A distressed Brando told Malden he kept falling over.
Brando s-iɣšad ulh ənnes inna ye Malden itiɗu harkuk.
Shortly before his death, he had apparently refused permission for tubes carrying oxygen to be inserted into his lungs, which, he was told, was the only way to prolong his life.
Dǎt iba nes, unjay ihuk ən tabarat n-iggi ən manatǎn wi hakkanen aɗu (unfaas) ye taruten, fǎl-awen, itawann-as, ənta ɣas ad addoben ašəšgrət ən tamudre nes.
"In 1976, he told a French journalist, ""Homosexuality is so much in fashion, it no longer makes news."
"Dǎɣ awatǎy wǎn 1976, inn aye zhurnalist ən frans : " anmər n-addinat n-awsəf iyyǎn əjjət hullǎn har əmb-as katabǎn fǎl-as zhurnalistǎn "
He also claimed numerous other romances, although he did not discuss his marriages, his wives, or his children in his autobiography.
Ijja dǎɣ as isuhaɣ ajotnen ənta a tan ilǎn, dǎɣ-as wǎr ijja majrad n-idubunǎn nes, ən tiɗeɗen nes meɣ n-aratǎn nes dǎɣ awa iktab dǎɣ attarex nes.
Brando met actress Rita Moreno in 1954, and they began a love affair.
Brando amuqqas əd tanƭuƭ tan sinema s-itawanna Rita Moreno dǎɣ awatǎy wǎn 1954, təzzǎr əssəntǎn anmər.
Years after they broke up, Moreno played his love interest in the film The Night of the Following Day.
Elǎn darǎƭ anəbɗ nǎsǎn, Rita Moreno təgaš dǎɣ sinema wǎn ehaɗ wan ešal-en edagg ən temarhit ənnes.
She is said to have been the daughter of a Welsh steel worker of Irish descent, William O'Callaghan, who had been superintendent on the Indian State railways.
Itawanna ad t-əqqal elle-s n-emaššaɣǎl gallois ən taźoli tan taśśohet əd ihǎn əs Irland, William O'Callaghan, s-as kala iqqal emanaźrəf ən tabarat tan taźoli ən trintǎn n-addawlat n-Inde.
Brando and Kashfi had a son, Christian Brando, on May 11, 1958; they divorced in 1959.
Brando əd Kashfi ərgawǎn barar, Christian Brando, ešal wǎn 11 mǎyo dǎɣ 1958 ; anmazayǎn dǎɣ awatǎy wǎn 1959.
They had two children together: Miko Castaneda Brando (born 1961) and Rebecca Brando (born 1966).
Ǝrgawǎn əssin aratǎn : Miko Castaneda Brando (iwan dǎɣ 1961) əd Rebecca Brando (təwwat dǎɣ 1966).
Because Teriipaia was a native French speaker, Brando became fluent in the language and gave numerous interviews in French.
Ed Teriipaia təqqal tawalt ən mas ən tafransit, Brando ilmad tawalt ten ikfa dǎɣ-əs isalǎn ajotnen.
Brando and Teriipaia divorced in July 1972.
Brando əd Teriipaia anmazayǎn dǎɣ 1972.
Brando had a long-term relationship with his housekeeper Maria Cristina Ruiz, with whom he had three children: Ninna Priscilla Brando (born May 13, 1989), Myles Jonathan Brando (born January 16, 1992), and Timothy Gahan Brando (born January 6, 1994).
Brando anəlkam s-alwaq šəgren ye temaššaɣalt ənnes Cristina Ruiz, is ijrawǎn karaɗ aratǎn : Ninna Priscilla Brando (təwat ešal wan 13 dǎɣ tallit tan maya 1989), Myles Jonathan Brando (iwǎn ešal wan 16 dǎɣ tallit tan zhanwǎr 1992) et Timothy Gahan Brando (iwǎn ešal wan 6 dǎɣ tallit tan zhanwǎr 1994).
His numerous grandchildren also include Prudence Brando and Shane Brando, children of Miko C. Brando; the children of Rebecca Brando; and the three children of Teihotu Brando among others.
Dǎɣ ihayawǎn nes i ajotnen ahantǎn Prudence Brando əd Shane Brando, bararǎn ən Miko C. Brando, Bararǎn ən Rebecca Brando əd karaɗ aratǎn ən Teihotu Brando, d-asal-awen.
His behavior during the filming of Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) seemed to bolster his reputation as a difficult star.
Esawe ən talə nes alwaq wǎn iji ən sinema Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) ikfe aśśahaƭ n-emaššaɣǎl aśśohen.
Galella had followed Brando, who was accompanied by talk show host Dick Cavett, after a taping of The Dick Cavett Show in New York City.
