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I myself am not currently eligible for the national team, but it should be something that encourages the young players.
Sjálvur verið eg so ikki aktuellur til landsliðið nú, men tað átti at verið nakað, sum eggjaði ungu leikarunum.
Eric Kearley firmly believes that the world will see more Nordic names on the new channel.
Eric Kearley trýr fast uppá, at umheimurin við nýggju rásini fer at síggja fleiri norðurlensk nøvn.
This initiative aims to build international solidarity with those who are at the forefront of the struggle for human rights.
Tí miðar hetta átakið ímóti at byggja upp altjóða samanhald við tey, ið stríðast í fremstu røð fyri mannarættindi.
But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be manifested that they are wrought in God.
Men tann, ið ger sannleikan, kemur til ljósið, fyri at verk hansara kunnu verða opinberað at tey eru gjørd í Gudi.
The conditions in the army became so intolerable that it was impossible for me and others to live with the unreasonable conditions imposed on us.
Viðurskiftini í fylkingini blivu so ótolandi, at tað var ómøguligt hjá mær og øðrum at liva við teimum órímiligu treytum, ið blivu settar okkum.
In what way is the number of users/patients per nurse satisfactory?
Í hvønn mun er talið av brúkarum/sjúklingum fyri hvønn sjúkrarøktarfrøðing á arbeiðsplássinum nøktandi?
The square meter price is reasonable when compared to other work currently underway and when considering the market situation, he says.
Fermetraprisurin er rímiligur, tá borið verður saman við onnur arbeiði, sum eru í gongd í løtuni, og tá hugsað verður um, hvussu marknaðarstøðan er, sigur hann.
The biggest problem is that there are too few nursing home places for old people who can no longer take care of themselves.
Størsti trupulleikin er, at ov fá røktarheimspláss eru til gomul fólk, ið ikki longur megna eginumsorgan.
There is no doubt that every effort should be made to change this unpleasant trend and the sinister consequences of these senseless accidents.
Einki er tí at ivast í, at tað eigur at verða roynt av øllum alvi at broyta hesa óhugnaligu gongd og tær syndarligu avleiðingar, hesar høpisleysu vanlukkur volda.
But the weather has been so bad the last few days, Smyril has often had more than three hours on each trip.
Men soleiðis sum veðrið hevur verið seinastu dagarnar, hevur Smyril mangan havt yvir tríggjar tímar um hvørja ferð.
It says Bjørn á Heygum, lawyer, now John Rajani has decided to appeal to the Speaker and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the Parliamentary Ombudsman.
Tað sigur Bjørn á Heygum, advokatur, nú John Rajani hevur gjørt av at kæra løgmann og landsstýrismannin í uttanríkis og vinnumálum til løgtingsins umboðsmann.
We're talking to some of the people the Minister of Fisheries chose to be on the committee that was to make recommendations for a new and sustainable fisheries policy.
Vit tosa við nøkur av teimum, sum landsstýrismaðurin valdi í nýskipanarnevndina, sum skuldi gera tilmæli um eina nýggja og varandi fiskivinnuskipan.
In a money-driven existence with a right-wing mercantile regime like never before, I am waiting for the first offer of the day's text on a face mask.
Í eini pengastýrdari tilveru við merkantilum høgrastýri sum aldri áður, bíði eg spentur eftir fyrsta boði um dagsins tekst á munnbindi.
The last attempt by Foreign Minister Villy Søvndal to convince the EU committee that it should not impose sanctions on the Faroe Islands has failed.
Seinasta royndin hjá Villy Søvndal, uttanríkisráðharra, at sannføra ES nevndina um, at hon eigur ikki at seta tiltøk í verk móti Føroyum, rínur ikki við.
ST will also limit the number of sovereign states, so no help will come from there later.
ST fer eisini við tíðini at avmarka talið av fullveldisríkjum, so haðani fer eingin hjálp at koma seinni.
Then they thought to themselves and said: "It's because we didn't take bread with us!?
Tá hugsaðu teir við sær sjálvum og søgdu:Tað er, tí vit hava ikki tikið breyð við!?
