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Post: I'm doing an article for a Mental Health Blog and I really want to write about people's stories on the importance on opening up/going to seek help from a professional. I would love to hear your experiences, why you went/started opening up, what you have learned, and how it has impacted your life! Of course everything you write will be anonymous on my post (I can even give you a pseudo name if you would like, just let me know)! Feel free to comment down below or message me if you want to be more private, thanks! :)
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He backed me into a corner in the kitchen and kept hitting me. When I fell he stomped on my face and also choked me. I was trying to hit back but he's much bigger than me. When he starting choking me, I bit the holy hell out of his arm to get him off. He surprisingly did, after yelling about how it hurt, then went to finish packing.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Not actually losing my home at the moment, so so far not in danger of homelessness, but I figured this was the next closest place to "Tips for Poor as Fuck People". We're losing cable tomorrow or the next day unless we come up with money we don't have. Losing the internet is brutal, but losing phone service is going to be the real problem. I'm in the middle of a series of surgeries over the course of a year with the final one being a month out. In really shitty medical condition...and now I am going to be cut off from getting messages from any of my doctors, surgeon, or infusion clinic.
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Post: Has anyone else tried exercising regularly to help with anxiety? It’s been quite a while since I exercised regularly, haven’t really done it since my anxiety started. I’ve been riding my bike every day for the last week or so and have noticed that it’s helped quite a bit. Haven’t had any panic attacks. Some very mild anxiety yesterday that passed within an hour or so, but that’s been about it.
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Post: 3. Not wanting it to happen So.... Just drunk? ... Or dissociation? Is there a way to tell?
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Post: I feel like I have the worst luck with everything, but maybe that's just bias. I feel like life has dealt me a short hand and I feel so guilty saying this because there are people out there with lives far worse than mine. Walking is painful, talking is painful, I don't know what to do. I just want everything to end. I just want to rest and not have to struggle.
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Post: I can recall one situation where I was accused of taking her credit card (I was 6 years old and before we had computers), the one she left in store, so decided to ransack my bedroom, destroying most of the gifts I got the Christmas. This resulted in being given a crumpled, unapologetic five-pound note. No sorry, nothing said, just the silence and dark stair. From a young age I was subjected to social seclusion, I was not allowed to hang out with any of the local kids in my town. Apparently, they were all ‘bad’ children and believed I would be influenced by them resulting in becoming, well I am not to sure what she expected.
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Post: This is my first post on reddit and I am seeking any advice I can get. Current Situation-I am a 22 year old veteran, living under the good graces of my girlfriend. I have 2 part time jobs. One as a server and another as an Army Reserve soldier (both of which I have just started after being unemployed for almost 3 months.) I have almost $15k worth of credit card and vehicle debt to my name and absolutely nothing in savings.
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Post: I never personally did anything beyond a "show me yours and I'll show you mine" type of thing where another kid and I would see how we "measured up", but it felt like those experiences had heavily sexual undertones for me - I don't know if that was me figuring things out or if my mind went there from what happened to me cousin. When I was about 13 I remember thinking to myself that it was crazy that so many of my peers knew what they wanted - I was just really, really confused. I said to myself "I don't know what I like or which team I go, and I bet that's because of what happened between me and my cousin. I'll figure it out when I'm older" and that was it. I did what a lot of other kids my age were doing - I hopped online and watched lots of porn.
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Post: I would comfort her as much as I was able, and once when I was home on break, I even confronted my brother about his behavior. I tried to be empathetic and not accusatory, and have a conversation about his feelings and encourage self-reflection. I talked about how I suffered from depression in graduate school and compared my symptoms of increased irritability and desire to stay at home with his current behavior. He seemed receptive to the conversation instead of becoming defensive as he usually does, and ultimately I suggested he try counseling, as that helped me. He never pursued it, though.
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Post: During a night he came barged into me and my mom's room and started hitting her. I was so confuse and in tears I didn't know what to do, but cry. I didn't get much sleep that night. The abuse continue on for 4 years. There was peaceful time I thought the abuse stopped.
