{ "brx": "गोबां सानखराङारि फार्मफोरा इयुनाव गोरान ओनसोलफोर जेराव सानदुङा गोबां बैफोराव गायस'न जागोन।", "eng": "Many of the solar farms in the future are expected to be located in dry regions where sunlight is abundant." }
{ "brx": "सानखरां मोब्लिबारि पार्कफोरा दायो मोब्लिब गोहोखौ बांसिनै दिहुन्नो थाखाय सानखरां पैनेलफोरखौ फुगारनो दै बाहायो।", "eng": "Most solar power parks currently use water to clean solar panels to ensure optimal production of power." }
{ "brx": "आरो बैयो गोबां दै।", "eng": "And that is a lot of water." }
{ "brx": "बिजिरसंगिरिफ्रा मोन 88 जिन नेटवर्कफोर जेरै मानसि, बिफां-लाइफां आरो गाहाय थाखोनि देहायारि जिबफोरखौ लाना बुलियान मडेलफोरखौ सुजुदोंमोन।", "eng": "The researchers compiled Boolean models of the 88 gene networks from humans, plants and even lower organisms." }
{ "brx": "अनजिमाफोरनि गोहो", "eng": "STRENGTH IN NUMBERS" }
{ "brx": "सानखराङारि पैनलफोरखौ हाद्रिनिफ्राय गोजानाव लाखिनायनि दैगैयै आदब।", "eng": "Waterless way of keeping solar panels dust-free" }
{ "brx": "पैनलनि रोबैयाव गंसे मोब्लिबारि मोटर आरो गाइड रेल बाहायना खान्थिखौ गावनोगाव महरै सालाय जायो।", "eng": "The system can be operated automatically using an electric motor and guide rails along the side of the panel." }
{ "brx": "अजय सुब्बारयान (आगदा) आरो आरिजित समल, गावसोरनि गोदानै सेबखांजानाय बिजिरसंना मोननाय फिथाइजों।", "eng": "Ajay Subbaroyan (right) and Areejit Samal with the findings of their newly published study." }
{ "brx": "गिदिर सावगारि", "eng": "THE BIG PICTURE" }
{ "brx": "हावइनदियालिवस.कमआ रायजोआरि खारिनि थाखाय मोनसे खारिबाख्रि आरो नागिरग्रा इनजिन।", "eng": " is a database and search engine for public data" }
{ "brx": "समलआ बुङो, \"जों मिथिनाय बादिब्ला, बे जेथोगोनां बुलियान फांसनफोरखौ जेराव जों मावनायबादिब्ला जिन दबथायनायबो थाफायो, गिबियाव रावबो बेखौ मावफुंनाय जायाखै।\"", "eng": "\"To the best of our knowledge, a systematic exploration of the complexity of Boolean functions associated with gene regulation, like in our work, has not been performed previously,\" Samal says." }
{ "brx": "सासे आबादनि गोनोखोआरि महरै, राजीब वार्सनिया 2005‌‌-2007 मायथाइयाव बेखौ मिथिगौमोन दि बिफां-लाइफांफोरबादिनो मोनसे सानदांथिनि थाखाइबो खिलिनो, जौगानो, बारस्रानो आरो जोबनायाव फिथाइ थायनो सम नांगौ जायो।", "eng": "As an agricultural scientist, Rajeev Varshney was only too aware, back in 2005-2007, that just as with plants, it takes time for ideas to germinate, grow, blossom - and finally come to fruition." }
{ "brx": "भार्सनेआ गोसोखांनानै, इं 2005 माइथायनिफ्राय नै बोसोरसिम, आं आंनि बिजिरसंनाय जिउ राहायाव जुजिनांदोंमोन। जाय फसलफोरनि सायाव आं हाबा मावनो सायख'दोंमोन, बैफोरनि सोमौन्दै एसेल' बिबांनि सोरजि सोमोन्दै फोरमायथि दंमोन\"- बुध( भारतयारि चना), फारौ मटर, बादाम.", "eng": "For two years from 2005, I struggled in my research career, recalls Varshney. \"There was only limited genetic information on the crops I chose to work on\" - chickpea (Indian chana), pigeon pea and groundnut." }
{ "brx": "थिक माबोरै सासे सुबुङा मोनसे सानखराङारि फार्मआव रोजा रोजा पैनलफोरखौ हाद्रि फुगारो?", "eng": "Just how does one dust thousands of panels in a solar farm?" }
{ "brx": "जीनोमिक्स, बायोटेक्नोलॉजी आरो ए.आइ. फोरा गोदान आबाद बिथिङारि सोमावसारनायनि फारसे दावगालांगासिनो दं।", "eng": "Genomics, biotechnology and AI are leading the charge towards the next agricultural revolution." }
{ "brx": "बुदनि मोनसे फोथाराव ड. राजीभ वार्ष्णेय। जिनम-हेफाजाब होनाय फिसा आजायनाय नाजानायफोरजों, बिथांनि हानजाया मोनसे रानज्रिंनाय-बेरेखा रोखोमजों लोगोसे बुदनि गोरा रोखोमफोर जौगा होदोंमोन।", "eng": "Dr Rajeev Varshney in a chickpea field. Using genome-assisted breeding approaches, his team has developed hardy varieties of chickpea, including a drought-resistant variety" }