Galella iɗast as ilkam ye Brando, i hin aśśofaɗ enamejrad ən talk-show Dick Cavett, dəffər adakal ən Dick Cavett Show dǎɣ New York.
The filming of Mutiny on the Bounty affected Brando's life in a profound way, as he fell in love with Tahiti and its people.
Iji ən sinema ən des Mutins du Bounty asmalalay hullǎn talɣa ən Brando, fǎl-as arha hullǎn tahiti əd tawset ənnes.
The 1983 hurricane destroyed many of the structures including his resort.
Aɗɗu wa maqqarǎn ən 1983 arźan haratǎn ajotnen, dǎɣ-as iha edagg wǎn addalǎn.
He was listed in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) records as Martin Brandeaux to preserve his privacy.
Atiwaktab dǎɣ bukutǎn win Komison n-addawalaten n-ihuk n-isalǎn( commission fédérale des communications) (FCC) fǎl isəm ən Martin Brandeaux y-ad əffər iman nes.
He attended some fundraisers for John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.
Ijaha ye umməɣ n-aźrəf ye John F. Kennedy alwaq wan umməɣ ən tumast ən fresidan n-awatǎy wǎn1960.
In autumn of 1967, Brando visited Helsinki, Finland at a charity party organized by UNICEF at the Helsinki City Theatre.
Dǎɣ ewelǎn wan awatǎy 1967, Brando ikka Helsinki, dǎɣ Finland, y-ad ajayhi yetaɣimit n- umməɣ n-aźrəf ija UNICEF dǎɣ ehǎn wa maqqarǎn n-addal ənHelsinki.
He spoke in favor of children’s rights and development aid in developing countries.
Ija majrad n-alxaqqǎn n-aratǎn əd tilalt n-ikallǎn wi ahanen abara n-ikkuy əs-dǎt.
"I felt I'd better go find out where it is; what it is to be black in this country; what this rage is all about,"" Brando said on the late-night ABC-TV talk show Joey Bishop Show."
"Ofrayaɣ as a ofǎn ad asaɣ awen ənhiyaq-i əs tiƭƭawen-in ; awa amos ad iqqal awadəm ikawalǎn dǎɣ addawlǎt-i ; awa amos adkər-i", a inna Brando dǎɣ talk-show Joey Bishop Show, atiwasaknǎn dǎɣ samdo ən taɣimit fǎl ABC-TV."
"It was one of the most incredible acts of courage I ever saw, and it meant a lot and did a lot."""
"Amos akufər maqqarǎn əs kala wǎr t-əheyǎɣ, əd ikka tənna n-ajjen d-iji n-ajjen."""
"In 1964 Brando was arrested at a ""fish-in"" held to protest a broken treaty that had promised Native Americans fishing rights in Puget Sound."
"Dǎɣ awatǎy wǎn 1964, Brando atwarmas dǎɣ alwaqq ən ""fish-in"" atiwajjǎn fǎlad əɣšəd alkaɗ ikfǎn tabarat ye Amérindientǎn n-ukkəs n-imanǎn dǎɣ Puget Sound.""
"Brando ended his financial support for the group over his perception of its increasing radicalization, specifically a passage in a Panther pamphlet put out by Eldridge Cleaver advocating indiscriminate violence, ""for the Revolution."""
Brando assəbdad taɗhəlt ən tartit ən addinǎt-as ishakt ed əstənnəəm wǎr ənmannəkǎn asəssikəy wa ǎtwatban jazzulnen əllanen takmo assakay Eldridge Claeaver isaxnen a wǎr-en ahuskǎt ‘’Sassəmutəy itrabǎn ‘’ijjan fǎl kǎl ǎshaɣalǎn wi-n ǎlxəkum meɣ fǎl awadəm iyyan
Sacheen Littlefeather represented him at the ceremony.
Sacheen Littlefeather ijjash edagg ənnes ǎlwaq wǎn addal.
The event grabbed the attention of the US and the world media.
A wen atwajjan ermas anniyǎt n-imojjan ən isǎlan wi-n- Ameriəain əd kǎl əddəwəlǎn w-iyyattnen.
He was also an activist against apartheid.
Abəllan harwa əd azəmələy jer təməttawen.
He is listed by the American Film Institute as the fourth greatest male star whose screen debut occurred before or during 1950 (it occurred in 1950).
Ən Ameriəan film Institute ijje dǎɣ anmizǎr wa-s əkkoz dǎɣ meddən wi əllanen təmɣar əd-isam assəntanen ijji ən sənəmatǎn dat meɣ ɗarǎt awatay wa-n 1950 (ənta assənta dǎɣ ǎwatay wa-n).
