What was the top place with over 24 points and more than 14 played?
SELECT MAX(place__posición_) FROM table_name_41 WHERE points__pts_ > 24 AND played__pj_ > 14
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (place__posición_ INTEGER, points__pts_ VARCHAR, played__pj_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the top place with over 24 points and more than 14 played? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (place__posición_ INTEGER, points__pts_ VARCHAR, played__pj_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(place__posición_) FROM table_name_41 WHERE points__pts_ > 24 AND played__pj_ > 14 </s>
What is the total of quantity rebuilt if the type is 1B N2T and the railway number is 88, 118?
SELECT COUNT(quantity_rebuilt) FROM table_name_4 WHERE type = "1b n2t" AND railway_number_s_ = "88, 118"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (quantity_rebuilt VARCHAR, type VARCHAR, railway_number_s_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total of quantity rebuilt if the type is 1B N2T and the railway number is 88, 118? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (quantity_rebuilt VARCHAR, type VARCHAR, railway_number_s_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(quantity_rebuilt) FROM table_name_4 WHERE type = "1b n2t" AND railway_number_s_ = "88, 118" </s>
What is the highest Extras for Farveez Maharoof, with more than 4 wickets?
SELECT MAX(extras) FROM table_name_79 WHERE name = "farveez maharoof" AND wickets > 4
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (extras INTEGER, name VARCHAR, wickets VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest Extras for Farveez Maharoof, with more than 4 wickets? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (extras INTEGER, name VARCHAR, wickets VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(extras) FROM table_name_79 WHERE name = "farveez maharoof" AND wickets > 4 </s>
What team has a Score of l 88–94 (ot)?
SELECT team FROM table_name_98 WHERE score = "l 88–94 (ot)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (team VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What team has a Score of l 88–94 (ot)? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (team VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT team FROM table_name_98 WHERE score = "l 88–94 (ot)" </s>
What is the Competition when the Club was costa rica u-20?
SELECT competition FROM table_name_94 WHERE club = "costa rica u-20"
CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (competition VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Competition when the Club was costa rica u-20? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (competition VARCHAR, club VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT competition FROM table_name_94 WHERE club = "costa rica u-20" </s>
What are the numbers of episodes that were broadcast on September 1, 2003
SELECT episode__number FROM table_17481974_1 WHERE original_airdate = "September 1, 2003"
CREATE TABLE table_17481974_1 (episode__number VARCHAR, original_airdate VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What are the numbers of episodes that were broadcast on September 1, 2003 context: CREATE TABLE table_17481974_1 (episode__number VARCHAR, original_airdate VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT episode__number FROM table_17481974_1 WHERE original_airdate = "September 1, 2003" </s>
For the flyers, what's the minimum capacity?
SELECT MIN(capacity) FROM table_16384648_2 WHERE team_nickname = "Flyers"
CREATE TABLE table_16384648_2 (capacity INTEGER, team_nickname VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] For the flyers, what's the minimum capacity? context: CREATE TABLE table_16384648_2 (capacity INTEGER, team_nickname VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(capacity) FROM table_16384648_2 WHERE team_nickname = "Flyers" </s>
What is 1989, when 1982 is "SF"?
SELECT 1989 FROM table_name_37 WHERE 1982 = "sf"
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (Id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is 1989, when 1982 is "SF"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (Id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 1989 FROM table_name_37 WHERE 1982 = "sf" </s>
Who won that game on 24 July 2010?
SELECT result FROM table_name_26 WHERE date = "24 july 2010"
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who won that game on 24 July 2010? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_26 WHERE date = "24 july 2010" </s>
What is the general classification for a mountains value of Christophe Moreau and a Team winner of Team CSC?
SELECT general_classification FROM table_name_94 WHERE mountains_classification = "christophe moreau" AND team_classification = "team csc"
CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (general_classification VARCHAR, mountains_classification VARCHAR, team_classification VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the general classification for a mountains value of Christophe Moreau and a Team winner of Team CSC? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (general_classification VARCHAR, mountains_classification VARCHAR, team_classification VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT general_classification FROM table_name_94 WHERE mountains_classification = "christophe moreau" AND team_classification = "team csc" </s>
What is the Hanja for McCune-Reischauer of chŏn?
SELECT hanja FROM table_name_56 WHERE mccune_reischauer = "chŏn"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (hanja VARCHAR, mccune_reischauer VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Hanja for McCune-Reischauer of chŏn? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (hanja VARCHAR, mccune_reischauer VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT hanja FROM table_name_56 WHERE mccune_reischauer = "chŏn" </s>
Record of 89-67 had what loss?
