During this phase of the game, you have to rely on taking enemies with your abilities. Work with your allies to achieve this goal and make team fighting unfair to the enemy. Don't forget to use your ultimate R in neutral objective fighting. You don't have to go indirectly, but your presence will certainly effectively keep enemies away. Your self-appointed W passive will help you a lot by trying out all enemies and escaping unharmed. Just make sure you have enough batteries ready to use when time comes.
Can soak a lot of damage for his team as a front line. This allows him to peel for his carries with ease, which can allow his carries to play more freely. His Ultimate R can be used to set up ganks on other lanes. No one suspects a Sion to ult from base and down to the bottom or middle lane. His E is a very easy skill to land which guarantees a Q from Sion’s end. This can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler.
This matchup is easy early, but harder post-6 because Anivia has a lot of clear wave and will just keep pushing you into it. Focus on agriculture and limit the search for fights. If you can, try to target your abilities so they hit it and the minion wave at the same time. This is especially true post 6 when you want to match its clear wave. Due to Passive Anivias, it will be difficult for Hwei to get killed early without the help of your Jungler.
Gangplanks early game is rather weak. Focus on farming and earning as much gold as possible to get your key items quickly. Watch the map at all times post level 6. Your Ultimate R is very impactful and can help your allies to win fights and skirmishes. Avoid fighting in the early game if possible. Gangplank needs time to come online and in some matchups you’ll need to just focus on farming and surviving.
By playing the role of the disruptor, you should always be on the lookout for neutral goals as your Ultimate R can maintain a goal long enough for your Jungler and your team to do something. Don't forget to collect your chimes regularly. They increase your damage production and you can literally 1 v 1 squishy champions if you collect enough. In addition, your slow AoE self-attack will play a major role during the team fights. During the objective fights, always try CC the enemy Jungler because of them possessing the Smit assignment spell. This will give your Jungler plenty of time to steal the Baron. Another thing you might want to do is use your Ultimate R to cancel reminders on a bunch of enemy targets. This works like a charm when your team has a split pusher.
Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly. After your bot track has moved to the medium track, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere on the map so you can continue to close and win XP. As you're good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambushed and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby goal.
Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so that she can harass you and harass you with her l in the shape of Dragon t. Fight as soon as you can so that she can't shoot you down and from a distance. Shyvana can flank on the side with her Ultimate t and her l. Make sure you have your flanks watched so you can see her before she gets the chance to crash and shoot you.
Teemo will place tons of Mushrooms t around objectives and in high traffic areas. Make sure you buy Control Wards and avoid obvious paths around the map. Teemo is really squishy, so if you can catch him out as he goes to ward, you will increase your chances of winning the fight. Focus him down first! While Teemo is “Support” he is still going to be a really strong threat in team fights.
Avoid sieging objectives like the Baron or Dragon in the mid-game if Kog’Maw is alive and nearby. He can easily poke you down and force you off the objective and this will result in you either dying or wasting a lot of time. In team fights, try to lock Kog’Maw down as quickly as you can. This will reduce his ability to deal lots of damage with his e and auto-attacks. Positioning is key for Kog’Maw. If he mispositions or walks too far forward to harass and poke with his y, make sure you capitalize on it and take him down.
Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon. In team fights, don’t stand too far forward in case he tries to make a play. Ward your flanks! Pantheon may try to attack you from the side and get on to your carries when his Ultimate R is on cooldown. Good times to fight is when Pantheon is split pushing. Forcing a fight when he is on the opposite side of the map could be a good idea as it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate R.
Cassiopeia has a lot of pressure to kill in the middle of the game, especially once she puts 2 points in her Ultimate R. The reduction of the cooldown and the additional damage make her a huge threat during this stage of the game. Cass should have her tear stacked by this stage of the game. She will have a little endless mana pool once he is exhausted. At level 9, Cass goes max on her E. As long as she lands her Q, her brute potential will be incredibly powerful. Her all-in-in-fortune at this stage of the game.
Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have, both during the laning phase as well as the team fighting stage. This puts the additional task of making sure that you are positioned well during fights as one misstep can get you killed. The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives. Farming alone in the side lanes can be really dangerous for you as you are quite easy to get picks on. You only have your Ultimate w to protect you from the enemy. Any form of CC is a weakness for you during the entirety of the game and you may need to rely on your frontline to keep you safe as you have no dashes in your kit.
