[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 21021, 35, 2693, 52, 11, 11603, 2318, 2, 7, 20, 5184, 2, 15, 7, 41, 75, 5, 627, 2266, 104, 1808, 2079, 61, 2832, 8, 12953, 14193, 96, 667, 7, 2318, 7, 2, 9, 7664, 121, 41, 634, 2318, 7, 23, 9, 26, 7, 201, 28, 3, 21031, 122, 173, 31, 7, 71, 35, 15, 23, 26, 38, 112, 711, 2860, 5, 5070, 21076, 10773, 19, 3, 19471, 16, 3, 29, 15, 32, 4057, 447, 11, 4092, 4634, 6, 38, 3, 6667, 1167, 40, 3676, 57, 28989, 1276, 7, 7, 32, 9, 9323, 4060, 104, 2294, 2469, 137, 5070, 21076, 6678, 19, 7283, 57, 5921, 224, 38, 901, 526, 23, 26, 9, 27099, 6, 5184, 173, 32, 25925, 32, 18649, 509, 6, 262, 11666, 20, 7227, 23, 9860, 6, 28989, 1276, 7, 7, 32, 9, 6, 30174, 20, 283, 7126, 3004, 63, 687, 275, 60, 7, 35, 6, 9141, 15742, 23, 32, 17464, 32, 9141, 444, 7, 11, 27257, 3794, 122, 9, 5, 27989, 120, 1012, 11, 18908, 19, 26816, 12969, 7493, 32, 6, 11095, 13, 8, 6260, 22232, 11329, 16, 15019, 15, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 12969, 7493, 32, 31, 7, 13792, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Adventurer and poet Luís de Camões (c. 1524–1580) wrote the epic poem "Os Lusíadas" (The Lusiads), with Virgil's Aeneid as his main influence. Modern Portuguese poetry is rooted in neoclassic and contemporary styles, as exemplified by Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935). Modern Portuguese literature is represented by authors such as Almeida Garrett, Camilo Castelo Branco, Eça de Queiroz, Fernando Pessoa, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, António Lobo Antunes and Miguel Torga. Particularly popular and distinguished is José Saramago, recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Saramago's occupation?
[ 5921, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 21021, 35, 2693, 52, 11, 11603, 2318, 2, 7, 20, 5184, 2, 15, 7, 41, 75, 5, 627, 2266, 104, 1808, 2079, 61, 2832, 8, 12953, 14193, 96, 667, 7, 2318, 7, 2, 9, 7664, 121, 41, 634, 2318, 7, 23, 9, 26, 7, 201, 28, 3, 21031, 122, 173, 31, 7, 71, 35, 15, 23, 26, 38, 112, 711, 2860, 5, 5070, 21076, 10773, 19, 3, 19471, 16, 3, 29, 15, 32, 4057, 447, 11, 4092, 4634, 6, 38, 3, 6667, 1167, 40, 3676, 57, 28989, 1276, 7, 7, 32, 9, 9323, 4060, 104, 2294, 2469, 137, 5070, 21076, 6678, 19, 7283, 57, 5921, 224, 38, 901, 526, 23, 26, 9, 27099, 6, 5184, 173, 32, 25925, 32, 18649, 509, 6, 262, 11666, 20, 7227, 23, 9860, 6, 28989, 1276, 7, 7, 32, 9, 6, 30174, 20, 283, 7126, 3004, 63, 687, 275, 60, 7, 35, 6, 9141, 15742, 23, 32, 17464, 32, 9141, 444, 7, 11, 27257, 3794, 122, 9, 5, 27989, 120, 1012, 11, 18908, 19, 26816, 12969, 7493, 32, 6, 11095, 13, 8, 6260, 22232, 11329, 16, 15019, 15, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 275, 277, 35, 31, 7, 13792, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Adventurer and poet Luís de Camões (c. 1524–1580) wrote the epic poem "Os Lusíadas" (The Lusiads), with Virgil's Aeneid as his main influence. Modern Portuguese poetry is rooted in neoclassic and contemporary styles, as exemplified by Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935). Modern Portuguese literature is represented by authors such as Almeida Garrett, Camilo Castelo Branco, Eça de Queiroz, Fernando Pessoa, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, António Lobo Antunes and Miguel Torga. Particularly popular and distinguished is José Saramago, recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Andersen's occupation?
[ 5921, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 14714, 12204, 40, 31, 7, 6718, 23, 138, 892, 65, 307, 437, 118, 3, 9, 2752, 3009, 13, 165, 1157, 4810, 6, 38, 65, 165, 20929, 1102, 44, 8, 3414, 18, 24411, 2752, 13, 1740, 6, 479, 91, 139, 8, 9640, 7087, 5, 94, 47, 80, 13, 8, 336, 8282, 6718, 23, 138, 1611, 11552, 12, 428, 95, 165, 10055, 23995, 41, 265, 2444, 135, 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 16, 16312, 201, 5074, 147, 8, 3602, 13, 2143, 402, 12, 8, 2449, 31, 7, 5750, 13, 1473, 44, 8, 414, 13, 5247, 5, 3, 21900, 6, 34, 65, 321, 3, 12913, 11, 118, 3, 12913, 57, 9757, 45, 1798, 27200, 42, 6002, 11573, 6, 3, 5490, 16, 10653, 45, 175, 1798, 23995, 21, 321, 1456, 11, 87, 127, 525, 2081, 5, 12627, 6, 307, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3, 15, 10673, 2661, 41, 532, 4248, 2942, 13, 18065, 7, 43, 21076, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 201, 65, 230, 582, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3134, 10653, 6, 11, 59, 131, 45, 8, 336, 2557, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 21018, 201, 3850, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 16312, 201, 11, 5186, 1932, 6578, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 5247, 61, 10055, 23995, 5, 389, 5861, 8640, 6, 2313, 21076, 3666, 12, 12627, 38, 8, 684, 31, 7, 3850, 8244, 7, 6886, 12315, 16, 16312, 5, 938, 11979, 12627, 141, 10372, 948, 2517, 6, 755, 3072, 21155, 13, 4068, 81, 5400, 4482, 24636, 130, 1281, 16096, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 12627, 4947, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Portugal's colonial history has long since been a cornerstone of its national identity, as has its geographic position at the south-western corner of Europe, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of the last western colonial European powers to give up its overseas territories (among them Angola and Mozambique in 1975), turning over the administration of Macau to the People's Republic of China at the end of 1999. Consequently, it has both influenced and been influenced by cultures from former colonies or dependencies, resulting in immigration from these former territories for both economic and/or personal reasons. Portugal, long a country of emigration (the vast majority of Brazilians have Portuguese ancestry), has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the last Indian (Portuguese until 1961), African (Portuguese until 1975), and Far East Asian (Portuguese until 1999) overseas territories. An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975. By 2007, Portugal had 10,617,575 inhabitants of whom about 332,137 were legal immigrants.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does Portugal border?
[ 9640, 7087, 1 ]
Atlantic Ocean
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 14714, 12204, 40, 31, 7, 6718, 23, 138, 892, 65, 307, 437, 118, 3, 9, 2752, 3009, 13, 165, 1157, 4810, 6, 38, 65, 165, 20929, 1102, 44, 8, 3414, 18, 24411, 2752, 13, 1740, 6, 479, 91, 139, 8, 9640, 7087, 5, 94, 47, 80, 13, 8, 336, 8282, 6718, 23, 138, 1611, 11552, 12, 428, 95, 165, 10055, 23995, 41, 265, 2444, 135, 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 16, 16312, 201, 5074, 147, 8, 3602, 13, 2143, 402, 12, 8, 2449, 31, 7, 5750, 13, 1473, 44, 8, 414, 13, 5247, 5, 3, 21900, 6, 34, 65, 321, 3, 12913, 11, 118, 3, 12913, 57, 9757, 45, 1798, 27200, 42, 6002, 11573, 6, 3, 5490, 16, 10653, 45, 175, 1798, 23995, 21, 321, 1456, 11, 87, 127, 525, 2081, 5, 12627, 6, 307, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3, 15, 10673, 2661, 41, 532, 4248, 2942, 13, 18065, 7, 43, 21076, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 201, 65, 230, 582, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3134, 10653, 6, 11, 59, 131, 45, 8, 336, 2557, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 21018, 201, 3850, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 16312, 201, 11, 5186, 1932, 6578, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 5247, 61, 10055, 23995, 5, 389, 5861, 8640, 6, 2313, 21076, 3666, 12, 12627, 38, 8, 684, 31, 7, 3850, 8244, 7, 6886, 12315, 16, 16312, 5, 938, 11979, 12627, 141, 10372, 948, 2517, 6, 755, 3072, 21155, 13, 4068, 81, 5400, 4482, 24636, 130, 1281, 16096, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1440, 410, 12627, 728, 610, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Portugal's colonial history has long since been a cornerstone of its national identity, as has its geographic position at the south-western corner of Europe, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of the last western colonial European powers to give up its overseas territories (among them Angola and Mozambique in 1975), turning over the administration of Macau to the People's Republic of China at the end of 1999. Consequently, it has both influenced and been influenced by cultures from former colonies or dependencies, resulting in immigration from these former territories for both economic and/or personal reasons. Portugal, long a country of emigration (the vast majority of Brazilians have Portuguese ancestry), has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the last Indian (Portuguese until 1961), African (Portuguese until 1975), and Far East Asian (Portuguese until 1999) overseas territories. An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975. By 2007, Portugal had 10,617,575 inhabitants of whom about 332,137 were legal immigrants.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What countries did Portugal once control?
[ 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 1 ]
Angola and Mozambique
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 14714, 12204, 40, 31, 7, 6718, 23, 138, 892, 65, 307, 437, 118, 3, 9, 2752, 3009, 13, 165, 1157, 4810, 6, 38, 65, 165, 20929, 1102, 44, 8, 3414, 18, 24411, 2752, 13, 1740, 6, 479, 91, 139, 8, 9640, 7087, 5, 94, 47, 80, 13, 8, 336, 8282, 6718, 23, 138, 1611, 11552, 12, 428, 95, 165, 10055, 23995, 41, 265, 2444, 135, 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 16, 16312, 201, 5074, 147, 8, 3602, 13, 2143, 402, 12, 8, 2449, 31, 7, 5750, 13, 1473, 44, 8, 414, 13, 5247, 5, 3, 21900, 6, 34, 65, 321, 3, 12913, 11, 118, 3, 12913, 57, 9757, 45, 1798, 27200, 42, 6002, 11573, 6, 3, 5490, 16, 10653, 45, 175, 1798, 23995, 21, 321, 1456, 11, 87, 127, 525, 2081, 5, 12627, 6, 307, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3, 15, 10673, 2661, 41, 532, 4248, 2942, 13, 18065, 7, 43, 21076, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 201, 65, 230, 582, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3134, 10653, 6, 11, 59, 131, 45, 8, 336, 2557, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 21018, 201, 3850, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 16312, 201, 11, 5186, 1932, 6578, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 5247, 61, 10055, 23995, 5, 389, 5861, 8640, 6, 2313, 21076, 3666, 12, 12627, 38, 8, 684, 31, 7, 3850, 8244, 7, 6886, 12315, 16, 16312, 5, 938, 11979, 12627, 141, 10372, 948, 2517, 6, 755, 3072, 21155, 13, 4068, 81, 5400, 4482, 24636, 130, 1281, 16096, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 5330, 6478, 2143, 402, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Portugal's colonial history has long since been a cornerstone of its national identity, as has its geographic position at the south-western corner of Europe, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of the last western colonial European powers to give up its overseas territories (among them Angola and Mozambique in 1975), turning over the administration of Macau to the People's Republic of China at the end of 1999. Consequently, it has both influenced and been influenced by cultures from former colonies or dependencies, resulting in immigration from these former territories for both economic and/or personal reasons. Portugal, long a country of emigration (the vast majority of Brazilians have Portuguese ancestry), has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the last Indian (Portuguese until 1961), African (Portuguese until 1975), and Far East Asian (Portuguese until 1999) overseas territories. An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975. By 2007, Portugal had 10,617,575 inhabitants of whom about 332,137 were legal immigrants.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who originally controlled Macau?
[ 12627, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 14714, 12204, 40, 31, 7, 6718, 23, 138, 892, 65, 307, 437, 118, 3, 9, 2752, 3009, 13, 165, 1157, 4810, 6, 38, 65, 165, 20929, 1102, 44, 8, 3414, 18, 24411, 2752, 13, 1740, 6, 479, 91, 139, 8, 9640, 7087, 5, 94, 47, 80, 13, 8, 336, 8282, 6718, 23, 138, 1611, 11552, 12, 428, 95, 165, 10055, 23995, 41, 265, 2444, 135, 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 16, 16312, 201, 5074, 147, 8, 3602, 13, 2143, 402, 12, 8, 2449, 31, 7, 5750, 13, 1473, 44, 8, 414, 13, 5247, 5, 3, 21900, 6, 34, 65, 321, 3, 12913, 11, 118, 3, 12913, 57, 9757, 45, 1798, 27200, 42, 6002, 11573, 6, 3, 5490, 16, 10653, 45, 175, 1798, 23995, 21, 321, 1456, 11, 87, 127, 525, 2081, 5, 12627, 6, 307, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3, 15, 10673, 2661, 41, 532, 4248, 2942, 13, 18065, 7, 43, 21076, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 201, 65, 230, 582, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3134, 10653, 6, 11, 59, 131, 45, 8, 336, 2557, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 21018, 201, 3850, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 16312, 201, 11, 5186, 1932, 6578, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 5247, 61, 10055, 23995, 5, 389, 5861, 8640, 6, 2313, 21076, 3666, 12, 12627, 38, 8, 684, 31, 7, 3850, 8244, 7, 6886, 12315, 16, 16312, 5, 938, 11979, 12627, 141, 10372, 948, 2517, 6, 755, 3072, 21155, 13, 4068, 81, 5400, 4482, 24636, 130, 1281, 16096, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 6478, 389, 7579, 9, 274, 16312, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Portugal's colonial history has long since been a cornerstone of its national identity, as has its geographic position at the south-western corner of Europe, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of the last western colonial European powers to give up its overseas territories (among them Angola and Mozambique in 1975), turning over the administration of Macau to the People's Republic of China at the end of 1999. Consequently, it has both influenced and been influenced by cultures from former colonies or dependencies, resulting in immigration from these former territories for both economic and/or personal reasons. Portugal, long a country of emigration (the vast majority of Brazilians have Portuguese ancestry), has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the last Indian (Portuguese until 1961), African (Portuguese until 1975), and Far East Asian (Portuguese until 1999) overseas territories. An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975. By 2007, Portugal had 10,617,575 inhabitants of whom about 332,137 were legal immigrants.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who controlled Angola before 1975?
[ 12627, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 14714, 12204, 40, 31, 7, 6718, 23, 138, 892, 65, 307, 437, 118, 3, 9, 2752, 3009, 13, 165, 1157, 4810, 6, 38, 65, 165, 20929, 1102, 44, 8, 3414, 18, 24411, 2752, 13, 1740, 6, 479, 91, 139, 8, 9640, 7087, 5, 94, 47, 80, 13, 8, 336, 8282, 6718, 23, 138, 1611, 11552, 12, 428, 95, 165, 10055, 23995, 41, 265, 2444, 135, 389, 7579, 9, 11, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 16, 16312, 201, 5074, 147, 8, 3602, 13, 2143, 402, 12, 8, 2449, 31, 7, 5750, 13, 1473, 44, 8, 414, 13, 5247, 5, 3, 21900, 6, 34, 65, 321, 3, 12913, 11, 118, 3, 12913, 57, 9757, 45, 1798, 27200, 42, 6002, 11573, 6, 3, 5490, 16, 10653, 45, 175, 1798, 23995, 21, 321, 1456, 11, 87, 127, 525, 2081, 5, 12627, 6, 307, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3, 15, 10673, 2661, 41, 532, 4248, 2942, 13, 18065, 7, 43, 21076, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 201, 65, 230, 582, 3, 9, 684, 13, 3134, 10653, 6, 11, 59, 131, 45, 8, 336, 2557, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 21018, 201, 3850, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 16312, 201, 11, 5186, 1932, 6578, 41, 14714, 76, 15991, 15, 552, 5247, 61, 10055, 23995, 5, 389, 5861, 8640, 6, 2313, 21076, 3666, 12, 12627, 38, 8, 684, 31, 7, 3850, 8244, 7, 6886, 12315, 16, 16312, 5, 938, 11979, 12627, 141, 10372, 948, 2517, 6, 755, 3072, 21155, 13, 4068, 81, 5400, 4482, 24636, 130, 1281, 16096, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 6478, 1290, 172, 11379, 835, 274, 16312, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Portugal's colonial history has long since been a cornerstone of its national identity, as has its geographic position at the south-western corner of Europe, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of the last western colonial European powers to give up its overseas territories (among them Angola and Mozambique in 1975), turning over the administration of Macau to the People's Republic of China at the end of 1999. Consequently, it has both influenced and been influenced by cultures from former colonies or dependencies, resulting in immigration from these former territories for both economic and/or personal reasons. Portugal, long a country of emigration (the vast majority of Brazilians have Portuguese ancestry), has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the last Indian (Portuguese until 1961), African (Portuguese until 1975), and Far East Asian (Portuguese until 1999) overseas territories. An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975. By 2007, Portugal had 10,617,575 inhabitants of whom about 332,137 were legal immigrants.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who controlled Mozambique before 1975?
[ 12627, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 215, 274, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 1687, 6, 386, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 31, 7, 520, 7, 4659, 16, 31430, 11, 5241, 376, 12, 703, 4370, 342, 6, 16540, 53, 8, 14740, 859, 135, 5, 37, 3, 8804, 222, 520, 6, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 6, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 312, 15742, 5, 37, 511, 520, 6, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 6, 17367, 15, 26, 16, 6084, 1294, 9, 6, 298, 8, 1025, 6, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 6, 1204, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 28, 411, 5914, 26, 32, 38, 112, 1784, 5, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 3977, 16, 4904, 2528, 9, 6, 1077, 16, 668, 10415, 978, 1798, 15854, 133, 36, 3, 28207, 26, 116, 166, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 3977, 861, 924, 11, 312, 15742, 2804, 12, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 5, 216, 16, 919, 3977, 116, 112, 502, 130, 396, 1021, 12, 25200, 117, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 3, 9, 3, 28207, 26, 10228, 5, 978, 1687, 8, 416, 215, 16781, 3, 9, 939, 13, 12652, 14760, 16562, 24, 2237, 12, 27644, 22289, 21, 147, 3, 9, 2646, 5, 94, 2925, 365, 24, 564, 6306, 23982, 2420, 906, 908, 552, 3, 10975, 139, 8, 6524, 13, 11583, 699, 16, 586, 1458, 6, 227, 31118, 6289, 1632, 4494, 3, 1765, 13, 8, 192, 14740, 7, 5, 100, 47, 612, 12, 1792, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 8703, 26, 7, 11, 12, 1961, 8, 2826, 6524, 7, 1101, 631, 12, 1709, 743, 10148, 240, 147, 13, 8, 27, 346, 5288, 20936, 11, 12, 856, 8, 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 57, 2826, 2939, 725, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 166, 9753, 13, 97, 2799, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A year before Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias death, three of Alfonso's sons rose in rebellion and forced him to abdicate, partitioning the kingdom among them. The eldest son, García, became king of León. The second son, Ordoño, reigned in Galicia, while the third, Fruela, received Asturias with Oviedo as his capital. Alfonso died in Zamora, probably in 910. His former realm would be reunited when first García died childless and León passed to Ordoño. He in turn died when his children were too young to ascend; Fruela became king of a reunited crown. His death the next year initiated a series of internecine struggles that led to unstable succession for over a century. It continued under that name[clarification needed] until incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile in 1230, after Ferdinand III became joint king of the two kingdoms. This was done to avoid dynastic feuds and to maintain the Christian Kingdoms strong enough to prevent complete Muslim take over of the Iberian Peninsula and to further the Reconquista of Iberia by Christian armies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the first measurement of time mentioned?
[ 215, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 215, 274, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 1687, 6, 386, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 31, 7, 520, 7, 4659, 16, 31430, 11, 5241, 376, 12, 703, 4370, 342, 6, 16540, 53, 8, 14740, 859, 135, 5, 37, 3, 8804, 222, 520, 6, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 6, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 312, 15742, 5, 37, 511, 520, 6, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 6, 17367, 15, 26, 16, 6084, 1294, 9, 6, 298, 8, 1025, 6, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 6, 1204, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 28, 411, 5914, 26, 32, 38, 112, 1784, 5, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 3977, 16, 4904, 2528, 9, 6, 1077, 16, 668, 10415, 978, 1798, 15854, 133, 36, 3, 28207, 26, 116, 166, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 3977, 861, 924, 11, 312, 15742, 2804, 12, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 5, 216, 16, 919, 3977, 116, 112, 502, 130, 396, 1021, 12, 25200, 117, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 3, 9, 3, 28207, 26, 10228, 5, 978, 1687, 8, 416, 215, 16781, 3, 9, 939, 13, 12652, 14760, 16562, 24, 2237, 12, 27644, 22289, 21, 147, 3, 9, 2646, 5, 94, 2925, 365, 24, 564, 6306, 23982, 2420, 906, 908, 552, 3, 10975, 139, 8, 6524, 13, 11583, 699, 16, 586, 1458, 6, 227, 31118, 6289, 1632, 4494, 3, 1765, 13, 8, 192, 14740, 7, 5, 100, 47, 612, 12, 1792, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 8703, 26, 7, 11, 12, 1961, 8, 2826, 6524, 7, 1101, 631, 12, 1709, 743, 10148, 240, 147, 13, 8, 27, 346, 5288, 20936, 11, 12, 856, 8, 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 57, 2826, 2939, 725, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 336, 3251, 2799, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A year before Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias death, three of Alfonso's sons rose in rebellion and forced him to abdicate, partitioning the kingdom among them. The eldest son, García, became king of León. The second son, Ordoño, reigned in Galicia, while the third, Fruela, received Asturias with Oviedo as his capital. Alfonso died in Zamora, probably in 910. His former realm would be reunited when first García died childless and León passed to Ordoño. He in turn died when his children were too young to ascend; Fruela became king of a reunited crown. His death the next year initiated a series of internecine struggles that led to unstable succession for over a century. It continued under that name[clarification needed] until incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile in 1230, after Ferdinand III became joint king of the two kingdoms. This was done to avoid dynastic feuds and to maintain the Christian Kingdoms strong enough to prevent complete Muslim take over of the Iberian Peninsula and to further the Reconquista of Iberia by Christian armies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the last faith mentioned?
[ 2826, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 215, 274, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 1687, 6, 386, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 31, 7, 520, 7, 4659, 16, 31430, 11, 5241, 376, 12, 703, 4370, 342, 6, 16540, 53, 8, 14740, 859, 135, 5, 37, 3, 8804, 222, 520, 6, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 6, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 312, 15742, 5, 37, 511, 520, 6, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 6, 17367, 15, 26, 16, 6084, 1294, 9, 6, 298, 8, 1025, 6, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 6, 1204, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 28, 411, 5914, 26, 32, 38, 112, 1784, 5, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 3977, 16, 4904, 2528, 9, 6, 1077, 16, 668, 10415, 978, 1798, 15854, 133, 36, 3, 28207, 26, 116, 166, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 3977, 861, 924, 11, 312, 15742, 2804, 12, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 5, 216, 16, 919, 3977, 116, 112, 502, 130, 396, 1021, 12, 25200, 117, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 3, 9, 3, 28207, 26, 10228, 5, 978, 1687, 8, 416, 215, 16781, 3, 9, 939, 13, 12652, 14760, 16562, 24, 2237, 12, 27644, 22289, 21, 147, 3, 9, 2646, 5, 94, 2925, 365, 24, 564, 6306, 23982, 2420, 906, 908, 552, 3, 10975, 139, 8, 6524, 13, 11583, 699, 16, 586, 1458, 6, 227, 31118, 6289, 1632, 4494, 3, 1765, 13, 8, 192, 14740, 7, 5, 100, 47, 612, 12, 1792, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 8703, 26, 7, 11, 12, 1961, 8, 2826, 6524, 7, 1101, 631, 12, 1709, 743, 10148, 240, 147, 13, 8, 27, 346, 5288, 20936, 11, 12, 856, 8, 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 57, 2826, 2939, 725, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 336, 286, 2799, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A year before Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias death, three of Alfonso's sons rose in rebellion and forced him to abdicate, partitioning the kingdom among them. The eldest son, García, became king of León. The second son, Ordoño, reigned in Galicia, while the third, Fruela, received Asturias with Oviedo as his capital. Alfonso died in Zamora, probably in 910. His former realm would be reunited when first García died childless and León passed to Ordoño. He in turn died when his children were too young to ascend; Fruela became king of a reunited crown. His death the next year initiated a series of internecine struggles that led to unstable succession for over a century. It continued under that name[clarification needed] until incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile in 1230, after Ferdinand III became joint king of the two kingdoms. This was done to avoid dynastic feuds and to maintain the Christian Kingdoms strong enough to prevent complete Muslim take over of the Iberian Peninsula and to further the Reconquista of Iberia by Christian armies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the last place mentioned?
