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When you consider that his predecessor Ronald Reagan today does not know that he has been president of one of the world's most powerful nations, this is put into a telling perspective.
Tá havt verður í huga, at undangongumaður hansara Ronald Reagan í dag ikki veit av, at hann hevur verið forseti í einum av heimsins valdsmiklastu tjóðum, verður hetta sett í eitt sigandi perspektiv.
Sigfríður Clementsen says to the radio that as it looks on the ladder, his task is first and foremost that TB should keep its place in the division.
Sigfríður Clementsen sigur við kringvarpið, at soleiðis sum tað sær út á stigatalvuni, er uppgávan hjá honum fyrst og fremst, at TB varðveitir plássið í deildini.
According to the law, ferry routes can not be granted unless the service is at least as good and at least as cheap as it is now.
Sambært lógini kunnu farleiðir hjá Strandferðsluni ikki útveitast uttan so, at tað tænastan verður minst líka góð og minst líka so bílig, sum hon er nú.
This is a disappointment for the owner and manager of Snikkarakjallarin in Dali, the only carpentry workshop in the country that has an apprentice at the moment.
Hetta harmar eigaran og stjóran í Snikkarakjallaranum í Dali, ið er einasta snikkaravirkið í landinum, sum hevur lærling í løtuni.
I hope of course that the activity continues under a different management, because these buildings are the origin of Tvøroyri, and here has always been a lot of life.
Eg vóni sjálvandi, at virksemið heldur fram undir aðrari leiðslu, tí hesir bygningar eru upprunin til Tvøroyri, og her hevur altíð ýtt av lívi.
Although some areas of law are unlikely to develop significantly on a special Faroese basis, there is still a need to adapt them to the special Faroese conditions.
Hóast summi lógarøki eru ósannlík at mennast nakað serligt á serstakari føroyskari grund, er kortini tørvur á at laga tey til serføroysku fortreytirnar.
If the change hadn't been made, both people would have been entitled to full Social Security if they lived in the Faroe Islands when the pension was paid out.
Um broytingin ikki varð framd, høvdu báðir persónar havt rætt til fullan Samhaldsfasta, um teir búðu í Føroyum, tá eftirlønin fór í útgjald.
The management of the Danish Bank has begun to read, and promises to come up with a report that the experts consider will be an attack on the bank survey, Monday.
Leiðslan í Den Danske Bank er farin at lesa, og lovar at koma við eini frágreiðing, sum serfrøðingarnir meta verður eitt álop á bankakanningina, mánadagin.
Jóannes Eidesgaard regrets that the Vágatunnel is now taken out of the air and is being presented as the most urgent investment of all to be made right now.
Jóannes Eidesgaard harmast um, at Vágatunnilin nú er tikin fram úr leysum lofti og verður førdur fram sum tann mest átrokandi íløgan av øllum at gera beint nú.
As shown above, the reduction in fishing capacity and possible negative consequences for the work activity around the country have received a lot of space in the treatment of the Faroese fisheries industry.
Sum víst er á omanfyri, hava skerjingar í veiðiorkuni og møguligar neiligar avleiðingar fyri arbeiðsvirknið kring landið fingið nógv rúm í viðgerðini av føroysku fiskivinnuni.
Regarding the battle you threaten us with, we intend to defend ourselves to the best of our ability, and you should know that we are not in such a bad situation that we cannot make you some resistance!
Viðvíkjandi orrustuni, ið tit hótta okkum við, ætla vit at verja okkum, alt vit eru mentir, og tit skulu vita, at vit eru ikki so illa staddir, at vit fáa ikki gjørt tykkum mótstøðu!
But we emphasize that the parliament will be able to work, said Helena Dam á Neystabø in an interview with the Radio tonight.
Men vit leggja dent á, at løgtingið verður arbeiðsført, segði Helena Dam á Neystabø í samrøðu við Útvarpið í kvøld.
Hold me up according to Your Word, that I may live, and do not let me be ashamed of my hope!
Halt mær uppi eftir orði Tínum, so eg kann liva, og lat meg ikki verða til skammar við vón míni!
But Erik Hoffmeyer and the rest of the board of the National Bank did not think that a decision could be made on the issue of shareholdings based on the basis that was available.