"Retrieved August 19, 2009.Encyclopedia Britannica describes him as ""the most celebrated of the method actors, and his slurred, mumbling delivery marked his rejection of classical dramatic training."
"Retrieved August 19, 2009. Dǎɣ məlhaw kǎl Britanniəa əjjan šund awadəm wa offǎn dǎɣ tajjanen sənəmatan ila əmməkkan ajjootnen.”
He was a development from the gangster leader and the outlaw.
Igla har eqqal amizar ən kǎl mojjan ən erk harǎt d-iba-n tukalt daɣ awa ihan ašareɣa
His portrayal of the gang leader Johnny Strabler in The Wild One has become an iconic image, used both as a symbol of rebelliousness and a fashion accessory that includes a Perfecto style motorcycle jacket, a tilted cap, jeans and sunglasses.
Dǎɣ assəfham ənness ən tumast n-amizar ən kǎl mojjan ən erk harǎt Johnny Strabler daɣ The Wild on eqqal šund aƭƭaswer assisnanǎn, attiwaɗkalǎn ǎlwaq iyyan šund tamater ən tunjit əs waa-t-illan əd isuj wi-d-əšraynen amoosnen erasway wa-n motoltǎn ijjan daɣ elǎm, takumbut təfrayɣat jin əd timanhayen tin tafukt
"The ""I coulda been a contender"" scene from On the Waterfront, according to the author of Brooklyn Boomer, Martin H. Levinson, is ""one of the most famous scenes in motion picture history, and the line itself has become part of America's cultural lexicon."""
Awa ‘’ittikiyǎm ’’I coulda benn a contender’’’’ amoos tanfust Waterfront, Brooklyn Boomer, Martin H. Levinson maqqarǎt daɣ isǎlan ən sənəma fǎl-as assudmǎr y-awen ed amoos amara ašrut ən tawalt əd assanɣat ən americain”
"You have to make 'em believe that you are dying ... Try to think of the most intimate moment you've ever had in your life."""
lizam kawaǎn ad uɣalǎn, səknəmtǎn as šund tamattant a təjjǎm… arammǎt asənəzjumu dǎɣ ǎwaq ən harǎt kawǎn d-eqqalǎn tajjam dǎɣ tamudre nawǎn “”
In 1999 the American Film Institute ranked him eighth among its list of greatest male stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Dǎɣ awatay wa-n 1999, American Film Institute dǎɣ amiizar ən madden wi maqqornen anəfrannen dǎɣ melɣaw ən ašaɣalǎn nasǎn, eqqal wa-s-ətaam ən elǎn ən Holliwood.
He spent several years in vaudeville as a dancer and comedian, until he got his first major acting part in 1925.
Ijja elan ajjootnen dᾰɣ vaudeville shund amadhal d-ere isaɗsen, ijraẓ y-addinᾰt ad ajjihᾰn y-awa ittaj har anmiwəɗ əd tumast ən emashaɣᾰl wa , maqqarᾰn dᾰɣ awatay wa-n 1925.
After rave reviews, Warner Bros. signed him for an initial $400-a-week, three-week contract; when the executives at the studio saw the first dailies for the film, Cagney's contract was immediately extended.
Ɗarᾰt iməjridᾰn fᾰl-as attiwaajjanen amoosnen a- t-assokᾰt əs dat, warner Bros ᾰswajja eshwᾰl en ᾰmshəɣəl w-azzarᾰn ən karaɗᾰt əssayᾰten əs ᾰlqqim ənnes ikkat əd 400 ən dollar dᾰɣ hak əssayᾰt ;ᾰlwaq wa-d- ənhayᾰn imizarᾰn santo n-awa ashaɣal, taqqan ən amshəɣəl ən Cagney awwaɗ ᾰlwᾰq wen dᾰɣ.
He was nominated a third time in 1955 for Love Me or Leave Me with Doris Day.
Ijja atwəfrən wa-s karaɗ dᾰɣ awatay wan 1955 ye Love Me or Leave Me əd Boris Day.
Cagney walked out on Warner Bros. several times over the course of his career, each time returning on much improved personal and artistic terms.
Cagney ifla warner Bros. Dᾰɣ ashaɣal ənnes, ijja-s-ad uɣlawᾰn ajjootnen d- iman ənnes d-ijjtᾰn ən ashaɣalᾰn offanen wi azzar nen.
He worked for an independent film company for a year while the suit was being settled, establishing his own production company, Cagney Productions, in 1942 before returning to Warner seven years later.
