The Curse, born Phillip Krahn, has been fairly active in the Spawn universe. He seeks a place in Heaven and a chance to lead them against the armies of Hell. He had been preparing for this his whole life. When he was a small boy he removed his own left eye. Later he scarred his face with a large, deep scratch from a rusty metal fence running horizontally down the face over his right eye. When he was older, he removed his own right arm. All of this self-mutilation was to show his dedication to God. He always felt his prayer going unanswered and decided to go to do what was expected of him. He went to college, made a fortune and with all that money studied the occult. He used technology to rebuild his arm, far stronger and better than it was before. With the new superpowers rising around the world, Krahn felt forgotten. News of Spawn brought him to the alleys. He sought to gain Spawn's powers, believing him at first to be a soldier of Heaven. After being led to Spawn by some of the bums he had already converted he blasted a large hole in the Hellspawn from behind and left him for dead so that he might preach and convert others in the alley. Spawn was already dead though, and he wasn't going to simply lay down and die twice. His first appearance led to a fairly gruesome defeat. Spawn destroyed his bionic arm. He beat him severely and the Curse was left crucified on a wall in Rat City. This was done to teach him and others a lesson, that the alleys belong to Spawn. While there, he was found and tortured by the demon-hunter, Sankser. This proved to be quite painful and the whole ordeal gave Curse a new purpose in life. The Curse escaped from the alleys and returned to his castle-like mansion where he began to plot his revenge and to fix his many injuries. He accomplished this by combining cybernetics with demonic parts. Feeling his place in Heaven forever denied to him because of his failure to destroy Spawn he sought to gain all the knowledge of Hell so that he might overthrow Malebolgia and recreate Hell as his own Kingdom. He also created numerous minions in the form of tiny, twisted humanoid shaped creatures born of human and demon flesh and mixed with cybernetic enhancements. They helped lay a trap for Spawn. The trap was placed in Spawn's throne, and after his capture he was taken back to The Curse's lab, deep within his mansion. There he began to dissect Spawn in an attempt to understand every secret that lay within him. His symbiote has been forcibly removed and severed from his neural pathways and placed in a containment tube. The Curse's ultimate prize was to be Spawn's brain. While working on the dissection Spawn was able to make his dismembered parts move on their own and break his symbiote free, resulting in the symbiote lashing out at everything in its path in order to get back to its host. This led to the symbiote saving Spawn, as in a previous encounter with The Redeemer, by ripping into The Curse's flesh. Unlike The Redeemer, who only lost his hand, Curse was almost completely dismembered. As he lay bleeding, he began to laugh at Spawn and show his true conviction. He was ready to die for his cause and revealed a ticking time bomb with only second to spare before it went off. The bomb exploded as The Curse laughed maniacally and Spawn was sent flying away from the mansion from force of the explosion. This was not the end of The Curse however, his body was not found in the smoldering wreckage. He appeared later in the book, Curse of the Spawn, aiding and ultimately betraying Tony Twist before another apparent brush with death. There was a Knight Templar in Twist's organization. Curse sought him in order to try to gain the legendary heavenly shield that was bound to the soul of all Knights Templar. This shield would be necessary for Curse to enter Hell and establish his Kingdom. While cutting into him he was unable to find what he was looking for and while raving and ranting was ambushed by two groups of men. He was hit by Twist's car and shot by numerous weapons as the volatile chemicals around his lab were also hit and the resulting explosion engulfed everyone involved. Given his penchant for survival, and the fact that he has never been shown to be in Hell as other Spawn villains before him (Kincaid, Freak, etc.) it is unlikely that The Curse is actually dead. He is most likely lying in wait, rebuilding himself and rededicating himself to his cause. It is said that there is a balance between genius and insanity. That same balance is separated between a line that is as fine as a razor's edge. Philip Krahn was cut from the wrong side of that razor. His scars run deep. Krahn comes from 'old money'. His father was a wealthy steel tycoon from Boston, Massachusetts. He and Philip's mother did extensive travelling most of his formative years, leaving Philip to be raised and home taught by his grandmother. Philip's grandmother instilled in him at a very early age a hard-line puritan foundation of religion. So hard were her teachings, they bent the young boy's beliefs to a warped curve. Krahn began preparing himself to lead God's army at a very early age. Krahn made sacrifices to try and please God as a child. Acts that were more self-abuse than sacrifice. 'As an offering toward the end of my suffering, I took out my left eye with a sharp stick. Then I marked my face with a cut deep enough to scar me forever,' young Philip Krahn remembered. 'Even with that, my prayers went unanswered, so I knew I would have to give more of myself. Without hesitation, I sacrificed by right arm,' Krahn added. He used his almost unnatural talent to construct metal into very highly technical machinery and weapons. His obsessive ways with religion and invention separated him from the normal track. He was shunned by those around him. Philip looked down on those thinking them a part of the mass of unbelievers. With the appearances of various super-powered beings, Philip felt that God was overlooking him for the position of Heaven's general. Spawn was the final stone cast that pushed Krahn's twisted mind over the edge of no return. To enter Heaven and ensure his place with God, Spawn must die. Again, Philip Krahn was denied. Spawn not only defeated Krahn, now known as The Curse, but he humiliated him and left his torn and battered body on the wall in the alley as a warning to all that cross him. Trouble continued to plague The Curse, this time in the form of the vampire, Sansker. His interrogation of The Curse proved to be most painful. Eventually The Curse was free and began to plot and reconstruct his revenge on Spawn. Truly his place in Heaven had been denied. Now he would make a new kingdom for himself: Hell. He would learn the secrets to master the necroplasm that Spawn is made of. When those tales are revealed to him, he will have the ultimate power over Satan. The dissection of Spawn will be the tool to give him that power. The demented mind of The Curse proves to be his undoing. Spawn once again brought an end to Krahn's plans. The Curse proved that he would truly sacrifice everything to attain his goal. He set off an incredible explosion that brought his hellish castle to rubble. When the dust had settled, the remains of The Curse were nowhere to be found. Is this his end or just the beginning of a rebirth that will descend on Spawn once more like a windfall of bloody razors?
Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, is an American biochemist with extensive knowledge in various scientific fields, married Maria Trovaya, a brave and beautiful young woman who had been a political dissident in her native Hungary, from which she had fled. Naively believing that his American citizenship would protect her, Henry and Maria Pym traveled to Hungary shortly after their marriage. The Pyms were confronted by agents of the secret police there. Henry Pym was knocked unconscious and Maria was murdered. Pym was greatly distraught by his wife's death, and decided to do whatever he could in the future to battle injustice and inhumanity. Back in the United States, Pym discovered a rare group of subatomic particles, which have become known as the "Pym Particles." Pym was able, through the application of magnetic fields, to entrap the particles within two separate serums. One serum would reduce the size of persons and objects, and the other would restore them to their normal size. Pym tested the reducing serum on himself and discovered it was more powerful than he had expected: it reduced him to the size of an insect. Pym became entrapped in an anthill and was pursued by the ants within. He escaped and restored himself to his normal size with his other serum. Deciding that the serums were too dangerous to exist, Pym destroyed both of them. However, weeks later he reconsidered his decision and began to recreate the serums, whose existence he then kept secret. Inspired by his experience in the anthill, Pym undertook a study of ants, and theorized that ants communicate through psionic / electrical waves transmitted through their antennae. After months of work, Pym succeeded in creating his first "cybernetic helmet," which would enable him to communicate with ants through transmitting and receiving psionic / electrical waves. Thinking that someday he might want to use the shrinking potion on himself again, Pym also designed a protective costume for himself, Unstable Molecules and steel mesh. That same day, however, Pym received an assignment from the government to concoct a gas that would provide people with temporary, limited immunity to radioactivity under certain specific circumstances, based on his previous work. The government also assigned four other scientists to assist him in the project. The KGB, the Soviet Intelligence agency, learned of Pym's project and sent agents who held Pym and his assistants prisoner in their own laboratory. Only Pym knew the entire formula for the gas they had by now developed, and he refused to tell the Soviet agents. The agents set about searching the laboratory for the formula, intending to kill Pym and his assistants afterward. Unseen, Pym donned the cybernetic helmet and protective costume and, using his reducing formula, shrank himself to the size of an ant. He escaped to an anthill outside, put a large number of ants under his control through the helmet, and used them to attack the agents and free his men, who then overpowered their assailants. Pym then restored himself to normal size. Afterwards, in the guise of the Ant-Man, Pym battled various menaces, including Comrade X, the Protector, the criminal scientist Elihas "Egghead" Starr, who was to become Pym's greatest enemy, as well as the Scarlet Beetle, the Hijacker, the alien Kulla, the Voice and the Time Master. After an alien being from the planet Kosmos killed Pym's colleague, the scientist Vernon van Dyne, Pym revealed his secret identity of Ant-Man to van Dyne's daughter Janet, who wished to avenge his death. Pym taught Janet how to use the gas within which he now contained the "Pym Particles," and which he used to shrink himself in size, and through biochemistry, gave her the ability grow insect-like wings when she used the gas to shrink herself to insect size. As the Wasp, Janet van Dyne assisted the Ant-Man in finding and defeating the murderous Kosmosian. Pym and van Dyne gradually fell in love; van Dyne reminded Pym of his deceased first wife, Maria. Pym and van Dyne became crime-fighting partners in their costumed identities, fighting menaces like the Egghead, the A-Chiltarians and their robot Cyclops, the trumpet-playing criminal Trago, the Porcupine, the Human Top and the Black Knight (Nathan Garrett). They were two of the founding members of The Avengers and were part of the group that discovered the frozen form of Captain America, bringing the World War II hero into the modern world.
Hill was born on April 4, 1982. Upon reaching to her adulthood, Hill first joined to the United States Armed Forces and later joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and rose through its ranks, at one point working in Madripoor and becoming one of the organization's best agents. By 2012, Hill had already caught the eye of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director Nick Fury and had been appointed Deputy Director, working closely with Fury.
When millionaire Oliver Queen fell overboard from a yacht, he was washed up on a deserted island where he was forced to learn how to hunt with a bow and arrow in order to survive. He eventually escaped from the island by overpowering some drug smugglers and handing them over to the authorities. Changed by his experiences, he decided to give something back to society, in as exciting a way as possible - becoming a crime-fighter, using his archery skills for good. With a nickname coined by the press, Green Arrow and his sidekick Speedy made it their mission to protect Star City. He took his cue from Batman and built his own "Arrow Cave," complete with an "Arrow Car" and allegedly a yellow submarine. He and Speedy fought with trick arrows that were designed to be non-lethal. Green Arrow joined the Justice League of America and soon fell in love with member Black Canary (even though he was almost twice her age). Unbeknownst to the rest of the League members, in the early days Queen was one of the major financial backers of the team. He was also the only one that objected when the team relocated to a space station in orbit, feeling that they were too far removed from the people they were meant to protect. In the ensuing year after losing his fortune, Ollie traveled the country with Green Lantern Hal Jordan while his left-behind ward dabbled with drugs that caused the two to go their separate ways. While Ollie was on the team and they were located in their Sattelite base, the events alluded to in Identity Crisis transpired, although he eventually left the team during this era following the example of Black Lightning, who turned down membership to the group due to similar concerns. After being together for years, Ollie and Dinah relocated to Seattle and opened a floral shop. Ollie, about to turn 43, was having a bit of a midlife crisis. He wanted her to marry him and to have children, citing that Roy was "not technically" his son, nor was Lian technically his granddaughter, but Dinah objected, citing their career as superheroes as being too dangerous to go to that level. Dinah's warning would become a premonition when she was kidnapped and brutally tortured by sadistic criminal not long after their arrival (Dinah had been investigating drug trafficking undercover when she was found out). When Arrow found her tied up and brutally tortured, his rage led him to shoot the killer--only the second person Ollie had ever killed, and the first under these circumstances. Dinah's injuries were extensive--she lost her "canary cry" and was subsequently found to be unable to bear children. This marked a major turning point in Ollie's life. Green Arrow patrolled the streets of Seattle, no longer using the trick arrows for which he was so famed, but resorting to normal bodkin and arrowheaded ones. He tried not to kill when he could help it. Early on, he met a Ninja assassin named Shado. When Ollie was injured and being cared for by Shado, she proceeded to rape him while he was unconscious, conceiving a son she would name Robert. When Ollie found out about the son, Shado made it clear that he would have nothing to do with the child. It also caused a rift between Ollie and Dinah, since she despaired at not being able to give Ollie the one thing he had always truly wanted (not withstanding Roy and Liam). After many adventures around the globe, Ollie and Dinah began to grow more distant, resulting in her breaking up with him after she caught him kissing their assistant. With the depature of Mike Grell, Green Arrow was brought back more in line with traditional DC superheroes (although he still used real arrows, not trick ones). Ollie traveled for some time, running into Huntress, Catwoman, and even Deathstroke before being called to act for Zero Hour. Ollie refused to believe that Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), his oldest and closest friend, had indeed become the murderous Parallax. Ollie initially refused to fight against Hal, until the full depth of the former Green Lantern's madness became all too clear. In the final battle, Ollie shot Hal in the chest, being the crucial attack that stopped Parallax and saved the universe. Ollie was distraught, however, at the thought of having killed one of his best friends. Coping with his loss, Ollie withdrew to an ashram where he had spent some time earlier in life. There he met Connor Hawke, a young man who was also a skilled archer, and who would soon turn out to be Ollie's illegitimate son from a romance that predated his relationship with Black Canary (Ollie didn't know for sure that it was his son until Hal Jordan turned up, still crazy, but attempting to reconcile with Ollie). Connor joined his father and left the ashram for more adventures. On one such case, while stopping a militant group called the Eden Corps from leveling Metropolis, Oliver Queen was killed in an airplane explosion that even Superman failed to prevent. After Queen's death, Connor Hawke, the son whom he had barely known, picked up the bow and continued the good fight as the second Green Arrow.
Tony Masters gained an ability known as "photographic reflexes" during a mission as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. This ability enabled him to watch another person's physical movements and duplicate them without any practice, no matter how complex. He was previously a naturally gifted athlete who trained himself to superb physical condition. His power was only limited by the fact that the memories he gained by watching others overwrote his personal memories. As a result, Tony forgot his wife and field agent partner, Mercedes Masters, as well as his own history with S.H.I.E.L.D. Mercedes crafted an elaborate set-up to help control and guide Tony in his new guise as Taskmaster. Using a series of muscle memory and reflexive tasks, she linked Taskmaster to "the Org", his "handler" between jobs and a constant to keep him on task despite his frequently over-written memory. The Org was actually Mercedes herself, gathering intelligence and feeding it back to S.H.I.E.L.D. thanks to Taskmaster's reports. Tony therefore became the ultimate double agent in the super-villain underground -- one who didn't even know what he was. Tony decided to use his stolen capital to establish a base of operations to train criminals known as the Taskmaster's Academy. He took the the name Taskmaster and began training anyone that could pay. When Dr. Pernell Solomon used the Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane as a front, he used the Taskmasters school's resources to create a clone of himself called Selbe. When he required an organ donation due to possessing an extremely rare blood type, the clone, learning of his fate, contacted the Avengers. Taskmaster captured Yellowjacket, the Wasp, and Ant-Man when they attacked the site. Taskmaster battled the Avengers, who exposed his front operation. He was defeated and fled after a fight with the Avengers newest member the robot Jocasta, whose lack of body language made it impossible for Taskmaster to predict her next move. In addition to his training academies, Taskmaster also lent himself out as a mercenary or private instructor. He trained John Walker to be the new Captain America for the Commission on Superhuman Activities, then trained Cutthroat to fight Captain America on behalf of the Red Skull. Eventually, the Taskmaster considerably changed his appearance. He wore a costume apparently modeled after tactical body armor, replacing his previous pirate-themed garb. The Taskmaster also ceased carrying an arsenal of duplicate weapons. Taskmaster began operating as a more traditional mercenary instead of as an instructor. He first met Sandi Brandenberg after beginning this mercenary M.O. Taskmaster spent some time around Wade Wilson after Deadpool became famous for the Four Winds hit and hired Sandi as his personal assistant. Wilson was not responsible for the hit, however, and the real assassin Black Swan came after him and his friends. Wilson and the Swan were seemingly killed in an explosion. When Sandi found a stray amnesiac with super-healing powers, she brought him home because she thought he must be Mr. Wilson. Taskmaster reluctantly helped train "Alex Hayden" at Sandi's request, but thought such an inexperienced merc would just get her into more trouble. He tried to have Alex killed by setting him up on a job to steal the Punisher's .45s, and later reported to the surviving Four Winds that Hayden was Wilson. When Sandi was put in danger by this last act, though, Taskmaster chose to stand side-by-side with Hayden and his friend Outlaw against the Four Winds. Alex and Sandi eventually slept together, which nearly drove Taskmaster nuts. Things got even more complicated when both Deadpool and Black Swan returned. In the end, Taskmaster and Sandi seemingly ended up together with Hayden and Outlaw reunited, and the entire group stayed together for a time as Agency X. Taskmaster was eventually hired by the Committee to take out Moon Knight. He raided Spector's apartment, but was unable to kill him. Spector piloted his Mooncopter to the Committee's Manhattan headquarters and flew it directly into their office. Miraculously, all of the Committee members survived the attack. He was briefly one of the Thunderbolts' detainees, later being released and assigned to Camp Hammond to serve as a trainer for the Initiative recruits while their former drill instructor, Gauntlet, recuperated from injuries sustained from one of his trainees. During this time, a formerly deceased Initiative member, Michael Van Patrick acquired a weapon called the Tactigon and began assaulting everyone at the camp. The Taskmaster had little interest in participating in the fight, preferring instead to sit by the sidelines with one of his charges, Ant-Man. Taskmaster then took over training for the entire Initiative and participated in the siege of Asgard. He joined in the fight against Thor, since it would help him become a more reputable assassin. He fought both Captain Americas at the same time with unexpected success. Able to see that his side was not winning the fight, Taskmaster fled with the Constrictor to return to mercenary work. He taunted Norman Osborn with the knowledge that he had earlier assisted Deadpool. After losing his weapons in Tokyo, Tony began a quest to attempt to remember some of the things he had been forgetting. On this quest, his former handler, The Org, seemed to put out a billion-dollar bounty on his head. Many of the teams he formerly trained, including A.I.M. and Hydra, attempted to collect the bounty by killing him, but only succeeded in tracking him on his quest. It was during this memory quest that Tony temporarily learned his true past, that of a married former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who mistakenly took a Nazi serum that granted him his extraordinary abilities. He also briefly met his wife and handler, Mercedes Merced. Ultimately, he was forced to learn the new fighting skill of Redshirt, the man who put out the fake bounty, which erased all of his knowledge regarding his past. Apparently, this had happened repeatedly in the past. Taskmaster was asked to become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers team after being rescued by Nick Fury Jr. from the criminal nation of Bagalia. His first mission was to join A.I.M.'s High Council as a double-agent, taking the role of Minister of Defense. When he tried to free Mockingbird from A.I.M. captivity, he was attacked from behind by the TESS-One, and shot in the head by Mockingbird herself, who had been brainwashed by A.I.M. However, Mockingbird purposely missed any vitals and Taskmaster was revealed to be alive but left in a vegetative state. As they thought he was dead, the Secret Avengers left him behind, but his survival was discovered by Mentallo, who had developed a friendship with him. Mentallo kept his survival a secret and sought to cure him with with his nanobots. After briefly becoming a part of Baron Zemo's Hydra, Taskmaster moved his base of operations to Bagalia, becoming the sheriff of the small country.
Once Kai, Jay, and Zane were captured by Iron Baron, Daddy No Legs informs him that they had captured them by surprise as seen in Firstbourne. Shortly after Iron Baron has him transport the Ninja to The Pit, where of which they are pitted against Slab, a Dragon of Earth.
Dr. Carlton Drake was genius inventor and leader of the Life Foundation experimenting on the symbiotes. Drake would bond to another symbiote known as Riot.
Having observed Batman's every action on Earth through a powerful telescope, a benevolent scientist named Tlano was inspired to play the same role on his home planet of Zur-En-Arrh. When his world came under attack by robot invaders from another world, Tlano teleported Batman from Earth to help in the fight, knowing that on Zurr-En-Arrh, the Caped Crusader would have powers equivalent to those of Superman.
Little is known about Noah Kuttler a.k.a. the Calculator. There are indications of him being active as a supervillain as early as 1975, fighting Starman Mikaal Tomas, but his main career has lasted for about ten years. Often dismissed because of his goofy looks, a keyboard strapped to his chest and an LCD visor on his forehead, it is often forgotten that his technology (of unknown origin) was extraordinary. By punching numbers on his keypad, he was capable of generating almost any energy construct, much like a Green Lantern Ring. The computer in his costume could calculate anything, anticipate any attack, and conclude how to strike at opponents. However, the Calculator had to encounter his opponent at least once before having sufficient info to use. Calculator first made a name attacking members of the JLA – Atom (Ray Palmer), Black Canary, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Elongated Man, and Hawkman. The villain allowed himself to be captured once by all of them, then being able to defeat them. He would have won had he not been outsmarted by Batman. Later, Calculator fought Air Wave, Blue Beetle, and Hero Hotline, but was defeated every time. Finally, he decided to ditch his costumed identity. Inspired by stories about “the Oracle”, an information source to superheroes, he found a new career. His computer and skill with information makes him a perfect info broker for supervillains, Charging $ 1,000 per question, the Calculator constantly stands in contact with criminals who need to learn hard-to-get facts about their victims or enemies.
She is an assassin who was sent to kill Daredevil. However, she fell in love with him, and couldn't bring herself to kill him. She now acts an anti-heroic ally of Daredevil, helping him defeat his enemies. She is an expert martial artist and she uses a pair of sais as weapons.
Morse went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Operations and was one of the best; she was scouted by Melinda May, who noted her skills. Morse became friends with fellow agent Isabelle Hartley and her sister Jane. During her time as an agent, Morse, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Lance Hunter had a mission together in Dubai. Eventually, she married Lance Hunter, whom she introduced to the Hartley sisters. Since she was in a mission, Morse had to return to Johannesburg after the wedding. During her marriage to Hunter, she found out that he is not a "big picture guy," his folding skills were "abysmal," and, to his dislike, she began keeping secrets. They eventually got divorced because, according to Hunter, inter-species relationships are hard (Hunter claiming that, while he was a human, Morse was a "demonic hell-beast" who was "pure evil").
