's 5 stars yadda yadda' variety. I completely understand this type of review, but they're not very helpful.I just wanted solid, mid 60's sounding country Christmas music, avoid this CD unless you are a Marty Robbins fan.
Under A Tennessee Moon The quaility of this video is superb. I was suprised at how much I liked this video. It is a must have for Neil Diamond fans and you will not be sorry that you purchased it.
A "Best Of" compilation that's much more than expected At first glace this compilation looks like a real cheap release trying to milk some money from the Samson name. The first sign of this is the terrible cover art which features a white picture of Paul Samson over an orange back ground. Very cheap and ugly looking. The second sign is thee title "Burning Emotion: The Best Of 1985-1990". What kind of title is that? Best of 1985-1990? A best of covering 5 years and 2 albums? It's gotta be a joke right? Well it's not all what it seems.Yes it does contain some "best of" tracks from the 1988 album Joint Forces and the 1990 album Refugee, but its also loaded with some real hidden treasure tracks that definitely make this release worth picking up for Samson fans.The compilation opens with 4 tracks taken from the album `Joint Forces'. Joint Forces is actually the album which I consider to be Samson's worst. I really don't like that album at all. It was a bluesy sounding experiment for the band and Nicky Moore's vocals were lousy. I do have to admit they did pick the better of the tracks off of that album.After suffering through the first four tracks, the album kicks in gear with its collector rarities. The three tracks Stranger, Don't Turn Away, and Tomorrow actually are three demo's that weren't recorded under the "Samson" name. They were actually recorded under the name "Paul Samson's Empire". Sadly a studio album under that name never evolved, there there was live album released under that name. The demos actually don't sound all that different from something that would have been recorded under the "Samson" name. There are decent hard rockers that are only limited by their production value as they do have a "demo" ring to their sound. Decent tracks though.Track 8 is where the greatness begins. Tracks 8 & 9, The Silver Screen and Too Late are taken from the `And There It Is' EP, which ahs never been released on the CD format. The songs actually were re-recorded for the album Refugee with Peter Scallan on vocals. These originally versions feature vocalist Mike White. Mike White isn't as good as the vocalist on the Refugee versions, but he's decent in his own right. These songs definitely have an "80's" sound to them. It's actually quit refreshing compared to the blues experimental material off of Joint Forces. The next two tracks Don't Close Your Eyes and Fight for Your Life. Also feature Mike White. They were recorded for an album to be called `Ignition', but do to a change of vocalist, the album was never completed. These tracks make this compilation worth buying alone. Good songs that are more straight forward heavy metal.Tracks 12, 13, and 15 are taken from the surprisingly good album Refugee, and these three tracks are great. Sandwiched in between those on track 14 is the song Don't Tell Me It's Over. This song was an outtake from the album Refugee and is only available on this compilations. Good song too that fits perfectly on that album and it is a shame it was taken off.In conclusion this "best of" release is disguised to be a greatest hits compilation when in reality its not made for passive fans ore people new to Samson. It really is made for die hard fans that would like to have some of Samson's rarest songs, for those die hard fans I recommend this compilation whole heartedly.
dunno what all the fuss is about Being from the UK myself I've heard a lot of brit pop type stuff and yeah this does sound like that but not particularly good.I'm not saying there's a bad track on here but I reckon you need to be a pretty dull person to get excited about the songs as nothing really happens here.Seems to me all these 5 star ratings are from people who like brit pop and have now suddenly found a band from their own country that make this kind of music and want to rave about it.They'll be lucky to make the top 20 over here.
James is picking up where Stan Rogers left us Garnet Rogers is Stan's brother, and he is a talent in his own right. I don't feel a comparison of him to Stan is just or required.But James reminds me of Stan often. His grand songs and stories of (Canadian) history. The deep voice. The wicked sense of humour. The great live performances. The wonderful renditions of other writer's songs or those by "Trad."In terms of this recording, it is less 'produced' than some of James' other releases. It is also kind of low-key, so it feels like a sing-along in your living room.Highly recommended to those who love the voice of James Keelaghan.