Ashəɣəl dᾰɣ tartit tannehaɗᾰt y-ijji ən sənəmatᾰn hᾰr ikkrᾰsh awatay dᾰɣ-tartit tannehaɗᾰt y-ijji ən sənnəmatᾰnɗ har ikkrash awatay daɣ-əs y-ad ənhəy ɗarᾰt ammukən ən ᾰshareɣa, təzzar asɣayma tartit ən iman ənnes tan ammukən ən ᾰshaɣalᾰn ənnes s-itawanna ᾰmmukən ən ᾰshaɣalᾰn ən cagney dᾰɣ-awatay wa-n 1942 təzzar ad eqqal ɣor warner əssa elan ɗarᾰt awa
Cagney was the second of seven children, two of whom died within months of their births.
Cagney ᾰmmoos ara wa-s əssən fᾰl əssa dᾰɣ aratᾰn əs əssin dᾰɣ sᾰn ᾰmmun ɗarᾰt tiwit nᾰsᾰn shamad əkkrashᾰn harᾰt ən orᾰn
The family moved twice while he was still young, first to East 79th Street, and then to East 96th Street.
ᾰlɣayᾰlᾰn əjjᾰn əssin hinan harwa məɗrəy əs tizzarᾰt kul ᾰhona əs East 79th ᾰhona harwa əs East 96th street.
I feel sorry for the kid who has too cushy a time of it.
Tənnaq-ahi tahanint ən aratᾰn əjrawnen tᾰmudre təkkᾰt taɣrəst.
He was a good street fighter, defending his older brother Harry, a medical student, when necessary.
Emᾰkkenəs olaɣᾰn dᾰɣ tᾰsharet itigəẓ wan amᾰqqar ənnes Harry itteeajᾰn teɣᾰre ta-n lᾰxtortᾰn Alwᾰq əd ᾰttiwarha a wen.
He became involved in amateur dramatics, starting as a scenery boy for a Chinese pantomime at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House (one of the first settlement houses in the nation) where his brother Harry performed and Florence James directed.
Ijjᾰsh Ashəɣəl wa-n teyatrətᾰn shund tumast ən ere itajjᾰn imatekwayᾰn shund wi-n shinwatᾰn ɣor edagg wa-s itawanna Lenox Hill Neighborhood House iyyᾰn dᾰɣ ihᾰnan wi ᾰzzarnen ᾰsibᾰrraknen dᾰɣ ᾰddᾰwlᾰt edagg dᾰɣ inaẓẓar ᾰ wa-s-itawanna Harry əd Florence James i-təyyart y-awen
The show began Cagney's 10-year association with vaudeville and Broadway.
Addᾰl en ᾰshəshwᾰl santo ən tartit ən maraw elan jer Cagney əd Vaudeville əd Broadway.
Eventually, they borrowed some money and headed back to New York via Chicago and Milwaukee, enduring failure along the way when they attempted to make money on the stage.
Darᾰt a wen asmarwᾰsan ezraf aqqalan New York s-əammarden-əd Chicago əd Milwauke anmanhayᾰn d-iba –n-ajjaraw ən harat dᾰɣ tabarᾰt ᾰlwᾰq wa –d sawajen addalᾰn.
As with Pitter Patter, Cagney went to the audition with little confidence he would get the part.
Ɣər Pitter Patter, Cagney ikka edagg wan asəsləyn- iman ənnes dᾰɣ iba-n ajjer ən attama n-ajjaraw ən ash:əɣəl-ən
This was a devastating turn of events for Cagney; apart from the logistical difficulties this presented—the couple's luggage was in the hold of the ship and they had given up their apartment.
Amoos ye Cagney tamotayt ən šaɣšadᾰn timɣutar ajjootnen titwənhinᾰt fᾰl as Ilqlᾰn nasᾰn əhhan toraft tan aman unjᾰyᾰn es uɣəl ən ihanᾰn nasᾰn.
"He made up his mind that he would get a job doing something else."""
“Ijja dᾰɣ eɣᾰf ənnes əs ad əjrəy ᾰšəɣəl əs ijji ən hᾰrᾰt iyyᾰn.””
Cagney also established a dance school for professionals, and then landed a part in the play Women Go On Forever, directed by John Cromwell, which ran for four months.
Cagney asṣəkrᾰs edagg ən teɣᾰre ye kᾰl musnᾰt ən dallol ɗarᾰt a wen ijjraw ᾰšəɣəl ɣor womem Go on forever wa issabdadᾰn awa ikkan ᾰtwəj a tamosᾰn John Cromwell ətwəšəɣəl a wen har ətwəjjən əkkoẓ orᾰn.
The show received rave reviews and was followed by Grand Street Follies of 1929.
Addᾰl en əjjannen ᾰddinᾰt awa hin əjrahᾰn fᾰl qs attiwakyᾰd hullᾰn daɣ street follie dᾰɣ awatay wa n 1929.
Retitled Sinners' Holiday, the film was released in 1930.
