▮▴▱◠◎■ ▮▻◂◓ ◄◠▦▽◠◐◬▵
Hey, Sports Dogg.
▫▾▫■ ▻◠◓◎◠▨▱◠◓▪▦▪ ◒▾◓◈◠▦ ◕◪◉◗◓ ◚◪▵▵▵ ◠▫▪◒ ◠▦◬▦◈◠ ▫◪▫◗◐◗ ◉◪▨▵
Take a hold of that and get your finger across the lace and... when you release it, pull the trigger.
◘◚◪▫■ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▽ ◈◠▷◠▵
Yeah, one more thing.
▿◓◠◳▪ ◈◪▦▴◳◪◀◗▱◗◓◗▢▵ ◙◗◓▴▨▫ ◧▫◧◀◠▦◠ ◉▪▨▪▽◧◓▵
It leads straight to the highway.
◩▽▱▴ ◂▱◈▾◐◨▦◨ ▨◗◎ ◞◇▽▱◪◈◗?
Who said you are?
◘▦ ◠▢◬▦◈◠▦ ◀▴▦ ◣▽▱▴ ◈◭◒◭▦◭▽◧◓◨◎▵
At least, that's what I thought.
◤◠◓▪ ▨◣▽▱▩ ◞◠◳▪▱◬◓◞◬▦▵
You're half hillbilly.
► ◝◗◓ ▫◠▦◪ ▷◠▦◬◎▴◍◪▦◈◗▽◪▵
-One for the missus.
▭◠◓◫▫◠▱◠▦◈◬◓◎◠ ◞◂▦▾◉▱◠◓▪ ◉▪▨▫◬ ◎◬?
Any mapping results yet?
◝▴▨▱◪■ ▦◪ ◧▱◨◳◂◓▵
Wait, what's going on?
◉▴◒◫▫ ▨◠◓◒▪ ▨◧▦▾▱◠◎◠▢ ◀◫◓ ◀◪▱◠ ◕▴▫◫◓◫▽◧◓▵ ◑◪ ◄◗▼▷◠▴▱ ▻▱◠▦▪ ▾◳◕▾▱◠◎◠▨ ◫◉◗▦ ◧◓◠◈◠ ◚▴ ▲◫▦▼◧▱▦ ◫◞▴ ◈▩◒▩▦▼◪▱▴◓◪ ◈◠▱◎▪◒ ◳◠▨▪◒▪▨▱▪ ◠◈◠◎▵
Sucre brings a little bit of comedy, and T-Bag brings a seductive kind of menace, and Michael's there to move the plot along, and Lincoln is the brooding hunk.
◄◠▸◪◞▫◪▱◪◓◗'▦◫ ◕◇◓◎▴◳▴ ◕◗◈▴▼◪◐◫◎▵
I am going to see His Majesty.
□◠◓◠▦▪▦ ◕▴▱◈◫◐◗ ◳▴◓ ◧◓◠◞▪ ◈◧▨▫◂◓▵
That's where the money flows, Doctor.
►▭◠▽▪◓■ ▬▷◠◓▱◂▫▫◪ ◇▱◈▩▵
Made her a recluse.
▶◠▫▱◬◎■ ▦▴ ◦◚◓◨▻◠◞▪■ ▤◫◚▴◓◞◗◈◪
Honey, I ran out of cab fare in Riverside.
▷▴◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ▽◠▻▫▪◐▪◎ ◒◪▽◫ ▽◠▻▪▻ ◫◞▫▴◈◫◐◫▦ ◞◧▦◨▼◨ ◪▱◈▴ ▴▫◎◪▦◪ ▽◠◓◈▪◎ ▴▫▫◗◎▵
You ambushed me on live tv, you tried to force my hand, and you used our unborn child to do it. I simply did what I always do, which is help you get the result that you need.
◝▴▦ ◂ ▨◠◈◠◓ ▴◎◫▦ ◈◪◐◫▱◫◎▵
I'm not so sure.