Jhin scales decently into the mid and late game. Try to take advantage of his lack of mobility and weaker combo in the early game to shut him down. Take note of who his Support is. If he has an engage Support, his level 2 will be very strong as he can use his W to CC chain you with the help of his Support. When Jhin gets 100% crit damage, his trading power will increase dramatically. Always keep an eye on what items he currently has and avoid fighting him alone if his items are better than yours.
Quinn can't fight a team easily. She'll try to flank her Ultimate R side and get into a carry. Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free. If Quinn can fight a team, she'll stay in a side track and try to split the thrust. You can either send someone who has TP to prevent her from taking side turns, or you can quickly engage in the enemy team and start a fight. Do not delay a team fight because it will give Quinn time to take a goal or turn to join her team. Quinn, the selection potential is high.
Kog. Maw is rather squishy in early play. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to put him behind. Post-6, Kog. Maw will do a lot of damage in a job thanks to his e and his Ultimate there. Try to lure his e before committing to the all-in. Note that Kog. Maw will constantly try to poke you away in the way to get you down. Look in the purchase of a first pair of Boots to make him avoid his abilities easier.
If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue growing and winning XP and gold. Use your capabilities to quickly clear the minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you can look for a favorable trade. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a peak with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the goal for free.
It is important that you stay with your team in the late game. Do not move around the card or go anywhere unless someone is with you. Stand back from your team near your support. Avoid walking too far from anyone in the late game. Being caught will lead the enemy will be able to push his advantage and finish the game. Look at your positioning in the late game. Focus on the kiting and automatic attack of the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so that you are not taken out and focused by the enemy.
3 points in his Ultimate e will not be an excellent power spike. This is because it only ensures his prolonged survivability and nothing else. He will be dealing a lot of damage during the later parts of the game. This is since he will have multiple items and will be able to duel anyone. His late-game scaling is phenomenal, and he can one-shot squishy enemies after slowing them down and catching up to them. It will give him a pivotal role in the game.
As a Support, you are very vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're in motion around the map, and when you're alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on this main objective is fresh next. If it quickly spawns, make sure that you place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before withdrawing to safety. Having the vision around the main objectives is the key.
Level 3 is a significant powerspike for Hecarim. He can look for easy all-ins on the enemy laner with his abilities. Going for short burst trades while using the lane brushes to drop vision on the enemy would be the best course of action. Once Hecarim hits level 6, he can terrorize enemies with his flanking potential. It will allow Hecarim to completely isolate a target from their team and burst them down with the help of his team. His sustain will be pretty high as well (due to runes and life steal). The first component will allow Hecarim to duel more reliably in this lane. His damage output will increase, and he can also take part in river fights and reach major fights before his laner.
Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your W. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight. Place vision around the mid lane and wherever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in. Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you’re alone, you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
Try to keep the wave either in the middle of the track, or keep pushing it into its turret so you can win a good CS lead. At level 6, Jhin is stronger than you in 2v2. But if he activates his R, run on him to force him to cancel it. Focus on early farming so you can get CS and gold under your belt. When you have your first item, look for more aggressive play.
Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before looking to fight. Bursting someone down with a few Q’s and your R will allow you to force a team fight with the numbers or health advantage. Avoid using your E aggressively in late game fights as you’ll be vulnerable briefly. Only use it aggressively if you’re 100% sure you cannot get abused for it. Stick with your team and avoid walking too far away from them. If you get caught out, your team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and it would be your fault. Stick with your team as much as possible.
If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team at the end of the game. Don't separate or stay away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion to your carts and work as a team to remove the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. Focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your carts alive.
The second point in his Ultimate R should allow him to catch enemies off-guard way frequently. His burst damage combo will become more dangerous as well. He is really great during the mid-game as he can get many picks now. He should be able to ruin the lives of squishy enemy carries when possible. His damage is excellent during this phase of the game due to his core items being completed and him being really nimble. The fact that the enemy will be rotating a lot will allow him to secure picks quickly.
Care for their level 2 all-in. They can play aggressively at level 2 and gain a significant health lead. At level 6, her all-in increases dramatically. Keep your distance to limit her all-in potential. Similarly, try and keep the minion wave even or closer to your side of the map. This will reduce her all-in potential and keep you safe. Your goal early is to keep poking them down. Try to avoid going for extended trades as they will often win those.
Keep you close so you can fight quickly. Keep playing around your cooldown Ultimate R and look for fights when it rises. Do not fight when it comes to cooldown because you will miss a lot of extra damage. In the late game, stay with your team and look for choices with your Ultimate R. If you are able to catch a champion out of position, you can take them and win the fight.
