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More elderly people also live in their own homes today, which are not so well suited for elderly people.
Fleiri eldri fólk búgva eisini í egnum sethúsum í dag, sum ikki eru so væl egnaði til eldri fólk.
That Kringvarpið is negotiating with people outside the institution about broadcasts that Kringvarpið is to broadcast, puts a big question mark over the independence and editorial freedom of the institution.
At Kringvarpið samráðist við fólk uttan fyri stovnin um sendingar, sum Kringvarpið skal senda, setir stórt spurnartekn við óheftnið og redaktionella frælsið á stovninum.
But we are sorry that the 10 million, which John Petersen with ministerial responsibility in incompetence has poured into the ship since he took over the case, are lost.
Men vit harmast um, at tær 10 milliónirnar, sum John Petersen við landsstýrismannaábyrgd í dugnaloysi hevur oyst í skipið, síðan hann yvirtók málið, eru mistar.
Otherwise I asked my partners, as you call them, to withdraw from this account to Southern Fish when you opened the business.
Annars bað eg mínar partamenn, sum tú nevnir teir, søkja av hesari konto til Southern Fish, tá ið tit opnaðu virkið.
Ingi Rasmussen and Ingi Samuelsen It is a large majority of voters against taking over the national church.
Ingi Rasmussen amp Ingi Samuelsen Tað er ein stórur meiriluti millum veljararnar ímóti at yvirtaka fólkakirkjuna.
She examined how the occupation affected the communities in the Faroe Islands, and what changes the occupation brought about after the World War II.
Hon kannaði, hvussu viðurskiftini vóru fyri hersetingina, hvussu hon ávirkaði samfeløgini í Vágum, og hvørjar broytingar hersetingin elvdi til eftir heimsbardagan.
No wonder the Faroese have become intolerable from having to live under the heavy yoke placed on them.
Ei undur í, at føroyingurin er vorðin ótolandi av at duva undir tí tunga oki, lagt er á hann.
Niclas Johannesen has arranged, recorded and produced the song in Studio 57 in Hoyvík, while Óli Poulsen has mixed and mastered in Fix n Mix in Copenhagen.
Niclas Johannesen hevur lagt til rættis, tikið upp og framleitt sangin í Studio 57 í Hoyvík, meðan Óli Poulsen hevur ljóðblandað og mastera í Fix n Mix í Keypmannahavn.
She knelt down, and with her hand she filled the footprints with snow and tried to make the grave nice and tidy.
Hon legði seg á knæ, og við hondini fylti hon fótasporini við kava og royndi at gera grøvina slætta og vakra.
Jóannes Eidesgaard points out that the Social Democratic Party from the very beginning warned against the political procedures in the case and advised that the first steps towards greater autonomy should be taken jointly.
Jóannes Eidesgaard vísir á, at Javnaðarflokkurin frá fyrsta degi ávaraði móti politisku mannagongdini í málinum og mælti til at fyrstu stigini móti størri sjálvstýri vóru felags.
But it won't be easy, and tomorrow it will be more difficult than it was ten days ago, said the leader of the Left Party when the results of the election to the European Parliament were clear last night.
Men tað verður ikki lætt, og í morgin verður tað torførari, enn tað var fyri tíggjum døgum síðani, segði formaðurin í Vinstra, tá úrslitið av valinum til ES tingið varð greitt í gjárkvøldið.
Walls that do not support the load do not need to meet the requirements regarding fire resistance.
Útveggir, ið ikki bera uppi, nýtast ikki at lúka ásetingarnar í viðvíkjandi krøvunum um brunatrekleika.
The students spent yesterday processing the numbers from the poll in the computer lab.
Dagin í gjár brúktu næmingarnir til at viðgera rátølini frá veljarakanningini í teldurúminum.
According to KNR, the police first asked a scheduled helicopter, which was on its way from Sisimiut to Kangerlussuaq, to go and look for the people, but the helicopter did not find them.
Sambært KNR bað løgreglan í fyrsta umfari eina rututyrlu, sum var á veg úr Sisimiut til Kangerlussuaq, um at fara og leita eftir fólkunum, men hendan tyrlan fann tey ikki.
