# Copyright 2011-2015, The Trustees of Indiana University and Northwestern # University. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed # under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # --- END LICENSE_HEADER BLOCK --- FactoryGirl.define do factory :playlist do user title { Faker::Lorem.word } comment { Faker::Lorem.sentence } visibility { Playlist::PRIVATE } end end
require 'travis/services/base' module Travis module Services class FindRepo < Base register :find_repo def run(options = {}) result end def updated_at result.try(:updated_at) end private def result @result ||= scope(:repository).find_by(params) end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # This file was auto-generated by lib/tasks/web.rake module Slack module Web module Api module Endpoints module TeamProfile # # Retrieve a team's profile. # # @option options [Object] :visibility # Filter by visibility. # @see https://api.slack.com/methods/team.profile.get # @see https://github.com/slack-ruby/slack-api-ref/blob/master/methods/team.profile/team.profile.get.json def team_profile_get(options = {}) post('team.profile.get', options) end end end end end end
require "bundler/setup" require "rails_matching" require 'simplecov' require 'codacy-coverage' require 'pp' require 'faker' require "active_record" require 'factory_girl_rails' require_relative "support/factory_girl" RSpec.configure do |config| SimpleCov.start Codacy::Reporter.start # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status" config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:" load File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/models.rb' Faker::Name.unique.clear # Clears used values for Faker::Name Faker::UniqueGenerator.clear # Clears used values for all generators end
# frozen_string_literal: true class AddProductIdToReview < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change add_column(:reviews, :product_id, :integer) end end
# frozen_string_literal: true class Shrine module Plugins # Documentation can be found on https://shrinerb.com/docs/plugins/upload_options module UploadOptions def self.configure(uploader, options = {}) uploader.opts[:upload_options] ||= {} uploader.opts[:upload_options].merge!(options) end module InstanceMethods private def _upload(io, **options) upload_options = get_upload_options(io, options) super(io, **options, upload_options: upload_options) end def get_upload_options(io, options) upload_options = opts[:upload_options][storage_key] || {} upload_options = upload_options.call(io, options) if upload_options.respond_to?(:call) upload_options = upload_options.merge(options[:upload_options]) if options[:upload_options] upload_options end end end register_plugin(:upload_options, UploadOptions) end end
json.extract! event, :id, :title, :date, :location, :body, :created_at, :updated_at json.url event_url(event, format: :json)
# # Be sure to run `pod lib lint BCLKeyValueObservation.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec and remove all comments before submitting the spec. # # Any lines starting with a # are optional, but encouraged # # To learn more about a Podspec see http://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "BCLKeyValueObservation" s.version = "0.1.0" s.summary = "BCLKeyValueObservation is a thin abstraction on top of Apple's KVO system." s.description = <<-DESC BCLKeyValueObservation is a thin abstraction on top of Apple's KVO system. The goals of BCLKeyValueObservation are: - Less boiler plate code (good bye observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:) - Improve clarity of functionality (imperiative method names) - **Not** an excuse to have fun with the runtime DESC s.homepage = "https://github.com/benedictc/BCLKeyValueObservation" s.license = 'MIT' s.author = { "Benedict Cohen" => "ben@benedictcohen.co.uk" } s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/benedictc/BCLKeyValueObservation.git", :tag => "0.1.0" } # s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/benedictc' s.platform = :ios, '5.0' s.requires_arc = true s.source_files = "BCLKeyValueObservation", "BCLKeyValueObservation/**/*.{h,m}" end
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe SData::Resource::Base do describe ".initial_scope" do context "given a resource with a baze class" do before :all do class TestModel < ActiveRecord::Base; end class TestResource < SData::Resource::Base self.baze_class = TestModel end end context "when .initial_scope is called within class body" do before :all do TestResource.class_eval do initial_scope do |user| { :conditions => { :created_by_id => user.id } } end end end it "should define a scope named :sdata_scope_for_context in a baze class" do TestModel.should respond_to(:sdata_scope_for_context) end it "should pass given block to a scope" do fake_user = stub('user', :id => 1) scope = TestModel.sdata_scope_for_context(fake_user) scope.current_scoped_methods[:find].should == { :conditions => { :created_by_id => 1 } } end end end end describe "#registered_resources" do context "when I inherit couple of classes" do before :each do class TradingAccount < SData::Resource::Base; end class SalesInvoice < SData::Resource::Base; end end it "should give access to children by symbol" do SData::Resource::Base.registered_resources[:trading_account].should == TradingAccount SData::Resource::Base.registered_resources[:sales_invoice].should == SalesInvoice end context "when child classes are in namespaces" do before :each do module SData module Contracts module CrmErp class PostalAddress < SData::Resource::Base; end end end end end it "should give access to these children by keys without namespace" do SData::Resource::Base.registered_resources[:postal_address].should == SData::Contracts::CrmErp::PostalAddress end end describe "derived class" do subject { TradingAccount } it "should respond to SData-related class methods" do subject.should respond_to(:sdata_resource_kind_url) end end end context "when I derive from Resource::Base incorrectly" do it "should raise a reasonable error" do lambda { ThisWillNotWork = Class.new(SData::Resource::Base) }.should raise_error('You should derive from SData::Resource::base explicitly in order to provide child class name') end end end describe ".has_sdata_options" do context "when I derive from SData::Resource::Base" do before :all do class TradingAccount < SData::Resource::Base; end end it "should respond to .has_sdata_options" do TradingAccount.should respond_to(:has_sdata_options) end context "when I call with a hash" do before :all do TradingAccount.class_eval { has_sdata_options :instance_id => :id } end it "should return given hash then" do TradingAccount.sdata_options.should == { :instance_id => :id } end describe "sdata resource instance" do before do @resource_instance = TradingAccount.new end it "should respond to #sdata_options" do @resource_instance.should respond_to(:sdata_options) end it "should return the same options" do @resource_instance.sdata_options.should == { :instance_id => :id } end end end end context "when two SData resources with different options" do before :each do class TradingAccount < SData::Resource::Base has_sdata_options :value => 'TradingAccount' end class SalesInvoice < SData::Resource::Base has_sdata_options :value => 'SalesInvoice' end end it "should respond to #sdata_options" do TradingAccount.should respond_to(:sdata_options) SalesInvoice.should respond_to(:sdata_options) end it "should return correspondent value" do TradingAccount.sdata_options.should == { :value => 'TradingAccount' } SalesInvoice.sdata_options.should == { :value => 'SalesInvoice' } end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::Maskable do let(:variable) { build(:ci_variable) } describe 'masked value validations' do subject { variable } context 'when variable is masked' do before do subject.masked = true end it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('hello').for(:value) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('hello world').for(:value) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('hello$VARIABLEworld').for(:value) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('hello\rworld').for(:value) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('helloworld').for(:value) } end context 'when variable is not masked' do before do subject.masked = false end it { is_expected.to allow_value('hello').for(:value) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('hello world').for(:value) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('hello$VARIABLEworld').for(:value) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('hello\rworld').for(:value) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('helloworld').for(:value) } end end describe 'REGEX' do subject { Ci::Maskable::REGEX } it 'does not match strings shorter than 8 letters' do expect(subject.match?('hello')).to eq(false) end it 'does not match strings with spaces' do expect(subject.match?('hello world')).to eq(false) end it 'does not match strings with shell variables' do expect(subject.match?('hello$VARIABLEworld')).to eq(false) end it 'does not match strings with escape characters' do expect(subject.match?('hello\rworld')).to eq(false) end it 'does not match strings that span more than one line' do string = <<~EOS hello world EOS expect(subject.match?(string)).to eq(false) end it 'does not match strings using unsupported characters' do expect(subject.match?('HelloWorld%#^')).to eq(false) end it 'matches valid strings' do expect(subject.match?('Hello+World_123/@:-.')).to eq(true) end end describe '#to_runner_variable' do subject { variable.to_runner_variable } it 'exposes the masked attribute' do expect(subject).to include(:masked) end end end
require 'open-uri' module Inflation class Service def calculate_price_now(year: year, amount: amount) open(build_url(year, amount)).read.tr('""', '').to_d end private def build_url(from, amount) now = Date.current.year "https://www.statbureau.org/calculate-inflation-price-json?country=united-states&start=#{from}%2F1%2F1&end=#{now}%2F12%2F1&amount=#{amount}&format=false" end end end
module Srunr class Configuration attr_accessor :options DEFAULTS = { hostname: "" } DEFAULTS.each do |k,v| define_method(k) do get_option(k) end define_method("#{k}=") do |val| options[k] = val end end def initialize(opts=nil) @options = opts || DEFAULTS end def get_option(key) val = options[key] if val.respond_to?(:call) val.call else val end end end end
class Babeld < Formula desc "Loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol" homepage "https://www.irif.fr/~jch/software/babel/" url "https://www.irif.fr/~jch/software/files/babeld-1.9.2.tar.gz" sha256 "154f00e0a8bf35d6ea9028886c3dc5c3c342dd1a367df55ef29a547b75867f07" license "MIT" head "https://github.com/jech/babeld.git" livecheck do url "https://www.irif.fr/~jch/software/files/" regex(/href=.*?babeld[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "a7bb20a1f278ab2acc151622894d0e96ee81e9a9a0e53c1ecc9565f5906ed172" => :big_sur sha256 "6a56133eedc55610cbd65c8862584e2a109702e6f6c3619c58bcc99a41c99da1" => :arm64_big_sur sha256 "1e311a15868154bf204fe2d9d19ed1db24c830fcf9cfaa32cf1255d7ed35b108" => :catalina sha256 "1ddbacdd3433b008c2ad86e582ab2376cf0bab93b7939bb9f47d6e1e1fd06ad3" => :mojave sha256 "560f7d73b3d1f4c987766f8a669fc666f44711bfbdac99e8d353f8edb118fe38" => :x86_64_linux end def install on_macos do # LDLIBS='' fixes: ld: library not found for -lrt system "make", "LDLIBS=''" end on_linux do system "make" end system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end test do shell_output("#{bin}/babeld -I #{testpath}/test.pid -L #{testpath}/test.log", 1) if OS.mac? expected = <<~EOS Couldn't tweak forwarding knob.: Operation not permitted kernel_setup failed. EOS assert_equal expected, (testpath/"test.log").read else assert_match "kernel_setup failed", (testpath/"test.log").read end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module SolidusMultiDomain module Spree module ProductDecorator def self.prepended(base) base.class_eval do has_and_belongs_to_many :stores, join_table: 'spree_products_stores' scope :by_store, lambda { |store| joins(:stores).where("spree_products_stores.store_id = ?", store) } end end ::Spree::Product.prepend self end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'YPImagePicker' s.version = "3.5.3" s.summary = "Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS" s.homepage = "https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker" s.license = { :type => "MIT", :file => "LICENSE" } s.author = 'S4cha' s.platform = :ios s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker.git", :tag => s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/sachadso' s.requires_arc = true s.ios.deployment_target = "9.0" s.source_files = 'Source/**/*.swift' s.dependency 'SteviaLayout', '~> 4.4.1' s.dependency 'PryntTrimmerView', '~> 3.0.0' s.resources = ['Resources/*', 'Source/**/*.xib'] s.description = "Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS supporting videos and albums" end
class Admin::DashboardController < AdminController def index @dashboard = Dashboard.new end end
require 'fastlane/plugin/qiye_wechat_bot/version' module Fastlane module QiyeWechatBot # Return all .rb files inside the "actions" and "helper" directory def self.all_classes Dir[File.expand_path('**/{actions,helper}/*.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))] end end end # By default we want to import all available actions and helpers # A plugin can contain any number of actions and plugins Fastlane::QiyeWechatBot.all_classes.each do |current| require current end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Mutations::MergeRequests::SetLocked do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:user) { create(:user) } subject(:mutation) { described_class.new(object: nil, context: { current_user: user }, field: nil) } specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:update_merge_request) } describe '#resolve' do let(:locked) { true } let(:mutated_merge_request) { subject[:merge_request] } subject { mutation.resolve(project_path: merge_request.project.full_path, iid: merge_request.iid, locked: locked) } it 'raises an error if the resource is not accessible to the user' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable) end context 'when the user can update the merge request' do before do merge_request.project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns the merge request as discussion locked' do expect(mutated_merge_request).to eq(merge_request) expect(mutated_merge_request).to be_discussion_locked expect(subject[:errors]).to be_empty end it 'returns errors merge request could not be updated' do # Make the merge request invalid merge_request.allow_broken = true merge_request.update!(source_project: nil) expect(subject[:errors]).not_to be_empty end context 'when passing locked as false' do let(:locked) { false } it 'unlocks the discussion' do merge_request.update(discussion_locked: true) expect(mutated_merge_request).not_to be_discussion_locked end end end end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' def store_valid_legacy_passwords(id_base, password_base, salt_base) expected = { 'keys' => {}, 'folders' => [] } # add passwords (1..3).each do |num| id = "#{id_base}_#{num}" prev_password = "old #{password_base} #{num}" current_password = "#{password_base} #{num}" prev_salt = "old #{salt_base} #{num}" current_salt = "#{salt_base} #{num}" call_function('simplib::passgen::legacy::set', id, prev_password, prev_salt) call_function('simplib::passgen::legacy::set', id, current_password, current_salt) value = { 'password' => current_password, 'salt' => current_salt } meta = { 'history' => [ [ prev_password, prev_salt ] ] } expected['keys'][id] = { 'value' => value, 'metadata' => meta } end expected end describe 'simplib::passgen::legacy::list' do let(:id_base) { 'my_id' } let(:password_base) { 'password for my_id' } let(:salt_base) { 'salt for my_id' } context 'successes' do it 'should return {} when the root folder does not exist' do is_expected.to run.with_params().and_return( {} ) end it 'should return empty password and folder results when the root folder is empty' do # call subject() to make sure test Puppet environment is created subject() settings = call_function('simplib::passgen::legacy::common_settings') FileUtils.mkdir_p(settings['keydir']) expected = { 'keys' => {}, 'folders' => [] } is_expected.to run.with_params().and_return( expected ) end it 'should return password info and folders when root folder is not empty' do subject() expected = store_valid_legacy_passwords(id_base, password_base, salt_base) is_expected.to run.with_params().and_return( expected ) end it 'should skip bad entries' do subject() # store valid passwords expected = store_valid_legacy_passwords(id_base, password_base, salt_base) # store an invalid password entry (empty content) settings = call_function('simplib::passgen::legacy::common_settings') FileUtils.mkdir_p(settings['keydir']) FileUtils.touch(File.join(settings['keydir'], 'bad_key')) is_expected.to run.with_params().and_return( expected ) end end context 'failures' do it 'fails when the password root directory cannot be accessed' do subject() settings = call_function('simplib::passgen::legacy::common_settings') FileUtils.mkdir_p(settings['keydir']) expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).with(settings['keydir']). and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'chdir failed') is_expected.to run.with_params().and_raise_error(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied - chdir failed') end end end
# The pg_enum extension adds support for Sequel to handle PostgreSQL's enum # types. To use this extension, first load it into your Database instance: # # DB.extension :pg_enum # # It allows creation of enum types using create_enum: # # DB.create_enum(:type_name, %w'value1 value2 value3') # # You can also add values to existing enums via add_enum_value: # # DB.add_enum_value(:enum_type_name, 'value4') # # If you want to drop an enum type, you can use drop_enum: # # DB.drop_enum(:type_name) # # Just like any user-created type, after creating the type, you # can create tables that have a column of that type: # # DB.create_table(:table_name) # enum_type_name :column_name # end # # When parsing the schema, enum types are recognized, and available # values returned in the schema hash: # # DB.schema(:table_name) # [[:column_name, {:type=>:enum, :enum_values=>['value1', 'value2']}]] # # If the pg_array extension is used, arrays of enums are returned as a # PGArray: # # DB.create_table(:table_name) # column :column_name, 'enum_type_name[]' # end # DB[:table_name].get(:column_name) # # ['value1', 'value2'] # # Finally, typecasting for enums is setup to cast to strings, which # allows you to use symbols in your model code. Similar, you can provide # the enum values as symbols when creating enums using create_enum or # add_enum_value. # module Sequel module Postgres # Methods enabling Database object integration with enum types. module EnumDatabaseMethods # Parse the available enum values when loading this extension into # your database. def self.extended(db) db.send(:parse_enum_labels) end # Run the SQL to add the given value to the existing enum type. # Options: # :after :: Add the new value after this existing value. # :before :: Add the new value before this existing value. # :if_not_exists :: Do not raise an error if the value already exists in the enum. def add_enum_value(enum, value, opts=OPTS) sql = "ALTER TYPE #{quote_schema_table(enum)} ADD VALUE#{' IF NOT EXISTS' if opts[:if_not_exists]} #{literal(value.to_s)}" if v = opts[:before] sql << " BEFORE #{literal(v.to_s)}" elsif v = opts[:after] sql << " AFTER #{literal(v.to_s)}" end run sql parse_enum_labels nil end # Run the SQL to create an enum type with the given name and values. def create_enum(enum, values) sql = "CREATE TYPE #{quote_schema_table(enum)} AS ENUM (#{values.map{|v| literal(v.to_s)}.join(', ')})" run sql parse_enum_labels nil end # Run the SQL to drop the enum type with the given name. # Options: # :if_exists :: Do not raise an error if the enum type does not exist # :cascade :: Also drop other objects that depend on the enum type def drop_enum(enum, opts=OPTS) sql = "DROP TYPE#{' IF EXISTS' if opts[:if_exists]} #{quote_schema_table(enum)}#{' CASCADE' if opts[:cascade]}" run sql parse_enum_labels nil end private # Parse the pg_enum table to get enum values, and # the pg_type table to get names and array oids for # enums. def parse_enum_labels @enum_labels = metadata_dataset.from(:pg_enum). order(:enumtypid, :enumsortorder). select_hash_groups(Sequel.cast(:enumtypid, Integer).as(:v), :enumlabel) if respond_to?(:register_array_type) array_types = metadata_dataset. from(:pg_type). where(:oid=>@enum_labels.keys). exclude(:typarray=>0). select_map([:typname, Sequel.cast(:typarray, Integer).as(:v)]) existing_oids = conversion_procs.keys array_types.each do |name, oid| next if existing_oids.include?(oid) register_array_type(name, :oid=>oid) end end end # For schema entries that are enums, set the type to # :enum and add a :enum_values entry with the enum values. def schema_parse_table(*) super.each do |_, s| if values = @enum_labels[s[:oid]] s[:type] = :enum s[:enum_values] = values end end end # Typecast the given value to a string. def typecast_value_enum(value) value.to_s end end end Database.register_extension(:pg_enum, Postgres::EnumDatabaseMethods) end
class AddUsersFullname < ActiveRecord::Migration def change change_table(:users) do |t| t.string :full_name, default: "" end end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: acts_as_relating_to_roles # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string # display_name :string # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # reciprocal :string # require_dependency 'acts_as_relating_to' class ActsAsRelatingTo::Role < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, :display_name, presence: true end
require 'spec_helper' module Gitlab module Ci describe YamlProcessor do subject { described_class.new(config, user: nil) } describe '#build_attributes' do subject { described_class.new(config, user: nil).build_attributes(:rspec) } describe 'attributes list' do let(:config) do YAML.dump( before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } ) end it 'returns valid build attributes' do expect(subject).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [] }) end end describe 'coverage entry' do describe 'code coverage regexp' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', coverage: '/Code coverage: \d+\.\d+/' }) end it 'includes coverage regexp in build attributes' do expect(subject) .to include(coverage_regex: 'Code coverage: \d+\.\d+') end end end describe 'retry entry' do context 'when retry count is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', retry: { max: 1 } }) end it 'includes retry count in build options attribute' do expect(subject[:options]).to include(retry: { max: 1 }) end end context 'when retry count is not specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec' }) end it 'does not persist retry count in the database' do expect(subject[:options]).not_to have_key(:retry) end end end describe 'allow failure entry' do context 'when job is a manual action' do context 'when allow_failure is defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', when: 'manual', allow_failure: false }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end context 'when allow_failure is not defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', when: 'manual' }) end it 'is allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be true end end end context 'when job is not a manual action' do context 'when allow_failure is defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', allow_failure: false }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end context 'when allow_failure is not defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec' }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end end end describe 'delayed job entry' do context 'when delayed is defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rollout 10%', when: 'delayed', start_in: '1 day' }) end it 'has the attributes' do expect(subject[:when]).to eq 'delayed' expect(subject[:options][:start_in]).to eq '1 day' end end end end describe '#stages_attributes' do let(:config) do YAML.dump( rspec: { script: 'rspec', stage: 'test', only: ['branches'] }, prod: { script: 'cap prod', stage: 'deploy', only: ['tags'] } ) end let(:attributes) do [{ name: "build", index: 0, builds: [] }, { name: "test", index: 1, builds: [{ stage_idx: 1, stage: "test", name: "rspec", allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [], options: { script: ["rspec"] }, only: { refs: ["branches"] }, except: {} }] }, { name: "deploy", index: 2, builds: [{ stage_idx: 2, stage: "deploy", name: "prod", allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [], options: { script: ["cap prod"] }, only: { refs: ["tags"] }, except: {} }] }] end it 'returns stages seed attributes' do expect(subject.stages_attributes).to eq attributes end end describe 'only / except policies validations' do context 'when `only` has an invalid value' do let(:config) { { rspec: { script: "rspec", type: "test", only: only } } } let(:processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(YAML.dump(config)) } context 'when it is integer' do let(:only) { 1 } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only has to be either an array of conditions or a hash') end end context 'when it is an array of integers' do let(:only) { [1, 1] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end context 'when it is invalid regex' do let(:only) { ["/*invalid/"] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end end context 'when `except` has an invalid value' do let(:config) { { rspec: { script: "rspec", except: except } } } let(:processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(YAML.dump(config)) } context 'when it is integer' do let(:except) { 1 } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except has to be either an array of conditions or a hash') end end context 'when it is an array of integers' do let(:except) { [1, 1] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end context 'when it is invalid regex' do let(:except) { ["/*invalid/"] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end end end describe "Scripts handling" do let(:config_data) { YAML.dump(config) } let(:config_processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config_data) } subject { config_processor.stage_builds_attributes('test').first } describe "before_script" do context "in global context" do let(:config) do { before_script: ["global script"], test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:options][:before_script]).to eq(["global script"]) end end context "overwritten in local context" do let(:config) do { before_script: ["global script"], test: { before_script: ["local script"], script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:options][:before_script]).to eq(["local script"]) end end end describe "script" do let(:config) do { test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:options][:script]).to eq(["script"]) end end describe "after_script" do context "in global context" do let(:config) do { after_script: ["after_script"], test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return after_script in options" do expect(subject[:options][:after_script]).to eq(["after_script"]) end end context "overwritten in local context" do let(:config) do { after_script: ["local after_script"], test: { after_script: ["local after_script"], script: ["script"] } } end it "return after_script in options" do expect(subject[:options][:after_script]).to eq(["local after_script"]) end end end end describe "Image and service handling" do context "when extended docker configuration is used" do it "returns image and service when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: { name: "ruby:2.1", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: ["mysql", { name: "docker:dind", alias: "docker", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }, { name: "docker:dind", alias: "docker", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [] }) end it "returns image and service when overridden for job" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { image: { name: "ruby:2.5", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "postgresql", alias: "db-pg", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, "docker:dind"], script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.5", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "postgresql", alias: "db-pg", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [] }) end end context "when etended docker configuration is not used" do it "returns image and service when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql", "docker:dind"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1" }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [] }) end it "returns image and service when overridden for job" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { image: "ruby:2.5", services: ["postgresql", "docker:dind"], script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.5" }, services: [{ name: "postgresql" }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", yaml_variables: [] }) end end end describe 'Variables' do let(:config_processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(YAML.dump(config)) } subject { config_processor.builds.first[:yaml_variables] } context 'when global variables are defined' do let(:variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end let(:config) do { variables: variables, before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'returns global variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when job and global variables are defined' do let(:global_variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'global1', 'VAR3' => 'global3' } end let(:job_variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], variables: global_variables, rspec: { script: 'rspec', variables: job_variables } } end it 'returns all unique variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR3', value: 'global3', public: true }, { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when job variables are defined' do let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec', variables: variables } } end context 'when syntax is correct' do let(:variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end it 'returns job variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when syntax is incorrect' do context 'when variables defined but invalid' do let(:variables) do %w(VAR1 value1 VAR2 value2) end it 'raises error' do expect { subject } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, /jobs:rspec:variables config should be a hash of key value pairs/) end end context 'when variables key defined but value not specified' do let(:variables) do nil end it 'returns empty array' do ## # When variables config is empty, we assume this is a valid # configuration, see issue #18775 # expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Array) expect(subject).to be_empty end end end end context 'when job variables are not defined' do let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'returns empty array' do expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Array) expect(subject).to be_empty end end end context 'when using `extends`' do let(:config_processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } subject { config_processor.builds.first } context 'when using simple `extends`' do let(:config) do <<~YAML .template: script: test rspec: extends: .template image: ruby:alpine YAML end it 'correctly extends rspec job' do expect(config_processor.builds).to be_one expect(subject.dig(:options, :script)).to eq %w(test) expect(subject.dig(:options, :image, :name)).to eq 'ruby:alpine' end end context 'when using recursive `extends`' do let(:config) do <<~YAML rspec: extends: .test script: rspec when: always .template: before_script: - bundle install .test: extends: .template script: test image: image:test YAML end it 'correctly extends rspec job' do expect(config_processor.builds).to be_one expect(subject.dig(:options, :before_script)).to eq ["bundle install"] expect(subject.dig(:options, :script)).to eq %w(rspec) expect(subject.dig(:options, :image, :name)).to eq 'image:test' expect(subject.dig(:when)).to eq 'always' end end end describe "When" do %w(on_success on_failure always).each do |when_state| it "returns #{when_state} when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "rspec", when: when_state } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) builds = config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test") expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:when]).to eq(when_state) end end end describe 'Parallel' do context 'when job is parallelized' do let(:parallel) { 5 } let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', parallel: parallel }) end it 'returns parallelized jobs' do config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) builds = config_processor.stage_builds_attributes('test') build_options = builds.map { |build| build[:options] } expect(builds.size).to eq(5) expect(build_options).to all(include(:instance, parallel: parallel)) end it 'does not have the original job' do config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) builds = config_processor.stage_builds_attributes('test') expect(builds).not_to include(:rspec) end end end describe 'cache' do context 'when cache definition has unknown keys' do it 'raises relevant validation error' do config = YAML.dump( { cache: { untracked: true, invalid: 'key' }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } }) expect { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) }.to raise_error( Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'cache config contains unknown keys: invalid' ) end end it "returns cache when defined globally" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key' }, rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key', policy: 'pull-push' ) end it "returns cache when defined in a job" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key' }, script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key', policy: 'pull-push' ) end it "overwrite cache when defined for a job and globally" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'global' }, rspec: { script: "rspec", cache: { paths: ["test/"], untracked: false, key: 'local' } } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["test/"], untracked: false, key: 'local', policy: 'pull-push' ) end end describe "Artifacts" do it "returns artifacts when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { artifacts: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, name: "custom_name", expire_in: "7d" }, script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test").first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1" }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }], artifacts: { name: "custom_name", paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, expire_in: "7d" } }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, yaml_variables: [] }) end %w[on_success on_failure always].each do |when_state| it "returns artifacts for when #{when_state} defined" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "rspec", artifacts: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], when: when_state } } }) config_processor = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) builds = config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test") expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:options][:artifacts][:when]).to eq(when_state) end end end describe '#environment' do let(:config) do { deploy_to_production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: environment } } end let(:processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(YAML.dump(config)) } let(:builds) { processor.stage_builds_attributes('deploy') } context 'when a production environment is specified' do let(:environment) { 'production' } it 'does return production' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: { name: environment, action: "start" }) end end context 'when hash is specified' do let(:environment) do { name: 'production', url: 'http://production.gitlab.com' } end it 'does return production and URL' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment[:name]) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: environment) end context 'the url has a port as variable' do let(:environment) do { name: 'production', url: 'http://production.gitlab.com:$PORT' } end it 'allows a variable for the port' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment[:name]) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: environment) end end end context 'when no environment is specified' do let(:environment) { nil } it 'does return nil environment' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to be_nil end end context 'is not a string' do let(:environment) { 1 } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error( 'jobs:deploy_to_production:environment config should be a hash or a string') end end context 'is not a valid string' do let(:environment) { 'production:staging' } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error("jobs:deploy_to_production:environment name #{Gitlab::Regex.environment_name_regex_message}") end end context 'when on_stop is specified' do let(:review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review', on_stop: 'close_review' } } } let(:config) { { review: review, close_review: close_review }.compact } context 'with matching job' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review', action: 'stop' } } } it 'does return a list of builds' do expect(builds.size).to eq(2) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq('review') end end context 'without matching job' do let(:close_review) { nil } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review is not defined') end end context 'with close job without environment' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test' } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review does not have environment defined') end end context 'with close job for different environment' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: 'production' } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review have different environment name') end end context 'with close job without stop action' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review' } } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review needs to have action stop defined') end end end end describe "Dependencies" do let(:config) do { build1: { stage: 'build', script: 'test' }, build2: { stage: 'build', script: 'test' }, test1: { stage: 'test', script: 'test', dependencies: dependencies }, test2: { stage: 'test', script: 'test' }, deploy: { stage: 'test', script: 'test' } } end subject { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(YAML.dump(config)) } context 'no dependencies' do let(:dependencies) { } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'dependencies to builds' do let(:dependencies) { %w(build1 build2) } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'dependencies to builds defined as symbols' do let(:dependencies) { [:build1, :build2] } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'undefined dependency' do let(:dependencies) { ['undefined'] } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: undefined dependency: undefined') } end context 'dependencies to deploy' do let(:dependencies) { ['deploy'] } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: dependency deploy is not defined in prior stages') } end end describe "Hidden jobs" do let(:config_processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } subject { config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("test") } shared_examples 'hidden_job_handling' do it "doesn't create jobs that start with dot" do expect(subject.size).to eq(1) expect(subject.first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "normal_job", options: { script: ["test"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, yaml_variables: [] }) end end context 'when hidden job have a script definition' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ '.hidden_job' => { image: 'ruby:2.1', script: 'test' }, 'normal_job' => { script: 'test' } }) end it_behaves_like 'hidden_job_handling' end context "when hidden job doesn't have a script definition" do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ '.hidden_job' => { image: 'ruby:2.1' }, 'normal_job' => { script: 'test' } }) end it_behaves_like 'hidden_job_handling' end end describe "YAML Alias/Anchor" do let(:config_processor) { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } subject { config_processor.stage_builds_attributes("build") } shared_examples 'job_templates_handling' do it "is correctly supported for jobs" do expect(subject.