stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
| distance
float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
| readability
float64 -2.81
| sentiment
float64 -2.64
Political events, social and economic changes, brain drain, high rate of unemployment, a visible gap between the nouveau riche and the lower classes, distorted values presented in the media and through street propaganda – all this has influenced the situation in the households and educational institutions, and is reflected every day in the (lost) art of communication. | Politički događaji, društvene i ekonomske promene, "odliv mozgova", visoka stopa nezaposlenosti, vidljiv jaz između novonastalih bogataša i niže klase, iskrivljene vrednosti predstavljene u medijima i kroz uličnu propagandu - sve to je uticalo na situaciju u porodicama i obrazovnim institucijama, i svakodnevno se odražava na izgubljenu umetnost komunikacije. | 0.08334 | -0.048828 | -1.195313 | -1.453125 |
It was this practice which led to the Commission' s downfall. | Fueron estas prácticas las que llevaron a la caída de la Comisión. | 0.0964 | -0.096191 | 1.117188 | -1.703125 |
The comments contained within, under eight headings, are an integral part of the discharge, the implementation of which forms the basis of our decision. | Las condiciones allí contenidas, redactadas bajo ocho epígrafes son parte integrante de la aprobación, condiciones de cuyo cumplimiento parte nuestro acuerdo. | 0.24346 | -0.652344 | -0.871094 | 0.746094 |
No one made my grandmother wear white. | Ingen tvingade min farmor att bära vitt. | 0.17715 | -0.178711 | 1.648438 | -0.714844 |
Some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made “flying creatures ” and“ great sea monsters. ” | Niektoré dinosaury (a pterosaury) mohli byť vytvorené v piatom z období, ktoré uvádza kniha Genezis, v ktorom Boh vytvoril “lietajúce tvory“ a “veľké morské obludy“. | 0.13538 | 0.996094 | -0.194336 | 0.347656 |
Nancy smiled happily. | ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. | 0.06178 | -0.996094 | 1.585938 | 1.398438 |
Everyone loves that place. | Svi vole to mjesto. | 0.04826 | -0.445313 | 1.75 | 1.875 |
This is a dimension which it is difficult to go beyond within the framework of the European Union, and especially within the framework of the Council. | Si tratta di un aspetto che non è possibile trascurare nell'ambito dell'Unione europea e, in particolare, del Consiglio. | 0.16292 | -0.542969 | -0.917969 | -0.453125 |
Pixel Format | ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸ | 0.24261 | -0.060059 | -0.079102 | 0.219727 |
You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. | אל לך לקרוא מכתבים פרטיים של אנשים בלי רשות. | 0.07058 | 0.609375 | 0.625 | -0.890625 |
You deserve the prize. | Ve lo meritate il premio. | 0.05673 | -0.730469 | 1.945313 | 1.351563 |
Debi, our son Dylan, aged 19, and our daughter, Leslie, aged 16, are all in full - time service. | Debija, mūsu dēls Dilans, kam ir 19 gadi, un mūsu meita Leslija, kurai ir 16 gadi, ir pilnas slodzes kalpošanā. | 0.07648 | -0.361328 | 0.910156 | 0.957031 |
I studied the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses for a year, and in 1991, I underwent water baptism in symbol of my dedication to Jehovah God. | Saya mempelajari Alkitab bersama Saksi - Saksi Yehuwa selama setahun, dan pada tahun 1991, saya menjalani baptisan air sebagai lambang pembaktian saya kepada Allah Yehuwa. | 0.07672 | -0.460938 | -0.53125 | 0.976563 |
This week we will be holding a debate here on the safety of sea transport, in light of the Erika disaster, and in the course of this year we will have to discuss our objectives in terms of the safety of air transport. | Van de week houden wij hier naar aanleiding van de ramp met de Erika een debat over de veiligheid van vervoer over zee, en in de loop van het jaar zullen wij over de veiligheidsdoelstellingen voor het luchtvervoer moeten debatteren. | 0.0932 | 0.53125 | -0.310547 | 0.671875 |
