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Now there is a risk that the prices will be even higher, he writes in the letter, and emphasizes that the government only cares about its own interests.
Nú er vandi fyri, at prísirnir verða enn hægri, skrivar hann í brævinum og leggur áherðslu á, at landsstýrið røkir bara sínu egnu áhugamál.
The comments from Siri Stenberg made the Ministry of Industry and Commerce send out a new letter late Saturday night, where the ministry maintains that Johan Dahl has not broken any rules.
Viðmerkingarnar hjá Siri Stenberg fekk Vinnumálaráðið at senda eitt nýtt skriv út seint leygarkvøldið, har ráðið heldur fast um, at Johan Dahl ikki hevur brotið nakra stýriskipanarlóg.
It means that measures will be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and energy consumption from renewable energy sources will be developed.
Tað ber í sær, at tiltøk verða sett í verk fyri at minka um útlátið av veðurlagsgassum og orkunýtslan frá varandi orkukeldum skal mennast.
Previously, the editorial staff of Breddanum has sent Ewald Kjølbro some questions in connection with a 30-minute report on the takeover of the Asphalt Plant at Sund.
Frammanundan hevur redaktiónin í Breddanum sent Ewald Kjølbro nakrar spurningar í samband við eina 30 minuttirs reportasju um yvirtøkuna av Asfaltsverkinum á Sundi.
If you are under 25 years old and own a car, it is not possible to insure the car against paint damage if you are a customer of Trygd, because the so-called storm damage insurance does not cover it.
Ert tú undir 25 ár og eigur bil, ber ikki til at tryggja bilin móti lakkskaða, um tú ert viðskiftafólk hjá Trygd, tí tað fevnir sonevnda stormskaða tryggingin ikki um.
This is not included in the circular, and the possibilities of streamlining public production through cooperation with private suppliers are therefore not tested to a sufficient extent, according to the Enterprise Agency.
Hetta er ikki tikið við í rundskrivið, og møguleikarnir at effektivisera almennu framleiðsluna gjøgnum samstarv við privatar veitarar verða tí ikki royndir í nóg stóran mun, heldur Vinnuhúsið.
And Bergur Djurhuus Hansen talks about Katarina Frostensen, who received the Nordic Council's Literature Prize this year for her poetry collection.
Og Bergur Djurhuus Hansen sigur frá um Katarinu Frostensen, sum fekk bókmentavirðisløn norðurlandaráðsins í ár fyri yrkingasavnið.
The situation in the UK is like in Spain and other countries, and therefore it is necessary to tighten the measures, Boris Johnson said in a speech to the Parliament.
Støðan hjá okkum er sum í Spania og øðrum londum, og tí er neyðugt at herða tiltøkini, segði Boris Johnson í røðu fyri parlamentinum.
Man any heathen people have changed their gods! And they are not gods! But My people have given up their glory for what is of no use!
Man nakað heidningafólk hava skift gudar! Og teir eru ikki gudar! Men fólk Mítt hevur latið dýrd sína fyri tað, ið einki nyttar!
Voters who are isolated, quarantined or under home isolation due to COVID 19 shall not be allowed to vote at the polling station on election day.
Veljarar, sum vegna COVID 19 eru avbyrgdir, í sóttarhaldi ella heimauppihaldi, skulu ikki møta á valstaðnum sjálvan valdagin fyri at greiða atkvøðu til kommunuvalið.
Have there been any contacts between the Danish government or the Danish Prime Minister and the Faroese government on the above issues?
Hevur samband verið millum donsku stjórnina ella danska forsætisráðharran og Føroya landsstýri um omanfyrinevndu viðurskifti?
But today is the last chance to repair your shoes in a special shoe repair shop in Tvøroyri.
Men í dag er seinasti møguleikin at umvæla skógvar sínar í serstakari skósmiðju á Tvøoyri.
Ernst Hansen was not completely unfamiliar with the parliamentary office, because he has represented the Social Democratic Party in parliament as a deputy in the 80's.
Ernst Hansen var tó ikki heilt ókunnugur við tingmannastarvið, tí hann hevur onkur skifti í 80'unum umboðað Javnaðarflokkin á tingi sum varamaður.