Men Erik Hoffmeyer og restin av stjórnini í Tjóðbankanum helt ikki, at ein avgerð kundi takast um partabrævabýtið út frá tí grundarlagi, sum lá til skals.
Some people know little or nothing about S/M and might be a voice for you if you say it so bluntly, and then it might be better to come up with the 'reveal' little by little.
Summi vita lítið og einki um S/M og verða kanska rödd fyri tær, um tú sigur tað so bart út, og tá er tað kanska betri at koma við 'avdúkingin' so við og við.
The Klaksvík people have for some time had problems with Russians who are on board Russian ships that are in the North Harbor in Klaksvík.
Klaksvíkingar hava í eina tíð havt trupulleikar av russarum, ið eru umborð á russiskum skipum, ið liggja á Norðhavnini í Klaksvík.
The Association says it has been told that some public companies estimate that they will need to add one or two people when the ownership policy comes into force.
Felagið sigur seg hava fingið at vita, at nøkur almenn partafeløg meta leysliga, at tey noyðast at seta eitt ella tvey fólk afturat, tá eigarapolitikkurin kemur.
She says that the Egyptians have taken some of the British experts' criticisms into consideration, but she would not say what the criticisms or demands were.
Hon sigur, at egyptar høvdu tikið til eftirtektar nakrar av átalunum frá bretsku serfrøðingunum, men hon vildi tó ikki siga nærri, hvørja átalur ella krøv talan var um.
And the difference between a state church and a national church is exactly that while the state controls the state church, it is the people - the congregation - who controls the national church.
Og munurin á eini fólkakirkju og eini statskirkju er júst tann, at meðan staturin stýrir statskirkjuni, er tað fólkið - kirkjuliðið - sum stýrir fólkakirkjuni.
If the third rescue package is to be processed this week, it will probably be necessary to make exceptions from the deadlines in the parliament, because Friday is Constitution Day, and then there will be no parliamentary meeting.
Skal hjálparpakki 3 avgreiðast í hesi vikuni, verður helst neyðugt at gera frávik frá tíðarfreistunum í tinginum, tí fríggjdagin er grundlógardagur, og tá verður eingin tingfundur.
Unexpected events mean that the caravan of emergency aid will arrive in Madaya at least once today.
Óvæntaðar hendingar bera í sær, at bilafylgið við neyðhjálp kemur í fyrsta lagi einaferð í dag til Madaya, sum liggur á einum fjallatoppi.
Generally speaking, a majority of the teachers in the primary school are reasonably satisfied.
Alment kann sigast, at ein meiriluti av lærarunum í fólkaskúlanum trívast hampuliga væl.
Kyndil is also represented in the women's final, where they will play against the other team from Tórshavn, Neistin.
Kyndil er eisini umboðað í finaluni hjá kvinnum, har tær skulu spæla ímóti hinum havnarfelagnum Neistanum.
Among other things because the average age of the ships of Strandferðslan is over 30 years, and because the ships have an extremely low standard while being expensive to maintain.
Millum annað tí at miðalaldurin á skipunum hjá Strandferðsluni er omanfyri 30 ár, og tí at skipini ein ógvuligan lágan standard samstundis við, at tey eru dýr at halda.
Nor do the Egyptian security sources, who are linked to the investigations into the plane crash, rule out the possibility that it was a bomb.
Heldur ikki eyptiskar trygdarkeldur, sum hava tilknýti til kanningarnar av flogvanlukkuni, úthýsa heldur ikki møguleikanum, at talan er um bumbuspreinging.
All unused fishing days must be cancelled and then half of the remaining days for those who fish for cod and haddock.
Allir óbrúktir fiskidagar skulu strikast og síðani harafturat helvtin av teimum døgum, sum tá eru eftir hjá teimum, sum fiska tosk og hýsu.
Edvard Joensen has been an intern at Sosialurin since August this year, and in February he will go to the TV station, where he will work for a year before he starts his last year at school.
Edvard Joensen hevur verið í praktikk á Sosialinum síðani august í ár, og februar fer hann í Sjónvarpið, har hann skal starvast í eitt ár, áðrenn hann aftur fer undir seinasta árið á skúlanum.
