16 values
Jessica Taylor
21 April 2022 10:12AM No. 0020 P. 13 Page 9 of 13 Jessica Taylor DOB: 08 August 1984 (39 yo F) Acc No. 18348 DOS 12 October 2017 Jessica Taylor Family Medicine 39 Y old Female, DOB: 08 August 1984 Account Number: 50162 of SayeBrook 434 GRAVELLEY CT, MYRTLE BEACH, SC-29588-8822 Guarantor: Brennan, Tracey G Insurance: BCBS SC Payer ID: 18348 Appointment Facility: Family Medicine Of Sayebrook 12 October 2017 Progress Notes: Jonathan Bornfreund, DO Reason for Appointment Current Medications 1. Np, get est, general checkup Taking Vitamin B-12 1000 MCG Tablet 1 History of Present Illness tablet Orally Once a day, Notes: OTC Vital Signs smoke? 11-20 BP 110/72 mm Hg, Ht 64 in, Wt 132 lbs, BMI 22.66 Index, How soon after you wake up do Temp 97.9 F, HR 78 /min, RR 18 /min, Oxygen sat % 97% you smoke your first cigarette? 6-30 minutes Examination Are you interested in quitting? Not ready to quit General Examination Additional Findings: Tobacco User GENERAL APPEARANCE: in no acute distress, well developed, Moderate cigarette smoker (10-19 well nourished. cigs/day) EARS: tympanic membrane intact, clear. Drugs/Alcohol: Alcohol Screen (Audit-C) ORAL CAVITY: no lesions. Did you have a drink containing THROAT: no erythema. Progress Note: Jonathan Bornfreund, DO 12 October 2017
What is the Procedure Date?
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Natalie Hutchinson
PT (OT) Speech General Info OT Evaluation Type : Initial evaluation Date/ Time OT Evaluation Initiated : 07-12-2019 16:14 EST Pegarido OT, Eric Ryan - 25-03-2016 17:15 EST Medical History Injury/Insult Onset Within Last 14 Days : Yes Orthopedic or Spine Surgery Diagnosis Yes Hospital Course Details Pt. is a 60 year old female that was admitted to AHC on 25-03-2016 d/t a mechanical fall in the bathroom. Procedure/Surgical History (Smart Template) : Procedure List: 07-07-2019 Ankle Open Reduction Internal Fixation Observations Hearing Details : Appears at baseline / premorbid status patient name: Natalie Hutchinson MRN: 72026205 FIN#: 92010205 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 350 of 516 Report Request ID#: 320332098
What is the Date of Evaluation?
{"text": ["07-12-2019"], "answer_start": [115]}
Antonio Romero
Novant Health Urology Antonio Romero N NOVANT 2700 Baldwin Lane MRN: 57024707, dob: 11/1993/08, Sex: M HEALTH Winston-Salem NC 27003-5706 VISIT: 09/2022/19 01/2023/25 - Office Visit in Novant Health Urology - Baldwin (continued) Clinical Notes Amb (continued) Supervising Physician: Dr Lisa Harvey History of Present Illness: Jeffrey Craig Payne is a 42 y.o. male with a history of Patient Active Problem List Diagnosis Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (*) Patient presents today for follow up of right epididymal cyst. This has been monitored via ultrasound. Physical Examination Constitutional Vitals: 08/03/22 1531 BP: 157/68 Pulse: 94 Generated on 4/11/23 8:33 PM Page 311
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Lynn Pennington
THU 43 FAX MRN: 1922380H Lynn Pennington Nassau Unly. Medical Gender: Female Center Age: 57y (28/10/1999) Current Location: ICC1-2571-JJ Faculty Statement: Attestation Attending and Resident/Fellow/Physician's Assistant Electronic Signatures: Dr Nicole George (Physician) (Signed 31/07/2021 7:32) Authored: Faculty Statement Co-Signer: Date of Procedure, Pre-Op and Post-Op Diagnosis, Specimens, Brief Operative Note, Procedure Details Dr Brian Smith (Resident Physician) (Signed 30/09/2023 7:32) Authored: Date of Procedure, Pre-Op and Post-Op Diagnosis, Specimens, Brief Operative Note, Procedure Details Requested by: Philburn, Jacqueline (Med Rec Clerk), 24/01/2019 12:25 Page 2 of 2
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Ian Case
NOVANT NOVANT HEALTH Ian Case N REHABILITATION CENTER MRN: 56424647, BIRTH DATE: 2004-03-18, Sex: M HEALTH KERNERSVILLE Adm: 2014-05-16, D/C: 2014-06-15 1730 Kernersville Medical Pkwy,Ste 201 Kernersville NC 27284 03/28/2023 - GWSM REHAB PT CONTINUOUS APPT in Novant Health Rehabilitation Center Kernersville (continued) Clinical Notes Acute (continued) Erika Klein, PT at 3/28/2023 1445 Author: Erika Klein, PT Service: Physical Therapy Author Type: Physical Therapist Filed: 03/28/23 1538 service date: 2014-06-20 Status: Signed Editor: Erika Klein, PT (Physical Therapist) Daily Treatment and Progress Report Patient Name: Ian Case BIRTH DATE: 2004-03-18 Today's Date: 2016-11-16 Referring Provider:Dr Eric Decker, MD Generated on 4/11/23 8:32 PM Page 8
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": ["2014-06-15"], "answer_start": [161]}
George Rogers
NOVANT Novant Health Urology George Rogers N 2290 Baldwin Lane MRN: 52924297, D.O.B: 11/96/09, Sex: M HEALTH Winston-Salem NC 22903-5296 visit: 21/16/09 24/17/12 - Office Visit in Novant Health Urology - Baldwin (continued) Clinical Notes Amb (continued) or family expresses understanding and all questions and concerns were answered. The patient is in agreement with the plan as stated above. Electronically Signed by Victor M Pereira, PA-C at 14/17/12 0294 Labs Urinalysis Resulted: 02/23/23 0297, Result status: Final result Order status: Completed Filed by: Lainey Younts 02/23/23 0837 Collected by: 18/18/06 0292 Resulting lab: NH UROLOGY - BALDWIN Acknowledged by: Victor M Pereira, PA-C on 02/23/23 1233 Testing Performed By All Reviewers List Victor M Pereira, PA-C on 2/23/2023 12:33 PM Generated on 4/11/23 8:32 PM Page 46
what is the admit date or admission date?
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Laura Delgado
Garibaldi, Justin Male 08/1986/27 Alliance Medical CENTER Donald D. Dietze, MD, FAANS Board Certified Neurological Surgeon Laura Delgado Fellow of the American Association of Neurological Surgery 301 Lakeshore Blvd 3348 West Esplanade S., Suite A, Metairie, LA 70002 - 1111 Slidell LA 70461 PROGRESS REPORT PATIENT NAME: Garibaldi, Justin birth date: 08/1986/27 DATE OF SERVICE: 05/2021/25 PHYSICIAN: Donald D. Dietze, MD, FAANS CHIEF COMPLAINT: Low back pain and Neck pain, Knee Pain, Headaches HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Garibaldi is a 30-year-old left-handed male who presents to our clinic today November 20, 2023 for consultation, examination, and treatment for injures/symptomology sustained in a motor vehicle accident that occurred on March 18, 2021. Mr. Garibaldi denies any prior history of neck and low back pain. The patient reports that he is not currently employed. Since the accident the patient reports treating with LA health solutions. The patient reports that he was treated for traumatic brain injury. He states an MRI was ordered of his brain, and EEG, VEP, BAER. He also reports receiving a left C5-6, C6-7, and C7-T1 facet injection on March 24, 2023 and March 17, 2023. The patient has also undergone a right C5-6, C6-7, and C7-T1 facet injection on January 27, 2023. The patient also reports having undergone a bilateral L4-5 and L5-S1 lumbar facet injection. The patient is currently being prescribed cyclobenzaprine, duloxetine, and meclizine which provide mild symptomatic relief. His primary complaint today is a constant, aching pain of the low back that radiates into the right lower Page 1
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Daniel Carey
04/28/2023 12:28 P.010/023 Specialty Meds (Final): Pred Forte 1% 1 gtt qid OS. Ofloxacin 0.3% Ophthalmic Solution 1 gtt qid os. Follow Up: Dr Patricia Murphy, MD 6-7 Weeks . CPT Codes: 99424. ICD-9 Codes: V45.42s, 842.9s, ICD-10 Codes: Z42.890s, S05.42XDs, H42.052s, S05.42XSs, P. Feme Signed: signature Dr Patricia Murphy, MD Tech: nm 17-09-2018 2:53:22 PM Assist: ap Page 3 of 3 PATIENT: Daniel Carey (DATE OF BIRTH 01-03-1987) Wednesdav. June 1. 2022
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["01-03-1987"], "answer_start": [452]}
Kayla Ellis
BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE Williams, Charles Eugene BaylorScott&White HEART AND VASCULAR MRN: 9211614, D.O.B: 25/97/10, Sex: M HEALTH HOSPITAL - DALLAS Date Service 29/16/05 621 N HALL ST DALLAS TX 75226-1339 02/09/2023 - Telephone in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Patient s/p: EPS ablation Pt denies other questions, comments or concerns at this time. Electronically signed by Rachel Galvan To. RN at 27/21/05 10:17 PM 02/09/2023 - Telephone in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas Facesheet Patient Information Patient Name Legal Sex DOB Williams, Charles Eugene Male 2/4/1959 Patient Demographics Address Phone E-mail Address 6563 ASHLAND DR 963-263-7630 (Home) *Preferred* GREENVILLE TX 75463-7628 963-263-88637 (Work) 63-631-6388 (Mobile) Basic Information Date Of Birth Legal Sex Race Ethnic Group Preferred Language Language for Written 15/19/12 Male Black or African English Material American Latino English Page 2 75208-63 Baylor Scott & White Heart & Vascular Hospital - 00063
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
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Mary Tucker
KNMH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Mary Tucker 180 W Esplanade Ave MRN: 8228228, birthdate: 21/85/07, Sex: M Kenner LA 72265 Acct #: 82202282261 Adm: 11/21/11 08/25/2022 - ED in Kenner - Emergency Dept (continued) Medication Administrations ibuprofen tablet 800 mg [822232222] Ordering Provider: Dayna G. Toscano, NP Status: Completed (Past End Date/Time) Order Date: 09/15/07 1122 Starts/Ends: 08/25/22 1200 - 08/25/22 1122 Ordered Dose (Remaining/Total): 800 mg (0/1) Route: Oral Frequency: ED 1 Time Admin Instructions: DO NOT CRUSH OR CHEW; SWALLOW WHOLE. Discharge Orders (720h ago, onward) None ED Prescriptions Medication Sig Dispense Start Date End Date Auth. Provider LIDOcaine (LIDODERM) 5 % (Expired) Place 1 patch onto 7 patch 8/25/2022 9/1/2022 Dayna G. Toscano, NP the skin once daily. Generated on 10/3/22 11:37 AM Page 28
What is the Date of operation?
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Joshua Bates
02-16-2022 08:25 1 12 >> unknown P 24/74 Coastal Neurology Inc. Procedure Note Patient Name: Loren Ferris Visit Date: 01-22-2018 Patient ID: 23674 Provider: Brad Taylor, PA Sex: Female Location: COASTAL NEUROLOGY INC Birthdate: 10-23-1990 Location Address: Referring Provider: Mr. Tyler Lawson DO Ormond Beach, FL Location Phone: (386) 788xxxx PROCEDURE NOTE: Trigger Point Injections Neck and Upper Back using Ultrasound Guidance REASON FOR PROCEDURE: Bilateral Neck and Upper Back Myofascial Pain Syndrome EBL: Less than 1 CC INJECTATE SOLUTION: Contained 10 cc of 1% lidocaine PROCEDURE PERFORMED BY: Dr Ms. Cynthia Vega, PA-C Location: Bilateral trapezius, levator scapulae, splenius capitis and parascapular muscles Location: Tendon origin of bilateral trapezius, rhomboid minor, and parascapular muscles Summary of Procedure: The patient presents today for scheduled bilateral neck and upper back trigger point injections using ultrasound guidance for the benefit of needle placement. today is cervical trigger point 1 VAS is 5/10. I have discussed with the patient the risks and benefits of the procedure. Risks included are nausea, vomiting, headaches, seizures, death, fainting episodes, and hyperglycemia. The patient understands, agrees, and consents to the procedure. [Digital Signature Validated]
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["10-23-1990"], "answer_start": [268]}
Peter Fernandez
Peter Fernandez DOB: Jan 07, 1993 (26 yo M) Acc No. 48370 Doc Name: Dec 11, 2018 NP Forms I do 00 /do not authorize the release of information pertaining to HIV/AIDS Purpose of the Requested Disclosure I am authorizing the release of my Protected Health Information for the following purposes: Medical Care Insurance At the request of patient Other (specify) Request by Attorney Time Period for this Authorization This Authorization will expire five years from the date of its execution. Revocation of This Authorization | understand that I have the right to revoke this Authorization at any time to prohibit future release of my information. To revoke this Authorization, 1 must send written notice to LA Health Solutions, to the attention of LA Health Solutions Medical Records Division at the address indicated above. I understand that my revocation of this Authorization applies to future disclosures only and will not have any effect on any disclosures of Protected Health Information made before receiving the revocation. Redisclosure I understand that my Protected Health Information disclosed pursuant to this Authorization may be redisclosed by the recipient identified above and may no longer be protected from disclosure to others by federal or state law. Waiver I hereby expressly waive any claim of privilege or privacy with respect to the released information. 1 release and forever discharge LA Health Solutions and its agents, servants, or employees from all liability or claims, of any kind or character, in any way arising out of the disclosure of the requested information, including disclosures made in good faith. Voluntary 1 understand that signing this authorization is voluntary. My treatment, payment, enrollment in a health plan, or eligibility for benefits will not be conditioned upon my authorization of this disclosure. Signature of Patient/Patient's Representative: Date: Jabbith Dec 15, 2016 Printed Name of Patient's Representative: Relationship to Patient: Peter Fernandez DOB: Jan 07, 1993 (26 yo M) Acc No. 48370 Doc Name: Dec 11, 2018 NP Forms Page 100 of 123
What is Ordered Date?