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.first).to eq({ stage: "build", stage_idx: 0, name: "job1", options: { script: ["execute-script-for-job"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, yaml_variables: [] }) expect(subject.second).to eq({ stage: "build", stage_idx: 0, name: "job2", options: { script: ["execute-script-for-job"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, yaml_variables: [] }) end end context 'when template is a job' do let(:config) do <<~EOT job1: &JOBTMPL stage: build script: execute-script-for-job job2: *JOBTMPL EOT end it_behaves_like 'job_templates_handling' end context 'when template is a hidden job' do let(:config) do <<~EOT .template: &JOBTMPL stage: build script: execute-script-for-job job1: *JOBTMPL job2: *JOBTMPL EOT end it_behaves_like 'job_templates_handling' end context 'when job adds its own keys to a template definition' do let(:config) do <<~EOT .template: &JOBTMPL stage: build job1: <<: *JOBTMPL script: execute-script-for-job job2: <<: *JOBTMPL script: execute-script-for-job EOT end it_behaves_like 'job_templates_handling' end end describe "Error handling" do it "fails to parse YAML" do expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new("invalid: yaml: test") end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError) end it "indicates that object is invalid" do expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new("invalid_yaml") end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError) end it "returns errors if tags parameter is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", tags: "mysql" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec tags should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if before_script parameter is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: "bundle update", rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "before_script config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if job before_script parameter is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", before_script: [10, "test"] } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:before_script config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if after_script parameter is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ after_script: "bundle update", rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "after_script config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if job after_script parameter is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", after_script: [10, "test"] } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:after_script config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if image parameter is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ image: ["test"], rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "image config should be a hash or a string") end it "returns errors if job name is blank" do config = YAML.dump({ '' => { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:job name can't be blank") end it "returns errors if job name is non-string" do config = YAML.dump({ 10 => { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:10 name should be a symbol") end it "returns errors if job image parameter is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", image: ["test"] } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:image config should be a hash or a string") end it "returns errors if services parameter is not an array" do config = YAML.dump({ services: "test", rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "services config should be a array") end it "returns errors if services parameter is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ services: [10, "test"], rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "service config should be a hash or a string") end it "returns errors if job services parameter is not an array" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", services: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:services config should be a array") end it "returns errors if job services parameter is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", services: [10, "test"] } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "service config should be a hash or a string") end it "returns error if job configuration is invalid" do config = YAML.dump({ extra: "bundle update" }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:extra config should be a hash") end it "returns errors if services configuration is not correct" do config = YAML.dump({ extra: { script: 'rspec', services: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:extra:services config should be a array") end it "returns errors if there are no jobs defined" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["bundle update"] }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs config should contain at least one visible job") end it "returns errors if there are no visible jobs defined" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["bundle update"], '.hidden'.to_sym => { script: 'ls' } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs config should contain at least one visible job") end it "returns errors if job allow_failure parameter is not an boolean" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", allow_failure: "string" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec allow failure should be a boolean value") end it "returns errors if job stage is not a string" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", type: 1 } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:type config should be a string") end it "returns errors if job stage is not a pre-defined stage" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", type: "acceptance" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "rspec job: stage parameter should be build, test, deploy") end it "returns errors if job stage is not a defined stage" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", type: "acceptance" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "rspec job: stage parameter should be build, test") end it "returns errors if stages is not an array" do config = YAML.dump({ stages: "test", rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "stages config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if stages is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ stages: [true, "test"], rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "stages config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if variables is not a map" do config = YAML.dump({ variables: "test", rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "variables config should be a hash of key value pairs") end it "returns errors if variables is not a map of key-value strings" do config = YAML.dump({ variables: { test: false }, rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "variables config should be a hash of key value pairs") end it "returns errors if job when is not on_success, on_failure or always" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", when: 1 } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec when should be on_success, on_failure, always, manual or delayed") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:name is not an a string" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { name: 1 } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts name should be a string") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:when is not an a predefined value" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { when: 1 } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts when should be on_success, on_failure or always") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:expire_in is not an a string" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { expire_in: 1 } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts expire in should be a duration") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:expire_in is not an a valid duration" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { expire_in: "7 elephants" } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts expire in should be a duration") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:untracked is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { untracked: "string" } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts untracked should be a boolean value") end it "returns errors if job artifacts:paths is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", artifacts: { paths: "string" } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:artifacts paths should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if cache:untracked is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { untracked: "string" }, rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "cache:untracked config should be a boolean value") end it "returns errors if cache:paths is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { paths: "string" }, rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "cache:paths config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if cache:key is not a string" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { key: 1 }, rspec: { script: "test" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "cache:key config should be a string or symbol") end it "returns errors if job cache:key is not an a string" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", cache: { key: 1 } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:cache:key config should be a string or symbol") end it "returns errors if job cache:untracked is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", cache: { untracked: "string" } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:cache:untracked config should be a boolean value") end it "returns errors if job cache:paths is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", cache: { paths: "string" } } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec:cache:paths config should be an array of strings") end it "returns errors if job dependencies is not an array of strings" do config = YAML.dump({ types: %w(build test), rspec: { script: "test", dependencies: "string" } }) expect do Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, "jobs:rspec dependencies should be an array of strings") end it 'returns errors if pipeline variables expression policy is invalid' do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: 'test', only: { variables: ['== null'] } } }) expect { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only variables invalid expression syntax') end it 'returns errors if pipeline changes policy is invalid' do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: 'test', only: { changes: [1] } } }) expect { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only changes should be an array of strings') end it 'returns errors if extended hash configuration is invalid' do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { extends: 'something', script: 'test' } }) expect { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(config) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'rspec: unknown key in `extends`') end end describe "#validation_message" do subject { Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.validation_message(content) } context "when the YAML could not be parsed" do let(:content) { YAML.dump("invalid: yaml: test") } it { is_expected.to eq "Invalid configuration format" } end context "when the tags parameter is invalid" do let(:content) { YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "test", tags: "mysql" } }) } it { is_expected.to eq "jobs:rspec tags should be an array of strings" } end context "when YAML content is empty" do let(:content) { '' } it { is_expected.to eq "Please provide content of .gitlab-ci.yml" } end context 'when the YAML contains an unknown alias' do let(:content) { 'steps: *bad_alias' } it { is_expected.to eq "Unknown alias: bad_alias" } end context "when the YAML is valid" do let(:content) { File.read(Rails.root.join('spec/support/gitlab_stubs/gitlab_ci.yml')) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end end end end
module Fog module OpenStack class Network class Real def get_network_ip_availability(network_id) request( :expects => [200], :method => 'GET', :path => "network-ip-availabilities/#{network_id}" ) end end class Mock def get_network_ip_availability(network_id) response = Excon::Response.new if data = self.data[:network_ip_availabilities].first response.status = 200 response.body = {'network_ip_availability' => data} response else raise Fog::OpenStack::Network::NotFound end end end end end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_speakeasy_session'
# encoding: US-ASCII require "unit_spec_helper" require 'unit/notification_shared.rb' describe Rpush::Apns::Notification do it_should_behave_like 'an Notification subclass' let(:app) { Rpush::Apns::App.create!(:name => 'my_app', :environment => 'development', :certificate => TEST_CERT) } let(:notification_class) { Rpush::Apns::Notification } let(:notification) { notification_class.new } let(:data_setter) { 'attributes_for_device=' } let(:data_getter) { 'attributes_for_device' } it "should validate the format of the device_token" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:device_token => "{$%^&*()}") notification.valid?.should be_false notification.errors[:device_token].include?("is invalid").should be_true end it "should validate the length of the binary conversion of the notification" do notification.device_token = "a" * 64 notification.alert = "way too long!" * 100 notification.valid?.should be_false notification.errors[:base].include?("APN notification cannot be larger than 256 bytes. Try condensing your alert and device attributes.").should be_true end it "should default the sound to 'default'" do notification.sound.should eq('default') end it "should default the expiry to 1 day" do notification.expiry.should eq 1.day.to_i end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "when assigning the device token" do it "should strip spaces from the given string" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:device_token => "o m g") notification.device_token.should eq "omg" end it "should strip chevrons from the given string" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:device_token => "<omg>") notification.device_token.should eq "omg" end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "as_json" do it "should include the alert if present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => "hi mom") notification.as_json["aps"]["alert"].should eq "hi mom" end it "should not include the alert key if the alert is not present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => nil) notification.as_json["aps"].key?("alert").should be_false end it "should encode the alert as JSON if it is a Hash" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => { 'body' => "hi mom", 'alert-loc-key' => "View" }) notification.as_json["aps"]["alert"].should eq ({ 'body' => "hi mom", 'alert-loc-key' => "View" }) end it "should include the badge if present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:badge => 6) notification.as_json["aps"]["badge"].should eq 6 end it "should not include the badge key if the badge is not present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:badge => nil) notification.as_json["aps"].key?("badge").should be_false end it "should include the sound if present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => "my_sound.aiff") notification.as_json["aps"]["alert"].should eq "my_sound.aiff" end it "should not include the sound key if the sound is not present" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:sound => false) notification.as_json["aps"].key?("sound").should be_false end it "should include attributes for the device" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new notification.attributes_for_device = {:omg => :lol, :wtf => :dunno} notification.as_json["omg"].should eq "lol" notification.as_json["wtf"].should eq "dunno" end it "should allow attributes to include a hash" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new notification.attributes_for_device = {:omg => {:ilike => :hashes}} notification.as_json["omg"]["ilike"].should eq "hashes" end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, 'MDM' do let(:magic) { 'abc123' } let(:notification) { Rpush::Apns::Notification.new } it 'includes the mdm magic in the payload' do notification.mdm = magic notification.as_json.should eq ({'mdm' => magic}) end it 'does not include aps attribute' do notification.alert = "i'm doomed" notification.mdm = magic notification.as_json.key?('aps').should be_false end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, 'content-available' do let(:notification) { Rpush::Apns::Notification.new } it 'includes content-available in the payload' do notification.content_available = true notification.as_json['aps']['content-available'].should eq 1 end it 'does not include content-available in the payload if not set' do notification.as_json['aps'].key?('content-available').should be_false end it 'does not include content-available as a non-aps attribute' do notification.content_available = true notification.as_json.key?('content-available').should be_false end it 'does not overwrite existing attributes for the device' do notification.data = {:hi => :mom} notification.content_available = true notification.as_json['aps']['content-available'].should eq 1 notification.as_json['hi'].should eq 'mom' end it 'does not overwrite the content-available flag when setting attributes for the device' do notification.content_available = true notification.data = {:hi => :mom} notification.as_json['aps']['content-available'].should eq 1 notification.as_json['hi'].should eq 'mom' end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "to_binary" do it "should correctly convert the notification to binary" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new notification.device_token = "a" * 64 notification.sound = "1.aiff" notification.badge = 3 notification.alert = "Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, don't panic!" notification.attributes_for_device = {:hi => :mom} notification.expiry = 86400 # 1 day, \x00\x01Q\x80 notification.app = Rpush::Apns::App.new(:name => 'my_app', :environment => 'development', :certificate => TEST_CERT) notification.stub(:id).and_return(1234) notification.to_binary.should eq "\x01\x00\x00\x04\xD2\x00\x01Q\x80\x00 \xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x00a{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, don't panic!\",\"badge\":3,\"sound\":\"1.aiff\"},\"hi\":\"mom\"}" end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "bug #31" do it 'does not confuse a JSON looking string as JSON' do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new notification.alert = "{\"one\":2}" notification.alert.should eq "{\"one\":2}" end it 'does confuse a JSON looking string as JSON if the alert_is_json attribute is not present' do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new notification.stub(:has_attribute? => false) notification.alert = "{\"one\":2}" notification.alert.should eq ({"one" => 2}) end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "bug #35" do it "should limit payload size to 256 bytes but not the entire packet" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new do |n| n.device_token = "a" * 64 n.alert = "a" * 210 n.app = Rpush::Apns::App.create!(:name => 'my_app', :environment => 'development', :certificate => TEST_CERT) end notification.to_binary(:for_validation => true).bytesize.should > 256 notification.payload_size.should < 256 notification.should be_valid end end describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "multi_json usage" do describe Rpush::Apns::Notification, "alert" do it "should call MultiJson.load when multi_json version is 1.3.0" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => { :a => 1 }, :alert_is_json => true) Gem.stub(:loaded_specs).and_return( { 'multi_json' => Gem::Specification.new('multi_json', '1.3.0') } ) MultiJson.should_receive(:load).with(any_args()) notification.alert end it "should call MultiJson.decode when multi_json version is 1.2.9" do notification = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new(:alert => { :a => 1 }, :alert_is_json => true) Gem.stub(:loaded_specs).and_return( { 'multi_json' => Gem::Specification.new('multi_json', '1.2.9') } ) MultiJson.should_receive(:decode).with(any_args()) notification.alert end end end
describe ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::AutomationManager::ConfigurationScript do let(:ansible_script_source) { FactoryBot.create(:embedded_ansible_configuration_script_source) } let(:playbook) { FactoryBot.create(:embedded_playbook, :configuration_script_source => ansible_script_source) } let(:manager_with_configuration_scripts) { FactoryBot.create(:embedded_automation_manager_ansible, :provider, :configuration_script) } before do EvmSpecHelper.assign_embedded_ansible_role ansible_script_source.update(:manager_id => manager.id) manager_with_configuration_scripts.configuration_scripts.each do |cs| cs.parent_id = playbook.id cs.save end # Note: For some unkown reason, this is required or the belongs_to specs # returns two result when calling manager.configuration_scripts for the # second time... manager_with_configuration_scripts.reload end # The following specs are copied from the 'ansible configuration_script' spec # helper from the AnsibleTower Provider repo, but have been modified to make # sense for the case of AnsibleRunner. Previously was: # # it_behaves_like 'ansible configuration_script' # # Below are `let` calls from there was well. # let(:manager) { manager_with_configuration_scripts } it "belongs_to the manager" do expect(manager.configuration_scripts.size).to eq 1 expect(manager.configuration_scripts.first.variables).to eq :instance_ids => ['i-3434'] expect(manager.configuration_scripts.first).to be_a ConfigurationScript end context "#run" do let(:cs) { manager.configuration_scripts.first } before do expect(cs.parent.configuration_script_source).to receive(:checkout_git_repository) end it "launches the referenced ansible job template" do job = cs.run expect(job).to be_a ManageIQ::Providers::AnsiblePlaybookWorkflow expect(job.options[:env_vars]).to eq({}) expect(job.options[:extra_vars]).to eq(:instance_ids => ["i-3434"]) expect(File.basename(job.options[:playbook_path])).to eq(playbook.name) expect(job.options[:timeout]).to eq(1.hour) expect(job.options[:verbosity]).to eq(0) end it "accepts different variables to launch a job template against" do job = cs.run(:extra_vars => {:some_key => :some_value}) expect(job).to be_a ManageIQ::Providers::AnsiblePlaybookWorkflow expect(job.options[:env_vars]).to eq({}) expect(job.options[:extra_vars]).to eq(:instance_ids => ["i-3434"], :some_key => :some_value) end it "passes execution_ttl to the job as its timeout" do job = cs.run(:execution_ttl => "5") expect(job).to be_a ManageIQ::Providers::AnsiblePlaybookWorkflow expect(job.options[:timeout]).to eq(5.minutes) end it "passes verbosity to the job when specified" do job = cs.run(:verbosity => "5") expect(job).to be_a ManageIQ::Providers::AnsiblePlaybookWorkflow expect(job.options[:verbosity]).to eq(5) end it "passes become_enabled to the job when specified" do job = cs.run(:become_enabled => true) expect(job).to be_a ManageIQ::Providers::AnsiblePlaybookWorkflow expect(job.options[:become_enabled]).to eq(true) end end context "#merge_extra_vars" do it "merges internal and external hashes to send out to ansible_runner" do config_script = manager.configuration_scripts.first external = {:some_key => :some_value} internal = config_script.variables merged = config_script.send(:merge_extra_vars, external) expect(internal).to be_a Hash expect(merged).to eq(:instance_ids => ["i-3434"], :some_key => :some_value) end it "merges an internal hash and an empty hash to send out to ansible_runner" do config_script = manager.configuration_scripts.first external = nil merged = config_script.send(:merge_extra_vars, external) expect(merged).to eq(:instance_ids => ["i-3434"]) end it "merges an empty internal hash and a hash to send out to the tower gem" do config_script = manager.configuration_scripts.first.tap { |cs| cs.variables = {} } external = {:some_key => :some_value} merged = config_script.send(:merge_extra_vars, external) expect(merged).to eq(external) end it "merges all empty arguments to send out to the tower gem" do config_script = manager.configuration_scripts.first.tap { |cs| cs.variables = {} } external = nil merged = config_script.send(:merge_extra_vars, external) expect(merged).to eq({}) end it "decrypts extra_vars before sending out to the tower gem" do config_script = manager.configuration_scripts.first password = "password::#{ManageIQ::Password.encrypt("some_value")}" external = {:some_key => password} merged = config_script.send(:merge_extra_vars, external) expect(merged).to eq(:instance_ids => ["i-3434"], :some_key => "some_value") end end # was `context "CUD via the API"` context "CRUD operations" do let(:manager) { FactoryBot.create(:embedded_automation_manager_ansible, :provider) } let(:params) do { :description => "Description", :extra_vars => {}.to_json, :inventory_id => 1, :playbook => playbook.name, :name => "My Job Template", :related => {} } end context ".create_in_provider" do it "successfully created in provider" do new_config_script = described_class.create_in_provider(manager.id, params) expect(new_config_script).to be_a(described_class) expect(new_config_script.manager_id).to eq(manager.id) end it "raises an error when the playbook does not exist from the script source" do params[:playbook] = "not_a_playbook.yaml" error_msg = 'Playbook name="not_a_playbook.yaml" no longer exists' expect do described_class.create_in_provider(manager.id, params) end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, error_msg) end # TODO: Determine if we want to have a uniqueness validation to # replicate this functionality, otherwise delete this case. # # context "provider raises on create" do # it "with a string" do # expect(AnsibleTowerClient::Connection).to receive(:new).and_return(atc) # expect(job_templates).to receive(:create!).and_raise(AnsibleTowerClient::Error, "Job template with this Name already exists.") # expect { described_class.create_in_provider(manager.id, params) }.to raise_error(AnsibleTowerClient::Error, "Job template with this Name already exists.") # end # end end it ".create_in_provider_queue" do EvmSpecHelper.local_miq_server task_id = described_class.create_in_provider_queue(manager.id, params) expect(MiqTask.find(task_id)).to have_attributes(:name => "Creating #{described_class::FRIENDLY_NAME} (name=#{params[:name]})") expect(MiqQueue.first).to have_attributes( :args => [manager.id, params], :class_name => described_class.name, :method_name => "create_in_provider", :priority => MiqQueue::HIGH_PRIORITY, :role => "embedded_ansible", :zone => nil ) end it "#update_in_provider_queue" do project = described_class.create!(:manager => manager, :name => "config_script.yml") task_id = project.update_in_provider_queue(params) expected_args = params.tap { |p| p[:task_id] = task_id } expect(MiqTask.find(task_id)).to have_attributes(:name => "Updating #{described_class::FRIENDLY_NAME} (name=config_script.yml)") expect(MiqQueue.first).to have_attributes( :instance_id => project.id, :args => [expected_args], :class_name => described_class.name, :method_name => "update_in_provider", :priority => MiqQueue::HIGH_PRIORITY, :role => "embedded_ansible", :zone => nil ) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: false require "tkclass" $tkline_init = false def start_random return if $tkline_init $tkline_init = true if defined? Thread Thread.start do loop do sleep 2 Line.new($c, rand(400), rand(200), rand(400), rand(200)) end end end end Label.new('text'=>'Please press or drag button-1').pack $c = Canvas.new $c.pack $start_x = start_y = 0 def do_press(x, y) $start_x = x $start_y = y $current_line = Line.new($c, x, y, x, y) start_random end def do_motion(x, y) if $current_line $current_line.coords $start_x, $start_y, x, y end end def do_release(x, y) if $current_line $current_line.coords $start_x, $start_y, x, y $current_line.fill 'black' $current_line = nil end end $c.bind("1", proc{|e| do_press e.x, e.y}) $c.bind("B1-Motion", proc{|x, y| do_motion x, y}, "%x %y") $c.bind("ButtonRelease-1", proc{|x, y| do_release x, y}, "%x %y") Tk.mainloop
module RequestLogAnalyzer::RSpec::Mocks def mock_source source = mock('RequestLogAnalyzer::Source::Base') source.stub!(:file_format).and_return(testing_format) source.stub!(:parsed_requests).and_return(2) source.stub!(:skipped_requests).and_return(1) source.stub!(:parse_lines).and_return(10) source.stub!(:warning=) source.stub!(:progress=) source.stub!(:source_changes=) source.stub!(:prepare) source.stub!(:finalize) source.stub!(:each_request). and_yield(testing_format.request(:field => 'value1')). and_yield(testing_format.request(:field => 'value2')) return source end def mock_io mio = mock('IO') mio.stub!(:print) mio.stub!(:puts) mio.stub!(:write) return mio end def mock_output output = mock('RequestLogAnalyzer::Output::Base') output.stub!(:report_tracker) output.stub!(:header) output.stub!(:footer) output.stub!(:puts) output.stub!(:<<) output.stub!(:colorize).and_return("Fancy text") output.stub!(:link) output.stub!(:title) output.stub!(:line) output.stub!(:with_style) output.stub!(:table).and_yield([]) output.stub!(:io).and_return(mock_io) output.stub!(:options).and_return({}) output.stub!(:slice_results).and_return { |a| a } return output end def mock_database(*stubs) database = mock('RequestLogAnalyzer::Database') database.stub!(:connect) database.stub!(:disconnect) database.stub!(:connection).and_return(mock_connection) stubs.each { |s| database.stub!(s)} return database end def mock_connection table_creator = mock('ActiveRecord table creator') table_creator.stub!(:column) connection = mock('ActiveRecord::Base.connection') connection.stub!(:add_index) connection.stub!(:remove_index) connection.stub!(:table_exists?).and_return(false) connection.stub!(:create_table).and_yield(table_creator).and_return(true) connection.stub!(:table_creator).and_return(table_creator) return connection end end