The meetings are informal and are more informative meetings on topics that the Funding Fund itself has put on the agenda.
Fundirnir eru óformellir og eru meira kunnandi fundir um evni, sum Fíggingargrunnurin sjálvur hevur sett á dagsskrá.
A picture showed Barbu and Pál in the garden on a sunny summer day: flowery scent, sun, summer and eros! But the music hung still in the air.
Ein mynd sýndi Barbu og Pál í hvanngarðinum ein góðan summardag: blómuangi, sól, summar og eros! Men tónleikurin hekk stillur í luftini.
If there is any chance of getting relief, the only way is to get help from the public and to receive support from the national treasury for oil, says Jákup Sólstein.
Skal nakar møguleiki tí vera at fáa ein lætta, er einasti máti at fáa hjálp frá tí almenna og at fáa stuðul úr landskassanum til olju, sigur Jákup Sólstein.
It is recommended that preparatory work be done so that the Danish precautionary measure for the Faroe Islands in the Bern Convention is abolished and that the administration of the area is prioritized.
Mælt verður til, at fyrireikandi arbeiði verður gjørt, so at danska fyrivarnið fyri Føroyum í Bern sáttmálanum verður avtikið, og at umsiting av málsøkinum verður raðfest.
Several protests have also been held over the weekend, where upset people have shown their dissatisfaction with the controversial ban that Donald Trump has signed.
Fleiri mótmælisgongur hava eisini verið um vikuskiftið, har uppøst fólk hava víst sína ónøgd við umstrídda bannið, sum Donald Trump hevur undirskrivað.
It is not evident from the text of the law or the comments on it that the law also applies to foreigners who offer their services in the Faroe Islands.
Tað tað sæst tó ikki í lógartekstinum ella í viðmerkingunum um hann, at lógin eisini er galdandi fyri útlendingar, sum bjóða seg fram í Føroyum.
They are experts in handling and treating wood. It is the floors in Klingruni and the part of the lobby where the café is that will be renovated.
Teir eru serkønir innan handfaring og viðgerð av træverki Tað eru gólvini í Klingruni og tí partinum í forhøllini, har kaffistovan er, ið verða umvæld.
He says that they have much more experience today of which trees will do well in the Faroe Islands than they had before.
Hann sigur, at teir hava nógv størri royndir í dag fyri, hvørji trø klára seg í Føroyum, enn teir høvdu áður.
The hundreds of people who currently work in the elderly care of the country, and who will be moved to the municipalities to work, will not notice the very big changes.
Tey hundraðtals fólkini, sum í dag starvast í eldrarøktini hjá landinum, og sum skulu flytast til kommunurnar at arbeiða, fara ikki at merkja tær heilt stóru broytingarnar.
The party was otherwise predicted to get only 1.6 percent of the votes and thus be below the minimum mark two weeks ago when the election was announced.
Flokkurin varð annars spáddur bert at fáa 1,6 prosent av atkvøðunum og soleiðis liggja undir minstamarkið fyri tveimum vikum síðan, tá ið valið varð útskrivað.
We must remember the oil industry, which requires such a connection, and if we don't sail, others will.
Vit skulu minnast til oljuvinnuna, sum krevur slíkt samband, og um vit ikki sigla, so fara aðrir at gera tað.
The Atomic Energy Agency also said that the blast was in connection with a test of a new weapon, and that this weapon was powered by a small nuclear reactor.
Atomráðið segði eisini, at talan var um eina spreinging í sambandi við, at eitt nýtt vápn varð testað, og at hetta vápn varð rikið av einum lítlum kjarnorkureaktori.
It is not possible to cure dementia today, but for some of the dementia diseases it is possible to offer treatment that can delay the progression for a while.
Tað er í dag ikki gjørligt at lekja demens, men fyri nakrar av demenssjúkunum er gjørligt at bjóða viðgerð, sum í eina tíð kann seinka afturgongdini.
Should the same letter from the Prime Minister be understood to mean that he considers all aspects of the investigation to be in order?
Skal sama skriv løgmans skiljast soleiðis, at hann heldur øll viðurskifti í kanningararbeiðinum vera í lagi ?
