{ "brx": "रोगाथिनि भारा लानाय मटरफोरनि मादाव मिटार गोनां टेक्सि आरो अट'रिक्शाफोर दं, जायफ्रा माखासे सायख'नाय लामाफोरावल' खारो।", "eng": "Hired forms of transport include metered taxis and auto rickshaws, which often ply specific routes in cities." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुआ मटर-गारि दारिमिननि कार, रेलवे दाबा, दावहानि-तेंक, ट्रैक्टर, मटर साइकेल, मटर गारिफोरनि उफ्रा खोन्दो आरो थाफादेरनाय मुवा आरो गिलिर गारिफोराव गोबां रां थिसनदों।", "eng": "Tamil Nadu has seen major investments in the automobile industry over many decades manufacturing cars, railway coaches, battle-tanks, tractors, motorcycles, automobile spare parts and accessories, tyres and heavy vehicles." }
{ "brx": "चेन्नाईखौ भारतनि डिट्रइट होननाबो मिथिनाय जायो।", "eng": "Chennai is known as the Detroit of India." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुनि साबसिन इन्जिनियारिं कलेजफोरा आई.टि. फार्मफोरनि गाहाय थिसनथाइ मिरु जानानै दं।", "eng": "The top engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu have been a major recruiting hub for the IT firms." }
{ "brx": "अनुमान बायदिब्ला, आई.टि. आरो आई.टि.ई.एस. दारिमिननि थाखाय गोनां जानाय सुबुं सम्फदनि 50 जौखोन्दोसोखौ बे रायजोनिफ्राय मोन्नाय जायो।", "eng": "According to estimates, about 50 per cent of the human resources required for the IT and ITES industry was being sourced from the state." }
{ "brx": "रायजोनि गासै लामानि लावथाइया 167,000 कि.मि., जायनि गेजेराव 60,628 कि.मि.नि सामलायथिखौ राजालामा बिफाना खालामो।", "eng": "The state has a total road length of 167,000 km, of which 60,628 km are maintained by the Highways Department." }
{ "brx": "लामा रोगाथायखौ रायजोजों सामलायजानाय तामिलनाडु स्टेट ट्रेन्सपर्ट कर्प'रेसन आरो स्टेट एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन्सपर्ट कर्प'रेसना होनाय जायो।", "eng": "Road transport is provided by state owned Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation and State Express Transport Corporation." }
{ "brx": "2014 मायथाइनि जानुवारिसिम बे रायजोआव गासै गायसननाय मोब्लिब गोहोआ 20,716 मेगावाटमोन।", "eng": "The total installed capacity of electricity in the state by January 2014 was 20,716 MW." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनादुआ 34 जौखोन्दो बाहागोनि सायाव हादोरारि हाथायाव डिजेल-बिथायारि मोब्लिब दिहुननायाव हादोरनि गेजेराव सेथि मासियाव दं।", "eng": "Tamil Nadu ranks first nationwide in diesel-based thermal electricity generation with a national market share of over 34 percent." }
{ "brx": "दाबसे जागायाव 648 मेगावाटनि मोब्लिब सोमजिहोनाय गोहो लानानै बियो बुहुमनि द'थि देरसिन सोरांनि फुंखा।", "eng": "With a generating capacity of 648 MWp at a single location, it is the world's sixth largest solar park." }
{ "brx": "बिथांंखौ खेबसे टाइम लाइसिआ 'दि मजार्ट अफ माद्रास' होन्ना बुंदोंमोन।", "eng": "He was once referred to by Time magazine as \"The Mozart of Madras\"." }