Jessica Campbell was born and raised in Forrest Hills, New York. She had attended Midtown High School along with Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, and they had shared several classes together. She developed a crush on Peter, but never told him. She followed him to the "Experiments in Radio-Activity" ." She was about to approach him, but he was bitten by the Radioactive Spider that granted him his super powers and left the building. Jessica followed after him, but lost sight of him and was nearly run down by an "Ajax Atomic Labs" truck before a man pulled her to safety. Jessica fled the scene. At home that night, Jessica tried to pleasure herself to her pictures of the Human Torch, but was interrupted by her younger brother Phillip. The family later went on a trip to Disney World with tickets given to them by her father's boss, Tony Stark. On the way home, Jessica argued with her brother, but they then collided with a military convoy carrying radioactive chemicals. Her family was killed, and she was exposed to the chemicals. After spending several months in a coma, Jessica emerged around the time the Fantastic Four first encountered Galactus, an event in which tremendous cosmic radiation were given off. She was placed in an orphanage, Moore House for Wayward Children and was later adopted by Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones. After her recovery, Jessica discovered that she had developed superhuman powers such as strength, durability and flight. He new family re-enrolled Jessica at Midtown High, where she was ostracized by her classmates, especially the school bully Flash Thompson. Peter tried to befriend Jessica, feeling she was a kindred spirit due to both of them losing family members. Jessica, however, mistook his kind attention and lashed out at him, believing he was merely pitying her. When she ran away she discovered that she could fly, however she lost control and crashed into the Hudson River, but luckily she was rescued by Thor. It was while witnessing a fight between Spider-Man and Sandman in her own class. This inspired her, in a way she cannot put into words, to use her abilities in a positive light. She attempted to become a super heroine, calling herself "Jewel", but did not have much success. While trying out her powers, she accidentally crash-landed on the Scorpion, who was robbing a laundromat. This was enough to stun him so he could be apprehended. She happened upon a fistfight in a restaurant, and discovered that Zebediah Killgrave aka the Purple Man had told the men to fight. Killgrave then overpowered Jessica's will and told her to "take care of the police" so that he can finish his meal, which she did. Jessica was captured by the Purple Man and kept prisoner for eight months, though never used for sexual means. She was eventually sent to attack the red-costumed Daredevil at wherever the "...costume frat boys hang out..." and kill anyone who got in the way, after a newspaper report angered Killgrave. Jessica became disoriented once she was out of range of the pheromones produced by Killgrave but, having been under his control for so long, she was still focused on her mission. She ended up attacking the Scarlet Witch because her costume was red. After hitting The Scarlet Witch, she snapped out of Killgrave's control. Thinking the gathered Avengers and Defenders would attack her, Jessica ran away, but was found and nearly killed by the Vision and Iron Man. Jean Grey of the X-Men helped awaken Jessica from another coma. Following several months of recovery, she was asked to join The Avengers as S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison, but declined the offer. Still bitter about her experience, Jessica briefly became a hardened vigilante, calling herself Knightress. Intercepting a crime meeting between the Owl and a mafioso, she first encountered Luke Cage. After defeating the Owl and his goons, she discovered that one of the thugs had brought his children with him. She took off her mask and revealed her identity to the cops so that they would allow her to look after the children for the night. Luke went to her home later that night and the two had a long talk. She soon retired as a super heroine and began a new career as a detective, creating Alias Investigations specializing in super hero activity. Luke Cage hired her to find his father James Lucas, who does not trust his "heroic" son. Jessica met Mrs. Lucas at her home. Jessica explains that she is a detective representing Luke Cage in a search for her husband. She says he has no interest in meeting his son due to the death of his other son; James Lucas, Jr..On their way home, Luke and Jessica stop at a nearby Dairy Queen and embrace. One of her cases involved a client whose wife had cheated on him. The evidence also showed that his wife was a mutant, which angered the man to the point that he attacked her. She reacted by throwing the man through the window of her office door. Jessica met Luke Cage at his bar and that night the spend an intimate evening together. Her next client came to her trying to find her sister, Miranda Pritchett. However during the investigation she finds Miranda was actually OK, but she also learned the boyfriend was going out dressed as Captain America. However after watching the recording she confirms that the man was actually Steve Rogers. She traveled to her clients house only to discover a crime scene as the woman had been strangled. Distraught she spent another evening with Luke. She later tried to meet with Cap but he was away on a mission. At her office N.Y.P.D. Detective Paul Hall wanted question her about Miranda. She lied about knowing that Miranda was murdered, but Hall produces a photograph of the crowd at the crime scene proving that she was at Miranda's house the previous night. He asked her to then accompany him to the police station. She was interrogated about the crime and her past life as a superhero, she became enraged at the accusation, but before she can do anything her lawyer arrived Matt Murdock, who had her freed. He told her he is an alias and a friend of Luke Cage. She asked an old friend Carol Danvers to investigate the number her client gave her. Carol confirmed the phone number is owned by LWS Enterprises. The email includes LWS's main phone line, which went to the committee to elect the Democratic presidential candidate, Steven Keaton. At a bar in Washington, D.C., she realized that she was set up to video tape Captain America's secret identity in order to damage the President of the United States. She found the woman who hired working at Keaton's campaign office. She chases after her finding her dialing "Lawson, Daviano." before she fainted. She went to the law office of Lawson, Daviano & Silver where she confronts David Lawson, accusing him of hiring her through a third party and demanding to know why. Lawson threatens to call the police, but she just waits outside for him. Matt Murdock contacted her to tell her that the N.Y.P.D. has dropped its investigation into her based on the autopsy results on Miranda. He said "the bruises and indentations on the neck of the dead girl were those of a large man," ruling Jessica out as a suspect. However During the call she was attacked by a large man. Michael "Man Mountain" Marko, attempts to strangle her, but Jessica soon defeats him. She approached Mr. Zoumas. He told her that she ought to sell the tape she made, and explains that his motivation in tricking Jessica into making the tape was so that she would "give up the Flag-boy" to the press. He revealed he planned to have Steven Keaton become president as the current one did not follow orders. She was contacted by Clay Quartermain, who told her they had been monitoring the conversation and S.H.I.E.L.D. arrested Mr. Zoumas. Captain America contacted Jessica and thanked her for saving his reputation. Carol tried to get Jessica to stop seeing Luke, and suggested Ant-Man (Scott Lang) instead. While on a case, a strange man came into her office claiming to be a big fan but she soon kicked him out. Soon after, a woman called Jane Jones came to her office. She said they were related as Jane is married to her cousin, Rick Jones. She claimed Rick had been missing for weeks.However Jessica had no recollection of being related to Rick, she even contacted her mother to confirm. She tracked Rick to a bar called Ultimates, when she confronted him he asked her if she was an agent of the Kree or the Skrulls. She tried to convince him to go home, but since Kree-Skrull War, he was considered "a war criminal" with "a bounty on his head." He refused to go to the Avengers because of the book he wrote, so they went to the Baxter Building instead. But Roberta the robotic secretary refused them entry, she tried to contact the Avengers so Rick ran off. However, Jessica was later awoken by the strange man again. He answered the phone from Edwin Jarvis who confirmed that the real Rick Jones was in Los Angeles, and they were well aware of the impostor. Jessica kicked the man out again when he introduced himself as Malcolm and asked for a job. She found the impostor again who had reunited with his wife. J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle hired Jessica to discover the true identity of Spider-Man, and assigns journalist Ben Urich to shadow Jones in order to write a series of articles chronicling her investigation. Jessica commuted to Lago, New York, to find a missing girl named Rebecca Cross. During the investigation with the girl's family, she learned Rebecca was a mutant. It is while in the town she learned that the local preacher was having anti-mutant sermons in which he claims that "God didn't create...mutants. Man created mutants. Mutants are abominations brought on by Man's greed." She confronted the preacher over any hate crimes, leading to the attacks in the town. It's during this case that Scott Lang contacts her to ask her on a date. She finds Rebecca alive with her girlfriend in a bar in the next town over. When they returned park to the town they learn Katherine Cross murdered her father. After the case she contacts Scott. When Matt Murdock's was outed as Daredevil, her and Luke became his bodyguards. She fought Typhoid Mary alongside Luke Cage. Black Widow arrived at Nelson and Murdock Law Office and passed by Jessica and Luke on her way into Matt Murdock's office. Jessica criticized Cage for his substandard "body-guarding" abilities. She later went on a date with Scott Lang. However, the two were interrupted by Spider-Man and the Human Torch chasing Doctor Octopus down the street. In one case, she succeeded in finding the missing Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin). Mattie's boyfriend had been keeping her drugged, and was using her as a source of super-powered genetic material to create the drug known as Mutant Growth Hormone.}Her willingness to take cases involving her former colleagues is not always well-received by the super hero community. She still assists other heroes from time to time and has a large number of contacts. Jessica was contacted by Kim Rourke, who wanted to hire her to find a man named Killgrave. When she visited Kim's home she found a large gathering, where Kim explained that 34 people were recently killed in a restaurant when Killgrave told them to stop breathing. But during this time Killgrave was locked away on the Raft. She told Luke about her time with Killgrave. Jessica traveled to The Raft and met with Quartermain, who escorted her through the prison to Killgrave's holding cell She questioned Killgrave while Quartermain watched from a security booth. Killgrave claimed that Jessica and he are simply characters in a comic book, but that he cannot escape because he is not the writer. Jessica demanded that he admit to just one of the many murders he was never charged with, but Killgrave continued to insist that she is a character in a story, and that she craves the approval of her readers. Finally she gave up and left. However when she return to Kim's home she learned their had been a riot at the Raft and Killgrave had escaped. After a night at Scott she awoke to find ants swarming over Scott's dead body. Killgrave was their and commented on the aesthetics of "Jessica's comic book." Jessica accused Killgrave of murdering Scott, and he admired that he is "the bad guy," though he revealed that he only made Jessica see Scott as being dead, when in fact Scott was alive. He then made Jessica see her "worst nightmare," which was Scott engaged in a ménage a trois with Ms. Marvel and Luke Cage. To get the attention of other heroes he told everyone on the street to "beat up the person to their left until that person is dead." The street erupted in a mass of mob violence. Killgrave watched, and Jessica experienced a vision of Jean Grey, who explained to hero that she implanted "a psychic defense trigger" in Jessica's mind after her "first Killgrave incident," and that Jessica could stop Killgrave if she choose to. Jean vanishes moments before the Avengers arrived, and Killgrave instructed Jessica to kill the superhero of her choice, but Jessica turned on Killgrave and beat him savagely instead. In the aftermath of the brawl, Jessica looked on as Killgrave's body was carried away from the scene before she was approached by Scott, who explained that Killgrave escaped The Raft after Carnage set off an explosion. Jessica admitted to Scott that she was three months pregnant, and that the baby was not his, at which point Scott walked away .A few days later, Jessica met Luke outside his apartment. He admired that he cared about her, and she told him that she was pregnant and that the baby was his. Luke asked if she wanted to keep the baby, and when she admitted that she does and he suggested that the two of them can start a "new chapter." Jessica had moved in with Luke in Harlem, Jessica met with Editor-in-Chief Robbie Robertson at the The Daily Bugle. He took her to meet J. Jonah Jameson, who blamed the decline of the newspaper industry before admitting that his relationship with Jessica has caused him to reconsider some of his belief regarding "costumed vigilantes." Jameson acknowledged that his personal disdain for superheroes is hurting his newspaper, and offered her a job as "a vigilante analyst" for "a special weekly section of the paper. Tentatively called The Pulse. , the stories for which will be written by Ben Urich. Jessica insisted on health insurance and a stable contract before admitting that she's pregnant with Luke's child, and Jameson requested that part of their deal will give the Bugle exclusive coverage of the announcement and birth. Jameson admited that Ben's best reporting days may be behind him, but The Pulse is about her. Her new job caused argument between her and Luke. Kat Farrell met with Jessica and Urich in Central Park to bring them up to speed on the details of Kidder's death, and the three of them consider how many "flying people" life in New York City. Kat laments that S.H.I.E.L.D. will have to be called if "a flying guy" was involved. Ben met with Jessica, Kat, Jameson and Robertson and explains that Oscorp employees have been disappearing and he could prove that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin. Despite his fears that running such a story "will look like a cheap vendetta" against Osborn, Jameson agreed to print Urich's article. Jameson instructed Jessica to go with Urich to notify the police, assuring her that she will be safe. But at Oscorp they are attacked by the Green Goblin. A blast knocked Jessica out the window but she is rescued by Spider-Man, but she worried she may have lost her baby. Jessica attacked the Goblin and the two brawl in mid-air. Osborn escaped as Spider-Man caught her. Luke met Jessica at the hospital as a doctor examined her, but the baby was fine. Cage then left the hospital, but claimed that he "can't let this go." However Norman is outed and arrested after a beat down by Luke for hurting Jessica. When they returned to their apartment, and Luke pressured a group of neighborhood kids to get him the name of a local drug-dealer who is selling to kids. Inside the apartment they discover a woman who promptly destroyed the apartment with a massive energy blast. Knocking Cage into a coma Nick Fury traveled to Metro Hospital where he finds Danny Rand and Jessica sitting with the comatose Cage. Jessica demands to know why Fury has come. Steve Rogers arrives, attacking Fury as he insists that he warned Fury that something like this would happen. Fury orders Steve Rogers outside, but Steve tells Jessica to "get away from here" and "keep your baby safe" before instructing Rand to prepare to move Cage because "too many people have seen him." Jessica steps into the lobby to call Matt Murdock. A week after the attack at the hospital were Luke is kept is attacked and Iron Fist is taken and the hospital is almost destroyed. During the investigation they learn that NicK Fury was involved and that the Daily Bugle will no report on any stories involving him due to losing future government access. Jessica was kidnapped by a group of Hydra agents lead by woman Special Agent Cohen. She explained that Luke was attacked because of his part in Nick Fury's "Secret War," and that they would help her find Luke. Jessica however refuses their help, but Quartermain and his team arrive taking out the Hydra agents Young Avengers She had a meeting with Kat and Jameson regarding the emergence of a teen superhero team that seem to be mimicking the Avengers. She met with Iron Man and Captain America who told her more about the teen heroes. However when they find the team they are attacked by Kang the Conqueror who threatened Iron Lad to return to his own time or it would change history and Jessica found herself back in her Jewel outfit and was no longer pregnant. Iron Lad complied and everything return to normal. The Avengers tell the young heroes parents about their children being superheroes, while Jessica personally visits Cassie Lang mother Peggy Rae . Danielle Cage Luke Cage now became and Avenger. She and Luke attend the Avengers Christmas party., Jessica Jones's water breaks while she, Luke Cage and best friend Carol Danvers are picking out a new costume design for him. Carol Danvers rushes Jessica to the hospital. Jessica gives birth to a baby girl they called Danielle Cage. So, as payback against Jameson, she refused the newspaper exclusive rights to cover the 'celebrity birth' of their child. Jessica told her daughter, Danielle, about the first time she met Luke. Jessica decided to consent to be his wife, though she has not informed Luke. However, she quit her job with The Daily Bugle after editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson used the paper to smear the New Avengers. Jessica and Luke married with all their friends and family present. But Jessica chooses to keep her maiden name Jones. Jessica and Luke later attend Black Panther and Storm's wedding in Wakanda During the Civil War, Jessica and Luke were confronted by Iron Man and Ms. Marvel, who urged them to register with the authorities under the provisions of the Superhuman Registration Act. When asked if they intended to sign up, neither actually said "no", though they made their intentions to defy the law very clear, with Luke going so far as to compare the Act to slavery. In order to keep their child safe, Jessica traveled with her to Canada, while Luke stayed home in New York City. Having eluded the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents dispatched to apprehend him, Luke Cage joined Captain America's "Secret Avengers". He and the unregistered heroes hold their own wake for Captain America, with Luke praising the speech Wilson gave and Wilson apologizing for the fact that none of them could have been at the public ceremony. Despite the surrender of Captain America at the conclusion of the Civil War, Cage remained underground as leader of The New Avengers. Jessica later returned from Canada to be beside her husband, only to eventually decide to register in light of Elektra being revealed as a Skrull and the Hood's Gang attack. Luke confronted her about this and she tried to convince him to register, saying that he could get his life back. He told her it was not safe, that there was going to be a Skrull Invasion, and that Tony Stark was actually a Skrull. Jessica, however, did not take his warnings seriously. Luke told their daughter of how they first met. The Edwin Jarvis disguised Skrull kidnapped Danielle. Cage teamed up with Dark Avengers to capture and interrogate the Skrulls to find his daughter they track him to a warehouse where Bullseye executes the Skrull. Cage escaped from Osborn to return Danielle to her mother. Spider-Man arrived back at the safe-house, where he is greeted by Jessica Jones, feeding her baby, calling him "Peter". He tells her not to call him by that while in costume, for he fears another "Civil War" event again.Jessica's mother criticized her daughter for raising her child is such conditions when they are wanted fugitives. Jessica states to her mother that she doesn't want her child to live by a lie She believes that the New Avengers' actions are justified. Cage was weakened and interrogated by Osborn , they offered Him a trade to free his family of prosecution.Cage escapes and returned to Jessica. Jessica takes up the Jewel identity again and revealed that she used to have a crush on Peter Parker in high school. But when Clint Barton is captured trying to kill Norman Osborn, Jessica calls her mother to babysit so she can don the costume of Jewel once more and rescue him with the help of Spider Woman and Ms. Marvel. Jessica and the team escape the safehouse.Luke and Jessica Cage are seen struggling with their child who they can't get to stop crying. Wolverine shows up and shocks them both by offering to hold the baby. Wolverine is able to make her stop crying. Jessica mentions that Wolverine has never asked to hold the baby before. Jessica worried about her husband, is watching the news he makes contact but only makes her worry more Cage persuades Jessica to let him go and investigate an incident of violence against one a kid Cage knew when he was first starting out as a superhero, Leodis Dyson. The Raft prison was re-purposed. and Luke Cage, who had the Thunderbolts insignia on the sleeve of his jacket, is the one who is going to manage the place but promises his wife Jessica Jones that he'll be around for dinner. When Steve Rogers replaced Norman Osborn, Jessica moved into Avengers Mansion with her husband as he lead the New Avengers. She gives the team a note from Rogers stating that he is moving Victoria in with them to keep an eye on them. Jessica was furious that Victoria aimed a gun at her baby's head.Luke became possessed by a demon when the Eye of Agamotto suddenly drops into his hand. Jessica assisted in the fight, giving her baby to Spider-Man to keep safe. She fights the possessed Luke but also tried to reach out to him and make him fight off the demon inside. Eventually the demon is removed from him, and Luke recovers, but the team has bigger problems. The sky opens up and demons begin swarming the city. Jessica left the fight and flies back to Avengers Mansion looking for her child, where she was attacked by demons. She held her own but in the end was nearly taken down by the swarm. Victoria appeared and takes out the rest of the demons. Jessica thanked her and ran into the mansion. She was with the Avengers when Brother Voodoo sacrificed himself to save the world. Danielle's Nanny Jessica, took up the identity of Jewel again, became a member of the New Avengers.She and Luke began searching for a nanny and had a varied selection of applicants including Hellcat, Mantis, D-Man, Firebird, Sersi, Echo,U.S. Archer, Molly Hayes, Ultragirl,Groot, Deadpool, Sepulchre, Cassie Lang, She-Hulk, Nighthawk, Devlor, Tigra and Beverly Switzler. In the end they choose Squirrel Girl as Danielle's nanny. Jessica takes the name "Power Woman" to both honor her husband and to be a role model for their daughter. Jessica and the team fight the Spider-Slayers to defend Jameson Luke and Jessica attend Wolverines surprise birthday party.The team go after former H.A.M.M.E.R. agents. Jessica and the team battled Skadi and the The Serpent. On the Raft , Wolverine, Jessica move Osborn from his cell with a small attachment of guards. Osborn taunted Jessica while they walked, Wolverine took it upon himself to finally silence the criminal by threatening his Adamantium claws. She is with the team when the battled the Revengers. Jessica and the team battle the citizens of New York as they gained spider-powers. The Children's Crusade Jessica along with Beast and Hawkeye attempt to defuse the situation between the Avengers and X-Men who are fighting over who gets to punish the Scarlet Witch. She helps fight Doctor Doom and is present when Stature (Cassie Lang) and the Vision (Jonas) are killed. She is seen hugging Hulkling as the team is declared full fledged Avengers by Captain America who unveils a statue of the Vision and Stature. End of Children's Crusade Cage contacted Jessica after a battle with the Purifiers. Luke and Jessica are pack up their belongings to leave the team. Carol Danvers told Jessica that baby Danielle's safety should come first. Carol guided Luke, Jessica, and their infant daughter down an escape tunnel which will get them safely away from Avengers Mansion. She turns back, and Luke also seems to consider staying behind. Jessica later worked as an associate of her husband's team the Mighty Avengers. Jessica and her daughter lived in the apartment of the Gem Theater. Jessica and Cage were confronted by the Spider-Man (Otto Octavius / "Peter Parker") and his Arachnaughts, he offered him a place on his team. They refused and she punched him in the face for threatening her child. They later switched apartments with an old friend of Luke's named D. W. Griffith. While moving in, she spoke to the Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear) about what it's like to raise a child of superheroes and expressed both her support and annoyance at her husband's choice to start another team of Avengers. Jessica along with many other heroes attended Deadpool's wedding. Jessica helped the team battle the Deathwalkers and later fired her own husband from the team when he, under the effects of an inversion spell, caused during the World War Hate, tried to sell the team to Cortex Incorporated. After Luke was re-inverted, he still pretended to be his inverted persona in order to infiltrate Cortex. Jessica offered him to help infiltrate the evil corporation, but Luke told her not to, as it was too risky.
Jack Bauer was born in Enola, Pennsylvania, on February 18, 1966, to Phillip Bauer, who placed his livelihood in his company, BXJ Technologies. The name of Jack's mother is unknown. Jack had one brother, Graem Bauer. Philip originally planned to give the company to Jack, but as Jack said in Day 6, "I just had to go my own way." Jack has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Arts from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Master's Degree in Criminology and Law from the University of California at Berkeley. He entered the U.S. Army and eventually joined the elite Delta Force (Among his honors are the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Legion of Merit). He left the Army with the rank of Captain, according to his service record. Following his career in the Army, Jack worked for both the Los Angeles Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics unit and for the Central Intelligence Agency as a case officer in the clandestine service. He is recruited into the Counter-Terrorist Unit (CTU) by Christopher Henderson. Jack Bauer was born in Enola, Pennsylvania, on February 18, 1966, to Phillip Bauer, who placed his livelihood in his company, BXJ Technologies. The name of Jack's mother is unknown. Jack had one brother, Graem Bauer. Philip originally planned to give the company to Jack, but as Jack said in Day 6, "I just had to go my own way." Jack has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Arts from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Master's Degree in Criminology and Law from the University of California at Berkeley. He entered the U.S. Army and eventually joined the elite Delta Force (Among his honors are the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Legion of Merit). He left the Army with the rank of Captain, according to his service record. Following his career in the Army, Jack worked for both the Los Angeles Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics unit and for the Central Intelligence Agency as a case officer in the clandestine service. He is recruited into the Counter-Terrorist Unit (CTU) by Christopher Henderson.
Formerly known as Emil Blonsky, a spy of Soviet Yugoslavian origin working for the KGB, the Abomination gained his powers after receiving a dose of gamma radiation similar to that which transformed Bruce Banner into The Incredible Hulk. As a result he was permanently transformed into a massive green-skinned monster whose physical power was equivalent to, if not greater than, that of the Hulk. While he was able to maintain his normal level of self-control and intelligence after this transformation, he is unable to return to human form.Given his gamma-spawned origins, Blonsky blames his condition on Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk. The Abomination and the Hulk have clashed on numerous occasions, with Blonsky perpetually playing the role of the aggressor. Although Blonsky occasionally gains the upper hand in their battles, the Hulk manages to triumph in the end. But not always; the Abomination is one of the few who can lay claim to victory over the green-skinned goliath.In recent years, it was revealed that his hideous new visage had served to alienate Blonsky from his ex-wife, Nadia. Coupled with constant defeats at the hands of the Hulk, this has driven Blonsky nearly insane in his hatred for Banner. The Abomination also grew incensed upon learning that Banner had married Betty Ross, the daughter of General Thunderbolt Ross. With the loss of his wife, Blonsky figured it is only fair to him that Banner should lose Betty. Out of jealousy, he caused the apparent death of Bruce Banner''s wife Betty. While she was recovering from radiation sickness caused by exposure to the gamma radiation within Banner, he poisoned her with his radioactive blood, causing Banner and his associates to believe that her close proximity to the Hulk had given her a fatal case of radiation poisoning. Banner later exposed the Abomination''s role in Betty's seeming death, and defeated him in combat.Not only had his grand scheme failed, but Banner also forgave Blonsky. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy''s absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat. Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years.Months later, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky. The Abomination was taken into custody by the military; as punishment, he was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost.
Bruce Wayne was orphaned as a child when he witnessed his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, brutally gunned down in a random mugging. He made a solemn vow at their grave that he would commit his life towards bringing wrongdoers to justice. After the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Bruce Wayne became the legal ward of the family butler Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred and he lived at the family estate in Gotham City known as Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne drew upon the influences of others in order to create what would one day become his dual identity as Batman. One of his earliest inspirations was taken from a character from old movie serials known as the Gray Ghost. Little did Bruce know that he would one day meet his childhood hero. Bruce eventually left Gotham in order to train to fulfill his mission. He spent three months training with John Zatara and his daughter, Zatanna, in the art of escape.He also trained in martial arts under the tutelage of Master Yoru in Japan. Here he formed a rivalry with fellow student, Kyodai Ken, who after being banished for attempting to steal Yoru's prized sword, swore vengeance on Bruce. As a young man, Bruce Wayne had already mastered several martial arts forms. He had discovered an immense cavern beneath Wayne Manor, and Alfred and he began furnishing it as a secret crime laboratory. In short order, Bruce began operating as a street-level vigilante, donning a black ski-mask and going out into the night to foil crimes. Though he was marginally successful, Bruce grew frustrated by the fact that his foes were not afraid of him. He realized that he would need something else in order to inspire terror into the hearts of Gotham's underworld. During this time, Bruce met and fell in love with a woman named Andrea Beaumont. He even considered abandoning his crusade for justice to devote himself to her, but he was haunted by the memory of his slain parents. Bruce proposed to Andrea, who readily accepted. Unfortunately, as Bruce would later learn, her father, Carl Beaumont, had borrowed money from Sal Valestra and his mob gang (including a young Jack Napier) Andrea chose to flee with her father overseas, and sent the ring back to Bruce with a letter not telling the real reasons. Heartbroken, Bruce Wayne committed himself entirely towards fighting crime. However, he had yet to develop the means by which to intimidate his adversaries. A few nights later, Bruce Wayne was in his father's study mourning the loss of his parents when a bat crashed through the study window. Inspired by this incident, Bruce realized that he would garb himself in the visage of a bat... and thus, the Batman was born.
The first Crimson Dynamo was also the creator of the armor: Professor Anton Vanko. A Soviet scientist of Armenian birth with a Ph. D, Vanko was the world's foremost expert on electricity. He built a suit that was wired up to perform electric miracles, making him a human dynamo. The Crimson Dynamo battle-suit allowed him to control electricity in all of its forms, allowing him to fire devastating bolts of electricity. It also allowed him to fly. Vanko was a vain and cocky man, but he redeemed himself in the end. In their first encounter, the Crimson Dynamo battled Iron Man. After being tricked by Iron Man (who made him believe that his Soviet handlers were going to kill him though earlier Vanko's superior implied he was going to kill Vanko, anyway), Vanko defected to the U.S. and went to work for Tony Stark as one of his chief scientists. Soon the Soviets came to kill him for real. They sent their top agent, the Black Widow, and her one-time partner, Boris Turgenev, the latter of whom stole the armor and became the second Crimson Dynamo. Vanko died saving Iron Man by firing an unstable experimental laser light pistol at Boris, killing himself as well. Vanko's heroic sacrifice was re-visited in the mini series Enter the Mandarin where it's revealed that the Mandarin's son, Temugin was witness to Vanko and Turgenev's death. Quote: "You'll be ... uh ... SHOCKED at my powers."
Red Arrow is the current superhero identity of Roy Harper, Green Arrow's adopted son and former sidekick. He has also been known as Speedy and Arsenal during his long career. Though Red Arrow has no superpowers, his accuracy with projectiles is equaled only by his mentor. The boy who would become Red Arrow was born Roy Harper, Jr.- the son of a forest ranger. Harper's mother died while he was an infant, and Roy, Sr. raised the child on his own for some time. Unfortunately, Roy, Sr. died while saving members of a Navajo reservation during a major fire when his son was barely two years old. The shaman of the reservation, Brave Bow, raised young Harper in gratitude for Roy, Sr.'s sacrifice. Under Brave Bow's care Roy Harper was raised as a traditional Navajo and treated as a member of the tribe. Brave Bow recognized in Harper an early talent for archery, and he was trained in that skill throughout his time on the reservation. With few friends and a lot of time on his hands, Harper practiced extensively, eventually developing the skill of someone twice his age. After Green Arrow's public debut, Harper developed an immediate hero worship and followed the hero's exploits avidly. When Green Arrow visited the reservation in order to judge an archery contest Harper was participating in, eager Roy did his best to impress his hero, and succeeded in doing so. However, in the final elimination of the tournament Harper was given a magnetized arrow and missed his last shot. When he helped to stop a robber by quickly drawing and firing an arrow, Green Arrow noted that Harper had been "speedier" than he, and offered to take Roy in as his ward. Though publicly the two were known as Oliver Queen and Roy Harper, benefactor and foster child, in private Queen trained Harper to be his partner in crime. Roy Harper was extensively drilled in the use of both standard arrows and the trick arrows that Green Arrow had created for use in crimefighting, and when Green Arrow judged him to be sufficiently skilled, he was presented with his own costume and the super-heroic identity of "Speedy." Shortly afterward, Brave Bow died, and Oliver Queen/Green Arrow became the only father figure in Roy Harper's life. As Speedy, Harper assisted his mentor during many of his cases. Just as Green Arrow had become a member of the Justice League of America, so did Speedy find his own colleagues when he joined Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Wonder Girl to become the Teen Titans. While serving with the Titans, he and Wonder Girl (aka Donna Troy) began a semi-serious teenage relationship that later developed into a close friendship. After his stint with the Titans, several events occurred that made Speedy feel increasingly rootless and abandoned. His relationship with Donna Troy failed to progress past the "teenage sweetheart" stage, the Teen Titans disbanded, and Ollie Queen, the closest thing Harper had to a father, lost much of his fortune and abandoned him to travel America with Hal Jordan (the Green Lantern of Earth) and Queen's girlfriend, the Black Canary. Increasingly alone and extremely depressed, Harper developed a heroin addiction. When Green Arrow discovered his addiction, rather than give Harper support or comfort, Ollie punched him and kicked him out, leaving him homeless. He was later found by Jordan, and with the help of Black Canary and others, Harper quit cold turkey. Though Harper quit drugs entirely, partly in order to prove his strength to Ollie Queen, the latter's actions had already driven a rift between the two that would take years to heal. Harper worked as a counselor for teens with drug problems following his recovery, while continuing to pursue a solo career as Speedy. He also joined a re-formed Teen Titans for a time, but the team once again disbanded and Speedy was left on his own. While counseling teenagers and working as a superhero, Harper's obvious skills as well as his personal connection to the drug underground attracted the attention of the Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI), a clandestine government agency largely concerned with drug trafficking and terrorism. The CBI, led by Sarge Steel, trained Harper in undercover work, as well as the use of firearms (Harper learned he was as accurate with a gun as he was with a bow and arrow.) Harper became an official CBI drug enforcement agent. On one undercover assignment, Harper was tasked with the job of gaining the trust of the sociopathic mercenary Cheshire. Though Harper was meant to eventually turn Cheshire over to the authorities, the two fell in love and had an affair. Harper could not bring himself to Cheshire in, but he was concerned that his continued presence would endanger her. That worry combined with his growing misgivings over Cheshire's disregard for life caused Harper to abandon her, unaware that she was pregnant with his child. When Harper eventually learned that he was the father of Cheshire's daughter, Lian, he teamed up with his old friend Nightwing (formerly known as Robin) to track down Cheshire and prevent her from assassinating a group of diplomats. Speedy was captured by Cheshire but rescued by Nightwing, who brought the baby with him. Cheshire left Lian in Harper's care, and Roy assumed the duties of a single father. No longer a member of the CBI or the Titans, and still estranged from Oliver Queen, Harper struggled for some time to find his place in the world. For a time, he relocated to Los Angeles, where he attempted a career as a private investigator. Though he assisted the latest incarnation of the Titans on several occasions, he declined to rejoin as a full member. Eventually, he resumed his working relationship with the CBI and then its successor organization Checkmate. During this time, Speedy's old friends in the Titans were going through a crisis of their own. After being hunted by the Wildebeest Society, led by Jericho, the team had been shattered and reformed. The Titans Tower, their headquarters, was destroyed, and the Titans were rootless and mistrusted by the American government. After making a deal with harper's employer, Sarge Steel, to become officially supervised and sanctioned by the US Government, Nightwing voluntarily stepped down as leader. The obvious choice to fill the vacuum was Roy Harper, who had connections to both the Titans and the Federal government. Availing himself of Steve Dayton's technology, Harper decided at this point to abandon his identity as Speedy and become Arsenal. Now no longer simply using a bow and arrows, Arsenal's high-tech costume gave him several devices to use for crimefighting. He would soon abandon his original Arsenal costume in favor of a more streamlined one, but retained his new codename and leadership of the Titans. Unfortunately, the team suffered from a lack of commitment from its various members, and was dissolved yet again. Arsenal took this opportunity to re-open a dialog with his mentor, Green Arrow. The two managed to forgive one another and bury their past differences, but the reconciliation was short-lived, as Oliver Queen died in an airplane explosion shortly afterward. Soon, yet another team of Teen Titans emerged. This group consisted of a teen-aged Atom (de-aged by events in Zero Hour) and new heroes Argent, Risk, Joto, and Prysm. The team was funded by Loren Jupiter, once the benefactor of the original Teen Titans that Harper has been a member of. Jupiter gathered together the original Titans (now going by the aliases of Nightwing, Tempest, Flash, and Arsenal) to combat the threat of his bitter, super-powered son Jarrod Jupiter (Haze). New and old Titans joined forces to defeat Haze, but at a price; Joto apparently lost his life, and Arsenal felt responsible for his death. Arsenal remained with this new group of Titans for a time, but eventually left the group before it, too, disbanded. Arsenal later came into conflict with Vandal Savage. Savage had discovered that both Roy Harper and his daughter Lian were his descendants, and thus, their organs were suitable for him to harvest to prolong his life. Arsenal was able to save his daughter from Savage. After this ordeal, he adopted a new look to reflect his Navajo heritage. Shortly after, the original five Titans decided to form yet another incarnation of the team. Arsenal served as a full-time member on the team, and chose to reside at the new Titans Tower with his daughter, Lian. He hired Rose Wilson to be Lian's nanny, and also attempted an adult relationship with Donna Troy, but broke it off when it became clear that Troy was dealing with an identity crisis of her own. Arsenal, who by that point had established a reputation as something of a "ladies' man," went back to his philandering ways. At roughly the same time, Oliver Queen reappeared, having been resurrected earlier by Hal Jordan (in his identity of Parallax). After Queen sorted out his own issues, he and Harper's relationship resumed. When a mysterious conglomerate known as Optitron offered to sponsor the Titans and Young Justice, members of both teams encountered a cybernetic girl from the future (known as Indigo) at their complex. The android attacked both teams and disabled nearly half of the group. Those members who could teamed up to track down Indigo, but instead encountered a rogue Superman robot that Indigo had somehow reactivated. The Superman robot made quick work of Lilith, killing her by snapping her neck, and then killed Donna Troy with a heat vision blast to her chest. Though Indigo returned to shut down the Superman Android, the rest of the Titans and Young Justice were left to mourn their fallen friends. Once again, the Titans were parted ways. Arsenal took this opportunity to accept Optitron's offer and formed a new team: the Outsiders. Harper conceived the team as professional and proactive, with none of the "family" connections that seemed to doom various incarnations of the Titans. He began by buying a massive secret underground headquarters beneath New York City. Roy outfitted the shelter with state-of-the-art equipment and began recruiting members for the new team. He successfully coaxed the veteran Metamorpho, as well as Grace (a superhuman bouncer whom Harper had a physical relationship with) and Thunder (daughter of Black Lightning) into joining the team. He also decided to accept Indigo as a member. Even though she had been responsible for activating the Superman android, and ultimately for Lilith's and Donna Troy's deaths, her memory had been wiped clean, and she convinced Arsenal that she wanted to atone for what she had done. Indigo's presence would prove to be a major sticking point for Arsenal's last recruit: Nightwing. The Titans' former leader was completely unwilling to renew his involvement in a team after such a devastating loss. Arsenal argued that the Outsiders were the next logical step for them beyond the Titans, and that perhaps a team of strangers would operate more efficiently than a team with so many emotional attachments. Nightwing, while still reluctant, agreed to join and became field leader of the Outsiders shortly after the team defeated Gorilla Grodd. On a later mission, Arsenal was shot in the chest while attempting to stop Brother Blood from activating a global network of sleeper agents. He survived, but was sidelined for months. In the interim, he assigned the Huntress to be his replacement. He was hesitant to resume active duty, feeling afraid of his own limitations, but returned with encouragement from Nightwing. Not long after his recovery, the Outsiders took on a case which involved a child-slaver and molester named Tanner. One of Tanner's informants recognized Harper from years prior, and led Tanner to Lian Harper. Lian's nanny was killed and the girl was branded with Tanner's mark. The Outsiders arrived just in time to save Lian and other children from being flown out of New York. Oddly, Arsenal's near-death from gunshot wounds later saved his life when he met Deathstroke. The villain, Arsenal discovered, had been posing as Batman and feeding him information since the Outsiders began. Deathstroke and Arsenal fought, with Deathstroke intending to kill him, but when the mercenary discovered the bullet scars on Arsenal's chest, he figured Arsenal had suffered enough and gave him a "pass." About the same time, Arsenal was also kidnapped by Green Arrow's nemesis Constantine Drakon. Drakon was working with the Riddler, and slit Arsenal's throat so that he would have to apply constant pressure to the wound or die. The Outsiders helped search for Arsenal and rescued him. During the period of turmoil known as the Infinite Crisis, Indigo was revealed to be a plant of Brainiac's, and almost succeeded in destroying the team. Later, Arsenal and the Outsiders were among the heroes gathered to defend Metropolis from an invasion by the Society. After the disappearance of Batman, Robin, Superman, and Wonder Woman, the Outsiders continued to operate, but found themselves handling low-level criminals and making little difference in the world. When Nightwing and Red Hood discovered that Black Lightning, former Outsider and father of Thunder, had been arrested for a crime he didn't commit, the Outsiders attempted a rescue. Ultimately, they failed in their attempt, and ended up believed dead by the outside world. Though the team saw this as an opportunity to operate covertly, Arsenal soon realized he was not made for the life of a cloak and dagger hero and left the team, returning full command to Nightwing. Nearly a year later, after their return to active duty, the heroes Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, decided to reform the Justice League of America, which had been disbanded during the Crisis. In a sign that he had finally "made it," Arsenal was asked by the three to join the latest incarnation of the team. In their first mission as teammates, Hal Jordan referred to Harper as "Red Arrow" (attempting to cover for the fact that he almost called him by his real name). Though Harper was surprised by this new nickname, he soon embraced the identity with the help of a new costume, given to him by his former mentor, Green Arrow. His new name and costume became symbolic of his "coming of age" and the end of his troubled relationship with Oliver Queen. Red Arrow continues to serve with the Justice League.
