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illaoi | Look for picks with your E in the late game. Landing an E with follow-up damage from your team could result in a kill or favourable fight. Continue to delay team fights when possible so you can get your Passive tentacles down. |
nautilus | Look for choices with your Ultimate E. If you can catch someone when the enemy is not organized, you will be able to force a team fight or a goal after. |
nunu | His maxed-out Ultimate R will allow him to dish out a lot of damage in a short time. If he can set up a death brush, then he will automatically win the fight. |
shen | You should cancel Shen's Ultimate R with a CC capacity if possible. Canceling the capacity is not possible, so ping and pushing the minion wave into the Shen tower as quickly as possible. |
elise | Do not walk through un-warded areas alone if you're unsure where Elise is during the mid and late game. In team fights, Elise may try to |
qiyana | Having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane for Qiyana. If Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights. |
akshan | Unless you've paired him, be careful because he's going to win trades and entrances. Akshan is really good at roaming. |
fiora | She should be able to draw a lot of attention for her team so they can get stuff done elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron. At level 9, Fiora will max out her Q. |
zilean | The combination of the ultimate capacity of zilean t with its p makes it possible to carry almost unattackable and indestructible. zilean's p allows it to guarantee a Q W Q hit on a specified target, which can be very beneficial in setting up a deathbrush before a major objective fight. |
naafiri | You're weaker than your opponents early in the game. It is recommended that you avoid fighting at this stage in order not to fall back. |
senna | Watch your positioning at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to overwork for the farm. |
rakan | Do not fight inside the jungle or around objectives when Rakan has his Ultimate R up, because your team will be grouped closer together. Being slightly apart makes it harder for Rakan to get a multi-person Ultimate R. |
xinzhao | Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fighting. Do not ignore Xin during team fights. |
jhin | You want to go for short burst trades in this matchup. Use Q and W as much as possible in this matchup. |
thresh | Having the minion wave closer to your side of the map increases gank opportunities. Ganking forces Thresh and its ADC to overextend, making them more vulnerable. |
lux | The enemy team members can easily choose Lux if they move too far away from their own team or try to take the Blue Buff. Lux is very vulnerable when targeted by a complete attack by the enemy team. |
riven | Her all-in-one combo will be pretty powerful. The split thrust in the middle of the game is a key strategy. |
briar | At level 6, you'll have access to your Ultimate R. During the mid-game, look for picks all around the map. |
kalista | Extended trades work in Kalista's favour and should keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her r. Kalista will have the range advantage against all melee champions. |
jarvan | Jarvan's level 2 power spike is quite prominent. He may look for an aggressive all-in play if he gets the level up first. |
ezreal | ezreal was trying to take that objective too. ezreal will harass and poke the enemy as often as ezreal can with their Q. |
alistar | It's hard for Alistar to escape unless he has Flash. Your goal is to hit level three as quickly as you can. |
sejuani | Sejuani's team fight is quite decent during this phase of the game. Sejuani can CC his enemies for a long time. |
lulu | Lulu is very dominant because of his early damage to game and the usefulness of the spell. Track defences are vulnerable to Lulu's capabilities. |
swain | Your support is crucial to make the heavy lifting at the beginning of the game. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. |
aphelios | The different weapon combinations available to an ADC make him very versatile who can adapt to nearly any given situation (provided he doesn't fall back massively in the game). The AoE damage on Aphelios' Infernum Ultimate is well as the potential to CC an entire enemy team with his Gravitum Ultimate makes him really good during team fights (especially in closed and clumped fights). |
sett | Keep an eye on your positioning. Disengagement if you are weak in health because its all-in-one combo inflicts a surprising amount of damage. |
renata | The Ultimates cooldown will be slightly lower which could enable her team to win the fight by picking off a key target. Renata would’ve completed multiple items at this stage of the game. |
kindred | Continue to cultivate your jungle as well as gank and help your allies. It's important that you don't fall behind gold and XP while ganting. |
swain | The extended automatic attack jobs still work in favour of AD champions. Wait until Swain uses his E before playing aggressively and looking for all-in. |
kassadin | Once you unlock your Ultimate k, you can start being more aggressive. You can use your Ultimate k as a trading tool when it's unlocked. |
urgot | It will also be easier for him to execute his targets. Urgot is really strong in the middle of the game because of his team combat presence. |
kogmaw | This makes Kog'maw very bad for AD construction. By playing in the middle of the game, it is essential to stay together with your team. |
wukong | Monkeyking can use its capacity there to strengthen its survival and damage. The first element is a decent peak that helps to get over the track easily. |
syndra | syndra will have most of its capabilities maximized during this phase of the game. This means that Syndra will be a persistent threat wherever she goes. |