module RailsSemanticLogger VERSION = '4.4.2'.freeze end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe TeamUsersController, type: :controller do include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers before(:each) do request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = 'application/json' @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user] @current_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in @current_user end describe "GET #crete" do # Sem isto os testes não renderizam o json render_views context "Team owner" do before(:each) do @team = create(:team, user: @current_user) @guest_user = create(:user) post :create, params: { team_user: { email: @guest_user.email, team_id: @team.id } } end it "returns http success" do expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end it "Return the right params" do response_hash = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(response_hash["user"]["name"]).to eql(@guest_user.name) expect(response_hash["user"]["email"]).to eql(@guest_user.email) expect(response_hash["team_id"]).to eql(@team.id) end end context "Team not owner" do before(:each) do @team = create(:team) @guest_user = create(:user) end it "returns http forbidden" do post :create, params: { team_user: { email: @guest_user.email, team_id: @team.id } } expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) end end end describe "GET #destroy" do context "Team owner" do before(:each) do @team = create(:team, user: @current_user) @guest_user = create(:user) @team.users << @guest_user end it "returns http success" do delete :destroy, params: { id: @guest_user.id, team_id: @team.id } expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end end context "Team not owner" do before(:each) do @team = create(:team) @guest_user = create(:user) @team.users << @guest_user end it "returns http forbidden" do delete :destroy, params: { id: @guest_user.id, team_id: @team.id } expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) end end end end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'acts_as_list/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| # Description Meta... s.name = 'acts_as_list' s.version = ActiveRecord::Acts::List::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ['David Heinemeier Hansson', 'Swanand Pagnis', 'Quinn Chaffee'] s.email = ['swanand.pagnis@gmail.com'] s.homepage = 'http://github.com/swanandp/acts_as_list' s.summary = %q{A gem allowing a active_record model to act_as_list.} s.description = %q{This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that has this specified needs to have a "position" column defined as an integer on the mapped database table.} s.license = 'MIT' s.rubyforge_project = 'acts_as_list' s.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.9.2' # Load Paths... s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) } s.require_paths = ['lib'] # Dependencies (installed via 'bundle install')... s.add_dependency("activerecord", [">= 3.0"]) s.add_development_dependency("bundler", [">= 1.0.0"]) end
name 'selenium' maintainer 'Dennis Hoer' maintainer_email 'dennis.hoer@gmail.com' license 'MIT' description 'Installs/Configures Selenium' long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md')) source_url 'https://github.com/dhoer/chef-selenium' issues_url 'https://github.com/dhoer/chef-selenium/issues' version '5.0.1' chef_version '>= 12.14' supports 'centos' supports 'debian' supports 'fedora' supports 'mac_os_x' supports 'redhat' supports 'ubuntu' supports 'windows' depends 'macosx_autologin', '>= 4.0' depends 'nssm', '>= 4.0' depends 'windows' depends 'windows_autologin', '>= 3.0'
# frozen_string_literal: true # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright <YEAR> <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT! # [START testing_v0_generated_AllSubclientsConsumer_NonCopyAnotherLroRpc_sync] require "testing/nonstandard_lro_grpc" # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls. client = Testing::NonstandardLroGrpc::AllSubclientsConsumer::Client.new # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments. request = Testing::NonstandardLroGrpc::NonCopyRequest.new # Call the non_copy_another_lro_rpc method. result = client.non_copy_another_lro_rpc request # The returned object is of type Testing::NonstandardLroGrpc::NonstandardOperation. p result # [END testing_v0_generated_AllSubclientsConsumer_NonCopyAnotherLroRpc_sync]
# encoding: UTF-8 # # Author:: Geoff Meakin # Author:: Matt Ray (<matt@getchef.com>) # # Copyright:: 2012-2014, Chef Software, Inc <legal@getchef.com> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef" module Spiceweasel # models the existing Chef repository as a manifest class ExtractLocal def self.parse_objects # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity objects = {} # BERKSHELF berksfile = parse_berkshelf(objects) # COOKBOOKS cookbooks = berksfile ? resolve_cookbooks(berksfile.cookbook_list) : resolve_cookbooks objects["cookbooks"] = cookbooks.sort_by { |c| [c.keys[0]] } unless cookbooks.empty? # ROLES parse_roles(objects) # ENVIRONMENTS environments = [] Dir.glob("environments/*.{rb,json}").each do |environment_full_path| environment = grab_name_from_path(environment_full_path) Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext: environment: '#{environment}'") environments << { environment => nil } end objects["environments"] = environments.sort_by { |e| [e.keys[0]] } unless environments.empty? # DATA BAGS data_bags = parse_data_bags objects["data bags"] = data_bags.sort_by { |d| [d.keys[0]] } unless data_bags.empty? # NODES # TODO: Cant use this yet as node_list.rb doesnt support node from file syntax but expects the node info to be part of the objects passed in # nodes = [] # Dir.glob("nodes/*.{rb,json}").each do |node_full_path| # node = self.grab_name_from_path(node_full_path) # nodes << {node => nil} # end # objects['nodes'] = nodes unless nodes.empty? objects end def self.parse_data_bags data_bags = [] Dir.glob("data_bags/*").each do |data_bag_full_path| next unless File.directory?(data_bag_full_path) data_bag = data_bag_full_path.split("/").last Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext: data_bag: '#{data_bag}'") data_bag_items = [] Dir.glob("#{data_bag_full_path}/*.{rb,json}").each do |data_bag_item_full_path| Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext: data_bag: '#{data_bag}':'#{data_bag_item_full_path}'") data_bag_items << grab_name_from_path(data_bag_item_full_path) end if File.directory?(data_bag_full_path) data_bags << { data_bag => { "items" => data_bag_items.sort } } end data_bags end def self.parse_roles(objects) roles = [] Dir.glob("roles/*.{rb,json}").each do |role_full_path| role = grab_name_from_path(role_full_path) Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext: role: '#{role}'") roles << { role => nil } end objects["roles"] = roles.sort_by { |r| [r.keys[0]] } unless roles.nil? || roles.empty? end def self.parse_berkshelf(objects) if File.file?("./Berksfile") objects["berksfile"] = nil berksfile = Berksfile.new(objects["berksfile"]) end berksfile end def self.grab_name_from_path(path) name = path.split("/").last.split(".") name.pop if name.length > 1 name.join(".") end def self.resolve_cookbooks(berkshelf_cookbooks = {}) require "solve" loader = Chef::CookbookLoader.new(Spiceweasel::Config[:cookbook_dir]) loader.load_cookbooks books = loader.cookbooks_by_name graph = Solve::Graph.new cblist = [] # push in the berkshelf cookbooks to cover any other deps berkshelf_cookbooks.each do |name, version| Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext:berks: #{name} #{version}") graph.artifact(name, version) end books.each do |name, cb| Spiceweasel::Log.debug("dir_ext: #{name} #{cb.version}") artifact = graph.artifact(name, cb.version) cblist.push([name, cb.version]) cb.metadata.dependencies.each do |dep_name, dep_version| artifact.depends(dep_name, dep_version) end end # get the cookbooks and their versions, map to cookbook hash format begin cookbooks = [] Solve.it!(graph, cblist).each { |k, v| cookbooks.push(k => { "version" => v }) } rescue Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError STDERR.puts "ERROR: There are missing cookbook dependencies, please check your metadata.rb files." exit(-1) end # remove any cookbooks managed by berkshelf cookbooks.delete_if { |x| berkshelf_cookbooks.keys.member?(x.keys[0]) } end end end
require 'puppet/util/windows' require 'win32/process' require 'ffi' module Puppet::Util::Windows::Process extend Puppet::Util::Windows::String extend FFI::Library WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102 def execute(command, arguments, stdin, stdout, stderr) Process.create( :command_line => command, :startup_info => {:stdin => stdin, :stdout => stdout, :stderr => stderr}, :close_handles => false ) end module_function :execute def wait_process(handle) while WaitForSingleObject(handle, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT sleep(1) end exit_status = -1 FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:dword, 1) do |exit_status_ptr| if GetExitCodeProcess(handle, exit_status_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("Failed to get child process exit code")) end exit_status = exit_status_ptr.read_dword # $CHILD_STATUS is not set when calling win32/process Process.create # and since it's read-only, we can't set it. But we can execute a # a shell that simply returns the desired exit status, which has the # desired effect. %x{#{ENV['COMSPEC']} /c exit #{exit_status}} end exit_status end module_function :wait_process def get_current_process # this pseudo-handle does not require closing per MSDN docs GetCurrentProcess() end module_function :get_current_process def open_process_token(handle, desired_access, &block) token_handle = nil begin FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:handle, 1) do |token_handle_ptr| result = OpenProcessToken(handle, desired_access, token_handle_ptr) if result == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "OpenProcessToken(#{handle}, #{desired_access.to_s(8)}, #{token_handle_ptr})") end yield token_handle = token_handle_ptr.read_handle end token_handle ensure FFI::WIN32.CloseHandle(token_handle) if token_handle end # token_handle has had CloseHandle called against it, so nothing to return nil end module_function :open_process_token # Execute a block with the current process token def with_process_token(access, &block) handle = get_current_process open_process_token(handle, access) do |token_handle| yield token_handle end # all handles have been closed, so nothing to safely return nil end module_function :with_process_token def lookup_privilege_value(name, system_name = '', &block) FFI::MemoryPointer.new(LUID.size) do |luid_ptr| result = LookupPrivilegeValueW( wide_string(system_name), wide_string(name.to_s), luid_ptr ) if result == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "LookupPrivilegeValue(#{system_name}, #{name}, #{luid_ptr})") end yield LUID.new(luid_ptr) end # the underlying MemoryPointer for LUID is cleaned up by this point nil end module_function :lookup_privilege_value def get_token_information(token_handle, token_information, &block) # to determine buffer size FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:dword, 1) do |return_length_ptr| result = GetTokenInformation(token_handle, token_information, nil, 0, return_length_ptr) return_length = return_length_ptr.read_dword if return_length <= 0 raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "GetTokenInformation(#{token_handle}, #{token_information}, nil, 0, #{return_length_ptr})") end # re-call API with properly sized buffer for all results FFI::MemoryPointer.new(return_length) do |token_information_buf| result = GetTokenInformation(token_handle, token_information, token_information_buf, return_length, return_length_ptr) if result == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "GetTokenInformation(#{token_handle}, #{token_information}, #{token_information_buf}, " + "#{return_length}, #{return_length_ptr})") end yield token_information_buf end end # GetTokenInformation buffer has been cleaned up by this point, nothing to return nil end module_function :get_token_information def parse_token_information_as_token_privileges(token_information_buf) raw_privileges = TOKEN_PRIVILEGES.new(token_information_buf) privileges = { :count => raw_privileges[:PrivilegeCount], :privileges => [] } offset = token_information_buf + TOKEN_PRIVILEGES.offset_of(:Privileges) privilege_ptr = FFI::Pointer.new(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, offset) # extract each instance of LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES 0.upto(privileges[:count] - 1) do |i| privileges[:privileges] << LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.new(privilege_ptr[i]) end privileges end module_function :parse_token_information_as_token_privileges def parse_token_information_as_token_elevation(token_information_buf) TOKEN_ELEVATION.new(token_information_buf) end module_function :parse_token_information_as_token_elevation TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS = 0xF01FF ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE = 1313 def process_privilege_symlink? privilege_symlink = false handle = get_current_process open_process_token(handle, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS) do |token_handle| lookup_privilege_value('SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege') do |luid| get_token_information(token_handle, :TokenPrivileges) do |token_info| token_privileges = parse_token_information_as_token_privileges(token_info) privilege_symlink = token_privileges[:privileges].any? { |p| p[:Luid].values == luid.values } end end end privilege_symlink rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e if e.code == ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE false # pre-Vista else raise e end end module_function :process_privilege_symlink? TOKEN_QUERY = 0x0008 # Returns whether or not the owner of the current process is running # with elevated security privileges. # # Only supported on Windows Vista or later. # def elevated_security? # default / pre-Vista elevated = false handle = nil begin handle = get_current_process open_process_token(handle, TOKEN_QUERY) do |token_handle| get_token_information(token_handle, :TokenElevation) do |token_info| token_elevation = parse_token_information_as_token_elevation(token_info) # TokenIsElevated member of the TOKEN_ELEVATION struct elevated = token_elevation[:TokenIsElevated] != 0 end end elevated rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e raise e if e.code != ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE ensure FFI::WIN32.CloseHandle(handle) if handle end end module_function :elevated_security? def windows_major_version ver = 0 FFI::MemoryPointer.new(OSVERSIONINFO.size) do |os_version_ptr| os_version = OSVERSIONINFO.new(os_version_ptr) os_version[:dwOSVersionInfoSize] = OSVERSIONINFO.size result = GetVersionExW(os_version_ptr) if result == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("GetVersionEx failed")) end ver = os_version[:dwMajorVersion] end ver end module_function :windows_major_version # Returns a hash of the current environment variables encoded as UTF-8 # The memory block returned from GetEnvironmentStringsW is double-null terminated and the vars are paired as below; # Var1=Value1\0 # Var2=Value2\0 # VarX=ValueX\0\0 # Note - Some env variable names start with '=' and are excluded from the return value # Note - The env_ptr MUST be freed using the FreeEnvironmentStringsW function # Note - There is no technical limitation to the size of the environment block returned. # However a pracitcal limit of 64K is used as no single environment variable can exceed 32KB def get_environment_strings env_ptr = GetEnvironmentStringsW() # pass :invalid => :replace to the Ruby String#encode to use replacement characters pairs = env_ptr.read_arbitrary_wide_string_up_to(65534, :double_null, { :invalid => :replace }) .split(?\x00) .reject { |env_str| env_str.nil? || env_str.empty? || env_str[0] == '=' } .reject do |env_str| # reject any string containing the Unicode replacement character if env_str.include?("\uFFFD") Puppet.warning("Discarding environment variable #{env_str} which contains invalid bytes") true end end .map { |env_pair| env_pair.split('=', 2) } Hash[ pairs ] ensure if env_ptr && ! env_ptr.null? if FreeEnvironmentStringsW(env_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE Puppet.debug "FreeEnvironmentStringsW memory leak" end end end module_function :get_environment_strings def set_environment_variable(name, val) raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error(_('environment variable name must not be nil or empty')) if ! name || name.empty? FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string_to_wide_string(name) do |name_ptr| if (val.nil?) if SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_ptr, FFI::MemoryPointer::NULL) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("Failed to remove environment variable: %{name}") % { name: name }) end else FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string_to_wide_string(val) do |val_ptr| if SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_ptr, val_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("Failed to set environment variable: %{name}") % { name: name }) end end end end end module_function :set_environment_variable def get_system_default_ui_language GetSystemDefaultUILanguage() end module_function :get_system_default_ui_language # Returns whether or not the OS has the ability to set elevated # token information. # # Returns true on Windows Vista or later, otherwise false # def supports_elevated_security? windows_major_version >= 6 end module_function :supports_elevated_security? ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0008000 BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0004000 HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0000080 IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0000040 NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0000020 REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x0000010 ffi_convention :stdcall # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687032(v=vs.85).aspx # DWORD WINAPI WaitForSingleObject( # _In_ HANDLE hHandle, # _In_ DWORD dwMilliseconds # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :WaitForSingleObject, [:handle, :dword], :dword # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683189(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI GetExitCodeProcess( # _In_ HANDLE hProcess, # _Out_ LPDWORD lpExitCode # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetExitCodeProcess, [:handle, :lpdword], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683179(v=vs.85).aspx # HANDLE WINAPI GetCurrentProcess(void); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetCurrentProcess, [], :handle # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683187(v=vs.85).aspx # LPTCH GetEnvironmentStrings(void); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetEnvironmentStringsW, [], :pointer # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683151(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL FreeEnvironmentStrings( # _In_ LPTCH lpszEnvironmentBlock # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :FreeEnvironmentStringsW, [:pointer], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686206(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI SetEnvironmentVariableW( # _In_ LPCTSTR lpName, # _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpValue # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :SetEnvironmentVariableW, [:lpcwstr, :lpcwstr], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379295(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI OpenProcessToken( # _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, # _In_ DWORD DesiredAccess, # _Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :OpenProcessToken, [:handle, :dword, :phandle], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379261(v=vs.85).aspx # typedef struct _LUID { # DWORD LowPart; # LONG HighPart; # } LUID, *PLUID; class LUID < FFI::Struct layout :LowPart, :dword, :HighPart, :win32_long end # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Windows/desktop/aa379180(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI LookupPrivilegeValue( # _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpSystemName, # _In_ LPCTSTR lpName, # _Out_ PLUID lpLuid # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :LookupPrivilegeValueW, [:lpcwstr, :lpcwstr, :pointer], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379626(v=vs.85).aspx TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS = enum( :TokenUser, 1, :TokenGroups, :TokenPrivileges, :TokenOwner, :TokenPrimaryGroup, :TokenDefaultDacl, :TokenSource, :TokenType, :TokenImpersonationLevel, :TokenStatistics, :TokenRestrictedSids, :TokenSessionId, :TokenGroupsAndPrivileges, :TokenSessionReference, :TokenSandBoxInert, :TokenAuditPolicy, :TokenOrigin, :TokenElevationType, :TokenLinkedToken, :TokenElevation, :TokenHasRestrictions, :TokenAccessInformation, :TokenVirtualizationAllowed, :TokenVirtualizationEnabled, :TokenIntegrityLevel, :TokenUIAccess, :TokenMandatoryPolicy, :TokenLogonSid, :TokenIsAppContainer, :TokenCapabilities, :TokenAppContainerSid, :TokenAppContainerNumber, :TokenUserClaimAttributes, :TokenDeviceClaimAttributes, :TokenRestrictedUserClaimAttributes, :TokenRestrictedDeviceClaimAttributes, :TokenDeviceGroups, :TokenRestrictedDeviceGroups, :TokenSecurityAttributes, :TokenIsRestricted, :MaxTokenInfoClass ) # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379263(v=vs.85).aspx # typedef struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { # LUID Luid; # DWORD Attributes; # } LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, *PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES; class LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES < FFI::Struct layout :Luid, LUID, :Attributes, :dword end # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379630(v=vs.85).aspx # typedef struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES { # DWORD PrivilegeCount; # LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privileges[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; # } TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, *PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES; class TOKEN_PRIVILEGES < FFI::Struct layout :PrivilegeCount, :dword, :Privileges, [LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, 1] # placeholder for offset end # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb530717(v=vs.85).aspx # typedef struct _TOKEN_ELEVATION { # DWORD TokenIsElevated; # } TOKEN_ELEVATION, *PTOKEN_ELEVATION; class TOKEN_ELEVATION < FFI::Struct layout :TokenIsElevated, :dword end # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa446671(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI GetTokenInformation( # _In_ HANDLE TokenHandle, # _In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, # _Out_opt_ LPVOID TokenInformation, # _In_ DWORD TokenInformationLength, # _Out_ PDWORD ReturnLength # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :GetTokenInformation, [:handle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, :lpvoid, :dword, :pdword ], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724834%28v=vs.85%29.aspx # typedef struct _OSVERSIONINFO { # DWORD dwOSVersionInfoSize; # DWORD dwMajorVersion; # DWORD dwMinorVersion; # DWORD dwBuildNumber; # DWORD dwPlatformId; # TCHAR szCSDVersion[128]; # } OSVERSIONINFO; class OSVERSIONINFO < FFI::Struct layout( :dwOSVersionInfoSize, :dword, :dwMajorVersion, :dword, :dwMinorVersion, :dword, :dwBuildNumber, :dword, :dwPlatformId, :dword, :szCSDVersion, [:wchar, 128] ) end # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724451(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI GetVersionEx( # _Inout_ LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetVersionExW, [:pointer], :win32_bool # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd318123(v=vs.85).aspx # LANGID GetSystemDefaultUILanguage(void); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetSystemDefaultUILanguage, [], :word end
require 'rails_helper' describe 'Form Submission with Enter Key', js: true do before do login draft = create(:empty_variable_draft, user: User.where(urs_uid: 'testuser').first) visit edit_variable_draft_path(draft) end context 'when pressing enter on a form' do before do fill_in 'Name', with: 'Name' page.find('#variable_draft_draft_name').native.send_keys(:enter) end it 'does not submit the form' do expect(page).to have_no_content('This page has invalid data. Are you sure you want to save it and proceed?') end end end
require 'net/http' require 'cgi/util' require 'nokogiri' require 'xmlrpc/client' require 'zlib' require 'stringio' module Suby class Downloader DOWNLOADERS = [] def self.inherited(downloader) DOWNLOADERS << downloader end attr_reader :show, :season, :episode, :video_data, :file, :lang def initialize(file, *args) @file = file @lang = (args.last || 'en').to_sym @video_data = FilenameParser.parse(file) if video_data[:type] == :tvshow @show, @season, @episode = video_data.values_at(:show, :season, :episode) end end def support_video_type? self.class::SUBTITLE_TYPES.include? video_data[:type] end def to_s self.class.name.sub(/^.+::/, '') end def http @http ||= Net::HTTP.new(self.class::SITE).start end def xmlrpc @xmlrpc ||= XMLRPC::Client.new(self.class::XMLRPC_HOST, self.class::XMLRPC_PATH).tap do |xmlrpc| xmlrpc.http_header_extra = { 'accept-encoding' => 'identity' } if RbConfig::CONFIG['MAJOR'] == '2' end end def get(path, initheader = {}, parse_response = true) if host = URI.parse(path).host and host != self.class::SITE raise DownloaderError, "Cross-Origin request not supported yet (#{host})" end response = http.get(path, initheader) if parse_response unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response raise DownloaderError, "Invalid response for #{path}: #{response}" end response.body else response end end def post(path, data = {}, initheader = {}) post = Net::HTTP::Post.new(path, initheader) post.form_data = data response = http.request(post) unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response raise DownloaderError, "Invalid response for #{path}(#{data}): " + response.inspect end response.body end def get_redirection(path, initheader = {}) response = http.get(path, initheader) location = response['Location'] unless (Net::HTTPFound === response or Net::HTTPSuccess === response) and location raise DownloaderError, "Invalid response for #{path}: " + "#{response}: location: #{location.inspect}, #{response.body}" end location end def download begin extract download_url rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, RuntimeError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError => error raise Suby::DownloaderError, error.message end end def subtitles(url_or_response = download_url) if Net::HTTPSuccess === url_or_response url_or_response.body else get(url_or_response) end end def extract(url_or_response) contents = subtitles(url_or_response) http.finish format = self.class::FORMAT case format when :file # nothing special to do when :gz begin gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(StringIO.new(contents)) contents = gz.read ensure gz.close if gz end when :zip TEMP_ARCHIVE.write contents Suby.extract_sub_from_archive(TEMP_ARCHIVE, format, TEMP_SUBTITLES) contents = TEMP_SUBTITLES.read else raise "unknown subtitles format: #{format}" end sub_name(contents).write encode contents end def sub_name(contents) file.sub_ext sub_extension(contents) end def sub_extension(contents) if contents[0..10] =~ /1\r?\n/ 'srt' else 'sub' end end def imdbid @imdbid ||= begin nfo_file = find_nfo_file convert_to_utf8_from_latin1(nfo_file.read)[%r!imdb\.[^/]+/title/tt(\d+)!i, 1] if nfo_file end end def find_nfo_file @file.dir.children.find { |file| file.ext == "nfo" } end def convert_to_utf8_from_latin1(content) if content.valid_encoding? content else enc = content.encoding if content.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").valid_encoding? yield if block_given? content.encode("UTF-8") else # restore original encoding subtitles.force_encoding(enc) end end end def success_message "Found" end def encode(subtitles) if @lang == :fr convert_to_utf8_from_latin1(subtitles) do def self.success_message "#{super} (transcoded from ISO-8859-1)" end end else subtitles end end end end # Defines downloader order %w[ opensubtitles tvsubtitles addic7ed ].each { |downloader| require_relative "downloader/#{downloader}" }
class DiffSoFancy < Formula desc "Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more" homepage "https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy" url "https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy/archive/v0.9.3.tar.gz" sha256 "b057683f325874f2473ebfd90583083efc18253cd42fe8d16bcd25bbe426babb" bottle :unneeded def install # temporary fix until upstream uses a directory other # than lib for the perl script. inreplace "diff-so-fancy", "/lib/", "/libexec/" prefix.install "lib" => "libexec" prefix.install Dir["third_party", "diff-so-fancy"] bin.install_symlink prefix/"diff-so-fancy" end test do ENV["TERM"] = "xterm" system bin/"diff-so-fancy" end end
class TextItemHeaderMigrator < SimpleService def initialize(item) @item = item end def call return unless @item.is_a?(Item::TextItem) && @item.ops.present? @item.ops = modify_quill_ops @item.update_columns(data_content: @item.data_content) end private def modify_quill_ops ops = [] @item.ops.each_with_index do |op, i| op = Mashie.new(op) # this will be true on the newline, we actually want to apply size to the previous op header = op.attributes&.header # we are keeping h5 for the title style unless i.positive? && header.present? && header != 5 ops[i] = op next end size = op.attributes.header == 1 ? 'huge' : 'large' previous_op = Mashie.new(@item.ops[i - 1]) next if previous_op&.insert.nil? if previous_op.insert.include?("\n") # we have to split up the previous insert, move it to this op previous_op_split = previous_op.insert.split("\n") # pop the remainder off op.insert = "#{previous_op_split.pop}\n" previous_op.insert = "#{previous_op_split.join("\n")}\n" # modify current op (which would just be a "\n" for a quill header) op.attributes ||= {} op.attributes.size = size # add newline to the next op if @item.ops[i + 1].present? @item.ops[i + 1]['insert'].insert 0, "\n" else ops[i + 1] = { insert: "\n" } end else previous_op.attributes ||= {} previous_op.attributes.size = size end op.attributes.delete(:header) op.delete(:attributes) if op.attributes.empty? ops[i] = op ops[i - 1] = previous_op end ops rescue puts "error migrating item #{@item.id}" end end
# external dependencies require 'curses' require 'singleton' # internal dependencies require 'ascii_art/painter' require 'ascii_art/canvas' require 'ascii_art/brush' require 'ascii_art/printer' require 'ascii_art/scanner' module AsciiArt def self.start(filename=nil) Painter.new(filename).paint end def self.start_with_scan(load_file, print_file=nil) Painter.new(print_file).load_drawing(load_file) end end
class Awscli < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Official Amazon AWS command-line interface" homepage "https://aws.amazon.com/cli/" url "https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/archive/2.2.12.tar.gz" sha256 "4a7fe6f1be73d454b0f506de5ec9f9e78ead3cb04ad8c3b4f6087f9d102d65e6" license "Apache-2.0" head "https://github.com/aws/aws-cli.git", branch: "v2" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "348360e46249a7641c737245a22e838dfae0819e983b8bcd4554777a16165a53" sha256 big_sur: "d6fb3893dbc440cd466bccf330f0fba4101ed291dfd11d188ddbc022171bb65a" sha256 catalina: "edcadbdf33d436d118940c78c21fc28df82b626a76e10721407046ad81041519" sha256 mojave: "2236651ba2cfe8ff85dd9e5028e5189a939e54510aac8a8581a70f33a2f80278" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "python@3.9" uses_from_macos "groff" on_linux do depends_on "libyaml" end def install venv = virtualenv_create(libexec, "python3") system libexec/"bin/pip", "install", "-v", "-r", "requirements.txt", "--ignore-installed", buildpath system libexec/"bin/pip", "uninstall", "-y", "awscli" venv.pip_install_and_link buildpath system libexec/"bin/pip", "uninstall", "-y", "pyinstaller" pkgshare.install "awscli/examples" rm Dir["#{bin}/{aws.cmd,aws_bash_completer,aws_zsh_completer.sh}"] bash_completion.install "bin/aws_bash_completer" zsh_completion.install "bin/aws_zsh_completer.sh" (zsh_completion/"_aws").write <<~EOS #compdef aws _aws () { local e e=$(dirname ${funcsourcetrace[1]%:*})/aws_zsh_completer.sh if [[ -f $e ]]; then source $e; fi } EOS system libexec/"bin/python3", "scripts/gen-ac-index", "--include-builtin-index" end def caveats <<~EOS The "examples" directory has been installed to: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/awscli/examples EOS end test do assert_match "topics", shell_output("#{bin}/aws help") assert_includes Dir["#{libexec}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/awscli/data/*"], "#{libexec}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/awscli/data/ac.index" end end
class Itinerary < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :reservations has_many :meals has_many :activities has_many :hotels, through: :reservations has_many :attractions, through: :activities has_many :restaurants, through: :meals has_many :itinerary_items validates_presence_of :title, :user_id def date_range start_date = self.start_date.to_date end_date = self.end_date.to_date itinerary_dates = (start_date..end_date).map{|date|date.strftime("%B %d, %Y")} end def res_pins reservations = self.reservations.collect do |reservation, json| [reservation.id, reservation.hotel.name, reservation.hotel.address, reservation.hotel.latitude, reservation.hotel.longitude, "reservations"] end.to_json.html_safe end def meal_pins meal = self.meals.collect do |meal, json| [meal.id, meal.restaurant.name, meal.restaurant.address, meal.restaurant.latitude, meal.restaurant.longitude, "meals"] end.to_json.html_safe end def activity_pins activities = self.activities.collect do |activity, json| [activity.id, activity.attraction.name, activity.attraction.address, activity.attraction.latitude, activity.attraction.longitude, "activities"] end.to_json.html_safe end def itinerary_display_pic? if activities.first.nil? || activities.first.photos.first.nil? return false else return true end end def itinerary_item_photos photos = [] ["reservations", "meals", "activities"].each do |itinerary_item| itinerary_items = self.public_send(itinerary_item) itinerary_items.each do |t| t.public_send("photos").each do |photo| photos << photo.image end end end photos end def itinerary_waypoints way_points = [] ["reservations", "meals", "activities"].each do |itinerary_item| itinerary_items = self.public_send(itinerary_item) itinerary_items.each do |item| way_points << find_parent(item).public_send("address") + " | " end end way_points end def find_parent(item) if item.class == Reservation return item.public_send("hotel") elsif item.class == Meal return item.public_send("restaurant") elsif item.class == Activity return item.public_send("attraction") end end end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Hdinsight::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview module Models # # Defines values for PublicNetworkAccess # module PublicNetworkAccess InboundAndOutbound = "InboundAndOutbound" OutboundOnly = "OutboundOnly" end end end
require 'date' module MergetrainCheck class TraintableFormatter def initialize(max_length, firstname_only) @max_length = max_length @firstname_only = firstname_only end def format(body) values = [['St', 'Waiting', 'Running', 'MR', 'Pipe ID', 'User', 'Title']] values << spacer = nil previous_state = body.first['status'] body.each do |carriage| begin_time = date_from_string carriage['created_at'] pipeline_begin_time = date_from_string carriage['pipeline']['created_at'] end_time = carriage['merged_at'].nil? ? DateTime.now : date_from_string(carriage['merged_at']) is_finished_section = previous_state != carriage['status'] previous_state = carriage['status'] values << spacer if is_finished_section values << [pipeline_status(carriage['status']), pretty_date_difference(begin_time, pipeline_begin_time), pretty_date_difference(pipeline_begin_time, end_time), carriage['merge_request']['iid'], carriage['pipeline']['id'], @firstname_only ? carriage['user']['name'].split.first : carriage['user']['name'], truncate_string(carriage['merge_request']['title'], @max_length)] end header = '' if has_train_finished? body header = "\n ✋ 🚉 The train is at the station: There are currently no running merge trains!\n\n" end header + values.to_table end private def pipeline_status(status) return '🚂' if status == 'fresh' return '✅' if status == 'merged' status end def truncate_string(string, len) return string if string.length <= len "#{string[0...len]}..." end def date_from_string(datestring) DateTime.parse(datestring, '%Q') end def pretty_date_difference(from, to) (to.to_time - from.to_time).duration end def has_train_finished?(data) data.first['status'] != 'fresh' end end end class Array def to_table output = '' column_sizes = self.reduce([]) do |lengths, row| if row.nil? lengths else row.each_with_index.map{|iterand, index| [lengths[index] || 0, iterand.to_s.length + count_emojis(iterand.to_s)].max} end end output += head = '-' * (column_sizes.inject(&:+) + (3 * column_sizes.count) + 1) + "\n" self.each_with_index do |row, idx| if row.nil? row = column_sizes.map { |l| '-' * l } output += '| ' + row.join(' | ') + ' |' + "\n" else row = row.fill(nil, row.size..(column_sizes.size - 1)) row = row.each_with_index.map{|v, i| v = v.to_s + ' ' * (column_sizes[i] - v.to_s.length - count_emojis(v.to_s))} output += '| ' + row.join(' | ') + ' |' + "\n" end end output += head end private def count_emojis(string) string.scan(/[\u{1F300}-\u{1F5FF}|\u{1F1E6}-\u{1F1FF}|\u{2700}-\u{27BF}|\u{1F900}-\u{1F9FF}|\u{1F600}-\u{1F64F}|\u{1F680}-\u{1F6FF}|\u{2600}-\u{26FF}]/).length end end class Numeric def duration rest, secs = self.divmod( 60 ) # self is the time difference t2 - t1 rest, mins = rest.divmod( 60 ) days, hours = rest.divmod( 24 ) result = [] result << "#{days}D " if days > 0 result << "#{hours}h" if hours > 0 result << "#{mins}m" if mins > 0 result << "#{secs.to_i}s" if secs.to_i > 0 return result.join(' ') end end
