SeattleIo::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! config.cache_classes = true # Do not eager load code on boot. This avoids loading your whole application # just for the purpose of running a single test. If you are using a tool that # preloads Rails for running tests, you may have to set it to true. config.eager_load = false # Configure static asset server for tests with Cache-Control for performance. config.serve_static_assets = true config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=3600" # Show full error reports and disable caching. config.consider_all_requests_local = true config.action_controller.perform_caching = false # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates. config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false # Disable request forgery protection in test environment. config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false # Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. # The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the # ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test # Print deprecation notices to the stderr. config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr end
class RubyAT20 < Formula desc "Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language" homepage "https://www.ruby-lang.org/" url "https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.0/ruby-2.0.0-p648.tar.bz2" sha256 "087ad4dec748cfe665c856dbfbabdee5520268e94bb81a1d8565d76c3cc62166" revision 5 bottle do sha256 "05e1cbc036d1c06e517525674ab04a88f6272d8191c8bb6abb3fe5034ec7a37f" => :high_sierra sha256 "f8410ba6a21b6c160d6440271bb4808dc20beeb60cbd910e01952e5294645386" => :sierra sha256 "ac812a9ce7c713bab2279d8faa7cf36c1912e088d4ffe72f7194ee1fb1dc0f2a" => :el_capitan end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-suffix", "Suffix commands with '20'" option "with-doc", "Install documentation" option "with-tcltk", "Install with Tcl/Tk support" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "readline" => :recommended depends_on "gdbm" => :optional depends_on "libffi" => :optional depends_on "libyaml" depends_on "openssl" depends_on :x11 if build.with? "tcltk" # This should be kept in sync with the main Ruby formula # but a revision bump should not be forced every update # unless there are security fixes in that Rubygems release. resource "rubygems" do url "https://rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-2.7.4.tgz" sha256 "bbe35ce6646e4168fcb1071d5f83b2d1154924f5150df0f5fca0f37d2583a182" end def program_suffix build.with?("suffix") ? "20" : "" end def ruby "#{bin}/ruby#{program_suffix}" end def api_version "2.0.0" end def rubygems_bindir HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/ruby/gems/#{api_version}/bin" end def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-shared --with-sitedir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/ruby/site_ruby --with-vendordir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby ] args << "--program-suffix=#{program_suffix}" if build.with? "suffix" args << "--with-out-ext=tk" if build.without? "tcltk" args << "--disable-install-doc" if build.without? "doc" args << "--disable-dtrace" unless MacOS::CLT.installed? paths = [ Formula["libyaml"].opt_prefix, Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix, ] %w[readline gdbm libffi].each do |dep| paths << Formula[dep].opt_prefix if build.with? dep end args << "--with-opt-dir=#{paths.join(":")}" system "./configure", *args # Ruby has been configured to look in the HOMEBREW_PREFIX for the # sitedir and vendordir directories; however we don't actually want to create # them during the install. # # These directories are empty on install; sitedir is used for non-rubygems # third party libraries, and vendordir is used for packager-provided libraries. inreplace "tool/rbinstall.rb" do |s| s.gsub! 'prepare "extension scripts", sitelibdir', "" s.gsub! 'prepare "extension scripts", vendorlibdir', "" s.gsub! 'prepare "extension objects", sitearchlibdir', "" s.gsub! 'prepare "extension objects", vendorarchlibdir', "" end system "make" system "make", "install" # This is easier than trying to keep both current & versioned Ruby # formulae repeatedly updated with Rubygem patches. resource("rubygems").stage do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin system ruby, "setup.rb", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/vendor_gem" rg_in = lib/"ruby/#{api_version}" # Remove bundled Rubygem version. rm_rf rg_in/"rubygems" rm_f rg_in/"rubygems.rb" rm_f rg_in/"ubygems.rb" rm_f bin/"gem#{program_suffix}" # Drop in the new version. rg_in.install Dir[buildpath/"vendor_gem/lib/*"] bin.install buildpath/"vendor_gem/bin/gem" => "gem#{program_suffix}" (libexec/"gembin").install buildpath/"vendor_gem/bin/bundle" => "bundle#{program_suffix}" (libexec/"gembin").install_symlink "bundle#{program_suffix}" => "bundler#{program_suffix}" end end def post_install # Since Gem ships Bundle we want to provide that full/expected installation # but to do so we need to handle the case where someone has previously # installed bundle manually via `gem install`. rm_f %W[ #{rubygems_bindir}/bundle #{rubygems_bindir}/bundle#{program_suffix} #{rubygems_bindir}/bundler #{rubygems_bindir}/bundler#{program_suffix} ] rm_rf Dir[HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/ruby/gems/#{api_version}/gems/bundler-*"] rubygems_bindir.install_symlink Dir[libexec/"gembin/*"] # Customize rubygems to look/install in the global gem directory # instead of in the Cellar, making gems last across reinstalls config_file = lib/"ruby/#{api_version}/rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb" config_file.unlink if config_file.exist? config_file.write rubygems_config # Create the sitedir and vendordir that were skipped during install %w[sitearchdir vendorarchdir].each do |dir| mkdir_p `#{ruby} -rrbconfig -e 'print RbConfig::CONFIG["#{dir}"]'` end end def rubygems_config; <<~EOS module Gem class << self alias :old_default_dir :default_dir alias :old_default_path :default_path alias :old_default_bindir :default_bindir alias :old_ruby :ruby end def self.default_dir path = [ "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "lib", "ruby", "gems", "#{api_version}" ] @default_dir ||= File.join(*path) end def self.private_dir path = if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION then [ File.dirname(RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir']), 'Gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] ] elsif RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix'] then [ RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix'], 'gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] ] else [ RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'], ruby_engine, 'gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] ] end @private_dir ||= File.join(*path) end def self.default_path if Gem.user_home && File.exist?(Gem.user_home) [user_dir, default_dir, private_dir] else [default_dir, private_dir] end end def self.default_bindir "#{rubygems_bindir}" end def self.ruby "#{opt_bin}/ruby#{program_suffix}" end end EOS end def caveats; <<~EOS By default, binaries installed by gem will be placed into: #{rubygems_bindir} You may want to add this to your PATH. EOS end test do hello_text = shell_output("#{bin}/ruby#{program_suffix} -e 'puts :hello'") assert_equal "hello\n", hello_text ENV["GEM_HOME"] = testpath system "#{bin}/gem#{program_suffix}", "install", "json" (testpath/"Gemfile").write <<~EOS source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'gemoji' EOS system rubygems_bindir/"bundle#{program_suffix}", "install", "--binstubs=#{testpath}/bin" assert_predicate testpath/"bin/gemoji", :exist?, "gemoji is not installed in #{testpath}/bin" end end
class SceneLocationship < ApplicationRecord include HasContentLinking belongs_to :user belongs_to :scene belongs_to :scene_location, class_name: 'Location' end
require 'serverspec' require 'net/ssh' require 'yaml' set :backend, :ssh if ENV['ASK_SUDO_PASSWORD'] begin require 'highline/import' rescue LoadError fail "highline is not available. Try installing it." end set :sudo_password, ask("Enter sudo password: ") { |q| q.echo = false } else set :sudo_password, ENV['SUDO_PASSWORD'] end host = ENV['TARGET_HOST'] options = Net::SSH::Config.for(host) options[:user] = ENV['user'] options[:keys] = ENV['keypath'] set :host, options[:host_name] || host set :ssh_options, options # Disable sudo set :disable_sudo, true # Set shell set :shell, '/bin/bash' # Set environment variables # set :env, :LANG => 'C', :LC_MESSAGES => 'C' # Set PATH # set :path, '/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH' def count_inventory_roles(role) file = File.open(ENV['inventory'], "rb") input = file.read file.close if input.include? "[#{role}]" rows = input.split("[#{role}]")[1].split("[")[0] counter = rows.scan(/ansible_host/).count else counter = 0 end return counter end def hostInGroups?(role) file = File.open(ENV['inventory'], "rb") input = file.read file.close if input.include? "[#{role}]" rows = input.split("[#{role}]")[1].split("[")[0] return rows =~ /\b#{ENV['TARGET_HOST']}\b/ else return false end end def readDataYaml(kind) path = ENV['inventory'].dup path.sub! 'inventory' , 'manifest.yml' datayaml = [] YAML.load_stream(File.read path) do |ruby| datayaml << ruby end return datayaml.select {|x| x["kind"] == kind }[0] end def listInventoryHosts(role) file = File.open(ENV['inventory'], "rb") input = file.read file.close list = [] if input.include? "[#{role}]" rows = input.split("[#{role}]")[1].split("[")[0] rows.each_line do |line| if line[0] != '#' and line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ list << line.split.first end end end return list end def listInventoryIPs(role) file = File.open(ENV['inventory'], "rb") input = file.read file.close list = [] if input.include? "[#{role}]" rows = input.split("[#{role}]")[1].split("[")[0] rows.each_line do |line| if line[0] != '#' and line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ list << line.split('=').last.strip end end end return list end
require 'test_helper' class UsersSignupTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end test "invalid signup information" do get signup_path assert_no_difference 'User.count' do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "", email: "user@invalid", password: "foo", password_confirmation: "bar" } } end assert_template 'users/new' assert_select 'div#error_explanation' assert_select 'div.field_with_errors' end test "valid signup information with account acctivation" do get signup_path assert_difference 'User.count', 1 do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "Example User", email: "user@example.com", password: "password", password_confirmation: "password" } } end assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size user = assigns(:user) assert_not user.activated? # 有効化していない状態でログインしてみる log_in_as(user) assert_not is_logged_in? # 有効化トークンが不正な場合 get edit_account_activation_path("invalid token", email: user.email) assert_not is_logged_in? # トークンは正しいがメールアドレスが無効な場合 get edit_account_activation_path(user.activation_token, email: 'wrong') assert_not is_logged_in? # 有効化トークンが正しい場合 get edit_account_activation_path(user.activation_token, email: user.email) assert user.reload.activated? follow_redirect! assert_template 'users/show' assert is_logged_in? end end
property :name, String, required: true, name_property: true property :value, [String, Array] property :type, String, required: true property :ttl, Integer, default: 3600 property :weight, String property :set_identifier, String property :geo_location, String property :geo_location_country, String property :geo_location_continent, String property :geo_location_subdivision, String property :zone_id, String property :aws_access_key_id, String property :aws_secret_access_key, String property :aws_region, String, default: 'us-east-1' property :overwrite, [true, false], default: true property :alias_target, Hash property :mock, [true, false], default: false property :fail_on_error, [true, false], default: false action :create do require 'aws-sdk' if current_resource_record_set == resource_record_set Chef::Log.info "Record has not changed, skipping: #{name}[#{type}]" elsif overwrite? change_record 'UPSERT' Chef::Log.info "Record created/modified: #{name}[#{type}]" else change_record 'CREATE' Chef::Log.info "Record created: #{name}[#{type}]" end end action :delete do require 'aws-sdk' if mock? # Make some fake data so that we can successfully delete when testing. mock_resource_record_set = { name: 'pdb_test.example.com.', type: 'A', ttl: 300, resource_records: [{ value: '' }], } route53.stub_responses( :list_resource_record_sets, resource_record_sets: [mock_resource_record_set], is_truncated: false, max_items: 1 ) end if current_resource_record_set.nil? Chef::Log.info 'There is nothing to delete.' else change_record 'DELETE' Chef::Log.info "Record deleted: #{name}" end end action_class do def name @name ||= begin return new_resource.name + '.' if new_resource.name !~ /\.$/ new_resource.name end end def value @value ||= Array(new_resource.value) end def type @type ||= new_resource.type end def ttl @ttl ||= new_resource.ttl end def geo_location_country @geo_location_country ||= new_resource.geo_location_country end def geo_location_continent @geo_location_continent ||= new_resource.geo_location_continent end def geo_location_subdivision @geo_location_subdivision ||= new_resource.geo_location_subdivision end def geo_location if geo_location_country { country_code: geo_location_country } elsif geo_location_continent { continent_code: geo_location_continent } elsif geo_location_subdivision { country_code: geo_location_country, subdivision_code: geo_location_subdivision } else @geo_location ||= new_resource.geo_location end end def set_identifier @set_identifier ||= new_resource.set_identifier end def overwrite? @overwrite ||= new_resource.overwrite end def alias_target @alias_target ||= new_resource.alias_target end def mock? @mock ||= new_resource.mock end def zone_id @zone_id ||= new_resource.zone_id end def fail_on_error @fail_on_error ||= new_resource.fail_on_error end def route53 @route53 ||= begin if mock? @route53 = Aws::Route53::Client.new(stub_responses: true) elsif new_resource.aws_access_key_id && new_resource.aws_secret_access_key credentials = Aws::Credentials.new(new_resource.aws_access_key_id, new_resource.aws_secret_access_key) @route53 = Aws::Route53::Client.new( credentials: credentials, region: new_resource.aws_region ) else Chef::Log.info 'No AWS credentials supplied, going to attempt to use automatic credentials from IAM or ENV' @route53 = Aws::Route53::Client.new( region: new_resource.aws_region ) end end end def resource_record_set rr_set = { name: name, type: type, } if alias_target rr_set[:alias_target] = alias_target elsif geo_location rr_set[:set_identifier] = set_identifier rr_set[:geo_location] = geo_location rr_set[:ttl] = ttl rr_set[:resource_records] = value.sort.map { |v| { value: v } } else rr_set[:ttl] = ttl rr_set[:resource_records] = value.sort.map { |v| { value: v } } end rr_set end def current_resource_record_set # List all the resource records for this zone: lrrs = route53 .list_resource_record_sets( hosted_zone_id: "/hostedzone/#{zone_id}", start_record_name: name ) # Select current resource record set by name current = lrrs[:resource_record_sets] .select { |rr| rr[:name] == name && rr[:type] == type }.first # return as hash, converting resource record # array of structs to array of hashes if current crr_set = { name: current[:name], type: current[:type], } crr_set[:alias_target] = current[:alias_target].to_h unless current[:alias_target].nil? crr_set[:ttl] = current[:ttl] unless current[:ttl].nil? crr_set[:resource_records] = current[:resource_records].sort_by(&:value).map(&:to_h) unless current[:resource_records].empty? crr_set else {} end end def change_record(action) request = { hosted_zone_id: "/hostedzone/#{zone_id}", change_batch: { comment: "Chef Route53 Resource: #{name}", changes: [ { action: action, resource_record_set: resource_record_set, }, ], }, } converge_by("#{action} record #{new_resource.name} ") do response = route53.change_resource_record_sets(request) Chef::Log.debug "Changed record - #{action}: #{response.inspect}" end rescue Aws::Route53::Errors::ServiceError => e raise if fail_on_error Chef::Log.error "Error with #{action}request: #{request.inspect} ::: " Chef::Log.error e.message end end
class RemoveMeasurementsFromTanks < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change remove_reference :measurements, :tank, foreign_key: true end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Lita::Authorization, lita: true do let(:requesting_user) { instance_double("Lita::User", id: "1") } let(:robot) { Lita::Robot.new(registry) } let(:user) { instance_double("Lita::User", id: "2") } subject { described_class.new(robot) } before do registry.config.robot.admins = ["1"] end describe "#add_user_to_group" do it "adds users to an auth group" do subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, "employees") expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, "employees")).to be true end it "can only be called by admins" do registry.config.robot.admins = nil result = subject.add_user_to_group( requesting_user, user, "employees" ) expect(result).to eq(:unauthorized) expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, "employees")).to be false end it "normalizes the group name" do subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, "eMPLoYeeS") expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, " EmplOyEEs ")).to be true end end describe "#remove_user_from_group" do it "removes users from an auth group" do subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, "employees") subject.remove_user_from_group(requesting_user, user, "employees") expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, "employees")).to be false end it "can only be called by admins" do subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, "employees") registry.config.robot.admins = nil result = subject.remove_user_from_group( requesting_user, user, "employees" ) expect(result).to eq(:unauthorized) expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, "employees")).to be true end it "normalizes the group name" do subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, "eMPLoYeeS") subject.remove_user_from_group(requesting_user, user, "EmployeeS") expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, " EmplOyEEs ")).to be false end end describe "#user_in_group?" do it "returns false if the user is in the group" do expect(subject.user_in_group?(user, "employees")).to be false end it "delegates to .user_is_admin? if the group is admins" do expect(subject).to receive(:user_is_admin?) subject.user_in_group?(user, "admins") end end describe "#user_is_admin?" do it "returns true if the user's ID is in the config" do expect(subject.user_is_admin?(requesting_user)).to be true end it "returns false if the user's ID is not in the config" do registry.config.robot.admins = nil expect(subject.user_is_admin?(user)).to be false end end describe "#groups" do before do %i[foo bar baz].each do |group| subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, group) end end it "returns a list of all authorization groups" do expect(subject.groups).to match_array(%i[foo bar baz]) end end describe "#groups_with_users" do before do %i[foo bar baz].each do |group| subject.add_user_to_group(requesting_user, user, group) subject.add_user_to_group( requesting_user, requesting_user, group ) end allow(Lita::User).to receive(:find_by_id).with("1").and_return(requesting_user) allow(Lita::User).to receive(:find_by_id).with("2").and_return(user) end it "returns a hash of all authorization groups and their members" do groups = %i[foo bar baz] groups_with_users = subject.groups_with_users expect(groups_with_users.keys).to match_array(groups) groups.each do |group| expect(groups_with_users[group]).to match_array([user, requesting_user]) end end end end
require 'thor/group' module Foodie module Generators class Recipe < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions argument :group, :type => :string argument :name, :type => :string def create_group empty_directory(group) end def copy_recipe template("recipe.txt", "#{group}/#{name}.txt") end def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/recipe" end end end end
require 'hashie' require 'faraday' require 'gmxcheckout/version' module GmxCheckout autoload :API, 'gmxcheckout/api' autoload :Base, 'gmxcheckout/base' autoload :JsonMiddleware, 'gmxcheckout/json_middleware' autoload :Model, 'gmxcheckout/model' autoload :Response, 'gmxcheckout/response' autoload :Subscriptions, 'gmxcheckout/subscriptions' module Models autoload :Transaction, 'gmxcheckout/models/transaction' autoload :Notification, 'gmxcheckout/models/notification' end class << self attr_accessor :api_key end def self.configure(&block) instance_eval(&block) end def self.statuses @statuses ||= { initiated: 0, captured: 1, cancelled: 3, suspended: 4, approved: 5, rejected: 6, incommunicable: 7 } end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script only support ASCII format # and tick download. require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'mechanize' agent = Mechanize.new agent.pluggable_parser.default = Mechanize::Download for i_date in 2020..2023 # change date date = i_date.to_s for i_month in 1..12 # change month month = '%02d' % i_month datemonth = date + month fxpair = 'SPXUSD' # change your instrument platform = 'ASCII' timeframe = 'T' saved_name = 'HISTDATA_COM_' + [platform, fxpair, timeframe, datemonth].join('_') + '.zip' referer_uri = "http://www.histdata.com/download-free-forex-historical-data/?/#{platform.downcase}/tick-data-quotes/#{fxpair.downcase}/#{date}/#{month}" puts "Downloading: #{saved_name}" if File.exist?saved_name puts "Downloaded: #{saved_name}, skipping." next end p = agent.get(referer_uri) next_p = p.form_with(:name => 'file_down').submit next_p.save(saved_name) end end
# InSpec test for recipe pola::default # The InSpec reference, with examples and extensive documentation, can be # found at https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/resources/ unless os.windows? # This is an example test, replace with your own test. describe user('root'), :skip do it { should exist } end end # This is an example test, replace it with your own test. describe port(80), :skip do it { should_not be_listening } end
class LmSensors < Formula desc "Tools for monitoring the temperatures, voltages, and fans" homepage "https://github.com/groeck/lm-sensors" url "https://github.com/lm-sensors/lm-sensors/archive/V3-6-0.tar.gz" version "3.6.0" sha256 "0591f9fa0339f0d15e75326d0365871c2d4e2ed8aa1ff759b3a55d3734b7d197" license any_of: ["GPL-2.0-or-later", "LGPL-2.1-or-later"] bottle do sha256 x86_64_linux: "bf3fea16c4ebf78f4234e9c7d00088fb4990433d135e5bb958a1c107dcbf63cd" # linuxbrew-core end depends_on "bison" => :build depends_on "flex" => :build depends_on :linux def install args = %W[ PREFIX=#{prefix} BUILD_STATIC_LIB=0 MANDIR=#{man} ETCDIR=#{prefix}/etc ] system "make", *args system "make", *args, "install" end test do assert_match("Usage", shell_output("#{bin}/sensors --help")) end end
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :lightbulbs belongs_to :family def self.from_omniauth(auth) where({uid: auth.uid}).first_or_initialize.tap do |user| user.uid = auth.uid user.name = auth.info.name user.first_name = auth.info.name.split(' ')[0] user.image_url = auth.info.image user.last_name = auth.info.name.split(' ')[1] user.email = auth.info.email user.oauth_token = auth.credentials.token user.oauth_expires_at = Time.at(auth.credentials.expires_at) user.save! end end end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01 # # ExpressRouteGateways # class ExpressRouteGateways include MsRestAzure # # Creates and initializes a new instance of the ExpressRouteGateways class. # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality. # def initialize(client) @client = client end # @return [NetworkManagementClient] reference to the NetworkManagementClient attr_reader :client # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways under a given subscription. # # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ExpressRouteGatewayList] operation results. # def list_by_subscription(custom_headers:nil) response = list_by_subscription_async(custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways under a given subscription. # # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_by_subscription_with_http_info(custom_headers:nil) list_by_subscription_async(custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways under a given subscription. # # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_by_subscription_async(custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGatewayList.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways in a given resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ExpressRouteGatewayList] operation results. # def list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name, custom_headers:nil) response = list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways in a given resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_by_resource_group_with_http_info(resource_group_name, custom_headers:nil) list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Lists ExpressRoute gateways in a given resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGatewayList.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Creates or updates a ExpressRoute gateway in a specified resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param put_express_route_gateway_parameters [ExpressRouteGateway] Parameters # required in an ExpressRoute gateway PUT operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ExpressRouteGateway] operation results. # def create_or_update(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:nil) response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param put_express_route_gateway_parameters [ExpressRouteGateway] Parameters # required in an ExpressRoute gateway PUT operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http # response. # def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:nil) # Send request promise = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers) promise = promise.then do |response| # Defining deserialization method. deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response| result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGateway.mapper() parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) end # Waiting for response. @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method) end promise end # # Fetches the details of a ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ExpressRouteGateway] operation results. # def get(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) response = get_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Fetches the details of a ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) get_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Fetches the details of a ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def get_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'express_route_gateway_name is nil' if express_route_gateway_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways/{expressRouteGatewayName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'expressRouteGatewayName' => express_route_gateway_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGateway.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Deletes the specified ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. An # ExpressRoute gateway resource can only be deleted when there are no # connection subresources. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # def delete(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) response = delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! nil end # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http # response. # def delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) # Send request promise = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers) promise = promise.then do |response| # Defining deserialization method. deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response| end # Waiting for response. @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method) end promise end # # Creates or updates a ExpressRoute gateway in a specified resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param put_express_route_gateway_parameters [ExpressRouteGateway] Parameters # required in an ExpressRoute gateway PUT operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ExpressRouteGateway] operation results. # def begin_create_or_update(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:nil) response = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Creates or updates a ExpressRoute gateway in a specified resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param put_express_route_gateway_parameters [ExpressRouteGateway] Parameters # required in an ExpressRoute gateway PUT operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def begin_create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:nil) begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Creates or updates a ExpressRoute gateway in a specified resource group. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param put_express_route_gateway_parameters [ExpressRouteGateway] Parameters # required in an ExpressRoute gateway PUT operation. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, put_express_route_gateway_parameters, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'express_route_gateway_name is nil' if express_route_gateway_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'put_express_route_gateway_parameters is nil' if put_express_route_gateway_parameters.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? # Serialize Request request_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGateway.mapper() request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, put_express_route_gateway_parameters) request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways/{expressRouteGatewayName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'expressRouteGatewayName' => express_route_gateway_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, body: request_content, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 201 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGateway.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end # Deserialize Response if status_code == 201 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::ExpressRouteGateway.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Deletes the specified ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. An # ExpressRoute gateway resource can only be deleted when there are no # connection subresources. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # def begin_delete(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) response = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! nil end # # Deletes the specified ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. An # ExpressRoute gateway resource can only be deleted when there are no # connection subresources. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def begin_delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Deletes the specified ExpressRoute gateway in a resource group. An # ExpressRoute gateway resource can only be deleted when there are no # connection subresources. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group. # @param express_route_gateway_name [String] The name of the ExpressRoute # gateway. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, express_route_gateway_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'express_route_gateway_name is nil' if express_route_gateway_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways/{expressRouteGatewayName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'expressRouteGatewayName' => express_route_gateway_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 202 || status_code == 200 || status_code == 204 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? result end promise.execute end end end