Hans á Lag has had a broken leg for a long time and could not give Dánjal a helping hand on Sunday.
Hans á Lag hevur leingi havt ein lúskuskaða at dragast við og kundi tí ikki rætta Dánjali eina hjálpandi hond sunnudagin.
On Monday evening January the Faroe Islands Command received a report that a man on board the English trawler Sumbeam had lost four fingers in an accident at work.
Mánakvøldið januar fekk Færøernes kommando eina fráboðan um, at ein maður umborð á enska trolaranum Sumbeam hevði mist fýra fingrar í eini arbeiðsvanlukku.
The basis of the treaty is that the interests and well-being of the individual human being must take precedence over the interests of society and science.
Grundstøðið undir sáttmálanum er, at áhugamálini og trivnaðurin hjá tí einstaka menniskjanum skal ganga fram um áhugamálini hjá samfelagnum og vísindini.
It was quickly clear that it was the men from Vestmanna who were going to win the game against their neighbours from Kollafjørður on Sunday.
Tað var skjótt greitt, at tað vóru vestmenningar, sum ætlaðu sær at vinna dystin móti grannunum úr Kollafirði sunnudagin.
You can also meet children elsewhere than in daycare, but in today's society most children are in daycare, so that's where socialization takes place.
Mann kann eisini hitta børn aðra staðni enn á dagstovni, men í dagsins samfelagi eru tey flestu børnini á stovni, so tað er har sosialiseringin fer fram.
To make the scheme even more attractive, the committee recommends raising the repayment rate to 30 percent and considering lowering the corporate tax rate from 27 percent to 22 percent.
Fyri at gera skipanina enn meira tiltrekkjandi mælir nevndin til at hækka afturberingina til 30 prosent og at umhugsa at lækka partafelagsskattin úr 27 prosent niður í 22 prosent.
When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, some of the soldiers of David fell, and Uriah the Hittite died.
Táið so menninir í býnum gjørdu álop og hildu ímóti Jóab, fullu nakrir av herfólkinum, av monnum Dávids; eisini Uria Hetitur fall.
One can say that if you look out in the village, it is especially HBarar who are on these sides the last few years, so I do not think that the village has so much to scream about.
Ein kann so siga at um ein hyggur út í bygdafegløgini so er tað serliga HBarar sum eru á hesum liðum tey seirnu árini so eg haldi ikki at bygdafeløgini hava so nógv at skreða seg um.
Owen was clear about the importance of his goal in the pursuit of the championship, after Manchester lost by one goal to Southampton on Monday night.
Owen var greiður yvir hvussu stóran tydning málið hjá honum hevði í jagstranini eftir meistaraheitinum, eftir at Manchester tapti við einum máli móti Southampton mánakvøldið.
This is a threat to peace when the US and allies without consideration and caution try to get a legally elected president from, said Nebensja.
Hetta er hóttan móti friðinum, tá USA og sameind uttan fyrilit og áræsin royna at fáa ein lógliga valdan forseta frá, segði Nebensja.
The rebels have joined forces with Hutu guerillas in Burundi and former Congolese army troops, diplomats in the region say.
Uppreistrarmenninir eru gingnir saman við Hutu guerillaum í Burundi og fyrrverandi stjórnarherliðum í Kongo, siga diplomatar á staðnum.
But if you put yourself in their place, how do you see them being able to have the port in the central area and put part of their business in the outskirts?
Men setir tú teg í teirra stað, hvussu sær tú, at tey kunnu hava útgerðarhavnina í miðsteðarøkinum og leggja ein part av virkseminum í útjaðaranum?
Faroese is counted among the 16 welfare societies in the world, with very good opportunities for studying for workers' children under the leadership of the young executives.
Føroyar teljast millum tey 16 vælferðarsamfeløgini í heiminum, við sera góðum møgulleikum fyri lestri hjá Arbeiðarabørnum undir liðini á stjóraungum.
The purpose of the project is a clearer division of tasks and responsibilities between the country and the municipalities.
Endamálið við verkætlanini er eitt greiðari uppgávu- og ábyrgd-arbýti millum land og kommunur.
