The longer the game goes, the stronger Veigar will be thanks to the unlimited stacking with his e. End the game as quickly as you can. Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable in the early game. You could try to abuse this to set him behind and miss out on stacks. Once Veigar has his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases. Keep in mind that he will deal a lot of extra damage at this time.
Although you are a Support, you can easily decide to take things in hand if you have a good lead. Do not do anything terrible however, otherwise you will easily be the reason why your team loses. The card should be filled with your Ultimate t traps. They not only do damage but also give the vision of an area until it explodes or disappears. During team fights, make sure you stay with your backline at any time. Playing too far forward will easily get you killed.
Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you’re going to miss on the CC it provides. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.
Trundle is quite decent during the late game as he will have his items and be highly tanky. His damage output should be pretty high as well. A fully maxed out Ultimate n will allow Trundle to take over fights way easily. He can quickly become tankier or deal more damage depending on which enemy he uses the Ultimate n on. Trundle is perfect during team fights. It will allow him to quickly blow up squishy enemies and slow their escape/advances. His e and e should help his team and him a lot.
Pay attention to Singed's complete ability, and his intention to move around with his team. He can easily make you CC'd and killed. Try not to pursue him frequently in this matchup. Although your mobility is high, you will always take a lot of DPS from him. Once you get your ult, make sure that you CC Singed all the chances you get. Work with your team to get him down after. Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy does not have some kind of sifting potential and can easily be exposed to the ganks.
Focus on getting your core items during the mid-game. This should be pretty easy if you prioritize farming during the early game. Picking off enemies should be really easy during this phase of the game. It is suggested to work with your Support so that you can capitalize on vision placement and removal as well. Always look for flanks during team fights. This will help you separate the enemy backline from the frontline and you will be able to take the squishies out of the fight quickly.
The early game should be focused on farming. The main goal is to get your first item quickly while making sure you don't get CC'd and all-in'd. Use your W and r with the utmost discretion. Shove the wave when possible and punish the enemy laner with your soldier-directed auto-attacks. It will slowly allow you to get a healthy lead in the lane after which you can either look to all-in or roam. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to do a lot more in this lane. The plan is still the same, whittle down your enemy first, and then look to all-in with your Ultimate R. Take the position of the enemy Jungler into account first.
Level 3 is an important power lever for Hecarim. It can look for an easy all-in on the enemy to launch with its capabilities. Going for short gusts while using the track brushes to drop the vision on the enemy would be the best line of action. Once Hecarim hits level 6, it can terrorize enemies with its flanking potential. This will allow Hecarim to completely isolate a target from their team and shoot them down with the help of his team. Its support will be quite high as well (due to runes and the flight of life). The first component will allow Hecarim to more reliable duel in this way.
Jax needs time to come online. Although he can trade in the early game, it's best to get a few levels behind you before looking for a murder. Be ready to scale if you're in a difficult matchup so that you don't fall behind and become useless in the later parts of the game. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the card in difficult matchesups. Jax will find it really difficult to survive the laning phase if it constantly pushes.
It should be easy enough if you can bypass the vision defined by the enemy team. When the enemy duel, you must check the enemy inventory so that you do not get bambood by the first Wounds Grievous. You will want to avoid fighting with enemies having such items. You must try to counter gank as much as you can as its kit facilitates. Once you get your ultimate e, you should be extremely effective in the skirmishes.
At level 6, Taric has lots of added protection thanks to his Ultimate R. At this time, killing him or the enemy ADC will be difficult. Once he activates his Ultimate R, you may need to disengage from the fight unless you can kill the enemy. Taric is really good in mid and late game team fights as his team will be grouped closely together which allows him to get a good Ultimate R off. Depending on his ADC, Taric can be really good at levels 1-3. If his ADC isn’t very strong, then his early game isn’t too good. However, when he’s paired with an early game dominant ADC, you’ll need to watch your positioning so he cannot land an early E.
Galio's damage will increase a lot once he has his first element. This will allow his Q and E to hit like a truck during all in. Once Galio reaches level 6, he unlocks the ability to make cross card games around the card. This is advantageous for his team and will allow you to impact the game much more. Since Galio has a limited range, he will have a difficult time early during the game. However, he can use his Q to bypass this. Using his Q, he should try to hit the enemy champion for bonus points.
