Having studied with Stella Adler in the 1940s, he is credited with being one of the first actors to bring the Stanislavski system of acting and method acting, derived from the Stanislavski system, to mainstream audiences.
Ənəmaxra dəd Stella Alder dǎɣ awatay wan 1940, atiwafa asinəhig ən tizart nəsəsətkil wa asosanan adinat almaxna wan Stanislavski əd tabarat tan adalan, ədət tigmadat almaxna wan Stanislavski.
He directed and starred in the cult western One-Eyed Jacks, a critical and commercial flop, after which he delivered a series of notable box-office failures, beginning with Mutiny on the Bounty (1962).
Iga izar idal dǎɣ western culte One-Eyed Jacks, tanadra ən tizmit əd amšinš, darat huk tənməlalen ən tanadra ətbanten dǎɣ box-office, asəsənta Mutiny on the Bounty (1962).
He refused the award due to alleged mistreatment and misportrayal of Native Americans by Hollywood.
Ugay əs tajor fal abrur nalmaxna əd tasawt winnantikna na Amerindientan dǎɣ Hollywood.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Brando was paid a record $3.7 million ($ million in inflation-adjusted dollars) and 11.75% of the gross profits for 13 days' work on Superman.
Dǎɣ alkitab Guinness wan records, Brando igraw 3,7 miliontan win dollar ( miliontan win dollar dǎɣ dollar wa iknan tiwat) əd 11,75 pursantan nawa dəwədan 13 ihadan nišixil fal Superman.
His ancestry was mostly German, Dutch, English, and Irish.
Imarawanes aqalan sinilkaman alaymtan, nealartan, angletan əd irlandetan.
Brando was raised a Christian Scientist.
Brando adǎɣ atwasawdal akal wan scientistan christan.
However, she was an alcoholic and often had to be brought home from bars in Chicago by her husband.
Əgudendǎɣ, eqal emasaw na alcol awendǎɣ as agudiyan ahalis ənes a tad ditiwyat dǎɣ dagan wi tasase win Chicago.
"Brando harbored far more enmity for his father, stating, ""I was his namesake, but nothing I did ever pleased or even interested him."
"Brando išaška ajen fal tahanint e tis, əlixat : " Eqal amnuxrunen, mašan kala wis əgrez awa itag wala harhey. "
Around 1930, Brando's parents moved to Evanston, Illinois, when his father's work took him to Chicago, but separated in 1935 when Brando was 11 years old.
Dǎɣ 1930, imarawan ən Brando idakan Everton, dǎɣ Illinois, ugud wa tiwat əšixil ən tis is Šicago, mašan abdan dǎɣ 1935, əzar Brando ila 11 elan.
"Brando, whose childhood nickname was ""Bud"", was a mimic from his youth."
"Brando, was sisimnes wa timdrit eqal ""Bud"", eqal isididan dǎɣ təmədrit ines. "
In the 2007 TCM biopic Brando: The Documentary, childhood friend George Englund recalls Brando's earliest acting as imitating the cows and horses on the family farm as a way to distract his mother from drinking.
Dǎɣ əlkitab Brando wa 2007 ən TCM : The Documentary George Englund, amidi ən timəmdrit, isamakta as ašišil wazaran ən Brando eqal asugbubr ən wan əd bijuwan naxala ən tumuzuq, samando našlalat ən mas fal asmid.
Brando's sister Frances left college in California to study art in New York.
France, walatmas ən Brando, təfal universite wa californie fal texare ən təmisnawen dǎɣ New York.
Brando excelled at theater and did well in the school.
Brando maqir dǎɣ timsədawt əd igraw aywar sarho dǎɣ ecole.
The faculty voted to expel him, though he was supported by the students, who thought expulsion was too harsh.
Əšuhu nukus nəzizgar ines, falas igraw tadhilt ən maxran, wi axelnen azizgar eqal ašugu.
"In a 1988 documentary, Marlon Brando: The Wild One, Brando's sister Jocelyn remembered, ""He was in a school play and enjoyed it ... So he decided he would go to New York and study acting because that was the only thing he had enjoyed."
"Dǎɣ salan win 1988, Marlon Brando : The wild One, tamaydrat ən Brando, Jocelyn, tisan : "" Idal dǎɣ təmsudut nadal dǎɣ ecole izar awen igrazazs…Izar təsəbat iki ən New York ye texare ən təmsidawt falas inta xas a tat-tiwarhat."