Neil's on a bummer Diamond was at low point, literally, when he put this album together. A songwriter who can't sing shouldn't do cover songs. Plus, Neil was already into grunting instead of singing by this time in his career, and too far gone into strings and syrupy orchestrations. The only entertainment on this album is "Crunchy Granola Suite", which is Neil's hilarious attempt at rock and roll. And this was 1971.
It had to be dreadful You know those "pop" albums that opera singers occasionally make the mistake of recording? The ones where their voice and interpretations are so mis-matched to the material the the result is painful to listen to? This is in the same category.Stewart has a great rock voice and it is totally misapplied here. His efforts to sound sweet come off as syrupy. Each track sounds more bland than the next. Although the blurb in the liner notes claims Stewart has been singing these songs for years, it sounds like he never heard them before. He brings nothing, but nothing to these songs.Old rock stars should fade away, not foist albums like this on an unsuspecting public.
Alice takes over for John Alice Coltrane began making albums after the death of her husband, the great John Coltrane. Her music is highly spiritual and sometimes puts me into a trance. I love her music, almost as much as I love John's. Anyone who is remotely interested in jazz would find this album interesting. The album features Pharoah Sanders, one of Coltrane's highly talented contemporaries, who brings some chaotic elements to Alice's spacy, floating backgrounds. Highly recommended.
Patti's Gospel. . .Go live, Miss Patti. . .go live!!! After reading what Patti has said in concert about not judging her, I respectfully withdraw my original comments about the album. As usual, Patti's big heart. . .and big mouth, win me over, no matter how much I might find lacking in her recordings. I strongly believe she should do a live gospel ablum/CD compilation a la "Going Home to Gospel."
I like nuts The third track 'Whisteling hootenanny' is one of my owl time favorites. Worst about this CD: the guitarsolos in 'Help me'.Not convincing except for 'Whisteling hootenanny'
TOP OF THEIR GAME! It amazes me that this recording is 16 years old. The sound on this newly remastered and expanded edition boggles my mind. The sound is so clear and full it sounds as if you are on stage with the band. The performaces are stellar as well. A true watermark in the career of the Talking Heads as well as for live albums in general. A classic.
Cleaner transfer Since this will be an anamorphic version, it should have a clearer picture and actually work with 16:9 screens. I'll pick it up for that reason as well as for a non-flip DVD. I think this movie is fantastic and well work a new version.
Hovhaness is wonderful - The recording is poor I was looking forward to the majesty of Mysterious Mountain. The performance by the Seattle Symphony was good, but the poor recording transformed the Mysterious Mountain into Mundane Hill! The recording is distant, muddy, tinny, and thin. It sounds like someone recorded it on an old cassette tape player.Even the remastering of the RCA disk from the distant past is superior. They should pull this disk!
Great Album? Yes. Dynasty, maybe. Jigga is incredibly hot on this albumBeanie is good to great.Memphis Bleek, is really good on this album, but is overshadowed. His "534" shows how good he is, this album does not.Overall as an album it does a good job of showing off Roc A Fella, but not to much about the Dynasty.
Nice cover, ugly album This album went to show me, never judge a book by it's cover. The cover looked great but on the inside, pure garbage. Without Turk, Juvinile and B.G., cash money is suverly strugling to produce good songs anymore. And Birdman, anin't that a comic book hero or somethin? Well Baby, u sure as hell ain't any kind of hero to hip-hop, ur a discrace with this garbage. Cash Money has been strugling so much, they reliy solo projects from a fool who think he can acualluy diss someone, Lil Wayne, and someone who thinks he's so big, baby. Well sooner or later, cash money is gonna collapse, and the Big Tymers will be the old-timers, and Baby aka the #1 stunna will be back to hustling the street; and son't think manny Fresh is gonna come thru 4 them. And word to cash money, quit and retire while ur still rich, cuz u can't carry ur own burden; the ones who left were the only ones who could. Sad
Not this one, the title song For all his study and sensitivity to the American blues experience, Morrison "gets it" only sometimes. I think he is better with development of blues to jazz (see Moondance). The title track here is a disaster and we are glad that it is not necessarily representative. A white American male has as at least a native shot at experiencing and expressing blues music, from its roots. Stevie Ray Vaughn, for example? But a white Irish male has less a chance. Sorry, but it is a national and cultural thing. Nothing negative, nothing racist. If anything, it is praise of the African American black man and woman. Think American "Irish" bands. Some are really good, but based on their imitation of what was already there - not originality. Same with Van. His treatment of Tupelo Honey, is nothing but a very talented white man trying to sound like a black man. At moments, it is embarrassing. Otherwise, it's just awful. And does nothing to display Morrison's real talents with melody and lyrics.