Try and space Veigar accordingly in the team fights. Do not position too far forward that it will allow Veigar to catch you with his n and start a team fight. Locking Veigar down with CC will be the best way to deal with him in the team fights. He is pretty squishy so if you are able to mount him and shoot him at the beginning of the fight, your team will have a easier time to win. Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a weak / defenseless enemy. Buying items that will make you less likely to a-shot with his Ultimate R. Standing as far away as possible will also reduce his chances of using it on you.
Level six is the 'power spike' for Teemo. It will let him be extraordinarily obnoxious and sneaky now, especially as the game progresses. The first item component will increase his overall damage in the game. This will help him in duels and will allow him to use his spells frequently as well. Multiple items in the first ability will increase the damage and reduce the cooldown of the said ability. It can allow Teemo to do a lot of burst damage.
Master Yi is strong in the late game as he can one-shot enemy carries. Reduce his usefulness early to make him weaker later on. His first major power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate r. Master Yi will become stronger and stronger with gold. Denying him gold, XP and resources will make him less effective.
It is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get a first blood early. To prevent Talon from moving, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so that he is unable to jump on you and kill you. When playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to abuse Talon as much as possible. Using basic attacks and capabilities to make it low will make it difficult for him to fight or jump with Q.
The early game should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your automatic and passive attacks. Do not go for a prolonged trade unless the primary ability of the enemy is on the cooldown. If you succeed in pushing the wave in, try to ride with your W. If it happens that the side travellers enemies are low, you can quickly E in and get some killed. Your Ultimate will help you a lot in this game, but make sure you position properly. Remember that you can use the ability while you are E'ing, so make sure you don't stay still while it is locked.
Lissandra is very good at level 6 as her Ultimate R increases her kill pressure. She can also set up her Jungler easily with her Ultimate R. Lissandra reaches her true potential when team fighting as her Ultimate R and W are both AOE. Her Passive can also reak havoc in a team fight. Once Lissandra has completed her first item, her wave clear will be very strong. You need to make sure you match her damage and push the wave back to prevent her from roaming.
Make sure you're still standing behind a minion at any time to make it harder for him to land his Q and push you down. The best time to go for trades and kicks on Ezreal is when his E is on the cooldown. If he's using it aggressively, try to abuse cooldown and look for an aggressive game while he's defenseless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate R to sniper someone on the map, ping your team while he's moving through Summoners Rift. This will help them avoid incoming ability. Although this ability is on the cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight it.
The first component will give Graves a small powerpike but will give it an important boost. It will be able to evacuate its camps quickly and can respond effectively to counter-gangs. Level 3 is an important power peak because Graves can now pull the ganks successfully and the enemies of slow / near sight with its e. It will allow it to play circles around its target with ease. Once it arrives at level 6, it will have unlocked a considerable finishing movement. It can remove several targets with the greatest ease if it goes for the construction of the lethality. The ability also provides it a way to escape when its e is down.
Camille may look for an all-in at level 3 or 4 once she has access to her core abilities. Try and not lose too much health prior to hitting level 3 otherwise it is guaranteed that she will look for the all-in. Whenever Camille has her E available, you need to be careful with your positioning as it will provide her with an opportunity to engage if you’re stood by a wall. Stand in the middle of the lane as much as possible. At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you’re low and overextended. Respect her all-in and do not push without vision as her Ultimate R can also be used to set up her Jungler.
Sett is great in extended trades thanks to his Q. As long as he can stick to an enemy champion, he should win 1v1 fights. His Ultimate R allows him to both get tanks off his carries as well as deal a lot of damage to the enemy team if he manages to ult his target into them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. His Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so he can resort to short burst trades against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W does deceptively high damage as well, while providing damage mitigation to him.
Master Yi needs time to scale and will be looking to farm as much as possible to come online. Without his Ultimate r, he is rather weak, so he will be looking to hit level 6 as quickly as possible. Go in Master Yi’s jungle to steal away his camps if you see him on one side of the map. This will delay his power spikes, and also reduce his gold income. Master Yi can take objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald alone in the early game. Make sure you keep those objectives warded so you can see him before he secures them for his team.
Viego can steal the life of his enemies that can allow him to escape danger. As it becomes unstoppable, it can allow him to avoid incoming damage. Viego is a fun and rewarding champion to play thanks to his Passive and his Ultimate R. Expect to hang on to him quite quickly. Viego has a high skill ceiling. This means more effort than you put in him, the better you will be on him.