For a time he lived with Roy Somlyo, who later became a four time Emmy winning Broadway producer.
Ugudendǎɣ ən harat ən tahagit, amsadwal əd Roy Somlyo, wa eqalan agudiyan emanahat ən Broadway itkalan ikoz Emmy Awards.
Brando's remarkable insight and sense of realism were evident early on.
Təmusne əd inəyat nigi noxadan wan Brando eqal atiwadalan šik.
According to Dustin Hoffman in his online Masterclass, Brando would often talk to camera men and fellow actors about their weekend even after the director would call action.
Yur Dustin Hoffman dǎɣ wanes Masterclass ən internet, Brando ganu agudiyan ye wisasatkalnen əd midawanes win matkalan Week-end nasan, darat awa imanes wa idakalan əsistan dris tidawt.
His behavior had him kicked out of the cast of the New School's production in Sayville, but he was soon afterwards discovered in a locally produced play there.
Temašaxalt ən nes təzəgartihin dǎɣ tizunawen ti nigi ən New School yur Sayville, mašan atwagraw andiran dǎɣ batma tigat yur mizɣax.
Cornell also cast him as the Messenger in her production of Jean Anouilh's Antigone that same year.
Dǎɣ awatay wendǎɣ ,Cornell əsixlafti tanhat tan igi ən salan dǎɣ əgitanes ən Antigone de Jean Anuilh.
Bankhead had turned down the role of Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire, which Williams had written for her, to tour the play for the 1946–1947 season.
Bankhead kala ugay ye tanhat tan Blanche Dubois dǎɣ Streetcar Named Desire, was Williams iktabas has, fal ad disimililiy sidawat ya watay wa 1946-1947.
"Wilson was largely tolerant of Brando's behavior, but he reached his limit when Brando mumbled through a dress rehearsal shortly before the November 28, 1946, opening. """
"Wilson eqal ere hin itiyin hulen ye təmašaxalen tən Brando, mašan iwad samando əgud wa Brando asmataktak əgud ən səmusuxul na dirran dat əsəst ən tat-tazarat ən 28 Novembre 1946."""
"It was marvelous,"" a cast member recalled. """
"Eqal ayknan ", asmatahit harat dǎɣ aljamaxat."""
Critics were not as kind, however.
Tizmiten war aqelnat a iknan, agudendǎx .
"He received better reviews at subsequent tour stops, but what his colleagues recalled was only occasional indications of the talent he would later demonstrate. """
"Isla tizmiten maqornen yur asimililiy wadimalan, mašan wi midawanes kitun eqal dǎɣ tabarat batala ye tamašaxal ənes əgud wa əsikna darat awen."""
Brando displayed his apathy for the production by demonstrating some shocking onstage manners.
Brando əsiskna tadabit dǎɣ igitan dǎɣ ila tidit dǎɣ haratan ən salan asisnanen dǎɣ tidawt.
After several weeks on the road, they reached Boston, by which time Bankhead was ready to dismiss him.
Darat isatan ajotnen dǎɣ zabo, iwad Boston, əd Bankhead asidaw ya tišig.
"Pierpont writes that John Garfield was first choice for the role, but ""made impossible demands."""
"Pieroont iktab as John Garfield eqal wa azaran amukis fal salan, mašan ""itagu asostanan əwĕnan tila"".
"It humanizes the character of Stanley in that it becomes the brutality and callousness of youth rather than a vicious old man ... A new value came out of Brando's reading which was by far the best reading I have ever heard."""
"Ikna tamxar ən Stanley wa dǎɣ fal eqal talimt əd diba ən tazidert ye təmədrit yexul nahalis namxar azilbabayan….tembe taynayat tizgarit dǎɣ texare tan Brando ta taqal dǎɣ igig texare ta tatanatofat is kala wa has isla."""
"He said, ""The curtain went up and on the stage is that son of a bitch from the gym, and he's playing me."""
"I na : "rideau ikarid izar fal tidawt yur ila lures takarwat ta gymnase, izar awadǎɣ taga at tišlan."""
Brando's first screen role was a bitter paraplegic veteran in The Men (1950).
