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Post: I'm 18 and I'll be leaving home for the first time. At this point, you can see that my dad like to "collect" things but it not like our house looks like and episode of Hoarders (yet). Fast forward 18 months, I'm transferring to a college closer to home. Between traveling and not being able to find a job in the barely populated, conservative, town I was in, it was in the best interest. Also a key point, I changed my major from Veterinarian Bio to general Psychology since my hometown college didn't have vet bio.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I was in a rabbit hole of youtube videos over the weekend, starting off from music videos, then vine compilations, and then somehow fight videos. On one of the side videos, I noticed a video involving "XYZ high school" where my boyfriend attended. The video was actually pretty clear and my blood kind of ran cold when I realized one of the 2 kids in the video was my boyfriend. It was absolutely brutal. And there's no doubt that this was him.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: There was this one guy I would see around a lot and he was good looking. But he was 18. I talked to him sometimes and he seemed to like talking to me, said I was cute. This made me happy at the time. One day we were at the park and he asked if I had a boyfriend I said no.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Husband, I wanted to do this amicably. We could have made it through this heartbreak to our mutual benefit. I was willing to give you everything in exchange for your helping me furnish a tiny studio apartment. The value of such furnishings pale in comparison to the value of the property I was going to let you keep in exchange for allowing me to break free smoothly. I was going to let you keep my puppy.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We went home the next day. And now i fcking dont know what to do. My heart rate feels like it’s shaking the whole bed. Im dying. TLDR i got friendzoned at the beach and I cant take it like a man
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He said you better get a job by Friday or the homeless shelter. I'm thinking of going to stay at my cousins place who is supportive but it's a tad dirty but I'm considering just packing up my bag left clothes and going to stay with him. He also has my car and I'm not gonna try to take it back because he paid for my head so he gets my car. It's not worth much but still. Thank you for reading and I'm open to suggestions thank you Agian and I'm glad I got to share this
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Any help is greatly appreciated, I'll be sure to pay it forward when i'm back on my feet. Thank you. Edit: removed bitcoin address, missed that in the rules. Sorry! Edit2: thank you so much
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: For those that have sought help before, is it as bad as I am imagining? Will I be taken seriously? I feel that because I put myself in that situation, I sort of don't deserve help if that makes sense. I'm not even sure this is the right place to post as I'm not sure it's even a possibility to get some sort of ptsd from something like this. Sorry for the rambling, and thank you for reading.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He apologizes if I point it out later, but the first instinct is always to blame me. And often the thing he's blaming me for is exaggerated, and made to look like a routine flaw in me, even if it's a once off thing. He doesn't hesitate to show his bad mood/displeasure (which applies to how he is around most people not just me, but I think it's worse when it's about me). He doesn't hide it at all even if we're around other people, so I have to be particularly cautious not to piss him off or bring up anything that could upset him in public. When he's upset/displeased in private, he withdraws and it's up to me to grovel and convince him to talk to me again.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: After talking with my psych she made me realize that anxiety has been the route of my negative feelings and it was likely anxiety causing depression. Despite this, however, she never seemed to understand just how severe my symptoms were. I would try to stay calm and describe how i felt to the best of my ability, however it wasn't until she saw me have an anxiety attack over asking her a \_very\_ simple question that she finally understood the severity. She said I seemed to downplay how I felt, so I took this into account for future reference. Eventually I move on to starting antidepressants, citalopram to start off.
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Post: Hello. I have been on these support subs the last four months or so, and they have been so very helpful, thank you to everyone on her, and reading this. I have a situation where I am not sure what advice to give. My younger sister is twenty one years old. She has BPD or something much like it, and can become very emotional, begin panicking about the potential of abandonment, and threatening suicide, to cut of all her hair etc.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I've been suffering from anxiety and ptsd since I was 13, actively working towards recovery for the past three years. It's been up and down, of course, but overall I've made really encouraging progress. For the past six months I've been dating a really sweet guy, someone I think is worthy of my trust and good for me. We're both interested in being together long-term. This is the first healthy relationship I've ever been in, and I've been working really hard not to let past experiences and my own issues negatively affect our partnership.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I feel like I’m sabotaging our relationship. Making up scenarios to pick a fight and give us a reason to break up. I really don’t want to lose him. In the beginning, I was hesitant to go out with him but the more we hung out, the more I started to like him. Now that I know more about him and met his family, the more determined I felt to make this relationship work.