[ 27, 115, 4476, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 215, 274, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 1687, 6, 386, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 31, 7, 520, 7, 4659, 16, 31430, 11, 5241, 376, 12, 703, 4370, 342, 6, 16540, 53, 8, 14740, 859, 135, 5, 37, 3, 8804, 222, 520, 6, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 6, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 312, 15742, 5, 37, 511, 520, 6, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 6, 17367, 15, 26, 16, 6084, 1294, 9, 6, 298, 8, 1025, 6, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 6, 1204, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 28, 411, 5914, 26, 32, 38, 112, 1784, 5, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 3977, 16, 4904, 2528, 9, 6, 1077, 16, 668, 10415, 978, 1798, 15854, 133, 36, 3, 28207, 26, 116, 166, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 3977, 861, 924, 11, 312, 15742, 2804, 12, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 5, 216, 16, 919, 3977, 116, 112, 502, 130, 396, 1021, 12, 25200, 117, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 3, 9, 3, 28207, 26, 10228, 5, 978, 1687, 8, 416, 215, 16781, 3, 9, 939, 13, 12652, 14760, 16562, 24, 2237, 12, 27644, 22289, 21, 147, 3, 9, 2646, 5, 94, 2925, 365, 24, 564, 6306, 23982, 2420, 906, 908, 552, 3, 10975, 139, 8, 6524, 13, 11583, 699, 16, 586, 1458, 6, 227, 31118, 6289, 1632, 4494, 3, 1765, 13, 8, 192, 14740, 7, 5, 100, 47, 612, 12, 1792, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 8703, 26, 7, 11, 12, 1961, 8, 2826, 6524, 7, 1101, 631, 12, 1709, 743, 10148, 240, 147, 13, 8, 27, 346, 5288, 20936, 11, 12, 856, 8, 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 57, 2826, 2939, 725, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 336, 605, 2799, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A year before Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias death, three of Alfonso's sons rose in rebellion and forced him to abdicate, partitioning the kingdom among them. The eldest son, García, became king of León. The second son, Ordoño, reigned in Galicia, while the third, Fruela, received Asturias with Oviedo as his capital. Alfonso died in Zamora, probably in 910. His former realm would be reunited when first García died childless and León passed to Ordoño. He in turn died when his children were too young to ascend; Fruela became king of a reunited crown. His death the next year initiated a series of internecine struggles that led to unstable succession for over a century. It continued under that name[clarification needed] until incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile in 1230, after Ferdinand III became joint king of the two kingdoms. This was done to avoid dynastic feuds and to maintain the Christian Kingdoms strong enough to prevent complete Muslim take over of the Iberian Peninsula and to further the Reconquista of Iberia by Christian armies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the last event mentioned?
[ 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 1 ]
Reconquista of Iberia
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 215, 274, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 1687, 6, 386, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 31, 7, 520, 7, 4659, 16, 31430, 11, 5241, 376, 12, 703, 4370, 342, 6, 16540, 53, 8, 14740, 859, 135, 5, 37, 3, 8804, 222, 520, 6, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 6, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 312, 15742, 5, 37, 511, 520, 6, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 6, 17367, 15, 26, 16, 6084, 1294, 9, 6, 298, 8, 1025, 6, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 6, 1204, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 28, 411, 5914, 26, 32, 38, 112, 1784, 5, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 3977, 16, 4904, 2528, 9, 6, 1077, 16, 668, 10415, 978, 1798, 15854, 133, 36, 3, 28207, 26, 116, 166, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 3977, 861, 924, 11, 312, 15742, 2804, 12, 955, 26, 32, 2, 32, 5, 216, 16, 919, 3977, 116, 112, 502, 130, 396, 1021, 12, 25200, 117, 6248, 76, 15, 521, 1632, 3, 1765, 13, 3, 9, 3, 28207, 26, 10228, 5, 978, 1687, 8, 416, 215, 16781, 3, 9, 939, 13, 12652, 14760, 16562, 24, 2237, 12, 27644, 22289, 21, 147, 3, 9, 2646, 5, 94, 2925, 365, 24, 564, 6306, 23982, 2420, 906, 908, 552, 3, 10975, 139, 8, 6524, 13, 11583, 699, 16, 586, 1458, 6, 227, 31118, 6289, 1632, 4494, 3, 1765, 13, 8, 192, 14740, 7, 5, 100, 47, 612, 12, 1792, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 8703, 26, 7, 11, 12, 1961, 8, 2826, 6524, 7, 1101, 631, 12, 1709, 743, 10148, 240, 147, 13, 8, 27, 346, 5288, 20936, 11, 12, 856, 8, 419, 1018, 1169, 2427, 13, 27, 115, 4476, 57, 2826, 2939, 725, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 166, 286, 2799, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A year before Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias death, three of Alfonso's sons rose in rebellion and forced him to abdicate, partitioning the kingdom among them. The eldest son, García, became king of León. The second son, Ordoño, reigned in Galicia, while the third, Fruela, received Asturias with Oviedo as his capital. Alfonso died in Zamora, probably in 910. His former realm would be reunited when first García died childless and León passed to Ordoño. He in turn died when his children were too young to ascend; Fruela became king of a reunited crown. His death the next year initiated a series of internecine struggles that led to unstable succession for over a century. It continued under that name[clarification needed] until incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile in 1230, after Ferdinand III became joint king of the two kingdoms. This was done to avoid dynastic feuds and to maintain the Christian Kingdoms strong enough to prevent complete Muslim take over of the Iberian Peninsula and to further the Reconquista of Iberia by Christian armies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the first place mentioned?
[ 312, 15742, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 23901, 3, 4515, 226, 53, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 139, 80, 13, 8, 633, 16227, 24, 263, 95, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 6, 2671, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 29816, 15, 26, 1813, 1635, 9, 1915, 15, 7, 6, 16, 505, 3651, 8502, 6, 38, 8, 1485, 3, 10628, 13, 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 41, 14714, 12204, 40, 137, 37, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 3625, 18283, 109, 6, 12627, 15, 6, 11, 11609, 3625, 76, 122, 2975, 40, 23, 9, 3, 318, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 5, 10511, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 47, 8807, 139, 3, 9, 381, 13, 2826, 6524, 7, 16, 5961, 6436, 788, 12, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 4889, 7, 13, 28915, 859, 8, 3, 1765, 7, 326, 14662, 5, 438, 8, 5241, 703, 17530, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 57, 112, 520, 7, 16, 668, 1714, 6, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5679, 139, 386, 2450, 14740, 7, 13, 312, 15742, 6, 6084, 1294, 9, 11, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5, 37, 386, 14740, 7, 130, 3725, 3, 28207, 26, 16, 668, 2266, 41, 2796, 15742, 11, 6084, 1294, 9, 16, 668, 2534, 6, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 865, 61, 365, 8, 10228, 13, 312, 15742, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 3625, 18283, 109, 58 ]
Given the following passage "After annexing the County of Portugal into one of the several counties that made up the Kingdom of Asturias, King Alfonso III of Asturias knighted Vimara Peres, in 868 AD, as the First Count of Portus Cale (Portugal). The region became known as Portucale, Portugale, and simultaneously Portugália — the County of Portugal. Later the Kingdom of Asturias was divided into a number of Christian Kingdoms in Northern Spain due to dynastic divisions of inheritance among the kings offspring. With the forced abdication of Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias by his sons in 910, the Kingdom of Asturias split into three separate kingdoms of León, Galicia and Asturias. The three kingdoms were eventually reunited in 924 (León and Galicia in 914, Asturias later) under the crown of León.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what region became known as Portucale?
[ 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 1 ]
Portus Cale
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 23901, 3, 4515, 226, 53, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 139, 80, 13, 8, 633, 16227, 24, 263, 95, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 6, 2671, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 29816, 15, 26, 1813, 1635, 9, 1915, 15, 7, 6, 16, 505, 3651, 8502, 6, 38, 8, 1485, 3, 10628, 13, 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 41, 14714, 12204, 40, 137, 37, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 3625, 18283, 109, 6, 12627, 15, 6, 11, 11609, 3625, 76, 122, 2975, 40, 23, 9, 3, 318, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 5, 10511, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 47, 8807, 139, 3, 9, 381, 13, 2826, 6524, 7, 16, 5961, 6436, 788, 12, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 4889, 7, 13, 28915, 859, 8, 3, 1765, 7, 326, 14662, 5, 438, 8, 5241, 703, 17530, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 57, 112, 520, 7, 16, 668, 1714, 6, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5679, 139, 386, 2450, 14740, 7, 13, 312, 15742, 6, 6084, 1294, 9, 11, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5, 37, 386, 14740, 7, 130, 3725, 3, 28207, 26, 16, 668, 2266, 41, 2796, 15742, 11, 6084, 1294, 9, 16, 668, 2534, 6, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 865, 61, 365, 8, 10228, 13, 312, 15742, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 12627, 23, 9, 58 ]
Given the following passage "After annexing the County of Portugal into one of the several counties that made up the Kingdom of Asturias, King Alfonso III of Asturias knighted Vimara Peres, in 868 AD, as the First Count of Portus Cale (Portugal). The region became known as Portucale, Portugale, and simultaneously Portugália — the County of Portugal. Later the Kingdom of Asturias was divided into a number of Christian Kingdoms in Northern Spain due to dynastic divisions of inheritance among the kings offspring. With the forced abdication of Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias by his sons in 910, the Kingdom of Asturias split into three separate kingdoms of León, Galicia and Asturias. The three kingdoms were eventually reunited in 924 (León and Galicia in 914, Asturias later) under the crown of León.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what region became known as Portugalia?
[ 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 1 ]
Portus Cale
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 23901, 3, 4515, 226, 53, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 139, 80, 13, 8, 633, 16227, 24, 263, 95, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 6, 2671, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 29816, 15, 26, 1813, 1635, 9, 1915, 15, 7, 6, 16, 505, 3651, 8502, 6, 38, 8, 1485, 3, 10628, 13, 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 41, 14714, 12204, 40, 137, 37, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 3625, 18283, 109, 6, 12627, 15, 6, 11, 11609, 3625, 76, 122, 2975, 40, 23, 9, 3, 318, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 5, 10511, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 47, 8807, 139, 3, 9, 381, 13, 2826, 6524, 7, 16, 5961, 6436, 788, 12, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 4889, 7, 13, 28915, 859, 8, 3, 1765, 7, 326, 14662, 5, 438, 8, 5241, 703, 17530, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 57, 112, 520, 7, 16, 668, 1714, 6, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5679, 139, 386, 2450, 14740, 7, 13, 312, 15742, 6, 6084, 1294, 9, 11, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5, 37, 386, 14740, 7, 130, 3725, 3, 28207, 26, 16, 668, 2266, 41, 2796, 15742, 11, 6084, 1294, 9, 16, 668, 2534, 6, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 865, 61, 365, 8, 10228, 13, 312, 15742, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 12627, 15, 58 ]
Given the following passage "After annexing the County of Portugal into one of the several counties that made up the Kingdom of Asturias, King Alfonso III of Asturias knighted Vimara Peres, in 868 AD, as the First Count of Portus Cale (Portugal). The region became known as Portucale, Portugale, and simultaneously Portugália — the County of Portugal. Later the Kingdom of Asturias was divided into a number of Christian Kingdoms in Northern Spain due to dynastic divisions of inheritance among the kings offspring. With the forced abdication of Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias by his sons in 910, the Kingdom of Asturias split into three separate kingdoms of León, Galicia and Asturias. The three kingdoms were eventually reunited in 924 (León and Galicia in 914, Asturias later) under the crown of León.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what region became known as Portugale?
[ 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 1 ]
Portus Cale
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 23901, 3, 4515, 226, 53, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 139, 80, 13, 8, 633, 16227, 24, 263, 95, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 6, 2671, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 29816, 15, 26, 1813, 1635, 9, 1915, 15, 7, 6, 16, 505, 3651, 8502, 6, 38, 8, 1485, 3, 10628, 13, 3625, 302, 3104, 15, 41, 14714, 12204, 40, 137, 37, 1719, 1632, 801, 38, 3625, 18283, 109, 6, 12627, 15, 6, 11, 11609, 3625, 76, 122, 2975, 40, 23, 9, 3, 318, 8, 1334, 13, 12627, 5, 10511, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 47, 8807, 139, 3, 9, 381, 13, 2826, 6524, 7, 16, 5961, 6436, 788, 12, 3, 24805, 7, 1225, 4889, 7, 13, 28915, 859, 8, 3, 1765, 7, 326, 14662, 5, 438, 8, 5241, 703, 17530, 13, 901, 89, 106, 7, 32, 6289, 96, 532, 1651, 121, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 57, 112, 520, 7, 16, 668, 1714, 6, 8, 6524, 13, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5679, 139, 386, 2450, 14740, 7, 13, 312, 15742, 6, 6084, 1294, 9, 11, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 5, 37, 386, 14740, 7, 130, 3725, 3, 28207, 26, 16, 668, 2266, 41, 2796, 15742, 11, 6084, 1294, 9, 16, 668, 2534, 6, 282, 4317, 9, 7, 865, 61, 365, 8, 10228, 13, 312, 15742, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 47, 3, 28207, 26, 365, 8, 10228, 13, 13918, 58 ]
Given the following passage "After annexing the County of Portugal into one of the several counties that made up the Kingdom of Asturias, King Alfonso III of Asturias knighted Vimara Peres, in 868 AD, as the First Count of Portus Cale (Portugal). The region became known as Portucale, Portugale, and simultaneously Portugália — the County of Portugal. Later the Kingdom of Asturias was divided into a number of Christian Kingdoms in Northern Spain due to dynastic divisions of inheritance among the kings offspring. With the forced abdication of Alfonso III "the Great" of Asturias by his sons in 910, the Kingdom of Asturias split into three separate kingdoms of León, Galicia and Asturias. The three kingdoms were eventually reunited in 924 (León and Galicia in 914, Asturias later) under the crown of León.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what was reunited under the crown of Leon?
[ 37, 386, 14740, 7, 1 ]
The three kingdoms
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 20192, 32, 7, 638, 15, 40, 107, 32, 92, 2162, 24, 8, 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 45, 7123, 12, 3, 3539, 6, 2162, 8620, 16, 8, 8645, 7, 6, 17646, 1393, 6, 533, 6, 1073, 11, 2056, 5159, 6, 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 16, 11909, 2855, 6, 68, 2697, 8, 8645, 7, 13, 8, 14743, 6, 23661, 7, 3, 31729, 11, 737, 31, 17, 3033, 8, 6576, 1246, 13, 8, 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 5, 216, 65, 6, 983, 6, 1340, 7892, 120, 8, 13446, 21331, 5, 506, 3101, 43, 2237, 12, 569, 73, 6216, 11, 12, 25704, 7, 344, 633, 4222, 6, 3, 17332, 344, 8, 3141, 11, 8, 11378, 138, 2243, 5, 3, 8656, 928, 2197, 12770, 12, 8, 2251, 24, 380, 8, 789, 43, 92, 3279, 70, 13256, 581, 8, 3101, 24, 43, 118, 1026, 16, 455, 12, 653, 12, 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 6945, 20720, 15, 26, 3, 7886, 15, 3745, 8645, 8620 ]
Given the following passage "Passos Coelho also announced that the retirement age will be increased from 65 to 66, announced cuts in the pensions, unemployment benefits, health, education and science expenses, abolished the English obligatory classes in Basic Education, but kept the pensions of the judges, diplomats untouched and didn't raise the retirement age of the military and police forces. He has, however, cut meaningfully the politicians salaries. These policies have led to social unrest and to confrontations between several institutions, namely between the Government and the Constitutional Court. Several individualities belonging to the parties that support the government have also raised their voices against the policies that have been taken in order to try to solve the financial crisis.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What profession bypassed recieving pension cuts
[ 14743, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 20192, 32, 7, 638, 15, 40, 107, 32, 92, 2162, 24, 8, 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 45, 7123, 12, 3, 3539, 6, 2162, 8620, 16, 8, 8645, 7, 6, 17646, 1393, 6, 533, 6, 1073, 11, 2056, 5159, 6, 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 16, 11909, 2855, 6, 68, 2697, 8, 8645, 7, 13, 8, 14743, 6, 23661, 7, 3, 31729, 11, 737, 31, 17, 3033, 8, 6576, 1246, 13, 8, 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 5, 216, 65, 6, 983, 6, 1340, 7892, 120, 8, 13446, 21331, 5, 506, 3101, 43, 2237, 12, 569, 73, 6216, 11, 12, 25704, 7, 344, 633, 4222, 6, 3, 17332, 344, 8, 3141, 11, 8, 11378, 138, 2243, 5, 3, 8656, 928, 2197, 12770, 12, 8, 2251, 24, 380, 8, 789, 43, 92, 3279, 70, 13256, 581, 8, 3101, 24, 43, 118, 1026, 16, 455, 12, 653, 12, 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 410, 638, 15, 107, 40, 32, 995, 12, 1961, 70, 6576, 1246 ]
Given the following passage "Passos Coelho also announced that the retirement age will be increased from 65 to 66, announced cuts in the pensions, unemployment benefits, health, education and science expenses, abolished the English obligatory classes in Basic Education, but kept the pensions of the judges, diplomats untouched and didn't raise the retirement age of the military and police forces. He has, however, cut meaningfully the politicians salaries. These policies have led to social unrest and to confrontations between several institutions, namely between the Government and the Constitutional Court. Several individualities belonging to the parties that support the government have also raised their voices against the policies that have been taken in order to try to solve the financial crisis.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who did Coehlo allow to maintain their retirement age
[ 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 1 ]
military and police forces
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 20192, 32, 7, 638, 15, 40, 107, 32, 92, 2162, 24, 8, 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 45, 7123, 12, 3, 3539, 6, 2162, 8620, 16, 8, 8645, 7, 6, 17646, 1393, 6, 533, 6, 1073, 11, 2056, 5159, 6, 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 16, 11909, 2855, 6, 68, 2697, 8, 8645, 7, 13, 8, 14743, 6, 23661, 7, 3, 31729, 11, 737, 31, 17, 3033, 8, 6576, 1246, 13, 8, 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 5, 216, 65, 6, 983, 6, 1340, 7892, 120, 8, 13446, 21331, 5, 506, 3101, 43, 2237, 12, 569, 73, 6216, 11, 12, 25704, 7, 344, 633, 4222, 6, 3, 17332, 344, 8, 3141, 11, 8, 11378, 138, 2243, 5, 3, 8656, 928, 2197, 12770, 12, 8, 2251, 24, 380, 8, 789, 43, 92, 3279, 70, 13256, 581, 8, 3101, 24, 43, 118, 1026, 16, 455, 12, 653, 12, 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 10280, 1187, 638, 15, 107, 40, 32, 31, 7, 3055, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Passos Coelho also announced that the retirement age will be increased from 65 to 66, announced cuts in the pensions, unemployment benefits, health, education and science expenses, abolished the English obligatory classes in Basic Education, but kept the pensions of the judges, diplomats untouched and didn't raise the retirement age of the military and police forces. He has, however, cut meaningfully the politicians salaries. These policies have led to social unrest and to confrontations between several institutions, namely between the Government and the Constitutional Court. Several individualities belonging to the parties that support the government have also raised their voices against the policies that have been taken in order to try to solve the financial crisis.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the motive behind Coehlo's decisions?
[ 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 1 ]
solve the financial crisis
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 20192, 32, 7, 638, 15, 40, 107, 32, 92, 2162, 24, 8, 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 45, 7123, 12, 3, 3539, 6, 2162, 8620, 16, 8, 8645, 7, 6, 17646, 1393, 6, 533, 6, 1073, 11, 2056, 5159, 6, 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 16, 11909, 2855, 6, 68, 2697, 8, 8645, 7, 13, 8, 14743, 6, 23661, 7, 3, 31729, 11, 737, 31, 17, 3033, 8, 6576, 1246, 13, 8, 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 5, 216, 65, 6, 983, 6, 1340, 7892, 120, 8, 13446, 21331, 5, 506, 3101, 43, 2237, 12, 569, 73, 6216, 11, 12, 25704, 7, 344, 633, 4222, 6, 3, 17332, 344, 8, 3141, 11, 8, 11378, 138, 2243, 5, 3, 8656, 928, 2197, 12770, 12, 8, 2251, 24, 380, 8, 789, 43, 92, 3279, 70, 13256, 581, 8, 3101, 24, 43, 118, 1026, 16, 455, 12, 653, 12, 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 410, 638, 15, 107, 40, 32, 31, 7, 44, 17, 4624, 17, 7, 44, 11795, 8, 981, 433, 103, 12, 15468, 496, 2287, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Passos Coelho also announced that the retirement age will be increased from 65 to 66, announced cuts in the pensions, unemployment benefits, health, education and science expenses, abolished the English obligatory classes in Basic Education, but kept the pensions of the judges, diplomats untouched and didn't raise the retirement age of the military and police forces. He has, however, cut meaningfully the politicians salaries. These policies have led to social unrest and to confrontations between several institutions, namely between the Government and the Constitutional Court. Several individualities belonging to the parties that support the government have also raised their voices against the policies that have been taken in order to try to solve the financial crisis.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What did Coehlo's attampts at solving the financial process do to elementary school classes?
[ 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 1 ]
abolished the English obligatory classes
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 20192, 32, 7, 638, 15, 40, 107, 32, 92, 2162, 24, 8, 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 45, 7123, 12, 3, 3539, 6, 2162, 8620, 16, 8, 8645, 7, 6, 17646, 1393, 6, 533, 6, 1073, 11, 2056, 5159, 6, 31226, 15, 26, 8, 1566, 11713, 127, 63, 2287, 16, 11909, 2855, 6, 68, 2697, 8, 8645, 7, 13, 8, 14743, 6, 23661, 7, 3, 31729, 11, 737, 31, 17, 3033, 8, 6576, 1246, 13, 8, 2716, 11, 2095, 3859, 5, 216, 65, 6, 983, 6, 1340, 7892, 120, 8, 13446, 21331, 5, 506, 3101, 43, 2237, 12, 569, 73, 6216, 11, 12, 25704, 7, 344, 633, 4222, 6, 3, 17332, 344, 8, 3141, 11, 8, 11378, 138, 2243, 5, 3, 8656, 928, 2197, 12770, 12, 8, 2251, 24, 380, 8, 789, 43, 92, 3279, 70, 13256, 581, 8, 3101, 24, 43, 118, 1026, 16, 455, 12, 653, 12, 4602, 8, 981, 5362, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 130, 167, 2749, 151, 3, 15, 27488, 57, 8, 9048, 44, 4380, 8, 981, 5362, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Passos Coelho also announced that the retirement age will be increased from 65 to 66, announced cuts in the pensions, unemployment benefits, health, education and science expenses, abolished the English obligatory classes in Basic Education, but kept the pensions of the judges, diplomats untouched and didn't raise the retirement age of the military and police forces. He has, however, cut meaningfully the politicians salaries. These policies have led to social unrest and to confrontations between several institutions, namely between the Government and the Constitutional Court. Several individualities belonging to the parties that support the government have also raised their voices against the policies that have been taken in order to try to solve the financial crisis.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How were most older people effected by the attempts at saving the financial crisis?
[ 6576, 1246, 56, 36, 1936, 1 ]
retirement age will be increased
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3708, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 8, 166, 1045, 529, 7549, 17, 6855, 973, 496, 4653, 13, 8, 14579, 2473, 5, 938, 507, 4613, 6, 2386, 636, 141, 8148, 12, 2724, 10521, 6, 84, 130, 629, 26, 16, 796, 3950, 640, 472, 5, 5181, 5, 3721, 2287, 130, 166, 1213, 44, 2386, 636, 16, 507, 4729, 227, 8, 472, 5, 5181, 3721, 1888, 1500, 12, 8484, 28, 8, 636, 6, 3, 12585, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 2715, 9040, 7, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 2753, 13, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 6, 365, 235, 1825, 8, 4145, 13, 3, 60, 17939, 53, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 14272, 6, 3, 3131, 135, 2400, 3, 9, 1345, 3361, 6, 11, 2611, 1322, 21, 3, 9, 126, 4730, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 19, 59, 46, 3472, 13681, 10, 2386, 636, 6, 472, 5, 5181, 3721, 1888, 42, 2715, 9040, 7, 9083, 53, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1867, the university opened the first private nonsectarian law school west of the Mississippi River. By 1882, Washington University had expanded to numerous departments, which were housed in various buildings across St. Louis. Medical classes were first held at Washington University in 1891 after the St. Louis Medical College decided to affiliate with the University, establishing the School of Medicine. During the 1890s, Robert Sommers Brookings, the president of the Board of Trustees, undertook the tasks of reorganizing the university's finances, putting them onto a sound foundation, and buying land for a new campus.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following is not an educational institute: Washington University, St. Louis Medical College or Robert Sommers Brookings?
[ 2715, 9040, 7, 9083, 53, 7, 1 ]
Robert Sommers Brookings
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3708, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 8, 166, 1045, 529, 7549, 17, 6855, 973, 496, 4653, 13, 8, 14579, 2473, 5, 938, 507, 4613, 6, 2386, 636, 141, 8148, 12, 2724, 10521, 6, 84, 130, 629, 26, 16, 796, 3950, 640, 472, 5, 5181, 5, 3721, 2287, 130, 166, 1213, 44, 2386, 636, 16, 507, 4729, 227, 8, 472, 5, 5181, 3721, 1888, 1500, 12, 8484, 28, 8, 636, 6, 3, 12585, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 2715, 9040, 7, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 2753, 13, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 6, 365, 235, 1825, 8, 4145, 13, 3, 60, 17939, 53, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 14272, 6, 3, 3131, 135, 2400, 3, 9, 1345, 3361, 6, 11, 2611, 1322, 21, 3, 9, 126, 4730, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 2946, 2283, 6, 8, 973, 496, 42, 8, 3819, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1867, the university opened the first private nonsectarian law school west of the Mississippi River. By 1882, Washington University had expanded to numerous departments, which were housed in various buildings across St. Louis. Medical classes were first held at Washington University in 1891 after the St. Louis Medical College decided to affiliate with the University, establishing the School of Medicine. During the 1890s, Robert Sommers Brookings, the president of the Board of Trustees, undertook the tasks of reorganizing the university's finances, putting them onto a sound foundation, and buying land for a new campus.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which opened earlier, the law school or the university?