Cassiopeia has a lot of mana problems in the early game, but once she gets Tear of the Goddess she will play a lot more aggressive. Cassiopeia really shines in the late game. She scales better than most champs and she can build 6 items. If you get ahead early- try closing out the game as soon as possible. Not many champions are as strong as Cassiopeia is at level 2. Beware of the level 2 all-in with her Q and E spam.
Move to the middle of the road once you have destroyed the first turn of your way to open the map. In team fighting, kite retreats when necessary. Even if Caitlyn is strong, it cannot fill a lot of damage. Kite retreats to increase your chances of survival. Reserve your E purely as an escape tool if the enemy has an all-in-one fort. Even if your Support often escapes to the guard, make sure to stay with them as much as possible. If you are alone, the enemy can try to set up an ambush and get you off. Avoid walking through nonwarded parts of the map during the middle of the game.
This is a tank versus tank matchup. Probably avoid fighting him as you’ll be wasting time. Only fight him if you’re 100% sure you’re going to get the kill. Be proactive with your Ultimate as it will heavily increase your likelihood of getting kills from ganks. Gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can. You can take it just as easily as them. As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E.
At level nine, Irelia will be able to max out her Q. Being her central damage ability, she will be able to outplay her enemies for days now. The sustain will be pretty decent too. Once she manages to get an extra point in her Ultimate R, she will use the ability frequently in the lane. This will lead to her taking more skirmishes and winning most duels in the game. Irelia is excellent at skirmishing due to her mobility, damage reduction, and Ultimate R. Fighting in chokepoints and the objective pits will surely get her ahead in the game.
Its first major power peak is at level 6 as it gets access to its Ultimate R. It will be really strong at this stage of the game. Once it has finished its first component, its trading ability increases sharply. Beware of trading if it gets its first component before you. It is good in team fights thanks to the AOE on its Ultimate R. It will be good when the enemies are grouped closely together.
The damage she can deal with a fully stacked Passive, along with her increased damage to shield mechanic, allows her to perform a lot of outplays if she uses her Q in a proper fashion along with her Passive. This can allow her to get rid of multiple enemies single-handedly. Her E allows her to land a multi-man CC chain, which can be used as an extension of CC to already CC’d targets. It also allows her to Q to such targets without putting that ability on cooldown. This ability can be the difference between a won team fight, or a botched up all-in, depending on its use. Her Ultimate R not only prevents the enemy from escaping quickly, but it also allows her teammates to land their own CC on the slowed/trapped enemy team. It can act as a very effective initiation tool that scores her team a win.
Go into a side lane and start applying the pressure on the laps while your team does the same thing. Make sure you also use your Ultimate and constantly looking for ganks with it. Supports will start walking on the card alone in the middle of the game.
Keep in mind that Vi has great pick potential with her Ultimate R. Avoid walking too far forward in a team fight as she may pick someone off who has stepped out of line. Depending on Vi’s build path, she could look to assassinate targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone. If she is ahead with lots of damage, do not go through the river if it’s not warded. If Vi initiates a fight with her Q, try to burst her down before she is able to activate her UltimateR. Even though she is tanky, she is prone to burst damage and CC.
As Lillia is usually built AP, she will struggle against teams that have high burst damage. She also struggles against poke and disengage, which can make team fighting difficult for her. While her Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool, it does take some time to come into effect. Your allies can also disrupt your damage if they deal damage to a sleepy target. She will struggle to lane into matchups and champions that are strong early and have a lot of damage.
In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.
Very motionless and weak at the beginning of the laning phase. It is especially true if he is confronted with a champion who can all-in and CC him. Is quite vulnerable when his E is down as is his main form of CC. Painful injuries can completely counter his kit at the beginning of the game and also affect his playing environment. He is very weak when his Ultimate R is down as he has won.
Draven will be able to shoot at a single shot from the enemy in the last game as long as he looks at his positioning and is not caught. At level 13, Draven will maximize his second ability. This is great for Draven as it will allow him to offer additional protection in the last game. Draven, level 16 is pretty good. The additional damage that his Ultimate t offers will come to him in practice and allow him to execute enemies. As his Ultimate t is an AOE capability, he will also inflict damage to several champions at once.
You are really good at getting picks and killing isolated targets. Try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a nearby goal. Flanking is your friend during this game. Use your tornado r and the fog of war to get punches on negligent enemies and then kill them quickly. You should be sitting in a side lane during this phase of the game. It allows you to hunt enemies and will allow you to farm effectively and increase the scale.