True, the Bible tells us that one of God’s gifts is wine which “makes the heart of mortal man rejoice, ” and that we are to give“ wine to those who are bitter of soul. ” | In der Bibel lesen wir zwar, daß Gott dem Menschen Wein gegeben hat, „damit Wein des Menschen Herz erfreue“, und man gebe „Wein denen, die betrübter Seele sind“. | 0.16603 | 0.984375 | 0.621094 | 0.992188 |
I came here today to talk about what's wrong with our food system. | 저는 오늘, 우리의 푸드 시스템의 문제점에 대해 말하기 위해 이 자리에 섰습니다. | 0.19932 | 0.355469 | 1.226563 | -0.96875 |
The lion is the king of beasts. | Лев — цар звірів. | 0.13247 | 0.137695 | 1.867188 | 0.464844 |
Why on earth did you sell your newly-built house? | Po jakiego grzyba sprzedałeś swój nowowybudowany dom? | 0.13763 | 1.054688 | 1.46875 | -1.210938 |
The computer learned what the monkey brain did to move its arm in various ways. | Kompiuteris išmoko to, ką darė beždžionių smegenys, judindamos ranką įvairiomis kryptimis. | 0.15864 | 1.046875 | 0.648438 | 0.306641 |
Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (debate) | Rozprava o prípadoch porušenia ľudských práv, demokracie a princípov právneho štátu (rozprava) | 0.08591 | 0.198242 | 0.451172 | -0.550781 |
I've had enough, so my stomach is full. | 我吃飽了,所以我的胃都滿了。 | 0.12812 | -0.652344 | 1.8125 | 0.207031 |
Indeed, not long ago a popular magazine observed: “Eighty - five percent of the paints on sale today didn’t even exist five years ago. ” | 사실얼마전 에인기있는한잡지 는 “판매중 인 85% 의 ‘ 페인트 ’ 는 5 년 전 에는존재 조차하지않았다 ” 고진술 하였다. | 0.17687 | 0.302734 | 0.002716 | -0.248047 |
Tom wanted revenge. | Ο Τομ ήθελε εκδίκηση. | 0.07116 | -1.6875 | 1.851563 | -0.683594 |
Through this process the children wrote, performed, filmed and edited a short movie showing how gossip and badly given criticism could kill. | Со овој процес, децата напишаа, изведоа, снимија и издадоа краток филм кој прикажува како озборувањата и лошо дадената критика може да убие. | 0.12096 | -0.07373 | -0.166016 | -0.421875 |
It is therefore a time for solidarity and cooperation between Member States in the face of an ecological and economic calamity. | Pour l'instant, l'heure est donc à la solidarité et à la coopération entre les États membres face à une calamité écologique et économique. | 0.08541 | -0.087891 | -0.824219 | 1.117188 |
CARX(Radius; Angle) | CARX( radiws; ongl) | 0.1855 | -0.04834 | 0.431641 | 0.353516 |
Although most Spaniards are christened, married, and buried by the church — and indeed view themselves as Catholics — living according to Rome’s decrees is another matter. | Bár a spanyolok túlnyomórészt egyházi keresztelésben, esketésben és temetésben részesülnek — és csakugyan katolikusoknak is tekintik magukat —, de a Róma diktálta előírások szerinti életmód tekintetében egészen másként gondolkodnak. | 0.1553 | 1.054688 | -0.78125 | -0.359375 |
I'm not talking about the power. | No estic parlant del poder. | 0.0444 | -0.714844 | 1.84375 | -0.761719 |
One strategy is simply to look at your list of Facebook friends and LinkedIn friends just so you remind yourself of people who are there beyond those that automatically come to mind. | 其一很簡單,就是去看 你的臉書朋友名單, 還有 LinkedIn, 讓你能夠提醒自己,除了自動出現在 你腦海中的人之外,還有別人在。 | 0.15688 | -1.453125 | -0.773438 | 0.429688 |
He was a big figure in all of our lives, and we loved him very much. | Նա մեր բոլորի կյանքում մեծ դեր է ունեցել, և մենք նրան շատ էինք սիրում: | 0.14996 | -0.099609 | 1.367188 | 2.0625 |
There's no love without jealousy. | Il n'y a point d'amours sans jalousie. | 0.08228 | -0.609375 | 1.6875 | -0.421875 |
