Which Record has a Location/Attendance of palace of auburn hills 8,108?
SELECT record FROM table_name_22 WHERE location_attendance = "palace of auburn hills 8,108"
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (record VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Record has a Location/Attendance of palace of auburn hills 8,108? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (record VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_22 WHERE location_attendance = "palace of auburn hills 8,108" </s>
What is name of the drive with a Time of +13.315?
SELECT driver FROM table_name_85 WHERE time = "+13.315"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (driver VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is name of the drive with a Time of +13.315? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (driver VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver FROM table_name_85 WHERE time = "+13.315" </s>
What is the point low with 2 grids?
SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_name_88 WHERE grid = "2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (points INTEGER, grid VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the point low with 2 grids? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (points INTEGER, grid VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_name_88 WHERE grid = "2" </s>
Which range includes Mount Fukushima, and is ranked 38?
SELECT range FROM table_name_7 WHERE name = "mount fukushima" AND rank = 38
CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (range VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which range includes Mount Fukushima, and is ranked 38? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (range VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT range FROM table_name_7 WHERE name = "mount fukushima" AND rank = 38 </s>
What was the score of the Red Wings game when Vancouver was the home team?
SELECT score FROM table_name_71 WHERE home = "vancouver"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (score VARCHAR, home VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the score of the Red Wings game when Vancouver was the home team? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (score VARCHAR, home VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_71 WHERE home = "vancouver" </s>
What is the socket with an order part number of amm300dbo22gq and a September 10, 2009 release date?
SELECT socket FROM table_name_34 WHERE release_date = "september 10, 2009" AND order_part_number = "amm300dbo22gq"
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (socket VARCHAR, release_date VARCHAR, order_part_number VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the socket with an order part number of amm300dbo22gq and a September 10, 2009 release date? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (socket VARCHAR, release_date VARCHAR, order_part_number VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT socket FROM table_name_34 WHERE release_date = "september 10, 2009" AND order_part_number = "amm300dbo22gq" </s>
what is the result when the category is best sound design?
SELECT result FROM table_name_28 WHERE category = "best sound design"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (result VARCHAR, category VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the result when the category is best sound design? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (result VARCHAR, category VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_28 WHERE category = "best sound design" </s>
How many tickets were sold / available for the venue that had a gross revenue of $333,100 in 2011?
SELECT tickets_sold___available FROM table_name_51 WHERE gross_revenue__2011_ = "$333,100"
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (tickets_sold___available VARCHAR, gross_revenue__2011_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many tickets were sold / available for the venue that had a gross revenue of $333,100 in 2011? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (tickets_sold___available VARCHAR, gross_revenue__2011_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT tickets_sold___available FROM table_name_51 WHERE gross_revenue__2011_ = "$333,100" </s>
how many party with district being washington 7
SELECT COUNT(party) FROM table_1341472_49 WHERE district = "Washington 7"
CREATE TABLE table_1341472_49 (party VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] how many party with district being washington 7 context: CREATE TABLE table_1341472_49 (party VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(party) FROM table_1341472_49 WHERE district = "Washington 7" </s>
List all customers’ names in the alphabetical order.
SELECT name FROM accounts ORDER BY name
CREATE TABLE accounts (name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] List all customers’ names in the alphabetical order. context: CREATE TABLE accounts (name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT name FROM accounts ORDER BY name </s>
What is the most cup goals for seasson 1911-12?
SELECT MAX(cup_goals) FROM table_10556257_1 WHERE season = "1911-12"
CREATE TABLE table_10556257_1 (cup_goals INTEGER, season VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the most cup goals for seasson 1911-12? context: CREATE TABLE table_10556257_1 (cup_goals INTEGER, season VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(cup_goals) FROM table_10556257_1 WHERE season = "1911-12" </s>
What is the lowest Against, when Status is "First Test", and when Date is "26/05/2007"?
SELECT MIN(against) FROM table_name_42 WHERE status = "first test" AND date = "26/05/2007"
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (against INTEGER, status VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest Against, when Status is "First Test", and when Date is "26/05/2007"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (against INTEGER, status VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(against) FROM table_name_42 WHERE status = "first test" AND date = "26/05/2007" </s>
How many 4 credits is the hand two pair?
SELECT COUNT(4 AS _credits) FROM table_11200856_1 WHERE hand = "Two pair"
CREATE TABLE table_11200856_1 (hand VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many 4 credits is the hand two pair? context: CREATE TABLE table_11200856_1 (hand VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(4 AS _credits) FROM table_11200856_1 WHERE hand = "Two pair" </s>
What is the college when the over is larger than 15 in round 7?
