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No figures in the contract are public, but it is clear that Julian will live off playing football.
Eingi tøl í sáttmálanum eru almannagjørd, men tað er greitt, at Julian skal liva av at spæla fótbólt.
Many people were saddened by this news, because Henning Bøgesvang is a well-liked priest, because he is always good-natured and positive.
Nógv fólk harmaðust hesi tíðindi, tí Henning Bøgesvang er era væl lýddur sum prestur, tí hann altíð er við tí góða orðinum og er so positivur.
The Fisheries Inspectorate must be notified of all sales of tons and days in the fishing industry, and it has become a fairly important part of the industry.
Fiskiveiðieftirlitið skal hava fráboðan um allar sølur av tonsum og døgum innan fiskivinnuna, og tað er við tíðini vorðin ein rættiliga týdningarmikil partur av vinnuni.
Auden M is angry about the Faroese negotiation team, now that it did not succeed in finding a consensus on the North Sea herring.
Auden M rak gevur ilt av sær um føroyska samráðingartoymið, nú tað heldur ikki eydnaðist strandarlondunum at finna semju um norðhavssildina.
Some people say that the boys had recently been reprimanded by the school.
Summi vilja vera við, at dreingirnir fyri stuttari tíð síðan høvdu fingið ábreiðslur frá skúlanum.
He doesn't think it's enough that the government has promised that the matter will come back to a general debate in the parliament before negotiations with the Danish government begin.
Hann heldur tað ikki verða nóg mikið, at landsstýrið hevur lovað at málið kemur aftur til eitt aðalorðaskifti í løgtinginum, áðrenn farið verður undir samráðingar við donsku stjórnina.
An antenna system with 5 channels will be expanded to also cover Kollafjørður.
Antennuskipan Ein antennuskipan við 5 rásum verður útbygd til eisini at fevna um Kollafjørð.
The association has asked a business economist to examine the figures, according to the news release. The survey shows that we in the Faroe Islands have a great doctor shortage compared to other Nordic countries and Europe.
Felagið hevur biðið búskaparfrøðing kannað tølini, sambært tíðindaskrivinum Kanningin vísir, at vit í Føroyum hava stórt læknatrot ísamanborið til onnur Norðurlond og í mun til Europa.
The last few days there has been so much rainfall in the Faroe Islands that there has been flooding in the water reservoirs of SEV, the electric company says on its website.
Teir síðstu dagarnar er so nógv avfall komið niður í Føroyum, at yvirflóð hevur verið í vatnbyrgingum hjá SEV, sigur elfelagið á heimasíðuni.
Food authorities in Europe now require that measures be taken to ensure the rights of users, so that users get what they think they are paying for.
Matvørumyndugleikarnir í Evropa krevja nú, at tiltøk verða sett í verk, ið skulu tryggja rættindi hjá brúkarunum, so brúkararnir fáa tað, teir halda seg gjalda fyri.
The previous council of the municipality of Tórshavn had plans for a playground in the second sports hall in the old municipal school, which is now being converted into student housing.
Undanfarna býráð í Tórshavnar kommunu hevði ætlanir um spæliland í aðrariítróttarhøllíni í gamla kommunuskúlanum, sum nú verður umbygdur til lestrarbústaðir.
The participating teams ranged from parents and children to the women's team, which will be going to Denmark on Flag Day to compete for the Danish championship in Grand Prix gymnastics.
Luttakandi liðini vóru líka frá foreldur og barn og til kvinnuliðið, sum á flaggdegnum fer til Danmarkar fyri at luttaka um Danmarksmeistaraheitið í Grand Prix fimleiki.
And that means that people have a tool to use, they think that the television has gone beyond the limit.
Og tað vil siga, at tá hava fólk eitt amboð at brúka, halda tey, at sjónvarpið er farið út um mark.
Kim Jong un and Moon Jae in met after they had signed the agreement, where they agreed to get a lasting and solid peace between the countries both, write Ritzau and AFP.
Kim Jong un og Moon Jae in fevndust, eftir at teir høvdu skrivað undir avtaluna, har teir samdust um at fáa varðandi og haldgóðan frið millum londini bæði, skriva Ritzau og AFP.