require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ArrayPrinter do it 'can properly format its output' do input = %w(A B C D H L K J I E F G) expect(ArrayPrinter.new(input).print).to eq('a b c d h l k j i e f g') end end
require_relative './mugatu/version' require_relative './mugatu/entity' require_relative './mugatu/attribute' require_relative './mugatu/attribute_type'
class RequestsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_request, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :require_permission, only: [:show, :edit, :update] # GET /requests # GET /requests.json def index @incoming_requests = Request.where(:user_id => current_user.id).where.not(:ignore => 'true', :accept => 'true') @outgoing_requests = Request.where(:passenger_id => current_user.id).where.not(:ignore => 'true', :accept => 'true') end # GET /requests/1 # GET /requests/1.json def show end # GET /requests/new def new @request = Request.new end # GET /requests/1/edit # def edit # end # POST /requests # POST /requests.json def create @request = Request.new(request_params) respond_to do |format| if @request.save format.html { redirect_to rides_path, notice: 'Ride request was sent successfully.' } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @request} else format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: @request.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /requests/1 # PATCH/PUT /requests/1.json def update respond_to do |format| if @request.update(request_params) format.html { redirect_to requests_path, notice: 'Request was successfully updated.' } format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @request } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render json: @request.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE /requests/1 # DELETE /requests/1.json def destroy @request.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to requests_url, notice: 'Request was successfully destroyed.' } format.json { head :no_content } end end def driver_bookings @rides = Ride.where(:user_id => current_user.id) @driver_bookings = Request.where(:user_id => current_user.id, :accept => 'true') end def passenger_bookings @rides = Ride.where(:passenger_id => current_user.id) @passenger_bookings = Request.where(:passenger_id => current_user.id, :accept => 'true') end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_request @request = Request.find(params[:id]) end # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def request_params params.require(:request).permit(:user_id, :ride_id, :passenger, :ignore, :passenger_id, :accept) end def require_permission if current_user.id != Request.find(params[:id]).user_id redirect_to requests_path, alert: "You're only allowed to edit your own requests" end end end
# # Be sure to run `pod lib lint CAFSequenceImageView.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec before submitting. # # Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged # To learn more about a Podspec see https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'CAFSequenceImageView' s.version = '0.2.0' s.summary = 'CAFSequenceImageView allows you to easily display sequence of images' # This description is used to generate tags and improve search results. # * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus? # * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point. # * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below. # * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it! s.description = <<-DESC Image view used to display a sequence of image. You can customize the image sequence and the speed of the change. DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/Fourni-j/CAFSequenceImageView' # s.screenshots = 'www.example.com/screenshots_1', 'www.example.com/screenshots_2' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { 'Fourni-j' => 'charladfr@me.com' } s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/Fourni-j/CAFSequenceImageView.git', :tag => s.version.to_s } # s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/<TWITTER_USERNAME>' s.ios.deployment_target = '10.0' s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'SWIFT_VERSION' => '4.0' } s.swift_version = '4.0' s.source_files = 'CAFSequenceImageView/Classes/**/*' # s.resource_bundles = { # 'CAFSequenceImageView' => ['CAFSequenceImageView/Assets/*.png'] # } # s.public_header_files = 'Pod/Classes/**/*.h' # s.frameworks = 'UIKit', 'MapKit' # s.dependency 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.3' end
Pollett.configure do |config| config.reset_url = ->(token) { "https://example.com/#{token}/reset" } end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'graphql' require_relative 'base_object' module Types class Game < BaseObject description 'Games item' field :id, ID, null: false field :name, String, null: false end end
module Tomo class Runtime class TaskAbortedError < Tomo::Error attr_accessor :task, :host def to_console <<~ERROR The #{yellow(task)} task failed on #{yellow(host)}. #{red(message)} ERROR end end end end
# # Author:: AJ Christensen (<aj@junglist.gen.nz>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "spec_helper" require "ostruct" describe Chef::Daemon do before do if windows? mock_struct = #Struct::Passwd.new(nil, nil, 111, 111) mock_struct = OpenStruct.new(:uid => 2342, :gid => 2342) allow(Etc).to receive(:getpwnam).and_return mock_struct allow(Etc).to receive(:getgrnam).and_return mock_struct # mock unimplemented methods allow(Process).to receive(:initgroups).and_return nil allow(Process::GID).to receive(:change_privilege).and_return 11 allow(Process::UID).to receive(:change_privilege).and_return 11 end end describe ".pid_file" do describe "when the pid_file option has been set" do before do Chef::Config[:pid_file] = "/var/run/chef/chef-client.pid" end it "should return the supplied value" do expect(Chef::Daemon.pid_file).to eql("/var/run/chef/chef-client.pid") end end describe "without the pid_file option set" do before do Chef::Daemon.name = "chef-client" end it "should return a valued based on @name" do expect(Chef::Daemon.pid_file).to eql("/tmp/chef-client.pid") end end end describe ".pid_from_file" do before do Chef::Config[:pid_file] = "/var/run/chef/chef-client.pid" end it "should suck the pid out of pid_file" do expect(File).to receive(:read).with("/var/run/chef/chef-client.pid").and_return("1337") Chef::Daemon.pid_from_file end end describe ".change_privilege" do before do allow(Chef::Application).to receive(:fatal!).and_return(true) Chef::Config[:user] = "aj" allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir) end it "changes the working directory to root" do expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).with("/").and_return(0) Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end describe "when the user and group options are supplied" do before do Chef::Config[:group] = "staff" end it "should log an appropriate info message" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:info).with("About to change privilege to aj:staff") Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end it "should call _change_privilege with the user and group" do expect(Chef::Daemon).to receive(:_change_privilege).with("aj", "staff") Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end end describe "when just the user option is supplied" do it "should log an appropriate info message" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:info).with("About to change privilege to aj") Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end it "should call _change_privilege with just the user" do expect(Chef::Daemon).to receive(:_change_privilege).with("aj") Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end end end describe "._change_privilege" do before do allow(Process).to receive(:euid).and_return(0) allow(Process).to receive(:egid).and_return(0) allow(Process::UID).to receive(:change_privilege).and_return(nil) allow(Process::GID).to receive(:change_privilege).and_return(nil) @pw_user = double("Struct::Passwd", :uid => 501) @pw_group = double("Struct::Group", :gid => 20) allow(Process).to receive(:initgroups).and_return(true) allow(Etc).to receive(:getpwnam).and_return(@pw_user) allow(Etc).to receive(:getgrnam).and_return(@pw_group) end describe "with sufficient privileges" do before do allow(Process).to receive(:euid).and_return(0) allow(Process).to receive(:egid).and_return(0) end it "should initialize the supplemental group list" do expect(Process).to receive(:initgroups).with("aj", 20) Chef::Daemon._change_privilege("aj") end it "should attempt to change the process GID" do expect(Process::GID).to receive(:change_privilege).with(20).and_return(20) Chef::Daemon._change_privilege("aj") end it "should attempt to change the process UID" do expect(Process::UID).to receive(:change_privilege).with(501).and_return(501) Chef::Daemon._change_privilege("aj") end end describe "with insufficient privileges" do before do allow(Process).to receive(:euid).and_return(999) allow(Process).to receive(:egid).and_return(999) end it "should log an appropriate error message and fail miserably" do allow(Process).to receive(:initgroups).and_raise(Errno::EPERM) error = "Operation not permitted" if RUBY_PLATFORM.match("solaris2") || RUBY_PLATFORM.match("aix") error = "Not owner" end expect(Chef::Application).to receive(:fatal!).with("Permission denied when trying to change 999:999 to 501:20. #{error}") Chef::Daemon._change_privilege("aj") end end end end
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) require 'rails/all' # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module Cv class Application < Rails::Application # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC. # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)' # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] # config.i18n.default_locale = :de # Do not swallow errors in after_commit/after_rollback callbacks. config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true end end
module TournamentSystem module Algorithm # This module provides utility functions for helping implement other # algorithms. module Util extend self # @deprecated Please use {#padd_teams_even} instead. def padd_teams(teams) message = 'NOTE: padd_teams is now deprecated in favour of padd_teams_even. '\ 'It will be removed in the next major version.'\ "Util.padd_teams called from #{Gem.location_of_caller.join(':')}" warn message unless Gem::Deprecate.skip padd_teams_even(teams) end # Padd an array of teams to be even. # # @param teams [Array<team>] # @return [Array<team, nil>] def padd_teams_even(teams) if teams.length.odd? teams + [nil] else teams end end # @deprecated Please use {#padded_teams_even_count} def padded_teams_count(teams_count) message = 'Node: padded_teams_count is now deprecated in favour of padded_teams_even_count. '\ 'It will be removed in the next major version.'\ "Util.padded_teams_count called from #{Gem.location_of_caller.join(':')}" warn message unless Gem::Deprecate.skip padded_teams_even_count(teams_count) end # Padd the count of teams to be even. # # @example # padded_teams_even_count(teams.length) == padd_teams_even(teams).length # # @param teams_count [Integer] the number of teams # @return [Integer] def padded_teams_even_count(teams_count) (teams_count / 2.0).ceil * 2 end # pow2 is not uncommunicative # :reek:UncommunicativeMethodName # Padd an array of teams to the next power of 2. # # @param teams [Array<team>] # @return [Array<team, nil>] def padd_teams_pow2(teams) required = padded_teams_pow2_count(teams.length) Array.new(required) { |index| teams[index] } end # Padd the count of teams to be a power of 2. # # @example # padded_teams_pow2_count(teams.length) == padd_teams_pow2(teams).length # # @param teams_count [Integer] the number of teams # @return [Integer] def padded_teams_pow2_count(teams_count) 2**Math.log2(teams_count).ceil end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Collect all values in an array with a minimum value. # # @param array [Array<element>] # @yieldparam element an element of the array # @yieldreturn [#<, #==] some value to find the minimum of # @return [Array<element>] all elements with the minimum value def all_min_by(array) min_elements = [] min_value = nil array.each do |element| value = yield element if !min_value || value < min_value min_elements = [element] min_value = value elsif value == min_value min_elements << element end end min_elements end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end end
require File.expand_path("../lib/reptar", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "ostruct" User = OpenStruct Post = OpenStruct Company = OpenStruct test "single attribute" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end user = User.new(name: "Julio") result = {name: "Julio"}.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "nil attribute" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end user = User.new(name: nil) result = {name: nil}.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "changing the key attribute" do PostReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :slug, key: :url end post = Post.new(slug: "this-is-cool") result = {url: "this-is-cool"}.to_json assert_equal PostReptar.new(post).to_json, result end test "multiple attributes" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attributes :name, :email end user = User.new(name: "Julio", email: "julio@example.com") result = {name: "Julio", email: "julio@example.com"}.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "method as attribute" do PostReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :slug def slug "#{name}-#{id}" end end post = Post.new(name: "a-demo-post", id: 1) result = {slug: "a-demo-post-1"}.to_json assert_equal PostReptar.new(post).to_json, result end test "aplying root to single element" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end user = User.new(name: "Julio") result = {user: {name: "Julio"}}.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json(root: :user), result end test "aplying root to a multiple elements" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end users = [User.new(name: "Julio"), User.new(name: "Piero")] result = { users: [ { name: "Julio" }, { name: "Piero" } ] }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(users).to_json(root: :users), result end test "initialize with an array" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end users = [User.new(name: "Julio"), User.new(name: "Piero")] result = [ { name: "Julio" }, { name: "Piero" } ].to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(users).to_json, result end test "array collection" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name collection :languages end user = User.new(name: "Julio", languages: ["Ruby", "Js", "Go"]) result = { name: "Julio", languages: ["Ruby", "Js", "Go"] }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "a single representable association" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name attribute :company, with: "CompanyReptar" end CompanyReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end user = User.new(name: "Julio") user.company = Company.new(name: "Codalot") result = { name: "Julio", company: { name: "Codalot" } }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "single representable association as nil" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name attribute :company, with: "CompanyReptar" end user = User.new(name: "Julio") user.company = nil result = { name: "Julio", company: nil }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "array with association" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name attribute :company, with: "CompanyReptar" end CompanyReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name end users = [ User.new(name: "Julio", company: Company.new(name: "Codalot")), User.new(name: "Piero", company: Company.new(name: "Velocis")) ] result = [ { name: "Julio", company: { name: "Codalot" } }, { name: "Piero", company: { name: "Velocis" } } ].to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(users).to_json, result end test "serializes object with collection" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name collection :posts, with: "PostReptar" end PostReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :title end user = User.new(name: "Julio") user.posts = [ Post.new(title: "Awesome title"), Post.new(title: "Cats are dominating the world right now") ] result = { name: "Julio", posts: [ { title: "Awesome title" }, { title: "Cats are dominating the world right now" } ] }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end test "array with representable collections" do UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :name collection :posts, with: "PostReptar" end PostReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :title end users = [ User.new( name: "Julio", posts: [ Post.new(title: "Hi, I'm a dog") ] ), User.new( name: "Piero", posts: [ Post.new(title: "I like turtles"), Post.new(title: "Please come back PT!"), ] ) ] result = [ { name: "Julio", posts: [ { title: "Hi, I'm a dog" } ] }, { name: "Piero", posts: [ { title: "I like turtles" }, { title: "Please come back PT!" } ] } ].to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(users).to_json, result end test "custom association method" do PostReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do attribute :title end UserReptar = Class.new(Reptar) do collection :posts, with: "PostReptar" def posts [Post.new(title: "I like turtles")] end end user = User.new result = { posts: [{title: "I like turtles" }] }.to_json assert_equal UserReptar.new(user).to_json, result end
# # Author:: Vasundhara Jagdale (<vasundhara.jagdale@msystechnologies.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Resource::CabPackage do let(:resource) { Chef::Resource::CabPackage.new("test_pkg") } it "is a subclass of Chef::Resource::Package" do expect(resource).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Resource::Package) end it "sets resource name as :cab_package" do expect(resource.resource_name).to eql(:cab_package) end it "sets the default action as :install" do expect(resource.action).to eql([:install]) end it "coerces name property to package_name property" do expect(resource.package_name).to eql("test_pkg") end it "coerces name property to a source property if source not provided" do expect(resource.source).to end_with("test_pkg") end it "coerces name property to a source property if source not provided and package_name is" do resource.package_name("package.cab") expect(resource.source).to end_with("package.cab") end it "coerces source property if it does not looks like a path" do resource.source("package.cab") expect(resource.source).not_to eq("package.cab") end end
module FormulaCellarChecks def check_PATH(bin) # warn the user if stuff was installed outside of their PATH return unless bin.directory? return unless bin.children.length > 0 prefix_bin = (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin.basename) return unless prefix_bin.directory? prefix_bin = prefix_bin.realpath return if ORIGINAL_PATHS.include? prefix_bin <<-EOS.undent #{prefix_bin} is not in your PATH You can amend this by altering your #{shell_profile} file EOS end def check_manpages # Check for man pages that aren't in share/man return unless (formula.prefix+"man").directory? <<-EOS.undent A top-level "man" directory was found Homebrew requires that man pages live under share. This can often be fixed by passing "--mandir=\#{man}" to configure. EOS end def check_infopages # Check for info pages that aren't in share/info return unless (formula.prefix+"info").directory? <<-EOS.undent A top-level "info" directory was found Homebrew suggests that info pages live under share. This can often be fixed by passing "--infodir=\#{info}" to configure. EOS end def check_jars return unless formula.lib.directory? jars = formula.lib.children.select { |g| g.extname == ".jar" } return if jars.empty? <<-EOS.undent JARs were installed to "#{formula.lib}" Installing JARs to "lib" can cause conflicts between packages. For Java software, it is typically better for the formula to install to "libexec" and then symlink or wrap binaries into "bin". See "activemq", "jruby", etc. for examples. The offending files are: #{jars * "\n "} EOS end def check_non_libraries return unless formula.lib.directory? valid_extensions = %w[.a .dylib .framework .jnilib .la .o .so .jar .prl .pm .sh] non_libraries = formula.lib.children.select do |g| next if g.directory? !(valid_extensions.include?(g.extname) || g.basename.to_s.include?(".so.")) end return if non_libraries.empty? <<-EOS.undent Non-libraries were installed to "#{formula.lib}" Installing non-libraries to "lib" is discouraged. The offending files are: #{non_libraries * "\n "} EOS end def check_non_executables(bin) return unless bin.directory? non_exes = bin.children.select { |g| g.directory? || !g.executable? } return if non_exes.empty? <<-EOS.undent Non-executables were installed to "#{bin}" The offending files are: #{non_exes * "\n "} EOS end def check_generic_executables(bin) return unless bin.directory? generic_names = %w[run service start stop] generics = bin.children.select { |g| generic_names.include? g.basename.to_s } return if generics.empty? <<-EOS.undent Generic binaries were installed to "#{bin}" Binaries with generic names are likely to conflict with other software, and suggest that this software should be installed to "libexec" and then symlinked as needed. The offending files are: #{generics * "\n "} EOS end def check_shadowed_headers ["libtool", "subversion", "berkeley-db"].each do |formula_name| return if formula.name.start_with?(formula_name) end return if MacOS.version < :mavericks && formula.name.start_with?("postgresql") return if MacOS.version < :yosemite && formula.name.start_with?("memcached") return if formula.keg_only? || !formula.include.directory? files = relative_glob(formula.include, "**/*.h") files &= relative_glob("#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include", "**/*.h") files.map! { |p| File.join(formula.include, p) } return if files.empty? <<-EOS.undent Header files that shadow system header files were installed to "#{formula.include}" The offending files are: #{files * "\n "} EOS end def check_easy_install_pth(lib) pth_found = Dir["#{lib}/python{2.7,3}*/site-packages/easy-install.pth"].map { |f| File.dirname(f) } return if pth_found.empty? <<-EOS.undent easy-install.pth files were found These .pth files are likely to cause link conflicts. Please invoke setup.py using Language::Python.setup_install_args. The offending files are #{pth_found * "\n "} EOS end def check_openssl_links return unless formula.prefix.directory? keg = Keg.new(formula.prefix) system_openssl = keg.mach_o_files.select do |obj| dlls = obj.dynamically_linked_libraries dlls.any? { |dll| /\/usr\/lib\/lib(crypto|ssl).(\d\.)*dylib/.match dll } end return if system_openssl.empty? <<-EOS.undent object files were linked against system openssl These object files were linked against the deprecated system OpenSSL. Adding `depends_on "openssl"` to the formula may help. #{system_openssl * "\n "} EOS end def check_python_framework_links(lib) python_modules = Pathname.glob lib/"python*/site-packages/**/*.so" framework_links = python_modules.select do |obj| dlls = obj.dynamically_linked_libraries dlls.any? { |dll| /Python\.framework/.match dll } end return if framework_links.empty? <<-EOS.undent python modules have explicit framework links These python extension modules were linked directly to a Python framework binary. They should be linked with -undefined dynamic_lookup instead of -lpython or -framework Python. #{framework_links * "\n "} EOS end def check_emacs_lisp(share, name) return unless (share/"emacs/site-lisp").directory? # Emacs itself can do what it wants return if name == "emacs" elisps = (share/"emacs/site-lisp").children.select { |file| %w[.el .elc].include? file.extname } return if elisps.empty? <<-EOS.undent Emacs Lisp files were linked directly to #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp This may cause conflicts with other packages; install to a subdirectory instead, such as #{share}/emacs/site-lisp/#{name} The offending files are: #{elisps * "\n "} EOS end def audit_installed audit_check_output(check_manpages) audit_check_output(check_infopages) audit_check_output(check_jars) audit_check_output(check_non_libraries) audit_check_output(check_non_executables(formula.bin)) audit_check_output(check_generic_executables(formula.bin)) audit_check_output(check_non_executables(formula.sbin)) audit_check_output(check_generic_executables(formula.sbin)) audit_check_output(check_shadowed_headers) audit_check_output(check_easy_install_pth(formula.lib)) audit_check_output(check_openssl_links) audit_check_output(check_python_framework_links(formula.lib)) audit_check_output(check_emacs_lisp(formula.share, formula.name)) end private def relative_glob(dir, pattern) File.directory?(dir) ? Dir.chdir(dir) { Dir[pattern] } : [] end end
##Patterns: Lint_BlockAlignment variable = lambda do |i| i end variable = lambda do |i| i ##Warn: Lint_BlockAlignment end
# encoding: utf-8 # This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it manually. # If you want change the content of this file, edit # # /spec/fixtures/responses/whois.comlaude.com/status_registered.expected # # and regenerate the tests with the following rake task # # $ rake spec:generate # require 'spec_helper' require 'whois/record/parser/whois.comlaude.com.rb' describe Whois::Record::Parser::WhoisComlaudeCom, "status_registered.expected" do subject do file = fixture("responses", "whois.comlaude.com/status_registered.txt") part = Whois::Record::Part.new(body: File.read(file)) described_class.new(part) end describe "#status" do it do expect { subject.status }.to raise_error(Whois::AttributeNotSupported) end end describe "#available?" do it do expect(subject.available?).to eq(false) end end describe "#registered?" do it do expect(subject.registered?).to eq(true) end end describe "#created_on" do it do expect(subject.created_on).to be_a(Time) expect(subject.created_on).to eq(Time.parse("2005-01-30")) end end describe "#updated_on" do it do expect { subject.updated_on }.to raise_error(Whois::AttributeNotSupported) end end describe "#expires_on" do it do expect(subject.expires_on).to be_a(Time) expect(subject.expires_on).to eq(Time.parse("2020-01-30")) end end describe "#registrar" do it do expect(subject.registrar).to be_a(Whois::Record::Registrar) expect(subject.registrar.id).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrar.name).to eq("NOM IQ LTD (DBA COM LAUDE)") expect(subject.registrar.url).to eq("http://www.comlaude.com") end end describe "#registrant_contacts" do it do expect(subject.registrant_contacts).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.registrant_contacts.size).to eq(1) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Contact) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].type).to eq(Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_REGISTRANT) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].name).to eq("Domain Manager") expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].organization).to eq("Nom-IQ Ltd dba Com Laude") expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].address).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].city).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].zip).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].state).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].country).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].phone).to eq("+44.2078360070") expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].fax).to eq(nil) expect(subject.registrant_contacts[0].email).to eq("admin@comlaude.com") end end describe "#admin_contacts" do it do expect(subject.admin_contacts).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.admin_contacts.size).to eq(1) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Contact) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].type).to eq(Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_ADMINISTRATIVE) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].name).to eq("Domain Manager") expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].organization).to eq("Nom-IQ Ltd dba Com Laude") expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].address).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].city).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].zip).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].state).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].country).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].phone).to eq("+44.2078360070") expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].fax).to eq(nil) expect(subject.admin_contacts[0].email).to eq("admin@comlaude.com") end end describe "#technical_contacts" do it do expect(subject.technical_contacts).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.technical_contacts.size).to eq(1) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Contact) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].type).to eq(Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_TECHNICAL) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].name).to eq("Technical Manager") expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].organization).to eq("Com Laude") expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].address).to eq(nil) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].city).to eq(nil) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].zip).to eq(nil) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].state).to eq(nil) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].country).to eq(nil) expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].phone).to eq("+44.2074218250") expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].fax).to eq("+44.8700118187") expect(subject.technical_contacts[0].email).to eq("hostmaster@comlaude.com") end end describe "#nameservers" do it do expect(subject.nameservers).