{ "brx": "तामिल सावथुन मुलुगा भारतनि देरसिन सावथुन दिहुनथाय दारिमिननि मादाव मोनसे।", "eng": "Tamil cinema is one of the largest industries of film production in India." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुआव सावथुन टिकेटनि बेसेनखौ सोरखारा थि खालामो।", "eng": "In Tamil Nadu, cinema ticket prices are regulated by the government." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे फैसालि गोनां थिएटारफ्रा मोनफ्रोम टिकेटाव गोबांसिन 50 रां आरो मोनथामनि बांसिन फैसालि गोनां थिएटारा मोनफ्रोम टिकेटाव गोबांसिन 120 रां बेसेन लानो हागौ।", "eng": "Single screen theatres may charge a maximum of ₹50, while theatres with more than three screens may charge a maximum of ₹120 per ticket." }
{ "brx": "बेनि जाहोना जादों खारथाय सावगारि प्रजेक्टरनि थाखाय मोब्लिबारि कार्बन बाहायनाय जायोमोन।", "eng": "This was due to the fact that electric carbons were used for motion picture projectors." }
{ "brx": "तामिल रावआव गुबुन गुबुन रोखोमनि मोन 30निबो बांसिन टेलीभिजन चेनेलफोर दङ।", "eng": "There are more than 30 television channels of various genres in Tamil." }
{ "brx": "गिबिसिन गावारि तामिल चेनेल सान टीभी नेटवर्कआ 1993 मायथाइयाव गायसनजादोंमोन।", "eng": "The first private Tamil channel, Sun TV Network was founded in 1993." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुआव टेलीभीजन दारिमिना राजखान्थिनि गोहोमाव थायो आरो बांसिन चेनेलानो राजखान्थियारि दैदेनगिरि एबा राजखान्थिजों सोमोन्दो गोनां सुबुंफोरनि।", "eng": "In Tamil Nadu, the television industry is influenced by politics and majority of the channels are owned by politicians or people with political links." }
{ "brx": "2010 जिथाइनिफ्राय केबोल टेलीविजननि सोलाय डायरेक्ट टू ह'म सिबिथाया गोख्रैयै मानसिफोरनि गेजेराव अनसायजानाय जानो हमबाय।", "eng": "From the early 2010s, Direct to Home has become increasingly popular replacing cable television services." }
{ "brx": "चेन्नाईयाव थानाय एम.आर.एफ. पेस फाउन्डेशना गासै मुलुगनि पेस बलारफोरनि थाखाय गंसे मुंदांखा फास्ट बलिं एकादेमि।", "eng": "The MRF Pace Foundation in Chennai is a popular fast bowling academy for pace bowlers all over the world." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडु गेलेमु जौगाथाय खोमथाइ (एस.डी.ए.टी.), मोनसे सोरखारि आफादा, बे राइजोआव गेलेनाय आरो बेजों सोमोन्दो गोनां बिथायारि सानजथाइ जौगानायखौ नायनायनि बिबान दङ।", "eng": "The Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT), a government body, is vested with the responsibility of developing sports and related infrastructure in the state." }
{ "brx": "एस.डी.ए.टी.हा बुहुम थाखोआरि स्टेडियाम दङ, जायखौ बिसोर सामलायो, आरो गेलेमु खुंथायफोर खुङो।", "eng": "The SDAT owns and operates world-class stadiums and organises sporting events." }
{ "brx": "बेयो गावनि थावनिफ्राव गुबुन गेलेमु आफादफोर खुंंनाय हायुं इसिङारि आरो हादोर गेजेरारि मोन्नै थाखोनिबो गेलेमु खुंथाय खुंनायनि थाखाय जायगा होयो।", "eng": "It also accommodates sporting events, both at the domestic and international level, organised by other sports associations at its venues." }
{ "brx": "चेन्नाईआव 2008 मायथाइयाव भारतनि सेथि हादोर गेजेरारि बीच भलीबल चैम्पियनशिपखौ खुंनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Chennai hosted India's first-ever International Beach Volleyball Championship in 2008." }