SELECT loss FROM table_name_16 WHERE record = "89-67"
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Record of 89-67 had what loss? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT loss FROM table_name_16 WHERE record = "89-67" </s>
What was the height of representative #6?
SELECT height FROM table_28062822_3 WHERE represent = 6
CREATE TABLE table_28062822_3 (height VARCHAR, represent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the height of representative #6? context: CREATE TABLE table_28062822_3 (height VARCHAR, represent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT height FROM table_28062822_3 WHERE represent = 6 </s>
What is the height of the Tides with less than 34 floors?
SELECT height_feet___m FROM table_name_68 WHERE floors < 34 AND name = "the tides"
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (height_feet___m VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the height of the Tides with less than 34 floors? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (height_feet___m VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT height_feet___m FROM table_name_68 WHERE floors < 34 AND name = "the tides" </s>
How many losses did the team with 0 wins and more than 72 runs allowed have?
SELECT SUM(losses) FROM table_name_1 WHERE wins = 0 AND runs_allowed > 72
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (losses INTEGER, wins VARCHAR, runs_allowed VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many losses did the team with 0 wins and more than 72 runs allowed have? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (losses INTEGER, wins VARCHAR, runs_allowed VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(losses) FROM table_name_1 WHERE wins = 0 AND runs_allowed > 72 </s>
What year was Jamboree made?
SELECT year FROM table_name_26 WHERE movie_title = "jamboree"
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (year VARCHAR, movie_title VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What year was Jamboree made? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (year VARCHAR, movie_title VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT year FROM table_name_26 WHERE movie_title = "jamboree" </s>
Name the percentage for georgia
SELECT percentage FROM table_22825679_1 WHERE team = "Georgia"
CREATE TABLE table_22825679_1 (percentage VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the percentage for georgia context: CREATE TABLE table_22825679_1 (percentage VARCHAR, team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT percentage FROM table_22825679_1 WHERE team = "Georgia" </s>
What team got a draft pick player from McGill?
SELECT cfl_team FROM table_25085059_3 WHERE college = "McGill"
CREATE TABLE table_25085059_3 (cfl_team VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What team got a draft pick player from McGill? context: CREATE TABLE table_25085059_3 (cfl_team VARCHAR, college VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT cfl_team FROM table_25085059_3 WHERE college = "McGill" </s>
What years did J. Smith Young serve as a Representative?
SELECT years FROM table_name_36 WHERE representative = "j. smith young"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (years VARCHAR, representative VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What years did J. Smith Young serve as a Representative? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (years VARCHAR, representative VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT years FROM table_name_36 WHERE representative = "j. smith young" </s>
Who was the winner of the game in 1999 with Kansas City Chiefs as the loser?
SELECT winner FROM table_name_29 WHERE year = 1999 AND loser = "kansas city chiefs"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (winner VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, loser VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who was the winner of the game in 1999 with Kansas City Chiefs as the loser? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (winner VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, loser VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT winner FROM table_name_29 WHERE year = 1999 AND loser = "kansas city chiefs" </s>
What was the score on October 29?
SELECT score FROM table_23308178_4 WHERE date = "October 29"
CREATE TABLE table_23308178_4 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the score on October 29? context: CREATE TABLE table_23308178_4 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_23308178_4 WHERE date = "October 29" </s>
Which Player has a Date of 13 july 2007?
SELECT player FROM table_name_41 WHERE date = "13 july 2007"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (player VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Player has a Date of 13 july 2007? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (player VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_41 WHERE date = "13 july 2007" </s>
What is the highest year that has fila world championships as the event, with toledo, united states as the venue, and a weight class (kg) less than 97?
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_37 WHERE event = "fila world championships" AND venue = "toledo, united states" AND weight_class__kg_ < 97
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (year INTEGER, weight_class__kg_ VARCHAR, event VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest year that has fila world championships as the event, with toledo, united states as the venue, and a weight class (kg) less than 97? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (year INTEGER, weight_class__kg_ VARCHAR, event VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_37 WHERE event = "fila world championships" AND venue = "toledo, united states" AND weight_class__kg_ < 97 </s>
How many millions of U.S viewers watched the episode written by Liz Feldman?
SELECT us_viewers__million_ FROM table_29920800_1 WHERE written_by = "Liz Feldman"
CREATE TABLE table_29920800_1 (us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many millions of U.S viewers watched the episode written by Liz Feldman? context: CREATE TABLE table_29920800_1 (us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT us_viewers__million_ FROM table_29920800_1 WHERE written_by = "Liz Feldman" </s>
What driver has under 53 laps, a grid smaller than 14, and a time/retired of differential?
