Recent evidence suggests the oceans may have begun forming as early as 4.4 Ga. By the start of the Archean eon, they already covered much of the Earth.
Issəkna aynaynen annən as ibangan ajrəwan assət as iji ɣor 4,4 Ga. Ɣor sənto ən eket wan arəhéen, abirənbaken aru ašrut ajen ən akal.
Thus, the Sun has become 30% brighter in the last 4.5 billion years.
Awen, tafuk taqal 30 % ən tiwat ən taraɣe ɣor 4,5 millirtan ən wətyan alkamnen.
There are many models, but little consensus, on how life emerged from non-living chemicals; chemical systems created in the laboratory fall well short of the minimum complexity for a living organism.
Ilant iritan ajotnen, mašan tirədawen mariant, fal alməɣna was tamudre təzizjar ilalan win əhimique waren ider; haratan win əhimique janen daɣ ehan wan umɣawən aqalan ujij ən iwəd ən assuhu ifnazan ifan taqissa tədarat.
Although atmospheric composition was probably different from that used by Miller and Urey, later experiments with more realistic compositions also managed to synthesize organic molecules.
Harwa tartit ən jənəj akal taqal ezlayan ad tatəwajat as Miller ad Urey, tirmaten okaynen ad tartayen iknanen adatu olasnat ajaraw ən afanaz ən išrutən ən təɣəssa.
RNA would later have been replaced by DNA, which is more stable and therefore can build longer genomes, expanding the range of capabilities a single organism can have.
ARN ijraw daɣ tahajit ašanzi as ADN, iknan azaku izar adobat akarass ən salan zagrotnen sahrawnen deɣ ewalawəl ən tədabiten ən təɣəssa iyat.
A difficulty with the metabolism-first scenario is finding a way for organisms to evolve.
Assahat ən iji ən milhaw izar eqal ajaraw ən adabara ye tədawla ən mudaran.
"Research in 2003 reported that montmorillonite could also accelerate the conversion of fatty acids into ""bubbles"", and that the bubbles could encapsulate RNA attached to the clay."
"Imaɣən atiwəjanen ɣor 2003 iwayənid as talaq tadobat deɣ assətrub ən assəməliliy ən ijitan ən tadhont as ""takufe"", izar tikufawen adobat iji daɣ təšart ən ARN ikrassan as talaq".
This LUA cell is the ancestor of all life on Earth today.
Tedajit ten LUA taqal amizar ən tamudre kul tan amaradəɣ fal akal.
The change to an oxygen-rich atmosphere was a crucial development.
Ikuy ən jənəj akal iha adu eqal ajit iknan.
They used fermentation, the breakdown of more complex compounds into less complex compounds with less energy, and used the energy so liberated to grow and reproduce.
Tajan assəsmam, azəməzliy ən mertay iknan asuhu as mertay waren ikna assuhu ad assahat əadran,dakalan assahat atiwəyan ye tadəwla ad tirwa.
Most of the life that covers the surface of the Earth depends directly or indirectly on photosynthesis.
Ajət ən iritan ən tamudre wi lassənen arori nakal ezlay daɣ iqud meɣ Iban equd as taberaten ən ašanzi.
To supply the electrons in the circuit, hydrogen is stripped from water, leaving oxygen as a waste product.
Ye ihuk ən eleətrontan daɣ taberat,adu izjarəd aman, oya ofəss sund animal.
The simpler anoxygenic form arose about 3.8 Ga, not long after the appearance of life.
Iri anoxygénique tatəknat tarəɣse tizjarid ibret 3,8 Ga, adaran ən alwaq darat azajor ən tamudre.
At first, the released oxygen was bound up with limestone, iron, and other minerals.
Ɣor sənto, ufas atiwəyan eqal ayertan ad tesalit, tazoli ad təzoliyen tiyad.
Though each cell only produced a minute amount of oxygen, the combined metabolism of many cells over a vast time transformed Earth's atmosphere to its current state.
Harwa tedajit kul təji ar andarən ən ufas,milhaw ertayan ən tidəjaten ajotnen fal taqan zəjret təšəzat jənəj akal as ini iness wan amaradəɣ.
The ozone layer absorbed, and still absorbs, a significant amount of the ultraviolet radiation that once had passed through the atmosphere.
