Transport was facilitated by waterways—by rivers and seas.
Ədakalan ən lalan aqalan araqisan daɣ tabaraten tən naman ibangan əd girwan.
These developments led to the rise of territorial states and empires.
Təwadnen tən iganat təmotayen ən étatan wən kalan əd tədibyen.
In Crete the Minoan civilization had entered the Bronze Age by 2700 BCE and is regarded as the first civilization in Europe.
Daɣ Crète, tayite tan minoenne igaš daɣ elan wi bronze daɣ 2700 dat alwaq wananaɣ əd eqal atiwagan sund taditazarat tayite tan Europe.
Over the following millennia, civilizations developed across the world.
Daɣ alwaq wan millénairetan wilkanen, təyitwen aqalnat awidan daɣ aduniyat dak.
In India, this era was the Vedic period (1750-600 BCE), which laid the foundations of Hinduism and other cultural aspects of early Indian society, and ended in the 6th century BCE.
Daɣ Inde, alwaq wendaɣ adar olah alwaq védique (1750-600 dat alwaq wananaɣ), wa ijaran haratan wən hindouisme əd diyad ihanayan ən atwigaz wan aljamaɣat tan indienne wi dazarnen, əd aminda daɣ 6e temede nawatay dat alwaq wananaɣ.
During the formative stage in Mesoamerica (about 1500 BCE to 500 CE), more complex and centralized civilizations began to develop, mostly in what is now Mexico, Central America, and Peru.
Daɣ utud sa nalwaq wan igi ən Méso-Amérique (aywadan 1500 dat alwaq wananaɣ har 500 ən alwaq wananaɣ), təyitwen ogarnen aśuhu əd dugiš asitanat təwaƭ, atamosan daɣ awa eqal ešalidaɣ ye Mexique, Amérique tan amas əd Pérou.
Karl Jaspers' Axial-Age theory also includes Persian Zoroastrianism, but other scholars dispute his timeline for Zoroastrianism.)
Tekanit tan awatay wan axial ən Karl Jasɗers iha intadaɣ zoroastrisme Perse, mašan iyad ənumaɣan wadarden əhronologie ənes fal zoroastrisme).
These were Taoism, Legalism, and Confucianism.
Amos taoïsme, wan légalisme əd wan Confucianisme.
The great empires depended on military annexation of territory and on the formation of defended settlements to become agricultural centres.
Wimaqornen ədibyan as hasan inihadan wasisin asardasi ən nakal əd tanminak tan colonietan atiwagaznen fal adiqilan idagan ən sigyak.
There were a number of regional empires during this period.
Ilanti nombritan niyad daɣ dibyan nakal daɣ igi alwaq wendaɣ.
The Median Empire gave way to successive Iranian empires, including the Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BCE), the Parthian Empire (247 BCE–224 CE), and the Sasanian Empire (224–651 CE).
Aɣrim wan médian oya edag ənes ye ɣirman niranientan anilkanen, atamosan aɣrim wan aəhéménide (550-330 dat alwaq wananaɣ), aɣrəm wan ɗarthe (247–224 dat alwaq wananaɣ) əd aɣrəm wan assanide ( 224-651 nalwaq wananaɣ).
Later, Alexander the Great (356–323 BCE), of Macedon, founded an empire of conquest, extending from present-day Greece to present-day India.
Agudiyan, Alexandre wan Maqaran (356-323 dat Nabi Issa), wan Macédoine, inayan tadabayt tatiwaha ɣat, iwadan ɣur Grèce tanamara har Inde tan amarada.
From the 3rd century CE, the Gupta dynasty oversaw the period referred to as ancient India's Golden Age.
Aditifilad 3e temede nawatay tan alwaq wanana ɣ, təguzt tan Guɗta təga aniyat ye alwaq wasitawan elan nura ɣ wan Inde ta taruwat.
The ensuing stability contributed to heralding in the golden age of Hindu culture in the 4th and 5th centuries.
Tedakit tad tilkamat talil sagad ən nawatay wan nura ɣ ən atwigaz wan hindoue da ɣ 4e əd 5e temede nawatay.
By the time of Augustus (63 BCE – 14 CE), the first Roman Emperor, Rome had already established dominion over most of the Mediterranean.
Da ɣ alwaq wan August (63 dat Nabi Issa. – 14 ən alwaq wanana ɣ), widazarnen ənamokalan ən romain, Rome igan dat awa tarnanes fal a ɣil wogaran da ɣ Méditerranée.