SELECT driver FROM table_name_28 WHERE laps < 53 AND grid < 14 AND time_retired = "differential"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (driver VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What driver has under 53 laps, a grid smaller than 14, and a time/retired of differential? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (driver VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver FROM table_name_28 WHERE laps < 53 AND grid < 14 AND time_retired = "differential" </s>
What is the total of lane(s) for swimmers from Sweden with a 50m split of faster than 26.25?
SELECT SUM(lane) FROM table_name_24 WHERE nationality = "sweden" AND split__50m_ < 26.25
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (lane INTEGER, nationality VARCHAR, split__50m_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total of lane(s) for swimmers from Sweden with a 50m split of faster than 26.25? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (lane INTEGER, nationality VARCHAR, split__50m_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(lane) FROM table_name_24 WHERE nationality = "sweden" AND split__50m_ < 26.25 </s>
Who did they play at lincoln financial field at 8:30 (ET) after week 14?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_88 WHERE week > 14 AND game_site = "lincoln financial field" AND time__et_ = "8:30"
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (opponent VARCHAR, time__et_ VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, game_site VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who did they play at lincoln financial field at 8:30 (ET) after week 14? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (opponent VARCHAR, time__et_ VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, game_site VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT opponent FROM table_name_88 WHERE week > 14 AND game_site = "lincoln financial field" AND time__et_ = "8:30" </s>
What is the average of all Heats of competitors with a Time of 59.11 and a lane higher than 3?
SELECT AVG(heat) FROM table_name_43 WHERE time = "59.11" AND lane > 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (heat INTEGER, time VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the average of all Heats of competitors with a Time of 59.11 and a lane higher than 3? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (heat INTEGER, time VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(heat) FROM table_name_43 WHERE time = "59.11" AND lane > 3 </s>
Which High assists have a Game larger than 21, and a Record of 18-6?
SELECT high_assists FROM table_name_21 WHERE game > 21 AND record = "18-6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (high_assists VARCHAR, game VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which High assists have a Game larger than 21, and a Record of 18-6? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (high_assists VARCHAR, game VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT high_assists FROM table_name_21 WHERE game > 21 AND record = "18-6" </s>
What is the country for Sony / Sony Bmg?
SELECT country FROM table_name_61 WHERE label = "sony / sony bmg"
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (country VARCHAR, label VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the country for Sony / Sony Bmg? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (country VARCHAR, label VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT country FROM table_name_61 WHERE label = "sony / sony bmg" </s>
What is the Outcome of the game with a Score of 6–4, 6–4?
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_45 WHERE score = "6–4, 6–4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (outcome VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Outcome of the game with a Score of 6–4, 6–4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (outcome VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT outcome FROM table_name_45 WHERE score = "6–4, 6–4" </s>
What is the sum of Broadcasts (TV) 1, when Series is "3 4", and when US Release Date is "27 December 2006"?
SELECT SUM(broadcasts__tv__1) FROM table_name_47 WHERE series = "3 4" AND us_release_date = "27 december 2006"
CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (broadcasts__tv__1 INTEGER, series VARCHAR, us_release_date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the sum of Broadcasts (TV) 1, when Series is "3 4", and when US Release Date is "27 December 2006"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (broadcasts__tv__1 INTEGER, series VARCHAR, us_release_date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(broadcasts__tv__1) FROM table_name_47 WHERE series = "3 4" AND us_release_date = "27 december 2006" </s>
Which Record has a Date of december 17?
SELECT record FROM table_name_99 WHERE date = "december 17"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Record has a Date of december 17? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_99 WHERE date = "december 17" </s>
What is the total number of episodes aired in Canada on 22 October 2004?
SELECT COUNT(episode) FROM table_name_18 WHERE airdate__canada_ = "22 october 2004"
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (episode VARCHAR, airdate__canada_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total number of episodes aired in Canada on 22 October 2004? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (episode VARCHAR, airdate__canada_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(episode) FROM table_name_18 WHERE airdate__canada_ = "22 october 2004" </s>
What is the date of the item with a label of Sony BMG, Epic and a Catalog number 5187482?
SELECT date FROM table_name_82 WHERE label = "sony bmg, epic" AND catalog = "5187482"
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (date VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, catalog VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the date of the item with a label of Sony BMG, Epic and a Catalog number 5187482? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (date VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, catalog VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_82 WHERE label = "sony bmg, epic" AND catalog = "5187482" </s>
What is the smallest number of poles when the fastest laps are less than 0?