Azaway wan ozone assomam, izar issumum harwa, ajət ajen ən afraran waren asohat wi nabajnen agud safəla.
As a result, the Earth began to receive more heat from the Sun in the Proterozoic eon.
. Daɣ alkum, akal assənta ajaraw hulen ən takusse ən tafuk ɣor azaman ən azaman was karad.
Glacial deposits found in South Africa date back to 2.2 Ga, at which time, based on paleomagnetic evidence, they must have been located near the equator.
Tinəssa ən tismad atiwəjrawnen ɣor Afrique tan tassaja nakal təwar ɣor 2,2 Ga, azaman tan ɣor, darat issəkna taruwat as altoɣ, ad atwəseɣədat edess ən tassaret.
The Huronian ice age might have been caused by the increased oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, which caused the decrease of methane (CH4) in the atmosphere.
Azaman samedan huronienne adobat ajaraw ən ijji ən assiwad ən assəməssudu ən ufass daɣ jənəj akal, adorawən afanaz ən méthane (CH4) daɣ jənəj akal.
However, the term Snowball Earth is more commonly used to describe later extreme ice ages during the Cryogenian period.
Ajuden, issəm akal tabəlaɣt ən aman ikna atwətkəl ye tənna ən alwəqatan samednen hulen asdarat ən alwaq ən əryogénienne.
Carbon dioxide combines with rain to weather rocks to form carbonic acid, which is then washed out to sea, thus extracting the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.
Dioxyde wan əarbone itamərtay ad ajənna ye ašanzi ən tihun ad iji ən aəide əarbonique, hin atiwajarən darat awen daɣ ebang, awen ijrawən ukiss ən gaz akussan ən jənəj akal.
The Bacteria domain probably first split off from the other forms of life (sometimes called Neomura), but this supposition is controversial.
Takišt tan baəteritan taqal azunən daɣ tizarat ad iritan ən tamudre wiyaɗden (agud atiwaɣran as Neomura) mašan assənəhəj eqal amədiš.
The earliest fossils possessing features typical of fungi date to the Paleoproterozoic era, some 2.4 ago; these multicellular benthic organisms had filamentous structures capable of anastomosis.
Ijilalan azarnen lanen timezlayen iri ən əhamɗiontan ilanen tahajit ən azaman tan Ɗaléoɗrotérozoïque, ila awen 2,4 elan; imudaran wi ən ider naman ajitnen ilan timoɣənen ən lajitan adobanen amortit.
Perhaps the large cell attempted to digest the smaller one but failed (possibly due to the evolution of prey defenses).
Tedajit ta maqarat ihaməš torəm tetate ən ta təknat təmədrit mašan idəras (ihaməš daɣ adətu ən tadəwla ən tigozen fal məsiwan).
Using oxygen, it metabolized the larger cell's waste products and derived more energy.
Daɣ iji ən ufas, təjraw ašugiš ən anikal ən tedajit ta maqarat izar tərkabid assahat ajen.
Soon, a stable symbiosis developed between the large cell and the smaller cells inside it.
Šikanen, tartit tazuket tədwəl jar tedajit ta maqarat ad tin daratnen tat hanen.
A similar event occurred with photosynthetic cyanobacteria entering large heterotrophic cells and becoming chloroplasts.
Imešlan olahnen aqalan iji agud ad timədriten ən baəteritan tajənen issəmutay agəšan daɣ tidajaten maqornen tatənen imudaran izar aqalnat timədulaten.
Besides the well-established endosymbiotic theory of the cellular origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, there are theories that cells led to peroxisomes, spirochetes led to cilia and flagella, and that perhaps a DNA virus led to the cell nucleus, though none of them are widely accepted.
Tamusne iyat ən tartit təknat iji daɣ sənto ən tədagaten ən mitoəhondrie ad əhloroɗlastes,ilanət timusnawen tis intanated tidajaten awaynat as ɗeroxysomes, spirochètes ən ileyan ad zəmbay, ihaməš ɣirus ADN ən amass ən tedajit,harwa iyat dəsnat war təkna atwərd.
Around 1.1 Ga, the supercontinent Rodinia was assembling.
Ibret 1,1 Ga, akal ahusken Rodinia eqal amsədu.
Although the division between a colony with specialized cells and a multicellular organism is not always clear, around 1 billion years ago, the first multicellular plants emerged, probably green algae.