blitzcrank | At level 1, Blitzcrank should play aggressively to take advantage of his abilities and safety. At level 2, Blitzcrank can safely mount up to access additional abilities and increase safety. |
heimerdinger | Heimerdinger has 3 Towers Q up, so he will always be a threat whenever that condition occurs. At level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities. |
kalista | The chances of the enemy team securing the Dragon or Baron are reduced by Kalista's presence. If Kalista's team managed to win a fight but lost their Jungler, they can still secure the objectives. |
orianna | The enemy should be poked down as much as possible while the team takes towers or the Dragon or Baron. Team fights should be delayed for as long as possible while the enemy is harassed and poked down with d and d. |
jayce | Once Jayce maxes his s at level nine, he will be able to dish out a lot of damage. This is especially true if Jayce hides in the fog of war and manages to burst down an unsuspecting squishy enemy with his w > s combo. |
malzahar | The first element allows Malzahar to spam his abilities frequently. It also increases the production of damage, especially when using its Ultimate R. |
rammus | A push from an enemy can lead to Rammus getting ahead of his team. Regular opportunities for a push can help Rammus get his team quite ahead. |
viego | If an enemy invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind. They can get goals much easier than you. |
nasus | Nasus is very weak early Nasus can't gank at all until he has a lot of levels under his belt. |
aatrox | Aatrox is strong regardless of what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q. Practice makes perfect for dodging Aatrox's Qs whenever possible. |
nunu | Nunu's roaming can be really hard to deal with. Ping should be notified as soon as Nunu goes missing because Nunu will look for help from his allies. |
pyke | You will want to prioritize tenacity if the enemy has a lot of CC in their team. This will help you escape from unfavorable situations with ease. |
sett | This will allow him to inflict massive damage during the fights of ganks and mid-games. His team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy. |
teemo | Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. |
sylas | The player should play aggressively throughout the laning phase to win dead people. If the player wins one or two shots, he can quickly make snowballs. |
singed | Avoid regrouping if possible. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up. |
ekko | Ekko is prone to CC. If Ekko gets hit by layered CC, it's going to be difficult for him to deal damage, use his W or escape the fight with his Ultimate R. |
sejuani | Its objective control is quite correct. Objective control refers to a player's ability to influence or dominate the battlefield. |
garen | Garen's Passive allows him to quickly top up his health bar back to full. This may result in your team losing out on key spells for the remaining of the fight. |
kassadin | Giving Kassadin a rough start will reduce his scaling and impact. Once Kassadin has his Ultimate, he will be able to trade more frequently. |
fiddlesticks | A very short cooldown means that you can frequently fight around the map. Fighting frequently around the map is allowed as long as you're in the fog of war. |
taliyah | Early boots make the ploughing phase less stressful Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. |
nasus | His main peak of power is during this phase of the game, as he will have several articles, several piles, and will be able to flagrante all-in and choose enemy champions out of his will. Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. |
nautilus | Play less aggressive when his Ultimate e is in place. Mobility Boots help him roam really easily. |
warwick | Warwick's first capacity is usually its Q. The additional support and damage to Warwick's first capability will make it a huge threat to the enemy. |
fizz | Fizz will max his first ability at level 9. At level 9, Fizz's kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high. |
leesin | You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate Lee Sin should finish the game by then, as it will now begin to fall. |
nami | Fighting around the targets or in the jungle can be avoided because Nami's Ultimate R (Riptide) is large and the landing of multiple knock-ups is guaranteed in narrow areas. On level 1 and 2, Nami's poke is pretty deadly. |
malzahar | His abilities are telegraphed and he must maintain his health up to level 6. Malzahar's presence will skyrocket to level 6 and become a major threat to the enemy's launch. |
nunu | If Nunu is eliminated, his healing ability will cease to function. Nunu’s weak early in the laning phase. |
masteryi | It'll help him clean up, and his Jungle will wipe out. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler. |
drmundo | Dr Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute Dr Mundo when he is low. |
karthus | Karthus can finish off enemies who have managed to escape with a sliver of health when the level cap is reached. Once Karthus gets his first item component, he will spam his abilities frequently due to the increased mana. |
khazix | A Kha'Zix completes his first element, he will seek to fight more often. Kha'Zix is looking for more ganks/invades. |
azir | Azir’s late game is very strong. Avoid standing too close to Azir's Soldiers W because he can auto attack you from afar. |
ivern | This will give him a lot of power. Ivern is really good in fights during this stage as he will be full build and will act as secondary support for the team. |
ornn | In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his Ultimate R to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight. Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Q, terrain and walls. |
kayn | Because Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility, you should look at yourself as you remember. You should stay in the middle of the track so it's easy for you to escape if Kayn comes out nearby. |