SELECT college FROM table_name_41 WHERE overall > 15 AND round = 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (college VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the college when the over is larger than 15 in round 7? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (college VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR, round VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT college FROM table_name_41 WHERE overall > 15 AND round = 7 </s>
When danilo di luca is the winner who is the general classification?
SELECT general_classification FROM table_18733814_2 WHERE winner = "Danilo Di Luca"
CREATE TABLE table_18733814_2 (general_classification VARCHAR, winner VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When danilo di luca is the winner who is the general classification? context: CREATE TABLE table_18733814_2 (general_classification VARCHAR, winner VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT general_classification FROM table_18733814_2 WHERE winner = "Danilo Di Luca" </s>
What date did home team Gold Coast Blaze play?
SELECT date FROM table_name_14 WHERE home_team = "gold coast blaze"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (date VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date did home team Gold Coast Blaze play? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (date VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_14 WHERE home_team = "gold coast blaze" </s>
What was the final score for the match with a partnering of Tessa Price?
SELECT score_in_the_final FROM table_name_48 WHERE partnering = "tessa price"
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (score_in_the_final VARCHAR, partnering VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the final score for the match with a partnering of Tessa Price? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (score_in_the_final VARCHAR, partnering VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score_in_the_final FROM table_name_48 WHERE partnering = "tessa price" </s>
When 55 is the tries for what is the lost?
SELECT lost FROM table_17941032_1 WHERE tries_for = "55"
CREATE TABLE table_17941032_1 (lost VARCHAR, tries_for VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When 55 is the tries for what is the lost? context: CREATE TABLE table_17941032_1 (lost VARCHAR, tries_for VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT lost FROM table_17941032_1 WHERE tries_for = "55" </s>
What is the game number played on April 3?
SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_27723526_13 WHERE date = "April 3"
CREATE TABLE table_27723526_13 (game INTEGER, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the game number played on April 3? context: CREATE TABLE table_27723526_13 (game INTEGER, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_27723526_13 WHERE date = "April 3" </s>
When was the opponent Arsenal?
SELECT date FROM table_name_62 WHERE opponent = "arsenal"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When was the opponent Arsenal? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_62 WHERE opponent = "arsenal" </s>
What is the total when the league cup is less than 1, and the fa cup is less than 1?
SELECT SUM(total) FROM table_name_45 WHERE league_cup < 1 AND fa_cup < 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (total INTEGER, league_cup VARCHAR, fa_cup VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total when the league cup is less than 1, and the fa cup is less than 1? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (total INTEGER, league_cup VARCHAR, fa_cup VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(total) FROM table_name_45 WHERE league_cup < 1 AND fa_cup < 1 </s>
What is the Score of the game with arsenal win 4-2 on penalties in the attendance field?
SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE attendance = "arsenal win 4-2 on penalties"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Score of the game with arsenal win 4-2 on penalties in the attendance field? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE attendance = "arsenal win 4-2 on penalties" </s>
What is the name of the country in Arabic that has Moroni as the name of its capital in English?
SELECT arabic_country_name FROM table_name_68 WHERE english_capital_name = "moroni"
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (arabic_country_name VARCHAR, english_capital_name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the name of the country in Arabic that has Moroni as the name of its capital in English? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (arabic_country_name VARCHAR, english_capital_name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT arabic_country_name FROM table_name_68 WHERE english_capital_name = "moroni" </s>
Which City has 600kw 500kw ERP (Analog/ Digital)?
SELECT city FROM table_name_41 WHERE erp__analog__digital_ = "600kw 500kw"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (city VARCHAR, erp__analog__digital_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which City has 600kw 500kw ERP (Analog/ Digital)? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (city VARCHAR, erp__analog__digital_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT city FROM table_name_41 WHERE erp__analog__digital_ = "600kw 500kw" </s>
What was the loss for August 19?
SELECT loss FROM table_name_91 WHERE date = "august 19"
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (loss VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the loss for August 19? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (loss VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT loss FROM table_name_91 WHERE date = "august 19" </s>
What is the score for the match where the opponent in the final was james cerretani todd perry?
SELECT score FROM table_name_5 WHERE opponents_in_the_final = "james cerretani todd perry"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (score VARCHAR, opponents_in_the_final VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the score for the match where the opponent in the final was james cerretani todd perry? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (score VARCHAR, opponents_in_the_final VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_5 WHERE opponents_in_the_final = "james cerretani todd perry" </s>
What comparable country has a national share of 1.08?
