Conductivity in Insulators and Its Interpretation A. von Hippel Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 605 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750721 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750721 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Vortex sound of the flute and its interpretation J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3239 (2008); 10.1121/1.2933486 Surface conduction on insulators: Analysis and interpretation of the Faraday cage experiment J. Appl. Phys. 81, 2682 (1997); 10.1063/1.363971 An interpretation of the vibrational spectra of insulating and electrically conducting poly(3 methylthiophene) aided by a theoretical dynamical model J. Chem. Phys. 100, 114 (1994); 10.1063/1.466982 Electrical conductivity of semiinsulating polycrystalline silicon and its dependence upon oxygen content Appl. Phys. Lett. 39, 554 (1981); 10.1063/1.92791 Pitch Variability and Its Linguistic Interpretation J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 50, 116 (1971); 10.1121/1.1977513 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58AUGUST. 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLU~E 8 Conductivity in Insulators and Its Interpretation* A. VON HIPPEL Electrical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Received April 17. 1940) The migration of charge carriers in insulators is discussed in this paper on the basis of a larf!:e amount of experimental material on hand. Beginning with deviations from Ohm's law, the trapping of ~harge carriers is considered and the formation of the" F" band in alkali-halide crystals. Then the laws of electronic conductivity in solid dielectrics are formulated. THE old conception of insulators as "non conductors" of electricity is dead. It became undermined by accumulating experi mental evidence demonstrating that conductivity can be created in insulators if only the proper conditions are chosen. These conditions are manifold and changing from case to case; time and temperature, field strength and illumination, structure and previous history, even the sur rounding atmosphere and the contacting elec trodes prove to be of importance. The definition "insulator" has become vague; it can mean any thing but a metal. Consequently theoretical phys ics defined insulators directly as "nonmetals" with the help of the zone structure of the elec tronic levels.1 But this is not sufficient; detailed knowledge is needed about the elementary proc esses providing mobile charge carriers and about the laws regulating their motion. These laws of motion are discussed in the following pages. DEVIATIONS FROM OHM'S LAW The concept of conductivity is normally based upon Ohm's law. It implies constant density of the charge carriers and assumes that they move in the field direction with an average velocity v=bE (b=mobility) (1) (E = field strength). This assumption of a friction factor l/b inde pendent of the driving force (1) has proved in valid lately in several cases. M. Wien.2 measuring the conductivity A of * Invited paper presented before the Division of In dustrial and Engineering Chemistry at the Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Cincinnati, 1940. I See, for instance, F. Seitz and R. P. Johnson, J. App. Phys. 8, 84, 186 (1937). 2 M. Wien, Ann. d. Physik 83, 327 (1927); 85, 795 (1928). electrolytes with high impulse voltages (105 volt/cm), found an increase of A with field strength to a final value Aoo, which corresponds to the equivalent conductivity for infinite dilu tion. This fact was explained3 with Debye's con cept of the ionic atmosphere: Each ion in solution surrounds itself preferentially with ions of the opposite sign, with a space-charge cloud char acterized by a radius and a relaxation time. At the high voltages used, the mobility increases be cause the ions begin to move faster than their atmosphere can form. Another deviation from Ohm's law was found by the author4 while studying the laws of electric breakdown in ionic single crystals. In metals the number of free electrons about equals that of the atoms, local space-charge effects cannot develop, and Fermi statistics result. Consequently the electrons have a long free path between inelastic collisions because the coupling with the lattice ions is weak, the time of interaction is short, and the number of free final states into which the electrons can go is limited. In nonmetals such as the alkali-halides the situation is quite different. If surplus electrons exist, their concentration is low; they are slow, because Boltzmann statistics apply, and act as space charges distorting the surroundings. The electrostatic coupling between electron and structure is strong and far-reaching; the electrons are in a state of permanent interac tion with the lattice. The probability of exciting lattice vibrations dominates the friction factor l/b of Ohm's law. This probability may be roughly described by an excitation function co ordinated to the spectrum of vibrations of the 3 G. Joos and M. Blumentritt, Physik. Zeits. 28, 836 (1927); G. Joos, ibid. 29, 755 (1928). 4 A. von Hippel, Zeits. f. Physik 75, 145 (1932); J. App. Phys. 8, 815 (1937). 60S This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58606 A. VON HIPPEL BREAKDOWN EFFECT FELO~H,E FIG. 1. material. The interaction time between electron and surroundings decreases with increasing veloc ity of the electron; therefore the function passes over a maximum above a critical field strength, the friction decreases, and acceleration, impact ionization, and breakdown result. 5 TRAPPING OF CHARGE CARRIERS The two deviations from Ohm's law discussed are interrelated, as Fig. 1 illustrates. Debye's ionic atmosphere can be pictured as a potential minimum floating along with the ion under con sideration. It represents a polarization of the medium, which is normally slight because the number and mobility of the charge carriers of opposite sign are about equal. In extreme cases, on the other hand, it can become very large, as the movement of protons in palladium indicates;6 the swarm of electrons around the H+ in the metal is so dense that the ion responds only with -./" of its charge to an outside field. Wien's effect indicates that the potential cup flattens out in electrolytes when the ions reach velocities of meters per second. This final state of ionic migration is, thanks to the small electron mass, more or less the initial state of electronic motion. The charge carriers move along, distorting temporarily the electron clouds of the molecules; the nuclei tending to swing into new equilibrium positions set up sound waves.7 While the heavy ions stay practically at the lower end of this friction barrier of vibrations, 6 The quantitative theory is being developed in the last years by H. Frohlich, R. J. Seeger, and E. Teller, W. Franz and F. Seitz, but has not yet reached a final form. • J. Franck, Nach. Ges. der Wiss., Gottingen 44, 293 (1933); B. Duhm, Zeits. f. Physik 95, 801 (1935). 7 A calculation of the longitudinal vibrations excited is given by E. Teller and his co·workers, Phys. Rev. 57. 1084A (1940). the electrons in high fields may pass it (break down effect). The space-charge poten tial around ions in electrolytes is the first indication of ionic binding; it comes to a full development in lattice struc tures like rocksalt, where each charge carrier is surrounded by six opposite ions and kept locally trapped in a potential cup several electron volts deep. Figure 1 suggests that also around electrons a polarization of the medium should take place if they are slow enough. In crystals with strong binding forces they do not even need to be very slow, because the ions respond quickly. Hence also electrons should be trapped if they are strongly coupled to locally bound particles. Such a capture of a surplus electron in a NaCl lattice, for instance, may be described quite graphically: An electron traveling with the kinetic energy of 1/10 e volt has a wave-length }.,=h/mv=3.8 10-7 em, and acts therefore like a space charge of one elementary charge spread over a volume }.,3 containing about 2500 lattice ions. The distortion produced is small but far reaching, thanks to the slow decay of the Cou lomb potential with distance. The ions respond with a top frequency higher than 5.7 1012 vibra tions per second ("Reststrahl"-frequency); there fore the ·distant ions have time enough to be somewhat displaced by the electron speeding with a velocity of 1.9.107 em/sec. through the structure. A small potential cup begins to form around the electron; it slows down by dissipating energy into lattice vibrations. But the Coulomb field springing up around the electron, thanks to the lattice distortion, increases the total kinetic energy of the electron because it must oscillate or rotate in this field with a kinetic energy equaling half the potential energy.8 Therefore the wave length shortens, space-charge density and inter action time increase, the potential cup deepens into a local trap, and the electron becomes localized around a positive ion of the lattice. THE "F" BAND OF THE ALKALI-HALIDES If this picture of electron capture is correct, an optical absorption band should appear, indi cating by its location the position of the surplus electrons in the material and by its color the 8 N. Bohr, Phil. Mag. 26, 24 (1913). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58CONDUCTIVITY IN INSULATORS 607 energy needed for their photoelectric liberation. Now Pohl and his co-workers9 have found an absorption band in the alkali-halides, the "F" band, which can be created by photo-effect, heat treatment in alkali vapor, or electric current at high temperature. This band moves in the electric field like an electron cloud, as Stasiw10 first found, and has been identified by the author with the trapping band he expected.ll But there is a strong controversy at the moment about the cor rectness of this model; another possibility exists, which we shall consider next, because the discus sion of it introduces concepts of importance. Landau12 first proposed a quantum-mechanical trapping mechanism for electrons, taking the standpoint that slow electrons cannot be trapped on account of their long wave-length, but that electrons might be captured if speeded up suffi ciently by an activation energy. The author came, without knowing of this paper, to the op posite conclusion-that slow electrons will be trapped by the mechanism outlined above. By comparing both processes it can be seen that the Coulomb field of the distorted surroundings per forms the service of the activation energy to shrink the wave-length of the electron. Gurney and Mott13 took first our standpoint-that an electron can be trapped in the ideal lattice-but later they discarded this modeP4 in favor of one Distance from missing ion_ + FIG. 2. Potential energy of an electron in the neighbor hood of a missing negative ion according to de Boer and Mott. The dotted lines give the curve -e2/Kv. 9 See, for instance, R. W. Pohl, Proc. Phys. Soc. 49, 3 (1937). 10 O. Stasiw, Nach. Ges. Wiss., Gbttingen, No. 50 (1933). 11 A. von Hippel, Ergebnisse d. exakt. Naturwiss. 14, 113 (1935); Zeits. f. Physik 101, 680 (1936). 12 L. Landau, Physik. Zeits. Sowjetunion 3, 664 (1933). 13 R. \V. Gurney and N. F. Mott, Proc. Phys. Soc. 49, 32 (1937). 14 That the reason given at the Bristol Conference (Proc. Phys. Soc. 49, 36 (1937» is invalid, has been pointed out already (A. von Hippel, J. App. Phys. 8, 832 (1937». given by de Boer.15 De Boer assumes that an electron is captured at a lattice point where a negative ion is missing (Fig. 2). That such vacant lattice points exist can be concluded from the fact of ionic conduction. The ions in an ideal lattice, like rocksalt, fill out the crystal structure by very tight packing; their activation energy is much too high to explain the large conductivity observed. There must be defects in the structure, such as ions in interstitial positions or transferred N,' c,· No' c,-N,' c,-N,' CI-N,' CI-D D e c,-Na' el-Na+ CI-No' CI-D CI-N,' c,-Na' N,' CI' D CI-N,' CI- No' CI-No' D Na' m- CI-No' c,-No' c,-N,' c,-N,. c,-N,' CI-Na' e N(I+ CI-N,' CI-No' c,-N,' c,-N,' c,-D CI- c,-No' c,-D CI-N,' c,-N" D N,' c,-No' H,.I N"-oono_tdltllo,nI.,.HMII,o"IIOII. ,,..4. E ... I __ of N4< OIMI tl-__ in FIG. 3. Lattice disorder. to the surface, leaving vacant places (Fig. 3) for ionic migration.16 In NaCl, in thermal equi librium at 1000oK, about 10-5 of the lattice points should be disordered to account for the ionic mobility measured. Frenkel, Wagner, lost, and Schottky mainly have developed this theory, and Schottky and others17 have calcu lated that in the alkali-halides the dominant kind of disorder is his "Type 4" of vacant places (see Fig. 3). It is of importance to establish which of the two models given above represents the" FH band, because a deeper insight into the properties of ideal and defective crystal structures is involved. From the standpoint of our model, a decision might be reached by the following cycle process (Fig. 4): Given the ideal lattice of NaCl and a migrating surplus electron in its conduction band. Now (1) remove one Na+ ion into vacuum by spending the lattice energy Uo= 183 kcal. minus a polarization energy Up, because the lat tice around the hole becomes distorted and settles down into a new equilibrium position. Up, ac- 15 J. H. de Boer, Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 56, 301 (1937). 16 J. Frenkel, Zeits. f. Physik 35, 652 (1926); C. Wagner and W. Schottky, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie 11, 163 (1930); W. Jost, J. Chern. Phys. I, 466 (1933); W. Schottky, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie 29, 335 (1935). 17 W. Jost and G. Nehlep, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie 32, 1 (1936); N. F. Mott and M. J. Littleton, Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 485 (1938). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58608 A. VON HIPPEL + + + + + + FIG. 4. Cycle for calculation of release energy. (F band.) cording to Mott and Littleton,17 amounts to about 77 kcal. (2) Remove the electron from the crystal by spending the energy of the work func tion X = 11.5 kcaJ.ls (3) Combine electron and ion, gaining the ionization potential J = 118 kcaJ. (4) Place the sodium atom back into the hole; a small energy gain n in the order of 37 kcal. re sults.IS (5) Remove the electron by light absorp tion back into the conduction band; the quantum hVt necessary should represent the energy of the "F" band. Result: hVt= -Uo+ Up-x+I +n=37.5 kcal. = 1.63 ev (2) as compared with the experimental value 2.73 ev.19 This difference can be in the limits of error, and the value calculated indicates that an elec tron will be trapped in the ideal lattice, but a decision between the two models can only be made by new experimental evidence. We are engaged in this study. ELECTRONIC CONDUCTIVITY IN SOLIDS Conductivity in solid insulators, as the preced ing discussion shows, is normally not produced by a free flow of charge carriers through a resist ant medium but by a progression of the charges in jerks. The carriers are trapped after an average displacemen t distance 'II!; they stick un til the heat vibration of the structure supply with statistical probability the activation energy for their release. 18 N. F. Mott, Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 500 (1938). 19 E. Mollwo, Zeits. f. Physik 85, 56 (1933). For electrons in crystals this conduction process can be fol1owed up step by step in direct experiments. The liberation of the charges can be produced photoelectrically by a narrow light beam; if the insulator is kept cool, no second re lease of the electrons after capture will take place. The current measured as function of distance between light beam and anode (Fig. 5) reflects directly the decay of the number of charge car riers with the distance of migration.20 An expo- Pllolo Curt'nt in 10-13 Amp. -Width of hgltbeom 10 1---.,-----r=::::=-,---r:'~312;--, ~ + 208 104 I 2 • X, di,tanc, from onode to li9hl beam, in mm. FIG. 5. Measurement of the displacement distance of electrons in AgCl at -186°C. nential decay law has been found, (3) the displacemen t distance 'II! increases propor tionaIly to the field strength applied and has a value 'lI!o of 2.5.10-5 cm in AgCI, and of about 10-7 cm in NaCl at a field of 1 volt/cm.21 The large difference between the two crystals of identical lattice structure is to be expected from the picture of electronic migration given in the preceding paragraphs. While the alkali halides are strongly ionic crystals coupling the electron intensely to an extended volume of the material, the silver halides have a large portion of atomic binding, and a much weaker and more limited interaction results. Values for the free path of surplus electrons found by "Hal1-effect" meas urements give additional evidence. No effect could be found in NaCl22 indicating that the free path was below 10-7 em, while in diamond crystals a large free path of 10-6 cm has been observed.23 It is quite possible that in atomic structures like diamond the coupling is so weak 20 W. Flechsig, Physik. Zeits. 32, 843 (1931); K. Hecht, Zeits. f. Physik 77,235 (1932). 21 G. Glaser, Nach. Ges. der Wiss. Giittingen, 3, No.2 (1937). 22]. Evans, Phys. Rev. 54,47 (1940). 23 H. Lenz, Ann. d. Physik 77, 449 (1925); 82, 775 (1927). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58CONDUCTIVITY IN INSULATORS 609 that electrons are not trapped in the free volume but only on boundaries or impurities; such materials should also have a comparatively low breakdown strength if they do not possess elec tronic excitation levels as a second barrier against impact ionization. The velocity of the surplus electorns in alkali halide crystals can be measured by observing the motion of the color cen ters forming the" F" band or by calculating the density of the centers and the electronic current transferred.24 An exponen tial temperature dependence (4) has been found in this way which can be easily understood. The outside observer, integrating over the intermittent motion of the charge car riers records the average velocity (5) where tt marks the mean time of capture at one point, and t, the mean time of free travel between two capture acts. The time t"t is ended statisti cally by the temperature motion of the crystal supplying the activation energy U for release of the electron (6) tl is normally «tt; therefore the form (4) results v= (wla)· e-U/kT (7) and the conductivity can be written A= N·e· (wo/a)· e-U/kT (N=number of surplus electrons per cm3). (8) The factor a measures the degree of coupling between the trapped electron and its surround ings; 1/ a can be interpreted as the frequency of oscillation produced by this binding. It should be appreciably lower than the "Reststrahl" fre quency of the lattice points because the size of an alkali atom is large; therefore the electron will be shared in the trapped state by one central ion and a group of neighbors. With Smakula's values for NaCl:24 U=0.94 ev, vo=20 cm/sec./ volt/cm, T=973°K; and Glaser's2l wo=1.10-8 24 A. Smakula, Nach. Ges. der Wiss. Gottingen, I, No.4 (1934). cm25) for a concentration of color centers 10l7/cm3 we find: a=5·1O-lO sec., tl=4.9·10-5 sec.; pt=1/a=2·109 sec.-l as expected «p,=5.7·1012 sec.-I. With increasing temperature the lattice structure widens, the oscillation frequency goes down, and the maximum of the" F" band shifts towards the red, as observed.26 The ratio between thermal activation energy U and optical absorp tion energy hpt is 1 : 2 in the limits of error; this it should be, according to the Franck-Condon principle, if the electron is trapped by lattice distortion. Equation (8) takes care of the conductivity produced by surplus electrons, but this is only one side of the problem. If these movable charge carriers are created by transferring elec trons from a lower filled zone into a conduction band, normally two possibilities for conduction are created in each case-one excess electron and one hole (Fig. 6). By treating the hole as positron of electronic mobility, the anomalous Hall effect has been explained,27 and since that time the theoretical discussion has normally dis tinguished between the two modes of conduction only by the sign. But the processes may be very different, as the case of the alkali-halides demon strates. If an electron is transferred from the halo gen ion into the conducting state, it represents the excess electron moving along distances w between trapping, as discussed; the observer sees a sodium atom moving relatively fast towards the anode. The missing electron at the halogen ion represents the hole; it may also move and trans fer the chlorine atom towards the cathode, but it can do so only in jerks w h of atomic distances by electron exchange from neighbor to neighbor. Keeping this difference in mind, the hole conduc tivity can be represented by an equation like (8) ---) J:L .. IN .. ,,ml BAND PICTURE OF' ELECTRON AND HOkE FIG. 6. ELECTRON AND HOLE MIGF(ATION IN NaCI 25 It is hard to see how such small distances can be explained with the de Boer-Mott model of trapping. 