stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
| distance
float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
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float64 -2.81
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float64 -2.64
Error while uploading %1: %2 | % 1 ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ:% 2 | 0.06431 | -1.710938 | 0.992188 | -1.007813 |
Next to La Cuadra there were some rooms they called offices. | Eo akaikin'ny La Cuadra, nisy efitra kely antsoin'izy ireo hoe birao. | 0.10613 | 0.457031 | 1.265625 | -0.146484 |
What did you buy? | Wat heeft u gekocht? | 0.05856 | -1.367188 | 1.960938 | 0.228516 |
The crucial issue is market access. | El tema crucial es el acceso a los mercados. | 0.07873 | -0.032715 | 1.710938 | 0.289063 |
How much will it cost to get to the airport? | Во сколько обойдётся дорога до аэропорта? | 0.13947 | 2.28125 | 1.734375 | -0.204102 |
Animatable | Animable | 0.1154 | -0.617188 | -0.992188 | 0.167969 |
Article 5 | Artikkel 5 | 0.02031 | 0.46875 | 0.324219 | 0.220703 |
I have some popcorn here. | Надад жаахан попкорн байна. | 0.23128 | -1.46875 | 1.914063 | 0.263672 |
I have two primary personalities that have been in conflict and conversation within me since I was a little girl. | Ja imam dvije primarne osobnosti koje su u sukobu i razgovoru unutar mene još od ranog djetinjstva. | 0.07641 | -0.988281 | -0.253906 | -0.429688 |
Parliament's rejection of US troops powerfully refutes suggestions that Turkey was primarily concerned about the size of the American aid package on offer as an inducement to cooperate. | Отказ парламента американским войскам сильно опровергает предположения о том, что Турцию прежде всего интересовал размер американского пакета помощи, который предлагался в качестве стимула к сотрудничеству. | 0.1483 | -0.039063 | -1.789063 | -0.507813 |
Frank Nielsen painted 'A Day at the Beach'. | Frank Nielsen je naslikao 'Dan na plaži'. | 0.04492 | -0.111328 | 1.789063 | 0.582031 |
"Some quick anti-panic notes… Swine flu CANNOT be transmitted by food. | “Beberapa catatan singkat anti-panik… Flu babi TIDAK DAPAT ditularkan melalui makanan. | 0.13429 | 0.249023 | 0.832031 | -0.255859 |
Europe/Vaduz | ୟୁରୋପ/ବାଡୁଜ | 0.14582 | -1.125 | -0.738281 | 0.283203 |
He arrived in time. | Той пристигна навреме. | 0.05494 | 0.255859 | 1.984375 | 1.039063 |
I guess you are right. | Haklısınız sanırım. | 0.08805 | 0.914063 | 1.945313 | 0.222656 |
So there are teachers who have these scripts to follow, and they know that if they follow these scripts, the kids will learn nothing. | כך שיש מורים שעליהם לציית להנחיות מסויימות, והם יודעים שאם הם יצייתו לאותן ההנחיות, הילדים לא ילמדו כלום. | 0.1791 | 0.820313 | 0.458984 | -0.992188 |
I understand. | Καταλαβαίνω. | 0.0393 | 0.761719 | 1.640625 | 0.412109 |
The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool. | 泣いたことがない若者は野蛮人であり、笑おうとしない老人は愚者である。 | 0.17662 | 1.257813 | 0.953125 | -1.21875 |
The basic ingredients of glass have remained unchanged for thousands of years. | Lasin perusainekset ovat pysyneet muuttumattomina tuhansia vuosia. | 0.10658 | 0.205078 | 0.439453 | 0.457031 |
Can you swim? | Yüzme biliyor musun? | 0.2202 | 0.570313 | 1.992188 | 0.200195 |
Carpenter’s mate. | El compañero del carpintero. | 0.12905 | -0.941406 | -0.789063 | 0.449219 |
How are you, Tom? | Jak się czujesz, Tom? | 0.05806 | 0.238281 | 2 | 0.367188 |
But the point is that what happens once you start kind of quietly leaning back? | Het punt is: wat gebeurt er zodra je rustigjes achterover begint te leunen? | 0.16765 | -0.59375 | 0.667969 | -0.443359 |
Does this mean that the innocent mate may forgive the adulterer — at least in the sense of letting go of bitter resentment — and yet still decide to divorce him? | ნიშნავს თუ არა ეს იმას, რომ უდანაშაულო მეუღლეს შეუძლია მიუტევოს მრუშობის ჩამდენს — სხვა თუ არაფერი, იმისთვის, რომ გაიაროს მწარე გულისტკივილმა — და მაინც განქორწინება გადაწყვიტოს? | 0.17171 | 0.707031 | -0.445313 | -0.867188 |