[ 8, 3819, 1 ]
the university
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3708, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 8, 166, 1045, 529, 7549, 17, 6855, 973, 496, 4653, 13, 8, 14579, 2473, 5, 938, 507, 4613, 6, 2386, 636, 141, 8148, 12, 2724, 10521, 6, 84, 130, 629, 26, 16, 796, 3950, 640, 472, 5, 5181, 5, 3721, 2287, 130, 166, 1213, 44, 2386, 636, 16, 507, 4729, 227, 8, 472, 5, 5181, 3721, 1888, 1500, 12, 8484, 28, 8, 636, 6, 3, 12585, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 2715, 9040, 7, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 2753, 13, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 6, 365, 235, 1825, 8, 4145, 13, 3, 60, 17939, 53, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 14272, 6, 3, 3131, 135, 2400, 3, 9, 1345, 3361, 6, 11, 2611, 1322, 21, 3, 9, 126, 4730, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 47, 59, 80, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 31, 4145, 10, 3, 60, 17939, 53, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 14272, 6, 2611, 1322, 21, 3, 9, 126, 4730, 6, 42, 2101, 3, 9, 973, 496, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1867, the university opened the first private nonsectarian law school west of the Mississippi River. By 1882, Washington University had expanded to numerous departments, which were housed in various buildings across St. Louis. Medical classes were first held at Washington University in 1891 after the St. Louis Medical College decided to affiliate with the University, establishing the School of Medicine. During the 1890s, Robert Sommers Brookings, the president of the Board of Trustees, undertook the tasks of reorganizing the university's finances, putting them onto a sound foundation, and buying land for a new campus.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following was not one of Brookings' tasks: reorganizing the university's finances, buying land for a new campus, or opening a law school?
[ 3819, 2946, 8, 166, 1045, 529, 7549, 17, 6855, 973, 496, 1 ]
university opened the first private nonsectarian law school
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 5, 37, 3, 9623, 9511, 1669, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 751, 25141, 120, 28, 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 5, 37, 2752, 3009, 13, 8, 166, 740, 6, 5703, 524, 2501, 6, 47, 7245, 30, 1797, 16047, 19036, 5, 37, 1449, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 2501, 6, 2403, 26, 122, 1306, 6, 11, 3802, 4788, 7, 1553, 10545, 24546, 5, 37, 496, 16124, 3, 20817, 53, 175, 3950, 552, 957, 3076, 12, 6563, 8, 957, 6348, 1150, 31, 7, 4506, 11, 17793, 5, 37, 7230, 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 5, 100, 926, 9068, 13, 3950, 356, 3, 9, 17875, 21, 8, 606, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 117, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 22, 7, 926, 515, 11, 165, 1160, 13, 740, 1397, 43, 6, 28, 360, 5763, 7, 6, 10995, 8, 1449, 11, 5919, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 12, 8, 915, 239, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1615, 47, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 3934, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus. The renowned Philadelphia firm Cope & Stewardson won unanimously with its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The cornerstone of the first building, Busch Hall, was laid on October 20, 1900. The construction of Brookings Hall, Ridgley, and Cupples began shortly thereafter. The school delayed occupying these buildings until 1905 to accommodate the 1904 World's Fair and Olympics. The delay allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned. This original cluster of buildings set a precedent for the development of the Danforth Campus; Cope & Stewardson’s original plan and its choice of building materials have, with few exceptions, guided the construction and expansion of the Danforth Campus to the present day.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Why was Cope & Stewardson chosen?
[ 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 1 ]
its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 5, 37, 3, 9623, 9511, 1669, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 751, 25141, 120, 28, 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 5, 37, 2752, 3009, 13, 8, 166, 740, 6, 5703, 524, 2501, 6, 47, 7245, 30, 1797, 16047, 19036, 5, 37, 1449, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 2501, 6, 2403, 26, 122, 1306, 6, 11, 3802, 4788, 7, 1553, 10545, 24546, 5, 37, 496, 16124, 3, 20817, 53, 175, 3950, 552, 957, 3076, 12, 6563, 8, 957, 6348, 1150, 31, 7, 4506, 11, 17793, 5, 37, 7230, 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 5, 100, 926, 9068, 13, 3950, 356, 3, 9, 17875, 21, 8, 606, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 117, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 22, 7, 926, 515, 11, 165, 1160, 13, 740, 1397, 43, 6, 28, 360, 5763, 7, 6, 10995, 8, 1449, 11, 5919, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 12, 8, 915, 239, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 741, 13, 8, 13792, 1520, 18, 413, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus. The renowned Philadelphia firm Cope & Stewardson won unanimously with its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The cornerstone of the first building, Busch Hall, was laid on October 20, 1900. The construction of Brookings Hall, Ridgley, and Cupples began shortly thereafter. The school delayed occupying these buildings until 1905 to accommodate the 1904 World's Fair and Olympics. The delay allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned. This original cluster of buildings set a precedent for the development of the Danforth Campus; Cope & Stewardson’s original plan and its choice of building materials have, with few exceptions, guided the construction and expansion of the Danforth Campus to the present day.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the result of the occupation hold-up?
[ 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 1 ]
allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 5, 37, 3, 9623, 9511, 1669, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 751, 25141, 120, 28, 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 5, 37, 2752, 3009, 13, 8, 166, 740, 6, 5703, 524, 2501, 6, 47, 7245, 30, 1797, 16047, 19036, 5, 37, 1449, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 2501, 6, 2403, 26, 122, 1306, 6, 11, 3802, 4788, 7, 1553, 10545, 24546, 5, 37, 496, 16124, 3, 20817, 53, 175, 3950, 552, 957, 3076, 12, 6563, 8, 957, 6348, 1150, 31, 7, 4506, 11, 17793, 5, 37, 7230, 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 5, 100, 926, 9068, 13, 3950, 356, 3, 9, 17875, 21, 8, 606, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 117, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 22, 7, 926, 515, 11, 165, 1160, 13, 740, 1397, 43, 6, 28, 360, 5763, 7, 6, 10995, 8, 1449, 11, 5919, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 12, 8, 915, 239, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 410, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 582, 2718, 13, 8, 516, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus. The renowned Philadelphia firm Cope & Stewardson won unanimously with its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The cornerstone of the first building, Busch Hall, was laid on October 20, 1900. The construction of Brookings Hall, Ridgley, and Cupples began shortly thereafter. The school delayed occupying these buildings until 1905 to accommodate the 1904 World's Fair and Olympics. The delay allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned. This original cluster of buildings set a precedent for the development of the Danforth Campus; Cope & Stewardson’s original plan and its choice of building materials have, with few exceptions, guided the construction and expansion of the Danforth Campus to the present day.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How did Cope & Stewardson become aware of the project?
[ 1157, 408, 4233, 1 ]
national design contest
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 5, 37, 3, 9623, 9511, 1669, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 751, 25141, 120, 28, 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 5, 37, 2752, 3009, 13, 8, 166, 740, 6, 5703, 524, 2501, 6, 47, 7245, 30, 1797, 16047, 19036, 5, 37, 1449, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 2501, 6, 2403, 26, 122, 1306, 6, 11, 3802, 4788, 7, 1553, 10545, 24546, 5, 37, 496, 16124, 3, 20817, 53, 175, 3950, 552, 957, 3076, 12, 6563, 8, 957, 6348, 1150, 31, 7, 4506, 11, 17793, 5, 37, 7230, 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 5, 100, 926, 9068, 13, 3950, 356, 3, 9, 17875, 21, 8, 606, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 117, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 22, 7, 926, 515, 11, 165, 1160, 13, 740, 1397, 43, 6, 28, 360, 5763, 7, 6, 10995, 8, 1449, 11, 5919, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 12, 8, 915, 239, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 2817, 16, 8, 957, 189, 2646, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus. The renowned Philadelphia firm Cope & Stewardson won unanimously with its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The cornerstone of the first building, Busch Hall, was laid on October 20, 1900. The construction of Brookings Hall, Ridgley, and Cupples began shortly thereafter. The school delayed occupying these buildings until 1905 to accommodate the 1904 World's Fair and Olympics. The delay allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned. This original cluster of buildings set a precedent for the development of the Danforth Campus; Cope & Stewardson’s original plan and its choice of building materials have, with few exceptions, guided the construction and expansion of the Danforth Campus to the present day.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened in the 19th century?
[ 86, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 1 ]
In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 507, 3264, 6, 8, 3819, 2946, 3, 9, 1157, 408, 4233, 21, 8, 126, 4730, 5, 37, 3, 9623, 9511, 1669, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 751, 25141, 120, 28, 165, 515, 21, 3, 9, 7358, 13, 3043, 8492, 342, 30171, 16429, 6287, 965, 3555, 57, 10274, 11, 10096, 28932, 5, 37, 2752, 3009, 13, 8, 166, 740, 6, 5703, 524, 2501, 6, 47, 7245, 30, 1797, 16047, 19036, 5, 37, 1449, 13, 9083, 53, 7, 2501, 6, 2403, 26, 122, 1306, 6, 11, 3802, 4788, 7, 1553, 10545, 24546, 5, 37, 496, 16124, 3, 20817, 53, 175, 3950, 552, 957, 3076, 12, 6563, 8, 957, 6348, 1150, 31, 7, 4506, 11, 17793, 5, 37, 7230, 2225, 8, 3819, 12, 6774, 3, 324, 3950, 1446, 13, 8, 2391, 5330, 4355, 5, 100, 926, 9068, 13, 3950, 356, 3, 9, 17875, 21, 8, 606, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 117, 10400, 15, 3, 184, 3557, 2239, 739, 22, 7, 926, 515, 11, 165, 1160, 13, 740, 1397, 43, 6, 28, 360, 5763, 7, 6, 10995, 8, 1449, 11, 5919, 13, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 15201, 12, 8, 915, 239, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 130, 8, 3950, 1065, 68, 59, 261, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1899, the university opened a national design contest for the new campus. The renowned Philadelphia firm Cope & Stewardson won unanimously with its plan for a row of Collegiate Gothic quadrangles inspired by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The cornerstone of the first building, Busch Hall, was laid on October 20, 1900. The construction of Brookings Hall, Ridgley, and Cupples began shortly thereafter. The school delayed occupying these buildings until 1905 to accommodate the 1904 World's Fair and Olympics. The delay allowed the university to construct ten buildings instead of the seven originally planned. This original cluster of buildings set a precedent for the development of the Danforth Campus; Cope & Stewardson’s original plan and its choice of building materials have, with few exceptions, guided the construction and expansion of the Danforth Campus to the present day.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When were the buildings ready but not used?
[ 957, 6348, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 433, 13, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 636, 1553, 16, 23992, 28, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 11, 8, 1121, 13, 2730, 3118, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 2076, 11, 1480, 15830, 7, 6, 8, 636, 47, 8, 2387, 13, 2404, 14829, 7, 16, 8, 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 3855, 12, 7706, 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 5, 86, 2141, 24319, 6, 3, 9, 2386, 636, 1236, 563, 6, 8, 6341, 3201, 21, 8, 22100, 13, 1484, 3844, 15, 7, 41, 134, 11425, 201, 1553, 2066, 53, 21, 423, 3, 52, 9, 4703, 5660, 5, 86, 932, 23744, 6, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 2804, 3, 9, 3161, 93, 15, 18301, 1014, 8, 496, 31, 7, 12260, 4889, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 3, 5356, 920, 21, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 3, 8313, 17, 63, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The process of desegregation at Washington University began in 1947 with the School of Medicine and the School of Social Work. During the mid and late 1940s, the University was the target of critical editorials in the local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP intended to strip its tax-exempt status. In spring 1949, a Washington University student group, the Student Committee for the Admission of Negroes (SCAN), began campaigning for full racial integration. In May 1952, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution desegregating the school's undergraduate divisions.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who agitated for desegregation at Washington Universty?
[ 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 1 ]
local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 433, 13, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 636, 1553, 16, 23992, 28, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 11, 8, 1121, 13, 2730, 3118, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 2076, 11, 1480, 15830, 7, 6, 8, 636, 47, 8, 2387, 13, 2404, 14829, 7, 16, 8, 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 3855, 12, 7706, 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 5, 86, 2141, 24319, 6, 3, 9, 2386, 636, 1236, 563, 6, 8, 6341, 3201, 21, 8, 22100, 13, 1484, 3844, 15, 7, 41, 134, 11425, 201, 1553, 2066, 53, 21, 423, 3, 52, 9, 4703, 5660, 5, 86, 932, 23744, 6, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 2804, 3, 9, 3161, 93, 15, 18301, 1014, 8, 496, 31, 7, 12260, 4889, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1426, 410, 2386, 636, 31, 7, 932, 23744, 3161, 1154, 28, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The process of desegregation at Washington University began in 1947 with the School of Medicine and the School of Social Work. During the mid and late 1940s, the University was the target of critical editorials in the local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP intended to strip its tax-exempt status. In spring 1949, a Washington University student group, the Student Committee for the Admission of Negroes (SCAN), began campaigning for full racial integration. In May 1952, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution desegregating the school's undergraduate divisions.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What subject did Washington University's May 1952 resolution deal with?
[ 93, 15, 18301, 257, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 433, 13, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 636, 1553, 16, 23992, 28, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 11, 8, 1121, 13, 2730, 3118, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 2076, 11, 1480, 15830, 7, 6, 8, 636, 47, 8, 2387, 13, 2404, 14829, 7, 16, 8, 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 3855, 12, 7706, 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 5, 86, 2141, 24319, 6, 3, 9, 2386, 636, 1236, 563, 6, 8, 6341, 3201, 21, 8, 22100, 13, 1484, 3844, 15, 7, 41, 134, 11425, 201, 1553, 2066, 53, 21, 423, 3, 52, 9, 4703, 5660, 5, 86, 932, 23744, 6, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 2804, 3, 9, 3161, 93, 15, 18301, 1014, 8, 496, 31, 7, 12260, 4889, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 2663, 13, 2386, 636, 410, 8, 1666, 1637, 31, 2066, 20143, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The process of desegregation at Washington University began in 1947 with the School of Medicine and the School of Social Work. During the mid and late 1940s, the University was the target of critical editorials in the local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP intended to strip its tax-exempt status. In spring 1949, a Washington University student group, the Student Committee for the Admission of Negroes (SCAN), began campaigning for full racial integration. In May 1952, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution desegregating the school's undergraduate divisions.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What aspect of Washington University did the pressure groups' campaign threaten?
[ 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 1 ]
its tax-exempt status
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 433, 13, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 636, 1553, 16, 23992, 28, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 11, 8, 1121, 13, 2730, 3118, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 2076, 11, 1480, 15830, 7, 6, 8, 636, 47, 8, 2387, 13, 2404, 14829, 7, 16, 8, 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 3855, 12, 7706, 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 5, 86, 2141, 24319, 6, 3, 9, 2386, 636, 1236, 563, 6, 8, 6341, 3201, 21, 8, 22100, 13, 1484, 3844, 15, 7, 41, 134, 11425, 201, 1553, 2066, 53, 21, 423, 3, 52, 9, 4703, 5660, 5, 86, 932, 23744, 6, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 2804, 3, 9, 3161, 93, 15, 18301, 1014, 8, 496, 31, 7, 12260, 4889, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 5737, 5997, 13, 180, 11425, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The process of desegregation at Washington University began in 1947 with the School of Medicine and the School of Social Work. During the mid and late 1940s, the University was the target of critical editorials in the local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP intended to strip its tax-exempt status. In spring 1949, a Washington University student group, the Student Committee for the Admission of Negroes (SCAN), began campaigning for full racial integration. In May 1952, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution desegregating the school's undergraduate divisions.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the ultimate objective of SCAN?
[ 93, 15, 18301, 257, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 433, 13, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 44, 2386, 636, 1553, 16, 23992, 28, 8, 1121, 13, 6852, 11, 8, 1121, 13, 2730, 3118, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 2076, 11, 1480, 15830, 7, 6, 8, 636, 47, 8, 2387, 13, 2404, 14829, 7, 16, 8, 415, 3850, 797, 2785, 6, 2068, 18, 9933, 8203, 57, 9894, 11, 8, 415, 10127, 3815, 6, 11, 1281, 4456, 7, 57, 8, 10144, 188, 4184, 3855, 12, 7706, 165, 1104, 18, 994, 9045, 2637, 5, 86, 2141, 24319, 6, 3, 9, 2386, 636, 1236, 563, 6, 8, 6341, 3201, 21, 8, 22100, 13, 1484, 3844, 15, 7, 41, 134, 11425, 201, 1553, 2066, 53, 21, 423, 3, 52, 9, 4703, 5660, 5, 86, 932, 23744, 6, 8, 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 2804, 3, 9, 3161, 93, 15, 18301, 1014, 8, 496, 31, 7, 12260, 4889, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 10409, 141, 8, 5015, 12, 483, 8, 93, 15, 18301, 257, 3101, 13, 2386, 636, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The process of desegregation at Washington University began in 1947 with the School of Medicine and the School of Social Work. During the mid and late 1940s, the University was the target of critical editorials in the local African American press, letter-writing campaigns by churches and the local Urban League, and legal briefs by the NAACP intended to strip its tax-exempt status. In spring 1949, a Washington University student group, the Student Committee for the Admission of Negroes (SCAN), began campaigning for full racial integration. In May 1952, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution desegregating the school's undergraduate divisions.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which entity had the authority to change the desegregation policies of Washington University?
[ 2086, 13, 3, 29972, 1 ]
Board of Trustees
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 65, 118, 2639, 57, 8, 3527, 30, 26230, 9794, 6203, 12, 2290, 72, 13074, 11, 6444, 18, 102, 15704, 23, 138, 5054, 7, 145, 136, 119, 6568, 16, 892, 5, 907, 1323, 13074, 4356, 5054, 7, 130, 1213, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 16, 9047, 6, 2766, 6, 16931, 11, 4619, 71, 13074, 5054, 47, 4355, 12, 4093, 16, 6911, 6, 68, 3, 15942, 12, 16131, 10308, 344, 8, 4341, 6, 8, 5054, 47, 3, 27692, 5, 37, 3819, 6523, 8, 163, 2628, 6444, 13074, 5054, 6, 344, 8994, 8077, 4826, 77, 11, 3, 19679, 4967, 2106, 537, 6, 30, 1797, 3547, 2628, 6, 92, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 6, 16, 8, 1108, 6, 2817, 383, 8, 505, 189, 215, 13, 8, 1401, 7, 17, 2646, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University has been selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates to host more presidential and vice-presidential debates than any other institution in history. United States presidential election debates were held at the Washington University Athletic Complex in 1992, 2000, 2004, and 2016. A presidential debate was planned to occur in 1996, but owing to scheduling difficulties between the candidates, the debate was canceled. The university hosted the only 2008 vice presidential debate, between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden, on October 2, 2008, also at the Washington University Athletic Complex.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What, in the article, happened during the 8th year of the 21st century?
[ 37, 3819, 6523, 8, 163, 2628, 6444, 13074, 5054, 6, 344, 8994, 8077, 4826, 77, 11, 3, 19679, 4967, 2106, 537, 1 ]
The university hosted the only 2008 vice presidential debate, between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 65, 118, 2639, 57, 8, 3527, 30, 26230, 9794, 6203, 12, 2290, 72, 13074, 11, 6444, 18, 102, 15704, 23, 138, 5054, 7, 145, 136, 119, 6568, 16, 892, 5, 907, 1323, 13074, 4356, 5054, 7, 130, 1213, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 16, 9047, 6, 2766, 6, 16931, 11, 4619, 71, 13074, 5054, 47, 4355, 12, 4093, 16, 6911, 6, 68, 3, 15942, 12, 16131, 10308, 344, 8, 4341, 6, 8, 5054, 47, 3, 27692, 5, 37, 3819, 6523, 8, 163, 2628, 6444, 13074, 5054, 6, 344, 8994, 8077, 4826, 77, 11, 3, 19679, 4967, 2106, 537, 6, 30, 1797, 3547, 2628, 6, 92, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 47, 8, 163, 215, 24, 3, 9, 13074, 5054, 47, 1213, 44, 8, 2799, 636, 16, 8, 460, 189, 2646, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University has been selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates to host more presidential and vice-presidential debates than any other institution in history. United States presidential election debates were held at the Washington University Athletic Complex in 1992, 2000, 2004, and 2016. A presidential debate was planned to occur in 1996, but owing to scheduling difficulties between the candidates, the debate was canceled. The university hosted the only 2008 vice presidential debate, between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden, on October 2, 2008, also at the Washington University Athletic Complex.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which was the only year that a presidential debate was held at the mentioned University in the 20th century?
[ 9047, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 65, 118, 2639, 57, 8, 3527, 30, 26230, 9794, 6203, 12, 2290, 72, 13074, 11, 6444, 18, 102, 15704, 23, 138, 5054, 7, 145, 136, 119, 6568, 16, 892, 5, 907, 1323, 13074, 4356, 5054, 7, 130, 1213, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 16, 9047, 6, 2766, 6, 16931, 11, 4619, 71, 13074, 5054, 47, 4355, 12, 4093, 16, 6911, 6, 68, 3, 15942, 12, 16131, 10308, 344, 8, 4341, 6, 8, 5054, 47, 3, 27692, 5, 37, 3819, 6523, 8, 163, 2628, 6444, 13074, 5054, 6, 344, 8994, 8077, 4826, 77, 11, 3, 19679, 4967, 2106, 537, 6, 30, 1797, 3547, 2628, 6, 92, 44, 8, 2386, 636, 18373, 16926, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 47, 8, 166, 215, 24, 3, 9, 13074, 5054, 47, 1213, 44, 8, 2799, 3819, 383, 8, 1401, 2646, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University has been selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates to host more presidential and vice-presidential debates than any other institution in history. United States presidential election debates were held at the Washington University Athletic Complex in 1992, 2000, 2004, and 2016. A presidential debate was planned to occur in 1996, but owing to scheduling difficulties between the candidates, the debate was canceled. The university hosted the only 2008 vice presidential debate, between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden, on October 2, 2008, also at the Washington University Athletic Complex.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which was the first year that a presidential debate was held at the mentioned university during the 21 century?
[ 2766, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 1869, 165, 166, 985, 2646, 16, 7092, 472, 5, 5181, 3, 115, 14471, 57, 2386, 8945, 5, 6, 18831, 3399, 6, 11, 1815, 1071, 7, 17, 1887, 5, 938, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 3, 15942, 12, 8, 8417, 5919, 13, 8, 9950, 1121, 11, 3, 9, 126, 3, 15719, 17899, 16, 2715, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 636, 1553, 12, 888, 4653, 5, 37, 636, 2086, 13, 14102, 1553, 3, 9, 433, 12, 253, 3255, 1591, 11, 10626, 8, 3283, 4648, 1669, 5424, 51, 6265, 6, 5424, 51, 6265, 3, 184, 7495, 32, 17, 13, 5053, 5, 71, 4492, 13, 2715, 180, 5, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 7780, 1602, 15, 7495, 32, 17, 6, 11, 4599, 13674, 15, 435, 3, 9, 353, 13, 3, 17864, 9704, 8457, 18596, 4244, 61, 131, 1909, 6944, 1061, 6, 1069, 4653, 13, 8, 690, 6790, 16, 472, 5, 5181, 1334, 5, 37, 16417, 13, 8, 1322, 47, 816, 12, 3, 17083, 8, 71, 2771, 15621, 11, 3555, 8, 24649, 13, 96, 566, 1092, 2916, 121, 4730, 6, 3, 60, 4350, 26, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 4730, 16, 3581, 12, 3610, 1798, 1253, 40, 322, 4599, 454, 5, 2744, 1161, 189, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 19, 59, 3, 9, 2815, 564, 10, 18831, 3399, 6, 2715, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 42, 1815, 1071, 7, 17, 1887, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University spent its first half century in downtown St. Louis bounded by Washington Ave., Lucas Place, and Locust Street. By the 1890s, owing to the dramatic expansion of the Manual School and a new benefactor in Robert Brookings, the University began to move west. The University Board of Directors began a process to find suitable ground and hired the landscape architecture firm Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot of Boston. A committee of Robert S. Brookings, Henry Ware Eliot, and William Huse found a site of 103 acres (41.7 ha) just beyond Forest Park, located west of the city limits in St. Louis County. The elevation of the land was thought to resemble the Acropolis and inspired the nickname of "Hilltop" campus, renamed the Danforth campus in 2006 to honor former chancellor William H. Danforth.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following is not a street name: Lucas Place, Robert Brookings, or Locust Street?
[ 2715, 9083, 53, 7, 1 ]
Robert Brookings
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 1869, 165, 166, 985, 2646, 16, 7092, 472, 5, 5181, 3, 115, 14471, 57, 2386, 8945, 5, 6, 18831, 3399, 6, 11, 1815, 1071, 7, 17, 1887, 5, 938, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 3, 15942, 12, 8, 8417, 5919, 13, 8, 9950, 1121, 11, 3, 9, 126, 3, 15719, 17899, 16, 2715, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 636, 1553, 12, 888, 4653, 5, 37, 636, 2086, 13, 14102, 1553, 3, 9, 433, 12, 253, 3255, 1591, 11, 10626, 8, 3283, 4648, 1669, 5424, 51, 6265, 6, 5424, 51, 6265, 3, 184, 7495, 32, 17, 13, 5053, 5, 71, 4492, 13, 2715, 180, 5, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 7780, 1602, 15, 7495, 32, 17, 6, 11, 4599, 13674, 15, 435, 3, 9, 353, 13, 3, 17864, 9704, 8457, 18596, 4244, 61, 131, 1909, 6944, 1061, 6, 1069, 4653, 13, 8, 690, 6790, 16, 472, 5, 5181, 1334, 5, 37, 16417, 13, 8, 1322, 47, 816, 12, 3, 17083, 8, 71, 2771, 15621, 11, 3555, 8, 24649, 13, 96, 566, 1092, 2916, 121, 4730, 6, 3, 60, 4350, 26, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 4730, 16, 3581, 12, 3610, 1798, 1253, 40, 322, 4599, 454, 5, 2744, 1161, 189, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 47, 470, 8, 564, 13, 3, 9, 4730, 10, 3588, 2916, 6, 2744, 1161, 189, 42, 5424, 51, 6265, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University spent its first half century in downtown St. Louis bounded by Washington Ave., Lucas Place, and Locust Street. By the 1890s, owing to the dramatic expansion of the Manual School and a new benefactor in Robert Brookings, the University began to move west. The University Board of Directors began a process to find suitable ground and hired the landscape architecture firm Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot of Boston. A committee of Robert S. Brookings, Henry Ware Eliot, and William Huse found a site of 103 acres (41.7 ha) just beyond Forest Park, located west of the city limits in St. Louis County. The elevation of the land was thought to resemble the Acropolis and inspired the nickname of "Hilltop" campus, renamed the Danforth campus in 2006 to honor former chancellor William H. Danforth.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following was never the name of a campus: Hilltop, Danforth or Olmsted?
