Zero was created by the late Dr. Albert Wily sometime in the early twenty-first century. Wily alluded to him during Bass's ending in Mega Man: The Power Battle, where he mentioned he was developing a robot that will blow away both Mega Man and Bass. Schematic blueprints of his body were seen during Bass's ending in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. Learning from his past mistakes, including the accidental creation of Bassnium and his construction of Bass and King, Wily constructed Zero as a far more advanced robot than anything he had ever built before, with a power level far superior to that of Bass or Mega Man using Proto Man as reference for Zero's design. He also presumably began to create the Maverick Virus around this time. Wily even dubbed Zero his "greatest masterpiece". Zero contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him violent and unwilling to obey instructions. Because of this, Wily decided to seal him in a capsule. Decades later, in the early twenty-second century, his hiding place was found by a group of Reploids prior to the first Mega Man X game. Once awakened by this group, Zero destroyed them, as well as any intruders who would dare enter Wily's lair. Labeled a Maverick (by the definition of being a threat to humans), Zero was later cornered by Maverick Hunters inside an unknown facility, and Zero destroyed Garma's unit. Not wanting to get any more comrades endangered by the powerful enigmatic Maverick, then-Hunter Commander Sigma himself challenged the red Maverick in a one-on-one battle. Even though Zero eventually gained the upper hand during the battle, Sigma was able to defeat the red Maverick after the gem on Zero's head began to glow with a 'W' symbol, apparently causing Zero great pain. Sigma punched this crystal, shattering it and defeating Zero, and Sigma was infected by Zero's Maverick Virus. Zero was then brought to Dr. Cain, who analyzed him. After that, he recovered from his battle with Sigma and was placed under Sigma's watch. Zero did not show any more signs of Maverick behavior and was enlisted into the Maverick Hunters' 17th Elite Unit. As part of the 17th Elite Unit, Zero became an excellent Maverick Hunter and was soon ranked A-Class, the highest rank the Maverick Hunters had to offer at that point in time. It was during that time in which he met X for the first time who was also part of the 17th Unit, even though he was only ranked B-Class due to his hesitation on the battlefield. The two became friends and partners and worked together whenever they could. Zero soon became somewhat of a mentor to X. Soon afterward, a series of Mechaniloids going berserk occurred in Abel City, the city in which the Hunter Base at that point was located. During the course of the investigation, it was Zero who eventually uncovered the identity of the person responsible for the attacks, which was none other than Sigma himself. Zero realized this after analyzing various locations which were seemly connected to the attacks, and by looking over the bodies of defeated Reploids, which were all taken down with a single blow directed at a weak spot. There had been only a very few numbers of Reploids with such perfect skills, including Sigma. The blows that the defeated Reploids had taken was caused by a beam saber, and not by range-weapons, which ruled out the previously suspected Vile. Even though Zero managed to block Sigma's first attack, he was soon overwhelmed and was used to goad X into attempting to kill Sigma, which would have killed Zero in the process, to see whether X really could hesitate. Upon seeing that X indeed does hesitate, Sigma slashed Zero with his beam saber and left him while he held X captive and launched a missile attack on Abel City. Sometime later, Zero regained his conscious and found X all alone in the facility, heavily damaged. He then brought him back to Hunter HQ. After Sigma's declaration of Reploid Independence on July 4 21XX (June in the US manual of the original game), dubbed "The Day of Σ", Zero, who at that point was the highest-ranked member of the Hunter organization, became the new leader, and he and a repaired X fought together against Sigma's rebellion. Zero saved X during a Maverick attack at the Central Highway from Vile. In Maverick Hunter X, Zero also responded to Vile's question about why Zero would aid a B-Class Hunter like X by informing Vile that he's nothing more than a Maverick at the present. After that, the two split up, with X's task to slow down the Maverick activities in nearby areas while Zero himself was on recon duty at Sigma's fortress. They eventually rendezvoused at the outskirts and together invaded the fortress. Here, they encountered Vile for a second time. Zero was captured by Vile and imprisoned in a cage (in Maverick Hunter X however, Zero was left unconscious by Vile as bait for X). When X was also defeated by Vile, Zero managed to break free (or regain consciousness, as was the case in Maverick Hunter X) and destroyed Vile's armor by firing a charge shot from point-blank range, which was a successful, yet fatal action. Afterward, Zero handed his Buster Parts to X (only in case X hadn't obtained the Buster Upgrade from the Light Capsule) and encouraged him to continue to fight before ultimately dying in X's arms (Maverick Hunter X also has Zero remarking on the irony of his actions in saving X leading to his death when he earlier told X not to be so careless). In Vile Mode, unlocked by completing the main game in Maverick Hunter X, Zero's characterization was similar to the main game, including saving X from Vile. However, instead of chasing Vile off, Zero instead retreats with an injured X. X and Zero later reappear as the final bosses at Sigma's Palace Stage 3, where he learns that Vile is, in fact, working against Sigma as well as fighting X and Zero. He ends up severely injured by Vile, although he eventually managed to sneak up and grab Vile's leg and pin him before he could deliver the final blow against X, also referring to Vile's earlier rant about X "changing the world" as "maverick talk," also grounding Vile so he'd be caught in X's charge shot. It is unknown if Zero managed to survive the charge shot that critically wounded Vile, or if, like in the main game, Zero also ended up destroyed in a sacrificial effort to help bring Vile down. After Sigma's defeat, the Hunters tried to salvage whatever remained of Zero from the sunken fortress and found Zero's control chip (which serves as Zero's "brain" and consciousness) which had miraculously survived the destruction of the body. However, the Hunters were incapable of creating a new body for Zero because they were unable to analyze his unique body structure. Six months later, a group of three Mavericks, calling themselves the "X-Hunters" (Counter Hunters in Japan), contacted the Maverick Hunters and claimed to be in possession of all of the rest of the parts that would be required to rebuild Zero. Although the American translation of the game fails to reveal how the X-Hunters gained the parts, the Japanese version elaborates with the claim that Serges (Sagesse in Japan) added these parts as they were planned additions made by Dr. Wily. The X-Hunters challenged X to a battle in order to win Zero's parts. X, who didn't want his friend in the hands of Mavericks, accepted and eventually recovered Zero's head, body, and foot parts. Eventually, Zero was reconstructed by Dr. Cain (including the upgrades that Serges had provided) and assisted X in destroying the base of the resurrected Sigma. Trying to fool X however, Sigma had constructed a doppelganger of Zero with Black Armor which he claimed to be Zero; however, this copy is quickly destroyed by the real Zero. This is the canon ending. In the Japanese version of the game, Sigma mentions just before his death that Zero is the last of "Wi...numbers", giving the first hint that Zero is the last of the "Wily numbers", or advanced robots built by Dr. Wily. The American version also gives a vague reference to Zero being the "last of the Doctor's creations." As a non-canon scenario in the game, if X couldn't retrieve all of Zero's parts, the X-Hunters would steal any parts X had previously collected from the Hunter Base, as well as Zero's control chip. Zero would then be reconstructed as a Maverick and was fought by X prior to his encounter with Sigma. Upon being defeated, a very wounded Zero would awaken from his Maverick stasis and assist X in destroying the Central Computer base. His weakness in this battle is the Speed Burner. Zero played only a minor role in the story of this game. After X managed to escape the digitized version of the Central Highway, Zero would inform him that Mavericks had hacked the Maverick Hunters' Mother Computer, stealing and corrupting data and allowing other Mavericks to run wild everywhere. While X was digitized again and sent back into the Mother Computer to destroy the protection systems that were needed to be taken out to shut the computer down, Zero would handle Maverick attacks in the real world. Also, later during the game, X would be able to find four capsules within the digitized areas, the Zero Scrambles, which allowed him to "summon" Zero to perform an attack or move. However, this was only combat data of Zero and not the real one. The beginning of the Doppler incident finds Zero and X back in their respective commands of the Maverick Hunter Forces. Dr. Doppler's Mavericks lead an attack on the Hunter Base, and X and Zero are forced to return to the base to defend it. Zero joins the Hunters defending the base outside while X ventures into the base. However, when X is captured by the defector, Mac, Zero immediately leaps into the chaos inside the base to save his best friend from the traitor's clutches, being a playable character for the first time. Zero's default weapon is the Zero Buster, however, upon fully charging until he turns green, he will unleash 2 fully charged shots followed by a devastating blow with his other weapon, the Beam Saber. After completing the Opening Stage, the player can call on Zero anytime by pressing the R-button in the Start Menu, however, Zero adheres to a certain set of rules. He is only able to maneuver through regular parts of the stage and will automatically be replaced by X upon reaching a gate before a boss or sub-boss. The player also cannot die in-game as Zero. If Zero dies, a cutscene will appear where Zero will talk about being damaged and will be unusable for the rest of the game, however, he will still appear in the Doppler Stages to assist X during a sub-boss encounter, taking care of a booby-trap while X destroys the REX-2000. There is also a secret in-game that will allow X to acquire Zero's saber. If during the completion of the game the player locates Vile MK-II through a teleporter located in either Crush Crawfish's stage, Volt Catfish's stage, or Blizzard Buffalo's stage and defeats him with one (or both) the Spinning Blade and Ray Splasher, Vile will be destroyed, changing the final boss of the second Doppler Stage as well as affecting the level throughout. Upon entering the 2nd Doppler Stage, the player will notice that the Head Gunners are now customized and are twice as difficult to defeat. If the player switches to Zero before entering one of the boss chambers which is normally an empty hallway, a robot called Mosquitus will appear, the only sub-boss that Zero can battle. This enemy is actually very easy to dispatch, however, when defeated, it will crash-land on top of Zero and explode. X will then return and Zero will explain that a few of his power cells have been damaged. He will then hand over his saber to X and then head back to Hunter HQ for repair. Note that this has the same effect in-game as dying with Zero, except that if X leave the game and return, Zero will not reappear within the Doppler Stages as he does when recovering from a standard in-game death. It is also worth noting that if leaving the game and returning with a password, Mosquitus will still appear for X to defeat. After defeating Doppler's eight Mavericks it begins to see that Sigma is behind the whole Doppler incident. If the player manages to reach the final fight with Sigma and defeat him, he will attempt to possess X. But before he can, Zero appears and hits Sigma with his saber, where he uploaded Doppler's Anti-Sigma Virus-program, believing that it is the only thing that works against him. Sigma seemingly explodes as Doppler's lab self-destructs. If the player loses Zero during the game, Doppler appears instead. Zero appears as a playable character with gameplay similar to Mega Man X4. Zero paired up with X to investigate the resurgence of previously retired Mavericks, investigating Laguz Island. He battled Gareth, partner of Berkana, who was reviving the dead Mavericks. Afterward, Zero aided X in the final battle against the resurrected Sigma. Zero's first appearance as a fully controllable character with his own story, which also marked the most tragic point in his life. It also introduced his three-hit Z-Saber combo, as well as his ability to learn special techniques as opposed to X's Special Weapons. At the beginning of the game, Zero encountered his creator within his dreams, who ordered him to finally obey his orders and fulfill his destiny by destroying his nemesis. When he awakened from the nightmare (which is implied to have happened before), he was immediately dispatched to the Sky Lagoon colony which had been attacked by Mavericks. Repliforce was also confronted at the scene, claiming to assist the Hunters in evacuating the city; however, both factions didn't trust each other, and, as a request for interrogation was declined, the Great Repliforce War broke out. When the Repliforce was labeled Maverick after the Sky Lagoon incident, both X and Zero were assigned different missions to gather information about Repliforce's coup and to cut off their support lines. Iris assisted Zero on his missions as his operator, like during the Erasure incident from Mega Man Xtreme 2. However, Iris herself was part of Repliforce while her brother, Colonel, was Repliforce's second-in-command and therefore an imminent target for the Maverick Hunters. Iris didn't want the two of them to fight, torn between her care for Zero and her love for her own brother. When the two of them battled in the Ceremony Hall of Repliforce's command center, it was Iris who stopped the two Reploids from terminating each other by begging her own brother to stop since Zero had previously saved her life after the Sky Lagoon had crashed down. Colonel, who had always regarded Zero as a friendly rival, backed off. Zero, on the other hand, stated that someone had to stop Repliforce at all costs, much to Iris' grief. When Repliforce's coup began, Zero rushed to the space port to stop the ascension of the military troops to the newly constructed space station of Repliforce, Final Weapon. There he battled Colonel, this time not holding anything back, just like his former friend, with Zero being the victor of the fight. After that, he traveled to the Final Weapon where he was, much to his surprise and horror, encountered by Iris, who was blinded by her grief of the loss of her brother and anger for Zero killing him. She had salvaged Colonel's Control Chip from his remains, fusing it with her own programming, thus resulting her body to transform into a massive Ride Armor-like combat form which Zero was forced to battle. Even though he didn't mean to, Zero damaged the exterior power core of the structure, resulting in the destruction of the armor. He hurried to Iris' body, however, it was too late to save her. Whispering to Zero that she did all this because she wanted to live in a world for Reploids only, and that he could live in that world too. She died in his arms and Zero, who was totally overthrown by the pain, began questioning his own reasons for fighting and the means of his own existence. Filled with anger, he confronted General, leader of Repliforce, defeating him in battle. Upon the end of the fight, General realized that someone had taken control of Final Weapon, aiming it at Earth. Zero rushed to the Final Weapon control center, only to find Sigma waiting for him. Sigma reveals part of Zero's past at a time when Sigma was still the leader of the Maverick Hunters. During this vision, Sigma and the Maverick Hunters are called to an abandoned laboratory to fight a Maverick of immense power. Sigma enters the building and the Maverick is revealed to be a maniacal Zero, with no power other than sheer brute strength and rage. Zero manages to overpower and grievously injure Sigma, but before he can deal a finishing blow, the light in the center of his forehead flashes on, revealing a "W" and causing Zero to collapse in pain. Sigma gathers his remaining strength and punches Zero in that light, rendering him unconscious. Sigma leaves, asking the Reploids outside to have the Maverick delivered to Dr. Cain for analysis. It is believed that during this fight that both Zero and Sigma were infected with the Maverick Virus, which later caused Sigma to betray the Maverick Hunters, however it corrected the flaw in Zero's programming, allowing him to awaken and later join the Maverick Hunters. Zero Iris After the death of Iris, Zero is lost in pain. After Zero had destroyed Sigma and the General had sacrificed his life to make the Final Weapon self-destruct, Zero escaped the destruction in a small spacecraft, thinking about what he had done. He hadn't been able to save anyone he cared about. He had killed his own friend Colonel, the General, and Repliforce with him, who in the end has only been manipulated by Sigma and the Mavericks. Most of all, he lost Iris, who he had cared about for so long. Questioning whether or not Reploids were destined to become Mavericks after all, he returned to Earth. If the game was played by X, Zero would only appear at the very end of the story, contacting X from Hunter Base upon his return to Earth by spacecraft. X, wondering what would happen if he turned Maverick, asked Zero to take care of him if that would ever happen. Confused, Zero didn't respond to X's request, although he seemingly realized X's seriousness about the topic and the eventual battle between him and his best friend. Mega Man X5Edit X6 zeropose Zero in Mega Man X5 For boss battle details, see Awakened Zero The space colony "Eurasia" was set to impact Earth, recently being coated in a large outbreak of the Maverick virus, which would cause catastrophes of unimaginable proportions. In the meantime, X and Zero faced Sigma on Earth and easily defeated him; however, Sigma lost on purpose to spread the Sigma Virus around the world. Due to this, thousands of Maverick Hunters turned Maverick, yet, the fall of the colony posed to be the bigger threat. In order to stop Eurasia's impact, X and Zero both would gather several enhancement parts to power up an old energy cannon, known as "Enigma", to destroy the colony before it could devastate the planet. While doing so, Zero noticed his strange reaction towards the Sigma Virus. While others (including X) got hurt by being surrounded by the virus, he himself actually felt energy growing inside himself; multiple infections of Sigma Virus anomalies even turned him invincible for a brief period of time. Behind the scenes, Lifesaver informed Hunter General Signas about his concerns regarding Zero, but also that there might have been a chance to develop antibodies from his DNA to cure the Maverick/Sigma Virus. Yet, the accomplishment of the Enigma was rendered priority one. However, it didn't matter how much the cannon was powered up, complete destruction of the Eurasia was impossible and only delayed the impact (in the game it's possible to destroy Eurasia with only the cannon, but story-wise it didn't work). As a last resort action, a Space Shuttle was readied to be launched and directed right into the colony to have it self-destruct right at the core. The shuttle would be operated by Zero, who volunteered because he felt that the world needed X more than himself. The operation succeeded, and Zero survived; however, debris would still rain down on Earth. Zero was later rescued by the Hunters, but the peace only lasted for a short time as a new threat arose from the debris of the Eurasia. A new virus, merged from the virus inside the colony and the Sigma Virus, called the "Zero Virus" by Alia, had begun to effect the impact area. The area flooded by the new virus was strangely deformed and was filled with anomalies that even resembled Zero. Also, strange Mavericks were found in the area, bosses that actually resembled earlier bosses such as the Shadow Devil and Rangda Bangda. The closer X and Zero got to the source of the virus, the higher Zero's viral infection level rose, yet he still didn't show any Maverick behavior. Not wanting Zero to become a Maverick, X would fight his friend in order to have him brought back to Hunter Base. Eventually, the battle would end in a draw (with X using Soul Body on Zero and getting injured by him while using it). Upon seeing X and Zero both completely exhausted after their battle, Sigma would reveal himself to destroy them. However, Zero managed to prevent this, protecting X and himself and forcing Sigma to retreat. If the one who would pursue Sigma was Zero, Sigma would reveal to him that he let the colony fall on Earth solely to purify Zero's body with the virus to clear his mind and awaken his true self. Upon defeating his first form, Sigma would also reveal to Zero that he met an "Old Man" which knew a lot about Zero and his past, caring for him like a father and that it was that man's suggestion to flood Zero's body with the Virus to awaken him. After defeating his large battle body form, Sigma would then try to take X, who was still left unconscious at the scene of his battle with Zero, down with him. Zero would take most of the hit, seriously damaging him. The remains of Sigma attacked Zero and X one final time, impaling both of them through the chest area, but was then completely destroyed by Zero, who gained consciousness briefly and fired a charge shot at him from his buster. X5anime251 The broken remains of Zero. Exhausted and damaged from the battle, Zero finally realized that he was going to die, and while in a state between life and death, he began recalling memories of his creator and his true purpose of existence. Yet, his memory circuits began to cease to function. After recalling his memories of Iris and apologizing to her, Zero asked X to live for him, bringing peace to the world. After X was saved and repaired by the spirit of Dr. Light, X searched for Zero, finding nothing but his Z-Saber, which he kept in order to honor his fallen friend. Awakened Zero Awakened Zero. As a non-canon scenario, if the Shuttle Operation was unsuccessful, the large amounts of the Colony Virus, together with the Sigma Virus Zero had already been infected with from Earth, would "awaken" Zero upon crashing on Earth, thus challenging X to a battle. His mind now cleared and caring about nothing but his mission to fight X, Maverick Zero battled X, resulting in a draw. After taking massive damage during the fight, Sigma revealed himself and prepared to destroy X. Zero, however, regained consciousness and he jumped into the line of fire, protecting X with his body, only to get mortally wounded in the process. When X destroyed Sigma in this scenario and was damaged badly, Dr. Light would appear to save him; however, Light erased X's memories of Zero and would implant a protection inside X's mind so no information about Zero would be accepted. Originally, X5 was supposed to be the final game of the series and Zero getting killed would make way for the Zero series. However, X6 was produced unbeknownst to Inafune and without his approval, and since the plot of X6 involved Zero once again, he had to modify his Mega Man Zero concept in order to not make the story more confusing. Mega Man X6Edit Set a few weeks after the Eurasia incident, Reploid scientist Gate found a piece of Zero's body near the crash site. Using the information he gathered about the Sigma Virus and Zero's DNA,[7] Gate has seemingly gone mad, creating the new Nightmare Virus, a discolored clone of Zero (called "Zero Nightmare"), and the near-invulnerable Reploid, High Max. X, taking the assault on Zero's reputation personally, set out to investigate. Upon destroying the Zero Nightmare, X is reunited with his friend, mysteriously repaired and carrying a brand new Z-Saber. Together, X and Zero set out to defeat Gate and the imperfectly resurrected Sigma. X6 scene 14 Zero reunites with X Who exactly repaired Zero was never directly stated.[8] In the Weapon Center, the Dr. Light capsule hologram denied knowing who repaired him.[9] It should be noted that the reunion between X and Zero had Zero stating that he hid himself away while he "healed".[10] In the English translation, Zero told X that he repaired himself.[11] Zero's ending in this game helps to mend the storyline between the X and Zero games. It shows Zero being sealed to remove a component from his body (presumably something having to do with the virus' influence on him, and/or his original murderous persona). This was originally going to show that the X series had ended, but fans loved the series so much, Inafune was forced to continue, making many people believe that this is either a glimpse of the future, or non-canon. However, recently revealed backstory information in the Japanese Mega Man Zero artbook has revealed that this ending is indeed canon, takes place in an unspecified time period beyond the last X series game, and is in fact considered the first of two different times when Zero sealed himself away (the second time being after the Elf Wars, when he sealed himself away once more in the Rockman Zero TELOS drama tracks, and was then finally reawakened in the Zero series). X6 scene 51 Zero about to be sealed Alternatively, it is possible to clear Mega Man X6 without ever finding Zero. In this event, cutscenes show that Zero is indeed alive, but X and the other Maverick Hunters never find him. Zero leaves on his own, stating that there's something he needs to take care of. Like the alternate ending to X5, canonically, this ending does not happen. Mega Man X7Edit Zero is responsible for the bulk of the Maverick Hunter workload due to the fact that X has recently refused to battle for any reason, due to his doubts about the Hunters' violent methods (Zero seems to have some resentment towards the workload, as indicated when he says, "I can't believe I'm back here again!" in an irritated tone in his introduction, which could also imply that he's back in the same setting as the Opening Stage of Mega Man X). Zero captures a mysterious Reploid, Axl, who has just recently abandoned the vigilante group Red Alert. Axl assists Zero in stopping Red Alert's rampages, and eventually X rejoins them. While fighting alongside Axl, Zero learns from him at least some of the details about Red Alert's downfall. After the battles, Zero has nightmares of X attacking him, out of obsession for eliminating Mavericks (possibly foreshadowing the rise of Copy X in the Zero series). X7 scene04 Zero taking Axl to see X X7 signified a few changes to Zero's gameplay. His Z-Buster was eliminated altogether, and in addition to learning new attacks from defeated Mavericks, Zero can also gain other melee weapons to replace his saber. This tradition would continue through the rest of the Mega Man X series and up to the Mega Man Zero series. Mega Man X8Edit Zero continues to work with X and Axl, now an official Maverick Hunter, in dealing with new threats. One of the new navigators, a purple-haired girl named Layer, has shown a romantic interest in him; Zero has not returned her feelings however, simply keeping the relationship professional. Zero's memories of the virus incident from X5 continue to haunt him, fueling his hatred towards Sigma. Upon confronting him, Sigma confirms that Zero is the original carrier of the Maverick Virus, which was transferred to Sigma prior to the first X game (presumably it happened when Sigma shattered Zero's head gem as depicted in X4, though the unlockable animation The Day of Σ in the PSP remake has put a few doubts on this). This information was long-since stated in Japanese sourcebooks, as well as implied as early as X4, but was never before made officially available to the public in other regions. Mega Man X: Command MissionEdit In the game, Zero is sent along with X and another Reploid, Shadow, to investigate Reploid uprisings in Giga City. Zero is separated from X after Shadow betrays them and was presumed dead, until he reappears some time later and attacks one of the rebelling Reploids in a mechaniloid factory. At this point, Zero joins X, Axl, and a number of other Reploids that X assembled to assist him. With Shadow's betrayal still fresh in his memory, Zero is unwilling to trust X's new friends, and promptly decides to work alone. However, one of the Reploids, Spider, risks his life in Zero's defense. After this, Zero decides to rejoin X's group permanently, although Spider eventually turns on them as well and reveals himself as Colonel Redips. He had hid his true identity from the group by using a replica of Axl's DNA change, hinting toward the possibility that Spider could have actually existed at one point (since Axl needs to take DNA from a Reploid in order to change into it). Zero briefly hesitated when his allies attempted to stop Redips from using the Supra Force metal, presumably out of shock that Spider and Redips were the same and thus he was "badly duped." However, he would recover and, with the others, defeat Great Redips in the end, before returning to Earth in a broken off part of the elevator. The Elf WarsEdit At some unknown point, Zero realized that he carried the virus inside him and may even be continuing to spread it all over the world during his missions as a Hunter. Thinking that the world wouldn't be safe as long as he was still active, Zero admitted himself into a research institute in order to get rid of the virus within him. At the same time, a project was started to analyze Zero as it had been revealed previously (during the Eurasia crisis to be exact), that Zero actually reacted positively to the Sigma Virus, and therefore might hold anti-bodies for the infection. Zero was sealed away and brought to a government lab. At some point, Zero's mind was extracted from the body, possibly for security measures in case something would go wrong while researching it. For an unknown amount of time, Zero's body was studied by government researchers. One of them, an unnamed female ancestor of Ciel, managed to create the "Sigma Antibody Program", a Cyber-elf capable of reverting the devastated programming of infected Mavericks and therefore destroying the virus completely. This Cyber Elf was the Mother Elf. However, weapon researcher and DNA revival specialist Dr. Weil, who also worked in the lab, planned a different way of dealing with the Mavericks, as he was unsatisfied with the result. Weil started a conflict that would ultimately cost the lives of 90% of all Reploids and 60% of all humans. This four-year-long period of war was later dubbed the "Elf Wars". Thinking that it wasn't enough to simply cure the Reploids from the virus while they still posed a threat to society due to their free will, Weil decided to create his own, radical solution, while making himself ruler of the world in the process. Project Elpis was the end result: to create a Reploid who would become the perfect ruler, by using the power of the Mother Elf to control all the Reploids in the world, thus preventing them becoming Mavericks in the first place. However, since the world was at peace at the moment thanks to the Mother Elf, he needed to give the government a reason to sanction Project Elpis. He secretly stole the Mother Elf and reprogrammed her into the Dark Elf, whose purpose was to create Maverick outbreaks by brainwashing Reploids. Baby Elves, small copies of the Dark Elf, were mass-produced to cause violent Maverick outbreaks worldwide. As new Mavericks arose and caused terror and destruction in scales never seen before, the government heeded Dr. Weil's pleas and sanctioned Project Elpis to bring this new and devastating conflict to an end. For the project he was given Zero's body, which possessed the necessary virus countermeasures for creating the perfect ruler, Omega, the messiah of Dr. Weil. For Omega to con
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Algrim the Strong (Älgrim in Shiväisith) was a lieutenant of the Dark Elves' leader Malekith. Loyally serving his master during the war against the Asgardians, he was one of the few Dark Elves who survived the war that almost wiped out their race and cost them the Aether. Five thousand years later, Algrim did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life to be transformed into the last of the Kursed to gain their revenge upon Asgard. Kurse then helped Malekith to unleash the Sacking of Asgard, and killed Frigga. Once Malekith obtained the Aether, Kurse attempted to kill Thor, only to be challenged by Loki whom he then (seemingly) fatally wounded. In his "final" moments, Loki activated one of Kurse's Black Hole Grenades on his belt and destroyed the Kursed monster's body once and for all.
Harold "Happy" Hogan is an ex-boxer who once saved Tony Stark from a burning racecar. Happy refused a reward for saving Tony's life, and this convinced Tony to hire him as a chaffeur. Happy fell in love with Stark's secretary Pepper Potts. At first her eyes were on Tony, but she eventually reciprocated Happy's feelings and they got married.
Jason Todd was the son of circus acrobats Joe and Trina Todd, who were inspired by Flying Graysons and worked in the Sloan Circus. The Flying Todds were introduced to Dick Grayson from the Flying Graysons by their mutual friend, Waldo the Clown. In turn, Dick Grayson introduced the Todd to his guardian, Bruce Wayne. The Sloan Circus was being blackmailed by Killer Croc and the Todds volunteered to help Robin find the criminal. Unfortunately, they were killed by Croc, leaving Jason as an orphan. At first, Dick wanted to adopt him, but Bruce had other plans in mind. Shortly after his parents' deaths, Bruce Wayne took Jason into Wayne Manor, as the kid had learned the secret of Batman and Robin. In an effort to earn Bruce’s permission to become his new partner in the likeness of Robin, Jason attempted to help Batman during a confrontation with Man-Bat, but all he managed was to get himself kidnapped by the monster. Jason was eventually rescued by Batman and he played a vital role in Man-Bat’s defeat, proving his worth as a partner in combat. Despite his devotion to become Batman’s partner, Jason was denied the chance every time. For this reason, Jason decided to run away from Wayne Manor to go back to the circus. While at the circus, Jason became aware of a crook part of the circus crew and he helped Batman capture the criminal called Chimera. For his assistance in the case, Jason was given the chance to become Batman’s new partner. However, Jason was forced to wait longer than he expected and he hurried things by dying his hair black and taking Dick Grayson’s outfit to become the next Robin in order to help Batman against the Joker. Batman tried to get Jason to use a different costume and adopt a different identity, but after they defeated Poison Ivy, Jason was given permission by Dick Grayson to use the Robin identity and continue his legacy, as he started looking for a new identity of his own. Under his new identity as Robin, Jason joined Batman and stopped several criminals including Crazy Quilt, Doctor Fang, Catman, Scarecrow, Mister Freeze, and many others. Unfortunately, Jason was taken away from Bruce by the Child Welfare Bureau after the legal paperwork for his guardianship was overlooked. In a twist of events, Jason was adopted by Natalia Knight, but she allowed him to continue his activities as Robin, since she was aware of the secret of Bruce Wayne. Nocturna became a good mother for Jason and even helped Batman and Robin capture the Mad Hatter. Despite all this, Jason didn’t accept her at first, not even after they had to team-up to confront the Night-Slayer, who was impersonating Batman. Their collaboration didn’t bring them together and Jason was eventually taken back to Wayne Manor by Natalia, who gave up her quest to prove to be a good mother. Shortly after, Jason was officially adopted by Bruce Wayne. After he returned to live with Bruce in Wayne Manor, Jason resumed his usual Robin activities and helped Batman against various criminals including Darkwolf, Calendar Man, the False Face Society and their leader, Black Mask, Mirror Master and Captain Boomerang, and Hugo Strange. Eventually, Jason started feeling the need of a mother figure and he turned to the only woman that after his mother’s death had provided him such care and love: Nocturna. Later, Robin asked help from Bullock to protect Nocturna from the Night-Slayer, who was still looking to kill her. When Batman became too busy watching over the ailing Catwoman, Robin took it upon himself to protect Nocturna from the Night-Slayer, but despite his best efforts, Nocturna was seriously wounded by the Night-Slayer, which grieved Jason deeply as he felt responsible for her apparent demise. After such traumatic events and thanks to Batman’s efforts, Jason became closer to Catwoman as he found a bit of the relief he sought in Nocturna in Selina Kyle. In some of Robin’s last missions, he helped Batman capture the Dark Rider and he teamed-up with Bullock to stop the Film Freak. Afterwards, he learned that Two-Face had escaped from Arkham Asylum and worked with Batman to stop the villain, even after neglecting his duties as Robin for his new girlfriend, Rena. Realizing the truth, Jason came to his senses and resumed his role as Robin. On his last mission as Robin, he assisted Batman in defeating Ra's al Ghul and many other criminals, who were released to kill Batman. After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Jason Todd's existence and history was completely altered, transforming him into a different person, existing on a different reality.