Wazaran išixil fal ecran wa Brando eqal emašehi tigraw paraplégie səməmat dǎɣ The Men (1950).
By Brando's own account, it may have been because of this film that his draft status was changed from 4-F to 1-A. He had had surgery on his trick knee, and it was no longer physically debilitating enough to incur exclusion from the draft.
Dǎɣ təna tan Brando, igomiši təsəba ən silma was anuzgum ənes okay yur 4-F har 1-A. Atiwagas azibrizi dǎɣ əfud wa tašalge əd əfud wa nəxil. Atiwagas azibrizi dǎɣ əfud wa tašalmad əd abaddan ənes wa wənnan əgde ye twišig ənes dǎɣ əšəɣil wan sardasitan.
Coincidentally, the psychiatrist knew a doctor friend of Brando.
Dǎɣ tabaxor, psyšiatre izay lactor iyan namidi ən Brando.
The role is regarded as one of Brando's greatest.
Əšil wendǎɣ eqal wa tan ofan fuk ye Brando.
The film was directed by Elia Kazan and co-starred Anthony Quinn.
Silma at-tat igan Elia Kazan izar iga tenamahat Anthony Quinn.
During our scenes together, I sensed a bitterness toward me, and if I suggested a drink after work, he either turned me down or else was sullen and said little.
Dǎɣ tidawen nartay, ofraya ye harat nabrur dǎɣ ənəyatin, izar afal has ənes ad dəsu harat darat ašəxil, arugiy mex eqal aytaran izar wirigu at-tat ilan.
After achieving the desired effect, Kazan never told Quinn that he had misled him.
Ugud wa digraw almaxna nawa əs igrazan, Kazan kala wrina ye Quinn igas hile.
Gielgud was so impressed that he offered Brando a full season at the Hammersmith Theatre, an offer he declined.
Gielgud əsirmaxqi wadǎɣ fal ifa Brando awatay əmdan dǎɣ Hammersmith Theatre, ihuk wi asixarambay.
It was like a furnace door opening—the heat came off the screen.
Sud xas ašər nən nal furna itamaren- takaste tifalid tiset.
"By all accounts, Brando was upset by his mentor's decision, but he worked with him again in On The Waterfront. """
"Dǎɣ ələxi dak, Brando eqal at-twasamalalay dǎɣ tanhat tan amizar ənes, mašan olas əšixil diris dǎɣ On The Waterfront."""
Triumph's importers were ambivalent at the exposure, as the subject matter was rowdy motorcycle gangs taking over a small town.
Əmawayan ən Triumph eqalan tuhunawen nukus, falas əšixil eqal gluftan ən tisnay ən kal takalt dakalnen tanhat nəxrm əndiran.
When initially offered the role, Brando—still stung by Kazan's testimony to HUAC—demurred and the part of Terry Malloy nearly went to Frank Sinatra.
Ugud wa has atwanan ad ətkil əšəxil, Brando, harwa əsnin fal tajuhenes tan Kazan dat HUAC- ocar əd əšəxil wan Terry Malloy išwar ət-tigraw Frank Sinatra.
Brando won the Oscar for his role as Irish-American stevedore Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront.
Brando əgraw Oscar dǎɣ əšəxil wan Terry Malloy amaway irlando-américain, dǎɣ On The Waterfront.
"In his July 29, 1954, review, The New York Times critic A. H. Weiler praised the film, calling it ""an uncommonly powerful, exciting, and imaginative use of the screen by gifted professionals."""
Dǎɣ tizmiten tən 29 juillet 1954, tizmit tan New York Times A. H. Weller iga timal ən silma, ətəganen dǎɣ ""dakalan ən tiset ta tas-suxsadat, tazizaydar izar tila ənizgum fal Idinat ilanen tayite"".
He portrayed Napoleon in the 1954 film Désirée.
Iga əšəxil wan Napoléon dǎɣ silma watiwarhan dǎɣ 1954.
Brando was especially contemptuous of director Henry Koster.
Brando eqal aybdan dǎɣ əməkan ən Henry Koster.
"Relations between Brando and costar Frank Sinatra were also frosty, with Stefan Kanfer observing: ""The two men were diametrical opposites: Marlon required multiple takes; Frank detested repeating himself."""