Be sure to telephone by Friday, OK? | Assicuratevi di telefonare entro venerdì, OK? | 0.09365 | -0.106934 | 1.78125 | 0.515625 |
This year alone, three bloggers have been assassinated in public. | Numai anul acesta, 3 bloggeri au fost asasinați în public. | 0.1924 | -0.211914 | 0.84375 | -1.710938 |
On the other hand, we're working with Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett and Shaw Carpet, the largest carpet company in the world. | S druge strane, radimo sa firmama Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett i Shaw Carpet, najvećim svetskim proizvožačem tepiha. | 0.06444 | -0.59375 | -0.279297 | 1.351563 |
What more can this illegal regime suck out of its citizens? | Apalagi yang akan disedot oleh rezim ilegal ini dari masyarakatnya? | 0.18579 | 0.214844 | 0.953125 | -1.898438 |
But does she really know how big the change is going to be? | Mas sabe realmente quão grande irá ser esta mudança? | 0.11865 | -0.296875 | 1.164063 | -0.507813 |
She lost her purse. | Hon tappade bort handväskan. | 0.14571 | -1.132813 | 1.960938 | -1.9375 |
( Eagle down was symbolic of friendship and welcome.) | ( A ledobott sastoll a barátság és a szíves fogadtatás jelképe volt.) | 0.15896 | 0.796875 | 1.226563 | 0.878906 |
Message: %s | Mensache: %s | 0.11563 | -0.449219 | -0.628906 | 0.12793 |
Hello, John! How are you? | Sveiks, John! Kā tev iet? | 0.02193 | 0.283203 | 1.96875 | 0.839844 |
Rotate to face 10 and bring active window along | ୧୦କୁ ସମ୍ମୁଖୀନ ହେବା ପାଇଁ ଘୁରାଅ ଏବଂ ସହିତ ସକ୍ରିଯ ଉଇଣ୍ଡୋକୁ ଆଣ | 0.20753 | -1.34375 | 1.421875 | 0.589844 |
But it is nonetheless true - and this has been repeated from all sections of this House - that the European industrial fabric is composed of small and medium-sized businesses, and that the Commission often plays the role of auctoritas, of legitimising the nature of the internal market. | Ma è non meno vero - come ribadito da tutte le componenti di questa Assemblea - che il tessuto industriale europeo è un tessuto di piccola e media impresa, e che la Commissione svolge spesso un ruolo di auctoritas, di legittimazione, di garante della legittimità del mercato interno. | 0.09767 | 0.574219 | -1.84375 | 0.419922 |
My uncle wants me to string some lights across the street from your roof. | നിങ്ങളുടെ മേല്ക്കൂരയില് നിന്ന് തെരുവിന് വിലങ്ങനെ കുറച്ചു ലൈറ്റുകള് പിടിപ്പിക്കാന് അമ്മാവന് എന്നോട് പറഞ്ഞു. | 0.19063 | -0.816406 | 1.179688 | 0.163086 |
Look at him! | Pogledaj njega! | 0.02415 | 0.648438 | 2.03125 | 0.71875 |
“ They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. | „ Vor construi case şi le vor locui; vor sădi vii şi le vor mînca rodul. | 0.18451 | 0.351563 | -0.507813 | 0.921875 |
So exactly why did China grow so much faster? | Alors, pourquoi la croissance de la Chine a été beaucoup plus rapide? | 0.09917 | 1.695313 | 1.304688 | 0.277344 |
It cannot hear one’s petitions, nor see impending dangers and then cry out in warning. | Non può ascoltare le suppliche, né vedere i sovrastanti pericoli e quindi gridare un avvertimento. | 0.095 | -0.060059 | 0.59375 | -0.933594 |
- to work with the Georgian authorities to increase communication between Tbilisi and the border, including mentoring. | - met de Georgische autoriteiten samen te werken om de communicatie tussen Tbilisi en de grens, met inbegrip van het toezicht, te intensiveren. | 0.0987 | 1.171875 | -0.925781 | 1.742188 |
Madhesi - United We Stand has plentiful coverage. | Madhesi - United We Stand médiatise en profondeur. | 0.20352 | -0.486328 | 0.373047 | 1.335938 |
And you know if you walk across a chasm, you end up making it worse than if you didn't start at all -- bigger disaster. | ואנו יודעים שאם חוצים תהום, הופכים את המצב ליותר גרוע מאשר עם לא היינו חוצים כלל -- אסון יותר גדול. | 0.20392 | 0.150391 | 0.439453 | -2.359375 |
I hired you because i thought you were cute. | 美人だと思って 君を雇ったんだ | 0.15067 | -1.585938 | 1.726563 | 0.363281 |