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Post: *Disclaimer: This Discord is not at all affiliated with this subreddit and is not moderated by anyone from the moderating team here. * Hi all! I run a general mental health peer support chatroom on Discord for people 18\+. At over 2600 members, we still maintain a close community\-oriented atmosphere with rules in place and moderators present at all times.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: First it was chest pain and heart palpitations. Then left arm pain and shoulder pain for awhile. Then back pain and tension headaches now it's a little mix of everything, I get breaks in between where it feels fine but then it comes back and my mind now after it being relentless for 2 days is think is this Really anxiety? I mean cmon this is relentless even at time when I'm not anxious. Sorry for the rant just getting sick and tired of constant suffering where I don't even know what's round the corner next...
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It was all so wrong of me. It started happening when we went to my father's bday weekend and a family member groped me and I remembered that he also did stuff like that. A lot of em did. My partner was sad and fell asleep after I told them. I couldn't sleep.
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Post: But this time if she ordered me a shot, I gave it away. I'm one of the only friends left who will go out to eat or drink with her, and I don't want to do it anymore. I feel I am enabling her diseases and I feel extremely guilty. She is worrisomely thin, and I don't think she'll live another 5 years. I honestly think the only calories she retains are from alcohol.
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Post: I am able to pay back plus interest within a short time frame. If anyone can help me I would seriously appreciate it. I'm extremely stressed out a helping hand would be so amazing. I tried to keep this as short as possible. If you are still reading this thank you for your time.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: for at least a month i was waking up from 4 hours of sleep to panic attacks. the only thing that calmed it was over the counter sleeping pills.I noticed it help my hypervigilence, i was no longer jumping and getting adrenaline rushes from every little sound. but i forget to take the sleeping pills from time to time like tonight. I slept 2 hours then woke up, no anxiety or panic attacks this time but unable to fall asleep and with much on my mind. I don't want this to affect my work but it has been.
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Post: The reason being is just to protect you awesome folks. I know most of the people who request monies are truly in need but there are always a few who take advantage of the generosity of others. So please, let’s just stick to food and hygiene items only, guys. Again, those who help out here are some of the kindest, most generous Redditors there are. Glinda~
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: *Alt account cuz I don't want to be recognized for my embarrassment* Anyway, I just asked a girl out via text and am awaiting her response. I believe that she is probably sleeping since she usually goes to bed early so I most likely won't hear from her until tomorrow. But the wait is eating me up inside. I figured that I'd go for it cuz why not, ya know?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: (He knows where we live and go to school) My moms in a ton of debt because of my dad. Right now both of them have a job but if my dad is no longer working, it's gonna be a lot harder to pay it off. I also go to a private school which costs a lot. How do we deal with this?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Not sure why but I’m really off today. I can’t stop feeling like a screw up even though I’ve really done nothing wrong today. I feel like it might have been triggered by seeing an old family friend who asked how my abuser was or because I am having an injury flare up after doing really well. I just feel useless and unlovable. I have convinced myself even my husband doesn’t like me.
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Post: It wasn't a trap (like, wth?) and I just couldn't hide my emotions effectively. I know he has a lot on his mind lately and he's very anxious, but so do I, and I also feel it's unfair to him to use me as his emotional punching bag. I love the guy, but lately I've been thinking almost on daily basis whether to put an end to the relationship. I'm exhausted by his continuous lashing out and bullshit.
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Post: I have several issues with anxiety, but urban driving is one of the worst. So of course, my wife drags me along to new york city and expects me to do the driving. Currently emotionally and physically exhausted. One of the worst things, one that i will cause me lose sleep at night is: im anxious because im unsure if paid a toll while traveling in a tunnel from JFK to jersey city. My rental has an easy pass, but it was dark, i was confused.
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Post: How do I decide? I clicked with one guy, but he does talk therapy, doesn't really have a specific method like EMDR or CBT. There are many who use specific methods, and most didn't click, or had approaches I feel iffy about. Ultimately I think I just have to accept that no therapist will make this problem of living with CPTSD go away, and this is something I'll have to learn to live with. What tips do you have for picking therapists, or about therapy in general?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We’ve been together for two and half years but went through a rough patch not too long ago because I shipped off to basic. But now that I’m back we were good but now her depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies are pushing me away. I’m trying my best to support her but it’s so hard because I’m just her boyfriend? Not her shrink or doctor. Idk what to do anymore because I try my best to help her but she doesn’t really care anymore.