Harwa as akayad jar tamsədawt daɣ tedajit tatiwəɣkafat ad iman as ajətnat tidajaten waren eqel harkuk ayknan, ila awen 1 milliard ən wətyan, ihəškan wi azarnen lanen tidajaten izjarənid, daɣ asədətu ilatan dalatnen.
Paleomagnetic poles are supplemented by geologic evidence such as orogenic belts, which mark the edges of ancient plates, and past distributions of flora and fauna.
Išrutən animətafnen awedan as timtar aləmad sund issəgbass ən ijitan, sašwalnen ijmawan tifaltaɣ arunen, ad tizunawen okaynen tin həškan ad imudaran.
About 1000 to 830 Ma, most continental mass was united in the supercontinent Rodinia.
Ibret ən 1000 as 830 Ma, ajit ən tajute ən kalan aqalan amsədu daɣ akal ahusken Rodinia.
The hypothetical supercontinent is sometimes referred to as Pannotia or Vendia.
Ajət ən kalan ordan eqal atwəɣar as Ɗannotia meɣ Ɣendia.
The intensity and mechanism of both glaciations are still under investigation and harder to explain than the early Proterozoic Snowball Earth.
Assahat ad tamoɣənt ən tismad tin sanatət ilanat harwa ɣor aləmad izar assohatnat ye alaɣi as akal tabəlaq ən aman ən Ɗrotérozoïque waren təmda.
Because CO2 is an important greenhouse gas, climates cooled globally.
CO2 eqal gaz ahusken ən takusse, təkanen samednat ɣor edag nakal.
Increased volcanic activity resulted from the break-up of Rodinia at about the same time.
Ašəɣəl ən amliliy nakal awedan izjarid afrəki ən Rodinia daɣ ihaz ən azaman iyat.
The new forms of life, called Ediacara biota, were larger and more diverse than ever.
Iritan ən tamudre aynaynen,sitawəna ajit ən Ediaəara,eqal ayiknan təmɣare ad ayknan tajute harkuk.
It consists of three eras: The Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic, and is the time when multi-cellular life greatly diversified into almost all the organisms known today.
Tamertay ad karad azəman: Paléozoïque, Mésozoïque, ad Cénozoïque, izar azam was tamudre ajət ən dagan ajit as təmɣare ye ihuk ən tirwa edess ən mudaran kul atiwazaynen ešali.
This causes the sea level to rise.
Awen orawid azaway ən edag nabang.
Traces of glaciation from this period are only found on former Gondwana.
Idraš ən tasəmde ən alwaq warhen ar fal Gondwana aruwan.
The continents Laurentia and Baltica collided between 450 and 400 Ma, during the Caledonian Orogeny, to form Laurussia (also known as Euramerica).
Əkalan wən Laurentia əd Baltica aqalan ayertayan daɣ 450 har 400 Ma, ɣur anminak wan əalédonientan, fal igi wan Laurussie (intadaɣ sitawan Euramérique).
The collision of Siberia with Laurussia caused the Uralian Orogeny, the collision of Gondwana with Laurussia is called the Variscan or Hercynian Orogeny in Europe or the Alleghenian Orogeny in North America.
Tamuqest tan Sibérie dər Laurentie aygan tanminak tan ouralientan, tamuqest tan Gondwana dər Laurentie aqalan asitawan tanminak təmutuyat meɣ herəynienne daɣ Euroɗe meɣ tanminak ta fasusat daɣ Amérique tan Ataram.
Whereas the Ediacaran life forms appear yet primitive and not easy to put in any modern group, at the end of the Cambrian most modern phyla were already present.
Mašan tənuɣrufen tiyad nəduniyat tan Édiacarien olahnat intanatedaɣ tə azarnen əd asusuhu nakatli daɣ tartit ta timutayat, daɣ samando ən Cambrien, agudiyan daɣ ƭəbidawen tumutaynen aqalnat dat awa atilan.
Some of these Cambrian groups appear complex but are seemingly quite different from modern life; examples are Anomalocaris and Haikouichthys.
Iyad daɣ tənmirtayen tən cambrientan olahnat daśohen, mašan aqalnat astənim ɣas ayebdan hulen daɣ aduniyat ta taynayat ; atamosan eqalan Anomaloəaris əd Haikouichthys.