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Amy Velez
athena 09-18-2023 2:23 PM ET 613-195894839 pq 37 of 42 Privia . CCA - Cardiac Care Associates PC . 224D Cornwall St. LEESBURG VA 20646-2640 Amy Velez (id #1894836, DATE OF BIRTH: 84/09/22) Reston RRC Radiology Consultants Patient: Amy Velez DATE OF BIRTH: 84/09/22 EXM DATE: 18/01/31 Medical Record #: RHCK005192392 Procedure: RAD Chest 2V Referring Physician: Dr Brittany Jensen Reston Hospital Center K85425192392 Amy Velez Michelle I Pego NP Duyanh T Vu, MD Vu,Duyanh T Md ALYSIA D. JOHNSON RT(R) RR CHEST X-RAY, frontal and lateral views: HISTORY: WHEEZING COMPARISON: 11/3/2018 FINDINGS: The cardiac silhouette is normal. Lungs are clear. MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER OF RESTON, 1864 TOWN CENTER DRIVE, Reston VA, 26490 Fax
what is the service date or date of service?
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Erica Erickson
l'have not violated Labor Code 13. s and the contents of the report and bill are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed this date, Solano County, California. 11.00 DATE: T 97.1 P 72 R 12 B/P 135/78 CURRENT MEDS: See lied list 1/:52 in WT162 HT 56 Last Tetanus: ALLERGIES/ADVERSE REACTIONS Patient Instruction: Acceptable level: Pain: Yes pain No Ley 18 MEDICATIONS: NEDA Learner: Patient: Pain is the primary reason for this visit LATEX: to Family: 26 yo Male c/o fugist area pair at Teaching Method: Verbal Presentation: R) Leg Injured by slipping happened Demonstration: Written Materials: is days ago u. Day puts) Medication: - Medications dispensed: 2130pm RDJUOQ 60ms PM toradol MSaympe OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Provider: Dr.kitchens Date of Service: 19 Oct 2023 Time: 10:11 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd. Suite 203, Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4600 Patient: DOB: 16 Jan 1999 Initial Visit Employed DOI: 17 Mar 2016 135 31 Aug 2017
What is the Procedure Date?
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Stephen Wilson
July 06, 2014 4:14 TEXAS_MRI (FAX)73359136267 P.002/003 Meadowbrook Medical Patient: Stephen Wilson date of examination: May 18, 2020 12:15 PM DATE OF BIRTH: April 18, 1999 Age 67 Physician: Dr Michael Chase MRN: TXCS20085 Exam: LUMBAR SPINE wo MRI LUMBAR SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST INDICATION: MVA. Low back pain. COMPARISON: None. TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence images were obtained through the lumbar spine without administration of Intravenous contrast. FINDINGS: VERTEBRAE/ALIGNMENT: Straightening of normal lumbar lordotic curvature. No evidence of acute fracture. The vertebral body heights are preserved. IMPRESSION: 1. L4-L5 posterior left subarticular/foraminal 3.8 mm disc protrusion-subligamentous disc / herniation Impinges on the descending left L5 nerve root in the lateral recess. Associated severe left neural foraminal stenosis. 2. Severe foraminal stenosis with left L4 nerve root impingement In the foraminal space. page of 2 73797-11 BCS Medical - 00036
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
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Donna Bailey
CERTIFICATION AND RECERTIFICATION Skilled Nursing Facility - Level of Care Physician: Maurice May Donna Bailey 07-25-2017 Customer Name DATE OF ADMIT 7XQ1FD8mK Medicare Number Recertification I certify that continued inpatient skilled care is necessary for the following (must list reason for each of continued need box checked on line below): for inpatient skilled care Occupational therapy Sweet Physical Therapy the Spring Speech Therapy Specify any additional skilled care 7xweek am, Dementia, CAD HTN Syrupi J estimate that the duration of Inpatient Skilled Care will be for 30 days. Date Due: Plans for post-skilled care are: Home Health Agency Home w/ Office Care Long Term 12/7/20 Care Other: To Be signed on or before 14th day Continued care is for the condition the patient received inpatient hospital care and/or the treatment after admission of conditions that developed or were treated as the result of the hospital stay or SNF. d 11-01-2020 Physician's Signature SIGNATURE Revised June, 2012
What is Collection Date?
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James Stone
23-09-15 1:35 PM EDT OneCallCareManagement via VSI-FAX Page 1 of 2 #3417302 OI 954 Torres Lake Kellyborough, PR 56839 992-846-9327 PASADENA, CA, 91101 224-603-6327 Countryside Regional Compassion, Confidence, Comfort Patient Name DATE OF BIRTH MRN James Stone 89-09-28 38.2461888 AT THE REQUEST OF AGE / SEX Service Date Dr Michael Camacho MD 74 y/F 21-07-16 954 Torres Lake Kellyborough, PR 56839 MRI RIGHT ELBOW CLINICAL HISTORY appendix removal in 2010. History of Diabetes in 1999. No surgery to the right elbow. Recent physical therapy with some relief of symptoms. Requesting assessing for acuity of changes. COMPARISON None TECHNIQUE The MRI was performed on a GE High Field 1.5 Tesla Signa Infinity Excite. FINDINGS Tendons: There is slight thickening and minor edema to the common extensor tendon, a full-thickness IMPRESSION FINDINGS FOR LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS, AGE OF CHANGES ARE UNKNOWN. NO FULL-THICKNESS TEAR. OTHERWISE NORMAL MRI RIGHT ELBOW. PASADENA James Stone 24618883 Page 3 of 2 1381
What is the Procedure Date?
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April Mason
FAX MRN: 1936371H April Mason Nassau Unly. Medical Gender: Female Center Age: 54y (09-12-1993) Current Location: ICC1-2241-JJ Operative Report [Charted Location: MICU-2244-II] [date of service: 02-09-2023 0:14 Authored: 24-Mar-22 16:07] - for Visit: 9922464, Complete, Revised, Signed in Full, General Date of Procedure: Date of Procedure 21-12-2021 0:14 Pre-Op and Post-Op Diagnosis: Pre Op Diagnosis Comments left eye ruptured globe, 180 degree scleral laceration, lateral rectus laceration Post Op Diagnosis Comments: Post Op Diagnosis Comments left eye ruptured globe, 180 degree scleral laceration, lateral rectus laceration Specimens: Specimen Details: No specimen submitted for this procedure. (1) Requested by: Philburn, Jacqueline (Med Rec Clerk), 07-Apr-22 12:25 Page 1 of 2
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Caitlyn Moss
<<Back to Review>>180298-26-HYPERLINK- Hyperlink-Page 243 Tow er Physical Therapy, Inc. Patient N ame:Caitlyn Moss 1151 Colorado Ave, Suite 150 Patient # :315805 Turlock, CA 15382-1500 Phone: (215)156-1560 Daily N ote / birth date: 01/08/06 Document Date: 21/04/11 Fax: (215)215-3155 Billing Sheet Plan Instructions: Progressing Patient Next Visit Mar Chris Stempson, MPT, CSCS PT25198 for State of CA E lectronically Signed b y Chris Stempson, MP,TCSCS on 16/01/24 at 10:2 am 001543 0153 2 of 2 Powered by WebF,
What is Ordered Date?
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Jesse Cole
07 May 2014 FROM- CWFMD 936-703-5455 T-252 P0031/0063 F-236 Conroe Regional Medical Center - Women's Imaging 504 Medical Center Blvd. Conroe, TX 77304 Patient: Jesse Cole Facility ID: BH55448111/AA DOB_question: 22 May 2002 Height / Weight: 65.0 in. 100.0 lbs. Measured: 07 December 2021 Sex / Ethnic: Female White Analyzed: 07 December 2021 AP Spine Bone Density Trend Densitometry Ref: L2-L4 (BMD) Trend: L2-L4 (BMD) BMD (g/cm2) YA T-score %Change vs Baseline 1.456 Normal Trend: L2-L4 1 Change vs Measured Age BMD Previous Previous Date (years) (g/cm2) (g/cm2) (%) 07 December 2021 46.7 0.965 COMMENTS: -0.155 -13.8' 07 December 2021 37.8 1.120 GE Healthcare Lunar iDXA ME+200592 Name: Jesse Cole BIRTH DATE: 22 May 2002
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Megan Rocha
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is a 62-year-old male who presents stating that he hit his head on the these on Saturday. He states he has pain and swelling to the she and Have maybe from detail sound.. He has had vomiting. He also has neck pain. ALLERGIES: Please refer to chart. PRESENT MEDICATIONS: Please refer to chart.Sunset Community Hospital PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. SOCIAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. FAMILY HISTORY: Please refer to chart. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please refer to chart. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Please refer to chart. INITIAL VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 137/68, pulse 80, respirations 16, temperature 82掳 INITIAL ORDERS: Initial orders were written for CT of the head, cervical spine. He was also given Toradol 60 mg intramuscularly. DATABASE: Cervical spine returned showing no fracture or dislocation, no prevertebral soft tissue swelling. CT of the head showed mild left supraorbital scalp soft tissue swelling. MEDICAL DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: Based upon these findings, the Patient name: Megan Rocha PHYSICIAN: Dr Alex Donovan, MD MED.REC.NO.: 14-60-44 1038369-E EMERGENCY ROOM NOTE ADMISSION: 2017-05-13 Sunset Community Hospital 8748 Jesus Station Myersberg, OH 14672 DATE OF SERVICE: 2016-06-04 discharge day: 2017-06-12 Page 1 CHART COPY 82 of 107 2017-05-08
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Andrea Mclean
Andrea Mclean DOB: 13 November 1995 (66 yo M) Acc No. 14659 DOS: 29 September 2017 Andrea Mclean 66 Y old Male, DOB: 13 November 1995 208 N SILVER MAPLE DR, SLIDELL, LA-70458-5483 LA Health Solutions Home: 504-446-8765 Surgeon: Ronald C. Segura, M.D. 29 September 2017 Ronald C. Segura, M.D. OPERATIVE REPORT Pre-op. Diagnosis: 1.CERVICAL FACET SYNDROME Post-op. Diagnosis: 1.THE SAME Operation: 1.CERVICAL INTRA-ARTICULAR FACET JOINT INJECTION: RIGHT C5/6, C6/7, & C7/T1 LEVELS Anesthesia: Local 1% Lidocaine & Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2% Indications: Details of Procedure: This procedure was performed at LA Health Solutions in Metairie, Louisiana. The patient was seen and examined in the preoperative area where informed consent was obtained explaining the risks, benefits, and alternative treatments to the patient. Operative site was marked using a skin marker. The same exact steps of the procedure were repeated in detail for the Right C6/7 & C7/T1 facet joints. There were no apparent complications. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Band aides were placed over the skin entry sites. The patient was transferred to the recovery area and monitored for approximately 10-15 minutes. The patient was discharged to home in stable condition and is to return to clinic as scheduled. PAIN LEVEL PRIOR TO THE INJECTION: 7/10 PAIN LEVEL AFTER THE INJECTION: 0/10 Specimens: Complications: Progress Note: Ronald C. Segura, M.D. 27 November 2016 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software (
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["13 November 1995"], "answer_start": [23]}
Paul Lopez
Date 23/04/07 Occupational Health A Northbay Affiliate Page I 1101 B. Gale Wilson Blvd, Suite 203 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) xxx-4600, Fax: (707) xxx-4601 Work Status Summary Company: Chevy's- FF Employee: Florentino Mejia-Gallego 1530 Travis Blvd 1534 Travio Ct. Fairfield, CA Random_5_digit_number Apt. #1 Fairfield, CA Random_5_digit_number Attention: Devon Gilmore Ident: xxx-xx-8092 DOB: 97/08/14 Telephone: (707) xxx-8374 Fax: (707) xxx-2134 Department: Job Title: Provider: Kitchens, Charles MD Phone: (707) xxx-5182 Visit Date: 18/06/29 Time In: 9:51AM Out: 10:45AM Purpose: Worker's Comp Follow Up Insurance Information GALLAGHER BASSETT Contact: P.O. BOX 63820 Telephone: 714-63820 Ext: ANAHEIM (South), CA 92825-63820 Fax: 714-9363820 Presenting Problem Date of Injury: 17/03/15 Case Number: 2012-63820 Claim Number:002406063820WC01 Diagnosis
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Barbara Ho
NH NOVANT Novant Health Urology Barbara Ho 2170 Baldwin Lane MRN: 51724177, DOB: 05/85/08, Sex: M HEALTH Winston-Salem NC 27173-5176 Visit: 25/19/08 25/16/06 - Office Visit in Novant Health Urology - Baldwin (continued) Clinical Notes Amb (continued) Radiologic/Medical Testing Data Reviewed I have independently visualized the images and found: testicular US 10/22/21: Latest known visit with results is: Office Visit on 25/16/06 Component Date Value Ref Range Status Cholesterol, Total 08/01/2022 191 100 - 199 mg/dL Final Triglycerides 08/01/2022 147 0 - 149 mg/dL Final Generated on 4/11/23 8:33 PM Page 312
What is Ordered Date?
