frighteningly large hamster
jazz swing band
professional drumset
an obese man with a watermelon head
the unity of division
this is what happens when you drive too slow
an angry police officer arresting a tree
this shouldn't be happening
swat team arresting a tree
angry police officer arresting a cow
angry cow arresting a cop
A cat dressed up as a chicken
A baby with a beard
A man with a cat on his head
A baby elephant balancing on a beach ball
A strawberry with a human face
A chicken nugget wearing a top hat and monocle
A close up of a person's face making a very serious expression, with a speech bubble coming from their mouth that says "I'm secretly a sentient slice of pizza."
A cat sitting in a human-sized teacup, looking very pleased with itself.
A dog with a human-like face, wearing a suit and tie, sitting at a desk and typing on a laptop.
A person's head photoshopped onto a chicken's body, standing in a kitchen and cooking a meal.
A spaceship shaped like a giant dog, with a sign that says "Beware of Dog."
The many faces of being constipated
When you're trying to be cute but you just can't help but be weird
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my magnificent beard.
I'm not a morning person.
I'm pretty sure this is how you're supposed to meditate.
ext me a picture of your favorite animal but it has to be in a fancy outfit.
Send me a pic of you and your best friend but you're both animals.
Paint me a picture of your favorite food but it's a cartoon character.
Take a picture of yourself in a public place but make a funny face.
A garden hose spraying a cat
A cat playing with a ball of yarn
A cat that is also a cake.
A dog that is also a doughnut.
A cat that is also a mouse.
A bird that is also a fish.
A cat in a suit with a bow tie playing the violin
A dog in a top hat and tails playing the piano
A bear in a tutu dancing ballet
A mouse in a tuxedo playing the cello
A monkey in a tuxedo playing the saxophone
What if instead of a dog, the president had a chicken?
What if the Mona Lisa was a selfie?
What if the White House was made of gingerbread?
wo dogs playing fetch with each other, but one dog is throwing a Frisbee and the other is throwing a stick
A person trying to put a square peg in a round hole
A person walking a dog that is much bigger than them
A person holding an umbrella in the sun
A person walking in the rain with no umbrella
A giant piece of toast with a human face nestled in a sea of butter
A cat spiraling through space as it meows
A dog driving a car down a highway
A koala Bear sipping on a cup of tea
A baby elephant taking a bath
A panda eating a bamboo shoot
A lion lounging on a sofa
A monkey eating a banana
A giraffe stretching its neck to reach the leaves of a tall tree
Make a painting of a banana wearing a top hat and monocle.
Paint a portrait of a cat riding a llama.
An oil painting of the pink flower, that sign of democracy
Create a work of art that looks like a bunch of random people's faces mashed together.
Transform a picture of a normal cityscape into a cartoon one by adding in giant vegetables instead of buildings.
Create a drawing of a traditional still life, but use foods that are shaped like animals.
Make a painting of a chicken wearing a tutu and crown, surrounded by a group of adoring rabbits.
A face made entirely out of different types of food
A person made out of different kinds of furniture
A room full of very surprised looking animals
A person made out of different kinds of plants
A picture of a very muscular and attractive man holding a sign that says "I'm With Stupid"
A picture of a dog with a very surprised look on its face, as if it just realized it pooped on the floor
A picture of a cat with a very confused look on its face, as if it just realized it is a cat
A picture of a baby with a very serious look on its face, as if it just realized it is a human
What if the sky was purple?
What if the Earth was flat?
A close-up of a ladybug wearing a sombrero and eating a taco
A magenta elephant flying through the air with pink wings
A baby panda playing the drums
A man in a chicken suit
A woman with a hilariously large nose
A man with a very severe sunburn
A woman with a very large and unruly afro
A woman wearing a dress made entirely out of bacon
You see a King sitting on a throne made of the finest materials, looking down at you with a smile.
A king is surrounded by an army of loyal subjects who would do anything for him.
You see a beautiful woman in a flowing white dress. She has a serene look on her face, and she beckons you to come closer.
You find yourself in a grand hall, with a high ceiling and a marble floor. You feel a sense of awe and wonder, and you can't help but walk forward.
You see a crowd of people, all cheering and clapping. You feel a sense of joy and excitement, and you can't help but join in.
You see a man in a dark suit, standing in front of a large door. He looks serious and important, and he beckons you to come closer.
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.
Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.
The ability to deceive oneself may be the most important human attribute.
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
f you want to control someone, you must first control what they see.
a painting of the man who would be king.
an illustration of the one who will vanquish our enemies.
a portrait of the one who will bring peace to the world.
a masterpiece painting of the one who will make all our dreams come true.
The tide washes in, and with it comes a new day. A new beginning. A chance to break free from the past and start anew.