The brothers Sólarn and Marne Isaksen have been told to stop lobster fishing in the area outside Skálatoftir in Haraldssund.
Brøðurnir Sólarn og Marne Isaksen hava fingið boð um, at teir skulu steðga við hummarafiskiskapi í økinum uttanfyri Skálatoftir í Haraldssundi.
This was shown at the time, and at the same time it was shown that the value added tax is a user charge and should be added to the price to the user.
Hetta bleiv víst á tá, og samtíðis bleiv víst á, at meirvirðisgjaldið er brúkaragjald og eigur at leggjast oman á prísin til brúkaran.
Snorri Brend This is Eilif's area of responsibility, and he has full authority to work with it.
Snorri Brend Hetta er málsøkið hjá Eilif, sum hann hevur fulla ábyrgd fyri og allar heimildir til at arbeiða við.
This is a big challenge, which I see many opportunities in, Maud says - but it takes time, she adds.
Hetta er ein stór avbjóðing, sum eg síggja nógvar møguleikar í, sigur Maud - men tað tekur tíð, skoytir hon upp í.
The CEO says that the research in the Faroe Islands would not have increased the activity of DeCode, but rather they needed a larger base to do the research on.
Forstjórin sigur, at rannsóknirnar í Føroyum høvdu í veruleikanum ikki økt um virksemið hjá DeCode, men heldur vantaði teimum eitt størri grundarlag at gera kanningarnar á.
The first feature is a conversation with Kim Simonsen, a writer who thinks that too many reservation lists in public spaces are random and kitsch.
Fyrsta innslag er samrøða við Kim Simonsen, rithøvund, ið heldur, at alt ov nógv bíleggingarlist í almenna rúminum er tilvildarlig og kitsch.
The woman who knew what had happened to her now came trembling and weeping and fell down before Him and told Him everything as it was.
Kvinnan sum vitsti, hvat hana hevði hent kom nú rødd og skelvandi og fall niður fyri Honum og segði Honum alt, sum tað var.
The unexpected always has a place in Formula 1, and therefore nothing can be said with certainty until the race is over, and certainly not before the first Grand Prix is run.
Tað óvæntaða fær altíð rúm í Formel 1, og tí kann einki sigast við vissu, fyrr enn kappingin er avgjørd, og so slettis ikki áðrenn tað fyrsta Grand Prixið er koyrt.
He thought it was Faroese people who should talk about these matters, and said that we should lower our voices and wait until the bank investigation gets the myths off the table, as he put it.
Hann helt tað vera føroyingar, sum áttu at tosa um hesi mál og segði annars, at vit eiga at fáa stemmelejet ned og bíða til bankakanningin fær mýturnar av borðinum, sum hann tók til.
Beria and Sema were the leaders of the people living in Ajalon; they drove out the people living in Gat.
Beria og Sema teir vóru ættarhøvdingar millum teirra, sum búðu í Ajalon; teir róku burtur tey, sum búðu í Gat.
He says that if the proposal is passed unchanged, Mark will have to stop projects that are underway, because the investments have been made on the wrong basis.
Hann sigur, at verður uppskotið samtykt óbroytt, noyðist Mark at steðga verkætlanum, sum eru á veg, tí íløgurnar eru gjørdar undir skeivum fortreytum.
It is recommended that the current authority to provide activity services is stipulated in the Act on Social Services and that it is clarified who is entitled to activity services and under what conditions.
Mælt verður til, at verandi heimild til at veita virknistænastur verður ásett í tænastulógini og at tað verður greitt, hvør hevur rætt til virknistænastu og undir hvørjum treytum.
Now that we are about to get back on track, it is extremely important that the Union Party gets your support in April.
Nú vit eru um at koma á rættkjøl aftur, er tað ómetaliga umráðandi, at Sambandsflokkurin fær tín stuðul apríl.
He also explains that according to Article 16, the rent ends without notice when the agreed period has expired, if the rental is temporary.
Hann greiðir eisini frá, at sambært grein 16 heldur leigan uppat uttan uppsøgn, tá avtalaða tíðarskeiðið er runnið, um talan er um tíðaravmarkaða leigu.
Meeting was on Monday between the Shipowners' Association and the Shipmasters and Navigators' Association, and a meeting will be held again tomorrow, says Herálvur Joensen.