FRANKLY disappointing Teenage Fanclub are just about my favourite band and I really like some of The Pixies back catalogue BUT this session is one big mistake. Frank Black's tunes are devoid of melody and/ or warmth and humanity. If you want to hear a great Teenage Fanclub collaboration go for excellent Teenage Fanclub with Jad Fair team up Words of Wisdom and Hope and forget about this blotch on an other wise pretty much flawless release history from TFC.
The Movie was Better I'm sorry to be the one to sound a dissenting note in this love-fest for Mel Brooks' new Broadway musical version of his film, "The Producers", but if the cast album is any indication, I don't think I'm missing much by not having shelled out 100 bucks to go see the live Broadway show. With all due respect, looking over some of the other reviews on this site, I can't help but notice that alot of the people who lavishly overpraise this show seem to have one thing in common: they never saw the original movie. I can understand why. In 1968 Brooks was an independent filmmaker working out of New York. It wasn't until years later that he moved to Los Angeles and started making movies like "Blazing Saddles" backed by major Hollywood studios that most American filmgoers heard of him. When "The Producers" came out in 1968 Brooks established himself as a master parodist. The "Springtime for Hitler" musical number at the heart of the film is simply the most brilliant skewering of a Broadway musical anyone's ever attemped. Brooks' comic genius was decades ahead of its time; unfortunately for him, just about nobody saw the film so it remained an underground classic all these years. Until now. Finally, America has caught up to "The Producers". Unfortunately, it has done so in a much weakened form. In its original incarnation, "The Producers" was a comedy about a musical - not itself a musical. Brooks' decision to turn his comedy about a musical into a musical is, I believe, a miscalculation. The songs aren't particularly funny or noteworthy in any way; they give the impression of being bland, time-fillers, padding out a 90 minute movie into the requisite 2 1/2 hours for a Broadway show. Thus in the original film, Max says to Leo, "Do you know who I used to be? Max Bialystock, King of Broadway!" resulting in (of course) the song "King of Broadway". Most of the songs in the score seem to have been contrived in this way, ad-hoc improvisations keying off some phrase from the original screenplay. The problem is these songs don't flow organically from the original screenplay so they don't add anything to it. Precisely the reverse, in fact; they dilute it, reducing what was originally a work of comic genius into something comparatively tepid and bland. Thus in the musical, Ulla, the knockout Swedish secretary, sings a song, "When You Got It, Flaunt It". In the original movie, Max commands Ulla, "Go to work!". "Go to verk!", the air-headed Ulla repeats. She puts a record on the record-player and dances furiously to the music, setting in motion every part of her amazing anatomy. She doesn't sing a song about flaunting it. She just does it. The song itself is, strictly speaking, unnecessary. To anyone whose seen the movie, the song comes off as just an excuse to pad out 2 minutes of stage time. Frankly, most of the songs come off that way. That's why this show is getting so heavily praised; most people just don't know how much better the movie was because they didn't see it. One last criticism: Mel Brooks, in his old age, seems to be turning into something of a dirty old man. I never thought I'd live to see the day when I'd hear 4-letter curse words in a Broadway show. Vulgarity is no substitute for wit. In this era of lame, British pseudo-operas, Disney-fied kiddie musicals and rock concerts masquerading as Broadway shows, "The Producers" will undoubtedly rake in a ton of money to go with its 12 Tony awards, but that's only because it doesn't have any competition. Do yourself a favor; save 100 bucks. Mel had it right in 1968. Just rent the movie.