The Western empire would fall, in 476 CE, to German influence under Odoacer.
Taɣrəm tan Oəəident atədu, da ɣ 476 nalwaq wananaɣ, daw adagal ən germanique ən Odoacer.
The Han dynasty was comparable in power and influence to the Roman Empire that lay at the other end of the Silk Road.
Daɣ atwigaz wan Han eqal olahan dər aśuhu, əd adagal ən naɣrəm wan romain ihan samando iyan ən tabarat tan ənes.
As with other empires during the Classical Period, Han China advanced significantly in the areas of government, education, mathematics, astronomy, technology, and many others.
Sund diyad əɣirman nalwaq wan əlassique, Chine tan Han tiga təwadnen atəwasasfarnen da ɣ alwaq wan tənayiwen, ye teɣare madinan, astronomie, ən təmusnawen əd diyad haratan.
Successful regional empires were also established in the Americas, arising from cultures established as early as 2500 BCE.
Widazarnen əɣirman ordanen amosan intadaɣ aqalan aygan daɣ Amériquetan, ədəfalnen iganen daɣ 2500 dat alwaq wananaɣ.
The great Mayan city-states slowly rose in number and prominence, and Maya culture spread throughout the Yucatán and surrounding areas.
Wimaqornen Cités-Étatan wi mayas aqalan awidan solan əd izar igrawan daɣ tanfo, əd atwigaz wa maya eqal amšaršaran daɣ Yuəatán dak əd kalan wi ohaznen.
There were, however, in some regions, periods of rapid technological progress.
Atwaga agudendaɣ, daɣ dagan iyad, alwaqan ən təwadnen tən təmusnawen ətrabnen.
China's Han dynasty fell into civil war in 220 CE, beginning the Three Kingdoms period, while its Roman counterpart became increasingly decentralized and divided about the same time in what is known as the Crisis of the Third Century.
Atwigaz wan əhinoistan wən Han igaš tiyan daɣ akinas nədinat wi banan daɣ 220 nalwaq wananaɣ, isaknanen santo nalwaq wan Trois Royaumes, mašan amidines eqal wa ogaran daɣ atiwisan əd təzunawen azunan sund awa nehanin, daɣ awa sitawana aśibab wan IIIe temede nawatay.
The development of the stirrup and the breeding of horses strong enough to carry a fully armed archer made the nomads a constant threat to the more settled civilizations.
Təwadnen tan tugust əd asidwal ən bijwan amosnen aśohen fal agay imajar ən siknas aqalan ahonan talimt ən harkuk fal təyitwen tə orgarnen taɣaymite.
The remaining part of the Roman Empire, in the eastern Mediterranean, continued as what came to be called the Byzantine Empire.
Tasaga ta ditiqiymat daɣ Aɣrəm wan romain, daɣ Méditerranée wan alqiblat, okay fal əsim wan Aɣrəm wan byzantin.
The era is commonly dated from the 5th-century fall of the Western Roman Empire, which fragmented into many separate kingdoms, some of which would later be confederated under the Holy Roman Empire.
Alwaq eqal intadaɣ aygan daɣ egadal wan Ɣe temede nawatay daɣ Aɣrəm wan romain Nagadal ən tafuk, eqalan aybdan daɣ ajotnen təɣarmaten abdanen, haywa iyad aqalan ayertayan agudiyan fal əsim wan Saint-Empire romain germanique.
South Asia saw a series of middle kingdoms of India, followed by the establishment of Islamic empires in India.
Asie tan Ataram tizay inilkaman ən təɣarmaten əndiratnen ən Inde, silkam igitan ən təɣirmaten nanislam daɣ Inde.
This allowed Africa to join the Southeast Asia trading system, bringing it contact with Asia; this, along with Muslim culture, resulted in the Swahili culture.
Afrique təgraw atawid almaɣna wan šišitan daɣ Asie tan Ataram-daɣ Alqiblat, awa əs igrawan ugiš nanimdis d’Asie, mamos, daɣ atwigaz wan nisliman, toraw atwigaz wan swahilie.
This was also a cultural battle, with the Byzantine Hellenistic and Christian culture competing against the Persian Iranian traditions and Zoroastrian religion.
Amos awen anmigaš ən nitwigaz, atwigaz wan hellénistique əd əhrétienne byzantine eqalan animarnan dər atwigaz wan iraniennetan ɗerses əd tumat tan zoroastrienne.