SELECT MIN(poles) FROM table_name_52 WHERE fastest_laps < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (poles INTEGER, fastest_laps INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the smallest number of poles when the fastest laps are less than 0? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (poles INTEGER, fastest_laps INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(poles) FROM table_name_52 WHERE fastest_laps < 0 </s>
Which team plays at Lake Oval?
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_39 WHERE venue = "lake oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (home_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which team plays at Lake Oval? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (home_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT home_team FROM table_name_39 WHERE venue = "lake oval" </s>
Where was the shot pct 78?
SELECT locale FROM table_21093403_1 WHERE shot_pct = 78
CREATE TABLE table_21093403_1 (locale VARCHAR, shot_pct VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Where was the shot pct 78? context: CREATE TABLE table_21093403_1 (locale VARCHAR, shot_pct VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT locale FROM table_21093403_1 WHERE shot_pct = 78 </s>
What is the year that has a character named Wu Ji Wei (無極威)?
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_27 WHERE character = "wu ji wei (無極威)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (year INTEGER, character VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the year that has a character named Wu Ji Wei (無極威)? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (year INTEGER, character VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_27 WHERE character = "wu ji wei (無極威)" </s>
What districts does incumbent Curt Weldon hold?
SELECT district FROM table_1341568_39 WHERE incumbent = "Curt Weldon"
CREATE TABLE table_1341568_39 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What districts does incumbent Curt Weldon hold? context: CREATE TABLE table_1341568_39 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT district FROM table_1341568_39 WHERE incumbent = "Curt Weldon" </s>
What is the id for the employee called Ebba?
SELECT employee_ID FROM Employees WHERE employee_name = "Ebba"
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_ID VARCHAR, employee_name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the id for the employee called Ebba? context: CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_ID VARCHAR, employee_name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT employee_ID FROM Employees WHERE employee_name = "Ebba" </s>
What is the 1993 value of the 1996 atp masters series?
SELECT 1993 FROM table_name_15 WHERE 1996 = "atp masters series"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (Id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the 1993 value of the 1996 atp masters series? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (Id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 1993 FROM table_name_15 WHERE 1996 = "atp masters series" </s>
What is the time of frida svensson's race that had sa/b under the notes?
SELECT time FROM table_name_81 WHERE notes = "sa/b" AND athlete = "frida svensson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (time VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, athlete VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the time of frida svensson's race that had sa/b under the notes? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (time VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, athlete VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT time FROM table_name_81 WHERE notes = "sa/b" AND athlete = "frida svensson" </s>
Who is the bachelorette of the season that premiered on May 24, 2010?
SELECT bachelorette FROM table_name_37 WHERE premiered = "may 24, 2010"
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (bachelorette VARCHAR, premiered VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the bachelorette of the season that premiered on May 24, 2010? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (bachelorette VARCHAR, premiered VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT bachelorette FROM table_name_37 WHERE premiered = "may 24, 2010" </s>
who is the opponent when the streak is won 9 on april 13, 1990?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_3 WHERE streak = "won 9" AND date = "april 13, 1990"
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (opponent VARCHAR, streak VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] who is the opponent when the streak is won 9 on april 13, 1990? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (opponent VARCHAR, streak VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT opponent FROM table_name_3 WHERE streak = "won 9" AND date = "april 13, 1990" </s>
what year has general nominated in the category or choice breakthrough artist?
SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_name_77 WHERE nominated_work = "general" AND category = "choice breakthrough artist"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (year VARCHAR, nominated_work VARCHAR, category VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what year has general nominated in the category or choice breakthrough artist? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (year VARCHAR, nominated_work VARCHAR, category VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_name_77 WHERE nominated_work = "general" AND category = "choice breakthrough artist" </s>
What is the lowest number of FA cups associated with 0 malaysia cups?
SELECT MIN(fa_cup) FROM table_name_69 WHERE malaysia_cup < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (fa_cup INTEGER, malaysia_cup INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest number of FA cups associated with 0 malaysia cups? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (fa_cup INTEGER, malaysia_cup INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(fa_cup) FROM table_name_69 WHERE malaysia_cup < 0 </s>
How many draft pick positions did Matt Bradley have?
SELECT COUNT(position) FROM table_2840500_4 WHERE player = "Matt Bradley"
CREATE TABLE table_2840500_4 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many draft pick positions did Matt Bradley have? context: CREATE TABLE table_2840500_4 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(position) FROM table_2840500_4 WHERE player = "Matt Bradley" </s>
What was the max mach when the maximum speed was 3887?