By looking at the score sheet, you can see that Neistin shot eight goals in a row at this point, and that might also say something about the difference between the teams.
Við at hyggja at dómaraseðlinum sæst eisini, at Neistin hesa løtuna skeyt átta mál á rað, og tað sigur kanska eisini nakað um munin á liðunum.
Our men in London are following the election campaign, and today they met Bjarni í Liða, who works as an economist at the National Bank.
Okkara menn í London fylgja við valstríðnum, og í dag hittu teir Bjarna í Liða, sum starvast sum búskaparfrøðingur í tjóðbankanum.
But if they don't come over with you armed, they will get their property in Canaan with you.
Men koma teir ikki vápnaðir yvirum við tykkum, so skulu teir fáa ogn sína í Kána'anslandi saman við tykkum.
After reading the lead article, there is no doubt that this person has no understanding of culture or how the writing process works.
Eftir at hava lisið oddagreinina, er ongin ivi um, at hesin/hendan hvørki hevur skil fyri mentan ella hvussu tað nú einaferð gongur fyri seg, tá ið sjálv skriviprossesin ferð fram.
Fifteen percent of those polled said they were dissatisfied with Bill Clinton, while six percent said they had no clear opinion.
Fimtan prosent av teimum spurdu søgdu seg vera ónøgd við Bill Clinton, meðan seks prosent søgdu seg ikki hava nakra greiða støðu.
We have a job going on right now to improve the woodland by the high school in Hoydalar.
Vit hava eitt arbeiði gangandi í løtuni við at bøta um viðarlundina við studentaskúlan í Hoydølum.
In the comments from the Minister it is also said that all equipment that can, must be on the Faroese quay, and all passenger transport must be on the Faroese airport.
Í viðmerkingunum hjá landsstýrismanninum verður eisini sagt, at øll útgerð sum kann, skal um føroyskan kajkant, og allur fólkaflutningur skal um føroyska floghavn.
Otherwise, Financial Stability has gone to the Supreme Court with the six EIK men, including the two who were acquitted in the Eastern High Court in October.
Annars er Fíggjarligt støðufesti farið í Hægstarætt við teimum seks Eikmonnunum, eisini teimum báðum, sum vórðu frídømdir í Eystara landsrætti oktober.
In order to prevent emissions and dispersion of microplastics from artificial turf, it is recommended to make a regulation on the maintenance and operation of artificial turf.
Fyri at forða fyri útláti og spjaðing av mikroplasti frá graslíkisvøllum, verður mælt til at gera kunngerð um ger og rakstur av graslíkisvøllum .
But the LORD shall judge between me and you, and the LORD shall avenge me of you! And he shall see to it and bring my cause and judge me free from your hand!?
Men HARRIN skal vera dómari og døma millum meg og teg! Hann skal síggja til og føra søk mína og døma meg frían av hond tíni!?
Analysts say that the relationship between Trump and McAleenan has been frosty, and McAleenan has criticized the tone of the debate on immigration.
Greinarar siga, at samskiftið millum Trump og McAleenan hevur verið stirvið, og McAleenan hevur funnist at tónanum í kjakinum um tilflytarar.
Not allowed January 1996 came into force a decree, which said that it is no longer allowed to drive the material from the rat pits out to sea.
Ikki loyvt januar í 1996 kom í gildi ein kunngerð, har sagt varð at ikki er loyvt longur at koyra tilfarið úr rottangunum út á sjógv.
Most supply vessels have an Azimut propeller forward that can be lowered into the well when inspections and surveys are being done.
Flestu veitingarskipini hava eina Azimut skrúvu framman, sum kann lorast undan botninum niður í brunnin, tá kanningar og sýn verða gjørd.
Furthermore, the law states that you must fold the ballot paper before you leave the booth so that no one can see what you have chosen.
Víðari stendur í lógini, at tú skalt leggja seðilin saman, áðrenn tú fert út úr klivanum, so eingin kann síggja, hvat tú hevur valt.
Swords outside and plague and famine inside! Those who are in the fields will fall by the sword, and those who are in the cities will die of famine and plague.