{ "brx": "जिबख्रिफ्रा गावसोरनि सोरगिदिं थासारिनि आबहावाजों खौसेथि खालामो आरो बेखौ थि खालामो।", "eng": "Cells integrate cues from their local environment and decide this." }
{ "brx": "सरासनस्रा नङै साजायनायजों", "eng": "BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT" }
{ "brx": "बेटारिया गंसे इलेक्ट्रिक गारिनि 40% बेसेनखौ आवग्रियो।", "eng": "Batteries account for 40% of the cost of an electric vehicle" }
{ "brx": "गोरों सुबुंफ्रा फोथायो दि भारतआ बेटारि बानायग्रा गिदिर गिदिर कारखाना फसंनांगौ मानोना बेटारियानो इ.भि.नि गोनांथार गुदिमुवा जाय गासै खर्सानि 40%।", "eng": "Many experts believe India should set up giga factories for batteries because they are the critical component in E.Vs, accounting for about 40% of total costs." }
{ "brx": "आरो बेसेन समानथायाव बेटारिनि मिरुआरि महरखौ नायनानै, गुदि सोंथिया बेनो: मोनसे बेटारिनि बेसेनखौ माब्रै गाहाय खालामनो?", "eng": "And given the centrality of the battery in the cost equation, the prime question is: how to lower the cost of a battery?" }
{ "brx": "आथिखालाव, बेटारिनि थाखाय गिगा दारिमिनफोरनि रां थिसननाया सायनाआव ज' जानानै दं।", "eng": "Right now, investments into giga factories for batteries are concentrated in China." }
{ "brx": "गोबां सुबुं फोरजों नाजाव जानो बियो गाहायसिनाव फैबावनो गोनांथि दं।", "eng": "This needs to come down further for mass adoption." }
{ "brx": "पर्ड्यू मुलुगसोलोंसालियाव बिथांनि बारग' हेफाजाबगिरि आरो मिथिसार जानाय बिबुंगोरा दोराईस्वामी रामकृष्णा बुङो, ''बिथाङा मोन्थियोमोन दि बबेया गोनां''।", "eng": "\"He knew what was important,\" says Doraiswami Ramkrishna, his former collaborator and distinguished professor at Purdue University." }
{ "brx": "\"बिथाङा जेथो गोनां जेंनाखौ लानानै आरो बिखौ ओरैबादि बिन्दोसिम सि खुयो जेराव नोङो गोरलैयै नायनो हायो आरो फिन्नाय मोननो गायो।\"", "eng": "\"He could take a complicated problem and strip it to a point where you could take a simple view and get answers.\"" }
{ "brx": "गोनांथारखौ गुदि खिथानि बेले बेजेनि गेजेराव सिनायनो हानाय गोहोआनो उनाव बिथांनि गासैबो खामानिनि फाराग खालामथाव आखुथाय जायो।", "eng": "This ability to spot the important within a morass of detail became the distinguishing feature of all his work subsequently." }
{ "brx": "हिसाब खालामनायनि गोदान नेमफोरा, इनजिनियारफोरनि सिगांनि जोलैनिफ्राय गोबांसिन गुदि खिथा साननानै नायनायखौ जाथावगौ खालामो, बियो बिखौनो दिनथियो दि कुमारनि हरखाब बुजि मोननाय लामाया गुवारैनो थार मोन।", "eng": "Modern methods of computation, which make it possible to consider more details than the earlier generation of engineers could, have shown that Kumar's intuitive approach was largely correct." }
{ "brx": "कुमारा मोनसे जेथो गोनां जेंनाखौ लानानै आरो बिखौ ओरैबादि बिन्दोसिम सि खुयो जेराव नोङो गोरलैयै नायनो हायो आरो फिन्नाय मोननो हायो, बिथांनि सिगांनि लोगोसे मावफाग्राया गोसो खाङो।", "eng": "Kumar could take a complicated problem and strip it to a point where you could take a simple view and get answers, recalls his former collaborator." }