26 U and Vo in (4) are therefore dependent on T. 27 W. Heisenberg, Ann. d. Physik 10, 888 (1931). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58610 G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE and semiconductors with excess-and defect conductance can now be treated as individuals characterized by N, W, a, and U. CONCLUDING REMARKS The discussion of conductivity in the preceding paragraphs has limited itself to the laws of mo tion. But charges have not only to be transported, they have to be generated; they have to enter the material and to leave it; they have to be balanced by counter-charges providing the neces sary electroneutraIity. Only this more general picture, which includes the space-charge effects and field distortion, can explain the peculiar reactions of insulators observed in rectifiers and barrier-layer photo-cells. The author will come back to these questions elsewhere. AUGUST, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 Gaseous Heat Capacities. IF G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Received May 8, 1940) The present paper describes a continuation of the work on the heat capacities of lower hydro carbons by the Lummer-Pringsheim adiabatic expansion method. The apparatus and the pro cedure described in the first paper of this series, henceforth to be denoted as Part I, was used in the present research without important modifications, SINCE an absolute calibration of the resistance thermometer forms the most important feature of the present work, Fig. 1 shows the resistance temperature coefficients of the Wol laston wire which was used in most of the meas urements here described. To appreciate the re liability of these coefficients it may be pointed out that in a year's time the resistance of the wire at the ice point has changed by only 0.02 ohm out of a total of 280 ohms. Determinations of the thermal resistance coefficients which were made with every gas studied gave points which fell perfectly on the curve given in Fig. 1. As discussed in Part I the temperature of the wire does not remain constant after expansion but changes linearly with time. This was tenta tively explained as due to absorption of thermal radiation from the warmer walls of the expansion vessel by the gas and it was proposed to mini mize the effect by using a vessel with surfaces of very low emissivity. With this idea in mind the present research was conducted with the same expansion vessel and thermometer wires as in Part I except that the inside of the expansion 1 Part I, G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. W. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 281 (1939). vessel was gold-plated and polished to a mirror like surface. Unfortunately it was found that the constancy of the wire temperature after expan sion was thereby only slightly improved. The failure of the gold plating to improve the appearance of the experimen tal records and to reduce experimental errors is very disappointing. However, this failure does not eliminate radiation as the possible source of the temperature in constancy because at the low temperatures of the experiments rather long wave-lengths may •. 01>00-, I I (I I I I 10 .. 0 )0 40 50 60 10 80 gO 100 FIG. 1. The resistance-temperature coefficient of the Wollaston wire thermometer plotted against the tem perature in DC. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:35:58
Physics in 1939 Thomas H. Osgood Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 2 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712704 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712704 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jap/11/1 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsPhysics in 1939 THOMAS H. OSGOOD University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio I DURING the decade which is just closing, three new fundamental particles, the neutron, the positron and the meson have been discovered. In addition, theoretical considera tions seem to demand the existence of two others, the neutrino and the neutretto, although decisive experimental confirmation is still lacking. In these few years the inventory of particles has more than doubled. Since much of our present knowledge of all primary particles has been acquired with much ingenuity, in the best manner of detective fiction, by the sifting of conflicting evidence obtained from a study of fog-trails, we celebrate the occasion by printing in Fig. 1 a representative collection from the Rogues Gal lery of the Cloud Chamber. Three of these items are shown completely masked, although in appropriate company (such as a hydrogen-con taining substance) one of these, the neutron, will betray its passage by producing recoil nuclei. II Pride of place among new phenomena in the field of atomic physics must this year be given to the discovery of the fission of the heavy nuclei, uranium, protoactinium, and thorium, which occurs when they are bombarded with neutrons. It would hardly be true to say that the discovery was Quite unexpected, for although the effects of neutrons on nearly all the elements in the periodic table were investigated in an ex ploratory manner several years ago, yet the details of individual processes were far from being accurately known. One of the commonest proc esses which takes place when a neutron, especially a slow neutron, interacts with a nucleus, is the temporary addition of the neutron to the nucleus, and the emission of radiation. The new nucleus is unstable. A typical example is summarized in the equation Agl09+nL~AgllO+1'. The synthetic nucleus of mass 110 and charge 47 2 units still has the chemical properties of silver. But it is unstable, and decays rapidly in ac cordance with the scheme AgllO----7Cd llO+e-. The emission of a negative electron increases the positive nuclear charge by one unit, without appreciably diminishing the mass, so that the final nuclear product must have the chemical properties of element number 48, that is, cad mium, with a mass 110. If, however, as happens in other reactions, an alpha-particle, or a proton, or a neutron were emitted in place of, or accom panying the gamma-ray of the first equation, then the final product would, of course, belong to a different atomic species, lower in the periodic table.· So well-established were processes of this type that it was practically taken for granted that the interaction of neutrons with nuclei, followed only by the emission of beta-particles, would transmute those nuclei into other species one unit higher in the atomic series. Several years ago during their survey of the effects of neutrons, Fermi and his colleagues bombarded uranium and observed the subse quent emission of beta-rays. It was natural to conclude that the uranium had been transformed into an element of atomic number 93. Thus were born the "transuranic" elements. It happened that the beta-rays emitted during the formation of this and other "transuranic" elements were divisible into many classes, each characterized by its own decay constant. Unfortunately the half-lives were all so short that conclusive evidence as to the nature of the products, such as only chemical separation could give, was well nigh impossible to obtain. Then in 1937 Curie and Savitch discovered a product of period 3.5 hours, and proceeded forthwith to separate it by chemical means. It turned out to be a substance with the chemical properties of lanthanum, although its mode of production entitled it to be classed as a transuranic element. This was the beginning of the end of these mythical elements, JOURNAL OF APPLffiD PHYSICS Recoil K uc1eus Alpha-Particle Proton Neutron (apart from the 23-minute U239) for soon other products were discovered which had the chemical properties of barium. Early in 1939, l\Ieitner and Frischl pointed out that most of the inconsistencies among the ob servations dealing with the nuclear reactions of uranium could be eliminated by supposing that the nucleus formed after capture of a neutron split into two parts of comparable masses. In arguing their case they placed great reliance on the liquid-drop model of the nucleus developed by Bohr, and we quote their own words on this point. "On account of their close packing and strong energy exchange, the particles in a heavy nucleus would be expected to move in a collective way which has some resemblance to the move ment of a liquid drop. If the movement is made sufficiently violent by adding energy, sllch a drop may divide itself into two smaller drops." "In the discussion of the energies involved in the deformation of nuclei, the concept of surface tension of nuclear matter has been used and its value has been estimated from simple considera tions regarding nuclear forces. It must be remembered, hO\\'ever, that the surface tension of a charged droplet is diminished by its charge, and a rough estimate shows that the surface ten sion of nuclei, decreasing with increasing nuclear charge, may become zero for atomic numbers of the order of 100." ~Ieitner and Frisch predicted that the total kinetic energy of the two receding fragments from the uranium reaction should be about 200 ~Iev. They remarked also that under neutron bombardment, thorium was already l\leson Neutrino Positron Electron Xcutrctto FIG. 1. The Rogues Gallery of the Cloud Chamber. The meson track, noticeably heayier than the electron track in the same picture, is by E. ]. Williams, University College, Aberystwyth, and is reproduced from Nature 141, 684 (1938). The other tracks are from the collection of H. R. Crane, University of :\Iichigan. The range of the recoil nucleus is so small that its track appears merely as a spherical cluster of droplets. The droplets which it has formed here have actually condensed on neutral molecules. Had the ions not been removed beforehand, the droplets would have been far more numerous, VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 3 FIG. 2. Fission of uranium. The uranium oxide is de posited on a semi-circular strip backed by a section of paraffin. Fast neutrons are slowed clown by the paraffin ancl bomuard the uranium. Two thin tracks clue to natural alpha-particles of range about 2.4 cm from li I are seen, and in addition a very heavy track of somewhat smaller range is seen resulting from a uranium fission fragment. The range here is a little more than 2 cm. It happens that there arc no alphas frol11 the li II isotope. These have a longer range, about 2.75 cm, and are present in equal auundance. (Photograph by G. L. Weil, Colul1luia Uni versity.) known to give rise to products, some of whose decay periods were apparently the same as those of the products resulting from the fission of uranium. It was reasonable, then, to suppose that the thorium reaction \yas a fission process like that of uranium. I t was not long before unambiguous confinna tion of these suggestions came from several other laboratories, and we are privileged to reproduce here (Fig. 2) a cloud-chamber photograph made recently at Columbia University \yhich shows the intense ionization along the track of one of the fission products of uraniuIll. As an indication of the interest which this ne\v phenomenon has aroused we may point out that about t\Yenty percent of the Letters to the Editor in the Physical Review since February have been con cerned \vith it. To follow these in historical order would probably be confusing, so we shall attempt to give a brief account of the details of the process as they are nmy knmY11. Since the masses of atoms in the atomic sequence increase in general faster than twice the nuclear charge, a very heavy nucleus, if split, will divide into two fragments which include 4 more neutrons in proportion to protons than are found in normal atoms of about the same masses as the two fragments. For example, if uranium were to divide so that one immediate product were "BBal39, the equation shows that the other fragment (if there be only two) must be krypton, and a very peculiar krypton, with mass 100. This equation must be construed merely as indicating the kind of process involved in fission, because chemical analyses show the presence of nearly a dozen elements, solid and gaseous, among the products. These may be in a variety of high energy states. After the splitting of uranium, the question naturally arises as to the ultimate fate of these excess neutrons. Some at least, might be expected to be emitted during the fission process, others might be given out later, as the radioactive fragments decay. Experiments designed to count approxi mately the numbers of neutrons emitted have been made by Szilard and Zinn,2 who find that about hyo neutrons per fission are given out "instantaneollsly." In addition there is a delayed emission of neutrons3 with periods of about 12 seconds and 45 seconds. The emission of these neutrons indicates that the first products of fission are probably nuclei in high energy states, and that these decay, some with the emis sion of neutrons, to more stable forms which are in many cases still radioactive. As a result of their own experiments Heyn, Aten and Bakker4 suggest the following sequence for the gaseous products after fission has oc curred: 0.5 min. 10 min. 87 min. Xe139 ___ --+CS139 __ --+ Ba 139 ___ --+ La 139 (stable) 0.5 min. 30 min. long Xe ----+Cs ------+Ba ----+La 17 min. Kr88 ----+Rb88-----+Sr88 (stable). This evidence supports the idea that the primary process of fission may occur in more than one way; that is, the xenons in the table above are at least in different states of excitation and may well have different masses. Later experiments' from JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS this side of the Atlantic will probably cause a revision of some of the decay periods just quoted. Neutrons, slow or fast, are able to initiate the uranium-splitting reaction, and during its sub sequent course more neutrons are emitted with energies apparently in the range which is effective in causing the primary fission. It is an interesting game therefore, to speculate upon the possibility of a chain reaction6 going on in a mass of ura nium, which might continue with explosive violence once it has been started. Explosive, indeed, would be a mild word to use, for the reaction is, mass for mass, perhaps ten million times as energetic as the explosion of hydrogon and oxygen to form water. To date, there seems to have been no report of such an occurrence. \Vhy not, if two neutrons are given out for every original uranium nucleus which divides? The explanation depends on the effective cross sec tions of the atoms for the different processes which may occur. If slow neutrons are used to cleave uranium, it turns out that they are also able to transform the U238 to em by radiative capture, and since the latter reaction is very probable, that is, characterized by a com paratively large cross section, it would become operative and quickly use up the slow neutrons which accompany the original breaking down of uranium. On the other hand, if fast neutrons are used to cleave uranium, the other fast neutrons which are emitted during the subsequent reac tions have a much greater chance of being scat tered (i.e. the uranium atoms have a larger scattering cross section than cross section for fission) than of initiating a new fission process. Hence there is no possibility here of a chain reac tion unless many more than two additional neutrons are liberated as a result of the step-by step decay of the fragments of the primary uranium nucleus. If there actually turns out to be a danger of such a cumulative process in large masses of uranium, it could be prevented by mixing uranium with hydrogen-containing sub stances. Then, the fast secondary neutrons would very quickly be slowed down so that they could not initiate the fast neutron splitting of uranium, and more slow neutrons would be available for the harmless process of creating the unstable isotope U239. At the present time, the general opinion seems to be that no dangerous chain VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 reaction can occur unless there is an extraordi narily high concentration of the rare isotope U235. And it is comforting to think that during the accumulation of such a single isotope, an explosion would probably occur spontaneously (that is, be initiated by cosniic rays) before the quantity collected reached lethal proportions. FIG. 3. The ionization causred by the fission fragments was measured in a parallel plate ion chamber, 6 mm deep, containing argon at 100 Ib./in.2. The two major groups of fragments stand out clearly, one having about 100 Mev maximum energy, the other about 7S Mev. The alpha particles cause so insignificant an ionization that they do not stand out from the background. (Courtesy of ]. R Dunning, Columbia Cniversity.) The enigmatic behavior of this U239 is an im portant problem at the moment. It is definitely formed by the resonance capture of neutrons of about 2S electron-volt energy, and thereafter it emits beta-particles with a period of 23 minutes. A true lransuranic element of atomic number 93 therefore seems to be formed. But here the clues end. No one has eyer detected the emission of alpha-particles from it, nor is any member known of the permanent radioactive family which it would be expected to sire. \\Then Segrc states7 that "transuranic elements have not yet been observed," his sentence must be interpreted as meaning that the apparent formation of a transuranic element of number 93 must not be taken as final proof that it exists. Alreadv some aspects of this new disintegration process have been investigated in some detail. For example, Booth, Dunning and Slack8 have shown that the fragments fall into two distinct energy groups, as illustrated in the oscillograph record in Fig. 3, where each of the long black S vertical lines represents the ionization-due to one fragment. This was done by absorbing individual recoiling particles completely in an ionization chamber and measuring the ionization produced. The groups had maximum energies of about 7S and 100 Mev, from which the authors calculate that the ratio of the masses of the two fragments would be about 96/140. This ratio is in good agreement with the chemical evidence which (for Sr/La) would be about 90/140. However, the total energy measured falls short of that pre dicted by Meitner and Frisch by some 2S Mev, which may well be taken up by secondary processes such as excitation of the nuclear frag ments, or else the true energy of recoil may be greater than that which is measured on account of the difficulty of collecting all the ions from tracks of such great ionization density as these heavy nuclei form. The ranges of the particles are quoted by Booth, Dunning, and SIack9 as 1.S cm and 2.2 cm, measured in air. It would be wrong to make the assumption that these two groups are homogeneous, that is, that uranium always divides into exactly the same two parts, for Ba, Xe, Kr, I, Te, La, and other elements have been identified among the products of disin tegration; yet some authorities seem to think that the primary fission process is comparatively simple,lo and that the apparent complexity of the products is brought about by their subsequent behavior. III Studies of the artificial disintegration of ele ments are continued with unflagging zeal. New reactions are catalogued, new unstable nuclei are detected, energy levels of nuclei are mapped, new isotopes are discovered. Rather than present a mere condensed catalog of such findings, we prefer to deal with one topic in which the present knowledge of nuclear reactions has been applied to solve the problem of stellar energy. It must come as a keen pleasure to all who have worked during the last decade in the field of nuclear disin tegration, to find so direct an application of their researches as this. The information which we now have concerning the conditions which exist in the interior of a star form an outstanding example of deductive logic, for no direct observation can be made at all. The solution of the problem of the 6 origin of stellar energy is restricted at the outset by several well-tested generalizations which have been found from astrophysical observations, and by theories which are based upon them. Any acceptable solution must account for the evolu tion of a star according to the scheme of the Russell-Herzsprung diagram; it must account for Eddington's mass-luminosity relation; it should show why some stars follow the main sequence, and some are giants; it should offer some plaus ible reason for the occurrence of white dwarfs; it should be consistent with the known abun dance of the different chemical elements in stars; and should explain why stars have their masses grouped in so small a range. While it is too much to hope for a thoroughly satisfactory theory at first, considerable progress has been reported in papers by Bethe,ll and by Gamow and Teller.12 Normally we think of nuclear reactions as occurring when a fast-flying particle interacts with a nucleus. The terrestrial difficulty of accelerating particles to the requisite speeds is absent in the interior of stars, where the