Svørð uttanfyri og pestur og hungur innanfyri! Tann, ið úti á markini er, skal falla fyri svørði, og tann, sum inni í býnum er, honum skal hungur og pestur gera enda á.
The Danish-minded make it sound as if Faroese people become stateless when the sovereignty is taken away.
Tey dansktsinnaðu fáa tað at ljóða sum um føroyingar gerast statsleysir, tá ið fullveldið er tikið.
Life's courage and the hope that the future will always work out, has always characterized Poul, even when life hasn't always been as one could have imagined.
Lívsmótið og vónin um at framtíðin altíð lagar seg, hevur altíð sermerkt Poul, eisini tá tilveran ikki altíð hevur verið soleiðis sum ein kundi hugsað sær.
To stop the increase in expenses, the opposition in the Finance Committee proposes that all the ministries, except the newly established Ministry of Transport, save five million kroner each.
Til tess at steðga útreiðsluvøkstrinum, skjýtur andstøðan í fíggjarnevndini upp, at øll aðalráðini, uttan nýskipaða Samferðslumálaráðið, spara fimm milliónir krónur í part.
Here in the country the winter has been mild, now the Christmas holidays are over in glorious weather, now the days are going to lengthen, and the sun will start to climb higher in the sky.
Her á landi hevur veturin verið mildur, nú jólahátíðin er farin afturum í dýrdarveðri, nú dagarnir fara at leingjast, og sólin fer at leita sær longri upp á luftina.
Otherwise, Jákup Sverri was especially pleased that it was with such a young team that Neistin had risen on Tuesday.
Annars fegnaðist Jákup Sverri serliga um, at tað var við einum somikið ungum liði, at Neistin hevði reist seg mikuvøldið.
How long will the National Theatre stand with an open split and show the play Nothing for a full public?
Hvussu leingi afturat fer Tjóðpallurin at standa við opnari splittu og vísa leikin “Onki” fyri fullsettum almenningi?
He beat Helena Dam at Neystabø by countless boat lengths, but won't be allowed to give his thanks to the voters when the election results are in.
Hann sló Helenu Dam á Neystabø við óteljandi bátslongdum, men sleppur ikki at bera sína tøkk til veljararnar, tá valúrslitið liggur.
Eli Guttesen We had given the management a month's notice to find a solution to the problem of space.
Eli Guttesen Vit høvdu givið leiðsluni eina freist upp á ein mánað at finna eina loysn á hølistrupulleikunum.
She thinks that the ten million kroner that the National Health Service receives from the state budget for the FarGen project should rather come from the national budget.
Hon heldur, at tær tíggju milliónirnar, sum Ílegusavnið fær úr statskassanum til verkætlanina FarGen, áttu heldur at komið úr landskassanum.
More and more young people go to the cinema in Tórshavn, probably because the selection in the cinema is exceptionally good and similar to the program of cinemas in big cities around the world.
Fleiri og fleiri ungfólk ganga í biograf í Havn, helst tí at útboðið í biografinum er sjáldsama gott og meinlíkt skránni hjá biografum í stórbýum úti í heimi.
It is the Faroese Music School that organizes the event, which includes teachers of the Music School along with selected current and former students.
Tað er Føroya Musikkskúli, ið skipar fyri tiltakinum, ið fevnir um lærarar Muikkskúlans saman við úrvaldum verandi og fyrrverandi næmingum.
Welcome to the annual meeting of the association, and we hope that many will come to the Nordic House in the afternoon of March.
Hjartaliga vælkomin til aðalfund felagsins, og vit vóna, at mong leita sær í Norðurlandahúsið seinnapartin mars.
The committee also had these people in mind when this year's cultural award was given to a kvæðakempa.
Nevndin hevur eisini hesi fólk í huganum, tá mentanarheiðurslønin í ár varð latin einari kvæðakempu.
The Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister will discuss the herring dispute and the EU trade measures, the Arctic Council and the Faroese wish for membership of the World Trade Organization.
Uttanríkisráðharrin og løgmaður skulu tosa um sildatrætuna og handilstiltøkini hjá ES, Arktiska ráðið og ynskið um føroyskan limaskap í heimshandilsfelagsskapinum, WTO.