In his comments he has a long Brockman lecture about the fact that the government is running an overly lenient financial policy.
Í viðmerkingunum hevur hann ein langan brockmanslestur um, at landsstýrið rekur ein alt ov linan fíggjarpolitikk.
Seven years ago she was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and according to the doctors there is no doubt why she got this type of cancer.
Fyri sjey árum síðani fekk hon staðfest móðurmerkjakrabba, og sambært læknunum er eingin ivi um, hví hon fekk hetta slagið av krabbameini.
How it looks, everyone must decide for themselves, and the Faroese people will apparently have the opportunity to do so.
Hvussu tað tekur seg út, má hvør einstakur meta um, og tað fáa føroyingar eftir øllum at døma høvi til.
This will strengthen the role of the opposition in the Constitutional Committee, in addition to strengthening the parliamentary representation as a whole, said Hans Pauli Strøm on behalf of the four proposers.
Hetta vil styrkja um leiklutin hjá andstøðuni í grundlógarnevndini, umframt at parlamentariska umboðanin sum heild styrknar, segði Hans Pauli Strøm vegna teir fýra uppskotstillararnar.
Looking at the larger municipalities, or are it the smaller municipalities that are the common denominator.
Verður hugt eftir teimum størru kommununum, ella eru tað tær smáu kommunurnar, sum eru felagsnevnarin.
That I let myself be nominated was not an easy decision to make, and I have been in an unimaginable gloom beforehand.
At eg lat meg stilla upp, var ikki nøkur løtt avgerð at taka, og eg havi verið í einum ófatiligum døpurhuga frammanundan.
Only as a shadow does the man walk; all that they struggle with is empty; they heap it up and do not know who will get it.
Bert sum skuggi gongur maðurin; tómt er alt, ið teir stríðast við; teir dunga saman og vita ikki, hvør ið fær tað.
Regin has previously represented the Faroe Islands in such competitions, but then it has been in partnership with some foreign athlete.
Regin hevur áður umboða Føroyar í slíkum kappingum, men tá hevur tað verið í parti við onkrum útlenddskum íðkara.
They want Henning to come over in January to look at the conditions and to train, but as things stand at the moment, nothing comes of this, because the street man is injured.
Teir vilja hava Henning at koma yvir í januar at hyggja eftir umstøðunum og at venja, men sum landið liggur í løtuni, spyrst einki burtur úr hesum, tí gøtumaðurin er skaddur.
We have chosen to increase the fee now, so the increase would not be too drastic in the coming years.
Vit hava tó valt at økja um gjaldið nú, so hækkanin ikki hevði verið ov ógvuslig komandi ár.
People have thought that the national pension is too small, especially now that it is not updated with the national pension in Denmark.
Menn hava hildið, at fólkapensiónin er ov lítil, serliga nú hon ikki er ajourførd við fólkapensiónina í Danmark.
The Board and Management of Vága Floghavn have also decided to give Atlantic Airways full startup support for the new routes to Edinburgh and Mallorca.
Nevnd og leiðsla í Vága Floghavn hava eisini avgjørt at geva Atlantic Airways fullan byrjanarstuðul til nýggju farleiðirnar til Edinburgh og Mallorka.
Different countries have different maximum weights and measurements.
Ymiskt er, hvat mest loyvda vektin og mátini eru til tey ymisku londini eru.
They must not shave their heads, nor let their hair grow as it pleases; they must cut their hair.
Teir mugu ikki raka høvd sítt, ei heldur lata hárið vaksa, sum tað vil; teir skulu klippa hár sítt.
This is not a common way of working when it comes to beef and the result is a special food that is used in a beef soup.
Hetta er ikki ein vanligur arbeiðsháttur, tá tað kemur til oksakjøt og úrslitið er ein serstøk matvøra sum veðrur nýtt í einum ræstari oksakjøtssúpan.
Jeremiah wrote in a book all the disaster that would come upon Babylon, all these words that are written about Babylon.
