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The Faroese Parliament unanimously demanded a judicial investigation of the bank case, but the will of the Faroese Parliament was overridden by the Danish Parliament.
Løgtingið kravdi einmælt dómarakanning av bankamálinum, men viljin hjá tí einmælta fólkavalda tinginum varð settur til viks av dønum.
The past week has been relatively quiet on the bond market, while waiting for key figures to be announced and for results of national bank meetings.
Farna vikan hevur verið stak friðarlig á lánsbrævamarknaðinum, meðan bíðað hevur verið eftir almannakunngerðingum av lyklatølum og eftir úrslitum av tjóðbankafundum.
Such material cannot be translated from other languages, but must be developed for use in Faroese, because languages are different, says Sissal.
Slíkt tilfar kann ikki umsetast úr øðrum málum, men má mennast til brúk á føroyskum, tí mál eru ymisk, sigur Sissal.
This is not least proven by the great demand for the book about this artist, which Gunnar Hoydal published several years ago.
Hetta prógvar ikki minst stóri eftirspurningurin eftir bókini um henda listamannin, sum Gunnar Hoydal gav út fyri fleiri árum síðani.
The municipality has hired a driver to organize the transportation of students from Kirkjubø to Velbastaðar and the city of Tórshavn.
Kommunan hevur sett fastan bilførara at skipa fyri næm-ingaflutninginum úr Kirkjubø til Velbastaðar og Havnina.
She also made it quite clear that the Faroese Social Democratic Party does not intend to cooperate with its Danish brother party.
Hon boðaði eisini heilt greitt frá, at umboð fyri føroyska Javnaðarflokkin ikki ætlar at samstarva við danska bróðurflokkin.
Come and see what God has done! He is awesome in his works toward the children of men.
Komið og síggið tað, ið Gud hevur gjørt! Hann er øgiligur í verki móti menniskjabørnunum.
So, it was the Danes who should have stopped the loan before it got so huge.
Sostatt eru tað danir, sum skuldu havt steðgað láninum, áðrenn tað bleiv so ovurhonds stórt.
Abusers have the opportunity to have complete control over the hemoglobin value in the blood with a little trick.
Misnýtarar hava sostatt møguleikan at hava fult tamarhald á hemoglobinvirðinum í blóðinum við einum lítlum pirki.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warns Ukraine against sending its army to the east of the country, saying it could lead to civil war.
Russiski uttanríkisráðharrin, Sergej Lavrov, ávarar Ukraina ímóti at senda herin til eystara partin av landinum, tí tað kann føra til borgarakríggj, sigur hann.
British Energy Secretary John Battle said that both the underground tunnels and the water-filled silo must be emptied of all radioactive material.
Bretski orkumálaráðharrin John Battle segði, at bæði undirjørðisku gongirnar og tann vatnfylta siloin skulu tømast fyri alt geislarakt tilfar.
The newly elected council now asks Mayor Heðin Mortensen to convene the council as soon as possible so that the new council in Tórshavn can be formed.
Nývalda býráðið heitir nú á Heðin Mortensen, borgarstjóra, um at kalla inn býráðið skjótast gjørligt, so nýggja býráðið í Havn kann skipast.
But everywhere where good is sown, seeds of evil are also sown, which can destroy everything.
Men alla staðni, har tað góða verður sátt, verður samstundis sáðið tilteir eginleikar lagt, sum kann oyðileggja alt.
The Vágatunnel will be closed at 5 p.m. and will remain closed for a half-hour, as the emergency plan is tested.
Vágatunnilin verður stongdur klokkan fimm seinnapartin, og tað verður hann í hálvantriðja tíma, tí tilbúgvingarætlanin skal roynast.
The French President and German Chancellor will discuss quotas for refugees and migrants, French Interior Minister Laurent Fabius has confirmed to Reuters news agency.
Franski forsetin og týski samveldiskanslarin skulu millum annað tosa um kvotur fyri flóttafólk og tilflytarar, váttar franski innanríkisráðharrin, Laurent Fabius, fyri Reuters tíðindastovuni.
The peripheral support does not work quite as intended, the information has been too little and various important product categories have not been covered by the scheme.