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Post: bah. Anyway, couple months down the line, I met her family, loved them, they loved me (they're first impression of me was, get this, me clogging they're toileting and it overflowing with me yelling SOS through the bathroom door.. it was awesome lol). L and I continued to grow even closer as my now senior year progressed (her junior). Then March happened. L started to act wierd.
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Post: I receive SSI/SSDI. About $1,000/mo. I have a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness for taking showers whenever I want. I have a membership at REI for buying camping gear and clothes suited to the outdoors. I live pretty comfortably, all things considered, and have figured out a system of outdoor living that both keeps me alive and sane.
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Post: Hi everyone my name is Lily, I'm 19, I live in CA and I really need help with rent. I've tried to do everything I can but I can't get any help, so reddit i'm looking to you to help me out over here. I need 200 hundred dollars by the end of \*next week ( unless I get another dog sitting offer which then of course I will let you guys know ). Due to so major life issues ( father dying at age 14, grandmother dying a month later, getting chronically sick around that time, PTSD ) I'm having trouble getting my GED which is making it harder for me to get a job but I am trying.
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Post: I am a stay at home mother of 3. My oldest is my husband's as his mum gsve up on him 5 years ago. My youngest was born with a congenital condition and my middle has ASD. I live to look after them and they are what keep me grounded. Just for some reason recently I have been struggling more and more to just suck it up and carry on.
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Post: Thank you! EDIT: Thank you to /u/dan_coyle .... He purchased my entire Amazon wishlist. I can't even express how thankful I am to know that I will be ready with a few staples for the cooler weather. Thank you also to everyone who made very useful suggestions for low-cost places to shop for clothing in the future.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’ve been trying not to get triggered or stamping on the instincts to just leave the place and be silent. Even with that, I couldn’t even really keep a hold and have had hard days where I just wanted to stay isolated from the world and disappear in my mind and try to heal myself and it isn’t working. I struggle to sleep sometimes and I do struggle with self worth, being comfortable with myself because I just don’t see myself as someone who’s important to other ppl. I'm really unsure how to deal with it. Also, I'm not sure if I should tell anyone because that couldn't have happened right and it could not have been that bad?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I just posted my whole story <url> but it's literally too long for anyone to actually read. I mainly want to know if this would be considered rape: MOST RECENT ABUSE: I worked 7 days in a row and finally had one night off on a Friday. I expressed I wanted to spend it with him, but since I went out the night before he was determined to go out with his friends that night. I guess that also comes with ignoring me all night.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She claims that because she is a woman, nobody will believe me. I'm not exactly sure what she did to herself, but when the police came she claimed that I hit her and had a flushed cheek to show for it. Fortunately, the police were able to put together what actually happened based on my blood trail. Thank God I was sitting when she hit me and that the blood all around me proved it otherwise I would be in jail for something I didn't do. Things have been escalating for a while and this is the second time she has been arrested in the past 3 months for assault.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don't trust anyone, especially myself. I am going fucking crazy. I feel there's really only 3 conclusions to my life currently. The psych ward, which after being involuntarily admitted in January and paying close to $11K for that 4 day stint where no one gave a shit about me or even attempted to ask me more than 3 questions about my mental health a day, isn't an option. Plus I can't take off work indefinitely because I'm a basket sake.
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Post: I feel like these experiences have totally altered my psyche and now i find gratification through exploitation. I even had the painful realization that ive never had any normal sexual relationship and these abuses are all i know. I broke down the other night just crying realizing that i dont get to be normal, and that i have sick urges. I heard that theres high rates of abused people become abusers too, and i hate that im part of the issue. Tl;Dr: I was abused and now i abuse, what can i do to cope?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: (I haven’t had to go in and get him for any reason since he started!) On top of all that, I now have a boyfriend who is a real partner in life things. He helps out with childcare when he can, he splits household chores, and we split some bills. I’ve never had this kind of support before and it feels amazing, if not a little strange since it’s a new experience for me. My marriage was certainly not a partnership like this.
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Post: The thoughts that have been pouring into my head theses past few days are terrifying. I wonder what driving my car off the side of the freeway would feel like. The relief that would come at the end. I feel so hopeless & I don't want to feel this way anymore. I wish I had a gaping wound so I could go into the hospital and they could fix me.