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Kusto::Mgmt::V2019_11_09 module Models # # A principal assignment check name availability request. # class DatabasePrincipalAssignmentCheckNameRequest include MsRestAzure # @return [String] Principal Assignment resource name. attr_accessor :name # @return [String] The type of resource, # Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases/principalAssignments. Default value: # 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases/principalAssignments' . attr_accessor :type # # Mapper for DatabasePrincipalAssignmentCheckNameRequest class as Ruby # Hash. # This will be used for serialization/deserialization. # def self.mapper() { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'DatabasePrincipalAssignmentCheckNameRequest', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'DatabasePrincipalAssignmentCheckNameRequest', model_properties: { name: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, serialized_name: 'name', type: { name: 'String' } }, type: { client_side_validation: true, required: true, is_constant: true, serialized_name: 'type', default_value: 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases/principalAssignments', type: { name: 'String' } } } } } end end end end
e = 0.5 ##| ##| SARE JAHAN SE ACCHA play_pattern_timed [:F,:F,:E,:D,:E,:Db,:D,:D], [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e], amp: 2, sustain: 0 sleep 1 ##| ##| HINDOSTAN HAMARA HAMARAAA play_pattern_timed [ chord(:A, :minor), chord(:B, :minor) ,:D ,:E ,:F3 ,:G ,:F3 ,:F3 ,:E ,:G ,:F3 ,:E ,:D ,:Eb], [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e], amp: 2, sustain: 0 sleep 1 ##| HUM BULBULAIN HAI ISS KI play_pattern_timed [:F3, :G, :A ,:A ,:A ,:F3, :G ,:B ,:A], [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e], amp: 2, sustain: 0 sleep 1 ##| ##| SARE JAHAN SE ACCHA play_pattern_timed [:F,:F,:E,:D,:E,:Db,:D,:D], [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e], amp: 2, sustain: 0
require 'zlib' require 'abstract_unit' require 'active_support/ordered_options' class AssetTagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase tests ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper attr_reader :request def setup super @controller = BasicController.new @request = Class.new do attr_accessor :script_name def protocol() 'http://' end def ssl?() false end def host_with_port() 'localhost' end def base_url() 'http://www.example.com' end end.new @controller.request = @request end def url_for(*args) "http://www.example.com" end AssetPathToTag = { %(asset_path("foo")) => %(/foo), %(asset_path("style.css")) => %(/style.css), %(asset_path("xmlhr.js")) => %(/xmlhr.js), %(asset_path("xml.png")) => %(/xml.png), %(asset_path("dir/xml.png")) => %(/dir/xml.png), %(asset_path("/dir/xml.png")) => %(/dir/xml.png), %(asset_path("script.min")) => %(/script.min), %(asset_path("script.min.js")) => %(/script.min.js), %(asset_path("style.min")) => %(/style.min), %(asset_path("style.min.css")) => %(/style.min.css), %(asset_path("http://www.outside.com/image.jpg")) => %(http://www.outside.com/image.jpg), %(asset_path("HTTP://www.outside.com/image.jpg")) => %(HTTP://www.outside.com/image.jpg), %(asset_path("style", type: :stylesheet)) => %(/stylesheets/style.css), %(asset_path("xmlhr", type: :javascript)) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js), %(asset_path("xml.png", type: :image)) => %(/images/xml.png) } AutoDiscoveryToTag = { %(auto_discovery_link_tag) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss)) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom)) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="ATOM" type="application/atom+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, :action => "feed")) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, "http://localhost/feed")) => %(<link href="http://localhost/feed" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, "//localhost/feed")) => %(<link href="//localhost/feed" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {:action => "feed"}, {:title => "My RSS"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="My RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {}, {:title => "My RSS"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="My RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(nil, {}, {:type => "text/html"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="" type="text/html" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(nil, {}, {:title => "No stream.. really", :type => "text/html"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="No stream.. really" type="text/html" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {}, {:title => "My RSS", :type => "text/html"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="alternate" title="My RSS" type="text/html" />), %(auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, {}, {:rel => "Not so alternate"})) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com" rel="Not so alternate" title="ATOM" type="application/atom+xml" />), } JavascriptPathToTag = { %(javascript_path("xmlhr")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js), %(javascript_path("super/xmlhr")) => %(/javascripts/super/xmlhr.js), %(javascript_path("/super/xmlhr.js")) => %(/super/xmlhr.js), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.min")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.min.js), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.min.js")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.min.js), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.js?123")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js?123), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.js?body=1")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js?body=1), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.js#hash")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js#hash), %(javascript_path("xmlhr.js?123#hash")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js?123#hash) } PathToJavascriptToTag = { %(path_to_javascript("xmlhr")) => %(/javascripts/xmlhr.js), %(path_to_javascript("super/xmlhr")) => %(/javascripts/super/xmlhr.js), %(path_to_javascript("/super/xmlhr.js")) => %(/super/xmlhr.js) } JavascriptUrlToTag = { %(javascript_url("xmlhr")) => %(http://www.example.com/javascripts/xmlhr.js), %(javascript_url("super/xmlhr")) => %(http://www.example.com/javascripts/super/xmlhr.js), %(javascript_url("/super/xmlhr.js")) => %(http://www.example.com/super/xmlhr.js) } UrlToJavascriptToTag = { %(url_to_javascript("xmlhr")) => %(http://www.example.com/javascripts/xmlhr.js), %(url_to_javascript("super/xmlhr")) => %(http://www.example.com/javascripts/super/xmlhr.js), %(url_to_javascript("/super/xmlhr.js")) => %(http://www.example.com/super/xmlhr.js) } JavascriptIncludeToTag = { %(javascript_include_tag("bank")) => %(<script src="/javascripts/bank.js" ></script>), %(javascript_include_tag("bank.js")) => %(<script src="/javascripts/bank.js" ></script>), %(javascript_include_tag("bank", :lang => "vbscript")) => %(<script lang="vbscript" src="/javascripts/bank.js" ></script>), %(javascript_include_tag("http://example.com/all")) => %(<script src="http://example.com/all"></script>), %(javascript_include_tag("http://example.com/all.js")) => %(<script src="http://example.com/all.js"></script>), %(javascript_include_tag("//example.com/all.js")) => %(<script src="//example.com/all.js"></script>), } StylePathToTag = { %(stylesheet_path("bank")) => %(/stylesheets/bank.css), %(stylesheet_path("bank.css")) => %(/stylesheets/bank.css), %(stylesheet_path('subdir/subdir')) => %(/stylesheets/subdir/subdir.css), %(stylesheet_path('/subdir/subdir.css')) => %(/subdir/subdir.css), %(stylesheet_path("style.min")) => %(/stylesheets/style.min.css), %(stylesheet_path("style.min.css")) => %(/stylesheets/style.min.css) } PathToStyleToTag = { %(path_to_stylesheet("style")) => %(/stylesheets/style.css), %(path_to_stylesheet("style.css")) => %(/stylesheets/style.css), %(path_to_stylesheet('dir/file')) => %(/stylesheets/dir/file.css), %(path_to_stylesheet('/dir/file.rcss', :extname => false)) => %(/dir/file.rcss), %(path_to_stylesheet('/dir/file', :extname => '.rcss')) => %(/dir/file.rcss) } StyleUrlToTag = { %(stylesheet_url("bank")) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/bank.css), %(stylesheet_url("bank.css")) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/bank.css), %(stylesheet_url('subdir/subdir')) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/subdir/subdir.css), %(stylesheet_url('/subdir/subdir.css')) => %(http://www.example.com/subdir/subdir.css) } UrlToStyleToTag = { %(url_to_stylesheet("style")) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/style.css), %(url_to_stylesheet("style.css")) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/style.css), %(url_to_stylesheet('dir/file')) => %(http://www.example.com/stylesheets/dir/file.css), %(url_to_stylesheet('/dir/file.rcss', :extname => false)) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/file.rcss), %(url_to_stylesheet('/dir/file', :extname => '.rcss')) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/file.rcss) } StyleLinkToTag = { %(stylesheet_link_tag("bank")) => %(<link href="/stylesheets/bank.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("bank.css")) => %(<link href="/stylesheets/bank.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("/elsewhere/file")) => %(<link href="/elsewhere/file.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("subdir/subdir")) => %(<link href="/stylesheets/subdir/subdir.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("bank", :media => "all")) => %(<link href="/stylesheets/bank.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("http://www.example.com/styles/style")) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com/styles/style" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("http://www.example.com/styles/style.css")) => %(<link href="http://www.example.com/styles/style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), %(stylesheet_link_tag("//www.example.com/styles/style.css")) => %(<link href="//www.example.com/styles/style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), } ImagePathToTag = { %(image_path("xml")) => %(/images/xml), %(image_path("xml.png")) => %(/images/xml.png), %(image_path("dir/xml.png")) => %(/images/dir/xml.png), %(image_path("/dir/xml.png")) => %(/dir/xml.png) } PathToImageToTag = { %(path_to_image("xml")) => %(/images/xml), %(path_to_image("xml.png")) => %(/images/xml.png), %(path_to_image("dir/xml.png")) => %(/images/dir/xml.png), %(path_to_image("/dir/xml.png")) => %(/dir/xml.png) } ImageUrlToTag = { %(image_url("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/xml), %(image_url("xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/xml.png), %(image_url("dir/xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/dir/xml.png), %(image_url("/dir/xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.png) } UrlToImageToTag = { %(url_to_image("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/xml), %(url_to_image("xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/xml.png), %(url_to_image("dir/xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/images/dir/xml.png), %(url_to_image("/dir/xml.png")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.png) } ImageLinkToTag = { %(image_tag("xml.png")) => %(<img alt="Xml" src="/images/xml.png" />), %(image_tag("rss.gif", :alt => "rss syndication")) => %(<img alt="rss syndication" src="/images/rss.gif" />), %(image_tag("gold.png", :size => "20")) => %(<img alt="Gold" height="20" src="/images/gold.png" width="20" />), %(image_tag("gold.png", :size => "45x70")) => %(<img alt="Gold" height="70" src="/images/gold.png" width="45" />), %(image_tag("gold.png", "size" => "45x70")) => %(<img alt="Gold" height="70" src="/images/gold.png" width="45" />), %(image_tag("error.png", "size" => "45 x 70")) => %(<img alt="Error" src="/images/error.png" />), %(image_tag("error.png", "size" => "x")) => %(<img alt="Error" src="/images/error.png" />), %(image_tag("google.com.png")) => %(<img alt="Google.com" src="/images/google.com.png" />), %(image_tag("slash..png")) => %(<img alt="Slash." src="/images/slash..png" />), %(image_tag(".pdf.png")) => %(<img alt=".pdf" src="/images/.pdf.png" />), %(image_tag("http://www.rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png")) => %(<img alt="Rails" src="http://www.rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" />), %(image_tag("//www.rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png")) => %(<img alt="Rails" src="//www.rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" />), %(image_tag("mouse.png", :alt => nil)) => %(<img src="/images/mouse.png" />), %(image_tag("", :alt => nil)) => %(<img src="" />), %(image_tag("")) => %(<img src="" />) } FaviconLinkToTag = { %(favicon_link_tag) => %(<link href="/images/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />), %(favicon_link_tag 'favicon.ico') => %(<link href="/images/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />), %(favicon_link_tag 'favicon.ico', :rel => 'foo') => %(<link href="/images/favicon.ico" rel="foo" type="image/x-icon" />), %(favicon_link_tag 'favicon.ico', :rel => 'foo', :type => 'bar') => %(<link href="/images/favicon.ico" rel="foo" type="bar" />), %(favicon_link_tag 'mb-icon.png', :rel => 'apple-touch-icon', :type => 'image/png') => %(<link href="/images/mb-icon.png" rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" />) } VideoPathToTag = { %(video_path("xml")) => %(/videos/xml), %(video_path("xml.ogg")) => %(/videos/xml.ogg), %(video_path("dir/xml.ogg")) => %(/videos/dir/xml.ogg), %(video_path("/dir/xml.ogg")) => %(/dir/xml.ogg) } PathToVideoToTag = { %(path_to_video("xml")) => %(/videos/xml), %(path_to_video("xml.ogg")) => %(/videos/xml.ogg), %(path_to_video("dir/xml.ogg")) => %(/videos/dir/xml.ogg), %(path_to_video("/dir/xml.ogg")) => %(/dir/xml.ogg) } VideoUrlToTag = { %(video_url("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/xml), %(video_url("xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/xml.ogg), %(video_url("dir/xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/dir/xml.ogg), %(video_url("/dir/xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.ogg) } UrlToVideoToTag = { %(url_to_video("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/xml), %(url_to_video("xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/xml.ogg), %(url_to_video("dir/xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/videos/dir/xml.ogg), %(url_to_video("/dir/xml.ogg")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.ogg) } VideoLinkToTag = { %(video_tag("xml.ogg")) => %(<video src="/videos/xml.ogg"></video>), %(video_tag("rss.m4v", :autoplay => true, :controls => true)) => %(<video autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" src="/videos/rss.m4v"></video>), %(video_tag("rss.m4v", :autobuffer => true)) => %(<video autobuffer="autobuffer" src="/videos/rss.m4v"></video>), %(video_tag("gold.m4v", :size => "160x120")) => %(<video height="120" src="/videos/gold.m4v" width="160"></video>), %(video_tag("gold.m4v", "size" => "320x240")) => %(<video height="240" src="/videos/gold.m4v" width="320"></video>), %(video_tag("trailer.ogg", :poster => "screenshot.png")) => %(<video poster="/images/screenshot.png" src="/videos/trailer.ogg"></video>), %(video_tag("error.avi", "size" => "100")) => %(<video height="100" src="/videos/error.avi" width="100"></video>), %(video_tag("error.avi", "size" => "100 x 100")) => %(<video src="/videos/error.avi"></video>), %(video_tag("error.avi", "size" => "x")) => %(<video src="/videos/error.avi"></video>), %(video_tag("http://media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_blog_2.mov")) => %(<video src="http://media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_blog_2.mov"></video>), %(video_tag("//media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_blog_2.mov")) => %(<video src="//media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_blog_2.mov"></video>), %(video_tag("multiple.ogg", "multiple.avi")) => %(<video><source src="/videos/multiple.ogg" /><source src="/videos/multiple.avi" /></video>), %(video_tag(["multiple.ogg", "multiple.avi"])) => %(<video><source src="/videos/multiple.ogg" /><source src="/videos/multiple.avi" /></video>), %(video_tag(["multiple.ogg", "multiple.avi"], :size => "160x120", :controls => true)) => %(<video controls="controls" height="120" width="160"><source src="/videos/multiple.ogg" /><source src="/videos/multiple.avi" /></video>) } AudioPathToTag = { %(audio_path("xml")) => %(/audios/xml), %(audio_path("xml.wav")) => %(/audios/xml.wav), %(audio_path("dir/xml.wav")) => %(/audios/dir/xml.wav), %(audio_path("/dir/xml.wav")) => %(/dir/xml.wav) } PathToAudioToTag = { %(path_to_audio("xml")) => %(/audios/xml), %(path_to_audio("xml.wav")) => %(/audios/xml.wav), %(path_to_audio("dir/xml.wav")) => %(/audios/dir/xml.wav), %(path_to_audio("/dir/xml.wav")) => %(/dir/xml.wav) } AudioUrlToTag = { %(audio_url("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/xml), %(audio_url("xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/xml.wav), %(audio_url("dir/xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/dir/xml.wav), %(audio_url("/dir/xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.wav) } UrlToAudioToTag = { %(url_to_audio("xml")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/xml), %(url_to_audio("xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/xml.wav), %(url_to_audio("dir/xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/audios/dir/xml.wav), %(url_to_audio("/dir/xml.wav")) => %(http://www.example.com/dir/xml.wav) } AudioLinkToTag = { %(audio_tag("xml.wav")) => %(<audio src="/audios/xml.wav"></audio>), %(audio_tag("rss.wav", :autoplay => true, :controls => true)) => %(<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" src="/audios/rss.wav"></audio>), %(audio_tag("http://media.rubyonrails.org/audio/rails_blog_2.mov")) => %(<audio src="http://media.rubyonrails.org/audio/rails_blog_2.mov"></audio>), %(audio_tag("//media.rubyonrails.org/audio/rails_blog_2.mov")) => %(<audio src="//media.rubyonrails.org/audio/rails_blog_2.mov"></audio>), %(audio_tag("audio.mp3", "audio.ogg")) => %(<audio><source src="/audios/audio.mp3" /><source src="/audios/audio.ogg" /></audio>), %(audio_tag(["audio.mp3", "audio.ogg"])) => %(<audio><source src="/audios/audio.mp3" /><source src="/audios/audio.ogg" /></audio>), %(audio_tag(["audio.mp3", "audio.ogg"], :autobuffer => true, :controls => true)) => %(<audio autobuffer="autobuffer" controls="controls"><source src="/audios/audio.mp3" /><source src="/audios/audio.ogg" /></audio>) } FontPathToTag = { %(font_path("font.eot")) => %(/fonts/font.eot), %(font_path("font.eot#iefix")) => %(/fonts/font.eot#iefix), %(font_path("font.woff")) => %(/fonts/font.woff), %(font_path("font.ttf")) => %(/fonts/font.ttf), %(font_path("font.ttf?123")) => %(/fonts/font.ttf?123) } def test_autodiscovery_link_tag_with_unknown_type_but_not_pass_type_option_key assert_raise(ArgumentError) do auto_discovery_link_tag(:xml) end end def test_autodiscovery_link_tag_with_unknown_type result = auto_discovery_link_tag(:xml, '/feed.xml', :type => 'application/xml') expected = %(<link href="/feed.xml" rel="alternate" title="XML" type="application/xml" />) assert_equal expected, result end def test_asset_path_tag AssetPathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_asset_path_tag_to_not_create_duplicate_slashes @controller.config.asset_host = "host/" assert_dom_equal('http://host/foo', asset_path("foo")) @controller.config.relative_url_root = '/some/root/' assert_dom_equal('http://host/some/root/foo', asset_path("foo")) end def test_compute_asset_public_path assert_equal "/robots.txt", compute_asset_path("robots.txt") assert_equal "/robots.txt", compute_asset_path("/robots.txt") assert_equal "/javascripts/foo.js", compute_asset_path("foo.js", :type => :javascript) assert_equal "/javascripts/foo.js", compute_asset_path("/foo.js", :type => :javascript) assert_equal "/stylesheets/foo.css", compute_asset_path("foo.css", :type => :stylesheet) end def test_auto_discovery_link_tag AutoDiscoveryToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_javascript_path JavascriptPathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_path_to_javascript_alias_for_javascript_path PathToJavascriptToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_javascript_url JavascriptUrlToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_url_to_javascript_alias_for_javascript_url UrlToJavascriptToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_javascript_include_tag JavascriptIncludeToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_javascript_include_tag_with_missing_source assert_nothing_raised { javascript_include_tag('missing_security_guard') } assert_nothing_raised { javascript_include_tag('http://example.com/css/missing_security_guard') } end def test_javascript_include_tag_is_html_safe assert javascript_include_tag("prototype").html_safe? end def test_javascript_include_tag_relative_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal %(<script src="//assets.example.com/javascripts/prototype.js"></script>), javascript_include_tag('prototype', protocol: :relative) end def test_javascript_include_tag_default_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" @controller.config.default_asset_host_protocol = :relative assert_dom_equal %(<script src="//assets.example.com/javascripts/prototype.js"></script>), javascript_include_tag('prototype') end def test_stylesheet_path StylePathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_path_to_stylesheet_alias_for_stylesheet_path PathToStyleToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_stylesheet_url StyleUrlToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_url_to_stylesheet_alias_for_stylesheet_url UrlToStyleToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_stylesheet_link_tag StyleLinkToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_with_missing_source assert_nothing_raised { stylesheet_link_tag('missing_security_guard') } assert_nothing_raised { stylesheet_link_tag('http://example.com/css/missing_security_guard') } end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_is_html_safe assert stylesheet_link_tag('dir/file').html_safe? assert stylesheet_link_tag('dir/other/file', 'dir/file2').html_safe? end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_escapes_options assert_dom_equal %(<link href="/file.css" media="&lt;script&gt;" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag('/file', :media => '<script>') end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_should_not_output_the_same_asset_twice assert_dom_equal %(<link href="/stylesheets/wellington.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />\n<link href="/stylesheets/amsterdam.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag('wellington', 'wellington', 'amsterdam') end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_with_relative_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal %(<link href="//assets.example.com/stylesheets/wellington.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag('wellington', protocol: :relative) end def test_stylesheet_link_tag_with_default_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" @controller.config.default_asset_host_protocol = :relative assert_dom_equal %(<link href="//assets.example.com/stylesheets/wellington.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag('wellington') end def test_image_path ImagePathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_path_to_image_alias_for_image_path PathToImageToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_image_url ImageUrlToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_url_to_image_alias_for_image_url UrlToImageToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_image_alt [nil, '/', '/foo/bar/', 'foo/bar/'].each do |prefix| assert_equal 'Rails', image_alt("#{prefix}rails.png") assert_equal 'Rails', image_alt("#{prefix}rails-9c0a079bdd7701d7e729bd956823d153.png") assert_equal 'Long file name with hyphens', image_alt("#{prefix}long-file-name-with-hyphens.png") assert_equal 'Long file name with underscores', image_alt("#{prefix}long_file_name_with_underscores.png") end end def test_image_tag ImageLinkToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_image_tag_does_not_modify_options options = {:size => '16x10'} image_tag('icon', options) assert_equal({:size => '16x10'}, options) end def test_favicon_link_tag FaviconLinkToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_video_path VideoPathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_path_to_video_alias_for_video_path PathToVideoToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_video_url VideoUrlToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_url_to_video_alias_for_video_url UrlToVideoToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_video_tag VideoLinkToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_audio_path AudioPathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_path_to_audio_alias_for_audio_path PathToAudioToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_audio_url AudioUrlToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_url_to_audio_alias_for_audio_url UrlToAudioToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_audio_tag AudioLinkToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_font_path FontPathToTag.each { |method, tag| assert_dom_equal(tag, eval(method)) } end def test_video_audio_tag_does_not_modify_options options = {:autoplay => true} video_tag('video', options) assert_equal({:autoplay => true}, options) audio_tag('audio', options) assert_equal({:autoplay => true}, options) end def test_image_tag_interpreting_email_cid_correctly # An inline image has no need for an alt tag to be automatically generated from the cid: assert_equal '<img src="cid:thi%25%25sis@acontentid" />', image_tag("cid:thi%25%25sis@acontentid") end def test_image_tag_interpreting_email_adding_optional_alt_tag assert_equal '<img alt="Image" src="cid:thi%25%25sis@acontentid" />', image_tag("cid:thi%25%25sis@acontentid", :alt => "Image") end def test_should_not_modify_source_string source = '/images/rails.png' copy = source.dup image_tag(source) assert_equal copy, source end def test_image_path_with_asset_host_proc_returning_nil @controller.config.asset_host = Proc.new do |source| unless source.end_with?("tiff") "cdn.example.com" end end assert_equal "/images/file.tiff", image_path("file.tiff") assert_equal "http://cdn.example.com/images/file.png", image_path("file.png") end def test_caching_image_path_with_caching_and_proc_asset_host_using_request @controller.config.asset_host = Proc.new do |source, request| if request.ssl? "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" else "#{request.protocol}assets#{source.length}.example.com" end end @controller.request.stubs(:ssl?).returns(false) assert_equal "http://assets15.example.com/images/xml.png", image_path("xml.png") @controller.request.stubs(:ssl?).returns(true) assert_equal "http://localhost/images/xml.png", image_path("xml.png") end end class AssetTagHelperNonVhostTest < ActionView::TestCase tests ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper attr_reader :request def setup super @controller = BasicController.new @controller.config.relative_url_root = "/collaboration/hieraki" @request = Struct.new(:protocol, :base_url).new("gopher://", "gopher://www.example.com") @controller.request = @request end def url_for(options) "http://www.example.com/collaboration/hieraki" end def test_should_compute_proper_path assert_dom_equal(%(<link href="http://www.example.com/collaboration/hieraki" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), auto_discovery_link_tag) assert_dom_equal(%(/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/xmlhr.js), javascript_path("xmlhr")) assert_dom_equal(%(/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/style.css), stylesheet_path("style")) assert_dom_equal(%(/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_path("xml.png")) end def test_should_return_nothing_if_asset_host_isnt_configured assert_equal nil, compute_asset_host("foo") end def test_should_current_request_host_is_always_returned_for_request assert_equal "gopher://www.example.com", compute_asset_host("foo", :protocol => :request) end def test_should_ignore_relative_root_path_on_complete_url assert_dom_equal(%(http://www.example.com/images/xml.png), image_path("http://www.example.com/images/xml.png")) end def test_should_return_simple_string_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_equal "gopher://assets.example.com", compute_asset_host("foo") end def test_should_return_relative_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_equal "//assets.example.com", compute_asset_host("foo", :protocol => :relative) end def test_should_return_custom_protocol_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_equal "ftp://assets.example.com", compute_asset_host("foo", :protocol => "ftp") end def test_should_compute_proper_path_with_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal(%(<link href="http://www.example.com/collaboration/hieraki" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), auto_discovery_link_tag) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/xmlhr.js), javascript_path("xmlhr")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/style.css), stylesheet_path("style")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_path("xml.png")) end def test_should_compute_proper_path_with_asset_host_and_default_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" @controller.config.default_asset_host_protocol = :request assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/xmlhr.js), javascript_path("xmlhr")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/style.css), stylesheet_path("style")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_path("xml.png")) end def test_should_compute_proper_url_with_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal(%(<link href="http://www.example.com/collaboration/hieraki" rel="alternate" title="RSS" type="application/rss+xml" />), auto_discovery_link_tag) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/xmlhr.js), javascript_url("xmlhr")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/style.css), stylesheet_url("style")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_url("xml.png")) end def test_should_compute_proper_url_with_asset_host_and_default_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "assets.example.com" @controller.config.default_asset_host_protocol = :request assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/xmlhr.js), javascript_url("xmlhr")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/style.css), stylesheet_url("style")) assert_dom_equal(%(gopher://assets.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_url("xml.png")) end def test_should_return_asset_host_with_protocol @controller.config.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com" assert_equal "http://assets.example.com", compute_asset_host("foo") end def test_should_ignore_asset_host_on_complete_url @controller.config.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal(%(<link href="http://bar.example.com/stylesheets/style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag("http://bar.example.com/stylesheets/style.css")) end def test_should_ignore_asset_host_on_scheme_relative_url @controller.config.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com" assert_dom_equal(%(<link href="//bar.example.com/stylesheets/style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />), stylesheet_link_tag("//bar.example.com/stylesheets/style.css")) end def test_should_wildcard_asset_host @controller.config.asset_host = 'http://a%d.example.com' assert_match(%r(http://a[0123].example.com), compute_asset_host("foo")) end def test_should_wildcard_asset_host_between_zero_and_four @controller.config.asset_host = 'http://a%d.example.com' assert_match(%r(http://a[0123].example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_path('xml.png')) assert_match(%r(http://a[0123].example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png), image_url('xml.png')) end def test_asset_host_without_protocol_should_be_protocol_relative @controller.config.asset_host = 'a.example.com' assert_equal 'gopher://a.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png', image_path('xml.png') assert_equal 'gopher://a.example.com/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png', image_url('xml.png') end def test_asset_host_without_protocol_should_be_protocol_relative_even_if_path_present @controller.config.asset_host = 'a.example.com/files/go/here' assert_equal 'gopher://a.example.com/files/go/here/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png', image_path('xml.png') assert_equal 'gopher://a.example.com/files/go/here/collaboration/hieraki/images/xml.png', image_url('xml.png') end def test_assert_css_and_js_of_the_same_name_return_correct_extension assert_dom_equal(%(/collaboration/hieraki/javascripts/foo.js), javascript_path("foo")) assert_dom_equal(%(/collaboration/hieraki/stylesheets/foo.css), stylesheet_path("foo")) end end class AssetUrlHelperControllerTest < ActionView::TestCase tests ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper def setup super @controller = BasicController.new @controller.extend ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper @request = Class.new do attr_accessor :script_name def protocol() 'http://' end def ssl?