Can mess up his ADC’s farm with his turrets Q. As he will be pretty much constantly pushing, the enemy might be able to freeze or zone him and his ADC away from farm. If the enemy team focuses on destroying his Q turrets before all-in’ing him, he will have to play defensively till he can bring his Q turrets back up.
Investing in an Executor Call to reduce Nami's healing on herself and her allies. This article is priceless when the enemy has a lot of support. Taking Nami first before a team struggle happens will make it really difficult for her ADC to survive because they will not have any coat or protection. Avoid team fighting around the goals or inside the jungle like Nami="s Ultimate R is big enough and if you fight in tight areas, it is guaranteed to land several knock-ups.
You should focus more on roaming and killing overextended enemies whenever your Ultimate is up. When the Ultimate is not up, just focus on shoving your wave but don't overextend while doing that. Try swapping to a side lane as soon as you can. It will allow you to chase enemies more easily with your Ultimate and E. Securing picks during this stage will make it easier for your team to obtain neutral objectives. During fights, always try to get to the enemy backline by flanking them from out of vision. A Sweeper may help you with that. If you can't do so, just keep chipping on the enemy frontline, till you can catch someone out with your E.
Peel for your allies and keep them alive as long as possible. If you are in advance, try to shoot down the enemy rearline. If you are not strong, use your e to peel for your allies. Stay with your team in the end of the game. Do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to choose you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Flank in the team fights to get on the enemy rearline easily. Make sure to be close to your team at any time so you can get in the quick fight.
When no team fight occurs, go on a side track and push. It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not stay just in the middle if you can't get anything done. As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around the Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby goal. Once you have obtained a choice with your Ultimate a, make the call for Baron or Drake. You must exploit that the enemy misses a key player.
Your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown during this phase of the game. Make sure you use it regularly to catch off enemies and get frequent kills on the enemy. The fog of war is going to help you a lot during this phase of the game. Prepare some brushes with your E saplings and just all-in the enemy as soon as they come close to it. You will be very powerful during this game phase, and your tankiness will be really high. Just make sure that you don't leave your backline unguarded, else you will have a hard time winning the game.
Poppy does not point to level 6 as most Supports that its Ultimate R is primarily a utility tool. However, it can use it closely to start a fight. Keep this in mind and keep your distance. More Poppy gold gets under its belt, the stronger it will be. Note that you will need to invest in armor or magic pen items if you want to break through its defensive stats. Once Poppy has both its E and Q unlocked, its all-in-one potential increases. Try your hardest to stand away from walls at any time during the wool setting phase.
Warwick will look to pick someone off with his Ultimate R to start the fight. Make sure your flanks are warded so you can spot him before he is able to catch someone out of position. Try to poke and delay a team fight for as long as possible. Warwick is vulnerable to poke and disengage and if you’re able to poke him down, it will be risky for him to engage. Getting Ulted R by Warwick in a team fight can be game-changing. Be prepared to Flash his engage if you have it up. If not, invest in a QSS so you can escape the CC or lock him down/ interrupt his channel with CC.
Gangplank's level 6 is a good powerspike for him in this lane, especially if Gankplank has been pushed in the entire time. This will allow him to chase down enemies with ease and kill them if he has already poke them with his r. It also has a significant impact during team fights. His initial core item will give him a massive boost in dueling power. He can now go, and 1 v 1 targets with ease and can completely blow enemies up with his barrels. His early game is weak as he is entirely dependent on items to be dishing out damage. However, he can compensate for it using his r to poke enemies out with ease and use the lane brushes to conceal his barrels. It will catch enemies off-guard and will allow Gankplank to get the upper hand.
In the late game, continue to look for plays with your Ultimate and E. If you pull the carries into your team, then just focus them. If you don’t pull the squishies in, just peel and protect for your allies. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone. Play around your Ultimate cooldown in the late game. Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to ensure that you’re useful in team fights!
Three points in his Ultimate c will give him a huge peak of power. The ability will increase frequently, allowing him to secure peaks when possible. His life will fly and damage during the end of the game will make him really good in team fights. He will just need to maintain an appropriate positioning and use his s & e at the right time. He will have several articles during this phase of the game. He will allow him to flatten tons of damage.
You are really good at securing objectives in the early game. Look to secure objectives whenever they’re up. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank. Look to repeatedly gank lanes that are over extended or Flashless. Your champion is very good at repeatedly ganking lanes over and over again.
Seraphim players will often use their authorized Q (or Q) to push the minion wave. By standing outside the wave, she will be unable to poke and push the wave at the same time. Keep an eye on the number of batteries she has. If she has 3, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger. Once she has reached level 6, expect her to look for killers in the way or install her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate R is a strong tool that offers her pressure to kill extra.