Magistral: It is the production of various mixtures that cannot be obtained on the market as standard goods.
Magistrelt: Tað er framleiðsla av ymsum blandingum, ið ikki kunnu fáast á marknaðinum sum standardvøra.
And the prayer offered in faith will help the sick man; the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.
Og bønin, biðin í trúgv, skal hjálpa hinum sjúka; Harrin skal reisa hann upp, og hevur hann gjørt syndir, skulu tær verða honum fyrigivnar.
It is obvious that we - individuals, companies and authorities - need education and experience if we are to participate in and manage the oil activities in the Faroe Islands.
Tað er sjálvsagt, at okkum - einstaklingum, virkjum og myndugleikum - tørvar útbúgving og royndir, skulu vit verða før fyri at luttaka í og stýra oljuvirkseminum við Føroyar.
I stretched out my hands to Your commandments, which I love, and meditate on Your statutes.
Eg rætti út hendurnar móti boðum Tínum, sum eg elski, og grundi á fyriskipanir Tínar.
To clear up any doubt about who should be named Remembrance Day of the Sailors, November, a proposal has now been made for rules that clearly state who should be on the list.
Fyri at beina fyri øllum iva um, hvør skal verða nevndur minningardag teirra sjólátnu, november, er nú gjørt uppskot um reglur, sum greitt siga, hvør skal á listan.
How will banks in the Faroe Islands be able to comply with the Danish or Faroese Personal Data Act when requirements are made for whistleblowing systems, Kristina Háfoss also questions.
Hvussu skulu bankar í Føroyum bera seg at í mun til donsku ella føroysku persónsupplýsingarlógina, tá krav verður sett um varskógvaraskipanir, setir Kristina Háfoss eisini spurnartekn við.
Jørgen Niclasen wanted to know if the Minister of Social Affairs and the Interior has approved that Bústaðir has made an agreement with a Danish construction company to be responsible for the construction plan in Mattalág in Tórshavn.
Jørgen Niclasen vildi hava at vita, um landsstýriskvinnan hevur góðkent, at Bústaðir hava gjørt avtalu við eina danska byggifyritøku um at standa fyri byggiætlanini í Mattalág í Havn.
The Chief Medical Officer has repeatedly been out in public and said that the infection rate should not exceed 1, Now it is more than twice as high.
Landslæknin hevur fleiri ferðir verið alment úti og sagt, at smittutalið helst ikki skal uppum 1, Nú er tað meira enn tvífalt so høgt.
Statoil has given the country back the license to search for oil, which West Hercules used last summer to drill the well Sula Stelkur close to the border with Scotland.
Statoil hevur latið landinum aftur loyvið at leita eftir olju, sum West Hercules brúkti í fjør summar at bora brunnin Súla Stelkur tætt við markið við Hetland.
A topic that will no doubt be discussed at all political meetings this year is the banking issue.
Eitt mál, sum uttan iva fer at gera seg galdandi á øllum politiskum landsfundum í ár, er bankamálið.
The new policy will be the basis for the planned structural changes in the daycare area, which the municipality initially stopped after pressure from the Pedagogical Association.
Nýggi politikkurin skal vera grundarlag undir ætlaðu bygnaðarbroytingunum á dagstovnaøkinum, sum kommunan í fyrsta umfari steðgaði eftir trýsti frá Pedagogfelagnum.
It is free of charge to legislate for rehabilitation and maintenance training, as well as to legislate for rehabilitation plans.
Tað er kostnaðarfrítt at lógarfesta trygd fyri endurvenjing og viðlíkahaldandi venjing, eins og at lógarfesta trygd fyri at fáa endurvenjingarætlan.
Finally, it should be noted that an ongoing rationalization of the operation will of course also increase the yield.
At enda kann viðmerkjast, at ein áhaldandi rationalisering av rakstrinum sjálvsagt eisini vil økja um avkastið.
The Travel Council did a similar survey five years ago on board the aircraft, and it went well to get the questionnaires back.