{ "brx": "बिथांनि गोरलै खालामनो हानाय गोहोआ बिनि फेंफोनानि सायाव मावनाय खामानियाव बेरखाङो आरो, उनाव, नेन'पार्टिक्लसनि सायाव।", "eng": "His ability to simplify showed up in his work on foams and, later, on nanoparticles." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला मेरला गांगा थफाफोरा ज' नांथाबना थायो अब्ला फेंफोना जायो। बे गांगा थफाफोरनि जराया खेंख्रा, बिनिखायनो सानखानथियारि महरै दिन्थि महर बानायनो गोब्राब जायो; थेवब्लाबो गुबुन बेसादफोरनि गेजेराव बेखौ बुजिनो गोनांदि माब्रै दैलावा सिमाफोरजों बोहैगारलाङो।", "eng": "Foams are formed when bubbles adhere together. The junctions of these bubbles are curved, and therefore difficult to model mathematically; yet, it is necessary to do so to understand how the liquid drains through the borders, among other things." }
{ "brx": "गावनि फरायसा दिलिप देसायजों लिरफानाय रासायनिक जनत्र' बिद्दा बिगियानाव बिथांनि मोनसे मुंदांखा लेखा बिलायाव माब्रै खना दानखाव सिमाखौ आखानथिथाम आरो खेंख्रा नङा, सान्नानै लानानै साननायखौ गोरलै खालामनो हायो बेखौ कुमारा दिन्थिदों।", "eng": "In one of his famous papers in Chemical Engineering Science, authored with his student Dilip Desai, Kumar showed how to simplify the calculations by assuming that the border cross-section is a triangle and not curved." }
{ "brx": "\"आं बे सानथायखौ लानानै खारदों आरो सानखानथिखौ जौगाखां होदों,\" बुंदों देसाइया, जाय उनाव ऑस्ट्रेलियानि म'नाश मुलुगसोलोंसालियाव बिरोंगिरि जादों मोन।", "eng": "\"I ran with the idea and developed the mathematics,\" says Desai, who later became a professor at Monash University in Australia." }
{ "brx": "1982 मायथाइयाव के.एस. गांधीया कुमारजों बिथांनि बिपानाव लोगो लाफैदों मोन, बे सम सिम आईआईटी कानपुराव लेङाय बिरोंगिरि मोन।", "eng": "In 1982, Kumar was joined in his department by K.S. Gandhi, till then an assistant professor at IIT Kanpur." }
{ "brx": "बिथांमोनहा नागार लायनो हायै लोगो दांसा आरो लोगो जायो, बिफाननि गोबां आखुथायफोरावनो ज'यै नांफालायनानै।", "eng": "They became inseparable colleagues and friends, becoming jointly involved in many activities of the department." }
{ "brx": "गांगा थफाफोरनि आरो थरथिंफोरनि दिन्थि महर बानायखांना, कुमारा सानखान्थियारि दिन्थि महरनि सायाव मोनसे आयदा फोरोंनो लादोंमोन।", "eng": "Having modelled bubbles and drops, Kumar began to teach a course on mathematical modelling." }
{ "brx": "बियो मोनसे गोख्रों आगानमोन।", "eng": "It was a bold step." }
{ "brx": "आईआईटी कानपुराव रासायनिक इंजीनियरिंगनि बिबुंगोरा वी. शंकर जाय बोसोर 2000 माइथायाव आई.आई.एस.सी. निफ्राय पी.एचडी. फोजोबदोंमोन बिथाङा बुङो, ''कुमारा गाव बिजिरसङाव सोलोंथाय लानो माब्लाबाबो गुबुन हादोराव थाङाखैमोन\"।", "eng": "\"Kumar never went abroad to train himself in research,\" says V. Shankar, professor of chemical engineering at IIT Kanpur, who finished his PhD from IISc in the year 2000." }
{ "brx": "\"सानखान्थियारि दिन्थि महराव सोनारनाय रासायनिक इंजीनियरिंगनि मोनसे बिफान गायस'न्नाय आरो बुजि मोन्नाया मोनसे मोनसेयारि जाफुंसारनायमोन।\"", "eng": "\"To build a school of chemical engineering based on mathematical modelling and understanding was a singular achievement.\"" }
{ "brx": "बै समफारिखौ गुसुं खालामनो हाया मानोना मिथिंगाखौ गोख्रै खालानो हाया।", "eng": "That time period cannot be abridged because nature cannot be rushed." }
{ "brx": "बेयो आंखौ गोमोहोदोंमोन दि जानौ हागौ जुदि आं बैफोर फसलफोरनि सायाव बिजिरसंनाया अगियानमोन आरो नङाब्ला माइ आरो गमनि सायाव हाबा मावनाया साबसिन जागौमोन, बैसोरनि थोजासे सोरजि सोमोन्दै फोरमायथिनि धोनखौ नायनानै, बिथाङा गोसोखांदोंमोन।", "eng": "It made me wonder if I had perhaps been unwise to choose to research these crops - and whether I would have been better off working on rice and wheat, considering the wealth of genetic information about them that was available, he recalls." }
{ "brx": "फैगौ सोमावसारनाय", "eng": "THE NEXT REVOLUTION" }