And they asked Him to let them touch just the edge of His robe; and all who touched Him were healed.
Og tey bóðu Hann um bert at sleppa at nema við faldin á klæðum Hansara; og øll, sum numu við Hann, vórðu grødd.
Similarly, Jóannes Eidesgaard was annoyed that the fishing fleet is also suffering in this regard.
Somuleiðis fýltist Jóannes Eidesgaard á, at eisini útróðrarflotin er fyri skerdan lut í hesum sambandi.
Denmark goes to war and formally brings the Faroe Islands along, but we are not in demand, and no democratic debate takes place in the Faroe Islands.
Danmark fer í kríggj og dregur formliga Føroyar við sær, men vit verða ikki eftirspurd, og eingin demokratisk viðgerð er í Føroyum.
If you want the money to arrive quickly, you can send a quick mail order from the post office so that the recipient has the money in a few minutes.
Ynskir tú, at peningurin skal koma skjótt fram, kanst tú senda eina snarpostávísing frá posthúsinum, soleiðis at móttakarin hevur peningin eftir fáum minuttum.
I must say I was pretty nervous, because I had been teasing the teachers all the time, either correcting them or asking something (stupid) that couldn't be explained.
Eg má siga, at eg var nokk so nervøs, tí eg hevði drilla lærarnar alla tíðina, við annaðhvørt at rætta uppá teir, ella spyrja okkurt (býtt), sum ikki kundi forklárast.
When I was born - nine weeks premature - I struggled for four days - people in droves prayed for me - and got a response!
Tá ið eg varð fødd - 9 vikur ov tíðliga - lá eg og stríddist í 4 dagar - fólk í hópatali bóðu fyri mær - og fingu bønarsvar!
Otherwise, something suggests that not everyone has understood quite how the registration should be done.
Annars er okkurt sum bendir á, sigur Leivur Hansen, at ikki allir hava skilt rættiliga, hvussu uppskrivingin eigur at gerast.
The undersigned asked the Foreign Minister about the possibility of securing Faroese share in foreign investments.
Undirritaði setti í hesum sambandi uttanríkismálaráðharranum fyrispurning um møguleikan at tryggja føroyingum lut í útlendskum íløgum.
When the relatives are left with great sorrow and loss, it is limited what the priest can do to help them move on.
Tá avvarðandi sita eftir við stórari sorg og sakni, er tað avmarkað, hvat prestur hann gera fyri at hjálpa teimum víðari.
This was perhaps such a cheap excuse, and therefore the Left Party chairman himself has assumed a part of the blame and asked to be released from the chairmanship.
Hetta var kanska í so bílig umbering, og tí hevur Vinstra formaðurin sjálvur átikið sær ein part av skuldini og biðið um at sleppa úr formanssessinum.
Two space travelers went out on the roof of the space station Mir yesterday, where they were to inspect the outer side of the station.
Rúnar Reistrup Tveir rúmdarfarar fóru í gjár út á takið á rúmdarstøðini Mir, har teir skuldu kanna ta ytru síðuna av støðini.
As the name says, it's a whole week of meetings, where speakers and singers from the house and elsewhere will participate.
Sum navnið sigur, er talan um eina heila viku við møtum, har talarar og sangkreftir úr húsinum og aðrastaðni frá fara at luttaka.
Thank you for the talk and congratulations with the film and good luck with the showing on Saturday!
Takk fyri prátið og hjartaliga til lukku við filminum og góða eydnu við sýningini leygardagin!
It may be a difficult task to assess the operational consequences of other ratios of foreign ownership and control in Faroese fishing vessels than the current ones.
Tað kann vera ein trupul uppgáva at meta um rakstrarligu avleiðingarnar av øðrum lutfalli í útlendskum eigara- og avgerðarrætti í føroyskum fiskiførum enn verandi.
And to wipe a part of the unfortunate event off on other politicians and officials, as was done, was not appropriate for a Prime Minister, it was thought.
Og at turka ein part av óhepnu hendingini av á aðrar politikarar og embætismenn, so sum gjørt varð, var ikki hóskandi fyri ein forsætisráðharra, varð hildið.