SELECT comparable_country FROM table_171666_1 WHERE national_share___percentage_ = "1.08"
CREATE TABLE table_171666_1 (comparable_country VARCHAR, national_share___percentage_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What comparable country has a national share of 1.08? context: CREATE TABLE table_171666_1 (comparable_country VARCHAR, national_share___percentage_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT comparable_country FROM table_171666_1 WHERE national_share___percentage_ = "1.08" </s>
how many result with opponent being cleveland browns
SELECT COUNT(result) FROM table_14951643_1 WHERE opponent = "Cleveland Browns"
CREATE TABLE table_14951643_1 (result VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] how many result with opponent being cleveland browns context: CREATE TABLE table_14951643_1 (result VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(result) FROM table_14951643_1 WHERE opponent = "Cleveland Browns" </s>
Name the total number of assists for 77 blocks
SELECT COUNT(assists) FROM table_17309500_1 WHERE blocks = "77"
CREATE TABLE table_17309500_1 (assists VARCHAR, blocks VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the total number of assists for 77 blocks context: CREATE TABLE table_17309500_1 (assists VARCHAR, blocks VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(assists) FROM table_17309500_1 WHERE blocks = "77" </s>
What is the label for a CD released in 2004?
SELECT label FROM table_name_25 WHERE media = "cd" AND release_date = 2004
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (label VARCHAR, media VARCHAR, release_date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the label for a CD released in 2004? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (label VARCHAR, media VARCHAR, release_date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT label FROM table_name_25 WHERE media = "cd" AND release_date = 2004 </s>
What is the name of the perpetrator with the biggest weight.
SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Weight DESC LIMIT 1
<s>[INST] What is the name of the perpetrator with the biggest weight. context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Weight DESC LIMIT 1 </s>
How many weeks in the top 10 was spent by a song performed by Peter Kay?
SELECT MAX(weeks_in_top_10) FROM table_27813010_2 WHERE artist = "Peter Kay"
CREATE TABLE table_27813010_2 (weeks_in_top_10 INTEGER, artist VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many weeks in the top 10 was spent by a song performed by Peter Kay? context: CREATE TABLE table_27813010_2 (weeks_in_top_10 INTEGER, artist VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(weeks_in_top_10) FROM table_27813010_2 WHERE artist = "Peter Kay" </s>
Name the college for dl
SELECT college FROM table_28059992_2 WHERE position = "DL"
CREATE TABLE table_28059992_2 (college VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the college for dl context: CREATE TABLE table_28059992_2 (college VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT college FROM table_28059992_2 WHERE position = "DL" </s>
Was the University of Michigan Signed?
SELECT signed FROM table_name_13 WHERE school = "university of michigan"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (signed VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Was the University of Michigan Signed? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (signed VARCHAR, school VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT signed FROM table_name_13 WHERE school = "university of michigan" </s>
Which Year has a Match of 63?
SELECT year FROM table_name_82 WHERE match = 63
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (year VARCHAR, match VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Year has a Match of 63? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (year VARCHAR, match VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT year FROM table_name_82 WHERE match = 63 </s>
what's the mascot for 66 pulaski 2?
SELECT mascot FROM table_name_39 WHERE _number___county = "66 pulaski 2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (mascot VARCHAR, _number___county VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what's the mascot for 66 pulaski 2? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (mascot VARCHAR, _number___county VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT mascot FROM table_name_39 WHERE _number___county = "66 pulaski 2" </s>
What is the total number of goals on the debut date of 14-04-1907?
SELECT COUNT(number_of_goals) FROM table_11585313_1 WHERE date_of_debut = "14-04-1907"
CREATE TABLE table_11585313_1 (number_of_goals VARCHAR, date_of_debut VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total number of goals on the debut date of 14-04-1907? context: CREATE TABLE table_11585313_1 (number_of_goals VARCHAR, date_of_debut VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(number_of_goals) FROM table_11585313_1 WHERE date_of_debut = "14-04-1907" </s>
What car did Tony Trimmer drive at the Oulton Park Circuit?
SELECT winning_car FROM table_name_35 WHERE circuit = "oulton park" AND winning_driver = "tony trimmer"
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (winning_car VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR, winning_driver VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What car did Tony Trimmer drive at the Oulton Park Circuit? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (winning_car VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR, winning_driver VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT winning_car FROM table_name_35 WHERE circuit = "oulton park" AND winning_driver = "tony trimmer" </s>
What is the nationality of the ship when the principle victims are civilians?