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Post: Has anyone else had this sensation? Also, if I close my mouth so my teeth are close together, I can tell that they are constantly chattering. I've definitely been much more anxious than usual lately as I work full-time at an emotionally challenging job and just decided to go back to school to pursue a Master's degree via night classes, but this shaky sensation has been a little alarming as I can't tell if it is anxiety related or something worse (which certainly contributes to the anxiety!!). If anyone has any suggestions or words of wisdom, I would be so appreciative. Thanks in advance!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: In Nashville, it's going to be below 30 tonight (possibly snow tomorrow). So far it seems my sleeping bag is doing it's job, but my laptop was uber cold. Also gave me some screen errors (I think it may be humidity build up related, because later in the day it worked fine). Right now it's in a laptop case. But that didn't help much.
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Post: Stop! ", not being aware of what happens around her anymore. Apparently she also dissociates during this time and she doesn't remember anything afterwards. It breaks my heart to see this but it also kind of scares me. It's difficult to watch.
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Post: I'd wake up in the middle of the night to him feeling my ass and masturbating. I was scared, and didn't know what to do so I just pretended not to notice. I can't even remember how long this must have went on, but soon enough I had decided to put my pillow on the other side of the mattress, because he'd touch me when I sleep on my side. I thought putting my pillow on the other side of the bed will help because as I fall asleep and turn on my left side my back will be towards the wall, and he won't be able to reach. I even remember him asking me the next day why I'd decided to move my pillow to the other side of the mattress.
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Post: I was in my front yard talking to him on the phone, when I refused to hang-up she had a temper tantrum and screamed loudly enough for the people outside to hear her say I "got online and talked to little boys." Her father refuses to do anything about her or the other daughter or treats me just as bad. I try to stand up for myself, I mean I am their uncle after all, but they just yell, scream and call me names anyway. After about 6 years of this happening I've become a virtual prisoner in my own house. I stay in my bedroom all day, on the computer, making things to sell or doing art.
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Post: And I’m at a complete loss as to how we resolve this. (BTW, we have talked about all of this about 1,957 times already. There is nothing written here he hasn’t heard before.) TL;DR – Husband has always been the primary earner with well-paying jobs, but has experienced serious burn-out. As we’re eating into our savings, it looks like I’ll have to put my business on hold and go back to work.
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Post: She talked sarcastically about how my life is "obviously so horrible" and I'd say "yeah, mom, it is." She denied yelling at us all the time, and said that if I can say she yells all the time then she can say I yell all the time too (at my little siblings), which is just not true. I am nice to my siblings, excluding today where I was angry at everything. But I still didn't yell at them. She said that for months I've been terrorizing her about this "yelling thing" and how I think that one small mistake automatically means someone is a bad person.
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Post: [Facebook <url> [Criss <url> Please help and share the word. Most importantly, SPREAD AWARENESS. **Edit** available are regular Hanes shirts, women's fit shirts, and sweatshirts
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I even tried to settle this outside of their insurance so that their insurance rates wouldn't go up. I feel afraid every time it becomes nighttime and when I have to go to school, because I know there is a chance I may see him again. I don't know how to stop thinking about what happened that night, what I could have done differently, or what would have happened if someone had come to save me. It's hard to tell my family I've begun to think about killing myself again. I've struggled with depression for years and this incident has only made it so much worse.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Not being able to let go of the fact that I let this go on for so long, and even the fact that in my heart I still care and want him. In my mind I think "if only" or "what if" but I know those are facades. I know he will never be real, open or honest about who he is or what he did. I have to forgive myself for letting this take over my life, my heart, my emotions. I have to forgive myself for not listening to my gut and my intuition.
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Post: Good day. I am from the Philippines and I was recently diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety almost a month ago (July 10th). Since then it has been a very challenging and difficult time for me and my family. Work required me to secure a fit to work order before I can get back to work. My medical insurance does not cover mental health conditions and it took me over 3 weeks to secure one.
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Post: I have 2 wish lists because Amazon is expensive on items, so I created a Wal-Mart (zip code 40219) wishlist too. I also have a PayPal account. The meats are cheaper at save a lot because save a lot has pick5 for $20. Hi Friends and Family! <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Sorry if this is kinda long... We met in highschool and became best friends. Even after we still talked everyday, hang out almost every weekend and I felt everything was okay. She then started getting kinda distant e cold toward me and I had no idea why. I talked to friend in commom and she said my this friend(I'll call her P.) felt that I was too negative and was always complaining.