Lynch mood Eilif Samuelsen started by saying that he very well understood the students' dissatisfaction with the conditions, and that they wanted to go back to school.
Lynch stemningur Eilif Samuelsen byrjaði við at siga, at hann ógvuliga væl skilti ónøgdina hjá næmingunum við viðurskiftini, og at teir ynsktu at sleppa aftur í skúla.
Six men and five women are in the running to take over the leadership of the UN, but Ban Ki Moon believes that a woman is now in the running.
Seks menn og fimm kvinnur eru í uppskoti at taka yvir leiðsluna av ST, men Ban Ki Moon heldur altso, at nú stendur ein kvinna fyri tørni.
This is what we consider to be a very poor health policy, instead of it being a matter of course that the number of rehabilitation places should be increased!
Hetta meta vit er út av lagi vánaligur heilsupolitikkur, ístaðin fyri at tað heldur skuldi verið ein sjálvfylgja, at tað bleiv økt um uppvenjingarplássini!
Because it is already clear that Vladimir Putin will continue as president, the election results are not of interest to the people.
Av tí at tað longu er greitt, at Vladimir Putin heldur fram sum forseti, er úrslitið av valinum ikki nakað, sum hevur áhuga millum fólk.
The meeting on Monday evening is the fifth this autumn for the association around the island of Eysturoy, and this will be the last meeting this year.
Fundurin mikukøldið er tann fimti í heyst hjá felagnum kring Eysturoynna, og hetta verður seinasti fundur í ár.
This will be done by providing work for the unemployed, by keeping people in their jobs, and by getting people who have no connection with the labour market back to work.
Hetta skal gerast við at útvega arbeiðsleysum arbeiði, við at lata fólk varðveita arbeiði sítt, og við at lata fólk, sum einki tilknýti hevur til arbeiðsmarknaðin, koma aftur til arbeiðis.
He scored three goals and thus hat trick, and also added to the fourth goal for the youth team of the club.
Hann skoraði trý mál og sostatt hat trick, og legði eisini upp til fjórða málið fyri ungdómsliðið hjá felagnum.
But Heltenov hopes that it will be possible to make an agreement with the aircraft factory, so that the opportunity will arise to show the aircraft in the Faroe Islands within a not too distant future.
Men Heltenov vónar, at tað eydnast at gera eina avtalu við flogverksmiðjuna, soleiðis at høvi verður at vísa flogfarið fram í Føroyum innan alt ov langa tíð.
That the appropriations for the egg grants are so firm, and often applied for as early as February, indicates an ingrained tendency to solve immediate resource challenges by further allocation of budget funds.
At til ægsbevil ingerne falder så fast, og oven i købet ofte ansøges al erede i februar måned, tyder på en indgroet tilbøjelighed til at løse umiddelbare ressourceudfordringer ved yderligere tilførsel af budgetkroner.
This is an event organized by Tvøroyrar Municipality in connection with the Jobmatch event in the Nordic House in December, where the municipality also participates.
Hetta er tiltak, sum Tvøroyrar kommuna skipar fyri upp undir Jobmatch tiltakið í Norðurlandahúsinum desember, har kommunan eisini verður við.
One of those who sailed with the Germans was Meinhardt Højgaard from Saltangará, and he was for ten years on a row with German trawlers.
Ein teirra, sum sigldi við týskarum, var Meinhardt Højgaard úr Saltangará, og hann var í 10 ár á rað við týskum trolarum.
I had to use everything I had in me, and that was enough, said Pechstein.
Eg varð noydd at brúka alt, sum eg hevði í mær, og tað var nóg mikið, segði Pechstein.
It was done because the Office of the Prime Minister did not turn to the municipalities that the Queen was to visit to find out how much money they spent.
Tað varð gjørt, tí Løgmansskrivstovan ikki at venda sær til kommunurnar, sum drotningin skuldi vitja, fyri at vita, hvussu stórar útreiðslurnar hjá teimum vóru.
It is recommended that changes be made to the Education Act so that authority is given to stipulate that all pupils who receive lessons because of special needs must have individual learning plans.