() false end def host_with_port() 'www.example.com' end def base_url() 'http://www.example.com' end end.new @controller.request = @request end def test_asset_path assert_equal "/foo", @controller.asset_path("foo") end def test_asset_url assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", @controller.asset_url("foo") end end class AssetUrlHelperEmptyModuleTest < ActionView::TestCase tests ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper def setup super @module = Module.new @module.extend ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper end def test_asset_path assert_equal "/foo", @module.asset_path("foo") end def test_asset_url assert_equal "/foo", @module.asset_url("foo") end def test_asset_url_with_request @module.instance_eval do def request Struct.new(:base_url, :script_name).new("http://www.example.com", nil) end end assert @module.request assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", @module.asset_url("foo") end def test_asset_url_with_config_asset_host @module.instance_eval do def config Struct.new(:asset_host).new("http://www.example.com") end end assert @module.config.asset_host assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", @module.asset_url("foo") end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "simplecov" require "minitest/autorun" require "gapic/grpc/service_stub" require "google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/company_service_pb" require "google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/company_service_services_pb" require "google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/company_service" class ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::ClientTest < Minitest::Test class ClientStub attr_accessor :call_rpc_count, :requests def initialize response, operation, &block @response = response @operation = operation @block = block @call_rpc_count = 0 @requests = [] end def call_rpc *args @call_rpc_count += 1 @requests << @block&.call(*args) yield @response, @operation if block_given? @response end end def test_create_company # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. parent = "hello world" company = {} create_company_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :create_company, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CreateCompanyRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request.parent assert_equal Gapic::Protobuf.coerce({}, to: ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company), request.company refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, create_company_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.create_company({ parent: parent, company: company }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.create_company parent: parent, company: company do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.create_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CreateCompanyRequest.new(parent: parent, company: company) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.create_company({ parent: parent, company: company }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.create_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CreateCompanyRequest.new(parent: parent, company: company), grpc_options do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, create_company_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_get_company # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. name = "hello world" get_company_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :get_company, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::GetCompanyRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request.name refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, get_company_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.get_company({ name: name }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.get_company name: name do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.get_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::GetCompanyRequest.new(name: name) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.get_company({ name: name }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.get_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::GetCompanyRequest.new(name: name), grpc_options do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, get_company_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_update_company # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. company = {} update_mask = {} update_company_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :update_company, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateCompanyRequest, request assert_equal Gapic::Protobuf.coerce({}, to: ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company), request.company assert_equal Gapic::Protobuf.coerce({}, to: ::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask), request.update_mask refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, update_company_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.update_company({ company: company, update_mask: update_mask }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.update_company company: company, update_mask: update_mask do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.update_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateCompanyRequest.new(company: company, update_mask: update_mask) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.update_company({ company: company, update_mask: update_mask }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.update_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateCompanyRequest.new(company: company, update_mask: update_mask), grpc_options do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, update_company_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_delete_company # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Protobuf::Empty.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. name = "hello world" delete_company_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :delete_company, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::DeleteCompanyRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request.name refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, delete_company_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.delete_company({ name: name }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.delete_company name: name do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.delete_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::DeleteCompanyRequest.new(name: name) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.delete_company({ name: name }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.delete_company ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::DeleteCompanyRequest.new(name: name), grpc_options do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, delete_company_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_list_companies # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListCompaniesResponse.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. parent = "hello world" page_token = "hello world" page_size = 42 require_open_jobs = true list_companies_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :list_companies, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListCompaniesRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request.parent assert_equal "hello world", request.page_token assert_equal 42, request.page_size assert_equal true, request.require_open_jobs refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, list_companies_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.list_companies({ parent: parent, page_token: page_token, page_size: page_size, require_open_jobs: require_open_jobs }) do |response, operation| assert_kind_of Gapic::PagedEnumerable, response assert_equal grpc_response, response.response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.list_companies parent: parent, page_token: page_token, page_size: page_size, require_open_jobs: require_open_jobs do |response, operation| assert_kind_of Gapic::PagedEnumerable, response assert_equal grpc_response, response.response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.list_companies ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListCompaniesRequest.new(parent: parent, page_token: page_token, page_size: page_size, require_open_jobs: require_open_jobs) do |response, operation| assert_kind_of Gapic::PagedEnumerable, response assert_equal grpc_response, response.response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.list_companies({ parent: parent, page_token: page_token, page_size: page_size, require_open_jobs: require_open_jobs }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_kind_of Gapic::PagedEnumerable, response assert_equal grpc_response, response.response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.list_companies ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListCompaniesRequest.new(parent: parent, page_token: page_token, page_size: page_size, require_open_jobs: require_open_jobs), grpc_options do |response, operation| assert_kind_of Gapic::PagedEnumerable, response assert_equal grpc_response, response.response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, list_companies_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_configure grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure client = block_config = config = nil Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, nil do client = ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end end config = client.configure do |c| block_config = c end assert_same block_config, config assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompanyService::Client::Configuration, config end end
module ShadowHelper end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Batch::Mgmt::V2017_05_01 # # ApplicationPackageOperations # class ApplicationPackageOperations include MsRestAzure # # Creates and initializes a new instance of the ApplicationPackageOperations class. # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality. # def initialize(client) @client = client end # @return [BatchManagementClient] reference to the BatchManagementClient attr_reader :client # # Activates the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to activate. # @param parameters [ActivateApplicationPackageParameters] The parameters for # the request. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # def activate(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, parameters, custom_headers:nil) response = activate_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! nil end # # Activates the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to activate. # @param parameters [ActivateApplicationPackageParameters] The parameters for # the request. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def activate_with_http_info(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, parameters, custom_headers:nil) activate_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Activates the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to activate. # @param parameters [ActivateApplicationPackageParameters] The parameters for # the request. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def activate_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, parameters, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'account_name is nil' if account_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '24'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length > 24 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '3'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length < 3 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'application_id is nil' if application_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'version is nil' if version.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? # Serialize Request request_mapper = Azure::Batch::Mgmt::V2017_05_01::Models::ActivateApplicationPackageParameters.mapper() request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters) request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/{accountName}/applications/{applicationId}/versions/{version}/activate' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'accountName' => account_name,'applicationId' => application_id,'version' => version,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, body: request_content, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:post, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 204 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? result end promise.execute end # # Creates an application package record. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ApplicationPackage] operation results. # def create(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) response = create_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Creates an application package record. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def create_with_http_info(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) create_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Creates an application package record. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def create_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'account_name is nil' if account_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '24'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length > 24 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '3'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length < 3 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'application_id is nil' if application_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'version is nil' if version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/{accountName}/applications/{applicationId}/versions/{version}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'accountName' => account_name,'applicationId' => application_id,'version' => version,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 201 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 201 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Batch::Mgmt::V2017_05_01::Models::ApplicationPackage.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Deletes an application package record and its associated binary file. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to delete. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # def delete(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) response = delete_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! nil end # # Deletes an application package record and its associated binary file. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to delete. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) delete_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Deletes an application package record and its associated binary file. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application to delete. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def delete_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'account_name is nil' if account_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '24'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length > 24 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '3'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length < 3 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'application_id is nil' if application_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'version is nil' if version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/{accountName}/applications/{applicationId}/versions/{version}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'accountName' => account_name,'applicationId' => application_id,'version' => version,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 204 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? result end promise.execute end # # Gets information about the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ApplicationPackage] operation results. # def get(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) response = get_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Gets information about the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) get_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Gets information about the specified application package. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the Batch account. # @param account_name [String] The name of the Batch account. # @param application_id [String] The ID of the application. # @param version [String] The version of the application. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def get_async(resource_group_name, account_name, application_id, version, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'account_name is nil' if account_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '24'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length > 24 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '3'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.length < 3 fail ArgumentError, "'account_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._]+$'" if !account_name.nil? && account_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._]+$$')).nil? fail ArgumentError, 'application_id is nil' if application_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'version is nil' if version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/{accountName}/applications/{applicationId}/versions/{version}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'accountName' => account_name,'applicationId' => application_id,'version' => version,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Batch::Mgmt::V2017_05_01::Models::ApplicationPackage.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end end end
require 'spec_helper' # # Class methods. # describe VirtFS::VFile, "(#{$fs_interface} interface)" do before(:all) do @spec_name = VfsRealFile.basename(__FILE__, ".rb") @temp_prefix = "#{@spec_name}-" @this_dir = VfsRealDir.getwd @root = File::SEPARATOR @slink_path = temp_name(@temp_prefix, ".symlink") end before(:each) do reset_context @ext = ".rb" @temp_file = Tempfile.new([@temp_prefix, @ext]) @data1 = "0123456789" * 4 @temp_file.write(@data1) @temp_file.close @full_path = @temp_file.path @rel_path = File.basename(@full_path) @parent_dir = File.dirname(@full_path) VfsRealFile.chown(Process.uid, Process.gid, @full_path) @ext2 = ".c" @temp_file2 = Tempfile.new([@temp_prefix, @ext2]) @temp_file2.close @full_path2 = @temp_file2.path @rel_path2 = File.basename(@full_path2) @parent_dir2 = File.dirname(@full_path2) end after(:each) do @temp_file.delete @temp_file2.delete end describe ".absolute_path" do it "should return the same path as the standard File.absolute_path, when given a dirstring" do expect( VirtFS::VFile.absolute_path(@rel_path, @parent_dir) ).to eq( VfsRealFile.absolute_path(@rel_path, @parent_dir) ) end it "should return the same path as the standard File.absolute_path, when using pwd" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.cwd = VfsRealDir.getwd expect(VirtFS::VFile.absolute_path(@rel_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.absolute_path(@rel_path)) end end end describe ".atime" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.atime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.atime(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.atime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.atime, when given a full path" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.atime(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.atime(@full_path)) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.atime, when given relative path" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.dir_chdir(@parent_dir) expect(VirtFS::VFile.atime(@rel_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.atime(@rel_path)) end end end end describe ".basename" do it "should return the same value as the standard File.basename" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.basename(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.basename(@full_path)) end end describe ".blockdev?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.blockdev?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.blockdev?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.blockdev?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-blockdev file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.blockdev?(@full_path)).to be false end # # The block_dev_file method fails to find a block device # file in the Travis environment - disabling this test. # # it "should return true when given a blockdev file" do # expect(bdev = block_dev_file).to_not eq(nil) # expect(VirtFS::VFile.blockdev?(bdev)).to be true # end end end describe ".chardev?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chardev?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chardev?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.chardev?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-chardev file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.chardev?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a chardev file" do expect(cdev = char_dev_file).to_not eq(nil) expect(VirtFS::VFile.chardev?(cdev)).to be true end end end describe ".chmod" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chmod(0755, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chmod(0755, @full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chmod(0755, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the number of files processed" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.chmod(0777, @full_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.chmod(0777, @full_path, @full_path2)).to eq(2) end it "should change the permission bits on an existing file" do target_mode = 0755 expect(VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path).mode & 0777).to_not eq(target_mode) VirtFS::VFile.chmod(target_mode, @full_path) expect(VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path).mode & 0777).to eq(target_mode) end end end describe ".chown" do before(:each) do stat = VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path) @owner = stat.uid @group = stat.gid end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chown(@owner, @group, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chown(@owner, @group, @full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.chown(@owner, @group, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the number of files processed" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.chown(@owner, @group, @full_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.chown(@owner, @group, @full_path, @full_path2)).to eq(2) end end end describe ".ctime" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ctime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ctime(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ctime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.ctime, when given a full path" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.ctime(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.ctime(@full_path)) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.ctime, when given relative path" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.dir_chdir(@parent_dir) expect(VirtFS::VFile.ctime(@rel_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.ctime(@rel_path)) end end end end describe ".delete" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.delete("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.delete(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.delete("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the number of files processed - 1" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.delete(@full_path)).to eq(1) end it "should return the number of files processed - 2" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.delete(@full_path, @full_path2)).to eq(2) end it "should change the permission bits on an existing file" do expect(VfsRealFile.exist?(@full_path)).to be true VirtFS::VFile.delete(@full_path) expect(VfsRealFile.exist?(@full_path)).to_not be true end end end describe ".directory?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent directory" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.directory?("nonexistent_directory") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_directory" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a directory that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.directory?(@parent_dir) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@parent_dir}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent directory" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.directory?("nonexistent_directory")).to be false end it "should return false when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.directory?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a directory" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.directory?(@parent_dir)).to be true end end end describe ".executable?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.executable?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.executable?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-executable file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a executable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0100, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".executable_real?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.executable_real?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.executable_real?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable_real?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-executable file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable_real?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a executable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0100, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.executable_real?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".exist?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.exist?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.exist?(@parent_dir) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@parent_dir}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.exist?("nonexistent_directory")).to be false end it "should return true when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.exist?(@full_path)).to be true end it "should return true when given a directory" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.exist?(@parent_dir)).to be true end end end describe ".expand_path" do it "should return the same path as the standard File.expand_path, when given a dirstring" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.expand_path(@rel_path, @parent_dir)).to eq(VfsRealFile.expand_path(@rel_path, @parent_dir)) end it "should return the same path as the standard File.expand_path, when using pwd" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.cwd = VfsRealDir.getwd expect(VirtFS::VFile.expand_path(@rel_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.expand_path(@rel_path)) end end end describe ".extname" do it "should return the known extension of tempfile 1" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.extname(@full_path)).to eq(@ext) end it "should return the known extension of tempfile 2" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.extname(@full_path2)).to eq(@ext2) end end describe ".file?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.file?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.file?(@parent_dir) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@parent_dir}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.file?("nonexistent_directory")).to be false end it "should return true when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.file?(@full_path)).to be true end it "should return false when given a directory" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.file?(@parent_dir)).to be false end end end describe ".fnmatch" do it "should match representative examples" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('cat', 'cat')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('cat', 'category')).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c?t', 'cat')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c\?t', 'cat')).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c??t', 'cat')).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c*', 'cats')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c/**/t', 'c/a/b/c/t')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c**t', 'c/a/b/c/t')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c**t', 'cat')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('**.txt', 'notes.txt')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('**.txt', 'some/dir/tree/notes.txt')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c*t', 'cat')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c\at', 'cat')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('c\at', 'cat', File::FNM_NOESCAPE)).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('a?b', 'a/b')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('a?b', 'a/b', File::FNM_PATHNAME)).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*', '.profile')).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*', '.profile', File::FNM_DOTMATCH)).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*', 'dave/.profile')).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*', 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_DOTMATCH)).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*', 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME)).to be false expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*/*', 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME)).to be false strict = File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH expect(VirtFS::VFile.fnmatch('*/*', 'dave/.profile', strict)).to be true end end describe ".ftype" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ftype("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ftype(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.ftype("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return 'file' when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.ftype(@full_path)).to eq('file') end it "should return 'directory' when given a directory" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.ftype(@parent_dir)).to eq('directory') end # # The block_dev_file method fails to find a block device # file in the Travis environment - disabling this test. # # it "should return 'blockSpecial,' when given a block device file" do # expect(bdev = block_dev_file).to_not eq(nil) # expect(VirtFS::VFile.ftype(bdev)).to eq('blockSpecial') # end it "should return 'characterSpecial,' when given a block device file" do expect(cdev = char_dev_file).to_not eq(nil) expect(VirtFS::VFile.ftype(cdev)).to eq('characterSpecial') end end end describe ".grpowned?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.grpowned?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.grpowned?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.grpowned?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return true when given a file we created" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.grpowned?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".identical?" do before(:each) do VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.identical?("nonexistent_file1", "nonexistent_file2") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, @slink_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, "nonexistent_file1")).to be false end it "should return true when given the same file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, @full_path)).to be true end it "should return true when given a file and its symlink" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, @slink_path)).to be true end end end describe ".join" do it "should return the same path as the standard File.join" do dirs = %( dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4 dir5 ) expect(VirtFS::VFile.join(dirs)).to eq(VfsRealFile.join(dirs)) end end if VfsRealFile.respond_to?(:lchmod) describe ".lchmod" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(0755, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(0755, @full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(0755, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the number of files processed" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(0777, @full_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(0777, @full_path, @full_path2)).to eq(2) end it "should change the permission bits on an existing file" do target_mode = 0755 expect(VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path).mode & 0777).to_not eq(target_mode) VirtFS::VFile.lchmod(target_mode, @full_path) expect(VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path).mode & 0777).to eq(target_mode) end end end end describe ".lchown" do before(:each) do stat = VfsRealFile.stat(@full_path) @owner = stat.uid @group = stat.gid VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchown(@owner, @group, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchown(@owner, @group, @full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lchown(@owner, @group, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the number of files processed" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.lchown(@owner, @group, @slink_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.lchown(@owner, @group, @slink_path, @full_path2)).to eq(2) end end end describe ".link" do before(:each) do @link_path = temp_name(@temp_prefix, ".hardlink") end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@link_path) if VfsRealFile.exist?(@link_path) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.link("nonexistent_file1", "nonexistent_file2") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.link(@full_path, @link_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.link("nonexistent_file1", @link_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return 0 on success" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.link(@full_path, @link_path)).to eq(0) end it "the link should be identical to the original file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.link(@full_path, @link_path)).to eq(0) expect(VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, @link_path)).to be true end end end describe ".lstat" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lstat("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lstat(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.lstat("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the stat information for the symlink" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.lstat(@slink_path).symlink?).to be true end end end describe ".mtime" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.mtime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.mtime(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.mtime("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.mtime, when given a full path" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.mtime(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.mtime(@full_path)) end it "should return the same value as the standard File.mtime, when given relative path" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.dir_chdir(@parent_dir) expect(VirtFS::VFile.mtime(@rel_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.mtime(@rel_path)) end end end end describe ".owned?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.owned?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.owned?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.owned?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return true when given a file we created" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.owned?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".path" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should work with a string" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.path(@full_path)).to eq(@full_path) end it "should work with an IO object" do VirtFS::VFile.open(@full_path) do |fobj| expect(VirtFS::VFile.path(fobj)).to eq(@full_path) end end end describe ".pipe?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.pipe?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.pipe?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.pipe?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.pipe?(@full_path)).to be false end end end describe ".readable?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readable?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readable?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end # # NOTE: This test fails when run under Fusion shared folders. # Could be due to silent failure of chmod. # it "should return false when given a non-readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0300, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0400, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".readable_real?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readable_real?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readable_real?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable_real?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end # # NOTE: This test fails when run under Fusion shared folders. # Could be due to silent failure of chmod. # it "should return false when given a non-readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0300, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable_real?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0400, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.readable_real?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".readlink" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readlink("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readlink(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.readlink("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the stat information for the symlink" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.readlink(@slink_path)).to eq(@full_path) end end end describe ".realdirpath" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return the same path as the standard realdirpath" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.realdirpath(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.realdirpath(@full_path)) end end describe ".realpath" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return the same path as the standard realdirpath" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.realpath(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.realpath(@full_path)) end end describe ".rename" do before(:each) do @to_path = temp_name(@temp_prefix, ".renamed") end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@to_path) if VfsRealFile.exist?