From their centre on the Arabian Peninsula, Muslims began their expansion during the early Postclassical Era.
Daɣ amasnasan wan asirtay naraban, ənisliman asintan asimiširšir daɣ santo wan alwaq wan ɗostəlassique.
Much of this learning and development can be linked to geography.
Tasaga maqarat ən lamadan əd təwaden adoben adirtiyan daɣ géographie.
The influence held by Muslim merchants over African-Arabian and Arabian-Asian trade routes was tremendous.
Adagal wan mašašan wi nəsliman fal tabaraten tən nazan afro-arabes əd arabo-asiatique aqalan maqaran.
Motivated by religion and dreams of conquest, European leaders launched a number of Crusades to try to roll back Muslim power and retake the Holy Land.
Arɗan fal tumat əd manawnawan ən tanhat, imanayan wi euroɗéentan asintan tiyad timoqasen aɗinen fal adariman igi naširgiš ən tanaya tan nəsliman əd adikilan Akal wa šidigan.
Arab domination of the region ended in the mid-11th century with the arrival of the Seljuq Turks, migrating south from the Turkic homelands in Central Asia.
Tarna tan araban ən nakal adaɣ təminda amas ən 11e temede nawatay dər agad wan Turəs seldjoukides, ahonanen ibret nataram harwa əkalan wən turquetan n'Asie tan amas.
The region will later be called the Barbary Coast and will host pirates and privateers who will use several North African ports for their raids against the coastal towns of several European countries in search of slaves to be sold in North African markets as part of the Barbary slave trade.
Akal adiqil asitawan agudiyan Côte wan Barbarie əd tisintihin imahaɣan əd corsairetan wi taganen dortan ajotnen ən namaynag-nafricaintan ye ugiš nasan əd ɣərman wi ohaznen ən kalan ajotnen neuroɗeentan imaɣnen ye eklan imahin šišinin daɣ hebutan wi ataram-nafricaintan fal tabarat tan eklan wən Barbarie.
In the 8th century, Islam began to penetrate the region and soon became the sole faith of most of the population, though Buddhism remained strong in the east.
Daɣ ƔIIIe temede nawatay, Anislam asinta ugiš ən nakal əd eqal šik intaɣas asidutu wan ajen daɣ aljamaɣat, ahuskat as bouddhisme eqal aśohen daɣ alqiblat.
After Genghis Khan died in 1227, most of Central Asia continued to be dominated by a successor state, Chagatai Khanate.
Darat tamatan tan Gengis Khan daɣ 1227, tasaga tan maqarat daɣ Asie ta amas tigla duɣil ən tanhat tan État wa has ilkaman, khanat San Chagatai.
The region then became divided into a series of smaller khanates that were created by the Uzbeks.
Akal eqal darat awen aybdan daɣ anilkam wan khanats ogaran təmidrit iganen əs Ouzbeks.
The barbarian invaders formed their own new kingdoms in the remains of the Western Roman Empire.
Imahaɣan ajoratnen aharan təɣirmaten aynaynen imanasan daɣ adriš wan Aɣrəm wan romain ən Egadal ən tafuk.
Christianity expanded in western Europe, and monasteries were founded.
Christianisme amšaršar daɣ Europe tan egadal ən tafuk, əd ilsanen aqalan atiwanaynen.
Manorialism, the organization of peasants into villages that owed rents and labour service to nobles, and feudalism, a political structure whereby knights and lower-status nobles owed military service to their overlords in return for the right to rents from lands and manors, were two of the ways of organizing medieval society that developed during the High Middle Ages.
Manorat, sidawaten wən kal finta daɣ ɣillagetan təs anihaga adifinat təmzal əd alhak nəšiɣil ye namokalan, əd féodisme, tartit ən kal tənayiwen adaɣ kal bijwan əd namokalan wən əmik wa andiran inihaga adigin əšiɣil wan sardasitan daɣ suzeraintan nasan daɣ asimiskil ən tihašilen tən təmzal ənkalan əd manoirtan, aqalan sanatat tabaraten tən asimusudiw ən tərtit tan medieɣaltan awiɗnen daɣ alwaq wan Haut Moyen Âge.
Italian merchants imported slaves to work in households or in sugar processing.
Əmašanšan wi italientan tiwiyanid eklan fal nəšiɣil daɣ ihinan meɣ daɣ igitan wi nisukar.
Famine, plague, and war devastated the population of western Europe.