Fundur var mánadagin millum Reiðarafelagið og Skipara og navigatørfelagið, og fundur verður aftur í morgin, sigur Herálvur Joensen.
The independence parties won the next round. When our term was over, the block subsidy system was brought back onto the field, and it was implemented according to the wishes of the independence parties.
Loysingarflokkarnir vunnu næsta umfarið Tá okkara valskeið var lokið, varð blokkstuðulsskipanin tikin inn aftur á vøllin, og hon varð gjøgnumførd eftir ynski frá loysingarflokkunum.
Hiram king of Tyre sent men to David with cedar wood, and he sent carpenters and stonecutters to build a house for David.
Hiram kongur í Týrus sendi menn til Dávid við sedrisviði, og hann sendi træsmiðir og steinhøggarar, sum bygdu Dávidi hús.
If teaching material needs to be quickly available, it is obviously quickest to translate material from other languages.
Skal undirvísingartilfar fáast skjótt til vega, so er sjálvandi skjótast at týða tilfar úr øðrum málum.
Travel Faroe Islands says they have experience and made surveys regarding a certain group of tourists. Does the Minister intend to provide the Løgting with these surveys and experiences?
Ferðaráð Føroya sigur seg hava royndir og gjørt kanningar viðvíkjandi ávísum bólki av ferðafólki. Ætlar landsstýrismaðurin at útvega Løgtinginum hesar kanningar og royndir?
But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
Men ein teirra, sum hjá stóðu, dró svørðið og høgdi til tænara høvuðsprestsins og hevði oyrað av honum.
It seems that we are back in the days when it is not possible to get hold of craftsmen, and the prices are accordingly, says Kaj Leo Johannesen.
Tað sær út til, at vit eru aftur í teirri tíðini, tá ikki er gjørligt at fáa fatur í handverkarum, og prísirnir eru hareftir, sigur Kaj Leo Johannesen.
The biggest advantage of getting an education, the young people think, is that it gives them the opportunity to work with what they want to.
Størsta fyrimunin við at fáa sær eina útbúgving halda tey ungu vera, at tað gevur teimum møgu-leika at arbeiða við tí, tey hava hug til.
As Lambareiði says, this is only a repair, because there is no reason to start any major work now that a new road is going to be built anyway.
Sum sagt verður av Lambareiði, er hetta bara umvæling, tí eingin grund er at fara undir nakað stórarbeiði, nú nýggjur vegur skal gerast kortini.
The proposal to change the Marriage Act was also in the parliament in When the administration of the parliament made the same point that now surprises the opposition.
Uppskot um at broyta hjúnabandslógina var eisini í løgtinginum í Tá gjørdi umsitingin hjá løgtinginum vart við tað sama, sum nú kemur óvart á andstøðuna.
The industry believes that uncertainty about the fisheries reform is stifling progress in the fishing industry, and is causing shipowners and business leaders to lower their sails.
Flokkurin heldur, at óvissan um fiskivinnunýskipanina køvir framburðin í fiskivinnuni, og fær reiðarar og vinnulívsleiðarar at repa seglini.
But she has decided on her virtues and her values and speaks for herself and she does so well and with dignity.
Men hon hevur avgjørt sínar dygdir og síni virði og talar fyri seg sjálva og tað megnar hon bæði væl og virðiliga.
The plan will cost around 250 million kroner, just 60 million more than if the platform was to be drilled, the spokesman said.
Ætlanin fer at kosta einar 250 milliónir krónur, bert 60 milliónir meira, enn um pallurin varð søktur, segði talsmaðurin.
The mountain cave between Hov and Øravík back on the agenda The plan is now to investigate whether it is advisable to make a mountain cave between Hov and Øravík.
Bergholið millum Hov og Øravík aftur á skránni Ætlanin er nú at kanna, um tað er ráðiligt at gera eitt berghol millum Hov og Øravík.
If a fool speaks, he is considered wise, but if he keeps his mouth shut, he is considered intelligent.
Um tað so er dárin, verður hann roknaður fyri vísmann, táið hann tegir, og fyri vitigan mann, táið hann heldur munnin saman.
You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.
Tit rannsaka skriftirnar, tí tit hugsa, at tit hava ævigt lív í teimum; og tað eru tær, ið vitna um Meg.