[ 5424, 51, 6265, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 518, 3198, 6029, 636, 1869, 165, 166, 985, 2646, 16, 7092, 472, 5, 5181, 3, 115, 14471, 57, 2386, 8945, 5, 6, 18831, 3399, 6, 11, 1815, 1071, 7, 17, 1887, 5, 938, 8, 507, 2394, 7, 6, 3, 15942, 12, 8, 8417, 5919, 13, 8, 9950, 1121, 11, 3, 9, 126, 3, 15719, 17899, 16, 2715, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 8, 636, 1553, 12, 888, 4653, 5, 37, 636, 2086, 13, 14102, 1553, 3, 9, 433, 12, 253, 3255, 1591, 11, 10626, 8, 3283, 4648, 1669, 5424, 51, 6265, 6, 5424, 51, 6265, 3, 184, 7495, 32, 17, 13, 5053, 5, 71, 4492, 13, 2715, 180, 5, 9083, 53, 7, 6, 7780, 1602, 15, 7495, 32, 17, 6, 11, 4599, 13674, 15, 435, 3, 9, 353, 13, 3, 17864, 9704, 8457, 18596, 4244, 61, 131, 1909, 6944, 1061, 6, 1069, 4653, 13, 8, 690, 6790, 16, 472, 5, 5181, 1334, 5, 37, 16417, 13, 8, 1322, 47, 816, 12, 3, 17083, 8, 71, 2771, 15621, 11, 3555, 8, 24649, 13, 96, 566, 1092, 2916, 121, 4730, 6, 3, 60, 4350, 26, 8, 2744, 1161, 189, 4730, 16, 3581, 12, 3610, 1798, 1253, 40, 322, 4599, 454, 5, 2744, 1161, 189, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 47, 4486, 3, 9, 1798, 1253, 40, 322, 10, 4599, 454, 5, 2744, 1161, 189, 42, 2715, 180, 5, 9083, 53, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Washington University spent its first half century in downtown St. Louis bounded by Washington Ave., Lucas Place, and Locust Street. By the 1890s, owing to the dramatic expansion of the Manual School and a new benefactor in Robert Brookings, the University began to move west. The University Board of Directors began a process to find suitable ground and hired the landscape architecture firm Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot of Boston. A committee of Robert S. Brookings, Henry Ware Eliot, and William Huse found a site of 103 acres (41.7 ha) just beyond Forest Park, located west of the city limits in St. Louis County. The elevation of the land was thought to resemble the Acropolis and inspired the nickname of "Hilltop" campus, renamed the Danforth campus in 2006 to honor former chancellor William H. Danforth.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following was NOT a former chancellor: William H. Danforth or Robert S. Brookings?
[ 2715, 180, 5, 9083, 53, 7, 1 ]
Robert S. Brookings
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 13809, 6772, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 1553, 16, 8, 2808, 11, 7345, 294, 13, 1473, 30, 204, 1882, 2038, 640, 3, 9, 2357, 13, 300, 1914, 3632, 3, 20656, 7, 41, 9979, 1337, 201, 379, 2262, 9, 21391, 29, 6, 216, 5358, 6, 12077, 26, 2444, 6, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 6, 389, 3464, 6, 15985, 11, 1027, 88, 354, 23, 1468, 5, 71, 2136, 13, 2107, 799, 2537, 6, 3334, 28, 2684, 18, 7168, 53, 799, 20286, 6771, 2913, 9830, 6, 4759, 799, 12940, 30040, 12, 607, 3, 9, 4126, 3760, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 147, 8, 1719, 5, 37, 2437, 3, 7, 22706, 8672, 5492, 2810, 26, 2069, 11, 7518, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 19573, 6, 902, 16, 11, 300, 15206, 354, 53, 6, 28, 165, 3, 23927, 196, 10441, 11507, 44, 96, 7, 3258, 15, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 874, 2541, 477, 11, 96, 88, 2960, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 4169, 5, 461, 220, 1882, 7218, 1425, 13, 3246, 15967, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 1348, 147, 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 6, 7306, 12, 147, 220, 3747, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 30, 314, 1882, 6386, 13095, 220, 10, 1206, 6366, 6, 220, 1882, 11, 3, 24112, 2028, 6, 314, 1882, 415, 97, 6, 633, 3980, 6415, 45, 15206, 354, 53, 12, 119, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 3119, 130, 3168, 6, 3, 12797, 53, 3, 14903, 13, 10837, 14264, 16, 1027, 23001, 63, 1468, 904, 2601, 2478, 5, 1029, 305, 12, 431, 1882, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 4683, 3, 9, 1131, 5685, 21, 799, 10441, 11, 3168, 323, 66, 23872, 190, 2214, 2061, 5, 4351, 31, 7, 4457, 91, 10061, 364, 1936, 57, 5400, 1093, 117, 879, 20588, 13, 3, 13711, 1436, 17, 159, 6, 30195, 6, 4548, 19944, 13499, 13315, 4019, 1936, 5, 37, 3, 7, 22706, 1028, 7, 23, 102, 920, 586, 1882, 5, 13686, 7, 9100, 26, 8, 13809, 10441, 30, 2136, 13, 2943, 6, 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 16, 1117, 1473, 1719, 5, 1266, 208, 17446, 13551, 3, 26402, 731, 18, 9270, 53, 799, 20286, 13, 6291, 9830, 41, 5463, 120, 5055, 7318, 1587, 1473, 31, 7, 5727, 4939, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 1053, 572, 8, 3, 7, 22706, 2799, 16, 8, 5454, 6229, 300, 21, 78, 307, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A dense wave of smog began in the Central and Eastern part of China on 2 December 2013 across a distance of around 1,200 kilometres (750 mi), including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. The heavy smog heavily polluted central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in and around Nanjing, with its AQI pollution Index at "severely polluted" for five straight days and "heavily polluted" for nine. On 3 December 2013, levels of PM2.5 particulate matter average over 943 micrograms per cubic metre, falling to over 338 micrograms per cubic metre on 4 December 2013. Between 3:00 pm, 3 December and 2:00pm, 4 December local time, several expressways from Nanjing to other Jiangsu cities were closed, stranding dozens of passenger buses in Zhongyangmen bus station. From 5 to 6 December, Nanjing issued a red alert for air pollution and closed down all kindergarten through middle schools. Children's Hospital outpatient services increased by 33 percent; general incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections significantly increased. The smog dissipated 12 December. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO2) towards China's east coast.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the reason why the smog mentioned in the passage stuck around for so long?
[ 2136, 13, 2943, 1 ]
lack of wind
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 13809, 6772, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 1553, 16, 8, 2808, 11, 7345, 294, 13, 1473, 30, 204, 1882, 2038, 640, 3, 9, 2357, 13, 300, 1914, 3632, 3, 20656, 7, 41, 9979, 1337, 201, 379, 2262, 9, 21391, 29, 6, 216, 5358, 6, 12077, 26, 2444, 6, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 6, 389, 3464, 6, 15985, 11, 1027, 88, 354, 23, 1468, 5, 71, 2136, 13, 2107, 799, 2537, 6, 3334, 28, 2684, 18, 7168, 53, 799, 20286, 6771, 2913, 9830, 6, 4759, 799, 12940, 30040, 12, 607, 3, 9, 4126, 3760, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 147, 8, 1719, 5, 37, 2437, 3, 7, 22706, 8672, 5492, 2810, 26, 2069, 11, 7518, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 19573, 6, 902, 16, 11, 300, 15206, 354, 53, 6, 28, 165, 3, 23927, 196, 10441, 11507, 44, 96, 7, 3258, 15, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 874, 2541, 477, 11, 96, 88, 2960, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 4169, 5, 461, 220, 1882, 7218, 1425, 13, 3246, 15967, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 1348, 147, 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 6, 7306, 12, 147, 220, 3747, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 30, 314, 1882, 6386, 13095, 220, 10, 1206, 6366, 6, 220, 1882, 11, 3, 24112, 2028, 6, 314, 1882, 415, 97, 6, 633, 3980, 6415, 45, 15206, 354, 53, 12, 119, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 3119, 130, 3168, 6, 3, 12797, 53, 3, 14903, 13, 10837, 14264, 16, 1027, 23001, 63, 1468, 904, 2601, 2478, 5, 1029, 305, 12, 431, 1882, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 4683, 3, 9, 1131, 5685, 21, 799, 10441, 11, 3168, 323, 66, 23872, 190, 2214, 2061, 5, 4351, 31, 7, 4457, 91, 10061, 364, 1936, 57, 5400, 1093, 117, 879, 20588, 13, 3, 13711, 1436, 17, 159, 6, 30195, 6, 4548, 19944, 13499, 13315, 4019, 1936, 5, 37, 3, 7, 22706, 1028, 7, 23, 102, 920, 586, 1882, 5, 13686, 7, 9100, 26, 8, 13809, 10441, 30, 2136, 13, 2943, 6, 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 16, 1117, 1473, 1719, 5, 1266, 208, 17446, 13551, 3, 26402, 731, 18, 9270, 53, 799, 20286, 13, 6291, 9830, 41, 5463, 120, 5055, 7318, 1587, 1473, 31, 7, 5727, 4939, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 6719, 30, 8, 7475, 2196, 16, 8, 5454, 6, 34, 54, 36, 16, 1010, 1271, 24, 125, 14798, 47, 167, 7157, 4161, 57, 8, 3, 7, 22706, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A dense wave of smog began in the Central and Eastern part of China on 2 December 2013 across a distance of around 1,200 kilometres (750 mi), including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. The heavy smog heavily polluted central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in and around Nanjing, with its AQI pollution Index at "severely polluted" for five straight days and "heavily polluted" for nine. On 3 December 2013, levels of PM2.5 particulate matter average over 943 micrograms per cubic metre, falling to over 338 micrograms per cubic metre on 4 December 2013. Between 3:00 pm, 3 December and 2:00pm, 4 December local time, several expressways from Nanjing to other Jiangsu cities were closed, stranding dozens of passenger buses in Zhongyangmen bus station. From 5 to 6 December, Nanjing issued a red alert for air pollution and closed down all kindergarten through middle schools. Children's Hospital outpatient services increased by 33 percent; general incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections significantly increased. The smog dissipated 12 December. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO2) towards China's east coast.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Based on the statistics reported in the passage, it can be inferred that what demographic was most strongly affected by the smog?
[ 4351, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 13809, 6772, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 1553, 16, 8, 2808, 11, 7345, 294, 13, 1473, 30, 204, 1882, 2038, 640, 3, 9, 2357, 13, 300, 1914, 3632, 3, 20656, 7, 41, 9979, 1337, 201, 379, 2262, 9, 21391, 29, 6, 216, 5358, 6, 12077, 26, 2444, 6, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 6, 389, 3464, 6, 15985, 11, 1027, 88, 354, 23, 1468, 5, 71, 2136, 13, 2107, 799, 2537, 6, 3334, 28, 2684, 18, 7168, 53, 799, 20286, 6771, 2913, 9830, 6, 4759, 799, 12940, 30040, 12, 607, 3, 9, 4126, 3760, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 147, 8, 1719, 5, 37, 2437, 3, 7, 22706, 8672, 5492, 2810, 26, 2069, 11, 7518, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 19573, 6, 902, 16, 11, 300, 15206, 354, 53, 6, 28, 165, 3, 23927, 196, 10441, 11507, 44, 96, 7, 3258, 15, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 874, 2541, 477, 11, 96, 88, 2960, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 4169, 5, 461, 220, 1882, 7218, 1425, 13, 3246, 15967, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 1348, 147, 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 6, 7306, 12, 147, 220, 3747, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 30, 314, 1882, 6386, 13095, 220, 10, 1206, 6366, 6, 220, 1882, 11, 3, 24112, 2028, 6, 314, 1882, 415, 97, 6, 633, 3980, 6415, 45, 15206, 354, 53, 12, 119, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 3119, 130, 3168, 6, 3, 12797, 53, 3, 14903, 13, 10837, 14264, 16, 1027, 23001, 63, 1468, 904, 2601, 2478, 5, 1029, 305, 12, 431, 1882, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 4683, 3, 9, 1131, 5685, 21, 799, 10441, 11, 3168, 323, 66, 23872, 190, 2214, 2061, 5, 4351, 31, 7, 4457, 91, 10061, 364, 1936, 57, 5400, 1093, 117, 879, 20588, 13, 3, 13711, 1436, 17, 159, 6, 30195, 6, 4548, 19944, 13499, 13315, 4019, 1936, 5, 37, 3, 7, 22706, 1028, 7, 23, 102, 920, 586, 1882, 5, 13686, 7, 9100, 26, 8, 13809, 10441, 30, 2136, 13, 2943, 6, 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 16, 1117, 1473, 1719, 5, 1266, 208, 17446, 13551, 3, 26402, 731, 18, 9270, 53, 799, 20286, 13, 6291, 9830, 41, 5463, 120, 5055, 7318, 1587, 1473, 31, 7, 5727, 4939, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 11048, 13, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 16, 8, 799, 3, 9, 239, 227, 3, 7, 22706, 141, 5136, 2808, 11, 7345, 1467, 13, 1473, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A dense wave of smog began in the Central and Eastern part of China on 2 December 2013 across a distance of around 1,200 kilometres (750 mi), including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. The heavy smog heavily polluted central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in and around Nanjing, with its AQI pollution Index at "severely polluted" for five straight days and "heavily polluted" for nine. On 3 December 2013, levels of PM2.5 particulate matter average over 943 micrograms per cubic metre, falling to over 338 micrograms per cubic metre on 4 December 2013. Between 3:00 pm, 3 December and 2:00pm, 4 December local time, several expressways from Nanjing to other Jiangsu cities were closed, stranding dozens of passenger buses in Zhongyangmen bus station. From 5 to 6 December, Nanjing issued a red alert for air pollution and closed down all kindergarten through middle schools. Children's Hospital outpatient services increased by 33 percent; general incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections significantly increased. The smog dissipated 12 December. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO2) towards China's east coast.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the density of particulate matter in the air a day after smog had entered Central and Eastern parts of China?
[ 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 1 ]
943 micrograms per cubic metre
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 13809, 6772, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 1553, 16, 8, 2808, 11, 7345, 294, 13, 1473, 30, 204, 1882, 2038, 640, 3, 9, 2357, 13, 300, 1914, 3632, 3, 20656, 7, 41, 9979, 1337, 201, 379, 2262, 9, 21391, 29, 6, 216, 5358, 6, 12077, 26, 2444, 6, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 6, 389, 3464, 6, 15985, 11, 1027, 88, 354, 23, 1468, 5, 71, 2136, 13, 2107, 799, 2537, 6, 3334, 28, 2684, 18, 7168, 53, 799, 20286, 6771, 2913, 9830, 6, 4759, 799, 12940, 30040, 12, 607, 3, 9, 4126, 3760, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 147, 8, 1719, 5, 37, 2437, 3, 7, 22706, 8672, 5492, 2810, 26, 2069, 11, 7518, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 19573, 6, 902, 16, 11, 300, 15206, 354, 53, 6, 28, 165, 3, 23927, 196, 10441, 11507, 44, 96, 7, 3258, 15, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 874, 2541, 477, 11, 96, 88, 2960, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 4169, 5, 461, 220, 1882, 7218, 1425, 13, 3246, 15967, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 1348, 147, 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 6, 7306, 12, 147, 220, 3747, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 30, 314, 1882, 6386, 13095, 220, 10, 1206, 6366, 6, 220, 1882, 11, 3, 24112, 2028, 6, 314, 1882, 415, 97, 6, 633, 3980, 6415, 45, 15206, 354, 53, 12, 119, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 3119, 130, 3168, 6, 3, 12797, 53, 3, 14903, 13, 10837, 14264, 16, 1027, 23001, 63, 1468, 904, 2601, 2478, 5, 1029, 305, 12, 431, 1882, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 4683, 3, 9, 1131, 5685, 21, 799, 10441, 11, 3168, 323, 66, 23872, 190, 2214, 2061, 5, 4351, 31, 7, 4457, 91, 10061, 364, 1936, 57, 5400, 1093, 117, 879, 20588, 13, 3, 13711, 1436, 17, 159, 6, 30195, 6, 4548, 19944, 13499, 13315, 4019, 1936, 5, 37, 3, 7, 22706, 1028, 7, 23, 102, 920, 586, 1882, 5, 13686, 7, 9100, 26, 8, 13809, 10441, 30, 2136, 13, 2943, 6, 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 16, 1117, 1473, 1719, 5, 1266, 208, 17446, 13551, 3, 26402, 731, 18, 9270, 53, 799, 20286, 13, 6291, 9830, 41, 5463, 120, 5055, 7318, 1587, 1473, 31, 7, 5727, 4939, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 23951, 7, 21, 799, 10441, 4683, 57, 8, 3119, 4161, 57, 8, 3, 7, 22706, 130, 952, 3641, 57, 116, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A dense wave of smog began in the Central and Eastern part of China on 2 December 2013 across a distance of around 1,200 kilometres (750 mi), including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. The heavy smog heavily polluted central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in and around Nanjing, with its AQI pollution Index at "severely polluted" for five straight days and "heavily polluted" for nine. On 3 December 2013, levels of PM2.5 particulate matter average over 943 micrograms per cubic metre, falling to over 338 micrograms per cubic metre on 4 December 2013. Between 3:00 pm, 3 December and 2:00pm, 4 December local time, several expressways from Nanjing to other Jiangsu cities were closed, stranding dozens of passenger buses in Zhongyangmen bus station. From 5 to 6 December, Nanjing issued a red alert for air pollution and closed down all kindergarten through middle schools. Children's Hospital outpatient services increased by 33 percent; general incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections significantly increased. The smog dissipated 12 December. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO2) towards China's east coast.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Alerts for air pollution issued by the cities affected by the smog were likely removed by when?
[ 586, 1882, 1 ]
12 December
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 13809, 6772, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 1553, 16, 8, 2808, 11, 7345, 294, 13, 1473, 30, 204, 1882, 2038, 640, 3, 9, 2357, 13, 300, 1914, 3632, 3, 20656, 7, 41, 9979, 1337, 201, 379, 2262, 9, 21391, 29, 6, 216, 5358, 6, 12077, 26, 2444, 6, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 6, 389, 3464, 6, 15985, 11, 1027, 88, 354, 23, 1468, 5, 71, 2136, 13, 2107, 799, 2537, 6, 3334, 28, 2684, 18, 7168, 53, 799, 20286, 6771, 2913, 9830, 6, 4759, 799, 12940, 30040, 12, 607, 3, 9, 4126, 3760, 13, 3, 7, 22706, 147, 8, 1719, 5, 37, 2437, 3, 7, 22706, 8672, 5492, 2810, 26, 2069, 11, 7518, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 19573, 6, 902, 16, 11, 300, 15206, 354, 53, 6, 28, 165, 3, 23927, 196, 10441, 11507, 44, 96, 7, 3258, 15, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 874, 2541, 477, 11, 96, 88, 2960, 120, 5492, 2810, 26, 121, 21, 4169, 5, 461, 220, 1882, 7218, 1425, 13, 3246, 15967, 294, 7034, 342, 1052, 1348, 147, 668, 4906, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 6, 7306, 12, 147, 220, 3747, 2179, 5096, 7, 399, 19536, 3, 22404, 30, 314, 1882, 6386, 13095, 220, 10, 1206, 6366, 6, 220, 1882, 11, 3, 24112, 2028, 6, 314, 1882, 415, 97, 6, 633, 3980, 6415, 45, 15206, 354, 53, 12, 119, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 3119, 130, 3168, 6, 3, 12797, 53, 3, 14903, 13, 10837, 14264, 16, 1027, 23001, 63, 1468, 904, 2601, 2478, 5, 1029, 305, 12, 431, 1882, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 4683, 3, 9, 1131, 5685, 21, 799, 10441, 11, 3168, 323, 66, 23872, 190, 2214, 2061, 5, 4351, 31, 7, 4457, 91, 10061, 364, 1936, 57, 5400, 1093, 117, 879, 20588, 13, 3, 13711, 1436, 17, 159, 6, 30195, 6, 4548, 19944, 13499, 13315, 4019, 1936, 5, 37, 3, 7, 22706, 1028, 7, 23, 102, 920, 586, 1882, 5, 13686, 7, 9100, 26, 8, 13809, 10441, 30, 2136, 13, 2943, 6, 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 16, 1117, 1473, 1719, 5, 1266, 208, 17446, 13551, 3, 26402, 731, 18, 9270, 53, 799, 20286, 13, 6291, 9830, 41, 5463, 120, 5055, 7318, 1587, 1473, 31, 7, 5727, 4939, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 94, 47, 952, 24, 8, 3, 7, 22706, 47, 2953, 3323, 57, 30040, 2546, 57, 125, 192, 2836, 3, 11675, 16, 8, 5454, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A dense wave of smog began in the Central and Eastern part of China on 2 December 2013 across a distance of around 1,200 kilometres (750 mi), including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. The heavy smog heavily polluted central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in and around Nanjing, with its AQI pollution Index at "severely polluted" for five straight days and "heavily polluted" for nine. On 3 December 2013, levels of PM2.5 particulate matter average over 943 micrograms per cubic metre, falling to over 338 micrograms per cubic metre on 4 December 2013. Between 3:00 pm, 3 December and 2:00pm, 4 December local time, several expressways from Nanjing to other Jiangsu cities were closed, stranding dozens of passenger buses in Zhongyangmen bus station. From 5 to 6 December, Nanjing issued a red alert for air pollution and closed down all kindergarten through middle schools. Children's Hospital outpatient services increased by 33 percent; general incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections significantly increased. The smog dissipated 12 December. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO2) towards China's east coast.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: It was likely that the smog was caused mostly by pollutants produced by what two sources cited in the passage?
[ 8395, 10685, 9830, 365, 731, 799, 1666, 6, 11, 8416, 18, 17124, 3939, 5866, 358, 1 ]
automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 2092, 8, 1059, 13, 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3, 7361, 8, 1784, 13, 8, 5193, 3, 24805, 7, 3010, 21, 72, 145, 192, 11, 3, 9, 985, 11653, 5, 3, 2092, 48, 97, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 47, 8, 1038, 7801, 13, 1932, 3826, 5, 6719, 30, 4332, 2691, 6, 8, 690, 141, 204, 26720, 3366, 15802, 5, 282, 4078, 53, 46, 1348, 15206, 354, 53, 5699, 141, 81, 3, 20519, 151, 44, 24, 97, 6, 8, 690, 141, 72, 145, 3, 14912, 770, 2797, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 834, 834, 3, 19054, 81, 192, 11653, 5 ]
Given the following passage "During the period of North–South division, Nanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia. Based on historical documents, the city had 280,000 registered households. Assuming an average Nanjing household had about 5.1 people at that time, the city had more than 1.4 million residents.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ lasted about two centuries.
[ 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 1 ]
North–South division
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 2092, 8, 1059, 13, 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3, 7361, 8, 1784, 13, 8, 5193, 3, 24805, 7, 3010, 21, 72, 145, 192, 11, 3, 9, 985, 11653, 5, 3, 2092, 48, 97, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 47, 8, 1038, 7801, 13, 1932, 3826, 5, 6719, 30, 4332, 2691, 6, 8, 690, 141, 204, 26720, 3366, 15802, 5, 282, 4078, 53, 46, 1348, 15206, 354, 53, 5699, 141, 81, 3, 20519, 151, 44, 24, 97, 6, 8, 690, 141, 72, 145, 3, 14912, 770, 2797, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 834, 834, 1509, 8, 3060, 13, 16256, 21247, 28788, 11, 878, 32, 159, 51, 5 ]
Given the following passage "During the period of North–South division, Nanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia. Based on historical documents, the city had 280,000 registered households. Assuming an average Nanjing household had about 5.1 people at that time, the city had more than 1.4 million residents.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ saw the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Daoism.
[ 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 1 ]
North–South division
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 2092, 8, 1059, 13, 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3, 7361, 8, 1784, 13, 8, 5193, 3, 24805, 7, 3010, 21, 72, 145, 192, 11, 3, 9, 985, 11653, 5, 3, 2092, 48, 97, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 47, 8, 1038, 7801, 13, 1932, 3826, 5, 6719, 30, 4332, 2691, 6, 8, 690, 141, 204, 26720, 3366, 15802, 5, 282, 4078, 53, 46, 1348, 15206, 354, 53, 5699, 141, 81, 3, 20519, 151, 44, 24, 97, 6, 8, 690, 141, 72, 145, 3, 14912, 770, 2797, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 834, 834, 1509, 8, 11661, 13, 8, 6627, 2830 ]
Given the following passage "During the period of North–South division, Nanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia. Based on historical documents, the city had 280,000 registered households. Assuming an average Nanjing household had about 5.1 people at that time, the city had more than 1.4 million residents.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ saw the migration of the Han Chinese
[ 1117, 104, 22081, 4889, 1 ]
North–South division
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 26599, 53, 12, 8, 7643, 189, 1473, 23086, 6, 8, 792, 2074, 13, 8, 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 3495, 3, 27376, 3076, 770, 16, 8574, 37, 7475, 16, 2722, 5861, 8, 792, 2074, 12, 36, 4848, 2596, 770, 5, 37, 3879, 1080, 47, 4848, 3840, 1093, 11, 8, 1687, 1080, 47, 4357, 4060, 1093, 5, 37, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 5, 37, 3, 7, 994, 5688, 13, 8, 690, 2074, 47, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 149, 186, 5069, 7, 399, 3955, 58 ]
Given the following passage "According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: how many males per female?