"Awa ilan gar Brando ən dimidines Frank Sinatra eqal intadǎɣ ahinilan, sud awadǎɣ axel Stefan Kanfer : ""Medin wi nəsin aqalan aybdan talxa : Marlon isihušul idakalan ajtonen ; Frank iskan awen anelasan.""
"Frank Sinatra called Brando ""the world's most overrated actor"", and referred to him as ""mumbles""."
"Frank Sinatra exra Brando"" emag wa tan ogaran atwilkah dǎɣ aadunyat "hit tigan ""amudar."""
"Pauline Kael was not particularly impressed by the movie, but noted ""Marlon Brando starved himself to play the pixie interpreter Sakini, and he looks as if he's enjoying the stunt—talking with a mad accent, grinning boyishly, bending forward, and doing tricky movements with his legs."
"Pauline Kael warekel ere tigrazan silma, mašan iktab ""Marlon Brando egay laz fal igi ən nəlixi ən Lutin Sakini, izar erha ad didil ən tinidar – imigrad istənm ere ajoren, idǎɣ istənm ara, akutar əsdat dǎɣ iga ibarajan okaynen dǎɣ əsəsiwan.""
"Newsweek found the film a ""dull tale of the meeting of the twain"", but it was nevertheless a box-office success."
"Newsweek ənhay as silma taqal ""tanfust tisimakadat dǎɣ tidawt nəsin idinat"" mašan eqal ayknan dǎɣ box-office."
The film went on to win four Academy Awards.
Silma darat awen təkal ikoz Oscars.
"By all accounts, Brando was devastated by her death, with biographer Peter Manso telling A&E's Biography, ""She was the one who could give him approval like no one else could and, after his mother died, it seems that Marlon stops caring."""
"Dǎɣ derhan cul, Brando təsirmaqi tamatant ən mas, awa əskala tiga Peter Manso dǎɣ asəlixat dǎɣ A&E's Biography : "taqalas tatadobet a tətafu tarhanes awa səwadadobat awadəm atag, darat awen tamatant ən mas, taqal as Marlon watətikma."""
The Young Lions also features Brando's only appearance in a film with friend and rival Montgomery Clift (although they shared no scenes together).
The Young Lions taqal əntadǎɣ azagar əyandǎɣ ən Brando dǎɣ silma ənta dəmidines əd emakenis ənes Montgomery Clift (dǎɣ iba əntizune ən salan ən tartit).
"Brando portrays the lead character Rio, and Karl Malden plays his partner ""Dad"" Longworth."
"Brando iga isalan nawadəm wadǎɣ azaran Rio, əd Karl Malden itag wa imidines ""Dad"".Long Worth. "
Brando's inexperience as an editor also delayed postproduction and Paramount eventually took control of the film.
Əsuzsid wa Brando seqal emasehi idgal igi əd Paramount dǎɣ samando itkal tanhat ən silma.
"By then, I was bored with the whole project and walked away from it."""
"Əgundedǎɣ , tadhit təsəmakadahi izar ənkašax falas."""
Brando's revulsion with the film industry reportedly boiled over on the set of his next film, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's remake of Mutiny on the Bounty, which was filmed in Tahiti.
Tazude ən Brando ye igi ən silmatan tokay yur igitan ən silma nes wilkamnen, fato tan Mutins wi Bunty win Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, wa igan dǎɣ Tahiti.
"Mutiny director Lewis Milestone claimed that the executives ""deserve what they get when they give a ham actor, a petulant child, complete control over an expensive picture."""
"Watagan Mutins, Lewis Milestone, ina inamahadan "inahag awa garaw ugud war hakan amusan əntikan, ara wənan ukul, dǎɣ tanhat silma timdat tasohet
The Ugly American (1963) was the first of these films.
The Ugly Americain (1963) eqal wa azaran silma.
All of Brando's other Universal films during this period, including Bedtime Story (1964), The Appaloosa (1966), A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) and The Night of the Following Day (1969), were also critical and commercial flops.
Silmantan fuk wi eqal magrad ən Brando dǎɣ alwaq wendǎɣ, fal Bedtime Story (1964), Appaloosa (1966), hinis ən Hong Kong (1967) dǎɣ ehad ən sund dašalwen (1969), aqalan əntanedǎɣ aydaran dǎɣ təzmit əd mašanšan.
Brando had also appeared in the spy thriller Morituri in 1965; that, too, failed to attract an audience.