Útjaðarastuðulin virkar ikki heilt sum ætlað, kunningin hevur verið ov lítil og ymiskir týðandi vørubólkar hava ikki verið fevndir av skipanini.
Considerations on protective rules - Fisheries reform PwC15existing protective rules to limit international tax planning, as none of the investors typically own more than 50% of the capital or votes in the Danish holding company.
Overvejelser om værnsregler - Fiskerireform PwC15eksisterende værnsregler til begrænsning af international skatteplanlægning, da ingen af investorerne typisk ejer mere ned 50 % af kapitalen eller stemmerne i det danske holdingselskab.
Now it is soon ready for Faer Isles Distillery to begin the first stage of construction in Kvívík, and the company has asked several construction companies for bids to begin the first stage of construction.
Nú er skjótt klárt hjá Faer Isles Distillery at fara undir fyrsta byggistig í Kvívík, og felagið hevur biðið fleiri byggifyritøkur um tilboð upp á at fara í holt við fyrsta byggistig.
So Saul let him go, and made him a captain over a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people.
Tí læt Saul hann frá sær og setti hann til høvuðsmann yvir túsund; og hann fór út í bardaga og heimaftur, á odda hjá hermonnunum.
The Minister of Finance has not yet made use of the aforementioned authority, and therefore there are currently no detailed rules on statutory appropriations and operational appropriations.
Landsstýrismaðurin í fíggjarmálum hevur enn ikki gjørt nýtslu av nevndu heimild, og tí finnast sum er ongar nágreinandi reglur um ávikavist lógarbundnar játtanir og rakstrarjáttanir.
It was difficult for her to hit the target standing after she had been lying on her back after the first shot, which is lying.
Tað gekk illa hjá henni at raka málið standandi eftir at hon hevði ligið heilt frammi eftir ta fyrstu skjótingina, sum er liggjandi.
The Finance Department makes rules on remuneration for trainees from the primary school based on the recommendation of the National School Administration.
Fíggjarmálastýrið ger eftir ummæli frá Landsskúlafyrisitingini reglur um samsýning til praktikantar úr fólkaskúlanum.
Now the day approaches when the investment subsidy for the fresh fish fleet will be discontinued, and the discussion on this subject has really heated up again.
Nú dagurin nærkast, har íløgustuðulin til feskfiskaflotan fellur burtur, er orðaskifti um hetta evni av álvara kyknað upp aftur.
They set the ship on a course, made many and large captures, and prepared for blockade.
Teir settu ferð á skipið, framdu nógvar og stórar yvirtøkur og løgdu upp til blokkstuðul.
Randi Jacobsen As one of the measures to try to reduce the pressure on childcare institutions, the City of Tórshavn wants the national authorities to extend the maternity leave by up to one year.
Randi Jacobsen Sum eitt av tiltøkunum at royna at minka um trýstið á barnaansingarstovnarnar vil Tórshavnar Býráð hava landsmyndugleikarnar at leingja barnsburðarfarloyvi við upp til einum ári.
Being a radio amateur in the Faroe Islands is a rare thing, because there are so few of them, and they are not heard very often, says Ólavur Frederiksen.
At vera radioamatørur í Føroyum er forkunnugt, tí her eru so fáir, og so eru teir ikki so ofta at hoyra, heldur Ólavur Frederiksen.
American Secretary of State John Kerry has accused Russia of inciting unrest in eastern Ukraine, so the country has an excuse to invade its neighbor.
Amerikanski uttanríkisráðharrin, John Kerry, hevur lagt Russland undir at hava eggjað til ófrið í eystara parti av Ukraina, so landið hevur eina umbering fyri at gera innrás í grannalandið.
Now has been brought forward during the treatment of these tax changes, that they will have the effect that the competitiveness of the fishing industry improves.
Nú hevur verið ført fram undir viðgerðini av hesum skattalógarbroytingum, at tær fara at hava við sær, at kappingarførið hjá fiskivinnuni batnar.
It wasn't a given that the Prime Minister would be re-elected as the leader of the party for another year, because the other candidate stood a good chance until the final result was announced, and he lost the election.