Jeremias skrivaði í bók alla vanlukkuna, ið koma skuldi yvir Bábel, øll hesi orð, ið skrivað eru um Bábel.
Atlantic salmon is in danger, because according to those who want the EU to boycott the Faroe Islands, herring and mackerel are in the feed that the Faroese Atlantic salmon is given.
Alilaksur er í vanda, tí sambært teimum, sum vilja hava ES at boykotta Føroyar, eru sild og makrelur í fóðrinum, sum føroyski alilaksurin fær.
On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:We have a strong city; salvation will He appoint for walls and bulwark.
Tann dag skal hesin songur verða sungin í Judalandi:Sterkan stað hava vit, frelsu setur Hann til múr og vernd.
The unanimous parliamentary resolutions passed under the Home Rule Act were legal and are of course valid until a new legal situation and a democratic decision is made.
Tær einmæltu tingsamtykir, ið eru gjørdar undir heimastýrinum, vórðu rættar og eru sjálvsagt galdandi til ein nýggj rættarstøða og ein fólkaræðislig avgerð er tikin.
Often SVF is criticized, which is reasonable, as the wish for more Faroese broadcasts always comes up.
Ofta verður funnist at SVF, sum rímiligt er, ynskið um fleiri føroyskar sendingar gongur so altíð aftur.
It is important that those who send bids for construction work in an e-mail receive assurance that the bids are confidential until they are opened on the day of the auction.
Tað er umráðandi, at tey, sum senda tilboð upp á byggiarbeiði í telduposti, fáa vissu fyri, at tilboðini eru loynilig, til tey skulu latast upp lisitasjónsdagin.
This is something we consider very serious, and we want to get to the bottom of it, says Osvald Jacobsen, who is chairman of the teachers' council committee at Skúlin við Trøðna.
Hetta meta vit verða rættiliga álvarsamst, og vit vilja hava, at greiða verður fingin á hesum, sigur Osvald Jacobsen, sum er formaður í lærararáðsnevndini á Skúlanum við Trøðna.
The aim is to strengthen the Labour Inspectorate in the coming years, in order to continuously improve the working environment in all Faroese workplaces.
Miðað verður eftir at styrkja Arbeiðseftirlitið næstu árini, fyri støðugt at betra arbeiðsumhvørvið á øllum føroyskum arbeiðsplássum.
Although he had a ship ready to charter, he could not sign a lease because he was still waiting for the necessary additional appropriation from the parliament.
Hóast hann hevði haft eitt skip klárt at leiga, so kundi hann ikki skrivað undir ein leigusáttmála, tí hann bíðar framvegis eftir teirri neyðugu eykajáttanini úr løgtinginum.
Surprising that such a proposal comes forward while the community has not yet borne the public-sector wage cuts from 1993.
Undranarvert at tílíkt uppskot kemur fram meðan samfelagið enn ikki hevur borið teimum alment løntu lønarniðurskurðin frá 1993 aftur.
In the letter sent in December, the chairman of the board also suggests that it may be necessary to close one of the residential homes.
Í brævinum, sum er sent desember, rør stýrisformaðurin eisini framundir, at neyðugt verður kanska at lata eitt sambýlið aftur.
I hope that this session can be a new beginning, where we work together - opposition and government - to make our society one of the best in the world.
Eg vóni, at henda tingsetan kann gerast ein nýggj byrjan, har vit saman - andstøða og samgonga - arbeiða fyri, at okkara samfelag verður eitt av heimsins bestu.
The rule for calculating and adding periods of early retirement in both Danish and Faroese legislation is that periods of residence are added up to the nearest whole number of months.
Reglen ved opgørelse og sammenlægning af perioder vedrørende førtidspension i både dansk og færøsk lovgivning er, at sammenlagte bopælsperioder opgøres til nærmeste hele antal måneder.
Body, feelings and sex is a brand new book, which is primarily intended for teenagers, and this is the first book of its kind in Faroese.
Kroppur, kenslur og kynslív eitur ein spildurnýggj bók, sum fyrst og fremst er ætlað tannáringum, og hetta er tann fyrsta bókin av sínum slag á føroyskum.