OK As much as i wish it weren't true, it's definitely a let down. I absolutely hated it at first, searching desperately for funk in any shape or form, but it grows on you if you're persistent and listen to it a lot. And i mean a lot. If you're not a fan, check out ANY of their other albums - Californication, One Hot Minute, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Mother's Milk, and Uplift Mofo Party Plan, which are all among the GREATEST albums of all time. Hopefully they'll rediscover that which has made them the greatest band on earth in the near future. But if you're a fan i say go for it, you'll find something you'll appreciate.
Nice, Wedding-type Music These guys are definitely talented...we used the whole CD for a wedding, and everyone agreed it was romantic mood music, and perfect for a wedding. Definitely mellow...
THIS ALBUM IS HOT!!! yo the apache is back! this album is sick and definately a must buy for any music fan. his finest work so far, and definately my favourite reggae artist.don't hesitate, buy this album now!
Mind Blowing WOW - to date Sabbath created the heaviest 2 albums ever made and you think to yourself - where do they go from here? Well the answer becomes sickeningly obvious soon enough - they create an even more powerful sound and attitude.Are you kidding me? Right from the first seconds of `Sweet Leaf' - Sabbath show the world they are the innovators of the heaviest sound ever. The first 2 albums were metal and all - but they were blues based and Sabbath was still finding themselves. On this 3rd outing - the heavens opened and out poured the heaviest blobs of doom imaginable.Pure timeless boundless heaviness. Every second of this album is perfect. Inventors of stoner metal, doom metal, heavy metal - every metal. Sabbath is beyond the shackles of mankind on this album - they have progressed to some other-worldy existence of perfection.
what a cutie Eminem is an awesome artist and he is the hottest man alive. In the Rolling Stones mag he looks the best especially with JUST the dinamite!!! Everyone should totally get his cd because he is so f--ken cute and his cd is the shit!
good musical quality ruined by foul lyrics This album was good for music quality but the lyrics were at times foul. There has been a lack of new musical ideas, everyone is trying to make it on shock value and pushing the envelope of social acceptability. People are tired of being screamed at and assulted by "music" and that has helped the resurgance of music such as swing. The Cherry Popin Daddies have taken the revival and put some tasteless lyrics to add the 90's garbage influence. I played this CD one time and took it to the local store and sold it.
Good stuff.. These guys don't let you down. All of their CDs get beat to hell and back in my car because I never take them out. This album as well as all of the others are great!!!
I feel the exact same way about Brandy as I do about Usher. And the rest of the "Not yet grown, but not quite a child star anymore" music acts (e.g. Usher, Monica, Ashanti, Mya, Beyonce etc.) and that is...They are cute little filler acts who mainly just take up space in AN ALREADY CROWDED music industry. They're nobody to be taken seriously. Yeah, she and Usher particularly have been around for 10 yrs., but in that decade, I haven't seen any musical growth or maturity from them. I personally don't care how many records Usher sales either, as I am not impressed by that. And, to me, Brandy will continue to be the "'I Wanna Be Down' w/ whatcha goin' thru" girl unless she can prove that she has musical diversity, and canexperiment w/ her sound, and the fact that she's trying to be a dancer like,...none other than the woman who started the whole hot choreography routine in her music is comical. It's similar to when Mary J. started to do lame dance moves. Anyway, all the hype about this album is similar to when "Full Moon" was released being that the die-hards were loving it, but after about a yr., they realized that it was filler, and Brandy'll be regretting that this album was made, and ready to make another one, as in the case of "Full Moon".And last, but not least...Immature comparisons have got to stop. If you're gonna compare Brandy's "cute little girl next door sound" then, do it where it's fitting (mainly w/ her adversaries mentioned above) NOT VETERAN R&B artists who've been in the game just as long as Brandy's been in existence. That's complete nonsense.