Cassiopeia's Ultimate R is an excellent tool in team fights. Struggle 5 champions at a time is a sure way to win the team fight. She inflicts a lot of damage in the prolonged trades as long as she lands her Q. She has to make sure she keeps an eye on her mana pool although she does not run to mana. Cassiopeia can often get early murders in the way with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early murder will make the laning phase much easier for her.
Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerspike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall benefit during fights. Xin will have two of his abilities maxed out by level 14. This is a significant boost to his dueling power, and it will let him dominate 1 v 1's with utmost ease. During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky while simultaneously dealing a ton of damage to his enemies. This means that he will be tough to take down, and immobile or CC'd enemy carries will mostly die if they can't get Xin away from them.
His Q being maxed at level 13 will give him a massive power boost, and he will be able to win duels with ease from now on. Jax should try to split push and duel anyone if he isn't too far behind. Jax's main spike comes when he reaches the late game and has multiple items in his inventory. Now he can actually 1 v 5 against the enemy team and come out on top. He can play a mind game and see if he can catch the enemy carrying farming in the side lane. The brushes in the Jungle are great spots to hide in to achieve this goal. Since Jax can deal a lot of consistent DPS and is heavily item reliant, he will be mighty once full build. He should get a defensive item, though, as he needs to survive to actually deal the damage.
Cassiopeia’s first significant power spike is when she hits level 3. While she can dish out a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, she becomes much stronger when she has access to her basic abilities. The next major power spike for Cassiopeia’s is when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Her Ultimate R is very versatile and can be used to either engage or disengage from a fight. It can also be used to set up her Jungler. Cassiopeia’s will start to do a lot more damage in trades when they’ve picked up their first item. Landing one Q and then following that up with multiple E’s should give you a severe health advantage.
Can do a lot of damage to enemy units with his Passive empowered r who are close to him. This makes it easy for him to act as a disruptor during team fights. His e combined with his d can allow him to run down a single enemy target easily. The d shield allows him to mitigate a good amount of poke as well. His Ultimate b makes him a menace during team fights. The enemy team can’t afford to fight in closed spaces or they will definitely get chunked out by his Ultimate b.
Be the frontline for your team at all times. It’s key that when playing Dr Mundo, you’re always towards the front of your team. After being the frontline for your team, fall back and peel for your carries with your Q to keep them alive. If they die fast, the team fight’s over as you’re going to lack damage. Avoid split pushing when major objectives are up as you will be the champion who can Smite the objective. If you split push when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to secure it for free.
Lock Ekko in the team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. Keep track of his Ultimate R in the fights as he can use it to organize an escape or engage. Keep the vision in typical flank locations like Ekko will try to set up a engagement with his W of out of sight. If you see him running towards you, step back for a few seconds as he would have used his W. When no team fights occur, Ekko will seek to divide the thrust. Avoid leaving him alone in a side lane by making sure that there is always someone who fits him.
The Zacs E can be used from afar to start the team fight. Make sure to keep your flanks by sipping a goal. Avoid fighting in the jungle as it will be easier for Zac to land his E and hit your entire team with his Ultimate R. Fight in the open if possible. Do not regroup too closely. If you are slightly separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his E and Ultimate R.
CC'ing her is of paramount importance. Use your Q to knock her up when possible. Once she is CC'd, beat her up. Watch out for early healing reduction from her end in this matchup. Not doing so can allow Lillia to outduel you. Lillia will have a tendency to poke you and your allies from a distance and then ult and go for the kill. You may want to use your Flash, or the fog of war to go for the enemy team in such a case. This way, your team can deal with Lillia as they wake up while you can use your abilities to zone off the enemies. Keep the wave close to your tower and just focus on farming. Remember to stay away from terrain as it can let her splash her E.
Once you hit level 6, look for all-in opportunities with your Ultimate. You can also start roaming at this time. You are vulnerable and immobile pre-level 6. Consistently keep an eye on your position and constantly pivot around the lane to avoid skill shots and incoming damage. Once you’re level 6, you can start to play aggressive. Focus on surviving the early levels. Avoid going for risky trades, and avoid throwing out your E unless you’re almost guaranteed to land it.
Stay grouped with your team. Do not leave the side of your carries otherwise, the enemy will capitalize on the fact and leave them helpless. Peel for your carries in team fights. After using your Q, fall back and protect your allies and focus on the nearest champion. Look for picks with your Ultimate R. If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganized, you’ll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterward.