Piper McLean is a Greek demigod daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean and is currently the head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, after challenging and defeating Drew Tanaka who became head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin after the former counselor died in war.
Luornu Durgo is the only survivor of a worldwide disaster on her home world, Cargg. She has no memory of the events before the disaster. When she met a predator, she discovered that she had the ability to split into three, and then six, and then nine etc. Each of herself could remerge and share knowledge as well. She rebuilt Cargg and then discovered the upper limit of her power when she repopulated Cargg. Three of herselves were chosen as a delegation to the fledgling United Planets. Those three quickly joined the first wave of Legionnaires sharing many adventures along the way. When she returned to Cargg, her other selves refused to remerge with her because that she had changed to much, both in her biochemistry (which had adapted to an alien diet), and her viewpoints. She has/have gone on dates with Sun Boy, Element Lad and Ultra Boy (which ended up badly because each of herself had gone on a different date at the same time).
Doctor Raymond Carson "Ray" Palmer was born as the son of Sandy Palmer and David Palmer in 1981. He is a businessman and the former CEO of Palmer Technologies, previously known as Queen Consolidated. He has a brother, Sydney Palmer, who in at least one version of the future, is considered to be the father of the robotics industry. Ray is also the ex-fiancée of Kendra Saunders and the late Anna Loring, the ex-boyfriend of Felicity Smoak, the best friend of Nate Heywood, and the romantic interest of Nora Darhk. Having designed a powerful exosuit, he began acting as a vigilante in Star City, calling himself The Atom. While testing out a new function of his exosuit, Ray accidentally caused an explosion which shrunk him to a miniature size; stuck in this state and unable to call for help, his friends presumed him dead. After months Ray managed to contact Felicity but was captured by Damien Darhk for his technology. However, thanks to the efforts of Team Arrow, Ray was rescued and would continue to aid them in their fight against H.I.V.E. In early 2016, Ray Palmer was recruited by time-traveler Rip Hunter on a mission to take down Vandal Savage. After Ray's A.T.O.M. suit was destroyed during a mission in ancient Japan, Mick Rory gave him the Cold Gun. He nicknamed himself Colonel Cold, using both Leonard Snart's weaponry and goggles. But then, after getting a new source of dwarf star alloy, Ray went back to his Atom identity.
The T-X is a model of Terminator produced by Skynet in the future. One model of this unit was dispatched by Skynet into the past in order to terminate John Connor. The T-X ultimately failed in its attempts to destroy the Tech-Com resistance leader. With the success of the mimetic polyalloy T-1000 Series, Skynet continued to develop its liquid metal technology, this time combining it with an advanced endoskeleton, similar in shape and structure to that of the Series 900. The resultant T-X Series is stronger, faster, more intelligent, and more deadly than any of Skynet's other battle units, effectively making them redundant, however, its infiltration abilities while impressive are inferior to the T-800's as they lack living tissue, the ability to sweat and bleed thus their shape-shifting ability is only useful to a point, while a Terminator that is bleeding or possesses scars is more likely to be mistaken for a human. Due to the T-X's default form being that of a young female, John Connor dubbed the T-X the "Terminatrix". The T-X Series has an advanced utilitarian battle chassis, weighing in excess of 150 kilos (approximately 330.6 lbs.). Protected by malleable crystalline ceramic armor interlaced with nano-fibers of carbon and titanium, the T-X is practically unstoppable on the battlefield, capable of sustaining vast amounts of damage with little to no effect. Extremely strong and agile, the T-X Series is capable of moving its joints in ways that would be impossible for any human. Aided by artificial liquid steel lubrication, each joint has a massive degree of rotation. The neck is capable of 360-degree rotation, and the torso is capable of at least 180-degree rotation. The enhanced joints also show little to no wear or degradation when moving at high speeds, allowing the T-X Series to run at speeds in excess of 80 km per hour for brief periods of time before its power packs began to show slight decline. The T-X Series is capable of easily crushing a human spinal column with just two fingers, and its thighs can crush with a pressure greater than an industrial hydraulic press. Its steel jaws and alloy teeth are harder than industrial diamonds, and can crush and cut through titanium, let alone human flesh and bone. Like the earlier Series 1000, the Series T-X utilizes mimetic polyalloy. However, where as the Series 1000 was constructed entirely from this liquid metal, the T-X series only has a liquid metal outer sheath covering its endoskeleton for infiltration purposes, which gives the T-1000 an advantage for being able to regenerate better. Like the T-1000 before it, the T-X can take the form of any human it touches, typically terminating the subject upon reproduction. The T-X seems to be able to mimic targets it sees as well. This is seen when the T-X increasing its breast size seen from a billboard, effectively confusing a L.A. patrolman. Stored within small reservoirs in the cranial casing of the T-X when in endoskeletal form, the mimetic polyalloy not only aids in infiltration, but also adds strength to the overall armor of the T-X Series.
The impressively tall, massive Josiah Power was one of America’s best lawyers until his meta-gene was triggered during the alien invasion. Shortly afterwards, he transformed into a monstrous creature while in court. Although the effect was soon reversed, his career as a lawyer had been effectively ruined. Working his way through a subsequent depression and other problems, Josiah eventually found a way to combine his old skills and newfound abilities. Why not found a business of super-heroes for hire, structured like a law firm, with partners and associates working for paying clients? So was born the Power Company. Although now having learned to control his power, Josiah’s interest lies not in adventuring, but in the business itself. He rarely participates in the Company’s missions, but has made exceptions when his friends need him, like the recent adventure in the world of Ashalanti. When he uses his power, Josiah takes on a monstrous, grey, stone-like appearance and energy starts to sparkle around him, at which time he gains great strength and possibly other energy powers. Josiah lives together with his life partner Rupe in a big mansion outside San Fransisco.
Groot posed as Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all the shades, flora colossus. Groot is a member of the Flora colossus, a society of sentient trees, discovered by the Kree. In the Autumn of 1960, scientist Leslie Evans and his girlfriend Alice witnessed a blinding object falling from the sky. When Evans went to investigate the next day, he not only found the object, but discovered it was alive. Evans looked on as the alien creature, Groot, grew larger by the minute as he absorbed wooden objects into his own body. There in the woods, Groot announced his presence to the nearby community. Claiming to be the Monarch of Planet X, Groot announced that he had come to Earth to take a small Terran town back to his home world for its scientists to study. While the humans resisted, no gunfire, or even conventional fire could penetrate Groot's hide. Seeing the futility of trying to fight Groot directly, Evans abandoned the townspeople and raced back to his laboratory, for which he was labeled a coward. Over the next three days, Groot used his ability to control trees and plants to turn the forest into a make-shift army. His announced intention was to use Earth's native vegetation to create a net of roots to allow him to lift the town into space whole. When Groot entered the town, Evans snuck up behind him and unleashed the fruits of his frantic work: a specially bred colony of termites. The insects voraciously ate through Groot's hide, and into his core. Groot collapsed in a a state of shock, and was believed dead by the townsfolk. Later, however, Groot was seen alive and captured in Collector's zoo beneath Canada. When the Mole Man attacked the Collector in his lair, the security in the Collector's zoo failed, and the monsters were released. The stampede of monsters eventually arrived in New York, and were engaged by the Thing and the Hulk. Joined by the Beast and Giant-Man, the four heroes defeated the horde of monsters, including Droom, Groot, Grottu, Grogg, Gargantus, Rommbu, Taboo, Tragg, and Vandoom's Monster. Afterwards, the Hulk hurled all the monsters through a portal and into the Negative Zone. At some point, Groot returned to Earth, supposedly to Monster Isle. Later, Groot was tracked down and engaged by a unit of the Howling Commandos of Area 13, a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. dedicated to tackling supernatural threats through supernatural means. Groot had blended into the surrounding woodland, despite his size, but was ferreted out by Sasquatch and the Abominable Snowman's sense of smell. The unit -- also including Gorilla Man and Warwolf -- disoriented Groot with high-pitch sonics and brought him down. Teleported to Area 13, Gorilla Man informed Groot of his options: either join Area 13 as part of the the solution, or be imprisoned as part of the problem. When a horde of fantastic creatures under the control of Merlin poured into Area 13 through a magical portal, the larger creatures were released from their cells, causing a stampede which crushed many of the invaders. Arriving in Merlin's territory on the other side of the portal, Groot met up again with the Howling Commandos. Realizing that Area 13 would just catch up to him again if he escaped, and that the landscape had been so warped by magic that it was physically painful to him, Groot has offered to assist the commandos. Following the defeat of "Merlin" Groot apparently went back into space, eventually finding himself in Kree space, where he was promptly captured and imprisoned. While in jail he formed a rapport with Rocket Raccoon and was assigned to a covert ops team lead by Starlord, whose goal was to assault Hala and defeat the Phalanx. His body was mostly destroyed, but a small twig of him split off, preserving him, traveling in the care of Rocket Raccoon, fitting easily in his hand. He can grow back to his full size in time. Groot and Rocket Raccoon are having a libation in a low-down dirty spacer bar in low-down dirty spacer space when they are accosted by a group of Badoon who attempt to arrest them for 'Crimes against the Royal Brotherhood'. A quick shootout ensues and Rocket creates an avenue of escape by shooting holes in the beer barrels causing the saloon patrons to stampede for the free beer. The duo make a hasty exit and are soon rocketing away when they find themselves pursued by Badoon Attack Cruisers. Rocket orders Groot to take evasive action while he goes to boost the stardrive to allow them to escape. He finds the stardrive compartment empty and the scene cuts to a shot of the surprised Rocket with a cliffhanger closing credits and Mojo proclaiming "Best Pilot Episode Ever!". They then find themselves staring at an empty compartment where a stardrive should be and questioning why they are hearing voices like suddenly their lives just got a narrator or something. Their ship blows up and they appear in space in combat space armor bewildered at what just happened and how they got there. They target their Badoon attackers forcing one of the pilots to eject. They squeeze into his craft and it begins to plummet to an ice planet below. Mojo calls for the scene to cut and hit the Bio-Stasis on his stars. He proceeds to plan for the next scene expecting to make enormous money on the show. In the background, Rocket's Timely Inc. Shipment Processing Device analyzes the situation and informs the duo they are caught up in an artificial dramatic construction. They blast through a wall realizing they are in a "Flarkin' TV Studio" and are confronted by a hologram of Mojo who opens fire with real weapons. Groot and Rocket Raccoon are transported to the Mojoverse by the inter-dimensional TV producer known as Mojo. He has decided to use the pair in his latest reality television show. He recruits various criminals that the heroes have fought in the past. He places the pair in scenarios were they would have to battle them again, however if an innocent life form was caught in the crossfire, they would be killed in the process. As the duo moved from one scenario to another, Mojo began advertising action figures with a collection pack that allows buyers to assemble their own 12" Groot figure after collecting all five. The demand was so high, Mojo stand to make a fortune until the Timely Inc. Shipment Processing and Analysis Device decides to take control of the situation and holds a B-00-M Meson Beam Gun at Mojo's face. It allowed the reality system to stop just long enough for the heroes to escape. They confront destroying Mojo who is revealed to be a robot controlled by Major Domo. Groot, along with the rest of his team, aided the Avengers in fighting the returned Thanos.Thanos managed to get a Cosmic Cube from the United States Army, with which he escaped to Moord, the homeland of the Badoon. The Guardians arrived to the Avengers Tower and informed the Avengers about the situation. They joined the Guardians to fight Thanos and the Badoon. After Thanos apparently killed the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers as well as the Guardians. But actually, they were sent to the Cancerverse along the Elders, there, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector, in exchange of a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth, the Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos to be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders.
Jesse Custer is a preacher who merged with a creature that has escaped from heaven and develops the ability to make anyone do anything he says. Along with his ex-girlfriend, Tulip, and an Irish vampire named Cassidy, the three embarked on a journey to find God.
Rogue, whose real name is Marie D'Ancanto, was an innocent young girl from a peaceful neighborhood in Meridian, Mississippi who had plans to go on an adventure with her boyfriend David before college. She tells him about her plans to travel away to new places after high school, and then there's a pause, and they slowly move closer until they kiss. By that moment her powers began to manifest, when David, suddenly, falls unconscious, quivering, and Marie's loud scream makes her parents rush to her room. Marie is hysterical and yells at her mother to not touch her, and her father rushes his wife to call an ambulance. This incident causes Marie to panic and eventually run away from home.
Once daredevil (Mathew merdoc’s) boyfriend then later thought dead Elektra was trained by the hand to be the best assassin the number she would later meat daredevil and get into many fights with him until they finally agreed to work together
Lorna Dane, also known by the alias "Polaris" was an operative of the Mutant Underground. She was arrested by the Atlanta PD when she, Eclipse, and Thunderbird rescued Blink after she escaped from prison. Polaris was taken to the mutant detention center in Garland, Texas. Several hours later, Atlanta ADA Reed Strucker promised to reduce the severe sentences she was facing for attempting to kill police officers with her mutant powers if she helped the government track down the Underground's members. Although she tried to threaten Reed, Polaris became hysterical when the attorney showed her a document that would be part of his case against her: she was pregnant, carrying the child of Marcos Diaz. She spent some time in prison (temporarily in the same cellblock as Reed Strucker), before they were both rescued by the Mutant Underground. After going on several missions, including destroying a plane filled with government officials, she left the Underground taking Andy, Sage, and others with him ad joined the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Six months later, Reeva Payge became the leader of the Hellfire Club, and took over a munitions warehouse in Washington, D.C. so Lorna would have a safe place to give birth after having pains. She would later give birth to a baby girl, who she named Dawn, after the Frost sisters helped her by showing her a vision of the future where mutants were safe and in control of the country.
A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Master Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons. Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lightning, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless. Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Forest of Dangers, the Canyon of Death, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process. They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After reconciling, Garmadon moves in with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As the story concludes, Mr. Liu tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja.
During mid-late 1973, Zero was a member of Team X, consisting of Chris Bradley, John Wraith,Fred Dukes,Wade Wilson, Victor Creed and James Howlett, under the command of William Stryker. He helped Stryker find the metallic compound known as adamantium. He, along with Victor Creed, were the only ones from Team X that stayed faithful to Stryker when the team disbanded.
The man later known as Dracula was originally born Mathias Cronqvist. Sometime during the mid to late 11th century, he served in a company of knights alongside then Baron Leon Belmont. With Mathias's brilliant military strategies and Leon's skill with a sword, their company was unstoppable. Little is known of Mathias's early life or his family, save that they seem to have been longtime practitioners of Alchemy and had advanced further into the study than most alchemists could have ever dreamed. Mathias was very well educated and quite skilled in the art, though he never told Leon or any of the other compatriots of his knowledge, with the notable exception of Rinaldo Gandolfi, whom he had met at an unspecified time. Mathias married a woman named Elisabetha who he was deeply in love with. While away on a campaign against heathens in the east, Elisabetha died due to illness. Upon returning and learning of her death, Mathias was overtaken with despair so profound that he became bedridden, presumably worrying Leon considerably, as Mathias was the strategist and tactician of the company. During that time, Mathias grew angry at God for allowing Elisabetha to die such an early death while he was away risking his life and fighting in God's name. He thought it was unjust and unfair for God to take away what mattered most to him, when he had given God so much and when Elisabetha was such a pure and blameless woman who has not deserved to die. Mathias began searching for ways to become immortal and show God that he didn't have a final say in everything and that he could defy God's decrees by existing outside them and scorning God in his eternal life. He learned about the Crimson Stone, considered to be a treasure among vampires. Through some means, the stone came into Mathias's possession and he planned to use it to ascend to immortality. Through his acquiring the arcane relic, an evil deity known as Death bound himself in servitude to Mathias, as Death would only follow he who controlled the Crimson Stone. With the stone, Mathias could not only control the powerful spirit creature but also absorb the souls of slain vampires and add their powers to his own. As an effect of this, humanity would be lost and he would become a vampire himself. The young knight then had all the resources he needed to plan his scheme to become an immortal. Mathias eventually came in contact with a powerful Vampire Lord named Walter Bernhard, who had somehow obtained the Ebony Stone, another vampiric treasure that locked his forested realm and castle in eternal night, thereby making him the most powerful vampire. The only thing of value that Walter desired was the Crimson Stone, which was believed to be lost for ages but was secretly held by Mathias. The vampire was bored due to his own immortality and in order to distract himself from that, he enjoyed playing life and death games with brave humans. To raise the stakes of the game - to make the human more interested - he would steal that which is most precious from his target. Mathias suggested targeting Sara Trantoul to Walter, the fiancée of Leon Belmont. The knight would make an interesting player in Walter's game because according to Mathias's stories, his combat prowess was second to none. Walter, who didn't realize he was being tricked, ordered his forces to invade Leon's domain in order to capture Sara. All went according to Mathias's ingenious plan; Leon went to Walter's castle to save Sara and due to a series of planned events, was able to defeat Walter. When Walter was dying, Death appeared and took his soul and granted the vampire's power to Mathias, who had materialized in the castle. It was only in his final moments that Walter realized what was happening and what Mathias's true intentions were. Due to absorbing Walter's soul, Mathias became the most powerful vampire, though the Ebony Stone eluded him, as it was destroyed in Leon and Walter's battle. Mathias then declared that he had never spent a better night and gave Leon his gratitude. A confused Leon demanded an explanation, to which Mathias replied that he needed a powerful vampire's soul and he knew that Leon had it in him to destroy Walter so that he could take the soul. Leon sensed a rage from the Vampire Killer, which he used to kill Walter and asked in disbelief if his best friend had abandoned humanity. Mathias confirmed this and revealed his motive. He admitted that everyone involved in the ordeal were just pawns in his plan to become the most powerful vampire and curse God forevermore because of God's cruelty. Mathias then offered Leon eternal life as he too suffered over the death of his beloved. Leon refused because eternity without the one he loved would be empty and Mathias's twisted plan had cost Sara her life. Mathias believed that Leon out of all people would be the one to understand him, but when that wasn't the case, he became a bat and flew away and the two would never meet again. Mathias went in hiding in foreign lands and he continued to curse God. Eventually, he named himself Lord of the Vampires and King of the Night. At some point during Mathias's unholy life, he built a magic castle in the province of Valachia where he would recruit humans and other beings who had turned their back on God or were shunned by the light. Mathias granted some of them the forbidden knowledge of Devil Forgery and allowed them to practice their rites in his castle. One day, he met a kind woman named Lisa, with whom he would eventually become romantically involved. She reminded Mathias very much of Elisabetha, which was mostly the reason why he had fallen in love with her. Lisa loved Mathias very dearly despite his views on life and they would eventually have a son together named Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, who would be later known as Alucard. Eventually, rumors started to spread that Lisa's medicinal practices were a form of witchcraft. This caused her to be arrested and sentenced to death by the authorities. Lisa was captured and crucified, an event Adrian witnessed but was prevented from intervening in. As the execution would have traditionally occurred during the daylight hours, Mathias would not even become aware of it until hours later and when he learned of this, it drove him over the edge. Eventually, he changed his name to Dracula Vlad Ţepeş and plotted his revenge against mankind for ruthlessly taking away what mattered most to him. Dracula angered at humanity for the loss of Lisa, sent his legions against the people of Europe. The church sent many armies in opposition, but none returned. After several months, Dracula's forces had almost completely wiped out the armies sent by the Eastern Orthodox Church and had conquered whole countries. One night, Isaac, a General in Dracula's army, reported the Belmont Clan had started an offense in the west. A vampire hunting descendant of Dracula's old friend, Leon, who went by the name Trevor C. Belmont, was planning to assault Dracula's Castle. Because Dracula was responsible for the death of Leon's betrothed, Sara, Leon committed his kinsmen to hunt down and destroy Dracula. Isaac requested the opportunity to face Trevor himself. Instead, he was sent to find Hector, another General who was previously ordered to assassinate Belmont but had deserted. Dracula planned to meet his old friend's descendant himself and waited for the hunter in his throne room. Dracula eventually faced the vampire hunter along with the rebel, Grant Dynasty (who had earlier been turned into a demon by Dracula's forces in a failed attempt at overthrowing him before Belmont freed him from the curse), the sorceress Sypha Belnades and his own son, Alucard, who had chosen to oppose his father. With much effort, the Vampire Lord was finally slain. For the first time in hundreds of years, the immortal Dracula was at last dead, though his scheme to decimate humanity had not ended. With his final breath, he uttered a curse that left the land to rot while poisoning the minds of its inhabitants, who pillaged and scourged it without remorse. A few years later in 1479, Death sought to resurrect Dracula by using the Count's traitorous Devil Forgemaster General Hector as a vessel for Dracula. Because Devil Forgemasters were suffused within Dracula's magic, only they could make suitable hosts for the Count to inhabit. However, they would have to be fully enveloped within the curse that Dracula left behind that was plaguing the land and its people. Though Hector was Death's (who disguised himself as Zead) ideal choice for a body for Dracula's reawakening, he rejected the Curse, causing Death to compromise and use Isaac for the vessel. Isaac was killed in cold blood by Hector and Death used the corpse to resurrect the Count, causing the first reawakening of Dracula from the dead. Dracula intended to execute Hector for deserting him earlier, especially after learning that Hector did so due in disgust toward Dracula's genocidal aims against humanity. However, because the resurrection was only partially successful, Hector was able to thwart both Death and Dracula and send the Count back to the grave, as well as nullify his curse, finally freeing the land from its venomous grip. A century later, Dracula rose again. It was at this time that Dracula's one hundred year regeneration cycle became manifest. Due to the power of Christ weakening every one hundred years, men's hearts grew black with chaos. They sought to resurrect Dracula so that he may cleanse the world. He was brought back in 1576 and because his powers were linked to his castle, his stronghold returned with him. Strengthened from his slumber, the Count resumed his quest for revenge against humanity and began attacking Transylvania with his hordes. Once again, the only ones that could hope to stand against him and his throngs of followers were the Belmont Clan with their holy whip, Vampire Killer. Castlevania was invaded by Christopher Belmont and the vampire hunter and Dracula engaged in a death duel. Christopher thought he had sent the Count to his grave, but Dracula turned into mist and feigned death. Though his castle was destroyed and he was too weakened from the battle to assume his regular form, Dracula would bide his time, waiting for the right moment to strike back against the Belmont Clan that had caused him so much trouble. Dracula resurfaced fifteen years later in 1591, magically influencing Christopher's son, Soleil Belmont, while still trapped in mist form. He planned on using the Belmont to become whole and he cast a curse on the young vampire hunter that would cause Soleiyu to do his bidding. Christopher Belmont came to the aid of his son and was forced to battle him. Christopher defeated Soleiyu and expelled Dracula's presence from his mind. By that time, using the spirits of four elemental castles, Dracula regained his corporeal form and he battled Christopher Belmont for the last time. Christopher was victorious and destroyed Dracula, sending the vampire to sleep for one hundred years more. Dracula rose again in 1691 on an Easter night when his followers convened in a monastery to perform the unholy ritual to return him and his castle to the world and plunge mankind into darkness and despair. Dracula was defeated by Simon Belmont, but not without dealing a critical blow to Simon's back and casting a curse on him. Similar to when he was defeated by Trevor Belmont in 1476, Dracula left a curse on the land before his passing. Though Dracula was dead, he left both Transylvania and Simon Belmont in dire condition. The only way to expel his curse was to collect his remains and destroy them within the ruins of Castlevania. Dracula's monstrous followers had free reign over many territories in the land while Transylvania was cursed and they hid the Count's remains in heavily guarded mansions. The weakened Simon Belmont retrieved all of the remains in 1698 and took them back to Dracula's Castle, where he burned the remains he had recovered. To Simon's surprise, however, Dracula's ghost manifested through the Fang of Vlad, a remain unknown to Simon and tried to destroy him, but Simon defeated Dracula again, lifting the curse from the land and from his own body. Dracula's remains would wreak havoc in the world again when a young vampire hunter named Maxim Kischine sought out Dracula's remains as a means of proving himself as a hunter. He was envious of the Belmont Clan's status and wanted to confirm that he was stronger than them by finding the remains of Lord Dracula. Like Simon Belmont fifty years earlier, Maxim retrieved all pieces of the remains in 1748, but possession of Dracula's body parts caused Maxim's mind to split in two, birthing an evil spirit within Maxim. Because Dracula was partially brought back in the world through Maxim, Castlevania reappeared. Because the evil spirit did not have full control of Maxim, the Castle wasn't whole. One half of the Castle was in the earthly realm, while the other half resided in a spiritual realm. The evil Maxim and the original Maxim wrestled for control of the body. Death aided the evil Maxim because if the evil one took over completely, it would cause the Castles to unite. Death saw Lydie Erlanger, a young maiden whom Maxim cared for, as a means to this. If the evil Maxim partook of the maiden's blood, her sacrifice would provide him the strength he needed to overcome the regular Maxim. Death's scheme was foiled by Juste Belmont, the grandson of Simon Belmont, who exorcised the evil spirit from Maxim by gathering and presenting Dracula's remains. The spirit was drawn to the remains and relinquished its hold of Maxim's body, materializing as Dracula's phantom. Juste defeated the wraith, which mocked the Belmont Clan's quest as being futile because Dracula would always return and they were doomed to hunt him for all eternity. Dracula revived in 1792, one hundred years after his defeat by Simon Belmont. He was brought back by the zealous dark priest Shaft and his congregation, who sacrificed a maiden to resurrect the Count and his castle. When Dracula returned, he dispatched his forces to pillage the land. They kidnapped young women from a village, one being Annette, the girlfriend of Richter Belmont. The Count sensed the connection she had with his mortal foes and, moreover, was taken with her beauty. He offered her immortality so she could rule the world by his side, but she refused him, saying she would rather die. Richter eventually rescued all the maidens from Dracula's clutches, slew Shaft and defeated the Count. At this time, Dracula had become amused by the never-ending cycle he shared with the Belmonts. He knew he would return, so he wasn't dismayed by his defeat. Richter told him he had no place in the world, but Dracula said that it was not his choice that he continued to return. He comes back through the will of humans that call upon him. Because of that, Dracula asked Richter if he could truly be called evil. Richter then told Dracula that while it was true that humans have had evil desires such as power, they also had other, good desires as well and declared that evil will eventually fall permanently. As he was disintegrating, Dracula, while conceding Richter's claim that evil would eventually be vanquished, nonetheless laughed at him in full confidence that he would return and that the Belmont's hunt was in vain. Although defeated, Dracula returned five years later in 1797, due to the efforts of Shaft's ghost. This time, it was his son, Alucard, who confronted him. Dracula was somewhat shocked to see his son again and awkwardly tried to convince him to see things from his point of view. He was upset about him constantly siding with the humans, despite everything they had done. He asked him if he had forgotten what the humans did to his mother, Lisa. Alucard replied that he would never forget such an atrocity, but unlike him, he did not seek revenge against them, because that is not what his mother would have wanted. Alucard told his father that he could not allow him to plague mankind yet again and the two family members came to blows. Because Dracula's resurrection was not complete, he was defeated by his son. At the end of the battle, Dracula set everything aside and only wanted Alucard to tell him Lisa's final words. Alucard told his father that she said to not hate humans; that if he could not live with them, then at least do them no harm. She also told Alucard to tell his father that she would love him for all of eternity. For the first time in hundreds of years, Dracula was regretful for what he had done. He called out to Lisa to forgive him for his transgressions and said his goodbyes to his son as he faded away in death. Dracula rose sometime in the 1800s. After 1797, the Belmont Clan faded away and other organizations emerged with the hope of holding back Dracula and his forces in the Belmonts' stead. The most successful group was Ecclesia, due to Barlowe, the leader of Ecclesia, making a breakthrough discovery with the creation of Glyphs, symbols that utilized the power within all things, which the Ecclesia members were able to use in combat. Because of Ecclesia's success, those in positions of the power entrusted the organization with Dracula's bodily remains so that they may destroy the remains and hopefully end the scourge of Count Dracula for good. Barlowe developed the ultimate glyph, Dominus, from the remains of Count Dracula. Barlowe used the cover story that Dominus would be used to destroy the Dark Lord, but in truth, Ecclesia's true purpose was to fulfill the wish of mankind, which in Barlowe's mind was the resurrection of Count Dracula. Barlowe's plan was to use Dominus to destroy the seal on the remains that prevented Dracula's reemergence in the world. Barlowe needed someone to host the Dominus Glyphs and he chose his disciple, Shanoa, who was unaware of the true intent of Ecclesia and that using Dominus would end her life. Shanoa discovered the truth and defeated Barlowe. The remains of Dracula then surged large amounts of dark energy into Barlowe, which he was able to use to resurrect Dracula at the cost of his own life. After Barlowe sacrificed his life force to the bodily remains, the Dark Lord and his castle returned yet again. Shanoa infiltrated Castlevania and made her way to the Throne Room where Dracula ruled over his castle and subjects. Initially, Dracula thought that Shanoa was the one that brought him back and asked her if she wished for eternal life or a place at his side in return for her service. Shanoa told the Count that she had in fact gone there to destroy him. Dracula was amused by her response and welcomed her challenge, telling her that he had not danced in a while. Shanoa's own power was not enough to destroy Dracula, but when she used the Dominus Glyphs that she was hosting, to the Count's surprise; she was able to defeat Dracula with his own power, sending him to his death. Dracula would be resurrected sometime later by unknown means, only to be killed by a distant relative of the Belmont Clan, Quincy Morris in 1897. Before being killed, however, he nonetheless managed to mortally wound Morris in the process. Quincy's son, John Morris, confronted Dracula during World War I, alongside Eric Lecarde when Dracula was resurrected through the efforts of his niece, Elizabeth Bartley and her accomplice, Drolta Tzuentes. Elizabeth had the Crown Prince of Austria assassinated, which resulted in war breaking out across the world. She planned to use the souls of the millions that died as a result of the Great War to revive her uncle. The resurrection rite took the two women all across Europe and they were chased every step of the way by two vampire hunters - John Morris, the son of Quincy Morris who carried the Belmont Clan's Vampire Killer and Eric Lecarde, a revenge-seeking Spaniard whose girlfriend was vampirized by Elizabeth. The hunt came to ahead at Elizabeth's castle in England, where she and Drolta succeeded in resurrecting Dracula. The reawakening of the Dark Lord was short-lived, however, as John and Eric scaled the castle and killed Elizabeth, Drolta, and Dracula himself. Even though Dracula was slain, John paid the ultimate price as well and died from his dependency on the Vampire Killer. Since he was not of the Belmont Clan, using the whip too much came at the cost of his life. In 1944, Dracula was revived again by the vampire Brauner and as a result of the unprecedented state of despair, the world was in during World War II. Brauner, having lost his daughters in the first World War, sought revenge on humanity and planned on using Dracula's power as a means to that. Brauner immediately sealed Dracula away, as he only desired Castlevania's power and legions of monsters for himself and had no intention of serving the Count. Brauner used paintings he made that were inundated with magic to secure his control of the castle. Jonathan Morris, the son of John Morris and the keeper of the Vampire Killer and his partner, a magician named Charlotte Aulin, were dispatched by the Church to investigate the castle and the possible resurrection of Count Dracula. Through Charlotte's understanding of the paintings' magical composition, the duo was able to enter the paintings and destroy the evil within them, thus weakening Brauner's hold of the castle. Jonathan and Charlotte defeated Brauner, but the vampire was ultimately slain by Death. The death of Brauner relinquished the seal he had used to keep Dracula from returning and with him gone, the Count was resurrected again to assume the lordship of his castle. Dracula, in an unprecedented manner, suggested to Death that they use their combined power and then fought Jonathan and Charlotte in a two-on-two duel, eventually resorting to using Soul Steal on Death via the latter's request in order to transform into his true form and gain an advantage. Nonetheless, Jonathan now had the power to destroy Dracula outright and just as he had brought him to his knees, the first rays of the sun entered through the window, vanquishing the Vampire Lord, although not before the Count mused that he'll someday regain his full power and that he'll see which of them will have the last laugh in response to Jonathan stating that Dracula will never win. The final resurrection of Dracula took place in 1999 when he rose one last time and began a vicious campaign to destroy all of mankind. He conducted a war similar to that from 1476, with a massive army of monsters and demons. He was defeated by Julius Belmont with the aid of Alucard, a Belnades, military forces, and other allies, and his bodily remains were destroyed. Furthermore, a ceremony was conducted by the Hakuba family in which his powers and castle were sealed away inside a solar eclipse in a Shinto ceremony before his demise, thus finally ending Dracula's regeneration cycle and his tie with Chaos, the primal source of his Dark Lord powers and castle. In addition, the Elgos Order member Lucy Westenra later claimed that, while Dracula technically lived on as a figment within grimoires, it was impossible to revive him via the grimoires due to it requiring an unimaginable amount of power to do so (even ignoring the morally reprehensible nature of doing such an act). Even though the cycle of Mathias Cronqvist may have at last ended, the legacy of Dracula continued, as he was reincarnated 18 years later as Soma Cruz.
