A figure in white robes walking on water
A phoenix rising from the ashes
A person aging rapidly before turning to dust
A group of children playing amidst a field of wildflowers
A couple embracing passionately under a waterfall
Contemplative (Reflective, Thoughtful) A monk walking barefoot to the sea in white robes.
A person being born from a cocoon
A man with a hidden face, shrouded in a cloak, standing in a dense forest
A man with a snake coiled around his body
A woman with a face made of flowers
This monk is walking in a forest to find lost time.
A man whose eyes are the sun and moon
A woman made of stardust
A weeping woman with a broken heart
Create an image of a powerful figure surrounded by light and radiating power
now we shall see if I've fixed the timeout, masterpiece krita digital illustration
a beautiful sunflower
the Seattle skyline
the skyline of Seattle, Egypt
a goose holding a handgun, a goose aiming a gun, masterpiece krita digital illustration
the angel of the sea, masterpiece krita digital illustration
the train of love, masterpiece krita digital illustration
the universal prior, CLIP Studio Pro Paint
the universal prior
the lightning phoenix flying through space, masterpiece krita digital illustration
the first day of the waters
a woman wearing an electrode eeg cap wired up to a desktop computer, digital acrylic painting
the first day of the waters, oil on canvas
the elephant in the room
a painting made out of toothpaste
room full of lit candles
gemstone specimen collection
collection of high value jewelry pieces
black opal
attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion
moon colony
the evil aristocrat
New York puppet bodega
professional hdr real estate photography of a dingy old New York bodega
interior of an old New York bodega
nobody knows what it's like
blank stares
soda machine in the middle of the desert
water fountain in the middle of the desert
he creates a luxurious and mystical world
His work is full of hidden depths and meanings.
It draws you in and doesn't let go.
A figure reclines in a languid pose, one arm draped across their forehead.
A figure gazes up at the stars, a sense of awe and wonder on their face.
A figure stands on a cliff, looking out over a vast and beautiful landscape.
A figure sits in a quiet forest, surrounded by nature and peace.
A figure meditates on a mountain top, surrounded by clouds and mist.
A figure walks through an ancient city, its streets and buildings alive with history.
A figure swims through an underwater cave, surrounded by eerie and beautiful creatures.
A figure stands in front of a grand and imposing palace, looking up at its towering spires.
A figure stands before a mystical portal, about to embark on an adventure
A person is sitting in a dimly lit room with candles around them, focus on their face
An abandoned house in the middle of nowhere that looks like it's been deserted for years
,add Inside a dark and stormy forest there is a small cottage with light emanating from the windows
Inside a dark and stormy forest there is a small cottage with light emanating from the windows
Late at night, in front of an old castle gates set deep within foggy woods
A black cat crossing your path during a new moonlit night
An owl perched atop an ancient tree near midnight
In your dreams you are wandering through dense jungle when you spot half-hidden temple ruins up ahead
The Royal Observatory in the middle of a winter fog.
The bunratty castle looms in the void of the night.
After hours spent studying dusty tomes in musty library, finally uncover long forgotten spell
A person looking into a crystal ball
A person reading Tarot cards
A person meditating
A figure surrounded by flames, representing the power of the subconscious mind
A figure holding a staff or wand, representing the ability to influence others
A figure with a third eye, representing the ability to see beyond the physical
A figure standing on a mountain top, representing the achievement of goals
A figure with wings, representing the power of the imagination
A figure surrounded by animals, representing the ability to connect with nature
A figure standing in front of a sun, representing the power of the will
A figure standing in front of a moon, representing the power of the emotions
A figure in a boat, representing the journey of life
You will have good luck in all your endeavors.
You will find true love and happiness.
All your dreams will come true.
A figure cloaked in a black robe is shown surrounded by a ring of candles.
A deck of tarot cards is shown with the card "The Tower" prominently displayed.
A woman is shown sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face.
The sun is shown rising over a calm sea.
The sun god is the most majestic sculpture of all time.
A mystical scene with a hooded figure surrounded by candles and strange symbols
man deep in meditation, surrounded by an aura of light
A woman walking through a dense forest, following a winding path
A woman lying in a field of tall grass, staring up at the stars
is this thing on?
it works!
A man deep in meditation, surrounded by an aura of light
A man and woman sitting across from each other, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes
A glowing crystal ball that shows a swirling, enigmatic vision.
A mystical symbol that glows with otherworldly power.
A foggy, dreamlike landscape where anything is possible.
A figure clad in robes, surrounded by candles and incense smoke.
A dark and stormy night, with flashes of lightning illuminating a shadowy figure in the distance.