{ "brx": "हायद्राबादाव 3,500 एकड़नि गोथां आई.सी.आर.आई.एस.एटी आवथानि नायसोमसालिया, मोजांसिन आबादनि रोखोमफोर दिहुन्नो थाखाय जि बोसोर आरो बिनि खावसे बोसोरनिफ्रायनो हाबा मावगासिनो दं।", "eng": "Varshney's lab, in the lush green 3,500-acre ICRISAT campus in Hyderabad, has now been at work for over a decade and a half in order to create better crop varieties." }
{ "brx": "बिथांखिनि थांखिफोरा, जुदि जाफुंसारो, मोजांसिन बिफां रोखोमफोरनि थाखाय लामाफोर बेखेवगोन।", "eng": "The goals of the program, if realised, will open up avenues for better plant varieties." }
{ "brx": "जिन सोमावसारनायनि गोहोखौ बाहायखांना, दायो वार्ष्णेयया आबाद जौगाखांहोनाय मावथांखिफोराव ए.आइ.नि गोहोखौ मुलाम्फायाव बाहायनो सानगासिनो दं।", "eng": "Having harnessed the power of the gene revolution, Varshney is now looking to leverage the power of AI in crop improvement programs." }
{ "brx": "बोसोन होनायजों आरो कमितिफोराव सोद्रोमा जानायनि गेजेरजों कुमारहा भारतारि बिगियाननि बोहैथि लामायाव मोनसे गोबां गोहोम दं।", "eng": "Kumar had a huge influence on the course of Indian science through mentoring and membership in committees." }
{ "brx": "बियो बिफां फिसा आजायग्राफोरखौ जीनम-हेफाजाब होनाय फिसा आजायनायनि बिथिङाव मोन्नै आखुथायनिफ्राय बांसिनै मोजांसिन खालामनो खाबु होयो।", "eng": "This will allow plant breeders to optimise for more than two traits as in the case of genome-assisted breeding." }
{ "brx": "गामिनि जमिदारा, मेलेमगोनां लाइमोन सेंग्रानि दुखुनांथाव थासारिखौ मोनथिनो मोननानै, आगान होफैयो आरो दिल्ली पाॅलिटेक्निकआव एम.ए दिग्रीनि खरसखौ बानफैयो।", "eng": "The village zamindar, learning of the intelligent young man's plight, stepped in and funded his expenses for a Master's degree in Delhi Polytechnic." }
{ "brx": "उनाव, बिथाङा पंजाब सरखारनिफ्राय आईआईएससीआव रासायनिक जनत्र' बिद्दायाव गावनि पीएचडीखौ खालामनो रोंबानथा देरहादों मोन।", "eng": "Subsequently, he won a scholarship from the Punjab government to do his PhD in chemical engineering at IISc." }
{ "brx": "बिथाङा गावनि पीएचडीआव खामानि मावनाय समाव गांगा थफानि आखुखौ सानदोंमोन जानांगौ, गावनि आनजाद नायग्रा खथायाव बिखौ सिखांनाय आरो बायनाय नुयै नुयै।", "eng": "He must have been thinking about the behaviour of bubbles while working on his PhD, watching them rise and break in his experiment chambers." }
{ "brx": "सानखान्थि दिन्थि महरफोर", "eng": "MATHS MODELS" }
{ "brx": "माखासे अमेरिका मुलुगसोलोंसालिफोरनि बिजिरसं हानजाफोर - मिनेसोटा, विस्कॉन्सिन, डेलावेयरफोरा - सानखान्थि आरो बिगियानखौ गिदिर बिबाङाव मोनसे ओरैबायदि आयदायाव लाबोगासिनो दंमोन जाय गुवारै रोंमोन्दांथियारि खारियाव सोनारनायमोन।", "eng": "Research groups in some U.S. universities - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Delaware - were bringing in mathematics and science in a big way to a subject that was largely based on experimental data." }
{ "brx": "इंजीनियरफोरा रिएक्टरफोरनि दाथाय, नोजलनि दाथाय, गैसनि गोख्रैथि बायदिखौ सोलायना गोबां आनजाद नायदोंमोन, बेखौ मिजिं थिना दि गावसोरनि सोलोंथायफोरा गुबुन-गुबुन रोखोमनि रिएक्टरफोर डिजाइन खालामनायाव गावसोरखौ मदद होगोन।", "eng": "Engineers would conduct many experiments, changing the size of the reactors, the nozzle size, the velocity of the gas, and so on, hoping that their learnings would let them design different kinds of reactors." }
{ "brx": "बिसोरो मावाखै- एसेसिनै सिगां सानखानाय नङै जेंनाफोर गैयालासे। 1960 माइथायफोरनि सिगांनिफ्राय, बिगियान आरो सानखान्थिया इंजीनियरफोरखौ रिएक्टर सिङाव लावलाव आरोंदायारि सोलोंथायाव गोथौयै नायनो हेफाजाब होबोदों।", "eng": "They didn't - at least not without unanticipated problems. Beginning from the 1960s, science and mathematics helped engineers look deeply at the fluid mechanics inside the reactor." }