The custom is that the national register sends the lists to the municipalities (except for the municipality of Tórshavn), and the municipalities pay for this.
Siðvenja er, at landsfólkayvirlitið sendir listarnar út til kommunurnar (tó ikki fyri Tórshavnar kommunu), og kommunurnar gjalda fyri hetta.
Let's just play with the idea that it fails again this time, and that the Landsbanki is once again on the verge of collapse.
Lat okkum nú bara spæla við tankan um, at tað aftur miseydnast hesa ferðina, og at Landsbankin hórar undan enn eina ferð.
Gay people in the US get support and sympathy from Americans after the terrorist attack against gays in a nightclub in Orlando, says Lív Mortensen, who lives and studies in Orlando, Florida.
Samkynd í USA fáa stuðul og samkenslu frá amerikanarum eftir yvirgangsatsóknina móti samkyndum á einum náttklubba í Orlando, sigur Lív Mortensen, sum býr og lestur í Orlando í Florida.
The Israelites wept for Moses in the plains of Moab for thirty days; then the days of weeping for Moses were ended.
Ísraelsmenn grótu um Móses á Móabsheiðum í tríati dagar; so vóru grátidagarnir at enda, sorgin eftir Móses.
It is now known that work has begun on building the new research vessel, and that the hull will arrive in the Faroes late this summer, says Mouritz Mohr, CEO.
Upplýst verður, at gongd nú er komin á at byggja nýggja havrannsóknarskipið, og at skrokkurin kemur til Føroyar seint í summar, sigur Mouritz Mohr, stjóri.
The administrative areas assigned to me were taxation and customs, but I was also to participate in the work on the budget.
Umsitingarligu økini, ið vórðu tillutað mær, vóru skattamál og tollmál,men harumframt skuldi eg eisini luttaka í fíggjarlógararbeiðinum.
The climate treaty must be implemented so that emissions of greenhouse gases are limited, and the Kyoto Protocol must be submitted to the Parliament for approval.
Veðurlagssáttmálin skal setast í verk, so at útlátið av veðurlagsgassum verður avmarkað, og Kyotoavtalan verður løgd fyri Løgtingið til samtyktar.
The committee recommends preserving the provision in the Fisheries Act that prohibits liability loans from abroad.
Nevndin mælir til at varðveita ásetingina í fiskivinnulógini, sum forðar fyri ábyrgdarláni úr útlondum.
This will give the user a reminder of the dangers of alcohol, says the spokesman for the temperance society.
Hetta fer at geva brúkaranum eina áminning um, hvørjar vandar alkohol førir við sær, sigur talsmaðurin hjá avhaldsfelagnum.
Don't let your friend and your father's friend go, and don't go to your brother's house on the day of your disaster! A neighbor near is better than a brother far away.
Slepp ikki vinmanni tínum og vinmanni faðirs tíns, og far ikki inn hjá bróður tínum, tann dag tú ert í neyð! Granni nær hjá er betri enn bróðir langt burtur.
Regarding gender, the girls have a significantly larger part than the boys in the groups to lie and slander.
Tá umræður kyn, eiga genturnar munandi størri part enn dreingirnir í bólkunum at lúgva og slatra.
If the seat in the car has a seat belt, the person sitting in the seat should use it while driving.
Um sæti í bili hevur trygdarbelti, eigur tann, sum í sætinum situr, at nýta tað, meðan koyrt verður.
I thought it was so funny when Gearløs got a pear to light up black, but he had the patent until we took it from him out here.
Eg helt tað vera so stuttligt, tá Gearløs fekk eina peru at lýsa svart, men tað patentið átti hann, til vit her úti tóku tað frá honum.
The condition for Greece receiving this third crisis package is that the Greek parliament tomorrow approves the economic measures demanded by the euro countries.
Treytin fyri at Grikkaland fær hendan triðja kreppupakkan, er, at grikska tjóðartingið í morgin samtykkir tey búskapartiltøk, sum evrulondini hava kravt.
YEAH, say those who agree with this - it's about people who have taken other people's days, and therefore they must pay with their own lives.
JAMEN siga tey, sum taka undir við hesum - talan er jú um fólk, sum hava tikið onnur av døgum, og tí mugu tey gjalda við sínum egna lívi.