thermal velocities (due to a "temperature" of the order of ten million degrees C) are great enough for the purpose. Bethe shows that "the most im portant source of energy in ordinary stars is the reactions of carbon and nitrogen with protons." In essence these reactions amount to the creation of helium out of protons according to the follow ing scheme: C12+HL·c>N13+1'~C13+e++1', C13+Hl ~N14+l', N14+Hl~015+1'~N15+e++1', N15+Hl ~C12+He4. The sums of the first and last columns lead to a condensed summary of the reactions, in the form which shows that the process is essentially one of building helium out of hydrogen. For each intermediate atom, C12, C13, Nl4, N15 which is transmuted, another identical one appears later, so that the stock of atoms of these elements remains constant. This cycle, according to Bethe, is the chief one in hot stars. In cool stars a straightforward building up of protons into deuterons, and then further into helium, appears JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS to predominate, and in average stars, like the sun, the two types of helium building are equally likely. One of the essential points of the theory is the exclusion of reactions involving protons with atoms either heavier or lighter than carbon and nitrogen. Such reactions, of course, could provide the requisite energy, but at the expense of a degradation of the atoms downwards in the periodic table, so that the proportions of most elements would suffer tremendous changes as the star proceeded on its evolutionary course. Since, in all cases, helium is being formed at the expense of hydrogen, it is to be expected that old stars contain a much smaller percentage of hydrogen than young ones. This is well borne out by spec troscopic observations. Bethe finds that central temperatures of typical stars throughout the main sequence, cal culated according to his theory. agree within a few percent with those derived from Eddington's theory which employs observational data to arrive at these temperatures. There is, however, a glaring discrepancy if Bethe's theory is applied to giant stars, so that it must be inferred that some other process is operative in them. Gamow suggests that gravitational condensation, long toyed with as a general source of stellar energy before much was known about the transmutation of elements, is mainly responsible for the energy production in these very diffuse giants. IV There is no evidence yet for the failure of the law of conservation of energy or of the law of con servation of momentum in atomic collisions or explosions. These are always assumed to be valid, and if an apparent violation occurs, it is deemed to be due to some cause yet undetected. During the last year or two, Crane and HalpernlS at the University of Michigan have been measuring carefully the energies and momenta of the par ticles observed in the /:1-disintegration of radio active chlorine (CI3S). If the particles observed, the nucleus and the beta-particle, were the only ones involved, then the momentum acquired by the recoiling atom should be the same as that carried away by the smaller particle. Theoretical treatment of the problem requires the presence of a third particle, a neutrino, in order that VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 energy and angular momentum be conserved, but there are two current variations of the theory, one due to Ferni, the other to Konopinski and Uhlenbeck. They differ principally as to the relative direction of ejection of the neutrino and electron, and as to the proportions of low energy electrons which they predict, the Fermi theory giving more than are found by experiment. It is to be remembered that beta-rays of low energy are much more likely to be missed14 for reasons including scattering and absorption in a solid source, so that although the Konopinski Uhlenbeck version seemed to agree closely with experimental results a few years ago, the correct ness of that version could hardly be accepted without qualification. Crane and Halpern now find from their cloud-chamber experiments that the momentum of the recoiling argon nucleus (from CPS) is often much greater than the mo mentum of the beta-particle. It seems very likely that the neutrino should be burdened with the difference. The next step, of course, would be to discover if possible from the momentum relations in what direction the neutrino escapes with respect to one of the observed momenta. The two investigators tried to do this, but "found that if the results indicate anything at all in this respect, they favor slightly the predictions of the Fermi theory." V The literature on cosmic rays is so confusing that it is impossible at the present time to pick out those experiments which will, in later years, prove to be most significant; but before attempt ing to summarize the conflicting interpretations which have been placed on them, we shall first describe a new multiple counter which represents the latest type of electrical detecting apparatus. This new multiple counter has been developed by Swann and his associates for the study of shower phenomena produced by the penetrating com ponent. The recording devices are hQused in the lowest 12-foot section of a vertical cylinder (Fig. 4) whose upper part is filled with water. Beneath this water absorber is a set of six or more tube-counter trays (Fig. 5) each containing 18 units. Everyone of these is connected electric ally to its own electroscope (Fig. 6) which is provided with a mirror whose movement records 7 FIG. 4. Tank in which the appar;llus is installed. Th,' upper part is filled with water. The counters are in the lowest 12-ft. sectiun. (Courtesy of \V. F. G. Swann, Bartol Research Foundation.) the passage of an ionizing particle through the counter. Above the complete unit is a block of lead 18 cm thick to make sure that the counters record only phenomena associated with the penetrating rays. Furthermore, no electroscope will react unless at least one ray passes through all of the trays of counters. If now a shower is produced ill the llpper lead block, the flying particles will trip only the counters through which they pass, and the actual paths of these particles are recorded, via the electroscope mirrors, on a photographic plate. The apparatus has been used to investigate the relativt' numbers of multiple events accompanying the passage of one penetrating ray. As might 1H:' expected, the proportion falls off fast as the multi plici t y of the events increases. For example, for every twelve events in which a single secondary particle is created, there are only two in \\'hich three secondary particles occur. This is in rough agree ment with Bhabha's theory of the secondary effects of mesons. \Vhile the soft component of cosmic rays is fairly satisfactorily explained as consisting of electrons produced in showers, the progress of this year's research concerning the penetrating component seems merely to have increased the uncertainty regarding its source, and its behavior is interacting \\'ith matter. For a time, however. there appeared to be a hope that some of the phenomena associated with the hard component would become much more simply understandable 8 011 the assumption that this hard component consists of heavy electrons or mesons. But this early promise has not been fulfilled. In the first place it has been knO\\'n for some time that the apparen t mass absorption of penetrating cosmic rays is greater in air than in dense materials. This curious fact receives a simple explanation if the meson, which is without question an unstable particle, disintegrates and loses its identity in a mean lime of about 2 X 10-6 sec. FIG. 5. Ass(,Illbh' of six counter tran. Slabs of lead are seen at the top. '(Courtesy of \\'. F'. G. Swann, Bartol J.I.esearch Foundation.) after it is born. Usually it is assumed that the meson disintegrates into a negative electron and a neutrino, though recently l\Iajumdar and Kothari!7 suggest that its products may be a neutron and a proton.* It is clear that the time * This would account readily for the presence of heavy particles which have been found in cosmic rays, but would require that the lllC'son haye an initial energy which is at JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS required by a fast moving particle to traverse (say) 10 cm of lead must be very much less than the time the same particle would take to travel through an equivalent harrier of the atmosphere. 10 cm of lead are equivalent to something of the order of 3 km of air of the lower atmosphere. It would take a particle, even one moving at pl-ac tically the speed of light, aoout 1.7X10 6 sec. to travel this distance, so that a meson has a good chance of decaying during this time, while the probability would be much greater than it would emerge intact from the 10 cm of lead. Hence the apparent absorption in air must be greater than in a substance such as lead (or even water) for the simple reason that in the atmosphere many of the original mesons disappear on the way to the recording device. An argument of the same kind shows \\"hy (he aosorption of penetrating cosmic rays in a ver tical direction is less than that of rays \yhich have come in obliquely; the particles \yhich come ill obliquely have traveled for a longer time, and fewer of them are left. On the assumption that mesons are produced by primary cosmic rays after the latter have traveled one-tenth of the way through the atmosphere from the top (i.e., at 16 km height, where the barometer reads 7.5 cm of mercury), Blackett18 calculates, \yith the aid of some meteorological data, that the mean range of mesons before decay is about 25 kl11. This calculation applies to mesons of the energy group which are likely to die at abou t sea level. For more energetic mesons, such as can penetrate 60 meters of \Yater, the mean range is much larger. Blackett also suggests (hat the seasonal variation in cosmic-ray intensity may he due to this characteristic behavior of mesons: in winter the atmosphere is colder, and therefore less thick than in summer (for an equivalent atmospheric pressure). The mesons \\"ould therefore traverse it in less time before decaying, \\"ith the result that more mesons should reach sea le\-el in winter than in summer, and cause greater currents in ionization chambers there. Several routes which involve assuming the mass to be about 150 electron masses are avail able for calculating the decay times of these particles. Blackett gives 1.7X10-6 sec., Rossil9 least equal to the sum of the rcst mass energies of these two massive particles. VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 about 2 X 10-6 sec., and other determinations run a little higher. Nevertheless Nordheim20 is of the opinion that the strict application of Fermi's (heory of {3-clecay would lead to a theoretical lifetime of the meson some 10:1 times smaller than the ooserved values just quoted. His suggestion is (hat the theory requin-'s reformulation, or else FJ(;. 6. A tray of counters. The horseshoe-shaped ele ments to the left indic;]te the positions of the electroscopes. The transformer ;]nd rectifier elements are seen in the center of the picture, leading; to;] row of 18 counters shown bv the cylindrical tubes immcdiately above the center. (Courtesy of \\'. F. G. Swann, lbrtol Rl"Sl~ar("h Founda tion.) (hal the differences in conditions (e.g. whether (he meson is in a nucleus or free) may affect its disintegration in a \yay \yhich has not yet been taken into account. In this connection Yuka\va and Sakata~l point out that theoretical considera tions lead them to believe that the lifetime of the meson would be much longer if its mass were slightly smaller, alld that satisfactory agreement \vith cosmic-ray ubsen-ations can be obtained only if the mass is taken somewhat lower than the 170-or-so electron masses which cloud chamber observations suggest. It is interesting to couple this \,"ith the theoretical possibility~2 that mesons may occur \\"ith masses which vary by perhaps 30 percent. Furthermore, investiga tions carried out by the Bartol Research Founda tion of the Franklin Institute23 do not seem to be capable of direct interpretation on the basis of the known behavior of mesons as outlined above, and to take care of this difficulty several possible modifications of current ideas are suggested. For instance, the work just quoted could be reason ably understood if there happen to be two types of mesons, a light variety associated directly with 9 incoming cosmic rays, the other heavier, anslng from nuclear disintegration. If this be so, then the mesons whose masses have been determined with some certainty from cloud chamber photo graphs must be nuclear mesons, detectable because they have much smaller energies than their lighter brethren w-hich fly with cosmic rays. If, however, the particles are of only one type, the experiments are explicable on the supposition that low energy mesons are so strongly absorbed by nuclei that they never come to rest before losing their identity in a capturing nucleus. Either of these hypotheses would require a drastic modification of the accepted ideas of mesons. They are mentioned here mainly to emphasize the complexity and uncertainty of the present body of knowledge. A summary of the difficulties and an analysis of possible explanations has very recently been given by Nordheim21 and by Nordheim and Hebb25 from \>"hose papers most of the informa tion below is taken. There appears to be no reasonable doubt that mesons are of secondary origin, for if they were originally a component of the primary radiation, practically all of them would decay on their long passage through space on the way to the earth, and there is no process by which the original supply might be re estab lished in the absence of fairly dense matter. Those which are found above ground mllst therefore be produced in the earth's atmosphere. The out standing problem at the moment is to determine the nature of the primaries to which mesons (m-e their brief existence. The possibility that they may be produced by the soft comporwnt is a simple but difficult hypothesis, for it prt'dicts, apparently logically", certain details of the process of absorption and creation which are at variance with observations. Nordheim and Hebb are of the opinion that it would not be "impossible to overcome this difficulty by varying the (assump tions as to the) primary distribution, or intro ducing numerical factors or the like," but they imply that such a solution of the problem would, at present, be unnecessarily artificial; and SLlggt'st that the hypothesis of the soft-componen t origin of the hard radiation be shelved at least temporarily while other possible ayenut's are explored. Nordheim then proceeds to discuss the con sequences of assuming that protons or neutral 10 particles are the source of mesons. The proton hypothesis is well supported by Johnson's inter pretation of his expt'rillwnts on the east-west effecl, but is undermined in an equally telling fashion by other observations 011 the geomagnetic etTect and on the proportion of slow protons found at sea leyel. \Vith regard to neutral particles as the primaries which might be responsible for the production of mesons, the most likely hypothesis from a theoretical point of view seems to be that the neutrettos or neutral mesons postulated last year by Arley and Heitler play an important role. The experimental workers may rebel at this suggestion, 011 the grounds that the existence of neutrettos has hardly been conclusively demon strated; and it might be maintained, without undue seriousness, that in the present state of our ignorance it is scarcely possible to deny the presence of any undetected particle as a C0111- ponent of the primary rays, espt'cially as the origin of the rays is still a free field for specula tion. Although to date there appears to be no con tlrmatiol1 of \fajumdar and Kothari'sl7 suggestion that the meson breaks up into a proton and a .. FIG. 7. Stereoscopic pictures of a burst of heavy par ticles, caused bv cosmic ra\-s, in the emulsion of a photo graphic plate. JVIagnification about 120 times. Reproduced from Kature 143, 682 (1939). neutron, nevertheless there is a grmving body of experimental evidence showing that heavy par ticles in small numbers are found in cosmic rays. For example, Froman and Stearns26 believe that non-ionizing heavy particles are produced in cosmic-ray showers. They give as evidence the results of experi ments of the following type. A triple coincidence JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS counter system is set up. At the bottom is a pair of counters a little distance apart on the same horizontal leveL These are well shielded all round by 10 em of lead. A little above this lead is the third of the group of counters. A few em above this is a lead scattering plate. A slab of paraffin is introduced, first between the lead scatterer and the top counter and later between the top counter and the massive lead shielding. Assuming that there are neutrons among the shower particles coming from the lead, it is to be expected that ionizing particles projected by them from the paraffin will trip all three counters, provided, of course, that the paraffin is above the highest counter. The results showed that the ratio of counts per hour with the paraffin above the top counter to the counts per hour with the paraffin below the top counter was about 1.30. With additional support from other like experiments the authors reasoned that non-ionizing particles must occur in showers, and the natural supposi tion at the present time is that they are neutrons or neutrettos. Quite recently, Heitler, Powell and Ferte127 have examined photographic plates exposed (to cosmic rays) both at sea level in England and at a high altitude in Switzerland. They find, of course, that far more long tracks occur at the higher altitude, but by analyzing the results obtained with different amounts of lead round the plates, they conclude that the longest tracks (which are the most significant) are not produced by electrons nor by mesons. There remain neutrons as a probable origin, especially as the tracks have the characteristics28 of fast moving protons which would be expected to originate in the emulsion. Spurred by the report of Jesse and Gill29 that a 30 percent latitude effect is found for very large cosmic-ray bursts, Vallarta30 speculates upon the occurrence of much heavier particles than those of unit atomic mass. If each burst is caused by one primary particle, then its energy must be so large that if it were an electron or proton its course would be inappreciably affected by the earth's magnetic field. But since there is a geo magnetic latitude effect, these particles must be slower than electrons or protons would be, and to carry the requisite energy they must be fairly heavy. Vallarta suggests that nuclei even as VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 massive as oxygen might behave in a manner' which would explain this effect. But he points out that other hypotheses might fit the facts just as well, so that the presence of particles heavier than a neutron remains speculative at present. Nuclear disintegrations caused by the rays are seldom observed in cloud chambers, but they may be observed much more frequently in thick emulsioned photographic plates which have been exposed for a long time. A first class example of such an occurrence is given by Jdanoff.31 His stereoscopic pictures are reproduced in Fig. 7, and show (according to the author) 100 heavy particles originating from a single focus. Electron tracks may also have been present, but are not recorded as the emulsion is not sensitive to them individually. In this burst there are twleve tracks of length equivalent to 18 em of air, all in roughly the same direction. The total energy liberated must have been of the order of 200 Mev. An interesting feature is the presence of several minor disintegrations within the field of view of the microscope. The frequency of their occur rence, per unit area of the emulsion, turns out to be about seventy times what is normally found, sO that there is a strong probability that they represent secondary processes associated with the main large burst. The burst recorded in these pictures is presumably of the same kind as those investigated by Carmichael and Chang-Ning Chou32 using a thin-walled ionization chamber. They state that the distribution of particles which they find "is due, not to the existence of showers of two kinds, but to the fact (already noted by Auger) that each extensive shower has a core of closely spaced particles surrounded by a relatively wide fringe of much more thinly spaced particles able to produce bursts of small size." VI The weigher of atoms is at present content to express his results on a relative scale, taking the mass of the 016 isotope to be 16.0000. During the last few years he has been able to attain incredible accuracy in his work, mainly because he is able to measure the mass differences between various atoms in terms of the kinetic energy of disin tegration products. This gives him, as it were, an