Iwar t isəm wa n Sinners Holiday izjᾰr əd film en dᾰɣ awatᾰy wa n 1930.
However, the contract allowed Warners to drop him at the end of any 40-week period, effectively guaranteeing him only 40 weeks’ income at a time.
Dᾰɣ awa asəbdadᾰn tərəɗawt əs amšəɣəl en ijraw ye Warners tərəɗᾰwt dᾰr əs ɣor samdo ən hak 40 ən əssayaten ᾰssiɗmᾰn a wen awa s annimahᾰl ad t əjrəw dᾰɣ 40 ən əssayaten
Due to the strong reviews he had received in his short film career, Cagney was cast as nice-guy Matt Doyle, opposite Edward Woods as Tom Powers.
Fᾰl təsəba n iməjridᾰn olaɣnen ᾰtwajanen fᾰl as ijraw dᾰɣ təməɗrit ən tᾰqqᾰn jəzəlᾰt dᾰɣ ᾰšəɣəl ən sənnəmatᾰn ᾰnnifrᾰnnen Cagney y ijji n awa t id eqqalᾰn šund sarho ən Matt Doyle dat Edwar Woods dᾰɣ ᾰšəɣəl ən Tom Powers.
Producer Darryl Zanuck claimed he thought of it in a script conference; Wellman said the idea came to him when he saw the grapefruit on the table during the shoot; and writers Glasmon and Bright claimed it was based on the real life of gangster Hymie Weiss, who threw an omelette into his girlfriend's face.
Darryl Zanuck wa ikkanᾰn awa mad en ətwəšəɣel ᾰsdatat dᾰɣ ᾰnnəzjum ən asəwəj ən təɣimit fᾰl awa ᾰtwašaɣalᾰn Wellman inna ikraš ᾰnnəzjum as inhay alwᾰq wa d ᾰšeɣalᾰn telajᾰẓt təwarᾰt tabəl Addinᾰt wi ᾰšeɣᾰlnen Glasmon əd Brigh ᾰsdᾰten as wᾰr t əjja ar fᾰl awa d əd taqqal əs tidət tᾰmudre n awadəm ən timašalen əbrarnen s itawanna Hymie Weiss əs kala ijjᾰr tamidit ənnes əs tikakiten dᾰɣ idəm.
I never dreamed it would be shown in the movie.
Kala wᾰr ᾰznᾰzjameɣ əs a-wen ad ətwəsəkən dᾰɣ sənəma.
"He saw the film repeatedly just to see that scene, and was often shushed by angry patrons when his delighted laughter got too loud."""
Ijja ikayadᾰn ᾰjjootnen y-akkayad ənnes y-ad ənhəy edᾰgg en təzzar harkuk wᾰr ᾰnmannᾰk əd wi kayyadnen itajᾰš tᾰn ᾰlhᾰm ən təɗəẓẓa nes - i-t-aṣṣohet.
Warner Bros. was quick to team its two rising gangster stars—Edward G. Robinson and Cagney—for the 1931 film Smart Money.
Warner Bros arorᾰd tartit ən ᾰddinᾰt wi-n-əssin ən erk timašalen a-tᾰn amoosᾰn: Edward G Robinson əd Cagney y-ijji ən sənəma wa-s-itawanna Smart Honey ᾰtwᾰjjᾰn dᾰɣ awatay wa-n 1931.
As he completed filming, The Public Enemy was filling cinemas with all-night showings.
šamad imidu ammukən ənnes, The Public Energy, dᾰɣ ehaɗ-ən, idaggan kul wi dᾰɣ tajjᾰn sənəmatᾰn.
The studio heads also insisted that Cagney continue promoting their films, even ones he was not in, which he opposed.
imizzarᾰn ən idaggan wi-n-n asəɣal asəbdadᾰn əs tahasilt Cagney əs assiəɗ ən tanfo ən əs dᾰt ən thé
The success of The Public Enemy and Blonde Crazy forced Warner Bros.' hand.
Public Enemy əd Blonde Eranzy ašašᾰlᾰn affus ən Zurner Bros.
The film was swiftly followed by The Crowd Roars and Winner Take All.
The Crowd Roars əd Winner Take all, əkyadᾰn film- ən šik.
Historians also debate the nature of history as an end in itself, as well as its usefulness to give perspective on the problems of the present.
Tinfusen, ammədaš hullen fᾰl əmmək ən tanfust šund- as awa attiwamaɣᾰn kul, wᾰr- atwawaɗ hak-əd tanfo nes y- assəkən ən timusnawen əs əmmək wa-s mad ətwəfhəm.
However, ancient cultural influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today.