Mana, ɗeste əd nakinas maqaran ən aljamaɣat tan Euroɗe tan egadal ən tafuk.
They eventually gave way to the Zagwe dynasty who are famed for their rock cut architecture at Lalibela.
Asmandan daɣ tayawt nadag wan atwigaz wan Zagwe, aśohen daɣ təmusnawen nes əslabnen daɣ tahunt tan Laliblea.
They controlled the trans-Saharan trade in gold, ivory, salt and slaves.
Anihadan ye nazan wən transsaharien ən nuraɣ, ən nivoire, ən tesimt əd deklan.
Central Africa saw the birth of several states, including the Kingdom of Kongo.
Afrique tan amas tinhay təwit ən Étatan ajotnen, amosan taɣrəmt tan Kongo.
They built large defensive stone structures without mortar such as Great Zimbabwe, capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Khami, capital of Kingdom of Butua, and Danangombe (Dhlo-Dhlo), capital of the Rozvi Empire.
Aqanan idagan maqornen ən tagaste daɣ tahun winan ila tende, sund Grand Zimbabwe, amas wan təɣrimt tan Zimbabwe, Khami, amas təɣrimt tan Butua, əd Danangombe (Dhlo-Dhlo), amas wan aɣrəm wan Rozɣi.
The ninth century saw a Tripartite Struggle for control of northern India, among the Pratihara Empire, the Pala Empire, and the Rashtrakuta Empire.
Wastaza temede nawatay tinhay abilan ən karaɗ fal tanhat ən ataram ən Inde, gar aɣrəm wan Ɗratihara, aɣrim wan Ɗala əd aɣrəm wan Raštrakuta.
"The Tang dynasty eventually splintered, however, and after half a century of turmoil the Song dynasty reunified China, when it was, according to William McNeill, the ""richest, most skilled, and most populous country on earth""."
Alxayal wan Tang assəmda aguden əs tazunt izar, darat tazunt ən tamede ən awatay ən tarəmax, gor William McNeil,""axrəm wa ilan azrif,wa ilan tadabit ad wa ilan adinat ən akal""."
After about a century of Mongol Yuan dynasty rule, the ethnic Chinese reasserted control with the founding of the Ming dynasty (1368).
Darat gor aywadan temede ən awatay ən tanaya tan kal mongol ən alxayal wan Yuan,chinewatan win ider olassane tənna ən aniyat dag tanaya ən alxayal wan Ming (1368).
The Nara period of the 8th century marked the emergence of a strong Japanese state and is often portrayed as a golden age.
Azaman tan Nara wan 8e tamade awatay iga tamatert adəwəl ən təmənya tan japon tassohet izar alwaq iyan asikna sund azaman ən orax.
The feudal period of Japanese history, dominated by powerful regional lords (daimyos) and the military rule of warlords (shoguns) such as the Ashikaga shogunate and Tokugawa shogunate, stretched from 1185 to 1868.
Azaman wa maqaran ən assənəfis wan Japon, atiwanay fal manokalan labasnen ən akal (daimyos) ad tafrənt tan militertan ən manokalan win akənas (shoguns) sund shogunat Ashikaga ad shogunat Tokugawa, maqar gor 1185 har 1868.
Silla conquered Baekje in 660, and Goguryeo in 668, marking the beginning of the Northern and Southern States period (남북국시대), with Unified Silla in the south and Balhae, a successor state to Goguryeo, in the north.
Silla təgraw Baekje gor 660,ad Goguryeo gor 668,amitaran sənto ən tahagit ən kalan win tasaga nakal ad win tadnak nakal (남북국시대), ad Silla tartit dag tadnak nakal ad Balhae, ad akal wa ichrayan Gguryeo, gor tasaga nakal.
Starting in the 9th century, the Bagan Kingdom rose to prominence in modern Myanmar.
Gor tamede ən awatay tas 9e, akal wan Bagan itkal tənfo dag Myanmar wad ichrayan.
The Ancestral Puebloans and their predecessors (9th – 13th centuries) built extensive permanent settlements, including stone structures that would remain the largest buildings in North America until the 19th century.
Pueblotan ən marawan ad mizaran ( IXe-XIIIe iwityan) aqanan edag haruwan waren imədu,sund təməqunt tan tihun tin taqal tigasmen ti maqornen ən Amerique tan Nord har iwityan win XIXe.
In South America, the 14th and 15th centuries saw the rise of the Inca.