extremely fine adjustment in his weighing, far 11 exceeding that which can be reached in the absolute measurements such as those which de termine the electronic constants. This year notable work has been done at the University of Chicago by AIlison and his colleagues. Their experiments are primarily concerned with the determination of the masses of light atoms, and the general method of attacking the problem is well known and need not be reviewed here. One of the key equations which AlIison38 uses is 3Li6+1D2~22He4+22.08±0.07 Mev, in which the letter symbols mean that when a deuteron reacts with a Li6 nucleus, two alpha particles are produced. The numerical term means that the two alpha-particles emerge from the reaction with kinetic energy equivalent to 22.08 Mev, or 0.02372 atomic mass unit. These figures, based on a four-year old experiment of Rutherford, Kempton and Oliphant, were be lieved to be accurate except in the last place. On repeating the experiment with some refinements, however, Smith34 found that they were too low; his new measurements gave 22.20 Mev in place of 22.08. With this adjustment, the masses of four of the light elements turn out to be LiB = 6.01682±0.OOOll, Li7 = 7.01814±O.0009, Be8= 8.00766±0.00015, Be9= 9.01486±0.00013. It is interesting tD compare these and other masses similarly determined with the masses cal culated by Barkas35 on the basis of an empirical theoretical formula derived from the theory of the nucleus developed in the last two or three years by \Vigner and others. I t is not possible yet to carry the comparison much beyond atomic number 40, but an inspection of the table which Barkas gives shows a remarkable agreement. It should be noted, however, that on account of uncertainty regarding some of the constants occurring in the theory, the calculated values are not unique, though these constants can be chosen arbitrarily to give good accord with experi mental results. Determination of other nuclear masses will therefore be immediately useful in working out further details of the theory. In 1936 Oliphant pointed out that the mass of Be8 appeared to be almost exactly twice that of 12 the alpha-particle, with nothing to spare for binding energy, so that it could scarcely be ex pected to be stable; indeed, Livingston and Bethe's table (1937) quotes its mass as a trifle more than that of two alpha-particles, although the difference was easily covered by the uncer tainties in the data. Then Skaggs reported that his experiments implied that Be8 was stable by 0.000174 mass unit, but the latest dispatches throw doubt on this, and leave the question entirely open. Heavy atoms cannot yet be handled by the methods which are used for the light ones, for a tremendous chain of accurately known nuclear reactions would be required to link each to its predecessors in the periodic table. Masses can, however, be determined by the mass spectro graph by the method of bracketing. Dempster has used this method very successfully to deter mine the masses of many heavy elements. Usually the masses of the heavy atoms are not quoted directly on the scale 016= 16.0000, but are expressed in terms of the packing fraction which is essentially a measure of the relative deviation from the simple whole number rule. With Dempster's instrument, Graves36 has f/Jund the packing fractions for a number of elements in the range of atomic weights between 100 and 200. These substantiate the general trend of the packing fraction curve and confirm the gentler slope which has already been reported in the neighborhood of platinum and gold. When the relative abundances of the various isotopes are taken into account the agreement with recent chemical determina tions of atomic weigh ts is very sa tisfactory. VII The tentacles of spectroscopy are so far reach ing that we shall be content here to point to three notable landmarks which represent the comple tion of new work. The first of these is the publica tion of the Massachusetts Institute oj Technology Wavelength Tables, compiled under the direction of Professor Harrison. This new book contains over 100,000 entries "giving the wavelength, the intensity in arc, spark, or discharge tube, the stage of ionization of the parent atom when the line has been classified in a term array, and the wavelength authority, for each of the most JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS importan t known spectrum lines emitted between 10,000 and 2000 angstroms by atoms in the first two stages of ionization." l\lore than 75,000 of these lines are the results of recent measure ments made in the ~I.I.T. laboratories and have re placed older and less reliable values already in the litera ture. Such a tremendous undertaking could hardly have been carried through before its results began to be obsolete without a machine which measures the spec trum lines and computes and records their \,"ave-Iengths and intensItIes automati cally. An instrument which performs these functions, and which can he attached to a moving plate compara tor, was built in the early years of this decade and de scribed37 in the literature in 1935. A general view of the machine is giyen in Fig. 8 wi th Professor Harrison at the can trois. It gi ves a 20- fold increase in speed over the usual manual methods, wi th an accuracy as grea t as that which can other wise be obtained without FIC;. 8. l\lachin(· for measuring and computing wave-lengths of spectrum lines. Professor George R. Harrison is seen opcraling the machine. (Courtesy of News S('rvice, lVlassachusetls Inslitute of Technology.) resorting to interferometer methods of determin ing the waye-Iengths of indiyidual lines. As a second example of progress in spectro scopy we reproduce in Fig. 9 rotational spectra of water and of heavy water to illustrate the work which is heing carried out under the direction of Professor Rand,1I138at the Universityof ~lichigan. Of the yarious types of radiation emi tied by a polyatomic molecule, the rotational spectrum in volves the smallest energy changes, and therefore lies in the most extreme part of the infra-red, at wave-lengths of the order of 50ft. Such a spec trum can be studied successfully only in absorp tion, with special echelette gratings in a vacuum VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 spectrographa9 The spectra in the figure coyer the range 31.6ft to 38.3,u, and are parts of the rotational spectra of H20 and of D20 between 30,u and 150,u. An elementary interpretation can be ohtained by imagining one of the figures to be cu t along its axis of symmetry; then considering the profile of the top half only, it may be regarded as a microphotometer tracing of the absorption spectrum. The symmetry of the records is caused by the nature of the recording and amplifying de vices. Dips in the profiles correspond to absorp tion lines whose positions can he determined \,,-ith an accuracy of abou t 0.5 cm -); and a pair of ab sorption lines of similar intensity can be detected 13 FIG. 9. Photographic reductions of the recordings of the far mfra-red spectra of D20 (above) and H20 (below) between 31" and 38" by a vacuum spectrograph using a grating with 600 lines per inch. The grating has a ruled surface 10X20 inches. The maximum deflection in these records is 290 mm. The records represent parts of the rotational spectra of D,O and H20, obtained hy l\". Fuson and H. ;\1. Randall at the University of ;\lichigan. The two records differ noticeably in structural uetail. (Courtesv of H. M. Randall.) . - as double if they are not closer than O.OS cm-I. The rotation frequencies given by the spectrum of D20 have been analyzed ill terms of energy levels of the molecule, in the fashion used two years ag"o for H20. It is interesting to note that a molecule stretches as it rotates (oE course, the stretching will depend 011 the frequency of rota tion) and that corrections can be applied success fully so as to express the energies of the lines in terms of a common standard. Turning for the third example to atomic spectra we call attention to the work of Jenkins and SegdAO on the quadratic Zeeman effect. This is an unsymmetrical splitting and displacement of the lines of an atom by a magnetic field; the effect is small and should be most easily detected for high series members, since it depends on the fourth power of the total quantum numb!:'r. Large enough values of the quantum number are 14 brought into play only in absorption spectra, which in turn requires a magnetic field of large extent. The authors took advantage of the large field available in the new cyclotron magnet of the Crocker Radiation Laboratory of the University of California, which was available while the vacuum chamiwr for the cyclotron itself was being constructed. The magnet with spectro scopic equipment in place is shown in Fig. 10. Good spectrograms were obtained showing the effect both in sodium and potassium. The photo graph shows, in the background, the hydrogen lamp for producing the continuous spectrum; and, in the Jeft foreground the 3-meter Littrow quartz spectrograph "which gave a dispersion of O.8A per mm in the region used. By the ap propriate placing of extra iron, a field of 27,000 oersteds was obtained over a space 5 X IS X 60 cm. This enabled the series lines to be studied up to the total quantum number 30. VIII It has been on record in the literature for several decades that the reflection of light from clear glass could be diminished markedly by certain chemical treatments of the surface; but although experiments were done to measure the change in reflectivity there was no appreciation of the reasons for the phenomenon, nor any thorough-going analysis of it. It was known, of course, that the partial extinction of the reflected light was due to some kind of film on the surface, so that when the technique of building up very thin films was developed, as it has been in the last few years, the time was ripe for a systematic study of their action in subduing undesirable reflections. Such a study was published in February by Biodgett,41 and its most striking fea t ures are probably \\·ell known on account of the publicity given to it in the daily press. In the first place Blodgett recognized, as Strong had done a few years earlier, that the presence of a thin ftlm on a piece of glass would affect the re flection by a process of interference. Her paper shows that the intensity of light so reflected de pends on the refractive index of the glass, the wave-length of the light, and the factors which affect the equivalent optical path of the incident light in the film. The particular case which is JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS most important from a practical point of view is that in which the light is incident normally. In this case the reflected beam should be ex tinguished entirely for one particular wave length, if the refractive index of the film is equal to the square root of the refractive index of the glass, and provided furthermore that the film thickness is an odd multiple of one-eighth of the wave-length. The film must be of unusually low refractive index, therefore, to be most effective. The well-known thin films of barium stearate have a refractive index of the order of that of glass (ca. 1.5), but this can be reduced materially by soaking in benzene, which removes the excess of stearic acid, leaving the stearate as a skeleton film of very nearly the same thickness as before. Blodgett chose cadmium arachidate* as the film material, for after a treatment of a similar type it gives a skeleton film of very nearly the correct refractive index. How well the reflection from glass is suppressed may be judged from the accompanying Fig. 11, ,,·hich was specially pre pared for this journal by Dr. Blodgett. l.1n fortunately these films are sensitive to mechanical and actinic damage, but if protected from such FIG. 10. The new cyclotron magnet of the Crocker Radi at.ion Laboratory of the University of California arranged for studying the quadratic Zeeman effect. (Courtesy of F. A. Jenkins.) treatments there seems to be no reason why they should not retain approximately the same prop erties for a long time. Reflection-destroying films can also be pre pared by evaporating in vacuum the right * Stearic acid, CH3(CH2)16 COOH; arachidic acid CH,(CH 2)'B COOE. VOLUME 11, JANUARY, 1940 FIG. 11. One-half of t.he glass face-cover of this abrm clock has been covered (both sides) with a nonreflecting film. (CourtC'sy of K. B. Blodgett, Research Laboratory, The General Elt'ctric Company.) amounts of certain substances \\·hich have lmv re fractive indices. Several experimenters have used this technique with J\IgF2 and other fluorides "which are the most readily available substances with about the right indices. These films, like cadmium arachida te films, reduce the reflected light to one percent or less, but 110 films have yet been made which possess the permanence of the glass surfaces which they cover. IX I t is Ii ttle more than six years ago that the magnetic moment of a nucleus was first measured by Stern and his colleagues. Before that time, indeed, the magnetic moments of complete atoms had been measured, but there the ovenvhelming contribution is made by the electrons which form part of the normal structure. To measure the nuclear moment it was necessary somehow to get rid of the disturbing electronic contribution, and also to make the measurements more delicate and the dispersion greater. There have been, of course, many calculations of nuclear moments based upon hyperfine structure measurements, but it is desirable to have an experimental method of comparable precision if only to justify the theoretical values. An important new experimental technique was described in some detail early this year by Rabi, 15 Millman, Kusch and Zacharias.42 They show that the principle upon which the method is based is applicable to any system which has angular mo mentum and magnetic moment. If some details are omitted, the general scheme may be sum marized as follows. Molecules are projected first through a magnetic field, inhomogeneous in the two directions at righ t angles to the general direc tion of projection. This acts as a selector. Then, a little farther on, they go through another in homogeneous field whose gradient is opposite to that of the first. This field acts as a kind of analyzer. Regarding an atom as a tiny magnet, it is clear that it will be pushed one way by the first field and back again by the second field. Some typical molecules which start out at a sligh t angle to the axis of symmetry of the mo lecular beam will be deflected just the right amount and in the right direction to bring them back to the axis after passing through each field. But between the two inhomogeneous fields is a steady field of smaller extent and also a small oscillating field. Here some of the molecules undergo a process of reorientation if their Larmor precessions are in resonance with the oscillating field; they acquire magnetic properties which distinguish them from their fellows, and prevent them from returning to the axis of the system along with the group with which they started. Hence a fraction of the molecules which would otherwise reach a collector do not. This effect is dependent upon the frequency of the oscillating field, and in principle a measurement of the frequency jJ leads to an evaluation of the mag netic moment J.I. in the equation jJ = J.l.Ho/lh, where I is the angular momentum of the atom and Ho is the strength of the field in which reorientation occurs. If a study is to be made of nuclear magnetic moments the most convenient subjects for ob servation are atoms in a state with electronic angular momentum equal to zero, or molecules in which the electronic angular momentum of one constituent is approximately balanced by that of the other constituents. It happens that the nuclei Li6, Li7 and p9 can be investigated in the mole cules Liel, LiF, NaF and Li2• The values turn out to be 0.820, 3.250 and 2.622 in nuclear mag netons. The possible error of these values is given by the authors as about 0.3 percent, and in view 16 of the fact that the values obtained from the best hyperfine structure calculations differ from the experimental ones by about two percent, the question is raised whether the accuracy of the assumptions which go into the theoretical calcu lations is as great as is generally believed. In later papers by the same workers, many more nuclear magnetic moments have been determined experi mentally in the way described above, and in general the evidence seems to point to the trust worthiness of the indirect calculations made on the basis of hyperfine structure measurements. x VVe have had space here to touch on only a few of the recent developments in fundamental physics. The new contributions to applied phys ics which keep pace with these advances are probably well known to readers of this J ourna!. Muskat and Morgan43 have continued their im portant studies in the lubrication of journal bearings both theoretically and experimentally, generalizing the earlier theory of Sommerfeld to include bearings of length as short as half the bearing perimeter. Another excellent series of papers44 comes from Stanford Upiversity. They deal with klystron oscillators, which are devices for the generation of electromagnetic oscillations at wave-lengths of 10 cm or less. Such oscillations can, of course, be produced by the classical Hertzian methods and by triodes, but in both cases there are great difficulties from the points of view of convenience, stability and efficiency. The new klystron osciIIator employs a tube (it really is the tube) in which a beam of electrons is sent through a pair of grids between which a small oscillating field is maintained. The emer gent beam therefore consists essentially of a fluctuating electron current superimposed upon a direct electron current. When this particular cathode-ray stream is sent through another pair of grids between which is another appropriate alternating field, a considerable fraction of the power originally supplied can be withdrawn in the form of high frequency oscillations. VVebster4S calculates that the maximum attainable effi ciency is 58 percent. These two series of papers on applied physics are worth at least a cursory inspection by the general reader if only for the reason that they JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS bring out clearly one of the essential differences between pure and applied physics. On the more practical side of the science there is a rapid and harmonious matching of experiment and theory; experiment is usually in the lead, for it often deals with some common detail of modern engi-neering equipment. On the academic side, as in the study of the fundamental particles, there are theories in abundance, and the most recent de velopments may take on a speculative aspect, since crucial experiments are frequently beyond the range of present-day technique. Bibliography 1. L. Meitner and O. R. Frisch, Nature 143, 239 (1939). 2. L. Szilard and W. H. Zinn, Phys. Rev. 55, 799 (1939). 3. E. T. Booth, J. R. Dunning and F. G. Slack, Phys. Rev. 55,876 (1939). 4. F. A. Heyn, A. H. W. Aten, Jr., c. ]. Bakker, Nature 143, 516 (1939). 5. G. N. Glasoe and]. Steigman, Phys. Rev. 55, 982 (1939). 6. F. Adler and H. von Halban, Jr., Nature 143, 793 (1939). 7. E. Segre, Phys. Rev. 55, 1104 (1939). 8. E. T. Booth, J. R. Dunning and F. G. Slack, Phys. Rev. 55, 981 (1939). 9. E. T. Booth, ]. R. Dunning and G. N. Glasoe, Phys. Rev. 55, 892 (1939). 10. N. Feather, Nature 143, 877 (1939). 11. H. A. Bethe, Phys. Rev. 55, 434 (1939). 12. G. Gamow and E. Teller, Phys. Rev. 55, 791 (1939). 13. H. R. Crane and]. Halpern, Phys. Rev. 56, 232 (1939). 14. See, for instance, ]. L. Lawson, Phys. Rev. 56, 131 (1939). 15. W. F. G. Swann and W. E. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 55, 599 (1939). 16. H.]. Bhabha, Proc. Roy. Soc. 164, 257 (1938). 17. R. C. Majumdar and D. S. Kothari, Nature 143, 796 (1939). 18. P. M. S. Blackett, Nature 142, 992 (1938). 19. B. Rossi, Nature 142, 993 (1938). 20. L. W. Nordheim, Phys. Rev. 55, 506 (1939). 21. H. Yukawa and S. Sakata, Nature 143, 761 (1939). 22. P. Weisz, Phys. Rev. 55, 1266 (1939). 23. C. G. Montgomery, W. E. Ramsey, D. H. Cowie and D. D. Montgomery, Phys. Rev. 56, 635 (1939). VOLUME H, JANUARY, 1940 24. L. W. Nordheim, Phys. Rev. 56, 502 (1939). 25. L. W. Nordheim and M. H. Hebb, Phys. Rev. 56, 494 (1939). 26. D. K. Froman and J. C. Stearns, Phys. Rev. 54, 969 (1938). 27. W. Heider, C. F. Powell, G. E. F. Fertel, Nature 144, 283 (1939). 28. Cf. T. R. Wilkins and H. J. St. Helens, Phys. Rev. 54, 783 (1938). 29. W. P. Jesse and P. S. Gill, Phys. Rev. 55, 414 (1939). 30. M. S. Vallarta, Phys. Rev. 55, 583 (1939). 31. A. Jdanoff, Nature 143, 682 (1939). 32. H. Carmichael and Chang-Ning Chou, Nature 144, 325 (1939). 33. S. K. Allison, Phys. Rev. 55, 624 (1939). 34. N. M. Smith, Jr., Phys. Rev. 56, 548 (1939). 35. W. H. Barkas, Phys. Rev. 55, 691 (1939). 36. A. C. Graves, Phys. Rev. 55, 863 (1939). 37. G. R. Harrison, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 25, 169 (1935). 38. N. Fuson, H. M. Randall and D. M. Dennison, Phys. Rev. 55, 590 (1939). 39. H. M. Randall, Rev. Mod. Phys. 10, 72 (1938). 40. F. A. Jenkins and E. Segre, Phys. Rev. 55, 52 (1939). 41. Katharine B. Blodgett, Phys. Rev. 55, 391 (1939). 42. 1. 1. Rabi, S Millman, P. Kusch and J. R. Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 55, 526 (1939). 43. M. Muskat and F. Morgan, J. App. Phys. 10, 398 (1939) and earlier papers. 44. W. W. Hansen, J. App. Phys. 9, 654 (1938); 10, 38 (1939). W. W. Hansen and R. D. Richtmyer, J. App. Phys. 10, 189 (1939). R. H. Varian and S. F. Varian, J. App. Phys. 10,321 (1939). 45. D. L. Webster, J. App. Phys. 10, 501 (1939). 17