{ "brx": "कैम्ब्रिज मुलुगसोलोंसलियाव, जन डेभिडसन आरो बिथांनि मावजाबग्रा लोगोफोरा सानखान्थिखौ बेखौ बुजिनो बाहायदोंमोन दि रिएक्टरफोराव फेंफोनाया माबोरै जोनोम जायो आरो देरो।", "eng": "At the University of Cambridge, John Davidson and his colleagues were using mathematics to understand how bubbles form and grow in the reactors." }
{ "brx": "मोन्नै गलाय जायै लावलावफोरनि फिनजाथाया थरथिंफोरनि दाथायजों सामलाय जायो, आरो मोनसे लावलाव आरो मोनसे गेसनि फिनजाथाया फेंफोनाजों सामलाय जायो।", "eng": "The reaction of two immiscible liquids is controlled by the droplet size, and the reaction by a liquid and a gas in controlled by bubbles." }
{ "brx": "आरो दासिम रावहाबो माबोरै गांगा थ'फाफोरा आरो थरथिंफोरा जोनोम जायो बेनि मोनसे दिन्थि महर गैया, आरो बेनिखायनो मोनसे थासारियाव मा जागोन बेखौ रावबो उन संदान्नो हाया।", "eng": "And yet no one had a model about how bubbles and droplets form, and therefore no one could predict what would happen in a given situation." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला कुमारा गांगा थफाफोरनि सायाव खामानि मावनो लाजेनदोंमोन, अब्ला डेविडसन आरो बिनि मावजाबग्रा लोगोफोरजों जौगा होजानाय मोनसे दिन्थि महर दंमोन, जाय मोजां उन संदान्नाय फिथाय होदोंमोन, नाथाय गैसनि गोबां गोख्रैथियाव नङा।", "eng": "When Kumar started work on bubbles, there was one model, developed by Davidson and his colleagues, that yielded good predictions but not at high velocities of the gas." }
{ "brx": "कुमारा मोनसे रिएक्टराव गांगा थफा सायाव माबोरै बोलोफोरा समानथायै थायो फोरमायना फिन होदोंमोन।", "eng": "Kumar gave the answer by describing how forces on the bubble balanced in a reactor." }
{ "brx": "उनाव, बिथांनि दिन्थि महरा स्पार्गरफोर बायदि गुबुन रोखोमनि रिएक्टरफोराव बाहाय जाथावना जादोंमोन। बिथांनि फरायसा संजीव कुमार जाय दायो आई.आई.एस.सी.याव रासायनिक इंजीनियरिंग बिफाननि आफादगिरि बिथाङा बुङो, \"कुमारनि दिन्थि महरा बै समाव थानाय जिखिजाया जिरातनि रुजुनायाव साबसिन आनजादारि खारि इयुन बा्थ्रा सं दान्नो हादोंमोन\"।", "eng": "Later, his model became applicable to other kinds of reactors like spargers. \"Kumar's model predicted experimental data far better than anything that existed at that time,\" says his student Sanjeev Kumar, who is now the Chairman of the chemical engineering department at IISc." }
{ "brx": "बिथांनि गांगा थफाफोरनि खामानिजों, कुमारा बेसादफोरनि बिखा गेजेराव गोख्रै फैनो हानायनि सोलोखौ दिन्थिदोंमोन।", "eng": "With his work on bubbles, Kumar had shown an ability to come to the heart of things very quickly." }
{ "brx": "\"बिथाङा बयजोंबो मोजां मोनजायोमोनबो। बियो सोलोंथायारि सुबुं-समाजाव सरासनस्रा नंसिनथारैमोन।\"", "eng": "\"He was also liked by all. This is most unusual in the academic community.\"" }
{ "brx": "साबसिन बिगियानगिरिफोरजोंबो, बिथांमोनहा मोनफ्रोम बाख्नायनाय सोदोबजों मोनफा सोंखारिनाय बिबुंथि दाजाबदेरफायोमोन।", "eng": "Even with outstanding scientists, they would temper every word of praise with a critical comment." }
{ "brx": "दै गैयालासे साफा खालामनायखौ सिनायथि होनो नाजा खांबाय, नाथाय बेफोरबायदि नेमा गोबाङैनो मावदांसा गोख्रों आरो सम सम पानेलाव हायज्रिदनाय जायो, जाय आरोबाव गोहो सोमजि होनो हानाय खामानिखौ खम जाहोयो।", "eng": "Attempts have been made to introduce waterless cleaning, but these methods are largely labour intensive and have often resulted in scratches on the panels, which again reduce the efficiency of power generation." }
{ "brx": "बे नेमा इलेक्ट्र'स्टेटिक जानगार खालामनायखौ हाद्रि गुन्द्राखौ आलादा खालामनो बाहायनाय जायो, आरो दै एबा ब्रासफोरनि गोनांथि गैया जासे पानेलनि सा बाहागोनिफ्राय बाज्रुमो।", "eng": "The system uses electrostatic repulsion to cause dust particles to detach and virtually leap off the panel's surface, without the need for water or brushes." }