Careless usage of her E can get her killed on multiple occasions. She can’t avoid important CC abilities without this ability and hence she will need to use it properly to make sure that an all-in goes well. Her Q works differently based on her form. Using the wrong form at the wrong point can prevent her from getting a kill while buying precious time for the enemy to collapse on her. Her Blue buff is very important for her. Stealing it away during the early game will prevent her from being able to cast her abilities frequently, which will ultimately allow the enemy Jungler to invade her easily.
Lillia is really fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes it difficult to catch her out of position. It will also allow you to avoid skill shots and CC. Your goal in early play is to win as much gold and XP as quickly as you can. Power farm and gank the tracks that are overstretched to increase your gold income. Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool. Every time he is up to it, try to use it to help your allies get killed.
Her early ganks are pretty good as she can find creative gank paths easily. She needs to make sure that she is not detected beforehand, though. Level 6 is a decent spike as it is a good finishing move. The goal is to either get kills on low health targets or avoid CC and get to the enemy backline. The first item component will help in duels, and the Jungle clears. It becomes pretty easy for Rek'Sai to move around the map quickly.
At level 16 and with 3 points in her Ultimate R, the damage to AOE Diana and all the potential will be extremely high. As the teams will regroup in the last game, she will be able to inflict a lot of damage to several enemies at once. While Diana will inflict a lot of damage in the fights of the late game team, it can be more difficult for her to targets at one stroke because the enemies will start building defensive elements to protect them from her burst.
Dr. Mundo will look at the food farm early to unlock his Ultimate m. When he has his Ultimate R, he will look to gank as often as possible as he provides him with a lot of trading power. Once Dr. Mundo has finished his first article, his trading power is intensifying and he can 1v1 most Junglers if he is healthy. Do not fight him if he is healthy level 6.
Aphelios is very strong in team fights thanks to his Ultimate R. Try to take him down before or at the start of the team fight to reduce the enemies chances of winning the fight. Extended trades work in the favour of Aphelios depending on his weapon setup. Try to keep trades short- preferably around his r. Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane. Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position.
Cho’Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights. This makes it hard for him to catch out mobile champions. If you can’t hit your e or m on a target when fighting them alone, you’re pretty much always going to lose the skirmish as you need to land these abilities to interrupt the enemy. When you’re behind, it’s really hard for you to get back into the game as the enemy can invade you over and over again.
Aatrox is strong from the 2-6 levels. Make sure to keep your distance to make it harder for him to land his Q and push you down. Aatrox peaks when he gets his first article (as well as both components). Respect his everything in the potential when he has finished the recipe as his damage production will increase sharply. Aatrox is very important if you can't avoid all the cases of his Q. Practice makes perfect, but try to avoid them every time you are able to.
Focus on securing the goals. Elise can do them alone or with his team. Secure each Dragon if possible. Look for choices with your E. Elise is really good to choose champions and catch them out of position with that ability. If you can catch someone, call for a close goal. Continue picking up the farm and secure your jungle camps. Getting gold in your pockets will make you a higher threat in the middle of the game.
He is weak early on as his presence is negligible, and he can't do much against ranged champions. All he needs to do is conserve his health till he gets to level six. Once he hits level six, his presence will skyrocket, becoming a significant threat for the enemy laner. Working with the allied Jungler will help him massively. The first item component will allow him to spam his abilities quite frequently. It will also let him deal more damage, especially once he gets his Ultimate.
In the middle of the game, she is powerful every time her Ultimate R is in place. By wandering on overstretched enemy tracks and gauntling the advanced allied tracks should give her a massive lead. Very high potential to pick due to her passive and Ultimate R. After pushing the wave, she should aim to wander around with her Jungler and help the team. Once she gets her core of objects, she can pretty much explode any squishy enemy who has no form of magic resistance in their kit. Buying a Sweeper and playing with vision will give her a boost in power.
Alistar will not hesitate to Flash over walls to start fight. Be sure to ward your flanks when sieging an objective or starting the Baron or Dragon. Alistar’s Ultimate provides him with a ton of extra defensive stats. In team fights, don’t focus him as it will be very hard for you to kill him. Instead, try to peel back and wait for his Ultimate to end before focusing him down. Avoid grouping very closely as a team and never stand together inside the jungle. Alistar’s basic t>e combo has a rather large AOE and you may lose the team fight if he can get a multiperson knock up.