Nobu Yoshioka was a Japanese businessman with a mysterious agenda. Once an associate of Wilson Fisk's criminal empire, he represented Murakami's faction of the Hand, and shared in the profits of the cartel's criminal activities. When the Fisk's criminal empire was threatened by a mysterious vigilante, Yoshioka took it upon himself to kill the man. During his battle with the masked man, Yoshioka was nearly victorious, before he was outwitted and then burned alive. Yoshioka was resurrected a few months later, and he attacked New York City with his loyal Hand followers. With them, Yoshioka attempted to convince Elektra to join the Hand and embrace her destiny as the Black Sky. When that failed, Yoshioka attempted to destroy Elektra's ally, Daredevil, but Elektra sacrificed herself for Daredevil and she was killed instead by Yoshioka's own sword. During his final battle, Yoshioka was ultimately defeated by Daredevil and killed by Stick, who decapitated Yoshioka.
Alternatively, Batman also wears a powered exoskeletal version of the Batsuit. It is far more durable than the original version, being made of seemingly some sort of metal. The eyes glow with a light bluish hue, therefore being visible in low light, unlike the Original suit. The suit's armor and mechanisms are able to heavily increase effort, exertion and resilience to superhuman capabilities, making it useful in combat against opponents as powerful as Superman himself
This is the Amalgam Universe combination of a Guardians of the Universe (DC)and Uatu the Watcher (Marvel). Uatu the Guardian is a member of one of the oldest races of beings in the universe, dating back to its origins. They posses vast cosmic powers, but have taken a vow not to intervene with the dealings of the universe. It is possible that these Guardians have some connection to the hero Iron Lantern, or Oa, the Living Planet. It is also possible that there exists a rebel Guardian who works in conflict with the others, just as DC's Guardians have one rogue, Krona, and Marvel's Watchers have the rogue Watcher Aron. Uatu is also responsible for framing Hal Jordan for killing Sinestro, a fellow member of the Starbrand Corps. While the Corps searched for Hal, Uatu killed the other members one by one, leaving Hal the last. But when he tried to kill Hal, he was met by the Speed Demon, who seemingly destroyed him for his crimes. Uatu survives and later claims to have regained his sanity. It is Uatu who warns the Challengers of the Fantastic of the coming of Galactiac to Earth, thus breaking his vow of non-interference. Uatu sent one of Johnny 'Red' Storm's stormtrooper clones inside of Galactiac that was controlled with Johnny's mind. From the inside, Galactiac was defeated.
Kal-El was born as the son of Lara and Jor-El of the planet Krypton in the Pre-Crisis universe designated as Earth-Prime. When Kal-El was still a toddler, his scientist father made a grave discovery. Jor-El learned that a massive solar flare from Krypton's red sun threatened to engulf their home world, ultimately destroying it. Jor-El brought his concerns to the Kryptonian Science Council, but rather than offer solutions, they politicized the pending travesty and locked themselves in committee. In the meantime, Jor-El labored to find a way to save the people of Krypton. Working alongside his scientist wife, Lara, they developed a technology which would enable them to teleport samples of living tissue (weighing less than fifty pounds) across intergalactic distances. He presented his transportation device to the science council, but it was too late. Krypton was already beginning to suffer from the effects of the intense solar radiation. As Krypton shook in its death-throes, Jor-El placed his son inside of the teleportation device and transported him across the universe. Kal-El rematerialized on the planet Earth. In a New England seacoast town, Jerry and Naomi Kent were hiking through the forests when they discovered the abandoned toddler. They decided to adopt him and raise him as their own. Naomi chose to name him Clark, despite the fact that Clark Kent was the name of a popular comic book hero known as Superman. Unlike his namesake however, Clark Kent grew up without the benefit of super-powers. His classmates at school would tease him and refer to him as Superboy. However, Clark took the ribbing in stride and soon cultivated a small circle of friends. As Clark grew older, he became romantically involved with a fellow student named Laurie Lemmon. One evening, Clark, Laurie and several other friends decided to attend a costumed beach party. Being of good humor, Clark donned a Superboy costume similar to that worn by the fictional comic book hero. They drove down to Hampton Beach and sat by the ocean waiting to catch sight of Halley�s Comet. Suddenly, a tremendous tidal wave rose up on the beachhead threatening to flood the small hamlet. At that same moment, a cosmic vortex opened up above them discharging the Earth-One super-hero known as Superman. At that critical moment, a bizarre transformation took hold of Clark. The physical characteristics of his Kryptonian heritage manifested for the first time and he discovered that he was gifted with flight and super-strength. Superman quickly introduced himself to his younger alternate Earth counterpart, but there was little time for pleasantries. Superman gave Superboy a crash course in the use of his powers and together, they were able to divert the course of the deadly tidal wave. With the immediate disaster abated, the newly crowned Superboy aided Superman in returning him to his proper world. He followed Superman through the cosmic vortex to Earth-One. Little did Superboy realize that he would never again see his adopted world. The Multiversal catastrophe known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths began as a deadly wave of anti-matter consumed parallel dimensions. Superboy aided heroes from hundreds of different worlds, but none of them were able to save the Earth of his home dimension from destruction. The Crisis finally culminated with the destruction of the Multiverse. In its place existed a solitary static universe with only one version of the planet Earth. Superboy-Prime remained as the sole survivor of not only his birth world, but his adopted world as well. He united with an aging version of Superman from the late Earth-Two as well as his wife, Lois Lane-Kent. Along with Alexander Luthor, Jr. of Earth-Three, they traveled into the Antimatter Universe and forged a quiet, peaceful existence for themselves in a paradise realm. Over time, as the four of them watched the history of the New Earth reality unfold, Superboy-Prime became frustrated and angry, homesick and wishing to return to the life he had. He consoled himself by watching images of his ninth birthday and grew horrified every time it would focus back on the Crisis. Alexander would notice that and decided to manipulate him to his needs. On two separate occasions, Superboy-Prime's anger got the best of him and he shattered the wall with his fists, the punch altering reality as it did. Upon deciding to join Alexander in his quest to bring about the perfect Earth, Alex empowered him with his Anti-Matter powers using it to break free. He was spotted by Blue Beetle, but Prime ignored him. In quick succession, Superboy-Prime obtained the Eclipso diamond to be obtained by Jean Loring, altered the location of Thanagar, initiating the Rann-Thanagar War and attacking and capturing J'onn J'onzz, destroying the Watchtower. When Alexander convinced Kal-L to leave their paradise reality, Prime was already with them, no one the wiser over what he had done. Soon after being freed, Prime was there to greet Power Girl after she was reunited with her cousin. However, when she discovered Alex's tower, Prime struck her down to be used for it. He then flew to Smallville, Kansas where he encountered the Superboy of this reality. He chastised the clone Superboy and accused him of being unworthy of the title of Superboy. The two fought one another and their epic battle raged across the state, eventually culminating in Keystone City. Members of the Doom Patrol, the Justice Society, and the Teen Titans arrived to lend a hand, but the power-mad Superboy-Prime thwarted even their efforts. He brutally attacked the heroes, killing several including Pantha, Bushido and Wildebeest. Jay Garrick, Wally West, and Bart Allen, grabbed Superboy-Prime and used their combined super-speed to propel him into the kinetic dimension known as the Speed Force. However, Superboy-Prime escaped from his imprisonment and built a battle-suit based on the Anti-Monitor's armor that constantly supplied his body with yellow sunlight. Superboy-Prime arrived at Alexander Luthor's tower to battle with Nightwing, Superboy, and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark). The heroes succeeded in releasing the metahumans powering the machine. After a brief fight, Conner grabbed Superboy-Prime and flew into the tower destroying it. However, Superboy-Prime would be unfazed by the attack, escaping as Conner was killed by the rubble. Superboy-Prime then was seen at the Battle of Metropolis, killing both heroes and villains with ease. He continued his killing spree until he was met with resistance by Bart Allen in his grandfather's uniform. He was pulverized by Bart, but then left Earth to destroy Oa in an attempt to cause another Big Bang and reform the current universe hopefully closer to his original Earth-Prime reality. On the way to ignite this universal rebirth, Superboy-Prime killed 32 Green Lanterns. Then, while battling the Green Lantern Corps, Kal-L and Kal-El forced Superboy-Prime through Krypton's red sun to depower the vastly overpowered youth to levels where the elder Supermen could handle him directly. The three crash-landed on the Green Lantern planet Mogo, where they continued to fight. Kal-L's power levels were intact, but was still no match for even the power fading levels of Superboy-Prime, who was able to literally beat Kal-L to death with his bare fists and was able to fight against the New Earth adult Kal-El, whose own superpower levels had completely faded. But the time and effort Superboy-Prime used to attack Kal-L (whose strength and endurance was still superhuman) was enough to completely drain off Superboy-Prime's own power level to where the fully adult New Earth Superman was able to beat the still only teenage Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime was then taken into the custody of the Green Lantern Corps. Too powerful to be placed in a regular Sciencell on Oa, the Guardians of the Universe imprisoned him inside a Sciencell near what is alternately described as a red sun or a Red Sun-Eater, constantly being guarded by fifty Green Lanterns. Members of the Corps were often assigned to "Prime Duty" as punishment. While in prison, Superboy-Prime carved a bloody "S" on his chest using his fingernail, saying that he had always found a way out (referring, presumably, to his escape from the Speed Force and his future prison). Superboy-Prime was freed, along with the Cyborg Superman, by a strike force of Sinestro Corps members who turned the red sun to yellow, presumably thereby restoring his powers. Superboy-Prime was brought to Qward, where he was made into a herald of the Anti-Monitor, along with Cyborg Superman, Sinestro and the Parallax-possessed Kyle Rayner. [1] Now calling himself Superman-Prime, Prime joined in the battle to attack most of the major heroes of Earth as part of the strike force of the Sinestro Corps. And again, due to the massive power difference between himself and the others, Prime was able to cut a path of destruction throughout the known universe, once again successfully defeating Kal-El of New Earth, but this time with Power Girl and Supergirl all at the same time with them charged up as well, ending the debate of who was the most powerful of the Supermen as well as many other high powered heroes in his role as the herald of the Anti-Monitor. However, Prime showed that his main goals are to gain his revenge on the Anti-Monitor (who Superboy-Prime had accidentally revived during Infinite Crisis) and somehow recover his lost universe, or at least the recognition as the so-called "real" Superman over weaker incarnations such as the adult Kal-El of New Earth. Towards the end of the Sinestro Corps War, Prime was confronted by the Guardians of the Universe, who introduced the new Ion, the Daxamite Sodam Yat. Prime and Sodam Yat battle each other in a brutal and fierce fight. It is clear that Prime is clearly more powerful than Yat, though Yat refuses to yield in any way. When the battle is taken inside a nuclear power plant (with its walls lined with lead), Ion is obviously weakened by lead poisoning to the point that he can not even really fight back against Prime. Prime spears Ion with several lead rods, then beats him unconscious and leaves Yat for dead until the Guardians prevent him from actually killing Yat. Later on, during the final battle between the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps, the Anti-Monitor is severely injured when the Green Lanterns throw Warworld at him and the Cyborg Superman like a grenade. Prime takes this opportunity to turn on him and throws the Anti-Monitor into deep space. Prime is then attacked by both Corps and kills several members from both sides. Before any more lives can be lost, one of the Guardians uses himself as a living bomb and detonates himself to kill Prime. The explosion does not kill Prime, but merely transports him into the Multiverse. An unexpected result of the transport was that Prime's atoms are infused with a large portion of the Guardian's own energies that the Guardian thought would destroy Prime. The infusion of the Guardian's energy as part of his energy absorption and processing ability restructures his body to now appear as a fully adult man rather than his actual age of only 19. During Countdown, the now adult-looking Superman-Prime has started a murderous rampage against all of his other dimensional counterparts and their supporters while searching for Earth-Prime. Superman-Prime was shown killing the Superman of the Earth-15 dimension and his wife and unborn child. After killing that world's Justice League, Superman-Prime destroys Earth-15. Returning to his new base of operations, the Source Wall, Superman-Prime is shown torturing Mr. Mxyzptlk and Annataz Arataz of Earth-3 to recreate Earth-Prime using his super-science/magic abilities or at least show him its location in the Multiverse. During his torture, Mxyzptlk reveals to Superman-Prime that his aging to adulthood was from him absorbing the cosmic Oan powers of the Guardian that blew himself up to kill him during the Sinestro Corps War. He also tells Superman-Prime that the cosmic energies will wear off very soon, and then he will turn back into a boy. After he escapes, Prime is angered and gives up on the use of magic to achieve his goals. After finding out about the so-called perfect universe which he thinks is his original source universe, Superman-Prime heads off to the Monitor's satellite headquarters, threatening the brutal Earth-8 Monitor Solomon to help him find this recreated Earth-Prime. Superman-Prime demands to know where this "perfect universe" is. Seeking to manipulate the infinite powered Superman-Prime to defeat the Monitors' forces against those of Monarch for the Monitors, Solomon sends Superman-Prime to Earth-51. As Solomon predetermined, the successfully manipulated Superman-Prime flies to the battlefield to challenge Monarch, in order to keep him from destroying Earth-51. Superman-Prime goes into a rage and attacks Monarch, with his cosmic powers seemingly beginning to dissipate. Prime then tears off the chestplate of Monarch's containment armor. The energies inside Monarch's armor are released, resulting in an explosion of quantum energy so massive, it destroys the entire contents of the Earth-51 universe. Prime had been lost in the timestream following his final encounter with Monarch. The Time Trapper brought Superboy-Prime to the 31st century in his never ending scheme to destroy the Legion of Super-Heroes. He crashes into the 31st Century a little bit outside of Smallville. His stolen Oan energy at this point had faded, reverting him to his actual young age, as well as returning his power to their previous levels, which was what Mr. Mxyzptlk had foretold. Upon arriving, he is encountered by a old farming couple, who thinks he's Superboy, which makes him extremely mad. He considers himself a man, not a boy, and kills the couple. When he flies to Smallville, he comes upon the Superman Museum, further fomenting his fury at how beloved Superman is in the future. He then becomes even more enraged when he sees the hall of villains, only to find out that he is not even considered a villain of Superman's, but no more then a nuisance and his statue is kept in storage. Furthermore, history retells that he was defeated by Conner Kent and Sodam Yat, totally contrary to what really happened. He proceeds to wreck the entire museum and kill whatever security or police officers he comes across. The Museum tour guide (a holographic recreation of Jimmy Olsen) then tells Superboy-Prime of the Legion of Super-Villains. When Superboy-Prime learned that the Legion of Super-Villains followed a code of evil, inspired by a dark being whose "name was never spoken," he got the idea to be the greatest villain Superman had ever faced. Superboy-Prime then went to the prison planet Takron-Galtos and freed the imprisoned Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, and Cosmic King. When they see Superboy-Prime, they immediately know him and hail him as the inspiration of the LSV's evil code, making him the dark being in question. He then burns an S shield into the planet, that can be seen from space. When the Legion of Super-Heroes learns of the prison break, they decide they need to bring Superman from the 21st Century. Superman and Brainiac 5 decide to bring in two other versions of the Legion to combat the Legion of Super-Villains. Superman believes the only way to stop the carnage is to try to redeem Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime later makes his way to Sorcerer's World where he recruits Mordru to his Legion and kills the "last" active Green Lantern, Rond Vidar. Legion members Mon-El and Shadow Lass follow Vidar's ring back to Oa and find that Sodam Yat is still alive and had been monitoring the last Green Lanterns. They convinced him to battle Superboy-Prime once again. With Yat, Superman, and the Legions of two other dimensions as reinforcements, the Legion was able to turn around the battle with the combine forces of all their major villains in Metropolis. Superboy-Prime burned a hole through Superman's hand and broke through Yat's ring construct just in time to be informed that there was something happening at Legion headquarters. At the headquarters, three Brainiac 5s, Lightning Lads, Lightning Lasses (one of whom is actually Light Lass), and XS, using a combination of living lightning and a Cosmic Treadmill, bring the young version of Bart Allen out of the Speed Force. Superboy-Prime is seemingly distraught at the thought of Bart's return, since he is the only person that was able to defeat him twice. Not long after fighting Kid Flash, Element Lad arrives and and turns the surrounding debris into Kryptonite, which actually causes harm to Superboy-Prime, but he then kills Element Lad by throwing a piece of Kryptonite right through him. Cosmic King then turns the Kryptonite in Superboy-Prime's body into yellow sunlight. When the LSH head to the North Pole to regroup, Superboy-Prime and the LSV follow them to the Fortress of Solitude. He attacks the three Brainiac 5's and cuts off Polar Boy's ice hand. Wildfire then uses his powers to fuel a Kryptonian regeneration chrysalis inside the Fortress. From the chrysalis emerges a resurrected Conner Kent, a.k.a. Superboy, his corpse having been placed in the chrysalis by the LSH when they time-traveled to the 21st century as part of Brainiac 5's plan to recall Superboy-Prime's greatest enemies to the future to stop him. Superboy and Superboy-Prime clash with the rest of the Legion joining in. During the latest battle with the Time Trapper, Superman pulled off the Time Trapper's hood to reveal an aged Superboy-Prime as the Time Trapper's real identity. As the Legion continue their battles, the Time Trapper reveals that he knows the outcome of the battle, claiming that the Legion loses on this day. But, as the battle rages, Conner inflicts a wound on Superboy-Prime's body, burning a scar across his S-Shield-scarred chest and inflicting it upon the Time Trapper. Realizing that time, and thus his own body, is fluid, Superman, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad defeat the Time Trapper and drag him to the battlefield where the two Primes meet. The Time Trapper attempts to recruit Prime in destroying the Legion, but Prime, whose arrogance means that he is unable to accept that he will become someone like the Time Trapper, attacks the being, causing a time paradox that apparently wipes both of them from existence. Instead, Superboy-Prime is flung back to a recreated version of Earth-Prime and reunited with his family and girlfriend. Instead of being greeted with open arms, Laurie runs away, horrified at Superboy-Prime and his father confronts him over what he did. Prime learns that his parents and everyone else had read what he did in Infinite Crisis, the Sinestro Corps War, Countdown and Legion of 3 Worlds. His adoptive parents, now afraid of him, allow Superboy-Prime to remain at their home, fearful of what he may do. Superboy-Prime is last shown with his eyes powering up in his parents basement, trolling the various DC Comics message boards, trying to prove his greatness and vowing that he will find someway to return to his former power and threat levels once again as he has shown he is committed to being the most powerful villain ever. In Adventure Comics (vol. 2) #4, Superboy-Prime is seen again, still reading comics in his basement, trying to keep up with everything in the other worlds. When he learns of his fate at the end of this issue, he panics and demands his parents take him to the comic store, the Legion watching as he does. As they get there, Naomi reveals that she's afraid of him, but he brushes it off. In the comic store, he demands to know where Adventure Comics (vol. 2) #5 is, but the comic store cashier tells him that issue #4 just came out. He then tells him to look up possible spoilers on the Internet. As he does, Alexander Luthor appears, now a Black Lantern, killing the cashier and a customer. He confronts Superboy-Prime, wanting his heart. Superboy-Prime stops him briefly, knowing that this isn't the real Alexander Luthor. Luthor, in turn, grants Prime back his armor, returning him back to Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime goes on the attack, but Alexander continues to taunt Prime, telling him that he's nothing more than a cosmic inside joke. Prime is then weakened and struck down by other forces. Looking up, Prime discovers Black Lantern versions of those he killed, including Element Lad, Charaxas and Bushido, with Alexander telling Prime that he will die in the next issue. The next issue, Superboy-Prime is seen having taken the battle from his hometown to Manhattan, where he crashes through the DC Comics headquarters, where he decides that, if he's going to die, he's taking the writers and plotters who made his life that way. Before he can, though, Black Lantern Alexander Luthor arrives and pulls Prime away, taking him back to his room. There, Alex taunts him over losing Laurie as the other Black Lanterns beat him down and tear away his armor. Realizing he can't win, he catches a Black Lantern Ring and puts it on, the ring commanding him to die. As he becomes Black Lantern Superboy-Prime (realizing Alex's cryptic statement at the end of the final issue), the ring cycles through the Emotional Spectrum: willpower due to his deluded demand for respect, compassion for regretting what he did to Laurie, avarice for wanting everyone to love him, fear of those he wants admired, and stopping at rage for hating himself for what had become, transforming into Red Lantern Superboy-Prime. He goes into the offensive, attacking Alex over his attacks. At the very end, the ring asks him who does he love. He calls out that he loves Laurie, transforming him into the Star Sapphire Superboy-Prime with the last of his strength. As he passes out, the Black Lantern Ring shatters, unleashing the white light and eradicating the Black Lanterns. In the end, he admits that he hates what he has become and all he wants now is just his happy ending. As if someone was listening, Laurie appears, her arm in a sling (meaning that the horrible thing Superboy-Prime did to her lead to her having broken her arm). She tells him that they (possibly the writers) have heard his pleas and sent her to tell him that they're going to start leaving him alone. Unbeknown to him, she's also wearing a Black Lantern Ring, but this one sparkling with hope, the last of the emotions that Prime wasn't asked about.
Scientist Peyton Westlake is developing a new type of synthetic skin to aid burn victims. He is frustrated with a flaw in the "skin", which causes it to rapidly disintegrate after being exposed to light for 99 minutes; however, it remains intact in darkness. Despite his devotion to the project, he cannot get past this limitation. Westlake's girlfriend, attorney Julie Hastings, comes upon an incriminating document proving that corrupt developer Louis Strack Jr. and mobster Robert G. Durant have given bribes to members of the zoning commission. In search of the document, Durant and his minions attack and injure Westlake, retrieve the document, then blow up his lab. The blast throws Westlake clear of the lab; he survives but is hideously burned. He is brought to a hospital and subjected to a radical treatment in which the nerves to the pain centers of his brain are destroyed. Removing this sensory input gives him increased strength due to adrenal overload and keeps his injuries from incapacitating him, but it also destabilizes his moods and mental state. Westlake escapes the hospital and sets out to get revenge on Strack and Durant. He also seeks to re-establish his relationship with Hastings. To hide his scarring and blend into crowds, Westlake rebuilds enough of his equipment to make his synthetic skin, but is still unable to overcome the 99-minute window of integrity. Thus, he can only appear briefly in public as himself (or later as others, whose features he is able to duplicate) in daylight, and otherwise wears bandages and a trenchcoat in his identity as Darkman. He is able to make masks in advance and store them for long periods by keeping them from light sources. He takes the opportunity to observe important people, such as the henchmen of his enemies, so he can masquerade as them. There are at least two scenes in which the Westlake/Darkman personas have obviously become so closely intertwined that it becomes an exercise in futility to differentiate between the "facade" and the supposedly "real" personality of the title character. One of these involves a flash of berserker rage that "Westlake" experiences over a trivial insult at a carnival booth. The other involves "Darkman" very calmly, almost sadly, informing a villain that "I've learned to live with a lot of things" just before dropping him from atop an office building construction project. Westlake eventually succeeds in destroying his enemies but is unable to return to his old life and thus continues his existence as Darkman.
Britt Reid is the only child of crusading Chicago newspaper owner Daniel Reid. During the Roaring Twenties (and presumably before), Daniel Reid had his Daily Sentinel relentlessly expose the Chicago mob and corruption. To him, that was the mission of a journalist.An amateur entomologist, Daniel Reid kept a number of pinned insects under glass. This collection included one scary (fictional) specimen of vespa viridis. These green hornets, found in Kenya, are exceptionally deadly. The specimen impressed Britt during his boyhood.Daniel always assumed that Britt would succeed him. He did not quite see that Britt was more inclined toward athleticism and travel. Trying to please his father, Britt nevertheless became the editor-in-chief of his high school’s newspaper, the West lake Herald. However, in 1934 he rebelled. Britt packed his bag and decided that what he wanted to do was see the world rather than work at the Daily Sentinel right after graduating as his father intended. His father was nevertheless supportive, seeing his mistake. He set up a trust fund to pay for his son’s travels, as rich people do. The younger Reid spent 1935 and part of 1934 travelling in Europe. There, he witnessed with dismay the rise of Nazism and Fascism. In 1936 he was in Africa. In undocumented circumstances he tried to launch a newspaper in Magadi, Kenya (south of Nairobi).Things went wrong. Reid’s employee, a man named Adisa, was killed as they fled from local paramilitaries. Reid only survived as he spotted a nest of green hornets, recognising them from his father’s study. He provoked them into killing his pursuers.Reid fled Kenya in August, sailing to Japan then China.Witnessing the horrors of the Rape of Nanking , Reid was looking for a way out. This is how he ran into a Japanese deserter who had been sabotaging the efforts of his countrymen. Though highly skilled, the renegade had just been caught. Thanks to a convenient power line, Reid saved the man from an ad hoc firing squad, and they fled Nanking together. Hayashi Kato became a close friend and ally. Having lost his country to the early Shōwa Era , Kato accompanied Britt all the way back to the US. Reid passed himself for Hayashi’s manservant as they were on a Japanese merchant boat, then fed US customs a story about foreign students.n San Francisco, the careless Reid was attacked by a street gang who had overheard about his trust fund. In the ensuing scuffle, he discovered Hayashi’s amazing martial skills. Though Hayashi was somewhat ashamed of this display of violence, Reid asked if he could be taught to fight this way. He wouldn’t even wait to arrive to Chicago, and had Kato start teaching him whilst still on the train.However, Britt arrived the day after his father died. As he mourned, Britt learned that he had inherited the Daily Sentinel as his father had always intended. He resolved to continue his father’s fight against the mob and corruption. He would particularly target mob boss “Skid” Caruso, who had practically taken control of the town. However, it was trivial for Caruso to threaten the families of the Daily Sentinel staff. After attempting to expose the mob Reid found himself with his hands tied. (In the real world, Frank “the Enforcer” Nitti was still the boss of the Chicago Outfit during these years. In the Green Hornet’s world Nitti fell in unrevealed circumstances and was replaced by Caruso.) Kato suggested covert action, striking from the shadows – and the use of masks to avoid reprisals. After Hayashi showed him what a ninja can do, Reid was convinced. Britt trained for seven more months with Kato in the basics of ninjutsu and the martial arts. He also continued to assemble assets for a shadow war against the Chicago mobs.A key recruitment was mechanical engineer “Rusty” Schmidt. He was an older German-American who used to run the presses for Daniel Reid. Rusty’s daughter had been killed by a mob gunman, and his very affected wife died soon after. Rusty himself was sinking into alcoholism when Reid recruited him for his shadow war against the mob.A capable inventor with superior practical sense, Schmidt designed the likes of the Green Hornet’s “stinger” gun and the Black Beauty supercar. He also provided excellent advice about logistical matters.Following his advice Reid sold his father’s house, where he had grown up, to buy an apartment building facing a warehouse. The warehouse had been used by the Underground Railroad , and was thus ideal for conversion into a secret base. A secret elevator was installed in Reid’s new apartments. It allowed him and Hayashi to quickly reach a tunnel leading to the warehouse. Once there they could switch to costumes and exit discreetly in their car via hidden doors and a blind alley. Schmidt eventually ran into technical difficulties to build some gadgets – being primarily a mechanical engineering man.But Kato teamed up with him and brought his more recent and general scientific knowledge to the table.Soon, the Green Hornet and his chauffeur were ready for action !