SELECT max_mach FROM table_221315_3 WHERE max_speed__mph_ = 3887
CREATE TABLE table_221315_3 (max_mach VARCHAR, max_speed__mph_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the max mach when the maximum speed was 3887? context: CREATE TABLE table_221315_3 (max_mach VARCHAR, max_speed__mph_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT max_mach FROM table_221315_3 WHERE max_speed__mph_ = 3887 </s>
Can you tell me the Record that has the Home of ny islanders?
SELECT record FROM table_name_26 WHERE home = "ny islanders"
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (record VARCHAR, home VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Can you tell me the Record that has the Home of ny islanders? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (record VARCHAR, home VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_26 WHERE home = "ny islanders" </s>
I want the lowest Gold for silver being 2 and electronic sports
SELECT MIN(gold) FROM table_name_98 WHERE silver = 2 AND sport = "electronic sports"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (gold INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, sport VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] I want the lowest Gold for silver being 2 and electronic sports context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (gold INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, sport VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(gold) FROM table_name_98 WHERE silver = 2 AND sport = "electronic sports" </s>
What is the Result with a Date with 22 january 2008?
SELECT result FROM table_name_43 WHERE date = "22 january 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Result with a Date with 22 january 2008? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_43 WHERE date = "22 january 2008" </s>
Who won the Best Female Artist where Best R&B Contributor won the Best Male Lyricist?
SELECT best_female_artist FROM table_22546460_4 WHERE best_male_lyricist = "Best R&B Contributor"
CREATE TABLE table_22546460_4 (best_female_artist VARCHAR, best_male_lyricist VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who won the Best Female Artist where Best R&B Contributor won the Best Male Lyricist? context: CREATE TABLE table_22546460_4 (best_female_artist VARCHAR, best_male_lyricist VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT best_female_artist FROM table_22546460_4 WHERE best_male_lyricist = "Best R&B Contributor" </s>
I want the total number of Laps for Rubens Barrichello
SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_85 WHERE driver = "rubens barrichello"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (laps VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] I want the total number of Laps for Rubens Barrichello context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (laps VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_85 WHERE driver = "rubens barrichello" </s>
SELECT nationality FROM table_11803648_17 WHERE player = "Andre Petersson"
CREATE TABLE table_11803648_17 (nationality VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] WHERE IS ANDRE PETERSSON FROM? context: CREATE TABLE table_11803648_17 (nationality VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nationality FROM table_11803648_17 WHERE player = "Andre Petersson" </s>
Parts Plus sponsors what driver?
SELECT driver_s_ FROM table_name_21 WHERE primary_sponsor_s_ = "parts plus"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (driver_s_ VARCHAR, primary_sponsor_s_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Parts Plus sponsors what driver? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (driver_s_ VARCHAR, primary_sponsor_s_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver_s_ FROM table_name_21 WHERE primary_sponsor_s_ = "parts plus" </s>
What is the earliest year for Alabama with a pick under 26?
SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_name_78 WHERE college = "alabama" AND pick < 26
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (year INTEGER, college VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the earliest year for Alabama with a pick under 26? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (year INTEGER, college VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_name_78 WHERE college = "alabama" AND pick < 26 </s>
Name the score with record of 17-27
SELECT score FROM table_name_6 WHERE record = "17-27"
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (score VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the score with record of 17-27 context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (score VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_6 WHERE record = "17-27" </s>
What is the ICAO when the IATA shows mfm?
SELECT icao FROM table_name_2 WHERE iata = "mfm"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (icao VARCHAR, iata VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the ICAO when the IATA shows mfm? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (icao VARCHAR, iata VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT icao FROM table_name_2 WHERE iata = "mfm" </s>
How many Red Breasted Nuthatch coins created before 2007 were minted, on average?
SELECT AVG(mintage) FROM table_name_42 WHERE animal = "red breasted nuthatch" AND year < 2007
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (mintage INTEGER, animal VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many Red Breasted Nuthatch coins created before 2007 were minted, on average? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (mintage INTEGER, animal VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(mintage) FROM table_name_42 WHERE animal = "red breasted nuthatch" AND year < 2007 </s>
What is Result, when Week is 16?
SELECT result FROM table_name_72 WHERE week = 16
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (result VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Result, when Week is 16? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (result VARCHAR, week VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_72 WHERE week = 16 </s>
What is the historical reference of the episode that aired on October 23, 2005?