Bill Harken is a former FBI agent who strictly adheres to procedure and protocol. He is also a hyperadrenal Alpha -- an everyday person with a very special physical ability. Bill is able to summon amazing strength by consciously activating the "fight-or-flight" response. With a flood of adrenaline, pain receptors are subdued and for a short bursts of time, he experiences super human strength and a resistance to harm that borders on invulnerability.
Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a main character as well as one of the main heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of the books respectively. Being thousands of years old, he is known far and wide by all: men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, and evil such as Sauron and orcs. Has many friends and known as Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Mithrandir, the White Rider, the Grey Pilgrim, etc. He is the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, which is said where he is to be from. During the third age, he guides Frodo in destroying the One Ring, and participating several battles during the War of the Ring. As a member of the High Order of wizards, he travels all around Middle-Earth visiting friends and embarking on journeys. In the Hobbit and the first film, the Fellowship of the Ring, he was Gandalf the Grey, cloaked in all gray and wields a wooden staff. He offers to guide Frodo to Mordor to destroy the Ring and several comrades of all races join them. While traveling through the mines of Moria, he duels with a monstrous demon of fire: the Balrog. He sacrifices himself and falls to his supposed death. He returns in the last two films reincarnated: Gandalf the White, having survived the fall. This time, his hair, beard, cloak and staff are all white, which some mistake him for Saruman
John Henry Irons is a weapons designer who invents high-tech laser guns and protective armor for the United States military. One soldier, Nathaniel Burke, decides to show just what Irons' weapons can do and sets one of Irons' laser guns at the highest power setting, firing the device at an abandoned building. However, the weapon backfires and destroys the building the team is situated in. Irons' partner, Susan "Sparky" Sparks, is crushed by a large slab of concrete in the ensuing chaos. In court, Irons reveals Burke's role in the incident and Burke is dismissed from the military. Because his weapons resulted in Sparks becoming a paraplegic, Irons resigns in disgust. Meanwhile, Burke hatches a plot to sell Irons' weapons to criminal gangs, recruiting a video arcade manager to help him carry out this deed. Irons witnesses a bank robbery organized by gang members wielding Burke's modified guns; they escape before he can interrogate them on where they obtained the weapons. The gang does not tell Irons anything when confronted directly in their hideout. Irons visits Sparks in a veteran's hospital and takes her to his own assembled laboratory, where he hopes he and Sparks can create weapons needed to combat the criminals. With the help of Uncle Joe, they forge a suit of armor and the weaponry necessary for Irons to carry out his war on crime and become the vigilante "Steel". However, during his crusade against crime, Irons is pursued by the cops and is forced to return to his lair. The next night, the robbers arrange to rob another bank. Irons, as Steel, tries to stop them, but is hindered by the robbers' weapons. When Irons returns to his grandmother's house, he is arrested. Meanwhile, Burke prepares to auction off all his modified weapons to every criminal organization in the world over the Internet. When Irons is released from jail, Sparky is captured by Burke's thugs. Irons, as Steel, attempts to infiltrate Burke's headquarters, but is captured himself in the process. When Burke continues with the auction, he is tricked by Steel, which allows him and Sparks to rebel and destroy Burke's lair. Burke himself is killed when a laser he fires towards Steel reflects back towards him due to Steel's suit.
Sally's powers manifested as she was being abused by her father. Running away and finding refuge with the Morlocks, she was eventually taken in by X-Factor. Under the guise of the X-Terminators, Skids and other young mutants fought the demon N'astirh during the 'Inferno'. Afterwards she joined the New Mutants and started dating Rusty Collins. Both her and Rusty were captured by the Mutant Liberation Front and brainwashed. Magneto eventually broke them free of their mind control, with the teenagers subsequently joining his Acolytes. Holocaust killed Rusty during his attack on Avalon, the Acolyte space station headquarters, and the following battle with Exodus sent the station plummeting to Earth. Jean Grey was able to magnify Skid's field so they saftely returned to Earth without burning to death upon reentry. Sally recovered at the X-Mansion and soon began studying biology in college. She briefly reunited with her teammates when X-Force needed a place to crash. At the request of Sunspot, Skids joined X-Corporation Los Angeles and was drawn into a fight with telepath Elias Bogan by Storm's X-Men squad.
When she was 5 years old, Yukio predicted her own parents' death and they soon died in a car accident. She was orphaned until she was discovered by Ichirō Yashida, who had taken his granddaughter Mariko on a trip to view a factory he was opening in the south of Japan. From then on, she was raised by the Yashida family as Mariko's adopted sister and trained as her protector. After Yashida realizes he is dying, he instructs Yukio to travel the world to find Logan and bring him to Japan. She finds him a nomad living aimlessly in Yukon, Canada, and persuades him to travel to Japan for one day to meet Yashida. Yukio is present at Yashida's funeral ceremony alongside Logan, where the Yakuza attack and attempt to capture her sister Mariko. Yukio then has a vision of Logan's death. She goes to warn him but is too late as Mariko is captured by the Yakuza who are revealed to be hired by Mariko's fiance and the corrupt Chief of Justice Noburo Mori. Logan and Yukio arrive at Yashida Family Home, where he finds the parasite on his heart, similar to the one inside Yashida's body. He attempts to use his claws to extract it, when Shingen enters mid-procedure and Yukio defends Logan. Yukio is knocked unconscious by Shingen. Logan briefly dies in the process, but regains his healing ability to fight Shingen. Although he initially leaves Shingen to live with the truth that he ordered his own daughter to die, Logan kills Shingen with his claws after the latter tries to attack him in anger. Yukio and Logan then follow Harada and Viper to the research center to find Mariko. When he arrives, Logan is attacked by Harada and the Yashida family's Black Clan. Logan is subdued by a combination of the Black Clan's arrows and a substance concocted by Viper to weaken Logan as Yukio is helpless to watch. After Logan is put in a restraining device, Yukio comes to his defense and fights Viper while he fights the Silver Samurai. Yukio kills Viper by hanging her in an elevator shaft. Wolverine later boards a plane with Yukio, who reminds him that she is still his bodyguard, and offers to fly him anywhere in the world.
Dr. Nathaniel "Nate" Heywood is a historian, specializing in deductive historical reconstruction. He is the son of Hank and Dorothy Heywood, the grandson of Henry Heywood, the best friend of Ray Palmer, and the ex-boyfriend of Masako Yamashiro and Amaya Jiwe. Due to his skills, Nate was able to deduce that an aberration-created reality, one in which the Nazis nuked New York City in 1942 (due to the machinations of Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne) and World War II continued until 1947, was starting to cement in the timeline, supplanting the previous reality. With the help of Oliver Queen, he was able to locate the submerged Waverider in 2016, waking Mick Rory from time stasis. Together with Mick, Nate traveled through time, using his skills as a historian to find the locations and time periods in which different members of the Legends team were stranded. For his support, Nate was made a new member of the team. After being injected with a biomolecular enhancer created by Eobard Thawne and modified by Ray Palmer, Nate gained the ability to transform his skin into steel, making him extremely strong and resilient. After Nate learned to use his abilities, Ray gave him a suit and the alter ego "Steel" (after his grandfather, Commander Steel). Among the other nicknames he suggested himself were Corporal Steel, Mr. Steel and Citizen Steel, and he's also referred to himself as the Man of Steel and Steel Man. After his breakup with Amaya, Nate left the Waverider to recover and focus on himself. He soon received and accepted a new job at the Time Bureau, where he now runs the new magic department.
After Tony created a new gaunlet Hulk uses it to revive everyone.
Kabuto Yakushi spent most of his life as a spy and then Helping Tobi create an army against the shinobi alliance.
John Proudstar was born on the Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona. During his childhood and adolescence, he proved to be an exceptionally strong and vigorous athlete. Proudstar, however, regarded himself throughout his life as a loner and an outcast. He wished to prove himself to be a warrior in the tradition of his ancestors, and he was dissatisfied with what he regarded as the complacent lives led by his fellow Apaches on their reservation. Although too young to join the armed forces, Proudstar lied about his age and entered the United Stated Marines, intending to lead the kind of active life he desired. He became a corporal and earned a number of medals. But still, Proudstar was dissatisfied with his life once his tour of duty was over and he had returned to the reservation. Proudstar's mutant superhuman strength first manifested itself when, at the age of twenty and using only his bare hands, wrestled and threw a charging bison to save an endangered little girl. This feat earned Proudstar fame among his tribes people on the reservation, but the true nature of his abilities remained unknown until Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, a team of superhuman mutant adventurers, discovered him. Through the use of his mutant-detecting computer Cerebro, Xavier located Proudstar, whom he invited to become one of the X-Men. The first mission that Proudstar and six other new recruits undertook was the rescue of the original X-Men from the "living island" of Krakoa in the South Pacific. With the exception of Sunfire, all of these new recruits, including Proudstar, decided to stay on and became the "new" X-Men. Xavier gave Proudstar the code name "Thunderbird." On their next known mission, the new X-Men went to Cheyenne Mountain in the Colorado Rockies, the location of a North American Air Defense command center, which had been taken over by Count Luchino Nefaria as part of an international extortion scheme. After the X-Men had foiled his plans, Nefaria attempted to escape in a small aircraft. Thunderbird managed to climb onto the plane as it took off. Defying Xavier's telepathic warnings to get off the plane, Thunderbird asserted that he was finally going to prove he was a true Apache warrior. Using his superhuman strength, Thunderbird ripped open part of the plane and wreaked havoc on its internal systems. Furiously, Thunderbird pummeled the aircraft until finally it exploded, killing him instantly. Nefaria, however, survived by using a teleportation device.
The son of Robert and Julie Coulson Phil Coulson was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on July 8, 1964. As an only child, he wished that he had siblings, idealizing what kind of relationship he would have with a younger brother The Coulson family identified as Catholic, but they would only attend Mass on Christmas and Easter. Coulson grew up being a huge fan of Peggy Carter and Captain America, acquiring a vintage Captain America Card Collection over the course of two years. He played baseball in the Little League, batting with over a .400 average. His father introduced him into car tinkering, and together they worked on a red Corvette that Phil has kept to this day. Coulson lost his father at a very young age, and his mother is now deceased as well. After high school while he was in college studying history and learning how S.H.I.E.L.D. shaped the times , he was recruited right away to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, where he studied at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Communications , eventually becoming a special agent and was taught by his supervising officer Nick Fury alongside John Garrett.
The man now known as "Magneto" was born Max Eisenhardt. While attending school in Nuremberg, Germany, Max was attracted to a young gypsy or Roma girl, named Magda, the daughter of the school cleaner. Max would do things, such as create necklaces and excel in sporting events, to gain her attention. While returning from school one day, Max found his uncle, Erich, beaten and wearing a sign saying that he had shamed a German woman. At a school event, Max won a javelin competition, to impress Magda, and the following day, was accused of cheating. Max was told to either give-up his medal or recreate the throw with a "regulation" javelin. After winning the competition a second time, Max was again accused of cheating, expelled and beaten by the other children. After traveling with his father Jakob to see Major Scharf whom he saved in World War I, his father was left waiting for the Major and beaten by a troupe of Nazis for "making such a trouble" in Scharf's office and resisting arrest. After hours of beating, Major Scharf threw Jakob out of his office, stating that they would have killed him and that they were even. As things worsened in Germany, Max's father taught his family "fight back, and they'll stomp in your head", but fled to Warsaw, Poland after Reichskristallnacht. There they lived in the Jewish section of Warsaw where the Nazis built the Warsaw Ghetto in October 1940. His time in the ghetto molded Max into a smuggler of food and supplies. When the Nazis started to deport ghetto inhabitants to Treblinka extermination camp in July 1942, Max and his family escaped from Warsaw. On their way to their hideout they were captured by Nazi soldiers and as they were executed, Jakob saved Max' life by pushing him out of the firing line without anyone's notice. The corpse and Max were buried in a mass grave. After being found, Max spent his early teens imprisoned at the Vernichtungslager (Extermination Camp) in Auschwitz, Poland. While in Auschwitz, Max served in the Sonderkommando; the squad of Jewish men who were forced to help their Nazi masters run the gas chambers, ovens, and fire pits of the camp. The only member of his family to survive the Holocaust, Max learned how brutally human beings could treat minorities that they considered different. Max was unable to access his mutant powers at puberty, like most, due to a bout of hepatitis from working in the camp. While in Auschwitz, Max was reunited with Magda and continued to smuggle food and supplies. Max saved Magda from the gas chambers and then from execution; as the members of the Sonderkommando revolted, the two of them escaped together. For several years, Max and Magda lived in a Carpathian Mountain village, and eventually they were married. They had a daughter, Anya. Max, at this point, sought out a forger, named Georg Odekirk, who was supposed to be among the best, and asked him to create a new identity for him. Odekirk used the identity of the deceased "Erik Lehnsherr, the Sinte gypsy", so Max could live more easily amongst Magda's own people. Max added "Magnus" as his middle name and, although many knew of his history as a Jewish prisoner, no one knew of his life as Max Eisenhardt. Not satisfied with the simple life of a mountain village, Erik moved his family to the, then, Soviet city of Vinnitsa, so he could better himself. On their very first day in the city, Magnus consciously used his powers for the first time. Erik magnetically hurled a crowbar at his boss who was cheating him of his pay. When he returned to the inn where he, Magda, and Anya were staying, Erik saw it was on fire and his daughter Anya was trapped on the upper floors. He tried to use his new-found powers to save his daughter, but his boss had called the KGB and they beat up Magnus and held him down, preventing him from rescuing Anya. The child fell, burning to her death, in front of her father. Magnus then used his powers to destroy the men holding him, the crowd watching, and a large section of the city of Vinnitsa in revenge. Terrified by her husband's powers and overwhelmed by the tragedy, Magda fled, as her husband called out to her to help him bury their child. Magda never revealed to Erik that she was pregnant. At some unspecified time later, soon after giving birth to the twins, Wanda and Pietro, under the care of Bova on Wundagore Mountain, Magda wandered out into the snow, never to be seen again; presumably dying. As Magnus attempted to bury his daughter, more soldiers arrived after hearing what he had done and attacked him. After being shot in the head, Magnus forced the soldiers to turn their own guns on themselves. Eventually Magnus traveled to Haifa, Israel, possibly under the guise "Erik Magnus". Magnus worked there as a volunteer orderly at a psychiatric hospital for Holocaust victims. It was there Erik first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. Magnus and Xavier frequently debated the subject of mutants' coexistence with the rest of humanity, though neither revealed to the other that they were mutants. After the two men joined forces to rescue their friend, Gabrielle Haller, from Baron von Strucker and his HYDRA agents and revealed their powers to each other, Magnus seized Hydra's Nazi gold and left for parts unknown, realizing his and Xavier's views were incompatible. For some time after, Magnus attempted to stay on the path of righteousness and used his powers to help track Nazi war criminals. However, while working for one of the Western intelligence agencies (most likely the CIA or the British SIS or MI6), Magnus was also working for Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service, and instead of turning the Nazis over to his "Control" government after he found them, he was giving them over to Israel for trial. It seems his "Control" knew about Magnus' status as double-agent, and let him give the Nazi war criminals to Israel, as long as they were Nazis that the USSR had optioned. When Magnus captured and attempted to give Nazi Hans Richter to Israel, agents from the unnamed Western intelligence agency decided to put an end to his activities. They murdered Magnus' girlfriend, at the time, Isabelle, right in front of his eyes. In a rage, Magnus killed his "Control" and cohorts and vowed from that time on, he would be called "Magneto". Magneto, then, began planning his campaign against the human race. Magnus, later, found himself in Brooklyn, New York, under the guise "Michael Xavier", where he had learned that mutants were gathering and hiding from humans in plain sight. Magnus asked Cassandra Michaels to create his first uniform, stating that with all of the colorfully costumed heroes and villains walking the Earth, it was imperative that he do the same to make a statement. After accompanying Cassandra on a date, they were attacked by an underground monster and Magnus entertained the idea of being a hero, but, after feeling Cassandra was ungrateful, realized that his heart lay elsewhere. Years later, Magneto reemerged in costume and helmet, designed to shield from telepathy, determined to conquer the human race, to prevent their oppression of mutants as the self-proclaimed savior of mutantkind. Magneto had also created an orbital space station, Asteroid M, to use as a base and began to assemble his original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. One of his early recruits, Astra, was simply infatuated with Magneto and could care less about the mutant cause, but she left the group under mysterious circumstances before it made its first public appearance. Simply needing powerful mutants in the coming war, Magnus, unwittingly, recruited his two twin children for the Brotherhood, after he rescued them from a mob of ignorant humans, but was unaware that they were the children that Magda hid from him. Pietro wished to leave constantly and Wanda disagreed with Magneto's evil ambitions, but Wanda felt that she owed Magneto her life and Pietro would never leave her side. It is certain at this time, Magneto was in a psychotic and manic state, brought on by a combination of factors, including the overuse of his immense powers. On the anniversary of his liberation from the Vernichtungslager Extermination Camp, Charles, now a Professor and confined to a wheelchair, met with Magneto in Auschwitz. Professor Xavier pleaded with Magneto that the actions he would set into motion were no different than what the Nazis did to him years earlier, but Magneto laughed and patronized the Professor for claiming to lead mutants, but being confined to a chair. Professor Xavier replied that he may have lost the use of his legs, but not his heart, something Magneto could not say. After both men reminded each other that they had the power to destroy each other, Magneto left, with Professor Xavier hoping that he saw the error of his ways. Professor Xavier's original team of X-Men thwarted Magneto's first act of genetic terrorism in his war with humanity, the takeover of the Cape Citadel missile base. When they next clashed, Magneto overthrew the government of Santo Marco, setting himself up as absolute ruler, and was leading his original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which included Wanda and Pietro, now known as the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Not until years later would Magneto learn that they were actually his children. After the X-Men liberated Santo Marco, Magneto kidnapped Angel and the X-Men followed, to Asteroid M. Asteroid M was destroyed in the battle with the X-Men, when Scarlet Witch sabotaged a button, designed to kill the X-Men. Later, while the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were battling the X-Men at Hammer Industries, Magneto and his troops withdrew from battle, after the arrival of a Sentinel. Around this time, the Evolutionaries sought the help of Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, viewing Magneto as the leader of all mutantkind. After the Brotherhood kidnapped Emma Frost, Magneto took her to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, to use Cerebro. Beast created a device, that shut-off their access to cosmic rays and accidentally killed two of them. When Cyclops vowed to protect mutantkind, the remaining Evolutionary reluctantly left, but not before erasing the memory of their presence from the minds of the X-Men and Brotherhood and vowing to return one day. Magneto then attempted to recruit both the Thunder God, Thor, and the King of Atlantis, Namor, into his Brotherhood, but both refused. While convincing Namor, Magneto commandeered his Atlantean army and attacked, but was beaten by Namor and the Fantastic Four. The Blob was the next candidate for recruitment, but he ultimately declined to join, after seeing the way Magneto mistreated his followers. Magneto, briefly battled the Inhumans, while attempting to use Black Bolt as an ally in assaulting a government research facility developing a new cosmic power source, but Black Bolt only pretended to succumb to Magneto's mind control device and the royal family defeated Magneto. During an encounter with the enigmatic Stranger, Magneto and the Toad were captured and taken to the Stranger's homeworld, for study. Shortly after which, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch joined a revamped version of the Avengers, led by Captain America. Magneto escaped from the planet on his own, leaving the Toad behind, but was then re-captured by the Stranger, who had been warned by Professor X. Then, Magneto was accidentally returned to Earth by Dane Whitman and attempted to force Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver back into his Brotherhood. Magneto traveled, with the twins, to the United Nations building, where he demanded that mutants be given their own country. Quicksilver managed to send a distress call to the Avengers and they joined the X-Men in defeating Magneto. As his island base was destroyed, Magneto was thrown from the escaping helicopter, by Toad, tired of Magneto's constant abuse. Seeming to perish, Magneto managed to escape a drowning death by using his magnetic powers to burrow through the Earth. Magneto retreated to the Savage Land and genetically altered the natives into the Savage Land Mutates, who worshiped him as The Creator. Here, he took the help of some of these natives to create a device that would permit him to channel energy to him. Investigating the supposed suicide of Sauron, the X-Men, again, stumbled upon Magneto's plans and, after Magneto revived the life of Angel, they destroyed his machines and Citadel, seemingly killing him. Magneto survived, due to a strange radiation in the Savage Land, and, upon his resurrection, the X-Men battled him again. Magneto destroyed the X-mansion and defeated the X-Men, but a distress call was sent to the Avengers. After capturing the Avengers also, Magneto controlled both groups to kidnap scientists, to create atomic devices that will create him an army of mutants to command. The heroes were saved, after Vision used his powers to take possession of Piper and knocked Magneto unconscious. At one point, Magneto came across, what seemed to him to be, a treasure trove of alien records and scientific equipment, which had actually been left for him to find by the master geneticist, Maelstrom. Using these resources, Magneto genetically engineered a being called Alpha the Ultimate Mutant, who rebelled against him and turned Magneto back into an infant. Prof. Xavier gave the baby into the care of his colleague, geneticist Dr. Moira MacTaggert, at the Mutant Research Center on Muir Island. Dr. MacTaggert tried to alter Magneto's genetic structure, so his brain -- his mind -- would be able to handle the enormous energies he controlled and he wouldn't be driven insane again. Dr. MacTaggert hoped, given time and the right upbringing, Magneto would grow up to become a better man. However, not long after, the Shi'ar, Davan Shakari (alias Erik the Red), returned Magneto to adulthood, albeit one younger than before. Magneto, thereafter, had a series of battles with Prof. Xavier's new team of X-Men. First, Magneto battled the X-Men for payment for Erik the Red restoring his age. Magneto, later, formed a new Brotherhood, comprised of Burner, Lifter, Peeper, Shocker, and Slither, but when they failed to capture the mutant with two bodies, known as Mister One and Mister Two, and lost to Captain America, Magneto abandoned this team. Magneto next found himself in Latveria and was disgusted at level of obedience that the citizens showed to Dr. Doom. After attacking Doom, in Doctor Doom's Castle, Doom defeated Magneto and Magneto propositioned to rule the world together. Dr. Doom declined and subjected Magneto to a mind controlling neurogas. After administering the antidote, Doom suggested that Magneto attempt to stop him from controlling the world himself. Magneto traveled to the Avengers and briefly battled, before he informed them of Doom's plans. The Avengers were then ordered, by Doom to kill Magneto and Magneto realized that Beast was fighting the control. After rescuing Beast and erasing the effects of the gas, Magneto and Beast went to the Champions, for assistance. After arriving, the Champions also attacked the duo and Washington, D.C. and confronted Doom, who had the Hulk attack them. After the arrival of the Champions, Ghost Rider shed the effects of the gas and aided the duo. Magneto was poised to defeat Dr. Doom, until Dr. Doom reversed the effects of Magneto's powers and he withdrew from battle. Magneto, later, rescued the X-Men from Mesmero, who had controlled them to perform in a circus, to have them imprisoned by his robot, Nanny, while he destroyed aerospace installations in Australia and New Zealand. Due to the rapid re-aging of Magneto by Erik the Red, Magneto's body had been healed of the damage he'd done to it by the overuse and abuse of his powers, but his mind had taken longer to heal -- as the brain needs to rewire itself, and damage isn't easily repaired. Therefore, after a brief time of more psychotic behavior, Magneto began to calm and think about his past. After Cyclops and Lee Forrester stumbled upon his island base in the Bermuda Triangle, Magneto decided that he would take control of all world governments and end the nuclear arms race, but the Soviet submarine, Leningrad, attacked him. After destroying the sub and all crew members aboard, Magneto, by shear force of will, created a volcano in the city of Varykino, destroying it. Magneto battled the X-Men again, but underwent a crisis of conscience after almost killing young Sprite, a fellow mutant and Jew, and abandoned his plans of world conquest. After finding the bodies of two murdered mutant children hanging from a swing set, Magneto rescued the X-Men from an attack, by the Purifiers. After capturing their attackers, Magneto and the X-Men tortured them for information and rescued Kitty Pryde, who was being pursued by Purifiers. After arriving at Reverend William Stryker's base, Magneto and the X-Men rescued Cyclops and Storm and Magneto resuscitated them. Professor X was taken to Madison Square Garden, where he was attached to a machine that, using his brainpower, would kill all living mutants. Magneto, with his psi-shielded helmet, was able to distract the Professor enough for the X-Men to destroy the machine. Televised, Cyclops entered into a debate with Stryker about his actions and Stryker pulled a gun, attempting to kill Kitty. Before he could fire, Styker was shot-down, by a police officer. Later at the X-mansion, Professor admitted that Magneto was right and began to accept his offer to join, until Scott stopped him and stated that he believed in the Professor's dream and will see it come true. Professor X declined, stating he would not leave his students and Magneto left, calling them fools. After rebuilding his space station, Magneto was among those that were teleported to an area of space-time near a galaxy far from the vicinity of Earth's. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecker and the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct within this same area of space-time. Aboard the constructs the passengers watched in awe as the galaxy nearest to them was annihilated by an unseen force, except for a single star. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. Finally, a rift opened in space-time, from which poured a blinding light, and the passengers within the constructs heard a voice telling them, "I am from beyond! Stay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" The passengers were then sent to Battleworld. There, over the next several days, they engaged in a "secret war" amongst themselves; most of the criminals sought to destroy the heroic adventurers in order to gain the prize that the Beyonder had promised. Magneto was immediately dismissed as a villain and decided to stay-out of the direct conflicts and become a third-party, creating his own fortress. After battling the heroes for their power supply, Magneto kidnapped Wasp. Later, Magneto took responsibility of watching Galactus' movements. After Professor X noticed Galatus was attempting to feed on Battleworld, the X-Men and the heroes battled him. During his time there, Magneto was mostly allied with the X-Men. After Dr. Doom absorbed energy from Galactus and Beyonder and killed all of the heroes, Mister Fantastic revived them all. After Beyonder regained his powers, he and Doom disappeared and the heroes willed themselves back to Earth. After being returned to Asteroid M, the arrival of Warlock, crashing through his space station, sent Magneto plummeting to Earth. Magneto arrived in the ocean where he was saved from a shark attack from Cyclops' ex-lover, Lee Forrester. Lee took Magneto to his old base in the Bermuda Triangle and nursed him back to health, despite his distaste for humans. Lee warmed Magneto's heart after saving his life and the two became lovers. On the following day, Lee was reminded of the monster that Magneto once was and left him. Around this time, the Mutant Registration Act was passed, that called for all mutants to register with the government, forfeiting their civil rights and illegalizing an unregistered mutant. Feeling the return of the Beyonder, Magneto once again joined forces with the X-Men. This time, due to Prof. Xavier's weakened state from being attacked by a group of mutant haters, Magneto temporarily joined the team. Magneto began using the alias, Michael Xavier, to avoid detection from authorities. Completely out of character, Magneto stopped Rachel Summers from killing a human that shot at her, stating that she would only prove them right that mutants are murderers. While visiting the National Holocaust Memorial with Kitty (Shadowcat, as she was then called), Kitty was amazed to learn that Magneto knew her grandaunt and saved many lives in Auschwitz before Magneto was attacked by the Freedom Force and gave himself up, for trial by the World Court. Magneto's old friend, Gabrielle Haller, was his defense attorney and Sir James Jaspers prosecuted him. The trial was disrupted by an attack of the Fenris, the twin children of Baron von Strucker, and Prof. Xavier was almost killed. As Professor Xavier lay dying, the Shi'ar, Lilandra Neramani, appeared to take him into outer space to be healed by their science. At this point, Prof. Xavier begged Magneto to take over for him and be headmaster of the School for Gifted Youngsters for the New Mutants and Magneto began splitting his time between being a member of the X-Men and teacher for the New Mutants. With the X-Men, Magneto again battled the Beyonder. Later, Phoenix decided to simply destroy the entire universe and have it all start over without the Beyonder. Phoenix stole the life force of the X-Men and Starjammers, but Storm's soul convinced her otherwise. After hearing the thoughts of every living being in existence, Phoenix returned the X-Men and Starjammers to life. This event also made Magneto rethink his methods of genocide for a "greater good". While the X-Men rebuilt San Francisco after the battle with the Beyonder, the New Mutants were obliterated from existence by the virtually omnipotent Beyonder and then recreated by him, angry that Magik refused his 'gift' of her power being transferred to Shadowcat, to use them as guinea pigs. In being recreated, the New Mutants, somehow, lost much of the proficiency in using their superhuman powers that they had learned at Prof. Xavier's school and seemed detached. In time, Magneto's fears, insecurities, paranoia, and temperament slowly began to get the best of him and he was emotionally persuaded, by Empath, into having the New Mutants join the Hellions, to see if the White Queen, Emma, could help. Upon realizing the manipulation, Magneto raced to rescue the children and was attacked by the Avengers, believing Magneto was planning to kidnap the children, along the way. After the New Mutants arrived to rescue Magneto, he and Emma worked together to cure the children of their trauma at the hands of the Beyonder. After being turned to X-Babies by Mojo, the X-Men battled the New Mutants until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one, Mojo. At this time, Magneto was offered a position in the Hellfire Club and upon entering the building, he recognized that X-Factor were in-fact the original X-Men. Magneto left the building unsure. The X-Men, later, attempted to rescue the Morlocks after Mr. Sinister´s Marauders began to indiscriminately massacre them and Magneto was charged, by Storm, to stay at the mansion, watch over the New Mutants, and tend to the wounded. Colossus was injured by Riptide's shurikens, which caused energy leaks in Colossus' body without penetrating his armored skin, and Magneto used his power to mend the wounds, but Piotr Rasputin was left in a temporary paralysis. The New Mutants wandered into the tunnels, to help, at the same time Thor created an enormous burial fire for the murdered Morlocks and the New Mutants were thought dead also. After being propositioned, Magneto, later, joined the Hellfire Club as co-White King of the Inner Circle, at Storm's behest, and accepted Havok as a member of the X-Men. The union between the Hellfire Club and the X-Men would give the X-Men access to all of the Hellfire Club's government secrets and protect the school, if the Marauders were to attack again. Unwilling to watch her die, Magneto went to Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. Fantastic had built to save Shadowcat. Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Fantastic refused to help Kitty, even after the X-Men begged him, and the X-Men and Fantastic Four briefly battled. At that time, Dr. Doom presented his assistance and, under duress, Storm accepted. At the urging of Franklin Richards, Kitty was cured by the combined efforts of Dr. Doom and Mr Fantastic. After learning that pieces of his space-station, Asteroid M, had fallen to Earth, Magneto left the X-Men to travel to Kampuchea, on his own, and retrieve the technology in it. Magneto was intercepted by the Avengers and the X-Men arrived to aide him, before the Super-Soldiers and Crimson Dynamo arrived. The three teams fought over Magneto and, in the confusion, the X-Men slipped away with him. Magneto left the X-Men, again, to get the tech on the space-station and, after finding it, began wearing his old helmet again. After the Avengers showed again, the X-Men, again, came to Magneto's aide and they left with his tech, while destroying the rest of the Asteroid. After arriving in Singapore, the team took a Dutch freighter and were boarded by the Super-Soldiers, while at sea. Fearing that he was endangering the team, Magneto, again, left the X-Men. Arriving back in Singapore, Magneto was sheltered by an underground group of mutants and brought to the Galleria, where they asked him to lead them against human oppression. After Magneto informed them that he was no longer that man, soldiers burst in and began firing on them and Magneto saved them. Magneto, then, went to the X-Men and Avengers and revealed his technology, a device in his helmet that would mix with his magnetic powers and give him control over any mind he chose. Magneto declared that he had modified the circuitry to remove all traces of prejudice, particularly that of mutants, from the collective minds of the human race and not to rule them. After using the device on Captain America, Magneto learned that Cap never hated mutants and agreed to go before trial again. Magneto was, once again, defended by Gabrielle Haller and prosecuted by Sir James Jaspers in Paris. After fearing that his death would spark a war between mutants and humans, Magneto called his helmet, from Singapore to Paris, and used it on one of the judges, Alexandre Gilbert Du Motier, acquitting him of his crimes in the world court. Magneto destroyed his helmet and returned to his position as headmaster of the Xavier School, attempting to connect more with his students, after learning that they had returned as well. Magneto, notably, connected with Illyana Rasputin, who had lost her brother, Colossus, best friend, Shadowcat, and control over her realm, Limbo, after the attack of the Marauders. Magneto also grounded the New Mutants for their impulsive, reckless behavior. After a soccer game became too physical, Sunspot ended-up giving Cannonball a concussion and, after the rest of the New Mutants began to chastise him, Sunspot ran away, feeling he was a danger to his team. Warlock left after Sunspot and this left all of the team feeling deeply guilty and worried about Warlock and Sunspot's whereabouts. To calm them down, Magneto dressed them elegantly and they all attended a Hellfire Club event and asked Dr. MacTaggert to assist in the administration of the school. After hearing of an animal creature that was being mistreated after capture, the New Mutants abducted Bird Brain and, after returning home, Magma decided to return to the Massachusetts Academy. After an incident at the mall, Magneto decided to return Bird-Brain to the authorities, but after Cypher began to speak with it, the New Mutants convinced him that Bird-Brain could be taught and he remained. Magneto woke, one night, to the return of Sunspot and Warlock and the disappearance of the New Mutants. Magneto ordered Sunspot and Warlock to stay-put, while he used the technology at the Hellfire Club to locate the New Mutants. While at the Hellfire Club, Magneto witnessed X-Factor's battle with Apocalypse and the current X-Men die on television. When the children returned, they informed Magneto that Cypher was killed in action, by the Ani-Mator. Magneto was furious and magnetically held the children and forbid them from ever leaving the school without his presence or using their powers, stating that he needed to protect them. Retreating to Limbo, Illyana returned in her Darkchylde form with her Soulsword and attacked Magneto, stating that she was wrong about him being her Knight in shining armor, until the New Mutants separated them and she returned the sword to Limbo. Magneto blamed himself for Doug Ramsey's death as well as Homo Sapiens and contacted Doug's parents (telling them Doug was killed while the students were on a field trip by a hunting accident), while cursing Professor Xavier for leaving him in his position. Magneto's temper began to rise daily as he would threaten the New Mutants that is if they would not follow his demands, he would make them. After Mirage interrupted a training session of Cannonball's, Magneto ordered the children never to use their mutant powers without his permission, a fact that Sunspot immediately defied and stated that Magneto didn't give them their powers and they could use them as they pleased. After scolding Sunspot, Magneto received a call from Emma, stating that Magma had been kidnapped. Magneto, the White Queen, and the Inner Circle left to rescue Magma, unaware that the New Mutants had already rescued her and Magneto was over-heard, by the New Mutants, stating that the Purifiers had almost foiled their plan for Magma. After allowing Cannonball to attend a concert of his girlfriend's, after he promised not to use his powers, Magneto was over-heard by the New Mutants, on the phone with the White Queen, stating that he was prepared for the events to come and willing to go as far as using power neutralizers, an act that angered the New Mutants and they left to aid Cannonball with a battle that broke-out at Lila Cheney's concert. Responding to his summons at the Hellfire Club, Magneto donned his old helmet and a similar red and purple suite and attended a meeting, where Shaw berated Magneto for his students rash acts and the White Queen came to his defense. The Inner Circle battled a rein of demons that descended upon Manhattan from a portal in Times Square. After the portal was closed, the Inner Circle was approached by the demon, N'Astirh, who offered a truce with the Hellfire Club and proposed that if they would allow him Manhattan, he would give them the rest of the world. The New Mutants witnessed Magneto and the Inner Circle meeting with N'Astirh and lost all trust in him. After the defeat of the demons, Shaw argued with Magneto for his lack of control over his student, Illyana, and the demon invasion as a result. Magneto and Shaw began to fight, arguing the path that mutants should follow, ending in disagreement. Returning to the School, Magneto and the Inner Circle arrived just in time to save the New Mutants from the Marauder, Sabretooth, who explained that Mr. Sinister destroyed the mansion. Magneto was shocked and angry to learn that Illyana had become a child again, to stop the demonic invasion, and Sunspot instigated a battle between the Inner Circle and the New Mutants, until Magneto trapped all of the New Mutants in a metal ball. Shaw accused Magneto of having lost all of the control the Hellfire Club petitioned his membership for and the two battled. Magneto stated that he joined the X-Men, led the New Mutants, and entered the Hellfire Club to build a foundation for control and peace among mutant kind. Magneto said that the teams were to be his army against the coming war between humans and mutants and the New Mutants heard it all. After defeating Shaw, Shaw stated to the other Inner Circle members that if Magneto stayed, then he would not and was voted out of the Inner Circle. It is also possible that the White Queen was manipulating Magneto. Magneto declared himself "Grey King"
Korg is a Kronan warrior who resided on Sakaar and was forced to participate with the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions. Upon meeting the Asgardian Prince Thor, Korg helped him escape from Sakaar with the Hulk and defeat the threat of Hela. Having gained victory, Korg and Miek joined the Asgardian people in their journey towards the Earth following the complete Destruction of Asgard.
Darth Maul, later known simply as Maul, was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and the age of the Galactic Empire. Maul was born to Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters and was raised as a Nightbrother on Dathomir, before being taken by Darth Sidious as his apprentice. Sidious shaped Maul into a weapon of the Sith to bring about the downfall of the Jedi Order, and Maul revealed himself and the Sith to the Jedi during the Invasion of Naboo, part of Sidious' plot to take over the Republic. During the Battle of Naboo, Maul fought in a lightsaber duel with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul killed Jinn, but the Sith Lord was grievously wounded by the Padawan and fell into the depths of a Naboo reactor shaft. Though the Jedi and Sith both believed Maul was dead, and Sidious replaced Maul with the fallen Jedi Count Dooku as his new apprentice, Maul survived his encounter and retreated into exile in the Outer Rim. He dwelled on Lotho Minor, where his shattered mind was filled with thoughts of revenge and his body was repaired with crude, cybernetic, spider-like legs. During the Clone Wars, Maul was discovered by his brother, Savage Opress, and taken to Mother Talzin, who gave him new robotic legs and restored his mind. Maul, who saw that the war he was supposed to be part of had started without him, declared himself and his brother the true Lords of the Sith, who would see revenge against Kenobi and overthrow Darth Sidious. He organized a band of criminals known as the Shadow Collective, which included the Mandalorian splinter group Death Watch, and took over the planet Mandalore. Maul killed the Death Watch later, Pre Vizsla, and became the Mandalorian leader. For his revenge against Kenobi, Maul killed Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore, with whom Kenobi had once had a romantic relationship. Maul was captured, and Opress killed, by Darth Sidious during the Battle of Sundari. Sidious imprisoned Maul, but soon allowed him to escape so the renegade Sith Lord could lead Sidious to the person he saw as his true rival for power: Mother Talzin. Maul rallied his forces and briefly entered into what he believed was an alliance with Count Dooku, who feigned turning against Sidious, but Maul fell into Sidious' trap on Dathomir. The Shadow Collective was destroyed by Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems, while Mother Talzin was killed. Maul retreated from the battle, but he never gave up his desire for revenge against the Sith. Years after Sidious transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as emperor, Maul traveled to the old Sith temple on Malachor to seek the knowledge he needed to destroy Sidious, his new apprentice Darth Vader, and the Empire's Inquisitors.
Valerie possesses a magical pendant that allows her to transform into a Valkyrie warrior. While in transformation, she is clad in armour and fur with a magic spear that she can use while in battle. Although she does not know the pendant’s original origins, she knows that it is of Norse descent. Born somewhere along the East coast of Canada, Valerie has fought as a vigilante since the age of eighteen. There has been no other information found on her past at this time.
Billions of years ago, the technologically-advanced extraterrestrial race known as the Watchers decided it was their duty to help the universe's less advanced races. In their first such experiment, proposed by Ikor, a delegation of four brought atomic energy knowledge to the planet Prosilicus. The Prosilicans accepted the gift, but used it to develop nuclear weapons and engaged in an auto-genocidal war. Ashamed, the Watchers vowed never again to interfere in the affairs of other races. Ikor drafted a code of ethics based upon strict noninterference and passive observation that was so strict that if another being were dying at a Watcher's feet, the Watcher would offer no aid. With their new code established, the Watchers evacuated their homeworld and relocated throughout the galaxies, each Watcher choosing a solar system where they could observe and mentally record the lives of other races for the sake of eventually sharing it with their fellow Watchers. The Watchers would then sporadically reassemble to pool their knowledge and share what they had witnessed. Ikor's son, Uatu, chose Earth's solar system as his new home and was based in the "Blue Area" of Earth's moon, an abandoned settlement built by the alien Kree and Cotati, from which he observed Earth for billions of years. At first, Uatu adhered to his race's vow of non-interference: he did not physically intervene when the Gunan known as Xakku the Sun-Stealer threatened to transport Earth's sun to his own solar system (although he did trick the alien into expending his oxygen tanks before he could accomplish his mission) and even spurned the affections of the extraterrestrial Queen Kalthea, who offered Uatu her hand in marriage after his appearance caused the barbarians threatening her kingdom to retreat; but over the centuries, Uatu grew so fond of the lifeforms he observed that he occasionally violated his vow of non-interference when Earth's existence was threatened. Uatu's first recorded encounter with an Earthling occurred in the year 1602 A.D. when a possible-future Captain America was inadvertently sent back in time to that era, causing ripples in the timestream that threatened the very fabric of reality. Uatu revealed the nature of the problem to an Elizabethan-era version of Dr. Stephen Strange, who helped send the temporally-displaced Captain America back through a time-portal, correcting the timeline. Uatu's superior, however, allowed the divergent timeline (Earth-311) to persist in a pocket dimension. Decades ago, Uatu assisted the Destroyer (Roger Aubrey), Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler), Nathaniel Richards, and Howard Stark on a mission to save mankind. In modern times, Uatu met the Fantastic Four when they visited the Moon to investigate the Blue Area. The criminal mastermind Red Ghost and his Super-Apes had also landed there and soon attacked the Thing. Uatu revealed his presence to the Earthlings and ended the fight, decreeing that the Fantastic Four would battle Red Ghost and his simian cohorts. Uatu was impressed with the FF's victory and gave them his blessings, allowing them to retain their memories of his existence. Uatu became fond of the Fantastic Four and began to warn them of impending dangers, such as the Molecule Man, who gained matter-manipulation powers in a lab accident. After the Molecule Man's defeat, Uatu transported the villain to an other-dimensional world where time passed at an accelerated rate and reinforced the self-imposed mental blocks which limited Molecule Man's ability to use his powers. Soon after, at the wedding of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, Uatu helped Mr. Fantastic defeat the horde of super-villains who threatened the ceremony by transporting him to the Watcher's home and not dis-allowing him to pick a weapon to send the villains back to before they were controlled, and erase their memories. Afterwards, Uatu allowed Reed and Sue to honeymoon in the Blue Area's city, providing an opulent banquet hall and assuring the newlyweds that they would be the only beings in the galaxy that he would not be watching that night. Later, when Galactus first menaced Earth, Uatu tried to hide the planet from the world-devourer, debated him as to why the Earth should be spared, and finally helped the Human Torch obtain the only weapon capable of destroying the cosmic menace -- the Ultimate Nullifier. Uatu also studied alternate realities, which he observed through a portal given to him by the Time-Keepers, a group of beings who existed at the end of time itself. Eventually, Uatu disgraced himself completely by physically opposing the Kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell after allying himself with the Lunatic Legion, a Kree faction opposed to Mar-Vell who were led by Zarek, Fer-Porr, and Sro-Himm and based in the Moon's Blue Area. Placed on trial by his own people for his numerous violations of their ethics code, Uatu explained that he had come to identify with the action and emotion that he observed on Earth, and thus yearned to become involved. At the conclusion of his trial, Uatu was released from custody on his own recognizance after promising never to interfere in the affairs of other races again. Later, Uatu was captured by intergalactic gambler A'Sai via a weapon from one of Galactus' former worldships. Uatu allowed himself to be coerced into a football wager-- Uatu's technology vs. A'Sai's weapon--but when Spider-Man led Uatu's team to victory, Uatu destroyed the weapon and transformed A'Sai into a casino playing card as punishment for his intent to renege. Uatu also saved the life of Bette Chekhov, granddaughter of Anton, one of May Parker's former boarders. When the criminal Living Laser tried to escape Quasar by flying into Uatu's alternate worlds portal and diverged into separate beings in seven different alternate realities, Uatu enlisted Quasar to recapture the Living Lasers. Based on the Watcher Otmu's theory that even observation affected others, the "Oblivion Plague" caused many Watchers to end their existences; though perpetuated by Maelstrom, the Plague was ended when Quasar convinced the Watchers that they must continue to observe so they could pass on their accumulated recordings to the next universe. Present at Uatu's earlier trial was his nephew Aron, a relatively young Watcher mentored by his uncle who was not yet assigned a solar system to observe. Fascinated by Earth, Aron eventually broke the Watcher's code by manipulating the Fantastic Four and Inhumans into a fight. Now a "rogue" Watcher, Aron grew more malevolent; after cloning the Fantastic Four and trying to create a pocket world within the mind of Alicia Masters, Aron was ambushed by Dr. Doom, who siphoned-off Aron's power into a containment device. Uatu cared for Aron as his nephew recovered; but before Aron could be tried for his crimes, the Watchers became preoccupied with the threat posed by the giant cosmic entities known as the Celestials. Aron seized this opportunity to masquerade as his uncle Uatu and manipulate the Fantastic Four into helping him recover the energy stolen from him by Doom. Completing the first phase of his plan, Aron plotted to swallow the entire universe into a black hole and then create a new universe for himself to manipulate. Opposed by the Fantastic Four and Fantastic Force, Aron pitted legions of their past enemies against them, but Ant-Man foiled his scheme by destroying the device needed to create the black hole. In the end, Uatu disciplined his nephew by dissipating his energy and using it to revive the leader of the Watchers known as the One. Uatu was stripped of his title and exiled by the Watchers for these controversial actions. Despite his expulsion, Uatu continued to observe affairs on Earth, compelled by the lives and struggles of its inhabitants. Eventually reinstated into the Watchers, Uatu witnessed the temporary demise of Galactus, who was destroyed by an intergalactic alliance of heroes led by the Silver Surfer near the Shi'ar homeworld. Soon after, Uatu was viciously attacked by Abraxas, a cosmic entity threatening all of reality, but Abraxas was defeated by the Fantastic Four. Uatu congratulated the heroes, informing them that humanity had passed another test. Some time ago, Uatu and two of his fellow Watchers, Zoma and Qyre, appeared before She-Hulk, who was then serving with the Magistrati as a presiding judge in the Living Tribunal's Cosmic Claims Court. Qyre had discovered a reclusive race who had kept their existence secret since time immemorial. The reclusive race sued the Watchers in the Cosmic Claims Court, and She-Hulk ruled that Qyre's mouth be permanently sealed so that he could not share his knowledge of the plaintiffs with his fellow Watchers. Most recently, Uatu the Watcher appeared before the costumed heroes. They were at a meeting to discuss what to do after the incident at Stamford. As Watchers only show up personally to monitor key events in history, his presence did not bode well for the costumed heroes.
Doctor Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym was an entomologist and physicist who developed the Ant-Man Suit after discovering the Pym Particles. For a time, he worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a consultant and became the first Ant-Man. Later he formed his own company, Pym Technologies, and passed the title of Ant-Man down to Scott Lang when his own former protégé Darren Cross replicated the Pym Particle and attempted to sell his technology, the new Yellowjacket Suit, to the notorious paramilitary terrorist organization known as HYDRA. Thanks to his recruitment of Lang to stop Cross, and Lang’s successful escape from the Quantum Realm, Pym came to terms with losing his wife Janet van Dyne to the said realm years earlier, because he thought she could be alive in there. Two years later, he and his daughter, Hope van Dyne, as well as Lang, succeeded in bringing Janet back from the Quantum Realm. However, shortly after doing so, he, along with his wife and daughter, were erased from existence when Thanos, now in possession of all six Infinity Stones, snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the universe's population.
The Prince is the youngest son of Sharaman and heir to the throne in Persia. He is the main protagonist throughout both the Sands of Time Trilogy and it's spin-offs correlating to it's universe.
In a secret facility located in the Louisiana swamplands, scientist Alec Holland and his wife Linda invented a Bio-Restorative Formula that would solve any nations' food shortage problems. Ferrett and Bruno - thugs working for Nathan Ellery - barged into Alec's lab, knocked him out, and planted a bomb in the facility. Alec woke up just as the bomb exploded, and in flames, he ran into the swamp. His body had been drenched in the bio-restorative formula, and this affected the plant life of the swamp, imbuing it with Alec's consciousness and memories. The newly conscious plant life formed a semblance of a human form and rose up from the bog as the Swamp Thing, the latest in a long line of Earth elementals created when The Green was in need of protection. The Swamp Thing originally thought that he had been Alec Holland, transformed by the freak accident into a monster. He sought to regain his human body, but often met opposition in the form of Anton Arcane, and his ever growing legion of Un-Men. After finally defeating Arcane, Swamp Thing was set upon by General Sunderland's men, in a covert military operation. The resulting attacks blasted a hole in Swamp Thing's head and destroyed the lives of many of his friends. Sunderland brought the Swamp Thing's body back to Sunderland Corp to study and unlock the secret of the Bio-Restorative Formula. Sunderland hired the Jason Woodrue to study Swamp Thing's body, which he had stored in a cryochest. Over the course of his research, the Floronic Man deduced the truth about Swamp Thing, that he was a plant that thought it was Alec Holland - the real Alec Holland had died in the explosion. Sunderland and Woodrue parted on bad terms, so the scientist used Sunderland's automated computer systems to raise the thermostat in Swamp Thing's cryochest. This allowed Swamp Thing's body to regenerate, and in his search for Sunderland, he stumbled across the Floronic Man's report, which sent him into a mindless rage. He killed Sunderland, and set off for the swamps. Swamp Thing went into shock from learning his true origins. He rooted himself into the swamp and spent three weeks dreaming; his mind eventually traveling into The Green. Woodrue returned to the swamp and discovered Swamp Thing's connection to The Green, but the experience drove him mad. When Swamp Thing realized the presence of Woodrue's corrupting influence there, he wrenched himself back into reality. He caught up with Woodrue and convinced the villain that his war against animal life was pointless, reminding him that plant life and animal life needed each other to survive. A budding friendship grew between Swamp Thing and his dead nemesis Anton Arcane's niece Abby Cable. Her husband Matthew grew resentful of her disinterest in sex, and turned to drink, further pushing her toward the Swamp Thing. She asks for his help when her autistic students at Elysium Lawns were being tormented by Kamara, the Monkey-King. Swamp Thing destroyed the demon with the help of Etrigan. On the same night that the demon attacked, Matthew decided to go out and help Abby. Unfortunately, his alcoholism caused him to crash his car, mortally wounding him. In order to stay alive, he made a pact with the spirit of Anton Arcane, who possessed his body. Later, Swamp Thing was visited by the ghost of Alec Holland, and eventually learned that Alec's skeleton was still lying at the bottom of the bayou. Diving down, Swamp Thing retrieved the body and gave it a proper burial. This allowed the Alec's spirit to free itself from the earthly plane and ascend into Heaven. One day, Abigail finally realized that the man she had thought was her husband for weeks had actually been her uncle Anton. Her feeling of disgust sent her into a horrible shock. Swamp Thing confronted the possessed Matthew, and with the guidance of the monster, he discovered Abby's body. Unfortunately, Arcane had sent the "soul" of his niece to Hell. In a rage, Swamp Thing beat Arcane to a pulp, allowing Matthew's trapped spirit to cast the soul of the sorcerer out of his body and back to the nether world. The effort returned Matthew to control of his body, but left him comatose. To set things right, Swamp Thing travelled into The Green and beyond; to the Spirit World and on into Hell, all to reclaim Abby's soul. He was forced to fight off a legion of the damned, including Anton Arcane, but he prevailed again with the help of Etrigan. After Abby was returned to life, Swamp Thing and Abby confessed their love for each other. To celebrate the beginning of their relationship Swamp Thing grew hallucinogenic tubers for Abby to eat, enabling her to see the world as he did. Swamp Thing's body was destroyed after an encounter with a man saturated by dangerous levels of radiation. He sent his mind into the Green to attempt to form another body, and with Abby's help and weeks of effort, Swamp Thing reformed most of his new body. In the meantime, occultist John Constantine had heard news of a coming danger, and found his way to the swamp. Upon meeting the Swamp Thing, he informed the creature that it was a plant elemental. Constantine hinted at knowing much more about the nature of the Swamp Thing than he was saying, and promised to discuss the matters further if Swamp Thing met him in Rosewood, Illinois in a week's time. Constantine informed Swamp Thing that he had not completely destroyed the vampire population of Rosewood during his last encounter with them, and a number of them adapted to live within an aquatic settlement. Swamp Thing remembered that running water could destroy the vampires - they could only live underwater because the body of water covering Rosewood was stagnant. In order to deal with them, Swamp Thing extended his abilities further than ever before, forming a new body from a mountain and letting its river merge with Rosewood's, thereby wiping the vampires out. Rather than provide any new information, Constantine told Swamp Thing to meet him in Maine in two weeks' time. In Kennescook, Maine; Swamp Thing encountered Phoebe, a werewolf filled with outrage on behalf of abused and oppressed women throughout history. He prevented her from killing her husband, but was forced to watch on helplessly as she committed suicide. Constantine arrived soon after, and told Swamp Thing to go back home to Louisiana. Abby found work on the set of a soap opera being filmed on the old Robertaland Plantation. Things went awry when the lead actors became possessed by the spirits of the murderous landowners. Dead slaves that worked on the plantation rose from the grave as zombies. Sensing the evil there, Swamp Thing burned Robertaland to the ground after realizing that it was the source of their power. Eventually, Swamp Thing began to see a pattern emerging in all the monstrosities he had been confronting across America, but admitted he would need Constantine to explain it to him. Constantine instructed him to travel to San Miguel, California, promising that this would be the last leg of their mission before he revealed everything he knew. In San Miguel, Swamp Thing visited the abandoned Cambridge mansion, haunted by every person ever to have been killed by the Cambridge repeater firearm. A group of thrill seekers were menaced by the ghosts. Swamp Thing managed to exorcise the ghosts from the mansion by making the sound of a hammer on a big table within. Afterward, Constantine appeared and explained that he wanted the Swamp Thing to see first-hand the effects that the coming Crisis was having on Earth. Swamp Thing and Constantine witnessed the effects of the Crisis: blood red skies, and people and beasts from many different time periods, displaced into the present day. The pair were suddenly teleported to the Monitor�s Satellite by Alexander Luthor. Constantine introduced Swamp Thing to Alexander, who had formed a plan to ensure that reality survived the Crisis. Constantine promised that the Swamp Thing would likewise ensure that the spiritual realms survived the after-effects of the Crisis. Constantine revealed that after the Crisis ended, reality would be unstable and vulnerable for a time. Meanwhile, the ancient cult of the Brujeria were taking advantage of this situation in order to summon the Shadow Creature which would destroy Heaven. To do so the Brujeria needed to encourage a worldwide belief in monsters and the darker things in life. They were the ones responsible for the rash of nightmarish incidents that Swamp Thing had contained over the past few weeks. He planned for he and the Swamp Thing to travel to South America and battle the cult - but first he wanted Swamp Thing to visit the Parliament of Trees in Brazil, where he promised that he would finally learn the truth about his nature as a plant elemental. Swamp Thing bid farewell to Abby for a while, and as they kissed, they were unaware that amateur photojournalist, Howard Fleck, was taking pictures of them. Swamp Thing travelled to Brazil, where he met the Parliament of Trees. There, he encountered one of the previous plant elementals, Alex Olsen. Olsen explained that the Swamp Thing was the latest in a long line of plant elementals, who had all since joined the Parliament in their retirement. Communing with the others, Swamp Thing was able to learn the histories of his predecessors. Joining up with Constantine, Swamp Thing managed to destroy the Brujeria by flooding their underground caves with dirt and crushing them with tree-roots. Unfortunately, his decision to save Constantine's life provided the Brujeria with enough time to send their messenger to awaken the Shadow Creature. Constantine and Swamp Thing scrambled to come up with a plan to deal with the Great Darkness, and then split up. Swamp Thing travelled through The Green to the afterlife, recruiting the help of Deadman, Phantom Stranger, The Spectre and Etrigan. Together, they prepared to make a stand against the Great Darkness in Hell. One by one, Swamp Thing's allies fell to the Darkness, failing to answer its questions - that is until the Swamp Thing tried entering it of his own free will, with peaceful intent. Reflecting on what the Parliament taught him about nature, he offered insights to the Great Darkness that its place in the universe was necessary; that good would grow stronger by its opposition to evil. His talk sparked something in the Great Darkness. When it finally reached Heaven, the Great Darkness and The Presence joined in an alliance of balance, changing the nature of good and evil for the entire universe. Back in Louisiana, Swamp Thing met with John Constantine again. Swamp Thing was distressed to learn that in his absence, Howard Fleck had released the photos of he and Abby, causing such a scandal that she ran away to Gotham City. The Louisiana police had charged her with obscenity and crimes against nature, and it became Gotham's job to hold her trial, and extradite her. Swamp Thing sped to Gotham in order to free Abby from jail. He burst into the Gotham courthouse and demanded Abby�s release. When his demand was refused, he tapped into the Green, using his immense elemental power to cause Gotham to become overgrown with plant-life. In this way, he kept the city hostage until his wife was released. In the meantime, Batman asked Swamp Thing to turn Gotham back to normal, and the refusal of the creature led to a fight in which the much outmatched Batman was defeated. Finally, Batman convinced the mayor that Abby had not committed any crime, and that it would be in the best interest of everyone if charges against her were dropped. In response, Swamp Thing removed the overgrowth from Gotham. As Swamp Thing was about to be reunited with Abby, he was attacked by Dwight Wicker and the D.D.I., who wanted to avenge the death of General Sunderland. They cut him off from the Green using a communications scrambler provided by Lex Luthor. Then, they set him aflame with napalm. Locked out of The Green's frequency, Swamp Thing survived the attempted assassination by tuning into a different, alien one. He managed to grow a new body on a planet populated by only blue vegetation, unconnected to The Green. He stayed on the planet for a time, exploring it and even creating plant-replicas of people he knew from Earth to keep him company. Finding this to be ultimately pointless he destroyed his creations and gathered up the courage to try and grow a new plant-body elsewhere in the universe. He finds his way to the planet Rann, where he meets and befriends Adam Strange. The planet was going through a devastating drought, and there were arrangements made to find a solution with Thanagarians. Swamp Thing reached down under the surface of the planet and brought its plant life back. He attempted to grow a body from vegetation on a planet which seemed to be techno-organic. However, unbeknownst to him, the planet was sentient, and sought to mate with him. The entity forced Swamp Thing to mate with her, and afterwards Swamp Thing swiftly fled across the universe to find a new place to grow a body. Finally, Swamp Thing found his way to the planet J586, where all plant life is sentient. With the help of Green Lantern Medphyll, Swamp Thing learned to shift his frequency, so that he could return to Earth and The Green. Before reuniting with Abby at last, Swamp Thing murdered the men responsible for the assassination attempt. After settling down again with Abby in the swamp, Swamp Thing travelled to the Parliament of Trees, but was greeted with surprised horror. The Parliament had assumed him dead, and had therefore begun to grow a sprout which would grow into a new elemental, once bound with