A teenage girl with an interest in magick, Lori lost her mother to a drug overdose. She then discovered that she has immense magical power, being able to borrow abilities from other magic users – she has demonstrated abilities associated with Doctor Fate, Zatanna and the Marvel Family. Over the following two months, she tracked down and killed half a dozen drug dealers, hoping that one of them might be the one who supplied the drugs that killed her mother. Oracle got wind of this and sent Black Canary and Huntress in to her town – Dayton, Ohio – to investigate. They confronted Lori, now calling herself Black Alice, preventing her from killing another three drug dealers. She was then taken into the care of Doctor Fate, who was to help her learn how to use her abilities properly. However, Doctor Fate died soon after this, and Black Alice found herself alone, and suddenly drawn into a battle against the Spectre. More recently, various evil magic-users have tried to sway her into working with them.
When Ororo was growing up, she became a member of the X-Men. She became one of the teachers at Xavier's Institute.
Nothing is known about the Vanisher's past before he embarked on a one-man crime wave of spectacular thefts using his power of self-teleportation. Thanks to his remarkable successes, the Vanisher quickly assembled a criminal organization under his leadership. In his greatest coup the Vanisher stole top-secret American defence plans and demanded ten million dollars for their return. Confident that no one could capture him, the Vanisher showed up on the White House lawn accompanied by his men to claim the ransom money. Professor Charles Xavier was present and used his psychic powers to give the Vanisher amnesia. Unaware of his own powers, the Vanisher was easily captured and the defence plans were safely returned to the government. Eventually, the Vanisher's memory returned and he escaped from prison. He then joined Factor Three, an organization of superhuman mutants intent on world domination. However, the X-Men thwarted Factor Three's efforts to bring about a nuclear holocaust . When Factor Three's leader, the Mutant Master, was exposed as an extraterrestrial, the Vanisher and other members of Factor Three teamed up with the X-Men in defeating him. Later, seemingly tiring of high profile crimes, the Vanisher organized a small band of adolescent thieves, a number of whom had superhuman powers, called the Fallen Angels. Apparently the Fallen Angels eventually disbanded. For a time, the Vanisher was a dealer of drug Mutant Growth Hormone. More recently, the Vanisher fell under the mental domination of the Darkling, a superhuman who controlled forces from the Darkforce Dimension, the realm through which the Vanisher apparently travels when he teleports. With the Darkling's defeat the Vanisher regained his free will. He soon joined the Outer Circle of the second criminal team to be known as the Enforcers. The Outer Circle met defeat at the hands of Spider-Man and apparently disbanded. The Vanisher's current whereabouts and activities are unknown.
Jefferson "Jax" Jackson (born September 12, 1993) is a mechanic. After the death of Ronnie Raymond, he took his place as one half of the transmuted and conjoined meta-human called Firestorm alongside Martin Stein. Jax was then recruited by Rip Hunter on a mission to take down Vandal Savage; though Jax was initially unwilling to join the team, Stein, who was desperate to become a time traveler and knew that he couldn't be separated from Jax for long without his powers becoming unstable, drugged him and forced him to come along. Despite joining the team against his will, Jax later grew to like being part of the team, and he began to act as the mechanic of the Waverider as well as a member and the second-in-command of the Legends, a group of people dedicated to protecting the timeline from time criminals. After the death of Martin, Jax takes a leave of absence from the team with their blessing. Five years after leaving the Legends, Jax is happily married and has a daughter, Martina Jackson, named after Martin.
Hinata Uzumakiis a kunoichi and the former heiress of the Hyūga clan. Because of her meek disposition, her father doubted that she was suited for the responsibilities of leading the clan, much less life as a ninja, leading him to disinherit her. Nonetheless, Hinata persevered and from observation of Naruto Uzumaki especially, Hinata found both an example to follow to be more assertive, and a person to love. Through her membership with Team 8, she sought to become strong enough to change herself, if even a little at a time. A few years after the war, Hinata married Naruto and eventually had two children with him.
Donna Troy, alias Wonder Girl was created to be a playmate for the young Wonder Woman by the sorceress Magala, who used a magical mirror to create a duplicate of Diana, though with her own personality. She was abducted by Dark Angel who mistook her for the real Diana, and cursed her to experience a cycle of countless tragic lives, given the name Donna Troy as a cruel joke to her origins. But it would not be until the intervention of Wonder Woman, Hippolyta, and the Flash years later that she would learn this.
Floyd Lawton, also know as Deadshot, is the “man who never misses” - an assassin with an almost superhuman marksmanship skill. His villainous activities against Batman quickly landed him a spot on the Suicide Squad, where he soon became one of there most effective and notorious members. According to Deadshot himself, as a child, he lived with his mother, father, and sister. His family was in a constant struggle and was very poor. One night, when his father was informing his mother the good news that he had gotten a job, the two were gunned down by bullets coming from the next room. Along his parents, Floyd’s sister was also killed in the hail of gunfire. After this, Floyd discovered a gun in the next room and began teaching himself to use it. He would eventually become a very skilled marksman and use his skills as a gun for hire. However, Deadshot’s public origin story actually belonged to Will Evans, a man Lawton shared a prison cell with while serving time. In actuality Floyd’s family was quite wealthy, with an estate outside Gotham. Their public image hid the fact that his father, George was an abusive drunk. His mother, Genevieve, suffered many beatings from George and took her frustration out on Floyd and his brother Eddie. Despite this, Eddie was a great son, good natured and athletic, often taking beatings meant for Floyd. Eventually, Genevieve had had enough and encouraged Floyd to shoot his father. Young Floyd scaled a tree and took aim at his father. His nervousness caused him to flinch. The shot missed his father but hit Eddie between the eyes, killing him. Floyd made two promises to himself that night, one never to miss again, two kill his father the next time he saw him. After years of training, Lawton became so skilled with shooting, he became Deadshot.
Jim is a failed artist turned police sketch artist who feels he hasn't contributed to the world. While crazy in love with his wife and children, he can't help but feel that the family is growing apart, losing each other in the everyday activities of a busy household. Jim also struggles with his wife's success. While happy for her, her victories in the world of bio-medical research have only shown him more and more how less significant his contributions to the world are. That is, until something extraordinary happens. After the crash in Belem, Jim finds himself with new abilities, a super strength that rivals any superhero. Excited about the possibilities his new powers have given him, Jim begins to explore what it means to be a superhero in today's society. Aided by his best friend George, Jim must balance the needs of his family and those of the world, all while learning to harness his own power.
During the Serpentine Wars, Acidicus and the other Serpentine attacked Jamanakai Village, though were fended off by the Elemental Alliance. The Anacondrai soon arrived and before long, Acidicus announced to Arcturus that they had taken the village. Near the end of the war, Acidicus and the other Venomari had taken a handful of civilians hostage in the Toxic Bogs. It was there that the Maya found them and used a Sacred Flute to lock him and the other Venomari in their tomb.
N'Jadaka, also known as Erik Stevens, was a former Navy SEAL soldier of Wakandan origin through his father, Prince N'Jobu. His savagery while serving in the US military black-ops unit, earned him the nickname Killmonger. Years after, T'Chaka had killed his father for betraying Wakanda, Killmonger then planned to forcibly dethrone his son and heir T'Challa in order to accomplish his father's plan to seize control of the world using all of Wakanda's Vibranium technology and stop the oppression of people of African descent all across the world. Manipulating and then killing Ulysses Klaue to gain access to their city, Killmonger seemingly killed T'Challa during their ritual combat and took the throne. Just before Killmonger unleashed his plans, the Black Panther returned and challenged Killmonger, eventually defeating and killing him during their final battle.
Captain Planet is formed by combining the powers of the rings of the five Planeteers, which represent the four Classical elements: Earth (wielded by Kwame), Fire (Wheeler), Wind (Linka), Water (Gi) - and the additional power of Heart (Ma-Ti) All of these people represent a major ethnicity and each one of them comes from a different continent. Upon his formation, he proclaims, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!" Captain Planet is the combined and magnified powers of all five of the Planeteers' rings, and stands for all that is good and environmentally-friendly. The Captain is sky-blue skinned, with a grass-green mullet and eyebrows. He wears red shorts, a half-shirt and gauntlets with matching red knee-high boots. His body is composed mainly of a crystal compound. Captain Planet has a very impressive array of powers: he can fly, has great strength (enough to throw a small asteroid from Earth all the way to Jupiter), the ability to blow hurricane-force winds, telepathy, telekinesis, shapeshifting, matter transmutation, and virtually any other super-power required by the circumstances currently facing him, which, in fact was one of the criticisms against the show (for example, in one episode, it is revealed that Captain Planet has the ability to execute computer programming commands normally associated with anti-virus software). Much like Superman and his kryptonite, however, Captain Planet also possesses weaknesses to pollution, radiation, toxic waste, smog, etc. In one episode, when he meets The Führer, a character based on Hitler, he says that hatred is as polluting anything other pollutant. The powers of the Planeteers' rings are also diminished by excessive pollution in the environment around them. He, like Gaia, is also bound to the physical realm of Earth. While capable of flying into space, his powers -- and even his very existence -- begin to fade the farther away he travels from the planet. Conversely, Captain Planet is often healed from the damage he sustains from pollution by absorbing solar energy, water, or other natural elements. Sometimes, he can intimidate his enemies with insults, as he did with Captain Pollution in one episode. Captain Planet is an ancient entity, who has served with Gaia for many centuries. While his appearance and certain mannerisms are taken directly from the minds of the Planeteers, he is a sentient being, with his own will. He is also quite aware of current events, even those that occur when he is not active. His modern-day superhero attire and name seem to stem from the modern world, as even Gaia does not give his name in the beginning. Captain Planet possesses a wry sense of humor and has been known to crack jokes and use puns at times as well. Though powerful, as in the first episode, when Rigger tries to drill him with a diamond tip drill used for drilling oil, and that only tickled him, he has become depowered at least three times in the series. In one episode, when the powers of Heart and Earth could not return to their rings due to being in outer space; Captain Planet re-forms with only those two rings, effectively leaving him with only the Earth and Heart abilities. In another episode, when Gaia is taken from Hope Island and transformed into a human being, both Captain Planet and the rings lose their powers, leaving Captain Planet powerless and weak as a normal human. In this story, he is also forced to wear an old hat and coat taken from a dumpster to "blend in" while they search for Gaia. Also, in one episode, he seems to have been "killed", as Hoggish Greedly is sucking up trees and Captain Planet had turned part of himself into wood and was holding onto a tree. He is pulled into the shredding machine as the tree is pulled in. Mat-Ti screams about feeling pain and the Planteers try to call Captain Planet back, but nothing happens. Later in the show though, they are able to call him for help, but even then he told them that he was not at full strength like normal.
Massive titans of their brethren created to combat the First Spinjitzu Master, the Overlord led them in combat against his enemy. Eventually circling the First Spinitzu Master, the Giant Stone Warriors were defeated when he split Ninjago into two continents and proceeded to bury them in locations outside of the Stone Army Tomb.
Vicki Vale first appeared in Batman #49 (Oct/Nov 1948). Her role in the story was very similar to that of Lois Lane: she reported on Batman's activities for a newspaper, she was romantically attracted to Batman (and sometimes Bruce Wayne as well), and she repeatedly suspected they were the same person. Often the plot of a story featuring Vicki Vale revolved around her suspicions regarding Batman's identity. Batman would usually manage to fool her into concluding that he was not really Bruce Wayne by the end of the story, but then her suspicions would reemerge in a later story.
Namorita was born in 1958 to Namora, half-human cousin of Atlantis's Prince Namor; unknown to her husband Talan, Namora became pregnant via genetic manipulation by Atlantean scientist Vyrra, who implanted her with her own clone, infused with genes from Atlantis's greatest warriors. Talan died when Namorita was three, and she and Namora relocated to Lemuria. Eventually, Namora grew attracted to Lemuria's ruler, Merro; however, Namora's rival, Llyra, poisoned Namora when Namorita was still a pre-adolescent. Llyra assumed the throne of Lemuria soon after, and Namorita remained in her care, suspecting her of Namora's death but unable to prove it. In recent years, Llyra plotted against Namor and forced Namorita to lure Namor into a trap. Namor foiled their plans and, reunited with the cousin he had not seen since her infancy, he entrusted her welfare to his longtime surface friend, Betty Prentiss. Under Prentiss's guidance, Namorita attended high school and college, and she took Prentiss's last name following her guardian's death. Namorita herself acted as mentor to the alien Wundarr, and when he attained adult intelligence as the Aquarian, she briefly joined his spiritual movement, the Water Children. When the alien menace Terrax surfaced, Namorita and other superhumans defeated him and joined forces as the New Warriors. After some time with the Warriors, Namorita was shocked to learn of her cloned nature. Reassured by Namor, she fell in love with teammate Nova, only to undergo a physical transformation into a more primitive and powerful form of Atlantean. Eventually regaining her original appearance, she and Nova grew apart, and she later dated the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four, although that relationship also ended. At present, she co-rules Atlantis with Namor and the warrior Andromeda. Recently, during a televised raid by the New Warriors of a building in which Cobalt Man, Speedfreak, Coldheart, and Nitro, who had recently escaped from the Raft, resided, Namorita followed after Nitro. Slamming him into a bus, Namorita taunted him, but Nitro screamed he wasn't the kind of loser that she was used to facing and that she was in fact "playing with the big boys now", before letting off a massive explosion that killed Namorita, Night Thrasher, Microbe, Cobalt Man, Speedfreak, Coldheart, all of the children at the nearby elementary school, and all residents in the surrounding neighborhood where the fight took place. Retrieved from "http://www.marvel.com/universe/Namorita"
The origins of the being known as "Evil Deadpool" are tied to Ella Whitby, a British psychiatrist obsessed with the super-human mercenary Deadpool. She collected numerous parts of Deadpool's body that he had lost over the years, and kept them in her freezer. When Deadpool found them, he threw them in a dumpster in disgust. The parts eventually thawed and, since they all had Deadpool's healing factor, fused together into a single person. Evil Deadpool hijacking the private plane of an American businessman and travelled to the United States at the same time the original Deadpool did. The two crossed paths for the first time after the Evil Deadpool blew up Deadpool's favorite chimichanga joint and fought until they ran out of bullets. Both Deadpool agreed for a second round at Canarsie Park. Their second explosive encounter caught the attention of Captain America, who arrived to the scene after Evil Deadpool had escaped. As the real Deadpool fended off Captain America, and tried to convince him of his doppelganger's existence, Evil Deadpool set out to show him what the world really thought of him. To this end, Evil Deadpool went to Mister Negative to find the "greasiest, shadiest, most henious piece of wet work gig," which involved kidnapping the children of New York's chief of police, intending to do the one thing the real Wade would never do, kill a kid. Meanwhile, Deadpool kidnapped a child in the middle of Times Square and threatened to kill him, believing that to be a course of action the Evil Deadpool would take, so threatening to do so would prompt Evil Deadpool to attack Deadpool for stealing his thunder, causing him to leave his plans behind and expose his existence in order to vindicate Deadpool. Naturally, Evil Deadpool expected Deadpool's actions, and didn't take the bait. Evil Deadpool then lured both Deadpool and the NYPD chief to a warehouse at 615 South Street where the kidnapped children were being held. After rescuing the chief's kids and helping them leave with their father, both Deadpool faced-off. Captain America and the NYPD appeared on the scene, after having found the note that had lured the police chief. Right before the police opened fire at Evil Deadpool, a mysterious dart loaded with a serum hit him, and it neutralized his healing factor, causing him to die of the injuries sutained by the bullets. Deadpool desired to know how did his doppelanger manage to die, and used Evil Deadpool's teleporter to escape, taking his corpse with him, which he ultimately abandoned. However, the effects of the serum proved to be simply temporary, causing Evil Deadpool to eventually return from the dead. He was one of the several enemies of the Merc with a Mouth assembled by Interpol agent Allsion Kemp, who wanted to have revenge on Deadpool for idirectly causing her to become tetraplegic nine years earlier. Evil Deadpool surprised the real Wade with his resurgence a few moments after Agent Kempt had given up on her quest for revenge, and shot him. Evil Deadpool's chaotic nature led him to join the Evil Deadpool Corps, a conglomeration of Deadpools led by the Dreadpool of Earth-12101, with the objective of getting of every Deadpool across the Multiverse. Together with other several Deadpools, Evil Deadpool ambushed the base of operations of the good Deadpool Corps and killed most of their members while a handful of them were occupied recruiting Evil Deadpool's counterpart, the main Deadpool. The surviving Deadpools were attacked by Evil Deapdool and his teammates when they returned to the base, engaging in combat long enough to let Galactipool devour the planet they were standing in. Deadpool managed to get the upper hand in a one-on-one fight against Evil Deadpool, and beat him to a pulp, literally. Evil Deadpool eventually regenerated, but he was crushed with Galactipool's head after Lady Deadpool had killed him. Evil Deadpool resurfaced once again, having returned to the base of operations of the Evil Deadpool Corps and witnessed as Deadpool emerged victorious after fighting Dreadpool. At some point in time after returning to his home reality, Evil Deadpool was enlisted by an omniscient Rigellian Recorder to help him achieve a mysterious purpose. The dismantled Recorder was eventually acquired by Deadpool and his Mercs for Money. As part of the Recorder's plan, Evil Deadpool stopped Taskmaster from taking Deadpool down before he could sell the Recorder, which pretended to malfunction. When Deadpool delivered the Recorder to the Ozarks Kingpin, Evil Deadpool took advantage of one of their route breaks and slipped inside their truck's trailer. After Deadpool' reached his destination, Evil Deadpool attacked him and his allies, with the help of the Crazy Gang. He was defeated, but escaped, using as a distraction the explosion Deadpool set off in an attempt at getting rid of the Recorder. Evil Deadpool and the surviving Recorder eventually reunited, and proceeded to plan their next course of action.
Roy was born on July 13, 1991, to Roy Harper, Sr. and an unnamed woman in Starling City. He grew up in The Glades and had a rough life, having to partake in minor criminal acts to survive. Roy racked up a record of robbery, B&E, stealing a car, and several counts of petty theft.He was also arrested for larceny and aggravated assault.
Master Chief was only six years of age when The UNSC government took him and 70 other children for life long training. In his place they left a flash clone to be a placeholder for his parents without them knowing. His first name was John but, was assigned number 117 for the duration of his training. He was determined to be as near to a perfect human being as it is possible to be and so fit to undertake the physical and mental training necessary to become a Spartan II super soldier. Like the other candidates John was strong and swift and brave, but innate luck was what set him out from the other Spartans. This quality was noted by Dr Hallesy at the outset of the selection process and it was because of it that John was chosen to test the new Mjolnir armor that the Spartans were to be issued with. The Spartans were trained under CPO Mendez for a total of eight years. In the first two years they undertook physical ,intellectual and weapons training. When the Spartans where eight years old, they were sent on a training exercise. The Spartans dropped from a pelican dropship over an area of wilderness. Each had one piece of the map leading to their extraction zone. The twist to the exercise was that the last Spartan to make it onto the extraction Pelican would be left behind. John quickly realised that teamwork was the key to the exercise and rallied the other Spartans worked together to complete their mission. This showed that he had learnt from an earlier failure where he had abandoned his team in order to complete the objective. When the Spartans arrived at the vehicle they discovered that it was guarded by men under orders to prevent the Spartans from escaping. Once again John showed his leadership potential and organised the young Spartans to take down the guards and escape. He then ensured that all the others got on the Pelican before him, meaning that he would be left behind rather than any of them. However Hallesy was so impressed by his leadership qualities and willingness to sacrifice all for his team mates that he was not only allowed to come with them but was promoted to squad leader. At the age of 14, Master Chief underwent both physical and cybernetic augmentation (including Carbide ceramic ossification, Muscular enhancement injections, Catalytic thyroid implant, Occipital Capillary reversal, Superconducting fibrification of neural dendrites, and Nural implants). Only 32 of the 70 children in the Spartan program survived the augmentation process Subsequently Master Chief was assigned to a team of Spartans. He grew close to them and they had many successful missions. When the alien race known as the Covenant attacked the Earth homestead of Reach and took massive casualties, Master Chief and his squad became the humanity's last hope. In the first few fights, Master Chief and his fellow Spartans were slowly separated by death. Most notably was John friend Sam, who was forced to stay behind on a Covenant ship to ensure that a bomb detonated after he took a plasma round for the chief and breached his suit. On Reach the Spartans were assembled to undergo a suicidal mission to capture the Covenant Prophets and end the war. Here John was selected by Cortana, a UNSC smart AI. Her design was copied after doctor Hallesy who originally took interest in Master chief as a boy. She was supposedly killed fleeing from a battle aboard a space ship. However she was in fact going underground to escape persecution by ONI, the UNSC's special operations branch. Reach was attacked before the mission could get underway and the Chief escaped on board the Pillar of Autumn with Cortana. When the ship was crippled during a battle with a superior Covenant fleet the Captain, a decorated war hero by the name of Keyes, crashed the ship on a strange ring world. After several skirmishes with Covenant forces Cortana discovered that the ring world was called Halo and was of religious significance to the Covenant. After the release of the flood the Chief was recruited by a robotic entity know as 343 Guilty Spark to activate Halo and destroy the parasitic life form. Guilty Spark also told the Master Chief that he was the Reclaimer, son of the Forerunners. He was prophesized to activate the ring. The Chief quickly discarded his remarks. What he failed to mention was that activating the ring would wipe out all sentient life in the universe in order to prevent the flood from spreading. Fortunately Cortana managed to stop John and together they decided to stop Guilty Spark. After tearing the command codes out of a Flood infected Captain Keyes they flew to the Pillar of Autumn's crash site and overloaded its engines. Destroying the ring and the Covenant ground forces. Master Chief and Cortana captured a Covenant ship and rescued the survivors of the Spartan project on Reach before heading back to Earth. Here they were attacked by the Covenant Prophet of Regret, who had followed the instructions of a sacred prophecy and come to Earth looking for Forerunner artifacts, unaware that it was the human home world. After a short but bloody battle, in orbit and on the surface, the Prophet performed a slip space jump and disappeared, closely followed by the In Amber Clad with the Chief on board. When the ship dropped out of slip space it quickly became clear that the Prophet had discovered another Halo. The Master Chief went into action on the ring worlds surface to find and kill the Prophet while Miranda Keyes, Captain Keyes' daughter, tried to prevent its activation by getting to the Index before the Covenant. The Chief was successful in his mission but was knocked unconscious when a Covenant ship glassed the area in an attempt to kill him. Miranda on the other hand was captured when the Arbiter, a Covenant holy warrior, arrived to claim the index. The Chief was sent to find the Index at the Covenant city of High Charity by Gravemind, the hive controlling mind of the Flood as the Covenant were under the misconception that activating the Ring would ascend them to the next plane of existence. The Prophet escaped on a Forerunner ship, heading for Earth and the Chief followed, stowed away on the massive vessel. Unfortunatly he was forced to leave Cortana behind as a safe guard against the Flood taking control of ships capable of slip space travel. He promised to return for her but she remained skeptical. When he is asked what he is doing on a Forerunner ship, Master Chief replies that his is going to "Finish the fight." After being captured on board the Prophet of Truth's ship and subsequently escaping the Chief fought in the Battle of Voi, clearing the way for an aerial assault on the Prophets fleet. Which had been busy excavating something under the African desert. As the human ships attacked a massive portal opened above the ground, through which the diminished Covenant fleet fled. After the arrival of a flood infected ship containing a message from Cortana landed in the area, the Master Chief was forced to once again ally himself with 343 Guilty Spark. In her message Cortana said that the portal lead to another Forerunner installation called the Ark, which would allow Truth to activate all seven of the Halo rings dotted throughout the universe. Now working with the Arbiter who's race had seceded from the Covenant. The Chief and his allies followed Truth through the portal and engaged his troops. Victorious in all engagements the Chief was able to stop Truth from activating the rings, allowing the Arbiter to kill him. Unfortunatly they arrived to late to save Miranda Keyes, who was shot in the back by Truth while she tried to kill herself and Sergeant Johnson. AS only a human could activate the Ark and they had both been captured. The Gravemind chose this moment to make its play and betrayed the Chief, trying to infect him and the Arbiter. After fighting his way into a Flood colony the Master chief rescued Cortana and started to implement a plan to stop the Flood. Using the index from the first Halo the Chief activated an incomplete ring, that would destroy the Ark and the Flood with it. However Guilty Spark went rampant, killing Johnson, when he realised that the plan would destroy the under construction Halo. The Master Chief destroyed him and tried to help Johnson, but it was too late. The old sergeant told John, "Send me out, with a bang." Before passing him Cortana's micro chip. The two activated halo and escaped in the ship that had brought them to the Ark. Unfortunatly the portal collapsed while they were going through it and left them stranded, beyond the blast radius of Halo but in the gulf of empty space beyond the galaxy. Cortana predicted that it would be several years before they were found and so the Master Chief froze himself, telling her that she should wake him if he was needed.
By somehow obtaining a sample of Jean Grey's cells. Mister Sinister created an adult clone of her. When the original Phoenix committed suicide, Scott believed he had lost Jean forever, unaware that her original body lay in suspended animation in a pod at the bottom of the sea. Sinister grew his clone at an accelerated rate in his laboratory. He named her "Madelyne Pryor" and programmed her with false memories and the desire to fall in love with Cyclops. When Phoenix died, its share of the real Jean's consciousness traveled back to Earth. This part of Jean's psyche eventually reached the clone that Sinister had created and endowed it with consciousness for the first time. Sinister then planned for Madelyne to bear a child, which would possess the superhuman genetic potential of both Scott and Jean. The evil mutant would then capture the child and control him as he grew up. Scott Summers first met Madelyne Pryor in Alaska, where she was working as a pilot for North Star Airways, the company run by his grandparents. Scott and Madelyne were married when he became convinced that she was not Jean Grey, Madelyne's exact lookalike. The scheme started successfully: Cyclops married Madelyne, and they had a son, Nathan, who was destined to become Cable. When the real Jean returned, Cyclops rushed to her side. Madelyne's own psi powers began to emerge, and she took refuge with the X-Men. But then the demon N'astirh sent her dreams which aroused the dark side of her psyche. Her powers fully awakened, Madelyne became the mad Goblyn Queen and attempted to take revenge on Cyclops by sacrificing their son. Instead, Madelyne perished in combat with the original Jean. Intent on destroying the X-Men along with herself, the Goblyn Queen unleashed a tremendous psychic force. But her enemies shielded themselves, and Pryor became the only victim. In one last attempt to kill Jean, the dying Pryor linked their minds together. Jean survived, and the portion of Jean's psyche which had been stolen by the Phoenix Force and had awakened Madelyne, finally returned to Jean. Later, Nate Grey created a duplicate of Madelyne, a "psionic shell" in a new physical body, who had became Nate's ally.
Nina Theroux is worldly and sophisticated, attractive and intelligent, complex and manipulative. In short, she gives new meaning to the idea that a woman "always gets what she wants." Her alpha skill is called "influencing" and it involves the disruption of the specific neural pathways in the cerebral cortex that leave the brain vulnerable to suggestion. It's Nina's curse to know that those aware of her ability, cannot distinguish if she is being genuine or if she is controlling them.
10-year-old Julie Power was the daughter of of a brilliant scientist who discovered how to convert anti-matter into energy. An alien known as Aelfyre Whitemane (whose species resembled Earth horses) was able to discover an error that would have caused a chain reaction that would have destroyed Earth. Attempting to stop the experiment by warning Julie, her older brother Alex and her younger siblings Jack and Katie, Whitemane was mortally wounded by reptilian aliens who kidnapped Julie's parents in hopes of learning their knowledge of anti-matter. The now dying Whitemane was able to divide his powers among Julie and her siblings so they could save their parents. In Julie's case, she obtained the powers of super-speed and flight (both accompanied by a rainbow trail). After saving their parents, Julie and her siblings decided to continue their superhero lifestyle as the superhero team "The Power Pack", with Julie taking the name "Lightspeed". However, as the siblings grew older, they eventually went their seperate ways, causing the Power Pack to disband. A now teenage Julie was later enlisted to Avengers Academy.
Pandora is one of the Trinity of Sin.She is responsible for opening Pandora's Box, and was cursed for all of eternity for that.
Little is known about Cable's backstory only fragments such as that he was born into an apocalyptic future ravaged by war. At unknown points, he married and had a daughter named Hope, became bionically enhanced and became a time traveler. Later in life, he worked as some kind of soldier or bounty hunter tracking down violent mutants and criminals. One of the criminals he had frequently clashed with, named Firefist, eventually tracked down Cable's family and killed them.
After Thor is turned into a frog by the kiss of a woman under Loki's spell, he remains worthy of Mjolnir and helps some frogs in their war against rats.
On the first night of the Tournament of Elements, Kapau and several other Cultists made their way to the Anacondrai Temple to partake in a secret ceremony, but were captured by the Ninja who went in their place.
When Leena Moran (an alias used by the Enchantress while she was living among mortals on Earth) discovered that her beloved Heimdall was in trouble in her home of Asgard, she planned on using the enchanted axe of the Executioner to aid him. Without warning, she was attacked in the apartment she shared with Susan Austin by Skoll, the Wolf god who was acting on the orders of his master, Karnilla, and the two disappeared in a flash of light leaving the axe behind. Hearing sounds of a struggle, the being that would soon be known as Bloodaxe was instantly overcome with a feeling of power and bloodlust upon picking up the enchanted weapon. Filled with false thoughts of now being above the law, this murderous vigilante started killing small time thugs and drug dealers despite protests of the local authorities. One such instance brought the mighty Thor and Balder, the Brave into the equation, but the supremely powerful Bloodaxe, along with a little help from the corrupt Karnilla, bested the Thunder god on their first meeting. Bloodaxe would soon return for the lure of power was too much too resist, but this next appearance would not go unnoticed. Doctor Strange sensed the immense mystical power held within the axe and went to investigate the source. To learn more about his origins, Bloodaxe went to the place where he first discovered the axe, the apartment of Susan Austin and Leena Moran, but the astral form of Doctor Strange spooked Bloodaxe and the two fought in front of the frightened woman. The chaos that followed brought the police including their special task force Code: Blue, and the newly formed super team called Earth Force. The woman was saved and Bloodaxe retreated, but this would not be the last time the axe called out to its new owner. Bloodaxe's identity was initially a mystery, all early panels of the character's alter ego were depicted as being concealed by shadow or as a silhouette. Due to the sheer muscular mass of Bloodaxe (a direct result of the Asgardian magic within the axe), it was also impossible to determine whether the mortal alias was even male or female. Many supporting cast members of Thunderstrike were hinted at being Bloodaxe but many of those clues would later turn out to be fake clues to conceal 'his' true identity. It was only after Bloodaxe was defeated that the mortal alias was revealed to be Jackie Lukus, a confidant and love interest of Thunderstrike's alias Eric Masterson. Bloodaxe's powers were derived from the enchanted Asgardian axe once wielded by Skurge the Executioner. The evil that remained within it from Skurge's time as a villain would eventually drive any new owner of the axe insane, and compel them to kill. Bloodaxe first fought Thor when the mortal Eric Masterson was using the identity of Thor. When the real Thor returned, Masterson became Thunderstrike and again fought Bloodaxe several times. Thunderstrike defeated Bloodaxe and succumbed to the axe's will in an attempt to obtain more power to defeat an even bigger villain, Set the Serpent God of Death. After Set was destroyed, Thunderstrike was possessed by the axe's murderous curse and as no-one was able to stop his rampage, Masterson chose to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Bloodaxe forever.