{ "brx": "क'यम्ब'टूरनि जवाहरलाल नेहरू स्टेडियामा 1971 मायथाइयाव लुजानाय गंसे माल्टि-पारपास स्टेडियाम, जायखौ आई-लीग फुटबल बादायलायनायखौ खुंफुंनायाव बाहायनाय जायो।", "eng": "Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Coimbatore is a multi-purpose stadium in Coimbatore constructed in 1971 which is used to host I-League football matches." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुनि दावबाइथाय दारिमिना मोन16 जौखोन्दोनि बोसोरारि बांनाय जखाजों भारतनि देरसिन दावबाइथाय दारिमिन।", "eng": "The tourism industry of Tamil Nadu is the largest in India, with an annual growth rate of 16 per cent." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुआव दावबायनायखौ तामिलनाडु सोरखारनि बिबानाव तामिलनाडु दावबायथा जौगाथि निगमनि जोहै फोसावनाय जायो।", "eng": "Tourism in Tamil Nadu is promoted by Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, a government of Tamil Nadu undertaking." }
{ "brx": "बेनि उनाव, साहानि सोरखारफोरखौ 1947 मायथाइनिफ्राय भारतनि उदांस्रि मोन्नायसिम माद्रास प्रेसीडेन्सीनि बाहागो महरै खुंंनाय जादोंमोन जायनि उनाव बे प्रेसीडेन्सीआ भारतनि माद्रास राइजो जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after which the presidency became India's Madras state." }
{ "brx": "राइजोआ गोख्रों आइटी सफ्टवेर, दारिमिन आरो सिबिथाय खोन्दोनि गोनां मिरु महरै जाखांबोबाय।", "eng": "The state has emerged as a major focus for robust IT software, industry and services sector." }
{ "brx": "बेबायदिनो, खिरिमिनारि मुं गलकन्डा डायमन्डा गलकन्डानि एखे ओंथि जाना थाबाय।", "eng": "Thus, the legendary name Golconda Diamonds became synonymous with Golconda itself." }
{ "brx": "इब्राहिम कुतुब शाहनि सैथो खुंथाय समाव तुलिंगनाआ, इजिप्टनि बायदि गासै मुलुगनि हाथाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "During the just reign of Ibrahim Kootb Shah, Tulingana, like Egypt, became the mart of the whole world." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन गुबुन हादोरनिफ्राय सानफ्रोमबो गोबां जोंगा-मागा बेसादफ्रा राजानि आलासि सिबिसुला आफादाव उसिफावना थायोमोन।", "eng": "The greatest luxuries from foreign parts daily abounded at the king's hospitable board." }
{ "brx": "निजाम, नासिर-उद-दावला आरो आसफ जाह IVआ 1799 मायथाइयाव इंराजफोरजों लेङाइ गोरोबलायनायाव मुंसाइ खालामना राइजोनि रैखाथि आरो हादोर बायजोआरि बाथ्राफोरनि सानिफ्राय गोहोम खोमाना लादोंमोन।", "eng": "The Nizam, Nasir-ud-Dawlah, and Asaf Jah IV signed the subsidiary alliance with the British in 1799 and lost their control over the state's defence and foreign affairs." }
{ "brx": "आबादारि हालुवाफोर आरो हाजिरा मावग्राफ्रा जायगानि जागिरदार आरो देशमुख मुंजोंबो मिन्थिजानाय सामन्ट माहाजोनफोरनि बेरेखायै जांख्रिखाङो आरो उनाव निजाम उस्मान आली खाननि बेरेखायै।", "eng": "Peasant farmers and labourers revolted against the local feudal landlords, also known as jagirdars and deshmukhs, and later against the Nizam Osman Ali Khan." }
{ "brx": "बेफोराव, जाड (उत्तरकाशिनि सा-सोनाबाव रायलायजानाय), रंप' (चाम'लि जिल्लानि) आरो सा-सानजा पिथौरगढ़ जिल्लानि ब्यांसि, चौदांसि, दारमिया, राजी आरो रावत दंफायो।", "eng": "These include Jad (spoken in the Uttarkashi district in the north-west), Rongpo (of the Chamoli district), and several languages of Pithoragarh district in the north-east, Byangsi, Chaudangsi, Darmiya, Raji, and Rawat." }