A creature that could have been the ancestor of the fishes, or was probably closely related to it, was Pikaia.
Tamuɣluk ta tadobet uɣil ən tamarawt ən manan, meɣ tataqalat atamosan oɣadan daɣ atiruw, eqal Pikaia.
Fish, the earliest vertebrates, evolved in the oceans around 530 Ma.
Əmanan, wi azarnen ilanen iɣasan, adaɣ təwaɗan daɣ girwan wi nibret 530 Ma
The oldest fossils of land fungi and plants date to 480–460 Ma, though molecular evidence suggests the fungi may have colonized the land as early as 1000 Ma and the plants 700 Ma.
Wi ogarnen tərut gulašan ən əhamɗignontan 480–460 Ma əgrawan adanahadan yakal wan 1000 Ma əd hiškan 700 Ma.
Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air.
Əfrewan amutayan fal adiqilan ifasan wəs wi dazarnen nəkoz ɗaran adakalan fal adidzazgaran iɣafawan daɣ aman əd asifusan daɣ sagama.
Eventually, some of them became so well adapted to terrestrial life that they spent their adult lives on land, although they hatched in the water and returned to lay their eggs.
Daɣ samando, iyad daɣsan aqalan aylmadan təmudre tan nafala okaynen daɣ təmudre ən tiwšire tan daw akal, ahuskat as ihar daɣ aman əd aqalan aderkan ad təruwan təsadalen nasan.
Plants evolved seeds, which dramatically accelerated their spread on land, around this time (by approximately 360 Ma).
Daɣ ihomiš alwaq wendaɣ (ibret 360 Ma) wəs ihiskan asidwalan isanban, awa asimɣaran armuɗ nəmširšir nasan daɣ akal.
Another 30 million years (310 Ma) saw the divergence of the synapsids (including mammals) from the sauropsids (including birds and reptiles).
Alwaq iyan ən 30 milliontan ən wityan (310 Ma) ahanay ən təbiɗawen gar synaɗsides (atamosan wi sakasnen) əd sauroɗsides (atamosan əgdad əd ɣunan nakal).
The Triassic–Jurassic extinction event at 200 Ma spared many of the dinosaurs, and they soon became dominant among the vertebrates.
Asimiki ən Trias-Jurassique, daɣ 200 Ma, atwayan ajotnen dinosauretan, aqalnen šikšik ayernan daɣ awa ilan iɣasan.
60% of marine invertebrates became extinct and 25% of all families.
60% ən nawa winan ila iɣasan daɣ griwan aqalan aməken əd izar 25% ən terweten dak.
The third mass extinction was the Permian-Triassic, or the Great Dying, event was possibly caused by some combination of the Siberian Traps volcanic event, an asteroid impact, methane hydrate gasification, sea level fluctuations, and a major anoxic event.
Was karaɗ amiki ən nawa azayan, Permien-Trias, meɣ Grand Mort, atamosan awa igan tanmirtayt tan harat : amlilil nakal wan tankad ən Sibérien, udud ən harat, aɗutan ən awa ibdagan ən méthane, tənazamaren ən hadi nagaš əd haratan maɗroynen anoxique.
This was by far the deadliest extinction ever, with about 57% of all families and 83% of all genera killed.
Daɣ igig ən nəsimiki wa ogaran daɣ əsimit daɣ alwaqan daɣ, dər ihomiši 57% ən terweten dak əd 83 % əd haratan wi amutaynen dak.
By the early Paleocene the earth recovered from the extinction, and mammalian diversity increased.
Daɣ santo ən Paléoəène, akal anmaqal darat amiki wen əd ajit ən nawa isakasan awiɗ.
Grassless savanna began to predominate much of the landscape, and mammals such as Andrewsarchus rose up to become the largest known terrestrial predatory mammal ever, and early whales like Basilosaurus took control of the seas.
Zaleɣat ta wariha alimoz təsinta tanhat daɣ edag maqaran daɣ akal, əd dawa isakasan sund Andrewsarəhus aqalan aykaran fal adiqilan wi ogarnen daɣ wi sankasnen ən musukal nakal atiwazaynen, əd wi dazarnen imanan sund Basilosaurus ikalan tanhat ən girwan.
Giant ungulates like Paraceratherium and Deinotherium evolved to rule the grasslands.