◰◐▴◓ ◠◓◠▦◬▢◈◠▦ ▨◂▦◨◒◎◠◳◠ ◈◪◚◠◎ ▴▫◎◪▨ ◫◞▫◪◳▴▦ ◂▱◨◓◞◠■ ▫◠▨◬◎◬◎▱◠ ◀◫◓▱◫▨▫▴ ◀◠◓▪▦
If any of you want to continue the conversation, I'll be over by the bar with my team.
▮◠▦▪◓◬◎ ▨◠◓◈▴◒▱▴◓◫▦▱▴ ◀◗◓ ◫◒ ◳◠▻◬▽◧◓▵
I think he's doing a job with your brothers.
▮◪▦◗▦▱◪ ▦▴ ◳◠▻◠▼◠◐▪◎ ◀▴▦■ ▬◠◓▱◗▫◧◞?
What am I going to do with you, Carlitos?
▭▴▻◞◫ ▨◠◍◠◳▪ ◳◪◎◫◒▵
Totally fucked up.
▮◪▦ ▦◗▽◪ ▷◠▱◠ ◀▾◓◠▱◠◓◈◠◞▪▦?
Why are you still here?
◟◠▦▱▪◒ ▼▴◚◠▻ ◳◠▱◠▦▼▪ ◒◠▷◫▫ ◈◨◓◨◎▾▦◠ ◞◂▨◠◓■ ◠▦▱◠◒◬▱◈◬ ◎▪?
False answers put you at risk of perjury, you understand?
► ▮◠◳◕▪▦ ◀◫◓ ◳▴◓ ◈◪◐◫▱◈◗◓■ ◠◎◠ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◫▱◎▴◳◫▢▵▵
This is not most elegant place, but it is quiet.
○▽◓▪▼◠ ◍▪◞▫◬◐◠ ◚▴ ▨◠▸◨▽◠▵▵▵
I'm also allergic to peanuts and cashews..
▭◠◳▪◓ ◠◈◠◎◬◎■ ▷◠◳▪◓▵
No, man, no.
▯◗▨◠▷▫◠▦ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◫▱▴ ◍◂▫◧◐◓◠◍◬ ◉◪▨◗▱◈◗▨▵ ◝◫◓
When we took a family photo after the wedding, only you were missing!
◝▾ ▷◠▱◈▴ ▽◂▱◠ ◉◬▨◠◎◠▢▵
He'll never make such a trip.
◅◧▨ ◕◭▢▴▱ ◀◠▨◠◓ ◠◎◠ ◀◗▱◗◓◞◗▦■ ▢◠◎◠▦▪▦◠ ◈▴◐◎◪▢▵
Very good looking, but you know, not worth the time.
◈▾◒ ◠▱◬▻ ◞▴▦◗▦ ◳◠▦◬▦◠ ◕▴▱◪▼▴▨▫◫◎▵
I just wanted to take a shower, and then come over to help you.
◝▴▦◫◎ ◧◐▱▾◎ ◒◗◎◈◫ ▦◠◞▪▱?
How is my boy?
▭▴▻◞◫ ▨◂▦▫◓◂▱◈▴▦ ◉▪▨◎▪◒ ◈▾◓▾◎◈◠
They're getting out of hand
▷◠◀▴◓ ◚▴◓◈◗ ▫▴◓◣◓◗◞▫▱◪◓▴
Ten guilders on the eco-terrorists.
◑▴ ▴▱◀▴▫▫◪ ◝◧▦▦◗▴ ◈◪ ▷◠◓◗▨◠ ◀◗◓ ▨◬▢▵
And, of course, Bonnie is... she's just wonderful.
○▷■ ◄◗◓◠▦◈◠ ◀◫◓ ▷◠▫◠▽◈◬▵
Ah, Miranda was a mistake.
◢▾◓▫ ◠◈◠◎ ◧▱◠▦ ▨▪◞◎▪▦▪ ▫◪▫◫▨▱▴◎◪▨ ◗◞▫◗▽◂◓▵
He wants to trigger that part of him that's a werewolf.
◘▦ ◠▢◬▦◈◠▦ ◎◠◚◫ ◀◗◓ ◒▴◳▵
Oh... At least it's something blue.
► ▭◠◓◀◫◈◪▦ ▫◠◒◠▨▱◬ ▨▪▢◞◬▦▵
- You have some serious backbone.