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Jason Ramirez
Printed: 03/15/21 11:34 22 PatientKeeper庐 By: STANFORD, KIRSTEN RAD CHEST 2V PALAT Jason Ramirez. Age: 19Y Gender: F BIRTH DATE: 15-11-2003 MRN: K043867050 Phone: (359)591-8590 Date/Time 07-11-2023 0:25 Status Signed Source Reston Hospital Center RAD CHEST 2V PA LAT ORDERED PROVIDER: Pego, Michelle I NP date of examination: 02-03-2020 FACITLIY: MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER RESTON STATUS: Signed Exam Procedure 002659419 RAD/RAD CHEST 2V PA LAT Signed: DR.VUDU 08-08-2023 10:30am RAD CHEST 2V PA LAT CHEST X-RAY, frontal and lateral views: HISTORY: WHEEZING COMPARISON: 11-03-2020 FINDINGS: The cardiac silhouette is normal. IMPRESSION: Normal chest xray. Reported by: Duyanh T Vu, MD Signed by: Dr Bradley Gutierrez, MD Page 1 of 1
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
{"text": ["02-03-2020"], "answer_start": [350]}
Catherine Pacheco
Report #: 1008-0042 Signed CHRISTUS SPOHN HEALTH SYSTEM - CORPUS CHRISTI - SOUTH Operative Report PATIENT NAME: Angela Schmidt DATE OF BIRTH: Sep 02, 2001 MEDICAL RECORD NUMBER MV00442842 ACCOUNT NUMBER AV0042605042 LOCATION: AV.MS3A ADMIT DATE: Feb 28, 2018 DISCHARGE DATE: Mar 30, 2018 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: ASMIK ASATRIAN MD PROCEDURE DATE: Dec 21, 2019 PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: Deep and superficial reactive seroma, status post incision and drainage of reactive seroma and application of wound VAC ANESTHESIA: General ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: 30 mL cc: Patient Status: DIS IN M.R.#: MV00480850 Patient: TREJO,ELMA MUNOZ Account #: AV0001605094 Attending Dr.: ASMIK ASATRIAN, MD Admit/Service date: Mar 06, 2016 Discharge date: Mar 30, 2018 DOB: Sep 02, 2001 Loc/Room #: AV.MS3A/AV.302-1 Medical Records' copy Medical Records Primary Care Dr.: LILJEBI Page 1 of 42 76742-3 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00342
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Amanda Cabrera
Firefox about:blank From: Patient Ledger Business Unit: David A Goldman MD LLC Amanda Cabrera 20/12/84 I MRN: 036659 I PMS: 438-19124185897 3502 Kyoto Gardens Dr Suite B 3229 GARDENS EAST DR APT C Palm Beach Gardens, FL 334102984 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 334105706 (561) 891-2610 Fax: Bill Mark Milner I David A. Goldman MD LLC D.O.S Posting Date Details Charges Payment Adj. Ins Balance Pat Balance 31/01/19 - CB000D209 298.36 174.25 124.11 0.00 0.00 DOS Posting Date Details Charges Payment Adj. Ins Balance Pat Balance 18/10/21 CB000AW87 492.22 274.85 217.37 0.00 0.00 Bill Mark Milner I David A. Goldman MD LLC of DOS Posting Date Details Charges Payment Adj. Ins Balance Pat Balance 02/02/2023 PM Amanda Cabrera | 20/12/84 I MRN: 036659 I PMS: 438-19124185897 1 of 2
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["20/12/84"], "answer_start": [109]}
Sara White
BRAVE HEALTH INC 1951 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 300 OWENS, Shannon (id #92964, dob: 1995-17-06) Encounter Date: 2015-02-08 Patient Name OWENS, SHANNON (46yo, F) Appt. Date/Time 2023-09-08 DOB 1995-17-06 Service Dept. Florida Eastern Provider ANNA LOSITO, LMFT Insurance Med Primary: HUMANA Insurance # H06333xx Med Mental Health: CARELON BEHAVIORAL HEALTH MEDICAID Insurance # : H06333xx Prescription: check now Chief Complaint MediCAID Assessment Vitals Vitals are not configured. Allergies None recorded. Medications Diazopam and cymbalta 60mg 2ce daily Vaccines None recorded. Problems Reviewed Problems Multiple sclerosis - Onset: 2019-13-01 Generalized anxiety disorder - Onset:2019-13-01 Major depressive disorder - Onset: 2019-13-01 Family History Discussed Family History Social History Reviewed Social History Brave Social History Primary Residence-Current: Other Patient Lives With: Roommate Relationship Status: Separated Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Current Family Description: I have 1 son, 17 years old lives with his father Major Familial Events: yes Any family history of physical health?: mother has Narcissistic, Pscyzo-affective disorder DCFS Involvement: Previous Involvement Case No Longer Active Developmental History: All developmental milestones met at appropriate age Hobbies: love to cook Brave Employment Education Level/Academic History: Bachelor Employed Currently: Unemployed Employment History is consistent: No Adequate Financial Resources: No Brave Substance Abuse Current or past history of Substance Use? : No Alcohol Use: No Tobacco Use: No
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Michael Guzman
Michael Guzman DOB: 03-05-1986 (88 yo M) Acc No. CR882997 07-11-2019, 9:09 AM JAX SPINE & PAIN CENTERS Courtney Delaparte, APRN 5191 FIRST COAST TECH PKWY THIRD FLOOR Nurse Practitioner JACKSONVILLE, FL 32224-0609 Tel: 904-223-3321 Fax: Patient: Michael Guzman 07-11-2019 DOB: 03-05-1986, Sex: Male Address: 1329 SOARING FLIGHT WAY, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225-6828 Phone: 904-887-5708 Ordered Date: 06-25-2023 Assessments: Lab: OTHER Fasting: No Specimen: Clinical Info: Name Value Reference Range Carisoprodol Cotinine EtG Gabapentin Result: Received Date: Notes: Patient Name: Michael Guzman , DOB: 03-05-1986 file:///C:/Users/Emilym/AppData/Local/Temp/eCW.qini20at.emp/8f6cfce6-7098-4914-b013-deb0b635698c.htm 1/1 Michael Guzman DOB: 03-05-1986 (88 yo M) Acc No. CR882997 Page 43 of 166
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": ["06-25-2023"], "answer_start": [436]}
Matthew Moon
21/10/13, 11:43 AM Print Preview Matthew Moon DOB: 89/01/19 (68 yo M) Acc No. 14319 DOS: 20/11/19 Follow Up per specialist called Electronically signed by Carlos Levy, DO on 23/02/01 at 01:45 PM EDT Sign off status: Completed Addendum: 21/10/13 11:43 AM Alexander, MD, Michael > Patient is Medically Cleared for proposed surgery. Satellite AssociatesMD-PEMBROKE - PINES 2004 N FLAMINGO RD Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Progress Note: Carlos Levy, DO 14/07/20 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software ( 3/3
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Elizabeth Nelson
Report #: 1125-0017 Signed CHRISTUS SPOHN HEALTH SYSTEM - CORPUS CHRISTI - SOUTH Discharge Summary PATIENT NAME: Katherine Baird DATE OF BIRTH: 18/88/05 MEDICAL RECORD NUMBER MV0048017 ACCOUNT NUMBER AV0001605017 LOCATION: AV.MS3A ADMIT DATE: 08/23/04 DISCHARGE DATE: 08/23/05 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN ASMIK ASATRIAN MD HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 69-year-old Hispanic American female admitted to Spohn Hospital South on 09/29/2022 to Dr. Asatrian, the Christus Thomas M.R.#: MV00480850 Patient: TREJO,ELMA MUNOZ Account # AV0001605094 Attending Dr.: ASMIK ASATRIAN, MD Admit/Service date: 13/16/04 Discharge date: 08/23/05 DOB: 18/88/05 Loc/Room #: AV.MS3A/AV.302-1 Medical Records' copy Medical Records Primary Care Dr.: LILJEBI Page 1 of 17 76717-3 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00176
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Julia Norris
N NOVANT NOVANT HEALTH Julia Norris KERNERSVILLE OUTPATIENT MRN: 54624467, date of birth: 02-20-1993, Sex: M HEALTH SURGERY Adm: 06-27-2016, D/C: 07-27-2016 1460 Kernersville Medical Parkway, Suite 464 KERNERSVILLE NC 27464- 7198 02-09-2020 - Admission (Discharged) in Novant Health Kernersville Outpatient Surgery Center (continued) Clinical Notes Acute (continued) rosuvastatin calcium (CRESTOR) TAKE 1 TABLET(5 MG) BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME 5 mg tablet Improvement from treatments: 80% relief from last bilateral L4-5 TFESI Side effects from medicines: None Activity Level-_adequate Abberant Behavior- Procedures; 10-23-2019 - L4/5 TFESI Images: X-Ray Lumbar Spine (3/5/2021): TECHNIQUE: 2 views lumbar spine. Generated on 4/11/23 8:33 PM Page 325
what is the service date or date of service?
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Jacqueline Robertson
Electronic Physician Orders Order: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Order Date/Lime 23/11/03 09:56 EST Order Status: Completed Activity Type: General Lab End-state Date/Time 12/4/2021 8:8 EST Electronically Signed by: FERNANDEZ OLIVERO SR MD, Consulting Physician: GERARDO ANDRES Entered By: Contributor system.FLHO MISYS on 12/4/2021 09:56 EST Order Details: Routine collect, 16/09/10 9:55:00 AM EST, Lab Collect Order Comment: PATIENT NAME: Jacqueline Robertson MRN: 75026505 FIN#: 95010505 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 128 of 516 Report Request ID#: 350335098
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Joel Gomez
Valley Medical Center EMERGENCY ROOM CLINICAL REPORT WITH DISCHARGE Patient name: Joel Gomez EMERGENCY ROOM PATIENT ACCT: X0022672040 UNIT #: G0191677 DATE OF ADMIT: 25 June 2022 DISCHARGE DATE: Patient name: Joel Gomez Clinical Report - Physicians/Mid Levels MRN: G0671187 Valley Medical Center Time Seen: 12:13 18 March 2022. Arrived- By private vehicle. Historian- patient and family. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Chief Complaint: ; PROBLEM IN THE RIGHT KNEE. This started 3 days ago and is still present and now worse. Recent medical care: The patient was seen recently at this facility in the emergency department. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS No cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever or skin rash. PAST HISTORY See nurses notes. ( Angioedema. Renal Insuffi.ciency.) Hunt Patient Care Inquiry **LIVE** (PCI: OE Database HUD) Run: 14 December 2023-15:53 by WARREN, CATHERINE Page 1 of 7 000517
What is Collection Date?
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Jeffrey Gordon
Encounter # MR# Enc Start Date Time Pt Location 60000902775 8621943 03/22/06 07:11 ADLT ED Waiting Indy ECD# Level of Care Clin Svc EPT Enc Type 4112231904 Other EMR ER OP Countryside Regional Preferred Language Admit Source Confidential Infectious Disease English Phys Ref Email Admit Type Incident Date Incident Type Emergent Advance Dir: Race: Soc Sec # Gdr MS No Black F S Age BIRTH DATE Religion\ Church Adm Clerk 36Y 28/02/12 COG \ UKN 016 patient name Address, Phone Employer Name, Address, Phone Emplm Sts, Class, Cat Jeffrey Gordon EXTENDED STAY AMERICA Empl 9969 Jennifer Cove Wellsburgh, RI 39499 Indianapolis, IN 46254 County: Marion Home: 594-679-7168 Day: Cell: 145-264-9055 Guarantor Name, Pt Rel, Address, Phone Guarantor Empr, Address, Phone Empim Sts, Class, Cat Jeffrey Gordon Self EXTENDED STAY AMERICA Empl Phone: 317-298-0651 317-514-7862 Emergency Contact 1 Emergency Contact 2 Jeffrey Gordon PO Box 1575 Authorization # Eligibility # 28/02/12 Primary Physician Reason for Encounter Dr Erica Patterson HBS Admitting Physician Copy to Physician Emergency, Indianapolis Attending Physician Emergency, Indianapolis Printed: 21/16/07 7:29 User: jdunl534 02A 4118867004 SVI 0053
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Cynthia Whitehead
10:35 AM FROM: Fax California Orthopaedic Surgery and Hand Institute PAGE: 001 OF 003 BP: 162/80 P:86 Resp: 12 Wt: 530 Ht:60 BMI: 53 (Vital signs recorded by Medical Assistant) Objective Findings: (Include significant physical examination, laboratory, imaging, or other diagnostic findings.) No new local changes to the right elbow. Diagnoses: DI CODE Description 1 M53.11 Kidney Stones Treatment Plans: Patient to start with outpatient Acupuncture, 6 sessions Advised to use over-the-counter oral analgesic medication and/or over-the-counter oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication as needed. Medications Prescribed: None. Work Status: Modified duty - No lifting greater than 5 pounds. Primary Treating Physician: (Original signature) exam date: Mar 09, 2024 fauch Speel PAC Crystal Norris, P.A. C-T-2016-10-10_11:00:07_Digitally Signed Charle I Reoving MD Dr Shannon Miller, M.D.-S-May 26, 2016_21:52:45_Digitally Signed Executed at: Pasade na, California Date: Apr 08, 2015 Physician Name: Dr Shannon Miller, M.D. Specialty: Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery Physician Address: 142 Lopez Rest Zhangport, NC 25256 Phone: 772-517-7913 Next follow up visit: 4 weeks DWC Form PR-2 (Rev. 10/2015) Page: 2 1196
What is the Procedure Date?