SELECT nat FROM table_name_49 WHERE principal_victims = "civilians"
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (nat VARCHAR, principal_victims VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the nationality of the ship when the principle victims are civilians? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (nat VARCHAR, principal_victims VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nat FROM table_name_49 WHERE principal_victims = "civilians" </s>
What is the highest round number for donnie caraway?
SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_6 WHERE name = "donnie caraway"
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (round INTEGER, name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest round number for donnie caraway? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (round INTEGER, name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_6 WHERE name = "donnie caraway" </s>
Show project ids and the number of documents in each project.
SELECT project_id, COUNT(*) FROM Documents GROUP BY project_id
CREATE TABLE Documents (project_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show project ids and the number of documents in each project. context: CREATE TABLE Documents (project_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT project_id, COUNT(*) FROM Documents GROUP BY project_id </s>
What's the Südbayern in 1928?
SELECT südbayern FROM table_name_27 WHERE year = 1928
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (südbayern VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the Südbayern in 1928? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (südbayern VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT südbayern FROM table_name_27 WHERE year = 1928 </s>
Who is the player from United States who play in year 2003-06 in Toronto?
SELECT player FROM table_name_8 WHERE nationality = "united states" AND years_in_toronto = "2003-06"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (player VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR, years_in_toronto VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the player from United States who play in year 2003-06 in Toronto? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (player VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR, years_in_toronto VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_8 WHERE nationality = "united states" AND years_in_toronto = "2003-06" </s>
Name the high assists for december 13
SELECT high_assists FROM table_22654073_7 WHERE date = "December 13"
CREATE TABLE table_22654073_7 (high_assists VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the high assists for december 13 context: CREATE TABLE table_22654073_7 (high_assists VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT high_assists FROM table_22654073_7 WHERE date = "December 13" </s>
What date was the game when 45,943 attended?
SELECT date FROM table_name_56 WHERE attendance = "45,943"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date was the game when 45,943 attended? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_56 WHERE attendance = "45,943" </s>
What is the lowest numbered episode in the series?
SELECT MIN(no_in_series) FROM table_27969432_3
CREATE TABLE table_27969432_3 (no_in_series INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest numbered episode in the series? context: CREATE TABLE table_27969432_3 (no_in_series INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(no_in_series) FROM table_27969432_3 </s>
What is the water depth of Sedco 702, located in Nigeria?
SELECT water_depth FROM table_name_59 WHERE location = "nigeria" AND name = "sedco 702"
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (water_depth VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the water depth of Sedco 702, located in Nigeria? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (water_depth VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT water_depth FROM table_name_59 WHERE location = "nigeria" AND name = "sedco 702" </s>
What score has april 28 as the date?
SELECT score FROM table_name_5 WHERE date = "april 28"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What score has april 28 as the date? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_5 WHERE date = "april 28" </s>
Which nationality does Florida Tech have?
SELECT nationality FROM table_name_1 WHERE school = "florida tech"
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (nationality VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which nationality does Florida Tech have? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (nationality VARCHAR, school VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nationality FROM table_name_1 WHERE school = "florida tech" </s>
What is the total number of bronzes that is less than 1 in total?
SELECT COUNT(bronze) FROM table_name_24 WHERE total < 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (bronze VARCHAR, total INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the total number of bronzes that is less than 1 in total? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (bronze VARCHAR, total INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(bronze) FROM table_name_24 WHERE total < 1 </s>
What's the average Rd number for dane jackson with a pick number over 44?
SELECT AVG(rd__number) FROM table_name_2 WHERE player = "dane jackson" AND pick__number > 44
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (rd__number INTEGER, player VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the average Rd number for dane jackson with a pick number over 44? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (rd__number INTEGER, player VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(rd__number) FROM table_name_2 WHERE player = "dane jackson" AND pick__number > 44 </s>
How many Picks have a Position of defensive back?
SELECT COUNT(pick) FROM table_name_61 WHERE position = "defensive back"
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (pick VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many Picks have a Position of defensive back? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (pick VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(pick) FROM table_name_61 WHERE position = "defensive back" </s>
What is every affiliation for candidate Daren Ireland?