Mælt verður til, at broytingar vera gjørdar í fólkaskúlalógini, soleiðis at heimild verður at áseta, at allir næmingar, sum fáa tímar vegna serligan tørv, skulu hava einstaklings læruætlan.
And there is probably a reason why we have reading weak and reading strong classes in the Faroe Islands, as Málmenning confirmed two weeks ago.
Og tað er helst ein orsøk til, at vit hava lesiveikar og lesisterkar flokkar í Føroyum, sum Málmenning staðfesti fyri tveimum vikum síðan.
The employer provides the crew with free work clothes according to rules set by the Fisheries Research Institute.
Arbeiðsgevarin letur manningini frí arbeiðsklæði eftir reglum, sum Fiskirannsóknarstovan ásetir.
It is done so that purse seiners and industrial vessels can now fish from the quotas originally set aside for by-catch in other fisheries and for scientific research.
Tað er gjørt, so at nótaskip og ídnaðarskip nú kunnu fiska av kvotunum, ið upprunaliga vórðu settar av til hjáveiðu í øðrum fiskiskapi og til vísindaligar rannsóknir.
And she hasn't completely lost her enthusiasm, she says, without saying quite clearly that she is going to run the hotel for another year.
Og ikki hevur hon heilt mist hugin kortini, sigur hon, uttan tó at siga heilt greitt, at hon fer undir at reka hotellið eitt ár aftrat.
The preliminary competitions have been held over the past few weeks, and the results of those have resulted in nine finalists being ready for tonight's final.
Farnu vikurnar hava innleiðandi kappingarnar verið, og úrslitið av teimum hevur verið, at 9 finalistar eru klárir til finaluna í kvøld.
Compared to the other Nordic countries, we should have eight to ten psychologists working here, says Marita Petersen.
Samanbera vit okkum við hini Norðurlondini, so skuldu vit hava einar átta - 10 psykologar í starvi, sigur Marita Petersen.
And Judah with all its cities will live there together as farmers and shepherds moving here and there.
Og Juda við øllum býum sínum skal búgva har saman sum bøndur og sum hirðar, ið flyta higar og hagar.
We are so far from the world's metropolises that we should get free internet connection at the highest speed on every screen, if you ask me.
Vit eru so langt frá heimsins metropolum, at vit eiga at fáa ókeypis internetsamband við hægstu ferð á hvønn skíggja, spyrt tú meg.
All the scanned material is then uploaded to the Danish company Infomedia, which will provide public access to the newspapers via the Internet.
Alt tað skannaða tilfarið er síðan lagt inn í blaðportal hjá donsku fyritøkuni Infomedia, sum fyri Landsbókasavnið nú fer at veita almenna atgongd til bløðini umvegis netið.
The LORD heard the prayer of Israel and delivered up the Canaanites to them; and they struck them and their cities with the edge of the sword; therefore the name of the place is called Hormah.
HARRIN hoyrdi bøn Ísraels og gav Kána'anitar í hendur teirra; og teir slógu tey og býir teirra við banni; tí verður hetta stað rópt Horma.
Now, people born in 1974 or later who have not had measles, or who have been vaccinated against measles, are offered free vaccination.
Nú stendur persónum, sum eru føddir í 1974 ella seinni, og sum ikki hava havt meslingar, ella eru koppsettir fyri meslingae, í boði at koppseta seg ókeypis.
He says to the Social that although a meeting of the group was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, the Prime Minister asked the representatives of the parliamentary groups shortly before the parliamentary meeting on Tuesday morning.
Hann sigur við Sosialin, at hóast fundur í bólkinum var avtalaður týsdagin seinnapart, heitti løgmaður á umboðini fyri tingbólkarnar stutt áðrenn tingfundin týsmorgunin.
Stories have been circulating in Klaksvík the last few days about rats running around on board the ferry Dúgvan.
Søgur hava seinastu dagarnar gingið í Klaksvík um, at tað yður við rottu umborð á strandfaraskipinum Dúgvuni.
But they showed their faithlessness to their God and ran after the gods of the people of the land, the people whom God had destroyed before them.