Gor Amerique tan sud,elan win 14e ad 15e ən hayan tanakra tan Inkas.
The Scientific Revolution received impetus from Johannes Gutenberg's introduction to Europe of printing, using movable type, and from the invention of the telescope and microscope.
Achanzi ən tamusne iwa as igui dag Europe ye igui ən təmtar timutuynen as Johannes Gutenberg ad as ugich ən teleskope ad mikroskope.
The late modern period continues either to the end of World War II, in 1945, or to the present.
Gor alwaq wan ichray an tahagit anəlkaman wa har gor saməndo ən akənas was asin ən adunya, gor 1945, mex har echali dag.
The early Modern period was characterized by the rise of science, and by increasingly rapid technological progress, secularized civic politics, and the nation state.
Sənto ən alwaq wan ichray ezlay ad itkal afəla ən tamusne,as acharay an timusnawen ti əknanen atrub,fal fulatik ən adinat hanen azaman ad adinat nakal.
During the early modern period, Europe was able to regain its dominance; historians still debate the causes.
Gor sənto ən alwaq wan ichray,Europe təgrəw edag iness wa ogaran ;tunfassen taməgradnat harwa inəzgam.
It had developed an advanced monetary economy by 1000 CE.
Təsənta igui an asdu ən azrif okayan gor awatay wan 1000 ən azaman tan nanax.
It enjoyed a technological advantage and had a monopoly in cast iron production, piston bellows, suspension bridge construction, printing, and the compass.
Təgraw bunafis ən tamusne izar təkrach tarna ən igui ən amanu,ashad wan piston,ad akaras ən admar animatafan,ye akatab ad emasekni.
One theory of Europe's rise holds that Europe's geography played an important role in its success.
Awen ikfa ye Europe tadwəlt iyat ən tigozt dag tagsəda ən imutkal ən Asie tan amas.
This gave Europe some degree of protection from the peril of Central Asian invaders.
Awen ijraw i Eroba iddikud n alghillas dagh xatar wan muxtalun tan win Asia tan Ammas.
The Golden Age of Islam was ended by the Mongol sack of Baghdad in 1258.
Awatay wan orax ən tənəslima imda ənta ad chaku mongol wan Bagdad gor 1258.
Geography contributed to important geopolitical differences.
Taharut ən edag talil ye ebadin iknan ən tamusne ən fulatik.
By contrast, Europe was almost always divided into a number of warring states.
Dag assugəl,Europe ich war tazun harkuk dag agət ən kalan iyad iknasnen.
Nearly all the agricultural civilizations have been heavily constrained by their environments.
Ich war timətawen ti gayaknen kul atwachalnat dag assahat fal ihzawan nasnat.
Technological advance and the wealth generated by trade gradually brought about a widening of possibilities.
Tizart ən tamusne ad tagute nazrif wa adoraw maməla assewadan agay ən taharut ən iguitan.
Europe's maritime expansion unsurprisingly—given the continent's geography—was largely the work of its Atlantic states: Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands.
Taharut nebang wan Europe, daɣ iban taɣdərt as təkətawt ən alaɣi nakal,eqal daɣ a šrut maqaran iji ən ikalan win ihaz ən ebang wan Atlantique :Portugal, Espagne, Angleterre, Fransiya as Hollande.
In North Africa, the Saadi Sultanate remained as an independent Berber state until 1659.
Gor Afrique tan Nord,tanya tan sultan wan Saadi taqal akal ən təwset tanuflayat har gor 1659.
The Swahili coast declined after coming under the Portuguese Empire and later the Omani Empire.
Tachrut tan swahilie tinad darat as tokay daw təmənya tan Portugal,ad daw tan oman.
The South African Kingdom of Zimbabwe gave way to smaller kingdoms such as Mutapa, Butua, and Rozvi.
Akal wan sud-africain ad Zimbabwe oya edag ye kalan win daratnen sund Mutapa,Butua ad Rozvi.
Other civilizations in Africa advanced during this period.
Timətawen tiyad ən afrique okaynat gor anməchri ən alwaq wen dag.
Japan experienced its Azuchi–Momoyama period (1568–1603), followed by the Edo period (1603–1868).
Japon tizay alwaq iness Azuchi-Momoyama (1568-1603),silkam alwaq Edo ( 1603-1868).
The Johor Sultanate, centred on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, became the dominant trading power in the region.