[ 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 1 ]
107.31 males to 100 females
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 26599, 53, 12, 8, 7643, 189, 1473, 23086, 6, 8, 792, 2074, 13, 8, 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 3495, 3, 27376, 3076, 770, 16, 8574, 37, 7475, 16, 2722, 5861, 8, 792, 2074, 12, 36, 4848, 2596, 770, 5, 37, 3879, 1080, 47, 4848, 3840, 1093, 11, 8, 1687, 1080, 47, 4357, 4060, 1093, 5, 37, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 5, 37, 3, 7, 994, 5688, 13, 8, 690, 2074, 47, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 213, 47, 8, 3879, 1080, 4848, 3840, 1093, 58 ]
Given the following passage "According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: where was the birth rate 8.86 percent?
[ 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
City of Nanjing
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 26599, 53, 12, 8, 7643, 189, 1473, 23086, 6, 8, 792, 2074, 13, 8, 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 3495, 3, 27376, 3076, 770, 16, 8574, 37, 7475, 16, 2722, 5861, 8, 792, 2074, 12, 36, 4848, 2596, 770, 5, 37, 3879, 1080, 47, 4848, 3840, 1093, 11, 8, 1687, 1080, 47, 4357, 4060, 1093, 5, 37, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 5, 37, 3, 7, 994, 5688, 13, 8, 690, 2074, 47, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 213, 47, 8, 1687, 1080, 4357, 4060, 1093, 58 ]
Given the following passage "According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: where was the death rate 6.88 percent?
[ 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
City of Nanjing
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 26599, 53, 12, 8, 7643, 189, 1473, 23086, 6, 8, 792, 2074, 13, 8, 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 3495, 3, 27376, 3076, 770, 16, 8574, 37, 7475, 16, 2722, 5861, 8, 792, 2074, 12, 36, 4848, 2596, 770, 5, 37, 3879, 1080, 47, 4848, 3840, 1093, 11, 8, 1687, 1080, 47, 4357, 4060, 1093, 5, 37, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 5, 37, 3, 7, 994, 5688, 13, 8, 690, 2074, 47, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 16, 125, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 58 ]
Given the following passage "According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: in what urban area had a population of 6.47 million people?
[ 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
City of Nanjing
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 26599, 53, 12, 8, 7643, 189, 1473, 23086, 6, 8, 792, 2074, 13, 8, 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 3495, 3, 27376, 3076, 770, 16, 8574, 37, 7475, 16, 2722, 5861, 8, 792, 2074, 12, 36, 4848, 2596, 770, 5, 37, 3879, 1080, 47, 4848, 3840, 1093, 11, 8, 1687, 1080, 47, 4357, 4060, 1093, 5, 37, 4150, 616, 141, 3, 9, 2074, 13, 4357, 4177, 770, 151, 5, 37, 3, 7, 994, 5688, 13, 8, 690, 2074, 47, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 213, 47, 8, 5688, 13, 3, 18057, 5, 3341, 5069, 7, 12, 910, 3955, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: where was the ratio of 107.31 males to 100 females?
[ 896, 13, 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
City of Nanjing
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 6, 80, 13, 8, 2982, 31, 7, 167, 359, 3119, 21, 147, 3, 9, 7863, 203, 6, 19, 4771, 38, 80, 13, 8, 5933, 1651, 22239, 5826, 7, 13, 1473, 6, 11, 141, 118, 8, 296, 31, 7, 2015, 690, 12955, 120, 21, 3986, 13, 203, 6, 2994, 3065, 11, 21571, 11, 36, 9, 1271, 615, 7, 11, 6912, 7, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 2098, 38, 8, 1784, 13, 7345, 17792, 6, 80, 13, 8, 386, 779, 2315, 16, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 41, 27278, 18, 17518, 3670, 8, 7345, 20500, 11, 284, 13, 8, 5193, 13967, 7, 3010, 41, 434, 23, 76, 11263, 6, 5193, 1593, 23, 6, 1414, 1468, 11, 15570, 201, 84, 25694, 120, 3, 16718, 7518, 1473, 45, 220, 2517, 4525, 3914, 117, 8, 5193, 18939, 6, 80, 13, 8, 4738, 6524, 7, 14156, 4118, 18, 3959, 3670, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 116, 6, 21, 8, 166, 97, 6, 66, 13, 1473, 47, 3, 16718, 45, 8, 690, 41, 2368, 3651, 11590, 2658, 3670, 11, 8, 5750, 13, 1473, 2863, 2555, 104, 4118, 6, 18315, 104, 3647, 61, 1884, 12, 165, 3777, 12, 14441, 383, 8, 2830, 7707, 1602, 5, 37, 690, 92, 2098, 38, 8, 3143, 13, 8, 16054, 17612, 2462, 15957, 120, 6524, 9323, 5553, 104, 4389, 61, 11, 8, 4318, 26141, 10030, 13, 18102, 446, 53, 1123, 23, 2863, 2445, 104, 2128, 61, 383, 8, 5212, 26387, 18, 683, 9750, 1496, 15, 1602, 6, 11, 8151, 1120, 9, 12013, 44, 7818, 2197, 16, 321, 17824, 6, 379, 8, 15206, 354, 53, 5770, 10610, 5, 94, 65, 118, 3122, 38, 8, 1784, 690, 13, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 7985, 227, 8, 1473, 47, 2127, 6, 11, 19, 341, 8, 19680, 1784, 13, 5750, 13, 1473, 24, 6563, 7, 186, 13, 165, 359, 8681, 1471, 6, 379, 8, 26230, 12530, 11, 3068, 4701, 17, 18, 7, 35, 7758, 10294, 440, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 19, 2581, 21, 936, 4332, 3283, 7, 6, 8022, 11, 13818, 224, 38, 6343, 172, 4133, 9, 32, 6, 283, 53, 12530, 6, 3643, 32, 12572, 12530, 6, 9731, 7125, 9, 77, 10677, 6, 15714, 10677, 6, 5614, 896, 6, 896, 3556, 6, 1593, 77, 107, 76, 9, 23, 2473, 6, 3, 4, 76, 152, 210, 76, 2154, 11, 21834, 5617, 5, 4420, 2779, 2465, 560, 15206, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3312, 11, 1261, 3312, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 86, 879, 6, 125, 19, 8, 1108, 81, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing, one of the nation's most important cities for over a thousand years, is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, and had been the world's largest city aggregately for hundreds of years, enjoyed peace and prosperity and beared wars and disasters. Nanjing served as the capital of Eastern Wu, one of the three major states in the Three Kingdoms period (211-280); the Eastern Jin and each of the Southern Dynasties (Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang and Chen), which successively ruled southern China from 317-589; the Southern Tang, one of the Ten Kingdoms (937-76); the Ming dynasty when, for the first time, all of China was ruled from the city (1368-1421); and the Republic of China (1927–37, 1945–49) prior to its flight to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War. The city also served as the seat of the rebel Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851–64) and the Japanese puppet regime of Wang Jingwei (1940–45) during the Second Sino-Japanese War, and suffered appalling atrocities in both conflicts, including the Nanjing Massacre. It has been serving as the capital city of Jiangsu province after the China was established, and is still the nominal capital of Republic of China that accommodates many of its important heritage sites, including the Presidential Palace and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Nanjing is famous for human historical landscapes, mountains and waters such as Fuzimiao, Ming Palace, Chaotian Palace, Porcelain Tower, Drum Tower, Stone City, City Wall, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Purple Mountain. Key cultural facilities include Nanjing Library, Nanjing Museum and Art Museum.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: In general, what is the article about?
[ 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 6, 80, 13, 8, 2982, 31, 7, 167, 359, 3119, 21, 147, 3, 9, 7863, 203, 6, 19, 4771, 38, 80, 13, 8, 5933, 1651, 22239, 5826, 7, 13, 1473, 6, 11, 141, 118, 8, 296, 31, 7, 2015, 690, 12955, 120, 21, 3986, 13, 203, 6, 2994, 3065, 11, 21571, 11, 36, 9, 1271, 615, 7, 11, 6912, 7, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 2098, 38, 8, 1784, 13, 7345, 17792, 6, 80, 13, 8, 386, 779, 2315, 16, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 41, 27278, 18, 17518, 3670, 8, 7345, 20500, 11, 284, 13, 8, 5193, 13967, 7, 3010, 41, 434, 23, 76, 11263, 6, 5193, 1593, 23, 6, 1414, 1468, 11, 15570, 201, 84, 25694, 120, 3, 16718, 7518, 1473, 45, 220, 2517, 4525, 3914, 117, 8, 5193, 18939, 6, 80, 13, 8, 4738, 6524, 7, 14156, 4118, 18, 3959, 3670, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 116, 6, 21, 8, 166, 97, 6, 66, 13, 1473, 47, 3, 16718, 45, 8, 690, 41, 2368, 3651, 11590, 2658, 3670, 11, 8, 5750, 13, 1473, 2863, 2555, 104, 4118, 6, 18315, 104, 3647, 61, 1884, 12, 165, 3777, 12, 14441, 383, 8, 2830, 7707, 1602, 5, 37, 690, 92, 2098, 38, 8, 3143, 13, 8, 16054, 17612, 2462, 15957, 120, 6524, 9323, 5553, 104, 4389, 61, 11, 8, 4318, 26141, 10030, 13, 18102, 446, 53, 1123, 23, 2863, 2445, 104, 2128, 61, 383, 8, 5212, 26387, 18, 683, 9750, 1496, 15, 1602, 6, 11, 8151, 1120, 9, 12013, 44, 7818, 2197, 16, 321, 17824, 6, 379, 8, 15206, 354, 53, 5770, 10610, 5, 94, 65, 118, 3122, 38, 8, 1784, 690, 13, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 7985, 227, 8, 1473, 47, 2127, 6, 11, 19, 341, 8, 19680, 1784, 13, 5750, 13, 1473, 24, 6563, 7, 186, 13, 165, 359, 8681, 1471, 6, 379, 8, 26230, 12530, 11, 3068, 4701, 17, 18, 7, 35, 7758, 10294, 440, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 19, 2581, 21, 936, 4332, 3283, 7, 6, 8022, 11, 13818, 224, 38, 6343, 172, 4133, 9, 32, 6, 283, 53, 12530, 6, 3643, 32, 12572, 12530, 6, 9731, 7125, 9, 77, 10677, 6, 15714, 10677, 6, 5614, 896, 6, 896, 3556, 6, 1593, 77, 107, 76, 9, 23, 2473, 6, 3, 4, 76, 152, 210, 76, 2154, 11, 21834, 5617, 5, 4420, 2779, 2465, 560, 15206, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3312, 11, 1261, 3312, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 128, 13, 8, 167, 1477, 8548, 10944, 16, 8, 690, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing, one of the nation's most important cities for over a thousand years, is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, and had been the world's largest city aggregately for hundreds of years, enjoyed peace and prosperity and beared wars and disasters. Nanjing served as the capital of Eastern Wu, one of the three major states in the Three Kingdoms period (211-280); the Eastern Jin and each of the Southern Dynasties (Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang and Chen), which successively ruled southern China from 317-589; the Southern Tang, one of the Ten Kingdoms (937-76); the Ming dynasty when, for the first time, all of China was ruled from the city (1368-1421); and the Republic of China (1927–37, 1945–49) prior to its flight to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War. The city also served as the seat of the rebel Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851–64) and the Japanese puppet regime of Wang Jingwei (1940–45) during the Second Sino-Japanese War, and suffered appalling atrocities in both conflicts, including the Nanjing Massacre. It has been serving as the capital city of Jiangsu province after the China was established, and is still the nominal capital of Republic of China that accommodates many of its important heritage sites, including the Presidential Palace and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Nanjing is famous for human historical landscapes, mountains and waters such as Fuzimiao, Ming Palace, Chaotian Palace, Porcelain Tower, Drum Tower, Stone City, City Wall, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Purple Mountain. Key cultural facilities include Nanjing Library, Nanjing Museum and Art Museum.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are some of the most interesting tourist destinations in the city?
[ 6343, 172, 4133, 9, 32, 6, 283, 53, 12530, 6, 3643, 32, 12572, 12530, 6, 9731, 7125, 9, 77, 10677, 6, 15714, 10677, 6, 5614, 896, 6, 896, 3556, 6, 1593, 77, 107, 76, 9, 23, 2473, 6, 3, 4, 76, 152, 210, 76, 2154, 11, 21834, 5617, 1 ]
Fuzimiao, Ming Palace, Chaotian Palace, Porcelain Tower, Drum Tower, Stone City, City Wall, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Purple Mountain
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 6, 80, 13, 8, 2982, 31, 7, 167, 359, 3119, 21, 147, 3, 9, 7863, 203, 6, 19, 4771, 38, 80, 13, 8, 5933, 1651, 22239, 5826, 7, 13, 1473, 6, 11, 141, 118, 8, 296, 31, 7, 2015, 690, 12955, 120, 21, 3986, 13, 203, 6, 2994, 3065, 11, 21571, 11, 36, 9, 1271, 615, 7, 11, 6912, 7, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 2098, 38, 8, 1784, 13, 7345, 17792, 6, 80, 13, 8, 386, 779, 2315, 16, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 41, 27278, 18, 17518, 3670, 8, 7345, 20500, 11, 284, 13, 8, 5193, 13967, 7, 3010, 41, 434, 23, 76, 11263, 6, 5193, 1593, 23, 6, 1414, 1468, 11, 15570, 201, 84, 25694, 120, 3, 16718, 7518, 1473, 45, 220, 2517, 4525, 3914, 117, 8, 5193, 18939, 6, 80, 13, 8, 4738, 6524, 7, 14156, 4118, 18, 3959, 3670, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 116, 6, 21, 8, 166, 97, 6, 66, 13, 1473, 47, 3, 16718, 45, 8, 690, 41, 2368, 3651, 11590, 2658, 3670, 11, 8, 5750, 13, 1473, 2863, 2555, 104, 4118, 6, 18315, 104, 3647, 61, 1884, 12, 165, 3777, 12, 14441, 383, 8, 2830, 7707, 1602, 5, 37, 690, 92, 2098, 38, 8, 3143, 13, 8, 16054, 17612, 2462, 15957, 120, 6524, 9323, 5553, 104, 4389, 61, 11, 8, 4318, 26141, 10030, 13, 18102, 446, 53, 1123, 23, 2863, 2445, 104, 2128, 61, 383, 8, 5212, 26387, 18, 683, 9750, 1496, 15, 1602, 6, 11, 8151, 1120, 9, 12013, 44, 7818, 2197, 16, 321, 17824, 6, 379, 8, 15206, 354, 53, 5770, 10610, 5, 94, 65, 118, 3122, 38, 8, 1784, 690, 13, 7802, 1468, 7, 76, 7985, 227, 8, 1473, 47, 2127, 6, 11, 19, 341, 8, 19680, 1784, 13, 5750, 13, 1473, 24, 6563, 7, 186, 13, 165, 359, 8681, 1471, 6, 379, 8, 26230, 12530, 11, 3068, 4701, 17, 18, 7, 35, 7758, 10294, 440, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 19, 2581, 21, 936, 4332, 3283, 7, 6, 8022, 11, 13818, 224, 38, 6343, 172, 4133, 9, 32, 6, 283, 53, 12530, 6, 3643, 32, 12572, 12530, 6, 9731, 7125, 9, 77, 10677, 6, 15714, 10677, 6, 5614, 896, 6, 896, 3556, 6, 1593, 77, 107, 76, 9, 23, 2473, 6, 3, 4, 76, 152, 210, 76, 2154, 11, 21834, 5617, 5, 4420, 2779, 2465, 560, 15206, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 3312, 11, 1261, 3312, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 47, 8, 17612, 2462, 15957, 120, 6524, 31430, 3, 12809, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing, one of the nation's most important cities for over a thousand years, is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, and had been the world's largest city aggregately for hundreds of years, enjoyed peace and prosperity and beared wars and disasters. Nanjing served as the capital of Eastern Wu, one of the three major states in the Three Kingdoms period (211-280); the Eastern Jin and each of the Southern Dynasties (Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang and Chen), which successively ruled southern China from 317-589; the Southern Tang, one of the Ten Kingdoms (937-76); the Ming dynasty when, for the first time, all of China was ruled from the city (1368-1421); and the Republic of China (1927–37, 1945–49) prior to its flight to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War. The city also served as the seat of the rebel Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851–64) and the Japanese puppet regime of Wang Jingwei (1940–45) during the Second Sino-Japanese War, and suffered appalling atrocities in both conflicts, including the Nanjing Massacre. It has been serving as the capital city of Jiangsu province after the China was established, and is still the nominal capital of Republic of China that accommodates many of its important heritage sites, including the Presidential Palace and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Nanjing is famous for human historical landscapes, mountains and waters such as Fuzimiao, Ming Palace, Chaotian Palace, Porcelain Tower, Drum Tower, Stone City, City Wall, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Purple Mountain. Key cultural facilities include Nanjing Library, Nanjing Museum and Art Museum.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom rebellion centered?
[ 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 5710, 16, 957, 4560, 6, 4790, 72, 145, 335, 770, 13548, 13, 5519, 1397, 11, 19, 8, 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 6, 227, 8, 868, 5355, 16, 14465, 11, 15985, 5355, 5, 2502, 12256, 6, 224, 38, 690, 18, 9160, 20500, 697, 5355, 11, 796, 3939, 12256, 6, 92, 370, 10710, 866, 13, 251, 12, 5169, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 5355, 19, 8, 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 227, 1276, 1765, 636, 5355, 6, 11, 8, 8486, 2015, 12404, 6, 902, 16, 8, 381, 13, 8989, 8274, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 15206, 354, 53, 5355, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 10 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in China, after the National Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library. Other libraries, such as city-owned Jinling Library and various district libraries, also provide considerable amount of information to citizens. Nanjing University Library is the second largest university libraries in China after Peking University Library, and the fifth largest nationwide, especially in the number of precious collections.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the Nanjing Library?
[ 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 1 ]
third largest library in China
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 5710, 16, 957, 4560, 6, 4790, 72, 145, 335, 770, 13548, 13, 5519, 1397, 11, 19, 8, 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 6, 227, 8, 868, 5355, 16, 14465, 11, 15985, 5355, 5, 2502, 12256, 6, 224, 38, 690, 18, 9160, 20500, 697, 5355, 11, 796, 3939, 12256, 6, 92, 370, 10710, 866, 13, 251, 12, 5169, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 5355, 19, 8, 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 227, 1276, 1765, 636, 5355, 6, 11, 8, 8486, 2015, 12404, 6, 902, 16, 8, 381, 13, 8989, 8274, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 3595, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 10 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in China, after the National Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library. Other libraries, such as city-owned Jinling Library and various district libraries, also provide considerable amount of information to citizens. Nanjing University Library is the second largest university libraries in China after Peking University Library, and the fifth largest nationwide, especially in the number of precious collections.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Nanjing University library?
[ 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 1 ]
second largest university libraries in China
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 5710, 16, 957, 4560, 6, 4790, 72, 145, 335, 770, 13548, 13, 5519, 1397, 11, 19, 8, 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 6, 227, 8, 868, 5355, 16, 14465, 11, 15985, 5355, 5, 2502, 12256, 6, 224, 38, 690, 18, 9160, 20500, 697, 5355, 11, 796, 3939, 12256, 6, 92, 370, 10710, 866, 13, 251, 12, 5169, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 5355, 19, 8, 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 227, 1276, 1765, 636, 5355, 6, 11, 8, 8486, 2015, 12404, 6, 902, 16, 8, 381, 13, 8989, 8274, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 3595, 3480, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 10 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in China, after the National Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library. Other libraries, such as city-owned Jinling Library and various district libraries, also provide considerable amount of information to citizens. Nanjing University Library is the second largest university libraries in China after Peking University Library, and the fifth largest nationwide, especially in the number of precious collections.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does Nanjing University library contain?
[ 8989, 8274, 1 ]
precious collections
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 5710, 16, 957, 4560, 6, 4790, 72, 145, 335, 770, 13548, 13, 5519, 1397, 11, 19, 8, 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 6, 227, 8, 868, 5355, 16, 14465, 11, 15985, 5355, 5, 2502, 12256, 6, 224, 38, 690, 18, 9160, 20500, 697, 5355, 11, 796, 3939, 12256, 6, 92, 370, 10710, 866, 13, 251, 12, 5169, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 5355, 19, 8, 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 227, 1276, 1765, 636, 5355, 6, 11, 8, 8486, 2015, 12404, 6, 902, 16, 8, 381, 13, 8989, 8274, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 19, 15206, 354, 53, 5355, 1069, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 10 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in China, after the National Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library. Other libraries, such as city-owned Jinling Library and various district libraries, also provide considerable amount of information to citizens. Nanjing University Library is the second largest university libraries in China after Peking University Library, and the fifth largest nationwide, especially in the number of precious collections.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where is Nanjing Library located?
[ 1473, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 567, 152, 354, 53, 5355, 6, 5710, 16, 957, 4560, 6, 4790, 72, 145, 335, 770, 13548, 13, 5519, 1397, 11, 19, 8, 1025, 2015, 3595, 16, 1473, 6, 227, 8, 868, 5355, 16, 14465, 11, 15985, 5355, 5, 2502, 12256, 6, 224, 38, 690, 18, 9160, 20500, 697, 5355, 11, 796, 3939, 12256, 6, 92, 370, 10710, 866, 13, 251, 12, 5169, 5, 15206, 354, 53, 636, 5355, 19, 8, 511, 2015, 3819, 12256, 16, 1473, 227, 1276, 1765, 636, 5355, 6, 11, 8, 8486, 2015, 12404, 6, 902, 16, 8, 381, 13, 8989, 8274, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 19, 14465, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 10 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in China, after the National Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library. Other libraries, such as city-owned Jinling Library and various district libraries, also provide considerable amount of information to citizens. Nanjing University Library is the second largest university libraries in China after Peking University Library, and the fifth largest nationwide, especially in the number of precious collections.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where is Beijing?
[ 1473, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 65, 118, 46, 2913, 2050, 21, 12667, 7, 11, 13983, 53, 3, 15942, 12, 165, 4519, 20187, 1128, 11, 4979, 5127, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 681, 47, 856, 8148, 6, 11, 8, 690, 1632, 80, 13, 8, 167, 29327, 3119, 16, 1473, 11, 8, 296, 5, 94, 2237, 16, 12667, 7, 6, 13983, 53, 6, 5361, 6, 4383, 10905, 11, 186, 119, 5238, 6, 11, 47, 8, 2601, 23, 222, 268, 1530, 16, 1932, 3826, 5, 24936, 15, 7, 13997, 15, 26, 1989, 16, 1593, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 8, 681, 990, 300, 2382, 7863, 2476, 11, 132, 130, 81, 943, 7863, 22434, 4096, 16, 8, 690, 16, 507, 189, 11, 957, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 263, 16, 8, 336, 204, 11653, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was made in the last 2 centuries?
[ 2382, 7863, 2476, 1 ]
200 thousand jobs
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 65, 118, 46, 2913, 2050, 21, 12667, 7, 11, 13983, 53, 3, 15942, 12, 165, 4519, 20187, 1128, 11, 4979, 5127, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 681, 47, 856, 8148, 6, 11, 8, 690, 1632, 80, 13, 8, 167, 29327, 3119, 16, 1473, 11, 8, 296, 5, 94, 2237, 16, 12667, 7, 6, 13983, 53, 6, 5361, 6, 4383, 10905, 11, 186, 119, 5238, 6, 11, 47, 8, 2601, 23, 222, 268, 1530, 16, 1932, 3826, 5, 24936, 15, 7, 13997, 15, 26, 1989, 16, 1593, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 8, 681, 990, 300, 2382, 7863, 2476, 11, 132, 130, 81, 943, 7863, 22434, 4096, 16, 8, 690, 16, 507, 189, 11, 957, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1448, 8788, 3, 29, 152, 354, 53, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What word describes nanjing?
[ 29327, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 65, 118, 46, 2913, 2050, 21, 12667, 7, 11, 13983, 53, 3, 15942, 12, 165, 4519, 20187, 1128, 11, 4979, 5127, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 681, 47, 856, 8148, 6, 11, 8, 690, 1632, 80, 13, 8, 167, 29327, 3119, 16, 1473, 11, 8, 296, 5, 94, 2237, 16, 12667, 7, 6, 13983, 53, 6, 5361, 6, 4383, 10905, 11, 186, 119, 5238, 6, 11, 47, 8, 2601, 23, 222, 268, 1530, 16, 1932, 3826, 5, 24936, 15, 7, 13997, 15, 26, 1989, 16, 1593, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 8, 681, 990, 300, 2382, 7863, 2476, 11, 132, 130, 81, 943, 7863, 22434, 4096, 16, 8, 690, 16, 507, 189, 11, 957, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 564, 13, 3, 9, 286, 16, 1932, 3826, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the name of a place in East Asia?
[ 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 65, 118, 46, 2913, 2050, 21, 12667, 7, 11, 13983, 53, 3, 15942, 12, 165, 4519, 20187, 1128, 11, 4979, 5127, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 681, 47, 856, 8148, 6, 11, 8, 690, 1632, 80, 13, 8, 167, 29327, 3119, 16, 1473, 11, 8, 296, 5, 94, 2237, 16, 12667, 7, 6, 13983, 53, 6, 5361, 6, 4383, 10905, 11, 186, 119, 5238, 6, 11, 47, 8, 2601, 23, 222, 268, 1530, 16, 1932, 3826, 5, 24936, 15, 7, 13997, 15, 26, 1989, 16, 1593, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 8, 681, 990, 300, 2382, 7863, 2476, 11, 132, 130, 81, 943, 7863, 22434, 4096, 16, 8, 690, 16, 507, 189, 11, 957, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 286, 65, 892, 16, 8, 386, 14740, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What place has history in the three kingdoms?