Masᾰn haratᾰn, ajjootnen əd attiwakaynen orawᾰn əmməkkan abɗanen ən esawa ən tanfust, aqqalan tiwaɗt dᾰɣ elan tikkyan əs ammutəy harwa ašal-i.
"Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian, is often considered the ""father of history"" in the Western tradition, although he has also been criticized as the ""father of lies""."
”Héradote, emaj ən tinfust hin okkaynen dᾰɣ addəwal wan gree dᾰɣ temaɗe ta-sdat J.C ᾰttiwaɗkᾰl šund “”amaraw ən bahu”” .”
"In Middle English, the meaning of history was ""story"" in general."
Dᾰɣ tawalt tan anglais hin tašmᾰt tanfust a has itawanen ”story.”
"In modern German, French, and most Germanic and Romance languages, which are solidly synthetic and highly inflected, the same word is still used to mean both ""history"" and ""story""."
”Dᾰɣ Allemangne tan w-aynayᾰn ta fransit’əd harᾰt dᾰɣ kal tawalen t-in kᾰl germanie ədromanes, əknanᾰt mehaw hullen amoostᾰn ad annikaben, tafert- en itawᾰ-as harwa”” tanfust””əd”isᾰln””.”
"In the words of Benedetto Croce, ""All history is contemporary history""."
Dᾰɣ tənna ən Benedetto” tanfust kul t-amoos tanfust ən isᾰlan attiwajanen dᾰɣ azzaman iyyᾰn.
"Therefore, the constitution of the historian's archive is a result of circumscribing a more general archive by invalidating the usage of certain texts and documents (by falsifying their claims to represent the ""true past"")."
Dᾰɣ isᾰlan wi-d-əqqalnen asəməsədu fᾰl wi ətwᾰrnen ən emᾰj ən tənfusen əmmalᾰnt isᾰlan iyyᾰɗ d-ᾰlkəttabᾰn ( s-assəmutəy ən awa əkkqn əs asəkkən ən awa ᾰtwajjᾰn əs tidət ;
The study of history has sometimes been classified as part of the humanities and at other times as part of the social sciences.
Ahanay ən əmmək ən tᾰnfust ᾰmoos ᾰlwᾰq iyyᾰn harᾰt ᾰttiwᾰɗkalᾰn dᾰɣ ummᾰɣ ən təmusnawen fᾰl agg-ᾰddəm ijja daɣ fᾰl timusnawen ajjootnen.
In the 20th century, French historian Fernand Braudel revolutionized the study of history, by using such outside disciplines as economics, anthropology, and geography in the study of global history.
Dagh awatay wan 2000,Fernand Braudel iyyan dagh kel attarex n France, eway id tamuttayt n teghare tan attarex s majal tan n s ajjama chund aqtisad, teghare n musnat n awadim d jografia dagh teghare n attarex wan alghalim
In general, the sources of historical knowledge can be separated into three categories: what is written, what is said, and what is physically preserved, and historians often consult all three.
Fᾰl tiwit ən tanfust musnᾰt ənnes t-addobᾰt ad t-ajj tiẓunawen karaɗᾰt: awa ᾰtiwᾰktabᾰn awa ᾰtwᾰnnᾰn əd awa iɣalasᾰn kᾰl tənfusen kayadᾰn tᾰnᾰt fᾰl karaɗᾰt .
Archaeological finds rarely stand alone, with narrative sources complementing its discoveries.
Ajaraw ən ᾰsəfukᾰr ən haratᾰn əfᾰrnen ay-illan afɗᾰn ən elan əgdahᾰn y-iman fall-as asiwəɗ a t-ajjᾰn isᾰlan ən awa-t-illan dat awa .
"For example, Mark Leone, the excavator and interpreter of historical Annapolis, Maryland, USA, has sought to understand the contradiction between textual documents idealizing ""liberty"" and the material record, demonstrating the possession of slaves and the inequalities of wealth made apparent by the study of the total historical environment."
“Almital iyyan Mark Leone ᾰnnumaɣ əd enᾰsfahᾰm ən tanfust ta-n Annapolis Maryland USA immᾰɣ y-ad əfhəm awa ᾰtiwᾰktabᾰn dᾰɣ ᾰlkəttabᾰn wi saknanen əmmək ən ajjaraw ən iman ənnes əd umᾰɣ ən wi ətwarnen amoosnen ay-isaknen.”
It is possible for historians to concern themselves with both the very specific and the very general, although the modern trend has been toward specialization.
Uɗəf ən eclan əd ibq-igdᾰh dᾰɣ tanfo t-ᾰttiwajᾰt fᾰl umᾰɣ ən ajaraw ən timusnawen ajjootnen əjjanen fᾰl ᾰšaɣalᾰn ᾰjjootnen.