Irizegan maqornen dər askaran əndiratnen sund Paraceratherium əd Deinotherium idwalan fal adanahadan ye prairiestan.
The Tethys Sea was closed off by the collision of Africa and Europe.
Egarew wan Téthys eqal ayharan əs sikušu ən Afrique əd Europe.
The land bridge allowed the isolated creatures of South America to migrate over to North America, and vice versa.
Azaway wa nakal alil ye təmaɣlaken əbdanen da Amérique tan Emaynag ye adahanin ibret na Amérique tan Ataram, əd sund dawendaɣ.
The ice ages led to the evolution of modern man in Saharan Africa and expansion.
Alwaqan wi təsimdawen alwayan əs ƭəwaƭ nawadəm wa mutayan daɣ Afrique tan saharienne əd amiširšir ənes.
It is believed by many that a huge migration took place along Beringia which is why, today, there are camels (which evolved and became extinct in North America), horses (which evolved and became extinct in North America), and Native Americans.
Ajen aɣelan as emešwar maqaran iga daɣ efaday ən Béringie, awa italaɣen mafal, ešali, atiwagazan imnas ( wi awiɗnen əd izar aqalan aməken daɣ Amérique tan Ataram), ibijwan (wi awiɗnen əd izar aqalan aməken daɣ Amérique tan Ataram) əd Amérindientan.
Brain size increased rapidly, and by 2 Ma, the first animals classified in the genus Homo had appeared.
Tebade ən naqilqil tiwad šikšik əd, ibret 2 Ma, wi dazarnen irizegan ahanen daɣ əmik wan Homo aqalan adizgaran.
The ability to control fire probably began in Homo erectus (or Homo ergaster), probably at least 790,000 years ago but perhaps as early as 1.5 Ma.
Tudabate ye anəhid ya efew eqal atamosan adizgaran daɣ Homo ereətus (meɣ Homo ergaster), aywadan ihomiši 790 000 ən wityan mašan əstinəm 1,5 Ma.
It is more difficult to establish the origin of language; it is unclear whether Homo erectus could speak or if that capability had not begun until Homo sapiens.
Eqal ogaran aśohen dadag santo ən magrad ; warnisen as Homo ereətus adobat magrad meɣ mašan tadabət ten wartənta dat Homo sapiens.
Social skills became more complex, language became more sophisticated, and tools became more elaborate.
Tədabiten tən təmudurt aqalnat ogarnen aśuhu, magrad wa ogaran aśuhu əd lalan ogarnen azagar.
The first humans to show signs of spirituality are the Neanderthals (usually classified as a separate species with no surviving descendants); they buried their dead, often with no sign of food or tools.
Wi dazarnen adinat asiknan əmikan wən naɣalakat aqalan Néandertalientan (aqalnen akitlen sund təmudurt tabdat winan tila terweten idarnen); nabalan inumutan nasan, sagudiyan daɣ iba nadriš ən nəminsi meɣ ilanan.
As language became more complex, the ability to remember and communicate information resulted, according to a theory proposed by Richard Dawkins, in a new replicator: the meme.
Izar magrad itaqal ogaran aśuhu, tadabit ən nəsimiktu əd alaɣi ən salan ye huk ən nadag, daɣ awa ina Asostan wan Riəhard Dawkins, ye aynahan daɣ uniɗ : inta emanes.
Between 8500 and 7000 BC, humans in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals: agriculture.
Gar 8500 əd 7000 dat Nabi Issa., kal aduniyat wi təwadnen daɣ ara, ɣur Moyen-Orient, asintan agayak agudendaɣ ən hiškan əd rizegan : imagyakan.
However, among those civilizations that did adopt agriculture, the relative stability and increased productivity provided by farming allowed the population to expand.
Əgudendaɣ, daɣ aniyatan wi əlmadnen igayakan, iba namatekway wa ila əd igitan təwadnen wəs tədhilen iganat taməte aykan əsdat.
This led to Earth's first civilization at Sumer in the Middle East, between 4000 and 3000 BC.
Daɣ awendaɣ adaɣ iwa aniyat wa azaran fal Akal, ye Sumer, daɣ Moyen-Orient, gar 4000 əd 3000 dat.
Humans no longer had to spend all their time working for survival, enabling the first specialized occupations (e.g. craftsmen, merchants, priests, etc.).