Brando ila əntadǎɣ ayga dǎɣ thriller wa təmkrit Morituri dǎɣ 1965, wa wənan igrez ye ədinat.
Candy was especially appalling for many; a 1968 sex farce film directed by Christian Marquand and based on the 1958 novel by Terry Southern, the film satirizes pornographic stories through the adventures of its naive heroine, Candy, played by Ewa Aulin.
Candy eqal əntadǎɣ ayhan ajen, sex farce de 1968 iga Šristian Marquand dǎɣ əlkitab wa 1958 ən Terry Suthern, silma tiga isalan ən tufusen nəzinatan dǎɣ əxsusid ən tahanint, Candy, taxray Ewa Aulin.
"In the March 1966 issue of The Atlantic, Pauline Kael wrote that in his rebellious days, Brando ""was antisocial because he knew society was crap; he was a hero to youth because he was strong enough not to take the crap"", but now Brando and others like him had become ""buffoons, shamelessly, pathetically mocking their public reputations."""
"Dǎɣ edan wa Mars 1966 wan The Atlantic, Pauline Kael əktab as ehanin ən tagat ənes, Brando, ""eqal amadgal ən tartit falas isan as tartit taqal awənan ikna"", eqal emasehi ən təmədrit falas ila asahat ye iba ən tarha na wənan ikna "",mašan amara Brando əd iyad sundinta aqalan ""imaškan, tajakatnen talxanen, asuxsid, wan arhet nədinat """.
"I was very convincing in my pose of indifference, but I was very sensitive and it hurt a lot."""
"Riduwan hulan dǎɣ igi nənəyat, mašan aqalax awənan išmer izar ikmahi hulen.""
The film overall received mixed reviews.
Dǎɣ tartit, silma tigraw tizmiten ən nəsušusku.
Brando dedicated a full chapter to the film in his memoir, stating that the director, Gillo Pontecorvo, was the best director he had ever worked with next to Kazan and Bernardo Bertolucci.
Brando ətkal alxuruf əmdan ye silma dǎɣ ənəyat ənes, əlixat as emag, Gillo Pontecorvo, eqal wofan emag əd waskala waramšaxalan, darat Kazan əd Bernardo Bertolucci.
In 1971, Michael Winner directed him in the British horror film The Nightcomers with Stephanie Beacham, Thora Hird, Harry Andrews and Anna Palk.
Dǎɣ 1971, Mišael Winner ilwaytan dǎɣ silma nətiqal wa britannique The Nightcomers əd Stephanie Beašam, Thora Hird, Harry Andrews əd Anna Palk.
He bested Brando at the 1972 New York Film Critics Circle Awards.)
Azar ye Brando is New York silma Critics Circle Awards wan 1972).
Brando also had One-Eyed Jacks working against him, a troubled production that lost money for Paramount when it was released in 1961.
Brando əntadǎɣ igraw tanmiltak tan Jack widigrew tabaxor, nəgitan nəsuhu wa asban azruf yur Paramount yur azagarines dǎɣ 1961.
"Coppola convinced Brando to a videotaped ""make-up"" test, in which Brando did his own makeup (he used cotton balls to simulate the character's puffed cheeks)."
"Coppola igraw Brando ya rəgiš ye aragu ""ašišuhax"" igašan iyatsilma, tadǎɣ Brando išišahax ənta emanes ( itkal tibululaxen ən habu ya disaktid igazan akufnen nawadəm)".
"Brando had doubts himself, stating in his autobiography, ""I had never played an Italian before, and I didn't think I could do it successfully."""
"Brando ənta emanes əsinhugu, iganan dǎɣ awa əšxal : ""kala wiriga Italien dat awa, izar waraxelax adobex igu na husken.""
Brando was signed for a low fee of $50,000, but in his contract, he was given a percentage of the gross on a sliding scale: 1% of the gross for each $10 million over a $10 million threshold, up to 5% if the picture exceeded $60 million.
Brando atwaga sund tampo ən 50 000 $, mašan dǎɣ tiridwat ənes, igaraw harat dǎɣ tasudut ən éšelle mobile : 1% dǎɣ tamukust dǎɣ 10 millions ən dollar okayan 10 millions, awendǎɣ har 5% afal silma toqay 60 millions
"In a 1994 interview that can be found on the Academy of Achievement website, Coppola insisted, ""The Godfather was a very unappreciated movie when we were making it."
