The rising sun brings with it the promise of a new day. A new beginning. A chance to leave the past behind and start anew.
As the sun slowly rises, it reminds us that there is always hope. That no matter how dark the night may seem, the dawn will always come.
The new day brings with it the possibility of change. The possibility of a new beginning. The chance to break free from the past and start anew.
A eagle with a pink flower
A illustrative work of the clocks of time and soul from the ancient that created such beauty
A girl waking up in a dark room
A boy standing in front of a locked door
A crumpled up letter
A torn out page from a book
A favorite sweater with a hole in it
A map with a treasure marked
A kids drawing of a family
A faded polaroid of a happy memory
Create an image of a angelic being surrounded by a brilliant light
An image of a wise elder giving counsel
An image of a warrior battling a fearsome creature
An image of a magical creature in a mystical forest
An image of a person discovering a hidden treasure
The angel is using a psychedelic form of art to communicate to us about our own existence.
A black cat with green eyes that seems to be smiling at you
A spiral staircase leading up to a door in the clouds
A shooting star streaking across the night sky
A unicorn galloping through a field of flowers
A castle made of books
A tree made of human bones
A spiral staircase made of fog
A city made of glass
A dusty old tome with unknown symbols on its cover
A lit candle in a dark room with a single spider crawling up the wall
An antique key hanging from a nail on a weathered door
A single red rose wilting in a field of snow
A hooded figure standing in the shadows of a doorway
A yule log burning in the fireplace, with a mysterious, hooded figure watching from the shadows
An idyllic winter scene, with a school of fish swimming in a frozen pond
A yule log burning in the fireplace, with green holly and red berries around it.
A Christmas tree with presents beneath it,and a small child reaching up to touch the star on the top.
A plate of cookies and a glass of milk left out for Santa.
A close up of a snowflake falling on pine needles.
A fireplace with a warm fire crackling in it, with a fluffy white cat sleeping in front of it.
A group of carolers singing in the cold night air.
A family gathered around the table, exchanging gifts and laughter.
A cascade of waterfalls tumbling down a mountainside, surrounded by verdant foliage
A ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the landscape
A group of children running and laughing through a meadow
The arrival of Spring is heralded by the first blooms of the season.
The trees are alive with the sound of birdsong as they welcome the return of Spring.
The world is reborn anew as the cycle of life begins anew with the coming of Spring.
What does Spring look like through the lens of an old-fashioned camera?
A close up of a dandelion, the soft white seeds blowing in the wind.
The tree is in full bloom, with pink and white blossoms covering its branches.
A white rose: purity, innocence, new beginnings
A black cat: bad luck, witchcraft, mystery
A full moon: madness, fertility, transformation
A clock: time is running out, ticking away, death
A spiral: insanity, the unknown, whirling into the abyss
A waterfall: emotion, release, cascading down
A forest: secrets, hidden desires, wildness
A beautiful ocean with dolphins swimming near the shore
A cityscape made entirely of candy
A gigantic rabbit hopping through a forest
You are the light of the world. Shine brightly and guide others to the truth.
Dream of a better world. One where love guides us all and we are free to be our true selves.
A shining sun with a human face reveals a hidden message
A white dove flying through a stormy sky.
A nightmarish creature made of shadows and teeth.
A glowing orb of light in the darkness.
A beautiful woman with wings made of fire.
A massive, coiling serpent made of pure darkness.
A bluebird sitting on a branch, surrounded by a sunburst: This symbolizes hope and new beginnings.
A cave with a waterfall: This symbolizes your subconscious and buried emotions.
A tiger in the snow: This symbolizes raw strength and power.
A cityscape at night: This symbolizes the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
A flower blooming: This symbolizes growth and new beginnings.
A loved one appears to you in a dream, looking worried and telling you that you need to wake up.
You find yourself in a dark forest, and suddenly you see a white deer staring at you from the bushes.
You're in a field of tall grass, and you hear rustling from a large creature behind you.
A figure in a white lab coat stands over a table strewn with beakers and chemicals
A door made of interwoven tree roots blocks the entrance to a dark cave
A man in a business suit stares blankly ahead, his face pale and expressionless
A solitary figure stands on a rocky cliff, looking out over a vast and empty landscape
A woman in a flowing white dress dances gracefully in a meadow full of wildflowers
A raging river blocks your path, its churning waters filled with debris and debris
A shadowy figure beckons to you from the Other side of a wrought-iron gate
A figure in a long, flowing robe beckons to you from a floating platform in the sky
You are being chased by a dark, shadowy figure through an abandoned cityscape
You find yourself in a strange, labyrinthine maze, with no idea how to escape
A girl with an umbrella
A close up of a keyhole
A cityscape at night
A girl sits at a cafe, looking out at the rain
A city bustles at night, the neon lights shining brightly.
"Snicklefrink": An image of a small, furry creature with a long snout
"Dangleblatz": An image of a long, thin object dangling from a string
"Wumplefump": An image of a huge, round object with many small bumps
"Splooshnip": An image of a small object being splashed by a larger one
"Shmeebly": An image of a shivering, small creature
"Blinxo": An image of a large, spiral-shaped object
a cartoon character making a silly face.
a person drinking a milkshake through a straw.
a person fidgeting nervously with their hands.