With the global population expected to reach nine billion people by 2050 – a significant proportion of whom will reside in developing or underdeveloped countries – the international community must improve access to education, health care, and employment opportunities worldwide. | Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Weltbevölkerung bis zum Jahr 2050 auf 9 Milliarden Menschen anwachsen soll – von denen ein beträchtlicher Teil in Entwicklungsländern und unterentwickelten Ländern leben wird – muss die internationale Gemeinschaft den Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten weltweit verbessern. | 0.11298 | 1.054688 | -2.578125 | 1.390625 |
As we enter Brasília at dusk of the fourth day, we are impressed by the lofty, well - spaced, ultramodern government buildings and residential apartments. | Ao entrarmos em Brasília, ao anoitecer do quarto dia, ficamos impressionadas com os altos e ultramodernos edifícios governamentais, bem espacejados, e com os apartamentos residenciais. | 0.09544 | 0.453125 | -0.886719 | 2.453125 |
But that takes time. | Но это долгий процесс. | 0.2386 | -0.201172 | 1.9375 | -0.15918 |
It was complete chaos. | To je bil popoln kaos. | 0.06105 | -1.078125 | 1.960938 | -2.046875 |
Air quality is an obvious thing to anyone who breathes. | Kvalitet vazduha je očigledna stvar svakom ko diše. | 0.04805 | 0.535156 | 1.054688 | 0.773438 |
Excise taxes on cigarettes and e-cigarettes will also increase over the next three years. | Исто така во наредните три години ќе се зголеми и акцизата за цигари и е-цигари. | 0.12057 | 1.398438 | 0.394531 | -0.400391 |
We must take into account the fact that she is old. | Musíme brať do úvahy skutočnosť, že je stará. | 0.1008 | -0.472656 | 1.640625 | -0.200195 |
The audience was hysterical with laughter, my director livid, and I was scared to death! | Gledaoci nisu mogli zaustaviti smijeh, moj koreograf je, blago rečeno, pobjesnio, a ja sam se smrtno preplašila. | 0.23338 | -1.539063 | 0.143555 | -1.984375 |
Hyde Park Barracks Museum (1817). | Hyde Park Barracks Museum ) 1817 (. | 0.02465 | 1.382813 | 1.289063 | 0.503906 |
- You heard right. | - നീ കേട്ടത് ശേരി ആണു. | 0.19936 | 0.030151 | 2.03125 | 0.578125 |
"Isn't it weird that my 47-year-old husband is forever losing the car?" | "¿No es raro que mi marido de 47 años... ...siempre pierda el coche?" | 0.08075 | -1.140625 | 0.648438 | -1.796875 |
Yes, the more we learned the more we wanted to learn. | Sí, mientras más aprendíamos, más deseábamos aprender. | 0.09558 | -0.339844 | 1.492188 | 1.273438 |
It was also about a business opportunity. | Ήταν επίσης μια επιχειρηματική ευκαιρία. | 0.17697 | -1.296875 | 1.335938 | 1.125 |
I don't know why I did that. | ნვ ჱნამ ჱაღჲ დჲ ნაოპაგთჳ. | 0.21703 | 0.269531 | 1.890625 | -1.34375 |
Most contentiously, the state company would be under the direct control of the Russian President, effectively granting the Kremlin carte blanche over fundamental elements of local governance across Siberia. | Най-обезпокояващото е, че тази администрация ще бъде под прекия контрол на руския президент, което означава, че Кремъл ще има карт бланш за решенията по отношение на основните елементи на местното управление в Сибир. | 0.21252 | -0.628906 | -1.890625 | -0.472656 |
Multimedia audio controller | ਮਲਟੀਮੀਡਿਆ ਆਡੀਓ ਕੰਟਰੋਲਰ | 0.10963 | -0.316406 | -0.091309 | 0.419922 |
We all are Ayotzinapa. In Ayotzinapa, 28 bodies were found in a mass grave. | V Ayotzinapě objevili 28 těl v tajném hrobě. | 0.19762 | 0.429688 | 1.914063 | -0.625 |
America/ Godthab | អាមេរិក/ ហ្គូដថាប | 0.1568 | -1.296875 | 0.960938 | 0.257813 |
My father was really kind to me on my 16th birthday, for example. | Mon père était très gentil avec moi pour mon seizième anniversaire, par exemple. | 0.14048 | -0.099609 | 0.890625 | 1.046875 |
I travel to try to understand how the world thinks | Jeg rejser for at prøve at forstå, hvordan verden tænker. | 0.10998 | -0.092773 | 1.445313 | 0.539063 |