On his world, Batman used to be the hero of Gotham City who fought crime with his Robins. However, the city took its toll on the Bat and claimed the lives of all his sidekicks, forcing Bruce to seek more extreme ways to prevent the crimes he felt he wasn't fast enough to stop. Batman set his sights on his world's Flash, determining that he could use the Speed Force better than the speedster himself could. Batman took out all of the Flash's Rogues and confiscated their weapons to use against the Flash in a fight for his powers.[1] After Bruce bested Barry, Batman drove the two of them into the Speed Force using his Batmobile merged with the Cosmic Treadmill - absorbing the Flash and his powers. When Batman returned from the Speed Force, he donned a new costume and became "Batman: The Red Death" and began murdering members of his own rogues gallery in Gotham.
Sam Scudder, nicknamed Mirror Master by Harry Wells, is a meta-human criminal, the boyfriend of Rosa Dillon and the rival of the late Leonard Snart. After being exposed to the energy from the particle accelerator explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs, Sam gained the ability to travel through mirrors. Sam and Rosa Dillon completed a heist with Leonard Snart. The latter told them to lay low but they refused. Leonard approached them and Sam told Snart that without him and Rosa, Snart would still be kicking down liquor stores. Sam was told that his version of reality was warped. Sam decided he wanted out and Snart tried to shoot him. Sam disarmed Snart but was quickly defeated and thrown against a mirror. Sam crawled to another nearby mirror where he was nearly killed by Snart, before the latter fled when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator blew up. Sam was hit by the dark matter and vanished.
John Constantine (born May 10, 1982), is an exorcist, demonologist, and hedge warlock, self-styled as "master of the dark arts". Raised by an abusive father who blamed him for the death of his mother in childbirth, John grew up highly cynical and cunning, and developed an interest in the dark arts. In his teenage years, he was introduced into the occult world by Anne Marie, learned various spells and became an exorcist with the hopes of one day using his powers to resurrect his mother. John became a figure of respect among the dabblers of magic. However, one night, John attempted an exorcism on a young girl named Astra by summoning the demon Nergal, only for the demon to kill Astra and drag her soul to Hell, damning her for eternity, an action which damned John's soul for Hell upon death. Overwhelmed with guilt, John initially retired but after hearing of the Rising Darkness from the angel Manny, he returned to face this threat, with Manny giving him hope that, should he succeed, his soul may be spared eternal damnation. After the Legends allowed Mallus to escape his prison in order destroy the demon, it opened a door to other evils. Joined by Gary Green of the Time Bureau, Constantine confronted the Legends about their latest screw-up. Five months later he would assist the Legends in capturing the escaping magical "fugitives", sending them to Hell. He initially refused joining the team, but after being pursued by a demon named Neron in 2018, John chose to move to the Waverider, though still insisted that he's "not a bloody Legend".
Fritz von Meyer was once a Nazi scientist, the details of which remain unrevealed, although it is known he had access to looted gold from countless European capitals to fund his research. Von Meyer fled Germany at the end of World War II to settle in South America. A world expert on toxic poisons and apiculture (bee keeping) he continued his research on breeding patterns of killer bees in comparative peace deep in the jungles. One day, he found a hive unlike any he had ever seen-- the bees exhibited no fear, an unusual passivity, and a highly developed intelligence. Believing that a nearby meteorite bombardment had somehow mutated the bees with radiation, von Meyer built a device that he hoped would reawaken the bees' killer instincts so that they could serve him. However, von Meyer had erred, so that, while the bees were no longer passive, they were not in his control. They began to swarm over von Meyer, killing him. In the midst of his death throes, his consciousness shredded, dissipating into the swarm of bees. Thus, von Meyer became an aggregate being, a living embodiment of the swarm, with his own scientific mind added to the mutant intelligence of the multitude of bees. Von Meyer claims to have used his powers to conquer, and at some point he must have developed giant mechanical bees that obey his commands. Shortly afterward, the international police agency Interpol, in its quest to bring war criminals to justice, managed to track down von Meyer. One agent somehow managed to capture the queen bee of von Meyer's swarm, encasing it in amber and fleeing to the United States. Von Meyer, calling himself Swarm, followed, killing the agent who was attempting to flee on a ship but failing to recover the briefcase that held the trapped queen. At the same time, the Champions were seeing off a friend of their member, Black Widow. They interrupted Swarm's attack, discovered the murder, and took the briefcase, unaware of its purpose. Swarm soon confronted the team directly, and during the attack, managed to free the queen. The queen was free to complete its mutation, begun earlier by von Meyer, and grew to gigantic size. The fight ended when the Champion Hercules, using his superhuman strength, threw the gigantic queen miles away. The bees of von Meyer's body were pulled away, following the queen, and left von Meyer as nothing but a skeleton. Von Meyer's skeleton was sent to New York's Empire State University biophysics department for further study. When the scientist started performing radiation tests on the skeleton, a queen bee that happened to be in the skull instantly began breeding millions of bees (It is unclear whether this was the original queen bee somehow shrunken or a different one entirely). Within moments, the entity of Swarm was reborn. Swarm decided to kill the scientist and launch a reign of terror on the campus. The scientist was rescued by Spider-Man, whose secret identity of Peter Parker had began work in the department as a teaching assistant, and Swarm turned his attention on Spider-Man, claiming that "spiders and bees are natural deadly enemies." Spider-Man was saved only by smashing into nearby chemicals that happened to be some manner of insect repellant. Swarm immediately launched an attack on the city, hoping to cleanse the world of humankind. He also hoped to allow his queen bee to mutate and grow, and he began constructing a gigantic hive in the middle of the campus for this purpose. Parker learned from his fellow teaching assistants that they created more of the experimental insect repellant that saved Spider-Man's life. Pouring the chemicals on his costume and combining it with his web-fluid, Spider-Man once more confronted Swarm. The repellant caused the bees intense pain, and in their maddened state, they turned against each other. This also happened to the now-gigantic queen bee, whose hive refused to obey Swarm's commands and fled. Once more, von Meyer was reduced to nothing but a skeleton. Somehow, Swarm's intelligence survived, presumably due to the fact that he no longer needed the human skeleton upon which to manifest. Years later, experiments on a supercollider project at the Rand-Meachum laboratories in Houston, Texas, began disrupting the migratory patterns of various insects and causing Swarm severe distress. Vowing revenge, Swarm used various insects under his control to surreptitiously sabotage the project. The insect attacks alerted the attention of a government watchdog group. The leader of the group contacted his old friend, Doctor Druid, for help. Druid, in turn, manipulated events so that Doctor Henry Pym (in his Giant-Man identity) would unknowingly join his team of "Secret Defenders" to investigate. Doctor Druid and his regular allies confronted Swarm, who, frustrated on being discovered, hoped to use the destructive power of the supercollider to render all technology in the world useless, thus paving the way for insect life to become the rightful dominant lifeform on the planet. Druid psychically induced Archangel and Iceman (former members of the Champions) to converge on the site, and the battle was joined on multiple fronts. Ultimately, Druid was able to convince Swarm that if he truly believed that humankind would eventually destroy itself anyway, he shouldn't risk attracting the enmity of the human race and should simply wait for the inevitable destruction. Swarm agreed and fled. In the meantime, the other heroes were able to use their powers to stop the supercollider from overloading. When Onslaught was destroyed by Earth's heroes, the telepathic bond between von Meyer and his mutated bee colony was damaged. Swarm returned to New York, the place of Onslaught's destruction, to re-establish his psychic link or risk becoming discorporate again. He took over the Institute of Seismoharmonic Research to force its research team to adjust his body's vibratory field to restore him to full power, as bees fly by moving their wings so fast that they create a vibratory current they can ride on. In the meantime, a cloud of bees began forming over the city, attacking people and causing mayhem. This drew the attention of Spider-Man (Ben Reilly). Swarm's bees seemed to recognize and be afraid of Spider-Man, despite the fact that it was a different person in the costume, thus allowing the hero to enter the Institute unmolested and form a plan with the scientists. Spider-Man adjusted the equipment, so that, instead of allowing Swarm to pull together his bees, the bees' ability to fly was negated. Spider-Man easily captured the queen bee, professing to prevent Swarm from posing any future threat. When the cabal of villains known as the Pride was defeated by their children, it left Los Angeles and the West Coast with a power vacuum in its criminal community. Notified by its drones, Swarm appeared in Hollywood, claiming his rule over the city. He was opposed by the Runaways and taken down by their newest member, Victor Mancha, who used his powers to disrupt the electrical impulses that Swarm's bees used for communication. For some unknown reason, Swarm attacked the school but was taken down by Krakoa, Doop and the Bamfs. Allying himself with Master Pandemonium to avenge themselves and be "the men who killed the X-Men", they infiltrated the campus after the graduation ceremony but were neutralized before they could attack by Doop's Power of Funk.
Very little is known about the criminal known as the Tinkerer. First encountered by Spider-Man early in the webspinner's career, he appeared to be the leader of an alien task force attempting to control the world. Though Spider-Man stopped the "invasion", the Tinkerer got away leaving behind only a rubber mask, leaving a confused Spider-Man to ponder just who or what the Tinkerer really was. Years later, Spider-Man learns that the Tinkerer is an ordinary man who has an extraordinary talent for anything mechanical, and his "aliens" were really movie stuntmen in costumes, doing his dirty work. The Tinkerer has in recent years been inventing armor and weapons for various super-criminals, including the Beetle, the Big Wheel, Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale), and the Constrictor. To date Tinkerer has eluded capture.
Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton, also known as Hawkeye, is a skilled marksman, a former special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the founding members of the Avengers. Known for his use of the bow and arrow as his primary weapon, Barton had become one of the best agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., responsible for the recruitment of Black Widow, whom he developed a strong friendship with. Assigned by Nick Fury into watching over the Tesseract, he was brainwashed by Loki and used as a pawn for all his evil schemes. However, following their Attack on the Helicarrier, he was freed from Loki's mental control by Black Widow and joined the Avengers to fight against Loki's Chitauri army in the Battle of New York, ending Loki's Invasion before Hawkeye returned to his work as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Hawkeye continued to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. until its collapse following the HYDRA Uprising, he and the Avengers worked to bring down the remnants of HYDRA, eventually capturing Wolfgang von Strucker and ending the organization's threat to the world. However, Hawkeye was pulled back into the fight as Tony Stark had inadvertently used HYDRA as well as some Chitauri technology to create Ultron. As Ultron tried to destroy the world, he allied himself with Pietro and Wanda Maximoff and Barton focused much of his efforts in convincing them to change sides while keeping the Avengers safe by bringing them into his family home. During the final Battle of Sokovia, Hawkeye's life was saved by Quicksilver's sacrifice, resulting in Barton retiring from the Avengers to return to his family. Despite living happily within retirement for a brief time, Barton was recruited by Captain America to aid him during his fight against the newly produced Sokovia Accords, which forced Rogers to protect his friend Bucky Barnes from being arrested for a crime he did not commit. Feeling that he owed a debt to Rogers and Maximoff, Hawkeye had joined in the Clash of the Avengers, fighting against Iron Man who was in support of the Accords. Despite putting up a good fight, Hawkeye and most of their team were eventually defeated and imprisoned at the Raft under the orders of Thaddeus Ross, only to be freed by Rogers. Barton returned back to retirement and, after striking a deal with Ross, was then placed under house arrest. In the wake of the Decimation, Barton went on a grief-fuelled rampage against criminals for five years. Upon being tracked down by Natasha Romanoff, Barton was convinced to return to the Avengers to try and reverse the Decimation. Hawkeye joined the team in enacting the Time Heist in order to obtain all of the Infinity Stones, during which he witnessed Romanoff sacrifice her own life so Hawkeye could take the Soul Stone. However, just as the team succeeded in their goal, they were attacked by Thanos, as Hawkeye was ordered to ensure that Thanos could not obtain the Iron Gauntlet. Eventually, Thanos and his entire army were defeated once Tony Stark sacrificed his life, allowing Barton to return home as he reunited with his beloved family, while he still mourned Romanoff's death.
Shayera Thal was a police officer on the planet of Thanagar. While and her and her partner, Katar Hol, were chasing the criminal Byth, they crash landed on Earth. After capturing him, the pair decided to remain on Earth and became Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
Greg Willis moved to New York to attend New York University. He immediately encountered Black Death and Rage; because of a misunderstanding, Black Death escaped. After beating the Rhino, he became a target of the Daily Bugle, especially because of the symbol on his chest (could be mistaken for an X, used by many mutant teams, such as the X-Men; Willis may or may not be a mutant). For a time Gravity partnered with another hero called the Greenwich Guardian, who turned out to be Black Death and escaped again. Gravity also defeated Brushfire. Other people in Willis' life included "Frog," his roommate, and Lauren Singh, another student. Gravity was one of the heroes taken to Battleworld, along with Spider-Man (Impostor), Medusa, Wasp, Firebird, Venom and Henry Pym by a being claiming to be the Beyonder. Later, when Uatu the Watcher appeared, the 'Beyonder' was proven to be a hoax, It ended up being another cosmic entity known as The Stranger. The being then decided to destroy the planet, setting it to self destruct. Gravity forfeited his life to hold it together long enough for the others to escape. Most recently, the new Fantastic Four found out that Gravity's grave had been desecrated. They followed a trail and found that he had been put into a cocoon by Epoch. This was fought over briefly by the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four, until Gravity emerged as the new Protector Of The Universe, because Quasar lost his life in the recent Annihilation war. Gravity used his powers up to save the being that gave him the powers' life when Galactus came to consume it. This sated Galactus, whom left peacefully. Gravity and the FF returned to Earth and he left for home. Gravity returned to schooling in Manhattan, but decided to give up his heroing career, leaving his costume behind in Wisconsin. While using his super abilities to fly to New York he encounters Warhead, a member of the Bastards of Evil. Gravity eventually subdues him, but not before Warhead kills innocent bystanders. The encounter convinces Gravity to not give up his heroing career, returning home to retrieve his costume before returning to Manhattan. Gravity became involved investigating the Bastards of Evil after they attacked Manhattan, including Warhead causing a nuclear explosion at Ground Zero that presumably killed himself in the process. Gravity teamed up with recently unretired superheroine Firestar to learn more about the remaining Bastards. The pair, along with Spider-Girl, Nomad and Toro, defeated the Bastards of Evil and revealed that they were actually kidnapped victims of the Superior, the alleged son of the Leader. When Nomad suggested the group form an official heroing team, Gravity firmly rejected the idea, stating that he was "over the team thing."
Lloyd is the son of Lord Garmadon and Misako. The soon-to-be dark lord was filled with pride for his newborn son, and wanted Lloyd to follow a different path from his own. The family was happy for a time, but one day Garmadon finally lost control over the evil within him, and was banished to the Underworld. Lloyd was too young to remember Garmadon, but he had heard of him, and was fond of his evil father, wanting to follow in his footsteps, unaware that Garmadon did not. Once he was old enough, Misako sent him to the Darkley's School for Bad Boys. On his first day at Darkley's School, everyone made fun of Lloyd, and Brad put fire ants in his bed. After everyone left, Brad took him under his wing and taught him the art of revenge. One day, he had received a package from his "grandmummy" when another student named Finn took it from him and turned it into worms. Lloyd was expelled from school that same day because he didn't have the "amoral ambition to become one of tomorrow's masterminds." Before he left, he stole a cape and hood from a closet, planning to become an evil overlord by himself.Lloyd arrived in Jamanakai Village where he attempted to steal all of the candy, but was stopped and humiliated by the Ninja in front of the villagers. Later when he was walking in the Glacier Barrens, he stumbled upon the Hypnobrai Tomb. After gaining command of the Hypnobrai, he led them on an attack of Jamanakai Village, only to be stopped by the Ninja once more. Lloyd then turned his army's attention to constructing a fortress in the heart of Wildwood Forest, though it was quickly discovered and destroyed by the Ninja. During the Ninjas' attack, Skales took command of the Hypnobrai and after defeating Slithraa in a Slither Pit fight, the new General banished Lloyd. Using a map he had stolen from the Hypnobrai Tomb, Lloyd set out to find the Fangpyre Tomb which he planned to unleash to get revenge on the Hypnobrai for betraying him. Though the Fangpyre was eager to help him, they insisted on first rebuilding their army. Traveling to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk, Lloyd witnessed the Fangpyre use their venom to turn old vehicles into attack machines, though they were forced to flee when the Ninja arrived. With their army ready, Lloyd accompanied the Fangpyre into battle against the Hypnobrai. Unfortunately for Lloyd, Fangtom and Skales were old friends and a truce was called, forcing Lloyd to flee once more. Knowing that all the other tribes feared the Anacondrai, Lloyd traveled to the Anacondrai Tomb only to find that a single one of these snakes remained—Pythor. Nevertheless, Pythor agreed to be Lloyd's minion and they spent the day carrying out petty crimes. At his new minion's suggestion, Lloyd and Pythor attacked Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys in revenge for them kicking him out. However when the Ninja arrived, Pythor showed his true colors by stealing the Map of Dens and fleeing, leaving Lloyd to be captured by the Ninja. Lloyd was then told a bedtime story by his Uncle Wu, explaining why one shouldn't trust a snake. Now living with the Ninja, Lloyd aided his uncle in one of the Ninjas' daily lessons by pulling pranks on them (such as placing Zane's clothes with Kai's in the wash, thereby turning them pink, messing with one of Jay's inventions, etc.) and blaming it on the other Ninja.In the aftermath of the Devourer's defeat, the Ninja moved into an apartment in Ninjago City. Although their spacious new home had a training course for Lloyd, he was unable to receive any personal guidance from the Ninja as they all had to all work jobs to pay the rent. After Lloyd was nearly abducted by Skales, the Ninja decided to downsize to a more affordable apartment. Although the Ninja were now able to oversee Lloyd's training, they soon realized that their cramped apartment was unsuitable and began using Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo as training grounds. When Captain Soto and his pirates attacked Ninjago City, Lloyd was ordered by the Ninja to stay behind, but the little Green Ninja used the Ultra Dragon to board the ship, performing Spinjitzu for the first time during the battle. Soon after, Lloyd was invited back to his old boarding school to receive an honor. Upon arriving at the school, Lloyd discovered that it was merely a ploy by his old classmates who captured him and attempted to turn him evil again. When Garmadon's Bizarro Ninja arrived, Lloyd managed to convince his classmates to help the Ninja defeat their fake counterparts. When the Ninja entered the Ninjaball Run to save Dareth's dojo from being destroyed, Lloyd entered the race with the Ultra Dragon. Although he was unable to reach the finish line, Lloyd did manage to stop Garmadon from destroying the Ninja mid-race. When the Ninja were turned into kids by Garmadon's Mega-Weapon, Lloyd took them to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to find information about the Grundle, a Ninja-hunting creature, that the effects of the Mega Weapon brought back to life. As a result of using Tomorrow Tea to defeat the Grundle, Lloyd was aged significantly, prompting the final battle to draw closer. Now older, Lloyd began to take his training more seriously and confronted his father with the other Ninja in the Lost City of Ouroboros. As a result of the Ninja following Garmadon back in time, destroying the Mega Weapon with their own Golden Weapons making sure it never happened, Lloyd's knowledge of the Mega Weapon was erased. Some time after, Lloyd and the other Ninja were summoned to the Ninjago Museum of History as the venom of the Great Devourer had brought the Stone Army merchandise to life. After the Ninja had taken care of the problem, Lloyd was reunited with his mother Misako, though still angry she left him so many years ago, he stormed away. Misako caught up to him and revealed the story of the Overlord.Following the Overlord's defeat, Lloyd traveled Ninjago accepting medals and achievements as the Golden Ninja for his victory. His father also abandoned the title of Lord and began going by Master Garmadon, and swore an oath of nonviolence. Lloyd realizes that Ultra Dragon is feeling homesick. They flew to the Spirit Coves and Lloyd chose to set him free.Lloyd heard word from Nya that the Ninja were in trouble, and raced to New Ninjago City on his Golden Elemental Dragon to help. He used his Golden Power to temporarily disable the Security Mechs and reunited with the Ninja. Their reunion was quickly interrupted by the revived Digital Overlord, whom Lloyd declared that since he defeated him once, he could defeat him again. As the Security Mechs powered up, the Overlord stated that he didn't want to fight, he only wanted the Golden Ninja's power. Lloyd prepared to attack the mechs again, but was stopped by Wu who realized that the golden power was only making them stronger. Their master then ordered the Ninja to flee the city while he tricked the Overlord, and Lloyd rode the Golden Dragon away.
While working on a dig in Caramanga, South America, Adam was transported to the planet of Rann via the Zeta-Beam. He immediately befriended the Rannians and took up a flight pack and raygun to assist them. While there, he also fell in love with a Rannian woman named Alanna. As the Zeta Beam's teleportation effect wore off, Adam was returned to Earth. However, he was able to return to Rann by following a schedule of where the Zeta beam would next hit. He scheduled his archeological trips to coincide with the location and time. He also married Alanna. It was initially believed that the Zeta Beam was used simply as a friendly communication between Rann and Earth. However, it was later hinted that Rann was searching for suitable mates from other planets as more and more of the Rannians were found to be sterile. Adam met the JLA after helping them battle Kanjar-Ro, but declined their membership offer. He continued to act on both Earth and Rann, helping to improve relations among different planets. While still on Earth, Adam was falsely told that Alanna had died during childbirth. He was later reunited with his wife and daughter. Adam was later told Rann had been destroyed by Starbreaker through an 'Omega Beam.' However, this was actually an early warning by Sardath. Adam was able to prevent Rann's destruction with the help of the Omega Men and the few remaining Darkstars although Thanagar was destroyed. The surviving refugees settled on Rann. The Thanagarians and Rannians recently began to fight each other after being manipulated by Blackfire. Adam and Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) were able to halt the war. Adam Strange was stranded on a paradise-like planet with fellow heroes Animal Man and Starfire after the battle with Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, an incident that resulted in the loss of his eyes. After several weeks, Adam was able to get his spaceship working, and they departed for Earth. Their ship, however, was attacked by Devilance, who they had encountered on the planet and who had pursued them into space. Lobo appeared just in time to destroy Devilance, and after a some negotiation, agreed to help them out.