SELECT historical_references FROM table_name_38 WHERE podcast_date = "october 23, 2005"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (historical_references VARCHAR, podcast_date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the historical reference of the episode that aired on October 23, 2005? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (historical_references VARCHAR, podcast_date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT historical_references FROM table_name_38 WHERE podcast_date = "october 23, 2005" </s>
How many millions of viewers watched episode 15?
SELECT us_viewers__millions_ FROM table_11230937_2 WHERE no_in_season = 15
CREATE TABLE table_11230937_2 (us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR, no_in_season VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many millions of viewers watched episode 15? context: CREATE TABLE table_11230937_2 (us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR, no_in_season VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT us_viewers__millions_ FROM table_11230937_2 WHERE no_in_season = 15 </s>
What's the first aired date when Professor Hubert Whitehead was the role?
SELECT first_aired FROM table_name_30 WHERE role = "professor hubert whitehead"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (first_aired VARCHAR, role VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the first aired date when Professor Hubert Whitehead was the role? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (first_aired VARCHAR, role VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT first_aired FROM table_name_30 WHERE role = "professor hubert whitehead" </s>
Which Player has a Round larger than 5, and a Position of (g)?
SELECT player FROM table_name_1 WHERE round > 5 AND position = "(g)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (player VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Player has a Round larger than 5, and a Position of (g)? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (player VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_1 WHERE round > 5 AND position = "(g)" </s>
What did the away team score at Junction oval?
SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_30 WHERE venue = "junction oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What did the away team score at Junction oval? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_30 WHERE venue = "junction oval" </s>
What was the winning score of the PGA Championship (3)?
SELECT winning_score FROM table_13026799_1 WHERE championship = "PGA championship (3)"
CREATE TABLE table_13026799_1 (winning_score VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the winning score of the PGA Championship (3)? context: CREATE TABLE table_13026799_1 (winning_score VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT winning_score FROM table_13026799_1 WHERE championship = "PGA championship (3)" </s>
What is the HDTV when documentaries are the content?
SELECT hdtv FROM table_name_84 WHERE content = "documentaries"
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (hdtv VARCHAR, content VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the HDTV when documentaries are the content? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (hdtv VARCHAR, content VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT hdtv FROM table_name_84 WHERE content = "documentaries" </s>
How many points did the club with a losing bonus of 2 and 300 points against have?
SELECT points_for FROM table_name_44 WHERE losing_bonus = "2" AND points_against = "300"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (points_for VARCHAR, losing_bonus VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many points did the club with a losing bonus of 2 and 300 points against have? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (points_for VARCHAR, losing_bonus VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT points_for FROM table_name_44 WHERE losing_bonus = "2" AND points_against = "300" </s>
What is the team 1 when Ulisses is team 2?
SELECT team_1 FROM table_name_98 WHERE team_2 = "ulisses"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (team_1 VARCHAR, team_2 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the team 1 when Ulisses is team 2? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (team_1 VARCHAR, team_2 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT team_1 FROM table_name_98 WHERE team_2 = "ulisses" </s>
Type FJ/RN/SC is associated with what class?
SELECT class FROM table_21538523_1 WHERE type = "FJ/RN/SC"
CREATE TABLE table_21538523_1 (class VARCHAR, type VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Type FJ/RN/SC is associated with what class? context: CREATE TABLE table_21538523_1 (class VARCHAR, type VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT class FROM table_21538523_1 WHERE type = "FJ/RN/SC" </s>
What is the to par number of the person who won in 2003?
SELECT to_par FROM table_name_40 WHERE year_s__won = "2003"
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (to_par VARCHAR, year_s__won VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the to par number of the person who won in 2003? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (to_par VARCHAR, year_s__won VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT to_par FROM table_name_40 WHERE year_s__won = "2003" </s>
what is the total number of population where census designated place is westmont?
SELECT COUNT(population__2000_census_) FROM table_22916979_2 WHERE census_designated_place = "Westmont"
CREATE TABLE table_22916979_2 (population__2000_census_ VARCHAR, census_designated_place VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the total number of population where census designated place is westmont? context: CREATE TABLE table_22916979_2 (population__2000_census_ VARCHAR, census_designated_place VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(population__2000_census_) FROM table_22916979_2 WHERE census_designated_place = "Westmont" </s>
In which venue was North Melbourne the Away team?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_14 WHERE away_team = "north melbourne"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (venue VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] In which venue was North Melbourne the Away team? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (venue VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT venue FROM table_name_14 WHERE away_team = "north melbourne" </s>
What status has 15/04/1967 as the date?