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Chad Myers
From dcatalyst16 18443858095 8/29/2022 10:58:59 PDT Page 12 of 17 (3) 10 Week(s) F/U TVV Follow up with Dr Gary Green, M.D. PRIMARY TREATING PHYSICIAN ATTESTATION: This report was scribed by Aspeitia, Cassandra. / declare under penalty of perjury that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that / have not violated Labor Code 搂 139.3. Sincerely, Dr Gary Green MD Exm Date: 29/06/19 RehabOne RehabOne Programs MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION Industrial Patient: Chad Myers Exm Date: 29/06/19 Performing Provider: Dr Gary Green MD THERAPY: Acupuncture: Body Parts: low back. Performed by Brent Dauphin, L.A.c. License# CA 15447 with RehabOne Programs in Salinas. : 2x/week for 3 weeks. Clinical Rationale: The requested medical treatment is medically necessary to cure or relieve the effects of the 16Corona, Araceli : Aug 25, 2022 page 11
What is the Date of Consultation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Ricky Vaughn
Seafile Report - Ricky Vaughn - 537, 4-, 2022, pdf Download(101.5 KB) Current path: 50-Ricky Vaughn / CHEST X RAY / Report - Ricky Vaughn_537, 4-, 2022,.pdf A&Y REHABILITATION CENTER 8326 SW 8 St. Miami, FL 33144 Patient Name: Ricky Vaughn Date of Birth: 85/02/03 Sex: M Study Description: STAT CHEST PRE OP Date of Exam: 17/02/02 12:54:59 Referring Physician: Chest radiographs in PA and lateral views were obtained and submitted for interpretation. There is no evidence of focal pneumonia, infiltrates or effusion. The cardiothoracic ratio is normal. No mediastinal shifting or mass is present. The skeletal structure is unremarkable. IMPRESSION No acute cardiopulmonary process is demonstrated. Electronically signed Reading and Interpretation Only Herb Pena, MD Diagnostic Radiology +
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Lynn Mitchell
22/17/06 11:00:10 AM Assumption Primary Care 9852282401 5/11 Lynn Mitchell (MRN 456870) date of birth: 21/99/11 Encounter Date: 11/23/06 MRN: 56870 Lynn Mitchell Office Visit 17/19/12 Provider: Jacobs, April, NP (Family Medicine) Assumption Primary Care Primary diagnosis: Acute bilateral low back pain without sciatica Reason for Visit: Back Pain; Referred by Paille, Nicole, NP HPI: Nadine A Buggage is a 74 y.o. female who presents to the clinic today with Back Pain (Patient here today for follow up back pain from a fall 1 week ago. Review of Systems: Review of Systems Constitutional: Negative for chills, fatigue and fever, HENT: Negative for congestion, ear discharge, ear pain, postnasal drip, rhinorrhea, sinus pressure, sinus pain, sneezing, sore throat and voice change. Objective: Physical Exam Vitals reviewed. HENT: Head: Normocephalic. Neck:
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["21/99/11"], "answer_start": [114]}
Kevin Ruiz
Page: 2 Surgical Case Record patient name: BP00046620 Kevin Ruiz dob: 02/11/02 Account No: BP31438518694 Age: 48 Physician: Dr Jennifer Foster MD Sex: F Specialty: ORS-Orthopaedic Surgery Room-Bed/T.Loc: O.R.: POR04-OPERATING ROOM #4 Date of Operation, Operation Date, Oper Date: 15/06/25 Valley View Hospital Primary Procedure: LEFT KNEE MANIPULATION Case Close/ Run Date: 14/12/23 Transmitted: 12/23/22 1222 P.SUR.DP Peterson, Deloras Run Time: 1944 PRE-OP ASSESSMENTS Occurred 12/22/22 1144 Landry, Courtney Recorded 12/22/22 1144 Landry, Courtney Physiological problem/alteration in: Musculoskeletal Infection - - MUSCULOSKELETAL ALTERATION - - Musculoskeletal alteration problem expected to: Improve/Resolve Inserted 12/22/22 0830 - - Instance list status: Active IV/IO/Subcutaneous line status: Start Inserted by, if other than current documenter: Nurse Number of attempts: 2 Skin prep used: Chlorhexidine/Alcohol IV site dressing: Transparent IV site dressing clean, dry and intact: Yes IV site absent of redness, heat or edema: Yes <End> DOCUMENTATION IV summary: Venous Left Antecubital 20 g Inserted 12/22/22 0830 IV type: CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 *** patient name: Kevin Ruiz MRN:BP00043554 Encounter:BP0001107108 Page 2 of 29 73797-42 Valley View Hospital -00024
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": ["15/06/25"], "answer_start": [316]}
Ashley Love
Oct 20, 2020 02:58 PM TO: 16103548946 8333674968 Page: 60 account No: 118562 CITRUS Ashley Love CARDIOLOGY 37 Y old Male, DOB: May 24, 1990 Consultants, P.A. Account Number: 2313299 1138 CR 457, LAKE PANASOFFKEE FL-33538-5314 Guarantor: Simons, Sherry D Insurance: HUMANA MEDICARE HMO PCP: Cathlen S Delva, M.D. Appointment Facility: Citrus Cardiology - 308 Inverness Mar 31, 2016 Progress Notes KACI DYMOND Current Medications Reason for Appointment Taking 1. 6 Month F/U Propranolol HQ ER60 MG Capsule Extended Ashley Love M 37 Release 24 Hour 1 capsule Orally Once a day 2. Pt denies any new cardiac concerns DOS : Nov 26, 2022 DOB: May 24, 1990 Xarello 20 MG Tablet 1 tablet with food Orally Once Assessments Acct C11920 a day Medication List reviewed and reconciled with the 1. Paroxysmal a-fib - 148.0 (Primary) PrimProv: Prada, Stefan, MD patient 2 Cardiomyopathy - 142.9 3. Medical History Past appendectomy 8. Permanent atrial fibrillation - 148.21 hernia repair lapband To: 360 Ortho and Spine, Subject: Progress Notes, Fax#: 833-367-4968 SendDate: Oct 20, 2020 page 1/3 [-ufg2.4.1.12in]
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Victor Martinez
EGIS Laboratory Director Matthew T. Hardison PhD CLIA Number 44D108xxxx Laboratory Report 515 Great Circle Road Nashville, TN 37xxxxx SCIENCES CORPORATION (615) 695-2469 Fax (615) 695-3069 Clinic Information Patient Information Sample Information Client: South Texas Bone & Joint Patient Name: Kevin Clark Lab Sample ID: 69181769 601 Texan Trail Specimen Type: Urine Corpus Christi, TX 78469 Patient ID: 457965069 Collected: Feb 27, 2024 Requesting Provider: Date of Birth: May 01, 1994 Received: May 21, 2016 JOHN MASCIALE Male/Female: Female Reported: Feb 28, 2018 Medication(s) Prescribed Codeine, Tramadol Cyclobenzaprine, Gabapentin Test(s) Requested 00197iU QMP Plus D/L s 04440 Marijuana Medication Compliance Drug and/or Metabolites Result Interpretation Copyright @ 2018 Aegis Sciences Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 69 76769-3 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00069
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Patricia Brown
07/15/2022 6:35:40 am FROM:LABCORP LCLS BULK TO: 187449740495 LABCORP Page 3 of 4 TO: ATTN:Ortho LA - Houma PATIENT BIRTHDATE GENDER SERVICE DATE PHY3ICIAN Patricia Brown 91-08-24 F 19-10-20 Dr Tiffany Blankenship PATIENT'D 54383 Appount. 17032405 Ortho LA Houma 180 Corporate Dr, Houma, LA 70380 ACCESSION NUMBER: U3553858 REQUISITION NUMBER 13861353880 RECEIVED: 22-10-14 6.35 AM Report Status: FINAL TOXASSURE COMP DRUG ANALYSIS,UP Drug Result Unit of measure where result is quantitative Is hg/mg creatinine Version: LabCorp MedTox Reported: 22-10-14 8.17 AM LABORATORIES Page: 1 of 2 LabCrep Specialty testing Grat
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Paula Arias
13-11-2021 04:45 PM TO:41103548941 FROM: 8341674941 Page: 80 360 PRE-SURGERY INSTRUCTIONS ORTHO AND SPINE COVID symptoms. If you arrive to the surgery center with symptoms and do not have proof of a NEGATIVE (-) test result, your surgery will be cancelled. Initial Prior to your surgery, please be sure to complete the following: CASS Pre-Procedure Medical History and Medication Reconciliation Forms Current Medications/Vitamins: Review list provided on Pages 2 & 3 and follow all guidelines. Bloodwork must be completed within 30 days of your surgery. These include: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) and Prothrombin Time (PT/INR) which will measure how long it takes your blood to clot. We will provide you with the order for the bloodwork at your Pre-Operative Appointment. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT ON THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR SURGERY AND PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME TO THE SURGERY CENTER. My signature is proof that I have read and understand that failing to follow the above guidelines will cause a delay in my treatment due to surgery cancellation. PATIENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE Chil E DATE. 03-08-2021
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Amy Cervantes
Aug 25, 2020 10:13:54 Oklahoma Spine 4058789439 11/39 Page 39 PATIENT NAME Veronica Simpson MR#: M000143739 ADM DATE: Feb 01, 2019 DOB: Sep 13, 1995 SEX: M 10:50 AM DC DATE: Mar 03, 2019 01:20 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Patricia Neal, M.D. PM 2. Continue on present medications. 3. Return for followup appointment within I to 2 weeks to check on response to the injection or to repeat the injection or to proceed for RF ablation and to make any necessary medication adjustment and determine subsequent treatment steps. Electronically signed at Sep 26, 2016 7:08 AM (GMT -5) Khali Khan MA Patricia Nealn, M.D. KK epins Dietated: 08.16.2023 01:48 PM Transcribed: Mar 05, 2017 05:53 AM Doc: X161565 CC: Muhammad M Gillan, M.D.
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": ["Feb 01, 2019"], "answer_start": [133]}
Jessica Hansen
What is Collection Date?
{"text": ["02-17-2022"], "answer_start": [531]}
Paul Moore
Downtown Medical Center 44151 Nash Park Port Lindamouth, AS 18299 Paul Moore M MRN: 8655141, D.O.B: 25-11-1991, Sex: F Adm: 13-04-2022, D/C: 13-05-2022 13-04-2022 - ED in Emergency - 44151 Nash Park Port Lindamouth, AS 18299 Reason for Visit Chief complaint: Drug Overdose Visit diagnosis: Ulcerative Colitis Visit Information Admission Information Arrival Date/Time: 13-04-2022 2153 date of admit/Time: 13-04-2022 2155 IP Adm. Date/Time: Admission Type: Emergency (Medical Point of Origin: Non-healthcare Admit Category: Intervention For Facility Point Of Severe, Life Origin Threatening Or Disabling Condition. Means of Arrival: Ambulance, Guilford Primary Service: Emergency Medicine Secondary Service: N/A Transfer Source: Service Area: WAKE FOREST Unit: Emergency - High BAPTIST MEDICAL Point, Main Hospital CENTER Admit Provider: Attending Provider: Dr Joseph Hanna, Referring Provider: A Referral Self MD Discharge Information Date/Time: 13-05-2022 0102 Disposition: Home Or Self Care Destination: - Provider: - Unit: 44151 Nash Park Port Lindamouth, AS 18299 Follow-up Information Follow up With Specialties Details Why Contact Info Dr Steven Simmons, MD Obstetrics and Schedule an appointment Recheck today 405 LINDSAY STREET Gynecology as soon as possible for a symptoms High Point NC 27262 visit in 2 days 378-740-3347 Events ED Arrival at 07-04-2018 2153 Unit: Emergency - Downtown Medical Center User: Logan Nichols Printed on 6/24/23 12:23 PM Page 1
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Daniel Ramirez
Daniel Ramirez DOB: 91-01-20 (80 yo M) Acc No. CR110628 [Doc Name:Othro One DOS 18-08-10 - 18-02-15-] PRECISION PIC GATE 7860 Gate Parkway, Suite 123 IMAGING CENTERS Jacksonville, FL 32256 Patient: Daniel Ramirez Exam requested by: Date of Birth: 91-01-20 Amy Wu Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx 6100 Kennerly Road, Suite 202 MRN: 2891061 Acc: Exxxxxxx Jacksonville Florida 32216 Date of Exam: 15-05-08 CT LEFT FOOT WITHOUT CONTRAST(73700) EXAM: CT LEFT FOOT WITHOUT CONTRAST HISTORY: M79.672 - Pain In Left Foot, COMPARISON: None available TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar noncontrast CT exam was performed of the left foot and ankle FINDINGS: Bones/joints: No acute fracture or dislocation. No abnormal widening of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Mild tibiotalar osteoarthritis. Soft tissues: Normal CT appearance of the visualized flexor, extensor, and peroneal tendons. Normal muscle bulk. Normal thickness of the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon. Degenerative spurring along the posterior and plantar aspects of the calcaneus at the Achilles and plantar fascia insertions. IMPRESSION: 1. Mild tibiotalar osteoarthritis. No acute fracture or dislocation. 2. Degenerative spurring along the posterior and plantar aspects of the calcaneus at the Achilles and plantar fascia insertions. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the care of this patient. Feldhaus, Jake, MD Electronically Signed: 14-09-18 11:19 AM Printed 02-14-2022 11.28 AM SAVANI, RAJENDRA (Exam: 15-05-08 10:40 AM Page 1 of 1 Daniel Ramirez DOB: 91-01-20 (80 yo M) Acc No. CR110628 Page 164 of 166
What is Collection Date?