The first element of Renekton will help him massively with his laning. Its duel power should increase quite decently now. Level six is a massive power peak for Renekton as he wins his Ultimate t now. It will allow him to initiate all-in and zone the enemy out in neutral and objective battles. Renekton is a fairly solid champion of the beginning of the game. Its ability to duel enemies and neutral impact objective fights is massive and should allow his team to dominate during the start of the game.
At level 9, Lissandra's Q will be maxed out. This means that she will be dealing tons of damage now, especially in grouped fights. Lissandra is really good in team fights. She can easily CC high priority targets and single-handedly win a team fight due to her AoE abilities and Passive. Her Ultimate R at level 11 will provide her with a lot of pick potential. She can use that ability frequently, which means that team fights and picks will be pretty frequent.
At Level 1, make sure to harass and poke Rell with basic attacks to get her weak health before reaching Level 2. Get an early health benefit so she can't engage. When Rell reaches Level 6, her Ultimate R can be used in various ways. Don't commit to fighting near her turn as she may seek to play aggressively and get killed.
You should spend a lot of time dueling and killing enemies who are pushing carelessly in the side lanes. Make sure that you use the fog of war to the fullest. All your items should be ready by now, making you an extremely powerful duelist. Try not to get CC'd during fights and kill the squishy targets first. Since you are a dive-based champion, try to get a defensive item when possible. This will let you survive for a longer time. Also, prioritize tenacity.
Play safe in the early game. You need time to come online and if you fall behind, you will struggle to lane and you will delay your first major power spike. Focus on power farming and minimizing trading until you’re level 6. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you can start to be more aggressive. Once you’re level 6, you can look to play more aggressive as you can use your Ultimate R as a trading tool and something to fall back on.
Once Olaf reaches level 6, it will be difficult for you to kill him or lock him up with CC. Do not commit to using any hard CC ability when you know that his Ultimate k is up. Olaf is a steep heavy jungler and will be looking for gank frequently in the early game to get himself and his allies in front. Olaf can solo goals in the early game with ease. If there are no gank opportunities for him, he can try to take the Dragon instead.
Jayce has tons of poke damage and can constantly abuse the enemy before starting a fight. Try to delay fighting while you harass the enemy with your s. As Jayce is a varied champion, you can often intimidate the melee champions down and harass them every time they walk to the last blow. Jayce has a lot of utility thanks to his basic abilities.
Consider investing in healing reduction items or abilities to counter Senna's sustain. This can help reduce their ability to heal and trade effectively during skirmishes and all-ins. Maintain the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This encourages Senna and their ADC to overextend, creating opportunities for your jungler to gank and potentially secure kills or summoner spells. Take advantage of windows of opportunity to detach from your ADC and harass Senna when they've used one of their abilities. This puts them at a disadvantage in trades, as they have one less ability to trade back effectively. Be cautious at level 6, as Senna's kill pressure increases with her ultimate ability. Expect them to look for aggressive plays and be prepared to play defensively, utilizing Yuumi's healing and utility to keep your ADC safe.
Viktor first power peak is once it has reached level 6. Its Ultimate m will give it an additional death pressure in the track and it will start playing a little more aggressive. Its capabilities will be stronger with each upgrade. Once Viktor has finished its first element, and improved its y, it will be able to release the minion waves very quickly and keep you pushed under your turn.
Mordekaiser will take some time to be really overpowering in the lane, so he will need to play safely for that duration. Conserving health is the way to go. Level 6 is a massive spike for Mordekaiser as he can now use his Ultimate R and 1 v 1 anyone he desires. The first item component will allow him to fight more efficiently. His damage will be pretty significant as well.
Chokepoint fights and fights initiated from the fog of war will be vital for you. Your ability to keep the enemies zoned out is next to none, and hence you should not let them come close to the objective pits. You will be really tanky during this phase of the game so make sure that you initiate fights for your team. Let your team know before you all in, though, and keep track of your Passive. Separate the enemy backline from the enemy frontline as this will let your allies play more freely and will keep them safe from the damage dealt by the enemy backline. Try to deal with the tanks first as you deal more damage to them.
Extremely squishy and can be easily killed if he is CC’d. His positioning matters in team fights as well, otherwise, he can get flanked by enemy assassins and get instantly deleted. Without his Ultimate c or s, his ability to dominate a team fight drastically decreases. Fighting him during this stage will give the enemy team a much greater chance of winning. Practically gets countered by a Control Ward as it forces him to reroute. This is because of the short-ranged nature of his auto-attacks, which makes him get detected quite easily.