WVAT BADD! LA MISSE LE FEMME En "Falling Into You" vest zong et only. Zound ov tom-tom gts ode. Ghe iz butful c long face en powt lip'. Sheep trasz oun vor vood ztamp'!
The Man Who Fell to Earth - Blu-ray Info Version: U.S.A / Criterion / Region AAspect ratio: 2.35:1MPEG-4 AVC BD-50 / AACS / High Profile 4.1Running time: 2:19:14Movie size: 37,80 GBDisc size: 46,41 GBTotal bit rate: 36.20 MbpsAverage video bit rate: 31.99 MbpsLPCM Audio English 2304 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bitDolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps / Dolby SurroundSubtitles: English SDHNumber of chapters: 23#Audio Commentary#Clark and Rip Torn (24m:51s)#Interview with screenwriter (26m:15s)#Audio interviews with costume designer and production designer#Multiple stills galleries#Behind the Scenes photos#Production and publicity stills#Posters Gallery from Roeg's films#Trailers and TV spots
Sounds like a starving coyote Sorry Brandi but your music is like finger nails on a chalkboard.Vocals are poor at best.15 minutes of fame are over.
Superior Talent I purchased and listened to the three songs on Fantasia's new CD and I was thoroughly impressed. Ms. Barrino is a master phraseologist and her voice is as smooth as velvet. I was reading the reviews and I saw where a few people gave this CD a one-star. They could not have possibly listened to this CD to rate it thusly. If they are Diana fans, fine. They should purchase her CD and go on with their lives. Fantasia is no Reuben. There is no way that Diana is going to outsell Fantasia Barrino so they should accept that fact and move on. Clay Aiken is an exceptional talent and deserved all of his success, and he, too, proves that you cannot manufacture talent. The beautiful thing about Ms. Barrino is that she doesn't need a gimmick or fake reviews to drive her ahead. Her talent speaks for itself. The CD is awesome. Five stars.
The stronger recording While I do enjoy the original broadway recording of this musical, this version is so beautiful that it is hard to see any better.
The best songs you haven't heard...yet This is by far one of the best albums you will buy. It is great summer music. great music, great lyrics, great mood creation throughout the whole CD.
Raffi Still a Classic! I am a child of the 80's and let me say my mother played for me a lot of Raffi. Fast forward over 20 years and I now have a new born of my own. He loves "The Wheels on the Bus" and we play it for him nightly! Great to know that to this day, Raffi is still a classic!
in search of the lost U2. what happened to the 'lads' i knew so well? with such innocense they penned the songs to 'war','october',etc. they have become parodies of themselves and have left the path they chose early on to waddle aimlessly and helplessly down the path to who knows where. with each album i hear a 'cry' from within saying 'release me from my prison' yet no one comes to let them out. alas, poor bono, i knew him well!
All live, some not even pro shot !!! I buy all metal DVDs. I have a wall full of them. This is the worst one I ever bought. Why ? 21 songs, only four are video clips. I actually own most of the DVDs these live clips come from ( Poison live with Ritchie Kotzen, the Cinderella live DVD, Motorhead Stagefright, even Accept - I have their live DVD ).Speaking of which, the Accept song has got a voice over through it, and that DVD has the clip, which they could have used instead !!!Artists like Anthrax and Poison ( OK, I have all their clips on DVD anyhow ), are not even the original band that released the song included.At least two of these songs were recorded by a fan with a video camera in the audience, in the later years of the band. At least 3 others look like they were lifted of VHS taped from the TV in 1990.The point of this compilation is to give you some songs from a number of live DVDs that DeadLine release. Nowhere do they claim these songs are the original video clips, but it's implied, in my book, and low quality, the usual mix of good and bad songs to start with, and the fact that most of these are live, makes this a total ripoff in my book.
Disappointed... I eagerly awaited this album. I heard the band play a few of these songs in concert back in January. I thought they were excellent. But somebody thought it was a brilliant idea to overproduce the songs, tone down the instruments, and soften Rhett's voice. While the songwriting remains strong, the production is too much. I heard someplace that Rhett was concerned about sounding like the Rembrandts. He should be concerned. They still remain one of the best live bands out there.