Another issue with the potential to undermine the PD’s standing is the party’s advocacy of a new wealth tax. | Outro aspecto com potencial para enfraquecer a posição do PD é o facto de o partido defender a aplicação de um novo imposto sobre a riqueza. | 0.12564 | -1.203125 | -0.265625 | -1.734375 |
He became irritated. | ते वैतागले. | 0.23047 | -0.09082 | 1.773438 | -1.585938 |
That's what I got stuck doing -- the landmine campaign. | Foi isto que me calhou fazer, a campanha das minas terrestres. | 0.21749 | -0.984375 | 1.359375 | -1.4375 |
In China, reports the magazine Panoscope, young people “are taking to cigarettes in a big way. ” | Според списанието „Паноскоп“ младежите в Китай „масово се залавят за цигарите“. | 0.09691 | -0.035889 | 0.287109 | 0.451172 |
The site gets half a million page views a month. | साइट को एक महीने में ५ लाख पेज व्यूज मिलते हैं। | 0.12157 | -0.746094 | 1.65625 | 1.046875 |
They're part of the rice cycle and these skills will be valuable for them in their future. | Они – часть всего рисового цикла, и эти навыки пригодятся им в их будущей жизни. | 0.18039 | 0.412109 | 0.875 | 2.109375 |
Encryption | Šifrēšana | 0.21994 | 1.054688 | -1.101563 | 0.170898 |
BRUSSELS – The recent death in Brussels of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi finally brings to light what lay behind his mysterious two-month disappearance from public life. | BRÜSSEL – Der kürzliche Tod des äthiopischen Ministerpräsidenten Meles Zenawi in Brüssel klärt die Hintergründe seiner zweimonatigen mysteriösen Abwesenheit aus dem öffentlichen Leben auf. | 0.07664 | -0.19043 | -1.265625 | -0.738281 |
What are you expecting for the new year? | Çfarë prisni për vitin e ri? | 0.05259 | 0.8125 | 1.492188 | 0.511719 |
It's raining, but I would like to go out. | إنها تمطر، لكني أريد الخروج. | 0.12465 | -0.439453 | 1.726563 | -0.353516 |
Charles Ingabire is survived by his wife and a five month old baby. | Charles Ingabire feleségét és öt hónapos kisbabáját hagyta hátra. | 0.09821 | -0.550781 | 1.179688 | -0.269531 |
He came to meet you, right'? | Dia datang jumpa kamu, kan? | 0.06743 | -0.667969 | 1.992188 | 0.112793 |
In 1980, financial assets – stocks, bonds, and bank deposits – totaled around 100% of GDP in the advanced economies. | V roce 1980 činila finanční aktiva – akcie, dluhopisy a bankovní vklady – v rozvinutých ekonomikách dohromady kolem 100% HDP. | 0.05355 | 0.535156 | 0.093262 | 0.648438 |
It should be collected from the overflow channel of the primary sedimentation tank, or from the feed to activated sludge plant, and be largely free from coarse particles. | Njih bi trebalo skupiti iz preljevnog kanala primarnog taložnika ili iz ulijeva postrojenja s aktivnim muljem te u njima uglavnom ne bi smjelo biti grubih čestica. | 0.16134 | 0.466797 | -1.28125 | 0.335938 |
Project founder (markey) | គម្រោងអ្នកបង្កើត (markey) | 0.15463 | -0.597656 | 1.578125 | 0.476563 |
Unknown operation type %u | Ónbekènd oper-tiep %u | 0.2139 | -0.679688 | 1.039063 | -0.423828 |
In the 1990s this gave rise to a competitive environment for entrepreneurs, resulting in wider choices and lower prices for consumers. | 90. gados tas ļāva attīstīt konkurētspējīgu vidi uzņēmējiem, rezultātā iegūstot plašākas izvēles iespējas un zemākas cenas patērētājiem. | 0.13677 | 0.800781 | -0.625 | 1.765625 |
Pigs are quite like us. | Svinje su jako slične nama. | 0.10095 | 0.158203 | 1.914063 | -0.09082 |
- Now I can't see anything. | - עכשיו אני אינו מצליח ליצור לא רואה שום דבר. | 0.13324 | -0.925781 | 2 | -1.5625 |
I am also anxious to hear the views of Parliament in this regard. | Auch in diesem Punkt würden mich die Ansichten des Parlaments interessieren. | 0.15347 | -0.546875 | 1.046875 | 0.582031 |