"Dǎɣ tidawt tan 1994 ədǎɣ adobat agaraw dǎɣ tedagit tan Academy of Ašievement, Coppola tahat tehayt : ""Parrain eqal silma wənənan izgraz hulen ugud waritagu."
They didn't like the way I was shooting it.
Wədarhen əmək was tawaga silma.
In a 2010 television interview with Larry King, Al Pacino also talked about how Brando's support helped him keep the role of Michael Corleone in the movie—despite the fact Coppola wanted to fire him.
Dǎɣ tidawt təmətkalan tatiwardat dǎɣ 2010 yur Larry King, Al Pacino əntadǎɣ ələxat awas əsəlil tan Brando tədhalti suduf nəšixil wan Mišeal Corleone dǎɣ silma, awendǎɣ dak iga as Coppola arha atišig.
"He broke the ice by toasting the group with a glass of wine."" '"
"Erza glace as iligat tasəswit ye aljamaxat dǎɣ alcas nəsmid."" ""
"Caan adds, 'The first day we met Brando everybody was in awe.'"""
"Caan asawed : ‘ašal wazaran yur amuqasan ənBrando, aljamaxat kul taqalan ayswadan.""
"Also, because he had so much power and unquestioned authority, I thought it would be an interesting contrast to play him as a gentle man, unlike Al Capone, who beat up people with baseball bats."""
Əntadǎɣ, falas ila tanaya tendǎɣ əd təmxire wənan tinwinu, axelax eqal aybdan ahusken da dəqəl ahalis ahusken, ebdan da Al Capone, wa Inaqan adinat is batte tan baseball." " "
There was really no beginning.
Wartila santo faw.
He boycotted the award ceremony, instead sending indigenous American rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather, who appeared in full Apache attire, to state Brando's reasons, which were based on his objection to the depiction of indigenous Americans by Hollywood and television.
Itamax dǎɣ tidawen tən huk ən alhakan, əd asisiw dǎɣ edag nanamokal wa naxil ən Américain ən kal anal, Sašeen Littlefeather, wi əlsanen comple apaše, fal azizgriran tidit tan Brando, ta wənan tarda ye tasawt tan Americatan ən kal akal is Hollywood əd silmatan.
As with previous films, Brando refused to memorize his lines for many scenes; instead, he wrote his lines on cue cards and posted them around the set for easy reference, leaving Bertolucci with the problem of keeping them out of the picture frame.
Sund silmatan wihin okaynen, Brando ugay dilmad texarenes dǎɣ handagan ajonen ;iktab dǎɣ alkadan izar igen dǎɣ batma far ad dagrha iman šik, oyan ye Bertolucci asafar na tan tətəf dǎɣ agama tele.
His gross participation deal earned him $3 million.
Asukənes wa nugiš wa hin odanan ikal 3 millions ən dollar.
"Pauline Kael, in The New Yorker review, wrote ""The movie breakthrough has finally come."
"Pauline Kael, dǎɣ tizmiten tən New Yorker, əktab : "As amir nəgitan ən silma əwadid dǎɣ samando."
In 1973, Brando was devastated by the death of his childhood best friend Wally Cox.
Dǎɣ 1973, Brando təsinanti tamatant namidibes olax dǎɣ təmədrit Wally Cox.
Absent for the first hour of the movie, Clayton enters on horseback, dangling upside down, caparisoned in white buckskin, Littlefeather-style.
Wardosa dǎɣ heure wa əzaran ən silma, Clayton igaš dabaje, ətiwligilit exafines sider, elakef nalam dǎɣ təməle, iga Littlefeather.
"Penn, who believed in letting actors do their thing, indulged Marlon all the way."""
"Penn, wa axelan as araywu imakanan igin awa harhan, əsikna tarxisenes ye Marlon awendǎɣ har samando.""
In 1978, Brando narrated the English version of Raoni, a French-Belgian documentary film directed by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux and Luiz Carlos Saldanha that focused on the life of Raoni Metuktire and issues surrounding the survival of the indigenous Indian tribes of north central Brazil.