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.nameservers.size).to eq(4) expect(subject.nameservers[0]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Nameserver) expect(subject.nameservers[0].name).to eq("dns1.comlaude-dns.com") expect(subject.nameservers[1]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Nameserver) expect(subject.nameservers[1].name).to eq("dns2.comlaude-dns.net") expect(subject.nameservers[2]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Nameserver) expect(subject.nameservers[2].name).to eq("dns3.comlaude-dns.co.uk") expect(subject.nameservers[3]).to be_a(Whois::Record::Nameserver) expect(subject.nameservers[3].name).to eq("dns4.comlaude-dns.eu") end end end
# -*- coding: binary -*- # toybox module Msf autoload :OptionContainer, 'msf/core/option_container' ### # # The module base class is responsible for providing the common interface # that is used to interact with modules at the most basic levels, such as # by inspecting a given module's attributes (name, description, version, # authors, etc) and by managing the module's data store. # ### class Module autoload :Alert, 'msf/core/module/alert' autoload :Arch, 'msf/core/module/arch' autoload :Auth, 'msf/core/module/auth' autoload :Author, 'msf/core/module/author' autoload :AuxiliaryAction, 'msf/core/module/auxiliary_action' autoload :Compatibility, 'msf/core/module/compatibility' autoload :DataStore, 'msf/core/module/data_store' autoload :Deprecated, 'msf/core/module/deprecated' autoload :Failure, 'msf/core/module/failure' autoload :FullName, 'msf/core/module/full_name' autoload :HasActions, 'msf/core/module/has_actions' autoload :ModuleInfo, 'msf/core/module/module_info' autoload :ModuleStore, 'msf/core/module/module_store' autoload :Network, 'msf/core/module/network' autoload :Options, 'msf/core/module/options' autoload :Platform, 'msf/core/module/platform' autoload :PlatformList, 'msf/core/module/platform_list' autoload :Privileged, 'msf/core/module/privileged' autoload :Ranking, 'msf/core/module/ranking' autoload :Reference, 'msf/core/module/reference' autoload :SiteReference, 'msf/core/module/reference' autoload :Target, 'msf/core/module/target' autoload :Type, 'msf/core/module/type' autoload :UI, 'msf/core/module/ui' autoload :UUID, 'msf/core/module/uuid' autoload :SideEffects, 'msf/core/module/side_effects' autoload :Stability, 'msf/core/module/stability' autoload :Reliability, 'msf/core/module/reliability' # toybox autoload :Rpcredis,'msf/core/module/rpcredis' include Msf::Module::Alert include Msf::Module::Arch include Msf::Module::Auth include Msf::Module::Author include Msf::Module::Compatibility include Msf::Module::DataStore include Msf::Module::FullName include Msf::Module::ModuleInfo include Msf::Module::ModuleStore include Msf::Module::Network include Msf::Module::Options include Msf::Module::Privileged include Msf::Module::Ranking include Msf::Module::Type include Msf::Module::UI include Msf::Module::UUID include Msf::Module::SideEffects include Msf::Module::Stability include Msf::Module::Reliability # toybox include Msf::Module::Rpcredis # The key where a comma-separated list of Ruby module names will live in the # datastore, consumed by #replicant to allow clean override of MSF module methods. REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY = 'ReplicantExtensions' # Make include public so we can runtime extend public_class_method :include class << self include Framework::Offspring # # This attribute holds the non-duplicated copy of the module # implementation. This attribute is used for reloading purposes so that # it can be re-duplicated. # attr_accessor :orig_cls # # The path from which the module was loaded. # attr_accessor :file_path end # # Returns the class reference to the framework # def framework self.class.framework end # # Creates an instance of an abstract module using the supplied information # hash. # def initialize(info = {}) @module_info_copy = info.dup self.module_info = info generate_uuid set_defaults # Initialize module compatibility hashes init_compat # Fixup module fields as needed info_fixups # Transform some of the fields to arrays as necessary self.author = Msf::Author.transform(module_info['Author']) self.arch = Rex::Transformer.transform(module_info['Arch'], Array, [ String ], 'Arch') self.platform = PlatformList.transform(module_info['Platform']) self.references = Rex::Transformer.transform(module_info['References'], Array, [ SiteReference, Reference ], 'Ref') # Create and initialize the option container for this module self.options = Msf::OptionContainer.new self.options.add_options(info['Options'], self.class) self.options.add_advanced_options(info['AdvancedOptions'], self.class) self.options.add_evasion_options(info['EvasionOptions'], self.class) # Create and initialize the data store for this module self.datastore = ModuleDataStore.new(self) # Import default options into the datastore import_defaults self.privileged = module_info['Privileged'] || false self.license = module_info['License'] || MSF_LICENSE # Allow all modules to track their current workspace register_advanced_options( [ OptString.new('WORKSPACE', [ false, "Specify the workspace for this module" ]), OptBool.new('VERBOSE', [ false, 'Enable detailed status messages', false ]) ], Msf::Module) end def has_check? respond_to?(:check) end # # Creates a fresh copy of an instantiated module # def replicant obj = self.clone self.instance_variables.each { |k| v = instance_variable_get(k) v = v.dup rescue v obj.instance_variable_set(k, v) } obj.datastore = self.datastore.copy obj.user_input = self.user_input obj.user_output = self.user_output obj.module_store = self.module_store.clone obj.perform_extensions obj end # Extends self with the constant list in the datastore # @return [void] def perform_extensions if datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY].present? if datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY].respond_to?(:each) datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY].each do |const| self.extend(const) end else fail "Invalid settings in datastore at key #{REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY}" end end end # @param[Constant] One or more Ruby constants # @return [void] def register_extensions(*rb_modules) datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY] = [] unless datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY].present? rb_modules.each do |rb_mod| datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY] << rb_mod unless datastore[REPLICANT_EXTENSION_DS_KEY].include? rb_mod end end # # Returns the unduplicated class associated with this module. # def orig_cls self.class.orig_cls end # # The path to the file in which the module can be loaded from. # def file_path self.class.file_path end # # Returns the current workspace # def workspace self.datastore['WORKSPACE'] || (framework.db and framework.db.active and framework.db.workspace and framework.db.workspace.name) end # # Returns the username that instantiated this module, this tries a handful of methods # to determine what actual user ran this module. # def owner # Generic method to configure a module owner username = self.datastore['MODULE_OWNER'].to_s.strip # Specific method used by the commercial products if username.empty? username = self.datastore['PROUSER'].to_s.strip end # Fallback when neither prior method is available, common for msfconsole if username.empty? username = (ENV['LOGNAME'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || ENV['USER'] || "unknown").to_s.strip end username end # # Scans the parent module reference to populate additional information. This # is used to inherit common settings (owner, workspace, parent uuid, etc). # def register_parent(ref) self.datastore['WORKSPACE'] = (ref.datastore['WORKSPACE'] ? ref.datastore['WORKSPACE'].dup : nil) self.datastore['PROUSER'] = (ref.datastore['PROUSER'] ? ref.datastore['PROUSER'].dup : nil) self.datastore['MODULE_OWNER'] = ref.owner.dup self.datastore['ParentUUID'] = ref.uuid.dup end # # Return a comma separated list of supported platforms, if any. # def platform_to_s platform.all? ? "All" : platform.names.join(", ") end # # Checks to see if this module is compatible with the supplied platform # def platform?(what) (platform & what).empty? == false end # # Returns true if this module is being debugged. # def debugging? datastore['DEBUG'] end # # Raises a RuntimeError failure message. This is meant to be used for all non-exploits, # and allows specific classes to override. # # @param reason [String] A reason about the failure. # @param msg [String] (Optional) A message about the failure. # @raise [RuntimeError] # @return [void] # @note If you are writing an exploit, you don't use this API. Instead, please refer to the # API documentation from lib/msf/core/exploit.rb. # @see Msf::Exploit#fail_with # @example # fail_with('No Access', 'Unable to login') # def fail_with(reason, msg=nil) raise RuntimeError, "#{reason.to_s}: #{msg}" end ## # # Just some handy quick checks # ## # # Returns false since this is the real module # def self.cached? false end def required_cred_options @required_cred_options ||= lambda { self.options.select { |name, opt| ( opt.type?('string') && opt.required && (opt.name.match(/user(name)*$/i) || name.match(/pass(word)*$/i)) ) || ( opt.type?('bool') && opt.required && opt.name.match(/^allow_guest$/i) ) } }.call end def black_listed_auth_filenames @black_listed_auth_filenames ||= lambda { [ 'fileformat', 'browser' ] }.call end def post_auth? if self.kind_of?(Msf::Auxiliary::AuthBrute) return true else # Some modules will never be post auth, so let's not waste our time # determining it and create more potential false positives. # If these modules happen to be post auth for some reason, then we it # should manually override the post_auth? method as true. directory_name = self.fullname.split('/')[0..-2] black_listed_auth_filenames.each do |black_listed_name| return false if directory_name.include?(black_listed_name) end # Some modules create their own username and password datastore # options, not relying on the AuthBrute mixin. In that case we # just have to go through the options and try to identify them. !required_cred_options.empty? end end def default_cred? return false unless post_auth? required_cred_options.all? do |name, opt| if opt.type == 'string' if !opt.default.blank? true else false end else true end end false end # # The array of zero or more platforms. # attr_reader :platform # # The reference count for the module. # attr_reader :references # # The license under which this module is provided. # attr_reader :license # # The job identifier that this module is running as, if any. # attr_accessor :job_id # # The last exception to occur using this module # attr_accessor :error # An opaque bag of data to attach to a module. This is useful for attaching # some piece of identifying info on to a module before calling # {Msf::Simple::Exploit#exploit_simple} or # {Msf::Simple::Auxiliary#run_simple} for correlating where modules came # from. # attr_accessor :user_data protected # # Sets the modules unsupplied info fields to their default values. # def set_defaults self.module_info = { 'Name' => 'No module name', 'Description' => 'No module description', 'Version' => '0', 'Author' => nil, 'Arch' => nil, # No architectures by default. 'Platform' => [], # No platforms by default. 'Ref' => nil, 'Privileged' => false, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Notes' => {} }.update(self.module_info) self.module_store = {} end attr_writer :platform, :references # :nodoc: attr_writer :privileged # :nodoc: attr_writer :license # :nodoc: end end
FactoryGirl.define do factory :comment do user text { FFaker::CheesyLingo.paragraph } factory :team_comment do team end factory :application_comment do application end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rake' require 'resque/tasks' # # NOTE: This is an entrypoint for workers. DO NOT require this file from rails # application # require "#{__dir__}/../../../../baw-app/lib/baw_app" namespace :baw do def init(is_worker: false, settings_file: nil, is_scheduler: false) BawApp.setup(settings_file) # initialize the app # baw-app, the workers code, and all other requires are done through rails # initialization in application.rb and then in other initializers. # Be VERY careful changing the order of things here. It breaks in very # subtle ways. # For example, requiring baw_app will mean the ruby-config settings won't # detect the rails constant and won't add the Rails railtie, and thus the settings # won't load! ... but only for workers and not the rails server! # We now force load the config railtie in application.rb! require "#{__dir__}/../../../../../../config/application" # set time zone Time.zone = 'UTC' BawWorkers::Config.set(is_resque_worker: is_worker, is_scheduler: is_scheduler) # Initialize the Rails application. Rails.application.initialize! # which in turns run BawWorkers::Config.run from an initializer end namespace :worker do # run a worker. Passes parameter to prerequisite 'setup_worker'. Takes one argument: settings_file # start examples: # bundle exec rake baw_workers:run_worker # bundle exec rake baw_workers:run_worker['/home/user/folder/workers/settings.media.yml'] # stopping workers: # kill -s QUIT $(/home/user/folder/workers/media.pid) desc 'Run a resque:work with the specified settings file.' task :setup, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(is_worker: true, settings_file: args.settings_file) end desc 'Run a resque:work with the specified settings file.' task :run, [:settings_file] => [:setup] do |_t, _args| BawWorkers::Config.logger_worker.info('rake_task:baw:worker:run') do 'Resque worker starting...' end # invoke the resque rake task Rake::Task['resque:work'].invoke end desc 'Run the resque scheduler with the specified settings file.' task :run_scheduler, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(is_worker: false, settings_file: args.settings_file, is_scheduler: true) BawWorkers::Config.logger_worker.info('rake_task:baw:worker:run_scheduler') do 'Resque scheduler starting...' end require 'resque/scheduler/tasks' require 'resque-scheduler' # invoke the resque rake task Rake::Task['resque:scheduler'].invoke end desc 'List running workers' task :current, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::ResqueApi.workers_running end desc 'Quit running workers' task :stop_all, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::ResqueApi.workers_running BawWorkers::ResqueApi.workers_stop_all end desc 'Clear queue' task :clear_queue, [:settings_file, :queue_name] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::ResqueApi.clear_queue(args.queue_name) end desc 'Clear stats' task :clear_stats, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::ResqueApi.clear_stats end desc 'Retry failed jobs' task :retry_failed, [:settings_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::ResqueApi.retry_failed end end namespace :analysis do namespace :resque do desc 'Enqueue a file to analyse using Resque' task :from_files, [:settings_file, :analysis_config_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::Analysis::Job.action_enqueue_rake(args.analysis_config_file) end desc 'Enqueue files to analyse using Resque from a csv file' task :from_csv, [:settings_file, :csv_file, :config_file, :command_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::Analysis::Job.action_enqueue_rake_csv(args.csv_file, args.config_file, args.command_file) end end namespace :standalone do desc 'Directly analyse an audio file' task :from_files, [:settings_file, :analysis_config_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::Analysis::Job.action_perform_rake(args.analysis_config_file) end desc 'Directly analyse audio files from csv file' task :from_csv, [:settings_file, :csv_file, :config_file, :command_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::Analysis::Job.action_perform_rake_csv(args.csv_file, args.config_file, args.command_file) end end end namespace :audio_check do namespace :resque do desc 'Enqueue audio recording file checks from a csv file to be processed using Resque worker' task :from_csv, [:settings_file, :csv_file, :real_run] do |_t, args| args.with_defaults(real_run: 'dry_run') is_real_run = BawWorkers::Validation.is_real_run?(args.real_run) init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::AudioCheck::Action.action_enqueue_rake(args.csv_file, is_real_run) end end namespace :standalone do desc 'Directly run audio recording file checks from a csv file' task :from_csv, [:settings_file, :csv_file, :real_run] do |_t, args| args.with_defaults(real_run: 'dry_run') is_real_run = BawWorkers::Validation.is_real_run?(args.real_run) init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::AudioCheck::Action.action_perform_rake(args.csv_file, is_real_run) end desc 'Test reading csv files' task :test_csv, [:audio_recordings_csv, :hash_csv, :result_csv] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::AudioCheck::CsvHelper.write_audio_recordings_csv( args.audio_recordings_csv, args.hash_csv, args.result_csv ) end desc 'Extract CSV lines from a log file' task :extract_csv_from_log, [:log_file, :output_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::AudioCheck::CsvHelper.extract_csv_logs(args.log_file, args.output_file) end desc 'Confirm database and audio files match' task :compare, [:settings_file, :csv_file] do |_t, args| init(settings_file: args.settings_file) BawWorkers::Jobs::AudioCheck::CsvHelper.compare_csv_db(args.csv_file) end end end namespace :harvest do desc 'Enqueue files to harvest using Resque' task :scan, [:real_run] => ['baw:worker:setup'] do |_t, args| args.with_defaults(real_run: 'dry_run') is_real_run = BawWorkers::Validation.is_real_run?(args.real_run) invoke_dir = Rake.original_dir BawWorkers::Jobs::Harvest::Enqueue.scan(invoke_dir, is_real_run) end end namespace :media do # No rake tasks - media cutting and spectrogram generation is done on demand for now # If eager generation is needed, rake tasks can be made to enqueue jobs or run standalone # Consider defaults and offsets: from start of file, or from time of day e.g. 22:54:00 / 22:54:30 for 30 second segments? # This could be created for eager caching end end # if no arguments, list available tasks task :default do Rake.application.options.show_tasks = :tasks Rake.application.options.show_task_pattern = // Rake.application.display_tasks_and_comments end
class ReportsController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! # Find the current household to use for household scoping # This 3 lines should be present in every controller (except the User controller) set_current_tenant_through_filter before_action do set_current_tenant current_household end def net_worth result = Report.net_worth(current_household) render json: result end def category_spending result = Report.category_spending(current_household) render json: result end def needs_vs_wants result = Report.needs_vs_wants(current_household) render json: result end end
require_relative 'range_value' module MSFLVisitors module Nodes class DateTime < Date end end end
require 'plist' module Fastlane module Actions class VerifyBuildAction < Action def self.run(params) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| app_path = self.app_path(params, dir) values = self.gather_cert_info(app_path) values = self.update_with_profile_info(app_path, values) self.print_values(values) self.evaulate(params, values) end end def self.app_path(params, dir) build_path = params[:ipa_path] || params[:build_path] || Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] || '' UI.user_error!("Unable to find file '#{build_path}'") unless File.exist?(build_path) build_path = File.expand_path(build_path) case File.extname(build_path) when ".ipa", ".zip" `unzip #{build_path.shellescape} -d #{dir.shellescape} -x '__MACOSX/*' '*.DS_Store'` UI.user_error!("Unable to unzip ipa") unless $? == 0 # Adding extra ** for edge-case ipas where Payload directory is nested. app_path = Dir["#{dir}/**/Payload/*.app"].first when ".xcarchive" app_path = Dir["#{build_path}/Products/Applications/*.app"].first else app_path = build_path # Assume that input is an app file. end UI.user_error!("Unable to find app file") unless app_path && File.exist?(app_path) app_path end def self.gather_cert_info(app_path) cert_info = `codesign -vv -d #{app_path.shellescape} 2>&1` UI.user_error!("Unable to verify code signing") unless $? == 0 values = {} parts = cert_info.strip.split(/\r?\n/) parts.each do |part| if part =~ /\AAuthority=(iPhone|iOS|Apple)\s(Distribution|Development)/ type = part.split('=')[1].split(':')[0] values['provisioning_type'] = type.downcase =~ /distribution/i ? "distribution" : "development" end if part.start_with?("Authority") values['authority'] ||= [] values['authority'] << part.split('=')[1] end if part.start_with?("TeamIdentifier") values['team_identifier'] = part.split('=')[1] end if part.start_with?("Identifier") values['bundle_identifier'] = part.split('=')[1] end end values end def self.update_with_profile_info(app_path, values) profile = `cat #{app_path.shellescape}/embedded.mobileprovision | security cms -D` UI.user_error!("Unable to extract profile") unless $? == 0 plist = Plist.parse_xml(profile) values['app_name'] = plist['AppIDName'] values['provisioning_uuid'] = plist['UUID'] values['team_name'] = plist['TeamName'] values['team_identifier'] = plist['TeamIdentifier'].first application_identifier_prefix = plist['ApplicationIdentifierPrefix'][0] full_bundle_identifier = "#{application_identifier_prefix}.#{values['bundle_identifier']}" UI.user_error!("Inconsistent identifier found; #{plist['Entitlements']['application-identifier']}, found in the embedded.mobileprovision file, should match #{full_bundle_identifier}, which is embedded in the codesign identity") unless plist['Entitlements']['application-identifier'] == full_bundle_identifier UI.user_error!("Inconsistent identifier found") unless plist['Entitlements']['com.apple.developer.team-identifier'] == values['team_identifier'] values end def self.print_values(values) FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: values, title: "Summary for verify_build #{Fastlane::VERSION}") end def self.evaulate(params, values) if params[:provisioning_type] UI.user_error!("Mismatched provisioning_type. Required: '#{params[:provisioning_type]}'; Found: '#{values['provisioning_type']}'") unless params[:provisioning_type] == values['provisioning_type'] end if params[:provisioning_uuid] UI.user_error!("Mismatched provisioning_uuid. Required: '#{params[:provisioning_uuid]}'; Found: '#{values['provisioning_uuid']}'") unless params[:provisioning_uuid] == values['provisioning_uuid'] end if params[:team_identifier] UI.user_error!("Mismatched team_identifier. Required: '#{params[:team_identifier]}'; Found: '#{values['team_identifier']}'") unless params[:team_identifier] == values['team_identifier'] end if params[:team_name] UI.user_error!("Mismatched team_name. Required: '#{params[:team_name]}'; Found: 'values['team_name']'") unless params[:team_name] == values['team_name'] end if params[:app_name] UI.user_error!("Mismatched app_name. Required: '#{params[:app_name]}'; Found: '#{values['app_name']}'") unless params[:app_name] == values['app_name'] end if params[:bundle_identifier] UI.user_error!("Mismatched bundle_identifier. Required: '#{params[:bundle_identifier]}'; Found: '#{values['bundle_identifier']}'") unless params[:bundle_identifier] == values['bundle_identifier'] end UI.success("Build is verified, have a 🍪.") end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Able to verify various settings in ipa file" end def self.details "Verifies that the built app was built using the expected build resources. This is relevant for people who build on machines that are used to build apps with different profiles, certificates and/or bundle identifiers to guard against configuration mistakes." end def self.available_options [ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :provisioning_type, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_PROVISIONING_TYPE", description: "Required type of provisioning", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| av = %w(distribution development) UI.user_error!("Unsupported provisioning_type, must be: #{av}") unless av.include?(value) end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :provisioning_uuid, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_PROVISIONING_UUID", description: "Required UUID of provisioning profile", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :team_identifier, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_TEAM_IDENTIFIER", description: "Required team identifier", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :team_name, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_TEAM_NAME", description: "Required team name", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :app_name, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_APP_NAME", description: "Required app name", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :bundle_identifier, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", description: "Required bundle identifier", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :ipa_path, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_IPA_PATH", description: "Explicitly set the ipa path", conflicting_options: [:build_path], optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :build_path, env_name: "FL_VERIFY_BUILD_BUILD_PATH", description: "Explicitly set the ipa, app or xcarchive path", conflicting_options: [:ipa_path], optional: true) ] end def self.output end def self.return_value end def self.authors ["CodeReaper"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.example_code [ 'verify_build( provisioning_type: "distribution", bundle_identifier: "com.example.myapp" )' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end
Trestle.resource(:batteries) do menu do group :categories, priority: :last do item :batteries, icon: "fa fa-battery" end end # Customize the table columns shown on the index view. # # table do # column :name # column :created_at, align: :center # actions # end # Customize the form fields shown on the new/edit views. # # form do |battery| # text_field :name # # row do # col(xs: 6) { datetime_field :updated_at } # col(xs: 6) { datetime_field :created_at } # end # end # By default, all parameters passed to the update and create actions will be # permitted. If you do not have full trust in your users, you should explicitly # define the list of permitted parameters. # # For further information, see the Rails documentation on Strong Parameters: # http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html#strong-parameters # # params do |params| # params.require(:battery).permit(:name, ...) # end end
# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. module Elasticsearch module XPack module API module Rollup module Actions # Creates a rollup job. # # @option arguments [String] :id The ID of the job to create # @option arguments [Hash] :headers Custom HTTP headers # @option arguments [Hash] :body The job configuration (*Required*) # # @see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/rollup-put-job.html # def put_job(arguments = {}) raise ArgumentError, "Required argument 'body' missing" unless arguments[:body] raise ArgumentError, "Required argument 'id' missing" unless arguments[:id] headers = arguments.delete(:headers) || {} arguments = arguments.clone _id = arguments.delete(:id) method = Elasticsearch::API::HTTP_PUT path = "_rollup/job/#{Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__listify(_id)}" params = {} body = arguments[:body] perform_request(method, path, params, body, headers).body end end end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true class WCC::Contentful::Model::DropdownMenu < WCC::Contentful::Model end
module Fog module Network class OpenStack class Real CREATE_OPTIONS = [ :name, :shared, :admin_state_up, :qos_policy_id, :port_security_enabled, :tenant_id, ].freeze # Advanced Features through API Extensions # # Not strictly required but commonly found in OpenStack # installs with Quantum networking. # # @see http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-network/admin/content/provider_attributes.html EXTENTED_OPTIONS = [ :provider_network_type, :provider_segmentation_id, :provider_physical_network, :router_external, ].freeze # Map Fog::Network::OpenStack::Network # model attributes to OpenStack provider attributes ALIASES = { :provider_network_type => 'provider:network_type', # Not applicable to the "local" or "gre" network types :provider_physical_network => 'provider:physical_network', :provider_segmentation_id => 'provider:segmentation_id', :router_external => 'router:external' }.freeze def self.create(options) data = {} CREATE_OPTIONS.reject { |o| options[o].nil? }.each do |key| data[key.to_s] = options[key] end EXTENTED_OPTIONS.reject { |o| options[o].nil? }.each do |key| aliased_key = ALIASES[key] || key data[aliased_key] = options[key] end data end def create_network(options = {}) data = {} data['network'] = self.class.create(options) request( :body => Fog::JSON.encode(data), :expects => [201], :method => 'POST', :path => 'networks' ) end end class Mock def create_network(options = {}) response = Excon::Response.new response.status = 201 data = { 'id' => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(6).to_s, 'name' => options[:name], 'shared' => options[:shared] || false, 'subnets' => [], 'status' => 'ACTIVE', 'admin_state_up' => options[:admin_state_up] || false, 'tenant_id' => options[:tenant_id], 'qos_policy_id' => options[:qos_policy_id], 'port_security_enabled' => options[:port_security_enabled] || false } data.merge!(Fog::Network::OpenStack::Real.create(options)) self.data[:networks][data['id']] = data response.body = {'network' => data} response end end end end end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::ServiceFabric::V6_5_0_36 module Models # # Application Upgrade Started event. # class ApplicationUpgradeStartedEvent < ApplicationEvent include MsRestAzure def initialize @Kind = "ApplicationUpgradeStarted" end attr_accessor :Kind # @return [String] Application type name. attr_accessor :application_type_name # @return [String] Current Application type version. attr_accessor :current_application_type_version # @return [String] Target Application type version. attr_accessor :application_type_version # @return [String] Type of upgrade. attr_accessor :upgrade_type # @return [String] Mode of upgrade. attr_accessor :rolling_upgrade_mode # @return [String] Action if failed. attr_accessor :failure_action # # Mapper for ApplicationUpgradeStartedEvent class as Ruby Hash. # This will be used for serialization/deserialization. # def self.mapper() { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'ApplicationUpgradeStarted', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'ApplicationUpgradeStartedEvent', model_properties: { event_instance_id: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'EventInstanceId', type: { name: 'String' } }, category: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'Category', type: { name: 'String' } }, time_stamp: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'TimeStamp', type: { name: 'DateTime' } }, has_correlated_events: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'HasCorrelatedEvents', type: { name: 'Boolean' } }, Kind: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'Kind', type: { name: 'String' } }, application_id: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'ApplicationId', type: { name: 'String' } }, application_type_name: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'ApplicationTypeName', type: { name: 'String' } }, current_application_type_version: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'CurrentApplicationTypeVersion', type: { name: 'String' } }, application_type_version: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'ApplicationTypeVersion', type: { name: 'String' } }, upgrade_type: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'UpgradeType', type: { name: 'String' } }, rolling_upgrade_mode: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'RollingUpgradeMode', type: { name: 'String' } }, failure_action: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'FailureAction', type: { name: 'String' } } } } } end end end end
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/edgecase') class AboutScope < EdgeCase::Koan module Jims class Dog def identify :jims_dog end end end module Joes class Dog def identify :joes_dog end end end def test_dog_is_not_available_in_the_current_scope assert_raise(___(NameError)) do fido = Dog.new end end def test_you_can_reference_nested_classes_using_the_scope_operator fido = Jims::Dog.new rover = Joes::Dog.new assert_equal __(:jims_dog), fido.identify assert_equal __(:joes_dog), rover.identify assert_not_equal fido.class, rover.class assert_not_equal Jims::Dog, Joes::Dog end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class String end def test_bare_bones_class_names_assume_the_current_scope assert_equal __(true), AboutScope::String == String end def test_nested_string_is_not_the_same_as_the_system_string assert_equal __(false), String == "HI".class end def test_use_the_prefix_scope_operator_to_force_the_global_scope assert_equal __(true), ::String == "HI".class end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ PI = 3.1416 def test_constants_are_defined_with_an_initial_uppercase_letter assert_equal __(3.1416), PI end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ MyString = ::String def test_class_names_are_just_constants assert_equal __(true), MyString == ::String assert_equal __(true), MyString == "HI".class end def test_constants_can_be_looked_up_explicitly assert_equal __(true), PI == AboutScope.const_get("PI") assert_equal __(true), MyString == AboutScope.const_get("MyString") end def test_you_can_get_a_list_of_constants_for_any_class_or_module assert_equal __(["Dog"], [:Dog]), Jims.constants assert Object.constants.size > _n_(10) end end