SELECT affiliation FROM table_25818630_1 WHERE candidate = "Daren Ireland"
CREATE TABLE table_25818630_1 (affiliation VARCHAR, candidate VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is every affiliation for candidate Daren Ireland? context: CREATE TABLE table_25818630_1 (affiliation VARCHAR, candidate VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT affiliation FROM table_25818630_1 WHERE candidate = "Daren Ireland" </s>
Name the district for others being 18.3
SELECT district FROM table_23214055_2 WHERE others = "18.3"
CREATE TABLE table_23214055_2 (district VARCHAR, others VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the district for others being 18.3 context: CREATE TABLE table_23214055_2 (district VARCHAR, others VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT district FROM table_23214055_2 WHERE others = "18.3" </s>
Name the production code by paul lieberstein
SELECT production_code FROM table_22948559_1 WHERE written_by = "Paul Lieberstein"
CREATE TABLE table_22948559_1 (production_code VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the production code by paul lieberstein context: CREATE TABLE table_22948559_1 (production_code VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT production_code FROM table_22948559_1 WHERE written_by = "Paul Lieberstein" </s>
Find the names of the trains that do not pass any station located in London.
SELECT FROM train_station AS T1 JOIN train AS T2 ON T1.train_id = T2.train_id WHERE NOT T1.station_id IN (SELECT T4.station_id FROM train_station AS T3 JOIN station AS T4 ON T3.station_id = T4.station_id WHERE t4.location = "London")
CREATE TABLE station (station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train_station (station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train_station (train_id VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train (name VARCHAR, train_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Find the names of the trains that do not pass any station located in London. context: CREATE TABLE station (station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train_station (station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train_station (train_id VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE train (name VARCHAR, train_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT FROM train_station AS T1 JOIN train AS T2 ON T1.train_id = T2.train_id WHERE NOT T1.station_id IN (SELECT T4.station_id FROM train_station AS T3 JOIN station AS T4 ON T3.station_id = T4.station_id WHERE t4.location = "London") </s>
Can you tell me the average Weight that has Height of 6-9?
SELECT AVG(weight) FROM table_name_69 WHERE height = "6-9"
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (weight INTEGER, height VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Can you tell me the average Weight that has Height of 6-9? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (weight INTEGER, height VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(weight) FROM table_name_69 WHERE height = "6-9" </s>
What team drove a Dodge vehicle?
SELECT team FROM table_name_27 WHERE make = "dodge"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (team VARCHAR, make VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What team drove a Dodge vehicle? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (team VARCHAR, make VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT team FROM table_name_27 WHERE make = "dodge" </s>
How many people are women's singles in the season of 2000/01?
SELECT COUNT(womens_singles) FROM table_28211988_1 WHERE season = "2000/01"
CREATE TABLE table_28211988_1 (womens_singles VARCHAR, season VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many people are women's singles in the season of 2000/01? context: CREATE TABLE table_28211988_1 (womens_singles VARCHAR, season VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(womens_singles) FROM table_28211988_1 WHERE season = "2000/01" </s>
What are the dimensions of the coin with western sea barrage and locks at taedong gang on the reverse side?
SELECT dimensions FROM table_298883_5 WHERE reverse = "Western sea barrage and locks at Taedong Gang"
CREATE TABLE table_298883_5 (dimensions VARCHAR, reverse VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What are the dimensions of the coin with western sea barrage and locks at taedong gang on the reverse side? context: CREATE TABLE table_298883_5 (dimensions VARCHAR, reverse VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT dimensions FROM table_298883_5 WHERE reverse = "Western sea barrage and locks at Taedong Gang" </s>
What was the number of attempts for Vanderberg on Iowa when the recorded yards were 2,249?
SELECT attempts FROM table_name_42 WHERE team = "iowa" AND yards = "2,249"
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (attempts VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, yards VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the number of attempts for Vanderberg on Iowa when the recorded yards were 2,249? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (attempts VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, yards VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT attempts FROM table_name_42 WHERE team = "iowa" AND yards = "2,249" </s>
What is Score, when Opponent Team is Belgium, and when Opponent is Kirsten Flipkens?
SELECT score FROM table_name_83 WHERE opponent_team = "belgium" AND opponent = "kirsten flipkens"
CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (score VARCHAR, opponent_team VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Score, when Opponent Team is Belgium, and when Opponent is Kirsten Flipkens? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (score VARCHAR, opponent_team VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_83 WHERE opponent_team = "belgium" AND opponent = "kirsten flipkens" </s>
Show the account name, id and the number of transactions for each account.
SELECT T2.account_name, T1.account_id, COUNT(*) FROM Financial_transactions AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id GROUP BY T1.account_id
CREATE TABLE Financial_transactions (account_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Accounts (account_name VARCHAR, account_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show the account name, id and the number of transactions for each account. context: CREATE TABLE Financial_transactions (account_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Accounts (account_name VARCHAR, account_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT T2.account_name, T1.account_id, COUNT(*) FROM Financial_transactions AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id GROUP BY T1.account_id </s>
How many Points have a Record of 25–10–11, and a January larger than 28?
SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_21 WHERE record = "25–10–11" AND january > 28
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR, january VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many Points have a Record of 25–10–11, and a January larger than 28? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR, january VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_21 WHERE record = "25–10–11" AND january > 28 </s>
What is the Rank of the Athletes with a Time of 3:43.491?
SELECT COUNT(rank) FROM table_name_21 WHERE time = "3:43.491"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (rank VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Rank of the Athletes with a Time of 3:43.491? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (rank VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(rank) FROM table_name_21 WHERE time = "3:43.491" </s>
How many points were there before 1979 with a ferrari 312b2 chassis?
SELECT points FROM table_name_3 WHERE year < 1979 AND chassis = "ferrari 312b2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (points VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many points were there before 1979 with a ferrari 312b2 chassis? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (points VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT points FROM table_name_3 WHERE year < 1979 AND chassis = "ferrari 312b2" </s>
what is the diameter (km) of longitude 170.1e
SELECT diameter__km_ FROM table_16799784_7 WHERE longitude = "170.1E"
CREATE TABLE table_16799784_7 (diameter__km_ VARCHAR, longitude VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the diameter (km) of longitude 170.1e context: CREATE TABLE table_16799784_7 (diameter__km_ VARCHAR, longitude VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT diameter__km_ FROM table_16799784_7 WHERE longitude = "170.1E" </s>
What is the home of aggregate's 3-4?
SELECT home__2nd_leg_ FROM table_name_87 WHERE aggregate = "3-4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (home__2nd_leg_ VARCHAR, aggregate VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the home of aggregate's 3-4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (home__2nd_leg_ VARCHAR, aggregate VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT home__2nd_leg_ FROM table_name_87 WHERE aggregate = "3-4" </s>
What surface was the match on November 6, 1982 played on?
SELECT surface FROM table_name_82 WHERE date = "november 6, 1982"
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (surface VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What surface was the match on November 6, 1982 played on? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (surface VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT surface FROM table_name_82 WHERE date = "november 6, 1982" </s>
What is the least value for week?
SELECT MIN(week) FROM table_23916462_3
CREATE TABLE table_23916462_3 (week INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the least value for week? context: CREATE TABLE table_23916462_3 (week INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(week) FROM table_23916462_3 </s>
Which league has an FA cup greater than 0, with a total greater than 21?
SELECT league FROM table_name_76 WHERE fa_cup > 0 AND total > 21
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (league VARCHAR, fa_cup VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which league has an FA cup greater than 0, with a total greater than 21? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (league VARCHAR, fa_cup VARCHAR, total VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT league FROM table_name_76 WHERE fa_cup > 0 AND total > 21 </s>
What is the product with the highest height? Give me the catalog entry name.
SELECT catalog_entry_name FROM catalog_contents ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE catalog_contents (catalog_entry_name VARCHAR, height VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the product with the highest height? Give me the catalog entry name. context: CREATE TABLE catalog_contents (catalog_entry_name VARCHAR, height VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT catalog_entry_name FROM catalog_contents ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 1 </s>
What was the percentage in 2006 whose natives is Polish?
SELECT percentage__2006_ FROM table_2328113_1 WHERE mother_tongue = "Polish"
CREATE TABLE table_2328113_1 (percentage__2006_ VARCHAR, mother_tongue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the percentage in 2006 whose natives is Polish? context: CREATE TABLE table_2328113_1 (percentage__2006_ VARCHAR, mother_tongue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT percentage__2006_ FROM table_2328113_1 WHERE mother_tongue = "Polish" </s>
SELECT MAX(bronze) FROM table_name_46 WHERE silver > 1 AND rank > 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (bronze INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] WHAT COUNTRY HAS THE HIGHEST BRONZE COUNT, MORE THAN 1 SILVER METAL, AND LESS THAN 1ST PLACE? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (bronze INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(bronze) FROM table_name_46 WHERE silver > 1 AND rank > 1 </s>
How many Times have a Reaction Time larger than 0.17500000000000002, and a Lane of 3?
SELECT COUNT(time) FROM table_name_62 WHERE reaction_time > 0.17500000000000002 AND lane = 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (time VARCHAR, reaction_time VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many Times have a Reaction Time larger than 0.17500000000000002, and a Lane of 3? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (time VARCHAR, reaction_time VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(time) FROM table_name_62 WHERE reaction_time > 0.17500000000000002 AND lane = 3 </s>
What Name has a Time of 01:17:01?