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Post: Participation is completely voluntary. If you are interested in participating, you will complete an online screener to see if you qualify to participate. If you qualify, you will complete a variety of questionnaires online. The study will involve four online assessments over the next month that should take about 40-50min to complete and you will be compensated up to $70 in online gift cards to Amazon. A few important things to know about the study are:
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Our justice system is not aimed at helping victims. I feel totally violated, put down, and blamed for requesting an extension on an order of protection. Which was denied because he is living in another state. Even though, he was unable to show, as he’s out on bond for assaulting a new woman. Judge told me, if he harasses you and violates you again, then you can go back through the process to get an order.
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Post: I get it; my one friend has personal reasons for being against medication, the other one has a bad personal experience, and my boyfriend had a small midwestern town upbringing that allowed no room for mental weakness so he has a hard time understanding. I guess I just...I don’t know. I felt empowered to do this going into the appointment and even during it. I felt like people were on board with me seeking treatment if that’s what I felt was right. And now that it’s a just seems like people have turned their backs and no longer are okay with it.
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Post: They taunt me and remind me of my weakness. They remind me of my failures, and they are loud. Louder than anything. And there's so many of them. Swirling and swirling and telling me what an awful fucking person I am.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I can't take much more. I hate being unworthy of the truth and feeling like I'm crazy for thinking this. This feels like my entire life, with everyone I've ever expected to love and care for me. I'm fucking over it. TL;DR I know my boyfriend is probably on drugs, or at least was actively using for some period of time recently, and you will probably agree with me if you read the evidence.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: (TW sexual abuse mentions) When I was 14 I was sexually abused regularly for 8 months, resulting in PTSD, and recently I realised that afterwards I completely changed how I looked. I went from being this pretty normal looking student, short cropped hair, I would wear normal casual clothing on weekends, I was healthy, all that, now, over three years later I look completely different, I'm stick thin, hair grown out past my shoulders, I only wear black and almost always clothes that cover as much of me as possible, heavy scarring covering the majority of my body, and messy facial hair growing in. I feel like I've completely altered myself so nobody is tempted to hurt me again, like I'm blaming how I looked for what happened, so completely changing it seemed like the most sensible thing. I've never heard of anyone else doing this before though, is this normal?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: At the end of the survey, please select “<name>” when prompted for the name of the student who gave you this survey. If you know anyone else who might be interested in taking this survey, we ask that you please pass it on to them as well. Thank you for your time. <url> **To anyone who has already taken the survey:**
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It takes them **three weeks** to call me. I'm currently working 7.30am to 6pm with a 30 minute lunch that is not at a set time. We spend about 2 weeks playing voicemail tag but never getting to speak. - I get a call from my GPs office, stating that the o2 place reported I had said I didn't want the machine because it was too expensive. I told my GP that I hadn't even gotten prices out of them yet!
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Post: Maybe programming, I can spend more than 12 hours a day if needed to learn programming. My point is, I´m not looking for any handouts or anything like that, I´m ready to spend countless of hours to work so I can help my family. What are your thoughts? TL, DR: Father passed away, my mother can´t pay the rent and bills etc. Now I ask for advice for jobs and ways to increase my income so I can help my mother pay the rents
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I can't even use the restroom because then I think about how if I were in the restroom when a shooter entered, the shooter could easily get me and the classrooms would be locked and I'd be locked out. I was late for one of my classes because I was afraid to leave my classroom. Does anyone else feel the same way? It's like I can't function normally anymore, school is such a scary place to be all of a sudden when it used to be a place I felt safe and comfortable, even though we had an open campus. Ugh.
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Post: I'm now 18 Years old,from Germany and going to school right now, planning on study psyochologie. The only thing that seems to slow me down right now is chronic panicattack-like illness that seems to destroy everything I've build up for myself. It is a constant strain of thought that I fear the most that developed from the time I was six. Eversince I was six years old I started having weird forced habits like touching certian things for x amount of times or making weird noises. The older I got, the less I had these forced habits and the more I had something like a second "voice" in my head that was thinking of something entirely else and actually disturbing that I couldn't control.