◄◨▷▫▴◒◪◎ ◀◫◓ ▨◠▱◠◀◠▱▪▨!
This is one great crowd!
◝◧▦▦◫◪ ◧▦▾▦ ◫◉◫▦ ▽◠▻▫◬◐▪ ◒◪◳ ▽◭▢▩▦◈◪▦ ▷◠▫◠▱▪◳◈◬▵
Bonnie was wrong for what she done.
◢◪▦◈◫◞◗▦◫ ▫◠▦▪◳◂◓◨◎▵
Oh, yeah. I know him.
▮◗▢◪ ▦◠◞▪▱ ▽◠◓◈▪◎▼◬ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◫◓◗◎?
How may we help you?
◝▴▦ ◈▴ ◣▽▱◪◳◫◎▵
So am I.
◝◠◳ ▮▷◠▷◀◠▦◈◠◓'▪▦ ▨◠◉ ▫◠▦▴ ◠◓◠◀◠◞◬ ◚◠◓?
How many Rolls does Mr Shahbandar own?
◝◪▦ ▨▩◉▩▨▨▴▦ ▨◬▢ ▨◨▢◪▦▱◪◓◫◎◗▦ ▽◠▦◬▦◈◠ ◈◠ ◠▽▦◬ ◒◪▽◫ ◳◠▻◬◳◧◓◈◨▦▵ ◑◪ ◕▩▼◪▦◗▽◂◓◈▾◎▵
When I was a kid you told the girl cousins the same thing, it was hurtful.
▲◂◓◓◠◫▦◪▵ ▯◪ ◕◭▢▴▱ ◀◫◓ ◗◞◗◎▵
Lorraine, you know, such a beautiful name.
◱▦◨ ◕◣◓▩▽◧◓◨▢■ ○◓◫◞ ◢◫▦◈▫'◗▵
We see him, Aris Kindt.
◦▼◪▱◪ ▴▫◎▴■ ◫◳◫▼◪ ◈▩◒▩▦▵
Take your time to collect your thoughts.
○◎◠ ◂▱◠◳ ◧ ◈◪◐◗▱■ ◀◗◓◗▨◎◫◒▱▴◓◫◎◫ ◧◓▫◠◳◠ ▨◧▽◠◓◞◠◎▵▵▵
but that's not the point, with some savinings I could....
▿◐▱◨▦▾▦ ◠◈◬ ▦◪?
Your son, what's his name?
▿◐▱◨▦▾▦ ◠◈◬ ▦◪?
What's the boy's name?
▮◗▱◠▷◬◎◬ ◠▱◈▪◎■ ◫▱▨ ▨◨◓◒◨▦ ◧◎▢▾◎◨▦ ▩◞▫▩▦◈▴▦ ◕◪◉▫◗▵
As I came up, the first shot I felt breeze by my shoulder.
◊◳◗ ◞◪▽◗◓▱▴◓▵
*Subs by Maiden*
◊◳◗ ◞◪▽◗◓▱▴◓▵
Hey, who's in charge here? It's a jungle out there Poison in the very air we breathe
◦▦▦▴◎ ◀◗◓◗◞◫ ◗◉◗▦ ▨◪◍◗▱ ◂▱◈◨ ◚▴ ◀◗◓ ◕◪▼▴◈◪ ◎◫▱▽◧▦ ◈◂▱◠◓ ▨◠◳◀▴▫▫◫
She lost 60 million dollars overnight
◤▴▫▫◫ ◠◓▫▪▨ ◀▾ ▨◠◈◠◓◬▵
I've had enough, see.
► ◖◫◎◈◫■ ◒▾ ◠▦ ◣▱◎▴◳▴ ▷◠▢▪◓ ◎▪◞◬▦▪▢?
Reverend, are you prepared to die right now, this instant?
◦◎◠ ◕▴◓▴▨◗◓ ▨◗ ◭▱▨◪◎◫▢ ◀◨▦◨▦ ◭▢▴◓◫▦▴ ▨◨◓◨▱◈◨▵
But they shouldn't forget that our country was built on that.