Thirdly, it may refer to why history is produced: the philosophy of history.
Wa-s-karaɗ ᾰddobᾰt ummᾰɣ ən ᾰsəbab wa fᾰl t-ᾰtwᾰjja tanfust : esawe nes.
By whom was it produced (authorship)?
(Mi tᾰt ikatabᾰn)?
What is the evidential value of its contents (credibility)?
Əndek awa isiduten as-awa-t-ihan amoos (tidət) fᾰl.
The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history.
Esawe n-asənfəs əhhanᾰt timusnawen əd haratᾰn ᾰmoosnen ᾰtiwasabdadᾰn ɣor kᾰl əs aɗkul ən santo nasnᾰt w-azzarᾰn d-ummaɣ ən timtᾰr təzzar a dᾰɣ təttawaktab tənfust .
Thucydides, unlike Herodotus, regarded history as being the product of the choices and actions of human beings, and looked at cause and effect, rather than as the result of divine intervention (though Herodotus was not wholly committed to this idea himself).
Mi tᾰt ikatabᾰn uɗəf ən eclan əd ibq-igdᾰh dᾰɣ tanfo t-ᾰttiwajᾰt fᾰl umᾰɣ ən ajaraw ən timusnawen ajjootnen əjjanen fᾰl ᾰšaɣalᾰn ᾰjjootnen.
There were historical traditions and sophisticated use of historical method in ancient and medieval China.
Kala–t-əllanᾰt assanɣaten ən tənfusen ellanen asənnəfəs ammutayᾰn hullan fᾰl əmmək nasnᾰt dqɣ ᾰddəwəl wa-n Chine .
Chinese historians of subsequent dynastic periods in China used his Shiji as the official format for historical texts, as well as for biographical literature.
Kᾰl tənfusen wi-n chinois ən tinayiwen ti əlkamnen dᾰɣ Chine, ᾰɗkalnᾰt awa-s itawanna (Shiji) nes šund awa ᾰtwasabdadᾰn fᾰl esawe y-ikətba n ən tanfust ed ajaraw əs teɣᾰre əs awa-t-illan fall-asnᾰt.
Around 1800, German philosopher and historian Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel brought philosophy and a more secular approach in historical study.
S-ibret ən iwətyan wi-n 1800 , awadəm ən-u-ᾰnnəzjum wq-s-itawanna Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ən ᾰddəwəl wa-n Allemagne n-ᾰnnaktib ən tənfusen , ijrᾰw əs akayad ən awa-t-illan fᾰl -asnᾰt dᾰɣ temeɗe n-awatay hin-t-okkayᾰt.
The originality of Ibn Khaldun was to claim that the cultural difference of another age must govern the evaluation of relevant historical material, to distinguish the principles according to which it might be possible to attempt the evaluation, and lastly, to feel the need for experience, in addition to rational principles, in order to assess a culture of the past.
Dᾰɣ isᾰlᾰn ən asədətu n- Ibn Khaldoum orda as awa ebɗᾰn awa-t-illan dᾰɣ azzaman iyyan, ilzam-s-a-d ətwəxsəb awa-t-illan daɣ ilalᾰn wi əllanen ᾰlfayda əd ahanay ən əmmek ən tirmit -n-eket ennes, təzzar ad tətwənhəy tanoflayt əd derhan ən ajjaraw ən tᾰmusne y-ad ətwejrew axasab ən awa-d-ᾰtwakayᾰn.
"His historical method also laid the groundwork for the observation of the role of state, communication, propaganda and systematic bias in history,H. Mowlana (2001). """
“Esawe nes wa-n-ijji ən tenfusen, asiṣᾰjrᾰw-t- əs ujreh n-ᾰddawlᾰt dᾰɣ-ašəɣəl ən a-wen əd-anməkf en isᾰlan, tərəɗawt ən isᾰlan iyyaɗ ᾰtiwᾰɗkᾰlnen dᾰɣ tenfusen, H. Mowlana (2001)."""
"Dr. S.W. Akhtar (1997). """
“Dr.S.W.Akhtar ( 1997).””””
For Ranke, historical data should be collected carefully, examined objectively and put together with critical rigor.
Fᾰl awa inna Ranke, awa-t-illan daɣ isᾰlan wi-n tənfusen, ilzam ad əmsədewᾰn əs sarho, ətwəkƴəd awa otasᾰn, təzzar əmsədewᾰn dᾰɣ-as -ᾰtiwaɗanan hullan.
In the 20th century, academic historians focused less on epic nationalistic narratives, which often tended to glorify the nation or great men, to more objective and complex analyses of social and intellectual forces.