# This class represents a todo item and its associated # data: name and description. There's also a "done" # flag to show whether this todo item is done. class Todo DONE_MARKER = 'X' UNDONE_MARKER = ' ' attr_accessor :title, :description, :done def initialize(title, description='') @title = title @description = description @done = false end def done! self.done = true end def done? done end def undone! self.done = false end def to_s "[#{done? ? DONE_MARKER : UNDONE_MARKER}] #{title}" end def ==(other_todo) title == other_todo.title && description == other_todo.description && done == other_todo.done end end # This class represents a collection of Todo objects. # You can perform typical collection-oriented actions # on a TodoList object, including iteration and selection. class TodoList attr_accessor :title def initialize(title) @title = title @todos = [] end # rest of class needs implementation def add(todo) raise TypeError, 'Can only add Todo objects' unless todo.instance_of? Todo todos << todo end alias << add def size todos.size end def first todos.first end def last todos.last end def to_a todos.clone end def done? todos.all?(&:done?) end def item_at(index) todos.fetch(index) end def mark_done_at(index) item_at(index).done! end def mark_undone_at(index) item_at(index).undone! end def done! todos.each(&:done!) end def shift todos.shift end def pop todos.pop end def remove_at(index) todos.delete(item_at(index)) end def to_s text = "---- #{title} ----\n" text << @todos.map(&:to_s).join("\n") text end def each todos.each do |todo| yield(todo) end self end def select selection = TodoList.new(title) each do |todo| selection.add(todo) if yield(todo) end selection end def find_by_title(string) select { |todo| todo.title == string }.first end def all_done select(&:done?) end def all_not_done select { |todo| !todo.done? } end def mark_done(string) find_by_title(string).done! if find_by_title(string) end def mark_all_done each(&:done!) end def mark_all_undone each(&:undone!) end private attr_accessor :todos end
# frozen_string_literal: true module ResourceAccessTokens class CreateService < BaseService def initialize(current_user, resource, params = {}) @resource_type = resource.class.name.downcase @resource = resource @current_user = current_user @params = params.dup end def execute return error("User does not have permission to create #{resource_type} access token") unless has_permission_to_create? user = create_user return error(user.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) unless user.persisted? user.update!(external: true) if current_user.external? access_level = params[:access_level] || Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER member = create_membership(resource, user, access_level) unless member.persisted? delete_failed_user(user) return error("Could not provision #{Gitlab::Access.human_access(access_level).downcase} access to project access token") end token_response = create_personal_access_token(user) if token_response.success? log_event(token_response.payload[:personal_access_token]) success(token_response.payload[:personal_access_token]) else delete_failed_user(user) error(token_response.message) end end private attr_reader :resource_type, :resource def has_permission_to_create? %w(project group).include?(resource_type) && can?(current_user, :create_resource_access_tokens, resource) end def create_user # Even project maintainers can create project access tokens, which in turn # creates a bot user, and so it becomes necessary to have `skip_authorization: true` # since someone like a project maintainer does not inherently have the ability # to create a new user in the system. ::Users::AuthorizedCreateService.new(current_user, default_user_params).execute end def delete_failed_user(user) DeleteUserWorker.perform_async(current_user.id, user.id, hard_delete: true, skip_authorization: true) end def default_user_params { name: params[:name] || "#{resource.name.to_s.humanize} bot", email: generate_email, username: generate_username, user_type: :project_bot, skip_confirmation: true # Bot users should always have their emails confirmed. } end def generate_username base_username = "#{resource_type}_#{resource.id}_bot" uniquify.string(base_username) { |s| User.find_by_username(s) } end def generate_email email_pattern = "#{resource_type}#{resource.id}_bot%s@noreply.#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host}" uniquify.string(-> (n) { Kernel.sprintf(email_pattern, n) }) do |s| User.find_by_email(s) end end def uniquify Uniquify.new end def create_personal_access_token(user) PersonalAccessTokens::CreateService.new( current_user: user, target_user: user, params: personal_access_token_params ).execute end def personal_access_token_params { name: params[:name] || "#{resource_type}_bot", impersonation: false, scopes: params[:scopes] || default_scopes, expires_at: params[:expires_at] || nil } end def default_scopes Gitlab::Auth.resource_bot_scopes end def create_membership(resource, user, access_level) resource.add_user(user, access_level, expires_at: params[:expires_at]) end def log_event(token) ::Gitlab::AppLogger.info "PROJECT ACCESS TOKEN CREATION: created_by: #{current_user.username}, project_id: #{resource.id}, token_user: #{token.user.name}, token_id: #{token.id}" end def error(message) ServiceResponse.error(message: message) end def success(access_token) ServiceResponse.success(payload: { access_token: access_token }) end end end ResourceAccessTokens::CreateService.prepend_mod_with('ResourceAccessTokens::CreateService')
class BoardPrinter FILE_LETTERS = ("A".."H").to_a ENCODING = 'utf-8' def initialize @unicode_dict = UnicodeChess.new end def print(board) board_string = "" Board::RANKS.reverse.each do |rank, index| board_string << "#{rank}|" Board::FILES.each do |file| piece = board.find_piece_by_position("#{file}#{rank}") board_string << (piece ? unicode_character_for_piece([piece.color[0], piece.short_name].join) : ' ') end board_string << "|\n" end board_string << " " + FILE_LETTERS.join(' ') board_string end def unicode_character_for_piece(input_string) "#{@unicode_dict.char_for_piece(input_string).encode(ENCODING)} " end end
module Roby module Distributed class << self # The block which is called when a new transaction has been proposed to us. attr_accessor :transaction_handler # Sets up the transaction handler. The given block will be called # in a separate thread whenever a remote peer proposes a new # transaction def on_transaction(&block) Distributed.transaction_handler = block end end # Raised when an operation needs the edition token, while the local # plan manager does not have it. class NotEditor < RuntimeError; end # Raised when a commit is attempted while the transaction is not ready, # i.e. the token should be passed once more in the edition ring. class NotReady < RuntimeError; end # An implementation of a transaction distributed over multiple plan # managers. The transaction modification protocol is based on an # edition token, which is passed through all the transaction owners by # #edit and #release. # # Most operations on this distributed transaction must be done outside # the control thread, as they are blocking. # # See DistributedObject for a list of operations valid on distributed objects. class Transaction < Roby::Transaction attr_reader :owners attr_reader :token_lock, :token_lock_signal include DistributedObject # Create a new distributed transaction based on the given plan. The # transaction sole owner is the local plan manager, which is also # the owner of the edition token. def initialize(plan, options = {}) @owners = [Distributed] @editor = true @token_lock = Mutex.new @token_lock_signal = ConditionVariable.new super end def do_wrap(base_object, create) # :nodoc: # It is allowed to add objects in a transaction only if # * the object is not distribuable. It means that we are # annotating *locally* remote tasks (like it is done for # ConnectionTask for instance). # * the object is owned by the transaction owners if create && (base_object.distribute? && !(base_object.owners - owners).empty?) raise OwnershipError, "plan owners #{owners} do not own #{base_object}: #{base_object.owners}" end temporarily_subscribed = !base_object.updated? if temporarily_subscribed peer = base_object.owners.first base_object = peer.subscribe(base_object) end if object = super object.extend DistributedObject if !Distributed.updating?(self) && object.root_object? && base_object.distribute? # The new proxy has been sent to remote hosts since it # has been discovered in the transaction. Nonetheless, # we don't want to return from #wrap until we know its # sibling. Add a synchro point to wait for that updated_peers.each do |peer| peer.synchro_point end end end object ensure if temporarily_subscribed peer.unsubscribe(base_object) end end def copy_object_relations(object, proxy) # :nodoc: # If the transaction is being updated, it means that we are # discovering the new transaction. In that case, no need to # discover the plan relations since our peer will send us all # transaction relations unless Distributed.updating?(self) super end end # Checks that +peer+ can be removed from the list of owners def prepare_remove_owner(peer) known_tasks.each do |t| t = t.__getobj__ if t.respond_to?(:__getobj__) if peer.owns?(t) && t.distribute? raise OwnershipError, "#{peer} still owns tasks in the transaction (#{t})" end end nil end # Announces the transaction on +peer+ or, if +peer+ is nil, to all # owners who don't know about it yet. This operation is # asynchronous, so the block, if given, will be called for each # remote peer which has processed the message. # # See Peer#transaction_propose def propose(peer = nil, &block) if !self_owned? raise OwnershipError, "cannot propose a transaction we don't own" end if peer peer.transaction_propose(self, &block) else (owners - remote_siblings.keys).each do |peer| if peer != Roby::Distributed Distributed.debug "proposing #{self} to #{peer}" propose(peer) do yield(peer) end end end end end def add(objects) # :nodoc: if objects events, tasks = partition_event_task(objects) for object in (events || []) + (tasks || []) unless Distributed.updating?(object) || Distributed.owns?(object) || (object.owners - owners).empty? raise OwnershipError, "#{object} is not owned by #{owners.to_a} (#{object.owners.to_a})" end end super(events) if events super(tasks) if tasks else super end end # call-seq: # commit_transaction => self # # Commits the transaction. This method can only be called by the # first editor of the transaction, once all owners have requested # no additional modifications. # # Distributed commits are done in two steps, to make sure that all # owners agree to actually perform it. First, the # PeerServer#transaction_prepare_commit message is sent, which can # return either nil or an error object. # # If all peers return nil, the actual commit is performed by # sending the PeerServer#transaction_commit message. Otherwise, the # commit is abandonned by sending the # PeerServer#transaction_abandon_commit message to the transaction # owners. def commit_transaction(synchro = true) if !self_owned? raise OwnershipError, "cannot commit a transaction which is not owned locally. #{self} is owned by #{owners.to_a}" elsif synchro if !editor? raise NotEditor, "not editor of this transaction" elsif !first_editor? raise NotEditor, "transactions are committed by their first editor" elsif edition_reloop raise NotReady, "transaction still needs editing" end end if synchro result = call_owners(:transaction_prepare_commit, self) error = result.find_all { |_, returned| returned } if !error.empty? call_owners(:transaction_abandon_commit, self, error) return false else call_owners(:transaction_commit, self) return true end else all_objects = known_tasks.dup proxy_objects.each_key { |o| all_objects << o } Distributed.update(self) do Distributed.update_all(all_objects) do super() { yield if block_given? } end end end self end # Hook called when the transaction commit has been abandoned # because a owner refused it. +reason+ is the value returned by # this peer. def abandoned_commit(error) Distributed.debug { "abandoned commit of #{self} because of #{error}" } super if defined? super end # call-seq: # discard_transaction => self # # Discards the transaction. Unlike #commit_transaction, this can be # called by any of the owners. def discard_transaction(synchro = true) # :nodoc: unless Distributed.owns?(self) raise OwnershipError, "cannot discard a transaction which is not owned locally. #{self} is owned by #{owners}" end if synchro call_siblings(:transaction_discard, self) else super() end self end # True if we currently have the edition token attr_predicate :editor? # True if one of the editors request that the token is passed to # them once more. The transaction can be committed only when all # peers did not request that. # # See #release attr_reader :edition_reloop # True if this plan manager is the first editor, i.e. the plan # manager whose responsibility is to manage the edition protocol. def first_editor? owners.first == Distributed end # Returns the peer which is after this plan manager in the edition # order. The edition token will be sent to this peer by #release def next_editor if owners.last == Distributed return owners.first end owners.each_cons(2) do |first, second| if first == Distributed return second end end end def edit!(reloop) token_lock.synchronize do @editor = true @edition_reloop = reloop token_lock_signal.broadcast end end # Waits for the edition token. If a block is given, it is called # when the token is achieved, and releases the token when the # blocks returns. def edit(reloop = false) if Thread.current[:control_mutex_locked] raise "cannot call #edit with the control mutex taken !" end token_lock.synchronize do while !editor? # not the current editor token_lock_signal.wait(token_lock) end end if block_given? begin yield ensure release(reloop) end end end # Releases the edition token, giving it to the next owner. If # +give_back+ is true, the local plan manager announces that it # expects the token to be given back to it once more. The commit is # allowed only when all peers have released the edition token # without requesting it once more. # # It sends the #transaction_give_token to the peer returned by # #next_editor. # # Raised NotEditor if the local plan manager is not the current # transaction editor. def release(give_back = false) token_lock.synchronize do if !editor? raise NotEditor, "not editor" else reloop = if first_editor? give_back else edition_reloop || give_back end return if owners.size == 1 @editor = false next_editor.transaction_give_token(self, reloop) true end end end # Intermediate representation of a Roby::Distributed::Transaction # object, suitable for representing that transaction in the dRoby # protocol. class DRoby < Roby::BasicObject::DRoby attr_reader :plan, :options def initialize(remote_siblings, owners, plan, options) super(remote_siblings, owners) @plan, @options = plan, options end # Returns the local representation of this transaction, or # raises InvalidRemoteOperation if none exists. def proxy(peer) raise InvalidRemoteOperation, "the transaction #{self} does not exist on #{peer.connection_space.name}" end # Create a local representation for this transaction. def sibling(peer) plan = peer.local_object(self.plan) trsc = Roby::Distributed::Transaction.new(plan, peer.local_object(options)) update(peer, trsc) trsc.instance_eval do @editor = false end trsc end # Called when a new sibling has been created locally for a # distributed transaction present on +peer+. +trsc+ is the # local representation of this transaction. # # In practice, it announces the new transaction by calling the # block stored in Distributed.transaction_handler (if there is # one). # # See PeerServer#created_sibling def created_sibling(peer, trsc) Thread.new do Thread.current.priority = 0 begin Distributed.transaction_handler[trsc] if Distributed.transaction_handler rescue Roby::Distributed.warn "transaction handler for #{trsc} failed" Roby::Distributed.warn $!.full_message trsc.invalidate("failed transaction handler") end end end def to_s # :nodoc: "#<dRoby:Trsc#{remote_siblings_to_s} owners=#{owners_to_s} plan=#{plan}>" end end # Returns a representation of +self+ which can be used to reference # it in our communication with +dest+. def droby_dump(dest) # :nodoc: if remote_siblings.has_key?(dest) remote_id else DRoby.new(remote_siblings.droby_dump(dest), owners.droby_dump(dest), plan.droby_dump(dest), options.droby_dump(dest)) end end end module Roby::Task::Proxying def droby_dump(dest) # :nodoc: DRoby.new(remote_siblings.droby_dump(dest), owners.droby_dump(dest), Distributed.format(@__getobj__, dest), Distributed.format(plan, dest)) end # A representation of a distributed transaction proxy suitable for # communication with the remote plan managers. class DRoby < Roby::BasicObject::DRoby # The DRoby version of the underlying object attr_reader :real_object # The DRoby representation of the transaction attr_reader :transaction # Create a new dRoby representation for a transaction proxy. # The proxy currently has the given set of remote siblings and # owners, is a view on the given real object and is stored in # the given transaction. All objects must already be formatted # for marshalling using Distributed.format. def initialize(remote_siblings, owners, real_object, transaction) super(remote_siblings, owners) @real_object, @transaction = real_object, transaction end # Returns the local object matching this dRoby-formatted # representation of a remote transaction proxy present on # +peer+. def proxy(peer) local_real = peer.local_object(real_object) local_object = nil local_transaction = peer.local_object(transaction) Distributed.update(local_transaction) do local_object = local_transaction[local_real] end local_object end def to_s # :nodoc: "#<dRoby:mTrscProxy#{remote_siblings} transaction=#{transaction} real_object=#{real_object}>" end end end module Roby::TaskEventGenerator::Proxying # A task event generator has no remote sibling. It is always # referenced through its own task. def has_sibling?(peer); false end # Create an intermediate object which represent this task event # generator in our communication with +dest+ def droby_dump(dest) Roby::TaskEventGenerator::DRoby.new(controlable?, happened?, Distributed.format(task, dest), symbol) end end class PeerServer # Message received when the 'prepare' stage of the transaction # commit is requested. def transaction_prepare_commit(trsc) trsc = peer.local_object(trsc) peer.connection_space.transaction_prepare_commit(trsc) trsc.freezed! nil end # Message received when a transaction commit is requested. def transaction_commit(trsc) trsc = peer.local_object(trsc) peer.connection_space.transaction_commit(trsc) nil end # Message received when a transaction commit is to be abandonned. def transaction_abandon_commit(trsc, error) trsc = peer.local_object(trsc) peer.connection_space.transaction_abandon_commit(trsc, error) nil end # Message received when a transaction discard is requested. def transaction_discard(trsc) trsc = peer.local_object(trsc) peer.connection_space.transaction_discard(trsc) nil end # Message received when the transaction edition token is given to # this plan manager. def transaction_give_token(trsc, needs_edition) trsc = peer.local_object(trsc) trsc.edit!(needs_edition) nil end end class Peer # Send the information related to the given transaction in the # remote plan manager. def transaction_propose(trsc) synchro_point create_sibling(trsc) nil end # Give the edition token on +trsc+ to the given peer. # +needs_edition+ is a flag which, if true, requests that the token # is given back at least once to the local plan manager. # # Do not use this directly, it is part of the multi-robot # communication protocol. Use the edition-related methods on # Distributed::Transaction instead. def transaction_give_token(trsc, needs_edition) call(:transaction_give_token, trsc, needs_edition) end end end end
require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class YouTrackTest < Service::TestCase def setup @stubs = Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs.new @data = {'base_url' => 'http://yt.com/abc', 'committers' => 'c', 'username' => 'u', 'password' => 'p'} end def valid_process_stubs @stubs.post "/abc/rest/user/login" do |env| assert_equal 'yt.com', env[:url].host assert_equal 'u', env[:params]["login"] assert_equal 'p', env[:params]["password"] [200, {'Set-Cookie' => 'sc'}, ''] end @stubs.get "/abc/rest/admin/user" do |env| assert_equal 'yt.com', env[:url].host assert_equal 'sc', env[:request_headers]['Cookie'] assert_equal 'tom@mojombo.com', env[:params]['q'] assert_equal 'c', env[:params]['group'] assert_equal '0', env[:params]['start'] [200, {}, %(<r><u login="mojombo" /></r>)] end @stubs.get "/abc/rest/admin/user/mojombo" do |env| assert_equal 'yt.com', env[:url].host assert_equal 'sc', env[:request_headers]['Cookie'] [200, {}, %(<u email="tom@mojombo.com" />)] end end def valid_process_stubs_case_1 valid_process_stubs @stubs.post "/abc/rest/issue/case-1/execute" do |env| assert_equal 'yt.com', env[:url].host assert_equal 'sc', env[:request_headers]['Cookie'] assert_equal 'zomg omg', env[:params]['command'] assert_equal 'mojombo', env[:params]['runAs'] [200, {}, ''] end end def test_push valid_process_stubs_case_1 hash = payload hash['commits'].first['message'].sub! /Case#1/, '#case-1 zomg omg' svc = service(@data, hash) svc.receive_push @stubs.verify_stubbed_calls end def test_branch_match valid_process_stubs @stubs.post "/abc/rest/issue/case-2/execute" do |env| assert_equal 'yt.com', env[:url].host assert_equal 'sc', env[:request_headers]['Cookie'] assert_equal 'Fixed', env[:params]['command'] assert_equal 'mojombo', env[:params]['runAs'] [200, {}, ''] end hash = payload hash['commits'].first['message'].sub! /Case#1/, '#case-2!! zomg omg' hash['ref'] = 'refs/heads/master' svc = service(@data.merge({'branch' => 'master dev' }), hash) svc.receive_push @stubs.verify_stubbed_calls end def test_branch_mismatch payload = {'ref' => 'refs/heads/master'} svc = service({'base_url' => '', 'branch' => 'other'}, payload) # Missing payload settings would lead to an exception on processing. Processing # should never happen with mismatched branches. assert_nothing_raised { svc.receive_push } end def test_process_not_distinct valid_process_stubs_case_1 hash = payload hash['commits'].each { |commit| commit['distinct'] = false } hash['commits'].first['message'].sub! /Case#1/, '#case-1 zomg omg' svc = service(@data.merge({'process_distinct' => false}), hash) svc.receive_push @stubs.verify_stubbed_calls end def test_process_distinct valid_process_stubs_case_1 hash = payload hash['commits'].first['message'].sub! /Case#1/, '#case-1 zomg omg' svc = service(@data.merge({'process_distinct' => true}), hash) svc.receive_push @stubs.verify_stubbed_calls end def test_dont_process_not_distinct hash = payload hash['commits'].each { |commit| commit['distinct'] = false } hash['commits'].first['message'].sub! /Case#1/, '#case-1 zomg omg' svc = service(@data.merge({'process_distinct' => true}), hash) svc.receive_push @stubs.verify_stubbed_calls end def service(*args) super Service::YouTrack, *args end end
require "language/node" class Typescript < Formula desc "Language for application scale JavaScript development" homepage "https://www.typescriptlang.org/" url "https://registry.npmjs.org/typescript/-/typescript-3.6.2.tgz" sha256 "9495625742582db7cb5cc04d34a0b56b8b4b7af1b56b87944fbf30be439a1641" head "https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript.git" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "27a07cd06eda691d289ff1060a3ed6b27dc345356bce6ca54c7de0a6a8dca777" => :mojave sha256 "8987c59e518465529117e948e46069262bfb2c78b0b25aa8e1f5c80a8e2ef57a" => :high_sierra sha256 "3c85ee0c66316904b79614cd7c1d1897381d2a8730ab3182def8142ac922c4f5" => :sierra end depends_on "node" def install system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(libexec) bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end test do (testpath/"test.ts").write <<~EOS class Test { greet() { return "Hello, world!"; } }; var test = new Test(); document.body.innerHTML = test.greet(); EOS system bin/"tsc", "test.ts" assert_predicate testpath/"test.js", :exist?, "test.js was not generated" end end
require File.expand_path("../../helpers", __FILE__) class ExpressionSet < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_expression_set_expand_members_digit set = RP.parse('[\d]').first assert_equal ['0-9'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\p{Digit}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_nondigit set = RP.parse('[\D]').first assert_equal ['^0-9'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\P{Digit}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_word set = RP.parse('[\w]').first assert_equal ['A-Za-z0-9_'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\p{Word}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_nonword set = RP.parse('[\W]').first assert_equal ['^A-Za-z0-9_'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\P{Word}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_space set = RP.parse('[\s]').first assert_equal [' \t\f\v\n\r'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\p{Space}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_nonspace set = RP.parse('[\S]').first assert_equal ['^ \t\f\v\n\r'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\P{Space}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_xdigit set = RP.parse('[\h]').first assert_equal ['0-9A-Fa-f'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\p{Xdigit}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_expand_members_nonxdigit set = RP.parse('[\H]').first assert_equal ['^0-9A-Fa-f'], set.expand_members assert_equal ['\P{Xdigit}'], set.expand_members(true) end def test_expression_set_include set = RP.parse('[ac-eh\s[:digit:]\x20[b]]').first assert set.include?('a') assert set.include?('a', true) assert set.include?('c-e') assert set.include?('h') assert set.include?('\s') assert set.include?('[:digit:]') assert set.include?('\x20') assert set.include?('b') refute set.include?('b', true) # should not include b directly refute set.include?(']') refute set.include?('[') refute set.include?('x') refute set.include?('\S') subset = set.last assert subset.include?('b') refute subset.include?('a') end end
require_relative 'boot' require 'rails/all' # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module Railstime class Application < Rails::Application # Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version. config.load_defaults 5.0 # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration can go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded after loading # the framework and any gems in your application. end end
module TD::Types # Contains information about saved card credentials. # # @attr id [String] Unique identifier of the saved credentials. # @attr title [String] Title of the saved credentials. class SavedCredentials < Base attribute :id, TD::Types::String attribute :title, TD::Types::String end end
module BuyTypeListsHelper end
class Printer def self.warning_message puts "======================================================================================================" puts "!!!!!!!!! The doctor, team or specialty or language that you have choosen does not exit !!!!!!!!!" puts "======================================================================================================" end def self.warning_message_team puts "======================================================================================================" puts "!!!!!!!! You've chosen a doctor that either does not exist or is not part of any team !!!!!!!!" puts "======================================================================================================" end def self.print_from_arr_of_s(array_to_print) if array_to_print.length == 0 || array_to_print == nil warning_message else puts "<<<<<<<<<<<< HERE IS THE LIST: >>>>>>>>>>>" i = 0 while i < array_to_print.size puts array_to_print[i] i+=1 end puts "^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^" puts "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" end end def self.list_right_options puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" puts "!!!!!! Please enter either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 !!!!!!!!!!" puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" end def self.menu_screen puts "Choose from the following menu:" puts "1) List of all providers" puts "2) Details on a specific provider" puts "3) List of providers by their team" puts "4) List of providers by their specialty" puts "5) List of providers by their languages" puts "6) Get a specific provider's team?" puts "7) Exit the program" end def self.print_from_arr_of_o(instances_of_objects) if instances_of_objects == nil || instances_of_objects.size == 0 warning_message else puts "<<<<<<<<<<<< HERE IS THE LIST: >>>>>>>>>>>" instances_of_objects.each do |object| puts object.name end puts "^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^" puts "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" end end def self.print_whole_profile(provider_instance) puts "==============================" if provider_instance.team != nil puts "#{provider_instance.name}'s team: #{provider_instance.team}" end specialties_list = "" provider_instance.specialites.each {|specialty| specialties_list = "#{specialties_list} #{specialty}"} specialties_list = specialties_list.strip.gsub(" ", ", ") languages_list = "" provider_instance.languages.each {|languages| languages_list = "#{languages_list} #{languages}"} languages_list = languages_list.strip.gsub(" ", ", ") puts "#{provider_instance.name}'s specialties: #{specialties_list}" puts "#{provider_instance.name}'s languages: #{languages_list}" puts "#{provider_instance.name}'s qualifications: #{provider_instance.qualifications}" if provider_instance.title != nil puts "#{provider_instance.name}'s title: #{provider_instance.title}" end puts "==============================" end def self.get_choice_from_above puts "Please choose from the list above to get the relevant providers:" user_input = gets.strip end def self.print_this(for_printing) puts "*****************************************************" puts " #{for_printing} " puts "*****************************************************" end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe OfferedCourseOptionDetailsCheck do let(:course_option) { create(:course_option, study_mode: :full_time) } it 'is successful when all the provided details correspond to the course option' do service = described_class.new(provider_id: course_option.provider.id, course_id: course_option.course.id, course_option_id: course_option.id, study_mode: course_option.study_mode) expect { service.validate! }.not_to raise_error end it 'throws an InvalidProviderError when the provider does not correspond to the course option' do provider = create(:provider) service = described_class.new(provider_id: provider.id, course_id: course_option.course.id, course_option_id: course_option.id, study_mode: course_option.study_mode) expect { service.validate! }.to raise_error(OfferedCourseOptionDetailsCheck::InvalidStateError, 'Invalid provider for CourseOption') end it 'throws an InvalidCourseError when the course does not correspond to the course option' do course = create(:course) service = described_class.new(provider_id: course_option.provider.id, course_id: course.id, course_option_id: course_option.id, study_mode: course_option.study_mode) expect { service.validate! }.to raise_error(OfferedCourseOptionDetailsCheck::InvalidStateError, 'Invalid course for CourseOption') end it 'throws an InvalidStudyModeError when the study mode does not correspond to the course option' do study_mode = :part_time service = described_class.new(provider_id: course_option.provider.id, course_id: course_option.course.id, course_option_id: course_option.id, study_mode: study_mode) expect { service.validate! }.to raise_error(OfferedCourseOptionDetailsCheck::InvalidStateError, 'Invalid study mode for CourseOption') end end