a human spirit. The upshot of which being that having two elementals active at one time would set the balance of nature awry and cause calamity. The Parliament gave him the choice to either take root in the Parliament, and leave Abby forever, or to kill the Sprout. Swamp Thing refused to do either, whatever the consequences. Eventually, Swamp Thing and John Constantine concocted a plan by which they would bind the Sprout to a human host so that he could retire to be with Abby until it was time to join the Parliament. The Sprout attempted to bind with Solomon Grundy in Slaughter Swamp, but the monster resisted, eventually bathing in toxic chemicals in order to force the Sprout out. However, during his encounter with Grundy, Swamp Thing realized that the Parliament was trying to kill him in order to restore balance, given that he would not kill the Sprout. He returned to the Parliament, and demanded to speak with a Committee, to find a solution for the Sprout problem. In communing with the members, he discovered that across time, there have been hundreds of elementals, all of whom were once humans that were killed by fire. The meeting was a trap, however, and as he experienced pasts of the committee members, he began to take root. However, at the same time, the Sprout attempted to bind with an insane, evil man named Alan Bolland who had just died in the midst of a terrorist attack. The Parliament sensed the evil within Bolland, and it shocked the Swamp Thing out of his hypnosis. He used his frequency shifting abilities to force the committee members out into space, and the resulting chaos forced the Sprout from Bolland's body. John Constantine's contacts seemed to indicate that the Parliament's predictions were right. Something was wrong with the balance of nature. Using his contacts, he arranged to find out where and when the next candidate for binding with the Sprout would be ready. Constantine arranged to help reconcile an average man named Gary Holland with the idea of becoming the next Swamp Thing as his plane was destined to crash with no survivors. Meanwhile, Swamp Thing had hidden the Sprout on the moon. Upon his return through The Green, he encountered the lost souls of those on the crashed plane, and guided them all to heaven - including his intended replacement. There would have to be another plan. The pair went through several other failed attempts, going so far as to try to bond the Sprout with Swamp Thing's friend Chester Williams. Fortunately, that was not required. Swamp Thing decided, at Abby's urging, to grow himself a more powerful brain in order to solve the dilemma. After one and a half months of deliberation, he managed to find a solution. Swamp Thing used his abilities to take control of a somewhat unwilling Constantine's body, displacing Constantine into the astral plane. Then, in that human form, Swamp Thing and Abby finally consummated their relationship, conceiving a child for the sprout to bond to. In the body of a child, the Sprout would be given the chance to learn at a slower rate. Despite seemingly having found happiness with his wife, Swamp Thing was soon set upon by the Dominators. Given that their weaponry was of a plant-based nature, they knew they had to eliminate the one being on the planet Earth who could easily render them toothless in their intended invasion. In order to dispose of him, the Dominators used a device to displace the Swamp Thing in time. Swamp Thing found himself within the body of a soldier during the Second World War in 1945. There, he encountered a young Anton Arcane, using an abattoir as his lab for the creation of his Un-Men. Arcane used an artifact known as the Claw of Aelkh�nd to send Swamp Thing further back in time. Swamp Thing was then occupying the body of a downed French pilot during the Great War. There, he met Abby's grandmother Ana�s Arcane, who called on her young doctor son, Anton, to treat his wounds. Naturally, Anton's interest in Swamp Thing's biology was less than medical, and the result of their encounter faced Swamp Thing with the Claw again, sending him further back. He next awoke in the old west in 1872, where he was trapped within a large chunk of amber. Eventually, a team of heroes including Bat-Lash and Hawk Haukins managed to free him. Hopefully, Swamp Thing arranged to have his photo taken with them, thinking that his pregnant wife might see him, and know he was okay. Knowing he had to go back further, he willingly faced the Claw again. Swamp Thing became trapped again in a piece of amber, falling into the hands of Tomahawk, the old west hero. Another exposure to the Claw sent him back to medieval times when he encountered Merlin and Shining Knight, and an item believed to be the Holy Grail. Further back, Swamp Thing encountered a tribe of early men, who lived in harmony with The Green. However, the time for their kind was at an end, and with the ice age, they were killed by a younger, more violent race of men. Before dying, a shaman that Swamp Thing befriended gave to him three seeds, and stored the spirits of his people away within a piece of amber - which sent Swamp Thing back further still. Swamp Thing arrived at a time when man had not yet been born. He encountered three of his predecessors, Yggdrasil - the tree of life, Tuuru - the tree of knowledge, and Eyam. They explained that they were the three founders of the Parliament of Trees, and sent him back once more into the past. In a world desolate and devoid of life, Swamp Thing grew his brain large once more, and realized that it is he who created the Parliament, and began the succession of earth elementals. He planted one of the three seeds he was given, which later grew into Yggdrasil, imbuing it with a map of all his knowledge. Then, he allowed a flow of lava to overtake him, converting the sap within his enlarged brain to amber. Finally, Swamp Thing realized that the reason he was sent back in time by the Claw was that the chunk of amber within it was a future version of himself. He waited millennia for the day when John Constantine would find his way to the present day location of the Claw, and release him. Freed, finally, Swamp Thing arrived home just in time to witness the birth of his daughter Tef�. Swamp Thing was unaware when he chose Constantine as the surrogate for the conception of his daughter, that he had received a blood transfusion from the demon Nergal. Likewise, he was unprepared for the fact that the powers of his daughter extend to both The Green and The Red. One day, when she witnessed him disappearing into The Green, she tried to do the same, and in the process, she destroyed her human body. Tef�'s astral form travelled the Spirit World until it ended up on the outskirts of Hell. There, she caught the attention of the demon Beelzebub, not to mention Anton Arcane who managed to gain lowly demon status by way of his evil ways. Arcane was assigned to Nergal, who recognized his own taint within Tef�. Through this taint, the demons hoped to gain control of her. However, the child became the centre of a political struggle in Hell between the Spider Guild, Beelzebub and Azazel. Swamp Thing entered the Spirit World, where he encountered a number of alien spirits who were stuck in the human afterlife after the Dominators' attack. Together, they travelled to Hell. There, Etrigan explained the truth about Tef�'s demon taint. Confronting Nergal, it seemed as though Swamp Thing was no match for him. However, Arcane's machinations had connected Tef� to the irrigation system of the whole city, and when she opened a window back to earth, it caused the destruction of the city and all those demons within. The destruction of Nergal's garden released a particular spirit on Earth. It was Matango, a fungus-based lifeform. Meanwhile, Swamp Thing and his wife searched for a way to get Tef� back into a physical body. With Constantine's help, they determined that she must be the one to recreate the body herself, but without any knowledge of anatomy, she would not be able to do so properly. A Shaman clued Swamp Thing in to the existence of a fountain in the Garden of Eden which can allow any being the ability to understand all languages. With this, Tef� could understand how to rebuild her own body with instruction. Swamp Thing met with the Parliament of Trees to find out the location of the fountain. There, he reunited with Yggdrasil, Eyam, and Tuuru, who explained that much of what he had been taught in the past was a ruse in order to bring about the birth of a plant-human hybrid: Tef�. Yggdrasil explained that by planting the first of the three seeds, Swamp Thing brought about the birth of the Parliament. The second became his vessel forward through time. The Third was consumed by Tef� - and that is what woke Matango. The seed represented the ways of the old race of man, who were in communion with nature. The newer, more violent race of men served Matango's needs better. The Parliament had once resided in the Garden of Eden, but a war with Matango and the fungus-based life force known as The Grey forced them out. The fountain was still to be found in the ruins of Eden, which lied in what became known as Antarctica. Swamp Thing travelled there, rescuing Eyam's trapped soul, collecting a frozen shard of the waters of the fountain, and narrowly escaping destruction by the Angels who protected the ruins. As a hurricane threatened all of Louisiana Swamp Thing returned, giving Tef� the water from the fountain. With the help of Constantine's friend Brenda and the Shaman of Sarga, Tef� was able to rebuild most of her body. Unfortunately, Matango had assembled an army of servants of The Grey to capture the infant. The new body she grew became corrupted with mould and fungus, prompting Swamp Thing to destroy it, as the hurricane swept over the swamp, and destroyed everything in sight. The next morning, Swamp Thing and his family decided to take Tef� to the Parliament of Trees for her protection. Main article: The Quest for the Elementals Upon their arrival at the Parliament of Trees, Yggdrasil helped recreate Tef�'s body for them. The Parliament then explained to Swamp Thing that Matango was once the thirteenth in the line of plant elementals, and the last to share in the secret knowledge of the Parliament's creation via time-loop. When Matango was protector of The Green, a meteor formed by the destruction of a planet that was home to The Grey landed on Earth. Matango volunteered to host the new life-form in order to learn more about it. Unfortunately, his own ambition was corrupted by The Grey's drive to consume, and he became its agent. A war broke out between The Green and The Grey which forced the elementals to leave Eden. In order to have a compromise, the Parliament caused an ice age that allowed the new race of man to conquer the old race, so that in time, if man caused the downfall of The Green, The Grey could take its place. By giving a seed of the old race to his daughter, Swamp Thing caused the balance to be offset. The Parliament decided that in order to save The Green, they needed to confront Matango. Swamp Thing began to amass an army of those elementals trapped by The Grey during the war. Unfortunately, Matango anticipated this, and all of the efforts were in vain, leading to Swamp Thing's capture and imprisonment, deep in the Pacific Ocean. Swamp Thing risked the death of all those imprisoned by attempting to form a body there, but was fortunately successful, with the help of others. They returned to the Parliament, where they learned that Matango had ensnared Abby and Tef�. Climbing the rotting trunk of Yggdrasil, he reached them and set them free before heading onward to Matango's lair. Discovering that Matango's weakness was his old Green form, Swamp Thing used his own skin against him, and severed his connection to The Grey. The Grey finds a new, more neutral vessel, who promises that he will wait until The Green's time has passed before allowing The Grey to inherit the earth. After a time of being able to live happily with his family, Swamp Thing became aware of the resurgence of Sunderland Corporation as a threat to the environment. Now run by General Sunderland's daughter Constance, Sunderland Corporation took on a personal vendetta against the Swamp Thing while pursuing its greedy, destructive interests. Meanwhile, Tef�'s power over both plants and flesh became a matter of concern for her parents when she showed a tendency to horribly mangle and kill those who angered her. When she killed the family cat in anger, it was decided that Swamp Thing would consult the Parliament of Trees for help. The Parliament sent Lady Jane to act as Tef�'s governess, allowsing Swamp Thing to focus his attention on protecting The Green. Eventually, in Hell, the devil abdicated his rule, allowing many of the demons trapped there to escape - including Anton Arcane. Arcane returned to the land of the living with intent to possess the Tef�'s body, and cause pain to his niece Abigail. However, Arcane's attempted coup was thwarted by the appearance of Agony and Ecstacy, but he vowed to return. When Constance Sunderland had an occultist named Doctor Polygon resurrect her father from death, it provided Anton Arcane with a body to host his spirit. Using Sunderland's influence and his own power, Arcane managed to terrorize his niece once again. With the threat of Anton Arcane's return, Abigail made Swamp Thing promise to stay with her and their daughter in order to protect them and be a husband and father. Reluctantly, he agreed - but the Parliament of Trees was displeased with the decision. When a great threat to the environment and The Green appeared, Swamp Thing was forced to choose between breaking his promise to Abby or allowing the Green to suffer. Ultimately, he chose neither, and created a double of himself to look after his family while he protected The Green. He had intended to return to his family once the threat was taken care of, but the Parliament prevented it - leaving his double to become firmly entrenched as the family man he could not be. After being away for two weeks, Swamp Thing's body was restored, but with an altered appearance. The toxins gone, he returned to Louisiana to reunite with his family. Unfortunately, the double he created believed that he was more worthy to be with Abby and Tef� than Swamp Thing, and they fought. When Swamp Thing realized that the double was not merely a copy, but a part of him, Swamp Thing absorbed it back into his body. Unfortunately, Abby was disgusted when she realized his deceit, and decided to leave him and move to New Orleans with Chester Williams. Swamp Thing was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan. As a tribute to Hal and the destroyed Coast City Swamp Thing turned the barren Coast into a lush garden. It is revealed that he is the Earth's Ultimate Savior and the Entity's Champion. Unlike the previous incarnation, a mass of humanoid plant life with all of Holland's absorbed memories, this new renewed Swamp Thing was generated directly from the body of Alec Holland himself. Holland rising from the ground as a seemingly semi-sentient corpse until fully given human flesh again as the once formerly brilliant biologist. Holland stating that his last conscious memory was of hurling himself into the swamp to extinguish the flames engulfing him, having no memory of ever being Swamp Thing previously. The Life Entity stating essentially that Holland was a missing "vital component" to the being itself. Leaving us to ponder if the being Dark Avatar assaulting the city may have actually been the former Swamp Thing. Notably also bearing a very close physical resemblance. The Entity imbued upon Holland all of the powers of The Green that the former had wielded. Including now additional elemental abilities, i.e. governance over fire, being now shown capable of breathing fire naturally. Swamp Thing then immediately growing to enormous height to battle the Corrupted Being. Immediately upon defeating it, acting to restore the Green to natural order.
The OMACs (Omni Mind And Community) are a race of robots that can control human hosts. They were originally designed to monitor metahuman activity. However, they have since gone rogue following some reprogramming by the Justice League's adversary Maxwell Lord. They are controlled by Brother Eye.
A boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Master Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons. Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lightning, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless. Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Forest of Dangers, the Canyon of Death, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process. They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After reconciling, Garmadon moves in with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As the story concludes, Mr. Liu tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja.
The second man to receive the Angelic Fire was an ex-con named Phil Timper. Timper had found religion while in jail and had dramatic change of heart - he was therefore more apt to receive the heavenly light. Due to his past life as a convict, he still retained the brutality necessary for a candidate for the Angelic Fire. He was taken and infused as Wynn before him. During this process, the agents of the Star Chamber detected an odd reading on Earth and sent the Redeemer to investigate and collect the source of this reading. He was sent to Rat City, tracking three necroplasmic readings, emanating from Cogliostro, a bum named Bobby (whom Spawn had recently resurrected through magic), and Spawn. This Redeemer was significantly more powerful than Spawn and was easily able to defeat him before taking his true target, Bobby away to the orbiting satellite for study. Spawn attacked an angelic base on Earth which prompted the Redeemer to teleport back to Earth with Bobby and engage Spawn again. In the ensuing battle, Spawn was able to slice off one of the Redeemer's hands and escape with Bobby as the raw energy erupting from the Redeemer's wound caused a distraction. Timper has not been seen since.
Melisandre, a Red Priestess of the Lord of Light, has installed herself at the court on Dragonstone and has won the trust of King Stannis Baratheon. Under her influence, Stannis has converted to the Lord of Light's religion. She believes that Stannis is the chosen servant of the Lord of Light who will destroy his enemies with the flaming sword Lightbringer. She also wins over many converts among Stannis' household, including Matthos Seaworth, though his father Ser Davos remains skeptical. Stannis has also taken the flaming heart, the symbol of the Lord of Light, as part of his personal sigil. At a ceremony on the beach under the castle, Melisandre burns sacred religious artifacts from the Faith of the Seven, icon statues representing the Seven-faced God, despite Maester Cressen's objections. Later, he tries to poison Melisandre by tainting his own cup of wine and sharing it with her. As he lies dying, Melisandre reveals she is unaffected by the poison due to the protection of the Lord of Light. Melisandre later seduces Stannis, promising to give him a son. She does become pregnant, but not with a human child. After the failed parley with Renly, she "gives birth" to a monstrous shadow creature in the caves below Renly's camp. Quaithe is also a follower of the Red God, though she does not appear to be a Red Priestess. Beric Dondarrion, along with the members of the Brotherhood Without Banners, has converted to the religion of the Lord of Light. Dondarrion has died six times since he was sent to fight Gregor Clegane, and each time, Thoros of Myr has brought him back by praying to the Lord of Light. Melisandre reveals that Thoros of Myr was first sent to the Seven Kingdoms to convert Robert Baratheon to the Lord of Light. Thoros admits he failed, rather unapologetically. Selyse Baratheon, Stannis' wife and Queen, is revealed to be a fanatical follower of the Lord of Light, to the point of taking pride in her husband's infidelity with Melisandre as it was done in the service of their god. Melisandre sacrifices three members of Stannis's household for their adamant refusal to tear down their "idols" of the Seven, Axell Florent among them. Despite being her brother, Queen Selyse watches the sacrifice with ecstatic delight, convinced she has seen their souls emerge from the bonfires and be taken by the Lord of Light. Later, Melisandre instructs Stannis's and Selyse's daughter, Shireen, on their religion, as Selyse believes the child is too stubborn and fears for her soul. Melisandre assures Shireen that her uncle Axell is in a better place now, though the child remains unconvinced, so the Red Woman tells her the Faith of the Seven and their Seven-Pointed Star is but a fable —there are only two gods, eternally at war: a god of light and love and joy, R'hllor, and a god of darkness, evil, and fear. Shireen asks whether there are seven heavens and seven hells, and Melisandre claims there is only one hell: the one they are living in right then and there, the life before death. Melisandre sacrifices the princess Shireen Baratheon to the Lord of Light. She believes that sacrificing Shireen's life - which contains the power of a king's blood - will gain the Lord of Light's favor, who in return will aid them in their time of need by lifting the blizzard. This act initially seems to work in their favor as the very next day the temperature climbs and the snow melts enough so that Stannis's army can march on Winterfell as planned. However, it is discovered that half of his forces deserted in the night and Selyse, who had a change of heart when her daughter was being sacrificed and tried to stop it (unlike before when her brother was being sacrificed), has since hanged herself. Stunned by these developments, Melisandre flees back to Castle Black while Stannis presses on toward Winterfell where he is ultimately defeated in battle. After returning to Castle Black, Melisandre drops her glamour in a moment of privacy, revealing her true form as a withered, ancient woman. [13] Later, at Ser Davos's urging, she prays for Jon Snow to be brought back to life. She is astonished to see that he is brought back, and tries to grill him about what he saw.[14] Melisandre now believes that Jon, not Stannis, is the Prince That Was Promised. Tyrion arranges a meeting with Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis and possibly one of the highest ranking of R'hllor's clerics. She firmly believes that Daenerys Targaryen is The Prince That Was Promised. Varys is more skeptical, being suspicious of any practitioners of magic, and points out that Melisandre had already declared Stannis Baratheon to be the Prince, only for him to be defeated twice. Kinvara says that while the Lord of Light has a plan, the humans following him do occasionally make errors. Kinvara then assures Tyrion that she will send the preachers and priests best suited to the task at hand. On the eve of the Battle of the Bastards, Jon asks Melisandre not to bring him back should he die again. Melisandre states that the Lord of Light is the one who brought him back and that she is just a conduit for his will. Thus, she makes it clear she wants to at least try, but will accept it if the Lord only wanted to bring Jon back the once. Thoros proves R'hllor's power to Sandor Clegane when he witnesses a vision in flames, of The Wall, Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the Wights. During the Wight Hunt, Sandor sees a mountain in the distance that he states is the same he saw within the flame. Eventually they find themselves being attacked by a wight snow bear and Thoros is injured. Though his wound is cauterized, he later dies during the frigid night while the group of men are seeking refuge in the center of a frozen lake; surrounded by the Night King's dead army of wight walkers. With Thoros now deceased, Beric is now aware that if he dies again, there will be no priest to bring him back to life.
Kakashi Hatake is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Hatake clan. Famed as Kakashi of the Sharingan, he is one of Konoha's most talented ninja; regularly looked to for advice and leadership despite his personal dislike of responsibility. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi teaches the importance of teamwork, a lesson he received, along with the Sharingan, from his childhood friend, Obito Uchiha. After the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kakashi becomes Konoha's Sixth Hokage
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins who served as their Mentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, through the knowledge of an Apple of Eden, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression. His leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence throughout the Old World.
Reign is a biological weapon created on Krypton.
As the Sentinels are dispatched to find and kill mutants living underground, they adapt to any situation and change their forms. Iceman, Sunspot, Blink and Warpath fight the Sentinels while Shadowcat and Bishop run off into a closet somewhere. Bishop lays down and Kitty starts massaging his temples, sending his consciousness back in time. The others buy them time with their lives. A Sentinel snaps Sunspot's neck, Iceman has his head cut off and is crushed, Blink gets skewered and Warpath gets blasted to smithereens. As the Sentinel breaks through the closet and blasts fire, everything fades away; the past has been changed. With the timeline altered, Bishop is seen in China. He is present in the monastery, and he and the team are by met by Professor X, Wolverine, Magneto, and Storm. When Professor X explains his plan to have Kitty send his consciousness back in time and stop the sentinels fro ever being created, but Kitty tells him wouldn't survive being sent back decades, the team decides to send Wolverine back into his past body in 1973 to change the events in their present time, as he is the only one who can survive. Bishop helps aid the team from the approaching Sentinels to allow Kitty to hold Wolverine's consciousness in the past just long enough to complete his mission. After blasting the Sentinel that killed Storm, he soon becomes surrounded by sentinels that learn to all provide him energy for his Energy Absorption power to take effect, effectively overloading him with too much power until he spontaneously combusts.
The daughter of David Cain and Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva), Cassandra Cain was conceived and trained from birth with the intention of creating the perfect bodyguard for Ra's al Ghul. After many unsuccessful attempts to train children from birth in martial arts to make them inculcate it like a native language (the most successful being The Mad Dog), David Cain, then a member of Ra's League of Assassins, decided the right genes were necessary to create this "One Who Is All". With Ra's go ahead Cain searched for the perfect mother for this child, finding her in the Wu-San sisters of Detroit, who practiced martial arts with each other nearly every moment of their childhood in a type of sister's language. Cain sympathized with the younger sister, Sandra, when he noticed that she held back out of love for Carolyn. To "help" Sandra reach her full potential, Cain murdered Carolyn, then lured Sandra into an ambush by the League of Assassins, where he defeated her. Cain spared Sandra from death on the condition that she bear his child, and leave her for him to raise. Awed by the potential heights she could reach in her physical talents now that Carolyn was gone, Sandra agreed to Cain's bargain in order that she might go on to become the unstoppable force of nature known as Lady Shiva: creator and destroyer. Shiva's hope for her child was that she might one day grow to be the one force that could stop her reign of destruction. Trained by her father to be the ultimate weapon, Cassandra was not taught to speak. Instead, the parts of her brain normally used for speech were trained so she could read other people's movements and body language and predict, with uncanny accuracy, their next move. This also caused her brain to develop learning functions different from most, a form of dyslexia that hampers her ability to read and write. When she was 8 years old, Cain decided his experiment had progressed far enough for him to test Cassandra's abilities in the real world, and took her to a hit; the target being Faizul, a 'book man' in Macau. At the time Cassandra had no idea what she was doing and believed it was only a game (an interpretation in keeping with her own reaction to what happened, and matching the interpretation of Alfred Pennyworth, an expert on children who saw a tape of events). After striking a deathblow, she "read" the target as he died, and saw death as he saw it. In addition to scarring her emotionally, she realized murder, like her father's profession, was wrong, and she ran away from her father. Cassandra spent the next nine years homeless, beating herself up mentally over what she'd done as she traveled the world. Entering Gotham City at 17 Cassandra came to be one of Oracle's agents in the No Man's Land of Gotham City. After saving Commissioner Gordon's life from her assassin father, she was given the Batgirl costume with the approval of both Batman and Oracle. She became Barbara's ward and in a sense, the Batman's adoptive daughter. As the No Man's Land wore on the new Batgirl was introduced to the rest of the with varying levels of acceptance. Usually going out under the Batman's watchful eye she was finally allowed to go on a solo mission when a petrol station needed guarding against a local gang. Near the end of No Man's Land Batman noticed her death wish and forced her to make a decision between suicidal actions and self preservation. She opted for self preservation. Despite her notable handicap of being unable to talk, read or write Cassandra did remarkably well. Capable of understanding others' intentions due to her ability to read body language she was a more than capable listener, even if she couldn't reply. It was this trait that made her one of the Batman's most loyal and trusted followers and helped her to survive when the became hunted by the Blood Hawks. Although the fact that she couldn't talk frustrated Barbara Gordon she proved herself useful in other ways during a team up with the spectral vigilante Ghost in hunting down disappearing corpses. The running successes and final understanding of her mission as Batgirl allowed Batman to give her the privilege of running solo in Gotham City on the condition that she faced no 'costumed criminals' (Joker, Bane, Two Face, Penguin, etc) From going undercover in Madras with Batman to saving local heroes from the mob Cassandra continued to impress as the new Batgirl. Especially when, despite Batman's warnings, she went face to face with a meta-human and won. She even managed to, despite her restriction to Gotham City, make it on the reserve member list of Young Justice. But Cassandra's career was not the only thing that was growing. In the background a rift between Oracle and Batman was slowly emerging, as was the growing image of Batman as a father figure in Cassandra's eyes but the major development was David Cain's growing longing to have his daughter back. Batman learned about Cassandra's past when Cain transmitted a tape he had made of Faizul's death to the Batcave, but Batman nevertheless continued to accept Cassandra. Things became more strained when a run-away psychic altered her mind so that she could understand words. As an after effect she lost her ability to read body language and thusly, her ability to fight. After she almost died while trying to protect the psychic from assassins Batman took away her costume and began retraining her. The training remained ineffective however, perhaps due to Cassandra's dwelling on her lost ability instead of focusing on accumulating more, and Cassandra wanted to roam the streets, with or without the costume. It was during one of these 'unauthorised' vigilante outings that she encountered her mother. Lady Shiva noted Cassandra's missing skills and offered to train in a way that will allow her to possess them again but in exchange they will fight in one year. A death duel. Cassandra accepted. Cassandra began training immediately; going after every talented fighter she came across in order to gain more skills she even (after hearing about his notoriousity within the Bat-clan freed the Joker then apprehended him again in order to gauge just how good he was. Batman and Oracle deduced that Cassandra's death wish had not gone away and that it was due to guilt over her murdering Faizul. They began looking into what had brought the death wish back. Her reckless training was interrupted when an Officer Down was called over the frequencies. Batman's longtime ally and friend, Commisioner Gordon had been shot in cold blood. It was during yet another training session in the batcave that Cassandra first met her future friend Stephany Brown (The Spoiler). It wasn't long until Batman gave her a cave of her own to operate from and her training crusade continued as she found even more powerful opponants like Bizzaro Supergirl and Shadow Thief during the Joker's Last Laugh as well as numerous female villians during the aftermath of Our Worlds at War. These activities had not gone unnoticed by Batman and Oracle but despite Oracle's protests Batman allowed Cassandra to continue until the fateful day arrived and Cassandra fought Shiva on the building tops of Gotham City. Shiva won the battle fairly easily, killing Cassandra with a shot to a nerve cluster near the heart but then, within a temple devoted to her, Shiva brought Cassandra back to life and requested another fight. This time, with her death wish satisfied, Cassandra Cain won and became the first to defeat Lady Shiva in martial combat. Unfortunately the victory would be short lived for Bruce Wayne was in jail, under suspicion of murder and Cassandra arrived back to the cave in time to see Batman leave. It was during an investigation into the murder that Cassandra discovered that Batman and Bruce Wayne were in fact the same person. Later she, along with Spoiler and Nightwing discovered critical clues that pointed to Bruce Wayne's innocence and, eventaully, incriminating evidense to the real culprit; David Cain. Her father safely behind bars and no battle-to-the-death with Shiva to train for Cassandra focused on her crime fighting career. Batman regarded Cassandra very highly. During War Games, he relied heavily on her to help control the violence of the gang war in Gotham City. Following War Games, Batgirl moved to Blüdhaven with Tim Drake at Batman's suggestion and with his financial support (Nightwing had been injured during the War Games, and the Gotham City Police Department had declared all costumed heroes illegal). There, she quickly made a name for herself by defeating the Society of Evil. Deathstroke later took on a contract from the Penguin to kill Batgirl and decided to let his daughter Rose Wilson (the current Ravager) do the job instead. Cassandra beat Rose by critically wounding her and giving Deathstroke no choice but to get her medical attention. It was during fathers' day that Cassandra became infatuated with knowing who her mother was. Interogating all the contacts she had (including Batman and her father, David Cain) she eventually found Lady Shiva. Cassandra also went undercover in the Justice League Elite masquerading as an assassin named Kasumi. She revealed herself to Coldcast to tell him that he was not a bad person, right before he was accused of murder. Cassandra has gained control over the League of Assassins. She recently encountered a shocked Robin and nearly killed him in battle. She also fought with Supergirl, during which time both combatants discovered that Supergirl possessed a bio-defense mechansim enabling her to generate Sunstone crystal from her body. Supergirl stabbed Batgirl through the shoulder with one of these crystal spikes. At this time, Batgirl also fell under the sway of Deathstroke who drugged her and used her as a tool in his revitalized Titans East team. Robin provided Cassandra with the antidote and she left the team and fought against Deathstroke.