Ikki var tað ein sjálvfylgja, at løgmaður varð afturvaldur sum formaður floksins fyri eitt ár aftrat, tí hitt formansuppskotið stóð seg væl, líka til endaliga úrslitið fyrilá, og viðkomandi tapti dystin.
Sad for them that the support among their own in the Danish Parliament is not a hundred percent.
Keðiligt hjá teimum, at stuðulin millum teirra egnu á Fólkatingi ikki er ein undirtøka uppá hundrað prosent.
The Environment Agency will decide in each case whether a tunnel project and a project to dump gravel at sea should be approved.
Tí ætlar Umhvørvisstovan í hvørjum einstøkum føri at taka støðu til, um tunnilsverkætlan og verkætlan at fylla grót út á sjógv skal hava umhvørvis góðkenning.
The Minister of Fisheries has said that an experimental auction is necessary, which the working group will use as inspiration.
Landsstýrismaðurin í fiskivinnumálum hevur sagt, at tað er neyðugt við einari royndaruppboðssølu, sum arbeiðsbólkurin skal brúka sum íblástur.
Jeffri Johannesen doesn't hide the fact that the Seamen's Home is looking for people from a future oil industry, and they have also planned the conversion accordingly.
Jeffri Johannesen dylur ikki fyri, at Sjómansheimið dyrgir eftir fólki frá einari komandi oljuvinnu, og tey hava eisini lagt umbyggingina eftir tí.
When the decision has been made on who will be allowed to rent the facility, and when a contract has also been made with the University of the Faroe Islands, the entire Sjóvinnuhúsið on Vestaru bryggja in Tórshavn will be rented out.
Tá støða er tikin til, hvør sleppur at leiga siluna, og tá sáttmáli eisini er gjørdur við Fróðskaparsetrið, er alt Sjóvinnuhúsið á Vestaru bryggju í Havn leigað út.
When she had given him as much to drink as he wanted, she said:I'll go get some water for your camels, too, as much as they want.
Táið hon hevði givið honum at drekka, so mikið sum hann vildi, segði hon:Eg skal eisini fara eftir vatni til kamelar tínar, so nógvum, sum teir vilja hava.
Brave: He did; and he performed a manly deed with it; Hopeful and several others were converted by hearing of his death.
Djarvur:Tað gjørdi hann; og manndómsbrøgd avrikaði hann við tí; Vónríkur og fleiri onnur vórðu sum frá er sagt umvend av at hoyra um deyða hansara.
Perhaps it would be a good idea for him to stand on the western side of the planned subsea tunnel mouth next time, where the election went particularly well for the Self-Government Party.
Kanska var tað eitt hugskot, at hann stillaði upp vestarumegin ætlaða undirsjóvartunnilsmunnan næstu ferð, har valið hilnaðis serliga væl hjá Sjálvstýrisflokkinum.
It was therefore a great disappointment to him that the war broke out in 1914, and that all the values that human intelligence had fostered were to be destroyed.
Tað var honum tí eitt stórt vónbrot, at kríggið brast á í 1914, og at øll tey virði, ið mannavit høvdu fostrað, skuldu týnast.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau writes on Twitter Canadians mourn those who lost their lives in the cowardly attack on a mosque.
Kanadiski forsætisráðharrin, Justin Trudeau, skrivar á Twitter Kanadiarar syrgja tey, sum lótu lív í ómansliga álopinum á eina mosku.
These words were said when Yeltsin explained the pay arrears of the government, which Yeltsin ordered the three to pay before New Year's.
Hesi orðini vórðu søgd, tá ið Jeltsin greiddi frá lønarútgjaldingareftirstøðuni hjá stjórnini, sum Jeltsin gav teimum trimum boð um at útgjalda áðrenn nýggjár.
If a student is admitted to the course as a self-study student, he must take the examination in accordance with the provisions in Annex 3 no later than one year after admission.
Verður næmingur tikin upp til skeiðið sum sjálvlesandi, skal hann fara upp til próvtøku eftir ásetingunum í fylgiskjali 3 í seinasta lagi 1 ár eftir upptøkuna.
Magnus Rasmussen chairman of the parliamentary committee said after the meeting, the matter had already been dealt with in the parliament, and therefore all members of the parliamentary committee had already taken a position on the matter.