People from the animation workshop in Viborg are in the Faroe Islands with a traveling workshop and hold courses in teaching children to make animated films from stories and legends both with paper cut and modeling wax.
Fólk frá animatiónsverkstaðnum í Viborg eru í Føroyum við einum ferðandi listaverkstaði og halda skeið í at læra børn at gera teknifilm úr søgum og sagnum bæði við pappírsklippi og modelerivoksi.
Denmark will help Greenland when Greenland is negotiating with the UK about a trade agreement after Brexit, the Danish Prime Minister promised at the national meeting, says KNR.
Danmark fer at hjálpa Grønlandi, tá Grønland skal samráðast við Bretland um eina handilsavtalu, eftir Brexit, lovaði danski forsætisráðharrin á ríkisfundinum, sigur KNR.
The police confirm to Suddeutsche Zeitung that witnesses heard the perpetrator shout Allahu Akbar while he attacked random people early this morning.
Løgreglan váttar fyri Suddeutsche Zeitung, at vitni hoyrdu gerningsmannin rópa Allahu Akbar , meðan hann leyp á tilvildarlig fólk tíðliga í morgun.
The event is only this one day, and so much is on the schedule that people will hardly have time to get bored, says Jens Eli Ellefsen.
Tiltakið er bert henda eina dagin, og so nógv er á skránni, at fólk neyvan fáa stundir at keða seg, sigur Jens Eli Ellefsen.
When the King changed color, and his thoughts terrified him; he became weak in the knees, and his knees trembled.
Tá skifti kongurin lit, og hugsanir hansara ræddu hann; hann varð linur í mjadnaliðunum, og knø hansara skulvu.
It was thought a shame that he should go to ruin, and thus disfigure the village.
Tað varð hildið at vera spell, at hann skuldi fara í órøkt, og soleiðis misprýða bygdina.
The first thing the big municipalities did was to set up a working group to find a solution to the problems.
Tað fyrsta, sum stóru kommunurnar gjørdu, var, at tær settu ein arbeiðsbólk, sum hevði til endamáls at finna eina loysn á trupulleikunum.
When the deadline for applications was up in January, there were a total of thirteen applicants who wanted to take over the old chairmanship of Sjúrður Horsdal, who resigned last year.
Tá freistin var úti januar vóru heili 13 umsøkjarir, sum ynsktu at sleppa at sita í gamla stjórasessinum hjá Sjúrða Horsdal, sum segði seg úr starvinum í fjør.
The last execution was in 1706, when a half-sibling of Skælingur was executed for bloodshed.
Seinasti deyðadómurin var annars sagdur í 1706, tá eini hálvsystkin av Skælingi blivu avrættað fyri blóðskemd.
This says Jógvan Páll Lassen, lawyer, who does not understand that the parliament now must approve a large surveillance package with the reason that we have drug problems in the Faroe Islands.
Hetta sigur Jógvan Páll Lassen, advokatur, sum ikki skilir, at løgtingið nú skal samtykkja ein stóran avlurtingarpakka við tí grundgeving, at vit hava narkotikatrupulleikar í Føroyum.
The Minister said that by reallocating funds in the Ministry of Education's budget, he has found money for the private media.
Landsstýrismaðurin segði, at við at umraðfesta í kontunum hjá Mentamálaráðnum í fíggjarlógini hevur hann funnið pengar til privatu fjølmiðlarnar.
Again, having to learn new and more complex arrangements is not something small companies tend to be happy about, he says.
Aftur at skula seta seg inn í nýggjar og fleiri satsir, er ikki nakað, smáar fyritøkur plaga at verða so glaðar fyri, sigur hann.
The Faroese players have no match practice so late in the year, and they have long since gone on winter break.
Føroysku spælararnir hava onga dystarvenjing so seint á árinum, og teir eru sinniliga farnir í vetrarfrí fyri langari tíð síðani, varð frágreiðingin.
Lazio played on Tuesday in a European football final for the first time in the history of the club.
Lazio spældi seg týsdagin í eina evropeiska fótbóltsfinalu fyri fyrstu ferð í søgu felagsins.
The problem the Independence Party has been struggling with for a long time is that there are several people fighting for the position of leader.