Təmənya tan sultan wan Johor,təlat gor samədo tan sud wan tadabayt tan darat,taqal tarna ta tazarat ən maməla nakal.
Russia made incursions onto the northwest coast of North America, with a first colony in present-day Alaska in 1784, and the outpost of Fort Ross in present-day California in 1812.
Russie təga ugich itraban fal achrut nord-ouest ən Amerique tan Nord, ad kalan wi azarnen dag Alaska tan amaradag gor 1784,ad date han wan Fort Ross dag Californie tan amaradag gor 1812.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and used new modes of production—the factory, mass production, and mechanization—to manufacture a wide array of goods faster and using less labour than previously required.
Təwat tan sigyakan adaɣ tənta daɣ Bretagne-Tamaqarat əd təsinta adakal əmikan aynaynen ən nigitan nusinetan, igitan wən azayan əd dalmaɣnatan fal arigin edag maqaran nahusken ogaran tərmiɗe əd idakalan andiran daɣ mašaɣalan dat awen.
After Europeans had achieved influence and control over the Americas, imperial activities turned to the lands of Asia and Oceania.
Darat as kal europe igrawan ematali ad umax fal kal amerique, achigalan wi azarnen inadan ibret ən Asie ad Océanie.
The British also colonized Australia, New Zealand and South Africa with large numbers of British colonists emigrating to these colonies.
Kal britannique asmakənən Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande ad Afrique tan sud,ad tagute maqarat ən mudakan ən britannique assekalan ibret ən kalan win.
Within Europe, economic and military challenges created a system of nation states, and ethno-linguistic groupings began to identify themselves as distinctive nations with aspirations for cultural and political autonomy.
Gor Europe,assəməgdah ən asdəw ad militertan orawanid timkarawen an kalan,ad grupmatan ən tiwsaten assəntan anmizay sund ikalan abdanen imaxnen ye tamənahat an tamusne ad fulatik.
Meanwhile, industrial pollution and environmental damage, present since the discovery of fire and the beginning of civilization, accelerated drastically.
Gor alwaq wen,eger ad axachad an ihzawan,atilanen gor agaraw ən efew ad sənto ən tamsədawt,ochal dag almaxna ahuchalan.
Much of the rest of the world was influenced by heavily Europeanized nations: the United States and Japan.
Achrut maqaran dag agilal nadunya təswad əs kalan wi əknanen assuhu əs europe : Etats-Unis ad Japon.
World War I led to the collapse of four empires – Austria-Hungary, the German Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Russian Empire – and weakened the United Kingdom and France.
Akənas wa azaran nadunya iwayd egadəl ən əkoz kalan – Autriche-Hongrie, akal wan allemand, akal wan Ottoman ad akal wan russe izar asməkadən Royaume-Uni ad Fransiya.
Ongoing national rivalries, exacerbated by the economic turmoil of the Great Depression, helped precipitate World War II.
Timəchəgawen ən kalan tikinat, amənkadan əs midəxwas nasdu ən afanaz wan maqaran, akfan atrub ən akənas was assin nadunya.
The Cold War ended peacefully in 1991 after the Pan-European Picnic, the subsequent fall of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the Warsaw Pact.
Akənas wa samedan amənda əs sarho gor 1991 darat asəgəm-gəm wan kal euroɗe, egadal wan alkum ən ekaršay wan tazoli ən afarag wan Berlin, et egadəl ən ašrut wan alqiblat ad tartit tan Varsovie.
In the early postwar decades, the colonies in Asia and Africa of the Belgian, British, Dutch, French, and other west European empires won their formal independence.
Alwaq wan elan wi azarnen ən darat akənas, ikalan win Asiya ad Afrikiya ən kalan win Belge, britannique, Holandtan,Fransiya ad kalan wi iyadnen ən europe tan egadəl ən tafuk igrawan tənna ən tanoflayt.
The European Union's effectiveness was handicapped by the immaturity of its common economic and political institutions, somewhat comparable to the inadequacy of United States institutions under the Articles of Confederation prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States that came into force in 1789.
Assexat wan tartit tan euroɗe təbdan ən təmadrit ən iguitan ən asdu ad fulatik ertayan, amigdah əndaran əs iban agədahat ən təmsədaw ən Etats-Unis daw tənawen tin tartit dat adakal ən tidit tan Etats-Unis təsənta ugiš gor 1789.
In the decades after World War II, these advances led to jet travel, artificial satellites with innumerable applications including the Global Positioning System (GPS), and the Internet.