SELECT status FROM table_name_33 WHERE date = "15/04/1967"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (status VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What status has 15/04/1967 as the date? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (status VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT status FROM table_name_33 WHERE date = "15/04/1967" </s>
What was the attendance of the game on September 18, 1965 before week 3?
SELECT attendance FROM table_name_72 WHERE week < 3 AND date = "september 18, 1965"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (attendance VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the attendance of the game on September 18, 1965 before week 3? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (attendance VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT attendance FROM table_name_72 WHERE week < 3 AND date = "september 18, 1965" </s>
What date has attendance listed as 45,024?
SELECT date FROM table_name_11 WHERE attendance = "45,024"
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date has attendance listed as 45,024? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_11 WHERE attendance = "45,024" </s>
What is the highest draws that have 31 for points, wins greater than 12, with a goal difference less than 11?
SELECT MAX(draws) FROM table_name_8 WHERE points = 31 AND wins > 12 AND goal_difference < 11
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (draws INTEGER, goal_difference VARCHAR, points VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest draws that have 31 for points, wins greater than 12, with a goal difference less than 11? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (draws INTEGER, goal_difference VARCHAR, points VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(draws) FROM table_name_8 WHERE points = 31 AND wins > 12 AND goal_difference < 11 </s>
Which Game has a Record of 5–3–1, and an October smaller than 29?
SELECT SUM(game) FROM table_name_80 WHERE record = "5–3–1" AND october < 29
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (game INTEGER, record VARCHAR, october VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Game has a Record of 5–3–1, and an October smaller than 29? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (game INTEGER, record VARCHAR, october VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(game) FROM table_name_80 WHERE record = "5–3–1" AND october < 29 </s>
What tournament did she win with a final score of 4–6, 7–5, 6–2?
SELECT championship FROM table_19047_2 WHERE score_in_the_final = "4–6, 7–5, 6–2"
CREATE TABLE table_19047_2 (championship VARCHAR, score_in_the_final VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What tournament did she win with a final score of 4–6, 7–5, 6–2? context: CREATE TABLE table_19047_2 (championship VARCHAR, score_in_the_final VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT championship FROM table_19047_2 WHERE score_in_the_final = "4–6, 7–5, 6–2" </s>
How many people watch at Western Oval venue?
SELECT COUNT(crowd) FROM table_name_4 WHERE venue = "western oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (crowd VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many people watch at Western Oval venue? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (crowd VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(crowd) FROM table_name_4 WHERE venue = "western oval" </s>
What was the date for Game 41?
SELECT date FROM table_name_33 WHERE game = "41"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (date VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the date for Game 41? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (date VARCHAR, game VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_33 WHERE game = "41" </s>
What state is susana martinez from?
SELECT state FROM table_name_72 WHERE current_governor = "susana martinez"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (state VARCHAR, current_governor VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What state is susana martinez from? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (state VARCHAR, current_governor VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT state FROM table_name_72 WHERE current_governor = "susana martinez" </s>
What was the location and attendance when the team's record was 16-44?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13464416_8 WHERE record = "16-44"
CREATE TABLE table_13464416_8 (location_attendance VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the location and attendance when the team's record was 16-44? context: CREATE TABLE table_13464416_8 (location_attendance VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13464416_8 WHERE record = "16-44" </s>
Who is the captain of Neil Warnock's team?
SELECT team AS captain FROM table_26593762_2 WHERE manager = "Neil Warnock"
CREATE TABLE table_26593762_2 (team VARCHAR, manager VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the captain of Neil Warnock's team? context: CREATE TABLE table_26593762_2 (team VARCHAR, manager VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT team AS captain FROM table_26593762_2 WHERE manager = "Neil Warnock" </s>
What is jim dutcher's hometown?
SELECT hometown FROM table_22824312_1 WHERE player = "Jim Dutcher"
CREATE TABLE table_22824312_1 (hometown VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is jim dutcher's hometown? context: CREATE TABLE table_22824312_1 (hometown VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT hometown FROM table_22824312_1 WHERE player = "Jim Dutcher" </s>
what is the total number of films directy and written by john callaghan?
SELECT COUNT(directed_by) FROM table_27547668_4 WHERE written_by = "John Callaghan"
CREATE TABLE table_27547668_4 (directed_by VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the total number of films directy and written by john callaghan? context: CREATE TABLE table_27547668_4 (directed_by VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(directed_by) FROM table_27547668_4 WHERE written_by = "John Callaghan" </s>
Who was the successor for vacant louisiana 5th
SELECT successor FROM table_2417340_4 WHERE vacator = "Vacant" AND district = "Louisiana 5th"
CREATE TABLE table_2417340_4 (successor VARCHAR, vacator VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who was the successor for vacant louisiana 5th context: CREATE TABLE table_2417340_4 (successor VARCHAR, vacator VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT successor FROM table_2417340_4 WHERE vacator = "Vacant" AND district = "Louisiana 5th" </s>
Which Spanish voice actor does the same character as French voice actor Dennis Boileau?