Kal aduniyat warilen ukuy nalwaq nasan dak daɣ əšiɣil fal adidiran, awaygan azizgar ən əšiɣilan wi dazarnen atiwazayan (atamosnen, inhadan, imašanšan, imaɣran, diyad.).
By around 500 BC, there were advanced civilizations in the Middle East, Iran, India, China, and Greece, at times expanding, at times entering into decline.
Ibret ən 500 dat. Nabi Issa., ilanti aniyatan wi əšamnen daɣ Moyen-Orient, daɣ Iran, daɣ Inde, daɣ Əhine əd daɣ Grèəe, sagudiyan amišaršaran, agudiyan iwadan hadi.
This civilization developed in warfare, arts, science, mathematics and in architect.
Aniyat wen eqal awidan daɣ tabaraten tən akinas, inhadan, kal təmusne, kal maɗinan əd kal dalagan.
The Roman Empire was Christianized by Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century and declined by the end of the 5th.
Taɣrəm tan romaintan atat igan əhretientan anamokal Əonstantin daɣ santo ən IƔe temede nawatay əd izar erkan daɣ samando ən Ɣe temede nawatay.
The House of Wisdom was established in Abbasid-era Baghdad, Iraq.
Ehan wa Nətiqal adaɣ eqan Bagdad, daɣ Irak, daɣ alwaq wan abbasside.
In the 14th century, the Renaissance began in Italy with advances in religion, art, and science.
Daɣ 14e temede nawatay, Renaissanəe adaɣ tənta Italie dər dagan azarnen daɣ akal, inhadan əd təmusnawen.
European civilization began to change beginning in 1500, leading to the scientific and industrial revolutions.
Tayite tan euroɗéentan təsinta amutiy daɣ ugud wan 1500, igan təwaɗnen tən təmusnawen əd usinetan.
From 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, nations around the world were embroiled in world wars.
Daɣ 1914 har 1918 əd daɣ 1939 har 1945, təmitawen tən aduniyat dak aqalan aykaran daɣ kinasan daɣ kalan.
After the war, many new states were formed, declaring or being granted independence in a period of decolonization.
Darat akinas, Étatan ajotnen aynaynen asdawan, asinan meɣ əgrawan tanhat nasan daɣ alwaq wan tənhaden ən kalan.
Technological developments include nuclear weapons, computers, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology.
Tewaden ən təmusnawen amosnen əsiknas wi amutaynen, ordinateurtan, alšin wa génétique əd nanotechnologie.
Major concerns and problems such as disease, war, poverty, violent radicalism, and recently, human-caused climate change have risen as the world population increases.
Ašalalatan əd asibaban wi madroynen atamosnen turhina, akinas, aləkiwan, terweten ti aśohatnen əd, aynayan, təmotayen ən alwaqan eɣšad awadəm, awidan daɣ akot wan aljamaxat tan aduniyat tiwaɗat.
Human history, or recorded history, is the narrative of humanity's past.
Tanfust tan aduniyat, meɣ tanfust təqiymat, eqal tinawt nawa dədtokay aduniyat.
The Neolithic saw the Agricultural Revolution begin, between 10,000 and 5000 BCE, in the Near East's Fertile Crescent.
Néolithique tənhay tiwit tan təwaƭ səgyak, gar 10 000 əd 5 000 dat alwaq wananaɣ, daɣ təwaƭ tan awa itiruwan daɣ Proche-Orient.
As farming developed, grain agriculture became more sophisticated and prompted a division of labour to store food between growing seasons.
Daɣ aylan əd olas wan asigyik ətiwaɗan, sigyak wən nalawan aqalan ogaran aśuhu əd igan təbiɗawen nəšiɣil fal adisiqiymu əmisiwan gar alwaqtan wən gayakan.
Hinduism developed in the late Bronze Age on the Indian subcontinent.
Hindouisme eqal awidan daɣ samando nelan wi bronze fal daw akal wan indientan.
"Post-classical history (the ""Middle Ages,"" c. 500–1500 CE,) witnessed the rise of Christianity, the Islamic Golden Age (c. 750 CE – c. 1258 CE), and the Timurid and Italian Renaissances (from around 1300 CE)."