[ 1473, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 8, 5245, 6524, 7, 1059, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 65, 118, 46, 2913, 2050, 21, 12667, 7, 11, 13983, 53, 3, 15942, 12, 165, 4519, 20187, 1128, 11, 4979, 5127, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 283, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 681, 47, 856, 8148, 6, 11, 8, 690, 1632, 80, 13, 8, 167, 29327, 3119, 16, 1473, 11, 8, 296, 5, 94, 2237, 16, 12667, 7, 6, 13983, 53, 6, 5361, 6, 4383, 10905, 11, 186, 119, 5238, 6, 11, 47, 8, 2601, 23, 222, 268, 1530, 16, 1932, 3826, 5, 24936, 15, 7, 13997, 15, 26, 1989, 16, 1593, 53, 3, 24805, 7, 17, 63, 6, 8, 681, 990, 300, 2382, 7863, 2476, 11, 132, 130, 81, 943, 7863, 22434, 4096, 16, 8, 690, 16, 507, 189, 11, 957, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 3, 9, 22211, 53, 616, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was a bustling area?
[ 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3, 12184, 9709, 8784, 7, 13, 24, 3, 1498, 6, 3, 49, 7633, 44, 8, 10351, 7, 13, 11268, 7, 11, 119, 9799, 29, 155, 5414, 6, 43, 13928, 41, 77, 796, 4526, 13, 19368, 61, 16, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 25806, 49, 29, 11, 13350, 16432, 7, 6, 3, 5325, 16, 1593, 23, 19838, 11, 7802, 1468, 29, 53, 3570, 5, 3, 31406, 8, 200, 18570, 13, 135, 19, 8, 8784, 13, 8, 3059, 115, 13, 3, 4, 23, 9, 32, 3, 4, 23, 76, 8457, 3072, 104, 5553, 13520, 6, 3, 9, 4284, 13, 26423, 17792, 13, 1414, 1468, 5, 37, 1059, 13, 4889, 3492, 116, 8, 1923, 23, 13967, 7, 17, 63, 3, 60, 22927, 1473, 11, 966, 10932, 8, 1297, 690, 6, 5074, 34, 139, 3, 9, 422, 1511, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 3, 9, 1419, 2953, 142, 18301, 257, 12, 18682, 6, 125, 258, 2817, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of sculptural ensembles of that era, erected at the tombs of royals and other dignitaries, have survived (in various degrees of preservation) in Nanjing's northeastern and eastern suburbs, primarily in Qixia and Jiangning District. Possibly the best preserved of them is the ensemble of the Tomb of Xiao Xiu (475–518), a brother of Emperor Wu of Liang. The period of division ended when the Sui Dynasty reunified China and almost destroyed the entire city, turning it into a small town.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When a situation caused segregation to cease, what then happened?
[ 966, 10932, 8, 1297, 690, 6, 5074, 34, 139, 3, 9, 422, 1511, 1 ]
almost destroyed the entire city, turning it into a small town
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3, 12184, 9709, 8784, 7, 13, 24, 3, 1498, 6, 3, 49, 7633, 44, 8, 10351, 7, 13, 11268, 7, 11, 119, 9799, 29, 155, 5414, 6, 43, 13928, 41, 77, 796, 4526, 13, 19368, 61, 16, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 25806, 49, 29, 11, 13350, 16432, 7, 6, 3, 5325, 16, 1593, 23, 19838, 11, 7802, 1468, 29, 53, 3570, 5, 3, 31406, 8, 200, 18570, 13, 135, 19, 8, 8784, 13, 8, 3059, 115, 13, 3, 4, 23, 9, 32, 3, 4, 23, 76, 8457, 3072, 104, 5553, 13520, 6, 3, 9, 4284, 13, 26423, 17792, 13, 1414, 1468, 5, 37, 1059, 13, 4889, 3492, 116, 8, 1923, 23, 13967, 7, 17, 63, 3, 60, 22927, 1473, 11, 966, 10932, 8, 1297, 690, 6, 5074, 34, 139, 3, 9, 422, 1511, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 86, 879, 6, 125, 133, 25, 36, 3, 179, 12, 7743, 16, 824, 844, 13, 8, 690, 24, 33, 59, 16, 119, 844, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of sculptural ensembles of that era, erected at the tombs of royals and other dignitaries, have survived (in various degrees of preservation) in Nanjing's northeastern and eastern suburbs, primarily in Qixia and Jiangning District. Possibly the best preserved of them is the ensemble of the Tomb of Xiao Xiu (475–518), a brother of Emperor Wu of Liang. The period of division ended when the Sui Dynasty reunified China and almost destroyed the entire city, turning it into a small town.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: In general, what would you be able to observe in certain areas of the city that are not in other areas?
[ 71, 381, 13, 3, 12184, 9709, 8784, 7, 13, 24, 3, 1498, 1 ]
A number of sculptural ensembles of that era
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3, 12184, 9709, 8784, 7, 13, 24, 3, 1498, 6, 3, 49, 7633, 44, 8, 10351, 7, 13, 11268, 7, 11, 119, 9799, 29, 155, 5414, 6, 43, 13928, 41, 77, 796, 4526, 13, 19368, 61, 16, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 25806, 49, 29, 11, 13350, 16432, 7, 6, 3, 5325, 16, 1593, 23, 19838, 11, 7802, 1468, 29, 53, 3570, 5, 3, 31406, 8, 200, 18570, 13, 135, 19, 8, 8784, 13, 8, 3059, 115, 13, 3, 4, 23, 9, 32, 3, 4, 23, 76, 8457, 3072, 104, 5553, 13520, 6, 3, 9, 4284, 13, 26423, 17792, 13, 1414, 1468, 5, 37, 1059, 13, 4889, 3492, 116, 8, 1923, 23, 13967, 7, 17, 63, 3, 60, 22927, 1473, 11, 966, 10932, 8, 1297, 690, 6, 5074, 34, 139, 3, 9, 422, 1511, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 65, 59, 18907, 15, 26, 231, 3346, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of sculptural ensembles of that era, erected at the tombs of royals and other dignitaries, have survived (in various degrees of preservation) in Nanjing's northeastern and eastern suburbs, primarily in Qixia and Jiangning District. Possibly the best preserved of them is the ensemble of the Tomb of Xiao Xiu (475–518), a brother of Emperor Wu of Liang. The period of division ended when the Sui Dynasty reunified China and almost destroyed the entire city, turning it into a small town.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What has not decayed much specifically?
[ 3059, 115, 13, 3, 4, 23, 9, 32, 3, 4, 23, 76, 1 ]
Tomb of Xiao Xiu
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3, 12184, 9709, 8784, 7, 13, 24, 3, 1498, 6, 3, 49, 7633, 44, 8, 10351, 7, 13, 11268, 7, 11, 119, 9799, 29, 155, 5414, 6, 43, 13928, 41, 77, 796, 4526, 13, 19368, 61, 16, 15206, 354, 53, 31, 7, 25806, 49, 29, 11, 13350, 16432, 7, 6, 3, 5325, 16, 1593, 23, 19838, 11, 7802, 1468, 29, 53, 3570, 5, 3, 31406, 8, 200, 18570, 13, 135, 19, 8, 8784, 13, 8, 3059, 115, 13, 3, 4, 23, 9, 32, 3, 4, 23, 76, 8457, 3072, 104, 5553, 13520, 6, 3, 9, 4284, 13, 26423, 17792, 13, 1414, 1468, 5, 37, 1059, 13, 4889, 3492, 116, 8, 1923, 23, 13967, 7, 17, 63, 3, 60, 22927, 1473, 11, 966, 10932, 8, 1297, 690, 6, 5074, 34, 139, 3, 9, 422, 1511, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 286, 47, 966, 10932, 38, 3, 9, 741, 13, 3, 60, 202, 2420, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of sculptural ensembles of that era, erected at the tombs of royals and other dignitaries, have survived (in various degrees of preservation) in Nanjing's northeastern and eastern suburbs, primarily in Qixia and Jiangning District. Possibly the best preserved of them is the ensemble of the Tomb of Xiao Xiu (475–518), a brother of Emperor Wu of Liang. The period of division ended when the Sui Dynasty reunified China and almost destroyed the entire city, turning it into a small town.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What place was almost destroyed as a result of reunification?
[ 15206, 354, 53, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 166, 2268, 24297, 47, 3, 23505, 57, 1079, 12551, 11, 7201, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 10, 955, 6, 389, 12489, 1566, 28767, 13, 4218, 11, 9226, 5, 12551, 31, 484, 16652, 8, 4478, 11, 2392, 16982, 10066, 117, 1446, 34, 18054, 30, 2056, 11, 748, 5, 14722, 16, 1003, 6348, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 5256, 2532, 440, 47, 8, 166, 484, 12, 36, 1545, 16, 1566, 24, 808, 3, 9, 1573, 1950, 1295, 12, 3, 16012, 17082, 11, 1328, 3, 9, 30922, 51, 7578, 590, 28, 8, 1722, 13554, 11, 8789, 5, 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 6, 379, 262, 28698, 603, 9572, 7, 31, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 18360, 2577, 201, 84, 1285, 874, 4182, 7, 6, 11, 47, 3, 9, 15284, 2186, 161, 145, 12551, 31, 5, 37, 3, 8047, 32, 4182, 13, 8, 161, 237, 1285, 11750, 670, 30957, 7, 5, 37, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 3, 25472, 20126, 23, 152, 16348, 6, 10039, 15, 152, 8156, 6, 11, 6966, 9517, 6498, 7, 13, 2896, 6, 224, 38, 30957, 6, 3, 24702, 6, 11, 15302, 53, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 2817, 865, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 47, 1790, 6, 42, 34, 47, 3, 23505, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The first technical dictionary was drafted by John Harris and entitled Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Harris' book avoided theological and biographical entries; instead it concentrated on science and technology. Published in 1704, the Lexicon technicum was the first book to be written in English that took a methodical approach to describing mathematics and commercial arithmetic along with the physical sciences and navigation. Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model, including Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728), which included five editions, and was a substantially larger work than Harris'. The folio edition of the work even included foldout engravings. The Cyclopaedia emphasized Newtonian theories, Lockean philosophy, and contained thorough examinations of technologies, such as engraving, brewing, and dyeing.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which happened later, the Lexicon Technicum was published, or it was drafted?
[ 14722, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 166, 2268, 24297, 47, 3, 23505, 57, 1079, 12551, 11, 7201, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 10, 955, 6, 389, 12489, 1566, 28767, 13, 4218, 11, 9226, 5, 12551, 31, 484, 16652, 8, 4478, 11, 2392, 16982, 10066, 117, 1446, 34, 18054, 30, 2056, 11, 748, 5, 14722, 16, 1003, 6348, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 5256, 2532, 440, 47, 8, 166, 484, 12, 36, 1545, 16, 1566, 24, 808, 3, 9, 1573, 1950, 1295, 12, 3, 16012, 17082, 11, 1328, 3, 9, 30922, 51, 7578, 590, 28, 8, 1722, 13554, 11, 8789, 5, 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 6, 379, 262, 28698, 603, 9572, 7, 31, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 18360, 2577, 201, 84, 1285, 874, 4182, 7, 6, 11, 47, 3, 9, 15284, 2186, 161, 145, 12551, 31, 5, 37, 3, 8047, 32, 4182, 13, 8, 161, 237, 1285, 11750, 670, 30957, 7, 5, 37, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 3, 25472, 20126, 23, 152, 16348, 6, 10039, 15, 152, 8156, 6, 11, 6966, 9517, 6498, 7, 13, 2896, 6, 224, 38, 30957, 6, 3, 24702, 6, 11, 15302, 53, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 47, 1790, 166, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 6, 42, 119, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The first technical dictionary was drafted by John Harris and entitled Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Harris' book avoided theological and biographical entries; instead it concentrated on science and technology. Published in 1704, the Lexicon technicum was the first book to be written in English that took a methodical approach to describing mathematics and commercial arithmetic along with the physical sciences and navigation. Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model, including Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728), which included five editions, and was a substantially larger work than Harris'. The folio edition of the work even included foldout engravings. The Cyclopaedia emphasized Newtonian theories, Lockean philosophy, and contained thorough examinations of technologies, such as engraving, brewing, and dyeing.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which was published first, the Lexicon Technicum, or other technical dictionaries?
[ 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 1 ]
Lexicon Technicum
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 166, 2268, 24297, 47, 3, 23505, 57, 1079, 12551, 11, 7201, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 10, 955, 6, 389, 12489, 1566, 28767, 13, 4218, 11, 9226, 5, 12551, 31, 484, 16652, 8, 4478, 11, 2392, 16982, 10066, 117, 1446, 34, 18054, 30, 2056, 11, 748, 5, 14722, 16, 1003, 6348, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 5256, 2532, 440, 47, 8, 166, 484, 12, 36, 1545, 16, 1566, 24, 808, 3, 9, 1573, 1950, 1295, 12, 3, 16012, 17082, 11, 1328, 3, 9, 30922, 51, 7578, 590, 28, 8, 1722, 13554, 11, 8789, 5, 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 6, 379, 262, 28698, 603, 9572, 7, 31, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 18360, 2577, 201, 84, 1285, 874, 4182, 7, 6, 11, 47, 3, 9, 15284, 2186, 161, 145, 12551, 31, 5, 37, 3, 8047, 32, 4182, 13, 8, 161, 237, 1285, 11750, 670, 30957, 7, 5, 37, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 3, 25472, 20126, 23, 152, 16348, 6, 10039, 15, 152, 8156, 6, 11, 6966, 9517, 6498, 7, 13, 2896, 6, 224, 38, 30957, 6, 3, 24702, 6, 11, 15302, 53, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 2817, 865, 6, 12551, 3, 23505, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 6, 42, 119, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 112, 825, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The first technical dictionary was drafted by John Harris and entitled Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Harris' book avoided theological and biographical entries; instead it concentrated on science and technology. Published in 1704, the Lexicon technicum was the first book to be written in English that took a methodical approach to describing mathematics and commercial arithmetic along with the physical sciences and navigation. Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model, including Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728), which included five editions, and was a substantially larger work than Harris'. The folio edition of the work even included foldout engravings. The Cyclopaedia emphasized Newtonian theories, Lockean philosophy, and contained thorough examinations of technologies, such as engraving, brewing, and dyeing.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which happened later, Harris drafted the Lexicon Technicum, or other technical dictionaries followed his model?
[ 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 1 ]
Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 166, 2268, 24297, 47, 3, 23505, 57, 1079, 12551, 11, 7201, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 10, 955, 6, 389, 12489, 1566, 28767, 13, 4218, 11, 9226, 5, 12551, 31, 484, 16652, 8, 4478, 11, 2392, 16982, 10066, 117, 1446, 34, 18054, 30, 2056, 11, 748, 5, 14722, 16, 1003, 6348, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 5256, 2532, 440, 47, 8, 166, 484, 12, 36, 1545, 16, 1566, 24, 808, 3, 9, 1573, 1950, 1295, 12, 3, 16012, 17082, 11, 1328, 3, 9, 30922, 51, 7578, 590, 28, 8, 1722, 13554, 11, 8789, 5, 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 6, 379, 262, 28698, 603, 9572, 7, 31, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 18360, 2577, 201, 84, 1285, 874, 4182, 7, 6, 11, 47, 3, 9, 15284, 2186, 161, 145, 12551, 31, 5, 37, 3, 8047, 32, 4182, 13, 8, 161, 237, 1285, 11750, 670, 30957, 7, 5, 37, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 3, 25472, 20126, 23, 152, 16348, 6, 10039, 15, 152, 8156, 6, 11, 6966, 9517, 6498, 7, 13, 2896, 6, 224, 38, 30957, 6, 3, 24702, 6, 11, 15302, 53, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1079, 12551, 3, 23505, 3, 9, 484, 24, 47, 1790, 2283, 145, 125, 215, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The first technical dictionary was drafted by John Harris and entitled Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Harris' book avoided theological and biographical entries; instead it concentrated on science and technology. Published in 1704, the Lexicon technicum was the first book to be written in English that took a methodical approach to describing mathematics and commercial arithmetic along with the physical sciences and navigation. Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model, including Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728), which included five editions, and was a substantially larger work than Harris'. The folio edition of the work even included foldout engravings. The Cyclopaedia emphasized Newtonian theories, Lockean philosophy, and contained thorough examinations of technologies, such as engraving, brewing, and dyeing.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: John Harris drafted a book that was published earlier than what year?
[ 1003, 2577, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 166, 2268, 24297, 47, 3, 23505, 57, 1079, 12551, 11, 7201, 17546, 23, 1018, 7130, 2532, 440, 10, 955, 6, 389, 12489, 1566, 28767, 13, 4218, 11, 9226, 5, 12551, 31, 484, 16652, 8, 4478, 11, 2392, 16982, 10066, 117, 1446, 34, 18054, 30, 2056, 11, 748, 5, 14722, 16, 1003, 6348, 6, 8, 17546, 23, 1018, 5256, 2532, 440, 47, 8, 166, 484, 12, 36, 1545, 16, 1566, 24, 808, 3, 9, 1573, 1950, 1295, 12, 3, 16012, 17082, 11, 1328, 3, 9, 30922, 51, 7578, 590, 28, 8, 1722, 13554, 11, 8789, 5, 2502, 2268, 3, 12472, 5414, 2348, 12551, 31, 825, 6, 379, 262, 28698, 603, 9572, 7, 31, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 18360, 2577, 201, 84, 1285, 874, 4182, 7, 6, 11, 47, 3, 9, 15284, 2186, 161, 145, 12551, 31, 5, 37, 3, 8047, 32, 4182, 13, 8, 161, 237, 1285, 11750, 670, 30957, 7, 5, 37, 6400, 3903, 102, 9, 18999, 3, 25472, 20126, 23, 152, 16348, 6, 10039, 15, 152, 8156, 6, 11, 6966, 9517, 6498, 7, 13, 2896, 6, 224, 38, 30957, 6, 3, 24702, 6, 11, 15302, 53, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 2832, 3, 9, 484, 2283, 6, 9572, 7, 42, 12551, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The first technical dictionary was drafted by John Harris and entitled Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Harris' book avoided theological and biographical entries; instead it concentrated on science and technology. Published in 1704, the Lexicon technicum was the first book to be written in English that took a methodical approach to describing mathematics and commercial arithmetic along with the physical sciences and navigation. Other technical dictionaries followed Harris' model, including Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728), which included five editions, and was a substantially larger work than Harris'. The folio edition of the work even included foldout engravings. The Cyclopaedia emphasized Newtonian theories, Lockean philosophy, and contained thorough examinations of technologies, such as engraving, brewing, and dyeing.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who wrote a book earlier, Chambers or Harris?
[ 12551, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 27280, 159, 20, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 3028, 8, 2379, 12197, 38, 8, 17508, 741, 13, 8, 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 5, 506, 1076, 13, 5487, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 1843, 13, 96, 7304, 2248, 17, 2810, 3, 9, 17149, 2935, 75, 63, 24, 47, 321, 66, 18, 6740, 1329, 11, 406, 490, 579, 1280, 100, 3, 1092, 302, 127, 63, 579, 764, 45, 8, 3098, 13, 96, 15727, 3474, 1686, 2170, 116, 11162, 343, 2069, 1707, 3641, 8, 150, 115, 14277, 11, 8, 3, 30375, 23, 15, 45, 8, 1827, 3, 9475, 5, 37, 96, 9842, 1208, 6525, 121, 24, 741, 15, 26, 14742, 3, 9, 22739, 13, 18963, 11, 47, 10321, 16, 4431, 8263, 12, 8, 28397, 1950, 10030, 5, 374, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 96, 2482, 291, 120, 408, 6203, 3, 233, 8, 2779, 1951, 13, 6586, 16, 8, 2807, 13, 8, 2510, 13, 579, 1280, 3, 13099, 6, 34, 808, 430, 2646, 274, 2779, 1295, 1632, 2069, 12, 8, 112, 3600, 5984, 6, 38, 3, 12575, 3676, 57, 2715, 1920, 6992, 6, 37, 1769, 13, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 10, 71, 17511, 5528, 13, 8, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 1003, 3072, 104, 2606, 1206, 2863, 4440, 137, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 10719, 8, 9481, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alexis de Tocqueville described the French Revolution as the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. These men of letters constituted a sort of "substitute aristocracy that was both all-powerful and without real power". This illusory power came from the rise of "public opinion", born when absolutist centralization removed the nobility and the bourgeoisie from the political sphere. The "literary politics" that resulted promoted a discourse of equality and was hence in fundamental opposition to the monarchical regime. De Tocqueville "clearly designates ... the cultural effects of transformation in the forms of the exercise of power". Nevertheless, it took another century before cultural approach became central to the historiography, as typified by Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800 (1979).", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What drove the revolution?
[ 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 1 ]
radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 27280, 159, 20, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 3028, 8, 2379, 12197, 38, 8, 17508, 741, 13, 8, 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 5, 506, 1076, 13, 5487, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 1843, 13, 96, 7304, 2248, 17, 2810, 3, 9, 17149, 2935, 75, 63, 24, 47, 321, 66, 18, 6740, 1329, 11, 406, 490, 579, 1280, 100, 3, 1092, 302, 127, 63, 579, 764, 45, 8, 3098, 13, 96, 15727, 3474, 1686, 2170, 116, 11162, 343, 2069, 1707, 3641, 8, 150, 115, 14277, 11, 8, 3, 30375, 23, 15, 45, 8, 1827, 3, 9475, 5, 37, 96, 9842, 1208, 6525, 121, 24, 741, 15, 26, 14742, 3, 9, 22739, 13, 18963, 11, 47, 10321, 16, 4431, 8263, 12, 8, 28397, 1950, 10030, 5, 374, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 96, 2482, 291, 120, 408, 6203, 3, 233, 8, 2779, 1951, 13, 6586, 16, 8, 2807, 13, 8, 2510, 13, 579, 1280, 3, 13099, 6, 34, 808, 430, 2646, 274, 2779, 1295, 1632, 2069, 12, 8, 112, 3600, 5984, 6, 38, 3, 12575, 3676, 57, 2715, 1920, 6992, 6, 37, 1769, 13, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 10, 71, 17511, 5528, 13, 8, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 1003, 3072, 104, 2606, 1206, 2863, 4440, 137, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 3, 27997, 8, 9481, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alexis de Tocqueville described the French Revolution as the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. These men of letters constituted a sort of "substitute aristocracy that was both all-powerful and without real power". This illusory power came from the rise of "public opinion", born when absolutist centralization removed the nobility and the bourgeoisie from the political sphere. The "literary politics" that resulted promoted a discourse of equality and was hence in fundamental opposition to the monarchical regime. De Tocqueville "clearly designates ... the cultural effects of transformation in the forms of the exercise of power". Nevertheless, it took another century before cultural approach became central to the historiography, as typified by Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800 (1979).", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What facilitated the revolution?
[ 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 1 ]
radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 27280, 159, 20, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 3028, 8, 2379, 12197, 38, 8, 17508, 741, 13, 8, 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 5, 506, 1076, 13, 5487, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 1843, 13, 96, 7304, 2248, 17, 2810, 3, 9, 17149, 2935, 75, 63, 24, 47, 321, 66, 18, 6740, 1329, 11, 406, 490, 579, 1280, 100, 3, 1092, 302, 127, 63, 579, 764, 45, 8, 3098, 13, 96, 15727, 3474, 1686, 2170, 116, 11162, 343, 2069, 1707, 3641, 8, 150, 115, 14277, 11, 8, 3, 30375, 23, 15, 45, 8, 1827, 3, 9475, 5, 37, 96, 9842, 1208, 6525, 121, 24, 741, 15, 26, 14742, 3, 9, 22739, 13, 18963, 11, 47, 10321, 16, 4431, 8263, 12, 8, 28397, 1950, 10030, 5, 374, 304, 75, 835, 1420, 96, 2482, 291, 120, 408, 6203, 3, 233, 8, 2779, 1951, 13, 6586, 16, 8, 2807, 13, 8, 2510, 13, 579, 1280, 3, 13099, 6, 34, 808, 430, 2646, 274, 2779, 1295, 1632, 2069, 12, 8, 112, 3600, 5984, 6, 38, 3, 12575, 3676, 57, 2715, 1920, 6992, 6, 37, 1769, 13, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 10, 71, 17511, 5528, 13, 8, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 1003, 3072, 104, 2606, 1206, 2863, 4440, 137, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 410, 8, 9481, 369, 45, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alexis de Tocqueville described the French Revolution as the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. These men of letters constituted a sort of "substitute aristocracy that was both all-powerful and without real power". This illusory power came from the rise of "public opinion", born when absolutist centralization removed the nobility and the bourgeoisie from the political sphere. The "literary politics" that resulted promoted a discourse of equality and was hence in fundamental opposition to the monarchical regime. De Tocqueville "clearly designates ... the cultural effects of transformation in the forms of the exercise of power". Nevertheless, it took another century before cultural approach became central to the historiography, as typified by Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800 (1979).", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where did the revolution come from?
[ 8819, 8263, 990, 16, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 344, 8, 28397, 63, 11, 8, 1076, 13, 5487, 13, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 1 ]
radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 1695, 6, 11, 1281, 6, 9002, 681, 16415, 1019, 1740, 6, 2199, 2127, 18902, 11, 484, 14857, 10065, 4037, 3, 9, 89, 7115, 13, 8, 973, 5, 37, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 21, 677, 6, 29504, 59, 163, 57, 8, 2671, 68, 92, 57, 205, 3335, 3, 4, 196, 196, 6, 17516, 435, 165, 194, 139, 2281, 28, 8, 199, 13, 8, 3, 9, 22835, 17830, 7, 760, 346, 7, 11, 1812, 169, 13, 2379, 3, 25486, 2009, 973, 5, 299, 186, 930, 130, 1916, 406, 1180, 139, 136, 1281, 3169, 44, 66, 5, 7254, 3623, 53, 3187, 45, 12256, 16, 2789, 6, 3434, 11, 1117, 1371, 6360, 24, 72, 145, 2861, 1093, 13, 1335, 26688, 130, 16438, 5, 622, 7, 145, 209, 1093, 13, 8, 1335, 130, 13, 3, 9, 4761, 1405, 6, 3, 15716, 8, 879, 4166, 13, 24772, 13806, 32, 7, 485, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 684, 31, 7, 6494, 9136, 7, 16, 9, 26, 3027, 295, 120, 3, 5385, 26, 8, 9002, 681, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A healthy, and legal, publishing industry existed throughout Europe, although established publishers and book sellers occasionally ran afoul of the law. The Encyclopédie, for example, condemned not only by the King but also by Clement XII, nevertheless found its way into print with the help of the aforementioned Malesherbes and creative use of French censorship law. But many works were sold without running into any legal trouble at all. Borrowing records from libraries in England, Germany and North America indicate that more than 70 percent of books borrowed were novels. Less than 1 percent of the books were of a religious nature, indicating the general trend of declining religiosity.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What country's loopholes inadvertently aided the publishing industry?