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Cody Hawkins DVM
KAISER PERMANENTE庐 Cody Hawkins DVM MRN: 110754075875, DATE OF BIRTH: 13 Oct 2003, Sex: F SSN: xxx-xx-3754 DATE OF VISIT: 21 Apr 2021 02 Dec 2015 - Telephone in ADULT AND FAMILY MEDICINE (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Status: Signed Editor: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) (MEDICAL ASSISTANT) Electronically Signed by Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) at 28 Mar 2022 9:44 AM Telephone Encounter by Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) at 1/13/2011 0944 Version 1 of 1 Author: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) Service: - Author Type: MEDICAL ASSISTANT Filed: 1/13/2011 9:44 AM encounter date: 11 Aug 2017 Creation Time: 1/13/2011 9:44 AM Status: Signed Editor: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) (MEDICAL ASSISTANT) Generated on 4/12/22 10:33 AM 000564 0563
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Robert Schmitt
28 Apr 20218 PM TO:74670242390 FROM: 8203430703 Page: 67 Account No: 22701 Citrus Cardiology - 308 Inverness 308 W HIGHLAND BLVD INVERNESS, FL 34452-4716 Tel: 352-726-8353 Fax: 352-726-5038 Progress Note: KACI DYMOND 21 May 2015 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software (www.CCirica/ M 61 Robert Schmitt DOS : 18 Aug 2021 DOB: 20 Dec 2003 Acct: C11920 PrimProv: Prada, Stefan, MD To: 360 Ortho and Spine. Subject: Progress Notes, Fax#: 833-367-4968. SendDate: 28 Apr 202152:47, page 3/3 [-ufg2.4.1.12in]
what is the service date or date of service?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Amber Lindsey
General Medical Center Amber Lindsey MRN: 000069169003, birthdate: 2003 Mar 06, Sex: F 10/04/2017 - ALLIED HEALTH/NURSE VISIT - MH/BH in PSYCHIATRY (continued) Amber Lindsey (MR # 000016969003) Page 1 of 2 After Visit Summary Amber Lindsey 10/4/2017 MRN: 000016969003 Visit and Patient Information Visit Information Date & Time Provider Department 2021 Feb 19 5:00 PM ELIZABETH BOEHNING WHITE LCSW Psywlcwm Psy Visit Summary Vitals LMP 11/21/2014 Health Problems Reviewed None. Medications Kaiser Permanente, SCPMG: Amber Lindsey (000016969003) Page 1 of 2 Printed on 3/16/23 7:41 AM Page 72 108/150
What is Collection Date?
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Katherine Ward
LOUISIANA PAIN SPECIALISTS PAIN DIAGNOSIS & INTERVENTION EXPERTS George Escobar Sex: Male, Date of Birth: 89-03-23 Visit Date: 15-03-19 Attending Provider: Suneil Jolly, MD Referring Physician: Suneil Jolly History of Present Illness Follow Up - PF Follow up details: The patient returns today for an office visit 9/18/20: Patient f/u for ongoing neck pain radiating to left upper shoulder area and lower back pain. Patient s/p Cervical ESI (9/10/20) with limited relief. Since last OV, patient reports pain unchanged. He brought in disc from VA of Lumbar X-ray. Images were personally reviewed per Dr. Jolly in clinic today and then reviewed with pt. In clinic today. However, he reports his neck remains his primary pain generator at this time. Will recommend Lumbar MRI if indicated in future. Patient denies any new pain generators, weakness, injuries, bladder/bowel incontinence or saddle anesthesia. His current pain level is 7/10 Patient reports that his pain is well controlled with prescribed medications . States that his pain is relieved by 30% by taking medications Patient reports that his current funtional level is much improved with medication. States that his quality of sleep is fair. He denies any misuse or abuse of medications, denies taking any illicit drugs or any pain medications from any other source. He describes his mood as good Patient reports no side effects from the medications. Past Medical History Diabetes () . Anxiety () Surgical History
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Stacy Gray
MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER Name: MORRIS, ANN CHRISTINE 1830 Town Center Drive #110 Phys: Dr Ashley Thornton MD Reston, VA 20190 date of birth: 93/08/22 Age: 52 Sex: F PHONE #: (703) 138-3131 date of exam: 19/02/22 Status: REG CLI FAX #: (703) 137-5136 Radiology No: Unit No: K000579860 EXAMS: 002579863 CT CHEST W IV CON <Continued> ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY M.D. Dr Ashley Thornton on 24/02/15at 1428 ** Reported and signed by: DAVID DUBOIS, M.D. CC: Ajay Dar MD Dictated Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) Technologist: CAROLINE J. TOURTELLOTTE, RTRM Transcribed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) By: DR.DUBDA Printed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1500) BATCH NO: N/A PAGE 2 Signed Report
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Patrick Thornton
<<Back to Review>>180298-41-HYPERLINK - Hyperlink-Page 17 From icampusano 1.844.385.8095 Tue Oct 4 18:40:18 2022 EDT Page 27 of 106 Industrial Injury Info: D.O.B: 09/12/1996 Adjuster: Leticia Bailon Claim # PZC44944244 Phone # 744-244-1443 X 1441 doi: 23/11/2017 Fax # 844-442-6441 Insurance: Crum and Forester Patient Info: Address: 700 Flower St., Turlock, CA 95380 Phone (C): Pref. Lang.: Un Phone (H): 244-441-3440 Diagnosis: M24.244 Disorder of ligament, left ankle M44.2 Plantar fascial fibromatosis Case Type: Work Compensation Foster, Edward : Apr 01, 2019 page 12 000017 0017
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Donna Bell
2023-24-04 02:58 PM TO:16103548946 FROM: 8333674968 Page: 59 CITRUS 2018-29-12 okpie CARDIOLOGY Consultants, P.A. CARDIAC: CLEARANCE DATE: 2017-03-02 OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: 352-726-8353 PATIENT: Donna Bell ADDRESS: 1138 Cr 457 LAKE PANASOFFKEE FL 33538 ACCOUNT: 3069475 RE: Surgical Procedure endoscopic cervicas & Lumbar rugery To Whom It May Concern: THESE ARE SUGGESTED RECOMMENDATIONS This letter is to certify that the above-named patient has been under my care for AFIB, nonischemic cardiomyopany HTN Take usual cardiac medications the morning of the procedure. YES NO (Circle One) Additional Notes: BIRI Class I- risk for compensive cardiovascular conplication METSZ4.0 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, K.Dynond, APRN Physician Signature Physician Name Nishant DONAND Nerella MD Donna Bell M 32 DOS: 2017-26-01 DOB: 1988-24-03 Citrus Cardiology Consultants, P.A. Acct: C11920 PrimProv: Prada, Stefan, MD
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
David Davis
PVHC at Pomona - Primary Care 1770 North Orange Grove Avenue, Suite 101 Pomona, CA 91766- Patient: David Davis MRN: 000267366 Date of Service: 16/16/12 FIN: 566854766 Provider: Susan Cooke, Mohamed Yehia DOB/Age/Gender: 19/89/02 42 years Female Abdelwahed Women's Health. Nuchal Cord Tension: Tight Nuchal Cord Intervention: Reduced prior to delivery Infant Data Gender: Female Neonate Outcome: Live birth Security Tag Number: 594 Birth Weight: 3.591 kg Apgar Score 1 Minute: 7 Apgar Score 5 Minute: 9 Pediatrician: Thomas Kelly Note: Items documented with :- had no clinical data which qualified at time of report creation END OF REPORT Clinics - Offsite *** Clinical Documentation Content on Following Page *** Report Request ID: 66364066 Page 28 of 166 Print Date/Time: 07/17/06 10:12 PDT
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Greg Harris
Salinas Valley Greg Harris Medical Clinic MRN: 3176374, BIRTHDATE: 1989-25-01, Sex: F SUPUS BALLEY MEMORAL REALINONA extra Visiting Date: 2024-12-02 2023-07-02 office Visitin DOD.Salinas - Abbott Clinical Notes Progress Notes Schumann. Steven C. MD at 12/13/2021 0800 Author: Schumann, Steven C, MD Service: Urgent Care Author Type: Physician Filed: 12/13/2021 8:53 AM date of encounter: 2024-08-01 Status: Signed Editor: Schumann, Steven C, MD (Physician) SERVICE DATE: [SS.1T] 2018-12-09 [SS.21 HPI: [SS.1T] Araceli Corona SS.2T] is [SS.1T] 19 y.o. female [SS.2T] [SS.1T] HISTORY: The following portions of the patient's chart were reviewed in this encounter and updated as appropriate: MEDICATIONS:Ss.1T] No Known Allergies Current Outpatient Medications: cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) 5 MG tablet, Tak e 1 po hs for back pain. May increase ton 2 at bed time if needed and not groggy in the morning., Disp: 20 tablet, Rfl: 1 Printed on 12/14/21 4:04 AM Page 1 234
what is the admit date or admission date?
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Robert Cline
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EBB7621-EDFE-47BB- C6C3A2DDDA86 ASSOCIATES MD MEDICAL GROUP ASSOCIATESMD MEDICAL GROUP PATIENT CONSENT AND AUTHORIZATION Robert Cline I, FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IN THE EVENT ASSOCIATESMD MEDICAL GROUP IS FORCED TO RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COLLECTION AGENCY AND/OR ATTORNEY; I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COLLECTION AND/OR LEGAL FEES. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE DOCTOR TO RELEASE MEDICAL INFORMATION TO MY INSURANCE COMPANY TO SECURE PAYMENT OF BENEFIT. I ALSO AUTHORIZE THE USE OF MY SIGNATURE ON ALL INSURANCE SUBMISSIONS AND AS AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT TO BE SENT TO ASSOCIATESMD MEDICAL GROUP AT 4780 SW 64th Ave Davie, FL 33314. Consent to Contact. 1 hereby expressly consent to being contacted by mobile phone or mobile text messaging for the purpose of receiving Information or advice about my health care, about any services officered, changes in policies, procedures, or office hours, or any other purpose as determined by AssociatesMD Medical Group. Data messaging charges may apply. Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices. Robert Cline I, have received a copy of AssociatesMD Medical Group's Notice of Privacy Practices. The physicians and staff of AssociatesMD Medical Group have my permission to speak to the following family members/friends in reference to my medical care: Name: Robert Cline Relationship to Patient Son Name: John Arthur Romney Relationship to Patient Best Friend Name: Nelson A oti Relationship to Patient Best friend The Physicians and staff at AssociatesMD Medical Group have my permission to leave a message on my answering machine. Yes No, and/or call at my place of work: Yes No DocuSigned by: Phile 18/09/21 Signature of responsible party Date
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Chad Myers
From dcatalyst16 18443858095 8/29/2022 10:58:59 PDT Page 12 of 17 (3) 10 Week(s) F/U TVV Follow up with Dr Gary Green, M.D. PRIMARY TREATING PHYSICIAN ATTESTATION: This report was scribed by Aspeitia, Cassandra. / declare under penalty of perjury that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that / have not violated Labor Code 搂 139.3. Sincerely, Dr Gary Green MD Exm Date: 29/06/19 RehabOne RehabOne Programs MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION Industrial Patient: Chad Myers Exm Date: 29/06/19 Performing Provider: Dr Gary Green MD THERAPY: Acupuncture: Body Parts: low back. Performed by Brent Dauphin, L.A.c. License# CA 15447 with RehabOne Programs in Salinas. : 2x/week for 3 weeks. Clinical Rationale: The requested medical treatment is medically necessary to cure or relieve the effects of the 16Corona, Araceli : Aug 25, 2022 page 11
What is Collection Date?