Lillia is really fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes her hard to catch out of position. It will also allow you to dodge skill shots and CC. Unlike a lot of AP champions, Lillia can initiate and start a team fight if she can catch multiple enemies out of position with her E. Ping once you activate your Ultimate R so your team knows you want to go in. It’s possible that you’re able to put the whole enemy team to sleep with your Ultimate R. This will increase the chances of your team winning the game. Try to apply your Ultimate R to as many champions as possible.
Force a team fight as quickly as you can so Karma isn’t able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage. Delaying a team fight will allow her to harass your team and make the fight much riskier. If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, you should use the cooldown to start a team fight. When Karma’s Ultimate a is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield d which will make fighting much easier. Don’t be afraid to invest in an Executioner’s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier.
At level 9, Brand will put the final point in his W ability. This will allow him to constantly harass the enemy laner and get them low enough to where either they or their ADC can look for a kill. At this stage of the game, Brand would’ve picked up multiple items. His damage output and kill pressure will be incredibly high. Also, as teams start grouping in the mid-game, he will deal a lot of AOE damage. At level 11, Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate R. This is a good power spike for Brand as he will be able to deal a considerable amount of burst damage and allow him to snowball further.
At level 16, Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in its Ultimate R. As long as it can get the channel out, it will be very good in the late part. The teams will continue to group in the late part. This will allow the Fiddlesticks to get a good amount of damage to the entire enemy team. While you are good in the late part, you are incredibly squishy. Lookout and be careful trying to get a good Ultimate Roff so that you don't get killed before a fight breaks out.
Lissandra is really good in team fighting because you can flank the enemy on the side with your E. She has an incredible gank set up throughout the laning phase thanks to her W and R. This makes her a formidable opponent against the squissy champions. Your wave is incredibly strong and you can erase the waves quickly. You can then use your lane priority to wander with ease.
Prevent Ivern from getting 3 buffs from going back and forth by watching the two river bushes at 1:25. This should give you enough time to the vertical jungle. Ivern is rather weak in the beginning of the game. If you play a strong first game champion, try to invade him to put him behind. Ivern has good Dragon control thanks to Daisy R, but he can also do it after havingganking bot. Make sure you keep the vision on the Dragon at any time to spot him while he's on it.
Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, Kled can focus on running enemies down and completely destroying them with his team. He can even score singular picks with it. At level 9, his first ability will be maxed out. This will give him a massive damage boost, and he will kill people in an instant. It will be quite the power spike for him. Kled will have multiple items in the mid-game, which will make him a devastating force to deal with. This is really helpful for his team, and Kled will quickly act as the frontline for his team.
Jhin’s first major power spike is when he hits level 6. Although, his Ultimate R is not going to be effective during the skirmish. When Jhin gets 100% crit damage, his trading power will increase dramatically. Always keep an eye on what items he currently has and avoid fighting him alone if his items are better than yours. At level 9, Jhin will be a lot stronger as he would’ve put the final point in his Q.
Extended auto-attack trades will always work in an AD champions favour. After she uses an ability, you could look to play aggressive. Syndra’s E has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and look for a trade. Always stand outside of the minion wave so Syndra is unable to push the minion wave and harass you at the same time. Constantly adapt your positioning so she is unable to land a stun with a ball and her E.
Can’t gank very effectively until she gets her level six. She will be heavily reliant on the enemy team pushing up and will thus spend most of the time power farming. Control Wards are her mortal enemies. If the enemy team invests a lot in them and places them in key spots, it will become very hard for Evelynn to pull off successful ganks. She will have to be really careful while she is ganking someone when her Ultimate R is on cooldown. This is very important when she is ganking someone who has a lot of CC in their kit.
Your goal in the early game is to win the most gold and XP as quickly as you can. Focus on agriculture rather than sowing or fighting. Look to secure the goals as often as possible. This will give your team an advantage as the game unfolds. Your Ultimate r is an incredibly strong tool. Every time it is up, try to use it to help your allies and get murders.
You will want to get to level 3 quickly and use the fog of war for over-extended gank enemies. This will allow you to get a fast advance early that you can capitalize on later. Your W will be of paramount importance in this game. Make sure that you time it properly, as it can be the difference between a won and a lost fight. Always try to gank the pushed enemies but make sure that you are not on the opposite side of the map when a neutral goal is about to spawn. Otherwise, you will lose an easy goal.