Travel to courses that are located elsewhere than the usual place of work (outside the country and abroad) is included in the course time.
Ferðing til skeið, sum liggja aðrastaðni enn vanliga arbeiðsstaðið (uttanbíggja og í útlandi-num), verður roknað í skeiðstíðina.
Diligently they talked about tunnel effects, and that Sámal Petur won with the role of a prisoner.
Dúgliga var prátað um tunnils effektir, og at Sámal Petur vann við leiklutinum sum pínslavátti.
Eyðfinn Petersen says that he therefore believes that courses like this are a prerequisite for developing union members so that there can be more people who take on tasks for the union.
Eyðfinn Petersen sigur, at hann tí heldur, at skeið, sum ehsi, eru ein fortreyt fyri at menna fakfelagsfólk, so at tað kunnu vera fleiri fólk, sum átaka sær uppgávur fyri fakfelagið.
Vibeke could work all week, but she chose to work only three days a week, to have more time to go out and look around and do other things.
Vibeke kundi arbeitt alla vikuna, men hon valdi sjálv bara at arbeiða tríggjar dagar um vikuna, fyri at hava betri stundir til at fara út at hyggja seg um og gera annað.
Are you used to walking there, you can also see a speculum, which has been used to put a stubborn sheep in, so that he could be accustomed to people.
Ert tú vanur at ganga har, so dugir tú eisini at síggja eitt speki, ið hevur verið brúkt til at seta styggan seyð í, so at hann kundi venjast við fólk.
Previously she has traveled around Europe and followed the group and ten years ago she was on a summer course at the Faroese Language Department and learned Faroese.
Áður hevur hon ferðast runt Evropa og fylgt bólkinum og fyri tíggju árum síðani var hon á einum summarskeiði á Føroyamálsdeildini og lærdi føroyskt.
The reason for the interest in the Greenlandic trawler is that one of the crew rented a car that looks a lot like the car that surveillance cameras have seen more than once early Saturday morning.
Orsøkin til áhugan fyri grønlendska trolaranum er tann, at ein av manningini leigaði ein bil, sum líkist nógv bilinum, sum vakmyndatól hava sæð oftari enn eina ferð tíðliga leygarmorgunin.
He is pleased that a ferry slipway will be made so that a car ferry can dock, but it is also necessary to improve safety by getting more light on the dock, he says.
Hann fegnast um, at ein ferjuskrái verður gjørdur, so bilferja kann leggja at, men neyðugt er eisini at bøta um trygdina við at fáa meira ljós á bryggjuna, sigur hann.
The government can't afford to pay us back the wage cut yet, while giving a tax break to a certain professional group.
Landsstýrið hevur ikki ráð at gjalda okkum lønarniðurskurðin aftur enn, samstundis sum tað gevur ávísum yrkisbólki skattalætta.
It is still the Faroe Islands that must first clarify their wishes for the future cooperation between Denmark and the commonwealth, says Poul Nyrup Rasmussen.
Tað eru framvegis Føroyar, sum í fyrstu syftu mugu greiða síni ynski til framtíðar samstarvið millum Danmark og ríkisfelagsskapin, sigur Poul Nyrup Rasmussen.
He was otherwise a trained accountant and also had a job in this profession at various times.
Hann var annars útbúgvin grannskoðari og hevði eisini starv innan hetta yrki skiftandi tíðarskeið.
He is a man of his word when it comes to manual labor, and so he is very happy that neighbors who are good at manual labor have given him a helping hand.
Sjálvur er hann eiðasørur, tá tað ræður um handaligt arbeiði, og tí er hann ógvuliga fegin um at grannar, ið duga væl handaligt arbeiði, hava veitt hjálpandi hond.
Nothing outside a person can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile a person.
Einki uttan fyri menniskjað kann, um tað fer inn í tað, gera tað óreint; men tað, sum út fer úr menniskjanum, er tað, sum ger menniskjað óreint.
Do the thing, there is no doubt that the new scheme will throw quite a bit of itself to the national household.
Ger tingið tað, er helst eingin ivi um at nýggja skipanin fer at kasta rættiliga fitt av sær til landshúsarhaldið.