Wonderful I caught this production on tour in 1988. twice as I enjoyed it so much.The recording is just as good, not least for the new orchestrations by Michael Reed which give some numbers, such as 'Tell Me What is Love?' and 'Tokay' a showstopping feel.Valerie Masterson is superb in the large role of Sarah, who is required to play ages from 18 to 70+ during the course of the show. 'Zigeuner' is beautfully poised, the Finales are deeply felt, 'What is Love?' a tour-de-force but my favourite must be 'The Call of Life', aided by the orchestrations which cut to piano near the end before the full orchestra join for the thrilling climax.Martin Smith was a very sincere and appealing English Carl Linden in the theatre, and the decision not to attempt a Viennese accent did not detract from his performance. His is a much lighter, music theatre rather than operatic voice, and Masterson blends well with him in their duets, with 'I'll See You Again' being the obvious highlight.Rosemary Ashe as the crowd-pleasing Manon doesn't disappoint, reinventing 'If Love Were All' from the now rather quaint-sounding delivery of Ivy St Helier in the original. Her cabaret act, a saucy French number followed by a more restrained 'Kiss Me' are delivered with great style.Donald Maxwell (who didn't appear in the stage production) sings well in his one number, 'Tokay' complete with ringing top Ab which was added by the orchestrator.This recording is also greatly helped by the ensemble players, such as the six girls who are Sarah's bridesmaids and later have a rather middle-aged comment on marriage, 'Alas! The Time is Past' which was cut from the stage show, perhaps to cut the length down. The 'Green Carnation' boys have also done excellent work earlier as the quartet of footmen after the party (a typical Coward lyric). The choral singing is thrilling in such numbers as 'What is Love?', 'We Wish to Order Wine' and 'Tokay'.One of my all-time favourite nights at the theatre, this recording is one I never tire of hearing. It shows how an older show can be given new life and vitality given the right treatment.
VINYL Review! Now This is a Rockin Piece of Black Slab!!!! Part 3 of my excursion into New Hendrix Vinyl.......let's go!Got this from a third party Amazon dealer described as likenew but it wasn't. The Vinyl itself was dirty but cleaned upvery well and once I put it on the turntable, well, holy MolyGood Golly Miss Molly, an Audiophile pressing!! A few popshere and there but that's to be expected. Surface noise isminimal. Very Quiet surface and the music itself made myarm hair stand on it's edge! Once again, this is the Out OfPrint MCA pressing and both discs are dead on Flat and pressedON Center!! And also 180 gram, very thick and a pleasure, onceI cleaned them, to behold. A very Slightly Loose performance, youcan tell Jimi was a bit frazzled, but the audience vibe moved himand the band came a callin'!! Great pressing-get it while you can,I got mine for $21 with shipping, even in a good state cover wise,the vinyl comes through and the album is very very enjoyable.I guess the lesson I'm starting to learn is: If you want to get thebest sounding Hendrix vinyl, maybe you should start by pickingup the Out Of Print, but still available MCA pressings, they seemto all be on 180 gram virgin vinyl and the packaging is as goodas the current EH offering. But the pressings seem, so far, MUCHbetter than the current pressings. More to come with the Box Set8 LP called 'The Jimi Hendrix Experience'!Oh, I also compared this with my EH cd of the Berkeley show, andonce again, for sheer FIDELITY-this Audiophile 180 gram pressingdemolishes the cd. SO NATURAL SOUNDING!!Gerard Masters
It's Sammy "The Red Rocker" Hagar & Ronnie Montrose! He will always be five stars to me, even with that stint with Van Halen, which I didn't care much for. But as himself, with the late, great Ronnie Montrose or as Chickenfoot, he still rocks. As did the late Ronnie Montrose.Mas Tequila all around ;-)