Daɣ elan wid dəlkamnen ye akənas wa maqaran, išənzitan iwayənd assikəl dag atiera tan assəkar, tahunt tatiwagat əs amikatən agotnen, əs harat wan assəbdad kul (GPS), ad ye internet.
Worldwide competition for natural resources has risen due to growing populations and industrialization, especially in India, China, and Brazil.
Taməšiga ən adunya ye iguitan ahusktnen awed fal tagute ən adinat ad aguit ən izintan,adigan gor Inde, gor Šine ad gor Brésil.
An archive is an accumulation of historical records – in any media – or the physical facility in which they are located.
Alkad ekal tamsədawt ən alkadan arunen –fal idud kul-meg afatax ye daɣ wa iha.
"They have been metaphorically defined as ""the secretions of an organism"", and are distinguished from documents that have been consciously written or created to communicate a particular message to posterity."
" Abdadnat daɣ ašanzi sund ""iguitan an mudaran"", izar abdan ad alkadan wi atwaktabnen əs tamusne meɣ ganen ye tənna ən batu igan dat azaman.
This means that archives are quite distinct from libraries with regard to their functions and organization, although archival collections can often be found within library buildings.
Awen adaɣ tidila as alkadan iknan ebadi daɣ məngazatan ad ekalan gor tənfo nassan ad amsədu nassan, harwa timsədawen nalkadan adobatnat atwəgrəw dag tixəšmen tin alkadan.
Archaeologists have discovered archives of hundreds (and sometime thousands) of clay tablets going back to the third and second millennia BC in sites like Ebla, Mari, Amarna, Hattusas, Ugarit, and Pylos.
Kal aru agrawan alkadan iwadnen timad (izr agud iyan efdan) ye tafəltak ən talaq tiwadat gor iwətyan wiw karad ad wis assin darat Nabi Issa. dag dagan sund Ebla, Mari, Amarna, Haƭusas, Ugarit ad Pylos.
However, they have been lost, since documents written on materials like papyrus and paper deteriorated at a faster pace, unlike their stone tablet counterparts.
Aguden, atiwas sagalnat, falas alkadan wi iktabnen fal haratan sund alaflaf ad alkad ɣašadan šikanen, daɣ ebadi ən milhawen fal tafəltaq ən tahunt.
England after 1066 developed archives and archival research methods.
Anglterre, darat 1066,təkraš alkadan ad adaratan win umax ən kal alkadan.
While there are many kinds of archives, the most recent census of archivists in the United States identifies five major types: academic, business (for profit), government, non-profit, and other.
Harwa as tilan iritan agotnen nalkadan, assidən wa iknan tinayt nalkadan gor Etats-Unis izay səmos afranen : alkadan win texare ta maqarat,alkadan win hebu (win agraw ən azrif), alkadan win alhakum, alkadan wi waren iha hebu ad alkadan wiyadnen.
Access to the collections in these archives is usually by prior appointment only; some have posted hours for making inquiries.
Ugiš gor timsədaw nalkadan win tag ɣas fal takən ;iyad ilan alwaq wan amer izgaran ye tamadilt ən asestan.
Examples of prominent business archives in the United States include Coca-Cola (which also owns the separate museum World of Coca-Cola), Procter and Gamble, Motorola Heritage Services and Archives, and Levi Strauss & Co. These corporate archives maintain historic documents and items related to the history and administration of their companies.
Gar iritan ən alkadan ən ɣor Etats-Unis,naxra Əoəa-Əola (təlat deɣ edag azunan World of Coca-Cola), Procter and Gamble, Motorola Heritage Serɣice and Archives,ad Levi Straus & Co. Alkadan win ašəxal ogazan alkadan ad haratan arunen artaynen ad tafunst ad ašəxal ən tartit.
Workers in these types of archives may have any combination of training and degrees, from either a history or library background.
Imašəxalan ən iritan nalkadan adoben agaraw mertay kul wan alamad ad takard, tizgarat almud ən tinfust mex dag tamusne edag wan alkadan.
In the United States, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) maintains central archival facilities in the District of Columbia and College Park, Maryland, with regional facilities distributed throughout the United States.
Gor Etats-Unis, National Archive and Records Administration (NANA) tətaf ugatan nalkadan win amas daɣ tazunt tan Columbia ad College Park, daɣ Maryland, ad ugatan ən kalan azunen fal akal wan amerique.