(@to_path) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.rename("nonexistent_file1", "nonexistent_file2") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.rename(@full_path, @to_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.rename("nonexistent_file1", @to_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return 0 on success" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.rename(@full_path, @to_path)).to eq(0) end it "the link should rename the file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.rename(@full_path, @to_path)).to eq(0) expect(VirtFS::VFile.exist?(@to_path)).to be true expect(VirtFS::VFile.exist?(@full_path)).to be false end end end describe ".setgid?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.setgid?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.setgid?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.setgid?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-setgid file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.setgid?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a setgid file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(02644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.setgid?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".setuid?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.setuid?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.setuid?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.setuid?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-setuid file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.setuid?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a setuid file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(04644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.setuid?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".size" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the known size of the file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size(@full_path)).to eq(@data1.bytesize) end it "should return the same value as the standard File#size" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.size(@full_path)) end it "should return 0 for empty file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size(@full_path2)).to eq(0) end end end describe ".size?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.size?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the known size of the file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size?(@full_path)).to eq(@data1.bytesize) end it "should return the same value as the standard File#size" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size?(@full_path)).to eq(VfsRealFile.size?(@full_path)) end it "should return nil for empty file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.size?(@full_path2)).to eq(nil) end end end describe ".socket?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.socket?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.socket?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.socket?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.socket?(@full_path)).to be false end end end describe ".split" do it "should return the same values as the standard File.split" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.split(@full_path)).to match_array(VfsRealFile.split(@full_path)) end end describe ".stat" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.stat("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.stat(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.stat("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return the stat information for the file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.stat(@full_path).symlink?).to be false end it "given a symlink, should return the stat information for the regular file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.stat(@slink_path).symlink?).to be false end end end describe ".sticky?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.sticky?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.sticky?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.sticky?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-sticky file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.sticky?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a sticky file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(01644, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.sticky?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".symlink" do after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) if VfsRealFile.exist?(@slink_path) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.symlink("nonexistent_file1", "nonexistent_file2") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return 0 on success" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path)).to eq(0) end it "the symlink should be identical to the original file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path)).to eq(0) expect(VirtFS::VFile.identical?(@full_path, @slink_path)).to be true end end end describe ".symlink?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.symlink?("nonexistent_file1") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.symlink?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) VfsRealFile.symlink(@full_path, @slink_path) end after(:each) do VfsRealFile.delete(@slink_path) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.symlink?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return true given a symlink" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.symlink?(@slink_path)).to be true end end end describe ".truncate" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.truncate("nonexistent_file", 0) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.truncate(@full_path, 0) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.truncate("nonexistent_file", 0) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return 0" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.truncate(@full_path, 5)).to eq(0) end it "should raise truncate the file to the specified size" do tsize = @data1.bytesize/2 expect(VfsRealFile.size(@full_path)).to_not eq(tsize) VirtFS::VFile.truncate(@full_path, tsize) expect(VfsRealFile.size(@full_path)).to eq(tsize) end end end describe ".utime" do before(:each) do @time = Time.new(2015, 9, 12, 9, 50) end context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.utime(@time, @time, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.utime(@time, @time, @full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.utime(@time, @time, "nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should set the atime and mtime of the file, given a full path" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.utime(@time, @time, @full_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.atime(@full_path)).to eq(@time) expect(VirtFS::VFile.mtime(@full_path)).to eq(@time) end it "should set the atime and mtime of the file, given relative path" do VfsRealDir.chdir(@parent_dir) do VirtFS.dir_chdir(@parent_dir) expect(VirtFS::VFile.utime(@time, @time, @rel_path)).to eq(1) expect(VirtFS::VFile.atime(@full_path)).to eq(@time) expect(VirtFS::VFile.mtime(@full_path)).to eq(@time) end end end end describe ".world_readable?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.world_readable?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.world_readable?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return nil when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_readable?("nonexistent_file")).to eq(nil) end it "should return nil when given a non-world-readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0773, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_readable?(@full_path)).to eq(nil) end it "should return permission bits when given a world-readable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0004, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_readable?(@full_path)).to eq(0004) end end end describe ".world_writable?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.world_writable?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.world_writable?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return nil when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_writable?("nonexistent_file")).to eq(nil) end it "should return nil when given a non-world_writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0775, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_writable?(@full_path)).to eq(nil) end it "should return permission bits when given a world_writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0002, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.world_writable?(@full_path)).to eq(0002) end end end describe ".writable?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.writable?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.writable?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end # # NOTE: This test fails when run under Fusion shared folders. # Could be due to silent failure of chmod. # it "should return false when given a non-writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0500, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0200, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".writable_real?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.writable_real?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.writable_real?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable_real?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end # # NOTE: This test fails when run under Fusion shared folders. # Could be due to silent failure of chmod. # it "should return false when given a non-writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0500, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable_real?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a writable file" do VfsRealFile.chmod(0200, @full_path) expect(VirtFS::VFile.writable_real?(@full_path)).to be true end end end describe ".zero?" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a nonexistent file" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.zero?("nonexistent_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - nonexistent_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when given a file that exists in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.zero?(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{@full_path}" ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should return false when given a nonexistent file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.zero?("nonexistent_file")).to be false end it "should return false when given a non-zero length file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.zero?(@full_path)).to be false end it "should return true when given a zero length file" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.zero?(@full_path2)).to be true end end end describe ".new" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when the file doesn't exist" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.new("not_a_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - not_a_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT the file does exist in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.new(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory -/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when the file doesn't exist" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.new("not_a_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return a File object - given full path" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.new(@full_path)).to be_kind_of(VirtFS::VFile) end it "should return a directory object - given relative path" do VirtFS::VDir.chdir(@parent_dir) expect(VirtFS::VFile.new(@rel_path)).to be_kind_of(VirtFS::VFile) end end end describe ".open" do context "with no filesystems mounted" do it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when file doesn't exist" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.open("not_a_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - not_a_file" ) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT file does exist in the native FS" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.open(@full_path) end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory -/ ) end end context "with FS mounted on '/'" do before(:each) do @native_fs = nativefs_class.new VirtFS.mount(@native_fs, @root) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when file doesn't exist" do expect do VirtFS::VFile.new("not_a_file") end.to raise_error( Errno::ENOENT, /No such file or directory/ ) end it "should return a File object - when no block given" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.open(@full_path)).to be_kind_of(VirtFS::VFile) end it "should yield a file object to the block - when block given" do VirtFS::VFile.open(@full_path) { |file_obj| expect(file_obj).to be_kind_of(VirtFS::VFile) } end it "should return the value of the block - when block given" do expect(VirtFS::VFile.open(@full_path) { true }).to be true end end end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: feed_versions # # id :integer not null, primary key # feed_id :integer not null # feed_type :string default("gtfs"), not null # file :string default(""), not null # earliest_calendar_date :date not null # latest_calendar_date :date not null # sha1 :string not null # md5 :string # tags :hstore # fetched_at :datetime not null # imported_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # import_level :integer default(0), not null # url :string default(""), not null # file_raw :string # sha1_raw :string # md5_raw :string # file_feedvalidator :string # deleted_at :datetime # sha1_dir :string # # Indexes # # index_feed_versions_on_earliest_calendar_date (earliest_calendar_date) # index_feed_versions_on_feed_type_and_feed_id (feed_type,feed_id) # index_feed_versions_on_latest_calendar_date (latest_calendar_date) # describe FeedVersion do context 'calendar scopes' do before(:each) do @fv1 = create(:feed_version, earliest_calendar_date: '2016-01-01', latest_calendar_date: '2017-01-01') @fv2 = create(:feed_version, earliest_calendar_date: '2016-02-01', latest_calendar_date: '2017-02-01') @fv3 = create(:feed_version, earliest_calendar_date: '2016-03-01', latest_calendar_date: '2017-03-01') end context '.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_before' do it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage before a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_before('2016-04-15')).to match_array([@fv1, @fv2, @fv3]) end it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage on or before a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_before('2016-02-01')).to match_array([@fv1, @fv2]) end it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage on a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_before('2016-01-01')).to match_array([@fv1]) end end context '.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_after' do it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage after a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_after('2015-12-01')).to match_array([@fv1, @fv2, @fv3]) end it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage on or after a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_after('2016-02-01')).to match_array([@fv2, @fv3]) end it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage on a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_begins_at_or_after('2016-03-01')).to match_array([@fv3]) end end context '.where_calendar_coverage_includes' do it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage including a date' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_includes('2016-04-01')).to match_array([@fv1, @fv2, @fv3]) end it 'finds FeedVersions with coverage including, inclusive' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_includes('2016-02-01')).to match_array([@fv1, @fv2]) end it 'excludes FeedVersions outside coverage range' do expect(FeedVersion.where_calendar_coverage_includes('2017-01-15')).to match_array([@fv2, @fv3]) end end end context '#compute_and_set_hashes' do it 'computes file hashes' do feed_version = create(:feed_version_bart) expect(feed_version.sha1).to eq '2d340d595ec566ba54b0a6a25359f71d94268b5c' expect(feed_version.md5).to eq '1197a60bab8f685492aa9e50a732b466' end end context '#delete_schedule_stop_pairs' do before(:each) do @feed_version = create(:feed_version) @ssp = create(:schedule_stop_pair, feed: @feed_version.feed, feed_version: @feed_version) end it 'deletes ssps' do @feed_version.delete_schedule_stop_pairs! expect(ScheduleStopPair.exists?(@ssp.id)).to be false expect(@feed_version.imported_schedule_stop_pairs.count).to eq(0) end end context '#extend_schedule_stop_pairs_service_end_date' do before(:each) do @feed_version = create(:feed_version) @extend_from = Date.parse('2016-01-01') @extend_to = Date.parse('2017-01-01') @ssp1 = create(:schedule_stop_pair, feed: @feed_version.feed, feed_version: @feed_version, service_end_date: @extend_from) @ssp2 = create(:schedule_stop_pair, feed: @feed_version.feed, feed_version: @feed_version, service_end_date: @extend_from - 1.day) end it 'extends ssp service_end_date' do @feed_version.extend_schedule_stop_pairs_service_end_date(@extend_from, @extend_to) expect(@ssp1.reload.service_end_date).to eq(@extend_to) end it 'does not extend before extend_from' do service_end_date = @ssp2.service_end_date @feed_version.extend_schedule_stop_pairs_service_end_date(@extend_from, @extend_to) expect(@ssp2.reload.service_end_date).to eq(service_end_date) end end context '#is_active_feed_version' do it 'is active feed version' do feed = create(:feed) active_feed_version = create(:feed_version, feed: feed) inactive_feed_version = create(:feed_version, feed: feed) feed.update(active_feed_version: active_feed_version) expect(active_feed_version.is_active_feed_version).to eq true expect(inactive_feed_version.is_active_feed_version).to eq false end end context '#import_status' do it 'never_imported' do feed_version = create(:feed_version) expect(feed_version.import_status).to eq(:never_imported) end it 'in_progress' do feed_version = create(:feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: true, feed_version: feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: nil, feed_version: feed_version) expect(feed_version.import_status).to eq(:in_progress) end it 'most_recent_failed' do feed_version = create(:feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: true, feed_version: feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: false, feed_version: feed_version) expect(feed_version.import_status).to eq(:most_recent_failed) end it 'most_recent_succeeded' do feed_version = create(:feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: false, feed_version: feed_version) create(:feed_version_import, success: true, feed_version: feed_version) expect(feed_version.import_status).to eq(:most_recent_succeeded) end end context '#download_url' do it 'is included by default' do feed = create(:feed) feed_version = create(:feed_version, feed: feed) allow(feed_version).to receive_message_chain(:file, :url).and_return('http://cloudfront.com/file/f-9q9-bart.zip?auth=1') expect(feed_version.download_url).to eq('http://cloudfront.com/file/f-9q9-bart.zip') end it "isn't included for feeds that don't allow redistribution" do feed = create(:feed, license_redistribute: 'no') feed_version = create(:feed_version, feed: feed) allow(feed_version).to receive_message_chain(:file, :url).and_return('http://cloudfront.com/') expect(feed_version.download_url).to be_nil end end end
require "redis_lua/version" require "digest" require "redis" require "yaml" module RedisLua class << self attr_accessor :config_file_path, :lua_script_path def config @config ||= load_config(config_file_path) end def load_config(file_path) YAML.load(File.read(file_path)) end def read_script(name) file_path = Pathname.new(lua_script_path) + "#{name}.lua" File.read(file_path) end def load_scripts config.each do |key, _| load_script(key) end end def load_script(name) script = read_script(name) sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(script) if sha1 == config[name] Redis.current.script(:load, script) else raise "sha1 digest mismatch: #{key} #{sha1}" end end def loaded_script?(name) Redis.current.script(:exists, config[name]) end def call_script(name, *args) sha1 = config[name] Redis.current.evalsha(sha1, *args) end end end
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController def home if logged_in? @micropost = current_user.microposts.build @feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page]) @feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page]) end end def help end def about end def contact end end
require 'yt/models/resource' module Yt module Models # A channel resource contains information about a YouTube channel. # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels class Channel < Resource # @!attribute [r] videos # @return [Yt::Collections::Videos] the channel’s videos. has_many :videos # @!attribute [r] playlists # @return [Yt::Collections::Playlists] the channel’s playlists. has_many :playlists has_one :content_detail delegate :related_playlists, to: :content_detail has_one :branding_setting delegate :keywords, :banner_image_url, to: :branding_setting # @macro has_report has_report :earnings # @macro has_report has_report :views # @macro has_report has_report :comments # @macro has_report has_report :likes # @macro has_report has_report :dislikes # @macro has_report has_report :shares # @macro has_report has_report :impressions # @macro has_viewer_percentages has_viewer_percentages # @!attribute [r] statistics_set # @return [Yt::Models::StatisticsSet] the statistics for the video. has_one :statistics_set delegate :view_count, :comment_count, :video_count, :subscriber_count, :subscriber_count_visible?, to: :statistics_set # @!attribute [r] content_owner_detail # @return [Yt::Models::ContentOwnerDetail] the video’s content owner # details. has_one :content_owner_detail delegate :content_owner, :linked_at, to: :content_owner_detail # @!attribute [r] subscribed_channels # @return [Yt::Collections::SubscribedChannels] the channels that the channel is subscribed to. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Forbidden] if the owner of the channel has # explicitly select the option to keep all subscriptions private. has_many :subscribed_channels # @!attribute [r] subscription # @return [Yt::Models::Subscription] the channel’s subscription by auth. # @raise [Yt::Errors::NoItems] if {Resource#auth auth} is not # subscribed to the channel. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. has_one :subscription # Override Resource's new to set statistics as well # if the response includes them def initialize(options = {}) super options if options[:statistics] @statistics_set = StatisticsSet.new data: options[:statistics] end if options[:viewer_percentages] @viewer_percentages = options[:viewer_percentages] end end # Returns whether the authenticated account is subscribed to the channel. # # This method requires {Resource#auth auth} to return an # authenticated instance of {Yt::Account}. # @return [Boolean] whether the account is subscribed to the channel. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. def subscribed? sleep [(@subscriptions_updated_at || Time.now) - Time.now, 0].max subscription.exists? rescue Errors::NoItems false end # Unsubscribes the authenticated account from the channel. # Raises an error if the account was not subscribed. # # This method requires {Resource#auth auth} to return an # authenticated instance of {Yt::Account}. # @raise [Yt::Errors::RequestError] if {Resource#auth auth} was not # subscribed to the channel. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. def unsubscribe! subscription.delete.tap{ throttle_subscriptions } end # Unsubscribes the authenticated account from the channel. # Does not raise an error if the account was not subscribed. # # This method requires {Resource#auth auth} to return an # authenticated instance of {Yt::Account}. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. def unsubscribe unsubscribe! if subscribed? end # Subscribes the authenticated account to the channel. # Raises an error if the account was already subscribed. # # This method requires {Resource#auth auth} to return an # authenticated instance of {Yt::Account}. # @raise [Yt::Errors::RequestError] if {Resource#auth auth} was already # subscribed to the channel. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. def subscribe! subscriptions.insert.tap do |subscription| throttle_subscriptions @subscription = subscription end end # Subscribes the authenticated account to the channel. # Does not raise an error if the account was already subscribed. # # This method requires {Resource#auth auth} to return an # authenticated instance of {Yt::Account}. # @raise [Yt::Errors::Unauthorized] if {Resource#auth auth} does not # return an authenticated account. def subscribe subscriptions.insert(ignore_errors: true).tap do |subscription| throttle_subscriptions @subscription = subscription end end def delete_playlists(attrs = {}) playlists.delete_all attrs end # @private # Tells `has_many :videos` that channel.videos should return all the # videos publicly available on the channel. def videos_params {channel_id: id} end # @private # Tells `has_reports` to retrieve the reports from YouTube Analytics API # either as a Channel or as a Content Owner. # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/analytics/v1/reports def reports_params {}.tap do |params| if auth.owner_name params[:ids] = "contentOwner==#{auth.owner_name}" params[:filters] = "channel==#{id}" else params[:ids] = "channel==#{id}" end end end # @private # Tells `has_one :content_owner_detail` to retrieve the content owner # detail as the Content Owner, it the channel was authorized with one. # If it was not, the call will fail, since YouTube only allows content # owners to check who is the content owner of a channel. def content_owner_details_params {on_behalf_of_content_owner: auth.owner_name || auth.id} end # @private # @note Google API must have some caching layer by which if we try to # delete a subscription that we just created, we encounter an error. # To overcome this, if we have just updated the subscription, we must # wait some time before requesting it again. def throttle_subscriptions(seconds = 10) @subscriptions_updated_at = Time.now + seconds end end end end
# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. # # You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, # copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use # in connection with the web services and APIs provided by Facebook. # # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use of # this software is subject to the Facebook Platform Policy # [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # FB:AUTOGEN module FacebookAds # This class is auto-generated. # For any issues or feature requests related to this class, please let us know # on github and we'll fix in our codegen framework. We'll not be able to accept # pull request for this class. class InsightsResult < AdObject DATE_PRESET = [ "last_14d", "last_28d", "last_30d", "last_3d", "last_7d", "last_90d", "last_month", "last_quarter", "last_week_mon_sun", "last_week_sun_sat", "last_year", "lifetime", "this_month", "this_quarter", "this_week_mon_today", "this_week_sun_today", "this_year", "today", "yesterday", ] PERIOD = [ "day", "days_28", "lifetime", "month", "week", ] field :description, 'string' field :description_from_api_doc, 'string' field :id, 'string' field :name, 'string' field :period, 'string' field :title, 'string' field :values, { list: 'object' } has_no_get has_no_post has_no_delete end end
module Refinery class UsersController < ::Devise::RegistrationsController # Protect these actions behind an admin login before_filter :redirect?, :only => [:new, :create] layout 'login' def new @user = User.new end # This method should only be used to create the first Refinery user. def create @user = User.new(params[:user]) if @user.create_first flash[:message] = "<h2>#{t('welcome', :scope => 'refinery.users.create', :who => @user.username).gsub(/\.$/, '')}.</h2>".html_safe site_name_setting = ::Refinery::Setting.find_or_create_by_name('site_name', :value => "Company Name") if site_name_setting.value.to_s =~ /^(|Company\ Name)$/ or ::Refinery::Role[:refinery].users.count == 1 flash[:message] << "<p>#{ t('setup_website_name_html', :scope => 'refinery.users', :link => main_app.edit_refinery_admin_setting_path(site_name_setting, :dialog => true), :title => t('edit', :scope => 'refinery.admin.settings')) }</p>".html_safe end sign_in(@user) redirect_back_or_default(main_app.refinery_admin_root_path) else render :action => 'new' end end protected def redirect? if refinery_user? redirect_to main_app.refinery_admin_users_path elsif refinery_users_exist? redirect_to main_app.new_refinery_user_session_path end end def refinery_users_exist? ::Refinery::Role[:refinery].users.any? end end end
module DestroyRestriction extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods attr_reader :destroy_restrictions # Запрещает удалять модель, если выполнится условие из коллбэка # @param [Proc, Symbol] if # @param [String, Symbol] attribute название атрибута, который будет добавлен в ошибки вместе с сообщением # @param [String, Proc] message сообщение, которое будет добавлено в ошибки (строка, либо лямбда, которая будет выполнена в контексте экземпляра класса) def restricts_destroy(if: -> { true }, attribute: '', message: 'Невозможно удалить объект') condition_callback = binding.local_variable_get(:if).to_proc self.destroy_restrictions << { condition: condition_callback, message: message } before_destroy do errors.add(attribute, eval_restriction_message(message)) && throw(:abort) if exec_condition(condition_callback) end end def destroy_restrictions @destroy_restrictions ||= [] end end # Может ли объект быть удалён # @return [Boolean] def can_be_destroyed? self.class.destroy_restrictions.none? { |restriction| exec_condition(restriction[:condition]) } end # Сообщение об ошибке в случае невозможности удаления # @param [String] delimiter разделитель между сообщениями # @return [String] def destroy_restriction_message(delimiter: ' ') messages = self.class.destroy_restrictions.map do |restriction| exec_condition(restriction[:condition]) ? eval_restriction_message(restriction[:message]) : nil end messages.compact.join(delimiter) end private def exec_condition(condition) condition.lambda? ? instance_exec(&condition) : instance_exec(&proc { condition.(self) }) end def eval_restriction_message(message) message.respond_to?(:call) ? exec_condition(message) : message end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Listing, type: :model do pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}" end # == Schema Information # # Table name: listings # # id :integer not null, primary key # source :integer not null # source_listing_id :text not null # title :text # raw_price :text # raw_location :text # full_description :text # listing_attributes :jsonb # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # latitude :float # longitude :float # page_url :string # listing_type :integer # bedrooms :integer # bathrooms :integer # parsed_price :integer # cached_image_urls :string is an Array # expires_at :datetime # invalid_at :datetime # # Indexes # # index_listings_on_source_and_source_listing_id (source,source_listing_id) UNIQUE #
# coding: utf-8 lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'holy_cow/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "holy_cow" spec.version = HolyCow::VERSION spec.authors = ["Brian Samson"] spec.email = ["brian@briansamson.com"] spec.summary = "Dead Simple e-mail notification for developers" spec.description = %q{holy_cow "I can't believe it's this easy to get notification about what's happening in my app."} spec.homepage = "http://github.com/tenforwardconsulting/holy_cow" spec.license = "MIT" spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0") spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^bin/}) { |f| File.basename(f) } spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.add_dependency "actionmailer" spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.5" spec.add_development_dependency "rake" end
#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module CustomActions::Actions::Strategies::Float include CustomActions::Actions::Strategies::ValidateInRange def values=(values) super(Array(values).map { |v| to_float_or_nil(v) }.uniq) end def type :float_property end def to_float_or_nil(value) return nil if value.nil? Float(value) rescue TypeError, ArgumentError nil end end