{ "brx": "उत्तराखन्दनि दासमनि रायजोगिरिया जाबाय गुर्मित सिंह।", "eng": "The present Governor of Uttarakhand is Gurmit Singh." }
{ "brx": "बे न्यायपालिकायाव, नैनीतालाव थानाय उत्तराखन्ड गोजौ बिजिरसालि आरो माखासे गाहाय बिजिरसालिफोर दङ।", "eng": "The judiciary consists of the Uttarakhand High Court, located at Nainital, and a system of lower courts." }
{ "brx": "सन्जय कुमार मिश्राआ उत्तराखन्डनि सोलिफु गाहाय न्यायगिरि।", "eng": "The incumbent Acting Chief Justice of Uttarakhand is Sanjaya Kumar Mishra." }
{ "brx": "गुलेर राइजोखौ 'कांग्रा गाब सावगारिनि बिथा' होन्ना मिन्थिनाय जायोमोन।", "eng": "Guler State was known as the 'cradle of Kangra paintings.'" }
{ "brx": "उत्तराखन्डनि गुबुन दानाय-लुनायफोरनि मादाव दङ आखायजों दानाय सनानि गहेना, गढ़वालनि खादा, उलनि साद्रि, जोमग्रा आरो रग।", "eng": "Other crafts of Uttarakhand include handcrafted gold jewelry, basketry from Garhwal, woolen shawls, scarves, and rugs." }
{ "brx": "उत्तराखन्डनि गिबि आदारा मैगं-थाइगं जेराव गमआ गाहाय,नाथाय ना-बेदरखौबो होनाय जायो।", "eng": "The primary food of Uttarakhand is vegetables with wheat being a staple, although non-vegetarian food is also served." }
{ "brx": "रायजोआ 86 जौखोन्दो हाजोजों बेंजानायलाय, मोनफ्रोमबो हेक्ट'राव दिहुन्थाया बांद्राय गोबां नङा।", "eng": "As 86% of the state consists of hills, the yield per hectare is not very high." }
{ "brx": "बे ओनसोलखौ उनाव 1757 मायथाइयाव प्लासीनि दावहायाव ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इन्डिया कम्पानिया जै खालामदोंमोन आरो उनाव बेंगल प्रेसीडेन्सिनि बाहागो जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The region was later conquered by the British East India Company at the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and became part of the Bengal Presidency." }
{ "brx": "भारतनि उदांस्रिनि उनाव, सोनाब बंगनि रांखान्थिया आबादारि दिहुन्थाइ आरो फिसा आरो गेजेरारि महरनि मावसंथानारि बिथायारि।", "eng": "Post-Indian independence, West Bengal's economy is based on agricultural production and small and medium-sized enterprises." }
{ "brx": "सोनाब बंगआव मोन्नै मुलुग हेरिटेज साइटफोर दं आरो भारतनि स्निथि बयनिख्रुइ बांसिन दावबायारिफोर दावबायफैग्रानि फारिथियाव दं।", "eng": "West Bengal has two World Heritage sites and ranks as the seventh-most visited tourist destination in India." }
{ "brx": "आगस्त 2016 मायथाइयाव सोनाब बंग आयेन आफादा सोनाब बंगनि मुंखौ इंराजिआव ‘बेंगल’ आरो बांग्लायाव ‘बांग्ला’ खालामनो थाखाय आरोबाव मोनसे थांखि लाबावदोंमोन।", "eng": "In August 2016 the West Bengal Legislative Assembly passed another resolution to change the name of West Bengal to \"Bengal\" in English and \"Bangla\" in Bengali." }
{ "brx": "मुगलनि आमोलाव बेंगलाव गोबां उदां हिन्दू राइजो फसंनाय जादोंमोन, जायनि गेजेराव दङ जश'र जिल्लानि प्रतापादित्यनि आरो बर्द्धमाननि राजा सीतारामनि राइजोफोर।", "eng": "Several independent Hindu states were established in Bengal during the Mughal period, including those of Pratapaditya of Jessore district and Raja Sitaram Ray of Bardhaman." }
{ "brx": "15थि जौथाइनि जोबथायाव इउरपनि गोबां फालांगियारिफोर बे ओनसोलाव सौफैदोंमोन।", "eng": "Several European traders reached this area in the late 15th century." }