Ferðaráðið gjørdi fyri fimm árum síðan eina líknandi kanning umborð á flogførunum, og væl gekk at fáa spurnarbløðini aftur.
According to plan, the treatment of the case of the Enterprise Fund should have been in the parliament yesterday morning, but it was not.
Eftir ætlan skuldi viðgerð av málinum um Framtaksgrunnin vera í tinginum fyrrapartin í gjár, men tað varð av ongum.
But the municipalities were so pleased with the event that 23 municipalities signed up for the next round of work.
Men kommunurnar vóru so væl nøgdar við tiltakinum, at 23 kommunur meldaðu seg til tá ið hildið varð fram við arbeiðnum.
The Association has no decision-making power, but they can be a significant input to the school's policy, where the parents' views are taken into account.
Felagið hevur ikki nakran avgerðarrætt, men tey kunnu vera eitt týdningarmikið íkast til politikkin hjá skúlanum, har sjónarmiðini hjá foreldrunum verða tikin við.
Gentlemen are always either foppish women's men or leather-clad macho men with moustaches!
Gjeikarar eru altíð antin fjákutir kventlar ella leðurklæddir macho-menn við yvirskeggi!
The Chief Medical Officer must decide whether it is professionally advisable to implement a scheme where women can give birth at Suðuroyar Hospital on the same conditions as those who want to give birth at home.
Landslæknin skal taka støðu til, um tað er fakliga ráðiligt at seta eina skipan í verk, her kvinnur kunnu eiga á Suðuroyar Sjúkrahúsi við somu treytum, sum ein, ið vil eiga heima.
Food The representative of the municipality is together with the Health Inspectorate when she carries out the supervision of the Food Act.
Matvørur Umboð fyri kommununa er saman við Heilsufrøðiligu Starvsstovuni, tá ið hon fremur eftirlit við matvørulógini.
A mother told how someone had emptied her son's body of organs without the consent of the relatives.
Ein mamma greiddi frá, hvussu onkur hevði tømt son hennara fyri gøgn uttan samtykki frá avvarðandi.
That Xi Jinping will also be in Vietnam may be important for the negotiations with North Korea, says the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's reporter in Asia.
At Xi Jinping eisini verður staddur í Vjetnam, kann fáa týdning fyri samráðingarnar við Norðurkorea, sigur tíðindamaðurin hjá danska kringvarpinum í Asia.
The working group has had meetings, but has otherwise divided into smaller groups that have taken care of certain tasks.
Arbeiðsbólkurin hevur havt fundir, men hevur annars býtt seg sundur í smærri bólkar, sum hava tikið sær av ávísum uppgávum.
The Chief Justice fundamentally disagrees that lay judges are the solution to the fact that too few Faroese people are in the judiciary.
Sorinskrivarin er grundleggjandi ósamdur um, at dómsfólk eru loysnin uppá, at ov fáir føroyingar eru í dømandi valdinum.
Kristian Magnussen admits that it was a big step for him to leave Tingenes, but it was necessary now that he was going to another class.
Kristian Magnussen viðgongur, at tað var eitt stórt stig at taka hjá sær at fara úr Tingenesi, men tað var neyðugt, nú hann fór í ein annan flokk.
The Faroese Government shall be informed when a change is made in the division between the Faroese and foreign parts of the ownership capital and voting rights and shall approve such changes.
Føroya landsstýri skal hava upplýsingar, tá broyting fer fram í býtinum millum føroyska partin og útlendska partin av ognarpeninginum og atkvøðurættinum og skal góðkenna slíkar broytingar.
Flemming Oliver Jensen explains how it came about that he came to the Faroe Islands to head up the altar talent training of the Handball Federation.
Flemming Oliver Jensen greiðir frá hvussu tað bar so á, at hann kom til Føroyar at standa á odda fyri alltari talent venjingini hjá Hondbóltssambandinum.
This is how we reach the goal The social partners agree that it is important that the workforce has professional skills and up-to-date knowledge.
Soleiðis røkka vit málinum Partarnir á arbeiðsmarknaðinum eru samdir um, at tað er umráðandi, at arbeiðsmegin hevur fakligan førleika og dagførda vitan.