Russia became the fourth country to introduce non-latin domains (after Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates whose domains were introduced a week earlier ). | La Russia è diventato il quarto Paese ad introdurre domini diversi dall'alfabeto latino (in Arabia Saudita, Egitto ed Emirati Arabi Uniti i rispettivi domini erano stati introdotta la settimana precedente ). | 0.11153 | 0.484375 | -1.054688 | 1.023438 |
The placing on the market of pyrotechnic articles (vote) | Pürotehniliste toodete turuletoomine (hääletus) | 0.17941 | -1.4375 | 0.742188 | 0.359375 |
Such a huge sum of money, EUR 400 million a year, is nevertheless impossible to find, given the current financial framework, and so we need a joint decision by Parliament and the Council. | Vseeno je tako velik znesek, 400 milijonov EUR letno, ob upoštevanju sedanjega finančnega okvira težko poiskati, zato je nujna skupna odločitev Parlamenta in Sveta. | 0.04328 | 0.208984 | -1.226563 | -0.910156 |
I forgot his phone number. | Забравих телефонния му номер. | 0.03134 | -1.1875 | 1.890625 | -1.226563 |
If you ran your hands over his naked flanks, and, let's face it, you know you want to, his skin would feel as smooth as his Neoprene wetsuit. | Jeśli przesunąłbyś rękę po jego nagim boku, i chciał to wyczuć, to jego skóra jest gładka jak kostium pływacki. | 0.23054 | -0.183594 | 0.458984 | 0.119629 |
And then, besides just looking cute on a baby's bottom, we made it a Googlette, which is basically a small project at Google. | Tad, ne tikai tādēļ, lai tas izskatītos piemīlīgi uz zīdaiņa dibena, mēs to uztaisījām par Googlette, kas pamatā Google uzņēmumam ir mazs projekts. | 0.15839 | -0.496094 | 0.300781 | 0.478516 |
You're too young to marry. | Jste příliš mladí na to, abyste se brali. | 0.15817 | -0.000977 | 1.953125 | -1.070313 |
You can come with me. | يمكنك مرافقتي. | 0.12544 | -0.165039 | 1.945313 | 0.773438 |
The long awaited judgment in the murder trial of lesbian activists and former Banyana Banyana player Eudy Simelane was concluded today in Delmas.Khumbulane Magagula,Johannes Mahlangu and Themba Mvubu faced the charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances,rape and murder Simelane.Thato Mphiti was convicted of the same crimes in February 2009 for the same crimes to 32 years imprisonment. | ہم جنس پرست کارکنوں اور سابقہ بنیانا بنیانا کھلاڑی اوڈی سائملین، قتل کے مقدمہ میں طویل انتظار کے فیصلے کا نتیجہ آج ڈیلما میں دیا گیا۔ حبولین موگاگولہ، جوہانس ماھانگو، اور تھیمبا ووبوکو اتیجک حالات سے ڈکیتی کے الزام کا سامنا کرنا پڑا، عصمت دری اور سائملین کاقتل۔ ٹھاتو پیتھی کو فروری 2009 میں ایک ہی طرح کے جرائم کے لیے 32 سال کی قید کی سزا ایک ہی طرح کی پاداش میں دی گئی ۔ | 0.14093 | -2.265625 | -0.75 | -0.683594 |
Despite failing health, before long he too was doing the work of an evangelist. | Napriek oslabenému zdraviu sám zanedlho pracoval ako hlásateľ evanjelia. | 0.21142 | 0.058105 | 0.765625 | -0.094238 |
& Title (optional): | & Tittel (valgfri): | 0.04882 | -0.886719 | 1.179688 | 0.263672 |
When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. | Kada je bila u Los Angelesu, imala je najmanje 6 različitih poslova. | 0.08737 | 0.125 | 0.964844 | -0.11377 |
Now I'd love to watch the first movie again as sort of a warm-up to the sequel coming out next week. | Và tôi thích xem phần một một lần nữa như là một chút khởi động cho phần tiếp theo ra vào tuần sau. | 0.23018 | -0.75 | 0.746094 | 1.578125 |
I spoke to Tom last night. | Ես խոսեցի Թոմի հետ երեկ երեկոյան: | 0.082 | 0.004578 | 1.921875 | 0.5 |
For me, this is the person I'm not allowed to be with. | Për mua, ky është personi me të cilin nuk më lejohet të jem. | 0.11602 | -0.648438 | 1.546875 | -1.429688 |
Can I believe in this this passionately? | Kann ich so fest daran glauben? | 0.14947 | -0.761719 | 1.34375 | 0.96875 |
Did you buy it on the black market? | Вы купили его на чёрном рынке? | 0.11353 | -0.617188 | 1.8125 | -0.617188 |