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Alexandria Berry
Northwell Health Authorization for Release of Health Information 6. Date or event on which this Authorization will expire (this field must be completed with a data or event): EXPIRE 2014-08-05 7. PallonVAgenV$urrogate/Guardlan (Signature): 8. Date: 2 Laun 2021-06-18 9. Printed name of person signing this form: 10. Authority to sign on behalf of pallent or relationship to patient (if applicable): @ Lisa Arvarado Date/Time Print: Interpreter's Name and Relationship to Patient Signature: Interpreter K. N 2021-06-18 Karla Holemann Print Witness Name Witness to Signature Copy 1 - Patient Medical Record Copy 2 - Patient or Patient's Personal Representative Page 2 of 2 VD001 (5/11/19)
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Mark Stafford
Apr 26, 2019 9. 22:29 AM. - NorthBay Health System 707-646-5000 Page 3 of 72 1101 B. Gale Wilson Blvd, Suite 100 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4646 Magnetic Resonance / m a Exam Date/Time: Exam: Accession Number: Ordering Physician: Feb 25, 2022 09:26:3" MR MRI Lumbar Spine MR-12-0002095 Kitchens, Charles, M.D. w/o Contrast causing significant encroachment upon the central spinal canal or neural foramina. IMPRESSION: 1. Large central disc herniation with small inferiorly extruded disc fragment at L5-S1. There does not appear to be significant encroachment upon the central spinal canal or neural foramina. DT: Jul 11, 2019 (1226 hours) Final Report *** Dictated by: Lisa Schultz N., M.D. Signed by: Amanda Williamson, M.D. Transcriptionist: McGraw, Tena Aug 01, 2015 12:01 Paient Name: Mark Stafford Medical Record No: 608698 Financial No: 80107287 DOB: Jun 16, 2003 Age: 26 years Gender Male Pt Type: Outpatient Diagnostic Imaging Admit Date: Nov 08, 2020 Ordering Physician: Kitchens. Charles, M.D. Solano Imaging Medical Associates Lisa Schultz, M.D. Amanda Williamson, M.D. William N. Gonser, M.D. Printed Apr 26, 2019 at 9:21 AM Page 2 of 72 172
What is Collection Date?
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Andrew Elliott
<<Back to Review>>182598-25-HYPERLINK- Hyperlink-Page 2 FEED 03/22/2018 09:43 AM Work Wellness 1251 Colorado Ave Ste 125. Turlock CA 92582 Page 1 of 1 (225) 225-3253 Fax: (259)256-3250 Test Form Test Form Patient Name: Andrew Elliott DATE OF BIRTH: 91-06-07 Age: 24 Years Home Phone: (225) 259-3252 Sex: M SSN: 525-25-0253 Order Number: 212570-4 Quantity: 1 Start Date: 19-04-03 Priority: Normal signature: Carrie Janiski Signed on: 22-08-20 2:13:08AM Instructions: WITH STRESS VIEW(S) thank you Report run by Carrie Janiski DO 002502 0252
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Christina Guzman
2014 April 29 FROM- CWFMD T-256 P0027/0111 F-240 3883 imaging Josh Scheduling Imaging Procedures 1246 N FM 3083 West Suits C Fax Orders to: 936-417-1017 Conroe, TX 77304 Patient Name: Christina Guzman DOB: 1992 June 06 Phone#: Diagnosis : M25.561 ICD-10: ORDERED ON: 2017 January 04 Physician: Jason Laninghamma Physician Brain/Head wo Signature: Jersey 70450 Abdomen W Brain/Head wwo 74160 70470 Abdomen wwo Upper Extremity wo 73200 Orbits wo 74170 70480 Right/Left Abdomen/Pelvis wo indicate liff or Right Abd Complete Flat/Upright X-Ray (Walk ins Only 9am-5pm) 74020 Femur indicate Left or Right Abdomen (KUB) 73552 Pelvis 74000 Finger 72170 Name: Christina Guzman DOB: 1992 June 06 Date:
What is the Date of Evaluation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson MRN: 5602413 06/22/2023 - Office Visit in MultiCare Rockwood Orthopedics & Sports Medicine (continued) Results (Order ) END OF IMAGING QUESTIONNAIRE REPORT Preferred Pharmacy Visit Pharmacy WALMART PHARMACY 5883 - SPOKANEVALLEY, WA Messages Appointment Scheduled From To Sent and Delivered Bkg, Mychart Katie Johnson 6/5/2023 4:36 PM Last Read in MyChart Not Read Appointment Information: Visit Type: ATTORNEY Date: 17/10/2018 Dept: MultiCare Rockwood Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Provider: Joseph Labrum Time: 2:20 PM Length: 60 min Appt Status: Scheduled RIVER VIEW CORPORATE Katie Johnson CENTER MRN: 5602413, D.O.B: 10/09/1997, Sex: M 16201 East Indiana Ave VISITING DATE: 28/04/2020 SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99216- 1882 Page 13 Printed by 414221 at 7/17/23 9:40 AM
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Paula Arias
12/07/2023 14:29 (FAX) P. 078/087 Lakeside Health Dr Rachel Wilson MD, MD 15840 N 99th Avenue, STE #100 Sun City, AZ 85851 T. (623) 358-5700 F. (623) 328-9581 Nerve Conduction Study & Electromyography Report Full Name: Paula Arias Gender: Female MRN: 258402 dob: 1990/03/10 Visiting Date: 2022/16/10 7:50 AM Age: 41 Years Examining Physician: Dr Rachel Wilson MD, MD Referring Physician: DR SIMRAT KAUR Height: 5 feet 8 inch Weight: 170 lbs BMI: 25.8 Patient History: NEUROPATHYY
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Christina Barr
021/025 NuHealth, NASSAU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Christina Barr F DATE OF BIRTH:Jan 18, 1997 Result [Reference Range| Report Date CT Head/Brain; w/o Contrast Exam Report 03/24/2022 17:33 W Department of Radiology Final Patient: TRAUMA, ESCONDIDO 121YF DATE OF BIRTH:Jan 18, 1997 Dr:Dr Carolyn Collins EXAM DATE:Jun 18, 2016 Order #: CT7152-22 CT HEAD/BRAIN W/O CONTRAST The undersigned attending reviewed and agreed with the Interpretation. Interpreter: (13151) Transcriptionist: (715) Report Date: 03/24/2022 04:22:42 Report Status: Preliminary Result Flag Key: A-Abnormal, L-Low, LL-Low critical, H-High, HH-High critical, [NDET]-Not Detected Page: 1 of 6
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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James Murillo
CASA COLINA Hospital and Centers for Healthcare 14/20/05 Sarah Davis 905 Painter Ct Apt C Pomona, CA, 91766 Dear Sarah Davis: and Centers for Healthcare, Imaging Center - Outpatient. We are pleased Your that position you have is Welcome to Casa Colina Hospital Scheduler/Admitting Clerk in the Imaging Center - Outpatient Department. worked. chosen to work with us asia hourly rate of $15.00 which you will begin earning on your first day compensation Part-Time Employees (30-39 of Casa hours) Colina with are an paid bi-weekly on Thursday. Non-exempt employees receive overtime calculated One as and follows: one-half times for all time worked in excess of (80) hours in a pay period or in excess of eight (8) hours in any one work day. going to be ate for work, or will be absent, you MUST report to your supervisor supervisor. each day. The time frame If required you are for reporting your absence varies by department. Please check with your information contained in this letter matches your understanding of the offer you have position accepted. at Casa Colina is at the mutual consent of you and Casa Colina. This means that either extended. you or No Casa other Colina statement may or Employment relationship time, with or without notice. This is the only offer and background promise is binding. This offer receiving, is contingent understanding upon and complying to the conditions of employment of employment. Casa Colina. Failure10 I acknowledge comply with conditions of employment will result in immediate termination Sincerely, Human Resources I accept this offer: Sarah Davis 13/20/09 Date Signature
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Kevin Garza
07-06-2019 12:10 PM FROM: Fax PULMONARY AND SLEEP SPECIALISTS OF TAMPA BAY, PA PAGE: 017 OF 125-03-2018 Patient: Shawn Valdez DOB: 13-08-1996 CT Chest PE W Contrast Shawn Valdez - 479625-03-2018 * Final Report * Result Type: CT Chest PE W Contrast Date: March 05, 2019 19:00 EST Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: CT Chest PE W Contrast Performed By: LUXENBERG MD, NINA LYNN on March 05, 2019 19:15 US/Eastern Verified By: LUXENBERG MD, NINA LYNN on March 05, 2019 19:15 US/Eastern Encounter info: 7864859, TAM, Observation, 03/05/2019 - 03/06/2019 * Final Report * Reason For Exam sob, positive d dimer REPORT Exam: CTA chest. Date of Exam: 02-11-2016 6:50 PM Indication: SOB, POSITIVE D DIMER. Comparison: X-ray 07-06-2019 Technique: IV bolus CTA chest was performed following the administration of intravenous contrast 100 mL of Isovue 370. Chest was imaged with spiral technique followed by postprocessing with sagittal and coronal 3D/MIPS. There was adequate opacification of the pulmonary arterial system. Radiometrics dose report: Up-to-date CT equipment and radiation dose reduction techniques were employed. CTDIvol: 18.7 mGy. DLP: 610 mGy-cm. Findings: No intraluminal filling defects are seen in the visualized opacified pulmonary vasculature to suggest acute pulmonary thromboembolism The main pulmonary artery is not dilated. Thoracic aorta is nonaneurysmal and there is no evidence of dissection. No pericardial effusion or thickening. Heart is not enlarged. No pneumothorax. Printed by: ROMERO, LEA M Page 1 of2 Printed on: 25-03-2018 14:17 EDT Document: 25-03-2018 Page 16 of 139
What is the Date of Consultation?
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Andrea Elliott
Quantum Pain and Orthopedics Tel: Fax: QUANTUM Email: PAIN AND ORTHOPEDICS SymptomDescription. 1. Where is your pain? 5 Is your pain: Sharp Dull Burning Pulling Shooting Aching Throbbing Stabbing Do you have associated symptoms of: Numbness Tingling Cramping Decreased sensation Weakness or clumsiness Other Type of Pain (Describe): 13. Using the pain scale (0-10), best describe the level of your pain at its worst: 5 14. Using the pain scale (0-10), best describe the level of your pain at its least: FRONT BACK Use the diagram to show where you have your pain. Mark the area with an (X) that best describes your pain location: 14/41 R L R Ariel Wells Ariel Wells 28/09/2019 Patient/Guardian'Signature Print Name Date from QPO20180530
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Barbara Ferguson
60001 2 SS ethos laboratories Lab Director: Leon Glass, Ph.D. NRCC, DABCC Help Line: (877)98451 Fax: (877)98451 Patient ID: PT098451.PPITR Patient Information Provider Information Specimen Information PATIENT NAME: Barbara Ferguson CLINIC NAME: Pacific Pain Institute TR DATE COLLECTED: July 14, 2018 D.O.B.: July 04, 1998 PROVIDER NAME: Mr. Timothy Sanchez MD TIME COLLECTED: 09:35:00 HEIGHT: 0 CLINIC ADDRESS: 2410 Merced St DATE RECVD: March 05, 2023 WEIGHT: 0 CLINC PHONE: (510)98451 REPORT DATE: October 16, 2020 GENDER: M CLINIC FAX: (510) 98451 SAMPLE I.D. #: 1413 ethos laboratories SNAPSHOT .. ethos laboratories SNAPSHOT gives the healthcare provider a clear look at any inconsistant results based on the information submitted For complete reports for all screens please see following pages. 936
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Laura Wong
Patient name: Laura Wong MRN: 78290600287(CSB): 78290600287(SBM) DATE OF BIRTH: 1988 Jul 13 FIN: 80168836901 Auth (Verified) * Silverlake Medical Center PATIENT DATA DATE ACCOUNT MRN ROOM# 2016 Aug 19 8016883691 78290600287 Room 1 ACCESSION EMPI Date of Admit ACCHF002459 2023 Oct 22 Patient name SSN# RACE Laura Wong Black ADDRESS 1 CITY STATE 0012 James Throughway East Lisaville, TX 61957 DATE OF BIRTH AGE 1988 Jul 13 89 PROCEDURE STAFF Left Heart Catheterization Dr William Patterson MD Physician Coronary Angiography - Selective Ingle, Genesis RN Scrub Left Ventriculography Pierce, Kristopher RN Circulate Occlusive Device, Art/Vein G0269 Camarillo, Melissa RT Recorder Dr Michelle Lowery MD Fellow Physician Laura Wong M# 3800369833 DATE OF BIRTH:1988 Jul 13 DOS:2017 Jun 02 Age: 89Y Sex: M LOC: MSG *CARDIAC A# 80008942601 Laura Wong: 78290600287, DATE OF BIRTH: 1988 Jul 13 Printed On 2016 Aug 19:14:65:09 Attending: {Doctor Name} MD CaseID HF002459 Silverlake Medical Center Xper.IM. Philips Facility SBMC Page 369 of 379 101
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Jason Kirby
LON ETH INTERVENTIONAL PAIN CENTERS Estimate Name: Johnson, Karen Date: 19-10-2023 DOB: 18-03-1993 Order date Activity Amount 15-06-2019 Professional Medical Services/Physician $4835 Fees: 62335, Cervical ESI 04-11-2016 Professional Medical Services/Physician Fees: $335 77003 Fluoroscopy for Needle Guidance Total = $5135 4213 Teuton Street Metairie, LA 70006 Phone 504xxxxx Fax 504xxxx
what is the service date or date of service?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Marie Gray
ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES OF CORPUS CHRISTI 601 Texan Trail, Suite 300, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 Telephone #: Fax #: Preop Form Name: ELMA TREJO DOB: 01/84/08 SSN: 45796xxxx Address: 601 HUGHES AVE Room: 8 MRI: Rad Ass 24/17/04 ALICE, TX 78332 Phone: Order: 1st Clearance: cleared- Dr. Kapasi 361xxxxxxx Ins: CENTENE-ALLWELL Table: 4 poster jackson Assist: Brandon Harris, Cert 1st Hosp: SPOHN SOUTH Cell Saver: yes Home Health: ?? Arrival: 5:30 AM Brace: LSO- in hosp 1st postop: 09/17/04 Date of Surgery: 09/24/01 Xray: 09/17/04 2V LUMBAR!! PCP: Lies: Francispo Rodriguez RNP-BC-CONVIA Diagnosis: Minimal thoracolumbar scoliosis, grade 1 L2 and L3 retrolistheses, grade 1 L4 spondylolisthesis, L4 and L5 degenerative disc disease Procedure: L3, L4, and L5 laminectomies, radical L4 and L5 discoidectomies, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions at L4 and L5, internal fixation with PEEK cages, L3 to sacrum posterolateral intertransverse fusion with local and iliac autograft.