{ "brx": "ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इन्डिया कम्पानीआ 1757 मायथाइयाव प्लासीनि दावहायाव जोबथा उदां नवाब सिराज उद-दौलाखौ फेजेनदोंमोन।", "eng": "The British East India Company defeated Siraj ud-Daulah, the last independent Nawab, in the Battle of Plassey in 1757." }
{ "brx": "1770 मायथाइनि बेंंगल आंखाला ब्रिटिश कम्पानीनि खाजोना आयेननि थाखाय लाख-लाख सुबुंफोरनि जिउ लादोंमोन।", "eng": "The Bengal famine of 1770 claimed millions of lives due to tax policies enacted by the British company." }
{ "brx": "बेंगल फिनजांख्रिखांनाय आरो ब्रह्म समाजनि समाजारि-हारिमुआरि सुद्रायनाय सोमावसारनाया बेंगलनि हारिमुआरि आरो रांखान्थियारि जिउआव गोबां गोहोम खोख्लैदोंमोन।", "eng": "The Bengal Renaissance and the Brahmo Samaj socio-cultural reform movements significantly influenced the cultural and economic life of Bengal." }
{ "brx": "1990नि जिथाइनि गेजेराव मिरुआरि सोरखारा उदां रांखान्थियारि लाबोनायनि उनाव राइजोआव रांखान्थि जौगाफिन्नाया गोख्रै जानो हमदोंमोन।", "eng": "The state's economic recovery gathered momentum after the central government introduced economic liberalisations in the mid-1990s." }
{ "brx": "गंगा हायेननि फुलुंहाया, मोजां अखाजों लोगोसे बे ओनसोलखौ जुनियायै हासारनां खालामो।", "eng": "The alluvial soil of the Gangetic plain, combined with favourable rainfall, makes this region especially fertile." }
{ "brx": "सोनाब बेंगल बिधान सभायाव सायख'जानाय सोद्रोमा आरो जुनिया मावख'आरिफोर थायो, जेरै बुंथिगिरि आरो लेङाय बुंगथिगिरि, जायखौ सोद्रोमाफ्रा सायखयो।", "eng": "The legislature, the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, consists of elected members and special office bearers such as the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, who are elected by the members." }
{ "brx": "न्यायपालिकाया कलकत्ता गोजौ बिजिरसालि आरो माखासे गाहाय बिजिरसालिफोरनि आदबजों दाजानाय।", "eng": "The judiciary is composed of the Calcutta High Court and a system of lower courts." }
{ "brx": "गिबि मन्थ्रिनि दैदेन्नायाव मन्थ्रि आफादा मावफुंग्रा गोरानि गोहो मोनो, नाथाय सोरखारनि गाहाइया राइजो बेंगिरिआसो।", "eng": "Executive authority is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister although the titular head of government is the Governor." }
{ "brx": "आयनिफ्राय बिसोरनि खर्साखौ दानख' आरो माबोरै नांगौ आरो लुबैनायखौ गोरोब होनाया बिसोरनि रां सामलायनायाव गोहोम खोख्लैयो, बे बाथ्राखौ बिसोरजों सावराय।", "eng": "Subtract their expenses from income, and discuss how balancing needs and wants impacts their budget." }
{ "brx": "राइजो बेंगिरिआ भारतनि हायुंगिरि सायख'नाय राइजोनि गाहाय।", "eng": "The Governor is the Head of State appointed by the President of India." }
{ "brx": "गोबांसिन रायजोआवनो साइकेल रिक्शा आरो क'लकातायाव गुसुं जानथायनि दावबायनायाव आखायजों बोजानाय रिक्शाफोर आरो मोब्लिबनि रिक्शाफोर खारो।", "eng": "In most of the state, cycle rickshaws and in Kolkata, hand-pulled rickshaws and electric rickshaws are used for short-distance travel." }
{ "brx": "मैथिली आरो बांलानि मिसल होन्ना गनायजानाय सूर्यपुरी रावखौ राइजोनि सा ओनसोलाव रायज्लायनाय जायो।", "eng": "Surjapuri, a language considered to be a mix of Maithili and Bengali, is spoken across northern parts of the state." }