◝◗◓◠▢ ◠◓◠ ◚▴◓◎▴▨ ◗◞▫◪◓ ◎◫◞◗▦?
You wanna take a break?
◝◫◓ ◞▩◓▩ ▫◪▨▱◫◍ ◠▱◎▪◒◞▪▦◈▪◓▵
You must get plenty of offers.
◝◗◓◫ ▮▴◂ ◤◧◧▦ ◡◠◪ ◫◞▴ ◈◗◐◪◓◫ ◈◪ ▭◪◪ ▮◧◂'▦◨▦ ◈◧◐◨◓◈◨◐▾ ◉◧▼▾▨■ ◈◪◐◗▱ ◎◫?
If one of them is Yoon Jae, then the other is... the kid you had by accident?
▴◐◪◓ ◞◠◓▷◧◒◞◠▦■ ▴◚◪ ◕◗▫▵
If you're drunk, then go home.
◝◗▱◎◪▦◗ ◗◞▫◫▽◂◓◨◎ ▨◗▵▵▵ ▶◠◎◠◎▵
I just want you to know... it's okay
► ▮◧▽◠◐◠▼◬◎◬ ◎▪ ◉◬▨◠◓◈◬▦ ◞◠▦▨◫?
Oh, you know my lineage?
□▴▨◗■ ◀◠◒▨◠ ◀◠◒▨◠ ◍◠◓▨ ◪▫▫◗◐◫▦ ◀◫◓ ◒▴◳
Okay, was, um- was there any- anything else, any other detail?
► ▯◪◈◪▦ ◀◠▷◞▴▫▫◗◐◗▦◫►
His name's Jason. - I don't have time for...
►◙◠◎◠▫ ◎▪?
◲◳◗ ◂▽▦◠◈▪◐◬▦▪ ◎◬ ◈▩◒◭▦▩◳◧◓◞▾▦?
You think you were okay?
◙▾◓◈◨◓◠▼◠▨ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ◳◧▱ ◳◧▨ ◕◗◀◗
It seems we have no way of stopping it.
◙▩▢ ◚▴ ◈◠◓ ◒◗◎◈◗ ▵
On the straight and narrow now.
◀▴◓◫ ▫▴▨ ◀◗◓ ◠◓◠◎◠ ▽◠▻◬▱◎▪◒▵
Uh, only one call since she returned.
▭▴▻◗▦◫▢◫ ◠◳◬▨ ◕◣◓◈◭◐◭◎◪ ◞◪◚◗▦◈◫◎▵
I'm happy to see you all awake. John.
◝◭◳▩▨ ◫▷▫◫◎◠▱▱▴ ◀▩▫▩▦ ◕▴▼◪ ▾▽◠▦▪▨▫▪▵▵▵
-He was probably up all night dicking that girl.
►▿▦◠ ◉◧▨ ◫▽◫ ◀◠▨◬▦▵
- Give him the best of care.
◦▼▴▱▴ ▴◈◪◓◞▴▦ ◇▱◈▩◓◎▴◎!
Only if you don't hurry!
◩◐◓▴▫◪▼▴◐◫▢■ ◎▴◓◠▨ ◪▫◎◪▵
- We will, my dear, we will.
► ▭◠◈◫ ◞▴▦◗ ▫▴◎◗▢▱◪◳▴▱◗◎▵
- Let's get you cleaned up.
◉▩▦▨▩ ◀◨ ◕▴▼▴ ◀◨◓◠◈◠▦ ◕◗◈◫▽◂◓▾▢▵
Won't happen, 'cause we're leaving tonight... this hearty brotherhood, on a crusade.
150)}◰▱◗◎◈◪▨◫ ▷◪◓ ◒▴▽◗ ◞◠▦◠ ◚◪◓▴▼▴◐◗◎ 150)}◰▱◗◎◈▴▨◫ ▷◪◓ ◒▴◳◫ ◞◠▦◠ ◚◪◓◪▼◪◐◫◎ ◢◠▱◀◗▦ ▮▪▼◠▨▱◬◐▪
I'll give you everything I have... 720)}The Temperature of the Heart
► ◙◑◙ ▽◠▦▪◎◈◠▵
- I've got the DVD here.