More Faroese people are visiting Katrina's world and at the moment Katrina's friend Lydia Langgaard Djurhuus is visiting with her daughter.
Fleiri føroyingar vitja í heiminum hjá Katrini og familjuni, og í hesum døgum er vinkona Katrina, Lydia Langgaard Djurhuus, og vitjar saman við dóttur síni.
Zone 1 is the largest zone, but only has one community, and this is not enough.
Øki 1 er størsta økið, men hevur bert 1 sambýli, og kann hetta als ikki vera nøktandi.
The authorities won't name the man, but say he is 39 years old, lived in the Paris suburbs and was under suspicion of having radical Islamic views.
Myndugleikarnir vilja ikki nevna mannin við navni, men siga, at hann er 39 ára gamal, búði í útjaðaranum í Paris og var undir illgruna fyri at hava víðgongd islamisk sjónarmið.
He says that the board of the union has talked a lot about what options are available if the parliament should interfere in the dispute.
Hann sigur, at nevndin í felagnum hevur tosað nógv um, hvørjir møguleikar eru fyri at seta tiltøk í verk, um tað skuldi hent, at løgtingið blandar seg uppí sáttmálatrætuna.
When He gave the man in linen clothes this command: Take some of the fire that is between the wheels, between the cherubim!? he went in and stood by one of the wheels.
Táið Hann nú gav manninum, sum í línklæðum var, hetta boð:Tak av eldinum, ið er millum hjólini, millum kerúbarnar!? fór hann inn og stóð hjá einum hjólinum.
Elin Lindenskov says, unfortunately, it turns out that the waiting list to get children in day care just lengthens.
Elin Lindenskov sigur, tíverri vísir tað seg, at bíðilistin at fáa børn í dagrøkt bara leingist.
First you're going to jump off the 10-meter diving board, and then you're going to fill the pool.
Fyrst ætla tit at loypa út av 10 metra vippuni, og síðani ætla tit at fara at fylla hylin.
When Ayrton turned ten years old, he received a full-size kart as a birthday present from his father.
Tá Ayrton gjørdist tíggju ár, fekk hann ein kart í fullari stødd í føðingardagsgávu frá pápa sínum.
The government will work to change the statutes of the Enterprise Fund so that the Fund more often than now invests in new activities with patient and risk-averse capital.
Landsstýrið fer at virka fyri at broyta viðtøkurnar hjá Framtaksgrunninum, so at grunnurin oftari enn nú leggur seg eftir at gera íløgur í nýtt virksemi við tolnum og váðafúsum kapitali.
Because the Minister Eilif Samuelsen should have known that his rigid behavior will have serious consequences for the students at the Student School and HF course.
Tí landsstýrismaðurin Eilif Samuelsen átti at vitað, at stívrenda framferð hansara fær álvarsligar avleiðingar fyri næmingarnar á Studentaskúla og HF skeiðnum.
Similarly, Janne Andersson also reminds that at Tórsvøllur is played on a grass surface, which the Swedish national team does not have many experiences with.
Somuleiðis minnir Janne Andersson eisini á, at á Tórsvølli verður spælt á graslíki, sum svenska landsliðið ikki hevur nógvar royndir við.
The plan is that the students will be able to use the Christmas calendar again so or so in the first place in Faroese but also in home economics and history and contemporary, says Gunvá Magnussen.
Ætlanin er, at næmingarnir skulu kunnu brúka jólakalendaran aftur so ella so í fyrst og fremst føroyskum men eisini í heimkunnleika og søgu og samtíð, sigur Gunvá Magnussen.
But it's not right that an offer is made in such a way that foreign companies have an advantage over the Faroese ones.
Men tað er heldur ikki rætt, at eitt útboð verður lagt til rættis soleiðis, at útlendskar fyritøkur hava ein fyrimun fram um tær føroysku.
They always divided the people fairly; all difficult cases they brought to Moses, but in all cases of less importance they judged themselves.