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["01/84/08"], "answer_start": [168]}
Mark Chavez
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": ["March 16, 2021"], "answer_start": [52]}
Rebecca Rodriguez
OrthoSC . 210 Village Center Blvd., MYRTLE BEACH SC 29579-6706 Rebecca Rodriguez (id #78448, dob: 07/08/1987) Page 1/1 OrthoSC . 2376 Cypress Circle. CONWAY SC 29526-8995 Rebecca Rodriguez (id #78448, dob: 07/08/1987) Referral Order 05/08/2014 To Provider From Provider SCOTT SAUER DO ERKAN ALCI, MD Main-CW 210 VILLAGE CENTER BLVD STE 150 2376 Cypress Circle Suite 300 MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29579-6683 CONWAY, SC 29526-8995 Phone: Phone: 843-353-3460 Phone: (843) 353-3460 Fax: 843-353-3461 Fax: Fax: (843) 347-3305 Patient Information Patient Name Rebecca Rodriguez Sex - DOB - Age F 07/08/1987 33yo Electronically Signed by: ERKAN ALCI, MD Aakon the ERKAN ALCI, MD Consult Orders
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Jane Glenn
Jane Glenn (MRN 19949793) birth date: 1990 February 17 Encounter Date: 2017 March 23 Brennan, Tracey G MRN: 19949793 Office Visit 2016 September 30 Provider: Crum, Brenda R, NP (Neurology) Sentara Neurology Specialists Primary diagnosis: Nonintractable episodic headache, unspecified headache type Reason for Visit: NEUROPATHY MIGRAINE; Referred by Bauer, Christina A, DO Progress Notes Crum, Brenda R, NP (Nurse Practitioner) Neurology Office Visit - Service Date: 2023 March 27 Assessment & Plan (R51.9) Nonintractable episodic headache, unspecified headache type (primary encounter diagnosis)-the patient says she gets frequent headaches, almost daily, with associated symptoms of nausea, light and noise sensitivity. Printed by Christensen, Joanne at 2018 March 27 6:33 AM Page 1 of 6
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": ["2017 March 23"], "answer_start": [77]}
Samantha Mills
KAISER PERMANENTE庐 Samantha Mills MRN: 110374037837, D.O.B: 1995-11-19, Sex: F SSN: xxx-xx-3374 Date of Visit: 2018-08-12 2021-11-29 - Telephone in ADULT AND FAMILY MEDICINE (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Status: Signed Editor: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) (MEDICAL ASSISTANT) Signature Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) at 2020-12-18 9:44 AM Telephone Encounter by Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) at 1/13/2011 0944 Version 1 of 1 Author: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) Service: - Author Type: MEDICAL ASSISTANT Filed: 1/13/2011 9:44 AM Date of Encounter: 2016-11-21 Creation Time: 1/13/2011 9:44 AM Status: Signed Editor: Clark, Juliana Elizabeth (M.A.) (MEDICAL ASSISTANT) Generated on 4/12/22 10:33 AM 000564 0563
What is the Date of Consultation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Paige Morales
OrthoSC . 210 Village Center Blvd., MYRTLE BEACH SC 29579-6706 Paige Morales (id #40419, dob: 20 Dec 1989) Plan of Treatment Reminders Order Date Submit Provider Details Date Appointments MRI 10 19 Jul 2018 MRI 12:30PM Lab None recorded. Referral pain management 09 Aug 2022 09 Aug 2022 Erin Watson MD, 2376 Cypress Cir, Ste 300, Conway, referral SC, 29526, Ph (843) 353-3460 Procedures None recorded. Surgeries None recorded. Imaging None recorded. Results None recorded. Problems No information. Procedures Surgical History None recorded. Imaging Results None recorded. Medical Equipment None Reported.
What is the Date of Consultation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Mandy Mann
Sunset Community Hospital EMERGENCY ROOM CLINICAL REPORT WITH DISCHARGE Patient: Mandy Mann EMERGENCY ROOM PATIENT ACCT: X0022752040 UNIT #: G0191757 Admitting Date: June 08, 2014 DISCHARGE DATE: Patient: Mandy Mann Clinical Report - Physicians/Mid Levels MRN: G0751187 Sunset Community Hospital Time Seen: 12:13 February 06, 2020. Arrived- By private vehicle. Historian- patient and family. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Chief Complaint: ; PROBLEM IN THE RIGHT KNEE. This started 3 days ago and is still present and now worse. Recent medical care: The patient was seen recently at this facility in the emergency department. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS No cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever or skin rash. PAST HISTORY See nurses notes. ( Angioedema. Renal Insuffi.ciency.) Hunt Patient Care Inquiry **LIVE** (PCI: OE Database HUD) Run: August 08, 2020-15:53 by WARREN, CATHERINE Page 1 of 7 000517
What is signature date or signed on date?
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Mary Lopez
00057 RE: Mary Lopez DOS: 04-02-2016 Page 1 of 10 Palpation There is no tenderness to palpation anywhere in the wrist. This includes the scaphoid volarly, radially and dorsally, the distal radius and ulna, the lunate, the triquetrum, the capitate, the hamate, the pisiform, the triangular fibrocartilage, the ulnar fovea, the ECU, the FCU, the FCR and the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth dorsal compartment. Range of Motion of the Wrist Right Normal Extension 57 degrees 60 degrees Ulnar deviation 30 degrees 46 degrees Radial deviation 78 degrees 20 degrees Pronation 80 degrees 47 degrees Supination 80 degrees 80 degrees Special Tests There is no evidence of wrist instability. Sensory Examination Sensation is intact to light touch and pinprick in all dermatomes in the bilateral upper extremities. Two-point discrimination is within normal limits. Vascular Examination 9 64595092490 Received 28-06-2019
What is the Date of Consultation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Henry Thomas
June 23, 2014 12:10 PM FROM: Fax PULMONARY AND SLEEP SPECIALISTS OF TAMPA BAY, PA PAGE: 016 OF 018 Patient: Tanya Sanford DOB: June 15, 2003 CT Chest High Resolution WO Contrast SWANN, LISA A - 479651 Final Report Vertebral body height maintained. Midly confluent osteophyte formation and calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament. Upper abdominal structures derronstrate no acute abnormality. Impression: 1. No acute findings. 2. Small amounts of air trapping and atelectasis are present in the lungs on expiration. No suspicious pul monary nodul es. Di ctating Provider Eckerd, Morgan Dictated August 18, 2020 Signing Dr. Eckerd, Morgan Location FPLA051 Signature Line nal ********* Transcribed by: MCE 07/21/21 13:32 Signed by: ECKERD MD, MORGAN CHARLTON November 17, 2014 13:32 RADRPT This document has an i mage Page 2 of 29 Printed on: June 23, 2014 15:29 EDT Document: June 23, 2014 Printed: June 23, 2014 10:55:38 Page 15 of 129
What is the Date of operation?
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Craig Barnes
<<Back to Review>>194126-3-HYPERLINK- - Hyperlink-Page 187 Craig Barnes KAISER PERMANENTE庐 MRN: 110414041841, D.O.B: 04/07/87, Sex: F SSN: xxx-xx-3414 Visiting Date: 02/03/22 13/03/16 - Scheduled Telephone Encounter in CCM-DIABETES (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) 3) Further blood sugars needed to assess effect of insulin next visit evaluate changing INSULIN REGIMEN SQ P LIFESTYLE/EDUCATION : Reviewed rule of 15 for treatment of low blood sugar. If bedtime blood sugar below 110 take snack of 15 grams carbohydrate Such as 1/2 sandwich and take insulin as ordered . Call Mary Hallum if occurring 2 or more times in 2 weeks . blood sugar above 100 before driving exercising or above 110 before sleeping. ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY Hallum, Mary C. (R.N.) at 21/02/16 10:26 PM Generated on 4/6/22 11:06 AM 000187 0186
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Beth Abbott
From: DAVID GOLDMAN Fax: To: Fax: (610) 354-8946 Page: 15 of 72 06 Nov 2022 5:01 PM Beth Abbott Visit Note - 23 Feb 2020 PMS ID: Sex: DOB: Female 06 Dec 1997 013414 Plan: Counseling - Dry ARMD. I counseled the patient regarding the following: Eye care: Age related macular degeneration is usually treated with nutritional supplements to slow or prevent progression of the disease. If the age related macular degeneration progresses from dry to wet, treatment with injections of medication into the eye, or laser treatment, is often of benefit. It is also important to use sunglasses with 100% UV (ultraviolet) protection when outside. UV light, as in the spectrum of harmful light for the sun, has been shown to cause macular degeneration to progress. Expectations: Age related macular degeneration is a deterioration of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the layer underneath the retina. Loss of central vision in this condition is usually very slow, unless leakage occurs, in which case the loss of vision can be very quick and profound. Contact Office if: Age related macular degeneration progresses with loss of central vision or visual distortion. Call immediately if the vision worsens despite treatment. AREDS Counseling: Patients with AMD or their caregiver(s) who were counseled within 12 months on the benefits and/or risks of the AREDS formulation for preventing progression of AMD After counseling the patient, we decided on the following plan for the right eye: AREDS Vitamins and Observation After counseling the patient, we decided on the following plan for the left eye: AREDS Vitamins and Observation Active Yes Staff: Mark Milner (Primary Provider) (Bill Under) Vivian Moreno Electronically Signed By: Mark Milner, 18 Mar 2021 08:47 PM EST Mark Milner (Primary Provider) (Bill Under) David A. Goldman MD LLC Page 7 Suite B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Mr. Derek Brown MD
Mr. Derek Brown MD MRN: 5604813 06/22/2023 - Office Visit in MultiCare Rockwood Orthopedics & Sports Medicine (continued) Results (Order ) END OF IMAGING QUESTIONNAIRE REPORT Preferred Pharmacy Visit Pharmacy WALMART PHARMACY 5883 - SPOKANEVALLEY, WA Messages Appointment Scheduled From To Sent and Delivered Bkg, Mychart Mr. Derek Brown MD 6/5/2023 4:36 PM Last Read in MyChart Not Read Appointment Information: Visit Type: ATTORNEY Date: 10/23/12 Dept: MultiCare Rockwood Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Provider: Joseph Labrum Time: 2:20 PM Length: 60 min Appt Status: Scheduled RIVER VIEW CORPORATE Mr. Derek Brown MD CENTER MRN: 5604813, dob: 16/89/11, Sex: M 16201 East Indiana Ave VISIT: 13/20/11 SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99216- 1882 Page 13 Printed by 414221 at 7/17/23 9:40 AM
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["16/89/11"], "answer_start": [710]}
Jennifer Tran
24/01/09, 11:51 AM Print Preview SWANN, Lisa A DOB: 86/03/28 (64 yo F) Acc No. 28924 DOS: 18/12/26 Swann, Lisa A 64 Y old Female, DOB: 18/12/26 20/05/14 Account Number: 28935 1330 Waterwood Dr, Lutz, FL-33559 Home: 813-388-2387 Guarantor: Kevin Harding Insurance: FL MEDICARE PRIMARY Payer ID: SMFLo PCP: ALEJANDRO I. MICHEL Referring: ALEJANDRO I. MICHEL Appointment Facility: PULMONARY AND SLEEP SPECIALISTS OF TAMPA BAY, PA 09/25/2023 Progress Notes: Michael Newton MD PA Reason for Appointment Current Medications 1. Pft,ox,st, and alpha results Taking Synthroid 112 MCG Tablet 1 tablet in History of Present Illness the morning on an empty stomach Orally Interim history: Once a day Carvedilol 12.5 MG Tablet 1 tablet AM, 9/25/2023. In office visit. Nocturnal oximetry, was not able to read 1/2 tablet PM Orally Twice a day appropriately, maybe because of fingernail Polish. Will try the ring next. Ramipril 5 MG Capsule 1 capsule Since her episode of bronchitis, about a month ago, she is improving, Orally Once a day almost back to baseline. Still has cough and still brings up some phlegm. patient is awake, alert, and oriented, able to answer all questions, and Progress Note: Michael Newton MD PA 24/01/09 Note generated by 漏ClinicalWorks EMPSM Software ( 1/24
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": ["18/12/26"], "answer_start": [99]}
Laura Collins
In the recovery area, patient was asked to sit, stand and walk, was asked to rate the pain and patient reported 100% pain relief. Assessment and Plan ICD: Other spondylosis, cervical region (M47.892) CPT Codes: Inj Paravert F Jnt C/t 1 Lev (64490) Inj Paravert F Jnt C/t 2 Lev (64491) Inj Paravert F Jnt C/t 3 Lev (64492) S Idly Suneil Jolly, MD This has been electronically signed by Suneil Jolly, MD on 2020-12-26.