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Post: One of them was “Catchphrase”. Similar to Taboo, but you pass around a device, and have to get your team to guess the word/phrase before the timer runs out. Of course, it has to make a countdown noise/beeping which makes me even more anxious. My partner has gotten quite good at gauging where I am on a scale of 1-10. He noticed that I was getting more tense as it was passed around the circle, headed towards me.
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Post: But I’m pissed, I waited to long for this like I honestly could have killed myself before they got back to me. I know there’s a lot of people in the system and their funding is low, but this is bullshit! The government doesn’t give a shit about mentally ill people. If they did then there honestly would be way less crime rates and suicide rate because people would be getting the help that they need instead of waiting for some bad shit to happen before they get help. The urgency is just NOT there at all.
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Post: He certainly had/has the ability to. The worst/best part of this story is that I am still with this prick, trying to get away safely. Best part is that my story may be horrifying enough to convince women in an early stage DV situation to run before it escalates to my story. After the 2nd severe incident, I called family who took me to the ER. Had lots of tests done.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: They can’t all be wrong or insane, can they? Abusers spend so long abusing and being nice and abusing and being nice that you start to think that you play a role in the abuse and the only reason he/she is nice to you again is because of some demand you met. And your will to live/be safe/feel secure will override any trauma you have been through. You will do anything to make them nice again, because that means you get to be safe/secure. It's not contingent upon you, but on them, but you forget this.
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Post: You’re losing control Juststopthinking— —You’re panicking Stop —Panicking
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: No Idea why I am here, guess I just need to vent. Well my troubles started last weekend, my parents flew over from Malta to visit my brother whose in hospital. He is in bad shape and initially he lost the use of his legs few years ago and now his paralysis is rising up to his waste. So am I headed of to the hospital and stayed up north for the weekend. I told my gf that she could stay at home rather than spend her time at the hospital with me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I was having a fucking panic attack.Once we payed and where done, we went into the thrift store to tell my mom we where done. I finally told i was having a panic attack because he threatened to smack the crap out of me. "he threatened you?" i could tell by my tone she doesn't believe me. "we're probably not coming here anymore" she said.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Since I knew him I haven't had active suicidal thoughts. Even now. I hate how I am and I wish I could die right now, but I don't have the drive to do it myself anymore. How do I leave him if I know that life without him has been and will be a worse circle of hell? FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE IF I HAD THE MONEY I'D HIRE A HITMAN TO DO ME IN
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I would want to major in Broadcasting/Film but I will end up coming out with 30-40k in debt before additional scholarships and debt is something that I really don't want. &#x200B; OR I could go to Brescia University on a full ride for esports (i would even get paid to go there) and although they don't have the major I wanted, the coach said it would be a good idea to get my major in a business degree and get my minor in graphics design. They also have many connections with different companies within esports that im not sure if WKU has. Here is also an estimated award letter they gave me: <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: --- **tl;dr**: Met this guy a few months ago, we've only hung out a few times. I'm a little wary of the age gap and don't have much experience with accurately "reading signals". He is mildly physically affectionate (leans towards me, hits my arm playfully, pulls things from my hair) and gives compliments that seem genuine and sincere, but aren't quite non platonic. What do you think/what should I look for?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: In the end I think I do want to move to SoCal because I like the warm weather. Not a huge fan of cold and/or perpetually rainy places. I have no family support, am 23, and I'm finding it really hard to get gainful employment. I would just like to be able to get on my feet, not need government assistance, pursue my art and at least say I have a year's work experience. Thanks!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She is so hardworking. At multiple times in her life she has worked multiple jobs to support herself and her family. She has never been on any type of government assistance. Even when she divorced her abusive alcoholic husband she didn't seek child support or alimony. She is incredibly self sufficient but it just seems that she can't catch a break.