Magnus Rasmussen formaður í landsstýrismálanevndini segði eftir fundin, málið longu var viðgjørt í løgtinginum, og tí høvdu allir limir í landsstýrismálanevndini longu tikið støðu til málið.
One thing I've always been looking for, but haven't found: I've found a man among a thousand, but I haven't found a woman in all the crowd.
Eitt er, sum eg altíð havi leitað eftir, men ikki funnið: Ein mann havi eg funnið millum túsund, men kvinnu havi eg ikki funnið í øllum hópinum.
Daily Telegraph reproduces some of what former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said in the 1980s, when she said that it was important to stand strong when the going got tough.
Daily Telegraph endurgevur nakað av tí, sum fyrrverandi forsætisráðharrin, Margareth Thatcher, segði í 80 unum, tá hon segði, at tað ráddi um at standa stinn, tá harðast leikaði á.
Furthermore, he says that representatives from the Municipality of Klaksvík have been in Munich and Frankfurt, where they have looked at possible new arenas.
Víðari sigur hann, at umboð hjá Klaksvíkar Býráð hava verið í München og Frankfurt, har tey hava hugt eftir møguligum nýggjum vallum.
Otherwise it will happen by itself, now that municipalities are to merge, so that there will be no more than 8-10 municipalities in the Faroe Islands.
Annars fer tað at koma av sær sjálvum, nú kommunur skulu leggja saman, so at tað ikki verða meiri enn einar 8-10 kommunur í Føroyum.
A global alert means that countries should try to prevent the spread of the infection across borders, but it is advised against stopping trade and travel.
Ein heimsfevnandi ávaring merkir, at lond skulu royna at forða fyri, at smittan breiðir seg um landamørk, men rátt verður frá at gevast við handli og ferðum.
So far it has been estimated that it will cost ten million and a good 000 kroner to take land for a golf course from the farmers at Glyvurnes.
Higartil hevur verið mett, at tað fer at kosta tíggju milliónir og góðar 000 krónur at taka lendi til golfvøll frá festarunum á Glyvurnesi.
All the matches of the Faroese national football team in the next European and World Cup qualifiers will be broadcasted on the Faroese Broadcasting Corporation's television, but it will be a German company that will be responsible for broadcasting the matches in HD quality.
Allir dystirnir hjá fótbóltslandsliðnum í næstu EM og HM undankappingum verða sendir í sjónvarpinum hjá Kringvarpinum, men tað verður eitt týskt felag, sum fer at standa fyri at sjónvarpa dystirnar í HD dygd.
If the trend continues, almost all of the city will be underwater in It will take about 10 years to move the capital, says the country's planning minister.
Heldur gongdin fram, so verður næstan allur býurin undir í vatni í Tað fer at taka eini 10 ár at flyta høvuðsstaðin, sigur ætlanarráðharrin í landinum.
And how is the cost divided between the various professional fields. Are there opportunities to get income so that the system can rest in itself?
Og hvussu er kostnaðurin býttur út á ymisku yrkisøkini. Eru møguleikar at fáa inntøkur, so skipanin kann hvíla í sær sjálvari?
The work to build a facility for disabled children and young people in Runavík is progressing well, and the facility is scheduled to be completed by the end of October, Landsverk writes.
Arbeiðið at byggja depil til fjølbrekað børn og ung í Runavík gongur væl, og eftir ætlan verður depilin liðugur síðst í oktober, skrivar Landsverk.
New permits will no longer be issued for the construction of guesthouses, and new permits will not be issued for the rental of apartments to tourists, the council has decided.
Nýggj loyvi verða ikki givin longur til at byggja gistingarhús, og nýggj loyvi verða heldur ikki givin til at leiga út íbúðir til ferðafólk, hevur býráðið samtykt.
Fishing licenses are issued to the owner of a fishing vessel once a year and specify how many fishing days the fishing vessel has.
Fiskiloyvi verður latið eigara av fiskifari eina ferð um árið og tilskilar, hvussu nógvar fiskidagar fiskifarið hevur.
And He said to them, "Make the house unclean, and fill the courts with the slain. They went out and struck down the people of the city.