Men teir vístu Fedragudi sínum ótrúskap og runnu í trúleysum fráfalli eftir gudunum, sum fólkini í landinum dýrkaðu, fólkini, ið Gud hevði oytt fyri teimum.
It's good to get some words of praise now and then, and to see that someone is interested in what happens on the site.
Tað er gott at fáa okkurt rósandi orð inn í millum, og at síggja at onkur er áhugagur í hvat hendur á síðuni.
She thinks the Minister has misunderstood something when he invited the Postal Company to a meeting to discuss the legislative proposals after they had been submitted to the Parliament.
Hon heldur landsstýrismannin hava misskilt okkurt, tá hann beyð postfelagnum til fundar at viðgera lógaruppskotini, aftaná at tey vóru løgd fyri tingið.
The southerners still own Smyril, although he was rented to Scotland over the weekend with fresh fish.
Suðringar eiga framvegis Smyril, hóast hann um vikuskiftið varð leigaður til Skotlands við feskum fiski.
Guttormur Djurhuus says that he is convinced that the trend under the Faroe Islands is not just random differences in fishing that can occur from year to year.
Guttormur Djurhuus sigur, at hann er sannførdur um, at gongdin undir Føroyum er ikki bara tilvildarligir munir í fiskiskapinum, sum kunnu koma fyri frá ári til ár.
The last half hour EB/Streymur tried to pressure the home team, but not until the last minute did they get the decisive word to say.
Seinasta hálva tíman royndi EB/Streymur at trýsta heimaliðið, men ikki fyrr enn í seinastu minuttunum fingu teir avgerandi orðið at siga.
They say that the authority is that the people has given the government the power to govern, and we are a part of this people.
Teir siga, at heimildin er tann, at fólkið hevur givið stjórnini vald at stýra, og vit eru ein partur av hesum fólki.
The Association is, however, bothered by the provision that allows municipal councils to allow shops to stay open during festivals and when larger foreign visits are made.
Felagið hevur tó ampa av ásetingini, sum loyvir kommunustýrum at loyva handlum at hava opið á stevnum og tá størri fremmandavitjanir eru.
The issue is probably already settled, says John Johannesen, a political commentator who does not see for himself that the Union Party and the People's Party will support the plans of the Centre Party.
Málið er allarhelst longu avgreitt, sigur John Johannesen, politiskur viðmerkjari, sum ikki sær fyri sær, at Sambandsflokkurin og Fólkaflokkurin fara at taka undir við ætlanunum hjá Miðflokkinum.
To establish administrative rules in areas where the authority to do so has been delegated to the Telecommunications Authority.
Áseta fyrisitingarligar reglur á økjum har heimildin til tess, er løgd til Fjarskiftiseftirlitið.
Because there was a lot of activity all over the country on Wednesday evening until midnight, to work as much down as possible.
Tí var nógv virksemi um alt landið hóskvøldið til út ímóti midnátt, fyri at arbeiða so nógv niðurfyri sum gjørligt.
And the coalition will follow the recommendation from Landsverk, even though the Minister of Transport has said that the Fámjin tunnel should be the first thing the tunnel team from Landsverk will work on.
Og samgonan fer at fylgja tilmælinum frá Landsverki, hóast landsstýrismaðurin í samferðslumálum hevur sagt, at berghol til Fámjins skal vera tað fyrsta, sum tunnilstoymið hjá Landsverki fer undir.
It was expected that the municipality of the school would provide the building site free of charge.
Roknað varð við, at heimstaðarkommunan hjá skúlanum útvegaði byggibúgvið grundøki uttan kostnað.
VÍF kept the lead all the time, and when one minute remained, they were once again in the lead.
VÍF helt tó alla tíðina nevið framman fyri heimaliðið, og tá ein minuttur restaði, fingu tær aftur lagt seg á odda.
One of the things that the education of blind and visually impaired people involves is looking at the environment in which the visually impaired travel and how the conditions can be improved.
Eitt av tí, sum undirvísingin av blindum og sjónveikum ber í sær, er at hyggja eftir tí umhvørvinum, sum tey sjónveiku ferðast í, og hvussu betrast kann um umstøðurnar.