Thanos was one of the last sons of A'Lars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan, and Sui-San, the last survivor of the original settlement of Eternals on Titan. Born with grey, hide-like skin and a massive body due to being born with the Deviant Syndrome, Thanos was a morose child who became obsessed with the concept of death. Through bionic implementation and long hours of meditation, Thanos augmented his Eternal strength and powers so that his powers surpassed those of all other Titanian Eternals. As he grew in power, Thanos also grew in ambition and desire for conquest. Thanos stole one of his people's starships and traveled to other star systems to recruit soldiers, mercenaries, and malcontents for a private army. With a small fleet, he dropped nuclear devices on his home world Titan, killing thousands of his people, including his mother Sui-San. Declaring himself ruler of Titan, he then set his sights on Earth. At some point in his adult life, Thanos met the embodiment of Death itself who, in female form, became Thanos' companion. It is probable that Death was attracted to Thanos by both his philosophical dedication to nihilism as well as his willingness to commit genocide on even his own people. Thanos began, for the first time in his life, to experience love for another being, although the being was just a manifestation of Death. To make himself worthy of so awesome an entity, Thanos decided to acquire more power. At first he planned simply to seize political power through the conquest of worlds. To this end, he amassed a huge armada of battleships. Then he found a way to amplify immeasurably his personal power. Having kept the planet Earth under surveillance since it first exploded a nuclear weapon, Thanos learned of a power-object called the Cosmic Cube brought into existence by the subversive organization, Advanced Idea Mechanics. Thanos seized control of the reality-altering device and commanded it to give him control over the universe. Transformed into a godlike wraith by the Cosmic Cube, Thanos battled the Avengers and the Kree Captain Marvel, the former of whom had already vanquished his armada. When Thanos carelessly discarded the Cube, believing falsely that he had drained it of all power, Mar-Vell struck the cube, willing it to restore the universe to what it had been. Robbed of power, Thanos reverted to mortal form in the center of the universe where his flagship Sanctuary II retrieved him under pre-programmed instructions. Revived, Thanos was dejected to discover that Death had abandoned him because of his failure. He soon formulated a plan to regain "her" affection: he would give to "her" more than any single living being had given "her," the annihilation of everything that lives. Through the minds and records of countless civilizations he searched, hoping to find the key to the power he sought. Eventually he learned of the Infinity Gems, six power objects of unknown origin and vast power, and set about to acquire them. He had obtained all of the Infinity Gems except one, the jade jewel worn on the head of Adam Warlock. Thanos feared to acquire Warlock's gem directly because it possessed the power to steal souls, and he feared to risk forfeiting his own. Observing him, Thanos learned that Warlock had diverged a temporal counterpart named the Magus, who was the head of a galaxy wide religious empire and would certainly oppose Thanos' schemes of stellar destruction were he to learn of them. Thanos thus planned to eliminate the Magus. Possessing the capacity for time travel, Thanos decided to set up certain factors in the time stream which, combined, might prove the Magus' undoing. (He could have tried to thwart Warlock's life well before the critical time he would/wouldn't become the Magus, but he needed Warlock to remain the Soul Gem's possessor for simplicity's sake). One of these factors was the rescuing of the infant Gamora, a female of the pacifistic Zen-Whoberis race that was slaughtered by the Magus' missionary troops. She would serve as Thanos' personal assassin. The second major factor would be Thanos' own direct alliance with Warlock against the Magus. Neither of these factors existed in the original time-line that led to the Magus' creation; thus, Thanos hoped to diverge a reality wherein Warlock never became the Magus. Thanos succeeded, and while in close proximity to Warlock, siphoned from his Soul Gem the energies he needed without Warlock's knowledge. Thanos then constructed a single huge synthetic Soul Gem to hold the energies of the other six. With it, he planned to extinguish the stars one by one. Gamora learned of his plan of destruction and tried to assassinate him, but Thanos slew her. Thanos also slew Warlock's comrade Pip the Troll. Warlock had by this time learned of Thanos' threat and traveled to Earth to enlist the aid of the Avengers and Captain Marvel. In battle aboard Thanos' starship Sanctuary II, Captain Marvell damaged Thanos' projector through which he transmitted the synthetic Soul Gem's energies into suns to cause them to go nova. Warlock faced Thanos in personal combat and was slain. The Avengers were taken captive by Thanos, but rescued by Spider-Man and the Thing. Spider-Man, influenced by the abstract entities Lord Chaos and Master Order, released Warlock's spirit from the Soul Gem Warlock had worn, and seething with cosmic power released through his physical death, Warlock grappled with Thanos and turned the mad Titan to immobile stone. Incapacitated, Thanos retained a fragment of his consciousness and was thus tortured by the fact that he who worshiped death would forever be denied it. However, after he obtained and lost the Infinity Gauntlet, he was led to a period of introspection. Adam Warlock recognized that Thanos' efforts to obtain omnipotence had been thwarted not only by the intervention of superheroes but by Thanos' own self-doubt and anxiety. Believing the Titan to be capable of change - and wishing to keep Thanos where he could keep an eye on him - Warlock made Thanos a member of the Infinity Watch, giving him the Reality Gem, one of the Infinity Gems which Adam Warlock and the Watch guarded. Eventually, however, Thanos detected a threat to the universe, as the embodiment of time itself was rendered catatonic. Tracking the source to the revived Magus, Thanos sought the help of Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch. Thanos and the Infinity Watch traveled to the realm of Death to learn the truth about the Magus, and found that he was attempting to replace this reality's heroes (and indeed, all reality itself) with evil doppelganger versions of his own. Returning to reality, Thanos and the Infinity Watch were attacked by an assemblage of heroes before the true threat of the Magus could be revealed. Taking the fight to the Magus, Warlock reassembled the Infinity Gauntlet in order to match the combined might of the five Cosmic Cubes possessed by the Magus, although ultimately Magus would gain the Infinity Gauntlet for himself. During the battle, Thanos was pitted against his doppelganger, who had become the Magus' most favored lackey, and in defeating it, gained insight into Magus' schemes. Confronting him, Thanos pointed out that Magus didn't, in fact, have the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet, as the Reality Gem was actually an elaborate fake. Rattled, the Magus was then thwarted by the embodiments of Eternity and Infinity, and the Infinity Gems were restored to their owners. Unknown to all, the Reality Gem was in fact held by Thanos himself, and had been since Warlock first distributed the Gems to the Infinity Watch. Thanos then returned to wandering the cosmos. Some time later, Thanos and Warlock were trapped in the folds of a shifting reality, due to the appearance of the Goddess, which was Warlock's manifestation of his "good side" that had appropriated the power of the five Cosmic Cubes previously used by the Magus. Warlock eventually freed himself and Thanos. Thanos embarked on mission to learn about the Goddess and determine what threat she posed to reality. The two were soon contacted by the demon Mephisto, and Thanos agreed to let Mephisto aid them in exchange for a Cosmic Cube of his own. Warlock had a plan of his own, and before bodily entering the Soul Gem, he gave it to Thanos. Thanos, in turn, assembled a contingency of reality's heroes in order to distract the Goddess. Thanos however, seemingly failed, and the Goddess began to destroy the universe one star at a time. In reality, however, the destruction was an illusion generated by Warlock, who had used the Cosmic Cubes to create a universe-wide mass-hallucination. Distracted, the Goddess was defeated by Thanos and the assemblage of Earth's heroes. Thanos destroyed the "Cosmic Egg" that held the cubes, for which act Warlock tried to paint the Titan a hero. Thanos even honored his bargain with Mephisto, giving him a Cosmic Cube, albeit one without power. Later, when the thunder god Thor apparently went insane, Thanos was contacted by the Silver Surfer to stop the mad god's rampage. Thanos succeeded where the Surfer, the Infinity Watch, Doctor Strange, and the other Asgardian gods could not. This led the assembled group to Asgard, where they came into conflict with Odin. Thanos battled Odin until the god learned the truth, revived Thor, and allowed Thanos and the heroes to leave Asgard with his and Thor's gratitude. Soon after these events, Thanos became bored and decided to search for the vast storehouse of knowledge called the Oracle. To assist him, Thanos recruited several unwilling allies, which included the second Super-Skrull, Nitro, the Rhino, and the Titanium Man. After they accomplished his goals for him, Thanos stranded them. After slaughtering the entire Ovin Mercenary Army just for something to do, Thanos used the Oracle to search for a worthy adversary. He believed he found one in Tyrant, first spawn of the world-devouring Galactus. With the help of the former Herald know as Terrax, he kidnapped Tyrant's archenemy and recent opponent, Ganymede. The hero Jack of Hearts, Ganymede's lover, recruited Genis-Vell to help free her. Ganymede, in the meantime, had joined Thanos and Terrax, in order to extract revenge on Tyrant. The trio battled Morg, Galactus' most deadly Herald and forced lackey of Tyrant, who eventually escaped. Jack of Hearts, Legacy, Ganymede and Terrax could not defeat the Tyrant. Thanos, who briefly fled the scene in order to learn the truth about Tyrant's origins, returned to battle Tyrant himself (with the help of one of Tyrant's own "power orbs" which contained the energies siphoned from Morg), laying waste to a sizable portion of Tyrant's planet. Thanos emerged from the battle declaring that, since he had withstood the powerful Tyrant for a time and gained what he sought from him, further struggle was pointless (and admitted it would likely have resulted in his own destruction). The Silver Surfer, later, sought out Thanos in order to discern Death's motives for plaguing him with images of death with the obvious intent on making him her new consort. Enraged, Thanos beat the Surfer to death and delivered his body to Death's realm himself. Believing Death to be unappreciative, Thanos revived the Surfer and sought to leave, further insulting Death who cursed the Titan with immortality, forever barring him from her embrace. Others would continually come in and out of Thanos' life. Gamora returned to Thanos' side, forsaking her relationship with Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch. The computer intelligence know as Quasimodo took over Sanctuary II and use it to capture and torment the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man before being ousted by Thanos, who declared the two heroes owed him a debt. Thanos then become trapped in a pocket-dimension that he was investigating. Separated from his source of cosmic energy, he was only able to contact normal reality mentally through a genetically engineered creature called Consumption. Consumption then contacted the Plunderer, brother of the hero Ka-Zar to serve Thanos, and converted its own body into a gateway to the pocket dimension containing Thanos, destroying itself in the process. The Plunderer entered and contacted Thanos directly, who promised him to ruler-ship over a lifeless Earth. The Plunderer used the terraforming devices of the Antarctic paradise known as the Savage Land to begin to re-shape the Earth, a process, which began to re-power Thanos. The Plunderer was ultimately confronted by Ka-Zar, but not before Thanos managed to absorb the energies of the pocket-dimension and the terraforming devices. Filled with power, Thanos began to affect the entire galaxy with his newfound primeval energies and opened various portals throughout the universe. Thanos and the Plunderer were forced to pursue Ka-Zar through rapidly shifting areas of the cosmos, as Ka-Zar had stolen the key for the terraforming machines' power. Ultimately, Thanos, tired of the Plunderer and abandoned him on an unidentified world. Thanos' strength, however, had been depleted and Ka-Zar managed to turn the tables on him by knocking him into an active volcano in the Savage Land. Destroying the key to the terraforming machines, Thanos leaped into the device, hoping to recover his source of power, as the device was destroyed by agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Thanos was apparently trapped once more in the pocket-dimension. Soon, however, Thanos discovered a possible exit from the pocket dimension along the mystical Ley-line nexus points. He mentally contacted the monstrous Hulk, who was anguished over the recent death of his wife Betty. Thanos attempted to trick the Hulk into becoming a vessel for Thanos' mind, but was overheard at another Ley-line nexus by Nate Grey, also known as the X-Man. Nate attempted to convince the Hulk to refuse, and ended up locating the Hulk and battling him. Thanos instead used Nate as his physical vessel as the Hulk attacked anew. In the course of battle, the mystical barriers that separated the two dimensions were shattered, freeing Thanos. Ultimately, the X-Man and the Hulk managed to exile Thanos to the pocket dimension yet again. Later, somehow free of the pocket-dimension, Thanos appeared in Asgard as it lay in ruins and many its warriors defeated by the powerful Mangog. Thanos found an ally in Odin's aide, Tarakis, who helped him to obtain the apocalyptic Map of All-Ending from Odin. Already possessing the Chalice of Ruins, Thanos believed the two objects would help him to find the being known as the Designate. Thanos and Tarakis collected their other ally, Mangog, who had just defeated Thor, and traveled to the planet Rigel-3, home of a peace-loving race of thinkers and dreamers. Once there, Thanos teleported Mangog to the surface, and the hulking behemoth began to destroy everything in sight. Thanos demanded the Fire Gem, the next item required find the Designate in order to stop Mangog's rampage. He was ultimately successful, although Rigel was nearly laid to waste in the process. Thor promptly traced Thanos route, and allied himself with the Rigellians Recorder and Firelord, the former Herald of Galactus. Thanos and Mangog managed to collect the final items and captured the Designate, a woman named Tarene. As Thor and his allies battled Thanos and his allies, Tarene began to weep for her champion, Thor, an action that granted Thanos the power of Ragnarok. Before Thanos could truly begin Ragnarok, Thor killed Mangog and was given apparel to supply him with the Odin-Force. Thor and his allies battled Thanos once again. As Thanos fell, Tarene wept again for the lives of all those slain by Thanos. As written, she flung her tears upon the fallen Titan, who burst into an all-consuming hellfire, seeming vanquished forever. In reality, Thanos was not destroyed. He soon confronted Marlo Jones, the wife of Rick Jones, associate of the then-current Captain Marvel. Thanos revealed that Marlo had become the physical refuge for the embodiment of Death and as such, was the target of the death god known as the Walker. Convincing Thor to help them, Thanos, alongside Thor and Captain Marvel, was able to keep the Walker from killing Marlo. Ultimately, Death itself defeated the Walker. During the Annihilation Wave's attack on the universe Thanos joined forces with Annihilus. Many speculated why the Mad Titan would play the role of underling? He later explained to Moondragon that he had grown tired of the same life cycles playing out and was simply curious to see how a radical shift in the universe would play out. He was instrumental in capturing Galactus and using him to power the Wave's forces. Upon Moondragon's revelation that Annihilus' intentions were not conquest but for the universe wide extinction of both our universe and the Negative Zone, Thanos decided to release Galactus. Before he could finish the process, Drax The Destroyer punched through his chest, removing his heart. Just before Drax's arrival, Thanos saw Death, so it is assumed that he is really dead this time. The spirit of Thanos and Death later appeared and watched Nova after he killed Annihilus. He was resurrected and made unkillable by Death. Together with a few other heroes he traveled into the Cancerverse, a universe where Life had "won" and death no longer existed; in order to fight the lord Mar-Vel, that universe's avatar of Life. He feigned submission to Mar-Vel who ran him through with his sword, believing it would kill him. However, this summoned Death who proceeded to kill Mar-Vel and all the other immortal denizens of the Cancerverse. Thanos begged her to take him with her but she left him and he flew into a rage vowing to kill the Universe. Nova and Peter Quill attempted to hold him back long enough for the Cancerverse to collapse and destroy him, thus buying time for the other heroes to go back to their universe. They succeeded and Thanos was trapped in the collapsing Cancerverse. Returning to the prime Universe through undisclosed means, Thanos next sought to gain control of Earth, an intergalactically agreed-upon "off limits" territory. Running a gambit to amass the vast array of cosmic-level weapons found there, he reconstituted a new version of the Zodiac as his localized catspaws, managing to collect a Cosmic Cube. His machinations were inadvertently stumbled upon by an irregular assemblage of Avengers including Hulk. The heroes' ranks were soon bolstered by the Guardians of the Galaxy, pursuing Thanos's activities through their own deep-space investigations, arriving to Thanos' base in the Badoon's homeland. After the heroes were left at the mercy of the the vacuum of space, Thanos activated the Cube. After Thanos defeated the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers and the Guardians as well. But actually, they were sent to the Cancerverse along the with the Elders. There, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector, in exchange of a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth, the Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos to be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders. Unknown if he escaped or was left out from his punishment, Thanos was seen again in Titan, sensing the activation of the Infinity Gauntlet by the Illuminati.
Triton is the eldest of two sons born to the Inhuman priest and philosopher Mander and his wife, Azur. Triton was exposed to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist when he was a year old and emerged with a number of aquatic mutations. No longer able to breathe air, the young Triton was raised in a specially designed alcove on the shore of the island of Attilan. Triton's mother, a biologist, undertook the study of ocean life so she could better understand and care for her son. Eventually, a cumbersome breathing apparatus was designed to enable Triton to survive out of water for extended periods. This apparatus was refined and miniaturized by Maximus some years later. Triton's mother died during an undersea mishap when he was 14. At 18, he became a scout for the Inhumans, keeping watch over human oceangoing traffic in the vicinity. When sailors captured Triton, Black Bolt decided that Attilan was in danger of human discovery. Subsequently, the city was moved twice -- first to the Himalayas, then to the Moon -- neither site close to water. Triton now occupies his time exploring the ancient subterranean water tunnels beneath the moon's Blue City. He occasionally teleports to Earth under Lockjaw's power to swim the oceans and renew old acquaintances, such as his friendship with Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner. With Black Bolt and the rest of his cousins, Triton wandered the Earth in search of their fellow Inhuman, Medusa. They soon found her after Gorgon was sent by Maximus to bring her back, and Triton was with the group as they discovered the Human Torch in their hidden base alongside Crystal. He and Gorgon fought with Johnny, who eventually escaped and alerted the rest of the Fantastic Four. Then, with the rest of the Inhumans, Triton joined in a battle atop New York’s buildings against the Fantastic Four. But Mister Fantastic quickly discovered his suit of water that kept him submerged and tore it open. Triton was forced to flee the battle and dive off the New York docks, only to be shortly captured by the Seeker, who had also been sent to bring the Inhumans back to Attilan. When the Seeker captured the android Dragon Man, the Fantastic Four followed his trail to discover his ship. But the Dragon Man awoke too soon, and, finding himself chained, broke free and went on a rampage, destroying the water globe that the Seeker held Triton within. While the Human Torch and the Thing left to chase the Dragon Man, Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Girl stayed behind and used Sue’s powers to save Triton before he expired in the air. But the Seeker soon claimed him under Inhuman law and Reed was forced to give him up to be returned to Attilan. Shortly afterwards, Black Bolt and the rest of the Inhumans returned to Attilan and Black Bolt tore his crown from his brother, Maximus. Maximus then revealed to Triton and the Seeker that he was setting off his atmo-gun, which would kill all the humans on Earth, leaving only the Inhumans to rule the planet. But the machine didn’t work and Medusa announced what it revealed: that the Inhumans were of the same race as the humans. This drove Maximus insane, and he reversed his atmo-gun, sealing Triton and the rest of the Inhumans in a Negative Zone that surrounded Attilan. In his stint in complete madness, Maximus created circulators that would pump saline into Triton’s blood, allowing him to breathe air like other Inhumans. Later, Black Bolt was forced to use his powerful voice to destroy the shield that surrounded Attilan and the Inhumans were freed. Then the Council of Elders decreed that the royal family should split up and go into the human world, which Black Bolt agreed to, and they dispersed to go amongst the humans. When Reed Richards was trapped in the Negative Zone, floating towards certain death in the form of the Explosive Belt around Earth, Crystal implored Black Bolt to help him. Black Bolt sent Triton back with her as his underwater abilities would let him navigate in the zero gravity of the Negative Zone. He used his air-gun to propel himself to save Reed and take him back through the portal; but the alien Blastaar followed them. Triton attacked Blastaar when he made his presence known, but the Sandman blinded him and Blastaar knocked him unconscious with one punch. Soon, Reed managed to heal him in a tank of water, back to his full strength. Before too long, Maximus had recovered and used his scientific genius to capture the Inhuman royal family and retake Attilan. However, Black Bolt soon used his powerful voice to break them free and send Maximus scurrying to a hidden rocket. He left Earth with the Inhuman Royal Family to prevent the Kree subjugation of the Inhumans, and battled various aliens. He battled Kree agents, and returned to Earth and battled the Kree agent, the Pursuer. He battled the Hulk alongside the Royal Family. Triton participated in the Inhuman exodus when Attilan was relocated to Earth's Moon. He grappled with the Avengers under Maximus's mind control. He accompanied Medusa to Earth when she fled Attilan to avoid compulsory abortion by order of the Genetic Council. Triton battled mutated aquatic life caused by toxic waste. Triton maintains a friendship with Namor the Sub-Mariner, and has occasionally been involved in stories with Marvel's other ocean-dwelling characters. He had pivotal roles in major crossover stories such as the Kree-Skrull War,[issue # needed] and Atlantis Attacks. Triton has expressed discontent to Black Panther and Storm when they visit Attilan's current moon location. He reveals that several underground chambers have been flooded for his benefit, but it is just not the same. During the Secret Invasion storyline, the Inhuman royal family forges an alliance with the Kree to recover Black Bolt from the Skrulls' clutches. Together, they discover a weakness in the Skrull's defense and split up to recover the resources to exploit it. Triton is sent to the all-water planet Pelagia where he encounters a race of mermen-like beings that closely resemble him in appearance. He develops feelings for the native Dascylla. Although outnumbered by the hostile Pelagians, Triton manages to overcome them and find what he came for. Triton's breathing harness is then upgraded by the Kree allowing him to operate in the vacuum of space thus enabling him to physically attack the Skrulls' ship during the rescue.
In an effort to destroy the Fantastic Four, the Skrull Emperor tried feverishly to come up with a plan to defeat them. The Skrull General, Kalamari, suggested sending someone in as a spy, but the Emperor knew that they could not realistically duplicate any of the four’s powers. Then Paibok appeared and pointed out that they could make a duplicate of someone close to the four, picking Alicia Masters. Out of a group of Skrull women, Paibok chose Lyja for the mission. The two had once had an affair that had ended badly, and Lyja was unsure if his choice was a privilege or a punishment. Either way, she was chosen and studied Alicia’s face, mannerisms, and spent countless hours being trained in everything the Skrulls knew about the Fantastic Four, the Thing, and Alicia herself. Lyja was even equipped with contact lenses that would render her blind in her human form and she learned to operate without sight. The Skrulls waited patiently for the right moment; then they found it as the Fantastic Four were beamed away by the mysterious, alien construct that appeared in Central Park. They acted quickly to replace Alicia, and Paibok took the original away. But when the three members of the Fantastic Four returned, Lyja was shocked to find She-Hulk in place of the Thing, who she had expected to return. The Human Torch reluctantly told her that Ben had stayed behind and was replaced by She Hulk, thinking that Alicia was heart-broken over the loss of her love. Lyja’s plans were in shambles, but she reacted quickly and turned to Johnny, who she intended to get close to as a confidant. However, Lyja made a bigger mistake and fell in love with Johnny and the two were later married in a private ceremony that the Puppet Master nearly broke up until he realized how happy his niece - who he mistook Lyja for - seemed to be. The couple spent many years happily wed; but one day, when the Thing prepared himself a midnight snack, he heard noises coming from Mister Fantastic's laboratory. Lyja was there, attempting to destroy Reed’s Brain Analyzer before he could discover that she wasn’t really Alicia. Ben confronted her as an intruder, who appeared as a shadow, and continued to change into various forms to elude him until he rounded a corner and found Alicia there - who claimed she encountered nothing. Ben explained what he saw, though the rest of his team was skeptical. Later, Lyja discussed it with Johnny, who refused to believe that it was simply a hallucination. Lyja suggested that it could have been someone like the Puppet Master. Then, right on schedule, Ben slammed his way through the door alongside the Puppet Master and came after the woman disguised as Alicia. Johnny tried to stop him, but the Thing eventually snuffed his flame and threatened Lyja to reveal herself to the whole team, proving that she had duplicated Alicia. Reed was forced to stop Johnny from killing Lyja before she could tell them the truth. Only when the Invisible Woman used her force field on him did he burn himself out and calm down. Lyja then told them all the details of her mission, explaining that she had been Alicia since before Johnny married her. The Torch refused to believe this, thinking that he had married the real Alicia, and Lyja had simply replaced her later. But Lyja insisted, explaining that she had shared his bed and his life, and was soon to have his baby. Then, together with the Fantastic Four, Lyja donned Sue’s original uniform (to differentiate her from other Skrulls) and agreed to help them rescue the real Alicia in exchange for her freedom. Again, Johnny was furious but he restrained himself. When they invaded the Skrulls’ hidden base, Lyja armed herself with a stun gun and fought alongside the four. Though once Paibok appeared and turned on Johnny for the imagined indignities he felt the human had made Lyja suffer, she was torn between the man she had lived with and her former lover. Then, before Paibok could fire a lethal beam at Johnny’s back, Lyja transformed into a giant, alien beast and threw herself in the way of the beam. The Thing dropped a massive pillar on Paibok, putting him out of commission. Lyja was injured and lay dying. The Torch ran to her and asked her why she would do what she did. She told him that she wasn’t pregnant - she only wanted him to stay with her - and that she loved him, and would always love him. She seemingly died in his arms as he professed his own love for her. Mister Fantastic saved the real Alicia from her suspended animation and they were forced to leave Lyja’s body and escape as Paibok recovered and came after them. Later, when the Fantastic Four fought the Magnus, Paibok joined up with Devos the Destroyer, and together they revived Lyja and imbued her with her own superpowers. Calling her Lyja the Lazerfist, they plotted their revenge and soon attacked the Torch while he was attending Empire State University. Paibok and Devos chased him around, firing at him, until Lyja appeared. Feeling abandoned, Lyja hungered for revenge and used her new bio blasts to try and destroy the Torch. She again claimed to be pregnant, and together with her two allies, she poured fire upon the Torch until he lost control and used his ultimate weapon against them: his nova flame. Johnny turned white-hot and partially burned down Empire State University while Lyja and her cohorts fled. Together they continued to taunt Johnny. Lyja and Paibok appeared in a crowd during his arrest, revealing themselves enough to send him into a frenzy, but acting as innocents once he turned on them; further damaging his image. But Lyja could not hate him as Paibok expected, and she snuck out of their orbiting ship and defended Johnny when he and his teammates stood off against Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Hulk, and Spider-Man: the Secret Defenders. She stopped the Ghost Rider from killing him, claiming that as her right, but fought alongside of him when they were taken to the Moon shortly afterwards by Uatu The Watcher. Johnny saved her, as well, from an extra-powered Doctor Doom, before the Inhuman Black Bolt stopped Doom and they returned to Earth. She agreed to join Johnny when he was charged and imprisoned, and later accompanied the Thing to Alicia’s apartment where she met the woman she impersonated. Lyja attended Johnny’s trial, which was shortly broken up by Paibok, Devos, Klaw, and Huntara, a future relative of the Richards’. Lyja fought the villains, and her former allies, until Paibok reminded her that her baby would not be born properly without a genefit of a Lacaroo. The fight went out of Lyja, and she slumped to the ground, but Johnny appeared to save her though he took a blast in the back from Klaw. Afterwards, while Reed worked to fix a mutated Ms. Marvel, Lyja left Four Freedoms Plaza and disguised herself as a woman named Laura Green and became angry when Johnny hit on her. She later collapsed in pain due to her pregnancy, but made the then-teenage Franklin promise not to reveal it. She continued to vacillate between trusting Johnny and hating him, but finally revealed to him that if she didn’t have the Lacaroo birthing medicine their baby would die. Luckily, they were captured by Paibok and Devos and taken to the Skrull Homeworld, where Lyja and the remaining members of the Fantastic Four followed the lead of the Invisible Woman after the apparent death of Reed Richards, along with Doom. On the way off the planet, Susan grabbed a vial of birthing medicine. During a mission undersea alongside Namor and the Inhuman Triton, Lyja went into labor. Triton swam both Lyja and Johnny away and back to a hospital while the rest continued on. With very little time left, Lyja entrusted herself to a human doctor, and Johnny handed him the birthing medicine she needed. The doctor discovered that the medicine put Lyja in a spongy state, and he searched the mass for the baby. He pulled out the implant that gave her the energy powers, and tossed it away. Then he finally found the baby, which turned out to be an egg. Lyja and Johnny spent the next few days coming back to their incubated egg. Johnny even considered quitting the team, as he feared for the life of his baby with all the dangerous things going on at the time. He had finally decided to remain behind while the rest went out on a portentously fatal mission to stay with his child. A man appeared named Raphael Suarez who showed up as the Collector appeared to take their very unique child, and Raphael helped fight off a robot sent by the Collector with the lazerfist powers he accidentally received from Lyja’s implant. Moments before, Lyja herself discovered that her own powers were gone. After analyzing the egg, the Collector pronounced it a sham and disappeared. Lyja revealed that Johnny was not the egg’s father, but it was actually an artificial implant. She explained that she had tried to tell him, but couldn’t. As the egg began to hatch Johnny was whisked away to fight alongside his teammates. The egg then hatched and a huge, tentacled monster sprang forth. Lyja and Raphael fought it, with the help of Ant-Man and Namor, but only when Lyja used her Skrull abilities to transform into a twin of the creature was it finally beaten. Johnny and the rest of his team reappeared and Lyja explained that the creature was a Sha’Barri, implanted in her to destroy the Fantastic Four. She tried to make it up to him and offered to start their life over, but Johnny refused to trust her again and they both went their separate ways. Lyja continued to keep tabs on Johnny as Laura Green, but stayed estranged from him. She eventually decided to stay on Earth and assume a human life, as she no longer felt connected to her Skrull heritage.
during the gala reception. After being asked to improve the X-Men's public image
Hugo Strange is a brilliant but insane psychologist and scientist who is driven by obsession to fight against Batman. Pre Crisis The origin of Dr. Hugo Strange is unknown. He appeared upon the Gotham crime scene as a criminal mastermind who used fear and terrorism to further his goals to obtain wealth. Post Crisis Psychologist Dr. Hugo Strange became obsessed with the Dark Knight who was beginning to make a name for himself in his battle against Gotham City's criminals. Teetering on the edge of insanity, Strange's envy and hatred of the vigilante drove his quest to snare the mind of his quarry, the Batman.
As a young girl, Felicia Hardy saw her cat burglar father sent to prison, where he eventually died. Blaming crime lord Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, Felicia vowed to destroy him. Fifteen years later, the adult Felicia became an accountant for Fisk Enterprises, but spent her nights robbing Manhattan's more prominent office buildings as the costumed Black Cat. When Mr. Moore offered to buy his way into the Kingpin's organization with an inscribed stone tablet desired by Fisk, Felicia broke into Moore's building, easily circumventing the security through a combination of skill and incredible luck, and stole the tablet from his office safe. On her way out, she encountered and battled Spider-Man, but despite his slightly greater agility, Spider-Man seemed plagued by bad luck, and she escaped. When video footage of their encounter made the news, police suspected they were partners in crime.Intrigued, the Cat placed an ad in the Daily Bugle, arranging a meeting with Spider-Man on a rooftop near the site of their battle. She brought Spider-Man wine and cheese and flirted with him, but their romantic reunion was interrupted by Elektra, who had been hired to retrieve the tablet. The Cat and Elektra battled, with the assassin gradually gaining the upper hand. Trying to calm the situation, Spider-Man webbed the Cat while he tried to talk to Elektra, who knocked him off the building. While the others were distracted, the Cat freed herself and made her escape. Remembering comments the Cat had made to Elektra about telling the Kingpin she was not her father, Spider-Man searched the Daily Bugle records and figured out her identity. Realizing that if he could work this out, so could the Kingpin, he raced to Felicia's apartment, finding her literally in the crimelord's grasp. Spider-Man's arrival allowed Felicia to break free, and she fled to the roof of her apartment building. As the Kingpin and Elektra arrived in pursuit, she threw the tablet into the harbor. Elektra immediately threw a sai into Felicia's chest and she fell from the roof into the sea, apparently dead. However several months later, she returned to aid Spider-Man, during the inter-gang war between the forces of Kingpin and Hammerhead. She later expressed interest in working for Hammerhead, if it would mean getting rid of the Kingpin, which didn't sit well with the other heroes. Later, after the crisis was resolved, she passionately kissed Spider-Man through his mask, her previous interest in him having gotten stronger. She apparently had no idea of the age disparity between herself and Peter, and mistakenly assumed, after he left in a rush, that he was a married man. When she managed to unmask him and realized how young he was, she was repulsed. The shock and embarrassment of such a discovery caused her to vomit on his uniform. She ran off and wasn't seen again until post Ultimatum.
Data is a Soong-type Android constructed of 24.6 kilograms of tripolymer composites, 11.8 kilograms of molybdenum-cobalt, and 1.3 kilograms of bioplast sheeting. His positronic net was capable of processing sixty-trillion operations per seconds and had a storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits, which is approximately one-hundred petabytes. His positronic net is protected by a skull composed of cortenide and duranium. Data's spine is composed of a polyalloy which allows him to withstand extreme stress. Data's positronic net is capable of polywater intoxication, though he is impervious to alcohol. Data was Doctor Noonien Soong's sixth known attempt at a fully functioning humanoid android. He was constructed circa 2336 on the planet Omicron Theta. In his early existence, he struggled with motor skills and sensory input. In these days, Data had a disregard for social etiquette, such as saying "please" and "thank you," and certain undesirable qualities, such as not wearing clothes (he found them useless do to the fact that he "did not suffer from the elements.) Soong was able to correct these problems by writing a modesty subroutine into Data's systems, after he receive many complaints about his anatomically correct android being nude. He was deactivated circa 2338 so that a complete log of Omicron Theta's colonist's journals could be downloaded into his positronic matrix. Though the download was successful, Soong had to evacuate the planet to escape the attack by the crystalline entity that was set up by an earlier android known as Lore. Data was left on a rock face as the crystalline entity devoured every organic thing on Omicron Theta. Data's abandonment was due to Juliana, Soong's wife. She had come to love Data as a son, but also feared he would die like the androids before him, or become evil, like the Lore. This fear prompted her to lie to Soong about Data's demise. On February 2nd, 2338, Data was discovered by the crew of the U.S.S. Tripoli, a Federation ship that responded to a distress call sent from Omicron Theta. They reactivated Data, and Data attempted to join Starfleet as a show of gratitude. He was admitted into the Academy in 2341. Data graduated the Academy in 2345 with honors in Exobiology and probability mechanics. One of Data's first assignments was on the USS Trieste. He served three years as an ensign before being promoted to a lieutenant in 2348. He then became a Lieutenant Commander in 2360 and was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise D as the second officer four years later. Data was assigned to room 3653 on Deck three of the Enterprise. Data was a character created by Gene Roddenberry for the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation. Data was kind of like the Spock character on the original series of Number One from the first pilot. He was a very logical character without emotions. Ironically Spock had always tried to suppress his emotions and Data always desired to have some. The actor chosen to play the role was Brent Spiner. All characters of him are representations of the actor who played him Character Evolution Data was a critical member of the Enterprise D crew from the moment he was assigned. In his first mission he was instrumental in dealing with an omnipotent being known as Q and helping his crew solve a test that the Q hair laid before them at Farpoint station. Despite being emotionless Data touched the hearts of his fellow crew. He had an intimate relationship with crew-mate Tasha Yar, and he kept a miniature hologram of her to remember her by after her death. He had close friendship with Councillor Troi as well. This relationship was based on his inability to understand emotions and her ability to read them in other beings. He would quite often go to her for advice. Shortly into his first year on the Enterprise D he and his crew discovered and assembled Data's lost brother Lore. Lore was responsible for killing everyone on the planet by communicating with an alien being that destroyed all organic life on a planet. Lore was built before Data and was much more malicious. Lore even tried to assume Data's role on the ship and make Data look like him. This was easy as the were identical to each other. Fortunately, Lore was discovered and beamed into space. Lore would come back and torment Data and his fellow crewmen from time to time and even stole Data's emotion chip witch he would use to manipulate him. Data would get the chip back but not use it for many years. Data would also be forced to defend his right to make his own decisions as he was almost disassembled to discover his inter workings so that the Federation could make more of him. Captain Jean-Luc Picard fought the orders in a court of law and first officer William Riker took the opposition. This was not because he was felt that Data was not sentient but he was ordered to take the opposing side or face Data loosing the case automatically. He also had to do it with the best of his ability or Data would loose. William Riker was sick with his role and regarded him as a friend but having no choice he nearly won the case. When the verdict was won and Data was given his freedom to refuse he told Riker that he was grateful for his role in the proceeding knowing that he had to do a hard thing in order to give him a chance at freedom. Data would face a similar problem a year later when he tries to create his own daughter Lal. The Federation tried to get him to hand his daughter off to the them for study. They would not even allow Data to go with her. This so troubled that Lal that she literally malfunction and died because she was not able to deal with the emotions. Data took her memories and added them to his own. Data would also have a "serious" relationship with another fellow crew member. He did his best to make it work and he even added new subroutines, but in the end Data's lack of emotions got in the way. The romance was brief and Data moved on not feeling sadness at the dissolved relationship. After many years of not using the emotion chip Data decides to use it due to a misunderstanding he had with Doctor Beverly Crusher. The chip causes a malfunction and due to his fear his best friend Geordi LaForge is kidnapped. LaForge was later saved and Data was able to get control of his emotion chip only to have it manipulated again by the Borg Queen who literally gave him skin on parts of his body that allowed he to feel. Data was again able to take control and help Picard defeat the Borg Queen and save their ship The U.S.S Enterprise E. Do to the fact that the Enterprise D was destroyed just after Geordi was returned to his crew. About six years later Data would discover anther on of his long lost brother B-4. Data downloaded all of his knowledge and experiences to B-4 in order to bring him to the level he was but he was unsuccessful. Data would eventually give his life to save his Picard during a battle between the Enterprise E and a rouge Reman starship. His six best friends Picard, Riker, Crusher, Troi, Worf and Laforge drank a toast to him after his loss.