Teir skiftu so rætt millum fólkið altíð; allar torførar sakir lótu teir koma fram fyri Móses, men í øllum søkum, sum minni høvdu at týða, dømdu teir sjálvir.
ABC flutningur and Hammar Shuttle won the tender to transport seated patients and their companions who are going abroad for treatment.
ABC flutningur og Hammar Shuttle vunnu útbjóðingina, at koyra sitandi sjúklingar og fylgjarar, sum skulu til viðgerðar uttanlands.
As mentioned above under introduction, the management rights of SEV are outside the jurisdiction of the country, and SEV is free of the usual administration of both the country and the municipalities.
Sum víst á omanfyri undir innleiðing liggur leiðslurætturin í SEV uttanfyri málsræðið hjálandinum, og SEV er leyst av vanligu umsitingini bæði hjá landinum og hjá kommununum.
Do public employees have the right to express their opinions publicly about their own workplace? The Danish Ombudsman has in his practice placed great emphasis on this.
Ber tað so til hjá almennum starvsfólki at siga sína hugsan alment um egna arbeiðspláss sítt? Danski umboðsmaðurin hevur í síni siðvenju lagt stóran dent á, at so skal vera.
The first Christians were undoubtedly buried in mounds, because there were no churches with consecrated graves.
Tey fyrstu kristnu vórðu uttan iva borin út í heyg, tí tá vóru ongar kirkjur við vígdum grevstri.
It's been many years since Kyndil has been the Faroese champion, and we have to go all the way back to 1981 when Kyndil won.
Tað eru nógv ár síðani at Kyndil hevur verið føroyameistari, og vit skulu heilt aftur til 1981 tá Kyndil gjørdit vinnari.
Based on the information that will be available after such a calculation, the ordinary Faroese has something real to take a stand on.
Útfrá teimum upplýsingum, ið vilja fyriliggja aftaná eina slíka kalkulatión, hevur hann vanligi føroyingurin nakað veruligt at taka støðu útfrá.
But the Chinese figures are raising eyebrows outside the country, and the country is accused of deliberately hiding the public infection numbers, writes the Ritzau news agency.
Men, kinesisku tølini elva til undran uttan fyri landið, og landið er skuldsett fyri við vilja at fjala útyvir almennu smittutølini, skrivar tíðindastovan hjá Ritzau.
The Norwegian Parliament has agreed that oil production will reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030, and according to the industry, electrification is a key factor.
Norska Stórtingið hevur samtykt, at oljuvinna skal minka um útlátið við 50 prosent innan 2030, og sambært vinnuni er júst elektrifiseringin ein týðandi táttur.
The writing on the wall says that no economic growth is to be found in such societies.
Skriftin á vegginum sigur, at eingin búskaparvøkstur er at hóma í tílíkum samfeløgum.
The Nazis had now taken a serious interest in Kaj Munk, and all newspapers were told to send all articles about Kaj Munk to the German censors.
Nazistarnir høvdu nú av álvara fingið áhuga fyri Kaj Munk, og øll bløð fingu boð um, at allar greinir av Kaj Munk skuldu sendast til tann týska sensurin.
At the end of the article it says very funny that Niels uses Viborg Stifts Folkeblad and unsold Socials as fertilizer.
Í endanum av greini stendur sera skemtiligt, at Niels brúkar Viborg Stifts Folkeblad og óseldar Sosialar sum tøð.
But it's a question of how far we would have gotten with time, because we know that the coalition supports its own, no matter what the misconduct is about.
Men tað er ein spurningur, hvussu langt, vit høvdu komið við tíð, tí vit vita, at samgongan styðjar sínar egnu, sama, hvat misálitið annars er um.
It is pointed out that cell plastic is safe as a thermal insulation if it is used correctly, and then the requirement is that the cell plastic is hidden by concrete or that it is plastered on the outside.
Víst verður á, at cellplast er trygt sum bjálving, um tað verður rætt nýtt, og tá er kravið, at cellplastið verður fjalt av betongi, ella at pussað verður uttaná.
According to the rules of the Danish Parliament, the credit card should only be used for taxis and tickets related to meetings.