Ziggs will try to delay a team fight for as long as possible while he pokes with his Q. Try to force a fight so he is unable to poke you down and force you to disengage. It’s going to be difficult for you to siege objectives like Towers when Zigg’s is alive. Try to catch him out of position or flank him when he’s alone to make taking these objectives easier. Keep track of jungle camp timers and steal away his blue buff as it spawns. This will reduce his effectiveness in team fights and make it harder for him to poke you down before a team fight occurs.
Another point in her Ultimate d will increase the damage of the ability and let her make plays frequently. Multiple items will allow her to take over the game easily. She should be a part of as many fights as possible. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will deal a lot of damage to the enemy team and increase the frequency of using that ability.
A maxed-out Ultimate R will help Seraphine out a lot during team fights. She can dish out a lot of damage, and the CC will allow her team to collapse on the enemy quickly. She should be really great as the game goes on because she will be getting all her items by now. She will need to take care of her fighting positioning to ensure that she isn't picked off. All her significant items will be completed now, and she will be able to dish out a lot of damage in very short burst trades. She will also provide a lot of peeling and healing for her teammates.
Very efficient wave clear which also allows him to damage multiple enemies at the same time. This gives him an innate advantage against ranged matchups, as well as lane priority in general. Can disrupt an entire fight with his d and Ultimate m, so fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him. He can also chase a single target down with some fancy footwork, by using his r. His poke damage is obnoxious and very strong. This can allow him to force his enemy laner out of the lane and then take objectives with a numbers advantage. In the bot lane, he can use the lane brushes for an added effect of obscurity from enemy laners.
Avoiding Yorick's E is going to be really important in this lane. You can use your E to do so but make sure you get rid of the ghouls first if you do get hit by his E. Your Q should let you trade a lot if you manage to use the lane brushes properly. An excellent time to all-in him will be where his Q graves won't be present. Once you unlock your Ultimate, you should be able to 1 v 1 him quickly. Just bait his E out first so that you can take more minor damage during the trade. Get some Grievous Wounds to mitigate Yorick's healing. Also, if he happens to use his Ultimate, disengage immediately.
Another point in his Ultimate b will seriously tip team fights in chokepoints into his favor. All he needs to do is time it well and drop it at the proper places. He will now have multiple items at his disposal. This means that his damage will increase significantly, and he should have an easy time melting through enemy health bars. Rumble's presence during mid-game fights is really fabulous. He should be able to win multiple fights just by using his Ultimate b properly.
Get rid of the enemy CDA at the beginning of the fight, which will make the fight much safer for your team. Avoid getting too far away from your team. While Eve is a murderer and can get caught with her R, if she gets caught out of her position and too far from her team, the enemy will be able to kill you and take a goal. Look for choices in the late part. If you can get down someone, you can use the benefit of numbers to force a fight or a goal. The right time to look for a choice is when the enemy clears camps, side waves or wait for their allies to group.
Look to fight it when it doesn't have a lot of Q batteries as its ability to trade with you will be reduced. Its damage output will be weaker when it doesn't have batteries. The good times to look for fighting are when it used its W. When it activates its W, it will win defensive statistics bonus. If you can bait or disengage when its W is active, you will find it easier to kill it when it is on the cooldown.
Although it does not increase its pressure of death in the way, its ability to wander and help its allies increases considerably. To make it harder to wander, keep it pushed in. Twisted Fate is really weak in the first levels and also when it is overtended. Try to abuse it as much as possible at the beginning of the game. Once Twisted Fate has its first element, it will do a lot of burst damage if you are hit by one of its cards d.
Yone is better at trading once he unlocks his Ultimate R as he offers him tons of pressure to kill. Once Yone gets 100% chance of critical strike, he takes a lot of damage. Remember that his Passive gives him double chance of writing. Yone is very good in team fights if he is able to get a good Ultimate R off. Don't forget to stay away when it's possible.
This is the point in the game where the champions will start grouping up. This makes it really good for Twitch as he can use his Ultimate c effectively. Level 11 is a power spike as he will get two points in his Ultimate c. He will also have multiple items, which means that he should be able to dish out a lot of damage with ease. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9, which means that he will deal a lot of damage now. Combined with his Passive, it should play a pivotal role in destroying the enemy team.
Rengar will feed the farm so it can get its Ultimate R quickly. You can delay its peak power by flying its camps or invading it. It is really good after the laning phase has finished because it can get peaks with its Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Rift Invocators alone otherwise it can try to catch you out of position. Rengar is stronger every time it has 4 piles of Ferocity. Avoid fighting it if you come into contact with it when it is completely stacked.