{ "brx": "सोनाब बेंगलाव सान्थाल, मुन्डा, उराव, भूमिज, ल'धा, क'ल आरो टट' बायदि थागिबि आदिवासीफोरबो थायो।", "eng": "West Bengal is also home to indigenous tribal Adivasis such as: Santhal, Munda, Oraon, Bhumij, Lodha, Kol and Toto." }
{ "brx": "6 निफ्राय 14 बोसोर बैसो जोथुमाव फरायसालिनि नुजाथायाव आथोनारि फारागथि दं, मानोना हौवासाफोरनिखुरै हिनजावसाफोरा बांसिन फरायसालियाव थाङो।", "eng": "There is a gender disparity in school attendance in the 6 to 14-year age group, more girls than boys are attending school." }
{ "brx": "सोनाब बेंगलाव 15-49 बोसोर बैसो जानाय हौवाफोरनि 22 जौखोन्दोजों रुजुबा हिनजावफोरनि 14 जौखोन्दोआल' फरायसालियाव 12 एबा बांसिन बोसोर फोजोबनो हादों।", "eng": "Only 14% of women aged 15–49 years in West Bengal have completed 12 or more years of schooling, compared with 22% of men." }
{ "brx": "कलकाता बुहुम फरायसालि आरो जाधवपुर बुहुम फरायसालिआ मुंदांखा आरोंदायारि बुहुम फरायसालि।", "eng": "The University of Calcutta and Jadavpur University are prestigious technical universities." }
{ "brx": "इन्डियान एस'सिएशन फर दि काल्टिवेशन अफ साइन्सआ एशियानि गिबिसिन संदांनायनि फसंथान।", "eng": "The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science is the first research institute in Asia." }
{ "brx": "माल्टी सिस्टेम अपारेटरा केबलनि जोहै बाङालि, नेपाली, हिन्दी, इंग्राजी आरो गुबुन हादोरनि चैनेलफोर होयो।", "eng": "Multi system operators provide a mix of Bengali, Nepali, Hindi, English and international channels via cable." }
{ "brx": "ब्र'डबेन्ड इन्टारनेटा सायख'जानाय नोगोर आरो नोगोरमायाव दङ आरो बेखौ सोरखारि बीएसएनएल आरो गुबुन गावारि कम्पानिफ्रा होयो।", "eng": "Broadband Internet is available in select towns and cities and is provided by the state-run BSNL and by other private companies." }
{ "brx": "बे सावरायलायनायफोरा नांथादोंमोन आरो माब्लाबाबो बिखौ सावरायफिननाय जायाखैमोन।", "eng": "The negotiations were interrupted and never brought up again." }
{ "brx": "दिल्लीयाव मेसें बोथोराव रोजा उखुन्दै आरो खुवानि जाहोनाव बोसोरफ्रोमबो अख्रां लामा आरो रेल थांलाय-फैलायाव गोहोम गोग्लैयो।", "eng": "The dense smog and haze in Delhi during winter results in major air and rail traffic disruptions every year." }
{ "brx": "निजामुद्दीन औलिया आरो अमीर खुसर'नि मुंफोरा मख'जाथावै बेजों नांजाबनानै दं।", "eng": "The names of Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusrau are prominently associated with it." }
{ "brx": "दिल्ली मुंनि गुदिखौ लानानै गोबां सल'बाथा आरो फोथायनायफोर दं।", "eng": "There are a number of myths and legends associated with the origin of the name Delhi." }
{ "brx": "खायसे सुबुंफोरा सुबुरुन खालामो दि त'मारफोरनि सिङाव थानाय बे हादाबाव फोसावनाय रांखावारिखौ देहलीवाल होननाय जायोमोन।", "eng": "Some suggest the coins in circulation in the region under the Tomaras were called dehliwal." }
{ "brx": "बियो दुर्गनि दरखंखौ लुनो बिथोन होदोंमोन आरो उनाव बे दुर्गनि मुंखौ देहली दुर्ग दोन्दोंमोन।", "eng": "He ordered the construction of a gateway to the fort and later named the fort Dehali." }
{ "brx": "दोरोङारि महरै स्नि सोहोरफोरखौ दिल्ली हादाबजों नांजाबहोनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Traditionally, seven cities have been associated with the region of Delhi." }