[ 2379, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 1695, 6, 11, 1281, 6, 9002, 681, 16415, 1019, 1740, 6, 2199, 2127, 18902, 11, 484, 14857, 10065, 4037, 3, 9, 89, 7115, 13, 8, 973, 5, 37, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 21, 677, 6, 29504, 59, 163, 57, 8, 2671, 68, 92, 57, 205, 3335, 3, 4, 196, 196, 6, 17516, 435, 165, 194, 139, 2281, 28, 8, 199, 13, 8, 3, 9, 22835, 17830, 7, 760, 346, 7, 11, 1812, 169, 13, 2379, 3, 25486, 2009, 973, 5, 299, 186, 930, 130, 1916, 406, 1180, 139, 136, 1281, 3169, 44, 66, 5, 7254, 3623, 53, 3187, 45, 12256, 16, 2789, 6, 3434, 11, 1117, 1371, 6360, 24, 72, 145, 2861, 1093, 13, 1335, 26688, 130, 16438, 5, 622, 7, 145, 209, 1093, 13, 8, 1335, 130, 13, 3, 9, 4761, 1405, 6, 3, 15716, 8, 879, 4166, 13, 24772, 13806, 32, 7, 485, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 684, 47, 3, 32, 16030, 45, 8, 24564, 3187, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A healthy, and legal, publishing industry existed throughout Europe, although established publishers and book sellers occasionally ran afoul of the law. The Encyclopédie, for example, condemned not only by the King but also by Clement XII, nevertheless found its way into print with the help of the aforementioned Malesherbes and creative use of French censorship law. But many works were sold without running into any legal trouble at all. Borrowing records from libraries in England, Germany and North America indicate that more than 70 percent of books borrowed were novels. Less than 1 percent of the books were of a religious nature, indicating the general trend of declining religiosity.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What country was omitted from the borrowing records?
[ 2379, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 1695, 6, 11, 1281, 6, 9002, 681, 16415, 1019, 1740, 6, 2199, 2127, 18902, 11, 484, 14857, 10065, 4037, 3, 9, 89, 7115, 13, 8, 973, 5, 37, 695, 7132, 32, 3890, 2498, 6, 21, 677, 6, 29504, 59, 163, 57, 8, 2671, 68, 92, 57, 205, 3335, 3, 4, 196, 196, 6, 17516, 435, 165, 194, 139, 2281, 28, 8, 199, 13, 8, 3, 9, 22835, 17830, 7, 760, 346, 7, 11, 1812, 169, 13, 2379, 3, 25486, 2009, 973, 5, 299, 186, 930, 130, 1916, 406, 1180, 139, 136, 1281, 3169, 44, 66, 5, 7254, 3623, 53, 3187, 45, 12256, 16, 2789, 6, 3434, 11, 1117, 1371, 6360, 24, 72, 145, 2861, 1093, 13, 1335, 26688, 130, 16438, 5, 622, 7, 145, 209, 1093, 13, 8, 1335, 130, 13, 3, 9, 4761, 1405, 6, 3, 15716, 8, 879, 4166, 13, 24772, 13806, 32, 7, 485, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 1368, 47, 59, 45, 8, 9002, 10829, 13, 5233, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A healthy, and legal, publishing industry existed throughout Europe, although established publishers and book sellers occasionally ran afoul of the law. The Encyclopédie, for example, condemned not only by the King but also by Clement XII, nevertheless found its way into print with the help of the aforementioned Malesherbes and creative use of French censorship law. But many works were sold without running into any legal trouble at all. Borrowing records from libraries in England, Germany and North America indicate that more than 70 percent of books borrowed were novels. Less than 1 percent of the books were of a religious nature, indicating the general trend of declining religiosity.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which record was not from the publishing continent of origin?
[ 1117, 1371, 1 ]
North America
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3714, 912, 81, 5562, 1597, 28, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 379, 374, 159, 51, 11, 1350, 13, 44, 88, 159, 51, 5, 374, 159, 51, 6, 1315, 12, 3576, 19043, 15, 6, 19, 8, 650, 7750, 16, 601, 8, 19564, 6, 28, 150, 2848, 12, 8, 5214, 42, 136, 119, 30484, 1391, 5, 3910, 6, 8, 374, 343, 11455, 7, 4199, 120, 30, 525, 1053, 12, 1539, 112, 3935, 15, 26, 6, 84, 47, 3, 15, 1109, 295, 120, 2065, 179, 12, 186, 317, 277, 13, 8, 97, 5, 71, 532, 159, 51, 47, 231, 5172, 6, 68, 132, 130, 360, 813, 9977, 7, 5, 9439, 11, 419, 1092, 2232, 24, 6, 96, 1570, 685, 6, 182, 360, 3, 35, 2242, 4632, 8445, 7, 6, 237, 116, 79, 130, 6721, 6800, 7, 13, 19013, 6, 130, 1176, 44, 88, 343, 7, 5, 3, 10867, 6, 79, 130, 6800, 7, 13, 3, 28383, 7750, 6, 62, 15748, 1066, 12, 3, 7, 157, 6707, 20231, 6, 20, 159, 51, 6, 3, 5566, 6835, 6, 42, 2361, 2131, 532, 159, 51, 535, 886, 2348, 11867, 2474, 109, 11, 3, 15585, 24, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 5071, 36, 4854, 1076, 5, 1404, 717, 114, 4969, 5785, 1213, 24, 406, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 601, 113, 24584, 15, 7, 8293, 6, 8, 4854, 455, 13, 2710, 47, 23248, 26, 5, 466, 19, 6, 437, 44, 88, 343, 7, 1891, 1452, 12, 150, 8531, 9293, 11, 150, 973, 6, 11, 141, 150, 2971, 13, 15137, 7702, 6, 79, 130, 623, 72, 952, 12, 23773, 2710, 5, 2474, 109, 19198, 4177, 104, 2517, 5176, 61, 6970, 24, 16, 112, 239, 6, 96, 12129, 26, 295, 7609, 56, 373, 1961, 46, 3179, 13, 784, 60, 2825, 23, 106, 4275, 1280, 216, 6141, 24, 237, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 1520, 6085, 13, 3610, 11, 281, 1909, 70, 293, 1044, 18, 19405, 12, 482, 11, 6815, 16, 2710, 5, 10039, 15, 243, 24, 3, 99, 132, 130, 150, 601, 11, 150, 13429, 973, 6, 8, 741, 133, 36, 4854, 46, 7064, 63, 10, 334, 928, 96, 509, 83, 26, 43, 150, 973, 68, 112, 293, 56, 6, 150, 414, 68, 2448, 5, 216, 133, 36, 3, 9, 8581, 12, 2448, 6, 11, 8, 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 8, 4199, 3613, 11, 414, 13, 66, 112, 2874, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2150, 12, 16383, 6, 44, 88, 343, 7, 33, 3, 6319, 12, 36, 125, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including Deism and talk of atheism. Deism, according to Thomas Paine, is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source. Instead, the Deist relies solely on personal reason to guide his creed, which was eminently agreeable to many thinkers of the time. Atheism was much discussed, but there were few proponents. Wilson and Reill note that, "In fact, very few enlightened intellectuals, even when they were vocal critics of Christianity, were true atheists. Rather, they were critics of orthodox belief, wedded rather to skepticism, deism, vitalism, or perhaps pantheism." Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. That is, since atheists gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law, and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society. Bayle (1647–1706) observed that in his day, "prudent persons will always maintain an appearance of [religion].". He believed that even atheists could hold concepts of honor and go beyond their own self-interest to create and interact in society. Locke said that if there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy: every individual "could have no law but his own will, no end but himself. He would be a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: According to opponents, atheists are unable to be what?
[ 4854, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3714, 912, 81, 5562, 1597, 28, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 379, 374, 159, 51, 11, 1350, 13, 44, 88, 159, 51, 5, 374, 159, 51, 6, 1315, 12, 3576, 19043, 15, 6, 19, 8, 650, 7750, 16, 601, 8, 19564, 6, 28, 150, 2848, 12, 8, 5214, 42, 136, 119, 30484, 1391, 5, 3910, 6, 8, 374, 343, 11455, 7, 4199, 120, 30, 525, 1053, 12, 1539, 112, 3935, 15, 26, 6, 84, 47, 3, 15, 1109, 295, 120, 2065, 179, 12, 186, 317, 277, 13, 8, 97, 5, 71, 532, 159, 51, 47, 231, 5172, 6, 68, 132, 130, 360, 813, 9977, 7, 5, 9439, 11, 419, 1092, 2232, 24, 6, 96, 1570, 685, 6, 182, 360, 3, 35, 2242, 4632, 8445, 7, 6, 237, 116, 79, 130, 6721, 6800, 7, 13, 19013, 6, 130, 1176, 44, 88, 343, 7, 5, 3, 10867, 6, 79, 130, 6800, 7, 13, 3, 28383, 7750, 6, 62, 15748, 1066, 12, 3, 7, 157, 6707, 20231, 6, 20, 159, 51, 6, 3, 5566, 6835, 6, 42, 2361, 2131, 532, 159, 51, 535, 886, 2348, 11867, 2474, 109, 11, 3, 15585, 24, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 5071, 36, 4854, 1076, 5, 1404, 717, 114, 4969, 5785, 1213, 24, 406, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 601, 113, 24584, 15, 7, 8293, 6, 8, 4854, 455, 13, 2710, 47, 23248, 26, 5, 466, 19, 6, 437, 44, 88, 343, 7, 1891, 1452, 12, 150, 8531, 9293, 11, 150, 973, 6, 11, 141, 150, 2971, 13, 15137, 7702, 6, 79, 130, 623, 72, 952, 12, 23773, 2710, 5, 2474, 109, 19198, 4177, 104, 2517, 5176, 61, 6970, 24, 16, 112, 239, 6, 96, 12129, 26, 295, 7609, 56, 373, 1961, 46, 3179, 13, 784, 60, 2825, 23, 106, 4275, 1280, 216, 6141, 24, 237, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 1520, 6085, 13, 3610, 11, 281, 1909, 70, 293, 1044, 18, 19405, 12, 482, 11, 6815, 16, 2710, 5, 10039, 15, 243, 24, 3, 99, 132, 130, 150, 601, 11, 150, 13429, 973, 6, 8, 741, 133, 36, 4854, 46, 7064, 63, 10, 334, 928, 96, 509, 83, 26, 43, 150, 973, 68, 112, 293, 56, 6, 150, 414, 68, 2448, 5, 216, 133, 36, 3, 9, 8581, 12, 2448, 6, 11, 8, 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 8, 4199, 3613, 11, 414, 13, 66, 112, 2874, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 358, 13, 7750, 7747, 1067, 13, 4997, 5562, 298, 341, 23780, 53, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 3409, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including Deism and talk of atheism. Deism, according to Thomas Paine, is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source. Instead, the Deist relies solely on personal reason to guide his creed, which was eminently agreeable to many thinkers of the time. Atheism was much discussed, but there were few proponents. Wilson and Reill note that, "In fact, very few enlightened intellectuals, even when they were vocal critics of Christianity, were true atheists. Rather, they were critics of orthodox belief, wedded rather to skepticism, deism, vitalism, or perhaps pantheism." Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. That is, since atheists gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law, and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society. Bayle (1647–1706) observed that in his day, "prudent persons will always maintain an appearance of [religion].". He believed that even atheists could hold concepts of honor and go beyond their own self-interest to create and interact in society. Locke said that if there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy: every individual "could have no law but his own will, no end but himself. He would be a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What system of belief operated outside of organized religion while still acknowledging a source of creation?
[ 374, 159, 51, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3714, 912, 81, 5562, 1597, 28, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 379, 374, 159, 51, 11, 1350, 13, 44, 88, 159, 51, 5, 374, 159, 51, 6, 1315, 12, 3576, 19043, 15, 6, 19, 8, 650, 7750, 16, 601, 8, 19564, 6, 28, 150, 2848, 12, 8, 5214, 42, 136, 119, 30484, 1391, 5, 3910, 6, 8, 374, 343, 11455, 7, 4199, 120, 30, 525, 1053, 12, 1539, 112, 3935, 15, 26, 6, 84, 47, 3, 15, 1109, 295, 120, 2065, 179, 12, 186, 317, 277, 13, 8, 97, 5, 71, 532, 159, 51, 47, 231, 5172, 6, 68, 132, 130, 360, 813, 9977, 7, 5, 9439, 11, 419, 1092, 2232, 24, 6, 96, 1570, 685, 6, 182, 360, 3, 35, 2242, 4632, 8445, 7, 6, 237, 116, 79, 130, 6721, 6800, 7, 13, 19013, 6, 130, 1176, 44, 88, 343, 7, 5, 3, 10867, 6, 79, 130, 6800, 7, 13, 3, 28383, 7750, 6, 62, 15748, 1066, 12, 3, 7, 157, 6707, 20231, 6, 20, 159, 51, 6, 3, 5566, 6835, 6, 42, 2361, 2131, 532, 159, 51, 535, 886, 2348, 11867, 2474, 109, 11, 3, 15585, 24, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 5071, 36, 4854, 1076, 5, 1404, 717, 114, 4969, 5785, 1213, 24, 406, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 601, 113, 24584, 15, 7, 8293, 6, 8, 4854, 455, 13, 2710, 47, 23248, 26, 5, 466, 19, 6, 437, 44, 88, 343, 7, 1891, 1452, 12, 150, 8531, 9293, 11, 150, 973, 6, 11, 141, 150, 2971, 13, 15137, 7702, 6, 79, 130, 623, 72, 952, 12, 23773, 2710, 5, 2474, 109, 19198, 4177, 104, 2517, 5176, 61, 6970, 24, 16, 112, 239, 6, 96, 12129, 26, 295, 7609, 56, 373, 1961, 46, 3179, 13, 784, 60, 2825, 23, 106, 4275, 1280, 216, 6141, 24, 237, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 1520, 6085, 13, 3610, 11, 281, 1909, 70, 293, 1044, 18, 19405, 12, 482, 11, 6815, 16, 2710, 5, 10039, 15, 243, 24, 3, 99, 132, 130, 150, 601, 11, 150, 13429, 973, 6, 8, 741, 133, 36, 4854, 46, 7064, 63, 10, 334, 928, 96, 509, 83, 26, 43, 150, 973, 68, 112, 293, 56, 6, 150, 414, 68, 2448, 5, 216, 133, 36, 3, 9, 8581, 12, 2448, 6, 11, 8, 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 8, 4199, 3613, 11, 414, 13, 66, 112, 2874, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 71, 532, 343, 7, 435, 380, 45, 4068, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including Deism and talk of atheism. Deism, according to Thomas Paine, is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source. Instead, the Deist relies solely on personal reason to guide his creed, which was eminently agreeable to many thinkers of the time. Atheism was much discussed, but there were few proponents. Wilson and Reill note that, "In fact, very few enlightened intellectuals, even when they were vocal critics of Christianity, were true atheists. Rather, they were critics of orthodox belief, wedded rather to skepticism, deism, vitalism, or perhaps pantheism." Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. That is, since atheists gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law, and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society. Bayle (1647–1706) observed that in his day, "prudent persons will always maintain an appearance of [religion].". He believed that even atheists could hold concepts of honor and go beyond their own self-interest to create and interact in society. Locke said that if there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy: every individual "could have no law but his own will, no end but himself. He would be a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Atheists found support from whom?
[ 11867, 2474, 109, 1 ]
Pierre Bayle
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3714, 912, 81, 5562, 1597, 28, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 379, 374, 159, 51, 11, 1350, 13, 44, 88, 159, 51, 5, 374, 159, 51, 6, 1315, 12, 3576, 19043, 15, 6, 19, 8, 650, 7750, 16, 601, 8, 19564, 6, 28, 150, 2848, 12, 8, 5214, 42, 136, 119, 30484, 1391, 5, 3910, 6, 8, 374, 343, 11455, 7, 4199, 120, 30, 525, 1053, 12, 1539, 112, 3935, 15, 26, 6, 84, 47, 3, 15, 1109, 295, 120, 2065, 179, 12, 186, 317, 277, 13, 8, 97, 5, 71, 532, 159, 51, 47, 231, 5172, 6, 68, 132, 130, 360, 813, 9977, 7, 5, 9439, 11, 419, 1092, 2232, 24, 6, 96, 1570, 685, 6, 182, 360, 3, 35, 2242, 4632, 8445, 7, 6, 237, 116, 79, 130, 6721, 6800, 7, 13, 19013, 6, 130, 1176, 44, 88, 343, 7, 5, 3, 10867, 6, 79, 130, 6800, 7, 13, 3, 28383, 7750, 6, 62, 15748, 1066, 12, 3, 7, 157, 6707, 20231, 6, 20, 159, 51, 6, 3, 5566, 6835, 6, 42, 2361, 2131, 532, 159, 51, 535, 886, 2348, 11867, 2474, 109, 11, 3, 15585, 24, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 5071, 36, 4854, 1076, 5, 1404, 717, 114, 4969, 5785, 1213, 24, 406, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 601, 113, 24584, 15, 7, 8293, 6, 8, 4854, 455, 13, 2710, 47, 23248, 26, 5, 466, 19, 6, 437, 44, 88, 343, 7, 1891, 1452, 12, 150, 8531, 9293, 11, 150, 973, 6, 11, 141, 150, 2971, 13, 15137, 7702, 6, 79, 130, 623, 72, 952, 12, 23773, 2710, 5, 2474, 109, 19198, 4177, 104, 2517, 5176, 61, 6970, 24, 16, 112, 239, 6, 96, 12129, 26, 295, 7609, 56, 373, 1961, 46, 3179, 13, 784, 60, 2825, 23, 106, 4275, 1280, 216, 6141, 24, 237, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 1520, 6085, 13, 3610, 11, 281, 1909, 70, 293, 1044, 18, 19405, 12, 482, 11, 6815, 16, 2710, 5, 10039, 15, 243, 24, 3, 99, 132, 130, 150, 601, 11, 150, 13429, 973, 6, 8, 741, 133, 36, 4854, 46, 7064, 63, 10, 334, 928, 96, 509, 83, 26, 43, 150, 973, 68, 112, 293, 56, 6, 150, 414, 68, 2448, 5, 216, 133, 36, 3, 9, 8581, 12, 2448, 6, 11, 8, 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 8, 4199, 3613, 11, 414, 13, 66, 112, 2874, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 19, 5741, 57, 3, 9, 4761, 24662, 13, 8, 97, 12, 286, 1452, 16, 8, 1102, 13, 8581, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including Deism and talk of atheism. Deism, according to Thomas Paine, is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source. Instead, the Deist relies solely on personal reason to guide his creed, which was eminently agreeable to many thinkers of the time. Atheism was much discussed, but there were few proponents. Wilson and Reill note that, "In fact, very few enlightened intellectuals, even when they were vocal critics of Christianity, were true atheists. Rather, they were critics of orthodox belief, wedded rather to skepticism, deism, vitalism, or perhaps pantheism." Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. That is, since atheists gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law, and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society. Bayle (1647–1706) observed that in his day, "prudent persons will always maintain an appearance of [religion].". He believed that even atheists could hold concepts of honor and go beyond their own self-interest to create and interact in society. Locke said that if there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy: every individual "could have no law but his own will, no end but himself. He would be a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who is supposed by a religious scholar of the time to place themselves in the position of god?
[ 44, 88, 343, 7, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 381, 13, 3714, 912, 81, 5562, 1597, 28, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 379, 374, 159, 51, 11, 1350, 13, 44, 88, 159, 51, 5, 374, 159, 51, 6, 1315, 12, 3576, 19043, 15, 6, 19, 8, 650, 7750, 16, 601, 8, 19564, 6, 28, 150, 2848, 12, 8, 5214, 42, 136, 119, 30484, 1391, 5, 3910, 6, 8, 374, 343, 11455, 7, 4199, 120, 30, 525, 1053, 12, 1539, 112, 3935, 15, 26, 6, 84, 47, 3, 15, 1109, 295, 120, 2065, 179, 12, 186, 317, 277, 13, 8, 97, 5, 71, 532, 159, 51, 47, 231, 5172, 6, 68, 132, 130, 360, 813, 9977, 7, 5, 9439, 11, 419, 1092, 2232, 24, 6, 96, 1570, 685, 6, 182, 360, 3, 35, 2242, 4632, 8445, 7, 6, 237, 116, 79, 130, 6721, 6800, 7, 13, 19013, 6, 130, 1176, 44, 88, 343, 7, 5, 3, 10867, 6, 79, 130, 6800, 7, 13, 3, 28383, 7750, 6, 62, 15748, 1066, 12, 3, 7, 157, 6707, 20231, 6, 20, 159, 51, 6, 3, 5566, 6835, 6, 42, 2361, 2131, 532, 159, 51, 535, 886, 2348, 11867, 2474, 109, 11, 3, 15585, 24, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 5071, 36, 4854, 1076, 5, 1404, 717, 114, 4969, 5785, 1213, 24, 406, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 601, 113, 24584, 15, 7, 8293, 6, 8, 4854, 455, 13, 2710, 47, 23248, 26, 5, 466, 19, 6, 437, 44, 88, 343, 7, 1891, 1452, 12, 150, 8531, 9293, 11, 150, 973, 6, 11, 141, 150, 2971, 13, 15137, 7702, 6, 79, 130, 623, 72, 952, 12, 23773, 2710, 5, 2474, 109, 19198, 4177, 104, 2517, 5176, 61, 6970, 24, 16, 112, 239, 6, 96, 12129, 26, 295, 7609, 56, 373, 1961, 46, 3179, 13, 784, 60, 2825, 23, 106, 4275, 1280, 216, 6141, 24, 237, 44, 88, 343, 7, 228, 1520, 6085, 13, 3610, 11, 281, 1909, 70, 293, 1044, 18, 19405, 12, 482, 11, 6815, 16, 2710, 5, 10039, 15, 243, 24, 3, 99, 132, 130, 150, 601, 11, 150, 13429, 973, 6, 8, 741, 133, 36, 4854, 46, 7064, 63, 10, 334, 928, 96, 509, 83, 26, 43, 150, 973, 68, 112, 293, 56, 6, 150, 414, 68, 2448, 5, 216, 133, 36, 3, 9, 8581, 12, 2448, 6, 11, 8, 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 8, 4199, 3613, 11, 414, 13, 66, 112, 2874, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 928, 1262, 410, 10039, 15, 857, 133, 610, 388, 3, 99, 7750, 16, 3, 9, 1146, 579, 130, 13876, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including Deism and talk of atheism. Deism, according to Thomas Paine, is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source. Instead, the Deist relies solely on personal reason to guide his creed, which was eminently agreeable to many thinkers of the time. Atheism was much discussed, but there were few proponents. Wilson and Reill note that, "In fact, very few enlightened intellectuals, even when they were vocal critics of Christianity, were true atheists. Rather, they were critics of orthodox belief, wedded rather to skepticism, deism, vitalism, or perhaps pantheism." Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. That is, since atheists gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law, and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society. Bayle (1647–1706) observed that in his day, "prudent persons will always maintain an appearance of [religion].". He believed that even atheists could hold concepts of honor and go beyond their own self-interest to create and interact in society. Locke said that if there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy: every individual "could have no law but his own will, no end but himself. He would be a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What individual drive did Locke believe would control man if belief in a higher power were abandoned?
[ 5044, 13, 112, 293, 56, 1 ]
satisfaction of his own will
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 683, 106, 9, 6736, 3352, 718, 8, 18178, 8, 167, 16569, 2779, 4337, 13, 1611, 8445, 1543, 5, 328, 3, 21082, 8, 1388, 13, 8, 96, 27667, 452, 121, 550, 45, 2127, 5779, 12, 30372, 11, 4337, 6, 11, 14742, 8, 96, 35, 2242, 4632, 121, 1523, 7, 13, 12, 109, 2661, 11, 8445, 3735, 10696, 5, 5301, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 1103, 3, 9942, 45, 2056, 11, 1053, 6, 79, 130, 46, 21773, 12240, 13, 1895, 9347, 7, 13, 7687, 2827, 3, 23507, 1601, 57, 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 5, 328, 92, 2496, 2826, 3, 35, 2242, 35, 297, 24, 95, 14796, 96, 532, 31841, 13, 601, 18, 31917, 5015, 121, 318, 532, 5214, 318, 77, 84, 132, 141, 12, 36, 2791, 344, 8, 23438, 11, 793, 16348, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 1426, 13, 8, 8986, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Jonathan Israel called the journals the most influential cultural innovation of European intellectual culture. They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. They also advanced Christian enlightenment that upheld "the legitimacy of God-ordained authority"—the Bible—in which there had to be agreement between the biblical and natural theories.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the subject of the paragraph?