SELECT name FROM table_name_14 WHERE time = "01:17:01"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (name VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Name has a Time of 01:17:01? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (name VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT name FROM table_name_14 WHERE time = "01:17:01" </s>
What's the value for played when points is 8 and position is 11th?
SELECT played FROM table_name_2 WHERE position = "11th" AND points = "8"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (played VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the value for played when points is 8 and position is 11th? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (played VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT played FROM table_name_2 WHERE position = "11th" AND points = "8" </s>
How many total wins does Ballarat FL of East point have when the against is greater than 1000?
SELECT COUNT(wins) FROM table_name_61 WHERE ballarat_fl = "east point" AND against > 1000
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (wins VARCHAR, ballarat_fl VARCHAR, against VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many total wins does Ballarat FL of East point have when the against is greater than 1000? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (wins VARCHAR, ballarat_fl VARCHAR, against VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(wins) FROM table_name_61 WHERE ballarat_fl = "east point" AND against > 1000 </s>
Who went on a rampage in Baghdad?
SELECT perpetrator FROM table_name_85 WHERE location = "baghdad"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (perpetrator VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who went on a rampage in Baghdad? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (perpetrator VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT perpetrator FROM table_name_85 WHERE location = "baghdad" </s>
Who is nominated for the film Rugrats Go Wild?
SELECT winner_nominee_s_ FROM table_name_44 WHERE result = "nominated" AND film = "rugrats go wild"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (winner_nominee_s_ VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, film VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is nominated for the film Rugrats Go Wild? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (winner_nominee_s_ VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, film VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT winner_nominee_s_ FROM table_name_44 WHERE result = "nominated" AND film = "rugrats go wild" </s>
Who was lieutenant governor to the governor that left office on October 16, 2000?
SELECT Lieutenant AS governor FROM table_name_90 WHERE left_office = "october 16, 2000"
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (Lieutenant VARCHAR, left_office VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who was lieutenant governor to the governor that left office on October 16, 2000? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (Lieutenant VARCHAR, left_office VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT Lieutenant AS governor FROM table_name_90 WHERE left_office = "october 16, 2000" </s>
What is the source on 6 September?
SELECT source FROM table_name_27 WHERE date = "6 september"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (source VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the source on 6 September? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (source VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT source FROM table_name_27 WHERE date = "6 september" </s>
What is the number of attendance values for ties having an opponent of Middlesbrough and result of 3-1?
SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_2 WHERE opponent = "middlesbrough" AND result = "3-1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the number of attendance values for ties having an opponent of Middlesbrough and result of 3-1? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_2 WHERE opponent = "middlesbrough" AND result = "3-1" </s>
What is the sum of Second, when Total is less than 70, when Premier is less than 20, and when First is greater than 18?
SELECT SUM(second) FROM table_name_1 WHERE total < 70 AND premier < 20 AND first > 18
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (second INTEGER, first VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, premier VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the sum of Second, when Total is less than 70, when Premier is less than 20, and when First is greater than 18? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (second INTEGER, first VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, premier VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(second) FROM table_name_1 WHERE total < 70 AND premier < 20 AND first > 18 </s>
Name the stops for stations 36
SELECT stops FROM table_2385460_1 WHERE stations = 36
CREATE TABLE table_2385460_1 (stops VARCHAR, stations VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the stops for stations 36 context: CREATE TABLE table_2385460_1 (stops VARCHAR, stations VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT stops FROM table_2385460_1 WHERE stations = 36 </s>
Which Country has a Height (m) larger than 4100, and a Range of arsi mountains, and a Mountain of bada?
SELECT country FROM table_name_15 WHERE height__m_ > 4100 AND range = "arsi mountains" AND mountain = "bada"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (country VARCHAR, mountain VARCHAR, height__m_ VARCHAR, range VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Country has a Height (m) larger than 4100, and a Range of arsi mountains, and a Mountain of bada? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (country VARCHAR, mountain VARCHAR, height__m_ VARCHAR, range VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT country FROM table_name_15 WHERE height__m_ > 4100 AND range = "arsi mountains" AND mountain = "bada" </s>
Round 4 for larger than 19 Round 1 and a 27 Round 2?
SELECT round_4 FROM table_name_45 WHERE round_1 > 19 AND round_2 = "27"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (round_4 VARCHAR, round_1 VARCHAR, round_2 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Round 4 for larger than 19 Round 1 and a 27 Round 2? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (round_4 VARCHAR, round_1 VARCHAR, round_2 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT round_4 FROM table_name_45 WHERE round_1 > 19 AND round_2 = "27" </s>
What was the score in game 81?