A Mature Stacie but Still the Same Definitely, strongly hoping that Stacie would not abandon her Christian roots, I was kind of anxious about this release. The first single, STUCK, is like the farthest thing away from Christian music: just playing. But that does show why one could easily be alarmed; asking oneself the question- has she sold out? After listening to the CD and letting it grow on me, I have realized that this is a pretty good effort. At the most, it is cohesive. It also has a writer who kind of has my name-Marcellus and for that, she gets an extra star!! Jokes aside, this is really a good mix of Christian and pop/rock.STUCK- 1st single that has an irresistable beat to it.MORE TO LIFE- On first listen, I really was not impressed. The song was too rock for me and I was not prepared for that but after a few listens, I grew to appreciate the song more. It talks about there being more to life than the temporal things or the easy things. This is something that children these days need to face up to.BOUNCE BACK- A song similar to her debut release with the R&B, Hip-Hop groove to it. I definitely enjoy the song and its positive message ameliorates the song even more.I PROMISE- Diane Warren penned this joint and to be honest, with the arrangements and the like, the song does not sound too mushy at all. Everything works together to create a pretty good, teen ballad.Security- A single on Christian radio. This song has a nice airy, poppish but also soulful vibe to it. It is not too bubblegummy and it has a positive message about God being our security.INSTEAD- A weird kinda sounding song. It has many elements to it but once again a positive song about looking at others who may be disadvantaged in whatever way. Do not let the message take away the fact that the beat is pretty funky.HESITATION- The closest song to GENUINE off the first release. This song has a cool beat, vocals are good and for GENUINE fans, it even contains a part from that song in it. One of the best songs on the release. This is the stuff Stacie is made of.STRONG ENOUGH- She penned this powerful, praise ballad all by herself which is an accomplishment. The words are heartfelt and the message about God is just awesome. You gotta check this one out.I COULD BE THE ONE- Another one of those party songs but with a good message (as always). A mixture of a couple of music forms but is great nonetheless.MAYBE I WON'T LOOK BACK- An R&B song that has great arrangements and this kind of hard-rock sounding guitar interspersed throughout. Great song!!TIGHT- Another song kinda like another of the others. The song has a weird but good kinda feel to it. Once again, a great message inherent.THAT'S WHAT LOVE'S ABOUT- A very soulful, positive closer that pretty much sums the CD up about being positive, helping others and basically keeping God first and foremost in one's life. This is a great song.Overall, the CD is pretty good. It does take some growing but after a couple of listens, you will be enjoying what you hear. It is definitely an improvement over her debut effort, GENUINE and her vocals are great on the songs. It has a jazzy but modern kinda touch to it.
I'm not bobbing my head anymore! I love Beck so I had to purchase this, but agree with many of the negative reviews. Very different from Guero, but not nearly as good. I almost found the mixes on Guerolito as obscure as his "Hell Yes" EP that were "video game music sounding" mixes of four Guero tracks that preceded that album's release.I did like the extra track, "Clap Hands." But it would probably be better just to download that track individually and add it to your Guero album.
Will the nightmare never end??? What don't I get about Screaming Dion's appeal? Are all her fans deaf? She blows every song up into a gargantuan, ear-piercing nightmare, especially distressing since most of her repertoire consists of love songs that cry out for at least some sense of warmth and intimacy. Vocally, she is even worse live than in the studio: horrendous, tone-less nasal twang; same repetitive 4-note embellishments thrown into EVERY single song (you fans KNOW the one I'm talking about!); whistling, sylliabant "S's" that remind me of a comedy routine Carol Channing used to do about a silent film actress who couldn't get a job in talkies. I know that Dion learned English relatively recently, but does she not have a clue as to what the logical interpretation of a given number should be? The pinnacle of her histrionic overdramatizing excess is fully demonstrated in her "Live in Las Vegas" performance of Peggy Lee's "Fever", in which she makes a bubbling fish-lips sound, not unlike a kid playing in the bathtub. Celine, how the heck does that fit into a song called "Fever"? I won't even bother to digress about her empty-headed, childlike audience chit-chat.I had to endure this CD on a road trip recently, and I was tempted to throw myself out of the car into speeding traffic.Celine, I can't wait 'til your "Day" as a recording "artist" is over.