SELECT spanish_voice_actor FROM table_name_61 WHERE french_voice_actor = "dennis boileau"
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (spanish_voice_actor VARCHAR, french_voice_actor VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Spanish voice actor does the same character as French voice actor Dennis Boileau? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (spanish_voice_actor VARCHAR, french_voice_actor VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT spanish_voice_actor FROM table_name_61 WHERE french_voice_actor = "dennis boileau" </s>
How many policies are listed for the customer named "Dayana Robel"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel"
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many policies are listed for the customer named "Dayana Robel"? context: CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel" </s>
What state/territory has lovett tower as the building?
SELECT state___territory FROM table_name_85 WHERE building = "lovett tower"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (state___territory VARCHAR, building VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What state/territory has lovett tower as the building? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (state___territory VARCHAR, building VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT state___territory FROM table_name_85 WHERE building = "lovett tower" </s>
What is the Stadium held on november 29?
SELECT stadium FROM table_name_41 WHERE date = "november 29"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (stadium VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Stadium held on november 29? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (stadium VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT stadium FROM table_name_41 WHERE date = "november 29" </s>
What is the lowest number of members lost when the net change is −1?
SELECT MIN(members_lost) FROM table_27671835_3 WHERE net_change = "−1"
CREATE TABLE table_27671835_3 (members_lost INTEGER, net_change VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest number of members lost when the net change is −1? context: CREATE TABLE table_27671835_3 (members_lost INTEGER, net_change VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(members_lost) FROM table_27671835_3 WHERE net_change = "−1" </s>
What is the number of participating parties when registered voters totaled 643629?
SELECT COUNT(participating_parties) FROM table_2676980_4 WHERE registered_voters = 643629
CREATE TABLE table_2676980_4 (participating_parties VARCHAR, registered_voters VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the number of participating parties when registered voters totaled 643629? context: CREATE TABLE table_2676980_4 (participating_parties VARCHAR, registered_voters VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(participating_parties) FROM table_2676980_4 WHERE registered_voters = 643629 </s>
Find the name of the stadium that has the maximum capacity.
SELECT name FROM stadium ORDER BY capacity DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE stadium (name VARCHAR, capacity VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Find the name of the stadium that has the maximum capacity. context: CREATE TABLE stadium (name VARCHAR, capacity VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT name FROM stadium ORDER BY capacity DESC LIMIT 1 </s>
What is the High rebounds of a Game with 56?
SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_name_70 WHERE game = 56
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the High rebounds of a Game with 56? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, game VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_name_70 WHERE game = 56 </s>
Which School/Club Team does Vince Carter Play for?
SELECT school_club_team FROM table_name_95 WHERE player = "vince carter"
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (school_club_team VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which School/Club Team does Vince Carter Play for? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (school_club_team VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT school_club_team FROM table_name_95 WHERE player = "vince carter" </s>
Which Senior status has a Chief Judge of 1991–1995?
SELECT senior_status FROM table_name_30 WHERE chief_judge = "1991–1995"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (senior_status VARCHAR, chief_judge VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Senior status has a Chief Judge of 1991–1995? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (senior_status VARCHAR, chief_judge VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT senior_status FROM table_name_30 WHERE chief_judge = "1991–1995" </s>
What is the competition type of the event with a result of 3-2 and a score of 2-1?
SELECT competition FROM table_name_36 WHERE result = "3-2" AND score = "2-1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (competition VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the competition type of the event with a result of 3-2 and a score of 2-1? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (competition VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT competition FROM table_name_36 WHERE result = "3-2" AND score = "2-1" </s>
What year had a black of Kramnik, opening of E05 Catalan Opening, moves greater than 38, and a result of ½–½?
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_19 WHERE result = "½–½" AND black = "kramnik" AND opening = "e05 catalan opening" AND moves > 38
CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (year INTEGER, moves VARCHAR, opening VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, black VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What year had a black of Kramnik, opening of E05 Catalan Opening, moves greater than 38, and a result of ½–½? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (year INTEGER, moves VARCHAR, opening VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, black VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_19 WHERE result = "½–½" AND black = "kramnik" AND opening = "e05 catalan opening" AND moves > 38 </s>