Physics of Stressed Solids Roy W. Goranson Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 323 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750657 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750657 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The Physics of Solids Am. J. Phys. 35, 979 (1967); 10.1119/1.1973685 Physics of Solids Am. J. Phys. 33, 417 (1965); 10.1119/1.1971608 Physics of Solids Phys. Today 5, 25 (1952); 10.1063/1.3067715 THE PHYSICS OF SOLIDS Rev. Sci. Instrum. 9, 1 (1938); 10.1063/1.1752342 The Physics of Solids Rev. Sci. Instrum. 4, 520 (1933); 10.1063/1.1748987 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10APRIL, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 Physics of Stressed Solids Roy W. GORANSON Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C. (Received December 1, 1939) The internal energy of a system is subdivided into a work or potential function and a thermal or kinetic func tion, the former expressed in terms of the current electro static theory of intercrystalline bonding, and these functions then examined for variations of temperature, hydrostatic pressure, unidirectional stress and combined hydrostatic and unidirectional pressure. From these con siderations a theory is evolved which not only seems satisfactorily to explain and correlate phenomena of defor mation, creep or plastic flow, cold working, elastic after working, rupture, shear and certain other phenomena hitherto described as "anomalous" effects but has been corroborated experimentally in some of its predictions, in particular for the effect of hydrostatic pressure on deforma tion and compressive strength. The mechanism evolved consists of two processes-one an elastic deformation which is a function of the strain or potential energy of the system. Failure occurs here by "brittle" rupture wherein . THE thesis presented in this paper is that the phenomena of deformation, flow or creep, and rupture may be interpreted and correlated from a study of the internal energy stored up in the lattice as a result of deformation. The energy of deformation may be subdivided into energy of work and energy of heat, that is, into an energy of position and an energy of motion. If this energy of deformation exceeds a certain critical limit, determined by the physical characteristics of the material and the amount of the maximum extension or maximum internal tension is the criterion. The other is a deformation by means of a two-phase transfer mechanism and is a function of the thermodynamic potential relations of the system. This latter type is also a function of time and therefore a func tion of the rate of application of load. When both processes of this mechanism are operative failure occurs by shear; the criterion for this type of failure is given by a function of time, the strain or potential energy and the thermo dynamic potential relations of the system. Expressions are derived for creep or plastic flow of polycrystalline sub stances from the thermodynamic potential relations which not only satisfy the well-known phenomena of creep in metals but also express recent empirical creep data of some substances immersed in liquids in which they are somewhat soluble. An expression is also derived for the "brittle" potential type of rupture under combined thrust and hydrostatic pressure. effect in phenomena of creep and plastic de formation. In general, deformation and failure are effected by a combination of these two mechanisms and observed as shear and as "gliding along shear planes." Many of the ideas incorporated in this dis cussion have been tentatively put forth by other writers but the picture as a whole with its correlations and the theory of rupture presented appears to be new and is therefore presented with the hope that it will prove of interest. This subject needs stimulus for further work on deformation phenomena under hydrostatic con fining pressure because it is believed by the writer, perhaps also by others, that further advances in our knowledge of crystal lattice forces will come from such studies. EMPIRICAL HISTORY externally applied compensation, a release of the strain energy takes place in such a manner that the system does the least work. If the energy relations are such that release is effected through the potential component, i.e., work function, the system exhibits potential or brittle rupture and the system relieves itself of its strain energy by doing work in the direction of greatest extension which is the direction of least external con-Volume compressibility, like density or heat straint. If the stress and energy relations are capacity, is insensitive to variations in structure. such that release may be effected through the By that we mean the volume compressibility of kinetic component, i.e., the work done on the a single crystal is the same as that of a poly substance is largely dissipated by heat transfer, crystalline aggregate of the same material. Shear the specimen deforms by means of a "two-strain, creep, and other related phenomena on phase" flow mechanism. This is the dominant the other hand, will vary with crystallographic 323 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10324 ROY W. GORANSON Q) > en :; Q. Q) 0: A FIG. 1. Force vs. extension. orientation, the geometry of grain boundaries, and other structural factors. Under certain conditions the material may react like a "perfectly elastic body" whereas under other conditions it may react like a "viscous liquid." In general our material will be found to behave in some intermediate manner for which several words have been coined such as "elastico-viscous," "firmo-viscous," and even "elastic flow." Some other phenomena which must also be cor related are: Strain hardening (work hardening) an effect for which yield stress increases with strain; and elastic afterworking. The stress is also found to vary with rate of deformation; for liquids the stress-flow rate slope is a constant related to the coefficient of viscosity. The type of deformation may also vary with the speed of loading and a "ductile" or "malleable" sub stance may, under certain conditions of rapid loading, behave as a "brittle" substance. Again "aging," which is presumably a slow transition toward a more stable state, is observed as a change of yield stress with time. A similar phenomenon may be observed in glass which although breaking readily along a fresh scratch does this with more difficulty after a lapse of time and eventually will no longer break cleanly along the scratch. THE ENERGY FUNCTIC)NS The current electrical theory of intercrystalline bonding forces is based essentially on an electro static model. The electrostatic potential <p at a distance r will include the sum of charge poten tials proportional to r-l, of dipole potentials proportional to r-2, of quadrupoles proportional to r-3, of octupoles proportional to r-4, and so on. There are also additional terms arising from interactions, induction and dispersion effects. For example the character of the van der Waals forces has been correlated with polarization forces (always attractive) produced by quadru poles on molecules which are regarded as de formable distributions of charge; the potential from this effect is proportional to r-8• These forces have also been correlated with the polariza tion of one molecule by the time varying dipole moment of another; these interaction potentials have been computed as proportional to r-6, with also terms of higher order as r-8 and r-lO• From quantum-mechanical considerations the repulsive potential is given by the encroachment energy from overlapping wave functions of the atoms and expressible, to fairly high pressures, by an exponentiall term. The Thomas-Fermi atom model has been suggested and applied2 to calculations of densities at very high pressures, i.e., exceeding 106 bars (1 bar = 106 dynes cm-I). The force field is given by the negative gradient of the electrostatic potential. Our present pur pose will be satisfied by noting that we can write the attractive force F on a particular element in the form (1) where the Ci and Ci are, in general, complicated functions of space and direction. The derivative of Fwith respect to r/ro will denote the reciprocal of the linear compressibility, assuming linear symmetry. Volume cannot be arbitrarily sub stituted for r3 because of asymmetry with respect to the space coordinates. The coefficients C; and Cj cannot, in general, be directly determined or computed; we may, however, expect to learn something of their respective importance from studies of deforma tion under high hydrostatic pressure. Initial compressibilities have been computed for some 1 P. M. Morse, Phys. Rev. 34, 57-64 (1929). 2 J. C. Slater and H. M. Krutter, Phys. Rev. 47, 559-568 (1935). H. Jensen, Zeits. f. Physik 111, 373-385 (1938). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10PHYSICS OF STRESSED SOLIDS 325 ionic cubic crystals.3 Approximate correlations4 of structure with certain physical properties such as viscosity have been obtained from an assumed two term expression. Although these simplified arbitrary expressions cannot be other than rough approximations they are able to extend the range of elastic theory· and also give us a very useful qualitative picture. Some explicit account may be taken of thermal energy pressure by adding a third term.6 From such an assumed relation it is then possible to calculate the relative stability of certain types of lattices as functions of r. Schematic plots of these two functions F7 and ¢ are given in Figs. 1 and 2 for an arbitrarily assumed two-termed expression wherein i=3 and j=9. The horizontal scales are the same but the vertical scales differ. The internal energy may be divided into two portions, a work function and a heat function, and expressed as (2) where e denotes the internal energy, 1/; the "maximum work" function, T the absolute tem perature and 1'/ the entropy. Differentiation of this expression gives us where 7r is a -compressional stress (a tensional stress will be expressed as a negative pressure). The integral ir7rdr= 1/;(r) -1/;( (0) =¢(r) (4) '" is the portion used herein as the potential function, and e=1/;=¢ for T=O. The curve of Fig. 2 will also denote 1/; as a function of r if the zero ordinate is replaced by the value 1/;( (0) where d1j;( 00 )/dT= -k, k denot ing Boltzmann's constant. I M. Born and J. E. Mayer, Zeits. f. Physik 75, 1-18 (1932). A. May, Phys. Rev. 52, 339 (1937). 'References in R. H. Fowler, Statistical Mechanics (Cambridge University Press, 1936), Chapter 10. 6 F. D. Murnaghan, Am. J. Math. 59, 235-260 (1937), has used an arbitrary function similar in form to Ar-ll-Br-t for expressing pressure volume relations. 6 J. Bardeen, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 372-378 (1938). 7 The term -F will hereafter in this article be spoken of as internal pressure and F as internal tension. The terms pressure and tension without qualifying terms will refer to the external forces. Similarly the integral of Td1'/ from T=O to T= T may be considered the thermal or kinetic function. A harmonic oscillator at temperature T has an average thermal energy of kT according to classical statistical mechanics. In summing up these energies for a system of oscillators, how ever, the mutual coupling terms are neglected. Some calculations made for metals using Debye functions wherein the Debye temperature de pends on the elastic constants have indicated the usefulness of this method but further develop ment is needed. The mean internal energy curve will have a shape similar to the potential curve but with a minimum which lies at a higher level and is displaced in the direction of smaller r. Conse quently the internal energy will at first decrease on application of pressure at constant tempera ture by loss of thermal energy exceeding that gained from the work function 1/;. Although in a large system the fluctuations in energy of the oscillators tend to cancel out, across any surface a certain fraction of them will have larger energies than the mean and, under favorable circumstances, can migrate from their positions. It might be anticipated that Fm, the maximum internal tension, of the F-r plot should bear some relation to the cohesive tensile strength and rm -ro, where rm is the separation distance for F= Fm and ro the distance for F=O, to the maximum elastic strain. This must however be of the nature of an upper limit because of (a) localized high stress regions resulting from inequalities of load distribution and from dis tortions in the lattice structures caused by imperfections resulting from holes, fissures and inclusions of foreign elements, and (b) localized high energy levels resulting from thermal energy o "'0 r. , , , , , , 1 ; -~----- ~-~ --------- b c FIG. 2. "Strain energy function" vs. extension. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10326 ROY W. GO R A N-S 0 N gradients and fluctuations. The calculated tensile strengths, Fm, are all much higher than the observed values which are indicated roughly by So in the plot. In the following discussion Fm is used as the ideal elastic tensile strength and r m -r a as the ideal maximum safe elastic exten sion. The actual values may be only about a tenth or less of these maxima. It should be noted that these considerations are made for the case where the "two-phase" transfer mechanism does not operate. Care must therefore be exercised in drawing comparisons between theoretical and empirical results and this will be shown more clearly later. TEMPERATURE If the temperature of the system is increased, at constant pressure thermal energy is absorbed with increase in the internal pressure. The system expands doing work against the external surroundings until a new positional equilibrium is attained for the new F. In this way we obtain a family of curves for different T. Ignoring for the time being the change in slope of these curves and considering only the large scale differences, we note that the effective zero ordinate of the F-r plot moves up and ro increases to some larger (roh. Similarly the mean minim um potential (CPo) T moves to a larger (roh and higher up the right limb of the potential energy well which is therefore becoming shallower and shallower in the direction of increasing r. Eventually the right wall of this well would vanish and no further readjustments yield a stable configuration; the system actually breaks down long before this point is reached. If in this breakdown a reorganization in potential .and kinetic functions of the components can take place for a new minimum (cpoh the system melts, and if such a redistribution cannot be effected the system sublimes. The size and nature of the elemental units in this breakdown will depend on the variations in the interatomic bonds, the structure splitting up across bonds of least cohesive strength. In this connection it might be of interest to note that if the thermal energy be assumed as proportional to v-f, or to r-2, the inte~nal pressure contribution from this source will be propor-tional to r-3• Under increasing hydrostatic pres sure the other internal pressure terms of higher power, here assumed as r-9, eventually dominate over the r-3 term and at an increasing rate. The thermal expansion should therefore decrease under hydrostatic pressure and approach zero at very high pressures. This conclusion, in con junction with the third law, means that, for this model, the entropy must be zero at infinitely high pressure for all temperatures.8 At moderate pressures the smaller powers of ifr will play more effective roles and the initial rate of de crease of dilatation should, as for compressi bility, be less for simple ionic lattices since here the attractive r-2 term is initially more effective than the r-3 term. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE The same type of reasoning applies to systems under hydrostatic pressure at constant tempera ture but in this case the increase in potential is equal to the work done on the system. The system decreases in volume until an equilibrium between internal and external pressure has been achieved. The most stable pressure or phase configuration is the one best able to withstand the external pressure and therefore the one of higher density. A change of phase under pressure may take place either by reorganization of form (potential or work energy) or in part by change of form and in part by change of momenta (con version to thermal energy). The pressure at which the latter type of phase change occurs will be a function of temperature; the former should be independent of temperature. Silicate glasses should in general behave some what abnormally because these glasses are in a metastable energy state, i.e., the configuration stable for the high temperature kinetic and potential energy relationships has been frozen into the system. The internal forces should therefore be tensions but the configuration is presumably prevented from collapsing by the randomness of orientation inherited as a result of the previous thermal kinetic energy, that is to say, the glass is not only metastable from considerations of heterogeneous or phase equi- 8 This was also suggested by G. N. Lewis, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie, Cohen Fest. Band 130, 532-538 (1927), from other considerations. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10PHYSICS OF STRESSED SOLIDS 327 librium but is also metastable from considera tions of homogeneous equilibrium. This is suggested as the reason why viscosity bears a relation to the previous thermal history and why anomalous heat capacity effects are observed in the annealing range. Resistance to motion and reorientation is a function of viscosity so we should expect anomalous effects in highly viscous substances quenched from high temperatures. In fact we might expect a possible increase of compressi bility with pressure since the system is in a state which is up on the right limb of the energy curve plotted in Fig. 2 and should be under internal tension. Bridgman 9 observes anomalous effects in the compressibilities of quartz glass and of basalt glass but he suggests a different explanation for these behaviors. The results of Birch and Dow,lo however, support the conclusion arrived at here because at higher temperatures, where rearrange ments for a more stable configuration will take place more readily, they find the "abnormal" observed increase of compressibility with pres sure becomes less pronounced and eventually disappears. UNIDIRECTIONAL PRESSURE If, instead of a hydrostatic pressure, a uni directional pressure load 7f" is applied to the system no external constraints will exist in the plane at right angles, resulting in an unbalanced energy distribution in the system. The spacing r along the line of thrust decreases by an amount r-ro and the strain energy increases, climbing up the left limb of the <i> function plotted in Fig. 2. I t is possible to set up hypothetical unsym metric arrangements of attractive and repulsive forces such that on contraction of the longi tudinal elements the effect laterally is an in creased net attraction with consequent contrac tion of these elements also. Such a condition yields a negative Poisson's ratio, (Y, the ratio of lateral elastic extension to longitudinal elastic contraction under compression. A few examples of this phenomenon exist, but in general (Y is 9 P. W. Bridgman, Am. ]. Sci. 237, 7-18 (1939). 