" Tanfust dat-əlassique (le ""Moyen Âge"", ibret ən 500-1500 daɣ alwaq wananaɣ) inhay agan wa əhristianisme, elan wi nuraɣ wan anislam (ibret 750 nalwaq wananaɣ-ibret 1258 nalwaq wananaɣ), əd Renaissanəe timuride əd italientan (daɣ aywadan ihomiši 1300 nalwaq wananaɣ)."
By the 18th century, the accumulation of knowledge and technology had reached a critical mass that brought about the Industrial Revolution and began the late modern period, which started around 1800 and has continued through the present.
Daɣ 18e temede nawatay, asimusudiw wan təmusnawen əd təmotayen əwadnat tazayt ən tizmit ta tigat ƭəwaƭ tan usitan əd waykasan santo wan alwaq wamutayan ən tahagit, ta təsintat ibret 1800 əd taqal anilkaman hawendaɣ har ešalidaɣ.
Anatomically modern humans arose in Africa about 300,000 years ago, and achieved behavioral modernity about 50,000 years ago.
Kal aduniyat anatomiquement amutayan aqalan atiwanhayan daɣ Afrique aywadan ihomiši 300 000 nelan, əd iwadnat təmotayen ən talɣiwen aywadan 50 000 nelan.
Perhaps as early as 1.8 million years ago, but certainly by 500,000 years ago, humans began to use fire for heat and cooking.
Ihomiši 1,8 milliontan nelan, mašan atamosan ɣur 500 000 nelan, kal aduniyat asintan adakal nafew fal asikisan əd asikuduwan.
Paleolithic humans lived as hunter-gatherers, and were generally nomadic.
Kal aduniyat wən paléolithique idaran daɣ ahayu əd siduma əd aqalan deɣqanen kal hinan.
The rapid expansion of humankind to North America and Oceania took place at the climax of the most recent ice age.
Amširšir wa irmaɗan aduniyat daɣ Amérique tan Ataram əd daɣ Océanie adaɣ igan samando ta waylkamat alwaq wan təsimɗe.
The Yellow River valley in China cultivated millet and other cereal crops by about 7000 BCE; the Yangtze valley domesticated rice earlier, by at least 8000 BCE.
Gar hilan wan ebang Waraɣan daɣ Chine ya digyikan telalet əd haratan iyad ibret ən 7000 dat alwaq wananaɣ ; gar tuhun wan Yangtze atihan tafaɣat daɣ šik, daɣ ihomiši 8000 dat alwaq wananaɣ.
Metalworking, was first used in the creation of copper tools and ornaments around 6000 BCE.
Əšiɣil wan tazoli adaɣ eqal atwikil daɣ təzaraten dak əgitan ən lalan əd dalagan daɣ boko ibret 6000 dat alwaq wananaɣ.
Cities were centres of trade, manufacturing and political power.
Əɣirman aqalan idagan ən mašanšan, əd digitan əd ən tudabat ən tənayiwen.
The development of cities was synonymous with the rise of civilization.
Təwaɗen ən ɣərman taqal tanmuɣrut ən nəsihikik wan aniyat.
These cultures variously invented the wheel, mathematics, bronze-working, sailing boats, the potter's wheel, woven cloth, construction of monumental buildings, and writing.
Əsigyak igan taɣalalwayt, əmaɗinan, əšiɣil wan bronze, əkrabawan wən ifrewan, aɣalay wan ɗotier, azamay, təmuqunt tan hinan maqornen əd kitban.
Typical of the Neolithic was a tendency to worship anthropomorphic deities.
Néolithique taqal talɣa tigat fal aśahat ən tumaden tən Masinaɣ anthropomorphes.
These settlements were concentrated in fertile river valleys: the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, the Nile in Egypt, the Indus in the Indian subcontinent, and the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers in China.
Təmuqunen tən aqalanat amisadawan daɣ gar tuhun wan fluviales fertiles : Tigre əd Euphrate daɣ Mésopotamie, Nil daɣ Misr, Indus daɣ daw akal wan indientan, əd ebang wan Yangtze əd Waraɣan daɣ Chine.
Cuneiform writing began as a system of pictographs, whose pictorial representations eventually became simplified and more abstract.
Akatab wan cunéiforme adaɣ asisinta əs səmik wan ɗiətogrammes, amos əsiknitan wən ɗiəturaltan asmadan daɣ afanazan əd duɣil nogaran atbut.