During The Agency’s quest to develop the ultimate controllable supersoldier, Jason Wynn and his overseas military allies discovered that a Taiwanese cartel was at least three years ahead of them on a similar project. Wynn sent in his best solider, Al Simmons, to steal the data and eliminate the competition under the guise that they were a terrorist organization whose project would threaten the safety of the United States. Simmons infiltrated the lab, hacked into their computer systems and retrieved the data. He then destroyed the lab and all records contained in it, save those now in his possession. He returned to the United States and gave the data to Wynn. This data was combined with The Agency’s own research and a new project was initiated, codenamed Project: SIM (also known as Project: SIMIAN). Shortly afterwards Simmons had been killed on the order of Wynn, and one of the younger agents was ready to blow the whistle on the assassination. Konieczni had trained under Simmons and was a close personal friend. Simmons had been his mentor. Before he could go public he was captured by The Agency and became the test subject of Project: SIM. The intel data from the project called for a half-man, half-gorilla monster, fused and augmented with cybernetic enhancements. Data acquired from the mafia attempts to make a similar soldier indicated that human nature would need to be subverted with more cybernetics. The combination of the ape, man and metal was theorized to be the best alternative. The ape could be fused with more bionic enhancements because of its pain threshold, making it far stronger than Tremor or OvertKill, meanwhile the human component would give the beast rational capabilities and the ability to follow orders. An 10:90 ape to man ratio was what would be idea for this project. This was not what actually happened. The Agency scientist, Dr. Wilhelm, had been distracted throughout the project with trying to adapt the process to save his wife, whose brain he was keeping alive after her body died from a sudden onset of a debilitation illness. Wilhelm fused Konieczni’s brain to the ape, but was never able to get the ape to man ratio lower than 90:10 leaving the beast controllable unless enraged enough that the dominant ape reverted to it’s own savage nature. It escaped its restraints before it was completed, and killed an agent sent to retrieve it and the doctor, who was already dead. Cy-Gor escaped Wilhelm’s compound and was headed for New York. It recognized Al Simmon’s soul and keyed into his necroplasmic aura. Cy-Gor blamed Al for its creation and sought to kill him for his part in Project: SIM It found him in the alleys an attacked him, speaking at times as the parts that were Mike came alive and began to remember the horrors it had been through. After being defeated by Spawn, Cy-Gor was left in the alleys and retrieved by one of Wynn’s handling teams. He was presumed dead but awoke in transport and killed yet another squad of handlers before escaping. Not long after he encountered an incarnation of the Hindu goddess of death, Kali in a subway and decapitated her. This left Chow, the man who had raised Kali, to worship Cy-Gor as the new avatar of death. Cy-Gor's last known location was boarding a plane heading for Serbia. It should be of note that the cult that raised Kali has returned and recently the goddess of death has returned to the Spawn universe, apparently this time at full power. It should also be noted that Cy-Gor's bio, as presented in the Spawn Bible, has been retconned in the series and that there have been changes made to the character's original identity. Most of the character's bio has been left intact.
Bullseye was a hired goon that worked for Mayor Fisk of Timely to stop Sheriff Steven Rogers from cleaning up the town.
Early Life The Stork was carrying Mario and Luigi. Kamek snatched Baby Luigi and the Stork with Mario falling onto Yoshi. Yoshi and his travel companions work together to help Mario save Luigi while the Toadies attempt to chase them. After the defeat of Baby Bowser, Mario reunited with Luigi and Yoshi freed the stork. The stork continued carrying Mario and Luigi to the parents' home and leaves Mario and Luigi by the porch. Donkey Kong Mario knew that Donkey Kong has kidnapped Pauline onto a dangerous construction site. Donkey Kong taunted and teased Mario until Mario defeated Donkey Kong and Mario rescues Pauline. For revenge, Mario kidnapped Donkey Kong inside the cage. Mario prevented Donkey Kong Jr. from rescuing Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. caught up with Mario which he failed keeping Donkey Kong captive. Mario Bros. Mario and Luigi meet each other again. They work as plumbers inside the sewers of New York. Mushroom World's First Invasion Mario and Luigi heard about Bowser summoning dark magic into the Mushroom World turning Toads into inanimate objects, Princess Peach was also kidnapped by Bowser that she cannot undo the spell. Mario defeated Bowser and rescued Peach, who assigned him a new quest. Subcon Mario was dreaming about Subcon when he witnessed Wart kidnapping Subcons. Mario woke up from his dream. Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach had a picnic nearby a cave. Mario told his dream to his friends; they stated that they had the same dream. The group was curious about looking through the cave. They noticed the stairs leading to the door. When they opened it, they fell to Subcon. The group defeated Wart and rescued the Subcons. Mushroom World's Second Invasion Princess Peach messaged Mario and Luigi that Bowser sent the Koopalings to invade the seven worlds. Mario defeated Koopalings and returned the wand to the kings. However, Bowser kidnapped Peach. Mario rushed to Bowser and defeated Bowser. Upon his defeat, Peach thanked Mario. Yoshi's Island Mario, Luigi, and Peach agreed to have a vacation on Yoshi's Island. Mario and Luigi relaxed on the beach. They realized Princess Toadstool disappeared. Mario and Luigi search for her until they approached an enormous egg, a Yoshi Egg. Yoshi thanked Mario and Luigi for rescuing them. He told Mario and Luigi that "monstrous turtles" sealed them in eggs. Luigi realized Bowser and the Koopalings returned. Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi arrived in the Valley of Bowser. Mario and Luigi fought against Bowser and rescued Peach. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, and the eggs traveled back to Yoshi's Island. The Yoshis hatched from the eggs. Sarasaland Invasion Tatanga brainwashed the people in Sarasaland and conquered it. He kidnapped Daisy, plotted to marry her and to be his queen. When Mario learned this incident, he traveled through the four kingdoms and fought Tatanga. Upon his defeat, Mario rescued Daisy and the people were free from Tatanga's control. Behind The Paintings Peach sent an invitation to Mario, mentioning that he is invited to eat cake. Mario headed to Peach's Castle. Upon entering, Mario heard Bowser speaking and realized Bowser held Peach and the Toads captive in paintings. He entered paintings and gathered scattered Power Stars. After saving the Toads, he collected enough Power Stars and faced Bowser in combat and ended his terrible reign. Princess Peach was saved, and she thanked him with a kiss and baked him a cake. Luigi's Mansion King Boo tricked Luigi into thinking he had won a mansion. King Boo trapped Mario in a painting. Luigi rescued Mario from the painting upon King Boo's defeat. Isle Delfino Upon arriving on Isle Delfino, inhabitants branded Mario as a criminal. An impersonator of Mario, Shadow Mario was vandalizing Isle Delfino with goop. Mario denied that he vandalized the island. Security forced Mario to clean the goop and return the Shine Sprites to the Shine Gate. Mario started cleaning up the isle and found out Bowser Jr. was the impersonator. He kidnapped Princess Peach and took her to the Corona Mountain. After Mario defeated Bowser Jr., he flooded Delfino Square. Mario went to Corona Mountain and found Bowser and son, bathing in a tub of hot slime goop. When Mario flipped the tub upside down, they fell onto a separate island, saving Isle Delfino. Inhabitants apologized for accusing Mario. Mario continued enjoying his vacation. Vibe Island Bowser kidnapped Mario, Luigi, and the Toads while Princess Peach, Toadsworth and Toad were strolling. Army Hammer Bro help him captive in the cage. Upon Peach, Toadsworth, and Toad's arrival, they found out that Bowser kidnapped them, witnessing Toads with different emotions. Peach was determined to rescue the brothers and Toads. Toadsworth gave Peach an unordinary umbrella named Perry. Perry assisted Peach in Vibe Island. After rescuing Toads and Luigi, the duo went the Bowser's villa and confronted Army Hammer Bro and Bowser. Defeating both of them, Perry freed Mario. Peach, Perry, Toads, Mario, and Luigi left the island and returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Big Tail Tree When Mario and Peach walked to Peach's castle, lightning struck the castle. Mario rushed to the castle to investigate. However, Bowser Jr. took Peach. Mario realized it and chased after Bowser Jr. While Mario continued running, Mario fought against Bowser and Bowser Jr. Upon their defeat, he rescued Peach. Peach's Birthday Mario and his friends celebrated Peach's birthday. When a large cake landed in the castle, they investigated it. Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings emerged and kidnapped Peach. Mario and company fought Bowser in his castle. Upon his defeat, they rescued Peach. Mario and company rode on hot air balloons and left the place. Galaxy Reactor Peach sent Mario an invitation to the Starbit Festival. Mario was excited and rushed to her castle. However, Bowser and his troops crashed the festival. The Koopa troop separates Mario from Peach. When Mario woke up, Lumas played with him. Mario met Rosalina, who requested Mario's help to collect Grand Stars and Power Stars. Retrieving Grand Stars, Rosalina navigated the Comet Observatory to Bowser's Galaxy Reactor. Mario approached Peach, Bowser and Bowser Jr. Mario fought against Bowser. Upon Bowser's defeat, Mario rescues Peach. The black hole deconstructed the galaxies, while Rosalina rescued Mario from the cataclysm. Awakening at the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, and his passing acquaintances celebrated reconstructed galaxies celebrating. Galaxy Generator Another story of Mario, Peach invited Mario to her castle for cake. When Mario arrived, Bowser kidnapped Peach and took her away to the center of the universe. After Mario defeated Bowser's Galaxy Generator, Peach appeared with the Grand Star and landed on the garden planet with Mario. The Comet Observatory was free from Bowser's fortress, and Rosalina was pleased to know that Luma is safe. Luma also takes Mario's cap as a souvenir. Mario and Peach rode on Starship Mario and returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Tail Tree The great storm blew Tanooki leaves off the Tail Tree outside Peach's Castle. The next day, Mario and three Toads check on the big tail tree and realized Bowser kidnapped Peach while she investigated the damage to the tree. Mario and the Toads ran to rescue her. While running through the worlds, he receives letters from Peach to learn about her predicament. Mario approached Bowser's lair; they fought each other. After Bowser chased Mario through obstacles, Mario pressed the switch that collapsed the bridge, and Bowser fell into the lava pool. Mario and the three Toads rescued Princess Peach and returned to the castle. After Mario rescued Luigi from Dry Bowser, Bowser captured Peach again. Mario returned to his castle and defeated him. Acorn Plains Mario, Luigi, two Toads, and Peach were having dinner together. However, Bowser, Bowser Jr., and the Koopalings threw Mario, Luigi, and two Toads away from her castle to Acorn Plains. Mario and company ventured through different worlds and found Peach on the tower. Upon entering the castle, they were about to save her until Bowser and Bowser Jr. appeared. Upon defeating them, Mario and company ran to Peach, and the castle returned to its original state. Witnessing Bowser, Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings retreating, they celebrated. Sprixie Kingdom Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Blue Toad were enjoying the fireworks on the evening of Mushroom Kingdom. They found a slanted Clear Pipe. After Mario and Luigi fixed the pipe, a green Sprixie Princess panicked and told them that she escaped Bowser, but he kidnapped the other Sprixie Princesses. Bowser came out of the pipe and trapped the green Sprixie Princess in the jar and went to the plains area. Peach checked Bowser inside the pipe but fell into the pipe. Mario and company caught up to her and fell into the plains area where they found the green Sprixie Princess trapped inside a jar. After Mario and the company rescued the green Sprixie Princess, they continued to save more Sprixie Princesses in other areas. Rescuing the last Sprixie Princess, Bowser kidnapped all the Sprixie Princesses in a large jar and ran to the amusement area. The foursome rescued the Sprixie Princesses again from Bowser as Meowser. Bowser was trapped in the jar as Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser and Peach's Wedding During the events "in the skies above Peach's castle," Bowser kidnapped Princess Peach and Tiara on his airship. Bowser threw Mario's cap at him; thus Mario falls to the ground at the Bonneter Kingdom. Cappy found Mario and told him that Bowser kidnapped his sister, Tiara. Cappy assisted Mario while they venture. Mario and Cappy confronted Bowser with Peach and Tiara at his kingdom, and he told Mario and Cappy that he planned his wedding on the moon and left them behind. While Peach, Bowser, and attendees were present at the wedding, Mario and Cappy crashed the wedding. Bowser declared a battle against Mario. After Mario fought Bowser, Mario, Cappy, Peach, and Tiara reunited. They escape from the collapsing area to the moon with Mario and Cappy possessing Bowser. Meanwhile, Mario and Bowser proposed to Peach, but she rejected them and left with Cappy and Tiara to the Odyssey. Mario jumped onto the Odyssey while Bowser was stuck on the moon.
Untold millennia ago, the Tyannans, a technologically-advanced semi-humanoid/leonine species of the anti-matter universe the Negative Zone, seeded barren worlds with life spores. A freak meteor collision hurled one of their ships into the volcanic planet Arthros, where the crew released their spores before starving to death. Many generations later, one of those spores evolved into a weak insectoid creature. Significantly intelligent due to a mutation, the creature found the Tyannan starship wreckage and used a knowledge transference helmet to master the advanced Tyannan technology. This enhanced his intelligence and strength, creating a "Cosmic Control Rod" and body armaments. Obsessed with survival, the paranoid creature, who came to be known as Annihilus, set out to destroy any other living being he viewed as a possible threat to his existence. Annihilus used his newly acquired power to dominate other lifeforms that had arisen from the spores on Arthros, and plotted to either conquer or destroy the neighboring worlds in the Negative Zone. He transformed many prisoners via the Tyannans' Gene Transmuter into his servile Scavengers. Annihilus first encountered the Fantastic Four when Reed, Thing, and Johnny entered the Negative Zone seeking anti-particles needed to treat Sue's cosmic ray-related pregnancy complications. Annihilus' minions captured the heroes, but they escaped, stealing his Control Rod. They returned it after siphoning off the needed anti-particles and returned to Earth. Annihilus next invaded the microverse, a dimension accessed via the energies of shrinking, sending his Insectivorid drones to conquer worlds in his name. Psycho-Man tried to control the dimensional interface leading to the microverse, but the Insectovorids, emotionless and immune to his power, overran the entire Sub-Atomica System and forced him to retreat to his worldship. Psycho-Man captured the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man to power his weapons and drive off the invaders, but the heroes escaped, leaving Annihilus and Psycho-Man to battle for control of the worldship. Annihilus' microverse invasion was presumably repelled. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Doom stole Annihilus' Rod in a complex scheme to steal Galactus's cosmic power. Almost immediately, Annihilus captured the human Rick Jones, who was often stranded in the Negative Zone through a bond he shared with Kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell. Annihilus released Jones when the Fantastic Four retrieved his Control Rod from Dr. Doom. Later, Annihilus was challenged by Janus the Nega-Man, a research scientist and contemporary of Reed who developed a module capable of harnessing anti-matter energy, within the Negative Zone. Annihilus defeated Janus, forcing the Nega-Man to lead him to Earth, but Janus was instead seemingly killed in the exploding atmosphere where matter meets anti-matter. When Mar-Vell used Reed's technology to free Rick Jones from the Negative Zone, Annihilus nearly crossed over to Earth along with Jones, but was driven back by the Avengers. Jones later returned to the Negative Zone, but his ability to access the Destiny Force--a near-infinite power source inherent in all humanity--protected him from Annihilus. Sensing great power within Franklin Richards, Annihilus once abducted him, amplifying his powers out of control. The Four defeated Annihilus and escaped back to Earth, but Reed was forced to temporarily shut down Franklin's mind to protect Earth's solar system. When the Mad Thinker regained control of his "most powerful android", which Annihilus had previously transmuted into one of his Scavenger servants, it stole Annihilus' Control Rod, morphing into monster form. Annihilus was forced to team up with Reed, who had been stranded in the Negative Zone by the Brute (Reed Richards of the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth), to foil the Mad Thinker's plan to conquer both the Negative Zone and Earth. The monster android was ultimately defeated, and Annihilus regained his Rod. Annihilus next forged the first of many uneasy alliances with Blastaar, another Negative Zone warlord who ruled the planet Baluur. When his monarchy was overthrown, Blastaar offered to serve Annihilus in exchange for assistance in regaining control of Baluur. Although Annihilus viewed Blastaar as emotional and weak, he agreed to Blastaar's proposal, secretly planning to betray his newfound ally. Annihilus showed Blastaar his new weapon, the Super-Adaptoid-a powerful Advanced Idea Mechanics android which Annihilus "found" and reprogrammed, but when Nyglar, Blastaar's mate, grew suspicious of Annihilus and sent out a distress signal, the Thing and Avengers responded and defeated the villains. Annihilus slew Nyglar, after which Blastaar stole the Control Rod and left Annihilus to weaken and deteriorate rapidly. Dying and desperate, Annihilus slipped through the portal to Earth while the Fantastic Four were in the Negative Zone. Taking Franklin and Alicia Masters hostage, he attempted to merge the Earth universe with the Negative Zone, nearly destroying both in the process. Narrowly surviving the ensuing conflict, Annihilus eventually regained his Control Rod with the unwitting aid of Blastaar. Annihilus next attacked the dimension of Asgard, home of the Norse Gods, which had partially drifted into the Negative Zone for a time after the Rainbow Bridge was shattered. Annihilus slew several of Asgard's elite guard, the Crimson Hawks, and even defeated the mighty Thor before finally falling in battle to Odin, King of Asgard. Later, when Odin entered a week-long "Odinsleep" to renew his godly energies, Annihilus kidnapped his dormant body and transported it to the Negative Zone. Annihilus was soon located by the god Heimdall and defeated by Thor, who returned Odin to Asgard. Shortly thereafter, the extra-dimensional energy vampire Rune was defeated and cast into the Negative Zone. The weakened Rune attempted to steal the Control Rod, but was defeated by Annihilus and held prisoner within a cosmic singularity until eventually escaping through a portal. After investigating a strong energy pulse within the Negative Zone, Annihilus and Blastaar were imprisoned alongside the Fantastic Four by the Brute, who had enslaved the Tyannans as his personal army. Annihilus and his fellow captives eventually escaped and defeated the Brute, but Reed helped the Tyannans seal themselves off from the rest of the Negative Zone before a vengeful Annihilus and Blastaar were able to conquer them. Soon after, Annihilus and Blastaar joined forces with fellow Negative Zone warlord Syphonn, who created the Conqueror Wheel to access the Earth universe. During a confrontation with Adam Warlock, Annihilus and Blastaar realized that Syphonn planned to betray them-so they betrayed him first, forcing Syphonn to retreat as his Conqueror Wheel was destroyed by Warlock's allies. Stranded on the Negative Zone world of Argor by a glitch in Reed's Fold Space Transceptor prototype, the Fantastic Four stowed aboard Annihilus' monstrous spacecraft, but were soon detected and fought a heated battle with Annihilus inside a cargo hold. Seizing the Control Rod, Reed combined its technology with his Fold Space Transceptor and opened an access portal that allowed the Fantastic Four to escape Annihilus' spacecraft. Later, Annihilus faced a major setback when the N-Explorers, a team funded by the Gideon Trust to explore and loot the Negative Zone, stole his Control Rod. While fighting the N-Explorers for possession of his Rod, Annihilus was decapitated and slain by Hellscout, a descendant of 17th-century Puritan setters who had been stranded in the Negative Zone for centuries. Upon Annihilus' death, his body released a pod containing a nymph-like clone possessing his memories. After his new body's maturation, Annihilus awoke from his rebirth, but found the Control Rod missing and his empire in ruins. When Reed planned a new superhuman prison in the Negative Zone, the Fantastic Four were assaulted by Annihilus, who believed they had stolen his Control Rod. After a brief skirmish, the Fantastic Four subdued him, only to be attacked by a second Annihilus who had apparently also been spawned upon the death of his predecessor. Each believing himself to be the true Annihilus and the other the thief, the two Annihilus fought each other, allowing the Fantastic Four to escape. Most recently, Annihilus learned that our positive-matter universe was gradually expanding into his anti-matter Negative Zone. Seeking to take back what he believed was rightfully his, Annihilus led a majority of his Annihilation Wave fleet through the Crunch, the energy surge that separates the positive-matter universe from its anti-matter counterpart, leaving behind only a small number of units to maintain control of his Negative Zone empire. As his armada laid waste to the Skrull Empire, Annihilus himself seemingly killed the hero Quasar and acquired his Quantum Bands while searching for a way to harness the Power Cosmic.
During the first Serpentine War, Skalidor attacked Jamanakai Village with the other Serpentine, though was repelled by the Elemental Alliance. Near the war's end, he and the other Constrictai were sealed away in a tomb by the Elemental Masters using a Sacred Flute.
Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother Primus. Also known as the Lord of Chaos, the Chaos Bringer, and the Planet Eater, he is dedicated to consuming the multiverse. His massive form is powered by the consumption of planets, moons, stars, and even the very fabric of existence. Unicron will not be sated until his ultimate goal is attained: to bring an end to the annoying creation boasting independence around him, and find peace by becoming the living center of a swirling, infinite torrent of nothingness at the end of all things. To undertake this seemingly overwhelming task, Unicron is able to travel across realities at will, a meandering plague upon existence itself. Integrated into his systems are incomprehensible quantum computers which calculate probabilities forward and backwards in time, in perpetuity, giving his processors an ever changing, evolving map of the multiverse. With these abilities at his disposal, Unicron has thus far devoured approximately 22.56% of known universes. Seen at a detached distance from the multiverse, this collective "Unicron Phenomenon" acts with the characteristics of a virus or plague seeping through reality, succeeding where it can, retreating when it cannot. Various permutations of Unicron can spawn into existence outside the trappings of the larger entity, hailing from a more mundane origin but possessing the same consumptive traits. For much of multiversal history, the singularity Unicron threatened all of existence, but now, that is no longer the case, versions of Unicron being restricted to their own dimensions. The only thing that he fears is Primus's essence, contained inside the Matrix. To a being of chaos and uncreation, this font of life is a poison. Frequently, Unicron will make deals with lesser beings, promising them vast new powers in exchange for their servitude. These minions are sometimes stripped entirely of their free will, but others follow him willingly. Service to Unicron, however, is a double-edged sword, for it causes insanity and loss of self. And in the end, Unicron's plans ultimately call for their consumption as well.
Mark Mardon, nicknamed Weather Wizard by Cisco Ramon, is the older brother of the late Clyde Mardon and estranged father of Joslyn Jackam. After the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator erupted, Mark was affected by the dark matter wave the same way as his brother, gaining the ability to control the weather. Over a year later, Mark was imprisoned in the S.T.A.R. Labs Pipeline by The Flash, but was freed by Leonard Snart and Lisa Snart along with the rest of the imprisoned meta-humans. He later freed Snart and James Jesse to form the Rogues, the former of whom refused to work with him, instead choosing to warn Barry, only for Mardon and Jesse to be defeated by the Flash and sent to Iron Heights Prison. In an altered timeline, Mark was once again freed from prison by Hartley Rathaway and joined his team to take over Central City and kill The Flash and Joe West. However, due to Barry changing the timeline, Hartley made amends with Team Flash in the new timeline, thus never getting the opportunity to create his team.
Aldrich Killian was the founder and CEO of Advanced Idea Mechanics. When Tony Stark had refused to join his research, Killian participated in the development of Extremis, amassing a group of Extremis-enhanced soldiers under his command. To mask his illegal activities as terrorist attacks, he created an idealized terrorist persona known as the "Mandarin" portrayed by the actor Trevor Slattery to serve as his proxy, unaware the real Mandarin actually existed. Killian had also conspired with the Vice President Rodriguez in an attempt to take control of both the United States of America and the War on Terror, and manipulating them for profit. However, as soon as Killian had kidnapped both Pepper Potts and President Matthew Ellis, he was then confronted by Iron Man who managed to defeat his plans with the assistance of the Iron Legion and Potts.
Herman Schultz is a career criminal who, after several prison terms for robbery, built a battle suit that sent out shock waves to quickly open safes as well as give him a significant advantage over the New York police. During his first outing as the self-styled "Shocker" he ran into and defeated Spider-Man (Peter Parker), who became Schultz's nemesis. Schultz was usually involved in theft or extortion; a typical day in the life of the Shocker would find him knocking over armored cars or trying to hawk items he previously stole. On one particularly ambitious day, the Shocker held New York City for ransom when he blacked out portions of the city to spell out his criminal moniker, then threatened to black out the entire city unless he was paid 1 million dollars. On another he terrified a stockbroker into playing the market, for substantial monetary gain. The Shocker has been a member of the Masters Of Evil and has fought Spider-Man many times. He has proved to be one of Spider-Man's more difficult opponents. The Shocker, being very masterful in his equipment, makes changes accordingly to defeat his enemies. The Shocker has severe confidence problems but came back to his original cocky, arrogant self, recently. He once had Spider-Man completely at his mercy but let him go. The Shocker's brief period of shakey confidence appears to be a thing of the past.
A doctor at Our Mother of Mercy Hospital in New York City, Cecilia was brought into the world of the X-Men during the Operation: Zero Tolerance crisis. Recieved an offer to Xavier's School three years prior, but rejected the offer and asked Xavier to keep quiet. Attacked by Prime Sentinels while working, she was saved by both her defensive sheild and through the aid of Iceman. Banding together with Sabra, Marrow, and Charlotte Ross the group faced Bastion until S.H.I.E.L.D. interfered.
Matt Parkman is a detective in the New York Police Department, though he had immense trouble getting to his desired position because his dyslexia made it difficult for him to pass the entrance exam. He is an evolved human with the ability of telepathy.
Before Jack Frost became an immortal being who possessed the power over ice and snow, Jack was once a teenage human boy who had a family of his own 300 years before the current timeline. Like his current form, Jack was mischievous, liked to have fun and play tricks on his friends and his younger sister. When Jack and his sister got themselves in trouble while they were ice skating on thin ice, Jack made up a game of Hopscotch, and using his staff, Jack saved his sister from the cracking ice, at the cost of his own life. The Man in the Moon, seeing Jack's selfless act of heroism and sacrifice, shines his light and transforms Jack into a Winter Spirit, of which Jack rises up from the frozen pond and he is reborn as Jack Frost. When Jack Frost was reborn he lost all memory of his previous life and immediately began his adventures of fun and mischief, discovering his powers. The Man in the Moon only ever told him his name, and he quickly discovers no one can see him when he enters a village and is walked through for the first time.
Colonel Helmut Zemo is a Sokovian citizen turned terrorist mastermind who sought revenge against the Avengers after losing his family in the Battle of Sokovia, becoming obsessed with defeating and destroying them. Knowing that he was no match against the Avengers, he instead planned to have them destroy each other by first framing the Winter Soldier for the assassination of T'Chaka, causing Captain America to defend his closest friend from the world. This action had caused the Avengers Civil War in which Iron Man led a manhunt for the Winter Soldier and Zemo allowed Iron Man to discover that the Winter Soldier was also responsible for the deaths of his parents. With the Avengers in ruins, Zemo then attempted to commit suicide but was stopped by the Black Panther and handed over to Everett Ross for his imprisonment.
Joseph Martin was a Metropolis college student who began suffering periods of severe fatigue. When his regular physician was unable to offer an explanation, he was referred to S.T.A.R. Labs. His appointment coincided with Monarch's attack on the city.
Lashina was raised as a warrior in Granny Goodness' Orphanage, and took over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda left Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies went to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle, they soon returned to Apokolips to be punished for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina was then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to the annoyance of Bernadeth. During a mission to capture Glorious Godfrey, a New God that had been imprisoned on Earth, Lashina was betrayed by Bernadeth and shoved out of the boom tube. She was shot and later suffered from amnesia
The great-nieceof S.H.I.E.L.D.'s co-founder Peggy Carter, Sharon grew an interest in the agency, and followed Peggy's advice to join despite her mother's protests to the contrary. To ensure she would not be on her famed ancestor's shadow, Shron refused to disclose her surname while at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Originally built with the powers and skills of the original Justice League ( Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter) preinstalled, as well as a duplicate Lantern Power Ring and Lasso of Truth. As such he was a formidable adversary. The powers and programming of Amazo has varied over time. Some incarnations of Amazo are pre-installed with the powers of members of the Justice League Of America (often Superman and Flash with the fighting skill of Wonder Woman). Other times the programming of Amazo varies. For instance the programming and absorption cell technology was implanted into the body of fellow android Red Tornado after the Red Tornado's soul moved on to a human body. This led to a conflict as part of the Red Tornado's spirit became ingrained in the android circuitry. On one occasion he was only able to duplicate the powers of the members in the Justice League, adapting as the roster grew (this Amazo was defeated when Superman disbanded the Justice League, leaving Amazo without any sources to copy). And in one example Amazo was able to steal the powers of the Justice League as well as their humanity, leaving the Justice League powerless androids. Amazo returned the League to normal when he couldn't reconcile his actions with his new emotions. These diverging programming and power fluctuations have not been officially reconciled within DC continuity. Notably, Amazo has held a grudge with the Hourman of the 853rd century. When the temporal powered android traveled back in time and joined with the JSA, Amazo was jealous of how advanced in both technology and sentience Hourman was. They had a bitter feud until Hourman returned to his correct time line. All incarnations of Amazo have the strength and invulnerability that comes with being an android. More recent incarnations of Amazo has the robot built with the ability to adapt and counter metahuman attacks through an internal database much like OMACs. In this manner Amazo can be considered to have the knowledge and planning of Batman. Unlike the OMACs Amazo can replicate powers to counter attacks instead of using pre-built defenses. This unpredictability is one of the threats of Amazo. It's always a gamble for any hero to encounter an Amazo as they can never be sure what powers the Amazo currently has. The appearance of Amazo usually involves a pointy eared monster android with the ability to replicate the powers of nearby metahumans and a heartless or downright evil sentience.Recently, through poorly explained science, a boy was revealed to be Amazo's son KID AMAZO. Rather than join his father as a villain, Kid Amazo fought the urges programed into his genetic code and used his powers to stop his father. Amazo joined Alexander Luthor's Secret Society of Super-Villains.
Drake Burroughs was born some time in the late 30th century. As a young man he attended Metropolis University. One day, while studying at the University research center, Drake was caught in a laboratory explosion that completely destroyed his body. For reasons unknown, his consciousness survived, and the atoms of his body reconstituted themselves as pure antimatter. A scientist named Professor Vultan created a specially designed suit to contain Drake's energy form. The suit enabled Drake the ability to function in a relatively normal existence, and it also provided him the ability to channel a wide variety of new energy-based powers through the suit. Calling himself ERG-1, Drake applied for membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes. Unfortunately, the Legion maintained a policy which forbad inclusion of members whose powers duplicated those of other members. ERG-1's power-set included abilities shared by others such as Superboy, Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet. As such, his application for membership was rejected.