10 F. Birch and R. B. Dow, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 47, 1235-1256 (1936). positive and varies in magnitude between 0.25 and 0.50. As a rule then, the symmetry will be such that, as the longitudinal elements are contracted, the effective lateral r for Eq. (1) decreases and thus the system extends in the plane at right angles to the compression. The effective left limb of the strain energy curve <i> of Fig. 2 moves to the right a distance (Y(r,,-ro). When this extension reaches the value (rm-ro), the strain energy increasing to <i>m, the system becomes unstable and, on further extension, ruptures by moving into the region of no stress. This "brittle" potential rupture, observationally called breaking along tension cracks, will occur across surfaces that tend to parallel the axis of compressive thrust. The ideal "potential" rupture condition, ac cording to this presentation, is given by (5) and the elastic or poten tial strength by (6) Thus the elastic strength in compression should be 1/(Y, or roughly three, times the elastic strength in tension. In general there is evidence of more or less "plasticity" in compressional and tensional test pieces of steel. Glass hard tool steel, in which a minimum of plasticity is ob servable, has a compressive strength of about 30 kilo bars but even here there is some evidence of shear in the rupture. Direct comparisons for potential rupture cannot therefore be made but the tensile strength of this steel is not very different from the expected value. Such tests should be carried out at low temperatures. In considering the effect of hydrostatic pres sure alone we had only one region available to the system, i.e., the entire region was subjected to the hydrostatic pressure p. Here, however, there are two regions available to our system one subjected to compressive stress 7f" and one to zero compressive stress. The system therefore, if free of internal and external constraint, will move into and occupy the region of lower energy. If then, before the· lateral strain energy can attain the value <i>m, the longitudinal energy has increased to a value such that its thermodynamic potential becomes equal to that of_the liquid for This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10328 ROY W. GORANSON the region corresponding to zero compressive stress, i.e., ~(T,7r,p) = (T,p), (7) the prime referring to the liquid phase, then the solid would melt to the liquid phase at (T,p) provided the stressed region is permeable to, i.e., not be active on, the liquid. The thermodynamic potential is defined by the expression (8) and a~ ja7r=r. A schematic plot of ~ as a function of r at the stressed face is given in Fig. 3. r will be observed to increase with increasing compression but to decrease with increasing tension until it reaches a minimum, ~o, at rm. At the free face (r)FF = (l/;ohF and thus at this face ~ increases with 1/;0 for both tension and compression. It should perhaps be emphasized that in the direction at right angles to the stress I/; is always at its minimum value on the curve which however changes by virtue of the change in our expression for F. The use of the terms "liquid" and "melting" may seem confusing and should perhaps be am plified. The process of the two-phase transfer type of mechanism suggested here involves the transition from an immobile solid phase to a mobile phase and thence back again to the solid. The mobile phase should more aptly be called the "fluid" phase' and includes not only the condition ordinarily accepted as melting but also any other similar mechanism such as the one known as "migration of lattice points" and diffusion. To make this point somewhat clearer the creep relations will be derived later for a solid in contact with a liquid in which it is slightly soluble and, for this case, the fluid phase is the solution. We have then two possible mechanisms to transport our system into the region of lower internal energy-one by snapping the cohesive bonds, determined by the strain energy poten tial; 'and the other by transition to, and flow of, a fluid phase, solid~fluid~solid; this is deter mined by the thermodynamic potential relations. The "fundamental strength" of our material is therefore not only a function of the strain energy , I !;o --------, -I , I _1'" FIG. 3. Free energy for the stressed face vs. extension. potential but also of the thermodynamic po tential. The internal energy of the system is merely a statistical mean of the lattice point energies and, on any surface, elements will be found with energy levels exceeding the mean value. The lattice structure is also more or less distorted because of impurities and other irregularities with resulting non-uniform stress distribution. Phase change is initiated at such regions of localized high energy values and results in still further localization of high stress areas. The process therefore tends to accelerate until the concentration of strain energy becomes too high to be borne by the remaining bonds and the specimen fails by shear, a combined "fluid" and "brittle" release. An increase in compressive load thus acts similarly to an increase in temperature with respect to our "two-phase" mechanism. Phase change is initiated at, and proceeds from, loci of high energy levels at a finite rate, and not as an instantaneous disintegration of the lattice con figuration, The time gradient of energy inter change set up by change in the external condi tions is also an important factor. The transfer of thermal energy will lag behind that of strain energy. This is evident from explosive phenomena wherein the rotational and vibrational energies can be observed to lag behind the translational energy. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10PHYSICS OF STRESSED SOLIDS 329 The fact that this phase-change type of deformation is a function of time, and the elastic type is not, has important consequences. Failure as a result of a rapidly applied large compressive load is by brittle fracture across surfaces parallel to or making small angles with the axis of load; as the rate of application is decreased failure will tend to occur as shear along surfaces which are at larger angles to the axis of load; if the appli cation is slow enough and the thermodynamic potential relations are favorable the specimen will deform by "gliding along 45° planes," or by "flow. " If the load is not too great the shear may proceed in steps-"melting" at high energy points, shear of the remaining cohesive bonds, slipping, recementation by solidification, the cycle repeating itself as conditions again become favorable. The most favorable surface for this process is the 45°-plane along which the resultant shear stress is a maximum and equal to one-half the compressive load. These statements need some qualification because the force and potential functions are not symmetric in space and therefore vary with orientation of the system. The curve of Fig. 1 is thus a function of a vector r and the lattice will therefore, if conditions are favorable, rupture or shear along surfaces across which the cohesive bond, Fm, is the least such as cleavage, parting, and twinning planes. "Melting" can occur in specimens under ten sion, viz. along shear planes, but the phenomenon should not be so evident here because it will take place only at the free surfaces (see Eqs. (llb), (12b), (14b». DERIVATION OF EXPRESSIONS FOR "CREEP" OR "PLASTIC FLOW" The creep relations will be derived first for a solid under compressive load and immersed in a liquid in which it is somewhat soluble. Assume an initially "ideal solid" in which the thermodynamic potential is the same for all the faces and equal to the potential of the solid in solution (solute), i.e., assume that the solid is in equilibrium with the saturated solution at tem perature T and hydrostatic pressure p. If now the solid is loaded by a longitudinal compressive force 7r the thermodynamic potentials at the stressed and free faces of the solid and of the solute will no longer be equal and the system no longer in equilibrium so long as the stress exists. In order to derive our thermodynamic equa tions the system is first divided into hypothetical isolated parts, namely the regions at the stressed surface, at the free face, and of the solution bulk. We also assume any coexistence of phases neces sary for our derivations. The physical interpreta tion follows readily from this procedure and moreover we avoid any confusion that might be introduced from a compromisell between the thermodynamic and the physical picture. The following formulae were derived by ordi nary thermodynamic methods applied to stressed systems12 and have been somewhat simplified for purposes of clarity. We have (9a) and where Eq. (9a) refers to the stressed face (sub script SF) and (9b) to the free face (subscript FF). a2 denotes the activity of the solute, 7r the compressive stress, M the mole weight, p the density of the solid, R the gas constant (R=83.156 bar cm), and T the absolute tem perature. E is Young's modulus of elasticity in compression, i.e., E=dXjde where X is the stress (negative for pressure) and e the extension per unit length in the direction of the stress. For small stresses E may be approximated by a constant, generally of the order of 106 bars. On integrating (lla) we have, at the stressed face, (lOa) where p is the mean value for the integration limits. 11 P. W. Bridgman, Phys. Rev. 7, 215 (1916), derives an expression which may be correlated with (14a) and (14b). E. D. Williamson, Phys. Rev. 10, 275 (1917). H. C. Boydell, Ec. Geo!. 21, 1 (1926). Boyden derives Poynting's expression which applies to a solid under hydrostatic pressure PI and liquid at P2 where PI >P2. Poynting's expression has the same form as (14a) of this paper. 12 R. W. Goranson, Thermodynamic Relations in Multi component Systems (Carnegie lnst. Washington. Pub!. No. 408, 1930). For usage of activity see R. W. Goranson, J. Chern. Phys. 5, 107-112 (1937). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10330 ROY W. GORANSON If the system is impervious to liquid and the load contact is a "perfect surface" then only the external free face can be in contact with the solution. Actually the system is, in general, never impervious to the liquid and perfect con tact surfaces non-existent. Penetration occurs along crystal boundaries, across crystal cleavages and cracks. The stressed surfaces carry the load non-uniformly and contain high points of localized stress. As these high poin ts are dis solved the stress distribution shifts to other high points and the process is repeated. Thus at the stressed face solubility is increased by a compressive load and lowered by a tensile load. At the free face solubility is increased by either a compression or tension but by a much smaller factor. It should be noted however that the integral expression for (9b) is (lOb) which may become large for large 7r. p and E are here mean values for the range of integration. This relation is the plastic flow factor for tension. According to this interpretation it is found that, whereas under compressive load the solute concentration tends to increase at both stressed and free face, diffusion of solute away from these faces would leave the bulk of the solution super saturated. Consequently deposition of solute should occur at unstressed places. If, however, the solution can supersaturate by an amount in excess of the relatively small increased solubility at the free faces, then crystallization will take place on these free surfaces which, under these conditions, act as nuclei for deposition. Our mechanism can thus be considered as a diffusion process along crystal grain boundaries wherein the solution acts as a transfer medium. This dif fusion rate will approach a steady state when a dynamic equilibrium between rate of solution and rate of deposition has been established, and will be governed by the mobility of the solute in the solution, the path length, and the concen tration head between the stressed and free faces. If, by changing the load, we change only the concentration head of the polycrystalline sub stance then the change in the steady creep rate, EB, should be directly proportional to the change in activity, or din a2 din e. ---=B---, d7r d7r (11) whereB is a constant. From (lOa) and (11) we obtain (12) where K is a physical constant. This is the rela tion obtained empirically13 for the steady creep rate of compressively loaded alabaster in contact with water. As compressive load is increased the solubility at the stressed surface eventually becomes larger than the amount by which the solution can supersaturate. Under these conditions the solution will drop the excess solute in any avail able unstressed space. Consequently, the texture of the substance may thus become so loosened that it crumbles under the load. The remainder of the discussion parallels that for plastic flow in polycrystalline metals. As before, we divide our system into hypothetical isolated portions and derive expressions for the stressed face and free face. We assume also the coexistence of two phases-the bound atoms of the solid and the free migrating atoms with energies exceeding those necessary to break the cohesive bonds of the crystal lattice. At the melting point this will be equivalent to the heat of melting. The analogous relations to (9a) and (9b) con necting compressive stress 7r and "melting" temperature, T m, in degrees absolute are readily derived as (~n Tm) 1 (l2a) d7r SF ph and (d In Tm) 7r , (12b) d7r FF pEh where h is the heat of "melting" and the other quantities are as before. The melting point at the stressed face is thus depressed for compression and raised for tension. This may be observed graphically from Fig. 3 13 The experimental data were obtained by Griggs. To be offered for publication, w!th Gor'.lnson, in a f~ture issue of the Bulletin of the Geologtcal Soctety of Amertca. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10PHYSICS OF STRESSED SOLIDS 331 where the thermodynamic potential ~ is seen to increase with pressure and decrease with tension at the stressed face. The melting point at the free face is depressed for both compression and tension. Here (~OhF = (thF always increases. The ratio of lowering at the two faces is the same as that found for (9a) and (9b). The number of atoms with Maxwellian ener gies in excess of that needed to break the lattice bonds, i.e., the number of free migrating atoms, increases with increase in temperature. At the melting point this fraction of the total number becomes unity. The factor (13) where T denotes the constant experimental and T m the melting temperature, has been used in correlating temperature versus creep data for different metals. The behavior of a low melting point metal is thus considered as equivalent in behavior to a high melting point metal at a cor respondingly higher temperature to give the same IJ, other factors remaining unchanged. The argument should be carried out in terms of energy but, as compensation is here effected through the h term this expression is a sufficiently satisfactory approximation. On combining (12a) and (13) and integrating we have 7r -7ro = ph In (IJ I lJo), (14) where p and h are here the mean values over the range of integration. For a sufficiently large load, i.e., for relatively large creep rates, we may in the same manner as before write (15) where K' is a physical constant and e. the steady state or minimum creep rate. This is the ex pression that has been used for about thirty years to express the empirical relation between yield stress and minimum creep rate Es in metal mosaics. The expressions (12) and (15) were derived for relatively large creep rates and thus for com pressive loads large enough to iron out the initial inequalities over a short period of time. Let us assume now that we are operating with either very small stresses or with a substance that does not "migrate" readily. For these conditions the number of migrating units will be relatively few and their paths much shorter. Thus, instead of being able to picture a statistical streaming action, we are slowed down to a hop-skip process and can no longer set up a steady mean flow. The crystallization process must be explicitly considered here and for these cases we have for mobility along the stressed surfaces. K(IJIlJo) = Ke(7r-7rol/ph (16a) and for crystallization along the same s1,lrfaces (16b) The creep rate will be given by the difference between these two quantities or 7r -7ro (EI Eo) =K sinh --. ph (17) The same reasoning and therefore a similar sinh expression also replaces (12) for very small creep rates. An expression of this type was obtained em pirically14 by combining analytically the empirical logarithmic relation for high creep rates (see Eq. (15)) with the linear relation between stress and creep rate observed for very low creep rates. So far we have considered only the relation between steady creep rate and stress. When compressive load is first applied the irregularities in the structure of the polycrystalline material set up an initial localization of stress at the raised points and thus, for large enough loads, in an initially high creep rate. This rate gradu ally diminishes toward a steady state as the original inhomogeneities of texture become ironed out and the stress redistributes itself over larger and larger surface areas. The effective stress, for constant load, thus decreases with time. Finally the pore spaces in the texture become filled and the grains more or less reori ented into their most stable crystallographic configuration for an axial load distribution. If now a series of such creep-time tests is made for varying compressive loads on initially identical specimens this last state should be reached at 14 For example see H. Mussmann, Ann. d. Physik 31, 130 (1938). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10332 ROY W. GORANSON 100 200 300 400 sao 600 700 BOO 900 1000 1100 TilliE. DAYS FIG. 4. Tensile creep tests on coarse-grained lead rods at room temperature. By suitable changes in coordinates this diagram can be made to express, to a fair approximation, the compressive creep tests of alabaster in water. about the same longitudinal contraction Em provided none of the material has precipitated elsewhere. At this point the specimen has stabilized itself and from this point on should therefore behave more or less as a unit, i.e., approximate to the condition for a single crystal. Solution (or migration) then begins to work along crystallographic surfaces and will be most effective on surfaces across which the cohesive bonds are smallest, i.e., have the largest t, in the general 45° trend to the stress axis. If the load is large enough the specimen will then deform by a gliding action along 45° planes and the creep rate, measured by the rate of con traction, will appear to accelerate until the specimen "fails." This is graphically illustrated in Fig. 4.16 Plastic flow may also occur in single crystals but the effect in general is a gliding along cleavage, twinning, or parting planes from com bined "melting" and snapping of bonds. Local ized high stress regions may be set up in crystals, as was mentioned earlier, and thus an initially single crystal may, under a compressive load, finally become a mosaic of reoriented crystalline grains. The energy at the external crystal faces cannot be denoted by the energy of the interior because of loss of symmetry at these external faces; the difference is known as surface tension. For ionic crystals this difference will be greatest along edges and at corners and least at the centers of 16 Data taken from J. McKeown, J. lnst. Metals 60, 207 (1937). faces; this is the reason for the initial skeleton growth of such crystals. With a high symmetry type of structure this difference might become greatest at re-entrants. For our system solution or melting will be most rapid at the stressed surfaces of highest t and growth by crystalliza tion most rapid on the free faces of lowest t. These directions are, in general, indicated by the crystalline form and cleavage. For example, mica and related minerals will tend to grow with two crystal axes (cleavage planes) perpendicular to the axis of compressive load, asbestos and related minerals to elongate (one crystal axis) in the plane perpendicular to the stress. The best examples we have are the metamorphic rocks which have recrystallized according to this mechanism under high confining pressure (see below). ELASTIC AFTERWORKING There is a type of deformation which on load ing is a contraction and on unloading a recovery by extension, according to the expression where E denotes the strain rate, El the purely elastic portion of the strain, B a constant, t the time and T a time constant. This type of re covery, after unloading, is called "elastic after working" and has been observed in glass fibers, in steels, and in rocks. This is the kind of·deformation to be expected from materials which are relatively strong elas tically. For these materials the strain is mainly an elastic one but, for a long continued applica tion of a moderate load, a small amount of migration of lattice points will take place if the load is left on long enough. On release of load the material tends to recover elastically, i.e., instantaneously, but it cannot recover com pletely because under load lattice elements have migrated and then solidified in conformity with the equilibrium conditions existing while under load. These therefore formed bonds tying in this equilibrium state so that when load is released an opposing stress distribution is consequently initiated and the initial equilibrium conditions are attained only by a backward migration of these same elements in retracing their paths. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10PHYSICS OF STRESSED SOLIDS 333 WORK HARDENING The mechanism of work hardening should not require particular comment. There is a further consequence of this phenomenon: The reorien tation and reorganization of a polycrystalline aggregate for greater elastic stability to a com pressive load, for example, means that the ma terial should then be weaker for a tensional load along the same axis. This is observable in push pull load-extension diagrams of "overstrained" steels. EFFECT OF HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ON STRENGTH If hydrostatic pressure is applied to a crystal lattice, r decreases by an amount ro-rp= Ep and if the electrostatic force field is symmetric in space the decrease will be uniform in all direc tions. If now an additional stress is applied by means of a superimposed unidirectional com pressive load 7r then r along this axis will decrease to r" by the additional amount E .. =rr-rp. The lattice, assuming "normal" behavior, expands laterally doing work against the con fining pressure until a new equilibrium is estab lished between the repulsive, attractive, and external forces. It might be anticipated that Poisson's ratio should bear a functional relation to r. The evidence from seismic data indicates, however, that within the earth (j remains approximately constant, at about 0.27, independent of pressure (depth). The lateral extension will increase as the longitudinal compressive load is increased and" thus r will gradually move back through ro to rm at which point the specimen becomes unstable and ruptures. The load for this condition will represent the compressive strength of the specimen. Rupture, here the "brittle" potential type of fracture, will occur then for the condition fF~-P dr -dF-(rm-rO) fF~-" dr F=O dF -dF=---------------- F~-p dF (J , where [(7r)m-PJ denotes the "elastic" com-pressive strength of the specimen under confining pressure p. The slope of the" r -F curve, dr ri+l flattens rapidly as r decreases and approaches zero as a limit. This initial change in slope may be observed graphically in the curves of com pressibility plotted as a function of pressure. Hence the smaller the r, and consequently the higher the hydrostatic confining pressure, the larger must be the unidirectional thrust for the same rm-rp but this distance, as a matter of fact, is itself also increasing by virtue of increas ing p. The compressive strength of the iipecimen should therefore accelerate rapidly with increas ing confining pressure and become infinitely strong elastically as the confining pressure con tinues to increase indefinitely. If, therefore, the compressive strength be plotted as ordinate and hydrostatic confining pressure as abscissa the curve should be found to rise gently at first and then to steepen rapidly, eventually becoming infinitely steep. The above conclusions from this theory, de pending entirely on seismic data, have been held in abeyance until they could be further confirmed. Recently confirmation has been obtained from the experimental work of Griggs.16 Experimental work is also being conducted at the Geophysical Laboratory to verify the calculated strengths for steel. The initial pressure effect is complicated by the geometry of cracks but these cracks close up at a few thousand atmospheres pressure. The curve of compressive strength versus hydrostatic confining pressure for substances which have polymorphic pressure modifications should exhibit discontinuities at such trans formation points. In fact if such transformatio"ns took place rapidly while the substance was under unidirectional load the structure should break down. These points represent therefore loci o( instability, so that the above conclusions would be applicable only to the homogeneous regions above and below such loci. 18 D. T. Griggs, J. Geol. 44, 541-577 (1936). D. T. Griggs and J. F. Bell, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 49, 1723-46 (1938). . This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10334 BENEDICT, WEBB AND RUBIN The energy levels rise very steeply and even tually for some value 7r>P a state will be reached for which r(T; 7r, p) = nT, p), where these quantities are as before. If this condition becomes fulfilled failure will then take place by plastic deformation or "plastic shear." In other words, a substance under axial compression will become not only stronger elas tically but also more malleable with increasing hydrostatic confining pressure. This is shown very clearly from the experimental results of F. D. Adams and Coker.17 Their results were not duplicated by Griggs but the reason for it should be fairly obvious. Adams and Coker's confining pressur~ was obtained by means of a pliable steel wall, Griggs' by means of a thin liquid. As soon as incipient melting takes place along, say, a 17 F. D. Adams and E. G. Coker, An Investigation into the Elastic Constants of Rocks (Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub!. No. 46, 1906). F. D. Adams and J. A. Bancroft, ]. Geo!. 25, 597-658 (1917). shear plane the substance is relatively free to shear in Griggs' case because the only work involved is (a) that of breaking the remaining cohesive bonds across this plane and (b) that of exchanging regions with the pressure fluid, since the resistance to flow of the pressure fluid, for a finite rate, is a simple function of its viscosity. For Adams and Coker's case we have, in addition to (a), the work of pushing aside the supporting steel wall which is here the total lateral support. Release of strain energy can take place rapidly in the former case but only at a slow rate in the latter case. Thus, although Griggs has expressed the belief that his results are more applicable to problems of geological deformation in depth and that rocks do not flow in the dry state, the conclusions arrived at herein do not support this contention as a general conclusion. These two apparently dissimilar experimental results are special cases of the same physical hypothesis described in this paper. APRIL, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 An Empirical Equation for Thermodynamic Properties of Light Hydrocarbons and Their Mixtures 1. Methane, Ethane, Propane and n-Butane MANSON BENEDICT, GEORGE B. WEBB AND LOUIS C. RUBIN Petroleum Research Laboratory, The M. W. Kellogg Company, Jersey City, New Jersey (Received December 23, 1939) An empirical equation is given for the isothermal variation with density of the work content of pure hydrocarbons in the gaseous or liquid state. From this fundamental equation are de rived (a) an equation of state, (b) an equation for the fugacity, and (c) an equation for the isothermal variation of the enthalpy. These equations summarize P-V-T properties of the gaseous or liquid phase, critical properties, vapor pressures, and latent heats of evaporation. A procedure is suggested for determining numerical values of the parameters in the equation. Such values are given for methane, ethane, propane, and n-butane. A comparison is made between observed properties of these hydrocarbons and those predicted by the equations. A. INTRODUCTION RECENT experimental studies of pure light hydrocarbons by Sage and Lacey and co workers and by Beattie and co-workers are useful in developing an equation to represent the ther modynamic properties of these substances. An equation for this purpose has several advantages: it permits interpolation of experimental data; it facilitates thermodynamic calculations involving integration and differentiation; it provides a concise summary of a large mass of data; and it provides a point of departure for the treatment of the thermodynamic properties of mixtures. Concurrent with this advance in experimental This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:03:10
The Fundamental Frequencies of Certain Halomethanes. II. The Raman Spectrum of Fluoroform G. Glockler and W. F. Edgell Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 224 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1750882 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750882 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/9/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in LowFrequency Motions in Liquid Carbon Tetrachloride. II. The Raman Spectrum J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2334 (1968); 10.1063/1.1670404 The Raman Spectrum of Tetrafluoroethylene in the Condensed Phase, with Further Assignment of the Fundamental Frequencies J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1415 (1950); 10.1063/1.1747493 The Heat Capacity of Certain Halomethanes J. Chem. Phys. 9, 527 (1941); 10.1063/1.1750950 The Fundamental Frequencies of Certain Trihalomethanes J. Chem. Phys. 8, 699 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750740 The Raman Spectrum and Fundamental Vibration Frequencies of Silane (SiH4) J. Chem. Phys. 4, 82 (1936); 10.1063/1.1749752 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07MARCH, 1941 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 9 The Fundamental Frequencies of Certain Halomethanes. II. The Raman Spectrum of Fluoroform G. GLOCKLER AND W. F. EDGELL* Chemical Laboratory, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (Received December 11, 1940) The Raman spectrum of CHF 3 has been determined and the assignment to the six funda mentals has been made by considering the intensities and by comparison with the other haloforms. Checks have been obtained by two independent methods based on the theory of small vibrations. The fundamentals in CHCIF, have been revised to harmonize with the data of CHF 3 and they have been empirically correlated in several spectral sequences. Molar heat capacities have been calculated for CHF3, CHCIF" and CHCI,F in the range T=250oK to T=650oK and compared with experimental values where available. The heat capacities have been fitted to empirical equations and a term added to correct to finite pressures by means of the modified Berthelot equation of state. It has been shown that these equations are accurate to 5 percent and are far more reliable than the small amount of thermal data available at present. I. INTRODUCTION THE haloforms are an important group of the halogen derivatives of methane. The complete understanding of their vibrational spectra is necessary before one can accurately correlate the data for the other halogen deriva tives of methane which possess less symmetry. The fundamentals of CHCla and CHBra are well known and their assignments are certain.! Recently a number of halogen substituted methanes which contain fluorine as one of the substituents have been studied by means of the Raman effect.2 A knowledge of the fundamentals in fluoroform would be very helpful in the correlation of these data. Glockler and Leader,a in making such a correlation, were led to a prediction of the values for CHF 3. Moreover * This article is based upon excerpts from a thesis to be presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of the State University of Iowa by Walter F. Edgell in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 1 The data on the fundamental vibrations of the mole cules discussed in this paper are from the following sources unless otherwise specified: CHCIa, CHBr3-M. Magat, "Effet Raman" No. 15 of Tables Annuelles de Constantes et Donnees Numeriques (Paris, 1937). CH4, CF4, CH3F, CHD3, CHIa-Ta-You Wu, Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Polyatomic Molecules (China Science Corp., Shanghai, 1939). CHCI,F-G. Glockler, W. F. Edgell and G. R. Leader, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 897 (1940). CHCIBrF, CHCIBr" CHCIF,-G. Glockler and G. R. Leader, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 553 (1939); 8, 125,699 (1940). 'G. Glockler and co-workers, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 278, 382, 553 (1939); ibid. 8, 125, 699 (1940); Phys. Rev. 54, 970 (1938); C. A. Bradley, Phys. Rev. 40, 908 (1932). 3 G. Glockler and G. R. Leader, ]. Chern. Phys. 8, 699 (1940). they used these predicted values to eliminate several lines from the Raman spectrum of CHClF2 by attributing them to CHFa. The purpose of this investigation was to check these predicted values. It will be seen that .they are not nearly as accurate as one would expect from the method used in obtaining them. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The fluoroform used in this study was supplied by Dr. A. F. Benning of the Jackson Laboratory of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and was specified as "practically pure." No lines were observed that could be attributed to any likely impurity. The Raman spectrum was determined in the liquid state at -95°C using the usual low temperature apparatus described by Glockler and Renfrew.4 A stream of dry air, precooled successively by a dry ice-acetone mixture and liquid air, was the cooling medium. The source T ABLE I. The Raman lines of fluoroform. RELATIVE EXCITING DEGEN- ~v INTENSITY LI"SES* ASSIGNMENT ERACY 508.1 5 a, b V45 2 696.7 6 a, b V6 1 936.8 0 a, V23 2 1116.5 8 a, b VI 1 1376.2 3 a, b V89 2 3062.0 10 a, b V7 1 * a =4358 ,b =4046A. 4 G, Glockler and M. M. Renfrew, Rev. Sci. lnst. 9, 306 (1938). 224 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07FREQUENCIES OF CERTAIN HALOMETHANES 225 of exciting radiation was eight Ne-Hg discharge tubes arranged cylindrically around the liquid sample. Eastman spectroscopic plates, type 1-J, were used. Six lines were observed and they are given in the Table I. Microphotometer tracings of a portion of the CHF a spectrum, showing all six lines, are reproduced in Fig. 1. III. VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS The haloforms belong to the symmetry class, Cav. There are three parallel vibrations of the type A and three perpendicular vibrations of the type E. The predictions of group theory with regards to the symmetry properties of the normal modes of vibration are given in Table II.5a The notation is that employed by Kohlrausch for CHCIa.5b Intensity considerations The symmetric vibrations, V6 and VI are very strong in CHCla and CHBral while the symmetric vibration, V7, is somewhat weaker. The perpen dicular vibration, V45, is moderately strong while the other two perpendicular vibrations, V2a and V89, are weaker. In CHCla and CHBra the order of increasing values for the Raman shifts expressed in cm-1 is: V45, V6, VI, V23. V89, and V7. By comparison of the data in Table I with the above, it is evident that the CHF a lines 508, 697, 1376,and 3062 cm-I correspond, respectively, to V45, V6, V89, and V7. This leaves a weak line at 937 and an intense one at 1117 cm-I yet to be TABLE II. Symmetry properties of the halo form vibrations. STATE OF POLARIZA- No. OF TYPE c~ (II nON LINES NOTATIO-:-J --- A s s P 3 V1, V6, V7 E e e dp 3 Vn, V4S, V89 assigned to VI and V2a. The vibrations VI and V2a lie at 539 and 656 cm-I in CHBra with relative intensities 10 and 5. The corresponding CHCla fundamentals are 668 and 760 cm-I with relative intensities 9 and 4. Thus one expects VI to be strong in CHF a and to lie .80 to 100 cm-1 lower than the weaker V2a. 5 K. W. F. Kohlrausch, Dey Smekal Raman Effekt, Ergiinzungsband (J. Springer, Berlin, 1938), (a) p. 45; (b) p. 150. ~~(508) FIG. 1. Microphotometer tracing of Raman spectrum of CHF 3. 3062 cm-I is excited by 4046 while all others by 4358A. However, the opposite order of intensities is actually observed. It is hard to conceive of any logical reason for the symmetric "breathing" vibration to be so weak. The weak line observed at 937 cannot be an overtone unless we assume an abnormally large anharmonicity. It is also impossible to assign it to any likely impurity. On the basis of the above considerations 1117 cm-I is assigned to VI and 937 cm-I to V2a. A systematic study of the haloform vibrations by means of the theory of small vibrations shows that this is actually the case. The assignment is given in Table I. Application of the theory of small vibrations The factors which determine the region of the spectrum in which a particular vibration will be are in the order of their influence: (1) mass; (2) force constants; (3) interatomic dimensions. By far the most dominant of these is the mass. Thus, one may assume a reasonable potential function with reasonable force constants and trace the influence of mass upon the various vibrations in a spectral sequence of the same symmetry, the same force constants being used throughout the sequence. The one chosen here was CHXa where X=H, D, F, Cl, Br, and I. ':fhis same method has been applied with notable success to the methyl halides by Wagner.6 It is known7 that the methane derivatives with several heavy substituents (as CCI4) are best described by a potential function of the central force field type rather than one based on a valency force field. The general quadratic 6 J. Wagner, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B40, 36 (1938). He has also applied the same method to the methylene halides (Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B45, 69 (1939)), but here the reduced symmetry calls for aU nine frequencies, six of which lie somewhat close together in the region below 1500 COl-I. This leads to some question as to the assignment of the fundamentals to the particular modes of vibration, 7 D. M. Dennison, Rev, Mod. Phys. 12,175 (1940). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07226 G. GLOCKLER AND W. F. EDGELL , , "'" "''''' "'" """ JOOO em-I ·f' / / , ~/ , / / / / I ~~~ / I ,jif--! .• / / /~~ j I , /' If I I /' / I / / I , / m Z ~ \ V4~'V. VI V:a U" U, FIG. 2. Theoretical trends in the fundamental vibrations of the molecule CHX 3 under influence of change in mass of X atom. --parallel vibrations; ---perpendicular vibrations. potential as proposed by Rosenthal and VogeS was used in these calculations. The force con stants were taken as intermediate between those of CH4 and CHCIa (as determined by Voge and Rosenthal9) and were closer to the values for the latter molecule. They are as follows: G1l, 2.90XI05 dynes/em; G22, 4.92; Gaa, 0.82; G12 and G2a, 0; Gal, -1.11; G44, 1.50; G66 and G66, 0.56; G46 and G46, -0.20; G66, -0.30. The inter atomic dimensions used were C -Hand C - D =1.09A, C-F=1.40, C-CI=1.71, C-Br = 1.90, C - I = 2.20. Tetrahedral angles were assumed for the valence directions. The parallel vibratons gave no difficuty. In the case of the perpendicular vibrations there is a large change in the force constants in passing from CH4 to CHCla. If the values were taken too close to those for CHela, the solutions for the perpendicular vibrations in CH4 and CHDa were complex. If, on the other hand, the values for CH4 were taken, the trend in the haloform vibrations was not followed too closely. The perpendicular force constants, G44 to G66, are a compromise between these two difficulties. They yield good values for CHCla, but do not quite' give real values for the perpendicular vibrations in CHDa and CH4• However, the value taken for 1'46 in CHDa, 826 em-I, satisfies the cubic equation for the perpendicular frequencies to 4 percent. The values for 1'2a and I'S9 of CHDa are the solutions of the quadratic equation which results from the perpendicular cubic when the above value of V46 is substituted into its solutions. 8 J. Rosenthal and H. H. Voge, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 134 (1936). 9 H. H. Voge and J. Rosenthal, ]. Chern. Phys. 4, 137 (1936). This procedure is justified since values derived from force constants which yield real solutions (i.e., closer to the perpendicular CH4 constants) do not lie far from those determined by the above method. It is obvious in which CH4 fundamentals these perpendicular frequencies have their origin, and the corresponding curves were extrapolated back to these values. The calculated trends in the fundamental vibrations of the spectral sequence CH4-CHDa-CHFa -CHCla-CHBra-CHl a under the influence of mass and interatomic dimensions are given in Fig. 2. The frequencies, expressed in em-I, are plotted versus v(1/m) where m=mass of X atom in the molecule CHXa. The salient features of Fig. 2 are the wide sweep of VI from a high value in CH4 to a comparatively low value in CHla and the slight effect of change in mass upon V23. Thus VI and V23 must cross. In predictions of the fundamental frequencies of CHF a it has been tacitly assumed that this crossing took place in molecules of smaller mass than CHF a if indeed this sequence was ever considered. Fig. 2 also has this property. However, this reasoning (as well as the calcula tion) fails to allow for the comparatively high values of the force constants involving the motion of the F atom. For the purpose of comparison the values of the force constants in the methyl halides as determined by LinnettiO may be consulted. Both the C - F stretching and the deformation constants are high. The force constants and the masses enter into the solutions for the classical vibrations as ratios (i.e., kim). The frequency, PI, which is most dependent upon a change in mass of the X atom, is therefore most sensitive to a change in force constants involving the motion of the X atom in particular the C-X stretching constant. For the same reason the vibration, V23, which is most independent of a change in the mass of the X atom, is also least sensitive to changes in these same constants. Thus it is not surprising to find that VI is displaced far enough to higher values to delay the experimental crossing of VI and V23 until after CHF 3 is passed in this sequence. During the course of the preparation 0'£ this paper it was found that Wagnerll had recently 10 J. w. Linnett, ]. Chern. Phys. 8, 91 (1940). 