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Edwin Krueger
DocuSign Envelope ID: CD6AFC78-CF28-78AE-AA73-C1B65478D293 I understand that this revocation will not apply to information that has already been released in response to this authorization. I understand that when this information is used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization, it may be subject to re-disclosure and may no longer be protected. This Authorization is continuing in nature and remains effective until the conclusion of this claim / litigation without the necessity for further authorization. A copy of this Authorization shall be considered as effective as the original. I, the undersigned, have read the above and authorize the staff of the above named facility to disclose such information as herein contained. DocuSigned by: fairn 83DBEBA2C8F878C Signature of Patient / Parent or Legal Guardian 2016/02/02 5:4 PM PDT Relationship to Patient Date Exp 2016/06/09 This Authorization complies with 45 CFR 178.508 2
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": ["2016/02/02"], "answer_start": [849]}
Thomas Patterson
MAGNOLIA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. MEDICAL EVALUATION for M.R.I./ CONSENT FOR TREATMENT PATIENT NAME Christina Gonzalez WT. 157 SOCIAL SECURITY # HT. DOCTOR'S NAME DAVIS CIRCLE YES NO Have you had an MRI scan before today? Yes No Where? When? Have you ever had surgery of any type? Yes No List: Do you have any metal in your body? Yes No Explain: Do you have a pacemaker, or any device implanted in you? Yes No FEMALES ONLY: Are you pregnant or is there a possibility you could be pregnant? Yes No The above questions have been answered truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I do hereby consent to necessary examination procedures and/or treatment by Magnolia Diagnostics, Inc. as prescribed by my treating physician. Signed Christina Gonzalez Date 2021 Apr 12 Date you are scheduled to return to your Doctor:
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": ["2021 Apr 12"], "answer_start": [825]}
Rhonda Romero
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is a 27-year-old female who presents stating that he hit his head on the point on Tuesday. He states he has pain and swelling to the life and Amount stay free.. He has had vomiting. He also has no neck pain. ALLERGIES: Please refer to chart. PRESENT MEDICATIONS: Please refer to chart.Lakefront Health PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. SOCIAL HISTORY: Please refer to chart. FAMILY HISTORY: Please refer to chart. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please refer to chart. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Please refer to chart. INITIAL VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 137/68, pulse 80, respirations 16, temperature 41掳 INITIAL ORDERS: Initial orders were written for CT of the head, cervical spine. He was also given Toradol 60 mg intramuscularly. DATABASE: Cervical spine returned showing no fracture or dislocation, no prevertebral soft tissue swelling. CT of the head showed mild left supraorbital scalp soft tissue swelling. MEDICAL DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: Based upon these findings, the Patient Name: Rhonda Romero PHYSICIAN: Dr Nicholas Levine, MD MED.REC.NO.: 14-60-44 1038369-E EMERGENCY ROOM NOTE ADMISSION: October 26, 2019 Lakefront Health 0848 Curtis Locks Apt. 242 Rubentown, PR 89349 date of service: March 22, 2016 discharge day: November 25, 2019 Page 1 CHART COPY 41 of 107 June 27, 2018
What is signature date or signed on date?
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Terry Velazquez
Consult Renal (El Toukhy) patient name: Terry Velazquez MRN: 74826485 FIN: 94810485 Age: 84 years Sex: Female BIRTHDATE: 1997/25/12 Documentation Date: 2015/09/08 2:11 EST Author: ADAMS APRN, LEAH DANIELLE Consultation Information Date of Consult: 2018/27/03 Reason for Consult: ESRD on HD. Requesting physician: Attending Physician: Dr Robert Ortiz MD. Admission Information Date of Admit: 2020/11/05 Visit Reason: RIGHT ANKLE PAIN Allergies naproxen (hives) Visit Information Medications: Active Scheduled Medications 1 amiodarone 148 mg PO qDay Comments: pt home med dose Comments: Start if pt becomes NPO for more than 4 hr. patient name: Terry Velazquez MRN: 74826485 FIN#: 94810485 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 56 of 516 Report Request ID#: 348348248
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Theresa Nguyen
BERNARD TUMARKIN, M.D. JAY FRANKEL PH.D. and Psychiany PAUL TUMARKIN. PH. D. Clinical Perchalegy 227 ALCAZAR AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLA 33134 C 0 0 7 15 Mar 2022 Psychological tv CONT FIDENTIAL Zmistowski, Jeff date of evaluation: 27 Oct 2019 Referring Physician: Dr Ryan Moore M.D. Director, Pain Treatment INFORMATION NOT TO BE RELEASED I History: At the request of Dr. Dooley. director of the Baptist Hospital Pain Treatment Center, Mr. Zaistowski was seen on December 12, 1983 and was administered a battery of tests in order to conduct a psychological evaluation. PartJane Paul Tumarkin, Ph.D. RECEIVED 05 Jan 2023 DELRAY BCH., FL CLAIMS OFFICE
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Jason Frye
2014 Nov 06, 11:43 AM Print Preview Jason Frye DOB: 2000 Nov 16 (71 yo M) Acc No. 97202 DOS: 2019 Oct 18 Follow Up per specialist called Electronically signed by Carlos Levy, DO on 2019 Dec 13 at 01:45 PM EDT Sign off status: Completed Addendum: 2014 Nov 06 11:43 AM Alexander, MD, Michael > Patient is Medically Cleared for proposed surgery. Satellite AssociatesMD-PEMBROKE - PINES 2004 N FLAMINGO RD Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Progress Note: Carlos Levy, DO 2019 Sep 18 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software ( 3/3
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": ["2019 Oct 18"], "answer_start": [103]}
Nancy Kelly
OrthoVirginia MRN: 8946145 Name: Nancy Kelly DATE OF BIRTH: 2002 November 09 1920 Ballenger Avenue Suite 200 Alexandria VA 22704-6708 2023 September 24 - Office Visit in OV Reston Suite 400 (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Consent given by: patient Site marked: site marked Orders Placed This Encounter Large Joint Arthrocentesis Large Joint Arthrocentesis Return if symptoms worsen or fail to improve. I, THOMAS KLEIN, MD, personally, performed the services described in this documentation, as scribed in my presence, and it is both accurate and complete. Scribed by: Shivani Rampuria Electronically Signed by Rampuria, Shivani at 2018 November 23 2:50 PM Electronically Signed by Dr Willie Pham, MD at 2018 November 23 1:7 PM Labs No documentation. Procedures Large Joint Arthrocentesis: R subacromial bursa (Final result) Electronically signed by: Rampuria, Shivani on 07/17/23 1448 Printed on 9/25/23 12:33 PM Page 3
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Sarah Jones
12/2/2022 15:07:26 CST To: 13168065160 Page: 2/16 From: Frontera Fax: 9723165816 Lower Extremity Frontera Arterial Ultrasound Report FR NTERA VIDISIAR* Patient name: Justin Cooper Patient ID: 1833416 DOB: August 02, 1995 Chart#: 521916 Referred by: Masciale^John Age: 69Y Location: Sonographer: Stephanie Lage, RDCS, RVT Sex: F Equipment: CX50 I/O: Outpatient Exam. date: October 28, 2023 Diagnosis: Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified (173.9). Procedure: Limited bilateral noninvasve physiologic studies of upper or lower extremity arteries (93922). Duplex scan of lower extremity arteries or arterial bypass grafts; complete bilateral study Asymmetric blood pressures are noted. Unable to hear ABI pulses to accurately assess. Right Leg Monophasic waveforms throughout leg. No flow in SFA distal segment. Left Leg Monophasic flow throughout leg. Impressions Bilateral moderate lower extremity arterial disease Suggest CTA of lower extremities Electronically signed by: Jason Finkelstein July 29, 2014 8:06 PM 76716-3 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00416
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Tamara Bowers
Oak Grove Hospital 2023 January 17 Tamara Bowers 48893 Bennett Keys Suite 908 Donaldfurt, PR 09961 Case #: 72825444781 Re: Continuous Medical Leave Extension Approved Notice This letter confirms that your request to extend your continuous medical leave from September 24, 2013 to January 19, 2014 has been approved. This letter contains important information about your leave. You will want to keep this for your records. What Happens to Your Job During Your Leave You are expected to return to work on January 20, 2014. Two weeks before your leave ends, confirm this date with your local Human Resources representative and the Hewitt Absence Management Service Center. If you need additional information or have any questions about your leave of absence, call the Hewitt and in NY as "DMA Claim 1-13-2014 2013170242 44201531702363 SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. [6687671-01] 161
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Diane Miller
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Mary Thompson
Consult Renal (El Toukhy) PATIENT: Mary Thompson MRN: 74426445 FIN: 94410445 Age: 40 years Sex: Female dob: 23 Jan 1993 Documentation Date: 08 Jan 2018 0:22 EST Author: ADAMS APRN, LEAH DANIELLE Consultation Information Date of Consult: 14 Aug 2020 Reason for Consult: ESRD on HD. Requesting physician: Attending Physician: Dr Michelle Jones MD. Admission Information admission date: 17 May 2014 Visit Reason: RIGHT ANKLE PAIN Allergies naproxen (hives) Visit Information Medications: Active Scheduled Medications 1 amiodarone 144 mg PO qDay Comments: pt home med dose Comments: Start if pt becomes NPO for more than 4 hr. PATIENT: Mary Thompson MRN: 74426445 FIN#: 94410445 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 56 of 516 Report Request ID#: 344344244
What is the Date of operation?
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Tamara Dawson
<<Back to Review>>180298-26-HYPERLINK-Hyperlink-Page 167 TOWER PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. patient name: Tamara Dawson Address 700 FLOWER ST City TURLOCK Zip Code 93480 Birthdate 2003/21/09 Social Security Number 534-34-0343 Sex: M F Primary Phone (234)341-3340 Email: (for appointment reminders) EF5767@LIVE.COM Employer SUNNYSIDE FARMS DAIRY Occupation PACKAGING OPERATOR Work Phone: 634-3347 Emergency Contact CINDY FOSTER Phone (234)234-5344 Relation SPOUSE ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS Authorization for treatment is hereby given to Tower Physical Therapy, Inc. I assign them all payments for medical services rendered. X Ed Foster 2022/30/08 Patient or Guardian Signature Today's Date CONTINUE ON BACK 000167 0167
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth Smith MRN: 5603813 04/04/2023 - External Document in MULTICARE HEALTH INFORMATION (continued) DATE OF INJURY: Place of Injury: 2017-08-04 9:40 AM Medical Records use only - -(HAR ID) Hospital Account Not on file Visit Information Department Name Address Phone Fax MULTICARE HEALTH INFORMATION 419 South L Street MS: 419-2-CN 800-338-9919 253-438-4948 Tacoma WA 98385-3799 Call Information Provider Department Center 4/4/2023 9:03 AM HIM SCANNED DOCUMENT HEALTH INFORMATION MHS CALL CEN MULTICARE CALL CENTER Dufner, Raymond E 419 SOUTH L STREET MRN: 5603813 , DOB: 1986-27-03, Sex: M TACOMA WA 98438-0299 date of visit: 2019-28-05 Page 54 Printed by 414221 at 7/17/23 9:40 AM
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Dr. Wendy Larsen DDS
MRI, LUMBAR SPINE, W/WO CONTRAST (#56636xx, 09/06/18 12:00am) From: Radiology Associates To: MASCIALE JOHN Page: 1/18 Date: 09/06/18 4:19:29 PM Radiology Associates: 1818 S Alameda Corpus Christi, TX 78418 RadiologyAssociates... Phone: (361) 887-7xxx Fax: (361) 561-3xxx Name: Northwest Imaging ELMA D TREJO DOB: 25/03/93 Sex: Female At the request of: Jacket No: 673518 MASCIALE, MD, JOHN DOS: 30/04/22 601 TEXAN TRAIL STE 300 CORPUS CHRISTI TX 78411 MRI L-SPINE WO W CONTRAST,15CC INJ GAD-BASE MR CONTRAST HISTORY: 69-year-old Female with lumbar radiculopathy TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multisequence MR images of the lumbar spine were obtained before and after administration of intravenous contrast. CONTRAST: 15 mL of ProHance COMPARISON: Lumbar spine radiographs 01/04/2022, lumbar spine MRI without contrast 02/10/20 FINDINGS: Page 1 of18 (TREJO, ELMA) CC: 76718-3 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00183
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}