Early life and career Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. During his youth, in the turbulent period that was the First Liberian Civil War, Jack was adopted by Solidus Snake, who named him and became his godfather after he killed the former's parents. Jack was subsequently raised as a child soldier and later fought in the country's Civil War in 1989. He and other children were shown Hollywood action films daily for "image training," and were given food mixed with gunpowder containing toluene to make them more controllable. Jack and the other members of the Small Boy Unit were forced to kill POWs and civilians. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. On another, Jack witnessed Solidus demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him. Under Solidus, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Liberia. Armed with a gun at the age of six, he would later remember it as an AK rifle, as well as a knife, he proved to be a superior soldier, rising to become captain of the Small Boy Unit at ten. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, was another reason for his "Ripper" nickname. After the war ended, Solidus had Jack placed in a relief center. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Eventually, without Solidus' knowledge, he was later removed by a non-governmental organization and taken to the United States. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. There, Jack came into the hands of the Patriots, who implanted his cerebral cortex with a high concentration of nanomachines, in order to have him function as a back-up system for an optic-neuro AI. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. The same nanomachines were also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. In addition, Jack was not listed under any of the United States databases (e.g. the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.) Jack would grow up to suppress the memories about his terrible childhood, burying the memories of his bloody past, though he still suffered from nightmares of his past nearly every night. Now living a life in the United States, Jack joined the military where his admirable skills were at first recognized by the U.S. Army's Task Force XXI. From there he participated in over three hundred VR simulations, including re-creations of the Shadow Moses Incident and the Tanker Incident. He had eventually left the Force XXI group by January 20, 2007. On April 30, 2007, Jack met Rosemary after transferring to Fort Hamilton in New York City and had an argument about King Kong. After they parted ways, they met again afterward, shocked that they worked in the same place. Eventually, Jack grew to love Rose deeply, but his harsh experiences had left him melancholic and emotionally distant, and he constantly shut her out of his problems. In large part because of his PTSD-induced nightmares, he also refused to sleep next to Rose out of fear of hurting her. Most times when they did get together, he either stayed awake all night or otherwise left Rose's place, and he wouldn't let her in his bedroom. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. However, all of this drama was a ruse by the Patriots to gain more control over Jack's life, with Rosemary acting as a spy. Sometime prior to the Big Shell Incident, Jack was recruited into the supposedly reformed FOXHOUND, a special forces unit that no longer officially existed. One of his training sessions at FOXHOUND was at Fort Polk, within a mock Afghan village.
Sirius Black was born in 1960. He went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding in 1971 at the age of 11. Sirius quickly befriended James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Together they were The Marauders. They were all out into Gryffindor. James and Sirius bullied Severus Snape for all 7 years. Voldemort killed James Potter and Lily Evans. Sirius was framed by Peter Pettigrew. He was sent to Azkaban for 12 years. When he escaped, he went into hiding. Three years after, he was killed in a duel with Bellatrix Lestrange.
Cassie spent most of her time at her mother's place of work, the Gateway City Museum of Antiquities, where she had a penchant for getting into trouble. She quickly befriended her mother's new employee, Wonder Woman, and was eager to help her. During a fight with a Doomsday clone and another battle with Decay, she created a costume and used magical acquirements (the Sandals of Hermes and the Gauntlet of Atlas) to help Wonder Woman, much to her mother's horror. Cassie later had the opportunity to ask Zeus for a boon, and requested real superpowers. Zeus granted her request, but gave Dr. Sandsmark the ability to deactivate them. Dr. Sandsmark, however, reluctantly accepted her daughter's wish to be a superheroine and rarely, if ever, used this ability. Artemis was assigned as her teacher. Even without her power, Cassie was a problem child, and frequently had to change schools. Throughout her teens, she attended Holliday School for Girls,Brewer High School,Dennis Peterson High School,Gateway City High School, and eventually the Saint Elias School for Girls.
Herself, Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Victor and Susan's younger brother, Johnny Storm; went up in a space shuttle to research into Cosmic Radiation. However, with the arrival of the cosmic storm, it changed her and the other four members genes. In Sue's case, she was granted to have the ability to manipulate light (allowing her to disappear and generate semi-visible force fields). Prior to the storms arrival Victor proposes to her; however, she turns him down because of an interuption of the Cosmic Storm.
Walter Langkowski replaced his religious faith early on with a belief in and a dependence on science. He attended Pennsylvania State University on a football scholarship, where he met Robert Bruce Banner and became interested in gamma ray research. After graduating, Walter pursued his research independently while accepting a position with a professional football team, the Green Bay Packers, and married Veronica, an actress who bore him a son. After earning over a million dollars, Walter retired and returned to school, soon earning his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Walter began teaching at McGill University in Montreal and furthered his gamma ray research, including studying Banner’s famous transformation into the Hulk, and Veronica soon divorced him, taking their son. At a new position with the Canadian government’s Department H, Walter worked with James Hudson, whose plans for a new super-hero team would eventually lead to Alpha Flight. Langkowski acted as technical and scientific support for Alpha’s precursor, the Flight, which included Smart Alec, a brilliant man with access to vast amounts of information, Snowbird, a goddess with the power to change to any Arctic animal, and Wolverine, a vicious mutant with a mysterious past. Eventually, Langkowski exposed himself to gamma rays, hoping to gain powers like Banner’s. Instead he opened a mystic barrier that allowed the Great Beast Tanaraq to pass through, and Walter assumed its form, wrongly believing his powers came from the gamma radiation. At first, Langkowski’s brain and personality remained in control of his monstrous Sasquatch form, and he joined Alpha Flight himself. Alpha Flight’s roster would change frequently over the years as they went through phases of government contracts and independent action. Walter studied many incoming operatives, who were generally assigned to training teams Beta and Gamma Flight, for Department H. One operative, later known as Wild Child, had a very unstable genotype and psychosis, but the government shoe-horned him into the program anyway. Langkowski buried Wild Child’s unstable results, figuring he would handle them at another time, though he never put much thought into it. In Alpha Flight’s earliest missions, Sasquatch battled the X-Men, the Hulk, Sunset Bain, Machine Man, Tundra of the Great Beasts, Ranark the Ravager and Wendigo. Sasquatch also participated in the "Contest of Champions" organized by the Grandmaster and Death, and, as one of the Grandmaster’s operatives, battled the Chinese Collective Man to a stalemate. Langkowski was consulted by the Fantastic Four for his radiation expertise, and battled the Dire Wraiths, Omega Flight (in a battle where Hudson was believed killed) and the Collector. Becoming fast friends with the diminutive Puck, Walter started a romantic relationship with the light-powered Aurora, a fact her twin Northstar resented immensely. Walter and Aurora’s relationship became complicated when Aurora began struggling with split personalities, one that liked Walter and one that didn’t. In the process of trying to help Aurora retain her more outgoing personality, Walter altered her mutant powers. Sasquatch discovered his ability to quickly heal from injuries after he broke his arm in a battle with the Super-Skrull.Langkowski eventually began struggling with a more bestial side of his nature during various battles, and feared he was becoming more like the Hulk. When his aunt, Lillian Von Loont, left Walter a mansion on Tamarind Island, Walter and Aurora investigated only to battle Loont, who had become the cyborg madwoman Gilded Lily. This mansion would later serve as Alpha Flight’s headquarters for a time. Sasquatch, alongside Alpha Flight and the X-Men, was temporarily cured of his rages by a Loki-possessed Madelyne Pryor. Snowbird, whose mission it was to slay the ancient Great Beasts who had roamed the Earth before mankind, discovered that Walter’s Sasquatch form was actually Tanaraq, and Walter was now losing control. Left with no choice, Snowbird followed Alpha Flight’s battle with Caliber and slew Sasquatch by ripping out Tanaraq’s heart. Alpha Flight pursued Walter’s soul into the realm of the Great Beasts and battled their leader, Somon who killed Aurora, Northstar and Talisman before Langkowski used his life-force to resurrect them. Shaman helped preserve Walter’s soul as they transported back to Earth, only to discover that Walter’s body had been destroyed completely. Walter’s soul took over the Roger Bochs created Box armor as a temporary home and continued aiding Alpha Flight. Seeking a physical body, Walter entered the interdimensional Crossroads and briefly possessed the Hulk, but his soul was left adrift when he refused to displace his old friend Bruce Banner’s spirit. Months later, Walter found Omega Flight’s now-mindless Smart Alec in the Crossroads, possessed him, and returned to Earth. During his absence, Snowbird had been killed, and the evil Pestilence had reanimated her albino Sasquatch form and attacked Alpha. Walter inhabited the Box armor again and aided his team, who were shocked to find him alive. At the battle’s end, Smart Alec’s form had been crushed and the Sasquatch form left empty, so Walter transferred his soul to the Sasquatch form; however, when he returned the Sasquatch body to human state, he found himself in a woman’s form. Deciding to call himself Wanda, Langkowski rejoined the team, possessing none of Snowbird’s powers except the ability to transform into the Sasquatch. Aurora was distressed at Langkowski’s return as a woman and attempted to get the flesh-altering Lionel Jeffries to alter Wanda’s form to a man again, but this failed due to Wanda’s body having Snowbird’s godly attributes. Wanda struggled to adjust to her new form, and, after batting Bedlam, was overcome by a mysterious force and helped resurrect four of the Great Beasts. Overcoming the temptation to join them, Sasquatch helped Alpha Flight banish the Beasts back to their realm. After brief jaunts through space and Dream Queen’s dimension, Wanda sought to reclaim Langkowski’s fortune to help fund Alpha Flight, but the fortune had been willed to Veronica; unable to prove she was Walter, Wanda left the fortune in Veronica’s hands. In final battle with the Dream Queen, Sasquatch was bewitched to be loyal to the villain until Snowbird’s spirit freed Sasquatch from the spell and changed Wanda’s form back into Walter’s; this also changed the albino Sasquatch form back into the orange one, and enabled Walter to reclaim his fortune. The team battled Llan the Sorcerer, a villain who briefly broke both of Sasquatch’s arms (though the injury soon healed). When Alpha Flight restructured itself, Sasquatch was assigned to both Alpha Flight and Gamma Flight, in the latter as Biotech research and development. When Wild Child joined the team as Weapon Omega, Walter struggled with guilt over his part in Wild Child’s origins and the truth soon came out, causing several team members to distrust Sasquatch. Alpha Flight continued to act as super-heroes despite breaking ties with the Canadian government over the newly instituted Super Powers Act. Struggling with all he had lost over the years by devoting all his time to Alpha Flight, Sasquatch was easily drawn into following the mystical Goddess, the "good" side of Adam Warlock’s soul, who controlled Sasquatch and others into battling fellow heroes for her cause. Remembering his doubts regarding religion, Sasquatch shook off the Goddess’s influence with Shaman’s help, and the Goddess was soon defeated. Though Alpha Flight soon disbanded, Walter continued his gamma ray research at Project Michelangelo in Antarctica. Months later, the mercenary Deadpool attacked the base and caused the core to overload, endangering the entire world, so Sasquatch and Deadpool teamed up to shut it down. The Canadian government, in forming a new Alpha Flight, discovered a true bestial Sasquatch in the woods and assumed it was Walter. Finding ways to subdue the beast, they had this Sasquatch participate in team missions until it was killed while battling Ecliptic’s Zodiac, and the team held a funeral for Walter. Still in Antarctica and unaware of the new team, Walter discovered corruption in the Canadian government. Sasquatch helped gather some of the original team and the group exposed the corrupt government program, then stayed on to rejoin Alpha Flight. While aiding Wolverine (actually a Skrull imposter)in a battle against A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics), Alpha Flight was shocked to find Snowbird alive again. Walter and Aurora became romantically involved once more, but Aurora was soon terrorized by Mauvais and kidnapped by the corrupt Weapon X program, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. When Alpha Flight went up against the X-Men again, Sasquatch briefly donned battle armor that allowed him to defeat a weakened Juggernaut. When all of his teammates were captured by the alien Plodex, Sasquatch recruited new heroes, formed a new Alpha Flight and rescued his former teammates. The former Alpha Flight members left for space, leaving Sasquatch’s team to take their place, move into the Plodex base, and sever ties with the Canadian government once again. Alpha Flight embarked on a complicated time travel adventure before the original Alpha Flight members returned and rejoined the team. After speaking at Northstar’s funeral and battling Sabretooth and Wendigo, Sasquatch briefly participated in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Howling Commandos team. He later accompanied Alpha Flight in investigating the powerful mutant Collective, but they swiftly fell before his assault. His teammates Guardian, Major Mapleleaf, both Pucks, Vindicator, and Shaman, were all apparently killed and Alpha Flight was disbanded in the wake of the tragedy. However, a new team was quickly assembled by CSIS to replace them, this time called Omega Flight. Sasquatch was selected to serve as team leader of the new group, charged with the mission to defend Canada's border against criminals fleeing from the American Superhuman Registration Act. When the American super-villain team the Wrecking Crew invaded Canada, Sasquatch confronted them solo, only to suffer a severe beating at their hands.
Duela Dent first appeared as Joker's Daughter. She gained the attention of Robin, as she later claimed to be the daughter of Catwoman, Scarecrow, Riddler, and Penguin. She deduced Robin's identity and he revealed that she was Duela Dent, Two-Face's daughter. Duela claimed she wanted to join the Teen Titans to atone for her father's crimes. Not everyone was in favor of this idea. She changed her identity to Harlequin. As Harlequin, Duela utilized gimmicks such as smoke-inducing powder puffs and bullet-firing lipstick. She eventually assisted Robin by posing as the Card Queen while infiltrating a criminal organization called MAZE. This was done in order to bring the whole organization down and the plan was a success. Duela appeared as a guest at Donna Troy's wedding where she appears to be a middle-aged matron. Dick Grayson notes that he'd finally realized she was too old to be Two-Face's daughter, which she agrees with, but disappears before he can take the matter further. There is some debate about, in pre-Crisis continuity, whether or not Duela Dent was too old to be Two-Face's daughter, since Two-Face was a contemporary of Batman, who was in turn a contemporary of Wonder Woman, who rescued Donna Troy when the latter was an infant. Since Donna is thus young enough to be Wonder Woman's daughter (although she is not), Duela is young enough to be Two-Face's daughter. On the other hand, there is the fact that Duela had to have been born after Two-Face's debut (since he rejected Duela at birth because he'd wanted twins) and Two-Face's origin came after Dick Grayson's debut as Robin, so there is no way she can be older than Dick Grayson, yet clearly is.
Wilson Grant Fisk is a powerful businessman with interests in the future of New York City by controlling the crime waves which brought him into conflict with some of his partners who betrayed him, as well as fighting the new vigilante Daredevil. His attempt to destroy and rebuild Hell's Kitchen was ruined when his criminal activities were leaked to the FBI, leading to his arrest. Fisk's criminal career did not end at his arrest. Within Ryker's Island, Fisk began building up a loyal band of criminals and came to run the prison. Seeking to destroy the crime competition in New York by the time he got free, Fisk assisted in the Punisher's escape, as he desired to eliminate competing criminal empires as the new Kingpin. This put Fisk in conflict with Nelson and Murdock who incarcerated him. Desiring his freedom, Fisk then set about a plan to manipulate the FBI by leaking criminals within New York City to be placed in the Presidential Hotel where Fisk could continue all of his criminal activities while focusing most his efforts on exposing Matt Murdock as Daredevil. From his new position of power, Fisk had then blackmailed and manipulated multiple agents, including Benjamin Poindexter to aid him in framing Daredevil as a terrorist, while he also ensured that his name was cleared within the eyes of the law to ensure that Vanessa Marianna could return to him. However, Fisk's schemes were thwarted by the posthumous testimony of Ray Nadeem, while Poindexter learned of Fisk's manipulation of him, as Daredevil and Poindexter fought and eventually defeated Fisk, resulting in him and Marianna then being returned into prison.
Originating from an ancient part of the Arabian world, the man who would later be known as Ra's al Ghul served a skilled mercenary under a powerful warlord, eventually falling in love with and secretly marrying the warlord's beautiful daughter. Out of a sense of dishonor, the warlord had the mercenary condemned to a nearby hellish prison known as the Pit, a place the mercenary developed a fear of as a child due to the demons rumored to torture the prisoners already in it, but exiled him instead. The mercenary understood that this was because his wife secured his release, but unbeknownst to him, the true price of his freedom was that she and their unborn daughter Talia had to take his place in the Pit, where the other inmates eventually attacked and murdered the mother when the prison doctor forgot to lock the door to their cell. Traveling to Bhutan, Ra's then joined the League of Shadows and rose through the ranks quickly until he became the League's leader. When the time came for his fear to be conquered, Talia came along after spending the early years of her life locked up in the Pit with her mother, having just escaped with the assistance of a fellow prisoner called Bane, and brought her father back to enact vengeance. There, he rescued Bane, who was badly mutilated by the other prisoners for aiding Talia's escape. The League took both Bane and Talia in to begin their training in the martial arts, but due to the constant reminder of the fate his wife suffered, Ra's excommunicated Bane. It was for this reason that caused Talia to have resentment towards her father until his death.
Sapien began life as Langdon Everett Caul, a Victorian scientist and businessman who became involved with the Oannes Society, an occult organization who believed in life and all knowledge having come from the sea. After retrieving a strange jellyfish-like deity from an underwater ruin, Caul and the other members performed an arcane ritual that inadvertently ended with the creature's release and Caul being turned into an icthyo sapien. Believing him to be Oannes reborn, the society sealed the developing icthyo sapien's body in a tube of water in the hidden laboratory beneath a Washington, D.C. hospital until such time as he was fully formed. Forced to abandon the site by the outbreak of the Civil War, the Society never found occasion to return for Caul, and there he stayed until he was found by workmen in November 1978. With no memory of his life before, the icthyo sapien received a new name from a piece of paper attached to the tube, dated the day of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865). Abe Sapien was taken to the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) for a gruelling round of research by curious BPRD scientists, and was saved from vivisection by an empathetic Hellboy. Thereafter Abe entered the ranks of the BPRD as a valued field agent, embarking on his first mission with Hellboy in 1981. At Cavendish Hall, during the climax of Seed of Destruction, Sapien was possessed by the spirit of long-dead whaler Elihu Cavendish, a contemporary of Langdon Caul who killed the mad monk Rasputin, foiling his plans to unleash the Ogdru Jahad to destroy the world. During the subsequent 'Girescu affair' during Wake the Devil, Abe and a fellow agent were led into a trap which left the agent dead and Abe with a broken arm. Rasputin's vengeful spirit appeared before him and prophesied that Sapien will one day be speared to death, just as he was. In Plague of Frogs, Rasputin's prediction came true when Sapien was impaled by a spear and apparently killed by one of the Ogdru Jahad's followers. Sapien appeared to die and had an out of body experience that brought him to his former life in antebellum America. Witnessing his past self's actions, Abe entered Caul's body prior to his transformation, creating a spiritual/mystical time loop before Abe returned to life in the present, making a fast recovery and began to do research into his past life. As a result, Abe learns of Edith Howard, Langdon Caul's wife, who drowned herself out of madness, becoming a spectre that was forced to be exorcised after she attempts to have Sapien resume his life as Caul, leaving Sapien with the memory of a wife he could never know. In Garden of Souls, Sapien was contacted by Panya, an ageless mummy trapped by the Oannes Society, Sapien's compatriots from his former life as Langdon Caul, who were sequestered away on a hidden island in Indonesia, their now-withered psychic forms contained in cyborg bodies. Aware of the imminent apocalypse, the society was determined to save at least some of mankind's spiritual essence, and were poised to use bombs to cause massive tidal waves which would devastate the southern hemisphere, the souls of whose population could then be harvested by the Society in vat-grown bodies made expressly for the purpose, granting them god-like powers. Horrified, Abe managed to single-handedly destroy the society and escape with Panya, and in so doing finally came to terms with the ghosts of his past; he was truly a separate identity from Langdon Caul, who would likely have agreed willingly to the society's plan. Abe has since fully returned to the B.P.R.D. and continues to be one of the most trustworthy agents. However, in King of Fear, Abe led a return mission into the Hyperborean underworld and was confronted by the supervillain the Black Flame, who had gathered a vast army of frogs and Hyperboreans to usher in the apocalypse. The Flame revealed that Abe was going to be the epicentre of this new Earth, and that he was a fully evolved version of the frog monsters: one of the New Men first mentioned in Hellboy: Conqueror Worm by Rasputin. While Abe rejected the idea, many of the BPRD field agents are now wary of him; a vision of the future by Liz Sherman showed that, by that time, Abe will have a more monstrous form. Most recently in Gods, Abe was shoot by a psychic girl named F�nix, in which the BPRD has shown interest. According to Professor O'Donnell, F�nix is the equal to the ancient hyperborean shamans who keep the Ogdru Hem for entering in Earth after Hyperborea's fall using the Vril energy. F�nix say, before shooting Abe, that she knows who he is, impliying that she figured Abe's condition as a evolved form of the frog monsters. Abe is last seen in a helicopter, being treated by his bullet wounds.
Early Life N'Jadaka's father was pressed into working for the villain Klaw. After Klaw fled the country N'Jadaka's family was exiled by T'Challa, the king of Wakanda. He ended up in Harlem, New York, where he developed a hatred of both Klaw and the Wakandan king. N'Jadaka changed his name to Erik Killmonger, and dedicated his life to avenging his father's death. He believed that weakness on T'Chaka's part was a key factor in allowing his parents to be killed. N'jadaka became educated in the United States, gaining a PhD in Engineering and an MBA at M.I.T. Return to Wakanda He contacted T'Challa who repatriated Killmonger to Wakanda. He feigned trying to make up with the king. Killmonger settled in a village that would later change its name to N'Jadaka Village in honor of him. Killmonger dedicated his time to the overthrow of T'Challa's government. Killmonger had ravaged several villages to attract the Black Panther's attention. When confronted by T'Challa, Killmonger dismissed the African Prince, having T'Challa fight with his leopard Preyy. When T'Challa stopped the leopard by snapping its jaw, Killmonger attacked, throwing him over a waterfall. T'Challa survived the fall but now had to battle Killmonger and Venomm. Killmonger teamed up with Sombre and King Cadaver to battle T'Challa. They would force him to fight a White Gorilla. However during the fight T'Challa was able to kill Sombre. With the death of Sombre Killmonger teamed up with Salamander K'Ruel. However during the fight it appeared that T'Challa killed Killmonger. Iron Man The Mandarin claimed Killmonger's body and was able to restore him to life using his rings. In Wakanda, a warehouse containing Stark Industries energy hologram crystallography equipment was destroyed. When Tony Stark arrived in Wakanda to investigate, Madame Slay kidnapped Rhodey and Killmonger's men apparently killed the Black Panther. In reality, however, Killmonger had actually killed an LMD. At the Black Panther's "funeral" Killmonger appeared, taking the Black Panther mantle for himself. Iron Man and Black Panther proceeded with their plan, now that the Life-Model Decoy had drawn out the villain. They sneaked back into T'Challa's palace just after Madame Slay informed Wakanda of Killmonger's return from death. A battle ensued and as the heroes gained the upper hand Madame Slay revealed she had Rhodey captive. Iron Man used his life sensors to find Rhodey at the Great Mound, where a cyclotron was set up. Pounding the vibranium with gigawatt baryon beams, turning it into anti-metal, which would dissolve all metal in Europe, Asia, Africa and potentially beyond. Iron Man disabled the machine and saved Rhodey. Black Panther defeated Killmonger and the Mandarin recalled his ring, and Killmonger reverted to an inanimate skeleton. Killmonger soon resurfaced alive & well however in later appearance. As the person T'challa believed to be Killmonger wielding the Mandarin's ring was in fact a form of simulacrum, some kind of homunculus created to simulate the real Killmonger and animated by his silent partner's ring. He and his followers would turn up again during T'Challa's stay in America; New York City, while overseeing Klaw's sentencing for his numerous crimes at a court hearing. Seeking to team up with Klaw while placing a spy within his hated rival's entourage, the usurper king plotted to waylay the heir to the Wakandan throne at his own embassy. Seeking to pin him for suicide while striding back to their homeland with his own loyal acolytes. In turn, once upon reaching home, the citizens of their nation would make him king in his place. Before his plans could reach fruition however, both he and his forced companion ended up clashing with Daredevil and T'Challa once again. The two enemies clashed once again upon a catamaran owned by the good king, who intentionally left out dummy blue prints for its design knowing someone like Killmonger would attempt to exploit them in his schemes. During the dual battle, Erik attempted a sneak attack while T'Challa was preoccupied with Daredevil's battle with Klaww. As he moved to attack however, the mast from Panther's ship fell from its mooring's crushing him to death. Taking the Throne After Reverend Achebe's takeover of Wakanda, and the absences of T'Challa, Everett Ross was appointed temporary regent of the country. Killmonger tried to usurp the leadership by exploiting the economy. He challenged T'Challa to the leadership ritual of combat and Killmonger was able to finally defeat the Panther on his own. He remained ruler of the country for a while and even tried to join the Avengers in T'Challa's place. He even had to battle the mercenary Deadpool. However when he consumed the Heart-Shaped Herb which was his right as king, his body reacted badly, it was revealed that it was poisonous to those who are not of the royal bloodline, this left him in a coma. White Tiger He later came out of the coma and traveled to New York City to meet with Kasper Cole, a police officer who was the new Black Panther. He tried to turn him to his side by offering him the synthetic heart-shaped herb. He also helped his police captain find his kidnapped son. For this he would become the White Tiger representative in the Panther Cult. Cole agreed and used his powers to track the boy on his own. By doing this he was able to avoid his debt to Killmonger. Niganda Under backing by the U.S. Government, Eric would later return to became a champion against the many wannabe despots and would be conquerors in Niganda. All while the White House intended to establish a foothold in Wakanda, using Killmonger's presence as a hometown hero to set up another invasive beachhead. Eventually T'Challa's sister, Shuri, would move in to spy on the american fighter carrier N'Jadaka came in on. It was here where his benefactors gave him his walking papers, around that time he eventually captured her for his own ends. Forcing another invasion by Wakanda, the american constabulary realizing their mistake of employing such an unknown variant, attempted to send in one of their Super Agents in and out to removed him from power. Backed by one of Erich's experiments however, the perceived savior managed to capture her as well. In that moment T'Challa, his Dora Milaje and the Hatut Zeraze mounted their assault on N'Jadaka's seat of power. While the Panther acted to distract Killmonger through mortal combat, his associates would free both his sister and her consort in the prison complex. Just as he was about to strike a coup-de-grace on Black Panther, he was killed by his recently-escaped prisoner Monica Rambeau, who flew through his chest at light speed.
He tried to defeat Kid Colt with his bear, but Colt set the gorilla loose, then confused the two animals with his gunfire, so that they turned on each other.
Santana, also known as El Diablo, was a metahuman criminal of Hispanic descent, and a member of Task Force X. While initially reluctant to use his pyrokinetic powers out of guilt and fear, he would ultimately sacrifice his life in order to defeat Incubus and save the world from Enchantress.