# Farmbot Device models all data related to an actual FarmBot in the real world. class Device < ApplicationRecord DEFAULT_MAX_CONFIGS = 300 DEFAULT_MAX_IMAGES = 100 DEFAULT_MAX_LOGS = 1000 TIMEZONES = TZInfo::Timezone.all_identifiers BAD_TZ = "%{value} is not a valid timezone" THROTTLE_ON = "Device is sending too many logs (%s). " \ "Suspending log storage and display until %s." THROTTLE_OFF = "Cooldown period has ended. " \ "Resuming log storage." CACHE_KEY = "devices:%s" PLURAL_RESOURCES = %i(alerts farmware_envs farm_events farmware_installations images logs peripherals pin_bindings plant_templates points regimens saved_gardens sensor_readings sensors sequences token_issuances tools webcam_feeds diagnostic_dumps fragments) PLURAL_RESOURCES.map { |resources| has_many resources, dependent: :destroy } SINGULAR_RESOURCES = { fbos_config: FbosConfig, firmware_config: FirmwareConfig, web_app_config: WebAppConfig, } SINGULAR_RESOURCES.map do |(name, klass)| has_one name, dependent: :destroy define_method(name) { super() || klass.create!(device: self) } end has_many :in_use_tools has_many :in_use_points has_many :users validates_presence_of :name validates :timezone, inclusion: { in: TIMEZONES, message: BAD_TZ, allow_nil: true, } # Give the user back the amount of logs they are allowed to view. def limited_log_list Log .order(created_at: :desc) .where(device_id: self.id) .limit(max_log_count || DEFAULT_MAX_LOGS) end def excess_logs Log .where .not(id: limited_log_list.pluck(:id)) .where(device_id: self.id) end def self.current RequestStore.store[:device] end def self.current=(dev) RequestStore.store[:device] = dev end # Sets Device.current to `self` and returns it to the previous value when # finished running block. Usually this is unnecessary, but may be required in # background jobs. If you are not receiving auto_sync data on your client, # you probably need to use this method. def auto_sync_transaction prev = Device.current Device.current = self yield Device.current = prev end def tz_offset_hrs Time.now.in_time_zone(self.timezone || "UTC").utc_offset / 1.hour end def plants points.where(pointer_type: "Plant") end def tool_slots points.where(pointer_type: "ToolSlot") end def generic_pointers points.where(pointer_type: "GenericPointer") end TIMEOUT = 150.seconds # Like Device.find, but with 150 seconds of caching to avoid DB calls. def self.cached_find(id) Rails .cache .fetch(CACHE_KEY % id, expires_in: TIMEOUT) { Device.find(id) } end def refresh_cache # Why? Device.new(self.as_json)??? # # "Some objects cannot be dumped: if the objects to be dumped include # bindings, procedure or method objects, instances of class IO, or singleton # objects, a TypeError will be raised." # https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Marshal.html # TODO: Someone plz send help! - RC Rails.cache.write(CACHE_KEY % self.id, Device.new(self.as_json)) end # Sets the `throttled_at` field, but only if it is unpopulated. # Performs no-op if `throttled_at` was already set. def maybe_throttle(violation) # Some log validation errors will result in until_time being `nil`. if (violation && throttled_until.nil?) et = violation.ends_at reload.update_attributes!(throttled_until: et, throttled_at: Time.now) refresh_cache cooldown = et.in_time_zone(self.timezone || "UTC").strftime("%I:%M%p") info = [violation.explanation, cooldown] cooldown_notice(THROTTLE_ON % info, et, "warn") end end def maybe_unthrottle if throttled_until.present? old_time = throttled_until reload # <= WHY!?! TODO: Find out why it crashes without this. .update_attributes!(throttled_until: nil, throttled_at: nil) refresh_cache cooldown_notice(THROTTLE_OFF, old_time, "info") end end # Send a realtime message to a logged in user. def tell(message, channels = [], type = "info") log = Log.new({ device: self, message: message, created_at: Time.now, channels: channels, major_version: 99, minor_version: 99, meta: {}, type: type }) json = LogSerializer.new(log).as_json.to_json Transport.current.amqp_send(json, self.id, "logs") return log end def cooldown_notice(message, throttle_time, type, now = Time.current) hours = ((throttle_time - now) / 1.hour).round channels = [(hours > 2) ? "email" : "toast"] tell(message, channels, type).save end def regimina regimens # :( end # CONTEXT: # * We tried to use Rails low level caching, but it hit marshalling issues. # * We did a hack with Device.new(self.as_json) to get around it. # * Mutations does not allow unsaved models # * We converted the `model :device, class: Device` to: # `duck :device, methods [:id, :is_device]` # # This method is not required, but adds a layer of safety. def is_device # SEE: Hack in Log::Create. TODO: Fix low level caching bug. true end def unsent_routine_emails logs .where(sent_at: nil) .where(Log::IS_EMAIL_ISH) # `email` and `fatal_email` .where .not(Log::IS_FATAL_EMAIL) # Filter out `fatal_email`s .order(created_at: :desc) end # Helper method to create an auth token. # Used by sys admins to debug problems without performing a password reset. def create_token # If something manages to call this method, I'd like to be alerted of it. Rollbar.error("Someone is creating a debug user token", { device: self.id }) fbos_version = Api::AbstractController::EXPECTED_VER SessionToken .as_json(users.first, "SUPER", fbos_version) .fetch(:token) .encoded end TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS = "Your device is " + "reconnecting to the server too often. Please " + "see https://developer.farm.bot/docs/connectivity-issues" def self.connection_warning(username) device_id = username.split("_").last.to_i || 0 self .find(device_id) .tell(TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS, ["fatal_email"]) if self.exists?(device_id) end end
require File.expand_path('../../lib/suitable_services', __FILE__) RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :mocha end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'dopp/error' module Dopp module Type # PDF type "Literal String". class Text include ::Dopp::Error # Initialize. # @param [String] text String. def initialize(text) check_is_a!(text, String) @string = text end # Convert to string. # @return [String] Content. def to_s String.new('PDF:"').concat(@string, '"') end # Detailed description of this object. # @return [String] Description. def inspect String.new('#<').concat( self.class.name, ':', object_id.to_s, ' ', to_s, '>' ) end # Render to string. # @return [String] Content. def render String.new('(').concat(@string, ')') end end end end
# coding: utf-8 lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require "alohaha/settings" Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "Alohaha" spec.version = Settings::VERSION spec.authors = ["jiunjiun"] spec.email = ["quietmes@gmail.com"] spec.summary = %q{Alohaha} spec.description = %q{This API helper get Taoyuan airport flight info} spec.homepage = "" spec.license = "MIT" spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0") spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^bin/}) { |f| File.basename(f) } spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.7" spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0" spec.add_dependency('curb') spec.add_dependency('iconv') spec.add_dependency('virtus') end
class Codec2 < Formula desc "Open source speech codec" homepage "https://www.rowetel.com/?page_id=452" # Linked from https://freedv.org/ url "https://github.com/drowe67/codec2/archive/v1.0.1.tar.gz" sha256 "14227963940d79e0ec5af810f37101b30e1c7e8555abd96c56b3c0473abac8ef" license "LGPL-2.1-only" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "bf90a6002cc03a2e1fe2716815f091da83e72353bf980fc64cca879cc795552d" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "dca98080fb9c5738ffcc298547ce0c92a79349b7f04fea8056d968f63c34c1ca" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "b74c862b5802d2959ba8397e09bec3601f9290363fb33af1a6d53f9a27f1e1f5" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "5d4162b5b10568f57c326983cbebfe34c126bca31bd14923b0388d8f4ca785aa" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "2834225209e520278515857dcada021ba2cc108f92131e8c6cc786070c336bf9" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "a86e0264532c78b083ae12358ba569a43588c589c4f91569f620381e30a471b1" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "55802c4923f858e36c73a6d4e7488dd5a99e06b103f3e35c014f1e19f232c83d" end depends_on "cmake" => :build def install mkdir "build_osx" do system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args, "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,#{rpath}" system "make", "install" bin.install "demo/c2demo" bin.install Dir["src/c2*"] end end test do # 8 bytes of raw audio data (silence). (testpath/"test.raw").write([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00].pack("C*")) system "#{bin}/c2enc", "2400", "test.raw", "test.c2" end end
require 'spec/runner/options' require 'spec/runner/option_parser' require 'spec/runner/example_group_runner' require 'spec/runner/command_line' require 'spec/runner/drb_command_line' require 'spec/runner/backtrace_tweaker' require 'spec/runner/reporter' require 'spec/runner/spec_parser' require 'spec/runner/class_and_arguments_parser' module Spec # == ExampleGroups and Examples # # Rather than expressing examples in classes, RSpec uses a custom DSLL (DSL light) to # describe groups of examples. # # A ExampleGroup is the equivalent of a fixture in xUnit-speak. It is a metaphor for the context # in which you will run your executable example - a set of known objects in a known starting state. # We begin be describing # # describe Account do # # before do # @account = Account.new # end # # it "should have a balance of $0" do # @account.balance.should == Money.new(0, :dollars) # end # # end # # We use the before block to set up the Example (given), and then the #it method to # hold the example code that expresses the event (when) and the expected outcome (then). # # == Helper Methods # # A primary goal of RSpec is to keep the examples clear. We therefore prefer # less indirection than you might see in xUnit examples and in well factored, DRY production code. We feel # that duplication is OK if removing it makes it harder to understand an example without # having to look elsewhere to understand its context. # # That said, RSpec does support some level of encapsulating common code in helper # methods that can exist within a context or within an included module. # # == Setup and Teardown # # You can use before and after within a Example. Both methods take an optional # scope argument so you can run the block before :each example or before :all examples # # describe "..." do # before :all do # ... # end # # before :each do # ... # end # # it "should do something" do # ... # end # # it "should do something else" do # ... # end # # after :each do # ... # end # # after :all do # ... # end # # end # # The <tt>before :each</tt> block will run before each of the examples, once for each example. Likewise, # the <tt>after :each</tt> block will run after each of the examples. # # It is also possible to specify a <tt>before :all</tt> and <tt>after :all</tt> # block that will run only once for each behaviour, respectively before the first <code>before :each</code> # and after the last <code>after :each</code>. The use of these is generally discouraged, because it # introduces dependencies between the examples. Still, it might prove useful for very expensive operations # if you know what you are doing. # # == Local helper methods # # You can include local helper methods by simply expressing them within a context: # # describe "..." do # # it "..." do # helper_method # end # # def helper_method # ... # end # # end # # == Included helper methods # # You can include helper methods in multiple contexts by expressing them within # a module, and then including that module in your context: # # module AccountExampleHelperMethods # def helper_method # ... # end # end # # describe "A new account" do # include AccountExampleHelperMethods # before do # @account = Account.new # end # # it "should have a balance of $0" do # helper_method # @account.balance.should eql(Money.new(0, :dollars)) # end # end # # == Shared Example Groups # # You can define a shared Example Group, that may be used on other groups # # share_examples_for "All Editions" do # it "all editions behaviour" ... # end # # describe SmallEdition do # it_should_behave_like "All Editions" # # it "should do small edition stuff" do # ... # end # end # # You can also assign the shared group to a module and include that # # share_as :AllEditions do # it "should do all editions stuff" ... # end # # describe SmallEdition do # it_should_behave_like AllEditions # # it "should do small edition stuff" do # ... # end # end # # And, for those of you who prefer to use something more like Ruby, you # can just include the module directly # # describe SmallEdition do # include AllEditions # # it "should do small edition stuff" do # ... # end # end module Runner class << self def configuration # :nodoc: @configuration ||= Spec::Example::Configuration.new end # Use this to configure various configurable aspects of # RSpec: # # Spec::Runner.configure do |configuration| # # Configure RSpec here # end # # The yielded <tt>configuration</tt> object is a # Spec::Example::Configuration instance. See its RDoc # for details about what you can do with it. # def configure yield configuration end end end end
class Mtools < Formula desc "Tools for manipulating MSDOS files" homepage "https://www.gnu.org/software/mtools/" url "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mtools/mtools-4.0.25.tar.gz" mirror "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/mtools/mtools-4.0.25.tar.gz" sha256 "8b6d4a75122984350186250aaa6063665bfa69100253fd77b972d2744e07dc08" license "GPL-3.0-or-later" livecheck do url :stable end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "cb2c2d3fc7800cdea12f6be7ed16caba9a4c7c19ab88e3e63a5c1918997f574d" => :catalina sha256 "6fdc5e5b10131648eeeadd8a76ceb81b6f06a0a7b8918fffae500b0d0b41d0ad" => :mojave sha256 "753dd7f093256f2e8e0a609e9196f1365953e68661aeb4849441aef6c1b168da" => :high_sierra end conflicts_with "multimarkdown", because: "both install `mmd` binaries" # 4.0.25 doesn't include the proper osx locale headers. patch :DATA def install args = %W[ LIBS=-liconv --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --sysconfdir=#{etc} --without-x ] system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install" end test do assert_match /#{version}/, shell_output("#{bin}/mtools --version") end end __END__ diff --git a/sysincludes.h b/sysincludes.h index 056218e..ba3677b 100644 --- a/sysincludes.h +++ b/sysincludes.h @@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ extern int errno; #include <pwd.h> #endif +#include <xlocale.h> +#include <strings.h> #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h>
$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) Gem::Specification.new do |gem| gem.name = "administrate-field-ckeditor" gem.version = "0.0.9" gem.authors = ["Rikki Pitt"] gem.email = ["rikkipitt@gmail.com"] gem.homepage = "https://github.com/jemcode/administrate-field-ckeditor" gem.summary = "Plugin for adding ckeditor support in Administrate" gem.description = gem.summary gem.license = "MIT" gem.require_paths = ["lib"] gem.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") gem.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") gem.add_dependency "administrate", ">= 0.3", "< 1.0" gem.add_dependency "rails", ">= 4.2", "< 7.0" gem.add_dependency "ckeditor", "~> 4.1" end
json.array! @ag_apartments, partial: 'ag_apartments/ag_apartment', as: :ag_apartment
class Shop < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user ,optional: true validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 } validates :introduction, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :time, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 } validates :holiday, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 } validates :phone, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 } validates :address, presence: true, length: { maximum: 200 } mount_uploader :picture, ImageUploader geocoded_by :address after_validation :geocode end
# encoding: UTF-8 # This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160530223238) do # These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database enable_extension "plpgsql" create_table "admin_users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", null: false t.string "last_names", null: false t.string "email", default: "", null: false t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false t.string "reset_password_token" t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at" t.datetime "remember_created_at" t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" t.inet "current_sign_in_ip" t.inet "last_sign_in_ip" t.integer "role", default: 0, null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "admin_users", ["email"], name: "index_admin_users_on_email", unique: true, using: :btree add_index "admin_users", ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_admin_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true, using: :btree create_table "app_user_markers", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "app_user_id", null: false t.integer "marker_id", null: false t.integer "zone_id", null: false t.float "lat", null: false t.float "lng", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "app_user_markers", ["app_user_id"], name: "index_app_user_markers_on_app_user_id", using: :btree add_index "app_user_markers", ["marker_id"], name: "index_app_user_markers_on_marker_id", using: :btree add_index "app_user_markers", ["zone_id"], name: "index_app_user_markers_on_zone_id", using: :btree create_table "app_user_survey_responses", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "app_user_survey_id", null: false t.integer "survey_field_id", null: false t.text "response", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "app_user_survey_responses", ["app_user_survey_id"], name: "index_app_user_survey_responses_on_app_user_survey_id", using: :btree add_index "app_user_survey_responses", ["survey_field_id"], name: "index_app_user_survey_responses_on_survey_field_id", using: :btree create_table "app_user_surveys", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "app_user_id", null: false t.integer "survey_id", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "app_user_surveys", ["app_user_id"], name: "index_app_user_surveys_on_app_user_id", using: :btree add_index "app_user_surveys", ["survey_id"], name: "index_app_user_surveys_on_survey_id", using: :btree create_table "app_user_tokens", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "user_id", limit: 8, null: false t.integer "identity", null: false t.text "token", null: false t.text "secret", null: false t.datetime "expires_at" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end create_table "app_users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", null: false t.string "last_names", null: false t.string "mail", null: false t.string "password", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end create_table "markers", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false t.string "icon_file_name" t.string "icon_content_type" t.integer "icon_file_size" t.datetime "icon_updated_at" end create_table "survey_field_options", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "survey_field_id", null: false t.string "name", null: false t.text "option_value", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "survey_field_options", ["survey_field_id"], name: "index_survey_field_options_on_survey_field_id", using: :btree create_table "survey_field_validations", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "survey_field_id", null: false t.integer "identity", null: false t.text "validation_args" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "survey_field_validations", ["survey_field_id"], name: "index_survey_field_validations_on_survey_field_id", using: :btree create_table "survey_fields", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "survey_id", null: false t.integer "position", default: 0, null: false t.integer "data_type", null: false t.integer "identity", null: false t.string "name", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "survey_fields", ["survey_id"], name: "index_survey_fields_on_survey_id", using: :btree create_table "surveys", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "zone_id", null: false t.boolean "is_active", default: false, null: false t.string "name", null: false t.string "description" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_index "surveys", ["zone_id"], name: "index_surveys_on_zone_id", using: :btree create_table "zones", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", null: false t.float "lat", null: false t.float "lng", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end add_foreign_key "app_user_markers", "app_users", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_markers", "markers", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_markers", "zones", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_survey_responses", "app_user_surveys", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_survey_responses", "survey_fields", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_surveys", "app_users", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_surveys", "surveys", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "app_user_tokens", "app_users", column: "user_id", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "survey_field_options", "survey_fields", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "survey_field_validations", "survey_fields", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "survey_fields", "surveys", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade add_foreign_key "surveys", "zones", on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :cascade end
require 'spec_helper' describe Mastermind::Game_Engine do let(:start) { Mastermind::Game_Engine.new } before :each do allow_message_expectations_on_nil end it 'display welcome message' do allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) expect(start.welcome).to be (nil) end it 'prints logo' do allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) expect(start.welcome).to be nil end it 'asks the user to play game, quit game or read instruction' do allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil) expect(start.ask).to be nil end it 'allows user to choose to read instructions' do allow(start).to receive(:user_input).and_return("i") allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:instructions).and_return(nil) expect(start.ask).to be nil end it 'asks user to proceed to play after reading instructions' do allow(start).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) expect(start.instructions).to be nil end it 'asks users to select difficulty level' do allow(start).to receive(:user_input).and_return("p") allow(start).to receive(:difficulty).and_return(0) allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:game).and_return(nil) expect(start.ask).to eq(nil) end it 'asks users to view leaderboard' do allow(start).to receive(:user_input).and_return("l") allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:leaderboard).and_return(nil) expect(start.ask).to eq(nil) end it 'allows users to quit the game' do allow(start).to receive(:user_input).and_return("q") allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) expect{start.ask}.to raise_error SystemExit end it 'throws an error message if invalid entry is made' do allow(start).to receive(:user_input).and_return("k") allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:invalid).and_return(nil) expect(start.ask).to be nil end it 'rrturns invalid message' do allow(start).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(start).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil) expect(start.invalid).to be nil end end
module Sp2db class BaseTable attr_accessor :name, :sheet_name, :worksheet, :find_columns, :spreadsheet_id, :client def initialize opts={} if opts[:name].blank? && opts[:sheet_name].blank? raise "Must specify at least one of name or sheet name" end opts.each do |k, v| self.send "#{k}=", v end self.sheet_name ||= opts[:sheet_name] = config[:sheet_name] || worksheet.try(:title) end def active_record? false end # Table name def name @name ||= sheet_name.try(:to_sym) || raise("Name cannot be nil") end def spreadsheet_id @spreadsheet_id ||= config[:spreadsheet_id] || Sp2db.config.spreadsheet_id end def name=n @name = n&.to_sym end def find_columns @find_columns ||= config[:find_columns] || Sp2db.config.default_find_columns end def required_columns @required_columns ||= config[:required_columns] || [] end def client @client = Sp2db.client end def spreadsheet client.spreadsheet spreadsheet_id end def sheet_name @sheet_name ||= (config[:sheet_name] || name)&.to_sym end def worksheet @worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet_by_name(self.sheet_name.to_s) end def sp_data retries = 2 begin raw_data = CSV.parse worksheet.export_as_string rescue Google::Apis::RateLimitError => e retries -= 1 sleep(5) retry if retries >= 0 raise e end data = process_data raw_data, source: :sp data end def csv_data raw_data = CSV.parse File.open(csv_file) data = process_data raw_data, source: :csv data end def header_row # @header_row ||= config[:header_row] || 0 0 end def csv_folder folder = "#{Sp2db.config.export_location}/csv" FileUtils.mkdir_p folder folder end def csv_file "#{csv_folder}/#{name}.csv" end def sp_to_csv opts={} write_csv to_csv(sp_data) end def write_csv data File.open csv_file, "wb" do |f| f.write data end csv_file end # Array of hash data to csv format def to_csv data attributes = data.first&.keys || [] CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| csv << attributes data.each do |row| csv << attributes.map do |att| row[att] end end end end # Global config def config {}.with_indifferent_access end def process_data raw_data, opts={} raw_data = data_transform raw_data, opts unless opts[:skip_data_transform] raw_data = raw_filter raw_data, opts unless opts[:skip_data_filter] data = call_process_data raw_data, opts data end # Tranform data to standard csv format def data_transform raw_data, opts={} if config[:data_transform].present? config[:data_transform].call *args, &block else raw_data end end protected # Remove header which starts with "#" def valid_header? h h.present? && !h.match("^#.*") end # Header with "!" at the beginning or ending is required def require_header? h h.present? && (h.match("^!.*") || h.match(".*?!$")) end # Convert number string to number def standardize_cell_val v v = ((float = Float(v)) && (float % 1.0 == 0) ? float.to_i : float) rescue v v = v.force_encoding("UTF-8") if v.is_a?(String) v end def call_process_data raw_data, opts={} data = raw_data if (data_proc = config[:process_data]).present? data = data_proc.call raw_data end data end # Remove uncessary columns and invalid rows from csv format data def raw_filter raw_data, opts={} raw_header = raw_data[header_row].map.with_index do |h, idx| is_valid = valid_header?(h) { idx: idx, is_remove: !is_valid, is_required: require_header?(h), name: is_valid && h.gsub(/\s*/, '').gsub(/!/, '').downcase } end rows = raw_data[(header_row + 1)..-1].map.with_index do |raw, rdx| row = {}.with_indifferent_access raw_header.each do |h| val = raw[h[:idx]] next if h[:is_remove] if h[:is_required] && val.blank? row = {} break end row[h[:name]] = standardize_cell_val val end next if row.values.all?(&:blank?) row[:id] = rdx + 1 if find_columns.include?(:id) && row[:id].blank? row end.compact .reject(&:blank?) rows = rows.select do |row| if required_columns.present? required_columns.all? {|col| row[col].present? } else true end end rows end class << self def all_tables ModelTable.all_tables + NonModelTable.all_tables end def table_by_names *names all_tables = self.all_tables if names.blank? all_tables else names.map do |n| all_tables.find {|tb| tb.name == n.to_sym} || raise("Not found: #{n}") end end end def sp_to_csv *table_names table_by_names(*table_names).map(&__method__) end def model_table_class ModelTable end delegate :sp_to_db, :csv_to_db, to: :model_table_class end end end
# Add your variables here first_number = 4 second_number = 3 sum = first_number + second_number difference = first_number - second_number product = first_number * second_number quotient = first_number / second_number
exclude :test_feed, "needs investigation" exclude :test_feed_before_first_next, "needs investigation" exclude :test_feed_mixed, "needs investigation" exclude :test_feed_yielder, "needs investigation" exclude :test_generator, "needs investigation" exclude :test_initialize, "needs investigation" exclude :test_initialize_copy, "needs investigation" exclude :test_inspect_encoding, "needs investigation" exclude :test_peek_modify, "needs investigation" exclude :test_peek_values, "needs investigation" exclude :test_rewind_clear_feed, "needs investigation" exclude :test_with_index_large_offset, "needs investigation"
module CandidateInterface class Reference::RefereeNameForm include ActiveModel::Model attr_accessor :name validates :name, presence: true, length: { minimum: 2, maximum: 200 } def self.build_from_reference(reference) new(name: reference.name) end def save(reference) return false unless valid? reference.update!(name: name) end end end
module Txbr class CampaignsApi CAMPAIGN_BATCH_SIZE = 100 # from braze docs CAMPAIGN_LIST_PATH = 'campaigns/list'.freeze CAMPAIGN_DETAILS_PATH = 'campaigns/details'.freeze attr_reader :braze_api def initialize(braze_api) @braze_api = braze_api end def each(&block) return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given? page = 0 loop do campaigns = braze_api.get_json(CAMPAIGN_LIST_PATH, page: page, include_archived: false) campaigns['campaigns'].each(&block) break if campaigns['campaigns'].size < CAMPAIGN_BATCH_SIZE page += 1 end end def details(campaign_id:) braze_api.get_json(CAMPAIGN_DETAILS_PATH, campaign_id: campaign_id) end end end
require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' require 'active_support' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails-footnotes/footnotes' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails-footnotes/notes/abstract_note'
module Hbc class CLI class InternalAppcastCheckpoint < InternalUseBase def self.run(*args) calculate = args.include? "--calculate" cask_tokens = cask_tokens_from(args) raise CaskUnspecifiedError if cask_tokens.empty? if cask_tokens.all? { |t| t =~ %r{^https?://} && t !~ /\.rb$/ } appcask_checkpoint_for_url(cask_tokens) else appcask_checkpoint(cask_tokens, calculate) end end def self.appcask_checkpoint_for_url(urls) urls.each do |url| appcast = DSL::Appcast.new(url) puts appcast.calculate_checkpoint[:checkpoint] end end def self.appcask_checkpoint(cask_tokens, calculate) count = 0 cask_tokens.each do |cask_token| cask = Hbc.load(cask_token) if cask.appcast.nil? opoo "Cask '#{cask}' is missing an `appcast` stanza." else if calculate result = cask.appcast.calculate_checkpoint checkpoint = result[:checkpoint] else checkpoint = cask.appcast.checkpoint end if checkpoint.nil? onoe "Could not retrieve `appcast` checkpoint for cask '#{cask}': #{result[:command_result].stderr}" else puts cask_tokens.count > 1 ? "#{checkpoint} #{cask}": checkpoint count += 1 end end end count == cask_tokens.count end def self.help "prints or calculates a given Cask's or URL's appcast checkpoint" end def self.needs_init? true end end end end
class AddFilenameToCharts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change add_column :charts, :filename, :string end end
# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<dan@chef.io>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef-utils" unless defined?(ChefUtils::CANARY) require_relative "config" require_relative "exceptions" require_relative "logger" require_relative "path_helper" require_relative "windows" require_relative "mixin/dot_d" require_relative "mixin/credentials" module ChefConfig class WorkstationConfigLoader include ChefConfig::Mixin::DotD include ChefConfig::Mixin::Credentials # Path to a config file requested by user, (e.g., via command line option). Can be nil attr_accessor :explicit_config_file # The name of a credentials profile. Can be nil attr_accessor :profile attr_reader :credentials_found # TODO: initialize this with a logger for Chef and Knife def initialize(explicit_config_file, logger = nil, profile: nil) @explicit_config_file = explicit_config_file @chef_config_dir = nil @config_location = nil @profile = profile @logger = logger || NullLogger.new @credentials_found = false end def no_config_found? config_location.nil? && !credentials_found end def config_location @config_location ||= (explicit_config_file || locate_local_config) end def chef_config_dir if @chef_config_dir.nil? @chef_config_dir = false full_path = working_directory.split(File::SEPARATOR) (full_path.length - 1).downto(0) do |i| candidate_directory = File.join(full_path[0..i] + [ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::USER_CONF_DIR]) if File.exist?(candidate_directory) && File.directory?(candidate_directory) @chef_config_dir = candidate_directory break end end end @chef_config_dir end def load load_credentials(profile) # Ignore it if there's no explicit_config_file and can't find one at a # default path. unless config_location.nil? if explicit_config_file && !path_exists?(config_location) raise ChefConfig::ConfigurationError, "Specified config file #{config_location} does not exist" end # Have to set Config.config_file b/c other config is derived from it. Config.config_file = config_location apply_config(IO.read(config_location), config_location) end load_dot_d(Config[:config_d_dir]) if Config[:config_d_dir] apply_defaults end # (Private API, public for test purposes) def env ENV end # (Private API, public for test purposes) def path_exists?(path) Pathname.new(path).expand_path.exist? end private def have_config?(path) if path_exists?(path) logger.info("Using config at #{path}") true else logger.debug("Config not found at #{path}, trying next option") false end end def locate_local_config candidate_configs = [] # Look for $KNIFE_HOME/knife.rb (allow multiple knives config on same machine) if env["KNIFE_HOME"] candidate_configs << File.join(env["KNIFE_HOME"], "config.rb") candidate_configs << File.join(env["KNIFE_HOME"], "knife.rb") end # Look for $PWD/knife.rb if Dir.pwd candidate_configs << File.join(Dir.pwd, "config.rb") candidate_configs << File.join(Dir.pwd, "knife.rb") end # Look for $UPWARD/.chef/knife.rb if chef_config_dir candidate_configs << File.join(chef_config_dir, "config.rb") candidate_configs << File.join(chef_config_dir, "knife.rb") end # Look for $HOME/.chef/knife.rb PathHelper.home(ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::USER_CONF_DIR) do |dot_chef_dir| candidate_configs << File.join(dot_chef_dir, "config.rb") candidate_configs << File.join(dot_chef_dir, "knife.rb") end candidate_configs.find do |candidate_config| have_config?(candidate_config) end end def working_directory if ChefUtils.windows? env["CD"] else env["PWD"] end || Dir.pwd end def apply_credentials(creds, profile) # Store the profile used in case other things want it. Config.profile ||= profile # Validate the credentials data. if creds.key?("node_name") && creds.key?("client_name") raise ChefConfig::ConfigurationError, "Do not specify both node_name and client_name. You should prefer client_name." end # Load credentials data into the Chef configuration. creds.each do |key, value| case key.to_s when "client_name" # Special case because it's weird to set your username via `node_name`. Config.node_name = value when "validation_key", "validator_key" extract_key(value, :validation_key, :validation_key_contents) when "client_key" extract_key(value, :client_key, :client_key_contents) when "knife" Config.knife.merge!(value.transform_keys(&:to_sym)) else Config[key.to_sym] = value end end @credentials_found = true end def extract_key(key_value, config_path, config_contents) if key_value.start_with?("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----") Config.send(config_contents, key_value) else abs_path = Pathname.new(key_value).expand_path(home_chef_dir) Config.send(config_path, abs_path) end end def home_chef_dir @home_chef_dir ||= PathHelper.home(ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::USER_CONF_DIR) end def apply_config(config_content, config_file_path) Config.from_string(config_content, config_file_path) rescue SignalException raise rescue SyntaxError => e message = "" message << "You have invalid ruby syntax in your config file #{config_file_path}\n\n" message << "#{e.class.name}: #{e.message}\n" if file_line = e.message[/#{Regexp.escape(config_file_path)}:[\d]+/] line = file_line[/:([\d]+)$/, 1].to_i message << highlight_config_error(config_file_path, line) end raise ChefConfig::ConfigurationError, message rescue Exception => e message = "You have an error in your config file #{config_file_path}\n\n" message << "#{e.class.name}: #{e.message}\n" filtered_trace = e.backtrace.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(config_file_path)}/) filtered_trace.each { |bt_line| message << " " << bt_line << "\n" } unless filtered_trace.empty? line_nr = filtered_trace.first[/#{Regexp.escape(config_file_path)}:([\d]+)/, 1] message << highlight_config_error(config_file_path, line_nr.to_i) end raise ChefConfig::ConfigurationError, message end # Apply default configuration values for workstation-style tools. # # Global defaults should go in {ChefConfig::Config} instead, this is only # for things like `knife` and `chef`. # # @api private # @since 14.3 # @return [void] def apply_defaults # If we don't have a better guess use the username. Config[:node_name] ||= Etc.getlogin # If we don't have a key (path or inline) check user.pem and $node_name.pem. unless Config.key?(:client_key) || Config.key?(:client_key_contents) key_path = find_default_key(["#{Config[:node_name]}.pem", "user.pem"]) Config[:client_key] = key_path if key_path end # Similarly look for a validation key file, though this should be less # common these days. unless Config.key?(:validation_key) || Config.key?(:validation_key_contents) key_path = find_default_key(["#{Config[:validation_client_name]}.pem", "validator.pem", "validation.pem"]) Config[:validation_key] = key_path if key_path end end # Look for a default key file. # # This searches for any of a list of possible default keys, checking both # the local `.chef/` folder and the home directory `~/.chef/`. Returns `nil` # if no matching file is found. # # @api private # @since 14.3 # @param key_names [Array<String>] A list of possible filenames to check for. # The first one found will be returned. # @return [String, nil] def find_default_key(key_names) key_names.each do |filename| path = Pathname.new(filename) # If we have a config location (like ./.chef/), look there first. if config_location local_path = path.expand_path(File.dirname(config_location)) return local_path.to_s if local_path.exist? end # Then check ~/.chef. home_path = path.expand_path(home_chef_dir) return home_path.to_s if home_path.exist? end nil end def highlight_config_error(file, line) config_file_lines = [] IO.readlines(file).each_with_index { |l, i| config_file_lines << "#{(i + 1).to_s.rjust(3)}: #{l.chomp}" } if line == 1 lines = config_file_lines[0..3] else lines = config_file_lines[Range.new(line - 2, line)] end "Relevant file content:\n" + lines.join("\n") + "\n" end def logger @logger end end end
require './auth_wrap' title = ARGV.shift dir = ARGV.shift app = GDriveApp.new('messtin') mid = app.messtinFolder puts mid folder_id = app.createFolder(title, title, mid) tm_id = app.createFolder('tm', 'thumbnail', folder_id) Dir.glob(dir + '/*.jpg').each do |jpg| name = File.basename(jpg) puts name app.uploadJpeg(jpg, name, folder_id) end Dir.glob(dir + '/tm/*.jpg').each do |jpg| name = File.basename(jpg) puts name app.uploadJpeg(jpg, name, tm_id) end
# # Be sure to run `pod spec lint KnobControl.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. # # To learn more about Podspec attributes see http://docs.cocoapods.org/specification.html # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/ # Pod::Spec.new do |s| # ――― Spec Metadata ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # These will help people to find your library, and whilst it # can feel like a chore to fill in it's definitely to your advantage. The # summary should be tweet-length, and the description more in depth. # s.name = "KnobControl" s.version = "1.0.0" s.summary = "A knob control like the UISlider, but in a circular form." s.description = "The knob control is a completely customizable widget that can be used in any iOS app. It also plays a little victory fanfare." s.homepage = "http://raywenderlich.com" # ――― Spec License ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # Licensing your code is important. See http://choosealicense.com for more info. # CocoaPods will detect a license file if there is a named LICENSE* # Popular ones are 'MIT', 'BSD' and 'Apache License, Version 2.0'. # s.license = "MIT" # s.license = { :type => "MIT", :file => "FILE_LICENSE" } # ――― Author Metadata ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # Specify the authors of the library, with email addresses. Email addresses # of the authors are extracted from the SCM log. E.g. $ git log. CocoaPods also # accepts just a name if you'd rather not provide an email address. # # Specify a social_media_url where others can refer to, for example a twitter # profile URL. # s.author = { "Sarvjeet Singh" => "sarvjeet1990singh@gmail.com" } # Or just: s.author = "Sarvjeet Singh" # s.authors = { "Sarvjeet Singh" => "sarvjeet1990singh@gmail.com" } # s.social_media_url = "http://twitter.com/Sarvjeet Singh" # ――― Platform Specifics ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # If this Pod runs only on iOS or OS X, then specify the platform and # the deployment target. You can optionally include the target after the platform. # s.platform = :ios, "12.0" # s.platform = :ios, "5.0" # When using multiple platforms # s.ios.deployment_target = "5.0" # s.osx.deployment_target = "10.7" # s.watchos.deployment_target = "2.0" # s.tvos.deployment_target = "9.0" # ――― Source Location ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # Specify the location from where the source should be retrieved. # Supports git, hg, bzr, svn and HTTP. # s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/3u4icT/KnobControl.git", :tag => "1.0.0" } # ――― Source Code ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # CocoaPods is smart about how it includes source code. For source files # giving a folder will include any swift, h, m, mm, c & cpp files. # For header files it will include any header in the folder. # Not including the public_header_files will make all headers public. # s.source_files = "KnobControl" # s.public_header_files = "Classes/**/*.h" # ――― Resources ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # A list of resources included with the Pod. These are copied into the # target bundle with a build phase script. Anything else will be cleaned. # You can preserve files from being cleaned, please don't preserve # non-essential files like tests, examples and documentation. # # s.resource = "icon.png" # s.resources = "Resources/*.png" # s.preserve_paths = "FilesToSave", "MoreFilesToSave" # ――― Project Linking ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # Link your library with frameworks, or libraries. Libraries do not include # the lib prefix of their name. # # s.framework = "SomeFramework" # s.frameworks = "SomeFramework", "AnotherFramework" # s.library = "iconv" # s.libraries = "iconv", "xml2" # ――― Project Settings ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # If your library depends on compiler flags you can set them in the xcconfig hash # where they will only apply to your library. If you depend on other Podspecs # you can include multiple dependencies to ensure it works. # s.requires_arc = true # s.xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2" } # s.dependency "JSONKit", "~> 1.4" s.swift_version = "4.2" end
# frozen_string_literal: true class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order belongs_to :beverage end
# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 require 'can_be_an_owner' class User < ArvadosModel include HasUuid include KindAndEtag include CommonApiTemplate include CanBeAnOwner extend CurrentApiClient serialize :prefs, Hash has_many :api_client_authorizations validates(:username, format: { with: /\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*\z/, message: "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumerics", }, uniqueness: true, allow_nil: true) validate :must_unsetup_to_deactivate validate :identity_url_nil_if_empty before_update :prevent_privilege_escalation before_update :prevent_inactive_admin before_update :verify_repositories_empty, :if => Proc.new { username.nil? and username_changed? } after_update :setup_on_activate before_create :check_auto_admin before_create :set_initial_username, :if => Proc.new { username.nil? and email } after_create :after_ownership_change after_create :setup_on_activate after_create :add_system_group_permission_link after_create :auto_setup_new_user, :if => Proc.new { Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsers and (uuid != system_user_uuid) and (uuid != anonymous_user_uuid) and (uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.ClusterID) } after_create :send_admin_notifications before_update :before_ownership_change after_update :after_ownership_change after_update :send_profile_created_notification after_update :sync_repository_names, :if => Proc.new { (uuid != system_user_uuid) and saved_change_to_username? and (not username_before_last_save.nil?) } before_destroy :clear_permissions after_destroy :remove_self_from_permissions has_many :authorized_keys, :foreign_key => :authorized_user_uuid, :primary_key => :uuid has_many :repositories, foreign_key: :owner_uuid, primary_key: :uuid default_scope { where('redirect_to_user_uuid is null') } api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t| t.add :email t.add :username t.add :full_name t.add :first_name t.add :last_name t.add :identity_url t.add :is_active t.add :is_admin t.add :is_invited t.add :prefs t.add :writable_by end ALL_PERMISSIONS = {read: true, write: true, manage: true} # Map numeric permission levels (see lib/create_permission_view.sql) # back to read/write/manage flags. PERMS_FOR_VAL = [{}, {read: true}, {read: true, write: true}, {read: true, write: true, manage: true}] VAL_FOR_PERM = {:read => 1, :write => 2, :unfreeze => 3, :manage => 3} def full_name "#{first_name} #{last_name}".strip end def is_invited !!(self.is_active || Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive || self.groups_i_can(:read).select { |x| x.match(/-f+$/) }.first) end def groups_i_can(verb) my_groups = self.group_permissions(VAL_FOR_PERM[verb]).keys if verb == :read my_groups << anonymous_group_uuid end my_groups end def can?(actions) return true if is_admin actions.each do |action, target| unless target.nil? if target.respond_to? :uuid target_uuid = target.uuid else target_uuid = target target = ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid(target_uuid) end end next if target_uuid == self.uuid target_owner_uuid = target.owner_uuid if target.respond_to? :owner_uuid user_uuids_subquery = USER_UUIDS_SUBQUERY_TEMPLATE % {user: "$1", perm_level: "$3"} unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection. exec_query(%{ SELECT 1 FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} WHERE user_uuid in (#{user_uuids_subquery}) and ((target_uuid = $2 and perm_level >= $3) or (target_uuid = $4 and perm_level >= $3 and traverse_owned)) }, # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs: "user_can_query", [[nil, self.uuid], [nil, target_uuid], [nil, VAL_FOR_PERM[action]], [nil, target_owner_uuid]] ).any? return false end if action == :write if FrozenGroup.where(uuid: [target_uuid, target_owner_uuid]).any? # self or parent is frozen return false end elsif action == :unfreeze # "unfreeze" permission means "can write, but only if # explicitly un-freezing at the same time" (see # ArvadosModel#ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted). If the # permission query above passed the permission level of # :unfreeze (which is the same as :manage), and the parent # isn't also frozen, then un-freeze is allowed. if FrozenGroup.where(uuid: target_owner_uuid).any? return false end end end true end def before_ownership_change if owner_uuid_changed? and !self.owner_uuid_was.nil? MaterializedPermission.where(user_uuid: owner_uuid_was, target_uuid: uuid).delete_all update_permissions self.owner_uuid_was, self.uuid, REVOKE_PERM end end def after_ownership_change if saved_change_to_owner_uuid? update_permissions self.owner_uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM end end def clear_permissions MaterializedPermission.where("user_uuid = ? and target_uuid != ?", uuid, uuid).delete_all end def forget_cached_group_perms @group_perms = nil end def remove_self_from_permissions MaterializedPermission.where("target_uuid = ?", uuid).delete_all check_permissions_against_full_refresh end # Return a hash of {user_uuid: group_perms} # # note: this does not account for permissions that a user gains by # having can_manage on another user. def self.all_group_permissions all_perms = {} ActiveRecord::Base.connection. exec_query(%{ SELECT user_uuid, target_uuid, perm_level FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} WHERE traverse_owned }, # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs: "all_group_permissions"). rows.each do |user_uuid, group_uuid, max_p_val| all_perms[user_uuid] ||= {} all_perms[user_uuid][group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i] end all_perms end # Return a hash of {group_uuid: perm_hash} where perm_hash[:read] # and perm_hash[:write] are true if this user can read and write # objects owned by group_uuid. def group_permissions(level=1) @group_perms ||= {} if @group_perms.empty? user_uuids_subquery = USER_UUIDS_SUBQUERY_TEMPLATE % {user: "$1", perm_level: 1} ActiveRecord::Base.connection. exec_query(%{ SELECT target_uuid, perm_level FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} WHERE user_uuid in (#{user_uuids_subquery}) and perm_level >= 1 }, # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs: "User.group_permissions", # "binds" arg is an array of [col_id, value] for '$1' vars: [[nil, uuid]]). rows.each do |group_uuid, max_p_val| @group_perms[group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i] end end case level when 1 @group_perms when 2 @group_perms.select {|k,v| v[:write] } when 3 @group_perms.select {|k,v| v[:manage] } else raise "level must be 1, 2 or 3" end end # create links def setup(repo_name: nil, vm_uuid: nil, send_notification_email: nil) newly_invited = Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read').empty? # Add can_read link from this user to "all users" which makes this # user "invited", and (depending on config) a link in the opposite # direction which makes this user visible to other users. group_perms = add_to_all_users_group # Add git repo repo_perm = if (!repo_name.nil? || Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithRepository) and !username.nil? repo_name ||= "#{username}/#{username}" create_user_repo_link repo_name end # Add virtual machine if vm_uuid.nil? and !Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID.empty? vm_uuid = Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID end vm_login_perm = if vm_uuid && username create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, username) end # Send welcome email if send_notification_email.nil? send_notification_email = Rails.configuration.Mail.SendUserSetupNotificationEmail end if newly_invited and send_notification_email and !Rails.configuration.Users.UserSetupMailText.empty? begin UserNotifier.account_is_setup(self).deliver_now rescue => e logger.warn "Failed to send email to #{self.email}: #{e}" end end forget_cached_group_perms return [repo_perm, vm_login_perm, *group_perms, self].compact end # delete user signatures, login, repo, and vm perms, and mark as inactive def unsetup # delete oid_login_perms for this user # # note: these permission links are obsolete, they have no effect # on anything and they are not created for new users. Link.where(tail_uuid: self.email, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_login').destroy_all # delete repo_perms for this user Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_manage').destroy_all # delete vm_login_perms for this user Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_login').destroy_all # delete "All users" group read permissions for this user Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read').destroy_all # delete any signatures by this user Link.where(link_class: 'signature', tail_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all # delete tokens for this user ApiClientAuthorization.where(user_id: self.id).destroy_all # delete ssh keys for this user AuthorizedKey.where(owner_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all AuthorizedKey.where(authorized_user_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all # delete user preferences (including profile) self.prefs = {} # mark the user as inactive self.is_admin = false # can't be admin and inactive self.is_active = false forget_cached_group_perms self.save! end def must_unsetup_to_deactivate if !self.new_record? && self.uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster && self.uuid[0..4] != Rails.configuration.ClusterID # OK to update our local record to whatever the LoginCluster # reports, because self-activate is not allowed. return elsif self.is_active_changed? && self.is_active_was && !self.is_active # When a user is set up, they are added to the "All users" # group. A user that is part of the "All users" group is # allowed to self-activate. # # It doesn't make sense to deactivate a user (set is_active = # false) without first removing them from the "All users" group, # because they would be able to immediately reactivate # themselves. # # The 'unsetup' method removes the user from the "All users" # group (and also sets is_active = false) so send a message # explaining the correct way to deactivate a user. # if Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read').any? errors.add :is_active, "cannot be set to false directly, use the 'Deactivate' button on Workbench, or the 'unsetup' API call" end end end def set_initial_username(requested: false) if !requested.is_a?(String) || requested.empty? email_parts = email.partition("@") local_parts = email_parts.first.partition("+") if email_parts.any?(&:empty?) return elsif not local_parts.first.empty? requested = local_parts.first else requested = email_parts.first end end requested.sub!(/^[^A-Za-z]+/, "") requested.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, "") unless requested.empty? self.username = find_usable_username_from(requested) end end # Move this user's (i.e., self's) owned items to new_owner_uuid and # new_user_uuid (for things normally owned directly by the user). # # If redirect_auth is true, also reassign auth tokens and ssh keys, # and redirect this account to redirect_to_user_uuid, i.e., when a # caller authenticates to this account in the future, the account # redirect_to_user_uuid account will be used instead. # # current_user must have admin privileges, i.e., the caller is # responsible for checking permission to do this. def merge(new_owner_uuid:, new_user_uuid:, redirect_to_new_user:) raise PermissionDeniedError if !current_user.andand.is_admin raise "Missing new_owner_uuid" if !new_owner_uuid raise "Missing new_user_uuid" if !new_user_uuid transaction(requires_new: true) do reload raise "cannot merge an already merged user" if self.redirect_to_user_uuid new_user = User.where(uuid: new_user_uuid).first raise "user does not exist" if !new_user raise "cannot merge to an already merged user" if new_user.redirect_to_user_uuid self.clear_permissions new_user.clear_permissions # If 'self' is a remote user, don't transfer authorizations # (i.e. ability to access the account) to the new user, because # that gives the remote site the ability to access the 'new' # user account that takes over the 'self' account. # # If 'self' is a local user, it is okay to transfer # authorizations, even if the 'new' user is a remote account, # because the remote site does not gain the ability to access an # account it could not before. if redirect_to_new_user and self.uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.ClusterID # Existing API tokens and ssh keys are updated to authenticate # to the new user. ApiClientAuthorization. where(user_id: id). update_all(user_id: new_user.id) user_updates = [ [AuthorizedKey, :owner_uuid], [AuthorizedKey, :authorized_user_uuid], [Link, :owner_uuid], [Link, :tail_uuid], [Link, :head_uuid], ] else # Destroy API tokens and ssh keys associated with the old # user. ApiClientAuthorization.where(user_id: id).destroy_all AuthorizedKey.where(owner_uuid: uuid).destroy_all AuthorizedKey.where(authorized_user_uuid: uuid).destroy_all user_updates = [ [Link, :owner_uuid], [Link, :tail_uuid] ] end # References to the old user UUID in the context of a user ID # (rather than a "home project" in the project hierarchy) are # updated to point to the new user. user_updates.each do |klass, column| klass.where(column => uuid).update_all(column => new_user.uuid) end # Need to update repository names to new username if username old_repo_name_re = /^#{Regexp.escape(username)}\// Repository.where(:owner_uuid => uuid).each do |repo| repo.owner_uuid = new_user.uuid repo_name_sub = "#{new_user.username}/" name = repo.name.sub(old_repo_name_re, repo_name_sub) while (conflict = Repository.where(:name => name).first) != nil repo_name_sub += "migrated" name = repo.name.sub(old_repo_name_re, repo_name_sub) end repo.name = name repo.save! end end # References to the merged user's "home project" are updated to # point to new_owner_uuid. ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass| next if [ApiClientAuthorization, AuthorizedKey, Link, Log, Repository].include?(klass) next if !klass.columns.collect(&:name).include?('owner_uuid') klass.where(owner_uuid: uuid).update_all(owner_uuid: new_owner_uuid) end if redirect_to_new_user update_attributes!(redirect_to_user_uuid: new_user.uuid, username: nil) end skip_check_permissions_against_full_refresh do update_permissions self.uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM update_permissions new_user.uuid, new_user.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM update_permissions new_user.owner_uuid, new_user.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM end update_permissions self.owner_uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM end end def redirects_to user = self redirects = 0 while (uuid = user.redirect_to_user_uuid) break if uuid.empty? nextuser = User.unscoped.find_by_uuid(uuid) if !nextuser raise Exception.new("user uuid #{user.uuid} redirects to nonexistent uuid '#{uuid}'") end user = nextuser redirects += 1 if redirects > 15 raise "Starting from #{self.uuid} redirect_to_user_uuid exceeded maximum number of redirects" end end user end def self.register info # login info expected fields, all can be optional but at minimum # must supply either 'identity_url' or 'email' # # email # first_name # last_name # username # alternate_emails # identity_url primary_user = nil # local database identity_url = info['identity_url'] if identity_url && identity_url.length > 0 # Only local users can create sessions, hence uuid_like_pattern # here. user = User.unscoped.where('identity_url = ? and uuid like ?', identity_url, User.uuid_like_pattern).first primary_user = user.redirects_to if user end if !primary_user # identity url is unset or didn't find matching record. emails = [info['email']] + (info['alternate_emails'] || []) emails.select! {|em| !em.nil? && !em.empty?} User.unscoped.where('email in (?) and uuid like ?', emails, User.uuid_like_pattern).each do |user| if !primary_user primary_user = user.redirects_to elsif primary_user.uuid != user.redirects_to.uuid raise "Ambiguous email address, directs to both #{primary_user.uuid} and #{user.redirects_to.uuid}" end end end if !primary_user # New user registration primary_user = User.new(:owner_uuid => system_user_uuid, :is_admin => false, :is_active => Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive) primary_user.set_initial_username(requested: info['username']) if info['username'] && !info['username'].blank? primary_user.identity_url = info['identity_url'] if identity_url end primary_user.email = info['email'] if info['email'] primary_user.first_name = info['first_name'] if info['first_name'] primary_user.last_name = info['last_name'] if info['last_name'] if (!primary_user.email or primary_user.email.empty?) and (!primary_user.identity_url or primary_user.identity_url.empty?) raise "Must have supply at least one of 'email' or 'identity_url' to User.register" end act_as_system_user do primary_user.save! end primary_user end protected def change_all_uuid_refs(old_uuid:, new_uuid:) ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass| klass.columns.each do |col| if col.name.end_with?('_uuid') column = col.name.to_sym klass.where(column => old_uuid).update_all(column => new_uuid) end end end end def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user true end def permission_to_update if username_changed? || redirect_to_user_uuid_changed? || email_changed? current_user.andand.is_admin else # users must be able to update themselves (even if they are # inactive) in order to create sessions self == current_user or super end end def permission_to_create current_user.andand.is_admin or (self == current_user && self.redirect_to_user_uuid.nil? && self.is_active == Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive) end def check_auto_admin return if self.uuid.end_with?