11 ]. Wagner, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B45, 341 (1940). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07FREQUENCIES OF CERTAIN HALOMETHANES 227 made a similar calculation for this same sequence in reference to the assignment of fundamentals in trimethyl methane. His calculations were based upon a hypothetical molecule where all stretching force constants were set equal to 3.6X 106 dynes/cm and all deformation constants equal to 1/10 of this value. A simple valency force field was assumed. His theoretical curves give essentially the same trends as those found in Fig. 2. Inasmuch as the haloforms are more closely expressed by a potential of the central force field type rather than a valency field, and since the force constants chosen in this investi gation are based on those actually found in this sequence, the theoretical curves, 111 and 112a, in Fig. 2 follow the experimental curves somewhat better. For instance, 111 and 112a cross at m-! = 0.35 in Wagner's curves, 0.30 in Fig. 2, and 0.24 in the experimentally determined curves (Fig. 3). The trends in the fundamental vibrations of this sequence as experimentally determinedl are shown in Fig. 3. It should be pointed out that the force constants play a larger role in the haloform sequence than in the methyl halides, and hence there is not as close agreement between the calculated curves (which take into consideration the change in mass only) and the experimental curves as in the latter case.6 Nevertheless there is no difficulty in establishing the trends in the experimental values. In fact it would be quite surprising if 112a in CHF a came at any other place than the experimentally determined one. Wagner'sll results for (CHa)aCH confirm the conclusions drawn above. The experimental value for his 112, the vibration least dependent upon mass and force constants, is 965 cm-l• As can be seen from our Fig. 3, this value lies 10 cm-l from the experimental curve for 112a at the place where the mass of the X atom is fifteen. The values for the other similar vibrations all lie between those of CHCla and CHF a-the largest shift being in 111. This is in harmony with the fact that the C - C stretching constant is about 4.5XI05 dynes/cm.12 The theory of small vibrations gives yet another, independent indication of the correct ness of the assignment made in CHFa. Voge and 12 See for instance Ta-You Wu, (reference 1), p. 303. Rosenthal9 postulating constancy in the CHa and CCla groups and the C -Hand C -CI bonds, have determined values for the twelve force constants in CHCla by means of the sequence CH4, CHaCl, CCI4 and CHCla. They found that if one sets G12=G23=0 in CHCIa and if they used the values of the other constants from CCI 4, CH4 and CHaCl then the values for the parallel vibrations (116, lilt and 117) were exceptionally close to the experimental values. In applying the same method to the corresponding fluorine molecules the solution for the force constants of the parallel vibrations in CHaF is complex. This is not surprising inasmuch as Slawsky and Dennison,13 using a very similar method applied to the methyl halides only, encountered the same difficulty. This results from the assumption of constancy in the CHa group, neglect of anhar monicities, etc. It is not serious as long as the complex part of the solution is small in com parison to the real part. This is the case here. Algebraic manipulation makes the quartic in G12 easiest to obtain. The value G12 = 1.55 X 105 dynes/cm is the real value which most nearly satisfies this equation. This leads to G22 (the C - F force constant) = 6.4. Slawsky and Denni son, using a valency force field with cross terms. arrive at the value 6.09 X 105 dynes/cm for the same quantity. Using the above value and the most general quadratic potential function for T d symmetry as proposed by Rosenthal,14 the constants for CF4 are: A=9.25, B=0.671, C=0.532, D=0.863, E=0.569. The set with the negative values for D has been discarded. When these values, together with the C - H force , .00 'zoo 1100 '" s~o ~m' HCH :./. / ~~/I / I / I HCD /' / l~/ t // /1 "'/' V45 /~ IVn V ........ 4, v, . 7 I / {;k I I / HC' ( VI // HCC!, ,--..----- / / HC", '/ / .' HCI i.-I FIG. 3. The spectral sequence CHX 3, --parallel vibrations; - - -perpendicular vibrations; II estimated values. 13 Z. I. Slawsky and D. M. Dennison, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 522 (1939). 14 J. Rosenthal, Phys. Rev. 45, 538 (1934). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07228 G. GLOCKLER AND W. F. EDGELL CH CH F CHF. CF """ I I • FIG. 4. The spectral sequence CH.-CF •. --connects non degenerate vibrations; ---connects degenerate vi brations. constant=4.92X10· dynes/em, are applied to the CHF 3 molecule, the values for liS, III, and IIi are 748, 1163, and 3019 em-I. These are to be compared to the experimental values 697, 1117, and 3062 em-I. It can further be shown that any change in the CF4 constants caused by a change in the C - F constant (using this method of evaluation) affects liS and III almost identically and 117 in the opposite sense. Thus a change that would bring liS from 748 to 697 would also bring III from 1163 very near to the experimental value, 1117, at the same time raising the value of 117 above that of 3019 em-I. To summarize the above it may be stated that, using force constants based entirely upon the molecules CH4• CH3F, and CF4 with the assumption of constancy in the CH3 and CF 3 groups and C - H and C - F bonds, it is possible to calculate values for the parallel frequencies of the CHF 3 molecule which differ by only 50 em-I from the experi mental values. Furthermore any change which tends to bring anyone of these calculated frequencies closer to its experimental value also tends to bring the other two calculated fre quencies closer to their own respective experi mental values. These two independent calculations based on the theory of small vibrations, neither of which is dependent in any way upon any experimental data for CHF 3, point definitely to the assignment given in Table I. Nevertheless, this assignment must be considered as tentative until polarization data are available for this molecule. Empirical correlation An important property of a set of correctly assigned fundamentals for the halomethanes is that it be consistent with any spectral sequence that may 'be devised for it. It is apparent that this consistency has been achieved in the sequence given in Fig. 3. The assigned funda mentals in CHF 3 also correlate nicely with other sequences. For instance, the spectral sequence CH4-CH3F-CHF 3-CF 4 is shown in Fig. 4. No other assignment would be nearly as sa tisfactory. IV. THE FUNDAMENTALS IN CHClF 2 As mentioned above, Glockler and Leader3 have estimated the positions of the CHF 3 fundamentals. On the basis of these estimated values they have attributed the lines 460, 667, and 831 cm-I, observed by theml• in the Raman spectrum of CHClF 2, as being due to CHF 3. In view of the experimental data presented above this interpretation can no longer be made, and hence the question of the fundamentals of this molecule must be reopened. The values for the Raman lines reported by them are as follows: 369.1 (4); 410.5 (3); 415.4 (10); 459.5 (1); 595.1 (9); 667.3 (2); 793.8 (4); 804.7 (4); 830.8 (2); 1088.4 (1); 1109 (1); 1310.2 (2); 1350.0 (2); 3035.0 (6). The values in parenthesis are the relative intensities. From these fourteen values nine fundamentals must be chosen. Their interpretation that 410 and 415 cm-I are due to the same vibration in CHCl37F 2 and CHCpsF 2, respectively, seems reasonable and is made here also. These two lines ar.e only 5 cm-I apart, yet they are clearly seen as two lines of different intensities on their plates. This raises some question as to their treatment of each of the b!,oad lines at ca. 800 cm-I and ca. 1100 cm-1 as a pair of lines. Here these lines shall be treated each as only one line, and hence measurements were made on the center of these lines. The values are given in TABLE III. The fundamentals in CHClF, and CHCl,F. As-I As- SIGN- sIGN- MENT CHCIF, CHCJ,F MENT CHClF, CHCJ,F ---------- ------ ----v. 369 cm-I 277 cm-I va 1099 cm-I 1067 cm-I v, 415 366 V8 1310 1255 V6 595 457 V9 1350 1310 VI 799 732 Vl 3035 3020 V2 831 795 i 16 Two of these lines were previously observed by G. Glockler and ]. Bachmann, Phys. Rev. 55, 669 (1939) using the same sample. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07FREQUENCIES OF CERTAIN HALOMETHANES 229 Table III. The lines at 460 and 667 cm-I are now attributed to CCI2F 2 as an impurity. The two strongest lines of this molecule, as reported by Bradley,2 are 455 and 664 cm-I with intensities 7 and 10. These are the relative intensities observed for the lines in question. Moreover values reported by this laboratory are on the average about 3 cm-I higher than those observed by Bradley for the same substances (d. data for CHCI2F as determined by Glockler, Edgell, and LeaderI6). Dr. Benning, who also supplied the CHCIF 2 used by Glockler and Leader, found evidence of an impurity in his sample of CHCIF 2 which he was unable to removeY Vapor density measurements at low pressures indicated a molecular weight of 87.25 instead of the theo retical value of 86.46. This corresponds to 2.3 percent of CCI2F2 as the impurity. The above elimination leaves nine lines and they are attributed to the nine fundamentals of CHCIF 2. Six of these are the same as reported by Glockler and Leader. Two more come from the treatment of the two broad lines as having only one component. The ninth fundamental is the line at 830.8 cm-I. This might be interpreted as the overtone of 415.4, but this postulates no anharmonicity. Moreover it appears too intense for this classification. It is evident from a consideration of several sequences that a funda mental should lie in this region, and hence we assign it to 1'2.18 The values of the fundamentals selected for CHCIF2 and their assignments are given in Table III. These fundamentals are correlated with those of CHCbF, CHCIBrF, and CHCIBr 2in Fig. 5.1 It would appear at first glance that Va is inconsistent. However, it has been showna that trihalomethanes show a characteristic C - X vibration whenever X is the lightest halogen present. It can also be shown that the presence of more than one of the lightest halogen atoms modifies this vibration only slightly. In CHCIBr2, Va has the value characteristic of the C-Cl vibration, 750 cm-I. In passing to CHCIBrF and CHCI2F fluorine 16 G. Glockler, W. F. Edgell, and G. R. Leader, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 897 (1940). 17 A. F. Benning and R. C. McHarness, Ind. Eng. Chern. 32, 698 (1940). 18 A private communication from Dr. Ta-You Wu has recently been received in which he also makes the same assignment. becomes the lightest halogen present and Va has the characteristic C - F vibration, ca. 1065 cm-I. The addition of a second fluorine atom to form CHCIF 2, of course, only slightly changes the value of Va to 1099 cm-I. The consistency of Fig. 5 is a strong argument for the correctness of the assignment given to CHClF 2 in Table III. V. HEAT CAPACITIES OF CHCl 2F, CHClF2, AND CHFa These compounds are of importance in the refrigeration industry, hence accurate thermo- 1400-___ ""-1 c"",o. \\ \ I I , , I I I I \ I , I \ \ \ \ \ , , I , I I \ I I , \ \ I I \ \ \ , , \ I \ , \ \ \ , \ \ I I , I , I I CHCIBoT I \ , , , I, I I \ , I I I I I , I \ \ \ \ \ I , \ \ \ I I I \ I , \ \ I I \ I I I \ \ I I I : I I CHC I I I , I , I I \ \ \ I I \ I \ \ \ I I \ I I \ \ I \ I \ I \ , , \ \ \ \ I \ I \ , \ \ \ \ I I CHelF ' I II I , I ".115 V, VrVz " 1)6 Vg V, FIG. 5. The spectral sequence CHCIBr2-CHCIF2. dynamical data are of considerable importance. Unfortunately no thermal data are available by which one might evaluatel::..Hoo of formation. It was therefore impossible to obtain the free energy or heat of formation foe them. The heat capacities were calculated by the well-known harmonic oscillator-rigid rotator approximation. It has been shown by a number of investi gatorsl9 that for this type of molecule the rotational heat capacity has very nearly its classical value by the time room temperature has been reached. Moreover the assumption of rigid rotators and simple harmonic oscillators causes little error.20 The values for the funda mental frequencies of CHCI2F are given in Table III from the data of Glockler, Edgell, and Leader.16 They have interpreted the two lines at 727 and 738 cm-I as being due to Fermi resonance, so 732 was taken as the value of the unperturbed fundamental. The use of the mean 19 D. P. MacDougall, Phys. Rev. 38, 2074 (1931); D. S. Villars, ibid. 38, 1552 (1931), and others. 20 A. R. Gordon and C. Barnes, J. Chern. Phys. 1, 692 (1933); ibid. 2, 65 (1934), and others. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07230 G. GLOCKLER AND W. F. EDGELL leads to little error in this case since the two lines are so close together. The values used for CHClF 2 and CHF a are from this paper. In both CHClF 2 and CHCl2F each fundamental corre sponds to just one degree of vibrational freedom. In CHF3 there are nine degrees of vibrational freedom and six lines. Three of these, the perpendicular vibrations, have a statistical weight of two. As is customary, the values of all constants were taken from the International Critical Tables. Recently a paper has appeared21 in which the newer values for the fundamental constants were used. In the case of heat capacities this makes little difference-changing the value of hc/k from 1.432 to 1.435 if the values of Dun nington22 are used. Some change, however, would be introduced into the values for entropy and free energy. Since thermodynamics is primarily interested in the change in these quantities for certain reactions, it is felt that greater inner consistency will be achieved if all calculations are based on the same set of constants. Giauque,23 in a quaint parable, has shown the difficulties that arise when two sets of values are used in the case of temperature. The calculated values of Cpo appear in Table IV. The standard state is the usual one of unit fugacity and zero pressure. The correction to finite pressures is given by Benning and McHarness17 have determined data of state for CHCl 2F and CHClF2 which they TABLE IV. Cpo for some trihalomethanes. T"K CHF, CHClF, CHCbFt T"K CHF, CHClF, CHCbFt -- --cal./"Kmole cal./"Kmole 250 11.37 12.50 13.41 450 16.24 17.12 17.74 273.1 12.01 13.14 14.01 473.1 16.68 17.53 18.11 298.1 12.68 13.79 14.64 500 17.15 17.95 18.51 300 12.73 13.85 14.68 550 17.95 18.67 19.17 050 14.02 15.07 15.85 600 18.65 19.30 19.75 373.1 14.58 15.59 16.32 650 19.27 19.85 20.26 400 15.19 16.17 16.85 t CpO for this substance was calculated by G. R. Leader, Studies in Molecular Structure (Ph.D. thesis), University of Minnesota (1940), at different temperatures and using hc/k= 1.435. 21 E. H. Eyster and R. H. Gillette, ]. Chern. Phys. 8, 369 (1940). 22 F. G. Dunnington, Phys. Rev. 55, 683 (1939). 23 W. Giauque, Nature 143, 623 (1939). express by means of the equation Although their equations reproduce their data, they lead to unreasonable values for (a2v/ap)p. This is quite understandable since only several measurements were made at anyone pressure. The modified Berthelot equation of state was used in evaluating this second derivative. This gives The critical temperature and pressure of CHCI 2F and CHClF 2 used were determined by Benning and McHarness.24 They are 451.6°K, 51.0 atmos. and 369.1 °K,48.7 atmos., respectively. Booth and Swinehart25 have also determined Tc=369.5°K and Pc=48.48 atmos. for CHClF 2• The critical temperature of CHF 3 has been estimated by the Guldberg-Guye26 rule, Tc=KTb, where Tb is the temperature of the boiling point. Bachmann27 has shown that K = 1.6 for the fluorochloro methanes. This gives To = 306°K. He has also devised a means of correlating Pc with molecular weights for these same molecules. This leads to an estimated value of Pc=47 atmos. for CHFa which cannot be too much in error since this method leads to a value of Pc=49.7 atmos. for CHClzF. Should the fluoroform value be in error by 3 atmos., it would lead to an error of only 6 percent in the correction which is only 0.1 caI.;oK mole at 298.1 OK and 0.05 cal. at 373.1 oK. Benning and co-workers28 have determined the heat capacities of CHCIzF and CHCIF2 at one atmosphere in the temperature range 35°C to 135°e. In view of the small number of determi nations no conclusions can be drawn with regard to the correctness of our assigned fundamentals. The values of Cpo have been fitted to the usual empirical equation by the method of least squares. To each of these equations have been .. A. F. Benning and R. C. McHarness, Ind. Eng. Chern. 31,912 (1939). 26 H. S. Booth and C. F. Swinehart, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 57, 1337 (1935). 28 P. Fugassi and C. Rudy, Ind. Eng. Chern. 30, 1029 (1938). 21]. H. Bachmann, Studies in Molecular Structure (Ph.D. thesis), University of Minnesota, (1939). 28 A. F. Benning, R. C. McHarness, W. H. Markwood, and]. W. Smith, Ind. Eng. Chern. 32, 976 (1940). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07SPECTRA OF ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 231 added (the last term) the correction to finite pressures given by the equations and constants of state discussed above. They are CHCI 2F: Cp=5.334+0.03815T -23.48X 1O-6T2+9.081 X 106P IT", CHCIF 2: Cp=3.929+0.04034T -24.51 X 10-6T2+5.189X 106P IT", CHF 3: Cp=2.699+0.04037T -22.92 X 1O-6T2+3.066X 106P IT". Error The largest error in these calculations is that due to the use of the Raman frequencies deter mined in the liquid state. This on the whole should not exceed 2 percent. The error due to the assumption of rigid rotators and simple harmonic oscillators is somewhat less than 1 percent. Thus the tabulated values of Cpo should be accurate to 3 percent. The empirical equation for Cpo of CHCl 2F reproduces the tabular values to within 0.04 cal.;oK mole; for CHClF 2, 0.03; for CHF 3, 0.02. The use of the modified Berthelot equation of state in correcting to finite pressures introduces further error. All in all, the empirical equations above should give the heat capacities of the gases at one atmosphere to 5 percent. Even so they are more reliable than the fragmentary experimental data that is available at present. We wish to thank Dr. Benning of the Jackson Laboratory of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company for the loan of the fluoroform used in this investigation. MARCH, 1941 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 9 The Long Wave-Length Spectra of Aldehydes and Ketones Part I. Saturated Aldehydes and Ketones HENRY L. McMURRY Ryerson Physical Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Received October 21, 1940) Intensity calculations are used to help in deciding which of two theoretically predicted transitions should be identified with the weak longest wave-length absorption "'" characteristic of the unconjugated C =0 group. In terms / of the localized LCAO MO and the AO approximations used, one of these transitions is forbidden while the calculated intensity for the other, allowed, transition is much too large to be compatible with the low intensities observed for the absorption. The observed absorption should, therefore, be ascribed to the forbidden transition. The Q and S integrals needed for the calculations, involving AO's of the C and 0 atoms, are tabulated. The intensity for the allowed transition, when expressed using semi localized LCAO MO's depends somewhat on the nature of I. INTRODUCTION WHENEVER the ca,bonyi (~c~ 0 )gmup is present in a molecule a weak absorption region appears at relatively long wave-lengths.t-5 1 Cf. E. Eastwood and C. P. Snow, Proc. Roy. Soc. AI49, 434 (1935). the atoms attached to the C = 0 group. The absorption regions appearing at shorter wave-lengths in ketones and aldehydes are discussed. It is concluded that the A1900 region in ketones is characteristic of the C = 0 group and probably is due either to a Rydberg transition or most likely to the allowed transition for which intensity calcu lations have been made. If the latter is true the upper level of the A1900 absorption could be largely responsible for the perturbations which cause the appearance of the long wave length forbidden transition. It is shown that the long wave- "'" length absorptions from the C = S group can be explained / in the same manner as those for the C = 0 group. / In saturated aldehydes and ketones (molecules of the type RR'CO, where Rand R' are alkyl 2 G. Scheibe and W. Fromel, Eucken-Wolf Hand-und Jahrbuch der chem. Physik 9, Part IV (1936); especially p. 164 on. a F. O. Rice, Proc. Roy. Soc. A9I, 76 (1914-1915): pure liquid ketones. 4 J. Bielecki and V. Henri, Ber. d. D. Chern. Ges. 46, 3627 (1913): aldehydes and ketones in alcohol solution. 6 Int. Crit. Tab. Vol. 5; Landolt-Bornstein, Physikalisch Chemische Tabellen. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:29:07