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I changed jobs last year and moved up into a management role. I run a small program for kids and have 3 staff. Shortly after accepting my position, my job duties completely changed, I hired one new staff person, 2 staff quit and I hired 2 more, and it was up for debate on whether the program would cease to exist by 2019. It feels like I’ve been in survival mode, and everyone was abandoning me...even though I know it wasn’t me they were abandoning. This was rough for me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She wants to live off these 400.00 and cut back on everything there is, even her own only connection back to her family if needed. My plan was, to get back to our parents for a while, until we both earn a bit better or find a cheaper place. But unfortunately, for her this is no option. She is afraid she can't go home, as she already once switched jobs and is afraid her mother won't accept her at home again. She blocks every attempt of mine to bring up the possibility of going back.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She's been doing exams as of late and we've both had some personal problems so we haven't had time to work on our relationship. We both said we would stay together but sort it all out after she came back from a holiday she was going on with her uni. On the second last night she tells me she has kissed another guy and feels horrific about it. I tell her i'm going to leave because she has cheated in hope she realizes what life is like without me (stupid I know). I've always put her needs before mine, i've tried to give her everything and be the perfect boyfriend and because my natural defense mechanism is to retreat into my shell and shut the world out I don't reply to her texts that day.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Ok here we go.... My original trauma was being molested by my grandfather starting around 7-8 (my best guess, only have a few memories, could’ve been earlier). I have very few memories of this, although I have gotten some back recently. I don’t know how long it continues for but he died when I was 10/12 or so Around this time I was also severely bullied in school, my cousin being the ring leader.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: What do I do? --- **tl;dr**: My fiance completely cuts himself off from our son and me and sulks for days if his sports teams lose. I am tired of having to plan our lives around his teams and cancel plans when they lose, but he doesn't see a problem. I don't know what to do, but I feel like I can't keep doing this.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Every single day I'm getting fb messages from her saying a combination of the following: I'm feeling sad, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm scared you aren't attracted to me,
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She does dissociate and is on all kinds of psychiatric meds. One day she loves me the next day she hates me. I really don't know what to do, I moved down south to be with her and so I have no friends or family here. She suffers from agoraphobia so we never leave the house. Its also her place so Im scarred she is going to kick me out, she has used that against me in the past, it makes me feel very vunrable and scared.
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Post: My primary concern is to get her the surgery and treatment she needs to save her life. To that end, I've set up a fundraising campaign here: <url> Every little bit helps! I know it's a long shot to reach the goal, but every dollar you can spare goes a long way to help, even if the goal isn't reached. I would be so grateful for any and all assistance, even if it's just to share this story/fundraising with your family and friends.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: And he said that he had some deep feelings for me. So I suggested meeting at another time without booze. In the morning I had a text from him apologising for being an asshole. I replied and said I didn't think that, but that I was a little overwhelmed. Since then I have not heard much from him, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: just in case you feel like helping a person in need, I am short of responses to complete my thesis data. it is about content co-creation in gaming enviromnet :-) it takes about 10 min :-) without the 400 respones I can not finish my work and will be obliged to pay extra semester university fees :-( please help me get out of desperation , thank you I appreciate every filled survey ;-) it would be great if you can fill it and share it as well with your friends :-) <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: If you were raped on a daily basis from infancy through adolescence then you should "radically accept" it. Check out the parts of Linehan's book where she explains how unconditional positive regard is a myth, nonexistent. The part where she explains about paradoxical intervention. That is where you manipulate and jerk your client around using head games and reverse psychology. Then there is radical genuineness.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The reality is acceptance is a huge step in moving forward in any treatment, thing of AA and the whole 12 steps first is admitting your an alcoholic because denial will not help SHIT. It will make you resistant to treatment, and all kinds of things. #7 Develop a Vice...I recommend a healthy one. Develop an addiction..and no not a drug/drinking addiction (the white coats give us as enough meds...don't seek out more) but you have have health immoral habits, if binge watching tv is your thing, eating an entire cake to yourself, buying expensive tabletop games, whatever. DO IT, don't do it everyday but set some time once a month, twice a year, every few months depending on your vice and exercise it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He tells everyone we’re his life. My family victim blames and they’re are ok with a multi millionaire pedophile in the family. So they’re disgusting and no help. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll try to kill me one day. I’m moving soon if I can get a damn plan together to his parents, they understand he’s crazy, but he really messes with my head.