Dǎɣ 1978, Brando iga tafust dǎɣ anglais tan Raoni ən silma ta təktabat franco-belge iga Jean-Pierre əd Lui Carlos Saldanha wa oxasan dǎɣ təmudre ən Raoni Metuktire əd asistan wan tamudre ən tizunawen ən indientan ən kal akal dǎɣ amas ən awza wan Brésil.
In 1979, he made a rare television appearance in the miniseries Roots: The Next Generations, portraying George Lincoln Rockwell; he won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie for his performance.
Dǎɣ 1979, asohat ən silma dǎɣ mini-série Roots : The Next Generations, dǎɣ əšəxil wan George Lincoln Rockwell ; igraw Primetime Emmy Award watan ofan nəšixil wa sisin dǎɣ mini-série mex silma asahat ənes.
Brando was paid $1 million a week for 3 weeks work.
Brando izazal 1 million de dollars dǎɣ isa hadan ye 3 nogay nahad əd diyan nəšixil .
In the documentary, Coppola talks about how astonished he was when an overweight Brando turned up for his scenes and, feeling desperate, decided to portray Kurtz, who appears emaciated in the original story, as a man who had indulged every aspect of himself.
Dǎɣ akatab, Coppola italaxat tarimex nahanay ən Brando maqaran igašanid batma əd, afray as warasakna, ina arisumutiy Kurtz, wa eqalan asididan dǎɣ tanfust tan tidit, sund ahalis ifan imanes ye təmašaxalenes.
However, he returned in 1989 in A Dry White Season, based on André Brink's 1979 anti-apartheid novel.
Əgudendǎɣ , iwalid dǎɣ 1989 dǎɣ alwaq ədwat tila harat əd dagur, tigat fan əlkitab anti-apartheid wan André Brink wan 1979.
Brando received praise for his performance, earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor and winning the Best Actor Award at the Tokyo Film Festival.
Brando igraw təmmalen ən asahat ənes, igraw dawla dǎɣ Oscar wa ofan dǎɣ wasəsən əšəxil əd igraw alhak ən wa ofan dǎɣ magatan wən Festival tan silma wan Tokyo.
"Variety also praised Brando's performance as Sabatini and noted, ""Marlon Brando's sublime comedy performance elevates The Freshman from screwball comedy to a quirky niche in film history."""
"Variety əntadǎɣ iga təmmal nəšixil wan Brando dǎɣ əšəxil wan Sabatini əd iktab : ""Tihusay nəšixil ən sista wan Marlon Brando emaxar The Freshman dǎɣ lay wan sista screwball ye edag wa namas ən tanfust tan cinéma."""
The Island of Dr. Moreau screenwriter Ron Hutchinson would later say in his memoir, Clinging to the Iceberg: Writing for a Living on the Stage and in Hollywood (2017), that Brando sabotaged the film's production by feuding and refusing to cooperate with his colleagues and the film crew.
Emag wan Île namusan Moreau, Ron Hutšinson, ina agudiyan dǎɣ iniyat ənes, Clinging to the Iceberg : Writing for a Living on the Stage and in Hollywood ( 2017), as Brando exšad igi ən silma dǎɣ atkir əd ugay dertay ən midawanes əd aljamaxat tan igi.
This was his last role and his only role as a female character.
Eqal əšəxil ənes wa samando əd əšəxil iyadǎɣ wa deden.
"The actor's son, Miko, was Jackson's bodyguard and assistant for several years, and was a friend of the singer. """
"Ara wa watagan, Miko, eqal amagaz əd emajeyhi wan Jackson dǎɣ wityan ajotnen, əd eqal amis namazzar."""
Dad had a hard time breathing in his final days, and he was on oxygen much of the time.
Tis əndaras ufas dǎɣ hadanes wilkamnen dǎɣ təmudrenes, əd hanti dacortan nufas dǎɣ agud sa sagud.
So Michael got Dad a golf cart with a portable oxygen tank so he could go around and enjoy Neverland.
Michael ifa tis turafs tan golf ənta əd lulu nufas dǎɣ taxarat fal arudabat tekle əd duguš ən Neverland.
He also suffered from diabetes and liver cancer.
Tasimankati ənta dǎɣ diabète əd cancer tan ulh.
His single recorded line was included within the final game as a tribute to the actor.
Tənanes iyadǎɣ ta taqimat tatwazazgar dǎɣ adalan wi samando nətiqal ən wa itagan.