Your early game will be a bit hard till you hit level 3. You should be able to gank enemies freely once you unlock your W and E and instigate tower dives on low-health enemies. Always look to gank overextended enemies when possible. Your kit will let you CC the enemy to oblivion and will allow you to burst them down just as quickly. Unlocking your Ultimate R will make it relatively easy for you to gank your enemies. Notify your teammates beforehand as your Ultimate R can go unnoticed by them, especially in lower elos.
You can use the digital advantage to force goals or look for favorable fights to win an advantage. If Tryndamere is divided by pushing into the bottom of the game, avoid sending a lot of people to stop him when Baron. It will take you some time to kill him even if you hire 5 champions to kill him who could give his team a lot of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn't have his Ultimate e}up. It will make it incredibly hard for him to straighten out a lot of damage in a team fight.
Gragas can look to gank lanes after he hits level 3. This is because he will be his Q and W early on to ensure that he can clear his camps healthily. Once he gets his E, he should be able to gank overextended lanes with ease. Once Gragas gets his first item, his damage output will increase significantly. He will now be able to duel the enemy Jungler freely, and his ganks will pack a lot of punch, especially after he gets his Ultimate R. Gragas' level 6 is a significant power spike because he can now displace key enemy targets during a gank or all-in. It can let him pick off the enemy backline should he decide to go for the entire AP build.
Poke the enemy as much as possible with your Q to get them low. Use your early lane dominance to gain a health advantage over the enemy. Watch your positioning at all times. Karma is super squishy and will easily die if she walks too far forward. Make sure you place vision around your lane to keep you and your ADC safe. Staying alive is key to winning in the later parts of the game.
Lisandra has to commit to an all-in in order to make use of her kit. This can be a problem if her team is not on the same page as her. Her Ultimate R is more of a utility tool rather than a damaging tool. This can be an issue against stronger mid lane champions. If you’re behind, you’re going to deal little to no damage in team fights and your poke/all-in will not be very good.
After the laning phase has ended, go to another way (or stay up) and just divide the thrust. You are a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your path. If someone tries to challenge your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a good duelist and will be able to fight most of the enemies who are trying to stop it. While you are a champion who is usually sent to divide the thrust, you may need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be ready to turn around the map and help them fight.
Akshan doesn’t do too well into ranged matchups and champs with easy to land CC as he will be unable to use his E aggressively. His Ultimate can be interrupted pretty easily. You have to be very careful when trying to use it otherwise the enemy will cancel its channel. Versus poke or champions with a lot of wave clear, it is going to be near impossible for you to roam and help your allies as the enemy will keep you pushed in or take your tower while you’re roaming.
When Cho’Gath ganks your lane, try and avoid walking close to the wall because it makes it easier for him to land his e. Run through the middle of the lane if you can. If you invade Cho’Gath, wait for him to use his abilities on the camp before initiating the engage. Cho uses these abilities to help his clear, and he is weaker when they’re down. Keep the Dragon and Rift Herald warded as much as possible because Cho’Gath can take these objectives thanks to the damage on his Ultimate t. Try and take them before he can.
Draven will be able to one-shot the enemy in the late game as long as he watches his positioning and doesn’t get caught out. At level 13, Draven will max his second ability. This is great for Draven because it will allow offer him additional protection in the late game. Draven’s level 16 is pretty good. The extra damage his Ultimate t offers him will come in handy and allow him to execute enemies. As his Ultimate t is an AOE ability, it will also deal damage to multiple champions at once.
Zilean will often be left alone to erase the waves with his Q. Try to choose him before sitting a goal to make the catch much easier. Avoid grouping too closely as it will allow Zilean to land a good dizziness with his Q and potentially start the team fight. Playing around Zilean-S Ultimate t is crucial to winning fights. Try to force fights when his Ultimate t is down.
Her first major peak of power in the laning phase is when she reaches level 6. She can set up ganks for her Jungler, or look for killers to get an early lead. When Lillia finished her first component element, her damage production will increase sharply. She can look for more skirmishes with the enemy lantern and will be able to exchange frequently with them. Between levels 4 and 5, she would have put several points in her Q. Her production of damage and trading ability will be quite strong during this period.
Getting your base elements will allow you to run down enemies and burn them to oblivion. Use your ultimate e at regular intervals to make sure you can help your teammates. Fight close to the bottlenecks to maximize the effectiveness of your combat team. Sometimes it would be wise to throw you into the enemy team, especially if the enemy front line decides to all-in-one without any follow-up. Another point in your ultimate e will allow you to destroy the opposition due to your constant burn damage. Use your e properly to make sure you win intertwined fights.