I want Nino to win. | ეს მინდა, რომ ნინომ მოიგოს. | 0.11012 | -0.707031 | 1.960938 | 1.664063 |
To put it bluntly: American political opportunities are heavily loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest. | En poques paraules, les oportunitats polítiques estatunidenques estan fortament en contra d'aquells que són simultàniament intel·ligents i honestos. | 0.13693 | -0.044922 | -1.28125 | -1.109375 |
Enough. | Suficiente. | 0.18018 | 0.277344 | -0.789063 | -0.472656 |
You look stupid. | Du ser dum ut. | 0.10191 | -0.90625 | 2.015625 | -2.078125 |
Strangers, Amok knows why you have come to this planet. | Estrangers, Amok sap per què han vingut a aquest planeta. | 0.14094 | -0.302734 | 1.476563 | 0.003433 |
Removal of %1 failed. | % 1 ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ | 0.10712 | -1.265625 | 1.953125 | -1.476563 |
The purpose of this proposal for a directive is to simplify and coordinate the existing rules on the transport of dangerous goods. | Direktiivi eelnõu eesmärgiks on lihtsustada ja kooskõlastada olemasolevad ohtlike kaupade vedu reguleerivad eeskirjad. | 0.10415 | 0.355469 | -0.863281 | 0.451172 |
I do not know if you have ever in your life experienced, or if you will ever experience, what I felt at the sight of Marguerite. | Ez dakit Margarita hala ikusita nik sentitutakoa inoiz nabaritu duzun edo inoiz nabarituko duzun. | 0.19726 | -0.200195 | -0.055176 | -0.195313 |
And they're starting to dominate lots of professions -- doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants. | وأنهن بدأن بالهيمنة على كثير من المهن -- أطباء ، محاميات ، موظفات بنوك ، محاسبات . | 0.09385 | 0.306641 | -0.223633 | 0.441406 |
When will he go home? | Kdy půjde domů? | 0.05534 | 0.921875 | 1.945313 | -0.212891 |
And I said, "Great!" | Ho detto: "Ottimo!" | 0.13066 | -0.150391 | 2.0625 | 1.515625 |
She knows. She always knows. | 그녀는 안다. 늘 안다. | 0.08831 | 0.376953 | 2.046875 | 0.769531 |
Finally, I would draw attention to one small, unfortunately administrative shortcoming. | Nakoniec by som rád upozornil na jeden malý, nanešťastie administratívny, nedostatok. | 0.10346 | -0.227539 | -0.644531 | -1.421875 |
He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. | У эшитгувчи ва билгувчи зотдир. | 0.22954 | 0.535156 | 1.921875 | 1.164063 |
Drop it. | Jatuhkan. | 0.24421 | -1.109375 | -0.298828 | -0.652344 |
And the same goes for the tails. | Նույնը վերաբերում է նաև պոչին: | 0.21648 | -0.519531 | 1.875 | 0.07666 |
This was an example I built for my daughter. | Este es un ejemplo que preparé para mi hija. | 0.11417 | -0.359375 | 1.40625 | 1.070313 |
Congratulations on your timely article “The Drug Addicts — Anybody You Know? ” | Čestitam vam na suvremenom članku “Tko su novi ovisnici droga? ” | 0.24243 | -0.753906 | -0.031494 | 1.15625 |
Ze2red wrote a message here to her beloved one on the occasion of the Valentine's Day: | Ze2red napisał tutaj wiadomość dla swojej ukochanej z okazji Walentynek: | 0.09143 | -0.055176 | 0.628906 | 1.007813 |
I will go along with your plan. | Planını destekleyeceğim. | 0.21498 | -0.617188 | 1.84375 | 0.941406 |
These initiatives must also involve the participation of local authorities and local communities in an effort to identify where best European Structural Funds should be spent. | Estas iniciativas deverão envolver a participação das autoridades e comunidades locais num esforço de identificação da melhor forma de se proceder à utilização dos Fundos Estruturais europeus. | 0.12038 | -0.174805 | -1.664063 | 1.125 |
Georgian | Georgysk | 0.22747 | 1.015625 | -0.773438 | 0.171875 |
Did you have a good time? | Você se divertiu? | 0.16993 | -0.251953 | 1.929688 | 1.34375 |
NEW YORK – The campaign to ensure that companies engaged in extractive activities disclose all of their payments in their host countries is gaining momentum – and France is leading the effort. | NEW YORK – Kampaň za zajištění, aby firmy provozující těžební činnost zveřejňovaly všechny své platby v hostitelských zemích, nabírá dynamiku – a Francie stojí v čele tohoto úsilí. | 0.07648 | 0.917969 | -1.289063 | 2.15625 |