The original Firestorm was distinguished by his integrated dual identity. High school student Ronnie Raymond and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Martin Stein were caught in a nuclear accident that allowed them to fuse into the "nuclear man" Firestorm. Due to Stein's being unconscious during the accident, Raymond was prominently in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of reason inside his mind. Banter between the two was a hallmark of their adventures. After the accident that created him, Firestorm took to defending New York from such threats as Multiplex (created in the same nuclear accident that produced Firestorm) and Killer Frost. Their adventures began with the teenaged Raymond adjusting to his newfound role and later delved into the issue of the nuclear arms race and Firestorm’s role as an "elemental." Upon graduation from high school, Raymond entered college in Pittsburgh, where Stein had been hired as a professor.Firestorm's list of enemies included such generally forgotten foes as the Hyena, Zuggernaut, Typhoon, Silver Deer and Black Bison. One Firestorm enemy, Plastique, would later play a major role in Captain Atom's life; she later reformed and married Atom. He also fought Killer Frost, who was forced by the Psycho-Pirate to fall in love with him during the Crisis. After the Crisis, Firestorm was pitted against the world, as the hero, acting on a suggestion from a terminally ill Prof. Stein, demanded the United States and the Soviet Union destroy all of their nuclear weapons. After tussles with the Justice League and most of his enemies, Firestorm faced off against a Russian nuclear man named Pozhar in the Nevada desert, where they had an atomic bomb dropped on them. When the smoke cleared, a new Firestorm was created who was made up of Raymond and the Russian, Mikhail Arkadin (the Russian superhero Pozhar), but controlled by the disembodied amnesiac mind of Prof. Stein. The Raymond/Arkadin Firestom proved to be a transitional phase, as in 1989, it was revealed that Firestorm was a "Fire Elemental". Firestorm now became something of an environmental crusader, formed from Raymond, Arkadin, and a Soviet clone of the previous Firestorm, but with a new mind. Prof. Stein, no longer part of the composite at all, continued to play a role, but the focus was on this radically different character. It was during this phase that Firestorm met and befriended Shango and the Orishas, the elemental gods of Africa. He also met their chief deity and Shango's older brother Obatala, Lord of the White Cloth. This was also the situation in which the Shadowstorm entity first appeared. Stein soon learned that he was destined to be the true fire elemental and would have been were it not for Ronnie Raymond also being there by circumstance. Raymond and Arkadin were returned to their old lives, and Stein, now Firestorm, was accidentally exiled to deep space in the process of saving the Earth. He thereafter spent many years traveling through space as a wanderer, returning to earth on only two occasions: the War of the Gods, and again in Extreme Justice, where Stein cured Raymond of his leukemia and allowed Raymond to retain the original Firestorm persona on his own. After this Ronnie continued to be Firestorm on his own in Earth, but lacking the wise advices of Stein. After the Justice League of America had traveled 3,000 years into the past to search for a missing Aquaman, Batman puts together a new Justice League to be Earth's protectors while the JLA is gone. Firestorm is among the nine heroes chosen by Batman to be members in this new Justice League. After the Justice League of America returns to the present, the new Justice League disbands. However, several members of the new Justice League, including Firestorm, opt to join the JLA. While a member of the JLA, Raymond acts as a junior member and is constantly cautious of upsetting his teammates and making mistakes in the field; he states vocally a few times that he is afraid of losing his position. While in the League, Ronnie developed a close friendship with Manitou Dawn while he was attempting to teach her the English language. Subsequently, Raymond was killed during the Identity Crisis. It was revealed that during a battle with a villain called the Shadow Thief, Raymond was impaled by the Shining Knight's sword, which the Shadow Thief had stolen. The magical sword ruptured the nuclear man's containment field, resulting in Firestorm's body exploding and his residual essence funneling into the body of Jason Rusch, the new host of the Firestorm Matrix. His name was featured posthumously on Rip Hunter's chalkboard in the statement "Ronnie Raymond + X = Firestorm". During the Blackest Night, Ronnie Raymond is called by a black power ring to join the Black Lantern Corps. In the following moments, his reanimated corpse is seen confronting Barry Allen and Hal Jordan alongside Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Elongated Man, Sue Dibny, and J'onn J'onzz. He then attacks Jason Rusch (the current Firestorm), and absorbs him into his own version of the Firestorm matrix. Then, using Jason's unique abilities, turns Gehenna into table salt, simultaneously ripping her heart out with a smile. He uses the Firestorm Matrix to absorb Jason's anger over Gehenna's death, providing the Black Lanterns with even more emotional energies. Then, he goes on to attack Barry Allen and co. at the Justice League satellite. Jason then briefly asserts himself, allowing the heroes to escape. Regaining control, Ronnie proceeds to absorb Jason's willpower. Like other Black Lanterns, the undead Firestorm mimics the personality of Ronnie Raymond, often wisecracking and exhibiting other stereotypical teenage behavior. In the final battle against Nekron, Ronnie is restored to life alongside Jason, the two separating from Firestorm. Ronnie is confused, asking Atom where Professor Stein is while Jason is upset with Ronnie killing Gehenna. Ronnie, however, apparently has no memory of doing so. During the Brightest Day, Ronnie, still clad in casual clothing from a wild party the night before, arrives at Jason's apartment with Professor Stein and Ray Palmer to attend Gehenna's funeral. Stein and Palmer discuss Ronnie's return and how he no longer remembers anything since his death at the hands of Shadow Thief. While the two talk about the paperwork needed to have Raymond's legal status as "dead" reversed, Ronnie approaches Jason and offers an apology about Gehenna's murder. Jason refuses to accept it, telling Ronnie that he forced him into being an accomplice to the death of his girlfriend, and that he probably doesn't even remember her name. When Ronnie is actually unable to remember Gehenna's name, Jason angrily lashes out and punches him in the face. This causes the two young men to merge into Firestorm, and they begin arguing inside the Matrix while Palmer transforms into his Atom persona in order to help them separate. Palmer manages to separate Jason and Ronnie, but not before the Firestorm matrix causes a huge explosion, transmutating everything in the Professor's laboratory into table salt. While recovering in the hospital, Stein explains to Ronnie that it seems to be very dangerous to fuse into Firestorm again. Also, it is revealed that Ronnie, after quickly leaving the hospital and being threatened by Jason's father to stay away from Jason, lied to everyone, as he seems to perfectly remember murdering Gehenna as a Black Lantern. Worse yet, some time after the forceful separation, he lies sleeping in preparation of a party, when a previously heard voice prods him awake - a monstrous construct of Gehenna, made totally of salt, which proceeds to throttle and choke him, taunting him to remember her name; while she is interrupted before killing him, Ronnie is left covered in salt. Not too long after, he is lying, recovering from a massive binge, when Jason again forces the merge to help several construction workers endangered when the girders at the site are transmuted without warning to bubble gum. This time, they again hear the mysterious voice taunting them, and Ronnie accepts he remembers killing Gehenna, and they realize something else is lurking from within the Firestorm Matrix. As Firestorm, Ronnie and Jason visit Stein in an attempt to find out what is happening to them. Stein reveals to them that the Black Lantern Firestorm still exists in the Firestorm Matrix. Firestorm is then told by the Entity that they must learn from each other and defeat the Black Lantern Firestorm, before he destroys the Entity. Somehow, Jason and Ronnie trade places. After running a test to deduce the new abilities of Firestorm, Professor Stein reveals the origin of the Firestorm Matrix. Stein believes that during the initial experiment he was able to capture the spark that preceded the Big Bang that created our universe. Thereby making the matrix a trigger for a new big bang, if the boys continue to experience emotional imbalance they increase the likelihood of triggering a new big bang. Stein tells Ronnie and Jason that together they are the most dangerous being in the universe. After explaining this to the boys, the voice inside them speaks again. Declaring that it is not the matrix, a pair of black hands reaches out from inside Firestorm. Forcibly separating Jason and Ronnie, Black Lantern Firestorm stands between them, separate from both Ronnie and Jason and apparently calling itself "Deathstorm". Also of note is that Deathstorm does not appear to be wearing a black ring. Deathstorm reveals its plan to Stein, stating that it intends to create enough emotional instability between Ronnie and Jason that the Matrix will trigger another Big Bang thereby fulfilling the Black Lantern Corps primary objective: the destruction of all life in the universe. In order to help accomplish this goal, Deathstorm absorbs Stein's mind in order to use his knowledge of Ronnie against him; then, to torture Jason, Deathstorm brings his father, Alvin Rusch, to the lab and absorbs him as well. Taking flight Deathstorm beckons Ronnie and Jason (who by now have merged into Firestorm) to follow it. Deathstorm leads them to Silver City, New Mexico and the resting place of the White Lantern Power Battery. Deathstorm tries to lift the battery but is unable to until he infects it with black energy, after which he is able to lift it with ease. After he threatens to destroy the White Lantern Battery and therefore prevent Ronnie and Jason to truly live, a voice beckons him not to. The voice, apparently the one who is collecting all the emotional entities, commands him to bring the Central Power White Lantern Battery to the voice as well as an army, at which point Deathstorm brings back the Black Lantern versions of Professor Zoom, Maxwell Lord, Hawk, Jade, Captain Boomerang, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Deadman and Osiris. Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns teleport to an unknown location, Firestorm, Jason and Ronnie ultimately seek the help from the Justice League. Firestorm arrives at the Hall of Justice asking for help. Firestorm is placed in a containment chamber while the League search for a way to stabilize the energy. However, an internal argument between Ronnie and Jason ignites the spark, apparently resulting in the destruction of the universe. Ronnie and Jason quickly notice, after defeating an hive of Shadow Demons, that the universe was not destroyed as they thought but they were actually transported to the Anti-Matter Universe. There they are contacted by the Entity who reveals to them that since Boston Brand has not yet found the one who will take the Entity's place, it is Firestorm mission to protect the Entity. Meanwhile, Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns are seen on Qward delivering the White Battery to someone. That someone is revealed to be the Anti-Monitor, who seeks to harvest the life energy within the Lantern to grow stronger. Firestorm takes the White Lantern and attempts to fight the Anti-Monitor, but is defeated. Deathstorm then brings Professor Stein out of his Matrix to taunt the two with. Deathstorm then attempts to turn Ronnie to salt, but the Professor takes the brunt of the attack. Angered, Ronnie decides to truly work together with Jason to avenge the Professor. The Entity then declares that Ronnie has accomplished his mission, returning life to him in a burst of white energy that obliterates the Black Lanterns, returns Jason's father to his home, and deposits Firestorm in the Star City forest. Ronnie angrily attempts to make the Entity resurrect the Professor, but is refused. Deadman then arrives, demanding that he be given the White Lantern. When the "Dark Avatar", made his presence known, Firestorm is made part of the Elementals. Ronnie Raymond was then transformed by the Entity to become the element of fire and protects the Star City Forest from the "Dark Avatar" which appears to be the Black Lantern version of the Swamp Thing. The Elementals are then fused with the body of Alec Holland in order for him to be transformed by the Entity into the new Swamp Thing and battle against the Dark Avatar. After the Dark Avatar is defeated, Swamp Thing brings back Firestorm to normal. Afterward, it is revealed Ronnie and Jason must find a way to contain their Firestorm matrix from the explosion in less than ninety days.
Naruto is the carrier of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox that was sealed within him by the Fourth Hokage when it attacked Konohagakure twelve years prior to the onset of the main plot. Naruto's parents supposedly died trying to help defend the village from the fox's onslaught shortly after he was born. However, since a law was enacted forbidding villagers from speaking of the aforementioned events, Naruto grew up not knowing a single detail about who his parents were. He was even unaware of the fox inside him up until around the time he became a ninja. An orphan living alone, Naruto would often pull pranks and vandalize monuments and statues in order to draw attention from those who shunned him. Though he trained to become a ninja at the academy, he would mostly goof off in class, inventing techniques like Sexy Technique (Sexy no jutsu) in which he transformed into a naked female version of himself. Naruto's lifelong ambition is to become the greatest hokage (lit. "fire shadow"), the highest ranking ninja of Konoha, so that people will finally give him the respect he deserves. His motivation and determination to achieve his goal drives him to train extremely hard. However, this has also made him very stubborn--never taking no for an answer when requesting high ranking missions. Some of his traits, good and bad, even manage to rub off on other ninja, including antagonists such as Gaara of the Sand Village, and the grandson of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru. He becomes accepted by several of his peers, ranging from his original teacher Iruka Umino and his team members Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi, to two of the three legendary Sannin. He steadily becomes more powerful as the series progresses, and even learns advanced techniques mastered only by high-level ninja such as Jiraiya of the Sannin and the late Fourth Hokage. In Part II, Naruto finally gained the recognition that he has been striving for after saving the village from Nagato in the Pain Invasion Arc. When Madara Uchiha announces the Fourth Shinobi World War against the Allied Shinobi Forces because they wouldn't hand over Killer Bee and Naruto(the remaining uncaptured Jinchurikis), Naruto is put in the center of attention of the whole Shinobi World. Naruto has finally gained the respect of the Third Raikage after surpassing his speed in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.
Bomb Queen was originally part of a quartet of supervillains called The Four Queens, who reigned over New Port City. When all the super-heroes in town were finally defeated or slain, the Queens turned on each other. Bomb Queen emerged as the victor, and took control over the local government. Bomb Queen founded New Port City's "No Heroes" law, (outlawing superheroes) which made the town a magnet for criminals across America. This pleased politicians in Washington, DC, due to the lowered crime rates in other states. However, the government was not happy with the self-elected leadership of Bomb Queen. Various smear campaigns having failed to dent her immense public popularity, the government turned to other options. Bomb Queen's rule over the city (and her cavalier attitude to crime) caused the city to flourish. The city coffers were overflowing with laundered money, which caused New Port City to rival Las Vegas. This also resulted in private local TV stations, Intranet, and regional cable stations being allowed to air unrated content - often of Bomb Queen herself, in pornographic movies filmed from her fortified townhouse. The restriction of the city limits kept Bomb Queen confined in her city of crime, but also present extreme danger if she were to ever leave - where the law is ready and waiting. This was illustrated in the one-shot comic, Blacklight vs. Bomb Queen (Aug. 2006). Bomb Queen, in disguise, traveled to Las Vegas in search of a weapon prototype at a gun convention and encountered the superheroine Blacklight. Bomb Queen is never seen without her black cat, Ashe. The animal has mysterious origins and is connected to the Mayans of South America. The cat's powers have saved the day in numerous situations, such as the finale of the Bomb Queen vs. Blacklight oneshot. Later on, Ashe is murdered, but in reality, Ashe is the physical manifestation of a demon whose realm nexus is New Port City, and can manipulate the rage of its citizens, notably Bomb Queen.
Fenris was a giant Asgardian Wolf who served Hela during the times of the expansion of Asgard around the Nine Realms. Millennia after her death, Fenris was resurrected by Hela with the Eternal Flame and put at her service during her rule over Asgard. Fenris later fell into the vastness of space during her battle with Hulk.
Grayven was the third son of Darkseid.
Coming from an affluent family and the son of a Calcuttan police chief, Indian national Neal Shaara has not been a follower of Charles Xavier's philosophies for long, but appears to be one of their most dedicated supporters, nonetheless. It began when his journalist brother, Sanjit, disappeared. Sharra took it upon himself to find him. When the investigation turned deadly, Sharra was saved by his father's best detective, Karima Shapandar, who was ordered to shadow him. The two continued the investigation together and developed a romantic relationship. They were eventually captured by the mutant-hunter Bastion, who had previously captured Sanjit. Bastion planned to turn his victims into cybernetic/nanotech Prime Sentinels in order to serve as moles for his mutant-hunting cause. The shock of the procedure activated Sharra's latent mutant powers, and he attempted to free himself and his friends. Sanjit, who had already been transformed into a Prime Sentinel, fought his programming long enough to disable the other Sentinels, but was fatally wounded in the attempt. Karima told Sharra to leave her, as it was too late to save her and could not hold off her transformation for long. Sharra, unsure of himself and his powers, contacted Moira MacTaggert, an old friend of his family's, and soon found himself on her Muir Island mutant research facility. There, he met and was invited to join the X-Men, whereupon he took the code-name Thunderbird. Soon after, however, he split with the team to join several of their number in searching the world for the lost diaries of the late mutant seer, Destiny. During his adventures with the team, he developed a romantic relationship with his teammate Psylocke before her death. Later, Sharra began to develop a relationship with his teammate Lifeguard. During one adventure, Lifeguard discovered that she may be, in part, alien in origin. This fact upset her brother, Slipstream, who ran away. Sharra and Lifeguard left the X-Men to search for her brother and for the truth of her background. Shaara was a member of the X-Corporation stationed in Mumbai before its closure.
JT James is an Inhuman who was taken to Afterlife under Jiaying's leadership, but was expelled from the community before undergoing Terrigenesis for trying to steal from its archives. After he finally gained his Inhuman powers with the intervention of Hive and Daisy Johnson, he started calling himself Hellfire. Following his liberation from Hive's influence, James started hating what he became, and made a deal with the terrorist group the Watchdogs to help them exterminate the Inhumans. When Quake and Jemma Simmons visited James to warn him about attacks on registered Inhumans, Hellfire betrayed them and headed them over to the Watchdogs. During that event, he was attacked and defeated by the demonic Ghost Rider and taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D.
This robot construct of the Hulk was created as a misguided experiment by two students at the Maryland Institute of Technology and inadvertently brought to "life" by exposure to cosmic energy from the Eternals' Uni-Mind. The construct ran amok in a nearby city, killing several people and causing massive property damage. The Eternals Sersi, Makkari, and Ikaris attempted to subdue it, but only the Eternals' ruler Zuras was able to vent the cosmic energy giving the robot life. The pseudo-Hulk fled to the city's sewers, where it exploded, inadvertently freeing the Deviant Mutate Dromedan from his crypt beneath the city.
Abner Jenkins was a master mechanic at an aircraft parts factory who became dissatisfied with his boring, low paying job. Using his considerable mechanical knowledge, Jenkins built an armor-plated, strength-augmenting suit, a pair of gravity-defying wings, suction-fingered gloves, and a cybernetic control helmet. Calling himself the Beetle, Jenkins decided to use his battle suit for fame, wealth, and adventure. Believing a victory over half the Fantastic Four would make him an overnight sensation, the Beetle chose to lure the Human Torch and the Thing into battle. Unfortunately, the Thing and the Human Torch defeated him, and he was sent to prison. When Baron Zemo formed the Thunderbolts, Jenkins made a new armor, the Mobile Armored Cyber-Harness, and took on the name of MACH-I. Zemo's plan was to gain the favor or the citizens of New York, which was in need of heroes after the disappearance of the Avengers and Fantastic Four after Onslaught's attack, only to gain access to classified S.H.I.E.L.D. files and eventually control the world. Jenkins and several of his teammates began to like the hero life, and decided to leave their villainous pasts behind. Zemo instead revealed that the Thunderbolts were actually ex-Masters of Evil members to the public, leaving the new heroes with a public unwilling to trust them. The murder he committed eventually came back to haunt Abe. When Hawkeye took over leadership of the team, he convinced Jenkins to serve out his prison sentence as a gesture of good will to the public. While in prison, someone used the Beetle armor to frame Jenkins, so he broke out. Abe was given a new face and appearance by Fixer along with the alias of Matthew Davis. Eventually Jenkins returned his features to normal and returned to prison to finish his sentence. Spending time as a hero seemed to change his outlook on life. After being released from prison, Jenkins reformed the Thunderbolts with the funding of Baron Strucker. With Songbird now in charge of the team, Abe is working with Fixer once again.
Early life Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik fifty years ago aboard the Space Colony ARK, with the help of the Black Arms leader, Black Doom, who contributed his own blood to the "Ultimate Lifeform". However, the two creators envisioned two contrasting purposes for their creation: Gerald wanted Shadow to one day to protect the world, whereas Black Doom was intent on having Shadow as his chief agent in conquering the world. Regardless, Shadow swore to Maria Robotnik, the professor's granddaughter of whom he was very close, to protect the planet she loved. Shadow's stay aboard the ARK ended when G.U.N. Soldiers raiding the space station, apprehending the professor and killing Maria, the death of whom Shadow witnessed moments before being ejected from the ARK. He was soon recovered and put into stasis somewhere on Prison Island. Fifty years later, Shadow was awakened by his creator's grandson, Dr. Eggman, who had recently stumbled upon the professor's diary. Filled with anger at the death of his close friend, Shadow sought revenge on the people of the world. Aided by the Doctor, who agreed to collaborate with the ultimate life form to achieve his own plan to take over the world, Shadow and his new master gathered Chaos Emeralds to be used for the powerful Eclipse Cannon. During his quest, he ran afoul of Sonic the Hedgehog, who had been blamed for Shadow's crime of stealing an Emerald from the bank. After a number of battles, Shadow saw his vengeance approaching fulfillment but was moved to help save the planet he sought to destroy. Thought lost after he became Super Shadow and joined Super Sonic in battling the Finalhazard,​​ Shadow was later found by his old ally Rouge the Bat in one of Eggman's bases. Awakened with no memory of his past, the black Hedgehog joined Rouge and unlikely new ally E-123 Omega to form Team Dark. This group fought alongside-and against-Team Sonic, Team Rose and Team Chaotix to battle the evil Metal Overlord, a monstrous form taken by Metal Sonic. Soon, Shadow found himself dealing with the Black Arms invasion of the planet. As the Black Arms descended from the sky to invade, Black Doom appeared before Shadow and told him to bring him the Chaos Emeralds "as promised" before disappearing. Fueled with the desire to seek out his past and find the truth behind Black Doom's words, Shadow sped off to obtain the emeralds. During his adventure, he provided some level of assistance to the invaders, which resulted in feelings of mistrust towards him from some citizens of the planet. After successfully gathering all of the emeralds, Shadow was confronted by Black Doom, who commanded him to give up the emeralds so that they can begin the 'Ritual Of Prosperity'. Sonic and the others, including Dr. Eggman, then arrived and told Shadow not to listen to the alien leader. After it was revealed that Black Doom wished to harvest humans as an energy source, he took the Chaos Emeralds from Shadow and used Chaos Control to warp the Black Comet down to the surface of the planet. Black Doom then explained that he helped Professor Gerald create Shadow but only in return for the Chaos Emeralds, which were needed to bring the comet down to the surface. This revealed that Shadow was actually created using Black Doom's DNA. As Eggman was in disbelief that his grandfather would betray the planet, Black Doom paralyzed everyone with a special gas and left them to be devoured by his alien offspring. As the end seemed near, Shadow suddenly heard Maria asking for help and he broke through the paralysis. Black Doom fled, leaving behind Shadow, the only hope for the planet. Shadow caught up with Black Doom, only to suddenly be attacked by the alien's mind control. Black Doom told him that he could control him as they had the same blood running through their veins, but Shadow refused to believe it. Just then, the Chaotix activated a film showing a sane Professor Gerald Robotnik. In the video, he referred to Shadow as his "son" and told him that he was the only hope for the planet. It was revealed that the only way to defeat the Black Arms was to destroy the Black Comet using the Eclipse Cannon, a powerful weapon built into the ARK. As the video ended, Maria stepped into the frame and gave Shadow the inspiration he needed to break through Black Doom's control. Black Doom escaped and prompted Shadow to use the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Shadow and fight the alien leader. Black Doom, now in his Devil Doom form, fought Shadow but was defeated. Shadow then used a super-powered Chaos Control to warp the Black Comet back into the planet's orbit and tear it apart with a blast from the Eclipse Cannon. Everyone cheered in joy as the alien threat was destroyed seemingly forever. On board the ARK, Shadow looked at a picture of Maria and Gerald before tossing it away, remarking "Goodbye forever... Shadow the Hedgehog". In the events of a timeline that was later aborted, Shadow and the other members of Team Dark became involved in a series of time-traveling battles with a villain known as Mephiles. After possessing Shadow's shadow in order to take on a form resembling the Ultimate Lifeform, Mephiles led them on a chase that ended with a horrible revelation. In the future resulting from that timeline, Shadow had been blamed for the catastrophe that had befallen the planet, and hunted down by his own reprogrammed comrade Omega and imprisoned. However, Rouge vowed to stand by Shadow no matter what, and after working with Silver the Hedgehog and Sonic to defeat Mephiles' ultimate form of Solaris, these events were erased from history. Shadow and Rouge later took part in an Extreme Gear competition with a disguised Metal Sonic,​​ and also became involved in Eggman's efforts to abuse the power of the Wisps.​​ He and Sonic's other friends and allies were later captured by the Time Eater, and Shadow faced off with Sonic prior to the blue Hedgehog's defeat of their foe.
In his early days, the Devourer was just a small green viper with an ominous poison that could turn the purest of hearts evil. He bit a young Garmadon, infecting him with darkness, and began to grow into a titanic monstrosity. The ancient Serpentine somehow took control of the Devourer and used her in their initial invasion of Ninjago—following the Serpentine's defeat, the beast was sealed under the Lost City of Ouroboros. He also laid the Vermillion Eggs, creating the Vermillion.
Heavy Metal leads the ambush of the Ninja and takes them and the ruins of the Destiny's Bounty 2.0 back to Dead's End and Iron Baron. She is at her master's side when the Ninjas' blindfolds are removed.
Barnell Bohusk has lived a difficult life since his mutation first manifested. Always wanting to find a better life, Barnell threw himself into his studies at Xavier's. He also befriended the Beast, finding a common bond with the X-Man with the most severe physical mutation. It was this bond that led him to visit the Beast with a gift, a baseball bat. Horribly, Beak was mentally possessed by a Cassandra Nova-controlled Charles Xavier and forced to beat his mentor brutally. The Beast would eventually recover, but Beak's guilt never went away. Mocked by his peers at the Xavier Institute for his seemingly useless mutation, Beak gravitated towards a group of young mutants known as the special class - mutants with little drive and less ability. Ironically, in this class Beak truly began to realize his worth as a hero. The other special class students began to look up to him as a leader and he filled that role as best he could. This group also included his girlfriend and the mother of his children, Angel. Angel does care for Beak, but their relationship began when other students bet her to kiss him. This group was mentored by Xorn who secretly believed he was truly Magneto. Beak and the rest of his special class followed Xorn, becoming the new Brotherhood in his bid to take over of the world. Beak stood up to Xorn and was cast out of the Brotherhood. He and a small group of X-Men were able to overtake Xorn and free New York City from his grip. Beak returned to the Xavier Institute and moved into a small home on campus with Angel and their children. Soon after, the Exiles arrived at the Xavier Institute and Beak was forced to join their reality-fixing group. He left Angel and his children behind, unable to say goodbye to them. Angel assumed he deserted her. After a number of adventures with the Exiles, Beak was reunited with Angel when they visited the Earth while it was under the sway of the Scarlet Witch's reality warp. Upon the reversal of this warp Beak lost his mutant powers and is currently living the life of a normal human.
The Mandarin was an international terrorist and claimed leader of the terrorist group; the Ten Rings (who had captured and held Tony Stark hostage in a cave, until he built the Mark 1 and broke free and also helped Ivan Vanko with his revenge on Stark). He possessed ten rings, which were the symbols and namesakes of his group. His nationality was unknown, due to the fact he surrounded himself in secrecy, as he used many other warrior motifs and symbols and twisted them for his own use, such as Asian royal robes, a terrorist beard, samurai hair, a Captain America shield tattoo with the "A" for "anarchy" in the middle instead of star on the back of his neck, and a gun ammunition shirt. He studied South American insurgency tactics and Sun Tzu and other ancient warfare tactics. He surrounded himself with Chinese iconography, dragons, and the symbols of warlords. He was a field officer at one point. He had a hatred of America and used it to unify his group, who also had a hatred of America. He attacked the TCL Chinese Theater in which Happy Hogan was severely injured, prompting Tony to challenge the Mandarin to a fight using the media. Mandarin had Savin destroy Tony's mansion. With Harley's help,Tony discovered Mandarin's base and infiltrated it using a variety of homemade weapons. He found the Mandarin in his bedroom, where it was revealed that the Mandarin was just an English stage actor named Trevor Slattery that Aldrich Killian had hired to cover his evil schemes and had bribed him with as many drugs and women that he wanted, as long as he stayed in the mansion until another video needed to be made, and was oblivious to acts of the Mandarin. During the final fight, Killian revealed he was the real Mandarin mastermind. After Killian's death, Slattery was apprehended for assisting in Killian's plans. Slattery was later approached in prison by a man who claimed to want to know Trevor's story, however at the end of their meeting, the man revealed he was a Ten Rings operative sent by the real Mandarin. The man informed Trevor that the Mandarin wasn't pleased with him and wanted revenge.
Morlun is a vampiric being who has walked the earth for centuries. He feeds on the totems-- the core power sources of the universe. While he can feed on lesser sources such as humans and super humans, he requires a pure source to fully satiate his hunger. In his initial appearance, Morlun drew Spider-Man, who possessed the power of a pure totem, to him. Spider-Man and Morlun battled in the streets of New York, but it was quickly revealed that Spider-Man was no match for Morlun's overwhelming powers. Before he left, Spider-Man was warned that now that Morlun had touched him, he could find him anywhere. Hoping to throw Morlun off, Spider-Man changed into his civilian clothes, but Morlun's warning struck true, and Spider-Man was found. Having been offered earlier a place of refugee by Ezekiel, Spider-Man sought help from him. Ezekiel told Spider-Man that he was out of luck, as Morlun could now track him anywhere. There was nothing Ezekiel could do. Facing Morlun again, Spider-Man was surprised when Ezekiel leaped to Spider-Man's rescue, battling Morlun to his apparent death. Satisfied with the life force he absorbed from Ezekiel, Morlun left to return at a later notice. Unable to find Ezekiel's body, Spider-Man noticed that in his fight with Morlun, Ezekiel had managed to shed some blood from him. Studying the blood, Spider-Man came up with a plan to defeat his enemy. Morlun tracked Spider-Man to a nuclear power plant, where Spider-Man seemed as if he was dead, having absorbed great amounts of radiation. When Morlun went to touch Spider-Man, his hand was burned. His strength returned, Spider-Man revealed that whatever totemic powers might have been given to him by the spider, the radiation had played a role, and thus his powers were not pure. Spider-Man proceeded to deliver a sound beating to Morlun, but when Morlun was at death's door, he hesitated. Suddenly, Dex, Morlun's servant who had endured great suffering underneath his masters rule, drew a gun he had stolen and killed Morlun. Spider-Man let Dex go, and left, thinking that his nigh invincible foe was dead. Morlun mysteriously returned months later and plagued Spider-Man by sudden and mysterious appearances, warning him that he was coming. Spider-Man, for a reason not explainable by science, was dying, and Morlun hung back to watch the causes and effects of his ailment. Finally, Morlun struck, and in a climactic battle, Morlun delivered Spider-Man the worst beating any hero had ever endured. Morlun left when the police arrived, opting for a more appropriate time to absorb Spider-Man's life force, leaving the web slinger at death's door with only one eye. Returning soon thereafter, Morlun entered Spider-Man's room in the Emergency Ward and prepared to feast. Peter's wife, who was standing by his side, tried to stop Morlun. As it appeared he would kill Mary Jane, Spider-Man suddenly sprung to life in a ferocious display of mysterious new powers. Using stingers that sprouted from his arms, Spider-Man was seemed to eat his essence as Morlun had. Morlun apparently died, crumbling to dust. It remains to be seen whether this was a permanent death, or if the vampiric totem eater will rise again.