Seraphine is an easy-to-learn champion. You don't need to spend so much time learning it compared to someone like Akali or Camille. She has a lot of CC thanks to her Passive, E and Ultimate R. She also has a healing and shield with her W. This makes her a great utility champion. Her Ultimate R has the potential to hit the entire enemy team. The more you hit, the more he will go. If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning the team fight.
Kayle is weak early on; hence she will have to depend on her Q for most of her poke and farming in the lane. This is the phase that needs to be played very carefully by Kayle. Her level six is a massive power spike due to her ranged auto-attacks. This will allow her to play more liberally and let her play the lane more safely. Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for her and will help her scale up quickly from now on.
Alistar will not hesitate to Flasher over the walls to start the fight. Make sure to keep your flanks by sipping a goal or starting the Baron or Dragon. Alistars Ultimate provides him with a ton of additional defensive statistics. In team fights, don't focus it because it will be very difficult for you to kill him. Instead, try to peel and wait for his Ultimate to finish before focusing it down. Avoid grouping very closely like a team and never stand together inside the jungle. Alistars basic t>e combo has a big enough AOE and you can lose the team fight if it can get a multi-person hit up.
Zeri's first power peak is at level 3 when it unlocks each of its basic capabilities. It will be relatively strong at level 3. Its next power peak will usually be once it unlocks its first component element because it allows it to go for more favorable trades with the enemy lantern. At level 6, Zeri will unlock its Ultimate R. It is a good peak for Zeri and it will allow it to win all in even in the hardest matchups.
At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on getting piles so you have a stronger game late. In the later parts of the middle game and when the enemy starts to group, make sure to follow up and start grouping with your team. Look for choices with your n. If you can catch someone during the middle game with it, your team should be able to kill them pretty quickly. Once you've killed someone, make the call for Drake or Baron.
Picks and ganks are the names of this phase. Ensure that you blow up enemies quickly and snowball your lead in the game. Once you're done with your core items, you should be able to dish out a lot of damage. That being said, do not barge into the enemy team/base. Else, you will get CC'd and killed due to your squishiness. Roam with your Support and get some picks in the enemy Jungle when possible. Bonus points if this is done before the spawning of a neutral objective.
You are a Jungler stronger than Cho'Gath. Use your early play pressure to get an early lead. Don't be afraid to fight him alone. As long as you avoid his Q, you will win the 1v1s. Make sure you prioritize these goals! You can easily take them, and if you don't take them before him, he will take them with his R easily. Look at gank every time your Ultimate is up you are Ultimate is an excellent tool to glove, and you have to abuse his cooldown to get murders.
Continue to pick up and secure the jungle camps whenever possible. Do not fall back into the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue growing! When no team fight occurs, go on a side track and push. It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. After getting a murder, make the call for Baron or Dragon if your team is nearby and able to help you.
If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. Moreover, your best bet is to invest in an early pen item. They will build tank items, so you need a pen if you want to kill them. Brand has good objective control, so prioritize taking these goals when you can. It will glove much earlier. Make sure to apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks.
Its 2nd ability will be maximized at level 13. Depending on the maximum ability, it will be able either to CC enemies frequently while regenerating HP or easily protect its team from enemy poke and all in. Karma will have several completed items during this stage of the game. This will allow it to flatten a lot of damage while peeling for its ports at the same time. Its poke damage will be quite significant during the end of the game, and this ability will increase quite frequently. This means that its DPS will be across the roof, which is very beneficial for its team.
Once Maokai gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will use it frequently. If the enemy doesn't set up deep vision, they will not have a good time dealing with Maokai's Ultimate R. Maokai is extremely good in team fights as he can single out enemies and CC multiple enemies with his Ultimate R. His Passive doesn't let him die quickly either. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will allow him to deal a lot of damage with the ability and will allow him to use it frequently.
Use your Q & E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively. Do not spam these capabilities either, as you will lack mana quickly. Once you get your first component, you should be able to spam capabilities much more frequently. Now you can look for aggressive trades with your Q & E. Getting your Ultimate R will be a big turn in the game. You can use it sololy, but the best use will be during intertwined fighting.
Karma can do a lot of damage at the beginning of the game with her self-appointed Q. This will help get the enemy low for an all-in. Thanks to her Ultimate a, she can give her allies a huge buff shield that will protect them from incoming damage. He also gives a lot of speed of movement that will help her team disengage if necessary. Karma basically has 6 capabilities that offer her a ton of different counter-game. Depending on what she needs, she can use one of her self-sustaining abilities.