vladimir | If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. You should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly so that your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. |
fiddlesticks | Place vision inside and near his jungle entrances. This will reduce his usefulness and his ability to gank as your team can see him before he arrives at their lane. |
volibear | Volibear's selection potential is high in the middle and end of the game due to the shorter cooling of its Ultimate R. Volibear should always try to kill enemies who have been caught unaccounted for. |
viktor | Agriculture should be a priority rather than fighting with enemies until the viktor has an object behind them. After moving the bot track to the medium track, the viktor should turn towards the bot side of the map or another place to continue farming and win XP. |
neeko | Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives because Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R. Neeko uses her Ultimate R to stun multiple people when they are too close together, so it's best to split up and not stand too close to others in team fights. |
malphite | Use your range advantage to intimidate Malphite down during the game as a varied Mid laner. Use your range advantage to harass Malphite every time it advances for the last hit. |
nocturne | Take out the squishies first for maximal effectiveness. Another point in his Ultimate will increase his dueling potential and allow him to be a looming threat all around the map. |
rakan | Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. |
leblanc | Leblanc has a closer gap / escape capacity thanks to his W. This makes her a huge threat in the way and makes her a little safe from the ganks. |
rengar | This will give Rengar a huge boost and allow him to easily blow up unique targets. Rengar is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he manages to use a brush frequently. |
kassadin | This camping of kassadin can hamper him from CS'ing and will set him back massively. kassadin is extremely weak against all-in champions. |
zilean | Instead, he hoped that when his opponent made Q the wave, he would not damage himself at the same time. Zilean's Q W Q combo can be used to stun a group of enemies that is very beneficial in the nearby neighborhood fight. |
tristana | Tristana's damage will be amplified by a fairly decent amount. To stick to support throughout the middle of the game is crucial for the survival of tristana. |
alistar | During the nap of a goal or starting Baron/Dragon, be sure to keep your flanks. Alistar's Ultimate provides him with additional defensive statistics. |
maokai | Boots are a solid early game purchase for Maokai, allowing him to ride and respond to the skirmishes of the jungle. Maokai is particularly great around the track brushes due to the damage that his gaule chord. |
annie | Annie will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11. Tibbers R's AOE is a key factor in Annie's ability to stun multiple targets during mid-game team fights. |
viego | As Viego becomes imperturbable, it can avoid incoming damage. Viego is a fun champion to play thanks to his Passive and Ultimate R. |
jarvan | The strategy during the early stages of the game is to keep poking the enemy with your d. As the game progresses, use the d to create a zone around which you can fight effectively. |
trundle | According to the construction path for which the Trundle left, it will culminate at different times. They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too. |
shaco | Another point of its Ultimate capability will allow it to use capacity frequently and increase damage from clone breakup. Look for selections all around the card during this phase of the game. |
galio | As a protective champion, you should be the first to respond to fights around the map. This is especially true for champions on the bot side river. |
anivia | Its first peak of major power is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate m. Its Ultimate m can constantly push the enemy into their turn. |
chogath | If a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure objects. Avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up as it deals tons of damage. |
chogath | He has a versatile build path. This means that he is great in the later stages of the game regardless of how ahead or behind he was in the earlier stages of the game. |
zeri | At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete. As long as Zeri is well positioned and kites, she will be very good in team fighting. |
malphite | Death brushes can offer opportunities for a few more deaths in the enemy jungle. Malphite will now have several items that will increase its damage production. |
karma | Karma shines during mid-game fights as she can keep her entire team safe at any given moment while dealing consistent damage to the enemy. Karma is a really viable choice when dealing with heavy engagers. |
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Dataset description
Dataset summmary
This dataset hase been build in order to train model on natural language understanding specified in league of legends champions. This dataset has been built by scrapping various online sources relative to champions guides and/or coaching. I then used some chunking techniques in order to generate propositions based on the retrieved online knowledge and a data augmentation technique. These techniques will be further detailed.
This dataset provides only data in english
Dataset Structure
Data Fields
- label : name of the champion that the proposition is refering too.
- text : proposition refering to the champion in label
Data Splits
- train : 16663 data points
- validation : 4166 data points
TOTAL : 20829 data points
Dataset Creation
- Downloads last month
- 44