The council also agreed to work further with the recommendation from the Culture Committee to turn the Municipal School into a culture and activity house.
Býráðið samtykti eisini at arbeiða víðari við tilmælinum hjá Mentamálanevndini um at gera Kommunuskúlan til mentanar og virksemishús.
So I have some political experience I can rely on, says Jørgin Niclasen.
So eg havi nakrar royndir í politiska lívinum, sum eg kann dúva uppá, sigur Jørgin Niclasen.
The vestibules faced the Outer Court, and palm trees were on the pillars on both sides; the staircase had eight steps.
Forsalirnir vendu út móti Ytra Forgarði, og pálmar vóru á múrstólpunum báðumegin; trappurnar høvdu átta trin.
The repairs that the car inspection requires will cost more than 000 kronur, and then the question is whether it is not better to buy a new ambulance.
Umvælingingarnar, sum bileftirlitið krevur, fara at kosta omanfyri tær 000 krónurnar, og tá er spurningurin, um tað ikki loysir seg betur at keypa ein nýggjan sjúkrabil.
This agreement covers employment conditions and wages for carers/public and health care assistants.
Hesin sáttmálin fevnir um setanarviðurskifti og lønir hjá pleygarum/almanna- og heilsuatstøðingum.
While Joan Ziskason is the president of the Nurses' Association, she has a leave of absence as a consultant for the Faroese Cancer Society.
Meðan Joan Ziskason er forkvinna í Sjúkrasystrafelagnum hevur hon farloyvi sum ráðgevi hjá Føroya Felag móti Krabbameini.
In the new Faroese hymn book there is verse 7, I see that the word all is changed to all.
Í nýggju føroysku sálmabókini har er tað vers 7 síggi eg, at orðið allar er broytt til allir.
The purpose was to inform the community if any of its citizens had died the day before.
Endamálið var at kunna samfelagið, um so var, at onkur borgari tess var deyður dagin fyri.
It happened at least on board a plane of Pakistan International Airlines, which on Friday evening was going to fly from Manchester to Islamabad.
Tað hendi í hvussu er umborð á einum flogfari hjá Pakistan International Airlines, sum fríggjakvøldið skuldi fara á flog úr Manchester til Islamabad.
The quotas that the countries have set themselves since 2004 have, taken together, meant that the total herring population travelling westwards is not overtaxed.
Egnu kvoturnar, sum londini hava sett sær síðani 2004, hava tilsamans havt við sær, at heildarvssildini at ferðast vestureftir, at stovnurin ikki verður troyttur ov hart.
The one who is found with the cursed thing shall be burned, he and all that belongs to him, because he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a disgraceful thing in Israel!
Tann, ið tá tað bannlýsta verður funnið hjá, skal verða brendur, bæði hann og alt, ið hansara er, aftur fyri at hann hevur brotið sáttmála HARRANS og gjørt skemdargerð í Ísrael!?
WHO says that it is a tragedy, because in 2016 there were record low numbers of measles cases, but last year the number suddenly and dramatically increased.
WHO sigur sigur rætt og slætt, at talan er um ein sorgarleik, tí í 2016 vóru metfáir meslingatilburðir, men í fjør vaks talið knappliga og ógvusliga.
The Social Democratic Danish newspaper Aktuelt yesterday thought that Anders Fogh Rasmussen would only be a stopgap in the party's history.
Sosialdemokratiska danska blaðið Aktuelt helt í gjár, at Anders Fogh Rasmussen bert fór at verða ein millumrokning í floksins søgu.
The reality is that since Iceland became a republic in 1944, Iceland has become one of the world's leading countries.
Veruleikin er, at síðan Ísland gjørdist lýðveli í 1944 er Ísland vorðið eitt av heimsins fremstu londum.
Additional pay and overtime pay means: all pay that is paid in addition to the fixed pay.
Viðbøtur og úrtíðarløn merkir: øll løn, ið er útgoldin umframt ta føstu lønina.
Búgvi Poulsen won his gold medal with two whales, but it took a while for the judges to come to that conclusion, it is said from the hall.