Try to estimate how much you spent on books. | Kitaplara ne kadar harcadığını tahmin etmeye çalış. | 0.11605 | 0.667969 | 1.546875 | -0.149414 |
Thanks to the generous support of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Global Voices is now starting a new outreach project, Rising Voices, which aims to spread the benefits of citizen media to regions, languages, and communities that are currently underrepresented on the conversational web. | Grace à l'appui généreux de la fondation John S. and James L. Knight, Global Voices est en train de lancer un nouveau projet de conscientisation, Rising Voices, qui vise à répandre les bénéfices des médias citoyens à des régions, langues et communautés qui sont sous-représentées dans la conversation en ligne. | 0.07082 | 0.141602 | -0.067383 | 2.34375 |
We need to be able to talk to you out there, so that you can give the message of what's happening here." | Тамо си нам потребна. Потребно нам је да можемо да разговарамо са тобом тако да можеш да пошаљеш поруку о ономе што се овде дешава.” | 0.13557 | 0.123535 | 0.625 | 0.4375 |
A lot of denial surrounds it and a lot of rationalizations, to the effect that "us in muslim societies don't have such things", "sweep it under the carpet, and don't let the neighbors know- what will people think"....etc. | Shumë shmangie dhe racionalizime, deri te efekti se “ten e, te bashkësitë myslimane nuk ekzistojnë kështu punësh”, “futni nën qilim, dhe mos lejoni që fqinjët të dinë – çka do të mendojnë njerëzit”.. etj. | 0.15696 | -0.53125 | -0.503906 | -1.375 |
Number of elements to choose | Nombro de elektendaj elementoj | 0.14776 | 0.263672 | 1.289063 | 0.277344 |
What are the messages we tell our daughters? | ¿Qué mensaje le damos a nuestras hijas? | 0.0904 | 1.601563 | 1.664063 | 0.226563 |
"During a session on travel restrictions for people living with HIV, participants decried the fact that although there is no evidence that travel restrictions have a positive public health impact, 67 countries still have restrictions in place." | “एचआईवी ग्रस्त व्यक्तियों के यात्रा प्रतिबंध विषयक सत्र के दौरान प्रतिभागियों ने यह बताया कि इस तरह के प्रतिबंधों से कोई लाभप्रद परिणाम मिले हों ऐसे साक्ष्य नहीं होने के बावजूद 67 देश ऐसे हैं जहाँ ये प्रतिबंध अभी भी बरकरार हैं. | 0.16626 | 0.123535 | -1.671875 | -1.023438 |
You are a good boy. | Eres un buen muchacho. | 0.10269 | 0.085449 | 1.945313 | 1.726563 |
I drew, and I drew, and since I knew that humor was acceptable in my family, I could draw, do what I wanted to do, and not have to perform, not have to speak -- I was very shy -- and I could still get approval. | Saya menggambar dan menggambar dan karena saya tahu keluarga saya dapat menerima humor. saya dapat menggambar, melakukan apa yang saya inginkan, tanpa harus menunjukkannya, tanpa harus bicara -- Saya sangat pemalu -- dan saya masih dapat diterima. | 0.0929 | -0.074707 | 0.150391 | 0.859375 |
In the secular world, you can come through the university system and be a lousy speaker and still have a great career. | Ilmalikus maailmas võib läbida ülikooli väljudes sealt kehva kõnelejana ja ikkagi teha suurt karjääri. | 0.24988 | 0.201172 | 0.016602 | 0.330078 |
[ Box on page 22] | [ Kiemelt rész a 22. oldalon] | 0.13534 | -0.253906 | 1.90625 | 0.016113 |
Will the North’s would-be leaders be able to manage the country’s stock of nuclear weapons responsibly and safely without transferring a few of them abroad, much less respond to international pressure to dismantle them in a reasonable and flexible manner? | Смогут ли потенциальные руководители Севера распоряжаться ядерным запасом страны ответственно и безопасно, не передавая часть его за границу, и будут ли они гораздо меньше реагировать на международное давление демонтировать его разумным и покладистым способом? | 0.1395 | 0.178711 | -1.351563 | 0.030273 |