('anonymouspublic') if (User.where("email = ?",self.email).where(:is_admin => true).count == 0 and !Rails.configuration.Users.AutoAdminUserWithEmail.empty? and self.email == Rails.configuration.Users["AutoAdminUserWithEmail"]) or (User.where("uuid not like '%-000000000000000'").where(:is_admin => true).count == 0 and Rails.configuration.Users.AutoAdminFirstUser) self.is_admin = true self.is_active = true end end def find_usable_username_from(basename) # If "basename" is a usable username, return that. # Otherwise, find a unique username "basenameN", where N is the # smallest integer greater than 1, and return that. # Return nil if a unique username can't be found after reasonable # searching. quoted_name = self.class.connection.quote_string(basename) next_username = basename next_suffix = 1 while Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupUsernameBlacklist[next_username] next_suffix += 1 next_username = "%s%i" % [basename, next_suffix] end 0.upto(6).each do |suffix_len| pattern = "%s%s" % [quoted_name, "_" * suffix_len] self.class.unscoped. where("username like '#{pattern}'"). select(:username). order('username asc'). each do |other_user| if other_user.username > next_username break elsif other_user.username == next_username next_suffix += 1 next_username = "%s%i" % [basename, next_suffix] end end return next_username if (next_username.size <= pattern.size) end nil end def prevent_privilege_escalation if current_user.andand.is_admin return true end if self.is_active_changed? if self.is_active != self.is_active_was logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change is_active from #{self.is_active_was} to #{self.is_active} for #{self.uuid}" self.is_active = self.is_active_was end end if self.is_admin_changed? if self.is_admin != self.is_admin_was logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change is_admin from #{self.is_admin_was} to #{self.is_admin} for #{self.uuid}" self.is_admin = self.is_admin_was end end true end def prevent_inactive_admin if self.is_admin and not self.is_active # There is no known use case for the strange set of permissions # that would result from this change. It's safest to assume it's # a mistake and disallow it outright. raise "Admin users cannot be inactive" end true end def search_permissions(start, graph, merged={}, upstream_mask=nil, upstream_path={}) nextpaths = graph[start] return merged if !nextpaths return merged if upstream_path.has_key? start upstream_path[start] = true upstream_mask ||= ALL_PERMISSIONS nextpaths.each do |head, mask| merged[head] ||= {} mask.each do |k,v| merged[head][k] ||= v if upstream_mask[k] end search_permissions(head, graph, merged, upstream_mask.select { |k,v| v && merged[head][k] }, upstream_path) end upstream_path.delete start merged end def create_user_repo_link(repo_name) # repo_name is optional if not repo_name logger.warn ("Repository name not given for #{self.uuid}.") return end repo = Repository.where(owner_uuid: uuid, name: repo_name).first_or_create! logger.info { "repo uuid: " + repo[:uuid] } repo_perm = Link.where(tail_uuid: uuid, head_uuid: repo.uuid, link_class: "permission", name: "can_manage").first_or_create! logger.info { "repo permission: " + repo_perm[:uuid] } return repo_perm end # create login permission for the given vm_uuid, if it does not already exist def create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, repo_name) # vm uuid is optional return if vm_uuid == "" vm = VirtualMachine.where(uuid: vm_uuid).first if !vm logger.warn "Could not find virtual machine for #{vm_uuid.inspect}" raise "No vm found for #{vm_uuid}" end logger.info { "vm uuid: " + vm[:uuid] } login_attrs = { tail_uuid: uuid, head_uuid: vm.uuid, link_class: "permission", name: "can_login", } login_perm = Link. where(login_attrs). select { |link| link.properties["username"] == repo_name }. first login_perm ||= Link. create(login_attrs.merge(properties: {"username" => repo_name})) logger.info { "login permission: " + login_perm[:uuid] } login_perm end def add_to_all_users_group resp = [Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid, head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read').first || Link.create(tail_uuid: self.uuid, head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read')] if Rails.configuration.Users.ActivatedUsersAreVisibleToOthers resp += [Link.where(tail_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, head_uuid: self.uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read').first || Link.create(tail_uuid: all_users_group_uuid, head_uuid: self.uuid, link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_read')] end return resp end # Give the special "System group" permission to manage this user and # all of this user's stuff. def add_system_group_permission_link return true if uuid == system_user_uuid act_as_system_user do Link.create(link_class: 'permission', name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: system_group_uuid, head_uuid: self.uuid) end end # Send admin notifications def send_admin_notifications AdminNotifier.new_user(self).deliver_now if not self.is_active then AdminNotifier.new_inactive_user(self).deliver_now end end # Automatically setup if is_active flag turns on def setup_on_activate return if [system_user_uuid, anonymous_user_uuid].include?(self.uuid) if is_active && (new_record? || saved_change_to_is_active? || will_save_change_to_is_active?) setup end end # Automatically setup new user during creation def auto_setup_new_user setup end # Send notification if the user saved profile for the first time def send_profile_created_notification if saved_change_to_prefs? if prefs_before_last_save.andand.empty? || !prefs_before_last_save.andand['profile'] profile_notification_address = Rails.configuration.Users.UserProfileNotificationAddress ProfileNotifier.profile_created(self, profile_notification_address).deliver_now if profile_notification_address and !profile_notification_address.empty? end end end def verify_repositories_empty unless repositories.first.nil? errors.add(:username, "can't be unset when the user owns repositories") throw(:abort) end end def sync_repository_names old_name_re = /^#{Regexp.escape(username_before_last_save)}\// name_sub = "#{username}/" repositories.find_each do |repo| repo.name = repo.name.sub(old_name_re, name_sub) repo.save! end end def identity_url_nil_if_empty if identity_url == "" self.identity_url = nil end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module PerformanceMonitoring class PrometheusPanelGroup include ActiveModel::Model attr_accessor :group, :priority, :panels validates :group, presence: true validates :panels, presence: true class << self def from_json(json_content) build_from_hash(json_content).tap(&:validate!) end private def build_from_hash(attributes) return new unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) new( group: attributes['group'], priority: attributes['priority'], panels: attributes['panels']&.map { |panel| PrometheusPanel.from_json(panel) } ) end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (C) 2015 Twitter, Inc. # note: the following is just a simple example. before making any stats calls, make # sure to read our best practices for analytics which can be found here: # # https://dev.twitter.com/ads/analytics/best-practices # https://dev.twitter.com/ads/analytics/metrics-and-segmentation # https://dev.twitter.com/ads/analytics/metrics-derived require 'twitter-ads' CONSUMER_KEY = 'your consumer key'.freeze CONSUMER_SECRET = 'your consumer secret'.freeze ACCESS_TOKEN = 'user access token'.freeze ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = 'user access token secret'.freeze ADS_ACCOUNT = 'ads account id'.freeze # initialize the twitter ads api client client = TwitterAds::Client.new( CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ) # load up the account instance account = client.accounts(ADS_ACCOUNT) # limit request count and grab the first 10 line items from TwitterAds::Cursor line_items = account.line_items(nil, count: 10)[0..9] # the list of metric groups we want to fetch, for a full list of possible metrics # see: https://dev.twitter.com/ads/analytics/metrics-and-segmentation metrics = %w(ENGAGEMENT VIDEO) # fetching stats on the instance line_items.first.stats(metrics) # fetching stats for multiple line items ids = line_items.map(&:id) TwitterAds::LineItem.stats(account, ids, metrics)
require_dependency 'issue' module SerialNumberField module IssuePatch extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_save :assign_serial_number! end def assign_serial_number! serial_number_fields.each do |cf| next if assigned_serial_number?(cf) target_custom_value = serial_number_custom_value(cf) new_serial_number = cf.format.generate_value(cf, self) if target_custom_value.present? target_custom_value.update_attributes!( :value => new_serial_number) end end end def assigned_serial_number?(cf) serial_number_custom_value(cf).try(:value).present? end def serial_number_custom_value(cf) CustomValue.where(:custom_field_id => cf.id, :customized_type => 'Issue', :customized_id => self.id).first end def serial_number_fields editable_custom_fields.select do |value| value.field_format == SerialNumberField::Format::NAME end end end end SerialNumberField::IssuePatch.tap do |mod| Issue.send :include, mod unless Issue.include?(mod) end
# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL class Query # Turn query string values into something useful for query execution class LiteralInput def self.coerce(type, ast_node, variables) case ast_node when nil nil when Language::Nodes::NullValue nil when Language::Nodes::VariableIdentifier variables[ast_node.name] else case type when GraphQL::ScalarType # TODO smell # This gets used for plain values during subscriber.trigger if variables type.coerce_input(ast_node, variables.context) else type.coerce_isolated_input(ast_node) end when GraphQL::EnumType # TODO smell # This gets used for plain values sometimes v = ast_node.is_a?(GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Enum) ? ast_node.name : ast_node if variables type.coerce_input(v, variables.context) else type.coerce_isolated_input(v) end when GraphQL::NonNullType LiteralInput.coerce(type.of_type, ast_node, variables) when GraphQL::ListType if ast_node.is_a?(Array) ast_node.map { |element_ast| LiteralInput.coerce(type.of_type, element_ast, variables) } else [LiteralInput.coerce(type.of_type, ast_node, variables)] end when GraphQL::InputObjectType # TODO smell: handling AST vs handling plain Ruby next_args = ast_node.is_a?(Hash) ? ast_node : ast_node.arguments from_arguments(next_args, type, variables) end end end def self.from_arguments(ast_arguments, argument_owner, variables) context = variables ? variables.context : nil values_hash = {} defaults_used = Set.new indexed_arguments = case ast_arguments when Hash ast_arguments when Array ast_arguments.each_with_object({}) { |a, memo| memo[a.name] = a } else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected ast_arguments: #{ast_arguments}" end argument_defns = argument_owner.arguments argument_defns.each do |arg_name, arg_defn| ast_arg = indexed_arguments[arg_name] # First, check the argument in the AST. # If the value is a variable, # only add a value if the variable is actually present. # Otherwise, coerce the value in the AST, prepare the value and add it. # # TODO: since indexed_arguments can come from a plain Ruby hash, # have to check for `false` or `nil` as hash values. This is getting smelly :S if indexed_arguments.key?(arg_name) arg_value = ast_arg.is_a?(GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Argument) ? ast_arg.value : ast_arg value_is_a_variable = arg_value.is_a?(GraphQL::Language::Nodes::VariableIdentifier) if (!value_is_a_variable || (value_is_a_variable && variables.key?(arg_value.name))) value = coerce(arg_defn.type, arg_value, variables) value = arg_defn.prepare(value, context) if value.is_a?(GraphQL::ExecutionError) value.ast_node = ast_arg raise value end values_hash[arg_name] = value end end # Then, the definition for a default value. # If the definition has a default value and # a value wasn't provided from the AST, # then add the default value. if arg_defn.default_value? && !values_hash.key?(arg_name) value = arg_defn.default_value defaults_used << arg_name # `context` isn't present when pre-calculating defaults if context value = arg_defn.prepare(value, context) if value.is_a?(GraphQL::ExecutionError) value.ast_node = ast_arg raise value end end values_hash[arg_name] = value end end result = argument_owner.arguments_class.new(values_hash, context: context, defaults_used: defaults_used) result.prepare end end end end
class User < ApplicationRecord has_secure_password has_many :dogs accepts_nested_attributes_for :dogs, allow_destroy: true end
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2002-2020, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # # a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # module NSXDriver # Class VirtualWire NSX-V Network class VirtualWire < LogicalSwitch # CONSTRUCTOR def initialize(nsx_client, ls_id = nil, tz_id = nil, ls_data = nil) super(nsx_client) if ls_id initialize_with_id(ls_id) else if tz_id && ls_data begin @ls_id = new_logical_switch(ls_data, tz_id) rescue NSXError::IncorrectResponseCodeError => e raise 'VirtualWire not created in NSX Manager: ' \ "#{e.message}" end unless @ls_id raise 'Virtual Wire not created in NSX Manager: ' \ 'generic error' end # Construct URL of the created logical switch @url_ls = NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_SECTION + @ls_id @ls_vni = ls_vni @ls_name = ls_name @tz_id = ls_tz @tenant_id = 'virtual wire tenant' @guest_vlan_allowed = false end end end # Creates a VirtualWire from its name def self.new_from_name(nsx_client, ls_name) virtualwire = new(nsx_client) ls_id = virtualwire.ls_id_from_name(nsx_client, ls_name) unless ls_id error_msg = "VirtualWire with name: #{ls_name} not found" error = NSXError::ObjectNotFound .new(error_msg) raise error end # initialize_with_id(@ls_id) virtualwire.initialize_with_id(ls_id) virtualwire end # Creates a VirtualWire from its id def initialize_with_id(ls_id) @ls_id = ls_id # Construct URL of the created logical switch @url_ls = NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_SECTION + \ @ls_id # Raise an error if VirtualWire id doesn't exists unless ls? error_msg = "VirtualWire with id: #{ls_id} not found" error = NSXError::ObjectNotFound .new(error_msg) raise error end @ls_vni = ls_vni @ls_name = ls_name @tz_id = ls_tz @tenant_id = 'virtual wire tenant' @guest_vlan_allowed = false end # Get the logical switch id from its name def ls_id_from_name(nsx_client, name) url = NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_SECTION virtualwires = nsx_client .get(url) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_XPATH) virtualwires.each do |virtualwire| lsname_arr = name.split(/-sid-/) lsname = lsname_arr[-1].split('-', 2)[-1] lsid = lsname_arr[0].split(/vxw-dvs-\w.-/)[-1] if virtualwire.xpath('name').text == lsname && virtualwire.xpath('objectId').text == lsid return virtualwire.xpath('objectId').text end end nil end # METHODS # Check if logical switch exists def ls? @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) ? true : false end # Get logical switch's name def ls_name @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_NAME_XPATH).text end # Get logical switch's vni def ls_vni @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_VNI_XPATH).text end # Get the Transport Zone of the logical switch def ls_tz @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_TZ_XPATH).text end # Get the logical switch reference into vcenter def ls_vcenter_ref @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_BACKING_XPATH) .text end # Get the distributed virtual switch's ref associated to a LS def ls_dvs_ref @nsx_client.get(@url_ls) .xpath(NSXConstants::NSXV_LS_OBJECTID_XPATH) .text end # Create a new logical switch (NSX-V: virtualwire) def new_logical_switch(ls_data, tz_id) url = "#{NSXConstants::NSXV_TZ_SECTION}#{tz_id}" \ '/virtualwires' @nsx_client.post(url, ls_data) end # Delete a logical switch def delete_logical_switch @nsx_client.delete(@url_ls) end end end
require 'rails/generators' module SqlSearchNSort class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_paths << File.expand_path('../views/application', __FILE__) source_paths << File.expand_path('../assets/javascripts', __FILE__) source_paths << File.expand_path('../helpers', __FILE__) source_paths << File.expand_path('../config/initializers', __FILE__) def copy_files base_path = "app/views/application" copy_file('_search_form.html.haml', File.join(base_path, '_search_form.html.haml')) copy_file('_sort_form.html.haml', File.join(base_path, '_sort_form.html.haml')) base_path = "app/assets/javascripts" copy_file('sql_search_n_sort.js', File.join(base_path, 'sql_search_n_sort.js')) base_path = "config/initializers" copy_file('sql_search_n_sort.rb', File.join(base_path, 'sql_search_n_sort.rb')) end def require_jquery #could be either application.js or application.js.coffee or maybe something else in the future if app_js_fl = Dir["#{destination_root}/app/assets/javascripts/*"].select{|f| f =~ /application\.js/}.first inject_into_file app_js_fl, before: "\n//= require_tree ." do "\n//= require jquery" end end end def insert_into_app_controller inject_into_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", before: /^end/ do %Q`\n\tinclude SqlSortSetup\n before_action :setup_sql_sort, :only => [:index, :sort_only_index] \n` end end end end
class Pioneers < Formula desc "Settlers of Catan clone" homepage "http://pio.sourceforge.net/" url "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pio/Source/pioneers-15.3.tar.gz" sha256 "69afa51b71646565536b571b0f89786d3a7616965265f196fd51656b51381a89" bottle do sha256 "ab5a8f58765f5121b134507c3c12e0f4f6c0bf26a5ccddb1ad07f3b8046831f0" => :sierra sha256 "125fda4a203f876a2e58f46986e778989d7b8edfaed38069a6dea2d8f11ea4f7" => :el_capitan sha256 "4dcd7c97726388e3175cfbf9bfe9aee17deb7d5894d7a864bdcf2b9295b7b0ed" => :yosemite end fails_with :clang do build 318 cause "'#line directive requires a positive integer' argument in generated file" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "intltool" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "gtk+3" depends_on "librsvg" # svg images for gdk-pixbuf def install # fix usage of echo options not supported by sh inreplace "Makefile.in", /\becho/, "/bin/echo" # GNU ld-only options inreplace Dir["configure{,.ac}"] do |s| s.gsub!(/ -Wl\,--as-needed/, "") s.gsub!(/ -Wl,-z,(relro|now)/, "") end system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/pioneers-editor", "--help" server = fork do system "#{bin}/pioneers-server-console" end sleep 5 Process.kill("TERM", server) end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Flexirest # JSON API requests and responses module JsonAPIProxy @object ||= nil @headers ||= {} # Methods used across other modules module Helpers def singular?(word) w = word.to_s w.singularize == w && w.pluralize != w end def type(object) # Retrieve the type value for JSON API from the Flexirest::Base class # If `alias_type` has been defined within the class, use it name = object.alias_type || object.class.alias_type # If not, guess the type value from the class name itself unless name return object.class.name.underscore.split('/').last.pluralize end name end end # Creating JSON API requests module Request # Creating and formatting JSON API parameters module Params extend self extend Flexirest::JsonAPIProxy::Helpers def create(params, object) # Create a parameters object with the resource's type value and id parameters = Parameters.new(object.id, type(object)) # Remove id attribute from top-level hash, this will be included # in the resource object params.delete(:id) # Build the JSON API compliant parameters parameters.create_from_hash(params) # Return the parameters as a hash, so it can be used elsewhere parameters.to_hash end def translate(params, include_associations) # Return to caller if nothing is to be done return params unless params.present? && include_associations.present? # Format the linked resources array, and assign to include key params[:include] = format_include_params(include_associations) end private def format_include_params(associations) includes = [] associations.each do |key| # Format each association name # if the key is a nested hash, format each nested association too # e.g. [author, comments.likes] if key.is_a?(Hash) # Create a link from each association to nested association key.each { |k, val| val.each { |v| includes << "#{k}.#{v}" } } else # Just convert the association to string, in case it is a Symbol includes << key.to_s end end # Join the includes array with comma separator includes.join(',') end # Private class for building JSON API compliant parameters class Parameters include Flexirest::JsonAPIProxy::Helpers def initialize(id, type) @params = build(id, type) end def to_hash @params end def create_from_hash(hash) hash.each do |k, v| # Build JSON API compliant parameters from each key and value # in the standard-style parameters hash if v.is_a?(Array) # This is a one-to-many relationship validate_relationships!(v) # Add a relationship object for all related resources v.each { |el| add_relationship(k, type(el), el.id) } elsif v.is_a?(Flexirest::Base) # This is a one-to-one relationship add_relationship(k, type(v), v.id) else # This is a normal attribute add_attribute(k, v) end end end def add_relationship(name, type, id) # Use the `name` parameter to determine the type of relationship if singular?(name) # If `name` is a singular word (one-to-one relationship), # add or overwrite the data object for the given `name`, # containing a type and id value to the relationships object @params[:data][:relationships][name] = { data: { type: type, id: id } } elsif @params[:data][:relationships][name] # If `name` is a plural word (one-to-many relationship), # and the `name` object already exists in the relationships object, # assume a nested data array exists, and add a new data object # containing a type and id value to the data array @params[:data][:relationships][name][:data] << { type: type, id: id } else # If `name` is a plural word, but the `name` object does not exist, # add a new `name` object containing a data array, # which consists of exactly one data object with the type and id @params[:data][:relationships][name] = { data: [{ type: type, id: id }] } end end def add_attribute(key, value) # Add a resource attribute to the attributes object # within the resource object @params[:data][:attributes][key] = value end def build(id, type) # Build the standard resource object pp = {} pp[:data] = {} pp[:data][:id] = id if id pp[:data][:type] = type pp[:data][:attributes] = {} pp[:data][:relationships] = {} pp end def validate_relationships!(v) # Should always contain the same class in entire relationships array raise_params_error! if v.map(&:class).count > 1 end def raise_params_error! raise Exception.new("Cannot contain different instance types!") end end end end # Creating JSON API header module Headers extend self def save(headers) # Save headers used in a request for building lazy association # loaders when parsing the response @headers = headers end end # Parsing JSON API responses module Response extend self extend Flexirest::JsonAPIProxy::Helpers ID_PFIX = '_id_' def save_resource_class(object) @resource_class = object.is_a?(Class) ? object : object.class end def parse(body, object) # Save resource class for building lazy association loaders save_resource_class(object) # According to the spec: # "The members data and errors MUST NOT coexist in the same document." # Thus, if the "errors" key is present, we can return it and ignore the "data" key. return body['errors'] if body.include?('errors') # return early if data is an empty array return [] if body['data'] == [] # Retrieve the resource(s) object or array from the data object records = body['data'] # Convert the resource object to an array, # because it is easier to work with an array than a single object # Also keep track if record is singular or plural for the result later is_singular_record = records.is_a?(Hash) records = [records] if is_singular_record # Retrieve all names of linked relationships relationships = records.first['relationships'] relationships = relationships ? relationships.keys : [] included = body['included'] # Parse the records, and retrieve all resources in a # (nested) array of resources that is easy to work with in Flexirest resources = records.map do |record| fetch_attributes_and_relationships(record, included, relationships) end # Pluck all attributed and associations into hashes resources = resources.map do |resource| pluck_attributes_and_relationships(resource, relationships) end # Depending on whether we got a resource object (hash) or array # in the beginning, return to the caller with the same type is_singular_record ? resources.first : resources end private def fetch_attributes_and_relationships(record, included, rels, base: nil) base = Array(base) unless base.is_a?(Array) rels = rels - [base.last] rels_object = record['relationships'] rels.each do |rel_name| # Determine from `rel_name` (relationship name) whether the # linked resource is a singular or plural (one-to-one or # one-to-many, respectively) is_singular_rel = singular?(rel_name) if is_singular_rel # Fetch a linked resource from the relationships object # and add it as an association attribute in the resource hash record[rel_name], record[ID_PFIX + rel_name], embedded = fetch_one_to_one(base, rels_object, rel_name, included) else # Fetch linked resources from the relationships object # and add it as an array into the resource hash record[rel_name], record[ID_PFIX + rel_name], embedded = fetch_one_to_many(base, rels_object, rel_name, included) end # Do not try to fetch embedded results if the response is not # a compound document. Instead, a LazyAssociationLoader should # have been created and inserted into the record next record unless embedded # Recursively fetch the relationships and embedded nested resources linked_resources = record[rel_name].map do |nested_record| # Find the relationships object in the linked resource # and find whether there are any nested linked resources nested_rels_object = nested_record['relationships'] if nested_rels_object && nested_rels_object.keys.present? # Fetch the linked resources and its attributes recursively fetch_attributes_and_relationships( nested_record, included, nested_rels_object.keys, base: base + [rel_name] ) else nested_record end end record[rel_name] = linked_resources end record end def fetch_one_to_one(base, relationships, name, included) # Parse the relationships object given the relationship name `name`, # and look into the included object (in case of a compound document), # to embed the linked resource into the response if included.blank? || relationships[name]['data'].blank? return build_lazy_loader(base, relationships, name), nil, false end # Retrieve the linked resource id and its pluralized type name rel_id = relationships[name]['data']['id'] type_name = relationships[name]['data']['type'] plural_type_name = type_name.pluralize # Traverse through the included object, and find the included # linked resource, based on the given id and pluralized type name linked_resource = included.select do |i| i['id'] == rel_id && i['type'] == plural_type_name end return linked_resource, rel_id, true end def fetch_one_to_many(base, relationships, name, included) # Parse the relationships object given the relationship name `name`, # and look into the included object (in case of a compound document), # to embed the linked resources into the response if included.blank? || relationships[name]['data'].blank? return build_lazy_loader(base, relationships, name), [], false end # Retrieve the linked resources ids rel_ids = relationships[name]['data'].map { |r| r['id'] } # Index the linked resources' id and types that we need to # retrieve from the included resources relations_to_include = relationships[name]['data'].map { |r| [r['id'], r['type']] }.to_set # Traverse through the included object, and find the included # linked resources, based on the given ids and type name linked_resources = included.select do |i| relations_to_include.include?([i['id'], i['type']]) end return linked_resources, rel_ids, true end def pluck_attributes_and_relationships(record, rels) cleaned = { id: record['id'] } relationships = Hash[rels.map { |rel| [rel, singular?(rel)] }] relationships.each do |rel_name, is_singular| safe_name = rel_name.underscore id_sfix = is_singular ? '_id' : '_ids' cleaned[safe_name.singularize + id_sfix] = record[ID_PFIX + rel_name] links = record[rel_name] is_lazy_loader = links.is_a?(Flexirest::LazyAssociationLoader) linked_resources = if is_lazy_loader || links.blank? # Skip this relationship if it hasn't been included links else # Probe the linked resources first_linked = links.first # Retrieve all names of linked relationships nested_rels = if first_linked && first_linked['relationships'] first_linked['relationships'].keys else [] end # Recursively pluck attributes for all related resources links.map do |linked_resource| pluck_attributes_and_relationships(linked_resource, nested_rels) end end # Depending on if the resource is singular or plural, add it as # the original type (array or hash) into the record hash cleaned[safe_name] = if is_lazy_loader || !is_singular linked_resources else linked_resources ? linked_resources.first : nil end end # Fetch attribute keys and values from the resource object # and insert into result record hash record['attributes'].each do |k, v| cleaned[k.underscore] = v end cleaned end def find_association_class(base, name) stack = base + [name] klass = @resource_class until stack.empty? shift = stack.shift last = klass klass = klass._associations[shift.underscore.to_sym] if klass.nil? raise "#{last} has no defined relation to #{shift}. " \ "Have you defined :has_one or :has_many :#{shift} in #{last}?" end end klass end def build_lazy_loader(base, relationships, name) is_singular = singular?(name) # Create a new request, given the linked resource `name`, # finding the association's class, and given the `url` to the linked # resource begin # When the response is not a compound document (i.e. there is no # includes object), build a LazyAssociationLoader for lazy loading url = relationships[name]['links']['related'] rescue NoMethodError # If the url for retrieving the linked resource is missing, # we assume there is no linked resource available to fetch # Default nulled linked resource is `nil` or `[]` for resources return is_singular ? nil : [] end klass = find_association_class(base, name) request = Flexirest::Request.new({ url: url, method: :get }, klass.new) # Also add the previous request's header, which may contain # crucial authentication headers (or so), to connect with the service request.headers = @headers request.url = request.forced_url = url Flexirest::LazyAssociationLoader.new(name, url, request) end end end end
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController before_action :set_category, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :login_check # GET /categories # GET /categories.json def index @categories = Category.all.order(:no) end # GET /categories/1 # GET /categories/1.json def show end # GET /categories/new def new @category = Category.new end # GET /categories/1/edit def edit end # POST /categories # POST /categories.json def create @category = Category.new(category_params) respond_to do |format| if @category.save format.html { redirect_to @category, notice: 'Category was successfully created.' } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @category } else format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: @category.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /categories/1 # PATCH/PUT /categories/1.json def update respond_to do |format| if @category.update(category_params) format.html { redirect_to @category, notice: 'Category was successfully updated.' } format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @category } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render json: @category.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE /categories/1 # DELETE /categories/1.json def destroy @category.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to categories_url, notice: 'Category was successfully destroyed.' } format.json { head :no_content } end end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_category @category = Category.find(params[:id]) end # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def category_params params.require(:category).permit(:id,:no,:name) end end
require 'test_helper' require 'vcr_setup' class CqlToElmHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include WebMock::API setup do dump_database load_measure_fixtures_from_folder(File.join('measures', 'CMS160v6')) @measure = CQM::Measure.first end test 'translate_cql_to_elm produces json' do VCR.use_cassette('valid_translation_json_response') do elm_json, elm_xml = CqlToElmHelper.translate_cql_to_elm(@measure[:cql]) assert_equal 1, elm_json.count assert_equal 1, elm_xml.count end end end