Og Hann segði við teir:Gerið húsið óreint og fyllið forgarðarnar við dripnum farið avstað!? Teir fóru so út og høgdu niður fólkið í staðnum.
An exciting match between the absolute big teams ended up being so close that the competition is almost unbearably exciting.
Ein spennandi dystur millum absoluttu stórliðini endaði soleiðis, at kappingin nærum er blivin ótolandi spennandi.
The White Book and the accompanying documents will form the basis for the main debate on independence, which will begin on Thursday.
Frágreiðingin, Hvítabók og fylgiskjølini skulu vera støðið undir tí aðalorðaskifti um fullveldið, sum hol verður sett á hósdagin komandi.
The bill also says that the Faroese court can send a case directly to the Eastern High Court, so the first stage of the process will be there.
Uppskotið sigur eisini, at Føroya rættur kann senda eitt mál beinleiðis til Eystara landsrætt, so fyrsta viðgerðarstig verður har.
By using the 5/6-rule, a greater right to full early retirement pension is achieved at an age level 2 years before the retirement age, as shown in the two lower rows in the diagram.
Ved at anvende 5/6-dels princippet opnås en større ret til fuld førtidspension ved et alderstrin der ligger 2 år føralderspensionsalderen, som vist i de to nederste rækker i diagrammet.
SEV has, however, pointed out that prices in Greenland are higher than ours, and that countries such as Germany and Japan are at our price level for electricity costs for industry.
SEV hevur hinvegin víst á, at prísirnir í Grønlandi eru hægri enn hjá okkum, og at lond sum Týskland og Japan liggja á okkara prísstøði á el-kostnaði til vinnuna.
Application forms for the waiting list at Mylnuhúsið can be obtained by contacting staff or by calling tel.
Umsóknarbløð til bíðilistan í Mylnuhúsinum fæst við at venda sær til starvsfólk ella at ringja tlf.
Høgni Hoydal did not want to comment on this particular case, but said to the radio in October that the report is part of a larger work and that it is on its way.
Høgni Hoydal vildi ikki viðmerkja júst hetta málið, men segði við útvarpið oktober, at frágreiðingin er partur av einum størri arbeiði, og at hon er á veg.
The survey shows that 80% of the men work full time, while 46% of the women work full time.
Kanningin vísir, at heili 80 % av monnunum arbeiða fulla tíð, meðan 46 % av kvinnunum arbeiða fulla tíð.
Because Formula has developed a solution that is very easy to use and to implement in the daily work of the accounting department.
Tí hevur Formula ment eina tílíka loysn, sum er sera einføld at taka í nýtslu og at nýta í dagliga arbeiðinum hjá bókhaldinum.
These structures can create negative incentives in the form of box thinking, where each hospital seeks to maximize its own profits/minimize its own losses by transferring patients to other budget accounts.
Disse strukturer kan skabe negative incitamenter i form af kassetænkning, hvor det enkelte sygehus søger at maksimere sit eget overskud/minimere sit underskud ved at overføre patienter til andre budgetkonti.
Got a supplement to the household income from other members of the household (not including spouse/partner)?
Fingið ískoyti til húsarhaldið frá øðrum í húskinum (tó ikki hjúnafelaga/sambúgva)?
If things had gone wrong, the weekend incident could have ended in a tragic accident, a pilot expert says, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Um illa vildi til kundi tilburðurin um vikuskiftið endað við eini syrgiligari vanlukku, sigur ein flogserfrøðingur sambært Wall Street Journal.
But when the damages have to be repaired and the insulation and other things have to be replaced, these damages often become at least as expensive as other damages.
Men tá skaðarnir skulu umvælast og bjálving og annað skiftast út, gerast hesir skaðar ofta minst líka kostnaðarmiklir og aðrir skaðar.
Watch therefore, remembering that for three years I ceased not night or day to admonish every one with tears!
Vakið tí, og minnist til, at í trý ár havi eg ikki givið uppat, nátt og dag at áminna ein og hvønn við tárum!
As time goes by, the statistics will show whether the number of child protection cases changes, and whether the measures taken by the child protection services serve their purpose, it is said.
Sum frálíður fara hagtølini at vísa, um talið á barnaverndarmálum broytist, og um fyrsiskipanirnar, sum barnaverndartænasturnar seta í verk, tæna endamálinum, verður sagt.