Trupulleikin, ið Tjóðveldisflokkurin hevur stríðst við í langa tíð, er, at teir eru fleiri, sum stríðast um álitisstarvið.
We experience that several of the laws passed by the Faroese parliament have not yet come into force in the Faroes, because they are waiting for processing in a Danish ministry.
Vit uppliva, at fleiri mál, sum løgtingið hevur samtykt, ikki enn eru komin í gildi í Føroyum, tí tey bíða eftir viðgerð í danskari ráðharrastovu.
The smolt farm in Fámjin is one of the companies that never gave up during the crisis years.
Smoltstøðin í Fámjin er ein av teimum virkjunum, sum ongantíð góvu skarvn yvir kreppuárini.
TBF has had representation on the Faroese national team, and we were very well represented on the first national team that has won a national match against Iceland in Iceland, it was a big event.
TBF hevur haft umboðan á landsliði Føroya, og vóru vit sera gott umboðaðir á tí fyrsta landsliði, sum hevur vunnið landsdyst á íslendingum í Íslandi, tað var ein stórhending.
This the media must not be fooled by, and the more critical news coverage must continue as times get better.
Hesum mugu fjølmiðlarnir tó ikki lata seg tøla av, og haldast má fram við tí meira kritiska tíðindaflutninginum, nú tíðirnar gerast betri.
Important is that a position is taken on the purpose of possible legislative changes in these areas, which require political positioning and which are fairly principled.
Týdningarmikið er, at støða verður tikin til endamálið við møguligum lógarbroytingum á hesum økjum, sum krevja politiska støðutakan og sum eru rættiliga prinsipiell.
Both the Faroese Registration Office and the Danish Business Authority have stated that they primarily acted as "desk-checks", and that they did not conduct any further investigations without special grounds.
Bæði Skráseting Føroya og Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen hava greitt frá, at tey fyrst og fremst virkaðu sum "skriviborðseftirlit", og at tey ikki uttan serliga bakgrund gjørdu víðari kanningar .
Despite this situation being repeated several times in the debate on Monday evening, Helena Dam á Neystabø continued to speak as if this hadn't been said.
Hóast henda støða floksins varð framførd fleiri ferðir í orðaskiftinum mánakvøldið, so helt Helena Dam á Neystabø fram við at tosa, sum um hetta ikki var sagt.
In the same body there were not a few butterflies, now they had to go up and down the floor of the Café Nature's loft every minute.
Í sama búkinum vóru ikki sørt av summarfuglum, nú tær hvørja løtu skuldu ganga oman og niðan eftir gólvinum á loftinum á Café Natúr.
So as BankNordik buys shares, the bank will announce once a week to the stock exchanges in Reykjavík and Copenhagen how many shares have been bought and for how much.
So hvørt sum BankNordik keypir partabrøv fer bankin eina ferð um vikuna at kunngera fyri keypsskálunum í Reykjavík og Keypmannahavn, hvussu nógv partabrøv eru keypt og fyri hvussu nógv.
The other teams got an equal number of points, they won one match each 3 2, lost one match each 2 3, and all lost with the same match score against Faroe Islands.
Hini liðini fingu javnt stigatal, tey vunnu ein dyst hvør 3 2, taptu ein dyst hvør 2 3, og øll taptu við somu dystarstigum móti Føroyum.
The construction cost was estimated at just over 277 million kroner, but in addition Mest must have good 22 million kroner in support from the national treasury to build the research vessel.
Byggikostnaðurin varð mettur til slakar 277 milliónir krónur , men haraftrat skal Mest hava góðar 22 milliónir krónur í stuðli úr landskassanum at byggja havrannsóknarskipið.
Deep down, even a hardened unionist is also a true Faroese who wants the best for his country.
Innast inni er sjálvt ein forherdadur sambandsmadur eisini ein rättur föroyingur sum vil alt tad besta fyri sítt land.
When this is the case, we will reserve the right to demand compensation from the government for lost value.
Tá soleiðis er, fara vit at tilskila okkum rætt til at krevja fulnað frá landsstýrinum fyri mist virði.
In order to show My wrath and to take vengeance, I have let the blood that he has shed run on the bare rocks, so that it should not be hidden.