So maybe we'll try it once -- to fly a SmartBird. | Så skal vi gjennomføre en flygning med denne SmartBird | 0.24479 | 0.398438 | 1.695313 | 0.376953 |
Sit down! | Καθίστε κάτω! | 0.06436 | 0.636719 | 0.314453 | -0.519531 |
What was Oogway thinking? | Про що думав Угвей? | 0.0794 | -1.367188 | 1.84375 | -0.636719 |
@AbirKopty: We a group of #Palestinian women and men have established the new village of #BabAlShams on Palestinian land on what Israel refers to as #E1 | Biz #Filistinli kadın ve erkekler İsrail'in #E1 olarak tanımladığı Filistin toprağında #BabAlShams adında yeni bir köy kurduk | 0.18464 | -0.209961 | -0.539063 | 0.734375 |
It's awfully cold today. | 今日は恐ろしく寒い。 | 0.05166 | -0.523438 | 1.835938 | -1.554688 |
So I was discharged from the hospital. | Затова ме изписаха от болницата. | 0.10484 | -0.5625 | 1.515625 | -0.226563 |
They were men who had been contractors, or they had been building houses and they had lost their jobs after the housing boom, and they were in this group because they were failing to pay their child support. | 他們都曾經是承包商、 或是蓋過房子, 在房地產榮景過後失去了工作。 他們加入這個團體是因為他們無法負擔他們孩子的開支, | 0.20783 | -0.226563 | -0.203125 | -1.75 |
So I went to England, learned to fly seaplanes there and then returned home as Germany’s very first flying - boat pilot. | Stoga sam krenuo za Englesku gdje sam naučio letjeti tim hidroavionom. Potom sam se vratio natrag kao prvi letač hidroaviona u Njemačkoj. | 0.11372 | -0.00412 | 0.496094 | 0.714844 |
They stay busy in his service, all the while keeping clearly in mind the principle of Lamentations 3: 26: “Good it is that one should wait, even silently, for the salvation of Jehovah. ” | Тэд « Еховагийн авралыг тэвчээртэй хүлээвэл сайн » гэж Гашуудлууд 3: 26 (ШЕ) - д бичсэн зарчмыг мартахгүйг хичээж, Еховад чармайн үйлчилдэг. | 0.22222 | -0.251953 | -0.112305 | 1.117188 |
What I’d taken for granted as being stable and normal was no longer stable and normal. | То, что я до тех пор считал прочным и нормальным, не было больше таковым. | 0.20192 | -0.365234 | 0.75 | -1.25 |
All right, stay right there. | 好了 呆在那别动 All right, stay right there. | 0.05231 | 0.457031 | 1.890625 | 0.378906 |
or it can look like this ... | vagy pedig ilyen,... | 0.19094 | -0.933594 | 1.84375 | -0.077148 |
That was the only jewelry left with her. | तिच्या कडे तेवढाच दागिना उरला होता. | 0.24013 | -0.769531 | 1.546875 | -0.292969 |
We've been able to engineer viruses to pick up carbon nanotubes and then grow titanium dioxide around them, and use it as a way of getting electrons through the device. | Mes galėjome sukurti virusus, kurie renka anglies nanovamzdelius ir išaugina titano dioksidą aplink juos -- būdas elektronams judėti per prietaisą. | 0.1606 | 1.015625 | -0.375 | 1.140625 |
And she died quietly in her favorite place. | Et elle mourut calmement dans son endroit favori. | 0.0758 | -0.5625 | 1.40625 | -0.267578 |
This town ain't big enough for the two of us. | Ovaj grad nije dovoljno velik za nas dvoje. | 0.02098 | -0.644531 | 1.710938 | -1.273438 |
Now, I don't pretend to have an answer to the Middle East conflict, but I think I've got a first step -- literally, a first step -- something that any one of us could do as third-siders. | Ora non pretendo di avere la risposta per il conflitto del Medio Oriente, ma credo di avere il primo passo, letteralmente un primo passo, qualcosa che ciascuno di noi può fare come terza-posizione. | 0.09469 | -0.365234 | -0.240234 | 0.337891 |
In our countries, we commonly call recyclers by different names. For example, in Chile and Argentina they are known as cartoneros, in Mexico pepenador, and in Nicaragua buzo , among other names they would like to do away with, so that they can be recognized as primary recyclers or simply recyclers (reciclador in Spanish and catador in Portuguese). | Ofte benævner man disse personer på forskellig vis; i Chile og Argentina går de for eksempel under betegnelsen cartoneros, i Mexico er de kendt som pepenadores og i Nicargua som buzos , foruden talrige andre varianter, som de forsøger at frigøre sig fra, for i stedet at vinde anerkendelse som genbrugsklunsere eller simpelthen "genbrugere" (på spansk reciclador og på portugisisk catador). | 0.12992 | 0.251953 | -1.507813 | 0.192383 |