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Post: okay. ANYWAYS. that was my long way of asking if like. was i molested? okay no that’s a bit much of a question.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have an amazing group of friends filled with the most genuine people you'd ever meet. And I'm a college graduate. I have this deep fear that he'll be right. I'm terrified that I only think I've broken the cycle but I haven't really. Thanks to PTSD I'll probably still have those moments.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He explained that he didn’t think it was such a big deal that he disclosed such personal information about me without my permission to his friends then he tried to flip it and said it was no different then a time I canceled plans with a friend and told them the reason was because he, Tom was sick with the flu and I was going to stay in and take care of him. How is me honestly explaining that the reason I would have to cancel on a friend because my boyfriend is sick, the same as him giving away very detailed information about our sex life plus other very personal traumas that I experienced without my permission? I feel like he’s trying to gaslight me and I’m seeing a side to him I’ve never seen. I’m honestly thinking about ending things with him over this. TL;DR my boyfriend told his friends VERY detailed information about our sex life plus other personal things about my life without my permission and I feel so betrayed but he’s trying to act like it’s no big deal.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hello all, I'm a new submitter to this channel. I went here a few nights ago and honestly it's been helping me cope with my current situation by reading what others are going through. One of the things I noticed is that a lot of responses are brutally honest -- and I am here for just that while still accepting that I'm a hopeless romantic who sees the value in "If you really want it don't give up". Let's get started -
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: His response was to constantly remind me that "not everything is about you" and then taught me a technique which was to ask more questions in conversations because people always love talking about themselves. Anyway. I quit my antidepressants several months ago because I am in a good place now, and I can survive without them. I just find that thoughts like this are still very present, and can be very difficult to deal with. I never do apologize on Facebook.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I just want to get rid of the pent up confused bouncing energy inside me, so I cry because I've overwhelmed myself... not because I'm weak... That's what I tell myself at least.... I force myself to do things even if they make me uncomfortable just because I know normal ppl would not have the same issue.... Must act normal.. They won't like me if I don't... I am tired all the time, I just want someone to guide me. Take my hand and just understand I need their company to stop the war in my head, but torn because they say I should be able to do that for myself..
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm so grateful to this sub- it was really amazing to see that I wasn't alone in this. Reading other's struggles and accomplishments inspired me beyond belief. So I hope that if you're reading this you can find your own inspiration. Thank you for listening to me babble. I wish you all luck on your journey :)
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: As she was leaving she told me "now I have to go back there again" as she was sobbing. I didnt know what to say or what I could do to help. Everyone I've talked with as told me I should've gotten her phone number because looking her phone number up through our receipts and membership files is an invasion of privacy. Did I miss my only opportunity to help her by not asking for her phone number? Sorry for the sad story, I just don't know what to do and it's painful to think what is happening to her right now.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I started a new job last Tuesday, and I have had some pretty severe anxiety most days, especially my first day. (As probably to be expected) This is my second job, and unlike my first one I have ZERO customer interaction so my social anxiety hasn't been nearly as bad as it was with my previous job. Now tomorrow morning I start my second week, and I was feeling fine all day today, but it's time to sleep and I can't even lay down without freaking out. I'd hate to call in sick after only one week but I don't know if I can make it like this. I'm freaking out and it's stopping me from getting any sleep.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I just feel kinda gross because I was giving her fucking college advice and stuff. I'm fucking furious. My clearest memory of my dad in highschool is him ramming my head repeatedly into a wall because I didn't want to pick engineering as a *second choice*. And NOW he chooses to support and help this fucking girl through college when I had to do all that on my own? He even skipped out on my graduation!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hello I am having a massive anxiety attack over feeling nauseated. I hate the stomach flu it's a phobia of mine. Even meds don't take my anxiety away completely and they don't even help a lot honestly celexa is just the only medication where I don't get side effects and sometimes not even my clognezapan kicks in when I'm having panic attacks. I am at work and I cannot focus at all. I'm so scared I hate nausea I hate it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I also have pretty bad dissociative episodes which I've had since I was about 5. Anyway, a month ago I was prescribed prazocin to take before bed and I'm just on 1mg since I just started it. I'm wondering if anyone has had success with this med? Because I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm so run down that I just can't anymore. I don't know if I should even bother going up in dose or if it's just another waste of energy
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: How could I when I felt so unwelcome? Idk, I'm sorry, I'm just so sick of carrying on when it's so fucking exhausting just to be told that it's never bloody fucking good enough for anyone. I'm fucking trying so hard. They claim to understand that I have "issues" (I had confided before they abandoned me) yet I'm never fucking good enough. I just want to drink a bottle of bleach and be fucking done with it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is