So there will always be enough to spend money on if one wants to live off others instead of trying oneself.
So tað verður altíð nokk at brúka pening til, um ein vil liva av øðrum í staðin fyri at royna sjálvur.
The Vágakór will again this year have an Advent concert in Miðvágs church and in the hall at Giljanes.
Vágakórið fer aftur í ár at hava adventskonsert í Miðvágs kirkju og í høllini á Giljanesi.
Not because every traffic accident is always one too many, but compared to our neighbouring countries in recent years, most people have died in traffic in the Faroe Islands in relation to the population.
Ikki tí ein og hvør ferðsluvannlukka er altíð ein ov nógv, men samanbera vit við grannalondini seinastu árini, eru flest deyð í ferðsluni í Føroyum í mun til fólkatalið.
Last year we had to pay our TV licence fee by April at the latest, but when we got a new bill in the middle of January it said we had to pay by March at the latest.
Í fjør skuldu vit rinda sjónvarpsgjaldið í seinasta lagi apríl, men tá vit um miðjan januar fingu nýtt innkrevjingarskjal inn um dyrnar stóð, at vit í seinasta lagi skuldu rinda mars.
Because Old Serpent saw that Erpni was a good errand boy for him, he gave him a higher position, so that he was next to Will in the power of Will, as we have written a lot about before.
Við tað at nú Gamli Ormur sá, at Erpni var honum góður ørindasveinur, veitti hann honum hægri embæti, so at hann varð næstur Vilja í valdi Vilja hava vit jú skrivað nógv um áður.
Furthermore, I can see that the public seems to be of the opinion that the changes in the organisation can be carried out with a minimum of resources.
Endvidere kan jeg konstatere, at der tilsyneladende er ved at brede sig den opfattelse i offentligheden, at ændringerne i organisationsforholdene vil kunne gennemføres med et minimalt brug af ressourcer.
The reference to Section 8a is made to note that the exemption from paying the ALS-fee is granted on application.
Tilvísingin til 8a er gjørd til tess at gera vart við, at undantøkan frá at rinda ALS-gjald verður framd eftir umsókn.
It is in most cases the manager or owner who has answered the questionnaire - in many cases the manager and the owner are the same person.
Tað er í flestu førum stjórin ella eigarin, sum hevur svarað spurnablaðnum - í nógvum førum eru stjórin og eigarin sami persónur.
The leadership of this party should have seen themselves too good to unite with the anti-Faroese forces in Copenhagen.
Leiðslan í hesum flokki átti at sæð seg ov góða til at sameint seg við antiføroysku kreftunum í Keypmannahavn.
Forsberg took 37 seconds on the Finn Jari Isomets, but was 9.7 seconds too late to the finish line to be able to make a difference in the fight for the bronze.
Forsberg tók 37 sekund inn á finnan Jari Isomets, men var 9,7 sekund ov seinur um mállinjuna fyri at kunna gera seg galdandi í stríðnum um bronsuna.
When David was old and full of days, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.
Táið Dávid var vorðin gamal og mettur av døgum, gjørdi hann son sín Sálomo til kong yvir Ísrael.
He says the reason why no time frame is given is because then people will just disagree with the Danish government about it.
Hann sigur orsøkina til at einki áramál verður upplýst vera, at so verður bara tað at vera ósamdur við donsku stjórnina um.
The salary is equal to the salary category 326 kroner per month of the Union of Service Men and Women with 15 percent in retirement pension and with an annual supplement.
Lønin er ájavnt við lønarflokk ið er 326 krónur um mánaðin hjá Felag Tænastumanna Landsins við 15 prosentum í eftirlønargjaldi og við eini áramálsviðbót.
Neither the Copenhagen nor the Frederiksberg municipality thought it necessary to reprimand the two for suddenly moving from Jutland to the capital.
Hvørki Keypmannahavnar ella Frederiksberg kommuna hildu tað verða neyðugt at finnast at teimum báðum fyri knappliga at flyta frá Jyllandi til høvuðsstaðin.
Then it will be said to the mountains: Fall on us! and to the hills: Cover us!