Senna Passive makes her scale unlimitedly. This is good as Senna can easily transition into carrying her team during the game's later stages. Senna is excellent in late-game fights due to her Passive, heal, and damage. Her positioning will matter a lot, and she should aim to take fights that happen near choke points. She will have multiple items by now, making it easier for her to one-shot squishies. With enough Passive wraiths, she will be able to deal with tanks quickly as well.
Seraphine has low basic statistics and is quite vulnerable in early play. Play safe and avoid taking damage to increase your survival. Seraphine lacks an escape tool. This reduces her chances of escaping skill strokes and makes it more difficult for her to escape from an all-in enemy. The shield and cure you get from your W is missing enough, especially in early play. Do not rely on it to save you or your ADC life.
This is a tank versus tank matchup. Your best bet is to just avoid them and focus on farming early. However, they are a stronger ganker than you in the early game, so be prepared to counter-gank and track them. If you can’t get a lead from easy ganks, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps. Post 6, look to make plays and gank your allies whenever your Ultimate is up. It heavily increases your kill pressure.
The biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stons, traps, knock-ups). If you play a champion with skill shots and CC, target them at the Axe g drop location. Draven is one of the best snowball champions in the game thanks to his Passive and g. If you can't win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration piles (Passive) by killing him. Draven can trade most of the champions in the early game. You shouldn't look to fight him unless he drops an Axe g.
Try to match Taliyahs clear wave during the laning phase. Matching his clear wave will reduce his ability to wander. Taliyah does not have access to a harmful Ultimate R at level 6. If you are a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse his weakness at that time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minon. This will make it very difficult for her to do damage with her Q. Make sure you also watch for her C.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn to the middle track and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
Lots of sustain in fights, especially if the enemy doesn’t get healing reduction. You have a lot of built-in CC which is great on a Jungler. Post 6, you can use your Ultimate R to gank your allies from afar.
His early game is terrible, and he should avoid fighting for more extended periods during this game phase. Focus on scaling up and farming. Level six is a decent power spike as it allows Viktor to develop a decent amount of kill pressure in the lane. It will allow him to impact fights quite easily as well. The first item component will give him both mana as well as wave clearing potential. This will prevent the enemy laner from roaming around freely.
Keep the minion wave close to your side of the lane. This reduces his ability to run you down in lane and prevents him from zoning you away from farm. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health against Darius. Only last hit minions what you can withut losing health. It's not worth over extending, over greeding for a couple minions when he can just pull you in with E and start a fight. Do not go for extended trades with Darius period. He is incredibly strong thanks to his Passive which makes 1v1 duels extremely difficult for you. Keep trades short and sweet when neccessary. Hit level 2 and 3 at the same time as Darius. He has a very strong all in at these levels and if you're under leveled compared to him- he might look for the fight. Hit level 2 (the first 7 minions) at the same time as him to reduce his chances of trading.
Can catch enemies unaware with his W E Q combo, especially when the enemy is busy last hitting a minion. This combo does a lot of damage and can force the enemy to play defensively. His W allows him to escape from sticky situations and ganks with ease. It also allows him to set-up kills for himself once he has managed to poke his enemy down. His Passive allows him to finish off low health enemies with ease. When combined with his W, he becomes a really strong roamer who can camp lanes with squishy targets.
In team fights, make sure no one on your team is too far ahead that Malzahar can try to catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. When you sit goals or step back from a fight, look at your positioning that you can walk in Malzahars Q that can be devastating to your health bar. As soon as Malzhar concentrates a champion with his Ultimate R, try the CC so the chain is cancelled.
Galio should be getting his build completed by now. This will give him a massive spike in his ability to peel for the allied carries. His damage output will be pretty high as well. Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown. He can quickly go into enemy territory to deward the area/set-up vision and then come back. Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio. Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself.
Group in the late game and stay with your team. If your team is good at team fights, stick with them. If your team isn’t ahead or not very strong, you could try to split push and draw the enemies attention while your team sieges an objective elsewhere or does the Baron. Kassadin is very good at getting picks thanks to his Ultimate k. Look for picks in the late game to get your team ahead. Capitalise on the numbers advantage by pushing and taking objectives afterwards.