Fyri at vísa vreiði Mína og fyri at taka hevnd havi Eg latið blóðið, ið hann hevur úthelt, runnið á beru klettarnar, so tað skuldi ikki verða fjalt.
The reason for the plan to put this scheme under the care of the National Health Service is primarily to get a better coordination in the area, and to stimulate and develop a professional environment.
Orsøkin til ætlanina at leggja hesa skipan undir Serforsorgina er fyrst og fremst, at fáa eina betri samskipan á økinum, og fyri at stimbra og menna eitt fakligt umhvørvi.
We do not support independence unless it is for the good of the country and the people, and no one has yet been able to show that it will be.
Vit taka ikki undir við sjálvstýrið uttan at tað verður til gagns fyri landið og fólkið, og tað hevur ongin enn megnað at víst á, at tað verður.
Research from these countries shows that the number of traffic accidents among the 16 to 17 year olds has fallen by about 50 percent since the night ban was introduced.
Kanningar úr hesum londum vísa, at talið av ferðsluóhappum hjá teimum 16 til 17 ára gomlu er fallið umleið 50 procent síðan náttarbannið varð sett í gildi.
The preparedness plan will be discussed in the municipal council, which will also decide whether the preparedness is adequate in relation to the risk.
Áteknaða tilbúgvingarætlanin verður viðgørd í kommunustýrinum sum samstundis tekur støðu til, um tilbúgvingin er nøktandi í mun til váðan.
Because even though they didn't take sets from Fleyr, they almost beat Fleyr in the third set.
Tí hóast teir ikki tóku sett frá Fleyr, so var um reppið at teir koppaðu Fleyr í triðja settinum.
There are some challenges regarding crowding and safety when a lot of people gather, but the stage was moved further back this year to protect against crowding and provide more space.
Tað eru nakrar avbjóðingar viðvíkjandi trokan og trygd, tá nógv fólk samlast, men pallurin varð fluttur longur aftur í ár fyri at verja móti trokan og geva meira pláss.
All are welcome to express their opinion on a future Suðuroyar vessel, and Strandfaraskip Landsins will also consult all groups that, it is believed, have an interest in the project.
Øll eru vælkomin til at siga sína meining um eitt komandi Suðuroyarskip, og fer Strandfaraskip Landsins eisini at taka allar teir bólkar uppá ráð, sum, mett verður, hava áhuga í projektinum.
The grading committee makes a decision on which grades can be given in the area, and when approved breeding animals must be shown to the committee again.
Greðingaumdømisnevndin tekur eftir 5 avgerð um, hvørjir greð-ingar kunnu haldast í umdøminum, og nær góðkendur aligreðingur aftur skal sýnast av nevndini.
It is necessary to develop and renew the tourism industry so that it is financially viable without damaging the nature.
Tað er neyðugt at menna og endurnýggja ferðavinnuna, so hon er fíggjarliga lívfør, uttan at náttúran tekur skaða.
The palliative team at the National Hospital helps people with incurable cancer to live as well as possible with the disease during the last period of life.
Palliativa toymið á Landssjúkrahúsinum hjálpir fólki við ólekjandi krabbameini at liva so væl sum gjørligt við sjúkuni ta seinastu livitíðina.
The negotiations between the pilots and the employers started in March and continued until May, when the Conciliation Board was called in.
Sáttmálasamráðingarnar millum flogskipararnar og arbeiðsgevararnar byrjaðu mars og hildu á til mai, tá boð vórðu send eftir Semingsstovninum.
He also gave these three treasures of gold and gems, and he took the ropes off them and gave them gold collars around their necks and rings in their ears.
Eisini gav hann hesum trimum dýrgripir av gulli og gimsteimum, og hann tók togini av teimum og gav teimum gullketur um hálsin og ringar í oyruni.
The younger ones who come after you will of course not be subjected to such treatment and will therefore try to get an education elsewhere than in the Faroe Islands.
Tey yngru, ið koma aftaná, ætla sær sjálvandi ikki at vera fyri tílíkari viðferð og fara tí at royna at fáa sær útbúgving onkra aðrastaðni enn í Føroyum.
When talking about Faroese theater, it's difficult to avoid Eyðun Johannessen and his role in developing Faroese theater.