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 133 in conjunction with the first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 300(2) thereof, | ottaa huomioon Euroopan yhteisön perustamissopimuksen ja erityisesti sen 133 artiklan yhdessä sen 300 artiklan 2 kohdan ensimmäisen alakohdan ensimmäisen virkkeen kanssa, | 0.03055 | 0.12207 | -1.9375 | 0.488281 |
The Commission also noted that the company had alleged that it was not possible to make an exact tracing by individual steel grades in all the stages of the production process. | U svakom slučaju, tvrdnje nisu dovoljne kako bi se objasnila odstupanja uočena na razini pojedinih stupnjeva kvalitete čelika. Komisija je također naznačila da je trgovačko društvo navelo da nije moguće precizno pratiti pojedine stupnjeve kvalitete čelika u svim fazama procesa proizvodnje. | 0.19674 | 0.263672 | -1.132813 | -1.148438 |
Enter a new name for the displayed emblem: | Faka igama elisha lesifanekiso esitshengisiwe: | 0.18241 | -0.730469 | 1.539063 | 0.3125 |
Failed to create pipe for communicating with child process (%s) | शाखा प्रक्रिया (%s)सँग कुराकानीका लागि पाइप सिर्जना गर्न असफल | 0.16354 | -1.164063 | 0.933594 | -1.398438 |
And I was raised to believe that soldiers were strong and wise and brave and faithful; they didn't lie, cheat, steal or abandon their comrades. | Og jeg ble oppdratt til å tro at soldater var sterke og smarte og modige og trofaste -- de løy ikke, eller jukset, stjal eller forlot sine kamerater. | 0.1536 | 0.785156 | 0.227539 | 1.453125 |
Tom was counting the garden's flowers. | تام گلهای باغ را میشمرد. | 0.15044 | -0.304688 | 1.625 | 0.410156 |
18:40 - Huge fires reported at Khlong Toei... | 18:40 - Vasti incendi segnalati a Khlong Toei… | 0.03248 | -0.773438 | 1.25 | -1.46875 |
You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. | Du wirst den Zug verpassen, wenn du dich nicht beeilst. | 0.15793 | -0.245117 | 1.8125 | -1.351563 |
If estimates are correct, it is quite likely that some of your personal friends have been victims. | Ukoliko su procjene točne, tada je vrlo vjerojatno da su neki iz kruga tvojih poznanika bili u djetinjstvu žrtve rodoskvrnuća. | 0.22203 | -0.503906 | 0.121094 | -1.375 |
There is the brain stem in between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord. | Det er hjernestammen mellom hjernebarken og ryggraden. | 0.21499 | 0.648438 | 1.03125 | -0.007629 |
That assumption is the heart of democracy; it is a revolution for diplomacy. | Essa assunção é o coração da democracia; é uma revolução para a diplomacia. | 0.12967 | -0.380859 | 0.081055 | 0.925781 |
At the very top you find the uniformly random sequence, which is a random jumble of letters -- and interestingly, we also find the DNA sequence from the human genome and instrumental music. | Øverst ser du den tilfældigt dannede sekvens som er et tilfældigt virvar af bogstaver, og interessant nok, finder vi også menneskets DNA-sekvens og musik. | 0.13969 | 0.515625 | -0.917969 | 0.324219 |
But all positive constructive signals, both inside and outside, are really welcome. | Ale všechny pozitivní konstruktivní signály jak z Unie, tak z vnějšku, jsou opravdu vítány. | 0.17443 | -0.345703 | 0.087402 | 2.359375 |
Parliament for its own part promises to enforce this declaration. | A Parlament a maga részéről megígéri, hogy ezt a nyilatkozatot érvényesíteni fogja. | 0.08303 | 1.695313 | 0.707031 | 0.832031 |