The new feature of the website is that the public can now see all the debates from and including the summer solstice this year as video clips on the website, as well as the list of speakers appearing during the debates.
Frambrotið við nýggju síðuni er, at almenningurin nú kann síggja øll orðaskiftini frá og við ólavsøku í ár sum videobrot á síðuni, eins og at røðaralistin sæst undir orðaskiftinum.
A well-known Vágar man, who also belongs to Smyril's crew, is standing on the bridge, looking around.
Ein vælkendur vágbingur, sum eisini hoyrir til Smyrla manningina er líka uppi á brúnni og vendir.
The same person was responsible for all the statistics fed to the Faroese public and politicians during the same eighty years.
Sami persónur hevði ábyrgdina av øllum tí taltilfari, ið føroyski almenningurin og politikarar vórðu fóðrað við í somu áttati ára tíðarskeiðum.
D) It is recommended that the authorities locally and centrally "spot" and skills-build networks that can support and include MvD/relatives in an active and meaningful everyday life.
D) Mælt verður til, at myndugleikarnir lokalt og sentralt "spotta" og førleikamenna netverk, sum kunnu stuðla undir og inkludera MvD/avvarðandi í ein virknan og meiningarfullan gerandisdag.
The current fisheries law thus contains a link to tax law, as it is a requirement that owners of Faroese fishing vessels live in the Faroe Islands and are fully tax liable to the Faroe Islands.
Den gældende fiskerilov indeholder således en kobling til skatteretten, idet det er et krav, at ejere af færøske fiskefartøjer bor på Færøerne og er fuldt skattepligtige til Færøerne.
His both read and tread most the organ then, which he has made for the short time, now the eyes had gone fairly to wane.
Hans bæði las og tráddi mest urguna tá, sum hann hevur gjørt til fyri stuttum, nú eyguni vóru farin rættiliga at vikna.
We can do nothing else with the weather and the current than wait patiently until the wind and current are on our side.
Enn kunnu vit einki annað gera við veður og streym enn at bíða í tolni, til vindur og streymur eru til vildar.
I expect that in our agenda for next week we will give a clear indication of how we are going to deal with the Faroese economically.
Eg vænti, at vit í dagskránni í næstu viku geva eitt greitt tekin um, hvussu vit skulu fara við føroyingum búskaparliga.
After visiting friends in the area, they went for a walk along the beach to a place where they planned to swim.
Tá tey høvdi vitjað kenningar á staðnum, fóru tey ein gongutúr eftir strondini til eitt stað, har tey ætlaðu at svimja.
Dánjal av Rana got into trade union politics in the early seventies when he joined the board of the labour union Fylking.
Dánjal av Rana kom uppí fakfelagspolitikk fyrst í sjeytiárunum, tá ið hann kom í nevndina í arbeiðsmannafelagnum Fylking.
It pays off Poul Andrias Joensen thinks it goes pretty quickly to make people more aware and awaken their interest in nature.
Tað loysir seg Poul Andrias Joensen heldur tað ganga rættiliga skjótt við at gera fólk meira tilvitandi og vekja ansin fyri náttúruni.
It's the rallying cry now that the large grocery chain Bónus has opened a store in Suðuroy.
Tað er herrópið, nú stóra handilsketan Bónus eisini hevur latið handil upp í Suðuroynni.
The Kingdom can't keep a course, because the Faroe Islands and Greenland don't always want what Denmark wants, and in other cases the Faroe Islands and Greenland don't want the same thing, he says.
Ríkisfelagsskapurin kann ikki halda eina kós, tí Føroyar og Grønland vilja ikki altíð tað, sum Danmark vil, og í øðrum førum vilja Føroyar og Grønland ikki tað sama, sigur hann.
With the rest I say not to the Lord -: If a brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.
Við hini sigi eg ikki Harrin -: Hevur ein bróðir vantrúgvandi konu og hon vil búgva saman við honum so skilji hann seg ikki frá henni!
Named can be that today there are several fishing boats and boats for fishing in the area near the village.