Tá fer at verða sagt við fjøllini:Fallið yvir okkum!? og við heyggjarnar:Fjalið okkum!?
Several people said that the regional elections in Lower Saxony were also a referendum against Lafontaine.
Fleiri vildu vera við, at landspartavalið í Niedersachsen eisini var ein fólkaatkvøða ímóti Lafontaine.
The legislation must be in accordance with the principles of public right, while taking into account the right of the landowner to run a farm.
Lóggávan skal vera í samsvari við meginreglurnar um almannarætt, samstundis sum lagt verður upp fyri rætti jarðareigarans at reka landbúnað.
The third woman who was working the first day was Susanna Andreasen of Oyri, who has now stopped working.
Triðja kvinnan, sum var til arbeiðis fyrsta dag, var Súsanna Andreasen av Oyri, sum nú er givin at arbeiða.
After the Rheumatologist stopped working, only a few rheumatism patients are referred for treatment.
Eftir at Serlækni í reumatologi steðgaði, verða bert fáir giktasjúklingar ávístir til viðgerð.
Because we had an administrative agreement, and what the committee decided, we might have to implement in practice.
Tí vit høvdu eina umsitingarliga avtalu, og tað, sum nevndin tók avgerð um, skuldu vit kanska fremja í praksis .
The recording shows that Strache had a meeting with another politician from the Freedom Party and a woman, whom Reuters says lured him into the trap.
Upptøkan vísir, at Strache hevur fund við annan politikara í Frælsisflokkinum og eina kvinnu, sum Reuters sigur lokkaði hann í felluna.
The municipality is now in contact with the National Museum of Iceland to determine what has happened, whether there is a major damage, and how they can proceed with the project.
Kommunan samskiftir nú við Tjóðsavnið, um at staðfesta, hvat er hent, um talan er um stóran skaða, og hvussu tey nú kunnu koma víðari við verkætlanini.
In connection with the issue of building authority where subsidies are included, FKF has also had its nose far forward without noticing particularly much from the country's largest municipality.
Í sambandi við ivamálið um byggivald har studningur er uppií hevur FKF eisini havt nøsina langt frammi uttan at merkja serliga nógv frá landsins størstu kommunu.
Yes, we can only say that the school is also very suitable for school-tired youth, because we do not have any book learning.
Ja, vit kunnu bara siga, at skúlin eisini er sera væl egnaður fyri skúlatroyttan ungdóm, við tað at vit ikki hava nakra bókliga lærugrein.
He didn't give up, and with two great shots from the left wing he put an end to a great and entertaining game, which ended with the result 29 24 to VÍF.
Hann gavst ikki so, og við tveimum frálíkum skotum frá vinstra vongi setti hann punktum fyri einum frálíkum og undirhaldandi dysti, ið endaði við úrslitinum 29 24 til VÍF.
According to the current rules, Danish citizens who have permanent residence in a part of the Kingdom are treated equally with regard to the right to social pension in that part of the Kingdom.
Efter gældende regler bliver danske statsborgere, der har fast bopæl i en rigsdel ligebehandlet med hensyn til ret til social pension i rigsdelen.
It means that those who came in with the Ternan this morning must stay somewhere else than in Nólsoy, because the Ternan doesn't sail back to the island today.
Tað merkir, at tey, sum komu inn við Ternuni í morgun, mugu liggja nátt aðrastaðni enn í Nólsoy, tí Ternan siglir ikki útaftur í oynna í dag.
At this meeting Eilif Samuelsen made it clear that if the municipalities did not take the initiative to merge themselves, they would be merged by law.
Á hesum fundi gjørdi Eilif Samuelsen greitt, at tóku kommunurnar ikki sjálvar stig til samanlegging, fóru tær við lóg at verða lagdar saman.
The Danish government is now trying to get some of the money it had to pay the Faroese back.
Danska stjórnin roynir nú at skava nakað av tí peninginum innaftur, sum hon noyddist at gjalda føroyingum.
He will be the seventh American sent to the space station as part of a three-year cooperation agreement between Russia and the United States.
Hann verður sjeyndi amerikanarin, sum er sendur til rúmdarstøðina, sum partur av eini trý ára samstarvsavtalu millum Russland og USA.