{ "brx": "कुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबकनो घरीया बिनि राजथावनि घराव सफैफिननायसिम भारतनि खब्जा खालामजानाय हायुं आवथाफोरखौ सामलायनायनि बिबानखौ होनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Qutb-ud-din Aibak, was given the responsibility of governing the conquered territories of India until Ghori returned to his capital, Ghor." }
{ "brx": "बियो कुतुब मीनार आरो कुवत-अल-इस्लाम (इस्लामनि गोहो) मस्जिद लुनायखौ जागायजेन्दोंमोन, जाय भारतनि गिबिसिन सोलिबोनाय मस्जिदमोन।", "eng": "He began construction of the Qutb Minar and Quwwat-al-Islam (Might of Islam) mosque, the earliest extant mosque in India." }
{ "brx": "बिसोर गोबां दुर्ग आरो नोगोरफोर दादोंमोन, जाय दिल्लीनि स्नि सोहोरफोरनि बाहागो जायो।", "eng": "They built several forts and townships that are part of the seven cities of Delhi." }
{ "brx": "बे समाव दिल्लीया सुफिबादनि गाहाय मिरुमोन।", "eng": "Delhi was a major center of Sufism during this period." }
{ "brx": "1290 माइथायाव मामलुक सुल्तानेतखौ जलालुद्दीन फिर'ज खिलजिया फेजेनदोंमोन।", "eng": "The Mamluk Sultanate was overthrown in 1290 by Jalal ud din Firuz Khalji." }
{ "brx": "1752 माइथायाव मुंसाइ खालामजानाय मोनसे गोरोबथाया माराठाफोरखौ दिल्लीयाव मुगल राजउलाफादनि रैखागिरि बानायदोंमोन।", "eng": "A treaty signed in 1752 made Marathas the protectors of the Mughal throne in Delhi." }
{ "brx": "चन्डीगढ़आ रायजोनि राङारि अनसुंथाइ मोन्नाय मास्टार-प्लानिं गोदान मुगायारि मावथांखिनि गिबिसिन बिदिन्थि।", "eng": "Chandigarh is the first example of a state-funded master-planned modernization scheme." }
{ "brx": "दिल्लीया 1857 माइथायाव भारतारि सोमावसारनायनि मैखोम मिरुमोन।", "eng": "Delhi was a major center of the Indian Rebellion of 1857." }
{ "brx": "अब्लाबो बे गोहो मोनफिननाया बारा गोबाव जोरासै आरो 1526 माइथायाव बे सुल्तानेता मुगल राजाफोलेरनि दैदेनगिरि बाबरजों फोजोबस्रांजादोंमोन।", "eng": "However, the recovery was short-lived, and the sultanate was destroyed in 1526 by Babur, founder of the Mughal dynasty." }
{ "brx": "बै समाव माराठाफोरा दावहा नांदोंमोन आरो मुगलफोरनिफ्राय दिल्लीनि गोहोखौ मोननो हादोंमोन।", "eng": "Then the Marathas battled and won control of Delhi from the Mughals." }
{ "brx": "2020 माइथायनि दिल्ली दावरावा दिल्लीनि बे जिथाइफोरनि गाज्रिसिन हारियारि नांलायनायमोन, जाय गाहायै हिन्दु गाग्लोबग्राफोरा मुस्लिमफोरखौ गाग्लोबनायनि जाहोनाव जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The 2020 Delhi riots, Delhi's worst communal violence in decades, were caused mainly by Hindu mobs attacking Muslims." }
{ "brx": "बे सोहोरनि साहा, सोनाब आरो खोलाथिं हरियाणा रायजो आरो सान्जाथिं उत्तर प्रदेशजों सिमा गोग्लैयो।", "eng": "The city is bordered on its northern, western, and southern sides by the state of Haryana and to the east by that of Uttar Pradesh." }
{ "brx": "दिल्लीनि मोननै मैखोम आखुथाइया जाबाय यमुना दैमानि दै बाना हायैन आरो दिल्ली रिज।", "eng": "Two prominent features of the geography of Delhi are the Yamuna flood plains and the Delhi ridge." }