As a young man, Eric Needham became addicted to drugs and turned to crime to fuel his addiction. As a result, he robbed his own father's liquor store, killing him in the process. After being arrested, he kicked the habit out of remorse and began a war on the drug trade in Gotham City. Donning a costume, he became a self-styled vigilante and began killing those suspected of dealing drugs.[1] This soon brought him into conflict with Batman. Needham believed that the two should be allies, as he saw common purpose in their war against criminals. His murderous methods however continually put him at odds with the Dark Knight, who stopped him during his first criminal strikeIt was revealed that Needham's paraphernalia and missions as the Black Spider were bankrolled by a man who, it turned out, was actually secretly involved with narcotics and wanted to take out the competition. Turning against his former sponsor, Black Spider ended up captured by Batman.
Gandalf was one of the five Istari sent to Middle-earth by the Valar in the Third Age. In Valinor he was known as Olórin. Gandalf was instrumental in bringing about the demise of Sauron in T.A. 3019, chiefly by encouraging others and dispensing his wisdom at pivotal times. Gandalf was originally robed in grey, and second to Saruman in the Order of wizards. After his fall in Moria, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth as head of the Order, robed in white. Gandalf was noteworthy for his keen interest in Hobbits.
Malekith the Accursed is the leader of the Dark elves, a race of elves that formed from darkness. He created a red liquid known as the Aether(pronounced ee-ther) which was capable of ultimate destruction. Thousand of years ago, they tried to plunge the universe into darkness at the Convergence (where the Nine Realms align and passage to each one instantly is possible), but they went into hibernation after Thor's grandfather Bor defeated them and the Aether was locked underground. They remained asleep until the Aether was accidentally discovered by Jane Foster. Malekith injected part of the Aether into Algrim the Strong, one of his greatest warriors, turning Algrim into Kurse. The Dark Elves ambushed Asgard to get the Aether (which was in Jane Foster's body). Malekith battled Thor while Kurse freed some prisoners. Thor struck half of Malekith's face with lightning after Malekith killed Thor's mother Frigga. The Dark Elves retreated to the Dark World, but Thor and Loki followed. Malekith stripped the Aether from Jane and made his way to Midgard(Earth). He used the Aether to try and complete what he started years ago at the Convergence on Earth. Thor managed to find him and destroy the Aether and finally defeat Malekith and his army.
Zinda Blake, or Lady Blackhawk, was a member of the World War II aviator team the Blackhawk Squadron, and after being displaced in time during Zero Hour, she joined the Birds of Prey.
leading to Beast being inducted into the Illuminati as Charles' replacement. "
Cog first appears as an alley bum, but he seems to know more about Spawn's situation than Spawn himself. Cog is the one who informs Spawn that his powers draw on a limited energy source, and that using it up will condemn him to eternal torment in Hell. He is the angel on Spawn's right shoulder, opposite the Violator, who exhorts Spawn to revel in death and destruction for its own sake. Eventually, Cogliostro reveals that he is also a Hellspawn, having forsaken Malebolgia long ago, and refuses to use his powers; he has one "tick" of necroplasmic power left, and any use of any of his Hell-granted powers will end his Earthly existence. Still, that single bit of power has extended his lifespan to centuries, and he does not want the newest Spawn to fall to the darkness that spawned both of them. After an absence in the Spawn comics after #100, Cogliostro returned to Spawn and is revealed that he is dying and that he's terrified of Hell's status ever since Spawn abandoned the throne after defeating Malebolgia. It is then after this that Spawn reveals to Cog of his plan to turn Earth into a new paradise, or Utopia. Spawn and Cog then travel to the deserts of Tunisia for permission from the Greenworld to transform Earth into Spawn's ideal world until he is attacked by the third Redeemer as an act of vengeance. After the battle, Spawn is abducted by a pair of giant scorpions as they drag him to Hell where he is being awaited by demons. Still in Tunisia, Cog is visited by Mammon who gives him a mysterious box which Cog seems to recognize and later commits suicide in order to help Spawn down in Hell. Redeemer, now aware of what he did wrong, travels to Hell to help Spawn battle the demons whose ideas were to battle for the throne of Hell. After a frustrating battle against Violator, Spawn summons all the past Hellspawn before him to help him with the other demons and takes back the throne of Hell. Cog then runs to Spawn with the mysterious box given to him and tells Spawn that this is what he needs to help him turn Earth into a paradise. Spawn opens the box which turns Hell into an Eden-like world and sees his widowed wife, Wanda, and runs to her, only to be caught in a trap laid by Cog. It is revealed that Cogliostro was Cain, the first murderer, and since the beginning he never wanted to serve in Hell but to rule it. It was now clear that the only reason Cogliostro helped Spawn was to enable him to gain the throne of Hell, making him the new ruler. After this act of betrayal, Cain decided to give Spawn "what he always wanted" and sent him to Earth back as Al Simmons without the Hellspawn symbiote attached to him. Cain hasn't been seen since but has been briefly mentioned, such as his plans of building a tower in Hell to pierce the Earth, or perhaps Heaven.
Seth Brundle undergoes eight specific stages in his horrific metamorphosis into Brundlefly. At first just after Seth Brundle merges with the housefly, he appears as a completely normal human. Gradually he begins to develop lesions on his body that sprout large thick insect-like hairs, as well as boil-like growths on his face. Brundle's teeth and fingernails also begin to fall out in this stage. In the third stage, Brundle's face begins to show noticeable reddish discoloration and grotesque bumps and creases. In the fourth stage, Brundle displays more prevalent facial deformities and his hair begins to fall out. A strange herniated growth appears on his side in this stage. In the fifth stage which appears only in a deleted scene, Brundle can no longer wear clothes and his body is becoming an infected-looking mess of deteriorated flesh and growths, while a fly limb emerges from the growth on his side. In the sixth stage, Brundle's head has become misshapen and almost all of his hair is gone. His body has also deteriorated even further, as he walks with a hunch and his some of his fingers appear to be partially fused. In the seventh stage, Brundle completely sheds his deteriorating human skin and becomes Brundlefly. Brundlefly maintains the bipedal stance, relative limb shape and placement, and number of eyes of a human, but possesses an fly-like head and appendages and what appears to be a vestigial fly limb sprouting from its back. In the eighth and final stage, Brundlefly merges with a telepod and has a large hunk of metal embedded in its back, with its entire lower body replaced with a mess of wires and metal.
Laurel Lance was born on November 15, 1985 to Quentin and Dinah Lance and had a younger sister named Sara Lance. When she was young, Laurel met and befriended Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn, and the three of them grew up together as lifelong best friends. She also became close with Oliver's younger sister, Thea. As children, Laurel and Sara would play dress up together and in one instance, they pretended to be grown-up versions of themselves with Laurel as a police officer and Sara as a doctor.
Deborah Domaine was a woman born of wealth and privilege. Growing up in the Chesapeake Bay area, she became very close with her eccentric aunt, an heiress named Priscilla Rich. Even as Debbi grew into adulthood however, she never knew her aunt's most closely guarded secret – that she was once the psychotic villain known as the Cheetah. Several years later, Debbi became a socially active individual, involving herself in various environmentally conscious initiatives such as the Organization for Ecological Sanity (O.E.S.). She quickly rose to prominence within the O.E.S.'s ranks, and even used her private yacht off of Shore Marina as a de facto headquarters for the group. Debbi would sail about the world, tracking down ecological disasters and raising public awareness concerning dangers to the Earth. On one such occasion, the O.E.S. discovered an oil tanker that had ruptured and set ablaze. The super-hero known as Wonder Woman responded to the emergency and effectively contained the fire, as well as the tons of oil that had spilled out into the bay. Debbi and her crew met the Amazon and she invited her aboard her yacht to clean up. The two would likely have become friends, had fate intervened. Shortly after the oil tanker incident, Debbi received a letter from her aunt. Priscilla Rich was dying and wanted to see while she still had a small amount of time available to her. Debbi visited Priscilla's mansion, and the aging heiress struggled to reveal her darkest secret. However, Priscilla died before she could say any more. Reeling from shock, Debbi stumbled backwards into Priscilla's boudoir, overturning a mannequin. Upon the mannequin was the costume of the Cheetah. The mannequin struck her upon the brow, rendering her unconscious. Meanwhile, the terrorist leader known as Kobra had been looking to acquire fresh new recruits. He sent one of his agents to Chesapeake Bay to enlist the services of the Cheetah. Upon discovering that the Cheetah was dead, the agent instead abducted the unconscious Deborah Domaine. When Debbi awoke, she found herself a prisoner of Kobra. As he was unable to make use of the original Cheetah, he decided to craft one of his own. He placed Debbi inside of a monitor station, suspended from the ceiling by electric cables. Using a brainwashing technique involving holographic projections, Kobra exposed her to a barrage of violent images of ecological disasters. With every flickering image she was forced to witness, an electric charge was sent coursing through her body. Within a short period of time, the process drove Debbi Domaine irrevocably insane. Kobra outfitted her with a feline costume similar in design to that once worn by her aunt. He further implemented her with a set of chrome-steel claws, and thus the new Cheetah was born. Deborah Domaine's first foray into crime was on behalf of her new master, Kobra. Under his instruction, she infiltrated the security station at Hampstead Dam in Maryland and sabotaged the controls that operated the spill-gates. The dam burst and water from Chesapeake Bay flooded throughout the small town. The disaster earned the attention of the super-hero, Wonder Woman, who arrived just in time to save as many people from the flood waters as possible. Cheetah surveyed the damage from her speedboat, and found herself crossing swords with Wonder Woman. The two fought one another, and Diana quickly realized that this new Cheetah was actually the environmental activist that she had met only days before. During the struggle, the Cheetah managed to get the upper hand, and stole from Wonder Woman, her magic lasso. She propelled the heroine into the bay and made her escape. Cheetah and Wonder Woman fought one another again that very same night. Diana had tracked Debbi to her old O.E.S. yacht, where she quickly recovered her magic lasso. The Cheetah leapt upon her from behind, but Wonder Woman was able to keep her at a safe distance. During their struggle, Debbi's yacht had pulled itself free from its mooring and began drifting out into the bay. It fell into the path of an oncoming ferry, which struck the boat causing it to explode. The blast propelled both combatants into the water, and Cheetah used the fiery blaze as cover to make her escape. Before long, the Cheetah cut ties with Kobra and joined a more prominent terrorist organization known as the Secret Society of Super-Villains. She worked with the team for a brief time until she was ultimately captured and sent to Arkham Asylum in Gotham City. The Cheetah eventually escaped from Arkham shortly before the catastrophic event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths. During the Crisis, she aligned herself with Lex Luthor and several other villains in an effort to save their beleaguered planet from the likes of the Anti-Monitor.
Dr. Rudy Jones (died November 2016) was a research scientist who became infected with an Angon alien parasite that could absorb the powers and life energy of other beings; this turned Jones into an alien-human hybrid called Parasite.
Ray originated on Earth-1 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, having a older brother named Michael who fought in the War Against Terror until he was killed. The only child of the Terrills left, he still lived at home with them and kept his homosexuality a secret from his parents as he reached adulthood. Insisting on working at jobs that only helped the less fortunate, Ray worked alongside his friends Jenny Knight and John Trujillo until one day when they all got laid off. That night, Ray gained light-based powers from his dying doppelgänger and used them to stop crime in his hometown, honing his skills and becoming The Ray. This was noticed by Curtis Holt and Cisco Ramon, who got him to team up with them, The Flash, Green Arrow, and Vixen to stop a rogue military robot attacking Detroit. Later, Ray was at home with his parents when Overgirl broke in and stole the remains of Red Tornado that Ray’s Earth-X counterpart had left. Ray decided to come out as gay to his parents before departing to Earth-X to face Overgirl. Teaming up with the Freedom Fighters, Ray battled the forces of the New Reich, eventually defeating Overgirl in single combat and tossing her into the distance while his new allies captured Black Arrow and Blitzkrieg. At some point, Ray met and fell in love with Leo Snart, for which he was rounded up by Nazis and taken to a camp, being given a power-dampening collar. While at the camp, Ray interacted with a number of heroes from Earth-1, their origins unbeknownst to him. When a Sturmbannführer came to do a check, the heroes and Ray were pulled out of the area to be executed. On their way, some of the Earth-1 heroes attempted to escape but were stopped by shocks from their power-dampening collar. They continued on, but before they could be shot, Leo intervened, breaking Ray's collar and allowing him to use his powers to let them escape. They returned to the base of operations of the Freedom Fighters, where Ray was brought up to speed on who they were and their abilities. He introduced them to General Winn Schott, who told them of their plans to blow up a gateway to Earth-1. Alex Danvers attempted to argue, wishing to return home and help their friends, but Schott's mind was decided, a fact Ray tried to assure her. Ray and Leo left to their quarters, where the former questioned why the latter was so adamant about helping the heroes, eventually coming round to the idea. They suited up, before going to talk to General Schott. After some arguing, he agreed to give them some time, an hour. They discussed a game plan, before heading for the hangar. The group was able to get in under the guise of transporting the Führer. After some difficulties, the Ray and the Flash watched the perimeter for Red Tornado. Deciding not to give them a full hour, General Schott sent Red Tornado out, much to the distress of the two heroes. They caught up with Red Tornado, attempting to make him stop, but he was otherwise unaffected, sending them crashing to the ground. Suggesting they combine their powers at once, the Ray had the Flash send lightning at him, while shooting a beam of light energy, successfully defeating Red Tornado. Successfully opening a breach to Earth-1, The Ray flew through it. The heroes arrived at just the right time, the Ray and Firestorm flying in to help destroy Metallo. Sometime later, all of the combined heroes gathered aboard the Waverider, discussing their course of action, as Overgirl, who was about to go nuclear, was in Central City. They were then hailed by another timeship and the heroes watched on as the Green Arrow talked to his doppelgänger. The heroes soon after took to the streets, where the Ray flew around taking out Nazis. After the threat was eliminated, the Ray watched on as Steel caught Supergirl after falling from space. Following the ordeal, Ray decided to return home, albeit without Leo, who decided to hang around for a bit before returning to Earth-X.
Daniel Lawrence "D.L." Hawkins was an unemployed construction worker and part-time associate of Mr. Linderman of the Linderman Group. He lived with his wife and son in Las Vegas. He was an evolved human with the ability of phasing. D.L. is very devoted to his family. After initially deciding to participate in the plan to rob Linderman of the $2 million in order to better provide for Niki and Micah, he backs out of the plan out of fear that Linderman will seek retribution against them. Even after he discovers Jessica set him up, he remains very much in love with his wife, and ultimately succumbs to Micah's pleas to return and help Niki overcome her alter ego. Unlike some of the others, D.L. seems to actually enjoy using his powers and has made no effort to conceal them from those close to him.
Waylon Jones, known as Killer Croc, is a metahuman skilled crocodile wrestler, born with a genetic mutation which gave him reptilian skin, leading to him being nicknamed Killer Croc. He eventually turned to crime, and was chased out of Gotham City by Batman, only to be captured and recruited into Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad. He would greatly contribute to the defeat of the Enchantress and Incubus mystical duo, and get his prison sentence shortened as a result.
Carol Ferris is the boss and occasional love interest of Hal Jordan. Her family owns the Ferris Aircraft company, where she acts as an executive, and sometimes as a pilot. She is also Star Sapphire, a once villainous character occupying another part of her personality entirely. In the Star Sapphire Corps, where she fights for love across the universe, she has taken on a more heroic role.
Pietro Maximoff was the son of the mutant called Magneto and the gypsy named Magda. Just prior to Pietro's birth, Magda fled from Magneto, terrified of the bizarre powers he suddenly manifested and his intentions of world domination. Seeking refuge in the scientific citadel of Wundagore in the Balkan Mountains of the tiny European nation of Transia, Magda was taken in by Bova, a humanoid cow evolved by the genetic engineer called the High Evolutionary. Magda gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, with Bova as her midwife, and named them Wanda and Pietro. Still afraid that her husband might find her and learn of the children, Magda left Bova a note explaining her fears and walked into the frozen mountain wilderness to perish. Feeling that it was not right to raise two seemingly normal babies amid the evolved animal-men of Wundagore, Bova was relieved when, several nights later, an American couple, Robert and Madeline Frank, also came to Wundagore seeking assistance. The Franks were former super heroes active during World War II known as the Whizzer and Miss America; Madeline was now pregnant and about to give birth. Bova intended to give the couple the days-old twins to raise along with their own newborn. Unfortunately, the couple's child was stillborn and Madeline died from complications in giving birth. Bova presented Robert Frank with the twins, claiming they were his own natural children, in the hope that it would assuage his grief. Instead, Frank fled from Wundagore upon hearing of his wife's death, nearly insane with grief. (Years later, the children would come to believe for a time that Frank was their natural father). Bova then presented the twins to her master, the High Evolutionary, who agreed to find foster human parents for them. He chose Django and Marya Maximoff, a gypsy couple camped nearby who had lost their own twin children, Ana and Mateo, during World War II. The Maximoffs accepted the strange gifts from the High Evolutionary and cared for the children as if they were their own. (Years later, the aging Django would mistakenly believe that Wanda and Pietro were his natural children Ana and Mateo). As adolescents, Wanda and Pietro discovered that they had unusual superhuman abilities. When Django began to steal food to feed his starving family, enraged villagers attacked the gypsy camp. Using his phenomenal speed, Pietro fled from the camp with his sister. The circumstances of their separation from their family were so traumatic that not until well into adulthood could they remember anything but the barest details of their childhood. For the next few years Wanda and Pietro wandered central Europe, living off the land. One day, Wanda accidentally caused a house to burst into flame through her hex powers, which she could not yet control. Superstitious townspeople began chasing her, thinking she was a witch. Despite Pietro's attempt to defend her, they were soon overpowered and were about to become victims of mob violence when Magneto came to their rescue. Unaware that he was their natural father, Magneto pressed them into service in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, costumed them, and named them the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. For months they served Magneto out of a sense of obligation and fear of his reprisal. As members of the Brotherhood, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch aided Magneto in his terrorist campaigns against humanity and helped him combat the original members of the X-Men. Magneto did not realize Wanda and Pietro were his children, nor did they know he was their father. When Magneto was defeated by the overwhelming powers of the alien Stranger, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch quit the Brotherhood; the Stranger transported Magneto away from Earth, and the Maximoff twins returned to Transia. Pietro and Wanda sought refuge from The Avengers, a world-renowned team of super heroes. They were inducted along with Hawkeye to take the place of the charter members, who wished to take a leave of absence. This foursome was nicknamed "Cap's Kooky Quartet". At first it was looked upon as less capable than the previous roster, but defeating Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, and other threats quickly proved their worth. Although the hot-tempered Quicksilver and Hawkeye often both rebelled against his orders, Avengers leader Captain America molded them into valuable team members. Humanity's suspicion of mutants still rankled Quicksilver, and he briefly rejoined Magneto after the latter returned to Earth, compelling his sister to come with him. Months after the X-Men and Avengers defeated Magneto, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch resumed their membership in the Avengers. Seriously injured during the Avengers' battle against the Sentinels, Quicksilver was taken to medical care by Crystal, a member of the royal family of the hidden race of Inhumans. Months passed before Quicksilver was well enough to contact his companions to tell them what had happened to him. During that time Quicksilver became romantically involved with Crystal, and the two married after a brief courtship. The wedding, held in the Inhumans' refuge of Attilan, then located in the Himalayan Mountains, was attended by the Inhumans, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. Not long after the birth of his and Crystal's first child, Luna, Quicksilver learned the truth about his parentage. Magneto had stumbled upon Bova and learned from her that Wanda and Pietro were his children. Confronting Quicksilver and his sister in Attilan with this revelation, Magneto apparently hoped to sway his children to rejoin his crusade against humanity. But Quicksilver denounced Magneto for his callous treatment of them when they were members of his Brotherhood, and refused to believe he had changed his ways. A man of action, Quicksilver volunteered his services to the head of the Inhumans' small militia and became an officer. During the period of his service, however, the Inhumans had no call for military activity. Quicksilver's neglect of his wife led Crystal to become involved with another man. Learning of her infidelity, Quicksilver refused to forgive her and fled Attilan, vowing vengeance on her and all those he perceived as having wronged him. Unknown to anyone, however, Crystal's malevolent cousin Maximus was manipulating Quicksilver's mind, fanning Quicksilver's anger at Crystal into a rage directed against his former colleagues in the Avengers. Quicksilver framed the Avengers for treason, thereby turning the federal government against them until they cleared their names. Quicksilver also led the members of the android version of the criminal organization Zodiac against the Avengers, fought the Fantastic Four, and joined forces with various Soviet-era Communist operatives against the Avengers' West Coast division. Eventually Maximus' control over Quicksilver's mind lapsed and Pietro ended his criminal ways. The Inhumans' monarch Black Bolt commanded that the reluctant Quicksilver reconcile with Crystal. Their initial attempts failed. Quicksilver unofficially joined the Avengers' West Coast branch for a time. Eventually Crystal took Luna to Earth and joined the Avengers, and Quicksilver shortly afterwords became a special operative of the United States government as part of its new, Havok-led version of X-Factor. Quicksilver and Crystal again attempted a reconciliation, and this time they were successful. Quicksilver left X-Factor and again became affiliated with his wife's team, the Avengers. However, their happiness was short-lived, because Crystal seemingly perished in the Avengers' battle against Onslaught. In actuality she, along with many other members of the Avengers, had been transported to an alternate reality. During her absence, the High Evolutionary asked Quicksilver to become the leader of a small band of his Knights of Wundagore, animals that the geneticist had endowed with human intelligence and humanoid forms. Quicksilver accepted and for a time led the Knights in battles against injustice. Quicksilver and Crystal were happily reunited after she and the other missing Avengers finally returned to their native Earth. During the events of House of M after Layla Miller had used her powers to make numerous heroes see that the reality was false they all believe that it was Magneto's doing. Upon arriving at Genosha they found out that it was Quicksilver who persuaded the Scarlet Witch into changing the reality. Magneto killed Pietro in a rage after discovering what his son had done in his name. Wanda subsequently revived her brother, and out of spite reduced the world's powered mutant population to a mere fraction of its former size. Quicksilver is one of the mutants who have lost their powers. As a result, Pietro fell into a deep depression over his loss of powers and betrayal of mutant-kind. When an angry Spider-Man confronted Quicksilver (angry with the fact that he still has memories of being married to Gwen Stacy and having a child together from the House of M reality), Quicksilver jumped off a roof, seriously injuring himself and possibly breaking his spine. Crystal, whom Quicksilver had tried to contact earlier, teleported in to find her ex-husband lying hurt, and attacked Spider-Man, until Quicksilver told her that he had jumped off the roof. Crystal teleported him to the Inhumans for medical attention, believing he had become suicidal upon the loss of his powers and unaware of his true connection to the events. After treatment by an Inhuman healer, Quicksilver woke up and was reunited with his daughter Luna. Deciding that he could not stand life as a human, Pietro asked Black Bolt for permission to undergo Terrigenesis. Quicksilver's request was denied since he was of human blood, and Terrigenesis was reserved only for those of pure Inhuman stock to decrease the chance of a detrimental mutation. Luna introduced Quicksilver to a "communicator" who told Pietro much about the process of Terrigenesis, leading to Quicksilver breaking into the sacred Terrigen Caves and knocking out a guard so he could dive into the misty waters inside. Quicksilver returned to his room, thinking that the exposure had no effect on him, only to be greeted by an older looking Quicksilver. The older Quicksilver explained the nature of his new powers, and of the plan that came to pass. Quicksilver began working with his older selves to set forward a plan to take the Terrigen Crystals back to Earth and restore the mutant population. He set about gaining Luna's loyalties, and promised to bring her to Earth with him, as well as learn of Lockjaw's loyalties to Luna. Eventually, Quicksilver managed to get a container full of Terrigen Crystals to the past, and used Lockjaw to take him and Luna back to his apartment in New York. Luna instructed Lockjaw not to let Crystal find them before he headed back to the Inhumans. Quicksilver explained the basis of his plan concerning the Terrigen Crystals, and told her he was going to give back her birthright and exposed her to his Terrigen Mist, giving her the ability to "see" souls and emotions. After gaining some funds by jumping to the future and using winning lottery numbers, he then traveled to Genosha and convinced Callisto to sample some of the Terrigen Mist herself, which promptly restored her heightened senses to the ultimate degree. Quicksilver told Callisto to gather up the remaining depowered mutants so that he could restore their powers. Callisto went to find other depowered mutants, and it began to rain, which caused her intense pain, as each rain drop felt like a hot burning needle. Each sense was amped to levels not able for her to withstand, such as feeling her fingernails grow or listening to millions of insects underneath the ground. However, Magneto came across her, and confronted her about who had done this to her, and he was told that it was his son's doing. Nevertheless Quicksilver continued his "mission", re-powering the rest of Genosha's mutants. Confronted by Magneto, who verbally assaulted him showing to the other mutants the unconscious Callisto as proof (in fact her growing pain had sent her in a comatose state). In retaliation Quicksilver used his new-found power to pummel Magneto with the aid of two "temporal dupes", and only the sight of his crying daughter stopped him from killing his own father, blaming him for having never acknowledging his presence and his love for him. After a brief encounter with the Inhumans, U.S. government agents shot Quicksilver with a tranquilizer dart in an attempt to immobilize him. What they really sought, however, was the tank of Terrigen Mist. In an attempt to save his daughter, Pietro ordered Lockjaw to teleport her away from Genosha. This proved a fortuitous move. Despite a warning by the Inhumans to return the tank, the agents attempted to escape with their newly acquired cargo. Left to deal with the situation on his own, Black Bolt whispered the word "war," preventing the agents from escaping and causing massive destruction to the surrounding area. As a result, this action was taken as a sign of open conflict between the Inhumans and the U.S. government. After escaping from the battle on Genosha, Quicksilver bathed himself in the Terrigen Mists for what seemed to be weeks on end, going so far as to absorb the crystals into his own body. He used the Terrigen Crystals to travel farther into the future than ever before, and upon his return spoke of a monstrous disaster yet to come. Learning he gained the power to restore the super-human abilities of former mutants, Pietro "cured" a man on the street who turned out to be the villain known as Reaper. As he walked away, Quicksilver appeared more mentally unstable than ever before as he chose to accept the destruction that lay ahead. Pietro was later arrested for vagrancy, but he regained his powers after suffering through many hallucinations which eventually indicated that the terrigenesis crystals had run their course through his body. Upon seeing a young woman in danger from his cell, he used his powers to break out of the prison and save her after she was thrown off a building. He left her at a lighthouse on Rhode Island with a man and his child who likely did not have a mother. He rediscovered his desire to be a hero and happily ran off with a fresh start. After these events, Pietro obtained a new costume and rejoined the Knights of Wundagore serving as a scout and gathering intelligence but was later captured by Modred. The sorcerer transferred his consciousness into Cython's spell book while transferring Cython's consciousness into Pietro's body. Cython was eventually thwarted by Hank Pym and his new Mighty Avengers and Pietro was returned to his body with the help of the new Vision (Jonas). He was initially declined Avengers' membership offered by Hank Pym (now the Wasp), but he changed his mind after seeing his sister, the Scarlet Witch in their ranks-unbeknown to him and most of the Mighty Avengers, it was really a disguised Loki. Pietro chased after the Mighty Avengers hoping to catch them and reinstate their offer, but Hank declined because of his former teammate's initial response. Wanting to prove himself, the speedster continued to chase the group's activities persistently aiding them on multiple missions in which Pym and the Avengers gratefully accepted him. Pietro participated in all of the team's missions hoping to speak with his sibling but met with no success. After opposing the powerful Inhuman known as "the Unspoken" Pietro recovered the remaining Terrigenesis crystals returning them to the Inhumans and clearing his name of criminal charges through a lie that a Skrull committed all of his felonies during the Secret Invasion events. While the Wasp (Pym) and Jarvis know the truth behind his deception, both have kept it secret and want him to continue on his road to redemption. Their views however, are not shared by Pietro's daughter Luna; while she keeps the truth secret out of love for her father, she will never forgive him for his past actions and may never see him as the man he is trying to revive.
The mutant known as Feral grew up in a New York City tenement as Maria Callasantos. She had an older sister, Maria, who would also prove to be a mutant, a younger brother, Matteo, and a younger sister, Carolina. Their father beat his wife and abandoned the family after the birth of Carolina, the youngest of the children. He was eventually found dead from a drug overdose. Maria blamed her two younger siblings for the fact that their father deserted them. Carolina later fell down a staircase to her death while Maria was babysitting her; it is unclear whether Carolina's death was an accident or whether Maria killed her. Later, Matteo was chasing Maria's pet pigeons on the tenement roof when he allegedly tripped over the ledge. He held onto the ledge as long as he could, but soon fell to his death. Maria was a witness, and, again, it is unclear if she had killed him. Maria's mother had a boyfriend named Harry Bellinger, who was an alcoholic and a cocaine addict who got Mrs. Callosantos addicted to drugs as well. Lucia's mutations began to emerge, much more slowly than Maria's, and caused her to start growing fur. When Lucia was seventeen, Bellinger tried to rape her. But Maria, now fifteen, whose mutations had emerged much more quickly, stopped Bellinger and killed him. Together Maria and Lucia hid the body. Knowing that Maria had murdered Bellinger, Mrs. Callasantos killed Maria's pet pigeons in revenge. Seized by hatred, Maria then killed her mother. Maria and Lucia went to live among the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks. The two sisters came to resemble humanoid animals; Maria took the name 'Feral,' and Lucia became known as Thornn. Eventually, Feral joined the team of mutant adventurers that became known as X-Force; none of her teammates knew about her past. Thornn, on the other hand, fell in with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants that was organized by the Toad. For a time Feral served well in X-Force. But then the team attempted to rescue government official Henry Peter Gyrich from the terrorist Mutant Liberation Front, led by Reignfire. Feral hated Gyrich, who was no friend to mutants, and Reignfire persuaded her to join the Mutant Liberation Front and to kill Gyrich. When Feral attacked Gyrich, X-Force's leader Cable shot her with a non-lethal charge, but then Reignfire abducted her. Feral emerged from hiding when the New York City police captured Thornn. Feral confronted Thornn and X-Force member Cannonball. Thornn revealed that she had seen Feral kill Harry Bellinger, and Cannonball provoked Feral into admitting that she had murdered her mother. Cannonball overpowered Feral, and an old friend of Lucia's, police detective Jose Hidalgo, arrested her for killing three members of her family and Bellinger. Thornn went free, but Feral is now presumably serving a prison sentence for murder.