{ "brx": "मैसाचुसेट्स इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी (एम.आई.टी) नि बिजिरसंगिरिफोरा मोनसे दैगैयै, नांलायनो मोनै खान्थियाव सानखरां पैनलफोर, एबा सानखरां बिदुङारि कारखानानि आयनाफोराव गावनोगाव फुगारग्रा मोनसे आदब थियारि खालामदोंमोन जाय हाद्रिनि जेंनाफोरखौ गोबाङैनो बोस्रांनो हायो। बिजिरसंगिरिफोर - एमआईटीनि दिग्री लानाय फरायसा श्रीदथ पनत आरो मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंगनि बिबुंगोरा कृपा वाराणसी - मोनहा साइंस एडवांसेज लायसियाव बावैसो ओंखारनाय मोनसे पेपराव फारिखान्थिखौ फोरमायदोंमोन।", "eng": "Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have devised a way of automatically cleaning solar panels, or the mirrors of solar thermal plants, in a waterless, no-contact system that can significantly tackle the dust problem. The researchers — MIT graduate student Sreedath Panat and Professor of Mechanical Engineering Kripa Varanasi — described the process in a recent paper in the journal Science Advances ." }
{ "brx": "खान्थिया दै एबा ब्रश नाङालासे हाद्रिनि गुनद्रासाफोरा गुबुन जाहोनो आरो पैनलनि बिखुंनिफ्राय नुनायाव गोजौथिं थांहोनो इलेक्ट्रोस्टैटिक होखारनायखौ बाहायो।", "eng": "The system uses electrostatic repulsion to cause dust particles to detach and virtually leap off the panel's surface, without the need for water or brushes." }
{ "brx": "खान्थिखौ सांग्रां खालामनो थाखाय, मोनसे सरासनस्रा इलेक्ट्रोडा सानखरां पैनलनि थिख बिखं गोजौ साजों थाङो, जाय हाद्रिनि गुनद्रासाफोराव मोनसे मोबलिबारि चार्ज सोना होयो, जायफोरा जायनि उनाव पैनलाव बाहाय जानाय मोनसे चार्जजों नारख्रां जायो।", "eng": "To activate the system, a simple electrode passes just above the solar panel's surface, imparting an electrical charge to the dust particles, which are then repelled by a charge applied to the panel itself." }
{ "brx": "पनत आरो वाराणसीजों खालाम जानाय नायसोमसालि आनजादफोरा दिन्थिदों दि पैनलफोरनिफ्राय गोहो दिहुन्नाया गोबाङैनो बाङायथार, बियो हाद्रि थुबुर जानाय फारिखान्थिनि सिगाङावनो जायो, आरो सिखोन-साखोन खालामालासे से दान्नि उनावनो दिहुन्नायाव गोरलैयै 30% नि खम जालांनायखौ सिनायनो हायो। बेसिम दि मोब्लिब गोहोआव 1% खम जानाया, 150-मेगावाट सानखराङारि गायसनथायनि थाखाय, बिथां मोनहा सानदों, बोसोरारि आयाव $ 200,000 नि ख'हा जायो।", "eng": "Lab tests conducted by Panat and Varanasi showed that the drop in energy output from the panels is steep, occurs at the very beginning of the process of dust accumulation, and can easily mark a 30% reduction in output after a month without cleaning. Even a 1% reduction in power, for a 150-megawatt solar installation, they calculated, could result in a $200,000 loss in annual revenue." }
{ "brx": "बिजिरसंगिरिफोरा बुंदोंदि बुहुमनाङै, सानखराङारि कारखानाफोरनिफ्राय मोब्लिब दिहुन्नायाव मोनसे 3-4% नि खम जालांनायजों मोनसे बोसोराव 3.3 अरब डॉलर निफ्राय 5.5 अरब डॉलरसिम ख'हा जायो।", "eng": "The researchers say that globally, a 3-4% reduction in power output from solar plants amounts to an annual loss of $3.3 billion-$5.5 billion." }
{ "brx": "दैयाव-सोनारनाय सानखरां पैनलनि साखोन-सिखोन खालामनाय फारिखान्थिया मावफुंनाय एबा सामलायनायनि खरसनि 10% नि बांसिन जायो।", "eng": "\"The water-based solar panel cleaning process accounts for over 10% of operation and maintenance costs." }
{ "brx": "इ.भि. जांख्रिखांनाया जाखांफिनगासिनो।", "eng": "The E.V. revolution is revving up" }