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Post: About Sean One thing that describes Sean best is his huge thirst for new experiences and knowledge. He would never sit still and was constantly trying to grow - waking up at 6am to go for a run, taking every opportunity to improve his Spanish and learning new skills while volunteering. A real nature lover; his biggest hero is David Attenborough and he would always serve us with the weirdest fun-facts about nature. He came across as the most positive guy, embracing life with all its aspects and trying to take the most of it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I couldn't speak but finally managed to say, "Bag, get my bag." He was able to help me with my pills and touch me and talk to me enough that I came back. Now boyfriend is back to bed, and I'm assuming I'll be up for the rest of the night. I don't know what to do with this. This is scary stuff.
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Post: Hi Everyone! My aunt is currently helping out the bus service in San Andres Ixtlahuaca, Oaxaca. The bus that is used currently is over 10 years old, which is over the limit required by the Mexican Government. The pueblo do not have the funds to afford a new bus and are at risk of losing the most affordable option of transportation. The people are concerned with raising funds, and it would be amazing if they got help.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am quite introverted and the broken friendship I had with my previous roommate made me feel very anxious, so I moved into an apartment on my own. I love living alone, but when I have severe anxiety attacks it becomes lonely and almost unbearable. I sometimes think so much that it feels like I am going crazy. I have terrifying thoughts and I make up scenarios in which I have some terrible condition, or I am dying. My parents know that I have anxiety, but never took it too seriously.
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Post: He tells me he loves me with his smile and outstretched arms every day. I need to be a good mom for him. ​ Thank you for reading. I have been holding this in for so long and I guess I just wanted to be heard.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She has not once shown disappointment. When she sees me get frustrated, she lays next to me and holds me. Asks me what I need to relax. But it's becoming a self perpetuating cycle and I'm getting panicky that this is going to drive a wedge between us because she will start to feel that she doesn't excite me or satisfy me or whatever. Before anyone asks, the pipes all work.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This SUCKS, we're booking plane tickets next Wednesday and half of me is ecstatic but the anxious half of me is dreading it. I need to figure out how to calm all this anticipatory anxiety so I can just let myself enjoy my relationship, the excitement leading up to our trip, and even the trip itself (although I feel like once I'm there I'll be fine)! This is the same anxiety that has stopped me before, and I am NOT letting it stop me again. To anybody who's experienced this before, what tips or strategies can you give me to help overcome it? TL;DR- Very anxious about upcoming trip because I'm afraid of being trapped/away from the comfort of my home, to the point where it's affecting other parts of my life, how do I get over the anticipatory anxiety so I can enjoy myself?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I might be homeless soon, I have about 500 dollars in my bank account and I NEED to get out of Massachusetts. I am going to be a college drop-out in my 3rd year due to family reason instead of academics. After a lot of research, I am contemplating between Wichita, Kansas and Columbus, Ohio. I really just want a minimum wage job so I can have a bed and private bathroom. Afterward I can get my life together and start taking programming jobs again.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: **I don't want to be anxious in drawing class. ** It's supposed to be my escape, my one place where I can do what I want and be who I choose. Instead it's turning out to be a trigger for anxiety. I refuse to drop my drawing class- I've already committed to trying to be an artist. What kind of artist doesn't take drawing in high school?!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: All of this has made me feel really horrible. It has destroyed my self esteem and made me feel depressed, unlovable, worthless, responsible, etc. It has also had severe and debilitating impacts on my mental and physical health.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I know the rules say no self-fundraising posts but I thought this might be an exception. This is all going to MAPS Canada, a non-profit who's current goal is legalizing MDMA-assisted therapy. I thought this sub would be interested in supporting! This is the same ORG that is legalizing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the States with promising results. Link to page: <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Even when she hated me, I didn't hate her. There weren't enough good friends in my life for me to afford hating her, and there still aren't. I can't describe it. She and my mom were chatting at dinner (they're the talkers of the family), and the whole time, I was just glaring at her. She tried talking to me, and I felt my entire body physically tense, and I was just viscerally angry.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: BACKGROUND: paul and i met 1.5 years ago on okcupid and hit it off right away. at the time, we were both in long-term open relationships with other people, so we fell into a pretty quick routine that involved seeing each other once a week for a meal or drinks and sex [the best of his life, allegedly]. About 6 months into it/the December before last, he and his partner of 8 years broke up, which sent him into a bit of a depression/naturally intense period of introspection. Independently/for unrelated reasons, my own longterm relationship also came to an end. Paul and I saw each other less but kept in touch.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He speeds up and tries to catch up to her, and continues to yell at her face. The girl turns around in pushes him out of frustration and can tell it wasn't meant to hurt him or anything. The guy reciprocates by immediately pushing her multiple times, and they were NOT soft pushes, and seems like he was trying to push her to the ground. Couple pushes in, I was in shock, by the fact that you could really be in a relationship with someone that is abusive or that physically hurts you, or maybe it was that moment, she found out who he really was. She got up immediately and walked the opposite direction, walking back towards me, and I try not to look at her but she was just devastated I can tell.