Sambært reglunum hjá Fólkatinginum eigur kredittkortið bara at vera nýtt til hýruvognar og ferðaseðlar, sum hava samband við fundir.
It is recommended that the regulation on rat extermination be revised and that the wording on inspection, prevention and collection of knowledge be included in the regulation.
Mælt verður til, at kunngerðin um rottutýning verður endurskoðað, og at orðingar um eftirlit, fyribyrging og innsavnan av vitan verður sett inn í kunngerðina.
It happened just before midnight on Wednesday night that Grunningur ran into Nim, which the Guard and Rescue Service has hired as a guard ship.
Tað hendi beint fyri midnátt hóskvøldið, at Grunningur rendi á Nim, ið Vaktar amp Bjargingartænastan hevur leigað til vaktarskip.
If things go well, it's easy to go over the set quota, but if things don't go as planned, it's easy to fall well below the set quota.
Gongur væl, er lætt at fara upp um ásettu kvotuna, men gongur tað hin vegin ikki eftir vild, er skjótt at framleiðslan fellur væl niður um ásettu kvotuna.
In addition to getting information about the various place names in the municipality, there will also be an opportunity to read stories and see pictures related to the place names.
Umframt at fáa upplýsingar um ymisku staðarnøvnini í kommununi, verður eisini møguleiki at lesa søgur og síggja myndir, sum viðvíkja staðarnøvnunum.
Out in the world there are animal diseases that are not in the Faroe Islands, and we want to protect ourselves from them so that our animals do not get infectious diseases, says the Labor Office.
Úti í heimi eru djórasjúkur, sum ikki eru í Føroyum, og tær vilja vit verja okkum fyri, so djór hjá okkum ikki fáa smittandi sjúkur, sigur starvsstovan.
In connection with the decision to be taken on the location, now to be built for the Maritime Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has asked the Maritime Authority and Landsverk to make recommendations on the location.
Í sambandi við, at avgerð skal takast um staðseting, nú byggjast skal til Sjóvinnustýrið, hevur Uttanríkis og Vinnumálaráðið heitt á Sjóvinnustýrið og Landsverk um at gera tilmæli um staðsetingina.
As we understand it, the tendency is the same in other countries as it is with us - but not so obvious after all.
Sum skilst er tendensurin tann sami í øðrum londum sum hjá okkum - men ikki so eyðsýndur kortini.
Sat and looked out the window at the geese and sheep fighting over the breadcrumbs.
Sat og hugdi út gjøgnum vindeygað eftir gæsnum og seyðunum, sum bardust um breyðmolarnar.
Of the activities that Lions Club Vágar supports, it is especially the local activities that are closest to their hearts.
Av tiltøkum sum Lions Club Vágar stuðlar eru tað serliga tey lokalu tiltøkini sum liggja teimum nærmast.
If the work is a main contract, the main contractor has full responsibility for managing his own work, including the work of his subcontractors.
Er talan um høvuðsarbeiðstøku, hevur høvuðsarbeiðstakarin fulla ábyrgd av at leiða egið arbeiði, herundir eisini arbeiðið hjá sínum undirarbeiðstakarum.
Luckily, we never disagreed with the Minister of the Interior, but respected each other and the task we were then set to solve.
Lukkutíð vórðu vit aldri ósamd við landstýriskvinnuna, men virdu hvørt annað og ta uppgávu, vit tá vórðu sett til at loysa.
She had agreed to come this year, after she had to cancel in 1996 because she had just been diagnosed with cancer.
Hon hevði annars játtað at koma í ár, eftir at hon í 1996 mátti geva avboð, tí hon júst hevði fingið staðfest krabbameinssjúkuna.
It can under no circumstances be accepted that we do not give the national pensioners a substantial increase immediately, if we have the means to give tax cuts now.
Tað kann undir ongum umstøðum góðtakast, at vit ikki geva fólkapensjonistunum eina munagóða hækking beinan vegin, um so er at vit hava ráð til skattalættar nú.