# coding: utf-8 $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require 'olap/view/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "olap-view" spec.version = Olap::View::VERSION spec.authors = ["stepanovit"] spec.email = ["stepanov@wondersoft.ru"] spec.summary = %q{OLAP VIEW gem} spec.description = %q{Ruby On Rails gem to visualize by Google Charts MDX queries on OLAP databases using XMLA connection. Can be used with any XMLA-compliant server, like Olaper or Mondrian.} spec.homepage = "https://github.com/Wondersoft/olap-view" spec.license = "MIT" spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0") spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.7" spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0" spec.add_runtime_dependency "olap-xmla", '~> 0.0', '>= 0.0.10' end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::RepositoryImporter do let(:repository) { double(:repository) } let(:import_state) { double(:import_state) } let(:client) { double(:client) } let(:wiki) do double( :wiki, disk_path: 'foo.wiki', full_path: 'group/foo.wiki', repository: wiki_repository ) end let(:wiki_repository) do double(:wiki_repository) end let(:project) do double( :project, import_url: 'foo.git', import_source: 'foo/bar', repository_storage: 'foo', disk_path: 'foo', repository: repository, create_wiki: true, import_state: import_state, full_path: 'group/foo', lfs_enabled?: true, wiki: wiki ) end let(:importer) { described_class.new(project, client) } let(:shell_adapter) { Gitlab::Shell.new } before do # The method "gitlab_shell" returns a new instance every call, making # it harder to set expectations. To work around this we'll stub the method # and return the same instance on every call. allow(importer).to receive(:gitlab_shell).and_return(shell_adapter) end describe '#import_wiki?' do it 'returns true if the wiki should be imported' do repo = double(:repo, has_wiki: true) expect(client) .to receive(:repository) .with('foo/bar') .and_return(repo) expect(project) .to receive(:wiki_repository_exists?) .and_return(false) expect(Gitlab::GitalyClient::RemoteService) .to receive(:exists?) .with("foo.wiki.git") .and_return(true) expect(importer.import_wiki?).to be(true) end it 'returns false if the GitHub wiki is disabled' do repo = double(:repo, has_wiki: false) expect(client) .to receive(:repository) .with('foo/bar') .and_return(repo) expect(importer.import_wiki?).to eq(false) end it 'returns false if the wiki has already been imported' do repo = double(:repo, has_wiki: true) expect(client) .to receive(:repository) .with('foo/bar') .and_return(repo) expect(project) .to receive(:wiki_repository_exists?) .and_return(true) expect(importer.import_wiki?).to eq(false) end end describe '#execute' do it 'imports the repository and wiki' do expect(project) .to receive(:empty_repo?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_repository) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki_repository) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:update_clone_time) expect(importer.execute).to eq(true) end it 'does not import the repository if it already exists' do expect(project) .to receive(:empty_repo?) .and_return(false) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .not_to receive(:import_repository) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki_repository) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:update_clone_time) expect(importer.execute).to eq(true) end it 'does not import the wiki if it is disabled' do expect(project) .to receive(:empty_repo?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki?) .and_return(false) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_repository) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:update_clone_time) expect(importer) .not_to receive(:import_wiki_repository) expect(importer.execute).to eq(true) end it 'does not import the wiki if the repository could not be imported' do expect(project) .to receive(:empty_repo?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_wiki?) .and_return(true) expect(importer) .to receive(:import_repository) .and_return(false) expect(importer) .not_to receive(:update_clone_time) expect(importer) .not_to receive(:import_wiki_repository) expect(importer.execute).to eq(false) end end describe '#import_repository' do it 'imports the repository' do repo = double(:repo, default_branch: 'develop') expect(client) .to receive(:repository) .with('foo/bar') .and_return(repo) expect(project) .to receive(:change_head) .with('develop') expect(project) .to receive(:ensure_repository) expect(repository) .to receive(:fetch_as_mirror) .with(project.import_url, refmap: Gitlab::GithubImport.refmap, forced: true, remote_name: 'github') service = double expect(Projects::HousekeepingService) .to receive(:new).with(project, :gc).and_return(service) expect(service).to receive(:execute) expect(importer.import_repository).to eq(true) end it 'marks the import as failed when an error was raised' do expect(project).to receive(:ensure_repository) .and_raise(Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository) expect(importer) .to receive(:fail_import) .and_return(false) expect(importer.import_repository).to eq(false) end end describe '#import_wiki_repository' do it 'imports the wiki repository' do expect(wiki_repository) .to receive(:import_repository) .with(importer.wiki_url) .and_return(true) expect(importer.import_wiki_repository).to eq(true) end it 'marks the import as failed and creates an empty repo if an error was raised' do expect(wiki_repository) .to receive(:import_repository) .with(importer.wiki_url) .and_raise(Gitlab::Git::CommandError) expect(importer) .to receive(:fail_import) .and_return(false) expect(project) .to receive(:create_wiki) expect(importer.import_wiki_repository).to eq(false) end end describe '#fail_import' do it 'marks the import as failed' do expect(project.import_state).to receive(:mark_as_failed).with('foo') expect(importer.fail_import('foo')).to eq(false) end end describe '#update_clone_time' do it 'sets the timestamp for when the cloning process finished' do freeze_time do expect(project) .to receive(:update_column) .with(:last_repository_updated_at, Time.zone.now) importer.update_clone_time end end end end
require 'spec_helper' describe 'nfs::server' do %w(5.11 6.8 8).each do |release| context "on Centos #{release}" do cached(:chef_run) do ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'centos', version: release).converge(described_recipe) end it 'includes recipe nfs::_common' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('nfs::_common') end case release when '5.11', '6.8' %w(nfs).each do |svc| it "starts the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(svc) end it "enables the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(svc) end end when '8' %w(nfs-server).each do |svc| it "starts the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(svc) end it "enables the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(svc) end end end end end context 'on Amazon 2014.09' do cached(:chef_run) do ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'amazon', version: '2015.03').converge(described_recipe) end it 'includes recipe nfs::_common' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('nfs::_common') end %w(nfs).each do |svc| it "starts the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(svc) end it "enables the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(svc) end end end context 'on FreeBSD' do cached(:chef_run) do ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'freebsd', version: '11.1').converge(described_recipe) end it 'includes recipe nfs::_common' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('nfs::_common') end %w(nfsd).each do |svc| it "starts the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(svc) end it "enables the #{svc} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(svc) end end it 'creates /etc/rc.conf.d/mountd with mountd flags -r -p 32767' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('/etc/rc.conf.d/mountd').with_content(/mountd_flags="?-r +-p +32767"?/) end it 'creates /etc/rc.conf.d/nfsd with server flags -u -t -n 24' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('/etc/rc.conf.d/nfsd').with_content(/server_flags="?-u +-t +-n +24"?/) end end %w(18.04 16.04).each do |release| # Submit Ubuntu Fauxhai to https://github.com/customink/fauxhai for better Ubuntu coverage context "on Ubuntu #{release}" do cached(:chef_run) do ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'ubuntu', version: release).converge(described_recipe) end it 'includes recipe nfs::_common' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('nfs::_common') end it 'creates file /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server with: RPCMOUNTDOPTS="-p 32767"' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server').with_content(/RPCMOUNTDOPTS="-p +32767"/) end %w(nfs-kernel-server).each do |nfs| it "installs package #{nfs}" do expect(chef_run).to install_package(nfs) end it "starts the #{nfs} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(nfs) end it "enables the #{nfs} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(nfs) end end end end context 'on Debian 8.9' do cached(:chef_run) do ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'debian', version: '8.9').converge(described_recipe) end it 'includes recipe nfs::_common' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('nfs::_common') end it 'creates file /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server with: RPCMOUNTDOPTS="-p 32767"' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server').with_content(/RPCMOUNTDOPTS="-p +32767"/) end it 'creates file /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server with: RPCNFSDCOUNT="8"' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server').with_content(/RPCNFSDCOUNT="8"/) end %w(nfs-kernel-server).each do |nfs| it "installs package #{nfs}" do expect(chef_run).to install_package(nfs) end it "starts the #{nfs} service" do expect(chef_run).to start_service(nfs) end it "enables the #{nfs} service" do expect(chef_run).to enable_service(nfs) end end end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_packing-list_session'
require 'test_helper' class OrdersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test "new order path should create new order with id set to service_id parameter" do get "new" assert_response :success assert_not_nil assigns(:order) assert_not_nil :order.service_id end test 'A new order should trigger confirmation email' do # Test that ActionMailer deliveries receives new email when post sent assert_difference 'ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size', +1, 'email not delivered' do post :create, order: {email: 'beau@beau.com', customer: 'beau davenport', customer_info: '2/24/1988, St. Louis, MO 3:40', session_id: 1} end test_confirmation_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_equal 'Thank you for your order!', test_confirmation_email.subject, 'Subject mismatch' assert_equal 'beau@beau.com', test_confirmation_email.to[0], 'to address mismatch' assert_equal 'from@example.com', test_confirmation_email.from[0], 'from address mismatch' end end
require "administrate/base_dashboard" class UserDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard # ATTRIBUTE_TYPES # a hash that describes the type of each of the model's fields. # # Each different type represents an Administrate::Field object, # which determines how the attribute is displayed # on pages throughout the dashboard. ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = { id: Field::Number, email: Field::String, encrypted_password: Field::String, reset_password_token: Field::String, reset_password_sent_at: Field::DateTime, remember_created_at: Field::DateTime, sign_in_count: Field::Number, current_sign_in_at: Field::DateTime, last_sign_in_at: Field::DateTime, current_sign_in_ip: Field::String, last_sign_in_ip: Field::String, created_at: Field::DateTime, updated_at: Field::DateTime, name: Field::String, confirmation_token: Field::String, confirmed_at: Field::DateTime, confirmation_sent_at: Field::DateTime, unconfirmed_email: Field::String, }.freeze # COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed on the model's index page. # # By default, it's limited to four items to reduce clutter on index pages. # Feel free to add, remove, or rearrange items. COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES = [ :id, :email, :encrypted_password, :reset_password_token, ].freeze # SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed on the model's show page. SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES = [ :id, :email, :encrypted_password, :reset_password_token, :reset_password_sent_at, :remember_created_at, :sign_in_count, :current_sign_in_at, :last_sign_in_at, :current_sign_in_ip, :last_sign_in_ip, :created_at, :updated_at, :name, :confirmation_token, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at, :unconfirmed_email, ].freeze # FORM_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed # on the model's form (`new` and `edit`) pages. FORM_ATTRIBUTES = [ :email, :encrypted_password, :reset_password_token, :reset_password_sent_at, :remember_created_at, :sign_in_count, :current_sign_in_at, :last_sign_in_at, :current_sign_in_ip, :last_sign_in_ip, :name, :confirmation_token, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at, :unconfirmed_email, ].freeze # Overwrite this method to customize how users are displayed # across all pages of the admin dashboard. # # def display_resource(user) # "User ##{user.id}" # end end
class Token def name "jonathan colby" end end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01 # # AvailableDelegations # class AvailableDelegations include MsRestAzure # # Creates and initializes a new instance of the AvailableDelegations class. # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality. # def initialize(client) @client = client end # @return [NetworkManagementClient] reference to the NetworkManagementClient attr_reader :client # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param location [String] The location of the subnet. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [Array<AvailableDelegation>] operation results. # def list(location, custom_headers:nil) first_page = list_as_lazy(location, custom_headers:custom_headers) first_page.get_all_items end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param location [String] The location of the subnet. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_with_http_info(location, custom_headers:nil) list_async(location, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param location [String] The location of the subnet. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_async(location, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'location is nil' if location.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/{location}/availableDelegations' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'location' => location,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::AvailableDelegationsResult.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [AvailableDelegationsResult] operation results. # def list_next(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) response = list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = '{nextLink}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil? result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_09_01::Models::AvailableDelegationsResult.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Gets all of the available subnet delegations for this subscription in this # region. # # @param location [String] The location of the subnet. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [AvailableDelegationsResult] which provide lazy access to pages of # the response. # def list_as_lazy(location, custom_headers:nil) response = list_async(location, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! unless response.nil? page = response.body page.next_method = Proc.new do |next_page_link| list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers) end page end end end end
require_relative '../spec_helper' describe 'ValidatesType' do context 'validates_type :attribute' do subject { ActiveModel::TypeValidationTestClass.set_accessor_and_long_validator(:string) } it 'adds a validator to the subject' do klass = subject.class expect(klass.validators).to_not be_empty expect(klass.validators).to include(ActiveModel::Validations::TypeValidator) end it 'adds the correct validator to the subject' do validator = subject.class.validators.find { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::TypeValidator) } expect(validator.options[:type]).to eq(:string) end end context 'validates :attribute, type: { type: type }.merge(other_options)' do subject { ActiveModel::TypeValidationTestClass.set_accessor_and_validator(:string) } it 'adds a validator to the subject' do klass = subject.class expect(klass.validators).to_not be_empty expect(klass.validators).to include(ActiveModel::Validations::TypeValidator) end it 'adds the correct validator to the subject' do validator = subject.class.validators.find { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::TypeValidator) } expect(validator.options[:type]).to eq(:string) end end end
#--- # Excerpted from "Ruby on Rails, 2nd Ed." # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.editions-eyrolles.com/Livre/9782212120790/ for more book information. #--- module LanguageHelper end
#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module API module Utilities module RepresenterToJsonCache def to_json(*) if json_cacheable? OpenProject::Cache.fetch(*json_representer_name_cache_key, *json_cache_key) do super end else super end end def json_cacheable? true end def json_cache_key raise NotImplementedError end private def json_representer_name_cache_key self.class.name.to_s.split('::') + ['json', I18n.locale] end end end end
module Issues class ExportCsvService include Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers include GitlabRoutingHelper # Target attachment size before base64 encoding TARGET_FILESIZE = 15000000 def initialize(issues_relation) @issues = issues_relation @labels = @issues.labels_hash end def csv_data csv_builder.render(TARGET_FILESIZE) end def email(user, project) Notify.issues_csv_email(user, project, csv_data, csv_builder.status).deliver_now end def csv_builder @csv_builder ||= CsvBuilder.new(@issues.includes(:author, :assignees), header_to_value_hash) end private def header_to_value_hash { 'Issue ID' => 'iid', 'URL' => -> (issue) { issue_url(issue) }, 'Title' => 'title', 'State' => -> (issue) { issue.closed? ? 'Closed' : 'Open' }, 'Description' => 'description', 'Author' => 'author_name', 'Author Username' => -> (issue) { issue.author&.username }, 'Assignee' => -> (issue) { issue.assignees.map(&:name).join(', ') }, 'Assignee Username' => -> (issue) { issue.assignees.map(&:username).join(', ') }, 'Confidential' => -> (issue) { issue.confidential? ? 'Yes' : 'No' }, 'Due Date' => -> (issue) { issue.due_date&.to_s(:csv) }, 'Created At (UTC)' => -> (issue) { issue.created_at&.to_s(:csv) }, 'Updated At (UTC)' => -> (issue) { issue.updated_at&.to_s(:csv) }, 'Closed At (UTC)' => -> (issue) { issue.closed_at&.to_s(:csv) }, 'Milestone' => -> (issue) { issue.milestone&.title }, 'Labels' => -> (issue) { @labels[issue.id].sort.join(',').presence } } end end end
require 'fileutils' cask 'unity@2017.1.2f1' do version '2017.1.2f1,cc85bf6a8a04' sha256 '1f4159eef6a588cc26ce3317574258f39928fcd04f244e0748be13a384a19d8f' url "http://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/#{version.after_comma}/MacEditorInstaller/Unity.pkg" name 'Unity Editor' homepage 'https://unity3d.com/unity/' pkg 'Unity.pkg' preflight do if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity", "/Applications/Unity.temp" end end postflight do if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity", "/Applications/Unity-#{@cask.version.before_comma}" end if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity.temp" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity.temp", "/Applications/Unity" end end uninstall_preflight do if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity", "/Applications/Unity.temp" end if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity-#{@cask.version.before_comma}" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity-#{@cask.version.before_comma}", "/Applications/Unity" end end uninstall_postflight do if File.exist? "/Applications/Unity.temp" FileUtils.move "/Applications/Unity.temp", "/Applications/Unity" end end uninstall quit: '', pkgutil: '' end
Rails.application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. # Code is not reloaded between requests. config.cache_classes = true # Eager load code on boot. This eager loads most of Rails and # your application in memory, allowing both threaded web servers # and those relying on copy on write to perform better. # Rake tasks automatically ignore this option for performance. config.eager_load = true # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on. config.consider_all_requests_local = false # Ensures that a master key has been made available in either ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"] # or in config/master.key. This key is used to decrypt credentials (and other encrypted files). # config.require_master_key = true # Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since # Apache or NGINX already handles this. config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present? # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server. # config.action_controller.asset_host = 'http://assets.example.com' # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files. # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Sendfile' # for Apache # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for NGINX # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options). config.active_storage.service = :local # Mount Action Cable outside main process or domain. # config.action_cable.mount_path = nil # config.action_cable.url = 'wss://example.com/cable' # config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = [ 'http://example.com', /http:\/\/example.*/ ] # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies. # config.force_ssl = true # Use the lowest log level to ensure availability of diagnostic information # when problems arise. config.log_level = :debug # Prepend all log lines with the following tags. config.log_tags = [ :request_id ] # Use a different cache store in production. # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store # Use a real queuing backend for Active Job (and separate queues per environment). # config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque # config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = "react_api_production" config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false # Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors. # Set this to true and configure the email server for immediate delivery to raise delivery errors. # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false # Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to # the I18n.default_locale when a translation cannot be found). config.i18n.fallbacks = true # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners. config.active_support.deprecation = :notify # Use default logging formatter so that PID and timestamp are not suppressed. config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new # Use a different logger for distributed setups. # require 'syslog/logger' # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Syslog::Logger.new 'app-name') if ENV["RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT"].present? logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.formatter = config.log_formatter config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger) end # Do not dump schema after migrations. config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false # Inserts middleware to perform automatic connection switching. # The `database_selector` hash is used to pass options to the DatabaseSelector # middleware. The `delay` is used to determine how long to wait after a write # to send a subsequent read to the primary. # # The `database_resolver` class is used by the middleware to determine which # database is appropriate to use based on the time delay. # # The `database_resolver_context` class is used by the middleware to set # timestamps for the last write to the primary. The resolver uses the context # class timestamps to determine how long to wait before reading from the # replica. # # By default Rails will store a last write timestamp in the session. The # DatabaseSelector middleware is designed as such you can define your own # strategy for connection switching and pass that into the middleware through # these configuration options. # config.active_record.database_selector = { delay: 2.seconds } # config.active_record.database_resolver = ActiveRecord::Middleware::DatabaseSelector::Resolver # config.active_record.database_resolver_context = ActiveRecord::Middleware::DatabaseSelector::Resolver::Session end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Sourcescrub # Models module Models # Tag class CompanyItems < Entity attr_accessor :domain, :total, :items, :type def parse_response_items(domain, kclass_name, response) headers = response.dig('headers') headers&.keys&.each do |attr_name| self.class.send(:define_method, attr_name.gsub('-', '_').to_sym) do headers[attr_name] end end dynamic_define_method(self, 'domain', domain) dynamic_define_method(self, 'type', kclass_name) dynamic_define_method(self, 'total', response.dig(total_key) || 0) dynamic_define_method(self, 'items', company_items(kclass_name, response.dig(items_key) || [])) self end private def company_items(kclass_name, items) items.each_with_object([]) do |item, results| results << kclass_name.new.parse_response(item) end end def total_key case type_name when 'Person' 'totalPeople' else 'total' end end def items_key case type_name when 'Person' 'peopleAllocations' else 'items' end end def type_name type.name.split('::')[-1] end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true class Projects::DeployTokensController < Projects::ApplicationController before_action :authorize_admin_project! def revoke @token = @project.deploy_tokens.find(params[:id]) @token.revoke! redirect_to project_settings_ci_cd_path(project, anchor: 'js-deploy-tokens') end end
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests TimelogController fixtures :projects, :enabled_modules, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :issues, :time_entries, :users, :trackers, :enumerations, :issue_statuses, :custom_fields, :custom_values, :projects_trackers, :custom_fields_trackers, :custom_fields_projects include Redmine::I18n def setup Setting.default_language = "en" end def test_report_at_project_level get :report, :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_tag :form, :attributes => {:action => "/projects/ecookbook/time_entries/report", :id => 'query_form'} end def test_report_all_projects get :report assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_tag :form, :attributes => {:action => "/time_entries/report", :id => 'query_form'} end def test_report_all_projects_denied r = Role.anonymous r.permissions.delete(:view_time_entries) r.permissions_will_change! r.save get :report assert_redirected_to '/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.host%2Ftime_entries%2Freport' end def test_report_all_projects_one_criteria get :report, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criteria => ['project'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_all_time get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['project', 'issue'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_all_time_by_day get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['project', 'issue'], :columns => 'day' assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours assert_tag :tag => 'th', :content => '2007-03-12' end def test_report_one_criteria get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criteria => ['project'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_two_criteria get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criteria => ["user", "activity"] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_custom_field_criteria_with_multiple_values_on_single_value_custom_field_should_not_fail field = TimeEntryCustomField.create!(:name => 'multi', :field_format => 'list', :possible_values => ['value1', 'value2']) entry = TimeEntry.create!(:project => Project.find(1), :hours => 1, :activity_id => 10, :user => User.find(2), :spent_on => Date.today) CustomValue.create!(:customized => entry, :custom_field => field, :value => 'value1') CustomValue.create!(:customized => entry, :custom_field => field, :value => 'value2') get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :criteria => ["cf_#{field.id}"] assert_response :success end def test_report_multiple_values_custom_fields_should_not_be_proposed TimeEntryCustomField.create!(:name => 'Single', :field_format => 'list', :possible_values => ['value1', 'value2']) TimeEntryCustomField.create!(:name => 'Multi', :field_format => 'list', :multiple => true, :possible_values => ['value1', 'value2']) get :report, :project_id => 1 assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'criteria[]' do assert_select 'option', :text => 'Single' assert_select 'option', :text => 'Multi', :count => 0 end end def test_report_one_day get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2007-03-23", :to => "2007-03-23", :criteria => ["user", "activity"] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "4.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_at_issue_level get :report, :issue_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criteria => ["user", "activity"] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "154.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours assert_tag :form, :attributes => {:action => "/issues/1/time_entries/report", :id => 'query_form'} end def test_report_by_week_should_use_commercial_year TimeEntry.delete_all TimeEntry.generate!(:hours => '2', :spent_on => '2009-12-25') # 2009-52 TimeEntry.generate!(:hours => '4', :spent_on => '2009-12-31') # 2009-53 TimeEntry.generate!(:hours => '8', :spent_on => '2010-01-01') # 2009-53 TimeEntry.generate!(:hours => '16', :spent_on => '2010-01-05') # 2010-1 get :report, :columns => 'week', :from => "2009-12-25", :to => "2010-01-05", :criteria => ["project"] assert_response :success assert_select '#time-report thead tr' do assert_select 'th:nth-child(1)', :text => 'Project' assert_select 'th:nth-child(2)', :text => '2009-52' assert_select 'th:nth-child(3)', :text => '2009-53' assert_select 'th:nth-child(4)', :text => '2010-1' assert_select 'th:nth-child(5)', :text => 'Total time' end assert_select '#time-report tbody tr' do assert_select 'td:nth-child(1)', :text => 'eCookbook' assert_select 'td:nth-child(2)', :text => '2.00' assert_select 'td:nth-child(3)', :text => '12.00' assert_select 'td:nth-child(4)', :text => '16.00' assert_select 'td:nth-child(5)', :text => '30.00' # Total end end def test_report_should_propose_association_custom_fields get :report assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'criteria[]' do assert_select 'option[value=cf_1]', {:text => 'Database'}, 'Issue custom field not found' assert_select 'option[value=cf_3]', {:text => 'Development status'}, 'Project custom field not found' assert_select 'option[value=cf_7]', {:text => 'Billable'}, 'TimeEntryActivity custom field not found' end end def test_report_with_association_custom_fields get :report, :criteria => ['cf_1', 'cf_3', 'cf_7'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal 3, assigns(:report).criteria.size assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours # Custom fields columns assert_select 'th', :text => 'Database' assert_select 'th', :text => 'Development status' assert_select 'th', :text => 'Billable' # Custom field row assert_select 'tr' do assert_select 'td', :text => 'MySQL' assert_select 'td.hours', :text => '1.00' end end def test_report_one_criteria_no_result get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "1998-04-01", :to => "1998-04-30", :criteria => ['project'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_not_nil assigns(:report) assert_equal "0.00", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours end def test_report_status_criterion get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['status'] assert_response :success assert_template 'report' assert_tag :tag => 'th', :content => 'Status' assert_tag :tag => 'td', :content => 'New' end def test_report_all_projects_csv_export get :report, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-06-30", :criteria => ["project", "user", "activity"], :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.content_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") # Headers assert_equal 'Project,User,Activity,2007-3,2007-4,Total time', lines.first # Total row assert_equal 'Total time,"","",154.25,8.65,162.90', lines.last end def test_report_csv_export get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-06-30", :criteria => ["project", "user", "activity"], :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.content_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") # Headers assert_equal 'Project,User,Activity,2007-3,2007-4,Total time', lines.first # Total row assert_equal 'Total time,"","",154.25,8.65,162.90', lines.last end def test_csv_big_5 Setting.default_language = "zh-TW" str_utf8 = "\xe4\xb8\x80\xe6\x9c\x88" str_big5 = "\xa4@\xa4\xeb" if str_utf8.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str_utf8.force_encoding('UTF-8') str_big5.force_encoding('Big5') end user = User.find_by_id(3) user.firstname = str_utf8 user.lastname = "test-lastname" assert user.save comments = "test_csv_big_5" te1 = TimeEntry.create(:spent_on => '2011-11-11', :hours => 7.3, :project => Project.find(1), :user => user, :activity => TimeEntryActivity.find_by_name('Design'), :comments => comments) te2 = TimeEntry.find_by_comments(comments) assert_not_nil te2 assert_equal 7.3, te2.hours assert_equal 3, te2.user_id get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11", :criteria => ["user"], :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.content_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") # Headers s1 = "\xa5\xce\xa4\xe1,2011-11-11,\xa4u\xae\xc9\xc1`\xadp" s2 = "\xa4u\xae\xc9\xc1`\xadp" if s1.respond_to?(:force_encoding) s1.force_encoding('Big5') s2.force_encoding('Big5') end assert_equal s1, lines.first # Total row assert_equal "#{str_big5} #{user.lastname},7.30,7.30", lines[1] assert_equal "#{s2},7.30,7.30", lines[2] str_tw = "Traditional Chinese (\xe7\xb9\x81\xe9\xab\x94\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87)" if str_tw.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str_tw.force_encoding('UTF-8') end assert_equal str_tw, l(:general_lang_name) assert_equal 'Big5', l(:general_csv_encoding) assert_equal ',', l(:general_csv_separator) assert_equal '.', l(:general_csv_decimal_separator) end def test_csv_cannot_convert_should_be_replaced_big_5 Setting.default_language = "zh-TW" str_utf8 = "\xe4\xbb\xa5\xe5\x86\x85" if str_utf8.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str_utf8.force_encoding('UTF-8') end user = User.find_by_id(3) user.firstname = str_utf8 user.lastname = "test-lastname" assert user.save comments = "test_replaced" te1 = TimeEntry.create(:spent_on => '2011-11-11', :hours => 7.3, :project => Project.find(1), :user => user, :activity => TimeEntryActivity.find_by_name('Design'), :comments => comments) te2 = TimeEntry.find_by_comments(comments) assert_not_nil te2 assert_equal 7.3, te2.hours assert_equal 3, te2.user_id get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11", :criteria => ["user"], :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.content_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") # Headers s1 = "\xa5\xce\xa4\xe1,2011-11-11,\xa4u\xae\xc9\xc1`\xadp" if s1.respond_to?(:force_encoding) s1.force_encoding('Big5') end assert_equal s1, lines.first # Total row s2 = "" if s2.respond_to?(:force_encoding) s2 = "\xa5H?" s2.force_encoding('Big5') elsif RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' s2 = "??" else s2 = "\xa5H???" end assert_equal "#{s2} #{user.lastname},7.30,7.30", lines[1] end def test_csv_fr with_settings :default_language => "fr" do str1 = "test_csv_fr" user = User.find_by_id(3) te1 = TimeEntry.create(:spent_on => '2011-11-11', :hours => 7.3, :project => Project.find(1), :user => user, :activity => TimeEntryActivity.find_by_name('Design'), :comments => str1) te2 = TimeEntry.find_by_comments(str1) assert_not_nil te2 assert_equal 7.3, te2.hours assert_equal 3, te2.user_id get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11", :criteria => ["user"], :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.content_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") # Headers s1 = "Utilisateur;2011-11-11;Temps total" s2 = "Temps total" if s1.respond_to?(:force_encoding) s1.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1') s2.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1') end assert_equal s1, lines.first # Total row assert_equal "#{user.firstname} #{user.lastname};7,30;7,30", lines[1] assert_equal "#{s2};7,30;7,30", lines[2] str_fr = "Fran\xc3\xa7ais" if str_fr.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str_fr.force_encoding('UTF-8') end assert_equal str_fr, l(:general_lang_name) assert_equal 'ISO-8859-1', l(:general_csv_encoding) assert_equal ';', l(:general_csv_separator) assert_equal ',', l(:general_csv_decimal_separator) end end end
module AnswersHelper # def user_answer_edit(current_user, answer) # if current_user == answer.user # link_to "Edit Answer", edit_answer_path(answer) # end # # end def user_answer_delete(current_user, question, answer) if current_user == answer.user link_to "Delete", question_answer_path(question, answer), :method => 'delete' end end end