Three points in his Ultimate e will give him a massive peak of power. The ability will spread a lot of damage and have a very short cooldown, so that team fights will be frequent. His life flying combined with his damage and mobility during the end of the game will make him really good in team fights. She will just need to maintain an appropriate positioning. She will have several articles during this phase of the game. It will allow him to ridicul tons of damage and a squishy champion blow.
Heimerdinger can take objectives really fast in the late game thanks to his Turrets Q. Be prepared to make the call for them as you can often cheese them for free. Look for picks with your E to start the fight. If you’re able to CC the whole enemy team, you will give your team a good chance of winning the game. Continue to peel for your allies to keep them alive in fights. You’re good at peeling, so you should do so in the late game.
Her level 6 is weak in a solo lane, especially against someone with a strong level 6 all-in like Renekton or Darius. If she falls behind during the laning phase, she will be pretty much useless in the later parts of the game. If the enemy is tanky or has lots of slows or tools to reduce her mobility, she will struggle to kite the enemy.
Sett is a strong early game Jungler. Unless you are stronger than him, avoid fighting him in a 1v1 scenario. You can reduce Sett’s ability to get good ganks off by placing wards around his jungle entrances and in the river. When Sett is level 6, his ability to get ganks off increases as his Ultimate R is a great ganking tool. Expect him to gank frequently whenever it’s up.
Always try to Ultimate e Taliyah as that will get her killed easily. She can't do much once CC'd and Supressed at the same time. Remember that Taliyah will certainly get a defensive item to counter your damage and all-ins. You will have to bait it out before looking for a full blown all-in on her, else you will definitely end up dying. Taliyah will be focusing to counter gank you a lot in this matchup. This means that when going for an all-in, use your dash with extreme discretion. It is important to keep an eye on Taliyah's whereabouts in this matchup, else, she can easily interrupt or initiate a gank using her Ultimate R.
Her laning power will depend a lot on who her Support is. If she has a Support who can compliment her skirmishing power, she will easily take over the lane from level one itself. Kalista's Passive makes it so that she can easily dodge CC abilities especially if they happen to be a skill shot. It also allows her to jump in and out of unwarded brushes to drop vision on enemies. Once she gets her Ultimate x, her chase down potential becomes unparalleled. This is especially true if her Support is one of those hard all-in champions.
Quinn doesn’t have a duelling Ultimate R. This makes her weak post level 6 when it comes to all-ins. She cannot fight straight 5v5. She will need to flank in team fights. If the enemy has vision or knows where she is, she will be unable to team fight properly and will be forced to split push. You are a champion that is prone to all-in and CC. Mix that with the fact that Quinn is quite squishy, it can be challenging to deal with enemy teams that have a lot of CC.
His b is probably one of the most feared abilities in the whole game. A b from the right angle is enough to win a fight with ease completely. His Ultimate d is very beneficial against shielded targets. This combined with his b makes him an ideal choice against enchanters, and he can easily win the way by using these abilities. The amount of Blitzcrank card pressure can exercise with his speed of movement e increase, and his b, t CC capabilities are unmatched by anyone. He can even annoy the enemy Jungler by delaying his early camp and/or putting in place a death brush later in the game.
The scope of the abuse and the poke capabilities to get its bottom so it can't go for all-in or look for favorable trades. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to limit its all-in potential. If it hits you with its Q, step back so it doesn't go for a tracking trade that its damage production will be high.
At level 16, Aurelion will put the third and final point in its Ultimate. It should be able to do a lot of damage in team fighting at this stage of the game. In the late part, Aurelion Sol will be able to flatten a lot of damage as it should be close to completing its construction. Make sure you play effectively around your Ultimate and E to stay alive. At level 13, Aurelion would have maximized its first two abilities. It should be a real competitor to start team fighting with its Q.
Rammus is an early game ganker. Make sure you have wards in the river or at his jungle entrances to reduce the effectiveness of his ganks. He doesn’t have the healthiest first clear. If you’re a strong early game champion, try to invade him on his first clear to set him behind from the get go. Rammus will activate his l quite close to a lane but outside of general warding spots to make it harder for the enemy to escape. Place slightly deeper wards rather than warding usual warding spots to give you more time to escape.
Try to abuse your range advantage to get an early health advance. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to force them to lie down for the farm and XP. When you try to poke, target your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. Once they are level 6, they get stronger than you and it will be harder for you to run against them.