Nevnast kann, at í dag eru fleiri línubátar og útróðrarbátar heimahoyrandi í økinum nærhendis.
The intended dismissal cannot therefore be implemented until the service investigation has confirmed that such a serious breach of duty has taken place that there is a basis for dismissal.
Ætlaða uppsøgnin kann tí ikki setast í verk, fyrr enn tænastamannakanning hevur staðfest, at so grovt tænastumisbrot er framt, at tað er grundarlag fyri uppsøgn.
If a woman comes near any creature and has anything to do with it, you must kill both the woman and the creature; they must die, bloodguilt rests on them!
Kemur kvinna nøkrum kríatúri nær og hevur við tað at gera, so skalt tú drepa bæði kvinnuna og kríatúrið; tey skulu lata lív, blóðskyld hvílir á teimum!
Iceland has been active in Namibia for many years, the purpose was to help the country to stand on its own after decolonization, but the last 10 years many of these plans went by the wayside.
Ísland hevur verið virkið í Namibia í nógv ár endamálið var at hjálpa landinum at fóta sær eftir avkolonialiseringina, men seinastu 10 árini fóru nógvar av hesum ætlanum fyri skeytið.
It is an important part of the economic development of the Faroe Islands to establish direct diplomatic relations with countries that are important to the Faroese economy.
Tað er týdningarmikil liður í búskaparligu menningini í Føroyum at knýta beinleiðis diplomatisk sambond við lond, ið hava týdning fyri føroyskan búskap.
Faroese people agree with the National Council for Road Safety that the best way to get people to keep to the speed limit is to increase fines and tighten up traffic control.
Føroyingar eru samdir við Ráðnum fyri Ferðslutrygd, at besti háttur at fáa fólk at halda hámarksferðina, er at herða hækka bøturnar og herða eftirlitið við ferðsluni.
For it is as if a man, intending to go to another country, summoned his slaves and entrusted to them his possessions.
Tí tað er, eins og maður, ið ætlaði at fara burt í annað land og kallaði til sín tænarar sínar og gav teimum upp í hendur tað, sum hann átti.
The jacket has been made by Ingi Joensen, Hestprent has done the typesetting and the re-printing, and Estra has printed it.
Kápuna hevur Ingi Joensen gjørt, Hestprent hevur havt sats og umbróting um hendi, og Estra hevur prentað.
The government can't, however, impose more work on teachers without an agreement with the Faroese Teachers' Union.
Landsstýrið kann tó ikki áleggja lærarum meiri arbeiði uttan við avtalu við Føroya Lærarafelag.
In the same way that a household has a budget, the country also has a budget with income and expenses, it is the Finance Act.
Á sama hátt, sum eitt húsarhald hevur eitt budgett, hevur landið eisini eitt budgett við inntøkum og útreiðslum , tað er fíggjarlógin.
These are all inexpensive solutions that can help immensely and prevent serious hearing damage.
Hetta er alt ódýrar loysnir, sum kunnu hjálpa ómetaliga nógv og fyribyrgja álvarsomum hoyraskaðum.
But Icelanders have worked a lot with the volleyball since the mid-1980s, when coaches from China took good care of both women and men.
Men íslendingar hava arbeitt nógv við flogbóltinum síðani miðskeiðis í 1980 unum, tá venjarar úr Kina tóku sær dugliga av bæði kvinnum og monnum.
The Philistines now attacked Israel, and the men of Israel fled from the Philistines; and they fell down wounded on Mount Gilboa.
Filistarar herjaðu nú á Ísrael, og menn Ísraels flýddu undan Filistarum; teir falnu lógu víða hvar á Gilboafjalli.
Weather data are used for aircraft and helicopters that have radio communication with the Tower at the Airport in connection with departures and arrivals.
Veðurdata verða brúkt til flogfør og tyrlur, sum hava radio samskifti við Tornið á Flogvøllinum í sambandi við fráferð og komur.
He asked the parliamentary leadership to tell him how much he has received too much in so-called cost reimbursement, and where and when the amount should be paid.