[ 18178, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 683, 106, 9, 6736, 3352, 718, 8, 18178, 8, 167, 16569, 2779, 4337, 13, 1611, 8445, 1543, 5, 328, 3, 21082, 8, 1388, 13, 8, 96, 27667, 452, 121, 550, 45, 2127, 5779, 12, 30372, 11, 4337, 6, 11, 14742, 8, 96, 35, 2242, 4632, 121, 1523, 7, 13, 12, 109, 2661, 11, 8445, 3735, 10696, 5, 5301, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 1103, 3, 9942, 45, 2056, 11, 1053, 6, 79, 130, 46, 21773, 12240, 13, 1895, 9347, 7, 13, 7687, 2827, 3, 23507, 1601, 57, 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 5, 328, 92, 2496, 2826, 3, 35, 2242, 35, 297, 24, 95, 14796, 96, 532, 31841, 13, 601, 18, 31917, 5015, 121, 318, 532, 5214, 318, 77, 84, 132, 141, 12, 36, 2791, 344, 8, 23438, 11, 793, 16348, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1435, 2836, 13, 1103, 410, 8, 18178, 1921, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Jonathan Israel called the journals the most influential cultural innovation of European intellectual culture. They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. They also advanced Christian enlightenment that upheld "the legitimacy of God-ordained authority"—the Bible—in which there had to be agreement between the biblical and natural theories.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What traditional sources of knowledge did the journals challenge?
[ 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 1 ]
monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 683, 106, 9, 6736, 3352, 718, 8, 18178, 8, 167, 16569, 2779, 4337, 13, 1611, 8445, 1543, 5, 328, 3, 21082, 8, 1388, 13, 8, 96, 27667, 452, 121, 550, 45, 2127, 5779, 12, 30372, 11, 4337, 6, 11, 14742, 8, 96, 35, 2242, 4632, 121, 1523, 7, 13, 12, 109, 2661, 11, 8445, 3735, 10696, 5, 5301, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 1103, 3, 9942, 45, 2056, 11, 1053, 6, 79, 130, 46, 21773, 12240, 13, 1895, 9347, 7, 13, 7687, 2827, 3, 23507, 1601, 57, 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 5, 328, 92, 2496, 2826, 3, 35, 2242, 35, 297, 24, 95, 14796, 96, 532, 31841, 13, 601, 18, 31917, 5015, 121, 318, 532, 5214, 318, 77, 84, 132, 141, 12, 36, 2791, 344, 8, 23438, 11, 793, 16348, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 3, 17704, 725, 410, 8, 18178, 3245, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Jonathan Israel called the journals the most influential cultural innovation of European intellectual culture. They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. They also advanced Christian enlightenment that upheld "the legitimacy of God-ordained authority"—the Bible—in which there had to be agreement between the biblical and natural theories.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What philosophies did the journals advance?
[ 2056, 11, 1053, 1 ]
science and reason
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 683, 106, 9, 6736, 3352, 718, 8, 18178, 8, 167, 16569, 2779, 4337, 13, 1611, 8445, 1543, 5, 328, 3, 21082, 8, 1388, 13, 8, 96, 27667, 452, 121, 550, 45, 2127, 5779, 12, 30372, 11, 4337, 6, 11, 14742, 8, 96, 35, 2242, 4632, 121, 1523, 7, 13, 12, 109, 2661, 11, 8445, 3735, 10696, 5, 5301, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 1103, 3, 9942, 45, 2056, 11, 1053, 6, 79, 130, 46, 21773, 12240, 13, 1895, 9347, 7, 13, 7687, 2827, 3, 23507, 1601, 57, 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 5, 328, 92, 2496, 2826, 3, 35, 2242, 35, 297, 24, 95, 14796, 96, 532, 31841, 13, 601, 18, 31917, 5015, 121, 318, 532, 5214, 318, 77, 84, 132, 141, 12, 36, 2791, 344, 8, 23438, 11, 793, 16348, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 506, 778, 4290, 18178, 130, 8, 556, 13, 125, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Jonathan Israel called the journals the most influential cultural innovation of European intellectual culture. They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. They also advanced Christian enlightenment that upheld "the legitimacy of God-ordained authority"—the Bible—in which there had to be agreement between the biblical and natural theories.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: These early scientific journals were the product of what?
[ 1611, 8445, 1543, 1 ]
European intellectual culture
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 683, 106, 9, 6736, 3352, 718, 8, 18178, 8, 167, 16569, 2779, 4337, 13, 1611, 8445, 1543, 5, 328, 3, 21082, 8, 1388, 13, 8, 96, 27667, 452, 121, 550, 45, 2127, 5779, 12, 30372, 11, 4337, 6, 11, 14742, 8, 96, 35, 2242, 4632, 121, 1523, 7, 13, 12, 109, 2661, 11, 8445, 3735, 10696, 5, 5301, 3, 9, 1391, 13, 1103, 3, 9942, 45, 2056, 11, 1053, 6, 79, 130, 46, 21773, 12240, 13, 1895, 9347, 7, 13, 7687, 2827, 3, 23507, 1601, 57, 28397, 725, 6, 20417, 7, 6, 11, 4761, 5779, 5, 328, 92, 2496, 2826, 3, 35, 2242, 35, 297, 24, 95, 14796, 96, 532, 31841, 13, 601, 18, 31917, 5015, 121, 318, 532, 5214, 318, 77, 84, 132, 141, 12, 36, 2791, 344, 8, 23438, 11, 793, 16348, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 80, 13, 8, 167, 1516, 14665, 13, 8, 1611, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Jonathan Israel called the journals the most influential cultural innovation of European intellectual culture. They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. They also advanced Christian enlightenment that upheld "the legitimacy of God-ordained authority"—the Bible—in which there had to be agreement between the biblical and natural theories.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the one of the most significant achievements of the European Enlightenment?
[ 18178, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 75, 4741, 3286, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 3, 4774, 91, 13, 8, 19268, 12197, 38, 8, 9931, 7, 13, 4290, 1103, 16, 4656, 12, 8, 3, 7, 3995, 5064, 20231, 13, 8, 3819, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 128, 18804, 990, 42, 19346, 2416, 12, 8278, 5, 611, 6, 4092, 2836, 18908, 8278, 45, 4290, 18804, 57, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 6637, 47, 16, 8, 5790, 13, 1103, 6, 298, 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 5, 282, 8, 1075, 13, 8278, 16, 13533, 1601, 2056, 1553, 12, 26999, 6, 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 5, 13686, 4290, 18804, 130, 5059, 3737, 57, 8, 538, 16, 455, 12, 370, 2268, 2980, 5, 1377, 18804, 130, 7020, 6059, 12, 12162, 70, 293, 10142, 6, 610, 8, 4356, 13, 126, 724, 6, 11, 8, 3602, 13, 8, 2710, 5, 621, 3, 26774, 6, 3, 9, 9425, 381, 13, 2314, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 130, 5710, 16, 1740, 6, 11, 57, 1003, 3914, 132, 130, 147, 2391, 17, 63, 2314, 4290, 18804, 5, 86, 2848, 12, 48, 1170, 6, 14735, 20, 18685, 35, 693, 7485, 15, 26, 8, 1657, 96, 532, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 12, 5530, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 410, 8278, 1190, 271, 8, 200, 286, 21, 4290, 251, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Scientific academies and societies grew out of the Scientific Revolution as the creators of scientific knowledge in contrast to the scholasticism of the university. During the Enlightenment, some societies created or retained links to universities. However, contemporary sources distinguished universities from scientific societies by claiming that the university's utility was in the transmission of knowledge, while societies functioned to create knowledge. As the role of universities in institutionalized science began to diminish, learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science. Official scientific societies were chartered by the state in order to provide technical expertise. Most societies were granted permission to oversee their own publications, control the election of new members, and the administration of the society. After 1700, a tremendous number of official academies and societies were founded in Europe, and by 1789 there were over seventy official scientific societies. In reference to this growth, Bernard de Fontenelle coined the term "the Age of Academies" to describe the 18th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When did universities stop being the best place for scientific information?
[ 8, 19268, 12197, 1 ]
the Scientific Revolution
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 75, 4741, 3286, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 3, 4774, 91, 13, 8, 19268, 12197, 38, 8, 9931, 7, 13, 4290, 1103, 16, 4656, 12, 8, 3, 7, 3995, 5064, 20231, 13, 8, 3819, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 128, 18804, 990, 42, 19346, 2416, 12, 8278, 5, 611, 6, 4092, 2836, 18908, 8278, 45, 4290, 18804, 57, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 6637, 47, 16, 8, 5790, 13, 1103, 6, 298, 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 5, 282, 8, 1075, 13, 8278, 16, 13533, 1601, 2056, 1553, 12, 26999, 6, 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 5, 13686, 4290, 18804, 130, 5059, 3737, 57, 8, 538, 16, 455, 12, 370, 2268, 2980, 5, 1377, 18804, 130, 7020, 6059, 12, 12162, 70, 293, 10142, 6, 610, 8, 4356, 13, 126, 724, 6, 11, 8, 3602, 13, 8, 2710, 5, 621, 3, 26774, 6, 3, 9, 9425, 381, 13, 2314, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 130, 5710, 16, 1740, 6, 11, 57, 1003, 3914, 132, 130, 147, 2391, 17, 63, 2314, 4290, 18804, 5, 86, 2848, 12, 48, 1170, 6, 14735, 20, 18685, 35, 693, 7485, 15, 26, 8, 1657, 96, 532, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 12, 5530, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 2817, 80, 8278, 130, 150, 1200, 8, 200, 286, 12, 129, 4290, 251, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Scientific academies and societies grew out of the Scientific Revolution as the creators of scientific knowledge in contrast to the scholasticism of the university. During the Enlightenment, some societies created or retained links to universities. However, contemporary sources distinguished universities from scientific societies by claiming that the university's utility was in the transmission of knowledge, while societies functioned to create knowledge. As the role of universities in institutionalized science began to diminish, learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science. Official scientific societies were chartered by the state in order to provide technical expertise. Most societies were granted permission to oversee their own publications, control the election of new members, and the administration of the society. After 1700, a tremendous number of official academies and societies were founded in Europe, and by 1789 there were over seventy official scientific societies. In reference to this growth, Bernard de Fontenelle coined the term "the Age of Academies" to describe the 18th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened one universities were no longer the best place to get scientific information?
[ 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 1 ]
learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 75, 4741, 3286, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 3, 4774, 91, 13, 8, 19268, 12197, 38, 8, 9931, 7, 13, 4290, 1103, 16, 4656, 12, 8, 3, 7, 3995, 5064, 20231, 13, 8, 3819, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 128, 18804, 990, 42, 19346, 2416, 12, 8278, 5, 611, 6, 4092, 2836, 18908, 8278, 45, 4290, 18804, 57, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 6637, 47, 16, 8, 5790, 13, 1103, 6, 298, 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 5, 282, 8, 1075, 13, 8278, 16, 13533, 1601, 2056, 1553, 12, 26999, 6, 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 5, 13686, 4290, 18804, 130, 5059, 3737, 57, 8, 538, 16, 455, 12, 370, 2268, 2980, 5, 1377, 18804, 130, 7020, 6059, 12, 12162, 70, 293, 10142, 6, 610, 8, 4356, 13, 126, 724, 6, 11, 8, 3602, 13, 8, 2710, 5, 621, 3, 26774, 6, 3, 9, 9425, 381, 13, 2314, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 130, 5710, 16, 1740, 6, 11, 57, 1003, 3914, 132, 130, 147, 2391, 17, 63, 2314, 4290, 18804, 5, 86, 2848, 12, 48, 1170, 6, 14735, 20, 18685, 35, 693, 7485, 15, 26, 8, 1657, 96, 532, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 12, 5530, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 7198, 13, 3819, 2637, 3, 4822, 12, 38, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Scientific academies and societies grew out of the Scientific Revolution as the creators of scientific knowledge in contrast to the scholasticism of the university. During the Enlightenment, some societies created or retained links to universities. However, contemporary sources distinguished universities from scientific societies by claiming that the university's utility was in the transmission of knowledge, while societies functioned to create knowledge. As the role of universities in institutionalized science began to diminish, learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science. Official scientific societies were chartered by the state in order to provide technical expertise. Most societies were granted permission to oversee their own publications, control the election of new members, and the administration of the society. After 1700, a tremendous number of official academies and societies were founded in Europe, and by 1789 there were over seventy official scientific societies. In reference to this growth, Bernard de Fontenelle coined the term "the Age of Academies" to describe the 18th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the decline of university status referred to as?
[ 8, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 1 ]
the Age of Academies"
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 75, 4741, 3286, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 3, 4774, 91, 13, 8, 19268, 12197, 38, 8, 9931, 7, 13, 4290, 1103, 16, 4656, 12, 8, 3, 7, 3995, 5064, 20231, 13, 8, 3819, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 128, 18804, 990, 42, 19346, 2416, 12, 8278, 5, 611, 6, 4092, 2836, 18908, 8278, 45, 4290, 18804, 57, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 6637, 47, 16, 8, 5790, 13, 1103, 6, 298, 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 5, 282, 8, 1075, 13, 8278, 16, 13533, 1601, 2056, 1553, 12, 26999, 6, 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 5, 13686, 4290, 18804, 130, 5059, 3737, 57, 8, 538, 16, 455, 12, 370, 2268, 2980, 5, 1377, 18804, 130, 7020, 6059, 12, 12162, 70, 293, 10142, 6, 610, 8, 4356, 13, 126, 724, 6, 11, 8, 3602, 13, 8, 2710, 5, 621, 3, 26774, 6, 3, 9, 9425, 381, 13, 2314, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 130, 5710, 16, 1740, 6, 11, 57, 1003, 3914, 132, 130, 147, 2391, 17, 63, 2314, 4290, 18804, 5, 86, 2848, 12, 48, 1170, 6, 14735, 20, 18685, 35, 693, 7485, 15, 26, 8, 1657, 96, 532, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 12, 5530, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1615, 130, 4290, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 1702, 72, 3435, 145, 8278, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Scientific academies and societies grew out of the Scientific Revolution as the creators of scientific knowledge in contrast to the scholasticism of the university. During the Enlightenment, some societies created or retained links to universities. However, contemporary sources distinguished universities from scientific societies by claiming that the university's utility was in the transmission of knowledge, while societies functioned to create knowledge. As the role of universities in institutionalized science began to diminish, learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science. Official scientific societies were chartered by the state in order to provide technical expertise. Most societies were granted permission to oversee their own publications, control the election of new members, and the administration of the society. After 1700, a tremendous number of official academies and societies were founded in Europe, and by 1789 there were over seventy official scientific societies. In reference to this growth, Bernard de Fontenelle coined the term "the Age of Academies" to describe the 18th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Why were scientific academies considered more valuable than universities?
[ 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 1 ]
societies functioned to create knowledge
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 75, 4741, 3286, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 3, 4774, 91, 13, 8, 19268, 12197, 38, 8, 9931, 7, 13, 4290, 1103, 16, 4656, 12, 8, 3, 7, 3995, 5064, 20231, 13, 8, 3819, 5, 3, 2092, 8, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 6, 128, 18804, 990, 42, 19346, 2416, 12, 8278, 5, 611, 6, 4092, 2836, 18908, 8278, 45, 4290, 18804, 57, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 3819, 31, 7, 6637, 47, 16, 8, 5790, 13, 1103, 6, 298, 18804, 1681, 15, 26, 12, 482, 1103, 5, 282, 8, 1075, 13, 8278, 16, 13533, 1601, 2056, 1553, 12, 26999, 6, 2525, 18804, 1632, 8, 2752, 3009, 13, 4997, 2056, 5, 13686, 4290, 18804, 130, 5059, 3737, 57, 8, 538, 16, 455, 12, 370, 2268, 2980, 5, 1377, 18804, 130, 7020, 6059, 12, 12162, 70, 293, 10142, 6, 610, 8, 4356, 13, 126, 724, 6, 11, 8, 3602, 13, 8, 2710, 5, 621, 3, 26774, 6, 3, 9, 9425, 381, 13, 2314, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 11, 18804, 130, 5710, 16, 1740, 6, 11, 57, 1003, 3914, 132, 130, 147, 2391, 17, 63, 2314, 4290, 18804, 5, 86, 2848, 12, 48, 1170, 6, 14735, 20, 18685, 35, 693, 7485, 15, 26, 8, 1657, 96, 532, 7526, 13, 30358, 7, 121, 12, 5530, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 2092, 125, 97, 1059, 47, 132, 8, 2015, 1170, 13, 4290, 18804, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Scientific academies and societies grew out of the Scientific Revolution as the creators of scientific knowledge in contrast to the scholasticism of the university. During the Enlightenment, some societies created or retained links to universities. However, contemporary sources distinguished universities from scientific societies by claiming that the university's utility was in the transmission of knowledge, while societies functioned to create knowledge. As the role of universities in institutionalized science began to diminish, learned societies became the cornerstone of organized science. Official scientific societies were chartered by the state in order to provide technical expertise. Most societies were granted permission to oversee their own publications, control the election of new members, and the administration of the society. After 1700, a tremendous number of official academies and societies were founded in Europe, and by 1789 there were over seventy official scientific societies. In reference to this growth, Bernard de Fontenelle coined the term "the Age of Academies" to describe the 18th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: During what time period was there the largest growth of scientific societies?
[ 8, 507, 189, 2646, 1 ]
the 18th century
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 5349, 24, 6891, 4659, 16, 3172, 47, 24, 13, 4290, 6678, 5, 6869, 892, 16, 1090, 1632, 5684, 1012, 859, 8, 4548, 2287, 5, 12826, 13, 793, 892, 560, 4965, 154, 18, 25742, 7566, 524, 10335, 20, 6272, 402, 11054, 31, 7, 3, 27385, 14744, 93, 16304, 15, 7, 11, 3, 17453, 12520, 3276, 3, 26, 31, 188, 10779, 63, 31, 7, 325, 499, 4137, 17534, 6, 407, 4210, 20, 1739, 110, 7654, 146, 7527, 3, 15279, 18360, 4448, 137, 17857, 3, 11098, 17100, 1410, 6, 793, 892, 47, 46, 359, 294, 13, 4404, 11, 681, 6, 3, 30595, 8, 4120, 13, 14761, 6820, 6, 3, 172, 32, 1863, 6, 23269, 1863, 6, 7668, 6427, 11, 7590, 32, 122, 63, 5, 4375, 16, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 8278, 11, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 130, 4436, 175, 7404, 12, 2967, 135, 21, 13325, 38, 2399, 38, 4404, 11, 8, 1863, 5, 282, 2008, 57, 283, 309, 262, 8155, 6, 793, 892, 16, 48, 2625, 47, 3, 9, 182, 2214, 853, 13709, 11, 7747, 38, 3, 9, 20859, 15, 3415, 2901, 21, 8, 3, 23, 25503, 2509, 13, 2399, 4290, 912, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 7463, 27782, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A genre that greatly rose in importance was that of scientific literature. Natural history in particular became increasingly popular among the upper classes. Works of natural history include René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur's Histoire naturelle des insectes and Jacques Gautier d'Agoty's La Myologie complète, ou description de tous les muscles du corps humain (1746). Outside ancien régime France, natural history was an important part of medicine and industry, encompassing the fields of botany, zoology, meteorology, hydrology and mineralogy. Students in Enlightenment universities and academies were taught these subjects to prepare them for careers as diverse as medicine and theology. As shown by M D Eddy, natural history in this context was a very middle class pursuit and operated as a fertile trading zone for the interdisciplinary exchange of diverse scientific ideas.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who studied anatomy?
[ 3, 17453, 12520, 3276, 3, 26, 31, 188, 10779, 63, 1 ]
Jacques Gautier d'Agoty
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 5349, 24, 6891, 4659, 16, 3172, 47, 24, 13, 4290, 6678, 5, 6869, 892, 16, 1090, 1632, 5684, 1012, 859, 8, 4548, 2287, 5, 12826, 13, 793, 892, 560, 4965, 154, 18, 25742, 7566, 524, 10335, 20, 6272, 402, 11054, 31, 7, 3, 27385, 14744, 93, 16304, 15, 7, 11, 3, 17453, 12520, 3276, 3, 26, 31, 188, 10779, 63, 31, 7, 325, 499, 4137, 17534, 6, 407, 4210, 20, 1739, 110, 7654, 146, 7527, 3, 15279, 18360, 4448, 137, 17857, 3, 11098, 17100, 1410, 6, 793, 892, 47, 46, 359, 294, 13, 4404, 11, 681, 6, 3, 30595, 8, 4120, 13, 14761, 6820, 6, 3, 172, 32, 1863, 6, 23269, 1863, 6, 7668, 6427, 11, 7590, 32, 122, 63, 5, 4375, 16, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 8278, 11, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 130, 4436, 175, 7404, 12, 2967, 135, 21, 13325, 38, 2399, 38, 4404, 11, 8, 1863, 5, 282, 2008, 57, 283, 309, 262, 8155, 6, 793, 892, 16, 48, 2625, 47, 3, 9, 182, 2214, 853, 13709, 11, 7747, 38, 3, 9, 20859, 15, 3415, 2901, 21, 8, 3, 23, 25503, 2509, 13, 2399, 4290, 912, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 7998, 13, 793, 892, 133, 36, 336, 20688, 6402, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A genre that greatly rose in importance was that of scientific literature. Natural history in particular became increasingly popular among the upper classes. Works of natural history include René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur's Histoire naturelle des insectes and Jacques Gautier d'Agoty's La Myologie complète, ou description de tous les muscles du corps humain (1746). Outside ancien régime France, natural history was an important part of medicine and industry, encompassing the fields of botany, zoology, meteorology, hydrology and mineralogy. Students in Enlightenment universities and academies were taught these subjects to prepare them for careers as diverse as medicine and theology. As shown by M D Eddy, natural history in this context was a very middle class pursuit and operated as a fertile trading zone for the interdisciplinary exchange of diverse scientific ideas.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which discipline of natural history would be last alphabetically?
[ 3, 172, 32, 1863, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 5349, 24, 6891, 4659, 16, 3172, 47, 24, 13, 4290, 6678, 5, 6869, 892, 16, 1090, 1632, 5684, 1012, 859, 8, 4548, 2287, 5, 12826, 13, 793, 892, 560, 4965, 154, 18, 25742, 7566, 524, 10335, 20, 6272, 402, 11054, 31, 7, 3, 27385, 14744, 93, 16304, 15, 7, 11, 3, 17453, 12520, 3276, 3, 26, 31, 188, 10779, 63, 31, 7, 325, 499, 4137, 17534, 6, 407, 4210, 20, 1739, 110, 7654, 146, 7527, 3, 15279, 18360, 4448, 137, 17857, 3, 11098, 17100, 1410, 6, 793, 892, 47, 46, 359, 294, 13, 4404, 11, 681, 6, 3, 30595, 8, 4120, 13, 14761, 6820, 6, 3, 172, 32, 1863, 6, 23269, 1863, 6, 7668, 6427, 11, 7590, 32, 122, 63, 5, 4375, 16, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 8278, 11, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 130, 4436, 175, 7404, 12, 2967, 135, 21, 13325, 38, 2399, 38, 4404, 11, 8, 1863, 5, 282, 2008, 57, 283, 309, 262, 8155, 6, 793, 892, 16, 48, 2625, 47, 3, 9, 182, 2214, 853, 13709, 11, 7747, 38, 3, 9, 20859, 15, 3415, 2901, 21, 8, 3, 23, 25503, 2509, 13, 2399, 4290, 912, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 20609, 1448, 21, 7654, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A genre that greatly rose in importance was that of scientific literature. Natural history in particular became increasingly popular among the upper classes. Works of natural history include René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur's Histoire naturelle des insectes and Jacques Gautier d'Agoty's La Myologie complète, ou description de tous les muscles du corps humain (1746). Outside ancien régime France, natural history was an important part of medicine and industry, encompassing the fields of botany, zoology, meteorology, hydrology and mineralogy. Students in Enlightenment universities and academies were taught these subjects to prepare them for careers as diverse as medicine and theology. As shown by M D Eddy, natural history in this context was a very middle class pursuit and operated as a fertile trading zone for the interdisciplinary exchange of diverse scientific ideas.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the french word for muscles?
[ 7654, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 5349, 24, 6891, 4659, 16, 3172, 47, 24, 13, 4290, 6678, 5, 6869, 892, 16, 1090, 1632, 5684, 1012, 859, 8, 4548, 2287, 5, 12826, 13, 793, 892, 560, 4965, 154, 18, 25742, 7566, 524, 10335, 20, 6272, 402, 11054, 31, 7, 3, 27385, 14744, 93, 16304, 15, 7, 11, 3, 17453, 12520, 3276, 3, 26, 31, 188, 10779, 63, 31, 7, 325, 499, 4137, 17534, 6, 407, 4210, 20, 1739, 110, 7654, 146, 7527, 3, 15279, 18360, 4448, 137, 17857, 3, 11098, 17100, 1410, 6, 793, 892, 47, 46, 359, 294, 13, 4404, 11, 681, 6, 3, 30595, 8, 4120, 13, 14761, 6820, 6, 3, 172, 32, 1863, 6, 23269, 1863, 6, 7668, 6427, 11, 7590, 32, 122, 63, 5, 4375, 16, 695, 2242, 35, 297, 8278, 11, 3, 9, 6615, 2720, 7, 130, 4436, 175, 7404, 12, 2967, 135, 21, 13325, 38, 2399, 38, 4404, 11, 8, 1863, 5, 282, 2008, 57, 283, 309, 262, 8155, 6, 793, 892, 16, 48, 2625, 47, 3, 9, 182, 2214, 853, 13709, 11, 7747, 38, 3, 9, 20859, 15, 3415, 2901, 21, 8, 3, 23, 25503, 2509, 13, 2399, 4290, 912, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 2379, 1448, 21, 793, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A genre that greatly rose in importance was that of scientific literature. Natural history in particular became increasingly popular among the upper classes. Works of natural history include René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur's Histoire naturelle des insectes and Jacques Gautier d'Agoty's La Myologie complète, ou description de tous les muscles du corps humain (1746). Outside ancien régime France, natural history was an important part of medicine and industry, encompassing the fields of botany, zoology, meteorology, hydrology and mineralogy. Students in Enlightenment universities and academies were taught these subjects to prepare them for careers as diverse as medicine and theology. As shown by M D Eddy, natural history in this context was a very middle class pursuit and operated as a fertile trading zone for the interdisciplinary exchange of diverse scientific ideas.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the French word for natural?
[ 14744, 1 ]