Ɣor temeɗe ta-s 20 n-awatay,kᾰl tənfusen ən tiɣᾰr ti mᾰqqornen wᾰr-hin əknen ujreh hullan ən awa-t-illan fᾰl-isᾰlan wi-d-aqqalnen tinfusen, i-amoosnen harᾰt isamɣarᾰn ᾰddawlᾰt əd ᾰddinᾰt wi maqqornen s-unəɗ əs akayad ən amṣəṣsuhu ən təmusnawen .
Many of the advocates of history as a social science were or are noted for their multi-disciplinary approach.
Imagaẓᾰn ajjootnen ən tenfusen fᾰl-awa –d-eqqalᾰn timettawen əd asəssəjran nᾰsnᾰt .
So far only one theory of history came from the pen of a professional Historian.
Har-ašᾰl-i-dᾰɣ, tinfusen t-id –aqqalnen timettawen, ad ᾰzjᾰrnat ere iknan tᾰmusne hullan.
Intellectual historians such as Herbert Butterfield, Ernst Nolte and George Mosse have argued for the significance of ideas in history.
Kᾰl tənfusen wi əknanen teɣᾰre, šund Herbert Butterfield, Ernst Nolte əd George Mosse əknᾰn asəbdad ən timusnawen dᾰɣ tənfust .
Scholars such as Martin Broszat, Ian Kershaw and Detlev Peukert sought to examine what everyday life was like for ordinary people in 20th-century Germany, especially in the Nazi period.
Kᾰl tenfusen šund Martin Broszat, Lan Keršhaw əd Detlev Peukert əmmaɣᾰn y-ad ənhəyᾰn awa-t-amoos tᾰmudre en ᾰddinᾰt wi-n bannan daɣ ᾰddəwəl za-n-Allemagne dᾰɣ hak ašᾰl ɣor temeɗe n-awatay ta-s 20 dᾰɣ ijji ən azzamanᾰn arunen.
Feminist historians such as Joan Wallach Scott, Claudia Koonz, Natalie Zemon Davis, Sheila Rowbotham, Gisela Bock, Gerda Lerner, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, and Lynn Hunt have argued for the importance of studying the experience of women in the past.
Šᾰt tənfusen daɣ t-iyyaɗ, šund Joan Wallach Scott, Claudia Koonz, Natalie Zemon Davis, Šeila Rowbotham, Gisela Bock, Gerda Lerner, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese əd Lynn Hunt, ədhalan hullan tanfo ta-n-ummaɣ ən təmusnawen ən ɗeɗen dᾰɣ -awa-d-ᾰtiwakayᾰn.
Another defence of history from post-modernist criticism was the Australian historian Keith Windschuttle's 1994 book, The Killing of History.
Australien iyyᾰn daɣ ən tənfusen, s-itawanna Keit Windschuttle,ənta dᾰɣ idhᾰl hullan awa ᾰnnəfasᾰn fᾰl tənnawen t-id-əšrᾰynen dᾰɣ əlkəttab ənnes wa-n 1994 s-itawanna The Killing Of History.
Historical omissions can occur in many ways and can have a profound effect on historical records.
Awa hi-n-ᾰtwayyᾰn dᾰɣ tənfusen ,ᾰddoobᾰt ᾰtwəkken əs əmməkᾰn ᾰjjootnen, ᾰddoobᾰt harwa ajjaraw ən esawe mᾰqqarᾰn fᾰl əlkəttabᾰn wi-n tənfusen.
Ancient history: the study from the beginning of human history until the Early Middle Ages.
Tanfust tᾰruwᾰt : Teɣᾰre ən santo ən tanfust ta-n-addunya hᾰr ɣor awatay wq-s maraw əd əkkoẓ.
Comparative history: historical analysis of social and cultural entities not confined to national boundaries.
Tanfust tᾰmmeẓlayᾰt : Akayad ən ad-okayᾰn fᾰl tənfusen əjjanen fᾰl timəttawen əd awa itawajjen ,amoosᾰn ad ᾰtiwagaẓᾰn wᾰr et qqel ay-ibdadᾰn ɣas ɣor isəɣlay ən ᾰddawlᾰt .
Cultural history: the study of culture in the past.
Tanfust fᾰl awa-t-illan əd eqqalᾰn timəttawen : Ummᾰɣ ən awa ᾰtwasabdadᾰn dᾰɣ-əs .
Intellectual history: the study of ideas in the context of the cultures that produced them and their development over time.
Tanfust fᾰl musnᾰt : Akawad ən təyyətwen ed ahanay ən əmmək wa-s-t-ᾰtwajja tənfust dᾰɣ awa dᾰɣ-əs –t-illan , wi tᾰt janen əd əmmək wq-s təwwiɗ dᾰɣ ᾰzzamanᾰn.