{ "brx": "मोब्लिबारि मटर-गारिफोरनि दिहुन्नाय आरो फान्नाया बांलांगासिनो दं, नाथाय बैटरीफोराव इयुन्नि जौगानायनि राहा दं।", "eng": "There's a boom in production and sales of electric vehicles, but batteries hold the key to future growth." }
{ "brx": "आगु आयदा", "eng": "The Context" }
{ "brx": "ई.भि. फाननाया 10 बोसोराव बुहुम नाङैनो 2012 मायथाइयाव 125,000 युनिटसनिफ्राय 2020 मायथाइयाव 3.24 मिलियनाव हरखाब बारायदों मोन।", "eng": "E.V. sales have boomed in the past 10 years globally, from 125,000 units in 2012 to 3.24 million in 2020." }
{ "brx": "2021 मायथाइयाव फाननायखौ फ्राय नै गुन बांगोन होननानै मिजिं थिदों। गुबुन फारसेथिं सायनाया ई.भि हाथाइयाव दैदेनो, यूर'प आरो यु.एस. आबो ओंथि गोनां जौगानायखौ नुनो मोनदों।", "eng": "Sales are expected to almost double in 2021. While China leads the E.V. market, Europe and the U.S. have seen significant growth." }
{ "brx": "भारतनि ई.भि.नि आसा खालामथावनाखौ थाखोफोरनि गेजेरजों गोजों नुहुरो, जरखायै साखा-खबनैफोराव।", "eng": "India's E.V. prospects look bright across categories, especially in two-wheelers." }
{ "brx": "सरखारि बिथंआ दिन्थियोदि 2020 मायथाइयाव फ्राय 120,000 मोब्लिब मथ'र-गारिफोरखौ रेबथुमदों मोन।", "eng": "Government data shows that about 120,000 electric vehicles were registered in 2020." }
{ "brx": "2035 मायथाइसिमाव भारतनो मोब्लिब म'थर-गारिनि थाखाय 3,400 गीगावाट घन्था बेटारि नांहैनो हागौ।", "eng": "India could need 3,400 GWh of batteries for electric vehicles by 2035" }
{ "brx": "ई.भिफोरनि जौगानायजों लोगोसे बेटारिनि दाबि खालामनाया देरगोना थि।", "eng": "With the growth in E.Vs, the demand for batteries is set to grow." }
{ "brx": "साफा रोगाथायनि सायाव हायुं जेगेरारि गौथुमनिफ्राय नाय बिजिरग्राया, मोनसे हाबा मावनाय लेखा बिलायाव, साननानै नायदों दि जुदि ई.भिखौ नाजावनाया गोजानसिम थाङो, भारतनो 2035 मायथाइसिम गावनि ई.भिफोरनि थाखाय 3,400-4,100 गीगावाट घन्था बेटारि नांहैगोन।", "eng": "Analysts from the International Council on Clean Transportation, in a working paper, estimate that if E.V. adoption takes off, India will need about 3,400-4,100 Gigawatt hour batteries for its E.Vs by 2035." }
{ "brx": "जेला इ.भि. प्लान्टफोरा हादोरनाङै गोसारनो हमो, इन्दियाया बेटारि जगाननि थाखाय आमदानिनि सायाव द्लामैनो सोनारो।", "eng": "While E.V. plants are coming up across the country, India is heavily dependent on imports for battery supplies." }
{ "brx": "जेंना-जेंसिफोर", "eng": "The Challenges" }
{ "brx": "मोब्लिब मथ'र-गारिफोरखौ सालायनायनि फारिया लुबैनायनिफ्राय गाहायसिन।", "eng": "Driving range of electric vehicles is lower than desired" }
{ "brx": "जिबख्रिफोरनि बबे जिनआ सांग्राङै आरो बबे दलरै दं बिनि सायाव सोनारना बायदि रोखोमनि फांसनफ्रा जानो हाथावो।", "eng": "The variety of functions is made possible because cells differ in terms of which genes are flicked on and which are flicked off in them." }
{ "brx": "जेला फिसा जिन नेटवर्कफोरखौ बिजिरसंनाय जायो अब्ला जिनफ्रा बोरै गावजोंगाव गुबुन गुबुन राहायै गोहोम खोख्लैलायो बिनि थाखाय मोनसे बुलियान मडेल सोरजिनांगौखौ सासे बिजिरसंगिरिया मोनदाङा जानो हागौ।", "eng": "When dealing with small gene networks one may not feel the need to create a Boolean model to capture the different ways in which genes interact." }
{ "brx": "नाथाय गिदिर जिन नेटवर्कफोराव, बे जिनफोरनि गेजेराव थानाय सोमोन्दोफोरनि बागै मोनसे मोनदांथि होयो, लोगोसे जिननि मोनसे बाहागोआ बोरै गुबुन बाहागोनि सायाव गोहोम खोख्लैयो बिनि गुमुरखौ दिन्थियो।", "eng": "But in large gene networks, it helps capture the entire range of interactions among genes and underlines how one part of the network affects the rest." }