require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'news_items/latest_news.html.erb', type: :view do subject { render 'news_items/latest_news', news_item: news_item } let(:news_item) { build :news_item, content: "[[SERVICE_NAME]]\n\nFirst para" } it { is_expected.to have_css '.latest-news-banner.govuk-notification-banner' } it { is_expected.to have_css '.latest-news-banner h2', text: news_item.title } it { is_expected.to have_css '.latest-news-banner .tariff-markdown p' } it { is_expected.to have_css '.latest-news-banner p', text: /#{I18n.t('title.service_name.uk')}/ } it { is_expected.to have_link 'Show more ...', href: news_item_path(news_item) } end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Security::CiConfiguration::SastBuildAction do let(:default_sast_values) do { global: [ { field: 'SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX', default_value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products', value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products' } ], pipeline: [ { field: 'stage', default_value: 'test', value: 'test' }, { field: 'SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH', default_value: 4, value: 4 }, { field: 'SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS', default_value: 'spec, test, tests, tmp', value: 'spec, test, tests, tmp' } ] } end let(:params) do { global: [ { field: 'SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX', default_value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products', value: 'new_registry' } ], pipeline: [ { field: 'stage', default_value: 'test', value: 'security' }, { field: 'SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH', default_value: 4, value: 1 }, { field: 'SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS', default_value: 'spec, test, tests, tmp', value: 'spec,docs' } ] } end let(:params_with_analyzer_info) do params.merge( { analyzers: [ { name: "bandit", enabled: false }, { name: "brakeman", enabled: true, variables: [ { field: "SAST_BRAKEMAN_LEVEL", default_value: "1", value: "2" } ] }, { name: "flawfinder", enabled: true, variables: [ { field: "SAST_FLAWFINDER_LEVEL", default_value: "1", value: "1" } ] } ] } ) end let(:params_with_all_analyzers_enabled) do params.merge( { analyzers: [ { name: "flawfinder", enabled: true }, { name: "brakeman", enabled: true } ] } ) end context 'with existing .gitlab-ci.yml' do let(:auto_devops_enabled) { false } context 'sast has not been included' do context 'template includes are array' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_template_array_without_sast } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_two_includes) end end context 'template include is not an array' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_without_sast } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_two_includes) end it 'reports defaults have been overwritten' do expect(result[:default_values_overwritten]).to eq(true) end end end context 'sast template include is not an array' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_all_params) end end context 'with default values' do let(:params) { default_sast_values } let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set) end it 'reports defaults have not been overwritten' do expect(result[:default_values_overwritten]).to eq(false) end context 'analyzer section' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params_with_analyzer_info, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set_but_analyzers) end context 'analyzers are disabled' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params_with_analyzer_info, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'writes SAST_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set_but_analyzers) end end context 'all analyzers are enabled' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params_with_all_analyzers_enabled, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'does not write SAST_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set) end end end end context 'with update stage and SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH and set SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX to default' do let(:params) do { global: [ { field: 'SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX', default_value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products', value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products' } ], pipeline: [ { field: 'stage', default_value: 'test', value: 'brand_new_stage' }, { field: 'SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH', default_value: 4, value: 5 }, { field: 'SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS', default_value: 'spec, test, tests, tmp', value: 'spec,docs' } ] } end let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_updated_stage) end end context 'with no existing variables' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_variables } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_variable_section_added) end end context 'with no existing sast config' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_sast_section } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_sast_section_added) end end context 'with no existing sast variables' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_sast_variables } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:action]).to eq('update') expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_sast_variables_section_added) end end def existing_gitlab_ci_and_template_array_without_sast { "stages" => %w(test security), "variables" => { "RANDOM" => "make sure this persists", "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "localhost:5000/analyzers" }, "sast" => { "variables" => { "SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH" => 1 }, "stage" => "security" }, "include" => [{ "template" => "existing.yml" }] } end def existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_with_sast_and_default_stage { "stages" => %w(test), "variables" => { "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "localhost:5000/analyzers" }, "sast" => { "variables" => { "SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH" => 1 }, "stage" => "test" }, "include" => { "template" => "Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml" } } end def existing_gitlab_ci_and_single_template_without_sast { "stages" => %w(test security), "variables" => { "RANDOM" => "make sure this persists", "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "localhost:5000/analyzers" }, "sast" => { "variables" => { "SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH" => 1 }, "stage" => "security" }, "include" => { "template" => "existing.yml" } } end def existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_variables { "stages" => %w(test security), "sast" => { "variables" => { "SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH" => 1 }, "stage" => "security" }, "include" => [{ "template" => "Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml" }] } end def existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_sast_section { "stages" => %w(test security), "variables" => { "RANDOM" => "make sure this persists", "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "localhost:5000/analyzers" }, "include" => [{ "template" => "Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml" }] } end def existing_gitlab_ci_with_no_sast_variables { "stages" => %w(test security), "variables" => { "RANDOM" => "make sure this persists", "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "localhost:5000/analyzers" }, "sast" => { "stage" => "security" }, "include" => [{ "template" => "Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml" }] } end def existing_gitlab_ci { "stages" => %w(test security), "variables" => { "RANDOM" => "make sure this persists", "SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX" => "bad_prefix" }, "sast" => { "variables" => { "SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH" => 1 }, "stage" => "security" }, "include" => [{ "template" => "Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml" }] } end end context 'with no .gitlab-ci.yml' do let(:gitlab_ci_content) { nil } context 'autodevops disabled' do let(:auto_devops_enabled) { false } context 'with one empty parameter' do let(:params) do { global: [ { field: 'SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX', default_value: 'registry.gitlab.com/security-products', value: '' } ] } end subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set) end end context 'with all parameters' do subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(sast_yaml_all_params) end end end context 'with autodevops enabled' do let(:auto_devops_enabled) { true } subject(:result) { described_class.new(auto_devops_enabled, params, gitlab_ci_content).generate } before do allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |sast_build_action| allow(sast_build_action).to receive(:auto_devops_stages).and_return(fast_auto_devops_stages) end end it 'generates the correct YML' do expect(result[:content]).to eq(auto_devops_with_custom_stage) end end end # stubbing this method allows this spec file to use fast_spec_helper def fast_auto_devops_stages auto_devops_template = YAML.safe_load( File.read('lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml') ) auto_devops_template['stages'] end def sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set_but_analyzers <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS: bandit SAST_BRAKEMAN_LEVEL: '2' stage: test include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def sast_yaml_with_no_variables_set <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test sast: stage: test include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def sast_yaml_all_params <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security variables: SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 stage: security include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def auto_devops_with_custom_stage <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - build - test - deploy - review - dast - staging - canary - production - incremental rollout 10% - incremental rollout 25% - incremental rollout 50% - incremental rollout 100% - performance - cleanup - security variables: SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 stage: security include: - template: Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def sast_yaml_two_includes <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security variables: RANDOM: make sure this persists SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 stage: security include: - template: existing.yml - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def sast_yaml_variable_section_added <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 stage: security include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml variables: SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry CI_YML end def sast_yaml_sast_section_added <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security variables: RANDOM: make sure this persists SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 stage: security CI_YML end def sast_yaml_sast_variables_section_added <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security variables: RANDOM: make sure this persists SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: new_registry sast: stage: security variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 1 include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end def sast_yaml_updated_stage <<-CI_YML.strip_heredoc # You can override the included template(s) by including variable overrides # SAST customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/#customizing-the-sast-settings # Secret Detection customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/secret_detection/#customizing-settings # Dependency Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dependency_scanning/#customizing-the-dependency-scanning-settings # Container Scanning customization: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/container_scanning/#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings # Note that environment variables can be set in several places # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence stages: - test - security - brand_new_stage variables: RANDOM: make sure this persists sast: variables: SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: spec,docs SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH: 5 stage: brand_new_stage include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml CI_YML end end
class UsersController < Muck::UsersController def signup_complete redirect_to profiles_path end end
# The 0.9.0 tag in homebrew repository isn't working in OSX Mavericks # this version fixes Cpp11 problems about syntax and tr1 headers # All patches and this file can be found in this public gist: # https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rafaelverger/58b6eeafaae7d28b06cc class Thrift090 < Formula homepage "http://thrift.apache.org" url "https://archive.apache.org/dist/thrift/0.9.0/thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz" sha256 "71d129c49a2616069d9e7a93268cdba59518f77b3c41e763e09537cb3f3f0aac" bottle do root_url "https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles-versions" cellar :any sha256 "dea7ccc0fb965a709abddfad87d5ecb886e0b5d2f4618622d320f259bccf7aed" => :yosemite sha256 "a9b9bf0bb4039b83d80b617d20f9a185b2f771c4e72284843c29253bd3fbbdcb" => :mavericks sha256 "9c83d58ec3c0b0dc1477dc5c3496ba793893441790e7827e5020a5e775e993d5" => :mountain_lion end # These patches are 0.9.0-specific and can go away once a newer version is release [ # patch-tsocket.patch %w[ca4565122f0a1365f2409bce85dc0b8942459b18 a1dc9e54ffacf04c6ba6d1e37b734684ff09d149a88ca7425a4237267f674829], # patch-cxx11-compat.patch %w[8ab0d22b3df198e6b7a14e9da6fd34d2d6218cbf 74fd5282f159bf4d7ee5ca977b36534e2182709fe4c17cc5907c6bd615cfe0ef], # patch-use-boost-cpp-client-server.patch %w[50629b8ac1fb3d606185f39cfd7b6a4848e3a93d 2ea5a69c5358a56ef945d4fb127c11a7797afc751743b20f58dfff0955a68117], # patch-remove-tr1-dependency.patch %w[7bf1cd9deb7b483845458e901c37ad4d8404a8e7 c4419ce40b7fda9ffd58a5dad7856b64ee84e3c1b820f3a64fed0b01b4bc9c42], ].each do |hash, sha| patch do url "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rafaelverger/58b6eeafaae7d28b06cc/raw/#{hash}" sha256 sha end end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "boost" depends_on "openssl" depends_on :python => :optional option "with-haskell", "Install Haskell binding" option "with-erlang", "Install Erlang binding" option "with-java", "Install Java binding" option "with-perl", "Install Perl binding" option "with-php", "Install Php binding" def install args = ["--without-ruby", "--without-tests", "--without-php_extension"] args << "--without-python" if build.without? "python" args << "--without-haskell" if build.without? "haskell" args << "--without-java" if build.without? "java" args << "--without-perl" if build.without? "perl" args << "--without-php" if build.without? "php" args << "--without-erlang" if build.without? "erlang" ENV.cxx11 if MacOS.version >= :mavericks && ENV.compiler == :clang # Don't install extensions to /usr: ENV["PY_PREFIX"] = prefix ENV["PHP_PREFIX"] = prefix system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", *args ENV.j1 system "make", "install" end test do assert_match /Thrift/, shell_output("#{bin}/thrift --version", 1) end end
class Foma < Formula desc "Finite-state compiler and C library" homepage "https://code.google.com/p/foma/" url "https://bitbucket.org/mhulden/foma/downloads/foma-0.9.18.tar.gz" sha256 "cb380f43e86fc7b3d4e43186db3e7cff8f2417e18ea69cc991e466a3907d8cbd" license "GPL-2.0-only" revision 1 unless OS.mac? livecheck do url :stable end bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "cdf3b3105f0207ddea3f5b0ba458b650cab22b1ac3db85896631ec5304cc5bf1" => :big_sur sha256 "8cac09b69356887a31f4d2314b9eb7a193ad21858b0cc43ade7d48a485e4b55d" => :arm64_big_sur sha256 "dc0a238f67280d9e15e50bc7064669f1715170c9a59d608537ed195801db0c9e" => :catalina sha256 "a3b11300d427959a0ca8aa908d6c43369a8c17889a63f56d7772c6c4fdaeee04" => :mojave sha256 "d223eaa3a2f821d24b5f3b5486494a1a029f96e1640d4fe6f3633e6ad53e14a9" => :high_sierra sha256 "1f30a342aeb7b5e51d1238a36ee9021f3264ac502b2544a2e1a5b259c1cbc68f" => :x86_64_linux end uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "readline" end conflicts_with "freeling", because: "freeling ships its own copy of foma" def install system "make" system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" end test do # Source: https://code.google.com/p/foma/wiki/ExampleScripts (testpath/"toysyllabify.script").write <<~EOS define V [a|e|i|o|u]; define Gli [w|y]; define Liq [r|l]; define Nas [m|n]; define Obs [p|t|k|b|d|g|f|v|s|z]; define Onset (Obs) (Nas) (Liq) (Gli); # Each element is optional. define Coda Onset.r; # Is mirror image of onset. define Syllable Onset V Coda; regex Syllable @> ... "." || _ Syllable; apply down> abrakadabra EOS system "#{bin}/foma", "-f", "toysyllabify.script" end end
require 'spec_helper' describe 'OutCommand' do def in_dir Dir.mktmpdir do |working_dir| yield working_dir end end def add_manifest(manifest) File.open(manifest, 'w') { |file| file.write('your text') } end def add_key(key) File.open(key, 'w') { |file| file.write('your text') } end let(:request) do { 'source' => { 'access_key_id' => 'test_key', 'secret_access_key' => 'secret_access_key', 'bucket_name' => 'Test', 'region' => 'us-west-1' }, 'params' => { 'stats_file_key' => 'test-manifest-state.json', 'manifest_file' => 'manifest.yml' } } end let(:bosh) { instance_double(BoshInitDeploymentResource::BoshInit) } let(:response) { StringIO.new } let(:stats) { instance_double(BoshInitDeploymentResource::BoshStats) } let(:command_runner) do instance_double(BoshInitDeploymentResource::CommandRunner) end let(:out_command) do BoshInitDeploymentResource::OutCommand .new(bosh, response, stub_responses: true) end context 'with valid inputs' do it 'get stats' do in_dir do |working_dir| add_manifest("#{working_dir}/manifest.yml") add_key("#{working_dir}/microbosh.pem") allow(command_runner).to receive(:run) expect(stats).to receive(:status).and_return('Test') expect(stats).to receive(:status=).with('Test') expect(stats).to receive(:save) # expect(bosh).to receive(:setup_environment) # .with("#{working_dir}/manifest.yml", 'Test') # expect(bosh).to receive(:deploy).and_return('Deployed') out = BoshInitDeploymentResource::OutCommand.new( BoshInitDeploymentResource::BoshInit.new(command_runner), response, stub_responses: true) out.run(working_dir, request, stats) end end it 'run deployment' do in_dir do |working_dir| add_manifest("#{working_dir}/manifest.yml") add_key("#{working_dir}/microbosh.pem") expect(bosh).to receive(:setup_environment) .with("#{working_dir}/manifest.yml", "#{working_dir}/microbosh.pem", '') expect(bosh).to receive(:deploy).and_return('Deployed') out_command.run(working_dir, request) end end end end
=begin Marketplace API Cloud Loyalty LTM - Webpremios OpenAPI spec version: 1.0 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git =end class VendorOrders < ApplicationRecord end
require 'spec_helper' describe Paperclip::Validators do context "using the helper" do before do rebuild_class Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, presence: true, content_type: { content_type: "image/jpeg" }, size: { in: 0..10240 } end it "adds the attachment_presence validator to the class" do assert Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).any?{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_presence } end it "adds the attachment_content_type validator to the class" do assert Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).any?{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_content_type } end it "adds the attachment_size validator to the class" do assert Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).any?{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_size } end it 'prevents you from attaching a file that violates that validation' do Dummy.class_eval{ validate(:name) { raise "DO NOT RUN THIS" } } dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) expect(dummy.errors.keys).to match_array [:avatar_content_type, :avatar, :avatar_file_size] assert_raises(RuntimeError){ dummy.valid? } end end context 'using the helper with array of validations' do before do rebuild_class Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, file_type_ignorance: true, file_name: [ { matches: /\A.*\.jpe?g\z/i, message: :invalid_extension }, { matches: /\A.{,8}\..+\z/i, message: [:too_long, count: 8] }, ] end it 'adds the attachment_file_name validator to the class' do assert Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).any?{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_file_name } end it 'adds the attachment_file_name validator with two validations' do assert_equal 2, Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).select{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_file_name }.size end it 'prevents you from attaching a file that violates all of these validations' do Dummy.class_eval{ validate(:name) { raise 'DO NOT RUN THIS' } } dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file('spaced file.png'))) expect(dummy.errors.keys).to match_array [:avatar, :avatar_file_name] assert_raises(RuntimeError){ dummy.valid? } end it 'prevents you from attaching a file that violates only first of these validations' do Dummy.class_eval{ validate(:name) { raise 'DO NOT RUN THIS' } } dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file('5k.png'))) expect(dummy.errors.keys).to match_array [:avatar, :avatar_file_name] assert_raises(RuntimeError){ dummy.valid? } end it 'prevents you from attaching a file that violates only second of these validations' do Dummy.class_eval{ validate(:name) { raise 'DO NOT RUN THIS' } } dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file('spaced file.jpg'))) expect(dummy.errors.keys).to match_array [:avatar, :avatar_file_name] assert_raises(RuntimeError){ dummy.valid? } end it 'allows you to attach a file that does not violate these validations' do dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file('rotated.jpg'))) expect(dummy.errors.full_messages).to be_empty assert dummy.valid? end end context "using the helper with a conditional" do before do rebuild_class Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, presence: true, content_type: { content_type: "image/jpeg" }, size: { in: 0..10240 }, if: :title_present? end it "validates the attachment if title is present" do Dummy.class_eval do def title_present? true end end dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) expect(dummy.errors.keys).to match_array [:avatar_content_type, :avatar, :avatar_file_size] end it "does not validate attachment if title is not present" do Dummy.class_eval do def title_present? false end end dummy = Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) assert_equal [], dummy.errors.keys end end context 'with no other validations on the Dummy#avatar attachment' do before do reset_class("Dummy") Dummy.has_attached_file :avatar Paperclip.reset_duplicate_clash_check! end it 'raises an error when no content_type validation exists' do assert_raises(Paperclip::Errors::MissingRequiredValidatorError) do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end it 'does not raise an error when a content_type validation exists' do Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, content_type: { content_type: "image/jpeg" } assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end it 'does not raise an error when a content_type validation exists using validates_with' do Dummy.validates_with Paperclip::Validators::AttachmentContentTypeValidator, attributes: :attachment, content_type: 'images/jpeg' assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end it 'does not raise an error when an inherited validator is used' do class MyValidator < Paperclip::Validators::AttachmentContentTypeValidator def initialize(options) options[:content_type] = "images/jpeg" unless options.has_key?(:content_type) super end end Dummy.validates_with MyValidator, attributes: :attachment assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end it 'does not raise an error when a file_name validation exists' do Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, file_name: { matches: /png$/ } assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end it 'does not raise an error when a the validation has been explicitly rejected' do Dummy.validates_attachment :avatar, file_type_ignorance: true assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.new(avatar: File.new(fixture_file("12k.png"))) end end end end
# # Copyright 2011-2013, Dell # Copyright 2013-2014, SUSE LINUX Products GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe MachinesController do before do allow_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:system).and_return(true) end describe "GET index" do before do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with( "/var/lib/crowbar/upgrade/8-to-9-progress.yml" ).and_return(false) end it "is successful" do get :index, format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end context "with some nodes" do it "renders json" do get :index, format: "json" expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to be_a(Hash) end it "results in filled nodes hash" do get :index, format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["nodes"]).to be_a(Array) expect(json["nodes"]).not_to be_empty end it "contains name keys" do get :index, format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) node = json["nodes"].first expect(node).to have_key("name") end it "contains alias keys" do get :index, format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) node = json["nodes"].first expect(node).to have_key("alias") end end context "without nodes" do before do allow(Node).to receive(:find_all_nodes).and_return([]) end it "renders json" do get :index, format: "json" expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to be_a(Hash) end it "results in empty nodes hash" do get :index, format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["nodes"]).to be_a(Array) expect(json["nodes"]).to be_empty end end end describe "GET show" do it "is successful" do get :show, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders json" do get :show, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to be_a(Hash) end context "for existent node" do it "fetches with name" do get :show, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["name"]).to eq("testing.crowbar.com") end it "works with fqdn" do get :show, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["name"]).to eq("testing.crowbar.com") end end context "for non-existent node" do it "renders 404" do get :show, name: "nonexistent", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe "POST role" do context "for existent node" do it "assignes role compute" do expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:intended_role=).with("compute") post :role, name: "testing.crowbar.com", role: "compute", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end end it "return 404 (not found) http status when node does not exists" do post :role, name: "nonexistent", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end it "return 422 (unprocessable_entity) http status when save fails" do allow_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:save).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:intended_role=).with("compute") post :role, name: "testing.crowbar.com", role: "compute", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end describe "POST rename" do context "for existent node" do it "renames a node to tester" do expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:alias=).with("tester") post :rename, name: "testing.crowbar.com", alias: "tester", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end end it "return 404 (not found) http status when node does not exists" do post :rename, name: "nonexistent", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end it "return 422 (unprocessable_entity) http status when save fails" do allow_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:save).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:alias=).with("tester") post :rename, name: "testing.crowbar.com", alias: "tester", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end [ :confupdate, :identify ].each do |action| describe "POST #{action}" do context "for existent node" do it "invokes #{action}" do expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(action) post action, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end end context "for non-existent node" do it "return 404 (not found) http status" do post action, name: "nonexistent", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end end end end [ :reinstall, :reset, :shutdown, :reboot, :poweron, :powercycle, :poweroff, :allocate, :delete ].each do |action| describe "POST #{action}" do context "for existent node" do it "invokes #{action}" do expect_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(action) post action, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "return 403 (forbidden) http status for admin node" do allow_any_instance_of(Node).to receive(:admin?).and_return(true) post action, name: "testing.crowbar.com", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) end end context "for non-existent node" do it "renders 404" do post action, name: "nonexistent", format: "json" expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end end end end end
module RedPandas class Series def initialize(data=[], type: Type::String) @type = Type.lookup(type) @data = data.map { |value| @type.cast(value) } end attr_reader :type, :data def type_name type.type_name end def empty? @data.empty? end def [](arg) @data[arg] end def size @data.size end def select_by_position(selector) case selector when Range data = @data[selector] self.class.new(data, type: type) when Enumerable data = selector.map { |index| @data[index] } self.class.new(data, type: type) else @data[selector] end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "randrizer/types/base_type" require "randrizer/types/type_expansion" module Randrizer module Types class Nullable include BaseType class << self def build(null_prob:, inner_type:) new(null_prob: null_prob, inner_type: inner_type) end alias [] build end def initialize(null_prob:, inner_type:) @null_prob = null_prob @inner_type = inner_type end def validate! raise ValidationError("null_prob must be < 1.0") if @null_prob > 1.0 raise ValidationError("null_prob must be > 0.0") if @null_prob < 0.0 end def eval return nil if rand > (1.0 - @null_prob) TypeExpansion.expand_for(@inner_type).eval end end end end
testcase "Test Scope" do def helper_method "helped!" end test "can use helper method" do helper_method.assert == "helped!" end context "sub-case inherits helpers" do test "can use helper method" do helper_method.assert == "helped!" end end test "test can't access case methods" do expect NameError do method(:ok) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module AcaEntities module MagiMedicaid module Mitc module Contracts # Schema and validation rules for {AcaEntities::MagiMedicaid::Mitc::Determination} class DeterminationContract < Dry::Validation::Contract # @!method call(opts) # @param [Hash] opts the parameters to validate using this contract # @option opts [Integer] :dependent_age required # @return [Dry::Monads::Result] params do required(:dependent_age).filled(DependentAgeContract.params) end end end end end end
require 'test_helper' class RemoteSoEasyPayTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @gateway = SoEasyPayGateway.new(fixtures(:so_easy_pay)) @amount = 100 @credit_card = credit_card('4111111111111111', {:verification_value => '000', :month => '12', :year => '2015'}) @declined_card = credit_card('4000300011112220') @options = { :currency => 'EUR', :ip => '', :email => 'test@blaha.com', :order_id => generate_unique_id, :billing_address => address, :description => 'Store Purchase' } end def test_successful_purchase assert response = @gateway.purchase(@amount, @credit_card, @options) assert_success response assert_equal 'Transaction successful', response.message end def test_unsuccessful_purchase assert response = @gateway.purchase(@amount, @declined_card, @options) assert_failure response end def test_authorize_and_capture amount = @amount assert auth = @gateway.authorize(amount, @credit_card, @options) assert_success auth assert auth.authorization assert capture = @gateway.capture(amount, auth.authorization) assert_success capture end def test_failed_capture assert response = @gateway.capture(@amount, '') assert_failure response end def test_successful_void assert response = @gateway.purchase(@amount, @credit_card, @options) assert_success response assert response = @gateway.void(response.authorization) assert_success response end def test_invalid_login gateway = SoEasyPayGateway.new( :login => 'one', :password => 'wrong' ) assert response = gateway.purchase(@amount, @credit_card, @options) assert_failure response assert_equal 'Website verification failed, wrong websiteID or password', response.message end end
require 'roar/representer' require 'roar/json' require 'roar/json/hal' require 'poto/representers/file_representer' module Poto module FileCollectionRepresenter include Roar::JSON::HAL include Roar::Hypermedia include Grape::Roar::Representer collection :files, extend: FileRepresenter, embedded: true link :self do |opts, helpers = opts[:env]['api.endpoint']| helpers.url_for opts, '/files', page: helpers.page end link :next do |opts, helpers = opts[:env]['api.endpoint']| helpers.url_for opts, '/files', page: next_page, per_page: helpers.per_page if next_page end end end
class Direnv < Formula desc "Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD" homepage "https://direnv.net/" url "https://github.com/direnv/direnv/archive/v2.14.0.tar.gz" sha256 "917838827cb753153b91cb2d10c0d7c20cbaa85aa2dde520ee23653a74268ccd" head "https://github.com/direnv/direnv.git" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "1dd24f6c9cb5082091f62a9a98aef11305e7a5f5d545d8368de421f0179318d4" => :high_sierra sha256 "642d28694bda5a4471919a5b73709eb8da6655e188f58640b13d95da3aecb973" => :sierra sha256 "257cba635f99eb52ba20be9558fe20fd67040cef64b758106a48ea241d500b72" => :el_capitan end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath (buildpath/"src/github.com/direnv/direnv").install buildpath.children cd "src/github.com/direnv/direnv" do system "make", "install", "DESTDIR=#{prefix}" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do system bin/"direnv", "status" end end
class CreateNobelPrizeWinners < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :nobel_prize_winners do |t| t.string :first_name t.string :last_name t.string :category t.integer :year end [ {first_name: 'Norman', last_name: 'Borlaug', category: 'Peace', year: 1970}, {first_name: 'Paul', last_name: 'Flory', category: 'Chemistry', year: 1974}, {first_name: 'Albert', last_name: 'Eintein', category: 'Physics', year: 1921}, {first_name: 'Samuel', last_name: 'Beckett', category: 'Literature', year: 1969}, {first_name: 'Niels', last_name: 'Bohr', category: 'Physics', year: 1922}, {first_name: 'Erwin', last_name: 'Schrodinger', category: 'Physics', year: 1933}, {first_name: 'Paul', last_name: 'Dirac', category: 'Physics', year: 1933}, {first_name: 'Enrico', last_name: 'Fermi', category: 'Physics', year: 1938}, {first_name: 'Richard', last_name: 'Feynman', category: 'Physics', year: 1965}, {first_name: 'Marie', last_name: 'Curie', category: 'Chemistry', year: 1911}, {first_name: 'James', last_name: 'Watson', category: 'Physiology or Medicine', year: 1962}, {first_name: 'Bertrand', last_name: 'Russell', category: 'Literature', year: 1950}, {first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Steinbeck', category: 'Literature', year: 1962}, {first_name: 'Nelson', last_name: 'Mandela', category: 'Peace', year: 1993}, {first_name: 'Jacques', last_name: 'Monod', category: 'Physiology or Medicine', year: 1965} ].each do |winner| NobelPrizeWinner.create(winner) end end end
module Vagrant module SshFS class Error < Errors::VagrantError error_namespace("vagrant.config.sshfs.error") end end end
class ReferencesController < ApplicationController def index @references = Reference.all end def new @reference = Reference.new end def create @references = Reference.all @reference = Reference.new(reference_params) if @reference.save respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to root_path} format.js end end end private def reference_params params.require(:reference).permit(:name, :email, :address, :phone, :job_title, :employer) end end
unless ENV['CI'] require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start end require 'seeclickfix' require 'rspec' require 'webmock/rspec' def a_delete(url) a_request(:delete, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def a_get(url) a_request(:get, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def a_post(url) a_request(:post, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def a_put(url) a_request(:put, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def stub_delete(url) stub_request(:delete, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def stub_get(url) stub_request(:get, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def stub_post(url) stub_request(:post, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def stub_put(url) stub_request(:put, seeclickfix_url(url)) end def fixture_path File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__) end def fixture(file) File.new(fixture_path + '/' + file) end def seeclickfix_url(url) "https://seeclickfix.com/#{url}" end