Búgvi Poulsen vann sítt gullmerki við tveimum wasari, men tað tók eina løtu hjá dómarunum at koma til ta niðurstøðuna, verður sagt úr høllini.
The High Court has set compensation that is reduced by more than 80 percent compared to the hours that the lawyers have spent on the work.
Landsrætturin hevur ásett samsýning, sum er minkað við meira enn 80 prosentum sammett við teir tímarnar, sum advokatarnir hava brúkt til arbeiðið.
It's clear that there will be no stronger opposition, but it will be a big bite anyway, he thinks.
Tað er greitt, at talan verður neyvan um sterkari mótstøðu, men tað verður ein stórur biti kortini, heldur hann.
Mental health challenges are the cause of approximately 40% of early retirement pensions and approximately 40% of sick leave.
Sálarligar avbjóðingar eru atvoldin til umleið 40% av fyritíðarpensjónum og umleið 40% av sjúkrafráveruni.
Many attempts are being made to grow more salmon, but these attempts take time, because both new technology and new areas of farming must be found.
Nógvar royndir verða gjørdar fyri at ala meir laks, men tær royndirnar taka tíð, tí bæði nýggj tøkni og nýggj aliøkir skulu finnast.
These people have mental and social challenges, and at the activity and shelter called Forget Me Not, they can meet and engage in various activities.
Hesi fólkini hava sálarligar og sosialar avbjóðingar, og á virknis og tilhaldsstaðnum, sum eitur Gloym meg ei, kunnu tey hittast og takast við ymisk ítriv.
So he again uttered his cry and said: Woe! Who will save life when God lets this happen!
So bar hann aftur fram ljóð sítt og segði:Vei! Hvør skal bjarga lívinum, táið Gud letur hetta henda!
Hourly workers can be terminated with a notice period calculated as follows: For each full working day worked, the notice period is one day.
Tímalønt kunnu sigast upp við eini freist, sum verður roknað soleiðis: Fyri hvørjar fullar arbeiðsdagar, arbeitt er, er uppsagnarfreistin dagur.
Now that she has decided not to become Federal Chancellor, she says that the party leader should also be Federal Chancellor.
Nú hon hevur gjørt av ikki at gerast samveldiskanslari, sigur hon, at formaðurin í flokkinum eisini eigur at vera samveldiskanslari.
I haven't thought about it yet, but I have tartelettes and something to put in them, so that will probably be it - and then some fish dish, which I'll have for Christmas Eve.
Eg havi ikki hugsað um tað enn, men eg eigi tartelettir og okkurt fyll at koyra í, so tað verður helst tað - og so onkran fiskarætt, sum eg fari at fáa mær jólaftan.
The association must show audited accounts, where the country can demand that transparency is in costs and income.
Felagið skal vísa á grannskoðaðar roknskapir, har landið kann krevja, at gjøgnumskygni er í kostnaði og inntøkum.
The Cancer Society is generally pleased with the screening and believes that it makes a difference, because the 13 women would probably have been diagnosed with breast cancer later if the screening had not been set up.
Krabbameinsfelagið fegnast sum heild um skreeningina og heldur, at hon ger ein mun, tí tær 13 kvinnurnar høvdu helst fingið staðfest bróstkrabba seinni, um skreeningin ikki varð sett á stovn.
The main argument for alcohol-free beer is that it doesn't take away functionality, says Sámal Matras Kristiansen in his post.
Fremsta argumentið fyri alkoholfríum øli, er, at tað ikki frátekur tær funktionalitet, vísir Sámal Matras Kristiansen á í innleggi sínum.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry denies that the country has threatened to withdraw from a possible free trade agreement if the Faroe Islands do not make an agreement with Huawei about the 5G network.
Kinesiska uttanríkisráðið vísir aftur, at landið hevur hótt Føroyar við at taka seg burtur úr eini møguligari fríhandsavtalu, um ikki Føroyar gera avtalu við Huawei um 5G netið.
The Prime Minister and Speaker of the Faroese Parliament represented the Faroe Islands at the Royal Birthday.
Løgmaður og løgtingsformaður við hjúnarfelagum umboðaðu Føroyar í samband við kongaliga føðingardagin.