The shelter and the Social Services have made an agreement that a counselor from the Social Services Department visits the shelter two hours every other week.
Herbergið og Almannaverkið hava gjørt avtalu um, at ein ráðgevi frá Viðskiftadeplinum á Almannaverkinum vitjar á Herberginum tveir tímar aðru hvørja viku.
He is otherwise annoyed that the media jump on him when political comments are to be made, even though he is the chairman of the Independence Party.
Hann fýlist annars á, at fjølmiðlarnir miðvíst leypa hann um, táið politiskar viðmerkingar skulu gerast, hóast hann er formaður Tjóðveldisfloksins.
Some questions are so similar to other questions that have already been answered that they will not be answered again.
Summir spurningar líkjast kortini so nógv øðrum spurningum sum longu eru svaraðir, at teir verða ikki svaraðir umaftur.
Next year it could be me who is unlucky and need to sell part of my quota, says Jóan Petur Brekkstein.
Næsta ár kann tað jú vera eg, sum eri óheppin og havi brúk fyri at selja ein part av míni kvotu, sigur Jóan Petur Brekkstein.
The historic Supreme Court ruling made it easier for the Prime Minister to secure a yes vote in the referendum on the Amsterdam Treaty in May.
Hervið gjørdi tann søguligi hægstarættardómurin tað lættari hjá forsætisráðharranum at tryggja eitt ja til fólkaatkvøðuna mai um Amsterdam sáttmálan.
My experience tells me that you can always expect that to happen, says Bjarni Djurholm.
Mínar royndir siga mær, at tú altíð kanst rokna við, at slíkt kann henda, sigur Bjarni Djurholm.
Edmund Joensen is still the Prime Minister, and it was most natural that he led the negotiations.
Edmund Joensen er framvegis løgmaður, og tað var mest natúrligt, at tað var hann, sum leiddi samráðingarnar.
The digital identity will be used to log into all public institutions' systems, and eventually it is planned to replace NemID, which many people use to log into the banks.
Talgildi samleikin skal nýtast til at rita inn í allar skipanir hjá almennum stovnum, og við tíðini er ætlanin, at hann skal koma í staðin fyri NemID, sum nógv brúka at rita inn í bankarnar.
When the children at Hvítanes come home from school, they have no path or street to walk on.
Tá børnini á Hvítanesi koma aftur úr skúla, hava tey hvørki nakra gongubreyt ella gøtu at ganga eftir.
It's often a long time between StÍF winning against Neistin, but now the teams met for the second time in the league this year, and Neistin won the first game, StÍF managed to win.
Tað er ofta langt ímillum at StÍF vinnur á Neistanum, men nú liðini hittust fyri aðru ferð í landskappingni í ár, og Neistin vann fyrra dystin, kláraði StÍF at vinna.
It is done by comparing the GDP of Iceland with the GDP of the Faroe Islands.
Tað verður gjørt við at sammeta landsframleiðsluna GDP í Íslandi við landsframleiðsluna í Føroyum.
They came home now to grease the bottom and overhaul the spars, which have got new machines.
Teir komu heim nú at smyrja botnin og yvirhála spølini, ið hava fingið nýggjar maskinur.
But I would not listen to Balaam, and he had to bless you; so I saved you from his hand.
Men Eg vildi ikki lurta eftir Bileam, og hann noyddist at signa tykkum; soleiðis bjargaði Eg tykkum av hondum hansara.
Self-employed people without insurance can apply for daily allowance with the same conditions as employees, provided that they do not have anyone else working for them for more than six weeks a half-year.
Sjálvstøðugt vinnurekandi uttan trygging kunnu søkja um dagpening við somu treytum sum løntakarar treytað av, at tey ikki hava annan í vinnu í meira enn 6 vikur um hálvárið.
A 22-year-old man was found dead in the sea at Rættargjógv this morning when rescue workers arrived at the scene where the car had gone off the road.
Ein 22 ára gamal maður varð í morgun funnin deyður á sjónum við Rættargjógv, tá bjargingarfólk komu á staðið, har bilurin er farin útav vegnum.