Stick was a mysterious martial arts master and Chaste member. During the war between the Chaste and the Hand, Stick recruited Elektra, only to abandon her as she had proved too dangerous and trained Matt Murdock instead. Years later, Stick and Elektra had attempted to recruit Murdock, now working as Daredevil, but he still refused and instead convinced Elektra to change sides. This caused Stick to then order Elektra's death, leading to him being captured and tortured by the Hand. Stick was saved by his former pupils, and later witnessed Elektra's death by Nobu Yoshioka. In the final days of the war, Stick had witnessed the Chaste being defeated by Alexandra Reid's forces and went to the Defenders in the hopes of defeating his enemies once and for all. However upon learning that the Hand required Iron Fist to complete their plans, Stick chose to kill Danny Rand to stop this from happening. Stick was stopped however when Elektra returned and kidnapped Iron Fist, plunging her blade into Stick's chest and killing him.
The origin others know: there are two different races of Martians, distinguished by their differing world-views. The Green Martians are peaceful philosophers, while the White Martians are vicious warriors. When the White Martians began massacring their Green cousins, M'gann's parents sent her on a rocket to the Vega system to escape the civil war. M'gann learned that another Green Martian refugee, J'onn J'onzz, had escaped the White Martian tyranny, establishing himself on Earth, and came to Earth herself. While almost correct, this leaves out at least one significant detail, M'gann's true form is that of a White Martian, creatures believed to live only for war and conquest. Questioned on whether or not she was actually a White Martian, M'gann said it was a "long story". Whatever her true origins might be, M'gann eventually came to Earth along with her parents. Details of this period are sketchy, but it is known that M'gann's parents, along with dozens of other White Martians, were captured by the United States government, many of whom, including M'gann's parents were subsequently executed. After separating from her parents, M'gann adopted two new names during her time on this world: "Megan Morse", the English transliteration of her Martian name, and "Miss Martian", her chosen superhero identity. Shortly after the Infinite Crisis, Megan met the Teen Titans. She joined the team during a rocky interim period and shared a room with the reformed villain Ravager. Her initial stint with the Titans was brief, however. One day, she watched an episode of The Three Stooges, and decided to imitate their vaudeville antics by throwing a pie into Ravager's face. Ravager failed to appreciate Megan's attempt at humor and began calling her names. Hyper-sensitized to other people's thoughts, Megan fled in tears and quit the team. Nearly a year later, the Teen Titans discovered that Megan had relocated to Australia, basing herself in the Tanami Desert. She liked the arid terrain because it reminded her of her Martian homeworld. The Titans approached Megan in the city of Brisbane shortly after she apprehended an armored villain known as Gunshot. The Titans' leader, Robin, asked Megan's help in locating one of their missing teammates – Raven. Megan admitted to having recently met with Raven, who had asked her to use her telepathy to scan the minds of former Titans in search of a "secret". Megan refused however, as reading the minds of "good people" violated her personal code of ethics. She didn't reveal Raven's location, but instead directed Robin's team towards another neophyte hero – Bombshell. Soon after the Titans had left however, Megan violated her own rules, scanning the minds of a number of former Titans. Having scanned Bombshell's mind, she discovered that the neophyte hero was actually a mercenary in search of a computer disk, which housed the life essence of a deceased Titan named Jericho. Megan tried to warn the Titans, but Bombshell attacked her with an incendiary device, revealing her true White Martian heritage to the other Titans. Regardless, she proved to be a valuable asset to the team, and aided them in bringing Bombshell down. Following the incident, Cyborg declared that she was once again a member of the Teen Titans. Cyborg later brought Megan to Belle Reve in the hopes that she would use her telepathy to interrogate the imprisoned Bombshell. Megan was reluctant to use her powers in such an invasive way, but agreed to the task nonetheless. Her interrogation was interrupted, however, by the arrival of Titans East. During the battle, Megan became the object of torture for Titans East members Sun Girl and Inertia, the former of whom claimed that Megan was her personal slave in the future she was from. Following the Titans East debacle, Megan and the other Titans found themselves involved in the Amazon attack on Washington D.C. While her teammates attempted to reign in an angry Wonder Girl, Megan engaged in battle with Wonder Girl's best friend, Supergirl. She later fought with Artemis and saved Wonder Girl's mother Helena from being gunned down by overly ambitious soldiers. Shortly thereafter, Megan encountered her future counterpart - an older, evil version of Miss Martian who embraced her more predatory White Martian instincts. Calling herself the Martian Manhunter, the older Megan was a member of the so-called "Titans Tomorrow". After a protracted battle with her future self, trace elements of the Martian Manhunter's personality merged with that of M'gann's own persona. She began to develop a condition akin to multiple personality disorder, and frequently found herself warring with her older, darker self. The alternate personality began assuming control of M'gann's body and performing actions independent of M'gann's will. She even forged legal documents establishing that "Megan Morse" was a legal citizen of the State of Arizona. As Megan Morse, Miss Martian began attending classes at Wolfman and Perez High School. Soon after, Megan and her fellow teammate Kid Devil were abducted by the Terror Titans and taken to the Dark Side Club in Manhattan. Though Kid Devil was manipulated into participating in trials of combat, Miss Martian used her telepathy to try to free the minds of other brainwashed prisoners. After being freed, Megan helped Kid Devil to shake off the lingering effects of being brainwashed. Megan still suffered great difficulty coming to terms with embodying the personality of her future-self. As such, she decided to leave the Teen Titans in order to concentrate on her emotional and physical shortcomings. She spent a great deal of time infiltrating the Dark Side Club, posing as a new incarnation of the Star-Spangled Kid. She won the tournament, and used her psychic abilities to overpower many of the young heroes' indoctrination at the hands of Clock King. Under her leadership, the freed heroes overthrew both the club's resident staff, and the Terror Titans, who had been attempting to start a brainwashed metahuman army. During Final Crisis, Megan was seen aiding Checkmate in their efforts to psychically purge the Anti-Life Equation from the collective consciousness of humanity. Following the Final Crisis and the infiltration of the Dark Side Club, M'gann returned to the Teen Titans as a full-time member. As a favor to Tim Drake, M'gann posed for him in a public speech that the assassin Scarab was going to attack. She was shot through the lower torso and taken to the hospital as 'Tim Drake,' where they swapped, allowing Tim to pose as wounded and M'gann to return unhurt to her normal form.
Found on the wrong side of justice at an early age, Little Epic has been Captain Epicís sidekick since childhood. Realizing Little Epicís potential as a super speedster, he was brought up to value the importance of using oneís powers for good. His love for people, animals and nature gives Little Epic a strong desire to protect the well being of others. After years as Captain Epicís constant companion, Little Epic struggles with leaving his childhood behind and still thinks of himself as the Ďkidí. He has SADHD (Super Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), giving him moments of extreme focus and times of extreme mania, almost to the point of exhaustion.
A young Morro was found by Wu, while he and a few other children were rummaging through the monastery's trash bins. The young master took pity on the boy and gave him food, as well as offering to train him in the ways of the Ninja. He was considered by Wu to be the perfect student as he undertook any obstacle that his master would throw at him. Morro was eventually gifted a kite by Wu; by playing with it, Morro discovered that he was a descendant of an Elemental Master of Wind. Upon this revelation, Wu revealed that he believed Morro was to be the Green Ninja. Unfortunately, Morro became arrogant with the thought of having the Green Ninja's power, though he was dismayed to find that the Golden Weapons did not react with him, a sign that would indicate the true Green Ninja. The Master of Wind became obsessed with proving his master—and destiny—wrong, and left the monastery, declaring that he would never return until he found the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master, and in his journeys committed multiple atrocities. Arriving at the ancient library of Domu for answers, he discovered a passage referring to a "cave in the deep," and misinterpreting its meaning, journeyed to the Caves of Despair, a mistake that would prove fatal; while exploring, he became trapped in a cave with a kethanol geyser and was killed by the toxic gas. His spirit was then banished to the Cursed Realm for his actions, where he pledged his service to the Preeminent. Plotting to free his mistress and curse the Sixteen Realms, Morro came into contact with Fenwick, and the latter, fearing for his safety, agreed to assist the Cursed Realm by rewriting destiny so that Morro would be able to leave when given the chance to escape. Escape
Leslie Willis (died January 22, 2018), also briefly known as Roseanne, was a former shock jock of CatCo Worldwide Media. After a fatal helicopter accident, Leslie gained electrical powers and turned into the supervillain Livewire. She later became an ally of Supergirl and sacrificed herself to save her from Reign.
During her early years, Sif's great talents as a warrior were not appreciated by many because she was a woman. Thanks to her friend Thor, who believed in her capabilities, Sif became one of the most appreciated warriors of Asgard, along with the Warriors Three, Loki, and Thor himself. Sif was also romantically involved with a warrior named Haldor, who was later enthralled by the sorceress Lorelei. The event led to Haldor's death, creating a deep hatred between Sif and Lorelei.
A.I.M. agents are both soldiers and scientists. When not trying to take over the world, they sell weapons to other villains. They work for MODOK, but resent him due to his abusive leadership.
Slapstick has fought foes such as the Nuclear Bum and Overkill alongside other heroes like Spider-Man.
The ever-optimistic Maxwell Jordan was among the first intake of students to attend the rebuilt Xavier Institute and was placed on the Corsairs, a squad mentored by co-headmaster Cyclops. An average student as a result of his unofficial status as "class clown," Jordan hoped to make up his grades by joining two other students in stealing a copy of a computer science test. Caught in the act by Kitty Pryde, Jordan and his accomplices were forced to spend a day with former professional thief Gambit in the hopes that they would learn from his seeming reformation. However, Gambit involved them in his attempt to reclaim a surveillance video that placed him in a compromising position, teaching them thieving techniques that allowed them to obtain it for him. This has inspired Jordan to become a professional thief, although whether this was just youthful folly has yet to be determined. Quill was one of the few students who had retained his powers after M-Day. He continued to stay and learn at the Institute, but the squad system had been disbanded. During the attack on the Mansion by Reverend William Stryker, Quill met his fate and died.
Psychiatrist Dr. Leonard Samson came to General T.E. "Thunderbolt" Ross with a plan to cure Ross's daughter Betty, who had been transformed into a crystalline form through a blood transfusion with the Sandman. Samson had technicians devise a cathexis ray projector that would drain off gamma particle energy and psionic energy from Bruce Banner as he transformed into the monstrous Hulk whom General Ross had long hunted. Samson theorized that as a result of this process, Banner would be cured of the physiological instability that continually transformed him into the Hulk. Hoping to save Betty and to be cured himself. Banner willingly participated in the experiment. The cathexis ray succeeded in turning Betty Ross back to normal, employing Banner's psionic energy. However, most of the psionic energy drained from Banner as well as a considerable amount of his excess gamma radiation remained within the cathexis ray projector. Motivated by scientific curiosity, and probably by a desire to gain superhuman powers for himself, Samson irradiated himself with the energies remaining within the projector. The result was that the slight, brown-haired psychiatrist was transformed into a massively muscled, green-haired superhuman with gamma-boosted strength. Banner himself seemed permanently cured, but he broke emotionally under the strain of seeing Betty, the woman he loved, being romanced by Samson and exposed himself to gamma radiation, thereby undoing the cure. Samson later lost his superhuman physique and power when he took a blast of concentrated gamma radiation intended for the Hulk. However, months later Samson regained his gamma-mutated form and superhuman strength when he was bombarded by intensive radiation from an exploding gammatron, an experimental gamma-ray generator. He has remained in this form ever since. Doc Samson, as he has been nicknamed, has long sought to capture and permanently cure the Hulk. Samson worked as a university teacher during the recent time that the Hulk was traveling through different dimension, unable to return to Earth, but Samson returned to his pursuit of the Hulk once the monster reappeared on Earth. During the Superhero Civil War Samson joined the Registered heroes and fought against the Secret Avengers. Recently, the Hulk returned to seek revenge on the Illuminati, who exiled him to space. Doc Samson helped evacuate the people of New York. Then he battled the Hulk and the Warbound. He was defeated by the Warbound and imprisoned. Following the Skrull invasion, Doc Samson led a support group meeting with those that had been replaced by Skrulls. Later, on Air Force One, he attempted to disclose the full activities of Norman Osborn within Thunderbolts Mountain to the new United States President. Before Samson was able to play the evidence, Osborn's new Thunderbolts hijacked the plane: the Ghost took the evidence, Eric O'Grady implanted a gamma-emitter on the back of Samson's neck causing him to grow angry and more powerful in a Hulk-like manner, and someone wearing the Green Goblin's costume attacked the airplane. Samson's increased anger caused him to attack the President, but he was phased out of the plane by the Ghost. Osborn reasoned that, in his enhanced state, Doc Samson probably survived the fall, and released a global warrant for his arrest, suggesting that Samson attempted to kill the President. A new Red Hulk appeared, and revealed that Bruce was no longer comatose, and was being imprisoned by the US military. However, the Helicarrier crashed near New Jersey. Tony Stark ordered Maria Hill to investigate and search for survivors. Clay Quartermain's corpse was found mangled and ravaged, and the area bathed with gamma radiation. General Ross and Samson's bodies were missing. Leonard's coat was found ripped and shredded in a Hulk-like fashion, exhibiting higher Gamma Radiation values than every other item in the wreckage. M.O.D.O.K. placed Samson under mind control producing a split personality. This led to a powerless Leonard who was defined as the good one and an evil Samson whose abilities are greater than She-Hulk's. Samson shot Rick Jones and dragged him away after he attempted to reveal who the Red Hulk really was. He then engaged She-Hulk in combat but it was cut short by M.O.D.O.K. who fired a laser, knocking both unconscious and reverting Samson to Leonard. A battle between Red Hulk and Hulk caused an explosion. After the Red Hulk depowered the true Hulk, Samson double crossed Red Hulk to punish him for his disobedience. Afterward, Sampson's darker persona took control once again, under M.O.D.O.K.'s surveillance. Reverted, Doc Samson was killed attempting to help a returned Hulk contain all of the Gamma radiation from the Hulked-Out Heroes. Recently, Doc Samson was among the many deceased resurrected during the Chaos War, along with Glenn Talbot, Hiroim, Jarella, Rebecca Banner, the Abomination, and Brian Banner, who had the ability to transform into a replica of the Devil Hulk at will.
Chato Satana was born in Los Angeles, but was raised in Mexico by his parents. He and his brother went over the border, but it resulted in the death of his brother. Chato later joined a gang and began to do drug deals and weapon shipments, but was double crossed when a cop crippled him. He spent many days with a knocked out Lazarus Lane, who was in a coma. When the officer made him various ways to turn over his gang, Chato was double crossed and stabbed and smothered. But luckily for him, Satana was saved by Lazarus, originally the anti-Hero El Diablo. Using hi powers, he killed the gang he worked for out as a way of vengence, but ended up murdering innocent people as well.
George "Digger" Harkness was raised in poverty in the Australian town of Kurrumburra, the illegitimate child of an Australian woman and an American toy manufacturer. Harkness learned early how to develop boomerangs into weapons. Having moved to the USA, Harkness undertook a string of jewelry heists which brought him to the attention of Flash, who eventually apprehended him. Earning the name Captain Boomerang from his father later in his life, Harkness became an infamous bank robber, renowned to be among the most lethal robbers in the world with 54 counts of aggravated assault and 98 counts of burglary to his name. During his time in Belle Reve, Harkness was serving three life sentences when he was recruited by Amanda Waller to enlist in the government-sanctioned Task Force X, where he was assigned to neutralize the threat of Enchantress and Incubus in Midway City, shortening his prison sentence as a result.
Crystal was the second child born to the Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Her father Quelin was the brother of Rynda, wife of Agon, king of the Inhumans, and as such she was considered part of the Royal Family of Attilan. Like her older sister Medusa. Crystal was subjected to the Terrigen Mist when she was an infant, and the process endowed her with certain mental powers. While she was still a child, war erupted, forcing Crystal and her kinsmen to flee Attilan. Crystal passed through adolescence into young adulthood while wandering with her kinsmen through Asia, Europe, and finally America in search of Crystal's amnesiac sister Medusa. When they finally caught up with Medusa in New York, Medusa had sought refuge with the Fantastic Four, mistaking her kinsmen for her enemies. Crystal then met Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four and the two began a romantic relationship that survived Crystal's return to Attilan and a lengthy separation. Crystal eventually returned to New York and served as a substitute member of the Fantastic Four during the Invisible Girl's first pregnancy and post-childbirth. Crystal was forced to return to Attilan when her health became impaired by prolonged exposure to pollutants in the atmosphere. However, en route to Attilan, Crystal became a pawn in a plan by the alchemist Diablo, and then happened upon the mutant Quicksilver, who had been wounded in battle with the Sentinels. She brought Quicksilver back to Attilan, nursed him back to health, and became romantically involved with him. The Human Torch soon learned of Crystal's change in affections, and after a futile battle with Quicksilver, terminated his relationship with her. Crystal and Quicksilver were wed shortly thereafter, theirs being the first marriage between an Inhuman and a human (albeit a human mutant) in recorded history. Crystal and Quicksilver conceived a child, a girl bearing no apparent Inhuman or mutant characteristics, whom they named Luna after the world on which she was born. While Quicksilver wanted to exercise the father's right to have his child subjected to the Terrigen Mist, Crystal convinced him to let her grow up normal. Eventually, Crystal and Quicksilver's marriage began to deteriorate, due to Quicksilver's temper, which may have been aggravated by the evil Inhuman, Maximus the Mad. Crystal left Quicksilver and Attilan with Luna and her nanny, Maya, and returned to the Fantastic Four. Although she searched for the relationship she once had with Johnny, he was then married. Dissatisfied, Crystal briefly had an affair with another man. Crystal returned to Attilan to deal with a crisis posed by Medusa and Black Bolt's child. Amidst the troubles, she and Quicksilver reconciled. Later, the Inhumans were attacked by the alien Brethren, and Crystal sought out the Avengers for their help. Shortly there after she joined them, moving into the Avengers Mansion with Luna and nanny, Marilla. During her tenure with the Avengers, she developed a crush on teammate Dane Whitman (the Black Knight,) although she soon reconciled with Quicksilver yet again. Crystal was among the Avengers who seemingly sacrificed themselves to end the menace called Onslaught. Actually transported to a different reality created by Franklin Richards, Crystal was restored when the heroes returned. When the heroes, who were believed dead, returned to Earth, Crystal and Quicksilver were reunited. Both helped the Avenges reassemble and accepted the status of reserve members. Crystal returned to Attilan, where she remained aside the Royal Family, raising Luna. Quicksilver would return to assist the Avengers on occasional missions. Earlier, Quicksilver had revived the Knights of Wundagore (actually animals mutated into humanoids by the High Evolutionary) and encountered Black Knight and his hero team, the Heroes for Hire. The two would eventually fight over Crystal's affections, whereupon an embittered Crystal estranged herself from Quicksilver again. Later, Crystal was on hand during the Inhuman's emigration from the moon to the recently-raised continent of Atlantis. At this point, her relationship with Quicksilver was no longer strained, although the two would still spend large amounts of time apart. More recently, the Inhumans were captured by the alien Kree, the original creators of the Inhumans. The Kree judge and warrior, Ronan the Accuser, hoped to use the Inhuman Royal Family to assassinate the Kree's enemy, the Shi'ar empress Lilandra. Black Bolt singlehandedly dueled and defeated Ronan, but the Inhumans turned away from him, deposing him by decree and exiling him. The Royal Family returned to Earth, monarchs with no people. Crystal rejoined the Royal Family on their return to Earth. However, they were all met with a wave of xenophobia as every nation rejected the Family's appeals for sanctuary. In fact, the only nation offering the Inhumans a place in its lands was Latveria, ruled by the villain Doctor Doom, and the Inhumans reluctantly accepted. After the events of House of M Crystal was reunited with her depowered husband, only for him to steal the Terrigen Mist from Attilan, in an attempt to use it to restore the depowered mutants. Luna is exposed also, granting her various abilities.
Elle Bishop is an agent of the Company and searches for evolved humans, at the behest of her father, who is a founding member of the Company. She is an evolved human with the power of lightning.
The Slender Man has no specifically confirmed history, but contributors to the mythos placed early sightings of Slender Man-like beings in Germany in the early 1600s and before. Historically, the entity often took the appearance of a knight or a noble figure. Germanic myths and fairy tales have been cited as containing Slender Man-like creatures as cautionary tales for children. Photographs from the early 1900s are the first confirmed reports, where images of the Slender Man can be found in old photographs. Reports from this time indicate sightings in America, the UK, and Russia, usually connected to reports of child disappearances. In the mid-1900s, several run-ins occurred in the war zones in Germany, which is theorized to be the Slender Man's native land. Soldiers were the primary targets here. In America and Canada, there were reports of missing skiers and children, mainly coming from forested and unoccupied areas. He is also held responsible for several strings of buildings burning with no apparent cause, and multiple related deaths. The few survivors of Slender Man attacks, along with accounts left by victims, show the following historic traits: The Slender Man originally killed its victims by impaling them on the branches of very tall trees and allowing them to bleed to death. The victim’s organs would be individually removed and placed in plastic bags, which were then returned to their original positions in the body. The victims' corpses did not show any sign of a struggle. However, as time went on, it seems that Slender Man abandoned this practice. In the late 1990s, the more common use of cameras and camcorders allowed technology to shed more light on the creature, and the Slender Man was recorded and photographed stalking potential victims many times. In the late 2000s to early 2010s, several individuals recorded ongoing stalking and attack scenarios with themselves and friends. These video accounts are codenamed Marble Hornets, EverymanHYBRID, DarkHarvest00, MLAndersen0, and TribeTwelve, as well as certain Rivn videos. New accounts of the Slender Man's powers, abilities, and attacks show some drastic differences from his original behaviors. Gone is the original desire to impale targets on trees, his overtly aggressive attitude, and the tendency to target mainly children. He now appears to target people who encountered him as children, often stalking them for years. It does so in such a way that the target is often unaware of his presence for months, years, or even decades. Typically, the victim won't be aware of its attention until far too late. Because of the somewhat contagious nature of Slender Man’s attacks, an initial victim may not even be aware that they are causing others to be targeted, since they may not know that he is stalking them. The Slender Man’s stalking behavior is remarkably passive. He torments an individual by repeatedly appearing and vanishing – usually without harming the victim in any physical way. He invades the mental safety of his prey by appearing inside their house, outside their home, on roads they travel, at their place of work when they are alone or ensuring only the victim can see him, or while the target is sleeping. The sporadic and unexpected nature of these manifestations causes fear and unease, which eventually can grow into incredible paranoia. This period of stalking can last anywhere from several minutes to decades. The longer Slender Man stalks a victim, the greater strain on their mental health, which may be one of his goals. Prolonged stalking causes what has been named “Slender Sickness,” which is both a mental and physical ailment and can cause paranoia, nightmares, coughing and difficulty swallowing, convulsions, exhaustion, vomiting, hallucinations, etc. The physical symptoms naturally affect an individual’s mental health, but it is believed that Slender Man exerts a direct effect on the mind as well. However, this phenomenon and Slender Man’s control over it have yet to be fully explained. As mentioned, the behavior of taking organs out or impaling targets appears to have been abandoned. If reports of Slender Man’s new modus operandi are to be believed, it now vanishes with his targets, leaving no traces behind. Victims are usually alone when they vanish, leaving no witnesses. What little camera footage has been found is incredibly distorted and it is nearly impossible to even theorize as to what they depict. The victims are almost never found, dead or alive, and it has been speculated that perhaps he does not kill victims immediately. One of the most powerful new traits Slender Man exhibits is some form of memory inhibition. Like Slender Sickness, this effect can be caused simply by proximity, although it seems to vary as to exactly how powerful. In some cases, individuals will forget the past few minutes, but extended contact has led to people awakening in locations they are unfamiliar with, with no memory of how they got there. In some cases, it is believed Slender Man itself will deposit a victim in an unknown location and leave them to awaken after an attack (possibly to continue stalking them further.) Victims who are stalked by The Slender Man for extended periods show excessive damage to their social life, physical health, and even their careers. Typically individuals will show massive mood swings and constant irritation, lose track of large periods of time, and have difficulty maintain communication with friends or holding down steady work. Memory losses can be as long as several weeks or months, and often an individual awakens and attempts to return to their life only to find it ruined. These patterns are possible indications that The Slender Man has at least some indication that he has knowledge and experience with how the human mind works and reacts to various stimuli. It is possible that he exploits this deliberately. Abandoning its more blunt tactics of impaling and gutting its victims, it is possible he has moved to more subtle forms of attack, such as invading their mind, surroundings, and thus eliminating any feeling of safety and driving them to insanity in a slow torment.
Faora is a Kryptonian War-Criminal and is second in command of the Sword of Rao, with her superior being none other than General Zod
Nate Grey hailed from the timeline in which the eternal mutant Apocalypse had conquered North America. Created by Apocalypse’s Horseman Sinister from genetic material taken from the mutant heroes Cyclops and Jean Grey of his reality, Nate ultimately learned that his purpose was to destroy Apocalypse. After the death of his surrogate father Forge, Nate traveled to Apocalypse’s Citadel and battled Holocaust, another of Apocalypse’s Horsemen. In an attempt to breach Holocaust’s armor, Nate stabbed him with a shard of the M’Krann Crystal, causing them both to be transported to the Earth-616, the mainstream reality. Nate’s subconscious need for companionship created a physical body for the Red Queen of Earth-998, posing as the dissipated essence of Madelyne Pryor, the deceased clone of Jean Grey. Nate and Madelyne became fast friends, journeying through Europe until Pryor left to join the newly reformed Hellfire Club. Nate subsequently encountered the evil Dark Beast, a fellow refugee from his own time, who informed Nate that his vast powers were burning out his young body and that he would die before he turned 21. After this revelation, Professor Charles Xavier, the telepathic founder of the X-Men, probed Nate’s mind. Sensing the evil in Xavier that would eventually become the powerful psionic entity Onslaught, Nate lashed out with his powers and pulled Xavier’s psyche from the astral plane. This incident allowed Onslaught to escape Xavier’s mind, and it captured Nate, Xavier, and Franklin Richards, the mutant son of Reed and Sue Richards of the world-famous Fantastic Four. Onslaught intended to use Nate’s power to fuel his plans to turn the human race into a collective consciousness, but was defeated by the combined might of America’s costumed champions. Eventually, Nate realized the full extent of his powers and became a modern-day mutant shaman. To save humanity from destruction by an alien Harvester, Nate sacrificed himself to merge his energies with the alien’s and, through the conduit it had forged with the world, into every being on the planet, thus rendering the world’s energy useless to the Harvester’s race.
Sally pushed her daughter into the "family business" of crimefighting. Laurie Juspeczyk never held much interest in becoming her mother's successor, but went along with Sally's wishes anyway; growing up, the brunette Laurie knew Laurence Schexnayder was not her real father, and she always believed, incorrectly, that her real father was Hooded Justice. Laurie Juspeczyk is liberal-thinking and a "modern" woman. She is vocal in her feminist and humanitarian concerns and is quite a conditioned fighter, and at the start of the story is shown to have a strained relationship with her mother. Driven by the memories of her own experience, Sally tried to keep Laurie from knowing some of the harsher realities of the crimefighting life; for example, she didn't allow her to read Hollis Mason (Nite-Owl I)'s autobiography Under the Hood (which included the Comedian's sexual assault on Sally, something Laurie knew nothing of). Sally acted like an agent for her daughter, picking out her revealing costume, bringing her to the meeting of the ill-fated "Crimebusters" in a limousine and waiting outside for her to finish. After the meeting broke up, Laurie met the Comedian outside, who commented and complimented her for being the spitting image of her mother, but their conversation was broken up quickly by an angry Sally Jupiter. Laurie noted that the Comedian looked sad as he watched them drive away, and she felt sorry for him. The following car ride home was when Sally told her daughter of her history with the Comedian (but did not tell her that the Comedian was her father). Disgusted and deeply saddened for her mother's pain, Laurie never forgave the Comedian for his actions, though it seems that as time passed, and in a complicated way, Sally was able to come to terms with it, even to the point that she was willing to defend the Comedian from Laurie's derogatory remarks after he was murdered. Shortly after the meeting of the Crimebusters, Laurie met and became involved with Doctor Manhattan, something her mother did not approve of, likening Laurie's relationship with Manhattan to being the equivalent of sleeping with an H-bomb. Drawn to him from the moment she first saw him, Laurie worked with Doctor Manhattan in some of his various domestic assignments, including the suppression of riots during the police strike of 1977. Never exactly happy being a vigilante and not happy with the government taking advantage with her relationship with the superhuman Manhattan, Laurie was more than pleased to quit being a superhero when the Keene Act of 1977 forced all but government-sponsored superheroes to retire.