► ◄◫▨◪ ▶▽◞◧▦'▪ ▨◫◎ ◉◠▱▪◒▫◬◓◈◬ ◞◠▦▪◳◂◓◞▾▦?
- Yeah. - Gus D'Amato.
◞◠▦◠ ◠▽▦◬ ◒◪◳◫ ◞◧◓◠▼◠◐◬▢▵
I think that we would like to ask you the same question.
◙▴◚◠◎ ▴◈◫▽◧◓▾▢ ◀▾◓◠◈◠▨◗ ▷◪◓▨▴◞ ◧ ▱◠▦▴▫ ◀◠◕◠▸▱◠◓◬ ◗▱▴ ◗▱◪◓▱▴◎◪◳◪ ◈◪◚◠◎ ◪▫▫◫▱◪◓▵
We go on. Everyone here went on with all their fucking baggage.
◟◠◓◈◬◎▼◬ ◧▱◎◠◳◬ ◞◪◚◗◳◂◓◨◎▵
Well, I like to give back.
◄◠◓▨'◬▦ ▷◠▼▨▴◓ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒◬▦◬ ◀◫▱◫▽◧◓◞◨▦▵▵▵
Very funny (!
► ◢◠◀▾▱ ▴◈▴◀◗▱◪▼◪◐◫▦◈▴▦ ◉◂▨ ◞▾◉▱◨◞◨▦▵
- You're more to blame than you'll admit.
►◤◠▻◠▼◠◐▪◎▪▢ ◒▴◳▱▴◓▵▵▵
We got some more stuff...
◌◓◠▦▨■ ◉▪▨ ◧◓▫◠▽◠▵
- Jimmy crack corn... - Frank, come on out!
► ◘◚◗▦◗▦ ◠◓▨◠◞◬▦◈◠▵
- Behind his house.
◀▾ ◗▨◗ ◠◈◠◎▪▦ ◉▪▻▱◠▨ ▽▩▢◭◒◭▦▩ ◫▢▱◪◎▴▨ ◈▪◒◬▦◈◠ ▷◪◓ ◒◪▽◗ ◳◠▻◠◓▪◎▵
Yes, I will do anything besides watch these two naked dudes swim.
◝◠▦◠ ◈◠ 500 ◈◂▱◠◓ ◣▦◪◓◈◫▵
He tapped me up for $500, too.
◝◪▦◫ ◚▾◓◠◎◠▢◞◬▦! ► ◩▽▱▴ ◎◗?
You won't shoot me.
◫▦◞◠▦▱◠◓▪▦ ◀◫▱◎▴◞◗▦◗▦ ◣▦◪◎▱◫ ◂▱◈▾◐▾▦◨ ◈▩◒▩▦▩◳◂◓◨◎▵
I just think it's important that people know.
▭◪▽■ ◧ ▴▻◪▽◈◫◓ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕▴▱◎◗▽◂◓▵
I... Hey, she hasn't been over here in a while.
▯▴◓▴▽▴ ◕◫▫▫◫◐◗◎◫▢◫ ◀◫▱◫▽◧◓◞▾▦ ◞◠▦▪◳◧◓◈▾◎▵
I thought you knew where we were going.
►◅▴▨◫◓◕▴ ▨◠▱◠◀◠▱◬◐▪▦ ◈▪◒◬▦◠ ◈◧◐◓▾ ▷◠◓▴▨▴▫ ▴◈◗◳◂◓▵
=Grasshopper is moving out of the crowd.=
◝◓◳▼▴ ◉◂▼▾◐▾◎◠ ◫◳◫ ◀◠▨
Brice, I need you take care of my child. I will, but tell me what's going on.
◅◂▨ ◒◗◓◫▦ ◀◗◓ ◉◂▼◨▨▫◨▵
He was such a sweet kid.
◮▢◨▦ ▢◠◎◠▦◈▪◓ ◨▢◠▽◈◠ ◈▴◐◗▱◈◗◎▵
I haven't been in space for a long time.
▿▷ ▶◠▦◓▪◎
Oh God.