SELECT score FROM table_17311797_10 WHERE game = 81
CREATE TABLE table_17311797_10 (score VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the score in game 81? context: CREATE TABLE table_17311797_10 (score VARCHAR, game VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_17311797_10 WHERE game = 81 </s>
Which race is located in kyalami?
SELECT race FROM table_1140073_2 WHERE location = "Kyalami"
CREATE TABLE table_1140073_2 (race VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which race is located in kyalami? context: CREATE TABLE table_1140073_2 (race VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT race FROM table_1140073_2 WHERE location = "Kyalami" </s>
What is the smallest number of safeties?
SELECT MIN(safeties) FROM table_25642873_2
CREATE TABLE table_25642873_2 (safeties INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the smallest number of safeties? context: CREATE TABLE table_25642873_2 (safeties INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(safeties) FROM table_25642873_2 </s>
What was the timeslot for the episode that aired on May 12, 2009?
SELECT timeslot FROM table_11274401_3 WHERE air_date = "May 12, 2009"
CREATE TABLE table_11274401_3 (timeslot VARCHAR, air_date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the timeslot for the episode that aired on May 12, 2009? context: CREATE TABLE table_11274401_3 (timeslot VARCHAR, air_date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT timeslot FROM table_11274401_3 WHERE air_date = "May 12, 2009" </s>
What country has 50 supermarkets?
SELECT country FROM table_name_19 WHERE supermarkets = "50"
CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (country VARCHAR, supermarkets VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What country has 50 supermarkets? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (country VARCHAR, supermarkets VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT country FROM table_name_19 WHERE supermarkets = "50" </s>
Which telescopes were sponsored by or originated in Belgium?
SELECT name FROM table_23851574_2 WHERE nationality_sponsors = "Belgium"
CREATE TABLE table_23851574_2 (name VARCHAR, nationality_sponsors VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which telescopes were sponsored by or originated in Belgium? context: CREATE TABLE table_23851574_2 (name VARCHAR, nationality_sponsors VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT name FROM table_23851574_2 WHERE nationality_sponsors = "Belgium" </s>
What swimsuit score did the state of Virginia contestant achieve?
SELECT COUNT(swimsuit) FROM table_12338595_1 WHERE state = "Virginia"
CREATE TABLE table_12338595_1 (swimsuit VARCHAR, state VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What swimsuit score did the state of Virginia contestant achieve? context: CREATE TABLE table_12338595_1 (swimsuit VARCHAR, state VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(swimsuit) FROM table_12338595_1 WHERE state = "Virginia" </s>
What type had an election day in 1980
SELECT type FROM table_1602620_1 WHERE elected = 1980
CREATE TABLE table_1602620_1 (type VARCHAR, elected VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What type had an election day in 1980 context: CREATE TABLE table_1602620_1 (type VARCHAR, elected VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT type FROM table_1602620_1 WHERE elected = 1980 </s>
What was the date of the game in week 3?
SELECT date FROM table_21761882_4 WHERE week = 3
CREATE TABLE table_21761882_4 (date VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the date of the game in week 3? context: CREATE TABLE table_21761882_4 (date VARCHAR, week VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_21761882_4 WHERE week = 3 </s>
What's the score on December 12, 1998?
SELECT score FROM table_name_11 WHERE date = "december 12, 1998"
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the score on December 12, 1998? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_11 WHERE date = "december 12, 1998" </s>
Which Peak Position has a Date of 10 june 1998?
SELECT peak_position FROM table_name_21 WHERE date = "10 june 1998"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (peak_position VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Peak Position has a Date of 10 june 1998? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (peak_position VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT peak_position FROM table_name_21 WHERE date = "10 june 1998" </s>
What is the largest start for a player with 14 conv, 10 tries and more than 22 pens?
SELECT MAX(start) FROM table_name_29 WHERE conv = 14 AND tries = 10 AND pens > 22
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (start INTEGER, pens VARCHAR, conv VARCHAR, tries VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the largest start for a player with 14 conv, 10 tries and more than 22 pens? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (start INTEGER, pens VARCHAR, conv VARCHAR, tries VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(start) FROM table_name_29 WHERE conv = 14 AND tries = 10 AND pens > 22 </s>
what is the method when the time is 0:51?
SELECT method FROM table_name_5 WHERE time = "0:51"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (method VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the method when the time is 0:51? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (method VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT method FROM table_name_5 WHERE time = "0:51" </s>