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Post: I have very little understanding of developing workout regiments to challenge my body with and could great use insight. I've tried reading the r/fitness wiki, for example, but I didn't couldn't make heads or tails of the information that was presented. If there's anyone here that can help, please do! Thank you for reading,
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Accounts incredibly overdue. A life entirely unattended to, without organization or care. Chaos. I knew none of this. The man he presented to me was one of principle (honesty, loyalty, your word is your bond, etc), always ready to protect and serve in whatever way necessary.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The father has one of the most notable family lawyers in Illinois working his case. Justine cannot afford a lawyer. She has followed through with her treatment for PPD and has had psychiatric evaluations and physical home visits to prove she can provide a safe and loving home for her child. For over a year Justine has been fighting merely for the right to even see her child. She's been issued Skype visits.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: to me I feel like that is someone older than my current age dating an age that seems like a child to me.... I creeped her facebook and she appears to be a " normal" 23 year old...going out partying...saying things I would have found funny at that age but cringe at now.....and he did share with me that he supported her for the most part and so on...I asked if she had any " life skills" and his answer was " not really". What are people's thoughts on this? --- tl/dr...i'm creeped out by a man dating a woman 20 years younger even my last relationship was with a man 22 years older.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hey, So I come from a middle class family and study far away from my parents for university (already scary for me as you can imagine). After going home this winter my parents dropped the bombshell on me that they are struggling to pay my tuition. The thing is, although we are not super rich or anything, my fathers work covers 80% of my tuition and housing, the reason that my parents are unable to pay is that my dad is fairly disorganized and let his expenses build up. My tuition is due this friday and I just called my parents and woke them up to inform them that its getting really serious now (my dad promised to make an arrangement with his friend to pay my tuition).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: But then I'll get there and he'll drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and to be honest, it totally makes me want to bail early. It's just annoying to be invited to come over and thinking you're gonna have some bro time gaming and what not, only to get there have him drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and being stuck between either listening to 5th grade cheesy/cringeworthy convos or figuring a way to bail early without coming across as an asshole. How can I talk with my buddy in a polite way about the matter, that when he invites me over I'd prefer it to be bro time without coming across as an asshole or that I'm against his GF as a person which I'm totally not! Again, she's really sweet and he has every right to want his GF to come over to, I'm just tired of the surprise third wheel through the most goose bump inducing conversations and want some strategies how I can communicate with my friend that I don't like sitting through that. Thanks in advance!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: * Her, a week ago: Precious, how are you? (I ignored her.) * Her, Jan 1: Happy year precious, happy year love for more years at your side we haven't lived much together but we will stay all our lives to live and it that stays to live. **You are one of the best people I have met in my life. ** You are one of the best people I have met in my life (she says this twice) that you have always been here for everything and you always will be.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don't have the ability to cope with it anymore. I'm trying, but a lot of things are triggering me, and I'm shutting down at work, just finding the place I feel safest, and staying there for an hour or two until I feel like I can do something again. I'm tired of watching my back, tired of traveling to places I don't feel safe, tired of reliving that moment, tired of being triggered, tired of the stress, tired of anxiety and knots in my stomach, tired of irrational thought when triggered, tired of irrational paranoia. I'm exhausted and need a break, but know it won't be enough until I journey the long road through therapy. I'm not suicidal at all, just wishing this pain and misery would end, to have my life back again.
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Post: In case this is the first time you're reading this post... We are looking for people who are willing to complete some online questionnaires about employment and well-being which we hope will help us to improve services for assisting people with mental health difficulties to obtain and retain employment. We are developing an employment questionnaire for people with personality disorders; however we are looking for people from all backgrounds to complete it. That means you do not need to have a diagnosis of personality disorder – you just need to have an interest in completing the online questionnaires. The questionnaires will only take about 10 minutes to complete online. For your participation, we’ll donate £1 on your behalf to a mental health charity (Young Minds: Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, or Rethink).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Do you find this normal? They have a good relationship. Main problem I have is She will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit She will see other inmates and women behind bars The guards could be intimidating Is that ok for a 15 year old to see? Actually my daughter does not seem scared but instead seems excited and enthusiastic to visit. This is strange to me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is