Ryze will try to avoid team fighting in the mid-game as he still needs time to come online. Looking for fights as soon as the laning phase has ended is favourable. Team fighting in the late game is where Ryze can shine. Ending the game as quickly as possible will reduce his chances of coming online and winning the fight for his team. Warding your flanks will reduce Ryze’s ability to get a good Ultimate R off and surprise your teammates. Avoid pushing too far forward when you don’t know where Ryze is to reduce the chances of him catching you out with his Ultimate R.
Use your ultimate R} on as many enemies as possible. Marks late game damage is crazy and as long as you are able to use it on several champions to it bounces- you inflict a lot of damage. Continue trying to harass the enemy as much as you can before you engage in combat. Get them low and then use your R and call for engagement. Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far with them as the enemy can force a fight and win the game if you are nowhere near.
It is not impossible for Jarvan IV to ganker at level 2 once he has unlocked his d and e. Once Jarvan reaches level 6, his death pressure increases a ton as his Ultimate m is really good for ganking. Jarvan is good in the early game and good in the middle of the game too. The more gold he gets, the more he can do and the tankier he will become. Keep in mind that he will continually seek to gank at the beginning and look for fighting in the middle of the game.
As Amumu has 2 s’s, he can easily catch out one of the enemy laners as they walk outside of Amumu’s first power spike is when he unlocks his Ultimate y. Hitting level 6 is crucial, and you need to hit it as early as possible to help your allies. Once Amumu has completed his first item, he will be much more robust and more of a menace on Summoners Rift. Make sure you find a healthy balance between ganking and farming to not delay your first item.
Very immobile and susceptible to crowd control from the enemy team, especially when he is charging his p up. Can be easily all-in’d if he uses his r carelessly and he doesn’t have his Flash up. Can be flanked with ease when he is pushed up in the lane due to his in-built waveclear. His Ultimate 2 can easily be interrupted and can be used as a traction to target him and get rid of him immediately. Xerath will need to position properly before using his Ultimate 2 , else there is a good chance that he will get killed immediately.
If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly enough. Every time your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive games around the map. Your Ultimate R is an excellent tool that you can use to help your allies win their way. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you continue pushing when you are not forward, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you will be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
Jarvan IV is one of the strongest early game Junglers. Use this to your advantage to get an early lead by ganking your allies as often as possible. While ganking is key, you need to find a healthy balance between farming and ganking too. If you fall behind in gold and XP, you will struggle to do well in the mid or late game. Focus on getting objectives as often as you can. If you are unable to get them alone, request assistance from your allies so you can get them together.
Stack the magic resitance early. Poke down with q as often as possible. Keep the wave earlier so you can pick up the farm. Pre 6, be ready to sacrifice some cs for XP so that they are not tyrant and all of you.
At level 9, Akshan will max out his Q. This is really important for Akshan as maxing his Q offers him a lot of extra damage. When Akshan puts the second point in his Ultimate at level 11, he will find it quite easy to execute enemies. At this stage of the game, teams will be grouping. Akshan’s w will be really good at this stage of the game because he can bring back a recently deceased ally.
Exchange with Xerath when his 2 or r is on cooldown. When he does not have one of these abilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in early maintenance and protection will help deal with Xeraths poke in the way. A Rechargeable Potion would not go wrong in this matchup. For utility supports, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief.
Even if it will play the role of Support, Ahri has a big explosion and chooses the potential on targets that move around the card alone. Make sure to regroup and avoid walking in areas that are not rewarded when you know Ahri, when the Ahri are nearby. Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate is on the ground. Forcing fights when it is on the ground will make it difficult for her to fight, trade and escape a team fight. Be on the lookout for active Ahri items, as she will use them to isolate and remove slow and motionless champions.
Don't fight in the late part unless your Ultimate R is in place. It's crucial that you don't engage or look for fights when it's available because you'll miss a lot of potential pressure to kill. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooling time in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do it, use it to catch someone isolated and alone, too far ahead or out of position. Peel for your maneuvers to keep them alive longer. If your allies die quickly, there's little chance that you'll win the team fight.
Ornn is quite vulnerable in the early game and can be abused heavily if he is against an early game dominant laner or a ranged enemy champion. If you get CC’d or miss your Ultimate R timing, you will be unable to knock up the enemy. Missing out on an ability like this can be devastating in late game team fights. He is weak if his allies are behind. Regardless of how well he is doing, he needs his team to be able to survive and deal follow up damage on enemies he has caught out of position.
Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against. Expect him to go for aggressive games. When Lee Sin finished his first component, his damage output will increase considerably. Look at your positioning so it can't easily get you down.
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