# # Author:: Adam Jacob (<adam@opscode.com>) # Author:: Seth Falcon (<seth@opscode.com>) # Author:: Kyle Goodwin (<kgoodwin@primerevenue.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2010 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class Chef # == Chef::Exceptions # Chef's custom exceptions are all contained within the Chef::Exceptions # namespace. class Exceptions # Backcompat with Chef::ShellOut code: require 'mixlib/shellout/exceptions' def self.const_missing(const_name) if const_name == :ShellCommandFailed Chef::Log.warn("Chef::Exceptions::ShellCommandFailed is deprecated, use Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed") called_from = caller[0..3].inject("Called from:\n") {|msg, trace_line| msg << " #{trace_line}\n" } Chef::Log.warn(called_from) Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed else super end end class Application < RuntimeError; end class Cron < RuntimeError; end class Env < RuntimeError; end class Exec < RuntimeError; end class ErlCall < RuntimeError; end class FileNotFound < RuntimeError; end class Package < RuntimeError; end class Service < RuntimeError; end class Script < RuntimeError; end class Route < RuntimeError; end class SearchIndex < RuntimeError; end class Override < RuntimeError; end class UnsupportedAction < RuntimeError; end class MissingLibrary < RuntimeError; end class CannotDetermineNodeName < RuntimeError def initialize super "Unable to determine node name: configure node_name or configure the system's hostname and fqdn" end end class User < RuntimeError; end class Group < RuntimeError; end class Link < RuntimeError; end class Mount < RuntimeError; end class PrivateKeyMissing < RuntimeError; end class CannotWritePrivateKey < RuntimeError; end class RoleNotFound < RuntimeError; end class DuplicateRole < RuntimeError; end class ValidationFailed < ArgumentError; end class InvalidPrivateKey < ArgumentError; end class ConfigurationError < ArgumentError; end class RedirectLimitExceeded < RuntimeError; end class AmbiguousRunlistSpecification < ArgumentError; end class CookbookFrozen < ArgumentError; end class CookbookNotFound < RuntimeError; end # Cookbook loader used to raise an argument error when cookbook not found. # for back compat, need to raise an error that inherits from ArgumentError class CookbookNotFoundInRepo < ArgumentError; end class RecipeNotFound < ArgumentError; end class AttributeNotFound < RuntimeError; end class MissingCookbookDependency < StandardError; end # CHEF-5120 class InvalidCommandOption < RuntimeError; end class CommandTimeout < RuntimeError; end class RequestedUIDUnavailable < RuntimeError; end class InvalidHomeDirectory < ArgumentError; end class DsclCommandFailed < RuntimeError; end class PlistUtilCommandFailed < RuntimeError; end class UserIDNotFound < ArgumentError; end class GroupIDNotFound < ArgumentError; end class ConflictingMembersInGroup < ArgumentError; end class InvalidResourceReference < RuntimeError; end class ResourceNotFound < RuntimeError; end # Can't find a Resource of this type that is valid on this platform. class NoSuchResourceType < NameError def initialize(short_name, node) super "Cannot find a resource for #{short_name} on #{node[:platform]} version #{node[:platform_version]}" end end class InvalidResourceSpecification < ArgumentError; end class SolrConnectionError < RuntimeError; end class IllegalChecksumRevert < RuntimeError; end class CookbookVersionNameMismatch < ArgumentError; end class MissingParentDirectory < RuntimeError; end class UnresolvableGitReference < RuntimeError; end class InvalidRemoteGitReference < RuntimeError; end class InvalidEnvironmentRunListSpecification < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagItemID < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagName < ArgumentError; end class EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist < ArgumentError; end # Errors originating from calls to the Win32 API class Win32APIError < RuntimeError; end # Thrown when Win32 API layer binds to non-existent Win32 function. Occurs # when older versions of Windows don't support newer Win32 API functions. class Win32APIFunctionNotImplemented < NotImplementedError; end # Attempting to run windows code on a not-windows node class Win32NotWindows < RuntimeError; end class WindowsNotAdmin < RuntimeError; end # Attempting to access a 64-bit only resource on a 32-bit Windows system class Win32ArchitectureIncorrect < RuntimeError; end class ObsoleteDependencySyntax < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagPath < ArgumentError; end class DuplicateDataBagItem < RuntimeError; end class PowershellCmdletException < RuntimeError; end class CannotDetermineHomebrewOwner < Package; end # Can not create staging file during file deployment class FileContentStagingError < RuntimeError def initialize(errors) super "Staging tempfile can not be created during file deployment.\n Errors: #{errors.join('\n')}!" end end # A different version of a cookbook was added to a # VersionedRecipeList than the one already there. class CookbookVersionConflict < ArgumentError ; end # does not follow X.Y.Z format. ArgumentError? class InvalidPlatformVersion < ArgumentError; end class InvalidCookbookVersion < ArgumentError; end # version constraint should be a string or array, or it doesn't # match OP VERSION. ArgumentError? class InvalidVersionConstraint < ArgumentError; end # Version constraints are not allowed in chef-solo class IllegalVersionConstraint < NotImplementedError; end class MetadataNotValid < StandardError; end # File operation attempted but no permissions to perform it class InsufficientPermissions < RuntimeError; end # Ifconfig failed class Ifconfig < RuntimeError; end # Invalid "source" parameter to a remote_file resource class InvalidRemoteFileURI < ArgumentError; end # Node::Attribute computes the merged version of of attributes # and makes it read-only. Attempting to modify a read-only # attribute will cause this error. class ImmutableAttributeModification < NoMethodError def initialize super "Node attributes are read-only when you do not specify which precedence level to set. " + %Q(To set an attribute use code like `node.default["key"] = "value"') end end # Merged node attributes are invalidated when the component # attributes are updated. Attempting to read from a stale copy # of merged attributes will trigger this error. class StaleAttributeRead < StandardError; end # Registry Helper throws the following errors class Win32RegArchitectureIncorrect < Win32ArchitectureIncorrect; end class Win32RegHiveMissing < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegKeyMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegValueMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegDataMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegValueExists < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegNoRecursive < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegTypeDoesNotExist < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegBadType < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegBadValueSize < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegTypesMismatch < ArgumentError; end class InvalidEnvironmentPath < ArgumentError; end class EnvironmentNotFound < RuntimeError; end # File-like resource found a non-file (socket, pipe, directory, etc) at its destination class FileTypeMismatch < RuntimeError; end # File (or descendent) resource configured to manage symlink source, but # the symlink that is there either loops or points to a nonexistent file class InvalidSymlink < RuntimeError; end class ChildConvergeError < RuntimeError; end class NoProviderAvailable < RuntimeError; end class MissingRole < RuntimeError NULL = Object.new attr_reader :expansion def initialize(message_or_expansion=NULL) @expansion = nil case message_or_expansion when NULL super() when String super when RunList::RunListExpansion @expansion = message_or_expansion missing_roles = @expansion.errors.join(', ') super("The expanded run list includes nonexistent roles: #{missing_roles}") end end end # Exception class for collecting multiple failures. Used when running # delayed notifications so that chef can process each delayed # notification even if chef client or other notifications fail. class MultipleFailures < StandardError def initialize(*args) super @all_failures = [] end def message base = "Multiple failures occurred:\n" @all_failures.inject(base) do |message, (location, error)| message << "* #{error.class} occurred in #{location}: #{error.message}\n" end end def client_run_failure(exception) set_backtrace(exception.backtrace) @all_failures << [ "chef run", exception ] end def notification_failure(exception) @all_failures << [ "delayed notification", exception ] end def raise! unless empty? raise self.for_raise end end def empty? @all_failures.empty? end def for_raise if @all_failures.size == 1 @all_failures[0][1] else self end end end class CookbookVersionSelection # Compound exception: In run_list expansion and resolution, # run_list items referred to cookbooks that don't exist and/or # have no versions available. class InvalidRunListItems < StandardError attr_reader :non_existent_cookbooks attr_reader :cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions def initialize(message, non_existent_cookbooks, cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions) super(message) @non_existent_cookbooks = non_existent_cookbooks @cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions = cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions end def to_json(*a) result = { "message" => message, "non_existent_cookbooks" => non_existent_cookbooks, "cookbooks_with_no_versions" => cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions } Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end end # In run_list expansion and resolution, a constraint was # unsatisfiable. # # This exception may not be the complete error report. If you # resolve the misconfiguration represented by this exception and # re-solve, you may get another exception class UnsatisfiableRunListItem < StandardError attr_reader :run_list_item attr_reader :non_existent_cookbooks, :most_constrained_cookbooks # most_constrained_cookbooks: if I were to remove constraints # regarding these cookbooks, I would get a solution or move on # to the next error (deeper in the graph). An item in this list # may be unsatisfiable, but when resolved may also reveal # further unsatisfiable constraints; this condition would not be # reported. def initialize(message, run_list_item, non_existent_cookbooks, most_constrained_cookbooks) super(message) @run_list_item = run_list_item @non_existent_cookbooks = non_existent_cookbooks @most_constrained_cookbooks = most_constrained_cookbooks end def to_json(*a) result = { "message" => message, "unsatisfiable_run_list_item" => run_list_item, "non_existent_cookbooks" => non_existent_cookbooks, "most_constrained_cookbooks" => most_constrained_cookbooks } Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end end end # CookbookVersionSelection # When the server sends a redirect, RFC 2616 states a user-agent should # not follow it with a method other than GET or HEAD, unless a specific # action is taken by the user. A redirect received as response to a # non-GET and non-HEAD request will thus raise an InvalidRedirect. class InvalidRedirect < StandardError; end # Raised when the content length of a download does not match the content # length declared in the http response. class ContentLengthMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(response_length, content_length) super "Response body length #{response_length} does not match HTTP Content-Length header #{content_length}." end end class UnsupportedPlatform < RuntimeError def initialize(platform) super "This functionality is not supported on platform #{platform}." end end # Raised when Chef::Config[:run_lock_timeout] is set and some other client run fails # to release the run lock becure Chef::Config[:run_lock_timeout] seconds pass. class RunLockTimeout < RuntimeError def initialize(duration, blocking_pid) super "Unable to acquire lock. Waited #{duration} seconds for #{blocking_pid} to release." end end class ChecksumMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(res_cksum, cont_cksum) super "Checksum on resource (#{res_cksum}) does not match checksum on content (#{cont_cksum})" end end class BadProxyURI < RuntimeError; end # Raised by Chef::JSONCompat class JSON class EncodeError < RuntimeError; end class ParseError < RuntimeError; end end class InvalidSearchQuery < ArgumentError; end # Raised by Chef::ProviderResolver class AmbiguousProviderResolution < RuntimeError def initialize(resource, classes) super "Found more than one provider for #{resource.resource_name} resource: #{classes}" end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE require 'aws-sdk-core' require 'aws-sigv4' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/types' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/client_api' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/client' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/errors' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/waiters' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/resource' require_relative 'aws-sdk-sagemaker/customizations' # This module provides support for Amazon SageMaker Service. This module is available in the # `aws-sdk-sagemaker` gem. # # # Client # # The {Client} class provides one method for each API operation. Operation # methods each accept a hash of request parameters and return a response # structure. # # sage_maker = Aws::SageMaker::Client.new # resp = sage_maker.add_tags(params) # # See {Client} for more information. # # # Errors # # Errors returned from Amazon SageMaker Service are defined in the # {Errors} module and all extend {Errors::ServiceError}. # # begin # # do stuff # rescue Aws::SageMaker::Errors::ServiceError # # rescues all Amazon SageMaker Service API errors # end # # See {Errors} for more information. # # @!group service module Aws::SageMaker GEM_VERSION = '1.66.0' end
require 'rails_helper' describe 'users/delete/show.html.slim' do let(:user) {build_stubbed(:user, :signed_up)} let(:decorated_user) {user.decorate} before do allow(user).to receive(:decorate).and_return(decorated_user) allow(view).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end it 'displays headings' do render expect(rendered).to have_content(t('users.delete.heading', app: APP_NAME)) expect(rendered).to have_content(t('users.delete.subheading', app: APP_NAME)) end it 'displays bullets' do render expect(rendered).to have_content(t('users.delete.bullet_1', app: APP_NAME)) expect(rendered).to have_content(t(user.decorate.delete_account_bullet_key, app: APP_NAME)) expect(rendered).to have_content(t('users.delete.bullet_3', app: APP_NAME)) end it 'displays bullets for loa1' do allow(decorated_user).to receive(:identity_verified?).and_return(false) expect(user.decorate.delete_account_bullet_key).to eq 'users.delete.bullet_2_loa1' end it 'displays bullets for loa1' do allow(decorated_user).to receive(:identity_verified?).and_return(true) expect(user.decorate.delete_account_bullet_key).to eq 'users.delete.bullet_2_loa3' end it 'contains link to delete account button' do render expect(rendered).to have_button t('users.delete.actions.delete', href: account_delete_path) end it 'contains link to cancel delete account link' do render expect(rendered).to have_link(t('users.delete.actions.cancel'), href: account_path) end end
# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'rex/java/serialization' require 'rex/text' module Msf module Java module Rmi module Util # Calculates a method hash to make RMI calls as defined by the JDK 1.2 # # @param signature [String] The remote method signature as specified by the JDK 1.2, # method name + method descriptor (as explained in the Java Virtual Machine Specification) # @return [Fixnum] The method hash # @see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/rmi/spec/rmi-stubs24.html The RemoteRef Interface documentation to understand how method hashes are calculated def calculate_method_hash(signature) utf = Rex::Java::Serialization::Model::Utf.new(nil, signature) sha1 = Rex::Text.sha1_raw(utf.encode) sha1.unpack('Q<')[0] end # Calculates an interface hash to make RMI calls as defined by the JDK 1.1 # # @param methods [Array] set of method names and their descriptors # @param exceptions [Array] set of declared exceptions # @return [Fixnum] The interface hash # @see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/rmi/spec/rmi-stubs24.html The RemoteRef Interface documentation to understand how interface hashes are calculated def calculate_interface_hash(methods) stream = '' stream << [1].pack('N') # stub version number methods.each do |m| utf_method = Rex::Java::Serialization::Model::Utf.new(nil, m[:name]) utf_descriptor = Rex::Java::Serialization::Model::Utf.new(nil, m[:descriptor]) stream << utf_method.encode stream << utf_descriptor.encode m[:exceptions].each do |e| utf_exception = Rex::Java::Serialization::Model::Utf.new(nil, e) stream << utf_exception.encode end end sha1 = Rex::Text.sha1_raw(stream) sha1.unpack('Q<')[0] end # Extracts an string from an IO # # @param io [IO] the io to extract the string from # @return [String, nil] the extracted string if success, nil otherwise def extract_string(io) raw_length = io.read(2) unless raw_length && raw_length.length == 2 return nil end length = raw_length.unpack('s>')[0] string = io.read(length) unless string && string.length == length return nil end string end # Extracts an int from an IO # # @param io [IO] the io to extract the int from # @return [Fixnum, nil] the extracted int if success, nil otherwise def extract_int(io) int_raw = io.read(4) unless int_raw && int_raw.length == 4 return nil end int = int_raw.unpack('l>')[0] int end # Extracts a long from an IO # # @param io [IO] the io to extract the long from # @return [Fixnum, nil] the extracted int if success, nil otherwise def extract_long(io) int_raw = io.read(8) unless int_raw && int_raw.length == 8 return nil end int = int_raw.unpack('q>')[0] int end # Extract an RMI interface reference from an IO # # @param io [IO] the io to extract the reference from, should contain the data # inside a BlockData with the reference information. # @return [Hash, nil] the extracted reference if success, nil otherwise # @see Msf::Java::Rmi::Client::Jmx:Server::Parser#parse_jmx_new_client_endpoint # @see Msf::Java::Rmi::Client::Registry::Parser#parse_registry_lookup_endpoint def extract_reference(io) ref = extract_string(io) unless ref && ref == 'UnicastRef' return nil end address = extract_string(io) return nil unless address port = extract_int(io) return nil unless port object_number = extract_long(io) uid = Rex::Proto::Rmi::Model::UniqueIdentifier.decode(io) {address: address, port: port, object_number: object_number, uid: uid} end end end end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe TimelineEvent do let(:timeline_event) { FactoryGirl.build(:timeline_event) } #should_validate_presence_of :event_type before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create :package_rating end it 'has a valid factory' do expect(timeline_event).to be_valid end describe 'validations' do it 'requires an event_type' do timeline_event.event_type = nil expect(timeline_event).to_not be_valid end it 'allows actor to be blank' do timeline_event.actor = nil expect(timeline_event).to be_valid end it 'allows secondary_subject to be blank' do timeline_event.secondary_subject = nil expect(timeline_event).to be_valid end end it "should cache package ratings" do event = FactoryGirl.create(:package_rating_event) expect(event.cached_value.to_i).to eq(event.subject.rating.to_i) end it "should cache task view versions" do event = FactoryGirl.create(:task_view).update_version("2009-09-09") expect(event.cached_value).to eq(TaskView.first.version) end { "new_package" => true, "new_version" => true, "new_review" => false, }.each do |event_type, is_package_event| it "knows if #{event_type} is #{is_package_event ? "a" : "not a" } package event" do timeline_event.event_type = event_type expect(timeline_event.package_event?).to eq(is_package_event) end end end
class AddMassToStars < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :stars, :mass, :decimal end end
module Roadworker class Client include Roadworker::Log include Roadworker::Utils::Helper def initialize(options = {}) @options = OpenStruct.new(options) @options.logger ||= Logger.new($stdout) String.colorize = @options.color @options.route53 = Aws::Route53::Client.new @health_checks = HealthCheck.health_checks(@options.route53, :extended => true) @options.health_checks = @health_checks @route53 = Route53Wrapper.new(@options) end def apply(file) dsl = load_file(file) updated = false if dsl.hosted_zones.empty? and not @options.force log(:warn, "Nothing is defined (pass `--force` if you want to remove)", :yellow) else walk_hosted_zones(dsl) updated = @options.updated end if updated and @options.health_check_gc HealthCheck.gc(@options.route53, :logger => @options.logger) end return updated end def export exported = @route53.export if block_given? yield(exported, DSL.method(:convert)) else DSL.convert(exported) end end def test(file) dsl = load_file(file) DSL.test(dsl, @options) end private def load_file(file) dsl = nil if file.kind_of?(String) open(file) do |f| dsl = DSL.define(f.read, file).result end else dsl = DSL.define(file.read, file.path).result end return dsl end def walk_hosted_zones(dsl) expected = collection_to_hash(dsl.hosted_zones) {|i| [normalize_name(i.name), i.vpcs.empty?, normalize_id(i.id)] } actual = collection_to_hash(@route53.hosted_zones) {|i| [normalize_name(i.name), i.vpcs.empty?, normalize_id(i.id)] } expected.each do |keys, expected_zone| name, private_zone, id = keys next unless matched_zone?(name) if id actual_zone = actual.delete(keys) unless actual_zone log(:warn, "Hosted zone not found", :yellow, "#{name} (#{id})") next end else actual_keys, actual_zone = actual.find {|(n, p, _), _| n == name && p == private_zone } actual.delete(actual_keys) if actual_keys end actual_zone ||= @route53.hosted_zones.create(name, :vpc => expected_zone.vpcs.first) walk_vpcs(expected_zone, actual_zone) walk_rrsets(expected_zone, actual_zone) end actual.each do |keys, zone| name = keys[0] next unless matched_zone?(name) zone.delete end end def walk_vpcs(expected_zone, actual_zone) expected_vpcs = expected_zone.vpcs || [] actual_vpcs = actual_zone.vpcs || [] if not expected_vpcs.empty? and actual_vpcs.empty? log(:warn, "Cannot associate VPC to public zone", :yellow, expected_zone.name) else (expected_vpcs - actual_vpcs).each do |vpc| actual_zone.associate_vpc(vpc) end unexpected_vpcs = actual_vpcs - expected_vpcs if unexpected_vpcs.length.nonzero? and expected_vpcs.length.zero? log(:warn, "Private zone requires one or more of VPCs", :yellow, expected_zone.name) else unexpected_vpcs.each do |vpc| actual_zone.disassociate_vpc(vpc) end end end end def walk_rrsets(expected_zone, actual_zone) expected = collection_to_hash(expected_zone.rrsets, :name, :type, :set_identifier) actual = collection_to_hash(actual_zone.rrsets, :name, :type, :set_identifier) expected.each do |keys, expected_record| name = keys[0] type = keys[1] set_identifier = keys[2] actual_record = actual.delete(keys) if not actual_record and %w(A CNAME).include?(type) actual_type = (type == 'A' ? 'CNAME' : 'A') actual_record = actual.delete([name, actual_type, set_identifier]) end if expected_zone.ignore_patterns.any? { |pattern| pattern === name } log(:warn, "Ignoring defined record in DSL, because it is ignored record", :yellow) do "#{name} #{type}" + (set_identifier ? " (#{set_identifier})" : '') end next end if actual_record unless actual_record.eql?(expected_record) actual_record.update(expected_record) end else actual_record = actual_zone.rrsets.create(name, type, expected_record) end end actual.each do |keys, record| name = keys[0] if expected_zone.ignore_patterns.any? { |pattern| pattern === name } next end record.delete end end def collection_to_hash(collection, *keys) hash = {} collection.each do |item| if block_given? key_list = yield(item) else key_list = keys.map do |k| value = item.send(k) (k == :name && value) ? normalize_name(value) : value end end hash[key_list] = item end return hash end def normalize_name(name) name.downcase.sub(/\.\z/, '') end def normalize_id(id) id.sub(%r!^/hostedzone/!, '') if id end end # Client end # Roadworker
require "rails_helper" feature "View providers", type: :feature do let(:organisation_page) { PageObjects::Page::Organisations::OrganisationPage.new } let(:current_recruitment_cycle) { build(:recruitment_cycle) } let(:provider_1) { build :provider, provider_code: "A0", include_counts: [:courses] } let(:rollover) { false } let(:user) { build(:user, :transitioned) } before do stub_omniauth(user: user) stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}", current_recruitment_cycle.to_jsonapi, ) allow(Settings.features.rollover).to receive(:can_edit_current_and_next_cycles).and_return(rollover) end context "with two providers" do let(:provider_2) { build :provider, provider_code: "A1", include_counts: [:courses] } let(:provider_response) { provider_1.to_jsonapi(include: %i[courses accrediting_provider]) } scenario "Navigate to /organisations" do stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers?page[page]=1", resource_list_to_jsonapi([provider_1, provider_2], meta: { count: 2 }), ) visit providers_path expect(find("h1")).to have_content("Organisations") expect(first(".govuk-list li")).to have_content(provider_1.provider_name.to_s) end scenario "Navigate to /organisations/A0" do stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers/#{provider_1.provider_code}", provider_response, ) visit provider_path(provider_1.provider_code) expect(find("h1")).to have_content(provider_1.provider_name.to_s) expect(organisation_page).not_to have_selector(".govuk-breadcrumbs") expect(organisation_page).not_to have_current_cycle expect(organisation_page).not_to have_next_cycle expect(organisation_page).to have_link("Locations", href: "/organisations/A0/#{Settings.current_cycle}/locations") expect(organisation_page).to have_link("Courses", href: "/organisations/A0/#{Settings.current_cycle}/courses") expect(organisation_page).to have_link("UCAS contacts", href: "/organisations/A0/ucas-contacts") expect(organisation_page).to have_link("Users", href: "/organisations/A0/users") end context "Rollover" do let(:rollover) { true } scenario "Navigate to /organisations/A0" do stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers/#{provider_1.provider_code}", provider_response, ) stub_api_v2_request("/users/#{user.id}", user.to_jsonapi) visit provider_path(provider_1.provider_code) expect(page.current_path).to eql("/rollover") expect(find("h1")).to have_content("Prepare for the next cycle") end end end context "with more than ten providers" do let(:provider_2) { build :provider, provider_code: "A1", include_counts: [:courses] } it "displays pagination navigation" do providers = [] 11.times do providers << build(:provider, provider_code: "A1", include_counts: [:courses]) end stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers?page[page]=1", resource_list_to_jsonapi(providers, meta: { count: 11 }), ) visit providers_path expect(organisation_page.pagination).to have_next_page end end context "with no providers" do let(:no_providers_page) { PageObjects::Page::Organisations::NoProviders.new } let(:forbidden_page) { PageObjects::Page::Forbidden.new } scenario "Navigate to /organisations" do stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers?page[page]=1", resource_list_to_jsonapi([], meta: { count: 0 }), ) visit providers_path expect(no_providers_page.no_providers_text).to be_visible end scenario "Navigate to /organisations/A0" do stub_api_v2_request( "/recruitment_cycles/#{current_recruitment_cycle.year}" \ "/providers/#{provider_1.provider_code}", "", :get, 403, ) visit provider_path(provider_1.provider_code) expect(forbidden_page.forbidden_text).to be_visible end end end
if RUBY_VERSION < '3' require './lib/backports/3.0.0/ractor.rb' require './lib/backports/2.3.0/string/uminus.rb' PATH = './test/test_ractor.rb' require './test/mri_runner_patched.rb' nil.freeze true.freeze false.freeze exec_test [PATH] end
require 'rexml/document' require 'html/document' module ActionController module Assertions # Pair of assertions to testing elements in the HTML output of the response. module TagAssertions # Asserts that there is a tag/node/element in the body of the response # that meets all of the given conditions. The +conditions+ parameter must # be a hash of any of the following keys (all are optional): # # * <tt>:tag</tt>: the node type must match the corresponding value # * <tt>:attributes</tt>: a hash. The node's attributes must match the # corresponding values in the hash. # * <tt>:parent</tt>: a hash. The node's parent must match the # corresponding hash. # * <tt>:child</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's immediate children # must meet the criteria described by the hash. # * <tt>:ancestor</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's ancestors must # meet the criteria described by the hash. # * <tt>:descendant</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's descendants # must meet the criteria described by the hash. # * <tt>:sibling</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's siblings must # meet the criteria described by the hash. # * <tt>:after</tt>: a hash. The node must be after any sibling meeting # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match. # * <tt>:before</tt>: a hash. The node must be before any sibling meeting # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match. # * <tt>:children</tt>: a hash, for counting children of a node. Accepts # the keys: # * <tt>:count</tt>: either a number or a range which must equal (or # include) the number of children that match. # * <tt>:less_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be less # than this number. # * <tt>:greater_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be # greater than this number. # * <tt>:only</tt>: another hash consisting of the keys to use # to match on the children, and only matching children will be # counted. # * <tt>:content</tt>: the textual content of the node must match the # given value. This will not match HTML tags in the body of a # tag--only text. # # Conditions are matched using the following algorithm: # # * if the condition is a string, it must be a substring of the value. # * if the condition is a regexp, it must match the value. # * if the condition is a number, the value must match number.to_s. # * if the condition is +true+, the value must not be +nil+. # * if the condition is +false+ or +nil+, the value must be +nil+. # # === Examples # # # Assert that there is a "span" tag # assert_tag :tag => "span" # # # Assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x" # assert_tag :tag => "span", :attributes => { :id => "x" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" tag using the short-hand # assert_tag :span # # # Assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x" using the short-hand # assert_tag :span, :attributes => { :id => "x" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" inside of a "div" # assert_tag :tag => "span", :parent => { :tag => "div" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" somewhere inside a table # assert_tag :tag => "span", :ancestor => { :tag => "table" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" with at least one "em" child # assert_tag :tag => "span", :child => { :tag => "em" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" containing a (possibly nested) # # "strong" tag. # assert_tag :tag => "span", :descendant => { :tag => "strong" } # # # Assert that there is a "span" containing between 2 and 4 "em" tags # # as immediate children # assert_tag :tag => "span", # :children => { :count => 2..4, :only => { :tag => "em" } } # # # Get funky: assert that there is a "div", with an "ul" ancestor # # and an "li" parent (with "class" = "enum"), and containing a # # "span" descendant that contains text matching /hello world/ # assert_tag :tag => "div", # :ancestor => { :tag => "ul" }, # :parent => { :tag => "li", # :attributes => { :class => "enum" } }, # :descendant => { :tag => "span", # :child => /hello world/ } # # <b>Please note</b>: #assert_tag and #assert_no_tag only work # with well-formed XHTML. They recognize a few tags as implicitly self-closing # (like br and hr and such) but will not work correctly with tags # that allow optional closing tags (p, li, td). <em>You must explicitly # close all of your tags to use these assertions.</em> def assert_tag(*opts) clean_backtrace do opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first tag = find_tag(opts) assert tag, "expected tag, but no tag found matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}" end end # Identical to #assert_tag, but asserts that a matching tag does _not_ # exist. (See #assert_tag for a full discussion of the syntax.) # # === Examples # # Assert that there is not a "div" containing a "p" # assert_no_tag :tag => "div", :descendant => { :tag => "p" } # # # Assert that an unordered list is empty # assert_no_tag :tag => "ul", :descendant => { :tag => "li" } # # # Assert that there is not a "p" tag with between 1 to 3 "img" tags # # as immediate children # assert_no_tag :tag => "p", # :children => { :count => 1..3, :only => { :tag => "img" } } def assert_no_tag(*opts) clean_backtrace do opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first tag = find_tag(opts) assert !tag, "expected no tag, but found tag matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}" end end end end end