Hann bað tí formansskapin í løgtinginum siga sær, hvussu nógv hann hevur fingið ov nógv í sonevndum kostnaðarendurgjaldi, og hvar og nær upphæddin skal rindast.
He was allowed to touch the body of the white-haired and pajama-clad Pot, who lay dead in his bed.
Hann slapp at nerta við líkið av tí hvíthærda og pyjamasklædda Pot, sum lá deyður í song síni.
Suddenly the Faroese people were blamed for irresponsible management and financial waste, and the Home Rule Act was the cause of all evil.
Knappliga fekk flokkurin skuldina fyri ábyrgdarleysa stýring og fíggjarligt oyðsl, og Heimastýrislógin var orsøkin til alt ilt.
He destroyed those cities and all the plain and all who lived in the cities and what grew on the ground.
Hann oyddi hesar býir og allan slættan og øll, ið búðu í býunum, og tað, ið á markini vaks.
The meeting started with a historic handshake and a historic signature, when both parties signed a document that both describe as a historic document.
Fundurin byrjaði við søguligum lógvataki og søguligari undirskrift, tá báðir partar skrivaðu undir eitt skjal, sum báðir lýsa sum eitt søguligt skjal.
One of the main tasks of the new head of the National Hospital will be to create a new management structure for the National Hospital.
Ein av høvuðsuppgávunum hjá nýggja leiðaranum fyri Landsjúkrahúsið verður at gera nýggjan leiðslubygnað fyri landssjúkrahúsið.
The Nólsoy people are wondering why the price of a ticket to Nólsoy increases relatively much, while it is free to sail to other islands.
Nólsoyingar undrast á, at ferðaseðlaprísurin til Nólsoyar hækkar lutfalsliga nógv, meðan tað verður ókeypis at sigla til aðrar oyggjar.
Each voter in a large constituency has a relatively smaller influence than a voter in a small constituency.
Hvør einstakur veljari í einum stórum valdømi hevur lutfalsliga minni ávirkan enn ein veljari í einum lítlum valdømi.
Pentecostal churches the next thing Jákup Reinert Hansen fears that the consequence of a takeover ultimately will be that the National Church, as we know it today, will fall away.
Fríkirkjur tað næsta Jákup Reinert Hansen óttast fyri, at avleiðingin av einari yvirtøku í síðsta enda verður, at Fólkakirkjan, sum vit kenna hana í dag, dettur burtur.
According to the Prime Minister, New Zealanders use hundreds of millions of single-use plastic bags, many of which pollute the ocean.
Sambært forsætisráðharranum brúka nýsælendarar hundraðtals av milliónir av einnýtis plastposum, haðani nógv órógva lívið í havinum.
Yesterday, Strandfaraskip Landsins took the unusual step of cancelling both the afternoon trips of Smyril between the capital and Suðuroy.
Í gjár tók Strandferðslan tað sjáldsama stig at avlýsa báðar seinnapartstúrarnar hjá Smyrli ímillum Havnina og Suðuroynna.
There have been fierce clashes between Kurds and the Islamic State, and this has undoubtedly had a positive effect on the situation between Kurds and Turks.
Har hava kurdar verið í hørðum bardøgum ímóti islamska statinum, og tað hevur ivaleyst havt góða ávirkan á støðuna millum kurdar og turkar.
In places the songs may seem a bit long and too much together; but I think this is better if you hear the songs more than once.
Í støðum kann kanska tykjast sum eru løgini heldur long og ov nógv upp í saman; men eg haldi, hetta verður betri um ein hoyrir løgini meira enn einaferð.
Retirement benefits should be set as a percentage of the fixed salary, and the percentage should be set in the remuneration policy.
Eftirlønargjøld eiga at ásetast sum prosentpartur av føstu lønini, og prosentstigið eigur at ásetast í samsýningarpolitikkinum.
The US Embassy has urged US citizens in the UK not to overreact, as protests could quickly turn violent.
Amerikanska sendistovan hevur í sambandi við vitjanina heitt á amerikanskar ríkisborgarar í Bretlandi um ikki at gera ov nógv av, tí mótmælistiltøkini skjótt kunnu enda í harðskapi.