{ "brx": "बिजिरसंगिरिफ्रा बुलियान मडेलफोरखौ गासै 88 जिन नेटवर्कफोर जेरै मानसि, बिफां-लाइफां आरो गाहाय थाखोनि एम्फौ-एनलानिफ्राय सुजुदोंमोन।", "eng": "The researchers compiled Boolean models of 88 gene networks from humans, plants and lower organisms." }
{ "brx": "बिथांमोनहा नेटवर्कनि मोनफ्रोमबो थामोनथिनो मोननै जानो हाथावना अबस्था: से एबा लाथिख' (थामहिनबा, नंगौ एबा नङा) थि खालामना होयो।", "eng": "They assigned to every entity in the network two possible states: one or zero (that is, true or false)." }
{ "brx": "गावसोरनि बिजिरसंनायनि गेजेरजों, सुब्बारयान आरो समलआ नुयोदि बुलियान फ्रेमवर्कनि मोनसे थाखो - जायखौ नेस्टेट केनेलाइजिं फांसन्स बुंनाय जायो - बे मिथिंगायाव मेल्ला दं।", "eng": "Through their analyses, Subbaroyan and Samal found that a category in the Boolean framework — called nested canalyzing functions — is particularly enriched in nature." }
{ "brx": "बेफोर फांसनफ्रा एसेल' जेथोगोनां होनना बिथांमोनहा संना दिहुनो।", "eng": "They discovered that these functions have minimal complexity." }
{ "brx": "बे खोथाया बिजिरसंगिरिफोरखौ मोनसे थिरांथायाव फैनायाव मदद खालामोदि मिथिंगाया एसेल' जेथोगोनां फांसनफोरखौसो सायख'यो।", "eng": "It led the researchers to conclude that nature has a preference for functions with minimum complexity." }
{ "brx": "अनजिमाफोरा जोबोर सोमोनांथाव।", "eng": "The numbers are mind-boggling." }
{ "brx": "मोनब्रै जिनआ मोनसे जिनखौ दबथायोब्ला, जानो हाथावना बुलियान फांसनफ्रा नैनि सायाव नै, नैनि सायाव ब्रै; थामहिनबा 65,536 जायो।", "eng": "If you have four genes controlling one gene, the possible number of Boolean functions becomes two to the power of two to the power 4 — that is, 65,536." }
{ "brx": "आरो मोनसे जिनआ गुबुन मोनबा जिनजों दबथायजायोब्ला, जानो हाथावना बुलियान फांसनफोरनि अनजिमाया सेरोजा कौटिनिबो बांसिन।", "eng": "And if you have one gene controlled by five other genes, then the number of possible Boolean functions is more than a billion." }
{ "brx": "बिदिब्ला, जेसेबांनो दबथायग्रानि अनजिमाखौ बांहोनाय जायो, एसेबांनो जानो हाथावना दबथायनाय जुक्टिनि अनजिमाया बेरफ्रुसारो।", "eng": "So, as you increase the number of regulators, the possible number of regulatory logic explodes." }
{ "brx": "जाय फांसनफोरखौ गुबै जिब-जुनार एबा बिफां-लाइफांनि जिनफोरनो थि खालामनाय जायो बेफोरखौ जानला-मोनला खनखांनाय जायो नामा? एबा मिथिंगाया माखासे रोखोमनि फांसनफोरखौ मोजां मोनो नामा?", "eng": "Are functions assigned to genes in real organisms randomly picked? Or does nature favour some types of functions?" }
{ "brx": "\"सिगांथिं नायहरोब्ला, जोंनि खामानिया जिनम-स्केल थाखोनि बुलियान मडेल दानायाव गोहोम खोख्लैगोन आरो बै मडेलखौ गोदानै दाफिननाय लामाखौ गाव हारसिङै मावफुंनायाव मदद खालामगोन\", बिथाङा बुङो।", "eng": "\"Going ahead, our work will have implications for Boolean model construction at the genome-scale and can help automate this model reconstruction process,\" he adds." }
{ "brx": "बे फ्रेमवर्कखौ बाहायनाय समाव, बिसोर नेटवर्क सिंनि मोनफ्रोमबो गावथामोनथिनो मोननै जानो हाथावना अबस्था: से एबा लाथिख' (थामहिनबा, नंगौ एबा नङा) थि खालामना होदोंमोन।", "eng": "When using this framework, they assigned to every entity in the network two possible states: one or zero (that is, true or false)." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे जिना गुबुन मोनथाम जिनजों दबथायजायोब्ला, बुलियान फांसनफोरनि अनजिमा जाय मोनथाम इनपुटजों जाथावना बे 256।", "eng": "If a gene is controlled by three other genes, the number of Boolean functions that are possible with three inputs is 256." }
{ "brx": "अब्ला एफाबां गुवार आरो फैलाव रेन्जनिफ्राय मिथिंगाया बोरै सायख'यो?", "eng": "How does nature then choose from such a wide range?" }