not worthy of even 1 star The only reason this got 1 star is because 0 is not an option. This is just sad. To see one of rock and roll's greatest drummers turn to this trash. He helped create Motley Crue, a band with four equally famous, well recognized people. He came from a band built on great live shows, cool guitar riffs, a pounding bass, thundering drums, a great vocalist, and most importantly it was Rock and Roll. He traded it all in for this talent-less trash called rap with simple drums, simple guitar, simple bass, no singing and just plain boring. I could not stand this after hearing two songs. It was sad to see the downfall of someone with an amazing talent. Tommy, you sold out so much that even Metallica would probably say you sold out bad. I can't believe you would leave Motley for this. I'm sorry that Vince didn't knock some sense into you when he hit you. Hopefully sooner or later you'll realize you made a mistake. Rap will eventually die and only rock and roll is forever. I hope to see you back in the CRUE sometime where the music is still exciting.
THE BAND WHO WILL SAVE ROCK! Another fantastic record from one of the most important bands in the world at the moment. These boys continue to cover new ground but always with an inspiring "old school" feel. This record is a great example of what really separates this band from their competitors - if you like - i.e. the ability to grind out crunching riffs and exhillarting rock music with an air of grace and sophistication. This is a record that will make the corner of your mouth curl up an your head nod confidently back and forth. A truly great new release.
upbeat brenda lee Enjoyed the Brenda Lee Gospel Duets. Don't know much about her but know all the songs, and enjoyed the mix of singers. Songs were peppy and fun to sing along with.
I can listen to the whole cd I bought it just for Tumba La Casa, but I found out that I liked every single track. I put in on and can play the entire cd without having to skip any song. Great dance music, really gets your feet moving and your hips swinging. A must for any latin dance music fan.
Supernatural Leftovers I have been a Santana fan since 1970. Shaman definitely is not a Santana album. Sounds like a bunch of songs that did not make it in Supernatural. On top of that, Carlos presence in the album is just as a sideman or worst, a studio musician. Also,¿whatever happened to the Santana Band? The band is relegated only to "Santana musicians" and the whole package and music is overloaded of the image of Carlos Santana.Come on Santana (the whole band), just play the truly Santana music. The only song that deserves some attention is "Victory is won" and by the way the live version of this song on the Supernatural Evening DVD is by far superior than this studio version (the drum play is horrible compared to Rodney Holmes and even the guitar solo is much more intense)In the meantime, I will hear Caravanserai,Welcome and Borboletta to try to forget this is happening.
Hottest cut that has banged out of GA since I can remember This Hot joint is pure hip-hop -a true classic. with ill tracks thru and thru this is a dephinent hav for any Playaz collection.
Good Product Placement, Bad Music I was listening to the radio this morning when the DJ started talking about how the lead singer of the next band actually went to music stores to promote the product placement of their albums. The DJ went on to explain that the band member was fomerly in the magazine business and continued his habit of going store to store to ensure that his product was prominently placed and make sure it was re-stocked when sold out. He actually goes to the front desk and complains if dissatisfied. I was really curious to find out who this band was. I figured it better be good if they were audacious enough to provide unsolicited consultation like that. The next song played was Nickelback's latest hit single. I was appalled that the DJ's story was about such a lousy band. They're lucky their cds are even available, let alone prominently placed on record store shelves. If I were a music store manager, I wouldn't tolerate such gratuitous self-promotion. I do have to commend the guy from Nickelback, however, for his guts and his hands-on approach. I couldn't imagine too many other artists who would actually do their own dirty work like this guy does. On the other hand, I became even more disillusioned about the music industry's increasing emphasis on market savvy over music. Of course, most people (if not everyone) who read this review will rate it as unhelpful because they're already converted fans or admire the guy's audacity. I'm disgusted, though, because it's bad enough that crappy music is crammed down our throats from various sources of media. Now it's being taken one step further. Where does it all end?