Tá tosað verður um føroyskan sjónleik, er torført at sleppa uttan um Eyðun Johannessen og hansara leiklut at menna føroyska leiklist.
Now have courage, and let us show ourselves bold in the battle for our people and for the cities of our God, and then the Lord will do what He thinks best!?
Hav nú gott mót, og lat okkum vísa okkum djarvar í bardaganum fyri fólk okkara og fyri býir Guds okkara síðani má HARRIN gera tað, ið Honum tykir best!?
The ships' energy consumption decreases because they can plan their fishing for the whole year and fish their own quotas of different fish species when it is most profitable.
Orkunýtslan hjá skipunum minkar orsakað av, at tey kunnu leggja fiskiskapin til rættisfyri alt árið, og fiska eginkvoturnar av ymsu fiskasløgunum, tá ið tað loysir seg best.
It is possible that we should have approached the problem differently, but I can't see that this is a major problem in itself, says Høgni Joensen.
Tað er møguligt at vit skuldu gripið trupulleikan ørvísi an, men eg dugi ikki at síggja, at hetta er nakar stórur trupulleiki í sjálvum sær, sigur Høgni Joensen.
From Lachish Joshua went up with all Israel to Eglon; and they encamped against it, and fought against it.
Úr Lakis fór Josva við øllum Ísrael til Eglon; og teir tóku støðu móti býnum og herjaðu á hann.
At the same time as he was a coach, he later also took elite coach courses within the Danish Handball Association.
Samstundis sum hann var venjari, tók hann seinni eisini elituvenjaraskeið innan danska hondbóltssambandið.
So the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord, and he shall be forgiven for whatever wrong he has done, and whatever guilt he has incurred.
So skal presturin gera bót fyri hann fyri ásjón HARRANS, so hann fær fyrigeving, hvat hann so hevur gjørt og drigið skyld oman yvir seg við.
That people in custody continue to be common in all Indian states, while the victims of torture still have difficulty getting their cases tried.
At fólk í varðhaldinum heldur áfram at vera vanligt í øllum indiskum statum, meðan ofrini fyri píning framvegis hava ilt við at fáa sína sak roynda.
Reuters reports that Mattis is confident that US troops will not be reduced in South Korea, despite diplomats trying to reach a deal with North Korea on nuclear disarmament.
Reuters skrivar, at Mattis vissar um, at minkað verður ikki um amerikansku herdeildirnar í Suðurkorea, hóast diplomatar royna at fáa eina avtalu í lag við Norðurkorea um kjarnorku avdubbing.
Suðuroyar Hospital has ambulant rehabilitation for people with disabilities who can come to the rehabilitation themselves, and for people who can't get treatment anywhere else.
Suðuroyar Sjúkrahús hevur ambulanta endurvenjing til fólk við førleikatarni, sum sjálvir kunnu koma til endurvenjingar, og til fólk, sum ikki fáa viðgerð aðrastaðni.
The chapter does not deal with fees for the right to exploit other natural resources owned by the community, such as licences to search for or extract hydrocarbons.
Kapittulin viðger ikki gjøld fyri rættin at gagnnýta annað náttúrutilfeingi, sum samfelagið er eigari av, til dømis loyvi til at leita eftir ella at útvinna kolvetni.
The council has based its handling of requests for public access on advice from the council's lawyer.
Býráðið hevur bygt sín hátt at viðgera umbønir um alment innlit á ráð frá advokatinum hjá býráðnum.
The Chieftain then let the young man go and told him:You must not tell anyone that you have let me know this!?
Herhøvdingin læt tá hin unga mannin fara og segði við hann:Tú skalt ongum siga, at tú hevur latið meg fingið hetta at vita!?
Rógvi Reinert will not, however, take a position here and now on whether the Fisheries Ministry believes that there is a legal basis for using a lottery when the mackerel licenses in the EU sea are to be awarded.
Rógvi Reinert vil tó ikki her og nú taka støðu til, um Fiskimálaráðið heldur, at heimild er at brúka lutakast, tá makrelloyvini í ES sjógvi skulu latast.
Political leadership and administration failed to renew the law-giving and make it up to date.
Politiska leiðslan og umsitingin megnaðu ikki at endurnýggja lóg-gávuna og gera hana tíðarhóskandi.