{ "brx": "यमुना दैमाया पान्जाब आरो यु.पी.नि गेजेराव जारिमिनारि सिमा आरो बिनि दै बाना हायैनफोरा हासारगोनां फुलुं हा गथायो, जाय आबादनि थाखाय मोजां नाथाय बेवहाय सरासनस्रा दै बाना जाबाय थायो।", "eng": "The Yamuna River was the historical boundary between Punjab and UP, and its flood plains provide fertile alluvial soil suitable for agriculture but are prone to recurrent floods." }
{ "brx": "हिन्दन दैमाया गाजियाबादखौ दिल्लीनि सान्जा बाहागोनिफ्राय जुदा खालामो।", "eng": "The Hindon River separates Ghaziabad from the eastern part of Delhi." }
{ "brx": "बेखौ मुंखनानै हो दि बेंक एकाउन्टफोरा सुत खामायो आरो सेविंस एकाउन्टफोरा बांसिन सुत मोनसिनो आरो बेखौ हार्सिङै हगारनानै होनांगौ।", "eng": "Mention that bank accounts earn interest, and a savings account earns more interest and should be left alone." }
{ "brx": "बुहुम सावस्रि आफादनि बायदिब्ला 2014 मायथाइयाव दिल्लीआ बुहुमनि बांसिन गुबुंले बार गोनां नोगोरमामोन।", "eng": "According to the World Health Organization Delhi was the most polluted city in the world in 2014." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे अनुमाननि बायदिब्ला दिल्लीयाव गुबुंले बारनि जाहोनाव बोसोरफ्रोमबो सा 10,500सो सुबुंनि जिउ गोमायो।", "eng": "According to one estimate, air pollution causes the death of about 10,500 people in Delhi every year." }
{ "brx": "भारतनि गुबुन नोगोरमा सोहोरजों रुजुब्ला दिल्लीयावनो गोबांसिन रेबथुमाव सोजानाय गारिफोर दं।", "eng": "Delhi has the highest number of registered cars compared to any other metropolitan city in India." }
{ "brx": "दारासुजु जुथुमनि सोद्रोमाफोरखौ एन.सि.टी.नि हायुं आवथायारि समस्थिफोरनिफ्राय थोंजोङै बिसायख'नाय जायो।", "eng": "Members of the legislative assembly are directly elected from territorial constituencies in the NCT." }
{ "brx": "बे दारासुजु जुथुमखौ 1956 माइथायाव फोजोबनाय जादोंमोन, जायनि उनाव 1933 माइथायाव बिखौ गायसनफिनजासिम बेवहाय गोथों जुथाइ गोहो फज'नाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The legislative assembly was abolished in 1956, after which direct federal control was implemented until it was re-established in 1993." }
{ "brx": "भारत सोरखार आरो दिल्ली हायुं आवथानि हादोरारि राजथावनि सोरखारा लोगो नांनानै गोदान दिल्लीखौ खुङो, जेराव मोननैबो मावख'आ दं।", "eng": "The Government of India and the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi jointly administer New Delhi, where both bodies are located." }
{ "brx": "मदन लाल खुरानाया दैदेननाय भारतीय जनता पार्तिया गोहोआव फैब्ला, भारतीय हादोरारि कंग्रेसा 1990 माइथायसिम दिल्लीनि गासै सोरखारफोरखौ खुंदोंमोन।", "eng": "The Indian National Congress formed all the governments in Delhi until the 1990s, when the Bharatiya Janata Party, led by Madan Lal Khurana, came to power." }
{ "brx": "1998 माइथायाव कंग्रेसा शीला दीक्षितनि दैदेननायाव गोहो मोनफिन्दोंमोन, जाय गले गलेयै खन 3 लारि लारि समगान्थिनि थाखाय बिसायख'जाफिन्दोंमोन।", "eng": "In 1998, Congress returned to power under the leadership of Sheila Dikshit, who was subsequently re-elected for 3 consecutive terms." }
{ "brx": "बबेखानि बे सोरखारा दान्दिसे समनि थाखायल'मोन, जाय 49 साननि उनावनो बायलांदोंमोन।", "eng": "However, that government was short-lived, collapsing only after 49 days." }
{ "brx": "दिल्लीया साहायारि भारताव बयनिख्रुइ देरसिन फालांगिरियारि मिरु।", "eng": "Delhi is the largest commercial center in northern India." }